#Henny’s Bakery
henneseyhoe · 3 days
Guess Who
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Lewis Hamilton x BLACK!FEM!Reader
ORDER: Watermelon Lollipop (friends to lovers), S’mores (virginity), Chocolate Kisses (secret admirer), Vanilla Muffin (soft sex), Coffee(smut), Tea (fluff)
SUMMARY: no, lol
💌-mind you, this was supposed to be a headcanon, not a whole one shot and yall can probably tell, but i don’t listen, not even to myself lmfao. hope you enjoy, anon 💋
The Bakery<3
When you and Lewis met, you both were nothing but children. You were younger, but it didn’t matter, both of you were impressionable, soaking up everything you saw. Lewis saw most of the world for what it truly was, you on the other hand, not so much.
You were sheltered by your parents for most of your years, nothing to be shamed about, but you just didn’t know as much as Lewis or any of your other peers when it came to certain things. You felt inexperienced with most things actually.
Because you two were best friends, you followed him nearly everywhere, clinging onto him like your own human safety blanket. Also because being by yourself made you nervous, but that was neither here nor there to you!
There was rarely a time you two were apart! That was up until your own work ramped up and you were forced to separate away from him, keeping busy in Monaco meanwhile he traveled for his work.
Not long after you were forced to separate, you began getting flowers and even poems delivered directly to your office, sometimes waiting there for you when you first clocked in. And not just any poems, sweet ones. Flirty, witty and charming ones. It left you puzzled. Who could be crushing on you? No one in the office, hopefully.
You voiced to your friends about your confusion, each and every one of them either swooning at the idea of a secret admirer falling for you and pulling you out of the shell you called being a grown woman with other things to do than mingle all the time or shrugging with the same confusion as you.
You then asked around your job like an idiot as if any of these grumpy men in their mid forties would give you a real hint, still you felt it was worth a try.
You got turned down three times by people who insisted it wasn’t them and they didn’t know and that left you with nothing to work with! Not even the girl who delivered the notes gave you a hint. yes, even after you bribed her, or attempted, I should say. You found yourself at a dead end again.
It wasn’t until you got yet another note that you had an inkling. One little detail made your thoughts clear from your mind, a bit embarrassment lingering, but mostly still clear. The note contained a secret not even your main circle knew, something you only told two people about in life, two people who you thought were your best friends.
“Did he write this? yes or no!?” You pried, holding Lewis down on the floor of your apartment while shoving the piece of drawn on paper in his face, attempting to get the man to crack. You were the least intimidating person he has ever went up against, so he kept that same goofy smile spread across his face as if he did know something.
“I keep telling you, I don’t know!”
“Then who?! I’ve never told anyone else but you and him! So either you’re lying or one of you snitched and told someone else!”
Lewis sighs and flips you off of him almost too easily, your back coming in contact with the hard floor as your hand still held up the evidence. You made a mental note to hit the weights a little more in the gym.
He pins your arms by your head and huffs, squeezing at your wrists to get you to stop moving, which you protested against by kicking your feet.
“Stop hitting me. If I told you the truth, you wouldn’t believe me” He expresses, an unreadable look on his face now instead of the smile that antagonized you earlier with information hidden behind it you desperately wanted to know. Your brows just furrowed, you already didn’t believe or trust a word he was saying.
“As if it’s so shocking. I know it’s him!”
Lewis rolls his eyes at your stupid assumption and laughs, letting you go with a warning look. “If you think me and him are on the same level of literacy then I need to step my pen up. Cause those poems were some of my best work”
Your eyes widened like a deer in headlights once comprehending what he said.
The bomb he dropped on you in that moment lingered in your head for days, nights even. You refused to dwell on it for long and buried your head in work and books to keep busy, but that damn note found its way into your thoughts at every second. Though Lewis knew casually writing in the fact that you were a virgin in his most recent love letter may have been weird and wasn’t the best idea, he also knew it was the only way he knew you’d knock your options down to only two possibilities.
You could barely fathom the fact that he liked you in that way. He knew everything about you, you’d think that would have scared him away by now, but apparently not. He was still consistent with his letters and roses, even apologizing if he made you uncomfortable or ruined the friendship.
You weren’t uncomfortable, you were shocked. Truth be told, you had always had some kind of a crush on him, feelings and emotions you’d starve until seeing him again and having the privilege of being close, passing it off as your same ole’ clinginess. It was obviously not just that to everyone else.
Lewis knew very well about the attraction, his had always been there, he just thought you rather not speak on it. He then grew tired of that.
With that being said, you were reluctant to follow up with him. He talked a good game, but you feared ruining something that had been amazing for years, which he reassured you if nothing worked, then it’d be no hard feelings. Eventually, you decided to throw caution to the wind.
Giving Lewis a chance may have been the best thing you had done this summer. He took you seriously even with lack of experience in certain areas, he took you into consideration with everything under the sun and made sure to go at your pace..With a few nudges here and there, of course. You’d get nowhere if he counted on you 100%.
