#but i'm not done writing ba fics
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elizacinnamon · 5 days ago
"You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back just like that."
Back to writing and feeling myself (chopped all my hair off and sleeping almost eight hours again). That being said, I'm putting the finishing touches on the new chapter of Labyrinth and planning to press publish tomorrow-ish. Thanks for being patient!
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penumbra-mayhem · 1 month ago
An Accidental Bridge
Sam/Darlin' fluff | 1759 words
(I hc Darlin' with a stutter; read here for more.)
Sam’s mind was gently pulled into consciousness as a great horned owl called from outside his bedroom. He glimpsed at the clock on the wall. Nine o'clock. Still late evening, not yet time to be up. Enticed by the owl's promise of a set sun, though, Sam slipped off his blankets.
Bare feet met hardwood as he left the bed, eyes still closed in an attempt to at least stay half-asleep. He shuffled over to his window and pulled back the black-out curtains before feeling around for the latch. His fingers found it just as a sliver of a voice snuck through the silence:
He gave a groggy response as he opened the window, “Jus’ gettin’ someair…”
Darlin’ gave a low hum of approval and rolled over to face him. Sam made his way back over and climbed into their bed with all the grace of a drunk bat, eliciting a sleep-laden giggle from his mate.
“Oh, hush,” he grumbled, his smile unwittingly trickling into his voice, “I’m barely awake.” He drew Darlin’ to his chest.
They both drifted in and out of sleep, lulled by the owl’s repeated call. The cool air of early night seeped into their room; the two snuggled further under the covers in response.
"I can feel your magic,” Sam mumbled. It was an uncommon sensation; usually, Darlin' only let their magic extend beyond themself when they felt safe. And they rarely felt safe.
“Yours t-t-too...”
“Feel good?”
Sam felt them nod. He gave them a small kiss before asking, “What’s it feel like?”
Darlin’ drew sleepy circles on his chest as they tuned into his magic. After a few moments of silence, they spoke—slowly, like they were savoring a flavor in their mouth:
“It’s l-l-like….sinking into a wwwarm b-b-bath..it’s like a…b-b-bass…low and in-in the b-back…thrumming…ocean wwwaves under a full mmmoon…immmmense…soothing…l-like aloe v-vera on skin after a-a sunny day…”
Joy swelled in Sam's chest and he tightened his arms around them. “I love the way you put that, darlin’,” he murmured.
Darlin’ smiled softly, sleep tugging at them. “How's mmmine?”
“Yours? Mmm…” Sam allowed Darlin’s magic to seep into him. “Your magic…is like fireworks. Those kinds that you light and then toss into the street to see them spin real quick and change colors…you’re the buzz after a concert...the windswept euphoria when you get off a roller coaster…you’re stargazin' durin' a meteor shower…your magic feels like…like…”
Darlin’ jumped.
They pushed themself up a bit and stared at Sam with wide eyes.
“What? What is it?” he asked, staring back in concern.
They shook their head. “Fuck, I-I-I heard y-you in-in mmmmy head.”
Sam mouthed a small ‘oh’. Seeing that Darlin’ was more startled than scared, he relaxed slightly. “You think we might of bridged?”
Darlin’ gave a small nod. “I-I didn’t mmmmean t-t-to.”
“Me neither,” Sam assured them, “Guess we were just…in tune with each other.”
They dropped their gaze. "I...I-I haven't d-d-d-done that in-in...in a l-l-l-long t-t-time."
"Me neither," Sam replied. He studied them a moment before asking, "Are you okay?"
They nodded again. "Are-are y-you?"
Sam couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just worried about you."
Darlin' lowered their head back onto his chest. “I-I’m fine. J-just…surprised mmme,” they muttered, trying to slow Sam's heartrate with their words.
Sam ran one hand up and down their back, with the other in their hair. When he felt like they had both reached a state of calm again, he asked, “Is that somethin' you’d be interested in doin' with me?"
After no response, he added, "S'alright if the answer’s no.”
"You don't wwwant that. N-not wwwwith mmme."
Shut down. It was the kind of response he often got from them. It was the kind of response he couldn't stand. He knew it was a form of protection, and they had been getting better about it. But still, every so often, Darlin' would deny him or themself something in the belief that they were broken or unworthy or dangerous. Every time, it simultaneously burned Sam's heart and broke it.
"Why do you say that?" he asked, trying to keep his tone gentle.
Darlin' bit the inside of their cheek. When he was met with no response again, Sam kissed the top of their head and entreated, "Please, Darlin'. You don't have to speak quick. You don't even have to give an explanation. But please don't ignore me entirely."
Fuck. How could words spoken soft as candlelight twist guilt into their gut like a knife? Darlin' buried their face into Sam's chest, breathing in his scent. It steadied them.
Finally, they responded, their voice muffled by Sam's sleepshirt, "It...fucking s-sucks…in-in mmmy head."
There it was.
Sam sighed, "That may be true, for you. But that doesn't mean I don't want to bridge with you. I'm not scared of your thoughts, darlin'."
"B-but you should b-be.”
"But I'm not," Sam pushed back, just a little. Silence fell between them, and he let it. Darlin' had answered his question. There was no point in trying to convince them how he felt. He kissed their head once again in silent reassurance that he was not mad and closed his eyes, hoping to get a bit more sleep.
Darlin' bit harder at the inside of their cheek, their mind buzzing with frustration. The owl outside made itself known again; Darlin' laid in indecision as they listened to it call over and over. They could feel Sam's magic—not reaching out but still present. His magic was safe. He was safe. He was strong. Stronger than they were. Braver. Calmer. Steadier.
When Darlin' finally spoke, their voice was small and soft and scared:
"I-I wwwwant t-to try...if-if you also wwwant t-to."
Sam felt his heart skip. He craned his neck to the side to make eye contact with Darlin' as he asked, "You sure? I don't want you doin' this if you're not really wantin’ it."
"You-you give mmme all of you. I-I wwant to do the same. E-Even if it scares mme," they whispered, "I-I wwwant t-to b-be b-brave for you."
"You don't have to."
"B-but I wwant t-to."
Sam studied their face for a moment before kissing their forehead and whispering, "Alright. Thank you, darlin'. But if we start and you don’t like it, you tell me and we’ll stop, okay?”
“Good…is there a certain way you want to lay or sit?"
"N-n-no. You?"
"Nah, this is perfect."
Sam closed his eyes and leaned his head back against his pillow, running his hand through Darlin's hair. Darlin' closed their eyes as well, listening to Sam's heart.
It was quick. Almost as quick as the first time. When the bridge reformed, Sam could feel Darlin's body tense against his. Through the bridge, he felt the tension in his own muscles. He kissed the top of their head.
It's okay. You're safe.
“Fuck.” Fuck, woah, that's fucking weird.
I'm going to fuck this up.
I shouldn't have done this.
I'm just going to hurt you—
—hey, hey, it's ok.
Fuck, sorry, I'll try to quiet down...
...Do you think anyone's ever tried bridging with more than one person at one time?
If you can do that, could you make a true hive mind?
Bee people. Bee shifters? Are there any insect shifters—
—fuck! Sorry!
"SSSorry..." Darlin' muttered. Sam giggled and stroked Darlin's head. The sensation soothed them both.
You're alright, darlin'.
I don’t mind your thoughts.
But you should—
—shut up, Tank—
—fuck, I wish I would just shut up!
...Your head is so quiet.
Shit, I don't mean quiet like empty I just—
—god I am such an ass!
You're not an ass, darlin'.
Damn, I love you.
I love you.
"I love you, darlin'."
Darlin’s body went lax at the assurance. Their mind stilled for just a moment. Tap tap tap. Darlin’ tapped Sam’s chest three times—a gesture he’d come to learn meant ‘I love you’. The feeling of their own fingers echoed against Darlin’s chest.
I love you, too.
So much.
Fuck what time is it?
Shit, we’ve got to get up soon.
Do we?
It’s…Saturday? Yeah, Saturday.
Fuck yeah, we can stay in bed.
We could make breakfast.
More like you could make breakfast, I’m shit at cooking.
I’m shit at most things.
I don’t even think I’m doing this right—
—you’re doin’ just fine, pup.
Sam’s heart skipped as he realized what he’d just thought. Or maybe it was Darlin’s heart skipping, he couldn’t quite tell. His eyes shot open, and he looked down at Darlin’, whose face was already turning red. Sam’s own face began to burn too.
“Fuck, Darlin’, I’m so sorry.” I’m sorry.
I didn’t mean to think that.
That wasn’t appropriate.
I should have asked before—
For once, Darlin’s head was quiet. Like static. Sam’s stomach fluttered. Or maybe it was Darlin’s. The bridge was somehow deepening, and Sam struggled to differentiate where the feelings were originating.
I know wolves can be particular with those kinds of names.
Especially when their mates aren’t wolves.
I should have asked.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…
Sam’s thoughts slowed as Darlin’ pressed a soft kiss to his lips. They buried their face into his neck.
I liked that.
You…what? "What?"
Darlin’ groaned quietly, “I-I liked it.”
Call me it again—
—wait, I mean, uh, um…
A grin stretched across Sam’s face. “Oh yeah?” he cooed, stroking the nape of Darlin’s neck.
You like bein’ called pup?
Sam giggled as his stomach fluttered at the word; this time he could tell that feeling definitely came from Darlin’.
You just a little puppy?
My puppy?
“SSSSSaaaammm…” Darlin’ whined.
Sam pulled his body back a bit. Darlin’ turned their head to look up at him. The blush on their cheeks made Sam swoon, but he still had to be sure:
“I can stop, darlin’,” Sam said, his voice soft but serious.
Darlin’ shook their head. “N-no.” It’s just, nobody’s ever called me that…
Sam couldn’t stop grinning. Their blush. The way they ducked their head and avoided his eyes. The weakness in their voice. He rarely saw Darlin’ so bashful.
Well it’s about time…
My sweet puppy…
C’mere… "C'mere."
Darlin’ hummed as they curled themself around Sam once more, tangling their limbs with his. Sam ran his hands through their hair as they traced their fingers over his chest. The two sank into repose as their sensations and thoughts melded and lost origin.
Sam breathed deep and murmured, “Such a good pup.”
Your pup.
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muffinlance · 7 days ago
Fandom Trumps Hate Charity Auction: MuffinLance Edition
Hello, MuffinLance here. Author of Salvage and some other stuff ("some other stuff" best viewed while logged into AO3.)
The FTH Charity Auction is upon us again! Bidding opens on 2/25/25; winners donate directly to the organization they choose, and I proceed to Write The Thing they asked for. I've got three auctions up for grabs this year. One is relatively affordable, two are "I double dog dare someone to bid".
