#but it hurts too much tbh always more sad than happy always more crying than laughing
delicatetaysversion · 15 days
it would feel so nice to work towards a career that has meaningful impact and makes millions of people happy
#i follow this person cleo abrams on youtube and she's always talking so excitedly about scientists#and their amazing discoveries cool facts and she's so excited and starry eyed and hopeful#she genuinely just wants to educate people and has so much hope that we can make the world a better place#also like idk maybe unrelated but i saw the mv of new romantics and just. wow#say what you will about her but there's no doubt she's made an insane number of people happy SO HAPPY that they're crying#so many tours#idk i want#i wish my life was bigger#i feel so isolated and always just focusing on myself my career my health my enjoyment#what about everything everyone else#i keep trying to be completely okay with being alone i keep telling myself to not need anyone and be 100% independent#find happiness within hobbies interests#but it feels like a losing battle#i don't know i just. miss everyone 😭😭😭😭#but it hurts too much tbh always more sad than happy always more crying than laughing#i miss my bestfriend i don't know what i did wrong but she won't pick up my call she keeps saying she's busy#i don't want to be clingy because she hates that shit i don't want to drive her away but she's my only friend#i miss my fucking mom she doesn't care if i live or die obviously but i miss just having her presence in the house#and even tho my sister is here she's never fully present always on her laptop working#i wouldn't really say i miss my dad but wow it's been so long since mom and dad stayed together at home it was almost#always miserable but sometimes at the lunch table it was nice#i don't know everything and everyone is moving and changing so fast and i can't breathe under it and it's already september#but this entire year felt like a blur it's like everyone who left took a chunk of my heart with them#and i should be happy because im so close to the exam which will get me out of this house finally be financially independent#like i wanted since i was 11 i could finally start my life#but it all feels so. i don't know the whole future seems black like i can't imagine life past november 2025#how do you imagine happiness if you've never been happy?#and all these feelings are making it so hard to study and studying is so fucking important because if i don't ill be stuck here forever#and i don't want to go thru attempts fail and pass again atleast back then i had a reason first heartbreak‚ not getting to go to college#but what now why now i don't even understand i know objectively i do not have it that bad it's literally better even if i compare to my own
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ovaryacted · 6 months
(Tw:pregnancy, labor & delivery)
Ok first things first. You tell him you’re expecting a lil’ baby, he 1) cries. And 2) panics because he doesn’t know if he’ll be a good father and 3) ultra panics because he deals with bioweapons, mutant causing viruses and other biological nightmares, what if that shit passes onto his kid???
Dude is WIRED for weeks until he finds out that the baby is healthy. No weird biological mutations at all. Just a baby. (Side note, kinda sad, he misses the first ultrasound photo because of a mission and probably cries)
When you start showing a baby bump, he absolutely gets thrown in love all over again. He always loves his s/o but something about seeing them round with HIS baby just flips a switch in his head.
First time he feels baby kick? He’s amazed. He’s never felt anything like it. He’ll start kissing your baby bump and probably crying. (I can imagine he cries a lot during your pregnancy. Probably more emotional than you tbh)
When you go into labor, he does a good job at pretending to be calm. He’s internally screaming, panicking and feels sick the entire time, but he doesn’t show it. He holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as much as you need. The dudes been shot, stabbed and smacked by monsters, he probably doesn’t even feel it if you crack a finger.
When he hears his babies first cries, he lets out the shakiest, sob and laugh ever. It’s a noise of relief, pent up fear, and happiness all at once. The sight of the baby getting put on your chest is permanently seared into his mind. I’m talking core memory.
And when he gets to hold his baby, another core memory is created. Seeing their lil nose. Their lil face. Hearing their lil cries. Again, he cries too.
Leon demands paternity. At least a month to be with his s/o and child. What’s the government gonna do? Fire him? He’s one of their, if not, THE best agent they got. They fire him, they’re down a fucking legend.
I’m gonna say, I feel like Leon is so….in a honeymoon phase, he completely disregards himself for you and the baby. You need to sleep and heal after giving birth, so Leon takes 100% care of the baby until you’re physically able to. The problem? He forgets to sleep at all, and damn near passes out after like, day 4.
He catches himself, so the baby ain’t hurt, but the dumbass at first goes “man….i need to sit down. Maybe get some water” but the moment he sits down he clocks the fuck out.
The baby cries and he wakes up again, but this time, it’s you holding the baby, cooing and soothing them. The sight alone makes him emotional again.
I just have a lot of feelings about dad Leon.
-angsty anon (enjoy another thesis)
AWEE YES DAD LEON THOUGHTS! I know you sent me this a little while ago but I still wanted to answer because I absolutely love thinking about Leon becoming a father and how devoted and protective he becomes. Bye, I'm going to cry.
Leon gives me the impression that he will be anxious throughout his partner's pregnancy. He'll become more overprotective if he isn't already, and the hovering habits will start to show very early on. He'll be attentive to your needs, but will almost smother you out of concern. Asking about whether or not you took your vitamins, if you slept enough, if you needed something from the store, if your cravings were satisfied.
Sometimes it does annoy you, but it's really just the influx of hormones pumping through your body. You reassure him constantly, reminding him that he's a good partner and he's doing enough, and you know his worrying is a good thing because it means he cares that much.
I also see him wanting to be nearby constantly, like a shadow, and Leon is just always there. He doesn't let you do any of the labor at home, he wants you to focus on sleeping, eating well, and being healthy. The last thing he needs is for you to be stressed out or unhappy because he knows that isn't good for the baby, and he also doesn't want to piss you off because he's been warned about how cranky a pregnancy can make someone. He does the laundry, cooks, cleans, helps you out with your nesting and always has a reassuring hand somewhere on your body, mostly on your lower back.
He's there at every appointment no matter what, he's not missing it for a second. But if it's really a hassle and he has to go on a mission, which you support and fully understand, he'll tell Hunnigan to keep a close eye on you or for a close friend to go with you during your appointment. He just wants to make sure you're not entirely alone.
Once your belly expands and his T-shirts no longer cover most of your body, Leon is all over you. There's something about seeing you so full, waddling into the kitchen and looking into the fridge for a snack that makes him smile and happy. He's also the type to always want to have a hand on your belly, even in his sleep, and likes to run his thumb over the dark line that goes all the way down your abdomen. I like having this headcanon that whenever the baby moves too much and is kind of giving you a hard time, he puts a soft hand over your stomach and gently talks to them until they calm down. Leon has this natural calming presence that is very much needed during your pregnancy, and you tease him about how your baby will be attached to him the moment they're born.
But oh the moment you go into labor? It's all hands on deck. He's been prepping for this, reading books on pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to be your rock in the process but when you tell him your water broke, his mind doesn't work. He'll be the type to say "Don't panic!" as he's panicking and you have to remind him to take the hospital bag he's prepared months in advance.
The birth itself is a harsh and grueling process, but Leon helps you see it all the way through. He does not leave that hospital room, doesn't let the nurses kick him out, and stands his ground as your advocate. You're both scared at the thought of welcoming a whole new life into this world, and he's right next to you, holding your hand and whispering words of encouragement and praise in your ear.
Leon hates seeing you scared, hates seeing you hurt, but it really is all worth it the moment he hears that shriek of a baby's cry fill the room. It's the most beautiful thing he's heard, he doesn't care if the high pitch of the violent scream makes his ears hurt. For the first time in months, he feels like he can breathe again.
Seeing this bundle of joy all wrapped up in a pink blanket and pink beanie makes him cry, that new baby scent he's heard so much about before fills his nose and his chest aches from so much love. He doesn't need to verbally tell you that he's proud of you, that he's happy, that he loves you. It's written all over his face and from the way he can't seem to take his eyes off his daughter, he knows what this different kind of love feels like.
Leon Kennedy is a selfless guy, and every time he glances at his baby, he sometimes sees flashes of Sherry when she was younger or even Ashley when he went to go save her in Spain. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but that same urge to protect this life with every fiber of his being comes in full force.
He thinks he develops a new level of fear and paranoia, taking over damn near every duty that was involved in raising a child. He wants to help you recover, allowing you to get your sleep and your physical strength back as he takes care of your baby girl.