As the relationship grew, there was an obvious connection missing. It was the elephant in the room when you two were alone and close together. You weren’t a square, damn sure wasn’t incompetent either. You just…had never had sex before.
It was never a need to lose your virginity, you truly didn’t care, or at least that’s what you told yourself on many occasions and days of ovulation.
You two had the conversation about sex multiple times and agreed it’d just happen naturally.. even though he wanted it badly and you found yourself daydreaming and thinking about it more often than you’d ever like to admit to anyone, even yourself.
It was almost unbearable not doing anything. Even though you had never went to second base, your body made it known it had needs. Your skin heated anytime his touches lingered anywhere on you. It started to become painfully obvious too.
When the moment you both had been thinking about for long enough manifested itself in the middle of the night in your bedroom, you felt your heart was gonna jump out of your chest the entire time. The soft caresses of your skin accompanied by sweet kisses along your collar bone left your head spinning and your tummy fluttering with butterflies that seemed to never subside.
Your face was hot and your mind was racing, he didn’t give you time to be insecure about anything.
You watched him go down on you, his wet tongue teasingly gliding between your lips, the tip of it landing on your clit as he completed one lick. You shuttered. Long before you had convinced yourself that masturbation felt the same as someone down there, but you lied to yourself, unaware until now.
The thought of someone pleasuring you, getting off to you getting off was so erotic, so nasty, but damn did it help to get you close. Soft moans flooded his ears in reaction to every flick of his tongue and it had him throbbing in his briefs, a wet spot from his precum darkening the fabric against his tip as he ground himself against your bed while he licked away at your sensitive pearl.
You avoided pulling on his freshly done braids, curtesy of you, and instead went for your fitted sheets.
He began sucking on your clit while two finger circled around your soaked entrance, you pulling at your sheets again so hard that one end popped off of the mattresses corner.
Neither of you gave it attention, too busy to care.
He encouraged you to tell him when it felt good, when you needed more or less, and you gladly followed instructions.
“Just like that”
You mumble out, toes curling. He was doing irreparable damage. You didn’t think you could go back to just self pleasure after this.
Flattening his tongue, he allowed you to buck your hips up into his face to ride his tongue at your own pace while simultaneously slipping two of his fingers inside of you, massaging your walls until they gripped to the point it where it was hard to complete a full thrust. From then, he just made a ‘come hither’ motion, pressing up against your gspot with skill as you moaned out a name you didn’t think you’d ever be moaning, his.
He covered your entire body with his when he entered you. It felt like he held your hands the entire time too, pinning them to the mattress as his hips collided with yours in a rhythm he made up on the spot just for you, customized with what he knew made you tick. The strokes were slow, but long, and deep enough to where it felt like he reached the end of your pussy, pushing the boundaries of the ‘wall’ any time he’d bottom out into you. You felt so full of him, so warm. You felt like melting into the bed just then.
“Look at me, baby”
You hear from above you, your eyes fluttering back open to look up into the honey colored pools he called eyes. You began getting flustered, but it was all too late for shyness. He had already unlocked something no one else had the pleasure of even getting close to. He loved the thought of it.
“You are so fucking beautiful. I could stay like this all night” He confessed, a breathy moan exiting his mouth after. The sound of his voice sent shivers up your spine and tingling to your clit. Your back arched off of the bed, your chest smashing against his as your legs closed in around his hips to somehow pull him deeper, needing him closer than he already was.
He could feel the constant pull of your walls, the muscles spasming and tightening around his shaft as his pelvis nudged your clit, the sensation being deliciously different from your fingers.
Soon enough he was quickening his thrusts just a little, one hand letting go of yours to cradle your face instead, now forcing you to look at nothing but him. You whined.
“Lew-“ Breathless and dazed, you could feel a tug in the pit of your stomach and somehow he could feel it too. He could feel how close you were, you didn’t have to speak. Both of your moans intertwined with each other and you could swear your neighbors hated you now just from the way your bed began knocking against your wall.
By now, he could barely pull out with his hips stuttering, but all you needed was the grinding, you could easily cum off of just that.
“I can feel it-“ You gasped as your eyes rolled back. You only had a small idea of what it really was, a sample from your own late night sessions, but this one felt completely different. Something that had you feeling a different warmth all over, your vision blurring in and out before everything around you except for Lewis became nonexistent. It was just you and him. Him and you.
His arms wrapped around your body to hold you as you came down for your high and he peaked at his, drenching the inside of the condom he put on beforehand. Thankfully, because you feared the mysterious “it” feeling would create a little person that looked like the both of you.
Panting and whispering sweet nothings into your ear, he refused to let you go again.
You two stayed there the rest of the night, bodies pressed together with you tracing his tattoos and him caressing up your sides, thanking you for giving him the chance.
💌- the way i’m sooo sleepy and sooo shocked i got this out in one day? look at me go, oh em geeee!
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pixelwiki · 1 year
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Heyyyy guys 😭😭 so sorry for going ghost 💔 I was so into Mercedes save that I didn’t document as I was playing along, but going forward I will take pictures as I go 🤞🏽
I’m going to do a little recap under the cut of what happened so we’re all caught up for future updates!
