#but i'm often in pain and idk when that's gonna be and i might get behind
powerfulkicks · 4 months
so many tips for budgeting/being frugal are just twice as hard when you have a disability
"meal plan!" idk if i'll be feeling well enough to cook every day so it's hard to plan for what to eat
"cook in advance!" i can't cook meals for a whole week at once and plus i can't count on that because again idk if ill feel okay to cook at the same time every week
"use cloth napkins and towels!" those need to be washed and folded, i already have trouble doing my laundry
"delivery is expensive, always shop in person!" going to the grocery store can wipe me out for the day.
"base your food shopping on whats on sale that week!" one, allergies are a thing and some people don't have that luxury, two, that's a lot that you have to prep for and that takes energy.
"DIY!" takes time and energy. maybe i could do it by myself but would it be worth all the time i need to take to recover?
i mean none of these are bad ideas or trying to exclude people. most of it is cutting out conveniences. but for disabled people, something that's a convenience for someone can be a necessity to others
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hiddenzev · 1 month
Second Confession: Part 1
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Chapter Summary: Already having a crush on Joel for a year now, she was asked to be his patrol partner.
Chapter Warnings - Angst, One-sided love, Unrequited Love, Idiots in Love, a hint of fluff
WC: 1.6k
series masterlist . AO3
A/N: This is my first time committing to write a complete series of a fic. Also my first time posting it on tumblr so i'm still navigating and figuring things out. I love reading unrequited love with a happy ending stories so this has been living in my head rent free for awhile. I speak broken English most of the time (singlish iykyk) so there might be errors in my writing here and there, sorry bout that. Idk if anyone is gonna read this but if you do, i hope you enjoy it. This is prolly gonna be a 5 part series so the next few chapters will be longer than this.
Knock, Knock, Knock
You finish up washing your hands in the sink before shouting over your shoulders, “Coming!”
You dried your hands before making your way to the front door. You quickly put on your coat before opening the door and finding Tommy leaning against your porch with his hands in his front pockets.
“Good morning!” he say with a smile, “Ready to go?” he asks, turning his body to gesture them to walk out front. You nod your head and turn to lock your door. Both of you walk out and make your way to the cafeteria for breakfast as usual.
The cafeteria is filled with people in the morning. After getting your food, both of you made your way to the table in the corner with Maria, Ellie and Joel already seated eating their food. As you get closer, Tommy went to Maria’s side and bent down to kiss her on the cheek before sitting beside her. You sit down beside Ellie and gave your greetings to the group.
“Good morning,” you greet them.
“Morning.” Ellie greeted back with mouthful of food still in her mouth.
You get a nod from Maria as she looks up at you while eating her food. Maria has been nice to you from the moment you got to Jackson. Even though she can be strict and tough at times, that is what makes you admire her. You, on the other hand, are reserved and laid back. You are not a leader but more of a follower. That’s why you respect her a lot because of what she’s doing for the community.
It’s been 3 years since you arrived in Jackson, tattered with the remnants of the past and  the pain within you. It was difficult to adjust to the community at first but the couple currently sitting in front of you embraced you into the community with open arms without any judgement. They taught you everything that you need to know about Jackson and since then, you have been living here without much difficulties.
Unlike Maria, Joel does not even acknowledge your presence and keep on eating his breakfast with a frown on his face. You wonder if you will get to be the receiver of his smile one day. You had seen him smile a couple of times while talking to Tommy and you want to see his smile more often.
However, Joel is someone who distances himself from everybody else and has a tough exterior. People in Jackson find him intimidating and stay as far away as possible from him, scared to agitate and make him angry. He’s always tensed around everyone except the ones that he consider his people like Tommy and Ellie.
Joel and Ellie came to Jackson a year ago to find Tommy and that was when you saw him letting his guard down for the first time when embracing his brother in the middle of the town. After that, he had returned back in his shell refusing to open up to anybody. In the beginning, you tried to come up to him and strike a conversation but he always reply with one word answer or silence or a glare that can burn through your skull. You understand that after everything that happened to this world, it’s tough to live with optimism and hope like before.
Ever since he arrived, he had caught your eye. With his rugged appearance, tic in his jaw every now and then, a face that doesn’t show you a hint of happiness and you still can’t take your eyes of him when he’s around. You don’t know why you seek to look or ask about him when he’s not around. You have been harbouring this feeling towards him for a year now. It’s starting to bubble up on the surface and you’re afraid that you can’t contain it anymore.
You shake those thoughts away and start to dig in your food. Breakfast is filled with Ellie telling everybody on the table about things that she learned in school and asking us about life before the outbreak. Tommy and Maria answer her questions and Joel scoffs at what she said sometimes. You watch her talk about life before the outbreak with wonder in her eyes and you can’t help but smile at her. She brings up the feeling of serenity in you when you see the curiosity in her eyes.
Seeing the world through a kid’s eye is something that we adults cannot afford to do anymore. You are caught up in what Ellie is saying that you don’t realise that Joel, who is sitting on the other side of Ellie, is looking at you. You stare in each other’s eyes for a few seconds before he look away and go back to finishing his food.
“How are you feeling today?” Maria ask you.
“I’m good,” you answer, tearing your eyes away from Joel.
“Do you mind covering Tim on patrols next week?” Joel looks up hearing this. Tim is Joel’s patrol partner. They’ve been partners for almost a month now. Apparently, Tim and Joel don’t get along well. I mean, no one gets along well with Joel. Anyone that got assigned to be his partner always backed out after a few weeks. They cannot find anyone that can handle him except for Tommy. For awhile, Tommy was his partner but they cannot let him stick with him all the time as they needed Tommy’s help somewhere else sometimes.
You look at Joel to gauge his reaction. His stern look towards Maria is not breaking.
“Yeah I don’t mind.” You turn your head to look at the couple. Tommy is giving you an apologetic look knowing Joel is difficult to work with. He look at Joel who has turn his eyes away from Maria and now towards him.
“Joel, please. We don’t have anyone else.” Tommy says with a begging look on his face. Joel stares at him without saying anything.
“Oh come on man, is it so difficult to not be mean?” Ellie breaks the silence. Joel frown at her as she continues to speak.
“She’s my friend and she’s nice,” her eyes widen to emphasise her words.
“I don’t want you to infect her with your ‘old man attitude’,” she air quote annoyingly, making Joel to soften his eyes a little bit.
“Besides, she’s the only one that can stand you and your grumpiness.” Joel look at her confused. You are confused too by what she said. What does she mean by that? Tommy and Maria exchange glances before Maria speaks again.
“If everyone is ok with it, I’ll see you at the gates for patrol next week.” She looks at everyone for confirmation before stopping to look at you. You give her a nod before she stands up to start her day. Everybody quietly leaves before you are left with Ellie alone who still has a little bit of food to finish.
You timidly ask her about what she meant earlier, “Ellie, what do you mean when you said I’m the only one that can stand him and his grumpiness?”
Ellie looks at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She smirks and continue to eat her food not answering your question.
“Ellie!” you urge her to answer you.
She just laugh at you and stands up to return her tray. You are left alone being confused.
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Feeling a little bit sluggish from the day, you make yourself a nice hot tea and make your way to your front porch. You sit down on your chair, immersing yourself in the calm stillness of the night. You have always enjoy the nights in Jackson more than the daytime. 
As you are relaxing, what happened earlier today, creeps up in your mind. The way Joel was looking at you makes your heart beat faster. What was he thinking while looking at you like that? Also, what did Ellie meant when she said that I’m the only one that can stand him and his grumpiness? You did not spend a lot of time with him alone for her to think that way.
You are perplexed on joining him on patrols, knowing the fact that a lot of people had a tough time with him. You cannot back out from it now and you are taking this opportunity to get to know him better.
While you are in thinking about Joel, you hear the strumming of a guitar nearby. It must be him. Joel lives adjacent to your house and you know that he plays the guitar some nights thinking no one is around to hear him play. You are not able to see him play because he plays the guitar at his back porch all the time. You did get to see him play once when he was back facing you, sitting at the edge of his porch, taking in the sunset. You had thought it was a beautiful view even though he wasn’t facing you.
You did not tell anyone about your feelings for him but you think that maybe Tommy has caught on to it. Sometimes he caught you looking at his brother and he would give you a mischievous smirk.
You have been wanting to tell Joel about your feelings that you’ve kept for about a year now. You also know that it is a risk as he will probably react badly to it. You do not expect him to accept it. You are doing it mostly for yourself. Call it selfish or whatever but you think it’s better to let those feelings out and move on with your life without keeping a secret that will only eat you from the inside.
Having a crush for a year is a long time and you think that it won’t progress any further so you’d rather do it fearlessly with no regrets. With a determination to confess , you let yourself listen to him playing the guitar for awhile more before calling it a night.
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next part
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lollytea · 1 year
Please, your finale Huntlow thoughts, my liege. We poor peasants beg of you, our bowls are empty and your tables full; if we might have but a crumb of your succulent meal to fill our bellies in these cold December nights.
I got a few asks about this but I guess I'll answer this one cuz it's phrased the funniest. I just wasn't too pressed about giving my Thoughts about finale Huntlow because I am fully a part of the Huntlow hivemind. Like I feel the way everyone else feels. I'm ecstatic, I'm delighted, I'm overwhelmed, I'm emotional, I'm so happy for them, I got everything I could have wanted. I won. We won.
First of all this scene is so special to me, you have no idea.
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It isn't inherently romantic but it's still so sweet and shows how much these two care for each other. Here's Willow, who's spent the last special Atlasing and repressing and refusing to rely on anyone else. But then she had her breakdown in front of Hunter and he realized just how stressed and scared she's been this whole time. She's visibly anxious and upset here, likely worrying up a storm because she hasn't found her Dads yet. And Hunter is right here beside her. He's seen her meltdown, he's felt her pain, he's heard her cry. He knows that Willow is in a fragile state at the moment. He knows she's been holding in a lot. He knows she's scared. I love that he's not only standing by her side and helping her search, but holding her too. It could be that she vocally expressed how worried she was to him, or maybe he just saw it on her face, but he probably placed that hand on her back to comfort her, let her knows he's right here, grounding her. And Willow, who's still learning how to depend on others, is letting him.
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The way Hunter lights up when he sees Harvey and Gilbert, thrilled by how happy he knows she's going to be and his soft smile when he points them out to her. And then THIS!
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Like Hunter is devastated. He feels alone and out of place here. He really thinks he has nobody. But Willow being happy can still bring a smile to his face. He just loves her so much!!!
