#but i specifically started reading a bunch of books about it because of him
copiawife · 6 months
it's funny that i've always had an interest in the black plague but once i headcanoned it as being one of copia's interests i started reading tons of books about it and just trying to learn more ;-;
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ghostkidet · 4 months
Something positive for this blog: I finished writing my prologue yay me !!
#now we move only act one#I feel my author voice isn’t the best and I DO struggle with like idk uh setting#I often just straight into yapping and forget to set where the characters are but!! but!! I feel like everything reads casually which is#nice in my opinion I wanted things to sound as though you were listening to a friend recount a story#😄👏🏽 now my pacing from here on out is what I have to watch but!!! I’m SO excited to get to the main characters new actual love interest#going to go absolutely feral over them#he was just supposed to be a graveyard keeper who smokes behind a specific grave but then!!! I thought hey hey hey what if he fell asleep#by the grave and she covers him 🥺 yeah my head liked that a little too much cause next thing you know I’m imagining her waking up in his bed#golden like peeking through his blinds 🫢 I have a section in my skeleton document that’s for scenes I like to include#tell me why I wrote 2000 in detailed scenes of just him#👏🏽 I even gave him a cool biblical name cause his father is the priest of the church where the graveyard is#and !!!! yep nights ago we watched clue and I had a FANTSTIC idea of a date for them that involves well#it’s a book about a murder mystery so it’s a murder mystery inside a murder mystery#and!!!! they leave the party early together because she solves it and realizes soemthing important about her own mystery and then#like two reckless kids they head back to his cabin and 🫢 cue her waking up in his bed#I should NOT be writing this many spoilers but I’m!!!! so lost in the sauce#okay bye 😭#oh yeah I also wanted it to feel kinda dream like and gloomy because this !!! is all based on a very vivid dream I had a few years ago#I’m hoping to one day publish a bunch of my dreams as short stories 😄 the oldest one I have is probably 2015 when I started my dream journal#okay now by e
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
Can we get a yandere baker x reader pls?? 😭🙏 Thank you for your good stories like always
Thank you so much for your love. I hope you like this fic.
Yandere Baker
Requests are open !
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• You got a new job. The same boring sitting in your cubicle and working on a screen. But the best part about your new job is a Bakery near your office.
• You were a regular customer there since the starting of your job as you have a strong sweet tooth. And on top of that their baked goods are so delicious that they are your new addiction now. They make the best pastries according to you.
• You go their everyday even on weekends as your house is near the office for their sweet treats that now the owner of the cozy bakery is your friend who always greets you with a cute smile. And not to forget that the baker himself was a treat for eyes with his apron, good looks, messy hairs and a boyish smile.
• Yan baker who has been owning this bakery for quite some years and is always busy with many customer. But you ... You are just awesome. The way your eyes sparkle while looking at all the baked goods kept at display, the way your face is glowing with a happy smile and vibes when you take the first bite of your pastry. This all makes him fall for you like a crazy.
• He always gives you freshly baked treats for free saying you are his "favourite customer."
• Always give you discount saying that this is for their all regular customers when in reality such thing doesn't exist.
• When he gets to know you love a specific pastry always make sure to bake them for you often even though it doesn't sell much.
• Bakes the most beautiful looking and delicious cake of your favourite icing and toppings for your birthday as a surprise.
• He loves weekends more because you stay at the bakery longer sipping coffee, reading book while enjoying coffee due to no office.
• One day you didn't came to the bakery which was very unusual so he goes to your house with a box of your favourites only to find out you are sick. (Yes this man and you spend time and talk so much in bakery that you both know a lot about each other even address. It's like you are best buddies.)
• Upon finding you sick he takes care of you and cook for you. This man's cooking skills are fantastic just like his baking skills.
• Names his new pastry after you. And also to mention that you were the first one to taste it.
• Yan once heard you saying that you wanted to learn baking one day. So after few weeks this man opens a baking class for afternoon weekends just for you to join. Tries his best to make you join his class.
• You asked him how all of a sudden he started classes. He only replies with "I love baking and I wanted my afternoons on weekends to get occupied by something".
• He is the happiest in the class teaching a bunch of people because you are their and his baking. His favourite person and thing to do of his under one roof.
• You and him would enjoy doing baking while dancing, singing to the music put on after class. (Some Kind of your own personal baking class 🤭). Yan would just stare looking at you doing all this thinking he is so lucky to even be near you.
• This man is so badly down for you. Your one smile or compliment on his baking he would becomes a puddle of blushing happiness .
• After mustering up enough courage he finally knocks at your door holding your favourite cake in his hand freshly baked by him and a question written with icing on it "Will you go on a date with me? Yes or absolutely yes"
• Well after all how could you say no to such a tempting offer including a delicious cake with a good looking baker holding it, right?
Requests are open!
Part 2 :
For more yandere reading:
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radioisntdead · 6 months
Hey! I really liked your headcanon about Alastor. It’s got my imagination running wild >_< What do you think about a romantic! Oneshot with Alastor where everyone can see the results of the biting game on both us and Alastor (assuming we both break skin and leave marks). I’m not sure how Alastor would be caught without his coat on, much less with with short sleeves… maybe a spilled drink on a hot day. But I keep imagining this scenario:
Angel: Asks Alastor if he had a rough night after seeing his arms covered in bites (assuming rough sexy time)
Alastor: Responds yes (remembering how he got cornered and couldn’t get away because using his shadows to escape is against the rules of the game)
Angel: :O
Good evening my dear! Thank you so much for requesting this I had so much fun writing it and I'm so glad you liked my Alastor biting headcanons!
And because I positively adore and I am mildly obsessed with deers I think that's why I like Alastor so much? The reader has deer attributes like Alastor Specifically whitetail deers because apparently they can jump eight feet in the air! And the reader jumps a bunch, reader is refered to as Prancer by Angel, I'm not gonna lie I had no idea how to end it so the ending is rushed! and everything is a tad bit messy, my apologies, Full italics is a mini flashback
Biting, the drawing out of blood, the reader's blood is a vibrant pink for fun! Angel dust alluding to sexual acts, Still getting used to writing Alastor so once again leaning into fanon and possibly some OOC behaviors.
not proofread because I don't have a beta reader, Enjoy!
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The two of you hadn't meant to get so carried away, it started out peacefully enough, you and Alastor were just laying on couch he had in his radio tower, it was later in the night, you suppose it was just past midnight,
He was looking over papers with whatever radio nonsense on them for tomorrow's broadcast, and you were peacefully reading a book with your head on his shoulder, with soft jazz playing in the background, your jackets were hung neatly on the coat rack, a warm cup of coffee and a nice soothing [Drink of your choice] sat on the desk.
It was treasured peaceful moment, until your beloved strawberry-flavored Bambi decided to ruin it by picking up your arm and biting into it like it was beef jerky and looking like someone had shot him with a tranquilizer dart,
You sat up quickly, your arm still in his grasp, eyes narrowed at him as he pulled away from your arm, licking away the escaping blood like the little cannibalistic freak he is
"Alastor, My darling dear, why are you like this?"
You ask with an exasperated tone as your dearly beloved just kept a smug grin on his face and patted the sides of his mouth with a handkerchief he had gotten from hell knows where,
Sitting up, you blink slowly before immediately pouncing at the Radio demon, your own sharp teeth bared and ready to bite only for your beloved deer to move out of the way and quickly moving behind you as you fall face first into where Alastor once sat,
"Ah, you have to be quicker then that my dear!"
He said with a laugh before turning around to grab his coat, clearly not expecting you to stand up on his couch like a uncivilized heathen and jump on him managing to knock him off his feet? Hooves? Whatever he has and sink your teeth into his exposed neck.
And so the game begun with the both of you biting each other.
Unfortunately this little game of yours comes with consequences and what are those consequences?
Well for starters Alastor's coat was now stained with noticable pink blood [From you of course who else!]
Bite marks littered his arms from your chompin' down, not to mention you had bitten his neck! scandalous behavior!
You weren't much better with bite marks though not only on both of your arms but shoulders, and hands, hell he almost bit your face and he would've if you didn't headbutt him!
You had grabbed his coat along with a few other articles of blood covered clothing you gently folded and placed them in a bag to take over to the drycleaners, honestly you could probably get the blood stains out with cold water but neither you nor Alastor had time for that and while you adored Niffty you did NOT trust her with washing some of the articles of clothing that you had, so the drycleaners it was!
Alastor was up in his radio tower doing a broadcast while Everyone else was scattered through the hotel, notably Angel dust and Husk were chatting about something at the bar as you walked by it you gave them a quick wave.
"Good afternoon you two! I'm heading to the drycleaners if anyone asks."
You said as you quickly made your way past the duo, making a swift plot convenient exit.
Angel dust raised an eyebrow as he briefly caught the sight of teeth marks on your wrist from the exposed hem of your sweater.
"Eh, didn't think they had it in em' to do anything beyond handholding"
"They don't, Probably they probably bit by that fucked up creature of theirs."
Husk said sliding a glass over to Angel who shrugged before downing whatever liquid was in the glass.
Alastor had entered the bar area, after a couple of minutes later, wearing a red button up and vest, the same colors as his normal attire, he had rolled up his sleeves during the broadcast and unfortunately forgot to unroll them to cover the bite marks on his arms,
He missed his usual attire but unfortunately it was gone with you for the foreseeable future.
"Oo, Rough night freaky face?''
Angel dust joked wiggling his eyebrows as he swirled whatever alcoholic drink Husk had provided him while Husk shook his head while wiping a glass.
"Yes, I suppose you could say that."
