#but i refrain
watching supernatural like
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dearinglovebot · 2 years
not enough discussion about the narrative implication of claire dearing/the indominus rex being the same honestly.
“it’s white. you never told me it was white” meanwhile claire is standing beside masrani in a full white outfit. he’s commented on the paleness of her skin. she only becomes The Hero when her white jacket is replaced with a lilac tanktop.
“it tried to break the glass” claire did break the glass ceiling with her age and gender. she only had to sell her soul to do it.
“where is the sibling / she ate it” claire and karen being separated. implicitly as claire’s choice. completely cut off from each other. claire hasn’t seen her family in about seven years.
“the base genome is t.rex. the rest is… classified / you made a new dinosaur but you don’t even know what it is?” claire only presents the abrasive side of herself to others. she is heartless, calculated, and aggressive with her pursuits and she can be nothing else to them. but to be true, does she even know who she is anymore? or has it all been buried so deeply by the persona?
“animals raised in isolation aren’t always the most functional” claire quite literally has no one at this point. if she did, like the sibling, then she ate it alive (metaphorically).
“the only positive relationship this animal has is with that crane. at least she knows that means food” the crane being masrani corp technology directly relating it to being masrani corp. the only positive relationship she has is with the corporation. at least then she knows she’ll be paid for her work
“the existence of this park is predicated on our ability to handle incidents like this. it was an eventuality, okay” no person can present a persona like hers and work in isolation forever. there was always going to be a breaking point. it never could’ve lasted forever, and it shouldn’t
“you’re going after her with non-lethals? / we have 26$ million invested in that asset. we can’t just kill it” the personal pronoun by owen, her love interest, vs the dehumanizing descriptors by masrani, her boss. she is not a person to the corporate machine, she is their asset
“those men are going to die” the deaths of acu being on both claire and the indominus. her for sending them, the indominus for eating them. the death doesn’t exist without both of them, and they are the same
“you are not in control here” neither the indominus nor claire feel in control as they’re thrust into a new, strange environment yet they’re hurting others to prove to themselves that they are
“she clawed it out / how would it know to do that?” the personal pronoun again. someone who cares about claire using she while claire herself is lost to seeing herself as nothing but the asset. the machine is her, she does not exist without the machine (but she does)
“she is seeing all of this for the first time. she does not even know what she is. she will kill everything that moves” claire is seeing the park with new eyes as much as the indominus. she is seeing how easy she can control life and death by her choices, just as the indominus is. she doesn’t know what she is anymore or what she’s ever been
“she is learning where she fits in the food chain and I’m not sure you want her to figure that out” claire is reevaluating every moral she has. she is reevaluating herself and masrani and the entire park itself
“that thing out there, that’s no dinosaur” as much as the indominus no longer is a dinosaur, claire no longer is a person. this is where she’s really beginning to realize how far she’s falling. directly before she begins bringing the park to a close
“bigger. scarier. cooler. […] you cannot have an animal with exaggerated predator features without the corresponding behavioral traits” you can lead a capitalist empire of a park without the corespondent cruelties of running it
“it didn’t eat them. it’s killing for sport” the point of claire’s career where she’s really grasping how she’s run this park. if you build a monster, you can’t be surprised when it does monstrous things (if you give your soul up for control, you can’t be surprised when other things start to lose it)
“lowery, we found her […]” claire is finally using personal pronouns for the dinosaur. that is to say, seeing herself as human again with human wants and needs and no longer just an entity
in the end, the indominus is only defeated by the “real” dinosaurs. the false persona is defeated by the real person (with support, because she doesn’t need to fight all of those battles alone)
and if we want to get even MORE meta then we’d notice that the indoraptor is narratively connected to maisie. the indoraptor, which is the genetic mix of raptors (owen) and the indominus rex (claire)
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crabussy · 3 months
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challenged myself to make simpler redesigns that match the show constraints because I often create very complex designs and I wanted to see if I could make something I liked without going too over the top!! pretty happy with these [:
if you have any questions about my design choices ask away!!
part 2 with ten gazillion background characters including sunburst, luna, and twilight's canterlot friends!
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fairydriver · 5 months
if you post an image in discord itll round the corners, but once you hit a certain smallness it rounds into a circle. so basically if you make an image that is 32x32 and you post it in discord itll go from this
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to this.
