#but in THIS moment she hasnt started to open up about this stuff shes just busy stamping over everyone
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I am obsessed with this reaction from Vriska. This girl (acts as if she) has no shame. She's killed people and stands by it, aired out her whole getting-rejected-by-Tavros biz in a public forum, and it's making a typing quirk error that makes her blush? Incredible.
The other consideration, that maybe making a typing-quirk error is a huge faux-pas on Alternia is also fun to entertain.
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cross-armageddon · 2 years ago
One more PJO x PRSK post before hiatus
Like I mentioned before - I'm going away for a few days and I won't have access to my tablet, so no doodling anything. I will be able to reply to asks, although it might take some time. I will also schedule a post about Prima Vista, so you know I'm still alive
I will be back doing silly stuff afterwards!!
Niigo (1/2)
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(a friend of mine started praising that I put mi🅱️uki and kanada together, but in reality i just simply had an idea for both of them, good my friend's happy tho)
I did already mention some Kanade shenanigans, like the fact she regularly goes out of the camp to visit her human dad. She makes a huge sacrifice going out, with her sensitivity making her light-headed all the time, but hey, that's why she always has someone to accompany her.
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She can fight a little, but yeah, it's pretty difficult for her. Instead she works with people higher rank than her during nighttime. It's either simple watch patrol or she practices tending to wounds. A LOT of campers dislike being admitted to her, because... Well, being tended to by a child of a god of death isn't a good sign, despite Kanade being the cutest awkward creature ever created on this planet and actually being pretty decent in patching up wounds. Her gemstone searching powers aren't really much of importance to her - if she ever uses that, it's mostly for negotiations (she's not affected by a curse like Hazel) or for distraction (the classic "throw a coin" situation, but it's eith literally any shiny rock ever).
If you want to ask how she wasn't exploited for that power - the gems don't appear next to her for no reason, she summons them willingly. Simply saying, nobody knew about it, not even her, that is until she found out.
Now, Mizuki.
What did I mean by transformation powers?
Mizuki is naturally talented with making costumes and applying makeup, to the point that they can easily appear as someone else.
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Makeup they apply can easily make the optical illusion of having a different face, nose or even eye shape. They can either create a whole fake identity on the spot or imitate someone else, which is a pretty scary ability, but quite fitting. They can get perceived as a whole different person based of their appearance at the moment.
They can pretend to be anyone, but they definitely prefer to imitate girls more often (self explanatory). Appearing as Ena is a pretty successful prank on the real Ena (also Akito, but he quickly figures it out, since Mizuki can't speak when imitating someone - their voice doesn't change).
Also I already mentioned it, but imagine the Aphrodite claim going like this
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Aphrodite trans beam (/hj, the closet may be glass, but Mizuki hasnt actually came out YET. On another hand, I like the idea of Aphrodite affirming her children's gender identities while claiming them as hers.)
Also, Mizuki was probably one of the first ones from the cast to get admitted to their respective camp. So yeah, no way of anyone else really knowing, besides the ones who canonically know, like Rui.
Now, a very interesting thing I designed for them - their needle cushion they have on their wrist.
Mizuki can fight with a normal weapon, but those "sewing" needles (not actually for sewing) are their secondary secret weapon.
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From the cushion's backside, there's an opening where they can put any liquid inside. After closing it, they can wear the cushion on their wrist and push the needles into it to let them soak in whatever liquid is inside. It could be centaur blood, it could be something to paralyze someone overtime, whatever non-lethal thing - or actual deadly poison. Although the last one is only for real battles and never for practice, wouldn't wanna accidentally kill a campmate.
The needles work against monsters AND demigods, so that's fun! Don't fuck with Mizuki!
Anyways that was all for the post, I'm gonna be back in a few days, but I will post the next Prima Vista event story in the middle of my vacations okay bye
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baylardo · 5 months ago
here are my ranked voyager 2 parters for fun please dont bully me thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i should have done these backwards idc.
1 killing game - amazing cold open start to the episode, i love janeway and karr they make me insane theyre great together as competitors and as leaders who want to save their people and they respect each other as enemies, quotable af, OUT OF UNIFORM COSTUMES ARE SUCH A PLUS, VERY unique take on a holodeck episode, love the hirogen designs, definitely has some points where im not paying attention but it feels somehow less than the other 2 parters, another mention of i love karr he is fave voyager antagonist hes literally everything 2 me, the first episode is very strong and memorable to me, the second ep fizzles out significantly but it still has a lot of memorable moments i think the battle at the end is the worst part lmao also that one SPEECH is a real snoozer for me, love the resolution, good stuff. ill get killed for this one but the lack of harry involvement in this ep is a major plus for me lmao. im glad with what he got purposed with, not in a cruel way but it makes sense given what hes good at.
2 workforce - MORE COSTUMES everyone looks beautiful, janeways late series chub is a major plus 👌, shes literally so quirky in this one and it hits on one of my favorite aspects of her character which is her hidden yearning to settle down and be happy and not a captain which she so easily lets herself fall into unknowingly lifted of those burdens, this is another two parter where the harry content wasnt terrible and i enjoy MOST of his contributions his bickering with the doctor about commanding the ship is a big negative but i like when hes whiney about his tummy ache lmao, seven’s bangs!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 we stan, i love jaffen hes perfect for kathryn SORRYYYYYYY i think its charming how much hes like mark SAD, i love the tom and belanna content which is few and far between for me in the later seasons it just hits in a way that doesnt make either side seem self centered or angry for no good reason (rare) like its just them (tom especially) caring about the other which is what really drew me to enjoying them in the earlier seasons, i always love gaslighty lost sense of reality episodes theyre a big fave to me always can you tell, i enjoy the uniqueness of the doctor’s role in this ep it almost parallels what the rest of the crew is going through in how different it is to his normal regime
3 basics - another opening i like, its always fun to tie in other eps (Meld) and a great choice for a returning crew member given the circumstances of this ep i think its cute hes gotten into flowers, this ep has so much hecking dadcore in it OF COURSE ITS RANKED REALLY HIGH, i love the guidance chakotay receives from his father about fatherhood (selfishly it just REALLY conveniently ties into my au really well), ponytail janeway era MAJOR PLUS, i hate nail peeling HUGE CON, love that seska just breastfeeds on the bridge in front of everyone slay queen, i enjoy a lot of the marooned on planet scenes its nice in the context of how resolutions was just an ep prior, we love to see chakotay carrying baby naomi lalala, tuvok with a bow. i would bully him.
4 caretaker - everyone is so beautiful and babycoded, MARK!!!!!!!!!!!, love the nacene so much, this ep took me so many watches and reads of the book adaptation to comprehend ngl its not very visually cohesive, nostalgic fondness? always fun to watch endgame and go back it feels good to go back here, everyone in season 1 is great take me back papa, i was convinced harry/belanna was endgame from these two eps (honestly still wish it was sometimes lmao), i DONT like the quark cameo GET HIM OUT OF HERE, janeway moaning when shes tortured 😳, i hate the part where chakotays blowing up the val jean its always cringe acting/script choices to me, i love the firm uneasiness of janeway in the earlier seasons bc its her first command and she hasnt loosened up yet i just love when her performance of janeway is more rigid and u can tell when she gets uncomfortable idk i love early season janeway for that :)
5 endgame - bittersweet and irrevocably changed which is always my favorite for voyager ❤️, janeway trying to beat her delta quadrant speedrun score, i enjoy C7 sue me, i dont like a lot of the aging makeup that makes me particular and nitpicky lol, janeway throwing a tantrum until she gets what she wants BELOVED, i love seeing chakotay reject janeways dinner invite lmao thats what u get for being stubborn idiot!!!!!!!!! C7 earned, i think its funny and a bit contrived that they needed more reasons for janeway to cheat getting home so they set up a degrading illness for tuvok in the last episode of the show, neelix helping ship C7 so he can have janeway all to himself headcanon, i like the miral casting and i like that she idolizes janeway and they threw naomi to the wind lmao bye, subtracted huge points for ending the show on a borg plot when it should have been suspiria 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄, harry has some bad scenes in this one, i really wish wed gotten that alleged scene of the admiral talking with chakotay about janeway not suspecting his relationship with seven yet SIIIIGGGGHHHHHHH, i love that it ends on a weirdly unfulfilled note because ermmmmmmm i think many of them changed as people in the DQ janeway can finally rest but shes left lacking purpose and i think thats epic
6 year of hell - obviously janeway is a major plus and carries the entire story imo but i DONT like these eps, its got some great moments like i love seven helping tuvok shes such a spanky new character and i honestly kinda wish she got handled more like the glimpses of her growth scene in this episode rather than what actually happens rip, i obviously enjoy the POCKET WATCH, this is another two parter that lost me on cohesiveness a lot lmao and ive watched it many times, you could argue that im too dumb for year of hell (probably) but you could also say that star trek prodigy similarly struggles with its grasp on its portrayal of time travel and altering of timelines as well 🫣, i think about that scene where the doctor closes door on those crew members a lot where his face is like 😐, chakotay mustache 👌 gone too soon, its like a plus to me that its not a borg 2parter but i still think its pretty weak in what little it says about our characters and i dont think episodes where theyre erased from time/memory are a waste of time but their erasure from the timeline in these eps feel rather fruitless and dont feel like we really missed anything by fixing the timeline and thats disappointing to me usually these types of stories have like a DANGIT!!!!! feeling to them similarly to course: oblivion that just felt not there like what did we really learn seeing these characters do all of this stuff lol not much
7 futures end - the writing of this one always feels so expired and dated to me it makes me wince, love the costumes and some scenes here and there but not a fan of the plot, opening scene of janeway playing tennis is epic, i dont have a lot of positive notes for this one im sorry little ones, the dialogue is stinky no good the earth humans all feel like cariactures in their exaggerations because they have to stand out as being “dated humans” against our protags but it makes them feel so inorganic to me lmao BE NORMAL, its a plus that it isnt a borg plot to me but these eps were too early in the series for that lol, birth of ponytail janeway (if u dont count basics or threshold) positive, another cheap way of getting the emh a huge upgrade lmao but i respect it because if theyd “organically” made his holo emitter itd be one of those OP technological advancements that would break the universe with how much it could do, i would take these eps over the bell riot eps 🙄
8 equinox - honestly dont even like these eps very much but they feel more in character than scorpion does lmao, the more alien shaped fellas in this one serve a purpose in their shape and how it likely served to dehumanize them to the equinox crew in order to excuse their usage (positive), when janeway gets a chance to cancel someone for violating starfleet protocol she POUNCES (except when its her), janeway and chakotay back to morchaeling their enemies by fake fighting with each other all is right in the universe, i like the idea behind these eps a lot but the execution kinda fizzled out and lost itself (i think about the emh switcharoo in particular felt out of focus lol), i think janeway wanting to kill a captain who cracked under the same pressure shes been living under for ease is so epic SLAY QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 scorpion - i really consider this two parter to be the downfall of the series, not entirely because of seven of nine but in how heavily it pivots the series into avenues more directly associated with the other series and the alpha quadrant itself, ive always really disliked how janeway is written in these episodes and how awkwardly it contradicts her choices made in Equinox AND YET her and chakotay manage to “fight” in both instances lmao, conceptually i like the idea behind a species capable of defeating the borg but i hate the visual route they went with them like star treks staple is humanoid and i dont like them lmao, at the end of day what janeway chooses to do is funny and i dont fault her for it but it all feels a little contrived for the sake of drama and getting a borg girl new cast member lol, like if you look at year of hell it seems like chakotay should have been the one advocating for the borg alliance,,, heck look at the ep ALLIANCES like thats chakotay being a kazon apologist as well ://// i love the scenes of them in these eps i love the drama but it all feels unearned to me
10 dark frontier - i feel like i always fall asleep watching this one lmao i have nothing constructive to say you lost me at borg
11 unimatrix zero - im not even a borg!janeway enjoyer dude this ep was never gonna hit for me lmao
12 flesh and blood - incredibly disappointing and thats why its at the bottom lol, such a cool idea for a plot but it turns into hologram rights zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, love the hirogen why they gotta make them so dummy pilled, i wish this was a holodeck warfare ep that involved trying to forge alliance or civil rights between hirogen and holograms and not a dumpy hologram populated ship set with only two protags :((((((( how does belanna always end up in these plots bro WHY ARE WE HERE AGAIN, i fall asleep to these eps a lot too lmao
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freakyshibs · 2 years ago
Corney stuffs
♡ After years of being ignored of her feelings by her crush, (mainly bc Corey's an oblivious dumbass and doesnt realize his own) she decides to give up on him and move on
♡ But even when she does that is when Corey realizes hes had a crush on her too all these years, but gets devastated when he finds out Laney likes someone who isnt him
♡ This is during when they're in the beginning of high school
♡ Junior year Corey starts dating Carrie, (mainly to get his mind off of Laney who he still hasnt moved on from) the 2 dated for about roughly 2 years until they both broke up bc Corey still had unresolved feelings for Laney
♡ Meanwhile Laney and the dude she was interested in dated for about 3 years until she caught him cheating on her. With Laney breaking things off
♡ Laney kept her heart more boarded after that, and has major trust issues when it comes to relationships
♡ 4 years later, when all the band members are in their early 20s, Kin and Kon decided enough was enough and that Laney and Corey need to talk about their feelings, from middle school to high school to even now
Laney was sitting on the porch of the Riffin house, preparing to say goodbye to Grojband since she was off to college.
Seeing Corey at the edge of her eye she smirked when he looked at her.
"Hey, is that seat taken?" Corey asks as he points to the spot next to her on the porch.
She just shakes her head no and signals for him to sit.
"So it's been awhile since it's been just us two huh?" Corey says.
"Oh yeah. It's just my lifes been hella busy with studying and stuff." Laney replies.
"You're off to college right?" Corey questions.
"Yup. Peaceville College. Wanna become well known if I wanna be a musician." Laney says.
"Well you know I'll always be rooting for you Lanes." Corey says with a smile.
"Thanks Core." Laney smiles shyly with a blush.
The silence was played out for an awkward amount of time before Corey spoke up again.
"Kin and Kon mentioned something to me that's pretty crazy." Corey chuckles.
"Knowing those two anything's crazy. Whatd they say?" Laney asks.
"They told me you had a crush on me back in middle school." Corey says.
Laney gets wide eyed for a second. Contemplating on smacking those 2 Kujira twins a new one for telling Corey about her silly girl crush on him when they were kids, but decided against it since they're adults now and it's pretty much out in the open anyway.
"Oh! Y-yeah. I had a pretty big crush on you." Laney shyly says.
"Wow really? I honestly had no idea you liked me that way back then." Corey says somewhat suprised.
"Really? I thought I was being kinda obvious about it." Laney ponders.
"Extremely clueless. Sorry about that Laney." He said using her full name which never happens unless it's a serious convo.
"I sort of gave up once we reached high school, at the start of our freshman year." Laney says sadly.
"Yeah... I think that's when I realized I had a big dumb crush on you." Corey says.
Laney becomes shocked for a moment and looks at Corey, he looks back at her.
