#not choosing is still a choice! you stupid motherfucker!
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nientedal · 1 year ago
Usually I just save stuff like this to my drafts until I calm down but you know what, fuck it, I'm done.
Any so-called leftist who refuses to recognize that our options right now are "genocide abroad, progress at home" and "genocide abroad AND genocide at home" and that there is a significant difference between those two options is cordially invited to eat shit and die. We do not have time to entertain your anti-voting hopeless nonsense. A future in which we are able to move towards less death will always be preferable to the one in which we can't, and if you smug, sneering little clowns sacrifice that future on the altar of your own self-righteousness because you're too high on your own farts to realize how far up your own ass you are, I genuinely hope you fucking drown. Specifically, I hope you drown in the blood of the people who will die all over the world as a result of your bizarre refusal to work towards a future that doesn't include ethnic cleansing.
This is the United States. We sell war, here. I don't know how so many of you are only just now figuring that out, but you better get over your shock like yesterday because we are out of fucking time. We ran out of time when Reagan took office if not long before. You think not voting will improve any of this?
Keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming. Governments everywhere are (slowly) beginning to listen. Democrats are (slowly) beginning to listen. But Republicans never will, and if they seize power again next year (which they will absolutely do their damned to attempt), everything will be so, so much worse for everyone, everywhere. The work is slow and painful and imperfect but it will only get done if we show up and do the work, so keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming-- and when the time comes, you show up and vote for the future that lets us build a better tomorrow instead of just choking to death in the steaming shitpile of today.
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teenage-mutant-ninja-freak · 11 months ago
I absoltely loved the newest mob boys post and there teenage daughters can you do the mob boy’s reaction to their teenage daughters getting pregnant after sneaking out (poor Donnie’s daughter 🥲) (sorry for the spelling erors English isn’t my first language) thank you!
Love this idea for the Mob! boys, and yes, poor, poor Donnie's little girl
MASSIVE DISCLAIMER! Donnie's one will be dark as fuck, please do not read if anything to do with pregnancy is a trigger to you!
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Mob! Leo
She's still grounded
it's been 2 months but she found her with a goddamn boy- not just /with/ a boy but in his *bed*
livid wouldn't even begin to cover how Leo felt
it took all his daughter's strength to hold him back from beating the living daylights out this teen boy who defiled his daughter
but something is different now
she's been quiet, not protesting when he gives her chores or sends her to bed. not even asking to have friends round when she knows she's grounded
he goes up to her room to talk, maybe she's been punished enough?
"Hey" she says softly, knocking on the door "what's up with you? you've been...distant"
she turns to face him, sat on her bed, and when she sees the gentle look on his face she can't contain it anymore
bursts into tears
"y-you know- you know Harry? The- the-the boy you found me with?..." she makes out between sobs
his mind returns to that night and he goes quiet. Angry again
"I'm sorry, daddy. I'm really sorry"
he doesn't get it at first, then she points to the trash can
he glances over and see's the pregnancy test box empty
he understands
the way Leo sees it, he has 2 choices: 1 scream. scream until his lungs bleed and she hates him forever or, 2 be there for his crying kid
he chooses the latter
he puts a stiff arm around her and she nuzzles into the crook of her father's neck, still inconsolable.
it's difficult to hide the shame, the disappointment, the anger....He had such big plans for her, now adding a kid to those plans? forget about it...
but he gets this one chance to show her that she can come to him about anything
it's going to be a long next few months...
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Mob! Raph
His not-so-baby-anymore little girl is the light of his life
like, he's the proudest dad you can find
adores her, beyond words
so when he goes to tell her dinner is ready (without knocking, because it's his house and he can do what he wants) and finds her curled in a ball on her bed, crying and holding a positive pregnancy test... He loses it
screaming, punching the door, more screaming, ripping posters off her walls, did I mention he was yelling?
lots of "how could you be so stupid?" and "I raised you better than this!"
after about 20 minutes he calms down
it's nothing the daughter of this hot head isn't used to by now, but it's still scary for her
it's the look in her eyes that calms him the most- the look of fear as she clutches her stomach
a maternal sign
she wants the baby
"This motherfucker who knocked you up, he gonna stick around?" he asks
"I don't care if he does or not, fuck him! I've got you, don't I?"
a big sigh from Raph
"you've got me, kid"
he's not happy, how could he be?
but he knows she'll make a great mother
and he loves her too much, and is way too much of a pushover when it comes to her to be mad for too long
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Mob! Mikey
He guesses she's pregnant
the morning sickness is a dead give away
he is Pissed, with a capital P
drags his daughter back to her room, any dolls or stuffed toys are ripped apart with his bare hands
"And this?" he hisses "What sort of mother had a ballerina jewellery music box? You're a child having a child! A stupid child at that! Insolent, pathetic and careless!"
none of this is yelled, his tone is almost a whisper
his daughter is crumpled down on the floor just weeping, waiting for storm Mikey to pass
"I thought I raised you better, I really did"
He leaves the house at that point, just walks straight past her as she sobs and goes to his brother's
they calm him down, a lot actually
remind him there are "options"
when he gets back to the house, he does say sorry
he knows he flies off the handle a little too quickly
he says he'll stand with her no matter what she chooses, but he knows what he would prefer for her to do
she sleeps in his bed that night, he holds his little girl and they whisper to each other until they both pass out
their relationship has always had rough patches like this but nothing they can't get through
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Mob! Donnie
He knows
he always knows, he knew she snuck out, her knew she slept with that boy, he knows everything
so when she comes home to a seemingly empty house and goes up to her room, she;s in for a surprise
the room is liner with plastic sheets, like shower curtains, everywhere
the floor, the walls, there's a table in the middle of the room with a sheet covering something...
not something- someone
it's him, the boy, the one time hookup...
"oh fuck" she whispers
"oh fuck, indeed" Donnie's voice comes come behind her
"What did you do, dad? Is he dead?"
he smirks at that, which is dangerous. Only the worst kind of things amuse her father
"Dead? No. He wouldn't be worth the clean up. He just has a little... Procedure. To make sure he doesn't ever fuck up your life again"
she's confused, then he pulls out the positive pregnancy test you threw in a mall bathroom trash can last week.
How??? How does he always know?
"Now, darling..." He begins
((He never calls you darling, unless you're in deep shit with him))
"Are you going to be a good girl, and do what needs to be done? Or are you going to make daddy angry and disappointed all over again?" He leans in closer "I know which one I'd pick"
"I-I-I want the baby, dad" it's barely a whisper, mostly it's a plea
he tuts and shakes his head
"Wrong answer"
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joemama-2 · 2 months ago
i feel like people are split between satoru and suguru, trying to choose which is best or if it is worthy to fuck suguru
but hear me out. both.
listen, Koji lived five years of his life without a father, compensate that with TWO fathers.
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also, i need to see satoru jealous like for the sake of my mental health i crave to see this man pouty and angry because his best friend fucked his ex that he is still in love with (even if he doesn't know yet HE IS)
i need myself a very jealous satoru, overdramatic, resentful, possessive, anxious, silly willy and very very very envious of suguru for pulling reader 🙏
but if this beautiful blue eyed motherfucker be mad at READER and not SUGURU im gonna see RED. i need drama but i need reader to have peace too
AND, BUDDY, DONT GET ME STARTED ON THAT WOMAN AT THE CAFE this has to be some evil plan of himari's family to destroy readers fucking life and dominate the world and im SURE. my theory is that the company I do not remember the name now (sowwy) is maybe a close friend from himari's family company? maybe? I don't know how to make theories maybe?
and I've been focusing so bad on sugurus looking mighty fine this last chapters that I almost forgot to mention that stupid idiotic naoya zenin
everyone knows at this point that he means no good. he's actually the anti-christ, I read the bible, and it says he ascended to earth to corrupt God's son, which is Koji. yes, reader is actually God, and Koji is Jesus now. AND NAOYA IS THE DEVIL. (he hasn't done anything yet and im already turning into the next joker)
at the end of the day, I just need a scene of satoru jealous and reader finally getting some dick🙏
imagine this:
satoru is at reader's house to have lunch with koji and then he discovered suguru slept there last night and then reader cooks for them and suguru says - whats cooking good looking? 😏 - and satoru goes HOW DARE YOU🫵 💥🤜 and then they have a duel for reader's love while she and koji sit at the table eating lunch and watch the animals fighting
☝️this is canon btw im the author now you have no choice
one last thing, i can't tolerate himari anymore i need this bitch GONE pls pls pls pls/j
(stealing that pic btw)
COMPENSATION WITH 2 DADS? that’s lowkey so true tho 😛
and i think we ALLLL need to see jealous gojo. or irritated. or ANYTHINGGG!!! it’s so hot and the way i’m already picturing what dialogue to write and all and MMMMM scrumptious 😫
the company name was kinda just thrown in there so it’s okay LOL. but yes, the company and woman do seem a little shady huh? 🤔 like someone planted her in there. is it for the better or worse for reader? hmmm
and then stupid naoya!!!!! he’s gonna be a little biotch in this i’m sorry yall 😞😞. reader is god, that’s a fact. i know it.
and finally, that’s all we want to reader. to get a pipe down because she desperately needs it. LIKE NEEEDS IT. it’s been so long and suguru is just right the— (dies)
gojo vs geto when?? lol i crave a little twilightesque edward vs jacob action in my fics. not over the top, but still enough to get ur panties wet
don’t worry, himari will hopefully have a satisfying close to her chapter 😁
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felixcosm · 1 year ago
wbg for the ask game 🤠
Send me series and I’ll tell you my:
Favorite character
I was going to go with the bit and yell out about Eagle but honestly, it's the Mikes. I adore them. If I had to choose only one Mike, I'd choose Emdubya!
Second favorite character
EAGLE 🥰💗😍💖
Least favorite character
Ty Betteridge? Stupid motherfucking mike collecting dust eating- I'm joking, I love Ty. I don't think I have a character I would rank as "least favorite".
Hmm, well maybe Brendon Evans. Like, yeah, your little brother was a bad guy but fuck, dude. He was still your little brother. Donny was right about you.
The character I’m most like
Mikey 😔 We have similar views on things, and I am also a coward and I would also get killed almost as many times as he did if you'd put me in WOE.BEGONE.
Favorite pairing
Oh, this is hard. But I'm going to go with MikeMichael because I actually adore the selfcest trope and I think they have a lot of chemistry. If they were different people and not already taken, I'm sure they would've been the top pairing in the fandom.
Least favorite pairing
CANNONBALL and Kate. I'm glad he left her to become the henchman of a sadistic gay bear instead.
Favorite moment
THERE'S SO MANY!! I'll pick one at random. The part in episode 14 where Mikey is about to be caught by Mystery Hunter in a red flag cabin and he goes
MIKE: No choice but to play it cool, I guess. Good old cool as a cu- good old cool as a cucumber Mike Walters. That guy never freaks out, what's up with that? (speaking quickly) I'm not freaking out. Would a guy's freaking out talk this slow, huh?
Rating out of 10
100/10. Hands down the best podcast ever.
It's got everything I ever wanted in a show. Gay people. High stakes. Crazy plots. Amazing music. Stupid inside jokes. An ARG. Pathetic men. Toxic relationships. Relationships that changes one forever. Time loops. Plots where people forget their loved ones and must fight to get them back (I'm such a sucker for those you have no idea). Funky villains who are in love with the protagonists. A cool fandom with basically no drama. A creator who cares about his project and his fans. Meat worms. Comedy-horror.
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alyosiuscreightonward · 2 years ago
Dear Diary. Sinead O’Connor.
Just my two cents.
The anguish, bitterness, anger and grief that has greeted her family. I cannot even imagine nor fathom the pain. From first hand experience, the camps have been divided.
There are those who want to help her and champion her journey through this difficult world.
There are those who want to help however they stand on the sidelines, go about their daily lives and waiting for her to reach out to them. She won’t bother them because they are some shady little motherfuckers. “I’ll take you up hospital for a seventy two hour hold but I don’t have any gas and my momma took the car to work today.”
