#but i wanted to ensure i shared my thanks for all of their amazing lines interviews and just being great people
gjsxj0 · 1 month
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thank you for all of your amazing work, magefam! 💜
in 2018, i drew a picture based on a photo posted by jesse of the three of them during a VO session. it has been 5 years since then and i want to redraw it with the timeskip looks and many improvements.
i never posted the original drawing here it seems so you can view a comparison on my art twitter!
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
long for you (interlude) | h. hyunjin <3
a/n: here's the interlude! only one more part of the fic left after this </3 this one is angsty, but i hope you enjoy it nevertheless >.< currently at work so i might make edits to it later lol if you want to be added to the tag list, you can reply to this post or send me an ask! pics not mine <3
♡ find all parts here ♡
content: fluff, romance, fake dating, angst, a happy ending | wc: 3.7k | warnings: mentions of food/eating, lots of crying | pairing: nonbinary!painter!hyunjin x gn!writer!reader | requests: open
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synopsis: y/n is a writer with a long-awaited, well-deserved career opportunity. despite the excitement, there’s one major problem: the publisher expects a modern love story, equally romcom-like and authentic, but y/n lacks the inspiration to write something worth reading. through a chance meeting with mutual friends, y/n and hyunjin bond over upcoming deadlines and creative blocks. before the conversation ends, they discover that the ridiculous plot of fake dating might just work to solve their inspirational dry spell.
interlude: love untold
a familiar voice calls your name. you look around the crowd, searching for anyone you recognize, not quite sure what you’re trying to find. when you see his face, you understand why the way he called your name sounded so much like home.
chan hurries over the second you wave to him, and you instinctively smile at his lopsided curls bouncing with each step he takes. you melt into his bear hug, warmed by the contact and the closeness of his bright smile. it’s only once you realize that he has run into you here that you feel a tiny wave of shock roll over you.
“wait, chan,” you tilt your head, “how are you…why are you here?”
he laughs, “i’m just as surprised to see you, y/n. i’m here interviewing for a new job.”
“oh wow! that’s great! how did it go?”
“i have the interview tomorrow, actually. i figured i’d get in a day early to feel out the area and make sure i like it.”
“and? what’s your review so far?”
chan’s excited grin is replaced by a soft smile, “seeing you makes it perfect.”
with a simple sentence, chan has you blushing the way you did as a teenager. it didn’t take much to fall into the old rhythm with him: easy conversation, light touches, inside jokes suddenly at the front of your mind despite not having been uttered in years. you two could have lost yourselves in each other’s presence anywhere, but chan suggests you migrate into a coffee shop to continue the conversation. as your agenda for the rest of the day is empty, you lead chan to a nearby coffee shop, relaxing into your seat with your favorite drink and the comfort of an old companion.
“so, tell me everything that’s been going on with you!”
you laugh, “chan. we haven’t seen each other in what, two, three years now? i hardly think telling you everything is possible.”
“i thought you said you had the rest of the night free?”
you roll your eyes, and chan giggles at his own joke. quietly, you prioritize what information to share, careful not to spiral and think about how much has changed since your last conversation with chan.
“i guess i can start with the fact that i got a book deal.”
chan just about drops his drink, “no way, y/n! that’s amazing! wow! i knew you’d do it one day. i know it has been your dream for ages. i’m so proud of you!”
“thank you, chan,” you pause to ensure he knows the depth of your gratitude, “it is a ghostwriting contract, so my name won’t be on it, but it feels surreal that someone’s paying me to write a book.”
“do you know when it’ll come out? i need to be first in line to buy it.”
“i honestly have no idea, but i’m turning in the manuscript tomorrow. the first draft of it, anyway.”
“wooooow,” chan leans back in his chair, “i’m so impressed. you’re like a big-time author now.”
“okay, don’t get ahead of yourself,” you scoff, still complimented by his pride in you, “but what about you? what brings you here for a new job?”
“eh, nothing as exciting as your news. i just want something new. i haven’t been feeling inspired with the work i do now, and i need a change of scenery. i moved back home after we…you know. it was great to go back to my roots. it’s time for me to move forward, turn a new page, start a life where no one knows me. at least that was the plan until i ran into you.”
you both laugh, and you reply, “if your interview tomorrow goes well, i can act like i don’t know you, so things can go according to plan.”
chan laughs boyishly, the way you always remembered it, “i appreciate your support, but i’d hate nothing more than for you to forget about me.”
you nod. you’d often caught yourself wondering whether chan still thought about you, whether he remembered any details of you and your life together. the space between you two was never supposed to grow this vast, but you figure that’s just how these things go sometimes. you feel a pang in your chest, sitting across from him, aware of how much he still means to you, despite it all.
“not to draw attention to the elephant in the room,” chan starts, feigning confidence over the redness in his ears, “are you seeing anyone?”
“please,” you laugh dryly, “you know i’m not.”
chan hums, observing you for a few extra seconds, “something’s going on in your love life.”
“chan!” you gape at him with disbelief, “based on what evidence?”
he leans closer to you, elbows on the table and eyes focused, “come on. i know you better than most people, especially when it comes to this stuff. who is it?”
you frown, hoping you can get him to believe that nothing is happening. predictably, even after years of separation, chan waits patiently. silent, stubborn, supportive.
“fine,” you sigh, spinning your cup a few times to delay your admission, “i was involved–well, not really involved, per se. there was…someone. we had something. at least, i thought we did, and i thought they thought so too. then, they ended things without warning. i can’t say they were in the wrong because being able to end things was a part of our…agreement…but it still hurt. i felt–feel–blindsided and delusional and stupid for getting my hopes up. i don’t think there’s anything to do now except move on, which sucks because it felt special. but hey,” you laugh sordidly, “i’ve been wrong about that before.”
chan smiles, some sadness peeking through, “we both have been wrong about that before.”
you nod, coming up empty on what to say next. chan watches you to ensure you’ve shared everything you wanted to before he speaks again.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i don’t know what they were thinking, and i won’t ask you to dredge up every detail, but i don’t need to know the whole situation to know that they made a mistake. you are so special. loving and being loved by you is the greatest gift i’ve ever known. you deserve someone who recognizes that, and i’m sorry that they weren’t smart enough to.”
you clear your throat, overwhelmed by chan’s words, “thanks, chan.”
“of course,” he smiles, “i’m what you could call an expert on this subject.”
you both laugh again, and chan continues, “all i wanted to do was give you the best. i still want to. i always thought if we saw each other again…” chan pauses to ensure he’s caught your gaze, “i would love to be the person that gives you what you deserve, if you’d let me.”
“you don’t have to answer right now. besides, i wouldn’t ask for your time if we still lived as far apart as we do now. i just mean that, one way or another, i’d love to be back in your life. i still love you, and i always will, regardless of what that love looks like.”
a smile spreads across your face. chan, as you always remembered, never fails to surround you with warmth. you tell him so as you both say your goodbyes. you promise to call, much to chan’s excitement. he promises to tell you how the interview goes, and you can’t help but hope that he gets the job in the city, this city, your city. 
later, while you muscle through the final edits of your first manuscript, jisung stops by to confirm that you’re eating and drinking enough. against your best efforts, you mention chan right away.
“chan’s here?” jisung’s eyes are wide, though you can’t tell with which emotion.
you nod, “yeah, he’s interviewing for a job tomorrow.”
“oh wow, good for him!” jisung pauses his celebration for chan to ask the inevitable, “how did it feel to see him after…everything?”
you sigh, wondering how far down memory lane you were willing to travel, “it felt…good. we were comfortable right away, and, though it was clear time had passed, we were as connected as we had always been. he actually…i think, if he moves here, he wants to give us another shot.”
“whoa,” jisung looks arguably more shocked than you were when chan made his abrupt confession.
“yeah. i was surprised too. but i don’t know…i felt surprised in a good way, i think. obviously the whole hyunjin situation is fresh, and i’d be lying if i said i was over it. yet running into chan randomly for him to admit that he still wants to be with me, in some capacity at least, maybe that’s happening for a reason. i’ve felt so cynical about love for a long time. what if chan is the happy ending i’ve been craving all along?”
“i’m glad that seeing him went so well,” jisung chuckles, “i know when you two were with each other, you constantly talked about building a future together. you were happy with chan, there’s no denying that. but…”
“i know, i know,” you cut him off, so he doesn’t have to be the one to bring up the uncomfortable reminder, “he was my first love, and my first heartbreak. i can’t forget that he ended things because i distanced myself from him. i was scared, jisung. even though, or perhaps because, we were so young, our relationship was so idyllic. everything seemed to line up perfectly, and yet there was a pit in my stomach because i always worried that something was missing. could it have been that i found what was missing by growing up?”
