#but i know yall will like this so it's all worth it lol
ananxiousgenz · 3 months
hey guys how are we feeling about more cowboy au??? it's 4am and this is the last thing i'm posting before i go to sleep lmaooo
@percymawce-arts (along with @ellamenop and @izel-reblogs bc i saw your tags before and figured y'all would want more lol)
When he opened his eyes again, constellations were twinkling like fireflies in the navy blue sky above him, and the last blue-gray remnants of sunlight lingered on the western horizon. He could see the faint traces of firelight blossoming up past his feet, several yards away from where he was laid out on the ground and smell some sort of food cooking over it. His side was still in a dull, throbbing pain, blood slowly weeping out of it and into the ground. He could die here. Such a beautiful place to leave behind, John thought through the mist clouding his mind. 
Then the mist turned into a prairie fire as something poked into his injured side.
He screamed through his teeth . There was something in his mouth keeping his teeth from grinding together, something tough and leathery. He slowly realized it was a belt, folded and wedged into his mouth to keep him from cracking his teeth open.
“Ah, shit, sorry, sorry, sorry!” a distant voice said. It sounded vaguely familiar, a foreign accent he was almost sure he knew. He couldn’t tell from where.
John spit out the belt, pushed himself up, and tried to scramble away, but found weight on top of his hips, pressing him down to the ground. He collapsed again, moaning in pain from the effort.
“Jesus fucking Christ, would you stop moving? I have to take the bullet out of your stomach, and I can’t do that if you keep squirming.”
“It hurts,” John said thickly. “It hurts so much…”
“I know, I know. It’s going to be alright. Just let me get the bullet out, then I can cauterize the wound and bandage it up, okay?”
Through the tears blurring his eyes, John saw the man pinning him down was none other than the Sheriff whose partner he had killed hours earlier. Confusion settled over his mind like a blanket. Why was he here? Why was he helping him?
The Sheriff was a sharp, thin man, with a pointed nose and angular jaw but kind dark eyes, and wavy auburn hair that was slightly disheveled. His shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a chest coated with scars, and the corner of a bandage over his left shoulder, a red stained hole in his shirt over the same spot. From where you shot him. John blinked a few times to clear his sight and tried to fit the pieces of this strange puzzle together.
“But I- you… you’re helping me?” he asked, voice soft and far more vulnerable than he wanted it to be.
The Sheriff nodded. “I’m trying to. But you need to work with me, okay? I need you to stay still while I get the bullet out.”
John hated that he felt so weak, that he had to entrust his safety and his life to that of a stranger who, for all he knew, wanted him dead. But what other options did he have? He was too weak to fight, and in even less condition to run. He needed help, for the time being. So he nodded his head, and tried to stay as still as possible as this man wedged the belt back between his teeth.
The Sheriff placed a pair of sharp metal tweezers back into the wound. Tears began to stream from John’s eyes the moment they made contact. He couldn’t help the pained whimper that escaped his throat.
“Shhhhh, sh sh sh,” the Sheriff murmured. “I know, I know it hurts. I’m so sorry. Just a second longer…”
John nodded and gritted his teeth against the leather belt. The tweezers tapped against the bullet, lodged deep in his guts, and he let out a small yelp in anticipation of the pain.
“Ah, okay, there it is. Give me a second.”
The tweezers closed around the bullet. And it was agonizing. It was fucking agonizing. Despite his will, another scream was building in his throat as the Sheriff slowly, gently pulled the bullet out of John's wound.
“Almost… almost… there! Got it!”
There was a small plink of metal bouncing off metal as the bullet made contact with a tray at the man’s side. John let out a small whimper as his body went limp. His breathing was hoarse and ragged now, the stress and tension melting away as a new wave of dull pain washed over him.
“Okay. Alright. Shit. Fuck. How am I supposed to clean this out? Mine wasn’t bad, but yours has been through the dirt,” the Sheriff muttered to himself.
“Chew-pon-iv…” John said between ragged breaths.
“Lizard tail. A decoction. In my saddlebag. On… on the left side. The corked bottle. It… it'll smell peppery. Strong.”
The Sheriff nodded, stood from where he had been straddling John, and walked over in Akke’s direction, spurs gently clinking as he moved. John was suddenly conscious of the lack of weight on his body, and he realized he could move again. Even with the waves of pain wracking his body, his mind snapped into clear focus.
The Shoshone camp. The Sheriff’s purpose here. Larson’s mission. 
John realized, with a hard swallow, that he had failed. His aim had been to injure the Sheriff enough that he could take him to Larson without a fight. But now here he was, barely strong enough to ride Akke, completely at the mercy of a man he barely knew. At this rate, he would be dragged back to town to be left with some stupid doctor while the Shoshone camp was decimated. He couldn't take the Sheriff prisoner in this state.
But maybe he could kill him.
His shotgun and revolver were too far away. The Sheriff had made the smart choice to disarm him before attempting to treat his wounds. But… he wiggled his right ankle, knocking it against the inside of his boot. Yes! It was still there! A small, bone-handled knife tucked away in the side of his boot. Not big enough to appear as any serious threat, but certainly sharp enough to cause some damage. And if placed correctly- temple, throat, lungs, heart- then John could kill him in one strike.
John breathed in and out shakily.
By the time the Sheriff had retrieved the small bottle of chew-pon-iv from Akke’s saddlebag, John had stumbled to his feet despite the shooting pains in his side, knife in a death grip in his left hand. The Sheriff looked… bewildered. John wasn’t sure what emotions he was expecting to cross his face, but confusion and concern were not one of them.
“Might I ask what you’re doing?”
“I,” John said, trying to breathe through the pain, “am going to kill you.”
The Sheriff raised an eyebrow. “Well, you certainly did an excellent job of that before.”
“That was a mistake. A mistake I intend to correct.”
“Mmm. I’m sure. I look forward to seeing you try.”
John coughed, then hissed through his teeth at the jolt it brought. He could feel his temper rising up through his chest and face. “You know nothing about me.”
“I know enough. I know you’re a fairly good shot, and that you were hired to kill myself and my Deputy. I know you were only successful in one of those murders. I also know that you’re in a bit too much pain to try anything right now, so why don’t you lie back down and tell me how I can clean out your wound with this?” the Sheriff asked, holding up the bottle and shaking it lightly.
John didn’t respond, just glared daggers at the man standing across the campfire from him, who in turn, sighed, walked up to him, and pushed him back onto the ground. John was furious. He was about to try standing again, but dizziness hit him like a stampede, and he stayed put. The Sheriff sat down on the ground beside him, moving his shirt out of the way to pour the decoction over the bullet wound.  John hissed.
The Sheriff sighed. “Look, I’m trying to help, alright? Despite the fact that you clearly want me dead. Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot. Let’s just start over again. My name is Lester. Arthur Lester. I’m the Sheriff of Mountain City.”
“I know that,” John spat, fire and venom burning behind every word. “I know all about you and your kind. That’s why I need to kill you.”
The Sheriff- Arthur- looked confused again. “What in God’s name are you talking about?”
“The Shoshone camp.”
Arthur tilted his head slightly. “The what?”
John let out a frustrated huff.  “Jesus fucking Christ, the Shoshone camp! The one a few days from here? The one you and your precious Deputy were sent to destroy?”
There was a silence in the conversation, interrupted only by the chirping of distant crickets and the crackle-pops of the fire. Arthur simply stared, but John could see wheels beginning to click into place behind his eyes.
“Wait. You mean- oh. Oh! You think we were going to destroy an Indian encampment? Is that what you were told?”
“Yes, god-fucking-dammit!”
“I see.” Arthur stared in the direction of the fire for a moment, before throwing some metal coins into the hot coals at its edges. There were more gears turning behind those dark eyes, but the nature of them was something John couldn’t say. He began to get the sense that for all his tricks and cleverness, Arthur could still run laps around him.
"It's not true. Parker and I were heading to investigate a stagecoach that was due in Mountain City several days ago that never showed up. It had a large amount of money with it, and some women and children from what we understood. I never even knew there was a Shoshone encampment in this direction."
John was silent as he processed this information. There was a war happening in his mind now, one side saying that Larson lied about his assignments and one saying that this man was lying to spare his rotten, murdering neck. John didn't know which to believe.
After a long moment, Arthur raised his head again and stared out across the plains. “Can I ask who told you that? Or are you not permitted to tell me?”
“I don’t-” John sighed, finally letting his head hit the ground as he stared at the sky overhead. “I don’t know his real name. All I know is that he calls himself ‘The King’.”
“You know, you’re a terrible liar.”
“How do you know I’m lying?”
“I can hear it in your voice. It caught in your throat when you said the word ‘don’t’.”
John rolled his eyes. “I didn’t realize this had turned into a fucking interrogation.”
“I’m a sheriff. It’s my job to know when people aren’t telling the truth.”
“And you can decipher that from voice alone?”
“Well, I can’t exactly decipher it any other way, now that you killed my partner!”
“What do you-” John’s pain-addled mind finally put the pieces together. The lack of focus in Arthur’s eyes, his panic at losing his Deputy, the lack of eye contact during their conversation, his shock when John said he’d been shot…
Arthur Lester, Sheriff of Mountain City, was blind.
“Oh fucking hell,” John breathed, eyes wide in shock.
“Finally caught on, did you?” Arthur said softly, mouth twisted into a sour shape.
“I’m so-”
“If you say you’re sorry, I promise you, I will shoot you here and now and leave your body behind for the vultures. I don’t need pity.”
John bobbed his head. He had felt the same way when Yellow tried to ask about his past at the boarding school, the first time they met. The only difference between that conversation and this was that one had ended with Yellow getting a black eye.
“How did it happen? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“It, um. An eye infection. When I was a teenager. Doctors discovered it too late, and by the time they started giving me medication to treat it, my eyesight was already…” Arthur gently moved his hand through the air and whistled, mimicking a leaf being blown by the wind. 
“Yeah. But that’s besides the point. What’s your story? I don’t even know your name,” Arthur said with a sheepish smile. “Not to mention, you’ve still got an open bullet wound in your side I need to close up.”
Almost in response to Arthur’s words, John’s side spasmed with pain. “Yeah, that’s true,” he muttered through gritted teeth as he sat up and turned to face the man next to him. “You can call me John. John Doe.”
“John Doe. That’s a curious name,” Arthur said, holding his hand out for a shake, which John returned swiftly and firmly.
“I didn’t have any say in the matter, unfortunately. The boarding school chose it for me. I don’t… I can’t remember what my name was before.”
“Ah. I see,” Arthur replied, in a way that made John suspect he had just received confirmation for something he had been thinking about for a while. He waited for John to continue.
John was silent for a moment. He still didn't know who to trust. Larson or the law? Regardless of sides, this strange man had showed him compassion when he was vulnerable and shared an important piece of his story. John decided it was only fair that he shared a little of his own in return.
"About my... employer." John cleared his throat and looked at the sky again. "His real name is Larson. He runs a sort of gang of people like me. Native kids who got shipped off to boarding school and are now too white to go back to our tribes but still too Native to exist in white society.
"He.... offered us a purpose. Something we could do to help our peoples, even if we couldn't go home to them. All we had to do was kill who he asked, rob when he asked, and we would be saving their lives. I guess we thought we were heroes or something."
Arthur's brow was furrowed in thought. "Not Wallace Larson? He's a wanted man, John! Parker and I were trying to track him down for years."
"I don't know his first name. Only the last."
A thoughtful pause stretched between them until a particularly loud pop from the fire seemed to startle Arthur out of his reverie.
“Oh, I think the coins should be hot enough now. Could you, uh…”
“Of course.” John craned his neck to see into the coals. “There’s one resting near the edge of your boot. Slightly to the left. Yes, right there. You’ve got it in the tweezers now.”
“Right. You might want to put the belt back in your mouth, John. This is going to hurt.”
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omgcatboi · 4 months
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I don't often post my non kink related art but I'm tryna get the attention of someone else in the community and am too shy and cringe to reach out so. Here, have this portrait I did of Hanzo Shimada. With my finger. On ibis paint. This took me four hours. Progress for proof below.
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
Persona romance routes are all pretty bad but damn they really hit rock bottom with p3p femc route like the misogyny is very blatant and it’s almost hilarious like look at the Shinjiro romance. When you do his social link he’s like very clearly respectful of Kotone as a leader and explicitly says stuff like "oh yeah you’re clearly the best fighter we have, I don’t really know much about fighting like you do, I hope I’m not dragging you down, you’re doing a good job as leader just remember to take care of yourself, everyone looks up to you I know you can rely on them" etc. like he has faith in her leading abilities. But then when you romance him he’s like got dialogue like "bwah bluh i gotta look after you because you’re a GIRL and you need to stick by me, a big strong MAN so you don’t get hurt" and "don’t wear that revealing outfit in front of other guys 👺" and it’s like. Does he respect her or not and also like it doesn’t make sense for him to look down on her for being a girl cuz he literally has never not been led by a girl leader during his time in sees and Mitsuru in particular really has her shit together when it comes to being responsible and a good fighter and she’s always known the most about Tartarus
It’s also like. Idk maybe its just me I’m not a girl so FUCK IF I KNOW but to me the appeal of romancing Shinji is the fact that he’s sweet and sensitive and gentle and has respect for you despite the fact that he acts all scary. That’s like, what made me like this character in the first place. But the writers seem to think what women want is for a BIG STRONG MAN to protect them because they are just DELICATE WOMEN who are inferior in every way it’s like. Shut upppp thanks
#persona#persona 3#shinjiro aragaki#this is soooooooo obviously not the only romance route that sucks in this game yall know which one im referring to 🤨#and i actually tend to think of the shinji romance as the best one in the series cuz at least his confession scene is the only unique one#that really highlights who he is as a character and goes with the story#but ughh just idk its so annoying how the writers cant decide if hes sexist or not its really weird and its like#really shows how poorly the writers think of women playing their game its like all the romance options are trash and then your boyfriend is#sexist to you and its so clearly done in a way thats supposed to be romantic which is. ew#like idk if my partner was like talking about how i need to stay close to them because im a weak girl and they are strong man#especially when im literally the leader of the team and have been doing perfectly fine thus far and am clearly the strongest here#id simply run him over with a bulldozer#and its like this will all the guys in this game its like girl shut up and eat glass#meanwhile when youre a male protagonist your gf will kiss your ass to the point its infuriating#and their character arcs can never be too grand cuz then they might not wanna fuck you if they realize they have worth#uh sorry my brain is all over the place basically i hate persona romances lol and i hate how they wrote shinji in his#like dammit i dont want him cuz hes gonna protect me like a man i want him cuz he isnt great at fighting and prefers cooking and puppy dogs#and has respect for me and trusts my judgement and asks me to talk about my life and interests and smiles sweetly#but god forbid a woman in this series be respected i guess
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rainblescake · 3 months
Gragh your arts so GOOD Guh sorry I’m just making noises but GRAUGYGHH!!! Yeah
awwwww thank you man :] that means a lot to me
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snekdood · 1 year
im probably not the best person to say this given the way ppl see me on here but like... @ some cis women... who is blowing smoke up your ass this much that you think you can do this shit and that you’ll actually find “the perfect dude” bc i promise going on social media to find lonely desperate simpy dudes who are so insecure they need the validation of some woman whos a stranger online to feel like they’re worth something in the moment? i’m sorry but you and i both know you’re never gonna find That Dude, especially not this way. how in tf do you think you’re so worth it to do this shit like sdjbsdj these dudes need to stop fawning over women who are like this bc the truth is they don’t even want to actually date people, a lot of women like this just go on dating sites or whatever to ALSO just validate themselves. they need to know or tell themselves men are chasing after them so they can forever continue disregarding them and forever continue to simp after that one celebrity she’ll never get an inch close to fucking let alone date.
