#but if i don't keep posting these as we go I'm gonna still be doing outfit sets for tk and carlos in 2026!!!
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Kef's post here, specifically the art at the end, is haunting me. It is fucking with me bad. I wouldn't wish boredom and lack of mental stimulus on my worst enemies, and here Jazz is. Stuck and trapped.
So I decided to write a little something because OOF. Do you know what it's like to be bored? Constantly? Because I do and it SUCKS.
For @keferon's apocalyptic ponyo au.
There’s nothing to do.
This isn’t anything unusual. Jazz regularly finds himself bored out of his mind every day. He’s exhausted every avenue of entertainment he can and then some. He already knows this human dialect, English, so he can’t entertain himself trying to puzzle out words and letters. The people at this aquarium haven’t given him any toys to mess around with either. It’s always a toss up whether the aquariums he ends up at give him toys or not. He prefers it when they do. It’s demeaning sure, but what isn’t in his situation? At least with a beach ball, he could do SOMETHING. It’s night and usually, Jazz would escape his tank by now to explore the building, but the aquarium was setting up some new policy, something about frequent tank escapes and trying to prevent them. It’s not from Jazz’s end, he’s too good at this by now to get caught, but the octopi weren’t exactly being subtle when they went to throw rotten clams at their caretakers. What this means for Jazz though, is that the aquarium is busy tonight, and there’s too many humans around for Jazz to risk it.
What it means is that there is nothing to do, and Jazz is bored.
Bored bored bored, he is so BORED, there is nothing to DO!!
He bursts into an agitated swim, circling circling and circling, trying to burn off the restless energy, or maybe to get dizzy just to feel something, anything, but he’s done this too many times, it’ll take more than that to get him dizzy. The apathy and numbed anger quickly comes back, stealing his energy and hollowing him out. He hangs in the water, bored.
There is nothing to do.
More notes on being Bored!:
when you spend all day every day almost always always always BORED, you start creating your own entertainment
Jazz zoning out a LOT because there just simply isn't anything for him to do. Sure there's the training and there's the performances and the checkups and the people watching, but they can only take away the boredom for so long.
Oh! By the way, off tangent, but I finally thought up of a reason for why Jazz hasn't tried talking to the humans in an attempt to get them to realize that he's sentient and that he has a home and he wants to be free. Or to get them to make his tank more, you know, hospitable. Or at the very least not claw at the walls inducing.
Uh, simple reason: he physically can't. Like, merfolk just Do Not have the vocal cords to pronounce human speech. Humans don't have the vocal cords to copy a lot of noises! We can do a lot, sure, but we can't do everything! I say it's the same for merfolk! They may look like humans, but humans look a lot like mers too, and so I say: while both of them can learn the other's language, they're gonna have a difficult time actually speaking it.
so like, Jazz DOES try to talk to the humans, tries to get them to realize that he's a person and he just wants to go home, please please PLEASE-!
but he is clumsy with human speech and they just think he's like a clever parrot. He has intelligence, sure, but that's it. They think his cries are because he misses his home and his pod, sure, but they also think he's better off in captivity since he is so small and alone. They know better. Poor little orca, so scared and hurt. But they know better. It's for his own good. It's okay because it's for his own good.
ANYWAYS I'm digressing, back to boredom notes.
Jazz loses time a lot. There's just.. so little for him to do. And so little reason to do it. He tries to keep himself busy but sometimes he's just.. tired.
He swims because he's bored of staying still, and then he stays still because he's bored of swimming.
haha, wait, oof, ya boi probably has depression honestly.
He probably gets moments of mania too. You know, ACTUALLY clawing at the walls, throwing himself against the tank because he hates hates HATES how small and cramped it is! How it's only big enough for him to swim in small circles! HE HATES IT
The buzzing in his skin, the restlessness, the need for something, ANYTHING, to make him think, to make him FEEL. He’s going to claw at the walls, this is torture.
The reason why Jazz knows so many human languages isn't just because he was passed around a lot and was exposed to them, it's because he was actively trying to learn them. At first, it was to try and tell someone that he just wants to go home, but when it became clear it wouldn't work, he still kept learning anyways because that way he could overhear conversations, read information from maps and leftover textbooks/papers, and try to escape on his own. Can't escape from the aquarium if he just gets immediately lost once he's outside. (don't think about how he wouldn't be able to escape even if he can read and listen. That path leads to numbness and Jazz has had enough numbness, he needs to focus.)
There's also just.. nothing else for him to do. And if he wants to stave off the boredom and Empty Hollow Fog, then he has to do something.
Honestly, when Jazz and Prowl escape, Jazz is going to have one HELL of an adjustment period outside of just learning mer culture and the ocean world. Going from being bored every day to NEW EXCITING DIFFERENT CHANGES is going to be exhausting. Like, yes, it's all very new and very exciting, and Jazz is going to be a little too preoccupied with staying alive and being terrified to really feel the crash, but man oh man, when there is a lull in all of this? This mer going to crash a LOT.
He's going to have to take a lot of breaks, not just because his tail is weak and undeveloped, but also because he's never had So Much happening All The Time before. It's a lot to adjust to!
(Not that Jazz will let himself have those breaks because uh oh, he's kinda lowkey ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED that Prowl will leave him behind if he can't keep up and Jazz is tired, but he can not go back to being alone.)
Jazz has so many made up games and tricks and stories and music and and and in his head. Because, and I can't stress this enough, there is nothing else for him to do! And when there is nothing for you to do, you start making shit up because the only other alternative is to zone out and lose time, or hit something. And Jazz gets bored of zoning out too, and the last time he hit something, they restrained him and sedated him, so uh. No. No more of that.
Jazz spent a lot of time tinkering with the locks on his tank and practicing moving himself on dry land. He's gotten good at escaping, and very good at doing neat tricks, like doing pull ups to haul himself up the stairs by using their railings, or waddling over the itchy carpet by lifting his tail in the air and keeping it there, or doing a semi cartwheel where he flips himself head over tails by using his tail to help himself roll over (okay that last one is just for fun but come on, he's allowed to have fun.)
Sometimes, when he gets too good at sneaking around, sneaks around while giving himself a handicap just to give himself a challenge. Is it a good idea? Probably not. But he's so bored.
He's gotten some close calls, but he is now very good at sneaking around.
