#but i wanna check out bojack horseman first
myc-ology-whore · 2 years
IJ Season 2
So, guess who just finished the second season on Inside Job? Guess who's actually crying real tears because of this stupid show? Guess who's back in the writing game?
I have a shitload of unanswered requests after I went on hiatus for so long, and I'm not going to answer all of them, but I will write for some. Feel free to put more requests in for the second season or first season, I'll see what I can do. For anyone just seeing me post for the first time, check out the pinned post on my blog, it's got a masterlist for Inside Job works.
Now, for my thoughts on the second season, if you're interested. Spoilers - obviously.
I cannot believe they didn't bring in Orrin, I was so looking forward to some crazy coincidence of him and Reagan reuniting and rekindling their friendship (or maybe more). I loved Steadtler though, and I was really rooting for him and Reagan. When she let him go, I was crying; I'm hurting for her rn.
I was also hoping for a look at Hollow Earth, and the producers provided, thankfully. The place looked exactly how I expected, but I do wish there was more diversity in how the other mycelians looked (still calling them that, no one can change my mind). Also, it's somehow very satisfying to know that Myc was a dweeb in "hive school", it really explains a lot of his shitty personality.
The development between Reagan and her parents was... good. I still hate Rand, but nobody is ever truly completely good or bad, y'know? He's still an irredeemable fuckwad, but it takes bravery to admit that you've done wrong, and I respect him for it. Tamiko wasn't as bad this season either, and her progress with Reagan after the Keanu incident wasn't inconsequential. Brett's family are still a bunch of assholes, though.
I won't go into detail, but I'll admit I've got some daddy issues too - I think most people in the world have at least one fucked up parent. The line at the end of S2E7 really struck me, and made me feel a little guilty even. "I spent my whole life thinking you were a hero or a villain, but you're not - you're just my dad, a screw-up." I already knew this was going to be a good show from the first episode, but lines like that, and the natural character development between Reagan and the Gang, make me think this show is gonna get better and more profound with each season, just like Bojack Horseman. I think, like Bojack, this is gonna be one of those shows that really fucks you up in the best of ways, that's gonna make you think and wanna call your family after an episode to tell them you love them. It shows a lot of promise for getting another two or three seasons, and I'm looking forward to watching every episode.
Also, seeing Myc's human version (pretty much just his VA) in the last episode made me laugh.
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theinfamouskix · 4 months
Why you should watch Bojack Horseman
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If you haven't seen this show that's been on Netflix since at least 2015 then oOoOO boi! Get ready to binge watch, because believe me when I say without exaggeration, this series is the best adult animated series I've ever seen followed only by South Park and King of the Hill. Now I know some people will think differently and your top 3 might differ from my top 3, and to be honest the first 2 episodes aren't the best but it's nearly impossible to finish season 1 and not feel something. That this show is more than what it appears to be.
Note this show dose contain some of the following: depictions of mental illness, drug use/addiction, violence, all forms of abuse but mostly verbal abuse and conversations about sexual assault or abortion.
With that warning out of the way it is important to mention there are a lot of laughs in-between alot of the heavier material, and it's not like a chain of normal happy episodes with 2 serious episodes or something that isn't realistic with its subject matter (like 13 reasons was with mental illness) and dispite this still being a show about talking animals it's incredibly human.
I don't wanna give too much away because the show does pretty good at speaking for itself, in fact I would argue NO ONE writes better dialogue or lack there of. There is one episode where litterly no dialogue happens at all but it's done so well that you don't question or miss it, and another episode where one character talks through the whole episode and again it's not only done in a very natural way it's done so while having you hanging over every word being said.
I recommend you watch it with friends or a partner, no spoilers, watch it a season at a time or all at once, but I also recommend talking about it with those you watch it with after an episode is over even if it is a few words. If you do check it out then I hope you don't mind telling me your favorite episode and why?
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lanseax · 6 years
damisalghul replied to your post: yall pls give me something to watch im dying of...
u shud watch the dragon prince
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season 6 thoughts
hey quick question why the FUCK did you start with that
like on the one hand i’m glad that now i know what happened right after the end of “that’s too much man!”. on the other hand… ow
the mountain bojack climbs is called “metaphor mountain” God bless Lisa Hanawalt
i LOVE the way the episodes are framed… like you get one flashback to bojack drinking and you think that was the first time then it’s like NOPE he was even younger
AND THE WAY IT HAS ALL THOSE FLASHBACK SCENES BUT IT STILL ENDS WITH HIM FALLING INTO THE POOL AND DIANE AND PEANUTBUTTER CHECKING TO SEE IF HES OK AND THEN HES JSUT LOUNGING IN HIS APPLE SHORTS;;; it’s just,, he’s going back home in the end, going back to the place where he started, as if everything will go back to the way it was before and he’ll find himself stuck in the same cycles he tried so hard to escape… all im saying is, i dont think this season is gonna end well
and how it dwells on his past, everything he did wrong, all the most heartwrenching moments, and there aren’t any changes to the intro (as far as i could tell) until episode 8… nothing changes if all you do is look back.
I am LOVING the Mr. Peanutbutter we’re getting this season. I was never really attached to him before; it’s not that I hated him, just that I liked all the other main characters better. and now that they’ve had him do something really bad and reckon with that,, he’s plumbing new depths, exploring those dark places, questioning if he’s truly as happy as he says he is
and bonding with bojack??? who would have guessed
bojack keeps giving advice that is, at best, the kind he doesn’t follow himself, and at worst, bringing others down into the well of self-pity that he’s been stuck in the whole series
Someone give Princess Carolyn a break…
Guy seems like a cool guy but I feel like they’re setting him up to seem nice so that it’s more surprising when it’s revealed he’s not. I’m probably being too suspicious, but also we don’t know much of the details about his divorce, do we? Lakeith Stanfield's great tho
The return of Queefburglar69
Oh man Pickles talking about how her subscribers will always be there for her… like… it’s not one person, it’s a cloud of people, the contents and shape of which changes, might even be completely different and unrecognizable from one year to the next, but they’re all still there as this nebulous support system. and it reminded me of what bojack said to young sarah lynn about how her fans are the only things she can count on
Todd is babey.
Also him wearing the ace colors under his hoodie!!
I knew Diane’s rationale for going to chicago was bullshit. she said it makes her feel good, but “it doesn’t matter where you are, it’s who you are,” and she still dwells on her bad feelings and hates herself just as much in chicago as she did in LA. moving somewhere else isn’t necessarily gonna change those tendencies, she has to work on it herself.
was honestly kinda hoping that Dr Champ was just pretending he got drunk to show how bad bojack could get if he relapsed but at the end when he was like “stay…” that’s how i knew that shit was real.
todd is so fucking stupid i love him
ngl am kinda disappointed that todd’s confirmed white, cause i’ve kinda been picturing him as latino for a long time and i know rbw said he doesn’t want to alienate latino viewers who relate to todd. but it makes a  lot of sense, cause he always gets away with stupid shit and gets to the top of things without even having to try just because he knows a guy. and maybe the reason he’s so positive all the time is because it’s so easy for him to be, he never has to worry about shit bc of the privilege his whiteness affords him. also I love that we got to learn more about his backstory
THE CONTRAST BTWN “all the shitty things I did that I can barely even remember because I was high or drunk or it was thirty years ago” and “I remember everything. I’m sober now.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!
sharona sounds like a cross btwn princess carolyn and margo martindale
I have… mixed feelings about the haircut
Oh man Mr. Peanutbutter had a moment… he finally got that crossover episode… I was kinda hoping for a joke that went “Mr. Peanutbutter and BoJack Horseman in the same room? What is this, Philbert?” or “What is this, a short-lived show on a streaming network that got canceled because the star got addicted to painkillers and strangled his costar in a drugged haze?” but this is SO MUCH BETTER. I've never seen him cry before and the way he reacts to himself crying suggests that maybe he’s never cried before at all, and that’s why he just keeps laughing, almost like it’s forced, cause this is supposed to be his happiest moment and it’s not supposed to make him so sad. fucking,, character development
and the cold open of ep 8… you can forgive yourself and move on from your past wrongs but it doesn’t erase the things you did, the effects they have on people, and the trauma they’ve suffered. and then like, how can you forgive yourself if they never forgive you? how do you maintain that balance? why should you move forward if they can’t?
its weird to have an episode consisting entirely of guest stars but it also illustrates the extensive world they’ve built and i applaud that… also where the fuck is ana spanakopita
her quote about not wanting to be defined by what bojack did to her has always stuck with me, and i feel like now, that quote has sort of come true. like, her saying that made us avoid reducing her to what happened to her, and thats why i wanted to see her come back this season, hopefully moving past it. but she can’t. it traumatized her. and everyone can see the effects of it but she feels like she can’t come forward, cause if she does she’ll be punished. shit like that changes you.
and it’s another instance on the show where someone chooses to advance their career & preserve their reputation over doing the right thing (like what bojack does with herb & sharona), but bojack does it out of self-interest, and gina does it so she doesn’t have to relive her trauma every time she gets interviewed or recognized by a fan. but even when she keeps quiet about it she’s still reliving her trauma
noah fence but what a waste of the once-per-season fuck word. youre really gonna use it in an episode IN WHICH BOJACK DOES NOT EVEN APPEAR, and not only that, but RECYCLE AN OLD SENTENCE FROM A PREVIOUS EPISODE
netflix places no limits on a show’s use of the fuck word (i think), so… fingers crossed for something better in the second part?
OH MY GOD PETE REPEAT INTRODUCED HIMSELF AS PETER ITS ALMOST LIKE HES TRYING TO FORGET THAT TIME & THAT PERSON HE WAS (im probably reading into it too much, I’m sure it’s mostly so we wouldn’t figure out who it was immediately. maybe im just like the kid with the coffee cup.)
and just… ppl describe this show as “family guy or the simpsons except the protagonist faces consequences for his actions” but bojack has gotten away with everything.
you ever just like… you ever watch a scene and feel the cliffhanger vibes creeping up and you just know it’s gonna end there and leave you unsatisfied and begging for more but at the same time that’s what makes it such a good place to end it. that was me with this. (and also the ending of undone)
the thing about this show is, it illustrates what it’s like to be a toxic person. and sure, he has it hard, but the show never asserts that he has it any worse than his victims, even if bojack himself does so. and he only does it so he can feel better about himself. he deserves a reckoning, he needs to pay for his bad deeds. but then, when you know what made him this way and what goes on inside his mind and that he wants to get better, it makes you feel for him, and forces you to ask if he deserves to get better and forgive himself and move forward. but even if he does, it doesn’t change the things he did. it doesn’t fix the lives he’s ruined.
