#but in like . a really stupid and silly way
seikosas · 22 hours
Do it for you | A.A.
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synopsis: How can she do for you, what she can't even do for herself?
contains: angst, homophobia, d-slur, Ow*n
pairing: Abby Anderson x Reader, Ow*n x Abby
a/n: based off cellophane by fka twigs!! I hope y'all enjoy.
"all wrapped in cellophane, the feelings that we had."
You were never really used to being the center of attention, the talk of the town. You tried your best to do everything in your power to not let it affect you, but for her, it was like she barely tried for you.
You knew that everyone always preferred Abby with Owen over with you. It's all their eyes say, what their expressions speak. You and Abby were friends before you decided to become something more. It's funny actually, she was the one who wanted to be with you, now it seemed every move she made in your small, prejudiced town, was to make them forget that she's with you. It was successful for her, of course it was. She's always been the town's favorite.
They loved her even more when she was with Owen, “such a beautiful couple”, was all that ever came out of everyone's mouth when they saw the both of them together. And sure, on the outside, they looked like a fairytale. But they didn't know how much it was eating her away, that the person everyone wanted to be with, wasn't who she wanted. And for a while, you didn't either.
“I don't want to be with him,” while your name spills out her lips, like the fountain that flows guilt, every syllable she made to form your name laced with shame, but moreso, hope. “All I want is you. I eat, sleep, work, fuck— even when we fuck you're all I ever think about. And it's eating me alive that It's not you everyone sees me with." You never knew until that moment that she felt this way, that she felt the same.
So you both decided to go against what everyone wanted. I mean, as long as you both had each other it would be enough, it could be. Right? Silly, young, naive. Just fucking stupid. You look back to the time you both were filled with hope that you could change everyone's mind about your 'unnatural relationship’, it's just comedic seeing it now.
Abby was a fucking coward. She promised. She promised that you both would get through this together, she'd do everything for you. But she couldn't even do this for herself. You were both inside her house arguing for what was what, the sixth time this month? It kept happening so often that you lost count. “You don't even fucking show them that I’m yours! You don't look at me when we pass by each other, you don't even hold my hand on the rare occasion that we're fucking walking together. You fucking promised me, Abby!”
“It's not that fucking easy, okay! It's not my fucking fault everyone preferred me with Owen.” Her face shows instant regret, and you just scoff, “so you wanna get back to fucking him or what?” “You know that's not what I mean—” “No. Fuck you, Abby. You don't get to tell me that you want this, want us, then start hiding all because you can't handle the older people in this fucking town to think that their little princess might be hanging out with that ‘homewrecking-dyke’ because she is one” she rebuts quick after you end your sentence, “they don't say that—” “Yeah, Abby. They fucking do. You're just not there to hear it. Not like you ever are.”
She stays silent. You're tired of her silence. Even when it's just the two of you, she can't bring herself to be true to what she feels. You decide to finally walk away from the living room and make your way to the door. But as you reach for the door, she grabs your wrist. You turn around and see tears hanging on to the edges of her eyes, threatening to spill. “I'll do better. I- I’ll hold your hand when we walk, I'll kiss you in front of anyone- I'll show everyone I love you, I don't care about what they think anymore. I just want you to be mine, please.”
How could you say no when she puts it all like that? So of course you pull her in again, feeling a type of happiness you haven't felt since the first month of your relationship, (that was because you kept it a secret in the beginning).
She was truthful to her words that first week. It honestly shocked you. She was so insistent in showing off your guys’ relationship that you started to become the more reserved one. Then she continued the next week, and the next, but weird. She seemed more cold as the days passed by, and then… ah, there it is. Out goes the new, In goes the old.
It was a quite stressful weekend, it was starting to overwhelm you again. The eyes of the people in your town starting to bore holes deeper than usual, the whispers seemingly growing louder, and Abby, growing colder, again. You decided to go to the local bar to get your mind off of things. When you get there you sit next to the bartender asking for the hardest alcohol he has in store. When he places it in front of you, you downed it in a second, then asked for another one. He probably should have told you how strong it was, but that would be bad for business. When you're on your third drink, you finally get up to go on the dance floor. Your body was moving freely, had you been sober you probably would have had more embarrassment in your body. But the alcohol let it all slide away.
Then when you stop for a moment, that's when you see it. Abby and Owen dancing together. Huh, she never took you out dancing. Then as the music grew louder, they got closer, until there was no distance at all. Abby pulls away first, and like an instinct she looks your way. You almost wouldn't have been able to see the blue in her eyes, as they were covered with guilt, shame, and fear.
Had she not cared about what anyone else would think, she probably would have punched Owen, run to you, apologize profusely, probably cry in the process, then laugh a bit, and kiss you until you both had to stop to breathe. But she did care. So, she gave in to the words of everyone, Owen is perfect for her. So she continued dancing with him, as tears fell from her eyes, watching you walk away from the bar, and from her life.
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aithusarosekiller · 3 days
I know the prank is overdone atp but I'd like to offer a different take on it :) including the Remus, Lily, Regulus friendship trio ofc bc I love them!
Contrary to popular hc (which I also like! Not criticising it at all), I'm going to lean into the way they all seem to get over it pretty quickly. Sirius brings it up like a silly joke and Remus doesn't act too bothered by it.
Say that they all joke about it from the day after it happens. It starts with James saying 'close one, huh?' To diffuse any tension, and Peter laughs. Sirius isn't acting like his actions were that big of a deal between all the meetings that day so Remus goes along with it and pretends he doesn't care. Because that's how they are, isn't it? They torment people, sometimes each other, then they laugh about it. So he puts on a smile and acts like it was all a big funny joke. He doesn't want to show bitterness or hurt and make it into something bigger. He can't be bothered to fight over it. So he pretends it's fine.