“you sound like me,” he teases, a bit impressed, “it genuinely could be that you needed time apart to figure yourselves out before you could make it work. you and chan were great together; anyone could see that. if giving that relationship another, more mature try, is the right move, then you have my full support. but y/n…is chan the one you want to be with?”
“i…” you glance over at the poem hanging on your fridge, briefly feeling the way hyunjin’s words had moved you that night not so far in the past, “i’ve been feeling cynical about love and relationships for a long time. seeing chan made me feel hopeful again.”
“was it really chan that changed your mind?”
you roll your eyes and scoff, “whatever hyunjin made me feel doesn’t count. we weren’t even together anyway.”
jisung sighs, “just because you weren’t technically together doesn’t mean you didn’t build a relationship. the way you felt about hyunjin is what changed your mind on love, if you ask me. and, as we’ve already established, i have earned my wisdom when it comes to love.” 
you both laugh, relieving the tension. jisung definitely knew what he was talking about, and you know that he wouldn’t say anything regarding your love life if it weren’t important.
“what do you think i should do?”
a sweet and sympathetic smile appears on jisung’s face, “you know i can’t answer that. what i can say is i hope you chase after what’s right for you now. the younger version of you deserved real love, and who you are now deserves real love. that love might look different, whether it comes from the same person or not. it’s probably the romantic in me, but i think you’ll know if you’ve found that love. i hope you trust your gut, and i’ll support you no matter who or what you choose.”
with that, you thank him and remind him that you have a novel to finish, which means you don’t quite have the time for an existential crisis about love tonight. he laughs, wishes you luck, and heads home. you sit at the table for a while, quietly thinking to yourself about the events of the day. you never thought you’d be in a position like this, but you guess that signing up to live out one fanfic trope makes you more susceptible to living out other ones too. with that in mind, after finishing your edits, you decide to add one last line to the ending.
after all that had happened to us, and in spite of whatever would come, the center of everything was this: i have longed for you since the moment i met you; therefore, i will always love you. 
before you can second guess yourself, you send it to your publisher and close your laptop. unable to resist the tears, you sit at your kitchen table, full of relief and sadness, and cry. regardless of what tomorrow brings, one love story has ended. in chasing toward your tomorrow, you have to live with saying goodbye. 
“hyunjin!” jeongin looks up from his desk, face composed but eyes wide with surprise, “i wasn’t expecting to see you so soon.”
hyunjin approximates a smile to the best of their abilities, “i figured i should hand the final piece in directly.”
“as always, i appreciate the personal touch,” jeongin grins and points to the large canvas leaning against hyunjin’s body, “is that it?”
“yes,” they gaze down, peeking at the image, “i finally finished it.”
quiet, hyunjin places the painting on a work table in front of jeongin. jeongin examines it, thoroughly dedicated to appreciating every brushstroke. the compliments on his artistic choices are personal and detailed, but hyunjin barely registers them. they’re sure they will be able to hear the precise, sincere feedback a different night, maybe when the exhibition opens, so hyunjin only feels a twinge of regret at being spaced out yet again. jeongin must have been able to tell that hyunjin was only half there because he quickly transitions his praise into a goodbye. hyunjin gratefully accepts the exit plan.
“oh, and hyunjin?”
hyunjin pauses near the door, facing their friend with their full attention, “yeah?”
“take care of yourself, yeah?”
“of course.”
hyunjin makes it only a block before the tears start streaming. hearing those words from jeongin, the type of friend to refrain from casual sentimentality, breaks hyunjin’s thinly veiled detachment. the facade they barely maintained in the past few weeks lacked resilience. how could there be any solidity to him when hyunjin spent the recent past floating away?
they walk aimlessly for some amount of time, landing at a park bench. the afternoon sun would usually deter them from this spot, but the overcast sky makes the place feel less visible, less connected to the rest of the outside world. hyunjin hadn’t been outside for more than a few minutes at a time since the conversation at the restaurant, so they melt into the bench with hopes that vitamin d will cure them of their self-inflicted heartbreak. cure is perhaps too strong of a hope. hyunjin doesn’t believe anything could undo the hurt he caused, but he wants to believe that the suffering won’t last forever. 
in case the sunshine can’t clear all their problems away, hyunjin calls minho. they feel selfish and stupid and hate that they could be interrupting someone else’s good day, but he can’t think of anything useful on his own. all the time in the studio, all the distancing from friends, all the nights spent writing in their journals couldn’t remove the pit in their stomach, the rock in their chest. the guilt weighed so much more because your name was written all over it.
“hyunjin,” minho answers on the third ring, “how can i help you?”
they laugh through the tears, sniffling, “your customer service knows no bounds.”
“i expect a tip.”
hyunjin laughs again, grateful for a fleeting lightness in his chest before confronting everything that’s crashing down, “minho, i messed up.” 
minho sighs on the other side of the line, “do you want to talk about it?”
thankfully, minho doesn’t rush hyunjin to respond. hyunjin, overcome with just about every emotion they’ve felt in the past few weeks, feels another wave of tears emerge in the presence of his friend’s patience and understanding. they’re not sure what they’re looking for, but being able to admit their mistakes feels like the right place to start.
“i really cared about y/n. like…deeply. more than i’ve cared about someone in a long time, if ever. i miss them, and it’s my fault. it’s like a sick joke. this whole arrangement was built around us finding inspiration for our work, and now, because i got scared, i learned what yearning actually feels like. i feel it in my body, like the urge to reach out for something–someone–that isn’t there anymore. it’s so cliché, and i used to make fun of people for saying it when they went through a breakup, but i look for y/n in everything i see. they’re gone. the feeling of them beside me is like a phantom limb, but i am responsible for the amputation. i feel like i can’t even be sad about it because i’m the one who left. i can’t even say i don’t know what went wrong because i ruined it. i regret it. minho, i don’t know what to do.”
“hyunjin,” minho sighs, “you need to be kinder to yourself. yes, you made a mistake, but you don’t deserve to tear yourself apart for it.”
“don’t i though? what i have–had–with y/n was so special. they deserve so much more than what i gave them, what i was giving them and then immaturely ripped away. they were so kind to me, so honest. and i threw that all away without so much as an explanation.”
“okay,” minho lets out a breath with a hint of frustration, “i really think you’re taking this self-flagellation thing way too far, but i won’t waste time arguing with you if you don’t want to believe me–”
“where did you learn ‘self-flagellation’?”
“hyunjin, seriously?” minho deadpans.
hyunjin can perfectly picture the annoyed look on minho’s face, and he laughs, “sorry, you’re right. we were being serious and vulnerable. i shouldn’t have interrupted with a joke.”
“exactly, you shouldn’t have interrupted the vulnerability.”
“are you talking about you or y/n now?”
“a little bit of both, but mostly y/n. you got scared because you two were so open with each other. you felt seen in a way you hadn’t before. that’s rare. all of us would be or have been intimidated by something like that.”
“not everyone runs away though,” hyunjin frowns, kicking a rock by their foot, “i did the thing you’re not supposed to do when you find someone as…perfect as y/n.”
“do you want them back?”
hyunjin bites his lip, scared even now to be honest about their desire, “it’s not like they would give me a second chance. they’re smarter than that.”
“that’s not the question i asked,” minho replies, kind yet firm.
panicking, they reply, “you know, even though it was a fake relationship, we kissed once. it was my idea, sort of as a joke. we did it anyway, ‘for the plot,’” hyunjin chuckles, “there was this clarity, in the seconds after we kissed. i realized then and there that i was far more tied to y/n than i ever expected or could have hoped. i know it sounds dramatic, but it’s like, with them, my heart and soul were…now they’re…life isn’t…i just thought that things would have turned out a completely different way, and maybe i was romanticizing things–i probably was, i always do–but that doesn’t change the fact that…” 
hyunjin pauses their rambling to take a deep breath, knowing there are only a few words left to say, “i want to be with y/n.”
for a brief second, the weight of everything falls away into sweet certainty. hyunjin wants to be with you, plain and simple. their stomach twists at the fact that you weren’t together because they ran away, but his heart leaps in hope that maybe things could still change.
