#but if he did tell somebody independent of that i think it probably would be adolin
bornuntohimself · 4 months
revisiting the half of a fic i wrote about renarin coming out to adolin and my plans have been completely thwarted by the realization that we have basically no information about how lgbt people on roshar refer to themselves
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justahumblememefarmer · 2 months
I do like to think that if Trump loses this election, he's really going to drag Republicans further and further down until they either reject him or die.
He won them the presidency in 2016 and firmly tied Republicans to himself. They refused to keep him in check at all, and anybody who stood against him was either ousted or beat into submission to become another sycophant.
Then he did such a terrible job that in 2020 it inspired record turnout to oust him. Republicans still had the chance to oust him with the second impeachment for the insurrection, but they stood by him.
For the 2024 election, they again had a chance to oust him. Running somebody who already lost the presidency, especially against the same person he lost to last time, is probably not the best formula. He had mounting legal troubles they could've used as an excuse to drop him. When it came to the primaries, it was somewhat in question whether he'd get backed again, but more importantly if he lost the primary, would he run as an independent or as the MAGA party and split the right's vote? We didn't ultimately find that out.
What we're seeing now is that dropping Biden from the ticket and having Trump now be the older candidate is definitely hurting them. There's a lot of frustration with the fact that so many of our politicians are extremely old, so putting in Harris who's (relatively) younger has been a great move.
Now let's say Trump loses this election, what happens to him and the Republicans? He's still facing several legal issues, but honestly with this current Supreme Court, I don't have a lot of faith he'll face many consequences there. But I highly doubt that he will want to give up any power that he currenty has over the party, and desperately wants to have the power of the presidency again. So Republicans are going to have to face the same choice they did for this election.
Continue to follow behind him and run him as the oldest ever presidential candidate who has now lost TWO presidential elections
Oust him as the leader and elect somebody else, potentially risking his base coming after them
In option one, the party likely remains united, however if Trump loses this election, I don't think he will ever be able to win any election again. Running him in 2028 would likely be a third loss for him. And if he keeps running every 4 years, that ticket is just going to get worse and worse.
If they reject him and run somebody else, how will he react? He could tell his base to not vote. He could run independent/third party and split the vote. How much of his base would actually go with him might not be certain, but certainly enough that it could still cost them huge in some major elections.
So I think if Trump loses this, Republicans best option is for him to die. He's never going to give up power voluntarily. He's never going to name a true successor. Him dying while they trot him out as their hero is the only way they can be rid of him without causing a huge party schism or running a failing candidate yet again.
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skyblueartt · 3 months
Headcanon game!
Thanks for the ask!!! Just prefacing this saying that I’m a relatively very new FNAF (the videos games, I don’t know much of anything about the book universe) fan! These are just random ideas I have :)
🐻❔Mrs. Emily- Ohh boy this is a character I honestly don’t have a ton of headcanons for yet! I didn’t even think of a name for girly. BUT I once saw somebody use the name ‘Hazel’ for Mrs. Emily and I like that one a lot!! Hmm I can’t explain why, but I totally headcanon Henry as gay LOL right, so my HC is that…he’s in denial for some time about this, gets with a woman, and said woman ends up getting pregnant. Because of this, getting married feels like an obligation to them, I guess. But I HC that the two separated a few years later because Henry was very unhappy and he knew that he wasn’t making his wife happy either. I TOTALLY HC that leading up to the divorce, he’d tell his wife (I guess I’m calling her Hazel now!) that he’d “be at work late” when in reality he was at the bar drinking with William after work and venting about how nervous and unhappy he was…ummmmmmmmm Mr. Emilyyyyy lying like that is not good !!! :( he did not feel good about it tho. Honestly I feel like she got the vibe that he didn’t like the ladies. I HC that after the divorce they’re not on bad terms, it’s just a little awkward. Idk! My headcanon is that Henry loved Charlie more than anything in the world, and hey, Hazel was happy that he was a very loving father to her. There’s that at least lmaooo
❓Sammy Emily: AHHhhhh I’m gonna be so real with you, I got nothin :( I’m so sorry Sammy I’m sure you’re a wonderful kiddo- but I’m like, a person who knows absolutely nothing about the books 😅 when I was like formulating my own interpretation/understanding of fnaf’s lore and characters from the video games I totally didn’t know that Sammy existed so to lowkey just. Retconned him unknowingly so ahh SORRY, SAMMY :’0
🎭Charlie Emily: CHARLIEEE ohhh I love her! I randomly headcanon that she was about 7-ish when she died, but honest to god that is just the first random age that popped into my head. I feel like she’s a rough-n-tough little kid, like a little tomboy. She LOVES being outside, she looooves exploring, she loves being independent and doesn’t understand why she can’t just go exploring alone all the time!! (We later see what happens when she um. Wanted to explore alone at night one time. I’m so sad ). Type of kid to collect rocks and bugs and enjoys playing in the mud and. Man I feel like she either played baseball or soccer. Idk, I just feel like she would
I LOVE to think that she’s fascinated by her dad’s robots! Whenever she gets to go to the workshop with him, she’s fuckin trilled. She peaks her head up over the big desk and just watches with stars in her eyes :’) Henry picking her up and letting her get a closer look at the animatronics-
“Pretty cool, huh kiddo?”
“Uhh YEAHH!!!”
Charlie loves to make people laugh, especially her dad! She loves both of her parents, of course, but she’s a daddy���s girl at heart. Her dad is cool because he lets her eat pizza for breakfast and they stay up late watching movies on the weekends.
I feel like she’s besties with Elizabeth, I just am obsessed with this idea. She likes Evan but they don’t talk a lot, since I feel like Evan was a pretty quiet kiddo. She really likes Mike tho, she views him like her cool older “cousin” :)
Her favorite color in the whole wide world of GREEN. She probably begs her dad to paint her bedroom green. Since I feel like she’s such an outdoorsy kid, maybe green reminds her of nature!
AhhhHh mannnnn. I need a good timeline AU because I love this kiddo. Charlie you’re a real one, sorry your dad’s best friend was a freak
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №15
Symbolism edition!
What type of metaphor/symbolism do you use the most often? (Ex. Comparing people to animals/inanimate objects, prophetic dreams, foreshadowing, flower language)
What is your favourite symbolism you've put into Fault?
What cool symbolism idea didn't make it into the final cut? (Ex. A character was supposed to be another cryptid originally and it mirrored their personality perfectly but then you changed it)
If you tried to talk about how symbolic their life and trauma was, which characters do you think would tell you to muffin off? Would somebody actually eagerly discuss it and maybe try to use it to predict their future? Who knows. You do probably that's why I'm asking-
Unrelated, but what the heck is "Evil "? You've mentioned that Wilbur speaks.. Evil mole? And the only thing that came to my mind was Evil frogs. And then the "They turn the fricking frogs gay" song. And- okay, I'll stop.
1.Comparing people to animals when under extreme pressure is a favorite -growling, snarling, whimpering, cornered animals, allusions to prey- it’s all really fun and to me exemplifies how panic robs people of more cerebral responses to problems. Tommy as an altar lamb is delicious. 
Dreams I usually use as short hand for a characters unconscious fears or desires. Say, Wilbur’s graphic nightmares of eating his friends and family, Tommy’s dreams of Phil burning him as a symptom of abandonment. 
There’s a flower/tree metaphor for the Hive which WHiT Croplabds really digs into plus all the hive members having flower names whereas Willow is an independent tree. 
The sea of voices is. Potentially NOT a metaphor? It started as vague description but visual hallucinations can be a component of DID and The Blood God and voices are already a magical thing so potentially The Blade very literally built a fortress around his mind to hold back the bloody sea with the god of Slaughter and Supremacy lurking in the depths. And the further I went I realized water has very much become a symbol of memory between The Blade, Ranboo, Niki. Which is extra funny for how it screwed over Phil. 
Plus the little detail of all the chapters being named colors that tie to the main pov/arc that’s in the chapter, some color theory thrown in. Some colors have a lot of thought in them when picking, such as darker shades for heavier chapters. Things like Scheeles digs into the toxic history of that green color and reflects the poison in that chapter, or fog tying into disassociation of the grey period, Rose as a double entendre for “A flower with thorns; or, ascension” and a joke about Rosalind, shamrock for something lucky happening.  2.Tommy’s door. On a literal sense it’s him being a teenage boy slapping the door frame every time he leaves. Which technically has some implications for freedom and rebellion etc but that’s not the real kicker. Because of the Hallway Massacre, it becomes an allusion to biblical Passover, with the threshold smeared in blood being the only one safe from The Angel of Death. It is only when Philza reaches Tommy that there is clemency. It’s a really fun nod to Philza’s nickname and a harrowing allegory at the same time. 
3. Niki was initially going to be fire aligned. A body that could move in between flesh and fire, growing and shrinking depending on how much fuel she had. Which would do well with things like her burning L’Manburg tree, personality, anarchy wahoo, etc. But also that’s because Niki was originally going to be Sapnap (or Pændamonium and I’m still mad about how clever that name was). There was this whole minor plot line about accidentally merging with Phil’s godflame and a mind suffering trying to encapsulate billions of years of life, epic team up, etc, but then like I didn’t want to include the dream team for reasons. Which sucks too because Dream had a really cool theme with puppet strings and soul bonds. He got recycled into honestly a way cooler and better written villain, but with Niki I really wrestled with it. I liked fire with her but I wanted it more tailored. She’s still developing, but the miasma mermaid direction has a lot more to play with.
4. Wilbur would tell me to muffin off because it’s already sharply aware that the dark/light dynamic thing it has going on with Phil is very on the nose. Tommy would just feel very ill. I think he’s start crying if I lay out all the Rose animatic symbolism to him, but also he’s not a very introspective guy. I think The Blade and Phil would be most likely to use the knowledge but symbolism is also debatably literal with them. Tubbo gets told about the freezing metaphor and just dryly replies: yeah, we’re pretty aware of the disassociation, thanks. Dr. Blake finds the scimitar smile thing amusing and accurate. Webb flatly: a spider motif? Ohhh my goooood. Who would have guesssssssed. 
5.Evil [language] is a joke that Wilbur’s language abilities come from knowing forbidden eldritch tongues. Ergo he can’t speak Mole, only evil Mole. If it were to speak whatever is the equivalent of Evil Mole, it would probably have a cooler name, such as Wilbur being partially able to communicate with Tubbo via Evil Bug (Venderblight). It’s not actually the same language but it has enough similarities for minimal coded communication.
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tarotnoob · 3 months
Park Jimin - June 2024
Dropping in to post a couple of BTS readings. I wasn't sure if I felt like posting these, but I did a long Jimin one a few days ago, and finished up the group one tonight.
Disclaimer: Please always take tarot readings with a grain of salt. I'd never present any of my readings as fact. Tarot is a weird, complicated thing, and I wouldn't trust a reader who genuinely thinks they're always right.
As usual, this is extremely long. I try to read everything I see in detail - but again, any predictions are merely potential scenarios based on card meanings and how I put together what I see. I could be wrong altogether or I could have the scenario/outcome wrong. Please don't use (my) predictions as proof of anything, and I never say "I see this or interpret this so it must be true." I don't know BTS. Only the members and those close to them do.
Below is the reading.
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Full disclosure, I read for Jimin the day before the BTS reunion that just happened. At the time, they were cards that showed a lot of responsibility, discipline, and a side of acting as a protector or stable force for someone. 
I see some similar stuff with this new spread I did last night. The hanged man and four of cups were the two cards at the back of the deck. I clarified the six of cups and got two of wands and an eight of cups. I clarified the nine of pentacles and got the emperor. For the Oracle card, I got celestial. And the back of the deck for after I clarified is 10 of pentacles. The back of deck for Oracle cards is purposeful. 
it took me a second to understand the six of cups. You could think that that has to do with the reunion but I think he is rediscovering something that he enjoyed a long time ago. And so he's made the decision to start going down this path that he used to. If I had to take a guess, I actually think it's related to the work he does at the base. I think I would guess it's in the sense of having leadership responsibilities, having authority figures that rely on him as a leader or as somebody responsible for doing something that requires a skill. I think that fulfills in him something that maybe he hadn't felt in a while. With the nine of pentacles and the emperor, to me that just feels like somebody who is becoming more dependable, more independent, more organized, more responsible and stepping into that responsibility. If I had to compare it to anything which there's no reason to do that but it feels like he is stepping into the same type of position that RM would have had to step into earlier on with the group when they knew that he was going to be leader. I say earlier on because I feel like that dynamic has kind of shifted in the last few years where they aren't as dependent on him for certain things like they did when they first started. And this isn't really related to RM or anything, but there are people who when asked to step up are fearful of failure, I don't really sense that here. I feel like this reminds me of probably his old days. When he used to be president of the class or VP and the teachers probably liked and respected him. So I feel like he is stepping into that role again. 