There are those who are flummoxed, gobsmacked and completely confused about how to help her. They’ll whip out their phones and film it all but do nothing. Yet they’ll run their mouths, pointing fingers, cutting their eyes and then remark, “Oh, dear me. I had no bloody idea what was going on. I only saw through the window that there were flashing lights. I don’t know.”
I have a clue how this could possibly work for some people. You know, I can’t help you if you’re not going to help yourself.
Then there’s another problem here. There are some people who don’t want help. Maybe someone will take them to an agency to get help for them and I’ve seen it. They’ll lose their shit. It doesn’t end well for all involved. Like me. I lost my shit and went thermonuclear. I knew that I’d be put on the 4th Floor, the locked ward, forced to take something and then sit there and drool on myself. Yet I’m not sure how I did it but I’m here to tell you my story.
All I’m going to admit to is that I’ve had more than several attempts and failed each time. To this very day, I have moments where I think because I care about myself more than others yet…then, what kind of quicksand am I looking for? Look. Don’t. I fucking know. I’m not a fucking idiot who blithely ignores or skirts around. No. Kiss my ass. Seriously. Stop.
Mental health is tricky. Someone who feels the need to blather on about their lives and their issues etc, it’s like, Dude. Take several seats on that bus out of town. I think that if they talk about this that and third, are they actively doing something to get out and get help? Again. Fuck You and the horse you rode on.
Myself included. At least I have an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. Though I step back to examine myself and see if I can actually offer up something to them. Before I do that, is there anything that I can compare and relate to? Most times, yes. If not, I seek out counsel.
Yet, decide what you are going to do? Shit or get off the toilet. Decide. Do you want help or not?
Over the past few days, I’ve been inundated with posts on various social media platforms and in my humble opinion, “Thoughts and Prayers for the Family.”
Sinead at one point was in crisis and did seek help. I think I even saw her on an episode of Dr Phil. As if he’s gonna fucking help.
Regardless the choice was hers to make. As for me, did I choose to become homeless? No. I allowed it to happen because I was naive enough to believe that these people were my friends and if I needed help they would be there for me. Yeah, but 99 44/100 of the times they weren’t there and they couldn’t be bothered with me since I didn’t have anything to offer them the moment we spoke. Did I choose to become a junkie or a prostitute? No.? I allowed it to happen. I wanted to keep the pain at arm’s length and in order to do so, I needed money and if that meant sucking some guys dick to get the money, then so be it.
All these years later, I’m on medication and still I fight for my sanity. I’m not going to be able to analyze someone else’s mental health issues because I can, I choose not to do that.
I’m not that fucking stupid. It’s like I had heard once, someone told us that their child ended their life and the note they found said, “Today, the demons won.” Sadly I chose to believe that this is what happened to Sinead. Whether it is true or not, don’t know. Yet I look at Cobain, Winehouse, Delp and many many others.
I think of how often I hear that two spouses went at it. 5-0 was involved as well as CPS. Then I hear that they are back together again. I remember Robert Downey Jr all those years ago and he is now Tony Stark. He decided that he wanted help and he helped himself. In my humble opinion, he didn’t give up as did Sinead and her son.
The caretaker, caregiver, the fireman, in me wants to rush to their emotional rescue and I do believe that I could have done some good. Yet I’ve got my own issues to deal with and I’m doing the best I can on the daily. Yet I have those moments when I feel that I’m just another failure.
I just don’t know what to do. As much as I don’t want to, I am going to go to the job. This is where I scream, I hate my life sometimes.
Sinead. I bid you peace.
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doctorbarontsct · 1 month ago
question: do you want to gay ramble more? Because a lot of us Things like hearing about Lyf.
is that even a question
now i think gay rambling rules out thoughts about The Current Situation. because. well. ive got a lot of feelings about that and many of them are gay, but some of them are just very sad. not wanting to feel sad right now!
instead, we're thinking about happier things! pleasant things. for instance, did you know that in the dreams, they were a really fucking good shot with a gun? good shot in reality too. once, they shot a violin clean out of my hands. while i was playing it. wasn't that a surprise? didn't even hit me. wow.
also, they had their hair down in the dream, which was an interesting choice. i liked seeing all their braids, every day they came by in the prison. even on the days when they were fancier, and i wondered if they were trying to impress someone, or getting ready for a date, or--
stupid motherfucking idiot inspector kerr.
sorry. that was. just a weird cough. dont mind me.
anyway. their hair looked nice, braided like that. strange, that it was loose in the dreams, but i liked it too. it looked soft. tangled, maybe, but-- i hadnt realized how long it was. its really fucking pretty stuff, too. they had some colored ribbon or something woven in on one side, too? nice. and the beginnings of a few silver hairs. . .
the silver looked nice on them. im choosing to stick with that as my reaction instead of thinking about why their hair might silver quickly, or about them growing old or anything. yep. it looked nice. contrast and all that.
and god, they were out of uniform, too. they made the uniforms work, but them not being up to uniform standard? fnatastic. unfair. save a bit of style for the rest of us. even if that style is just "soft looking sweater". they deserve soft and warm things, after all. and hey, they looked... they looked really nice.
and then they opened their mouth and said my name, even if it was still my last name, and--
i said i wouldn't get into it. the situaiton. yep. sticking to that.
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typicalrambles · 9 months ago
troubles with trust
For the past few weeks, I've found myself having troubles with trusting again. Rebuilding your trust with barely any help from the other person that did you wrong can be extremely hard. You can see them trying their best with the time and energy that they have. People say that love is all about making a choice, or choosing to but a part of me thinks that yes, it is but at the same time, it also has a lot to do with how they are able to handle things with what they have at the moment.
After everything that I've been through, if everyone knew what I had to go through in the first few months of 2024, people would think I'm the stupidest motherfucker out there. Hell, even my own version from 2023 to ∞ would agree that I'm stupid enough to do so after what I had to go through during my childhood. Yet, all because of love, I've decided to give this person another chance over and over in hopes that they would actually become a decent person because in totality, I believe that they are.
My partner is dedicated, hardworking, strong, determined, and self-assured. He may tend to be a little bit distant and reserved in a sense that the way that he thinks is somewhat old-fashioned but it is definitely something you don't exactly see nowadays and it has its own charm. He's quite the mysterious person and people would think that they know him entirely but he has a way of surprising you, both good and bad.
A lot of times, I think that maybe it's time for me to go but it's always been so hard to and I have never really been the type to just give up on someone until I've completely and utterly exhausted myself and notice that I have nothing to work with or offer anymore. I still see him doing what he can to keep me happy; offering to buy me things, making time for me despite his busy schedule, staying up until he no longer can no matter how tired he is from work, being a lot more understanding than he was before. Sometimes I think it might be the guilt that's motivating him to do so while other times I think that it just means that he still wants to keep trying because he actually loves me and that sounds so stupid in itself as I type everything down but I guess it all just boils down to how I feel because at the end of the day it is me and him that's in this relationship and god, I hope that it's just me and him. Another of what I had to go through at the start of the year, and I don't think I would ever be able to handle it again.
It's extremely troubling having to carry all this weight all by myself with barely any help. My cousin and him may be there for me when they can but after everything I have been through, its also not enough and I'm not entirely sure what I need for these trust issues to go away without me having to leave too. All of my friends are gone with only less than the number of fingers I have on one hand left.
Ariana made this song called "we can't be friends (wait for your love)" and a certain part of the song really hit me deeply other than the song entirely; "Me and my truth, we sit in silence. Baby girl, it's just you and me." "So for now, it's only me and maybe that's all I need." I listened to this song heavily while I was in Singapore trying to pick apart the song more, desperately trying to figure out what I need to do and trying to decide if staying would actually be a good idea or not. Going around Singapore while listening to this song, I've eventually come to the consensus that at the end of the day, I don't want to have what-if's and while I wait for him to get his act together and for him to eventually choose me in the process, I might as well work on myself because at least if he chooses to actually end up with me, I'm all better and whole, but if he doesn't, at least I know to myself I'll somewhat be fine. I will grieve but I would be A-Okay.
But sometimes, it does get lonely having to deal with everything on my own and I know that if I keep telling him about all the times that I am struggling with trusting him again, it will continue to put a strain on our relationship and it will only be tough for the both of us. If I continue to tell others, it will not be a good look.
I know what you're thinking, "you should just break things off" and while you may be right, this is still something I would have to learn the hard way if things would go wrong. Maybe me still staying means that I still have a little bit of trust in him left and that I still believe in him being a better person than what he showed me. I beg and hope and pray that this is not another lesson, I at least deserve that. I deserve better.
10 June 2024 07:02AM
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blookmallow · 11 months ago
my brain is buzzing with anxiety so im oddly in the exact right space to binge through something (which i can usually NEVER do unless its video games) but not to like, analyze very well but anyway im enjoying the fallout show immensely. i expected id probably at least like it for the Hey Look, It's That Thing You Like references but its genuinely really engaging. im gonna try to say some things. i have like. 2 more episodes i think
i knew the ghoul was going to be my favorite the moment i knew there was a ghoul bc ghouls are always my favorite but he is. his storyline is so fascinating to me and i am So into him even though they could've done a way better job with his face. i realize im saying that and then not really talking about him that much but all my brain is giving me is "hes so fucked up i want him" so lets move on
the vault tec cult vibe is so strong and so well done. the contrast of "creepy isolated dystopia that thinks its the perfect society / this is the only fucking place left in the world that's clean and safe. people are nice to you. there's food that isn't, like, irradiated mystery organ slurry" vs the chaos and lawlessness of the wasteland, the brutality and ungodly horror of everyday life on the surface / the freedom of choice and expression and the Realness of it. is it better to be controlled but safe, living in a box but a clean well-supplied box, or to be free and know the truth and face Reality but have to live in squalor in constant danger. i feel like the moral questions and social commentary really vibes with the intentions of the fallout games from what ive played through so far, it's taking those thematic elements and expanding on it in a way that's really engaging and interesting.
i love our vault girl so much. she's sweet and sheltered and naive but she's not stupid. she's fucking Brave. she's determined. she believes in the good in people and believes in kindness to the core of her being not because she's brainwashed but because she's a genuinely good person who wants to fix things in a way vault tec never did. she's facing the destruction of everything she believed in and choosing in spite of it all, to stay kind anyway. she has been mocked and hurt and humiliated and degraded but still she chooses kindness. not because she feels like she has to. not because she's too dumb to know better. but because she believes in it. the "golden rule, motherfucker" moment ruined me
i still don't really understand what the brotherhood of steel is or does but i feel like this has at least given me a clearer concept of their culture and beliefs than ive ever gotten before. maybe i need to do a fallout 4 run siding with them to understand them better
i love well meaning dumbass brotherhood boy. ive forgotten his name because he keeps using "titus" which i know wasn't his name but he's cute
completely blindsided by matt berry mr. handy but then realized you know what, they're right, i could not imagine better casting without using the original voice. i love that for him. they did the "extremely politely murders the fuck out of you and then apologizes for the inconvenience" so well also
the gore is so fucking good they captured the casual but hilariously gratuitous violence excellently. we got limbs getting blown off. we got heads exploding. i love this. no notes
im just. im just so happy for good writing and an engaging storyline. so much of media these days suffers from absolute dogshit writing and i expected this to look cool and be sort of generically fun if you like fallout but mostly empty references, and i was completely wrong and i am so happy to be wrong
that said, where are the super mutants. where are the deathclaws. give me super mutants and death claws
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ryderdire · 10 months ago
1-friends come and go and that's a part of life
2- eating real food for breakfast (shit with protean and carbs and ect) in it actually really does help
3- if someone isn't respecting your boundaries after several reminders and stuff that's a a red flag and you are allowed to be stern with them
4- ultimately authority is almost always self serving or so disconnected from the governed that they do not know what is best for them
5- you can't have the engery to deal with interpersonal drama all the time and 90% of these problems can be solved with one conversation.