And I know I already talked about the grom photo but UGHH!!!
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I got a pic in better definition. I'm pretty sure this is Hunter's first grom. So likely a few months after the events of WAD. And it's so cute to think about Hunter and Willow very awkwardly but eagerly navigating a romantic relationship. I love how grabby and flirty Willow looks here, messing with his bowtie. She clearly LOVES the floral suit, thinking he's like the hottest man alive. She needs to smooch him and NOW. Or she's just like "Oh my, what a nice collarbone you have!!" Idk the ambiguity of what exactly Willow is doing here but the vibe and general intentions being very obvious is my favourite part of this pic. You can speculate for years on this. Oh and Hunter's face, I love it so much. His dumb little blush is like an old friend. He's fucking THRILLED that he's getting so much attention from her. He's very excited about where this is going. But he's also like. So nervous he's gonna pass out. But overall he's having the time of his life. Bi rights!
Also epilogue Huntlow....guys....guys epilogue Huntlow....are you guys still listening to me at this point?
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God I love this scene. Its so natural and smooth, giving the characters a chance to breathe and exist and providing a glimpse of how they go about their daily lives. It's soft and lighthearted but it establishes so much about where Willow and Hunter are currently at in their relationship. They've been dating for like....3 years at the very least. And they're clearly very happy together!!
The way Willow casually slides on to the scene, giving the impression that she's often dropped in on him while he's working. And why wouldn't she? That's her sweetheart. What if she requires emergency smooches? What then? And of course, there's Hunter beaming at the sight of her. Seems he never gets tired of his girlfriend stopping by to visit. Or maybe he's sick to death of Willow the menace showing up to distract him while he's trying to work and he's just excited about the prospect of Luz's party. Either way, it's an adorable expression.
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Something else I love about epilogue Huntlow is how equally distributed the affection is between both of them. Back when FTF dropped I gushed about how sweet it was to see Hunter taking initiative with Willow and the significance of something as simple pressing his backhand against hers during the pinky hold. And God, this sequence here says it all. From what I can tell, as Hunter runs towards her, they both reached out at the same time and linked hands immediately, implying that holding hands has become the automatic gesture for them whenever they meet up. They're in love, you're honor.
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I love the huge carefree grins as they skate down the hill (still holding hands). They might have grown a lot since we last saw them but they're still young adults, they still love to have fun doing dumb reckless stuff. And even better, they love to have fun doing dumb reckless stuff together. All the handholding and fluffy cuteness is wonderful but I also love knowing that they seem to genuinely enjoy just hanging out and spending their youth with each other. Zeno was right, they ARE besties. Who knows how much shit Hunter and Willow get up to together? Being a pair of thrill seeking athletes, it's probably a lot.
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This part is just so silly and ridiculous. After they go stumbling, Willow's first instinct is to grab Hunter and hold on for dear life. Her intense scrunched up expression is just so funny. "I will protect you, my love. No big dumb hill is going to harm a hair on your pretty head. Your girl is here." And Hunter barely acknowledging it (it probably happens a lot) because his life is currently flashing before his eyes. GOD they're just such nerds.
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Oh and this frame is just SO adorable. The way Willow's hold on him lingers for a moment before he walks towards the grave, Hunter's heart eyes. They're clearly still so soft and touchy with each other. And this is after three years. I know they were insufferable when they started dating as teens.
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bunmurdock · 21 days
this might be tmi but i'm also gonna start my period soon and idk if you or anyone else experienced this too but i kinda get little cramps a day or two before i actually start. they're not really consistent but they'll catch me by surprise throughout the day since i'm not really expecting them.
thinking ab matty sensing the way your body tenses with each cramp and, knowing you're going to wait until the pain is absolutely unbearable to take medication, offers to help…
he has you laid out on the bed, back against his chest. he's got two fingers pumping in and out of you and you’re all nervous bc he’s never offered to do this before (he’s only just recently told you ab his heightened senses), but he’s taken to cooing softly, speaking in hushed tones that sound more likely to be spoken to a small, skittish animal.
“c’mon, baby, relax. jus’ wanna make you feel better, that’s all.”
the fluctuating hormones in your body have you giving in all too easily, your hips squirming as wetness pools between your thighs. it’s almost embarrassing how quickly he’s gotten you so wet, just with a few teasing words and the promise of an orgasm or two.
“is this all f’me?” he’d murmur in your ear, his fingers pulling out for a moment to slide through your puffy folds, circling around your clit a few times before dipping back inside you. “mmm, good girl, getting so wet. just listen to my voice baby, you’re gonna feel better soon.”
and when he crooks his fingers, pressing against that little spongey spot inside you, you whine and clench down on him so tight that he lets out a surprised huff, chuckling low in your ear.
“did that feel good? yeah?”
knowing that you’re still feeling a cramp or two every so often the longer he makes you wait, matt focuses on making you cum, massaging your clit with the heel of his hand as he slips another finger inside you, your pussy fluttering around his digits. it’s an embarrassingly short amount of time later when you’re whining and squirming, your legs beginning to tremble as you near your peak.
“you close, baby? that’s right, that’s right, go on. cum f’me, baby.”
and when your body locks up around him, your slick gushing around his fingers, he lets out a satisfied sigh.
“just like that, baby, there we go. did so good for me, sweetheart, so damn good.”
as you’re coming down, he rubs his other hand against your lower belly, his palm warm where it presses against your skin.
“all better?”
head spinning, you force yourself to take stock of your body. the cramping in your belly had mostly gone away, leaving smaller, duller pulses of pain in their wake. these cramps were much more manageable, but matt doesn’t even let you climb off of him, his palm on your lower belly sensing the less intense cramps. he has three fingers in you still, and he crooks them slightly, testing our how overstimulated you are. your back arches as sharp pleasure rushes through you, a strangled sound getting caught in your throat.
“shh, shh, shh…” matt croons softly, moving his free hand to cup one of your breasts instead, his warm hand gently kneading, another quiet sound leaving you as your sore, tender flesh is massaged. “i know, baby, i know… just give me one more. almost done, honey, c’mon.”
and as he starts to pump his fingers in and out of you again, it’s like your body is helpless to do anything but surrender to the pleasure he’s stoking within you, the overstimulation fading as your pussy flutters around his fingers, something inside you desperately wishing that it was his cock inside you instead.
(matt would absolutely be willing to get his sword bloody, if you know what i mean, but this is too new to you right now. maybe in a few months…)
when he pinches your nipple, you’re gone, clenching like a vice as your back arches, the prettiest sounds leaving you as you turn your face into his neck. your breaths are shaky as he finally gives you a reprieve, pulling his fingers out and licking your slick off them, your hazy eyes focused on how plush his lips are wrapped around his fingers, determined to get every drop of you onto his tongue.
you sink into his embrace, curled up against his chest like a needy puppy as your breaths even out and consciousness slips away, hearing only his voice as he soothes you to sleep, his hands warm as they press you closer to him.
- ⭐️
STAR NONNIE OH MY GOD THE. SCREAM. I LET OUT IN MY SOUL THE WAY HE TALKS HERE MADE MY TUMMY DO THE THING. it hurts it is pulsing it is soaking the floor!!!! ꩜_꩜
share your mm thoughts
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onismdaydream · 8 months
sweet like candy (ft. satoru gojo)
tags: mdni. 18+. afab reader. slight sub gojo. handjob. slight bondage (restricted wrists). pet names. makeshift gag (underwear). reader is kinda mean. not proofread.
notes: happy valentine's day?? idk this was a dumb thought that got longer than i expected! i also didnt feel like going through and editing lol hope you like it anyways :3 reblogs/comments are very much appreciated!
it's funny, really, how quickly satoru gojo folds underneath you.
he loves to be an asshole, thrives on the attention it gets him. he's never been one to keep his mouth shut and everyone knows it. so sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands.
he doesn't mind, not one bit, when you make him sit on a chair and bind his wrists behind the back. it's not the best knot but it'll suffice — especially if he knows what's good for him. there's that smug little smirk that often makes its home on satoru's pretty face.
"what's this, angel? do i get a prize?" still so cocky... you'll have to fix that. your hands gently slide up his abdomen, starting from his firm stomach and resting at his pecs. his shirt rises with the movement and you can feel the way his body tenses slightly as his breath hitches. if it was anyone else, they might not have noticed it, but you did. despite the way he parades around, he's all bark and no bite. he crumbles as soon as you so much as lay a finger on him.
you hum softly, a dismissive sound. "something like that." sliding his shirt the rest on the way up so it sits above his collarbone, your fingers graze over his sensitive nipples, already beginning to harden from the cool air and your touch.
"should've stripped me first," satoru breathes out a chuckle. "gonna be hard to do when i'm tied up."
you don't respond, instead you keep your gaze on his exposed skin. there's faint red scratches that contrast nicely with his pale complexion — a reminder of the previous night. your nails had dug into his chest as you rode him, little crescent moons that morphed into long and narrow wounds when satoru desperately bucked his hips further into you.
"c'mon, baby," the white haired sorcerer looks up at you with that ridiculously pretty smile, something akin to mischief sparkling in his equally ridiculously pretty eyes. "don't make me wait."
you flatten your hands on his chest, squeezing the firm muscles of his pecs. if gojo was watching your expression, he might've kept his mouth shut.
"like what you see?"
"i'd like it better if it was quieter," you retort, your gaze flicking up and catching his own. satoru's face falters for a moment — his eyes widening and smile dropping — from the unexpected words, but he quickly recovers. he loved playing this game as much as you did.
"aw, don't be like that. you know you love me." that shit-eating grin makes its way to his lips, his perfect teeth catching the low light of the room.
one of your hands reaches down, palming at the bulge in his sweatpants, the other one resting on his waist. he was half hard already. though satoru's pretty much always hard at a moment's notice when it came to you. a low and quiet groan leaves the back of his throat, your palm putting much appreciated pressure on him. "mm, i suppose i do."
even with the layer of fabric in between his cock and your hand, you could feel it kick and throb as you touched him, soft noises of pleasuring slipping past his lips.
"yeahhh," satoru sighs, his head falling back as you pull him out and finally get your hands on him. "just like that, baby."
you knew satoru like no other, knew him like the back of your own hand. he didn't have to guide you on what to do because you were already doing it. drooling on his cock and mixing your saliva with his precum for makeshift lube to make the glide of your fist even better, stroking him nice and slow, using just the right amount of pressure so that it teeters on painful — you picked these things up naturally as you spent more and more time with gojo.
but that meant that he was constantly babbling, too. equal amounts of praise and curses, satoru could never shut his mouth.
