#but i personally consider it like a weird third toe
sad-leon · 4 months
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This poll inspired by a discord convo i watched happen,, somewhere,,, <- i forgor what server it was in, but i've been meaning to make this poll for a while
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amuseoffyre · 2 years
I saw the description of OFMD on the Beeb and it described Stede as aristocratic. There’s a definite misconception that ‘Gentleman’ means ‘aristocrat’. Stede is definitely not an aristocrat based on several factors:
he describes himself as ‘landed gentry’ in his big debut - this a sub-class of the upper class who had enough money to get themselves some land and live off the profits of a trade, but are definitely at the very bottom of that tier of the social pecking order, unlike the aristocracy who “inherit it like a normal person”. A lot of gentlemen would cut ties with the business that made them their fortune because it was seen as sullying to be in trade.
Stede’s father casually doing manual labour like killing the goose and describing as “this is what a man’s work looks like”. Yes, aristocrats would cheerfully slaughter hundreds of thousands of animals for sport, but slaughtering a goose for dinner? I can’t picture it.
his father straight up tells him “you didn’t earn it, you lucked into it”, which implies that he is the one who has made the family fortune and he resents primogeniture, which means Stede will inherit it all.
Mary’s mother describes him as “not a derelict. He has money”, which is the only positive thing she can say about him. Likewise, Stede’s father sees Mary as a means to get acreage - her huge tracts of land 😏- that will elevate them into the Gentry
Stede’s social status when faced with the British Naval Officers - many Officers in the Navy were aristocrats. Likewise boarding schools were packed with them because lol! Parent our own children? Who would do such a thing! Pass them off to the help. First sons got the title/land/fortune, while second, third and more sons tended to join one of the military options or the church. Within the upper upper class there would be a social hierarchy depending on rank and station. In every possible way, Stede is at the bottom of it, which makes sense since he’s a New Money Gentleman as well as not fulfilling any social expectations of masculinity
he describes the party ship as “a bunch of posh knobs hob-nobbing with other posh knobs”. He even describes it as “high society in all it’s grotesque glory”. To the crew, he probably seems like he is a posh knob, but all things considered, he and Mary weren’t posh. Rich, yes. But posh is Antoinette and Gabriel or Sigfried: Posh generally has the vibe of knowing your 11th grandfather’s name and embarrassing scandal that had him executed by the king.
The British class system is such a weird place and heaven help you if you didn’t toe the line and fit in your nice little box.
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blasphemecel · 10 months
Tendou Satori — Faux Pas
PAIRING: Tendou Satori/Reader, Goshiki Tsutomu/Reader (one-sided) WORD COUNT: 3.6k TYPE: Pining, Exes To Lovers (speculatively), uhhhh idfk. Not angst or fluff but a secret third thing WARNING(S): Everyone involved is an idiot
During your first meeting, you look mildly inconvenienced if not annoyed while you shake a flier in front of his face like an angel wearing a tracksuit, ready to take him inside the figurative embrace of volleyball. Which is why he’s here, standing in the hallway and trying to find applications for the club he’s interested in.
It’s love at first sight… Or maybe his hormones are speaking. The latter is more probable.
You tap your lip in superficial thought and observe him from head to toe, then shrug. He sees all this through a shitty pink filter with hearts floating around your head. You tell him, “You seem tall enough for the old man’s standards.”
Goshiki stares back at you strangely before he plucks the sheet from your hold and promises with dramatic flair, “I’m going to prove myself when we see each other at practice! You won’t regret giving me this sheet.”
“Sure, you do that,” you say, put off by his enthusiasm.
He clenches his fist and fires up for reasons you cannot comprehend, considering you’re just an ordinary person. The determined look on his face has the potential to be endearing, but he’s holding up the line while maintaining his gaze on the ceiling, reminiscing about the last volleyball award he won in junior high.
“There are people behind you.” You frown when you say this, then gesture vaguely. “If you could…”
“Oh! Uh, yes, of course. Sorry.” Goshiki scurries away quickly after giving you an awkward bow. You wonder what his deal is, but it doesn’t stay on your mind for long.
Goshiki’s seatmate, Hattori, is curious about everything mundane. It isn’t that unexpected of him to ask, “And what about the manager?”
“What- uh, what manager?” he shoots back before he fiddles with the corner of his notebook to seem occupied with something, though the ruse isn’t convincing. Goshiki has been in the volleyball club for two weeks, so it’s obvious he’d know who the manager is.
“The one you were ogling,” says Hattori with a mischievous smile, “when we were getting those applications.”
Hattori did not make it in after they first applied. Now he settles for scoping for secondhand information.
“I wasn’t ogling! That’s disrespectful!” With this defensive assertion, Goshiki crosses his arms and pouts in defiance. Then he looks to the side and his face turns pensive, much to Hattori’s confusion. He looks like a kicked puppy, and has basically turned into a deflated balloon. “Manager-san is always sad.”
“Sad, how?”
“I don’t know, like… sad!” says Goshiki again — with great dismay — like it clarifies anything, but it doesn’t. He thinks about your distant eyes and bored expression, about your surly demeanor, though, and they’re all sad.
When Goshiki gets his straight spike right for the first time during morning practice, he turns towards you and salutes like a soldier. You stare at him, unblinking, until he asks in a loud voice, “How was it?”
“Nice,” you say blandly, giving him a thumbs-up. Goshiki fires up at the sound of that, his face doing that weird thing where you can imagine him going up in flames again, though you don’t consider your opinion particularly important. At least not enough to incite such a reaction.
“I won’t let you or the team down! That’s what being an ace is all about.”
“Aha? What’s this?” This question doesn’t come from either of your mouths.
He sees you roll your eyes when you realize that Tendou has decided to invite himself to your conversation. Though he’s still new to the team and not quite used to everyone else, Goshiki doesn’t think he’d be wrong to say Tendou is the most eccentric. The only thing you can do is observe him while he approaches in an awkward lumber, like he’s trying to make you both uncomfortable on purpose.
Once he’s close enough, Tendou pats you on the shoulder. You glare at him, body tensing with pre-emptive annoyance, since you already know he’s going to do something to piss you off. Goshiki will probably be an unfortunate casualty. He strokes his chin and looks off to the side, simulating thought, but you’re sure he already came up with something to say before he walked all the way over here. “That caaaaaaan’t be right. I’m sure you can come up with something more expressive. Y’know, unleash your creative potential.”
“What?” you ask.
“What?” Goshiki asks.
“To encourage our cute little underclassman, of course!” He bends back and lets his arms dangle down to the floor like he’s performing a really shitty experimental dance. You watch in mild fascination.
“I’m not little,” Goshiki defends with as much dignity as he can muster when uttering such a sentence, then glances at you and tries to gauge if you think he’s little or not. It doesn’t seem productive to his appeal here since trying to hit on someone two grades above him is already ambitious enough. Unfortunately, your poker face is impossible to interpret.
Tendou continues on with whatever the point of his charade is as if Goshiki didn’t interrupt. “After all,” he points his two accusatory index fingers at Goshiki, who steps back either because he’s confused or because he’s intimidated, “the kid is to-tal-ly desperate for you…r approval!”
Goshiki’s cheeks redden in embarrassment and he waves his hands, trying to deny it in vain.
“Satori,” you scold, and it takes you a second to realize your mistake, and then you fumble to correct yourself, “I mean, uh, TENDOU,” adding extra disapproval in your pronunciation of his last name, brows bunching together, an angry line appearing on your forehead. The whole thing ends up sounding ridiculous.
In one stiff movement, Tendou stands up, assuming a normal pose. Then he throws an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close. “The future rests in your hands,” he declares, gesturing in the air like he’s making a grand statement.
You shrug him off and your conversation derails into pointless bickering. Frazzled, Goshiki stays rooted to the spot, the awful blush never settling down. Was Tendou mocking him, or was it supposed to be good-natured ribbing? Why did he even involve him when it’s clear he just wanted to talk to you?
It registers in Goshiki’s head, right then, that even though he’s the topic of conversation, this has nothing to do with him at all.
Semi is whining about something in the locker rooms where most of the team is preparing to get dressed and head back to the dorms for today. Shirabu has his earphones in, but Goshiki recently found out he only pretends to listen to music before leaving since he doesn’t want to seem ‘too interested’ in whatever the others are doing. This revelation had been accidental, and the explanation was even more confusing.
“I can’t stand practice lately,” he says in frustration, stuffing his jersey in his bag like it has offended him.
“Is it because-”
Before Ushijima can bring up how Semi is a Bench Boy now without realizing he’s being a jerk, he interrupts him to explain, “It’s like a sausage party.” Ushijima opens his mouth to ask what the hell that means, so Semi spares him the effort and elaborates, “All that damn showing off.”
Goshiki fiddles with his shoelaces and tries to disappear. Great, now a third-year hates him. It must’ve somehow slipped his mind that Goshiki is quite literally still here, but maybe Semi just doesn’t care.
“It is inconvenient when Tendou gets worked up and starts making mistakes, but his skills are still beneficial to the team when he is doing good,” Ushijima says, monotone as always, and this appears to be his attempt at placating Semi.
“Yeah, but you know it’s his fault and all, and then he cried about it, and now he’s doing whatever the hell this is.”
Ushijima shrugs to communicate his indifference while Semi mumbles something under his breath about how unfair it is that everyone but him is immune to ‘the bullshit.’ Confused, Goshiki throws them both a glance and frowns. He was sure Semi was talking about how hard he was trying to impress you, but now they’ve brought up Tendou all of a sudden. He can’t even begin to comprehend what events they’re referencing.
Today, when Goshiki struts up to you, he seems more energetic than usual. You kind of can’t stand him in the mornings because he’s way too awake and energetic and in an overall good mood. His high spirits are almost blinding.
“Good morning,” you greet, flipping through your clipboard.
He clears his throat and straightens his posture. The ‘online resource’ (a shitty site) he used last night told him a good way of getting close to a crush is making them laugh. Then, as if reciting something he memorized, Goshiki raises his finger and says, “Two cannibals are eating a clown.”
You stare at him, wondering where this is going.
“One says to the other, ‘Does this taste funny to you?’”
What you do next is worse than your initial lack of reaction. You give Goshiki an unconvincing smile. Like never before, he wants to run off and bury his head in some sand like an ostrich. 
Tendou, apparently once again intrigued by an interaction between you two, decides to intervene by putting on his news reporter voice. With his bottle in hand acting as a microphone, he starts his fake broadcast. “Goshiki Tsutomu, that’s what he calls himself. Not us, we don’t call him that. I can’t say what we call him on national television. I caaaaaaan’t, folks! Aaaanyway, Goshiki Tsutomu, he claims to be a comedian.”
“I don’t,” Goshiki argues while you hit yourself on the forehead.
“He does, folks,” Tendou says. “He claims he’s a stand-up comedian-”
“When did it change into ‘stand-up comedian’?” you ask, tapping your foot against the floor like you can’t wait for this exchange to end. And to be fair, that’s probably true and justified.
“-but he can’t even get the laugh track to work. Sad!”
Goshiki asks too earnestly, “Wait, are there laugh tracks during stand-up shows?”
Tendou shoves his water bottle in your face to signify it’s your turn to talk. “What does the incompetent paid audience that can’t even fake-laugh have to say?”
You scowl at him and refuse to say a single word.
Tendou turns his attention back to Goshiki. “Bangs this cool are illegal, sir.”
“You think so?”
With a sigh, perhaps defeated because Goshiki seems too flattered by the compliment (which means you’ve lost now that he’s on Team Tendou), you walk away. Getting verbally abused by Coach Washijo isn’t as unpleasant as this. Tendou watches you go, eyes wide and mouth slightly open as usual, and then he tilts his head and squints.
Confused, Goshiki follows Tendou’s line of sight and when he looks at you again, he’s shocked to see that you’re stifling a laugh by pressing your hand against your mouth. The sight catches him off-guard, his cheeks flushing again as they usually do when you’re involved.
Tendou puts his hands on his hips and leans in to whisper conspiratorially, “What do you think prickly ol’ Manager-chan is laughing about?”
Goshiki frowns and offers a weak jerk of his shoulder in response. He has no idea, really. Maybe it’s a little silly that he tried to tell you a joke when he doesn’t know what your sense of humor is like.
The strong pitter patter of rain hitting every surface of this godforsaken school resounds in Goshiki’s ears even while he’s panicking in his desperate search for his umbrella. It’s pouring. The walk to the dorms isn’t long, sure, but he would get drenched if he walked out without any cover in this weather.
You pass by the umbrella stands to get yours on the way out and notice Goshiki simply on account of his frantic movements. Once you’re within earshot, you ask, “Did you forget it?”
Jumpy in your presence, he startles like you’ve caught him doing something wrong. “Um, I think so,” he squeaks out.
Your paths don’t cross often during school. This is maybe his first time seeing you in the school uniform properly. Once again you’re like a godsent angel — the coincidental timing does not elude him. But instead of offering club positions, you’ve now arrived to absolve him of his sins (forgetting to carry his umbrella to school despite watching the weather forecast). “You can take mine if you want.”
“Really?!” Oh, so kind!!! A tear almost slips out of gratitude. Goshiki’s delusions of divine goodwill shatter upon contemplating the situation for around a second, however. He pouts in genuine distress. “What about you? You can’t just walk out in the rain.”
You forcefully pass the umbrella onto him anyway, and he gets a romantic glint in his eyes as he perks up and imagines walking together with you. It’d be cinematic, he thinks.
Before his mouth can comply with his brain and stutter out the offer, you pull out another umbrella.
“Don’t steal that!” Goshiki shrieks with his jaw hanging open, and he waves his hands around as if to convince you, though he doesn’t make any move to wrestle it out of your hold either.
“It’s ok,” you say. “It’s Tendou’s.”
… So mean.
Usually when Tendou screams ‘I’ve made a mistake!’ it’s because of a wrong guess, not anything this blatant and uncoordinated. Divided in two groups, they’re near the end of the last practice match for this afternoon when he somehow ends up falling face-first into the net. Semi cusses him out under his breath and prepares to maim him with the ball whenever he grabs a hold of it while Goshiki pulls off the most incredulous expression he can muster.
The unfortunate thing is that coach Washijo looks like he’s nearing a medical emergency. During the lecture Tendou only rubs his neck sheepishly, and then his lips twist down when Washijo orders him to run twenty laps around the school. The evil geezer’s attention shifts towards you next. “And you. Make sure he doesn’t leave until he’s done, alright?”
Your eye twitches.
“Don’t make that face!”
For a second Goshiki wonders how Washijo-san could’ve possibly seen how constipated you look, but then he glances back to Tendou nearby and realizes he’s sticking his tongue out at you. You shake your head and shove your hands in your pockets before making your way to the exit with a barely-kept composure.
“Come on, out of here. I don’t even want to look at you right now,” says Washijo, ushering him with impatient hand gestures when Tendou continues to just… stand there.
He trails after you with something which suspiciously looks like a grin on his face. On your way out, you indignantly whisper, “You did that on purpose,” but Goshiki can’t hear the rest of it after you smack the gym door closed.
“Back to work,” Washijo barks out, clapping his hands. “We still have a few minutes left.”
Another first year ends up replacing Tendou on Goshiki’s team and they lose, which means tomorrow won’t be pleasant for the players involved. He cringes at the thought.
By the time he gets changed and heads out to return to his dorm, he wonders if Tendou is still running around and if you’re following him in circles — the mental image is the slightest bit amusing — but he doesn’t have to contemplate it for long because he spots you sitting down on the concrete in the yard while Tendou’s lying down like a starfish.
He tries to rest his foot on your shoulder, but you duck him. Goshiki lingers, trying to make sense of the scene. Tendou is saying something to you, but he can’t quite make out what it is. In response, you end up hatefully throwing the zip-up top of your tracksuit at him and stand up to return to the gym and put everything away.
In your hassle, you don’t spare Goshiki a glance when you pass him by until he tells you an over the top good night.
You raise an eyebrow, perhaps for his lack of volume control, before you return the sentiment in a much calmer manner, and he’s flustered in your presence once again. It’s a weird kind of embarrassment — Goshiki feels like an idiot, but it’s also pleasant, as if he’s deriving enjoyment from the anxiety your minimal interactions cause him, and he doesn’t really understand. On a clinical level it’s infatuation, but there’s something about these sensations that evades him.
You’re long gone by the time Tendou comes into view, fiddling with the sleeves of your sweater. It’s an awkward fit on him, but he seems happy to be wearing it.
“What? No good night for me?” he asks with fake sadness.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Goshiki is good at bowing at the right angle and always does it with too much vigor. “Good night, Tendou-san.”
“Come on man, stop yelling. You gotta play it cool,” Tendou says in a sing-song voice before waving goodbye.
Goshiki can’t help thinking that Tendou of all people isn’t playing it cool at all.
The locker room has cleared out by the time Goshiki resolves to go back and help you to rectify last afternoon’s awkwardness. And all the awkwardness before that. You’ll graduate this year, he reasons, giving himself a pep talk on the way to the gym with occasional nods. Maybe you can be friends at least?
Lost in his inner monologue, he almost bangs his head against the gaping door. Light emits from inside, exposing parts of the hallway. For some reason he’s cautious when he steps around it. Must be some leftover nerves even though what he’s doing isn’t even incriminating.
Goshiki is hanging by the door still when he hears you say, “If you stayed behind just to argue with me, I swear-”
He tenses, blinking rapidly. Can you tell he’s there? Your voice is coming from the storage room, so he can’t see anything besides two vague, elongated shadows spanning across the floor.
“I’m not trying to argue with you! I’m just talking to you and you always turn it into this huge thing.” He recognizes everyone on the team by their voices now, and he hadn’t noticed Tendou left to come see you instead of joining the other third-years like he does every other night.
“Because you say dumbass shit that pisses me off.” Goshiki considers leaving. He doesn’t want to butt in on your conversation with Tendou — it already seems tense enough — and eavesdropping is impolite. “Also, you really need to leave that freshman alone.”
“Who? My favorite rapper Lil’ Bowlcut? He’s got a name, ya know? Go-shi-ki.”
Okay, he might have to stay around now. Just for a little, he justifies. To find out what this is about — a purely educational purpose.
“You’re even worse than me, always pretending to be oblivious and barely acknowledging him,” Tendou says after your lack of a verbal response. “Just put the kid out of his misery. It’s sad! Like when they show flashbacks to the swing from Naruto.” The last sentence sounds sarcastic as hell, but Goshiki disregards it, frowning.
“I don’t see how teasing him about it helps. You’re just fucking rude for no reason when you know better.”
“Manager-chan is still so self-righteous. Maybe we should cause a house fire and you can go in and save some children.”
“Tendou,” you warn.
“… I don’t like it when you call me that.”
“You can’t call me mean and then break my heart like this!”
“Tendou,” you snap.
“Owwwwwww, it huuuuuuuuurts.”
“Stop with this. It doesn’t even make any sense.”
“Do you want me to grovel for forgiveness or something? Because I really hope you know I’m not above that. At. All.”
“You broke up with me.”
“Yeah, and you just agreed, and then you wanna be mad about what I said when you don’t even think we can make it through university-”
“I ‘just agreed.’ Wow. Tendou, you can’t break up with someone as a social experiment to test their faith in the relationship.”
“That’s not true! I wasn’t doing that,” he argues. “I was telling you how I felt, but you never wanna take any responsibility ever. You loooooved having an excuse to get in fights with those bullies, but when you’re the one doing something then-”
“I was, like, eleven, shut up, and I have all that bad shit on my record now. If you have such a low opinion of me, obviously I’m gonna think my stupid fucking relationship from middle school isn’t gonna last.”
“No, you were thinking that for a while,” he says.
“Because we’re graduating in a few months, yeah.”
“I don’t think badly of you, are you insane? Nothing like that happened!”
“When you say you think I look down on you, that’s pretty insulting to me.”
“Well, that’s because I thought you were better than me. It was just a stupid insecurity thing. I don’t even care about that stuff anymore,” he says.
“You’re like a magnet for underclassmen,” Tendou jokes as an attempt at levity. “Remember when that goober from Aoba Johsai tried to pull the ball trick on you?”
“Yeah,” you say, laughing a little.
“I miss you,” he admits.
“Seriously?! Don’t be like that.”
You giggle again.
After some silence Goshiki sees the two shadows move, coming together in one. You’re hugging. Then there’s some more shifting and tilting. You’re kissing, like you’ve probably kissed before.
He tries to avoid making any noise when he leaves, disappointed with himself for staying around, curiosity having gotten the best of him. He definitely shouldn’t have heard any of this. And though Goshiki doesn’t think he has the right to be upset, he’s still lost, even stung, as his mind wanders off while he scurries to his room in a daze.
I almost forgot to upload this here lol I dont know i arbitrarily dont post things on herer that I do on ao3. Te question is "does something deserve to be on the blog" . I also havent posted on here for a while so now im embarrassed to do it. Sorry for using my blog. I wont do it again. i also hate tagging things on here it seems sodesperate. Like on instagram. Guys look at me i wrote tendou satori x reader haikyuu x reader haikyuu imagines whatever whatever. Lol idek what Im talking about it's never that serious
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lepoppeta · 7 months
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POV - You tried to propose to your crush but he took it completely the wrong way.
Vox and Alastor have such good fuck-up potential, but also some really great make-up potential. I have my own personal headcanons on how the Overlords work (and who should be more or less powerful than who), and it ties into how I view their relationship history. It goes as follows:
Overlords are a special kind of sinner - they're pretty rare (only occurring about once every decade or so) and are the result of a soul in life maintaining some sort of connection to the forces of chaos/darkness, which then manifest into weird magic powers upon death. An Overlord will always remain an Overlord, and cannot be redeemed, but their power and ranking compared to other Overlords is subject to change.
Alastor was a very powerful Overlord for a good twenty/thirty years, occupying around the third or fourth spot in the hierarchy. When Vox died, Alastor was intrigued that there was someone so similar to him (and yet also not), and treated their interactions as healthy competition - something to keep him on his toes. However, it was quickly made obvious that Vox (with his knack for adaptation in an increasingly fast-paced modern world) was growing more and more powerful. Alastor began to see Vox as more of a threat than a friend.
Vox, on the other hand, looked up to Alastor upon his entrance to Hell and considered him an inspiration. He lamented the possibility of having to leave him behind, and tried to offer him a partnership. Unfortunately, due to both fear and his own wounded pride, Alastor took this as a grave insult, and very hurtfully told Vox to get lost. Vox was, for lack of a better word, heartbroken. They both grew bitter with the mutual assumption that neither of them had found the other interesting enough to stick around for the long haul. In the present day, Alastor finds himself quietly floundering in the bottom half of the Overlord hierarchy while he maintains an unbothered mask, while Vox sits comfortably at third place and tries not to kill himself out of boredom.
I would love to have these two make amends - and of course, being a multishipper, there is a version of this story where they do - but I also know that Alastor is realistically much more likely to stick to his version of events and never apologise. For now, he's content with making snarky comments should Vox ever deign to speak to him.
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mydisasteracademia · 11 months
What are your thoughts about the pacing of the series, because I personally think that everything has been rushed to absolute hell.
The only real timeskip we get is the 10-11 months at the very beginning when Izuku is working on improving his physical condition to receive OFA.
After that, it's like all of the major events are spaced at like days or weeks apart, and I just don't like it. You're telling me all of these major events happened in their FIRST YEAR at UA alone? Yeah, I'm not buying it at all.
I really don't get it either, to be honest.
The beginning was a little weird to me, considering we're going from middle to high school very quickly with very little in between the time skips to get us settled in. And once Izuku gets into Yuuei, it's just one plot point after the next, after the next, after the next - it's exhausting to read through. I have to admit, I'm a manga reader through and through, and I'll defend reading the original all day every day, but sometimes I wish we had more filler or at least more chill arcs in between whatever the next calamity is going to be.
I continue to refuse to believe that ALL OF THIS happened within the first year at Yuuei. Besides being the single worst year in the school's history for staff and students alike, there's just too much at play here that needs to go down. They should've broken it down into the cast's entire three years at Yuuei to make it more believable. Give AFO more time to get Shigaraki ready, give Shigaraki more time to perfect his control and his techniques, give the League more time to become a more feared villain group - and give the kids more time to BREATHE. They're literally kids, they shouldn't have to deal with all of this in their first year alone. Can you imagine how AWESOME it would be if we had to see third-year Izuku going toe-to-toe with Shigaraki? How awesome it would be if we got to see them all matured, having trained themselves up, and going all out in a civil war against the villains' side. But we won't get that, because - and this is my opinion - everyone is too impatient to get the ball rolling. I don't think Horikoshi and the team want to wait until 1-A's third year for a climactic battle of ideals. And that's honestly kind of disappointing.
It's too much even for the audience. Many times in the manga I had to stop reading for a while because I needed time to process what the hell just happened before diving into the next problem at hand.
I don't know. You've got a good point in that the pacing is off, even for a shonen manga. I know it's taboo to even suggest, but I really do wish there was more manga filler to at the very least give readers time to process each arc. I know that's probably what the manga breaks are for, but I jumped into the manga after MHA started airing as an anime. It's too much.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 9 months
Journey to the Past
(1) (2) (3)
Nothing made sense to Jack anymore. First, he woke up in a place far, far, far from home. Second, his body acted in weird and mysterious ways. Third, there's an ache - an emptiness - in the back of his head, lurking in the lull of his thoughts. He would almost start to say something but he would forget as soon as its on the tip of his tongue. Very frustrating.
Jack deals with all of it the way Jack knows best. He forgets. He ignores. He stuffs his troubles in a far corner of his mind, somewhere dark and dusty. He focuses on the here and the now, keeping himself busy. This ends up harder than he first expected, since he was basically trapped in bed.
It turns out that nearly drowning has terrible, terrible effects on the body. Well, according to the old crone (as translated by Hiccup), he was lucky to have all his limbs (with fingers and toes). But at this rate, Jack was going to lose his mind. Hiccup took pity on him because he was that kinda guy.
