#but im gay and require these vibes
floorpancakes · 9 months
just got a really cute mental image that i gotta put in the au fic at some point
watanuki winking with his normal eye so you just see the gold..... showing off the gay eye ...being a goof...smiling . ...
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intertexts · 3 months
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gurggggleburgle · 2 years
For various reasons i constantly think about how I want a scum villain musical thats basically what if you gave the book to starkid in terms of tone and vibe. I have very few requirements other than the entire play the joke is Shang Qinghua is the narrator and he is constantly holding the actual script in his hand and will in fact pull people aside to tell them you're off key or that's not the right line. The joke here is the play is supposed to be a faithful retailing of pidw but Shen Yuan is the only other actor who acknowledges this is a play and decides to flip the script to make a better ending. It's a whole play within a play thing.
There is a song that basically is "all you gotta do is hit that kid!🎶"
A 'im a mushroom man' song
And the cliff scene is a heart wrenching duet.
Binghe has his harem girls sing about how they're glad that he's gay
Tentpole number in the abyss where binghe does a solo rock song about taking the world so he can take one man
And of course a song about fucking over the system and being ooc
For the obvious limits a stage play presents the climax is that the Binghe wants to do a romantic duet. An ultimate symbol in theatre that they are meant to be and the melody is the underlying score of the whole play and prior to the tragic duet anytime the two sing it is not together and then they gay sing but Binghe goes so high in the notes and virbrato it kills
Just a song about big dick and maybe even loving it
I think of this all the time. Constantly. I want this adaptation so bad. I don't even want it to be like a full adapt of the book. I want it to satire musical genre conventions in the same way the book does harems and isekais. It just... Feels like the perfect bad idea
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gomacave · 2 months
I have some questions for you about advent children which are
1-What do you think of Loz, Yazoo and Kadaj?
2- How gay is it, what do you think about sfkr in that film?
YESSS OKKKK this is gonna get sooo fucking long buckle up
I FUCKING LOVEEEEE THEMMMMMMMM THEYRE SOOO 🫶🫶🫶im like omg the sillies...! one second and then the next second im like.
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LITERALLY. KADAJ MAKES ME SO FUCKING. SAD. doomed from the beginning. pulls all my hair out and vomits. seph was propped up as a false messiah and kadaj was propped up as seph its like. both of them are denied legacies and identities because of how trapped they are by the circumstances of their birth. like their births determine the trajectory of their lives AND ITS ESP TRAGIC CUZ THE TRIO R LITERALLY LIKE THREE DAYS OLDDDD.... seph was a grown ass adult and could have chosen to resist at any time but kadaj is a three year old teenager. kills msyelf. what do you fucking do hes the smudged charcoal on the other side of a drawing thats already an imitation of something from life. NOT TO FUCKING MENTION BRO NOT TO MENTION. THE WAY HE DIED. CLOUD HOLDING HIM UP PIETA STYLE WHAT IF I KILLED MYSELFFF GRRAHHH. offered mercy by ur executioner after being used as a vessel for a battle much larger than you that swallowed you up. the biblical allegory goes crazy bc the same way jesus was born to die i believe kadaj was born to die. the narrative requires him to die for cloud to have his rematch and to become a vessel for cloud's metaphorical demons (sephiroth)
i also rly like the idea that kadaj is more human/childlike than seph and post ac au when seph returns she returns with memories of having been kadaj. with all the insecurity and teenagedness and rawness of being removed from a godly existence. (in a similar way to where some ppl believe jesus/god in christian belief incarnated as a human to know what it was like) And also with the memory of being held by cloud in that way 🤠👍
Also @dykesferatu has a big brain beautiful interpretation where kadaj contains elements of cloud (the insecurity, desire for (motherly) validation, desire to prove himself etc) and is proof that seph contains elements of cloud the same way cloud contains elements of seph (s cells and stuff) I LOVE IT A LOT... THEYRE MIXED UP..... They're forever leaving scars and parts of themselves inside each other... Guh....
Loz and yazoo r so cute and cunty also.... I wish we had more of them :oT id ego and superego if they slayed....
2) ok time to go crazymode. ITS GAY!!!! ITS GAY!!!! ITS GAY!!!!!! ITS GAY AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My godddd. The geostigma thing is so fuckinh gay acting like its a hickeyyy 😭😭😭😭😭 "you got rid of it 😈?" GIRL. ITS A DISEASE NOT A HICKEYYYY THEYRE SO WEIRDDDDD sephs obsession w leaving her mark on cloud is insane (she is the mark) also casually confessing that she wanted to sail the universe with a barren earth w cloud specifically is so 🤮🤮🤮 GAY SEX WOULD BE LESS GAY. God. The way she sounds turned on by cloud getting stronger 😨😨😨 like howd u get so strong <333 and clouds like stfu none of ur biz LIKE HELLO??????