Alastor said his smile tightening as he recalled you cornering him in the Bayou in your shared room, Alastor wasn't the type to run away typically, even less the type to give up easily even to his beloved spouse,
unfortunately for him though,
The little game of yours had some rules, such as no leaving any marks on facial areas, No tearing off any chunks of flesh {Gonna love having a spouse with cannibalistic tendencies}, and No using any type of power the two of you had, which means good ol' Alastor couldn't use his funky lil' shadows
And that made him more vulnerable to his deranged spouse's tackling strategy.
"Alastor get out of the tree,"
You had no idea how you ended up chasing your spouse into a tree, you don't know how he even got INTO the tree, but he sat upon it kicking his legs back and forth like a gleeful child, staring down at you, for someone who's a deer he's oddly cat like,
You sighed turning around and walking away as your beloved laughed in taunting tone
"Running off so soon dearest? And here I thought you- aCK"
Alastor was cut off by you running back, hurling yourself off the ground and tackling him like a feral flying squirrel onto the ground.
Blinking away at the memory Alastor returned his focus to Angel dust's gobsmacked expression that turned into a grin as he laughed while Husk moved further into the bar shaking his head.
"I was jokin' around, but sounds like you and prancer actually got freaky!''
"Pardon me, we w̸̧̢͉̦̟̭̪͕̉͘ḩ̷̛̛̤̬͖̿͆̈́͘â̸͔͔̣̊̿ẗ̴̖̦̆̔͛̿̎̾̆̚͠?"
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Thank you for tuning in folks! My apologies for the messy one shot, but I have a Vox x reader that's almost done that's more put together, and a more put together Alastor fic, Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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ur-dad-satan · 8 months
How the brothers would react to a F!MC wearing a slutty dress.
For the record, clothes don't make a person slutty, it's a feeling/vibe that this MC exudes in this dress specifically. 16+ please. Luci-Sat <3
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Lucifer was working on some student Council paperwork in his office when he heard a knock on his door. He tried to ignore it and work, but the person knocked again. He sighed and let out an annoyed "come in" only to see the residential human enter in a scantily clad dress that looked absolutely sinful.
"My my, what's all this about?"
His work is almost completely forgotten about.
His attention is on MC.
"Where do you think you're going?"
MC's answer won't matter though because he'll just say, "no you're not."
"And you're gonna stop me, you workaholic?" And they'll try to leave.
They'll try.
The door will magically close, and Lucifer will somehow appear behind them.
"What makes you think you can show that much skin?"
MC calls them self's a strong independent adult and they can dress like a slut all they want.
That's not the answer Luci was looking for.
"If you want to dress like a slut, then I'll treat you like a slut."
Rip MC's ability to walk.
Mammon was wandering around the house aimlessly when he found himself outside MC's room. He shrugged and decided to go in. Unfortunately, as he often forgets to, he didn't knock. Barging into MC's room and closing the door, he didn't really pay attention to MC's embarrassed face until they cleared their throat.
"... MC what are ya wearing?"
His face was getting redder and redder by the second.
MC will explain that they were trying on clothes, but Mammon was barely listening.
His eyes raked over their body. He couldn't believe they were in something so... So-
"Fucking gorgeous,"
MC laughs and seemingly finishes getting dressed.
"Wait wait wait wait wait... WHERE THE HELL ARE YA GOIN' DRESSED LIKE THAT?!" There it is.
MC's response falls on deaf ears and Mam decides to lock the door.
He's not letting this slide. He gets extremely close and grabs MC's arm.
"If yer gonna go out, you're gonna have to change, and I'm goin with ya."
MC's protests are drowned out by Mammon's lips.
"You only dress like that for the Great Mammon, understand, human?"
MC was trying on a bunch of new clothes they recently got when they got a few texts from Leviathan. In rapid succession, MC was told to come to Levi's room immediately. It wasn't an emergency, but they needed to come right now. MC rolled their eyes and went to see what Levi needed so badly. Leviathan, however, didn't expect the outfit MC was in.
He doesn't notice it at first but when he does, he lights up like a tomato.
MC tries to explain what happened, but the nerd started babbling.
MC decides to tease him a bit and asks if he likes it or not.
They strike a few suggestive poses and laugh a bit when his face burns brighter.
"O-of course I like it!! But... I... I don't want a-any of my brothers to... see you looking like this."
Oh, his envy overtakes his shy and nervousness. MC loves it.
"Call me selfish all you want, but I don't want to share you."
MC won't be leaving Levi's room for a while...
Satan had just gotten back from a local magic bookstore with a few books he wanted to share with MC. He thought that they could read books together and maybe have a little tea or a snack while they read. When he made it to MC's room, he knocked on the door and waited for MC to say 'come in' even if it was distractedly. He saw them and almost dropped his bag of books.
"What's the occasion?"
MC explained that they were trying on new clothes and particularly liked this dress.
"It is a lovely dress, a bit scant though, don't you think?"
MC spins to show off the full outfit before starting to say not really.
Satan appeared behind them. Where'd the books go?
"Let me rephrase that,"
He would wrap his arms around MC's waist, gripping tightly as if to say, 'you're not going anywhere.'
"I love this dress on you, but it's oh so slutty. You should be more selective of who sees you in this."
MC loves how close he is, and he isn't even doing anything.
MC asks who should be able to see them like this, blush spreading across their face.
"Only me. If you want to dress like a slut, then I'll happily treat you like one without hesitation."
He punctuated his words with a kiss to MC's neck.
RIP MC's ability to walk pt. 2 (electric boogaloo)
30 notes and I'll do the rest
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3liza · 4 days
Do you write? Where can I read something you wrote? :)
I'm really bad at updating my CV so I'm forgetting a lot of stuff but I wrote for most of the main "gaming news and journalism" websites during the 2000s and also worked on Unhallowed Metropolis the TTRPG in a bunch of roles, including a chapter in the soucebook. one of the more recent ones was Headcase which was an anthology by Oxford Press, which was an honor, i think it was about queer mental health? also my book Problem Glyphs has an essay in it, that's sold by Strix (publisher). I had some stuff in Thick As Thieves in Seattle that I was proud of but fuck that paper it was run by a psychopath. uhhhh I unfortunately started a short fiction series with Warren Ellis way before all the reports about him came out, called Deep Map Pilots, I think some of that is on this blog and searchable. Cafe Racer Anthology about Dune called Dune, I'm not sure if it's searchable or purchasable. I was in Lightspeed Magazine's special issue (or maybe it was another anthology) called Queers Destroy Science Fiction. Short story in Conclave Journal's 2010 or 2011 issue.
i'm a shit promoter of my writing honestly it's not really something I have been actively pursuing recently because it pays peanuts and I just haven't felt like writing as much as pursuing other stuff. i really only publish when someone asks me specifically or contacts my business manager lol. I've been thinking about trying to find a publisher for a poetry chapbook I've already completed and formatted but the poetry market is...well it's exactly what you would expect. borderline impossible to publish, much less sell, unless you have some sort of brand name going in, which I do not, at least in a way that would help sell poetry.
i started a short story I really liked based on the Clarksworld published list of "most common words used in titles of stories submitted to Clarksworld Magazine" more as a joke than anything but I've been thinking about cleaning it up and submitting it. it was kind of an exercise in "how do I take these extremely worn out title words and do something I think is fresh with them" and sort of as a little joke to submit to them. i think it's probably something they would maybe consider printing if the issue was right for it, I'm not sure though.
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ravenromanova · 10 months
I don’t like gifts
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Parings: Loki x Female reader
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE!!!! Master kink, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Oral (m and f), Squirting, Praise kink. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18+!!! Slight angst with happy ending, Fluffy Loki.
Kinkmas masterlist - Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!
~ You smiled as you put the finishing touches on the final gift for your team. This specific gift though you spent extra time in picking out and wrapping wanting to make sure it was perfect. Granted the person it was for didn’t like gifts and thought the whole holiday was stupid. But you ended up getting him some nonetheless because he deserves something nice.
Once you finished you put all the presents in a bag and headed to the living room. The sounds of christmas music and laughter filled your ears as you walked into the room. There sat your family, the people who you loved more than anything sitting around the fireplace. Smiles adorned everyone’s face as they exchanged gifts and shared stories. The only person you didn’t see though was Loki though which wasn’t surprising but still a little disappointing.
“Heya sunshine!” Steve beamed as he walked up and took the bag of presents from you to help you. “Are these for the whole team?” He asked a little shocked with how much you got everyone.
“Uh yea i might’ve gone a little overboard” You responded a little sheepishly. Steve sat the gifts next to the tree where Tony and Pepper handing out gifts to everyone.
“Might’ve is an understatement sunshine” Tony chimed in as you sat on the couch next to Wanda. You smiled shyly as Tony started handing out the gifts you got for everyone.
Bucky got two new knives and a book about astrology. Natasha received a new thigh holster and gun. Wanda got more of her favorite painting supplies. Vision got a book called “emotions for dummies” which everyone found hysterical. You got Clint new arrows to which he thanked you profusely since Kate lost all of his and you also gave him gifts for his family. Peter got new comic books. Steve got a new sketch pad and pencils. Kate got a new super suit and Lucky got a pizza toy. Yelena got three bottles of vodka and a knife. Tony and Pepper got an all expenses paid trip to cancun for a week. Morgan got endless barbie dolls and stuffed animals. Thor got ten big boxes of pop tarts. Bruce got a new lab coat and a bunch of sciencey books you didn’t understand. Pietro received three hoodies and new running shoes that he’d been wanting for a while. You also got the guardians and Carol gifts but they weren’t on earth right now so they get them when they came back. And last but not least you got Loki a first addition of pride and prejudice, two new knives with gold and green details engraved, a new journal with feather pens and a soft dark green blanket.
