#but im pretty sure this one was his heavy metal playlist
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cam-the-orange-cat · 11 months ago
It's more common than you think. People are very wary and distrustful, and it's easy to buy into conspiracies when those theories are being perpetuated by people you consider educated and reputable. And especially if they're your boss. Quite a few of my medical field coworkers were antivax.
As a whole, though, my coworkers were incredibly superstitious. To some degree, I compare it to the level of superstition that professional athletes and sailors experience. But it's a whole new level listening to a surgeon explain how he got his surgery room Spotify playlist curated and blessed by his dog's psychic. That particular interaction lives rent free in my head to this day.
Whatever your position about the vax, I just want you to know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
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shadowscommand · 1 year ago
Could you maybe give us some More Mace headcanons? About him, his relationships, what he likes doing,...etc
yes 🥺 this is perfect bc ive been messing with his playlist lately.
ill start with his music taste which ive already talked a lot about (black metal, various death metal, noise, anything that pushes the boundaries of what constitutes music, and esp any of this thats a rare find. a certified Snob™️) but lately I've really been thinking about the music hed have grown up with and i think hed have a real soft spot for 80s-90s hiphop and r&b. disco, too.
and to add i think hed really dislike songs that are just purely brags about someones monetary worth (but not songs that are about needing money or being protective of what someone Has earned, theres a difference) bc he hates money and rich people. also songs that are really misogynistic. he'll still listen if he enjoys the beat but he will be shaking his head in disapproval (exaggerated. he will not actually shake his head.)
and now I've mentioned him growing up, I've said in the past him going no contact w his family, not bc they were abusive but bc stress amplifies his selfish traits and he just didn't want to make an effort for his family. anyway. nowadays he will speak with family but its still very stunted bc he feels disconnected with his upbringing and life in America. he knows his family doesnt understand this either bc he's pretty extreme in his views.
still for the people around him where hes in his element (probably leading a small group in one of the various pmcs he's joined) he's very easy to get along with. he's excellent at keeping a friendship very surface level for the means of being a good coworker/superior. pretty energetic in his tone at times too im sure hes fun to joke along with.
that said, he really enjoys his boundaries AND. his personal space. he'd never get into anyone's personal bubble without good reason and he would like this courtesy to be extended to him as well. he's an atheist but he does still believe in the golden rule.
i can perfectly picture his phone in the most heavy duty case with the screen protector cracked to fucking hell bc he's careless with it and will toss it across his room to his bed and multiple times overestimated how much power hed need. but it's okay it's like a $50 phone. as long as it charges and takes calls and texts he doesn't care.
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vee-beeee · 1 year ago
(Part one) Robo Road Trip
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This is PART ONE BABY (edit I FINISHED COOKING right here)
Okay the last dbh post was KINDAA giving depression so heres a FLUFFY fluffy one thats been bouncing around my brain for a couple days, part one as im going to make a continuation that shows what camping is like with the boys.
Premise: Road Trip to the West coast with Conner, Nines and Sixty
Imagine those roads with trees surrounding them, thats the vibe
Also first time writing for SIXTY whoooo hope im not trash, he acts like a smug dramatic guy so idk
Conner, Nines and Sixty x reader
I believeee this is around 3k lol i went ham
Warnings: maybe a bad word because sixty, fluff with a capitol F, part one
I also recommended listening to ANY Lord Huron song while reading this, that is basically the road trip music
(Hey sidenote, I know some of the ecosystem is TRASHED in dbh but lets pretend thats not happening LOL)
You were so happy to get out of the city.
And into the car for a 35 hour drive.
You really wanted to show your boys the mountain you would always camp at when you were on the West Coast. They all hadn't been outside of Detroit, being made to do one job IN Detroit, but now they were all deviant.
And you wanted to show them a taste of the outside world.
It took a while for you all to get packed, the droids really wanted to try experimenting with their wardrobes on this trip. They sought to explore their inner human as much as possible.
You all needed the appropriate gear, so you guys went on a little shopping spree to find a tent and basic camping stuff. Hank had actually tagged along to coach you guys on what to get, having gone camping a couple times himself. (he mostly talked with you and Conner while sending glares to Sixty and Nines)
You ended up getting a pretty fancy tent that was big enough for all of you, and some essential equipment for cooking and cleaning. You also snuck in some board and card games, even though you knew they would beat you. But you could probably win ONE time...
After buying the gear, you guys got planning. You could only stay camping for 5 days, as the station didn't necessarily enjoy losing 4 cops. Especially 3 of the 4 being advanced detective androids. But it had worked out, (the boys having saved an astronomical amount of sick days) and you planned on going sometime in the fall. You decided on a week and you remember hurriedly running to your calendar and circling the date and also drawing a bunch of small doodles around it. The boys had all watched you fondly, getting excited themselves.
It all lead up to this moment, where Conner sitting next to you in the driver seat and was setting the location in his new GPS, Nines and Sixty where packing the car, and you were making a road trip playlist. (Hey that's very important!)
"Hey Conner?" He hummed in response and didn't look at you, too busy trying to figure out a new gadget he got for his car.
"Do you like Lord Huron?" You were trying to decide what the perfect music to play was and realized that Lord Huron existed. You weren't really sure how androids experienced music so you thought of asking. He huffed out a sigh directed at the troublesome device and turned to look at your phone, where you also had your eyes glued.
"I don't really listen to music as such, but Hank has introduced me to heavy metal. Is it like that?" You giggled remembering Hanks music taste
"No its more gentle, relaxing. It reminds me of walking in the woods." Out of the corner of your eye Conner looked away, LED blinking amber and blue. He looked back at you with a soft smile and this time you met his gaze.
"That sounds delightful, my dear. Perfect for this occasion" You flushed at the nickname, and he chuckled seeing your reaction. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before exiting the car, hearing Sixty's call that they were almost done. You sat in the vehicle, skin heating, and raising a hand to graze the place he kissed you. You loved when he did that. A steady knock at the window startled you and you whipped around to see a familiar face (sixty) smirking at you, seeing that you were flushed. You stuck your tongue out at him and he reciprocated, sticking his tongue back at you.
"If you two would stop behaving like children, we would be done much sooner." A booming voice cut through your contest with sixty, and you watched him roll his eyes and face an annoyed Nines. You got out of the car to go help the RK900 with what he was carrying. He was still grumpy so you smiled softly at him and mouthed an apology. He relaxed slightly, but still shot a glare at sixty, who chuckled and went back into the apartment and get more bags. You then took the time to appreciate Conner's awesome Bat Mobile car. It had a huge trunk that managed to fit all of your stuff, tent included. It was truly a miracle machine.
You walked over to the car and gave the suitcase to Conner who situated it nicely in a perfect space. You were also lucky to have android boyfriends who were amazing at managing tight spaces and fitting things into them.
After a couple of minutes, Sixty emerged with the last of the bags. He informed you all that he locked the house up and engaged the security systems. The final step. You were really going.
You all piled into the car, both Nines and Sixty insisting you take the front seat. You accepted, but promised to swap with them when you got to the next stop. Most rest stops would be for you, needing to get food or use a restroom. The droids didn't need anything but told you they needed to get up and stretch their legs once in a while ( but you think that was just their excuse so they could follow you around and make sure you were safe at suspicious gas stations.)
After a while of driving through the city, Conner was getting on the highway when you announced that you would be playing a Lord Huron song and see how everyone liked it. You turned on "Meet Me in the Woods" and leaned back to look out the window.
"I took a little journey to the unknown,
And I've come back changed I can feel it in my bones
I messed with the forces our eyes cant see
Now the darkness got a hold on me
Oh, the darkness got a hold on me"
You had closed your eyes and started to quietly sing along, and realized you should see what the others thought about it. You turned your head slightly to Conner staring out at the road ahead, his LED blinking yellow and blue. He had a soft, lingering smile on his face and his posture was relaxed.
Sixty had his eyes closed, leaning his head all the way back on the seat and seemed to be absorbing the music.
Nines was also leaning back, arms crossed. He was staring out the window with his LED a soft, stable amber. He turned slightly to just catch the end of your gaze and his lips twitched in a cute, endearing way. It was a Nines smile. You smiled back at him and turned around to look out the front windshield. It was raining slightly, and you were just leaving the city and into the unknown. It was perfect.