Their little outing (on the back of an honest-to-God dragon) had done very well in distracting Jack. Except, of course, there was that little (heh) hiccup at the beginning. Such a little touch - a mere brush of the fingertips - should not inspire so much... so much... Jack didn't even have the words to describe his reaction. It was not pleasant. But it wasn't unpleasant. It was simply... strange.
Jack had always considered himself affectionate enough. He sometimes even skirted the bounds of propriety. He enjoyed teasing Anna too much - poking her cheek, messing up her hair, and even lifting her up to swing her around. He welcomed the warm hands of his parents - Father's solid claps on the shoulder, Mother's gentle touch to his arms or face. And certainly, he liked to hold his family - especially on those winter nights when the chill dogged their every breath.
Perhaps, he was put off by Hiccup's touch because they don't know each other, not really. It's one thing to seek comfort from family. It's another thing to allow a foreign body to contact his person. Yeah. That sounds about right.
But then, stranger and stranger still, Jack felt so at home once they took to the skies. There was something about the wind in his face, the weightless way they soared, and the rush of simply going up - up - up that felt all too familiar. Yet he had spent his whole life earthbound. Sure, he's climbed a weathered tree or two or two dozen, and that's the closest he's ever been to the sky. He's certainly never... He's not counting the dreams - the vivid and visceral dreams. Nope. Absolutely not thinking about any of that, thank you.
After their flight, which lasted all of five seconds (really, it was about ten minutes), Jack felt himself slipping into sleep. Oh, he could have stayed in the air for hours and hours and hours. But as the old crone so succintly said, his body was simply not ready for prolonged excitement and activity. Naturally, given their proximity on the saddle, Hiccup had noted his waning energy and despite Jack's vehement protests to keep going, they returned to the ground with haste. Upon landing, he was bundled back onto bed and shamefully, he could barely slur two words together much less argue against their coddling. He sleeps through the night and most of the morning.
Jack doesn't wake up until the sun is high in the sky. Once again, he only has the old crone for company. He had been sure that Hiccup would have other things to do the way any able bodied man would have many tasks and chores. Then, speak of the Devil, Hiccup returns after their midday meal (if anyone could call the crone's cooking as food).
"So you survived the night," Hiccup says after getting a good look at him.
Jack chuckles. "Believe me. I'm surprised too."
Hiccup allows a small grin to curve his mouth. "Right. Well. I asked around about the New World - you said Hawthorne?"
Jack blinks, nodding slightly. "Uh, yeah..."
"Great! So, no one knew anything about it."
"How is that great?"
"I was getting to that. We have a trader, Johann. He visits every couple of months. He might have a map or some kind of information about the New World."
"Oh... Does that mean... I can go home?"
"It's... It's not impossible."
Jack studies the blankets covering his legs. It's made from wool cloth, and he would know a thing or two about wool, given his family's humble flock. He wonders if the sheep misses him. He cared little for his shepherding duties, always finding ways to distract himself. And after all the... excitement, with him washing ashore to some unknown country... He's not eager to watch the sheep some more, but to lay his eyes on those familiar fields, walk down those old hillside trails, and rest upon that good green grass - that would be a fine thing. He would very much like that.
"Thank you, Hiccup," Jack murmurs, grateful despite the ache swelling in his chest. There's a weariness to his bones that feels both new and old at the same time, as if he's been traveling for hundreds of years, never staying anywhere for too long. The thought - the mere idea of returning home - some place known to him in every intimate way, it hurts as only hope can.
Hiccup must sense the raw sentiment in his voice for he coughs awkwardly. Jack hastily rubs a hand across his face, wary of any tears slipping free.
"Yeah. So. That's the good news."
Jack gives him a curious look. "There's more?"
"Unfortunately. My friends wanna... um... Well, you're kinda... Everyone's curious about you. And my friends know that I've been dropping by to visit. So..."
Jack snorts. "How is that bad?"
Hiccup sighs, long and loud. "When you meet them, you'll understand."
"Then what are we waiting for? I can meet them right now." Jack throws off the blankets, shuffling off the bed. He tosses a glance at the old crone, smirking playfully. "No offense, as lovely as your hospitality has been, I would hate for you to tire of me."
The old crone rolls her eyes before scribbling on the dirt.
"Take care. I will not save you from Helheim twice," Hiccup helpfully translates.
Jack laughs and touches a hand to his brow as if he was tipping a cap. The old crone waves her walking stick as if to banish him from her home but he spied the grin that tugged at her mouth.
Hiccup says his farewells before heading out the door. He thoughtfully holds it open for Jack, but when Jack tries to follow Hiccup, his feet forgot how to walk. Or that's the excuse he sells when he took two steps and promptly fell over. Of course, Hiccup didn't buy that sheep-dung for a second. After pulling a promise from Jack to sit tight for a few minutes, Hiccup fixes the problem.
"It's not great, but it should do the job. Unless you wanna wait another hour, then I can get something less likely to give you a splinter." Hiccup chuckles, holding out a clumsily carved staff.
Jack can't explain the way his heart skips - fluttering like a bird caged in his ribs. He maybe stops breathing - he definitely stops moving. He's vaguely aware of Hiccup saying stuff, but he can't pull his attention away from the staff. Hiccup could have been the Devil himself and Jack wouldn't notice. But then, Hiccup starts to shift back, pulling the staff away from him.
He doesn't think. His body - his tired and beaten body somehow manages to lunge, throwing himself towards Hiccup. To anyone else, this must seem like an attack of some sort. He doesn't care. He needs that staff. He needs it right this very second.
Luckily for everyone involved, Hiccup appears too surprised by Jack's abrupt actions. He doesn't react and Jack easily grabs hold of the staff. As soon as his palm made contact with the wood, everything within him settles down, tension evaporating from his muscles.
What in the world just happened? Jack sure doesn't know. He can only mirror the confused, startled expression on Hiccup's face.
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theworldvsyoshiko · 10 months
Presenting the graduating class of 5507:
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This is a big one, and it's gonna really hurt. This doesn't just represent the core of the colony's fighting ability, but the kids who handled a lot of the day-to-day work. Also it's going to break Yoshiko's heart, because every single one of these were under 13 when they showed up, so she adopted them all. I mean, you can adopt people over 13, but that's kinda the cutoff point I set for now. Anyway, yeah, two sons and three daughters ready to head out into the world.
Also? Not a single missing limb among them. Stein's missing a finger and a toe, but that barely counts.
Stein, despite being paralyzed when he first showed up, missing a chunk of his childhood as a result, and needing genetic modification before he was even safe to keep around, has become basically the adult in the room when Yoshiko's not around. He's great with a gun and just about single-handedly responsible for taming and controlling all of the colony's war animals. As many animals as that is, and as few robots as we have (more on that later), he's probably a bigger help in a fight than Yoshiko herself. He has 102 kills.
Who's gonna train our huge pile of war animals once he leaves? Good fucking question. Literally might have to eat some of them.
Also Yoshiko bit his toe so hard that it bled once, so that was fun. Thanks to his weird appearance, it's rare for him to have many friends in the colony, but I'm sure as hell gonna miss him.
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Wester has been here since she was 4 years old. She might be the graduate who's lived here the longest? Which I guess might explain why she's close with almost everybody. She blew up a mech cluster with a synthetic tornado that one time. She's solid with a gun, the best artist around, and just generally competent or better at most things. Oh, and she and Manny did basically all the gardening, so that'll be fun to lose.
Thanks to the overlap of her artistic development with the colony's peak rabbit population, she made a lot of sculptures depicting people sterilizing rabbits. And rabbits getting eaten by predators. And rabbits getting shot by the colony's enemies. I think that keeping dozens of free-roaming rabbits around when you have small kids is maybe a bad idea.
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Manny has only been here since she was 10, and upon turning 13 she decided that she's a pacifist. Fortunately, she's good at basically everything that isn't combat or mining, and you know what? Having a really good doctor waiting back at the base, who's almost guaranteed to not have a fresh bullet wound, has proven pretty handy after a lot of firefights.
The whole 'adoption counts people as Kin rather than Sons/Daughters' thing struck here, in that the game recognizes that Manny and Cisneros have some kind of familial relationship, but doesn't consider it close enough to prevent romance. So those two are dating.
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Tiger is, it must be noted, ugly as fuck.
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You'd think this would be a bigger deal than it is. Not only is most of the colony willing to overlook this, but she did a lot of research, which meant a lot of time sitting by Yoshiko and chatting, so they've usually been pretty close. She's also a gun-obsessed weirdo, so Yoshiko's trend of adoring small violent children continues.
Tiger's probably the third-best combatant in the colony after Yoshiko and Stein, and her accomplishments include: once snapped and did about half of the drugs in the storeroom all at once, walked away addicted to a couple of things, and spent the next year or so fucking miserable.
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Cisneros has, for whatever reason, been Yoshiko's best friend pretty much since the day he arrived. She adores her weird blue cat son. Whereas he's like the one person in this list who isn't a national-level expert in multiple fields of endeavor, and he's not very good in a fight, so I will miss him the least.
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Bye, kids. I'll miss you. (Except Cisneros.)
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theshoesofatiredman · 5 months
Hi! just wanted to say that your blog has been a great source of comfort for me, and I was hoping you could give me some advice? I'm going to a youth retreat withthe rest of the teens at my church in a while. It's only 3 days, which is pretty light? But im not in an environment where it is safe to be out as nonreligious... ive given up on trying to get out of it, so is there any advice you would give to just getting through retreats/adoration/forced roomates/fundie talks?
I am so so glad to hear that my blog has been comforting to you. I can absolutely provide some advice. As always with strangers on the internet, take what I have to say with the understanding that I don't have the full context of your life and who you are. If it doesn't apply, let it fly, as the saying goes.
First, I think you should remind yourself that you are doing something that is difficult. I can totally see how three days can be considered light to a week or a month, but I get the sense that you're using the "only 3 days" logic to undermine the difficulty. It is challenging for anyone to be somewhere they don't want to be, let alone be there for three days! So when it is hard and you're feeling overwhelmed, cut yourself some slack. You aren't a failure if you let them get to you or be affected negatively by what's going on around you. Go easy on yourself.
Second, something I learned in therapy is that it's possible to lessen the impacts of negative emotions by mentally moving the sensation from one part of the body to another. Ideally this would be taught to you in person through an exercise but basically if you're feeling a really strong emotion, that is going to live somewhere in your body. Focus on the physical sensations you're experiencing while you're experiencing the strong emotion. What does your body feel like? So for example if your anger is causing you to have a tightness in your chest, focus on what your chest feels like. Then, jump to some other part of your body where you want to move it. I tend to do fingers and toes because I can wiggle them and focus on that sensation. Focus on how that body part feels. Then jump back to where the emotion lives and repeat. By jumping back and forth mentally, focusing on the different sensory experiences of the different body parts, you can move the feeling to another part of your body. And when you typically feel anger in your chest, but now it's in your fingers, the psychic pain of the emotion is lessened, because your body doesn't quite recognize the feeling as the negative emotion since that's not where it usually puts it. I know that probably sounds fucking weird LOL. BUT I explained it because when I've had to be in situations where I'm physically in but mentally out (PIMO) I have used this technique to help cope with the negative impact of religious stimuli.
Third, try to find some people who have something you enjoy in common. If you're a Pokemon fan, find the other Pokemon fans, for example. You have the power to make the free time you're given about something else and I think it'll be easier for you to get through it if you can try to connect on some level with people about something you actually want to connect about. If you have any wearable merch that you could use to help find those people, that would be good to pack.
Four, you don't have to listen to them. If you sense yourself starting to get triggered, try to find something in the room or a part of your body you can focus your attention on. Really drill in on what the light fixtures look like or how your fingers feel. And let the words of the pastor go in one ear and out the other. I know easier said than done.
For roommates, try to communicate about sleeping and bathroom needs. If you want to shower at night and have a shared shower with another person, let them know so they can accommodate. If you need something specific to fall asleep, communicate to avoid conflict around this. Stuff like that which seems really basic can be super helpful in making sure life with roommates is amicable. But also, it's going to be okay if y'all don't get along. It'll be over soon enough and presumably you won't have to be interacting with them much outside this, if at all.
Five, remember that it's going to get better. I promise. Life won't always be like this. Someday you won't have to put up with the religious fanfare you don't believe in. Someday you'll be free to live how you want and how you believe is best for yourself. You will get through this trip. You will get through these years. And you will be able to build for yourself a life that feels deeply authentic and tremendously. I'm profoundly sorry that isn't your reality right now, because you deserve to live a joyous life that is true to who you are and what you believe. But it will get better. I swear it.
I hope this helps and I wish you the absolute best. I hope the time passes quickly and that you feel like it's over before you know it. I always HATED going on these retreats because they always involved camping which I loathe. It would have been even harder if I wasn't a Christian at the time on top of that. You are very strong I think, very strong indeed, for facing this. Good luck out there
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r-tawen · 1 year
Rating Thought Experiments by How Annoying They Are
It's finals week and I'm procrastinating because I've decided my sanity outweighs the slavering need to academically perform that's been drilled into me by the education industry over the past two decades. I have no other basis for these ratings other than how much each thought experiment annoys me on a molecular level. All Thought Experiments here listed taken from GCC Libraries website. Here goes:
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Trolley Problem - 8/10
Starting off with a Certified Classicᵀᴹ
I think we have bigger problems to deal with, namely that we have someone routinely strapping random people to railway tracks AND that random civilians can just up and reroute entire trains on a whim
Like why the fuck would I ever be in this situation
"you notice a very large individual whom you can push in front of the train in order to stop it" first of all, is this a philosophy major's idea of a fat joke? Second, if you had a guy big enough to bring 130 kmph of screaming metal to a dead halt at the distance pictured, they would be big enough to pick up the train and spare us all this nonsense. Thank you, Waybig from Ben 10 Alien Force
Oh, the individual is a "close relative" now? You think you've got me roped into your ethical dillemma now that it's personal? Fool. Dullard. Wipe that unsexy smirk off your smug little face because I don't love anyone stupid enough to get caught strapped to what is actually a very efficient mode of public transport like that
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The Ship of Theseus - 3/10
Actually really fun to consider the little sailors milling about and fixing up the ship
They liked sailing on that boat so much that they lovingly replaced each little bit as it gets worn down over time, whistling sea shanties, making sure the parts fit just right and snug to make her seaworthy again
Doesn't matter if it's the same boat or not, it is their boat and that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned
Only downside is it brings up the weird teleportation thing, which makes all the weird sci-fi nerds (derogatory, as opposed to the good weird sci-fi nerds) come crawling out of the metalwork
As if the philosophy nuts weren't bad enough
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Patient Refusing Treatment - 90000/10
Hits a little too close to home bc this shit just happens irl
Brings up the fact that people will straight up choose to die rather than offend their religious teachings
And also that said religious groups will straight up turn their backs on you as soon as you step a toe out of line
So much for loving your neighbor, divine morality, community and all that pretty shit they like to preach
Just try and come at me for this, bitches, I'm a colonized POC in the third world in a pre-dominantly Catholic country and I'm spoiling for a fucking fight
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The Drowning Child and the $1000 Suit - 9/10
You honestly think the average asshole who would wear a $1000 suit to the beach has any morals?
He probably sells babies on WallStreet to fund his twice-collapsed crypto startup in Silicon Valley so he can fulfill his dreams of getting a whiff of Elon Musk's scrotal discharge
If this stark white businessbitch with the physical and moral integrity of paper mache gets anywhere near that water, we'd have two drowning children in the ocean
And how dare you compare the dude who can afford to be in a $1000 suit who can take immdeiate action to save someone, to the random middle-aged dad watching Netflix at 4AM without adblockers on? "how are the two examples different?" I'll fucking drown you in a bathtub that's how
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COVID Simulator 2019 - 5/10
Vulnerable people and frontline healthcare workers first, easy, next question
The main source of annoyance is having to remember how fucking horrendously this pandemic has been handled in my country
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I Can't Say Pleasure Machine With A Clean Mind - 7/10
You could build a machine that can simulate reality one-to-one, but you couldn't figure out a way to bring people out? How did you test this shit to begin with if every volunteer and the machine they're assigned to is permanently fucking unusable to anyone else on the first go?
And I'm supposed to take your "guarantee" that this will make me happy, when there is literally no one who has actually tried it who can attest to that?
If I put you in there, will it simulate a universe where you make sense and people like you?
There's no fucking way this shit isn't going to get hogged by rich old white billionaires who have nothing left to do in life but evade all of their legal problems by becoming legally fucking dead to the world
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Colonized Land Problem - 999999999999999999999/0.1
See Patient Refusing Treatment, paragraph 5
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Space Taxonomy - 3/10
Like, a couple thousand lesser known sci-fi writers have beaten you to this premise already
There's just nothing in this to be annoyed at, at all, it's such a Nothing dillemma
The meagre 3 it accrued is just because it reminds me of weird vegans (derogatory, as opposed to the good weird vegans) and PETA, but there's just not a lot of substance here to be annoyed by
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Social Media Misinformation - 8/10
Yes? Fucking- regulate your platforms??
A 3 year old could answer this, and those little bastards can't even operate heavy machinery
Do you want more anti-vaxxers? TERFs? Neo-nazis? Sons of former dictators being elected as president?
"bUt i hAve thE RIgHt to Be rAciSt and stUpiD-" I will personally feed your unwashed ass into an old-timey woodchipper
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The Merchant Vessel - 9/10
Are you the most incompetent sailors ever to salt the raging seas?
It's an island- you can find food there, you can find food in the fucking ocean
Do you have no other options?
The best thing you could come up with was to eat, sleep, and shit for the duration of an entire trading season off of the rations that washed up on the beach, doing absolutely NOTHING else productive with your time?
Couldn't come up with any brighter ideas? Okay, sure, have fun out there
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Immortality Pill - 10/10
Cool. Why is this my problem again?
Are the people in this universe also completely devoid of thought and agency that I have to decide what to do? I already invented the damn thing for fuck's sake
Just... let people decide if they're taking it or not??
In the first place, the premise says they can straight up still be killed- it's not like there's no way out
The only real issue here is Big Pharma kicking my doors in 0.5 milliseconds after I finish my last test and gunning me down before any of my research could ever feel the fresh breeze of outdoors Manila
I will, however, be selling placebos exclusively to billionaires
"Sorry Mr. Bezos, the pills won't take, Idk what to tell you, byyeeeeee"
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Pascal's Wager - 12/10
See Colonized Land Problem, paragraph 1
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Equim - 6/10
The fuck kind of worldbuilding is this
You named it "Equim"? Is that what you meant to do?
How about we leave them alone, huh, how about that?
If the North Sentinelese decide that part of their culture is killing the fuck out of any foreign culture-destroying missionaries that land on their shores, then who am I tell them they're wrong? (They're not btw)
But then again I can't expect whatever imperialist white fuck who probably came up with this to understand the concept of keeping one's grubby little hands off of someone else's culture
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Wittgenstein's Game - 100000/10
See- this right here is why we don't take you people seriously
At least the above entries had flavor to them, but this? Really?
You're just agonizing over a dictionary
Like Jesus H. Fuck, get a real hobby
Or did you spend too much time agonizing over what a "hobby" truly is and now you're 46 and balding and you've forgotten what it feels like to have a conversation with someone?
Enough of this shit. Procrastination over. Might do a part two if something gets me riled up again.
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theveryworstthing · 4 years
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So over on patreon Trevor asked for my take on the Addams Family and I grew up LOVING the Addams family movies so here we are. Instead of doing a straight up style interpretation, I decided to do a full on design challenge, using the characters as bases to make a black southern gothic Addams au. I actually drew the kids first, using the character bases of Wednesday and Pugsley to create some delightful kiddos I'm calling Sunday and Blanche. I of course then redesigned Gomez and Morticia into Carlisle and Mortesha.
The Addams have a very specific high aristocratic goth aesthetic (they've got a butler and nobody really works among other things) so in this re-imagining I wanted to go with vibes that run a little more middle class/upper middle class.  I thought it would be interesting to think about what would be considered weird and off-putting in an entirely different culture, and how being a big ol' goth is way less controversial than it used to be.
I tried to keep this short (HAHAHAHAHAHA) so I didn't spin off into an essay about villain coded families, black people in the horror genre, and normalcy as it pertains to social survival, but just...bits of that are in these designs and lore. Keep that in mind.
Also I made the kids twins because they've flip flopped in age so much in different media and also twins run in my family (i'm the daughter of one). And let's face it, I'm pulling a lot of their southern gothic traits from living as a southern goth so *shrug*.
10 thousand pounds of lore incoming loooooooooool.
The Parents
From the moment he saw her he knew that there was a 50/50 chance of him either never making it out of that swamp alive or marrying the figure that was creeping out from under the distant willow tree in a black cocktail dress. The third time she found him trussed up in one of her traps, he complimented her rope work and asked if she'd like to go out sometime after his head wound stopped bleeding.
Or while it was still bleeding.
If she was into that.
Some kids and a mysteriously burnt down Piggly Wiggly later, their love is still as strong and inescapable as a bear trap in a sink hole.
Carlisle Guillermo (now Addams through marriage but I wanted to give him two first names for a name since Gomez has two last names) makes a vaguely described living practicing ‘law’ around town. A loophole king, people come to him from miles around with contracts signed in blood, fights over chunks of hair buried in their rivals’ yard, dehydrated primate hands, memories that seemed like dreams until the evidence of their happenings became too real, and other regular Legal Items asking for counsel which he is all too happy to give. For a price. Sometimes that price is a homemade pie and sometimes it’s a million dollars, depends on who you are. Whatever you’re asked to pay it’s worth that price, and if you try to scam him out of work or he just plain doesn’t like you? Well. He knows how to twist a contract better than anything at the crossroads.
And he always gets his due.
He doesn’t just serve the local (living)humans though, there are many things that need proper legal representation in this day and age. You wouldn’t believe how many city councils try to build on sacred burial grounds even after he lets them know that his ghostly clients are totally gonna haunt the FUCK out of the ensuing shitty condos and curse their families for all eternity. At least 50% of his energy goes towards dealing with real estate bullshit.
Carl is an excitable and good natured(?) man who loves his family, cigars, dancing, and his many knife-based hobbies. People find him very charming once they get past the feeling that they’re talking to a sultry gator badly disguising itself as a human. I didn’t put a ton of deep thought into designing him, mostly I wanted to make a middle aged dude who looked like he would have been voted ‘most likely to smooch the literal devil’ in high school. Tbh he probably has, but no demonic ex’s can compare to his lovely wife~
Mortesha Addams(her name was already perfect so I just tweaked it)is a woman of many talents. A self proclaimed homemaker, she prides herself on a greenhouse full of Concerning Foliage, a beautiful wasp apiary, and a coop full of what are probably chickens that she keeps for what are probably eggs. She’s also an avid creator of the outsider art that can be seen around the estate. She has taken on the family business of selling her homemade goods in a little stall by the road just outside the swamp with her mom, and makes pretty good money doing so. A surprising amount of poison gets bought in quaint southern towns.
Speaking of poison, people who come out to the edge of the swamp to buy it are usually carrying a lot of secrets around, and Mortesha knows most of them. It’s not like she pries the truth out of people, it just so happens that many nervous hellos eventually turn into the tragic backstory power hour if she’s alone with a client for long enough. She supposes that’s just how people are. Despite the fact that the Addams are very active in the community (whether the community likes it or not) she especially, as a direct descendant of the first Addams matriarch, is seen as…Well not an outsider because the community feels A Certain Way about outsiders and despite it all the Addams are their people, but maybe something like an exception. They feel like whatever weirdness they’re hiding can’t be weirder than any given Addams, so they get a little loose with their words.
This is amusing to her, since Addams’ don’t naturally keep the kind dramatic secrets that their surface level prim and proper neighbors do. It’s much more fun to openly talk about those things.
Do they have a sadly decrepit yet terrifying grandma up in the attic? Yeah, like three. They got a tv, all the creepy porcelain dolls they could want, and they’re close to family. Where do you keep your gram-grams?
Any bodies buried on the property? Yeah some, but most are thrown to the gators.
Any creeping through the balmy summer night with ill intentions? Yeah dude, everyone loves a nice family stroll.
What about dangerous forbidden love? If an adult Addams isn’t incorporeal then they’re either queer or in a torrid romance with some person/thing mysteriously drawn to that awful swamp. Sometimes both at the same time. Most times actually.
Mortesha would know.
The current head of the Addams family is just as outgoing as her husband but a lot quieter and harder to read. She never really seems to get mad about much and always has a genteel smile for everyone whether they deserve it or not. A seven foot tall human shaped “Oh, bless your heart”. A perfectly composed Lady even when she’s, oh I dunno, burning down a Piggly Wiggly. You know. A regular southern mom. Chat her up at the hair salon for 50% off a jar of wasp honey with your next purchase of a mysterious but foreboding packet of herbs.
Designing her was pretty easy because I just drew a lankier Grace Jones and called it a day. I had some problems with her outfit simply because if we were going HARD southern gothic then she’d probably be wearing a white/cream dress with a fuller skirt but I thought keeping the silhouette and the black was more important. She’s supposed to be an anti southern gothic southern gothic character anyway. A woman who looks like she has a million secrets who is actually the most open person you could meet. For better or worse. The red hair came from a coloring error that I really ended up liking (my mom had red hair her whole childhood that only darkened up in high school so I can buy that an Addams can be naturally fire engine red) and the veil was to get more of that classic Morticia silhouette in there.
The Children
Sunday and Blanche are the twin children of Carlisle and Mortesha Addams. Some say the Addams clan got their cursed homestead when a wealthy local businessman made a deal with the devil and lost, leaving his grand mansion to his least favorite maid and cutting his losses once he realized that the swamp would do everything it could to drag the house into the water and take what was owed with its horrible curse. Others say that the family has just always squatted there and no one really cares because man, fuck that particular swamp. Have you been in there? Absolute horror show.