Moving into Hanford-On-Bagley, Mercedes hasn’t really clicked with anyone besides Agnes Crumplebottom. During the development of their friendship, Mercedes realized how much of an insider she is.
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Mercedes has been soaring in her trendsetter career, but her hard efforts pushed her into a burnout.
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In an attempt to soothe her burnout, Mercedes chose to focus on blind dating for a bit. So far she met Diego Lobo and they decided to become friends with benefits. Except he is always upset when they meet, so no benefitting has been going down :/.
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Also she think he’s ugly 😭😭.
She met Kyle Kyleson with Agatha and Diego at a rooftop bar during karaoke night. She thinks he’s charming and he thinks she’s annoying… BUT he likes comedy and she’s a natural comedian, so she’s slowly getting into his head one way or another 😚
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As for her actual generational goals, Mercedes is saving to buy land for her bakery and building her baking skill in the meantime. Her farm on the other hand is blooming slowly, but beautifully.
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She has a hen named Henry and a rooster named Ronald. Henny enjoys playtime while Ronald prefers to talk about serious topics. He does not like jokes at all 😭.
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And that's all so far! I didn't expect this to be so long tbh. Anyways, I'm very excited to see how this generation plays along ☺️
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ericleo108 · 10 months
My Favorites 2023
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Last Years: 2020, 2022
This is a list of my favorites. This started off as my favorite YouTube channels, but I have since expanded the list. I watch a lot of media over the internet. I still watch youtube every day. I do not have cable. I tend to gravitate to informative and educational content. As a hip-hop artist I watch a lot of rap-related content to keep my hand on the pulse of the culture. I have broken down my lists into categories. I still watch the posted YouTube clips from the night before late shows in the morning.
My Top Favorite (Late Night) TV Shows I watch on Youtube
Amber Ruffin
The Problem with John Stewart 
Jimmy Kimmel
Stephen Colbert
Seth Meyers
Jimmy Fallon
The Daily Show
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Real Time with Bill Maher
It’s no longer hard to pick who my favorite late night tv show host is. If I had to pick between them I’d STILL pick Amber Ruffin. I’ve been missing John Stewart who does an excellent job of getting right to the heart of the problem. I like Kimmel’s dry sense of humor and Fallon’s antics. I’m really impressed with John Oliver’s program and Seth Meyers’s “A Closer Look” segment. 
I have broken down my favorite YouTube channels into two categories, general, and farm. I watch a lot of farm-related content.  Although I don’t think I want a farm even if I could afford one, I love watching the animals and farmers doing chores. I feel I get a different lived-experience when I watch these videos so I have the perspective of a farmer, which I’ve always wanted. 
Top Five YouTube Farm Channels
Gold Shaw Farm
Urban rescue ranch
Just A Few Acres Farm
Justin Rhodes
Nate Petroski 
Greg Judy Regenerative Rancher 
Top Favorite YouTube Channels
Philip DeFranco
Leeja Miller 
Adam Conover
Democracy Now!
Mark Rober
Casey Neistat
How Ridiculous 
Casual Geographic 
Robert Reich 
I don’t even watch Drama Alert anymore. Roman Atwood doesn’t hold my interest like it used to. I’d rather watch something with animals in it rather than explosions or rc cars. Mark Rober got knocked off his top spot. His videos are engaging and awesome but there is only one per month. I still watch Phil every day he posts a show. I don’t even watch the vlog squad anymore or Jason Nash. My interests are more sociological and news-oriented from the top. 
I still watch an ASMR video every night to fall asleep. The one thing I can’t stand is when ASMR artists touch or poke the screen or their lens. It’s a pet peeve that gives me that cringe you get when looking into bright lights for too long. Some artists do it all the time, like FrivolousFox ASMR, which really prevents me from liking them although I want too.
Top YouTube ASMR Artists:
Ephemeral Rift
Dr. T
ASMR Zeitgeist
Hypnotic dreams
Trigger Happy ASMR
Sophie Michelle
ASMR Bakery
Honorable mentions on tiktok
Asmr kenobi
Depending on the time of day determines what type of asmr video I watch. If it’s at night it has to be a dark background and a long video. If it’s during the day it can be brighter and shorter. ASMR Zeitgeist is still one of my favorites. I still think they are the Cadillac of ASMR. I have logged the most hours on my tv with Ephemeral Rift. Dr. T has great videos for naps, same with Hypnotic dreams tapping videos. Divinity has been giving ephemeral rift a run for his money as I have been using her videos more and more to fall alseep. I added ASMR Kenobi and Luke as honorable mentions who entertain and put me to sleep from tiktok. 
Top 10 Hip-hop related content
Now we will get into the hip-hop-related favorites starting with dancing channels. 