"fuuuck, angel, no one's as good as you. always feels so fuckin' good." his hips buck up when your thumb teases over his slit, smearing more of his pearly precum around his sensitive tip.
he's vaguely aware of when you slip your other hand underneath your skirt, but he's too caught up in the feeling of your hot tongue licking up the underside of his shaft, eyes squeezing shut in pleasure. "shit, baby."
too caught up to realize that you're not touching yourself, instead, you're sliding off your underwear. and the next time he opens his mouth, you take the opportunity to shove them on his tongue. gojo's eyes shoot open, piercing blue focusing on your smirking face.
"you talk too much," you say simply, pushing the soft panties further in his mouth, making him gag, the sound muffled. not giving him time to adjust, your pace on his cock picks up, your strokes becoming tougher and sloppier.
satoru whines around the fabric, his own drool pooling at the corners of his lips as he's forced to taste and smell you. it's intoxicating, really. he should feel dirty and gross as your used panties sit on top of his tongue, but he doesn't. it's almost as if his head is buried in your cunt, the sweet and distinct arousal that is undeniably you suffocating his senses. not quite as strong and certainly not as good as actually having his head between your thighs, but almost.
he can feel the knot in his stomach getting tighter, your lips around his tip and hands on his shaft working him closer and closer to the edge, until he finally falls.
you pull away from his cock, letting the ropes of cum hit against his flexing stomach, mixing with the faint trail of white hair. his cock kicks as you work him through his orgasm, a stifled cry emanating from the sorcerer.
your panties are absolutely and thoroughly soaked when you remove them from satoru's mouth. he opens and closes his jaw a few times, stretching it out and regaining feeling in the area.
"could'a told me to stop talking," he grumbles, though his lips quirk up just the slightest amount. he's not ready to admit it — yet, at least — but he enjoyed that a lot more than he thought.
you laugh softly, a stark contrast to how you were just mere moments ago. "where's the fun in that, toru?"
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restinslices · 7 months
hiiii :D
would it be okay for you to do bi-han, liu kang and kung lao x hypermobile reader if you're not too busy or anything?
like reader has alot of pain in the knees, back and gets frequent migraines and they try to help?
Hey bookie, I wasn’t ignoring you. I was just procrastinating 😭. Finally got to it though! When I looked it up a hypermobile person seemed like a double jointed person but with occasional aches but obviously there could be stuff I missed since I’m not hypermobile. Because of that I mainly focused on the things you brought up however if there’s certain things I missed, you can always request again.
When it comes to your joints moving more than normal, I don't see him making a big deal about it 
I don't see him being like “omg that's so cool” but I also don't see him being like “that's freaky”
It's something he notices but doesn't point out
When it comes to pain he'll suggest stretching it out, which might do the opposite but it's what his brain conjures up first 
I just feel like stretching and trained assassins go hand in hand
He knows multiple stretches that focus on those areas and that's what he'd suggest first 
There’s also other physical activities like walking for your knees
His brain goes to physical things
If all else fails, he's a walking ice pack 
I don't think he'd necessarily want to be an ice pack but if I'm the wind under your wings, spit out a couple ice cubes for me 
As for migraines I am a firm believer that Bi-Han as the oldest brother is a mini medic
He'd assume your sick so he'd advise you to drink tea, eat soup and keep your eyes closed so they're not being strained while looking at something bright 
If you get migraines often he'd buy some thick ass curtains so the sun doesn't peek through 
He may be a lil asshole but I'm gonna stay delusional and believe he'd be a good partner 
He's a good man Savannah- 
Liu Kang
I also think he wouldn't make a big deal out of it 
He might comment on it but you'd be forgiven for thinking he forgot about it 
Idk how you could use this in fighting but if you could, all 3 of them are impressed 
When it comes to pain in the knees and back, he's the opposite of an ice pack 
His power might work better with aches and pains. Depends on your body
I doubt heating his hand up would be difficult for him 
He mostly wants you to rest and take warmth baths to soak your joints 
Him and Bi-Han are mini medics but Bi-Han is more of a physical therapist. Also sitting around is a problem for him. Liu Kang is more patient and understands that there’s nothing wrong with taking a break and letting yourself heal
He probably also knows a bunch more healing methods I don't 
He's been around the block for awhile. He knows how to do other things besides leave someone concussed 
Assuming you're a regular human, he knows how weak your body is (no tea no shade) and you really need to rest or you'll break down 
That's his thought process with migraines as well
Has you sleep a lot more since migraines can be eased with sleep 
He knows all the tricks in the book. You know when your parent is like “you have a headache? why don't you *insert the most old and outlandish bullshit*”? 
That's him 
You'd think he'd use all this worldly knowledge to oh, idk, build an empire or smth but no
Kung Lao
He wouldn't make a comment in a mean way but he would do a double take 
Maybe I'm wrong but I would imagine people don't go “hey! How are you? I'm hyper mobile btw” 
So when he sees a joint kinda move funny he's thinking “am I tweaking? I gotta be”
But then it happens again and he's like “aight, what the fuck was that?”
He asks a few more questions but that's kinda it. He won't ask your whole life story. If you wanna share more, then you will 
When it comes to pain you gotta thug that one out-
I'm joking… slightly 
Liu Kang is a demigod. Bi-Han is a human but got magic powers. Kung Lao is a normal person and only has a hat
And I don't wanna hear about the magic shit in his moves. In the game I'm pretty sure he only has that hat. The hat is cool and all but my point is, he can't magic any pain he feels away 
He knows better than anyone that sometimes you just gotta take the shit on the chin and try to go on about your day 
However, that wouldn't be his only solution 
Regular human who can't make his own ice packs means he's a regular human with tons of medicine 
Medicine he'd obviously share 
He'd even buy some specifically for joint pain and keep it on him for you 
Same with medicine for migraines 
He probably has way more of those so he can't carry all those bottles but he carries some in his pocket 
He actually has a phone so he's for sure looking up ways to help with any pain or discomfort 
Whatever comes up, he'll suggest to you or help you with 
Your pain won't go away the quickest with him but it's obvious he's trying his hardest 
I did not mean to give Kung Lao the most-
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just steve harrington being so selfless and not taking time for himself melting into a puddle if the reader or you or y/n (idk which one to put 💀) just asked him if he was okay a lot (I do that 24/7, this is purely self indulgent) and the many times he said yeah and the one time he said no :(
i was originally gonna do a full fic style blurb on this but words have been very hard for me lately so i'm just gonna do a text post about this! hope you don't mind 🫶🏻
warnings: reader is sorta implied to be fem!reader, allusions to steve being treated not so well by his parents as a kid, part of this does mention some upside down violence, tiny mention of food, no use of Y/N, lmk if i missed anything!
send me steve thoughts | ask box
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I imagine the first time it happens is probably in gym class when you're younger.
You accidentally hit him right in his pretty lil face with a dodgeball ☹️
And Steve being Steve insists he's okay because "I get hit all the time in basketball and football. I've broken bones and nearly busted my teeth out. A lil dodgeball never hurt anyone."
But you can tell he's hurt.
Whether it's him that's hurt or his bruised ego, you can't really tell.
But some part of him was clearly hurt.
more under the cut!
The second time it happens is when you get paired together for a study group during senior year.
Steve struggles with a lot of subjects, but math is probably his worst.
And it's not like he doesn't want to get better, his parents just never sat down at the table and helped him with anything growing up, and when his nannies told his dad about his report cards, it didn't end very well ☹️
But math is the one he's always had the hardest time with.
So when the two of you get paired to study for the calculus final, you can almost immediately tell he's struggling to understand the questions on the example sheet.
At one point, he just kinda places his head in his hands and groans into his palms.
And you're just kinda like, "Hey, you okay?"
And again, Steve is never one to admit defeat.
"I'll be fine. Can you just help me with question four?"
Surprisingly though, after just a few nights of studying together, you become sort of reluctant allies.
He surprisingly excelled in human biology, which you did not. So, the two of you helped each other where you could.
And then it happened a third time, during the summer after you'd graduated.
Steve had had a rather unsuccessful time trying to flirt with the ladies that often came into Scoops Ahoy.
This day had been no different.
He'd really tried his hardest to get the beautiful ginger in front of you to go with him to the movies on Friday.
But she and her friends just moved along, double-scoop ice cream cones in hand, back to their shopping.
"You good?" you asked, nearly on the verge of laughing, as you stepped up to the counter.
"Oh, yeah, sure," he answered sarcastically. "Just a little bruise to my ego. That was definitely the first time any lady has turned down this beautiful face."
Part of you, though, was hurting. Hurting that, even though you were right in front of him, he'd never bothered to look at you that way.
The fourth time it happened, you really started to question everything you thought you knew about Steve.
Somehow, despite being back in town for a total of two days, you'd gotten roped into something to do with some evil dude named Vecna.
And for once, after everything you'd learned since arriving back in Hawkins for spring break, Steve was the one asking if you were okay.
Also for once, one of you was answering the question truthfully.
However, in the week that followed after, even in the midst of alternate dimensions and weird mutations of bats, you'd learned that Steve might have been causing his previous lady problems on purpose.
And when you saw the painful expression he sported as Nancy Wheeler was reunited with her boyfriend, your own heart shattered all over again.
Still, if there was one thing you were, it was a good friend to Steve.
So, you pulled him aside and asked those three little words.
Steve simply ran a hand through his disheveled hair with a slow nod.
But you could tell he was nearly at the point of breaking.
And the time when he finally answered truthfully, he really did break.
You'd drove with him to the hospital to check up on Max Mayfield, who somehow he'd became friends with despite the age difference.
The room was dead silent, other than the annoying buzzing coming from the lights.
You finally gave him a good once-over as he sat at Max's bedside—his messy hair, his pale face with newly acquired purple spots under his eyes, a small cut under his lip.
And for the first time since you'd known Steve, you watched as tears formed in his eyes.
You were quick to rush over to the other side of the bed, your hand splaying across his back and rubbing soft, small circles against his frame.
"Steve, I know this is a silly question to ask, because we both know the real answer, but seriously, are you okay?"
He knew he couldn't hide. Not any longer. So, he simply let the walls come down, croaking out a small, "No," through his flood of tears.
After crying into your shoulder and allowing himself to finally let go of everything he'd been holding in for all those years, he just simply held you.
Finally, after explaining everything—from the reason why he never told you about the Upside Down, to why he'd used Nancy and all those girls as a distraction from the person he really wanted—he just grabbed your face and kissed you. A sweet and tender kiss, not a desperate or lustful kiss, but a longing one—one he'd waited much too long to give you.