"Wow. Well that's dissapointing timing." Laney states.
"Yup. Sure is. You're off to college in 3 weeks." Corey says.
"Yeah... have you decided where you wanna go?" Laney asks.
"Yup. And it has something to do with Peaceville college!" Corey smiles at her goofily.
Laney gives a small smile back to him
Both of them hear clapping beside them and look up to see Kin and Lenny from the Newmans.
"Its about damn time." Lenny says with a knowing smirk on his face.
Corey walks to Kin. "How long have you guys been here?"
"Eh not that long." Kin says "Me and Kon have been waiting forever to get you and Laney alone."
"You guys rock." Corey smiles.
Speak of the devil, Kon came running out of the Garage. "Kin! Corey! Did I miss anything?"
"You sure did bro, it's as if love both punched them straight in the face." Kin said knowingly.
"AH! CALLED IT! You owe me 30 bucks Kin!" Kon says triumphantly.
Kin rolls his eyes and gives him the money.
Laney goes up to Kin and Kon and gives them a giant bear hug after getting done talking to Lenny. "Awhhh! I'm gonna miss you two boneheads so much!"
The twins smiled and gladly returned her hug.
"We'll miss you too Laney." Kin says with a smile.
"Yeah! We will think about you forever and ever until you come back!" Kon says cheerfully.
Laney releases them and looks at Corey.
Corey smiles.
They both embrace each other for a short period of time until they let go only for their faces to be close to each other. The two blush and look away and eventually let go.
Laney walks over to her car.
"See ya Core." She smiles at him
"In three weeks." He replies with a grin
"Meh, I've waited this long, three weeks is nothing." She smirks at him and gets in her car.
Laney drives off and Corey watches her car turn smaller as she drives away.
Corey started hearing a car honk horn. Seeing both Mina and Nick Mallory in the car.
"Sup Corey Riffin." Nick smiles.
"Hey Nick, Hey Mina, where you guys headed off too?" Corey asks.
"Nick's taking me out for Chinese food." Mina smiles.
"Is there anywhere you wanna be dropped off? Cus if so, Nick and Mina will be glad to help out Corey Riffin." Nick questions
"Hmm as a matter of fact..." Corey grins
Laney was waiting for the traffic light to turn green. While looking melancholic at a picture of Grojband, the 4 of them when they were still in middle school. Laney looks fondly at the picture before focusing her attention back to the road. But got startled once she heard two hands press roughly against her car window. She turns her head to see Corey with a goofy grin on his face.
"Corey, what the hell are you doing?" Laney asks as she gets out of her car.
"This." Corey says as he grabs her face with his hands and kisses her.
She immediately kisses back. Finally admitting that she never really let go of Corey at all. Grabbing onto his beanie while smiling.
Nick and Mina look at the two Nick with a knowing smile on his face.
"Woooow, I never really knew she had a thing for him." Mina says.
"Nick says, seriously?" Nick asks his girlfriend.
"NAH. Just messing with you, it was obvious to everyone." Mina chuckles.
They both drive off when Laney and Corey break apart for a bit.
"Well, how long have you wanted to do that frontman?" Laney asks.
"Since we accidentally kissed on new years." Corey smiles at her.
"Was it worth the wait?" She smiles.
"Totally." He grins and kisses her again.
♡ Goes to concerts with each other
♡ Corey likes how Laneys hair smells like strawberries
♡ Corey was a nervous wreck about having her parents know him as their daughters boyfriend now
♡ Take naps together
♡ When they have the same classes in college, they'll always sit next to each other
Most of this was inspired by the ending of Phineas and Ferb, also the first angsty part of this was inspired by this:
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Hope you enjoyed :)
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am-i-sans · 1 year ago
dnd adventures 31
cam returns from eeby deeby and lands on undyne! they apologize for landing on her and fall to the ground. undyne tells them to scram cause she wants to be alone. cam heads back to the shop.
frog is still resting on dans. suzy is still crabby. cam tells us what happaned. frog says they should go have fun. frog goes to a random person and asks if theres anything fun around here.
they dont know they just got here, why is that building destroyed? frog tells them about the zombies lol. shes like 'really? where did they come from?' cam says it was a necromancer. 'well thats a bother.' dans is still zoned out. cam tries to think of what to do.
she calls herself annika crow and walks off ok cool. museum? dinosaurs cool! dans is still zoned in the shoe shop oh no they just left him. the kids are in the dino petting zoo. frog can talk to the dinos! tori also talks to them lol. one if the dinos preens cam.
undyne cools off and now is lost again dammit. she got a crit she finds the dinos! meanwhile dans was wandering the city in a daze. a guy runs up to him. he looks like a normal guy but somethings off. he hands dans something and then leaves. dans checks for anything sus. its a brown package and has a weird staticy magical energy he hasnt felt before.
dans opens it. theres a foldable wooden board and an envelope with no signature. in the envelope is a jack of clubs! with a weird shine.
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its dess why?! dans reads a letter inside, their instructions. typewriter? 'unfold the board on a flat surface, put the card face up' dans looks around then finds a spot to put the board down. the card turns black! dess pops up out of nowhere?! 'oh im back here. hi.' dans is fucking flabbergasted. 'did you hop out of the card or something?' 'yeah kinda thats employee storage.' 'does that...hurt? are you conscious?' 'nah the last thing i saw i fell to the ground so i guess i was put away.' 'so no eeby deeby?' '...what?' 'did you get your egg?' 'no. i think? now when i got put in the card.'
dans blinks a bunch then slowly tells dess what they missed. 'thats a lot of stuff. sorry im out of it.' dans says to find the others and get them some food. dess tells him to keep the board and stuff and into the bag it goes. we find the dinos!
undyne looks at the dinos and says cool your here and dinos are here nice. she just needed a moment to cool down. she asks if they let you fight dinos here. cam says she isnt allowed to fight dinos cause she would kill them immediately. 'id only knock them out!' tori offers to be a dino if needed. frog is stoked their mom can be a dino lol. tori says she feels smart when she talks to undyne lol.
attika speaks up and asks how you can be a dinosaur? undyne starts asking if she can turn into various plants and her lol. shes now a 9 ft tall undyne lol. now 11ft sksksk. now she picks up undyne lol. cam says she could pick up undyne oh no. dans and dess walks in as undyne is taking off her armor lol.
'uhhh dess is back did we...miss something?' undyne says whats going on and dans gives cam a sly look. oh no undyne is gonna run at her. tori waves at dans as she shrinks to normal. CAM FUCKING DID IT THEY CAUGHT UNDYNE LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!! they forget cam is a fighter lol. 'its not the size' says dess lol. frog tosses confetti hehehe. tori is mildly shocked. undyne tells cam to yeet her at suzy. 'dont break her undyne' undyne crushes suzy oh no lol. suzy cant even shove her off. she finally gets her off and kicks her.
now undyne asks tori oh no. she sighs and agrees. yes she caught her! annika speaks up and says they should stop cause this is a museum. dans is just smiling fondly at them. oh no. undyne. no. nonono. oh no. 'do you wanna be the reason god says yes?' tori throws her at dans oh god. HE GOT A FUCKING CRIT! hes just like how did this happen? she reaches down and fucking picks him up shes pumped now lol. then she puts her armor back on.
so whats the plan? that artifact right. undyne finally notices dess lol. dans says dess teleported in but we assume its weird eeby deeby shit. dans is fucking attuned to dess's board so shes stuck with him wtf. hes gonna be horrifed when he realizes lol.
annika perks up and asks about the artifact. cam asks if she studies magical items. she says magic in general, recently graduated. undyne shows her and annika asks to come along cause she might know of it. undyne tells her its dangerous and some of us have even died and she cant guarantee her safety. also we have a curse where we get stuck lol. annika says shes been in danger before so its fine. undyne calls dibs on the artifact but says she can come.
time to get on soupnik! annika is surprised to see them and undyne explains its her spiritual summon. tori asks if shes sure she wants to stick with us. shes studying soupnik now lol. frog actually introduces themself and blobbo to annika.
tori asks what field she was in. evocation. hmm. vani crawls forward and curls up against annika. we eventually land cause its dark and they need to rest. dans is making dinner. were in a swamp gross. vani is chasing a frog. not our frog like the animal. tori argues with undyne that no she cant magic the water away. undyne asks dans whats for din-din. dans is still kinda out of it and says its sliders.
frog is playing with blobbo who is now splashing around in the swamp lol. so is suzy lol. annika is reading after failing to help with the fire. dans told the local bugs to fuck off lol. tori for fun casts detect magic. she senses something weird in dans backpack hmmm. but she doesnt bring it up cause he IS a warlock.
suzy calls out to cam and throws a mudball at them! cam screeches and ducks under the log after it hits lol. undyne laughs and chokes a bit. cam yells that their shirt is ruined but dans yells they have magic for that. cam yells about the mental toll. dans tells them to throw back but cam says they dont like to get dirty. 'your already dirty.' 'fuck off.' suzy grabs cam and drags them into the swamp. undyne sighs and goes after them and picks them up.
suzy keeps trying to drag them into the swamp. undyne just picks her up too lol. suzy is just feral i swear. undyne offers to play in the mud if she lets go. now its on! cam goes and clings to dans and he sighs and uses presti. cam says they have something to tell dans. its a jar full of those feathers they pulled off of themselves. they say dans has no hair. cam wanted to braid them into his hair but the beard will do.
cam says its a social thing. if your close to someone you give them a feather. an old legend said the feather let the other person have influence over them. cam is a halfling but growing those feathers was so exciting. why is everyone giving dans influence over them lately lol. its to establish a connection aww they wanna share with everyone. dans gets misty eyed and says he would like that very much. cam combs through it and braids a feather into it.
cam looks at undyne and says she needs presti before getting a feather. undyne is too busy wrestling in the mud to notice lol. time to brain tori! then frog! frog gives cam a cool rock.
undyne finally wins and their both exhausted. dans cleans her off with presti, the most useful skill.
moss had to go so we had to stop.
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ok im back here. sorry this list is lazy and perhaps 'duh' at points
ive always felt like leo and camilla either confess to eachother and get married and pregnant and stuff like either super quickly and blatantly OR like, never.
as much as i love leo and camilla as a married couple and stuff, i cant deny the siren call of canon leomilla where its like, a tragedy. leo cant overcome his feelings of inadequacy and burden to his loved ones so he ends up just never saying anything and watching her from afar. maybe they have an affair with eachother sometimes. maybe they never do. maybe its something he writes and throws out in a million unsent letters, maybe its something he cant even say in his head without feeling nauseous.
because leo is so cautious, camilla has to make the first move like always. unless something really pressures leo and he gets a surge of inspiration to do it, i dont think he would, even if it was for some reason going to be his only/last chance. but the moment camilla starts to even slightly open up about it, leo is probably like OH THANK GOD. CAN I SAY SOMETHING
i hc that part of leo's "smartness" is more often like, camilla and xander being at times poorly educated. i think xander and camilla's sex education (well, everyone's) was probably lacking. they were probably taught the bare minimum basis of like "penis and vagina exist and baby can happen with them." xander gets kinda shy about the topic and camilla knows a little more due to some erotica she probably has read, but like when it comes to more in depth understanding of organs and what they do and how pregnancy actually happens and works is probably not really something they know much about. i just think its cute to give leo opportunities to like be a bit of an egghead and just start going on a whole lesson about something. i also cant really see camilla as much besides a virgin despite how much of her whole thing is like "being sexy" or whatever in the animations but she just does not strike me as someone who has like, fucked some random person. she only cares about family, so if she hasnt been fucking family yet...
purple hair forrest is best
when camilla and leo decide to get serious and tell people, they also decide to move. or, more aptly, before they even tell anyone formally whats going on, leo already has a property away from krakenburg bought. theres just so much that could go wrong, and theyre planning on moving anyways...
more things on the note of the house. leo is the one who brings up moving. camilla doesnt want to be away from family but leo cant STAND staying. the massive structure feels haunted by their father even after he is certainly dead. leos just tense and has less manageable ptsd and just cant bear to stay somewhere he associates so much with pain. camilla eventually folds because she herself doesnt have too many fond memories of her parents and such, but also because she sees how badly it effects leo, and knows she will still be with her brother and be having children of their own, so she certainly wont be without family, and they can always visit eachother.
i think they move to a large but manageable home with a small garden with like roses and grapes and stuff. i just think leo belongs in a garden with his beautiful wife. this is of course using my own FE:f rewrite / expansion which adds more fleshed out understanding of nohrian "surface danger", and theyd be north where its not as fucked up. but, if we're going off vanilla normal plain canon FEF then theyd probably have a cozy underground home like most nohrians.
i feel like it has to go without saying but... they def dont stop at just the one kid. they are the kind of couple who is just like always having babies. theyre both regularly into it and into it into it.
Camilla loves dressing leo up, both for events like normal, and in private. uniforms, girly clothes, boyish clothes, it doesnt matter. he just learned to get over his insecurity and processed it because he had to make peace with forrest instead of projecting it and camilla pounced on the opportunity to dress him up like a little doll. hes not into it but hes happy shes happy, and he likes the attention.
leo is super good with babies but he doesnt like to be caught playing with them and trying to make them laugh because of his aloof persona.
leo and camilla equally love spoiling eachother, but leo has more of a 'gift giving' love language than camilla. he loves going on little date nights with her and stuff- well, they both love it but its always something he orchestrates. she has a very physical love language and loves cuddling and hugging and snuggling with him, which is sorely needs after years and years of repression and avoiding any kind of gentle touch.
taller camilla for life
they are the kind of couple who never seems to age. and they never get tired of eachother.
when they leave the castle, camilla is always very quick to want to go visit the others but leo is more hesitant. hes just not on the best terms with xander in his heart and struggles to talk to him if he doesnt have to. this is of course, in scenarios where the others take it well at all anyways.
listen if camilla is not pregnant or recovering from a pregnancy its because shes been giving him the strap
having more time and responsibility to actually *do things* does good for them. leo likes being able to actually see the results of his actions and hard work and camilla likes having outlets for her anxieties and something to keep her mind off her thoughts.
camilla never really lets go of her possessiveness but thats fine to leo usually because he doesnt mind doing everything with her. he wouldnt have married her if he didnt mean "forever".
in the type of worlds where camilla and leo never confess to eachother, getting married and moving away is really hard for her. she takes it hard when leo struggles to write back sometimes when his heart cant take talking with her. when she does get to visit anyone, it can make her clinginess and possessiveness 10 times more intense which can stress her already loveless marriage.
i always feel like leo reads as bisexual to me, but i also feel like he's probably very sparingly into women because he's just SO into camilla. he probably had on and off flings with some dudes, more than likely niles now and again but he struggles to love them as much as he loves camilla. which can either be a "easy choice" or a "constant hollow pit" depending on the narrative.
as a bonus on that idea i feel like if leo admitted to having fucked dudes in the past camilla would have a conflicted feeling of like "no hes mine only" and like "wait i wanna watch." i suppose the easy question following that up to the writer would be "how do you feel about xander?" lol
leo has an awkward placement as both the more mentally mature and stable of the two but also the one most prone to have hysteric moments and total meltodowns and stuff. he really lets it bottle up and suffers from it. i think when he struggles, he REALLY struggles.