“do you feel better now that you’ve said it?”
hyunjin sighs, relief rather than regret, “yeah. i do.”
“good,” minho pauses, and hyunjin imagines he’s cracking his knuckles in preparation for the nitty gritty advice he’s about to drop, “i think it’s important to point out that, just because you were fake dating each other doesn’t mean that you two didn’t have a relationship at all. you shared a connection, and the bond you built together was real, even if you weren’t earnestly trying to be romantic partners.”
hyunjin stays silent, so minho continues, “like i said, running away from someone, something special, because you’re scared of how much they mean to you is a mistake we all have or will make. don’t keep beating yourself up for it. also, don’t keep being dumb by avoiding y/n. if you feel the way you say you feel, then you owe it to yourself and to them to be honest, even if it’s coming a little late. take a chance. you’re already hurt, and you’ve already hurt them. what else do you have to lose?”
“i can’t believe you called me dumb while giving me the most insightful advice i’ve ever heard.”
minho laughs, “life’s about balance, hyunjin.”
hyunjin rolls their eyes, “i guess you’re right. about both things.”
“mhm. i usually am.”
hyunjin scoffs, “okay, if you’re going to gloat about being wise, i’m going to hang up.”
“good!” minho sighs the way one does after a long day’s work, “it’ll give you time to figure out how you’re going to get your person back.”
“you’re so annoying,” hyunjin huffs, “thank you. i’ll tell you how it goes.”
minho hums in agreement, rushing out a don’t forget to stop being dumb! as hyunjin ends the call. hyunjin sets their phone down next to them on the bench and takes a deep breath. the late afternoon is already melting its way into the evening. as hyunjin stares at the setting sun in the distance, they think about the beloved painting above their desk. out there, somewhere in the same city, there’s a chance you are at your bedroom window, saying goodbye to another day with hyunjin on the outside, a part of the world not welcomed into your home. what they wouldn’t give to change that.
tag list: @velvetmoonlght @tirena1 (<333 tysm)
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empressofthewind · 26 days
Hello! I’ve been reading some of your meronia fanfictions and wanted to say you are an incredibly skilled storyteller and really make the characters feel true to their canon counterparts. Thank you so much for your absolutely amazing writing, you are a blessing in this fandom ❤️
There was a question I’ve been wondering about if you don’t mind. In a few of your AU Mello lives and begins working in partnership with Near fics, it’s mentioned that in the outcome of the Kira case Mello lost completely and Near was the winner.
I was curious in your AU what happened at the end of the Kira case that made it turn out this way?
And why do you position Mello as the full-out loser instead of something more similar to the OG canon where his skills and ability to see and contribute something Near couldn’t was the only reason Near won?
If you are willing to share I would love to know your thoughts! if not it's oc totally fine and understandable so feel free to ignore haha
Hello! First of all, thank you very much 🥺🫶 this is really really kind!! Second of all, this is an excellent question and you are perfectly welcome to ask - I'm always happy to answer questions about my fics :-)
My best answer to this is that the way I characterise the ending is highly dependent on the specific POV I'm writing from. I write all my fics in third person limited, which is structured in such a way that it gives a glimpse into the character's inner world. As a result, there's always bias in the way they perceive things. My interpretation of Near is that he's wired to view things as objectively as possible in most cases, so his narration is generally trustworthy. Mello's inner workings are a lot more chaotic, and I tend to write him as a fairly unreliable narrator. On that basis, the idea that he would have "lost" after the Kira case is entirely his perception. His goal was always to catch Kira and bring an end to the case with his own hands, as exemplified by the line "If you can do that, then I'll get Kira myself", which he says to Near in Chapter 79 (in reference to their interrogation of Mogi). At this point in the narrative he's directly working with Near, but he never thinks of it that way. He rationalises this as "using Near", and the competition as far as he's concerned is still alive and well.
He definitely has some character development by the end, but I don't think enough has changed for him to accept the idea of a joint victory. Rather, the development that happens is in him accepting the idea of losing. As much as I do think he kidnapped Takada with the intention of saving Near's life and ensuring Near's victory, I tend to assume he saw this as surrendering, not as a collaborative effort like Near does. I very strongly believe that if he had survived long enough to see the end of the case, he would have considered himself the loser. Ultimately, Near was the one in the warehouse, Near was the one who got to put Light in his place, and Near was the one who ended up with L's title. To Mello, that's more than enough to constitute a loss.
I hope this answers your question!!!
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mittch22 · 9 months
I love your headcanons for the WGP! Such underutilized characters that Pixar will never come back to. Which makes it all the more fun to come up with the headcanons and their personalities.
Also do you have headcanons for the regional replacements of Jeff Gorvette in the international dubs of Cars 2: Long Ge (my personal bias), Flash Nilsson, Memo Rojas Jr, Frosty Winterbumper and Vitaly Petrov?
Another Ask! Thank you!!!
I must admit, it was a challenging one. I like to have a little background info before I add HC's to pre-made characters. But alas, there is not much to go on.
Im glad you bought these fine chaps to my attention. They are VERY cool. My favourite is Vitaly personally. Lets give this a go, shall we?
Long Ge - He is insanely polite and will go above and beyond to ensure the comfort of others in his presence, even sometimes to his own detriment.
He can occasionally get a little nervous talking to others, but thats down to a small amount of social anxiety. He wants everyone to like him.
Long Ge is respectful of his fellow competitors at all times, however, he can occasionally get a little arrogant, but its all in good humour.
He is heavily supportive of racers in need, especially when it comes to physical injury. Regardless of his position on the track, he will stop to help if he deems it necessary. In his spare time, he will volunteer to assist those in need.
He loves traditional board games.
Lightning McQueen ended up introducing him to Tex Dinoco and they got along straight off the bat.
Flash Nilsson - Flash is spritely and energetic and its utterly contagious. He knows exactly how to get a party going and how to keep it rolling.
He's amazing at poker.
He gets jestfully angry when fellows sing or play the Flash Gordan theme song when he enters a room or aproaches a group. He will start singing along with it though.
He's a bit of a practical joker and can spend ages thinking up amazing pranks to play on his friends. He loves to have a good laugh.
Flash spends a lot of time practicing on different tracks and honing his skillset in a variety of different ways. He's always looking to improve himself and learn loads of different techniques for different situations.
Memo Rojas Jr - Memo loves learning about different cultures and sightseeing the countries he visits.
He is a highly suspicious vehicle and carries a luck charm with him for his races.
You'll never not hear him humming or singing musical tunes and jigging along to it.
He gets on really well with Raoul and they have become quite firm friends after the WGP.
Memo is rediculously quick off the mark and shocks fellow racers with his ability to just shoot himself forward off the starting line. It can be quite startling and intimidating.
Frosty Winterbumper - Frosty is a talker. As in he is an incessant talker. Good luck shutting him up. Especially when its on a subject that he is particularly interested in.
He loves basking in gentle sunshine and believes there's nothing better than a quality nap and a decent amount of relaxation time.
He is a bit of a risk taker on the track and enjoys the rush of that.
Despite his wintery namesake, he despises being in cold environments. He can't stand the cold and will do pretty much anything to ensure he stays warm. A deeply set chill can really throw him off his game.
Vitaly Petrov (Виталий Петров) - Vitaly is an avid chess player. His father was a regional champion at the game and athough Vitaly had bigger interests in racing, he is still very good at the game. So good luck beating him.
He is used to freezing climates from growing up racing in rally sprints and ice races and just doesnt seem to get cold. He has techniques for staying warm and he will always share them with any fellow racer who feels the cold easily.
Vitaly is the only race fan in his family and built himself up in the racing world from scratch and he absolutely loves it. He does it purely for his own enjoyment. It just turns out he's really damn good at it.
Chrysler help you if you find yourself in a snowball fight with him. He is pretty merciless.
Bonus content:
I have an amusing screenshot (at least I found it amusing). Tumblr is being a bit funny on mobile at the moment with asks. And for some reason its staging out the words in the ask box when I go to answer it. This is what it came up with:
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PS: His name is Frosty Winterbum now.
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ajwinter-is-a-nerd · 9 months
LawLight Polls - Opening January 25, 2024
Please note: this is the starting of the new poll thread. This can be considered a repost of the final re-blog on the initial Lawlight Polls thread. [With additional information at the bottom]
After facing several blockades, I am happy to announce that we are FINALLY KICKING OFF - and things are going to look different.
There will be ONE work vs. work to start off the polls.