And somehow, even in the midst of all the bad stuff, even in the midst of Steve finally breaking, the two of you could finally find a way to maybe, just maybe, be okay for once. ❤️‍🩹
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-died-inside @awkotaco24 @liberhoe @princesseddie @aftermidnightwriting @manuosorioh @esoltis280
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squidcave · 1 month
what would skuldugerrys meltdown/shutdown look like (also can i have more stimming headcannons)
first of all, sorry this took forever to answer, everything started happening all at once and now we're here 🤙
I feel like he's more prone to shutdowns. While he doesn't need to sleep, he does need to rest and he's bad for just going and going until a breaking point is reached, at which point he just disappears.
This could go for both meltdown & shutdown but in the lead up to said breaking point, his patience gets incredibly thin and he'll start snapping at people. The difference is that in the case of a meltdown, this continues to escalate rather than suddenly stopping as with shutdown.
Ghastly's really good for noticing when things are getting bad and making skulduggery take a break, even if he has to be sneaky about it.
It takes Valkyrie a bit to fully catch on but when she does, the most subtle she gets is "I'm taking a day off and so are you, no arguments." which honestly works about 80% of the time (this method is especially effective in phase 2 when yk, Val actually takes time off sometimes).
As for more stimming hc's 👀, I'm so glad you asked!
I feel like after he died, a lot of stims just (literally) don't hit the same yk? like I can see him when he was alive, playing with his hair a lot, just generally very sensation seeking. Which is unsurprisingly quite hard to do as a skeleton whose ability to feel various sensations is limited - non existent ( he feels pain perfectly fine, regular touch is unclear, and I don't think he can feel the difference in temperature?? I might be wrong on that but you get the point). So he's gotta switch it up.
Enter Visual Stimming! you ever catch yourself staring at a candle for Too Long and think "I've gotta stop, this is gonna damage my eyes"? Well guess who has no eyes to damage and can summon fire at will! Or just watching traffic go by at night, stuff like that.
Speaking of traffic (and idk how much this counts towards stimming so much as just generally a comfort thing), driving is like peak chill time. Idk how much sense this is gonna make but
Skulduggery's probably been driving as long as cars have been around - it really is not something he has to think about while doing. And while I don't personally drive, I would hope, it's a fairly engaged activity if you know what I mean? like you're watching the road, listening to traffic/music/a passenger. there's a tactile element in the steering, the gear shift, the clutch and pedals, the mirrors, indicators etc. Just it being something he's so familiar with, has complete control over and is fairly often alone during, makes it an excellent de-stressor (and even when Valkyrie's there, at this point she fits into that space so perfectly that it doesn't change much. Most of the time, anyway)
I think we kinda circled back round at the end here but yeah 🫶 thank you for continuing to indulge me
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hyenaswine · 1 year
when searching for tips on washing embroidery/xstitch sometimes you will find people who are like "ummm i just make sure i always have clean hands when i sew so i don't have to wash my pieces 😇" & i want you to know those people are idiots. you have oils in your skin that come FROM your skin no matter how clean it is; you are a human being & this is perfectly normal. this is how your body is supposed to work - these freaks who think they don't produce oil aren't cleaner than you, they're just wrong.
i don't personally care if you choose to wash your work when you're done - i think maybe there's something about those oils being invisible at first but sometimes staining the fabric over time, idk you'll have to look it up - & i'm not gonna think you're dirty or gross if you don't; it's your art & your choice, & your body is not gross for being human. i always wash my pieces when i'm done just because it makes me feel better about sending them off to other people (where they're no longer in my control), & also because i live with a chronically ill cat who sneezes on anything & everything i own. i just assume by default that everything in my home has cat snot on it whether i can see it or not.
i have a black plastic witch's cauldron which was previously a halloween decoration that i just fill with warm water & a drop of dish soap. i put my finished pieces in there to soak for 10-20 minutes; at least once you should agitate the water a bit, like a washing machine would, & sometimes you might have to scrub a piece against itself if there's a visible mark you're trying to get out (i use this ancient red tailor's crayon on some darker fabrics that i often have to scrub to erase). dump the water out, put cool water in, dump it out, keep doing that until there are no more suds in the water, or just take the piece out & rinse it if you're lazy. you're not supposed to wring it out, but again, i'm lazy & i don't like carrying sopping fabric through my house. then you gotta lay it on a towel & if it's a larger piece, roll the towel up & twist it to wring it out in THERE, which is apparently okay. then iron the piece from the back so you don't flatten your stitches. after that i pop my piece straight onto a high shelf in my closet to dry, so that the damn cat doesn't have a chance to get any of his germs on it.
anyway nobody asked for my advice or details of my personal embroidery-washing routine, but advice that's like "just don't be dirty in the first place 😇" is literally so unhelpful & infuriating. that's not advice cuz you aren't offering a solution to the problem (aside from acquiring a time machine) & you clearly don't KNOW what the actual answer is anyway, or else you'd know that your hands are never truly clean & you're framing work that might end up revealing all your grimy little sins as it ages. washing your work is a pain but it's not so impossible as to not be worth doing if you want to or need to. cuz sometimes your cat plants a fat booger right in the middle of your dainty little sampler & you need to know how to fix that shit, because not allowing your cat to sit on your lap while you're sewing is clearly NOT an option.
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taylortruther · 6 months
the tortured artist trope discourse makes me think like what if this is a blank space situation for taylor....like people have been criticizing her music for so long since she writes about her own lived experiences and is very open bout her feelings; the good, the bad and the ugly.
im thinking of that video where she announces anti hero and says sumn like "you don't have to feel bad for me" like...she's been told by so many critics of her that she victimises herself and is very dramatic about 'stupid breakups' etc.
some might group HER with the pseudo tortured artist trope and say that she fakes it and her pain isn't genuine or serious enough yk.
so maybe she's fully leaning into that persona of hers, being unabashed about revealing ALL of herself this time and like really committing instead of hiding under the guise of fiction like she did with folkmore (esp now that we know folkmore had more elements of reality in it than we were expecting)
...like maybe ttpd is gonna be folkmore levels of devastating but it's just her being fully honest.
idk if this makes sense, but i just feel like she's dealt with "oh she just writes sad woe is me songs" allegations for so long and she might have felt like she isn't allowed to express herself or doubted her own feelings bcz everyone accuses them of being weapons (dare i say joe himself might have some part in making her feel this way) so yeah now she's just owning herself, all her songwriting prowess and telling the full story saturated with all of her emotions as and when she felt them
yes! i'm picking up on this too, i really think a big part of this album will be her owning her truth (the good, the bad, the ugly) and also owning how she wields it (the good, the bad, the ugly.)
all's far in love and poetry!
it definitely reminds me of the blank space or reputation or tlgad angle. i think she'll use fiction the way she always has - because she thinks in metaphor, and sometimes describing a man forlorn on coney island, or a funeral, gets the point across so much better. but the separation between real and fiction will be thin. and i totally agree that there will be some bitterness, anger, at being misunderstood (truthfully, as there often is on a taylor album.)
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futurechancer · 9 days
So, you have so TPTM OCs, don'tcha? What did Epsilon Girl, Genesis Girl, Solar Girl, Pulse Girl, Media Girl, Booru Girl, Corrosion Girl and Atheneum Girl go through, in a brief summary? What do they represent? Sorry for bothering!
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epsilon girl
she's the first girl i invented and was originally meant to be more similar to genesis girl in theme :) but in terms of theme epsilon girl is a bit. complicated.
she's basically a projection of my fears of change, wasting time, and not making a mark on history rolled up into one mess of a girl. she doesn't particularly have much of a backstory aside from feeling like she grew up faster than everyone around her
genesis girl
the girl of the hour (aka the girl i have the most concrete story for)!! her name is more a remnant from when she and epsilon girl were gonna be the same girl than anything else. i kept it because it's. a star thing i think.
she's most often correlated to stars because. something about people taking her at face value and appreciating what shows on the surface yet fearing her incomprehensibility.
she actually has a backstory! basically she's a theatre kid with gifted kid syndrome and undiagnosed autism. she fails to relate to her peers because of these things. now that i think about it like half my girls are basically just that. SHI
solar girl
fun frog fact! genesis girl and solar girl are the same :) consider solar girl to be a b-side to genesis girl that explores another part of her character (take note because this happens again)
solar is basically the gifted kid syndrome aspect, the song itself (so far) basically describing feeling either like an utter failure or a god to be praised with no in-between based solely on successes or failures in daily life. also there's religious imagery in the lyrics it's a fun time i might post the lyrics one day
pulse girl
she's probably the most straightforward in theme :3 hypochondria and otherwise fearing sudden pain and death!! a part of it is wholeheartedly trusting pop science and like. the shit your grandparents tell you. thinking cracking your knuckles causes arthritis except it's constantly checking to see if you're having a stroke despite no predisposition that would imply one
she doesn't really. have much a backstory BUT ONE DAY I WILL GET TO THAT PART. i thinj
media girl
one of my favorites actually :3 she too is pretty complicated so uh. she's basically made to encompass certain fictionkin/fictive experiences (hence 'media'). conforming when the way you work is inherently a deviation from the norm, struggles with identity, desperation to be liked, yk.
i was uh! not in a good place when i wrote this song but it ended up surprisingly rather rid of my more personal issues. media's whole backstory is basically trying to find people of her.. proclivity i guess?? in hopes that they were the missing link, despite having been burned so many times. the lyrics never really imply a sort of. happy ending for her but i think she would eventually feel better about herself
booru girl
but it gets worse before it gets better! this song is the only reason media girl is so rid of my personal issues bc this one's full of them /lh
and whaddya know? booru is media's b-side! :3
booru girl is sort of a delve into a single specific relationship media/booru must have had (that. mirrors the one i was in at the time. at least in part)
her name is in reference to online imageboards and the insane content they can sometimes hold within (it's a minor plotpoint in her story that she. looks at those on occasion idk)
it vaguely goes into her obsession with how people perceive her. her willingness to act for anyone who's willing to offer her any love. her willingness to express her hurt. to be hurt more, even. there's more i'll talk about another time perhaps but there are Implications in her story
writing this song in particular was a bit regrettable if i'm being honest but i also think it's a story that should be shared.
corrosion girl
her entire existence was a split second decision on my behalf
she's gone through her entire life not allowed to feel emotions because she doesn't express them properly! :3 and because of this she trained herself to never. feel basically. because expression emotions has been inexorably linked with hurting others in her head now.
