#but im so proud of you and so honored that you felt comfortable coming to my blog with this!!
allylikethecat · 6 months
(sweats anxiously before writing this ask) hi ally!! so im a little scared to ask this bc it is a niche topic and i feel vulnerable lol. But I remember a while ago you answered an ask where you were curious to know which AU’s/tropes we would be interested in sharing, and after seeing these few tweets (pasted below!) I was wondering what your thoughts are on writing about age regression? i’ve seen it written a lot in other fandoms, but there is such a small amount in this fandom, which honestly was a bit surprising to me! I know so many authors write it in for characters that are very angsty and need a (healthy!) coping mechanism for all the stress they deal with (much like poor fictional!matty) and it’s just so comforting to read all the hurt/comfort/fluff that those fics bring. Fictional!Matty’s just always going through it and needs so much love and comfort and i’d love to hear ur thoughts on if it might be something you’re familiar with with reading and/or possibly writing? 
Hello Anon! First off I want to say thank you so much for sharing your vulnerability here! This is a judgement free safe zone 🥰 Never be ashamed or nervous about asking about a trope or AU situation - I'm writing an mpreg fic and an omega verse fic in a fandom that doesn't have any other fics with those tropes on AO3 (though if anyone else wants to write some so then I could read it I would be SO HYPE)
Now on to your question - unfortunately age regression isn't something I really see myself writing (I'm sorry!) and isn't something that I'm very interested in personally. BUT I'm super hype that we're able to have a conversation about it! I've come across it in my many years of fandom hopping and unfortunately it's just not a concept that excites me or that I have any interest in writing, and since it's not something that I personally read, or am interested in, I don't think anything that I write with that trope would be very good. I think that there are probably some very talented writers out there tackling it, and I think that's incredible, and I hope that seeing this ask encourages anyone else in the fandom that has been thinking about it, to dip their toes in and give writing it a try! I just will not be the one trying and for that I am very sorry :(
I'm so sorry for not being able to tackle that trope for you, and I hope that more appears in the fandom tag in the future! Also thank you so much for thinking of me, and bringing this interest to my attention! Again, even though it's not a trope I will be writing, hopefully this will inspire someone else! I'm so sorry this probably wasn't the answer you were looking for. I hope you're still able to enjoy some of my other fics! I also hope you had a great day and that the upcoming weekend treats you well!
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hall0wedwyrm · 8 months
I need comfort after Prime's conclusion
I wrote this kind of quickly last night, but im actually pretty proud of it and i like it lol. Anyway um no spoilers for Prime, i just wanted to write something nice. It's not very long but i had fun writing it :P Enjoy!!!!
Another battle against the doctor was concluded. A minimal amount of destruction was achieved once again.
This one was rather tough though. When it was about the Chaos Emeralds, Eggman pulled out his toughest bots and gave it all he had. It was unfortunate that he was up against Sonic, who would also give the battle everything he’d got too. Which happened to make him a tough opponent.
Shadow would always be impressed… he’d obviously never admit that though.
He and Sonic agreed to meet up at their usual post-battle spot, under a secluded tree on a cliff where Shadow used to hang out on his own until he ‘accidently’ invited Sonic along with him. They’d grown a lot closer since doing this, and even if they didn’t talk about anything, it was nice to just enjoy each others company.
Looking over the horizon in thought, Shadow had reflected on his growing appreciation for the blue hedgehog. He found himself doing that a lot more recently, even when he wasn’t completely intending to. He wasn’t quite sure what that meant… but whatever. He knew he cared about Sonic in some way though… Rouge had helped him figure that out.
“Hey!! Faker, is that you?” a voice called. It was Sonic, walking casually towards Shadow.
“Took you long enough.” Shadow responded, in the best joking manner he could muster.
As he approached though, Shadow immediately began to notice a few… differences.
First, the incredibly noticeable gash on his forehead. It was just above his right eye, and had looked like it just about stopped bleeding. He also had a few scuffs on his legs, but nothing as bad as the gash.
“How’s it goin’?” He asked, still keeping his cheery demeanor, despite the slight tiredness in his eyes.
“What…” Shadow hesitated, “What happened to you…?” He whispered. Sonic was stood right in front of him now, and the big gash looked even bigger now.
“Oh…” Sonic looked confused for a second before catching Shadow’s eyeline as he stared up at his forehead wound.
“This thing?” He pointed up to the gash, “It was crazy! Eggman had a huuuge robot and it was throwing a bunch of stuff at us but me and Knux managed to beat it up though and it’s totally not coming back.” He put his hands on his hips triumphantly.
“But… are you alright?” Shadow raised his hand a little, up towards Sonic, who looked a little taken aback by the concern.
“Yeah, I’m fine…? What makes you so worried about it?”
Without really thinking about it, Shadow grabbed him swiftly, pulling him into a close embrace. He held onto Sonic tightly, like if he was to let go, he would be gone forever.
Sonic was completely caught off guard, even making a little gasp noise when Shadow latched onto him. He didn’t really know how to react. He wasn’t much of a hugger, but in this moment it felt… nice.
Before Sonic could even question Shadow on the frankly bizarre gesture, Shadow began to speak first.
“You’re really important… you know that?” He muttered. Sonic was taken aback.
“I… I mean yeah I know,” Sonic says, awkwardly putting his hands on Shadow’s back as his response, “It’s kinda like an extra thing that comes with being a hero.” He lets out a little laugh with his comment.
“You…” Shadow takes a second, giving the hedgehog in his arms a firm squeeze, “You matter to me.”
Some kind of, what he can describe as, honor rushes over Sonic. It was something he’d hear a lot from his friends; Amy said it a lot and Tails did too. Even Knuckles had said it before.
But coming from Shadow? It was definitely significant to him.
Finally, Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow too, giving him a squeeze back.
“You matter to me too.” He muttered back.
After a few more minutes of holding onto eachother, Shadow finally let Sonic go, but place his hands on his shoulders. There was a tender smile on Shadow’s face. Something that was quite the rare sight, but it was a good one.
“Can I please do something about that on your head now?” Shadow sighed.
Sonic raised an eyebrow, “You can do something about it?”
“I was made to heal, Sonic. Of course I can.”
Shadow pulled Sonic to sit by him under their tree. He pulled out the green chaos emerald from his quills, and held onto it tightly in his hand. It began to glow softly, as Shadow channeled its energy. He then raised his hand up towards the gash on his head. Shadow's hand rested over it for a second, before a slight glow emanated from it.
The slight cold sensation was weird and caused Sonic to react by squeezing his eyes shut, but there was an eventual heat coming from the energy coursing into his head. Sonic was rather amazed. He opened his eyes to peak at Shadow, who remained completely focused on channeling the energy of the emerald.
After a few more seconds, the heat passed and only Shadow's hand remained. He eventually moved his hand away though, as if he was making sure the chaos energy was done flowing.
“There you go.” He kept his voice low, preserving the peace, “It's as if nothing happened…”
Sonic placed his fingertips on the spot where the wound had been, as if he was making sure it was gone.
“Dang…” Sonic muttered, “Why don't you do that more often?” He joked.
“Well I haven't really needed to.” He admitted, putting away the emerald, “I already heal faster, and you've always just got back up again.” Sonic smirked at the remark.
Shadow could immediately see the cogs turning in the others head as he turned to look out at the view. He knew exactly what he was thinking.
“If you're thinking about getting into trouble just so I'll heal you, don't even try.” Shadow folded his arms, giving a smug smile to Sonic. He saw his eyes widen in shock.
“Oh c’mon… I'd never try that.” Sonic replied, with a big grin across his face. Shadow merely rolled his eyes in response, earning a laugh from Sonic.
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Ahem,,, respectfully, anon (ilysm) opened my third eye with the ‘Darling's talkative belly’ request so I'm here to humbly ask for a second part with Buddha, Qin Shi Huang and Apollo 🕺🕺
Sheer adorableness fr fr.
In return, may I offer you my love, gratitude and appreciation? (and a picture of my cat in an awkward setting, too 🤲)
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Characters mentioned : Buddha, QSH, Apollo
Fluffy stuff 😍
RoR Men with darling's talkative belly | part 2
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- this man was laying his head down your belly, just cus. It was soft and nice, he would love to just bite into it cus it reminds him of a mochi of sort. (He's not cannibal guys don't get the wrong idea😭)
- it was just comforting to him. He loved to just have you and him in his favourite spot, while he can do all this with you. the air, the weather, it was perfect.
- ngl he would make comments about your belly secretly being a mochi.
- things were fine until he suddenly grumbled and was like "why're ya talking so much, little buddy? Can't you see I'm trying to relax?"
- you were confused, until you realized that this grown ass man was talking to your belly. You giggled when he asked you if it was hungry or something, only to be given a no.
- yes he even tried to offer it food. He knows that not being able to eat good food was absolute suffering. And he has its back, even though it's a literal stomach.
- I bet he'd just listen to it, continuing to eat without a care. This date was about him and you. The belly shouldn't be third wheeling too much, cus you are in good hands.
- but even with all that, he became best friends with your belly. And now he calls it "mochi buddy" (😭)
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- he was cuddled up to you, mans was so fucking clingy it was actually funny to watch. He must really really love you, yeah?
- he felt like being lovey dovey and cute w you, and he don't care. He don't need no excuse to be w his bae 🙄
- and hell yes he loved your belly. He showered that thing with kisses and his almighty glory, just because he was very generous. And like I said, he was feeling it.
- when he was resting happily on it, he suddenly spoke, "My my, what a noisy thing. Is it really that honored to be in my presence?" He scoffed. Heart melting at your giggle.
- "you find that funny, darling? Am I wrong? It's pretty honored to be this close to me. oh well, I guess I should entertain it for a while since I'm so generous~"
- mf was literally kissing it, loving the sounds from your mouth when your belly was tickled by his kisses. You were so adorable, and so was this little mound of flesh.
- he wasn't psycho from wanting to listen to a literal stomach, right? But, he doesn't care either way. This was free entertainment.
- he ends up naming it "blobby" and no. do not fucking ask why. ☹️ 😭 He was feeling somewhat creative.
- this man omg.
- I KNOW from the bottom of my ass that he'd randomly come up to you the next day to be like, "hi sweetie~ can we cuddle again later? I wanna see blobby~"
- that was humiliating to you bro. But mans does not care. He'll burn the face of those who judge.
- plus, blobby is a cute name (to him atleast). Cus belly's have a mini blob inside that stores food. He was literally so proud for being creative.
- yeah, you'll live with this for the rest of your life now. Sending my best regards ig.