God also ac idea that seph can only come back through cloud is so. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Guhhhhhhh... GUGHGGGHHH... LIKE WHEN SHE STARTED GOING OFF AB THE GEOSTIGMA I WAS LIKE BITCH STFUUUU WE ALL KNOW WHY UR GAY ASS IS BACK. Thematically ac works well for me too. Not in a way where i think it directly is connected to the og game but its a good addition. I believe that seph will always come back (in some form) because shes a metaphorical wound on cloud. And wounds may heal but they still generally scar and ache and never really go away fully. So cloud has to learn to live with her. So im a sephiroth always comes back truther. Until they reach a truce or equilibrium of some sort. (Preferably this equilibrium involves them kissing) I love divorced vibes they give off too where this godlike angel of death comes back bringing destruction and this guy's like "🙄🙄🙄 ughhh fucking you again. GO AWAY" DIVORCEDDDDDD!!!!!
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 3, Poll 6
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Data Soong-Star Trek: The Next Generation
Many fans interpret him as autistic, including me, and he is gay. Also canonically asexual! He has only ever had one onscreen romance (Tasha Yar does not count, that was a one night stand/FWB thing), with a woman, in which the entire moral was that he was forcing himself to be someone he wasn't while in a relationship with her. His closest relationship is with Geordi LaForge, a relationship commonly interpreted as romantic or queerplatonic.
Data as a character is so important to me, as an autistic queer kid. His whole storyline of wanting to be human, but never being able to be human, because there's something fundamentally different about him that causes some people to treat him as lesser and nonsentient.... very autistic. He often infodumps to people, is very blunt, experiences emotions in an unconventional way, is socially awkward, and has specific interests in things like poetry and painting. He is a very kind person, and is averse to harming even people who are direct threats to him (such as Kivas Fajo). He has a cat and writes poems about her!! He breaks the prime directive to save a little alien girl!! I cannot adequately explain how awesome this character is in words.
Submitted by @convenient-plot-device
Sir Alistair Hammerlock-Borderlands
Canonically an amputee, also has a missing eye
Silly victorian gentleman hunter guy in a scifi setting. His glasses are broken in a way that makes you see his robo eye AND resembles a fancy monocle. Bri'ish for some reason. Goofy lil man who gives you sidequests and is probably the nicest person in the setting. Refined vocabulary which he occasionally peppers in swears. Fabulous facial hair. Makes jokes abt his missing limbs ("[...] my more artificial limbs may begin to rust. Hard to sneak up on prey with a squeaky prosthetic!"). Huge ADHD and tism vibes imo. Also he's gay and has an equally silly + classy husband who is also disabled so epic diversity win (old man yaoi)
Anything Else?:
Submitted by @wainwrightjakobshammerlock
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pattonvirglsanders · 1 year
Nimona Characters As Things My Friends Have Said
(Mainly Nimona lol)
Nimona: Kids, if you murder someone, just change your name to Not Guilty!
Nimona (About Ballister to Ambrosius): Have you ever considered the possibility that he might be a literal cinnamon roll?
Nimona: Boss, I require food.
Nimona: Do you have a knife? Like a sharp one?
Ballister: How can you not be compelled by those onions?
Ambrosius: There’s nothing wrong with looking like an aspirin pill!
Ambrosius: Mayyybbbee your right
Ballister: YEAH YOU ARE.....wait-
(Note: this could go either way)
Nimona: Do you think Jesus can read minds?
Nimona: Is it possible to gay the pray away?
Nimona: Would you like some yummy yum yums?
Nimona: You have been DUPED, bamboozled, thunderstruck.
Ambrosius: Don’t be like Julius Ceaser
Nimona: Ah yes, the three genders. *points to Ambrosius* Sprinkle, *points to Ballister* Spronkle, *points to themself* and Cannibal
Ballister to Nimona after she reappeared: Where were you the night you were murdered?!
Nimona: Who needs gender when you can have pockets!
Nimona: I don’t wanna be a cannibal I wanna be an arsonist!
Ballister: We are not to make friends with the flies-
Nimona: Well then you’re a noodle!
Ballister: What type of noodle?
Nimona: A weak noodle!
Ballister: Weak isn’t a type of noodle!
Nimona: Then you’re spaghetti!
Ambrosius: No not spaghetti, it’s too nice. What about that weird chickpea pasta?
Ballister: Put the Expo cleaner down
Ballister: We’re not gonna murder anyone today
Ballister texting Nimona after they had a bad day: *sending you good vibes and the permission to commit 1 felony*
Nimona: I am a very death-y person
Nimona: Life is a lot tastier the less morals you have
Nimona: My parents, I need your lungs
Ambrosius: It’s time for some ✨ty✨ -lenol
Nimona: I am at minimum 2 ants
Nimona: How many v - bucks do I need to buy a new gender
Nimona: Stick it to the MAN man.