Any Leomilla thots to share with the class (glad to see our #s grow)?
I feel like i posted a crazy long post abt my leomilla thoughts a while ago but that also may have been on discord. let me dig around. honored to have you here user leomilla i am always thinking of these 2
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gaysonlyocean · 3 years ago
What are the villains so far in it? What're your takes on the classic villains of Spider-Man?
apologies for the delay i went apeshit over recieving a ask at last jhgfghj
im still working out whos in it and whos left on the cutting room floor cause kjhgfgh theres so many different villains yknow but i currently have seven villains, and all but two of them are solid and have actual stuff i can share
those 7 are doctor octopus, kraven the hunter, venom, green goblin, norman osborn whos separate to gobby in this cause i saw that idea and was inspired, the rhino and sandman
gonna put my details on them under the cut cause i have Things To Say
ok so doc ock in this universe is as per usual otto octavius and hes a man in his late 40s who wears hawaiian shirts all the time
i love raimiverse so rosie is here too and married to him and shes trying her best
so his backstory is he made the arms to make a safer and more direct form of manipulating control rods in nuclear reactors, but he didnt believe 1. it would fail or 2. anyone but him would be up for doing the test run, instead he opted for a "if you want something done right do it yourself" approach
and taking a moment to say the plant he picked out for the demostration is where pearl foggers, our spiderperson here, dad and stepmum work
thats a surprise tool that will help no one later
so the demostration happens and everything seems to work as planned but during the whole immediate celebration the power started rising uncontrollably and caused a explosion, of the people in the room with him otto was the only survivor due to the fact he wasnt able to move from where he was standing and had the arms to shield him
he ends up really fucked up from this cause of both shrapnel and burns but also radiation exposure cause while the rest of the plant were able to shut down the reactor so there was only about a minute or so of it being open thats still a lot of radiation and also of course the bog standard getting fused to the arms
and furthermore it takes a good few hours for rescuers to get to him so he was just stuck pinned down and surrounded by dead bodies for a bit which isnt very good for your mental health yknow
anyway he finally gets rescued and then has to spend three months in a isolation ward to recover which is incredibly painful considering the amount of damage and is made worse cause everything he was wearing that could be removed had to be destroyed including his wedding ring
only to find once hes given the clear that he can go home that hes being painted as villain for the accident even through he tried everything he could to stop the power rise and has no idea what caused it
and his reaction to this is "if theyre going to call me a villain, a villain i shall be"
moving on to kraven who is in the art ive posted, we have miss evpratsiya olesya kravinoff, whos built like rhea ripley
shes this 6'7 woman who is just as insane as any other kraven out there and its great, like she will start mauling you and also due to the fact ill have to remake her ref she is going around tits out while doing all of this too
she hasnt even got like a fuckign kjhgfghj reason to be this way shes just insane and went to serbia to get mutated to be even more insane and THEN she shows up in the plot she didnt have to do that she just did
and then THEN she arrives in new york and sees spider-fire and is just "that is a child" and openly says "hey im not going to fight a child leave now or else"
and pearl, being 1. a spiderperson and 2. a 13 year old says no!! im goign to stop you from doing crime!! and evpratsiya just shrugs and starts throwing blades at spider-fire WHO SHE INSTANTLY CLOCKS AS BEING A 13 YEAR OLD MAAM CALM DOWN
and like,,, she also stalks pearl for a bit to find out the perfect time to strike and the one redeeming part of this behaviour is she refuses to go after flick if flickers not doing spidey stuff cause thats not honourable while actively stalking this CHILD
she wont stop being this way, shes jsut insane and running around with her titties just out to try to violently kill a child
oh also shes engaged to calypso, we stan a insane lesbian
that whole,,, thing aside we are moving onto venom!! instead of a human disaster we have another 13 year old!!
so pearls best friend is this kid called daisy peachley and theyve both been friends for years bonding over being nonbinary and not neurotypical cause pearls autistic and daisy has adhd
but the problem is daisy has a MASSIVE crush on pearl but pearl doesnt feel the same way cause ones aroace but hasnt jhgfgh had that realisation yet
and cause theyre close daisy knows pearl hasnt ever had a crush on anyone and rationalises how pens feelings wont be returned so instead shes just agonising over it and pining aggressively
some infomation about daisy is pen is fostered but isnt exactly in the best situation aka the apartment is full of other foster kids who are all being basically neglected so daisy spends pens time out of the house
this all leads to one day at like 4am daisys out and about as per usual but instead of just messing around shes having a bad time and is doign some arson cause as kids pen and pearl used to spend a lot of time in this lil tiny shack they made for funsies and daisy has been maintaining it ever since while pining over the feelings and pens had enough and burns it to the ground
as this is happening pen sees something fall from the sky and as a 13 year old who is going through it she decides to check it out
and if youve seen the blob then we have the scene were dan the can man picks up the blob with a stick and it falls onto his hand but its daisy seeing the symbiote
obviously this is very scary to a child but whats more scary? the sound of people approaching!! so daisy makes a break for it
and then doesnt show up to school for a week to get used to this situation
now kjhgfghj the problem comes with a angry traumatised 13 year old being combined with venom so pens foster parents get cronched and then the two of them are just doing the worst way to cope with all these feelings by taking it out on everyone
in lighter news we have my green goblin!!! its fucking terrifying
so pov: you are norman osborn, you make the serum and your trying to find out the uses for it all, you sign papers allowing all kinds of experimentation not really caring for what your funding
and you get more than you bargained for
gobby here is a 9 foot tall embodiment of destruction and chaos and that knows who is responsible for its being here
it was "born" in january of 2017, and it escaped in october and oh how it had a plan
but in more kjhgfghj light news the first thing that experienced was the joy of trick or treaters thinking its cool and all thats clothes came from a halloween store and a weird lil girl who gave it her witch hat
after that it wasnt seen for several more months aside from some glances such as being seen on cctv and so on until that found where norman osborn lives and made itself at home
now norman canonly dies in this universe and thats important to gobbys arc cause that doesnt let the world know its out there until norman is no more as that was spending all its time terrorising him for fun and well, that enrichment is gone now, and that wants to play
speaking of norman in this universe is a fuck! :)
pearl already didnt like him prior to the bite cause he owns the building flick lives in and keeps bringing the rent up so everyones struggling and when you see how that effects your family yoru gonna form some strong opinions
i will admit i dont have a lot for him but i do have he has his whole terrorism thing going on by calling himself the green terror and doign that shit after work which leads to his death and thats kjhgfghj all i have but its more than what i have for flint
moving on!! rhino is very heavily inspired by tssm cause i love it so much
his full name is aleksei o'hirn-sytsevich but everyone whos not his mothers side of the family call him alex and hes a trans man!! his mums a first generation russian immigrant and his dads a third generation irish immigrant but he doesnt feel like he belongs to either culture
hes got giganticism! hes pretty good at not causing problems for himself or others by being big but when he was younger he was like a bull in a china shop
his backstory here is he was just a petty thief but then he ended up seeing somethings he shouldnt have and even though he wasnt gonna tell he was still grabbed for it to be safe and then just sorta gaslit and manipulated to getting the suit on so he couldnt tell people
as fucked up as that is hes jsut going along with it jhfdghj like it could be worse hes not dead yknow
and lastly sandman!! i really dont have a lot im afraid
i do have hes a amab enby and is in a relationship with alex cause once again i love tssm and hes got a death hawk that he never properly styles cause he cant be bothered to kjhgfghj
what little i have of a origin for him is just oscorp is involved and its all started cause of alexs disappearence cause he Knows he wouldnt just skip town without telling like 12 people first
so welcome to this essay im so normal
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fiymywings · 2 years ago
alma/karma crimson snow banquet card summary ch. 1-5 liveblog style (take a lot of this with a grain of salt kaku is Struggling today
ch. 1 - opens with the banquet starting and alma and my boy went HAM on the roast beef. emma is ENAMORED with how much he ate in like 5 minutes of the buffet starting im in love really. emma starts reflecting back on when they were assigned the mission to find the culprit behind the attacks on people. while they discuss it, alma says something along the lines of "when we find the culprit, i'll have a talk with them to find out why they did it", his usual "ill reform them" talk.
HE SUDDENLY GETS CLOSE TO EMMA AND IF IM READING RIGHT STROKES HER HAIR? it was in an attempt to get her to relax but :sob: goodness boy. i think he complimented her clothes as well and mentioned he has a hard time figuring whats good and whats not, and he ended up happy emma was smiling
they get back on the topic of what he mentioned before (reforming them) and the chapter ends as he saIM SORRY. LOST MY TRIAN OF THOUGHT. I LEFT MY PHONE OPEN TO CH. 2 AND IT OPENED WITH .A NOISE .
ch. 2 - ANYWAY
i was right he did get drunk and he pretty much dragged emma into the guest bedroom with him. mentioning going to bed and emmas trying to get him to at least take his coat off and shower and i believe he gets it confused with a confession
while emmas trying to get him to take stuff seriously, i think hes already fallen asleep and starts talking about food (?), and i think dialogue suggests he pretty much conked out the moment he flopped onto the bed.
he starts talking about a good smellDID HE JUST SNIFF EMMA?????????WHERE AM I. OH MY GOD!HE SNIFFED THE NAPE OF HER NECK!!!IM GONNA FUCKING DIE!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!KARMA!!!!!!!HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
OH THANK FUCK KARMA WA SLIKE "the hell are you Doing ." AND TOLD EMMA TO MIND HER DISTANCE HELP MEEEEEE. emma thanks karma for saving her from that situation (ME TOO. ME TOO!!) and they do the explanation that alma has DID/karma is an alter they did in the event story, emma goes "oh is this a chance for us to talk?"
picking "it's been a while" causes karma to comment that he hasnt fronted near emma in a while, she asks why hes out now since he only fronts if he has something to do, and he very grouchily says "I don't feel the need to answer that. Did I not tell you before to refrain from prying into my business?" and he reminds her they came to the castle to investigate, not have pointless conversations/overindulge. emma says she doesnt think her talk with karma is pointless, surprising him. after a moment karma ends up talking back to emma commenting on the fact she carelessly let herself end up alone in a room with a man and she runs out of the room primarily because she finds it difficult to actually Talk to karma
ch. 3 - after what i think was consdiered an unsuccessful attempt to talk to karma, alma returns (NO LONGER DRUNK.) he apologizes for having emma need to help him
alma ends up playfighting (?) with emma where she asks "whats with the sudden self defense practice" and he tells her she was making a face like something was caught in her throat and some moving around would refresh her. he ends up going a bit too far and nearly topples emma over, where he catches her midfall (and he comments on how light she is only for her to comment "no youre just Really Strong")
ch. 4 - they go back to looking for the culprit of the attacks
they stop to look at paintings, and i believe they ran into a painting of the flowers cinis mentioned in the event story (originally white, they turn red and are part of a "ritual" meant to strengthen a bond between two people)
he comments saying he suddenly thought about wanting to take good care of emma hawbhsbdg
ch. 5 - they start talking, more specifically trying to figure out how to talk to karma without driving him away, especially since apparently alma was pretty close to rolling over on top of emma and crushing her. he tells her she shouldve just left him there, since its common for the houndsweepers to be left alone when theyre dead drunk
while they're talking in a hall, cinis finds the both of them and brings them out to the balcony to see the red snowfall. cinis comments on the ritual for "Vow of love". after they both take a moment VAMPIRE ATTACK!!!!cloud of BATS!!!!!!!yeah
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transguyedgeworth · 4 years ago
this is the headcanon anon!! u asked for more so i will provide!!! i have so many and they are just. stuck in my head all the time i LOVE talking abt them also i am procrastinating going to bed LMAO
-maya and phoenix have matching friendship bracelets that pearls made
-before moving to a new appt miles always makes sure to check if the buildings are built with earthquakes in mind
- edgeworth sometimes sees mvk in franziska. he hates it so much but he also sometimes sees it in himself. miles go to therapy challenge but he works so hard on forgiving himself and fran
- phoenix was the one who found miles' letter; it was on his desk. phoenix still has it, crumpled in the pocket of some old pants he never wears anymore. he cant find it but when he does he will burn it
- iris and phoenix are on good terms!!! i Do not like feenris because it doesnt really make sense to me but i like to think that phoenix tried to help iris when he could
- maya and pearl make yearly trips to the temple where bridge to the turnabout was to speak to misty
- edgeworth used to be reminded of dl6 whenever he saw maya or pearl but he now realizes that its not their fault. heck it wasnt even mistys fault. some bad things happened, and he knows better than anyone that you cant blame someone because of who their family is
-OK less sad but edgeworth is the little spoon
-he loves affection even when he doesnt show it in his pompous little bastard way
-maya hasnt channeled mia since bridge to the turnabout and shes ok with that. she misses her but she also knows mia would want them to move on
-GAME NIGHT WITH THE WRIGHTS maya is SO competitive and phoenix constantly has to ask miles to get him out of sticky situations
-edgeworth has the biggest sweet tooth rivaled only by maya
- he will occasionally carry a little candy tin in his pocket
-fran and maya have date nights where they each choose a place to eat and fran always chooses super fancy places and maya chooses little hole in the wall places and at first they were both uncomfy with each other's choices but now maya loves getting all dressed up and eating fancy stuff and fran doesnt mind getting some good homecooked meals
- also both the von karma siblings are bad at cooking because they were never really taught, mvk had cooks and stuff to make food for them so fran gets private lessons with maya and phoenix teaches miles how to cook the best he can lmao
-edgeworth is always very cold and phoenix is like a goddamn heater so they always are at equilibrium when they are close together
- also occasionally edgeworth will poke phoenix with his cold ass feet when theyre sleeping and phoenix will shriek so loud they get noise complaints
-phoenix has a full laugh that brightens a room. he'll start laughing at anything and then suddenly itll be funny as hell. edgeworth usually starts with a little "hm" and then will laugh a little and then compose himself, but when things are really funny he'll laugh and then start wheezing and it makes phoenix laugh even harder
-maya will also start laughing at anything her laugh is bright and she laughs in little bits and pieces. a fran laugh is rare but she will often just let out a loud "HA" and startle everyone as she continues to laugh
- there wasnt much place or time to laugh in the von karma household so both fran and miles take a while to laugh, but theyre learning!
- the gang LOVES to celebrate bdays. ANYONES. gumshoes. mayas. penny from the turnabout samurai case. heck even mia and gregory!
okay actually these were more than the last one but!!! my god these are SM fun to come up with!!! i hope they bring u joy
SCREAMS THANK YOU HEADCANON ANON I AM THRIVING!!!! these are so good and they bring me so much joy hngh.... i want to hear like every single one of your thoughts because there has not been a single bad idea on this list so far... 
the friendship bracelets. please yes, absolutely precious. i ADORE the idea of found family game night. the chaos that would bring. i would Like to see it. in addition the birthday thing is adorable i can just imagine all the amazing parties and cake and maybe even party games?? bring maya’s competitive side back out!!!!
