#but in the laziest way possible
shiveagit · 8 months
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Late halloween thing. Twas for a costume contest.
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mochikage · 2 years
fuckboy!kakashi x reader This was a request from my old blog. I’m not giving it a title because I am lazy xo. (side note: i do not see kakashi as as fuckboy unless very specific circumstances in his anbu years occur)
unedited + 12.5k words ....oops. THERE IS SMUT IN THIS, MDNI
“Why don’t you take off the mask? I want to see how good I’m making you feel.” The woman, whose name he had already forgotten, bit her lip as she looked down at Kakashi. She was currently straddling his hips and her fingers were dancing around his neck, too close to the edges of his mask for him to be comfortable. He sits up, bringing his face closer to the woman above him.
He’s never thought the mask to be a problem. Some girls even found it hot that they couldn’t really see him, couldn’t really kiss him. They’ll moan against the mask and whine about wanting him to take it off, but he never does. It’s not like it’ll take away from their pleasure because he always did leave them satisfied. It obviously wasn’t as big of a deal if women were still lining up for a chance to get in bed with him.
“It stays on.” He simply replies to her before moving his hands down in between her legs. She moans when he moves her panties aside and starts to play with her. Apparently, she didn’t get the hint. Her hands got as far as hooking under his mask before they were yanked away by the man under her.
“What did I just say?” Kakashi stares at the woman above him and begins to rethink his actions. He wanted to fuck, but was the lay really worth it if she was going to be irritating? He ponders if he should go through the trouble of tying her up, but truth be told, he wasn’t really having it that day. It’s not the first time that someone has asked him to remove the mask before they fuck, but usually, they got the hint after he rejects their request.
He moves the woman off of his lap and she begins to apologize, realizing how she was coming off.
“Don’t worry about it.” He mumbles to her as he gets up to put on his shirt and vest. He has his headband on and over his eye and before the woman knows it, he’s gone. He left her in her bed, cursing herself for ruining the one chance she had to sleep with the infamous Kakashi Hatake.
He had gathered quite a reputation, both in the shinobi world and in the civilian world. Of course, they were two stark different reputations, but a reputation, nonetheless. As Kakashi walks down the quiet streets of Konoha, he finds that his mind is anything but. He thinks about how he even got himself in that situation and finds himself regretting it when he remembers.
Earlier in the day, Kakashi had gone to the academy to pick up some papers. It was there that he saw Y/N. He remembers the way his heartfelt when she gave him a sweet greeting, sporting a beautiful smile. She even brought him a copy of her favourite book. He gave her a smile of his own.
“Oh, Y/N thank you, but you didn’t have to do this.” He takes the gift out of her hands and looks at the cover. He remembers her bringing the book up, but truth be told he doesn’t remember a single thing that she said about it. He was too focused on the way her lips were moving when she talked. He was too entranced with the way her eyes shined in the sun. He was too distracted by her smile to even think about what she was saying.
“Don’t mention it.” She politely waves him off, “I hope you do end up liking it.” They had talked for a little bit, and something about the way she talked about her students made his stomach somersault.
He always feels lovesick after talking to her. He knows that it’s a simple fix, but he didn’t have the courage to ask her out. He didn’t know if he ever will and that’s something he’s trying to come to terms with. The moment with Y/N was short-lived. She was called away by Iruka to help out with something, but she didn’t leave without giving him one last near heart-attack.
Instead of waving goodbye to him she reached out and squeezed his arm, giving him an apologetic smile.
“I’ll see you later?” She asks him, and he simply nodded, too flustered from the proximity of the two.
That’s when whats-her-face ran into him as he left. Now that Kakashi thinks about it, that woman was waiting for him outside of the Academy. She had caught him at the perfect time. He was mostly in a good mood after talking to Y/N, but something was missing. He needed more of her touch. Fortunately for him, he knows where he can find the attention that he’s craving, but he only wishes he can get it from her.
Unfortunately, enough though when he really thinks about it, he hasn’t fully slept with anyone since Y/N kissed his cheek while he walked a drunk her and drunk Iruka home over a month ago. He’s gotten as far as letting them strip his vest but then something in him makes him stop everything. In this case, it had been the woman annoying him, but he can’t deny that in many other cases it had been because he’s opened his eyes kissing them and realized that it wasn’t his girl.
As Kakashi turns another corner, he lets out another frustrated sigh. He was frustrated both sexually and just with himself. If he could just gather the courage to say something to her then maybe he can finally be happy. He’s spent far too long pitying himself and he’s gotten to the point where he’s willing to give love a chance. It’s caught him by surprise the first time he realizes it, when Y/N first smiled at him. It was something about her that drew him in every time he saw her.
And once again, he finds himself thinking about the one girl he really cared for. There have been countless times he’s asked himself how she managed to get past his walls without him noticing. He once even thought that she had cast some kind of jutsu on him, but that idea was scratched quickly when he realized just how dumb it sounded.
Kakashi stops in his tracks when he hears his name called. He turns around curiously, wondering who in the right mind was up at this hour. When he recognizes the familiar figure approaching him, he immediately straightens his posture.
“Y/N?” Her name comes out more like a question and he can’t help the little flip his stomach does when he sees her in regular clothing. Her hair is down, and he wishes upon the twinkling stars of the night sky that he will be blessed with this sight again.
There was something about her running towards him in the soft moonlight that made him second guess if he was dreaming or not. She had a basket in one arm and her jounin jacket in the other.
“What are you doing up this late?” She steals the question right from his lips. He sees her eyes glance down to his dishevelled clothes before seeing her smile falter slightly. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why he looked like this late at night.  He opens his mouth, wanting to give her some sort of explanation but he can’t find the words. What would he even say?
“Actually, I’m glad I ran into you. I have something for you.” She opens her basket. Where did she have to go that was so important that it had to be at this time? And did she have to be alone? His mouth twitches into a frown under his mask, and he grows mildly irritated by her seemingly carefree attitude. He debates if he should tell her that she shouldn’t be out this late, at least not alone. Before he could come to a decision, she pulls out a file. He’s even more baffled now but he takes the scroll from her.
“It’s from the Hokage. It’s the official invitation to the graduation ceremony.” She explains to him. She doesn’t give him much time to respond before she moves around him to keep walking. Kakashi wants to stop her, but he doesn’t know what he can say to her that will get her to stop. So, with his head now hung even lower than before, he makes his way home.
The following two weeks were bleak for Kakashi. There was no mission for him, all of his students were enjoying their time off, and he hasn’t seen Y/N in far too long for him to be comfortable with it. Usually, he might go and see what woman can hold his attention long enough for him to go home with them, but he couldn’t get the image of Y/N’s face out of his mind. He shouldn’t care about what she thinks, and yet he’s so disappointed in himself after that interaction.
Kakashi is even more disappointed with each night that passes where he doesn’t run into Y/N. He would be lying if he said he didn’t stay out longer in hopes of seeing her again. He has changed his usual route to increase his chances. Hell, he even sent a clone once to help him look. Each night he had failed to find her, and it’s not until he’s called into the Hokage’s office that he sees her again.
Kakashi knocks on the door to the office and patiently waits to be invited in. He’s surprised when the door opens, and Y/N is standing there. She gives him a signature sweet smile before moving to the side to let him in.
“Okay, now that everyone is here, we can get started.”