Ballister: You’re not a MAN man!
Nimona: I let you sleep in my orphan cot and this is the thanks I get?!
Nimona: There’s the library we’re not allowed to go in, tHOSE BIGOTS-
Ambrosius: Ah! it’s melting and covered in hair! I’ll throw it out
Ballister: IM melting and covered in hair! Are you gonna throw ME out?
Nimona: I don’t take the hand of a winner!!
Nimona: If someone slaps you, kill them
Nimona to Ambrosius right after the events of the movie: You’re inbred, do you want steak?
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miraclemaya · 7 days
i'm sorry if asking this is breaking some rule but WHY do you think chisato would be a chaser?
DHDHDHD i love the idea that this would be breaking some unspoken rule where i refuse to elaborate, well anon i love elaborating. to be perfectly clear, i think chisato moreso then being a chaser in particular is someone who would have a lot of internalized homophobia. i think this makes sense if you look at her character and extrapolate a little imo. she's someone who is used to shaping herself in ways to fill desired roles, whether those be the roles she plays on screen, the ones society dictates of her more broadly, or honestly even the roles her relationships require of her. as such, i think she probably has a lot of complexes about her own desires and feelings, and i think given chisato's whole vibe i think her own sexual/romantic desires would be something that terrify her. there's, unless im misremembering/misreading some implications that chisato's mother was the reason she got into acting as a child and you know as well as i what that usually means, so yeah. and also also chisato's initial like distance from her old friend kaoru is interesting to read into given that kaoru is like the closest to being canonically gay of the original cast i think.
anyway why this manifests as her being a chaser is just that i think chisato would view trans women as a more acceptable outlet for her desires. she would view them as women lite and therefore it's okay for her to desire them and want to fuck them as opposed to a normal women and whatever. if you disagree with the idea that she would be transphobic idk, she's been raised in the entertainment industry since childhood and she seems to, at least to me, kind of play off of an appeal of a more traditional femininity and stuff.
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sssammich · 4 months
box of super pairings for the ask game? :D
oh crap
wrong box
there it is!
lmaooooo alright alright let me think
as usual, read more because i went overboard
the blanket statement that i will say is that kara is not sg's Little Black Dress for me. that, if you couldn't tell, falls on lena luthor. her character just feels more adaptable without having to, like, manufacture Legitimate Reasons to put people in the same room. also, in a highly biased lens, she's my favorite character so she's the barbie i'd wanna have everyone play with.
back to kara: her pool is small because i think it's specifically because of the fact that kara is actually a rather Particular Character so her pool of candidates for romantic partners is small. can you make it work with any of the others, no matter how far or close they are to her canonically? yeah of course, duh. but for me, it's all about how much more work it takes for me to get there. and the reality is that it takes a lot of work for me to get there, i guess
superguardian (or kara/winn) - NO
i mean i think they fumbled that bag so i don't feel inclined to pick it back. the potential is there, but i think the larger disservice to james' character as a whole means that i now have to work twice as hard to get to where i would want for it. which is to say i don't want much of it in the first place. 2 be frank, het ships have potential and it's not like i automatically hate them but it just doesn't bring me joy im so sorry
i do think the existing friendship though works well enough for me the same way that kara/winn also works well enough for me. for all my feelings about s6, i did like their little s1 crew reunion before the SuperfriendsTM truly became what it was, i guess kara and the boys could have truly been a Unit, and for a time, it was
kara and william - NO
here's my thing
the way that lena doesn't know how friendships work and has slept with her three friends, kara doesn't know how friendships work with male coworkers and should not be dipping in company ink. like why is that your immediate dating pool? i know it's because your life is working 2 jobs, but maybe consider not having your one and only dating pool at work (unless of course you've shared a compelling starcrossed lovers family history, in which case, by all means that shit is delicious)
kara and brainy - NO
let kara be friends with guys who want nothing to do with her romantically and brainy succeeds in this so good job
not just because i want to only ship kara with a woman; if anything, i don't have the same issue about shipping kara with a man as i do with lena lmaooo i think it's because she DOES come across as super straight on the show. my headcanons of course have kara a bit more butch, definitely gayer, but from watching her on the show, she's pretty Heterosexual lol
i'd like to headcanon that brainy is the kind of brother figure that i think kara would have wanted with kal. if kal wasn't so much older than him and didn't reach earth before she did. kara has such intense younger sibling vibes that it would have been interesting to get Order Sister vibes from her
kara and monel - NO
i don't care about mon-el LMAO