#videos#fave#sorry to be harsh but gawddamn.#idk where yall get off thinking you're worth chasing like!!! im sorry but i do not give an inch of a fuck.#do you see me??? you need to be chasing ME if you want a fuckin chance alright#yall find the lonliest most touch deprived men who are probably on the brink of suicide to drain of their ability to validate you so you#can just dump them in the trash later after you're all full#what a boring type of person my god. and im sure you make this shit your personality too likwe.#wtf are your skills. bc being hot isnt enough for me lol.#id much rather die alone with dignity and self respect than give women like this the time of day let alone the moment to feel like#shes above me enough to just randomly earn my validation. i do not fuckin care ma'am!! sorry#i do not care about validating and encouraging your narcissism. and i dont like to call women narcissistic all that often but christ.#go become a lesbian already and leave men alone lol bc clearly you dont actually wanna date them#like im not saying confidence in yourself and knowing you're worth wanting is bad. its just that we all know this girl isnt sincere.#she doesnt want to actually find a guy. shes waiting for fuckin. harry styles or something to swoop in.#also shes deeply insecure too. we know shes also doing this to feel validated on how she looks since she knows so many dudes are#looking. and clearly she cant validate herself so she relies on shit like this and i bet my money she does it on tinder too#if you're this distrusting of men that you gotta put up all these weird rules like 'not talking till u find the perfectly hot enough dude'#which you and i both know is stupid and arbitrary- maybe if you distrust men this much you shouldnt be looking for date in them#bc lord knows all those dudes were lying about being 6 feet lol#this is like somehow a worst way to find dates than tinder#congratulations. i didnt know that was possible lol
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lewisvinga · 7 months
lagunas | carlos sainz x latina! reader
summary; fans finally the dots between y/n’s latest single and carlos’ strange caption ( similar plot to like a damn sociopath!)
fc; karol g MI REINA
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
notes; requested ! used lagunas by peso pluma y jasiel núñez! but pretend it’s a girl / karol g who sings it lolllll, but i hope carlos has a fast n easy recovery!!
masterlist !
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liked by kaliuchis, alexandrasaintmleux, and others !
yourusername: little surprise para ustedes [for you] 🥹 my new single lagunas is out on all streaming platforms !🌷 huge thank you to the person who inspired me to write this song! guess listening to your family was worth it for me to write my new favorite song!😁❤️❤️
username: EL QUE?? [what]
username: esperaaaa [wait], why is this song so sad
username: wdym by listening to your family was worth it🤨🤨 his family don’t like u mi reina?? [my queen] , i know a friend of a friend 🤨
kaliuchis: como siempre [like always], AMAZING 🌷💗💗
yourusername: ❤️💗💗
username: y nado entre lagunas en mi mente [and i swim in between the lagoons of my mind] 😣 so true mi reina so true
username: ugh she’s gorgeous
username: her voice in this song ☹️ wonder who her ex is bc she never said anything abt him but clearly she cared for him a lot ☹️
username: tbh i think he didn’t care for her as much bc she said he listened to his family lol, if u truly cares for ur gf u wouldn’t leave her no matter what
username: SOOO TRUE
alexandrasaintmleux: amazing amazing 🥹🫶
yourusername: gracias, amor😣💗 [thank you, love]
username: ariana what are u doing here
username: look at my moot yall, they’re delusional 😹
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and others !
carlossainz55: tal vez en otra galaxia sí fue diferente. [maybe in another galaxy it was different]
username: whats bro waffling abt
username: why are u using mothers song are ur caption….
charles_leclerc: deep
landonorris: so true
username: i know charles can’t keep his mouth shut bc how’d pierre know abt lewis before the news?? SPILL LECLERC.
username: nah i think lando is more likely and i know he knows something. lando, you better start talking NOW
landonorris: i plead the fifth 😇😇😇
username: he looks soooo fine wait
username: carlos in his aesthetic era
username: why’d he use the part of the song where she sounded the most sad?
username: okay lagunas has to 100% be about carlos
username: esp when she said in her caption, that he listened to his family and broke up w her, sorry but i can see him doing that
username: he fumbled the baddest bitch, la bichota, rip carlos 🕊️🕊️
username: ughhhhh if carlos n y/n were fr a couple, they would’ve been the finest couple 😫
username: bro whatd u do for her to write and sing lagunas …..
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yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; bueno… <well>] [caption 2; mi hombre siempre <my man always> ❤️]
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liked by yourusername, charles_lecler , and others !
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carlossainz55: ya volví a besar tu frente y en esta galaxia , yo te quiero más que cualquier cosa en este mundo . [i kissed your forehead again and in this galaxy, i love you more than anything in this world.]
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: mi corazón , como te quiero 🥹💗[my heart, how i love you]
carlossainz55: te quiero, nena❤️ and i was stupid for letting people tell me who to love
username: WHATTTT
username: omg my parents
username: los amo 😞 [i love them]
username: gosh she’s GORGEOUS
username: i seem to have missed the carlos and y/n lore WHAT
charles_leclerc: finally mate😕
landonorris: i was sick of his moping when it was his fault 🙄🙄
carlossainz55: ok ok i learnt my lesson….
yourusername: oh tell me more
charles_leclerc: was surprised he didn’t run out of tears 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
alexandrasaintmleux: ferrari girlies are gonna be reunited again!😫💗💗
yourusername: making ferrari latinos one wag at a time 😝
username: ok spaniard u won this time….
username: so he IS for the latinas iktr 😫😫🙏
username: still gonna stream lagunas tho😝
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lxclerc · 1 year
𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐟 | 𝐚𝐥𝟏𝟐
summary… arthur is dating someone and his fans don’t like it request… yes but it’s for the og arthur girlie faceclaim… xowie jones pairing… arthur leclerc x reader
note… @coffeehurricanes have been begging me to make something for arthur since forever and i finally caved
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liked by arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl and others
yourusername my “that’s her” pictures but it’s the pics my bf showed his mum
view all comments…
user1 girlie this isn’t something to be proud of
user2 she’s so cool and different and quirky and not like other girls !!!!!!!!!! do you want a cookie or sumthing?
lorenzotl can confirm! 😂
⤷ yourusername you loved me the moment you saw me, admit it
⤷ lorenzotl i admit it!
charles_leclerc maman nearly had a heart attack!!
⤷ yourusername then i became her fav 🤭
⤷ user7 pascale prolly can’t stand this bitch
user3 nah bc what the hell does she have on the leclerc brothers bc no way they genuinely like her dating arthur
arthur_leclerc and i wouldn’t have it any other way ❤️
⤷ yourusername idiot
⤷ arthur_leclerc *your* idiot
⤷ user4 arthur was being sweet and this bitch just insults him for no reason
⤷ user5 arthur blink twice if you’re being held captive
user6 so many jealous and mad bitches in this comment section. not so gentle reminder for yall that he’ll never date you in any universe lol ♡ liked by arthur_leclerc, charles_leclerc and 203 others
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liked by yourusername, pascale_leclerc and others
arthur_leclerc my beautiful, beautiful girl ❤️
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user1 is the beautiful beautiful girl in the room with us?
user2 arthur wear red next weekend if she’s holding a gun to your head
user3 i could be a better girlfriend than her
yourusername i’ll always save my last chicken nuggy for you, mi amore
⤷ arthur_leclerc you must really love me 😌
⤷ yourusername don’t push it
⤷ user4 she just has to ruin every sweet moment
charles_leclerc really mate?
⤷ yourusername if you’re jealous, close your eyes
⤷ user8 girl what does charles have to be jealous about
user5 why do we even hate her? like has she done anything worth hating her for? or is it just bc she looks a little different than what’s considered as conventional and happened to be dating your white boy of the month?
⤷ user6 i think she’s really a bad influence on arthur and she publicly argues with a lot of people on twitter
⤷ user5 doesn’t she only argue with people who say shit abt arthur? i mean why isn’t she not allowed to defend her bf? also where’s your proof abt her being a bad influence on arthur
⤷ user7 bitches real quiet cause they’ve got nothing to use
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liked by charles_leclerc, lorenzotl, and others
arthur_leclerc i’ve let this go on long enough and now she’s gotten hurt. i have no words to express how disappointed i am of everyone who has ever said anything against y/n for no reason other than she is with me. she has done nothing to deserve the bullying she gets and yet she does nothing to any of you.
any hate i see about her will be automatically blocked. i would rather have no fans at all than have fans who can’t respect the woman i intend to spend my life with.
and if anyone do anything to her physically, i will retaliate worse than i did today. this is a warning.
and to @yourusername i’ve failed you, baby. i sat back and watch everyone bully you telling you to just ignore it all and you didn’t deserve that. i will spend the rest of my life making up to you.
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charles_leclerc i am so proud of you for taking a stand, brother. y/n does not deserve any of this
lorenzotl fully behind the two of you 🤍
user1 arthur has had enough on all of your bullshits and it’s time yall knew it
user2 he let yall know he’s not afraid to throw hands
user3 where yall loud mouthed ass bitches now????
yourusername i love you more than words
⤷ arthur_leclerc i will love you better now, baby
user4 it’s always seemed so fucking stupid how much hates she gets for literally no reason
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solselah · 8 months
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(18+ Warning)
PILE 1 :
They are so turned on by you protecting the relationship like they feel so prideful and proud that you really are into this relationship like you say you are , they know it but you confirm it when someone wants to hit on you or get with you , like immediately you directly check that person and for your person that is so attractive it’s like you are willing to step up and Protect the vibe yall have going with each other ! It drives them crazy the feeling you give them, especially when relating to wanting a family like they WANT to impregnate you ASAP /STAT (lol you could be in the medical field)!! Your sex is so Special and sacred for them like the way you Snap into this goddess energy when you’re ready to fuck is astronomically attractive to them ! It’s like during the day your cool , chill , maybe you wear a uniform to work so you’re usually just in that , but when they see you in this other light it just makes them go rabid !! They also love how you blocked out your ex for them , they feel it proved your loyalty to them !
Your body just does something for me !! The things I fantasize about doing with you , girl you can’t even imagine , the next time I see you , just please let me hold you ! Fall into me, melt into me allow me to consume you the best way , you know I know HOW! This Love we have is something I’m sure you haven’t felt from anyone else. The way I Conduct four play with you is so natural and emotional ! I remember making you emotional while I was in it , I remember you making me feel amazing about pleasing you & with that alone I can go forever !! I want you to carry my seed. I want to intertwine with your whole existence! Don’t be shy with me next time I want all of you . Don’t hold back , I wouldn’t know what to do if you did.
Okay so off bat I’m getting your HOT , you’re just ATTRACTIVE like you don’t even know what to say for that it’s just YOU! This person is driven crazy by your eyes ! Like your look is so specific they quite literally see that part of you almost evertime they think/ picture your face (For my ladies) They love your ability to take D*** 🍆 , like they feel you are A trophy something to show off and you actually aren’t completely against this , it could be a soft kink for you both , to keep things spiced up and I’ll tell you this now , it drives them MAD. You guys could roleplay often , I’m getting 70s / 80s vibes so this could be the era you tap into while role playing or even the look you give off very mature and alluring !! They actually love when you guys Role play and really get into characters where you both are oblivious to who you are. It’s like you are strangers and get together randomly and it turns them on ! What drives them crazy is that you get WETT !! Like DRENCHED. They have never seen anything like it with anyone they’ve been with , definitely not as much ! It’s like you save this 🐱 just for them !! And vise versa 🍆 “it’s all yours”.