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so you basically can just draw a little face in mspaint or something and paste it into discord and itll look like a little emoji. you can potentially mess around with this a lot, its proportional to your image going smaller and it doesnt have to be a square either.
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shortmexicangirl · 1 year
ao3 is down. what am i supposed to do?? continue writing my own fic??? HA you almost got me!! absolutely not. u can't fool me ao3. i'm not falling for that trick.
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buddyup1 · 1 year
gods revice episode 42 still makes me bawl my eyes out. ough i feel for vail good lord that episode is so good
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pizzazz-party · 2 months
based solely on chaos’ design floating around on the internet, i have a theory.
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that’s maegara’s body. chaos is literally possessing maegara’s body. (that is maegara’s one bat wing.)
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that is chaos’ old design being held in maegara’s hand. it’d be one thing if it looked more like, i don’t know, a snakeskin? like something chaos had naturally shed and sloughed off? but instead it looks like someone (probably chronos) ripped out chaos’ head and spinal cord in battle. and i think that makes sense, that the two of them would have squared off. chaos is not like the fates. they loved nyx, they would have left their realm and fought for nyx directly.
the living fetus trailing out of the head’s mouth tells me this kind of injury is something chaos can naturally, eventually, regenerate from. but in the meanwhile, recovery on their own means being vulnerable. a primordial entity in the shape of a fetus is still a fetus. in the meantime, chaos would need a new body, a temporary vessel they’d be capable of defending themself with.
the only question is if maegara volunteered for this.
but i think she might have.
if this still sounds bonkers, consider it doylistically. chaos’ original design was unique and striking. do you honestly think supergiant would just throw away an excellent character design like that for nothing? for no story related reasons at all?
so my prediction is this: one of melinoe’s quests will involve helping restore (or speed up the restoration of) chaos’ body (which will then free maegara).
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breakbleheavens · 8 months
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✨ her ✨
TAYLOR SWIFT Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (2023) dir. Sam Wrench
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cheekylittlepupp · 5 months
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what do you think a vampire spawn tastes like?
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 7 months
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🎀 bonus: the cutie in question (cr. moreloveforhobi) 🎀
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silverliing · 1 year
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“If byler were both girls nobody wou-“ yes they would! as someone who grew up sapphic I would love them even more!
@rainyydazze Ty for putting this in my brain
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hamable · 29 days
AGSKFJDBDH LMAO Katsuki physically being leashed to his IV drip, held by his mother, so he’s forced to stand in the doorway and not launch himself across the room
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
gentle reminder for the fandom, since i've been noticing it in comments of decked out videos: backseat gaming typically isn't appreciated. telling the hermit to go to compass school is kind of annoying and not particularly constructive. telling the hermits to go check the underwater chest or the spider's den or whatever is spoilers, tango has directly asked you not to, you wouldn't want to make tango sad, would you? being like "lol how do you not know that yet" is rude, because the hermits aren't actually supposed to have watched any of the decked out development we have, and almost certainly haven't watched all the other hermits playing like we have.
even offering what you feel like is useful advice is normally going to be repetitive and unwanted instead of useful. yes, even if you've figured out a game meta the hermits don't seem to realize. yes, even if they're doing something really wrong or have the really wrong idea for how the game works. yes i KNOW the urge to explain the mechanic they're misunderstanding is strong. 99% of the time you should not do it.
if the hermit asks a question directly go ahead and answer the question! but if you weren't asked, don't say anything. don't be a backseat gamer.
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murmel-malt · 8 months
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i just like to imagine that Sansa wasn't completely alone in KL
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electrozeistyking · 3 months
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yeah no i’m still not here, i just scheduled this to post after a good chunk of people watch episode seven. i haven’t seen it yet. i have no idea what happened and that means this doesn’t count as a spoiler.
but i am assuming something off the walls happened or that it ended on a cliffhanger again (or maybe both at the same time) and that’s why i drew this. yeah this was done four days ago. i’m smart cookie
i’m assuming it came out already. kinda just guessing at this point
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faggotry-enjoyer · 5 months
The left will say "I'm not antisemitic, I'm just criticizing Israel!" and the right will say "but I can't be antisemitic, I support Israel!" and they are both full of shit
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