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lover of stories | here to write about Barchie and other random musings | open to requests 💕
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elizacinnamon ¡ 15 hours ago
I wonder what’s up with KJ not liking anything Lili posts anymore and I don’t think it’s because he’s not online because he’s liking other peoples 🤐
He’s very random about social media likes and engagement in general and historically hasn’t liked all of her posts. She still likes his (I think, I don’t check every post) and they obviously don’t run in the same close circles so there’s no reason to speculate anything is wrong. Nothing’s up, just the way it goes.
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elizacinnamon ¡ 2 days ago
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elizacinnamon ¡ 2 days ago
If only RAS didn’t write himself into a corner with the series finale how it was done and not doing the traditional series finale in the OG timeline. With not really doing a “next generation” of the gang where some of the ships had kids they could have EASILY been rolling in money for the CW/ Netflix as the international distribution of the show. Even if not all of the actors would have come back.
As we KNOW RAS tried to expand the “archiverse” with the Sabrina, Katy Keene shows…
Who knows maybe in like 10-15 years there will be some sort of reboot when RAS is desperate for some attention again 😂
Well. I have to admit I don’t always love spin-off shows (mainly because they always try to rile up unnecessary drama or break up couples to bring them back together etc). Things normally don’t go on forever for a reason.
That being said, I think the Riverdale/Archie comics lore can be brought back at any time with the “it’s a new timeline/comic” excuse. There’s always room for a fresh restart or a new chapter.
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elizacinnamon ¡ 2 days ago
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elizacinnamon ¡ 2 days ago
The world’s prettiest girl there ever was!
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elizacinnamon ¡ 5 days ago
"You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back just like that."
Back to writing and feeling myself (chopped all my hair off and sleeping almost eight hours again). That being said, I'm putting the finishing touches on the new chapter of Labyrinth and planning to press publish tomorrow-ish. Thanks for being patient!
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elizacinnamon ¡ 5 days ago
When it comes to fanfic, you have your own “world” with the Barchie kids, and have a Jabitha as well as a Choni child or two running around.
Would you ever write something where we expand the world you have created?
A story of course that includes the gang as the parents and raising all their kids together?
I personally love my headcanon world with the Barchie kids if I do say myself! I have (along with another friend in the fandom) quite literally planned out the kid's entire lives (plus their future romances and families) for fun. Not sure if there would be enough interest to publish those stories but I could write novels upon novels!
In particular, I love the idea of Barchie's youngest girl being best friends with Jabitha's daughter, Choni's son Dale, and even Reggie's son. The new generation! Would open to writing that someday for fun but who knows if I ever will.
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elizacinnamon ¡ 5 days ago
Back to your last answer to the question: I think we're safe as long as we have a canon in the form of comic books that the show's writers relied on when they came up with common sense. The only thing I would change in canon is Archie's lack of a definitive choice in terms of girls, it's time for the comics to put a stop to that (of course that's unlikely to happen anytime soon).
I'm slightly confused by the wording of this but I do think there's a difference between canon and shipping. In terms of shipping, people can choose to ship whoever the hell they want! But it irks me when people confuse bait/crackships for the canon ships that had love stories (even the ones who didn't end up together) and drove the character's motivations when discussing/debating the show. But maybe that's just me (and it's okay if you feel differently).
And I *do* think Archie made a definitive choice in Riverdale He told Betty: "I always felt that it would be you and me at the end of the road." And in the original timeline, he proposed to her. That's clear to me.
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elizacinnamon ¡ 7 days ago
I'm sorry people have been getting weird in your inbox. The show has been over a long time now, IDK why some people still feel the need to argue about things they can't control. Let's all stick to our bubbles and our ships and agree to disagree.
I agree. Mainly feels upsetting when people twist my words and blow things out of proportion because I do love some good chatting and debating even among ships.