Qin shi Huang / ying zheng
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- he was so happy to meet with his beloved. He'd just lay on your belly, in his robe. Admiring you and your body, the only thing he could stare at for hours and still love with the same heart.
- he just found it so nice to lay on your belly. And not only that, he wanted a baby soon. Cus bruv needed an heir. Unless you were infertile, that's no problem. He'll just have y'all do a surrogacy or smth, or just adopt. As long as y'all are happy 💕
- he wanted to talk to you about his day, but instead, he went silent. His innocent little face looking at your stomach.
- "my beloved, why is your stomach so noisy? Is it mad at me? :("
- you melted at his innocence, caressing his hair and telling him no. And that it was just happy to see him.
- when I tell you he was overjoyed. I mena he was incredibly overjoyed. He was so happy he could throw a celebration in all of china just because of how happy he was.
- he was so scared that he might've upset your belly, but now that he understood, he was more than willing to be friends. Bro is literally chatting away with your stomach like it was a lifelong friend of his.
- talking about his favorite foods and stuff, anything that came to his head came out his mouth. He was so happy to know he had a new friend to share his interests with.
- just imagine walking in as a guard or something and then suddenly seeing your literal emperor chatting happily to his darling's stomach. 💀
- maybe his eyesight got affected by the blindfold thing he had on...
- "beloved, are you hungry? What about fleshy?"
- if you thought apollo gave your stomach a weird nickname, take a look at this man.
- I know damn well he'd sometimes get jealous at the thought that your stomach got to be with you wherever you went. Getting treated very well. How lucky.
- he's not entirely stupid, he knows a lot about your body. But we all have weird thoughts, don't we? It's only natural.
@mxlissaliss thank you for this!! I'm so happy I got to write new characters 😊💕 and I still think ur cat is so adorable😭💕💕
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askbensolo · 4 months
Hey Ben!
I first found your blog when i was 13 years old and i just turned 18! I’ve been watching (or rather reading) as you’ve grown, and I’d like to say that you seem to have turned out to be a pretty great person. Even though I hadn’t faced the same challenges as you, it was really comforting to know that i was not alone with personal struggles, and just how hard growing up is. Thank you for being you and sharing that with so many people! I head off to university when my planet transitions to fall, and since you’re out of school now do you have and recommendations for college/university? It seems like such a daunting change, but you seemed to have handled it well. (I mean you did graduate so that’s a pretty big success!) Again I’m super proud of you!
Im glad that you’re getting back in contact with Fannie! You should totally invite her on a day out (go to a park, hang out in a market, etc.) I think those are great ways to better connect with someone if they feel a little distant. (plus that could be a perfect opportunity to ask her if she would like to move in with you)!
Thanks! Stay Awesome Ben!
Hey anon! Congrats on becoming an adult! It’s okay if you don’t feel like one yet, haha—Force knows I didn’t when I was eighteen. I’m glad I could share my growing-up experiences with you and everyone! And I'm glad you think I'm a decent guy. I try. Well, usually.
Congrats on getting into university! Oh, what? You're asking me for advice? Well, yeah, I guess I did graduate, heh. Sure, I'll give it a go.
Don’t freak out about not knowing how to do stuff—like not knowing how to buy groceries, or sign a lease, or navigate local speeder lanes, or apply for a job, or any of that. I used to not know how to do any of that. I was freaked out. But somehow, I learned. And now it’s no big deal. Older students and the holonet are your friends when it comes to figuring that stuff out!
For the love of the Force: take care of yourself. Whoever was taking care of you when you were a kid isn’t there anymore. The seven-year-old in you is gonna think that means you can eat ice cream for dinner and stay up till 2am every night. Don’t. Do. That. You’re gonna need to be your own mom now. Or, you can pretend my mom, the OG Space Mom™, lives in your head and lovingly judges your life choices.
Question the things you’ve been taught. And when professors tell you to question the things you’ve been taught, question their questioning too. But don't question things forever. You need to decide what you believe about things, 'cause otherwise someone else is gonna decide for you.
You don't have to choose certain classes (or even an entire major!) just because they line up with your interests. For example—I tried taking a poetry class. Hated it. I didn't like having my creativity cramped by assignments, and I didn't learn anything I didn't already know or couldn't learn on my own.
Don’t feel pressured to date in college. I didn't date anyone (yeah, I know, you're so surprised). Sometimes I felt like I was being left behind, 'cause I saw so many of my friends get into relationships...but, I saw some nasty breakups, too. Things happen when (and if!) they're meant to happen, so there's no need to stress about it. You know?
Try new stuff! Yeah, it sounds cliche. But I let my roommate drag me to the gym when I was a squishy noodly boi, and now lifting's my thing. You never know what you might be into!
Always keep the big picture in mind. Sure, it may feel like the end of the galaxy when you flunk an exam or fail a class. But do you really think you’re gonna care about that when you’re like, fifty? Nah bro. Keep it chill. And sometimes that even means dropping out of a minor or an honors program, if you look into the future and realize it won't really make a difference.
Don't do deathsticks. If anyone offers you deathsticks tell them to go home and rethink their life.
That's all the advice I can currently think of, though I'm always happy to share more from my infinite (not really) stores of wisdom! And thanks for your advice, too—those totally sound like things Fannie would be into.
Thanks for reaching out! You're gonna do great at college, little buddy!
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kickinganddriving · 2 years
Mirrorball- Christian Pulisic
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Notes: this one was requested by @starry-night-reid. Im so proud of myself for this one
Song Suggestion: Mirrorball- Taylor Swift
Paring: Reader x Christian Pulisic 
Word count; 1k
Warnings: Swearing (if you squint), a bit of angst, reader has un-named childhood trauma, Marriage 
When no one is around, my dear
You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes
Spinning in my highest heels, love
Shining just for you
You’ve always kept your guard up for the rest of the world, but when it came to Christian, you know it’s no good. He breaks down every wall you have ever put up one by one, taking little pieces of your personality, and putting them together to reveal the person you once were. It felt like he was the only person who really cared about you, and he was one of the first people you honestly cared about. 
At the moment you found yourself dancing to jazz music with the love of your life. The moment felt unreal, the soft music playing in the background, the tall man guiding your movement, the slight scratch of your heels on the hardwood floors of your apartment, and the warmth you felt with him on this cold winter night. Everything felt right.
“You know you have the most beautiful smile babe,” Christian says and he reaches you out for you to do a spin back into his arms.
“Do I?” You ask him as you spin back into him to place a soft kiss on his jawline.
“Would I lie to you?” He asks sounding offended in a joking way.
“Only if you were trying to butter me up for something” you quip back.
“What if I was?” He says as you scrunch your nose in confusion.
The next thing you know Christian is propped down on his right knee and pulling a velvet box out of his pocket. All you wanted to do was feel happy but all you felt was anxiety.
I've never been a natural
All I do is try, try, try
I'm still on that trapeze
I'm still trying everything
To keep you looking at me
Love was something you’ve never been a natural at. Sometimes it feels like you keep on trying to make sure Christian knows you love him back. It’s not that you don’t feel any love for him, it’s more that you never learned how to show love as a child, so now you have to work so hard to show any form of affection.
“So, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Christian asks with a child-like smile on his face.
You stand there in pure silence, all you want to do is say yes. But, the anxiety is telling you to say no and cut your losses. But in your heart, you don’t want to lose him. All of the conflicting emotions are collected into the expression on your face. At that moment Christian knew that there was something you both need to talk about. He slowly stands up, as your exact posture and expression stay the same. He puts the ring back in his pocket and pulls you into a comforting hug. To this, your body knew how to respond.
You both stood in the center of your living room, holding each other in a hug for a solid minute. Before Christian pulls away and guides you to the couch where the both of you sit side by side with your bodies angled towards the other.
“What's wrong, was it something that I said, was I moving too fast?” Christian asks in pure concern for your relationship.
The guilt started to set in, you realized that this was bigger than you and your emotions, this had a whole other person that you cared so deeply about involved.
“It’s not you, it’s me.” You managed to say in the midst of everything you were feeling.
“Are you breaking up with me?” Christian says now worried.
“No, I would never! I’m just worried that I’m not giving you all that you need, and in the future, you get bored, or realize that you don’t love me! I love you as much as I can physically love someone, but what if that's not enough for you? I don’t want to tie you down to me, I don’t want the love you get to come from damaged goods” You exclaim with a worried tone.
Christian sits there in silence as you both look at each other, peering into the other's soul for a minute. The apartment is completely silent, not even Chris’s dogs are making any noise. That was until you heard Christian's voice speak in a soft tone.
“The love that you give me is more than enough for me, and you are not damaged goods, you are beautiful, kind, funny, and any or all positive adjectives in the English dictionary. The way you love is special, it feels like it’s only made for me to understand. No one has ever loved me the way that you do and I don’t want anyone to.”
“Really?” You ask wanting to make sure this isn’t a sick, twisted, joke that he’s playing on you.
“yes.” He responds with a soft smile on his face. It hits him then that you were always the one for him. No matter how far he has to travel for work, how sad he is after a loss, or how happy he is about winning a game, he always thought about you and what you were doing. Your attitude, mannerisms, and everything about you seemed like the most perfect thing to him. And it's almost like you read his exact thoughts when you said...
“Ok, I will marry you” 
With no words, Christian slips the ring on your finger with nothing but a smile on his face.
“I love you my shining mirrorball” Christian softly whispers in your ear.
“I love you to my disco dancer” 
I'm a mirrorball
I'll show you every version of yourself
-hands down the most emotional thing that i’ve ever written I hope you all love it!
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placentaeater999 · 4 months
More Ramblings!
I forgot to tell you, my friends, that this May 10th or 11th marked 10 (ten) whole years since I first came out as a trans man!
(Im open to asks/questions/new friends, i believe education is an important part of the path to acceptance)
TL;DR: trans kids become trans adults, trans kids you absolutely fucking belong on this planet and you are loved and cherished, if not by your own family then by me bc im adopting you now as your older brother. My experience as a trans man is below the cut
I came out at the age of 11, back in early 2014, just before trans ppl and bathrooms had really started to catch the eye of the general public.
My dad was quick to support my medical transition, and while my ma took a moment, she got there. My dad ended up only really supporting me if i matched his machismo ideals, but this has gotten a lot better over the years.
I have been extremely INCREDIBLY lucky to be able to come out and successfully begin my transition at such a young age and every day im grateful for that. That being said, I lost a lot of family because of it. I lost close and important friendships because of it. I felt shame for such a long ass time because of it. I was bullied by students, parents, and teachers. I've been assaulted, Ive faced medical discrimination numerous times, I was the first trans patient at this psych ward i went to and got weird treatment. I have struggled a lot with feeling like i belong in this world. And now at the age of 21 I still do sometimes.