The meeting with the Hokage was the for the most part, uneventful. He was assigned on a mission with Y/N, and to say he’s not excited would be a flat out lie. Y/N walks out with him, and for the first time in a while, he hears her calming voice.
“What time do you think we should leave tomorrow?”
He’s mildly disappointed that she kept the conversation professional, but then again, they did just leave the office.
“Well, it takes about 27 hours to get to that village. It’ll probably take two days to get there, so the earlier we leave, the better.” They both stop outside of the building. He takes in her appearance. Her hair was held back by her forehead protector, and her usual shinobi attire was scuffed up. He noticed the distressed attire, and he can’t remember if it looked like this the last time he saw her or not.
“Did you just get back from a mission?” He can’t stop himself from asking. He feels his cheeks flush when she makes eye contact with him, her eyes glistening happily.
“I did. The Sand Village needed help retrieving stolen documents from the Hidden Sound.” He mirrors her smile, not that she could see it anyways.
“How was it?” He continues the conversation, hoping that she would stay and talk to him for a little longer. They begin to walk together as he listens intently to how her mission went. He admired her for loving her work and admires her even more with the way she talks about her comrades. She always spoke so highly of them, and she never had a bad word to say about anyone.
They reach her house quicker than Kakashi would like, and she fully turns to the man in front of her.
“Soooo do you want to meet tomorrow at 6?”
Kakashi’s brain short circuits for a second, thinking that she was asking him out on a date. He watches her eyebrows pinch together in thought.
“Is that too early for you? I’ve heard Naruto complain about you being late.” She giggles quietly to herself, and Kakashi hopes to hear it again. He realizes what she meant and shakes his head, as if to clear the thoughts of how a date with her would go. He plays it off as if he was replying to her question.
“No, no. That should be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiles and waits for her to go safely inside before leaving to go to his own home, his mind swimming with thoughts of her smile and laugh.
The next morning, Kakashi gets up earlier than usual. He wants to blame it on the birds chirping outside, but the nerves tingling in his stomach say otherwise. He grabs his packed bags and sets out the main village gates. He sees another figure there, resting along the wall. The closer he gets, the clearer the figure.
“Y/N?” He calls out, recognizing her smaller frame when he gets closer. She turns around and looks over, smiling politely at him.
“What are you doing here early?”
“Couldn’t really sleep.” She shrugs, “I guess I was nervous for this mission because I couldn’t stop waking up. Figured I get here early.” She lies, knowing full well that she was excited for this one-on-one mission with the man she’s had her eye on for a while. Of course, she would never let him know that, knowing about his reputation. It’s a recipe for a bad heartbreak, and it’s something that she would avoid at all costs. The only response Kakashi gives her is a nod, choosing not to voice his disapproval of her not getting a good night’s rest.
They both climb up the nearest trees right outside the gates and set out to the inn they’re supposed to stay at. They’re both flying through the trees, both of them keeping up with each other easily. Neither of them would say it, but they’re both enjoying the company significantly, even if no words have been exchanged in between them. At one point, Kakashi even begins to push off the same trees as Y/N, and she looks over at him briefly. He gives her a close eyed smile, one so soft that Y/N almost trips on her own two feet.
“Do you want to race?” She calls over to him, noticing him land at the same place and at the same time as her. He looks over at her, and something about her aura briefly reminded him of his dear friend, Gai. Maybe it was how she was always positive. He’s never really seen her in a bad mood. Maybe it was because anytime he had seen her spar, he would notice how good her taijutsu was (not that her ninjutsu or genjutsu wasn’t any good, but he hasn’t seen those as much as her hand-to-hand combat). Maybe it was because she was challenging him to a race right now, and he was not one to back down from a challenge, not anymore.
“What’s the finish line?”
“There’s a river a couple miles up ahead. We should be getting there by midday; it might be good to stop for some water and food.” Kakashi agrees to the plan and waits for her to say that the race has started.
“Go!” She exclaims excitedly, moving past Kakashi, who was baffled that he had no warning before she started the race. He chuckles quietly to himself, her good mood rubbing off on him easily. He chases after her, noticing that she really did move quickly. They were both necks in neck, racing towards the river up ahead.
A few hours pass and the two of them finally reach the river, both of them panting from the run. They both stop in front of the water, look at each other, and laugh between themselves.
“I thought you said it was only a few miles away,” Kakashi comments with a smile under his mask as he dips his hands in the river to wash his face.
“Is it a good time to say that I’m not the best at guessing distances?” Y/N says shyly, taking a few swigs of her water. She notices Kakashi turning towards his bags, back to her. She watches his arm muscles move underneath the long-sleeved blue shirt. She shifts in her seated position when he tilts his head back to drink some water. What she would give to see his face.
Y/N was already attracted to him, well, she frequently asks herself who isn’t? But there was something about seeing a more playful side of him with her today that made her feel that much more for the jounin in front of her. He’s always had a place in her heart, for she felt for his pain when he lost his father and best friends. Like Gai, she had tried her best to lift his spirits when they were younger. Gai was more relentless than her, and she had a fear of annoying the laid-back shinobi. She wishes she never gave into the crush on him. He shifts again in his sitting position, and it looks like he’s pulling his mask back up. He turns back to Y/N, who is now blushing madly for being caught staring at him.
“So…who won?” Y/N asks, leaning back on her hands.
“I’m pretty sure it was me.”
“Hm..” Y/N hums, squinting her eyes at him, “I don’t think so. Pretty sure I got here before you, so I think you owe me dinner.” She teases.
“I don’t think we ever agreed to loser buying the winner dinner.”
She grabs a portion of food out of her pack, as does Kakashi.
“No? Well, I don’t think I agreed to you winning that race. In fact, I’m sure you were behind me when we landed.” Y/N smiles as she picks up her chopsticks.
“If you wanted me to buy you dinner, you just had to ask. No need to lie about winning the race.” He teases her, and the kunoichi shakes her head, enjoying this side of him. Before she could say anything, he speaks up, voice laced with concern.
“You’re bleeding.” Kakashi sets his food down and immediately turns to retrieve a little medical kit from his bag. Y/N looks down at her thigh and gasps.
“Shoot, I must have popped a stitch.” She stands immediately, moving away from the worried shinobi next to her.
“What are you doing?” He asks, watching her wobble behind a tree.
“I’m changing the bandages,” Y/N calls out. She makes sure she’s out of his view before she pulls her pants down.
“Shit.” She mutters quietly, seeing the fresh wound open again. Y/N sighs, grabbing a bandage from her bag, deciding that she would have to deal with it later. She wraps it up quickly, and rounds the tree, running straight into Kakashi.
“Are you alright? Did you open the stitches?” He asks, looking at your now stained pants. Y/N waves him off, telling him a reassuring don’t worry but he doesn’t believe her. He decides not to push her, instead going back to their food. She’s mildly disappointed to see that his food is all gone. Maybe the next time they eat, she’ll get to see his face.  
“I’m carrying this from now on. You shouldn’t put any extra weight on that leg.” Kakashi’s usually cool, relaxed voice is back, a change that she notices from his previously lighter tone. It disappoints her, but she brushes it off. She opens her mouth to argue, but he’s already jumped up to the trees. She follows him, hot on his trail.
“You know, you don’t have to carry my bag,” Y/N calls out, hoping that she’s not sounding ungrateful. Kakashi doesn’t reply to her. She frowns, wondering if she had done something wrong.