He does everything at the expense of his physical health. He can't sleep most of the time and wants to be ready for when his daughter cries at 2 am until his lack of sleep starts to beat his ass after two weeks. Sure, he's on parental leave to help you out and to bond with his child, but you often find him fast asleep in the rocking chair, neck craned at an awkward angle that will irritate him later on. You come towards him and wake him up, his body jolting awake and ready for whatever threat comes his way until he blinks and sees you.
"Is she okay?", he says groggily, dark circles around his eyes and his hair an unruly mess. It was sweet seeing how the first thing he wondered about when he woke up was his daughter.
"Yeah, she's alright, still asleep. You should go to bed baby, I can watch her", you tried to get it through to Leon that he needs to rest too, not just you and your child.
"I could use a nap", he caves, standing up with a groan and rubbing the back of his neck the way you expected him to. Despite being half asleep, he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips and walks out of the nursey. "Wake me up if you need me", he mumbles before leaving the room entirely.
You don't wake him up, not for a couple of hours at least so the migraine that's pulsing in his head wears off. Leon doesn't care if his body goes on complete shutdown, anything you both need, he'll be there ready to do whatever is necessary to make your family dynamic function.
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bestworstcase · 7 months
Hello and good day. I hope that this isn't too much to ask, but what are your thoughts about Adam? It has always been my belief that Adam and Yang are mirrors to each other. Well, Adam has a lot of things to connect with Team RWBY, moreso with Yang, I think. Just wanted to hear your thoughts about Adam, I guess. Thank you.
i rattle him around in my brain from time to time. a lunar eclipse. he and yang are absolutely character foils; power vs strength, cruelty vs compassion, spite vs love, revenge vs justice. he refuses to control his temper, yang is defined by her meticulous control over her anger. moonslice and burn are almost the exact same semblance, even. a dark mirror.
he’s also doing… something… thematically salient to summer rose. which is what i’m picking over in that linked post. i’m not sure what it is yet but the setup is pretty evident.
tbh i think the narrative is far more sympathetic to him than most of the fandom cares to admit. the triumph and vindication burns bright when adam realizes he’s lost in V5 and runs away—that’s the moment where the narrative framing is like “fuck yeah, the bastard got what he deserved.” but when he dies? there’s just exhaustion, pain, and relief that yang and blake survived. it’s not played as a proud or happy moment. it just sucks so much that they had to go through this ordeal and it’s pitiable that he chose to waste his life on this. blake breaks down crying and all she and yang can do for a moment is cling to each other.
like. -> “there’s no cause to celebrate/another soul consumed by hate and spite/another destroyed life/there’s no pleasure, there’s no joy/it’s just the story of a boy who lost his way/into shadows strayed/he’ll see the light of day/nevermore”
he chose over and over and over again to be cruel, letting his anger rule him. chose to be vindictive, chose to pursue vengeance over justice. chose to hurt people. every time he was offered an out, he refused to take it and brutally punished the people who gave him second chances. sienna, blake, yang. in the end, he left blake and yang with no other choice but to kill him before he killed them. but… the narrative still mourns the person he could have been, if he’d made better choices, if the world had been kinder to him.
there is no question that blake and yang made the right call. they did everything they possibly could to avoid killing him, and they had every right to defend themselves when he refused to stop.
it’s sad that they were forced to do that. it still weighs on blake’s conscience as a terrible ordeal and a choice she never wants to have to make again. because killing another person—no matter the circumstances—is horribly traumatizing. and that’s why the narrative refuses to frame his death as a triumphant moment. (the same thing happens with jacques’ murder in V8: it’s sudden and shocking and unjust and there is zero satisfaction in watching him die. and it’s terribly unfair to weiss, who specifically chose not to leave him to die. rwby is a story where every life matters and every death is sad.)
great character. the final battle between him and blake/yang is done really well and one of my favorite fights in the show mostly bc it brings the foiling between him and yang into really sharp focus. “what does she even see in you?” is such a raw fucking line because the things blake sees in yang are exactly the things she once saw in adam: he’s so consumed by his obsession his vengeance his spiteful rage, he’s strayed so far from the person he was that he can’t even recognize her when she’s staring him in the face.
i do think that when adam was 16-17 at the very start of his character short, he was genuinely a lot like yang. angrier and more aggressive, because his mentor encouraged him to be that way, but i think his ideals were true and his commitment to the cause of his people was genuine.
he was only a kid the first time he killed someone—sixteen, seventeen, about the right age to be enrolling in one of the huntsmen academies. and i truly do not think he meant to kill that man; he saw a dangerous person running towards his already-wounded leader with a gun and reacted. and this?
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this is a lot.
no matter the circumstances, killing another person is traumatizing. after this happens, adam slowly straightens up and sheathes his weapon, then just stands there frozen, staring at the body, until the other assailants make noise and he startles. his face falls when ghira says “that wasn’t necessary.” he’s slow to turn around, but he does, and he listens quietly to what ghira has to say to him. he didn’t mean to. he can’t be older than seventeen. he is in shock—he doesn’t know how to react, how to feel, and like any teenager would, he looks to trusted adults for guidance. (much like yang looks to ironwood and qrow after she hurts someone by mistake.) ghira starts to scold him (not ideal), but sienna cuts him off and calls adam a hero, and then everybody starts to fucking cheer; “that was amazing!!”
this moment, while adam was reeling and unsure, this is when adam desperately needed to hear from an adult in the middle. ghira is right that using lethal force wasn’t necessary; sienna is also right that adam likely saved ghira’s life by taking action. what adam really needed to hear was “you were right to take action, but this man was not such a grave threat that he needed to die. why did you react the way you did?”—not to be scolded or lionized, but to be treated like a teenager who made a bad choice for a good reason and given support and understanding so that next time, he would know what to do better.
instead he got swamped with praise and the came away from this experience having learned that Killing Humans is Cool and Awesome and Heroic, Actually.
(i have a secondary thought here that the white fang’s fatal weakness—under both ghira and sienna—is treating children like adults. if adam had been an adult when this happened, he wouldn’t have been so dependent on his mentor and his leader to guide his reaction and an adult would be better equipped to hold “that wasn’t necessary” and “he saved your life” as non-contradictory ideas. similarly, ghira and kali respecting blake’s decision to stay with the now expressly militant white fang when they left sounds great until you remember that she was twelve years old at the time and then they didn’t contact her in any way for the next five years. it is… probably not a coincidence that adam’s splinter group skews young.
not that teens can’t be good activists but good activism does require pragmatism and emotional maturity and an understanding of nuance, and if you throw a teenager into a high-stress organization where they’re involved in often-violent direct action and give them zero guidance beyond “here’s how to fight!” because they’re assumed to have adult-level maturity and critical reasoning, then… yeah, you’re going to end up with an extremism problem. the kids are not going to just magically know the difference between tactical violence and violent revenge.)
anyway, i really like his character short. i think the narrative is very sympathetic to the boy he used to be and the thread of sienna inadvertently enabling and reinforcing his violent tendencies is interesting. my sense is that in the beginning she sort of used adam to score a point against ghira in their clash of opinions over the direction of the white fang, and later made a habit of being overly indulgent with him and turning a blind eye to his excessive violence—like.
during the fight in the SDC building, sienna rips through the AKs just as ruthlessly as he does, but once the human security personnel arrive, her tactics immediately change. she uses her whip to snag a man’s gun and yank it out of his hands, flicks bullets away, disarms, trips, disarms, trips, disarms, trips. the only time she uses the bladed dart, it’s to disable her opponent’s weapon. meanwhile adam is hacking and slashing behind her. she stops him when he moves to kill an man who’s disarmed and on the ground. faced with living opponents, sienna holds back and fights strictly to disarm. adam is not like that, and she knows it and presumably doesn’t approve—she doesn’t kill anyone herself, and intervenes to stop him from killing—but it’s also clear that there were never like. Consequences. she never took him to task for crossing these lines. as his leader she had a responsibility to do so, but she kept letting it slide until it was too late.
(tbh i think the biggest disappointment i feel regarding her death is well never find out why she cut adam so much slack. did she want to believe he was better than that? had she known him for so long that her memories of what he was like as a teenager blinded her to the adult he was becoming? was it that she found him too useful or realized he was too popular to chastise, finding herself in the same trap she once sprung on ghira? did she, like blake, convince herself it was just “accidents” or “getting carried away” and ignore the warning signs that it was a deliberate pattern? was she like the albains, fully aware that he was dangerous and unstable but confident that she could control him? there’s so many possible reasons she might have had and i think it’s unfortunate that her motives and her side of the relationship didn’t get explored at all.)
also this is stupid and doesn’t matter really but he’s not a fucking bull 😭 those are goat horns. he’s a goat. A GOAT!!