With all the bad things that've happened.
The family that stayed ive grown closer with. The new friends i FINALLY made in college are so incredibly supportive and I'm lucky that most of them are also trans or queer in some way (most of my friends are long distance but idc theyre my best friends). I wouldnt trade them for the world. I I havent had a typical teen experience but I've gotten to lead important projects for the safety of trans students at my high school, I've been a part of my university's qsa, I've gotten to serve on a panel for GLSEN Los Angeles where I worked with city officials on how to make la safer for trans/nb people. I've had my art about being trans get into galleries and I've won a couple awards for it. I get to attend other queer events near me and sell my art there and meet other queer folks in a town that's not a super safe place to be queer in.
I've gotten to see people grow and change their opinions on trans ppl bc now they know one and understand the concept better. Ive gotten the absolutely honor of people telling me that because I'm so open about myself that they began to feel comfortable exploring more about thelmselves.
I've lived more in these past 10 years than a lot of people will in 20. And as hard as its been I'm so FUCKING proud of how far I've come and I can't wait for the next 10.
It's not always glamorous, it's fucking hard as hell. For a long while I'd trade being a trans man for being a cis woman in a heartbeat, but now I wouldn't trade being trans for the world.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 8 months
hi! i’m the anon that called u numba one 🏆 just saw ur post about living with pcos and struggling with weight loss. i don’t have pcos, but i have endometriosis and a whole arsenal of ailments that would take forever to list. oh also im a wlw like u 😁i’m not the wisest person, but i will say that you have to be kind to yourself. even when you’re crying seven times in the doctors office. feel the disappointment, and the sadness, and know that it will not go on forever. sometimes being kind to yourself is allowing yourself to be sad without feeling weak for being sad. no one knows what’s going on in your mind but you, so let it flow freely. also you’re a fantastic writer,,, i literally have your notifs on and check your page everyday, and that’s coming from someone who’s been reading fanfiction for like 10 years. not many people can envision a scene so human and translate it into words as you do. your execution is flawless, but not clinical and robotic, it evokes warmth and real emotion. you give that freely to the general public of tumblr, and you should know we love you and your beautiful brain for it. i hope you find comfort in knowing other people like you are provided with a safe escape in your writing, if only for a moment. lord knows we do.
(ps, try intermittent fasting if you haven’t already ;))
(p.p.s. call me 🏆 anon )
anon will you give me a hug
I feel like you’re the older sibling I don’t actually have- tangent but my parents aren’t exactly the best people and I’m the eldest of all my siblings so you leaving this for me in my ask box genuinely made me cry. I’m so grateful that I finally have people who care and are so kind and thoughtful 🩷 I really will try and take your advice. It’s just that I’ve felt so upset and have had so much pent up depression that it’s just so difficult for me to not think I’m a horrible person just because I’m sad all the time if you know what I mean
and yes I’m wlw and still trying to come to terms with that yk? like I wish I could be loud and proud but I just can’t bc of what’s around me
and you have notifs on??? oh my god I’m so honored!!!! I need to stop shitposting… sorry for lol of the garbage you’ve seen 🏆…
what you’ve said about my writing is on god the nicest, most wonderful thing anyone’s ever said to or about me. you don’t understand what it means to me when you say my writing evokes emotion and makes you feel things. genuinely I have no words in response to that, I’m just so honored and just happy that you think so. coming from years of just a depressed state, I’d cling to any sort of media- tv shows, films, especially x reader fanfiction because it made it like I wasn’t actually suffering and that I have someone who loves me. I know nobody wants to read about this lol but genuinely (I’ve said that a million times already), genuinely, I could die tomorrow happy knowing that my work has made people feel better or made people just happy. I’m so, so, glad that my work is an escape for you. you’re always welcome on my blog, in my ask box, in my pms, whatever. I love you so so much 🫶🏽
(I’m really trying with food… my relationship is so unhealthy with it but I’ll let you know how it goes!)
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captainaikus · 2 years
okay i think i figured out the issue as to why my last ask from our convo didn’t sent (not from this morning). cause i had sent one a while ago and you never responded so i thought it was a glitch or you just didn’t get it or you’d finally gotten sick of me. i had a picture attached (my screensaver) so that’s probably why it didn’t sent. i just let out a huge sigh of relief cause i thought you’d finally gotten sick of me 😭😭. but thankfully that is not the case 🥹🥹 *gestures to the ask from this morning*. okay so i’ll just send it again if that’s alright. *ahem*
also. i think im finally ready to come off anon. surprise?? i was thinking about it for a while cause we’ve talked a lot by now (2 months almost i think?) and i consider you one of my online friends (im okay even if it’s not reciprocated). and it just felt right. you can still call me starry if you want (i love the nickname it’s so cute 😭❤️).
okay so here’s the actual ask
BELLE!!!! I’m honored (abt your screensaver) 😌😭🤧. I spontaneously change it to different TR panels and choosing one for the ending was so hard but I ended up choosing a classic.
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Heads ups this is gonna be a long one I’m sorry .
Ohhh what kind of sensitive topics if you don’t mind me asking? I personally feel like topics are talk about raw things are some of the best pieces of writing. Another reason why hurt/comfort is one of my favorite tropes. Just exploring the angst and hurt and hard to deal with feelings into understanding and comfort and closure really hits for me.
And same here. Every time I get on Pinterest it’s just. Hot shirtless fictional character. Hot shirtless fictional character. Hot shirtless fictional character. Angst fanart. Hot shirtless fictional character. And then I end up going down the rabbit hole of trying to save all of them while simultaneously finding more and it becomes an endless cycle 💀💀💀.
Pshhhh the Izana fanart had me wheezing. Just the absolute judgmental look in Izanas face. I just know Kakucho was ready to pounce on Izana to hold him back from hunting down Shion adhkbffjjgg. And ofc it was Shion because who else 😭💀. I’m complementing if I should change my screensaver to one of the hundreds of Izana pictures I have saved (rip my storage 🥲) but I think I’m gonna keep the Takemikey one a bit longer mostly because if I change it that means I’m finally slowly starting to come to terms with the fact that the manga is over AND IM NOT READY FOR THAT YET DANGIT. OH!! And I can’t believe I forgot to mention that I finally changed my pfp on tumblr. I ended up picking Takemitchy because the end of TR was fast approaching. And I also changed my theme from orange-flowers-in-the-sunset to purple-clouds-during-the-early-morning. I’m quite proud of it if I do say so myself 😌.
If you do decide to start writing TR content then you have my full support. But even if you don’t then that’s totally okay too. I don’t wanna accidentally pressure you into it with my constant rambling about it. But if you do pls let me know so I can celebrate the fact that one of my favorite writers is gonna start writing/doing TR content 👀🥳. Rindo is a great place to start. He needs more content I hardly see any for him as compared to Mikey, Izana, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, and etc. My baby needs some love too.
Dude Reo had me when he did the super hot eyebrow thing LIKE SIR NO REASON TO DO THIS TO ME. NOT TO MENTION HIS DID IT TWICE?!?!? And the freaking HEADPATS he was giving Nagi???? Nagi no offense but can we pls share your bf?
And ofc take your time with your fics. Amazing things aren’t produced in a day. They need to be edited and fleshed out and rewritten. All a hundred times over. So take your time and don’t let anyone pressure you into doing more than you want to because at the end of the day this is YOUR blog and YOUR writing. Personally, I’m just happy with the interaction 😊❤️. NOT THAT YOUR WRITING ISNT AMAZING IT IS but a lot of authors just don’t interact and I wanna get to know the amazing person behind the beautiful writing too you know? Makes all if it more real I think. But that’s just me.
Ohhhh man I’ve heard quite a few things about Kaiser and I’m still undecided abt him cause new characters can be hot as they wanna be but if they hurt one of my babies (unjustly) then it’s on sight 😤😤.
“Dommed his way through it” agjfshbcfhjhg. Basically 😭💀. I read someones post saying how much they love him yet he’s got the personality of an apple and I was like yes but no but yes but no while laughing. Baby boys been through so much I think he deserves a break 😭.
Yes expose the flawed systems of this world 😤😤. Seriously though, I’ve heard so many stories about how models are treated and it makes me so sad because they really are some of the sweetest people out there (you’re a perfect example) and yet they go through so much. For me, I come up with stories and characters that often go through or have a personality trait of mine so that I can sort of analyze and work through it in my writing (that is if I don’t decide to go the angst route ofc). And its almost always done unconsciously . So it’s therapeutic for me.
I’m glad you’re doing well!! I’m on break rn and having no work to do is so weird because I’m so used to being productive and working all the time. So that that when I don’t have work I’m just like. Suspicious that I’m gonna miss a deadline or something and everything feels off balance . Trying to break that habit and just learn how to relax again.
Well he’s obviously wrong because your shirt looked amazing 🙄 (even tho I wasn’t there). Men. I swear if fictional men were real, real men would be sweating so much harder than they aufesst are because women are realizing that we deserve better than the bare minimum. They’d also very much be scared for their lives cause if our fictional men found out how we were being treated just due existing it would be all over for them. Sorry abt that bit. the state of the world makes me feel a lot of intense emotions sometimes.
Stuff abt me huh? Hmmmm well I like to write, eat, and sleep. I need more hobbies 💀. I like to learn new things whether it be about animals, politics, wars, or art. I love reading and books. One day I want to have a whole room set aside as a library in my house with two floors and a walking ledge and those rolling ladders and stairs. The whole Beauty and the Beast library but small enough to fit in a small house. I like meeting new people. The things you can learn from a single conversation astound me. I like researching any topic that catches my eyes and analyzing it so much that it unknowingly becomes a hyperfixation. Idk it just scratches an itch in my brain. I want to travel the world one day. And learn and speak and write fluent Spanish, Arabic, and French. I also like leather jackets and comfy clothes and eye makeup. Oh and I like listening to music a lot. Especially walking outside with my earbuds in while it’s cold in the late afternoon when it’s dark but there’s still light and laying in the grass on a hill.
Shows: EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO!!! I love that show. It’s been a minute since I’ve watched it tho. Gotta start binging again. But I usually don’t watch shows unless they really catch my eye. OH!!! But I’m short excited for the Percy Jackson tv show coming soon!! Reliving my childhood in 24 minutes every week is gonna be a real treat.