As for the back of the deck being the hanged man and also four of cups, both cards here to me represent a fixed situation. I won't tell you that I feel like this is about letting go and going with the flow other than somebody who is kind of resigned to being in the same spot for a while. Resigned doesn't seem the right word. I wonder if it's more like understanding that you are going to be somewhere for a long period of time and becoming absorbed in that environment and kind of forgetting about the other world outside of your bubble. Maybe when they are on base, there really is a separation of BTS Jimin and military Jimin. This could be because he has to decompartmentalize to get through it or he is so busy or so involved that he naturally isn't really thinking about being a celebrity or being BTS. 
As for the Oracle celestial, it's funny because when I looked in the book, there were a couple of lines that reminded me of songs and of him because it talks about the sun and moon and then it said a line that sounded a lot like something from serendipity, but what I got in more of the description it mentioned puzzles and putting things together and noticing signs. And again I was drawn more to this idea of what he's doing in the military base. Which I think probably has a very intellectual component, and relies on puzzles and not quite engineering responsibilities, but definitely putting things together. This could be robotics or tools, it could even be strategic planning, but to me it feels more mechanical and engineering driven than like strategically planning an invasion just for example. I think maybe there's also an aspect in terms of thoughts that are happening might have to do with thinking about his place in the universe or as a human or… some type of change in perspective. I mean that's bound to happen when you have to go through something like this especially when you come from a world that's rather different from what he's probably going through now. They hanged man can also talk about a change in perspective. And with the four of cups this could be something like to me I keep coming back to the idea of something that he has put aside or ignored for a long time is coming back up. And to me it's a way of thinking about how things are put together. And like I said I think literally this is happening with whatever skill set they're utilizing but also philosophically or intellectually on a personal level, he's been thinking a lot about how things work together in life or in the universe. Maybe he's reading books on philosophy, maybe he's talking to RM and getting recommendations about that kind of stuff, maybe he's having philosophical discussions with the people around him more. I just feel like he's thinking on a broader scale. I feel like he is finding a different type of purpose or understanding his purpose on the planet. He must be working through a lot of those things. I don't know what instigated that path of thought but I do think there was a catalyst at some point after going into the military that has made him think on different scales about how things work together, his part in that, how to put pieces together. I can see him in the future writing lyrics about this kind of thing. Like your purpose or how things go together or even something kind of on a spiritual level like everything has its purpose, fate. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to the serendipity lyrics that popped out in the celestial card. 
Some of that I wonder if it has to do with appearance. Something about having a revelation about how he looks or how he presents himself. I don't know if this is it but if I took a guess it could be something about the way he thought that he had to look as BTS Jimin, he feels maybe silly that he was so worried or self-conscious about presenting himself physically in one type of way. Silly is a strong word, so maybe just growing out of that way of thinking. Like it's okay if I go out and I don't have makeup, it's okay if I go out and my hair is not perfect, it's okay if I go out and I'm not wearing this outfit that I wanted. It could be tied into this idea that people will like me for who I am and who I present myself as a human as opposed to what I look like or what people perceive me as in terms of my celebrity. I think there could still be attachment to that but for the most part it feels like he's shedding that thought. I think he's working out a lot. I think you'll also find that when he comes back he may put up with less b*******. I'm not saying that he won't still be the nice person that he is but I feel like he won't let people cross his boundaries as much. I think he'll stand up for himself more. I think that the people around him like him for his sense of humor in the way that he can lighten a serious atmosphere. I think that they look up to Jimin and see him as intelligent and responsible but like still funny. I think he seems like the type of person that is someone that authority figures and people in general see as someone to look up to and be a role model. 
Yeah again I'm seeing that ignoring things he once worried about. Just like almost overnight a perspective changing because a situation was just like so obvious. It was like those things don't matter here, why did I worry about that, I don't have to worry about that and it feels like he found that out rather fast. There could also be something that happens next Pisces and Aries season for him. This could be some type of recommendation or offer or commendation that he receives like a medal.
I feel like he's growing a lot more decisive and more confident. It's interesting that in the six of cups the little watch that Jake is wearing reminds me of the watch that Jimin was wearing in the photos. I don't know why I keep being drawn to the watch but this might have something to do with time. 
This could have to do with a date as well between June 2nd and June 8th. I don't know if it would be this past June or next June, it could be a trip or reunion. I don't know what the exact discharge date is for him but there's a sense also of a reunion happening and a choice of doing one thing or the other and choosing a path that's best. Another really random thing that I'm not guaranteeing or going to stand behind 100% could be It's interesting that there are six cups and seven members. Do I want to say something like it feels like there's some type of decision to walk away from something. … I guess where I was going was I wonder if there's one particular member that they're waiting for or who wants to do something different and maybe has to be convinced to stay in like June 2025 or something. It's almost like okay I'll put it this way. I don't know that it has to do with BTS or particular member so I'm not putting that out there but like when you look at six of cups there's somebody holding this… there's something about a reunion and there's something about time and there's Jake looking very determined against shadow monsters. We have this notion of a choice of two different paths, but really when you look at the choices if you know the show, that the pickles are supposed to be really good right. So to me it feels like both choices aren't bad choices but you do have to choose one. And then eight of cups being somebody making a decision and moving forward to something that's better. So maybe it's something as simple as like hey there are two good choices and no matter what you pick it's going to be okay. But like I'm also wondering if it's a friend like it could be a member or friend reuniting with them. What's interesting is in the eight of cups this is the father character who is rather neglectful of Finn. 
So I guess it feels like a face off with a particular person that he might know from his childhood or has known for a long time and maybe there's an ultimatum or standing up to them. And that person leaves. And also Jimin walks away and has some type of closure. But there's a strong emphasis on timing. This could be timing in terms of fate you know it was destined to happen to have this type of showdown. Keeps coming to mind. I'm not saying it's a fight and I'm not saying it's a member. And I don't think it is totally like a fight because Jake is offering this bouquet of flowers. 
I'm also noticing at the bottom right hand corner that there is a shadow that almost appears to be grabbing one of the cups but Jake doesn't really notice. That's interesting since we have four of cups which is usually a card about not noticing something coming in. So it could also be a situation of a confrontation and something unexpected happens. And two ways to read it okay. One is that let's say it's Jimin who wants to meet with somebody from the past and have like words about something and he's coming with the intention to work things out. That person either has this choice to leave or walk away or accept. Or the eight of cups is representing closure from this meetup or confrontation. The fact that the character in the eight of cups has a tendency to be kind of toxic makes me wonder if it's more about closure. It could also be that the Jake character is somebody else trying to make something right with Jimin. And Jimin is the one who has the choice to accept this and forgive or to cut them out. 
But I can also say that whatever this is there's some type of sense of urgency on somebody's part. I don't know if it's Jimin or the other person. But like timing is important or they have to wait until a specific time to have this moment. 
I also just heard something like Yoko Ono in my head. So maybe there's like another person involved beyond BTS. Like it could be you know one of the members ends up getting married or something. 
I clarified to see if I could figure out who it's involving. I just got Ace of pentacles, which just seemed like an offer of commitment. In the card is one of Jake's sons, I forget his name but the one that's an accountant and kind of stingy and all about the rules. And he's holding that gift that Jake made him that looks like an ocarina but couldn't really blow. 
So there is something to the idea of nostalgia and family here. This object is very precious. So it could be that this person is precious or the offer is precious and meaningful. There's again a sense of timing with the art because he's holding a clipboard and dressed in a suit. Who knows lol. It could just be like his younger brother getting married. 
But not really it feels like okay somebody's offering something, this object looks like a heart more than ocarina. It's somebody that he's known for a while or from his childhood or related to family. The family vibe is very strong with these cards. If not specifically family then somebody who is as close to him as being a family member. There's definitely an offer being made that's very sentimental or important. And we know that there's a choice or path and that that path leads to something better. That combination could be so many things. I can just tell you that it seems to be related to family or someone as close as family. And I'd still feel like it involves closure of some type. A closure that he's been wanting for a long time either that he did to somebody or they did to him. Or a conversation that needed to be had for a long time. It does feel specifically between two people. 
But also it's going to have to do with something that happened in the past that didn't work out. Something that has to do with being brave enough to step up to deal with it or have the conversation or if it's not about people, just some situation where there needs to be closure. It could potentially be a Leo or somebody with strong Leo in their chart. I say this because I kept clarifying and I got five of cups and strength again. It could also be that whatever negative happened during Leo season, it could have to do with a friend that is in the limelight so the friend could potentially be another celebrity. Especially somebody who's in music. Because on the card it's Jake playing the violin. I feel like there was or will be I mean this has to have happened in the past for sure but just some type of fight or confrontation with the friend and then Jimin will have the opportunity to reconnect with them and get closure. Or they offer him something as a gift. And one or both can move on. I guess I did go into specifics but yeah. What I can say is that I don't know who this character is in the five of cups that would help. They also have a watch on them. What the hell character is this?
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Okay I had to Google lens it  and it was on Reddit so this is Frieda, Susan's childhood friend. Susan wrecked her ship or something and she got stuck on the island and wasn't happy then they reconnect and end up traveling. So that's kind of funny because that's exactly what I'm talking about and seeing I will include the card 
So definitely like some type of confrontation with a friend like a childhood friend and reconnecting with them and then there's closure. Maybe legitimately like a former friend from the business who probably likely is also in music and I think that they had a falling out and will end up reconnecting. But I don't really know the outcome and perhaps that's because a choice needs to be made in the future so I can't predict that. It could go either way depending on you know what happens and choices that are made there. I do think there is an offer by somebody to reconnect or like an offer to work things out. And maybe somebody has the choice to accept this or not. I don't have the answer as to whether there's a good choice or not but like I said the pickles, the pickles are supposed to be delicious so I feel like there's no wrong choice per se. Maybe just a matter of circumstances. That was very specific but I guess it must be important to Jimin for it to show up here. I feel like whoever was in the wrong in this situation is very regretful. But again I can't say if it's Jimin or the other person because I don't know who did what. But somebody in the situation is determined to make it right. But it's all about timing either in terms of how they meet again or the person planning to reconcile is going to go in sincerely with an apology and maybe a gift and the result is some type of closure regardless of the decisions that are made. 
I feel like whoever the five of cups person isn't Jimin. And they're very sad about what happened. But again I can't say you know maybe Jimin did something to them as opposed to them doing something to him.
And whatever was done was very hurtful. You know like when somebody really close to you disappoints you or I don't want to use the word betrays but there's definitely a sense of strong disappointment here. I don't know why I'm feeling more drawn to the idea that Jimin did something that disappointed this friend but then Jimin and this friend meet up and Jimin is the one who is determined to make it right regardless of that friend's reaction. Like the conversation is very mature, the approach is very mature, it's like okay we were kids then and it happened like this but now I'm an adult and I want to correct this the right way sincerely. This person is really sad. It could be considering the father character is here that they felt left behind. Like Jimin moved on maybe and maybe they even know each other from before BTS debuted. Because I feel like this is a lot further in the past like definitely when he was a lot younger. I don't think the gender of the other person matters that much but I'm leaning well the picture does show a girl but I guess in my head I keep seeing a young guy friend or it could be a girl who was a bit of a tomboy. 
What we can take from the four of cups too is this character when he would touch things with his hands, they would become alive even inanimate objects. Which is why he has to wear the oven mitts. And I feel like this is the relationship that they used to have when they were kids. 