Until his two other friends notice something is off. He's quieter, more reserved, less happy to discuss what he's reading with them and preferring to sit in silence. Lily notices it first, of course she does, it's Lily. She tries to ask him about it but doesn't get anything from him except a faux-dumb 'wrong? Nothings wrong, what do you mean?' She tries to ask the boys about it but none of them know what she means. She hasn't spoken to Severus in a while by now and chooses to ignore him whenever she can, so she doesn't notice anything off with him either. She keeps an eye out for any hints for a few days, then Regulus finally notices too.
He comes right to her, pulling her aside to ask what happened. She admits she doesn't know and shares that she's been trying to figure it out without being abrasive and scaring anyone off. Regulus, never too scared of being abrasive, and in a very rare fit of moral righteousness, chooses to go and figure it out himself, despite her warning not to make it worse. He finds Sirius, which he never usually does, and asks him what he did. Lily follows him and watches from afar. Sirius doesn't know that they're friends; meaning it takes a moment and a bit of explanation for him to understand what he means but then he figures it out and starts laughing, explaining that it's a joke and Remus didn't really care. 'If he did, he'd have said something, stupid.'
They argue for a bit before Regulus storms off in a childish rage, followed by a slightly irritated Lily, who had tried to warn him it would likely worsen things. They confront Remus about it and he tells them he doesn't mind that much, he'll get over it soon enough. James asks him later if he cares, he says he doesn't and forces himself to laugh along with them all.
Eventually he managed to push himself to get over it and laugh, but the crack never truly healed over.
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ilovepapahet · 3 days
James Hetfield HeadCanons
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Im doing hc’s on my favourite eras of James (they are going to come up a lot in story’s and fanfics) Im starting off with 1986 or MOP I hope you like them
He’s so silly
He loves to tease you when ever he gets the chance he can be mean too but in a good way
he’ll teach you how to play guitar (but I feel like he’d do it whatever the era) you’d be sitting on his lap as he’ll place his fingers on the frets and you’d follow suit
he loves kissing you all over showing you how much he really loves you
he’ll take you to band practices too he loves showing you off because he thinks he’s the luckiest man alive to be dating you
If your laying down on your bed or couch on your stomach he’s lay his head on your ass and tell you about his day
sometimes he’ll tickle you to just to hear you laugh because he thinks you have the sweetest laugh ever (he’ll tell you that every time you laugh)
if you go out to a bar or just out in general he’s a fuckin guard dog and will never leave your side making sure no ones bugging you or flirting with you
he’ll take pictures of you when you least expect it and there the most foul photos ever and he’ll tell you your adorable (the photos are horrible)
he has his hands on you at all times cuddling the fuck out of you
he loves to cook with you (or at least try his best) but you also wouldn’t consider him cooking it’s just him following you around the kitchen
sometimes when your in your room working he’ll just walk in stand there for a few seconds making you very confused before he farts and walks out and you’d yell at him (he thinks it’s so funny)
he can’t stay serious at all sure there are times when he’s being all loving and passionate but half of the time he’s making you laugh while being balls deep inside you
he’d say something stupid and it make you laugh
but when he is being loving he’s the sweetest praising you and literally worshiping you
I feel like he’s more soft in the 80s than in the 90s like he can definitely be rough but not as rough
he’ll play with your tits taking one into his mouth as he slowly thrust into you
he’ll leave hickeys on your tits and thighs where no one can see them and he’s so proud of himself because he’s marking you as his and he lets you know all the time
I feel like he loves and I mean LOVES to eat pussy out in this era (as well as two others I will mention later on) he’d ether eat you out like a mad man or lazily lick and kiss your pussy
He just loves to be in between your legs
Same with you giving him head he’d let out sounds only your ears have the grace of hearing (you don’t complain at all) he’d buck his hips up into your mouth when he’s close and praise you when you swallow all his cum
and to be honest he’s not that great at after care (he’s still learning don’t worry) he’d flop down on the bed wrap his arms around you and call it a night
I hope you guys liked this one, there are still 8 more to come
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gay-dorito-dust · 9 hours
could you write something like the reader is taking college classes, but they struggle to keep focus on their studies (ex.: talking to stan, picking at their nails, watching tv, doodling) so ford sits down at the table with them and helps
(this is a major self insert 😭 psychology is gonna be the death of me)
While college had opened up a lot of opportunities for potential career prospects, which was amazing and all, but you had troubles prioritising your studies like you probably should.
The course you’ve taken was one you’d like to pursue as a future career but you couldn’t even find yourself able to focus on what what being said to you. You’d either be more engaged in writing secret notes with Stanley, throwing it across the room to him with the professor has his back to you and vice versa, doodling within the margins of your note book or just doing anything other then paying attention.
Ford noticed all of this and so would carry a secondary notebook on him for you to write down the things that you missed out on via disassociating or other distractions. He knew that you wanted to focus but everything was going against you from doing that and he didn’t blame you.
He just wanted what was best for you and instead of babying you through the entire course, Ford would set up some study sessions to catch you up on bits and pieces when you started to find passing notes to Stan more interesting, instead of progressing through the course. (He’s totally not salty that you were passing notes to his brother and not him. Totally not.)
He makes sure there’s nothing within his room that could cause you distractions, so that you could better focus on your studies with him, which meant that Stan was banned from disturbing you both just to say something stupid and silly. Ford knew there was a time and place for everything, however the constant distractions in your studies had been nothing but the biggest obstacle in your life thus far, and Ford could tell that it was affecting you and wanted to help you however he could.
He had cue cards prepared and somehow he managed to fit a whole paragraphs worth of information within those small cards thanks to his cursive writing…you think he may or may not understand the primary use of cue cards but you were more then happy Ford was going out of his way to make sure you didn’t fall behind in classes. So you didn’t say anything and tried to decipher his cursive handwriting.
He’d even do some double page spread revision pages filled with doodles, highlighting the important aspects of the course, annotations and so much more which only made you appreciate Ford even more when realising just the amount of effort he went through just for you. It was really sweet and you couldn’t help but be touched by everything he had done for you that by the end of the session you gave him a massive hug.
‘What’s all this about?’ He’d ask as he hugs you back wholeheartedly.