After the song had finished, you tore your eyes away from the road
"Did you all like it?" you hopefully gazed at each individual and noticed they all looked at peace. Conner spoke first
"Do you have more music of that energy? I think I enjoyed it."
"I agree. More please"
You looked around to see everyone nodding their heads and you beamed. And so, your playlist made it past the android enjoyment test. You settled in as it started the next song, feeling content. You could totally do 35 hours.
(4 hours in)
Update: why would you do this to yourself. 35 hours? Were you crazy? You loved road trips as much as the next guy, but you were dying. You guys were currently stuck in traffic, and the boys had gotten involved in a pretty intense "dad stuck in traffic" fight.
"Nines, going on I90 would have taken us to the heart of Chicago, do you want more traffic?"
"No it wouldn't if we took the round about. Whose the more advanced android here Conner."
"Woah, low blow"
"Be quiet Sixty"
This started as Nines getting mad at Conner for taking them down a road that had high traffic at that hour, and Conner defending himself. Sixty had no argument, he just liked being included.
"I took 294 because I knew it would keep us out of the worst of the traffic. No matter what, traffic is inevitable."
"It could have been avoidable had you followed my instructions"
You were sitting in the passenger seat, eyes squeezed shut listening to them argue. It was infuriating.
So you did something.
"Guys I'm going to jump out of the car and sprint down the street like a crazy person if you don't stop arguing. I'm dead serious" You snapped and stared them down. Or a least you tried, because your face betrayed you and you broke out into a smile giggle.
Conner looked guilty at first, but saw your grin and started chuckling, envisioning you running down the street like a madman. Nines bristled, still annoyed. Even if your giggle made his lips quirk. You made eye contact with Sixty and he was smirking at you, taking out his coin to mess around with.
You eventually sighed, a couple minutes having passed. You turned around to address Nines.
"Traffic was inevitable" then you turned to Conner "No arguing". You took Conner's hand in yours and held it. Another smile broke out onto his face and he turned to look out on the road. You felt a hand graze your neck and you twisted around to see Nines reaching out. He moved forward to peck your temple and then quietly apologized to Conner.
Mission Successful.
But that was mission one. Mission two was figuring out how to go to use the bathroom. Because you were currently stuck in traffic. That wasn't great. After a couple minutes of fidgeting your legs, Conner took his hand away from holding yours and looked toward you. His gaze was steady, as his LED blinked and you knew in the back of your head that he was scanning you.
"Do you have to use the lavatory?" You gasped and shoved his shoulder, watching him bite back a laugh, and then started sinking in to your seat.
"Conner! That's so embarrassing."
"Did maybe someone tell you to go before we left? Oh wait, that sounds like something I would say" Sixty spoke up from the back of the car. You turned around to gape at him, and he just sat there looking smug. You could hear Conner and Nines subdued chuckling behind the music that was playing.
You ended up holding out, absolutely refusing to go in the woods by the road, insisting that someone would see you. Conner pulled over at a gas station and you all but flew out of the car and bolted through the store until skidding to a stop right outside the bathroom.
When you got out, Sixty was buying your favorite snack and you saw Conner and Nines fueling up the car out the window. They were seriously so thoughtful.
After Sixty was done paying, you came up behind him and hugged his middle. He laughed and held your hands still on his middle, and spun you. You squeaked and he laughed harder. He stopped and unwrapped you to kiss your head and hand you your prized snack. You pecked his lips and left, both of you saying good day to the amused employee working there.
(17 hours in)
It started getting really late so you guys stayed at a motel for the night. You guys all relaxed on a fluffy bed, all party's included were happy to stretch their legs. You and Nines had been switching front seat and back seat, and Sixty had repeatedly old you he was fine where he was. Nines had revealed to you later that Sixty just wanted to sit next to you.
You got up from the bed first, eager to get ready and sleep. When you came out 30 minutes later, Conner was laying still under the blankets, staring at the celling. Nines was also under, and had rolled over to face the window. And Sixty had apparently, at some point while you were in the bathroom, been knocked off the bed. He was currently face down on the floor. You giggled and nudged his side. He rolled over, clutching his heart.
"They, (fake coughing) their so mean. They shoved me off the bed" you shook your head and leaned down on your knees to kiss his cheek. He accepted and rolled back over on his face. Conner then spoke up from the bed
"I wouldn't kiss his face, this floor is filthy." You stood up and laughed, making your way to the bed and crawling over him to slip between him and Nines. Nines stiffened until he got comfortable, and Conner wrapped his arms around you to spoon you.
"Just say your jealous she kissed me Conny" came a voice from the floor. Conner scoffed and replied with another rhetorical comment hidden in a nice tone. Nines joined in just when you started slipping into sleep, and the last thing you heard before you left to dream world was Conner whispering goodnight into your ear.
In the morning you woke up covered in androids. Very snugly droids. You all then got packed up and set off. During the drive, You found out Sixty had crawled into bed after you and shoved Nines off when he was in rest mode. Nines woke up very alarmed, and decided to continue his rest in one the the chairs in the room the motel provided. You had felt so bad afterwards, but he insisted it was fine.
You guys were driving through North Dakota today, and you were currently knitting. The boys were discussing a case that was giving them a hard time. You would have joined in but you believed in not talking about work on your precious vacation time. You were sitting in the back seat now, Sixty at your side, and it was very domestic. You felt a hand wrap itself around your knee and you smiled, continuing your stitch.
(30 hours in)
You were totally knocked out. The boys wanted to continue driving to beat traffic, and were currently talking through their android Verizon service (using their minds) as to not wake you up.
But you still accidently woke up with a start when Sixty had rolled his shoulder, unintentionally dropping your head off him. You had apparently drifted off resting your face on his soft puffy jacket.
To which he did NOT mind.
You squeaked awake, being surprisingly shoved off your pillow. Sixty immediately said a quiet apology, but it was too late. 2 angry droids turned there seats around to glare down the accused RK800.
"We told you to stay still" they said that almost in synch
"I was reaching for a blanket! I didn't know a small movement would wake her!"
You sleepily giggled at their little argument and passed out against him once again.
When you woke up for real, you were informed that you guys were almost three hours away. You breathed a sigh of relief, but still begged to pull over so you could get some air. You were in a beautiful parts of the woods and you desperately needed a stretch after sleeping on Sixty. No offence, but snuggling with androids is like snuggling with a very sturdy pillow. Your happy for it, but its not very squishy.
Nines had chuckled at how desperate you looked and obliged. You popped out and basically ran halfway down the road and back. You were huffing when you came back to the car. Conner rolled his window down, eyebrow raised. You wheezed
"Sorry, needed to run" He nodded in understanding, and actually got out himself to stretch his android joints and put on his cute little beanie. Sixty got out and straightened his tie, and Nines choose to stay in the car and work on coordinates. Sixty walked around the car to join you and Conner, and looped his arms around your waist. You yelped as he picked you up slightly to sling you back in forth.
"How are you enjoying the road trip?" He punctuated each word with a swing of your body. You were laughing when you responded "Good, but I'm excited to get there" Conner had been watching you fondly when he stated
"Nines says its 3 more hours, but we might get delayed depending on traffic." you nodded and Sixty set you down. You then went up to go hug Conner, making sure he wasn't missing any affection.
After more standing and stretching, you got in the front seat with Nines next to you, setting the car to auto drive. Conner and Sixty were sitting in the back, playing one of the card games you brought and starting to get very competitive with each other. You beamed and turned back to look at Nines. His eyes weren't on the road, however. He was staring at you with an expression of absolute love. You both sat and stared at each other until he leaned over and grabbed the back of your head, threaded his fingers into your hair, and kissed your temple. You shivered as his fingers rubbed your scalp and he grinned against your temple.
(5 minutes away from campsite)
You were bouncing off the walls excited. It had been years since you visited this spot, having been to far away after moving to Detroit. The boys had been enjoying the scenery outside the city, but now the were enthralled. The woods were huge, and the air was fresh. Moss hung from the arms of the trees and you could see your mountain peeking over the top of the forest. You guys were waiting in line at the entrance of the campsite to check in, and you were gushing about how pretty your spot was. It was nestled in the corner of the campsite, leading into a trail into your own personal forest. Complete with a little stream.