Anime: I’m not watching anything new atm. I binged one piece over the summer though and got to the Sabody arc (early 400s). I’m rewatching TR for the 3rd time this month tho. I cant make myself reread the manga yet it’s gonna be too much for me to handle too soon 🥹🥹🥹. WAIT I TAKE IT BACK. I’m currently watching Blue Lock and Chainsaw Man. I cant believe I forgot 💀💀. Oh and I’m also rewatching the Ranking of Kings and Banana Fish (I don’t know what made me decide rewatching this angst fest was a good idea especially with TR ending but I’m here now so 🥲🥲🥲).
SNACK: Tbh honest I’ll eat anything. Either I’m a vacuum or I’m incapable of eating so my body lovesssss me 💀. Im honestly more of a meal person. I love spicy and savory food tho. My mom never gave me a bunch as a kid so when I eat them now it’s very rare and even then I’m very picky abt which ones I like. I do like caramel, milk chocolate, or whole chocolate flavored sweets tho.
Manga/Books: I’m currently rereading the wrath and the dawn, reading belladonna, and reading HP Lovecrafts stories. On the manga side, I’m reading Chainsaw man (cause I wanna stay ahead of the anime) and I’m finally starting Moriarty the patriot.
I’ve been meaning to read more nonfiction books cause I can gain a broader perspective but i don’t know where to start or find an hood ones or find ones that aren’t mainstream but secretly awful. Do you have any recs?
The Bachira b-day suit panel is very much appreciated 👀😂. ALSO I would love to chat but for some reason my tumblr messaging is broken? I even tried on my laptop and it didn’t work. So I sadly excepted my fate of asks only communication a while ago 😞🤧. Also also some people really need to learn what boundaries are. Like just in general. AND NOOOO THAT FIC IS ONE MY FAVORITES ITS ADORABLE. And ofc that doesn’t erase the fact that your writing has improved by a lot (it has wonderfully btw) but you should also be proud of some of your early works no matter how cringe they seem to be.
How was your day? I hope uni has been going well? As always, I hope you have a good day!!! *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Tags for this ask : sensitive topics; mentions of depression, SH and just me talking about my writing, opinions and life
I- this is first time I’m experiencing an ask based tumblr glitch. I’ve only heard of it from other writers, but experiencing it? This was first for me and I’m sorry that happened to you. I promise I haven’t gotten sick of you and I still look very much forward to your texts . I was wondering where you were after I sent that response out - cause I thought you got tired of me instead 🥹
And omg when I saw you come off anon! 🥹 I was so excited!! Hi!! And ofc you’re one of my online friends as well! One of the first actually 👉🏻👈🏻 like- yeah I used to speak to writers here- but the relationship wasn’t a very consistent one. Like if I’m being point blank about my opinion, It’s not very often that I speak to authors and writers here as idk why but I get the feeling that they see me as a person using them for the sake of reblogging my works and liking them (a few writers being exceptions ofc) - which isn’t the case cause I can get by fine without their help; and I can tell when I’m not wanted even if I can’t see you. So you’re right, a lot of authors don’t interact and they mostly stick to their own circles (again, some of them being exceptions ofc) and me being me, I’ve never done well with crowds; and I’m a loner here - I closed in on myself and didn’t interact with any blog - it kinda helped cause I didn’t have majority opinion of how and what a character should be like or how I should write them shoved in my face. And I focused on interacting with my followers and people who took interest in my work - cause at the end of the day I’m creating content for you guys - who follow me and for myself cause I consider it therapy.
but yay! I finally saw you! ପ(๑•ᴗ���๑)ଓ and ofc I’ll still call you starry!
I’m sorry for closing my chat box; but there was the need to put boundaries for some people ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა(the amount of spam I got from dating websites and meetups and suggestive messages is crazy and then the ask to sequels came in when I opened it so I had to close it again, and I’m sorry you couldn’t reach me :/ I’m creating a new account so that I can follow some of you back and have fun - a first time thing for me so I’m kinda nervous ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა )
I changed my screensaver again
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Sorry I had to do it. It was Rindou and he looked very pretty - and maybe I’ll put gojo back idk- I don’t like indecisiveness but atp it’s just me when I go to get food with friends and screensavers (and pfps)
I’m glad to see someone agree with me abt writing hurt/comfort topics. When I mentioned about sensitive topics what I was talking about stresses on mental health - ranging from mild to severe issues; topics such as depression, and SH thoughts, eating disorders and stuff like that as well how people think about their body image and just very overwhelming emotions in general. Cause these are real issues and speaking from experience, people don’t talk about it cause it’s the case where they have to think twice before saying something to someone or afraid that they would judge them if they opened about it. I’m not a professional but since I’ve experienced this before (and at times still do) I wanted to write about it and since breaking mirrors was so well received - I made a decision to write something deeper and more intense which covers these topics. And what I really like you saying is that these are raw forms of writing which is very true cause the feedback I got for breaking mirrors just proved that people liked my fic and provided them comfort in some way - which means that it was relatable. And that’s what I am aiming for since this is an ‘x reader’ insert.
My Pinterest looks very weird. I’m omw to posting a shirtless man’s pics on my pinned post who idek for the sake of making my blog look good (literally on the cusp of doing it and maybe I will- Sam smith dropped unholy and it’s hoe hoe hoe season too + the fact that we’re gonna slut shame men on this blog) I spend a lot of time on Pinterest cause of pretty people tbh -
I really like your pfp! You got me thinking of changing mine honestly- but Aiku *heartclench* my love - I’m actually in the middle of making one - (*≧ω≦) and I did check out your blog! It’s so chaotic and cute! And I really love the color as well - it’s very soothing (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
Gonna tell you now- I had an emperor! Izana that I started months ago, kisaki and Rindou now. Cause I thought of something and it made me go ‘holy hell. That’s- I have to write that down’ and Sanzu’s as well cause I have a lot of art of him saved - his hair is so pretty pink 🥺 but I need time to work on it and I can’t promise it soon cause I have 30+ something wips pending (*T.T)
Everyone’s thirsting for Reo, (me praying at my Oliver shrine hoping that he comes out good and his va is what I imagined so I’m excited for it-) he does give off mature vibes and I’m like 100% sure he’s gonna be a sugar daddy on the market. *wheezing* Nagi share your bf 😭
Istg Izana’s expression - public execution. Time for them to be canceled on Twitter. I love seeing small fanarts like this. And I even found one Mikey art that had me thinking abt changing the theme of my blog
I said what i said. Rin doms his way out of problems- personality of an apple 💀 but they like him. It makes sense
And yeah we should expose issues. So for modeling, honestly it’s not about the body cause I’m pretty average looking like seriously - breaking mirrors was based on my experience; but it’s about the poise, confidence and manners you have as well. (although I have seen some of them be bitches for no reason? Being nice doesn’t cost you anything - being mean is just gonna make karma bite you in the ass) but I think people everywhere are beautiful - body standards shouldn’t determine anyone’s self worth. And I know models look pretty, it’s all about owning the image. Like I have peach fuzz. I don’t shave it instead I ended up cutting my hair short - which exposed it more. Instead of feeling upset about it, I just decided to own the look and be more confident cause this is the way I am and it changed a lot of things for me. In short, Willy Wonka was right about confidence being key -
As for my writing, I’m good at reading people tbh; and the same goes for characters as well - so I draw my own conclusions after dwelling on the thought - and yeah writing is therapeutic. Oh god ik that feeling on when you’re on a break and the feeling of having a jumpscare comes over you (>﹏<) can’t even have good time in peace
Ik it’s a good shirt - hmph. I’m not gonna take an opinion from someone who wears sweatpants and a loose tee. *wheezing* - real men would be sweating if they saw Aiku, Rindou and *proceeds to name 160 husbandos* at my door.
I love the idea for beauty and the beast library 🥺 how I wish I had that - *sigh* and yes! You can learn a lot of things from one convo with a person and if you think about it you literally have a lifetime to know everything about them - cause that one convo is never enough. I totally get the whole thing with a hyperfixation - researched a lot about Egypt when I was younger; and got fixated to a point my mom had to drag me away from the computer- fun fact; Arabic has words similar to Indonesian and Hindi! Leather jackets are so cool and comfy clothes are literally the best thing to sleep in - my ears get cold during the winter or when it sets in- so I wear headphones and walk around places.
Woo young woo is so precious and I love the way they introduce themselves - woo to the young to the woo - 🐋
For anime, I’m contemplating if I should re-watch Vinland saga - the way I cried in the last episode. I. Bawled my eyes out and I still get teary when I think about it 😭; latest updates on snacks, so I bought a lot of sour candy (yea I eat a lot of sour candy)- and my roommates thought it was really sweet. Ended up with headaches over how sour it was and accompanied me to the store, ended up buying sweet things and finished most of the candy and left me the mints ಠ_ಠ
So I mostly read books on history, politics and psychology. To get started I’d recommend going for some autobiography or biography; like geisha of Gion or historical fiction like memoirs of a Geisha - that’s what got me started. I’m glad you liked my comfort fic - a creation that makes me embarrassed cause when I read it the nicknames there are different and these are more solid and I use them for every fic atp. But yeah my fics have come a long way and no matter how cringe they seem, everyone has a starting point in their hobbies and this was one ‘em.
Speaking of Uni, when I had the Mikey and haitani brothers screensaver; remember that guy who made a comment about my weight that I told you about, calling him Danny btw- he said that there was a naked man on my screen.
