#but i think there's also a lot to dissect about this
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0neir0z · 2 days ago
severance 2x07 thoughts, hella spoilers as usual
okay i normally do funny haha no context thoughts but i didn't have them this episode really. just a lot of thoughts about gemma. i love gemma. (also like yeah mark is hot but ive been on that train it's wtv.)
i get sort of analytical w it but im not really an analyst. i am simply yapping.
a) the association with gemma and spring is my favorite thing ever and the imagery is so so beautiful.
b) what the Fuck are they doing with her down there oh my god. let her ouuuuuttttttt.
c) with the way that severance has dissected and implemented race as a construct in this world what they're doing with her down there is soooo sooo terrifying. like genuinely the letter writing scene is something that rattled me deep in my core in ways that i think the milchick kier portrait thing has done for others. the concept that lumon is taking this asian woman, a character established to have had a lot of her own agency, but struggles with her bodily autonomy (attempts and failures with pregnancy) going through lumon for treatment, and severing her. not only severing her but teaching her innies that she is subservient to the extreme traumas that they're putting her through in those rooms. dressing her up in outfits like a doll. one of those traumas being this submissive traditional wife to a domineering white husband figure, forcing her to say that she loves him, Knowing her outie has a husband but insisting she belongs to the men at lumon. that they are entitled to her and the love (servitude) of her innie is so unsettling. ms casey is a caretaker, forced to take the traumas of others while ignoring her own. to be saved by her white superiors, to be owned by them. it's so scary.
this contrasts her relationship with mark where there is very little of this known racial dynamic in their relationship. he falls in love with gemma because she's gemma and doesn't really base it on what she could be doing for him, or what he thinks she Should be doing for him.
ntm severance is science fiction and dystopic, this depiction of east asian women is a known trope. it is techno-orientalism at its core and the show is Aware of this. it uses the way that asian women/femmes are treated in media as a device. ms casey is supposed to be treated like that not because the show wants you to think that that is how it portrays asian women in this world but how it comments on the way that lumon (corporations as a whole) still treat and percieve asian women in the workplace. and how the white men at the top of the company will never deconstruct this mindset in themselves because they're benefitting, they'd never need to.
d) dichen lachman has the facecard of all fucking time my god
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ladykatibeth · 3 days ago
Thinking about the poor girl with the paper bag thing—a lot of people just call it generic evil or “splinter of coldness,” but I feel like its interesting to explore what kind of coldness this likely was.
I don’t think Daniel is necessarily very sadistic—his worst flaws are the result of his insatiable curiosity. What makes him a black hole. He’s more exhilarated by solving/uncovering things than he is by any destruction that occurs as a result of him solving/uncovering things.
I think that he wanted to know if she’d really be willing to do it—and how far she’d be willing to go with it. I kind of think he assumed she’d backtrack before it got to that point. I also think he’d have felt just as sated curiosity wise if she’d backtracked, or been fully into it, because her distress wasn’t the point, knowing her reaction and follow through ability was the point. Which is why he does feel guilty about it.
It’s still extremely fucked up, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a specific kind of fucked up he has in spades and informs his characterization. Whenever he’s pushing someone to the point of cruelty or crossing lines in interviews the goal is always knowledge first.
If this is the case it’s also interesting that Armand pulled out this tidbit—considering he’s essentially doing what Daniel did to that girl to Daniel, on a larger scale. He’s rooting through Daniel’s mind and pushing him to the brink physically and mentally mostly to dissect him psychologically. Some of it’s pure sadism—but it’s mostly for knowledge. Armand wants to see what makes him specifically fascinating, but even their cruelty is quite similar.
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anord · 2 days ago
ANORD: A Dissection.
This is just explaining how Anord as a character works. There will most likely be a sequel to this.
it is long, but it is worth it,,,, PLEASE READ IT I BEG
thank you
and without further ado, I present: I have been thinking about this guy for almost a quarter of my life wowza
For this to make sense you have to realize that there are thousands of people named Anord/Chaos (if you didn’t know- “Anord” translates to “Chaos” in Irish. A lot of character names/funky words I write are just google translated Irish, so if you want some more context, google translate it!!)