6- drinking water also is not only very good for you but if you're like me and keep it ridiculously cold a good way to regluate your sensory stuff/ ground yourself
7- it doesn't matter who cares be silly be stupid,
8- just because someone is queer or neurodivergent or whatever doesn't inherently make them a good person they have to do they themself
9- self expression can be whatever you need it to be
10 - strict labels are optional.
11. A lot of times if you want to see somthing change in your soical circle you have to be the one to change, which is scary but worth it
12. Take your motherfucking time on things it's okay.
13. Do it while your thinking about it.
14. Even if you don't Finish a creative project you still made somthing and that's enough
15. Do not trust adults or authority figures who force pointless rules onto people.
16 it's not healthy for you happiness to rely on someone else especially if they have just as little control as you do
17 ignoring how shitty somthing is doesn't make it less shitty dismissing your own feelings makes you feel worse and more powerless.
18 it's fucking okay to not be okay.
19 make peace with *being a Karen" at times it's necessary to bother the fuck out of someone to get them to do their job correctly (this is about my accommodations
20. Growth and learning is NOT LINEAR and that is OKAY. If anything the path of learning and growth varies and that's totally fine.
21: teachers are people parents admins are people are people but that doesn't mean they have a pass to be irresponsible or cruel without conqunces.
22- the whole three C's of marriage
Communication Communication Communication thing applies to EVERY relationship platonic romantic and familal that said abusive relationships often make that dangerous.
23- society doesn't define you. Your grades don't define you, you are free to define your self or not
24- teachers who curse are often more trust worthy then those who don't
25- you can't expect opportunities to fall into your lap, you do have to like do things
26- words really do mean shit actions do speak much louder.
27. It's okay your not always a perfect friend or person people will forgive you people will extend you grace
28. LEARNING IS NOt LINEAR!!!! And that's OKAY.
29. Demonizing people who you don't like is just as bad as over glorifying people you do, "bad
" people are still just people, and as such their not destined to be some villan or great evil, they are still responsible for their choices
30. Learning and isn't about Memorizing, it's about broading your understanding of the world and how it works. And you can choose to do that even beyond teachers and a shcool, frankly I think shcools and most teachers don't do a great job of broading your understanding of the world but I digress
31: the midodria is the powerhouse of the cell-
Anyways i started an in joke in softmore year with my friends that I’d keep a quote book and post it when I graduated so yeah I’m going to do that soon just gotta organize it.
Okay I just graduated highshcool (Jesus Christ I know insane right im scheduling this post ahead of time so I don’t forget) and here is what I learned. (No thanks to the actual shcool itself I’m rebloging this from myself in a minute with the list-)
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years ago
Choose Your Words Carefully ~ Ransom Drysdale
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Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x F! Reader
Words: 2.2k
Summary: After the events of All Grown Up, you are living with your choices and some of the Thrombeys are not happy…
Warnings: degradation (and not in a good way 😏, Smut, angst, Harlen being an absolute 👑 and Ransom being Ransom.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
AN: it would be recommended to read the first part to understand. You can read it here
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You never really regretted your decision. It was the right one for your career, for your life, for you desires.  Because every night, as promised, Ransom was there to take care of you, worship you, make you feel things you never did with Ben.  That night you called Ransom changed your life.  For the better.
Until you met Walt Thrombey.
When you left Ben and went to Ransom, Ransom introduced you to Harlen.  Harlen was so impressed with your skills, he hired you on the spot to be his editor.  Which of course, Walt took exception to. But you took it, not willing to give Walt the satisfaction of knowing how much he got to you. It seems you were accepted by the rest of the Thrombeys and Drysdales except for Joni, who hated competition, and Walt.
"YN! Why are these manuscripts still here?  I thought my father told you to edit and file." Walt was in your face about the stack of manuscripts that you had just received yesterday.
"Walt, since I'm not done editing, I can't file.  I'll have them done by the end of the week."
"That's simply not good enough Miss YLN.  You may be screwing my nephew, but Harlen makes the rules here."
"How does what I do with Ransom affect my job here?"
"Since he must be fucking you stupid, you may want to hold back so you can get your work done. You are just the flavor of the month after all."  Walt let out a cruel laugh as he walked away.
That one hurt.
You finished up the manuscript you were working on and closed up for the evening.  You kept the tears at bay while you drove.  Once you got to your apartment, you send a message to Ransom.
YN: I don't feel up to decorating tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
You changed into Ransom's white cable knit sweater and some knee-high socks.  Making a simple dinner and picking up a book, you made yourself as small as possible on the couch, not wanting to let your emotions get to you. Your phone rang and you saw it was Ransom calling. You debated letting it roll to voicemail but knew that would lead to consequences later. "Hello?"
Princess, what's the matter?
"Nothing.  I'm just tired."
Stop lying to me Princess.
"I had a bad day with Walt ok. I just want to relax and try to get rid of these feelings," you tell him as you try not to sob, a lone tear finally falling.
YN, what did he tell you?
"It doesn't matter Ransom.  I'll be fine.  I'm just not up to decorating for Christmas.  I'll call later ok?"
Princess, don't shut me out.
"I'm not.  I just need some time."  You hang up and curl back up, wanting to get lost in the book you are reading and not think about your boyfriend's family.
An hour later there is a knock at the door that draws you out of your imagination.  You get up and answer to find Random holding some bags and a tree.  "Ransom?"
"Look, I don't give a shit if you are up to it or not.  You are my Princess and I only want to see you happy.  So, we are going to put up these decorations, I'm going to have my way with you and you tell me what that motherfucker said to you." He puts down the bags.  "I care about you Princess." He kisses you deep and you moan at the intrusion.  "There she is, my Princess."
Ransom sets up the tree as you start to unbox all the decorations he bought.  "How did you get the tree here?"
"I tied it to the top of the Beamer. Hopefully I didn't scratch it."
You pour some scotch for Ransom and a hot chocolate for yourself as you decorate around the apartment.  You sit on the floor looking up at the tree when Ransom throws a blanket near the fireplace, along with a couple of pillows.  "Babe, what are you doing?"
"I'm cold and you are in my sweater so I'm going to lie down next to the fire.  Wanna join me?" His look of pure lust fills your eyes, and you crawl over to him and straddle him as he lays on his back. His fingers dance on your thighs, just below the hem of the sweater.  "Have I told you how much I love this look on you?"
"No, you haven't," you say with a hitch in your breath. He runs his hands from your knees and up to your ass, noticing that you aren't wearing shorts like he assumed, just your panties.
"You've been in your panties this whole time?"  You nod and bite your bottom lip. "Oh Princess, were you hoping that I would show up so I can see you like this?"  You nod again slowly.  "Good."  His hands run up north and feels that you haven't been wearing a bra either.  He groans and pulls on your nipple, earning him an arch of your back and a moan that goes down to his balls.
He pulls you down so he can kiss you deep, his tongue invading your mouth, showing his dominance.  Its what you love about him, that he isn't afraid to play you like a violin.  He flips you over, never letting go of the kiss, at the same time hitching a leg over his hip. You can feel his hard cock through his jeans, rubbing it against your cunt, making your moan even louder.
Ransom hooks your panties and starts to slide them down.  He slides down as well and kisses the inside of your legs, teasing you. "Ransom," you whine.
"Do you want me to stop?  Because whiny girls don't get rewards."  He smiled devilishly at you, knowing that you wanted him. He smacked your thigh and you yelped.
"No, I'm sorry."
"Good girl."  He went back to work, nipping and sucking on your skin until he finally lapped at your clit, hearing a porn worthy moan come from you.  "Is my princess happy now?  Hmm... does she like it when I do this to her?"  He began to suck and lick over your cunt and clit, making you squirm and squeal.
"Baby, please!"  You were trying to wait for permission, to relish in the passion you were feeling.
"What do you want princess?  You want to cum?  Want me to taste you?"  Ransom teased with two fingers before plunging them in and hearing you scream.  He pumped his fingers in faster, listening to the squelching from the amount of moisture in your pussy.  "Cum now princess!"
You released with another scream, and he worked you through your climax.  When you started to calm, he pulled his sweater off of your body, leaving you just in your socks and undressed himself.  "You are so beautiful princess. I'm still happy you came to me after the reunion."
"Didn't have a choice baby.  I couldn't leave your dick even if I tried."  You kissed him hard and nipped at his lip.
"Oh princess, this pussy is still the best in the world." He pushed in slowly, almost too slowly, leaving you needy and wanton.  He finally bottomed out and you just needed him to move.  You tilted your hips up and he started, slow at first until he was pounding in you.  He felt you tighten again.  "C'mon princess, I know you have one more in you, I've seen you give me five our first time."
"Ransom, I'm gonna... gonna..."
"Now YN!"
That did it.  You squeezed his cock so hard in your release that it prompted his, pouring everything into you.  You both were sweating, not just from the pleasure but the heat of the fire as well.  As your breathing slowed, Ransom ran his hand through your hair.  "Tell me what happened."
You explain what Walt had said earlier.  Ransom kept hold of his temper, making sure you didn't feel him tense with anger at what Walt was saying to his girl. He could feel your tension and he just wanted to make you feel better.
"Princess, I'll talk to him ok?  He shouldn't be saying those things to you.  He can eat shit for all I care."
"Don't Ransom.  It will just make it worse." You played with his chest hair as he pulled another blanket on you.  "Let's just stay here in this moment."  You went quiet as you laid on his chest.
"What is it princess?  I know you want to say something."
You sigh and steel yourself.  "I think I'm falling in love with you, Ransom."  You kept your head on his chest and hoped you weren't an idiot.
Ransom smiled.  "I thought you knew that I was already in love with you YN."  He kissed your head.  "I wouldn't have brought the tree if I wasn't."
You finally look at him.  "Really?"
He cupped your face.  "Really.  I love you princess. And I'll do anything to see you keep smiling."
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Ransom walked into the library, a determined look on his face.  "Grandpa, can I talk to you?"
"Ransom?  Is everything ok?"
"No, its not.  Did you know that Walt has been saying very insulting things to YN?  Making comments about the fact that she is with me?"
Harlen frowned.  This was news to him and disturbing news at that.  "I wasn't aware.  Is she ok?"
"She was crying in my arms last night.  She loves working for you but she is considering leaving."
"Well, we can't have that."  Harlen rose and looked out the window.  "Do you love her Ransom?"
"What does that have to do with anything?" Ransom took a defensive pose.
"In this, it matters a great deal."  Harlen smiled.  "You know that I love YN.  She has been the best editor I have ever had and will do anything to keep her.  But I need to know if you are willing to do anything as well."
Ransom could see the wheels turning in his granddad's head.  "Yes, I love her. She's everything to me."
"Good.  That's good.  Because I have an idea."
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A few days later, it was Christmas Eve and the family had gathered at the manor.  Ransom made sure to keep you away from Walt and Donna.  They were throwing smug looks at you, knowing you were an invader and probably be gone soon.  They assumed that Ransom would be done with you soon.  You sipped your champagne and made small talk with Linda and Meg.
Harlen approached the middle of the room.  "My dear family, it gives me joy to see you all here tonight, together.  But I have an announcement I would like to make."  The family stilled, wondering what the patriarch would say.  "As you know, I have shifted my focus on writing and left the day-to-day things to Walt and YN.  I've just spoken to our attorneys, and I have decided to stop leading Blood and Wine Publishing."
"Dad, what does that mean?" Walt asked with glee.  He assumed it would leave him in charge of the publishing house and he could finally get rid of you.  He glanced at you, but you remained stoic, your left arm around Ransom's waist.
"It means, son, that I am naming my successor as Editor-In-Chief."  He looked at his family. "I'm leaving the position to my granddaughter."
"What?" The collective question was screeched as eyes swiveled to Meg.  Med who had just started college and had a petrified look on her face.