‘Just to thank you for helping me study and everything when you didn’t have to.’ You replied as you burrowed your face into his neck.
‘It’s not a problem my dear, I just want you to excel at your college courses, and I know you can’t help in getting distracted but I would advice you to try to the best of your ability.’ Ford said as he rubbed your back soothingly.
‘Like doodling what I see on the board and annotations?’ You asked.
‘Exactly, turn your distractions into a form of studying, anything you see or hear that’s related to the course or future examinations, write them down instead for future reference.’ Ford encourages. You were really happy to have someone like Ford to talk you into taking your distractions and making them beneficial for you and your studies.
‘Thank you Ford.’ You said.
‘It’s not a problem my dear, not at all.’ Ford says in response.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 days
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Barry Fitzgerald— This actor had a way of mixing Scrungle with Dignity that enhances the comedic effect of both. He was commonly typecast for Irishness, but even when he played figures of authority there was a powerful foundation of scrungle under the veneer.
Butterfly McQueen (The Women, Gone With the Wind, Cabin in the Sky)—like many Black actors of the period Butterfly McQueen walks this uncomfortable line: are her performances promoting racist stereotypes, or is she simply operating within the system available to her to hone out a sustainable career? Is her iconic pipsqueak voice and ditzy persona a standard sketch character or demeaning? The options as a Black actress were limited within the timeframe McQueen was working, and it’s hard for me to condemn her when her options were to work within the bounds or have no acting career at all. She herself was well aware of the oppressive conditions holding her back: “I didn't mind playing a maid the first time, because I thought that was how you got into the business. But after I did the same thing over and over, I resented it. I didn't mind being funny, but I didn't like being stupid." She started out as a professional dancer in A Midsummer Night’s Dream off-Broadway, then moved into acting in Hollywood before transitioning onto TV and then back to theatre. I think she was a really cool woman who carved out a niche for herself the best she could in silly, ditzy roles that didn’t reflect her real wisdom and strength of character—but within those roles she still brought a real comedienne’s prowess.
This is round 1 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Barry Fitzgerald:
Butterfly McQueen:
Butterfly shows up around 8:30 and is around until about 11:00 in Cabin in the Sky playing Ethel Waters' best friend. [link to film]
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deadguywalkin · 2 days
nsfw hcs for seb/sam/alex both solo & together because i’m gay and still evil, just more evil this time
mdni with this post, cw nsfw, mostly mlm
i won’t be posting any more nsfw content beyond this, i just felt silly today
top, versatile but mostly dom, doesn’t mind bottoming
HUGE size + praise kink. wants to be praised as he’s fucking into them, to be told that he’s the best. also just thinks it’s really hot when he’s a lot bigger than someone
gets pent up very often which just leads to him being very rough and aggressive, in contrast to his warm and loving personality
very handsy and grabby, can grip a little too hard and leave bruises accidentally because he doesn’t know how to balance controlling his strength while focusing on the other person and himself, and just generally everything going on at once.
too embarrassed to just outwardly say ‘i need you’ since guys still make him nervous. he only knows how to talk to them in a bro way. will get eventually get desperate and then end up texting because he can’t say it face to face
also wants his face to be held gently while he’s looking over them as he’s told that he’s doing a good job. just loves being the golden boy
needs lots and lots of tight cuddles after so he can be reassured he never did anything wrong
the most versatile/switch man you’ll ever meet
‘hold on, i gotta get the right music’
usually very gentle and tender, gets insanely rough and messy when pent up
also really really enjoys being called a good boy while fucking into them 
bite bite bite bite. lots of biting. he just REALLY likes biting
pleasure top.. no words. he just wants to study their insides and see what makes them feel the best
really vocal. cracky and whiney voice
loves his mullet being pulled/tugged/gripped on
hints at wanting to fuck by grabbing at thighs, just being very handsy and giving them the look™ (fuck me eyes)
though he loves praise, he also heavily enjoys being threatened. throat grabbing and the likes
mostly dombot, but also pretty versatile and switchy
he has a smoking addiction.. he also probably has a huge oral fixation.
pierced nipples. do NOT argue with me on this he so would
opposite of alex’s size kink, loves being smaller and overpowered. being carried, beaten in arm wrestling turns him on significantly 
has a thing for bruises. he definitely loves getting off of his knees to see them all red or the occasional bruises on his hips/wrists
doesn’t mind whatever kink/thing his partner has and honestly just doesn’t care as long as he’s getting fucked stupid
not vocal. low and deep groans, and the very very occasional quiet breathy ‘hmmh.. hah..’ >> sounding like he’s full on sobbing pipeline
loves torturing them. just loves it. ;; he quickly lets go the second he feels a slight twitch. ‘not yet. good boy..’ he says, with a little ruffle to the hair. 
also enjoys watching them cry from overstimulation. he’s pretty sadistic when it comes to stuff like this
doesn’t hint, he just outwardly says it. but if they aren’t dating yet he gets flirty and uses his narrow eyes with a relaxed voice
all 3/general
wear their bruises/hickeys/bite marks like medals of honor. don’t even try to cover them up.
seb loves being able to just turn his brain off while being with those himbos and just open up his mouth. he usually has to do all of the thinking around them, but now he gets to just shut them up
samalex would probably be lying if they said they didn’t love seb being trans a little more than they should.. save me boypussy, save me..
seb rides them into oblivion LMFAO
sambastian just. love being overpowered by alex. they need to be put in a headlock
alex having many many gay and questionable thoughts about emo/pierced boys
sebalex are batshit insane about vocal guys
surprisingly very warm, gentle, loving, but interchangeable with being batshit horny and just fucking each other. 
can’t keep their hands off of each other. really really touchy
a lot of ‘is this okay?’ ‘sorry..’