The reactions everyone gave to their gifts made your heart grow three sizes. Pretty much everyone gave you a hug… even the bionic staring machine which took you by surprise. And on the flip side you got more gifts than you thought possible.
Tony gave you five grand in cash. Pepper got you a huge basket of self care goodies. Morgan gave you multiple drawings of you and her doing her favorite things together. Nat and Wanda gave you a spa gift certificate claiming you need to relax more. Vision gave you the new pots and pans set you’d been wanting forever. Clint and Kate along with his family got you a puppy you named “Lucy” and some new hoodies. Bucky gave you a knife to which you both laughed. Bruce and Steve teamed up and got you atleast fifteen books. Thor gave you endless sweets and candy. Yelena gave you five bottles of your favorite liquor. Peter gave you a new supersuit that him and Tony designed specially for you. Pietro thoughtfully got you some soft throw blankets, slippers and a new stuffed unicorn.
Needless to say by the end of the gift exchange you never felt so loved by everyone. The night ended around one am when everyone decided to head to bed. But fortunately for you this was your time to give Loki his gifts. You knew he was more than likely hiding out in the library not wanting to deal with humans and their stupid holiday. So once everyone bid goodnight you gathered his gifts and headed to the library.
And of course when you entered the library there he was in all his glory. He was sitting in the bay window is the library reading a book with a slight smile on his face. The light of the moon hit his face lightly and made him look even more ethereal than normal.
“Hey Lo” You said softly as you approached him with all his gifts in hands.
“Hello” Was all he replied with making you frown a little.
“You weren’t at the gift exchange “ You stated with your brows furrowed causing him to look up at you.
“That is correct” His voice was gruff as he spoke making your knees a little weak and your heart sped up.
“Well i know you think this holiday is dumb but i still got you some gifts” Your words caused him to raise his eyebrows at you and scoff a little.
“I don’t like gifts” He said as he closed the book and turned to fully face you. The way his eyes bore into your soul made you even more nervous about giving him the gifts than before.
“Yeah well i still got you some so deal with it” The sassiness of your words surprised the both of you. He smirked and nodded his head a little telling you to hand him the gifts. You swallow your nerves and hand him the wrapped gifts with shaky hands.
Loki takes the gifts and starts unwrapping them one by one inspecting each of them as he goes. You watched as his eyes lit up as he ran his fingers across the lettering on the book, how he moved the new blades in between his fingertips, his fingers grasped the dark green fabric of the blanket and he smiled softly, and you swore he giggled a little at the new journal and pens.
“I take it back” He said suddenly as he looks at all the gifts. “I love gifts” The smile that adorned his face made your heart melt.
“You like them?” You asked nervously. Loki then stood up and took your hands into his and his blue green eyes stared into your soul.
“y/n i love them” He said honestly and you smiled brightly at his words. His hands moved up your arms and then cupped the sides of your face. “Tell me if you want me to stop” He whispered as he leaned in.
“Dont stop” You whispered back looking up at him. That was all it took for his lips to crash into yours and bring you in for a bruising and passionate kiss. The both of you simultaneously moaned at the taste of each other.
You were so caught up in the moment that you didn’t even notice that he teleported you two to his room. But eventually you had to come up for air which is when you finally realized.
“I like your room” The words were soft as they left your lips. Your eyes scanned his room and you took in the dark green couch, extremely soft looking bedding and the ancient paintings that adorned the walls. The room was decorated just like you thought it would be.
“I think you’ll like it a lot better on my bed” His boldness made you weak in the knees and arousal pool in between your thighs.
“I think i would too” You said with a smile as you climbed onto his bed. “Oh yea this is definitely better” Loki smiled as he watched you sprawl out on his bed.
“You most certainly belong there pet” His voice was low and his eyes darkened as he slowly crawled on top of you. “Such a pretty pet” He cooed rubbing his calloused fingers over your cheekbones.
“I need you” The pleading look in your eyes made his cock stir in his pants. He then flicked his wrist and suddenly you were fully naked underneath him.
“I’m going to ruin you for any other man” He husked in your ear causing a shiver to course through your body. His rough hands trailed up and down your body as he admired your beauty.
Loki slowly cupped your face again and brought you in for a much more passionate and loving kiss. He snaked his hand in between your thighs as he kissed you making you moan in his mouth.
“So wet for me” He kissed below your ear before he sat on his knees and looked at your pussy with desire. He smiled again before he decided to get comfortable in between your thighs.
Your brows furrowed in confusion . “W-What are you doing?” Your voice was laced in nervousness as you looked directly into his eyes.
“I need to taste your pet” And without any further explanation his tongue darted out and licked a bold strip asking your folds.
“Oh god!” The sensation of his warm mouth on you made your back arches off the bed and your eyes shut in pleasure.
“As much as i love hearing that title fall from your lips… it’s master to your pet” Your eyes snapped open at his words and you nodded your head in understanding. “Words pet or i wont touch you” He commanded bringing his free hand to grip your chin.
“Yes master” A smile quickly over to his face as you spoke and that was enough for him to dive back in. He spread your lips and started sucking on your clit like a man starved.
You threw your head back on the pillow feeling overwhelmed but in a good way. The sensation was something you’ve never felt before but welcomed it with open arms. The way his tongue lapped the bundle of nerves make you reel in pleasure.
“I-I’m gonna cum master” The words were broken as they fell past your lips.
“Cum for me pet be a good girl and cum” He commanded and before you even registered his words he was shoving two of his thick fingers in you.
“OH FUCK!!” Your hands flew to his raven locks and pulled for dear life at the intrusion. His fingers curled as he thrusted them into you and hit your g-spot deliciously. Before you could speak again your felt your orgasm rip through you and you came all over Loki’s face.
Loki smiled as he came up from between your thighs and he licked his fingers clean. “You taste as delicious as you look pet” His praises made your heart speed up again and another wave of arousal hit you.
“I wanna taste you master” You pleaded sitting up on your knees and moving your gave up and down his body. “Youre wearing too much clothing” You whined as your snaked your hand under his black t shirt.
“So eager to please” He smiled as he flicked his wrist again and he was naked in front of you. You couldn’t help but marvel at the god in front of you. His tanned skin, rippled abs, thick thighs, and not to mention his pretty cock. Never in your life did you ever find a man’s dick attractive but holy fuck his was perfect.
His hands on your cheeks brought you out of your trance. “Go ahead pet make your master feel good” His gruff voice was enough to send you over the edge again. You simply smiled at him and changed positions so he was laying against the pillows.
Once he was situated on the against the pillows you settled in between his thighs but not before kissing all over him first. Finally you got settled and sent him a devious smile. At first you started slow with some gentle kitten licks and kisses all up and down his shaft making sure to pay attention to the thick vein running from base to tip.
“Fuck” You heard him moan when you finally took him into your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down and luckily your gag reflex wasn’t a problem. “Just like that baby” He groaned and you hummed at the new nickname falling from his lips which in turn make his cock twitch.
You continued sucking him like a lollipop which caused a series of moans and profanities fall from his lips. Suddenly his hands were in your hair and he pulled your head up.
“As much as i’m loving this is much rather cum in you than your mouth my dear pet” He said softly rubbing his finger over toe bottom lip.
“Please” You begged him sitting back on your knees and then slowly crawled on top of his lap. His hands found home on your hips as he helped you straddle him.
“Gonna make you feel so good” Loki said with determination along with his signature smirk.
“Please master” Your begged again as you lined yourself up with his aching cock. That was all the go ahead he needed and before you knew it he was slamming himself into you.
“Oh gods” You moaned throwing your head back in pleasure. Loki gave you time to adjust to his size before he started thrusting into you.
“So fucking tight” He groaned squeezing your hips harder. Your hands flew to his chest and you held on tight as you rode him. Never in your life had you felt this full and satisfied. And now that you’ve had a taste of what being with him was like you knew you couldn’t be without him again.
“Fuck Loki i’m gonna cum!” The moan that escaped you was nothing short of sinful.
“Cum for me pet” He demanded as his thrusts became harder and rougher. It didn’t take much longer for you and him to cum with loud and pornographic moans. Loki came and filled you with every last drop of his seed till there was nothing left.
“Oh fuck” You said breathlessly as you collapsed onto his chest. “That was fucking amazing”
“Agreed” He said rubbing his hands up and down your back in a soothing manner.
“I dont want this to be a one time thing Loki” You admitted still laying on his chest not wanting to look him in the eye.
“Who said this was a one time thing darling? Who said i wasn’t planning on keeping you here forever?” He said as he brought his fingers up lightly from your chin and look up at him.
“Really?” The question came out more insecure than you wanted but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Really” He brought his hands to your face again ava kissed you passionately. It was that moment you knew he was the one for you.
“I love you Loki” You smiled brightly as you held onto his face.
“I love you too darling” He responded with so much passion and love in his voice something you knew was only for your abs that made it that much better.
Shortly after the both of you fell into a blissful sleep wrapped around each other. Content smiles adorned both your faces as you two slept. Neither of you thought you end up here when you first walked into the library tonight but couldn’t be happier that it did.
~The end~ A/n: I GOT WAY TO CARRIED AWAY BUT OH WELL!! i hope you enjoyed by first loki story ;)
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darkcircles4lyfe · 8 months
This doesn't have anything to do with anything, but i had a talk with a friend a few days ago, about shonen biasis and the way this shapes our expectations, and mha came up so i remembered how so many people apply those biasis HEAVILY into the manga, to the point that they sound like they're looking for a different story.