Blanche is the more outgoing sibling and quite the engineer/mad scientist in the making. He started going grey at 2 weeks old but considering he was also rocking some extra fingers, toes, and a tiny tail (he takes after his dad), his parents just put it on the 'not life threatening' pile and decided not to worry about it. He's the kind of smart that teachers find utterly infuriating, less a dog eagerly learning and obeying commands and more a hyena who keeps teaching itself how to pick locks. He has a few friends in his school's robotics club (which they honestly allowed him to make so the school could contain his... creations) but mostly hangs out with his sister exploring the swamp. They find all sorts of neat things in there! wedding rings, suspiciously lumpy garbage bags, cloaked cultists who can't read private property signs, it's an adventure every day!
Blanche is all about experimentation with his creations, his look, and his tether to this mortal coil. Is lipstick a cool thing to try? Let's find out. Can he get out of a strait jacket fast enough after being pushed into the depths of the swamp by his sister? let's find out. He's not dead yet and confused local doctors can attest to the fact that he's rarely attained more than a bad bruise so he's pretty set on continuing to kiss rattlesnakes on their cute little heads and have his sister practice her knife throwing at him until that fact changes.
Blanche is very much a country goth. Cowboy boots (customized by his mom), knife, and lighter are daily accessories. He likes to wear the crusty swamp jewelry they find (the rust adds a splash of color!) and despite appearances he does try to keep himself neat. He's just got  natural Grunge Colors and a tendency to wear clothes he likes until they fall apart. Pugsley always seemed the most modernly styled to me (which might just be because little boys clothes have been the same for a long time) so I wanted Blanche to be the most purposely fashionable Addams. Everyone else is goth by nature, but he's the only one truly familiar with goth as an alternative fashion.
I got really into designing Blanche because honestly, I find Pugsley to be the most boring member of the family. And he was hard to design! I had to mess with his vibe a lot to get him looking how I wanted. I know he's supposed to evoke an " 'evil' little boy next door who's parents never reign him in", but that's just goth Dennis The Menace.  I's 2020. We can at least go queer goth Calvin.
Sunday was much easier to design. Wednesday was my favorite as a child (of course) and I really wanted to keep the spirit of her look while adding things like billowy sleeves (it gets HOT down here), big poofy twists instead of braids, and a nice tie. She's a professional after all, been running the local pet cemetery since she was 6 and the previous groundskeeper met with an unfortunate accident after telling her that tarantulas don't have souls. Her specialty is creating beautiful naturalistic animal funerals similar to those that Maquenda (https://linktr.ee/artofmaquenda) makes, and she takes pride in creating miniature dioramas of her subjects after each burial which she uses as a kind of 3D catalog for future clients.
She really wants to try out her skills on humans one day. Well. Publicly try out her skills. Lotta random bodies float into the swamp. None of them have turned down her requests for diorama models so far. Most seem downright flattered. Plus, she usually figures out which graveyard/crime scene they floated over from and gets her parents to give them a lift back. She'll even help enact terrifying revenge from beyond the grave on whoever put them there if she's not, y'know, busy.
Besides arts, crafts, and pet based funerary arrangements, Sunday is an avid lover of archery (any ranged weapon really), books where little fantasy adventure animals die dramatic deaths, and history. She is That Kid who eagerly raises her hand when asked who Christopher Columbus was and ends up being sent out of class after 15 minutes for making 'a scene'. Her favorite party trick is just picking an item in the room and talking about how it relates to either some obscure historical figure with a buck wild life or a horrible disaster. At least one charity pancake breakfast ended with children in tears after her vivid description of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919.
Social-wise, while Wednesday is the girl that people ask to smile because they think she'd, "look so pretty", Sunday is rarely asked anything at all. People just kind of assume from her quiet nature (in between horrible history facts) that she's angry all the time and that she hates everyone. This is untrue. She hates some people but she's ambivalent to most everyone else and even downright friendly if you bother to talk to her like a person instead of a terrifying cryptid. Like, she IS a terrifying cryptid but she's also a little girl.  
That’s about it for now. One day I might do the other family members but for now I’m happy with the four I’ve redesigned. Making an au! Lurch in a family that doesn’t do butlers could be interesting. Over on patreon I put forth that he could just be Motesha’s mute little brother (similar bone structure) but Amy Crook had the nice idea of quote: “ a mysterious "cousin" that "helps around the house" whose origins are both long in the past and faintly unsettling. He's good for lifting heavy things, like that tank of propane you're about to throw into the burning Piggly Wiggly... “ which i now consider canon. Who's kid is he? How old is he? Not important. Anyone willing to commit arson with you is family.
Annnnyway.  This challenge was a lot of fun! I love indulging in AU’s.
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phantoms-lair · 2 years
Phantom Detective Meets the Dead Boy Detectives (And Death)
Visiting London has been a lifelong dream of Shinichi's, and now he'd done it. And even better it was with Ran, and he'd gone to see the Sherlock Holmes Museum, and solved a case, and best of all no one in this country knew he was dead on sight. (Well besides Ran and her father, but still). 
It was nice to just be a tourist without being the 'Phantom Detective'. He much preferred being 'Holmes’s Apprentice'. 
"Doyle would have eaten you up. His love of spiritualism and deductive reasoning all in one person?" 
Shinichi jumped. 
He hadn't noticed anyone approach, not since Ran left to check in with her father, but now there was an extremely pale young woman, dressed head to toe in black. Not his favorite color, but thankfully she had more of a Goth vibe that the more threatening one the organization used. "Spiritualism?" 
The young woman smiled at him. She seemed so familiar, but at the same time he was certain he'd never seen her before. 
"Authors aren't their characters. Holmes believed in nothing but what could be seen and observed. Doyle, on the other hand, strongly believed in ghosts and spirits. It was a bit of contention between him and Houdini." There was an excitement in her voice, like his when discussing his favorite mystery novels.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Shinichi had a feeling. Not a bad one, more a feeling of being overwhelmed. She didn't set off his ghost sense, there were no tears running down his face, but this whole situation reeked of Danny's side of things. 
"You know who I am." She said with a pleasant, but knowing smile. 
Except he didn't. But he did. It was like the answer was clawing at his brain, trying to tear it's way out. "You're not human." 
"No, I'm not." She agreed. 
"And you never were human. Or a ghost." 
"Partial credit. I do have to be human one day a century, so I have been human."
 She was old. Shinichi, knew it in his gut. Older than just a few centuries, older than humanity. Okay, this was obviously a supernatural thing, maybe if he tried leaning into his ghostly instincts more he could-
 And just like that he knew her. "Death."
“You got it!” She said, grinning like, well, like the opposite of everything his human side ever considered the spectre of death to be like. “I don’t usually talk with mortals, but you guys aren’t exactly mortals. People with one foot in my realm, but who I haven’t taken? It’s so cool!”
“Thanks,” Shinichi said, rubbing the back of his neck in slight embarrassment. 
“Anyway, I was wondering if, since you’re in town, I was wondering if you could help me with a couple of ghosts I’m having trouble with.” “I’ll try, but I’m not Danny. Ran’s always been the better fighter between the two of us.”
“It’s not fighting,” Death assured him, “You see one of the died at a really weird time-”
Shinichi stood in front of the treehouse and sighed. They were in there, just like she said. The emotionless tears that fell from his eyes proved it. "Can we talk? Ghost to Ghosts?"
Two heads cautiously peered cautiously out the window. They apparently could mimic the living well enough to pass, but right now their eyes were just an empty white. Well, they were listening, at least. "I'm Shinichi Kudo, visiting from Japan, and I've been asked by a third party to discuss afterlife options with Charles Rowland." 
"He's working with her." The blond boy hissed.
The brown haired one leaned out the treehouse window. "I told her, I'm not leaving without Edwin."
 I couldn't take Edwin where Charles was supposed to go. And Charles didn't belong where Edwin was 
"Did you ever wonder why she didn't press the issue at the time?"
"She was busy." Charles sounded defensive. "Someone kicked all the damned out of hell and they were mucking things up for the living. I'm sure I'm not the only person they killed." 
That was...okay look Shinichi had gotten a lot better about ghosts existing, but he was not ready to deal with the fact that there was a couple of days where the worst of the dead walked among the living and it wasn't a global mass hallucination like he'd always thought. 
"Death doesn't decide where people go. She's simply the end, not the destination after. She has no control over where the people she takes end up." 
Did Edwin belong where Edwin was? 
He thought he did 
"You're detectives. Think. Don't you find it odd that the rest of Hell's residents were rounded up and returned, but not Edwin?"
 "What does that have to do with any-"
 "She didn't want to take me back." Edwin whispered, cutting Charles off, his eyes wide with realization. 
"Well, we can all agree you never going back there." Charles said in a huff.
"She didn't want to take me back." Edwin was firmer now. "But she could have. So if she wanted to get us, why didn't she?" 
"From what she told me, souls need to be taken when they die. Edwin was taken. Charles wasn't. And that's causing problems. Well, maybe not causing, making it easier for problems to happen?" He was human, even if a ghostly one, and his brain flat out wasn't wired to understand some of what she'd apologetically tried to explain. "The point is, Charles needs to go to an afterlife. But that afterlife can be right here."
"If my afterlife can be right here, why do I need to be taken at all?" Charles challenged. 
"I don't know." Shinichi huffed. "I'm a ghost, not a god. I don't know how the underpinnings of it all work. But I do know she doesn't hunt down ghosts. There are entire communities of us, and I don't know if you get the news, but you would not believe what they get up to in America." 
"It's America." Edwin said in deadpan. 
"Point." Shinichi smiled at the joke. "Look, she doesn't want to forcibly press the issue because your own perceptions affect it. So if you believe she's dragging you somewhere you don't want to be, that's where you'll end up. But it's been years and the hiccup of you not being taken is gaining size like a snowball going down the mountain. It's getting close to the point where she'll have to do something like it or not. 
"And what's your role in all this?" Edwin questioned. 
"Convenient Messenger." Shinichi shrugged. "You wouldn't stay still around her long enough to explain it, and might not have believed her if she did. And I can provide empirical proof that she doesn't mindlessly chase down ghosts to whisk them away to the afterlife." He paused considering. "Though as I said, she has no skin in the afterlife realms game. So if you see an entity trying to cajole you to their side of things? Not working for her, feel free to ignore."
The two heads disappeared into the treehouse and Shinichi waited for them to talk it over. Finally they poked back out. “You said you can prove there are other ghosts out there?”
“Sure.” Shinichi pulled out his phone and called a familiar number. “Dani-tan, it’s Shinichi. I’ve got a couple of ghosts here I need to convince other ghosts exist. No they are not in worse denial than I was, I’m trying to convince them that Shinigami doesn’t force ghosts to an other planar afterlife. I’ll pass you along.”
Shinichi levitated the phone up to the treehouse. Charles took it warily. A young girl with black hair waved at them from the screen. “First things first. Can you prove you’re a ghost?” Edwin asked. “Of course.” The girl reached into the neck of her hoodie and pulled out a necklace. She lifted it above her mouth and made a show of dropping it in. She swallowed it, then phased her hand through her torso and pulled it out. “Tada!” “Okay, that’s some proper ghosting. How many other ghosts do you know, especially ones that are older than Kudo?” Dani snorted. “Please. Shinichi is the babyest of baby ghosts. I’ve known more ghosts than living people, though that’s in the process of changing, and some of them are centuries old. I think Pandora is the oldest, she’s from Ancient Greece.”
“And none of them are worried about Death coming after them?” Charles asked. “Why, they’re already dead? Been there, done that. There are actual things to worry about, like Hunters with ectoplasmic weapons or other ghosts that have been around forever and have let their power outweigh their common sense. Have you really had no contact with other ghosts? We need to get you some friends! Anything else?”
“I think we’re good.” Edwin turned his attention to Charles as Dani hung up. “What do you think?”
“It seems  like they’re telling the truth but…what if they’re not? What if it’s a trap to take me away?” “I don’t think it is. Kudo was right, if she managed to get all the souls back to hell just like that, there’s now way she couldn’t have just sent me back as well. And if she isn’t going to force me back to Hell, then she’s probably not going to force you somewhere else. And worse comes to worse, these past few decades? They were the best of my life.”  
“Mine too.” Charles admitted. “And if I really am causing problems…I don’t want to be responsible for something like what happened to me to happen to anyone else.” He looked out the window. “I’m ready.”
“That’s great!” Shinichi jumped a few inches in the air, startled as Death appeared beside him as if she’s always been there. He hovered nervously for a second  before setting his feet back on the ground.
Charles gulped and floated down, Edwin close on his heels. “So I just take your hand?” “Simple as that.” Death extended her hand as she'd done in the attic of St. Hilarion's and hesitantly Charles took it. The sound of wings filled the area around the treehouse and Charles was gone. 
“No,” Edwin whispered, falling to his knees.
“He’ll be back,” Death promised. “He just needs a minute to sort himself out properly. But in the meantime there’s something you should know. Lucifer quit.”
Shinichi pinched the bridge of his nose and Edwin’s jaw dropped. “He can do that?”
“Apparently so.” Death smiled warmly. “And in his abdication he gave up everything. His lands, his followers. Everything that was his, everything that was ever given to him.”
“Including souls.” Edwin whispered.
“Being a ghost is a half step into the afterlife. You can certainly stay here, but you don’t have to. And if you and Charles ever decide to go further down the road? You never have to go back.”
“Edwin!!” And Charles was there, running up to his best friend. “I’m back! You were right and…I feel better. Like I was being weighed down a lot and I didn’t realized it until the weight was gone, you know?”
“I do,” Edwin agreed. “Thank you, both of you.”
“I’m glad we got this worked out, but I’ve got plenty to do. See you at the your next murder investigation.” Death waved and she was gone.
“This day has been so weird.” Shinichi grumbled. “Okay, do either of you have a cell phone?”
They looked blankly at him.
“Okay, we’re going to go into town and buy you guys a phone and figure out how we’ll get it charged. I’ll give you a few numbers, including my own, for people who can help you get used to things and get connected to other ghosts. Then I am going to curl up with my girlfriend and watch relaxing shows on Netflix.”
“You have  a girlfriend!?”
Shinichi sighed. Japan was looking better and better.
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Yandere!Matt Murdock Part 1
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[Check out the 500 followers special!]
This concept has been on my mind for some time
You meet Matt through a complete accident and you don't think much about it, contrary to him
Who has his third eye open now
Maybe you're a friend of his client or just a girl he passes by
He hears your bright laugh, maybe a witty comment, smells the faint aroma that follows you
And he's about to believe black magic is real because there ain't no other way he could become so obsessed with someone
The sound of your heartbeat echoes inside his head at all times, sometimes temptingly intertwining with the memory of your beautiful laugh
Believes that you're a sign from God
That the good Lord above is seeking reconciliation
Starts going to church regularly again and father Lantom asks him what changed his mind
And Matt, oh dear irony, says that he has seen reason
Saves you from a very unreal and made-up danger
Dramatically reveals that the lawyer you barely remember ever seeing is the city's hero to successfully earn your admiration
Everything seems to be sorted out but just for good measure and of course your own safety, you should stay over that night
Matt barely sleeps that night, just lays awake listening to your breaths
Screaming at himself to just get up and wrap his body around you
Like the way it's meant to be !!!!!
He's clearly delusional, believing that since you agreed to stay at his place, you must trust him and have some sort of positive feelings toward him, right?
If you ask about his double life he will perform a very dramatic speech about how lonely he gets, how he toes the line between life and death at least once a week, how he just wants to make the world a better place, etc.
It may be pathetic to get your pity love but it's better than not having anything
When he tells you about how badly he gets injured or maybe you see a scar, you get (reasonably so) worried about that man
Because he's doing so much!! He's so selfless and kind-hearted! And no one even knows!!
The fact that you're worried about him gets Matt going. He tells himself that it's solid proof that you care about him, ergo must like him
Matt tries to instill paranoia in you (at least to some degree)
There is someone out to get you because you know him! Or because you know this or that person! And he, in his endless kindness and desire for justice, will protect you
"Only I can keep you safe"
And that paranoia makes you gradually lose contact with your friends and family because: 1) you don't know who's in on the scheme to hurt you 2) you don't want anyone else getting hurt
So with some patience and well-spun yarn, Matt has you all to himself
He may be a blind man doing backflips and dodging bullets but you still ask him if there's anything you can help him with
And, honestly, there really isn't but he always finds something
Or asks you first to do something for him
You can never turn down the blind hero of New York and Matt's heart is melting
Besides, it's another solid proof that you like him, right?
Karen and Foggy are getting suspicious but Matt being weird is nothing new so they kind of brush it off
Sometimes he would just sit on the rooftop of the building you live in and listen to you casually go about your day/night
He lives through that day/night with you in a way - his senses allow him to know exactly what you're doing and his imagination is placing Matt in the middle of those actions
So you've made dinner with Matt, showered with him or just spent a lazy Sunday afternoon together
You just don't know it yet
Definitely touched himself on that rooftop, thinking about you
Matt regularly considers straight-up kidnapping you, it's not like you have any chance against him
And it's not like your friends and family will catch on quickly, you don't talk to them anyway
But the downside is that you wouldn't be all lovey-dovey and compliant as he wants you to be
...unless he makes you believe it's for your own safety, that you have to stay with him 24/7 and not go anywhere
After some fairly long radio silence from you, your friends and family begin to wonder what on Earth is going on with you
They may reach out but you, keeping that paranoia Matt gave you, are very vague in your words should you decide to talk to them
In your naivety and trust towards him, you tell Matt about it, clearly worried that you've done the wrong thing
Offers to "check up on them" which in reality means that he will beat the shit out of them and threatened them that if they try to contact you again he will not be so diplomatic
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Memory - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky's a vampire but still manages to develop a breeding kink
Warnings: smut, breeding kink, vampire!AU, creampie, daddy kink, mention of blood because of biting
A/N: this is for my darling cousin @whisperlullaby​‘s challenge, and also my own! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them, instead of on Thursdays, which are my usual one-shot posting days. I hope you guys will enjoy this silly idea of a vampire with a breeding kink 💛 I had a blast writing it! Unbeta’ed because I almost died this week and cannot be bothered to stare at my writing for any longer.
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
“Okay, let’s play truth or dare!” I groaned as silently as possible at the proposition. One of the downsides of dating someone in college was having to deal with the immaturity of their friends, especially when I was unable to escape yet another invitation for a weekend getaway.
There were only so many encounters a man could refuse before mysterious became annoying, and I knew I was toeing the line, even if my girlfriend never complained.
She understood just how irritating these gatherings could be to me. It would have been easy to imagine if there was a realistic age gap between us, but considering the centuries that separated our birth dates, it was laughable that anyone would entertain the idea of me with a bunch of young adults who only wanted to get laid, smoke some weed and drink their asses off.
Of course, her friends didn’t know my true age, so they only thought I was a little bit irked by their behavior. Y/N knew the truth, and so evidently she tried to get me out of it, but I resisted.
I wanted her to take part in the normal experiences people her age were having. There was already so much that she was missing out on just by being with me - and I wasn’t even referring to the blood that she granted me every night.
I’d accepted to be there with her that evening. I was going to immerse myself in the full experience, if only to learn a bit more about her and those she surrounded herself with.
Her best friend let out a little excited yell when she noticed that we were joining the circle and I forced myself to smile at her. “Alright, let’s do this.” One of the male friends rubbed his hands before reaching for the bottle, making it spin as I frowned. I thought that was a different game, but apparently I was mistaken.
It landed on a girl I had yet to get acquainted with, and so I disconnected myself from the conversation as I watched my beloved laugh and have fun with her friends. It made me feel warm. It made me grateful I had decided to join.
A few more rounds went by without anything of essence actually happening. I was about to excuse myself when the bottle surprisingly stopped while pointing at Y/N.
She gasped as she stared at the man who was responsible for deciding her fate, and I already knew I wouldn’t like what was coming next. But she was smart, so she avoided the dare that would undoubtedly enrage me, leaving her to answer a question that I also would have preferred not to hear.
“So… Y/N…” He began, taking far too much pleasure at the situation, and by the way she rolled her eyes, I knew she was thinking the same.
“Yes, Simon.” He opened his mouth to say something, but instinctively looked my way. I was trying my best not to let any emotion slip through the cracks of my perfectly constructed mask, but whatever it was that he saw seemed to make him change his mind.
He closed his mouth and frowned, for a second deep in thought, before he sighed and finally voiced his question. “Just tell us one of your kinks.”
It sounded like he was trying to get this over with, and although Y/N seemed just as confused, she cleared her throat and gave him an answer.
“Oh, I don’t know… I guess.. Creampie?” Little giggles and comments rose around the circle, but nothing really stuck out and they were quick to motion her to spin the bottle so another person could have a turn.
It was a different reaction that I was expecting, especially considering what everyone did for much tamer answers, but the explanation for the lukewarm crowd was made clear by a groaned comment from Simon to the man beside him.
“This is no fun now that she isn’t single.” A small giggle resonated by my side, and I turned in the direction it came from to find my girlfriend trying to suppress her amusement behind her palm.
“Something funny, little one?” I knew they’d take notice of the pet name, but I honestly couldn’t be bothered to even pretend to care, and the fact that she smiled openly up at me showed me that she didn’t, either.
“Not at all.” She pulled me closer to deposit a quick peck on my lips and I was sure if my heart was still beating, it would have fluttered at the way she looked at me. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“Of course.” Thankfully, the game didn’t last much longer - for us, at least. Somehow, the bottle didn’t land on me once, and Y/N started to yawn, her head resting against my shoulder after the third consecutive “Who would you rather bang?” question.
“I think we’re gonna leave for the night,” she excused us even though I knew she wasn’t really sleepy. She really could be an excellent actress when she wanted to.
We walked up the stairs to where the bedrooms were located, quickly getting in what had been assigned as ours for the weekend. She smiled softly at me as she reached for her backpack, no doubt looking for the one shirt of mine she always slept in, but I had a few things in my mind I wanted to ask her about.
“Why do you like creampies to much?” The words spilled out at me so unusually, considering the silence in the room, it didn’t surprise me that it took her a while to answer. When she did though, I was surprised to find her biting her lip, a look between amused and horny in her eyes when she approached me.
“Dunno.” She shrugged, taking my hands in her and playing with my fingers. I knew it was a way to avoid my intense gaze. “Guess I have a bit of a breeding kink, actually. It just felt too personal to share with those guys.”
The answer took me by surprise as I stared down at her, blinking a couple of times as I made sure to really process what she had said.
“A breeding kink?” I confirmed, and she rolled her eyes in that way I knew she did when she was embarrassed but trying to play it off as annoyed.
“Yeah, you know.” She pulled away from me to sit on the bed, legs dangling off of it almost like a child. “I like the idea of being bred. Even though I’m in no way ready to become a mother,” she added in a serious tone, making sure I understood what she meant.
But I didn’t. I didn’t and I guess it was clear in my face, because she quirked an eyebrow and jumped out of the bed, coming to stand before me once more.
“Why is this so weird to you?” She inquired, head tilted in amusement. “You’re over a century old, I’m sure your expectations regarding sexual relationships were related to impregnation for most of your life.”
And I mean… she wasn’t wrong. But I hadn’t thought about that for so long, I guess it didn’t occur to me that there was an actual term for it these days.
“There’s no way you don’t have a breeding kink.” The affirmation sounded almost like a dare, so my instinct was to fight it, wrap my arms around her torso so I’d keep her close to me, but deny it.
“You know I can’t ‘breed’ anyone anymore, darling.” But she wasn’t giving up. Her fingers softly traced my jawline, eyes sparkling with a dangerous glint as she countered, “Doesn’t mean you can’t like the idea of it.”
Even though I didn’t need the oxygen, I inhaled sharply, suddenly fascinated by her every movement, the way she gently unwrapped herself from my arms to slowly unbutton her simple dress, the one she made it look like a fucking gown.
“Think about it, Buck…” Every inch of skin that became exposed to my eyes still had my mouth watering, desperate to taste her all over.
“Wouldn’t you want to see me round with your child?” The question provoked my imagination, playing with her features as I thought about what she proposed. Her breasts fuller, stomach protuberant, and maybe a little feet rubbing against the skin, something I could kiss.
“See me carry your genes, continue your lineage… Wouldn’t you want that?” Her innocent eyes spelled trouble when she stood before me again, close enough to touch.
And I couldn’t deny that the idea did something to my heart - even though it didn’t beat anymore. Most undeniably, it definitely did something to my cock, which now strained against my pants, the arousal that the image of her impregnated by me provoked bursting as I looked at the creature that I loved in wonder and fascination.
“Are you trying to tempt me, doll?” She bit on her lower lip to stop herself from giggling before I pulled it away from her teeth when I took her in my arms again, naked breasts rubbing against my shirt.
“Is it working?” She breathed out, eyes connected to mine while she tried to gather my feelings about her attempt. I pressed her body closer, making sure she’d feel the hardness in my pants before I even voiced it.
“Very well,” I whispered in her ear, enjoying the way my cold breath awakened goosebumps all over her warm skin. She never complained about the difference in temperature, something that I was profoundly grateful for, since I loved to feel her hot blood pumping underneath my fingertips whenever I trailed my digits over her flesh.
“So tell me,” she pressed, still going for seductive even though she sounded slightly out of breath, her desire evident in the way her pupils had dilated. “Would you like to breed me, James?”
A shiver went down my spine at the question and I closed my eyes for just one second, just to relish in this sensation before I opened them to confess, “You have no idea how much I’d like that.”
My hand easily spread her lower lips, middle finger running between them to test her wetness and finding her soaked, like she always seemed to be for me. The knowledge had me smiling as I lifted my hand to taste her before making quick work of my belt, observing her slowly walking backwards towards the bed as I followed, almost like there was a thread connecting us, keeping us close.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned against my ear as he buried himself inside of me and I clutched at his shoulders, desperate to feel every part of him connected to every part of me.
Only he could get me this way. Chest heaving, mouth open just from the simple act of feeling him stretching me open. It didn’t matter how many times he took me, it still burned the same - and I loved it.
“Tell me, doll,” he panted, hypnotizing eyes connected to mine, unwilling to let my gaze escape his hold. “Tell me you’d want to have my child. You’d look so beautiful with your body changing because of me, wouldn’t you want that?”