"You're leaving the position to an 18-year-old?" Linda asked.
"No of course not," Harlen said.  "I'm leaving it to my other granddaughter and my grandson."
Richard laughed.  "You don't have another granddaughter."
"You're right, Richard, my mistake.  I will have another granddaughter in what, Ransom, five months?"
All eyes were on the two of you as you removed your arm from around Ransom's waist and flashed the diamond to the room.  You looked directly at Walt.  "We wanted a spring wedding and May seemed perfect."
"But... how... you slut!" Walt jumped up and Ransom placed himself between the two of you.
"Choose your words wisely Uncle.  Because she is your boss in just a few months."  Ransom gave him a sadistic smile.  "If she lets you keep your job."
Walt stopped with realization that his well being was now in your hands.  You stepped next to Ransom and took his hand. "Linda, Richard, I know this was not how I wanted to tell you about our engagement, but I couldn't be happier with your son.  He is my prince charming."
Ransom looks down at you and leaned over for a passionate kiss.  "Oh princess.  I love you."
"Love you too, my prince."  You smiled at the rest of the family. "I hope this is happy news."  And then you looked at Walt and smirked. "I mean, I guess I was fucked into marriage Walt.  Not so stupid now."
Ransom laughed. The kingdom was theirs and his princess would soon be his queen. Merry Fucking Christmas indeed.
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@patzammit @texmexdarling @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @slutforchrisjamalevans
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mercy-burning · 4 years ago
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Spencer and Y/N decidedly hate each other. But when a near-death experience puts one of them in a coma, their mutual hatred might have to take a backseat— Or will it? Category: Angst / Happy Ending! + Humor and a lil bit of Fluff Content: Strong language, Reader is in a coma, mentions of injury, kissing Word Count: 2.6k
NOTE: This one’s for Pom’s ( @imagining-in-the-margins ) September Writing Challenge, Enemies To Lovers! I have another one coming up as well, but this idea wouldn’t get out of my head ever since I watched The Abyss with my dad and I had to get it out 😅 I hope you like it!!
I swear to fucking God, if this motherfucker really thinks he—
That was the last thing Y/N thought before she was knocked out cold.
With her line of work, it was natural to assume that she was thinking about the unsub, but unfortunately the criminal she and her team were tracking down was the farthest thing on her mind. Spencer would have chastised her for it— letting something else cloud her thoughts while she was in a dark alley, alone, and with a serial killer on the loose.
"You should be smarter than that!" she could hear him say in that high pitch he always carried when he was upset— especially with her. "If you don't get yourself killed one of these days, then it'll be the rest of us!"
Thinking about it made her blood boil.
"It's your fault," she wanted to tell him. "I had to blow off some steam because you were pissing me off!"
The only thing was... She couldn't tell him.
Well... She could.
He just couldn't hear her, because no one could.
It was like some stupid, cliché movie, where you found yourself standing over your dying body and having to choose whether to live or not. It seemed like the obvious choice, to fucking live, but... Y/N found herself wandering around her hospital room, yelling into the void and attempting to jump back into her own body.
Nothing was working.
And when Spencer showed up, his face red and his hair and clothes all messed up, she wanted to scream at him.
Nothing. He was practically lifeless as he drifted to the chair next to her bed and sat down. It was nearly impossible to read from his expression and body language how he was feeling, and that alone was enough to make her angry again. (Not that the anger had really gone away since waking up next to her comatose body, of course.)
"Hey! Dumbass!"
Still nothing.
As Spencer just blankly stared down at Y/N's bed, she decided she'd had enough.
"I hate you."
It was a bold enough statement to stop Y/N in her tracks, no matter how quietly he'd mumbled it. She knew for sure that he didn't like her, after years of constant bickering and dirty glares and whatever else, but... The word 'hate' was like a knife that sliced through her joking rage and stopped the whole world around her.
If she wasn't already out of her own body, she just knew she would have felt her soul leave.
Spencer didn't hate anyone. Not that she was aware of, anyway. He found nearly everyone delightful, and vice versa... But for some reason, he hated Y/N.
She scoffed, crossing her arms. "Yeah, well... Feeling's mutual, I guess..."
"You're stupid, and reckless, and you don't think. And you're a goddamn nightmare to work with... You know what— You're a stone-cold bitch."
His words made her physically step backwards, and it felt like if she were a cartoon, there might have been steam coming out of her ears.
"Yeah, well jokes on you, you make it easy," she seethed. "Fuck you!"
"How... How dare you..." he continued, anger reddening his face.
Y/N watched as he balled his fists and leaned in a little closer to her body, his voice tight and strained. "How dare you walk into my life and boss me around and make it impossible to breathe... From the moment I met you, you've brought out this... this fire in me that I can't put out no matter how hard I try, and it's insufferable—You're insufferable, and I hate you, how dare—"
Whatever he was going to say next was cut off by a shortness of breath. Spencer breathed in, loud and choked, and the next breath he let out was nothing short of a sob. His eyes squeezed shut, tears rolling down them and his hands clutched the bedsheets with a vigor and rage that Y/N had never seen from him, even in all the years she'd spent visibly getting on his last nerves.
"N—No," she choked out, feeling her throat tighten. "Don't... Don't turn into a sappy mess on me now, do you hear me, Reid? You hate me, don't... Don't..."
"I don't hate you," he whispered, wiping his eyes and reaching out to grab her lifeless hand. "I hate that you make me feel this way, but... I could never hate you..."
She wanted nothing more than to be able to squeeze his hand back, to tell him, not even necessarily with words but with a simple gesture, that she was right there and wasn't going to go anywhere.
She just... had to figure out how to make that true.
Still, Spencer kept going, a small laugh bubbling up through tears and phlegm. "But I will hate you if you die, because I just know you're gonna come back and haunt me for eternity... Probably... shit in my shoes or something."
Y/N barked a laugh that was true and pure... Happy, even.
The genius may have acted like he hated her, but it turns out he knew her pretty well, perhaps even fondly in one way or another.
To think— All those years she spent seeing him sneer at her, feeling his glare burn into her soul, the amount of times she caught him making faces or inappropriate gestures behind her back, all of it... And the whole time, he was probably doing it with a little flicker of fondness deep within the confines of his heart, which he swore to fill with nothing but hatred for her.
The thought made the little flicker in her own heart burn brighter.
As she wandered closer to her bed, beside Spencer and in front of her own body, she reached her hand out to see if she could touch his face, to give him something...
Even though she had no luck, something shifted when he spoke.
"Just... Come back to me, please? I know I'm not good at apologizing, but if it means I get you back... I swear that I will make up every horrible thing I've ever done or said to you. Just... Please don't leave me."
He laid his head down in his hands and tried not to cry again, every said horrible thing replaying on a loop in his brain like some kind of taunt. He wished more than anything for a chance to make it up to Y/N, and now he might not ever be able to.
"You think I'd leave this mortal earth without getting the chance to kick your ass?"
Everything was so fuzzy and light and brimming with these high emotions that Y/N almost didn't realize she was saying these words and Spencer was hearing them. She almost didn't feel the warmth of her bloodstream beneath layers of skin, the beat of her heart slowly coming back to life at the sounds and smells of the hospital room.
She almost didn't realize that Spencer was grabbing her now, his warm hands covering her cold ones and bringing them back to life as well.
"Screw you," he breathed with absolutely no malice to be detected in his voice.
They shared a smile so bright, no one would have been able to guess that they never got along.
Not only was she stuck at home doing nothing while on suspension (Yes, it turns out that storming off into an alley and not paying attention while on the job, just because a co-worker pissed you off, can get you suspended by Chief Strauss), but Y/N was also being visited by a daily rotation of her co-workers and friends and family, and her house was nearly covered in flower bouquets and baked goods.
It was a nightmare.
The sentiment was nice, sure, but if she had to move one more vase, she was going to start throwing them.
God, maybe Spencer was right, I am a stone-cold bitch...
Thinking of him also put a little damper on her mood.
He hadn't been to visit her once... And she figured that after their nice little moment at the hospital, he'd at least stop by with flowers or an "I'm glad you're not dead!" call, but there was nothing on his end. Not even a text message or a letter.
But for all she knew, their small moment of kindness could have been a figment of her concussed imagination.
Please, she thought, if I brought it up to him he'd probably just laugh in my face.
Rather than a laugh, Y/N heard the bright sound of her doorbell, which normally would have meant a fun unexpected visit or a date she was getting ready for, but by now it only meant another vase of flowers or a pie from a neighbor she still didn't remember the last name to.
Either way, she answered the door with as polite a smile as she could muster, and instead of finding a vaguely familiar neighbor or acquaintance, she found Spencer.
Though, to be fair, he was holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Well, this is a surprise," Y/N drawled, crossing her arms. "I don't even think you've ever been to my house."
She was surprised to see him nervous around her, rather than irritated. And she would have found it endearing had they not been practically mortal enemies from the moment they met... She was suspicious.
"O—Oh, yeah... I know, I just thought... I wanted to come see how you were doing... These are for you."
He held out the flowers, which were truthfully the pretties set she'd received, and it irked her. Because of course he of all people would be the one to tell which kinds of flowers she'd prefer.
"Thanks," she said, taking them from him and allowing him the space to come inside. "Watch out, it's a maze in here..."
While she looked for somewhere to put the flowers on display, she could feel Spencer looking around her space, probably profiling what he could behind a sea of flowers.
Y/N sighed. "What?"
"Nothing. I'm just... I'm surprised this many people actually like you."
Despite the nature of his observation, she found it comforting. That level of playful contempt was what she was used to, and it brought a sparkle to her eye as she turned to face him. "Ha... I'm not a complete bitch, you know."
Between the growing grin on his face and the smirk forming on her own, Spencer and Y/N found themselves falling back into a familiar rhythm. And yet, something about it was still... different.
So much so that Y/N felt honest-to-God butterflies in her stomach when he approached, hands retreating from his pockets and head tilting off to the side. His expression held that look he got when he was trying to figure someone out, usually an unsub. She hated to admit it to herself, but a little part of her always found that side of him extremely attractive.
And now that it was right in front of her?
She didn't know what to make of it.
"What?" she snapped, looking for an excuse to hide any and all attraction she was feeling.
Spencer stepped back a little, breaking away from whatever trance he'd just been in. "God, why do you always have to do that?"
"Do what?"
"You push away every single show of affection! Any time I'm trying to be nice, you just act like it's some big inconvenience to you!"
Y/N laughed. "Ha! That's what that was? Just now? When you insulted me, and then started stalking towards me with that look you get when you're interrogating an unsub? That's what you call affection?"
"That's not... That's not what that was!"
"Oh really? Then what was it?"
"It was part of the routine! Banter! Y—You know, that's our thing! We insult each other, and we act like we hate each other but we... We don't, really..."
The longer he went on, the faster her heart raced. This was the moment in the movie where he inevitably blurted out that he loved her, and in turn she would either kiss him or slap him, or slap him and then kiss him...
But Y/N was still feeling rather playful despite the swarm of butterflies in her stomach begging for some relief.
"Oh?" she prompted, taking a slow step closer to him. "We don't?"
Spencer seemed to get red immediately, and he avoided her eyes. "U—Uh... Well I... I thought... Maybe I read it all wrong, a—and I'm sorry if I did..."
She'd been getting closer meanwhile, and now they were practically toe-to-toe. He did his best to ignore her, taking a few steps back until she cornered him against the front door. And with the way he wasn't doing anything to get out of his predicament, she took that as his acceptance and took another leap.
"What..." she cooed, crawling her fingers up the front of his chest like a spider. "You like me? Hmm?"
When he finally looked down at her, she allowed herself to smile, albeit slowly and with calculation.
In a flash Spencer went from nervous to fed-up, weight seeming to visibly lift from his chest as he sank against the door. "You're messing with me..."
"It's so fun."
"You know what, screw you."
"Is that a promise?"
"Maybe it is. What are you gonna do ab—"
She didn't let him finish.