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crazystargirl · 1 year
Hii, just wanted to pass by and let you know that your blog has such a nice theme and I loveeee.
Also saw that you have requests !
So how about some Ethan Landry with some really heavy angst, with a sad ending.
I’m just in a sad mood and need my feelings more hurt ☹️
hope that’s not to much to ask for, take your time too ! please and thank you !
sincerely, ‘💐’ anon ! 💓
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we'll get through this ♥︎
pairing ♥︎ - ethan landry x fem!reader
word count ♥︎ - 0.9k
a/n ♥︎ - awww 💐 anon i hope you're feeling better, tbh i don't understand why you want to feel worse but im also the kind when i dont feel happy, i curl up on the ground and listen to lana del rey and just cry, so i cannot be talking lmao. first time ever writing angst and as someone who hates angst to her very core i only added the angst towards like the ending and made it a sad ending. also i love the idea of having different kinds of anons!!
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you came home as usual, nothing seeming to be wrong but it was eerily quiet. you had a bad feeling, something that you always got whenever ghostface had attacked your friends
you were always on edge ever since the attacks but even more now, something was going to happen.
suddenly your phone rings, making you jump and grab a knife just in case.
you look at the caller id, it reads quinn bailey
you scrunch your brows in confusion, wasn't quinn dead?
you slowly pick it up and put the phone on speaker
"hello y/n"
you froze at the voice, ghostface decided that you'd be the next victim which was not great at all because barely anyone ever survived their attacks
"what do you want?" you ask gripping the knife and going to call the police with the landline
"don't you dare call the police or I'll rip ethan's head!" ghostface yelled
"wait what?"
your phone vibrates, indicating that you got a new text, you look at it, seeing a photo of ethan sitting on his bed studying. 
the photo looks like it was taken from far away but you could see ethan looking in the direction of it…thats strange
you quickly texted him to come over since ghostface was at your house
"why are you doing this? why can't you bastards find something to do other than running around and killing your friends?" you say trying to stall a bit
"oh but y/n it's fun, you wouldn’t understand it though because you're the little sweet, dumb girl who had the misfortune of falling for the shy and dorky nerd who might be ghostface"
you scoff, "he's my boyfriend and not ghostface, at least i can find a boyfriend unlike you who's so pathetic that you have to go around calling girls who have boyfriends for fun"
ghostface doesn't say anything, you think you hear another voice from the phone. ethan then texts you back and said he was coming asap
since there was silence for another minute you're about to hang up until ghostface speaks again
"were you about to hang up?"
you froze, "how did you know that?"
"sweetie i can see you right now"
you turn around and scream at the sight of ghostface, for some reason you noticed the ghostface was around the same height as you which immediately made you think it was a girl
you started running but ghostface was right on your tail, getting close enough for them to stab you in the shoulder
you scream out at the pain, managing to catch ghostface off guard and slam a pan at their head
just as you reach the door ghostface grabs you and pulls you back, stabbing you in the stomach
you let out another blood curdling scream, the pain of it hurting you so badly. you see ghostface about to raise their knife again before you kick them in the crotch
that managed to keep them distracted and you hoped that it was a male since you knew it would hurt like hell if it was one
you ran to your room and locked the door, moving furniture against it to make sure ghostface couldn't get in
since there was a fire escape in your room, you headed towards there only to be grabbed and thrown against the floor
you clutched your wounds, which continued to bleed out, making you lose blood
ghostface looked down at your wounds and laughed, stabbing you once more
you scream out again and then just stop, causing ghostface to bend down and look at you
you watched them take out their phone and call someone, it took everything in you not to scream out and cry
just then ethan runs into the room looking at ghostface
"quinn what the fuck did you do to her?!" ethan said as he ran to your body, clutching you close to him
you felt him put your face to his chest, cradling you closely as ghostface or quinn laughs
"well ethan you were too distracted by her, it was clear you weren't going to kill her so i did for you"
"get out! just leave me alone quinn"
quinn laughs and leaves while ethan lets out a sob
"eth…im still here or somewhat" you laugh weakly and pull your face from his chest
it broke his heart to see you in a state like this, tears staining your cheeks and your body bloody
"we need to get you to a hospital quickly"
you give him a small kiss at the corner of his mouth, "no it's ok really, i'm going to die either way" 
"no you are going to survive baby" he said putting pressure on your wound
you giggle, feeling delirious at this point, "eth you have really pretty eyes"
"no no no baby don't die please not now"
"im not gonna die eth i just am really tired"
"no y/n/n please don't go please"
you then go still, making ethan sob even harder
he cradles your body close to him, burying his head in your hair. ethan is still in shock that you're gone
he hates quinn right now and knows that he's going to give her a long and painful death for killing the love of his life.
you had your whole life ahead of you, only 19 and now dead because of his bitch sister.
he remembers that some of the last things you had told him was that you two were going to get through this whole ghostface thing but now without you, ethan just doesn't know what to do with his life
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taglist ♥︎ - @xyzstar, @ourloveisgod23, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @bhk1234uwu, @nonniesworld, @athenalive, @lanaslittletwinkie, @beccajoestar
if your name is crossed out it's bc it wouldn't let me tag you
a/n ♥︎ - ok i have no clue if this is shitty or not but all i know is that i was listening to love by lana del rey while writing this and i actually started crying, anyways i hope you enjoyed!
©crazystargirl 2023 || do NOT translate or repost my work without my permission
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Tagged by my darling @glassangels <3<3<3
1. Are you named after anyone? Im named after a kinks song which is a massive win for me personally. They almost named me rosa after the pixies album (which wouldve made sense bc we do in fact surf) but one of my moms friends was already knitting a sweater with the kinks-name on it and she convinced them to keep it. My middle name is also my paternal grandmas middle name so i guess that counts too
2. When was the last time you cried? No idea tbh. That thing where you lie down on your side and then your eyes start leaking happens to me a lot but a proper sadness-induced cry hasnt happened for months. I will say that sometimes i say something made me cry, and although it technically didnt due to no tears falling, it did make my soul hurt and crying is the closest phrase that expresses that <3
3. Do you have kids? Thank god no
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Soccer, ran track for a bit, ultimate frisbee, swimming, fencing, fighting (mma, kickboxing, cage, etc), equestrianism (im including my brief and unimpressive time vaulting here), did some stuff with a circus briefly (contortionism, aerial arts, lyra), and then the usual outdoorsy shit (surfing, bouldering, hiking, skiing, and since caving is technically a sport, caving). Also danced for a bit (ballet, contemporary, and jazz). Yeah man idk either
5. Do you use sarcasm? Technically yes but its less "sarcasm" and more "inability to express a truth about myself without making it into a joke". A bit of sarcasm when the time calls for it is always fair game though and i will indulge
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? The way they carry themself says a lot about their temperament and emotional state and whatnot so thats typically where my eye is drawn. Second place goes to wherever theyre keeping their valuables on them and how expensively theyre dressed though
7. Eye color? Blue but ive got a bit of yellow central heterochromia so they tend to look green if its bright out
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Kill them <3 scary movies 4ever
9. Any talents? Party trick-wise i did retain some contortionist ability and so thats always a good one to break out. Also can spit water up to 30 ft for tooth gap reasons. I am the type of person whos just naturally good at a lot of things (sorry) so i consider that a talent too
10. Where were you born? The top left corner of the USA, not including alaska
11. Hobbies? Writing, journaling, watching movies, reading, various textile arts, going for walks, playing assorted instruments, and occasionally traditional art (im particularly fond of ballpoint pens and oil pastels). Would say listening to music but thats a job to me and i clock into that shit like i get paid
12. Any pets? Maeve the most anxious dog in the world who i love very much <3
13. Height? 5'8/172 cm
14. Favorite school subject? I was a school hater so it really depended on the teacher... in high school i did have the same teacher for like three years in a row (she taught me english in freshman year, history in sophomore, + health in junior) and she was totally awesome so all those classes were great. Typically the classes i had the most fun in were english and history just bc there was more room for fucking around. In the single semester of college i took i did have crazy amounts of fun in my film class though which i will say was mostly because my professor rocked and i got him on my side early so i could kind of do whatever
15. Dream job? Due to the Issues and also common sense mainly i just wish the government actually took care of people and i wouldnt need to work. But if i have to chose a job than itd be a) writing a book or two that are good enough i could live off the royalties and film rights and whatnot for the rest of my life or b) pulling an enya (dropping some widely beloved and largely incomprehensible music and then disappearing totally from the public eye to live in a castle in the middle of nowhere)
Idk whos already done this so ignore me if you have lol @supersonic1994 @nothingrhymedwithcircus @hauntedwoman @halogenstreetlight @evebabitzgf @serethereal and anyone else who wants to <3<3<3
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kny-agere · 3 months
Can you do Little! Zenitsu and Cg!Tanjiro hcs? :]
Ok 4 more to go 🫡 I probs won’t have any finished next week because my friend is visiting but we’ll see!! just a warning though :p
- I think Tanjiro has a hard time separating regression moments from regular moments
- Like once they fall into a dynamic and he sees Zenitsu cry his first urge is to baby him
- Though tbh I don’t see Zenitsu resisting that much either
- Inosuke would help keep them in line though!! He’d start yelling if he felt things were unfair
- And Tanjiro isn’t unaware he does know when to treat Zenitsu like an adult
- But he still indulges just a little too much
- He’s just a mother hen in general and if he’s not paying attention will coddle Zenitsu
- I think Zenitsu likes it but also gets really embarrassed if they’re in front of other people (especially girls!)