‘mmhf.. you’re doing.. so good, bro..’
they switch often
sam takes a while to figure out what alex likes (with alex insisting he can just do whatever he wants), but eventually does figure it out and adjusts to it
wrestling to see who gets to top. a lot of wrestling.
they’re giggly and soft together
a lot of oral, seb enjoys torturing him and sam enjoys giving him what he likes/wants
they baby each other. they’ve known each other all their lives, so they’re just really comfortable acting like/doing whatever together. 
seb convinces sam to let him just give him what sam wants sometimes, not for him to just people please 100% the time
get high >> have sex while listening to csh
very handsy aswell
teasing selfies. they’re competitive and like riling each other up
they often fight for who gets to dom
>> often ends up with alex getting to fuck him stupid or seb getting to ride him mindless
‘fuck, good boy.. you’re doing so.. good..’
they just love being really risky with it
fighting/arguing >> angry sex
based off of the hairgel joke LOL but alex probably would infact keep hair products at seb’s house
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suffarustuffaru · 15 hours
sincerely emilia (drabble for Day 2 - Injury / Role Swap / “What do I look like right now?” - rezero s3c1 fanweek!!)
Your name is Emilia, just Emilia, and you’re super duper good at everything you set your mind to! 
It was pretty rough learning how to die with grace, but it’s given you so many wonderful opportunities to learn other things as well! 
See, it only took approximately about a dozen or so loops to figure out how to make a suitable enough cake—you really, really don’t bother counting anymore, counting is such a downer unless it’s for something more fun—but, of course, you’re Emilia, and you can’t just half-ass any of the things you do! Ah, but oh my—you really, really shouldn’t be cursing or anything even in your internal dialogue, so you suppose this may call for another loop! Besides, you accidentally put too much frosting in one corner of the cake when you were writing the big important message on the face of it, so you must correct that as well. 
You duck into the nearest bathroom and bite down on your tongue. It’s good practice, given that’s usually one of the deaths you struggle a little bit with, and you like to practice. You like becoming so good at things that no one can think of you as stupid, silly Emilia anymore. You like being so good that nothing can ever touch you again. 
That you never hurt anyone again.
Anyway, this world has given you so many fun opportunities ever since that day in the capitol! Felt may have stolen your insignia at the time, and Elsa was quite an opponent, but you’ve learned all sorts of valuable things ever since! Of course, after your dozen or so loops spent learning to make a cake, you spent some more learning to make the perfect cake. It was only a tiny bit of looping—maybe about another dozen or more? Besides, you already had the chance to catalog even more important information:
Natsuki Subaru is from beyond the Great Waterfall. Natsuki Subaru, presumably, appeared in the middle of that capitol the same day your insignia was stolen. Natsuki Subaru is your knight because you let him mold himself into something stronger. You let him try, like how you always try and try and try. Because Natsuki Subaru is a stupid, stupid boy who lives life oh-so-recklessly, and yet you can’t help but admire his passion. His heart. You wanted to squeeze it, just a little, that one time you found him dead in an alleyway with his murderers panicking because they hadn’t expected to kill him. They weren’t even trying. And, of course, the knights weren’t trying to kill him. Of course not! And, of course, of course, of course, Natsuki Subaru had to follow you everywhere you went like a dumb puppy wagging its tail, but he can’t come back to life like you can. You’re dead weight. He’s even deader weight. But you can come back. After all the crying and vomiting and screaming you did, after all the times you got beat down and never came back up again, after all the times you let everyone around you die, after all the times you saw your own maids and your own father do horrible things you never would have approved of, after all the times you were targeted and stupid, stupid Subaru got caught in the crossfire, after all the times you saw Geuse—Petelgeuse—you figured it out: you can please everyone all at once and as much as possible so long as you used the power you were forced into. This is the one thing you can control: you make yourself beautiful, force your personality into a better place the same way you can force a broken shoulder back into its socket. The same way you can hear your own voice whisper back to you in a void, I love him, I love him, save him, I love him, save, save, save. The same way you can make sure Natsuki Subaru is safe.
And happy.
You can make sure everyone around you all at once is safe and happy. There were—there were a few errors. But you’re good at pushing forward. You even got over your personal hurdle of disliking lying and broken promises. This is because you’re not broken bird Emilia anymore. In fact, your power proves everyone wrong! How could you not be great after everything? You have it down to even the smallest details— 
“Subaru!” you exclaim as you burst into his room. He leaves the door unlocked; this is out of habit, even if he doesn’t remember her, due to all the times a certain maid had been at her bedside before she—before she—haha—
Subaru, of course, startles awake. He’s a little jumpy, though he can be quite the deep sleeper when he’s really exhausted, but he always has this habit of relaxing the moment he sees you! This is related to how the moon is beautiful, isn’t it is a phrase that really means I love you, along with other such foolish things like how Emilia-tan, is Emilia-chan is some childish form of endearment, and how take care are words that have either made Subaru cry tears of joy or tears of complete and utter despair depending on the loop, and how Natsuki Subaru was a lonely little shut-in NEET who imprinted on you like a duckling would with its mother. He’s frightened at first once he’s fully awake now, practically jumping out of bed and looking around like he’s expecting an attack—like that one loop where he died in his sleep, or that other loop where a certain maid died in her sleep instead and he got caught in the crossfire again, like he always does—but then his eyes land on you. His face brightens, and then brightens even further when you say—
“Happy birthday!” You proudly hold out the cake you’ve made for him. It’s butterscotch, exactly as he said he was craving since the first loop of this current period, and you made sure to write out the words Happy birthday in perfect characters onto the cake as well. Pretty poignant, you think, that his birthday is just a few weeks before the anniversary of that day in the capitol. You look up from the eighteen birthday candles scattered amidst the frosting. 
“It’s a new you,” you add with a cheerful smile. “I’m reaaally glad that you’re here, Subaru, and I’m honored to have another year with you as my friend—” You wink at him. A little teasing, but just innocent enough to only be slightly flirtatious. Subaru runs away in a panic if there’s too much. “—and my knight.”
