#but i wanna talk about this thingy and i will
wonton4rang · 2 days
how do u think bnd boys wld act around you when they’re high?
bnd legal line being high or involved in drugs is one of my favorite concepts, oh myyy. plus, most of these came out as smut kinda thingy so yeah 😔
why'd you only call me when you're high?
pairing: bnd legal line x reader.
warnings: +18, smut, mentions of drugs usage, dirty talk, pet names.
summary: how would bnd legal line act around you when they are high.
sungho; let's go to a parallel world where he might do drugs cause i honestly don't see him into it but yeah. i feel like he would turn into this excessively touchy/ funny guy that would just not know the concept of personal space. he would sit besides you, his hand on your thigh while it went dangerously close to your heat only for him to laugh at your blushed cheeks and kiss your lips to whisper against them "you would look so pretty sucking my dick right now". and it was great, yeah, if the other members were not sitting across the room in the other couch.
riwoo; he goes into subspace and i'm a 100% sure, he would be so lovey dovey and happy, making those awful jokes with a numb tongue before he goes completely quiet. tbh you didn't noticed at first but when you looked for him with your eyes and saw him facing the floor while he played with his fingers, you knew he was wasted. so you just made your way to him, holding his hands and softly kissing his lips, whispering a loving "wanna get out of here, baby?" that only made him excited because he knew what you meant, whenever you looked at him like that he ended up w his dick wrapped by your pussy and his legs shaking and hurting due to the intense sex you gave him. and he quickly forgot anything and everything that was making his head go to places.
jaehyun; myungjae is such an ecstasy boy, damn. he's horny asf 24/7 and when he gets high?? he could even come across as too dirty or pushy because he is making you rethink everything you say when he makes a sexual joke about it, his hands getting freaky on your body, grazing your boobs under that shirt, your thighs and even lifting your skirt a bit so he could go further. but it was all in public so you would tell him to shut it off, only for him to take you to his car and fuck the shit out of you on the backseat.
taesan; dongmin gives me one of the strongest "if i did drugs, i'd smoke weed" vibes ever, like damn. so be aware that when he got high he would be almost the opposite, his jokes wouldn't be as innocent as always, his eyes won't look at you the soft and loving way they always did, and his voice would turn two tones down while he barely responded to whatever you were saying because he was so lost in the way your lips moved he did not gave a single fuck about what you were saying. so he would start a kiss, a rough one, suddenly towering over your body and giving zero to none space for you to even backup or take the lead if you wanted to. he would be demanding, rougher than usual and very quiet, he would probably adventure and try new stuff only to be really ashamed when he came down from his high. but it was that or him simply listening to the music blasting out his speakers while he starred at the ceiling with your head laying on his shoulder or his lap and he played with your hair.
leehan; i feel like leehan could be two sides of a coin, no in between, he could either be super scary or super cute. i feel like he wouldn't like to do drugs as a daily basis so he would do it at a party, his head spinning so much his eyes could only register light schemes, he would love the vibe too, specially because you always were there with him to take care of his pathetic self. yeah, that until you both got back at home, he is typically one to be very active sexually so if he is on his "scary" side of the high, he would push you against the wall, whispering a mean "you're such a fucking slut. teasing me all night when you knew i couldn't fuck you there", his voice low and his alcohol infused breath hitting your face and it honestly made you nervous because you knew he wasn't thinking right. but oh well, he still fucked you and you were the one asking for more afterwards.
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fandomfuntimem · 1 year
The basic story and order of events for my horrer project is done. Now heres the hard part. Concept art, and ya boi isnt too sure how that will go.