- Regressed Zenitsu is like the clingiest kid ever though
- Probably regresses like 3-4 years old
- And is absolutely attached to Tanjiro
- If he’s not being held then he’s clinging to the redhead like a lifeline
- Cries if Tanjiro leaves for any reason even if it’s just to use the bathroom
- The only thing that can comfort him is clinging to Nezuko instead
- Zenitsu really likes Nezuko but sometimes gets frustrated that she doesn’t talk back or seems spacey
- But if she’s just caring for him for a few minutes then there’s usually no issue
- And Tanjiro gets really happy seeing the two bond
- I think he gets a little jealous sometimes
- Not a lot!! Just like a teeny tiny bit
- Zenitsu tends to hunch over a lot so he feels smaller
- Afterwards he whines that his neck/back hurts
- He also makes Tanjiro buy him clothes that are too large for the same reason
- Tanjiro loves feeding his littles
- Both the process of making food but also feeding
- Zenitsu takes advantage and gets himself piles and piles of sweets
- Whenever Inosuke tries to take his food then the blonde is screaming bloody murder
- He also pouts if someone else gets more food than him even though Zenitsu doesn’t each much when regressed
- He is about a hundred times more jealous than Tanjiro
- Also gets jealous over Nezuko
- Zenitsu and Tanjiro almost fight over her somewhat
- Tanjiro to get her out and Zenitsu to let her stay
- Nezuko is attuned to her brothers emotions so she usually leaves to play with Inosuke
- Zenitsu throws a bit of a tantrum when she leaves
- Sometimes it makes Tanjiro a little sad and as soon as Zenitsu notices he’s like “no!!! I love you most!!”
- He really likes cuddling and always crawls into Tanjiro’s lap
- Very rarely the redhead is like “you’re too big” and Zenitsu smacks his head (not hard enough to hurt) and yells “I’m not!”
- And he always sits in a way that is so hard and uncomfortable but refuses to move
- But Tanjiro bears through it until his little one falls asleep and they can have a proper cuddle
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It's just been 100 days without our jikook, I hope they are doing well 🥲
I'm worried for them!! They're apparently in the worst fucking place possible, and fans are saying Jungkook's been having knee issues (apparently, he hurt himself before enlisting). I remember Army noticing he was limping at the airport with Jimin, but I assumed he would be okay by now. If he still hasn't recovered, it must be serious... I really hope fans are exaggerating. I'm worried about his dancing. Knee injuries are fucking serious. I had knee surgery but my knee is still fucked and always will be. I don't wish that on anyone, especially my baby...
Jungkook's job also seems really rough... It's better than imagining him learn to fight or bomb shit, but it's really hard work - and hard on his body. People always take that kind of labor for granted, so he might not be given the same compassion/appreciation/opportunities to rest as other soldiers. I wonder what Jimin is doing? Apparently people know, but I never know any gossip lmao. I'm worried about Jimin too... I wonder how rough his job is. He always looks so sad in pictures... There are only 2 in which he's smiling... I fucking hate it. Give me back my babies!
I was way less concerned about the other members... Maybe it's because Jin and Hobi always posted reassuring stuff and it seemed they were doing okay. I don't know what's up with Namjoon and V tbh, but they're still posting on Weverse kinda like usual. Jikook's silence just makes us more anxious, I think.
I also hope Yoongi's okay...
Ah, thank fuck Jin is returning soon!!!! I miss him so fucking much!!! BTS is coming back, starting with Jin, can you believe it?? Can you believe there was a time when they were always around?? Crazy!!!
Thanks for the ask! Sorry if this gives you anxiety :( I really, really hope we get some update soon. I want to see them comfortable in their normal clothes. What if they're all on leave and we get an OT7 pic? Maybe OT6, cuz Yoongi... I would cry of happiness. Please show me your face JK, I'm going through it.
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stars-tonight · 23 days
hi!! i would love to see who you’d pair me with whenever you’ve got time 💗💗 feel free to let this marinate until you have time to write it lmao
i’d love a long, romantic matchup, please! as long as it’s not the miya twins i’m pretty much good, lol. my pronouns are she/her, and i’d prefer to be paired with one of the guys (mainly cause the female options are pretty scarce in haikyuu…).
my ideal partner would be somebody who can make me laugh but can also bring an aura of healthy masculinity to the relationship so i can feel more confident in embracing femininity (i have a complicated relationship with my dad if that wasn’t obvious). i also like people who know their shit, like a partner i can share interests with and who can have an intelligent conversation with me. somebody who knows how to have friendly/healthy arguments without drawing on big things, and can have disagreements without blowing up. someone who isn’t always loud but can be if they feel comfortable with you, and someone mainly just who has a good sense of humor. perhaps sassy, but not in a full blown oikawa way. i’m definitely a very attentive person and will notice small details about people i like, care about, or find interesting. i like to spend time talking about my interests and just sort of infodumping whenever something happens in a hobby of mine and i love people who listen. i think one of my more redeeming qualities is hopefully my sense of humor, i think my music taste is on 🔝 but that’s subjective. i’m a decently loud person but not in a bokuto way, and i have a rlly long lasting social battery but tend to be more drawn to people who are relatively opposite to me. hobbies mostly surround various types of writing (books, on here, poetry, songs, etc) or things like listening to and analyzing music & just sorta daydreaming to it. i really like to read, too, but i’ve been in sort of a slump lately. oh & i love to paint but im not very good at it. i also love shopping so i need someone to find a job for me that makes 5 mil per second and is a 3pm-3:05pm schedule! my love languages are literally all of them, but for giving i prefer quality time, acts of service, & physical touch, while i prefer to receive acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation, and gift giving. ideal date i think would be going and getting coffee at a cafe and then spending time just talking for hours, maybe stargazing if it’s late in the day. just something peaceful where we can talk. if we’re going for action though i’d be more inclined to say an amusement park date. i’ve always loved those. my mbti is estj, i’m a libra sun, i like the colors pink and orange, i like baking & ribbons, i have an extensive lipgloss collection, i like to journal & listen to music, i have about a million playlists, i like racecars and hockey, and ofc volleyball, im not the best at showing my affection but sometimes i think about people i love and uncontrollably start tearing up. i cry a lot and at almost everything, but not always in a sad way. i cry when im happy, excited, feeling love, scared, worried, nervous, angry, sad, jealous, anything tbh. i write songs about feelings i experienced for less than a day, and i love making mood boards. i love movies, pearls, music i can relate to, singing loudly in the car, headphones, polaroids & photo strips, comfort shows, video games, the smell of pumpkin flavored foods in fall, summer, the beach, when my cheeks hurt from laughing too hard, and singing in general. i don’t like waking up sweaty, having greasy hair, people who talk with food visibly in their teeth, people who pout and use a baby voice unironically, when it’s windy and my hair gets caught in my lipgloss, when tights start to ride down and you have to pull them up, ripping my tights on accident, when my socks fall down in my shoes, being one item short of having what i need to make a project, feeling unmotivated, misogynistic rap songs, when my mascara gets chunky & i have to restart, slow wifi, people who don’t communicate and make me feel judged, etc— the list goes on but i need to be done for your sake BAHAHA
anyway yes take your time but i’d love to see who you pair me with cause i feel like it’s not gonna be the answer i necessarily hope i’ll get, so i’m super curious who you’ll put me with cause i rlly have no idea who it could be. i think it’s super cool that you’re doing this & i love your blog!! thank you :)
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🥛 few scream "healthy masculinity" like sawamura daichi lol
🥛 i feel like he'd naturally fill in the traditional gender role and just act like a protector and provider for his partner
🥛 he's very mature and knows how to hold a good conversation and nurture a healthy relationship
🥛 he always takes a step back when he realizes he's getting riled up so he doesn't say or do something he might regret later
🥛 when he approaches a conflict, it's with patience and caring
🥛 daichi's very mature so i feel like conversations with him could get pretty philosophical or deep, but it's always in a good way
🥛 like a raw conversation you typically only have in the middle of the night
🥛 daichi tends to live in the moment / reality, so he isn't as big on books or music
🥛 but he always likes to see what his loved ones are interested in so he'd definitely take note of things you like
🥛 also he probably reads a bit before bed every day (i heard that it's good for the brain and sleep), but it's not going to be some romance novel
🥛 daichi's love languages strike me as quality time or acts of service, probably acts of service above quality time
🥛 but he'd always be there to take care of his partner like a true gentleman
🥛 for example he's always there for you when you're sick to make you some soup and get you medicine
🥛 my goodness daichi would be so good on a chill coffee date
🥛 and then stargazing would be awesome! he'd bring some blankets to make sure you wouldn't get cold and you'd have so many nice conversations
🥛 but he'd be totally awesome on an amusement park date too
🥛 i feel like daichi's personality is very malleable if that makes sense (in the best way though!)