Today we are talking about the Anord you all know. 
Confirming this now: HE IS NOT HUMAN, HE IS NOT A GOD. Technically by this Daisy’s House lore requirements he would be considered a false god.
Anord is an entity made out of this green goopy stuff which SHOULD have a name (like how God Blood is called Ichor sometimes- i need a cool name like that!!) but for now it is just called Pure Chaos because that’s what it is! 
It is concentrated chaos. If something unexpected happens, it generates this energy called chaos. Whether that’s spilling milk or assassinating the president, it’s considered chaos.
Anord is MADE ENTIRELY of this stuff. He has no blood. He has no bones. He has no heart. He has his body of chaotic energy that he has collected for a LOOONG time. 
Time is weird in this universe, so please keep that in mind if you’re like “how is that possible??” with any of this stuff. We’ll get into Anord’s association with time soon
PURE CHAOS: its properties are strange. It’s almost the consistency of oobleck. It’s not quite liquid, not quite solid, depending on the concentration. This is why anord’s body is mainly solid!! Pure chaos is constantly shifting and changing, and can be manipulated by some. For now, only Anord has the power to manipulate it, but IF YOU WANT TO MAKE CHAOS OC’S PLEEEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT IT*!! Pure chaos is made by any living and non living being. So if the wind knocks over a flower vase, that is considered chaos. Storms are a great cause of chaos. It is not always man made, but it is most often made by humans. Pure Chaos can technically be harnessed and used by any being!! It is open for anyone to include this into their lore!! PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT IT THOUGH bc I don’t want to be the source of mary sues!! It can be powerful, but it does have limits!!
Anord’s main and practically only motive is to cause chaos. Why? Because he’s made out of it!! It makes him feel good! It’s a necessary part of his life! No chaos, no Anord. If he does not absorb enough chaos to sustain himself, his body will start to slowly eat at itself and disintegrate. This is why he is often shown to be malnourished and skinny (this is also due to other mental factors). 
This is why he likes hanging around Rose. He doesn't love her. HELL, he HATES HER!! He only sticks around because she’s easy to manipulate and is a great source of chaotic energy to feed on. 
Do not think of Anord as a human full of sin or a god above man. He is a parasite. He is a powerful parasite. He’s a selfish adrenaline junkie that wants to wreck everything and everyone.
Anord and Time have a strained situationship. 
Anord - the body - is a fairly recent form created in the year 2000. Again, it was created out of Pure Chaos and can switch to different forms. More on that later.
Anord - the mind - was born long ago. I cannot talk about this due to spoilers!! 
Like I said before, there are thousands of Anords. One of these is the ACTUAL God of Chaos. They started the Earth. They are the cause of every single chaotic event in the history of the planet. They caused the Big Bang. Chaos created the universe. Before that, it was bleak nothing. Chaos (the god) created humanity indirectly. They created everything indirectly, really. Almost as if they built the track, the marble, and the hand and whispered to the hand to push the marble down the track. ANYWAYS Chaos (the god) likes to basically sponsor humans. Ever since humanity was made, there would be one human that would cause chaos that would catch the god’s eye and they’d basically attach to that human and watch them live, influencing their actions subtly. The Anord (mind) that you talk to every day was one of these humans long ago. He was the last.
The first was Eve. So technically speaking Anord is trans. I said it it's canon.
(Diversity win! The one that will destroy everything and everyone you know and love is genderfluid!)
Every time one of these humans would die, another would be born. This also goes for other gods in my universe.
So technically Anord as a whole has existed since day 1. Actually, a little before that.
Anord (mind) that you know is not that old. He is very young compared to the other souls in that vessel.
You heard me right. Every single person that Anord (the god) has overlooked is inside Anord (the vessel). Anord (the mind you know) is the one who talks the most as he is the one who created Anord (the body). Anord (the mind) had a different name when he was a human but he does not like to be called that. Treat it as a deadname. 