anyway sound off if you think bojack’s gonna die at the end. hopefully not by suicide
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lovethatlaiduslow · 4 years
i was tagged by @meridianheroine​ and @liathgray thank you babes!! ♡
1. name: syd!
2. gender: f, she/her pronouns
3. star sign: leo sun, sagittarius moon, virgo rising
4. height: 5′2, 5’3 on a good day
5. time: 11:10 AM
6. birthday: july 29
7. favorite band: mmmrjkdjd it changes a lot but currently florence + the machine. i’ve been listening to them (her?) an embarrassing amount recently
8. favorite solo artist: mmmmrjdjfn once again somewhere between mitski, fka twigs, phoebe bridgers, björk, fiona apple, sufjan stevens, and hozier
9. song stuck in ur head: girls in the hood by ms megan thee stallion. at any given moment in the day i am going i’m a hot girl i do hot shit spend his income on my outfit i don’t text quick cause i ain’t thirstyyy these bitches mad mad they wanna hurt meee
10. last movie: antebellum. it was... interesting. if you ever check it out please make sure to look up the content warnings because there’s a lot of potentially triggering subject matter
11. last show: bojack horseman. i’m currently on the third season and i’m losing my gd mind it’s fucking excellent
12. when you created this blog: december 2020. i used to be on tumblr in the past, but this is my first time being active since then. it’s weird as fuck ngl but i’m really enjoying it
13. what you post: my specialties are gay shit, pretty shit, pure brainrot, and my other incredibly niche interests i subject my followers to
14. last thing you googled: “i bet on losing dogs chords” i don’t wanna talk about it
15. other blogs: [redacted]
16. do i get asks: i do! i have quite a few in my inbox i need to answer lol i’ll get there
17. how many are you following/how many followers do you have: wouldn’t u like to know weather boy
18. average hours of sleep: 4-6 currently but i’m working on improving that shjhghfrrg
19. lucky number: 69
20. instruments: i played the violin when i was younger, but nowadays i love playing the ukelele, esp baritone :) i also own a melodica entirely to annoy my friends and siblings
21. what are you currently wearing: sweats and fuzzy socks wrapped in a huge blanket. i have work soon i am Decompressing
22. dream job: ur guess is as good as mine my dude
23. dream trip: anywhere in the continent of asia i’ve never been and i would kill a man to go. india or china or thailand or nepal or indonesia anywhere idc dude.  
24. favorite food: probably either pancakes or sushi :)
25. nationality: american (derogatory)
26. favorite song: oh yikes. do i. have a favorite song. ig it tends to cycle through mitski’s discography atm it’s probably happy bc it’s the one i’ve been hyperfixating on the most
27. last book read: the song of achilles! i just bought it and circe recently and i’m so fucking excited to read them. it’s already destroying me ksjdkd
28. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: most studio ghibli films (i’m looking at you, grave of the fireflies), the fma-verse (yes ik im a clown), and either atla or tlok 
anyone feel free to jump in if you’d like! ♡
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flatt-flatt · 4 years
This is inspired by a post by @ambitioncunningpridemieczyslaw
You basically put your music library/recent playlist or whatever on shuffle and listen to the first ten songs listing the first ships that come to your mind. Now my brain doesn't function like that, things don't rly just come to my mind so I actually had to think abt every ship and song for a while but it was super fun.
1. Shooting Stars by Bag Raiders
Muffy (Andi Mack) // Doctor & TARDIS (Doctor Who) (platonic)
Yes, I still have that song in my playlist every summer when the perseids pass.
And not only did I think of Muffy because honestly Marty would be such a meme lord, but the "give my love to a shooting star and she moves so fast that I can't keep up" just fits.
I couldn't decide because that song also reminded me of the Doctor and the TARDIS and their journey through time and space and because yes, the TARDIS is a living being! And again, it fits.
2. Killin it by Krewella
Babitha (Gotham)
I didn't quite know what ship to put with this song but at last I thought of Babs and Tabby. Those two are quite literally killin it.
3. Happy Pills by Weathers
Syd & Stan (IANOWT) (platonic)
The vibe of the show and those two and the vibe of the song are kinda similar so yeah
4. Tongue Tied by Grouplove
Todd and Emily (BoJack Horseman) (platonic)
This was probably the easiest one. This song kinda always reminded me of their friendship, how they were so close when they were still teenagers and how they wanted to be together but ultimately failed. There's sth kinda bittersweet and kinda very nostalgic abt those two and the song. Just being young and fooling around which meant different things to both so they didn't match. (Also Grouplove made the outro song of BoJack so)
5. Iron Tusk by Leoniden
Allie and Kanin (Blood of Eden) (platonic)
An unknown song for an unknown couple from an unknown fandom. I actually cheated here because the next song was "love's not a game" from crazy ex girlfriend but that song is so specific I couldn't match it with a couple. A more epic song would fit them better but I think this fits too.
And srsly check out Leoniden they are amazing.
Also check out Blood of Eden, it's an amazing book series and not very well known. It's not for everyone but as a person who loves zombies, epic storylines and some good old-fashioned gore I adored it.
6. Sea of Dreams by Oberhofer
Bexie (Andi Mack) // Cleo x Lewis (H2O)
This kind of fits both and I again just couldn't decide. The songs vibe is kinda dreamy (duh) and existential which reminded me of those two couples.
7. Circles by KDrew
Nygmobblepot (Gotham)
Hard one. I'm still not sure abt it.
8. Fatal Flaw by Will Jay and flawed mangoes
Snowbaz (Carry On)
Actually this song first rly reminded me of a guy whom I have a squish on and I recently became friends with. We both have sm in common, are very self-deprecating and very fucking shy xD but I didn't wanna put myself and other rl ppl in this list so I went with snowbaz, more specifically their story in wayward son. They both went through so much trauma and mistreatment that they forgot how to love and be loved.
And check out Will Jay, his songs are so so relatable.
9. Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
Rory x Paris (Gilmore Girls)
Aaah the classic. This song to me has a vulnerable vibe to it so it kinda reminded me of Kanej, but it rly doesn't fit their relationship. I went with Rory and Paris instead because they are my personal endgame and no one can take that illusion from me.
10. Equinox by Skrillex
Missy and Twelve (Doctor Who) (platonic or romantic)
Yeah well...that was probably the hardest one. I mean, what couple am I supposed to think of to someone screaming "call 911 now"? I went with Missy and Twelve tho because I mean, it kinda fits their chaotic energy??
I'd recommend everyone else to do this too, it's super fun and you can brag with ur music. I'm probably doing this again sometime later.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever laughed at someone because they had a funny name? No, that sounds awful. I had so many kids laugh at me because of my name when I was younger, so I’ve learned better than to do that. If I come across a weird name I’m more likely to judge the parents than the kid themselves. Speaking of names, why do celebrities always call their kids stupid ones? It’s not just celebrities who do these; they’re just famous so they get all the attention. Generally though I really don’t know why more and more people have been choosing to give their kids odd names. X Æ A-Xii in particular stresses me outtttttttttt PLEASE LOVE YOUR CHILD If you have a problem with someone, will you confront them? Depends on who it is and how big/personal my problem is with them. I won’t always confront someone; sometimes it’s best to act like you don’t care. How do you like your tea? (: Iced, lemonade, and with a lot of sugar. Do you get car sick easily? No, only if I do something to induce motion sickness like reading or texting.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? The earliest occupations I wanted to have were firefighter, astronaut, and a veterinarian. When I got a little older I wanted to become an author. Insert funny memory here:  My favorite story to hear from my friends was when my org had a get-together shortly after we got new officers elected (myself included), and when I got drunk enough I was apparently announcing the suspensions of newly-inducted orgmates I was yet to know more, effective immediately loooool. It was part of my ~powers so I guess that’s why I spent nearly the whole evening doing that. I made sure to apologize to those people the day after. :(( Do you think you're a good conversationalist? Why is that? Yes, when it comes down to it. I pride myself on being a good listener – pair this with the fact that I’ve also learned to ask good questions through the years as a journalism student – so this ability usually includes being able to catch on to the little details they say. From there, I’m able to ask them questions I know they’d love to answer. My trick in conversations is to just have people talk about the things or hobbies they love, because time usually flies by then. Are you more likely to be called a hard worker or lazy? Hard worker. What is your sense of humour like? It’s pretty flexible. I can laugh at kiddie jokes, dark jokes as long as they are not blatantly offensive and harmful, and at the same time I can laugh at dank memes that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.   Do you think you're fairly intelligent? In what way? Yeah, but it’s book smarts more than anything else. I like reading and racking up new knowledge, memorizing things, acing tests, etc. I don’t consider myself street smart at all sadly lol, and I’m still super dependent on other people when it comes to crossing the road, commuting (if I have to), bargaining, etc. How do you like your eggs? Poached or scrambled. Do you enjoy visiting your relatives? I look forward to the food being served more than anything else, because Filipino family reunions don’t fuck around when it comes to the preparations haha. Other than that, I’m always a bit wary when visiting family because Filipino relatives also tend to come up with the worst introductory statements: “You’ve gotten so fat,” “Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?” and “I don’t like what you’re posting on Facebook” are just starters. What's your favourite thing about the nearest upcoming holiday? That would be Independence Day, and I like that it’s solely ours. Our independence day used to be on July 4th to be the same as America’s, but a past president changed it to June 12th so we can instead commemmorate the day we gained independence from Spain, instead of sharing our independence day with a colonizer. Have you ever been on a float in a parade? What were you doing on it? No, I haven’t. Have you ever had a strange compliment? What was it? I’ve probably gotten one or two of them but I don’t keep comments like those in my memory, so there’s a very good chance I’ve forgotten all about them. When was the last time you had deja vu? I don’t really remember exactly when but it was sometime within the last week. Have you ever had a dream in black and white? I don’t think so. I’d remember it if I have. What about a dream with no sound? Nope. What is something you find interesting but would never pursue as a career? Astronaut. It’s such an awesome job and I look up to everyone who does it, but for me it’ll always stay as a fantasy career. I’m simply not good enough at science to understand how stuff in space works; plus I get dizzy extremely easily and that’s not gonna work well for me when it’s time to board the spaceship lol. What types of people do you tend to avoid? Racists, homophobes, and fanatical Catholics. What is one personality trait a potential friend must have? They must have an introverted side. I can’t deal with people who are super active 24/7. Have you ever seen someone slip on a banana peel? Nope, I’ve only mostly seen that happen in Mario Kart hah. Have you ever been in a helicopter? I have not. What is a colour you love that's not your favourite? Maroon. Where would you like to travel to? Anywhere outside the house would be a great start. I’d love to get to go inside a mall, any mall. What colour is your car? / What colour would you like it to be? My car is white, and I’m happy with it being white. It looks clean and sleek that way, for me. Does anything hurt on your body right now? What? No but I’m feeling a little hot. I need a shower. What is your favourite mode of travelling? Road trip or by plane. Have you ever had Chickenpox? I haven’t. Dreading the day it comes to me because I just know it’ll be a million times worse as an adult. Can you roll your eyes into the back of your head? I can but it’s very uncomfortable and I don’t do it at all. I only did it often as a kid, whenever I wanted to scare off my sister or make funny faces with my cousins. If you have online friends, do you think you'd get on in real life? Yes, I think so. I’ve only had one negative experience with an online friend who turned out to be a dipshit, but I like to keep optimistic when it comes to my other friends.  