Top 5 Dancing Channels on Tiktok/Instagram
The Pitman Sisters
Cost and mayor
Party with Carly
The Begin sisters 
The Song Twins
My current favorite rappers
Snoop Dogg
Connor Price
Honorable mention:
Mike Posner
Top ten affiliated underground rappers
Headband Henny
Jay Matthews
Rich G
Zen Requium 
Kurupt the killa
Mr. J
Honorable mentions:
Hundo music
Lumi funk
I put Mike Posner as an honorable mention because he is one of my favorite artists, is from Michigan, but isnt a rapper. The top ten affiliated underground hoonorable mentions are Michigan artists that I know or work with. Hundo is a guitar player with a couple albums. Ardea is my producer’s artist moniker from Kalalmazoo Michigan. And Lumi funk is a funkadelic band from the UP who I went to school with the bassist. 
Here are channels that are about hip-hop whether it be educational, entertainment or interviews. I did my top favorite commentary channels but Pat CC is the best, but he does documentary style commentary. 
Favorite Hip-hop related content channels
Kyle Beats
Pat cc
Hiphop dx
Big boys neighborhood
Curtis king
Brand man Sean
Adam Ivy
Wendy day
Top 5 hip-hop commentary/reaction channels:
Hiphop madness 
Anthony Fantano
Blacky speaks
Fantastic hiphop
Top 10 beat makers; I have a published song made to all of these
Anno domini
That Kid Goran
They Call Me Heat
Bb beats
Honorable mention:
RJ Pasin
I have made a song with all of the listed beat makers. RJ makes guitar samples, but I have a song from one of his samples that is currently doing well. Maybe next time I’ll have a list of sample makers. Like most independent artists, I only work with producers who I like their sound, so naturally they’re also my favorite. But if money was no object I left the list of unobtainable producers who are way outside my career and pay range. The last one is dead but arguably the most sought-after producer ever.
Top 10 Unobtainable Producers:
Dr. Dre
DJ Mustard
Swiss Beats
DJ Quik
Mike Will Make-it
Rick Rubin
The Alchemist 
Just Blaze 
J Dilla
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pascal-isaac · 4 years
17 Questions, 17 People
Tagged by: @ergotautology thanks Talia 🥺💕💕
Nicknames: Alex/Lexi/Lex, Dumbass, Henny
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5’1.5”
Last thing I googled: Oberyn Martell for a PowerPoint
Song stuck in my head: Laffy Taffy
Number of followers: 422
Amount of sleep: 9 hours
Lucky number: 2
Favorite song: At the moment it’s Betty by Taylor Swift
Favorite instrument: Guitar
Favorite author: Tbh I don’t have one, Jane Austen maybe?
Dream job: To have my own bakery/cafe and make a bunch of delicious things and maybe make it a full restaurant?
Aesthetic: greenery, combat boots, shorts with tights in the winter, hot chocolate by the fire, bubble baths, long nights with friends, candles
Favorite animal noise: a kitten meowing
Random: I bought a lightsaber and I’m waiting for another one so I can connect them and begin my loser Jedi training
No pressure tags: @velvetmel0n @catfishingmorales @softpedropascal @maybege @tintinwrites @damerondjarin @darksideofclarke @stanningtoomanypeopleatonce @gottalovethefandom @yougottakeeponkeepinon @eating-pie-in-the-tardis @gustavos @spacegayofficial @arabellathorne @mylifeliterally @hansoulo @woakiees
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melissahumphries · 3 years
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Henny Penny Heated Holding Cabinet Hc900
Keep Your food warm, fresh, and safe with our Henny Penny Heated Holding Cabinets that are specially designed for bakeries, pizzerias, and catering operations. Shop Now at Seaforth Group Or Visit our Website For More Details About the Product.
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shtbgs-blog · 6 years
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HENLEY KENT looks an awful lot like CAMILA MENDES. SHE is TWENTY ONE and while they’re INTELLIGENT,they have a tendency to get pretty SKETCHY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to THIEF by ANSEL ELGORT.
OKAY SO her mama is victoria kent and she here to FUCK SHIT UP
no but seriously she’s been raised to con and murder so I MEAN,,, she digs it
she’s used the constant changing and moving to reinvent herself every time. Once she was a prissy prim elegant princess and another time she was a grungy edgy bitch
she isn’t even really sure who she actually is anymore
she’s really into photography and takes a lot of pictures, she has an entire box filled with boys she’s loved or friends she’s lost who never really knew her.
a big mood for her is stealing peoples phones just to like see what it’s like to have a bunch of texts it’s fucking WEIRD but it makes her feel NORMAL and she has so many old phones with chargers too where sometimes she scrolls through them
jesus fuckin christ she might be a psycho it’s casual
she has just come home from a wild ass vacation with her mother and she’s living her best life since her most recent father in law’s death
She has a tendency to suck the fucking life out of those around her and ruin their lives by starting drama and rumors and stealing all their friends like she picks a victim and just slowly robs them of all the things she thinks is the most valuable ( friends, love, connections to other people )
FULL NAME: Henley Veronica Kent
NICKNAMES: Henny, Hen,
FACE CLAIM: Camila Mendes
AGE: 21
SEXUALITY: pansexual
DATE OF BIRTH: February 15th
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female / She & Her
OCCUPATION: unemployed.
USUAL HANG OUTS: Bar, club, park, downtown.
HOBBIES: theft, hikes, traveling.