The rest of the day was silent between the two, nothing like the first half. Y/N had spent it worrying if she had said something to him, and he spends it wondering why the Hokage would send her on a mission if she was still injured. He wasn’t in a good mood, now worried that Y/N was in jeopardy from her injury. They stop a couple of hours later, Kakashi sensing Y/N slowing down.
“We can camp here for the night,” Kakashi announces, releasing a protective jutsu around them. He notes how deep into the forest in the Land of Fire. Pretty soon, they would be in foreign territory. Kakashi notes that he would have to travel close to his comrade tomorrow in any case they get into danger.
Y/N began unpacking her bag, pulling out her sleeping bag and a basket. Kakashi unpacks the book she gave him. He sets up his sleeping bag next to a tree and leans against the trunk for some light reading. He can’t help but let his eyes slip past the book in his hands and to kunoichi in front of him. Kakashi grows more irritated with the situation at hand. The last thing she needs to do is stand.
“Where are you going?” He can’t help but ask.
“To go gather some medicinal flowers.”
“Is that where you go in the middle of the night?” He asks, not realizing how creepy that could have sounded if she didn’t run into him the other night.
“What do the flowers look like?”
“White, with black specks on them.”
Kakashi picks up the basket next to the girl.
“Don’t worry about it. Now get some rest, Y/N. Tomorrow we’ll walk. If we follow the river downstream, we should get there by sundown.” He doesn’t spare her a glance.
“Sundown? But-“
“We’re walking. No fast travelling, no trees, no races.” Kakashi’s cold gaze snaps over to Y/N. She’s already re-opened her wound and he will not risk making it worse by playing childish games with her. He mentally scolds himself for getting carried away with her. The girls' shoulders visibly slouched, confused as to why she was picking up disappointing tones from him. Maybe he was coming off harsh towards her, but he doesn’t want to argue with her about walking tomorrow so he was hoping to come off as if there was no other option. with his stubbornness, there really wasn’t.
Y/N doesn’t say anything to him. Instead, she decides to call it a night. She would wake herself up in a few hours to let him rest as well. Kakashi leaves the girl to collect the flowers. It doesn’t take him long. The area they were around was covered with the speckled flowers. He begins to pick the flowers one by one, wondering what this would have been like with Y/N by his side. He wonders how many nights she’s out in the forest picking the flowers for the medical staff. His stomach churns at the thought of something happening to her at that time of night. He physically shakes his head, wanting to get rid of the thoughts that were crossing his mind.
He begins to think of something more positive. He finds himself thinking that he was grateful that he gets to go on a mission with her. He gets to have a full understanding of what her feelings towards him were. She’s always been so kind to him, but he could never understand why. He’s happy that Gai isn’t there with them, only because he’s the only one in the village that knows how he feels about the kunoichi. And once again, his thoughts are back to her.
With a heavy sigh, he goes back to their minicamp and plops himself down against the tree to read. Kakashi spends his time switching his attention from the sleeping kunoichi in front of him and his book. He notices how her lips pout in her sleep, and he can’t explain it but he has the urge to kiss the plump lip. He doesn’t know for how long he’s under her enchantment, but he does know that he saw the lip tremble. He closes the book and gets up quietly. He grabs his own blanket from his sleeping bag and drapes it over her body. He doesn’t think that he’ll need it for the rest of the night because truth be told, he had no intention of waking her up for her watch. His clone comes back a few hours later, a basket full of the flowers she had requested.
Y/N wakes up the next morning to smell of eggs and the sound of fire crackling. She lets out a yawn and sits up, so at peace with herself that she momentarily forgot where she was at the moment.
“Kakashi!” She exclaims out, noticing the bright sun that shined above the two of them. He has one hand moving the food around a makeshift pan and the eggs on it while the other is holding the book you gave him earlier. He only hums in response, turning the page to his book.
“Why didn’t you wake me up? Did you get any rest?” She sits up, not missing the extra blanket on top of her body.
“Plenty. All I did was sit around.”
“That’s not resting.” She says, irritated with the man in front of her. A wave of guilt washed over her. How could she sleep so soundly when he clearly needed it more? Kakashi doesn’t reply to her and instead hands her a plate of food.
“Aren’t you going to eat?” She asks, grabbing the plate.
“I already ate earlier.” Kakashi begins to clean everything up, letting the sleepy kunoichi enjoy her breakfast. He packs almost everything, leaving the sleeping bag she was sitting on to be packed last. Keeping his promise from the day before, he carries most of the bags, ignoring the comment she made saying that she could carry it.
The rest of the trip and the mission itself was uneventful for the most part. Both of their abilities complement each other, something Kakashi is waiting for the Hokage to recognize so they can be paired more often. He’s hoping at least. The mission itself only lasted a few hours. They were able to extract the information they needed quickly and undetected. Kakashi would have been lying if he said that he wasn’t concerned about her leg. However, considering that she hadn’t complained about it nor had there been any signs of the wound reopening he forced the worry to the back of his mind.
The travel back to the village was just as uneventful as the mission itself. He had given in to her constant begging and let her carry her own stuff, but he made sure to keep an eye on her pace and her leg to make sure she wasn’t putting a “tough” face on. They stopped around the same area they had on the way there, but this time Y/N made sure that she would take the first watch, and even gave Kakashi a taste of his own medicine and didn’t wake him up for his turn.
By the time they arrived back to the village, it was late at night. The gates of Konoha came into view, and the two of them dropped down from the trees and walked in. Kakashi couldn’t help but feel disappointed that he would no longer have an excuse to spend time with her.
“Do you think Lady Hokage is still in her office?” Y/N breaks the comfortable silence between the two.
“I don’t know, she might already be at the bar.” Kakashi jokes, although there was a possibility that there was truth to his words. He smiles under his mask when Y/N lets out a hearty laugh, agreeing with the man next to her.
“Maybe. Should we report to her tomorrow then?” She stops walking as soon as they enter the village and turns to Kakashi.
“That’ll probably be best. Besides, it buys us time to have the mission report ready.”
“Buys you time to have the mission report ready.” Y/N comments, taking a drink from her water bottle.
“When did you have the time to write yours?”
“When you were sleeping.”
“Oh, you mean when you didn’t wake me up for my watch?”
“Watch it, Hatake. You did it to me first.” Y/N smiles, seeing the crinkles forming on the sides of his eyes, indicating that he enjoys their banter as much as she did.
“Anyways..” She trails off and looks in the direction of her home. She didn’t want this mission to end. If she was being completely honest, she almost wished that the mission didn’t go so smoothly just so she could spend another day with the man next to her. She didn’t expect to enjoy this mission so much, especially since data-retrieval one’s weren’t her favorite but the company she had made it worth it.
“Can I walk you home?” Kakashi asks, catching her off guard. She nods, happy that he seems to enjoy her company as much as she enjoyed his. Although the walk between the two was silent, the thoughts in their own minds was anything but. Kakashi spent the walk debating what they would talk about. He didn’t want to bring up any work stuff, nor anything to do with the mission before. He glances over to Y/N, who in her own mind is having debates on whether or not she should be the one to break the silence or not.
“I’m enjoying the book you lent me, thank you again,” he starts, hoping that he could get her to do most of the talking in order to learn more about her. Y/N smiles over at the man, nearly taking his breath away. He takes note of just how much he loves receiving her beaming smiles, not that it was news to him.
“Of course. You’re always reading Icha Icha, not that there’s anything wrong with them, but I thought you might like a different story.”
