#but i just dont connect with a lot of the girls i match with
chaoxfix · 2 months
fuck! its lonely as hell here. ive been bad at admitting it but i dont know if this is viable long-term unless i start making friends here or Really Really pouring into writing, which hasn't panned out and probably wont until i get back on antidepressants (oops! shouldn't have gotten off of them after all!). it was manageable when every single thursday i had therapy and i had an extremely regular calling schedule with other friends. but. fuck.
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stellardeer · 8 months
Is it wrong to be a Taylor Swift hater?
Like... is it low-key leftover internalized misogyny?
Or does her music just suck?
#idk i could go on but why bother#ive been thinking about this a lot lately#like i really used to be EXTREMELY misogynistic growing up and i started hating tswift from the beginning and never changed my mind#but i cant tell if all my reason for not liking her are actually justified or if its just confirmation bias#and the first name she gave was taylor swift. and i couldnt help but laugh out loud. (over text#but i genuinely dont find her music interesting#i did like that blank space song the first time i heard it#but after listening to the words i realized i didnt really connect with it and didnt like it as much#but its got a really fun melody#idk its also kind of like that post thats like 'were you an OG justin bieber hater at age 13 just because?'#like is part of my disdain for her just stemming from my need to dislike popular things in general cause im a pretentious little indie lover#who knows idk#maybe i shouldnt hate taylor swift#hating taylor swift isnt a personality trait#but also i cant stop thinking about this one girl i matched with on tinder who said she was going into hearing medical sciences#because of the profound effect that music has had on her in her life#and i already knew exactly how she would answer this question just from looking at her but i asked her#what artists she enjoyed that had such a profound effect on her#and the first name she gave was taylor swift and i couldnt help but laugh out loud#(over text tho she did not hear me thankfully)#idk maybe i have nothing againt the woman as a person (i dont fucking know her so i cant) but im just annoyed by the concept of her#she has this like false success story of being a small town nobody who made it big or something#but that isnt even true she had a rich father who was able to move her across the country#and use his wealth and connections to jumpstart her career#i DO think it is impressive that she writes all of her own songs in an age where the mainstream music industry does not do that#but there are a million and one indie artists writing their own songs that i appreciate more#because theyre writing about things i actually care about#not to mention the way people believe with theyre whole heart that she is queer like come on yall...
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angelsdxmise · 2 months
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Pt. 2 to ORPHIC
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when Bakugou is paired with a girl that’s not spared a glance for a project, he wants to explode. Why does his mind keep going blank when he looks at you then?
Contains: tiny bit of angst, readers a little hopeless, imagine the rest urself, there might be profanity idk i dont remember
a/n: 2.7k words 😔 plz consider reblogging and sending requests! btw pls remember italics mean reader is thinking. enjoy the fic ❤️
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Your dorm room matched your personality somehow, and then again, it didn’t. 
It had posters, a TV, and a bookshelf filled with figures from your favorite mangas, decorative sculptures everywhere, and classic LEDs. Your room seemed to also have a main color, which was black. Though it managed to maintain some color. 
Thank the gods you had cleaned your room when you finished eating, because if you hadn’t it would’ve been very much flammable. You usually wouldn’t be worried about it, but since someone who has quite a destructive quirk turned up to your dorm demanding to be let in, you felt relieved.
A low, calming rhythm played on your speaker as you reviewed your slides. An herbal incense flooded your senses as you relaxed. You were so calm that you almost forgot Bakugou was next to you.
“Hey, I think you forgot to add my quirk’s drawbacks.” You flatly spoke. You never looked away from your laptop as your brows furrowed in utter concentration. You moved your hair out your face, slightly fanning yourself as you breathed out short huffs. You closed your balcony doors and turned your fan off to have your incense earlier, which you may have regretted.
Bakugou held back a long groan as he added another slide. “Tell me what they are.” He grumbled in a stale tone. He wanted to plug his nose and ears since he wasn’t used to such a strong smell. While you explained your quirk drawbacks and the reason for them, he cut you off in the middle of the sentence to ask,
“Is that a Rob Zombie poster?” 
Your head perked up in acknowledgment as you lost focus due to your zeal. Does he like Rob Zombie? Am I dreaming right now? “Uh, yeah.. do you--do you not like him?” You stammered out. A pang of shame ran through you, he was just a boy with a bad temper. There’s no point in being so scared.
“Why else would I be asking about it?!” He yelled, which put a beaming smile on your face. “Sorry! You don’t—I mean, you just surprised me!” You quickly explained, “I can play some of his songs, or you could just put your own playlist on my speaker.”
You took his phone and connected it to the speaker which temporarily paused your music, and handed it back to him which he aggressively snatched. Once he finally picked a playlist after scrolling endlessly, you actually ended up having similar music tastes. “I never took you for someone who liked a lot of rock bands, but for some reason, I’m not that surprised.” You played with the bracelets on your wrists as you admitted the last part of your sentence.
Bakugou took note of this and took his fingers off his keyboard. “You’ve learned something new then.” He shut his laptop and put his study supplies in the bag. Your voice made him pause for a moment. “Could you uh, send me the playlist? You don’t have to, I just like your taste.” 