LITERALLY ALL OF YOUR EDGEWORTH THOUGHTS ARE SO PERFECT HOW ARE YOU INSIDE MY BRAIN??? literally edgeworth go to therapy challenge. i love all the stuff you mentioned he’s working on, like seeing mvk in himself and fran and moving on from dl-6 and learning how to laugh and cook and indulge in sweets and be open with affection... HNGNH. also the stuff about him being the little spoon in bed and him and phoenix being cold and hot respectively and him putting his cold feet on phoenix in bed. completely factual, that is canon, that is also something i do to my partner every time we share a bed. edgeworth kinnie moments i guess fhsjfndn
YOUR BTTT THOUGHTS TOO!!! all very good, i love the idea of them going to visit the temple and staying in contact with iris, i think that is so lovely and wonderful and the thing about maya not having channeled mia since then is so appropriate and in-character and fitting with the narrative truly capcom should hire you.
also also the franmaya stuff... so good. i love when women are in Lesbians with each other. and the descriptions of everyone’s laughs made me smile so much they were wonderful and so so accurate. thank you for the food.
listen i know i should go to bed. i know i should. i have to get up early to make sure i don’t sleep through the exterminator. but these are so fucking good i honestly just want to hear more of these headcanons for like the rest of time because they are so good. 
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prongssmrrcury · 3 years ago
a very bleak christmas
wolfstar fic /// one shot
word count ( 6.2k ITS LONG SORRY)
fluff, not much smut
this turned out awfully long IM SORRY😭 having that said i hope you enjoy <33 ily mwahh
"you ready wormy?" james said, shutting his trunk and looking at his bed and around the dormitory to make sure hasnt forgotten anything. he looked over at the shorter boy with sandy coloured hair who was bending down apparently trying to get something he dropped from under the bed, but struggling a great deal. he nervously shot his head up giving james a weak smile and said "yes, im ready, i just dropped something here im not sure what-"
"just tell moony to fetch it for you while we're away" james said and peter just agreed and left the dormitory trailing after james with his trunk, shutting the door on his way. the gryffindor common room was emptier than usual, but the fireplace was lit with a couple of people huddling around it to shield themselves from the ruthless cold of december. despite this however, peoples spirits were as light as ever as almost everyone was departing for two weeks to spend christmas with their families, even lily evans stopped rolling her eyes every time james breathed, and started spending more time with him and ( to james' great delight) enjoying his company. speaking of lily, she was standing by the fireplace with her hair up in a ponytail with a furry winter cap on her head. james noticed her at once and made his way down the flight of stairs and tapped her shoulder softly, she turned around and gave him a warm smile, a short hug followed.
"happy holidays james!" she smiled so widely it watered james' eye. she called him james, not potter.
"happy holidays" he managed to respond, taken aback by the sudden affection she just showed him. she looked around furrowing her brows slightly then spoke, "wheres your trunk? have you not packed?"
"oh no i have! i left my trunk with peter to um, you know, come and say hi" he said the second part of the sentence quietly, she let out a soft laugh, god he just wanted to kiss her so bad. "wheres yours?" he asked quickly. she turned around slightly to show him her trunk which was standing behind her, tapping it twice.
"alright then, lets go down to breakfast, minnie wouldnt want us to be late" he told her, taking her hand and leading her out of the common room with him. he looked back at peter who was struggling with his own trunk and james' but peter just shot him a thumbs up as if he got everything under control.
"alright wormy, dont be late" he muttered. the pair of them walked down from the gryffindor tower to the entrance hall and right to the great hall where elaborate christmas decorations were encapsulating the place, giving the entire castle a more homey vibe. the four house tables were emptier than usual, james and lily made their way to the gryffindor table where they were met by a handsome boy with long hair that he managed to scruff in a very messy pony tail, and a taller boy sitting across him who seemed to find his buttering his toast to be a very intriguing activity. lily and james took seats next to them.
"morning" sirius spoke, looking at lily then at james.
"morning sirius, how are you" lily replied, who also began buttering her toast. sirius didnt respond right away, instead he eyed her then finally spoke, "oh im, im very good" it didnt really seem like it, sirius didnt seem to be in his loud, arrogant and flirtatious mood today, instead a rather dull and quiet one. lily looked at james silently trying to understand what had caused the sudden change in sirius behavior, she was met a mere shrug from james. the four of them sat in silence for the next ten minutes, no one breaking silence that seemed to have swallowed them. remus then looked up for the first time and sighed loudly, which made sirius look very attentively at him, waiting for him to say anything.
"im gonna go, im in the dorm if you want me pads. enjoy your holidays james, you too lily" he said lowly, also clearly in a dull mood in contrast to everyones mood right now. he got up and left, shooting them a weak smile before disappearing out of the great hall.
sirius watched him so closely even when he had gotten out of sight. it was common knowledge that the pair are in love and clearly fancied each other, almost everyone in school knew that. maybe its because of sirius' shameless attitude, cuddling with remus in the common room, sitting on his lap in the middle of the great hall, or pushing remus against a wall and just stand in front of him doing god knows what. the only problem was... neither sirius nor remus knew they liked each other. they obviously knew they had a different relationship than anyone else but they were so oblivious to the fact that theyre in love that it sometimes made james just want to scream it in their face.
"you okay pads?" james said mockingly, sirius had been staring at where remus left for at least ten minutes completely transfixed, he came back to his senses at once and looking abruptly between james and lily then back at his doughnut, fiddling with it slightly. he then shot james an alarmed look and said, "dont call me that james". he spoke so firmly, he knew james knew this is what remus calls him. no one was really allowed to use that nickname with him, even he and james who had a light hearted friendship that was basically based on jokes and pranks, sirius pronounced the words looking into james' eyes, which made james know he was being one hundred percent serious. james didnt respond, feeling a rush of guilt in his stomach, he just took a bite of his oatmeal.
"how are things with you two" james asked. sirius once again didnt respond right away but instead took time to ponder his answer.
"what do you mean how are things"
"you know, have you guys had a row or anything?" james asked, stuffing more oatmeal in his mouth.
"oh- um yea no. not really no" sirius hesitated a bit. the truth is that remus and him didnt have a row, but today was one of these occasions where sirius woke up finding himself on remus' bed not knowing how or why. it had happened a couple of times before and when it did, remus would immediately smile warmly at sirius and pamper him with kisses here and there on his cheek and his jaw. however, today, remus woke up a bit more shaky to the fact that he was in the same bed as sirius. he straightened his pyjamas quickly giving sirius an awkward smile and leaving without a word.
james dropped his oatmeal and looked at sirius looking serious for the first time, giving him a smile that carried something between sympathy and support.
"are you ever going to tell him?"
"tell him what" sirius said bluntly
james smirked. even lily suppressed a knowing look. sirius rolled his eyes.
"you guys are not onto that bullshit the whole school talks about right?" he asked cringing slightly.
"if the bullshit includes you and remus being blindly in love then yes" james gave a small laugh.
"literally blindly" lily mumbled, but sirius heard her and gave her a look.
"guys- hes my best mate"
"doing a lot of canoodling with your 'best mate' ?" james smirked rolling his eyes.
"first of all, what the fuck is canoodling james, this isnt the eighteenth century" he ppinted out the weird choice of wording.
"whatever, point is, people dont sleep on their 'best mates' chests every day padfoot" sirius opened his mouth to protest but james cut him again "just save your breath will you. im trying to help"
sirius sighed heavily burying his head in his hands and shaking it.
"i dont fucking know what to do prongs. fuck ugh i hate this so much why cant it be simpler" sirius' voice got weaker.
"mate just talk to him, remus cant read your mind. and its pretty obvious the feelings mutual" james tried to convince him.
"i dont know if hes into- you know, into me" sirius tried to explain. sirius had come out to the entire school three years ago so it was common knowledge that was gay.
"oh he is" lily said
sirius blinked.
"i mean, i spend a lot of time with him in our prefects meetings and in the library and stuff" she explained. sirius blinked again.
"i mean" she began again, "he talks about you an awful lot and seems to be quite fond of you" she smiled.
"look, you'll never know if you dont ask" james said again. "look at me, i had to ask lily out at least fifteen times-"
"james what the fuck this isnt the same, why are you even comparing it" sirius interrupted
"oh of course its not the same, but communication is key, no matter what the relationship is"
"yea and when i ask him out and he just says i misunderstood all his soft affectionate gestures, then stops hanging out with me because im gay and he would know i have feelings for him, that clearly arent mutual. i'll just ruin everything, and i'll lose probably the only person that likes me in this lousy world" sirius spilled, laughing bitterly.
"sirius! you know remus would never stop hanging out with you because of that, you know it!" james said, his voice getting a bit louder.
"yea but it'd be a sticky situation when your gay friend has feelings for you" sirius said, his eyes filled with tears that he wiped right away hoping james and lily didnt see that.
"sirius.." lily said lowly
"lily can you please check up on peter and help him if needs any assistance" james told her firmly, she didnt need telling twice, knowing he wanted to be left alone with sirius. she made her way out of the great hall until she was out of sight, then james look at sirius again who had his head buried in his hands once again.
"sirius i dont know whats gotten into you today, but you know damn well that neither moony or i would ever think of you any differently because you're gay. stop saying that as if its something that hinders you" this was one of the rare occasions where james was serious and firm. he wanted sirius to know meant every word that left his mouth. at this moment he heard a sniff followed by a weak sob.
"james, i sometimes wish i wanst- wasnt, you know, gay" he managed to say between sobs. james' face fell suddenly.
"no dont say that. please dont say that, you know we love you the way you are and we dont give two damns if you're gay or not" james got up and made his way across the table to sit next to sirius rather than in front of him.
"you're me best mate, i dont like seeing you like this. i love you a lot sirius and nothing your little overthinking brain comes up with could change that" he said, pulling sirius into a hug, so hard that he mightve broken a few ribs. he wasnt gonna let go before sirius does, he could stay here all day until sirius was ready to let go. he heard strong sniffs and felt his chest going up and down. sirius broke the hug after a few minutes, looking a lot more content than he had a few minutes before. james gave him his usual cheeky smile.
"your fucking snout sirius" james laughed, picking up a handkerchief trying to clean his shoulder.
"fuck off" sirius managed to laugh, sniffing again.
"thank you" sirius said quietly
"come off it, dont thank me" james smiled at him. he watched him grab a cigarette and right when he was about to light it with the tip of his wand james stopped him hesitantly. james never really liked to mother him about smoking or give him lectures about the effects smoking had, but he noticed sirius was eating less and smoking more the past couple of days. sirius shot a "what-do-you-want" look to which james responded, "um, can you please just eat something before you smoke" james said. he knew this was a touchy subject, he never liked to mention it but they were alone and he knows he's the only one sirius would listen to. sirius gave him a hesitant look, before stuffing the cigarette back in his pocket.
"just for you prongs" he rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his doughnut. james however was filled with so much joy seeing his best friend do that just for him.
"what are you smiling so much at you prat" sirius said between bites. james shook his head softly before saying, "im very proud of you sirius, i hope you know that" sirius smiled and laughed dismissively at that statement, james knew it touched him but sirius never really knew how to respond to affectionate words.
"you're very sappy you know that" sirius laughed slightly.
"whatever" james felt his cheeks go red. "anyway i have to get going before i get minnie mad on christmas" he said, getting up, swinging his backpack on his back leaving the hall.
"tell moony i say merry christmas" james called, leaving the great hall also disappearing out of sight.
later that night, james and lily departed home to spend the upcoming weeks with their families to celebrate christmas, so did most of the school. as homey and welcoming as the school felt, everyone loved going back to their family, everyone except sirius. sirius was never fond of his family, he never had a good relationship with them and all they did was make him more miserable, he would take any chance to be away from them. sirius was sat in the library that was emptier than usual (but the ceiling was enchanted to fake snow) he was sitting with two giant books opened in front of him, yellowed by age. he looked over at the books, he hadnt read a single word despite being here for nearly an hour. he came here in an attempt to distract himself from the intensifying amount of nerves and stress, however, he was so lost in his thoughts that not even that gigantic book can save him from his exhausting overthinking. he sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulder, shutting the books that made a loud thud and put them back in their place. sirius swung his backpack on his back and left the library making his way to the gryffindor tower. he just wanted to sleep. yes, sleep, thats what he needed. he went through the fat lady's portrait and climbed up the stairs to his dormitory, finding remus sitting on his four poster bed completely engulfed by a book. remus shot his eyes up the second he heard sirius walking in and gave him a wordless smile, going back to his book. sirius' stomach did a funny lurch.
"i was starting to think youve forgotten your way around the castle" remus said, flipping the page of his book, still reading it. sirius looked at him nervously, not sure what he meant by that.
"what?" sirius asked, he was going to take his shirt off and get in his pyjamas but stopped abruptly. he didnt wanna make remus uncomfortable around him, especially after what happened this morning. they always had a very intimate relationship though, changing in front of each other was never a problem. remus suppressed a chuckle which made sirius look at him, unsure what he found comical in this very intense atmosphere.
"you can take your shirt off if you want sirius" remus said, still poured into his book.
"how can you even see me?" sirius couldnt stop himself. remus looked up from his book and gave him a is-that-even-a-question look. sirius slipped his undone tie, unbuttoning his buttons his fingers shaking horribly for a reason he didn't understand. he knew remus was looking in his book (not that he didnt want remus looking) but he still felt like all the worlds eyes are on him. a couple of awfully long minutes passed and sirius finally was in his pyjama and got into his bed under his blanket and stared absentmindedly into the wall. remus flipped the page once again, he hadnt read a word on the previous page. how could he? he was so preoccupied by sirius changing in front of him. remus did freak out when he found himself on the same bed as sirius this morning. he doesnt know why he freaked out the way he did, its not like its the first time. he knew that this had made sirius extremely self conscious the whole day, he was wearing a very dull look. he had to make up for his unexplainable actions, he cant stand seeing sirius this upset, especially if he was the reason hes feeling like that. he couldnt stand seeing him in such a bad mood on breakfast this morning that he had to dismiss himself early. but sirius' loss of his loud flirtatious attitude was what stirred the pot for remus. he didnt walk in the dorm and try to slip in bed with remus, or get a kiss from him, or remotely try draw any attention to hismelf from remus rather than that book in his hand, which was as un-sirius as one can get.
"why were you late?" remus asked sirius, knowing hes not asleep. sirius mumbled something inaudible from his bed that remus didnt catch onto. remus furrowed his brows slightly. he shut his book and put it on the bed side table, the sound he made when he shut his book made sirius shift in his bed to face remus who was staring back at him.
"where were you?" remus asked
"in the library" sirius said simply, avoiding any sarcasm or any joking around. remus face wore a surprised expression.
"oh- by your own will?" he said with a breathy laugh.
"yea" sirius replied
"what were you reading?" said remus, sounding excited. sirius didnt exactly know why he wad being interrogated by remus about his absence.