“It was very thoughtful of you.” Kakashi compliments. It was well known that Y/N was a sweetheart, and the fact that she was still single really baffles Kakashi. He had hope that maybe one day he would grow a pair and ask her out, but he always blames it on not having the right time to say—or do—anything. He doesn’t miss the blush that brushes her cheeks, and he has half a heart to pull down his mask and lean in down to kiss them. He wonders if it would make her blush more, or if she would even give her a kiss of her own. He shakes his head, realizing she had said something to him.
“What was that?” He asks, turning his attention forward. It would be better for him not to be distracted by her.
“I was asking what you liked about it.”
“Oh…well I like that Mikasa (iykyk) is bold. She doesn’t let any fear slow her down or stop her from getting what she wants.” He replies. It’s ironic, how much he admires the main character of the story and how she can do anything she sets her mind to and yet here he is, a well-known shinobi who can’t even muster the courage to ask out a comrade.
“Yeah..I really wish I had her bravery. Definitely would be in a different place right now if I did.” Y/N chuckles.
“How do you mean?” Kakashi can’t help but ask. He couldn’t agree more with her comment, although he doubts that she’s thinking the same thing he is. If he had the same courage, the kunoichi next to him would be more than a comrade to him, and he wouldn’t have the reputation that he had with the civilians of the village. The girl next to him blushes even more, but with the ideal world Kakashi is building in his mind, he misses it.
“Well, I just mean that maybe I still wouldn’t be single…” Y/N trails off, “o-or maybe I would have even gotten the right order if I said something to that fisherman back in the village.”
She worries for a second that she got too personal with Kakashi. They both now stood at her doorstep, watching each other in silence. She doesn’t know what to do, and Kakashi is lost in his own mind wondering if these were the signs, he’s been looking for all this time. All this talk about bravery, getting what one wants, her being single, were they hints?
Kakashi takes a step closer to her, causing her to crane her neck to keep the eye contact they’ve been holding for who knows how long. Tentatively, he reaches a hand to cup her cheek, relishing in the soft skin against his hand. He only wishes he took off his fingerless gloves to fully caress her cheek, but he ditches any thoughts he had as he musters up the courage to lean in. He’s carefully watching her actions and took the fact that she didn’t flinch or move away from him as a good sign. She seems like she’s leaning in too, and Kakashi’s heart feels like it’s going to jump out of his chest from sheer excitement. He only stops leaning in when she speaks up, her words confusing him.
“I don’t trust myself.”
“What do you mean?” He’s still close to her, hand still on her cheek.
“I don’t want to hook up with you and then regret it later.”
“Why would you regret it?” He frowns at her words, dropping his hand from her face.
“I’m scared I’m going to catch feelings and then I’ll have to see you with other women. I’d rather save myself the hurt.” Y/N spoke so quietly that if the village hadn’t been completely silent, he wouldn’t have heard her. His mind was racing at the moment. He watches her in silence as she fishes around her bag to find the key to her place.
“Y-you’re the only one that I want.”  He stammers, trying to find the right words to say.
“How many times have you used that one?” She asks in disbelief. She didn’t say it in a malicious way, nor did she seem upset judging by the way she smiled. Maybe she meant it in a joking way, but Kakashi was in no mood for jokes with what was at stake.
He had finally had the courage to nearly kiss the girl he actually liked, and he had no idea how he was going to convince her that she really was the one he had been wanting all along. How was he going to explain to her that everyone else he slept with was purely for need and because he couldn’t really have her? That sounded so cliché it made him cringe internally. He’s left standing alone on her porch before he can get a simple ‘wait’ out.
The next morning, he meets her at the Hokage’s office, neither of them making eye contact when they greet each other. Kakashi steals a glance at her, and from the looks of it, she must have stayed up all night as well. He frowns to himself, wondering if he should speak up and apologize for his behaviour the night before. Deciding that it was better to mention it at another time, he turns his attention to the Hokage.
Both of them turn in their mission reports and wait to be dismissed. Lady Tsunade had a few questions here and there, but for the most part, everything seemed fine. Kakashi wanted nothing more than to be dismissed so he could talk to his comrade, but she seemed to have other plans. As soon as Tsunade dismissed them, she had asked if she could stay and talk to her for a moment.
As Kakashi leaves the office, he wonders what Y/N might have to tell her. It really could have been anything, but he lets his mind drift off to the worst possible scenario just because he loves to torture himself. Could she be requesting that they never get paired again? Would she be complaining about the mission? Negative thoughts flooded his mind as he walked down the stairs. Would things be different between them now? Before he could continue spiralling down the negative void, Maito Gai hooks his arm around his neck, catching him by surprise for the first time.
“Ah! My eternal rival has come back! Are you ready to put our skills to the test once again?” The jounin practically yells in his ear.
“What will it be this time?” His enthusiasm continued as he jumped in front of Kakashi, effectively stopping him in his tracks. His hands were out as if he was prepared to fight him. “Rock paper scissors? Another sushi-eating contest?” He asks, smile faltering when Kakashi sticks his hands in his pocket and makes his way around Gai.
“Not now, Gai.” And with that, he leaves back to his house.
A couple of days go by, and he’s convinced that Y/N is avoiding him. He had run into her at the market, and she kept the conversation sweet, but short. The other day he had spotted her at the bookstore, but before he could go up to say something to her, one of the women he’s previously slept with had ruined the moment for him. As soon as the woman spoke his name, he watched Y/N tense and walk in the other direction. The next time he sees her, they’re all out celebrating Genma’s birthday, and if her body language was anything to go by, she wasn’t the only one that was forced to be there.
Currently, they were about three or four rounds in, and everyone was beginning to let loose. Well, everyone aside from Y/N and Kakashi. He wants to go talk to her more than anything, but it’s like every time he sees her, she’s talking to someone new. He gets up to get a round of drinks for everyone, hoping that it would give him an excuse to interject the conversation she was having with Gai. Yamato joins Kakashi at the bar.
“So Y/N, you haven’t said a single word about your last mission.” Gai notes, filling his glass with more beer, “usually you have plenty to say about how things went, let alone how great your comrades were. What’s different this time? Is it because you admire Kakashi in a different way?” He raises her eyebrows suggestively, making the girl flustered.
“No!” She’s quick to deny, hoping that she doesn’t seem suspicious, “nothing really happened on it. It went really smoothly.”
“Come on, you’re telling me that you had a three-day mission, and nothing happened?”
“Nothing aside from kicking ass.”
“Wow...And here I thought that he would finally make a move on you.” Gai hiccups, pouring himself another beer. His words catch Y/N off guard, and she goes against her better judgement and asks the nearly wasted ninja in front her for clarification. She knows that he probably shouldn’t be saying anything, but the opportunity to get anything out of Kakashi’s closest comrade was too rare for her to pass up.
“Well, it’s no secret he has a thing for you. Has for a while…”
“He sleeps around with women in Konoha. In what language does that mean that he likes me?”
“Used to.” Gai corrects, waving his beer around, nearly spilling it on the table, “one of my dear friends used to be a frequent flyer with him but apparently, he stopped after Iruka’s birthday about two months ago.” He lets out another hiccup before downing the rest of his beer. Y/N is lost in her thoughts, wondering if any of his drunken words held truth to them. What had happened two months ago that made him suddenly stop? Her eyes trail to the man in question, watching Yamato torture the man.