Who is your favourite animated character? Answered this in another survey, but Spongebob. I also took a big liking to Mr. Peanutbutter from BoJack Horseman since he was the only one who kept me happy throughout the show hahahaha. Are your favourites often what the majority like? Like, in relation to my above answers? I know a lot of people didn’t really like Mr. Peanutbutter because he was horrible at reading Diane’s love language and due to his tendency to mask reality with humor and general immaturity, so there’s that. Spongebob is pretty much universally loved by everyone who has seen the show, though. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would you choose? I did have dinner already and I was very happy with the sisig my dad made. I would have had it with soju, but I already drank coffee today and with my body just finishing up healing itself from my awful fever last week, I don’t wanna beat up my body by mixing coffee and alcohol immediately lol. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods? Savory. Do you worry about eating too much? What about eating too little? I don’t really worry about either. I find that I eat a healthy amount of food for all my meals, so there’s little reason to overanalyze that department. Is it dark outside right now? Yes, it’s 10:30 PM. The moon has an interesting haze around it at the moment that makes it hard to miss, but otherwise it’s very dark. Do you get scared when it's a full moon? No. Do you think Jaffa Cakes are a cake or a biscuit? xP I don’t even know what those are and I’m too lazy to check. If you go anywhere, do you always buy souvenirs for people? Nah, just for Gab. What was the last toy you got in a cereal box? I don’t know, I don’t remember. The last time there was a toy in a cereal box we bought would probably be like 16 years ago lol. Hypothetically speaking, if you owned a charm bracelet, would you always make sure the charms meant something to you? Not really. I imagine I’d get charms just because I want to collect them lol. I know Pandora does a lot of charm collections, like Disney and Harry Potter. It doesn’t always have to mean something to me. Are you waiting on anyone coming home right now? No. Everyone living here is home now. Is it easy to make you gag? Nope. I watch pro wrestling dude, I’ve seen lots of disgusting stuff go down. It’ll take a lot before I gag. Do you like the way your voice sounds? Yes, I’m alright with it for the most part. Do you usually keep to yourself? This is pretty vague. You mean about my personal life? I’d say so. I normally would keep to myself but I’m also an open book, if that makes sense. Like I’m okay with spilling out my stories or emotions, but people have to come to me and ask for them; otherwise I’m just staying quiet. Can you see the stars from your house? Sure. Sky looks best when you’re at the rooftop though. How would you react if your favourite band made a song with your first name as its title? It would be on repeat for like three months lol. What is a word or phrase you've been told you overuse? It’s been years but a prof once told me I used “okay, so...” a lot as a transition when I report. I appreciated the comment though and since that time I’ve been more watchful of the phrases I use when I report. Are you considered an awkward person? I have my times, yeah. I’ve gotten considerably better in dealing with people though and usually it’s them that’s awkward now, not me lol. Has a career advisor ever helped you choose your ideal career? No, I’ve never met up with a career advisor before. If you were abandoned for a week, would you be able to fend for yourself? Yes, as long as instant food and some basic frozen food are accessible to me ahuhu. Is there a light on in the room you're in? Yes. Have you ever been friends with someone who was your complete opposite? YES, Gabie and I cannot be any more different. Sometimes I still wonder how she and I ended up being friends at all, but I chalk it up to our humor and the way our (very different) personalities manage to mesh well together. Have you ever wished you were an identical twin? If one, do you hate it? Not really. What day were you born on? Tuesday. What's your favourite number? Why did you pick that? I never really had a favorite number. Whenever I have to pick one I just say 4 just because it’s Beyoncé’s favorite and she uses it on literally every concert, show, etc. so I’ve come to encounter it a lot as well lol. What does your favourite perfume / deodorant smell like? A little fruity. Who's your favourite Disney character? Flynn Rider. Do you like having a favourite everything or do you enjoy keeping open? I like having a favorite everything but I also like keeping my options open just in case I ever wanna shift favorites. What's your favourite advertisment? Or do you find them all irritating? I don’t pick ads to be my favorite lol. They’re not irritating, but I just don’t particularly care about any of them.
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Teen Titans Go! REVIEW: (Part 2)
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 Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt and welcome to part two of my Teen Titans Go! retrospective! Or should I say my Teen Titans.....................................................................................................................No....retrospective.
Get it? because the show isn't that good! Okay, remember to click that bell icon and turn on notifications to-  So in case your just joining in, this is part two of my Teen Titans Go! retrospective/review. If you haven't seen part one than I highly recommend that you check it out before going forward. To sum up the point I made in my last part...I didn't like this show that much.  WHAT?! A CARTOON CRITIC ONLINE WHO DOESN'T LIKE TEEN TITANS GO?! WHAT A NEW AN UNIQUE TAKE-  But for THIS part we are mostly going to step away from the show itself, and focus on the more meta aspect of the show. So really this part isn't even a review of Teen Titans Go! and more of "A review of elements that are tangentially related to Teen Titans Go! and the conversation around it." But since that title won't fit in the Deviantart title box and it's not "clickbait-y" enough, we're going with this instead.  So I just want to re-emphasize that, for the most part, none of the things I clique here are actually the fault of the shows crew or creators or anything. But I think it's still important to discuss these points because, as I stated last time, I think the conversation around the show is far more interesting than the show itself. So let's dive in.  We'll start with the elephant in the room. Let's talk about the shows handling of critics. This is one of the most notorious elements of the series. Now, I'm just going to say this...I kinda get where the creators are coming from. For real. While there are MANY legit reasons to dislike the show, (Around 4,000 words worth according to my last review alone.) However, out the gate, Teen Titans Go! got hate from ALL cylinders. Young Justice fans bitter about there show being "replaced." Old school Teen Titans fan upset this wasn't season six. People who just wanted action shows. And I'm not going to be high and mighty, as I said last time, I was one of these people. (However, I never made long curse filled rants on Youtube or called for the creators to be shot or anything crazy like that.)  Some people say that reboots are "lazy and easy" because you get a built in audience with zero effort. But I believe the total opposite. Making a reboot sounds like a nightmare. People are much more unforgiving when it's an i.p they love and often times will hate you for the littlest things and won't give you a chance. Just look up how many Powerpuff Girl 2016 rants there were BEFORE any footage of the show was even released. People who are in these positions have it rough, and deserve more appreciation. I can't imagine the amount of hate the two show runners must get on a daily basis, which is probably why they don't seem to have social media accounts.    HOWEVER this is where we get into what I think is one of the biggest problems in society today, and that's strawmaning. And I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but here I go. And this can apply for anything. JUST BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE WITH AN OPINION ARE ASSHOLES DOESN'T MEAN THAT EVERYBODY WITH SAID OPINION ARE ASSHOLES!  I'm not going to act like there aren't people out there who take Teen Titans Go! WAY to frickin' seriously. That's just factually wrong. But not EVERYONE who has issues with the show are loud obnoxious neck beards who are mad that there "childhood was ruined." And that's how the show and some of the more hostile defenders of the show try to paint "all the haters." Some people just have legit criticisms that they want to get out into the world. When most people write a review of Teen Titans Go!, I don't think there doing so expecting the creators to see it and change the show for them. (I know some do, but again, don't mix the rude jerks in with the rest of us.) They're doing it because they feel passionately, and want to share there opinions with others. Or because they see wasted potential. There's a difference between criticism and hating.
 And the thing is...and this is something that I think I'm in the minority opinion on, but I don't think you HAVE to listen to every piece of criticism you get. I've noticed this trend as of late, where people expect that if they criticize something, the author or creator is obligated to change it. And if they don't then there just "not taking the criticism." But that's not how it works though.  For example, if someone where to tell me "You're reviews are too long." I would definitely take that into consideration, and I would appreciate the input. However, I like overly long analytical reviews, and that's what I'm going to keep doing because that's the type of reviews I wanna make. I might try to shorten them a LITTLE bit, but I would never just start writing few hundred word reviews, cause that's not the art I wanna create.   In the same vain, if Teen Titans Go! doesn't wanna except any of there criticism, that's fine. If the show wants to just go about doing it's own thing, more power to it. But when it does these criticism tackling episodes it's breaking the first rule of the internet. Never let people know when something bothers you. And yeah, I think if a TV show goes out of it's way to tell the critics "you suck" than the critics have the right to say it back. And I know you could say that the show has the right because they started that. But I don't know, there's just some part of me that believes that as the content creator, you have a responsibility to be the bigger person. If that makes sense?  This show basically is "Dab On The Haters: The Animated Series." Really, all the criticism tackling episodes can be summed up like this.
 And the thing is, Teen Titans Go! really doesn't need to defend itself so hard. Because the show is a huge hit! It's clearly super popular with a large group of kids and adults alike. Why be so fixated on pleasing the people who you know your not going to please, when you can focus on the people who love you just the way you are? You don't see shows like Powerpuff Girls or Ben 10 reboots attacking the "haters" like this, and those shows don't even have the added advantage of being that popular.  As it stands, Teen Titans Go! is a show that reeks of insecurity. And as much as I shit on the show last time, it shouldn't be. Clearly the show is doing something right if it lasted this long. Teen Titans Go! the show that taught me how NOT to handle criticism. And honestly, I thank the show for this. I'm a sensitive guy, and I can be very harsh on myself. Without Teen Titans Go! acting as an example of what NOT to do, I could see myself becoming that kinda guy, who mask his insecurities with a faux ego.