Auction 1: Bidder's Choice
Minimum Bid: $30 This auction is for either: an original prompt OR the next chapter in an existing fic OR one of the stories from my "want to write but haven't found the time" list, which I shall gladly share with any interested winner. The minimum word count you'd get is 300; the max is 20k; the actual length will depend on what you pick and how excited I am to write it. In 2024, the winner of this bid chose "the next Dark Night in Ba Sing Se chapter please," and got a completed fic with 5 chapters and 18k words. We'll work through email to bounce ideas and settle on something that we're both excited for! I look forward to working with you, and thank you for supporting one of the many good causes in this auction. >>>Auction 1 Link<<<
Auction 2: Kindling AU Part 3
Minimum Bid: $100 This auction is for the next Kindling AU installment; it's the equivalent of the Blue Spirit episode in that "Aang got caught" is the premise, but it is INCREDIBLY AU YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I've got this fully outlined and partially written, but as it's going to be somewhere between 8k-20k once I'm fully done fleshing it out, I haven't had time to actually sit down and write it. If you feel like donating lots of money to get my butt in the chair, please do. Working title is "Snow in the Fire Nation", and it's going to get into how the Water Tribe POWs are treated in this AU. Expect lots of screen time for Katara, Sokka, and of course Zuko. Can't say more without spoiling major things.
>>>Auction 2 Link<<<
(Kindling series link, for those unfamiliar.)
Auction 3: Finish the Current Book of Towards the Sun You Stupid Author
Minimum Bid: $500 This is the "MuffinLance sit your butt down and finish the current book of Towards the Sun" auction. It costs lots of money because that will take lots of work and I'm double-dog-daring someone to call my bluff (it's going to be approximately 9-30k words to finish depending on how verbose I get). If someone wants to donate $500 to make this happen, I will get it done, so help me. To be clear, this is finishing the current book (NOT finishing the entire story); this will get us out of "Zuko stuck in the Northern Water Tribe prison" limbo and to a really satisfying turning point in the story. We will also see dragons. Tiny squiggly baby noodle dragons. You know you want them. >>>Auction 3 Link<<< (Towards the Sun link, for those unfamiliar.)
Do I expect anyone to bid on those last two? No. If someone does, will I stare them in the eyes while I vindictively type-type-type? Absolutely.
Happy Fandom-Trumping-Hate, everyone!
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birthanon · 5 days ago
Hey BA!
Loved the story you wrote recently, huge fan of birth denial (as long as no actual harm is done, y’know y’know).
How about a story for a solo birth in nature? I’m a big fan of trying to hold the birth off with nothing but willpower; trying not to push, enjoying the crown. Maybe walking a hiking trail while she pushes.
Hi! I'm so glad you liked it, thanks for reaching out with a prompt! This is definitely a gentler prompt than I've done before, but I enjoyed the variety. Thanks for the opportunity to write this, I hope you enjoy as well!
Also, yee-haw, two birth fics in one day! Trying to get through all the asks people have sent in. I'm so excited to get to everyone's! It might take some time though, so be patient with me!
This fic contains: birth denial, solo birth, unassisted birth, nature birth, fpreg
Sharla had a birthing plan. There was an obscure hiking trail near her that was fairly easy, that ended in a beautiful meadow with a little lake. It was about two miles long, and no one really knew about it. She’d never seen anyone else there in the years she’d hiked the trail. So, as soon as her contractions started getting serious, she got in her car and began her drive. Her plan: hike up the mountain and birth in her favorite spot.
She’d prepared herself well, studying all she needed, practicing breathing techniques. She used them in the car ride up. Once she arrived, she waddled out of the car and headed to the little outhouse. As she used the bathroom, another contraction came. She pushed with it, a small tentative push as the pressure grew. Then, water splattered into the toilet. Water that definitely wasn’t pee.
Well, she thought, This baby’s coming fast. Better get hiking.
She used the toilet paper to wipe herself off, breathed through a contraction in the stall, shaking her hips to ease the pain which seemed far more intense without her waters cushioning everything, then began to head out.
She walked slowly, stopping with every contraction, keeping her legs together to try and help herself to hold off on pushing until she reached her destination. She wore a maternity sundress, so the only thing between her and the outside air was her panties.  It was a crisp spring morning. Beautiful. The birds were singing, and she was out among it where she belonged.
As she walked, she cradled her round belly with both hands, trying to ease the weight of her sore back. And though she didn’t push, her own walking and the power of gravity was slowly pulling the baby down, stretching her little by little as she walked. It was a delicious feeling, painful, yes, but primal, normal. And so long as she didn’t hurry it, her body would be free to stretch as slowly as it needed to.
Things were going well. Sure the baby was moving faster than she’d intended. Sure, with each trail marker she was walking her waddle was becoming more and more distinct. But she was confident she’d make it.
By the time she reached the one mile marker, halfway through the hike, she was feeling less confident. The contractions were coming more and more frequently, and they were hurting more, becoming more insistent. Though she’d managed to not push, her body alone had managed to force the baby all the way through her canal and it was now resting just inside her lips.
She paused at the sign, leaning against it, fishing one of many water bottles from her pack and taking a heft swig. Her hand reached up her dress, feeling at her panties. There was a slight bulge there, but when she slipped her hand inside, she didn’t quite feel a head. 
At least until another contraction hit. She groaned with it. She was bent over, and it made the contraction much worse. Her heavy belly weighing on her belt as it tightened inside her dress. She breathed through the growing demand to push, but still felt the sting of her lips as they began to part, just a tiny bit. Just enough that her finger slipped through and felt a smidge of wet head.
As soon as the contraction ended, she capped her water bottle, and continued walking. Not far down the path, another contraction. She breathed with it, commanding herself not to push, feeling the sting of her lips as they just began to part.
Three contractions later, and she was feeling rather hot. She stopped, leaning against a tree to weather a fourth contraction, then carefully removed her panties and shoved them in her dress pocket. It felt better, without a barrier there. Without the clothing rubbing up against her tender, stretched parts.  She drank some more. Weathered yet another contraction, closing her eyes and moaning with it, her hand resting on her bulging lips, not constraining it, only supporting it.
As soon as it was done though, the baby slipped safely back inside, and she continued her hike. A hawk flew overhead. Bees buzzed in the air. Another contraction, more stretching. She panted. Her body demanded she push. It was getting harder and harder not to listen, but she knew, the second she gave in, her baby would shoot forward, and then she’d never reach the lake. So she breathed, she panted, she moaned, she stretched, but she continued on. Never pushing.
The next contraction was even harder. It stopped her in her tracks. She caught a tree trunk to keep her balance as her body naturally bent, trying to get in a better position to birth. The head eased forward, spreading her even further. She moaned with the pain, thinking, surely, the head must be nearly out. Yet, when she reached down to check, there was only about a square inch of head showing. Good, she thought, continuing her trek.
She focused on the green of the trees, on the fascinating rocks on the trail. Anything, but the growing demand to push. As she reached the marker for a mile and a half, though, she gave in. She stopped, her legs spread, she sunk into a crouch, flustered and sweaty, and pushed, moaning. 
The baby shot forward, searing pain in her lips as they stretched around the sudden crown. She gasped as she noticed her mistake, and forced her legs closer together, nudging the head just a bit back in.  I can’t do that again, she thought. I have to reach the lake.
She was almost there, but the near crown was making walking awfully difficult. The beautiful surroundings were calming, but her hips ached. She reached down, walking with one hand supporting the growing head, feeling it ease forward just a smidge more with each contraction. 
The stretch hurt, but it felt primal, natural, here in the wild, where all things had given birth since the beginning of life. A tree caught her as she stumbled, reaching out its helpful branches, eager to assist the new life. A boulder stood stalwartly as she leaned against it, head spinning, against a particularly strong contraction. The head, ever lower, her legs, ever wider.
Then, finally, just as the head reached a full crown and she was sure she could take not a single more step, she reached the top.
A crystal blue lake, reflecting the perfect sky above, radiant with dazzling light, surrounded by a forest of aspen trees, whispering excitedly to each other in the breeze. 
Gasping in relief, Sharla waddled her way to the edge of the lake. A boulder waited there, providing a perfect companion. She held onto it. As the growing pains of a contraction came, she crouched, pressed her chin to her chest, and, finally, blessedly, pushed.
The head surged forward. She gasped as it surpassed a full crown and shot right out of her, into her hand, water splattering the dirt beneath her. 
Her legs were exhausted, trembling. She needed a new position. First, she checked the cord, making sure it wasn’t around the baby’s neck. No cord, but she enjoyed the tiny softness of the baby’s features.
Then, as the shoulders shifted, she moved. She pulled a tarp from her back pack, still crouched, her baby’s head hanging from her. She spread it by the lakeside, with a flick of her arms. Then, she collapsed back onto it. 
Now leaning against the boulder, she pushed with her next contraction, curling forward, around her round, heaving stomach. Her legs were spread apart, making space for the shoulders, which inched out of her. 
The contraction ended, leaving her heaving for breath. She looked up, watching a bird dive into the water for prey. She watched water twinkle as it fell from the bird’s talons in a cascade of fire-like droplets. Then she went back to pushing, and stretching, just a bit more. One shoulder out.
She leaned back against the boulder once more, grateful for its steady presence. Her baby was cradled in her hand, damp head, one shoulder. She pushed, one last time, curling in on herself, giving it her all, then the baby was out.
Crying in relief, she pulled it from her, and held it against its chest. It was beautiful, it was hers. And her crying turned to laughter, as she sat amongst nature, life’s newest gift safe in her hands.
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biconickyoshi · 9 months ago
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Been wanting to do some updated character model sheet thingies for my ongoing longfic The Avatar and the Fire Prince, so here they are! :) Up until now I'd only drawn Zuko and Aang, but I thought it was about time I added Iroh and the Water Tribe siblings to the lineup as well. Right now all I've done this for is Books 1 & 2, but I really want to get started on the Books 3 & 4 versions so I can add Toph and Suki (and possibly Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee) to the lineup!
As usual, for anyone who has not read my fic but is curious about the premise: this is an AU in which Zuko and Iroh discover Aang in the iceberg just 3 months after Zuko is burned and banished at age 13 in 96 AG, 4 years prior to the return of Sozin's Comet. It is also an enemies to best friends to lovers slowburn in which Zukaang is endgame (since Aang was released from the iceberg 3 years early in this AU, he is only one year younger than Zuko). This fic is heavily based in canon, so I try my hardest to ensure that everything is canon-compliant at least when it comes to lore and character behavior despite the different circumstances.
Book 1: Air's premise: after finding and capturing Aang, Zuko and Iroh are forced to escape with him on Appa when Zhao interferes with their plans to return to the Fire Nation. This Book focuses on Aang desperately searching the Air Temples for any remnants of his people he can find, dragging Zuko and Iroh along in the process. Eventually, Zuko starts to question everything he was raised to believe, while Iroh is forced to face the mistakes of his past.
Book 2: Water begins with Aang, Zuko, and Iroh traveling to the South Pole after Aang starts to have recurring nightmares about an impending attack on Wolf Cove (Sokka and Katara's village), and eventually follows my adaptations of several storylines from canon Book 1 before ending with the Siege of the North in Agna Qel'a. During this Book, Zuko begins to realize his feelings for Aang are more than friendship, while Aang remains oblivious (lol).
