#but in like . a really stupid and silly way
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girlwhorizzed · 2 days ago
— when all you want is to be perfect for your boyfriend.
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you'd been self conscious of yourself since you started dating jj maybank.
you were… different in just about every sense of the word from the other girls that jj would bring around, which is why you became self conscious—even your appearance played a big role in the difference, you were all soft and sweet. you dressed nice, always in cute summer dresses and pretty blouses and skirts. it was rare to see you without your make up done.
despite you being the complete opposite to his usual type, both of you just sort of clicked in an almost immediate, almost unexpected way. jj had never been with anyone like you before, so that in itself was new and exciting to him — someone he’d always thought he’d be bored of within a few days or weeks, but with you, he found himself clinging tightly to each day with you. you were different — and it was the best thing that could’ve happened to him, you were his first sweet thing.
but, you couldn't help but want to be.. better. kiara had given him the same confused, almost judgemental look everyone did when told he was now dating and official with you. no one felt you suited him and his lifestyle one bit — sure, you were a sweet, fun girl, but they all thought you’d bore of jj pretty soon, and he’d grow bored right back.
which is why your determination now to prove them wrong at this house party. you’d never been one to put yourself out there like this before. dressing in skimpier clothes, wearing more makeup, and making an effort to act more rowdy and rough than the sweet, quiet girl you normally were. you’d even started going out of your way to smoke with him, and even drink when he offered. you were determined to impress him, determined to be the girl he really wanted, even if it went against everything you actually were.
and tonight — your efforts are paying off quite nicely, your actions finally gaining the wanted response. you looked every bit the bad girl now, with your make up slightly smudged from all the dancing you’d done and the aroma of alcohol stuck to your clothing. you were determined to impress the boy that you loved. your determination was admirable, in a sense. but it was a complete disaster, in another.
it was getting increasingly obvious to everyone around you that you were completely different from how you usually were, the people around you confused — but most of all jj. his eyes followed your every movement, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion. eventually — he makes a beeline to you, grabbing you by the elbow and pulling you into a room — away from the noise of the party.
you can't refrain yourself from being a silly giggling mess, the weed intake from the passed around blunt has got you dumb and fuzzy. "whattt? wha- what's wrong w'you?" you hiccup out, stumbling over your kitten heels due to the poor lighting and the loose cracked floorboards.
he holds you up, his hand gripping your elbow a little tighter than it needs to be as he closes the door behind him. he makes a ‘shh’ sound and with the mix of alcohol and weed causes you to almost collapse against him, but he pushes you off. he juts his chin before tugging his red cap off his head; clutching it firmly. he can see it in your eyes, in your stumbling around, and the way you speak — you’re just downright high.
he lets out a scoff of frustration at your question, shaking his head and closing the door behind him. he looks you up and down with his jaw clenched, not finding any real amusement in this. “sit down.” he tells you firmly, giving your ass a harsh push to seat you on the random bed.
you’re taken aback by the force of the push— you stumble over yourself, falling back onto the bed with a little “oomph” sound leaving your mouth. you just about manage to steady yourself, propping yourself up by your hands on the bed behind you — staring up at him with a grin.
“w-what?” you murmur, feeling a bit stupid for the way you’re acting — but also not really giving to much care into it. his reaction hasn’t escaped you either, and you feel a sense of triumph over seeing him all frustrated and worked up over you.
he rolls his eyes at your dumb grin and fluttery eyelashes, staring you up and down as he stands over you. you’re absolutely inebriated and acting stupid, but it just seems so out of character to him that it’s honestly pretty worrying. he doesn’t have a clue why you’re acting like this but he certainly isn’t amused, he’s completely put off. “fuck is wrong w'you? why the hell are you acting like this?” he steps closer to you, folding his arms over his chest.
the grin on your face falters, a pang of insecurity hitting you at the sight of his cold expression. your mind starts racing with worry, you've done something wrong. “i just — i just thought, uh — i mean —” you sheepishly respond, the words coming out in a meek, quiet voice. trying to figure out a good explanation for your behaviour, but you can’t, the words getting stuck in your throat. you feel stupid now, seeing just how un-impressed he is, realising that you’ve embarrassed yourself completely.
you bring your legs up onto the bed, hugging them to your chesthe look of confidence that you had so desperately tried to exude completely gone as you’re met with his harsh reaction.
the cocky persona you had adopted that night slowly fades away, your true self coming through when under his sharp gaze. he takes in the sight of you, curled up on yourself, arms wrapped tightly around you in an almost protective manner — as if you’re trying to get away from him. the sight is sad, if he’s being honest. he sighs softly, shaking his head. he’s still stood in front of you, just staring down at you. “what are you doin’?” he asks, and his voice has softened — not as cold and harsh as it was before.
“i jus’ wanted- i jus’ wanted to be perfect for you.”
you’re unable to look him in the eye, your voice coming out soft. you look down at your lap, fidgeting in your position — clearly embarrassed. you had put so much effort into acting different, acting more ‘perfect’ and ‘exciting’ for him — but it was a failure. you were ashamed and embarrassed.
he stands and thinks quietly to himself for a moment, studying you, analysing your words. his expression remains passive, but he feels a pang of hurt and guilt deep within him at your statement, your words cutting straight through him. he clenches his jaw for a second, before stepping closer to you.
“you’re bein’ stupid, yknow that?”
he suddenly grabs you, forcing your legs to drop down to the bed, and yanking you forward so that he’s between your legs, his face now just inches from yours.
you’re completely defenceless under him, the way you’re currently positioned not at all helping. your legs are on either side of his hips, his knees in between yours, and his head is lowered so that his face is mere centimetres from yours. his eyes scan your face, but there’s an expression that you hadn’t been expecting to find on his face. his eyes are soft, and there’s a hint of concern in his expression, his gaze flicking back and forth between your eyes and your lips.
“you’re stupid if you think you’ve gotta be something that you’re not— for me, or anyone.” he says, tilting your head up to hold his gaze. “you’re fine, exactly like this, like yourself. don’t go tryna be something else, somethin’ you’re not— you’re stupid if you do that.” he shakes your head a little for emphasis, making sure you’re staring back at him.
you swallow nervously, staring up at him as he continues to hold your head, staring intently into your eyes.
“i mean it.” he mutters, nodding for emphasis. “don’t wanna any of this nonsense again, a’right? you’re fine as you are. don’t change for me.” his voice is firm, but there’s a softness to it that you rarely hear — you’ve never heard him sound so genuine and sincere, his words coming so close to a confession.