And one of those things that it seemed to be MOST talked about is exactly bkdk's relationship.
I have seen many times people from the fandom (sometimes really angrily) point out how in most cases Katsuki seems to basically take up not one, but four roles in Izuku's life and this includes putting him in situations that people associate with the MC's love interest, and it is weird that, despite Izuku "having a girl" for people to make assumptions about, he seems to completely repulse any female character that could be the counter part to Izuku's.
And this made us wonder if Katsuki's placement in those roles and lack of interest was made specifically because the author precisely did not want the actions that both do for each other as romantic but a whole another thing entirely, as a subversion for the these classic tropes, as he did by making the conflict between Ochako and Himiko not a "rivals fighting for the affection of a boy" but something that is connected to the plot of these characters instead.
Oh you bet! I am always down to talk about this, because I think about it a lotttt.
This reminds me, recently I remembered a funny habit I used to have with books I read. Like, back in middle school. I used to start by flipping directly to the last page and reading the final sentence. Usually this did not spoil anything whatsoever, but sure enough, by the time I read through the whole book, that sentence would take on new meaning.
So I started musing about what it would be like if only I could do this with bnha, if everything was already out. It made me feel so nostalgic…
Will the last panel be something grand, or something small? Hopeful or sad? Distant? Intimate? A parting message to the reader? Will it look like almost nothing of consequence to the unknowing eye—yet burst with hard-hitting subtext?
Of course I wonder about all the twists and reveals that might be still ahead of us, but it’s kinda soothing to think about how the whole thing could be put to rest. Because then I realize I’m not worried.
For once, this is not because the story is following so many tropes so predictably that I know exactly, in so many words, how it will end. It’s more like the story is a close friend who I’ve gotten to know well enough that everything they do is so “them” it makes me smirk. I'm often marveling at how Horikoshi has managed to pull all this off. How is it that (at least here in the west) people who aren't really paying attention call it basic and cookie-cutter. Even a Japanese animator called it "classic," and this interview shows such obvious dissonance between Hori and the interviewer, just... wow. But it's so clear that bnha has broken just about every rule in the book at this point, so much so that I struggle to condense it into words. I'm like--*gestures broadly at everything*--why haven't more people picked up on it??
Yet we still get bombarded with people saying "it's a shonen, c'mon, we all know how this will end." Um. No you don't. I KNOW there has to be a bunch of people who are secretly frustrated by Kacchan taking up all the roles and getting all the moments. It's not even in a mysogynistic way, because Kacchan is the most anti-dudebro character imaginable. Bkdk's relationship isn't intended for them and they know it... and you know what, I'm starting to ramble. You've heard all this before. The thing I should really be focusing on in your ask is the part where you mentioned how you and your friend were speculating about bkdk ending up as "a whole other thing entirely" rather than simply romantic.
Well, fuck it, I've been biting my tongue, but now might as well be the time I talk about this. I got into a bit of a disagreement with someone over it once and then I shut up. Because it's very difficult to approach the subject without being lumped in with those people who see bkdk as "brotherly" (ew) or otherwise try to push some "crisis of male friendship" agenda, or at the very least without being accused of enabling people to make excuses against bkdk being canon ad infinitum. So let me be clear that I do NOT want bkdk to have an ambiguous or open ending. I want their complexity and importance to be acknowledged. I want them to use their words. I think we may have created a bit of a false dichotomy there.
I am aromantic, and to suggest romantic relationships are inherently the most important and intimate goes against every fiber of my being. I also reject the idea that cut-and-dry gay representation is more desirable just because it is more easily understood by the masses than aspec representation or representation of relationships "beyond" both romantic and platonic. We recognize how ridiculous it is for people to expect Izu*cha at this point, right? Well, the reason they're so confident anyway isn't just because of heteronormativity. It's also because of amatonormativity, the assumption that romantic attraction trumps all: no matter how much focus bkdk get, Izuku blushed at Ochako, so that automatically makes them more "important." THAT is the notion that I want to challenge most. More than anything, I want bkdk's relationship to be fully acknowledged because they have so much more going for them than just attraction.
You and your friend make an excellent point, that it would be very much in line with Horikoshi's taste and the patterns of his writing so far if he chose to subvert the shonen romance trope not just by giving it to two boys, but also by disregarding its premise entirely. It's unlikely he'd try to stuff them into such a copy-paste ending right at the end.
So maybe they won't get the blushy confession, the obligatory kiss, the wedding, the 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. That's fine, we shouldn't pretend those tired tropes are suddenly revolutionary just because they're gay. But don't be disappointed! Without them, we have more room for things that are actually personally meaningful to bkdk to stand out and receive the nuance they deserve: talking through their feelings openly, building each other up like no one else can, understanding each other like no one else can, smiling at each other, embracing, holding hands, rushing to the other in the hospital, being glued at the hip (or even closer), healing mutual trauma, putting each other first in all things. Maybe we'll also get confirmation on Ochako's side as she moves on from her crush on Izuku. You know what other shonen manga took this exact angle as a way of subverting tropes and presenting genuine complexity? Blue Flag! There are so many ways to do bkdk justice.
Even a kiss isn't out of the question, if the right opportunity comes along. A perfect example of what I'm talking about is Good Omens (major season 2 spoilers) because the kiss between Crowley and Aziraphale was not at all about canonizing them. It was an expression of pain and desperation that just made sense at that particular moment. Neil Gaiman was adamant that if it took that kiss to understand the context of their relationship, you really weren't paying attention. I respect the hell out of that.
Recently I was even daydreaming about bkdk getting something similar to the sort of uh, shall we say tasteful nudity, that togachako got, because of how Izuku appears in the vestige realm.
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Ya know like not in an nsfw way but in like a "this is so deeply intimate and soft that I feel like I'm intruding" kind of way... yeah. Because it represents vulnerability and openness and acceptance of someone as they are. And I don't care if people call that bait. It's not. It's beautiful. It’s honest.
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mixelation · 4 months
Official Plasticity + AUs Masterpost
Okay folks! Here it is. A masterpost for the Toriverse. I'm going to add it as a link in my header for easy access. Apologies that this is about as confusing as some comic book series. If you are new, scroll down past the cheat sheet for a more in-depth explanation.
plasticity - og fic (tag: #fic: plasticity; chrono; #plasticity art tag)
mutagenicity/"reborn au" - the time-travel style one where everyone is reincarnated as their old selves (tag: #reborn au; chrono; #mutagenicity art tag)
toxicity/"reborn au au" - the AU of mutagenicity where obito is also reborn (tag: #reborn au au: it's gotten sillier; chrono)
(a)synchronicity - the one where plasticity!tori time travels to the third shinobi war and stalks minato (tag: #asynchronicity; chrono)
sasori girls - sasori has fans! (tag: #tori 'if there must be sasori girls i think i should be the main one' mendoza; chrono)
torito/kakashi - In which Tori and Obito are both awful people, and Kakashi experiences some sort of wild Cyrano de Bergerac situation (tag: #torito/kakashi; chrono)
social media au - social media inexplicably exist in the plasticity verse. tori starts a true crime show. (tag: #tori 'ring that bell' mendoza; chrono)
velocity - aka "speedrun au" - a mutagenicity AU where tori ends up in Konoha at age 8 instead of 12 (tag: #speedrun au; chrono)
#toriverse (chrono) - i am working on tagging all posts in all aus this. there are a bunch of rando posts about tori that don't fit specific aus, and i think it will make tori content easier to blacklist. However, I only started doing this recently, so there's a backlog of posts not tagged yet.
also, it's about magic eyeball biology is now tumblr-only
A longer explanation of this mess for new people:
NOTE: I am providing links to both the standard tag and the chronological view ("chrono") option. This will show posts in the order they were posted, which is NOT necessarily the order than things happen within the AU. Chrono is, AFAIK, only available on desktop. I turned off infinite scrolling, so make sure to check for a NEXT button if you reach the end fo a page. Use this if you are new, or else you will only get a mess.
Plasticity is the OG fanfic. Read it AO3. Here's a summary:
plas·tic·i·ty /plaˈstisədē/ BIOLOGY the ability of an organism to change its phenotype in response to changes in the environment PHYSICS the ability of a solid material to undergo permanent deformation, a non-reversible change of shape in response to applied forces In which a biology student falls face-first into the Naruto universe and becomes... well, we won't say villain quite yet.
Plasticity follows the misadventures of the OC/SI Tori, who is meant to be a 2010-era "girl falls through a plot hole into the Akatsuki lair" OC but played (relatively) straight. For posts related directly to the OG fic, use the tag #fic: plasticity (chrono). I also have a dedicated art tag: #plasticity art tag. Plasticity also has some little one-shots with it in its AO3 series.
A couple years ago I started posting about if Tori was a reincarnation style OC instead of a "fell through a plothole" one. However, I didn't want to undo all her characterization, so this AU is about if late-game Plasticity!Tori and the entire Akatsuki were "reborn." It is functionally a sequel that start as a bunch of random tumblr posts. The OG name of this AU is "reborn AU" but its series on AO3 is titled Mutagenicity. Reborn AU and Mutagenicity are used interchangeably on here. The dedicated tag is #reborn au (chrono). It also has an art tag: #mutagenicity art tag.
Reborn AU excludes Obito because Obito ruins everything. However, worry not! We now also have Reborn AU AU, aka Toxicity. Toxicity is the same premise as Mutagenicity, except Obito is also there, and he makes everyone around him worse. The tag is #reborn au au: it's gotten sillier (chrono).