Book 3: Earth is the Book I am currently working on (the most recent chapter was my adaptation of "Avatar Day") and so far follows Aang, Zuko, Iroh, Katara, and Sokka as they search for an earthbending teacher for Aang - so far, it has followed the general canon plot of Book 2, though of course, as always, there are differences due to this being an AU. No spoilers, but I have some really interesting things planned for this Book, particularly as we get closer to the Ba Sing Se arc. I also have a lot of fun stuff planned for the Zukaang romance in this Book.
Book 4: Fire will be the last Book of the fic, and will of course revolve around the Gaang in the Fire Nation. This is all I will say for now since I don't want to spoil the plans I have for the previous Book (which will heavily influence what happens in Book 4, obv).
When I finally finish this fic (I'm about halfway through at 33/65 chapters), I plan to start writing a direct sequel that adapts the events of the comics, as well as a Korrasami-focused Legend of Korra rewrite fic that is set in the same AU as TAatFP.
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strawhbrrries · 2 years ago
pairing: tattoo artist!frank castle x afab!reader
summary: frank castle was praised for his work constantly, leading you to get a thigh piece. which then leads you into a problem because your artist is so fucking attractive
warnings: cussing, masturbation (m and f), fingering, frank with no shirt, tattooed frank!!!, no use of y/n or description of reader, not proofread 
word count: 2732 words
author’s note: this has been a looooong time coming so i'm excited to finally be able to share it with you guys!! i hope it does the drabble that started it some justice. dedicated to the sweet anon that requested it be turned into a full fic! please enjoy! mwah!
tags: @kloofspeaks
inspired by this drabble!
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Your wallet was burning a hole in your pocket, a big gaping tattoo shaped hole. To match the tattoo shaped hole in your wallet was a perfect spot on your thigh just begging to be decorated, but your current artist was booked so far out and you needed it now. 
“Just go to this guy.” Your friend mentioned, giving you the contact information for one of the artists at the studio they frequented. His work was insane, you spent an entire week looking and relooking at all the pictures he posted before ever working up the courage to email him, he was faceless and you assumed he was some old man who’d been in the game a long time.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
“Can I help you?” A deep voice snapped you back to reality, you had gotten side tracked looking at all the art on the wall from all the artists in the studio. The guy you were seeing, Mr. Castle, had the best work though and you were glad your friend had mentioned him. 
You turned around and immediately wanted to hide, a very handsome man with a tall stature was the source of the voice. It made your panties wet and made you want to rub your thighs together to relieve the building tension, not that it would help but you sure could try. He was rugged, in a gorgeous way, his hair was fluffy and fell over his ears but his jaw was sharp and complimented the style. His face was serious, not that he was trying to be but it made you nervous. Made you want to confess every bad thing you’d ever done out of sheer anxiousness, to fill the silence as he waited for your answer. You hoped he wasn’t your artist just for your sake, and maybe for your underwear.
“Yeah, uhm. I have a consultation with Mr. Castle.” Your voice was much softer than his, you looked down to avoid eye contact with him. To avoid spilling your guts to some handsome stranger who was probably married because how could he not be? 
“That’d be me.” For the first time since you saw him a smile appeared on his face, it complimented him more than the stoic look he carried. The blush that arose was almost embarrassing, he thought it was cute. “Just Frank though.”
“Huh?” You stopped listening after he mentioned he was your artist, the blood pumping in your ears being the only sound you heard. Of course you would end up with the world's most attractive man as your artist and of course he was going to be touching all over your legs, this was a cruel dream. You’d practically broken a finger from how hard you were squeezing your hands.
“Just call me Frank, Mr. Castle is my dad and I hate the formality.” He chuckled, writing something on the clipboard he’d been holding. You hadn’t noticed anything below his neck and now you were actively, and very obviously, checking him out.
His arms were veiny and filled with tattoos that disappeared under the sleeves of his shirt and poked back out at the neck before disappearing down his back, it seemed he had one big connecting tattoo but you couldn’t exactly ask him to strip in public. You couldn’t see his legs or his chest but you assumed they were also covered in tattoos, you wanted nothing more to learn about them all. 
“You can just follow me this way, the consultation won’t take long.” He cleared his throat, clearing the awkward air that hung between you. 
He walked to a booth all the way in the back and to the left, pulled the curtain closed after you walked in. Motioning to the chair that sat in the middle of the space you sat down and placed your purse on your lap, mentally cursing yourself for being so fucking awkward. This wasn’t your first tattoo so what was your problem? He was and you knew it. 
“Did you get the email I sent? I know my description of the idea was bad so I can explain it better.” You rambled, watching him sit on the swivel chair next to you and pick up an ipad from the counter that sat in the back. 
“Yeah, let me show you what I drew up and we can go from there.” He looked at you through his hair as he leaned his elbows against his knees, pulling up the drawing. He turned around and the ipad and handed it to you, chuckling when your eyes lit up at the design.
“It’s like you read my mind, holy shit. This is exactly what I envisioned.” For the first time since you saw him your voice was confident and loud, your eyes bright and your mouth a bright smile. He slowly took the ipad back and let out a laugh, god he was attractive.
“It’s what I do. Do you like it, does it need any change? If so I can fix those right now and then I can print it out and we can play with sizes.” He watched your face, he could almost see the gears turning in your head as you processed his words.
“It’s perfect, no changes.” You nodded, smiling big.
He printed out a few sizes and tested each of them against your thigh, he pretended not to notice the blush that only darkened in shade every time he touched you. You appreciated it, trying your best to regulate your breathing and the pounding your heart was doing. You worried if you’d be able to control yourself when it came to the actual tattoo, he would be touching you nonstop for an unknown amount of time. He settled on the middle size, taking up a big chunk of the free space you had but not so much it looked awkwardly big and not too little so it looked too small.
You had trusted him and set the date for your actual tattoo, two weeks from the day you went in. You spent every day and every night for the next two weeks thinking about him. If you were making breakfast you thought about how he liked his bacon cooked, his coffee, or if he even ate it at all. If you were showering you thought about the products he used and if he used a loofah or a rag, if he had separate conditioner and shampoo. When you laid awake at night, hands stuffed in your panties wanting to cry his name, you thought if he was doing the same. Came to the image of his smile and fell asleep to the sound of his voice playing in your mind.
He’d seen thousands of clients, tattooed plenty of attractive women, but nobody had been so stuck in his head like you. After he walked you to the door he went back to his booth, closed the curtain and fucked his hand like a teenage boy. Washed his hands in the bathroom and went to greet his next client like he wasn’t thinking about bending you over the counter. Having you ride him in the tattoo chair. Making you be quiet so no one else heard you. Shit, he was hard again. He didn’t know if his self control was strong enough to avoid hitting on you and being unprofessional the next time you came in. 
The day finally came, you had counted down the days and the minutes until you could see him again. There was this incessant need to see him and try to figure out the mysteries that stood behind Frank Castle. You asked him what kind of coffee he preferred, black, and picked it up on your way to the studio. The nerves were hitting you, not only would you be getting a decent sized tattoo but it’d be done by the most attractive man you’d ever seen. The man you’d spent two weeks masturbating to, this was going to be fun.
“God, this is just what I need this morning.” He groaned, taking the paper cup of coffee out of your hand and taking a long sip. “Typically I try not to drink caffeine on days I’m actually tattooing, makes the hand shake sometimes. I was up late last night so this is a must.”
“And I’m using it to get rid of the shakes.” You joked, taking a sip of your coffee and following him back to the booth. 
You’d opted to wear a yellow sundress, not by choice as it was one of the only clean articles of clothing you had that left your thigh relatively exposed. It was a choice you were now regretting, in the days leading up to the appointment you apparently did everything but laundry. Frank was trying his hardest to ignore it, he was insanely glad he’d walked in front of you. Had he been behind you he’d for sure stared at your ass the entire walk to his booth. He can’t deny that he hadn’t when he made you enter the booth before him, it was a glorious sight. He adjusted his pants before he did anything else, this was going to be a grueling few hours.
He carefully placed the stencil on your thigh, being careful to move the dress up just enough that it wasn’t in the way but not too much so your pussy was on display. He wished it was. He wanted to eat you out like it was his last meal. But he refrained. He’d been on his best behavior so far and he was determined to stay that way, no matter how much he wanted to hike your dress up and pull your panties down to your ankles. Once he finally was satisfied with the stencil placement he asked for your opinion, as it was going on your body forever and not his. You had him adjust the angle once before deciding it was perfect, he had to ask three times before you admitted you didn’t like the original placement.
The tattoo took three hours, three long hours of his hands touching you in the most non-sexual way but yet turning you on ridiculously. You were sure that by the time he’d wrapped your tattoo there was a large stain on the fabric of your panties, a part of you wanted him to see it and know he caused it. The other part was embarrassed. They were fighting to see which part would take over.
“Can I see your tattoos?” You asked softly, an attempt to stay with him longer and avoid going home. You knew you could just book another appointment but what fun would waiting be? You could just stall for as long as you could.
“Oh? Yeah, sure.” His face was shocked, like nobody in the entire world had ever asked to see the intricate tattoo that was drawn across his body. You refused to believe it.
You watched intently as he removed his shirt, your eyes following the lines that were revealed by the lack of fabric. He watched silently as you raked your eyes over his skin, a small hint of a blush covered his cheeks. He’d never had someone so curious about his tattoos and want to see them, it was odd to be the one in the spotlight. 
“Can I touch them?” You looked up at him, moving a bit closer as you waited for his response.
“Yeah…” He breathed out, quiet and waiting for the feeling of your hand on his skin. His breath hitched in his throat the second he felt it, the warmth of your hand felt incredible on his skin. 
You trailed your fingers over every line, starting from the bottom of his left arm and down his chest. Goosebumps followed closely behind your fingers, the contact was something unusual to him. Welcomed, but unusual. He watched you the entire time you marveled at the ink, answering every question you had. He’d had people be interested in the ink before but never to the extent you were, he appreciated it and would think about it forever. He’d think about you forever. 
“Frank…” You whispered, looking up at him as you placed a hand on his chest. 
He looked down at you and groaned, the self control he had was no longer a thing. The pink staining your cheeks and the way your eyes were glazed over and he hadn’t even touched you made him want to do bad things. He wanted to corrupt you, bend you to his will for only him to have. His head dipped down, softly placing his lips against yours. A small whimper escaped your lips as he brought a hand to cup the side of your face, switching positions with you on the counter. Now he had you pressed against it and was able to do whatever he desired.
He nipped at your bottom lip, swiping his tongue across it to soothe any pain. He’d slipped his other hand under your dress at the same time, rubbing the skin just above your panties. You leaned your hip into his touch, bringing the hand that was on his chest to his hair. Using it to ground yourself just a bit, the fact that you were making out with the man you lusted after for two weeks was insane. It felt like a dream.
“Can I touch you?” He mumbled against your lips, playing with the band of your panties. 
You shook your head yes and helped him slide your panties down, stepping out of them and scooting them to the side to be discovered later. He slid his middle finger between your lips, gliding it up and down a minute as he continued kissing you.
“You’re so wet, who did this?” He mocked, circling your clit a few times.
“You did.” You whimpered, trying to grind down against his hand for just a bit more friction.
“That right? Been thinking about me this whole time? Wanted me to help fix your problem?” He slid his middle finger inside of you, curling it against that wonderful spongy spot.