The Longfic Lawlight MVPs
The Sweet Taste of Silver by LumiOlivier (Tumblr: @lumiolivierlithium) vs. Passengers by Pyreneese (Tumblr: @pyreneese)
Poll Open Date: January 25, 2024
Special Hashtag: #WintersLawlightBible
Thank you both for interacting/agreeing to participate! Both of your works were fantastic and deserve all the recognition in the world.
Additional big thank you to all authors who replied. I was going to try to find a way to include each other who gave permission/interacted a work vs. work poll - but INSTEAD, I will just be ensuring that they are showcased in the polls yet to come.
As a general reminder, don't be a dick. Fanfiction author's work for free. Read them, give them some love, they are both amazing stories and deserve all the praise in the world.
Read below: Future Poll Introduction/questions that no one asked, but I'm answering anyway
What will the polls look like in the future?
I have changed the format so that the polls will focus on Lawlight tropes. Each poll will have my own recommended Fan Fics in that category, and I will invite others to showcase any stories that they recommend in either of the tropes.
For example:
Politician Light vs. Detective Light
L played a character to trick Light vs. L is exactly the unkempt genius he portrays himself to be
Yotsuba Arc vs. Alternate Universe
This way we can include short fics and longfics all in one. It doesn't require me to have to review and search for tropes in each story (as long as I know the ones that I've read myself) (this is so I don't get overworked again and die).
***To avoid any possibility of thinking that the polls are merely a circular way of comparing two specific works, my own suggestions will always include as many as possible. They are to be used as reference, not as a "one or the other". ***
This was, in my opinion, the best way to respect the majority of author's works and wishes.
From my experience of myself and speaking to other fanfic author's, the idea of people talking about and recommending their fanfic is awesome, but the idea of using it as a competition is unnecessary stress or possible other ick feelings.
From hereforth, I will do my best to have as many discussions and recommendations about Lawlight fic as possible in ways that makes everyone as happy as possible!
How will my fanfic recommendations be included in the polls?
This may change around. When I first had the idea, I wanted to make an indexed list. - obviously when you go on A03 there are tropes and you are able to look things up yourself. However, I wanted to make an index that would help with the themes we might have a hard time explaining.
Such as, "L is playing a part vs. L is actually the weirdo he is as displayed in the show".
All this to say, I want to save them and make record of them, but I don't know how well an actual indexed concept would work. So then - I introduce - HELLO IT WILL BE A MESS BUT I WILL SHOWCASE THEM TO MY BEST ABILITIES.
For each trope, any recommended Fanfictions that came in, they will all be shared along with the final poll Re-Blog.
This will be lined up fairly simple. Trope 1: [List underneath] Trope 2: [List underneath]
What is even the point of your recommendations if others are expected to also share their favourites in that trope?
*huff*. Well - my recommendations will be up there for the polling period in hopes to get the gears rolling.
I feel like after all of this work and reading if I didn't share some of my favourites it would be weird.
I'm an author and I want to recommend my Lawlight fan fiction to be included?
If you are an author and you want your work showcased in ANY of the polls, just reblog this post, or make a post and tag me in it (with the WintersLawlightBible hashtag) saying that you wrote a fanfic and include the link. As long as it is A03, I will read it and include it into as many themes as I find possible.
(Also, if you shared it, and was like - actually, my story also fits in this theme too, but you seemed to miss it. Let me know and I'll add it again.)
I want this event to be something that helps A03 authors.
What can I do to make this work better so everyone can see the most fanfictions as possible?
Leave Kudos and kind comments on the authors works.
Respond/Re-blog with any suggested tropes you may have.
Closing Thoughts
I am excited to start moving forward, hopefully we can turn this stress case of a project into something fun!
I am already working on scheduling the next polls and compiling the proper recommendation lists.
I won't have a set schedule because a roller coaster has less ups and downs than I do - but I will aim to do around one a month.
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ciaossu-imagines · 9 months
The gift giving question is so cute! Can you write what sort of gifts Fon, Colonnello, and Reborn would like? If you’re only doing one character then just Fon is fine!
I can for sure try to do this up for you! Thanks for the request, my lovely anon, and I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons!
I do think, with Fon, the old adage of the thought being what counts, not the gift is really very much the truth. He's always grateful for any gifts he's given. He's not one to really expect to receive gifts, even on traditional gift-giving occasions, and is always just touched that people thought of him and did get him something.
Now, I will say that Fon is going to be especially touched though if the gift itself has some thought put into it. Gifts that are personal in some way, that shows that the person was truly thinking of him and what he would enjoy or could use will touch him deep in his soul.
If a gift is handmade or home-baked, it's automatically an amazing gift to Fon. If someone went through the trouble of using their time to make him something instead of taking the quicker and easier way of just buying it, it shows a lot of care towards him, in Fon's mind, and it really humbles him and makes him very happy.
Now Fon doesn't have a lot of hobbies but food and tea are big things for him. Getting him or making him food or new tea blends to try are always safe gifts to give him.
Another safe gift idea for Fon? I think he would really enjoy those 'experience' gifts. Gift him tickets to a concert or event, book a time for an escape room, schedule a hot air balloon ride, pay for yoga classes for the two of you, etc., etc. Get him a gift of an experience you can share with him, either one he would enjoy or something completely new the two of you can experience and have fun with together because in the end, it's the experiences, not the possessions, that Fon believes make a life the happiest it can be.
Colonello is actually really easy to buy gifts for. Even if you're not exactly sure what to get him, I can see Colonello as being the kind of guy who does have a wish list or some sort of mental list of things he'd like for gift-giving occasions. He'll happy either share the list or suggest something off of it that he knows the person can afford or make if he's asked what he wants for a gift.
In general though, Colonello is easy to buy for. Buy him a new gun, a new knife, replacement bandanas because he goes through them really fast actually (he loses them frequently), replace his boots every couple of years…all of those are instant winners for him.
I also see Colonello actually really enjoying survival training and the survivalist scene so getting him anything related to that is going to make him really happy too. He also gets really into the survival boot-camp events or the fake zombie apocalypse events so signing the two of you up to experience one of those together is going to ensure your gift is the favourite of those he receives.
You know those people who are always like 'you don't need to get me a gift, I don't need one, you really shouldn't have'? Yeah, Reborn is not that kind of person. So far from that kind of person, actually. You should have and, in fact, you need to get him a gift if it is a gift-giving occasion. He will be so freaking offended if you don't and will consider it a sign of disrespect.
That's not to say that Reborn is greedy or materialistic. The dollar value of the gift isn't really going to matter much to Reborn unless he knows the person is made of money, rolling in the cash, and the gift given by them is some cheap, impersonal gift from the Dollar Store or something along those lines.
What matters to Reborn when it comes to gifts? That there was thought and intentions behind the gift. Don't just go into a store and pick up any old random thing or pick up the knitting needles and knit him a quick pair of mittens that you would have given just any old person. He really cares that the people giving him presents, whether they be handmade presents, the gift of entertainment (like putting on a play or show for him or getting him tickets to an event), or material gifts, take the time, don't rush the gift-giving process or leave it until the last minute, and give him gifts that reflect how they see Reborn or what they think he would like.
So, all in all, it really is the thought that counts for Reborn because it's knowing that he's respected enough by people to warrant their time, their imagination and creativity, and their full attention when it came to choosing the right gift, is what he evaluates the actual present by.
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spider-murdock · 1 year
Uuuuuuh .. share your experience with Charlie, if you want!!!! Amazing, so happy for you! <3
Absolutely! It's a LONG ASS POST, so I put it under a cut.
So for the photo op me and my sister got in line and they were running super behind schedule but I think they were trying to ensure everyone got in and out close to their allotted time.
So me and my sis got in line, and we were ushered in. The first thing that hit was just how handsome he was, his smile lines and his eye crinkles were so sweet! And also noticed just how skinny he was??! Like I feel like he lost a lot of weight since KIN and even the born again set pics?
Then it was our turn and he fistbumped me and my sister, gave us both a side hug and was the SOFTEST HUMAN ALIVE. Like he made us feel so special in the 10 seconds of interaction and said "bless you for coming" as we walked out.
The autograph was a little different and I put it in bullet points this morning:
Screencap from the 2 second video before my phone got taken by a crew member at fan expo.
But I got to meet him and was one of the early ones in line
He was once again so sweet and soft spoken
I have a tough name to pronounce so he asked
“Am I saying it right?”