“Come on, Kakashi! What has gotten into you?” Yamato slaps the man’s back. It was harder than he had intended to but with the few rounds of beer he had in him, he found it difficult to control his strength. “I thought that you enjoyed her company.”
“Enjoying the sex we have is not the same as enjoying her company.” Kakashi comments, wondering when this dreadful conversation will end.
“Why are you such in a rush to get back to Gai? Do you think he’s telling her about your latest conquests? Although you did say you haven’t been…hey where are you-“ Before Yamato could finish his sentence, Kakashi is making his way to stop Gai from ruining any chance he has with Y/N, but is stopped on the way by the birthday man himself.
“Kakashi! My maaan!” Genma, clearly wasted and enjoying his birthday hugs both Yamato and Kakashi, uncharacteristically gushing to the men how much he appreciates them coming. Kakashi’s heart sinks when he sees Y/N standing up.
“I should get going,” Y/N says, wondering why she was torturing herself asking Gai these questions. He was clearly drunk, and there really was no way to tell if his words were true or not. She makes her way out, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone. Even if she had, there’s no telling who would remember it or not. She finally makes it out of the bar, taking a deep breath in the fresh air. She begins to walk home, Gai’s words floating around her head.
“Y/N!” She hears her name being called and turns around. Upon seeing who had called her name, she wishes silently that she hadn’t turned around. Kakashi runs up to her, and if she hadn’t known any better, she wouldn’t have noticed how nervous he looked. She was taken aback by his appearance. The one eye she could see had the brow pulled down in a worrisome manner, his eyes wide as he searched her face for any sign of her being upset.
“I’m so sorry…” He begins, causing her to grow even more confused. “I don’t know how much Gai has told you or really what exactly he has told you but it’s not true.” He hurries out, worried that all the efforts he had put in to show her that he’s so much more than the reputation he carries were thrown out the window by mere words of his drunk friend.
Y/N tries her best not to look disappointed. Her stomach and shoulders drop at the news. Surely, she must have known that Gai had been lying. How could Kakashi like her? She was an average shinobi, and average looking girl, and not to mention probably not the most interesting person in the world. Had she voiced her thoughts out loud, the frustrated man in front of her would have corrected her on all those things. He thought the world of her. If only either of them could speak their mind with the other.
“Oh.” It was the only thing she could say. She looks down at her feet, feeling her eyes begin to sting. “Right, well. If that’s all you had to say...” She trails off, blinking away any signs of tears and throws on a smile before she looks back up to Kakashi. His expression has changed to one of confusion. He could tell that her smile was fake, even if it would have been believable to anyone else.
“Have I said something to upset you?” Kakashi asks, and Y/N wants to scoff at his concern.
“No. Goodnight.” She says curtly. She wanted nothing more than to go home and cry into her pillow from how horrible this night was. She was forced to come out to celebrate a comrade’s birthday, only for her to gain some stupid hope that she could be with Kakashi only for it to be crushed moments later. She doesn’t know if she’s upset with herself for believing Gai’s words or with Kakashi for being so charming, although the latter wouldn’t completely be his fault.
She turns on her heels and walks even faster away from Kakashi, leaving him confused and standing outside the bar alone. He has to stop himself from going after her, knowing just how annoying it can be to want to be alone and for people to annoy you. He retraces his steps, wondering where he could have gone wrong.  
Y/N locks herself in her room that night, letting the tears fall freely now. She plops herself down on her bed and stares at the blurry ceiling. How could she have been so stupid to think that he might have liked her? She scolds herself for believing Gai’s drunken words so easily. She knew deep down that it was something she’s longed to hear from her comrade. Maybe she believed him so easily because they almost kissed the night they arrived in the village. She shakes her head, telling herself that they were both tired from the mission and looking for some company. If she had a stronger heart then she would have indulged herself that night. Y/N turns over in her bed and looks out her window and tells herself that she’ll get over him. Her mind loves torturing her, so of course, she dreams of what could have happened that night if they kissed that night.
The next day, Kakashi goes to the Hokage’s office.
“You asked for me Lady Hokage?”
“Yes. Could you help set up for the graduation ceremony? We’re a little short on helping hands. I have a couple of people signed up already but Iruka says he needs more.”
“What time?”
“There are several slots still open.” She motions for him to come closer to his desk as she pulls out a list. He looks over the names, spotting Y/N’s signed up for the earlier time slot.
“Is this what Y/N wanted to talk about the other day?” He wonders. Tsunade’s smile grew, and from the twitch in the corner of her lips, he could tell that she expected him to ask.
“No. It was nothing serious. She only asked to be off a couple of missions so she could fully recover.” She shrugged. The man quietly sighs to himself in relief. He picks up a pen, tempted to write his name below Y/N’s. He bites his lip under his mask, wondering if he should be so obvious to fill out the empty slot right under her name when there were so many other time slots to choose from. He writes his name down in the time slot after, telling himself that he could catch her on the way out. Before he could leave, Tsunade calls out to him.
“Oh, one more thing. Y/N left her forehead protector here, by the way. Would you mind getting that back to her?” Tsunade smirks, clearly suspicious of his feelings towards the kunoichi. Of course, she could just ask Y/N to come by and retrieve it, but she wanted to gauge Kakashi’s reaction. He simply nods, not giving her as much information from the gesture as she would have liked. At least now he had a valid reason to go see her.
Kakashi finds taking the scenic route. He doesn’t know if he’s buying himself time to think over what he was going to say to her or if he was simply avoiding any confrontation with her. He remembers her getting upset with him last night, but regardless of how many times he racks his brain, he can’t come up with a reason. Maybe she was still upset that he tried to kiss her. He finds himself walking to the pharmacy. He needed to pick up a refill of his prescription anyways. It’s there that he runs into Gai, who was looking through the aspirin bottles. It was one of the few times that the taijutsu specialist ever looked so….calm. Undoubtedly it must be consequences from the previous night. Usually, Kakashi would just let Gai approach him, ready for whatever nonsense he would be spewing, but he needed a couple of answers before he would go to see Y/N.
“No training today?” Kakashi asks, apparently too loudly for the man as he winced at his words and groaned.
“No. I’ll be in bed serving my time for my bad choices yesterday.” It was strange to hear his voice with little to no enthusiasm in it. Alcohol was really the only thing that could quiet down Maito Gai.
“Do you remember any of it?” He asks, looking through the rows of pill bottles to make sure he didn’t need anything else. Gai visibly tensed, and Kakashi prepared himself for what was to come.
“Yes..” he sports a frown and drops his head down guiltily “and I’m sorry I have failed you as a friend.”
“How do you mean?” Kakashi hopes that he doesn’t come off as desperate for answers as he is with how quickly he asked the follow-up question.
“I told Y/N that you like her. I’m sorry, I know you entrusted me with that information and I—”
“Wait, what?” Kakashi’s taken back by his words, his stomach churning in response. He quickly returns to his usual cool composure, deciding that he would freak out on the inside.
“I’m. sorry for betraying you.” He looks over at Gai, who was nearly in tears. Kakashi rolls his eyes at his overdramatic comrade. Maybe he should have been mad at him for telling Y/N something like that. It’s not like he ever outwardly told him that he liked her, but Gai knew him so well that for him it was something as clear as day. Maybe he should have been mad but given the other things he could have told her, what he thought he told her at least, this probably really was the best case scenario.