You couldn’t muster up a response no matter how badly you wanted to, his singular finger felt better than any of your fingers had for two weeks. This was everything you wanted and more. He chuckled at you, flattered that him barely doing anything set you off like it had. 
He pumped his finger in and out slowly, watching as your juices coated his finger. Enjoying the moans he was pulling out of you, even if they were trying to entice him into adding another finger. He gave in, the pretty noises you were making he just couldn’t resist. He would do anything in this moment to please you, if you had this effect on him for everything he’d be screwed. He added another finger, kissing along your jawline as he did so. You could’ve seen stars right then and there, if this was how full you felt from just his fingers you could only imagine the fullness from his cock.
He curled his fingers rhythmically with the pumping, using his thumb to circle your clit as best he could. The knot in your stomach that had formed the day you stepped into the studio was bubbling, you could feel it twisting and tightening. Your orgasm was on the tip of your tongue and it felt explosive, three more pumps of his fingers and your vision went white. His name falling off your lips like a mantra, like it was the only name you knew and you didn’t care if the rest of the studio could hear. He was making you feel so fucking good, you could scream it from the rooftops. 
Nearing the end of your orgasm he slowed his fingers down, placing one last kiss to your lips before completely removing them. You whined at the loss, feeling so empty now that they were gone. He smiled softly at the whine, washing his hands in the sink next to the counter before bringing a towel over to help clean up any mess.
“Do you do this with all your clients?” You joked, fixing the sweaty hairs sticking to your forehead.
“No, only you. Step in here in a sundress again and we’ll see what happens.”
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queenendless · 1 year ago
😂Ticklish Remedy(Student!SatoSuguxStudent!Fem!Reader)😂
A/N: Sorry this took me so long to get out! I gotta write more JJK tk fics in the future. This one I rushed, it's true.
Content: Angst, hurt/comfort, more exposition than tickles but obvious tickles, mention of reader gaining seer vision cursed technique powers for possible future plot development, Shoko Ieiri cameo, and SatoSugu poly loving.
Credit for characters and art used goes to Gege sensei.
* Please DON'T plagarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC content. Reblog, like, and follow instead.
I hope you enjoy.
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Why were you in such a pathetic mood?
Waking up from a messed up dream in a cold sweat?
Coming back from a mission where more damage than saving was done?
Or a hard downpour out of nowhere soaked you and would be around for the remainder of the evening?
All of the above.
In this life, you are the quiet, sweet protective being. But it takes certain things to set you off. All of the above, for instance.
Another big one would be the only friends turned found family you ever had and known getting harmed in any way, whether from slander from those foolish higher ups or certain corrupted humans you were obligated to save and not harm for retribution despite getting injured on the job because of them. Those indeed pissed you off.
That wasn't the case this time.
Nah, you're just having one of those days.
You had just left the shower, clad in a dry tee shirt and short shorts, going stomach first flopping on your dorm room bed in a downtrodden sense, when a loud knock on your door made you moan in refusal, smothering your face in your pillow.
"L/n? Sweetie? Y/n-chaaaaaan~?!"
Satoru's loud rambles; his voice always making you smile, now sounded irritating to you. "Go away." Your muffled yell made a new voice join in.
"Y/n? Honey? Are you alright?"
Suguru's concerned voice made you feel bad at behaving this way towards them when it wasn't their fault at all. "Not really."
"Excuse us. We're coming in." Suguru's warning was followed by your dorm room door sliding opening as their heads popped up through behind the door, your weak wave giving them the prompt to just come in.
They were both still in uniform but also in socks and slippers, as Satoru flopped down, jostling the bed, before spooning you from behind and Suguru sliding your door closed before sitting on the edge of the bed in front of you and held your hand in his; rubbing comforting circles on your knuckles with his thumb when he asked.
"How bad?"
Your hesitant sigh didn't bode well. "I was sent alone to exorcize a second-grade curse spirit after it ended several regulars working at a cemetery."
"Yaga-sensei told us." Suguru's pitying gaze made you whine weakly. "We're sorry we couldn't go with you."
Flashes of your nightmare from early morning resurfaced; your pinched expression being a sign of your discomfort. "The same nightmare happened again. Just … bloodied corpses … of those I care for …that shadowed, stitched forehead bastard's smile ... and I'm unable to move or scream or do anything …" Your voice wavered as your form trembled with a deep-rooted frustration and pain on this particular dilemma.
You still had no freaking idea who or what it was; human or cursed spirit, let alone why you kept having these dreams. A warning? Perhaps. You were slowly climbing up the ranks in terms of developing your Innate technique; as odd as it was in getting impactful visions followed by side effecting migraines. And this was yet another unknown future threat standing in your way.
"Plus I got rained down hard coming back here. So there." You pouted, taking Suguru's hand in your own, just to splat it over your face, amusing the latter despite the gloomy vibe.
"That bad, huh? God, quite the depressing mood bundle you are!" Satoru sighed loudly.
You jammed your thumb over your shoulder into Satoru's cheek, dryly retorting. "Obnoxious creep." You thrusted your pointer finger of the same hand forward in Suguru's face. "Weird bangs guy."
"Now sweetie, I know you're just saying those things because you're down in the dumps… but it still wounds me!" Satoru mockingly cried out, ruffling your hair, further driving the point of getting stabbed in the feels.
"Honey, you're wrong. About my bangs, I mean. Satoru … nah that's right on the mark." Geto poked your nose, smirking like the smart ass he is, rubbing salt in the wound.
"Hey!" Gojo flared up, dagger eyes on his bestie at the betrayal.
You snorted at their interaction. Satoru's face stubbornly set in a pouting expression, when the sound you just made gave him quite the amusing idea as he kissed your forehead down from up above you. "So, what you need right now is some serious cheering up, 101."
A twisted smile suddenly wormed up on his face. It makes your gut squirm with nerves.
"Suguru~" The sing-song tone to his name snatched the younger man's attention. "It seems our lovely girlfriend is too grumpy for our liking~!"
The same twisted feeling inside you doubled as Suguru smiled at you in the same manner.
"Yes … we should remedy that right away."
Able to read each other's thoughts down pat; synced as the best friends they are, meant they were both on board for their evil agenda.
"Uh, chotto matte," Your Nihongo Jouzu reflexes came spilling out as nervous giggles did as well, fidgeting as your attempts to get up and pull away from Satoru's hold were futile for his arms tightened around your waist and pulled quick enough to flush your back against his front. "Not that. Anything but that!"
"Y/n-chan … if you plead more, I'll consider it." Suguru calmly mused as he climbed up on your bed, trapping your legs in between his knees, coyly smiling. "Maybe~"
A squeal sprung free from your lips as the spider-like fingers of Satoru squeezed your sides before wriggling into your ribs. "I'd rather she beg. After all, she wants this so much~!" Satoru smugly taunted, that fat ass smirk plastered on his face when you jabbed your elbow hard in his side.
"Liar liar pants on fire – AAH~!" Your retort was cut off by your own shriek as Satoru's fingertips slithered around to deeply drag across your belly.
"Oh ho, you're gonna get it now!" Satoru's deepened tone spoke doom for you. Suguru's snickers only added to it.
Your spastic, laughing form was kicking, flailing, and bouncing to both their inner amusement and glee; the bed squeaking and the headboard hitting the wall many times in the process.
"Cootchie cootchie coo~!" Satoru's fingers slid through your shirt sleeves to pinch and wring the bare skin of your armpits.
"Tohohohohoru you ahahahahahass~!" You slam your shoulders into his in another attempt to push him off, but that lean skinny bode hid such strength beneath.
"Hey! I have a fine ass, I'll have you know!" Gojo's pursed lips were made to good use as he began doing raspberries from the crook of your neck to the base of it to under your ear, speaking in between every tingling blow. "Very. Fine. Indeed!" His snowy hair added to the ticklish sensation as his puffy locks brushed your cheek.
"You twohoohoo beheheheheter stahahahap or I swehehehear I'll – EEK~!" You squeaked harder as Suguru exchanges wiggling squeezes between your shaking kneecaps and your thighs. "Suhuhuhuhugu qu – quihihihit it~!!"
Geto snorted. "Jackass is more like it."
"Your face up my ass the other day spoke otherwise, if you recall~" Satoru's buzzing wet lips pulled from your neck to give bedroom eyes to Suguru.
Who returns the look, just as gluttonous for another go. "The face you made proves you enjoyed it just as much~"
Their raunchy talk was halted as a pillow got whacked in Suguru's face, followed by said pillow being thrown to Satoru's, who barely caught it in one hand. But that enough commotion lets you slip free from his loosened grasp.
Though the truth was he let you go free for now, laughing slowly at the look of sheer disbelief on his raven haired lover's face at what you just pulled, the more bangs loosely gracing his forehead from the commotion.
"Ooh, you're in trouble~!" Gojo singing spoke of doom.
Your panting, pink cheeked self could only have a moment's reprieve as chills raked your skin at the dark edge tainting Suguru's almond eyes. Unlike the smile in your nightmares, bearing callousness and insanity, Suguru's bore a more eerily calm smiling face.
"Indeed … it's on."
He dodged the kick to his face by your freed foot, toothily smiling as he caught your ankle, viewed your squirming foot with scrutinizing intrigue, before dragging his finger up and down your sole lightly enough to have you become a cute chortling mess.
Your other foot moved to kick his arm to free yourself when Gojo snatched it straight away, clicking his tongue to scold you. "Naughty, naughty~"
The two looming devils you love jumped you!
Shoko Ieiri, twirling her non lite cigarette between her fingers, jumped at the ear-piercing scream striking the air of the dorm, high tailing to the source as curiosity beckoned her.
Discovering the loud slamming ruckus jumbled in as well, it all is coming from your room followed by your jumbled cackling wordplay in the mix had her sliding the door open, her cigarette nearly slipping from her grasp at the sight she just witnessed.
You were flipped to lay on your stomach, laughing your sweaty red face off, as both those bastards each straddled a thigh of yours, with a footsie for each to tickle savagely.
"And this is why I stopped questioning why this is your norm now." Shoko shrugged.
"She whacked us with her pillow!" Suguru gruffly complained as his fingers wringed through your toes.
"Hilarious move on her part but she did wound my pride." Satoru's mirthful grin then drooped as his pride did deflate. "So, retribution!" Killing your restraint as he nibbled on your padded piggies.
Your flailing calves nearly whacking them were immediately taken care of as their forearms wrapped around them to hold them in place, their hands squeezing your ankles in their ironclad grip. Suguru nibbled and dragged his teeth and tongue down your wrinkled sole while Satoru's lips and tongue suckled and wriggled between your toes.
"Yeah, as the resident healer of our group, I see the telltale signs she's gonna pass out at this rate." Shoko nearly toppled over you as your hands needed some support to dig and squeeze your fingers in something to keep your unhinged self-grounded.
Suguru hummed in contemplation. "Hmmm … while seeing and hearing our love in this state does please me greatly, this overall was supposed to cheer her up."