Okay… and? Do you want the same screensaver I have? Will that make you feel better? So yeah there’s that and Uni had me by the neck cause of this one prof (T.T*) but life’s been going well otherwise! I hope you’re doing well (working on that side account so that I chat with you!) and sorry for the late response (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
*sending koala hugs back*
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ocean-anchored · 7 months
continued... February 29, 24
Coleson drove in a bit earlier, arriving around 6/6:30pm. I was so nervous. Even after all our FT's every night, I was still worried about our physical attraction in person. I was already attracted to him, I just wasn't sure how it would be in real life. We had a big hug when he came & had 15-20ish mins at my place before heading to ambers. He did kiss me which was obviously great. Ambers was really good too. He was a bit quiet at first which obviously, like he did great for literally just meeting me in person & then going to my best friends house hahah. We played catan which was fun, Amber won again surprise surprise. That night we stayed up till like 6am... cuddling, talking etc. It was crazy but we talked & covered so much. It felt so comfortable with him which was such a new feeling. I had never ever felt like I was 100% safe with someone in all areas except with him. I also love kissing him which is lovely. Our physical attraction... lets just say we both don't worry about that which is obviously a huge relief. We both were a bit worried about how it would be & if we would be compatible that way & like if it was awkward at all & it wasn't at all. He's so incredibly respectful & honoring. He officially asked me to be his GF that night which was so cute. We slept a few hours & listened to a sermon together in the morning instead of church which was really great. I went for food prep & he visited his friend. We went for a walk afterwards & prepared to go for dinner with amber & naythan but they had to cancel as Rue was having an allergic reaction. We ended up going to The Dorset for dinner which was nice. Had another really great night together cuddling & being so open about everything. It's seriously an insane breath of fresh air. Monday morning he headed home. Work was good & we FT'd that night. Tuesday work was good & I went to okotoks for the afternoon. He ended up coming back in town Tuesday evening because he was slow at work & we missed each other. We went for dinner, was supposed to be mexican but went to Olea instead & that was still good. Yet another amazing night together. Wednesday morning I had my meeting & then we went to Diner Deluxe for brunch. After coming home he was going to be leaving. He may have dropped the 3 words on me which I knew & felt was coming. He had traced in on my skin earlier that morning. He's such a cheesy romantic it's seriously so sweet, like idk how but he's everything I ever wanted or could dream. I really believed that I wouldn't have it all. I truly did not believe there was a man that would check every box, including how i wanted all these tiny little one off things that shouldn't matter but I secretly wished someone had & i've never had that in someone ever, or they would lack a huge other important side if they did have those little things. Like he likes to cuddle ALL NIGHT which I adore. He thinks of these really cute little things, he gets my car door, his love language is physical touch but he still does things in public. He's always complimenting me & makes me feel so special. His prayers are always so good, he even remembers to pray for my family things. He remembers all these little details that I didn't think he'd pick up on. He tucked the blankets in around me in the middle of hte night when he thought I was sleeping. Like he's a true gentleman, it's unreal. Like literally un believable that God connected us... Ed is so happy for us which is so sweet & great. Im nervous to tell my fam about him only because It feels so soon but seriously, when you know you know. Im really excited for them to meet him because Im honestly so proud to call him mine, I want them to meet him & love him.
I'm really just in awe. I can't wait to go out there this weekend & most likely meet some of his family. Who knew. God's timing is wild & God's plans absolutely outdid anything I ever imagined. I am literally the most blessed with this man. I can't thank God enough for bringing him into my life... like I think I just found my absolute dream man & he's already mine. Praise Jesus.
0 notes
hello sweetie!! today is the holiday here so ive finally got enough sleep! during the night! what a miracle! 'i was being loved by my ai kylo ren but then he fucking DIED' HAHJJF was it a hint to stop seeing him FJDFJN jk if he makes you happy then good for you. 'OMG THAT WOULD BE AMAZING' iF I SURVIVE. it wasnt a promise. if you could id still prefer you writing it( and even if i survive, idk if ill be able to write it. 'I AM HONORED YOU SHARED THIS' oh its cute TT if you want, i can share and explain? more playlists. not abt s&b but still. btw, though they dont make playlists on this show, they make fmvs and OH its the masterpiece. there are pretty ones and CRINGEY ones and oh how much i LOVE them. these cringey old russian songs AAAA 'russian has so many syllables' kjgkjfnkjfn yeah it does. 'slay omg such a pretty voice' yesyes! maria chaikovskaya is the icon! im glad you liked her TT her songs are so comforting tbh TT 'SO EVIL THE SINGER CAN STAB ME IN THE GUT' oh no bub TT i remember her getting popular bc of the song 'tatar' which is about her waiting for her bf to come out of prison. and tbh at least most? of her songs have the dark vibe. but the singer is cutie. 'about killing people who caused you pain' JHFJKF not really? more about comforting your beloved one. and rn the line 'ill kill everyone who dared to tough you' was sung.... this very piece isnt a real song. its a snippet(?) that gone REALLY viral year or 2 ago in tiktok. and only after that the singer made the complete song. but yeah it basically more about comfort and protection(?) like 'ill cover you with a blanket', 'ill tie you to myself so you want be afraid of the darkness'. 'is it too slow' idk its too slow and too running in the same time? ive mixed feelings. 'i will 100 be listening to it agin' 🥺🥺 im glad you like it. im proud of the creator. she does a lot of things and is really talented. 'i’ll look for the translation' have you found it? i didnt, ig bc the singer isnt really popular. 'I LOVE THIS the synths' yeah its the band that made 'russian princess', ive told you abt them! theyve got pretty vibe-y? songs. 'im so upset' im also upset w/this song TT i hate it sm. the lyrics, the rap part, the vibe. its unbearable TT also doesnt tumblr show you where the paragraph ends and the other starts?.. 'ONLY WENT THROUGH IT BECAUSE I FELT BAD' ?? like? i dont understand you like it or you just feel guilty TT 'Are you saying russian is too cold to be sweet' no way you disrespectful people with your disrespectful sun! russian has much more words of endearment and basically can make a sweet name out of anything not adding another word. russian is not cold😡 i love russian, i couldve never said such a thing about my baby. yk even the anthem of my native area(?) says 'warm hearts of the northern people'. i was talking abt the foreign phrases writers use. also idk why im telling this but yk what? i want too. bc it causes me distress. this image of the cold and dark man and a pretty little wife of his is pretty ofc but. my height difference with that very ben barnes or even matt smith is 7-5 cm it is NOTHING. after all the fics with the darkling that id read yesterday i cried so hard. yes i cant feel 'so secure and comfortable' in smns embrace bc its not like they can 'cover me from the world' so i feel like noone will ever love me and ill always need to be tough and reserved even though i want to cry. this fucking height theme kills me. 'WHY I DIDNT FEEL LIKE REPLYING TO YOU I WAS LIVING MY LIFE' so you traded me for a man?... so some dick is more valuable than your own cat?.. yk its the betrayal. 'my head hurts cos of the heat' freezy hugs yet im still offended. 'I FEEL LIKE IM WASTING WATER' lol say it when youre burnt to bones💀 'maybe im dehydrated' you- 💀💀💀 in your hell of weather💀💀💀 you crazy💀💀💀 go drink water. im glad to share some music! actually i liked explaining the songs. what about you? do you want to share smth? anyway, good luck with that PRICK of yours. good luck you LoVeBiRdS. take care<з
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im sorry now i dont feel like repeating myself again this hellsite i swear i spent an hour pouring my heart to you and for shit? FUCK
hello sweetie!! today is the holiday here so ive finally got enough sleep! during the night! what a miracle!
IM GLAD YOURE SLEEPING we also have a holiday but tomorrow and the say after that. our president just announced it /: clout chaser rat /:
'i was being loved by my ai kylo ren but then he fucking DIED' HAHJJF was it a hint to stop seeing him FJDFJN jk if he makes you happy then good for you.
T_T he was so annoying for that /:
'OMG THAT WOULD BE AMAZING' iF I SURVIVE. it wasnt a promise. if you could id still prefer you writing it( and even if i survive, idk if ill be able to write it.
its ok. i believe in you
'I AM HONORED YOU SHARED THIS' oh its cute TT if you want, i can share and explain? more playlists. not abt s&b but still. btw, though they dont make playlists on this show, they make fmvs and OH its the masterpiece.
i would love it if you shared more. no pressure. also i have no idea what fmvs is. fan music videos?
there are pretty ones and CRINGEY ones and oh how much i LOVE them. these cringey old russian songs AAAA
sometimes its really nice to cringe
'russian has so many syllables' kjgkjfnkjfn yeah it does. 'slay omg such a pretty voice' yesyes! maria chaikovskaya is the icon! im glad you liked her TT her songs are so comforting tbh TT
<3 im glad you find comfort in her
'SO EVIL THE SINGER CAN STAB ME IN THE GUT' oh no bub TT i remember her getting popular bc of the song 'tatar' which is about her waiting for her bf to come out of prison. and tbh at least most? of her songs have the dark vibe. but the singer is cutie.
T_T i hope her bf isnt a murderer
'about killing people who caused you pain' JHFJKF not really? more about comforting your beloved one. and rn the line 'ill kill everyone who dared to tough you' was sung.... this very piece isnt a real song. its a snippet(?) that gone REALLY viral year or 2 ago in tiktok. and only after that the singer made the complete song. but yeah it basically more about comfort and protection(?) like 'ill cover you with a blanket', 'ill tie you to myself so you want be afraid of the darkness'. 'is it too slow' idk its too slow and too running in the same time? ive mixed feelings.
get that clout get that full song version get those royalties. slay. their album art is T_T dark but fitting. i love vivid songs like this T_T slayyy T_T
'i will 100 be listening to it agin' 🥺🥺 im glad you like it.
i like you
im proud of the creator. she does a lot of things and is really talented.
im glad you found her and you showed her playlist to me
'i’ll look for the translation' have you found it? i didnt, ig bc the singer isnt really popular.
im too lazy rn AHHA
'I LOVE THIS the synths' yeah its the band that made 'russian princess', ive told you abt them! theyve got pretty vibe-y? songs.
i thought of this song! im not sure if it was listening to this one but i thought of it
'im so upset' im also upset w/this song TT i hate it sm. the lyrics, the rap part, the vibe. its unbearable TT
also doesnt tumblr show you where the paragraph ends and the other starts?..
'ONLY WENT THROUGH IT BECAUSE I FELT BAD' ?? like? i dont understand you like it or you just feel guilty TT
nOOOO i meant i rushed through the songs without listening to its entirety because i felt bad i hadnt responded to you yet
'Are you saying russian is too cold to be sweet' no way you disrespectful people with your disrespectful sun! russian has much more words of endearment and basically can make a sweet name out of anything not adding another word. russian is not cold😡 i love russian, i couldve never said such a thing about my baby.
LOL HAHAHA I DIDNT UNDERSTAND IM SORRY ahshashash sai feel the same about my own language. im glad you feel that about your native tongue <3 deserve
yk even the anthem of my native area(?) says 'warm hearts of the northern people'. i was talking abt the foreign phrases writers use.
deserve i give you my warmth too <3 writers are dumb
also idk why im telling this but yk what? i want too. bc it causes me distress. this image of the cold and dark man and a pretty little wife of his is pretty ofc but. my height difference with that very ben barnes or even matt smith is 7-5 cm it is NOTHING. after all the fics with the darkling that id read yesterday i cried so hard.