Jazz watches people, just like they watch him, and makes up stories for them. The lady with the screaming toddler is actually secretly a spy, and the child is their cover story! But the spy lady is regretting everything in her life now. She can hack into any computer ever, but she can not hack a child and tell them to behave. The man lingering by the penguins is staring at them because he's thinking about a lover who was lost at sea! The kid popping bubblegum in the corner has parents who are going through a very messy and very dramatic divorce, and they came to the aquarium to escape the fighting. The lady in the giant hat is having a secret affair!
He is so bored.
Jazz also observes, and notices people. Notices their behavior, their motives, their patterns. The caretaker with the Tuesday shift get nervous with loud sudden movements, so Jazz is careful to be small and gentle when it's his turn to feed him. Because if he is small and gentle, then the Tuesday Caretaker will give him a small smile back and sometimes, he'll spend a little extra time talking to him while feeding him, telling him about his classes or about whatever game he's playing for the week. The teenager regular, who must be one of the staff's kids to be able to come so often, loves it when he puts on a little show, playing up his cuteness, and acting playful. She stays longer when he does so, and that means that she stays long enough to meet with one of the cleaning staff members that she's friends with. THIS leads to them greeting each other, and the janitor leaving his cleaning cart unattended, and if Jazz is verrrrry careful, he can snatch one of the chemicals from the cart before the janitor notices. The night guard on Fridays is lazy and always leaves his shift a little early than he should, which means Jazz has less time to get back to his tank on those days.
Jazz notices it all.
There's little else he can do BUT observe.
Jazz probably fidgets and stims a lot too. Idle tapping of his fingers, splashing his tail into the water absentmindedly, humming notes to made up music, or snatches of songs he's memorized, making nonsense noises to himself, tearing up bits of his environment, like peeling paint or crumbling plastic rock.
He tries to stave off the Empty and the Fog, he DOES, but it doesn't always work. Some days, the Fog wins and he just.. floats. Listlessly. Bored. He's so sick of it all, and he's so tired.
He's heard about depression from the college interns and he's pretty sure that's what he has. Lack of stimulation, isolated, and bored bored BORED. Plus, there's that small deal with him being FUCKING TRAPPED AND HELPLESS TO THE WHIMS OF A PEOPLE WHO DON'T SEE HIM AS A PERSON. So you know. He's probably depressed. The Empty is probably the depression. Yippee.
He just wants to go home.
#my posts#my writings#transformers#transformers stuff#apocalyptic ponyo#merformers#tf jazz#mer!jazz#orca!jazz#boredom#you ever get so bored and you want to claw at the walls claw at your skin claw at your hands clAW CLAW CLAW?#because jazz has.#anyways i've written a lot already so I'mma stop it here.#i have Thoughts and Feelings about Jazz being bored and not getting enough stimulation#SO MANY thoughts and feelings.
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Is there like a lore summary for WD? How does this set connect?
the new wday set seems completely disconnected from the past ones, especially given that they already used shiho and saki as part of the knights collection. these cards lean a lot harder on high fantasy designs and concepts than the knights sets did, which had a more grounded theme (with the exception of wday2 which had dragons and sorcerers. and a gun). i have these two posts explaining some of the worldbuilding in the knights cards. i'm also gonna tag all these posts as #white day au
a few other notes not in any of those posts:
tsukasa's costume is called chivalrous chevalier. chevalier is the french word for knight. based on his card art having him bowing before (presumably) the throne, he's probably very high ranking.
akito's costume is noble paladin. a paladin or palatine is used to refer to a high-ranking heroic knight or a palace official. or the dnd class but that's probably not what's going on here. stems from the 12 paladins in charlemagne's court in medieval romance. definitely some sort of leader
mizuki's costume is called optatio eques. eques if it wasn't obvious is to do with horses, and is latin for horseman or knight (also the latin name for the knight chesspiece). so she's a horseback knight. i mean the others should be as well but they felt the need to specify it here.
len's 2* is called noble squire. squires were lower ranking and were servants to the actual knights, taking care of their armour/gear/horses and accompanying them in battle. sometimes would become an actual knight in future. fun fact, boys usually got the squire role at age 14, which is len's age. also len is probably tsukasa's squire considering he's wxs len here.
we don't know what shiho's class is.
all of them have different colored gem brooches on their collars, possibly related to some sort of class/rank system. aktio has a red gem, mizuki has an emerald green one, and shiho has a yellow-green one like her image color. tsukasa does not have a visible one (presumably under his cape) and len doesn't have one (not a knight).
notably all have a rose as part of their uniform, and also on the flags in akito and mizuki's cards. this will be relevant later. tsukasa's is red with gold accents, akito's is gold, mizuki's is blue, shiho's is the same color as her gem with gold leaves, and len's is also gold but less detailed (again, not a knight). mizuki's is the only one that doesn't appear to be metal. this might also relate to the class/rank system.
toya's costume is called shadow knight. he's a knight. done easy.
rui's costume is called mad sorcerer. again. sorcerer. simple.
kaito's is called wandering gunner. because sure. gun. don't think about it too hard guns are old. not the one in the card mind you. wandering also gives a bit of insight to the role he might play.
miku and saki's cards don't have costumes or names that indicate what they are.
miku is aligned with the imperial soldiers but seems to be a thief. she's got a dagger and is chilling in a trashed building, looking at a market. she possibly or very likely stole her apple from said market.
saki has a spear, so we know she's some sort of warrior/knight. she also is with the imperial soldiers, based on costume design (she has no visible emblem). that said her costume has a lot more brown than any of the others, most notably her shoes and jacket don't match with toya/kaito/miku. no leather either. imo this could possibly point to 1. her being a lower ranking member 2. her having recently joined, or defected and keeping parts from her old outfit, like rui or 3. she styled it how she wanted
as mentioned in one of the linked posts, rui defected. his outfit is based on the knight of white outfits and has their emblem on it still. he also has a red gem on his collar, so he was probably at the same rank as akito (or part of his team, however you interpret those brooches). all the imperial soldiers have red gems somewhere as an accessory, but the design and placement is very specific.
toya has a rose brooch and this is why i told you to remember that. it's completely gold like akito's (the design is slightly different as has no leaves but theyre modeled differently so i'll let it slide), suggesting there was a connection there and maybe toya defected like rui did.
toya also has a dragon and is the only imperial soldier seen with one. this could point to him being the founder and/or leader since their emblem is a dragon.
again suggesting past connection between akito and toya, the dragon is referred to as toya's aibou by the artist's. akito got replaced.
while not confirmed, it's possible that the other members of mmj are part of minori & airi's faction. the windows in minori's card have a three leafed clover as part of the design.