but! kara and imra is an interesting enough rarepair im happy 2 play with. here's what i'll say: dolly parton's 'jolene' but the gay reading of it
superrojas - YES, BUT
i think it's possible, if you believe in yourself enough (which i do). but i think the Effort required for it requires jumping through a few hoops. the difference between superguardian is that i'm focusing on the ladies. anyway i think their getting together literally needs lena as a connection point. first of all, they exist as canonical foils to lena; the betrayal, the reconciliation, etc etc. lena's best friends who independently broke her heart. there's solidarity there, there's camaraderie there. while lena is getting her happy ending with sam (lol), i think andrea and kara can find love due to the love they lost. the recognition across the table from each other can be fertile ground on what not to do, how not to hurt or be hurt. and i think it's a relationship that exists outside of what's traditional or typical, which i think the both of them are kind of afraid of. because i think the both of them care for that and their potential relationship would exist outside of that and people might not understand it, but they would understand each other. admittedly, one of the hiccups is the differences in their station in life. as i mentioned in the lena-version of this ask meme, lena and andrea are literally just in the freakin .05% of society and so their class status in life is so different from kara. andrea hosts galas and swanky parties and kara rents dresses. the discrepancy of 'from opposite side of the tracks' would be more apparent, which is funny because kara is decidedly middle class LMAO in any case, i also think it can still happen though, in very particular circumstances, especially if we're to focus on a version without lena. and that is actually if i put on a more serious lens to their work dynamics. i think some power imbalance exists there that feels more reasonable to overcome than kara and cat, at least for me. this is where enemies to lovers could really be something here
kara with sam, kelly, or nia - mmm idk i think it literally has to take A Very Specific Instance
for sam: i just don't believe sam would put up with kara's bullshit at all. she has a child already ya feel me? i do think there are opportunities to make this work before the reveal and rift happens. post-rift, though?god sam just doesn't seem the type to forgive on lena's behalf. so it would feel like such an insurmountable barrier to overcome. if i'm not stuck on canonical events, i do think it can happen just by virtue of their personalities. they hit similar emotional beats and function in the Supportive and Loyal departments
for nia: i'll say never say never, but i think they are better off as friends. i think platonic commitment to being friends and to be calling her out on her bullshit is the name of the game. the mentorship between kara and nia could be extended in a way that really puts her to think about her Role and Leadership seriously, both at work (catco) and at work (superheroing). the mentorship is there, but i need kara to step up a bit more, to go beyond her punch first, think later. what is the cost of being a reporter? of being a superhero? as both at the same time? nia is literally following in her footsteps, so how can she make it better for the person after her?
for kelly: i guess for me, i'd want to know who is kelly outside of kara? i think she'll also call kara out with her bullshit, but i would want the military and vigilante tension and the larger understanding of sacrifice and justice to exist as tension points. let them war about it. but otherwise, i think kara just needs more female role models.
supercorp - YES
obviously, i have established that i do
but for a more thoughtful answer, i think for me the biggest thing here is that i just honestly love how their lives are intertwined already, simply by being collateral to the feud of their male relatives. before they knew each other, the lines have been drawn between them. come to find out that they're trying to cancel out the friction between lex and clark and be better than them? let me gobble that shit up. but also, the chemistry between them is great, even with the betrayal. to be the friend who broke lena luthor to such a degree as to seek revenge on behalf of the world? like, who else is doing it like them? they also just have chemistry and history with each other, the foundation for a relationship that, if nothing else, carve themselves in each other's souls, you know? the truth is this: it's like when one partner cheated on the other partner and they have to crawl back out of the hell they fell into to see if there's still a future with them. kara can be stubborn enough to try and go for it (as i choose to believe despite the wrong lesson she learned of washing her hands of her impact on lena) and lena, like i've established before, needs the kind of painful grit to know she's alive. that's so emo and melodramatic, but there needs to be a challenge or struggle of some sort for lena to exist. smooth sailing through and through would hurt her more than help her.
the point is that there are parallels to their lives that i think are interesting to jump off from, but i also think the dynamic of sinner against sinner, perpetrator and victim, friends to enemies to friends to lovers is so good for them
there are others probably but my brain is mushy now so just send it if you remember it
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chenswire · 1 year
Now that you said it I’m really curious about the foods in swummer files and voice lines now😳 not knowing Chinese is a pain sometimes.