“m'kay. i get it.” you reply weakly, your gaze never breaking from his, and he’s suddenly very hyper-aware of the fact that he’s stood between your legs— you’re so close to him, right under him— but he pays it no mind, his hand still holding your jaw to keep your attention on him. you’re nodding in agreement, and he loosens the grip on your jaw, instead choosing to rest his hand there, cupping your cheek.
he stares down at you, taking in every single one of your features. he takes notice of your make up, the way you’ve done your eyes, the way you’ve done your lips, how your hair is styled. he knows instantly that all of it isn’t something you would’ve done if you weren’t wanting to impress someone — wanting to impress him. “so you’ve just been tryin’ to be the girl you think i want, eh?” he gives your face a little squeeze, watching you.
before you can manage a response, a sudden involuntarily twitch in your legs, your body craving the friction that’s so close to you but so far from you at the same time. you can’t find the words to explain to him why you’ve suddenly changed how you look, so you instead just try to find a way to feel him. you bring your hands up to rest on his chest, trying to steady yourself as you start to move your hips up, trying to find friction from him. your face burns with embarrassment, but the weed’s doing enough to keep you feeling braver than you usually are.
he pushes himself away from you a little, holding you by your hips as he shakes his head, clicking his tongue. “nah.” he’s blunt, and he’s quick to get you off of his chest “nah, not like this. you’re not getting it.” he makes a gesture with his hand, as if to say ‘up.’ he’s suddenly all too aware of your lack in state of awareness, you’re not in a right frame of mind. the second you’re up, he turns you around in a swift motion. “c’mon mama.”
you want to protest so bad, the weed causing all this abrupt hornyness— but he already has you standing up and now he’s behind you so he can’t see your whiny face. before you can even begin to complain, you have a harsh smack on your ass. you let out a little cry at the surprise, your knees instantly buckling. “walk.” he mutters in your ear, giving your ass another firm grab — this time just as he pushes you towards the door.
you don't walk and instead stand at the door, which jj instead opting to just grab you by the elbow and usher you out of the room and the house. it’s a pretty quick walk back to his truck, you manage to trip yourself up several times, you being stupidly high to walk on uneven concrete — which earns you a few scoffs and frustrated grunts from him. at some point he’s simply just given up on trying to let you walk by yourself, opting to just hoist you up and slinging you over his shoulder instead.
you finally let yourself go limp over his shoulder, not bothering to fight him or protest at being dragged around like a ragdoll. you’re too high and too exhausted to care anymore, all of your previous confidence and bravado completely gone now. “m’m sorry.” you grumble as you feel a bit dizzy from being upside down like this, holding on to his shirt.
you let out a soft sigh as he opens the door to his truck, putting you down so that you’re sat on the seat. he fastens the seatbelt around you as if you’re a small child, you look up at him with glossy, tired eyes.
the ride back to your home is quiet and the volume of disappointment speaks, even if it's quiet— it's practically radiating off the blonde sat closely next to you. his jaw is clenched together, a usual little habit he'd picked up when he's thinking seriously or fed up. not to mention he rejected you when you began to hump yourself against him.
he’s still pissed off, but not in the way you’d think. it’s not the way he’d normally react to something he’s pissed about, but instead there’s a sense of concern there. he doesn’t glance at you once as he drives, just staring straight ahead at the road with his jaw clenched. he feels conflicted, frustrated with knowing you’d put others opinions of you over what he thinks of you, and feeling concerned for you — because the girl he fell for was nothing like how you behaved today.
it takes less than 10 minutes for him to reach your home, driving slightly over the speed limit. he pulls up outside, putting the gear into park and glancing in your direction once he’s done so. he doesn’t know what to say, but he knows he has to say something. he looks at your expression, finding those glossy eyes still staring back at him. he sighs, knowing he can’t just kick you out of the car like this.
your somewhat asleep, resting your head against the window you've leaned into and closing your eyes— he pats your back soothingly to wake you up, you look back at him with glossy helpless eyes.
god he hates that look — he hates feeling so helpless, and all because you’d gotten high off his weed and he’s left to deal with it. what he also hates is, despite it — he still feels the need to take care of you. it’s not like you actually did anything wrong, but the fact you’d gone to great lengths to try and look a certain way for him makes him both flattered and frustrated. he shifts in his seat so he’s fully facing you, still looking you in the eyes. “i’m gonna walk you up.” he eventually states.
your expression instantly changes, the look of despair replaced with a hopeful look. you’re nervous, and you know it’s a long shot - but you still can’t help the words that come tumbling out of your mouth, words that you didn’t even plan on saying. “can you stay the night?” you ask, the words quiet and meek.
he can’t help the way his eyes widen in shock when you ask that question. he wasn’t expecting it, no part of him was expecting you to ask something like that. he had planned on doing the chivalrous thing and just seeing you safely into your home, probably making sure you’d locked up and you had some water to drink before he would head home, you'd never asked him to spend the night before. he blinks twice to make sure you understand and comprehend what you've just asked of him.
you nod at an extremely quick pace, you’re desperate for any sense of reassurance, any sign that he actually cares about you. despite his cold exterior, you’re still holding onto that little bit of hope — that you still mean something to him. after this whole night is over with you'll return back to your true self.
you nod shyly, your voice quiet. “please stay. i don’t want to be alone right now, i won’t be able to sleep if i am.”
your pleading look has his resolve crumbling instantly. he’s annoyed with the fact he’s so pussy whipped, but he’s also pissed at the idea of you not only high but being home alone — vulnerable, and he can hardly bring himself to say no. he lets out a long exhale - frustrated and yet, there’s some hint of defeat lacing his voice. “fine. but we’re sleeping on the couch.”
you don’t know where the sudden confidence comes from, maybe it’s the weed making you less insecure than normal or maybe it’s the fact you know he’s unable to say no now— but you find yourself arguing back with him, your eyes still pleading as you stare at him.
“no! we’re sleeping in my bed, your my boyfriend!"
a small smirk makes its way onto his face at the demanding tone you use despite you being so small and timid looking. he raises his eyebrow at your words, amused at the way you try to assert yourself and demand what you want from him. he leans back in his seat a little, tilting his head back to look at you properly. “yeah? i’m your boyfriend?” he asks incredulously, but the smirk is still there.
you’re suddenly a lot braver now you feel you’ve got his attention, having found your confidence again. you nod enthusiastically, puffing your chest out a little. “duh! you’re my boyfriend.” you affirm, before letting a soft pout take over your lips again, “so we’re sleeping in the princess bed!”
he lets out a scoff at your sudden change to being confident, the contrast between now and earlier in the night is almost laughable. but then he sees the way your eyes fall to a soft, and how your expression dips to the cute little pout - he can feel himself already giving in.
he lets out a sigh, nodding his head in agreement. “alright, princess. we’ll sleep in your princess bed.”
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tactical-jellyfish · 2 days ago
How the 141 handles long-term relationships
Warnings!: Nothing, other than a reference to Simon's dad. Just silly fluff to tide my sillies (you guys) over until the new chapters of the big boy fic(s) are done :)
Also: Price isn't included in this because I wrote a fic where he's an absolute asshole and accidentally made myself dislike him. Might add him later, idk.
Simon Riley is not nearly the stern man everyone thinks he is when he's at home.
It's kind of funny, really, but he's quiet, and he is stupid in love (assuming he already trusts you as a partner, which, if he's dating you, he does). Something like a cat, really.