minori and airi are probably part of different ranks given the differences in costume design.
kanade's costume is called fleeting light knight attire and mafuyu's is called abyss knight attire. now this is interesting bc this implies a light side/dark side thing, but as mentioned in one of the linked posts, they are very clearly a part of the same faction, sharing some costume design elements, as well as a four-point star emblem, red gem on their collar, and red gem accessories. this is where things get interesting.
hear me out. so kanade's costume has a similar color palette to the original knights of white set and has the heart design from tsukasa/mizuki's costumes. mafuyu's costume is a darkened version of that color palette (think back to rui's costume being a darkened knights of white one) and also incorporates some leather-looking items, like her cape.
given the set being called "what awaits after the battle" my assumption is that this set, or at least kanade and mafuyu's cards, are set before the wday 1&2 sets, at the start of the war. ik a lot of people assume it's afterwards but the phrasing works for beforehand if put in the context of thinking about the future after the newly started war. and also for the following reasons.
kanade and mafuyu are very clearly part of the same faction. however, kanade's costume bears resemblance to the knights of white ones, while mafuyu's bears resemblance to imperial soldiers.
mafuyu's costume follows the same rules as rui's, being a darkened version of kanade's. given design elements in rui's costume, it's very obvious the intent of him being a defector to the imperial knights side from the knights of white side. the same logic can apply to mafuyu in that case.
we can assume that over time, the light side changed their emblem from a four-pointed to eight-pointed star and adopted the rose thing. aside from that they kept virtually the same color scheme and patterns, and the jewel brooches, on their knight uniforms.
we can also assume that over time, the dark side developed further and adopted their own dress code, keeping the black leather from mafuyu's costume, and her red jewel accessories (see: toya/saki/kaito's earrings and miku's pin).
i don't know what this says for where minori, airi, and ichika fall on the timeline. also rip niigo or something
speaking of ichika, i already mentioned in the linked posts that she's from an entirely unique faction. her costume design doesn't match anyone elses, and she has a unique emblem design that looks like a heart combined with a tear drop. her costume name is illuminated courtyard knight attire which tells us nothing and they fucked the schedule this year and had to do a new theme so who knows if we're even gonna get more knights cards next year.
uh yeah that's all. emu and meiko's costume from the newest wday set have a heart emblem that's kinda similar to the knights of white one but it's different enough that i'd call it a coincidence. the theme doesn't really fit into the knights AU. oh yeah also in the new set the leoni characters have matching star emblems and the wxs characters have matching heart emblems. once again not part of knights au sorry. neither is the power of regret set sorry. i mean you can do what you want tho.
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It happened again! Nother convo between me and a lib friend.
Me: I thought you didn't support the death penalty?
Friend: I don't! And I never well. Those are human beings in a correctional facility. The purpose of them being there is to help them transition back into society as a normal human being.
Me: As someone who studies criminal psychology I regret to inform you that the criminally insane do not magically become normal people while in prison.
Friend: That doesn't mean we shouldn't try. [This is my favorite quote in here because this friend says religion should be outlawed because if we can't see God he doesn't exist. So his logic of "Just because we've never seen it doesn't mean we shouldn't try" goes out the window when it's religion, but he's all for it when it's gender ideology, criminal correctional facilities or communism being a good form of government.]
Me: So can I ask you about all the memes you've been posting? [Context: He's been posting memes non stop about how that healthcare guy got shot and saying it's hilarious]
Friend: Dude there's a huge difference between someone who made a mistake and someone who deliberately fucked over millions of people with health care scams
Me: I really implore you to watch criminal psychology videos with me sometime. These are not people who made a mistake, these are people who take pleasure in murdering as many people as they can.
Friend: They can still be helped. CEOs can't be helped, they're too far gone.
Me: I literally just watched one about a woman who killed her pregnant daughter and then cut her open and ate the baby inside of her, and you think she can be helped but CEOs can't be?
Friend: Yes I do, she's still a human being.
Me: She's not, she's dead. She got the death penalty for that. It was in Texas.
Friend: And what problem did that solve?
Me: Well there's not a woman who killed her daughter and ate her unborn granddaughter in the world anymore, so she can't go on to do that again.
Friend: Yeah but that's one person. This CEO killed millions of people.
Me: It's two people, and I dunno about you but I really feel like when you literally murder someone you don't deserve the life you've been given anymore, no matter how many people you murder. If we're gonna weigh the severity of murder on a bell curve that's fucking retarded. We don't go "Yeah he killed 10 people but he doesn't lose his humanity card until he kills a lot closer to 6 million people." I feel like in both cases we should probably get rid of the murderer.
Friend: Well, you got your wish apparently since both are dead so what the hell are you complaining about?
Me: I'm not complaining, I'm trying to understand your logic. You're completely okay with someone getting shot to death because you claim they've killed millions of people, but then when someone kills 1-10 people and is in prison you fight for their human rights. I'm personally glad that in both cases they can't keep hurting people because I'm of the opinion that the death penalty for heinous criminals who are a danger to society is a good thing. My confusion starts with you being okay with one but not okay with the other. You're entirely inconsistent on who you're okay with being killed.
Friend: I'm completely consistent with who I'm okay with being killed. If they're nazis, billionaires, CEOs, maga, racist or antivaxxers they can get killed and I'll be happy.
Me: What's the bar for CEO? Because a small business owner is still a CEO. And when you say racist, do you mean specifically white racists who are racist against non-white or are you at least being consistent there and also hoping black and latino people who hate white people die too?
Friend: It's not racist to hate white people.
Me: Got it. And the CEO question?
Friend: CEO and billionaire are the same thing.
Me: They absolutely are not. The term "CEO" literally means "Whoever is in charge of a business or corporation." That means that a family owned business does in fact have a CEO, even if that business is only worth like $10,000.
Friend: That's not the definition of CEO, CEOs are billionaires in charge of companies like EA and Ubisoft. A small business owner is a small business owner.
Me: The guy who makes tiki torches is a small business owner, you want him killed?
Friend: He's a nazi.
Me: He's a nazi because the KKK bought his product?
Friend: Yep!
Me: It is shocking how easy it is for you to wish death upon someone. So you think the tiki torch guy should be shot?
Friend: Absolutely, yes.
Me: Let's change the subject, this is getting stupid. You still ride horses?
Friend: Yeah
Me: Fucking nazi.
Friend: [He sent a groggy anime girl emote]
Me: What? The KKK owns horses, haven't you seen Django Unchained?