As in like that character and then this cup character with the wings. I would imagine that this character touched one of the cups and it became alive. So I think that's probably another part of it. You know like I'm not saying this is the situation but as an example like if you met somebody when you were younger, and you became close friends, and I mean that in the sense of having shared important bonds.  Somebody from a while ago. And they were friends and then they had a falling out and somebody was left really hurt and felt like they were left behind. And that's because these two were very close at one point. Almost like how you would feel if somebody who didn't have a lot of friends at the time, you befriended them, and you yourself weren't necessarily unpopular or anything but you went out of your way to befriend this person and you grew close and then you had done all this stuff for this person to try to help them and then that person leaves you behind. 
So that's just a scenario that I'm kind of picking up. And I think that one of the people I don't know if it's one sided or not but I feel like one person just was like really hurt by this and more than betrayed just like sad hurt. Like they really thought they had a special friendship here and they just got like left behind. I don't think that on whoever's side did the leaving did it intentionally it does feel like there wasn't much of a choice so it makes me think you know like for example let's say that he befriended somebody that was in the original group of trainees. This person wasn't picked. And then Jimin gets picked for the group and has to continue on with BTS and gets more famous and this person kind of thought they would stay in touch because maybe along the way they helped Jimin or encouraged him and probably it was reciprocated. But then like you know life happened and Jimin moved on but I think this person felt really left behind.
And I'm not saying Jimin is in the wrong because I think this was an aspect of life. Kind of like you know when you are in high school and you have this good group of friends but then you go to college and you make new friends and you kind of drift apart. So it could have been that situation or just a situation of okay well they didn't debut and they went back home and now Jimin is in BTS and doing all those things and you can't sustain a friendship. But anyway so I think these people will reconnect. But I don't know how it will play out and who's the one that's determined to make it right. Like who initiates that conversation, how did they end up meeting up again. It doesn't really feel by coincidence. It feels more like someone is determined to do it. And I also wonder if one of these people kept an object from that time. Like okay another example like let's say they did have this falling out but maybe Jimin kept an object or a gift that was given to him at the time and been like no I didn't really forget you I still have this goofy thing that you made me or vice versa. 
Because in the Ace of pentacles, I see someone looking at this object. Like looking at this object and thinking of the memories as an adult. And maybe this person isn't Jimin because they have this business suit. So I wonder if maybe this person didn't end up going into music because like I said they didn't debut. So maybe they became a lawyer or a civil servant. Something more business-related or even like an executive. But what's interesting is they still seem to have thoughts about this time. This instrument that he's holding is literally supposed to be like a harmonica or an ocarina but it doesn't blow. Like there weren't ever holes drilled into it. So it's like somebody looking back at this failed clumsy attempt at making music. So again I'm totally sure that this is probably somebody from early on who isn't doing music anymore or could have debuted but didn't (or it's just a metaphor for how the relationship was flawed). I'm still stuck with the idea that it could be a trainee. 
And they're still stuck on this moment. Which why would you be stuck for that long? Unless you thought you were really close to this person. It's almost like they promised to debut together and work hard together. But Jimin went forward and this person didn't (or they didn't together). But that person still thinks about it. And it's not like I sense a lot of resentment or jealousy it's more just sadness and like why. Like why I thought we had something. I don't think it's romantic necessarily.. or if it was it was one-sided or would never have worked out. But it's not like you can't have feelings with a close friend. And if it's romantic it doesn't really matter it's not my business. But certainly it almost feels like that in the sense that let's say you were getting to know somebody and you thought it was leaning toward romance or like you were heading in that direction or part of you thought that that was a possibility and then one day that person just like leaves you behind and you're like okay well I guess this was all in my head and it was just me who felt this way? But we don't really know the circumstances of why Jimin moved forward. It could be growing apart, it could be that he had his own reasons. I'm not going to look into that. I'm really leaning more toward it was a male anyway. If not a male then like I said a very masculine female like a tomboy. But then I don't think a female would have been in his dorm or had those experiences but it's feeling very gender-neutral so. It could just be that they were so young that that doesn't really come into play. The cards are also showing me both male and female so again I can't really decide anything there. 
Lol sorry Jimin I didn't know I was going to go into your past memories. And like I said I just only bring this up and then it shows up probably because there will be a reunion with this person I think. Although it's really interesting that the Jake picture looks a lot like Jin with his flowers and his little military watch. Is that even Jake? Is that his dad? He looks so angry. 
I'm curious because eight keeps coming up if anybody knows if they were considering eight members which I know they weren't. I know they wanted like six and then they decided they could have seven but they wanted to make Jm a rapper. But let's say that it came down to two people to be that seventh person so there was like number seven and number eight. So if there was ever a number eight somebody that they were going back and forth on for the 7th member. It could be this person. and that would make even more sense because it was like okay well we kind of knew it was between the two of us. And they selected Jimin and those two were close but he moved forward and the other person probably went back home at some point or tried longer but it didn't go anywhere. Or if not that then just somebody who he met in his trainee days. (Maybe literally being around new trainees in the military has stirred up these memories?)
But I think there will be opportunity to reconnect. But who initiates it, I'm not sure or how does it happen, exactly when? Like I said it could be related to Leo season or it could be related to like around Pisces and Aries of some point or that person could be of those signs. 
I'm also seeing that they grew up to be a rather serious person as an adult. And that they're very punctual or very regimented.,. Maybe they used to be quite creative as a young kid and then now they're kind of stiff or straight laced. Very conscious of time and schedules. Maybe they're also a little bossy? Maybe they were bossy back then?
I don't think they blame Jimin. I think they understand that this is how things worked out. But this person still can't help that they feel left behind. Because whatever they had with Jimin was very special to them. And I wouldn't doubt that at the time it was special to Jimin. But I'm not getting jimin's side of the story I don't think. But in terms of this person's story it feels like they'll get the closure that they need eventually. And maybe the scenario I'm painting is off but it's something like that in the sense that an old friend felt left behind and it was very hurtful. And yes it does feel more like Jimin is the one who moved forward or moved on. Who did what, I don't know. Who's right? I don't know. But I don't feel anything that was intentionally done, it just feels more like this is how it was supposed to play out. Maybe it comes up because while Jimin is thinking about his place in the world and looking back at different aspects of his life as he's being reminded of that time before BTS when he was that overachiever and you know maybe reflecting on middle school and my understanding is that maybe he was bullied a little bit so this could have been somebody he met during that time that was on his side. And one of his only friends.
That could have happened as a trainee as well. So maybe he's thinking about that person and maybe he's thinking you know when I'm discharged I'm going to look this person up and talk to them about what happened and how that played out. Or if it's not that deep then it's like I really want to reconnect with that person and see how they're doing. Because I think he's discovering things during this time that are really making him reflect on the past. And just like his purpose and the role that he's probably played in other people's lives. Not like as in army or the fandom or even as BTS. It feels like as Jimin the person and the people he's met. Almost like maybe it's nagging him you know. Like we used to be so close why did we have this falling out or maybe I should have handled this differently or maybe I should have contacted them at some point. There's no guilt. It's just like maybe a sense of making things right or a curiosity. So anyway you get the idea lol 
Or maybe something recently happened too to make him think of that. 
I asked how he's going to feel once he's discharged. What kind of energy will he be in.
I got the lovers card. With seven of cups at the back and nine of swords sort of fell out but like not really. I kept it to the side since I kind of felt like it was coming out of the deck but it didn't properly come out. So maybe at this time there is something with BTS that's making him a little anxious or unclear. By the time that he gets out he'll be one of the last ones. And then yoongi like 10 days later. There's definitely a sense of reunion. People coming together or being brought together. But seven of cups also has this feeling of confusion or unable to make a decision or even like a lack of clarity. It's interesting of course that it's the number seven. Maybe there is some nervousness. The five of coins behind the seven of cups also makes me feel like there's this searching for something. 
Again you know this reunion happening in Gemini season. I mean for when he's discharged. 
Maybe there really is some type of split or uncertainty at that point. Like searching for what he wants to do or making a choice. Because the character on seven of cups is one of Jake's kids and it's the one that kind of like struggles to figure out his place. Actually I think this character is a girl. I can't remember. But the one that always plays video games. And there's all these cups that represent different choices. And I remember they had to go through some stuff to figure that out. And so maybe this speaks back to the reunion I was just talking about where there are certain relationships in his life that he has some unresolved issues with and is anxious to kind of see it through or is lacking the answers for. 
Having the Gemini card come out does make me think also you know there's a lot of answers to be found in communication. It also makes me wonder if there's a lot of overanalyzing about relationships. It's weird because I think this could also be the current energy. Not to say that it doesn't answer the question because we saw that there's like a reunion with somebody coming up. And now we see that maybe at the end of discharge, he'll have the idea of personal relationships on his mind. But when I did JK's cards the other day before the reunion, he (JK) was a restless ball of energy about relationships as well and these cards are kind of similar right now. And it's odd to imagine Jimin being uncertain when right now as he is, I feel like his energy is (fairly) sure. But it could be that when you are discharged, you have to go back into this other world and I'm sure there could be uncertainty and anxiety about how those relationships have changed. I don't feel that this is necessarily related to BTS but who knows after 18 months if they aren't able to see each other will some things shift between some of the members and things will be different in a way that they weren't before. Or maybe it's not related to BTS relationships but people in their personal lives. But I do feel like one of the things that he's going to have to be working through in the next couple of years is his identity and his purpose and really be focused on relationships.
It could be you know thinking more about what kind of relationships he wants to have in his life, I assume that he would want more healthy and genuine relationships, he could be reflecting on how he's handled past friendships and how he wants to change from that. And I think he'll kind of figure all those things out while he's in the military. I'm sure having genuine relationships with like non-celebrities is probably going to be a big lesson for him because we know that he's struggled with the friendships he had before face where maybe he wasn't getting along with people because of choices he was making. And at the time he probably felt like you know these people are telling me how to live as opposed to the perspective of maybe they are getting angry or feeling disappointed because they had high expectations of me and they were worried about me. And in thinking about that it could go all the way back to the past and he could be reflecting on how there's a pattern with certain relationships that he's had. So I think just assuming the situation, he's going to learn something from the friendships he makes in the military and reflect on any patterns. Let me just clarify the lovers just in case I missed anything 
Clarified by the ten of pentacles. So stability in relationships I think. The back of the deck is page of swords. So this could be communication or learning process so maybe a focus on more stable relationships or how to be a stable partner for people in relationships as well. I'm not talking about romantic ones necessarily but just like how to be a better friend or how to be more emotionally mature in how he deals with conflict within relationships. But like I see him really focused on how to have healthier relationships. People are going to be a very strong focus for him when he gets out. His perspective on friendships and relationships and his place within those one-on-one relationships, what kind of friend is he, what kind of person does he want to be when people call him friend. For some reason this is really coming through as Jin. I feel like he might be looking to jin as an example or as somebody that he goes to advice to for this type of thing. I think also this is not really related to the cards but in bringing him in to talk about now,
I think that probably he helped Jimin and probably JK more than we know about. In terms of the military. There are in the same or were in the same division but different bases but I really feel like Jin watched out for them or pulled some strings or did as much as he could to make that situation of going into the military “ok” for them. Or must have really tried to put them at ease or comfort them with expectations. And tried to give them advice on how to keep it together. And there's this feeling that Jimin will never be able to express to jin how much that meant or how much that helped.
I mean there certainly also the possibility that the lovers is exactly that and that when he comes out of the military, something could move forward with a romantic relationship. Or in some sense of being reunited with someone romantically. Or it really simply is about reuniting as BTS. I don't know that it will be super smooth. It might actually be a little bit difficult to come together as a group again after all that time. Because I'm still seeing conflict cards kind of hanging out in the back of the deck. But that could be anything. You know it could come from another member deciding that they want to focus on their personal lives which I don't think can really happen because they have contracts. It could be that like the synergy isn't there or they have to work on stuff to make it like it was. I do see a little bit of challenge there. 
But as a person you know it would be pretty normal. You can only work on what you can work on. If he wants to keep practicing singing and still dances like everyday. But then what if another member decides that they want to get married or have kids or isn't as enthusiastic. That could present a challenge for the group. It could just be general anxiety about okay we come back but will people still feel the same way, will we still be able to provide quality music or performances. I mean I think anybody would be a little bit nervous naturally. So it could be something as simple as that. 