In an instant, Y/N lunged forward and pulled him down for a kiss.
Even though she thought he might have tried to take control of the situation, he ended up surprising her with a wanton moan as his hands clutched at her sides, holding on for dear life. Their bodies and tongues collided in a mess of years worth of pent-up tension, chaotic and wild and fiercely beautiful in a way that put even the greatest first kisses to shame.
And of course, Spencer had to go and ruin it.
He pushed her away and looked almost panicked. "W—Wait, are you even cleared to do this?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, reaching out for him again. "I'm fine."
"Y/N, you were in the hospital! I thought... I thought you were..."
She appreciated the sentiment, but with her entire body on fire from his touch, she decided she needed more of it. "Yeah, but I'm not... I'm very much alive, and you know what?"
He blinked back at her, watching carefully as she leaned in close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"It's because of you. You make me feel... more alive than I've ever been."
"And... You're not messing with me this time?"
With a laugh,  Y/N shook her head and leaned up to brush her nose with his. "Nuh-uh... But if you'd like to, I'd love to mess with you in a more fun way. And maybe I'll even let you do it back..."
Spencer hummed, feeling himself gravitate towards her more with every passing second. "Deal."
He barely got the word out all the way before she was dragging him through the maze of flora and contained food and into her bedroom, where piece by piece, their hatred and fondness for one another combined to create the most exquisite of nights.
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17​ @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13 @big-galaxy-chaos @mggskneescrews @youabitchhhh @spencersjello @moonlight-2-6 @starrylang @foreveryoungxx3 @spencerreidscoffeecup @morganwilliams  @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @gubswh0re @mrsobrien888  @umbreonwolfy 
TAGS NOT WORKING: @ayla-1605 @loveeee@2134 @emilyprsntiss
If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, feel free to message me or leave a comment and I’ll get on it right away!
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the-purity-pen · 4 years ago
One Temptation
Pairing: Benny Miller x Will Miller x Santiago Garcia x Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
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gif is not my own. credit to the creator [ if you know who made this, please tell me so i can credit them, thanks! ]
Rating: EXPLICIT (18+ ONLY!) Warnings: Sex Pollen, Group sex, Double Penetration, Unprotected PIV (please be safe irl), cum eating, fingering, oral (f & m receiving), Anal, Shower sex, let me know if i missed anything! Word Count: 5,818 Notes: This has been in the works for MONTHS at this point and I finally feel okay releasing it to the hellsite. It’s filthy, it’s probably not perfectly canon but I love these boys and this was such an adventure to write. Please let me know what you think!
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You were nervous as hell to walk into the conference room. The first day on any job is nerve wracking but even after a few weeks, you found yourself feeling like the outsider still. It wasn’t anyone’s direct fault, per say. Just a feeling you had from being the new one on the team.
The team you had been assigned to was a tight knit one. The four of them having been through all kinds of combat and missions together. Their previous team leader had gone off the rails and was forced to retire early. 
Your debriefing hadn't gone into a lot of details but the remaining men on the team seemed friendly enough. Benny and Will Miller, the brothers were such polar opposites that their interactions were always entertaining. And Frankie Morales seemed like a pretty sensible one, a lovable man with a mean streak when needed. 
And then there was Santiago Garcia. The man was generally more observant but when he spoke, he attracted the attention of an entire room. His personality was electric in a way. The way his scruff would sound as his hand ran over his jaw, deep in thought at whatever mission was being described as one that the team would be taking.
A new drug lord was suspected in Miami, carting drugs from Colombia and Bolivia. The trail had led to many dead ends but there was one loose end that your new team would be able to solve. A nightclub had been staked out and found to be smuggling drugs through some warehouse-like door in the basement. There wasn’t enough to get full intel and they needed a team to infiltrate and go undercover to gain more information.
Part of the plan was to have you, of course, dress up and play flirty with some of the bouncers and bodyguards of the club. You were extremely nervous and it apparently showed through because as much you knew these guys were good, you couldn’t help but feel like trusting them with an assignment like this was a big ask.
When the assigning officer heard your concerns, he offered up a serotonin-inducing serum. It was new on the market but was studied to have helped with team building. At least that’s what he told you. After having a short conversation with the team, you agree to all take the serum.
After taking the sticky sweet green drink, you were informed that it could take a full 24 hours for the full effect to take place. "Why don't we throw a party?" Benny chimed in with the boyish grin plastered on his face.
You stifled a laugh and shook your head. "I'm not exactly the party type," you admitted as your eyes scanned from Benny to Santi who spoke up next.
"What about just a night of beers and cheesy movies?" he offered to which all heads started nodding. "My place. Tomorrow night. Eight o clock," he added after the consensus was made.
Walking up to Santiago's door had your heart thundering so loud in your ears, you were sure you wouldn't be able to hear him when he greeted you. Your hands twisted around the case of beers, hoping you had picked the right kind. You knew how these military types were picky about their booze.
"Hey! You made it!" Santi exclaimed as he opened the door and let you walk in. Your eyes took in the small apartment and noticed that you were the first to arrive.
"Am I early?" You turned around to face him as he closed the door. He shook his head with a chuckle as he moved closer to take the case of beer from you and move it to the fridge.
"Nah, they're just always late. Good choice by the way," he mentioned as he held up the case and nodded to it just before placing it in the fridge. Your arms weakly rubbed at each other, crossed over your chest.
When Santi turned back towards you, he chuckled. "You can take your jacket off, you know. I mean if you plan on staying," he cracked which made you smile. After your jacket slipped off and was placed on the back of a nearby chair, Santi held an open beer out to you.
"Thanks," you told him softly before there were more knocks on the door. The other three piled in, Will followed by Benny with Frankie bringing up the rear. Benny was already slurring and jolly, Will was just shaking his head at his brother as he greeted you. Frankie came up, adjusting the ball cap that he always seemed to wear and said hello.
"Truth or Dare!" Benny cried out when a suggestion pool had started of what they should play.
Handfuls of beers had been consumed by this point and you were starting to feel more comfortable. It was also becoming apparent as you watched each of them how attractive they really were in this laid back setting.
The entire group groaned but Benny pushed forward on the couch so his elbows were on his knees. Santi had actually been oddly quiet, chewing on his lower lip as he was watching you interact.
"Alright Pope. You first," Benny held up a hand loosely gesturing at the man sitting across from him. Santi rolled his eyes and shook his head but grinned at the same time.
Will tapped Benny on the shoulder and whispered some idea into his brother's head that apparently made Benny very excited. "Ooh! Ooh! Okay okay," Benny adjusted his shoulders, shooting you a quick glance before looking back to Santi.
"Have you ever thought about-" 
"I didn't even choose which one asshole!" Santi replied with a loud laugh. Seeing his smile that wide was uncommon and you felt a small knot form in your chest at it but you stifled a snort in response.
Frankie and Will also broke out into laughter as Benny conceded. "Alright alright fine. Choose, motherfucker," he narrowed his eyes at Santi before cracking a grin himself.
"Truth cuz I'm too old and lazy to do any stupid stunts you could come up," Santi chided at his brother in arms before taking a long swig of his beer, one of the bottles of the kind that you had brought.
Benny rubbed his hands together like he was concocting some evil plan. "Alright then back to what I was asking before you so -rudely- interrupted. Have you," he paused to glance over at you, his gaze unashamedly running over your body, making you curl into yourself a bit more on the big armchair you were seated in. "Ever thought about fucking her?" He nodded his head in your direction when his gaze came back to Santi.
Your heart was back to racing in your chest as you turned your attention to Santi. Without missing a beat, Santi answered. "Abso-fucking-lutely."
You were ninety percent sure that you stopped breathing. Your eyes blinked only out of automation as your mouth became a small o shape. Your entire body felt like it was heating up in the few moments that passed.
Santi then looked at you and your entire body felt ablaze again. "Uh, what? What did I just say?" Santi seemed to have come-to from a small spell he was under. Your gaze was so focused on his face you didn't see the way the other three shifted in their seats or the way that Frankie palmed himself lightly to adjust his growing erection at the thought.
"Y-you…" Words were hard to come by and your face felt like fire and your heartbeat whooshed into your ears. Your chest heaved lightly at the sudden panting you seemed to be doing.
"Well fuck me!" Benny cried out as he laughed nervously. Will punched his brother in the arm and that's when your eyes shifted to the rest of the guys, noticing that their gazes were locked on you. It was as if you held some sort of magical answer to a question you didn't have any clue of.
Your mouth opened and closed a few times before you cleared your throat and took a nervous sip of your beer. There was only a drop. You huffed nervously. "Oh, look, I need another beer," you quickly and quietly said before pushing up out of the chair and practically running over to the kitchen.
You could hear their low murmurs, chattering amongst themselves as you rinsed the empty bottle in the sink. Your hands were a shaking mess as thoughts swirled in your mind. You squeezed your eyes shut for a second before bending to grab another beer from the fridge.
A presence against your backside made you gasp. Hands came to your hips as you slowly stood up, swallowing the large lump that had formed in your throat. You tried to clear it as you closed the fridge but the presence behind you kept their grip on your hips.
Your nose finally picked up the scent of the cologne. Santi. He leaned forward, pressing his chest to your back as one finger came up to trace a line down your neck. Instinctively your head rolled to the other side to open for his soft touch.
Your breathing was ragged and you immediately mewled when his lips took over for his hand against your neck. "I want you hermosa," his voice grumbled against your skin and you immediately felt weak. Your hands tried to focus on the beer bottle but you were slipping into euphoria.
"Santi," you heard Benny's voice come from across the kitchen. Both you and Santi turned to see all three of them moving closer. "We all want her," Benny admitted and you saw the way his tongue peeked out between his lips to wet then as his eyes seared into you.
"Guys." Your voice was weak and shaky. "I- I can't do this. It's-" your words were cut off by Santi's lips attaching to your neck again and the bottle you held was slammed down onto the counter as you gripped the edge to steady yourself.
One of his hands worked around to the front of your blouse and tugged at the buttons. You could feel the weight of him pressing against your ass and your entire body buzzed with lust. That familiar heat was starting to grow in the pit of your stomach and you knew the booze was partially to blame.
But only partially.
When your eyes fluttered open as Santi slowed his assault on your neck, you saw Benny standing so much closer. "Seriously," he said, his hand coming up to let a finger trace along your collarbone. "We want you," he told you in an uncharacteristically quiet voice before leaning in to capture your lips.
You moaned quietly against his lips, having not been kissed in far too long. You finally pushed against him and he pulled away from the kiss. "Seriously," you sloppily repeated back his words as you scooted to the side out of Santi's grasp.
A piece of paper was on the island counter that caught your attention. The red lettering at the bottom looked familiar. Your curiosity piqued and you moved closer to pick up the paper to read it.
Known side effects include but are not limited to: sudden panting, decreased morality judgement, increased appetite, increased sexual desire and libido…
You blinked as Santi rounded the corner of the counter to you. "Fuck," you muttered quietly to yourself as you noticed his movements and came around the other side to only be greeted by Frankie, who's tanned skin on his cheeks was flushing slightly.
"Did anyone read this?!" You asked, panicked and looked at all of them one by one.
"What is it?" Benny asked, not fully caring what it was.
You moved closer to Frankie to hold it up. His eyes tried hard to focus on the words as he took the paper from you. "It's the fucking side effects to the serum, man," Frankie spoke aloud as he too paused at the one about sexual desire. "Shit," he muttered as a hand came down to his crotch to adjust himself.
"Well what are they?" Benny asked impatiently as he eyed you walking across the floor to the living room. Santi moved over to Frankie to take the paper and read it over. Will was watching you along with his brother as your hips swayed as you paced the living room floor.
"Fuckin' increased sexual desire? What the shit is that? Why would they give this to us?!" Santi yelled but realized that all eyes were on you as you breathed heavily. Your arms were crossed over your chest and one hand was at your lips, tugging at them, trying everything in your power to keep yourself distracted from looking over at your team.