Friend: I'm going to bed.
Me: By the way the tiki torch CEO is a left-winger who went on CNN to say he was appalled by the protesters using his torches.
Friend: Don't care.
Me: Still shoot him?
Friend: Yes. Good night.
Me: Aight.
I'm still reeling from "murderers can be helped but CEO's can't be because they're too far gone."
lmao even.
There's nothing wrong with being a CEO. It's not a crime. So wtf is he talking about they're too far gone and can't be helped? Like the problem with the United Healthcare CEO was that he was supposedly a murderer but I thought murderers could be helped???
Being in charge of a business isn't a bad thing omg. Sounds like your liberal friend, like most liberals, is just jealous some people make more money than he does.
Consistency would kill these people.
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What's That Falling From the Sky
Pairing: Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor
Febuwhump Day 27: Post Victory Collapse
Tags: fluff, angst, injury, passing out, kissing, relationship reveal
Word count: 1.2k
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters | Commissions | Event Masterlist
A/N: Supercorp not being canon is angsty enough. Their existence alone should be enough to fill a prompt.
People weren't scared when Supergirl fought and beat a supervillain. They were scared when she collapsed and crashed into the road below afterwards. Lena wasn't just scared, she was terrified and worried sick. So much so that she stormed right out of her meeting and stormed into the DEO.
No one there was panicking nearly as much as she was. Which was a good sign she supposed, if Kara was in any real danger she would have heard Alex yelling already. But she wasn't, she was sitting next to Kara, who looked fine, safe for some minor bruises and scratches that were already in the healing stages.
"You can't keep overdoing it Kara, one of these days a punch like that could send you into a coma." Kara didn't seem too worried about it, in fact she started laughing it off but stopped as soon as she spotted Lena standing at the door.
"Oh, Lena! You're here!" She was smiling. Like the whole City, if not more, hadn't just seen her crash from the sky. Like she wasn't injured and there was never any danger to begin with.
Pissed off Lena marched into the room, confusing Kara, Alex and the staff. But what confused them more was the kiss that followed. She would have thrown herself at Kara were she not worried about hurting her, so she settled for a passionate embrace instead. Kara gasped in surprise, allowing Lena to deepen the kiss. It wasn't like Kara didn't have the lung capacity.
But she did have shame, a whole lot of it.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again, is that clear, Kara?!" Lena still held onto her, her shoulder, her cape, while she blinked away tears of frustration.
Kara was more scared of Lena's fury than any other enemy, and of hurting her. "Scare you? It was just a little fight, Lena. You've seen me do it before." Slapping her would probably break Lena's hand but maybe it was worth it when her girlfriend seemed to have so little regard for her own safety. "Besides I'm fine. Look!" Kara struck a pose and flexed, then another, and another. "Good as new, babe!"
"Babe?" Kara paused mid flex and looked at her sister, who looked angry and horrified. "And since when exactly have you two had this kind of a relationship? And why wasn't I informed?"
The staff already made their quiet exit, sensing it was probably best to pretend that they didn't see or hear anything.
"Well... you know... we were gonna tell you, Alex. Tell everyone. Eventually." Kara looked like a puppy that got caught doing something bad. "Eventually for sure."
"Right. I was eventually gonna be told that my little sister was dating the CEO of L-Corp. Instead I had to witness a make out session. Yuck. Don't ever do that in front of me again because I don't want to think about my baby sister doing that with anyone." She would rather go into the Phantom Zone.
But that was just the idea that Lena needed. She needed to talk to Kara alone and unlike Kara she didn't have the shame needed to prevent her from doing anything scandalous. She hugged Kara again. "I was so worried about you. I couldn't help myself. Kara." Kara blushed when Lena's lips brushed against her cheek.
"You... keep it in your pants!" Alex stood up abruptly and narrowed her eyes at the couple. "We will talk about keeping secrets later. And you, Luthor, I'll talk to you about seducing my sister." She pointed her finger at Lena and didn't stop until the door closed.
"You made my sister mad. It was nice dating you, Lena." Kara sighed but she leaned in, to kiss Lena anyways. However Lena moved away, leaving Kara looking confused mid-kiss.
"Do you have any self-preservation instincts at all? In your entire body is there one cell decided to it. Or in that big brain of yours is there ever a thought that tells you that you should keep yourself alive for your own sake?!" Lena's voice rose with every question, her hands gripping at Kara harder.
"Yes? I have to come back to you and everyone else don't I?" Kara hugged her. "So you never have to worry about-"
"But I do worry! I worry every time, can't you see that?!" Lena knew she wasn't doing anything by smacking her fists against Kara's front but she couldn't help herself. "Every time you fight even if you come back completely fine, I will still worry about you. I'm your girlfriend and your best friend, Kara. Worrying about you is part of the description."
"Lena, I'm sorry. I don't want you to worry. Ever. But I guess it's kind of inevitable huh, with me being a superhero and all." She lightly cupped Lena's face and looked deep into her eyes. She really wanted to make her feel better. But how? She couldn't stop doing what she was doing, the world, the universe, the multiverse, needed her.
Lena worried about her, but Kara had to worry about the well-being of everyone else. It wasn't something she could just quit.
"Next time... I call in for back-up. I know Alex is always telling me I shouldn't rush in alone. But that's about all I can do. Everyone's counting on me to be strong for them. And you... I know there were times where you were strong for me too. I see it, feel it. When you hold me, kiss me, when you insist on taking me to all those fancy places to treat me, when you praise me, when you offer to help me. I see it Lena. Thank you, for being strong for me." Lena chewed on her bottom lip, not as used to praise as Kara was.
But Kara always gave it so liberally. Her love, it wasn't something Lena had to prove herself worthy of. She just had it. "I'm scared of losing you. We've been friends for years, Kara. Dating for over a year now, and the amount of love you've given me is more than I ever hoped for. I don't want to lose you."
"And you won't. I would escape the Phantom Zone to get home to you. I love you too much to die." She was the Woman of Steel who was too in love to die.
"One of these days you need to stop thinking like that. I don't want you to go to the Phantom Zone, ever. I'd much rather you stay with me the whole time." She hugged Kara close, just the sound of her heartbeat was enough to give Kara strength. "By the way, I'm sorry about revealing our relationship, I know it wasn't how we planned it."
"It certainly didn't involve kissing in front of my sister." Alex will either scold her for keeping secrets, or tease her about finally getting with Lena.
Lena hummed, her hands massaging Kara's shoulders. "Well, she's not here now."