He set his bag down and looked at you. “Give me your phone number.” He abruptly said, taking you off guard. “Huh?!” 
“I need your number to send the link, dumbass!” He snatched your phone out of your hands and made a new contact of himself. He didn’t even bother giving it a name. He kept muttering words you couldn’t make out, so you felt a little scared. When he stood, you quickly called out a thank you which he acknowledged with a small wave before closing your door.
At the sound of your door closing, you just sat there processing what happened. A smile didn’t leave your face and you didn’t feel any shame to force it to go away. Days like this were unusual for someone like you. Being on good terms with the most hot-headed student at UA. It’s best to say you had a peaceful sleep that night.
For once you had hope for your school life. Maybe you could save your social life a little. But, of course, your desires seem impossible to reach once you return to class. 
Your head rested against your desk as one of your hands reached down to pull your tights down, then came back up to cover your ear. It seems today was a cheerful day for the others as you overheard many of them talking about how their project would get full scores for how lucky they were with their partners.
Then, there were the booming voices of annoying teenage boys. Especially Mineta. You felt like you should start wearing pants to school in fear of him crawling under your desk and violating you in every way possible. Is this what Hell is like? Am I in the deepest circle?
Thankfully the class had quieted down immediately when Aizawa burst through the Class 1-A doors that were ginormous for some apparent reason. His voice made your head lift up in a stalled manner, as you felt sluggish today. You had been skipping on your nightly skincare, so your eyebags were still a little noticeable. 
You set your head in your palm as you wrote what you could manage, but ended up dozing off near the last hours. Even with a good sleep, you still managed to be exhausted. It’s difficult to live. 
You and your mom had left your dad and moved to Musutafu. You had to take what you could get when you got accepted into U.A. Honestly, you felt envious of people such as Yaoyorozu and Aoyama. You never really bought from designer brands when times were rough, and your mother had to alternate jobs.
As school ends and you’re on your way back to the dorms, you decide to take a quick walk down to any convenience store you can find. You held onto the strap of your backpack as you walked into the closest one, your eyes scanning for some bento sets. 
Once your eyes had landed on them, you selected one and made sure you had enough money to spare after purchasing it. Usually, the cashier for this store was shitty and had an attitude for no reason. But of course, you didn’t know his life so you tried to not judge. 
Confusion took hold of your senses as you didn’t see any cashier there. Oh well. You placed half the amount the bento costs on the counter, not necessarily stealing it, but giving what you felt he deserved. You put the rest of your money in your backpack’s side pocket as you made your way back to your dorm. 
A long walk is an understatement. It felt like 10 years was what it took to walk up that hill, wiping your forehead constantly as short huffs came from your throat. You opened the door to the dorms and darted straight for the elevator. The cool air made you relax for a moment before a beep came, and your feet dragged you out.
You woke up as your eyes spotted a small pouch sitting in front of your door. What’s this?.. you mused for a minute before picking it up and opening the door, a sudden warmth hitting your skin as you reached for your fan. You shut the door behind you as you hurriedly sat on your bed to open it up.
You reached for a small note that was inside which read, “I don’t know how you handle that herbal shit, use this.” Oh, it came from Bakugou. Your hands found another item, a cylinder-shaped object that made your eyes brighten in excitement as you quickly pulled it out.
He got me incense! An expensive one at that, no way! You flipped the incense packaging around, which read ‘Kitowa’. 
You stood to turn your fan off and went to your nightstand to replace your current incense with the gifted one. Once your lighter’s flame had hit the tip of the incense stick, a light woody smell filled your room which made your body slump and release a huge breath you didn’t know you were holding.
I should send him a thanks, it’s the least I could do. You reached over for your phone and opened his contact. You quickly typed out a ‘thank you for the incense Bakugou! It smells really nice.’ and stared at your message for a moment. You were pondering over your own message, and also making the realization that you were nervous.
You were genuinely nervous and giddy at the same time to send this text. You got over it anyway and made haste to throw your phone across the bed before kicking your shoes off and face-planting into your pillow. You didn’t make an effort to change as you succumbed to the exhaustion.
A loud knock woke you up, your eyes didn’t open as you sat up, trying to process what was going on. Another loud knock sounds and your eyes shoot open. What the hell? “Coming!” you groan out as you stand from your bed. Stumbling over your shoes and bag you reach your door, opening the handle. You’re met with the face of Bakugou. Okay, I’m definitely awake now..
“Change your clothes. There’s dinner downstairs and you haven’t come down at all.” His jagged voice interrupted your thoughts. “Wait—whaaa?..” You muttered, rubbing your eyes. “Hurry up.” He grabs the handle and closes your door.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have the fattest grin on your face after he closed your door. You dug through your clothes, throwing on a pair of black sweatpants and a misfits band shirt. You grabbed your phone and stopped for a moment as you looked at the notification.