I groaned, throwing my head back as James fucked me senseless, his cock ramming against my sweet spot over and over again. He knew no mercy, I knew that. I just never anticipated to have such an overwhelming reaction to a silly little kink I never even thought I’d ever get to explore.
“Answer me, little one.” His fangs came into play then, piercing around the nipple that he sucked, galvanizing me into actually responding, “I would, I would, daddy,” while pulling on his hair without even realizing.
He let go of my breasts to look at me with dark eyes - not because he had come in contact with my blood, oh no. It was clear that this was the reaction to the name that escaped me so easily, waving its way into him until it broke the last bit of his control and left him completely undone, only determined to fuck me.
I watched him lick his lips before he ordered, “tell daddy you want his cum inside of you.” Hearing him acknowledge this other secret kink, refer to himself as it had me delirious, unable to formulate any words to obey him, so I opted to hide my face in the crook of his neck, hoping the feeling of my burning cheeks would satiate him.
What a mistake.
“Oh, so now you’re shy?” He mocked, rubbing his jaw against my cheek as I whined against him. “Want daddy’s cum so much but can’t be a good girl and beg for it?”
I came with a long drawn-out gasp right then, my body twitching underneath his as his cock dragged along my walls once, twice, a third time until it spilled his cum inside of my channel. The act was so hot to me that it had me pulling on his hair, whispers of “I love you, I love you,” tumbling out of my lips.
He silenced me with a kiss, still managing to keep on thrusting until I had to push him away because of my sensitivity.
“Spread your legs for me, little one…” He ordered, brushing his tongue over his lower lip in contemplation. “Let me see the mess I left there.”
I was still a bit nervous about the whole ordeal now that the wave of horniness had left me, but I did eventually spread my legs for him, whimpering as he bit down on his own lip at the sight of his spent dripping from my abused pussy.
“Oh, you look so good like that, darling.” I could barely contain my giddiness as he laid down by my side and pulled me to rest on his chest, pressing a kiss to my temple while he caressed my arm. “But one question remains unanswered.” To my almost sleepy hum, he proceeded, “Why do you like the idea of breeding so much?”
That got me thinking, wiping the tiredness off of my muscles like a bucket of cold water. It felt weird to admit it, but at the same time, I wanted nothing more than to bare my soul to the man I loved, to have him aware of every little thing about me…
So I admitted, “I like the idea of being yours… in this very scary, slightly territorial way.” At his silence, I giggled, hiding my face on his chest as I waited for his response.
“But you are mine,” he reminded me, and even as I rolled my eyes, a silly smile painted my lips, loving that he felt like he needed to tell me that.
“I know I am,” I recognized. “It’s just another way I’d like to be claimed by you. Besides, I can just imagine how well you’d take care of me…”
Silence filled the room as we both got lost in the images of what could never be. Me with a fully-grown belly, walking like a penguin as he held up tiny onesies that looked ridiculous in his huge hands.
My heart ached for what could never be, surely, but I couldn’t really grieve a future I’d never have while I was so happy with the man who wanted to give me one.
“I’ll always take care of you.” He kissed the back of my hand, and even though he knew it wasn’t exactly what I meant, it was just enough. “I’m sorry that I can’t ever give you children.”
The guilt in his tone was almost palpable, and I wanted to do anything in my power to make it disappear. This wasn’t what I intended when I shared my sexual fantasies with him. They were just that - fantasies. I wouldn’t trade my reality for any alternative version the universe could offer me.
“It’s alright, babe,” I assured him, depositing a kiss on his chest, right where his heart would be beating for me if it could. “I think the way you want to claim me is just as territorial… and much more final.”
Bucky held me close, breathing me in - even if he didn’t need to do that to survive - before he asked me the last doubt that still hovered in his mind.
“Aren’t you scared?” And as I laid there in his embrace, feeling loved and cared for, I knew the only acceptable answer that I could give him was, “It’ll be worth it.”
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meetmymouth · 4 years
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warnings: smut, smoking, alcohol consumption.
thank you @harryandhockey​ and @burberryharold​ for beta-ing this baby, you guys are the sweetest angels! 
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When the doorbell goes off for the third time that night, she groans and tosses the lipstick on her bed, then makes her way towards the door. Through the stained glass, she sees a tall figure and rolls her eyes.
“Look, this is the third time- oh. It’s you.”
The blonde raises her eyebrows, “Who were you expecting? Also wow, I feel so welcome, thank you.”
“Sorry,” the door closes behind Charlotte, and they walk inside.
Once in the tiny kitchen, kettle already on, she takes time to coat her eyelashes with mascara.
“Who did you think I was, that was quite the welcome.”
“Couple of girls kept knocking on the door. Something about a survey. I’ve no idea. Hey, can you help me put this on?” She takes a necklace out of her jean pocket and hands it over.
It’s Thursday, which means happy hour at their local pub and after that, they’d take N31 towards Camden to listen to a friend of Charlotte’s, an upcoming indie artist. She usually didn’t like going out on weekdays since she worked 8 to 4 and she would need to wake up at 6AM sharp to get ready and leave her flat for her Friday shift. But ever since Charlotte started working for the touring musician Harry Styles, they saw each other twice- once when they toured England and the second one being right before Charlotte left for tour. Being close friends since school, it was safe to say that she felt her absence and missed her friend dearly but were also so proud of her for everything she’d achieved.
So when Charlotte came home during their break, she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her friend and if it meant spending her Friday shift hungover while cleaning up animal urine and puke from all kinds of animals, then so be it.
“There,” Charlotte pats her on the neck after she clasps the necklace and she turns around, hand reaching to turn the kettle off.
“Ta. When are we leaving? And do you think I should go for my Adidas or the boots?” She points at the heeled boots, half white half black by the kitchen entrance and Charlotte follows her gaze as she sips the hot beverage.
She looks at the boots, then her, then the boots again, “The boots for fuckin’ sure. They’re sick- where’d you get them?”
“Depop,” She lets out a chuckle, “Think they’re Topshop, ‘m not sure. Should we leave? Y’know I walk dead slow and now that I’m wearin’ the boots…”
“You really do...go get your shit, I’ll wash this.”
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They’re gathered around a round table, the green paint of the wooden table beginning to chip, and everyone’s got drinks of their own, G&T being the most popular choice. There are only five of them, Charlotte, her, Phoebe and her girlfriend Jamie, and they’re chatting about anything and everything until Charlotte turns to her, straw between her red lips.
“Oh dear, what have you done,” she cuts her off and earns a glare from her, and from the corner of her eye, she sees Phoebe and Jamie cross their arms as if they’re getting ready for their usual bickering.
“Fuck you,” Charlotte sighs, “I didn’t do anything. I just invited some more people to Julien’s show and wanted to...kinda ask if that’s alright with you”
“Oh,” she looks around the table, finding the other girls looking at their phones and she turns to Charlotte, “It’s fine. Who are they?”
Phoebe snorts at that and her eyebrows raise in question. She gives Phoebe a look, but Charlotte’s quicker as she throws a damp tissue at the blonde and Jamie laughs when it lands back on Charlotte’s lap. “You know Sarah from the band?”
“Oh, yeah!”
She remembers meeting Sarah at Charlotte’s new flat after she moved to London, the brunette bringing a cute snake plant and a weird- but cute tea set as a housewarming gift and they got on well. They talked about plants, Sarah giving her tips on how to keep certain plants alive, and she asked her lots of questions about her experience being a woman, especially a drummer in the music industry. Sarah was very soft spoken; she spoke as if she was talking to a baby, but she always made sure to maintain eye contact when she was having a conversation with you, listening and nodding when appropriate so that you felt special and...understood. She was lovely, which was why she found it weird how Charlotte was acting awkward about her joining them tonight.
“And her boyfriend, Mitch, of course,” Charlotte adds and she nods, motioning for her to keep going. “And Harry.”
“Harry Styles?”
“Oh boy,” Jamie whistles.
“Obviously,” Charlotte sucks on her straw, slurping her drink, “Yeah, him,” she repeats, this time softer.
“I...why?” She chooses to ask, surprised as she’d like to think Harry Styles as this unreachable, ever-so-busy person who wouldn’t be interested in a night out like this. She turns to Phoebe, and then Jamie, and they respond with a shrug as Phoebe goes back to cuddling into Jamie’s side.
“What do you mean why?” Charlotte places her drink on the table, “It would be rude not to since I asked Sarah and Mitch.”
“Well, I just mean, isn’t he busy?”
Jamie whistles again and sings her name, “You got a crush, babes?”
“Nonsense, never even met the guy- which,” she looks around the table, “-is one of the reasons why I was confused. Anyway, it doesn't matter,” she shrugs and turns to Charlotte, “I’m not bothered, Lotts, it’s totally fine.”
She gives her a nod, “I just find him intimidating and don’t think he’d be into indie, that’s all.”
It was true. Despite having not met Mr. Harry Styles, deep down she knew he’d be intimidating because he was so good looking and well, just like most people, she loved One Direction. She was a big fan, she even got told off by her stepmother once when she was younger because apparently the tape she used to hang her One Direction posters was ruining the walls. She often referred to them as twinks, and she didn’t even know what it meant until she was older. She remembers how she got made fun of at sixth form because one of the girls found her old Tumblr and told everyone about it. Harry’s never been her favourite though. Not because she didn’t find him attractive, not at all. It was because he was too attractive and was everyone’s favourite so whenever asked, she’d shrug and tell people how she found Louis funny, and then Zayn because ’he’s the hottest’.
Long story short, despite her friendship with Charlotte, she’d never met Harry, never had the opportunity to attend one of his shows because she was either too busy or they were playing in a different country and she simply couldn’t afford it. So tonight would be the first time they’d get to be in the same place and to say that she was nervous would be an understatement. And her, she always thought she was awkward. Way too awkward for social gatherings but she liked going out regardless, drinking cheap alcohol and dancing to shitty songs in an equally shitty pub. She loved being a student. Loved the freedom the title had given her. What’s your occupation, she’d get asked from time to time. Student, she’d say without hesitating. She was a student. She didn’t have to be anything else for three years. Sure, she was also working part time at an animal shelter but for the most part, she loved being a student. That’s how she met Phoebe, and then Jamie. In a way, she was their matchmaker.
She remembers meeting Phoebe last year when they had a class together. She was the first person to smile at her in the overcrowded lecture theatre and she remembers thinking how nice Phoebe’s green fringe looked. Meeting Jamie though, was funny. Phoebe usually got weird when they joked about it since she met Jamie before Phoebe did on Tinder, even went on a date with her, and then right before she was about to ghost her, she thought of how similar Phoebe and Jamie were. It was then that she made Phoebe go on a date with Jamie, and after a month of pining, they got together. Even though they were similar, she always thought that they actually completed each other, Jamie being the logical one and Phoebe encouraging Jamie to let loose from time to time and live in the moment.
Charlotte reaches and boops her nose, “He’s a musician, he loves all kinds of music. He won’t eat you, babe. He’s nice, I promise.”
Phoebe knocks on the wood, getting everyone’s attention, “Can we get a picture with him? An autograph?”
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She feels a throbbing pain in her feet, toes in particular once they’re in and they wait for Phoebe and Jamie to buy their drinks, knowing she’d wake up with blisters in the morning. Charlotte takes out her phone and presumably texts the others, letting them know they were already here. She felt nervous. Nervous because she always thought she was rubbish when it came to meeting new people; they either thought she was too intimidating or rude but in reality, it was only because she always felt anxious meeting new people and would rather stay quiet than talking nonsense.
She takes time to analyse her outfit, a pair of black mom jeans and her boots, oh the boots who were currently grilling her feet. Then she tries to adjust her lace bodysuit, all of a sudden feeling super self conscious about the ”revealing” outfit. She adjusts the top, hoping her tits weren’t out before, and sighs when she touches the oversized blazer, rolling up the sleeves a bit more since it was beginning to get warm, too warm for her liking inside. Considering how she often felt self conscious about her arms, she felt more comfortable with the blazer over the sexy bodysuit.
“So,” she starts, eyes studying the crowded bar before her gaze stops at Charlotte, “Are they here?”
Charlotte looks up from her phone and nods, leaning her head on her shoulder. She feels her arm going around her waist and smiles, nudging her head with hers and she looks up, giving her a smile of her own. “What’s up, blondie?” she asks, hand coming up to ruffle Charlotte’s fringe.
She sighs, “Just tired, to be honest. I’m glad I wore trainers.”
“At least one of us is happy about their shoe choice.”
They watch as Phoebe and Jamie walk towards them, the brunette handing her a tall glass as Phoebe hands Charlotte her own drink. “When’s she on?”
Everyone turns to Charlotte, “Half an hour, maybe?”
“When are your friends coming? It’s getting quite...stuffy in here,” Jamie looks around and Phoebe nods, hands going around Jamie’s waist to pull the brunette into her.
“I texted Sarah and she said Harry was parking the car- oh, I see Mitch.”
They all look around, and she spots the tall guy with long hair, walking towards them with Sarah and Harry behind. She gulps and tries to look away, praying that no one takes notice of her sweaty forehead and shaky hands.
As the trio walk towards them, she takes a moment to examine Harry, and his outfit. Even in the dimly lit bar, she’s almost sure the high waisted trousers he has on are navy, and he’s got a tan...or a beige shirt tucked in them, chest on full display and she notices a cross necklace, looking as if it was made for his pretty neck. She clears her throat as quietly as she can and looks down but not before she takes a peek at his shoes, and she almost snorts at the choice of red boots he’s got on, noticing how everyone had trainers on while the two of them had what looked like very uncomfortable boots on.
To be honest, she thinks, he looks pretty good. She looks around them, noticing how most guys had jeans and ugly trainers on whereas Harry looked like he made quite the effort with his outfit but she also knows that even if he turned up in jeans and ugly trainers, he would still look amazing. Damn Harry Styles. Was she blushing?
The three of them are in their space now, close enough so she can make out Sarah’s overpowering perfume, and she clears her throat once again when Charlotte embraces Sarah first, then Mitch. Before she can watch her hug Harry, Sarah’s in front of her.
“Hi,” she smiles, going in for a hug, “It’s so nice to see you again. It’s been a while,” she says and her voice comes out muffled since they’re still hugging and she hopes her hair smells decent because Sarah’s face is pressed against her neck and hair.
“It’s nice to see you too! How have you been?”
“‘Been alright, I suppose!” She beams at her and turns to the man with long hair, “This is Mitch.”
As Sarah introduces everyone with Mitch, she feels Harry’s eyes on her, though she can’t turn her head and meet his gaze because that’d be rude seeing how Mitch is about to reach and give her a one armed hug. Alright then, she thinks, they’re a hugger. Then, it’s Harry’s turn. She looks at him, seeing how his eyes are focused on Phoebe and Jamie as he gives them both a warm smile before Charlotte starts talking again, introducing everyone to Phoebe and Jamie, then everyone turns to her, and she feels her face heat up seeing how everyone’s attention is on her now. She knows it’s her turn.
Harry takes a step forward and her earlier thoughts are confirmed when she can finally make out the colour of his trousers. “Hey, ‘m Harry,” he gives her a smile without waiting for Charlotte to speak, “Nice meeting you,” he comes closer and wraps an arm around her, engulfing her in a hug but it’s definitely different from Mitch or Sarah’s hug. It’s tight, much warmer and he’s got both arms around her, palms flat against her back as he rubs her back.
And of course she responds with the same warmness and hugs him back, “Hiya,” she introduces herself, and once they pull apart, he repeats her name and it sounds like poetry, something so personal and...erotic. But maybe, she thinks, maybe it’s just his deep voice making her feel that way.
Despite the moment they shared, if she could call it that, felt like hours, it was merely a minute. And it wasn’t like in the films where they hug, everything around them slowing down as the people watch in awe. No, not at all. When she looks around, she sees that everyone’s been already mingling, Phoebe and Jamie smiling at each other while they sipped their drinks, and Mitch is nowhere to be seen, possibly at the bar getting drinks.
Harry turns to Charlotte with a grin, “So is she any good, should we replace you with her?” He says, nudging her with his hip.
That sort of makes her smile, seeing Harry so carefree and friendly with the people who are essentially working for him. Even though she doesn’t know Harry Styles like they do, like Charlotte does, she knows he considers these people to be his friends and colleagues rather than his employees. It’s also fun seeing him this friendly with her best friend, and she feels proud, as she always does, knowing Charlotte has made herself great friends and that she clearly enjoys working with these people.
Charlotte nudges him back, “She’s great, I wouldn’t mind being replaced by her. Oh, there she is,” she points at the stage, and everyone turns to look at the pink-haired girl on the tiny stage with a sleek looking acoustic guitar on her side. As the others start talking about Julien, she finally takes the opportunity to look at Harry. Once their eyes meet, he gives her a smile, dimples on full display, and she swears she could see him blush when he looks down after she beamed at him. Even if he did blush though, he recovers quickly when he’s offered a drink and he mutters a thank you to Mitch, then lifts the slice of lime off the rim of his glass and sucks it into his mouth and she deems it as a good time to look away.
And she does, when she feels Sarah close, and she turns to her, Sarah welcoming her with a smile, “How’s uni? It’s your last year, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” she clears her throat, “It’s alright. Exhausting, but alright.”
“You’re working too, right?”
“Yeah, I work at an animal shelter.”
“It must be exhausting.”
“It is,” she gives her a nod, “I work three days a week and I also have classes so I only have Sundays off. I’ll probably leave and focus on uni after Christmas break though, I have my dissertation next semester.”
“Oh, cool! I miss being a student,” she purses her lips and turns to Harry, who had been listening to their conversation, his pretty fingers, most of them adorned with equally pretty rings, wrapped around the tall glass, “You probably can’t relate, H, can ya?”
He rolls her eyes but laughs regardless, “Piss off.”
Despite the chatter around them, it’s not ridiculously loud so they can carry a conversation without having to shout. They fall into an easy conversation, everyone joining in, and all of a sudden a pink neon light falls over them and they all turn to the stage. Julien starts singing, and all the chatter around them dies down, some people already starting to sing the words back at her.
She looks away from the stage for a minute and catches Harry’s gaze from across the room. They’re close enough for her to make out a few droplets of sweat on Harry’s forehead, and their eyes meet as he gives her a smile, eyes sparkling with mischief, then brings the glass up to his mouth. She watches as his top lip rests on the rim before he lifts it to his mouth and when she looks up, she sees him still looking at, gaze unwavering and mouth curled upwards in a sly smirk. She was caught. She was caught and he looked like he was loving and devouring every second of it.
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Julien takes a break, promising to come back with a brand new song from her upcoming EP, and there’s a group of people making their way towards the exit, presumably to have a smoke and get some fresh air.
“Where’s she gone?” Charlotte huffs, eyes searching the room for the pink haired girl.
“She’s over there,” Phoebe points at Julien and they all turn to where she’s pointing at, spotting Julien near the bar with a drink in hand.
“Is she flirting?”
“She’s got groupies already?” she says after she takes her eyes off of Harry and everyone laughs.
Charlotte comes closer and nudges her shoulder against her, “You’d know, wouldn’t you?” “Be quiet,” she nudges back, and their group falls back into their conversation except Harry, who keeps staring at her and she gulps, hands reaching to feel her blazer pockets.
“Right,” she mutters, “It’s time to poison myself. I’m going out for a fag,” once she feels the bulge in her pocket, she turns to Charlotte, “Send me a text when she’s back on, yeah?”
“I’ll come with.”
She looks up at Harry, surprised, but nods, waiting for him to follow her outside. Even though she tries her best not to make eye contact with anyone as they leave, she’s aware of them watching them, everyone in their group equally surprised, but they keep walking, Harry following quietly behind. Once they pass the smelly bodies, they’re finally outside, the wind licking her face once she steps out and she tries to hug herself closer, seeing how the thin blazer’s not doing a good job at keeping her warm.
Harry wishes he’d brought a coat.
They’re quiet as he follows her to a quiet corner, only a few people turning their heads their way, presumably recognising him, and they stop near a brick wall and she takes her tobacco out of her left pocket. She looks up, catching him staring at her ring-clad fingers wrapped around the dark green packet, and she clears her throat, making him look up at her. They share a smile, both feeling at ease with the comfortable silence between them. She spots a wooden bench near and sits down, hands already working the packet open. When she starts tearing the tobacco apart, Harry can’t help but note how quickly she’s working it between her fingers, and he’s almost certain she’s been doing this for years.
“Want one?” She asks and he saunters forward, coming to stand in front of her with hands in his pockets.
He shrugs and she takes that as a yes, fingers pausing their work on the tobacco to take out something that resembles a cigarette and it’s only when she pushes it from the bottom that Harry realises they’re filters. Placing one between her lips, her fingers dip into her pocket once again to retrieve some papers and Harry finds himself unable to look away from her lips and how pretty they look with something between them.
He looks down at her lap, where the packet of tobacco is, seeing her fingers work swiftly as she fills the thin paper, and despite knowing better not to glamorise something as horrible and disgusting as smoking, he takes his time to admire the way she pushes down the tobacco with her index finger, presumably trying to fit and secure everything inside the paper. Taking the filter from between her lips, she places it inside the paper, at the very end, and her fingers start rolling.
Oh fuck, he thinks, knowing what’s about to come. Unable to look away, he watches as she brings it up to her mouth and licks a long stripe along the paper, and despite the lack of lighting around them, his eyes make out her pink tongue moving along the paper and it doesn’t come as a surprise when he feels a sudden twitch in his trousers at the unholy image before his eyes.
“There,” she hands him the rolled up cigarette, “Hope you don’t mind that I licked?”
He wants to laugh because of course he doesn’t mind. In fact, he quite enjoyed it, according to the knot in his stomach and his twitching cock in his underwear. He enjoyed it so much that he now couldn’t stop imagining her mouth doing other things, preferably dirty things with, or to him.
“Nah, it’s all good, thanks.”
“No probs. Didn’t take you as the smoking type,” she lets it slip out.
“I...don’t smoke, really. Only sometimes. When I’m drinking. Which…” He looks at the cigarette between her fingers, “...isn’t that often.”
She notices the nervousness that tinges his words, and it makes her feel better knowing he’s also as awkward as her. “Fair,” she sends him a smile and repeats all the steps on her own rollie, putting it between her lips just like Harry, and she takes her lighter out of the same pocket. She lights her own first and reaches to light his, and he sort of bends over until his cigarette reaches the lighter. They both take a hefty drag of their cigarettes and she blows the smoke out first, Harry watching her pursed lips as he lets out his own next, both of their cigarette smoke swirling in the air and joining in together.
He takes it out of his mouth and lets his arm dangle on his side, cigarette between his fingers, and watches as she takes another drag before fumbling with the packet on her lap, putting everything back in her pocket haphazardly.
“Do you go to uni in London, or?”
“Westminster, yeah,” she takes another drag and notices how Harry hasn’t taken another one of his since.
“Nice,” he says and a grin stretches over his face, “Charlotte talks about you a lot.”
“She does?”
“Yeah, all the time. If I didn’t know about her boyfriend I’d say she was in love with you,” he laughs and gestured to the lighter in her hand and she lets him take the lighter from her hand, watching as the flame lick at the cigarette between Harry’s lip and he takes a long drag. “I mean, we...the band feel like we already know you. It’s sweet, how much she cares about you.”
“Well, I’m pretty hard not to love, you know.”
He blows out the smoke, a chuckle escaping his mouth, “That right?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking great.”
“Well, I-”
He gets interrupted by her phone going off and a pout forms on his face. She huffs, looking around, then throws the cigarette on the ground despite the sign and he does the same, not feeling bad in the slightest. “We going in?” He asks, like a lost puppy waiting for his owner’s command.
“I guess. Is it bad that I don’t want to? Like...does that make me a bad friend?”
“Nah. I...I kinda wanted to stay here too. I was enjoying our conversation.”
She sends him a grin, eyes mischievous, and stops walking, “You telling me you weren’t bored to death by my dry ass conversation?”
“Dry? You opened up and talked about your narcissistic behaviours, that’s not boring, darling,” he smirks and she rolls her eyes, hand reaching to slap his chest and it feels easy, like they’ve known each other for years. “Alright, alright, ’m just messing with you.”
She starts walking again, a few steps ahead of him, and he follows, passing three girls with phones up to their faces.
It’s easy, he thinks, it’s easy with her.
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People in the bar begin to leave one by one, and it’s only their small group and a few others left, some of them still sipping their drinks and the others talking and laughing. Some even come up to Julien, who’s sipping her water from a reusable water bottle as Charlotte keeps snapping pictures of her, and they all congratulate her, telling her how excited they are about the EP. She’s all smiles, fringe sticking to her forehead due to sweat, and her long arms are equally sweaty, dressed in a tight black dress with striped knee high socks adorning her long legs, and a pair of platform Mary Janes.
“So,” Harry says, folding his arms across his chest, “Do you have any plans for October?”
Mitch snorts across him and Julien tilts her head, puzzled, “Erm...I’ve no idea, to be honest. It’s months away and God knows I’m shite at thinking ahead. That’s why I’m friends with this lot,” she gestures to their tiny group, causing Charlotte to snort and Julien continues, turning her attention to her who’s playing with the hem of her blazer,  “This one though...”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“Oi, what’s crawled up your bum, eh?” Julien turns to Harry again, catching how his gaze flickered over her body, then her face instead of looking at Julien and she finds herself smirking at the tension between the two.
“We’re thinking of putting a show together for Halloween. I have a bunch of new and upcoming artists in my mind that I’d love to see perform that night. Would you be interested?” Harry’s attention is back on Julien and he watches as the girl gasps, eyes widening in excitement.
“Shut the fuck up!” She yells, almost dropping her water bottle and they all laugh, Charlotte reaching to flip her on the forehead and she slaps her freshly-manicured hand away, “You’re not taking the piss, are you?”
Harry laughs, “Am definitely not. I love your vibe. That’s actually one of the reasons why I asked Charlotte if I could come tonight,” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair, the strands gliding easily between his long fingers.