"um, i was just doing homework"
"oh, thats actually nice pads" remus smiled. sirius' stomach did another flip at the nickname. god this was so awkward and tense, sirius thought.
"sirius are you mad at me?" remus said, going straight to the point. every muscle in sirius' body went tense and completely still.
"no" sirius said bluntly.
"okay. great then. um do you wanna come lay here with me?" remus offered, this was quiet foreign for remus as it was never him who initiated anything sexual or intimate. but he was willing to go out of his comfort zone for sirius. just for sirius.
"uh- sorry moony im really tired" it pained sirius to say these words, if he was being honest, he wanted nothing more than to lay in remus' chest right now and give him soft pecks and kiss his stupid plump lips.
"oh, okay" remus said lowly. "okay then" sirius wasnt sure what he meant by that tone, and before sirius has any other second to think about it, he felt his bed dip slightly and remus climbing on him, placing himself on top of sirius with his legs wide opened around his waist. sirius felt like all the oxygen in the world had escaped his lungs.
"tired, you said you are pads? want a little massage?" remus cooed softly. he leaned down on sirius' chest undoing his pyjama buttons revealing his tattooed chest.
"remus-" sirius tried to stop him. sirius promised himself he wasnt going to do anything like that with remus because he doesnt want to make him uncomfortable or possibly hate him more, however, this is different. its remus thats initiating it. it remus that did it.
"what pads?" remus continued cooing softly, completely stripping sirius of his shirt and attaching his lips on sirius' neck. at this exact moment, sirius moaned louder than he intended. he shifted slightly in his bed and put his hand through remus' hair. remus continued nibbling sirius' neck. he bit and licked at all the right spots, leaving a soft trail of kisses all over his neck and made his way up to his chin and on his lips, where he left a soft peck. sirius however pulled remus' head back towards him to kiss him properly, remus licked sirius' bottom lip which made sirius moan approvingly into the kiss. remus slipped his tongue in sirius' mouth and deepened the kiss, he felt sirius' hand wandering around his shoulder and slipped in his shirt to touch his bare skin.
"god this is so" remus moaned breaking the kiss only to attach his lips on his once again.
"remus-" sirius stopped him abruptly. remus looked down on sirius, his eyes mobing fast between his godly features, furrowing his brows slightly not understanding why sirius stopped him. did he make him uncomfortable? was sirius really not in the mood and remus overstepped a boundry? remus felt a horrible tingling feeling in his stomach as his brain raced between all the possibilities.
"remus im sorry- i cant do this" sirius said, as soon as the words left his mouth he felt horrible, reading the shocked and bewildered expression on remus face, he looked very hurt and unsure of himself.
"oh- fuck okay im sorry" remus said quickly, getting off sirius and leaving his bed, but sirius held his arm to immobilize him and not make him leave. they stared at each other for a few seconds that felt painfully long. both of them felt confused, upset with themselves and unsure of what to do or say next.
"can you please stay" sirius said quietly avoiding remus' eye. remus didnt respond which made sirius feel a horrible pit of nerves in his stomach.
"i- i don't understand. you just asked me to stop and told me you cant do this" remus spoke lowly with a soft rasp in his voice. sirius buried his head in his hand, he was on the brink of tears, he honestly didnt know what or how to explain his confusion to remus. how could he explain it or put it in cohesive words when he himself didn't understand.
"sirius please talk to me" remus said softly, holding sirius' hand
"rem i dont know how-"
"do you trust me?" remus cut him off.
"what- yes of course" sirius said sternly.
"then please tell me how you feel"
"how i feel about what?" sirius asked
"about doing this" remus tried to explain, sirius knew at once he was referring to all the sexual stuff they do.
"remus i love it. i enjoy it a lot, i sometimes just want the day to end only to get in bed with you. i- i dont know how to word my feelings because it's honestly just all a mess inside me" sirius spilled. this was the most he'd spoken all day. remus smiled at the last sentence. "what about you?" sirius asked, feeling the same horrible pit of nerves in his stomach increase. remus however smiled.
"i do things for you pads that id never do to anyone" he said, smiling more. he leaned closer to sirius' face and brushing a few strands of his hair out of his face. "but, if you feel unsure about this, we can stop and just be friends. i'd completely understand"
"no what the fuck moony" sirius said before he could stop himself, remus looked in his eyes. "no im unsure about your feelings to me, not about my feelings to you" he tried to explain.
"you think i dont like you?" remus asked quickly.
"well not exactly but im not sure how you feel towards me". at this, remus leaned down to kiss sirius lips a soft and tender kiss. he took his time to savor every bit of his mouth he could.
"maybe this would give you a good idea about how i feel about you" he smiled at him. "we're both exhausted, its best if we just go to sleep"
"right okay. can you sleep with me?" sirius asked, remus gave a breathy laugh at his sweet request.
"yes darling i can" he said with his usual rasp apparent, getting under the blanket and spooning sirius playing with his hair for the the next foreseeable hours until both of them were sleeping.
soft sun rays illuminated through the window of the gryffindor tower and on the entire hogwarts grounds. the translucent curtains that were in the dormitory were not doing any shielding from the sun rays whatsoever. it fell gently on the two boys that were sleeping together, tangled together, their bodies almost intertwining so perfectly with each other as if they were jigsaw pieces. sirius' head was on remus' chest, remus hugging sirius' body towards him and their legs just tangled. they looked so peaceful, their chests raising and going down every couple of seconds, it was all so perfect that one could confidently bet that even their heartbeats were in sync.
an owl came knocking its beak on the window above the bed theyre on, breaking the gentle yet majestically peaceful the state they were in. sirius shifted slightly in his sleep, opening his eyes to find uninvited sunlight penetrating right through his eyeballs. the owl made another knock on the window trying to grab their attention.
"fine okay" sirius said rasply, he got up sitting upright opening the window for that stupid owl that interrupted his sleep. the owl had two parcels tied on its leg. sirius untied them and the owl flew out at once.
"whos that from?" a raspy voice spoke he immediately knew it was remus.
"um, i think its" he turned the parcel around to see if there was any name, he smiled when he saw the senders name.
"yep, its from prongs" he said looking at remus who also smiled warmly.
"well, we'll open it later, lets just get up quickly now before we miss breakfast" he said, sitting up right and sliding his legs out of the bed. the two boys changed into their normal clothes. remus got into a hand knitted sweater and pants, sirius also got into a baggy sweatshirt and sloppily tied his hair up.
"pads is that mine?" remus smiled looking at the sweater sirius was wearing.
"maybe" sirius replied with a cheeky tone.
"course it is" remus rolled his eyes. "you literally have the biggest closet out of all of us, yet youre never wearing your shit" sirius gave him a weird look.
"not that i mind it darling" remus said softly, playing with sirius' hair slightly. they both left the dormitory and walked down to the common room with the intention to leave to the great hall, however they were met by a small table that was put in front of the fireplace with breakfast food laying on it. they looked at each other exchanging weird looks.
"there was no point of making you leave the common room only to go down and eat when its only you too in the whole school" professor mcgonagall's voice spoke. she was sitting on an armchair wearing her usual green dressing gown. "well anyway, im going down to have breakfast with the rest of the teachers. you two have a merry christmas" she smiled slightly and left the common room.
remus and sirius were just left there standing stupidly in front of the food table.
"well, i guess we're not leaving. sit down lets eat im starving" sirius said sitting himself down and starting to eat toast. they both ate until they were full and just laid on their armchairs to take their breath.
"wanna open the parcel prongs sent?" remus asked after ten minutes of silence.
"uhh sure" sirius said, getting the parcels, handing remus one box and he opened the other one. he tore the wrapping and opened it, a smile breaking on his face.
"he got me a wand polishing set. oh and look, he got me some hair bands" remus laughed a little. sirius put the hair bands in his wrist.
"what are you laughing at, i love it" sirius smiled "what did he get you?"
"he got me part six of 'crows or crowns'. its my favorite book and he knows i couldn't find that volume anywhere" remus' face wore a very big smile from that present. "oh and look! he got me a vest, it's beautiful"
"i'll be wearing that" sirius said at once
"of course darling you can wear it whenever"
"remus open my gift!" sirius said with so much excitement, remus held the huge box wondering what he has inside. he stared at sirius before opening it, unsure of what will meet him when he opens it. his suspicion grew larger when he was met by a cheeky smiling sirius.
"its not gonna blow up in my face right?" remus laughed a little
"only one way to find out" sirius shrugged
"oh god" remus joked. he opened the box and the first thing he saw was a big box inside labeled 'book polishing kit' remus' face fell with shock.
"sirius! sirius is this a book polishing kit? oh my god" he was gasping. sirius felt his cheeks burn by the fond expression on remus' face.
"holy shit pads where did you get this, these are so rare and expensive" he held it close to his face examining it with so much excitement.
"shhh its a gift" sirius was kind of embarrassed fora reason he doesnt know. "theres more stuff"
remus looked inside the box and laughed out loudly when he saw at least a doesnt bars of chocolate.
"what are you laughing at! this is the muggle chocolate you told me you like" sirius said flustered a little.
"yes yes i love it" remus smiled. "thank you"
sirius shrugged, not knowing what to say in situations like this.
"um, right open my gift" remus said looking nervous. remus' gift was something a little different and not very expected, he spent a lot of time thinking whether its a good idea or not. hes so nervous for sirius to see it, he felt his stomach lurch so badly he might vomit. he handed sirius an a4 piece of parchment that was folded into quarters. sirius gave him a confused yet excited look.
"are you giving me your transfiguration homework as a christmas gift moony" he joked.
"oh shut up and open it" every fibre in remus' body was screaming in anticipation and nerves. sirius unfolded the paper and read:
"dear sirius,
i am writing this in the dormitory for the fifteenth time at least. i thought so much about this and decided that its perfect. six years ago when i laid eyes on you for the first time, you had this aura that carried so much charm, something about your stupid gorgeous personality was so seductive and made me in complete lust for you. there aren't enough words in the english language to explain how you make me feel, nothing will come close to describing how i feel when you slip in bed with me every night, when i play with your hair, when i hear your heartbeats, when i hold your hand and stroke it with my thumb, when you kiss my scars, when you sit next to me in class sit there looking pretty doing nothing. i came to the conclusion that every little thing you do has me in utter awe. no one has ever made me feel like that, for a long time i was so confused as to why and how you could do that so effortlessly. i was confused about how i felt about you for so long, i was so confused about myself, and you helped me come to terms with who i am, by being so unapologetically you. at the end of a hard day you're always there to cheer me up, even in my darkest days, when nothing felt like it'll be okay ever again, you're always fucking here to change that. the number of times you've saved my life sirius, i couldnt tell you, by just merely being here. i figured that no matter what happens and no matter where life takes me, i want to always be with you. i never want to see that day i have to depart you, i dont ever see it coming because not even the strongest force from the gods above will make me leave you. im in love with you. im so fucking in love you idiot. im in love with the way you talk, the way you tie your hair, the way you dress, the way your eyes crease when you smile, your bark like laugh, your stupid jokes that i find funny unironically, your chirped nail polish... just in love with you. so sirius, this is me asking, do you want to be my boyfriend?"
sirius read the letters at least three times to make sure he wasnt missing anything, to make sure he was reading it correctly. was remus asking him out? was remus actually in love with him? none of this felt real. sirius felt like he's seeing stars in his vision, like he was going to pass out any second right now. he looked up at remus who was staring attentively on him and watching his every reaction. he met eyes with him and felt like all the worlds oxygen was being drained.
"so?" remus asked, his voice quivering.
"so?" he repeated as if this was a incredulous thing so say, " fuck yes i wanna be your boyfriend" sirius threw himself on remus on his armchair and splattered him with kissed everywhere he could reach.
"i never thought id be the lucky person to actually end up dating you" sirius breathed
"please, im the lucky one here" remus rolled his eyes.
"i mean hell yeah you are" sirius said sarcastically.
the pair of them spent the rest of the day sitting on the armchair cuddled up with the heat of each other, sharing soft intimate touches every now and then. they spent the whole day in peace and delicacy and made the most out of each other’s company. soon enough before they knew it, the holidays were over and students were returning to hogwarts for their second term.
“hi remus! hey sirius, good holiday? how are you two?” james showered them with questions enthusiastically when they saw him come in the gryffindor common room, he seemed to be in a cheerful mood.
“yea, great holiday” remus mumbled finding himself an armchair and sitting in it. the rest followed and sat on armchairs around him but sirius sat on his lap which remus scooted over a little to make space for him. james and lily looked at each other rolling their eyes playfully but happy that theyre on good terms, unlike the last time they saw them.
“what about you two? and you wormy? how was ur holiday” remus asked calmly, playing with sirius’ hair absentmindedly.
“great we had a great a time, i invited lily and wormy over, wormy couldnt make it though. but lily and i had fun, my parents liked her a lot” james smirked looking at her. “obviously they knew her because i always talked about her to them, but they’ve never really- woah WOAH” james’ speach was cut abruptly when he saw sirius attach his lips to remus’ and remus kissed him back fondly. they all exchanged shocked looks but they werent too shocked, they knew something was happening between the pair of them.
“woah guys” james laughed as they broke the kiss apart and giggled at their reaction.
“yea um, remus and i are dating” sirius said, lookinh flustered slightly. remus was still playing with his hair softly.
“does that mea we can go on double dates?” james said at once
“james potter i am not going on double dates with you and sirius thank you very much” lily said sarcastically.
“suit yourself, james and i are going on dates” sirius shrugged
“james and you are what-“ lily looked confused but cant help a laugh.
“thats right evans” sirius said in a dignified tone.
“dont you talk to my girlfriend like that black!” remus said at once. they all laughed at the sitiuation but lily said with a serious voice, “guys im so happy for you, youre finally together” she smiled wamrly. remus and sirius scooted closer next to each other smiling back at her.
“really proud of my mates” james said, trying to keep a serious tone but smirking at the same time.
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marinetteplztakeabreak · 4 years ago
ML Lies Episode Predictions:
There’s Two?? (don’t trust my math) more days before lies completely destroys me, so I’m going to make some predictions, and by predictions I mean wishlist. My walls are already up, so if none of these happen I won’t be disappointed, but also a girl can dream: (this is somehow 1700 entire words long because I have a lot of feelings, so it’s under a cut, you’re welcome)
—Adrien and Kagami’s are secretly dating: please I want it so bad, I’ve talked about this so much and emotionally I need it!! At the very least I want them to sneak out together so so bad I’d cry. But also, if they’re hiding it from their other friends for whatever reason, thats SUCH good angst potential.
—If we get to see some kinda montage of them sneaking out??? Id ride that high for months. Even just one actual example of them working together to sneak out would obliterate me. Like, how it shows Kagami sneaking out to go to the game in Ikari Gozen?? I’d cry
—The breakup happens as a direct result of it being a secret relationship: this would be SUCH a good parallel to lukanette. Lukanette broke up because Luka wanted Marinette to be more open with him and he hated being in the dark, so just, the parallels if Adrien wants to be more open about adrimi and Kagami is like “you dont understand, if your dad finds out about us he will end this immediately” but Adrien wants to believe that its going to be okay and no one will react badly? I’m probably explaining this badly and I’ll try to explain it better later I just,,, want parallels and opposites and truth v lies and hhhhh
—Fencing??? Friendly/ affectionate competition??? Them being idiot jocks in love??? Please??? I want to see them compete!!