“Hey,” Santi called your name with furrowed brows. “You alright?” he questioned as he moved closer. Your mind was reeling but your body was convulsing with need, with want. It felt like a fire had been lit from deep within your belly and no amount of pacing or trying to think straight was going to smother it.
Santi’s hand on your shoulder made you jump, too wrapped up in your own body and thoughts to notice how close he had gotten. He was standing directly in front of you and your eyes were darting around his features. Your nose flaring with each pant of a breath you tried to take. His own eyes were trying to take in every movement of your face to see what was going on but he was far too distracted by the parting of your lips.
“Santi.” His name came out as a breathless whimper as you looked at him. Within a moment his hand was on the back of your head and his lips were pressing hungrily into yours.
You heard movement in the kitchen and into the living room but Santi’s lips had moved to your neck and all thoughts were gone. The burn in your body was glowing brighter, threatening to combust when he bit down on the conjunction of your neck and shoulder.
Suddenly another pair of hands were groping at the globes of your ass through your jeans. A groan in your ear that wasn’t Santi had your eyes fluttering. One of your hands was holding the back of Santi’s head, scratching his scalp lightly. Your other hand dipped behind your back and down, groping at what you found to be a very hard cock in someone’s jeans.
Benny’s groan came clear into your ears. “God, you’re so hot,” he muttered which made you release a small shuddering breath. Benny pressed against your back, his hands roaming over your body wherever Santi’s wasn’t.
Your body was already feeling on fire, like every touch was electric. The way Benny’s lips moved over the shell of your ear as Santi worked your clothes off. You were turned into Benny’s arms. He chuckled as he looked down at your wrecked face. “You look absolutely amazing,” he cooed softly, something you didn’t know he was capable of.
Your head turned as Benny kissed along your neck and you saw Will standing with his pants pulled down to his knees and cock in hand. You swallowed thickly as Santi kissed up your thighs and over your mound, his fingers tracing lines up your legs.
“Fuck I need to taste you,” Santi mumured as he pushed your hips a bit wider. You groaned and leaned back against Benny who held you up and slid his hands up under your shirt to grope at your breasts. You turned to see Will still stroking himself quietly at the sight before him. Watching you become totally undone was intoxicating.
Another pair of hands were on your body, taking over groping your breasts as Benny pulled your shirt up over your head. You could barely register that you were completely nude in front of your team as Santi’s tongue ran over your folds, groaning at the taste. When his lips wrapped around your bundle of nerves, the third pair of hands were gently caressing and rolling your nipples.
A blinding hot streak ran through your body, straight down to your toes. The way Santi licked into you causing your thighs to tremble. You managed to look down just in time to see Frankie’s head kissing at the swell of your breast.
The more their hands were on you, the faster their movements became, the needier they seemed. The burning ache in your body only seemed to grow as Benny gently guided you backward until you fell onto his lap. At some point he had released his erection. Santi crawled to try to reattach his lips to your core but Benny was quicker and slipped himself into your soaking folds with barely any hesitation.
You cried out as Benny filled you and started to thrust up into you, his hips snapping against your ass. Santi groaned. “Benny you fuckin’ cabron,” Santi muttered and Benny just chuckled in your ear as he nibbled on it. 
“Babygirl, what feels better, Santi’s mouth or my cock? Hm?” Benny asked as his eyes bore into Santi who glared at him but palmed his own length anyways. Frankie moved closer and tried to kiss the other side of your face.
Your mouth was flopping like a fish and you couldn’t create enough saliva to speak. Instead you whined as Santi kissed at the inside of your knee, his hand more furious on his cock now. Will was standing close by, just watching everything but focusing on how wrecked your face was as his brother pounded into you.
Frankie was gentle but groaning against your skin as he tried to capture your mouth into a heated kiss. You kissed him wantonly, your moans filling his mouth and he greedily swallowed every sound. “Hermosa, please take my cock,” Frankie moaned into your mouth and without opening your eyes you nodded.
Benny continued to thrust up into you in haste as Frankie climbed over the arm of the couch and stood so that he could line his cock up. He ran it along your bottom lip, soaking him in your saliva and waiting for you to open before thrusting into you tentatively. You swallowed around him and he groaned at the sensation of your warmth around him.
Benny kept at you, thrusting harder and faster until you were crying out around Frankie’s cock. Frankie and Benny released their loads into you at the same time and you were close to your own but Benny softened and you lost the peak that was building.
You whined and Santi slapped Benny’s thigh. “Let me at her,” he said while standing up. Benny gently lifted you off of him and you whined at the loss of contact. You let go of Frankie’s cock with your mouth after you had cleaned him of all of his cum. He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss, licking into your mouth slowly and groaning at the taste of himself before he was helping you lie down on the couch. Frankie moved himself off the couch as Santi moved to hover over you and plunged his cock right into you.
Your back arched off the couch as you reached up and grabbed at Santi’s shoulders. “Fuck!” you cried out as Santi fucked into you with reckless abandon. You were soaked between your arousal and Benny’s cum and it made Santi twitch hard as he fucked you mercilessly into the couch. The girth of him stretched you differently than Benny had and you mewled and moaned at the sensations, letting Santi’s name fall from your lips like a chant.
“Please! I need to cum!” you screamed as a burning heat grew in the pit of your stomach and threatened to overtake your entire body. Your begging encouraged Santi as the other three looked on. Benny was already hard and leaking again and when your eyes met his, his hand stroked so hard he came all over the floor with a loud moan. Santi leaned over and bit at your collarbone, causing you to cry out as you clenched down around him, hard.
Your entire body was writhing and pulsating as you came harder than you had in a long time around Santi. That put him over the edge and with a few more solid, hard thrusts into you, he stilled and pushed further into you to spill into you. Within moments you felt the dripping between your thighs and you moaned quietly.
Santi leaned down to capture your moan and his lips slid against yours as he thrusted carefully into you, the burn in his body already growing again. “Pope c’mon man,” Frankie said quietly as he moved to pull Santi off of you. “Gotta give someone else a turn,” Frankie patted Santi’s shoulder firmly as you tried to catch your breath. Santi leaned down for another soft kiss before pulling slowly out of you.
Your body jolted at the sudden loss and both men stopped to stare. “Fuck,” Frankie muttered, causing both Benny and Will to move around to see their view. The cum was dripping steadily from your still fluttering cunt and every pair of eyes was mesmerized by the sight.
“Baby you are making a mess,” Santi said, wanting to lean in and clean you up but you put your hand out as a gesture for all of them to give you a minute. Your breath finally calmed down enough for you to be able to respond.
“I…. did…. nothing,” you panted and chuckled but the laugh made the cum dribble out of you even more and you moaned quietly at the sensation of two of your teammates cum dripping from you. Will’s nose twitched as his hand continued to slowly work his cock. The burn inside him was growing but he was a patient man. Always had been.
You lifted your head to look at them and gave a weak smile. They all looked at you with lust-blown eyes but Santi and Frankie were the ones to give you a smile back. “You okay?” Santi asked, his hand gently grazing your ankle in a caressing motion.
You nodded and looked at him. “Yeah. I think. For now,” you chuckled but soon felt your body heat up again. It was a dull ache but you tried to sit up to quelch it. Santi and Frankie both reached out for your arms to help you sit up. “I think maybe I should go shower,” you mentioned and they both nodded before standing up. Their cocks were at eye level for a moment and you felt your mouth water and wanting them both in your mouth at the same time.
They helped you up and your legs definitely felt like jello. You nearly crumbled and Santi and Frankie looked at each other with worry then looked at you as they tried to hold you up. “I got her,” a stoic low voice came from beside you as Will moved closer. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up with ease.
You giggled quietly but having his warm body pressed against your was making the fire within you grow again. You tucked your head into his neck and breathed in his scent. You couldn’t help the way your lips pouted and you kissed gently along the skin of his neck. He groaned low in his throat.
“Sweetheart, please,” his voice pleaded before he was in the hall and pressing your back up against the wall slowly. His hands grabbed at you to hold you better as his hips pressed into you.
“Will, please,” you whimpered when his teeth found the side of your neck and sank in. You felt the way he growled against your skin and the fire was spreading wildly through your veins again.
Will grunted as he pulled himself back just enough to stroke as his cock and line himself up. With a slow and steady push, he impaled you and filled you. The girth of him stretched you but the slight sting of pain gave way to even more pleasure as he started to thrust.
Each thrust earned him a soft moan from your lips and he couldn’t help but kiss you. His hands were pawing at your chest, twisting your nipples and he watched as your face contorted in pleasure and you cried out against him. “Fuck! Please! Harder!” you begged and didn’t care who heard you. Besides, it was high time it was Will’s turn. The man was the quiet type, strong and sturdy but with his lack of talking in many of the group settings, you weren’t sure of his opinion of you.
But as he pistoned in and out of him, faster and harder with each snap of his hips up into you, you were pretty sure you knew where he stood in his opinion on you. “Fuck, so tight,” he muttered against your lips as he kissed you bruisingly. A clash of teeth and tongues and lips. It was messy and needy but you wanted more.
Will grabbed at your back, his large hands splayed over your now hot skin as he pulled you away from the wall. He stood in the middle of the hall, his shoulders pulled back as his hands snuck down to try holding you under your legs. You held him around the neck until he had a good hold of you again and it was then that he rocked your world even harder.
He fucked up into you with a relentless pace, hitting that spot within you with ease, his cock moving along the shared juices of yours, his brother’s and Santi’s. But all he could focus on was how wrecked your face looked. Your jaw was slack, seemingly permanently so, your eyes rolling back as your head lolled back in pleasure.
Wanton cries were ripped from your chest as he grunted and held you up. Suddenly you felt a second pair of hands come to your ass and massage the flesh. A scratchy beard appeared at your back as sloppy kisses were given to the skin there. “Que linda,” Santi’s voice came in a growl as he watched you get fucked by Will.
“Santi,” you said breathlessly and Will fucked you harder to get your focus back on him. He captured your lips in a heavy kiss, one that forced your mouth into an “o” shape around his tongue as he greedily licked into you.
Santi was busy watching Will’s cock pump in and out of you, his hands still massaging at your ass. His thumb rimmed the hole of tight muscle, moving with each movement that Will was forcing on your body and you moaned a bit louder. Santi looked up at you. “Do you want to be filled, querida?” he asked and he waited until you nodded.
When you did, you mewled as his thumb pressed against the tight hole, slipping one knuckle in. You cried out even at the small intrusion, the way even just that little motion filled you even more. “More!” you cried out and you heard both men curse under their breaths.
Will fucked you relentlessly still as Santi pulled his thumb out, to which you whined in protest, just so he could spit all over his hand. He used his free hand to try to spread your ass cheeks a bit. “Will, man, stop for a second,” Santi commanded and Will obeyed, holding you down onto his cock.
Santi moved one finger into you and you couldn’t help the pained groan that came from you. “Good?” Santi checked in and when you nodded and bit your lip, he started moving his finger within you. He looked over your shoulder at Will and nodded and Will resumed moving.
You choked out a sound as your entire lower body started to clench up. “Oh, she’s close,” Santi praised, his smirk so evident just in the tone of his voice. He leaned down and bit at the soft flesh of your ass at the same that Will leaned into to bite at your collarbone. The dual biting did you in.
You cried out as they fucked you through your orgasm, both sets of muscles clenching down around them. Your lower stomach fluttered and your chest heaved as your mouth lay open in a pant, your eyes screwed shut. Will was close behind and fucked you through your high until he reached his own. When he pushed up into you, stilled with a groan, Santi stopped moving too.
You finally caught your breath and felt yourself come back to reality. Your body was spent, completely but also completely sated. Will carefully pulled you off of his softening cock and the moment your feet hit the ground, all you could feel was all of their cum slipping down your thighs.