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: intelligent, adaptable, charming, independent & focused.
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: sketchy, dishonest, twofaced, dangerous & manipulative.
DRINKS, SMOKES, & DRUGS: yes, yes & yes.
CRUSH, someone who she has legit developed a big mood crush on but she doesn’t even know what to do because they don’t know the real her or maybe they do because she just acts natural af around them oooo bebeeeee
FWB, someone she’s been sleepin with on the lowlow it’s casual
“BEST” FRIEND aka the ‘friend’ she has attached herself to. Probably someone who is very popular and well known in the community. Someone who she sucks the life out of and uses for connections and big mood if they have a boyfriend she can try and steal oh BOY! this is technically an enemy but not yet
ACTUAL FRIEND aka someone she is actually natural around and enjoys like? she doesn’t try to hurt them or even thinks she can if she tried like she probably views them as a very pure and innocent person
PARTY FRIENDS aka people she goes out with and gets drunk and spends her money on like when she is a friend she’s a good friend
OLD FRIENDS FROM OUT OF TOWN OH MY GOD imagine she ruined someone’s life so fucking bad they had to actually leave town and start over imagine how horrifying it’d be if they were in town and like oh BOY she’s just like aha you ready for round two honey and they’re like OH NO BITCH IT’S MY TURN TO RUIN YOU just GIVE IT TO ME
;-; nothing
probs everyone in town lbqfh
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wgbbridgewater · 5 years
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Henny and Roxy love their treats! (at Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming Bridgewater) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rBBSXHf-w/?igshid=1pe8c4gv8xksq
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dreamdilddy · 7 years
this lady at the bakery I got breakfast at for my family looked at me and was like "You're gonna be stuck with that green hair for a long time" in like a disapproving voice and I just went "haha yeah that's the point" and smiled at her as I got in my car
people who go out of their way just to be asshole lmfao you kiss me with that bullshit henny
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: My 22 Goals for 2019
Goal #1 — Spend More Time Doing What I Love Little Miss Lucy Goose met her new vet this week and absolutely loves her. The fact that they give Lucy little treats while she’s getting her mani/pedi has something to do with it. Also, she is having a blast running around the yard now that it’s all fenced in. And just in time too! Three days after we finished, the ground froze. Goal #2 — Garden, Garden, Garden The day before the ground froze we planted a row of arborvitae trees along one side of the fence and moved 6 peony bushes to the side of the house. I would have liked to have gotten more done before the weather turned, but I am so very much ready for winter and all the calmness it brings to life here in New England. Having 4 true seasons, rocks. And I am looking forward to a restful winter. Goal #3 — Plant an Orchard {Calling it Quits on this one.} We are almost there!!! The first harvest could be anyway now. I’m just waiting for the color to deepen a bit. Goal #4 — Gussy Up the Potting Shed Done! I gussied up the potting shed at our old house, but I would like to add some sort of “potting station” to the backyard here somewhere, but I’m not sure where I would put it yet. Goal #5 — Grow Enough Extra Vegetables, Eggs and Flowers to Earn $1500 at my little roadside vegetable stand. It was totally my intention to grow a ton of fruits and vegetables to sell at the farm-stand when I made my list of goals for 2019 last winter, but then we moved. So, that whole goal was sort of a bust. Goal #6 — Finish Every Single Unfinished Rug Hooking Project in My Pattern Bin + 10 Things from back Issues of Magazines/Books I’ve Been Meaning to Make.  This week I didn’t hook a single rug, but I did hand dye and put together about 100 bundles of wool for my Etsy shop. I still have a few more colors to do, but after that, my Etsy shop should be stocked well into next year and I’ll be able to start hooking in earnest again. 73 rugs in my pattern bin {now down to 27} 183 hooked flowers {finished 150, now down to 33} 10 “things” from back issues of magazines {finished 0} Goal #7 — Create 12 New Rug Hooking Patterns {with at least half of them being large ones} DONE! So far this year I’ve added 12 new rug hooking patterns and 13 beginner rug hooking kits to my Etsy shop. New rug hooking patterns I’ve created and added to My Etsy Shop this year: Tullia and Thomas Turkey Double Nantucket Whale Runner Miss Henny and Penny Miss Penny Simple Kitty Primitive Flowers 2 Fat Cats Annabell’s Big Day Old Fashioned Double Tulip Fat Brown Hen Busy Little Bee Queen Bee Rug Hooking Kits Busy Little Bee {in 2 different colors} Folk Art Heart Small Nantucket Whale Primitive Crow Miss Robin {in 2 different colors} Simple Kitty Primitive Flowers Sunflowers A Basket of Spring Posies Fat Brown Hen Chicky’s Garden Goal #8 — Split and Stack 2 Cords of Wood for Next Winter  All that firewood! We sold it. 😉 Goal #9 — Do Something with the 5,002 Photos on My Phone Down to 2867. Goal #10 –-Lose the Muffin Top Done! I’m declaring Muffy gone. Thanks to the stress of moving and just getting outside and walking around more and working in the yard, Muffy has melted away. Goal #11 — Run, Walk or Crawl a 5k, 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon You are not going to believe this. The Girl had to work on Saturday, and so I asked my husband if he would do the 5K with me and he said YES. I couldn’t believe it. Luckily I had chosen a 5k with a run or walk option and so with it being a whopping 28 degrees outside, we weren’t the only ones there in jeans. 