He wants to be in your vicinity, always. He wants to know you're safe and okay at every hour he can, but sometimes he can't handle all that lovey shit.
This is why I do think Simon would spring for someone who is very quiet, and not very touchy. He adores that, he really does. It would be even better if you didn't mind having a big, bulky man staring at you while you work for hours on end.
It's to the point that, when the rest of the task force comes over, they aren't sure if you're a roommate or a spouse(?) until they see Simon gently bump his forehead with yours, watch how he follows you the same way a prissy longhair will trail after its nonchalant owner.
Price pulls you over that night and tells you that you have his full permission to marry the lieutenant. Simon hears him, but he doesn't say anything.
Another thing: He wants desperately to take your last name. It doesn't matter if it's stupid, he wants it so badly.
He's a bastard even with a father who was a bastard. His name links him back to corpses and an abuser, he wants to be rid of it. He won't ask, but if you do, he cries.
You've seen Simon cry before. You have. Mostly after nightmares, the especially bad ones. This is nothing like that.
He cries of joy before you twice. The first is when you let him take your last name, and the second is on your "wedding" day.
There is no ceremony, just a short trip to the courthouse. He cries anyway, watching you sign the papers, pulls you into a firm hug as he sniffles into your shoulder, tells you how much he fucking adores you.
He won't let you forget that. Ever.
Johnny MacTavish is a harder task.
He's always one very predictable sort of way in his relationships: Playful. Loving and witty, always ready to tease.
Sure, there are days he's tired, days he's beat to the bone and he just wants to collapse and let moss grow over him, but he sees you and he gets a shot of something divine.
It doesn't matter who you are, really. Sometimes he needs you to match the energy a little, but other than that, he could get on well with any partner, as long as love is reciprocal.
Weddings, though... it depends.
This is where most of my more personal headcanons come into play here. I really think Soap's family is very Catholic. And that Soap is very bisexual.
If his family doesn't know (assuming the relationship is straight, too), it's great! It's a packed venue, sure, but it's raucous in the loving, familial way.
Soap wears his best kilt, cries a little as you walk down the aisle and kisses you so long his mother smacks him over it.
If not (he got kicked out, presumably years before)... it's much less fun.
He still adores you, truly, but, again, it's a bit solemn for him. Seeing you, perfect you, ready to marry a man who has no family left who wants him, it's a nasty feeling.
Johnny sees you the way he thinks everyone should. You're a person, yes, but of practically biblical levels of perfection, in his eyes. You've put up with so much, done so much, and you want him.
He won't ever get to show you to his mother, or his sisters, or his cousins, but he wants to. God, does he want to. He just knows they would have adored you, as they should.
But he can't. And it bums him out, it really does.
Still, he takes your face into his hands, and kisses you like the sinner he is, pours himself into your silhouette like he could somehow peel your ribs apart and find a space near your heart, to sit and love you for as long as he can.
No one is there to smack him for taking too long, and you hold him. And that's enough.
Kyle Garrick is honestly the least challenging to end up in the good graces of.
He wants, more than anything, a peer. Someone who he can talk shit with and feel good confiding in.
So, of course he fell into a relationship with you. How could he not? Look at you. Brilliant, he'll say that. Brilliant, and an absolute menace with the silveriest tongue he's ever seen.
Again, like most, he's not really crazy about getting married. Not while he has a job so risky and at his age. It's more of an eventually, he feels no pressure to lock you down so fast, he already knows he has you, and that's enough for him.
This is most of the reason why the engagement is so long. I'm talking several years. Yes, multiple years. Moved in together, got a pet or two, even the rings.
And it's great, everything he could ask for. He comes home to a brilliant partner every day he's got the time, and he always wants to see you, because you're you. You can discuss, you can debate, and you can pull him over and tell him when he's being stupid.
The partnership works. And it keeps working.
At some point, you two were effectively married in everything but law, so you just forgot about the "wedding" bullshit and got one of his aunts to officiate in the living room and had a party that night with family.
Like any good soldier, Kyle has many issues with stress when he's home. His ultimate solution is to cuddle you whenever you won't be annoyed with it. Sometimes you talk, sometimes it's quiet, he doesn't mind.
He just wants you. Always.
And he knows he always will.
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bunni-v1 · 21 hours ago
What is your take on the Self aware CRK au? I am but a humble and curious soul who has only but come across so very little of the au and wish to have more content on it
Okay so I don’t usually like Self Aware AU’s. The kinda glorifying the reader shit is soooo boring to me, and people typically don’t do anything fun with it, but in crk? Dude there’s actual potential.
MOSTLY because the game treats the cookies as if they are self aware! They acknowledge the player ALL THE TIME outside of the main story, so there’s merit to the idea that they’re aware they’re in a game. Or maybe they’re aware that you, the player, are there and watching over them.
What makes this more interesting is the inclusion of the beasts, because while most cookies are aware that you exist, they don’t know what you are. You’re just a being that takes care of them and keeps them happy and the kingdom running. The beasts (and some of the ancients) know that you’re something fascinating. Something that has never existed in their world before. You’re outside of it all, you can close the game and they’re not there, but you still exist to them.
Shadow Milk Cookie is the first to make the discovery, of course. He’s way too curious for his own good, so while other cookies accept you as their little eyes in the sky, Shadow Milk wants to know more. What are you? Are you a cookie? A god? A witch? How do you have such control over them, you can pick them up and poke them and feed them and make them stronger… It’s all so strange to him. So he pries and pries and he finds a way into the source code of the game and it all clicks!
You think you’re playing A GAME, how silly! You have no idea just how real all of this is to your sweet little cookie friends, truly adorable. He begins to drop hints that he knows you, what you are. Little flirty lines, odd statements and lines you’d never heard before, and of course… staring. You think it’s a weird bug or a new inclusion in the update, so you go along, though he always seems to watch you.
It’s a long while of this odd behavior before other cookies question him. Namely, his beastly friends find it odd, so… he shares what he knows. Then the beast start acting strangely, same as Shadow Milk, and you can’t pretend that it’s not weird anymore. Then, what’s really shocking, is they start directly acknowledging you. They know your name, they know your habits, they know YOU. And it’s scary, but also so interesting… how did these fictional cookies know you exist? Was this real? Well, yes! They assure you it’s all real and that they really are aware, and despite how stupid it is, you humor it.
You log on to talk to them in their character screens, you give them more attention than the other cookies, you spoil them just a tad more. They love it! Other cookies don’t. Your sudden favoritism is disconcerting, and your other cookies are jealous. They start to follow their lead, and suddenly you have a whole kingdom of cookies obsessed with your attention. Acting oddly just so you’ll give them a little more love than others.
They all desire your eyes, wanting to be the object of your affections. You can’t please all of them… can you?
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towasdandelion · 2 days ago
Asking Vagastrom and Sinostra ghouls "Do you know what bees make?"