“Yeah,” Charlotte smiles at Julien, “He’s on a hunt. He thinks he’s one of those talent agents. Just say yes, Jules, it’ll be fun.”
“Holy fuck. Yes. Fuck, yes. Of fucking course, yes!”
They all laugh when she lunges herself at Harry, arms wrapping around his neck, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, fuck I could literally kiss you right now but I won’t, I’ve been watching you both undress each other with your eyes all night,” arms still around Harry’s neck, Julien turns her head towards her, whom Harry’s been looking at all night, and gives her a wink before breaking their hug. “So, do I have to do anything? What do I have to do? Fuck, I’m so bad at this-”
“Hey,” Harry interrupts, “It’s fine. Relax. Are you signed with anyone? Have a manager?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m with Gleam, my manager, Alana, she’s sick that’s why she wasn't here tonight.”
“Okay, that’s fine. Just give me your phone number and your manager’s contact details and we’ll sort everything out. Hey- relax, it’s gonna be fun!” He reaches and gives her shoulder a squeeze.
“I called an Uber,” Sarah says after her phone goes off, “And it looks like…” she taps on the screen a few times, “Hassan is here.”
“We could’ve gotten maccies,” she says, pouting, as her head rests on Charlotte’s shoulder.
Sarah sighs, cuddling closer into Mitch’s side, “We’re leaving for Brighton tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, Sarah’s making us wake up at, like, five,” Mitch grumbles.
They all start walking towards the exit, Julien and Harry in the back talking about the show as Charlotte links her arm with her as they follow behind the others. As they walk, she remembers how Harry arrived with Sarah and Mitch, meaning they shared a ride, and she turns to look at Harry who seems to be in deep conversation as he waves his hands around.
She feels hot all of a sudden, remembering how neither of them wanted to go inside earlier, how good he looked and how his voice sounded, deep, so deep, when his attention was only on her and not the girl on the stage or his drink or the people around them. As selfish as it sounds, she wanted all his attention on her, she wanted him to only look at her, see her, think of her, and she feels foolish because they only met tonight, and their conversation earlier didn’t last that long.
Once they’re outside, everyone sighs, almost in relief as the fresh air fills their lungs, and everyone bids their goodbyes to Sarah and Mitch, then Phoebe starts complaining about how uncomfortable and tired she was.
“That’s it from us, folks, my wife needs a shower,” Jamie pinches Phoebe’s cheek as Phoebe blushes, swatting her hand away.
She turns to Harry for a second and he’s just standing there, arms folded with an expression she’s unable to read, and Julien laughs, muttering something about catching a black cab since she now has money to waste.
Everyone leaves and it’s only them, and Charlotte comes closer to her as she nudges her hip with hers, “Hey. Is it cool if Harry gives you a ride? Tom’s picking me up.”
She panics and gives her a puzzled look. A car ride with Harry. Alone. Just the two of them.
She swallows, “How come you never mention it?”
“He just texted me, we’re driving up to Manc. Will you be okay?” She reaches and strokes her cheek, then turns to Harry, as if the question was directed at both of them.
“Well, yeah...I mean- I’ll call a Bolt or something-”
“It’s fine, I can give you a ride,” Harry says, hands now in his pockets. He looks like he’s cold too, considering how he’s only wearing a thin shirt and his chest is on full display, letting the breeze softly lick at the flesh.
“I wouldn’t want to be a bother, I can take a Bolt. Really, it’s fine.”
“I insist...whereabouts is your place?”
“Ehm,” she sniffs and her eyes look for Charlotte for a moment, and when she spots her, she’s watching them despite the phone pressed against her ear. “Marylebone.”
“Great! That alright with you?”
She looks at Charlotte again, the short haired girl failing to meet her gaze, and she turns to Harry again, lips pursed, “I guess- I mean...sure. Okay.”
Harry beams at that, the dimple on his left cheek widening with the smile, and she wants to reach out and touch it, place her finger there. She doesn’t though. Instead, she gives him a smile and looks down at her boots, feeling all giddy inside with the realisation that she’d be alone with Harry for a while and it would also be away from any prying eyes, in the warmth of his car.
Charlotte comes back and reaches for her, giving her a big hug as she buries her head in her neck, and she involuntarily breathes in the smell of cigarettes and Charlotte’s personal favourite, Chanel no. 5.
“Text me when you’re home, yeah? And text me if you need anything...he’s nice, I promise,” she whispers the last part, as if she’s letting her in on a secret, then reaches for Harry to give him a hug.
“Drive safe,” she says, walking backwards, “I mean it.”
“I will. Precious cargo, am I right?”
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Harry opens the door for her and waits for her to get in, her lips form the words ‘thank you’, and once they’re both inside, seatbelts on, Harry sighs and tries to fix his creased shirt. She watches his hands, the rings catching the light coming from a lamppost outside, creating beams, and she notices the single, nearly-chipped gold nail polish on his left pinky.
“So…” they both say at the same time and he laughs, shaking his head, and a few strands fall to his eyes.
She chuckles too, eyes falling to her hands on her lap as she fiddles with them. “I think we’ve been set up,” she mumbles and looks up at him, finding him watching her carefully with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his thigh.
“Yeah? You think so?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m usually not this dumb.”
“Maybe you wanted play dumb, hm?” He gives her a smile, causing her to scoff, and he surprises them both when his left hand reaches to stroke her cheek, making goosebumps appear on her skin and she swears she could hear her breath hitch at the warm touch, feeling hot all over.
They stare at each other, his hand still on her cheek, and she swallows, “Sure, whatever you say.”
“Is this okay?” He asks, gesturing at the touch, voice as soft and smooth as honey.
She nods, because it is. It is more than okay and if it were up to her, they’d already be kissing, tasting each other’s dirty, sweaty skin and touching each other all over, feeling each other’s bodies...she wanted all of that.
She swallows again, his gaze shifting from her face to her neck, then lower and lower until it reaches her boobs. They look divine, he thinks, despite the lack of lighting in his car, they look absolutely gorgeous, sort of spilling out from the lace material and he gulps, hand beginning to make its way down to her neck. He rests it there as long fingers caress the side of her neck, discovering a few moles there, and he looks up at her, only to find her eyes fixed on his lap. He looks down to, the slight tent not coming as a surprise, and he gives her a grin, the other hand coming to rest atop his bulge.
“Hm?” He hums as he waits for her answer despite knowing what she would say.
She clears her throat and looks around, seeing the almost empty parking lot all dark except the stop sign near the exit, and turns her attention back to Harry.
“Yes. It’s okay.”
“Mmm,” his fingers curl around her throat, thumb stroking the flesh there, “Thank you, love. Can I kiss you?”
“You can...Please,” she practically moans when his thumb presses a sweet spot on her neck and he gives her a smile, hand reaching to unbuckle both of their seatbelts with a click.
It doesn’t happen that fast. First, he gives her a look, almost as if he’s trying to remember where her lips are and the nose, then her eyes...he keeps looking, and looking, and he brings his hand up to her mouth, resting his thumb on her bottom lip as her eyes shift downwards with the movement. While he watches her, she takes her time to watch him, his face, and she feels something bubbling inside her, much like the bubbles that rise to the top when you open a coke bottle.
Pressure, she thinks, pressure and the need to devour him. Thus, without thinking too much, she reaches and grabs him by the nape of his neck, his hand falling atop the car seat as their lips meet, both of them hungry for each other’s touch as their teeth clash and Harry lets out a hiss when she bites his bottom lip, suckining it into her mouth.
His hands go up to her cheeks, pushing her far enough to look into her face and eyes in particular and he smiles, the inside of his palms feeling the soft peach fuzz on her face. When she lunges forward to continue their kiss, he stops her, thumb stroking her cheekbones as she lets out a huff, and he chuckles, “Slow, baby, slow. We’ve got time. I want to feel you, taste you as much as I can, yeah?”
She nods, letting him stroke the side of her face some more and feel her skin against his soft hands before he starts leaning in, this time slow, so slow that it feels like hours to her. Before she closes her eyes, she catches a glimpse of his pink tongue dart out to lick his lips, and he finally captures her top lip, sucking it into his mouth softly and she melts under his touch, her mouth pursed as she starts responding with her own kisses. Their lips, she feels, fit together like a puzzle piece.
Harry’s tongue swipes across her bottom lip and she opens wider, letting him lick into her mouth further. It’s hot, wet, and she feels herself getting wetter and wetter as the smooch noises grow louder with each kiss. His hands are now cupping both of her cheeks, and as he presses wet pecks on her parted mouth, one of his thumbs travel down to her mouth and he stops their kiss, and she opens her eyes, giving him a puzzled look.
He shushes her, lips pursed as he does so, and her eyes watches the movement, wanting to feel them all over her body now that she knows how he feels and tastes like. He presses his thumb against her bottom lip, then into her mouth and pulls her closer to him. He shuts his eyes and tilts his head when she closes her mouth around his thumb, sucking it like a lolly, and his cock twitches in his trousers again as he watches the way she sucks on his flesh, humming around it as if she’s having the most delicious meal of her life.
“Fuck, baby,” he rasps, “Y’like playing with me, don’t you?”
She doesn’t respond. Instead, she takes his thumb out of her mouth with a pop and she holds him by the wrist, placing his hand on one of her boobs and Harry lets her warm hands and the feeling of lace overpower him as he gives her boob a squeeze, then travels his hand down to where he supposes her nipple is and brushes a thumb over it, a beaming grin stretching across his face when he feels her pebbled nipple under his thumb.
When he looks at her face, she’s biting her lips, eyes shut, and he bites his own lips as he traps her covered nipple between his thumb and index finger, tweaking it gently which causes her to breathe out a moan, toes curling involuntarily inside her boots. He tugs at it, then his hand travels up and he looks at her, as if to ask her permission for what he’s about to do. And she nods, of course she does, and she feels her upper torso getting sore from the position they’ve been in but she lets it go, reaching for his hand near her boob and places it on top of his, encouraging him to keep going.
With her hand on top of his, he slides the bodysuit down from the top, and he feels his cock twitch in interest so he has to bring his other hand down to press against his bulge over his trousers in hopes of relieving some of the tension. He plays with her nipple, tweaking and squeezing it between his fingers before finally leaning to capture the pebbled nipple into his mouth. “God damn, your tits...so fuckin’ hot, baby,” he bites her nipple and she shudders, back arching in pleasure. “Wanna do everything with you...wanna fuck you- wanna fuck these tits,” he whispers against her nipple, now wet with his spit, and his hot breath sends chills down her spine.
It’s warm, his mouth, so warm and wet around her hard nipples and she lets out another moan, arms wrapping around his neck and she tries to press against him closer. “Fuck,” a moan leaver her mouth, “Please, Harry, fuck me. Do something, just- ‘m so wet.”
“Yeah? Want me to fuck you? Jesus,” he presses a kiss to her nipple before he frees her other boob from the fabric, “You’re so fuckin’ hot. Got me so fuckin’ hard, just look at these gorgeous tits, baby. Bet your cunt’s even more gorgeous, hm?” He whispers, hands already on the other boob, squeezing the nipple and he watches as it hardens, looking so pretty and puckered for him and he gets his mouth on that one too, licking across the nipple before he bites it into his mouth.
“Can I take this off, sweetheart?” He touches her shoulder, squeezing her there over the blazer, and when he sees the hesitation in her eyes, he travels his hand up to her neck and strokes it there, “Y’don’t have to, darling. However you’re comfortable.”
“No,” she says ever so softly, “It’s okay.”
He smiles at her as she takes the jacket off and throws it somewhere at her feet. Harry grabs her by the neck and brings her in for another kiss but this time, it’s slow. And sweet. Slow, sweet, and warm, so warm that she feels it in her chest, in her stomach, and it reaches everywhere, the kiss warming anything and everything inside her. He swipes a tongue across her bottom lip before pulling away, and places both hands on her boobs, squeezing them, mouth popping open as he watches them in awe.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he brings one of his hands to the front of his trousers and the heels of his palms press against the bulge, but instead of giving him some relief, the touch makes him hiss, wishing for something softer, warmer.
“Can I fuck you? I need to fuck you, please, sweetheart,” he whispers and she nods, tongue darting out to lick her dry lips and he nods as well, looking around inside the car, swiftly examining the tinted black windows before he turns to her, “I hate that I’m about to fuck that pretty pussy in the backseat of my car instead of a comfortable bed but I need it so bad, sweetheart, I need you,” he licks his lips, “That okay?”
“Yes...more than.”
He helps her move to the backseat, boobs still hanging from the top, and he joins her in the backseat quickly. They’re closer now, nothing serving as a barrier between them, and with the way they’re facing each other, she can make out a tiny pimple on the side of his nose as well as a little mole on his forehead. Her gaze falls to his bulge again, and he’s already fumbling to get them off. With a swallow, she shuts her eyes so she doesn’t see Harry watching her intently, dilated pupils fixated on her sweaty skin, her lips in particular.
He leans in and presses an open mouth kiss to her damp skin, the touch making her open her eyes.
Take it off” she whispers, voice as sweet as honey, “Come on, I want you to fuck me,” she breathes against his hair, his head now in the crook of her neck, and she feels him nod, his hands coming to rest atop hers.
He fumbles with the button with shaky hands, her hands coming to rest on Harry’s waist and he sighs in relief when he hears the zipper. He lowers his trousers along with his underwear clumsily, the pile of material pooling around his ankles. He’s hard and leaking already, the tip an angry shade of red, and she takes a few seconds to admire the thickness of his cock and how pretty it looks, his dark, coarse pubic hair making her mouth water as she imagines deepthroating him, nuzzling the hair at the base of his cock.
Harry looks up and she’s got one hand on her boob while the other rubs herself through her jeans, presumably feeling aroused with the way the fabric is feeling against her pussy. A low, choked ‘fuck’ leaves his mouth following a growl as his long fingers begin unbuttoning the beige shirt and she watches, bottom lip trapped between her teeth with fingers rubbing herself.
Once it’s unbuttoned, he’s quick to get his hands on her jeans, eyes briefly searching for something in hers before he starts unbuttoning them. She stops him and bends over to take her boots off and he watches her back, hand reaching involuntarily to travel his fingers down her spine, stroking her waist before he bends forward to place a kiss on there as she keeps fumbling with her boots. Once they’re off, he’s quick to help her get the jeans off too, and he throws them in the front seat, smiling when she hears her giggle.
“Alright, Miss Giggles?” he says softly, palm resting on top of her thigh as one of his hands reaches and strokes the side of her face, fingers playing in her wild strands of hair.
She bites her lip again, giving him a nod, and he brings her face into his, lips pressing a tender kiss to her chin before he opens his mouth slightly and grazes his teeth across the flesh, and he presses a final, loud kiss there before he pulls away with a pop, leaving her chin all shiny and wet with his saliva. He lowers his eyes and spots her thong, fabric too tiny and flimsy to cover all the areas of her pussy, and he lets out a groan at the sight, hand immediately reaching to touch what’s under her little thong.
“So pretty, darling...so, so pretty,” he murmurs and she watches with parted legs as he positions his middle finger against her pussy over the black lace, thin, so he feels just how warm and wet she is between her folds. This makes him pause to look down at his cock, just to make sure he’s not about to spill all over the carseat since he feels the pleasure at the tip of his cock, ready to explode right then and there. “How can anyone ever resist you, hm? This pretty girl…” with one hand still between her legs, he reaches with his other hand and ghosts his thumb over her nipple, his other hand working her thong as he pulls it to the side, “...this pretty pussy,” he murmurs, making her eyes lull shut at the compliments.
She parts her legs wider to give him more room to work with, and he grins as he looks up at her hungry eyes, knowing what she’s asking for. And god, is he about to give her what she wants. The way she looks, not just half naked but from the moment he’d caught a glimpse of the grumpy girl across the room, it’s been driving him insane. Not that she was rude or looked bored, but she looked cute, kinda nervous, as if she too was as uncomfortable as Harry by the prying eyes and tipsy chatter around them.
From the moment they were introduced, Harry knew she didn’t particularly like to be looked at. Maybe he was being judgmental, or reading too much into things, but he got the impression that she was sort of nervous to be around people, especially new people. He tried his hardest not to be some weirdo, an utter creep who kept looking at the beautiful girl across him but truth be told, it wasn’t the first time Harry had seen the girl’s face.
He knew of her, stories about her, from Charlotte, and saw numerous photos and throwback videos of them on Charlotte’s Instagram, but he would never actually admit to the fact that he’d clicked on her tag on one of Charlotte’s posts, and scrolled through her feed for hours, giggling from time to time at her silly captions and numerous pictures of a Golden Retriever and a black cat cuddling.
Yes, he might have found her interesting, took a few screenshots of her posts where she proudly displayed her favourite reads, immediately ordering everything on there, and a few funny memes, but now with his middle finger circling her clit, he would never, ever admit any of that to anyone, ever.
“Harry,” she breathes, and it sounds sort of harsh, rough even, the reason presumably being a mix of the cigarettes she’d been smoking and the way his finger teasingly, slowly moves over her pussy. “Harry…” she says again, melodiously, fingers curling around his wrist and he looks up with a grin, eyes almost evil, dark and pupils dilated from hunger bubbling up inside him.
He retracts his finger and brings it up to his mouth slowly, her eyes watching him like a hawk, and his pink tongue darts out, licking a long stripe up his middle finger and he truly devours the savoury taste, eyes finding hers as he sucks the finger into his mouth. “Taste so good, sweetheart,” he murmurs, “Want me to play with that beautiful cunt, hm? Give it my full attention?”
“Yes, please, I need it so bad, I’ve been waiting for so long.”
“Yeah?” He asks, ever so softly, “How long?” He presses, his middle finger once again placed between her wet folds, and she wraps her fingers around his wrist.
There’s a bloom of pleasure in her voice when she lets out a shaky breath, a stuttered ’yeah’ because she doesn’t want to give in to Harry’s teasing game, and he leans forward, capturing her chin with his mouth as he bites the flesh while the pads of his finger massages slow and deep over her swollen clit.
He feels the spongy bit under his touch, “Tell me you’ve been thinking of this too,” he breathes against her wet chin, then brings his middle finger down to her hole. It’s wet, so fucking wet when he drags his finger back up and circles her clit faster than before which makes her legs kick out in pleasure, one hand grabbing harshly at her boob as the other go up to Harry’s soft hair and she pulls, fingernails scratching his scalp while doing so. He groans against her skin and drags his finger down to her slick little hole again, circling around the wet, soft muscle and he pushes his finger in, her cunt making a wet, lovely sound as he does so as his eyes fall to his throbbing cock.
It’s so hard, an unpleasant feeling blooming inside, so he takes his finger out of her hole, making her let out a tiny whimper as she clenches around nothing with the sudden loss of his touch. Harry brings his finger up to his mouth, and his pink tongue darts out to lick, mouth closing around to devour the slightly salty slickness.
“Can I fuck you now?” He asks as his hand goes to stroke the side of her neck, goosebumps appearing immediately at the touch. She shudders, unable to respond and Harry’s voice is softer this time, “Can I, baby? Will you let me fuck your pretty pussy now? I need it so bad, sweetheart, so fucking bad. See how hard I am for you? So fucking hard for you, baby.”
“God,” another shaky breath, “Please, I’m so wet and horny- I need it, Harry, please.”
“Need my cock, yeah? Need me to fill that little hole? Stretch your tiny little hole, darling?”
“Fuck- please, I- please stop teasing me, I need it...please, fuck me.”
Harry feels something, a prickly sensation inside him, his groin tightening, and he knows it’s her dirty mouth and sweet face to blame. He looks down at his cock, hard as rock between his legs, and grabs her by the waist, pulling her on top of him with ease. “There, sweet girl.”
He lets out a hiss when her warm pussy makes contact with his cock and she bites her lip, leaning forward until their sweaty foreheads meet. “Your pussy’s so fuckin’ warm. Shit, we need condoms,” a strong arm wraps around her waist and she gasps when he leans forward so suddenly. His face is buried into her boobs as he tries to retrieve his wallet from one of the compartments in between and she watches him struggle, unable to control a tiny laugh escaping her mouth.
“Well,” Harry mumbles, warm lips making her skin feel all tingly, “This is lovely...mmm,” a few kisses are pressed between her boobs, then another open mouth one on her left nipple, and they’re finally back to their previous position, condom package between Harry’s lips as he rips the top, never once taking his eyes off of her while doing so.
“Ready for me?” He gives himself a few lazy pulls, thumbing at the tip while she watches, one hand kneading her boob. “Hm? Ready to take my cock?” He moves his hand slowly, up and down, causing her to swallow.
“Yeah...fuck yeah. Please, fuck me.”
He looks up at her as the rubber works its way down his cock, and she joins her arms around his neck, fingers playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck, and he brings his cock to her cunt, earning a moan from her, her warm breath licking at his face ever so softly. He grunts, voice strained with pleasure when he feels how warm and wet she is at the touch of his cock and slides it against her warmth before he brings it down to her tight little hole and pauses there.
“Y’ready, sweet girl?” He nudges their foreheads together and it’s sweet, so sweet despite the position they’re in, and she nods, feeling their damp foreheads stick together, and Harry gives her a bright smile, dimple appearing on his left cheek.
And he pushes it in. With his thumb pressed against the tip, he pushes his cock inside her, the tightness squeezing his already sensitive cock as if she doesn’t want to let him go, as if she wants to keep him inside of her forever and ever.
“God, such a tight cunt, baby. Squeezing me already, hm?” He murmurs into her mouth, “Easy, darling...slow. Slow, yeah? Want to feel you properly,” his hands go up to her hips, holding her there to still the movement of her hips, and her arms loop around his sweaty neck, fingernails scratching the back of his neck and he hisses, face moving forward to press a bruising kiss on her parted mouth.
Once she calms down, hips stilled, his strong arms begin moving her up and down and they both moan, quick breaths leaving their mouths and mixing together just like how their bodies are almost joined together, two becoming one, and Harry starts moving his own hips so he can fuck into her as she helps her by moving her own hips up and down, slowly, just like he’d asked her to, feeling his cock stretching her tight hole with his every move. There’s a honking outside and both their movements still for a second, and a muffled chuckle leaves her mouth, arms tightening around Harry’s neck.
Their eyes meet, Harry’s mouth turning upwards, “What’s so funny, Miss Giggles, hm?” He murmurs as his hips speed up again, their skins slapping against each other as his cock strokes the insides of her walls ever so softly, sliding in and out of her.
“Jesus, you’re so fucking big, I- I knew you’d be big but...fuck, you’re so good, so fucking good, Harry,” she moans, earning a grunt from him as she meets his thrusts, her hands sliding down to Harry’s shoulders and squeezing his smooth skin briefly before she brings her palms down to her chest.
She strokes the hair on his chest, admiring the way his cross necklace sits proudly there, amongst his now damp chest hair, and she brings her palm to one of his nipples, thumb stroking the slightly darker nub and he lets out a groan as goosebumps appear on his chest and nipples.
“God,” she breathes and Harry can smell the fruity-sour alcohol on her breath, and his mouth pops open when she tweaks his sensitive nipples. “I love your nipples,” she moans again when his cock brushes that sweet spot inside her and he does too, arms tightening around her waist, and she tweaks his nipples again, this time harder as her hips speed up, ass slapping against his meaty thighs and she keeps jumps up on down on his cock.
As she does so, her boobs too move, bouncing up and down with her every movement and Harry reaches with one hand, capturing one of her nipples between his fingers as he tweaks left and right before letting it go, watching her skin prickle at the touch.
“Shit, y’feel amazing, just wanna keep you forever,” he groans, low and delirious, fingernails digging into her waist as he thrusts into her, “So fuckin’ tight around me...so tight and snug. I want you- want this everyday. Wanna be able to touch you, kiss that little face everyday, fuck this beautiful pussy...so good, darling, you’re so fuckin’ good, letting me fuck that sweet cunt in the backseat, hm? Are you good,” he breathes her name into her mouth, then bites her bottom lip, earning a gasp from her when his thrusts become particularly rough. “Are you a good girl?”
“Yes, yes, yes, I’m good, I’m so good, please- I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum please keep fucking me, keep fucking me hard, Harry- keep going,” she speeds up her movements, Harry’s cock sliding in and out of her as wet, dirty sounds fill the car and he curses under his breath, hips lifting off the seat to meet her strokes.
“Are you close?” He manages to ask, a low grunt in his voice.
She doesn’t respond. Instead, she brings one hand down to her pussy and begins rubbing her clit, moaning when she touches the little nub and then, with her other hand, she reaches for Harry’s face, thumb stroking the side of the smooth skin before she places it on his bottom lip and presses hard, making him part his mouth. She pushes it in, eyes lulling shut at the feeling of his warm tongue as he sucks on her thumb, hips continuing their movements as he fucks her cunt with quick, rough thrusts.
When she opens her eyes, Harry’s watching her, sweat glistening on his forehead and she brings her finger down to where Harry’s cock meets her warmth and rubs the top of his cock, moaning when she feels the vein there. She brings it up to her clit again, all wet and warm, and she rubs harder with rough strokes as Harry juts his hips forward a few more times. “I’m gonna cum, fuck- I’m gonna fuckin’ cum, baby,” his grip tightens on her waist and she places her hands on his shoulder, squeezing there.
“Come on me, I want it on my tits,” she mutters, fingernails digging into the smooth skin of his shoulders and he lets out a grunt, pulling out quickly as she gets down, Harry’s legs parting immediately so she can get between them.
And she does, gets on her knees between Harry’s parted legs as he takes the condom off, hissing at the feeling as he tosses it somewhere on the floor, and he begins stroking his now-wet cock as she thumbs at her nipples, kneading her boobs before pushing them together. His wrist works harder and quicker at the sight and he finally comes undone, his warm cum spilling onto her boobs, decorating her soft flesh with white stripes and she looks down, watching with sparkling eyes.
“God, fuck,” he breathes, letting his head tilt back, “You’re something else, y’know that?”