copypasting this following paragraph from a writeup i did for a friend so it might sound a little more deranged than usual
in swummer's profile archive 4 they say the LGD officers will sometimes secretly(🤨) compare the difference between chen and swire's leadership styles in private; when following chen you have to yolo speedrun with her and will need half a day to recover from it while following swire requires you to multitask but in a controlled and not chaotic way and everything is very clearcut etc etc everyone generally agrees that they both 'seem to have 8 heads each, if i were in their shoes i would have been a goner after the first day' and it ends with rat king and wei two lungmen boomers drinking tea talking about the two of them too i was like ???? telenovela moment??? well not as crazy as the archive also saying that chen's desk was vacant (read: untouched and not taken over) for 2 years before swire tidied it up and put all the stuff into a box (read: not throwing them away) and labeling chen's (full) name on it (very normal about this meaningless detail)
Voice lines time
Talk 3
咳……检查了一下最近的行动记录,看得出这几年来,罗德岛的战术也更专业了,不错不错……哈?作为曾经的训练顾问看看任务记录不是很正常吗?我才没有偷看陈的资料! Ahem...! I just checked your recent operation records, and it seems like Rhodes Island's tactics have significantly improved (lit: even more professional) in the past few years, not bad at all… HAH? Isn't it completely normal (CNT: Is there a problem) for a former instructor to be interested in this sort of thing? I-I didn't sneak a peek at Chen's data!
Talk after promotion 1
当上局长也没什么大不了的,无非是任务重了点、操心的事多了点,更能理解陈了点……啊,再强调一遍,我是接管近卫局,不是接陈的班!就算她现在回来,也是要叫我“长官”的! Becoming the (department) Chief isn't that big of a deal. It's just that my work and responsibilities have increased by a little bit, and I can also understand Chen a little more... Ah! I'll say this again, I'm not taking over her position, but the entire LGD! So even if she comes back now, she'll have to call me Chief!
I like how she uses the same syntax? for all three, but I couldn't figure out how to word the [(noun) (verb) 少少] pattern succinctly in english AND keep the nuances lol skill issue... repeating 'a little bit more' thrice just sounds so wordy yea but anyway
the first two is 重 (heavier so a increase in both amount and importance) and 多 (more) but CNT has the last verb as 深(deeper) and also instead of 操心 its 烦 which is more like 'bother' than 'worry' aren't nuances great yippee
in her JP dub she says あのバカ龍 on the last chen mention while CN/CNT just uses the equivalent of 'her' instead of 仆街龍 but understandable because the word is a little strong lmao but im taking the nuance of her using 而家返嚟 as opposed to 現在回來 as a W regardless (something like come home vs go back)
this line is also referenced in a 123 rhodes comic strip
she does call her 仆街龍 in her module when talking to Hoshiguma though i'm tell you
别看那个了, 快帮我分分礼物。这是给你的冲浪板,这是给臭老鼠的火山泥面膜,这是给扑街龙的唱片——等她回来自己拿吧,还有给老魏的水果罐头…… Stop looking at that thing already and help me sort out my souvenirs. This surfboard is for you, this lava mud mask is for that cau lau syu, this album is for that puuk gai lung—she can take this herself when she comes back, and there's the canned fruit for old Wei...
>>>>>>>>>>等她回来自己拿吧 a more literal TL would be like '(you can kinda fit a I'll/we'll in here..???Let's) wait for her to come back here to take it herself'
this and the box thing from her profile the 'waiting for her wife to return from the war' vibes is off the charts tehe still hoping we get an actual voiced Puuk Gai Lung (swire edition) one day though (looks at global)
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macdenlover · 2 years
the parasocial relationship ive fallen into with these 3 middle aged men combined with my autism super powers of pattern recognition has given me profound (and maybe delusional, who knows) insight into their minds and realistically here’s where i think they all land on macdennis.
i think charlie is the most on board with it but in a casual wouldnt-that-be-pretty-funny way and i think his biggest gripe with it would be them eventually running out of ways to make it fit the comedy of the show once the initial chaos of it dies down. rob is probably the most into taking on the sheer newness of exploring a relationship dynamic like that but he’s also very analytical and his gripe would be whether or not it would stray too far from the premise of the show and he’d possibly be worried about it turning into a “gay show” because of the ratio. and now for my most controversial take yet i think glenn is the least on board with macdennis especially when it comes to making dennis canonically queer. i get the vibes that he would think making dennis bisexual or whatever would send the wrong message because having a character as despicable and as “sexually deviant” as dennis be ACTUALLY gay would come across as them vilifying queer people. which rob would then push back against saying there’s bad people out there who just Happen to be gay there’s nothing wrong with putting that on television. (i’m starting to suspect glenn not being there is the reason they were able to push the envelope so much with them in s13-14.) I think they’ve had serious in depth conversations about their relationship and their plan has been to just keep postponing it until they figure out if they want to proceed with it later or just let it fizzle out into nothing. it’s definitely not at the forefront of their minds when they make the show but it’s back there somewhere for sure. the biggest hurdle i think they’re getting to especially this far into the show is deciding how heavily they want to lean into the commentary/satire aspect and how much they want to lean into the characters and their personal motivations— because a lot of the time the two blend together really well but with something like macdennis, as funny as it may be, it would require them to either lose the satire, have the relationship be unintentionally read as satire in a way that comes across as homophobic, or they’d have to find some way to incorporate satire into that storyline in way that’s successful AND true to their sense of humor AND would deflect from them being gay (like making fun of traditional couple tropes? idk). i think at some point they’re gonna hit “fuck it” and finally pull the trigger but that’s gonna be when the show has nothing left to lose. as for s16 im predicting there’s gonna be some significant macden moments but i don’t think it’s actually going canon yet.
again these are just my thoughts if you think im totally off i’d love to know
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daisyfreshdisaster · 1 year
Hello my fellow girls, gays and theys!