***: it's no problem 4:03 P.M.
***: where the hell are you? dinners been ready for 10 minutes come down 6:47 P.M.
He ended up coming to your dorm 5 minutes after he sent the last message. You put some socks on before opening your door up again, and you tried to swallow down the lump in your throat as you saw Bakugou with his back leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed.
His signature frown was still plastered across his face as his eyes set on you. “Move your feet faster, extra.” He rasped out, already heading for the elevator, you quickly followed behind and attempted to make an effort to hide the shock on your face.
He somewhat punched the common room button, and you flinched when he did.
He pressed the button to close the doors more gently.
The ride down was a bit awkward, but you found comfort in the silence. Once the doors had opened, you walked out behind him. He grabbed your wrist suddenly and leisurely pulled you to his side as he kept walking, never letting go until you made it to the kitchen.
A few classmates noticed and pointed it out to the rest, as you lightly scratched the back of your neck in embarrassment. I guess I’d be staring too if I saw someone with such a bad temper hanging around me. you thought as you grabbed a bowl. “Get me one too.” Bakugou insisted, and you stopped for a second. Reaching your other hand up, you said, “You haven’t eaten yet?” as you grabbed the second bowl and set it down. 
“I’m just grabbing seconds,” He began to fill his bowl as he glanced at you. “Everyone’s already eaten. The losers are gonna do a movie night.” Your eyes lost their light at the sound of that. Of course, nobody told you. You drowned in your own dismal as you filled up your bowl with food. The smell made you feel slightly better, but it was nowhere near happy.
Once you were done, you turned to Bakugou. “Thanks for bringing me down, I’m just gonna head back upstairs.” You spoke in a brittle voice, and before you could reach the elevator you heard his footsteps coming from behind you. You could tell he made an effort to catch up.
He didn’t turn his eyes to you or offer an explanation after he pressed his floor's button, and didn’t allow you to go to yours. You frowned, “What’re you doing?” He finally looks at you. “Back to my dorm.”
whaa.. HUH?
“Wait—what?” You couldn’t process his sudden words as he took your wrist once more in his free hand, dragging you along with him to his dorm. He opened his door and ushered you to the bed before closing it.
You reluctantly sat down, as it was the second and only time you’d been in his dorm for any purpose other than school. He sighed as he sat down with his back against the bed frame, and pulled his laptop out from his bag.
“If you don’t sit next to me, you’re not gonna be able to watch the movie, you idiot.” His words made your ears blaze with heat and you carefully scooted next to him, making sure not to spill any food. “Got anything you wanna watch?” He asked as he took a bite of the hotpot.
“Hmm.,” Your eyes drifted to the side as you thought, “What about The Florida Project?” You suggested, “It’s not on Netflix, we’d probably have to find a random website to watch it.” 
He smiled faintly, he’s seen that before and so have you. “I’m fine with that.” His tone was softer as he clicked away to find a website to watch the movie. As he pressed play you scooted a tiny bit closer to watch it.
Midway through the movie you both finished your bowls and made slight comments on every scene, and he evilly laughed at most of the sad scenes while you scolded him for it.
As the movie reached the end, you had been leaning against him with your head on his shoulder. He had one hand behind his head and the other resting against his thigh. You nearly cried.
As the movie finished, you fell asleep against him. He abandoned the movie a while ago, but not on purpose. He took a little time to think about you since you’d been running around his mind without consent anyway.
Not only were you pretty, but your personality seemed to be a calming point for him. You, yourself, seemed to tell him to chill. You liked similar things, and you introduced him to incense which he secretly had on his shelf, above his bed. He had also ended up putting in orders for a few new posters after seeing your room.
He took the chance of your sleeping state to quietly shut off his laptop and hesitantly reached his hand around your body to rest it on your hip. He rested his head against yours as he rubbed small circles on your skin.
You shifted a little and his heart jumped, not wanting you to think he was some sort of pervert. Bakugou was slightly sure that his classmates were asleep, so he decided to carry you back to your dorm.
You awoke the next morning in your bed, sluggishly rising up and stretching as your joints popped. 4:32 read the time, and you definitely couldn’t go back to sleep now. You decided to take the extra time and get ready for school.
You smoothed out your skirt as you took your seat, and this time you didn’t rest your head in your palm. You felt like you finally rested your body. Your eyes darted up as you heard a thud in front of you. It was.. Bakugou?
He crashed into the seat in front of you, putting his elbows on your desk and turning his body to you. “Let’s uh.. study at that new cafe that opened up.” He looked away as he huffed the words out, suddenly interested in the outside world.
Is he asking me on a date or something? “Oh.. I mean,” His heart dropped and his brows furrowed as you started to talk. He had doubts about you saying no, and it seemed they were coming true.
“Sure.. I was gonna ask you, actually.” You giggled, setting your hands on the desk as you tapped your nail occasionally against it. He turned back to you, and he had a genuine smile plastered across his face as he didn’t leave this time immediately. He stayed, and he talked with you.
And he would do it many, many more times.
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pls do not post anywhere w/out permission
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔪𝔞 𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔶𝔭𝔢
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↳ the sexual feminine archetype of the mystic archetype.
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♇ when your percentage of the lover percentage is 70% and over. and when your personal score matches with your percentage engima the most.