So not only is there Anord (the one you know) but there is Anord (Witch from the salem trials) or Anord (participant in the Boston Tea Party) or Anord (in his world war two era)
Basically if you can think of any time period, there is an Anord alive somewhere either chilling or fucking someone’s wife. 
So now that we know more about Anord’s mental insides lets learn about his physical insides
Bro has no bones 💀
Pure Chaos is VERY hard to control. He has to have conscious effort to keep his body in human shape. When he’s not doing well, a lot of the times he locks himself in his room because he doesn’t have the effort for all of his cosmetic details (he goes bald :hearts:)
Another thing is that pure chaos HURTS LIKE HELL when you want to change forms. Imagine staying in one place for so long and then you have to rip all of your atoms away from their spot and rearrange them into something new. Yeowch. 
His body can be in 3 states basically.
FORM 1: goop
Jello + honey texture (thick and not opaque. Jiggly.)
Tiny (could fit in your hands if you cupped them together)
Adorable (just a little guy)
Nonverbal (Its mouth can only eat)
Really likes milk (it makes him grow)
A small little slime guy. He slides around and bites ankles. He only goes into this form when weak/wounded because he heals faster. This is what his form looks like when he doesn’t force it into human shape. 
FORM 2: egg
Human shape (from the outside it looks absolutely normal)
Literally just skin and outside bits (like eyes and teeth)
Just goop on the inside (no bones, organs, blood, nothing)
Green on the inside
He is in this form most of the time lately. I call this the egg form because he’s just a shell with slime inside. You can tell if he’s in this form if he bleeds/spits/cries green chaos goop. This form occurs when he puts all of his effort into his outside appearance. Why would he need to waste brain usage to form organs and bones and such when nobody’s gonna see that? He can function without those things. 
FORM 3: ooo you wanna be a human sooo baaad
Human shape
Has organs and innards and everthing
No green anywhere (except his eyeballs)
This is the form he’s mainly in when he’s strong enough. Basically an asshole human guy.
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belowtheworldin80days · 2 months ago
feeling weird about americans flooding xiao hong shu because a lot of the viral posts that i've seen online have an undertone of asian fetishism to them mixed with treating chinese people like zoo animals doing a trick
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mollysunder · 5 months ago
The one thing I don't understand about the theory where Piltover and Zaun are teaming up to fight Noxus in the end, is why are Vi and Ekko flying towards Jinx's supposed airship if they're on the same team? Why does Vi NEED to confront Jinx in the middle of a warzone?
We see Ekko in garb that looks like he's on Jinx's side, but we mostly see him with the Firelights in those scenes, and they not decorated in Jinx's colors. Even minor background characters that are on Jinx/Sevika's side have a pink X on the right side of their chest. The Firelights are completely free of any graffiti or markers that would identify them with Jinx, and Vi is in an enforcer uniform. We don't see any other Zaunites in the crowd, but for some reason Vi and Ekko are centering their concentration on Jinx.
I think what's happening is that Ambessa's forces are fighting against Piltover's enforcers, but Jinx isn't helping, she's taking advantage of the chaos. Jinx is probably in Piltover to do something big that Piltover can't defend against since they're preoccupied with Noxus. Jinx will probably think the fight between Noxus and Piltover is the best opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Vi and Ekko will probably object, they'll say her plan goes too far, and it'll get people killed. The whole scenario will probably be a more extreme mirror to whatever the Silco flashback will reveal about what went down on the Day of Ash and why Vander tried to kill Silco, except this time with magic.