"That... is true." Kara already liked where this was going even before Lena unbuttoned her shirt. "Are you trying to motivate me to come back in good condition? Cause um... this is a good way to do it, Lena."
"Good to know. A way to get you to do what I want. Love, food and boobs." She teased before kissing her again, the cameras in the DEO be damned. After all she had more than enough money to bribe every single person working here into forgetting everything they saw.
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I'm very new to joseimukes, what happens when they reach the conclusion of the main plot? Do they keep the game going with a main story - part 2 and events to wring out every cents out of the audience or do they close down the servers and that's the end of it?? I'm scared for my twst obsession's future
honestly, this is the first game of this kind that I've played that looks like it's actually going to reach the end of the story without getting cancelled midway through, so...I have no idea! :') my gut assumption is that there'll probably keep being events and reruns for a while, until it finally stops being profitable enough to justify itself and they end service. but I am also interested in the answer, if other people more familiar can give their experience!
#twisted wonderland#joseimuke games are serious business#afaik twst is still doing well amongst the target demo and probably will for a while yet#the manga's still on the third arc and we know we've got at least three seasons of anime incoming#so they've been laying the groundwork for post-main story stuff to keep the interest going#and beyond that...we'll find out i guess#honestly i don't play a lot of very story-heavy live service games and this is one reason why#i've been thinking about it lately and i'm glad there's people out there uploading recordings and attempting to archive and preserve things#(i do have generally some weird feelings about this sort of stuff just as someone who does primarily digital art)#(so i'm not gonna say too much there because we have already gone off on too much of a tangent)
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911 lone star fashion -> every tk outfit
↳ 2.07
#911 lone star#911lsedit#tk strand#every tk outfit#my gifs#ok ok i know we're in season 5 mode now#but if i don't keep posting these as we go I'm gonna still be doing outfit sets for tk and carlos in 2026!!!#THE EARRING! this was the first appearance of the earring and I remember everyone freaking out about it#love looking back at that now after all the fun earring content we've gotten
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Usually I just save stuff like this to my drafts until I calm down but you know what, fuck it, I'm done.
Any so-called leftist who refuses to recognize that our options right now are "genocide abroad, progress at home" and "genocide abroad AND genocide at home" and that there is a significant difference between those two options is cordially invited to eat shit and die. We do not have time to entertain your anti-voting hopeless nonsense. A future in which we are able to move towards less death will always be preferable to the one in which we can't, and if you smug, sneering little clowns sacrifice that future on the altar of your own self-righteousness because you're too high on your own farts to realize how far up your own ass you are, I genuinely hope you fucking drown. Specifically, I hope you drown in the blood of the people who will die all over the world as a result of your bizarre refusal to work towards a future that doesn't include ethnic cleansing.
This is the United States. We sell war, here. I don't know how so many of you are only just now figuring that out, but you better get over your shock like yesterday because we are out of fucking time. We ran out of time when Reagan took office if not long before. You think not voting will improve any of this?
Keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming. Governments everywhere are (slowly) beginning to listen. Democrats are (slowly) beginning to listen. But Republicans never will, and if they seize power again next year (which they will absolutely do their damned to attempt), everything will be so, so much worse for everyone, everywhere. The work is slow and painful and imperfect but it will only get done if we show up and do the work, so keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming-- and when the time comes, you show up and vote for the future that lets us build a better tomorrow instead of just choking to death in the steaming shitpile of today.
#''i can't have No Genocide tomorrow!!! so i don't want No Genocide at all!!! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH'' that's you. that's how you sound#''if i can't have perfect then don't even fucking bother with better!! just give me worse instead!!'' are you for fucking real#you don't care about Palestine you don't care about anything other than being able to go ''Well. at least I didn't choose this.''#not choosing is still a choice! you stupid motherfucker!#choosing to stand at the lever and do nothing and watch the trolley crush five people is still a choice!!#how DARE you act like that blood is not on your hands!#again: THIS IS THE UNITED STATES. WE SELL WAR HERE.#not voting for Biden is not going to help Palestine!#in fact it will absolutely measurably make the situation WORSE!#for them AND everyone else!#this is the reality we are working with and if you want it to change then you HAVE to play the long game!#leftists heard ''don't let perfect be the enemy of good'' and went ''WHAT THE *FUCK* DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T HAVE PERFECT??! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA''#and i have fucking had it!#all i can do is try to keep working towards a day when the current left is the farthest right we have#but we are never gonna get there if y'all don't wake the fuck up and get moving#us politics#vent post#so help me god if this turns into a game of Spot the Tankie in the notes i'm gonna start knifing people
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my brain is running a million miles a minute rn
#ying rambles#let me try to just spew out my ideas in here so i'm not making so many individual posts#uh let's see#i wanna make an underwater version of void ying (my main sona rn)#where instead of having stars all over there's little fish? and they're wearing a clear raincoat and boots#i wanna draw myself in little outfits again (like those old wardrobe memes that are like pjs casual formal etc)#i need to actually sit down and draw new pfps for main and spam cause i'm tired of my current ones#it seems like the reverse absolutes are winning the poll so i have to come up with an archangel javier design (not that hard actually)#but i want to try to draw his rainbow wings in that piece?? maybe??#and then there's the turnaround i just talked about that i have to figure out#cause that's like what. 4 frames if we keep it simple (front left back right). or 8 if we do quarter turns (so many angles..)??#and then there's the drifting closer comic that's in second place in the poll#i have a vague idea of what i want it to look like but i need to sit down and sketch it to actually figure it out#and then at some point i need to figure out what the fck i'm drawing for the tged zine#cause i don't actually know what i'm gonna do yet (but i have until june to think on it i guess)#and. and...#... i think that's everything?#no there's still a lot of other stuff i wanna do but these tags are so long by now..#if you read them all uh good on you i guess?#i gotta go to bed i need to cease thinking-
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I will be forever grateful i can be on this new med. it's one a lot of folks also need and can struggle to have access to! It's important i be on it, especially if i start doing any vid collabs
(some of which, really, all of which, i unfortunately actually need to cancel that were in the preplanning stages, bc the election results have me wanting to wait and see how the general atmosphere of the country is before i agree to meet up with anyone. I feel bad for cancelling, but also i just can't know for sure how safe things are/might be going forward and I'd rather avoid the potential of. ya know. various not great things that could happen at a meet up, tho i would certainly hope they wouldn't. i don't feel like actually addressing them rn, u guys know what i mean)
That said, if the truvada initial side effects could fuck off asap would be so lovely. three weeks at worst, then they should be gone/much better or so i am told. really hope that's true bc losing my mornings to being dizzy and nauseous is Not Working for me lmao. im on week two, and now understand why my new doc said to call if i needed any 'cheerleading' and support to get thru the side effects, bc apparently she's done that for several ppl to make sure they actually make it thru the three weeks and keep on it (lovely of her!!)