I said “yes, im sorry that it is tough to pronounce” and
he said “ don’t you dare apologize for your name it’s lovely”
Then I asked him if he was enjoying Toronto
And he said he loves the city but didn’t get to explore this time
Then he signed and told me to enjoy fan expo and I told him the same, and "thank you for doing what you do and hope you have an amazing day"
Finally the panel! I was in line a couple of hours before the event started because I knew how crowded it was going to get. I met some lovely people who were SUPER nice to me and we got to the beginning of the line for the panel.
Charlie and Vincent were HILARIOUS. Just so sweet and funny and kind.
Memorable Highlights:
He gave an anecdote about pulling an all nighter before his stardust audition
He wants to cosplay at a fan expo with his 6 year old daughter, and thinks Bluey may be a good idea
He made a joke about him and Vincent showering together
He thinks All Dressed Ruffles are "tremendous" and HATED ketchup flavored chips
WHEW that's all I can think of at the top of my head. I'm still processing it all and am just insanely happy.
I'll be posting my terrible quality videos of the fan panel on tumblr as well.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
Late Last Night
Luke can't sleep, so he goes for a walk, ending up in Los Feliz. Who he meets there will end up changing everything.
Honestly this idea came to me late last night and I've been pecking away at it all day. I dunno if it's going to go anywhere from here, but I thought I'd post it and see what the reaction was.
On AO3!
Luke held his breath as he eased open his window, praying it wouldn't creak and alert his mom that he was sneaking out.
They had already gotten into it once tonight and Luke wasn't eager for a rematch.
It's not that he hated his house or anything, he just needed to get out for a bit. He and sleep weren't on speaking terms right now, and he found a walk usually calmed his restless mind.
Slipping through the window, he made a soft thud on the ground, and he stilled, not hearing anything but his own shallow breathing and the vague late night traffic that never seemed to stop in LA. Not even in his sleepy little suburb. And nothing ever happened there.
He felt a chill in the air, pulling his flannel tighter around himself as he ambled down the drive, looking back only once to ensure his house remained quiet, dark, and still. It remained solitary so he continued on. The neighborhood had an eerie quality to it this late... Or was it early? Luke figured he was just one owl hoot away from being the atmospheric start of a slasher film.
He kept walking, enjoying the quiet of the world, though his brain was still going a mile a minute. What he needed to do was write, get his thoughts down on paper in some form so they would plague him no longer.
His travels brought him to Los Feliz, and as he walked by the picturesque houses, and he stopped when he noticed light coming down the driveway of one. Through a dense in line of vegetation, he could see a spacious garage, and light coming from within, accompanied by soft piano music.
Lured by the siren song of another night owl musician such as himself, he took cautious steps towards the sound. The door was open a crack, and he peered in. He could see guitars hung on the walls, amps and mics in a pile by the stairs, and the centrepiece of the room, a grand piano.
Sitting there with a glimpse of a smile on her face was a middle aged Latina woman, a long head of dark curls streaked with silver, traipsing down her back. She looked up at him and he saw her sparkling brown eyes, drawing him in. "Hello mijo, what brings you out at this time of the night?"
Luke took a cautious step in, amazed that she was still shredding the complicated piece on the piano while talking to him. "I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk, ended up here. Then I heard you play..."
"A fellow music lover I take it?"
Luke bit back a smile as he got closer to the piano and her. "Yeah. Me and my friends are in a band called Sunset Curve. We're pretty good."
"Show me then," she said, waving to a guitar on the wall. "Play me something."
Luke pulled out his phone, "I mean, I have our demo right here if you wanna hear it."
The woman nodded to the guitar again and Luke bit off a smile before taking it down. The instrument was still in tune, the strings giving a satisfying twang as he struck them. He picked out the melody he had been working on, a haunting ballad about a late night together, sharing everything two people could. But then it ended, as the sun rose in the sky, a new beginning bringing about an ending.
When the last chord rang through the air, Luke's breathing was heavy as he glanced up at the woman who looked stunned before erupting in rapturous applause. "I think you're more than pretty good there mijo."
"Thanks," Luke said with a blush. "Did you write the piece you were playing earlier?"
She laughed. "Oh no, that was Mozart. But I'll give you a Rose Molina original if you want." She then played a soft lilting piece, then transitioning to a harder rock style, her voice raspy and sweet, her accent coming out more as she belted.
Luke let a cheer as she finished. "Wow... That was incredible!"
Rose ducked her head, her hair obscuring her face a little. "Thanks... What's your name sweetheart?"
"My name's Luke."
Rose smiled. "Well Luke, as fun as this has been, it's well past my bedtime, so I can't imagine how long ago yours was. How about you head home, try and get some rest?"
Luke rubbed the back of his head, blushing. "Yeah, you're probably right." He made his way towards the door. "Thanks for letting me hang and play for a bit Ms. Molina."
"Rose," she insisted. "Come back any time Luke, feel free to make as much music as you want here. In fact..." she paused then, thinking, then lit up with a smile. "My daughter, Julie, she's about your age. I think she'd love to hear your music. Just don't tell her I said that or else it'll become some lame band her mom likes."
"Well then, I'll be sure to come back," Luke assured her. "Maybe not in the middle of the night though." They both laughed at that, and Luke waved before exiting the studio, turning back at the end of the drive, only to see it dark and lonely. Rose must have booted it to bed once he left, so Luke shrugged and went on his way once more, finding sleep came much easier this time.
The next day after school, Luke found himself walking the familiar path once more, stopping at the top of the drive. Only this time, the music was halting, mixed with curses and tears. Luke approached cautiously, not being a huge fan of girls crying; he always felt so useless because he was never sure how to help them. A charming smile and offer of a song usually didn't go well in those instances.
He knocked gently on the door to the studio, though it swung open against his fist. There was a girl there, swiping tears away from her eyes and looking up at him in embarrassment. Luke could see this must be Julie right away, she looked so much like her mom. "Sorry, it's just... I was passing by, and I heard music, and then crying... are you okay?"
Julie sniffled and have him a weak facsimile of a smile. "I'm alright. I was just trying to play and I can't. It's like I'm stuck."
"You wanna duet?" Luke offered. "Might help unstick you. Or I could call the rest of my band, we could jam together and you can join or not, less pressure that way."
"Yeah, that'd be nice. I'm Julie by the way."
"Luke. Lemme call the guys, they'll load up the van and be here in a jiffy."
The minutes between the phone call and the van pulling up were long and awkward, Luke and Julie filling it with idle chit-chat. Thankfully Reggie all but burst into the studio, a beaming bolt of sunshine that burnt away the air of gloom that had been permeating the space. He all but bounced over to Julie, and she gave him a much more genuine smile than she was able to muster earlier.
Bobby and Alex followed behind, lugging the gear and grumbling at Reggie about helping, but were cordial enough to Julie. Set up was quick, and soon Sunset Curve was playing a concert with an audience of one.
Julie grinned wide at them, bobbing her head and then getting up to dance as they played, and when Luke offered her the mic to sing along, she snatched it up, belting the words. The music almost faltered as she began to sing, Luke exchanging glanced with his boys.
Was this girl for real?
Her voice was gorgeous, hitting every note with ease, sounding angelic and devastating all at once. She elevated their sound and Luke felt his heart give a little skip as Julie sang at him, showing the gap in her teeth. Followed her with his eyes as she twirled around Reggie, the bassist blushing as she granted him attention, and Luke was tempted to drift over to join them as they sang the bridge together.
Alex shimmied in his stool as Julie rocked out in front of him, adding in a drum frill that Luke honestly loved. Bobby was a bit too cool to give her any more than a wry grin, but when her back was turned he sent Luke a look that clearly read 'holy shit dude'.
Luke knew now why Rose told him to seek out Julie. Her talent deserved to be heard, and all she needed was someone to elevate her. He wondered what she would say if he asked her to join the band.
Finally the song ended, all of them smiling and breathing heavy. Julie looked at them all, "Thank you for that really. It's just what I needed. Thank goodness you happened to be walking by when you were Luke."
Luke bit off an impish smile, and blushed. "It wasn't all me honestly. You can thank your mom, she's the one who told me you would like our sound."
Julie froze at that, turning to Luke. "That's not funny."
"I-it wasn't meant to be?" Luke stammered.
Julie turned to Luke, hands on her hips, and her next words turned the blood in Luke's veins to ice. "Luke, my mother died a year ago today."