She hums, sending him a grin as he gives himself three more lazy strokes before he lets go of his cock and watches the spattered cum against her skin separate with the movement when she lets them go.
“Got some on your top, sorry, love.”
She looks down, then swipes a thumb across her skin and brings it up to her mouth. Pushing it in, she sucks around her digit as she tastes the salty-sour taste and Harry watches, all wrecked and fucked out.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“You’re so naughty...come up here,” his ring-clad fingers reach for her wrist and he helps her sit next to him.
He reaches the little pocket behind one of the seats, taking out some tissues as she watches him take out a few and clean her up as much as he can. Then their eyes meet, both sleepy and wrecked, and he lifts his hand up to her cheek, stroking it, and she leans into the touch, making him smile. “You’re lovely,” he mumbles, hand still on her cheek.
“You’re lovelier.”
He chuckles as she fixes her top, “You really are. Really lovely.”
“Stop it, I’m not good with compliments.”
“Well,” he shrugs, reaching for his trousers on the front seat, “I said what I said. You hungry? Thirsty?”
“I’m kinda thirsty. Aren’t you?”
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As they lean against the bonnet of Harry’s car, now parked outside a McDonald’s, there’s a comfortable silence between them as they sip their waters, bodies close to each other, close enough for Harry to smell his faint cologne on her skin.
“You cold still?”  He turns to her as she takes a bite of her chocolate muffin, and he follows as a few crumbs land on her chest.
“I’m good. Feel very warm...ed up,” she chuckles, thumbing at the corners of her mouth.
Harry groans, nudging her with his shoulders and she nudges back, harder, and he gasps, “Oi, be nice. I’m feeding you.”
“Soz. Guess I owe you like...what is it, a fiver?”
“You’re a very mean girl.”
“I’m the nicest. I’m good,” she gives him a grin, earning another eye roll from him as she takes another sip of her water before placing it on the floor, “Seriously though, thanks for the muffin.”
“Don’t mention it. I’m kinda bummed you turned down the nuggets but…maybe next time?”
“Next time?” She asks, crossing her arms, trying to warm herself up despite her promise from earlier.
“Well,” he clears his throat, hand going up to his necklace, “I’d love to see you sometime. Again. Preferably for longer than an hour and...you know, just us two? Hanging out?”
She smiles and leans forward, taking him by surprise when she presses their lips together. It’s a sweet, slow kiss, and his hands grab the back of her neck, pressing their faces closer as they kiss. Her hands find his waist and she gets on her feet, coming to stand between his legs without breaking their kiss, and she loops her arms around his neck, smiling when he moans at the feeling of her fingers playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
He tastes the muffin, the chocolate, and himself, and as foolish as it sounds, he wishes there was a way to be closer to her somehow, closer than they already are at this moment. She pulls away, their foreheads pressing together as they smile at each other.
Harry scrunches his nose and smiles, bringing it forward so their noses touch, “What was that for?” He whispers, hands tight around her waist as he hugs her closer.
“Just felt like it...just felt like kissing you.”
“Yeah. I like kissing you. I liked kissing you a lot tonight.”
He smiles, nose booping against hers once again, “I liked kissing you a lot too. I’d like to kiss you a lot tomorrow. And maybe the day after that.”
“That’s fine by me. You can kiss me tomorrow...and the day after that,” she whispers, pressing their bodies together.
Harry closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as she watches with curious gaze, eyes crinkling with a smile.
“What are you doing,” she whispers, and he shushes her, smiling when he opens his eyes to find her staring with her eyebrows raised, “What are you doing?” She asks again and he squeezes her waist, forehead pressing against her once again and he leans in closer to press a tiny kiss on the corner of her mouth.
“I’m listening,” he whispers, lips almost touching hers as he speaks.
“Listening? What are you listening to?”
He strokes her cheek, “A song.”
She raises her eyebrow again, “What song? I can’t hear it. Are you- you’re not actually serious, are you?”
“Ssh, it’s a song. Listen,”
“Har-ry,” she groans, pressing her forehead on the crook of his neck, “What is it?”
Harry smiles, arms hugging her closer as she presses a tiny kiss to the side of his neck, “Aubade.”
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1kook · 4 years
espn & bdsm
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this is part 6 of my netflix & chill collection !
summary; You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.  warnings; smut (18+) in the forms of brief femdom, handcuffs, nipple clamps, blindfolding, flogging/use of a riding crop, soft dom kook, cunnilingus, spitting, unprotected but passionate, degradation, as always it starts horny n then turns into I love u kink miscellaneous; kook has a swollen ankle so idk how he did all this, jk abuses the fuck outta pet names part 7, revenge gone wrong tbh, this was honestly a beginner’s intro to vanilla bdsm word count; 12.7k
notes; this is like… a healing fic… for the part before lol. also i did not know what was going to happen next as I was writing. anyway entire smut scene was based off THIS bad boy ur welcome fellas and the Jungkook described here is from in the soop episode 2... cutie... yes every single 1 of those words is a link
lmk what you think! a simple ask goes a long way <3
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You're at the nail salon with Doyeon when she first mentions it.
“Have you ever, like,” she pauses, making a vague, swivel gesture with her head. You furrow your brows and she sighs. “Topped him. Have you ever been the one to take control?”
Your nail artist blushes, furiously filing away at your nails until the most perfect stiletto shape stares you back in the face. “Oh. Not really,” you admit, wiggling your wet toe nails around in the styrofoam flip flops issued by the salon. “I mean, sometimes I talk him through it.”
Doyeon snorts. “Babe, talking him through it and being the boss are two completely different things,” she says rather dryly, seemingly unbothered by the fact your two nail techs are being subjected to this more than intimate conversation. But you’ve had weirder talks with Doyeon in public; this doesn’t phase you. “Listen,” she says suddenly, dropping her voice down to a whisper that has you leaning closer to hear her. “You know how I’m a member of that site, right?”
You nod. “Oh yeah— Sexuality Unleashed: The Best Toys Worldwide!, right?” She kicks your shin, but the jab is muted by the bottom of her own styrofoam flip flop.
“Yeah, just tell everyone here my credit card number while you’re at it,” she hisses. Her anger fades soon enough. “Well, they’re always sending me all sorts of freebies for my devoted patronage,” she explains. She quirks her lips to the side, throwing one brief glance at the blushing nail artists in front of you. Eventually she seems to come to a conclusion. “Long story short they sent me some cuffs and I’m gonna give you them.”
Your jaw drops. “Woah, really? I don’t know… Don’t those usually run kinda pricey?” you ask tentatively. You’re trying to play it off, act like this isn’t something you want, but the reality is so much worse.
The minute the word cuffs had slipped through her lips it’s like a door opened before your eyes. A big, wooden door with chains strapped across it and a padlock you swore you’d never open.
Somewhere in your mind, you had always convinced yourself handcuffs in bed was something you’d like to have done to you. But, because she was your best friend and by extension a personified version of all your freakiest, often filtered, thoughts, it was like Doyeon had reached straight into your cranium and extracted your most secret fantasy— and that was Jungkook in handcuffs.
Your nail artist pats your hand, motioning you to head over to the drying station. Before you can be separated from Doyeon, you whip around to throw her one desperate look. “I have never wanted anything so bad in my life.”
She cackles loudly, easily garnering the attention of every employee and nail enthusiast in the salon with the evil witch vibes she exudes.
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Truth be told, your argument with Jungkook had brought upon a newfound appreciation for him. Weird to say, considering you had wanted to kill the dude when it had originally happened. But the great thing about you and Jungkook was that you were flexible people— both in bed and out. A few long conversations later and you had reached the root of the problem.
And that root was your apparent lack of communicating when something was wrong. It was weird to think that anything could ever be wrong when Jungkook was involved. He was your honeybun, sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-umpkin. Your sweetie pie, for lack of better wording, and he could do no wrong—
—is what you’d like to say. But if there’s anything you’ve learned in the past year of dating Jungkook, it’s that perfection was a made up belief that revolved around the idea that someone’s flaws couldn’t possibly be a good thing. And as you’ve come to realize, Jungkook wasn’t the perfect gentleman you’d initially chalked him up to be. He was human, just like you, with his own list of worries and thoughts, and sometimes those thoughts manifested into flaws. They could be ugly or they could be beautiful, but at the end of the day, they all made Jungkook into the person he was— and you loved that person. Disgustingly so.
You had your moments, and he had his. Everything would not always be sunshine and rainbows for the two of you, but it was fine so long as you learned to play in the rain and stomp in the puddles.
You were you.
A slightly mean, slightly conniving, petty ass human who had been plotting his revenge since the day the two of you made up. I mean, you weren’t actually just going to let him get off the hook like that, were you? He had saved himself last time with a gooey, heartfelt apology and confession, followed by some extraordinary dicking down that had left you Naked and Afraid for three days after.
But you weren’t that easy! No, ma’am. You had to let him know that some gorgeous demon dick was not enough to satisfy you after a fight like that.
Jungkook was in for a desperately needed reality check, one that jingles in your purse when you step out of the Uber that drops you off at his place. You know he’s home because his front light is on, and also because he’d texted you that he was watching some soccer match on tv tonight. He’s a pretty big fan, especially of the club playing tonight, so you decide it’s a perfect night to strike.
Your copy of his key slips right into the keyhole. Your slippers are in the same place they always are, neatly set off to the side right by the stairs. He’s not in his living room, undoubtedly the most perfect place to watch any type of sporting event with that huge Jumbotron of his. The damn thing made it feel like you were in the stadium itself.
There’s a quiet hum coming from upstairs. You creep up the steps, carefully rounding the corner at the landing until you’re staring right into his dimly lit bedroom.
The way Jungkook’s got his bedroom set up is so that you can look directly at his door from the bed, terribly inconvenient for when that sleep paralysis demon hits in the middle of the night and you’re left staring into the dark hallway. He’s snuggled comfortably over his sheets, about three pillows supporting his back. The light of the tinier, more acceptable television he keeps in his room is dancing across his features in bright shades of green. You almost throw yourself onto his mattress like a starfish until you spot the carefully placed foot on the bed.
“What the hell did you do?” you blurt. A wrong move, considering he hadn’t seen you yet and your sudden appearance makes him jump nearly ten feet into the air, almost knocking down the bag of ice that sits on his ankle. “Oh my god, it was that damned Pilates class, wasn’t it?” you fret, rounding the bed until you’re on his side.
“Oh hey,” he says as if you’re not currently pulling the first eight seasons of Grey’s Anatomy to the forefront of your head to treat him. “When’d you get here?”
“Cut the crap, who did this to you?” you ask, sitting beside him with the utmost care. You drop your bag off to the side, the loud clatter of the inside contents vaguely registering in your head. The ice pack comes off easily, revealing a relatively okay looking ankle save for the slight swell towards the more medial aspect of it.
Jungkook takes the moment to sit up, joining you in your inspection of his injury. “No one,” he answers, using his new position to drop a kiss against the side of your head. “I fell off the ladder helping Mrs. Jung across the street.”
You choke. “You fell off a ladder?” you squawk, eyes wide as your gaze shifts from his ankle to his entire body.
He places a hand on your shoulder, “babe, I was on like the third step. It was one of those old wooden ones,” he explains with a nonchalant shrug. “The step just happened to snap on my way down.”
You scoff. “That old lady is out to get you,” you warn him. “Remember the time she almost had you plug in those burnt out Christmas lights for her? The ones that would have electrocuted you to death.”
Jungkook laughs, settling back into his stack of pillows. “In her defense, she’s old,” he offers. He’s wrapped up in a black hoodie, fluffy bangs parted down the middle. He’s got on some blue shorts, a huge difference from his usual dark-toned clothing. He looks so good and warm, and you’re suddenly hit with the fact you can’t possibly handcuff this poor, injured angel to his bedpost and ride his cock into the sunset. “You didn’t tell me you were coming over.”
You deflate, wild fantasies thrown out the window. “Yeah, well,” you sigh, ditching your pants and climbing over him until you’re snuggled into his side. “Wanted to show you my nails.”
It’s a lame excuse. But he buys it, so.
“They’re cute,” he says, taking your hand in his. He turns your hand over, inspects your pretty new acrylics like he actually has any idea how much they cost or how sexy they look. He raises your hand to his face, pressing a smooch against your knuckles that has you heart thumping embarrassingly loud in your chest. God, you hated this fool.
You turn your nose up at him, like you’re some snooty rich girl who couldn’t give him the time of day. Except it’s not like that, and Jungkook knows.
“What’re you watching?” you ask instead.
He’s got that stupid dopey smile on you, the one that takes one nudge against his side to snap him out of. “Ah, just the game.”
You squint at the screen. “Is this Fox Sports?” you ask in disgust.
He pinches your side. “This is ESPN,” he corrects. “And you don’t know shit about sports channels,” he points out. “So sit this one out.” You give in with a huff, cuddling closer into his side while trying to jostle him as little as possible. Jungkook seems to have no deeply rooted concerns about his injured ankle if the way he hauls you into his arms is any indicator. “How did nails with Doyeon go?”
“You know, the usual,” you respond, idly toying with one of the strings on his hoodie as your eyes focus on the little figures running across the screen. He hums, gesturing for you to elaborate. “Talked about sex, how much better than you at life she is, some more sex.”
He scoffs at that. “Doyeon is not better than me, and I have a whole trophy case to prove it.”
“Okay, but have you singlehandedly Twitter beefed with an entire sorority in your freshman year of university and won?”
He frowns. “No.”
You give him a look, one that says stand down now unless you want to lose to my best friend and get your feelings hurt. Jungkook understands. “Anyway,” he announces, turning his attention back to the screen with you. You think his team might be winning—you vaguely remember seeing him wear a similar jersey once—so he’s pretty relaxed for now. “They’re doing pretty good considering they just lost their main striker.”
You have no idea what that means. “Who? Messi?”
Jungkook knows you don’t know. “He doesn’t even play in this league,” he explains anyway.
“Oh, I saw him trending on Twitter last week. Thought he died or something. Whole time it was just a bunch of soccer nerds crying about him leaving his team.”
He laughs. “You should be a sportscaster,” Jungkook decides after your ever-so-eloquent recap, tucking his head cutely against your shoulder. There was a study once that claimed the incessant need to squeeze a baby’s cheeks or hug puppies tightly was actually the innate human response to kill something they felt threatened by. Oddly enough, you find yourself thinking of that as Jungkook’s citrusy shampoo floods your nostrils.
“Oh, speaking of Doyeon,” he says suddenly. “Did you give her my address? I got a weird package from that store she likes that I genuinely don’t remember ever ordering.” You frown, sitting up slightly until you can look at the side of his face, the cute mole on his cheek calling your name.
“What?” you ask. “Was it in her name?” Jungkook nods. You’re about to tear the roof off his house and go hunt that evil wench down when realization dawns on you. “Oh, no, yeah I gave her your address. My mom stayed over last weekend and Doyeon needed to order something nasty. Guess it got delayed until now.”
Jungkook nods and then doesn’t say much else, which is weird considering the circumstances. You expected him to gently scold you for carelessly giving the psycho that was Kim Doyeon his address, but she’s been here a few times to pick you up, even came over for beer night once. She probably knew it anyway, but you still expected some type of reaction of disapproval from him.
Something’s off, and you know better than to leave it at that. You poke his cheek, right where that mole you’d been eyeing was. “Did you open her package?” you ask, grin slowly consuming your features at the fact Jungkook was apparently a mail snooper.
He looks away. You laugh. “Oh my god, you did,” you cackle, sitting up beside him to get a good look at the blush growing on his cheeks. “What did you see?”
“Nothing,” he huffs, pretending to be overly invested in his soccer match again, but that ship died the moment you stepped into his room. “Babe, I can't see the match.”
You roll your eyes, purposefully shifting in front of him so he’s forced to look at the maniac look in your eyes. “What did you see, Jeon Jungkook, and are we going to steal it from her again?”
His cheeks bloom impossibly darker at that. “No!” he coughs, pointedly avoiding your gaze.
But your curiosity is at its peak now, his reactions only exacerbating it. You grab him by the shoulders, hands balling the material of his hoodie as you give him one firm shake. “What did you see,” you demand.
“Oh my god,” he gives in. You release him and he flops back onto his pillow mountain. “They were things,” he explains slowly, cheeks rosy. “For your, y’know,” a vague gesture over his chest.
You frown. “A bra?” you guess. “I’m not gonna lie, Kook, think I just lost a little respect for you.”
“No!” he huffs. “They were… little clamps. For your nipples.”
If this was a cartoon, you’re almost certain you’d be that character with the object in question in their eyes, heart fluttering in your chest at the words that leave his mouth.
Immediately, two things become obvious to you.
One, Kim Doyeon was a bigger freak than you’d expected who obviously dabbled in an assortment of trades. Clamps, your brain screams, overwhelmed with the image that appears in your head, the one that has a shiver running straight to your core. You would have to thank her for this gracious, unintentional gift she’s bestowed upon you.
Two, you’re gonna have to write her the best, most plausible apology letter tomorrow when you inform her those clamps have been lost in the mail, never to be seen again. Or you could just straight up tell her you snatched them up the moment you found out what they were, but you doubt that’ll go over well.
Jungkook groans. “You have that look in your eye,” he points out. You snap your attention back to him. “And I just wanna say in advance that I don’t think i can give you the fun night you deserve, baby,” he apologizes, motioning towards his still swollen ankle.
Something distinctly mean switches on inside of you.
You flash him a sweet smile that has him letting down his guard. You lean forward, pressing a soft peck to his cheek as you climb down the bed towards your forgotten purse that’d been resting on the floor until that point. “Who said I needed you to have fun?” you throw over your shoulder, carefully slipping Doyeon’s first gift close to your body so he won’t see.
Jungkook levels you with an unimpressed look. “Really,” he says dryly, “you think you can have fun without me?” He almost sounds cocky, as if the idea of you even enjoying yourself the teensiest bit without his help seems unfathomable.
You grin, padding over to his bedside, where you carefully pick up his hand. You mirror his actions from before, pressing a sweet kiss against his knuckles that makes that conceited look slip off his features for a second, eyes soft.
Jungkook frowns. “What the—“ before the sentence can leave his mouth you’re lunging forward, wrestling his hands above his head, until they’re both secured at his headboard by the soft cuffs Doyeon had given you that afternoon at the salon. Jungkook’s wide eyes stare back at you, briefly leaving to glance up at the silver chain that wraps behind one of the rungs of his headboard. “Babe,” he says slowly. “What the fuck.”
You beam at him, leaning down to snatch a pillow from beneath him so he’s better positioned, leaning back more. “So cute,” you gush, taking in the way his raised arms have the hem of his hoodie lifting at the waist. There’s a faint trail of hairs around his belly button that disappear beneath the elastic of his shorts. “Do you like them?”
Jungkook blinks. “Baby,” he says a second time, much slower and a little too calm for your liking. It almost gets swallowed by the roar of the fans on TV. “What is this?”
You ignore him, scampering around his room until you find the hot pink Sexuality Unleashed packaging peeking out from beneath his bed. Sure enough, it’s in Doyeon’s name but his address. A whole complicated mess just for some nipple clamps she’ll never see again. It’s what’s inside anyway, not that you thought Jungkook was lying, but there’s something about the actual, carefully wrapped packaging that makes your heart and pussy flutter.
“Oh! Aren’t these the prettiest things?” you exclaim, whirling around to where Jungkook is shaking up a storm with his cuffs, pout growing on his features the longer you leave him there. The ice pack slips off his ankle, falling onto the comforter beside him from all his movement.
Jungkook doesn’t seem the least bit interested in the silver nipple clamps in your hands, too busy trying to free himself from the sudden trap you sprung on him. “Sweetheart, we can play with those tomorrow, alright?” he tries, relaxing his arms and finally looking your way. There’s a frustrated furrow to his brows, one you rarely see but adore very much. “Just undo these cuffs for me, yeah?”
You tilt your head to the side, placing a hand on the inside of his calf that you trail all the way up as you move to stand beside his hip. His thighs flinch at your touch, tensing when you stop just before the crotch of his pants. “Mmm, don’t think so,” you smile, dropping the thin chain beside him.
Your shirt goes first, peeled over your body until you’re left standing in your bra. It’s nothing too special this time, just your average run of the mill comfort bra hugging your chest. But that doesn’t really matter, especially not with the way you’re hoping things play out tonight. You’d discarded your jeans a few moments prior, so the shirt joins them on a pile on his floor.
As much as he tries to act irritated by your refusal to release him, there’s a slow stirring beneath his shorts. It’s emphasized by that bright blue material, cock swelling as he watches you take off your clothes. “Baby,” he warns, possibly for the last time. But you won’t know unless you push some more, you tell yourself, placing one knee on the edge of the bed, the other thrown across his lap.
“Wow,” you marvel, picking the chain up once more. Jungkook shifts beneath you, half hard cock brushing against the cleft of your cheeks. “Don’t you wanna see what it’s like, Jungkookie?”
He says nothing, watching you with solemn eyes that leave no room for reading him. Behind you, the game commentator is chattering up a storm.
Doesn’t matter, especially not when this flimsy metal had you so completely hypnotized. You reach behind yourself, unsnapping your bra with one fluid motion that has the cups falling onto your lap, soft chest on display for the man before you. Your breasts spill out slowly from their cage, pretty hardened buds slowly coming into his view. They make him pause his fussing, half-lidded gaze falling to the swell of your chest hungrily. His hands jerk, the cuffs doing their job of keeping them there.
You grin, placing a hand on his chest, over his hammering heart. “Do you wanna see me wear them?” you croon, tugging the material of his hoodie up his stomach, until your thighs are sitting directly on his tiny waist, thin thong just over his belly button. You trail your hand up, letting it brush up the side of his neck and bury into his scalp. You give an experimental tug that has his eyes squeezing shut. “Yes or no, Jungkookie?”
He’s being a huge brat for you, eyes scrunched up together like the sight of you enjoying yourself sans his touch is unimaginable. Another tug of his hair and he’s exhaling shakily, a quiet, “yes,” slipping past his lips.
The chain drops onto his chest with a quiet thud, shocking him enough to blink his eyes back open. Releasing your hold on his hair, you sit back on his lap, towering over his fidgety body like a goddess at a temple, him the lowly worshipper beneath you.
Your hands crawl over your body, starting somewhere around your waist. The glide up over your tummy, caress the underside of your breasts teasingly. Sure Jungkook knew your body well, but you knew your body best. One hand rubs teasingly over your breast, palm pressing down slightly against where your nipple lies, while the other drops down between your thighs, slowly grinding against your mound.
“Look, Jungkookie,” you gasp, body twitching at your own hands. You take a hardened nub between your fingers, rolling it back and forth until it’s standing at its peak. “I can do it without you,” you tease, rolling your hips against him slowly. The thin material of your thong does nothing to save you from the delicious swell of his cock against you. “F-Fuck,” you whimper, circling a finger over your clit. “It’s, it’s even better.”
His restraints jiggle against the bed frame, an obvious look of distress crossing his features. “No,” he huffs out a whine, tugging at the cuffs as you slowly unravel on his lap. They don’t give, no matter how much he pulls. You know he’s holding back, afraid of damaging his headboard, and you take advantage of the fact as you move to roll both nipples between your fingers. He groans harshly, jaw tight. “Hate you,” he hisses, hips wiggling beneath you. “Hate you, hate you.”
You breathe out an airy chuckle. “R-Really?” you ask, trembling hands finally reaching back for that second gift of the day. Your breath is shallow, so thoroughly wound up from your own playful hands, and you tremble at the mere brush of the cool metal. “Oh fuck,” you whimper, bringing them up to your chest, “I’ve never done this before,” you confess.
There’s a sense of amazement that consumes you at the thin chain you hold in your hands, the pretty gold painted clamps on each end. It makes you shiver, body unconsciously grinding down against Jungkook’s lap where his engorged cock was fighting against the material of his shorts.
“Then let me help you,” he tries, the childish tone from before melting into his usual silky smooth baritone. Jungkook even softens his gaze at you, let’s his tongue peek out to wet his lips as you almost seriously consider his request.
Had it not been for the sudden loud shout from the sports commentator behind you, a long obnoxious gooooooaaal, you probably would have fallen victim to that honey-eyed gaze. You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.
Without a second thought, you bring one of the little camps close to your chest, giving it a few experimental squeezes until the nerves are replaced with an overwhelming wave of horniness that even Jungkook can sense. “Fuck,” he groans, shaking his restraints back and forth like a wild animal as you slowly get to clamping your left nipple.
You’re not sure what you expected; part of you had thought it was going to be an excruciating pain, one that would make you want to scream and shout in sheer agony. The other part had reduced it to a barely there pinch that would never live up to your fantasies. As it stands, the sensation of the clamp around your swollen nipple sits right in between, drawing in a choked gasp that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Baby, sweetheart,” Jungkook gasps alongside you, eyes zeroed in on the pinched off bundle of nerves. There’s a sudden grinding sound that fills the air, like the sawing off of wood that definitely doesn’t sound good, and it’s a direct result of the fight he puts up against his headboard. “Please, please,” he begs, muscled arms tugging back and forth. “I have to touch—“
The second clamp goes on, making your entire back arch as if you were possessed. You're not, just extremely overwhelmed by the prickle of pain on your tits that makes you grind down against his cock, hands fisting the front of his hoodie like it’s the only thing grounding you right now. “Oh,” you shudder, thighs quivering at the heightened stimulation you receive from the clamps sitting on your nipples. “Kook, I-I can’t.”
He growls, hips bucking beneath you in a crazed effort to better situate you on his lap. “You gotta take these off me,” he rasps out. The next buck of his hips makes the chain dangling between your breast brush dangerously close to his face. He’s unintentionally goaded on by the TV in the room, the annoying drone of the commentator shouting something about never giving up. “Can make you feel so much better, sweet girl,” he cooes, jutting his head out like he needs a kiss.
Your head feels woozy, pussy throbbing at the sensations being channeled down into your core. Your eyes flutter shut, and before you can think it through, you're blindly reaching for the chain, giving it one light tug that has you mewling like a kitten. “O-oh, fuck,” you sob, looping your finger around the thin chain carefully. Another tug that pulls against your nipples sends a gush of wetness down between your thighs. “Cock,” you slur dazedly, “need your cock.”