now she struggles to connect with others because of how cold she acts. as if she's a statue. catatonic.
her name is sort of a double entendre? partially being about the thing a battery does and partially being about weathering stone
atheneum girl
the latest girl!!
she's sort of a spin on the whole 'quiet in the library' thing, her name basically just being a fancy word for library
her backstory is basically that Something happened to her in the past and she fears if she speaks up someone related to it will find out and ruin her. she thus feels as if she can't even talk to her therapist about what's really weighing on her! yaaay :)
like booru there are also some implications to her story that!! yeah
but otherwise thematically she's just representative of the fear of speaking up
oh yeah also
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Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that I love your writing. I love the universe you've created for ava and beatrice. I could have said Avatrice but the thing is you write them so beautifully as individuals, all their triumphs and losses, that it doesn't feel right not to acknowledge them as they are on their own as much as they are as a couple. Anyway! I pretty much have bookmarked all your work and I keep suggesting your fics on Twitter, I'm pretty much your unofficial publicist at this point, proudly so 😆
I just finished the multitude of loving and once again you made me laugh and smile and cry and you made my heart warm and for a while, my depression didn't feel as debilitating. So thank you. I don't know what you're gonna write next whenever inspiration strikes, but if you ever do another outside pov, would you mind writing one from Diego's? I guess I'm biased because aside from your fics, I've been obsessed with do a flip by sunsafe and it warms my heart to see Diego in fics because well, I think it's safe to say that he was the one who loved ava first, he was there by her bedside and all and so it would be lovely, to know how he feels and thinks about ava and beatrice, after all the years of living his own life, after all the years wishing to see his sister, his best friend, his... Ava, because there's no traditional title that really fits them, after all the years wishing that ava is okay and... Alive, more than just surviving because even when he was a child he knew, ava was meant for such a bright and grand life, just because she was all that herself.
Anyway, just an idea, of course. My rambling is not in any way meant to pressure you into writing it 😆😅 I hope you're having a good day wherever you are. Cheers!
[first of all i love do a flip!!!! 100/10 recommend if anyone hasn't read it!!
anyway, here's a little diego pov in the butch bea universe. he's like 18 or 19? idk. yknow just roll w it :) ]
university is busy as hell, and it's cool that they pay for your doctor's appointments and, when you actually started getting the care you needed, you were able to do basically everything in the normal, big wide world with regular meds and check-ins — but mostly you just want to play rugby and flirt with girls (not well, but you're 18 and always kind, so who cares your success rate) and pass all of your classes. when you got adopted it had seemed like a miracle, and so you don't take any of this time for granted — not the bright sun or the grass stains on your knees or how rachel plays with your hair when you hang out in her dorm.
you don't think much of it when you get a random email from beatrice gu-knight, partially because emails are a pain in the ass and partially because nico brought over a six pack of stellas and his nintendo switch — you're the mario kart champion, undisputed — but, in the morning, when you open your phone, you think your heart might stop in your chest.
Hello Diego,
I hope you're well. I know it might seem strange to get an email like this from someone you don't know and have never even heard of, and, if you don't wish to follow up or connect, please just let me know, and that will be the end of it.
But, in the hopeful chance that you do: my name is Beatrice (she/her), and I'm reaching out to you because Ava Silva is my life partner. We've been together for a few years now and she talks of you often, and fondly; I know from her stories you were an extraordinarily joyful and sustaining part of her life at St. Michael's, and, if nothing else, I hope you understand my deep gratitude for that. I work in tech, so I was able to find this email address for you in the hopes that you might want to reconnect with Ava. We live in Los Angeles, and she's, as I'm sure you remember, wonderful. Maybe even more wonderful now, as I hope you are too.
Again, if you are at all uncomfortable, please feel no pressure to engage in any way; I won't let Ava know, so don't worry about that. If you would like to reconnect, though, you can respond to this email, or call or text me at my cell listed below. Thank you.
Warmest regards,
it takes you a few seconds to get it together, because, what the fuck, first of all. second of all, ava — one of your favorite people ever, and someone you miss every day. who apparently has a very proper and seemingly kind partner named beatrice, and lives in california. ava is alive, and probably really happy. the last time you saw her she was scared and upset and you had thought she died before that. you had thought you would never see her again.
Hey, this is Diego, you text the number on Beatrice's email. you think about the time difference, and, sorry if it's the middle of the night for you
it takes a minute or two, but then your phone vibrates. Diego, wonderful to hear from you! I'm glad my email wasn't too intense.
and, like, maybe it was a little, but your calc III professor is a fucking nutcase, so you kind of have a high bar.
Ava works late sometimes, so don't worry about the time difference right now
it's sweet, you think, that beatrice doesn't work late, or, whatever, maybe she does, but she's up because ava is awake. because ava will be coming home, or finishing up in an office. you wonder about their life, what their home looks like and if ava's laugh is still just as awesome. and, like, what is ava's job? is she still paralyzed, or can she walk like she had the last time you saw her? you're glad for her, honestly, that her partner is a girl, because ava thought boys were hot but also seemed to like girls more — so, like, how did they fall in love? it's funny to imagine ava as a grownup, with a partner and a home and a whole life, but it's also the best.
do you want to facetime tomorrow or something, you text, because you don't really know what else to say, but you want to find out: about your sister, and the life she's apparently built. you think — if ava is anything like how she had been when you were younger — you definitely want to be in it.
I would love that, beatrice responds immediately. you work out the details and, eventually, you go to class and try to have a normal day. but ava is out there, happy, in california, with a partner who clearly cares about her. it feels like a gift, even to know. it feels like a gift, to get to be in her warmth again.
beatrice, when you answer the facetime call at exactly the second the clock hits 7 pm your time, is beautiful. it doesn't surprise you, not really, because you remember ava being pretty, and, even more than that, fucking awesome. beatrice is younger than what you think someone with that formal a name would be, with short dark hair that flops into her eyes, which are kind of gold in the light through the window of whatever room she's in. 'hello, diego,' she says, and, yeah, ava probably loves that accent.
it makes you laugh, but, like, in a nice way, to know that ava has a whole partner. a whole entire person who shares a life with her, who helps her with stuff and — beatrice is a saint for this — laughs at her puns.
'hey,' you say, feel awkward and a little sloppy in the face of the chic big oil painting behind her, the hoodie you know is expensive because your friend artur had had it marked on his stockx for, like, months now. 'uh, i'm diego. nice to meet you.'
beatrice smiles, and you see her freckles, and you realize, in a flash, a truth you know implicitly — that ava loves this person. ava picked this person to spend her life with. the world is cruel, you know better than most, but the world is also so, so kind.
'i'm so happy you responded to my email,' she says, less formal and with a slight laugh, mostly with joy. 'ava is the best, and i know that — she misses you. she loves you, a lot. i've always wanted to meet you.' you kind of don't know what to say, and you're relieved when she shakes her head. 'sorry, i'm being a lot again. believe it or not, this is my first rodeo with something like this.'
first rodeo sounds foreign from her, and it inexplicably makes you laugh. 'you're doing fine.' you realize that beatrice is just as nervous as you are, maybe even more: she loves ava. she has a whole life with ava. 'i — does ava want to talk to me?'
'i haven't told her yet. i wanted to see how you felt first, without any pressure, and i didn't want her to feel disappointed. but i know she will be... overjoyed, to have you in her life again, if you want.'
'yeah.' you think of ava's jokes and how full of life she was, even when she didn't have access to much of it herself. you think about the clumsy drawings you had made her, and how happy she was every time she got to go outside in her wheelchair. 'i do, want that. a lot.'
beatrice's smile is relieved and grateful. 'i can talk to her, then, and then maybe you two can set up a video chat? i know she'll be beside herself with excitement.'
'yeah,' you say, and you can't help but smile looking forward to it. it doesn't sound like ava's changed much, in the good ways, which is super cool. 'i'm excited too.'
your palms are clammy and you feel like you might throw up, but beatrice had sent you a link to a zoom and asked if the evening worked for you; you're so thrilled but also, like, what if ava doesn't like you anymore? what if she's way way cooler than you, or too grown up, or just bored by your life? it had been one thing, to lose her when you were young and confused, to have to grieve her absence so obliquely — but it would be an entirely different thing now, to know she's alive and has a life of her own and just doesn't want you in it. you don't really know how you would handle that. ava was your friend and ava was your sister, in the ways that really matter.
but, you realize very quickly, all of your anxiety was for nothing, because ava's face pops on screen — older, and her hair is shorter, and there are slight laugh lines settling into the skin around her eyes, but she mostly looks the same — and her smile is so warm and then she starts to cry and laugh and, yeah. if you do too, it's fine. no one else is in your dorm room anyway.
'hey,' she says, the first to get any words out. she's sitting up, and she waves, and you feel like you're seeing a real life miracle, right there on your computer screen. 'you look so old. i really missed you.'
'you look so old too.' she grins. 'i really missed you.'
it's a little stilted at first, probably because you're both overwhelmed, but then it's just... the fucking best. ava is a bartender, 'mostly for fun,' she says, which, whatever that means, and she still loves the beach. they apparently have a house right by the water. she starts crying again when you tell her you got adopted, that you're not so sick anymore because you have good doctors and caring parents, that you're in school to become an accountant.
'the family business?' she says, choked up, after you tell her that your adoptive mom is one too, and that she wanted you to be able to take over one day if you were interested.
it's as unbelievable to you some days as it seems to her, on bright mornings or when you get to go skiing in the cold snow, when your friends pass around a joint or when you get to go to a museum, whenever you want. 'yeah,' you say —  a family; you learn ava has one too. 'it's pretty incredible.'
'holy shit, ava.'
she just laughs, letting you go in front of her into her house. well, her and beatrice's house, you guess. you'd facetimed and texted a bunch with ava in the past two months, so you had figured out they were kinda loaded, and they'd both picked you up from the airport in a very sleek, fancy volvo, but, like —
'this is nuts.'
you think you might immediately cry again when you notice, right away, how there's not a single part of the house you can see that isn't accessible for someone in a wheelchair. ava had told you that she can walk but some days has a lot of pain and a hard time with mobility, and that beatrice was awesome and she had a good chair and even a van and a service dog, but you never could've imagined this. their house is huge and beautiful, like something you'd see in an AD tour you like to watch when you're stoned. ava has a cane today, and beatrice trundles in with your bag — she had insisted, quietly, but with a look that told you it would be totally pointless to argue.
'your house is awesome,' you say, to both of them.
beatrice smiles gently. 'we redid it last year, for accessibility. i think it turned out great.'