But overall I don't see anything super dramatically negative right now for him, I imagine that it's a bit tiring to be so responsible and then you have your mental health to take care of and probably he's also looking out for JK who probably was never good at having a strict schedule in terms of getting up early and going to bed early and dealing with authority. I don't claim to know about either of their mental health issues but considering that they went into the Buddy system I imagine that these are two people who did need extra support or wanted to provide support to each other. So that's why I can take a guess but you know mental health is a little bit involved here. And I think being the older one, he probably feels like he needs to watch out for JK. I'm sure it's slightly reciprocal, but like considering that I'm really seeing that he has to step up into leadership roles that that probably includes looking out for and taking care of JK. Not that he can't take care of himself but they're there together for a reason. And I think he's overall taking this role as being responsible and a protector.
And since he's thinking about relationships and the past, how much is he probably thinking about how he needs to step up and what are the right things to do in terms of helping people. Beyond being nice. He's a nice person we already know that, but here it's like how should I put it. If somebody could kind of overtax themselves by trying to take care of too many people because he says things like oh I know I can or someone has to. It doesn't feel so much like the latter but almost like in a friend group. There's often somebody who comes across as the mother of the group. Not to be sexist. But like that's how I think of it because I do that as well. But when you are that one person in the group who's always taking care of everybody in a very domestic sense (or acting as a counselor). Like he probably listens to a lot of people's problems. Probably tries to offer solutions. He might notice that a soldier's sock has a hole in it so he goes to whoever can provide new socks and leaves the package on their bed. Like just taking care of people in that way. I guess that could be more like a father as well lol. But there's just so much care for people. Like any people. It's not a care just because hey we're in the same base although that's relevant because loyalty is important to him I think and being loyal to those who he's close to. Which is ironic given what we talked about with the friendship from childhood. Which is why he may be thinking about loyalty and relationships and going back to the past. But I think in general he's a person who is always kind or thinking about other people not as a celebrity or BTS Jimin but as a person. It's just part of his personality. I guess I could understand why sometimes he might disconnect from relationships or sabotage friendships. Because that would be a lot to feel and take on. 
But I think being in the military is really going to mature him in the sense of dealing with relationships. Which is why I really think he's going to probably reflect on some instances from the past where he did do friends wrong or had a bad falling out and he's going to think why did I handle it that way. Why did I treat somebody who was a friend like that even if I felt at the time it was justified or I told myself we took different paths or we lived in different worlds. I think he might see it from their perspective a little bit more or if not like that then to have a higher perspective of how it could have been handled differently or more of an understanding of well I guess yeah where they are coming from. Almost like you know if somebody held an intervention for you and it was a close friend group and they weren't celebrities and you got really defensive and decided these people don't get me they're trying to control me. But then later on you come to realize okay they did this because they cared about me and because some of the choices and decisions I was making at the time hurt them.
And they were trying to be honest or they were trying to help or they weren't trying to control me but they were trying to protect themselves? Unrelated to the cards but just my personal opinion here would be. From what I've glimmered of certain circumstances were several of the members probably drank or indulged in different kinds of escapism behaviors whether that could have been sex or drugs. And in that time, they've said things like well even when I was wild or when I was doing these things BTS members always accepted me but my friends didn't. Like the non-Celebrity friends. And I always found that quite strange. I think that's great to have a group of people that let you work through challenges. But those people which would be BTS all went through the same situation. They were all in the same boat and probably went through that phase and knew how it would work. So even if they did say something, you couldn't say anything back because they know what you've gone through. Which is probably why they never said anything. I'd like to think that if one member was getting blackout drunk then another member might kind of step in because I do think that's the appropriate action rather than be like oh it's just a phase.
Especially when you know people in the industry have committed suicide. Not to get that extreme but from my perspective as a normal non-celebrity person. And I feel like Jimin talked about how he had issues with friends that might have taken issue with his drinking at the time or partying. Because didn't he say something like: someone said that he was depressed but he didn't even realize that he was depressed at the time. So imagine being defensive or in that head space and somebody telling you the truth because they're close to you but also separate because they aren't a BTS member. They're just your friend and seeing it from the outside and caring about you on that level.
Of course normal people would say you know I think you have a problem, I think you're depressed, I think you should talk to somebody. But BTS was saying things like or not saying anything at all I guess. Or just letting him do whatever. That doesn't mean I'm saying they are callous. I'm just saying what could they say because they understood. The friends couldn't understand because they aren't BTS so they approached it the way that we would lol. We would say are you okay are you depressed do you need to talk or like I'm worried about your behavior. And then that friend would probably take it the wrong way or be defensive and decide okay I don't want to hear this so we don't need to be friends anymore or you don't understand me.
Or you won't let me live the way I want. And maybe that's another way of reflecting on relationships in his past where he could have handled things differently or he didn't understand their perspective at the time because you know he was comparing it to but my members aren't saying anything and they love me and they think I'm fine. Well of course they do lol they were all going through the same thing. And what could they say if they did the same thing. To me that's actually a little odd it's 10:13 by the way. But I also don't know the perspective of being in a world famous K-pop group.
But what I do know is if you're unhappy and you have to escape reality by doing drugs or drinking or partying, that's not really healthy. That's not a phase. Maybe a lot of us do go through that phase. But it's not a healthy or normal one. Some people don't grow out of it. Some people take their lives during it so a friend would be in the right to be like are you okay or to get angry. People when they drink can say hurtful things. It's valid to feel hurt by those remarks or to feel hurt to watch somebody you care about hurting themselves. And maybe that's something he'll come to understand during the service as he talks to regular people. Maybe he'll have those conversations and they will have a different response that's like yeah I can see where they were worried about you. 
So in conclusion I just see him becoming more diligent about understanding his role in friendships and maturing and probably becoming a bit more serious than he was before he went into the military. I'm sure he'll come back around after but I think right after he's discharged he's just not going to be as goofy or smiley. Although sometimes I think that's his way of handling nervousness as well or like feeling like he needs to take on a role to keep things light. And I think he's going to realize that he doesn't always have to do that. He'll still be funny and everything but I'm just saying that he won't do it under the pretense that like he needs to be funny or light or not be so serious. I think he'll realize you know it's okay to be serious It's okay to not always be happy. Or just handle things more maturely. That makes me a little sad because I'm used to him being a goofball but I like the idea of him thinking about who he is outside of BTS and becoming healthier mentally for it.
And I think whatever awards or merit he receives in his role in the military that will provide some missing piece in terms of confidence that maybe he was losing or didn't have. I think he always stepped up in terms of taking care of his members and like dancing and performance but maybe there was still something that made him feel like it wasn't enough. And here he'll get out knowing that okay even my commanding officers absolutely gave me the responsibility of taking care of this big thing and taking care of other people so if those people trusted me to do great things then that means I can also take charge and and were the of being seen like this by people in the industry or maybe he'll care less about what people think in the industry because he'll realize what's important is how normal people perceive him.
Like the people within his orbit. Knowing that people think he's a good person or he's reliable will be enough to take care of some of the doubts or insecurities that he might have had. I'm sure that the idea of never being enough was sort of like drilled into him from trauma he experienced before debut and probably even after with the demands about his body looking a certain way or him looking a certain way or having to act a certain way. And maybe he'll be able to let some of that go because he'll realize what's actually important. I think you know he could intellectualize before and say I understand that it shouldn't be important but it's affecting me. And maybe he can let that go I think.
I honestly think for most of them this will be a healthy much needed experience. I don't think for all of them. I don't think yoongi is going to get much out of it. But I think for Jimin, probably for Jin, and then maybe J-Hope, I really think they're going to get something important out of service. The others will probably as well but like I think once they get out they're going to go back to whatever they were doing before. And J-Hope has always been responsible so I think he acted exactly as I expected him to and probably not much different from how he was at BTS. But I think you know having time alone and doing things on his own is probably good for him. The others I just don't think It's that serious. For JK it's probably a wild card. It could go either way. I really don't know what he's going to take from this experience. When I did a reading for him quite a while ago I got the sense that he was having fun at that moment. I mean he's going to be around younger people than him so maybe that's good for him. I guess I'll know if I do another reading for him so. Anyway that's what I see for Jimin.
I guess yeah I do think he's maybe in that kind of father role. I said mother before but the more I look at the cards it's like a dad. I guess I just have a low opinion of men in general so it's hard to be like oh dads can be like a positive role model and take care of people. But probably from his perspective he's feeling like everybody's dad. Or an only child in a family. There's an expectation for him to step up but he also has an expectation for himself to step up. But I think he's always had that lol and I think he's really going to thrive having expectations of success in a way that's not about his looks. It's about his intellect and his creativity and ability to lead. Like it has nothing to do with superficial qualities. The military doesn't care about that stuff. This is all based on merit and personality and perseverance. And I think that will be really refreshing for him to be judged on that and not about his looks or his fame. 
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13eyond13 · 2 years
What would you think of a shy L or light?
They make the most sense to me as only being shy in specific ways that they're not always necessarily going to either admit to or even be aware of.
Light strikes me as the type to be more emotionally shy about being real and needy and imperfect with others than shy about things like meeting new people or getting physically intimate with them or speaking in public or anything like that. He's not shy when it comes to being really dramatic and putting on an expressive show, or being angry, or really excited, or passionate about his ideas. But something like coming off like the much emotionally needier person in a relationship, or feeling really depressed and hurt by somebody he cares about, would probably be very hard for him to show. I also think he's generally much more comfortable focusing on talking about concrete things and broad ideas and plans that aren't super personal or intimate or emotional and vulnerable things to discuss. I think that often times his way of identifying and discussing his more difficult emotions is to identify and discuss other people's emotions and to project things onto them that he might be actually wanting or feeling himself most times (like, "this person is feeling this or wants me to do this, I should do them a favour"... even if it is really HIM who wants to do that, or who feels that thing).
I think for L shyness isn't quite as much about identifying his own emotions or having negative feelings or needs as it is letting people help him with practical things and give him advice for his life, or telling him things about himself that he might not already know. It would be very hard for him to admit that he was genuinely wrong about something or that somebody else knew him much better in some way than he did. Because I think knowing everything already and trying to think it through objectively and being an independent maverick of sorts who doesn't have to rely on common tips and tricks to get by is something he takes a lot of pride in. His shyness would come out more in things like admitting he doesn't know how to do something practical and simple, or feels bad at it and embarrassed about that, or that he's ever jealous or envious of anybody else. I also think he feels awkward being super physically expressive with his emotions at times, and would mostly try to keep a fairly subdued demeanor if he can.
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quill-of-thoth · 2 years
Letters from Watson, Catching Up
The Musgrave Ritual part 1 and 2: The fun bits
- Sometime in the decade between Study in Scarlet (1880-1881) and the frame story for The Musgrave Ritual, Holmes’ household habits have changed. During Study, he’s trying very hard to be the ideal roommate, now he keeps his correspondence stabbed to the mantel and has shot some new decorations into their wall. Based on the fact that The Sign of The Four, which we may or may not skip, was published in 1890, Watson and Holmes are (probably) not living together full time at the time of this story’s publication. Most likely Watson wrote this story several years before it’s publication in The Strand (probable: this was the eighteenth Holmes short story published, and The Strand had only started publishing them in 1891). - On the other hand, a change in Holmes’ household habits and Watson moving in briefly to help could correlate with a rough time for Holmes in his canonical battles with depression and drugs. I’ll likely have more conclusions about this possible event as we analyze all the other cases published during this period. 
- The framing device for Gloria Scott and the framing device for Musgrave are both Holmes and Watson kicking around the (disastrous) living room on a winter evening. Possibly the two tales were related to Watson within a very short period, one where Watson needed some ready fodder for his monthly submission to The Strand.  - Holmes lived near the British Museum when he was first trying to start a career. No conclusions here, I just think it’s a good idea if you’re going to impulsively study anything that seems relevant.  - Musgrave is yet another classmate with a limited social circle. Not as lonely as Victor Trevor, but seen as a bit stuck up (or shy: Holmes is seeing the best in his old classmates) during their school days. He’s doing all right socially (and economically via the family’s fortune) right now but he still approaches Holmes when things start to look a little scandalous within his household. - Musgrave’s first reaction to seeing somebody wandering the house at night, as an insomniac in a house with about twelve other people living in it, is to think “It must be a burglar!” and grab an antique axe. You really have to wonder what he would have done if it was one of the maids making a cup of tea or a footman borrowing a book instead of his butler snooping in a locked cabinet of family documents.  - Snooping through your employer’s documents in the middle of the night isn’t great but employment for servants during this period was pretty precarious. Because of letters of recommendation and servants at a country house generally being local people with very few other grand country houses nearby to apply for jobs at, you could definitely have your livelihood destroyed over a minor mistake or misunderstanding with your employer. Even if, like Musgrave and Brunton, you’ve watched your current employer grow up.