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best-enemies · 2 months
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Got to season 7 on my CSI rewatch and I need to talk about the final scene in s07e11, where Grissom is saying goodbye to Sara before leaving to go on his sabbatical. I mean, look at him. Look at what he does with his hands. *Agressively* Look at himmmmm. He's just a little puppy in love. And he does this right before whispering, "I'll miss you". I'm afraid I'm not gonna make it y'all
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ganondoodle · 10 months
read about all the armor set pieces i never bothered to fin before stopping to play to make sure i wasnt missing any potential useful info and came across the thing that im guessing is the reward for the shrines given its description and i just
kinda sank back into sadness and desperation bc of how much i dont like it and im fearing they are just gonna mess it all up even further
i said it before but i have a seething hatred for how totk hurts botw in retrospect, like wow i liked the mystery of the sonau but never wanted an answer to it, i liked the mystery of who the ancient hero was bc of its strange depiction and man did i not want this kind of answer, some things not having an answer can be more interesting than having one, cant we focus on going forward instead of looking back further and further, it was fine with the shiekah but at the end of botw it felt like a relieved sigh of "ok the past is gone and done, now we can built a better future and move o-" NOPE LOL LOOK BACK EVEN FURTHER THERE WERE THE COOLEST PEOPLE EVEN FURTHER IN THE PAST OMG YOU GUYYSSS LOOKS HOW COOL THEY WERE AND ALSO FUCKED IT ALL UP LOOOOOK LOOOK
like in general i have nothing against introducing a new species/nation to zelda but the way they did the sonau is just nothing but frustrating to me, coming out of basically nowhere and suddendly being shoved into EVERYTHING, everything shiekah, basically erased bc ACTUALLY the sonau were here first lol and they were so much cooler and better in every aspect dont you DARE even THINK of any other boring old group central to the better game of the two (botw)
like i get it they are the new cool thing but they feel so much more suddendly FORCED into EVERY aspect of both lore and world and how everyone absolutely obsesses over them its like the devs were so scared of the player not being interested in them that they felt the need to make every second NPC obsessed with them just so they can constantly shove in your face how interesting they are (like i think they way this was done just made me even less interested/more annoyed, sorry, their design is neat yeah but i really dont care, you failed to make me care and TELLING me to care wont change that), the ancient shiekah felt so much better integrated as a natural part of the world without being annoying about it and i just ....
i worry about whats to come, both for possible DLC, or worse even another game pretending to be connected to it or just .. in general ... especially given how successful totk was and still looks like its only praised outside of my bubble of like minded people
i now got alot of people interested into my totk rewrite but now im worried ... isnt my energy and time better spent on something else .. especially if they are just gonna make it all worse anyway/mess with it more, like after seeing how much totk disappointed me yet how successful it is i doubt it will get better again
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andyridgeley · 28 days
ok new ask game what's your favorite wham! song and why cause i HAVE to know 👀
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avianreptiles · 2 months
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threadsun · 25 days
I knowwwww I haven't posted any fics or stories or anything recently but the thing I'm working on is taking a While. I promise it'll be fun and cool and worth it (if you like pirates and/or my OCs) and once it's all done, it'll be much easier for me to write short things for people within the AU I'm building :3 Please accept this teaser as penance:
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krys-loves-otome · 3 months
Stolen from Scummy's reblog because I wanted to do it too!
Note that most half-filled squares are ones that are technically true, but it's under specific circumstances and rules, will explain below
So, for now, some Blorbos from me:
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-Intense in loves and passions (for Nobunaga, for MC once they get together, for trying to get Mitsuhide to take better care of himself, in his care for others, dude is just passionate for his loved ones!) -His love for Nobu and his interactions with Mitsuhide can get a little fruity, not gonna lie. -Technically orphan since we don't really hear much about his family aside from his poor upbringing and having to be a bum to get by until Nobu came into his life. Agas in discord has also told us about RL Hideyoshi and how much his mom loved Kennyo and I think that's funny to think about sometimes. -Frequently violent but only when it comes to protecting his loved ones. He thinks one of them is in trouble and the man will go feral trying to find a way to help them. Overall speaking, he's not particularly violent, I don't think though.
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-Nothing anyone says is gonna make me change my mind about this man being bisexual. Nope, not happening. -Technically a tragic backstory as he frequently does Team Oda's dirty work of spying and torture, but his tragic backstory is not quite to the extent that some other characters go through, like poverty, figure-headness, and killing a loved one.
-Technically frequently violent, but it's mostly in the pranks he pulls. Not ferally violent, in a sense. He's sneaky about his violent tendencies. You don't want to mess with his wife, after all. -Divorced? He's a double agent that always goes back to his ex (Team Oda).
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-Being an immortal vampire means you must have some complexities and that doesn't excuse you being fruity, monsieur. -Technically an orphan as I don't think we hear much about his birth family as we do Leonardo and Vlad. They're mentioned sometimes but no word on their current status as he tends to focus more on his found family. Until I get confirmed status, he's orphan status to me, thus why the creation of his found one. -Divorced from Vlad, duh.
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-Listen. Listen. Devon/batteryrose was onto something with shipping Nokto and Slivio. Plus, been thinking of finding ways of shipping my OC and him with Rio. Just something about Nokto and the Bentonite princes does something to my mind, okay?