♇ the enigma is one of the sexual feminine archetypes that belong to the feminine archetype the mystic, whereas the other sexual feminine archetype is the goddess.
♇ people who belong to the enigma archetype are perceived as earthy and have this mesmerising and magnetic energy that can be depicted as positive.
♇ some of them could be seen as very aloof and can have a resting bitch face. they're spiritual people and positive enigmas have a hard time being narcissistic and cold.
♇ they're people who dont necessarily need fame or attention, [they just focus on what they create and people are attracted to], these women are more focused on their inner peace.
♇ they are people who feel like they need to connect to a higher source of power, its comforting for them to know that there is something bigger than them that they can be lenient on.
♇ since they're people who like peace so much, they could have this tendency of fleeing from situations when they recognise that trouble would be led to them in the end. they're women who are likely to have a sense of high value of themselves and to reach that, they like to ground their energy.
♇ when it comes to romance, they like to make their lover feel seen and heard. enigmas are HUGE lovers, and most of them express their love for them within their music. like when i was writing the enigma post, fka twig's song, pendulum kept on playing in my head.
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♇ the lyric "dying to be yours" repeated in my head, sometimes, enigmas are the type of women to drop everything to be and please their significant other. the link to the song :)
♇ they can sometimes overlook their lover's very bad flaws, and can be the type of people to be into open-relationships.
♇ when it comes to non-romantic situations, or in general, they're people who keep a big part of themselves only to themselves, they don't like the idea of people knowing about them 100%.
♇ as it comes to people interacting with them, people might give them the burden of having to fix them.
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♇ they can get into episodes where they have a lot of blockages when it comes to expressing their sensuality or creativity. enigmas are the type of people to live in their head than executing their ideas.
when it is not blocked you'll find them to be people with very artistic and original.
♇ though, enigmas come in many forms, even though they are people who can love very deeply, they're also very closed off women. watching interviews of them, most of them have reminded me of manic pixie girls.
♇ they're women who are very strong with their opinions, and since they're strong about their thoughts they can be very poetic. they're woman who can easily express their feelings so people can understand where they are coming from.
♇ when around the right people, they can come off as very chatty but they're the type to speak about everything but themselves.
♇ i have noted that many of them do know how to sing, i've implied that they're creative and enigmas are likely going to be those who take the musician route.
♇ are aware of how society and how poorly it treats people, so they try and help others, [and the earth]. they're people who always like to be prepared and can be considered as very cute. they have this earthy energy to them but still like to indulge in luxury, chiefly for their jewellery.
♇ they like to nurture things so they are the type to get plants or even pets. [and as a stretch could be open to having kids].
♇ when enigmas are really in love with someone or just take a liking too much for a person, they can become very agreeable people, they sometimes become a walking mat or you could say people-pleaser.
♇ after watching tons of interviews many of them do have a raspiness to their voice, could sometimes be because of weed. or just smoking in general.
♇ as it comes to their aesthetic, i have observed many of them like neutral colours and are into self-care. the type to have many skin products.
♇ scent/senses is very important for them and they tend to be very hygienic people.
♇ out of all the feminine archetypes, enigma archetypes are the ones who have the most diverse personalities, makes sense to the title of their archetype, not knowing who or what they specifically are.
♇ are women who are direct with what they want, especially when it does come to romance, confident enigmas know what they want and they get it. they could have many romances but not marry, plus, if they're famous they're likely tired with the attention they get.
♇ are sexually fluid people and love to express their sensuality within their art. many of them love memories and will always be grateful with what they have been taught in the past.
♇ moreover, when i was watching interviews of them, many of them had voices i did not expect them to have. if not careful can get pressured easily and hastily anxious. the type to want to make others feel included. they like to heal, very spiritual people, and as i have said that they remind me of manic pixies, the more i did my research on them, the more i realised they're very fairy-like.
♇ they're people who are interested in research and like to embrace their powerful feminine side. the type to indulge in witch-craft; some enigmas can be very insecure about their face, can be interested in cosmetic surgery, [even though all of them are gorgeous]. + also noticed many of them have very curvy bodies.
♇ can appear as two-faced or fake because they want to set a certain reputation of themselves. don't like drama or would walk away from the mess they made. they do like to be left alone and due to this people might consider them as boring, but they just have a wall in front of their real personality.
♇ as they are people who like to ground themselves, they are people who are long to temper, or try not to be easily tempered.
fashion wise, they are people who know their colours really well. are likely going to wear gold jewellery.
♇ and can sometimes come off as very bimbo-like because of their lack of care for things. they are people who are very open about their past, and majority of the time, young enigmas were forced into the spotlight. [asia monet ray + kourtney kardashian].
♇ they are great entertainers and can be favoured in what they do. what makes them more likeable is their sunny appearance. some of them display themselves as delicate. on the other hand, people might find them to be weird.
♇ sometimes enigmas can come off as childlike and a lot of them have chubby-cheeks.
other enigmas ↴
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♇ enigmas i put above are fka twigs, krotchy, frida kahlo, greta garbo, kourtney kardashian and nicole kidman.