'wanna see the best part?' ava says, using her cane to bounce a little on the balls of her feet and you have to clear your throat because you had known her for so long. you had loved her for so long, your best friend in the entire world, who was smart and funny and bursting at the seams to feel it all, to really get to live.
'dude,' you say, 'of course.'
'i'm going to put your bag in your room,' beatrice says. 'and then i have a work call. but i should be done after the hour, for whatever you'd like to do, if you want me to join.'
'of course we want you to join,' ava says, and beatrice blushes and then gathers herself and kisses the top of ava's head before she offers you a thumbs up — nerdy, and it makes ava snort — and then lifts your bag like it weighs two pounds or something. 'love of my life,' ava says. 'definitely doesn't have a work call, but she's been stressed all week about making sure she gives us time to ourselves but doesn't seem aloof. huge weirdo.'
'she's hot.'
'ew, diego.'
you shrug. 'all i'm saying is that, like, i get it. not for me, because she's, like, super gay, but you know. for you.' you take a breath. 'sorry, i'm just excited.'
ava laughs. 'bea is super gay, it's true.' she points to a button on the wall nearby and then floor to ceiling glass doors that separate the living space from the patio. 'now, check this out.'
it's pretty fucking wild that ava went from the horrible orphanage, and tons of abuse that you were too small and too weak and too scared to stop, to a whole house that opens up to a day bed and an outdoor kitchen and dining area and a hot tub, a small patch of grass, and then the sea behind — but in the best kind of way. the kind of way that makes you want to tell everyone you meet that things can get better. that good things will happen to good people, at least sometimes. at least ava, who is the best of all of them.
ava motions for you to come with and walks outside, and then it's, like, genuinely the best thing ever when a black and white dog — korra, who ava sends you pictures of all the time and has featured in multiple zoom calls — who was napping in the sun, perks her head up and you swear she, like, dog-smiles at ava. 'hi, good girl,' ava says, and then claps her hands once and korra obediently, and happily, comes to ava's right side and sits, leans her little head against ava's thigh.
'i can't spend this entire time crying,' you say, and ava laughs. 'can i say hi?'
'of course,' she says. 'she's not usually formally working at home, unless i'm having a really bad day. which, you know, i'm not, but they do happen sometimes.' she shrugs and you kneel down in the sun and pet korra's soft ears as she nuzzles your face.
'she's so cool,' you say, and then kiss the top of her head and her nose. 'hey korra! i'm your uncle, i guess?'
'yeah! uncle diego.'
it makes you beam, to sit on the patio with ava as she shows you some of the tasks korra has been trained to do, and tells you about her bar you'll go to later, and points toward their outdoor shower with a sly smile. you do her the courtesy of fake gagging, although you really are just mostly happy for her, with her partner and her dog and a house that was built just for her.
eventually, beatrice comes outside, carrying a very intense charcuterie board. she places it down on the day bed, between you and ava, korra happily snoozing at your feet.
‘hi baby,’ ava says and scoots closer to you, then tugs on beatrice’s hand until she sits. ava kisses her temple. ‘this is very extravagant.’
‘well, we have a guest,’ beatrice says. ‘there’s wine inside, if you’d like a glass.’
‘i know nothing about wine,’ you admit, ‘but if there’s one you think… pairs? well with, you know —‘ you gesture to the elegantly laid out spread of food in front of you — ‘then i’ll trust you and go with that.’
ava grins. ‘yes, beatrice. be our resident sommelier, please.’
beatrice rolls her eyes, again with a blush, but then stands, ignoring ava’s pout. ‘i’ll be right back.’
‘she’s, like, really nice.’
ava lays back with a grin. ‘well she’s on her i was raised by diplomats and nannies most proper behavior right now. i don’t get charcuterie boards like this… ever.’ she takes a bite of cheese. ‘but bea is wonderful. she’s brilliant and funny and so, so kind. she’ll loosen up. i’m really excited you get to spend time with her.’
‘i’m thankful she reached out. i — i’m so happy to be here, and to see you.’
‘me too, my dude.’
beatrice comes back out with fancy real crystal glasses and a bottle of wine she explains is a vintage napa chardonnay, which mostly just makes you think it’s expensive. it probably is, with the way she efficiently uncorks it — ava practically drools, annoying, and you elbow her in the ribs — but it’s, like, really good. at least compared to the cheap wine you sometimes have with your friends when you order greek food.
‘diego,’ beatrice says, measured and anxious and, if ava’s stupid expression is anything to go by, endearing, ‘as you know, i like to surf. although it’s quite early, i was wondering if you might like to join me tomorrow? one of my best friends is an excellent instructor and the wave report looks ideally calm. ava thought you might be interested, if you’d like to learn?’
‘yeah,’ you say. ‘of course. that sounds sick.’
beatrice grins, relaxing a little. ava squeezes her hand. ‘i find it quite fun. it can be hard at first, but it’s nice to be in the water.’
‘diego gets his astounding athletic ability from my side of the family,’ ava says, patting you on the knee.
‘your side of the family?’ beatrice arches a brow.
‘yeah, the orphan side,’ you say, an old joke coming back to you, and ava gives you a high five.
‘i —‘
‘don’t think about it too hard, beatrice. diego also gets his bisexuality from my side of the family too.’
‘now that i’m willing to believe.’
ava winks at you, and then settles back into beatrice’s side.
admittedly, you're exhausted, so the mezcal margarita — smoky and just the right amount of sour — is hitting harder than you thought.
'okay,' ava says, 'boys are easy to flirt with.'
beatrice rolls her eyes.
'they are, bea,' she insists, then looks to you. 'sorry, diego, but boys are just... simple. they see someone hot, especially me, and there's, like, no thoughts.'
you think of the way luis had kissed you one night at a party — with his strong hands and his strong jaw and the rough, delicious scratch of his beard — after you'd just offered him a drink politely, so. honestly, that tracks.
'girls, though, diego.'
you laugh.
'you know, people who aren't men.'
'yeah, of course.'
'difficult. i just — whew.'
'aren't you, like, basically married?'
'well, yes, we're domestic partners. but beatrice is horrible at flirting. she's just lucky she's brilliant, and beautiful, and handsome, and funny.'
beatrice rolls her eyes again, although a blush spreads across her cheeks. 'i think i have more women try to flirt with me than you.'
ava huffs. 'that's because you're just — ugh.' she turns toward you. 'bea has grown into being a lesbian magnet. i once was superior. plus, boys flirt with me too.' she claps you on the back. 'either way, between the two of us, we'll teach you everything you need to know.'
'they won't,' one of their friends says, sliding in next to beatrice, who smiles and kisses him on the cheek. he's maybe the hottest person you've ever seen, with tattoos down both arms and a neat fade, probably a few years older than beatrice. 'i'm keiko,' he says, and offers his hand. his handshake is so strong and you feel yourself blush. 'i own the dojo beatrice goes to.'
'my favorite sparring partner,' beatrice says. 'partially because i have never lost.'
keiko waves her off.
'uh, i'm diego.'
ava laughs, delightedly, at how flustered you clearly are.
'well, if you want advice on boys, i am quite successful.'
'i'm sure you are.'
ava gives you a high five, mortifyingly. 'that's my man.'
'i'm cutting both of you off,' beatrice says.
'one shot, bea, please. come on. all we have to do is walk home.'
beatrice sighs dramatically and runs a hand through her hair, and keiko nudges her in the shoulder. 'for once in your life, beatrice, have a little fun.'
it takes a moment, but she laughs. 'fine. one shot, and then home.'
you surf the next morning, early as fuck, but you’re kind of jetlagged anyway and it’s really beautiful to watch the sunrise while you rest on a board. you haven’t popped up and you got tired pretty fast, but beatrice’s friend, ray — and beatrice herself, obviously — are patient and relaxed and don’t seem to care at all.  ava wanders out eventually, setting out a towel and drinking a to-go cup of coffee. she waves happily and blows a kiss in beatrice’s direction, who blushes. it had made you laugh, quietly, when she had put a special bucket hat designed for surfing on after she situated her wetsuit.
‘i don’t want to get sunburned,’ she explained, and then handed you a bottle of spf 100 sunscreen and a zinc stick.
eventually you ride a wave in on your knees, laughing, and then go sit by ava while you watch ray and beatrice and the rest of their little crew surf the next set, bigger on the outer break. you can tell beatrice shows off, for ava and, maybe a bit, for you. it's still early, and ava's happy to sit back in the easy quiet.
'hey,' you say after a while, during a break in sets, 'so, beatrice introduced me this morning as "ava's little brother".'
she turns to you, studies your features carefully, just like she always would when you were in the orphanage, trying to pay close attention. 'did that feel okay?'
'other than the fact that i'm taller than you —'
'— hey —'
'— of course,' you say. 'i love being your brother.'
ava scoots closer to you and bumps your shoulder with hers; you have your wetsuit down around your waist and she has one of beatrice's hoodies on, but you've mostly dried off by this point so you put your arm around her shoulders and tug her to you.
'do you, uh. sister? sibling?'
ava smiles. 'either is great.'
'thanks, diego.'
'nothing to thank me for there. i should be thanking you, honestly. all expenses paid trip to a bougie beach house in california to see someone i've missed so much? the dream.'
she sniffles. you don't know all the details but you know ava has been through some real shit after she — came back to life, you guess? 'i missed you too, so so much.' she clears her throat and wipes under her eyes. 'in the spirit of being your cool older sibling, what mild to moderately wild things do you want to do here. i don't want your parents to be mad at me so consider wisely.'
'do you have anything planned that you would want?'
'well, no.'
ava laughs.
'what? beatrice has cool tattoos.'
'she is a staunch believer that you should plan your tattoos in advance. but think of something and then next time we'll get you all set up with her artist, if you want.'
there's a level of maturity and care that's a little unexpected but, like, really cool? really nice. it's kind of weird and makes you a bit emotional, because ava is grown up. she's still an idiot, and constantly annoying, and very funny — but she's gotten to get older, and so have you.
'we could dye our hair,' she says, shrugging. 'easy to rectify, if it's a disaster.'
'i'm so in, man.' your hair is darker than hers, and you have no idea if she knows what she's doing, but you trust beatrice — with her neat hair and neat house and neat clothes and seemingly undying love for ava — to monitor the situation.
'maybe we can do the bi flag.'
it makes you laugh, imagining how silly it would look. 'what about just purple? like, a light purple situation.'
'i've done that before,' she tells you excitedly. 'loved it. definitely time to return.'