Also within the Mutagenicity 'verse (sub-universe?! what have i done) is Velocity, aka "speedrun au." This one happened because I thought to myself: "What if someone caught Tori [spoiler which makes no sense without context]?" She ends up in Konoha at age 8 rather than 12, hence "speedrun." Focuses on the Uzumaki-Namikaze family. The tag is #speedrun au (chrono).
The final "big" AU is (a)Synchronicity (often shorted to "async"), which has maybe the most embarrassing explanation yet. For unknown reasons I became fixed on Minato. I started posting ideas for Minato/OC concepts and at least one person asked for Minato/Tori, and obviously I couldn't not do it. This one is about late-game Tori accidentally time traveling back to the third shinobi war (this time in her adult body!) and becoming fixated on Minato after he is vaguely nice to her one (1) time. Not on AO3 yet. The tag is #asynchronicity (chrono).
Some smaller AUs:
torito/kakashi - As part of his incredibly homoerotic Kakashi fixation, Obito sends Tori in to ""investigate"" Kakashi's sexual prowess. Tori is lying to both of them and having a GREAT time. A fine and healthy relationship dynamic. The tag is #torito/kakashi (chrono).
social media au - YouTube and other types of social media inexplicably exist in the Plasticity 'verse. Tori starts her own ninja true crime show and it spirals out of her control to a full-Akatsuki ordeal. The tag is #tori 'ring that bell' mendoza (chrono).
sasori girls - the context for this one was i was wondering about if missing-nin have fans the way IRL serial killers do, and then i decided sasori is DEFINITELY popular because he's pretty. then somehow tori got involved as someone fascinated by fan content and also someone who knows sasori personally. the tag is #tori 'if there must be sasori girls i think i should be the main one' mendoza (chrono).
it's about magical eyeball biology started as a tag where i debated ninja alt eyeball biology, and at some point i wrote a fic about tori discovering it. this was meant to be a funny AU unrelated to the "canon" of any other AU. however, i removed it from AO3 because people kept commenting about it on an unrelated fic and it super annoyed me. Read it here on tumblr.
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obbystars · 1 year
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what I think the brothers would get if they went to a Dunkin Donuts (from a person who works at a Dunkin) + some other shenanigans if you worked there
Lucifer just gets a singular black coffee. Sometimes with an espresso shot if he really needs it.
Mammon strikes me as the type to get something fancy, like one of the signature lattes. Maybe a macchiato or a cappuccino.
Leviathan just gets one of the sodas we have available like pepsi, coke, or sprite.
Satan feels like he’d get a coffee with a side of milk (for the cats). The coffee is usually either black or with a splash of milk.
Asmodeus gets a Dunkin refresher and a donut with sprinkles. Majority of the time, it’s strawberry. If he’s not feeling the refresher, then hibiscus tea.
Beelzebub buys the entire menu (if he could). He’d definitely buy a few (all) of the sandwiches.
Belphegor usually goes with Beelzebub and just heads to the nearest open table to nap on. He almost never really orders as he just has whatever Beel gets him, but when he does, it’s a hot chocolate, apple juice, or orange juice.
and now for the shenanigans
Asmo comes by to visit the most. He gives a hello kiss and a goodbye kiss every time, and he will not leave until he gives a goodbye kiss.
“Sir, we’re closing in a few minutes, we need you to leave.”
“I want my goodbye kiss from them first >:(”
Asmo also sometimes tries to invite the others. Usually this is the only time where Lucifer will actually come by to order something.
Even if Lucifer did come by without Asmo’s invitation, it’s usually to just check on you, buy his coffee, and go back to work. my lucifer simp side of me says he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before he leaves, but that’s just me craving for the man
Mammon purposely takes long on ordering because he enjoys the fact your attention is on him. Of course, this causes the other customers in line to get annoyed. He’ll only cave when you tell him that he needs to order so you can get the other orders in.
“Can you believe them? They need to learn how to be patient.”
“To be fair, we’ve been here for a good few minutes… And I do kinda need you to order.”
“Alright, fine.”
Levi and Satan usually swing by when you’re just about to go on break. It’s like they know. Satan brings a spare book for you to read while Levi seems to have gotten a cafe simulator game and he wants to know if what happens in the game is similar to what you do.
Belphie definitely got a few complaints from other customers about the fact he just went to a table and napped. Beel would eventually have to defend him and say he’s with him. Sometimes the two end up staying until closing time. One of your coworkers likely asked Beel if Belphie was okay as he was probably asleep the entire time.
On the rare occasion that all of them do stop by because they all agreed they should, Lucifer would have to handle the big order and pay for it.
He’d eventually tell the others to go find a table for them to sit at if they all start talking over each other as they give you their order.
Before Mammon goes, he would ask if you’ll be on break soon so that you may sit with them. (then get ushered away by Lucifer)
The moment goes on Asmo’s Devilgram. He’s likely take a whole bunch of pictures, like his order, the receipt, the table with everyone’s orders, and a selfie. A bunch of selfies.
One of your coworkers most definitely asked if one of the brothers was your boyfriend. Your answer is up to you :3c
Diavolo found out about the brothers going to visit you at your job and gets curious, so one day, you see Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer (Dia begged for him to show him) walk through the door. He’s so excited and curious that he has no idea what he wants to get, but eventually settles with a muffin and the new Turtle signature latte specifically because of the fact it’s called “Turtle.”
Diavolo also makes Lucifer buy more than just his black coffee. By more, he just makes him buy the same muffin he got.
“That’s all you’re getting?!”
“This is what I always get when I come here.”
“Nonono, MC, get him the same muffin I’m getting.”
Barbatos is also getting a muffin.
Diavolo also pays.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 8 months
How abouuuuut, a Creepypasta (you can choose It’s okay!!) with a reader that has DID/OSDD? Like, the Creepypasta gets to meet someone new literally everyday and get confused on who is who. YEAH‼️
I am DEVOURING, not eating, DEVOURING your writing like DAMN😦
Just a heads up, I don't have DID or OSDD, but I do have a few friends who do, so i'm basing this off of what I know from them, as well as some reasearch i've done, so if anything is inaccurate please let me know!
And as always when the choice of creeps is left to me, I will be using my most popular creeps at the time of writing
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Ticci Toby
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In the beginning, it is a bit hard for Toby to adjust in your relationship
You told him before you got serious, that way he knew to just always check in to see who was fronting at the time, but he was still a bit slow to adjust
He learns all of the names of the alters, their personalities, their interests, their role in the headspace, anything he can to accomodate them as well
While he knows that he is only dating you, and not your alters, he still wants to help them feel comfortable when they are fronting
After he gets adjusted though, it isn't really a huge deal anymore
It just becomes a part of his routine to ask each morning who is fronting, notice when you start to dissasociate, and being there for you during your hard days
He probably wouldn't have interacted with any media or people with DID/OSDD before you, so he will be asking you everything about what its like
"Where do you go when you aren't fronting? Can you hear everyone elses voices too? What does it feel like when you front?" etc etc
If you are someone who falls or goes limp when you dissasociate/switch, he is there to catch you or hold you until someone fronts
He learns all (well, as many as you can) of your alters boundaries and lets them know on your relationship, because he doesn't want it to be a whiplash kind of feeling for them to just wake up in some random dudes arms
The way he sees it, he got a partner and a bunch of new friends for the price of one!!
If one of your alters didn't like him though, he'd be ok with that
It would just be kind of awkward when you start to switch out during something like a cuddle sesh
He just hopes and prays it isn't someone who dislikes him
All around, he's kind of clueless but he is very open to learning about you and your disorder!
Eyeless Jack
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Being the medical geek he is, he has read almost every psychology book he could get his claws on
And when he ran out of psychology books he started looking more into specific disorders such as Bipolar, Schizophrenia, etc
He did briefly glance over a few books about DID and OSDD, and he'd be lying if he said the topic didn't interest him
But he just gets so excited to study everything at once he kind of just gets a brief rundown of a certain disorder before going to the next thing, and someday coming back to study it more in depth
When he gets into a relationship with you though, he gathers up all his books on the topic and begins studying heavily
He wants to know everything about this disorder, especially since it is something that impacts your day to day life so heavily
He will run some questions he has by you, because some things you just can't find in a book
"So when you say you "switch"....what does that entail for you?"
"Uhhh... my mind goes blank and I kind of just drift off I guess??"
He gets very excited to meet your alters!
But he is also very nonchalant about it at the same time??
"And thats when I said-"
"Who the fuck are you"
"....My love, it's me. Your partner"
"I'm (insert alters name here)"
"Ah, very good! Now, tell me all about yourself, when did you manifest?"
Of course, if someone is uncomfortable with relaying knowledge about themselves to a complete stranger, or even just doesn't like him, he understands and won't press on the matter
Every time someone fronts he has a bottle of water in case they need something to help ground themselves
He will bombarde everyone with questions and research there's no escaping >:))
Jeff The Killer
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He's only heard of DID/OSDD from those shitty movie representations, and Liu who 9 times out of 10, only switches with Sully
So basically Jeff's whole perception of multiple personalities is "Damn whoever the other guy is must be an asshole"
You try to tell him that there is not a "killer" alter, and most of the time, as long as you are nice to them, they will likely be nice to you, because yk, THEY'RE PEOPLE
And while at the time he's like "got it that's super chill"
He still goes from 0-100 when you first switch out in front of him
You could be cuddling on your bed, when all of a sudden he feels your body go limp against his
At first he thinks you fell asleep, but he sees your eyes wide open
You then begin to blink, then move around and shift a bit
"The fuck happened to you?" he asks with a raised brow
Your brows furrow as you look around your environment "Who even are you???" the new person in the front of the headspace asks
It doesn't even click with him that you switched out for a second, he just thinks you're being stupid
"Damn, am I really that forgettable?" He asks, leaning over to kiss your forehead
You make a face of disgust and shove him away from you harshly
He narrows his eyes at you, seemingly trying to process what even just happened
Then it clicks, and he feels like such an asshole
But he won't let you know that obviously
"Gimmie my partner back!" he says suddenly
You raise your hands up defensively "Woah dude what are you talking about?!"