The androids were amused watching you talk about the park, but they were almost as excited as you. When you were sleeping, all they talked about was this new experience, and how happy they were to share it with you. It was interesting seeing all the new environments and experiencing what its like outside of the city. Detroit was so advanced, and they had never really been deep in the woods.
After patiently waiting, you finally got all checked in and remembered to buy some firewood.
Then, you were off.
Starting your very first camping trip with your wonderful android boyfriends
Hope its okay, had to really crack at this one to fit all my ideas in. Its also hard to write the dynamic between 4 people LOL
Hope I managed to capture their personalities okay
Part 2 is all about them camping so stay tuned
It might take a bit so hang on and let me cook 🔥
Sorry for plot holes or if this has been done beforee
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majorasnightmare · 3 months ago
3, 6, and 23 for Dirge pretty please!!
kicks my lil feets on the bed because this ask combo is a GREAT way to elaborate on how faeruns biggest god killer is a HUUUUUGE loser LMAO
3) What song describes your OC?
he has MULTIPLE playlists so this is a toughie. theres one for his relationship with minthara, where Take Me To Church and I Bet On Losing Dogs are pretty standout entries. Theres one thats just for shit HE'D listen to which is predominatly heavy metal and also some Ghost and King Gizzard. and then theres the one i listen to to think about him which. ngl its early 2000s amv cringe. theres a lot of Korn. theres some Disturbed im p sure. in general if its a heavy track with lyrics about how you are Deeply Fucked In The Head then itll PROOOBABLY be a good Dirge fit.
6) If your OC is in a fantasy setting, what profession would they be in the modern day?
in any scenario where he isnt a deeply driven religous zealot trying to end the world that ISNT the plot of bg3, he just ends up listless and aimless and struggles to set longterm ambitions and goals for himself. this typically manifests as being a loner shutin glued to a PC 24/7 cuz even without brain damage he has insomnia. hed be living in a basement making competitive meta Elden Ring PVP builds. responding to angry forums on reddit i want all of you to know the man who canonically dominated an elder brain is more of a loser than his sister. its quite literally nerf or nothin with this guy. he ironically has a really great resume-ready skillset that he wouldnt use in any capacity. he COULD get into doing freelance programming shit but he cant be motivated besides doing Prime Malenia Boss Fight mods. absolute nepo baby bullshit
23) Is your OC reliable? Can I call them up at two in the morning if I have a flat tire?
if he doesnt know you: absolutely not thats how you get Jeff The Killed. if he DOES know you, hes genuinely one of the most reliable people you could have in your corner. call him up at 2 am, he isnt sleeping. he'll move you out of your apartment, get you an uber and pick your car up in the morning, hell help you fuck over your ex and steal your cat back AND bust you out of prison and cross state lines. he is so ride or die its ridiculous. zero questions asked, already getting dressed while on the phone with you. its part of what makes everything else so awkward because hes genuinely a great person to be friends with but he also has zero regrets about the torture murders that you might find distasteful (unless your based like Minthara)
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signedkoko · 1 year ago
hai!!!! i'm here 2 request a romantic hazbin hotel matchup :3
(i'm genuinely so sorry if this isn't detailed enough i'm really bad at details and i'm also very unserious)
Call me lux, lucia or vii! i'm a bigender (does this count as male??) fella and i kiss boys i'm a boy kisser and i'm an ISTP and a scorpio!!! and i'm chinese by the way
FASHION/APPEARANCE: i have like shoulder length black hair with red streaks, and i'm around 5'2 i believe? and i wear a lot of heavy eyeliner lol
in terms of fashion style, i'd say i'm pretty jirai kei or goth in general, i go through a lot of eyeliner, and i'm a big fan of the color maroon and pink!!
OVERALL PERSONALITY: i have a resting bitch face so it's easy for a lot of people to assume i'm silently judging everyone around me like an edgelord, when in reality i'm probably thinking about something really fucking dumb like "what if the universe is donut shaped?" i'm the type of person to blurt out something really dumb in the middle of a conversation. i'm an impulsive and spontaneous person, but only once you get to know me. otherwise i'm really introverted and will unintentionally glare at people if i find them interesting. i can tolerate most people, until they just start becoming straight up offensive jerks.
INTERESTS/LIKES: i have a lot of different interests and hobbies, like insect taxidermy, coding, i play the piano and cello, i do chinese opera, wushu, badminton, knitting, baking, and im really into digital art and animation! im also a really big music person, (MY SPOTIFY WRAPPED WAS AROUND 150k MINUTES!! THATS ABOUT 104 DAYS!!!) im really into bossa nova, edm, 80e goth, breakbeat, and heavy metal :D i don't get much sleep, don't need much sleep to keep me going. i also like my coffee double double (which is canadian for 2 cream 2 sugar.) or black. ALSO LOVE SOUR CANDY AND SPICY FOOD! i have a super high spice tolerance and will gladly eat my friends food if it's too spicy for them. my favourite food is hotpot!
FLAWS/DISLIKES: sometimes i have a hard time taking things seriously, and i don't really have a filter, so a lot of the time im brutally honest or i slip up and start insulting people BUT IM REALLY TEYING NOT TO DO THAT ANYMORE!!! i also have a tendency to gossip, but only to select people i know won't spill the secret to anyone else. i'm not a fan of busy and loud environments, sudden loud noises, and people who are generally uncool and jerks, but i can pretty much tolerate anyone else
You got...Angel Dust!
It's good that you like pink and maroon because this spider is covered in it! Angel loves all things soft and pink, which also describes you! He's extremely fashionable and adores yours, even if it leans towards a more 'darl' aesthetic than his. 
If anyone can handle a resting bitch face, it's this guy. Both of you can seem really intimidating to others, which melts away the moment the two of you laugh or talk about anything. It's visible how much you melt around each other, especially Angel. Once he's in your company, he just wants to chill and hear you talk. 
One thing Angel does make fun of you for is your spectrum of music. He is super into edm and excitable music, and knowing you are too only makes it funny when your playlist switches from bossa nova to heavy metal. Overall, Angel isn't very picky about music, and hearing you play instruments starts to loosen him up to softer, gentler varieties. 
The demon has an insatiable sweet tooth; he loves all things candy and all things sweet. Often, when you two go out, you'll switch things on your plates for the other's preference. Angel gets a lot of candy as 'gifts' and will give you anything sour or spicy out of the mix. Of course, if anything is too sweet for you, Angel is more than happy to snatch it for himself! 
If you ever take Angel out for hotpot, it'd need to have a mild section of broth at least! He would die using the spicy broth, but at least this way you can both enjoy it together!
Expect matching outfits or themes, tasting each other's food a lot, and Angel requesting that you play songs for him to sing along with all the time.
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Authors Note - I do matchups for male readers!! So its totally cool either way. Also I found this so funny, I am canadian and I also drink double double + I lived in China (Chengdu + Beijing) for a handful of months as a teen. I had so much hotpot but I am so bad with spice it killed me 🤭 Thank you for requesting!
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sweetmariihs2 · 2 years ago
♡ Eddie Munson + Lana Del Rey inspired playlist ♡
A Lana Del Rey playlist/song recommendations for Eddie Munson fans because I listen to Lana and daydream about him literally everyday 💋
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♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡
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Brooklyn Baby — the lyrics are inspired by Lana's own life while she was living in Brooklyn. The song has a very sweet and catchy melody, she talks about how her boyfriend plays guitar in a band and how her life is with him. They are opposites though, which makes me believe that is the same aesthetic Lana uses in other songs: a rockstar/metalhead boyfriend dating her POV, a very feminine girlfriend, who probably loves girly things but also enjoy being like him wearing leather jackets and overall being with him everywhere he goes. Also Lana loves vintage vibes so she makes sure that her songs will sound like a 60', 70's or 80's life, even if it doesn't fit the musical style of that specific era.