Old but gold, let's see how the ghouls would react! For this one, this is the stage where you both have a crush on each other but neither of you confessed yet.
Leo just rolls his eyes. He can't believe you got him so easily. He needs to remember not to let his guard around you too much. If you want to embarrass him, he'll just have to return the favor sorry I don't make the rules. And you don't know how many compromising pics of you he actually has..
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Alan just sits there, staring at the screen. It takes him a whole minute to process what just happened. And when he does, he simply congratulates your wit. He never really used any petnames before but somehow it didn't feel as bad, even if he got tricked into it. But that's just mainly due to the fact that he likes you a lot.
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As corny as it is, the realization makes Sho smile. But he's not going to let you embarrass him like that. Two can play this game, and that's exactly what he intends to do. He can't help but wonder when you will notice him in a way he'd want to.
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Congratulations, you flustered him! Ritsu is so glad you can't see his face right now, because his usual stoicism is crumbling at your silly joke. He tries to maintain his composure but eventually just makes up an excuse, just so he can be left alone and process the impact you have on him..
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I'm afraid it takes a moment for Taiga.. but honestly, you're lucky he even replies to your silly texts. If not for the fact he actually really likes you he'd most likely just block your number. He does find it amusing when he finally gets it, but he already has the perfect petname for you. And it's not changing.
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Oh, Romeo. He fights so hard with himself, he really does. Not like you affected him with a stupid joke, not at all. Well that's what he says to himself, but it's not true in the slightest. The fact you can get under his skin so easily doesn't sit right with him. He is the Romeo Scorpius Lucci after all!
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forsaken-headcanons · 2 days ago
You know what? I mustered up the courage to come off of anon just for this. (Not gonna tag myself, but knowing my writing style, it’s probably gonna be obvious who I am lol.)
So uh. I’m fine now, but for some context: I was kinda upset earlier. And like a perfectly normal person, I wrote some self-indulgent rarepair stuff to make myself feel better. And now I’m sharing it with you all! Hope you don’t mind :]
Elliot / John Doe
Elliot once ‘tamed’ a feral John by feeding him pizza. It was a complete accident, too. He was trying to give it to Shedletsky, but John got in the way. 
It didn’t stop him from attacking the others, unfortunately. But he did leave Elliot alone for the rest of the round.
Being able to neutralize a threat like that is a big deal, so you bet that Elliot tried that shi again. Through trial and error, he discovered that John’s favourite is a plain old cheese pizza.
John’s memories while feral are fuzzy at best, and complete blanks at worst. Thus, he enjoyed getting properly aquatinted with Elliot after he managed to snap out of it about halfway through a round.
Using that one ‘the killers share a cabin across the water from the survivors cabin’ hc, John and Elliot will sometimes “meet up” between rounds by standing on their respective docks and shouting across the water at one another. They’d chat for as long as they could about the most random of things, just enjoying each other’s company.
Elliot once found a way to get a box of cheese pizza over to the killers side, and the gesture almost brought John to tears.
Noob / 1x1x1x1
Since there’s only four killers (as of writing this), I imagine that there’s barely any breaks between being chosen for rounds. And if the Spectre’s feeling particularly mean, one killer might get chosen over and over and over- (totally didn’t experience a server once with like 4 or 5 Mafiosos that we got back to back.)
See where I’m heading with this? The Spectre ends up favouring 1x1x1x1 for a while, which leads to him being worked to the bone. I’d say ‘poor guy’, but this is probably karma at this point…
No one really thinks much about it until 1x just straight-up collapses of exhaustion during a round. That was the moment that everyone realized that the killers weren’t these unstoppable machines of death; that they were bound by the same rules mortals were.
Maybe it’s naivety. Maybe it’s curiosity. Maybe it’s something else entirely. But regardless, Noob’s the only one brave (or stupid) enough to approach a killer like this. The embodiment of hatred was clearly unhappy, but it’s not like he could hurt anyone in this state.
While the others did their thing, Noob kept watch over 1x. Mostly to make sure he didn’t start killing again, but also because a small part of him felt bad for the guy.
Even after the round ended and 1x got the rest he needed, Noob didn’t seem to fear him as much after that. It initially annoyed 1x1x1x1, but he eventually started to see the noob in a slightly different light when they offered themselves up after realizing that he hadn’t gotten a single kill in like, four rounds (not back to back this time, luckily. But still.)
1x eventually confronted Noob on their behaviour, and you know what he said? Noob admitted that he thought 1x could be a better (and less murder-y) person if he just had a friend. 
And the crazy thing is, they were kind-of right.
There. I said my piece. I was oddly scared about sharing these for whatever reason, but yeah. I like imagining these goobers doing silly things together, and I’m tired of pretending that I don’t/lh
(I should honestly write a fic for this or something. I have way too many ideas with these guys-)
Ahh, you're the fella who I see liking all of my posts. Hello there.
Really nice headcanons and really nice rarepairs. I hope you're alright now and whatever upset you is now dealt with.
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mossangelll · 1 day ago
is that hyperpigmentation?
arcane characters x reader
basically what the title says, you draw the arcane characters à la hyperpigmentation 😍 i needed smth silly to work on to get me out of my writing rut, hope you enjoy :p
content: gn!reader, reader is their partner (could be seen as platonic/child reader but i think most of, if not all, the hcs allude or explicitly call reader their partner - sorry!)
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she LOVES it
as an artist, engineer, overall creator she can really appreciate the more wacky expressions of art
she does a whole art critique (barely a critique tbh) and pretends to be some stuffy piltie talking about the genius and emotion behind the artwork
“ya know, toots, i’m reaaallyyyy enjoying what ya did with that…um, splodge? on my face there. yeah!”
she draws her own version but this time it’s a portrait of you
you swap them and have a cute little date where you colour the pictures in together and add details in the background
by the end, jinx’s workshop is covered in glue and glitter and paint and powder and also for some reason silly string
jinx even makes frames from scratch so they can be hung up - they’re probably the most nicely presentee decoration she has in her place
you slide the portrait of him over to his side of the table in silence
he looks down absently and has to do a double take
“this is…me?” he asks hesitantly with his eyes widened like a deer in headlights; a look you rarely ever see from him - you nod and confirm his fears
“we have one tree down here. paper’s expensive. remember that.”