♇ understanding the enigma archetype, is that it shows that they are women who are usually deeply underestimated when it comes to their intelligence, spiritual women who are on a hermit path of understanding themselves and others.
♇ and to make the enigma archetype easier to comprehend i gathered characters from different tv shows or films that come under the archetype.
⟶ harry potter franchise - luna lovegood, embodies the shy and kept to themselves side of the enigmas, [as i said they are a very fluid and diverse archetype], as enigmas, luna is perceived to be someone who is strange but doesnt allow it to make her feel insecure. she helps other people and is kind, embraces her quirkiness.
⟶ from american horror story [coven] - misty day, the stereotypical spiritual enigma who cares for nature and the earth. has a special connection with animals and with life itself, very caring and eccentric, and as a healthy enigma, she doesnt allow people's views of her to bring her down.
⟶ avatar the way of water - kiri, when i was thinking of fictional characters who are the enigma, kiri was the first character that appeared in my head. she is connected with the earth, creative and connects herself to a higher source of power, [even though she is already connected to eywa from what i believe]. is connected to life and death.
⟶ from friends - phoebe buffay, embodies the childlike nature of the enigma, the nature where people perceive them to be "ditzy". when she is around the people she likes, she can come off as very chatty.
⟶ naruto franchise - hinata hyuga/uzumaki, embodies the shy nature of the enigma. the enigma that loves with their all, can have creative blockages and people underestimate who she is and her power. hinata is aware of how the world poorly treats people as she did belong to clan that didnt really care for their people. [ex. neji]. sometimes expresses the mysterious side an enigma can be.
⟶ from the original franchise - freya mikaelson, is the witch of her family and is very connected to nature, chiefly because of the time she was born. she is someone who likes to ground herself and is one of the siblings who thinks things out the most, will do anything for the sake of love and family. strong opinions and holds a strong bond of life and death, like misty day.
⟶ the last of us - dina woodward, likes to be connected to a higher source, shows when she gives ellie the evil eye bracelet, embodies the expressive side of the enigma and is likely open to "open-relationships" chiefly due to her bond with jesse and ellie. she is direct with what she wants, does like her peace.
⟶ from the haunting of hill house - nell crain, some people overlook her connection to a higher source of power; to see how you are going to die since you were young is pretty psychic. had spiritual phases and like many enigma characters is very connected with death, had tried to ground herself but wasnt able, especially becuase of her therapist. does keep a big part of herself but she normally did that because she didnt want to burden her siblings.
⟶ winx club - flora, represents the kind, nature-loving and mysterious side of the enigma, especially with the vibrant colours she wears, it might not really appear that there's this secrecy and mystery to flora's character but ever since i've watched the show when i was young, i've always noted an essence of puzzle and unsolved problem when it comes to her. like she's there but not at the same time.
⟶ from euphoria - cassie howard, you might wonder how cassie belongs to the enigma archetype and the girl embodies everything that an underdeveloped enigma is. is willing to drop everything for her lover, look past the red-flags and become what their lovers wants them to be. cassie is a big lover girl, and likes to make her lovers feel seen and heard, especially for what she did to nate, telling him she can be whatever he wants her to be.
♇ as i have done my research, i gathered that a lot of enigmas are are likely going to have capricorn, leo and pisces in their big three; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ they are also going to have leo, capricorn and taurus appear in their dominant signs; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ the planets jupiter, sun and pluto appeared in their dominant planets the most; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ the element that appeared the most was earth, second was fire and third was water.
♇ lastly, when it comes to the modality, what appeared the most was fixed and the second modality was mutable.
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♇ feminine archetype masterlist
to find out what feminine archetype and sexual feminine archetype you are
buy a natal chart reading from me
♇ pluto
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milaisreading · 9 months
Helloo~ i just wanna lyk that im so freaking obsessed with your blue locks fics specially sae x isagi’s sister y/n. If you don’t mind can you please do a sae x isagi sis reader where oliver wants to get back together with the reader only to find out that shes already in a relationship. Sae got jealous and publics their relationship slsksksk i dont even know if i make sense but i live for possessive sae ❤️‍🩹🔫
🌱🩷: I hope u like what I wrote! Thanks for reading and the request 🫶🏻
Warnings l: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
Sae Itoshi wasn't a particularly jealous person, he never had much of a reason to be jealous. He had the talent it takes to become a football player, the looks, and for the most part important connections in the football world. He was never much of affectionate person either, if you ignore the brotherly love he used to give to Rin. But that pretty much changed when he agreed to the request of playing at a match between the Blue Lock team and Japan's U-20 national team. As Sae expected Rin was there and he wasn't surprised by the progress Rin made. What did surprise him were 3 things: 1. how well the opposing team was keeping up, 2. the ace of Blue Lock, a no name to Sae, leaving most of the team in the dust with his tactics, and the 3rd thing was a certain yell he heard in the middle of the match...
Sae hid his surprise as he heard the girl from the spectators spot yell at the ace, which shocked his team as well. Sae stared at the girl, trying to make out her features as he heard Oliver sigh.