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Hey...did you see the way I just casually used the word "faux." Oh, I'm great and anyone who think otherwise is dumb...  However, I will give Teen Titans Go! this. I do think that when the humor goes "meta" it's when the shows comedy is at it's best. Because the people behind this show clearly know what this show is. They know it's reputation and it's status among other works of superhero fiction. Plus, as I said, the conversation around the show is far more interesting than the show itself. So when the show tacking these more interesting aspects the episodes tend to be more interesting as well. It's rare to find a show as self-aware of it's own status, and they take advantage of every opportunity that this presents.  I just wish it could do so without insulting me is all.  But do I even have the right to be criticizing this show though? I mean it's for kids, and kids clearly like it. Who right do I, a fully grown adult, have to stop kids from enjoying what they like. Why do I have to stand here and push my radical pro-Steven Universe agenda?!  That has been an argument I have been seeing a lot lately. And honestly, there are some aspects I actually do agree with. If you are reviewing a show with the hope of convincing someone to hate something that they previously liked, just because you hate the show, than in my personal opinion you are reviewing the show for the wrong reason. If you like Teen Titans Go! and somehow made it this far in the review, I want to be clear, you have the right to like whatever you want to like. Whenever I do a negative review of something, it's never with the intent of trying to stop someone from enjoying something they like. I just want to express why I don't like it.    As for the kid show argument, in some instances I agree with that argument too. Kids and adults are different. They have different taste and different things that they relate to. And shows are, from a business standpoint, targeted at a specific age demographics. I don't know why it's okay to call a show an "adult cartoon." but if you call a show a "kids show" it's deemed as an insult to the medium. Why is it wrong to say that I enjoy things aimed at kids? But getting back to the point, adults and kids look for different things in a show. Like, a kid obviously wouldn't be able to relate to the theme's presented in Bojack Horseman, and an adult would likely be board to tears by something like Peppa Pig.  However, the difference here is that Teen Titans Go! airs on Cartoon Network. And thus, it should be held to the same standard as other Cartoon Network shows are held to, since all CN shows are pretty much aimed at the same general age range. Not only that, but the show is rated TV-PG! i.e.) The same rating as Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Regular Show, and Over the Garden Wall. Technically speaking, kids aren't even suppose to watch this show without an adult. So I think it's fair to say that this show SHOULD be made with kids and adults in mind.  If this show was truly intended only for kids, and adults shouldn't watch it, than why are there so many 80's references and scenes that feel very...um....
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Totally Spies...If you know what I mean.  Basically, my point here is that it is, in my opinion, completely reasonable to cirque this show. And it's weird because the whole "It's for kids" and "Don't like, don't watch." arguments are usually seen as a joke argument. (even though I personally feel like both arguments do apply in certain situations.) But with this show, I see people using these arguments a lot. And to each there own, I'm not going to stand her and say your argument is "invalid." But I think it is odd that this show seems to be the only show where these arguments is deemed "acceptable."  Also, if you watch Cartoon Networks live feed on a regular basis, it's hard to follow the "Don't like, don't watch." rule because the show is on so frickin' much!
What makes this ad worse is how much this kid looks like Logan Paul...  Cartoon Network spams this show. And while I'm sure that this show would still very much be hated regardless of the scheduling, I think the scheduling is a major factor in how this show manged to stay a relevant topic of conversation in the cartoon community for over five years at this point. Humans, in case you haven't realized this by now, are very stubborn and spiteful creature by nature. If you shove something down someone's throat, or in this case tell that that it's there new favorite show, there bound to have an adverse reaction. Regardless of the actually quality of the product. Also, the show wasn't even "new" when that ad campaign started!  However, I do want to point out that it isn't Teen Titans Go's! fault that it's being spammed so much. It's Cartoon Networks scheduling departments. Traditional television is dying, and channels need to air what gives them ratings. Cartoon Network has always been in last place rating wise, when compared to there rivals Nickelodeon and Disney. They need to air what gives them ratings. And Teen Titans Go! is that. I get it.  However, and keep in mind I'm not an expert on any of this and have no idea what I'm really talking about, I feel like eventually this will come back to bite them. EVENTUALLY Teen Titans Go! is going to end. Even if it's after we're all long dead and buried, the show will die. It's already been running for five years, which is an eternity in kid cartoon time. And when this show does end, CN is going to need something else to keep people coming back. Because as of now, this show and Gumball (which is ending soon.) are the channels only main draws with the ratings. CN, as of it stands now, needs this show. And when this show does end, they'll need some kind of back up series if they hope to survive in this modern, cord cutting climate. This cash cow can't be milked forever.  R-right? P-Please God, tell me it can't last forever!
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...Again with the Totally Spies.  But while I'm on the topic of Teen Titans Go! success, I have to ask the question of why? Why do kids gravitate more towards this show, in particular? Because as I stated in the last part, the idea taking an establish i.p and making a more comedic slice of life reboot may have been fresh back in 2013, but now of days we are over saturated with shows just like that. Show's like Powerpuff Girls 2016, Ben 10, and to a lesser extent Justice League Action and Be Cool Scooby-Doo are all more comedic versions of there respected brands, but none of those shows are nearly as successful. (And this isn't me saying those shows are bad because they follow TTG's mold. It's all about execution and I'm trying to make a point.) What does Teen Titans Go! have that these other shows don't?  The way I see it, the reason why Teen Titans Go! is popular while those other "Teen Titans Go-esq shows" (Even the really good ones like Justice League Action.) aren't has to do with intent and execution. Those other shows only chose to become more comedic because it was deemed "more marketable." And while I'm sure that was a factor in why Teen Titans Go! was pitched as a comedy, I feel the difference is how the shows chose to treat itself. Those other shows are made to be safe and marketable. They want fans new and old to like the show, so people will be more likely to buy the merch, which in turn will fund more seasons. Teen Titans Go! on the other hand, doesn't care about playing it "safe." It'll do whatever crazy and messed up things it wants to. The show revels in it's inaccuracy to the original.  A marketing team and a bunch of executives think Teen Titans Go! is successful because it's a comedy based on a beloved brand. But the reason I think it's popular is because it doesn't give a fu*k! To people who like this show, that's why they like it. And that's why the show is so interesting to talk about.  Also there a lot of elements in Teen Titans Go! appeals to kids. It's full wish fulfillment. Who doesn't want all the power and none of the responsibility. Who doesn't want to not have to worry about school or work, and just sit on a couch eating food all day. The show is loud, crazy, and colorful. It appeals to kids, and some adults, on a base level. It appeals to our more lazy and selfish aspects of our personalities that we all have, but chose to keep buried inside out of fear of social consequence. And while all that may sound harsh, I really don't mean that as an insult. There's nothing wrong with a show appealing to those aspects of our subconscious, because it can allow us to express those feelings without acting upon them. It's the same reason why people like characters like Bender from Futurama, or Rick from Rick and Morty. Teen Titans Go! is that for kids, and there's nothing wrong with that. Especially in a time where so many other kids shows are so nice and non-cynical. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  So, to wrap everything up, Teen Titans Go! might just be one of the most fascinating and influential shows of the 2010's? But do I recommend it? Well, despite EVERYTHING I ranted about in part one, from the lackluster comedy, horrendous writing, lazy reusing of voice acting and animation, and the lack of basic understanding when it comes to telling a story...I surprisingly actually do highly recommend it. 
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 Listen, just hear me out here. While this show in all technical aspects is a frickin' train wreck. But sometimes, you just want to watch a train wreck unfold. It's fascinating to see just what this show is going to do next. What crazy, half backed decision it'll do. And honestly, it's hard not to admire how much the show just goes for it, even if "it" isn't something that you should go for. The show has this element of "watch-ability" even if I know the show itself isn't technically "good." It's a show worth watching, if for no other reason than to have an opinion on it. I think it's pretty obvious who will love this show, who will hate this show, and who will ironically love it. Maybe it's just Stockholm syndrome, but I will be genuinely sad when this show does come to an end.  But I want to end on this note. If you hate this show with a fire-y passion, feel free to do so. You have the right to like or not like whatever you want. Don't be afraid of giving your opinion just because your worried that people will think that your a "hater" or that it's "cringy to still be talking about Teen Titans Go! in 2018." Value your thoughts and share them with the masses. Just don't be a jerk about it. Don't assume that "everyone who likes Teen Titans Go! are mindless sheeple." or complain that this show "ruined your childhood." Because forcing your opinion down other peoples throats will get you nowhere. And remember that no show last forever. In ten years from now this show will most likely be forgotten about. Think about how many people HATED Johnny Test just a few years ago, and complained about how much CN spammed that show. When was the last time anyone talked about that show? Meanwhile the original Teen Titans, a show that originally aired fifteen years ago, is still getting prime time reruns on Cartoon Network as recently as early 2018. And honestly, without Teen Titans Go!, there's a good chance that the interest in the original Teen Titans wouldn't have risen to the point where it is today. So you should thank TTG for that.  And to the people who defend Teen Titans Go!, I get it. It can be rough loving something when EVERYBODY online hates it. I went threw a similar thing when the Powerpuff Girls reboot came out. It sucks feeling like you're in the minority opinion, but remember that just because something is hated online, that doesn't translate to actually results. There's a reason this show is on it's fifth seasons and got a theatrical film. And if you love this show, if it really is your new favorite show, enjoy that fact that a show you love is as popular and influential as it is. But don't be a jerk about your opinion either. Don't belittle people for feeling passionately about a series and remember that not EVERY person who hates the show isn't some kinda "hater." Never assume that the worse people in a group represents the whole group. And never let other people force you to hate something you love. You're taste make you the individual you are, and never forget that.  I want to end this review with a line from Teen Titans Go! A line that I believe the show sadly forgot about, but is a message that I think is very important. Especially given the current climate of the cartoon community.
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 This applies to all sides.  Hopefully this review was able to add something new to the table.  What do you think of Teen Titans Go? Leave any thoughts you may have in the comments down bellow. I love love to hear all opinions from both sides of the aisle, and start some conversations. Maybe help people gain some new perspectives. Also what did you think of the format of this review? Would you like more deep dive retrospects in the future? Please fav, follow, and comment if you liked this review and have a great day.
https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/Teen-Titans-Go-REVIEW-Part-2-755898579 DA Link
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suckitsurveys · 4 years
What was the best thing to happen to you this week? Monday was my niece’s birthday and we went to the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do you put your keys when you get home? There’s a basket on a table in a cubby we have that I used to put them in when I’d come home and hang up my jacket and purse and what not, but since COVID, we have a “sanitizing station” on a table as soon as you walk in and now I keep them there after I spray them with alcohol.
Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? Iced lattes.
What’s your phone background picture? My lock screen is the final seen of BoJack Horseman with BoJack and Diane, and my home screen is black with purple bats. 
If you could move to any country, what would it be? Somewhere without COVID. 
Have you ever seen a snake in the wild? Garter snakes.
What’s your favourite movie from the 80s? Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Adventures in Babysitting.
Do you have any posters, paintings or other artwork on your walls? Yes.
What would your dream wedding be like? I had my dream wedding. It involved just my husband and I at city hall.
Would you ever take a trip to space if given the chance? Sure.
How do you cope with anxiety? LOL.
Are you expecting any phone calls or emails? No.
What’s the weather like in your part of the world right now? Hot. I love summer.
What was the last takeout food you ate? Wings for dinner last night.
Who makes you laugh the most? My husband.
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? Nope. I know someone with the same first name as my middle name, though.
What did you have done the last time you saw a dentist? Had my wisdom teeth out. 
What does a successful relationship look like to you? The one I have with my husband.
What do you like to put on your baked potato? Usually just butter and sour cream but I love a loaded potato too. 
What field of science interests you the most? Psychology and social sciences.
What’s the closest shop or restaurant to your house? There’s a bar a block down.
Do you have any family that live in another country? I don’t think so? My cousin used to live in Costa Rica. 
What colour is your couch? Beige. We need a new one SO bad but we can’t really go to a store to try them out right now.
Do you know how to care for plants and keep them alive? For the most part.
What was the most memorable birthday you’ve had? My 29th when I went to Boston.
Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? The beach in the summer and the mountains in the winter as long as I’m not too high up. What do you do for work? I work at a university. 
Have you ever been to see the circus? I went once when I was a kid. Never again.
Are there any words that you hate or make you cringe? Yes. 
What is the best house you’ve ever lived in? I’ve only lived in one actual house.
What was the first CD you ever bought? No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom.
Do you look in the mirror before you leave the house? I do a quick look.
What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten? Ostrich?
Have you ever seen someone quit their job in a dramatic way? Uh huh.
What movie reminds you of your childhood? Nighmare Before Christmas.
Do you know why your parents named you what they did? I know my middle name was chosen after a Czech tennis player who was in the playoffs or whatever at the time I was born.It was going to be my first name until the minute I was born and my mom chose Hannah after the movie Hannah and Her Sisters. 
Do you have any bills that need to be paid? In a few days.
What do you like to dip your fries in? I don’t usually dip them in anything. It really depends on the fry. 
Is your house clean or messy right now? It’s messy. 
What was the last email you received? I don’t feel like checking.
Do you know someone who speaks without a filter? Yes.
Are you in any social groups? No.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? I don’t know.
What’s your favourite kind of museum? Art and science.
Do you believe in alternate universes? Sure.
Whose house did you last visit? My dad’s.
What games do you play on your smart phone? A handful of stupid ones.
Have you ever been to Los Angeles? Nope.
What was the first concert you ever went to? Bob Dylan or The Counting Crows when I was a lil one.
Do you know anyone who is colourblind? My husband is.
What’s your favourite season and why? Later summer and early fall.
Are you the youngest, middle or eldest child in your family? I’m the baby.
If you had to make something for a potluck, what would you make? Potato salad or guac and salsa.
What kinds of decorations do you put up at Halloween? I have some lights I put out in the front yard. I kinda wanna turn the whole apartment spooky this year since I don’t have any other plans now :(
How many tabs do you have open right now? A bunch. They are all surveys I got from @lovemesomesurveys I opened in a new tab to copy and paste them.
What’s something you’ve been meaning to do but keep putting off? Blah.
What’s the first thing you check on your phone at the start of the day? The very first thing I do is check the time.
Have you ever flown a kite? Yes. Who was your favourite music artist when you were 16? Blink 182, The Distillers, Sublime. 
What are three things you usually always have in your fridge? Butter, a variety of cheeses, a Brita pitcher filled with water.
0 notes
stateofirrelevancy · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Holla @ ma girl @kerrity13​ thx for the tag babe
1. Drink: some H and a double shot of O 2. Phone call: To my mom to ask where the olive oil is only to realize olive oil has too many calories and wasn’t worth it dsfjkds so then I tossed it back in the cabinet but it didn’t land upright woops 3. Text message: “she jus wants a friend” sent to my friend Orange who is watching Moana w me right now in response to “why is this fire lady so angry” 4. Song you listen to: Like I said I’m watching Moana so the I Am Moana song but if that doesn’t count then Vanity’s Fair - A Lot Like Birds 5. Time you cried: I actually have no idea?? Sometime in June prolly
6. Dated someone twice: twice????? bich i aint go on a date once 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Is this the section to make me feel bad bc I never leave my room 8. Been cheated on: refer to #6 9. Lost someone special: Idk I feel like yes like all my grandparents passed away and my uncle on my mom’s side and my aunt on my dad’s side and also v recently my uncle on my dad’s side but like they lived in Pakistan so I rarely saw them ya feel?? 10. Been depressed: I mean I’ve def been super sad but idk if I’d say ~depressed~ 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: refer to #7
12-14: Orange, yellow, black, in that order.
15. Made new friends: Yes, one of whomstve being @oceansweather my go to drama buddy 16. Fallen out of love: fallen out of what now? u mean when I get over bands I used to like? Then yes Big Time motherfuckin Rush yall broke my tiny heart in two 17. Laughed until you cried:  Def who hasn’t 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so?? Like I don’t doubt people do but I ain’t jumpin 2 kno about it 20. Found out who your friends are: I guess?? I mean I’ve basically had the same friends for 5 years lol 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: On the cheeks ya
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Ok considering I have eight (8) FB friends bc I made my fb to join my college’s group I know all of them considering I only added ppl super close to me lmao 23. Do you have any pets: When my brother lived here I had his cat Glimmer who is a stripper but he moved out and now I’m constantly :( 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah I like my name 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: On the exact day I had a big dinner at home w my family and the weekend after my friends came over! 26. What time do you wake up: If my mom wakes me up then 10 otherwise 11-12:30 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: prolly on tumblr tbfh 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Bojack Horseman season 4!! and new 5sos music ofc.  29. When was the last time you saw your mom? around 2 hrs ago when I went down to make popcorn lol 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: ??? be hot or not dumb either would b k00l 31. What are you listening to right now: I’m watching What The Health now cause Moana ended rksdjlkfsd 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No?? The only Toms I know are british YouTubers bye 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: ummm myself 34. Most visited website: prolly youtube 35. Mole/s: One on my left pinky, one at the bottom of my left ring finger, one next to my left knee, one above my right eyebrow, one in the pit of my left elbow. 36. Mark/s: I have a huge birth mark on my stomach lmao fun fact it used to look like the US when I was younger 37. Childhood dream: yall I had my life planned THE FUCK out. When I was in fifth grade I decided I would b a pop star like Hannah Montana until I was ~30, and then when my world fame inevitably dissipated, I’d become a doctor like the good little brown girl I thot I was. 38. Hair color: black like my soul 39. Long or short hair: medium length lol 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Calum mf Hood ain’t got eyes for no one else 41. What do you like about yourself: what do I what now 42. Piercings: do my ears getting pierced when I was a baby count asdklfj 43. Blood type: I think B positive?? idk 44. Nicknames? Aky 45. Relationship status: me myself and i are together and in a loving poly relationship 46. Zodiac: Taurus 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: PARKS AND REC!!! I was jus telling my friend the other day that idt I’ll ever find a show I’ll love more than it. Words can’t describe how much I love P&R yall. 50. Right or left hand: Right but don’t b fooled my left is mf skilled 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: I wish!! 53. Sport: who? I don’t know her 55. Vacation: what does this mean like have I been on vacation before?? Then ya lol 56. Pair of trainers: CONVERSE BITCH aint no one else exist in the world but her
57. Eating: idk what this question means what is my fave food????????? then,, idfk lasagna 58. Drinking: capri sun could fuck me in the asshole any day 62. Want: ?? death 63. Get married: ya I’m mf down when will a boi wife me tf up 64. Career: idk I really wanna work in AI 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs wtf i aint kiss none but hugs are pure i will fight someone over this 66. Lips or eyes: idk eyes?? 67. Shorter or taller: I guess taller cause im smol 68. Older or younger: older give me a daddy 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms gotta b strong to choke me 2 death 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive I need some1 2 feel emotions for me thx 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: are u saying i have the choice of finally having a cringey fuckboi badboy tm that most every wattpad fic was about 5 yrs ago?? no thanks
74. Kissed a Stranger: ,,,u kno the answer to that bye 75. Drank hard liquor: this is the section to make me feel bad abt myself reincarnated  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no n knock on wood I won’t 77. Turned someone down: ekjfnkdlsn one time a guy asked me to homecoming and I told him homecoming wasn’t my thing and then he saw me at homecoming ekdfjaderdfkalesdf 78. Sex on the first date: uhhh 222 early 4 me 79. Broken someone’s heart: who knows mayb i broke the homecoming guys heart the world may never know 80. Had your heart broken: anytime Calum refuses to acknowledge my existence 81. Been arrested: no but I’ll gladly b put in handcuffs :-) 82. Cried when someone died: ya when my grandma on my mom’s side died. Oh and also when Christina Grimmie died :( 83. Fallen for a friend: idt so
84: Yourself: ha 85. Miracles: sort of? Like I don’t believe in the magic behind it or whatnot but like winning the lottery would be a miracle bc like it’ so rare ya feel me 86. Love at first sight: nope not one bit 87. Santa Claus: fun anecdote so I’m Muslim and I never understood how Santa knows which houses are for people who celebrate christmas vs those who don’t and so I somehow conjured up the theory that he knows bc he checks each house and if they decorated and have a tree up, they celebrate it. So I was telling my mom this and she’s a vvv blatant person so we was straight up like he doesn’t exist and I was like he does!! and she was like ok then put up decorations and see if he comes and I was like :-( 88. Kiss on the first date: personally too early for me
90. Current best friend name: Idek who would be considered my #1?? Also what happened to question 89 lol 91. Eye color: brown 92. Favorite movie: Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam
I tag @oceansweather @aneverendingreplay @5sowoc @lukescurlies @fuckmemgc @harrqstyles @punk-dinosaur @ovalt @tennisbowels @disasterologiess @hiighriselights and anyone else who wants to
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dan-the-science-man · 7 years
Rules: Answer all the questions and tag 20 other blogs(lol).
I was tagged by @homesweethomegirl thanks !!