—I’d love to see Kagami character growth + Adrimi relationship development!!! I want her to love herself more and be more comfortable around him!!!
—Specifically, if there was a parallel to Riposte,, and Adrien beat Kagami in a fencing match and Kagami was like “Oh nice!! :D good game!” I’d be so happy I’d cry!! And it’s kinda implied by Chat Blanc that they’re already there in there relationship?? But not confirmed?? So if I saw it or saw confirmation of it I’d cry!!
—in one of the released photos it looked like they were holding hands??? And at this point my expectations are so low I don’t even trust it yet but blease,,, let them hold hands,, i’d cry of joy
—If Adrien is also constantly leaving and disappearing due to akuma responsibilities, I want it to read SUPER differently from the Lukanette because I love parallels/foils!! Marinette disappears on her dates with Luka and its just “oh marinette is really distracted and busy and frazzled” but I dont think Adrimi but be loke that at all!!! Because as far as Kagami knows, she has the same backstory/current story as Adrien. She’s risking a lot by sneaking out to go on dates with him?? So Adrien seeing an akuma and being like “oh sorry father is calling” isnt even suspicious or anything??? Its 100% believable!!! If her mother called she’d immediately be like “oh fricking heck i Need To Leave this instant immediately.” So its less “Adrien doesnt care about her” and more of just twisting the knife and reminding her that life doesnt want them to be together and Adrien is never going to be free!!! Big ouch to her heart!!!
—also I want!!!! Them!!! To talk about their feelings!!! Because parallels to truth!!! Adrien is like “sorry I have to go” and Kagami is like “oh I hate that so much” and Adrien is like “big same.” (Also idk how realistic this is but I’d love it if ‘Kagami talking about her feelings’ wasn’t the cause of strife in their relationship!! Like, she talks about how she feels and when she’s upset and Adrien is like “yeah me too” and they’re just,, good bros)
—I need them to stay friends after the breakup, i need it i need it i need it!!! And the whole issue is!! I feel like the main reason they’d date is to try and hang out more?!?? So if the breakup was actually them talking to each other and being like “hey so this isnt working with sneaking out, we’re going to need to go back to the way it was before,” rather than them saying they were bad for each other???? Hoo boy i’d lose my mind
—Also!!! My favorite prediction, I’d die of joy if this happened (and also of angst). I want there to be so much drama with “secret relatinship” stuff that they try to fix it by going public with their relationship!! Very low chance of this actually happening but its okay if it doesnt, thats what the fanfiction I’m inevitably going to write immediately after watching the episode is for!!! But anyway,, multiple ways this could happen.
Maybe they’ve been secretly dating since Miracle Queen and they decide to go public at the beginning of this episode and that’s the primary source of plot/conflcit!!! I’d be thrilled!!!
BUT!!! if the episode ends with then Not Breaking Up, but instead deciding to go from dating secretly to dating publicly???? Holy Freaking Heck,,, I’d go feral with emotion!!!! I also need to expand on this so much more but basic rundown of how I imagine it could happen (again: Is it likely?? Probably not! but this is my last chance to dream):
Kagami is like “listen we have the same backstory and I KNOW in my soul that this relationship wouldn’t work if it was public”
Adrien is like “okay yeah I feel you, thats fair”
Kagami goes on dates with Adrien and its fun and nice and lovely and the honeymoon phase is so good and exciting
Adrien starts disappearing a lot, partly because of akuma attacks, but partly because of nathalie and gabe calling him constantly
Adrien starts to be like “well actually i think that my dad does care about me probably? And if he knew why I wanted to go he’d let me! Or at least Nathalie would because clearly she cares about me!”
Kagami is like “hhhnngg have you met them?? You think they’d want you to be happy and free??” Except she can’t just SAY that because if she did then she’d be crushing Adrien’s entire heart and possibly also making him get really defensive and he has to come to the conclusion that his parents are good on his own
Kagami also starts to get frustrated with how much more often Adrien has to leave than she does?? And its because of akuma attacks but she doesnt know that and he cant tell her
Adrien starts to get frustrated because he can take the “having to leave for akuma attacks” part but when he finally finishes an akuma battle and Natalie immediately calls him it is just aaaaaAAAAAAAA and he just wants to believe so badly that he could at least take control of that part??? He could at least get Nathalie to help him out??? Probably maybe right???
Because we all know he HATES having to keep secrets from Ladybug, but he’ll do it for her, and he’ll keep his life as Chat a secret, but Kagami??? He should at least be able to talk about that, right?? He’s not doing anything bad/dangerous/etc
Also there could very well be some angst with Adrien being so so worried about Nathalie because she’s bedridden and his dad is being sketchy and he’s SEEN this before and he doesn’t want to be avoiding Natalie or lying to her because what if he loses her too??? He’d feel so guilty! And he needs the support of a parent figure so much,,, so he HAS to tell her the truth
But he respects Kagami’s wishes and he’s not going to betray her trust
But unlike Lukanette, they DO talk about their feelings and they disagree and stuff, and even if he’s trying not to be confrontational, Kagami is like “i can tell youre uncomfortable about something, please just tell me what it is” so he tells her that he disagrees
Kagami gets akumatized?? idk if it’s even been confirmed that she’s the akuma “Lies” but I’d assume she is because parallels to Lukanette
Maybe it happens as a direct result of some moment where Kagami and Adrien are arguing and in the heat of the moment he says something hurtful??
Maybe they’re arguing and then Adrien has to leave before it can resolve and Kagami is mad about it even though shes trying not to be and she gets akumatized???
Maybe she does say something like “bc your dad sucks and nathalie sucks!” and he yells or something (i want to see Adrien yell and be flawed let me live, and this is one of the most likely scenerios for it to happen bc it would HURT for him)
Maybe Kagami shoots back with anger, maybe Adrien’s been calm but Kagami gets mean for a moment, but regardless, Kagami says something about her true feelings of anger at nathalie/gabe/ etc and before Adrien can respond he’s like “oh shoot sorry I need to get home NOW”
Then for one brief second Kagami’s TERRIFIED that he’s going to tell nathalie about this in his anger and then nathalie’s going to be like “oh kagami is clearly bad for you because she made u this upset” and Adrien will LISTEN because hes stupid and he still listens to his horrible adult figures and Kagami is so mad about the entire situation so then in her moment of weakness she gets akumatized
Look at that its a direct opposite of Lukanette because Luka was afraid of Marinette keeping secrets about why she’s always vanishing because he doesnt know and Kagami is afraid of Adrien telling secrets about why HEs always vanishing bc she thinks she does know,,
But anyway, after she gets de-akumatized, she’s so ashamed of it and she can see how far she took it and how many people it hurt,, and Adrien is really sad and apologetic and trying to support her,, and she’s like “no clearly I was actually wrong, keeping this a secret is hurting you and its hurting me and now its hurting random civilians”
So she tells Adrien that they should tell people about it and stop dating in secret
And then multiple possible ending:
Does he say “actually no, youre right, they wouldnt let this happen, so if we cant date in public and dating in secret is hurting us then we shouldnt date at all” and thats how the breakup goes??? That would literally obliterate me
Does the episode end on a false positive where Adrien hasnt told them yet and he is like “yeah this is gonna be great” and there isnt an actual breakup yet?? Because that would also kill me (even though i doubt theyre going to let adrimi take up that much time in the show but, let me dream)
Also if Adrien is like “we shouldnt tell my parents but we should tell someone” and then they tell Marinette and now shes got ANOTHER secret to keep and aaaaaaaAAAAA?? Id die on the spot
I’m still holding out hope that the episode will give me enough crumbs to at least be able to write this better, but regardless of what happens in the episode,,, the chances of me eventually writing fanfiction exploring this are SO HIGH, I’ve been thinking about this for ages
In conclusion:
—no matter what happens in lies, its going to destroy me
—please let them be in a secret relationship it makes so much sense for their characters and for the drama and aaaaAAAAA
—also please give me the parallels to lukanette where their issues are exactly the opposite and it still falls apart
Thank you for your time, I’ll be excitedly vibrating at the speed of sound for the next two days until we get answers!! Depending on how the episode goes, I’ll either be writing so much adrimi fluff to recover,, so much adrimi angst to vent,, or I’ll be staring at the ceiling screaming for a few days as I post nothing but keysmashes and try to sort through my emotions :)
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blxetsi · 4 years ago
Hello! I love your blog and writing so much! May I please request modern au dating hcs for Mikasa?
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tysm for requesting ilysm 🙈💥
i also went a bit overboard i hope thats okay !!
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modern mikasa ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!mikasa ackerman x gn!reader
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- eren finds out abt her crush on you. idc idc
- mf may be dense sometimes but he isnt stupid, he KNOWS what mikasa acts like when shes in the presence of her crush,, he would know bc he was one ;)
- anyways, maybe your like, going up to ask mikasa for her notes from last class, or just chatting with them to be friendly
- either way mikasa goes from 😳 to 😐 real quick
- shes very quiet which youre used to so you dont really think too long abt her lack of communication. its literally just you and eren talking at this point
- after you leave to,,, idk sit under a tree ?? erens immediately turning to mikasa being like "okay tell me everything"
- she denies the crush on u 😔💔
- but then eren tells armin.
- and eren has a big mouth so who knows who else he told ??
- so finally, after beating up eren for spilling the beans she tells her two closest friends EVERYTHING
- like from how nice your hair smells to how pretty she finds your eyes. how she loves your sense of style. she just likes everything about you
- erens like "i mean yeah theyre rlly cute but like,,, what do you like about them that isnt physical 😐"
- mikasa starts blushing HARD. and slowly goes to her bedroom in their shared apartment, before slinking back out holding a crinkly folded piece of paper.
- its something you wrote and it says "thanks for studying with me mikasa !! let me treat you to boba as a thanks. youre so sweet, ill see you next class babie"
- erens looking at the note like 😐 mf is this it ??
- armins flipping it back and forth and reading it over and over again
- mikasa just says "theyre kind to everyone. and theyre funny. i just like them a lot."
- erens like 🙄 k but armins all for it
- then they start coming up with a plan to get you to like mikasa back (even though mikasa doesnt want that)
- erens an asshole and says "mikasa i love you and you will always be my number one, HOWEVER. they might just see you as a friend, OR WORSE. an aquaintance. we gotta make u so cool that youre irresistable"
- now mikasa is a bit worried
- HOWEVER. what none of those idiots know is that YOU have had a fat crush on mikasa since you asked her for a pencil at the beginning of the semester 😍 she stared at u like 😐✏️ and u were like "omg thanks 😊" w a little blush on ur cheeks bc mikasa's hot
- i mean,, if you didnt like mikasa WHY would you have invited her out for boba ?? one, who doesnt like boba ?? and two,, doesnt that count as a date ? u didnt know but u just wanted to like ✨subtly✨ shoot your shot
- but that was almost a month ago and she hasnt said yes. so you assume she didnt wanna go
- a few days go by after mikasa tells her friends all about her crush. and like,,, they do nothing ?? what happened to the big plan of making mikasa seem like the coolest person around ?
- it turns out eren doesnt know enough about you to know what you like. and ur dumbass friends aint help either.
- so one day he finds you and mikasa coming out of your shared class, your talking about something and mikasa is just nodding with a blush on her cheeks.
- he runs up to both of you before saying "hey just to let you know mikasa has a big crush on you. and she'd love to go get boba with you 😁👍"
- mikasa gets so red in the face and starts smacking him with her binder. you couldnt stop it even if you tried
- after literally YELLING at them for their attention you just turn to mikasa like "please get boba with me 🥺" and she cant resist
- and then the rest is history 😌✨
- after the boba date you learned so much about her and vice versa. you guys were like,, closer than ever. always going to her apartment or her coming to your dorm
- you guys would have sleepovers very frequently. nothing ever happens but you two like being so close with each other
- and you guys do a lot together when you arent busy with school or work or friends
- mikasa takes you to cool museums and art galleries
- you take her to cool shops downtown and parks
- its so fun
- but you cant help but wonder if youre dating or not ?? like do you have the right to call mikasa your gf ?? you guys havent kissed on the lips but she always kisses your head when you cuddle, and you always take each other out on dates
- on the day you finally bring it up during one of your sleepovers. shes on her back and youre almost on top of her with your arms around her shoulders and your face smushed into her chest
- u just kinda mumble "are you my girlfriend ?"
- and its SILENT.
- u start freaking out bc "omg she doesnt like me 😁👍 im gonna cry"
- until she just quietly says. "yes."
- ur gonna marry this girl 😐
- her love language ?? definitely acts of service. idc idc.
- when u sleep over shes making you tea without u asking. (u said u liked lavender tea ONCE and this bith got a whole container 😭😭)
- when you have movie nights with her, eren, and armin she always chooses a movie you like ("no we arent watching the florida project again armin cried last time" "yeah but y/n loves it so" "this feels like oppression mikasa" "okay and ?")
- is also very protective. she hears mfs in the halls talking shit about you ?? shes shutting them up with her glare
- also u know how isayama made her goth in his like, highschool thingy ?? yeah 😍
- #gothmikasasupremacy
- she makes her eyeliner and shadow messy on purpose.
- you love just laying her down on her bed and straddling her, just leaning over and doing her makeup for her (jules and anna tease 🙈✨)
- sometimes you guys go to thrift stores and pick out outfits for each other
- one time you found this GORGEOUS floral sundress and she physically shivered from the thought of wearing
- tried it on and looked SO BEAUTIFUL, but it wasnt her style 😐
- also doesnt tell her parents about you ?? not bc shes embarassed or anything but just because she knows her dad is gonna be like "who are they ? what are they like ? where do they live ? whats their major ? where are they from ? whats their zodiac sign ?"
- he doesnt do it to play the "overprotective dad" role but because hes genuinely curious and excited
- she brings you home for the first time and youre so surprised because this tall blond man is her FATHER ?? she looks so much like her mom though its not even funny
- for dinner her mom and dad made traditional japanese food 😭😭 it was so good omfg
- also this has nothing to do with dating headcanons but mikasa used to live off of lunchables as a kid. was literally addicted to the rubber like ham 😍
- her mom is so sweet, and she shows you all of the stuff she's embroidered all these years
- her dad is so extroverted, he loves telling dad jokes. you find them HILARIOUS but mikasa sits there like 😐👍
- he DEMANDS you guys play scrabble. he says it help him figure out who you are as a person. now youre scared 😁👍
- anyways
- you love giving her little kisses on her lips because one, you get some of her moisturizing lip gloss on your lips and two, she blushes SO HARD
- one time you two were on a date and you ran into her ex. whos literally so scary
- her name is annie and shes blonde and muscular and rlly hot but has that same blank stare as mikasa
- you feel kinda weird bc how did she go from being with ANNIE to you ??