- On the other hand, Victorian nobility appears to have understood that human beings get sick and should generally recover instead of going to work during that time. I can’t quite tell if Rachel Howells is supposed to have been ill for the whole month after Brunton jilted her, and “brain fever” covers a lot of potential diagnoses (depression? Anxiety? Unrelated illness that happens to coincide and isn’t immediately obvious as something else?) - Generally speaking I’m not going to get into the internal racism / classism notes on people coming from formerly independent countries within the United Kingdom, especially when compared with an English Lord. I don’t have the expertise or the time. Just note that Rachel Howells having an “excitable Welsh Temperament” is supposed to be a clue. - The Musgrave Ritual scavenger Hunt Guide. I have always loved this scavenger hunt guide and I used to attempt to make similar ones and try to force my neighbors to solve them. It did not go well, overall, and I might have been bad at it.   - Victorians, lacking chemical analysis for their historical papers, (at least, chemical analysis that wouldn’t destroy the whole thing) dated them by spelling trends. - Hurlstone Manor does not appear to be a real place. (West Sussex, however, is.) The oldest homes in West Sussex that I can google appear to date to the Elizabethan era (1558-1603), some time before the reign of King Charles from 1625 to 1649. Obviously if “Musgrave’s” name was altered to prevent embarrassment, the name of his family’s seat would be as well.  - This story tricked me, at age twelve, into thinking that trigonometry would be fun.
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hazbincalifornia · 1 year
How would the AU Blitzos react to each others lives?
(Note: By 'switch' I mean 'switch at the point of change', so if somebody wanted to switch with Arrangement it would be at like 12, not at their adult ages. Putting under cut because Long.)
Circus: He's shocked that the others knew Stolas as kids, both because of the age gap they have in that au and the fact that they didn't get in contact for over two decades after that day. Although he's very curious what things would have been like for him if they hadn't met when they did, he's overall pretty happy with how things worked out for him.
The others are... mixed. He would seem less independent to them since he only ever had the one 'real' relationship and got knocked up at 18, but if they meet when he's a bit older, he actually does work on his own and it's self-sustaining after getting some funds to start up his own circus, so he's not completely dependent on Stolas or anything. Also getting to (possibly? we'll see) keep Barbie, Fizz, and Mom... yeah. It's definitely mixed. (Especially if they find out about the captive thing.)
Arrangement: Mostly bafflement, and a weird mix of jealousy and appreciation about how things worked out for him. The idea of Stolas not being a real part of his life until they're way older so he got to live his own life- but it got fucked up several times- and he didn't have kids until he was in his thirties... yeah, although he wishes things could have been less messy in his teen years, he's happy with his lot too.
The others are really shocked about the idea of being essentially married to Stolas in all but name since they were like eleven and the idea of essentially being trained to be a babymaker, and Stellaluna seems stressed in a different way than in their worlds/is being pressed into a more 'princess-y' mold, so they'd probably pass on the chance to switch too. Circus and him would get along pretty well, and Arrangement asks Circus for sex tips since they're the ones closest in age and Circus fucked people before Stolas so he's got more experience.
Chained Mates: Finding out that the others conceived by consensual sex with normal if well-endowed dude was probably a rough revelation for the poor guy. The others can tell how much of a horrorshow his world was, at least at first, and offer some sympathy. I mentioned it before, but he probably gets along with the Mammon-based aus pretty well.
Nobody would want to be in his shoes, even if he's at the point where he accepted it and Stolas's curse has been broken. Would probably switch places with somebody if it was an option to rewind time.
Lust Ring: Not the slightest bit bitter that the others 'made it' in some way and he was literally purchased, no sir. Surprises the others that he has no idea who M+M and Loona are, but probably decides he'll find a way to find his Loona at least. Figures if he ends up in Stolas in a bunch of other universes this will probably work out.
Once again, the others probably wouldn't trade places with him, but he eventually decides he wouldn't have wanted to change anything anyway. Ends up a sort of father figure to Circus and Arrangement but also someone they'd have sex with to get hands-on tips for.
Fitzo Kid: Really surprised that so many of them have Stolas's kid first and nobody else had an oops baby with Fizz. Kind of jealous that so many didn't deal with years of unrest as parents since it made everything feel all the worse as opposed to dealing with it by 'himself' since he had Sunny to deal with and try to not fuck up.
His existence shocks everybody else at first, but thinking about it for a minute, gets an 'oooh yeah that makes sense that happened at least once' sort of reaction. They're all also very surprised he ends up, not only in a polyam relationship, but one that includes Ozzie. Nobody would switch with him, and he doesn't want to lose Sunny so he wouldn't either.
Mammon Kid/Breeder: Both would switch places with the others (Circus especially) in a heartbeat since shit's kiiiiiinda fucked with both of them. Everybody is jealous that they got to fuck Mammon for about .5 seconds before it becomes obvious why that was Not A Good Thing.
Doll: He's just like 'the fuck do you mean you all had a healthy relationship instead of codependent possessiveness?'. Rock paper scissors over if him or CM had it objectively worse when it comes to being fucked by a monster eight times your size that comes around pretty fast or being turned into essentially a living doll for years with no real autonomy, even if both of them love you with clingy desperation.**
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godshideouscreation · 2 years
What do you consider to be an inappropriate age gap between ADULT romantic partners?
I ask because I'm in my 40s and I just found out the college classmate I have been chatting with is at least 20 years younger than me (they're at least 20).
Even though legally there's nothing wrong with a 20-year-old dating a 40-year-old, I am just not a fan of age gap relationships myself. So I don't know that you're going to find the answer you're looking for with me.
There is always going to be something about the power dynamic. There's also going to be a certain amount of people in both of y'all's lives who are disapproving of a relationship with an age gap that big. I remember when my sister-in-law (who is the same age as me) announced that she was dating somebody 10 years older than her, I was probably the only one who really wasn't freaking out about it because I didn't think 10 years was that big of a deal, they are both adults. I tried to get to know this person before forming opinions about them. Even though they have a fair amount in common, when they had been together for about a year I started really noticing that the exchange of power had shifted. For somebody who I had always seen as being fiercely independent I started noticing that she constantly leaned on the approval or word of her partner constantly rather than relying on her own judgement. I can't say if it was this person specifically or the age gap specifically but I had seen how she acted with two or three boyfriends before that and really had never seen her that way before. I'm still not a super big fan of him or their relationship to this day. But because she's an adult, I respect her choices.
When I was 19 years old I went on a date with a co-worker who is 30 thinking that we had a lot in common and I really liked him. After that one single day I realized we pretty much had nothing in common other than a few pieces of media that we both enjoyed, and the fact that we both smoked weed. We were at entirely different spots in our life. He was wanting to get married and settle down to have kids and at 19 years old I didn't even think I wanted to get married. Like ever. Thankfully my coworker got the same vibes out of the day as I did and we agreed to just be friends at work and otherwise. Even though I may have been an adult legally, we were worlds apart.
Now do I think you have to date somebody exactly your own age? No, there's a 3-year gap between my partner and I now. I think life experience can be a big factor in this as well. If somebody with a little life experience starts dating somebody with a lot of life experience they might realize that they are worlds apart as well. But I do think large age gaps can be detrimental to the relationship. I'm now only a year and some change away from being as old as my co-worker was when they went on the date with me, I can't imagine anything on this earth that would make me want to go out with a 19-year-old and I mean it. I can only think that my coworker must have been blinded by my dazzling charm and good looks at the time. 😂 I don't know that I would partner myself with somebody even under the age of 25. I would not want to date someone who had been through a fraction of what I'd been through. Who only understood a fraction of the pain, loss, love, friendships, and joy I'd experienced. So I can't really tell you what's wrong or right for you but, I wouldn't do it personally because I wouldn't see someone that young as a potential romantic partner in the first place. I need something more than just good looks to go on. Because eventually all of our looks will fade. 🤷‍♀️
I'm almost certain somebody on Tumblr will be upset that I've said all this, if you are a legal adult in an age gap relationship, that's fine. I don't care. But I wouldn't do it myself and don't see what people get so excited about in it.
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builder051 · 2 years
Adverse Effects (ch.2 if you're a parking meter, what the fuck are "business hours?")
A Chasing Ghosts story
Previously, in ch1:
After a moment of frantic scanning, James’s eyes land on the party in question, and more specifically, on Tasha. Her hair piled up on top of her head, then shot through with blinding light–she may as well be a beacon of molten copper. “Yeah,” James confirms. "I see her." He doesn’t know how he could miss her. But then the Subaru turns off its lights and cuts its engine, and everything outside Steve’s car goes dark again.
Acquainted now with their surroundings, James sees Tasha and a number of others enter the club.
"Do you think Tasha and Maria are with that big guy?" James wonders aloud. He'd warned her about athletes. They don't deal, and they won't make deals, unless they're from a pro organization or the Olympic team. Anything else becomes a scandal. Unless you're Tasha, with the looks and the charm and lucky pennies. And the ability to recount the drunken details, heavy on code words and time lapses, to her... what exactly? Trusted adult? A role James is happy to keep filling to keep his sister safe. Hence the mission.
"I don't think so," Steve answers.
"Oh." James forces his mind back to the current conversation. "Do you know him?"
"Uh," Steve hesitates. He puts on his blinker for a moment as he peers down an intersecting alley and squints, looking, James supposes, for parking. "Jim might know his brother, I think?
James reaches across and turns off Steve's flasher. "You'll get your tires slashed if you go down that way."
"Why?" Steve merges back onto the main road.
"I just..." It's that section of neighborhood, the shitty part, built around the time the University District was established. Unlike the suburbs directly off campus, the houses here weren't renovated. Weren't large enough to rent out as flatshares. Owning one was probably a relief, a place to shelter the family. Definitely not someone's pride and joy. With no incentive to clean up, rusty fences separated the houses. People had dogs. Broken down cars. Kids who learned to work and had no concept of play. They'd figure out how to put screaming eagle pipes on an old, rattling moped. And when it was nighttime and they couldn't disturb the neighbors on their mothers' sharp orders, of course they'd find a loophole. Harass somebody else with a pen knife or some spray paint. Use the darkness as an advantage, and don't get caught. Then if the blame comes your way, it's easy enough to deflect. What? You think I did that? Naw, that was Roger. You should probably call his mom.
Luckily, James was a head taller and a shade quieter than that group of foster brothers when they were jammed into a similar establishment upstate. The younger ones took up a lot of attention, racing up and down the street, making a good diversion while James committed minor theft. Yes, he had to use a wrench to remove the tire from the bicycle before running like his life depended on it. Even though the bike in the neighbors' yard had been chained to the fence for something like half a year, and he'd only stolen it to fix his own flat, James remembers feeling a sense of something else behind the anxiety. Something thrilling. When James yanked the rusty nail out of his flat and started loosening the bolts to change his tire, he hoped he wouldn't get tetanus. Or maybe hoped he would. The straight line of healthy obedience was torture compared to what he'd just uncovered. Who knew stealing some stupid bike tire would unveil a whole world of...stuff. Independence. Opportunities. Danger. Things to tell Tasha. Things to warn Tasha.
When the streetlights came on and James chained up his bike out back, he was excited to meet Tasha at the door. She wasn't letting him in, though. They were just passing like ghosts in the wind.
James took in Tasha's short white dress and white Converse sneakers, which looked as if they'd been wiped down with bleach. "Where are you going?"
Tasha shrugged. Gestured vaguely up the street.
"You shouldn't steal shit at night," James warned, whispering between his teeth. "Everybody's dog is going to wake up."
"Why would I steal anything?" Tasha gave James an inquisitive look. "What're you hiding?"