DRINK: Water
PHONE CALL: To this random kid’s family bc they was hurt
.. but legit phone call to my wonderful friend jenny
TEXT MESSAGE: my sister sent my siblings and i a gif of this guy flipping off a deer.
SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Everybody Lost Somebody by Bleachers

TIME YOU CRIED: yesterday (i literally cry everyday y’all.) 



LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: yeah.. a lot. most recent a few weeks ago

(3 FAVORITE COLORS): light blue, light/pastel purple, light green
MADE NEW FRIENDS: on here lol  


LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: yeah, like yesterday


DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a bunch of salt and freshwater fish and a dog
DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: kinda wanna change it to dan, but daniela is fine and dandy too

WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: went to a mac and cheese restaurant with my family

WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: i was on tumblr or snapchat just talking to some good ppl

NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: moving in with one of the best people in my life and another really freaking great friend in fall of 2018 for college


WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: my fan and now Goodbye by Bleachers 

HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: I’m sure i have, but i honestly can’t think of a tom
my body not letting me fucking sleep
HAIR COLOR: dark brown/black and a like blue undercoat lol

LONG OR SHORT HAIR: short (but long for my preferences.) 

WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m fairly caring i think  
PIERCINGS: just one in each ear lobe and my helix  

NICKNAME: dan (kinda), DD, dandan, dandan noodles, dani, gringa (my cousins call me that lol), ratona (rat in spanish bc i love cheese), coquita (which i just learned sometimes means vagina so I’m gonna stop now bc i hate everything.)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single,, as always

ZODIAC: libra

PRONOUNS: they/them (but she/her is completely fine too)

FAVORITE TV SHOW: avatar the last airbender, and more recently bojack horseman
TATTOOS: none yet


SPORT: i used to do soccer, cross country and a bit of distance track, but then i fucked up my knees, hips and foot..
VACATION: I’m going to mexico on monday (if that’s what this means ???)
PAIR OF TRAINERS: ..i wear the same blue converse every single day for every single occasion…
EATING: im a fairly picky eater and now I’m trying to not eat sugar or consume caffeine after 5pm to try to help me sleep

DRINKING: i like apple juice.

I’M ABOUT TO: roam tumblr in bed 
for a few hours
WAITING FOR: tonight so that i can talk to my brother about my therapist and i thinking about getting checked out for antidepressants 

WANT: that gal to be more than a pal (i hate myself more every time i phrase it like this but i can’t appropriately express emotions like ever..)
GET MARRIED: hopefully, but honestly probably won’t happen
CAREER: sports medicine ???

HUGS OR KISSES: i feel like this is unfair bc idk what kisses are like ✌️ so hugs, which are honestly really great
OLDER OR YOUNGER: either, but like two years younger or older than me tends to be when i start getting uncomfortable but there are always exceptions lol
NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: idk (do ppl actually look at this ????)
HOOKUP OR RELATIONSHIP: lmao relationship for sure
KISSED A STRANGER: again, i have no experiences with kissing, soo no 


LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: nah, i don’t have them


BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: i don’t think so


FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: all the people that I’ve been romantically attracted to have been friends, but i haven’t really “fallen for” anyone.

YOURSELF: on a good day. (so like once every two months)

MIRACLES: i wish i did, but nope


SANTA CLAUS: sadly no

KISS  ON THE FIRST DATE: depends, so sure
ANGELS: again, i wish i did but no. i genuinely wish i did 
EYE COLOR: dark brown 