#text post#not going to get into the other painful smack of this morning#suffice to say that medicaid does not in fact fully cover vocal therapy/training for trans ppl#even if ur docs feel incredibly certain it is#if i was making a decent bit over minimum wage at consistent hours and already had my current debts paid off mostly#then I'd happily consider paying the chunk Medicaid won't cover but as of now#it would literally be basically two paychecks if not three to cover the estimate for this first visit#and that's only if the poll would have us polling every week like we did before the election#otherwise we're guesstimating it would be upwards of 4 paychecks to cover it#I'm actually gonna get into in here bc nobody reads all my tag essays (fair valid and correct)#im really sad abt this. my voice gets me clocked a lot and while i can mostly handle like. visually being clocked#my voice giving me away genuinely makes me feel a pain in my chest. i can't get my customer service voice to go lower yet#and even if it's my usual voice I've made minimal progress on my own self done vocal study stuff#so like. no one knows how high it was compared to how it is now tho so no one actually hears it as anything near deep#which it isn't but like. there's been a slightly barely there drop of it per at least a couple ppl in my life#i was probably going to be able to learn how to sing again and find my new range. I'd fix my customer service voice#even if it would only ever be a teeny bit lower than how it is now. it would be lovely#im not gonna get too down tho bc someday hopefully I'll be able to make it happen/afford it#and for now...im doing the bad thing of not cancelling the appt yet#i will bc they're booking out for months and it isn't right of me to take a spot i know i can't keep#but. let me pretend i can for another day or two. maybe until monday. then I'll call or msg them on mychart#and let them know i just don't have the funds rn tho i do deeply appreciate that Medicaid at least pays part of it#im just not at a point where i can cover the rest but that I'll reschedule/have a new referral sent whenever that changes#...and hopefully things in this country will be of such a state that such care is still available to ppl like me.#but that's all we're saying on that bc im already having a pathetic little cry over this#(im fine the med side effects have me crying over everything lol i see a sad commercial and Instant Tears like someone died lmaooo)
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#so that dotd rewrite is out and i have some thoughts on it but i wouldn't know where to put them.. maybe in here bc i don't actually feel -#- like making a whole ass text post. this is coming from me as criticism and not hate.. just some crit from one fan to another if you get m#SPOILERS AHEAD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#first off props to the team because this was obv a labor of love - 4 and a half years to make a feature long fan movie is hard work#and the animated stuff was a really nice touch and very commendable - you don't see them too often in big fanworks#in terms of the story well.. there are some things i like and some things that i don't (personally) again no hate#i'm aware this is a rewrite and boy howdy it IS a rewrite - though i am a bit sad that percy doesn't end up being the protagonist and it's#- thomas that has to play hero again.. like i kinda get it but what made the original dotd stand out was that percy was given the spotlight#so i spent an ungodly amount of time wondering when percy was gonna take charge or step into the main story to resolve the problem.. sigh#i liked that they tried to give norman more of a character bc a lot of characters do often get neglected in the series but it was kind of -#- hard to sell that for me? the twist in this rewrite was very creative and i do appreciate it but i guess it just ain't for me#“different” is ok and this is just one of many fan rewrites for this particular story#if there was something i enjoyed.. i guess the beginning was still kind of exciting because the set up was honestly like hype a bit#i liked that diesel and d10 actually got to interact face to face and there are clearer dynamics established for the diesels#and also. silverband's performances as d10 will always be fun he does a fantastic job voicing him (how d10 stole xmas will still be my fav)#my criticisms for this movie also derive from the pacing and the voice acting - i found it hard to try and understand tones sometimes -#- because the delivery felt so off.. like don't get me wrong not everyone in the fandom is a voice actor but if we're using static faces -#- for these fan works the delivery has to be a little more clear or else it'll sound like you're reading from a script.. sorry yall :"|#for the pacing i found it a bit hard to parse when some things were going on and how fast things were progressing#as well as the crashes.. that's also another thing bc i couldn't tell bc of the sfx and audio balancing - it could be better..#i wanna say. muffled voices do not substitute for a “far away”/off-screen voice bc i still can't hear it :“|#there were a lot of throwbacks and references to older thomas media/movies but some of them felt a little.. much?#if this is a dotd rewrite why are we getting some parallels with tatmr.. but i digress. at least they made diesel beef with duck a bit#there's a lot more i could say but i'm keeping those to myself. at the end of the day this fan movie was hard work for everyone involved#and you can tell some of the folks were having fun in there - props to them! i'm always glad to see more fan works in the community#we've come so far we're making feature length fan stories and rewrites that's crazy! i hope to see more in the future#fauxtrainpost.txt
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ahhh the Penacony leaks are really coming in now.
*chuckles* I'm in danger.
#i keep going back and forth about if i'm skipping Ratio. I was 100% going for him but now. looking at whats coming#I like Sunday and Robin and Boothill and Gallagher and Misha and Aventurine and DUKE INFERNO?!?#okay. i just saw that Aventurine might be sustain unit. i NEED one of those so bad.#my accounts gonna be completely fucked if i don't get a good support sometime soon. so like. that moves him WAY up my priorities list#and moves Ratio down :( still dunno exactly what he does waiting for official release to make final decisions#but. if he's really an imaginary dps. i might... *dies a little bit* skip him#i just!!! i have DH!!! i WANT to use DH! he's my favourite character in the damn game!#and >_> is Ratio going to have story relevance? i thought Argenti would get more then just a companion quest but he hasn't#and that kinda... bums me out? i like the meet a character THEN roll for them not the other way around. i like character who matter plotwis#A!NY!WAY! putting that aside. i might just go for the 50/50 and take what i get. just to smooth out my pity if nothing else#i don't have most of the standard pool so chances are *knocks on wood* i'll have something new to work with#and like we are getting an absolute BARRAGE of hard skip banners coming up after him.#i do not care for these women at all. extremely mid designs i SLEEP#(except for the judge she fucks but. jades are tight right now honey im sorry!!)#so. i've got a little but of time to save afterwards#post: misc#game: honkai sr#these tags are long and disjointed but its *checks clock* almost 2:30 am so. i'm a bit. you know.#i could save this draft for tomorrow and edit into something resembling a human's train of thought instead of word vomit but#i kinda wanna capture the moment. this is how i saw the leaks. the essence of desperation of a f2p. aahhh gacha my beloved.