Channeled song : Bad habits ed Sheeran
You already know with me , I want you all the time ! Don’t even bother asking if I’m home ? If I’m busy !? I always have time for you and if not I’ll try my best to make that time ! Your body , your energy is always worth mine. I literally ask my therapist about how to approach you with this new thing I want to do with us. I just want to make sure you’re into this! You matter to me and I wouldn’t want to put you in position to feel like you don’t ! You just turn me on when you’re in your authoritative energy I can’t help but say YES SIR / YES MAM. When we aren’t around each other I manifest you , like heavy !! I hate we go through our ups and downs but , I can’t help but want you , like whether we are apart or always together ! Don’t doubt my intentions or feelings for you I would never doubt us. You may hate me at times but I want to always prove to you I’m here for you & want every aspect of you. don’t forget our secrets babe , you don’t sext me anymore , I used to love when you were at work texting me and turning me on making me Want to jump through the literal phone ! I love you 🥹
They honestly love the pull back you do to them haha they feel frustrated but so turned on at the same time ! To them it’s the perfect mix of emotions !! It actually sometimes triggers them & you personally are attracted yourself to seeing them squirm to get to touch your body! For some you really make them work to touch the 🐱 !! You make them work to put it in haha it’s like “ahhhh gotta be quicker than that” vibes ! Sometimes they just want to softly choke you & hold you down so you can just take what they put down ! But they know already when it happens there’s no tapping out with them ! Haha they also are so crazily attracted when you surrender to them , whether that’s with actual fucking or them just going down on you lol no shade but you’ll tap out sometimes lol its alotttt / hot + sweaty. Btw you don’t even need too much to feel good with this person. It’s just crazy because I’m wanting to pick up on their energy but they are turning it back to you consistently so you really do it for them , you Put the icing on the cake for this person. pile 3 !! Like they can just explode 💦💦 looking at you ! You can really control the bedroom and you could totally be a sub when you want ! You make them thirstyyyyy! Like they go crazy eyes for you 🌻 , they really do value this relationship though! Your personal dynamic in the bedroom really turns them on !!!
Lucky daye - Floods
Why does everything have to be up to you ? I want to Play my role , play my part , I feel sometimes you restrict me from feeling free & I just haven’t been able to put my hands on how to resolve this ! It never disrupts us in bed but it has me thinking after we fuck sometimes what’s going on my love ? if I am doing something wrong or need to do something more please tell me ! I want us to get back to our hot moments. Like I miss having your videos sent to me so I can get off when you’re not physically around ! I could save you from whatever you’re going through or at least I can try … but you have to tell me.
Please let me know what’s up?
They are so crazy about your spicy side like your mouth is LETHALL! Both sexually and verbally ! You can fuck someone upp with your words , like full blown
*turn around* “stop talking to me vibes”. I don’t know why I’m getting NY vibes , East coast living ! You’re so straight to the point it’s in you not on YOU and that fucking turns them way tf on !! It’s like they have a personal motivator & shit talker in one ! It’s beautiful. They truly love you for alot more than your sex but boy does it turn them on the things you are capable of doing with your mouth , That one body part does and says enough alone ! Like you go down on this person so GOOD , So WELL! 👏🏽👏🏽! Like your past professional ! They question if you were taught step by step by your exes or something .Basically you’re too good kind of suspiciously good! If you’re with a man like they get off so quickly it’s wild. you also Turn yourself on , you could masturbate and they Are turned on by that , they are content that you can channel self love through touching yourself , you get that faucet going real quick ! I’m seeing imagery of you pushing their head away or back like your 🐱/🍆 gets so sensitive !! They putss shit down & you return the same damn energy ! You both know how to bring the toxicity in the bedroom and shit gets reckless and can go on for so long !! You guys could literally fuck or give head anywhere that seems to be private enough for y’all ! Loud and all. They don’t even care , with you all bets are up .. they will “tackle” you for what they want in the bedroom Meaning what you have for them they know it’s theirs ! But y’all can be so toxic at times man , it’s apart of the fire in the relationship but it could definitely be an issue. Like a real one 😩
(Y’all could be interested in bringing a 3rd into the dynamic )
Turbo x Gunna - BACHELOR
Yo all this back and fourth with you Is crazy , I do try to respect you for what it is but you go way off the rails for me. One minute you say this the next it’s a different thing , like how am I supposed to trust you and your judgments with other people. Like don’t be giving away my 🐱/🍆 don’t just be passing that around. Whatever people tell me I dust it off , but I’m starting to wonder… I want all the energy stop sharing my 🐱/🍆 and whoever feels like they can challenge me in that , They have another thing coming. I’ll go to bat for you & you’ll really only know if I show you !
(So toxic , I can’t even express.) I’m kind of shocked myself 🙈
“I can’t see I’m blind “
Hope you enjoy ✨
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Uranus and why your life is a ShiT ShoW > URANUS IN Yer HOUSe <
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Uranus in the FIrst - You are the most unpredictable little fuck-head that everyone loves. They always change > there clothes, there direction in life > their hair colour. they thrive in change unless you try to change them, they are the ones changing and dont you dare change them, thats all they have left ;( Uranus in the Second. - Crazy self esteem issues. these people think they are the greatest then the worst person, also same applies to their income because they dont think they are worth much, until they invest into bitcoin and think they will be the next warren buffet. honestly the only thing stable about you is the perception of your value changing. But they love change, something to look forward to i guess Uranus in the Third your brain and communication skills are kinda fucky you know that dont you. you always know how to say something shocking, and extremely good at changing the subject of a conversation, like you dont have to say much, but what you do say just made everyone go huh what the fuck you say? its amusing tho we appreciate you Uranus in the F4urth - Emotionally avoidant, dependent, and attached personalities. They cant make their mind up on how they feel, so they experiemnt with every feeling to see if they vibe with that. mum was probably very unpredictable, and they wanna be like her. they just trying their best to forgive her <3 Uranus in the Fifth - Okay this one is the genius. This one people actually think your onto something when your showing off because you break free of every social convention, and archetype, but in the most perfect way. everyone believes your special, and you can change the vibe of a room like dat Uranus in the Sixth - what a fkn mess your life is. I had this one friend who would have 10 different drinks in his room and he would drink each one sparingly (they were all warm too). he had some serious health issues, and lets not get into his mental health okay. but yall have crazy lives and you make it that way Uranus in the Seventh - Im not a player i just fuck a lot. they choose their partners based off how interesting they are, if you can satiate their curiosity you got em. but if your boring or not worth figuring out yeah g-bye. also they just come off strange so everyone is extremely curious. they get projected on a lot but they dont mind its a good way to find out something interesting lol Uranus in the Eighth - Freaks who will do anything.... and im not just talking about sex, if they want something they'll find any way to get it. masters of attainment, even if its probably not healthy for them, they don't care if they want it they get it. then the object of their fixation changes as soon as they do get it. they are like obsessed with 'progress' but its hard to call it that sometimes Uranus in the Ninth - Clever minds who are always skipping segments of a speech, or a video to find the juicy parts. They have very quick minds that are so easily bored, but if you talk to them, they'll never not have something interesting to talk about. also when change does occur its a LOt Uranus in the Tenth - why are yalll like this. just baffling people like they know how to make an entrance and when everyone starts loooking at them, they decide to make fun of everyone by doing something a lil bit too shocking, almosst making fun of you for looking at them. gets off on shocking ya Uranus in the Eleventh - They wanna change the world, but not in a way that is practical. until it is. They have a million friends because they have a knack for understanding people, but when you ask what they want or what scares them. it just makes you rethink why your even friends with them in the first place. 12 - your crazy. and its endearing but everyone is this close to calling the cops on you or locking you up in a psyche ward. maybe tone down your retardation. we all got something going on but you take it to a whole new level.
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melodic-haze · 5 months
Probably a strange ask, but pajama party sleepover with Topaz where the reader gets them matching Dino onesies?
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☆ — DEMO TRACK: Topaz x Reader, Yae Miko x Reader
☆ — NOTES: Using this ask to gauge if I can get a handle on Topaz's personality, cuz I didn't acc originally have her in the list I write for lol. I hope yall don't mind that I combined this into one post :33 anyway IT'S NOT WEIRD AT ALL❗️❗️❗️❗️ DUDE I'd wanna get matching onesies w the girlies :((((((( they're cute as hell and comfy
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"You're taking quite a bit in there. Everything alright or..?"
"Yeah, everything's fine! I'm done, actually!"
"Come out, then! I feel like I've been waiting for you for ages! Right, Numby?"
You hear a muffled squeak from the other side of the door and you couldn't help but giggle both at Topaz's dramaticism and the little surprise that you have for her. Without a delay, you placed your hand on the doorknob, "You ready to see this?"
"Sweetie, I don't know what I'm seeing. But of course I'm ready to see you, no matter what!"
You rolled your eyes at the light flirt before turning the doorknob, stepping out of the bedroom and finally showing your girlfriend the long-awaited surprise.
You see her unfiltered joy before you hear it; she practically jumps up with a pleasantly shocked look on her face, one that easily morphs into a smile as she stumbles over to you to hug you with a squeal. Numby had followed close behind, rubbing its snout on your legs happily and running around.
"OHMYGOODNESS?? You look absolutely adorable!! You're one of those dinosaurs that some of the worlds have! This is the surprise you were talking about?"
You shook her head, "This is part of it. The real surprise is in the bedroom. I think you'll like it—both of you."
She narrowed her eyes at you before the dawning realisation came in the form of her flabberghasted look, "There's NO way."
"See for yourself."
Topaz swivels her head at Numby, who does the same thing in turn, before they both practically dash over to the bedroom. Unsurprisingly, you hear a squeal of utter happiness—your girlfriend always had an affinity towards cute critters, or cute things in general, so such a reaction was definitely no surprise.
And when she comes back out again, the pet warp trotter in tow, you can't help but relate to her unfiltered love for them.
"You got us matching onesies."
You nodded with a grin, "I did. Do you like it?"
"How is that even a question?" She practically skips over to you before putting her arms around your neck, "I LOVE it!! It's basically a guarantee that you look cute, but don't I look cute? Doesn't Numby look cute?? They look like a tiny little dinosaur, I think I could cry..."
A laugh bubbled up from your chest at your girlfriend's enthusiasm as you wrapped your hands around her waist, "I thought you might like something like this—you've been working hard, so I thought I'd get you something."
Her excitement dies down just a touch, though the affection in her eyes was plain to see, "Babe.. you didn't have to do that! I love the work."
"I know you do! I just wanted to get you a little extra for when I finally get you to settle down with manual labour for a night in."
"I'd say it's more than worth it." She pulled back with a flourish, picking Numby up to show off their gifts, "Cute and comfortable? I don't think anything could beat this."
"I dunno..." You shrugged lightly, "You haven't seen what else I have planned for this sleepover."
"Then I personally grant you the opportunity to change my mind."
She smiles so very brightly at you, and it's as if everything else has been washed away.
"You're awfully secretive with this little 'surprise' of yours, aren't you?"
"I think not being secretive defeats the entire purpose of a surprise."
"While you may be correct," she crosses her arms with a small smirk, "the blindfold is a touch overkill, don't you think? You wouldn't dare to stage a kidnapping on poor me, would you?"
"And risk the Shogun's wrath?" You scoffed out a laugh, "I don't think so. Plus it's to make sure you aren't peeking!"
"Did you not go into your room to change?"
"Yeah, but-- wait how did you know I was changing?"
You could practically hear her eyeroll, "I have ears, darling; ones that can hear far more than the normal human auditory system."
"Yeah, yeah, you can hear more than the usual person, I think I get it... Anyway, I'm coming out now, so you can take your blindfold off if you want."
"I still don't see the reason why--"
"Miko, babe, do you want to see me or not?"
"Fine, alright, seeing as how you want me silent, I shall cease my jabs at you.. for now."
Now you were the one to roll your eyes as you opened the door and walked over to your fox-like lover, clothes in hand. And as you did so, she removed the piece of cloth wrapped around her head before opening her eyes.
Instead of her usual vigilance, she actually takes a little time to stare at you.. and the folded gift in your hands. Amethyst eyes narrowed at the latter specifically before they darted over to you and your getup.
Then, a smirk made its way over to her lips as if it were another typical moment of her teasiny you, though you don't miss the way her pupils expand and her eyes glimmer in warm affection, "My, my... If you wanted to be my cute little bunny so bad, I'm sure we could arrange something."
You felt a blush overtake your cheeks, though you shook your head in an attempt to settle yourself, "Nevermind that, why don't you focus more on what I'm holding for you?"
To her credit, she does. But then she looks at you with a raised brow, "Are these.. matching onesies?"
"Yeah. Why," you feel something inside you twist the slightest bit, "you don't like it?"
"Mmm... We shall see."
Her expression is sly, though she doesn't give her feelings away as she takes the gift and heads for the bedroom to change. You knew Miko loved to be a cryptic woman, but it was a little frustrating when it came to the smaller things—did she like it? Hate it? Is she just.. humouring you so that you feel bad? Or maybe she's making fun of you by doing so...
You are snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of Miko's voice, albeit a touch muffled due to the walls between you, "Y-Yes? Sorry, did you need something?"
"No, not necessarily. You were rather quiet while waiting for me."
"What, did you want me to bang on the door desperately?"
"I do have a penchant for the dramatics." You rolled your eyes as you heard her laugh, though she continues not long after, "I'm done. Be grateful that I hadn't asked you to wear a blindfold."
"Uh huh, I'm very grateful. Now come out, I wanna see you!"
"Patience, bunny. I'll be out in a second."
The door opens, and she steps out wearing matching onesie given to her. Though you notice that she has yet to put the hood on her head.. and the slight tint of pink that dusted her cheeks as she looked at you head-on. Was she actually embarrassed?
She huffed lightly, a slight smile on her lips, "Putting a fox in a bunny onesie seems akin to having a wolf in sheep's clothing, don't you think?"
You shrugged, "No matter what, you look cute either way."
"Was that your main goal? To have me look simply adorable for you to gawk at? Is my beautiful humanoid form not enough for you?"
While her tone was mostly teasing, there was a touch of.. something else—a tone someone asks when they are lost. Perhaps it was the loss of her intimidating air; she did love to make others squirm, but in a getup like this? How could she ever achieve that?
You shake your head, "I found these while I was out for a little shopping trip and thought that these would make you both cute and beautiful. Why, you don't like it?"
Her eyes softened, "Of course I like it, my darling.. though next time, how about we buy fox onesies together instead? Cute aesthetics are more suited towards.. hmm.. that Yashiro Commission girl, for starters."
A laugh bubbled up from within you, "Haha, alright, alright. But you're still my cute little kitsune."