'deal. also, i want to try california weed.'
ava grins. 'we would have let you last night, you know, but you were actively falling asleep at the bar after one cocktail.'
'it's the time difference, i swear.'
'sure it is.'
'well, bea loves her edibles. she's very particular about them. i'm... much less particular about joints, but we can start off chill. maybe this afternoon. and then we can have tacos.'
'that sounds like a perfect day.'
she smiles. 'yeah,' she says. 'even more perfect because i get to share it with you.'
'gross,' you say, although you might suddenly cry. 'sappy.'
'yeah, yeah. whatever.'
you keep your arm around ava's shoulders and watch beatrice and ray trade tricks the next set, and then they both call it and walk, laughing, toward you. ava struggles to stand with a frown, and you offer your arm for her to take if she wants. she does, smiles quickly in thanks and then, you know too, moves on without a word. she kisses beatrice soundly on the mouth, then pushes her goofy bucket hat off her head, fastened around her neck and resting on the back of her shoulders, and then gratuitously unzips her wetsuit while ray rolls her eyes.
it's a whole big world, you learn more and more every day. ray joins you for breakfast and then ava takes you shopping while you're pretty sure beatrice just naps. ava uses her chair and brings korra, which is mostly just the coolest thing in the world to you, because she has a whole van customized too, and she just — you had known, when you were younger, when ava would get to go outside in her chair, that nothing was limiting her other than care, and access. you had been limited too, and you ached with it. you ache differently now, because ava navigates her day fully and independently: a wheelchair lift for the stairs, and a huge, beautiful closet and kitchen where she can reach everything without having to stand, and korra, who can turn on lights and open doors and brings you a juice from the fridge when you sit down and mention you're thirsty; ava grins with the command and then praises korra, and you scratch her soft head and even softer ears.
beatrice does supervise when you and ava dye your hair, but ava mostly knows what she's doing, and really gets distracted the most when she looks over at beatrice in lowslung joggers and a cutoff tank and a beanie, leaning against the doorframe quietly, a fond expression on her face. ava wears crop tops and wideleg pants and expensive sneakers and you both end up laughing when you have your matching lavender hair.
you eat edibles that make everything feel lush and slow and perfect, and beatrice laughs softly at ava's ramble about her arms, and she orders a ton of her favorite chinese food that you eat on the patio at sunset. you take some pictures on your film camera, at sunset, and beatrice takes a few of you and ava. you wish you could go back in time and tell both of you, when you were small and sad and scared and abused, that things would be this beautiful one day. that things would be this good.
ava and beatrice eventually say goodnight before they head inside to their bedroom. there's too much light pollution in los angeles to see many of the stars, but you know they're there all the same.
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sessakag · 5 months
I just wanna say that I absolutely LOVE Butterfly. It’s kinda the only fanfic I care about at the moment lmao I am LOCKED IN. The story itself is great, all of the characters (even the ones everyone hate rn) are interesting, the writing is phenomenal…I could go on and on.
I have a few thoughts I wanted to get out of my head. These aren’t suggestions (cuz it’s your story and I trust where you’re gonna take it), it’s moreso just kinda be me rambling lol:
Sasuke- I know you’ve mentioned he’s going to show up again later, but I’m so anxious to see the role he’s going to play. I don’t really want it to be a romantic thing with Hinata (I am a firm NaruHina lover lol) but I would love to see him be some kind of a protective friend for her? In my head he and Hinata already know each other; like they had some type of group therapy for traumatized teens or after she was removed from her dad’s care she was temporarily in a group home where she met Sasuke and they got to know each other idk. He knows her story and the pain she deals with, and is able to relate in a sense. So he doesn’t want to see her be taken advantage of. Idk, again this is NOT a suggestion lmao just rambling.
Strength- I would argue that Hinata’s the strongest character in the story so far. Even stronger than Naruto. She’s been thru absolute hell and suffers with severe anxiety and depression. The fact she struggles with suicidal ideations and is still making the choice to live is a testament to her strength. I hope that as the story progresses, Hinata starts to recognize that in herself.
Naruto- love the way you write Naruto in this; the chapters in his pov are some of favorites tbh. As someone mentioned before, I too would love to get a few jealous Naruto scenes. Especially since he’s starting to actually *see* Hinata and recognize his attraction to her. I’m assuming that as the story progresses, Hinata will grow into her own person and become somewhat independent of Naruto (like getting her own friends); is that something Naruto might feel threatened by? Since he does have a selfish streak and is immature, I wonder if he would have an issue with keeping Hinata all to himself.
I think those were the main ramblings I had. Chapter 8 is my absolute favorite so far cuz of the cute NaruHina moment we got. I know smut is probably a ways away but I cannot WAIT till we get to it cuz you are one of my favorite smut writers tbh. Anyways that’s all for now. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
Thank you so much! 🙈💕💗so so so happy you're enjoy the fic that much 💕makes my heart do cartwheelssss 🏃🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️💗☺️🫶🏽 and thank you so much for dropping love in my inbox, I absolutely adore you all that do I swear 🥹
Ahhhh, you have some really interesting ruminations🙈
Sasuke- Surprisingly a lot of readers have been waiting to see how Sasuke fits into all this🤭I've gotten some incredibly creative scenarios and prediction from commenters and anons that I've actually added to his role and even moved his entrance up in the timeline😄This is a very interesting scenario and I really, really like it a lot! So many people really want a protective friend Sasuke and I can't say the idea isn't unbearably adorable 💕
Strength- You hit the nail on the head for sure🫡💕Hinata's inner strength is one that's often overlooked, underestimated and underappreciated when compare to more overt forms of strength, or socially constructed ideals of what it means to be strong, and I've really, really been wanting to make a point in the world of fanfiction, specifically the Naruto fandom of fanfiction, that strength is not always aggression, violence and bitchy attitude 🤦🏽‍♀️ because I've seen, for years now, this narrow, short sighted standard of who is strong and who is weak being perpetrated and it's always, always bothered the crap out of me 😤With Butterfly, I'm hoping to open minds and break molds we've been taught to believe are absolute👎🏽but are actually highly subjective👈🏽 I swear, so many of my fics are 'break the mold' type fics, lol, I think I just like to nay say the nay sayers, ya know, shine light on areas and topics that many may make negative assertions and toxic assumptions about while in reality, know very little about the subject matter at all. I think it opens the door for more compassion, understanding and inclusion ️🫶🏽 and honestly, that's what I'm all about.
Naruto- I love, love, love me a Naruto POV 🙈idk what it is about Naruto in particular since I love most make POV but it is soooo much fun being in his head 🤭Butterfly!Naruto and Prey!Naruto are two of my fave Naruto POV's to write in, both are so much fun in different ways 😄For sure Naruto's gonna have his jealousy moments, he's too hot headed and selfish in Butterfly not to🤭Its definitely not out of the realm of possibility that he'll feel some type of way about not being the center of her attention🤔right now, he's the golden boy, he's got the coveted place at her side, he's got exclusive access nobody else has, losing that, well, he might not be too keen on it🤭although, he's been trying to introduce her to his friends and help her with her speech problems, so maybe he'll take it as a source of pride that he's help her find her confidence🤔that's why I love this Naruto 🤭he really can go either way. Like, on one hand, he can be sweeter than cotton candy, some real tooth rotting sweetness, but on the other hand he can be a selfish asshole making scummy choices just to get what he wants😅he gets tunnel vision, and the only thing that matters is reaching his goals by any means necessary. He's just a really fun character🤭
I super duper appreciate you leaving your ramblings here!! I enjoy each and every one of them! Chapter 8 is near and dear to me too!! I enjoyed writing it so, so much, the cuteness almost melted my laptop 🙈💕 I cannot wait to do more sweet bonding scenes for them ️🫶🏽 that's honestly why my fanfics be so long, I get so caught up in just enjoying and marinating in NaruHina love 🙌🏽its like a virus I never wanna get rid of 😫 Smut is indeed a ways off, but I can't wait to get to it too 🙈 and tys, I'm honored to be one of your faves💕 Thank you, thank you for dropping by!!! I really loved seeing your ramblings! 🫶🏽
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allwormdiet · 1 month
Insinuation 2.7
Finally, some good fucking interpersonal developments
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They cheer when she joins the team? That's outrageously cute, stop that right now
Also yeah Taylor you're faking companionship for personal gain of course you feel bad, that's been like 10% of the torment you specifically have been subjected to (I'm not supposed to know about Julia's shit yet but whatever)
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Again, very clever ideas made less clever by the ensuing practicalities of the situation. The thing with the spider silk all over again, but now the stakes are higher, and that's probably gonna be a recurring thing
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God but it kills me how low Taylor's self-esteem is, poor girl. Emma and the others have done such heinous fucking damage. Someone rizz this girl up or something (am I using "rizz" right), let her feel like she can be attractive
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Jesus how touch-starved is Taylor at this point in her life
How often does anyone just go for casual physical closeness with her
Does her dad even hug her that much anymore? Does she let him, or does she bristle at the vulnerability and push him away?
...I wonder if Lisa knows this and is taking it into account.
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God, finally, a normal view of the Docks. I cannot begin to describe my relief at the fact that the narration here was like, fine, actually. Thank you for lightening up on them Taylor, please let this last
The Undersiders' hangout sounds about like what I'd expect, although the whole "abandoned factory beneath the loft" part I think escaped me before. Very Lost Boys of them
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...I have to imagine it smells at least a little rank in there. Two teenage boys, plus dog smell, and I can't imagine Rachel is super observant of her hygiene, and I don't know enough about Tattletale to say whether she's bad about cleanliness but even if she was that's one against, I dunno, six if you count the dogs. Maybe they invest part of the team budget into Febreze or something
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This is... sweet, actually. From both sides. They're making accommodations for Taylor, and Taylor is accepting those accommodations to do them all a favor
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Insane that a Ward like, is actively trying to murder someone. What kind of beef does Sophi Shadow Stalker even have with Brian?