Groupie Love — The POV is dating a guitarist, he's playing in a bar and having fun doing what he likes, and she's in the crowd admiring him being himself. She knows that everytime he looks up (in my interpretation maybe dancing or feeling the music) he's thinking about her, and he's her 'groupie love'. She loves listening to him, because she knows he's doing it just for her and not for everybody cheering him in the crowd. It fits better in a rockstar!au, but I like to think about the small Corroded Coffin at the Hideout with their five drunk fans (and Eddie's girlfriend obviously)
West Coast — I know she's talking about she and her metal biker black leather jacket boyfriend in a beach, but for me my scenario is more important ok???(lol) Apart from the beach, she's dating a musician (yes, again, metal, jacket, etc) and it's not talking specifically about a subject or a discussion, she's just using her words to make us imagine a scenario: she loves her boyfriend, watch him dancing and dances with him, describes that he's crazy and apparently smokes with her because she says "cubano" and maybe it's not about Cuba but actually a brand of cigarettes. And she also says that "you got the music in you, don't you?". Which means yes, he's definitely a musician.
Florida Kilos — "white lines, pretty baby, tatoos; don't know what they mean, they're special just for you". The whole song she's talking about using drugs with her boyfriend. That's it, these are the lyrics. She also says that she's not afraid of going to prision if he's at her side lol (personally I don't like this one that much but maybe some of you will, idk)
Sad Girl — I know I KNOW GUYS this song talks about being in love with someone who just uses you and go sleep with other women, i know and i'm sorry, but it's here because of these lyrics: "but you haven't seen my man, you haven't seen him; He's got the fire and he talks with it, he's got the fire and he walks with it" just win in it for me i'm sorry guys i'm too weak
Pretty When I Cry — let's be real it's just because of the guitar I'M SORRY GUYS I CAN'T HELP MYSELF I THINK ABOUT THIS MAN 24/7 (the whole ultraviolence tho,,, man just look at these aesthetics, they are just so 💋🤌 dating eddie (except for the toxic parts (they're in most of the album)))
Guns And Roses — again Lana it's talking about her boyfriend, and this song got into this list since the first sentence: "heavy metal love of mine,...". I think that the only incorrect parts here is that Eddie wouldn't like Guns N Roses because he's more into thrash metal than glam metal, and historically these two don't get along very well, also Eddie is not a biker but whatever. If it's Lana's metal boyfriend scenario then i'm here for it (and she also says this: "cause he was so much better than the rest of them, out of all the others he was the honest man" and i'm like 'his friends right???? Hellfire?? Corroded Coffin???? He's different from them cause he's special for you, it's ur love honey 💋)) ok i'll stop, im getting too far and humiliating myself at this point
Backfire — she's living in a trailer park with her boyfriend, they fight a lot but she's still madly in love with him (and again is a black leather type of guy, cause she calls him "my mafiosi rock n' roll high" lol). He's doing some illegal things she doesn't talk about in the song, and the cops are constanly trying to search their trailer, asking them to come outside. She already told him to stop with that thing, but he doesn't seem to listen, and she is very sad about that because she wanted to have a normal life with the man she loves. Apparently there's no other option, she loves him and thought she could change him 'like the others'(her words), but doesn't know how. She keeps telling him that this thing is gonna "backfire' someday, but he doesn't listen. He says that "it's not something he choose, the trouble follows him and it's been like that since the day he begin."
Prom Song/Teenage Wasteland — AHHHH THIS ONE IS SO HAPPY FINALLY SOMETHING CUTE *crying*// Lana is living an american school girl life, with prom, prom queen, studing, seeing him in the school hall, him walking her home while holding her hand, saying "be my valentine". She describes him as the brightest star she had ever seen, and it's so happy now. They kiss while watching television until the sunrise, she literally says "you see me in the hall like "hello, hello", up against the wall like "let's go, let's go". And it's so cheesy omg it remembers me of those movies, like 10 things i hate about you or breakfast club, just like, like cmon it's perfect for our Eddie Munson high school dating scenario guys, it's so cute. I forgot to mention, but they look like they just finished/are finishing high school, and everything she wants to do is getting out of this town, running away with him. "Let me get you out of this town, let me do it right now baby, dancing till dark staying forever young; let's get out of this place, cause you're starting to waste within this teenage wasteland". Do you guys remember that in the sinposis of the book that hasn't even released yet (lol flight of icarus) Eddie said that all he wanted to do is run away from Hawkins? This song is like "hey, like, we just finished our dream high school, this town is full of shallow people, do you wanna run away with me?" LIKE GUYS CMONNNN ARRGHHRH IT'S PERFECT FOR OUR LITTLE FANFICS (it has the same vibes from miss americana and the heartbreak prince by Taylor Swift, but even cheesier and happier, i love this song).
Yes To Heaven — it's just cute and i love the instrumental, sound like a 90's romance movie ((let me be))
TV in Black And White —NABSBDBDB i'm so sorry for this one but this fits so well. Lana is, like in the last song, singing in a very cheesy way. With her tone I can almost see in front of my eyes Lana like one of those ladies wearing pink inside of an all vintage pink house, and in the song she's crying to herself, but it's because her boyfriend got arrasted LMAOOO i'm sorry but it's so sad listening to her sing "i won't tell a single soul how you spend your nights, in that single cell, holding your pillow tight *crying*" like GIRRLLLL HE JUST GOT ARRESTED HE'S NO BABYGIRL STOP HANSBSHSBB omg i hate how this fits so much and it's so funny, poor eddie
Lake Placid — this post
Pink Champagne/Let Me Love You Like A Woman — the same post
Overall Eddie is always on my mind so sometimes I see things that don't exist lol. I tried to mention the most obvious ones, but I see him in almost every Lana song because she creates a vintage vibe and she has this big crush in rock n roll type of guys, loving to write songs about them, even when she's talking about a sad subject like in Ultraviolence (domestical abuse) or Black Beauty (depressed partner). They still make me think about him, but just because i remember of him, not relating these abusive characters to my sweet nerdy guy, never
I'm 100% sure that everyone thought about Eddie in at least one of these songs before finding my blog, but I did what nobody did, made a full list of all of them
Hope you liked folks <3
You can always tell me about other songs and if it really fits I'm gonna edit this and write the reasons, like I did with these few. Also i'm sorry if i did any mistake in my writing, i can read in english but writing and talking it's hard since it's not my mother language, i'm really proud of myself actually, almost didn't used any translator to make this. Omg i'm writing in english that's so cool IT'S MY FIRST TIME WRITING SOMETHING THAT LONG
okay thanks for your attention
bye ♡
listen to the songs please they are all so good
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This is gonna be a long one baby. I've got the longest ass username, but I love it. So songs for all letters. All 40 fucking letters, might make a Spotify playlist lmao
F - Franchesca (Hozier's new album Unreal Unearth) I chose this song because it is both a beautiful song and full of delicious imagery. It is also a song that speaks to me personally, because I crave to be loved so deeply, like Hozier shows is possible.
O - Over the hills and far away (Nightwish) I bought this album in a furniture store's music bin for a buck. This album is good, its so good! i love all the songs on this set list, but this one is probably my favorite.
G - Good Riddance (Darren Korb, and Ashley Barrett) I am an unashamed consumer of videogames, and thier soundtracks. I have not played Hades, however I might just for the soundtrack. As well as the pretty people..... I am who I am
G - Ghost (BadFlower) this song is about depression and suicide. Please listen carefully, however it is an excellent song, and it evokes emotion so well. this is an excellent example of something deep, but still being a phenomenal song.
Y - You give love a bad name (Bon Jovi) im sure we all know this song. its a classic for a reason, and the reason is that its damn good.
T - ThichThich (Phuong Ly) this song is not in English, and as such i have no clue what the artist is saying. however, that doesn't make it any less of a banger, I could listen to this song for hours, just repeated.
I - I, Carrion (Icarian) (Hozier, Unreal Unearth) Another banger as expected. does this man know how to half ass things?
M - Mary on a cross (ghost) self explanatory, im a raised Christian sad boy. of course religious imagery does it for me. (i no longer practise, this is true. But i spent a while around others who did)
E - Endless Rain - Remaster (X Japan) I found these guys after Elon musty, changed the name of twitter, and they were able to call copyright on his ass. Hilarious, 10/10 music as well.