Subaru squeaks in embarrassment at that. You allow yourself a measured giggle at that, hidden behind a polite hand. Subaru’s eyes roam all over you and the cake you’re holding out for him with your other hand; like this, all the muscles you’ve been working on are showing, all pure heroine grace just the way he likes, and your laugh is also pure grace. Just the way he likes. 
Pure, pure, pure. 
You make sure to alter the formula a little with others, though. A person like Anastasia likes being caught off guard by pure, simple sincerity, and you like seeing her narrow her eyes at you every time you already knew what she was going to say. Otto likes to take other people under his wing, as much as he pretends he doesn’t want to, so you indulgently allow him to advise you on everything and anything, and you laugh when he doesn’t know how you’re predicting every possible move he makes in shatranj. Garfiel’s desire for strength is admirable, and your sparring sessions with him have been some of your favorite loops. The moment he declared that he would have to train to become as strong as you tasted like pure victory. Ram’s singing lessons too, have been your other favorites as well, with the curtness of her voice turning soft when she called you a girl with good timing, and even Julius’s lips kissing your knuckle felt nice in the epicenter of the storm that was all those loops where you kept trying and trying to stop Subaru from walking straight into his death. All of this—it’s another way to improvement. It’s another way to experience every good thing you’ve ever had over and over and over again. 
Pure intimacy.
Purity itself.
But now, Subaru’s bright, flustered grin suddenly fades. It sends a panic in you, a bile curling in your stomach and clawing up your throat until you want to slit your throat. “Aww, Subaru,” you say, as gentle as ever. “Is something the matter?” 
Subaru shakes his head hastily. Clears his throat. “N-No,” he says, “Just—how did you learn to write in Japanese?” 
You pause. Then, “Does Subaru not like it?”
“No, no,” Subaru stutters, gesturing his hands around wildly. “I do like it! I really, really like it, Emilia-tan, promise! It’s—god, this is like a birthday cake out of my dreams, I swear, but—I-I wasn’t expectin’ that you’d, um, know how to—”
You smile again and lightly tap Subaru’s nose. It distracts him again, his cheeks bright red, just as you knew it would. “Well, silly, I’ve been wanting to learn for a while! It’s an ancient language hailing from Kararagi, I hear—” Subaru’s journal was an enlightening thing to look through. You figure that with only a few more loops you could read the entire thing from front to back and then recite it from memory. “—and you seem so passionate about it, so I wanted to learn just for you.”
Just for you. Haha, you’re really the most sincere person in the entire universe, aren’t you?
“Really, Emilia-tan…?” Subaru replies, completely awestruck. 
“Really,” you say, with the tilt of your head. This must be the Subaru that blue-haired maid saw, of course. Silly, silly Subaru, always thinking about other—
Subaru stands there, right beside you, biting down on the inside of his cheek like he always does when he’s uncertain about something. That’s your Subaru, always biting down words when he feels the need to. He’s still starry-eyed looking at you, of course, but there’s a bit of hesitation there now for some reason.
“Emilia…” he says, reluctant, “You look…”
“What do I look like right now?” you obediently ask. You have always had to ask these sorts of things, unfortunately. Half-devil witch. Half-devil witch in league with the actual half-devil witch. Half-devil witch who can come back to life after death. Half-devil witch who can return from death any time she wants, save everyone except for the times it really counts. You can look like a witch, but you can't act like one. Rem is gone. Petelgeuse is gone. Puck is gone. Fortuna is gone, gone, gone. Everyone has been gone in every timeline except—
“You looked a little… scary… for a moment,” Subaru mumbles. Then he shakes his head at a rather vigorous rate. “No, no, I was probably seeing things—sorry, Emilia-tan. I didn’t mean to be such a downer, and I don’t mean to insult you or anything, you’re still as beautiful as ever, I promise!”
You smile. You’re very good at smiling and waving. You can already feel your teeth scraping against your tongue again. “No need to apologize, Subaru. We all see things that frighten us for a moment, don’t we?” Your hand pats him on the head. He does this little flustered squeal at that, as always, and you laugh sweetly at him in reward. “Why don’t we go to the dining room and eat your cake there? You still have to blow out the candles, after all, and I need to go make sure your breakfast is all set too.”
“O-Oh!” Subaru startles. “Emilia-tan, you put in so much work for me and you really didn’t have to—”
You hum to yourself. “It’s okay, Subaru, there’s no need to put in any work today when it’s your birthday!” You reach for his hand with your own, the one that’s not holding the cake, and he eagerly holds your hand back. You squeeze it gently. “Come now, let’s just go already so we can celebrate!” 
This will likely take another loop.
“O-Okay, Emilia-tan,” Subaru says with a grin. And everything’s okay. Because Emilia declares it to be. Because, because, because—
Your name is Emilia, the very best Emilia, and you’re super duper good at everything you set your mind to!
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orimuraa · 9 hours
๋࣭ ⭑⚚⊹ ࣪ ˖ I brought the heat back - OT7
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(synopsis) ☀︎ how enhypen is when they're jealous ๋࣭ ⭑
ot7 enhypen x fem!reader ☀︎ fluff, tiny angst if you squint ☀︎ jealous enha ☀︎ petnames, cursing ☀︎ wc
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𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒈 - 이희승
you were currently on a date with your boyfriend, heeseung, and he had gone to go order for the two of you when a familiar figure approached. "hey y/n! long time no see!" turning and recognizing the guy as an old school mate, you smiled, happy to reunite with an old friend. "oh my gosh! it's been ages!" as the two of you caught up, someone's eyes were drilling holes into the back of the dudes head. heeseung saw the way he looked at you and how you were oh so oblivious to it. making his way over, heeseung sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to his side. "hey baby, who's this?" he asked, smirking at the guy. immediately, the dude noticed what was going on and left with an apology in a speedy exit. "hee~ were you jealous?" you teased, not being able to help a giggle that slipped past your lips. "me?? jealous?? pssh! never!!" heeseung shot down. oh he was totally jealous.