“Pull yourself together, Gai. We’re in public.” Kakashi scolds his sobbing friend, feeling mild secondhand embarrassment from the openly emotional man next to him. “I’m not mad. If anything, maybe I should be grateful, you did me a favour.” He almost regrets saying those words, seeing Gai look over at him with wide, watery eyes. He knew a hug was coming, but he moved quicker than the hungover jounin.
“I have to get going. I have to be somewhere.” It’s only half a lie. He’s planning on going to Y/N’s, but he remembers their last conversation and stops at the entrance of the pharmacy.
I don’t know how much Gai has told you or really what exactly he has told you but it’s not true.
The jounin mentally slaps himself, wondering why the hell he didn’t go to Gai first to ask what was said or even ask her what she was told before blabbering out lies to her. Would that have been the last straw? Could he have been the one to ruin any chance with her? Endless questions plagued Kakashi’s mind as he thought of his next move. He looks across the street to see the Yamanaka Flower Shop and decides that it couldn’t hurt to bring her flowers.
Y/N woke up that morning in a bad mood. Her coffee machine wasn’t working, her milk spilt everywhere, and she broke one of her favourite mugs. By lunchtime, she was still grumpy about the whole ordeal in the morning, and the thoughts of yesterday’s events weren’t helping her mood. More than anything she was hurting, both from her leg and her heart. She curses herself for even going to Genma’s birthday in the first place. Why did she have to go? Why did she have to sit with Gai? Why did she have to ask questions to indulge her own fantasy? Y/N groans at the events of the day and rubs her temples in hopes of getting rid of her stress-induced headache.
She spent most of the day doing housework in an attempt to get her mind off the night before. It doesn’t do her any good with her leg hurting but she pushes past the pain, telling herself that it’s helping with the distraction. Not only that, but she can’t find her forehead protector anywhere. It’s nearly sundown by the time she finishes the last room in her apartment. She wipes her hands on her pants and decides that she should go flower picking now. If she goes any later, she might run into Kakashi either coming back or going to one of his women’s houses and she didn’t want to be reminded of it. She grabs her basket and opens the door, taking a step back in shock when she finds the devil himself standing there.
“Kakashi!” She exclaims, half in fear, half in surprise. He’s holding a small bouquet of roses in one hand and a forehead protector in the other hand. So that’s where it went. The man in front of her closes his eye, presumably smiling under his mask. His hand holding her forehead protector goes to scratch the back of his head as he speaks.
“Sorry…I didn’t mean to startle you.” He feels guilty for scaring her. Truth be told he had been standing outside her door for a while, building up the courage to knock on her door. He had gone over dozens of times what he would tell her but never came up with the perfect words.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was hoping I could talk to you.”
Y/N looks over the man in front of her, wondering if the conversation ahead of her would help her current mental state or not. Going against her better judgement, she moved to the side, allowing him inside.
“I like your place.” He comments, looking around. “Oh, also I brought you these.” He turns his attention to the curious kunoichi and presents her the bouquet. Y/N looks at the flowers and gives him a small smile, something that he took as a good sign.
“What’s the occasion?” She asks, admiring the flowers.
“I want to clear up what happened last night.”
Y/N’s gaze snaps from the flowers to Kakashi. She holds his eye contact, wondering what he could possibly have to say. He begins to shift his weight from one foot to the other, and she takes a moment to appreciate that for once, the usual laid back calm shinobi is nervously shifting in his place. He avoids her eyes and looks at the ground.
“I really don’t know how to go about this other than to tell it to you straight. What Gai told you yesterday was the truth.” He starts, looking up from the ground to study Y/N’s reaction.
Y/N thinks to pinch herself. Surely this was all a dream? A sick fantasy that her brain has created in order to cope with the pain of yesterday. Kakashi continues, wanting to clear the air as soon as possible.
“I do like you. A lot, actually. And I know I have this stupid reputation of sleeping around but I don’t want you to think that I see you like those other women.” Kakashi feels as if he’s about to throw up. He’s not used to putting his heart out on the line like this but it was now or never. “You’re so much more to me than that and I wish I had the courage to say something to you sooner instead of seeking out fake comfort from the others. I swear to you when I was going to kiss you the other night I had no intention of leaving you after.” He stops when Y/N steps closer to him.
“Gai said something yesterday that you haven’t slept with anyone in a while. What changed?” The question had been eating at Y/N for the longest time. No matter how much cleaning she did, the question still lingered in the back of her mind.
“You kissed me.” His response clearly needed clarification from the shocked look Y/N gave him, “well, my cheek.”
“When I took you and Iruka home.”
“I thought that it meant I might have a chance with you. But the next day you didn’t seem to remember anything, and I was a fool for thinking that you might’ve liked me back.” Now he’s convinced he’s going to throw up from how nervous he was feeling. He hated how his stomach churned, and he hated that he didn’t know how to prepare for the rejection he was about to get. Y/N just stood there, like a doe in headlights. He opened his mouth to apologize for showing up unannounced and bombarding her with this information, but her actions catch him off guard.
It happened quickly, too fast for his liking. She had planted a brief over-the-mask kiss on his lips. The action proved to be louder than any words she could have said. She was blushing, and he loved how adorable she looked when she was all shy like that.
“I like you too.” She beamed at him. For a moment the two got lost in each other, but when she started feeling shy again, she cleared her throat.
“If I remember correctly, you do owe me dinner.” She playfully teases, calling back to the race that he won lost during their mission. She couldn’t see it, but he was smiling widely under his mask. He was happy that they were back to this playful banter.
“I suppose I do, don’t I? Would you like to come over for dinner?” He asks, setting down the forehead protector on a nearby table.
“I would love to.” She smiles, even more, when Kakashi offers her his arm and she happily loops her own around it. The two of them head out and make their way to his place. Kakashi doesn’t care for the looks that are being thrown at the two. The same probably couldn’t be said for Y/N, for some of the women glared at her in jealousy. He could sense some of her discomfort when she moved a little closer to him, a glaring woman passing by too close to her for her liking. Kakashi moves his arm around her, wanting her to feel as protected as possible.
“How was your day?” He asks, hoping to distract her from whatever negative thoughts she might’ve been thinking. The walk to his place was peaceful from there on out. He listened to everything she was saying and even told her about what had happened in the past few days. They got to talking about the book again, and it reminded Kakashi that he had to give it back since he had finished it.
Y/N entered his place and immediately noticed how clean it was. He leads her to the kitchen, another area of his home that is extremely clean. He looks through his fridge, determining the options that he could give her.
“What’s on the menu, Chef Hatake?” She asks him from the counter. He smiles at her teasing and pours both of them some sake.
“We can have some miso-soup with eggplant, an eggplant pasta, vegetable soup, or my personal specialty.”
“I think your specialty sounds too good to pass up.” She nods, watching him prepare everything.
The conversation between the two was effortless. They got to know each other more and more with each question the other asked. At some point, she even got up from the counter to watch him clean the fish, wondering how he did it. How the events led from him telling her how to take the bones out to them kissing (with his mask still on) in front of the running sink was a mystery in itself. Y/N let out little moans of approval when he pulled her closer to him, and she felt herself get excited when he began to push her back towards his bedroom. She falls back when the edge of his bed met the back of her knees but she wasted no time in pulling Kakashi down with her.
As the kiss got more and more heated, Kakashi felt the need to pull away momentarily.