Needless to say, when you come back Jeff is pouting in his room, angry that your alter can't just ~magically~ bring you back to the front
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
George Lucas & Karen Traviss' visions of Star Wars are NOT the same...
So whenever I come across this image:
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I keep in mind that it's from a book written by Karen Traviss, who is a brilliant author (I adored Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines and Sacrifice) but whose stance on Anakin, Yoda & the Jedi and Star Wars morality is this:
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As opposed to George Lucas' stance on Anakin, Yoda & the Jedi and Star Wars' morality, which is this:
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In a children's story about Light and Dark, good and evil, selflessness vs selfishness, George Lucas marks the Empire as absolutely evil and the Rebels as absolutely good, in the Original Trilogy.
In the Prequels, the situation is more complex (the Jedi are drafted into a war and forced to do things they know they shouldn't be doing, but have to for the greater good; the Sith bring about order to a corrupt government) but the morality stays the same... the selfish, greedy Sith are absolutely evil and the selfless, compassionate Jedi are absolutely good.
That's George's thesis.
And, as a character, Yoda's function is to deliver that thesis. It's no wonder why Lucas treats Yoda's words as absolutely correct:
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Yoda is Lucas' mouthpiece in the Prequels, his self-insert.
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George Lucas' narrative frames Yoda as objectively right.
So when Karen Traviss questions the Jedi, particularly Yoda's character and wisdom, she's disagreeing with George Lucas' thesis.
Which is fair. Traviss, is a different person than Lucas, she's an ex-journalist with a more "grey" view of the world and a different philosophy re: fiction aimed at children. "Death of the author" and all that. Again, fair enough.
And if you like Travis' interpretation and philosophy more than George's, if her read resonates with you more... also fair enough.
But the EU is not a reliable source on Lucas' vision.
I've talked about this in MUCH more detail here, but if you do care about George Lucas' vision, then maybe don't draw from the Expanded Universe, which includes content written by authors who expressly disagree with him, like Traviss.
Sounds logical, but for some reason people will read the above-posted Dooku quote and treat it as reflective of Lucas' vision, when it's not the case.
George Lucas' Dooku doesn't have an issue with Yoda or the Jedi (at least not openly, as Darth Tyranus, the Sith Lord he wants them all dead). Dooku's issue is with the Senate and the Republic.
George Lucas specifically added that most Jedi share Dooku's concerns. Before he's revealed to be a mass-murdering, Sith who enslaves neutral systems, the Jedi think he makes a good point and are even reluctant to consider him a murder suspect.
But let's not start saying that Lucas' Prequels are meant to be about "the Jedi's failure" and "Dooku being right that the Jedi are corrupt.
Because that's not the case.
If that's how you see them, great. It's certainly how Traviss saw them. To each their own, authorial intent be damned.
But it's not what they were about, to Lucas. Stating the contrary is... I dunno, lying? Rewriting history?
It's as if I got hired to write a Lord of the Rings prequel seen from Gandalf's POV. And y'know what, maybe I don't like Gandalf. So I write him as a scheming asshole going “myahahahah, fuck hobbits! I’m gonna let them keep the One Ring so a bunch Nazgûl will swoop through the Shire and murder them!” and suddenly, everyone starts writing posts about the notion that “Growing up is realizing that Tolkien always intended for Gandalf to be the secret villain of LOTR!” as if that had always been the case and I didn't just reframe him that way retroactively.
Finally, I'd also encourage you to read @rendar-writes' well-made point here about the fact that, while claiming she "doesn't give the answers", Traviss nonetheless shows a clear anti-Jedi bias.
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twst-rose-prisms · 5 months
Twst boys and their respective Vocaloid songs
As the title said, I've been wanting to assign some Vocaloid songs for the twst characters as there are quite a lot of songs that specifically fit them! I'll include some lyrics part as of why I think it fits along with a small analysis + song link! I'm letting my Vocaloid braincells taking over this time hehe 🌹❤️
Shout out to my bestie @twst-megane for helping me out a bunch once again!!
Characters: All NRC students Warning: Some of these songs contain angsty/dark themes or imply self-harm, however it's nothing too much as that's the nature of Vocaloid songs in general and I recommend you checking them out if you guys can!
Part 1 | Part 2
🌹 Heartslabyul 🌹
Riddle: Bitter Choco Decoration
Pretty self-explanatory from the lyrics if you remember Riddle’s backstory with his strict, controlling mother. His entire life up until he became a student has been under his mom’s influence and it ended up him being too strict even to himself and his emotions - just like the meaning of the song too.
“Bitter choco decoration I long for the ideal that everyone wishes for Bitter choco decoration I reduce my individuality and my emotions to ashes Bitter choco decoration Kill your desires and ego, and bury them all underground Bitter choco decoration I've finally grown up, mama” “Surely, tomorrow, and the days after This hell will continue on and on. Alas, so please, just for now Let me keep the feelings I had when I was but a child And be the naked me.”
Ace: Lost One’s Weeping
Being a rebellious person, I’m thinking this song fits Ace the most as it’s about questioning the flawed system, questioning one’s being and purpose and that if we have to keep living under some sort of authority for the rest of our life. As you can already see how he acts in Book 1 towards Riddle - defying authority, questioning it, and being rebellious about it.
“Can you say the formula for area ratio? Can you say the dreams of your childhood? Who threw those dreams in a ditch? Hey, who was it? You know who it was! When are you going to grow up!? What is a grown-up anyway? Do you know who has the answers? Hey, what should I do? I don't care anymore!”
I picked this song for Deuce because of the lyrics, but also the beat and the meaning. The strong, powerful beat with the fast rap part really fit him don’t you think? The lyrics speaks of the struggle of going against the grain and choosing a life of freedom, although it comes with an effort and the ability to face everything life throws at us. We need to take a leap of faith and not settle for anything less than what we truly want, emphasizes the importance of taking a risk and restarting, not worrying about the reason or justifications for doing so, just like how Deuce acts in general with his goal and dream.
"My unseen devotion, sympathy that I don’t feel, and all the things that I can't have What kind of story? Whose story is it? If you don't have something, you'll start to want it, isn’t that right?" "Now, I’ve decided to restart for the first time Just saying “I want to be like you” is all you need, right? Not knowing the reason why, not needing the reason why I'm defying against fate’s rules" "Now, I’ve decided to restart and burst out Just saying “I want to see it” is all you need, right? Let that groovy sound beat, let me hear that heartbeat Since there’s no time to just stand still" "With the tailwind blowing Alright, we keep going forward without looking back"
Trey: Ai no Material
Trey gives me a melancholic, casual and mature vibe, like an older brother who you can depend on anytime and he would give you his usual smile. That’s why I picked this song for him, although he always helps out everyone but I feel like he can be lonely sometimes, like perhaps he would need a helping hand or maybe some support. When I read the lyrics I think of him! I want to interpret it as Heartslabyul to Trey, who’s been always working hard for the dorm, and it’s the message that he might want to hear the most!
"(Jump into tomorrow!) It seems that the stars will fall down. (Always) You wear a sparkling smile. (With a smile) But even if it's hard, you hide the pain away, (Want to meet you) and without showing it, you just laughed." "I always want to smile, after all. It's not hard, so I'm going to try harder! I wonder if I've been embracing such a lie tightly, And kept walking all this time." "Fly up more, higher and higher. If it's you, you can do it with a smile. But it's okay even if it's just a little bit, It's okay to quietly depend on me too." "Words like "I'm alright" or saying "I'm okay", While showing your usual smile. I understand those lies you utter, And that's why I tug on your hand."
Cater: Phony
I know it might sound like it doesn’t fit him but in my opinion, this song sums up Cater as a character. We haven’t seen much of him in actual depth, but I definitely think he has more than he just appears. This song talks about how a person can mask and deceive themselves in lies, they’re aware of it, but they have to put it up in order to meet societal expectations. A constructed image or persona - the “fake” that they created and now they struggle to reconcile with their true self, and I think he is like that as well. (Aniplex please more Cater content for us we're waiting-)
“There’s no flower in this world more beautiful than an artificial one That’s because everything is manufactured from lies Antipathy world” “The rain of despair pelts my umbrella and Dampens my bangs and the hidden side of my heart Oh, it’s all so troublesome” “Before I knew it, the words had already withered The fruit of the truth is ripening within me Painting lies upon the mirror’s reflection, a “makeup” of the loss of oneself” “Before I knew it, the mimicked cries joined the unpleasant chorus Their eyes, leery, are dissolving you I am missing from the mirror’s reflection. There is only a “fake” that everyone mistook for someone else”
🦁 Savanaclaw 🦁
Leona: Meltdown
The song is about one wanting to disappear, wanting to kill their old self and erase everything as if it’s like falling asleep. Though I think this song can be interpreted as having depression - and from what we see going on with Leona, I feel like he does show signs of it, I wish they would dive deeper into his story in Book 2 though! Other than that, I feel like the lyrics in here suit him a lot, especially the “sleep” part in the lyrics.