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 - 박종성
as jay was waiting in line, you had been wandering around the store when a person tapped your shoulder. thinking it was jay, you turned around quickly, only to find a random stranger. "hey, you're really cute and i was wondering if i could get your number?" he asked confidently. before you could even say a word, someone pulled you in by the waist and said: "she's not interested. so no," looking up, you say jay with his jaw clenched and a serious expression on his face that screamed "mess with my girlfriend and you're dead" kinda vibe. the dude looked like he was about to shit himself and then ran off, leaving you and your very jealous (but hot!) boyfriend. "oh my gosh! were you jealous jongie??" you gasped, bringing your hand up to your mouth to add more of an effect. "no! i would never!" but his red tinted cheeks gave him away.
𝑺𝒊𝒎 𝑱𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒖𝒏 - 심재윤
you had spent the whole day cuddling with layla and your big baby of a boyfriend had had just enough of it. "baby! stop paying attention to layla and pay attention to me!" jake whined, pretending to be annoyed at the fact that you were giving his dog more attention than him. to be entirely honest, jake was a tad bit jealous of his dog because why was she getting all of your attention when he was sitting right there? he would never admit it though because he would never see the end of you teasing. "aww ok i'm sorry jakey! are you jealous of layla and all the cuddles and kisses she gets?" you asked, knowing fully well that jake was in fact jealous of his dog. "n-no...that's stupid if i'm jealous of layla! of course not!" he blushed, looking away. oh gosh, he was so cute.
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏 - 박성훈
you and sunghoon were just shopping and you happened to pass by one of your co-workers, so naturally, you smiled at him and said hello as you passed each other. unfortunately though, this caught the attention of your boyfriend and he would not let it slide. "who's that guy you said hello to? why were you smiling at him like that?" he questioned, not caring if his jealousy was showing. you couldn't help but giggle at how jealous sunghoon got over a tiny little thing. "hoonie! he's just my co-worker! silly goose," you teased, poking at sunghoon's cheeks. "hmph! i didn't like the look he gave you though...does he know your mine??" oh boy, jealous hoon was a very persistent man.
𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒐 - 김선우
it was vert rare for sunoo to get jealous, but when he did, oh boy, you were in for a full day of pouting. according to sunoo, one of the cashiers was "checking you out" instead of checking the stuff you were buying because he obviously couldn't see your beautiful, handsome boyfriend right next to you! so now, you had a whiny and pouty sunoo walking beside you, complaining how blind that guy must have been if he didn't see that you had a boyfriend right next to you. "don't worry sunny, i'm sure he saw you and was just too memorized by your beauty!" you said, trying to cheer him up. he wasn't actually mad but you knew that he was a tad bit jealous due to the cashier practically flirting with you in front of sunoo. "well, i know you love me anyway so there's nothing for me to be worried about," he stated with sass, flipping his hair and doing his iconic model walk. goodness he was so precious.
𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒘𝒐𝒏 - 양정원
right now, jungwon couldn't help but feel the jealousy running through his body. some random guy had the audacity to come up to you, WHILE he was right next to you, and ask for your number, saying how cute you were. naturally, you were flattered by the kindness but quickly turned him down, saying that the guy next to you (jungwon) was your lovely boyfriend. "oh come on wonnie! don't let it get to you, he didn't know any better. plus, i only have my eyes set for you!" you winked, trying to lighten his mood. his smile broke through his jealous expression and he suddenly felt better after just hearing your reassuring words. of course he knew you would never leave him like that, but it was nice just to hear your sweet words.
𝑵𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒂 𝑹𝒊𝒌𝒊 - 西村 力
in the busy hallways of school, you saw one of your old friends pass by and he said a quick hello with a sweet smile before disappearing into the school crowd. so when you sat down at your desk, and your boyfriend, ni-ki, was there too, with a look of jealousy? what were you supposed to do? "who's that guy who said hello earlier? he questioned, a dark look in his eyes. at first you were scared on why he looked so pissed, but then you stopped, and then smiled realizing that he just had a nasty case of jealousy. "ni-ki!! you were jealous weren't you!" you accused, giggling slightly at your realization. "what? no!" he denied, furrowing his eyes brows. "aww it's okay ki, i only love you," you smiled, teasing him slightly. "alright fine, i was a bit jealous. but only because i don't want anyone looking at my girl like that!" of course he wouldn't. nishimura riki doesn't like sharing.
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eeep! of course i had to add the famous lines in bthb for hoon and riki cuz it's their lines, but other than that, this was so fun to write sense i basically just put bthb on repeat and based this off of it. i hope you enjoy! reblogs, likes, and feedback are very much appreciated! <33
⚘. Perm taglist: @vmpivory, @yuvany, (send an ask to be added! ^3^)
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shinischis · 2 days
so i read your fic and i really really like your bc of kaito smelling like vanilla and how shinichi finds comfort in that scent, it’s cute how he gets all sleepy all around kid, not because he’s bored but just because he’s tired and there’s finally some sort of comfort it’s actually so sweet, i love how you wrote their dynamic.
are there any other things you headcanon about these two sillies? i wanna know some other peoples opinions on them
tysm for reading my fic, I'm glad you liked it, I was worried about it not being up to people's expectations bc it was my first ever kaishin or dcmk fic in general.
You did get the point I wanted to let out through the fic perfectly. Shinichi gets sleepy around kaito because he feels comfort around him for a reason he doesn't really know, and because kaito smells like vanilla, he associates said comfort to that scent, and that's why he gets a candle at the end of it hehe
I do have some more headcanons about these two, I think about them a lot and I kind of had a whole ass list in my head,
Okay a little list here of my kaishin headcanons just bc i said so
- shinichi likes a lot of things about kaito, they're very specific and very little but he wants to always be around for those specific things.
Those include Kaito's morning voice, the way he smells like vanilla (because of his shampoo or shower gel or whatever), his hands for whatever reason (he thinks they're interesting to watch them at work, especially if picking locks), and the way kaito can always make shinichi laugh when he's trying to act serious (he would never admit it though)
- kaito also likes a buncha things about shinichi, he thinks they're stupid and would never admit them to shinichi.