“We don’t have to do this.” He whispers to her.
“You don’t want to?”
“No!” He clears his throat, “no, I just don’t want you to regret anything.”
“Am I just going to be a one night stand?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
She smiles at his response and he pushes her gently back on the bed. She reaches her hands up towards the edges of his mask. For some reason, he can’t bring himself to stop her hands. It’s not like he doesn’t have time to stop her either. She’s moving her hand so slowly to his face that it has his body frozen on top of hers. Is his heart beating this quickly because of how her legs were wrapped around him?
No, it wasn’t. It was going this hard because this had been the first time someone had seen his face in a setting this intimate. It was beating this hard because he was finally bearing his full face, heart, and soul to someone. It was beating this hard because he had his love under him, looking at his face with such care in her eyes.
Her fingers gently skimmed over the scar on his left eye, and he thinks she was going to ask about it with the way the corners of her mouth pulled down, but he was grateful when her index finger moved down along his jaw. Her hand cups his chin and pulls him down for a proper kiss, at least he thought that was what was going to happen. He closes his eyes slowly as her face came closer to his and braces himself for the first real kiss that he would have. A slight pressure on his left eye makes him move away in surprise. Y/N’s eyes widen when she saw his reaction and quickly began to apologize.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to—” but her apologies were sealed away when his lips press against hers. His hand moved from the bed to hold her face as gently as she once held his. He kisses her slowly, taking his sweet time. He didn’t know how to communicate his feelings well with words, but damn did he know how to communicate with those lips. He tilts her head back so it’s resting against the pillow again and continues to kiss her in a way that’s ruining her panties.
Y/N spreads her legs further on the bed, allowing Kakashi to completely settle in between them. As soon as his bulge pressed against her core, she lets out a pleased sigh, one that’s swallowed by Kakashi’s mouth. She can feel him smile against her lips, and she smiles too.
Kakashi’s whole body feels like it’s floating. The way her hands move around his body is sending shivers in every direction and he wishes that her hands will always be touching him in some way. There’s comfort in the way her arms move around his neck and pull him even closer. There’s more comfort when she tugs on his hair gently. Kakashi surprises himself when he lets out a moan when she pairs a tug of his hair with a roll of her hips.
His heart is jumping with joy with every kiss she gives him. Her lips begin to trail away from his lips and move to his cheeks, nose, eyes, scar, forehead, anywhere they can reach. He can’t help the smile that overtakes his features, feeling so grateful for the love he was getting. He’s never given it a second thought when other people kiss him, but to be honest other people’s kisses weren’t making him feel so giddy inside. He can’t help but roll his hips into her core when her mouth meets his sweet spot, and he lets out a deep groan that has Y/N clenching down on nothing. His hands move down her body, and he lets his fingertips dance along the hem of her shirt. Her lips pull away from his neck as she nods at him, throwing her hands up in order to make it easier for him to pull her shirt over her head.
Kakashi groans at the sight beneath him. Y/N pulls him down to meet her lips again, getting shy from the way he was looking at her. Her hands move down his back to tug his shirt, and he seems to get the hint when he pulls away briefly to take off his shirt. Y/N doesn’t get time to admire his body. His lips are on hers in a heated kiss and they both begin to unbutton the other’s pants.
“Wait,” Y/N whispers in between kisses, gently pushing his hands away from the waistband of her pants.
“Your wound,” Kakashi comments as he moves back on the bed. He helps her take her pants off slowly, and his eyes immediately inspect the bandages on her leg. A small frown is placed on his lips, “do you think we should wait?” He worries, but her hands pulling down his pants make them all concerns go away.
“No.” She simply replies, undressing the man in front of her. With each passing minute, their kiss gets more and more heated, and they’re in less and less clothes. Kakashi takes brief moments to admire the girl beneath him. He could tell she was shy, and he couldn’t begin to fathom why. His mouth moves from hers and begins to kiss down her neck, searching for the spot that drew the sweetest moans from her. Y/N tugs on his hair so gently that it was endearing. Her legs tighten around his now bare waist to grind her core against his hard cock. She’s making him lose his self-composure, but he wasn’t one to complain.
He continues to kiss down her neck and down the valley of her breasts before moving to wrap his mouth around her taut nipple. The action makes her arch her back in his favour, and he glances up to watch her flushed reactions. He switches to the other nipple, making sure they were both getting the attention that they deserve. He can’t help himself but let his teeth sink in gently around the supple skin, and from the gasp that she emits, she seems to like it. Before he lets himself get carried away, he continues to slowly kiss down her stomach, his cock twitching in his underwear in anticipation. By the time the laced edges of her panties reach his mouth, he bites down again. He pulls her underwear down with his teeth, and Y/N, if possible, grows wetter from the sight.
“Tsk, stop hiding from me,” Kakashi frowns when she closes her legs shyly, “you’re too gorgeous for that.” He shakes his head, giving a little smirk when she blushes more from his compliment. If she gets any cuter, he will explode. Gently prying her legs open, Kakashi welcomes the sight before him. Her pussy was glistening, and it made his mouth water. Suddenly, he was the thirstiest man in the world.
Wasting no time, he dives right in. There was nothing endearing with the way that she was pulling on his hair now. He loved the mild pain he was feeling when she pulled on the soft tufts of grey hair. He loves how her legs are wrapping around his neck the way her arms once were. He loves how close she actually wants him.
He continues to move his tongue along her folds, happily collecting all of her juices. She tasted sweet, sweeter than he had imagined the only sweet thing Kakashi likes is y/n’s pussy. Y/N’s mouth is hanging open, letting out the softest sighs and gasps that has Kakashi’s tongue happily lapping more and more of her juices to hear the noises.
“Kashi..” Y/N moans out the nickname in a daze, too lost in her own pleasure to notice how it affected the man in between her legs. His tongue circles around her entrance, and Y/N whines from the teasing gesture. She gasps when he sucks on her clit suddenly, a warm wave of pleasure coursing through her body from the action.
She feels his tongue push into her entrance and she mewls in response. The wet muscle darts in and out of her soaking core, and she’s forced to close her eyes as her toes curl from the pleasure. She tries not to dig in her heels into his back, but his tongue is making her body react, not her brain. She feels a warm hand move to her hips, feeling it push them down against the bed. Y/N opens her eyes, not even realizing that she was rocking her hips against his mouth. She wishes she had kept them closed, maybe she would have lasted longer that way. As soon as she looks down she loses it.
Kakashi had one hand holding her hips down while the other was jerking himself off. She had made eye contact with him, and the pure lust in his eyes was enough on its own to have her cumming on his tongue. The pleasure rolled through her body in waves, and for a second she felt like she was floating off the bed. The knot that had formed in her stomach had released, and she threw her head back to catch her breath. Y/N can’t remember the last time she had felt that good, and at the moment she understood why he was so popular with the ladies. He cleans her up with his tongue, making her legs twitch when he gives her clit a gentle kiss. Unbeknownst to her, that was the sweetest treatment it would get that night because his calloused fingers would be a lot rougher on it than his slick tongue. Y/N sits up and eagerly pulls him into a kiss, figuring that the action would be better than words of praise. She kisses his neck and chest while her hands fully tug off his underwear. Before Y/N could suck him dry, he stops her.
“Wait wait, I want to make you feel good.”
“I want to make you feel good too..”