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Although like maybe it's because I have a life outside of the rpc and I usually keep my nose of rph-y things these days and this week is kinda an exception (that I'm not planning on continuing 😂) but like I've been rping on this site since I was like 13 and I literally cannot recall a single instance where anyone actually got cancelled over a fc? Like the absolute worst I've seen is nasty anons and... yeah, I'll be honest that really says more about the person sending the anon than the person receiving it, because like the block button is free and so easy to use.
Anyway, been awhile since I've posted a link to this so DBT workbook pdf if anyone on my blog rn needs one <3 Also I'm sorry if I seem shorter than usual today tone-wise, I've had a killer migraine from hell all day
#i'll be honest i have been making/deleting versions of this post for weeks because i keep seeing people saying it and like...#i get the fear but it's a very irrational fear that will never actually happen and i hope that doesn't sound mean because like I GET IT#my therapist and i have had talks about this exact thing like 'am i a horrible irredeemable person if i liked this person who turned out#to be problematic' HAS came up in therapy and I've been doing so much work on myself with the moral perfectionism because like I#never would attack someone the way i attack myself over fcs so why am I attacking myself vibes okay#but um... let's be realistic for a sec? That's not very WISE mind of us and it's not a belief based in reality ya know like.. the worst#that will happen is you 1. can't rp with someone 2. get blocked 3. get an anon you've gotta block. nobody will actually cancel you#like the community has been pretty loud about not using minors as fcs for years and there's still packs of minors with hundreds of notes#and none of those giffers have been cancelled so why would you get cancelled over using anya taylor joy?#and like yeah i know being like flat out 'nobody cares what fcs you use' sounds kinda harsh but it's the truth ya know like#past the point of 'don't tag me in gifs of x' and 'don't use this fc with me' like I know I don't care what others do#I can only control myself and my own actions - like I'll 100% block over fcs but like... there's a difference between#going 'i know we're not gonna vibe so i'm gonna block and forget why i blocked them in a week' vs. caring someone's using a fc#we all have different comfort levels and that's okay - the issue is when you disregard other people's boundaries and throw a fit#because they set boundaries? anyway i'm going to go grab a snack from the vending machine#and continue suffering through my migraine because i'm trying to save my meds for when i have to attend classes#altho when I say i block over banned fcs i usually block over minors#i have a 'i'll still write with you if you use my banned fcs if you don't use them with me' rule on indie
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Talked more with my mom and I'm a little calmer, but I also just... my default level of confidence she'll retain the conversation enough to affect future behaviors is very much lowered now.
#''if we move to this area i'll be much more comfortable with you walking to get places''#can't wait for if we do and then she finds a reason to no longer be comfortable with it#i'll be walking anyway#i need to keep putting my foot down even though i'm still caught in that trap of feeling bad when she feels bad#i'm already kind of blind-sided by her apparent belief that uber is safer than public transportation#they're unsafe in some different ways but 100% safety doesn't exist#and everyone else in this household is able to just get behind the wheel of a car themselves#i can't#and i'd like to have the right to have a life outside my family#which includes not being driven everywhere by them#''you can just tell me where you want to go''#thanks for saying i'm never gonna experience the world of dating or kink or whatever without saying it#cuz i'm always gonna be on my family's leash#and idk she doesn't get paid like my therapist so she never understands that the answer to ''where do you wanna go?'' is literally ANYWHERE#i just wanna exist out in public off your leash#i wanna be able to go out and travel on my own just winging it#it sounds weird to you because you take the freedom you have to do that for granted#i don't have that freedom and that's why it's EVERYTHING to me#negative post#statcat life blogging
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Thought of the morning that refuses to be exorcised from my brain until I release it into the wild: all of Ruju's mounts have the same rebel streak he does, and each one of them he tamed himself in some way.
The most infamous is his raptor, which is actually the very same one hatched by Ploint in that one Metrica Province event chain. Y'know. The one that immediately tries to eat its own researcher. Yeah. Ruju definitely trained it to not do that anymore. And the fact that it's now big enough to ride does not make that a bigger concern. Nope, not at all.
And his griffon? Yeah, the first time he set foot in Lornar's Pass it scooped him up and flew away like a hawk snatching a mouse. The skyscale? It bit him several times before he finally managed to get on its good side with a snack of bloodstone crystals. His jackal? He helped the djinn catch it because it went rogue mid-taming attempt, and now it won't listen to anyone but him.
In conclusion: Ruju refrains from taking his creatures into battle not to protect his creatures from the enemy, but to protect the enemy from his creatures.
#my posts#gw2 asura#gw2#Commander Ruju#this can have some tags because i said so#i'm planning to snag 2 skins when the licenses rotate back in#because the griffon is gonna be the northern featherwing and the jackal is the fulgurite ridgeback#none of the raptors feel right tho. primal maguuma is CLOSE but not quite#hopefully we get more types of feathery raptor without the metal headpiece in the future#anyway. that raptor paragraph was sarcasm he has taught it nothing#he still has to pry Inquest out of its mouth every time he takes it anywhere#(it does NOT want to spit them out)#on the bright side by the end of the ordeal they're promising to never do unethical science again#so. mission accomplished?#it also tends to eye any other asura around but it doesn't dare go for friends#hence why it keeps grabbing Inquest. he's fighting them anyway so why no snack??? HFHDHS#the jackal is just moody tho. arguably the safest as long as you don't bother it#the others all bite tho. do not pet them unless you've befriended them first#and the griffon STILL grabs Ruju and flies off sometimes. he hates that.#(the griffon thinks it's funny)#they all still need names but i'll figure that out once i have them in-game#anyway. throws this and banishes myself back to the void
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more bre3ding/cr3amp1e p-links pls 🫣
warnings: sexual content below! p-links and sexually explicit descriptions are in this post

i genuinely don't know what to say anymore but this is sylus. on everyone's soul, THIS IS SYLUS
this one too
this too
sylus likes to fuck his seed back into you himself, he does so quite softly. it's an extremely intimate act when he does it, he's gentle and slow, and it's really not about possession to him. he just likes it— the warmth, the slickness, the sound, and the lewdness of it all.