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sassafrassing-blog · 1 year
Just wanted to say I absolutely adore feign! Unfortunately found it at 1 am yesterday but whose timing is good on ao3 anyway??? Started it for kakashi, stayed for the beautiful character dynamics and dialogue! Your character voice is totally amazing. Do you edit at all as you go, or does it come out that fully formed?? Either way, thanks for sharing with us! Looking forward to the next one, whenever the muse strikes again :)
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LMAO sorry I wrecked your sleep schedule 😅
Thank you so much for the lovely note! 😘 I 1000% edit as I write which is why it takes me so long to crank out chapters... And I have to edit in a linear fashion, so I will always start at the top and go line by line reading out loud to ensure it "flows" and sounds consistent.
And I'm trying to work on my other story Eldritch, but I swear Feign has me in a chokehold...
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mackenzielovee · 2 years
okay that was perfect. i was laying in bed with my mouth open at the audacity of sarah. y/n closed the door, which was clearly saying don't come in, wait for rafe. she came in and got the kids all excited. calling y/n barbie? what even is her problem? she's always had a problem with y/n even though she's hidden it for years after john b broke up with her. i don't understand sarah's motives. it makes you think. i find it so interesting that y/n was on sarah's side but then sarah ruined it by saying that bit about y/n at the lunch. wouldn't she want y/n on her side? so that she could get money from rafe through y/n? not that I think that y/n would, I think she would draw the line there but still. i would think that sarah would want y/n as a confidant.i honestly hope that the kids just forget about sarah as they get older so that memories of her won't cause them any pain. especially connor, I feel like he was closer to sarah than josie. I'm interested to see if sarah tries to come back. i feel like y/n and rafe will sit the kids down and explain to them that sarah isn't coming back because she isn't a good person and if they see her they should stay away. there was a person like that in my parent's life before I came along but they sat my older brother down and told him that she isn't a good person and if he sees her come find one of them, don't talk to her. I've never met her but because I look so much like my parents they show me pictures of her so that if I ever see her I stay away because they think she would recognize me as their daughter.
i feel like y/n and rafe need to sit down together, without having to worry about the kids and just talk about the situation, y/n air's out all of her feelings, and rafe his. rafe explains what exactly sarah did and they decide how to move forward as a family. while I think they are scratching the surface about moving past the situation I think they need to have an extensive conversation to ensure they are on the same page and know each other's feelings.
LOVE this whole analysis, first of all. i completely agree with what you said about sarah, that she should want y/n on her side because, in sarah's mind, y/n is the weaker link. however, sarah is sarah, and she doesn't think anything through (as we've seen over the years).
i also think it's interesting what you've said about them scratching the surface of this issue. i completely agree. sarah has proven time and time again that she can absolutely destroy things with a few words dropped, and i think rafe and y/n have a long way to go in terms of not letting her "step" between them in a lot of ways.
thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me. you're so wonderful and amazing and supportive, and i feel so lucky. love you bunches, xoxo
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zachsgamejournal · 2 years
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I'm gonna nitpick, as I do, but this was a great game with a great story, and I want Guillermo del Toro to do the movie!
So where I left off, I had been exploring the forest and rescuing ancient animal gods from dream parasites while learning more about Tove's past, dealing with the death of her mother. With the spell to drain Tove's younger brother, Lars, of his humanity to turn Roki human nearing an end Tove has finally found a path to the castle:
So, I had really thought: THIS IS IT! We go to the castle, we confront the goddess of crows, and everything's done. But not. There's a whole castle-puzzle section and it's long and convoluted. It contains some of the more challenging puzzles while having the lowest story-to-puzzle ratio yet. So it's kinda...well boring. It didn't help that I played through 90% of Ocarina of Time this weekend, so my limit for storyless dungeon crawling is pretty much at an end.
They had an interesting twist, though. When Roki destroyed the house, the depressed father basically said "Run kids!" and let himself be buried in the rubble. NOW, he awakes and crawls out. He then tracks the path Tove and Lars took and finds the real-world version of the castle Tove has teleported two.
The game now lets you switch between the father and Tove. The father is in the real world, with mostly no snow and the sun is shining. Tove, on the otherhand, is in the mythic world where it's night the world is pretty much frozen over. MOST of the puzzles in this section must be solved through some sort of cooperation between the father and child.
The father stands on one end of a cart to lift the other in the air, giving Tove access to a key item.
Climbs walls to flip switches, opening doors for the father.
The characters can't talk to each other directly, but they feel each other's presence. They also magically share an inventory (thank god!). It's a creative idea that has several shortcomings. Mostly, the key item to a puzzle is rarely within the same vicinity of the puzzle. And you often pick up key items before you have access to the puzzle that needs to be solved by them. So a fishing hook, or a book with a tree on it don't make sense when you pick them up. You just know it'll come into play at some point.
This isn't a huge problem in its own right. Most of the game works this way already. And many point-n-click games do this too. It's a staple of the genre. The problem is that even with all the locked doors and obstructed stairways, the castle is quite large. And exploring, trying to figure out how your random assortment of key items are meant to help you is tedious. It's made doubly frustrating because you have to move Tove and the father independently. So after walking all the way across the castle to put Tove into position, you then have to repeat the same journey with the father.
This section, while clever gameplay, is made more frustrating by the fact there's essentially no story and plot development. We know everything there is to know about the legends, the way behind the kidnapping, and even how Tove and her father struggled to deal with the death of Tove's mother. And that's a shame, cause this element of switching between the father and Tove could have been an amazing storytelling opportunity.
Tove's father is presented as being so depressed by his wife's death, he's unable to be a father to either children. He just sorta drinks and sits in his chair all day. Tove has assumed many adult duties, especially when it comes to the care of her brother. She makes supper, babysits, ensures that he goes to bed on time. Everything her father should be doing.
When the father climbs out of the rumble and decides to rescue his children, it's an isnpiring change. But besides sharing a few sentiment lines of dialog about how much he loves Tove while co-op solving puzzles, there's no real development. Honestly, it feels like the castle section was tacked on to add length and then adding the father gave that arbitrary filler a little bit of life. Really, I think this should have been gameplay from the beginning:
Tove follows Lars into the magical world. The father is stuck in the real world looking for his children. He sees signs and finds he's able to interact and communicate (to a small degree). While he sees rock formations and strange trees, Tove sees creatures and amazing structures. Along the way, there's some discussion--as Tove's father reflects on the past few years and his failure to support Tove and regret.
But ah well. maybe I'll steal this for one of my games.
The final cutscene is kind of interesting. Roki and Lars have become friends. Roki doesn't want to be human, he liked being a monster. But his mother, the antagonist, doesn't think he'll have an easy life as a monster. Sadly, she's sacrificed many children trying to change him and it hasn't worked. It's revealed in a cutscene that Lars was born in the forest, so has more magical power than most kids. The reason he was born in the forest was because of a car accident that killed the mom. There was an attempt to Tove feel responsible since she could not find the emergency phone to call for help. Tove's mom isn't upset though. She introduced Tove to baby Lars before she passes.
I think instead of having Tove look for a phone and not find it, she should have simply stood there frozen in shock. I think doing your best to look for a phone makes you clearly blameless, especially as a child. But had she been frozen, too horrified to try and help, well that's something that'll scar you for life. It would have made Tove's guilt more real, and also be something that her father could forgive her for. I think there was more emotional weight that could have existed her, which would have provide more catharsis when it worked out.
The game has an interesting bit where the guardians come to interfere with the spell. While the crow-lady rightly calls them out, they take responsibility in their part and apologize. Roki decides he doesn't want Lars to die and he doesn't want to be human, so he breaks the spell--saving Lars and returning to a giant, hairy...thing. The mother, having sacrificed the last of her energy to convert Roki, now passes a way. She's decided to allow her son, Roki, to live his own life and feels bad for what she's done. Not bad enough in my opinion. But's a tragic end for her in this sense.
The game ends with a more motivated father, a rescued Lars, and friendly Roki that wanders the forest.
While the castle bit was frustrating and lacked meaningful story development, the ending was really interesting and the whole game is great. Now that I know most the answers to puzzles, I'd love to play this again and just enjoy artistry of it all!