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genericpuff · 1 year ago
vent post
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#and before anyone who hates my shit says “yeah because you ARE a loser way to have self awareness for once”#i promise you this would be me with or without the LO fandom LMAO#anxiety is a hell of a thing#and as much as i internally guilt myself into thinking it would be better if i just shut up and hid away forever#i also know that's the trauma speaking because the adults around me always told me to shut up#and even as an adult i still encounter people who talk over me and make me feel like i'm not allowed to be outspoken#but the pen is mightier than the sword and all those years i've spent being spoken over i've been honing my penmanship#i have fun talking about the things i talk about and i don't have any less right than anyone else to do it#i am cringe and i am free#self post#vent post#altho on another note i do wanna make time this week to go find new series to read#too many of my favorites have turned to shit and it's taken its toll#i KNOW there are better comics out there that are genuinely well made#i already have a few that i'm reading that i love but i need to balance out the good with the bad more lol#i just need to take the time to go find good stuff instead of pouring so much of my attention into the bullshit that doesn't deserve my tim#i think both things can be true#i can have a lot of fun dissecting and writing about series i don't like#while also nourishing myself with good works that restore my faith in this medium#“perfectly balanced as all things should be”
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chaika-jpeg-shitpost · 7 months ago
Joseph, just like Chika, had someone weak and helpless in his care. However, when the threat of death from starvation drove him into a corner, he refused to abandon the one he promised to protect. Unlike Chika
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yeonbam · 3 months ago
People who wonder why Jack is so sensitive about Joke’s constant theft to get his way, even if it is for Jack, forget that one of the main prejudices against economically struggling classes of people is that those from privileged classes look at them with suspicion of crimes like theft literally chronically.
And Jack is the kind of person who is extra hard on himself because of the things he doesn’t have and he wants to escape this ‘othering’, this dehumanization of sorts, by using with what he has— his skills and knowledge, i.e. socially acceptable means.
This aversion to theft is seen even in Tattoo’s mother when she chastises her son for stealing from Boss despite how much they are literally suffering because of him. To escape prejudice against poor people being inherent thieves, they have to be ten times better than the average person, can't be immoral the same way the rich are, or else their suffering magically becomes "deserved" because they're not "good poor people."
YET, the complexity of this othering is so deep that even wanting to be self-reliant is frowned upon, as you see when Joke’s Dad criticizes Jack for being ‘poor but proud’ to want to give his grandmother the best medical treatment.
The reality is, the source of this ‘pride’/self-reliance, is literally… never having anyone who will help you out of your situations. Boss helping his grandmother with medicine was literally a scheme to use her to control Jack. And help for the hospital bills came at the price of his life and identity in the hands of Boss.
The first time Jack got help for his dream was from Joke and it ended in the shattering of his hopes due to betrayal and being almost involved in theft— of all things.
Jack is the amalgamation, of all these expectations from others and from himself. He is simultaneously inclined to be the perfect ‘victim’ and the saviour who, having lost his own childhood, wants to give all the things he never had to the children. It is going to be a chance for them and a second chance for himself. He formed this idea when he too was just a baby.
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crystallizsch · 2 months ago
another sleep deprived moment: i read jade leech as “jamil leech” goodbye im going to sleep
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chiropteracupola · 1 year ago
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And you would not believe me if I tried / To tell you all the things I've seen / And all the places that I've been / So pour the hall another cup of wine...
[a cei for @mortiscausa’s ’march to camelot,’ for the prompt ‘kinship’]
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months ago
when will Catholic Instagram influencers realize they can’t “sis you are infinitely worthy” their way out of everything
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storm-and-starlight · 2 months ago
wow goddamn got called "fucking stupid" for pointing out that I feel like Sanderson's register got significantly modernized in later books on that post like. my guy. what the hell. you literally could have just blocked me instead of insulting me if I said something you didn't like anyways I'll say it here loud and proud I fucking hate Sanderson's writing and I mostly only read his books bc he's good at plot and cool worldbuilding
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sysig · 1 year ago
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Haha, this Winterkov stuff is fun- where did all these other feelings come from (Patreon)
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st4rstudent · 1 year ago
i think mac should open up brians dumb little fishbowl head and scratch his brain as a treat
not taken into account is the overwhelming urge to study whatever his brain is. however in order to do so a removal was in order...