FAVORITE MOVIE: theres a lot (i can never decide on which i like more lol).. Kiki’s Delivery Service, Howl’s Moving Castle, Secret World of Arriety, Coraline, The Little Prince and Short Term 12
I tag anyone that read this far and wants to do it. genuinely y’all can say i tagged you
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lov3bone · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Pretty shy generally
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My coworker tomorrow, he just got back from hip surgery and I’ve been worried lmao
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I can be, but I know I can flip like a switch on some people.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Probably not.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People who are kind of jerks, or have a kind of mean personality. I also love people who are witty, and make it easy to keep a conversation going tbh.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I don’t know things are kinda rough rn lmao
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
This guy named Jeremy 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
I was kinda drunk, but I was talking about how I’m very confused
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Help - Blackbear, Guillotine - Jon Bellion, The Good In Me - Jon Bellion, Tear In My Heart - twenty one pilots, I Needed You - Blackbear (I’ve been fixated on blackbear lately)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah, but only from certain people
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yeah lmAO
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I got to march in the gay pride parade
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yeah I would
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
There has to be. We definitely are not the only ones out here man omg
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
ehhhh nah
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Wouldn’t know, never met them. It’s been 16 years. Not gonna do it now.
21. What are you bad habits?
Drinking, pushing people away before they get a chance to get close, getting anxious and clinging to people while also not letting them help me lmfao
22. Where would you like to travel?
I wanna go to Sicily one day to see part of my family!
23. Do you have trust issues?
Y e s. sorry
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Wandering around by myself after work for a couple hours
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Jawline. Like. My neck. The little part between your chin and neck. I hate it.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Kind of sit there and boot for a second, then check my phone
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I think I’m fine with my skin lmao
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My cousin, the age difference prevents me from really relating though. But she’s one of the only people that I feel safe around rn.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
n o 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
None because I’m uncomfortable with sex LOL
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I don’t participate in sports anymore. But I used to be on a competitive crew team.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
I would rather live without tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Yes, many times
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I usually break that by doing something stupid or blurting out something stupid because awkward silences are uncomfortable
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Pretty sure I’ve answered this before, but my answer is definitely changed since then. My dream person would be someone who’s there for me. Not leave me on read, reassure me when I start getting anxious, not see only my mental illness. Go on adventures with me, hold my hand a lot and be down for cuddling whenever.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Target, hot topic (y EAH FUCKING FIGHT ME I LIKE THE T SHIRTS), zumiez, and tj maxx
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’ve already been through it. But, I still don’t know. I’m trying to find my way the best I can.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Fuck no.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
If I’m being extremely quiet in person that’s pretty normal it’s more my facial expression while I’m being quiet that gives anything away. If it’s texting and I’m not seeking you out or not answering you should probably be concerned.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space, the ocean is cool too but fuck the bottom hell no
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Either anxiety about my mom or I have to go to my job
46. What are you paranoid about?
Trusting others, being alone, certain people in my life, me
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
I really don’t fucking care at this point, but I guess. I did a big bad thing earlier today.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My personality
53. Favourite makeup brand?
None lmao
54. Favourite store?
This pet store that’s kinda close to my house
55. Favourite blog?
@humiliated B)
56. Favourite colour?
My hair color, multiple types of greens and blues are my faves. I don’t really have a favorite 
57. Favourite food? 
cherry poptarts
58. Last thing you ate?
cherry poptarts
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I don’t remember what I wrote last time but I don’t think it was anything
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Almost was expelled from my mom being an asshole and telling the school that I was a ‘ticking time bomb,’ they took it very seriously
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
It was with a boy and it was gross
65. Are you hungry right now?
no, I actually kinda feel sick
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
This is a bad question. I love all of my friends equally. 
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Azalea, Daria, Gianna
71. Craving something? What?
Affection, feeling wanted
72. What colour are your towels?
White.. With patches of green dye lmao
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
no, unless my dinosaur shaped pillow counts?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Around 15 or more idk
75. Favourite animal?
Mantis shrimp. I get really excited about those fuckers for some reason.
76. What colour is your underwear?
Black, and covered in pokemon
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Green tea
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Light blue
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
BoJack Horseman
82. Favourite movie?
Ig zootopia
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Janis Ian
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
The turtle
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
3 pairs
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
The Babadook
96. Favourite actress?
97. Favourite actor?
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
Yeah I have a lot of pets lmao
100. How are you feeling?
Really bad now tbh
101. Do you type fast?
Depends on how I’m feeling
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Yes. Many things.
103. Can you spell well?
I do if I’m not intoxicated or anxious
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
I guess
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
Making amends
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
Y e s. This was answered earlier on wtf
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don’t really cry in front of people. I can’t remember. Probably Marielle. That was almost a year ago.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Not anymore
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah, listening to blackbear
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Not really tbh
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Yes I love chinese food
119. Favourite book?
Perks of being a wallflower
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
A little bit
121. Are you mean?
As of lately, yeah
122. Is cheating ever okay?
It’s never okay to do that.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Hell nO LMAO
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
I’m not sure
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Not much. 
128. Would you change your name?
Yeah, I’m currently trying to 
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Give it a go, whatever.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Wtf more double questions. But Jeremy.
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
‘I’ve been going to sleep with my head fucking pounding, ow’
It’s fucking relatable okay
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
“Yeah I’m not drunk I swear.”
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
Fuck no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
Well, you come by it honestly, the ugliness inside you. You were born broken, that’s your birthright. There’s no cure for that. -BoJacks mother Beatrice
Kinda just hits home lmao
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
I’ve answered this like 4 times. Yes.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
A skin of seaweed had washed up on the rocks and jumped with sea lice.
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theworstbob · 7 years
the thing journal, 4.9.2017
scattered thoughts on the things i took in over the last seven days. this week: hannibal s3, bad cop/bad cop, the lobster, netflix teen mystery drama (yeah i’m not gonna type the name out, i ain’t finna deal with a fandom), joey bada$$, the big nowhere, win it all
1) Hannibal, season three: Boy, we sure did spend half the season stumbling aimlessly around Italy, didn't we? No no no, give me another abstract montage with fun camera tricks and eight layers of symbolism, Mr. Neftali, I was gonna say, it's been a few scenes since we've had a montage, when are you gonna deliver another one? FUCK IT! THERE AIN'T GONNA BE A SEASON FOUR! INDULGE ALL YOUR WORST IMPULSES! The show picked up once it got to the Red Dragon plot, and one would have to imagine that is due to the fact of, um, the plot existing at that point?, but I think this show took these characters about as far as they could go. This was a good place for it to end. I'm not sure how far they could have gone having everyone speak to Hannibal through a wall for 13 episodes (it was starting to get tired even after a few episodes here). I did enjoy the Red Dragon episodes, that was the Hannibal I loved in the first two seasons, and it built well toward the ultimate ending (or penultimate ending, yay post-credits sequence, do set up that fourth season, no no no definitely gonna happen). Not Hannibal at its best, but close enough and still good enough when it was On that it I'm still OK calling Hannibal one of my favorite series of all time.
2) Not Sorry, by Bad Cop/Bad Cop: I DERIVED VALUE FROM A DIVE INTO YOUTUBE COMMENTS I went into the comments under a Bombpops song just to see what they were like, and they weren't... as bad as I expected? Not good, but at least not explicitly hateful. But someone in the comments mentioned this band, and I was intrigued enough by the name to check 'em out. (I check out new-to-me bands if they're recommended by a trusted source or if they have a dope name.) And that YouTube comment was right, this album fucking rules. "Cheers" is another item in the long list of things I love named Cheers, the closer is superb, and just, there's so much punk/rock goodness, and I can't believe I heard about them via a fucking YouTube comment.
3) The Lobster, by Yorgos Lanthimos: yoooooooooooooooo My chief disagreement with this film is that it's sort of a waste of a fantastical premise. Maybe I'm just spoiled by BoJack Horseman, but I think the premise that single people are turned into animals was mostly wasted, didn't provide for any interesting background jokes, didn't create moral dilemmas when the woman asked the dude to catch rabbits, was barely even a concern through the second half of the film. It only sticks out because so much of the rest of the film was executed superbly. I loved where the film took the main part of the premise (you have to find a mate, you have to share one defining characteristic with that mate; on the outskirts of civilization are Loners). The dialogue is so stilted and unnatural and performed in a highly mannered way, and once you get to the Loners and there's this woman speaking freely and naturally, it really adds to The Leader's power (and that's such a fucking cool performance, too, on its own), and it makes it more pronounced that the dude and the woman never quite break from their practiced way of talking, never quite breaking from the society that instructs, "This is what love is. Loneliness is dangerous." It's also some of the bleakest comedy you'll ever see. It's an odd fit for John C. Reilly's big ol' heart, but he makes it work as he always does, and MY GOSH THE HEARTLESS WOMAN. I WANT A WHOLE MOVIE ABOUT WHAT THE HEARTLESS WOMAN GOT UP TO BEFORE COLIN FARRELL CAME ALONG.