"What's up with you?" The rehead asked.
'Can this guy think of anything else?' Sae wondered, already suspecting what Oliver might say.
"Isn't she just beautiful? God, she used to yell at me like that at times." Oliver smiled warmly, something that surprised Sae. He never looked fondly at anyone.
"You know her or?"
"We used to date a while back... I really messed that one up."
Sae kept quiet as Oliver spoke and shortly after left as his coach called him over. The redhead couldn't wrap his head around that one.
'Oliver used to be in a real relationship? And he was still hung over about it? Weird...' The redhead thought, glancing between Oliver and the girl.
"Sae!! What are you thinking about?" The redhead shook himself out of the memory and looked over at (Y/n), giving her a small smile.
"Nothing, I was just remembering the time I first saw you."
"Oh? That time I walked into you, yeah. That was embarrassing." (Y/n) laughed with a flustered face as Sae stared at her with the same smile.
"Yeah, but you were really cute with that surprised expression. Your clumsiness didn't change much since that night either." Sae chuckled, grabbing her hand as they made their way out of the stadium.
"Hey, it did get better. Don't be mean." She scolded him back. Sae stared at her for a moment, running his eyes over her frown.
'Adorable!' He thought as he poked her cheeks.
"Hey!" (Y/n) protested, getting more embarrassed but didn't remove his hands from her face.
"Anyway, how was your practice today? Yoichi said Luna-san is getting a lot more stricter with the team." She commented as Sae took her hand again. The redhead stayed quiet for a moment, observing the night sky before looking back at her.
"Yeah, he is a lot more on edge, but it's mainly because we have that upcoming game with Ubers."
"That's right, Yoichi did mention that last night to me. But, I am sure you will do great like always." Sae's face grew red at the flattering words and cleared his throat.
"Of course. You know me." The rehead said back, his voice much more cheerful than the usual one. This, a much softer side was something he only reserved for (Y/n) to see. He just wished they could stop hiding this relationship, wearing a mask during summer and in Madrid wasn't the best thing. But, to stay with (Y/n) he would do it.
'Besides...' Sae thought as he looked back at (Y/n), who was lost in her own thoughts at the moment.
'This side of her, the embarrassed, funny, and loving version of her is something only I want to see for now. This side only belongs to me.'
Sae was never more greatful for the mask that hid his red face.
Later that night, Sae was at (Y/n)'s apartment and waiting for her to join him to sleep. He was mindlessly scrolling through his phone when (Y/n)'s phone beeped, signaling that a message arrived. Now, the older Itoshi wasn't someone to pry on other people's phones, especially of his girlfriend so he just ignored it.
'If it is important, she will tell me.' Sae thought to himself. After about 5 minutes, another message arrived and (Y/n) entered the room again.
"I am so tired." Sae glanced at her as she yawned a little.
"Cute." He smiled to himself as he watched (Y/n) grab her phone only to see her frown in confusion.
"What happened?" Sae asked, growing a little worried from her reaction.
"Ah... it's just that Oliver texted me, weird." She mumbled, laying on the bed next Sae. The said boy grew annoyed at those words, he was aware of their history and he didn't enjoy the idea of them being so close. But, it's not like he can tell her who to speak to.
"What does he want?" Sae tried to sound disinterest as he pulled her into a hug, smiling as he felt her relax in it.
"Just said he will arrive in Madrid in 2 days for the match and that we should meet again." She said, reading through his messages. Sae's eyes narrowed a little and his hug tightened as (Y/n) wrote something back, then put her phone away.
"I won't go. Besides, I like spending that time more with you." She answered honestly and kissed Sae's cheek, which caused him to blush a little, kissing the top of her head in return.
"Good. I love spending that time more around you, too."
'I need to do something about Aiku. I know very well that he still has some feelings for (Y/n), and while she will reject him, Aiku isn't one to give up.' Sae kept thinking as he watched (Y/n) slowly fall asleep.
'Should I finally announce the relationship? I like it like this, tho... What to do?' The redhead sighed, burying his face into her hair.
The day of the match had finally come and both Re Al and Ubers were doing good so far. It was half time break right now and the status was 2-1 in Re Al's favor, and bot scored by Sae with Isagi and Luna's help. The team wasn't sure what was going on with Sae, but they weren't complaining. Now, the older Itoshi did plan on scoring when the chance was given to him, but what made his determination skyrocket was what Isagi told him earlier on.
Prior to the game...
"Hmm? I see Aiku still didn't give up." Sae looked over at Isagi as he finished his warm-ups.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean Aiku is still trying to win big sis back. I thought he gave up 2 years ago." Alarmed by those words, Sae looked over to where Oliver was, and sure enough he was talking to (Y/n) about something.
"He wants her back?" Sae asked, his eyes narrowing as (Y/n) moved away from Oliver a little.
"Yeah, he still likes her a lot. He told me earlier when they arrived here that he plans on asking her on a date later on. I told you to come clean with this relationship earlier." Isagi sent Sae a look before going to where his sister was.
'Aiku wants her back? No way will I let that happen.' Sae thought to himself, finally making up his mind over everything.