🥛 because he was the captain of the karasuno team, he had to find a way to connect with or get along with all sorts of people (golden retrievers like hinata versus black cats like kageyama)
🥛 so he'd always be able to code switch depending on who he's with, but he's not being fake, just adjusting his energy levels if that makes sense so he and the person he's with can be on the same page physically and intellectually
runner up for you was iwaizumi hajime!
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
Hey there! I'm the lestappen-inchident anon. :) Thank you for letting me know and no problem don't worry about it! It was quite a complex idea tbh I agree. 😅
Maybe could you write a sweet carlando fic with them going for a walk in the woods. And you could add a faint mention of lestappen. If you'd like to write this. Thank you 😘
Hi dear, thank you for coming back! ❤ I loved this idea so much, it was calming and it made me so happy to write it. Thank you for it. I hope you'll like it. 😊❤
Carlos/Lando, (mentioned) Max/Charles • 1325 words • emotional hurt/comfort • hugs • wandering in the woods • breathing excercise • tree hugging • established relationship • love and support • Ao3 link
[2022 Formula 1 season]
It had been a few weeks since Carlos noticed the change in Lando's mood. He wasn't that energic anymore, he wasn't joking as much, he seemed tired and sad.
Carlos knew the car wasn't the best and Lando was struggling a lot with it, and on top of this, they'd announced Daniel leaving the team at the end of the season, not long after they've finally become friends.
“They always take the important people away from me,” Lando told Carlos after the news came out and they were chatting in the paddock late at night before going back to the hotel. Lando's face reminded Carlos of that video of his own goodbye to the team with Lando in the background, visibly sad.
“He won't be your teammate anymore but he won't stop being your friend. He loves you. Everyone loves you. I love you.”
“Thank you,” Lando mumbled, trying not to cry.
“Come here, Landito,” Carlos said, opening his arms for a hug because sometimes a long hug is worth more than words. Lando torpedoed himself into Carlos' arms, face buried into the crook of Carlos' neck, inhaling Carlos' cologne. It's always the same. And this type of same is good.
“I'm so tired, Carlos. So so tired.”
“I know, cariño, I know,” Carlos murmured, trying to soothe Lando by moving his hand rhythmically up and down on Lando's back. “I know something that could help.”
And this is how they ended up in the woods a few days later.
“So, again, how's walking in the woods can actually help?” Lando asked because he wasn't really sure if it was a good idea to go there. But he trusted Carlos and Carlos seemed like he knew what he was doing.
“The trees produce clean air and it helps your mind and body. And also, a bit of a walk won't hurt, and we might see some small animals, which is nice, no?”
“Uh... Yeah,” Lando nodded, unsure about the "small animals".
“There aren't any venomous snakes or spiders or anything similar, don't worry. I know this place, trust me.”
“I'm trying to,” Lando said, interlocking their fingers as they moved closer to the middle of the woods.
“I always come here when I feel like I can't breathe in the city. It helps. Being here. The nature is calm, the air is clean, the smell is nice, the colors are calming, and the ground is soft and natural, not like in the city. I like it.”
“Mhm,” Lando nodded, actively listening to Carlos as they wandered between the trees and plants.
“There's a huge tree a bit further,” Carlos mentioned, “I wanna show it to you. I sometimes sit under it and think about things. Racing, family, us.”
“It's a bit strange to be here. No cars or people, just us. Feels a bit too calm.”
“It's good to slow down a bit. You can't always race, Landito. The body needs resting too, no?”
“Yeah, you're right,” Lando nodded, smiling. It felt good to be there with Carlos. Nobody bothered them, they were free.
“Try to take some deep breaths,” Carlos advised. It surprised Lando.
“I'm ok—,”
“I know, cariño,” Carlos smiled, stopping and turning to Lando, “but try it. Trust me. I'm going to do it too, no need to be scared or think you'll look stupid. Nobody's here, only us.”
“Okay,” Lando nodded, holding both of Carlos' hands and copying him as he breathed in deeply and then out slowly, with his eyes closed.
“Let your lungs expand as you breathe in,” he instructed, looking at Lando, who had already closed his eyes by then, to check on him, “and then let the air out slowly. No need to rush, we have all the time we need.”
“This actually feels nice,” Lando confessed, smiling as he looked at Carlos, “I wanna do it once again.”
“You can, as many times as you want to.”
“Thank you,” Lando murmured, closing his eyes and doing the breathing exercise again. “This feels good.”
“Can you come a bit closer?” Lando asked, “I wanna just... Be there a bit. Here. Now. I feel like I need it.”
“No need to explain, Lando. I'm here,” Carlos said as he stepped closer to Lando and let him rest his head on his shoulder, hands on Carlos's waist. “It's all-new, yes?”
“Very new. I just wanna stand there and close my eyes.”
“You can. Close your eyes, cariño, I'm here with you.”
And then they were standing there, silently. The only sound was the birds chirping here and there. They didn't need anything more.
“How are you feeling now?” Carlos asked about a minute later.
“Less stressed. Body's calmer, heart's slower. Feels good.”
“I'm glad. Wanna see the big three? We can sit down there a bit.”
“Yeah, that would be good.”
A few minutes later they arrived at the big three.
“It's huge!” Lando said, looking up but still not seeing the top of it.
“And beautiful, too,” Carlos added, going closer. “Come here, feel the bark. It's special.”
Lando went closer and placed his hand next to Carlos'.
“It's rough but it still feels good to touch. It might sound stupid but I always give it a hug before I go home.”
“Really?” Lando asked, surprised. “That's cute. I wanna hug it too.”
“You can,” Carlos smiled, “I'll do it too. Double hug.”
“Ah, this feels nice,” Lando sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. “Thank you for the clean air, big tree. You and your mates here helped me with it today. Stressful life, you know...”
Carlos' heart filled with love as he was listening to Lando talking to the tree. It felt so natural even though when they arrived here, Lando seemed a bit unsure about this whole walking in the woods thing.
“I'm gonna sit down a bit, you can join too if you'd like,” Carlos said as he positioned himself on the ground, at his usual spot.
“Yeah, of course,” Lando agreed, sitting down as well and then taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.
“Everything's alright?” Carlos asked, searching for Lando's hand and finding it a second later.
“Yeah. Feels good to be able to breathe. I didn't think about it before. It's not something people really think about. Maybe when we're working out, but that's still different.”