"Little? Oh, that's highly debatable. Now, is this all we're going to be doing, staring at each other and how well we match, or are we doing anything else for tonight?"
"I've actually got a few options for you." You held out your hand to her, "If you'll follow me..."
Her hand takes yours, and you move on to proceed your comfortable night with the beautiful fox envoy, completely forgetting the rest of the world.
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harksness · 15 days
Coffee Cake
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A/N: ok i don't know a ton about whats going on in the show ive mostly just watched the trailers but i did hear rio is apparently gonna be agathas ex? so that's kinda what i based this around lol if i'm missing any other info thats why tho,, i dont really care for spoilers i just havent been seeking them out yk so i hope this is good!!! im nervous i missed something important but i hope yall like it aidhsjdj :')
the request!
Warnings: None I think?
WC: 3.7K
Agatha Harkness is a greedy, selfish woman who will do anything for power. You know this much about her is true. 
It’s what made you so cautious of her at first. So reluctant to agree to join her and her little band of misfit mages when she sought you out in your dingy little magic shop.
She approached you with a sly grin and praise, telling you that she could see the potential in you. How strong your magic could be and how she can help you harness it.. If you let her.
Everyone that’s remotely aware of the magical world knows about the cruel and crazy Agatha Harkness. But for you, she’s never just been a story to be gossiped about. She’s been a semi-regular customer since you inherited the shop. She’s stopped by for your services once every few months, except for that long gap recently where she was trapped, since you’re able to provide supplies and books for spells that aren’t so easily attainable.
You know she was also an avid customer of your fathers, but he wouldn’t let you around if he knew someone dangerous would be dropping by. So it wasn’t until your father passed away five years ago and you inherited the shop that you really met Agatha. Ever since, she’s been a cautious acquaintance. Someone vaguely on your radar.
You didn’t even consider the possibility of you being on her radar too.
After dwelling on her offer for a few days, reluctantly, you agreed to it. And even more reluctantly, you allowed them all to meet up in the basement of your little magic shop once in a while.
But you remained wary of the older witch. She followed up on her promise to help you grow your knowledge of magic and expand your abilities. But as the two of you spent more time together, you began to warm up to her and she started opening up to you. Her smooth sense of humor and jokes didn’t all seem like a ploy to get you to let your guard down anymore.. You could tell by her soft smiles that weren’t there before that she just enjoyed making you laugh.
And after some time, Agatha started to show a genuine curiosity in you outside of magic. Your life, interests, family, and she even went out of her way to compliment you. She had never done that before. She was putting a lot of effort into really helping you grow, and you were becoming rather grateful for her. 
Your father always pushed the importance of knowing how to supply witches properly. Knowing everything you could possibly know about herbs, potions, crystals, tarot, spells and how to attain them, but not much practice or knowledge in the way of making it all work effortlessly together by yourself. Or even much in the ways of wielding your own magic, for that matter. You’ve always wanted to know more, but your father was adamant against it. So you just settled until now.
You would have late nights spent alone amongst the dust and boxes in the basement of your shop, her hands running over yours to adjust the way you wield your magic during different spells. How close the two of you would get under the bright, fluorescent lights hanging over your head.. And how inevitably, you’d long forget about the lessons and would favor sitting and chatting about anything and everything into the early hours of the morning, perched on an uncomfortable fold out chair that makes your ass hurt but every second was worth it to be with her.
Agatha Harkness is all of those horrible things that you mentioned before. But she’s also so genuinely funny and effortlessly charming, intensely passionate and caring despite those flaws.
You were warming up to her more than you realized. You would frantically practice magic in your time apart, desperate to impress her and earn her praise. Laughing just a bit louder at her jokes and wearing your hair the way she complimented. Picking out more clothes like the ones she said look lovely on you..
You weren’t simply warming up to her. The obvious soon smacked you in the face that you were tumbling down a rabbit hole of romantic feelings for the woman. The realization came in the simplest of ways, Agatha brought you coffee from your favorite cafe down the road that you pass every day on your way to work. She remembered your favorite order and your favorite treat, a proud little smile on her face as she handed you the food. And everything about your developing feelings smacked into you like a semi truck.
Panic coursed through you. You didn’t know what to do, you couldn’t hide these feelings forever. It would become obvious eventually with the amount of time you were spending together and gosh, what then? How would you deal with the suffocating embarrassment of being turned down by her?
She’s the Agatha Harkness. One of the most infamous and influential witches in history, hundreds of years old and a historic icon.. She would never want someone like you. She’s important. She commands powerful, intense magic, goes on great adventures. Her daily life is what great legends and myths are composed of. Agatha’s leaving her mark on the world.
While you’re just here in your rundown store.. Taking orders at your shop, helping people select which crystals they need and counting your register.
You’re lucky enough to play a part in her story, even if it’s just a small one. Even if it’s just supplying her with what she needs and supporting her. Hopefully, when the legend of Agatha Harkness is told for years to come, your name can be mentioned in a brief line.
As if all of those self deprecating, existential feelings weren’t bad enough, Rio soon waltzed into your little group and things were made even more complicated.
It was impossible not to notice the tension between Agatha and Rio. the way their gazes lingered on each other.. Words exchanged that seemed flirty but you couldn’t really tell if that was the case or if you were just jealous, the constant sneaking off together and being found passionately exchanging soft words. And you just felt shoved to the side, pushed out.
No more did you and Agatha have long nights spent in the basement of your shop. You’d slink away from the group the second you got the chance and gave up trying to get Agatha’s attention. Or when you had to stick around, you’d cling to Billy or the lovely Mrs. Hart. The few moments you were able to finally get to Agatha, Rio would always conveniently swoop in and steal her attention away, so you didn’t even bother after long. You felt defeated.
But once in a while, you’d catch her bright blue eyes catching on you. Gaze lingering, features creased with conflict. Once in a while, it seemed as if Agatha was trying to work her way over to you and Rio would conveniently step in the way. Or maybe you’re just being too hopeful.
Already having felt unworthy of Agatha’s attention, you quickly accepted your fate. Rio is so much more powerful and worth Agatha’s time, it makes sense why she’d ditch you for her. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that it feels like a knife was planted in your gut, and it twists every time you see the two of them lingering together.
Eventually, you were so overwhelmed that you just needed a break. So you locked yourself in your little apartment and slept in as late as you could, just wanting to ignore your complicated feelings and problems for one day.
But then you made the mistake of deciding that a little treat would be the best way to give yourself some comfort. So, you exited your little apartment a bit after eleven in the morning, desperately craving your favorite coffee and regular breakfast treat.
Walking back home, you were happily sipping on your coffee but disappointed that your favorite breakfast was all out by the time you got there. So instead you grabbed a coffee cake, happy with it but some of your excitement was stomped out at the fact that it’s not what you were craving, but it will do. You have to eat something.
Your steps come to a sudden halt when you see Agatha a few buildings ahead of you, and you notice she’s at your apartment door. Peeking in your window and taking a step back to do her best to look into the windows of your home situated above the little store. 
You’re so surprised that you’re not able to act quickly enough to avoid her eyes inevitably falling onto you when she turns her head. The street is vacant of any other people, presumably all at their regular nine to fives instead of in the back streets of the city with little stores that aren’t needed much at this time of day.
Her stressed features relax when she sees you, and she’s immediately moving down the sidewalk towards you. The wind catches her long braid and the end of her open black coat, and she’s wearing a white button up and skinny jeans underneath. She bobs with the intensity of each step she takes towards you, and you notice a coffee and a little brown bag pinched between her fingers.
Well. Deciding that there’s no avoiding it, you begin to nervously walk towards her, eventually meeting her almost halfway.
“Where have you been!?”
Agatha exclaims, almost a shout but not quite. It takes you a bit off guard, her features stern with worry and frustration.
“I just decided to stay home today, I needed a day off..”
You speak softly, feeling yourself growing anxious under her gaze. You glance around nervously, unable to decide whether to settle your eyes on the cracked pavement beneath your feet, the large “for sale” sign hanging from a window of an abandoned store across the road, or the trash can sitting outside of the little sandwich shop to your left that closes too early in the day.
“I feel like I haven’t seen much of you lately, I’ve been worried..”
Agatha’s voice drops into something softer when she says that. Your chest tightens at her words, concern heavy in her stunning blue eyes as she regards you for a moment, silence overtaking the two of you. You want to grab her and shake her and yell at her because it’s her fault you haven’t seen each other much, but from the tenderness in her voice and her eyes you don’t have the heart to be angry right now.
“Let’s go up to my apartment and we can talk.”
You gesture back to the door she was just standing outside of. Agatha glances behind her before nodding her head, silence overtaking the two of you as you walk back towards your home. You walk by the barber shop that’s already closed for the day, it’s run by the sweetest little old man that doesn’t have much energy for it anymore, and find your front door.
You fumble with the lock for a moment before it opens and you begin leading her up the narrow, lopsided stairs of the old apartment building. She closes and locks the door behind her as she does so, and once you reach the top of the stairs, you unlock the second door and hold it open for her as she steps into your little old one bedroom apartment.
It’s nice and cheap enough to keep you happy and living comfortably. It has a sizable living room and kitchen, a big bedroom and a bathroom with a washer and dryer crammed into it. There’s no dishwasher, but air conditioning and more than enough space for you and all of your stuff so you absolutely can’t complain. Luckily enough, you do know enough magic to make doing the dishes a lot less of a task.
And with the barber shop below you being closed most of your time home, anyways, you don’t have to worry much about being disturbed or disturbing any neighbors. It’s quiet, cute, and it has everything you need. It’s decorated with everything you love, it feels so homey and comfortable and.. You.
Agatha seems to notice that right away, all of your negative feelings momentarily being forgotten and a warmth spreading throughout your chest as a soft smile spreads on her face at the sight of your little home.
She’s looking around as she sets her bag on your dining room chair, abandoning her food from the cafe on your table before she starts to look around. She looks over all the pictures on your fridge, and you can tell she’s really stopping to take them in as her smiles shift with each photo she looks over and she lets out little laughs through her nose at some of them.
Agatha looks over all of your little decor strewn about, and any pictures you have hung up on the walls as she takes a step into your living room.
“Your place is so.. You. I love it.”
She speaks softly as she approaches the little table under the window that’s overflowing with your own collection of herbs. She leans down, peering at them and smiling at the little trinkets and crystals that you have planted in the soil of the pots.
You feel your face beginning to flush red at that, everything feeling so sweet and intimate suddenly. You fidget with your coffee as she turns around and continues to poke around your apartment, a look of pure adoration on her features.
“Uh.. Why did you say you were worried about me earlier?”
You speak up suddenly, the words tumbling out of your lips as you hope to distract her from looking around further right now. This moment is too sweet, you need to put a stop to it before you have to spend the rest of your life longingly reflecting on it.
Her gaze flickers towards you. Agatha straightens up, clearing her throat as she moves to sit on your couch, perching gracefully on the edge of her seat.
“I feel like we haven’t seen as much of each other lately... I’m just.. Worried.”
You feel yourself getting gassed up at her words. She’s been pushing you out, spending quality time with Rio and she has the audacity to say that? A deep sigh escapes your lips as you set down your cup of coffee a little more firmly than you would have liked.
“Agatha.. We used to be close. I thought we’d build a really strong…”
You pause awkwardly, a frustrated huff of breath pushing past your closed lips as you try to think of the right word to explain the relationship between the two of you. Agatha quirks an eyebrow curiously at the action.
“...Bond.. But then Rio waltzes in and I’m just forgotten about. You’ve barely talked to me, that’s why you haven’t seen much of me lately. You’ve just been too busy sneaking off and flirting with your green witch."
Your eyes narrow, anger seeping into your words as you spit them at her, folding your arms over your chest and huffing angrily. Agatha stares at you for a moment.
“I like you, Agatha! Fuck! I thought we had something!”
She seems surprised when you shout those words out, silence deafening around your angry words as you gesture between the two of you, doing your best to emphasize what you’re trying to say. Your frustration is boiling over, not caring anymore about the embarrassment of your feelings getting out when she’s being so damn oblivious about how she’s treated you.
“But it’s like you’ve just forgotten all about me.”
Those words are soft and quiet, contrasting your previous ones. A smile quickly breaks out on Agatha’s face, her head tilting back as she laughs, her obnoxiously witchy cackle escaping her lips. You feel your face flush, lips pursing in anger as her laughter crescendos.
“Okay, if my feelings are so funny you can just get out!”
You’re shouting over her laughter now, anger bubbling forward as she immediately stands, smile still on her face as she crosses your apartment over to you.
“Sweetheart, I’m laughing because Rio is my ex. There’s no way in hell I’d ever get back with her. We’ve got a long, complicated history, and I’ve been trying to smooth some things out and figure out the best way to explain everything to you. I felt.. Awkward that my ex barged in on everything.. And I didn’t know what to do.”
Agatha gestures around vaguely as she explains. You feel dumbstruck, your mind numb at the information that was just dumped onto you.
“Especially when I do like you so much… Your ex barging in on everything like that can be a bit of a romance killer..”
You blink dumbly at her, shocked at her first admission of having any sort of romantic feelings for you. She sighs as she begins to walk around the table, analyzing your features for any signs of discomfort as she speaks.
“I like you. A lot. I think you’re such a pretty, sweet little thing that swooped in so unexpectedly and stole my heart in a way I’ve never experienced before..”
You feel your anger and frustration ebbing away at her words, instead your chest fills with excitement. She approaches you, cautiously reaching for your hands. You let her take them, her long, soft fingers wrapping around yours as she tilts her head downwards slightly to meet your gaze, soft smile toying on the edge of her lips.
“I haven’t had my eyes set on anyone but you for a long time. And I’m..”
You can’t help the little smile that forces its way onto your lips as she stumbles through her apology. You think how hard she’s trying is cute, especially with how sincerely she’s trying to make things right for you.
“I’m really sorry about how I dealt with everything.”
The words eventually tumble past her lips, and you squeeze her hands softly as you tilt your head up towards her.