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I feel some kind of sadness at how young Brian is and how much he acts like an adult. There's almost never a happy story behind kids or teenagers who act that way. It'd be nice if he got more opportunities to relax and act his age, buuuut I don't think this is that kind of story
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What a cool power though, honestly. I know the migraines are a motherfucker and I'd probably be a huge baby about that if I had to deal with it, but just shortcutting so much guesswork about like, everything with people and things
Also it's great to see Taylor realize how bad she might have fucked up in trying to infiltrate this team
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Heh, yeah, exactly
I wonder what Lisa's reading off of all this. She must have remarkable self-discipline to not be cackling evilly rn
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Ruh roh Raggy
Current Thoughts
I love these kiiiiiiiids
It pains me to know they've all had a shit enough time in their lives to all trigger as parahumans, especially being spoiled on Alec's deal as a spawn of Heartbreaker and Lisa's borderline prison sentence under Coil and Brian's struggle with his family. Idk if we ever get more insight into Rachel's path, I'd like to hear it even though I don't think she'd be quick to talk about herself, but I'm gonna guess it's about as sad as the others
I want them all to be happy, and keep being friends without the pressure from Coil to all do crime shit
I know I don't get what I want
so I'll just enjoy the time spent with them best I can
...Anyway I wonder if Taylor's gonna get a mild fear of dogs after this or what
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m00nie-m00 · 1 year
Oh Sh!t
modern au!Scaramouche x gn! reader
🌷 Sypnosis - you fall in love with your best friends worst enemy
Warnings: cursing, train creeps, adult jokes, murderous intentions, time jumps
💌 this gonna be a three part story! (Maybe more idk)
1 . 2 . 3
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"He is so infuriating! I make ONE mistake and he reprimands me for it like hello?? It isn't a life threatening mistake either its like getting mad at someone for spelling a word wrong with a PENCIL" your best friend, Lumine ranted as you both prepared dinner.
"Calm down you might think your finger is a carrot and chop it" you chuckled as you prepared the stove.
"I'd like to think his fingers are carrots and chop it" she grumbled back.
You laughed at her comment and shook your head, "wow my sweetheart lumine what has gotten into you? This boy must be one pain in the ass if you of all people are out for his blood" you joked, looking back at her. She didn't seem as humorous as you at the moment.
"I know! He's just that bad! Me, im the most helpful girl in the world- and that's not exaggerating," she paused to proudly smirk. "but he oh my god the only thing im gonna help him with is burying himself 6 feet underground" she gritted her teeth, slamming the knife harder into the chopping board.
You nervously chuckled, moving towards Lumine and placing your hand on top of hers. Stopping the knife in place.
"Lumine I think i'll do the chopping"
"Okay, I'll start cooking then."
"No... i think you need to sit this one down, safety reasons"
-- <3 --
You boarded the train on the way home, unfortunately, your classes ended at the same time rush hour began. The train was packed with people, and you had to stand in the very middle of the crowd while holding on to the hanging strap.
You clutched your bag tightly to your side to avoid getting robbed, keeping a close eye on your belongings. Train rides were rarely enjoyable at this hour, and sometimes you'd wait for a less crowded train to come by so you wouldn't have to be so cautious of everything. Today though you had to get home as soon as possible, so you unfortunately didn't have a choice.
You felt a hand brush the side of your thigh, instantly freezing up you looked at the direction you felt it. There were a few people stood beside you so you couldn't pinpoint who the hand belonged to.
It could've been an accident, you thought, taking a deep breath to try and relax.
But then it happened again. This time the hand stayed by the side of your thigh a little longer. You weren't gonna take any chances so you quickly moved away, harshly bumping backs with someone as you did so.
"oh shit! i'm so sorry" you apologized, turning around to face the person you bumped into. He looked like a boy your age, wearing a stylish black outfit. He had bluish-purple hair that was styled in an interesting yet suiting haircut choice, and he had deep violet eyes that you would find beautiful if he wasn't glaring at you with them at that moment.
"there was a creep at my last spot i had to move away-" you rambled, fiddling with your fingers nervously. You furrowed your brows when he looked away from you and out the window he was stood beside.
ok well that's that I guess, you shrugged. Turning to face away when he said something that stopped you.
"hold on to the hanging strap the next stop is coming" he flatly stated, moving his hand to the side to provide space for yours.
"no it's okay-!" you said, knowing that if you held on to the strap your hands would brush. heh brushing hands with a hot guy your age doesn't sound that bad.
"I said hold on to it." he grabbed your wrist and raised your arm so your hand can grab the strap. As soon as you wrapped your fingers around it his hand let you go before instantly grabbing on to your shoulder as the train made an abrupt stop.
You yelped as your body jerked forward slightly, without his hand on your shoulder you would've crashed into him.
"you didn't give yourself time to prepare for the stop. how often do you ride a train?" he asked judgingly, pulling his hand away from your shoulder and shoving it into his pocket.
"look a lot has happened in this train in the spam of 3 minutes okay" You huffed, pressing your lips together as he laughed.
"too much for your little brain to handle?" he said, tilting his head to the side. What kind of comment was that?
You furrowed your brows, an unamused look on your face. "what's your name?" you asked. "why should i tell you?" he answered. "damn that's a stupid name" you replied sarcastically. "well, what's your name then?" he mockingly said. "better than yours" "that name is even stupider"
-- <3 --
"you met a cute guy on a train, had an actual interaction with him, physical touch too and you didn't give him your number, your actual name or like anything?!" Lumine exclaimed, shaking your shoulders aggressively as the two of you sat on your bed.
"well he didn't give me his actual name either!" you defended, "... which i guess isn't a good thing either UGH" you collapsed backwards, looking up at the ceiling. "There goes my chance in an epic collage love story"
Lumine grabbed your hands and pulled you up, you slouched limply and stared at her as she grinned. "your taking that train same time every time you go home"
"what?! but i hate rush hourrrr" you groaned, letting your back fall backwards only to be stopped by Lumine who pulled you back in place.
"okay but from what you shared it seems he's used to using the train sooo, who knows you might bump into him" she teased, giggling excitingly. Who knows what fictional love stories were brewing in her head.
You rolled your eyes, though the thought of it actually working lingered at the back of your mind. On the other hand you knew that if you wished for something to happen it never really does. So in that logic, you are never going to see him ever again.
"it's never gonna happen lumine I'm just gonna put myself in unnecessary danger" you mumbled, sighing defeatedly.
Lumine pouted before letting go of your hands and getting off your bed. "stop believing" she said as she exited your bedroom door.
your head jerked upward and your brows furrowed, like a deer caught in headlights. "what?!" you shouted at her, hoping she'd hear.
-- <3 --
You couldn't stop believing.
For the past week you've been riding the train home at that horrendous time just to try and bump into the boy again. you would look around and delusionally think some random guy with the same figure as him is him, like an idiot.
You got off the train but instead of taking the rout home you stopped by a cat cafe that newly opened. you liked cats, cats make you feel better. Drinking a nice warm drink while petting a cat sounds nice.
You entered the cafe and was greeted with a warm but colorful atmosphere and lots and lots of cat, or paw shaped decorations.
You order yourself a drink and a slice of blueberry cheesecake, sitting down on one of the tables closest to where all the cats were.
a black cat approached you meowing as she brushed herself against your leg. "hi there lovely" you smiled, bending down to pet the cat. The cat nuzzled into your touch and your smile grew even wider. Cats made your insides feel fuzzy.
You picked up the cat and placed it on your lap, stroking its fur as your other hand took a look at the tag on her collar. "it's nice to meet you berry" you cooed, scratching the back of her ear.
After a few minutes of petting berry and a few more cats while also trying to eat some cake the bell by the door chimed and you looked up to see who had entered.
beautiful deep violet eyes.
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megumi-fm · 7 months
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this week fortnight on megumi.fm ▸ the last leg
is that a pun referring to my aching ankle? yes. is resting at home for another week gonna ruin my mental health? yes. but am I exaggerating and throwing a tantrum for something that's probably not a big deal? also yes.
📋 Tasks
💻 Internship // progress tracker ↳ biopython model replication ✅ ↳ code for obtaining single fasta from overlapping sequences ✅ ↳ running HMMer and superfamily script✅ ↳ output analysis 🔁 ↳ literature review on transport proteins 🔁 ↳ transport protein family analysis 🔁 🎓 Uni ↳ our paper is finally out! there's a doi and everything now <3 it's not open access though :/// I might do some totally legal things to ensure more people can read it ↳ collected the hardcopy of my LOR ↳ collected my gradecard ↳ visited my advisor and updated her on stuff 🩺Radiomics Project ↳ radiomic features finalized✅ ↳ data cleanup 🔁
📅 Daily-s
🛌 consistent sleep [14/14] 💧 good water intake [14/14] 👟 exercise [/14] just basic stuff to maintain ankle mobility
Fun Stuff this week
💗i went to uni to watch one of my friends present something to the juniors! then I spent the afternoon chatting with my guide and later on went window shopping with my best friends (in retrospect i should not have done this because my ankle got infinitely worse the next day and now I'm stuck resting at home for an additional two weeks) 🎮playing undertale with @muakrrr 📺 ongoing: Marry my Husband, Cherry Magic Th, Perfect Propose, Doctor Slump, Flex X Cop 📺 binged: Blueming, Roommates of Poongduck 304 📹 Started watching Going Seventeen // so I've been listening to SVT for a while now and I did watch their Don't Lie II eps like two years ago but I never really checked anything else... however, considering that I'm stuck at home and that @zzzzzestforlife (who has impeccable taste) has mentioned it often on their posts, I decided to check out GoSe properly and. wow. I started with their mystery episodes [fav scenes under cut] and now I'm watching GoSe2020 in chronological order and !!!!!! The concepts, the storylines, the acting, the humour, the editing, even the subtitles are all so so good. I've been watching this show for two weeks now and I am now officially a cubic <3
📻 This week's soundtrack
Wk1: The Best of ATEEZ // I've been real obsessed since their 2024 world tour clips started showing up on social media; I was a casual enjoyer up to this point and then I went and checked them out and it's all so dystopian and immersive. My favourites would be Intro: Long Journey (which makes me feel like I'm in Pirates of the Caribbean), the Symphony version of Wonderland (for its musicality and Jungho hitting those notes), MATZ (that is insane in it's the visual storytelling in the MV) and Wake Up (whose performance choreo ended me) Wk2: The Best of BTS // in an attempt to revive a project I abandoned a year ago, I spent wayy too much time curating this playlist to get the most satisfying BTS transitions ever and I can confidently say that I'm nowhere close to my goal T-T but I kind of like the way it is now so I am simply going to give up
[Feb 12 to Feb 25 ; week 7+8/52 || this was not supposed to be one post but then... idk what happened... I feel very dull lately because of my ankle and just when I thought it was getting better it's become painful again... my friends and parents keep chastising me (and fairly so) for trying to move around even before I fully heal but patience has never been my strong suit. sitting still is really the biggest punishment for a hyperactive ADHD kid like me... i'm sure plenty others have it worse but... yeah... GoSe really carrying my mental health right now ]
my fav GoSe scenes
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