Carlos nodded in agreement while caressing Lando's hand with his thumb. “When you try things like this, you learn to appreciate it.”
“Thank you for bringing me here.”
“You're welcome,” Carlos kissed his temple. “I wanted to bring Charles here too but he went to some beach with Max. Not much of a woods guy I guess.”
“I wasn't one, either,” Lando smiled. “And still, we're here. Charles is so in love now he always wants to be with Max. I don't even know when was the last time we'd played a game.”
“Yeah, he's found love with him and I'm glad because he needs that kind of support too. He's had some difficult moments too and I think going somewhere calm would help him too. But I know Max's taking care of him and that's what's the most important. They can have some nice alone time on a yacht too, or on an island or something. We're a bit different when it comes to spending free time but it's okay.”
“He's gonna be okay too,” Lando whispered, resting his head on Carlos' shoulder. “I hope they took sunscreen with them because if not, Charles won't have to put on anything and still look like he has the team kit on.”
Carlos bursted out laughing. God, he loves Lando so much.
“Thank you for being here with me,” Carlos said, kissing Lando's hand and then resting it on his chest. The boy smiled and then buried his face into Carlos' shoulder.
“Thank you for taking care of me.”
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skyshipper · 1 year
15 questions 15 mutuals
Tagged by @shirks-all-responsibilities 🥰
1. are you named after anyone?
2. when was the last time you cried?
Oh god, probably a few days ago. I cry easily, either from being happy or sad, or just because I watched something that made me all emotional. I’m a total weeper!
3. do you have kids?
Nope.  We thought we wanted kids and kept putting it off. Then tried when we were older and it never happened for us.  And to be honest, I’m so, SO glad we don’t have kids. We’re both really, really happy being child free!
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really. I appreciate it when well-utilized though.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Kindness. Rudeness and/or arrogance is such a fucking turn off.
6. what’s your eye colour?
7. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way!! I have enough shit to deal with in life, why would I want to be scared in my free time? Tbh, I dislike scary stuff, mostly because the plot is usually ridiculous and unrealistic. If it’s well done then maybe.
8. any special talents?
I don’t think I have any special talents. I’m quite boring.
9. where were you born?
Wisconsin.  My whole family still lives there but I moved to Maine almost 15 years ago. I’m forever in search of a realistic way to move abroad. I dream every day of living in Scotland. The dream!!
10: what are your hobbies?
Gif making, of course! I also love cooking, hiking with my dog, and messing around with pottery, photography and life drawing.
11. have you any pets?
My first dog, Walter!!! He’s just over a year and a half.  He’s so much work (way more work than I anticipated) but I love him so much. He’s an Llewellin Setter and I totally underestimated how hard a sporting breed dog would be.  Plus he’s my first dog EVER.  I never grew up with pets and was afraid of dogs as a kid. He needs a high amount of exercise in order to be chill, which on one hand is great because it makes me exercise, but also.....I’m so fucking tired. Like, all the time.  And we walk/get outside in ALL the weather......rain, snow, super cold.....we’re out there.  It’s made me appreciate the seasons and nature way more though! 
12: what sports do you play/have you played?
Zero. I hate sports. I actually hate competition because I’m always way too concerned someone’s feelings might get hurt.  I’m such a weirdo. I was a quiet, studious kid who liked art.  I’m still like that now.....haha.
13: how tall are you?
14. favourite subject in school?
Art & History
15. dream job?
Full-time working artist!  If I could find a way (i’m trying for real) to make a full-time living just making art in my studio everyday I would be SO FUCKING HAPPY. 
Totally no pressure tags if anyone wants to do this: @teamnick, @the-blind-assassin-12, @something-tofightfor, @sirtadcooper, @300mirrors, @phantomviola, @userdjarin, @trashcora, @user-kestis
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pewiest · 1 year
I am obsessed with the Jude/Pedri drabble. Thank you so much for contributing to the Jude/Pedri agenda 🥹❤️ Rivals to lovers is so hot and their insane height difference makes it even better 😋 Like I can really imagine Jude manhandling Pedri at every chance he gets, while Pedri be like: Stop 🤭🤭🤭 (giggling and all 🥰)
Or Jude hating himself for being attracted to Pedri and therefore being extra mean towards him and trying to hurt him with his words and making him feel insecure and unworthy. And then when Jude is alone he despises himself for the way he treats Pedri and feels like the biggest asshole. He tries to be more nice to Pedri the next time he sees him but Pedri avoids him because he’s expecting Jude to only inflict more pain with his words, after all Jude doesn’t know about the countless nights Pedri spent crying himself to sleep because he can’t stop thinking about Jude‘s hateful comments and really doubts himself, believing that he’s just really unlikable and a big failure. Jude, on the other hand, doesn’t leave him alone and always approaches him, which makes Ferran (who is Pedri’s overprotective best friend and may also be in love with Pedri 🤭) lose his temper and confront Jude, making him aware of Pedri’s bad mental health, which Jude is responsible for. Jude doesn’t want to cave in, feeling extreme jealousy since Ferran insinuates that he always sleeps with Pedri in his bed or the other way around when either one of them feels sad. However, Jude also feels disgusted by himself for having actually wounded and harmed Pedri. He doesn’t know how to make it up to him, especially with his bodyguard (aka Ferran) being around him all the time. But he also can’t allow Ferran to have Pedri all for himself … love triangle, jealousy, sexual tension, … and so much more (tbh I don’t even know who I want Pedri to end up with, I love both Pedri/Ferran and Pedri/Jude too much 😭😭❤️❤️ this would be the hardest decision ever, maybe Ferran and Jude would eventually permit Pedri to keep both of them as his boyfriends, everything to make their beautiful princess happy 🥹🤭)
Sorry for the word vomit, I didn’t even realise it got so long 🫠
Btw love your writing style 😍 Feel free to delight us with more drabbles 🥰🫶🏻
omg, your comment is litreally longer than my little drabble and thank you so much for this <33
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
STOP BC THIS PART HAD ME BAWLING MY EYES OUT ((btw i am the anon who did this ask:
and if you are wondering if i am going to be doing more analysis why yes, yes i am 🫠))
FIRST OF ALL,, how dare you?? how dare you put this happy childhood scene in the very beginning and show how reader is basically his favourite and he loves her and then immediately go to the angst of her actually bleeding out DYING? that actually hurt my feelings even more?? why would you lull me into a false sense of security like that???
ALSO, I love how you had neteyam being the first to jump in and help, as well as wanting to stay by the tent to wait to hear the news about her. Like, yes she is his younger sister but he is her only older brother. As a fellow second born child this bond is just *chefs kiss* bc while the two of them take care of the others, NETEYAM is the only one of her siblings that SHE specifically turns to for comfort and help, and him in turn since they understand each other as the eldest two.
I also somehow cried even harder at the mention of Stxel’eveng bc?? Neytiri she loves her daughter and would do anything for her, but even mentioning Stxel’eveng shows how -- to protect her daughter and make sure she is happy moving forward -- neytiri is willing to let her child go. and when she says she cannot bear the shame i really thought it was just about the gifting, but i think moreso it is Jake's actions towards their children driving this decision, which leads to the horrifying thought of "if tsahik doesn't think us worthy of this child, what about our others"
AND I SAW THAT YOU ADDED TORUK'S COLORS TO HER IKRAN AND YOUR POST ABOUT IT AND I RAISE YOU THIS: While yes she was trying to emulate her father and be anything close to his greatness to get him to See her, he was also the last thing she heard, while she tried to search out the one accomplishment she wanted him to be proud of :D
Also the fact that you are having Jake be the one to try and convince her to come back? This part isn't an analysis but I imagine Neytiri as her face crumples, then her ears fall back against her head and she is so sad and sounds so broken when she goes "she will not want to"
and when Jake does finally manage to go see her at the tree of souls, she is at the stream where their family spent so many days -- and she is a child again, so small as she plays on the banks of the water. He crouches next to her and she looks up to him and smiles, but when he asks her to come home her smile drops. In the blink of an eye she is back to her true age. She is standing now, facing him off, hands clenched at her sides and chin jutted out in defiance. She is trying to look big but she is still a child, not as young but still so small and barely taller than him in this position as he tries to reach for her. But she backs away from him, stepping into the water and continuing until she is smack dab in the middle of the stream. and she asks him, her face stony but her voice trembling, "Why?"