“Thank you.. And yeah, knowing she’s your ex.. That’s pretty awkward. You don’t have to explain everything to me right away, what you’ve said is more than enough.. But.. You’re sure, I mean, about me?”
You ask nervously and she looks confused at your words.
“I mean.. I’m not something great, amazing or infamous like you are. Or Rio.. I’m just some girl who runs a store.”
You simply shrug and she stares at you dumbly for a moment before letting out a noise of disbelief.
“Sweetheart, you’re so much more than that. You have to be extraordinary to catch my eye. Trust me.. You’re something special.”
She speaks the last part softly, the most sincere and adoring gleam lighting up her already bright eyes.
“I don’t want her.”
Agatha gestures vaguely, and you know she’s talking about Rio, and you're appreciative that she’s trying to focus more on this moment being about you.
“I don’t want anyone else.. I just want you. Only you.. And I have for a while now.”
She’s smiling down at you, a soft, fond tone lining her voice that’s going to make you turn to mush any second now. You feel as if your heart is going to burst right out of its chest.
After a pause, you can’t help but lean forward and press your lips against hers, a surge of bravery washing over you at her words. You feel her smiling against your lips as she returns the kiss, her soft mouth moving against yours sweetly as she lets go of one of your hands, raising it to cup your jaw.
Your skin feels electric under her touch, and you crave more of it. Your mouth widens into a big smile, leaning further into her as your head grows fuzzy at her attention, desperately craving more of her.
Her other hand trails up your arm to hold your shoulder, digging her fingers into your skin as she holds you softly, pulling you closer to her. You’re grinning like an idiot against her lips, raising your arms to wrap around the back of her neck to pull her even closer.
She pulls away for a moment to laugh softly against your lips, the two of your eyes meeting for a moment as you smile softly at one another. Her eyes crinkle around the edges in the cutest way. Overwhelming excitement washes over you, the room tense with the giddy-ness of new love and the sweet moment. You lean in to kiss her again, but she speaks before your lips can connect with hers.
“I grabbed your favorite coffee and your favorite treat for you.. But I see you already went out and got some..”
Agatha sounds a bit disappointed that she couldn’t surprise you. But your smile widens at her words, a soft laugh escaping your lips.
“Well.. They were all out of my usual food when I got there, so if you really were able to snatch up my favorite treat I just might have to thank you.”
You wink suggestively at her, and a look of excitement crosses her features.
“Oh? And how would you do that?”
She speaks lowly, teasingly as she leans down towards you. 
“It’s your prize, I think you need to tell me what you’d want from me, hm?”
You fight the urge to giggle at the excited grin that grows on her features. Leaning down, her eyes catch on your lips before she softly brushes her nose against yours. The sweetness of the action leaves your mind spinning, dizzy off of the romantic that is Agatha Harkness.
“How about one of these, for starters..”
She’s pressing her lips against yours again. Eagerly, you meet her, pushing your lips into hers. Your arms tighten around her neck, her hands moving downwards to wrap around your waist and you feel like a lovestruck teenager at how your insides turn to mush at the action. Deciding to tease her just a bit, you pull back, just slightly enough to where you can feel the heat of her warm breath brushing against your lips.
“Do you like coffee cake?”
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strawberrygyuuuu · 4 months
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 —> 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 —> 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲!𝐂. 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐂. 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐂. 𝐁𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐠𝐲𝐮
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 —> 𝐣𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐩𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 & 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞.
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 —> 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞. ➽───────────────❥ ⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
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This is such chaos
Especially if you match their energy; specifically Beomgyu's
You, gyu and Jun are so loud and chaotic together I just know Soobin sometimes gets a headache
But it's funny cause he's also the one fondly and lovingly staring at y'all even if he complains
"aigo, so noisy.." as if Soobin is actually annoyed 🙄
Just kiss him n he's all smiles and shy
He'd never change it for the world tho; having y'all being loud and laughing together is weirdly not only entertaining
But also a sense of comfort: home.
He'd never wish for it to be different even if it does cause him headaches lol
Boy is just whipped as hell dudes 🤷🏻‍♀️
They are ALWAYS bickering; bg n yj
Yj will full on palm on bg's head and push hard bc why TF does he keep pulling his beanie down, covering yjs eyes?
Then bg wants to complain to one of yous
"soobinnie!!!! Yeonjunie hit me!! Put him in time out!!!>:(" and that cute little pout
Like...what do you want us to do about that?
"babyyyy!!! Junnie-hyung said he wanted to break up with me!!!>:( finish him!!!!" with a cute little pout and you're like ????? No?? wha????
He just told bg to stop tugging on his hair ??? Hello??😭
Yeonjun def remembers everyone's likes, dislikes, especially in food, snacks n drinks
He remembers y'all's favorite meals, drink orders and snacks
He KNOWS what to put on all of your guys plate and never gets it wrong, he js cares enough to know hey! let's not put mushrooms on y/ns and bgs plate !
So hopelessly in love idk dudes
Tom & Jerry: yk & bg
Bg sulks and pouts and gets grumpy when y'all eat without him
This boy just really wants to spend time with his lovers and eating together, having fun and talking or watching sum
Quality time is def Beomgyu's main love language
Gift giving & acts of service for Yeonjun
Quality time & acts of service (physical affection maybe?) for Sooby boobie
The princess treatment in this relationship is real dude
Like....Bro's will tie your shoes for you, buy you n e/o stuff all the time too
"hey, you like these, right, y/n?"
Ex; yj getting bg gummies he always eats without hesitation and then suggested to get every flavor
"I got you three something, go look in your bags, loves."
And it's matching onsies
My melody for bg, pompompurin for yj, pochacco for Soobin and you're prob hello kitty or kuromi
And yj's ears are bright red he's so bashful but is glad you guys liked it
Y'all wear them every night for bed now
Yj is the one spending the most money in this relationship tho, the running joke is he's your guy's little personal sugar daddy lol
It's cause he wants to spoil you guys tho
All of you's do more than enough for him already so there's no need to stress (that's what he says anyways.)
Beomgyu loves testing y'all's patience but dw he'll make it up with smothering wet kisses !!!
He's giggling while you're fuming cause he's so annoying 😭
But it's worth it, loving him, I mean
He prefers to be more private with physical affection so not a lot of pda for yall
Js wants the moments to be between you two four only n for no one else to see or try n judge
Soobinnie loves doing this thing where he sneaks his cold hands underneath your shirt and keep them there while giggling and nuzzling his nose in your neck/shoulder
While you're fighting for your life against his cold hands, mind you 🧍🏻‍♀️
Soobin and yeonjun cook mostly, together usually too
If you get hurt they are soooo concerned and worried but caring and gentle and so loving
Bitches will squeeze and smother the sadness and hurt out of ya
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citricacidprince · 11 days
...Mable stuck with bill timestuck, you say? I wonder if that would go better or worse than dipper being alone with bill.
Here to mention that I somehow only noticed your signature when it was next to fiddleford, and thought you were (rightly) calling him a prince. It took an embarrassingly long time for me to connect the dots.
Haha you’re not the first person to mistake my signature for actual writing so dw you’re good lol!
And as for my thoughts of Mabel and Bill in a Timestuck AU,,,
I may or may not have written a drabble in a mutuals DMs a few years back about a confrontation between Mabel and Bill and the aftermath of it! I also may or may not have just fixed it up and straight up doubled the word count haha-
Since I’m feeling a tad bit brave I’m gonna post the drabble under the cut for anyone to read along with two doodles I’ve done for it, I only ask that yall be nice to me since I don’t write very often and know I ain’t that good at it hehe-
Also I’m not lying this is like,,, 4707 words… I got possessed to write this haha
Before I begin!!! Important!!!
Trigger Warnings: Choking/Asphyxiation, harm to children, minor descriptions of small cuts and minuscule amounts of blood, verbal planning of commiting a murder/killing
(if I missed any please tell me!)
With that out of the way here's my stupidly long Timestuck AU drabble that's been on my back burner for years! The only thing you really need to know is that the twins time-traveled back after Weirdmagenddon of their own volition. Dipper is with Stan and Mabel is with Ford and Fiddleford. Mabel has been staying with the two for almost a month now and Fiddleford is the only one who knows she's a time traveler.
With the stage set, please enjoy!
It’s late into the night, Mabel is tossing and turning and can't go to sleep. Her mind is spiraling as she overthinks and worries about Bill, her brother, her Grunkles, everything. So at about 1AM she decides that she’s not going to bed anytime soon and gets up off the living room couch which she has called her new bed while staying with her younger Grunkle Ford and Fiddleford.
Despite it being the dead of night Mabel thought it’d be a good idea to just make something food related in hopes it would tire her out. Also, she figured it would be a fun idea since she knows Stanford is most likely still awake and probably hasn’t eaten in a while. She could make him something easy and sweet, like a batch of cookies, and give them to him as a gift! Who doesn’t like 1AM cookies?! If she doesn’t have the stuff to make that, eh, she’ll figure it out and make something else!
A bonus to this is that if Ford says he’s not hungry, a bold faced lie, she’d use her sweetest and biggest puppy eyes until he ate some. Maybe she could even convince him to go to bed and not stay up till 4AM!
The brunette starts making a batch of cookies in the cover of night, making sure to have plenty enough for Fidd's in the morning, and putting her entire heart and all her worries into the mix in hopes the oven would ease away the stress weighing down her mind.
Sure it took a while, but it would totally be worth it to see her young Grunkle's face light up in shock at the sight of a warm batch of cookies shoved into his face and getting crumbs on his nerdy notes!
Right as she was finishing up wrapping up three separate plates worth of cookies in a napkin with a pretty little bow, for the ✨aesthetic✨ she happily told herself, she hears a pair of heavy boots walk into the kitchen.
The voice of her, now young, Grunkle Ford calls out her name in the quiet kitchen. Just as she had expected, he was awake.
Before the excited brunette could whirl around and surprise Ford with the 1-2 AM batch of cookies she lovingly went and made by hand, his low voice rumbled out, “Could you grab me a mug? One from the cabinet.”
He sounded a little funny, like he just woke up. Mabel smiled as she could already picture Stanford’s bleary and tired face as he goes to make a cup of coffee with the mug he’s asking for. She lets out a small sound of exertion as she pushes herself onto the counter since she’s too short to reach the cabinets otherwise and gingerly opens the cabinet so it doesn’t squeak and pulls out a mug. Based on the small cracks and worn paint on the ceramic it seemed a tad old, the faded words of ‘Backupsmore 1973’ barely legible.
Just as Mabel turns around, about to lightly scold her young Great Uncle for drinking coffee at 2 AM instead of getting some rest, a large hand wraps around her little neck. She didn’t even have a chance to scream as she’s suddenly slammed into the now closed cabinet, the air knocked out of her lungs and her head spinning from the impact, a loud sound of ceramic shattering on the wooden floor echoing through the kitchen and Mabel’s ringing ears
A fearful confusion consumes her mind as she, unsure of what’s happening in her dazed state until she catches a glimpse of Stanford. Gone were the warm brown eyes she’s grown accustomed to, in their place were the sickly yellow slit eyes of a monster she knew all to well.
Bill Cipher.
“Shooting Star, there you are! I think you're getting a tad too comfortable around here! Let's fix that!"
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Malice built in her throat as she spat out, her brows furrowed and her brown eyes glaring down his yellow ones, “Bill! You-”
“Ah, so you do know me! I assumed so, but wasn’t quite sure!”
The six fingered hand around her neck pressed a tad harder against the wooden cabinet behind her, making her wince from the pressure.
“Here’s the deal, Shooting Star, you’re being a massive thorn in my side.”
Her back was already aching from the impact of her getting slammed against the cabinet.
“Making Sixer second guess his trust in me with your insufferable kindness and child-like whimsy.”
Her sock-covered feet were slipping and sliding on the wooden countertop, legs uncontrollably trembling as her fingers gripped at Stanford’s large forearm in hopes of steadying herself.
“It was amusing at first but now it’s just annoying. So I need you,”
His hand tightened even more, making Mabel let out a sharp hiss of pain.
“Out of the picture.”
Mabel’s feet no longer are touching the countertop as Bill suddenly pulls her away from the cabinet, easily dangling her little body in the air and effectively hanging her. Panic instantly shoots through her and tears well up in her eyes as her airway is suddenly completely cut off, her little hands grabbing and clawing at her possessed great uncle’s forearm while her legs wildly kick at the air, too short to even graze against Bill’s chest.
Bill’s free hand raises up and idly taps his chin, as his musing over something indecisively, an wide and uncanny grin stretched across the possessed scientist’s face as he loudly questions, “Hmmm… how about… throwing you in the lake! If the water doesn’t kill you the cold air will!”
Mabel started to thrash around even harder, her heart pounding in her chest as fear coursed through every nerve in her body, her flight response in full gear as she tried over and over again to get out of Bill’s grip with no avail.
“Oooh! Or I could just tie you up and bury you in the snow! I hear frostbite is real killer these days!”
Blood was rushing to her ears; she could barely hear a word he was saying. All she could focus on was the panic bubbling in her chest and adrenaline pumping in her veins, screaming at her that she didn’t want to die.
It didn’t take long before her vision began to blur, her clawing hands and kicking feet getting more and more numb and slow with each passing seconds. She could faintly hear Bill say something about ‘throwing’, ‘roof’, and ‘classic!’ before she could feel herself almost completely clock out, vision fluttering in and out as her hand weakly claws at his arm one last time.
Just as she was about to give up completely, the polydactyl hand around her neck suddenly let go, sending Mabel unceremoniously crashing to the floor. She let in a large gasp of air, coughing her lungs out as air desperately tried to fill them once more. The brunette doesn’t even care about the small shards of broken ceramic cutting into her hands or shins, she was trying to make sure she didn’t accidentally start hyperventilating as drool and tears drip from her face to the floor with every sharp breath.
Mabel, disoriented and dazed, manages to glance up through strands of her long and curly brunette hair to see Ford still standing there with those disgusting yellow eyes, which were now staring off to space with annoyance clearly visible in his gaze.