M - Medusa (Kaia Jette) this is a song off my darling friends playlist, i adore their music. however they are a bother. (if you see this Mal, i love you)
A - A world Alone. (Lorde) another one from a friend, this friend ive known since kindergarten. Mo's a lovely person, who makes questionable choices, but not with their music, thats for damn sure.
C - Call of the sea (Claudie Mackula) this is a beautiful song, i recommend it to anyone who particularly enjoys mermaids and the oceans.
H - Heartbeat (Enrique Iglesias, Nicole Scherzinger) I adore everything this man has ever put out. his music is incredible. my mother speaks spanish (semi-fluently) and so listens to a lot of spanish music. which means i grew up listening to it too lol, even though none of our family is spanish speaking (that im aware of)
I - Iron man - 2012 - remaster (black sabbath, another banger, but whos suprised its classic rock. also this song fucks, like...omg
N - NVM (Faith Marie) wow. just wow. the combination of a childrens song into something so sad, is just indescribable. listen to this, its good
E - El Prestamo (Maluma) actually not my favorite song of his, but it is off my favorite album so. i rented this album from the library and loved it, so i downloaded it on my spotify
I - I want to break free (queen) this needs no explanation
N - Nobody (avenged sevenfold) this is a banger, however i listened to it the first when i had a migrane. ouch. good song to blast in a speaker to piss off those who live around you!
T - Tounges and Teeth (the crane wives)
E - Eres Tu (modedades) I Found this song from a miguel o'hara character ai conversation. well, he was humming whlie doing dishes and i asked him what song he was singing.
R - Rip and tear (mick gordon) its a heavy metal song, also a good one. found it after finding the Doom guy/Isabella from animal crossings ship. wild ship, lotsa fun though
N - Nothing else matters (apolcolyptica) so good, so good! 10/10 feel evil while listening
E - Envidia (lila downs) one of the top 3 artists of all time. literally a goddes put on earth to sings, hozier style
T - ist das noch punkrock? (die arzte) its a fab punk song, i thinks its german?
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ariendiel · 4 years ago
what do you think the islanders’ favourite songs would be?? im very curious
This is such a tricky one, since they all probably have such varied music tastes and favourite songs (they’re just like us! lmao), but I’ve tried coming up with suggestions at least! I had a lot of fun with these and tried to give them all a disctinct taste as well, hope you approve 💋
Bobby probably has an... interesting music taste. Punk, pop and rap, anything energetic. We know he used to be in a punk band and that he likes Cardi B, and I can so see him having had a SUM 41/Good Charlotte/Blink 182 phase in the 00s. These days he’s also a big fan of Megan Thee Stallion of course, and I think his current favourite song reflects that.
Favourite song: Savage - Megan Thee Stallion
I can see him listening mostly to music without lyrics, as he finds that quite distracting to listen to while working. Lo-fi, edm, and similar is good, but he also enjoys alt-J and gorillaz.
Favourite song: Breezeblocks - alt-J
Bubbly like her personality! Spice Girls, Britney Spears, Carly Rae Jepsen etc. She’s probably not very good at discovering new artists, but is super enthusiastic whenever her friends introduce her to music she might like.
Favourite song: Wanna Be - Spice Girls
I agree with everyone who’s ever said Arctic Monkeys for Gary, it just fits him so well! Additionally, I think he enjoys artists like Foo Fighters and the Beatles, or what do you think @mrsgaryrennell​?
Favourite song: Arabella - Arctic Monkeys
Sea shanties.
Favourite song: Santiana - The Longest Johns
Hannah’s taste in music is mostly limited to whatever they play on Radio 4 and certain mainstream artists (Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, Ellie Goulding come to mind). Anything calm, safe and seemingly deep™ is her jam, and she’ll be as painfully awkward about analysing lyrics as she is with books.
Favourite song: Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
Swedish boy definitely loves ABBA, how can he not? But being Scandinavian he probably also has a soft spot for (slightly odd) metal. Favourites include Skitarg, Sabaton, Insomnium, and Okilly Dokilly.
Favourite song: Min vän Klamydia - Skitarg
I imagine Hope enjoying anything that makes her feel strong and empowered, and makes sure to seek out and support black artists. Pacifically, she’s got a soft spot for artists with political undertones as well, like Kendrick Lamar. Other favourites include Chloe x Halle, Kehlani, and Omah Lay.
Favourite song: My Power - Beyoncé
Rahim is so tricky, want to help @garyandhisnan? I can picture him enjoying artist like Drake and Dave, but also more “fun” artists like Lizzo and Doja Cat. He’s young and still discovering his style after all!
Favourite song: Location - Dave ft. Burna Boy
Gym songs. That’s it, that’s his music taste. Jakub wears lynx and grunts along to his local gym’s playlist, and he feels badass while doing it.
Favourite song: Remember the Name - Fort Minor
Anything witchy and that gives those spooky, black magic vibes, like Devil’s Witches, Blackwater Holylight, Green Lung... and Stevie Nicks. It’s very on-brand of course and she likes it that way. Secretly, she’s got a soft spot for the same artists as Hannah, but she’d never admit that.
Favourite song: Let The Devil In - Green Lung
Ohh, he probably genuinely loves slow and sexy songs, and low-key loves a cooking-to-jazz Hannibal-style moment. The Weeknd, ZAYN, FKA Twigs, and Teyana Taylor of course. Does he have a super soft spot for kpop? Yes. Will he admit to that? Never.
Favourite song: Serendipity - BTS (this one’s for you @bumblebeesbuzz-litg)
I feel like it might be a bit stereotypical, but I definitely think she enjoys Spanish/Latin music (think music she can dance to), in addition to artist such as Japanese Breakfast, Sampha, and calm music like that. I have a feeling she likes Spanish music especially, as it reminds her of home.
Favourite song: La Flor De La Canela - Paco de Lucía
I have a whole post dedicated to songs that remind me of Noah and that I think he’d enjoy, which you can find here. Basically; 70s and 80s rock/pop is his jam, with some soul in there as well. Him loving TOTO, and Hold The Line specifically, is pretty much canon, but here’s another song he probably loves as well as an alternative.
Favourite song: He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Brother - The Hollies
So very 90s and early 00s, that’s how I see her taste. TLC, Ciara, Destiny’s Child, and all the boybands. I mean, she’s definitely ugly cried to Boyz II Men. Cardi B is also her jam of course, as is a most rap and R&B really. These days though, there’s only one song that really matters.
Favourite song: WAP - Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion
Anything he thinks the girls will like, even better if it has some simple ukulele so he can serenade some (un)lucky girl in the back of his foodvan. Simple lyrics that are easy to learn, and that he can pretend are actually super deep? Perfect. Oh and he probably tries to write his own music.
Favourite song: Who Says - John Mayer
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What Kind of Music Slashers Would Vibe to Headcanons♪
This little thing popped into my head. Fyi, the canon timelines are thrown out the window for this so... Yeah.
Bring forth the bop~
RZ Michael Myers
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"Let my weapons be your children, let my armies be your damned. Try to suffer on in silence, try to stop me if you can." --- This Cold Black by Slipknot
I think he'd really enjoy metal in general. I can totally see him unknowingly stomping to some Marilyn Manson and Meshuggah, though the lyrics and message probably will just fly over his head.
He listens to some heavy shit, but probably all the more mainstream bands/artists.
The loudness and organized chaos of the genre fills the void in his soul and reflects the state of his mind, despite his stoic and non-verbal outer demeanor.
Someone please do everyone a favor and introduce Michael to some death metal. Admit it, it really fits his aesthetic.
This is just based on speculation, but I suspect a 70% possibility of RZ Michael resonating with Cannibal Corpse. Fight me.
He hates classical music with a burning passion. Back in Smith's Grove, they played Bach's Air Sul G on tap. (its canon in the first movie lmao) He hates it. Mikey no likey.
Freddy Krueger
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"No stop signs, speed limit, nobody's gonna slow me down. Like a wheel, gonna spin it, nobody's gonna mess me around." --- Highway to Hell, by AC/DC
Freddy listens to classic rock, period.
This guy is ngl a supporter of music taste discrimination. You listen to pop? Disgusting. You listen to Jazz? Disgusting. Classic rock is the epitome of all music.
He'll call you music-related slurs you never knew existed.