So with that time of year right around the corner, guess who is once again shamelessly seeking some 1x1 mlm or wlw halloween/horror themed plots? that's right, this bitch !! in regards to the vibe, i am so down for just about everything and anything in the genre. whether it be esoteric and witchy (The Craft/AHS Coven/Suspiria), campy and cut-throat (Jennifer's Body/Ginger Snaps/Raw), or literally any other form of terribly terrifying (Psychological/Paranormal/Gothic/etc.) — i'm totally here for it! additionally, i will gladly play the older dominant muse to somebody’s younger submissive. as usual, bonus points galore if your muse is a poc, or trans/nb or some variation of both, but def not required. all I really ask is that my partner be open to darker, 18+themes and a whole lot of angst. personally i’m not the biggest slice of life fan, but i’m always down for romance decked out in either taboo, supernatural elements, time period/fantasy settings and/or just good old fashioned messy drama! so with all that being said: feel free to like this post or im me if you’re interested ♡
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thechaoticreader · 6 months
Popular Books I Read and HATED
*Disclaimer: If you like any of these books, slay! I'm happy for you! These are just my own consumer choices, and imo negative book reviews are just as helpful as positive ones!*
This list is not long because I don't actively dislike many books that I read, and I have a very good sense of what I will and will not like, but there are some I had to read/were misled into reading so here we go:
1. Tender Is The Flesh
by Agustina Bazterrica
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My rant review is above if you want more details but recently I've seen a few videos that articulate my feelings in a way that I couldn't before so im going to add a few reasons here that were not included in the original post:
It gave very Qanon and general antisemitic vibes: i.e blatant conspiracy made up by the "wealthy liberal elites" to encourage cannibalism for their own enjoyment (I know she's Argentinian however that doesn't mean im not allowed to get the ick from it)
Purposefully inaccurate depictions of meat industry and disrespect for farmers (context: im a vegetarian from farm country with a roommate who works in the cattle industry - Angus beef if you're curious - so im very familiar with the process and cannot say in good conscious that it is all bad -> just support local farmers <3)
world building makes little sense
the "disease" doesn't make sense (even if its made up who would believe it)
No themes were treated with the depth nor nuance they require (capitalism, feminism, veganism etc.)
I think thats all I haven't covered but this is the only book I have ever read where my hatred of it continues to grow with each day. I went out of my way and deleted it from my reader and get annoyed every time I see it. And for the record (because yes i'm salty) I didn't hate it because it was too disturbing, in fact I've read and loved worse and ive been an avid horror reader since I was (admittedly too) young. I hate it because there wasn't a well done story underneath the gore. I'll say it loudly for the people in the back GORY HORROR BOOKS STILL DESERVE A GOOD/INTERESTING STORY, especially if you want to try to put complex themes in it. If you cannot write a deep story but you're good at and enjoy gore, write yourself a lil 100 page splatter punk and we can all have a good time <3
Unlike with Tender Is The Flesh I don't have a ton of thought out critical reasons for the rest of these soooooo I'm going to give my highly subjective reasons -> I totally understand why some like them <3
2. The Handmaids Tale
by Margaret Atwood
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hated the writing style
It didn't keep my attention
disliked the ending so much I actually threw it across the room <3
3. The Hobbit
by J.R.R Tolkien
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hated the writing style
male centered fantasy is not my vibe
my ADHD cannot handle long incredibly descriptive sections in books -> I physically fell asleep multiple times while reading this book
honestly even with the movie I fall asleep every time
0/10 book I want to read
10/10 bedtime story
4. Lord of The Flies
by William Golding
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hated the writing style
hated most of the characters (and not in a slay anti-hero way)
was forced to read it in high school and it single handedly sent me into a 4 year reading slump... I missed so many good books because of this and will forever hold a grudge
5. Romeo & Juliet
By William Shakespeare
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I'm too jaded and gay to enjoy this -> every single character is so painfully stupid
tbh im just bitter that his (imo) better plays get less love than this one, its way over hyped
but I will give it points for boring me so much that I wrote my first fanfic (Romeo x Mercutio if you're curious ... no its not posted anywhere and it never will be <3)
sidenote -> Shakespeare plays I love incl:
Hamlet (duh im a depressed emo gay on Tumblr)
Macbeth (also duh, witches and female manipulator... need I say more)
Othello (a slow burn for the true crime girlies)
Measure for Measure (absolutely underrated, please please please look into this play -> I saw a production of it and it was incredible)