"Geez Sixer, you chose the worst time to want your body back to 'test a new theory' huh?" He quietly mumbles under his breath, looking upset that his fun was being rudely ripped away from him.
Suddenly he stares down at Mabel, who was clutching her throat and panting heavily, brown eyes unable to stop crying. Despite this, despite all the pain and numbness that ran through her, she still found it in her to glare at the dream demon with as much animosity as she could muster while surrounded by ceramic shards and small prickles of blood.
"Well… we’ll just have to pick this up another time, won't we Shooting Star?"
The possessed body of Stanford Pines strolls towards the archway leading out of the kitchen, however before he leaves completely, he stops and whirls around with that same twisted smile Mabel vividly remembers seeing on her possessed brother’s face just a few months ago. "Oh, Shooting Star? Would you be a doll and clean up this mess? Wouldn’t want anyone getting hurt now, would we?"
And with one final cackle he left, making his way back downstairs to Stanford’s study, presumably to make it appear like he never left in the eyes of the oblivious scientist, leaving the little brunet alone on the floor to lightly grip her neck, wincing at the bruise that's bound to appear the next day.
She stayed there silently for what felt like hours but was only just a couple minutes, the adrenaline coursing through her veins slowly but surely fading away as the feeling finally came back to her numb fingers and toes, relieved that she isn’t hyperventilating anymore and she can actually breathe.
She eased herself off the cold wooden floor, her little body trembling the entire time.
Despite the feeling of spite coursing through her veins for that awful dream demon, he was right…, she really didn’t want anyone to get hurt… So instead of immediately going to fix herself up she spent the next 10 minutes sweeping up the broken mug and getting all the broken shards of ceramic into the trash.
Curse her and her big heart…!
When she was done it was about 2 AM, and it was now officially time to check the damage.
Before she left the kitchen she made sure to put the plates of cookies into the fridge.
She didn’t really feel hungry anymore.
With a couple of winces and hisses of pain she managed to tip toe herself up the stairs and to the bathroom, making sure she didn’t accidentally wake up Fiddleford by stepping on a loose plank or opening the door too loud. Once inside she gingerly pulls out the old timey medkit from under the sink and sits on the floor.
Well, technically the medkit was modern since it was the 80s…
Wah, Mabel! Not the time!
With a deep breath she gingerly treats the tiny cuts gracing her hands and shins, trying not to cry as she disinfects each cut just like Grunkle Ford taught her to at the end of the summer of plucked out mini pieces of ceramic embedded in her skin with a pair of tweezer like how her Grunkle Stan had taught her at the beginning of the summer (note from her past self, splinters are never fun).
Cleaning and applying band-aids to the cuts was the easy part, most of the bandages would be hidden under her sweater and the winter pants Fiddleford had gifted her during her first couple days staying at the shack.
It was her neck that was going to be hard to hide.
Mabel stood up and got on a step stool to look into the minor, immediately wincing at the sight of her bare neck, dark purple was already creeping in and bruising every bit of her neck. The brunette leaned closer to get a better look and almost whispered out one of the many swears she had accidentally learned from Stanford while living here.
There was a hand bruised into her neck, and it encompassed her entire neck.
She gingerly touched her neck and winced at the dull pain. Guess she wasn’t going to take off her sweater for about 2 weeks now… just 1 week if she was lucky enough…
She tentatively took a step outside of the bathroom and tiptoed down the hallway again, trying to not make a single sound. Just when she got to the steps she heard a door open behind her, causing her to instantly crouch down and hope that she was far enough down the stairs that her body was hidden from sight.
She dared herself to peek just above the top step to see Fiddleford standing outside of his room, stretching and yawning before closing his door and walking towards the bathroom Mabel just left, making the 13-year-old let out a sigh of relief that he wasn’t going to see her like this.
She knew she should probably tell Fiddleford what happened, but she just couldn’t. Maybe it was that childish fear of getting in trouble over nothing getting to her, or maybe it was the fear that her young Grunkle would be blamed for what Bill did.
Regardless, despite her better judgment, she kept her mouth shut and decided to hide her bruises from everyone else in the house, silently thinking of a way she could somehow protect herself from Bill.
She could practically hear Dipper yelling at her about how bad of an idea this was, but she was too shaken up to think of anything else…
So, she kept with the plan even as she shakily slipped a sweater over her large t-shirt she wore as a night gown and fell asleep on the couch, huddled in the corner in a ball as vivid nightmares haunted her fitful sleep, showing flashes of a possessed Stanford Pines throwing her off either the house or a water tower.
She woke up the next day to the warm smell of breakfast and the soft tones of Fidd's humming a tune in the kitchen, her body absolutely aching and a tad sweaty from the combo of the sweater and the fireplace keeping the room warm.
Mabel winced as she got off the couch. Yep… her back is definitely bruised.
She tentatively walked towards the open archway leading into the kitchen, silently calming her nerves and trying to put a smile onto her face. It helped that Fiddleford is making breakfast, she loves his food.
The kicthen was so empty when she first arrived but the southern man immediately starting keeping the place stocked when it was clear that she was going to stay there for a while. He also insistent on making her a meal 3 times a day since she was a ‘growin’ lil’ girl’. Because of her memories of Fiddleford being ‘Old Man McGucket’ were much more prominent in her brain it was easy to forget that he was once a father, but in those domestic moments when he doted and fussed over her it was clear that he was a good one.
Well, when he was sane that is…
She quickly shook off the bleak memory.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts…
She let out a low breath as a wide smile covered her face, her round cheeks rosy as she happily skipped inside.
Fiddleford perked up at the sound of Mabel walking inside, smiling as immediately spoke with a fond voice, "Ey there sweetpea, sleep well?" He idly glanced behind to see Mabel in her baggy t-shirt/sleep gown as well as a sweater on top of that, making him raise an eyebrow as he playfully asks, "Did someone get' cold last night?"
"Just a little bit." Mabel playfully replied back, unable to stop the wince that crossed her face at the sound of her hoarse voice.
Fiddleford, who was already done making breakfast, immediately whipped his head around at the sound. "Honeybee, are ya' alright?"
She lightly coughs into her fist a couple times and passingly remarks, “I’m fine, it's just morning gunk! Just need some water, haha!” Trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
Fiddleford still had a suspicious look in his eye as he looked over the little lady before deciding to let her off easy with this one, grabbing a rag and wiping his hands while replying with a quiet, “Alright, if ya say so, sunshine…”
He quickly pours Mabel a glass of water and then grabs a plate of bacon and pancakes. “Fer you, made just how you like it,” Mabel sits down in her chair as Fiddleford places the glass of water in front of her and a plate of pancakes and some bacon that is extremely burnt. “Burnt in a volcano.”
The brunette drinks some water first, happy to note that it actually does ease the pain in her throat! After that she eagerly grabs a burnt piece of bacon and shoves it into her mouth, loving the way flakey black residue smears onto her fingers and the overwhelming taste of what can only be described as ‘BURNT’ fills her mouth. She muffles out, “It’s perfect!” In between bites as Fiddleford chuckles at her antics and makes himself a plate. “Yer such an odd lil’ duck, honeydew! Only kid I’ve ever met who wanna me ta’ burn their meal!”
Mabel immediately shoots back, pointing at Fiddleford with a mouth full of bacon, “Tahts cause ohther peowple are COWERDS!!!”
The lanky man lets out a full on belly laugh as he grabs his plate and sits at the table, the two beginning to talk about anything that crosses their mind.
Stanford wasn’t going to join them for breakfast. He’s usually asleep at this time or buried in whatever notes he was currently writing.
…Mabel feels a little bad that she's kinda happy he wouldn’t join them… Her throat feels like it’s constricting all over again at the thought of those sickly yellow eyes and horrid laughter…
At some point while eating, Fiddleford makes a joke that makes Mabel loudly laugh, the sudden shout of laughter causing her to wince and try to grab at her throat. She stops herself a couple inches short of the grab and quickly puts her hand back down, but the damage was already done.
Fiddleford, concern coming back at full force, puts down his fork and immediately asks with a concerned tone, "Honey, is ‘ere somethin' wrong with ‘ur neck?"
Sweat began to bead on Mabel’s forehead and she tried to immediately brush off the concern with a not so convincing, "Whaaaaat, psh, nah!"
He raises an eyebrow at the clearly nervous little girl. "Mabel, if yer' hurt I'd like to know."
She starts to fidget in her seat, fingers wrapping together and her brown eyes darting away. "Look, it's not thaaaat bad you don't gotta worry about it-"
At the confirmation that she is indeed hurt makes him sit up and shoot back, "Well tha' just makes me MORE worried bout it!"
Unable to come up with anymore excuses Mabel plays with a fork in front of her, eyes locked with her plate. Fiddleford let out a soft sigh and leans closer to the brunette across the table and rests his hand on hers, a kind smile on his face as he gently adds on with that fatherly tone that immediately made Mabel feel better, "Darling, it ain't gonna get better if ya’ don't lemme help. I promise I ain’t gon’ get mad, ya hear?"
Mabel tentatively glanced up at the southern man’s soft green eyes and could tell he meant every kind word.
So, despite her promising to keep her injuries a secret, she takes a deep breath and nods her head, gingerly taking off the thick hand-made sweater to leave her neck and bandaged up arms exposed to the world. The lanky southern man’s eyes seem to grow more horrified every passing second.
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph-"
Fiddleford jumps up from the table, almost making his plate fall off while doing so, quickly rounding the table and crouching in front of the brunette with green eyes filled with so much worry and horror.
He found himself fussing over the girl who had easily wormed herself into his and Ford's hearts and found himself growing even more sickened at every bruise and cut he found, though nothing could compare to that sinking feeling of dread he felt looking at Mabel's bruised neck.
He cupped the brunette’s face and could feel tears well up in his eyes as he stuttered out a confused, "W-wha'..., Mabel wha' on earth happened-" His heart breaking trying to even comprehend what could have happened to her.
On the opposite end, Mabel could feel her heart swell at Fidd's fatherly fussing, but tried to brush it off the best she could, not wanting him to worry about her.
"I'm fine really! I just, uh… tripped down the stairs…? …Yeah! Didn't want to worry you, haha!"
Fiddleford, who suddenly stopped paying attention to what Mabel was saying, let his eyes looking closer at the girl's neck before they widened in a horrifying realization.
"I… Is tha' a hand…?"
A rush of panic suddenly runs through Mabel as she tries to come up with some excuse to throw him off, something, anything!
"Fidd’s it's FINE! I just… uh… wore a sweater that was too tight…?” Goodness she’s screwed, even she was aware of how unsure she sounded.
Fiddleford still wasn’t paying attention. Instead one of his hands lowered from her rosy cheeks and ever so slightly touched her neck with the lightest of touches. His green gaze was analytical as finger traced down the bruised skin, talking to himself so quietly that even Mabel almost didn’t hear him as he quietly began to count.
“One, two, three, four, five, s-”
The blond cut himself off with a sharp inhale through his nose as the look of worry that had previously graced the southern man's face suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a look Mabel had never seen on his face before.
It was a quiet anger. The kind of anger that's terrifying to witness as it bubbles from deep inside but you refuse to let it show on your face, even as your hands begin to tremble and your vision goes red.
Without saying a word Fiddleford stood up and stayed completely silent, unable to say a word for about 10 seconds while his face was blank and unreadable. Finally, Fiddleford looked down at Mabel and gave a kind smile that didn't fully reach his eyes.
"Sweetie, could ya' stay here a sec? I have something importan' I need tha’… discuss… with Stanferd."
After finishing that statement he gently patted the top of her brunette head and walked out of the kitchen archway, turning the corner and heading up the stairs that lead to Stanford's room, walking with such silent intensity that it kinda frightened her.
After a couple moments of staying frozen in her chair she finally managed to shake off the feeling, realizing she had to stop Fiddleford! As scary as it would be seeing Stanford again after last night's… incident… she couldn't just let Fiddleford go confront Ford without the full story!
She sprang up from her chair and winced at the pain radiating from her back. Yep! Still definitely bruised!
Mabel rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She stumbles to a stop at the end of the steps as she sees Fiddleford standing outside Ford's door, just as quiet as he was downstairs. He raises his hand and gives a firm echoing knock and she could faintly hear her young Grunkle respond with a strong, "Come in!"
She hates that she shivers a bit at his voice.
She hates that she's a little bit afraid of him.
Fiddleford doesn't respond and instead just opens the door and then quietly closes it behind him. The door doesn’t close all the way which makes a sliver of light from Ford's bedroom/study shine against the floor in the hallway.
Well... Fiddleford hadn't broken any windows or started yelling, so maybe, just maybe, he's going in there to calmly talk out the problem with Ford? Well, that was more wishful thinking on Mabel's part. She HOPES they will just, talk it out, and no one will get hurt...
A loud crash and shout echoed through the hallway.
A girl could dream can't she?
Mabel sprints to Stanford’s door, tripping over herself the whole way, and yanks open the heavy wooden door as quickly as she could.
When she finally pries it open she’s greeted with the sight of Fiddleford in the middle of trying to choke out Stanford, while Stanford is leaning against one of his smaller wooden cabinets, pushing Fidds away (to the best of his ability) with his foot, clutching his very bloody nose in confusion.
Mabel rushes in and pushes the southern man away from her bleeding Great Uncle to the best of her ability but Fiddleford upon seeing Mabel finally backs off from trying to murder Ford, but the look of pure anger firmly remains on his face.
Ford looks at Fiddleford with pure confusion as he pushes himself off the small wooden cabinet, clutching his bleeding nose all the while.
"F, what on earth has gotten into you!"
Fiddleford stared back with his mouth agape, absolutely gobsmacked, before finally yelling back, "Wha'- what's gotten into ME?! What's gotten into YOU Stanferd Pines!"
Fidds pushed past Mabel and jabbed his finger into the brunet’s chest.
"She's a lil girl?! How DARE you even lay a FINGER on her!"