4) Netflix Teen Mystery Drama, s1, cr. Brian Yorkey: So, one good thing, I loved how the show delineated Today from Yesterday, making Today cold and Yesterday warm. It's a simple thing they did, but it gave the show a distinct look and let them do some neat visual stuff with the flashback structure, like I'm not sure I stick with this show if it weren't such a cool thing to look at. Because fucking yeesh. This is a show about stupid people who keep secrets. Literally the entire show doesn't exist if any character told the truth to anyone else in this show at any point. Half of this show is one character saying to another, "I can't tell you that yet" or "I'm not at liberty to discuss that" or "You'll have to find out for yourself" or "This stays between us." I'm hesitant to say it's bad writing, these are TV professionals and I’m a yutz with a blog, but I found it highly disagreeable. And that sucks that the show was written like this, because there's something great about this idea of how kids hurt each other without realizing what they're doing because they’re idiots who don’t know how to be people. I thought it was fascinating that, as these horrible things were happening to the main girl, they kept cutting to the main dude being on the margins, observing the events but not doing anything helpful, and if the show had a tighter focus and could have followed that arrow more closely, it would have been so much better for it. I know this was based on a novel, and while I will likely not read the novel, I have to imagine the novel is better, because the novel doesn't have to fill 13 hours of television with All The Things ALL THE THINGS and pad itself out by having people lie to each other until it is time to make the revelation ("Why can't you tell me now?" "Because you have to wait." "For what?" "Episode nine." Like if you won't be real with each other at least be real with me), and it can be about just The One Thing. That sounds so much better than this show, which feels overstuffed and, I just, I have to ask, season one? Season one. Are you kidding me. How are you going to find 13 more hours in this universe, about these people. Like, I'm good. It's like Broadchurch, I will respect that there's other seasons, but I think y'all did what you came to do in the one. Honestly, between this and the American Psycho musical, I have no idea how Next to Normal is so good. (Compliment sandwich! The main girl was a really cool character, and it was so easy to imagine this being a show about Natalie from N2N in an alternate timeline. Also, I kept count, the exchange "Hey." "Hey." appears in this show four times.) Wow that was hella paragraph for something I wasn't keen on.
5) ALL-AMERIKKKAN BADA$$, by JOEY BADA$$: Hey. White man, here, trying to offer critical assessment of an album called ALL-AMERIKKKAN BADA$$. ...Maybe it's not my place. I mean, it's not really my place to offer criticism on, um, anything, but ESPECIALLY an album about what it's like to be black in America, and not just the Trump America (though he's not happy about that, either), but in an America that has always hated black people, Trump only making that subtext text. I kept thinking "break-up album with America," but that sounds reductive, as did "To Pimp a Butterfly with mainstream ambitions," and while I don't wanna reduce this, I DO still want to say those things. It's good stuff. That's all I can say, really. (Also, there’s a spate of pop artists trying to get by with all-caps names or song titles. This absolutely earns the ability to slam that Caps Lock key. You hear this shit, PARTYNEXTDOOR? This is all-caps music.)
6) The Big Nowhere, by James Ellroy: One good thing about The Thing Journal is that I have an excuse to read physical books on the bus AND read all the books my dad has been giving me for Christmas the past few years! I'll cop (ha!) to not being overly invested in the plot. Oh, boy, a story about a serial killer who's into some weird sex stuff, that's new to me, no tell me about the perverted twist that made the killer what he is, oh wow so fucked up. What I really loved this book was the realistic version of Los Angeles in the 1950s, what with the cops walking around spouting racial slurs as people do heaven and hide their homosexuality. We always get caught up in the notion that the '50s were a more innocent time, our nation is currently being run by people who want us to take us back in time, but like people were doing fuckin' heroin in the '50s. The '50s were shitty, too. I found spending time in this version of Los Angeles valuable. It's a gritty cop drama, sure, but it more than earns its grit. This has been Bob! Attempts To Review a 30-Year-Old Novel Set 60 Years in the Past!
7) Win It All, dir. Joe Swanberg: So one of my favorite lyrics of all time, I can't remember if I've brought this up here or elsewhere but I'm prolly gonna bring it up again, is from Frank Turner's "Recovery:" "Broken people can get better if they really want to/At least, that's what I have to tell myself if I am hoping to/Survive." While only having seen two of his works, this and Drinking Buddies, I feel comfortable saying Joe Swanberg has a deft handle on depicting the person from that lyric in film. My initial impression was that the film didn't do enough to prove the main character deserved redemption (minor spoiler, insofar as this film has a plot, but he does sort of spend the entire film lying to the woman he's falling in love with), but the more I've thought about it, the more I'm thinking, who am I to decide who deserves redemption? He's trying. At no point in his life has he not been trying. He is aware he has made bad choices, and he is keenly aware of his flaws. (His reaction to the contents of the bag is priceless. Jake Johnson is a treasure.) If he makes an honest effort, why shouldn't he get better? No one deserves to be broken, either.
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thotyssey · 7 years
On Point With: Thee Suburbia
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This Wicked Witch of the North (Wisconsin!) has swept down and taken over our fair city, casting her deadly spell on all of us. Behold her sorcery in Brooklyn and basically everywhere else, and read a page from the Urban Spell Book courtesy of Thee Suburbia!
Thotyssey: Hey Suburbia, Happy October! So how was your Bushwig experience this time around? It wasn’t your first time to that rodeo!
Thee Suburbia: Bushwig was beautiful. It was a great moment to reconnect with other performers and supporters that I don't get to see too often; sometimes because they live outside of the city, and other times because we're just passing ships in the night. What did you perform? “I Fink U Freaky” by Die Antwoord. Amazing and perfect for you! What do you look for when you want to try a new song for a performance? Like, what does the song have to be to meet your performing style? Something witchy. Doesn't really matter to me if the energy is low or high. Within the performance and the circumstance, the energy will be determined right before going on. All of the things I perform -- be it a lip sync, a poem or me singing live -- will seem like a spell. 
My character is a witch stuck in the 90s. So you see, any song works. it's really more about the look for me, and the story I'm telling. I perform mixes as well. I'll reveal more about myself in the further questions. I mean, *POOF orange smoke*
The spell is already cast! So Suburbia, where is your hometown? Dare I ask, are you from the suburbs?
The Suburbs in the Midwest. Wisconsin. They're mostly all the same. What was your impression of life there? I didn't exactly have an impression. However, my reality was interesting. I didn't exactly live how I wanted to live. I just lived how I knew how: extracurricular activities, Boy Scouts, church, bonfires, tennis, North Faces, catty lovable neighbors that get your mail when you go on vacation. Once I actually figured out how I wanted to live, I saw how I was living and had impressions of where my life would go. How did you want to live? In the city! With a dog. As an entertainer. I also wanted to be a Disney character, but sadly that was not a reality. That's when I looked to all of the queer movies. Then I learned about community.
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So when did you make the trek to NYC?
When Jermaine Dupri told me.
He’s an influential man. What did you find when you got here? I found Fashion Week and the giggery that came with it. I'd go to school, create spells, go to Fashion Week and these shows, and be at the parties in ridiculous D.I.Y.-wear. Eventually that part of my life made it on all the MTA buses advertising Humans of New York. When Brandon asked me who I was that day, I said, "The Sultan of Wisconsin." It might've been because I'm actually a witch of Wisconsin. That’s when I really learned about the power of social media. He posted that pic, and everyone had something to say.
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[from Humans of New York]
Did you become a more powerful witch when you got to NYC? Yep. Spells for days once you live in the Apple. Spells on the MTA clerks, spells on the baristas, spells on the traffic lights. It's Basic Witchy, til you've been waiting 15 minutes for a frappe.   With those little moments came the other witches. Over those moments you see eye to eye, maybe share a ride or a coffee or a laugh, and then POOF you're singing Ertha Kitt in the shower and wondering if you should be a drag queen or a witch. I chose both.
You choose fabulously! Please teach me your spells on the MTA clerks someday.
You'd have to witness me cast it in order to acquire the knowledge of the spell.
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When did you start performing as Suburbia? After I decided I didn't wan to be Fritto Lay. Another wise choice.  Who were the first queens and queen-adjacents that welcomed you into this world? Rify Royalty, Elizabeth James, The Nobodies (Lady Bearica, Ariel Italic, Eric Shorey), Ruby Roo, Ragamuffin, Nancy (one of the security guards at Metropolitan Bar), Blue Hawaiians and taxi drivers that tolerate my witchiness. What do you think of the Brooklyn scene these days? Has it changed since you got here in any huge way? It's still great! And yes and no.
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That's fair! You perform a lot there, but you also do stuff in the Village. And you just twirled for the Hell's Kitchen children at Marti Gould Cummings' Hardware show recently! Is that a very different crowd than what you’re used to?
I loved performing there. They're just as amazing as the humans in Brooklyn. The main difference in the audience was that they were all seated. They have many rectangular blocks for the audience to sit on. It looks a little similar to Barracuda. The best part about the night was doing drag suicide. We could have gone on all night.
I am such a drag suicide junkie! 
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Okay, let's talk about where we can find you these days...  Last Tuesdays of the month, you're at Sing Sing Ave A in the East Village for Fairyoake! I know queens who love hosting karaoke and those who have hated it. Where do you stand?
I love karaoke. I love encouraging people to sing. Working at a karaoke bar does things to your brain. All of those screaming voices. Blahkalashabakala. So many spirits reaching for the right notes and to unleash what’s within: creative blocks, writer's block, bad week, haircut that didn't go so well, losing a job, getting a job, holiday doubts, the fact that it's the end of the day, and let's not forget... getting married. There are never lost voices or poor unfortunate souls when I'm hosting a karaoke gig! *cough, cough* stolen voices.
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And pretty recently, you and Lady Havokk host “The Most,” a Friday show at Macri Park that stemmed from a viewing party of Drag Race. How do you like WERQ-ing every week with Lady & DJ JCLEF? I love those two. And we love Macri Park. We've been working together for about 6 months now. We actually do lots of numbers, sometimes a drinking game.  The crowd is always cute It's a happy hour time slot, 7-11. Goes from chill to lit very fast.
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And for two weeks now, you've been hosting a brand new Sunday night solo show at Rockbar in the West Village, “Let's Have a Croissant!” Do you really bake croissants every night for your audience?
I'm getting there. I have to start baking them the night before instead of he day of, lol! I love Rockbar. I love working a bar and connecting with the people there.
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And you'll be at the 3rd anniversary of everybody's favorite Brooklyn party, “Straight Acting,” at Metropolitan this Thursday! 
I'll be performing at the door.
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And I see you'll be at “Sinner's Kit Kat Cabaret” on October 19th at Bizarre!  Are you gonna be doing a more burlesque-centric number there? Yes ma'am! Very dark.
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Amazing! So what else is up?
I just finished shooting a movie in Westport, CT  called Batsh*t Bride. You can find it soon on Hulu and all the other channels. I'm a supporting actress. I play a queen named Pandora. The title tells half of the story! I guide an uptight human into not being a bitch to the humans anymore. I also help get her to tell her fiancé that the wedding is off on April Fools Day. And that's all I'll say until you go to Netflix! Maybe in the spring or summer, I think. The director’s name is Jonathan Smith.He had produced and directed two movies that are findable for your readers: Breast Picture and The Worst Year of My Life.
Uhhhhhhhh Mazing! Cant wait to see it! Okay, final question: this may be redundant to ask a witch drag queen.... but what fo you wanna be for Halloween? Sextina Aquafina from Bojack Horseman. Or one of the Orca Stripper drivers of Cabracadabra from Whale World, on Bojack Horseman. You thought I was gonna say witch didn't you? Nope. It's some sort of marine mammal. From Bojack Horseman.
That will be a sight to see. Thank you, Suburia!
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Thee Suburbia hosts “Let’s Have a Croissant” weekly Sunday nights at Rockbar (10pm) and karaoke monthly last Tuesdays at Sing Sing Ave A (10pm). She co-hosts “The Most” with Lady Havokk at Macri Park (7pm). Check Thotyssey’s calendar for other scheduled gigs, and follow Suburbia on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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