Jungkook shudders out a long breath. “Le-Let me go then, sweetheart,” he chokes out, “let me fuck that pretty little pussy for you.”
“Uh uh,” you disagree, bringing another angry buck out of him, metal cuffs rattling loudly. “Want you to watch,” you pant, reaching behind you for his shorts. “Watch me, Jungkookie.” It takes three tries for you to get a grip, the elastic material slipping from your fingers before you finally gain some semblance of control and paw them down . The shorts and the boxers came off together, his engorged cock springing up to tap against your ass. “W-Watch,” you repeat dazedly, leaning forward with one hand on his shoulder to line him up with your dripping hole. Behind you, the commentator is droning on about core balance or something of the sort. It takes two tries as you blindly have to tug your panties to the side as well, and just as you have his fiery red tip against your entrance, something else happens.
He catches you, pearly teeth biting down on the chain that connects your clamps in a motion you can only liken to a bloodthirsty shark jumping out of the water, jaws snapping to catch its prey. It dangles in his face, the same way his own necklaces have done to you so many times before. But the difference between you and Jungkook was that while you let his assortment of necklaces hypnotize you, drag across your face painfully, he doesn’t. He snaps forward, catches it between his teeth.
You mewl loudly, foggy vision turning onto him. Jungkook’s got this unreadable look on his face, likes he’s pissed off and turned on all at once. “You’re not in charge,” he murmurs around the chain, the s and c sounds all slurred together. “You will never be in charge, silly girl, you got that?” he spits, yanking his head back like an animal, pulling your upper body with him by the two golden clamps on your nipples.
There’s tears in your eyes, lining your waterline and threatening to fall with each tug his mouth gives against the chain of your nipple clamps. He’s got his neck craned back as far as he possibly can with a pillow beneath him, chain links digging into his bottom lip. “Y-Yes,” you sob, your entire body quivering at the way he so easily manages to overthrow you, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he says, solemn eyes flickering across your twisted features once more. He gives another purposeful tug, head snapping back just the tiniest bit, but it’s enough to tug you forward again, a loud whimper torn from your throat. “Undo these cuffs for me, sweet girl,” he commands softly, jiggling the same restraints he’d spent the better part of fifteen minutes fighting against.
“Y-Yes,” you whimper, hands wildly slapping down on his bedside table. You had had half the mind to leave the key there when you had retrieved the cuffs, telling yourself it would be easy access afterwards. It’s not, apparently, the silver pick falling just out of reach. For some reason— it’s probably the sensitivity and horninesss, the pinpricks of pain that originate from your nipples —this fact frustrates you to the point of tears.
“Easy, doll,” Jungkook talks you through, voice low and soft beneath you, “relax and grab it for me, okay?” You nod, angrily blinking away a tear that drips down your face. It splatters on Jungkook’s cheek, bringing a soft huff of amusement from him.
Finally the key brushes your hand, and you sigh in relief, shakily leaning forward to undo the lock above his head. He releases his killer chomp/grip on your chain just as you release his cuffs. “I-I’m sorry,” you sniffle, a sudden need to apologize as you watch him rub at the raw skin around his wrists. “I didn’t—“
“Shhh,” he says, cuddling you into his chest. “It’s alright,” he says simply and you believe him.
Which ends up being a terrible mistake exactly ten seconds later when he’s shoving your face into the sheets, your cries and whimpers muffled by the sounds of the game on TV as he winds your arms behind your back. You struggle for all of five seconds before a soft click resounds from behind you.
“Did you think I’d just let that slide, sweet girl?” he growls against your ear, hot breath fanning across your skin. “I'm not your dog, __,” he spits, suddenly yanking you up by your cuffed wrists. Your chest is heaving, arms aching from the way he’s got you on your knees, blind to whatever he’s doing behind you. “Don’t lock me up, because I’ll always come back to bite.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you stammer, flinching when a hand snakes around your waist, an experimental tug to the chain of your clamps. It sends a shudder down your spine, amplified by the hot press of his body behind you. “I won’t do it again!”
“I know you fucking won’t,” he laughs meanly, trailing his hand down over your mound. One finger circles your clit through your underwear, a shaky sigh exiting your lips at the jarringly light touch. “Because I’m gonna fuck you until you’ve learned your lesson, silly girl.”
“I said sorry,” you whimper, thighs quivering. His cock brushes up against you, the same cock you were about to ride until the sunset. Oh how the tables have turned.
A hand slips beneath your underwear, pad of a finger rubbing against your swollen clit. “Oh,” you exhale, surprised with the suddenly gentle touch following his words. “Th-That’s nice,” you murmur, head lolling forward at the slow rhythm he sets, playing with you like you were a toy that needed warming up.
“Yeah?” he husks out. There’s a yank to your clamps that makes you gasp, chest following the motion as if it’ll reduce the shock. “You think this is about making you feel nice?” he murmurs. Another tug, followed by another, until he’s raining down a series of rhythmic shocks onto your tits that make you shiver and twitch, tongue heavy in your mouth to the point you feel like you’re drooling.
“Wait,” you whimper, arms twisting behind you. “Hurts, hurts” you cry, arching your back like it’ll save you from the steady stimulation against your rock-hard nipples.
“Does it?” Jungkook hums, one hand working away at your clit. He swirls it around his finger, pressing down on the nub in an attempt to distract you. But it only heightens the sting coming from your breasts, the blossom of pain that grows over each mound the longer he plays with you. “Good. Want your pretty little body to hurt for me, baby.”
Right after saying that he releases the grip on your chain, letting it swing back and forth until it eventually rests on your stomach, throbbing nipples spared for now. A breath of relief washes over you now that you only have to worry about the hand playing along your folds. The TV is still flickering to your right, but the commentator's voice sounds fuzzy and so far away, like he’s in a whole different dimension while you and Jungkook are here.
Your reprieve lasts shorter than you expected, as his free hand slowly begins creeping up your waist, fluttering over the little gold clamps pinching your nipples. “Pretty girl,” he compliments, nudging one tender nub with a playful finger. “Pretty, pretty baby,” Jungkook murmurs as he begins massaging the scorching hot skin around your nipples gently. There’s a warm kiss pressed to your shoulder, followed by a trail up the side of your neck. You shudder, trying to focus on the hand that creeps down your folds, teases itself against your entrance.
“Jungkook,” you whine softly, rolling your head to the side so he can suck bruise after bruise onto your skin. You’re definitely drooling, the saliva thick and heavy in your mouth. “T-Too much.”
“Thought you wanted that,” he mumbles, kissing up and up until he’s at your jaw and then he’s at your mouth, languidly kissing you. He’s doing that thing again where he’s hellbent on drowning you in his spit, and if you didn’t know better you’d think he was preparing you for something. “Wanted me to watch you bounce that tight little cunt on me while your tits were like this,” he says, punctuating his statement with a light slap against the side of one breast. It makes you jump, a moan catching in your throat.
The finger that had been playing meanly along your wet folds eases itself past your lips, plunges head first into the aching heat inside of you. He works it against your walls, thumb over your clit as he curls his finger inside of you. You moan loudly, shaking in your restraints. The hand over your chest squeezes, pushes the clamp deeper against your breast until your entire body is short-circuiting.
Your first orgasm comes over you with all the grace of a lightning bolt; it’s sudden and jerky, has every nerve ending wildly spasming as you whimper his name. “No more, no more,” you beg, head lolling back against his shoulder. He shows you no mercy, simply rubs furiously over your clit, until you’re jerking into his maniac hand.
When it’s over, he places a kiss against your jaw, curling his finger inside once more “Play with yourself,” he whispers.
“H-Huh?” you stutter, the rattle of your cuffs loud in both your ears, but not as loud as the breath you were trying to catch post-orgasm. You wonder if maybe he got ahead of himself again—he occasionally did that, thinking ahead to a point you hadn’t reached in your normal progression of sex —but suddenly he’s shoving you back down again, the finger that was slowly driving you insane rudely exiting your cunt.
You flop down against the mattress with a squeal, wiggling around like you actually had a chance of doing anything with him watching you like he is. You struggle for a few beats, every shift against the mattress rubbing harshly against your breasts until you nearly want to cry.
Just as you reach that point, he’s rolling you into your back, hands uncomfortably bent beneath you. It leaves you unwillingly arching to accommodate them, tits practically presented for him to see. “Pretty girl,” Jungkook groans, reaching down for the first time that day to touch himself.
His self restraint was truly unmatched, you realize, watching him squeeze the base of his cock. He runs a palm over his abdomen, up his chest. He drags the material of his hoodie along with it, eventually shucking it off somewhere to the side. His hair, so fluffy and soft, flops over his forehead, a few defined strands tickling his eyebrow.
The mere sight of him alone made you shiver, pussy clenching at the wet dream before you. He’s not an idiot either, obviously aware of what the sight of his body does to you, the tattoos littering his entire right arm that hypnotize you. The faint glow of the TV screen against his side makes him look like the cover star of every middle-aged wife’s erotic romance novel. He reaches said arm down, runs a hand along your thigh until you’re spreading them wide for him.
He doesn’t touch you like you want, only slides over your body until he’s toying with the chain of the nipple clamps that were slowly becoming the bane of your existence. “Open,” he says suddenly, and you do. Your mouth drops open, tongue stuck out slightly even if you don’t know why. He’s ingrained the response into you by now, made you into a desperate slut always ready for anything in your mouth.
This time it’s the stupid, stupid chain connecting your nipple clamps. He tugs it until it’s pulled up, the pull against your nipples making you whimper and writhe. The metal is cool when it touches your lips, but his fingertips are warm. “Good girl,” he praises once you bite down; even this sends a shock of nerves down your spine and to your pussy. “Just like that.”  
A muffled whimper escapes your lips, tears clouding your vision at the stimulation that was quickly overwhelming you again. Part of you thinks no more, please, I can’t. But the other has you spreading your legs for him, quivering pussy desperate to be filled.
The distress must be obvious in your face if the way Jungkook kisses your neck is any indication. He’s got one hand massaging against the underside of one breast, like he’s soothing the striking pain of your pinched nipples for you. If anything, it only strings you along more. “Stupid baby,” he chuckles meanly, a soft puff of laughter against your jaw, “thinking she could push me down.”
He leans back onto his knees, that same careful brush against the inside of your thigh bringing about an embarrassing whimper as he peels your thong away. “But you didn’t really want that, did you?” he eggs on, slowly shifting down against the bed, until his mouth is hovering over your exposed lower lips. His breath is warm, makes you yearn for him to be closer. “You like when I shove my cock into your little pussy, right? Like how it feels when I turn you into my little slut like this,” he sighs, pressing one chaste kiss against your thigh that makes you pull at the cuffs behind your back.
Soon, his mouth is on your clit, the same clit he had previously pampered with his hands but chooses to play with again. He licks an obscenely wet stripe from your throbbing hole to your clit, tongue curling devilishly towards the end. You whimper, though the sound is distorted around the chain in your mouth. Jungkook groans, dives mouth first into your cunt until he’s suffocating himself. His cute nose is pressed against your clit, and he takes advantage of the fact by taking one, dramatic sniff with his eyes rolled back. A soft moan escapes him.
“Fuck,” he shudders, “smell like heaven for me.” You moan at his sweet words, eyes squeezed shut as if that’ll stop the buckets of overwhelmed tears that you’ve been fighting off since the moment the clamps came on. “Wanna give you the world, angel,” he breathes, licking languidly against your folds, tongue occasionally peeking inside.
You mewl and writhe, every movement sending a tug of pain over your nipples. You want that gorgeous cock deep in your cunt, want to feel him in your womb, but you can’t voice any of this with the chain of the clamps between your lips.
Jungkook sits up suddenly, and you’re thinking yes, finally, before the look on his face has you screeching to a halt. There’s something distinctly different about him, a look you don’t think you’ve ever seen in bed before. Your thoughts are only confirmed when his foot slides onto the floor, as if he’s about to leave.
The panic must be evident on your face, because Jungkook is quick to swoop in and reassure you he’s not done with you yet. “Wanna fuck your little pussy,” he admits, carding a hand through your hair. “But the truth is I don’t think you deserve that just yet.”
With that he slinks off the bed, leaving you writhing in confusion as he heads off for the closet behind you. You can’t see what he’s doing, can only hear the shuffling of something back and forth. The TV is still on, the loud cheering of the fans muffling his clattering. You’re suddenly reminded of his swollen ankle, craning your neck to tell him to not overdo it, when something dark covers your eyes.
He’s standing just beside the edge of the bed, his signature teddy bear heat emanating off in waves so thick you could touch them. “Do you trust me?” he murmurs, voice close but not close to your ear.
Something swells in your chest, an emotion so intense your entire pelvis tightens up at the realization that Jungkook was asking for permission to blindfold you. You’re almost certain it’s one of his ties, a silky black thing that covers your vision for the most part, save for a little crack by where your nose juts out. A shuffle to your side, and then he’s gently prying the chain he had pushed past your lips earlier out. “Need an answer, ___,” he says quietly, almost nervously.
“Yes,” you gasp, your entire body set aflame at the sudden turn of events.
If you were being honest you would have never predicted your night would end like this. Maybe you came in a little too cocky, a little too optimistic for the night. It was supposed to be Jungkook handcuffed and powerless, you remind yourself— how on earth did you get here?
“Good girl,” he praises, giving you a little encouraging nudge to raise your head for him to actually tie the knot behind your head. It’s definitely one of his suit ties, you realize, because there’s a distinct cross-stitch pattern that you can feel only when it’s tightened against your skin, pressing against your fluttering eyelids. When he releases you, you’re suddenly all too aware of the sense he’s deprived you of.
“K-Kook?” you call out with a tremble in your voice. The rhythmic pattern of his footsteps rounds the bed again, and then there’s a soft touch against your leg.
“Right here, sweet girl,” he reassures you. The bed dips by your legs as he closes in on you, still tied up and on the verge of a second orgasm that he snatched away before your very eyes; not that you can see it anymore. His hand slides over your stomach, tugs playfully at the clamps. You moan, the sensation magnified tenfold by the fact you can’t see nor anticipate his actions now.
His hands glide like two sailing boats over the broad expanse of sea that is your body, molding against your curves like waves as they go. He hums appreciatively, and you find yourself glad you can’t see him. You can’t possibly imagine with what eyes he’s looking at you now.
You bask in the glory of his attention for another beat before he retracts his touch.
And then, suddenly, something distinctly not hand-like, and weirdly soft traces over the inside of your thighs. “Kook?” you ask tentatively.
No response.
It runs over your skin in the same way his hands just did, a unique shape your brain scrambles to put a name too. It’s soft, so soft. But cold to the touch. Inanimate for sure. It’s a toy, your brain supplies belatedly, but that much you already know.
It’s heart-shaped, you realize, just as it thwacks down against your pussy.
You shriek at the suddenness of it all, thighs clamping shut. Your heart is thundering at a pace of a rabbit’s, chest rising and falling as you blindly piece together what just happened.  “Kook?” you whimper a second time, head craning back and forth in a desperate attempt to track his next move.
He’s not touching you anymore, but the bed is still dipping by your feet, so you deduce he must be there. You test your theory by sliding your foot against the sheets, lower lip trembling at the idea of him not being there.
Jungkook catches your ankle with one warm palm, slightly calloused from years of weightlifting. He raises it up, the cold air of his room hitting your exposed pussy. “You liked it,” he says, not a question but an observation. Your pussy throbs, the phantom strike against it lingering. A kiss to your ankle.
“Wh-What is it?” you cry, unconsciously pressing your leg closer to him now that you have his location. (You don’t see the soft smile on his face at your action.) Ever so slowly you let your thighs open again, now anticipating the next touch of that thing— that riding crop, you realize.
Jungkook confirms. “It’s a riding crop,” he explains, excitement curling around his words. Suddenly, it returns, this time against your stomach. He doesn’t strike you like he did before, simply lets it run across your tummy. “Heart-shaped. It’s so pretty,” he sighs dreamily. “Reminds me of you.”
You nod anxiously, stomach muscles tensed the longer it stays there. Jungkook obviously sees this, lifting it to give you the lightest of taps that still manages to make you gasp. “Cute,” he laughs, trailing it back to where it first touched down.
“Oh,” you tremble, thighs twitching as it pats tenderly over your clit. “Wai-Wait,” you warn, body arching as he runs it down, down your swollen folds. “No,” you weep, going to close your legs. But Jungkook predicts your moves, pressing your thigh down harshly against the bed.
“Shh,” he soothes, tracing the heart down your folds, pressing it flat against you. There’s a distinct lining over it that makes your hips jump, a faux-velvet covering the tip that tickles your skin. “Sit still for me.”
“No!” you gasp. Your back arches, body betraying you as it pushes your pussy against the toy. “I can’t, I can’t, Kook,” you sob, lips contracting around the gaping nothingness in your hole.
He condemns your attitude with a harsh swat of the riding crop against your cunt, tearing another high-pitched squeal from your lips. It’s followed by another against your clit that makes your body spasm. “Bad,” he chides. “Supposed to be my perfect girl.”
“I c-can’t,” you whine, the darkness over your eyes making the sensations ten times more intense. You don’t know where he or the riding crop are if they’re not directly touching you. Even then, the image is fuzzy in your head. “Need you,” you pant.
You try to reach for him, try to pull him into your arms. But you’re reminded of the cuffs holding you back, the metal digging into your skin behind you. You sob at the realization, angrily shaking your hands back and forth like maybe acting like a tantrum-throwing child will save you. It doesn’t.
Instead there’s a tug at the chain resting on your stomach, one that makes you cry out in pain when it pulls at your terribly sensitive nipples again. Jungkook uses it to pull you close, just a small inch off the bed that has you gasping for breath nonetheless.
“N-No,” you wail, nipples throbbing from all the sensations you’ve put them through tonight.
A chaste peck against your trembling lips. “Tell me how it feels,” he purrs, nose brushing against yours. Even with the tie obstructing your vision, the latest version of your boyfriend burns itself into your eyelids, force feeding you his sweaty skin and damp hair until even his breath against your face is enough to bring you to the edge.
“I-It’s scary, Kook,” you sniffle, listening for any signs of a reaction. But even if he did show one, your breathing is too loud and the ESPN channel is still blaring on screen. “Scary,” you whimper, lunging forward in a desperate move to feel the familiar brush of his tongue against yours. You miss.
“Do you want to stop?” he asks carefully, like he’s afraid he’s pushed too far.
He has. But fuck, do you love it.
“No,” you wail, lips smushed somewhere along his cheek, near his jaw and not his mouth like you wanted to. “Feels good, feels so fucking amazing,” you babble, cut off halfway through by a hiccup from your sad cries. “Wanna cum, wanna cum for you like this.”
Jungkook chuckles in relief, tilting his head until you can catch his lips with yours. It’s probably an awkward angle you assume, him adjusting for your vision-less whims, but it feels so good. It sends a shock to your pussy, his plush lips against yours. Without him telling you, you’re opening your mouth for him. “Spit on me,” you beg pitifully.
Jungkook groans, and you can almost visualize the look on his face perfectly— the tensing of his jaw, the push of his Adam’s apple, the pucker of his lips. “God, you’re disgusting,” he sighs, a fat glob of spit hitting the back of your tongue. Without your vision, you don’t see it coming, recoiling with a whiny mewl. The thin trail of saliva that follows trails across your chin when he finally reels back. You swallow greedily, wondering how soon is too soon to ask him to do it again.
With your full permission to move forward, Jungkook wastes no time trailing the riding crop over your wet folds, collecting your oozing pre-cum on the tiny heart as he roves it over your cunt. “Fuck, you can probably cum like this too, can’t you?”
You can’t answer, too caught up in the featherlight brushes. Even if you wanted to say something, one sudden strike against your pussy renders you speechless. “Mmh!” you hiss, biting down on your lip.
“Come on,” Jungkook encourages, resting a hand on your thigh. He presses the crop against you again, pushes down until the flat apex of the heart where it meets the flexible stem of the toy is pressing against your cunt hotly. He grinds it down against you, takes a sick pleasure in the pathetic way you arch up into it, rut against the little heart like it can provide even half the pleasure his hands usually would. “Talk to me, sweetheart,” he murmurs.
Your body is on fire, every nerve, every sensation shooting straight to your most erogenous areas— your cunt and your nipples. Talking seems like the farthest thing from your mind right now, too caught up in the way he roughly pushes the crop against your clit. A whimper rips itself from your throat, shuddering at the sensation. Unconsciously you jerk away from him, only to be scolded with another thwack against your quivering pussy lips. “A-Ahh,” you wail, squirming beneath him like a worm that can’t sit still. “Good— it feels good, Jungkookie,” you weep.
The soft mushy pet name has him raining down two snacks against you in quick succession. “No baby names,” he warns, frown evident in his voice.
Even with you completely under him like this, shackled and blinded with your love, something unmistakably childish and obnoxious curls around your throat, has you biting down on a grin as the coil in your stomach tightens. “D-Don’t like that, Jungkookie,” you choke out hoarsely, wildly bold for someone in your position. “D-Don't like being m-my baby?”
The crop loses its position over your folds, and for a minute you’re left anxiously anticipating its next touch. 
It’s on the side of your breast, harder than the rest, combining with the already powerful pinch of the clamps. It makes you cry out painfully, stomach tightening at what is probably the most unexpected orgasm you’ve ever had. It isn’t like your usual ones that overpower you and make cum trickle out between your folds.
No, it comes in waves— literally. Your pussy spasms, pushes one splurt of cum out between your thighs, almost likes your lower lips are spitting it out. And then again, more the second time, against his mattress. He pushes your legs up to your chest to marvel at the cum coating your lips and thighs. “You’re my baby, stupid,” he hisses. He grabs at your clamps then, twisting the little chain in his hand harshly. You sob at the yank, at the way your nipples feel two seconds away from being ripped off. But you can’t even complain, because the sudden touch has your pussy clenching, before a final trickle of cum oozes out of you.
Even still, your mind babbles on. “N-No,” you choke, shaking back and forth. Despite the tie covering your eyes, they flicker like a mad man beneath it, like you’ll somehow get lucky and develop Seeing Through Fabric Ability if you try hard enough. “My, my baby,” you fight weakly, pelvis trembling from aftershocks of that orgasm. “My idiot b-boy,” you smile dazedly, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the sting you’ve become familiar with by now. “T-Tell me, Jungkookie,” you croon, biting down on your lip to keep a moan from spilling out mid-syllable. “Still the same, r-right?” you stutter, “still think you’re better than me, don’t you?”
He scoffs. “No,” he vehemently denies, brashly landing an unexpected smack against your hip, no warning in sight. “That’s not true,” he defends. You can hear his pout, the little push of his lips when he grows defensive. 
You laugh, every bit the insane lunatic, fueled by your two orgasms and slipping sense of reality. “Ffffuck,” you whimper, rolling your hips up into nothing. “S-Say it again, baby,” you plead, tongue licking across your lips. “Tell me, tell me you don’t care about my problems, Kook-ah,” you whimper.
There’s a hesitant pause on his end, an unexpected lull in your play as he’s torn apart between doing what you want or playing it safe.
You know you’re confusing him, because you’re certainly confusing yourself. You don’t even bother trying to dissect your emotions— you’ve long since accepted your mind was a dangerous place when horny and presented with Jungkook’s sole attention. Well, you knew you were into the whole degradation bit, but this whole having-your-boyfriend-throw-the-words-that-made-you-question-your-entire-worth bit was certainly new and unexpected.
But there’s something in your heart (and in your libido) that needs this, needs him to fix this memory for you that maybe, kinda sorta, has haunted you for days, weeks now, as much as you hate to admit it. Needed him to fix the booboo he gave you with a bandaid, only leave a scar you could look back at and laugh off, not a gaping wound that opened at the slightest mention of it. Because while you forgave, you certainly never forgot*.
(*Unless forgetting meant having your boyfriend overwrite said memory that couldn’t be forgotten with the sheer power of his monster demon cock and wicked tongue. Only then could you forget.)
“Don’t be a fucking pussy, Jungkook,” you spit, feeling the hesitancy in the riding crop that brushes against your skin. It fades away quickly. “S-Say I’ve a dead-end office job; just holding you back,” you beg, trying to pretend the entirety of his little outburst hasn’t been ingrained into your mind for the last couple of weeks. Something flashes in your chest, throat closing off when the toy finally leaves your skin. “Tell me, tell me—“
He looms over you, teddy bear warmth covering the entirety of your body. “Is this what you want?” he asks seriously, lowly, breath fanning across your lips. Your makeshift blindfold feels distinctly damp over your eyes, chest heaving with an exertion that can only be emotional when he speaks so softly to you after routinely raining down brutal thwacks on you for the past half hour. “__,” he says sternly, “is this what you want?”
You gasp on a sob, unsure when these emotions had time to manifest outside your heart like this. You nod your head like a bobble head doll sitting on someone’s dashboard, lower lip trembling on a shameful cry that is not sex-induced like all the other ones until now. “I-I need this, Jungkook,” you admit, voice so tiny and soft, it almost gets drowned out by your shaky exhales and the crowd roaring on screen. “Need to overwrite it.”
He presses a soft kiss to your quivering lips, slow and so devastatingly loving. It’s nothing like the one from before where he’d spit down your throat per your request, and the unbridled adoration he packs into one simple kiss makes you crumble in his arms, sniffles piling on by the dozens.
He leans back after a moment, pulls your thigh over his forearm and finally lets you feel the hard ridges of his cock against your folds. “Stupid girl,” he huffs, trying to sound angry and annoyed, but there’s a lilting tone to his words, a love and trust you wouldn’t have been able to see with or without your blindfold, but can feel nonetheless. He pulls it off you anyway, the warm glow of the TV illuminating his face for you for the first time in about half an hour. Eyes soft, sweat trailing down his body. His body lines up against yours, but so does his heart. You feel it in the way he holds you in his arms, the way he’s careful about sinking into your folds. He slips an arm beneath your waist, uses it to hold you up so you’re not uncomfortably squishing your arms anymore. But if you ask, he’ll pretend he’s doing this for convenience sake only.