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adodalinil · 27 days
giving off a strong gay vibe despite being bisexual is so devastating. every day ill talk to girls and they'll laugh at everything i say and compliment what im wearing and get overly touchy with me and just when im SURE that it can't happen Again and surely this time a girl is actually flirting with me they'll hit me with the "my boyfriend". girl your WHAT!! does he know you're flirting with me? do YOU know?? they should require disclosure of hagging by law
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
blargh blargh BLARGH. bloom into you rant touko my aro-coded theater queer im suddenly salty for you
the live reaction experience of getting to the last chapters of the Bloom Into You yuri manga as they were being released and thinking with increasing baffled passion that Yuu and Sayaka should've jumped from mutually respectful rivalry over how to best be a friend to Touko, to cozy not dramatic very competitive girlfriends with each other while their tall dark tragic theater girl realizes her one true love was the stage all along
Touko's story arc was so much bigger in scope than a confession of love to someone who's ancillary to all of it could ever satisfyingly wrap up (to ME) (my opinion means nothing except to me sself) she felt like a fully completed character with romance slapped on top last minute like a discount price tag sticker
her whole thing about being the one declaring her love and asking for kisses specifically with a girl who thinks she can't love anyone and then we find out Touko's been an actress this whole time not coping with grief by pretending to be her dead big sister only to find out said sister wasn't so extraordinary actually and Touko's perfect persona is almost nothing like her and Touko's need to do and be everything her sister couldn't is a whole thing
and who better to act out the quintessential highschool love and lust that you think you should be into but just can't bring yourself to try out, than with a partner who'll never be hurt by it not being real. What is more ace or aro than experiencing things you personally don't click with via a fictional character you can inhabit without worrying about long term real life consequences or connections to the real you, and finding out that it CAN be fun in that situation, with that distance
Touko's attracted to someone who says she can't fall in love and Touko makes that a requirement of their relationship that Yuu won't fall in love with her
(i know i know there's a Lot of reasons for her to do this i don't care im lost in the aro vibes)
but then Yuu does fall in love because whoops maybe she was gay this whole time after all and just didn't feel anything for the guy who asked her out
meanwhile Touko's long time bestie confesses HER love for Touko too
by the end theater girl is out there moving past her trauma living her best normal girl life as a stage actress who's allowed to be imperfect off stage, and she has no idea her bestie had gotten a girlfriend until Yuu tells her
then a side story comes out and Sayaka the former Touko unrequited romantic suitor ended dating a girl who looks Exactly Like Yuu
in my head there's a sequel when they're in their thirties figuring out Hey Wait A Second with a dash of Maybe The AroAce Who Likes Having Girlfriends Was Touko All Along
(maybe Yuu and Sayaka should date about it) (maybe Touko can kiss her friends sometimes and go on dates with them for fun without it having to be romantic) (maybe Yuu's athletic childhood bestie meets the Yuu look alike and Sayaka finally gets one amicable fully mutual break up under her belt)
maybe my problem is that writers put so much effort into the pre-relationship but then treat the confession as the end, the resulting happiness a boring given, and almost never reward me with actually getting to see what the relationship itself looks like, when it's the whole thing I spent all this time waiting for and cheering on. Which makes the relationship feel empty and hollow (to me) compared to the other connections that DID get shown and established and grown into
maybe that's a silly thing to think about a highschool romance story.
maybe this is why im more and more only reading stories with relationships already established pre-canon so i don't have to worry about burning energy on something that won't make me go !!! by the end of it
maybe there's also stories where, even though the characters aren't officially together yet, they're still together enough for their dynamic to shift and settle into something that FEEELS like what they'll have for the rest of their lives no matter if they've confessed to each other or not
maybe bloom into you was very well made and STILL missed the mark for me so hard i stopped reading the entire genre, because if something THIS GOOD still could fundamentally not work for me, im just probably reading in the entirely wrong section of the romance isle
maybe i need to start sleeping again my brain feels like a gently poked sunny side up egg in a frying pan
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ubyr-babaj · 6 months
just letting u know that im always like genuinely compelled by ur terror takes :>>
soo 3, 13, and 16 for the violence ask :0
My Terror takes are mostly depression-pilled, but ok.
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr.