“I'm like a lighter out of fluid My insides are on fire Sometimes I wish It was all a lie” “I want to jump into the core My memories would melt into brilliant whiteness and disappear If I could jump into the core I feel like I’d be able to sleep again like I used to” “If I jumped into the core I'd vanish, like I had gone to sleep A morning without me Would be perfect All the gears meshing together That's how the world would be”
Jack: Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow
I think this song fits Jack a lot, the vibe is definitely for him but also the lyrics as well. The headstrong vibe, full of uncertainty but also full of hope for tomorrow, despite feeling hopeless at times but what is important is never give up and head forward to the future. The song’s meaning is to convey resilience, independence, and the importance of cherishing the present moment even when you’re uncertain about some things. You could also take this as a JackMC song haha, It just fits him a lot imo!
“I'm a boy who picks out his enemies to fight, Depending on whatever suits my mood. No hopes for the future, I wanted to be drawn in a dream." "And yet I fear the future, Hating tomorrow, wishing towards the past. There's no longer anything I can do, so I shout, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, please, don't come!" "If you want it, then make it come true yourself." Eh... You said that..." "I think about what I want, To go see you again tomorrow night. But I don't know, maybe you won't be there, But even so, we will always be one." "So, see you later, Sky Arrow, let's smile on! I want to be together with you in the future, However short our time may be, so I'll shout out, "Remember this day someday in the future, whoever we are then..."
Ruggie: Moonlight
This song fits Ruggie a lot in terms of lyrics, with numerous mentions of rags and junk and collecting them together to the longing of being your own self instead of being in someone else’s shadow and chasing after them. The singer compares themselves to a piece of junk or trash as they think of themselves lowly, just like Ruggie himself. The mention of moonlight here represents the singer’s ideal that they always chase after, like Ruggie’s life goal. Overall, the vibe of the song fit him a lot! (I recommend checking out the Vivid Bad Squad version too!)
“A collection of junk, Covered with a piece of rag, A replica in a hideous shape Words spun by someone else, Tones played by someone else, A fake made by a distorted collage of them” “Even being junks, even a piece of rag In the blood pumped from its heart There was only my own anger In the end, there must be nothing left Love, spun songs, and my name will one day fade away I wonder why? It's stuck in the back of my chest, A loneliness similar to the silence of a winter night” “Whether or not I'm a fake, Looking back now, there was only Those blurred memories” “The irony of being a waste, I'm trying to get out of the cliché, but "Another rehash of someone else’s work?" "Is even your identity a trick?" "Do you want love, even if you have to steal it?" “Even being junks, even a piece of rag After following the never ending dream I'll find my own light, all the way”
🐚 Octavinelle 🐚
Azul: Delusion Tax
In my opinion, this is the most fitting song I could think of for Azul. As said in the lyrics, we all have desires of our own, and the person (or in this case Miku) in this song is a genie that can grant any wishes, but in the end everything come with a price, anyone who make a wish with her will have to sell a part of themselves. Sounds just like Azul and his contracts don’t you think? But you can also think this reflects Azul’s own desires once you know his backstory too! (and also, check out this amazing art by my bestie! Her art is amazing!!)
“Turning wishes into reality Right now, buy back your future! Afflicted by so badly wanting to do “that”, consumed by desire Come now, let’s go beyond all this pain” “Existing for your sake alone, mandatory affections and obligated kindness Though you should be satisfied, a voice from within shouts “NO!” We have an idiot on our hands, it seems…” “None of it will come true if you don't pay the price Look, just up and borrow the "desired amount" Reality is a bitter-sweet pill to swallow Come now, let’s go beyond all this pain” “That which you wish for, the person you think of, The past which you hate as well, they’ll all be as you like. The kind of face and chest you desire, they’ll be granted if you pay. “It’s a promise”
I feel like the song is pretty self-explanatory, as you can see with the lyrics. It just fits Jade’s job and his approach to the “targets” and lure them into signing a contract with Azul, but it’s probably just more than the said goal… But you can never tell with that smile of his as his “kind” words accompany his looks. Until you realized you fell into the trap and become one of Azul’s underlings due to the contract (at least, until post-Book 3, but who knows)
“Hey, young man who’s hanging his head Did something bad happen? If you’re fine with me, do you wanna talk about it? I can help you What in the world happened? That sounds terrible, brother I'll give you this, so cheer up, ok You can pay me back next time” “So you came again tonight Was it to your liking? The fee is this much Huh? Huh? Huh? So you can’t pay Then it can’t be helped I’ve got the perfect job for you, so come and follow me”
Floyd: Matryoshka
A chaotic, addictive rock song that is very fitting for Floyd. Why though? According to the wiki “Most of the lyrics are nonsensically vague or ridiculous, with a slight hint of pain or sadness, giving the overall song a crazy and psychotic feeling. Therefore, the lyrics have been interpreted in various ways.” Just like the moody guy himself, don’t you think?
“My headache is singing about a package The clock's hand is stuck at 4 o'clock No one would tell me why But the world has begun to rotate in reverse” “Ah, would you please dance even more? Kalinka? Malinka? Just play the strings" "What should I do with these kinds of emotions? Won't you please tell me? The signal reception is good, 5-2-4! Freud? Keloid? Just hit the keys Let's just laugh everything off Hurry up and dance, you group of fools!" "Together let's clap our childish hands To this intentionally deranged rhythm Surely, I couldn't care less about everything The world's temperature is beginning to melt”
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headkiss · 2 years
Hello :) I had two request ideas for Eddie if it’s alright to send them over in case you like them. Either first time meeting Wayne now that reader and Eddie are official or Eddie falling for the girl at the local bookstore and keeps trying to work up the courage to ask her for number so he shows hi every week to buy something but always chickens out until the end.
okay i HAD to go with the second one because yes!!!! i hope u like it <3 | 0.6k words of fluff and shy crushing eddie
The bell above the door jingles everytime a customer walks in. Every time they walk out, too.
You’re used to the sound by now, having worked in the bookstore for a while, but you still look at the door each time the ‘ding’ rings through the space. You tell yourself it’s just a reflex, even though there’s a certain head of curly hair you seem to be searching for.
Eddie Munson sticks out in the bookstore, and yet, he comes in almost every day. He’s the leather jacket among soft, worn sweaters. He looks at you a bunch, yet he hasn’t spoken a full sentence to you.
It’s Sunday when he comes in again, an arm from outside—one of his friends, you guess—pushing him through the door and Eddie stumbling before catching himself on a display table.
“This time,” he mumbles to himself. You don’t hear it.
His crush on you is almost embarrassing. The first time Eddie walked into the bookstore was with Dustin, the boy searching for some science book he couldn’t remember the name of. Then, Eddie saw you and he just kept coming back.
He was taken from the start. The cadence of your voice when you’d tell customers to have a nice day, the soft smile you’d give them, the way your hair fell to frame your face when you’d bury your nose back into whatever book you were reading.
When he walked up to the register with Dustin that day you’d greeted him by name. You knew him, probably from school, and he couldn’t believe it. Surely he’d remember you.
He could barely get out a ‘hi.’
Since then, he’s spent weeks coming in, swearing he’d get your number, saying about two words to you, and leaving embarrassed and empty-handed.
Today, though. Today, he’d ask you and be his usual, not awkward self. He wouldn’t walk up to the counter and then find himself tongue-tied. He wouldn’t pick up a random bookmark or magnet that was right next to checkout and pretend that’s the reason he went into the store. Not this time.
You grin at him when he walks in and he swears he can feel the warmth of sunlight at the sight.
“Hey, Eddie.”
“Hi,” he waves, quick and stiff. He curses himself for it.
“Looking for anything specific today?”
“Well, um, no,” he fights off a wince. Never in his life has he been so affected by another person, so nervous. “Not really.”
“Maybe I can recommend something?” You offer, sweet as always.
“Okay, sure.”
He stands in the same spot while you walk out from behind the counter. He tries to be covert in the way his eyes scan your outfit, the way your sleeves cover your hands, the way your jeans are cuffed to show your docs.
He tries but you notice, and it warms you all over.
Ever since school, you’ve heard the things people have to say about him, the rumors and comments. You knew damn well he didn’t deserve any of it, you still know that now. He’s sweet, and though he hasn’t said very much to you he’s never been anything but kind.
Plus, you’ve seen the way he interacts with Dustin. There’s no denying how good he is.
His eyes follow you when you go in search of the book you had in mind (you’ve been thinking about it a lot), but he stays rooted in place until you come back.
“Found it,” you say, walking back to the counter.
“Great, thanks.”
“‘Course. You sure you trust me?”
He smiles then, small and shy but a smile all the same. “Yeah, I trust you.”
You ring him through, your fingers brush when he takes the book from your hands. It feels like startdust spreading over his skin.
“Thank you,” he says.
“Anytime. Tell me what you think, okay?”
An opening, a reason to come back once again.
Back at home, Eddie flips through the pages and finds a scrap piece of paper tucked between them. On it, a phone number is written, your name signed beneath it with a smiley face and a heart.
Today was the day, after all.
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amorganva · 9 months
Just a bunch of random interesting Lies of P stuff I've seen so far because I still love this game:
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So the workshop was established 1868....which means that we're in the year 1889 or around that timeframe based on the grand exhibition signs.
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Apparently Sophia has a diary? and this is the only page: Master Cherry gives the Piece of wood to his friend Geppetto At that very moment a loud knock sounded on the door It was Geppetto, an old friend of Master Cherry. The boys of the neighborhood called him Polendina because of the wig he always wore, which was just the color of yellow corn. He was known to dislike children, and even more so when they called him Polendina.