James stood up straight and leaned against the door frame with one arm. He thought maybe it drew attention to the fact that he had the advantage in height, weight, and age. "I asked you first."
"Friend's house," Tasha said simply, though her expression fluctuated from neutral to worried and maybe fearful before taking on the exasperated pout that's clearly meant for James.
Without knowing if she has permission, or where exactly she intends to go, or what bloody fuck she can even have stashed in the miniature sparkly backpack dangling from one skinny elbow... James watches her go until she passes a bank of untrimmed bushes and is lost to the night.
"Is that street haunted?" Steve asks, unknowingly adding to the rising action of the horror movie beginning to unfold in James's head.
"Um." James clears his throat. Now. Come on. The block in his vision doesn't allow him to see far down the street, but he doesn't need to in order to make a judgement call. "If you call 12-year-olds with box cutters ghosts and goblins."
"Oh," Steve says, using the voice he puts on when he's trying not to be surprised by previously unknown differences in lifestyle. "Yeah, that wouldn't be good."
Traffic moves, and they pass the club where Tasha had entered with Maria and some bunch of unknowns. Street parking is packed with cars nose-to-tail, some more neatly than others, who have left a tire or two in the lane.
"I'm pretty sure there's more street parking on the side." James points one storefront ahead to the closed Italian restaurant, which makes up the corner of block."
"Yeah, I'll try that..." Steve glances over his shoulder, then out James's side mirror. "How do people even get here?"
"Maybe the hike around all the detours is sobering?" James puts out there.
"I don't know..."
Steve creeps up on the car in front and puts on his blinker. He's impatient, James knows.
"So... That one guy you saw in the line with Tash and Maria?" James pulls from the back of his mind. "You know him?"
"Well," Steve replies, "I don't know him, exactly, but Jim's sort of friends with his brother, so I, like, know who he is?"
"Ok." James will take it. "And he is...?"
"The-the guy?" It's finally Steve's turn to pause at the flashing red light, then take the turn around the side of the building. "Or the brother?"
James closes his eyes, but still sees, and for that matter, feels the red flash pulsating inside his corneas. "The--green shirt. That one."
"Oh. I don't know what his name is." Steve pauses after turning, taking in the entire empty parking lane.
James wishes he'd hurry up and pick one so he doesn't feel so assaulted by their randomly blinking time readers. Each flash from bright blue to dark grey may as well be another rock thrown at his head. A pebble. A boulder. Whichever size fate happens to pick up next.
"He's like, some kind of reserve linebacker?" Steve explains. "He's a senior and somehow thinks he's going to be a draft pick?" It's evident on his face that Steve's attempting to smooth over both his poor ability to parallel park and his lack of understanding the game of football.
Steve drives through the first couple of available spots before trying his best to see the muffler from inside the windshield. He wiggles the steering wheel to make the back tires move as well, then turns off the engine. "The brother works at the gym. You know, like at the desk? To swipe cards and stuff? And he's great. None of the treadmills squeak anymore. And it doesn't smell like WD-40. So much nicer to jog a mile or two without breathing in that motor oil stuff..."
James gets out of the car. He steps directly onto the curb, then uses the top of the door for stability before he's acquainted with being taller than the car. Balance. Perception. Fucking head injuries.
Steve jumps out, locks the car, and hustles to James's side. His arms are arranged at 90 degree bends, elbows at his waist and fists out in front as if they are, just now, going to take on one of those non-squeaky treadmills. "Ready?"
James might laugh. Or maybe cover his face with his palm and groan. He isn't going to endure a pep rally, no matter how gentle or authentic Steve makes it. An A for effort, but... James's head gives an especially sickening throb, and he doesn't want Steve to see him distorting his face as he scrapes backwashed coke off his tongue.
"You had to have that parking meter?" James asks, pointing at it and turning around once the wave of nausea has passed. The thing is bent, almost in half, with its head pointing diagonally skyward. The sidewalk has cracked at the meter's base, and the bright yellow 'error' message flashing on the screen reflects in even beats against the pavement.
"Well..." Steve shrugs. "The whole street is under that sign." He points. "'Business Hours Only.'"
"Business hours only..." James muses. "I'm pretty sure we're going to a business. During its operating hours."
"But--" Steve sputters. "Isn't that like 9 to 5 or something?"
"Only if you're a bank, a civilian contractor, or Dolly Parton," James says with a laugh. "Seriously, though. You're going to get towed."
Steve puffs up his chest. "Police don't patrol down here. You said so."
"Yeah, that's true." James is willing to go over it again. " They come when they're called."
"To put the bad guy in handcuffs and take him to the station so we can drive your sister home, yeah, I know..."
"No," James corrects. "The police come when they're called, and they clean up all the illegal activity in the area."
"But..." Steve's expression is stuck somewhere between bewildered and guilty. "I didn't break it. I didn't make damage to have free parking."
"Jesus fuck..." James blinks hard, then opens his eyes and pretends he can see all of Steve's face. "Ok. When you feed a meter, it counts it. Like the person in the lawn chair when you go vote? With the clicker?"
"Like, how many?"
"More like... proof you were there, and proof you didn't break the law."
"Break the law--?"
"Hold on," James takes a breath, hoping Steve will too. "Feed the meter, and your car is allowed to be there. Don't feed the meter, and the police are allowed to ticket you. Or boot you. Or tow you..."
"But you can't feed that meter," Steve points out, as if it isn't obvious. "It doesn't work. I couldn't feed it if I tried."
"No..." James changes his angle. He shades his eyes, though all that does is block out the pale moonlight, and scans the edge of roof. A black strip tops the outer wall of the Italian Restaurant. It gives the illusion of a cap atop the paintings of tomatoes and sliced loaves of bread, and giving way to a shadowy roof of pipes and air conditioning covers.
It takes James about three seconds to spot the camera. "Right there," he says. Then he grins and waves at it.
"Huh?" Steve looks at James as though he's lost his mind.
"Say 'hi' to the camera," James explains. "It's right there. See the bottle of olive oil? Straight up from the rim. It's black. See?"
Steve's eyes go wide. He waves awkwardly. "Is that, like, security?" he asks.
"It's a resource that could possibly be used if, say, a grey camry drove through three open metered spots to park purposefully by a broken meter." James shrugs. "If there was a question of whether the cop booting your car was acting appropriately. Or within the bounds of the law, at least."
James forces his face to stay still as he watches Steve's face turn red. Or maybe silvery green and gold, if he chooses to watch the aura instead of filling in the blanks with known reality.
"Um." Steve's voice comes out slow and unsure. Maybe a note higher than usual. "How, uh, long are we going to be inside?"
"No idea," James says. "I thought the plan was to watch and wing it."
"Do you think you could do a citizen's arrest while I pull the car around front?" Steve asks, suddenly bubbly with what can only be false hope. "Then we can take Tasha and run a lot faster."
James shrugs. A fast getaway could be nice. But James really doesn't feel like beating anyone up right now. Not tonight. He supposes he could do some bungled shouting about being a disabled veteran and sit on someone with his metal arm on full display.
But honestly, once safety was established, James was ready to let Tasha keep whatever goods she'd picked up. As long as she gave him a serving and agreed to wait to dose up until they got home so Steve could serve as a sitter.
Highs could do wonders on migraines. They'd mask the pain and the aura as some kind of dreamland, the blueprints for which haven't yet drifted down to earth. The oppressive rushing of his hearing aids as they attempt to amplify ambient noise would disappear, then be replaced by the quiet taps of Steve's fingers against his phone. The weight of Steve beside him would steady the bed and put the vertigo back in its place. When the nausea turned to vomiting, as it always did, Steve held the trash bin so James didn't have to lift his head from the pillow. He would just slide forward a couple of inches, grateful for his boyfriend and the random fresh-scented cleaning wipe at the bottom of the bin, and the chemists who formulated hallucinogens to begin with, for they must've somehow known the need for an opposite to nightmares.
It's little wonder Tasha uses so much. And very understandable why Steve doesn't.
"So." Steve takes a breath, glances one last time at his illegally parked car, and sets his eyes on James's. "We're doing this thing?"
Perfectly energetic and ready to work. Steve's normal resting pace isn't even resting. And not because he's ADHD, not because he's a micromanager who wants to do it all himself. It's the way he chooses to be. It's how he channels the flows and flexes and conductions and rhythms of heartbeat and hands cutting through water at the pool, behind the spitting washing machine, in James's mouth the time he'd choked on an ice cube...
Whether or not they make it home from school in time to watch the news and make fun of the weatherman with the tie that keeps turning into the radar picture and back again--It doesn't matter so much. It's fun. It's a distraction. Sometimes cuddly. Sometimes they poke each other and rasle around like two overgrown highschoolers. Sometimes they make eyes before the TV even warms up and proceed down the hall. That kind of love is, well, love, Surely.
But this, just now. This wide-eyed young man who is clearly choosing to risk a parking violation to help James take care of his little sister. This Steve, who still glows with innocence, not because he's dumb, but because he chooses to fight for the side of good. So what if he doesn't take James out to romantic dinners--and when the hell would they even have time for that? James is fully aware of the headache raking its uneven fingernails over the surface of his brain, catching in the ridges and painfully loosening knots of lucid thought.
"James?" Steve doesn't look back to the car this time. "Should we go?"
"Yes." James shoves his metal hand in his pocket and lets Steve have the other. "On with the mission."
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katelynntheyogi · 4 months
Tumblr media
Oh babygirl,
First off, do you shit with that ass?
Anyways, LMFAO.
Please read this when you need some kind words. I’m going to talk to you the way I would talk to Sara. So like. Do with that what you will.
You feel like a loser. A grade A piece of shit. You aren’t. You are doing okay. So what if you can’t carry in a FULL ASS couch BY YOURSELF. That does not make you less of a woman. Or less independent. Or less strong. You are fucking strong. You broke off your engagement 3 MONTHS ago. Not 3 years. ( and not that time defines where you need to be, but its fresh) You are literally on your own and navigating life just fine. Is it messy? Fuck yes. Does that make you less of a person? Absolutely not! Why do you keep holding yourself to the standards that you know are not achievable but you’re so determined to maintain? You are doing OK you are OK you’re taking good care of your animals, you still have a social life you still find some thing every single day to be thankful for, just let yourself breathe. Who cares if that guy ghosted you? He was probably a piece of shit then. if he ghosted you now why do you want him to stay in your life later? How many people have to tell you that you’re doing a good job before you just fucking listen to them? How many times do people have to tell you to give yourself a break before you finally do? You are running your self into the ground and for what? You literally had people last night tell you they would pay for somebody to mow your lawn just to give yourself a fucking break. You don’t find people like that; those are the people that you want to hold onto. Not these assholes that come into your life make you feel pretty for a week and then leave. Who gives a fuck about those guys? I’ll tell you who- NOT YOU. Leave those idiots for the rest of the women in this world who don’t think that they’re good enough for whatever reason because they’re not where you’re at. You have your own house. You have your own job you have your own animals that you take care of all by yourself and do a damn good job at. You get a wake up every single morning and drink coffee or tea on your back porch and listen to the birds and watch the sun come up. you did this. You made this life for yourself and it did not come easy so then why are you gonna let some mediocre white man come into it and try to fuck it up? Katelynn, you are better than this. You are more than a nice set of tits and ass if somebody doesn’t see that the first time they even talk to you; then we don’t give a fuck about them. I don’t care if he drives the biggest fucking truck in the county or has the nicest tattoos or the nicest truck; we do not give a fuck about them. Stop comparing what you have to what other people have because they are not you. They are not living this life with you. You’re trying to hard to be perfect at everything and you’re sucking at all of it. So, stop trying so fucking hard.
You are a beautiful soul. If a man doesn’t know this then he’s not the man for you.
So stop being fucking ridiculous and ask for help. Call fucking Nancy. She will always pick up, well maybe not, but you have people that love you and will help you so stop trying to do this all by yourself. Just because your dad told you that you have to be able to do these things does not mean that he was even able to do these things.
Your dad was not able to do all of these things that he put onto you. That’s why he put them onto you.
Yanno did you ever stop to think about maybe you’re stronger than you ever give yourself credit for?
Stronger than your mom and dad?
Fuck babygirl, you made it. 