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monsterkong · 3 days
How Jillian Hilman Transformed Her Short-Term Rental Business with Smart Revenue Management
Hello, lovely STR Sisterhood! 🌸 Today, I’m so excited to share some golden nuggets from my interview with the fabulous Jillian Hilman, a rockstar real estate investor with a passion for revenue management. But before we jump into the details, here’s a little inspiration from Alex L.:
"I am thankful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength." 💪
Jillian’s journey embodies this perfectly, and if you’re looking to take your short-term rental business to the next level, you’re in for a treat! 🎉
Meet Jillian: A Real Estate Investor Turned Revenue Management Pro 🏡📊
Jillian’s story starts in the world of long-term rentals, but like many of us, she couldn’t resist the allure of short-term rentals. 😍 After purchasing her first property near Seattle, she quickly expanded her portfolio and dove into co-hosting for other property owners.
Jillian is a numbers person at heart (she has a finance background), but don’t let that fool you—she’s all about making real estate fun and exciting!
“Once you get one property, you just want more,” Jillian laughs.
Why Revenue Management Is a Game Changer for STR Owners 🎯
When Jillian noticed a dip in revenue, she knew something needed to change. She teamed up with Jake Cohen from Step-by-Step BNB and discovered the ins and outs of PriceLabs, a dynamic pricing tool. But she quickly learned that PriceLabs isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it solution.
“It’s essential to manage your pricing weekly,” Jillian emphasizes.
Her approach involves setting up seasonal profiles, refining comp sets, and making weekly pricing adjustments—all tailored to her specific market.
Jillian’s Top Tips for Revenue Management Success 🚀
If you’re just getting started with revenue management, Jillian has some expert advice to share:
Create Seasonal Profiles: Customize your pricing to reflect the unique highs and lows of your market. Are you in a ski town? Your winter rates will differ from your summer rates!
Fine-Tune Your Comp Sets: Make sure the properties you’re comparing yours to have similar amenities. This ensures you’re pricing your property competitively.
Don’t Set It and Forget It: Check your pricing weekly to ensure it stays in line with market trends.
The Power of Community 💬
One thing Jillian didn’t expect when she started in STRs was how important community would be. Through the STR Success Accelerator, she found a network of supportive women who have been invaluable to her success.
“The friendships and support I’ve found through the community are amazing.”
Looking Ahead: Jillian’s Revenue Management Workshop at the Beach Retreat! 🌊
And guess what? Jillian will be teaching a Revenue Management Workshop at our upcoming Beach Retreat! 🏖️ Whether you’re a beginner or looking to fine-tune your strategy, Jillian will provide actionable insights to help you grow your business. Plus, attendees can book one-on-one sessions with her for personalized advice!
Wrapping Up 🌟
Jillian’s story is proof that with the right strategy and a proactive approach, you can transform your short-term rental business. If you want to learn more or book a free consultation with Jillian, visit StepByStepBNB.com.
Until next time, keep thriving and remember to make it a great one! ✨
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imariejoyce · 1 month
First time traveling in Japan...
Memorable Experiences, Itinerary and some Travel Tips..
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It was Thursday morning, and we got up early to ensure we arrived at the airport on time and didn’t miss our flight (not to mention the excitement of heading to Japan for the first time!). The flight from Amsterdam to Narita was over sixteen hours, so I packed my E-reader with a few ePub books to keep me occupied. However, in reality, I spent most of the flight watching movies and catching up on sleep. 😅
We arrived at Narita Airport around 9:30 am. Since it was spring, the weather was ideal for our month-long vacation in that beautiful country. I was truly impressed by how clean and organized the airport was, from the smooth immigration lines to the restrooms equipped with built-in bidets (which I definitely want to have when we get our own house).
I'm traveling with three Dutch people, and as expected, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with their pace, especially since I'm a short Asian woman who's not exactly the athletic type. Haha!
When we arrived at the hotel (which was really small, typical of hotel rooms in Japan), we quickly dropped off our luggage and headed out to enjoy some authentic ramen at a nearby Japanese restaurant. It was delicious and inexpensive; I couldn't help but compare the prices to our favorite ramen spot in Amsterdam. lol. The taste was almost the same, though, so it's still worth it whenever I'm craving some creamy ramen soup back in the Netherlands. 😊
This vacation had been postponed for quite a while due to COVID-19, so preparing for it was quite an experience🥲 . It was initially planned for 2021, but with all the health measures in place globally, we had to delay. We even faced flight cancellations just three weeks before our trip to Japan, which ended up making the plane tickets more expensive than usual.
Our itinerary is pretty intense, especially for someone like me who has moved past that phase of cramming everything while on vacation. Haha. These days, I prefer to take my time and truly appreciate the places or landmarks rather than just snapping a quick photo and rushing off to the next spot, while it was fun, it’s not my style anymore. I've been there, done that. So, this vacation is definitely a challenge for me. 😅
I’ll also attach our itinerary here so that anyone reading this can get some ideas, but as I said—this is a pretty extreme itinerary for most people, especially for a typical Asian traveler 😅. I'll also share some tips at the end of this blog to help you prepare if you're traveling to Japan from the Netherlands or anywhere else in Europe.
This was the first time I traveled for a month with my boyfriend and his family, and I quickly realized how important it is to consider a few key factors when planning a trip to Japan—especially when it’s your first time traveling with others. Since it was my first experience sharing accommodations with other people, I didn’t get enough rest after those long days of walking (which for me is about 30k steps per day—poor little feet 🥲).
I was constantly thinking of the noise I might be making, whether it was going to the bathroom or worrying about snoring, which meant I often woke up in the middle of the night. The lack of good sleep left me feeling exhausted in the mornings, and with another packed day of activities ahead, the fatigue from long walks and sleepless nights really started to build up. 🥲
If you’re traveling with others for the first time, especially on a long trip like this, it’s important to think about what you want to do, where to stay, and how to ensure everyone is comfortable—something I learned the hard way! 😅
For the rest of our stay, I was mostly exhausted, but I have to thank all the amazing food for helping to compensate for my tired feet and lack of sleep. It was definitely a test of our relationship at times—I even considered flying back to the Netherlands or booking a flight to the Philippines. But my boyfriend was great at addressing my concerns and calming me down after a few breakdowns along the way! 😆
I truly consider Japan as one of the best countries I’ve ever visited. I definitely want to go back, but next time, I plan to create my own itinerary and book separate hotels for the entire stay. I’m even thinking about returning solo if time allows, as Japan is one of the safest places in the world to travel alone.
As promised, here is the itinerary of our month-long trip in Japan: Japan itinerary.
And here are some travel tips: 
The JR Pass is definitely worth considering if you're traveling for a month and have a busy itinerary that takes you from Tokyo up to the north. It's valid for a maximum of 21 days and currently costs 100,000 yen. However, I recommend calculating the costs of your planned trip in advance to determine if the JR Pass offers better value compared to purchasing individual tickets for each destination. For us, given our packed schedule, the JR Pass saved us some euros.
https://www.digital.go.jp/en/services/visit_japan_web-en/ ->You can also register on this site to bypass the customs line at the airport. The site offers a wealth of information about traveling in Japan as well. :)
Japan Travel App is also handy to have. It is something like NS or 9292 here in The Netherlands which is use for transportation. 
If you're interested in visiting TeamLab, be aware that they have two separate branches: TeamLab Planets and TeamLab Borderless, each located in different areas. We found TeamLab Borderless to be more impressive than TeamLab Planets. :)
Kyoto is always a delightful city to visit, especially for its temples. However, it can be quite tiring trying to see them all! :) My favorites include Koko-en, Otagi Nenbutsuji Temple, and Jonangu Shrine, as well as the lovely Nara Park.
If you're into games and Harry Potter, Universal Studios is definitely worth a visit! :)
Besides the Atomic Bomb Museum, Hiroshima is also famous for its okonomiyaki, so make sure you try it while you're there. :)
Nikko is another lovely city up north. The Oku Nikko Hike is a must-do, and I think you'll really enjoy the waterfalls.
We visited Hakodate primarily for the Cherry Blossom park, but in the autumn and winter, there isn’t much else to do. Still, it’s a great place to enjoy some sushi!
For Noboribetsu, the Dai-ichi Takimotokan hotel offers a fantastic onsen area and is the largest onsen facility in Noboribetsu. It’s a bit pricey, but worth the experience. The Mt. Usuzan Hike is also worthwhile, though the sulfur smell can be strong; the volcanic scenery is impressive.
Sapporo was my favorite—it’s like Tokyo but less busy. The food is delicious and affordable. If you like dried fish or seaweed, visit the Nijo Market for it and their fresh fish and enjoy a meal with their sashimi.