"Your cheering up brand is quite savage indeed." Shoko's apathetic tone made them both stifle a groan; Satoru's vibrating through your foot made you squeal louder, as he finally popped his mouth off your saliva covered minies.
"Alright, alright! We will," Satoru gave a big wet smooch to your topside. "I'd say we're even now."
Suguru kissed your other topside in the same manner, before their arms released your calves, moving off your thighs so they could lay your legs fully down on your rustled sheeted bed.
You breathed in and out your relief as tranquility came at last; giggles from ghost tickles slipping in, releasing your hold on Shoko's arm to fold yours and use them as your personal resting pillow. "Ah … f … freedom … thank you." You were now more exhausted but less depressing. Pro? Perhaps. For now, anyway.
"Y/n." You leaned your head into Satoru's smooth warm hand as he brushed your hair strands sticking to your forehead aside, rubbing your forehead before brushing your hair back in gentle motions, as he flopped down on his stomach on your right side, resting his cheek on his free forearm, the vibrant Six Eyes looking at you over his lowered shades, straightforward truth teeming in them. "In this life, you can't save everyone."
You frowned at that, blunt and to the point, when Suguru also flopped down the same way on your left side, his giant firm hand rubbing massaging circles on your back, surging with tender care, bringing blessed sighs out of you, as his eyes met yours next, teemed with solace. "Nor will the fear of the unknown go away just like that."
"We can't promise that nothing will happen to all of us later on down the line, either." Satoru's distaste for it showed.
"But we can promise that when they do, come what may, we'll give it our all." Suguru's empathy shined through in his beautiful almond eyes.
"We have to in order to be the strongest duo, after all." Satoru chuckled as his cheek nuzzled yours.
"Eh? And me?" You pouted.
"Then trio." Suguru pecked your lips just to see that smile of yours blossom.
"Ahem!" Shoko fake coughed, sitting against the front of the bed on the floor, plopping her head back, lips puckered and batting eyes at you all in fake sadness.
"Okay, squad then! Point being! Whatever comes our way, we face it together, as best we can. We are there for each other. None of us should be alone. Right?" Satoru's sincere toothy smile sealed the deal.
You sighed deeply. "Fine … but any more savage tickling cheering up schemes in the future are off the table! I swear to God –!"
"Hai hai." The duo agreed in unison as they each pressed a deep noisy smooch to your cheeks.
"Ehem." Shoko pointed at her own face, wanting smooches too. That brought laughs out of all three of you before you kissed her forehead, and the guys kissed her cheeks.
The downpour had finally ceased, and you fell asleep from the tiring experience that toppled the rest.
"Too precious for this kind of life, she is." Shoko smiled faintly as the guys kept their eyes on yourself, softly breathing, slowly lifting and lowering your slumbering self.
"Suguru? Those dreams of hers …"
"Premonitions, you mean?"
Satoru nodded. "It's been happening for weeks now."
"She could be a cursed Seer of sorts. See the future and all that." Shoko interjected.
"Her cursed energy has been increasing. Her output as well. Still … I say we keep close to her. Keep our guard up." Suguru suggested.
"And if Yaga-sensei sends her out solo tasking again?" Satoru dreaded that possible outcome.
"We should inform him of this. If a possible dire threat does arrive in our future, I'd suggest one of us go with her on missions just in case. We both can handle solo missions just fine."
"Then I call dibs~!"
Suguru's eyes narrowed intensely. "My idea, my dibs."
Satoru flared up. "Eh~?!"
Your groggy stirring mumbles alerted the bois to keep it down, your settling down leaving them puffing out their reliefs.
"Compromise then, Satoru~?"
Said man groaned. "You're lucky you're you."
Suguru chuckled at that before smooching his snowy haired lover over your resting head.
"Your throuple is a cursed miracle in and of itself, alright." Shoko murmured, toying with the cig between her lips.
Your throuple life story.
Cursed miracle indeed.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months ago
You know what? I'm done feeling ashamed for having strong fixed top bottom preferences. I don't even think I'm in the minority for having this kind preference, but for some reason when I say "oh I won't be reading this fic because the author ships the reverse dynamic" I get shamed for oversexualizing the characters by caring too much about the sex and even get called homophobic.
I'm tired of having to justify my preference through dissecting the characterization differences between AB and BA (even though 90% of the time I am right about them). Maybe I am allowed to think that t/b is part of the characterization instead of a byproduct of said characterization? Like, to me, a burly masc butch who tops vs the exact same character but who bottoms feel different to me.
I don't know how to explain it but yeah. Like somehow people expect me to write an essay on why A's characterization fit the role of a bottom more, instead of accepting that I think A bottoming is part of my characterization of them? Maybe I'm just unlucky with my fandoms idk
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drunknillawafer · 3 months ago
right down the line: zuko x firebender!reader (part 10)
You grew up close to the Royal Family due to your father's position as a General, but you ran away from home after the agni kai against your best friend, Zuko. Now, you've joined the Gaang and plan on doing your part in ending the 100-year war.
Part 9 Part 11
hello!!! omg yall i've been waiting for this era... oh we're really getting into it now! sorry for the sokka lovers... it was so hard to write this one but it must be done! hopefully u guys like it, as always plz give any feedback by liking, reblogging, commenting, it means so much! thanks if you've read this far hehe... also thinking of another fic... but probably won't start that one until I'm done w this one... i don't own these characters or the atla world & it's about 2200 words, enjoy!
It’s been a few days since we all made it out of the desert. How we did it, I’m not sure. But I’m just grateful to finally be out.
The emptiness of the desert is different than the vastness of the North Pole. There’s no water around to soak and all our abilities become useless. The sun and seemingly endless surroundings beat us. No one could do a thing.
We were nothing without Appa. We are nothing without Appa.
With the revelation of the eclipse and rumors about our furry friend’s whereabouts, the five of us were on our way to Ba Sing Se. Hopefully, it would bring some comfort to Aang. The last shred of stability he was standing on was muzzled in the desert, and his pain since has been impossible to ignore. The one thing he brought from home is currently lost somewhere on Earth. How would any of us begin to understand?
\Katara can’t reach him. Sokka, Toph, and I don’t even want to try. For now, being en route to the infamous well-protected capital of the Earth Kingdom would be enough.
I’ve never been. Most of what the Fire Nation educated us on was about how we could manage to tear down the walls and go inside. It was a requirement to tell the story about the Dragon of the West, or Iroh, and his deemed ‘failure.’
Knowing what I know now of the old man’s heart and philosophy, it wasn’t a failure at all. It was a cry for mercy to the world so they could possibly forgive us for wreaking so much havoc. The tiny evidence that kindness still exists in our nation.
The train station itself is already a drastic change from the other Earth Kingdom villages I’ve visited. A well-built stone structure with a developed railway system and guards at every checkpoint. Ba Sing Se mostly kept to themselves, but I could tell from standing in these walls that it would be enormous and far more evolved in comparison.
After Toph saved us from the grouchy woman handing out tickets, we made our way to our designated cart.
For a single moment, it felt like the old times. We had something to do, somewhere to go, and a goal to achieve. Our banter started to return, but Aang’s hesitation for anything about hope could be felt by people halfway across the world. We were as normal as we could be, at least.
“Ah!” I hear Sokka yelp from behind me. All of us turn around to an Earth Kingdom guard. What now?
Menacingly, she grabs him by his collar and begins to point at his chest. “Tickets and passports, please.”
Katara and I share glances of concern, then we both get in defense mode. Protectively, I rest one hand on my sword. Silently, I beg for this to blow over. I don’t think anyone is in the mood to fight.
“Is there a problem?” The boy in blue asks the stranger.
“Yeah, I got a problem with you. You probably think you’re a big shot, huh?” The girl continues. “Let me guess, you’re traveling with the Avatar.” Have they met before? She didn’t look at Sokka like he was a stranger, but a well-known fool.
Sokka finally asks, “Do I know you?”
“You don’t remember me? Figures. Well, let me help you.” She grabs his collar again and plants a big, confident kiss on his cheek. This makes the blood rush to Sokka’s face, and he gleams.
“Suki!” He exasperates and hugs her. Katara lowers her defenses, but my hand is firmly planted on my sword. My body isn’t letting me relax and I don’t know why.
Awkwardly though, I try to make my presence known. “Um.” Is about all I can stumble out. The bubble in my throat is making it hard to sound anything but dazed and confused.
The boy in blue turns around to me as if he’s forgotten I was there at all. Don’t let it hurt; I tell myself. At least not yet. Be cool, calm, and collected. Everything the Fire Nation is known for, right?
Sokka pulls away from… Suki to face me. “Oh!” He realizes once his eyes land on mine. I’ve never seen this version of him before and it’s quickly my least favorite.
Suki stands in the same awkward place I am in, glancing between the both of us to connect any dots she’s missing.
Sokka turns his head back and forth, trying to come up with something to say. The words don’t seem to be settling in for him. “Suki! This is Y/N. We picked her up a while back. After Kyoshi Island.” Kyoshi Island had only briefly been mentioned among the five of us. Now I know why. I guess he does this everywhere Appa used to take him. The next words fall out of his mouth slowly, like a slap in the face I was desperately trying to avoid. “We’re friends.”
Sometimes when your heart breaks just the right amount, your body has no choice but to smile. The smile spreading across your face is the only thing keeping you together, like a band aid patching up a crack in a dam. It doesn’t do much for the dam, but it makes everyone else feel better.
Kindly, she greets me. “Hi! I’m Suki. I’m a Kyoshi Warrior, it’s so nice to meet you!” It doesn’t help that she doesn’t know. I can’t hate her, she’s too kind to hate. Too oblivious to see the pain I’m in.
How would she know about us if they haven’t seen each other since then?
Another logical reasoning that should make the upset, hurt, and worry go away. But it doesn’t. This is when I know the knot in my chest is not going to leave so easily.
I replay everything from the moment I jumped off of the crimson trees. When I spotted him, when he saw me. The handshake that confirmed the future, saving the village. The Northern Water Tribe. All of that came after her. I was just the second one to take his words as a promise.
Sokka can’t meet my eye right now. He can only let out a nervous laugh and rub the back of his neck.
On cue, “Avatar Aang. We need your help!” We turn our heads to the cry for assistance, successfully interrupting an impossible situation for the boy in blue.
It wasn’t enough for the universe to make me realize that I’m in second place. It also had to force me to cross Serpent’s Pass with the one who got first place.
Logically, it’s better that we have her around. She’s a strong fighter, better than Sokka actually. It would help our odds. But part of me wished the grouchy lady had simply let us on the train.
The people of the Earth Kingdom, I have come to know, are set in their ways and I’m not getting out of this one.
I don’t know why it bothered me so much. It’s not like he’s wrong. We are friends. But I thought we were more. He sure acts like it everywhere else besides in front of her.
It’s difficult not to let it get to you. Let it consume you and dictate everything you’ve known about yourself to be true. Everything I had experienced with him was after. I would never make him feel the way she did, and I could feel it.
I haven’t spoken a single word to him since we left the train station, and he hasn’t noticed. He’s more concerned about Suki and her being here.
I’ve never known what it’s like for Sokka to not choose me.