"F what on earth are you talking about?!"
Fiddleford roughly grabs Ford's shoulders and pushes him to look towards Mabel with a surprising amount of force.
"SHE'S what I'm talkin' bout! Stanferd Filbrick Pines who gave you tha' idea ya' had tha' GODDAMN right to even lay a FINGER on her-"
Stanford couldn't focus on the rant Fiddleford poured into his ears instead his eyes state frozen on the disgusting purple mark staining Mabel's neck.
"Mabel… who-"
Stanford knelt next to the sweet girl who reminded him so much of Stanley in his youth and felt a familiar pang in his chest. That feeling he'd feel whenever Lee came home covered in bruises. That feeling to protect… and to hurt anyone who dares to hurt them.
"Sweetheart… who did this? What happened?"
Fiddleford scoffed. "Ya should know."
Ford shivered at how cold F had sounded. Out of all of his years of knowing him, Fidds had never sounded like this.
Then the meaning of those words finally hit him.
Stanford rushed to stand up and looked back to Fiddleford's furious eyes with his own look of disbelief.
"Y-... You think I did this?"
Fiddleford's eyes didn't change in the slightest.
"Ya'. Ya' I do."
"We've known each other for years, we went to college together, I went to your wedding, you are easily my best friend. Do you honestly think I'm capable of doing something like this?!"
"I used ta'," Fidds crossed his arms. "Now I ain't so sure."
Ford didn't know HOW to feel. This felt like a betrayal but not in the way Stanley's felt. He also felt offended. And hurt. And so many other emotions that were swirling in his chest.
"How? How did you even get it in your head that I had something to do with this!? How could you look at me and even IMAGINE me hurting her?! I can't even imagine myself hurting her! She's-"
Ford froze from his rant.
"Yer' tha' only one who coulda' done it. How do I know? Hand."
"Ya' always go on an' on about the statistics of someone' being polydactyly. About how different ya' are."
"I want ya' to look at how many fingers are on that handprint on 'er neck, look me in tha' eye, and tell me who's most likely tha' guilty party."
Stanford froze, his face turning white at the realization. He didn't need to turn around and investigate the bruise on Mabel's neck. He now knows it had 6 fingers. When you put all the facts together, one thing is clear.
He IS the most likely person to have done it.
But there's a problem with that.
He DEFINITELY didn't do it.
He glanced back at Mabel, who seemed to be nervously pulling at her nightgown the entire time. After a moment she finally glances up, but after looking into his brown eyes for less than a second she quickly looked back down.
He didn't do it. He knows he didn't.
But if he didn't, why did she look so scared of him?
He didn't do it…
…Didn’t he…?
Now this is a bonus doodle based on an idea I had for the aftermath of this! Stanford is stuck mulling over this in his room and when he finally leaves he notes that Mabel isn't asleep on the couch like usual. So of course he freaks out and assumes she ran away, running all over the house in hopes of finding her. He runs upstairs to Fiddleford’s room and knocks frantically on his door to get him to help him find the missing girl.
Fiddleford opens the door looking annoyed and tired. When Stanford says he can’t find Mabel and that he’s looked everywhere the southern man cuts him off by instantly replying “I know where she is.” That instantly calms down Ford but he looks confused as he asks “You do?” To which Fidd’s opens the door a little bit more to show Mabel asleep on his bed.
Stanford lets out a soft ‘Oh.’ And just stands there, looking awkwardly at Fiddleford for a moment before trying to break the tension with a weak chuckle and asking “Did she want to have a sleepover?” The blond doesn’t even hesitate to reply back, “Yeah. Because she’s scared of you, Stanford.” And closing the door on the brunet’s face.
Stanford doesn’t move for what feels like forever before he heads back to his room, feeling a little sick.
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Anywho, I’m done now!!!
I’m happy and sorry you read through all of that, you can leave now! 💥💥💥
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Let Me Give You My Life
A/N: I'm so proud of this tbh pls love it. Posts may slow down (more lol). I’m studying for the GRE, and how well I do determines if I can get into the masters program I want to do, which then determines getting into medical school. I love the support I’ve been getting- likes, reblogs (seeing yalls tags on the reblogs makes me smile like a fool!) yall are the best!
Warnings: Cursing, Angst? Mams is insecure and possessive af but man does he ADORE you, confessions- Asmo and Lucifer are sick of y'all.
Summary: Diavolo throws a ball to celebrate some event that Mammon honestly couldn’t remember- especially not when he saw you.
This was annoying.
Mammon had had plans tonight- a job. Sure, it was some low-budget modeling shoot for what were some hideous clothes, but still. It was going to pay well (way better than the clothes were worth, but thats because they wanted the Mammon- not some random, low-life demon)
And yet, here he was at this lame-ass ball Diavolo was throwing- commemorating some sort of success that Mammon frankly didn’t care about. Lucifer had made the attendance of the Student Council mandatory- threatening to hog-tie anyone who didn’t attend and leave them for Cerberus to toy with.
Mammon suppressed a shiver at the memory of the last time he had been subjected to that punishment. It had taken four showers and a bath to get all of the damned drool off of him- and he had needed to completely throw out his clothes.
Bastard. He glared at the back of Lucifer’s head, the elder across the room, deep in conversation with Barbatos.
Attendance was mandatory.
So where the hell was Asmo- and more importantly where the hell were you?
An ugly feeling reared its head in his chest as he thought of you sneaking around with his younger brother. Why would you be with Asmo, and not the Great Mammon?
“You know, glaring at him isn’t going to make his head explode,” Satan’s dry voice sounded from next to him, and Mammon shot a glance at the blonde demon.
“Maybe he’ll get the hint that making this mandatory was stupid. Does he not understand that some of us have better things to do?” Mammon griped.
Satan scoffed, “Sure, better to hustle money for debts you have no intention of paying back.”
Mammon’s frown deepened at his brother’s words. It never hurt less to hear how little his brothers thought of him- as if somehow his sin being greed made him lower than them. As if Asmo wouldn’t fuck anything that breathed near him, as if Beel hadn’t wreaked havoc due to his damn stomach, and as if Lucifer hadn’t damn near killed you due to his pride. Yet Mammon was somehow beneath them because he liked money and things? Bullshit.
He opened his mouth to shoot back a scathing retort about how actually he was going to use the money from the shoot to buy you the necklace that he had seen you eyeing at the jewelry store everytime he dragged you past it- but the gasps around the room pulled his attention to the staircase, and his jaw dropped.
Oh, you looked expensive. A shimmering gold dress clung to your form in all the right places (though you didn’t have any wrong places, a fact that Mammon would never say out loud).
Your thick thigh flashed from the dangerously high slit with every step down the staircase. He was faintly aware of Asmo behind you, but he knew that the attention of the room was on you, and not the demon of Lust.
That ugly feeling reared its head again when he saw Lucifer approach you, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand- no doubt with a stupid smirk on his face.
Mammon recognized the feeling, and it was much more in line with Levi’s sin than his own.
You shone more than the piles of Grimm in the bank vaults- and Mammon wanted nothing more than to steal you away and horde you to himself, like a dragon in the fantasy books you would ramble to him about. The dragons were the biggest thing he remembered, too lost in the sound of your voice to really process anything else. Besides, you said that his horns and wings reminded you of the dragons- something you had said with such a sweet voice that it was all he could do to not swoop in and kiss you.
And yet Lucifer was taking you to the dance floor, one hand wrapped around your waist.
Satan said something, but the blood rushing in Mammon’s ears muffled the sound, and when he received no response, Satan rolled his eyes and left.
Mammon wanted to approach you, steal you away from that smug bastard. But he didn’t, unable to summon the courage. Because if he did, then you would question him. If you questioned him, he would say the wrong thing- or worse, confess and face rejection from the one person in all the realms who has never looked at him with disdain.
Instead, he watched from the sidelines, snatching a flute of some sort of champagne off a waiters tray, downing it in a gulp.
After the song ended, you smiled brightly at Lucifer- a smile that should have been directed at Mammon. He watched you leave the ballroom, going out to the balcony.
“You planning on making a move? If not I’ll go see if she needs any company- after all she does look stunning in the dress I picked out,” Mammon’s gaze snapped to Asmo, whom he fixed with a glare.
“You keep your damn paws off of her- she’s my human,” he snarled. Amusement sparkled in Asmo’s eyes, and the younger laughed, “You’re lucky she only has eyes for you.”
Now that made Mammon stutter.
“Whaddya talking about?” he demanded.
Feigning ignorance, Asmo said, “maybe you should just go talk to her and stop being a moron- honestly, I love romance but at this point it is nauseating to see you two dance around each other.” With that, Asmo flounced off to chatter to some lower demon.
Mammon hated to admit it, but Asmo had piqued his interest.
Almost without his knowledge, his legs took him across the room, and he entered the balcony, carefully shutting the door behind him.
And you stole his breath away again, bathed in the faint light spilling through the windows, looking up at the stars.
You looked over your shoulder, flashing him a heart-stopping smile, “Mams! I was wondering when you were gonna come see me. The party isn’t as fun if I’m not with you.”
His cheeks burned at your words.
“We-well, I didn’t want to interrupt your dance with Lucifer,” he all but spat the Avatar of Prides name.
You giggled, “what? Are you jealous?”
Mammon rapidly shook his head, jamming his hands into his pockets as you turned to face him, leaning back on the railing.
His eyes shamelessly flitted over your form, and he imagined himself tearing into your soft flesh, burrowing a home inside your flesh where neither of you would know where one ended and the other began.
You raised an eyebrow, “You sure? I mean, I’d rather have danced with the Great Mammon, but he was too busy glaring daggers at his brother to make a move.”
You pushed off the railing, carefully approaching Mammon, who felt himself freeze in place.
All he could do was watch you, heart hammering in his chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck- and damn your height because this provided Mammon a particularly entrancing view of the pendant nestled in your cleavage- the necklace he had wanted to buy you.
He dragged his eyes back to your face, seeing amusement in your sweet gaze.
“Lucifer said it was from you,” He watched your plump lips move.
He shook his head, mumbling, “Was gonna get it for you with the pay from the gig I had lined up.”
The fact that Lucifer had gotten to it before him caused a pit in his stomach- why would you choose Mammon if you could choose his responsible, reliable older brother?
“You’re so sweet, Mams. Thank you.”
His face burned- him? Sweet?
Your soft gaze was akin to a siren song, and it was all he could do to not fall into you.
Tilting your head, you spoke with a rosy blush on your round cheeks, “Mammon,” he would do anything to hear his name fall from your lips again, “I waited for you to say something, but I don’t want to wait any more. I want to be with you. I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel like you do. I just need to know if you feel the same. If you don’t we can just go back to being friends and I’ll never bring it up again-” you were cut off when he surged forward, lips slamming against yours as his hands settled on the swell of your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh as he pulled you close. He swallowed down the noise of surprise that left you, relishing the feeling of you melting into him.
He didn’t know how to avoid saying the wrong thing- but he could act.
You were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted- and he would fall from Grace a million times over if this is where he ended up. You, pressed against him, hands tangling in his white hair as your lips melded together, his hands digging into your softness, melting together until you were one.
The two of you broke away, and Mammon was sure you were an angel when he took in your flushed cheeks, kiss-swollen lips, and dazed eyes.
He pressed his forehead to yours, chest heaving as he sucked in the air- air he would be happy to never breathe again if it meant he never had to stop kissing you.
“I’m yours- have been since you first showed up.” his words were whispered, hands coming up to cradle your face, falling into your lips again- greedy for more, more kisses, more closeness, more you.
He would trade all the Grimm in the Devildom to keep you close- if he was a dragon from your fairytales then you were the treasure he would horde.
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yoursjaeyun · 2 years
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Endless Love - LHS.
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pairing: husband! dad!heeseung x f!reader
genre. pure fluff, smut, suggestive.
warnings. smut (minors strictly dni), unprotected sex (both receiving), boob sucking, explicit language, overuse of nicknames (such as princess, baby, baby girl etc), heavy dirty talk, mentions of pregnancy. but most of it are just fluff. please tell me if i need to add more.
a/n. this is my first time writing dad!hee shbejshs and i genuinely hope you guys like it 🤍 and tbh, i’m kinda proud of it hehe. i think this is the longest i’ve ever written before, i stayed up till 3am just to finish all of this lol it was worth it tho. i wanted to say thanks to @heetro and @excusememissiloveyou for helping me with some things, i love yall sm 🥺
"wake up sweetheart, you have school." you whisper, trying to wake your daughter up from bed as she half asleep in your arm, not letting go of the sheets.
“i don’t want to go mommy,” she whines.
“we can get ice cream after, how does that sound, baby?” a big smile plasters on her face as she excitingly gets out of bed.
you follow her out the door, seeing your husband sitting at the counter drinking his everyday coffee. heeseung spreads his arms out as his daughter came running into his embrace, smiling at the heartwarming sight.
“my princess has woken up, hm?” he said, kissing her forehead. “are you ready for school?” she shakes her head while pouting, he laughs at her adorableness.
heeseung places her on the seat beside him, waiting for whatever you were making for breakfast. “what do you want with your pancakes sweetie?” you asked, “mangos!” she yells in excitement.
you sat beside her while getting the cutting board ready. watching your every move as you slowly cut up the mango bit by bit to not get hurt.
she takes a piece, struggling to put it in her mouth. “sweetheart, thats too big, it’ll get messy. here, i’ll cut it up a bit more.” you caught heeseung smirking as you looked up, trying to hold back your laugh.
“shut it.” you mouthed, continuing to feed your daughter.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
“all ready?” heeseung smiles as his daughter’s tiny hand holds his finger, dangling the car keys while getting ready to get out of the door.
“alright, just tell your teacher if anything bad happens, okay?” bending down to tidy up her dress, sighing after.
“she’ll be fine, baby. i doubt anything is going to happen.” he reassured you. “it’s her second day, i don’t know why i’m worried.” you pout, crossing your arms, heeseung smiles at how much you represent her.