As stubborn adamant as Freddy is, he does harbor some guilty pleasures, including 70's hair metal and glam rock. Pshh. What a heckin hypocrite.
Some of his all time favorites are Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, and AC/DC.
(Basic bitch)
*Hip thrust movements to go with his 'The Sprinkler' dance moves, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses blasting in the background*
OG Michael Myers
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He doesn't listen to music, but if he did, he would probably enjoy Jazz.
Michael only listens to Miles Davis because he enjoys his music and can't be bothered to discover more artists.
Oml Michael I know Miles Davis is amazing but don't neglect other iconic artists plzzz. Someone please make him listen to some Teddy Wilson and/or Dave Brubeck.
I imagine him sitting stiff-straight on a rocking chair (he just likes how it moves), knife in his lap, rocking and zoning-out relaxing to 'Blue in Green'. (I love that piece)
He also hates classical music because of the same reason as RZ Myers. Seriously, if either of them so much as hears the opening chord of Air Sul G, expect the speaker to be stomped to a pulp in a split second.
Bubba Sawyer
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Alright let's all be honest with ourselves... 70's pop and country is Bubba's shit.
Look me in the face and tell me he wouldn't adore ABBA, The Jackson 5, and Dolly Parton. Thats right you can't
Everytime 'Dancing Queen' starts playing on the radio, Bubba will drop everything and start busting down.
Ain't nothing and nobody stoppin him. Drayton is powerless against the supreme sovereignty that is ABBA.
But let's also appreciate the fact that our Bubster can motherfuckin get down. *wipes sweat from forehead + heart eyes*
He would also do passionate lip sync with his heart and soul, to Dolly Parton's 'I Will Always Love You'.
50% chance of him starting to cry right after he finishes his earnest performance.
*Holding Bubba in your arms, rubbing comforting circles on his back as he bawls hysterically, incoherently babbling on about how much he loves you*
I also feel for some reason he'd really like Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.
Thomas Hewitt
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"For one moment, I wish you'd hold your stage, with no feelings at all. Open minded, I'm sure I used to be so free." --- Citizen Erased by Muse
Y'know what I have a hard time imagining the type of music Tommy listens to. Kutos, Mr. Hewitt, you have defeated me.
(This is where I yeet the timeline out of the window y'all)
Thomas enjoys Muse, Evanescence, and Radiohead. (Fight me)
He just loves how emotional their songs are. He'd have one earbud in as he works away at his projects for hours. The music helps him concentrate, it is also a source of emotional support to him.
Hearing the heart-wretching lyrical content of 'Lost in Paradise' performed so beautifully by Amy Lee's angellic voice is really comforting to him. It's like hearing about another person's experiences. It makes him feel less alone in dealing with his emotional and mental turmoils and burdens.
The first time Thomas heard 'Creep' by Radiohead, he almost cried.
He also listens to My Chemical Romance sometimes. He only knows the Black Parade album, but he loves it. If 'Creep' didn't make him cry, listening to that entire album from top to bottom sure did. He started sobbing half-way through 'Famous Last Words'.
Tommy is emotional boi 🥺
Brahms Heelshire
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C l a s s i c a l
No matter how stinky Brahms is, you can't tell me that he's not classy.
Schubert is his bitch. Schubert's style tends to be quite majestic and/or dreamy, (generally) and can change color/sound very abruptly yet appropriately. (This is just my opinion based on experience with Schubert's pieces, but then I only know his piano pieces soo) (let's still cue that maestoso to scherzando transition)
But of course, Schubert isn't the only thing he listens to. He prefers the romantic period, so Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Shostakovich, Brahms, Schumann, you get the gist, all the staples. Oh yeah Elgar too. To be a proud English lad.
*Brahms swaying in the living room with the grace of a baby giraffe, engrossed in the beautiful melodies in Schumann's Kinderszenen.*
(Oml please check out 'Von fremden Landern und Manschen' and 'Kind im Einschlummern') (For those who play piano, they aren't that difficult too totally recommend) (Ok sorry I'm done now)
Brahms would totally waltz around alone to Chopin's waltzes and nocturnes.
Oh yeah apart from that classy shit, he likes to jam to meme songs.
"Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play---"
*cut to Brahms passionately fortnite dancing*
Listens to The Strange Man Who Sings About Dead Animals for a good laugh. (Please, all of his songs are gold)
Vincent Sinclair
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He'll have 'emo' and 'classical' with a side of metal, thanks.
I headcanon that Vinny McWaxy is an INFJ, so the boy is likely prone to crippling existentialism. It would make sense for some aspects of his music taste to reflect that.
*cut to Vincent sitting rock-still on his workbench/stool, hands hover in mid-air, staring straight ahead, some John Cage piece playing*
You'll never hear this from Vincent but he enjoys sexy-time music. He has this whole erotic playlist he listens to while working. (Boy likes to feel sexy on the job, I respect that.)
I think its pretty much canon that Vinny loves MCR. (Hello fellow emo piece of shit ��) His favorites are everything by them really. A hardcore fan. He used to have MCR, P!ATD, and 30 Seconds to Mars posters plastered everywhere in his workshop until he had to remove them all to add to the intimidation factor of his waxy hell for passer-bys. For the record, he is very gay for Frank Iero.
On the metal part of his spectrum is mostly classic metal, groove metal, and thrash/heavy metal.
Rammstein, Pantera, Vildhjarta, new and old Metallica, Dream Theatre, Coheed and Cambria. His bitches.
He also uses music to scare victims when bringing them down to his workshop. *cue horror movie soundtracks*
Is a whore for the dramatics when in a good mood.
*Lacrimosa by Mozart plays as he makes a point to bring the wax painfully slowly down toward a drowsy and petrified victim*
A lament for your upcoming death, pitiful human.
Bo Sinclair
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"The day has come for all us sinners, if you're not a servant you'll be struck to the ground." -- Beast and The Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold
Bastard boy is into dad-music™. (same)
Dad rock, classic rock, pop punk, punk rock, old school pop, his shit.
He listens to a lot of the same bands as Freddy, but Bo (generally) doesn't discriminate and explores a more diverse variety of music.
Its a fandom canon that Bo loves Avenged Sevenfold. I totally agree.
A7x is the perfect amount of cynical, political, and shred for Beauregard, (I hc that ge hates his full name so plz don't ever call him Beauregard)
He listens to the radio whenever he's at work. Whatever that might be.
Will NEVER admit it, but he thinks Vinny's music taste is dope as hell.
He'll turn off the radio just to strain his ears to listen to Vincent's music downstairs. No one will ever know that though. You don't.
Actually likes classical music too. Its not one of his main genres but there's one piece he really likes, Second Movement of Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Major.
He never thought he'd enjoy this type of music. Its so.... Calm. He discovered that piece from Vinny's playlist. When he first heard it on his brother's speaker, he fell in love. It was one of the extremely rare cases in which he'd be committed enough to ask Vinny the name of the music.
Tiny shuffle for man-kind, huge fuckin step for Bo. Good job Bo, we're proud of you.
Also pleeeeeaaase message me or request stuff, I'm bored and have little inspiration 🦊
I might do a pt2 of this, since I didn't write many of the boys and gals🤷‍♀️
Also sorry if I've neglected some genres/artists (Like i've neglected non-piano classical pieces.... Bc ya girl is just a pianist), a person can't know everything😗
---Zali 🖤
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froppywrites · 4 years ago
Hello! I'd really love a matchup if possible! I'm a trans guy, bi, 5'6 and... i look very emo. i love heavy metal, and draw my own oc's n such. everyone is scared of me when they first meet me, but i'm a giant dork once they get to know me. around crushes i'm 50% anxious disaster and 50% an unfazed wall. i LOVE dogs, especially rottweilers. i need to recharge a lot, but once i'm ready to be social i get surrounded by lots of friends. if i fall for anyone, i fall so hard i can't get up.