'I will defeat Aiku, then show him and the whole world to stay away from her.'
And true to Sae's promise, Re Al ended up winning the game, with the redhead surprising everyone with his performance today. And while Luna and the rest of the team were flocking him with praises, Isagi and (Y/n) were standing to the side on the field as the cameras and press walked over to Sae, probably excited for some answers. (Y/n) smiled the whole time at Sae, happy to see him get all the compliments.
'Proud of you.' She thought as someone tapped her shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, Oliver! Great game there! You did great today." (Y/n) said as she saw the taller standing behind her.
"Ahh~ wish we won, though. But, I am happy you liked it. You look quite good today, but I would like it more if you wore my jersey than your brother's."
"Well, I like Yoichi's more!" (Y/n) said back, a little nervous by his words.
Isagi, who was standing close by moved over to where they stood.
"Aiku, don't you have a team to go after?" He asked, a little irritated and worried. Sae was already pissed at Oliver for wanting to win his sister over, if he heard of this now...
And, as if luck wasn't on Isagi's side today, Sae saw the interaction and it was his final straw. He quickly pushed his way past his teammates and press, ignoring the shouts as he walked closer to the trio.
"I am so tired of this." Sae narrowed his eyes as he gently grabbed (Y/n) and turned her to face him.
"Huh? Sae?" She wondered in surprise as a blush covered her face.
'He was never like this in public! Weren't we supposed to be lowkey?' She thought as Sae grabbed her face and moving her closer to him.
"Let's make this official now." He smiled softly, pulling her into a kiss. And, while she did hear the people's gasps, Oliver's shocked yell, and Isagi saying 'finally', she didn't feel as embarrassed as one would expect. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Sae enjoyed this reaction, and he will enjoy this even more when he sees Oliver's defeated expression.
'She is mine. He better back off...'
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shady-shrub · 10 months
me. posting about npmd? its more likely than you think.
I LOVE THE COSTUMES!!! been thinking about it. saw someone's else's post and haven't seen anyone else go crazy over it????
let's look at the lords in black!!
1. everyone has fur!!
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pokey has it around his colar and cuffs. tinky on his shoulder pads. blinky on his belly! and nibbly on his arms.
now. you may be wondering, what about wiggly?? WELL.
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BRO GETS TO JUST. BE 2 IN ONE??? he really decided to be backpack. WHAT A WEIRDO GOOBLY MONSTER.
i dont have a lot of indepth reason for the locations of the fur? mayhaps pokey because that's where puppet strings would go (and he controls people in tgwdlm and yellow jacket). and mayhaps wiggly is different because he's stronger?
IF YOU HAVE BETTER THOUGHTS THAN ME PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO I CAN EAT THEM- i mean agree and have a normal conversation.
2. shoes!!
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I DO! have things to say separately about shoes ehdheheh.
pokey is SO BLUE!! bro has blue tights that melt into the shoes seemingly. a connection to everything being SIGNULAR. that's a stretch BUT! they look like stereotypical shoes in a theater closet (not blue but the shape). as some one in theater, the shoes are usually uncomfy and pointy NOW. these shoes look comfy but theyre still pointy! i dont know much about shoes but yes.
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bro has work boots? these look like my dad's. LOOK AT THAT UNTIED SHOE LACE!! he does NOT care. love him for it. it does look a lil dirty? thats about it.
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BLINKY!!!!!!!!! HOLY. (lauren is insane) LOOK AT THAT HEIGHT!! i hc that its to be tall like his taller brothers (wiggly.) AND LOOK THEYRE SHINY!!! and so are the pants??? YUMMYYY!! and tied so nicely?? bro is popping off
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LOOK AT THE!!! HIS HEART STRAPS???? ya know that person that said nibbly is the youngest? YES. LOOK AT THOSE STRAP ONS!! and the pink outlines I LOVE SO MUCH?? same height thing with blinky pshxbfjf it looks so much like a lil kid would wear <3 <3 nibbly my beloved
now. we're back to wiggly.
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JON. ARE THOSE YOUR TOESY WOSIES??? everyone else dressed up all nice and wiggly just. didn't. I WILL SAY! black and white socks?? LIKE THE BLACK AND WHITE WEAR THEY RESIDE??? also!!! shiny pants again?? blinky and wiggly are matching what silly gooses!
nah guys let's actually look at his shoes
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OKAY THERES A THEME GUYS. wiggly is actually trying to be a human in high school. the backpack, the shoes, the GOSH DARN JACKET??
sorry quick interjection. EVERYONE ON OF THE LORDS IN BLACK LOOK SO GOOD. like people you'd find in school. pokey is obviously theater kid. nibbly a girly girl with skirt but he is also the hungriest guy at lunch. wiggly the popular kid WITH THOSE KICKS. WITH THAT CROWN. blinky looks like a quiet kid. and tinky the weird kid with wacky hair and glasses on his head and pants over his boots and.
OKAY i think im done right now.
side notes:
blinky's sweater looks so comfy!!