walks away and goes about his duties helping the firelights and though you suspect he might be upset, he did take the picture with him
feels so guilty about his reaction he almost sacks himself into a wall as he rides his hover board
later that night he apologises and makes a show of sticking the picture on his bedroom wall (in the corner he can barely see of course)
she’s been in prison and seen some interesting tattoos but this takes the cake
spends a good ten minutes staring at it whilst rubbing her chin as if that’s gonna make it look better
asks you if this was the rough draft
she’s smooth though so she basically tells you she hates it but in a way that you don’t even realise - you’re too busy being seduced to notice
“i love how wild your imagination is babe 😍”
vi keeps the picture and shows jinx; needless to say, this portrait becomes famous
kids all through the lanes have a challenge where they find all the weird faces jinx spray painted everywhere
vi pretends to act dumb as if she doesn’t know how jinx got ahold of them but you both know what happened LMAO
she laughs in your face
she probably just had an argument with her mum over being an enforcer so she really needed this to lighten her spirits
teases you over it but accepts it gracefully because she’s a kiramman and those manners have been engrained into her
keeps it in her room as a joke and everything’s seemingly ok
except she can’t stop looking at it
and then looking at her reflection in the mirror
starts to question reality because she knows there’s no way she looks like that but if so, why would you draw it in the first place 😭
then she enters the mad stage and she confronts you about this thing called negging she discovered
it’s a loooooong night but don’t worry it ends in lots of laughter and giggles
she understands it wasn’t serious and was just projecting her stress onto the picture
but then this starts a new tradition where you two draw daily doodles of each other; sometimes with stupid faces, other times as animals, whatever you two are feeling really
the woman was too stunned to speak
no, she’s literally speechless for a good minute or two as you hold it out for her
she eventually takes the portrait from your hands but does it in a way where you’d think it was going to explode the second she touches it
she tries her best to smile and be graceful about it, years of etiquette training being tested but even this is a bit excessive
she finds a way to dodge actually having to tell you it looks bad but also dodges telling you that it looks good too - she’s a lot of things but she’s not a liar 😭
she’s incredibly diplomatic
the very next day she’s introducing you to an absolutely fabulous painter who just happened to make an impromptu visit but has just enough time to run a session (or multiple) with you!
how serendipitous is this!
never again will she receive a portrait from you like hyperpigmentation
“oh wow this is for me?”
you handed this to him in the busy academy building in front of SOOO many people and now his face is red
his teeth are gritted, hand rubbing the back of his neck and if you look closely there’s even beads of sweat dripping down his forehead
you’ve got this man stressed out
takes like 20 minutes trying to tell you that he’s not too sure if this is exactly his style
internally he’s crying for help because he just wants to get out of this situation
he loves you don’t get it wrong but this has never happened to him before and it’s not like they’ve got a guidebook on this stuff
eventually admits defeat and accepts the portrait
it’s probably in the break room and although he isn’t particularly fond of it, he won’t stand for anyone saying mean things about what you made
that is until you tell him it was all a joke in the first place and you never thought he would actually accept it considering how shitty it was
yeah, he allowed everyone a ten minute free for all where they could slander the picture after that
he is gonna give you silent treatment for all of an hour before he can’t stand it anymore and he asks you not to pull pranks like that on him again with tears in his eyes 😭
viktor is chronically ill AND chronically overworked
gonna be real, he sees the portrait and doesn’t even think anything of it
like, he’s so sleep deprived that he’s constantly squinting and so to him, it low-key looks like him
you even got his beauty mark right too! most people forget that detail!
it’s only after a good few weeks of having the picture on his bedside table and actually, finally, getting eight hours of sleep that he properly looks at the picture and
who the fuck is that
but at this point it’s too late, it’s already in a frame next to the bed you two share and there’s no way he can discretely get rid of it without you noticing
stages an accident where his cane “accidentally” happens to slip and somehow punt the picture frame right out the window with surprising accuracy
he gives you those puppy dog eyes and tells you how sad he is but that he’ll survive so don’t worry!
can’t even feel guilty about the situation because the moment the portrait is gone he stops having nightmares
another one who is speechless
if you were anyone else, he would’ve berated you so badly you would want to quit by the end of it
unfortunately you’re someone he loves so he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place
the thing is, he really does appreciate that you went through the effort of drawing a picture of him since it reminds him that perhaps his love isn’t as one-sided as he fears
so he really does want to have it framed and put up on his desk so he can stare at it whenever he misses you
the problem is that even though one of his eyes is fucked up he can still see how butt ugly the drawing is
plus the fact that if he has meetings his business associates are gonna see it and that’s gonna be a tough one to explain
rather not lose out of business because his partner decided to be picasso for a day
silco ends up compromising by having you draw a teeny tiny version he keeps in his wallet instead :3
the bigger version stays in a locked compartment of his desk drawer, he doesn’t want to risk sevika seeing it
vander does NOT care what it looks like, he loves it
you could literally scribble on a page, say “that’s you” and he’s tearing up at your thoughtfulness
it’s going on the fridge asap and it’s staying there too
he’s gonna show it to everyone with such pride in his voice
sure, he doesn’t know exactly what he’s looking at and maybe you drew his body hair a bit liberally but you made it so that’s good enough for him!
when he shows it off, most people say aww what a cute werewolf and ask how old his kid is
the light leaves their eyes when he tells them, chest puffed out, that his fully grown adult partner did it and that it’s actually a portrait of him
whether you made it as a joke or not, expect all of your friends, your friend’s friends, those friend’s friend’s friends…everyone to have seen it
sevika tells you it’s ugly straight away <\3
rolls her eyes as she listens to you explain all the reasons why she should like the drawing
she does nawt care
wants to act unbothered but deep down she’s a bit insulted
however she doesn’t like sein you upset so she kisses you to distract you from the fact she hates the drawing
sevika is an incredibly considerate partner so now she knows you like art, she takes it upon herself to buy colouring books and art journals that you two can fill out together
this is how you find out she’s a god at drawing and you find it sweet how she takes you under her wing
if something’s bad she’ll tell you but it will always be constructive criticism and before you know it your portraits actually look decent
she’s smug knowing she helped you get to that point
little do you know she kept your abhorrent portrait of her and she looks at it every so often to see how far you’ve come
she’s a softie deep down
he says he likes it but that’s just because he wants to hit
also is a bit pretentious so you could hand him a really bad painting and he’ll try and act like he “gets it” even if there’s nothing to get 😭
this WILL make him doubt his looks constantly
he’s confident for sure, more than he should be at times, but now he’s got that image in the back of his head
aura down and now he’s even WORSE at flirting god save this man
will go around asking random people if he looks like the guy in the portrait because he’s not going down without a fight
he needs to beat the allegations one way or another‼️
genuinely too nice to decline it or say it looks bad
doesn’t know what exactly it’s meant to be even though you already said it’s a portrait of him
too focused on his plants to worry about it too much, it’s just something that makes him chuckle every now and then
he will conduct a mini interview on why you made it look the way it did
he looks all serious as he nods at your answers
deep down he just wants to understand how your brain works
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puppysuke · 2 days ago
hi hi hi hi hi hi hello howdy <333 I never send in asks (or interact with anyone on Tumblr for that matter) but I just AAAHHH I love your headcanons!! I think Daisuke x reader headcanons pre-relationship would be so cute... Like the confession and the mutual pining and everything omg. You don't have to do it at all, if you did that would be fantastic but no worries, um okay bye 😍😍
eats a brick and leaves on a fly ride adopt me unicorn
i am honored that you asked me for this! hopefully you like this a lot. i'll just do hc since thats what you asked, BUT if you want to req a oneshot based on this, i would love that tons and tons. i'd be happy to write that! also don't eat bricks, ok, not good for you silly. all sfw! can be read after the events of mouthwashing or a different au! if you'd like something like this in mouthwashing au, like in the tulpar and stuff, i'll write that too :3 but i guess this can be read like that too for the most part. thank you, anon, let me get you a nice muffin or something you'd like. continue reading under the cut! art by ImaHealthHazard on pinterest!