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- i think the first thing he would notice is that you look very emo. he wouldn’t say it to your face, like, ever but it’s one of the first things he picks up on! he’s drawn to it. there’s not a lot of people at ua who,, are emo so….. he wants to get to know you more
- he likes your music taste! would probably enjoy chilling in bed and just showing each other different songs that you both like and see if the other has heard of it or not. he’d make you a playlist on Spotify and send it to you at 4am or something. it’s cute, but he’ll blush real bad if you mention it to his face
- tokoyami can relate to people being scared of him at first. dark shadowing is intimidating, but he himself also doesn’t give the most welcoming vibe. so, together you two can ward off strangers in the cafeteria by looking emo but being really happy together hehe
- he doesn’t mind that you need to charge!! he likes alone time himself so it’s nice to get breaks. im pretty sure he couldn’t handle someone that always had their energy super high anyway, so it’s a match made in heaven! or at least, a match made in our askbox haha
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finn-nelson-for-the-win · 6 years ago
The Good Life: Chapter 5
Hello, my lovelies! Another week, another chapter of this story. I don’t really have too much to say before this chapter, so I suppose I’ll just get right to it.
Need to get caught up? The Good Life: Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
If you want to be added (or removed) from the tags list for this story, just feel free to let me know!
@pink-royaute @believethaticanandiwill @milllott @likeashootingstarfades @i-dream-of-emus
The Good Life: Chapter 5
The bell to the lift chimed as the metal doors slowly slid open, signaling that they had reached their desired floor, and Finn stepped aside to allow Rae to walk out first.
“I still can’t believe that we’re on the fifth floor of the building!” Rae mused as she looked over the railing outside of the lift that overlooked one of the busy city streets.
“It’s a good thing neither of us are scared of heights, huh?” Finn joked as he adjusted his grip on the large box he was carrying in his arms.
Finn and Rae turned left after exiting the hallway with the lift, already becoming familiar with navigating the building after following the same path numerous times.
When Finn stopped in front of one of the doors, he turned to look at Rae, who was lagging behind slightly as she walked leisurely to take in the view from the top floor of the building.
“Do you have the keys, Finn, or do I?”
“I do, but I can’t get to them with this box,” Finn replied.
“Do ya want me to take the box from you?”
“No, it’s pretty heavy,” Finn replied with a slight grunt as he adjusted his grip on the box to prove his point, “but can you get the keys out of my pocket?”
“Er, sure...which pocket?”
“Back left pocket of my jeans,” Finn said as he angled his body towards her so she could easily reach his pocket.
“Alright,” Rae replied as she hesitantly reached her hand into the pocket of Finn’s jeans to grab the set of keys.
“Uh, sorry,” Finn replied sheepishly when Rae pulled the keys out of his pocket and it elicited an unexpected giggle from him, “that tickled more than I expected.”
Rae laughed and shook her head, but stepped in front of Finn to unlock the door and allow him to walk inside first.
Once inside the door, Finn walked into the large open space that would eventually resemble a living room and placed the box he was carrying beside the other tall stacks of boxes.
“Was that the last box?” Finn asked over his shoulder as he restacked some of the boxes to reduce some of the clutter.
“Indeed! Who knew that between the two of us, we’d have so much stuff?” Rae asked with a laugh as she looked around the room at dozens of cardboard boxes that had been piled haphazardly around the room.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m very proud of how efficient we were today. We got all your stuff and my stuff packed into the moving truck and got it all brought up to the apartment all in a matter of hours!”
“That’s pretty impressive! We make a good team, huh?” Rae asked as she walked to stand beside Finn and bumped his hip with hers playfully.
“We absolutely do,” Finn replied as he wrapped an arm around Rae’s shoulders and pulled her slightly closer, “I think we deserve to reward our hard work. We should order some takeaway since we have no food here yet and then after we’ve eaten if we feel up to it, we can start unpacking boxes. What do you think about that?”
“I think it’s a great idea. I’ll order and you can go pick it up, if that’s alright with you? What do you want to eat?”
“Of course! I don’t have a preference, I’m just starving and would like a lot of food,” Finn added with a smile as he walked away.
Rae called in their takeaway order while Finn reorganized the boxes against the perimeter of the room to ensure that they had a clear path to walk around without tripping.
“Alright, our order should be ready in less than half an hour. I ordered from the Chinese restaurant just down the street because their online reviews looked really good. I hope that’s alright with you.”
“It’s great, thank you. I’ll leave to go pick it up as soon as I find my keys again,” Finn replied with a nervous chuckle.
“Your keys are on the kitchen counter,” Rae replied with a fond smile at Finn’s forgetfulness, “Do you want me to try to find some plates and utensils in one of these boxes while you’re gone?”
“Yeah, that’d be great!”
Once Finn grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone off of the counter where he had left them, he left to go pick up their takeaway order.
Rae searched through the stacks of boxes trying to find whatever she thought Finn and she would need to eat their takeaway and before long she heard the door unlock and Finn walking through the door.
“Sorry if I took longer than you expected. I, uh, wanted to--what is this?”
Rae beamed with pride at the look of surprise on Finn’s face when he walked into the living room to see a small lamp on top of a short stack of boxes to subtly light the room as well as a pile of pillows and blankets strategically arranged to make the floor more comfortable to sit on, since the couch they had bought online wouldn’t be delivered until next weekend.
“I was looking for the boxes with dishes in them and I got a little carried away,” Rae replied with a shrug as she walked up to take the bags of food from Finn.
“Well it looks great! I thought it seemed appropriate that we mark the occasion today with a drink,” Finn replied as he pulled a pack of beer from one of the bags Rae had placed on the kitchen counter, “so I picked this up too. I know it’s not champagne or anything fancy, but...”
“Don’t worry about it. Champagne is disgusting anyways,” Rae replied with a chuckle as she continued unpacking the bags of takeaway containers onto the counter.
“We can go ahead and serve ourselves food and then I also have my laptop here if you wanted to watch something or listen to music while we eat.”
“I don’t feel like paying close attention to anything, so maybe we can just put on some music?” Rae suggested.
After they had served themselves plates full of various entrees, noodles, and sautéed vegetables, Rae sat down on the pile of pillows and blankets as Finn grabbed his laptop to put on one of his many playlists to listen to in the background.
“It’s crazy to think how quickly everything has moved. I mean, less than a month ago I was panicking about how I was going to find a roommate and a little over a week ago we were barely starting to tour potential apartment!” Rae mused as she ate.
“No kidding! If you’d told me over a month ago that I would have moved out of my Da’s house and be living with you, I wouldn’t ever believe it,”
“Oh wow! Thanks, Finn!” Rae scoffed.
“That’s not what I meant! I just meant that I wasn’t serious about moving out until I found out how badly you needed to find a roommate. Even when I first suggested it, it was just a spur of the moment kind of thing. I couldn’t even fathom why you had agreed to be my roommate, if I’m being honest.”
“Well I’m glad that this whole thing worked out as well as it has so far!”
“Me too, Rae!” Finn replied as he lifted his can of beer into the air in cheers.
The pair continued eating and talking until both were completely stuffed and pleasantly buzzed on cheap beer.
“Wow,” Rae began after a long yawn, “I’m so exhausted!”
“I know what you mean! After lifting all those boxes, I’m sure both our arms are gonna be sore tomorrow.”
Rae leaned over to place both of their now-empty plates on top of one of the nearby boxes. When she sat back, Rae angled her body so she was leaning into Finn’s side.
She looked over at him, silently asking if that was okay, and while he looked a bit surprised, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around her in a loose embrace.
“I don’t want to unpack boxes tonight. I have the day off of work tomorrow as well, so I’ll unpack tomorrow while you’re at work.”
“I can’t let you unpack everything alone! I’ll play hooky from work and stay here to unpack with you,” Finn replied.
“You don’t have to!”
“No, but I want to.”
“Alright,” Rae replied with a small smile as she allowed her eyes to slowly drift shut as they continued talking and listening to music.
When Finn stood from the ground and grabbed the dirty dishes to wash, he looked back to see Rae curled up on the pile of blankets, scrolling through her phone.
“Did you want another beer before I put them in the fridge?” Finn asked from the kitchen after he had finished washing their dishes and setting them aside to dry.
When he did not get a response, Finn walked out into the living room and was surprised to see Rae asleep on the pile of blankets, snoring lightly.
Finn chuckled quietly, walking back into the kitchen only long enough to turn off the light and returned to the living room.
Finn grabbed Rae’s phone from beside her face where she was laying down and set it on the box closest to her so she could easily find it in the morning.