anywho that's all i have to say about the new chapter!! Amazing amazing work as always babes 🫶🏻
how dare i: ITS WHAT I DOOOOOOOOOO otherwise why would you be reading, right??? BHSDBSHDSB
Also like. that part about neteyam being her ONLY big brother. that kind of hurted because???? and it's so sad because she acts like a big sister to him, spoiling him and everything its HSDSHSBSHDS GOODBYE why did i hurt this boy EVEN MORE in a fic.
also like NEYTIRI'S MOTHERHOOD MAN thank you for saying that AHHHHH she's just. honor is involved in this and her pride has been broken too, she doesn't just put it all on jake. like imagine making your wounded child walk for half an hour. ur side by side. and she's bleeding out right under your nose and nobody notices. that shit would be TRAUMATIZING. She blames herself so much too:(
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having-conniptions · 1 year
KinnPorsche ep 5 Rewatch Rambles:
"What happened to me?" "You were drugged. But they didn't do anything to you." YEAH BUT YOU DID KINN
"Why are they targeting me?" To hurt Kinn, next question
Detective Kim at work lol
Kinn: "As a boss I had to take care of him" Korn: "As a boss you didn't have to fuck him" (I know that's not what he said but it's what he meant)
That Tankhun and Kim interaction tho lmao
"Are you fucking dumb, bro?" xD I don't like Ken but I love Perth
Porsche is having flashbacks of Kinn's boobies. Same, girl.
And the not-very-subtle "playing with fire" metaphor? Nnnnnice.
I also didn't notice before that he was crying while he's having those flashbacks. Investing in full hd sure payed off
At least Pete is just as clueless as Porsche usually is
But back to those flashbacks, you can't tell me Porsche didn't feel violated. As much as I love the series and the ship I still can't accept what happened and that it's just brushed off after Kinn apologizes for "crossing a line" by which he just means losing professionalism by sleeping with one of his subordinates (which is already very questionable in and of itself)
GUYS!! COMMUNICATE! Kinn is sad bc Porsche has been acting distant so he gives him the cold shoulder and calls up one of his boys and then Porsche isn't too happy about that ugh what a mess
Hahahah Porsche's like "I can do that too" and tries to get with a girl
But how poetic is it that they both can't stop thinking about each other and end up not going through with it
Ayyyy Vegas is back 🖤🔥 tbh I was kinda rooting for him the first time around
Ok the VegasPorsche motorbike ride with Why Don't You Stay in the background is actually so cute
Even though Vegas' intentions were questionable at best, he did manage to take Porsche's mind off things and make him feel better. I feel like they could have been such great friends without the whole manipulation and boyfriend-snatching
Gahhh Vegas is so cute in this, really close to Bible just being himself
THE HUG Vegas is smiling even when Porsche can't see his face VEGAS JUST WANTS TO BE LOVED
"What took you so long?" Kinn calm down he's not your husband (yet)
"Are you saying that I've hurt you?" "And have you not?" TELL HIM PORSCHE
*almost kisses Porsche* "Starting tomorrow, Ken will be my head bodyguard" KINN NO USE YOUR WORDS. THE CORRECT ONES.
KimChay being cute I can't I can't do this again I can't take this heartbreak again I just can't
Detective Kim analyzing whether Chay is lying about Porsche he is really in his own separate detective movie huh
Omg the pics in Porchay's phone are so wholesome, just Chay with his loved ones, food, and cats. In mine Kim would find the same mirror selfie from 10 slightly different angles or with slightly different poses and then the same thing but from the day before and maybe the occasional random pic of something interesting I saw
Chay winning Kim over with his cuteness and talent AWWWWW
Pete is so hilarious
And such a good friend aaaaaa I love him
Porsche having dinner with his friends is just so wholesome awwww (why did Kinn have to show up and make it awkward)
I know I'm sounding more and more anti Kinn but I swear I'm not
"It's kinda cool to have a henchman. But he seems dull" ahahahah I fucking can't
This is kinda where Kinn finally starts showing a bit more of his dorky side that we love so much
"If I don't care about you, why am I sitting here then?" <3<3<3<3<3
Aaaaand the handcuffed arc begins 👀
Daaaamn Chan really got that guy with one clean shot
Handcuffed in the forest arc here we gooooo
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vbee-miya · 2 years
Hi! I would like to request a BNHA matchup!
Basic Info: I identify by she/her and I am Bi-curious (I think that's the right word but what I mean is I think I might be Bi) I'm a Gemini and ENFP, My Chinese zodiac is the tiger, My favorite color is Mauve or Lilac, I'm a raven claw, My enneagram was either a 2w3 or a 3w2 I did it a while ago and forgot.
Appearance: I have long brown hair that looks dark most of the time but sometimes looks light (It reaches my butt), I have dark brown eyes, I have a hourglass body, pierced ears, I have glasses but I really like them, thick eyelashes, pale skin, I tend to put a lot of thought in my appearance if I'm going somewhere and people often complement me on my fashion style but little do they know I'm in sweats most of the time at home XD, and I'm 5,5.
Personality: I am most of the time extremely extroverted but sometimes I'm more introverted but I usually enjoy being social, I would say I'm either the leader friend or the therapist friend, I enjoy being relied on and I try to make sure everyone feels happy/comfortable/included, I'm really good at telling when someone is lying or feeling sad, I try my best to be as nice to people as possible which can sometimes hurt me, I can be judgy and if I decided I don't like someone then I don't like them and will try to avoid them, I can hold grudge, If I get in a fight then I will fight back, If I get in a argument then I often start crying depending on what its about, I'm trying to be more adventurous because I was virtual for a long time, I tend to overthink a lot and worry about how I appear to people, I'm good at school and take advance classes in math but my favorite class is Science, I'm pretty popular and I am good at making new friends, I can sometimes be a bit more emotional but I hate crying in front of others or talking about my problems with them, I love caring for people so I want to be a doctor or a nurse in the future, I enjoy acting, art, and anime, I take charge in group projects and organize hangouts most of the time, I have a close relationship with my parents my mom especially, I am a bilingual and I'm also learning Japanese so I can go to Japan as a foreign exchange student but I tend to procrastinate a lot, I can be blunt sometimes to make things less awkward, I have a love hate relationship with my body sometimes I think I look really pretty and curvy and thin and other times I think I look fat, I would love to try horseback riding I love strawberries (I don't really know what to say here tbh)
What I am like when I like someone/What I look for: If I have crush on someone then I like to be flirty and I like us teasing each other and banter and stuff like that. I'm pretty tall so I sometimes like someone taller but I'm fine with someone shorter than me as well, I would like whoever I would end up with to be able to vulnerable with me, I would like for them not to hurt me preferably emotionally or physically, I think jealousy can be sort of hot but not too much if you know what I mean?? I look for kindness and someone who can keep up with me, I would like for them to remember me and ask me to hangout or something like that since I have a lot of experience with people who only hangout/talk with me if I initiate it, I would like to support whoever I would date.
I like most characters the only character I would say I really dislike is Shigaraki.
༺❀༻ matchup ༺❀༻
here's your matchup! enjoy
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mina ashido
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she's literally chaos, she loves relying on you for favors. but will always. and i mean always keep her word to repay you in whatever way that could be.
it's giving power couple of the schools, two bad bxtches just walking the halls of ua high. dressing up however they want because there's no one stopping them.
she'd 100% be your hype woman. she sees you working that outfit she'll tell you and make sure to tell you how well you're working in that outfit. and that it's giving. and if you're ever insecure mina is there to comfort you and tell you just how beautiful you are. and from one woman to another problems will be shared.
when mina has something to hide because what 15-year-old wouldn't? i know i did but because of how well you can tell if someone is lying or not. and it's not that she'd hide anything from you she'll eventually tell you. and plus she knows or at least thinks she's a bad liar. and she doesn't want to find it out the hard way.
if you ever get into a fight or an argument in school you bet mina is right behind you ready to throw punches. especially if it's someone like monoma or even as bad as mineta? she's all ready. get ready to hold her back before the ua staff finds out about anything.
little miss popular you're definitely part of the baku squad. i don't make the rules. though because of that you and katsuki would definitely butt heads. especially leading team projects. good luck to that! you'll find a way.
speaking of being in the baku squad it's only natural banter is their way to show their affection and appreciation. /hj but being with mina she can definitely handle a bit of banter here and there. but become flirtly with her and she'll instantly cover her face away from you.
as far as your Japanese goes, mina's no tutor, but she does speak Japanese i mean you basically would be in a Japanese instituted school so it's only inevitable mina would give you a leading hand if not academically at least a sense of motivation.
horseback riding? when class a goes to a summer convention volunteering station. mina and you will be the most chaotic pair.
imagine horseback riding drinking a glass of strawberry smoothy or, horseback riding in a strawberry field. mina would be a giggling mess. she'll say how pretty everything is.
she isn't the jealous possessive type she's more of the "we're not going to admit it until the situation gets worse."