- you ask her abt it and shes like "oh yeah we dated in our last year of high school. im much happier with you" and now youre feeling all giggly and happy bc mikasa doesnt lie 😭😭
- u roll around on her bed with your cheeks squished together to hide your blush bc you feel so good that she said that
- she just rolls her eyes before getting on top of you and taking your hands away from your face
- she gives u kisses all over before putting the final one on your lips. its such a soft and sweet moment with just the two of you, you cant help but confirm what youve already thought:
youre gonna marry her one day.
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i REAAALLLLYYYY enjoyed making this oml. i hope u all enjoyed this !! remember: requests r open for anything aot OR u can give me ideas for other fandoms to write for
kk goodbye friends 🤩🤩🤩
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fairycosmos · 4 years ago
hey, i have a sister who struggles with addiction. she moved out from our parents to my place when she turned 18, so that she could have some space and that her highs and lows wouldnt affect our younger siblings that much. but shes been going through a hard time for quite long now, which causes her to treat us around her like complete shit. her behaviour led into a pretty bad argument, which led to me driving her to our parents in the middle of the night cause i couldnt mentally or physically handle the shit she was giving me anymore. after that night, she never returned to mine and told our parents to pick her stuff and move it into a new apartment that she got for herself (which locates in the same building as her friends who she uses substances with). she hasnt reached out to me at all, even though we have been around each other and i cant bare to approach her either, cause im still upset and hurt. my mom said that shes already prepared to lose her. i heard from her friends that shes told them that if she goes unconscious, theyre not allowed to call the ambulance or try to help her. i am worried sick to my stomach everytime i think about her and i feel so powerless. my parents just say that theres nothing more we can do, she goes to psychotherapy and shes under the social services but still i feel like we should do something more to help her or to stop her from destroying herself. im so sorry if this message makes you feel uncomfortable, but since ive followed you for quite awhile and i know your experiences with these things, i would appreciate if you could help me with this situation or at least try to give me some advice, how to cope with these feelings that come from loving your sister that struggles. i dont want to lose her.
hey, i am so sorry to hear this. there's a lot i could say and a lot i want to say but can't really articulate. i don't think there's any one size fits all advice for such a complex and heartbreaking situation. i guess i'll begin with what i'm sure of, and that is that your boundaries and feelings are justified. addiction literally rewires your brain and perception of the world beyond recognition, to the point where the only thing the person cares about is their vice. it's just total tunnel vision, selfishness denial and violence on top of selfishness denial and violence. being around ppl like that, especially a loved one, is beyond exhausting, it's its own special kind of hell. like screaming at a brick wall. it's totally understandable that you had to take a step back after falling victim to her erratic, manipulative and abusive behaviour. the drug use explains it but it absolutely does not excuse it. you're really brave for putting your foot down and prioritizing your own mental stability when it all got to be too much. know you never have to regret that. having said that, it's possible for two conflicting feelings to coexist and for them both to be (for lack of a better word) valid. she's your sister - of course you're worried, of course you're terrified for her. of course you love her even while feeling like you hate her, at times. it's alright to let your emotions be illogical, to just weather the storm and let them pass through you. write it down, talk to your loved ones, maybe consider speaking to a therapist or hotline over it. it's perfectly normal to need that support and talking through your circumstances may be illuminating/lead to some personal revelations regarding how you want to approach this. ultimately, you're angry because you care. after a while i was like that too, with my sister. although i tried to let her know that i was more worried than frustrated during our conversations, sometimes i still couldn't help the internal rage. all because i wanted her to wake up to reality and for her to be okay - i didn't get her thought process at all, didn't get her version of the world. and i felt so fucking powerless because she just strayed so quickly from her path, despite what she was telling me, despite her being relatively fine mere months prior. despite us being best friends and on good terms. it's a headfuck, and you don't have to know what to do, you don't have to have anything figured out. just try to focus on what you need, today.
the hardest thing to accept is the fundamental truth of the situation, and that is that you can't fix this for her. can't love her out of it, can't enable her out of it, can't fight her out of it. all you can do is be there for her emotionally while still maintaining the appropriate boundaries necessary to preserve ur own mental wellbeing. it's completely okay if you need more time - i know you said you cant bear to reach out to her at the moment, which makes total sense. but since you sent this message and i can still see that you're beyond concerned and it's only getting worse, maybe you could consider calling her or sending her a text or meeting her for coffee when you're ready. just to let her know you haven't stopped thinking of her. and that you care about her so much, that when/if she's ready to get help you will be with her every step of the way. even if shes battling addiction for the rest of her life. if she screams at you, if she breaks down, if she ignores you for what you say - fine. but at least she'll know on some level that she is not alone, and at least you'll know you did what you could with what was in your control. also about her being under social services - is there any way you could get in touch with them, maybe explain that youre still worried about her and that you think she needs a higher level of care, maybe ask them if theres anything proactive you can do in collaboration with them to maximize the help shes getting? i dont know how it works where you are, that might be a no go, but i just thought i'd mention it. i'm sorry, i know it's a disappointing answer, but i really don't realistically think there's any other. there's only so much of this that is in your hands and so far it sounds like you've done and are doing everything possible to stay sane while looking out for her. i really really hope something clicks for her and that she starts to listen to you and her loved ones soon, that she begins to approach recovery out of the genuine need to get better. but it really does have to come from within her, all you can do is encourage it. im sending you both so much love. i know more than anyone how fucking stressful it is to have to wake up to this every day, and i'm so sorry. if you need someone to talk to, my inbox will always be open. you deserve peace in your own life, too. take care x
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zmayadw · 4 years ago
Here’s the next part.
Have a nice evening!
PART 14        
For the next three days i was trying to keep myself bussy with work, so not to go crazy thinking if Jake will contact me. I wasnt very succesful with it, i kept thinking of him a lot. Did i make it worse with all i said to him? Does he feel the same? What if he doesnt, can i just get over it easy? My mind was a mash, i was going crazy. I barely managed to do any work. And not to mention, those darn phonecalls continued on a daily basis. I really started to get a bad vibe from it, but i couldnt think of anything that would give me a reason for it. On the fourth day, i couldnt stand anymore being in my motel room, so i texted Jessy if she wants to meet me for lunch. She replied shortly after, accepting my offer gladly. A change of scenery will do me good.
I met with Jessy at the town square, and we decided to go to a pasta place. As we sat at the table, and ordered, she looked at me all serious „Whats up, Maya? I can see worry written all over your face.“ I tought if telling her about the calls would be a good thing, she might get too worried for me. After a moment of hesitation, i started. „I'v been getting some weird phonecalls lately, and its driving me insane.“ Jessy looked at me, worry appearing on her face „What kind of calls?“ „Hidden caller calls“ i told her, sighing „It all started a while ago, and i didnt think much of it at first. But then they beacme more frequently.“ I paused for a moment, seeing Jessy getting more upset with it as i told her more of it. „Does the caller say anything?“ she asked. „No, just silence.“ I sighed, sounding tired „I got a bad feeling about it all, Jessy. I dont know why, but something is off with it all.“ „Did you tell anyone else about it?“ she asked, and i knew who she had in mind. „If you mean Jake, no, i havent told him.“ I looked at her, before i continued „Since you mentioned him, theres something else i have to tell you.“ I told her all about that night after i left Aurora. She scolded me for not telling her sooner, but not holding a grudge, considering othere things that wer happening. „So you understand now why i haven't told him anything.“ I said, a feel of desperation taking over me. Jessy looked at me for a moment „I understan.“ She started „But i think you should tell him, Maya.“ „I dont want him to think im pushy, Jessy.“ I said, but she interupted me „Maya, dont be a fool. He can help you with this. Heck, he's the only one from us all that can actualy be of any help.“ She looked at me, pleadingly „Please, Maya, promise me you will contact him. Today.“ I couldnt say no to her, and she was right. Jake was the one person who might help me with this. I sighed desperatly „Alright, Jessy, i promise i'll contact him.“ „Today.“ She added, and i replied „Today, yes.“ Neither of us had much of an apetit afterwards. She walked with me to my car, giving me a tight hug „Everything will be ok, Maya.“ She said, giving me a reasuring smile. „I hope so, Jessy.“ I opened the car doors. „Call me if you need anything, and i mean anything. I'm here for you.“ „Thanks, Jessy, i will.“ I said to her smiling, waveing her goodby.
When i got back to the motel, i sat at my bed, holding my phone in front of me, just staring at it. Four days passed since that night, and he still hasnt contacted me. But Jessy was right, Jake can help me. I opened my phone, entering the chat with him. „Hey, you there?“ i wrote, and pushed send. I got up from the bed, and started walking arround the room nervously, still holding my phone. When the sound of a new message beeped fom it, i almost dropped it.
Jake: Yes, what's up?
Maya: I need your help
Jake: Is everything ok?
Maya: Not really..
Maya: Is it possible for us to meet?
Maya: I really dont want to go about it over the phone.
Jake: Alright.
Maya: Cafe Rainbow?
Jake: Meet you there in an hour?
Maya: Yeah, great.
Maya: Thank you.
Jake: No worries.
                                  Jake is now offline
I decided to walk there, clearing my head on the way a bit. I took my stuff, and left. As i was walking towards cafe, i hoped the atmosphere between Jake and me wont be aqward. I was stressed enough with those calls. The day was sunny, so i took my sunglasses with me, even tho the sun wont be out for much longer. I got there a bit earlier, and sat at the table outside, ordering a coffee. It passed a few minutes maybe, when i saw Jake comming my way. He sat down accross from me, and ordered coffee, too. I took of my sun glasses, and I guess my face showed all the worry and tiredness, because i could see Jake's face getting all serious. „Is everything alright, Maya? You look terrible.“ He asked me, worry in his voice. „No, Jake, everything is not ok.“ I said desperatly. I started explaining him all about the calls, him listening intensly to every word i said. „Alright“ he said as i finished „So just the calls happened, nothing else?“ he asked me. I looked at him, sighing „You think im over exaggearting about it, dont you?“ He looked at me, softness in his eyes „Hey, i can see this is bothering you, so, no, i dont think that.“ „It does bother me. I have a bad feeling cravling at me every time my damn phone rings.“ I said desperatly „I'm on a verge of breaking.“ I slouched tiredly at my chair then. Jake nudged me on my knee „Hey, it will be alright.“ He gave me a reasuring smile „We will figure it out.“ I looked at him „Thanks, i really appriciate you doing this.“ „No worries.“ He said. He got all serious before saking „ Would you mind if i'd check your phone?“ „Ofcourse not“ i said. I took the phone from my purse, handing it to him, but he smiled „Not like that.“ I looked at him puzzled, before he replied to me „I would like to check your phone internaly.“ „Oh, i see.“ I asked him after a moment „And how will you do that?“ He got a bit nervous.„Uhm, well, i would have to get some stuff from Hannahs place.“ He started „We can do it at the motel.“ He looked at me then, and i noticed him blushing a bit. I smiled inside „Ok, that would be fine.“ And i added, trying to make him feel less uncomfortable by all „I dont want the others finding out about it, eitherway. At least untill we find out more about it.“ He relaxed a bit „Ok, great. Did you came with your car?“ „No, i walked this time. I was stressed too much for driving.“ I told him. „Alright, understandable. Well, you mind if we stop to Hannahs place first, then head to the motel?“ „Sure, lets do it.“ I said, leaving enough money on the table for both of our coffees. Jake wanted to protest, but i shushed him quickly „At least let me do this, as a way of a 'thank you'.“ He smiled at me „Not necessary, but alright.“ I smiled back, leaving the money, and we left.
Hannahs apartment wasnt far from the cafe. I told him i'll wait for him outside, and he went in to grab his stuff. He came back shortly, his backpack over his shoulder. „Alright, im ready.“ He said, as he got back to where i was waiting. We walked in silence, when my phone rang. I took it out of my purse, and tensed when i saw it was one more of those hidden calls. Jake took the phone from me, answering it. „Hello?“ he said, looking at me, as i waited impatiently . He said 'hello' few more times before the call was ended. He handed me the phone back „Dont worry, this is all probably nothing.“ He told me, giving me a reasuring smile. „I really hope so.“ We continued towards the motel. As we got there, i unlocked the doors and entered my room. Jake paused a bit at the doors, and i chuckled at him „Well, come in, I dont bite.“ i said. He shook his head smiling, saying as he stepped inside „You sure?“ „Well, you will just have to trust me.“ I said teasingly „Or would you rather prefer for me to leave a chair for you outside, so at least you can sit while you work?“ „Ha, thanks, but i'll take my chances inside then.“ He said, grining. He was so sweet, i couldnt belive he was here with me. I tensed at the tought, and quickly glanced arround the room, sighing with relieve i actually left it tidy. I got to the desk, moving my stuff away „Here, you can use the desk.“ „Thanks.“ He sat down and started taking his stuff out from his backpack. He took out his laptop, wich was waaaay better then mine, and some other gadgets i had no clue what they were. „Uhm, power plug?“ he asked, and i replied its behind the desk. He pluged all he needed, and started his laptop. It was interesting seing him like this. He was doing what he does best, and i could see seriousnes and dedication in it. His laptop booted, and he turned to me „Can i have your phone, please? And turn it off.“ I took my phone, turning it off, giving it to him. He took it and plugged it to one of the gadgets, wich was connected to his laptop. He opened some program on it, and started typing something on the keyboard, not even glancing at it. I just stared at him in amazement. To him, this was like playing a piano, he could do it with his eyes closed. He finished after a few moments, turning to me „Well, now we wait.“ „And what is it that you are looking for?“ i asked him „And, please, explain it to me as simple as you can, this whole thing is a nuclear sience to me.“ He smiled at me „ Well, simply saying, im checking if your phone was 'hacked' somehow,tempered in any way. But, that will take a while. I wanted to check it thoroughly, so it will take longer then usualy.“ „Alright, thank you for a simple explanation.“ I smiled at him. „You're welcome“ he replied. „Well, since this will take a while, we could order a pizza or something?“ I asked. „Sure, i could eat something.“ „Great“ i said, adding „Uhm, since my phone is 'under maintanance', could you do it?“  „Oh, sure.“ He smiled „What kinda pizza would you like?“ „Oh, whatever, as long as its not too spicy, or with exotic fruit.“ I shuddered at the last tought. He laughed, his laugh ringing to my ears like a beautiful melody. „Good taste.“ He said. „Want a Cola with it? Or anything else?“ „Cola is fine, thanks.“ I said. He fidgeted for a while with his mobile, setting it down on the desk „Ok, done. Should be here in about 40 minutes.“ „Great.“ I started „Amm, do you mind if i take a shower while we wait for it?“ He looked at me, his eyes getting some special glow in them, something i havent noticed before. I felt the heat spreading through my body, as his gaze intensified, when he finaly said „Ofcourse not, go ahead.“ He started „I'll be right here waiting.“ I smiled, turned to grab some stuff from the wardrobe, before going to bathroom. Jake was watching me the whole time, and i had a feeling i was burning now. I entered the bathroom, closing the door, and leaning agains it from the inside. What the heck was that, i tought to myself, This was new. And i liked it. Could it be, i tought, that my little monologue from that night initiated something? I looked at myself in the mirror, realizing i was grinning like a mad man. I turned the shower on, taking my clothes off, and steping inside.