“T-Terrible fucking job,” he starts out, the stammer eluding the obvious discomfort he has saying those words, but he does it for you anyway. “Big fucking baby,” he tries again, slowly pushing past your tight walls with a shudder. “C-Can’t look away from you for two seconds because you’re such a fucking kid.”
“Worse,” you choke out. “Meaner. Please, Kook.”
He nods, holds your waist carefully when he finally bottoms out inside of you. “Dead-end office job,” he says, repeating the words that had made you want to crawl into a whole and never come out from. “Got some stupid fucking problems,” he tacks on, slowly withdrawing his hips from your heat. “Always complaining about the stupidest shit,” he hisses, fingers digging into your waist when it’s only the tip of his cock inside of you. “I don’t fucking care about it,” he seethes, forcefully snapping his hips into you.
They’re scrambled fragments of what he’d really said to you that night. Line after line that don’t carry a quarter of hurt or even make coherent sense for that matter. And still. 
You whimper, mind fuzzy from the thrusting pace he picks up, body fluttering at the glide of his cock against your walls. But your heart is thundering in your throat, his willingness to help fix this memory for you tightening around your every being until you can’t breathe. “I-I love you,” you cry, clenching down around him.
Jungkook groans, pulls you flush against his cock until the thin hairs around the base of his cock are tickling your skin. “Stupid, fucking child,” he groans, “immature ass nobody,” he grunts, bucking into you like your words don’t mean a thing.
“I am, I am,” you wail, suddenly hit with the cold hard truth that your body was desperately on edge. From the stimulation your nipples had gotten all night, to the ghost of the riding crop that lingered across your skin; your body was tired, so ready for a final orgasm that you’re certain Jungkook will provide. “T-Tell me y-you—“
“Shut up,” he barks, sweaty skin gliding against yours. “D-Don't tell me what to do,” he huffs, nailing you into the bed. He’s pushing you hard into the mattress, like he wants to brand you into it. “Need to fix this— alone.”
You nod numbly, the crowd behind him cheering loudly. It’s like they’re rooting for him— for the two of you —as silly as it sounds, and as bothersome as it would be any other day, today the obnoxious sounds of the ESPN soccer match only serve to fix a bad memory from before. It’s loud and cringey as all hell, but you’ll look back to this moment and laugh.
And that’s what you want most of all. You want that memory from before, that nasty fight, to go away, to disappear forever and be replaced with this one. Of him, pounding you into the sheets as his TV blares beside you, just another day, another round of sex filled with your usual kinks. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Ffffuck,” you whine when the tip of his hard cock prods against your cervix. He’s going deep, he’s going all out, because he wants to fix this too. Wants to do anything to make it right, and he’ll never know how much you appreciate him for it. “S-So deep,” you whimper, hips jumping when he rams back inside.
“Stupid slut,” Jungkook snarls, tucking his head against your neck the same way he always does. “Making me do stupid shit like this,” he bites, but you know he doesn’t mean it, know he never will again. He rocks his hips into you, no longer concerned with holding you up from uncomfortably laying on your cuffed arms anymore as he pistons into your squelching heat. He’s pressed so close over you, lips brushing against your collarbone with each snap of his hips.
All the pushing and jostling about has the chain of your clamps wildly jumping about, sprawling across the planes of your chest, above your breasts, where he snatches it up between his lips again. “Stupid, fucking—“ he slurs, jutting his head to the side like a wild stallion. You sob at the tenderness of your nipples, at the way he pays them no mercy as he continues rutting into you like a mad dog in heat. “Slut,” he spits. “S-So fuckin’ pretty.”
Your mind is in another universe, and when that last word, that devastatingly familiar term, slips from his lips mindlessly, something inside you snaps. “N-No,” you sob, legs fidgeting around his waist at the orgasm that wracks through your body against your will. “No,” you cry in frustration, “didn’t, didn’t want—“
“Stupid, stupid angel,” he babbles, seemingly unaware of your orgasm as he continues fucking into your leaking cunt, ignorant of the cum that dribbles out, creams his cock as he carries on. “Fuck,” he pants, gnaws against the chain of the stupid clamps like he can’t bare this any longer. “Love you,” he says, though he’s still stuck in that mindset from before and his sweet confession sounds more like a threat. “L-Love that childish side of you,” he confesses, finally dropping the chain— much to your relief —and surging forward to kiss you on the mouth. He tastes weirdly metallic, a thought you can’t ponder too long as he continues ramming himself past your clenched lips and into your pussy. “Your fffucking dr-drive to succeed,” he grunts, mouth smushed uncomfortably against your cheek.
“Kook, sweetheart,” you shudder, sensitive pussy spent as he drills on. His cock is still so achingly hard, and he doesn’t seem anywhere near completion. “Take it easy,” you gently remind him, can’t brush your fingers through his hair like you usually would, so you settle for pressing your lips to his cheek.
“Fuck, fuck,” he heaves, pushing so deep you practically feel him in your womb, swollen mushroom head begging for entry. “Give me it all,” he stammers, “want you—want this forever.”
“I know you do, baby,” you coo, nuzzling your nose against his when he sloppily surges forward, panting and gasping over you like a crazed caveman. “I’m yours,” you gently remind him.
“No,” he chokes out hoarsely, eyes screwed shut. “Need more, all of it,” he mumbles. “Give me yourself, ___, need you for the rest of my life—“ he cuts himself off with a shuddered whine, so airy and wispy it makes you shiver. “Ffffuck, shit,” he howls, each thrust into your walls only unraveling him more and more. “Give me, give me—“
“Anything,” you whimper, body trembling from his excessivity. “What do you want, Kook-ah?”
He says nothing, losing himself in the warmth of your pussy as his orgasm rounds the corner. He’s in the final stretch, the final straight until achieving nirvana alongside you at the finish line. And, as you’ve long since come to understand, a true Jungkook Danger Zone. He loses all sense of self, random syllables and phrases slipping through his lips.
“Fuck, fuck, marry me— marry me,” he moans, snapping his hips into you with a ferocious speed that has you bouncing against the sheets, and that’s despite the tight grip his has on you. “Let me— fuck— let me fuck a baby into you, sweetheart,” he purrs, eyes shining like an absolute psycho, but you’re apparently into that because the idea squeezes around your chest and burrows it’s way in. “A baby,” he marvels like an idiot, eyes big and sparkly, “f-fuck.”
“Wh-What?” you choke, flinching when he bites down against your lower lip. He’s got you trapped beneath him, stuffing your brain with these ideas that make your heart enter cardiac arrest, body tingling like in Mario Kart when you’ve got the star power up. “Kook—“
“Sh,” he groans, digging his fingers into your sides as he rolls his hips against you. “Almost,” he informs you, but the blood rushes to your ears. “Oh, fuck,” he pants, jaw clenching, “oh, baby.”
Jungkook cums with a shivered cry, body hunching over you like some entity has just exited out of his spine. Maybe something did, because afterwards he manages to hold himself above you for exactly three seconds before dropping the entirety of his hefty muscles onto you. “Ouch,” you whine, wrists twisted uncomfortably beneath you.
“Sorry,” he huffs, completely out of breath and dazed as he rolls away from you. He ends up spread out like a starfish beside you, completely fucked out and definitely zooming through the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions.
He doesn’t say anything for a hot minute, chest rising and falling like he’s just run a marathon, until you butt in. “Kook. Undo me,” you remind him.
He looks over at you, dark hair falling over his eyes and sprawling around his head like a halo. Oh, he was going to be the death of you. “Oh,” he says, like his brain has just processed the information. “Right.” He sits up, tucking himself back into the shorts he never fully took off. That was his character flaw; never bothers to get completely naked during sex. Anyway, his straight male-equivalent of booty shorts come up around his thighs again, stretching sinfully across the thick muscles.
The five sonnet poem that was gearing up in your head comes to a halt when he touches your breast. “No, no more,” you cry, instinctively withering away.
Jungkook snorts. “I’m just taking them off, baby,” he says, reaching forward again with the same practiced ease you’d use on an animal. The clamps come off, all the nerves suddenly coming back to life. It’s a weird sensation, not having your tits subject to that prickling pain anymore, and it makes you moan softly. Jungkook soothes you with his wannabe masseuse hands, but you think it’s just an excuse for him to fondle your breasts.
“How’re you feeling?” he asks gently, hovering over you like a damned surgeon or something. His voice is so silky and smooth, hands soft against your chest. He’s so careful in the way he turns you over, somehow magically producing the tiny key pick you swore was lost between the sheets after its first use.
Being on your chest makes you tremble like a leaf, the faintest brush of the cotton against your tits enough to make your pussy clench weakly. “ I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he murmurs, carefully detailing his actions like you’re not watching him with your very own eyes. But it’s oddly comforting, having him walk you through the process of rolling your sore wrists. The inside of the cuffs had a plush lining, but it was a pretty cheap thing. After he’s done massaging the skin, he pads over to his dresser and returns with a shirt and undies for you. “Shirt,” he says, helping you into the clothing.
When you’re all snuggled under the sheets again, the television still loud as hell, he mumbles, “wanna talk about it?”
You exhale against his chest, feeling so light and fluttery from your orgasms and the way he runs his fingers through your scalp and the way his heart thunders by your ear. “Hm,” you hum pensively. “Nah. Think I’m fine now,” you admit.
Jungkook chuckles. “A full miracle recovery?” he teases. You nod, taking in the comforting scent of his fabric softener and just him in his entirety.
“Yep.” A beat of silence, the commentator is back to filling the space between you two. He talks about a mile minute, spewing stats and plays you could never understand in a thousand years. But you know Jungkook will get sucked in soon enough, so you strike while the pot is hot. “Do you wanna talk?”
He cranes his neck a little to look at you. “What do you mean?”
You roll your eyes, pushing yourself up to look at him straight on. “Oh, my mistake,” you drawl. “I seem to have missed the part where we were going to act like you didn’t just ask for my hand in marriage and then offered to get me pregnant—,” you pause, the realization suddenly hitting you like a trash can whipping down a hill on a rainy day at a thousand miles per hour. “Pregnant!” you exclaim, cheeks warm at the fact he really just said that to you.
Jungkook’s cheeks fare no better, a Flaming Hot Cheeto shade dusting his skin. “I, it was just…” he tries, poor tiny monkey brain working overtime to offer an excuse. “It-it doesn’t have to be a thing,” he blushes, big Bambi eyes flickering from you to the television to the heart-tipped riding crop by the foot of the bed. “I was just…”
You raise your brows. “Consumed by the spirit of King Henry IV to have fourteen kids?”
He blinks. “Wait, you actually paid attention to that film?”
“That’s not the point!” you exclaim, shifting onto your knees in front of him. “What,” you inhale sharply, heart beating wildly in your chest, “what was that?”
Jungkook can only play the shocked angel card for so long before he’s sinking back into his pillow stack with the sigh of a man who’s worked in construction for the last sixty-four years. “I just,” he mumbles, “I think about it sometimes.” His admission makes your heart lodge itself into your throat, wide eyes watching him spill out his heart to you.
He misreads the expression on your face. “I-Not now!” he hurries to explain. “Like,” he stammers, rosy hue slowly crawling down his neck, over his ears. “Maybe, y’know? In the future…”
You blink, brain reduced to a series of beeps and clicks like that of an old computer trying to compute information that is simply not processing. “Yeah…” you murmur, unsure of what to do with the film reel that suddenly flashes before your eyes, a look into a doorway you had never considered before. “I— me too.”
Jungkook chokes on his own saliva. “Really?” he yelps, has those sparkly anime girl eyes you always tease him about.
The gulp you do sounds loud in your ears. “Yeah,” you breathe, throat drier than the desert, but more confident than the first peabrain response. “I-I’d like that.”
There’s a bright beam of light that shines right in your face, so vibrant and dazzling it makes you flinch and by the time you’ve recovered you realize it’s his smile. “Yeah?” Jungkook mumbles back, pearly teeth framed by his pretty smile, brows raised at your stuttery confirmation. You nod. His lips twist into a smaller grin, a condensed version of the superstar one he gave you just moments before. Before you can brush it off with a joke, he’s snatching your hand up in his, a soft smooch pressed to your knuckles. “Okay,” he says quietly, dark eyes meeting yours. “One day?”
Your heart constricts in your chest, and all you can do is nod. “One da—“
“Goooooaaaaallllll!” the announcer on screen shrieks, the loud sounds of the TV killing your mood instantly.
Any dumbstruck, love struck, idiotic, ditzy expression on your face is wiped clean, replaced with an unimpressed glare you narrow on him. His nose is scrunched up like he wants to laugh, lips pressed into a thin line at your annoyance. He swipes the TV remote off the side table, arms spread open for you to crawl back into. You do so with a huff, pout smushed against the front of his hoodie.
“That’s enough ESPN for today,” he chuckles, switching the channel about a thousand times until Rick and Morty is playing on screen. “I’ll just watch the highlights later.”
“ESPN,” you scoff like an evil villain in a movie who’s just been presented with their mortal enemy, fisting the front of his hoodie.
Jungkook nods. “ESPN,” he repeats. A beat passes. “Kinda like BDS—“
“Go get your ice pack.”
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Because Jungkook couldn’t sit still for that one eventful night following his ladder injury, he ends up in a medical boot for one week, loudly clunking around the place like a reverse pirate. You snap a picture of him that you post on Twitter for your twelve followers to see, just him pouting at the doctor’s office with his new boot and club jersey on to celebrate last night’s victory.
It’s just a cute pic for you and your friends to laugh at.
Until it’s not, and his handsome face is circulating around the entire internet.
He’s being called the Face of FC Seoul, with desperate women messaging you left and right for his information. Other fans are bragging about the beauty that is an FC Seoul fanboy. It gets to the point where his face appears on the next night’s ESPN Nightly Recap, a special on social media stars posting about the game. Except Jungkook is neither a social media star nor did he even post about the game— you did.
But there he is, all five feet and ten inches of him smiling brightly at you from the ESPN Sports channel, wearing the boot he got from hand cuffing and whipping you to completion. 
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
Inked • S.B
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Hi! Could I request a Soulmate AU with Sirius please? Marauders era with matching tattoos. No rush and thank you 🌹🖤 — @fific7
Summary: Mary is determined to find your soulmate and not even an oncoming storm will stop her. (Soulmate AU)
Warnings: some tattoo talk?, rain, thunder, I guess hints/implied bullying, Peter makes an appearance but like he’s not a key part and he’s not like bad or anything
Word Count: 2.3k
A.N: This is the kind of star I’m envisioning for your soulmark (just not yellow) I actually never specify the color, so you can imagine any color you want. This took me like a week to write for some reason. But I like how it turned out. Hopefully you guys do too! Love you all ❤️
No one ever told you that soulmarks tingled.
When the eight pointed star seared itself into the flesh of the inside of your left elbow at age sixteen, you thought that was it. You thought that it would just sit there innocently to the point where it wouldn’t cross your mind every second of every day, but Merlin were you wrong.
The prickling of the mark was constant, like pins and needles jabbing relentlessly into your arm. It wasn’t exactly painful, it was just an obnoxious and infuriating reminder that you still haven’t found your soulmate.
Hogwarts was practically the place for the vast majority of witches and wizards to find their soulmate, as it was basically the only topic discussed amongst the sixth and seventh years.
Honestly, you just wanted your mark to stop its incessant tingling to the point where you wouldn’t mind anyone being your soulmate. You’ve never heard any complaints from your friends who had already found their true loves, so you assume that the sensation stops eventually.
But you were tired of scratching at your arm making it look like you had some weird sort of flesh eating disease. It was unflattering and highly inconvenient.
Sure, you could run around like a headless hippogriff with your sleeve rolled up asking everyone you encounter if they’ve seen another person with that identical mark, but that’s not romantic. And you wanted romantic, Merlin damn it.
Plus, imagine the burn of embarrassment that would overtake your entire being if no one shared your soulmark. You shudder at the mere thought.
So, you learn to live with it.
You almost want to rip your arm off when it gets particularly bad while studying or trying to get the perfect measurement for your potion, but after a full year you’re almost used to it.
You’re used to how often your friends would gush about their own soulmates and their constant questions about why you’re still single as well.
Mary MacDonald, one of your best friends, had already found her soulmate, some boy from Beauxbatons that sent her too many Howlers during breakfast, but they loved each other, so who were you to complain?
But ever since she found hers, she’s been pretty determined to seek out yours. Even getting her boyfriend to ask around his own school. You can never show your face around Beauxbatons and that’s final.
She’ll make you sit around the courtyard, pretending to read a book, while she scans the arms of the many crowds in search of your star. Mary tries to walk in on top secret Quidditch practices to get a glimpse of any rolled up sleeves, but so far, no good.
That’s really the only reason she’s dragging you down to the Black Lake even though dark grey clouds are hanging heavy in the sky.
“Mary!” You huff as she drags you down the grassy hills, the smell of rain thick in the air. “I know what you’re doing, I’m not daft, y’know.”
Her hand tightens around yours as she starts to feel you resist.
“What I’m doing? (Y/n), it’s a nice day to just hang out at the lake!” Mary cries, the lie hidden well if she wasn’t your best friend.
“Mary it’s about to torrential downpour.” You scoff.
“I thought you liked the rain.” She shrugs innocently, the sound of weeds getting crushed beneath your school shoes loud in your ears.
“Mary, my soulmate might not even be at Hogwarts!” You exclaim, trying to get out of this whole situation. You could be curled up by the fire with a sugar quill, but no, why would Mary let you have some peace and quiet? “They might be older or younger than me—“
“Well we won’t know that, will we, until we check everyone in our year first.” She insists.
The deep murky water is in sight, a few people are lazily lounging around the water’s edge. Like they haven’t even noticed the rain clouds overhead.
“You’re obsessed.” You sigh, finally stopping your attempts to wriggle away from her.
“It’s because I love you.” She smiles sweetly at you, cheeks pushed high, obscuring her dark eyes.
You continue to rub the inside of your arm against the side of your abdomen, attempting to find some sort of relief. The scratchy fabric of your white button down against your grey vest is probably the most effective. The closer to the bank you get, the better you’re able to make out the figures.
The owner of the vibrant red hair was obviously Lily, one of Mary’s friends, and also the more sensible of the group considering her coat was tightly wrapped around her. She’s in a somewhat similar situation as you—she hasn’t shown her soulmark to anyone. However, if what Mary drunkenly told you one night is true, it matches James Potter’s to a tee. Poor her.
Peter was also there, kicking rocks around and chuckling at whatever story Lily was telling them. His Gryffindor jumper is a little short on him while his slacks are a little long, mud dirtying the hem of them. As far as you know, he doesn’t even have a soulmark. It’s not uncommon or something to be ashamed of, but ever since certain people found out, it’s been quite the issue. Sure the infamous Marauders took care of the situation the best they could, but the damage was already done.
The last person was obviously Sirius, you could tell by the way he has his wand situated in his bun. He was closer to the water, picking up flat stones to skip across. His bark like laugh echoing across the space. You and Mary weren’t too far from the group now, so you could tell that the top two buttons of his dress shirt were popped open. Sirius Black’s soulmark was another mystery. He seems like the type to brag about something as important as a soulmark, but as far as you know, only James, Remus, and Peter were privy to that sort of information.
“Hey guys!” Lily perks up, waving at the two of you.
You smile and wave at her, but as Mary stops and chat, you gravitate closer to Peter and Sirius.
“So where are the other two?” You ask, watching as his stone skips across the water, finally ending with a satisfying plunk!
Sirius turns to face you, a few loose strands framing his face, blowing slightly in the wind.
“Detention.” He remarks casually, lazily trying to tame his curls.
“And you two aren’t?”
Peter shakes his head enthusiastically, blond hair bobbing around. “Sirius and I managed to escape before Slughorn lost it.”
“Hey Pete!” You hear Mary call from behind you. “Don’t you wanna know what you missed in Muggle Studies?”
“Shit, yeah.” Peter bounds over to where Lily and Mary are sitting, leaving you and Sirius alone. Your feet shuffle at the predicament.
You slowly inch closer to Sirius, the large distance awkward without a third person. You’re forced to hold down a wince as your mark prickles almost painfully.
Sirius’ eyes are almost the same shade as the clouds in the sky as they pierce into yours.
“You know how to skip rocks?” He tosses you a smooth stone which you catch effortlessly.
You open your mouth to respond but before you’re able to, you’re cut off by a clap of thunder. The ripples of thunder makes you jump slightly.
“We should probably go inside—“ You start, shivering at the cold wind that begins to roll past you.
“Scared of a little thunder, (Y/n)?” Sirius teases, smirking at your shivering form.
“Don’t be a prick.” You snort. “Just throw your rock.”
You push the thought of the oncoming storm to the back of your mind as you position yourself on the bank.
The water laps at you shoes as you toe the edge, running your thumb over the smooth surface. You mirror Sirius’ position, slightly crouched at the knee, body angled towards the lake.
You watch his body move fluidly through the positions, the stone releasing and skipping across the water delicately. Not only do you get distracted by Sirius, but the mark on your arm gives a sudden jolt, making your posture falter and your stone crash recklessly into the lake.
Sirius brings a ringed fist up to his mouth, trying and failing to stifle a laugh.
“It’s not that funny.” You grumble, embarrassed.
“I mean, it’s pretty fucking hilarious. I thought you said you knew how to skip rocks?” He crosses his arms over his chest, eyebrows raised, a chuckle still lightly escaping his amused smile.
“Technically, I didn’t tell you shit.” You remark. “The thunder cut me off.”
“Ah yes. The spooky thunder.” He drawls, wagging his painted fingers at you mockingly.
You bring your hand up to flick him off when you feel a cool dot of water drop onto your hand.
“Hey, did you just feel a—“
In the middle of talking, one raindrop becomes hundreds, the torrential downpour almost instantly soaking you to your bones. You hair plasters to your skin, clothes clinging onto you.
“—raindrop?” You utter weekly, a chill coming over you.
Your eyes widen as you look at Sirius, how his dark hair sticks wildly to his face, like curtains across his eyes.
Lily and Mary let out identical high pitched shrieks, and you hear the sound of mud squelching as the three run back towards the castle.
As Sirius tries to wipe the wet hair from his face, you grab onto his wrist, pulling him as your sprint back to the castle. You’re fumbling as you try not to slip in the mud but at the same time try get to the cover of the castle quickly.
“A little thunder, my arse, Sirius!” You huff out, his wrist still grasped tightly in your hand.
You hear him chuckle behind you, easily keeping up with your pace.
Cold water traces down your back and fills your shoes, your discomfort rapidly increasing with every step and every second you spend outdoors.
Your mind drifts off to Sirius, who was only in his white uniform button down. He must be freezing.
After sloshing through puddles and mucking up your shoes, you manage to get under the cover of the stone castle.
Your teeth are chattering and you body trembles, but at least the rain isn’t cutting into your skin anymore.
Lily, Mary, and Peter are nowhere to be found, though they’re probably making their way to the Gryffindor common room already.
Sirius is wringing out his drenched dark curls, his wand between his lips, but you’re too focused in the face that his shirt is now completely see through. Your eyes wander as you ogle his fit body, shamelessly trailing everywhere. You bite your bottom lip at your confidence.
However, something catches your eye as you admire his arms. A black splotch. Like a tattoo in the inside of his elbow. You somehow go colder than you already were.
“Admiring my beauty—Hey!”
You step forward and latch onto his arm, trying to get a better look at the spot on his arm. Initially, he struggles, but you jab your finger into his skin, your own mark tingling beneath your wet clothes.
“What’s your problem, (Y/n)?” He angrily grunts.
“What’s this, Sirius?” You demand, looking at him.
“Why?” Sirius rips his arm out of your grasp, trying his best to hide the mark from you.
“Because,” You explain, rolling up your own sleeve to expose the eight pointed star on your arm. “We might have something in common.”
Your entire body erupts into shivers both from the cold wind against your soaked skin and the way your soulmark buzzing.
The star stands out against your skin and you watch Sirius’ eyes widen, his jaw going slightly slack.
“Sirius.” You whisper. “I need to know if you’re my soulmate.”
The rain pounds against the castle, wind whistles, and thunder claps, and yet you don’t jump. You’re too focused on Sirius’ expression.
Silently, he brings his index finger to your mark and lightly traces the shape with his fingertip. His finger is cold, but you barely realize it because of the shock that runs through your body, originating from his touch. Goosebumps run wildly across your flesh.
He swallows harshly before pulling away and recklessly pushes his sleeve up the length of his arm. Your heart beats wildly in your chest in anticipation.
Sirius shoves his arm in front of you and you bring your gaze to focus on the inside of his elbow.
And there it is.
His soulmark.
Your soulmark.
The lines are clean and the points are sharp, the star is clear against his skin.
“You’re my soulmate.” Sirius mutters. “Oh thank Merlin!” He’s laughing, a smile growing across his face.
His laughter is infectious and you find yourself joining him, practically jumping with glee.
Sirius latches onto you, pulling your wet bodies close. He brings his lips to your forehead, warmth spreading from the contact.
“We should celebrate.” Sirius remarks, pulling away just enough to see your entire form.
“Hold on.” You chuckle. “I think you’re forgetting to do something.”
His grey eyes flick down to your lips. “How could I ever forget the best part?” He smirks.
You lips are slow to connect, relishing in the sounds of the rain and how his his hands wrap around your elbows, thumb pressed into your mark.
When they finally join together, you feel whole. Like two puzzle pieces linked together. Eyes flutter shut as emotion run rampant through your body. Your mark tingles before fizzling out when you and Sirius disconnect.
You’re breathless as you cling onto him, as he clings onto you.
“We’ve got a party to throw,” Sirius grabs your hand. “soulmate.”
A stupid grin makes its way across your face.
“Lead the way, soulmate.”
Sirius Black Taglist: @quindolyn @fific7 @msmb @lunalovecroft
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco
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