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
no clue if youre open for requests or matchups but!! hey if possible can i get a matchup?
im 5'2/5'3, im whiter than white, i have like medium length (think ted from bill and ted) dark brown hair that i tried dying black but its just gone brown. i use he/him and im a gay trans man, i dont know if it matters but i dont plan on getting bottom surgery.
im quite social but consider myself an introvert, like im not afraid to complement someone but i do enjoy my time alone. im very loud with little voice/noise control when talking; especially when its something i enjoy. im autistic so i dont get sarcasm and find that i take things very personally. i love args and online horror, a huge fan of homestuck and i really like movies more than tv shows. im kinda really emotional bc i feel things really deeply so if im sad I'll probably cry or I'll be really mad abt little things. im extremely affectionate and at any chance i get i will hug/sit like shoulder to shoulder with someone. im really assertive with my thoughts and if i dont like or hate something, everyone will know. also into shoplifting.
i love halloween (the holiday) and if i ever got a house it would probably look halloweenish all year round.
im a hard bottom i dont think i could ever top tbh, really submissive, im into primal, biting, really into bondage, i love praise but praise and degrading at the same time is really cool.
I paired you up with...
♡Jesse Cromeans♡
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Mr baldy man here is your man 100%. Mate compensates that shiny bowling ball with all his charm and love.
Initially I thought about giving you Asa but I feel like he's too mean. Jesse may seem mean but he's certainly not, he's just a very calm and collected person when interacting with others. He loves his time alone too and would actually appreciate you enjoy being by yourself sometimes cause with how much he travels it would be really difficult for him to be there for too long.
I've seen some many people being mean to others , autistic and not, who have your same type of excitement over things so be assured he would never do that to you. He loves to hear you rant about the things you like and he will remember little details that show you he was in fact listening the whole time. You will surely end up making him like more than one thing if you keep being so passionate about it
He would always be careful to choose his words wisely to prevent to hurt your feelings. Like he may not seem like it but he hates to be seen as mean by the people he loves, he would never want you to feel likes he's laughing at you ecc and if he accidentally does he will always say sorry as fast as you make him notice.
Good thing you love horror cause this man's job is basically all around it, and he would always ask you for opinions on how to make things more gory or scary. He wants your input and he values your ideas so much so don't be afraid to tell him!
He will never make you feel bad about your emotions, as i said he would rather say sorry than making you feel bad. He will always be there during bad times if you need him tho
Please this man would smother you in affection, everytime he gets the opportunity he's always showering you with love. His favourite displays of affection are having you sitting on his lap, holding hands and letting you play with his hands
He actually likes you're so straightforward with what you like and not and that you make sure other people knows about it cause it makes it so much easier for him to know what to do and what not around you instead of guessing and unknowingly making you mad
Bro would decorate the house as you like, he would never say no to you. Like he just hands you the money and tells you to go crazy with it, he doesn't even questions it. If you're happy then he is too, the rest doesn't matter
About the last part 👀👀 im just gonna say this, he really really likes you. Like perfect match for real broski
Hoped you liked it!! Im sorry for taking so long mate
Song recommendation for this matchup!
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 s6e2 - some thoughts and comments as I'm watching:
spoilers ahead haha
oh shit I almost forgot about Athena's dad 😳
I love the way we kinda see it all from Athena's perspective, and everything is so echoey and feels kinda distant I guess hah
those scenes before something bad happens are always so stressful because I don't know what exactly to expect or when to expect it 😂 like, I love it, but I hate it 🤣🤣
oh my god I did not expect the guy to blow up his yard 😂 I was so anxiously waiting for him to get seriously hurt somehow and here he goes doing this 😂
awww Captain Hen 😍😍 love that so much ❤️
I figured the wife was cheating with the neighbor but they had an underground tunnel for that??? lmao how did they even manage that 😂
they always manage to do something completely unexpected 😂 God I love this show
"are you at ease" why was this so funny 😂
I'm loving Maddie, like, mentoring Noah or whatever, but... I miss dispatcher May sns 😂😂 (and May in general)
Hen is gonna totally wear herself out, I'm tired just watching her go through it all - btw those shots of her driving super tired and while eating are giving so much anxiety that she'll get into an accident or something - even though I drive, I'm still so terrified of the possibility of a car crash after I was in a car crash when I was like 6 or 7 lol -
okay, what the fuck was that popcorn scene 😂 did that have a purpose? was it supposed to be funny? cause it was kinda cringe and annoying and wtf why did they do that 😂
oh my god she's falling asleep behind the wheel - I fucking called it (I'm currently talking at my screen out loud begging her to pull over, I'm totally fine 🙂😂😂)
oh thank God she's fine but oh my god I'm fucking stressed out 😂
Bobby is the best husband, seriously, I so respect him standing up to Athena's mom, that was great - her mom is being a bit unreasonable but like, I understand it because I know, even just based on my family, how old people are - so stubborn and set in their ways, and can get offended over nothing and take everything way too personally...
random thought (because I heard Hen talk to Julie and I was like: who's that new person lol) but like: where's Ravi? I don't remember how he ended up at the end of s5 but like, did he leave the show or something??
Buck always having meaningful conversations with people on calls when he needs it 👀👀
this is such a stressful rescue but somehow it's less stressful than Hen driving 😂😂 (that car accident affected me too much lol its a miracle I drive regularly now haha)
fuck, I teared up when Hen was telling Lev about Frankie 😭 and now I'm fucking crying omg what 😭😭💔 he was on the screen for like 2 minutes, why am I crying over him 😂 they always know how to hit me in the feels
and the saddest version of don't worry be happy is just making it worse 😭😂😂
I haven't mentioned it yet, so here's my weekly pause and break for thirsting over Eddie because I can't handle the feels now lol: damn Eddie looks so fucking good, like always 🥵🔥 I really love his haircut tbh I wish he had more screen time this episode because oh my god he looks so hot and just so gorgeous 😍😍🔥 (when does he not 🙄😂) okay, I'm done for now lol
I'm loving the plotline of Buck trying to find happiness and I feel for him rn 🥺 he looks so sad and clearly this death hit him pretty hard 🥺 also, the "you always have the answers" 🥺😭
don't tell me Hen didn't pass 😳💔
oh fuck I'm crying once again, poor Hen 😭😭💔 she took on way too much, I feel so bad, both for her and for her family 😭
and now Beatrice is making me cry - damn, it's episode 2 and they're already hitting me in the feels way too much 😂 I can't handle it 😭😂
A BODY? WHAT NOW? WTF??? okay, I wasn't that invested in Athena's story so far but now I am 😳😳😳😳 I MEAN, WHAT?! what does this mean??? I'm so confused and so curious and just.... what. I need the next episode right the fuck now 😂😂
tbh I wanted to say I liked the previous episode a little bit better - but like, that last scene really made it crazy and now I'm 🤯 I loved it
ngl, as much as I felt bad for Athena, I didn't care all that much for her parents' story but the end scene made it the most interesting thing this episode 😂
I loved Hen's story and I was so worried and stressed for her (if you ever feel tired when driving, my god, just pull over pls 😂) school work and being a present mom and a wife is a lot and she was just so overworked and overwhelmed and I'm curious where her story goes now, because they built up her wanting to become a doctor so much, it'd be weird if they just dropped it now 🤔
I'm loving Buck trying to find happiness - Buck's stories are always great and I hope we'll get some more of that in next episodes
I'm also hoping Eddie will get some important storyline soon because he's just there being an amazing firefighter and looking hot and I'm not complaining but like, let's put some more focus on him pls 😂
overall, really loved it, and I seriously cannot fucking wait for the next one (like, the ending??? I won't stop thinking about it until the next episode 😂)
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