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🌺 --- daisuke didn't exactly expect to fall in love with you. he really just thought you were a really good friend! 🌺 --- that was until you brought him a brownie that you had gotten from the store, knowing he had a huge sweet tooth. 🌺 --- when you gave him the brownie, he KNEW he was in love. he had tried to deny it to himself, but he couldn't anymore. 🌺 --- he didn't realize that you felt the same way for him. he thought you were just trying to be a good friend.
🌺 ---he felt like a TOTAL creep for liking you. he caught himself staring at you or daydreaming about you.
🌺 --- you were super obvious about liking him too, he just didn't realize that.
🌺 --- like the time you told him you wish you had a boyfriend like him? yeah, he thought he was just deluding himself into thinking you meant anything by it.
🌺 --- he tried to not be obvious about his feelings. he felt very guilty about it! so i tried to hide it. but he wasn't very good at it.
🌺 --- mutual friends of yours said things like "just date already!" and "so when are you guys getting together?"
🌺 --- and daisuke would panic and be like "ew why would i wanna date them???"
🌺 --- it hurt you a bit, but you didn't show it! you just went along with it.
🌺 --- you guys both were talking to your mutual friends about liking each other, so they all knew about it!
🌺 --- everyone knew but you and daisuke. even his mom had called you his girlfriend a few times...
🌺 --- you guys pined over each other for MONTHS. you fell first, but he fell WAY harder.
🌺 --- finally, the guilt got to daisuke and he decided to confess. he mainly just expected you to reject him and he figured that'd help him move on.
🌺 --- he came to you a sobbing mess after having a drink or two. he had walked to your house at 2 in the morning.
🌺 --- you let him in and sat with him, trying to comfort him, but he refused to tell you what was wrong for a good while.
🌺 --- after he finally got a hold on himself and stopped crying, he got a few words out.
🌺 --- "i need to tell you that i-" daisuke sniffled and there he went crying again.
🌺 --- you frowned and coaxed the answer out of him. "i like you! so much and i feel so bad, i'm so sorry!"
🌺 --- you just stared at him for a minute and let out a little laughed, ruffling his hair. he stared at you with big eyes and his bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
🌺 --- you very quickly told him you liked him too. he then proceeded to go on and on about how he meant he was in love with you kinda like.
🌺 --- you had to assure him you understood and felt the same. he kinda felt stupid after that.
🌺 --- "oh." daisuke wiped his tears and cleared his throat. "well! this is embarrasing."
🌺 --- needless to say, you got together not to long after that.
🌺 --- your friend group was very relieved they didn't have to listen to you two go on and on to them about eachother.
🌺 ---till they realized they needed to see you two being way too lovey dovey infront of them.
🌺 --- "wait, daisuke came to you crying?" swansea asked, sure to tease him about that for a while.
🌺 --- daisuke would brush it off and claim it made him more 'desirable' and protest he was just in tune with him feminine side!
🌺 --- also i just wanted to add this man makes you playlists 24/7. like you don't even get a chance to listen to your music because he is constantly making you playlists, it's his love language. so naturally your taste in music morphs into his.
i hope you enjoyed! if you liked this and have anything you'd like me to write from this fandom, or any other fandoms listen in my intro post, my requests are open! just ask me in my inbox and i'll write / make hc for you <3 thank you for reading!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 days ago
I'm sober now so some notes on each
slightly nonstandard romance plot structure but still has that HEA; sexy and life-affirming and gorgeous
delicious historical trans girl fluff. what if you faked your death at Waterloo to be a hot girl woman instead of a depressed man and then your boy bestie who's the richest man in England was stupid in love with you AND it turns out he loves taking it up the ass. wow!!!
this plot is CRAZY but I genuinely loved this book so much. probably for my money the #1 romance novel where I love both leads individually
this book is dumb as rocks but it also sends the worst guy you've ever met on a journey of self discovery in which he realizes he's bisexual, has his entire ego shattered, and becomes a little meow meow house husband for his nice autistic boyfriend and that's pretty hot
this book made me CRY Helen Hoang when will you come back from the war and write more romances!!
expected to hate this book and it ended up being my favorite romance of 2024. go figure.
expected this book to be overhyped and it ended up being my second favorite romance of 2024. go figure.
this one genuinely isn't groundbreaking but I just love to see losers fall in love. Evie is a mess but in a really believable way, I want to grab a drink with her. also has a strong "tell your shitty dad to go fuck himself" agenda that I really love.
victorian lesbian fluff. truly just a pure romp. is she predictable yes do we stan anyway also yes.
also some more honorable mentions; these books are not strictly GOOD but I did enjoy:
Lunar Love (Lauren Kung Jessen) - this book is only good for like the first 3/4 when the main character is being a full on Rebecca Bunch-style FREAK; she mellows by the end and then it loses a lot of sparkle
Pardon My Frenchie (Farrah Rochon) - it's dumb and the title is unforgivable but it's silly and the main girl just loves dogs so much I have to stan
Chef's Kiss (TJ Alexander) - this book does suck and it is just BA Test Kitchen Claire/Brad lesbian au fic but idkkkk I had a silly good time reading it
Raiders of the Lost Heart (Jo Segura) - once again dumb as rocks but I looooooove the female lead with my whole ass and the plot is like full crazycakes.
any romance novel recs?
I'm too drunk to write this well or with any elaboration so here so here are just all my favorite romance novels
You Made A Fool of Death With Your Beauty (Akwaeke Emezi)
A Lady For a Duke (Alexis Hall)
The Bride Test (Helen Hoang)
Love, Hate & Clickbait (Liz Bowery)
The Heart Principle (Helen Hoang)
Happy Medium (Sarah Adler)
Funny Story (Emily Henry)
Adam and Evie's Matchmaking Tour (Nora Nguyen)
Don't Want You Like A Best Friend (Emma R. Alban)
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lulumangione · 3 days ago
as someone who’s autistic i also really get the feeling that luigi is on the spectrum and i have nobody to talk about it with because i feel weird like armchair diagnosing him😭
his mannerisms really give it away for me. he’s overly expressive and literally cannot talk without using his hands—and also he comes off to other people as maybe “suspicious” which i really relate to and honestly makes me sad because he’s just chilling!! he might seem like he’s up to something to some but he just seems to me like he’s naturally very antsy and maybe uncomfortable in his own body so he fidgets a lot. i’ve done that little half stretch with the arms raised too many times to count. that’s not even mentioning his little default stance with the hands clasped in front of him or that stupid face he does in pictures sometimes where he scrunches up and looks like he’s gonna bite a bitch
and before he went missing he mentioned to some people feeling “different” from everybody else, like he was on a different wavelength, and that SCREAMS undiagnosed autistic to me. the “npc behavior” he described being so concerned with feels like an extension of this—i think maybe he felt like someone whose feelings are so so big in a world that seems to not feel much at all anymore. that feeling of not belonging and being out of place is the most autistic thing anyone can experience and i feel for him so much. if he does happen to be on the spectrum i wish he could’ve found some kind of community of other neurodivergent people that get him and share similar struggles because maybe then he wouldn’t have felt so alone. idk this turned into a RANT sorry i’m very passionate about autism can you tell
NONNIE YOU'RE SO FUCKING REAL OMG Thank you so much for this ask, you expressed so clearly how I feel about it too!!