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We're going at it with them here and it's a war was still mention some stuff. Our son's brother found in Sears and he did it from all these different catalogs and people would send in orders too local trading Post and come pick it up once a week and they're logging guys hunters and trappers fisherman on the coast all over the world just had your job so I decided to like try and condense it and it worked right away. Back in the day they had to order all the stuff like that but these days local stores had it they just didn't have local store stuff to this day the Sears catalog sells most of the sales they get. We own 90% of the company Louise Cyr founded it. You found it with his dad his father Arnie and that's our son's dad and yeah the whole world knows about it and you people won't let him have anything and he's started out trapped by you guys.
So we're going to make this elixir and somebody put back and let people know Zephyrhills cuz calcium so a lot of you are poisoned with this Prilosec keeps you from growing. It's time to ask who dtommy f. Is riding around the van trying to be friends with our son. And he's not being nice have you heard something and you felt guilty kind of nose is wrong but I don't think people are going to try. He went inside and wept. There's a way to solve this we'll find it this is one way to do things. Now I see people trying to imitate him in the future and we see them trying to find out if he has money and it looks like he has none what they start to feel is dread there's always ideas nobody pays anything it's very pissed off and family is pushed out of society and can kick ass so they put one and one together and start hounding him this will kick it into overdrive and we definitely need that few people are so stupid and so cheap you need to leave and it's going to push most you out of here where's the max will probably just buy the elixir. I like doing stupid things too but it's not as harmful cuz you never really figures it out and doesn't get screamed in his face 24 hours a day so this is on and it's going on now and yeah tell me, f Tommy f was talking on his butt a little bit and he's just regurgitating some words so some of it was okay but he's not really talking about the same thing and he doesn't know he's talking about and people figured it out trying to say he said it because he said it really is just getting himself in trouble so now the matrix makes sense Chicago bully will you do things but someone else's tech. It's summer Max but mostly it's ghwb Dave and Bernie and the whole game really so I'm going to see how it goes it is a huge idea and it kind of came to him today remember the picture of this brother and he remembers did he is a handsome fella and a big fellow all the key is just a lot bigger and I thought of this why not put a sun on there and we'll see who's blocking the money does most people wanted to it's going to make a lot of sense because of the particular specialty of these people so we're moving on now but we do get my idea yeah it's going to be great I can't wait I can't wait to those bottles hit the street in Rhode Island
Thor Freya
Me neither this is going to be a lot of fun and we got to get to it and it's got to be done and we have several versions of it that we're testing out and you have to do testing it's required by the government and you have to have a facility and you have to show them where and we're doing all that and they're amazed it's a real factory it's real people it's a really elixir and it's just a drink that has minerals in it and they test it and that are independent laboratory and it's coming out clean and does a lot of people trying to find it to block it because they're crazy it's really they are crazy and they're all getting fired here I've got new numbers will come out in a minute
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f1 · 2 years
Jordan reveals deal he did with Faldo to make Schumachers F1 test debut happen | F1 history
Former Formula 1 team principal Eddie Jordan has revealed he had to pull strings with golfing star Nick Faldo in order to ensure Michael Schumacher could take part in the test which led to his grand prix debut. Jordan found himself in need of a replacement for Bertrand Gachot at the 1991 Belgian Grand Prix at short notice after his regular driver was imprisoned over an altercation involving a taxi driver. He chose to test Schumacher, who at the time was driving for Mercedes in the World Sportscar Championship. However Jordan’s hopes of testing the 22-year-old in one of his cars at the Silverstone circuit next to the team’s factory were initially dashed. “I desperately needed to test a car at Silverstone because we needed to run a driver who had never run in Formula 1 before,” Jordan told the Formula For Success podcast. “But I couldn’t get on to Silverstone because it had been booked by somebody.” The circuit staff wouldn’t reveal who had booked the circuit. “So I jumped in my car, drove over to Silverstone to find none other than six-times major winner Nick Faldo in his 956 Porsche, which he couldn’t insure for the road, so he had hired the track for the day.” Jordan and Faldo agreed to share the track. “I said to him ‘Nick I think we might have to come to some sort of a compromise here and a little bit of a deal. “What if you would do me a massive, massive favour, when you’re not running the car could we run and when we’re not running you could run?’ And after a little bit of argy-bargy he struck a deal with me.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Faldo drove the Jordan 191 Schumacher tested, though he faced the inevitable challenges of fitting his 1.93-metre frame into the cockpit. Feature: “He was on it from the word go” – Schumacher’s debut remembered “Nick, when he tried to get in the car, couldn’t – as you could expect, because these cars are tiny things – so we had to squeeze him in sideways. The only problem was we couldn’t actually get the steering wheel on and that was a major job. If anything had happened I would have been up for manslaughter as this was suicidal, it should never have happened. “But he wanted to drive the car at all costs. And he did drive the car. He would probably tell us how well he drove it, but we know different. But anyway, that’s Nick, he’s an absolute champion.” Schumacher made his grand prix debut for Jordan in the following race at Spa-Francorchamps, then was lured away by rivals Benetton and within three years had won his first of seven world championships driving for them. Faldo only learned the significance of his deal with Jordan at Silverstone several years after that. “About 10 years later he rang me up,” Jordan recalled, “he said ‘Look EJ, I just need to clear up something? Could you tell me, was the person that was in that car of yours that day, somebody’s told me that was Michael Schumacher’s first ever time in a Formula 1 car.” And that is a true story. “It was Michael Schumacher’s first time in an F1 car, Nick Faldo gave him the laps on the track, we gave Nick the car to drive around. Everyone went home happy, and in particular Nick Faldo. He now tells everybody because he’s gloating on the fact that he actually tested the same car as the great Michael Schumacher.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free F1 history Browse all history articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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slasherhaven · 3 years
✨Hi✨Can you write a headcanon for slashers' toxic treats in a relationship? (It may their insecurities, being too jealous/overprotective ect..) thank you so much and i love your blog 💖🦄
You mean other than the murder and sadism???? Sure! 😂 (Not all of these are ‘toxic traits’, some are just problems that you might have in the relationship. Not including the whole murder thing...)
The Slashers and their toxic traits:
Thomas Hewitt 
His insecurities. He beats himself up so much about everything and it occasionally gets in the way of your relationship. For the most part you are able to reassure him and he comes around, missing being with you. However, he can start to hide down on the basement and start avoiding you, causing a divide between you both. He’ll comes around or you will march down there and confront him, lovingly, and he’ll feel better for a while. It’s a slow process building Tommy’s self worth but you’re a huge help!
His family? I mean...we all know Hoyt isn’t exactly friendly. Once you’re a part of the family, he expects you to have some sort of part in their chores. He also has a habit of teasing you and Thomas, and not in a very playful way, normally worsening Thomas’ insecurities. Luda May isn’t completely innocent either, though. She does love you but is pretty tough in the early stages of your relationship, like she doesn’t trust you. Once you’re officially a member of the family, she eases up on you though. 
Michael Myers 
Can be very cold. This shouldn’t be surprising. He’s a very stoic, cold man who is mostly unaffectionate. It takes so long to start building physical affection with him that most people would just give up before they get there. Of course, it’s worth it for when he finally starts to open up to it, but it can be draining on you.
Likes to get his way. He’s stubborn and independent. The thought of having somebody rely on him or to rely on somebody else makes him very uncomfortable, he isn’t used to it at all. And yet, here you both are. So, he doesn’t ask before doing most things, he just kind of...does. He doesn’t understand why you explain that you would like for him to mention it in the future. An example of this is just leaving the house without telling you, leaving you looking for him before realising he left for the night. He’ll gradually come around to improving on it, starting small, but that means a whole lot coming from Michael.
Jason Voorhees 
His insecurities. Jason doesn’t pull away from you because of it but the more understanding and patient you are, the better it will be. It takes a long time for him to remove the mask and, naturally, that can cause some tension. He’s too worried about scaring you away while you’re worrying that he doesn’t trust you as much as he claims too. This is something that can be dealt with eventually. Once he’s removed the mask and you make him feel loved, this issue slowly fades away.
Isolation? It’s not really his fault. He lives out in a cabin in the middle of the woods near an old run down summer camp and now you live with him. He’s not purposely keeping you away from other people but it’s something that can’t be helped. Of course he’s not going to stop you from taking trips to visit family or friends even if he would miss you, it’s just now always very easy to do so.
Brahms Heelshire 
Selfish. Brahms has a major case of only child syndrome. He can’t accept ‘no’ as an answer, he demands everything he wants, he only really things about himself, mostly because that’s what he’s used too. Thank his parents. Deep down, he really is a sweetheart but you have to chisel away all that nastiness. It’s hard work and you play more of a caretaker role before a romantic partner.
Get’s extremely jealous. He hates the grocery boy’s guts with a vengeance, all because he flirted with you that one time. But he gets jealous over stupid things as well, just when he decides that you aren’t giving him enough attention, which he wants a lot of.
Uses guilt trips. This one you need to stop as soon as possible. It’s how he got his way with his parents, and now he will try to use it against you. As you try to reign in his selfishness, you have to for the same for his guilt trips.
Bo Sinclair
Can’t take responsibility. It takes so much to get him to sincerely apologise. He really needs to see that he’s done something wrong and has really upset you in order to actually apologise. Otherwise he’ll just brush it off and move on, refusing to admit that he did anything wrong.
Manipulative. It’s almost like being manipulative is Bo’s second nature. He does it all the time with people who come into the town but he doesn’t really mean to do it to you. But when he wants something or he’s irritated, he just slips up and it happens. Big fan of saying things like “you’re overreacting”.
Vincent Sinclair 
His insecurities. Vincent can become very withdrawn from you due to his own insecurities. It can really get in the way of your relationship. Of course you’re understanding and compassionate but it does start to wear you down, making you a little irritated. You never let on to those feelings though, always trying to comfort him. Vincent will come around eventually after some reassurance but it can be a tough time.
His relationship with Bo. This is probably a bigger problem than his insecurities. Bo has a lot of power over Vincent and you don’t like it at all, even if you have developed a fondness for the other twin as well. Most of the times it isn’t a problem but when Bo is in a bad mood, he mostly takes it out on Vincent. It can feel like Vincent puts Bo above you, even when Bo is being awful. You understand it, you really do. Bo is the toxic one, not Vincent. But that doesn’t always make things easier.
Lester Sinclair
His relationship with his brothers. Lester isn’t a very toxic person but any relationship with somebody who has a life like his could become a little toxic. You are incredibly important to him but...so are his brothers. It’s highly unlikely that he would leave Ambrose to live a more honest life, or at least try to. He’s more likely to do so than either of the twins but it’s still very unlikely to happen. Sometimes it can make you question his priorities, but he really really does love you more than anything.
Bubba Sawyer
His family. His family is extremely toxic, this shouldn’t be much of a shock. Bubba is probably the least toxic out of all of them, this man just wants to love somebody and be loved in return. By family, I mostly mean Drayton.
Isolation. Like with Jason, this isn’t really his fault but it’s something to consider. If you have family or friends, you likely won’t be able to see them much at all. You could still call and message but you live with the Sawyers now that Drayton doesn’t like the idea of you coming and going. This probably links back to the toxic family dynamics.
Billy Lenz
Jealous/possessive. He’s pretty much a shut in, he doesn’t like leaving the house even though he probably could. He doesn’t have a problem with you having friends but gets a little pouty if you go out with them for a long time, and when you get back home, he is extra clingy. He won’t stop you but you’re well aware that he would rather you just stay with him. He probably feels more lonely than anything.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Manipulative. Asa knows what he wants and when he wants something, he will get it. He does genuinely try to not purposely manipulate you since he cares about you. However, manipulation usually comes so easily to him that he might not even realise he’s doing it.
His need for control. Asa likes being in control and he loves when you’re submissive to him. This means that he can find it a little difficult to give up some control in the relationship or around the house. It can be infuriating but can be adjusted slowly but it’s not going to be easy.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) 
Overprotective/possessive. As soon as another man is talking to you, he will be right by your side, his intimidating figure usually being enough to scare them off. If he had it his way, he’d have you with him at all time, only for him to touch or even look at. However, he won’t resort to that unless it’s something you want...still, it’s obvious and it can become overbearing if nothing else.