I think we should all remember these are characters and ships we love (and inevitably biased towards based on our personal favorites) and a show that’s finished. Anyone can write whatever the hell they want in fic form, though! :)
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elizacinnamon ¡ 8 days ago
What’s odd and strange is wanting more gay storylines like Betty and Veronica, characters who were straight and male obsessed for 100 and more episodes before they shared a queerbaited fantasy kiss without their memories and then went back to men anyway. There are shows that put care into their gay characters. Riverdale fans should branch out instead of forcing things that will never exist with Betty and Veronica.
I don’t think it’s odd or strange to want more gay storylines. Just to be clear.
But I do think it’s odd to think Riverdale was writing a powerful “Betty and Veronica were actually soulmates the whole time!!!” ending for the characters when that’s simply not what happened. They were playing with a lot of ships in the final season but I still think it’s quite clear to know what was bait and what was intentional storytelling.
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elizacinnamon ¡ 8 days ago
I'm a BA, and I don't have any problem with BV or people shipping them. And I don't think you do either since you have written them a little on your fic. I do think the writing could have been better, but the other relationships also suffered in 7B, so it's not specific to one ship. Just my 2 cents.
One hundred percent! I, of course, believe people can ship whoever they want! And I did lean into them a bit in my fic. My point to the previous anon was in response to ppl saying they were written as a great love story or as a legitimate storyline in comparison to the other relationships (especially in the context of the 50s).
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elizacinnamon ¡ 8 days ago
multiple gay storylines can exist in one season of television- why would you want less gay stories on screen? very odd and strange.
Because Beronica wasn’t a gay storyline? It was (forgive me for using this word) queerbaiting and done for shits and giggles as opposed to Choni which was written thoughtfully as a love story. If Betty and Veronica (or just one of them) had a legit storyline, it would’ve been different. Don’t be ridiculous and twist my words.
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elizacinnamon ¡ 9 days ago
Are you looking foward to any projects with the Riverdale cast coming soon? I miss Lili on my screen
Yes!!! I’m so excited for Lili’s projects the most, namely Hal & Harper but also the three movies she’s filmed/filming this year!
I’m also excited for KJ in the The Map that Leads to you (loved the book) and Melton’s new movie.
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elizacinnamon ¡ 9 days ago
would argue season 2 is frustrating to that degree bc they were supposed to get together but then didn't for bts reasons.
Yes! I’m not sure they were supposed to get together that season but their story was definitely meant to progress and deepen!
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elizacinnamon ¡ 9 days ago
I get fans wanted different ships and things to happen on Riverdale but when I see them say that Veronica was Betty’s biggest love and they’re saying it seriously and unironically? Wanting Betty to have been a lesbian who was in love with Veronica is just that, something they wanted to be true. Not what happened or what is true. Betty is not the gay icon on Riverdale they wanted her to be either, that would be Cheryl.
Betty is suggested to be bi, however the writers never wrote a serious storyline for her with another girl. Her arc with Veronica in Season 7 is two girls experimenting—there’s zero indication or reason to say there were each other’s great love (and lots of reason to know *who* was Betty’s great love story). And I agree that the well written and iconic ship is Choni (and carelessly throwing Beronica into a season where Choni had a real love story and fought for each other despite the challenges of the time period is a real shame).
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elizacinnamon ¡ 11 days ago
i've been on a bob dylan kick lately and i was just thinking girl from the north country is such a 50s barchie song
“If you're travelin' in the north country fair Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline Remember me to the one who lives there For she once was a true love of mine.”
Very 50s Barchie thinking of each other from far away. Thanks for sharing 💕
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elizacinnamon ¡ 13 days ago
Season 4-inspired drabble: Veronica’s away, and Jughead’s stuck at Stonewall Prep. So, Archie and Betty end up spending Valentine's Day together as "friends".
Archie grumpily walked across the parking lot toward Pop’s, glancing at his phone only to be met with disappointment once again. No texts. Veronica had been in New York with Katy for “Galentines” for forty-eight hours and nothing.
In those days, he had gotten used to not hearing from her for a day if not a few. He had gotten used to her kiss on his cheek in the school hallway with a promise of “talk later?” He often wondered, in the early hours he woke in the dark to keep the family business and community center afloat, if they were drifting apart. But they had agreed to have fun and talk about the future later. So “talk later” it was.