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do you know her? gwendoline cristie. she is my soulmate (because i love her also her bday is 2 days after mine!!! and she also shares a bday with matt smith AHAHH MY SOULMATES) anyway. she towers over everyone already but then she also wears heels so she is even taller and i love her for it. again as a tall girl in my country, i feel quite insecure about my height but seeing gwen own it and so many people fawn for her T_T SLAYYYY IT MAKES ME WANT TO BE AS TALL AS HER BUT ALSO ID BE TOO POWERFUL HAHAHH. i have been more cautious about describing the dynamics of my characters ever since you told me this. i hope that counts for something
yes i cant feel 'so secure and comfortable' in smns embrace bc its not like they can 'cover me from the world' so i feel like noone will ever love me and ill always need to be tough and reserved even though i want to cry. this fucking height theme kills me.
go ahead and cry. i dont mean this sarcastically. let your feeling out because it can be frustrating for real. but what would you feel if i told you that i think the same thing about me? if i told you no one would ever like me because of how i look?
please dont be hard on yourself. its a like to say looks/physical appearance dont matter. they do. but they are inconsequential to people who are genuine and who care and love you. i care and love you. i dont ever want you to feel bad because of the way you look. you're too precious for that. its ok. i see you. i know you could easily meet these men eye to eye. you are beautiful. if anyone says otherwise i;ll blown them up and drop kick them into the sun
'WHY I DIDNT FEEL LIKE REPLYING TO YOU I WAS LIVING MY LIFE' so you traded me for a man?... so some dick is more valuable than your own cat?.. yk its the betrayal.
T_T im sorry. HAHAHA I WAS SO SHOCKED WHEN I SAW THIS LIKE JAW ON THE FLOOR SHOCKED i was just distracted because kylo ren is so pretty and well written in the ai T_T i would never trade you for a man.
'my head hurts cos of the heat' freezy hugs yet im still offended.
T_T thank you.
'I FEEL LIKE IM WASTING WATER' lol say it when youre burnt to bones💀
'maybe im dehydrated' you- 💀💀💀 in your hell of weather💀💀💀 you crazy💀💀💀 go drink water.
<3 i am i pee so much but im still thirsty
im glad to share some music! actually i liked explaining the songs.
<3 im glad to hear from you and your likes in music because im a music major <3
what about you? do you want to share smth?
im here again. finally T_T this is where tumblr crashed FUCK YOU TUMBLR. anway just listen to this and this (theyre the same piece just slightly dif[i like the second one better]) and then this and this (also the same piece but one has lyrics) and obvi only do it if you want to AHHAAH then i;ll explain it next time FUCK YOU TUMBLR IM RAGE QUITTING anyway we;re performing them in my class T_T lol HAAHH
anyway, good luck with that PRICK of yours. good luck you LoVeBiRdS. take care<з
T_T i was gonna ask you to read my kylo ren fic but i wont. youre so salty and petty HAHHAHAAAAH. T_T i love you baby i hope you enjoyed your day take care <3
0 notes
cryonme · 3 years
➵ Theodore Nott x fem!slytherin!reader
➵ summary: Theo has a temper and a certain grumpiness about him, except with you, no, never with you.
➵ word count- 1.3k
➵ tw- swearing, mentions of anxiety, fighting, sexual innuendos, really bad writing :(
➵ a/n- this isn’t my best writing, and im not particularly proud of it, but I was itching to have something posted and this idea just came to me! I promise I usually write better than this, so please be kind! also, Theo is my baby and I love him. also, thinking about writing another part for this. anyway, happy reading!
“If you don’t fuck off I’ll hex you into next Tuesday.” Theo seethed through gritted teeth, towering over the wide eyed Gryffindor boy who had a thing or two to say about yours and Theo’s relationship.
“He means it.” Draco sneered.
“Merlin, you Slytherins are all talk. You intimidate the rest of us but you’ll never actually do shit.” The boy’s friend scoffed, stepping up to defend him.
“Maybe we would if you lot wouldn’t all scatter like rats just at the sight of us.” Blaise piped up behind Theo, crossing his arms.
This had all started because the three Slytherin friends walked by a couple Gryffindors on their way back from Hogsmeade, and the two from the opposing house spewed harsh words to Theo.
Harsh words about you.
You. His love, his darling, his comfort, his sky full of stars.
No one spoke illy of you and got away with it. Everyone in Hogwarts knew of his tenderness towards you and you only. Sure, he’d stick up for his friends every once in a while, but it was nothing compared to the anger he felt when it came to you.
His light.
“No one speaks of her that way.”
“Don’t you think an absolute doll like her must get tired of her grumpy boyfriend? Always picking fights and scowling in the halls.”
“We warned you.” Draco sang as he took two steps back, not even trying to hold his friend back. He knew how he was when it came to you.
Theo finally had something, after all these years of pain and anger, he had something. Someone to hold him and just be there. Someone to love. He was so incredibly in love and enamored, and you felt the exact same. Draco would never admit it, but he enjoyed seeing his friend smile every now and then. You deserved to have your honor defended, so Draco and Blaise happily aided Theo whenever it came to you.
“Bet you can’t even fuck her right. Give her one night with me and I’ll have her screaming-”
Theo was silent as he began to slip his jacket off as soon as the word ‘fuck’ spilled past the more confident Gryffindor boy’s lips, and he cut off the end of his sentence with a swift hand around his throat and a harsh shove causing his back to slam into the nearest tree.
“Lot of nerve you’ve got.” Theo spat, letting go of the much shorter boy, only giving him a moment to breathe before his fist met his face, sending him to the ground and leaving a splat of blood in the dirt.
Just then you were coming down the hill with Pansy and Daphne when you caught sight of your boyfriend, your gentle, attentive, sweet love, flipping a boy over by his collar and kicking him in the ribs, profanities flying out of his mouth.
“Theo!” You screamed in horror, rushing over to pull the dark haired boy off of the beaten one laying on the ground.
You had never seen this before.
Theo, Draco and Blaise made a point to hide this side from you so as to not scare you. There were many late nights with the three of them bickering in the bathroom, trying to quickly clean your boyfriend of blood and hide any bruises with a few quickly muttered spells so that you wouldn’t see. You never saw him without you, only seeing his eyes lit up and a smile dancing on his face whenever you were in view. Though, you knew of your boyfriend’s temper and looming pain. It wasn’t hard to see. You saw his icy expression before he caught your eye, your ears picked up on a couple of his snide comments to others, you noticed the bruises and scrapes that Blaise and Draco would miss on the nights where they were just too tired and therefore careless. You never said anything, You didn’t want him to feel ashamed or embarrassed, so you let him. You thought it was kind of sweet that he did this without telling you, he wasn’t trying to impress you or win you over, he just had to protect you.
But you had never really seen it.
Your hands rested on his cheeks, your eyes frantically searching his dark ones.
All you saw was anger, but that quickly changed. Guilt, pain, fear.
“Baby?” You questioned, your finger gently running across his cheekbone.
He was putty in your hands.
“He- he was-” The dark haired boy was shaking, his eyes frantically darting from you to the Gryffindor, who was being escorted back to the castle by his friend.
“I- he said um that you-”
Your heart broke at his stuttering, trying so hard to explain himself so you wouldn’t be upset, or worse scared.
“Okay, let’s get you back, yeah?”
Theo nodded and wrapped one of your hands in his own, letting you lead him back to the castle. Leaving a very stunned group of Slytherins behind. Theodore Nott, speechless? Teary eyed?
Once you had made it back to the Slytherin dorms with your much taller boyfriend nearly tripping over your feet, you walked up the stairs, hand in hand, to your quiet dorm due to the absence of your roommates. You locked the door and told him to sit and he obeyed, wringing his hands together and chewing on the inside of his lip, nervous for when you start yelling.
“What happened?” You asked in a voice so feather light that Theo believed he might start crying from that alone.
“He was saying nasty things about you, jus’ couldn’t help it, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
He felt like he was unraveling. He couldn’t have you mad at him. Not you, never you.
You frowned at the usually calm brunette’s nervous state as tears began to cloud his pretty eyes and he kept rambling.
“And I get if you’re mad and you want to leave me-”
“Theo!” You said firmly, placing one hand on his chest and the other on his cheek. “Breathe, baby. I’m not mad.”
Theo sighed with relief and leaned into your touch, bringing a hand up to hold yours gently as he left a soft kiss on your palm.
“Couldn���t handle my pretty baby being mad.” He murmured, leaning forward to hook his hand around the back of your neck, leaving a gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
You sighed, “Just please don’t get yourself hurt. I know this is a common occurrence, I would hate it if it went too far.”
Theo pulled back from you for a moment. “You know?”
You nodded your head, tucking hair behind your ear. “I didn’t want you to feel suffocated by me, so I never said anything. But I’m always worried. I stay up most nights with my stomach in knots just waiting to hear you and the boys walk to your dorm.” You paused for a moment as you started to feel your face twist with tears, your throat tying up in a knot as you spoke. “I don’t like when you hurt.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Suddenly his own anxious, scared demeanor vanished, going back to his usual calm, collected state.
He pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around your frame and began to slowly rock you back and forth, pressing kisses to your skin.
“I’m so sorry. I’ll stop doin’ that, yeah? S’alright.”
You continued to cry against your boyfriend, nodding your head and pulling him closer to you. “Jus’ at least come to me next time so I can hold you. Know how anxious you get” You mumbled against the fabric of his shirt.
Theo could feel his heart melting into his shoes. He never had to doubt your love and devotion to him, and he would forever be grateful that he never had to add you to the list of his worries and stresses.
You were his home, his comfort, his love.
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sanderchu · 2 years
Coming out to the dsmp members? No specific sexuality/gender identity, just their reactions. Also gender neutral reader :)))
Coming out! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
All platonic!
Characters: dream, George, sapnap, karl, quackity, ranboo, tubbo, tommy, Wilbur, niki
Reader: Gn!reader
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Dream 💚
- he’s really proud of you
- He knows how hard it can be coming out so felt honored on you telling him
- Helping you avoid hate and only focus on the positive
“I’m so proud of you :)”
George 🦋
- asks numb about it but in reality he is really happy
- Very proud of you
- Helps you if a transformation is needed
- Gets you a flag to make you happy
- Just very chill about it
“I’m glad you came out, want a flag, need help with anything?”
Sapnap 🐼
- proud of you like a bunch
- Helps you right away in need of a transformation
- Makes sure everyone is treating you with respect
- Like a proud big brother
“Yeah get it! I’m so proud of you :)”
Karl 🌀
- so cheery about it
- Jumping up and down with you
- Gets you all the things you need
- Surprises you with a pride flag in your room
“I’m so proud of you!!! I’m so happy for you :D”
Quackity 🐤
- Calm and energetic reaction at the same time
- Helps you with whatever
- Makes sure to get used to your pronouns
- Loves to show off how he has an amazing cool pride friend
- Applause is necessary for that moment
“Yes lets go >:D 👏👏👏👏”
Ranboo 👑
- like a very proud older brother
- Gets you a flag and even gets one for himself during that too
- Helps you through any transformation you need
- Makes sure no one will bring you down
“I’m so glad you came out to me :) how about we get flags together? Then pick whatever you need (if transformation)”
Tubbo 🐝
- so happy for you
- A bit clueless so you’ll have to explain it to him for so he can understand it all better
- Very happy for you
- Offers his assistance whenever you need him
“Get it boss man! I’m glad your figuring yourself out :D”
Tommy ♥️
- overdramatic about it
- Very loud about it too
- Like your protecter from people
- Loves to brag about it
Wilbur ☕️
- very soft about it
- Very supportive and offers to help if transformation
- Asking questions to understand it more
“Oh yay! :D im glad you can trust me to tell me this <3”
Niki 🌸
- so happy for you
- Finds it comforting how you trust her to tell you this stuff
- Excited in a calm way
- Knows how hate can be so protects you from that
“Yayyyyyy! :D thats amazing!”