As a fellow autistic, at least in my personal experience, I can easily tell when someone clocks that I'm autistic, despite the fact I'm extroverted and a pretty confident person. I think Luigi falls under that too.
No matter how hard you can try to not seem that way, there will be neurotypicals that see it. They'll usually play it up as "weird" or "suspicious" like you said, I've had it a handful of times. It's just how we are, lol.
I think it's unfortunate that he found community in a bunch of incels online, but I can understand why he would be drawn to that despite how smart he is and how his brain ticks. We don't know him personally so there's no telling what his political thoughts are entirely. Man is an enigma in that sense – which also makes sense for being neurodivergent.
With such wealth and an overbearing family, it's easy to understand why he would just want to get away. Find peace outside of everything he'd ever known. I feel the same sometimes.
It also makes sense for his distaste for technology, or at least somewhat of it. We get overstimulated easily and the world was already going haywire and towards something unhopeful, flooding socials and the media in general, before all of this, so I can at least comprehend why he would want to disappear.
Luigi's Reddit posts I feel go more into him as a person outside of silly twitter posts, the way he would randomly info dump about things is a big tism flag for me.
(example, the sunglasses post, lmao. "Fun fact" babes, no one asked x)
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I mentioned before how it can feel weird to talk about, but I genuinely do think it's okay to feel that connection, regardless of who it is.
(Btw pls feel free to DM me whenever!! I'd love to hear more on everyone's thoughts on this.)
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sass-ruby · 2 days ago
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Alright, so we shall talk about these two videos and the new channel :DD
First off all, for the new channel, me and my friends noticed they used MASM to make it
Understandable honestly, it's probably easier that way- since MASM already had subscribers and all
I was so confused on how I was already subbed 😭
Also don't mind the MASM logo for the second picture, I dunno how to make it go away
Ah, usual moon things.. making robots that end up wanting to commit genocide ☠️ (reminds me of that one MASM episode with the raccoon)
He's just a silly innocent guy :33 that wanted to pull a ruin but that's unrelated
I find it kinda cute that moon made sundroid based off of sun, adding the things sun usually does- it's just sweet in a way djdjjs
Sun was SO done with moon tho- WHICH WAS FUNNY
"you are a genius, but you are so SO STUPID AT TIMES" I LOVED IT FR
I was laughing my ass off 😭😭
when sundroid entered the void/a dimension (idk I don't remember), there was a certain voice at minute 14:00.. it sounded A LOT like killer sun, not just by voice but by the way of talking
I love killer sun, I hope he gets more attention on the channel.. because ngl I like the dynamics-
Sun cannot STAND killer sun, bro would kill him in an instant. HE LITERALLY SAID SOMETHING LIKE "should've thrown a firebal-.."
I like how sun and moon kinda switched places- before moon was the one wanting to kill anyone who's a slight annoyance, but now sun seems to be like that. Like, when they first met killer sun, sun immediately told moon if he doesn't do anything, he's gonna kill him with NO hesitation
They really remind me of this picture (not my art!)
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The amount of change they've both been through, holy..
Back to killer sun and the dynamic-
Killer sun seems to be a huge annoyance to sun.. it sort of reminds me of past nexus and past ruin, the ruin who acted insane
Past nexus HATED ruin, sun was the one who tried his best to not intervene and probably tried to get past nexus to not kill ruin (?? I forgot)
Now, moon is the one staying quiet.. that killer sun himself mentioned
Meanwhile, killer sun? He's just a silly guy, alr? 😭 HE'S JUST SILLY AND I SUPPORT HIS RIGHTS AND WRONGS
(totally not contemplating deleting this part because I'm scared I'll get backlash for my observations being wrong or something)
(pic again because yes)
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This was- one way to introduce the new channel ☠️ (In a good way!!)
I'm really looking forward to this channel ^^ it'll be neat! And it will most likely become another one of my new hyperfixations <33
I'm glad it's this and not lunar and astrals or something.. I don't really like the star power thing, plus, why would they make a channel?
No offense to those who wanted it tho! We all have our preferences, it's completely normal
I thought it would be called sunny and moony show- I didn't expect femme nights at freddy's but oh well, that's probably to make it easier to differentiate since when shortening it, it would be the same-
TSAMS (the sun and moon show)
TSAMS (the sunny and moony show)
Can't put moony first either, that would be MASM then. It'd be really bothersome- so the shortened version of this show would beeee...
Insert deep thinking
Help- it'd basically be FNAF 😭 um- I'm sure people will find a shortened version that'll fit good enough! Maybe like- FMAFS? I DON'T KNOW 💔
I wonder if they'll get traumatized though.. or if it will just be a silly show
Tsams answered my prayers frfr (I did hope that they wouldn't just be a one time thing)
I like them, they're silly!! Their models, voices, personalities.. EVERYTHING. I LOVE IT ALLLL
And I like how chaotic they are with sun and moon 😭
Also monty in that universe having a bunch of nitroglycerin in his room.. ☠️ I LOVE HOW THEY'RE BOTH LIKE "that's just a monty thing!"
I didn't know nitroglycerin was used to make bombs!! THANK YOU FOR THAT INFORMATION DEAR EPISOD- /J
Another thing.. The mention of sun's adaptability is fascinating to me
Sun always seems to be the outcast/dumb one, but there's always ONE thing that surprises the others. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO EXPLAIN IT BETTER
Example is in that simulation- sure it's only a simulation, but the way merged sun+eclipse was surprised about sun's emotions
"I feel the need to kill that- thing! Yet I have this.. unending thankfulness.. is this what it's like to be sun?!"
I'm not sure if the need to kill moon in that simulation was a part of eclipse's or sun's emotions, but I think it could be both.
I always headcannoned that sun does feel a bit of resentment towards moon. I came to that conclusion by some of the things he says sometimes. They're brushed aside by most, but not with me :3
Example is when sun said to himself smt like- "two moons?? I can BARELY deal with on- okay no.. stop." Or something like that, I can't find the episode so not sure of the exact sentence.. but the way he STOPPED himself, it was like he was telling himself to stop being angry or to not hold a grudge
Yet, as the merged fellow said, he feels unending thankfulness at the same time which is seen by a lot of things-
That's just one of my personal headcanons, I feel that feeling too and I see myself A LOT in sun sooo
I hope the new channel doesn't end up like MASM 😭 I doubt it will tho
These two episodes were fun, and got a really good laugh out of me jdjdjsj
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I just realized- sun calling moon a genius yet telling him he's so stupid reminds me of that one meme-
"there's a thin line between being a genius and being an idiot... Sebastian uses that line like a FUCKING jump rope!"