For the night, we decided to sleep on a safe part of the Serpent’s Pass and attempt to walk in the daytime. Before the rocks disappear into the ocean, there’s a slab big enough for everyone and the refugees to camp. There’s also enough space to avoid them.
In this secluded area I’ve managed to find, where no one can see my true feelings, I find myself with nothing to do but think. Sitting on a rock I’m using as a bench, I look up at Yue as she’s planted in the sky, grazing us with her light.
I take a deep breath in and let the waves wash over me. The only sound is the water crashing into the rock. I try to not think about tomorrow, but right now. Here, I could wear the humiliation on my face with no one to hide it from.
When did I let Sokka have this much power over me? When did he manage to get under my skin?
It feels odd; to feel pain over something new. The last few years have been nothing but torture, but at least I’d gotten used to it.
This one. This is surprising and fragile all in one. If you had told me a few weeks ago that I’d be here, sitting and moping about Sokka, I wouldn’t have believed you. But here I am. With only myself to blame for letting my guard down.
I knew better, but I still did it. I let myself believe someone I cared about wouldn’t hurt me. Didn’t I learn my lesson last time?
It bites.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps against the pavement and I’m hoping I’m hallucinating them. No cactus juice, only me. But I’m not.
In front of me, Sokka finds my secluded safe space and I can’t find my smile band aid. There’s only a frown ready for him, but he’s not surprised. He’s come here to talk about something.
“So.” I begin. He sits down on the space available on the rock, next to me, shoulder-to-shoulder. I could feel his warmth flow through my body from this light touch. It’s still comforting to have him nearby.
“Yeah?” He questions. Sokka looks at me, and the moon is shining his face beautifully. It almost hypnotizes me, but then I remember.
“Suki.” Obviously.  
“Yeah.” This time I can hear the pain in his voice. It’s a tough conversation, but we owe it to each other.
“Was I just the second?”
“What? No. Why would you say that?”
“It’s how it looks. You said we were friends.” ‘Friends’ comes out of my mouth like its venom, a poison. A bad word.
“You wanted to be friends.”
“Yeah, but—”
“I don’t get you; you know.” Sokka stands, frustrated. “You’re confusing. You say you like me, but you don’t want to be my girlfriend.”
I shrug my shoulders. “It’s complicated.”
“Because it is!”
He zeroes in on his question. “No. Why, Y/N?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know.”
“Know what?”
“It’s complicated because of Zuko.”
Sokka almost knocks the wind out of me when his name hangs in the air. With all the might in my body, I am trying to hold the tears back. Why is he saying this?
“No, it’s not!”
“Then why couldn’t you say anything after the Northern Water Tribe? Why don’t you want to be with me?”
“I don’t know!” I sound like a child with nothing but empty replies.
“Yes, you do. And I’ve been here, waiting for you… But seeing Suki… it brought up a bunch of feelings.” Sokka sighs. “Aren’t I allowed to be confused?”
I’m trying. I’m trying more than anything to be more than where I come from. To be more than my roots and anger and pain and continuing the cycle. I don’t want to spew out venom, I want to be kind. But sometimes, I don’t do that well of a job.
“I’ll make it easier for you then.” I stand to look at him in the eye. “Don’t count me in as an option.”
But I’ve walked away before I could hear anything.
Gently, Sokka pulls Suki away from him, separating their lips. He glances around to see if Y/N was near, she’s not. She didn’t see the kiss.  
It’s been an odd day for him.
He was already on edge with Suki joining them for Serpent’s Pass. He didn’t want anyone else he loved to be in danger. It was enough to worry about Katara, Y/N, Toph, Aang, and Appa all the time.
He knew it wasn’t realistic, but he couldn’t help it. Sokka had been this way his whole life. The need to keep everyone safe had been instilled in him since his mother died and his father left.
He could tell Y/N was upset with him from the moment he saw her face, and as much as it hurt him greatly to argue, it all had to come spilling out. For both of their sakes.
Sokka didn’t know until that moment that Zuko bothered him so much. The idea that Y/N was choosing between the both of them angered him. The universe is funny, though. It reunited him with Suki, and now he’s faced with the same problem.
But Y/N isn’t him, she won’t wait. She’s too grand. And he won’t make her. It’s over before it had a chance to begin.
He’s already hurt her.
Sokka’s sure she’d find some way to get him back, though. It was one of her best traits. The need to make everything fair. The fire inside of her never died out.
It wasn’t the kind of fire that terrorized villages and separated families, but the kind that keeps you warm in the coldest of places.
Now, he needed to deal with the girl in front of him, and he had no idea what to do.
tag list <3: @camilleverreault @staygoldsquatchling02 @yunloyal @lily-ann-b <3!
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zukka-fic-recs · 2 years ago
Hello! I am totally new to reading Zukka and would love some recommendations. If you've already done this, please feel free to just link to another post! I would love a few recs of what you consider to be "must-reads". I'm open to any length or rating (although I tend to read rated E), I would just love to start with a few that are phenomenal :)
Hi stavro!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Zukka fics!
Here's a Zukka starter pack for you, I limited it to 10 fics to stop it from getting too unwieldy, but it was really difficult to keep it so short tbh, so if you want more lmk!
Zukka Must-Reads
Blue by blacklipscurse
Available on Ao3, Complete (Part 1), Teen, Slowburn, Canon-Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Blue Spirit Zuko, Secret Indentities, Ba Sing Se, Angst, H/C, Homophobia, Physical Disability, Humour / Humor
Wordcount: 192,682
This fic is a whole damn phenomenon in this fandom and it's phenomenal to match! The way the characters are written really draws you in. It's a very emotive fic and I truly cannot emphasise how funny blacklipscurse's writing is, I laughed a lot. Especially at Zuko, and sometimes Sokka. 😅 There is a sequel but it's a WIP and Blue can stand alone. :)
absence of heat, excess of destiny by theycallmesuperboy / @baegarrick
Available on Ao3, Complete, Gen, Canon-Compliant, Alternate Universe - Soulmate, AU - Soulmate-Identifying Marks
Wordcount: 4,336
Absolute classic, and I love soulmate fics so for me this is top tier.
Real Slow by surveycorpsjean (Ao3) / zanimez (Tumblr)
Available on Ao3, Complete, Mature, Post-Canon, Fluff, Smut, H/C, Angst, Ambassador Sokka
Wordcount: 21,490
The way their relationship gently unfurls in this is very satisfying. Highly recommend!
Hallowed by HairCrescendo / @sword-and-stars
Available on Ao3, Complete, Explicit, Smut, Fluff
Wordcount: 4,615
Smouldering smut and fluffy feelings. I'd recommend all of HairCrescendo's work tbh, they're a fantastic writer and they have about a dozen more Explicit works. ;)
three words that become hard to say (I and love and you) by overcomeeithlongingfora_girl / @overcomewithlongingfora-girl
Available on Ao3, Complete, Explicit, Smut, Praise Kink, Subdrop, Domdrop, Light BDSM
Wordcount: 2,977
This fic is hothotHOT, and yet also so sweet and emotional it makes my heart hurt. Bring a fan and some tissues.
Courtesan by lesbianophelia / @mendontprotectyou
Available on Ao3, Complete, Explicit, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Light Praise Kink
Wordcount: 2,200
So scrumptious I just want to eat it. Prepare to feel things. 🔥
For Peace and Zuko by BeersForQueers / @omgbeersforqueers
Available on Ao3, Complete, Explicit, Slowburn, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Future Fic, Canon-Divergence
Wordcount: 43,277
Speaking of classics, honestly you could read anything and everything by BeersForQueers and I would recommend doing so! They're a longtime member of the fandom. They were there for this ship when it needed it most (I want you to know that I just blew a kiss to the sky). Having said that, For Peace and Zuko is one of my absolute favourites. The sequel Ice Cave makes for a lovely epilogue.
when the prison doors are opened by alternatedoom
Available on Ao3, Complete, Explicit, Underage, Sickfic, Angst, H/C, Voyeurism, Animal Killed for Food, FWB, Imprisonment, Dub-Con
Wordcount: 164,648
I don't know if this counts as slowburn given... ahem, the progression of things. On the emotional front, perhaps. Their relationship development is messy in a delicious way, really twists you around into such wonderful spirals... Idek if I'm making any sense, that's what this fic does to my mental capacity! Every character interaction is just so so good and the way the tension gets ratcheted up and then unwound is captivating. I could gush about this fic all day, but instead I'll just leave it at: it's really, really good and you should read it.
In the Soft Light by CSHfic and VSfic
Available on Ao3, Complete, Teen, Slowburn, Pining, Canon-Divergence, Alternate Universe - War Ended Early, Angst, H/C, Firelord Azulon, Miscommunication, Pining, Underage Drinking, AU - Moon Spirit Sokka, side Bakoda, Sickfic, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Bed-Sharing
Wordcount: 83,904
Some of my absolute favourite authors in this fandom and all of their work is fantastic quality. In terms of spot-on characterisation, wonderful descriptions, plenty of humour to balance out the angst... Their writing is masterful, and this is one of my favourites of their fics. They have more mature/explicit works as well. ;) (Side-note: I absolutely adore Zuko in this fic).
(do you take this jerk to be) your one and only by jatersade
Available on Ao3, Complete, Teen, Slowburn, Angst, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Arranged Marriage, Bed-Sharing, Misunderstandings, Pining, AU - Royalty, Alternate Universe - 100 Year War Ended Early, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
Wordcount: 55,846
I love the arranged marriage trope and I love it when authors play around with the gang's status as the children of royalty and world leaders, and this fic does all of that so well. Jatersade's pacing and the quality of their charecterisarion really elevates this fic.
I wanted to keep this list to complete fics, but I do have to mention feels like we only go backwards by oldpotatoe, because although it's a WIP it is iconic.
Also, a personal favourite of mine that has been discontinued (but didn't end on a cliffhanger or anything) is invisible string by wilteddaisy (taotu). I have it saved to my phone as a PDF for when I need a comfort read, that's how much I love it.
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nerdylizj · 5 months ago
Hi Elizabeth! (I'm the same anon who called you Elizabeth before lol) When will you post the next chapter? The last one was incredible 💟 Can't wait for more 💟
not the full name again!! i'm honestly not sure. this is the most editing i've done for a chapter yet (basically re-writing half of it) so i don't have a time frame as of now. i'm hopeful it'll be up this weekend but don't hold me to it <3
while u wait, here are 3 fics i've been enjoying & recommend:
nessun dorma by @sproutingliliums. THEEE silly and goofy idiots in love & enemies to friends to lovers WIP. bonus points bc it's set in ba sing se and includes the Blue Spirit. basically all of the things i love
ceux qui restent (French)/those who remain (English) by @arctik-fox. i love the angst and the premise of this WIP. currently wailing over it bc the writing is so evocative. it truly pulls you in
for the spirits by @demaparbat-hp. i really really appreciate where dema is taking this story (also a WIP) and how she is telling it through multiple POVs. very well done!
lmk what you think if you give them a read!