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here's two other doodles from another idea i had that i think you can appreciate
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delicateconstitution · 1 day ago
like... As we know (as foretold in the legends of syd...) i really am on sort of a terrible little streak with characters rn (i keep calling it The Misogynist Plinko) but it Definitely ties into an already overarching pattern for me, which is an affinity for "turning the tables", so to speak. a common expression of this is where, when it comes to prideful little fuckers, it's a given that i want to essentially Take 'Em Down a Notch, y'know, reversing a sense of prior assumption (often to surprise/embarrassment) and having the character realize they actually enjoy (even if in a guilty pleasure sort of way) a flipped power dynamic by someone else taking the lead instead
and that actually very easily extends to characters i like recently who are, say, entitled/womanizers/handsy in that way (yet are often otherwise sort of pathetic and physically frail rather than intimidating...) only in a slightly different scenario
since it's my controlled fantasy and all, with these guys, scenarios can often start off with imagining something that could be scary or volatile if you thought about it — or at least something that would be unappealing IRL, even if just due to the sheer audacity — such as the aforementioned concept of Getting a Little Handsy Over There, but then ISN'T exactly, for a few reasons: 1. it's make believe land so i get to say what happens next, 2. since i am here thinking about the scenario, it isn't Actually unwanted and this is all part of my enjoyment, and 3. after that i can go, Haha, that's real cute you terrible little man! But if we're going to play that's Not what we're doing :) and then i Contemplating just ending this post with "and then i explode their penas" which made me laugh so Yeah sure then i explode their penas 👍
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months ago
What's your favorite part of the writing process? Do you plan out pretty extensively or just see where it takes you?
I'll answer the second question first, which is that I do a mix of extensive planning and improvisation, kind of depending on what stage of the writing process I'm at, as well as how emotionally inspired/passionate I am at the time of writing.
I've found that when I'm very inspired, the ideas come to me in a flash, and as long as I just keep writing them down they keep coming in a cascade that lasts pretty much as long as I have the energy to keep typing. I don't need to plan anything out because my brain is moving that fast that I can come up with a whole plot line, a solution to a plot hole, write a very emotional scene, etc in one go. I think those moments of pure inspiration are one of my favorite parts of writing because ordinarily (both in writing and daily life) I need to think things over quite extensively before I feel comfortable making decisions. Basically, have you ever been playing a game like Tetris or Candy Crush where you make the perfect move that causes half the objects on the screen to blow up at the same time and give you a ton of points? My moments of inspiration are basically the writing equivalent of that.
However, outside of those flashes of inspiration, I definitely rely a lot on planning things out before I can go. I don't want to say that I can't improvise, but I think in order to improvise, I need some sort of foundation of definite/concrete facts of "this is how the scene starts, this is how I want the tone to be, this is what they talk about, this is how it ends" before my spontaneous thoughts can fill in the meat on the bones. I think I sometimes enjoy planning more than actually writing LMAO, because I just enjoy lingering in the realm of possibility and imagination before I have to actually sit down and commit to a single set of ideas. Actually writing out the rough draft can be pretty arduous at times, since it involves so much deliberate thought and nitpicking detail that I often feel (as in the case of the recently released Ch 2 of Every Thawing Heart) like I lose the passion near the end of completing a new fic update and end up operating purely on logic, skill, and craft rather than feeling emotions. Still, it's really nice to have such a solid foundation in planning out my chapters and knowing exactly what, when, how, and why to write something, that I don't even need to feel happy/inspired/creative and can still get a lot of writing done just by following the outline I made for myself. I can trust that creative!passionate!Squiggle knew what she was doing when tired!bored!emotionless!Squiggle is slogging through the rough draft and just wishing it would be over with, lol.
On the other hand, I would also say that a lot of my ideas that go into planning come from gut instinct intuition, and there's a lot of times where I put things in a fic/chapter outline and don't really know why it works or why I want to write it that specific way? That is, I know intuitively/in my heart why a sensory detail or plot point is important way before I understand logically/in my brain what purpose it serves in the narrative. I think becoming skilled in writing, ime, just comes down to trusting in your intuition and understanding that spontaneous inspiration and careful planning go hand-in-hand.
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