> heavy breeding kink with no hints of possessiveness, he straight up just wants you to have his kid idfk. he would definitely say stuff like, "you're going to make a wonderful mother to our kids." / "kitten, one day you're going to get pregnant and i'm going to be so lucky." / "fuck, kitten, you want me to fuck my cum back into you, right? you want me to get you pregnant, right?"

idk why but this one gives me a caleb vibes
this one is also him
this one too
this too 😭😭😭
i keep adding caleb links im tweaking
caleb really enjoys watching his cum leak out of you. he would tease you, "pipsqueak, you're wasting it", as he just watches you squirm. to him, this is something akin to 'marking' you, walking up behind you later while out talking about, "think you're still leaky, pip."
> he's also probably got a crazy breeding kink mixed with a little —or a lot— bit of crazy obsession idfk, shit like "when your belly gets big, everyone's going to know who you belong to" / "one day i'm gonna get you pregnant" / "you'd look so good carrying my child, pips" / "if you let it all out, you'll hurt my feelings pips."

i think rafayel kind of goes feral once you let him cum in you... like he just keeps going idk
teasing him
rafayel is less breeding kink more crazy about you. loves anything to do with you, sex is not an exception, and he puts you on a pedestal a little differently to the rest of the boys. a bit like a mutt, you let him cum in you and suddenly he can't stop rutting into you, trying to chase another high.
> less breeding kink, more pathetic subby male who is so fucking excited to be fucking you. "fuck. fuck. fuck. 'm gonna cum again, please? please let me keep going?" / "princess, you feel soo good, please." / "princess, i'm sorry, let's keep going..." / "i'll be so good for you, princess, let me keep going."

sorry i know you specifically asked for breeding and i know this isn't but it still has cum ...
this is also zayne idk
zayne rarely ever finishes inside of you, citing that it's not good for you, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to. idk how to explain it, he doesn't let himself finish inside of you because he's worried he'll lose self control.
> heavily likes the idea of breeding, like it probably takes everything in his body to not ram into you as he feels his balls squeeze, probably in your ear talking about "you'd look so beautiful pregnant." / "want to start a family with you." / "one day i'm going to get you pregnant, no need to worry." / "if you keep asking me to cum in you, i just might one day..."

i think xavier would like you fucking yourself with his cum... like shoving anything that comes out back inside
this one too
anotha one
xavier just wants to watch your fingers plug your hole up to prevent any more spillage. it brings a smile to his face to see how desperate you are to keep all of his seed inside of you, it probably gets him hard all over again prompting him to say something like, "don't worry, there's more where that came from."
> no specific breeding kink per say but likes the possessive element of pregnancy like caleb, "they'll know what we get up to at night." / "maybe when you're pregnant he'll stop coming up to you" / "want everyone to know how good you make me feel every night"
notes : i couldnt find that many links 😭😭😭 i've been searching all day so i'm sorry anon... pls forgive me... i hope the little blurbs makeup for the lack of links :(
#anon ask#lads imagine#lads smut#lads x reader#love and deep space imagines#love and deep space smut#love and deep space x reader#l&ds smut#lads links#lnds smut#love and deepspace#sylus x you#l&ds sylus#sylus smut#sylus x reader#lnds sylus#love and deepspace sylus#lads sylus#l&ds caleb#caleb x you#caleb x reader#caleb smut#lnds caleb#lads caleb#love and deepspace caleb#lnds rafayel#rafayel x reader#zayne x reader#xavier x reader
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Next thing you'll say is he doesn't have a tail
ref to this pic
EDIT: Just to keep things clear I didn't really think about bringing it up but not everyone's gonna click to see the first picture and might be confused. Alastor was stated to know only a little bit of broken French, the reasoning due to being from New Orleans. Speaking standard French is very much not a thing in New Orleans, so he would logically only know French-Creole. This is very different from the standard French language and a large misconception that people from New Orleans speak regular French. So yes, he does speak some French, just not as well as people make him nor would it, in theory, be the regular French that everyone makes him speak [but I wouldn't put it past the writers to not do that research but maybe I have too little faith in them]. I'm not from New Orleans, I visited it once so it's not like I'm an expert. But I HAVE looked into it and just bothering with one Google search will tell you it's not common and you'll even have a special term called "Louisiana French" pop up. With that all said, these were statements made on years past streams and could've been changed in the official series. However, as of right now, the official statement is that he speaks only a little broken French that should technically be French-Creole if they're going by and that he's from New Orleans to know that language. And again, I don't have a lot of faith in writers to do the research into it being Louisiana French rather than regular French, but now I'm rambling lol This is just a bit of context for this comic so people who were curious can understand it a bit more. And it's totally possible I got something wrong, so feel free to point it out when I do. I just like to dig into the nooks and crannies of information for things :3 2nd EDIT: Just for any future reblogs, I did get somethings incorrect in the above (not surprising), so here's some of the corrections I got:
@mangotangerine: "A tiny nitpick - it would likely be Louisiana Creole, which is one of the French-based Creole languages (Haitian Creole is prob the most well known as it has about 10-12 million speakers vs Louisiana Creole which has around 10,000 due to multiple factors but especially legislation in early 1920s outlawing it). Louisiana French is an umbrella term for the various French dialects/etc in the region (e.g., the dialect Cajun French)." (We actually had a whole conversation in the comments of this post and highly suggest looking down there in case you're interested in learning more!)
@alyssumflowers: "I am from New Orleans and a little bit of a language nerd. You're confusing some things here. Cajun French is a dialect of French. My great grandmother spoke it fluently, my grandfather in pieces.
Louisiana Creole is another language entirely. The word "creole" means mixed and a creole language is basically a mixture of two or more languages. Sort of, it's a linguistics thing. Anyways. Louisiana Creole has next to no speakers left and I've had a hard time trying to find somewhere or someone to learn it from because I really want to." (Always great to hear from someone who has more insider knowledge on the subject! So I wanted to give this it's share due as well, hope you can fine somewhere to learn it! /ᐠ > ˕ <マ ₊˚⊹♡ )
Thank you for the comments! My previous statement still stands about Al probably not speaking normal French, but I wanted these corrections still known and pointed out :3
#Celtrist#cel doodles#fanart#hazbin hotel#hellaverse#hazbin hotel fanart#hellaverse fanart#artists on tumblr#hazbin hotel alastor#hazbin alastor#alastor the radio demon#hazbin hotel charlie#hazbin charlie#charlie morningstar#hazbin hotel vox#hazbin vox#vox the tv demon#radiostatic#radiosilence#onewaybroadcast
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