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topaz-witch-tea · 1 year ago
Hello ! I love love love your yanqing family au! I’m a PhD student so I have very limited time when it comes to sitting down and reading fan fics so I really appreciate the little drabbles you post on here! Whenever you’re able to, I’d love to see a fic where yanqing gets sick and his father (and aunts) fuss over him
Hello! I'm very happy you love it! 🥰
Totally understand on the PhD part, I hope you are doing your best to stay healthy and hydrated.
I do enjoy writing drabbles since they don't need to be as clean as fics are, so please have a drabble of Yanqing being sick. This is a bit longer than some of my other drabbles.
Mimi woke up to whimpering and the body of her young master tightly curled in the blankets. He didn't him to be awake but his breathing was labored and as Mimi walked over to poke the bundle with her nose, it seemed to curl even tighter into the blanket.
Worried, the lion quickly opened the door and rushed to her owners' room. It was a cold night and the three were all curled together in the middle of the bed. Mimi jumped onto the bed, startling Jing Yuan awake.
"Mimi?" The general rubbed his eyes, "what's wrong?"
Mimi made no noise, instead choosing to prod the others awake as well.
"Mimi…stop." Yingxing groaned, stuffing his face into the pillow. Dan Feng blearily opened his eyes, also displeased at being awoken in the middle of the night.
Mimi, displeased by how tired everyone was, started to pull at Jing Yuan's robe before hopping off the bed. She took a couple of steps before looking back to see if they were following her, a growl at the ready if they were still too tired to understand her urgency. Jing Yuan was already walking in her direction as Dan Feng was scrambling off the bed to get to his robe.
Yanqing felt horrible. He felt hot and cold and his body hurt all over. All his thoughts were foggy and when he wanted to call for his dads, it hurt his throat.
"Yanqing?" A voice called out, but Yanqing could only respond with a whimper.
Warm arms rolled him on his back and a slightly cold hand brushed his forehead. He could hear murmuring but they sounded as if they were talking to him underwater. Something wet and cold was placed on his forehead and a bitter liquid was fed to him from a cold, metal spoon. His thoughts went black again and he felt hot and icky for hours until a voice called out to him.
"Come on, little bird. Wake up, you need to eat."
Yanqing opened his eyes to see Jing Yuan. His bright, golden eyes filled with worry as he helped the boy sit up.
"A-die?" Yanqing muttered out. His throat not hurting as much anymore.
"How are you feeling? You didn't want to eat earlier so we just gave you medicine and let you sleep." Yingxing came over with a bowl of soup on a tray.
"I don't feel good," Yanqing said before burying his face into Jing Yuan's gray robe.
"I know, it'll be okay. Ba is getting medicine for you right now. But you have to eat before you can take more okay?"
"Okay," Yanqing murmured before being spoonfed soup by his Baba.
"It's just broth so try to finish the whole thing." Yingxing held out another spoonful.
"It tasted weird."
"Yes, that's normal. Food doesn't taste good when you're sick."
Yanqing was halfway done with his soup when Dan Feng arrived, a small brown paper bag in his hand. He set the bag down before coming over and playing his hand on Yanqing's forehead. The hand was cold like the water in Scalegorge Waterscape and for Yanqing, who felt like he was burning up, it was a welcome respite.
However, his father quickly drew his hand away. "You're burning up. You should take some medicine now and finish your food."
Dan Feng pulled out a brown bottle and a metal spoon from the bag. Pouring the amber syrup into a spoon, he held it up for Yanqing to drink. The medicine was bitter and had a sharp, tangy aftertaste. He hated it and quickly ate the rest of the soup in order to get rid of the taste. Jing Yuan helped him lay down again and with a little bit of Cloudhymn magic, Yanqing quickly fell asleep.
"It pains me to see him like this," Dan Feng said as he adjusted the blanket.
"I know. He's a strong boy now, so there's no need to worry." Jing Yuan scratched Mimi's ears, a reward for her ever-vigilant care.
"He'll be hungry when he wakes up. I'll prepare another soup for him when he's up." Yingxing said, standing up and collecting the bowl and medicine spoon.
Yanqing woke up a couple of hours later to Mimi laying by his side, her cold nose poking his arm and her sharp blue eyes were as watchful as ever.
"Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling?" A cheerful voice spoke up, though her purple ears were flat against her head- a telltale sign that she was worried.
"Auntie Baiheng? Why are you here?"
"I came to visit you, little bird. I heard you got sick last night. Are you feeling better?"
Yanqing nodded. His body was still tired from the illness.
"Good. Auntie Jingliu is here too. She brought some special ginger tea for you. I think she's still preparing it now." Baiheng gently smoothed away the hair that clung to his face.
"Ginger is spicy." Yanqing didn't like ginger but his family always made him eat it since it was good for him.
"I know. But it's good for you." The little boy pouted and somehow looked even more pitiful than he already was.
"Where are my dads?" His fathers were usually by his bedside when he was sick, so it was strange not to see them there.
"You're A-die got called into work for a quick thing but he should be back soon. Baba is in the kitchen with your auntie preparing food and tea. Ba is probably looking at medicinal herbs to make more new medicine for you."
"I hope the new medicine is sweet like candy. The one I got tasted really yucky." Yanqing made a face, earning him a laugh from Baiheng.
The door opened again and Yanqing could hear the tinkling of glassware.
"Are you feeling better Yanqing?" Yingxing placed the tray down before moving to sit on the bed and placing his hand on Yanqing's forehead. "You aren't as hot as earlier."
"I feel better. But my throat hurts a bit."
"Here, drink this." Jingliu placed a small, ceramic teacup into Yanqing's hands.
He knew better than to fight them when it came to drinking tea and medicine so he took a deep breath and finished the tea in one gulp. The tea was hot and spicy and burned his throat and tongue. When he was younger, he cried when they made him drink it.
"Good job." Jingliu patted his head and took the cup away.
Yanqing heard the door open again and this time, Mimi jumped off the bed. "Why hello to you too, Mimi!" Jing Yuan laughed as the lion rolled onto her stomach, obviously lacking in belly rubs as the family was busy.
Dan Feng paid little mind to them, instead walking over to check Yanqing's temperature.
"I just checked it. He's fine." Yingxing spoke up.
"One can never be too sure."
Yingxing rolled his eyes as he pulled up a chair to the two new arrivals. "Do you want to eat dinner now?"
"You're eating here?" Yanqing asked.
"Of course!" Baiheng fluffed up the pillows so he could lean back properly. "It wouldn't be fair to have to eat here on your own."
The five of them sat by Yanqing's bedside happily chatting with dinner in hand as Yanqing finished his soup. Mimi, after finishing her meal, was curled up at the end of the bed.
"When I get better, could we go somewhere?" Yanqing asked after finishing his soup.
"Where would you like to go?" Jing Yuan replied.
Yanqing thought for a moment. "I want to go to the Artisanship Commission Auction!"
"The auction?" Yingxing looked taken aback, "You have no money to bid with."
The comment earned him a kick to the shin by Dan Feng.
"I'll give you however much you need!" Baiheng said cheerfully, always happy to spend on her nephew.
"Stop spoiling him." Jingliu looked over to her wife, knowing full well how much would be drained from their account next month. Those words fell on deaf ears anyway and she was just as guilty.
"I don't see why not. I think it's a wonderful idea. But you have to take your medicine and rest if you want to recover in time." Jing Yuan said.
"I will!" Yanqing beamed, ready to take that horrible-tasting medicine and dream of all the swords he could have.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and please feel free to send me asks!
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tadpolesonalgae · 3 months ago
Ur descriptions of the lil coastal town and the sea with its little creatures and the lil trinkets is so amazing omg I cant help but get sucked right in. It just makes it so bittersweet that reader at least gets to experience this much but there’s still so much more out there for her to learn about and live through… she just can’t with her ‘timeframe’.
Fuck… the Bas scene rlly was a heavy hitter. I think that I (along with the reader) had just gotten so used to him being somewhat of a constant that this rlly did a number on me. Life rlly has been particularly awful to reader… to find him in such a state… especially when she expected him to outlive her by CENTURIES, to live and move on from her, experience what she couldn’t… when all things calm down, I hope the reader gets to see him off properly
You have done such an amazing job creating such a compelling character as Bas. I genuinely don’t think I’ve gotten so attached to a character as him. And as much as it hurts cause you have just made him so damn loveable, know that he lives in my brain on the constant.
Good job Azriel Shadowsinger (I’m using his full govt name cause I’m still mad at him) for being able to lull her to sleep after the ordeal(s)!!! It rlly was a rock and a hard place type situation😭 I’m happy that we got the lil look into some of reader’s happy childhood memories tho!
Also reader snarling and sassing him in the shop LMAO more of that please. He deserves to get some attitude.
It was a HEAVY chapter but you did amazingly (as always) I couldn’t put my phone down even if I tried to ❤️❤️❤️
'Ur descriptions of the lil coastal town and the sea with its little creatures and the lil trinkets is so amazing omg I cant help but get sucked right in.'
Thank you so much!!! <3
Since it was the first time I was taking you somewhere non-canon in the fic I really wanted to make it feel like an actual place, if that makes sense? I think actually writing those beginning sections where reader is observing the valleys, the shoreline, the town itself, and the beach were the parts that took the longest? With dialogue, or more character-driven scenes I mostly rely on conversation to keep progress up, while having small sentences of movement in between so the story is still moving even during conversation? So actually having to write more descriptive sections takes more effort, for me at least! Definitely trying to pull together a picture of what I want to describe, and pulling on past experiences?
I have this memory from when I was younger and visiting either Bristol or Brighton, and coming across a row of houses that were painted sea-shades of blue, and a couple of pink, and yellow ones, so that's where the coloured houses came from, then the summer before last I spent some time in Wales and visited a few different beaches, which helped with describing the shore section! <3
'Fuck… the Bas scene rlly was a heavy hitter. I think that I (along with the reader) had just gotten so used to him being somewhat of a constant that this rlly did a number on me.'
Yeah... I'll tell you, from the standpoint of being the one writing the story, it was so difficult getting asks about the Summer and Autumn Court sections (which looked like they were going to be the next chapters) and not being able to talk about much of that! :')
And I'm still going to miss getting to actively write his character - I think he honestly ended up becoming an integral part of reader's life, so losing him is going to cause some changes for her, and her perspective on life, and love.
On one hand I'm sorry that anyone who also liked Bas now won't get to see him again, but on the other hand it makes me so happy (?) that some of you connected enough with his character to feel sadness, or loss in that section? I know that's a weird way to phrase it, but in a sense it's heartwarming you're missing him, so thank you for your willingness to believe in him as a character <3
'especially when she expected him to outlive her by CENTURIES, to live and move on from her, experience what she couldn’t…'
Yes! For reader, she was born human, so in the beginning was probably still getting used to the idea of immortality, whereas for Bas it was practically a given. Like reader said, she wasn't expecting to experience more loss before she got to go, and especially not from someone who was supposed to outlast her by such a massive stretch :/
'You have done such an amazing job creating such a compelling character as Bas. I genuinely don’t think I’ve gotten so attached to a character as him. And as much as it hurts cause you have just made him so damn loveable, know that he lives in my brain on the constant.'