😉 The proceeds of the race went to Honor Flight Maine {a non-profit organization created solely to honor America’s Veterans for all their service and sacrifices. Honor Flight Maine transport America’s heroes to Washington, D.C. to tour, experience and reflect at their memorials.} Now all that’s left is the Pastry and Tea Half Marathon before I can check this goal off my list. Goal #12 — Read or Listen to 26 New Books {21 down, 5 to go} Still listening to Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan. Books I’ve Read or Listened to So Far This Year: Marilla of Green Gables #1 Still my favorite The Great Alone #2 The Aviator’s Wife #3 Before We Were Yours #4 Secrets of a Charmed Life #5 Where’d You Go, Bernadette #6 Carnegie’s Maid #7 The Gown #8 Unbroken #9 Drama#10 The Alice Network #11 The Shape of Mercy #12 Will’s Red Coat #13 Big Little Lies #14 Mr. Churchill’s Secretary Born to Run I Feel Bad About My Neck Bunny Mellon  {Doesn’t count because it was my second time} On Writing {Doesn’t count because it was my third time} Walden Finder’s Keepers Delicious! Following Atticus Goal #13 — Try 52 New Recipes. 33 down, 19 recipes to go. Last week I shared a recipe for Turkey Salad. It’s the perfect recipe for using up those last pieces of turkey from Thanksgiving dinner. Goal #14 — Clean Up 52 Old Recipes on the Blog 9 down, 44 to go. I should get moving… because at this rate, I’ll be in the kitchen cooking the entire month of December. The poor bakeries. They’re going to suffer because I won’t be able to leave the house. Goal #15 — Fill 100 Canning Jars 48 down, 52 to go. No canning this past week and because I want to finish getting all that wool dyed, I won’t be canning anything this week either. Oddly enough though, I’m totally not even worried about reaching this goal. Peeps need their holiday jam, I’ll get it done. 🙂 So far this year I’ve I canned: 7 jars Peach Jam 7 jars of Strawberry Jam 15 jars of Carrot Cake Jam 15 jars of Spiced Pear Jam  4 jars of Almond Pears. Goal #16 — Finish Furnishing Our House I found a cadet blue vase at the thrift store this week {I found a pretty good one in town I like to pop in and check out every week} and brought it home. I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do with it yet, but I like it and didn’t want someone else to snatch it up. We also hung a reproduction vintage map of Maine that was printed with the E.B. White quote “I would rather feel bad in Maine than feel good anywhere else” in a handmade barnwood frame on the wall in the family room. I am going for a coastal look in there and things are starting to come together. I still need to make the roman shades and find {create?} a few more things for the walls, but I’m on track to get the room completed by the end of the month. Goal #17 – 52 Dates with the HH {38 down, 14 to go} We went on a lunch date to The Cheese Iron and walked a 5k together. 🙂 Goal #18 — Take One Adult Education Class Done {I’ve taken 3!} Block Printing Class with my neighbor. Spoon Carving Class with Heather. Mini pottery lesson {I loved it! and now I want to sign up for a full class} Goal #19 — Secret Holiday Project{s} One of my secret holiday projects this year was block print towels and another was to make a few seed packet wreaths. I do have a couple more projects that would  be perfect for gift giving up my sleeve, and plan to share those on the blog soon. Goal #20 — Create 12 Wowie Zowie Party Platters 6 down, 6 to go. I need to get my game on. Seriously, I am running out of time. Goal #21 — Visit 12 General Stores 9 down 3 to go. The HH and I have plans to check out another one this week. 🙂 🙂 🙂 H.B. Provisions in Kennebunk, Maine Chase’s Daily {I think it should count} Squam Lake Marketplace Harrisville General Store Dodge’s Store in New Boston, New Hampshire Zeb’s General Store in North Conway, New Hampshire Dan and Whit’s in Norwich, Vermont Hussey’s General Store in Windsor, Maine Goal #22 — Compete with Carole….. Get on My Front Door Game On Much to the horror of my husband, I stood out on the front porch this morning in my pj’s wrapped in a blanket and puffy coat to take this photo. 🙂 🙂 🙂  The corn, along with the big pumpkins on the porch will stay until the day after Thanksgiving. Absolutely NO Christmas decorations until the day after Thanksgiving. Leg lamp included. Front Door Bling I’ve Made So Far This Year to Compete with Carole: Late January : Valentine Heart Late February : Shamrock Late March : Giant Carrot May: White wave petunia hanging basket June/July: Tin Star and Flag Bunting August : Sunflower September: Indian corn and pumpkins October: Pumpkins and spinner do hickeys November: Indian corn and big pumpkins ************** How about YOU? What are your goals for 2019? If you told us about them HERE, check in! We want to know how you are doing. Because seriously, it’s so much easier to get those goals checked off your list when you have people rooting for you! 🙂 Have a great day everyone, Mavis You can read more about my 22 goals for 2019 HERE. Have a Great Day! The post – Week 45 of 52 appeared first on One Hundred Dollars a Month. This content was original published at One Hundred Dollars a Month and is copyrighted material. If you are reading this on another website it is being published without consent.          Comments I read The Aviator ‘s Wife on your recommendation and almost ... by Janice It been a week or 'Sprucing up' the house at our place this ... by HollyG I finished sewing all the panels (6 panels with 11 pieces each) ... by Mel Related Stories – Week 44 of 52 – Week 43 of 52 – Week 42 of 52 #12GoalsForTheNewYear
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/my-22-goals-for-2021
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heiketoussaint · 5 years
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You've asked about the tiled mosaic hearts in Kalk Bay. There is indeed a story and an inspiration behind them, and they are a result of many things.