-Technically an orphan after what happened to his and Licht's mom, plus the whole reason for the Belle procedure is because his dad died. Maybe it doesn't count because he was an adult when his dad died, but, technically speaking, both his parents are dead, so... -Murderer by technicality because of Blood-stained Roses Day (all the princes at the time were said to have participated, so, technically speaking). He also tried to poison some merchants for a business deal, so attempted murderer too, technically?
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-Have you seen this demon when his family is in danger (actual, perceived, or otherwise)? He will go absolutely bat-shit feral when his family is in danger! Once you're under his wings, nothing will stop him from going to the absolute limit and beyond for you.
-Technically divorced from the Celestial Realm because of Circumstances™️, not from a specific person.
-Also on a technicality, because of that... whole war with the Celestial Realm, so some angels were more than likely killed, right?
#krys talks#meme thingys#ikemen sengoku#ikemen vampire#ikemen prince#obey me#hideyoshi toyotomi#mitsuhide akechi#comte de saint germain (ikevamp)#nokto klein#lucifer (obey me)#some other things I didn't get around to talking about above#hideyoshi and mitsuhide are murderers by trade bc both are warlords so that's why that's colored in for both#hideyoshi may also be a frequent rule enforcer but he does soften up around some of them so technically a rule changer than a breaker#nokto having no friends is technically true as he has brothers and his faction isn't all buddy buddy like his twin's faction is#plus he does more business dealings while socializing but we don't really see anyone he really talks to about deep personal things until-#MC comes along#maybe to licht on occasion but they're more estranged currently so Nokto doesn't really have any close personal friends methinks#about Lucifer he is technically an enemy of god (who is his creator) and he went against him for his little sister#turning him back into his angel form and his dream back in NB 38 still sits wrong with me and I hope that gets addressed in future lessons#if it'd had just been bc of his ring reacting to him or something that would have been one thing but... still sits wrong with me#and thinking on it now still thinking if Lucifer is more of a rule breaker or a rule changer#his downfall was bc of rule breaking in the first place#and he's a rule enforcer bc of his brothers and their antics#but there are times he does soften up if he sees the rules are actually hurting his family#and change them because he knows first-hand what breaking hard rules does to a person#so as of nowadays#despite his rule-enforcer ways he does bend sometimes if the situation calls for it#those are my thoughts for this#feel free to discuss if you wanna
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neo-shitty · 4 months
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autism-corner · 1 year
can you imagine having the same special interest or hyperfixation as levi? The both of you spending long nights just talking about it or engaging with it, hyping eachother up and infodumping the stuff you both already know? absolutely freaking out in a way that only you two can, making your relationship even more special?
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fishtank32 · 1 year
being in fandoms where the ship names are derivative of character traits put together is so fucking confusing. Yallre playing little alchemy with the fucking ship names and it's confusing!!!!!! just mush the names together like normal people and be done with it!!!!!!!!!!
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captainkawaii666 · 3 months
I've been thinking way too hard about the potential speculative biology of the Binding of Isaac recently
(Specifically including Fiend Folio)
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disasart-by-chance · 2 years
Ahahaha, it's been a hot minute, hasn't it?
I'll admit that most of the drawing I did within the time between this post and the previous one was stuff for tiktoks, so I didn't really have anything to offer ya'll in terms of "art."
My accursed brain decided to fixate on a certain fictional band with banger music because I watched one "Gorillaz Lore in a Nutshell" video. Wouldn't have believed that I'd ever get into Gorillaz as much as I have because I literally would only listen to like,, three of their songs whenever I didn't have anything else to listen to.
Anywho, like with any fixation, if I don't write something or make playlists on Spotify for it, then you can guarantee I'll make some meme redraws, so here you go!
References under the cut!
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misterradio · 5 months
why does it cost 17 dollars to ship a package to canada (across the same continent as me) but it costs just about 5 dollars more than that to ship something to new zealand (entire opposite side of the whole earth as me)
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cherry-blossom-qf · 1 year
You said dark meta knight is going to be on the dimensional mirror (which fits perfectly)
Is he going to be a friend or a foe? And if he’s a foe is he getting trapped and then turned into a sensei?
(might be a "dark magolor" there too, but I haven't fully decided yet)
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claire-starsword · 6 months
2024 on my timezone let's gooooo, happy new year everyone!
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