This makes me so unbelievably happy to hear - thank you so, so much! <3
Although again, I think that to form a strong attachment with or to a character, there has to be a willingness on your part to accept that character, and temporarily suspend some beliefs to make them come to life, so thank you to you for being open to him <3
'Good job Azriel Shadowsinger (I’m using his full govt name cause I’m still mad at him)'
As you should, as you should
I wouldn't have anything else to write if you forgave him immediately after that chapter, as relieving as I found it to finally write Az finding a way to kind of be there for reader, in his own, unique way
'for being able to lull her to sleep after the ordeal(s)!!! It rlly was a rock and a hard place type situation😭 I’m happy that we got the lil look into some of reader’s happy childhood memories tho!'
Despite that scene being a draining one to write, it was also kind of calming? I had this relaxing, instrumental, winter playlist on so it was a pretty cathartic scene for me, after the anguish of the section prior to that! And I'm glad you enjoyed that brief, wandering part as reader's drifting off to sleep, and Az trying to lull her into that fatigue by asking her questions that will conjure up ideas to dream about <3
'Also reader snarling and sassing him in the shop LMAO more of that please. He deserves to get some attitude.'
Yes! I loved getting to write the section with Malachite!! He really rubs her the wrong way, for some reason!
I think also, from a writing standpoint, it'll feel more natural for reader to be a little more open with her irritation, now that Azriel has already seen it passively?
'It was a HEAVY chapter but you did amazingly (as always) I couldn’t put my phone down even if I tried to ❤️❤️❤️'
Thank you! :') Though I don't know how you managed to keep concentrated for that long! I find my eyes sometimes go a little weird if I stare at a screen for too long without taking a break!
And I'm sorry for the heavy angst in that last part, I swear it's going to be Summer Court in the next chapter!!
And thank you so so SO much for writing in!!!!! Both after such a long break, and with such a heavy chapter, it's so relieving that you're still interested in cbmthy and happy to chatter away with me about it! It's always so fun, and such a lovely experience getting to hear different thoughts and reactions to the things I've written, so thank you! <3
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WIP Weekend
I'm on vacation, don't be shy with those asks!! ✨️😎
Weekly WIP update:
- chapter 4 of The King's Gift is done and edited. Itching to dive into ch 5, but gonna focus on Updraft some more first to stay on track.
- chapter 5 of Updraft is at about 1.5k. Almost done with the difficult part (fight scenes, my beloathed) and about to start on the part I've been looking forward to. ✨️
- only 2 more celebration ficlets left to write! What am I gonna do?? 😭
Send me an emoji, and I'll write and share three sentences of that fic.
🏰 The King’s Gift
⚙️ Updraft
🥳 1k follower ficlets / microfic
Snippet from 🏰
Tumblr media
Steve can't tell, later, how much precious time he wastes just standing there, staring dumbly at their deserted picnic site. 
It's another shriek that startles him from his stupor. 
“Shit,” he whispers, wobbly legs finally kicking into motion. “Shit, shit, shit, Eddie, wait!” 
There's no reply. He's probably well out of earshot already. 
Steve groans and takes off running in pursuit, but he hardly makes it a few yards before his brain kicks in. He may be a decent runner, but Eddie is on horseback, and he’s got a head start. There’s no way he’ll catch up with him on foot. 
“Shit,” he swears again, whirling back around and dashing back into the clearing. Aura watches him approach with big brown eyes, ears flicking about nervously, like she’s wondering what’s going on. “Okay, I’m literally so sorry, I know I’m an idiot, but please work with me?” 
And he knows his experiences with horses are slim, but he decides then and there that she must be the best fucking horse in the entire world, in both this time and all the times to come, because she doesn’t so much as flinch as he clumsily scrambles his way into the saddle. 
“Thank you,” Steve breathes, once he’s finally seated and halfway confident he won’t topple right off again. “I owe you big time. Now, let’s hurry and get ba- whoa!” 
She doesn’t even wait for him to finish the sentence or grab the reins, just takes off the way Eddie went, hooves crushing twigs and dry leaves underneath as she goes. And that’s how Steve’s second horseback right passes in a blur of speed and movement, with him clinging on for dear life, praying she’ll at least notice and stop to wait for him when he falls. 
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memoriesndew · 5 months ago
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day 23/90 || 25/09/2024 || dews weight loss lock in ♬ 
🍵logging in... do be do ba and she's back its been a while, my loves I haven't updated in some time and I truly apologize but I got caught up in the crossfire of emotion, feeling lost and our cooking competition that took place on Sunday (it was ok btw) @bambiauroraa has inspired and motivated me to post today so here I am hiii
🎧 now playing : give me oil by joe mettle ft sandra boakye-duah
🎀 currently : 🧶 crafty ; complete new tutorial vid and 🔖 reading ; disrespectfully yours, marinette dupain-cheng ch 2
✿ hnmm what was today even, it was ok but could've been better frl also wow. anyway, today was ok I started not so well but then it hit me hey temi what about your routine I fully got up by 9am and started on my day even though I woke up by 6:29 am. I'm still playing with my morning routine trying to see here and there and what I can change but the one I have now. I'll keep to it for a few weeks and see the same for my night routine.
i'm sure you're wondering with all her yapping what did Pookie actually achieve today? well here it is
I cleared my personal email
also worked out (I got my period today, I just pray I'll be able to workout tomorrow - remember to listen to your body people)
updated my notion (haven't done that in a while)
practiced a new stitch
swept my room
did Bible study
actually complicated my morning routine (by 3pm 🥲- a win is a win frl)
worked out for 28 mins yh minus the walk
did a 5 mins meditation + stretch
most importantly - i posted my first youtube video ya - here it is
walked for 34 mins
today's workout :
10 MIN FULL BODY HIIT WORKOUT ll K-Beauty Body Shape l Weight Loss At Home / Burn lots of Calories
At Home Pilates Workout l Slim Waist & Weight Loss l Korean Hourglass Workout l Slim Body Challenge
meals :
╰・6 slices of toast and powdered milk
╰・2 slices of toast
╰・non (dinner was made past 8 and i really needed to keep with my habits today) - ate peanuts and bread later on by like 12 am
habit tracking:
maintain calorie deficit of 1,080/1200 hit 10k steps - 3,388 7+ hrs of sleep 2.25L/2L of water 30mins+ of movement journal progress movement cycle [3/3] eat between 12 pm and 8 pm 6/8 = slay
💌notes: I think I'm starting to find my passion for writing again, (the adrinette fic has motivated me) BCS hey don't I literally want to be a journalist so I'll add that onto my learning goals I'll really try to learn about if fully. also hope you have a wonderful day
photo credits: pinterest and tumblr
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jubilantmedusa · 5 months ago
Hi! I just wanted to say that I really like your fics <3 I re-read your latest Zukka one 3 times. Do you plan to write any more soon? What type of ideas do you have? I hope I don't sound pushy I'm just curious!
Aww, so glad you enjoyed it :)
I doesn't take much to get me to talk about ideas and WIPs so here you go!
I'm not sure how soon any of this will get done, just because life is very busy right now (which is the reason I've been focusing on short stuff - I prefer medium/long, but short is more achivable right now; and it is a fun challenge to stick to a word limit).
Actively working on:
Zukka HC Sketch + Fic: I have two other Zukka H/C-ish sketches that I need to write stories for. They should be a little less angsty then the last one, in theory, but still have some H/C element. Waiting for inspiration to strike. (1 - 1.5k each goal). I might do more of these, or I might switch to a non-H/C sketch/fic focus. Or I might stop when those two are done. IDK. Whatever's fun.
Iroh and Zuko Post "The Desert" Whump AU: Zuko and Iroh’s escape from "The Desert" is intercepted by an enemy who quickly surmises that the most effective way to torture Iroh is to torture Zuko. With Iroh literally losing his mind, can Zuko (who is not doing well) save his uncle and himself? (currently at 4k; estimated 12 - 16k)
If I can finish the above by the end of the year I'll be pleased.
Ideas that I really want to do and have at least done *some* pre-writing for:
Iroh's Second Spirit World Journey: An Iroh centric story that diverges after "The Earth King." When Zuko never wakes up from his angst coma, Iroh goes literally beyond the ends of the earth to try to save him (aka - Iroh's second spirit world journey). Could have a sequal (or even be a trilogy, potentially), but not required. I really want to write this but I'm not sure if it would have an audience. Estimate: long, over 25k
Escaping the Desert: Another "The Desert" divergence story - Zuko and Iroh are captured by the Rough Rhinoes. Unfortunately, so is Toph. Zuko will do anything to save his uncle, but what about the strange blind girl who was with the avatar? Estimate 15 - 25k. The problem with this one is it would more or less require a trilogy... but if I can keep all the stories to around 10-15k that may be achievable.
Zukka Iron Lung: There is a plague that only effect firebenders. This spurs the invention of the iron lung -- Sokka is one of the lead engineers. When Sokka goes to the Fire Nation to Save the Day, he catches feelings for the Fire Lord. Unfortunately, Zuko then catches the plague. Length TBD.
Zukka Post Series romance: Zuko was injured/disabled before the finale and never took the throne. Sokka hasn't spoke to him since. He has, however, developed PTSD. With his life seemingly falling apart. Sokka decides to run away and go to university at Ba Sing Se. He stops for tea at the Jasmine Dragon, which is now run by, you guessed it, Zuko. Angst and romance ensures. Bonus airbender field trip. Length TBD.
Ice Demon / Waterbender Hospital - This is something I'm not sure anyone would be interested in except me, but I do like medical whump. I've done some light worldbuilding for a waterbender hospital, and have a vague idea of sending Zuko there when he's attacked by an Ice spirit. For some reason. Maybe involving Aang and his quest to master the avatar state? or maybe not, because that would be a lot of story. Lots of more to develop here. Could be gen or Zukka. Season 3 somewhere. Length TBD.
Fire Demon story - I would love to write a longer form season one AU that shamlessly steals the premise of the excellent short fic Fire Walk by Sholio and makes it into a multi-chapter Zuko joins the gang early story. Length TBD.
Ancedotes: This is an idea for a series of short form slice of life/characters backstory fics (3 - 8k, lets say). So far they'd include - "Old Man " a story that answers the question 'how did Sokka learn about physics?' - coming of age/loss of innocence; "Losing at Pai Sho" a story about teen Iroh learning to not be arrogant; and "First Kiss" - the only idea I've ever had for an Azula story, featuring Ty Lee's first kiss and Azula's first... something else. I have an idea for Toph and Zuko, but not committed to them. Katara story has not come to me. I also wanted to pair these with exercises from The 3 A.M. Epiphany because idk the whim struck and the idea is in my head.
Aside form that, I'd like to write a few whumpy Zuko short stories (3 - 10k) that focus on the gaang relationships I haven't written about as much - friendship fics featuring Katara & Zuko, Aang & Zuko, or Toph & Zuko.
If I am ever to become independently wealthy, I'll write my season 3 AU.
And if I ever feel very, very silly - but still slightly angsty - I'll have Iroh commission a symphony in C.
Thank you so much for the question! I am flattered. It was very nice.
If there's an idea you (or anyone who stumbles across this) especially likes, let me know!
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