They serve to show Places of Unrealised Potential. Places that could be beautiful, if someone cared for them or cleaned them. Sometimes they already are good places, because they look out onto a beautiful view, but they go largely unnoticed. They are places that could do with a bit of love and attention.
I lived in Kalk Bay for two years, in a cosy little fisherman's flat on the first floor. I worked for the architects downstairs, and found a few leftover tiles and grout under the sink in the office. That's when I started making the hearts, also as a way of testing people's reaction/feelings of ownership to public space. While I made the first few hearts I was petrified of being arrested for doing something illegal, later I realised no one really cared or felt that they had a right to claim the space, and in fact people generally liked the fact that I improved, 'decorated' a bit of communal property. Most of the hearts I still made early on Sunday mornings though, which I guess is not the average time one would engage in illegal activity:)
I've always liked graffiti, really admire the work of Faith47 - but I don't believe in vandalism. I lived in Barcelona for a year, and loved the graffiti there. I often saw Spanish azulejos (blue tiles) on walls...also the little space invader, which is tiled in big cities all over the world. The hearts are a bit of a tribute to all of this.
There used to be many. Some of them have been washed away by the tide, others painted over, some gave rise to new graffiti so that the wall's owners removed them.
The three you mentioned: red light house jetty, Olympia Cafe, Dalebrook Beach Subway (that's my favourite one)...
These are some more: bottom right hand side of door by India Jane, the shop next to the station; right hand side of three tiny steps on cream coloured wall close to Tribecca Bakery; above on of the stone arches on the viaduct by the beach; at Wolley's Pool (tidal pool on the way to Clovelly), next to the phone booth which is hidden between The Olde Trading Post and Sirocco's; St James Beach water tap; at the far end of Muizenberg Beach, at the end of the derelict walk way, at the point where you'd turn around if you've gone for a long walk (this one might be gone now); on a vibracrete fence on Clovelly Road (also gone); another one by Dalebrook, on the two small steps just next to the pool (might be hidden by stones); on the electricity pole next to the railway tracks - this one you see if you're watching the surfers at the Break; my second favourite (also this one didn't last I think) on the white wall adjoining the black wall next to the Artvark Gallery or close to it; on the stone steps leading to the Chartfield Guesthouse; halfway up Windsor Rd on your left is a small architects' studio, on the bottom right of their door; the wall opposite what looks like a small amphitheater next to the Brass Bell  (this one gone too)...I think I might have made one next to what used to be Hennie's shop, where the homeless men stand.
These are the ones I remember. Enjoy finding the rest of them.
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davidpwilson2564 · 5 years
Wednesday, May1, 2019
It is time to buy a pair of shoes, for the gig.  This accomplished (sticker shock!) I begin wending my way back home via Columbus Avenue.  (I know I won't take those shoes out of the box until opening night.)  Roger Parrett, trumpeter, is sitting on the bench that Magnolia Bakery has provided.  We worked together for years.  Is he retired?  He tells me he is asked to play for some musician memorials.  He jokes about asking those who are about to go to give him some notice so he can get his chops in shape. (Brass instruments, if neglected, can be particularly unforgiving.) I haven't seen him in a long time there  is much to catch up on.  But Roger, being loquacious, is one of those people you are likely never to get caught up with.  We talk of one thing another sometimes having to shout as trucks roar past.  He mentions a Radio City gala he played for in which Henny Youngman (I used to see him standing in front of Carnegie Deli) was called out of retirement.  Roger said Henny, who was beginning to have memory lapses, used a teleprompter.  I am trying to picture this scene. (Those one liners scrolling by...)  We talk about some of the gigs we did.  After all while I realize: this is quite enough catching up and I'm going to have to move on.  This I do.  Will I ever see him again?  He almost died (he told me all about it) after running up some stairs to catch a train.  Funny man, a riot.  I guess I could talk to him for hours. 
Thursday, May 2, 2019
A M...Geffen Hall.  Open rehearsal, New York Phil.  Semyon Bychkov conducting.  R. Strauss "Ein Heldenleben."  "A Hero's Life," the composer being the hero.   Followed by a piece I've never heard or even heard of.  Max Bruch "Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra" played by the Labeque sisters, one of whom is Mrs. Bychkov.  The sisters are dressed in black. They are a class act, as is Maestro Bychkov but the piece (though I am a fan of Bruch) is not without it longueurs. 