Santi moved with you both and released his hand from you and saw you dripping. “Fuck, you’re a mess,” he muttered in a groan. You nodded, your arms still wrapped around Will’s shoulders. Will grunted and wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you to your tiptoes so he could walk you back towards the bathroom.
Once in the room, Will and Santi worked together to strip you down, one moving and the other acting as your balancing stabilizer. Your eyes were heavy and your body felt like it was made of jello as you attempted coherent thoughts. You were naked, in a room with two men who you found extremely attractive. One of whom was leading you into the shower that had at some point been turned on.
“You got it?” Will asked softly as his hand lingered on your lower back as you held yourself up with your arm against the shower wall. You nodded slowly, your head feeling heavy. You let the warmth of the water just cascade over your back and tried to let it soothe you.
You tried to let your mind relax but there was a burning ache that felt it was far off in the distance. You could hear Santi and Will talking quietly but the roar of your heart in your ears combined with the water rushing over you made them also seem far away.
As you slowly started to wash up, your soapy hand brushing over your very sensitive clit, you yelped as a bright flame lit within you. “Fuck!”
Will and Santi immediately rushed up and opened the curtain to see you rubbing at your clit furiously. “What is it?! Are you okay?!” Santi asked in a hurried, worried tone.
“I need - fuck! - I need,” you whined as you squeezed your breast with your other soapy hand and felt your nipple immediately stiffen. Will was first to step into the shower behind you. His large hands came over your breasts as he held you against him.
“What do you need? Tell me. We’re here,” he spoke lowly in your ear, nibbling at the flesh as Santi pulled the curtain a bit on the opposite side to watch. 
“I need to cum!” you screamed as one of Will’s hands came down behind you and his thick fingers ran through your folds. The fire within you was burning brighter by the second and it was almost painful.
“How do you want to cum? On my fingers or my cock?” Will asked and Santi chewed his lip as he watched you writhe against Will.
“Your face. I need your tongue on me. Now!” With your command, Will turned you and dropped to his knees without hesitation. Santi reached out and put his arm up behind your back so you wouldn’t fall.
Will shoved his face against your cunt, licked a broad stripe through your folds before his mouth closed over your clit. You whined out and Santi quickly slipped himself into the shower behind you. His hands wrapped around your breasts and tweaked your nipples. Your head fell back against his shoulder as the warm water cascaded over your chest and stomach.
Your hips moved against Will’s face as his mouth attached to your clit, his tongue licking and flicking as if you were a hard candy. His hands remained on your hips and he used just his tongue to work you up and within a minute there was a gush coming from you and spilling all over his face.
Santi peeked over your shoulder. “Holy shit baby. You just soaked him and not from the shower water,” Santi told you and turned to kiss your cheek. He was oddly proud and smirked against your wet skin as he whispered more praises into your ear, letting your body come back.
Will stood up and let his face get wet from the shower before he held onto your hips and kissed your chest softly, letting the water run down his face. He stood up and wiped the water off with one hand before looking at your blissed out face. “Are you back?” he asked and when you nodded slowly, both men looked at each other and chuckled. “Are you good? Like do you need more or-?”
You shook your head with a blissed out smile on your face. “I think it’s gone,” you told him and you felt Santi kiss along your cheek and down to your neck. “Though if you keep doing that Santi, I might not ever want you to stop,” you laughed weakly and moved your head to the side to allow him more room.
“Who says I want to stop querida?” he mumbled against your skin and you hummed contentedly. Will took the opportunity to actually wash your body with soft, gentle touches. He washed his own face then looked at you and Santi together and felt a new kind of pull in his chest.
“We could do this again… right?” Will asked softly and both you and Santi opened your eyes and straightened up to look at him. You chewed your lower lip and your head turned to look between the two men as the shower continuously rained down on all of you.
When you didn’t speak, mostly from not being able to find the words, Santi spoke instead. “Yeah man. I mean, if she’s down for it, then I’m down for it. I like you Will, you know that. And you,” he turned to lean in to kiss your cheek again. “I don’t think I could get enough of you now that I’ve had you,” he told you and nuzzled into your neck as his arms wrapped around you again. Will stepped forward and wrapped his arms around both your and Santi’s shoulders together and the three of you sat like that until the water ran cold.
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alyosiuscreightonward · 4 months ago
Since we met, I consider that you are drowning in “What The Actual Fuck?!?!”
It’s obvious that we have had our share of problems in our lives and with other people.
It could have been something so fucking stupid that ruined everything. Also it may have started out as a single cell like an amoeba and now it’s Mount Everest.
The issues are real and they are also imagined. You found them in bed. I found pictures. I didn’t react. I let it slide. You did react. Rightly so.
I saw the pictures, I knew that he was cheating. Then he said that he was giving me permission to go out and cheat on him. I did. In retrospect, it wasn’t anything. I felt nothing.
Someone said, in the middle of an acting class, “Morales!! Feel the wind!! Feel the cold!!” Morales said that she made an effort to see if she could get there. Everyone else felt the whoosh, the sensation of going downhill. Everyone was there. She said that she tried really hard to find the cold, the wind etc, as she imagined she was going downhill on a toboggan, even skiing. Then after a few minutes, she told Mr. Carpman, “I feel nothing.” He replied, “Morales, I think you should transfer to another high school.” Morales snapped back, “It’s probably genetic, we don’t have bobsleds in San Juan.”
I’m sure you’ve been there as I have.
Yet you and I can easily recall winter. We can remember when we didn’t have A/C in the car in July/August.
In a song by Meatloaf, he says, “She used her body just like a bandage. She used my body just like a wound.” Today, we have the memory of the bandage being ripped off and the pain. Child. Please. For me, it has always been the punch in the face you can’t take back.
Now, it’s definitely different from what happened. We’ve grown. We can protect ourselves. We can be vulnerable too. Yet we push back and walk away without feeling.
I’m here. You’re there.
We act differently in front of people. We put on a show.
In the privacy of the bathroom, as we fall asleep, we have a different perspective on our lives.
I’m sure you fight with yourself when I write on my blog.
Compartmentalizing each and every emotion. Then the sunlight catches your eyes.
Why is this happening? Why me? This is so beyond fucked up!!! Jesus help me!!! He’s so different from anyone that has crossed my path. Fuck!!
Charles doesn’t want sex or anything sexual. I flirt with him by showing off and letting see a my belly button or by bending over. He’s like yeah, whatever dude. He knows how to keep his distance from me and he knows how to make me feel safe. The other motherfuckers…
I may get irritated by his shenanigans but he then gets it together and works with me to get it done. Yet my feelings are mine. One day, I may have the courage to say something but not right now because it’s repulsive.
Two men. 🤮🤮
But Charles loves me. All the dents, dings and the things that can’t be fixed. Why? Sincerely why me?!?!
There’s conflict. The version that I know is it’s supposed to be your body, my choice. I have one way, color within the lines and it’s that simple. Why did you choose to color or even paint the grass blue and the sky green? What kind of madness is it when I hear swans don’t like water and eagles can’t fly?!?! I call BULLSHIT. Fucking bullshit.
Charles doesn’t have a clue. He’s a whack job. He doesn’t know how I felt when I hugged him. He doesn’t even know how I felt after I spoke to 5-0.
“Caleb, he can find a cum dumpster. Just another bleeding axe wound. Though will she ever know how hard it is to love a man? Look. I know shit.”
He constantly blows my mind. He knows that I am a man. He knows that I’m a staunch believer in one man and one woman. The very idea of Adam and Steve is gross 🤢 and still he wants me?!?!
He says it’s his boundaries that keeps him away from me. But when I say something concerning work, he’s there to support me and help me, but he doesn’t want anything.
That guy is beyond.
Charles then sends me links to his blog and he says shit and I don’t know what to say or think.
This is so fucked up. I remember when he said something about the demolition man. I’m sure he wants this to work. I just don’t know how to accept it or how I feel about this situation.
He says that this is my fault because apparently I gave him something that he never had before.
The other night as we going out separate ways, he said that that was the first meal he had eaten since he had made the mistake to call me fat. I can’t believe or imagine how he could do that? That’s so fucked up.
God. I look to you for guidance. Why does he have the need to tell me that he loves me?
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stormblessed95 · 3 years ago
Wolfsong Quotes I Love 🐾🌈
Pack Pack Pack!
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The author today just announced that the book is finally being released in Hardcover with brand new cover art! And I'm excited, so I sharing some of my favorite quotes from the book! Will possibly (probably) include spoilers, so beware of that if it bothers you! I just adore this book though. I really love all things werewolves in the paranormal world and this pack is just all queer. Lol which is amazing!! And our Main Character for book 1 is equal parts badass and total disaster panic bisexual lol. Also forewarning, that while I love these books, they won't be for everyone and there some trigger warnings to be observed and some choices made that some people probably will find detract from the overall story a lot. So just look into it to make sure its something you'd want to read as well.
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Panic Bisexual behavior out in full force in these first quotes because I legitimately giggle every time reading these:
“Hi,” I said. My voice was much deeper than it’d ever been before. “I’m Ox. Oxnard. Call me Ox.” I tried to pose against a 2007 Chevy Tahoe but I slipped and skinned my elbow. I pulled myself back up. “Or Oxnard. Whatever.” “Oh boy,” Rico said. “This is so awkward to witness. We should save him. Or leave.” No one saved me. Or left. “Hi, Ox,” Jessie said. “It’s nice to meet you.” She grinned and it was a mischievous thing with a hint of teeth. My mouth went dry because her lips were pretty and so were her eyes, and I thought, Well, that’s just fine. “You… ah. You too?” “Maybe Ox can show you around school next week when you start,” Chris said. I dropped a socket wrench on my foot."
"He turned and grinned at me, and it was Joe, but it was Joe. So, naturally, that’s when I walked into the side of the house. The tomatoes in my hands crushed against me. My head hit the wood siding and I thought, Oh shit. I stepped back from the house. Bits of tomato fell onto the grass. Dammit. I felt my face flushing as I looked back at the Bennett brothers. They all stood there, watching me with concerned expressions on their faces. “What the hell?” Carter asked. “You know there is a house right there? It’s been there. Pretty much for forever.”
"Joe took another step toward me and he had pecs. He had a chest that was just… it was just very nice and it gave me ideas and I said, “Whoa there, cowboy,” and kicked myself internally for such bullshit. “What’s at your house?” Joe asked, and that motherfucker started sniffing the air. “Ox,” Carter said. “Your heartbeat is going crazy.” Stupid fucking werewolves. And Joe was standing right there. With muscles. “To change!” I shouted and all three took a step back. I lowered my voice. “I have to… change. My shirt.” I pointed at it. “Tomatoes and houses don’t mix. Ha-ha-ha.”“I still have no idea what is happening,” Kelly said."
"And so was Joe. Sitting at our kitchen table. Wearing dress pants, a dress shirt. And a bow tie. Which, unbeknownst to me, turned out to be one of my greatest weaknesses. I walked into the kitchen door at the sight of that."
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Fanart from oblivionsdream
“It’s always the ones who are the quietest who often have the greatest things to say."
"But I swear to god, if you choose me, I will make sure that you know the weight of your worth every day for the rest of our lives because that’s what this is. I am going to be a fucking Alpha one day, and there is no one I’d rather have by my side than you. It’s you, Ox. For me, it’s always been you.”
“My future,” Joe said, “is Ox.” Ah god, that made me ache. “Is that so?” Mom asked. “How do you figure?”“He’s really nice,” Joe said seriously. “And smells good. And he makes me happy. And I want to do nothing more than put my mouth on him.”“Ah well,” Thomas said. “We tried.”“He’s our little snowflake,” Elizabeth told him. “You want to what?” I asked Joe incredulously. He winced. “I didn’t mean to say it like that.” He was sweating much more heavily now as he looked back at my mother. “I want to court your son.”
“Your first mistake was underestimating me. My pack. I may be human, but I run with wolves.”
"Oh my god, Ox, your life is like those shitty sparkly vampire movies. That I’ve never seen and don’t like at all, shut up.”