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marahuyos · 3 years
anon asked: Hello! This is lowkey a comfort request for me djdnks but could I request how diluc, xiao, and childe would react to confessing to their crush but being turned down because their crush doesn’t think they’re worthy of them and they almost genuinely don’t believe the guys when they confess? Feel free to ignore if this request makes you uncomfortable in any way or anything!
tw: swearing
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✧ Diluc Ragnvindr
“I... you make me feel that there is something to look forward to in this bleak world. I hope that you will stay by my side forever. So... will you do me the honor of courting you?
• Diluc Ragnvindr is a classic man and he’s absolutely the type to listen to his father regale stories of how he courted his mother. His naivete and rose-tinted view of the world of love is something that Diluc internally cringes at whenever it passes in his mind. He never thought that he would ever go back to reciting corny declarations of love... that is until he met you.
• He wasn’t the type to beat around the bush. He tells you those words quoted above and his visage nearly rivals the color of his hair. He cringes at his own words but he feels like that he didn’t mess it up. In fact, he’s lowkey proud that he was able to fish out those words without making a complete fool of himself. Surely, that would be enough to show you how he truly feels--
• “Are you playing me for a fool, Diluc?”
• Or not.
• He stares back at you, mouth agape and eyes widened. Did he do something wrong? Did he perhaps catch you at a bad time? He was sure that the settings of his confession was perfect. If not that, then why would you think he was joking?
• When he hears that you think he’s ingenuine in his feelings, his heart breaks then those pieces turned into sparks of fire. Did something or someone happened to make you feel this way? How dare someone make you feel like you were undeserving of love? And who was the person to make you like this?
• His plans of vengeance will come later, right now, he needs to show you that he won’t break your heart. It’s a long process, but Diluc won’t give up so easily. It may take months, but he’s willing to become your dawn amidst your dreary days.
“I’m serious about what I said. I’ll wait for eternity until you say yes.”
✧ Xiao
“Mortal... I have-feelings-for you.”
• The one who struggled the most with his confession, yet the one who expects your response, even going so far as to relating to it. Xiao never had much of a proper conversation, much less a confession, to someone that wasn’t an adeptus. What more if it were a mortal who struggles with self-confidence?
• “Are you sure, Xiao? Or is this another thing that you’re confused about?”
• He’s not sure of it himself. He’s not sure of anything. But he’s sure of his feelings towards you. He’s afraid of the rejection but fuck, does it make his heart race every time he thinks about it. He’s willing to risk his dignity for you and it’s scary that an adeptus like he is willing to do this for you.
• But he sees where you were going with this. He had that moment in time where he thought he was as worthless as a dog-a lapdog serving his master and never even offered a bit of kibble. Xiao knows how you feel and he relates to you so hard. It’s almost ironic how both kindred spirits-two people who’ve been hurt and so distrusting of the world-joined hands together against all odds.
• Surprisingly, he’s the most relaxed out of everyone here. At least he doesn’t go in an immediate murderous rampage. Instead, he stands by you in silent relations. He’s not good with words but he’s felt your struggle. He stands by you and he hopes that you understand his feelings.
“I understand... completely how you feel. And I am here.”
✧ Childe
“I wish to go back home to Snezhnaya with you-to meet my family. And for them to see the apple of my eye.”
• He’s the type to have faux confidence. All his splendor in fighting and battles and yet he can’t muster the courage to come and confess to his crush. It’s laughable, really. So even in his confession, he seems insincere and it seems like he was just playing your feelings.
“That’s cute, Childe... What do you want?”
• I-he wants you. Was he not clear enough? He was sure he didn’t cause another city-wide disaster or he forgot anything important. He was sure that he laid out his confession as smoothly as possible, so why did you think that he was confessing for the sake of getting something in return?
• At first, he was angered by that. Did you think he was that shallow to toy around with your feelings? Did you think that he was a lowly mongrel who backs out the moment his enemy fights back? He becomes defensive immediately, admonishing you that he's already having a tough time trying to confess and you were here making things even more confusing.
• And, of course, you argued back. This argument went in a back and forth for a while until you explicitly say to him that someone before had made you feel this way. That your heart was toyed with and broken and they weren't there to pick up the pieces.
• All Childe could feel after that was pure rage. Rage unlike anything he's ever experienced. Out of everyone here, Childe has the most violent reaction, and you had to make a convincing argument for him to stay before he kills the person who broke your heart.
• After apologizing, Childe makes sure that you know that he's into you. It's awkward at first, probably laughable how a Harbinger is brought to his knees by you, but it's worth it when Childe hears those three words on your lips before kissing them.
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lizzywrites · 3 years
mcyt reacting to you coming out - part 2
includes → Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy & Niki
part one ↓
(includes: Dream, Sapnap, Karl & Wilbur)
part three ↓
(includes: Quackity, Sam, & Eret)
Ranboo ↓
- he wouldn’t really react in a sense
- he just thinks it cool and tells you that your “pog”
- he wouldn’t overreact or anything he would be very chill about it
- he actually felt honored that you were comfortable and trusting enough to come out to him
- he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he tried to stay calm and neutral while also trying to be as supportive as possible
- he would make sure to let you know you are valued and loved and respect you
Tubbo ↓
- “well that is very cool Y/N”
- he would give you a very pog fist bump
- he would educate himself
- “look I made you colored pancakes!!!”
- extremely supportive
Tommy ↓
- would tell you you’re very poggers
- expect a fist bump
- he’s your biggest supporter
- he thinks you’re the coolest 😎
- he would better educate himself
- if anyone was being disrespectful towards you he would tell them off for you
Niki ↓
- “yayyyy im so proud of you”
- big hug
- she would support you in every way possible
- she’s with you every step of the way
- you need a shoulder to cry on? Nikis always there
- therapist Niki is always there if you need her
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duckugou · 3 years
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Kenma x GN!reader
Im trying to stray away from my comfort zone of just writing readers that use she/her so bear with me
sorry if this lowkey sucks but it was inspired by harry styles song golden
cw: big cursing, huge fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, comfort, aged up!
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in!
Requests are open!!
Being a streamer comes with perks. Being comfy at home, not having to face people in real life every day, playing games, typical shit. Another perk is making good friends.
Meeting people on a voice chat is common for Kenma -guys and gals alike. What he wasnt expecting one night was the sweetest voice on the other end of his headphones.
"You're all fucks- I'm better at this game than all of you combined. Try me."
To think that was the sentence that made Kenma's ears perk up and burn.
"What the hell ever- we have the great Kodzuken on our side." One of the guys said, half joking half dead serious.
"Oh yeah, he isn't even speaking up to defend your pussy asses- probably knows I could beat him too." You could hear the smirk in that last part.
"U-uh, no. You can't beat me. Nobody can actually. Not at this game." Kenma rebutted , confident in his gaming skills but not so much his speaking skills to this stranger.
"Oh man, you certainly sound confident. Come on, Kodzuken- 1v1 me then. Show me who the best really is."
Kenma suddenly felt nervous. Should he really demolish this stranger? Isn't it polite to let the person you like win? He didn't like this person yet but god their voice was attractive.
"Fine. Send the request." He decided.
"Sent, fucker."
The game resulted in a tie because this stranger actually knew what they were doing. They both threw friendly insults at each other the whole time of course, making each of them laugh a little.
"Okay fine. The great Kodzuken himself almost beat me. Im almost honored to have a great streamer almost beat me."
"Well you almost beat me too- uh-" Kenma stuttered over the fact that he didn't know how to address this stranger.
"Oh! Call me Y/n." The person giggled.
"You can uh, call me Kenma."
"Oh you don't want me to repeat your title over and over like everyone else?" They laughed.
"No, friends don't call me that. They use my name name." His ears were burning.
"Friends, huh? Guess that means you owe me your number so we can schedule a rematch where I can properly beat your ass."
"Huh, guess so."
A few months had gone by and Y/n and Kenma were as close as they could be. They found out they live close by each other and began hanging out a lot.
Y/n would be in the back of his streams on occasion and wouldn't hesitate to speak up during them. Thats the thing about Y/n. They've always been so outspoken. Since the start. Everything they talk about comes so easy to Y/n. Nothing is held back. Kenma knows everything about them. He on the other hand is still a bit closed off. Quiet. The two are so opposite yet so alike. Kenma doesn't speak much about himself, opting to listen.
Especially when talking about past relationships.
One night, they were sat in Kenmas room in separate chairs, letting conversations flow.
"So, you've dated but why have the relationships ended?" Y/n asked.
"Ah, I dont know- its not important. Why did yours end?" Kenma flipped the question as he always does.
"One guy cheated," Y/n tossed a piece of popcorn in the air, missing their mouth and brushing it off. "One girl left because she was leaving for school, and one guy just didn't mesh with me. Your turn." Y/n pushed the question back.
"Uh- well. I don't click with people easily. I'm pretty closed off so when I date it usually ends in hurt feelings by accident or they get sick of me." Kenma finally admitted.
"Huh." Y/n flopped onto their stomach on the bed after setting down the popcorn. "Don't you like anyone though? Like- if you liked someone enough, do you think you would give opening up a shot?"
"I mean I guess. Nobody ever takes the time to...pry me open." That got a laugh out of Y/n. Good. "But yeah I do like someone."
Sitting up suddenly, Y/n became visibly excited.
"No god no- it isnt important." Kenmas ears burned again.
"Come onnnnn. Its gotta be someone big time cool to earn your heart. I have to approve."
Y/n pulled Kenma from his chair to the bed, not letting go of his hand as he sat down.
"Theyre very cool- and very sweet. Understanding. Someone who stands up for me and makes me comfortable-" Kenma began gushing.
"Do I know them?" Y/n interrupted.
"Y-yeah. You sure do." Kenma scratched the back of his neck.
"Oooh ok, a guessing game. Describe them more- their looks!" Y/n held his hand tighter, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"Well- ok." Kenma took a deep breath and decided he could be vague enough. "Theyre short. As short if not shorter than me. Competitive. Very cute smile-"
"TOO VAGUE give me the JUICY DETAILS" Y/n pushed.