With all of their larger furniture being delivered over the next week, Finn and Rae had already determined that they would be sleeping on the floor for the foreseeable future, so Finn simply unfolded one of the blankets that Rae was not laying on top of and covered her up with it. Finn considered his options for just a moment before shrugging and laying down on the pile of blankets and pillows in the space beside Rae and allowed the dizzying combination of exertion and excitement to lull him into a state of much needed sleep.
A/N: Yay! Move-in day is over and Finn and Rae are OFFICIALLY roommates! I know this point took a while to build up to, so I made a point to make this chapter extra cute and show how quickly Rae and Finn are getting used to the idea of living together and how adorably domestic these two idiots are even though they’ve only lived together less than a day.
The cuteness has only just begun and even just based on the chapters that I’ve already written or mapped out, there is a lot of fun shenanigans in the upcoming chapters. I know the last couple chapters have been super dialogue-heavy between Rae and Finn (idk how y’all feel about this...I LOVE to read/write dialogue-heavy stuff, but it may not be everyone’s cup of tea), but in the future chapters I’m bringing the gang back and we’ll get to see how the gang feels about the Rae/Finn living situation now that more time has passed.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter and as always: Stay awesome, my friends! :)
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hobbitc0re · 8 years ago
Gee whiz thank you😂😂😂😂 here goes
Who is the most affectionate?I think they’re both pretty affectionate but show it differently. Yuri is the most physically affectionate, he’s always kissing Beka’s cheek or putting an arm around him (especially once he’s tall enough to effortlessly put his arms over otabek’s shoulders!) Otabek has quieter affection, and he’s sappy as fuck. He’s the type to gaze lovingly at Yuri, give flowers and write sappy poems at any given opportunity, he always tells Yuri how much he loves him in flowery language with obscure metaphors for yuri’s physical features. (e.g. you have the eyes of a soldier / your lips are soft and beautiful like rose petals / your body is pale and beautiful yet strong and handsome, like a classic sculpture / your eyelashes are like a soft feather, delicate and ethereal where they fan out from your eyes like the wing of an eagle / when you smile, you make me feel more whole than I feel when i see the sun in the dead of winter, splitting the dark clouds and illuminating the fresh snow, turning the world from a drab mundane setting to a magical wonderland)
Big spoon/Little spoon?Otabek is the big spoon until Yuri grows some more and his hair gets even longer and otabek goes “fuck this” after one night too many waking up drowning in his soft blond hair
Most common argument?Hmm, I think they don’t argue about much but they sometimes have playful disagreements re things like, yuri (who absolutely ends up a lot taller) put stuff too high for otabek to reach, or otabek made another song about yuri when all his clients are complaining and “beka i know you love me but really?” Before they start dating they just argue about stuff like “Yuri stop following me into clubs you aren’t even 18 yet and im gonna get into shit because of you”
Favorite non-sexual activity?I think they like hanging out, but the going out kind. Driving around on Beka’s bike, going to second hand clothing stores and window shopping, laughing at the granny clothes
Who is most likely to carry the other?Otabek would carry Yuri
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?Otabek (obviously, canonically) loves Yuri’s eyes. Yuri loves Otabek’s hair, it’s unbelievably soft and it always looks so nice, especially when he grows it out.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?Otabek sort of realised it slowly so not much changed on his side. Yuri woke up one morning and was like “holy shit im in love with otabek what do i do" and he initially wouldn’t even look at him cause he was so embarassed. Once they got together pretty much the only thing that changed was that they stopped pining for each other and they kissed quite a lot
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?Well there’s the whole thing with russians and names so there’s obviously yura and beka which are just natural. Sometimes otabek calls yuri “kitten” to tease him. Once he called yuri “baby” and yuri laughed for like five years solid. Yuri affectionately calls otabek мишка мой or мишка cause of the whole teddy bear thing and cause he thinks it’s cute.
Who worries the most?I think beneath his Cool Guy exterior, otabek stresses about a lot of things all the time
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?Both! Yuri often remembers otabek’s order but otabek unfailingly remembers yuri’s order. Yuri finds it lowkey creepy how he always knows exactly what he wants to order lmao
Who tops?unpopular opinion but *stands on a table, pulls out a megaphone* *shouts into megaphone* YURI PLISETSKY TOPS
Who initiates kisses?Hmm, I think when they’re watching a movie or lying in bed Otabek will initiate kisses, but Yuri always does spontaneous kisses. He’ll, like, kiss otabek randomly at practice, or while he’s busy like cooking or something, or when he stops djing for a food break and is sitting down, about to eat his burger but yuri’s lips reach his mouth before the food does. He sometimes kisses otabek at slightly inconvenient times but Beka isn’t gonna complain.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?They reach for each other at the same time, it’s almost uncanny. They always reach their hands out and then laugh before holding hands.
Who kisses the hardest?YURI!!!!! He’s the goddamned ice tiger of Russia and he kisses like it too. Once they spent some time just making out and otabek had to ask to stop because his lips were starting to hurt
Who wakes up first?Otabek. He’s a Morning Person, which Yuri thinks is abominable
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?Yuri, he never wants to get up
Who says I love you first?Otabek, after their first date (real smooth, dude) lmao. He planned on playing it cool but he’s dropping Yuri at home and he’s just parked his bike and he hugs him and yuri says “Thanks, I had a great time.” Otabek isn’t sure what he meant to say but he knows that blurting out “I did too, I love you” wasn’t planned. Luckily Yuri reciprocated the emotion
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)Uhmmmmm they leave notes for each other. Otabek’s say stuff like “your eyes are carved emerald medallions, set in the porcelain of your skin, your hair the softest strands of sunshine cascading from the gentle slope of your skull, you are the most attractive man i have laid my eyes on, I love you more than anything and I hope you have the best day ever ♡♡” and Yuri’s say stuff like “enjoy, asshole” or “I love you 🐱” or something in russian cursive that otabek doesn’t even try to read.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?Otabek accidentally tells his mom three days after their first date during his bi-weekly compulsory khazakh-style family conference call
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?Yuri’s grandpa (and the rest of his family too) is initially put off but Otabek’s cool and badass image, but loves him the second he meets him. Otabek’s family loves yuri but soon hear of his infamous attitude, after which Otabek has to endure his older sister threatening Yuri with the regular “you break my lil brothers heart and i break you, kid”
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?Otabek, i rate he’s secretly a reeeally good dancer
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?They both suck at cooking but it depends what they’re cooking. Yuri sucks less so he cooks like 55% of the time.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?Otabek will use a shitty pickup line, Yuri will reply with another one. They exchange pickup lines for hours. “Hey do you wanna win gold? cause I know how to make sure you always come first” “Is this your bike? cause i’d love to ride with you” “yura that is the worst pickup line i’ve heard what the fuck” “gimme a break beka i’m improvising here”
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?Yuri is a horny little shit and making Otabek flustered at an inappropriate/inconvenient time is literally his hobby
Who needs more assurance?Otabek
What would be their theme song?I have no idea but Affection by Cigarettes After Sex is literally the number 1 song on my otayuri playlist
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?I think otabek won’t let yuri sing to the baby because “no yuri you cannot sing heavy metal to an infant!” and Yuri’s fine with it cause otabek has such a nice singing voice
What do they do when they’re away from each other?Pining. Lmao, they sext a l o t. It’s common knowledge in their circles that if you respect either of them and want to be able to look them in the eye, never look at their chats with each other when they’re not physically together.
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heartI actually have no angsty headcanons about them uhmmmmmmm well, Otabek is allergic to cats which is tragic because he can never go to Yuri’s house without dosing himself to the eyeballs with antihistamines which make him so dopey he usually just falls asleep within half an hour. Seriously though? The idea of the seperate pining that went on for like 3 years before they got together, Yuri having a wild crush on otabek but thinking it’s unrequited and otabek having a crush on yuri but suppressing it cause he knows Yuri’s too young and he really is angry at himself for having such a stubborn crush on a goddamned 15 year old
one headcanon about this OTP that mends itWhen Yuri is 22, Potya has to be put down on so he buys a maine coone and makes sure to wash her frequently so Otabek can breathe freely again and all their relationship troubles are solved.Seriously though? how amazing of a couple they are once they do get together
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