When i was done, i putted fresh clothes on and left the bathroom. Jake was still sitting behind the desk, checking something on his laptop. He turned to me as i stepped back into the room „Feeling better?“ he asked. „Yes, definatly.“ I told him smiling, sitting on the bed.. „Thats a nice pendant arround your neck.“ He told me. „A gift from someone sepcial?“   „Yeah, as a matter of fact.“ I said smiling, my hand automaticaly reaching for it. I told him how my mom always liked clovers, and about giving me that pendant, saying it will bring me luck and keep me safe. „Thats kinda like my lucky charms.“ I said smiling. But my smile faded, and i said gloomily „Kinda ironic at the moment, wouldnt you say.“ Jake got up from the desk, sitting next to me on the bed. „It's not.“ He said „Nothing happened that would make you say so.“ „Nothing happened 'yet'.“ I said, sighing, leaning my head on his shoulder. Just being this close to him made me feel better. His presence made me both aroused and calm at the same time. My hands wer resting on my legs, and he putted his hand over mine „Nothing will happen, Maya, i promise you.“ His hand was so soft and warm. I closed my eyes, just enjoing this moment, taking in deep breaths of him. The pizza guy knocked at the door then, and i cursed under my breath, moving my head from his shoulder. I wanted for the moment to last a bit longer. Jake looked at me, giving me an akward smile, his face showing he was sharing my resentment by the knock. He got up slowly, going for the door. He gave the guy some money taking pizza and drinks from him. I moved myself to the head of the bed, adjusting both pillows on the bed frame. „C'mon, lets eat while its still warm.“ I told him, tapping with my hand other side of the be. He came to the other side of the bed, putting the pizza on the middle. He handad me the bag with the drinks, and i took them out, placing them on the stand next to my side of the bed. He took his sneakers off and sat on the bed. I handed him some napkins from the bag, and we opened the pizza box. It was late already, so i turned the night light on the stand. I grabbed the tv remote „Want me to find some silly movie?“ I grined at him. He chuckled „Sure, why not.“ I switched through programmes, stoping on some movie we both agreed to just leave it on. We just watched and ate in silence. We finished the pizza, and i got up moving the box from the bed, handing him his drink. He took a few sips giving it back to me. With pizza box gone, we both stretched on the bed, and i switched of the light. I adjusted my pillow, Jake doing the same, and as he did, our heads touched at the top. I smiled, looking at the TV, feeling my eyes becoming heavy. „This is nice.“ I said after a moment, yawning sleepely. I could feel Jake smiled „Yeah“ he said „It really is.“ His hand found mine then, and our fingers intertwined. I moved closer to him, turning on my side, placing my head on his chest, not letting his hand go. He hugged me with his other hand, pulling me even closer to him. I closed my eyes, letting his breathing and the sound of his heartbeet lulling me slowly to sleep. Before sleep took over me, i said almost whispering „Good night, Jake.“ He gently kissed me on the forehead „Sweet dreams, Maya.“
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shitsumon-abound · 4 years ago
Aah, it was good 
Okay imma be level with you i dont like the play 
the story is incomplete and not that exciting, too little details and whatnot
But I like everything else other than the play
to fool Amadate they decided to put announcement saying they’d broadcast a livestream with important announcement and also theyre making use of rumors of mankai going to disband
Instead Sakuya as Saku is playing a skit of him meeting MANKAI company
This skit excites me more than the play itself ngl
The whole gang admits their reasons to love theatre acting
They dont say anything about what would happen if they’re not in MANKAI probably because more than half of them are nsfw and would cause international incidents but I digress
The dialogue of this skit are golden omg
Zen, Yuzo, Kasumi, and Hiro act as the terrorists, and Autumn plus Chikage and Hisoka do battle scene with them
Citron : ITS SPACE AGAR! (konyaku) Masumi : Attack, you mean. (shingyaku)
Kazunari : HOLY SHIT ALIEN INVASION! Can I post this on inste??
Saku : Im sorry, I’m troubling you... Guy : Don’t worry. It happens often Tasuku : Yeah, we should probably do something about that
Misumi : Aww, and here I thought we’d get new alien member Yuki : Don’t add more to our variation
The skit is what makes me not like the play
It’s because at the end, Saku said that his irreplaceable existences are his friends the pirates ANIMS and also his goal to reach his hometown
Since in real life, Sakuya’s found family went to pick him up in Hokkaido, Saku’s choice to stay with A12 people and not have ANIMS pirates come pick him up again leaves bad taste in my mouth
I MEAN THANK GOD HE FOUND HIS BIRTH FAMILY BUT HELLO??? Anims are your found family, saku. They risked their lives multiple times for you, saku. Doug’s dad died for you, Saku. WHAT THE HELL SAKU
Sure Spring is Sakuya’s family, but story and real life isnt mirrored at all and so I hate the play, there I said it
Note to self, make a fix-it fic regarding this
Kabuto’s past revealed
Amadate in jail
Hyakka is in shambles, but Kabuto is determined to revive it. Even though the blame is all in Amadate and not Hyakka company, the company still get pretty severe bashing online. So many quit and those who remain lose motivation. Is Aoshi still there? Who knows. 
Mankai company are all back in the dorm
Azuma brings his hoarded alcohols, Omi and Guy cooked ungodly amount of food in excitement for celebration
Azami comment on the skin state of the group, with Itaru being worst for staying late often to game
Homare : I also wrote a lot of poems for this day! After this party, why don’t we open a poem-reading event?! Hisoka : Participation non-mandatory
Yuki : The triangles in trianglian room also multiplied like crazy Misumi : I bought some back, but Muku and Tenma also gave me lots Tenma : I CAN’T HELP IT! When I see a triangle, I hear Misumi’s chanting of triangle~ triangle~~
Due to the scandal, there’s no nomination, but MANKAI gets special award for helping keep public’s faith in theatre despite the scandal
And Sakyo is like, the theatre reparations will cost us a lot and we’ll have to take loans, and since this is just special award there might not even be money prize back to basic yada yada etc etc
Yukio is back and he’s an advisor to FLEUR committee now
He has wound on his forehead
When asked why by Reni, he said he got hit by his wife and it took 3 days and 3 nights of apologizing for her to finally be let in the house
To be exact, he’s not let inside the house, and after three days and three nights of apologizing, she slammed the door open yelling SHUT UP and the door hit his forehead
As Reni said, it’s a miracle she hasnt asked for a divorce
Yukio : I need to make it up to her Reni : And you just told me you’re going to be busy with making new troupe
He might be a good producer/director, but he’s a terrible husband. Even Reni lampshades this
Yukio calls Reni his partner. Reni said he’s no longer Yukio’s partner, but a rival (since Yukio is planning of making a new troupe)
Reni said he’ll help out sometimes when he’s not busy with GOD troupe, but only if Yukio changed his intended name for the troupe (since he acknowledged MANKAI is Izumi’s now)
Yukio named it ( Ripened (kanjuku) company) since he planned to invite all the first gen into it to prove a point that theatre doesnt care about age and stuffs
And start another round of debt paying
Why isnt Amadate made to pay for damage? smh
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brelione · 5 years ago
Neverland (JJ Maybank X Reader)
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Warnings:Mentions of death,suicide,depression,probably a lot of spelling errors,has the possibility of making you cry. :)
This is really bad because I have not slept in 28 hours and I was bored :)
You had said over and over again from the age of 8 that all you wanted to do was go to neverland.It was right after your parents died in a drowning accident that you had become so obsessed with the idea.Neverland was the perfect place where children who simply didnt belong in the real world went to feel wanted.Neverland was where you belonged.You used to pray to any god there was that someday Peter Pan would come to your window and take you away.It never happened though.When you became friends with the pogues at age 14 you felt a bit better.You had met JJ Maybank,the boy of pure chaos and crackhead energy.He was always doing something illegal or doing something he shouldnt be.He was many things and loyal,sweet and kind were some of them.He acted like a lost boy,not caring about the consequences to his actions and living in the moment.
You would sit together on John.B’s roof and complain about life.
“You ever wonder why we’re so fucked up?”You asked.He shrugged,laying down with his arms over his chest.You tucked your hair behind your ears,looking up at the sky and staring at the second star to the right. “Hey,JJ?”You asked.He hummed,watching you stare up at the sky with a sad expression.He had noticed things no one else had about you.How your eyes were always a little pink,the way your laugh was never completely genuine,the way you hid your emotions from everyone because you didnt want to overwhelm anyone.He had always gone out of his way to do nice things for you.He’d made you a bracelet with your name on it that you had worn everyday until the beads had faded and the letters were hardly there.You still wore it.
He remembered your favorite type of poptart and would steal you some when he went to a large supermarket.You had always told him not to steal from independent businesses and if he were to steal from anywhere to steal from a store that had multiple locations because it didnt matter if they lost $2.He tried to show affection,hugging you or attempting to hold your hand.You never accepted it,shrinking under his touch.He wanted you to feel loved and appreciated but no matter how he tried the message just wouldnt get through to you. “If I ever go missing,just know that I probably went to neverland.”You spoke quietly.He sat sat up,frowning. “What?”He asked.You sighed. “I dont like it here.I wanna leave.Im gonna leave eventually so when I do you’ll know where to find me.”You avoided his gaze,staring up at the star.
He scooted himself forward so he was next to you. “Why dont you like it here?”He asked.You sighed,looking at him. “I dont belong here,you know?Everything just feels wrong and I feel guilty all the time because I know I should be grateful that im alive and healthy but I just want to give up.I just fuck things up and I dont wanna do it anymore.”You mumbled,feet dangling off the edge of the roof.He went to grab your hand,sliding his warm large hand over your cold small one.You let him,your fingers curling around his hand. “You do belong here,though.You belong with the pogues and we all love you.You know we love you,right?”He asked.You shrugged. “I dont really belong with you guys.Kiara felt bad for me so she dragged me into this.You dont really love me,you’re just saying that to keep me here.”You looked up at him.
His pupils were large,lips open like he was trying to form words.He was concerned for you,having the urge to pull you away from the side of the roof.You just grinned. “Its okay to admit it,JJ.I know its true.”You smiled.He shook his head. “No.No its not.What am I gonna do when you’re in neverland?Who’s gonna stop me from stealing from independent businesses?”He asked.You just huffed. “Pope will.”You replied.He shook his head,gulping. “No,no.Pope doesnt care about that stuff like you do-you’re the only one who can stop me from stealing pop tarts.”He replied,voice squeaking a bit.You rubbed circles on his hand with your thumb. “Its okay,JJ.Everything is fine.”You spoke softly.He shook his head. “You’re really scaring me right now...please just stay here with me.Please.”He whispered.
You bit the inside of your cheek,taking your hand away from his.You hesitantly leaned forward,hugging him.Your body heat against him was calming.He was nervous to hug you back,not wanting you to pull away from him.He slowly raised his arms,pulling you closer to him. “Dont stress,JJ.Everything is okay.”You whispered.He sniffled. “I just want you to be happy...what will make you happy?”He asked,blinking away the tears.You ran your hand through his hair,your finger tips scratching his scalp lightly as you twirled your fingers. “Shhh...JJ,honey,you’ve got to calm down.”You whispered.He let out a small squeak,biting down on his lip as he rested his forehead against your shoulder. “Please dont leave...please.”He sobbed.The guilt ran through you,knowing you had caused JJ to be this upset with himself.You didnt say anything,you just continued to run your fingers through his hair.He felt his whole body heating up.His lips always got really hot and red when he cried,he didnt really know why.He moved,kissing your forehead lightly.The heat against your cool forehead made a shiver run down your spine. “JJ,look at me.”You whispered,lifting up his chin.He looked up at you,more tears falling from his eyes.He sniffled,staring into your eyes.
He leaned forward,kissing you lightly.You pulled away after a few moments,forehead still against his. “It’s three in the morning,if we want any energy tomorrow we should probably sleep.”You mumbled quietly.He frowned. “You’ll still be here when I wake up,right?”He asked.You nodded.He couldnt believe he was scared of you leaving to go to neverland.He didnt know if that was really what he was scared of though.In all honesty he was absolutely terrified you’d kill yourself or something.After that night JJ had always tried to stay close to you.He always wanted to be touching you in some way,holding your hand or having his arm around your waist.He stole you more poptarts,telling you where he’d gotten them from before you even asked.
He’d text you every morning when you two couldnt spend the day together and he’d call you at least three times a day.Everytime you didnt answer he’d feel his heart speed up anxiously.You’d always text him when you didnt answer,telling him that you were busy and that you’d call him later.Sometimes you didnt have the energy to answer his texts but he’d feel better seeing that you had at least read them.But one day you didnt answer his calls.He waited for a text from you to explain why you hadnt answered.He tried to convince himself that maybe you were in the shower or taking a nap or maybe out for a swim.He knew you werent.You’d always text him before you went out for a swim or took a shower.You always said the same thing. “Im hopping in the shower so dont get scared if I dont answer.Love you.”.He hadnt received that text yet.
He had bit his nails as he sat in the hammock. “Are you okay?You seem stressed.”Pope looked over at him.JJ gulped. “Im just scared about (Y/N).She’s not answering me and I dont know what to do.”He had explained.Kiara frowned. “Are you guys fighting?”She asked.JJ shook his head. “She hasnt read my texts and I checked when she was last active on instagram and it says three days ago.I dont wanna go to her house because I dont wanna seem clingy but she’s really starting to scare me.”He tapped his foot on the grass.Kiara nodded. “Maybe her phone is broken.”She shrugged.He shook his head. “I dont know.I have a bad feeling.”He frowned. “So lets take the boat and go check on her.”Pope sat up from the porch couch.John.B was at Sarah’s and he would understand why they were taking the boat.Pope drove,going through the water as fast as the boat allowed until they were at the dock in your backyard.
JJ hopped out,going to your back door and knocking on the wood.He tried calling again,hearing your phone ring from somewhere in the house.He reached over to the windowsill,moving the painted rock you kept there and grabbing the key.Kiara and Pope were close behind him,starting to become anxious as well.He turned the key in the door,opening it with such force that the door knob smacked against the side of your house.He walked in,calling your name.He approached your bathroom,his hands shaking as he reached for the door knob.He told himself he was being ridiculous,opening the door.He turned on the light,wincing and hoping that you werent there.You werent,but your phone was. “(Y/N)!”Kiara shouted,going into your bedroom.Your blankets and sheets were messy,pillows thrown around.The window was wide open,your dresser knocked over. “JJ!”She shouted.He sprinted through the house,catching himself on your door frame.His breath hitched in his throat.There was no way.
There was no fucking way that you had actually left.That wasnt possible.Peter Pan wasnt real.But robbers were.Maybe someone had broken into your window and kidnapped you.That theory didnt make sense either because nothing had been missing and you always kept your bedroom window locked.You promised you wouldnt leave him.Maybe you had been forced to leave.He had to figure it out.He had to have you back.
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