#but i still feel awful.
pencilmint · 24 days
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Sunset in Shinjuku
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 28 days
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The dog days are over.
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dappy-dappernette · 3 months
I keep on hearing people go all "The voice of the Smitten is such a creep. All he wants in the princess is someone to control and keep as a pretty object. He'd drop the princess if she wasn't the perfect petite maiden like in the damsel route." and I will not stand for the Smitten slander.
Like- He's been in love with her as a burning corpse ghost lady:
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A terrifying ghost woman who wants to bring fear and chaos to the world:
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And even a murderous blade monster woman who would kill you and enjoy every second of it:
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Like, he ALWAYS loves the princess no matter what she looks like or how she acts, he loves her for being herself no matter what or who she is. That's the point of his character and I'm tired of people slandering my boy.
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collieii · 1 year
someone probably said this already but in spiderverse i think it's interesting how when pavitr was first introduced everyone thought something bad was gonna happen to him bc of how confident and optimistic he was. and then in the actual movie we see that something bad was supposed to happen to him (police chief dying!) but it doesn't! miles stops it! and miguel berates miles for this, says it's going to cause the universe to collapse or whatever.
there's this idea that tragedy is inherent to spidermans growth, and while it's true that some spiderpeople learn important lessons through loss, no one stops to ask, is it really necessary? yeah, maybe the chief was supposed to die. but why does spiderman have to be formed through tragedy? why do we (as heroes) have to let people die? pavitr didn't lose anyone, and he's still a good spiderman! maybe, if he doesn't suffer, he'll end up better off for it!
so while miguel is arguing for all this big picture stuff about saving the multiverse he's lost sight of what it really means to be a spiderman, he's not looking out for the real individual people. yeah it's just one person who would die, but that one person means something to someone. shrugging and saying "stuff just sucks sometimes, we can't do anything about it" is the opposite of what superheroes do. pretty obviously, miles arc is also a reflection of the struggles people face in real life, working within unequal systems, where it's easy to shrug and say "that's just the way it is" and not ask "but why does it need be this way? can't we do something about it?"
miguel is arguing that you can't have your cake and eat it too. presumably, miles and co. are going to find a way to get around that and change things for the better (and maybe that's why miles has that line about two cakes in the advisors office!)
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ninyard · 5 months
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exy fans + Twitter (the au where andreil gets outed)
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bunnieswithknives · 26 days
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Thinking about his brain
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
Please intentionally attempt to see the magic in everything. Everything is magic, even if you understand the "boring" reasons why things happen. Look at the magic in growing plants, the magic of your muscles flexing and retracting, the magic of your eyes and skull, the magic of a cat's purr.
It's all magic. Understanding the "why" is just understanding what makes things magical, it doesn't change that it's all significant and magic.
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anne-is-confused · 7 months
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Captain Francis Crozier, at Furthest North.
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featheredadora · 1 year
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melancholic-pigeon · 9 months
Just to be extra clear—when I talk about how raging antisemites/bloodthirsty tankies/Glorious Revolution LARPers etc are "supposed leftists" or "shitty progressives", I don't mean it in a No True Scotsman way. I mean that our movement is, unfortunately, beset with members who claim to espouse certain views (compassion, truth, justice, kindness, the bettering of the human condition) and then act in a way that is vicious, conspiratorial, unjust and cruel and explicitly crow about their desire to make things worse for humans (but it's okay because they're the BAD humans, see)
It's not that shitty leftists aren't really leftists. It's that shitty leftists' actions contradict their stated morals and they're really, really bad at furthering the goals they claim they want to further.
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wasyago · 1 year
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so, would you?
nothing important under the cut, you don't need to look haha
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purpleelephantsocks · 4 months
Oh god, oh fuck, oh no; the parallels between Jean at the beginning of tsc panicking and telling Wymack "I want to go home" and Jean at the end of tsc falling apart after finding out his baby sister has died, telling Neil the same thing.
"I want to go home."
He is only nineteen
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tea-tuesday · 3 months
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a month left and i'm not panicking (i am)...! sorry to juxtapose beautiful flowers with a cursed picture of memorizing crim at like 3 am lmao. hope everyone's having a lovely summer and good luck to those who are also studying over the summer ! summer study squad🌞📚, let's go!!! may we be blessed with good grades, passing scores, and a stress-free autumn🙏
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bixels · 4 months
Bit of a weird question, but what is your overall least favorite thing about MLP? 
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drathe · 1 year
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the cycle
Enver and Urge had really shitty childhoods ngl
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gummi-ships · 3 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - San Fransokyo
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