"You can plan for life, but life always has plans of its own."
"I googled “what to do when your future werewolf mate / boyfriend /best friend courts you and brings you a dead rabbit.” First, there was a lot of porn. Then I found a recipe for Maltese rabbit stew. It was delicious. The stew, not the p*rn. The p*rn was weird."
"You don’t get to decide what you’re worth because you obviously don’t know. You don’t get to decide that anymore because you have no fucking idea that you’re worth everything."
"Pinecones, candy canes, epic and awesome"
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Fan art by gabriella bujdoso
And honestly book 2 I think is even better with Gordo and Mark. And book 3 and book 4 are great too! Again, there are choices made in this book that are CHOICES. Lol so just make sure you read your trigger warnings, which I'll include here
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year ago
If you wanna go back to Crossroads Connor's approach i want let u know that it doesn't make any sense from start but here we are. The game, doesn't matter the route, put Connor's in a position where he got doubts about the whole situation about CyberLife's side but he can choose doing something about it or not. The idea here is the same from The Hostage, but this time we're in Daniel's shoes as Connor and our mission as Markus to convince the famous Deviant Hunter to low his gun down himself, not kill anyone and fight alongside the rebels: cuz this move is 100% Connor's will. Lowering the gun is a clear deviancy act under a direct order to stop the leader.
Connor want 3 things here:
1 - be alone with the leader;
2 - take the leader ALIVE with him;
3 - the leader obeying his commands so things go quickly cuz mf knows the army will come;
Remember i said the approach doesn't make any sense cuz "why the hell he would try using a gun to TALK with a leader that will OBVIOUSLY not comply with his orders of turning themselves up"? But here we are (2). Both Markus and North could've alerted everybody but there's a reason they don't which i've already explained: they wanna convince the famous Deviant Hunter to low his gun down and not jump - using WORDS (this scene makes more sense as North btw). It's something entirely from Connor's will, we play his whole story for a moment where it will be his time to finally decide. It's a no-escape situation cuz Amanda trapped us in a direct order u either gonna deviate or not (unless something interrupts everything and Connor will remain in "machine" status cuz it's the default). We see how he got a long leash and a fucked up conditioning - he himself making the move alone is the whole point here, even in how this mp wall is presented to us.
The idea behind the gun is: Connor only use guns when it's sure he gonna shoot someone, and it's 99% for killing ... until he doesn't, like in Eden Club, which a signal for doubts. But main reason why we got this scene in the first place: a way of getting SI points by choice groups one last time so u got points needed to unlock the option, this is the perfect opportunity gameplay wise. The game got a push for Connor's deviancy, naturally.
And to correct u: curiously Connor ain't 'em enemy. The leaders see him as one of 'em but still falling for the humans propaganda and orders - even when the guy wanna kill 'em. In 'em pov Connor doesn't wanna kill 'em, CyberLife, the gov, humans want kill 'em, dude is following orders and every android knows how it is to follow human orders, they were made for it.
And don't forget: Connor ain't your average android, he's an advanced prototype and, ofc, A PROTAGONIST. Ofc conversion won't work neither would sound good - the conversion already doesn't look good for Markus character at all cuz of the "forced" nature - even tho i wanna believe Cage is right, i really do. But forcing an interface here would put Connor in Remain A Machine route cuz he got attacked, someone attempted to breach his system. There will be no reason for him to want to deviate from "Neutralize the Deviant Leader" now and the possibility of Amanda interfering is decent. Ain't like the Tracis that just beat his ass up and wasn't even under a direct order.
A conversion here defeats the entire point of Connor's internal struggle with making the right decisions story. It would also look dumb - and believe me, they already cut a lot of "dumb" things (according to 'em) from this chapter. If there's a thing i would cut from this game are these stupid "conversions". Markus spoken word is already powerful, it's the whole idea and we see it during the game. Making it in hacks, forced interfaces and breachs will make it look like a virus spread - and although it's realistic and supports Kamski cut content, i bet they went for it but changed 'em mind and wanted Markus to be a "charismatic leader" type of mf, even if it's 100% manipulation.
Good motherfucking luck making everything look less shitty, the way y'all mfs talk it gonna make it worse. I've already explained why i think a conversion doesn't look good in a chapter named CROSSROADS. Now it's up to u.
I love rk1k so dearly but I hate "become deviant/remain a machine" scene so fucking much it's not fair.
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whumpster-fire · 2 years ago
A Curated Selection of Tweets from Dread Lord K'thyzyxathrax The Soul Flayer's account @KthyzyxathraXXX
Dread Lord K'thyzyxathrax the Soul Flayer is an evil overlord, accomplished lich king, and one of the most dangerous necromancers in the world. He is also terrible at using Twitter. These are some of his recent misadventures.
CW for dark humor, satire, genocide references, animal death,
The Sans Undertale Incident
I fucking hate all you people trying to "destigmatize" skeletons but especially Toby Fox. People dont even think a walking skeleton is scary anymore. Fuck off its a dead guy walking around with no muscles or tendons. This is an abomination against Gods and nature.
I'm trying to strike terror into the populace here and you are making my job way harder. I'm not saying challenge doesnt breed innovation, wait til you see the shit I have in my dungeon rn, just sayin if I hear one more Sans Undertale joke some of you are gonna have a bad time
Curator's note: replies omitted but you can imagine what they were like
Motherfucker. He says that? How the fuck was I supposed to know, I don't play your stupid preschooler video game about being nice to people.
Shut up all of you. I am not your funny video game skeleton teenager. Power Word: BLOCKED
The next motherfucker who remixes my ominous entrance music with Megalovania will be slowly flayed alive over a hundred year period, and also sued for copyright infringement.
The Mortuary Supply Drama
Since Charnel Chuck's Mortuary Supply Co. has refused to lift my "lifetime ban" on the grounds that they only approve of necromancy for "peaceful purposes" and with the "consent" of those whose remains are being used and have deleted my 1 star Yelp reviews (1/3)
(2/3) I have no choice but to take my grievance to Twitter. Your "code of ethics" is completely discriminatory against my desire to use undead to murder people. Go fuck yourselves. Your business is shit and even if you lift my ban I will never patronize your establishment (2/3)
(3/3) again after the way I have been treated. Your customer service is appalling. And another thing, any "lifetime" ban on me should have expired like a thousand years ago so double fuck you. @CharnelChucks www.CharnelChucksMortuary.com follower horde ratio them. Get their asses
Curator's Note: A followup tweet also posted the address of the business in question. This has not been reproduced due to our policy against doxxing, although it is available on their website.
(4/4) fuck I didn't add enough parts. Your products are also shoddy and overpriced and your storefront is inappropriately brightly lit for your industry. I hope your vampire customers sue you for using fluorescent lights.
(5/4) @CharnelChucks unblock me you fucking cowards. I saw that fucking statement you made disavowing all association with me, and you have no room to talk shit. You still sell products over Amazon.com after the scandal over them staffing their warehouses with (5/4)
(6/4) reanimated corpses of employees who said the word "Union" on the messenger app. Y'all can't take a stand for "respecting wishes of the deceased" and "ethical necromancy" while picking and choosing which evil overlords you work with. Also you refused to honor (6/4)
(7/4) your buy-2-get-1-free sale on crematory urns on my order of 600 urns. There was nothing on your sign about a 3-urn maximum. You assholes owe me $79,999.76. I'm opening my grimoire right now and looking up Power Word: Go Fuck Yourself
The Washington Monument Restoration
To everyone tagging me while they watched the evening news last night:
1: I didn't do it, that was my friend @CardinalCarnage
2: I wish I'd thought of it first, that was fucking hilarious, and I'm impressed with him for getting two 50' solid marble orbs onto the National Mall
3: The Washington Monument was supposed to have balls and a glans in the original plans, but the confederates got custody of the balls in the civil war and at the time an aluminum cap of that size was too expensive so it was downsized.
So actually it's a restoration not a defacement.
4: If you want to see what defacing a monument looks like it wait 'til you see Mt Rushmore
I didnt fucking do anything to Mt Rushmore you idiots, they literally carved it into a sacred mountain just to be dicks to Native Americans. Fucking mortals. But hey thanks for the idea
As an evil overlord I think carving your face into the monument of a people you conquered and oppressed is a pretty swag move but doing dead guys' faces instead of your own is just sad.
I was thinking about re-carving all the major statues into my own face when I take over America but since I'm skeletal people will probably just think it's the same guys except accurately depicting how they look now since they're dead. But then again thats also a power move so still considering it
Retweeted from @CardinalCarnage:
No, I only did the Monument, @KthyzyxathraXXX deserves full credit for filling the Reflecting Pool with blood. Nice job bro, my cultists think it's really cool and so do the boys in Hell
Thanks. Turns out it takes a lot of people to fill that with blood. Really wish there was more of it per body, had to keep healing the sacrifices because I didn't bring enough.
Vulture Culture, The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Cincinnati
Really loving the Vulture Culture pinterest boards for inspiration when making new unholy abominations. Newbie necromancers take note: don't limit yourself to using human remains, you will stifle your creativity.
Been making so many "pets" lately I'm actually running out of space, so I'm adopting some of them out. I made this little fella from roadkill on I-64. He's free to a good home. I am not responsible for odor or leakage of putrefying bodily fluids onto your carpet.
Replying to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
Yes those are crow skulls. Nicely spotted!
Replying to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
I didn't sign any goddamn migratory bird treaty.
Replying to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
Fine, I removed and destroyed all the bird parts. JFC tell your followers to cool their jets. I cant believe I found a government body more annoying than the IRS
Tweet made at the US Fish and Wildlife Service
Come get your game wardens. Sorry not sorry but they wandered into my labyrinth of terror and fell in a spike pit. You have 1 week to recover their bodies or I'm using them.
Replying to OSHA:
Don't you fucking start. It's a dungeon it's supposed to be full of deadly booby traps. If you tell me I'm supposed to have railings on a spike pit I installed with the express purpose of people falling in it and dying you'll be first to go when I conquer this wretched land
Replying to OSHA:
No I'm not fucking removing them. Shove a traffic cone up your asses. No weight that's the DOT's thing. What do you even do again?
Really disappointed in the lack of adoption offers. How can you resist a face like this? Yeah the flesh is peeling off. I think the kids today call that Skrungly.
Man this hobby is really addictive. Fuck I'm supposed to be raising armies and pillaging cities but I just spent the last 4 hours sewing a dozen raccoon arms to a dead coyote's neck.
NVM I gave it a petrifying bite and a chain reanimation spell so killing two birds with one stone. Might also transmit rabies. Oh this is gonna be FUN. USFWS don't @ me because I said "killing two birds"
I meant P U T R E F Y I N G bite. Fucking autocorrect. Petrifying bite and chain reanimation would be useless.
Check this out. This buck's antlers carry a whole rack of Multiple Indepently Maneuvering Possums.
Really Autocorrect? You correct Petrifying but let Indepently slide? Whatever. Anyway got a pretty good army going after all. Those possums are MEAN. City of Cincinnati pray to your impotent Gods because I'm coming for you. That'll teach you to lose the superbowl.
Yeah, yeah, I only got as far as Covington and Newport. Fuck off, I know most of you have never invaded a metropolitan area. This was easier in medieval times when infrastructure wasn't so car dependent. 40k casualties is still a productive weekend
I can cross running water just fine. I stopped south of the river on purpose because seeing the other side reminded me of how much Ohio sucks so I decided I don't want it.
Okay fine. I swore a blood oath to never set foot in Ohio again after losing a hundred bucks on the superbowl this February. Exact wording was "until an Ohio team wins a Major League Sports championship" so in practice never.
Catapulting diseased corpses across the river is fair game. Have fun with that.
@CardinalCarnage appreciate the offer but seriously don't worry about it, that city sucks anyway. Just gonna let it go, pretty sure making "Ohio" no longer exist as a political entity cancels the oath anyway so shouldn't be too long even if their teams keep sucking ass
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