“she’s a strong girl, and you are too.” slightly leaning down to kiss your temple, feeling more relaxed at his words.
“daddy, lets go!” she whined, pulling on his hand. “i’ll be back in a bit, love.” kissing your temple once again before you went to hug her to say goodbye.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
“did she go off well?” your eyes still glued on the food that you were making for later.
“she did,” he smiled softly, “and she had already made great friends.” putting the keys elsewhere before placing a peck on your lips.
“that’s good,” you exhaled in relief. “what are you making?” he asks, now towering you with his height from behind as you were mixing the subsistence. “haeun’s favourite.”
“and you’re not making my favourite?” putting his chin on your shoulder as he began to pout. slightly pushing him away while laughing. “i’ll make yours after this.” turning your head around to face him, looking down at his lips, having the urge to just kiss him right then and there, but you just gave him a small peck on the lips instead.
“i’m making her something warm after we get ice cream later.”
“i have such a good wife.” he complimented you, smiling from cheek to cheek. heeseung wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting your head on his nape while melting into his touch as you both rocked side to side, placing your hands onto his.
“you’re so pretty.” complimenting you once again. gently hitting his arm, knowing you always loved his compliments. “what? am i not allowed to love you?” he laughs.
“don’t you have a meeting to take care of today?” you ask, “i called in ‘sick’, just so i can be with both of my princesses.”
“gosh, you’re so annoying.” you giggled. his aroma and warm touch making you feel more calm in his arms.
the first time the two of you met was at a café, you both worked there. heeseung would always stare at you, and you’d do the same but you were always too shy to do so. he’d help you with making drinks, the desserts, and almost everything. you wanted to reach out to him first, maybe even ask him to go out. but he took over. which you were so happy about because it took you over a week to even try to say ‘hi’.
you never intended for him to help you with your financial problems, but he did anyway. which you felt so bad for because you didn’t want to look like you were in there for the money. and you weren’t, you’ve always loved him, for him. and he did the same to you. look at the both of you now with a child together, while he’s the CEO of a famous company, and you own the biggest restaurant in town. along with a little café you and heeseung made before getting married, and before the pregnancy.
heeseung slowly slips his hands into your shirt, the cold feeling made you sigh deeply, you knew what he was going to do but you wanted to stay busy, but you have to admit, you were needy too. he began to play with your throbbing breasts, feeling yourself already soaked. “..heeseung, i’m still cooking-” he starts to place wet kisses on your neck, possibly hickeys.
he smirks, turning off the stove before lifting you up and placing you on the counter, making you yelp in surprise. admiring each other for a bit by the way he was staring at your lips while biting his own, you knew he was desperate, desperate.
it wasn’t long till your hands cupped his face as you smashed your lips onto his.
the kiss was messy, but passionate. the butterflies in your stomach went crazy. heeseungs hold on your waist tightened, helping you stabilise yourself to not lean back too much.
his plump lips working with yours, your saliva and his mixed, running down your chin, you hummed in his mouth as his hands goes under your shirt once again, roaming around your soft skin, reaching up to your back to unclasp your bra.
“heeseung..” you mumbled in between kisses, quickly breaking the kiss to lift up your shirt, throwing it to the side. and then continuing the love session.
after several moments, he grabs one pair to level it to his mouth, leaning back to give him more space. “look at what you do to me, darling.” he flattens his tongue on one nipple, swirling it around along with his saliva to work it easy. you threw your head back from the pleasure as his free hand decides to play with the other boob.
“if i suck hard enough, will your milk come out?” being the jokester he is, he asks absolutely out of nowhere. “it won’t unless you want me pregnant again. stop playing around and fuck me already.”
“bold now, are we? watch me make that happen, love.” he smirks while biting his bottom lip, rushing to unzip his jeans then taking off his boxers that his bulge was sticking out from. and while doing that, you take off your panties, sliding it off your legs to the floor. the sight of his hardened dick spring out onto his abdomen already made you dizzy.
you spread your legs out a bit further to give him space, “you’re soaked, princess.” his fingers running through your wet folds making you shiver and whine into the crook of his neck as he went closer to you, lining it up in front of your entrance, pumping it a few times first. “hee, ‘need you..” you muttered.
“i’ll make you feel good baby.” placing a kiss on your temple before pushing himself into you, your hold around his neck began to stiffen as your eyes were shut closed from how big he was.
“go faster..” you whispered under your breath, and he did. increasing his speed on every thrust he makes, your eyes easily getting hazier each time. “fuck— you’re so fucking tight.”
his grip on your waist tightened, your moans and whimpers became louder on every movement, his groans against your ear, the kitchen was filled with loud wet sounds of skin slapping echoed in the kitchen, too bothered to even think about anything else.
“shit..” he was now balls deep inside, pulling in and out of you as your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the immense pleasure with your mouth agape.
“look at you, all fucked up because of my cock. you like that, don’t you? how desperate and needy you are to carry my kids.” every filthy word he spits out making you hazy, your face turned into the most obscene expression, close to reaching your high even. but you wanted to hold back.
“fuck— yes, god fucking yes.” you moaned, “oh i’ll put a baby in you alright.” his rough thrusts increased, hitting the right spots inside you as you let out the most angelic moans against his ear, squirming under him while he tries keeping you to stay still with his hard grip on your skin.
you whine and moan with every movement of his hips, and you had no energy left, letting heeseung take over, knowing you were close as you clenched hard around him. he fastened his speed, feeling him twitch inside you, signalling he was close too.
“taking my cock like a good fucking wife you are,”
“you’re so sexy, you know that?” biting his lip while smirking— god that smirk always gets you turned on. and you still wanted to hold it, sweat was running down the side of your face as you became weaker and weaker, his thrusts and movements became more sloppier. doubting you’d even be able to walk after. “hee.. i- i’m close,” you stuttered, too tired to even talk properly.
“you can cum, sweetheart.” giving you permission, your moans and whimpers became louder, at least for your neighbours to hear. “shit- heeseung!” and you came undone all over his length.
“fucking hell—” he groaned, a heavy moan elicited out of your mouth as heeseung grabbed your naked ass hard while painting your velvety walls white with his seed. you could feel his juices mixed with yours running down your thigh.
he had no intention on pulling out, instead he picked you up to go to the bathroom to clean up as you clinged onto him with the small amount of energy you have left, he was strong enough to hold onto you tighter.
your heavy breathing quietened down bit by bit, heeseung grabbing clean clothes before helping you wipe yourself. “you okay?” he asks concerned, answering him with a quiet hum. he had never seen you this tired before whenever the two of you have sex, now feeling bad and becoming guilty.
“i’m sorry if i went too hard on you,” he apologised, he stopped his doings and stared at you worriedly. a soft chuckle left your lips as you then placed a peck on his.
“i’m okay, hee.” you finally spoke, heeseung exhaling with a ‘phew’ in relief. “are you sure you’re okay with this?” continuing to help you clean up.
you nodded without hesitation. “i’m okay with it if you are. i don’t want to put you into more stress..” he looks down in slight guilt, still thinking if he ever went too hard on you. “you aren’t. and yes i’m okay with it. i trust you, okay? even with stress, i know you’re always there for me, especially since you’ve been with me through it all, and with haeun.” a bigger smile grew on his face towards your warmhearted words. realising how much he appreciated having you in his life with your daughter together.
“i love you, so much. maybe too much. way too much. but i love you forever-”
“just shut up and kiss me.” you laughed before pulling him into another deep, passionate kiss, his arms circled around your waist, pulling you in tighter, reminiscing the moment.
“i love you too, always, till the end, forever.” forehead to forehead while in deep, sweet, eye contact.
almost forgetting he’s still inside you.
“can’t believe you forgot you’re still balls deep inside me.” you giggled. “shit- i’m sorry—”
“no, lets stay like this for a while.” you say, stopping him from pulling out, hugging him firmly as he does the same to your waist, processing the generous moment.
“i hear a second round coming..” he teased, you hit him on the chest as the room was filled with laughter. “i’m kidding, don’t worry.” he smiles reassuringly, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“i think i’d like that.” you smirked, “a horny wife now, aren’t you?” you let out a ‘tsk’ before he dominated your lips with his once again, ending the morning with you screaming his name on your shared bed.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
after a few rounds.. yes, a few rounds. you were too worn out and exhausted, heeseung insisted on taking a rest for a while, since haeun finishes in a couple of hours.
but you had already slept, heeseung doing the same too. you swore you couldn’t even walk or stand up properly after all of that. you woke up with heeseung’s arm around your stomach while the both of you were completely naked under the covers, then immediately checking the time.
ten minutes left till haeun gets out, relieved that you weren’t late. quickly getting up to rushingly put on clothes to get ready, almost falling over from how sore your legs were. “baby?” his raspy voice awoken.
“we have to pick up haeun. get up, love.”
without saying anything else he also gets ready, laughing at the way he fell while getting out of bed. “your fault for fucking me out too much.” you chuckle, fixing your hair up into a neat bun with a claw clip.
“it was worth it anyway.” he winked, cringing at the sight. still thinking it was cute though. “okay, get dressed, i don’t want haeun to wait for too long.”
“yes ma’am.” he obeyed, doing the soldier gesture. letting out a ‘tch’ about how he was just ruing you two hours ago — now he’s acting like the bambi he is.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
you saw haeun waiting patiently outside the gate of the daycare with her hands grabbing onto the straps of her little bag on the sides, waving your arm to get her attention.
noticing you, she instantly ran to you happily. your arms spreaded out ready for a big hug. “mommy!” she screams, waddling to you. “my baby!” the second she reached your embrace, she peppered you with the smallest kisses ever, giggling at how adorable she was.
“how was your day sweetheart?” holding her tiny hand to walk back to the car. “i loved it! i have many, many friends now!” she giggled, “is that so?” she nodded, “well, i’m happy for you, darling.” you smiled softly.
heeseung popped out from the back, haeun instantly running into his arms. “daddy! i missed you!”
“i missed you too, princess,” he grinned, showering her with kisses everywhere. “daddy, it tickles.” she giggled, trying to push his face away with her small hands, laughing at the cute sight. “how did you learn to be that strong, missy?” he snickered, softly pinching her chubby cheeks.
“how was your second day?” he asks, bringing her to get buckled up in her seat. “it was good!” her eyes closing from the way she smiles. “what did mommy promise you?”
“ice cream!” she yells, throwing her hands up in the air. he smiles, kissing her forehead, “all buckled up?” she nods confidently. “good girl.”
“you know, you never called me that earlier.” you pout, crossing your arms after buckling your seatbelt.
“tonight, i promise.” he winked, and you smirked, once again cringing at the sight, but he was too hot to be cringe anyway.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
“how’s your ice cream, baby girl?” he asks, feeding the strawberry flavoured ice cream to her. “yummy! and why is mommy walking like that?”
heeseung looked away to hold back from bursting out laughing.. “uhm— mommy fell earlier, but it wasn’t that bad, baby. she’ll get better soon.” tilting his head in reassurance.
“what are you guys talking about?” you talked, sitting down beside them with your plain vanilla cup of ice cream. “nothing at all-”
“daddy said you fell, is that why you’re walking like that?” at least you were strong enough to hold back your laugh, already seeing him quietly laughing on the other side.
“yes i did fall, sweetheart. but i’m okay now, so don’t worry about it,” you beamed, “we’ll talk about it later, honey.”
heeseung laughed again at your death stare,
“i hate you.” you mouthed.
“i love you more.”
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taglist: @notthatsamkim @heeverseblog @giventakenz @kookiemonster123 @heeseungluver @enhaheeseung @hee-pster @gegeetime send an ask or a dm to be added !
perm taglist. @heeseungrr @excusememissiloveyou @heetro @amazzwon @crusheo @jyunillaa @heeryn @bbujiikseu @tfwheeseung send an ask or a dm to be added !
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mr-walkingrainbow · 1 month
Okay yall! People seem to be posting some hella awesome fanfic ideas and as someone who hopes to in the future run for king of bridgella angst, I’d like to throw my fanfic idea into the mix!
A tragedy in the making:
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What if?
Red returns to the present. Only to not be able to find Chloe in the crowd.
She spots her mother, who now looks radically different, similar in appearance but bursting with color and joy (picture the reformed queen we see at the end of the movie)
Only when she goes to ask her where Chloe is, she is introduced to three dramatic changes
1. Chloe seems to have never existed in this world
2. their is a very large and menacing looking RING on her mothers finger
Cinderella is walking over, and Bridget’s referencing too her as her WIFE!
So not only does Chloe and Chad not exist in this world. But Red now has TWO passionately loving moms. Bridget and Ella.
And in Reds eyes. This world is a dream come true. There was no coup. Wonderland is a peaceful world. Her mom was never a tyrant. AND was never put through the traumatic psychological breaking event. And Red gets two loving moms. Which is a huge step up from having one extremely manipulative one.
in all seriousness, she should be overjoyed.
but Chloe. Isn’t. Here.
And for all Red knows. There is no way for Chloe to exist, and for the Queens coup to never happen. This Red never saw another result. This is the only other one she’s seen.
So she has to make probably the hardest decision in her entire life. Because going back to the past to change this would not only in her mind be sentancing Auradon to a mad takeover. But Retraumatize her mother, rip her away from a life where she gets to live with her deepest love. AND sentence Cinderella to certain doom.
But doing so would mean Chad and Chloe would get to live.
Would mean Chloe could still be there. Would mean the only person and friend who’s ever believed in Red would still be there. Even in a dystopian world.
What choice does Red make? Well that’s for you to find out!
lol I’m still ironing out a lot of kinks and i definitely haven’t written much. But this has been an au that’s been growing in me head for the last week or so!! Let me know if any of yall are interested!!!
@c-rose2081 @somedudenamedanthony @strugglingsapphic do tell if you think this is a fic worth writing. I love the idea but if you don’t think it’s worth a read I’d definitely take that into account
Also who’s the king and queen of glass heart lol? Who do I go to to throw my hat in for running of King of Bridgella angst
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