Pack light! We traveled to Japan with just one checked-in luggage and a backpack each. By the time we returned to the Netherlands, we had an additional checked-in bag and a new cabin bag 😂. The food and souvenirs are very affordable, and with tax-free shopping available almost everywhere, it’s tempting to pick up a lot of souvenirs.
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simran-simran · 3 months
What are 5 summer dresses that will make you shine?
 Shine Bright This Summer: Top 5 Dresses to Make You Glow
Hello, I am Simran. Today, I am excited to share with you five stunning summer dresses that will make you shine. Whether you're looking for an outfit for a special occasion or just want to refresh your wardrobe, these dresses are perfect for making a bold and unique statement. And if you're searching for an affordable and glamorous outfit, I highly recommend checking out Vastrachowk. They offer an incredible collection that fits your budget and provides excellent customer satisfaction. Let's dive into these beautiful dresses!
1. Long Women's Dress
A long dress is a summer staple that combines elegance with comfort. Opt for flowy fabrics like chiffon or cotton to keep cool during the hot days. A long dress in pastel shades or floral prints can add a touch of romance to your look. This style is perfect for both casual outings and more formal events.
2. Yellow Women's Dress
Yellow is the color of sunshine and happiness, making it an ideal choice for summer. A yellow dress can brighten up your wardrobe and your mood. Whether it's a maxi dress, a midi dress, or a cute sundress, yellow hues are sure to make you stand out. Pair it with simple accessories to let the dress shine on its own.
3. Engagement Dresses
Summer is a popular season for engagements, and finding the perfect dress is crucial. Look for engagement dresses that feature intricate detailing, like lace or embroidery. A dress with a flattering silhouette, such as an A-line or mermaid cut, can enhance your figure and give you that coveted wow factor.
4. Indian Wedding Dress
Indian weddings are known for their grandeur and colorful attire. A summer wedding calls for lightweight fabrics that are easy to move in. Consider a lehenga or an anarkali suit in bright colors like fuchsia, turquoise, or emerald. These traditional outfits are both stylish and comfortable, ensuring you look stunning throughout the celebrations.
5. Cocktail Dress for a Wedding
Cocktail dresses are perfect for wedding receptions and evening parties. Choose a dress with a sophisticated design, such as a fitted silhouette with sequins or beading. Deep colors like navy, burgundy, or emerald green are timeless choices that exude elegance. Pair your dress with statement jewelry and heels to complete the look.
Why Vastrachowk?
If you want to purchase an affordable and glamorous outfit to make your look unique and your personality bold among many people, Vastrachowk is the best online store to consider. They provide the best outfits for any occasion and ensure customer satisfaction with their excellent services. Their collection is not only stunning but also budget-friendly, making them my top recommendation.
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Summer is the perfect time to experiment with your wardrobe and try new styles. These five dresses will help you shine and make a lasting impression wherever you go. Don't forget to check out Vastrachowk for their amazing collection that meets all your fashion needs. If you know of any other great stores from your own experience, feel free to share them with me. Thank you so much for reading this blog!
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vgrc-llc · 4 months
Soft Washing: Spokane's Covert Operation for Clean Exteriors with The Roof Ninja & with VGRC
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🌟 Greetings, Spokane! The Roof Ninja here, aka Fisk, ready to unveil the secret to spotless exteriors! 🌟
Here at Veracity Gutter And Roof Cleaning, LLC (VGRC), we specialize in soft washing, the covert operation that keeps your homes sparkling clean without causing damage. With the incredible Kc 👷‍♀️ by my side, we're on a mission to flat line the gunk from your homes and ensure they look their best all year round. #SPOKANE #SoftWashingVGRC
What is Soft Washing?
Soft washing is a technique that uses low-pressure water mixed with the right cleaning solutions to clean exterior surfaces. Unlike high-pressure washing, soft washing is gentle and effective, ensuring that your home stays intact while removing dirt, algae, mold, and mildew.
🛡️ Soft Washing for House Washing 🛡️
House washing with soft washing is like giving your home a spa day. It removes the grime without stripping away paint or damaging siding. Kc and I make sure your home shines bright like a diamond, enhancing its curb appeal. #HappyHome #NoRiskAllShine
🏠 Roof Washing & Roof Blow-Offs 🏠
Did you know moss on your roof can cause serious damage? Instead of using harsh methods, we employ soft washing to gently remove moss and debris, keeping your roof in top shape. Our roof blow-off service ensures that leaves and branches are cleared away, preventing clogs and leaks. #VGRCByeByeMoss #VGRCHouseWashing
💧 Gutter Cleaning 💧
Clogged gutters can lead to water damage and pests. With our meticulous gutter cleaning, we ensure that water flows freely away from your home, protecting your foundation and landscaping. Plus, Kc's attention to detail means no leaf is left behind. #CleanGuttersVGRC #VeracityGutterAndRoofCleaningLLC
Why Choose VGRC?
Licensed and Insured: We are fully licensed and insured (LICENSE #VERACGC770LW) giving you peace of mind.
Expert Team: With The Roof Ninja and Kc, you're getting Spokane's finest in soft washing.
Local and Reliable: VGRC, LLC is a true local company dedicated to serving Spokane County, WA.
A Fun Way to Contact Us!
📞 For immediate assistance, Don’t Risk Falls, Give Us A Call! 📞 509-530-1330
🔗 Visit our website to learn more about our services:
🌐 Follow us on social media for updates and insights:
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New Quote from VGRC
"Clean exteriors, clear minds, and happy hearts - that's the VGRC way!"
VGRC's Joke of the Day
🃏 Why did the scarecrow become a soft washing expert? Because he was outstanding in his field! 🃏
Fun Fact About Spokane County, WA
Did you know that Spokane is home to the world’s largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament, Hoopfest? Just like VGRC, it brings the community together for something amazing!
Share the Clean Fun!
✨ Want your friends to have spotless homes too? Share this post and spread the shine! Your house will thank you, and so will we! ✨
Our Taglines
Stay tuned for more cleaning adventures with The Roof Ninja and Kc, and remember, a clean home is a happy home! Let's make Spokane shine, one soft wash at a time!
#VGRC #PressureWashing #SoftWashing #CleanGuttersVGRC #HouseWashing #SpokaneValleyWA #LibertyLakeWA #DeerParkWA
By following these tips, not only will your home look great, but it will also be protected from the elements. For more information or to schedule a service, reach out to VGRC today. Together, we can make your home the pride of Spokane County!
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Chatbot Integration Made Simple with Botbuz's No Code Chatbots
Hey there! I've been on quite an adventure lately, exploring new ways to enhance my business without the hassle of complex integrations. You see, I've always been intrigued by the idea of seamlessly connecting different platforms to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and boost productivity. But, let's be real, the tech jargon and coding requirements often made it seem like an uphill battle.
That's when I stumbled upon a game-changer : Using Botbuz no code chatbot for easy integration. This discovery revolutionized the way I approach business integration and I'm excited to share my journey with you.
It all started when I realized that integrating leading platforms into my business workflow was crucial for growth. I needed a solution that was user-friendly, efficient, and didn't require me to become a coding expert overnight. That's where Botbuz's no-code chatbots entered the scene, promising simplicity and effectiveness.
With Botbuz's intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality, I found myself effortlessly creating chatbots tailored to my needs. Whether I wanted to integrate with CRM systems, e-commerce platforms like Shopify, or popular messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, it was all within reach.
What amazed me the most was the flexibility Using Botbuz no code chatbot for easy integration provided. I could customize chatbot interactions, personalize user experiences and even automate processes without diving into lines of code. It felt liberating to have this level of control over my business's digital interactions.
The best part? Botbuz's no-code chatbots ensured that the integration process was smooth and painless. I could connect various systems seamlessly, allowing data to flow effortlessly across platforms. Whether it was syncing customer information or automating tasks, it was all done with simplicity at its core.
Imagine my delight when I discovered that Botbuz's no-code chatbots were constantly updated with new features. This meant I could adapt and evolve my integrations along with the ever-changing tech landscape without any additional effort.
I must confess; this journey has been a game-changer for my business. The ability to harness the power of integration without the technical roadblocks has transformed the way I operate. I've witnessed increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction and a boost in productivity—all thanks to Using Botbuz no code chatbot for easy integration.
In conclusion, if you're looking to elevate your business by effortlessly integrating leading platforms, I highly recommend exploring the world of no code chatbots with Botbuz. It's a journey that simplifies the complex and empowers you to unlock the full potential of your business operations.
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