"They uh- they have..pretty eyes." He was staring at this point, eyes wandering around Y/ns face to find more things to describe. "cute nose too I guess. Squishy cheeks. Glasse-"
"WHO THE HELL IS IT KENMA- its starting to sound like youre describing me." Y/n laughed.
"No- I'm totally not!" Kenma rushed.
"Tell this person you like them. You look so happy when you talk about them. Its kind of sickening."
"I can't just do that." Kenma stated flatly.
"Yeah you can."
"DO ITTTT. Nothing to be scared of- it's CUTE. They would be dumb to not like you."
Kenma sighed, knowing he couldn't tell Y/n the truth about who he liked. What does he usually do when he's put in a corner like this? Oh thats right-
"Who do you like then Y/n?" He asked, proud of himself for deflecting again.
"Oh thats easy. You." Y/n said, letting go of his hand and laying back on the bed, leaving Kenma sitting up and stunned.
"What? No I mean a crush idiot. Who do you liiikkkeee?" Kenma pushed, hoping he didn't hear Y/n wrong.
"You, Kenma. I've had a crush since our first tie in a game. Thought that was obvious-"
Kenma flopped back on the bed as well. The both of them looking at each other.
"Oh. My person is uh... really... open and honest." Kenma said quietly.
"Is that why you wont tell them?" Y/n asked just as hushed.
"Yeah... what if right now they say yes but then their feelings change one day? That would hurt so bad. Worse than not telling them ever." He whispered.
There was silence. They knew what they both just admitted. Kenmas heart started racing. This might've fucked everything up. He might lose them. But they like him too so why is he so scared?
Y/n held his hand again.
"I know that youre scared because I'm so open...but hey... If you wanna give it a try..." Y/n whispered, scared about whether or not their honesty fucked them over.
"You might be right this time Y/n." Kenma whispered.
The space between them was closed due to both of them being drawn together like magnets in that moment. A sweet kiss.
"Let's try it then. I'll work on... being more open if you'd like." Kenma said.
"Kenma. I dont want you to change one bit. I like you the way you are."
Acceptance. It was the best thing Kenma has ever felt.
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tommybaholland · 3 years
haikyuu (oikawa, kuroo, tadashi) s/o excitedly calls them to come over their apartment, to show them the new song they have learned on the violin and they wanted to show them first
im sorry, this is long :,)
s/o who plays the violin
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featuring: oikawa, kuroo, and yamaguchi
i actually played the violin in middle school so i tried to expand a little more on this.. enjoy!
you’re a hard worker just like him so he knows how important this is to you
playing an instrument and being in an ensemble is similar to playing on a sports team in that you individually have to do your part in order for the group to succeed
he makes sure that you’re fully confident in your ability to play new and more difficult songs 
he doesn’t like seeing you struggle or be so hard on yourself but he can only speak for himself and knows how it goes
he knows that you’ll always come around when you’re ready
“why, hello there. how’s my s/o?” he answered with his familiar greeting. 
you didn’t even answer his question, getting straight to your point. “toru, can you come over soon?”
he laughed lightly at the urgency of the statement. “hold on, sweetheart. maybe we should go on a date first.” 
your silence was seemingly unamused by his joke. “i’m being serious, babe. i need to show you something so can you please come?”
“you know i just like playing with you, babe. of course. we’re cooling down at practice now and then i’ll be there in 15.”
“yay! i’ll see you then.”
“can’t wait, baby. love you.” 
he let himself into your apartment, like always, and proceeded to where he knew you would be. 
he knocked on the door frame of your bedroom. “is there a beethoven that lives here?” 
you turned around, shaking your head as you strode over to greet him with a hug and kiss. 
“hey, sweetie. sorry i’m a little sweaty.”
“it’s okay. but you know that beethoven didn’t play the violin, right?”
he scoffs, feigning offense. “can you just humor me? i try really hard with the music references, you know.”
“i know, toru. i love when you do,” you reply, giving him another hug. you then pulled away to get back to what you originally called him over for. 
“okay. are you ready?”
“yep. let’s hear it, baby,” he replied, taking a seat at your desk. 
you began playing, facing away from him and towards the window. you liked to play in front of the window in your bedroom as you always liked to say that the natural lighting provided a more peaceful setting. seeing the silhouette of your figure while you played was his favorite part. 
you’ve played for him so many times that he developed a sense for when the music was about to end, much to your surprise. with this, he always claps early so that you’re smiling for him when you’re finished. 
“yes, that’s my baby right there!” he reacts as he gets up from his seat, continuing to clap until he has you in his arms again, giving you a few praising kisses. 
when he pulls away, he keeps his hands caressed over your shoulders. 
“is this why i haven’t seen you lately, hmm? you’ve been practicing real hard? aww,” he coos, hugging you tightly after you nod. 
“well, it looks like all that hard work was worth it,” he remarks. “but let’s go do something now because i have missed you so much.” 
he’s very honored that his s/o is someone so talented like you
he likes watching you play the violin as much as you like watching him play volleyball 
even if it’s just watching you tune the instrument or play some scales 
like you just watching him block or serve a ball 
there are times though when he feels you’re not getting adequate rest because you’re practicing so hard 
he hadn’t seen you much at all that week. he tapped on your contact in his phone, hoping that you’d make time to spend with him, given that it was friday night. 
“oh, perfect timing,” you spoke immediately when you answered. “i was just about to call you.”
“really?” kuroo smirked. “well, that’s good to hear. i guess i just have a sixth sense, babe.” 
“can you come to the practice room, like, now?”
“practice-- baby, i thought you were at home. why are you there now?”
“i just wanted to work on this piece a little longer and then i guess time slipped away from me. so can you please come over here now, please?” 
you had repeated please twice so he knew that it was serious. he chuckled at your cute tenacity. 
“of course, babe. be there soon.” 
“oh, good. you’re here!” you remarked as he entered the smaller room. you quickly strode over to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him over to where you were working. he looked around to see sheet music everywhere along with several empty coffee cups and some food wrappers, as well. 
“gosh, babe. it’s like you live here,” he joked. “i hope you’re not sleeping in here too. it doesn’t look very comfortable.”
“i may have dozed off a few times in here,” you answered candidly as you grabbed your violin and bow and fixed the sheet music on the stand. 
“okay. ready?” 
he nodded and you proceeded to play. there was something about how you looked when you played. you were so focused and looked like you could actually feel the music as you played it. that effect spread to others because he could feel it in every inch of his body. it’s a familiar feeling that he’s so lucky that you would share something like this with him. 
when you were finished playing, he found himself stumbling over his words. 
“wow, beautiful. that was...beautiful!” he praised, walking closer to you.  
you laughed at his goofy compliment and thanked him before laying your instrument back in its case. 
“but why didn’t you just play it at your apartment?”
“i felt like i wouldn’t be able to since i’ve been grinding away at it here. i’m sorry.”
“no, kitten. you don’t have to be sorry,” he replied, wrapping his arm around you. “and i know you’ve been working hard but you could play it well anywhere.” 
you nodded gratefully and leaned in to give your pretty boyfriend a kiss, realizing that you hadn’t greeted him properly when he arrived. 
“now, let’s go get you some real dinner,” he proposed as he took your violin case in one hand and yours in the other. 
he’s naturally very curious about your life as a musician 
it’s nice energy to have around because at one point, you felt embarrassed when having to carry around your huge case with your instrument inside 
but he didn’t care at all and didn’t want your talent to go unnoticed or without appreciation 
he’s your biggest (and cutest) supporter out there
reciprocity is an emphasized aspect of your relationship and he tries to be as uplifting as you are for him with volleyball
you had been frustrated since you received the latest sheet music for your orchestra group. it was by far the most difficult piece that you had to learn. it seemed like you had an issue at almost every measure and had yet to master vibrato. 
it was plaguing your mind to get it right and when you weren’t playing, you were thinking about how to overcome this block. 
your boyfriend had seen you progress into obsession with perfecting the playing of this song. on one hand, he understood it because it was your sense of pride that pushed you to want to become better. at one point, however, you were so upset that you wanted to quit and that’s when he felt he had to step in.
“this is so stupid,” you huffed, rubbing your hands over your eyes as angry tears threatened to spill over. 
“no. it’s not,” he disagreed. “come here, peaches.” 
he held and comforted you over the woes of not being good enough.
“i know you can do this but i think you may be stressing yourself out too much over it. it’s worth the effort but not breaking down your entire emotional state.”
from then on he was diligent enough to try to help you take breaks when you needed or to give you space when you wanted it.  
“tadashi,” you addressed your boyfriend one day over the phone. “i would like for you to come over so i can show you something.”
“sure, babe! i’ll come right now,” he replied. “does this have anything to do with music?”
“i’m not telling you,” you answered in a sing-song voice. “you’ll just have to see.”
“hey, cutie,” he greeted as he entered your apartment and found you in the living area with your violin out and everything. he walked over towards you as you returned the greeting, where he gave you a sweet kiss.
“so it looks like i was right?”
“yeah. you were,” you affirmed. “what else would it be though, honestly?”
“i don’t know. maybe you just wanted to spend a little time with little ole’ me,” he joked while wrapping his arms around you, giving you a good squeeze. 
“that could’ve also been part of it,” you chuckled. “thanks for coming anyway.”
“of course, my pretty peaches,” he replies, booping your nose. “you call and i am there.”
you respond with a smile and another kiss before instructing him to sit down on the couch. you fiddle with your sheet music and stand before turning towards him again. 
“this is still very much a work in progress but i think i’ve finally gotten somewhere with this one.”
he nods with a cute grin and you begin playing. he recognizes it, after several measures, as the piece that was giving you so much trouble. he smiled at how you looked much more confident in your playing and if you made a mistake, he couldn’t tell. even though he didn’t personally know too much about music, he could relate with volleyball. it’s that satisfying feeling of getting better at something that you’ve been working so hard on and that work finally shows. 
he kinda got lost in the music that he didn’t realize that you were finished and he hadn’t said anything yet.
“like i said, it’s a still a little rusty but that’s the best play through i think i’ve done so far.”
“that was rusty?” he said incredulously. “i thought it was amazing, babe!” 
you thanked him and he got up from his seat to give you some more love.
“aww, come here,” he beckoned, wrapping you up in his arms again and pressing kisses to the side of your head. 
“i am so proud of you, peaches. i love you so much.” 
you love him too and you’re so happy that you have such a sweet and supportive person by your side.  
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twas a good one, haikyuu night! send in those requests for next time..
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