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on some of the plaques at the grand exhibition
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The Krat k for reference and the devs having fun sneaking pics onto bottles lol
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The music sheet on the piano is the sheet music for the Oblivion soundtrack of the game. I also wonder why P chooses to play that particular piece that he plays as his humanity increases, why is it stuck in your head P?....on to another Carmeo doodle! I mean seriously the first few notes of the Estella Opera theme sound like humanity level 1 P trying the piano....like there's this specific tune in his mind. Like the two used to play together or Carlo the bougie being good at playing would teach Romeo, the kid from the streets. And the whole level P would hear that tune ....operafied and extra because it's Romeo, cmon, but also as a reminder like -Hey...remember, buddy?
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Just for reference purposes, when exported directly, Romeo is a giant at almost 9 ft - while P is about 6'4" when not constantly in battle stance. But Sophia and every other NPC in Krat is also about 6 feet when directly exported so the characters aren't made to scale - youngest of the BRBH is as tall as Sophia without ears. I read somewhere that Carlo is supposed to be around 5'3" on average and 5'6" at the tallest (people being shorter back then etc....our short king) so in my headcanon for my doodles reference I scaled Romeo to be about 5'10", just a bit taller than Carlo. Idk why I make him taller but there's something about his nickname Lampwick which just meant that he's skinny and polished looking in the original context but it got in my head that he's just tall and skinny and I'm rolling with it. Funny that his puppet form is so rusted and kinda clunky and raggedy looking for someone so well put together presumably before he died. The most unruly of Pinocchio's friends but also the nicest guy in this universe--- don't get me started on Romeo again gigachad of a friend///
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Also something you can't really see ingame cuz resolution but irl all records are by Trilogy Records and Feel in particular is "Song of Vamp, Rosa Milan" ....no clue what it means.
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the placeholder used for Romeo's play in the trailers....but also Hotel Krat before it became a Hotel in a bustling city?
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Question: Blue hair Sophia or Brown hair? Short hair P or long hair P? (I like short hair because it's an iconic look and the devs clearly spent a lot of time fine tuning it when you look at the trailers lol, long hair to me just feels so....basic) Also P's hair is aktschually brown.....it just looks really dark ingame and in all the artwork they just chose to make it black-looking. So Carlo and P technically have the same hair, he just doesn't have P's freckles which....a choice was made by Geppetto and I respect it.
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You can read this oddly specific daffodil newspaper texture and this letter.....like why is this so high res??
It's a shame you can't see some of this stuff unless you actually take a close look at the game files but I like to snoop. I just wanna see more of Krat...like a tour video or something or a book before it all kinda went to hell. Thanks Geppetto ....and/or Simon.
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2deadkat · 6 months
i'd love to hear ur complaints abt modern geronimo! If u'd like to share that is
Thank you for asking anon, I’d love to share and you have inadvertently entered the dragon’s den/lh
But fr tho, it’s a lot. It’s mostly pertaining to the writing.
The reason why I hate modern Geronimo is in the biggest nutshell possible, they screwed up the original dynamic for the Stiltons, a majority of the books is just one big game of Geronimo torture porn between the other characters, and overall a lot of wasted potential for unique interactions between the wider cast and the rest of the Stiltons as its limited to just Geronimo himself. Hell a lot of the plots could have the input from the other Stiltons if they were brave enough. And there seems to be a new character every few books and there’s no rhyme or substance to it anymore. Since when did trap reproduce???
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And you’re telling me von Volt has another relative???? Yk at some point you just stop reading the books. Oh and do not get me started on the Thea problem…
Let me start with the Stiltons real quick, somehow they got worse by watering down their personalities to a bunch of cheap jokes.
What made the classic (or early) books work was that the whole point of Geronimo’s character is that yes he’s a wimp, but that’s because he’s a tired boss who gets dragged into his family’s shenanigans, and by extension his friends and allies around him. Everyone has some eccentric personality that shocks or baffle him in some way, and that’s where the comedy comes from. He’s able to stand on his own because of his duties and eagerness to stay in his comfort zone is where the meat of the interactions come from.
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His family especially Trap and Thea were meant to be respective foils to him. Trap consistently bullies him and Thea is meant to be the direct opposite of him, she’s the driving force in the group and has more pants to cover up what Gerry doesn’t have. She’s the one behind a lot of their adventures or scoops, hell she’s also the one who keeps finding them in the first place and drags her family and connections into them which makes sense because that’s her job and also where a lot of the plots start from. She fills out the spots that Gerry doesn’t have. Trap is just pure comic relief and is basically that outside force to the group. Hell the two even have a dynamic of their own where’d they just fight over the most trivial things and that makes us side with Geronimo more because of the ridiculousness of his family, that’s what made it click (to me). Highly recommend you read the early books, it shows the strongest character imo (#1-20).
Now Geronimo has all his autonomy stripped away and he’s been reduced to a nothing but a punching bag for everyone around him. I hope I’m not kidding here but try reading a classic book (let’s say #7 or #26) and compare it to the writing in a modern book (let’s say #46 or #74) it’s very jarring. They put more emphasis on different ways his day is ruined and give him no room to breathe or stand on his own. There’s just no charm to that anymore. There’s no fine line with his relationship with the other characters (Run for the Hills Geronimo is probably the worse one and represents everything I don’t like about the new dynamic)
Now over time that initial draw to action is also done by Trap, which I thought was cool because it still plays into the idea of Geronimo’s family dragging him into their shenanigans and the motives make sense to him specifically. It’s like he keeps getting calls from his relatives on schemes which is fun. But the more you keep reading the modern books the dynamic gets skewed over time and here’s the part I’ve been waiting for…Thea gets shelved completely. And now it’s somehow the GOD DAMN GINGER BROS SHOW?????
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Now I think about it, Trap used to be a lot more clever in the classic books as well, he’s essentially a bumbling fool who keeps falling into the wrong situations to make a quick buck which slowly backfires on him. If you know me that well you know I’d call him a less scummier Grunkle Stan. The fact that there’s no Thea to balance it out or at least ground the dynamic to some level feels really annoying now.
You don’t really see much of her anymore as she’s either smiling at the back or doesn’t say more than five lines anymore, which is baffling because she’s the one who can pick up the pace the most. I really wished they showed more of her involvement again…They’re a trio, not a duo…and the books are suspiciously phasing her out to make room for the ginger bros fail routine and it ultimately feels very empty…there’s not much acknowledgement or involvement from her really like they could say she’s busy at mouseford or something but nope! Shelved completely without an explanation or a missed opportunity for a tie-in mention.
So far the only redemption I see is the Mayan Mystery one and the Soccer one where she had a more integral role which are way more recent but it still bothers me that they just shelved her for a majority of the modern run.
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Listen if the modern books weren’t cowards she would SOLO all these people
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she’d probably have an interesting dynamic knowing that she gets along with everyone well and is technically an adventurer. It’d be such a good parallel to her brother to play off of.
hell it’s even worse in the comics. Like there’s legit no acknowledgment of her at all, when trap is absent that gets an explanation but she’s just suspiciously…gone and the only time she does have a major role is when she’s used as a fake mask for a psyche-out to the villains (I’m sorry but if the comics are gonna pull that shit then I’m baited to believe that Thea and (cat lady) would have a homerotic switcheroo fight akin to Ms.Bellum and Sedusa. SHES THE TOUGHEST AND SMARTEST RODENT, USE HER GODDAMIT)
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Idk man I tried reading some of the comics and it never worked out that much, again the dynamic feels suspiciously empty with zero acknowledgment. It’s not the Stiltons it’s just the fucking ginger bros for some reason. It doesn’t feel solid like it used to. I really can’t get into them which is a shame, and tbf why would I want to read a comic where Geronimo goes back in time and helps a colonist do his thing 💀
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I’d be very happy if someone here can give me one good reason to get into them somehow, I want to like modern Geronimo, please/s
Look if there’s one character I don’t mind them putting in complete absence it’s probably the unaccompanied minors/s…Or Petunia which makes much more sense since she’s a family friend!
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Look I actually like Ben and Bugsy as a duo, I think their whole concept is really wholesome, but the books don’t really push their parts that much, like there’s no meaningful interaction they have with the adults which is a lot of missed potential that or it’s just limited to Geronimo. Like listen I get that the whole point of the books was that it was from Geronimo’s perspective, but it’s not like everyone else was just “present”. They had more active roles and Gerry would just write all his observations down. You want a good example? The Mona Mousa Code.
Still…Benjamin had more charm and a bigger role in the classic books…that boy can hyper fixate and master niche skills in anything and was the emotional rock for Geronimo. But now he just goes along with his uncle being a punching bag routine :/ and I KNOW they could do a lot more for Bugsy here, especially since the paws are practically family friends.
But you know…I’ll do give it credit here this era has one of my favorite art styles in the series and notably the one I grew up with the most (classic books illustrations still hold more charm imo) but the way action and expression is illustrated is just *chefs kiss* there’s a certain bounce to it that makes it so memorable.
And I’ll do admit all those geography facts (even if it’s just basic facts I mean it’s a kids book) and long detailed lists or charts about a characters detail is really cool and somehow makes it more immersive.
And it’s really nice to see the universe get expanded.
But overall, the writing is not the same anymore, the original dynamic is screwed up, and lots of missed opportunity to round up the cast together. It’s either empty or I’m just getting too old…Maybe I’m just nostalgia-biased in different areas who knows. But that’s pretty all my thoughts I can pull out.
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