Those include the way shinichi smells like coffee (but he's dramatic and acts like he hates it), the way he rants about his interests and keeps going on and on for god knows how long (but kaito will sit and listen to every damn word like the idiot in love he is), shinichis focused face when he's trying to figure out something (his furrowed eyebrows and hand on his chin and all), and also.... his "football thighs"
- they're both hopless for one another in different ways .
Shinichi is more of quiet, just yearning from afar, his ass would never make a first move
Kaito is more out going about it, he flirts and kisses and has no sense of personal space and acts like they're already together before they even get together
- autism 🤝 adhd couple fr
Shinichi has autism, I'm 101% convinced and no one can tell me otherwise. I'm self projecting. And his special interest is sherlock holmes because his ass knows too much and won't stop .
Kaito is adhd, he diesnt have it, he IS it. That's just how it works.
- they're too gay, I need his about that as well
I was thinking bi shinichi, starts as fem leaning when he first figures it out but over time finds out he's more men leaning.
Then there's pan kaito, he gen likes anyone, he doesn't give two shits about gender anymore
- top kaito, bottom shinichi, pls and thank you
- I think in uni they'd have total different paths.
Shinichi going for police dep obvi just bc he has to be his detective self as always, kaito is no way near, he hates cops and will act allergic to his own boyfriend of he ever sees Shinichi wearing a cop outfit or something like that, would probably hiss at him like a cat hisses at water until he changes his clothes
Kaito would do gemology in uni, he knows a lot about gems, he's seen a lot of gems, he's stolen a lot of gems, so why not do things related to it for a living. He's probably opening a little jewelry shop after that, maybe after all the kaitou kid stuff is over a d he just wants to settle calmly
That's all I got for now, somehow I forgot everything else I had in mind the moment I was asked ahahaha
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mustainegf · 3 hours
Hii! I love your fics, you’re awesome, it’s obvious how much work and love you put into them!
Would you be comfortable writing some fluff about 80s James, where the reader is on the thinner side, maybe her ribs, clavicle or hip bones are showing a bit too much, and her boobs aren’t that big, and she’s insecure about it and James finds her crying, and comforts her?
That would be awesome, thank you!
James is so sweet but awkward I love it
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I sat on the bed edge, this same feeling I'd known since highschool. The light from the bedside lamp made the room so empty. I heard James downstairs, no doubt he was rummaging through the fridge, maybe in search of a late night snack. This was a habit he had, raiding the kitchen after we'd settled in for the night. Normally, the sound of him shuffling around would make me smile. But right now, all I could feel was this heavy knot in my chest.
I knew it was silly, I knew how much James loved me. But each time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, those ugly thoughts seeped in.
My ribs too prominent under my skin, my clavicle jutted out sharply at the base of my neck, my hips, which felt more like bone than anything else. And then there was my chest... I hated how small it was, how I never seemed to fill out any of the dresses I wanted to wear. Sometimes, it felt like I was shrunken compared to the beautifully filled out girls.
My eyes stung with tears, and I tried to blink them away fast, but it was no good. I hid my reddening face in my knees and let the sobs come in quietly. I didn't want James to see me like this. Here I was falling apart over something so stupid. But I couldn't really help it. That insecurity was like this weight... weight I wish I actually had.
The old wooden floorboards creaked with each step he took upward. I hastily rubbed my eyes, the sleeves of my hoodie smearing at my teary cheeks. Then the door opened, and he was there, tall in the doorway, instantly curious as always.
"Hey..." he began quietly, entering the room. His voice was deep as it always was. "What's goin' on?"
I shook my head, forcing a smile, but it was far from convincing. "Nothing, I'm fine."
He wasn't buying it. Never did. James was beside me in seconds, the mattress dipping under his weight. He reached out, those calloused fingers of his brushing my cheek. "You're crying," he flatly, those adorable drooped eyes of his boring into mine.
I turned away, my gaze fixed on the floor. "It's stupid," I mumbled. "I'm just… I don't know. I just don't like the way I look."
He didn't say anything for a second, and I could his thoughts, wondering what went on inside my skull. I half expected him to say something reassuring now, like "You're beautiful" or "You're perfect just the way you are," but James wasn't great with words. He never was. It was one of the many things I loved about him, how he was always so real, never saying anything just because he thought it was what I wanted to hear.
Instead, he reached out and took my hand , fingers warm, running the length of mine. He said nothing at first, just held my hand, his thumb grazing the dips over my knuckles. "I don't get it," he said finally. "I think you're perfect.
I let out a tremor of a breath, still not meeting his look. "But I'm not. I'm too skinny. My ribs stick out, my hips… I just… I hate it."
He was silent again, I could tell he was thinking. "I love your ribs," he said softly, and I looked up at him, confused.
He nodded, his face serious, as though he tried to tell me something important. "Yeah... I love your ribs. A-And your hips. And your collarbone... I love how soft your skin is, how I can feel every bit of you when I hold you." He was slightly frustrated, not with me, but with the fact that he couldn't quite say what he meant.
"I love your body," he said again, his thumb stroking over my hand. "I love the way you fit against me... You're beautiful to me." My throat bobbed as I swallowed, those tears already being welcomed back to my cheeks. "James, I…"
"I suck at this," he muttered, a little shamefully. "But I love you. All of you. And I hate that you're hurting over something like this, something that… I don't know, doesn't matter. Not to me."
He pulled me in, arms snaking tightly around my waist. I could hear his heart, each beat told me I was okay. And my heart told him 'thank you'.
"You're my girl," he whispered. "And I love every single part of ya..." James was the only one who could ever untie the messy knot in my head.
"I love you," I whispered back, my voice muffled against his bare shoulder, fingers playing with his golden locks.
"I love you, too... Every piece."
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faynthearted · 2 days
is this a safe space? because I need to have a (positive) rant but I might seem a bit unhinged in the process
but please, for the love of god, if you're a tianshan and/or He brothers fan and you're dying from the lack of 19 days content lately, let me put you on to something.