Depending on your feelings towards his ‘job’, he can be gone for long periods of times. Unless you are completely okay with what he does and go on the ‘business’ trips with him, you are going to be left home alone for long periods of time. Of course, you might be completely okay with that and if that’s the case, there’s no problem. If you need him around some more...well, you might start to feel a little lonely. He always makes it up to you when he gets home though!
Otis Driftwood 
Very focused on himself. He’s just used to only thinking about himself, ever since he was a kid. Of course he does genuinely care about the family and about you (and he doesn’t express that to you better than he does the family) but he’s nowhere near perfect with it. He also has a tendency of pulling away from you when this gets bad. When he realises that it’s bothered you, he doesn’t really apologise either, but he’ll still offer you some comfort.
Anger issues. This man has a temper. He would never turn you but oh boy is it hard work. Most of the time it’s just ranting and shouting about whatever pissed him off. While it doesn’t turn physical or is ever directed at you, it can be a little draining.
Baby Firefly 
Doesn’t take much seriously. Baby tends to treat everything like a joke or just doesn’t realise how serious the situation is to you. It’s not an constant thing, if you’re upset, she’ll notice and take it seriously as she comforts you. But she still sometimes brushes off your concerns (as well as everyone else’s) because she’s practically bouncing with energy.
Yautja (Predator) 
He. Is. An. Alien. I wouldn’t really call this a toxic trait but it definitely causes some complications. The traditions of his race can be...startling. You find far too many skulls in your home when you start courting. You are also likely the thing to introduce him to monogamy, but he adapts to that very fast because you’re so precious to him.
Pretty possessive. He isn’t the jealous type, just very possessive. You are his mate, his little human, and he wants everyone (especially other Yautjas) to know that. At times it might become a little suffocating.
(Look...I’m bias here okay!)
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RE: the tags about being tempted to post a half finished fic and guess the ending, well you are a reckless writer for a reason
this is long overdue, so here have a fic.
It has come to the point that nothing fazes her anymore.
A kidnapping? Been there, done that. It means calling Sam Arias to intimidate the board of members into temporary submission.
An explosion at the office? Just a typical Tuesday. It means relocating to the 23rd floor and sharing the desk with two other interns for 2 months tops.
An assassination attempt? It means bracing herself for at least 3 deliveries of donuts and coffee for the two following weeks that Kara Danvers would be protectively hovering over L-Corp, until her boss snaps and shoos her away back to CatCo.
She’s seen it all, endured it all and she sure as hell is prepared for it all. She’s got three different ironclad statements ready to publish for whatever PR disaster will most likely turn up that week. She’s got contacts from the FBI, DEO, CatCo, Daily Planet, Gotham Gazette-- hell she even has Lillian’s personal cell (just in case the Luthor matriarch ever tries anything y’know? ) and yes, even the number of that 'Mexican place at 5th and Spring, you know the one Kara likes, Jess?'
She’s got two pairs of heels, a raincoat and four sets of outfits neatly folded in a duffel bag, at the back of the office, reserved for any emergency that requires a change of clothes.
The point is, she is an independent Asian-American woman who has worked her ass off for the better part of the decade and has long learned to take no shit from anybody.
Not even stupid superpowered Kryptonians.
See, it takes a lot to be her. It takes unlimited patience to put up with a woman like Lena Luthor, not because she’s a terrible person. Oh no, no, the complete opposite, actually. She is so overwhelmingly kind to a fault, and she doesn’t want nor let anybody see it. It’s infuriating to see sometimes. Okay, fine, she sides with the Krytonian on that one matter. But oh, ho, ho, not today. Today, she’s mad.
She’s livid, actually and it’s all Supergirl’s fault. (and Lena Luthor's too.)
Jess has had her fair share of ‘I-Should-Not-Have-Been-Here’ moments, like that one time she forgot to knock and stumbled unto Lex mid-yell with Lena whose eyes were shimmering but was still keeping a rigid posture.
Or that one time when she thought her boss had long left the office, only to be greeted with quiet sobs and an empty bottle of scotch rolling on the floor. Or that time she happened upon Lena, skirt and sleeves on fire with fumes rising from a green solution.
Apparently, her staff from the lab refused to let her in after three days of their CEO holding herself in isolation with the experiment. Lena had gotten the great idea of smuggling the chemicals to her office instead. Luthors are nothing but determined. Jess still remembers the adrenaline rush of holding a fire extinguisher—as if she were the chosen 5th grader for a school fire drill—and shoving her boss out of the way.
Like she said, nothing fazes her anymore she’s seen it all, except maybe, this one. Yep, definitely this one. This one just made a hot ball of fury unfurl at her very core. This one might just take the cake.
Jess was just going about her day, returned from a hearty lunch and feeling reinvigorated from that dose of sunlight and fresh air. It was a quiet day today, she noticed, which should’ve been a foretelling.
Nothing really is ever quiet. Well, when it comes to L-Corp, at least.
She’s been sitting on her desk for about a good fifteen minutes and finished with screening a few papers from their new contractors, when it occurs to her that the latest blueprints from R&D are still on her desk instead of already being reviewed by her boss.
She grabs the drawing tube and quickly makes for her boss’s private office. They’ve spent enough time with each other that Jess could just come and go as she pleases, instead of having to knock each time. Saves both of their time, that way.
Although, usually, she buzzes through the intercom first to double check, but it was 1:20 P.M and she knows Lena doesn’t have anything scheduled after lunch. So, she pushes the door, confidently strolls in and promptly stops in her tracks.
Jess stops breathing for a moment, blinks once, twice, stares at the scene before her.
Lena Luthor sat atop her work desk; blouse open, eyes closed, cheeks flushed, neck currently being ravaged by Supergirl with legs wrapped around the waist.
She probably should’ve just turned and left while they haven’t seen her yet. That would’ve been the smart decision, right? Yes. Yes, it was so very clearly The Right Decision.
Of course, she doubts she could look Lena in the eye for the next few weeks after that, but at least she wouldn’t know that Jess walked in on them during an er- make-out session? Office tryst? Oh God, she shudders internally. It sounds even worse.
Incident? Yep. Yeah. She’s sticking with incident. Indecent incident sounds more apt really.
She should’ve left. Would have left, if her eyes didn’t just land on the desk—well, more like Miss Luthor’s as- backside—and felt the stirrings of rage make itself known. Because there, underneath Lena’s ass (Backside!! Jess, that’s your boss!) is the squished—probably crumpled—pages of a contract.
A contract they’ve spent 5 months securing!!
Jess decides to do what everyone else would have done in a situation such as this; she clears her throat. Loudly.
Classic move.
Supergirl’s head immediately shoots up and Lena’s eyes snap open.
“Jess!” Supergirl squeaks and she sees the exact moment the realization hits Lena. Her eyes widening at her girlfriend’s exclamation, whips her head to the side, spots Jess, hands scrambling to a panic to close all the buttons of her blouse.
She hears Lena hiss, “Fuck, shit. Oh my God. Shit. How did she even- You have superhearing!!!” as she pushes Supergirl—who lets herself be pushed, stunned by the intrusion, face redder than a tomato.
Lena gets off the desk, fixes herself all the while to futile results. Her hair is tugged down from her usual ponytail, her neck and chest is marked, her lips swollen.
Supergirl's hands twitch at the sides and Jess sees her gulp as blue eyes frantically dart to Lena and her, and then Lena, and then back to her.
Lena finally turns around after those few awkward beats.
"Jess," she begins, clearly trying hard to put on her business bitch persona, but come on, there's a hickey under her jaw for fuck's sake.
"It's not what you-"
Jess doesn’t let her finish, she stomps her way across the office and forcefully puts the drawing tube on the desk. It makes a hollow thump.
“Jess I-”
“Supergirl, do you know how long it takes to finalize a business proposal, pitch it to the board, persuade the board and finally have a contract drawn?”
Supergirl gulps again. Lena’s eyes are wild next to her, she doesn’t like not knowing what the next best move is, Jess knows this all too well.
“Uhhh- no?”
Jesus Christ, you’d think after years of shadowing Cat Grant, she'd had at least learned a thing or two. Then again, if somebody is full on glaring at her after getting caught red-handed, Jess doubts she could answer coherently too.
“That’s right,” Jess says, “You don’t.”
“Jess,” Lena repeats pointedly. She knows that tone. It’s a warning.
“Ms. Luthor.”
A period not a question mark. It’s a challenge.
"I've spent all my evenings working late on that, do you know how many dates I've had to cancel? Just so I can secure a meeting with Qatar and simultaneously sync it with Beijing's time? My boyfriend hasn't seen me in two weeks!” Jess bursts out.
“Two weeks, Supergirl!” She gets close enough to jab a finger to the Girl of Steel’s chest. A feat she will gladly tell all her coworkers later when she’s calmed down enough.
“Not to mention, the 10 other people who worked their ass off trying to make sure that Miss Luthor's presentation is airtight, bulletproof and waterproof!” Lena has the decency to look a little guilty at this point, nothing big though, just a slight tug at her lips, but it was enough for Jess.
Supegirl of all people should already know this! For fuck’s sake!
Jess’s chest is heaving. She takes a deep breath, kneads her knuckles to her eyelids, “So, please if you're gonna have sex in the office, please, pleaseeeee clear the desk first. And at least, lock the door.”
She stares them both down, till Lena gives her a solemn nod; cheeks and ears still red. Supergirl squeaks out an, “U-understood, Ma’am.”
“Good. Glad we’ve come to an agreement.” Jess gives them one final nod before finally fulfilling what she came in here to do, “Miss Luthor,” She turns to Lena, “here are the R&D blueprints. Good day, to you Supergirl. I'll be going now. "
When she finally goes home, tells her boyfriend, and wonders aloud if she’ll still have a job the next morning, he tells her she’s such a badass.
And well, Jess can’t disagree with that.
"Did I just- Did I just get yelled at by your secretary?? D-did she just chew us out?"
"She did, and she deserves a raise."
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pandancakes · 3 years
Your headcanons make me feel shrimp emotions, could you please drop your hc's for how Risotto acts around somebody he's interested in? 👀🖤🖤🖤 (Thank you)
no, thank you shrimp anon for this beautiful prompt
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Risotto won't even realize his feelings at first, he really just assumes he likes your company alot. He's like having a huge tree follow you, it's silent but you can just tell it's there because seriously it's a massive tall blob. He awkwardly shuffles around corners just enough so you're in his view when you're in the next room, please help this socially awkward giant of a man. Sometimes when he actually feels comfortable enough to approach you, he'll sit in the nearest seat to you even if the entire couch is empty. It's strange but he thinks being around you may absorb your positivity into him like a magnet or something, it does boost his mood so he considers it to work.
Is talking to the rest of the team about how he feels about your currently platonic relationship, the more he describes it everyone is just kind of like, "bro,, you like them." Risotto just completely stops there and leaves the room silently. Not because he's upset at them or anything, but he actually needs to take a moment to figure out his own feelings. Goes to his room and blanks out for a minute, him in love? Who would've thought. The next morning he decides to start subtlety pursuing you romantically, though you'd have to be a detective to figure out that he had any feelings behind his actions.
Starts bringing you little snacks and preparing meals for you throughout the day, he's made it very clear if anyone touches your food, he will personally make them choke on nails. Loves to leave you little gifts and trinkets with a note in your room when you're away. Did you lose something? Wow how strange he just happened to buy a brand new thing of exactly what you needed. Though if you lost an article of clothing like a shirt, dare I say underwear, it's probably in his possession now, let it go my friend. Tries to take on alot of your workload to give you an easier time if you're feeling particularly stressed about something, 50% of missions you do complete are partnered with him recently.
Eventually decided to call you into his office to speak with you about "an important matter" late in the evening one day during your free-times. He really really wanted you to catch on to his "hints" independently, but honestly nobody would be able to tell. Stares at you silently in the dim lit room for atleast a minute, it feels more like a day with his intimidating gaze though. Finally says something about this being highly unprofessional, but he can't help how he feels about you romantically. Super blunt, he needs social help desperately, please just tell him you like him too. After that he will pick you up like a sack of potatoes easily and takes you to his room to sleep.
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im tired n hungry so this is probably really bad and im sorry, hope you could enjoy some of it anyways <3
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