I love their brotherly dynamic frfr
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satancopilotsmytardis · 1 day ago
I feel like although tomura probably has to be really careful about how he does it to avoid sending dabi spiralling, they’d both really enjoy like… dumbification, i think is the word? ie tomura telling dabi that it’s ok if he’s silly and dumb, he’s daddy’s good girl and that’s all he needs to be for tomura to love him.
i think it’d be a fine line to walk for tomura because the wrong phrasing and it’s gone, but when he does it right i think dabi would find it really cathartic to be reduced down like that, but told he’s loved and showered with attention anyway
I think you're looking for Bimbofication! And yeah, I think that if they tried this when not using feminization as a frame of reference, they would have a really rough time of it. Like Dabi would be furious and so upset at the idea of Tomura trying to make him nothing but a stupid sex doll that should be grateful to be treated that way because at least that way he's getting the attention he so clearly craves. That route leaves to imminent immolation unless ☝🏼 they use feminization, too. Dabi knows he's not a woman and not actually feminine in his day-to-day, so he can be totally fine being turned into Daddy's dumb little girl because the separation between reality and play is so big. He probably would find it cathartic to just not have to think/make any decisions for himself and get to just seek out anything that makes him happy as soon as he wants it. Oh, he would become an adorable little instant gratification gremlin! Tomura would probably really enjoy it too because while, yeah, he's got to be on control and do the thinking, he doesn't have to do anything complicated. Bimbo Dabi will be entertained by anything and have as much fun in a scene just bouncing on a dildo while he plays with his tits as he will be trying to squirm his way out of some loose restraints. They could definitely have fun with this one!
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dragonwithapen75 · 16 hours ago
Watching Newsies 1992 for the first time after being obsessed with Newsies 2012 for literal years. Here’s some thoughts, written as I watch the movie. Spoilers ahead for Newsies 92 (but it’s been 33 years so deal with it)
All of the minor lyrical changes are messing with me
Racer you are my favorite Manhattan newsie (he’s just a little guy)
Pulitzer using a magnifying glass to read the massive headline is great
It’s tripping me up to see Racer and Jack actually smoking
Medda being a white woman is also tripping me up
It’s so interesting that Santa Fe is an I want song
He stole a horse??? Jackie you are adorable
I love that Les is dancing with the newsies but Davey is just watching and being confused
Davey is really letting Jack bring Les into the belly of the beast without arguing
Denton is def good looking but I lowkey miss Katherine
Brooklyn boys you is my favorites
I love seeing all these grown men being scared of the small child that is Spot Conlon
Hate that Crutchie gets captured because he isn’t paying attention. Like, you’re gonna tell me he’s not gonna see all of the newsies scattering?
Jack being lowered down to the window of the Refuge is so silly
Spot being here for King of New York is so good
I love Spot can you tell
The tap dancing is weird without actual taps on
I hate how Crutchie is stupid in this
It’s so interesting that it’s taken them until the rally to decide to not fight each other
I love the increased Race screen time and the increased Spot screen time
Damn don’t these cops have something better to do this is like every cop in New York
Race leaning into Spot to laugh is adorable
Les wrapping his sandwich in the story Denton wrote about the strike is so silly
They brought Les to the refuge to break out Jack???
(Post-Jack meeting with Pulitzer) Why would they leave the gate open without having a good handle on Jack? Did they think he just wasn’t gonna run?
Jack in nice clothes is weird lol
No but why are they making it seem like Jack became a scab just for the money
Les you’re so sweet for thinking he just became a spy
Oscar and Morris you’re on the shit list (okay Jack fuck em up)
Damn I got chills with all the kids singing The World Will Know
Pulitzer hating the yelling is very silly
He’s literally putting his fingers in his ears
But why isn’t Spot in the meeting with Pulitzer :(
bro why is Teddy Roosevelt moving like an animatronic
(When Jack is in the back of Roosevelt’s carriage) JACK COME BACK YOU MADE LES CRY
I was about to say there’s no damn way Jack actually goes to Santa Fe
Davey said the line!
Final thoughts
Damn okay I get the hype. I think I do like the stage musical just a little bit better, both musically and story wise, but I appreciated how much more Spot and Race were in this, as well as the other Newsies. OH ALSO I really really loved that they showed Davey and Jack actually going to Brooklyn to talk to Spot, like come on livesies what gives, did you just not wanna pay Tommy Bracco more?
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egophiliac · 3 months ago
I don’t think we’ve ever seen you draw knight of dawn before 🤔 what are your thoughts about him? Or take?
I've drawn him a couple of times, just really little/in the background. but I should draw him more, I love this guy a lot! I have many, many thoughts about him and the way he parallels Silver...and also I think it is extremely funny that his ghost is stuck in a ring. especially considering where that ring has been for the last 16-ish years.
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pinyatapix · 3 months ago
how i imagine Minecraft Alex's personality to be like vs how i imagine Minecraft Steve's personality. duality of minecraft
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towasdandelion · 22 hours ago
Asking Hotarubi and Obscuary ghouls "Do you know what bees make?"
Is it me or are the ghouls getting a little more flirty? Hehe. I swear one braincell dies every time I have to write Ed's. This man has to stop abusing the shit out of emojis.
Let's be real, Haku is not going to let you be smug about it for too long. I have a feeling he lives for a good playful banter, especially with you. And he's quite happy you decided to be the one teasing him this time.
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What did you do to Subaru?? Poor boy is malfunctioning! His whole face turns red as he stares at the screen. He wanted to reply apologizing for calling you that even though you made him do it, but then Haku snatched his phone, telling him to just take a couple of breaths instead..
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Zenji won't really shy away from letting you know about his emotions. He smiles at your silly joke, praising you for the idea. I feel like he's very effortless with being smooth but might not be aware of it himself. He's just being honest with you after all. Nothing to blush about, right?
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You should have seen that coming, honestly. Rui is not going to get flustered. But he's going to like it a lot. Honestly, he's going to take most of your innocent interactions the wrong way but he doesn't care. He just can't wait until he can call you his.
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Lyca is just a little oblivious. A little. You have to go easy on him you know? He's going to get all huffy, calling you stupid through the screen for messing with him. But then his expression softens, realizing it's not actually far from the truth. To him, your scent is like honey and he can't help but feel drawn in.
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Ed is not going to let this opportunity slip. Not when you usually don't take him seriously. But he's the one to blame, with the constant teasing and innuendos. He's definitely going to relish in the feeling of you showing any kind of interest.
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rsenak · 28 days ago
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Just a regular Thursday night
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