That one post that went like: "It's so funny that Hickey does *a list of ASPD/C-PTSD behaviors*. It's so fucking funny". For a site that claims to be full of mentally ill people some guys sure see the most classic cluster B shit and hiss and skitter. Pretty much every post that treats Hickey's psyche like he's some kind of an incomprehensible alien annoys me. Like:
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Yes? How is that not a totally normal mindset, how do you empaths live (that one is rhetorical, I don't want any empaths in my inbox explaining how they live). 13. Worst blorboficiation
Irving. Full stop. American city queers get hate-crimed by a shy religious fanatic and realize you should cut these people's balls off challenge.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Transfem Fitzjames. A guy holds a dress once and I still see people say there's some deep gender moment there. Pretty much anything connected to Fitzjames really, I don't hate the character I just don't see what everyone sees.
Autistic Goodsir. That one is just stereotypical good soft tumblr autistic uwu and I hate it.
The headcanon that Hickey used to be a sex-worker. Yes, I know it's based on Nagaitis' reading list but this guy has no self-preservation or masking skills, he wouldn't last a day as a 19th century gay sex-worker. Also it has a deliciously whorephobic vibe because of course the guy hated by half the fandom was a prostitute, wym it's kind of sus?
Pretty much every post that implies Terror has all those deep queer narratives, because it requires I hallucinate plot-lines or scenes that aren't there. Also no, Kajganich, handholding isn't a sex scene.
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genderfuckfreak · 2 years
welcome to genderfuckfreak.
im michael, i like making flags! it/he.
nonbinary, weird dog. mlm + pan + poly + t4t.
i decided to make a xenogender blog because ive taken a liking to making pretty flags and coining new labels. this is a hobby that i don't take seriously :-3
read below for whatever!
𖤐 this blog welcomes:
multispec lesbians/gays
he/him lesbians & she/her gays
neurodivergent people of all kinds
sfw age/pet regressors, but note that this blog may not be entirely kid-friendly
𖤐 this blog does not welcome:
people who dont experience dysphoria & people who do
radfems, transmeds, gendercrits, etc.
(no)maps, aams, zoos, transx, profic, etc.
anti-self dx
𖤐 other stuff b4 you follow:
cishets. sorry! this blog isn't for you. you can reblog other posts to show support, not my custom flags.
i actively use slurs, but i stick to ones i can reclaim. if you dont like slurs, dont follow me. i do not consider “queer” or “femboy” to be slurs & i will not tag them. use your filters.
i block very very generously. if you give me the tiniest hint of rancid vibes, i will block you and all of your alts that i can find. it is a hobby.
i block harry potter & dsmp fans on sight. the communities and discussion of them makes me uncomfortable.
i don't know what's up with the discourse around MOGAI, so dont start shit abt it. im not a radqueer or whatever, i just use mogai tags.
labels and flags and pronouns dont matter, i dont care what fuckery you identify as. have fun with your gender. you're shitclowngender? alright good for you i love you :-)
this is not a discourse blog.
the stripes of my flags will not have set meanings, theyre up for interpretation - i just make the pretty flag, its your identity.
anyone can use my flags. anyone. that means lesbians can use masculine flags and vice versa, etc.
credit is not required, but it's highly appreciated.
please do not repost my flags for clout - if you want them on your mogai blog or something, just reblog.
𖤐 i create:
pride flags
labels for genders / orientations
𖤐 i make flags for:
pride flag edits featuring fictional characters (i will not do characters from media that makes me uncomfortable)
genders / xenogenders
sexualities / orientations
pronouns / neopronouns
species (for therians, otherkins, nonhumans, kintypes, etc.)
redesigns of pre-existing flags
labels you made up/ideas you have for a label
joke labels (eg. taxevasiongender or smth)
"conflicting" labels
overly specific labels
𖤐 i do NOT make flags for ...
cisgender / heterosexual / heteroromantic / straight or cis ally
ages / races / disabilities / disorders / etc.
[character]sexual / [animal]sexual / [age]sexual / [race]sexual / etc.
MAPs / AAMs / zoos / babyfurs / etc.
trans-x terms (eg. transrace, transabled, transtrauma, etc.)
ships / pairings
[character]kin / IRLs
yandere, stalker, or certain crime related terms
personal terms (personally coined terms you dont want others to use / see / ID with)
exclusive / hateful / anti-[x] terms
kinks / paraphilias / fetishes / explicitly nsfw things
religion-related terms (excluding angels, demons, etc.)
politics-related terms
𖤐 submission info
you can submit flags, ideas, & terms that you've created / coined
if you want me to redesign a flag, use the ask box instead
put inspiration images for requests in the ask box, not the submissions
𖤐 ask info
you can just say "hi" or start up a convo if you want
if you have questions, be respectful and ill answer, even if it seems like an offensive question
send requests, inspiration, or pre-existing flags as asks
keep it SFW
you dont have to BE a term to COIN a term. if you arent gay but want my version of a gay flag, go ahead n ask!
anons are off to minimize hateful asks. hateful or critical asks will be deleted.
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