“Tomorrows another day,” Kakashi says. He realizes what he says, and he hopes that it didn’t come off as if he was expecting her to do anything for him. “W-wait I-I didn’t mean to assume-“
Before he could voice his concerns, Y/N cuts him off with a kiss.
“Tomorrow’s another day.” She smiles at him, making all of his worries go away. He mirrors her smile, feeling the warmth creep up his chest and over his cheeks. He kisses her sweetly and lays her back, once again settling in between her legs. He continues to kiss her, taking his sweet time to work her up again. It didn’t take long, considering how much she wanted him inside her. Y/N, feeling more confident now than before reaches in-between their bodies as they kiss and wraps her delicate fingers around his cock. Kakashi groans against her lips, and her body shivers at the sound. She moves so the tip of his dick pushes against her folds, and they both moan against each-others mouths, lost in the brief moment. He lines himself up with her entrance and pulls away from her.
“Are you sure?” He asks once again, wanting to give her the opportunity to voice her any worries she might have before doing this. She simply nods and pulls his hips against hers, feeling him sink into her inch by inch. She drops her head back in the pillows and bites her lip from the pleasurable pressure.
“O-Oh…you’re big Kakashi..” She sighs out when he bottoms out, “don’t move yet.” She whispers before connecting her lips with his. He listens to her, of course, and kisses her sweetly, enjoying the moment. She felt good, too good to be true and for a moment Kakashi thinks that he’s dreaming. He doesn’t think he’s that big, bigger than average at most, but he’s convinced that she’s just tight. He takes note of how good she feels wrapped around him, her walls fitting snugly around his cock. It was like a warm sleeve made just for him, that’s how perfect it fit. He feels her hands move to his waist to push his hips back gently, and he takes the hint. He slowly begins to move in and out of her, dropping his head in the crook of her neck to let out an audible groan.
He’s caught himself by surprise. He’s never this vocal during sex but then again he doesn’t think he’s ever had it be this good. She feels amazing, and with each thrust, he can feel her get wetter and wetter. As he picks up the pace, more and more of both of their moans can be heard.
“F-faster…please.” She breathes out, digging her nails into his back. He bites into her neck and rocks into her faster, her moans and pleading in his ear allowing himself to lose himself in his own pleasure. He reaches in between their bodies and rubs her clit in small circles. His hips stutter when she clenches down around him.
“Fuck Y/N…” he pants into her ear, “I don’t know how much longer I can last.” He should be embarrassed really from how out of breath he sounded but the pleasure was too strong for him to give it a second thought. As long as he got her cum before him, then he would be happy. He rubs her clit faster, pushing into her deeper and deeper. The bed rocks harder, and he hopes that the loud thumps heard against the wall isn’t as loud as it sounded.
“I’m gonna..mmph…I-I’m gonna cum..” She pants out into his ear, and he can feel her pulsing around his cock. He moves his head to kiss her lips, encouraging her to let go. She reaches her high, and a string of moans and parts of his name stream out of her parted lips as he continued to rock into her, letting her ride out her high.
Kakashi throws his head back, letting out a few curse words from how tight she was. His hips stammer and he pulls out, cumming in thick, long ropes on her thighs. His whole body is shaking, and he can’t help but lean back into her. Both of their bodies are pressed together. He was supporting most of his weight on his forearms. Both of them were lost in their own bliss. Kakashi recovers fully before Y/N does, and he uses the little energy he has left to get a warm towel for her. He wipes the cum off her leg and makes sure she’s clean before tossing it to the side. He would worry about it later.
Y/N slowly opens her eyes, finding Kakashi staring at her. He has a hazy, yet goofy smile on his face and it warms her inside to see him happy. He holds out a folded t-shirt for her, hoping that she was planning on staying the night.
“Thank you.” She feels drained, in a good way, as she pulls the shirt over her head.
“Would you like some water?” He offers her a water bottle but she shakes her head, eyes droopy from how tired she was. She gets under the covers and cuddles up to his side.
“You still owe me dinner.” She mumbles sleepily. Kakashi chuckles, holding the woman closer to his warm body.
“I’ll buy you breakfast tomorrow.” He whispers, unsure if her closed eyes indicated that she was relaxing or sleeping. Either way, he smiles to himself, happy that for once everything worked in his favour.
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summercomfort · 6 months
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This year I discovered the power of print-on-demand stickers! So of course I made doofy Chinese art history ones. From left to right: a BRONZE trophy, a SONG-taur, and a KOI-tesan.
(or, to over-explain it: Zhou dynasty bronze vessels were often made to commemorate major events or given to leaders of vassal states, the Song dynasty centaur is modeled after the 五马图 painting, and the Tang dynasty court lady mermaid is modeled after 仕女图, and yes I know that koi is the Japanese term but it's hard to come up with a dumb pun guyz 😭)
I also made a bunch of GAYsian stickers (okay fine actually just queer Chinese-American stuff that is mostly for me, "Asian" is such a loaded term). One is a mooncake that I made because I was having feelings about how mooncakes often look similar on the outside but have so much diversity of filling (fewer and fewer mooncakes are properly labeled these days...) And the others are QUEERlin, because I wanted to draw qilin (mythical Chinese creatures of good luck) in pride flag colors. But yes, trying to bring more representation to work 👍
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On the off chance these are stickers that you, random tumblr user, would want in physical form, them are on my storenvy at potofoup.storenvy.com .
I'm also trying to be better about late stage capitalism's consumer culture and reduce the pressure to monetize my interests, so if you want one of these for free, you could, um... send an ask???
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If you ever see me forget to shade something before posting, no you didn’t.
on another note do you guys think it looks better with or without my lazy shading?
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bam-monsterhospital · 18 days
ithelia's design looks like she was generated by ai.
i just realized that's what her nothing-design reminds me of! fjdkslafj
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undead-potatoes · 6 months
Going through my ace tag, and honestly I had almost forgotten how much of aphobia is just nuclear levels of brainrot
I just came across a post where OP's complaint basically boiled down to "aspec people wanting access to the larger queer community is homophobia actually bc they have these degenerate unnatural behaviors and bc they think we belong in the same group they're indirectly saying WE'RE degenerates with unnatural behaviors" like the complete lack of self awareness was always there but jesus
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gayathreya · 1 year
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suriya42 >>>
கங்குவா / kanguva
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becky5203 · 2 years
If Aneesa cheating on Ben with Fabiola is true I can promise you this is not the bi rep anyone is looking for
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 years
I made Indian food 🙌
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fagrackham · 2 years
why arent the men sexy the way they were sexy in 2011
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bijesperfahey · 2 years
Kind of thinking I might fuck around with he/they but like... not enough to change literally anything about my real life
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coffyblak · 2 years
Half assed lore(?)
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mademoisellebianx · 2 years
Maybe if Santino's death in Blood and Gold and Eric's death in Prince Lestat weren't so undignified, I wouldn't be this bitter.
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yellow-stars · 3 months
another weird ass deja vu moment that i dreamt once just happened. im sketching, theres already one finished page which contains a lot of red. im listening to turn the lights off. the only light in my room is my lamp and my brothers lamp. i get this spine shiver, turn around to see the reflection of my brothers's pink monitor background. and i know for a FACT i dreamt of this exact moment.
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translations of war and peace (and any 19th century russian novel TBH) that use the english versions of names feel so unserious. like his name is not andrew they would not call him that
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I have so much cooking to do today that I've put off for two days already and ahhhhh I need to be motivated...
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