Note: As I was writing the above Bruch's "Kol Nidre" came on the radio.  His most famous piece, yes?  And there is that great, rarely performed, concerto for Clarinet and Viola (!). 
It is a beautiful spring-like day. 
Friday, May 3, 2019
Movie, on loan from Netflix, "Green Book."  Don Shirley's trip to the Deep South.
I had look up Shirley. I had in my mind he was still alive, still living in one of those great apartments adjacent to Carnegie Hall.  Perhaps I thought this because of the recent David Hadju piece about Shirley in the N Y Times.  I'd have to look at this article again. 
'Green Book" won some Academy Awards but I can't remember what they were.  Some said the movie was a variation on "Driving Miss Daisy."  (I liked the play, which was short and sweet but felt they did too much elaboration with the film.  I digress.)
Odd dream in which I am playing an outdoor concert and everyone is talking about the latest news: that Robert Mueller has been fired. (!) 
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taaj87 · 6 years
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Henny = Love ❤️ 💕 Order your Hennessy Valentine’s Day Cake Today! For ordering information or questions, call 704-464-0767. Absolutely NO DM’s! #bakery #getsweeted #704 #charlotte #cupcakes #704lifestyle #bride #wedding #bridebook #foodie #foodporn #customcakes #dessertbar #edibleart #charlotte #southernbride #charlotteeats #love #cltbakery #charlottewedding #fondant #creativeloafing #cakepops #valentines #baby #babyshower #life #sweets #cakes #charlottesgotalot https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs4IjKJBM3y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ukj0l912uafk
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blogsbynyi · 5 years
Tough Guy Thursday Keeping it Fresh!
Naima The Blogger
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Welcome to Blogs By NYI Tough Guy Thursday’s You know I love fellas! I had to make a special place for them
On the BLOG!
I am sure that my women readers appreciate it and are looking forward to reading about our feature gentlemen that will be gracing the page. I hope that even the men who read the features here feel inspired and will share with others. The focus of why I started this is I want to share stories of progressive men doing extraordinary things, for themselves, families and their communities.  Here I am sharing the stories of upstanding, progressive gentlemen who need an opportunity to have a platform to tell their stories. As you all know, I refer to myself as a storyteller, among many other titles, yet this one is the one that tells all. Thank you for reading and getting to know who and what NYI is all about!
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Three years ago Chef Fresh started his online Bakery “ Fresh Taste Bakery.” I asked him what motivated him to become an entrepreneur, his response was “I am a natural-born risk-taker.” Chef Fresh resides in the New York City area where his company became the go-to location for their famous “Carrot Cake Cookies.”
He started his online bakery 3 years ago and has been having, winning success ever since. Fresh says I am just getting started. He refers to his hustle as trailblazing which has been instilled in him from a young age. His self mission is to be a positive example for all the people that come from the same circumstances as himself. Which has been underprivileged communities with little to no opportunities or quality resources to obtain a stable life.
A Note from Chef Fresh
I’m the owner of an online Bakery in NYC called Fresh Taste Bakery!! We are famous for our Carrot Cake Cookies! Remember, nothing is impossible. You reap what you sow and usually nothing more. Understand the difference between opinions and facts and also develop the art of responding as opposed to reacting. Chef Fresh has expressed his trials and struggles with street gangs and drug activity. He was introduced to the Doe Fund while completing his sentence in prison. There is when he was introduced to people who wanted to see him succeed and invested in his success. They supported his forward progression with mentorship, resources, and direction. He has become a “Self-Made” successful man, by taking advantage of the unique and special opportunity that was presented before him.
Read the full blog post and find out how you can place an order with Fresh Taste Bakery-https://www.nyiproductions.com/blogsbynyi/freshtastebakery
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naturalbabydol · 5 years
Happy Mother’s Day Darlings! This has been one of the “BEST MOTHER’S DAY” to date for me. Although I consider everyday to be Mother’s Day this one was definitely one for the books. Whew! When I say that I had an amazing experience this trust me I did. There are a series of events / reasons that have worked together to make this “The Best Mother’s Day” and they will be listed in no particular…
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clarisaysblog · 5 years
We love our bread and...
Henny Penny Cakes
My family and I love bread and other types of pastries. You see, there’s this small bakery outside our village and they sell various types of bread, cookies, dough confection and more. Here are a few of their offerings we are obsessed with at the moment – pan de monggo, pan de ube, fried doughnut and bavarian cream doughnuts.
YUM!!! 🙂 (more…)
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yankee-167th · 6 years
The Irritable Sow.
Dateline: Long Crendon, December 24.
Grey, cold and wet. Here we are in Buckinghamshire and the village has a new bakery. It’s first in a line of old stables, at the end of which is a stall with a very large and very pregnant sow called Hennie. Hennie is a Gloucester Old Spot and she’s shuffling her hay around and grunting, trying to get comfortable. She must weight 500 pounds and is irritable.…
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