I've been trying not to talk about it because this show is a guilty (and nostalgic) pleasure of mine, but for the last week or two I've been obsessively rewatching teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012)
it's a nickelodeon show, yes, I know, but please. hear me out before you make a face, lol!
tmnt is one of those shows that had an established fanbase before its release so not only is the quality of the animation excellent, but the voice actors and writers do such an amazing job. the plot is well-planned and intentional, the show gets notably better as it goes on because of its growing success with its audience (it gets very obvious budget increases for each season lol), and the relationships. oh my god the characters' relationships. they're so top tier.
if you know me from my tianshan fics, you know that I'm obsessed with strained, resentful, angsty relationships that slowly improve as the characters learn to trust each other while experiencing strife and mutual trauma. it's practically the foundation of tianshan, and it's also the definition of the brother-brother relationship between raphael and leonardo in tmnt. and it's so fucking delicious every single time.
I don't want to spoil too much in case anyone actually reads this post and decides to watch tmnt for the first time, but basically at the beginning of the show (and in all other adaptations of tmnt, as far as I'm aware) raphael resents the fact that leonardo is made the leader of their team. they butt heads all the time, they can never agree, raph is a stubborn/reckless hothead and leo is (occasionally) an insufferable, self-righteous golden child in their family. they’re literally red vs blue — their dynamic could not be more oppositional.
but at the same time, they're each other's right-hand man??? it's complicated. as the two oldest(?) siblings in the family (as well as the most skilled siblings), they kinda need each other and they hate that they do — at least raph does. and for a while, their relationship goes up and down over and over again until bam — ✨trauma✨. and I won't spoil what the trauma is. but it's so fucking delicious. the cinematography and voice acting of certain scenes in the season finales keep me up at night
for a nickelodeon show, I'm impressed by the depth of the plot and characters. it's very reminiscent of the complexity of atla's plot and characters. and yes, I've only mentioned raph & leo's relationship so far, but that's only because I tend to hyperfixate on two characters in every fandom I'm in, lol. but all the characters are so meaningful and the brothers' relationships with each other make me want to slam my head against concrete because it makes me feel so much. especially raphael and michelangelo's relationship, too. iykyk.
the show is so silly but also so angsty and also so stupid but also so sincere. the vibes really do remind me of 19 days in so many ways. the boys in tmnt are 15 years old, much like the boys in 19 days. michaelangelo is basically jian yi and raphael is basically guan shan. leonardo is kinda like zheng xi, if zheng xi was more assertive and expressive. but no one's like he tian, lol. sorry. he's a beast of his own. (unless, maybe, another character named karai is comparable to him? you tell me).
anyway. whatever the voice actors, writers, and animators were getting paid throughout the show's production wasn't fucking enough. there was clearly so much heart put into the show because tmnt has been a beloved franchise for a long time and nickelodeon was not messing around when they decided to take it on.
another bonus point is that the episodes are only 20ish minutes long, there are 20+ episodes in every season, there are 5 seasons, and the show is completed. you won't be left on a cliff hanger. you can binge to your heart's content like I've been doing. and usually the season finale episodes are longer than the normal ones (they're split into two parts), which always means shit goes down. god it's so fantastic.
if you decide to watch tmnt and know nothing about it, I recommend you do not seek out spoilers. because there are many spoilers and plot twists. push through the cringe and silly moments (much like we sometimes have to do with 19 days lol) and eventually you'll get to the heart of the characters/plot. and my god, it's so worth it!
tmnt was the first fandom I ever wrote fanfic for, over a decade ago. I was watching it as episodes were being actively released on a weekly basis. and it's been so long since I've touched the tmnt fandom, so it feels like I'm watching the show for the first time again. I only have vague memories of significant plot points/scenes, so it's been such a ride to slowly remember how everything plays out. and I'm kicking myself for not rewatching tmnt sooner, because I clearly forgot how special it was to me at a certain point in my life!
the show is so feel-good and relaxing (but it does have its stressful moments, don't get me wrong). if you've got time to spare, give it a shot and let me know what you think! I'm only at the beginning of season 3, so I'm still working through the episodes myself! :)
if you want to know where you can watch it for free, DM me! <3
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beaulesbian · 6 months
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Lucci Vs. Luffy || One Piece ep. 1100 "I see. This is gonna be fun."
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tzarrz · 1 year
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to all people who said PART 1 made them laugh - i lov u 💗 this is for u
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xxplastic-cubexx · 24 days
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chat if i may speak
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Whenever people who are entrenched in diet culture talk about how terrible chemicals are, I just want to whip out this:
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#diet culture#diet culture tw#described images#image description in alt#'it's got CHEMICALS in it' and so do you! and me too! IT'S ALL CHEMICALS ALL THE WAY DOWN#instead of running from this world we must learn to embrace it#i'm not particularly angry at people who say this because it makes me think that they're incredibly invested in diet culture...#...i just don't want the whole 'food = bad' or 'bodies = bad' to go unchallenged...#...part of the reason why diet culture seems just as prevalent now (if not moreso) is partially because it isn't really...#...challenged or questioned without provocation. it's just assumed to be correct because it makes you 'feel in control'#when chemicals are bad you can control what chemicals you consume. it's individualistic and places the blame onto you for 'being good'#it places responsibility onto the person in such a way that it becomes impossible to fulfill#it isn't that i'm upset that people want to treat their bodies in a way they think is responsible...#...moreso that the *way* they go about it ensures that they're stuck in a cycle of self-blame and even self-hatred#because the METHOD is ineffective. not the desire to treat your body well#also the state of ohio looks stupid and i do Not respect it#it looks like a ball that is simultaneously deflated and over-inflated#also their state flag looks silly to me#it looks like the person who was making it fell asleep making it#i'm just clowning on ohio at this point. have never been to ohio but. are you guys okay
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bigbarrysyx · 4 months
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worst mastermind ever
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