Walking into the diner, Archie stopped in his tracks. Betty—blonde ponytail looser than normal, denim dress, sad eyes—sitting in their booth. Her eyes met his immediately. Across her face crept a smile. He realized he was smiling back at her. After all, it was impossible not to.
He walked over, sliding into the booth across from her.
“Arch,” she said softly, twirling the straw of her vanilla milkshake. “Look at us spending Valentine’s Day at Pop’s just like we did as kids.”
“Jug not coming into town?” Archie raised his eyebrows.
Betty shook her head. “He’s busy with work plus this isn’t really his holiday,” she replied defensively.
“Not his holiday?” Archie nearly laughed. “Betty, what does that mean?”
Betty fumbled around her words for a minute: “Well . . . he hates it. The chocolate hearts and red roses and shit. He thinks flowers are overrated. Plus, it’s not really my thing, either . . .”
Archie couldn’t hide his laugh this time. “Not your thing? Don’t be insane. You were the girl who made everyone in the class Valentine cards weeks in advance. You told me to bring you flowers at eight years old and got me candy hearts in exchange.”
Betty grinned at the memory. “I suppose I did used to love it,” she said, trailing off. “I’ve kind of forgotten.”
Archie felt a weird sting of emotions. He had this rage yet jealously boiling inside of him. If Betty was my girlfriend, he thought, she wouldn’t forget. I wouldn’t let her.
He glanced at his phone. Still no texts. He looked over at Betty. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind.
“Hey, Betty, I have an idea. Since we’re both alone this Valentine’s Day, why don’t we spend it together?”
Betty opened her mouth nervously as if she was trying to say something but it couldn’t come out. “As friends,” Archie clarified, noticing her hesitation, “for old time’s sake…”
“Okay, Arch. How are we celebrating?”
Archie stood up, grabbing her hand gently. As friends. For old time’s sake…
He led her outside to the jalopy, driving to the local market. Her hair flew free in the wind, her fingers playing with the radio. She turned the knob to find a station playing love songs. The old fashioned kind that made you wonder if you had been in love forever.
Once they arrived, Archie rushed over to her door. He opened it for her, once again taking her hand in his. Walking inside, he led her straight to the flowers section.
“Well, Miss Cooper, take your pick,” Archie said, looking at the rows of blossoms.
“Pick for me, Arch,” Betty said in the gentle voice she reserved only for him. He hadn’t heard it in a while. “Please.”
Archie felt nervous examining each bouquet, unsure of the best one to buy the girl whose boyfriend didn’t seem to believe in flowers. If he would’ve been picking them out for Veronica, the choice would’ve been red roses. Something expensive and classy. But not Betty. She was something different entirely. After some mental debate, he picked a bouquet of soft pink flowers.
“How’s this?” he asked, placing them in her hands. Betty beamed.
“Peonies!” she exclaimed. “My favorite. How did you know?”
“Because I know you,” Archie found himself saying, though he wanted to slap himself for being so cheesy.
They wandered through the store, picking out chocolate and ingredients for a pasta dinner. Betty squealed at the sight of candy hearts at the register.
“My gift for you,” she said, slipping them into the cart. “Since you got me flowers, of course.”
Later that night, they sat on the Andrews floor eating bowls of pasta cooked by Archie. They had the chocolate beforehand as an appetizer and were in the process of cracking open a second bottle of Mary Andrews’ wine. Archie hoped it was fine, mentally reminding himself to explain the situation in full when she returned in town.
Betty, flushed and tipsy, scooted up to Archie’s side and put her head on his shoulder. She reached into the box of candy hearts and placed one in his mouth. Her presence—her skin against his, her finger on his lips—made him feel electric.
He suddenly realized he wanted nothing more in that moment than to kiss her. He didn’t even think of the repercussions or risk. He only wanted one thing. Leaning his head closer, he hoped she wouldn’t pull away.
“We should do this every year,” Betty said cheerfully and quietly, interrupting his thoughts. “You know as friends.”
“Yeah,” Archie said, backing away though not taking his gaze off her. “As friends. For old time’s sake . . .”
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