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BLUE SHIT??? ON HIS FACE??? also gotta love the hat
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favorite screenshot of silly guy himself. HIS HAND IS AT A 90 DEGREE ANGLE. LOOK. LOOK. LOOK HIS HAND IS BROKEN.
okay bye
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
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care for my kagepro au inspired by phineas and ferb across the 2nd dimension where they hang out in a dark undisclosed location and they all have knives
this is extremely over the top and supposed to be funny btw. ayano's plot hole plan that makes no sense doesn't work but from another angle. she gets spit back from the daze in the same way it doesn't make sense for her to stay in there and she's still in THE AIR FROM JUMPING so erm she shatters a leg and maybe her spine too. fun times. she walks with a limp now
ayano in the daze's like. but i wanted this -> i deserved this -> im guilty i got what i wanted though -> i deserve punishment -> this IS punishment -> but i wanted this (restart) SO in this scenario where she survived she's still struggling with guilt because she DARED try to take the easy way out when she knew her siblings needed her. so now she's edgelord I must protect my siblings i dont deserve my cape (edgily puts scarf away) also the eyepatch is for extra edgelord vibes but i think it'd be cool if she can't control favoring because she's so all over the place so it's always active, and since she feels so much regret she can only project that one memory of her jumping to ppl. sad. so she covers it for the sake of everyone.
because of ayano's survival it's evident kenjirou is posessed so ayano+mekatrio move out immediately and are in actual hiding from him. that's why they're at undisclosed location. seto brings mary with them. so ayano's like ok, saeru wants all the snakes together, they're all gonna gather anyway it's better to have them all in one place and have eyes on them. so she starts the gathering process herself. in this saeru is extremely just Out There cartoonishly taking over the city style i told you this is based on phineas and ferb. i told you. btw the joke is that it's insanely over the top. i just find it episodic and joyful.
also ayano's cold to shintaro because she can't afford to have her feelings for him distract her, she has no right to normal teenage girl feelings like a CRUSH. but shintaro still believes kano as ayano saying IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT was the real ayano which matches with her new behaviour towards him so he's extremely pathetic about it. he's with her through her entire recovery and becomes her right hand man which the trio HAAATE bc ayano doesn't let them do anything but shintaro can always come<3 their missions go from buying groceries to saving haruka and takane from the evil lab to kidnapping hibiya and hiyori. shit like that.
they get hibiya and hiyori and it's their BIGGEST PRIORITY to protect them because they're saeru's next target and if they can avoid having all snakes out it's by making sure these 2 stay alive. erm they don't wanna be there though. it's dark in here and you're all weird as hell. momo is tasked with babysitting them. she's not happy about it.
momo never gets her money controlled, dropped out from school since day 1 and the fame got to her head so she's kinda awful. she's the only one allowed out of wherever the fuck they are because of work she's literally the one paying 4 everything. toxic yuri situation with kido who has one side of their head shaved. you know how it goes. also kido acts rly tough like they're out there killing thugs and goons but mostly they just make food
takane is the medic in the same way barbers used to be surgeons in the middle age which means everyone tries really hard not to get hurt so they don't have to go to her. also saeru's whole Experiments on haruka and takane thing is a lot more evil and ermmm she has one less leg and she's permanently connected to a reactor thing of sorts so she's also the team's tech! woohoo!! it's unknown whether she got opening eyes or not because she has no idea how to activate it which makes ayano rly frustrated. same goes for haruka who has not woken up since aug 15. which is the main reason takane started watching youtube tutorials on medicine. get you a girl who will take care of you if you're in a coma and there is no access to a hospital.
seto and mary wield weapons for one reason or another. kano is extremely guilty about shintaro's guilt but also hates him more than ever bc ayano won't trust him anymore and now shintaro's the one knowing everything. probably some doomed yaoi in there somewhere. this is my evil kagepro au
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kafus · 1 month
yesterday my friend suggested that a crossover between the ye olde vocaloid song black vow alluring secret and likodot made a lot of sense but they weren’t sure how to articulate why and i had never thought about it prior to them bringing it up but it absolutely brain blasted me and after listening to both black vow and white vow again since it’s been a while i wrote a bunch on discord about it
“im still listening to white vow but i See it i see it so much. im trying to figure out how to word things but this might come out poorly LOL IM TRYING
miku meeting rin (as an angel) for the first time is described in black vow as rin being like lost and aimless or whatever and miku's smile and eyes immediately make her fall in love and this is similar in feeling to the jumping point of liko and dot's connection being formed because of liko's friendliness and patience and optimism and etc
dot is a really androgynous character and the idea of her, in this situation, literally changing bodies/swapping genders to be with liko is incredibly believable and within the range of her gender expression
miku has a marriage with some guy who she doesn't actually love (that's when "len" shows up) and it's really giving old timey arranged marriage vibes and i don't know how to articulate this point but the imagery in the mv i could immediately overlay like Amethio on top of that and imagine family drama in that sense
and generally the idea that liko and dot have saved each other's lives and push and pull for each other so often, the general emotional intimacy of their bond and the amount they reach out to each other, when dramaticized Really matches the vibes of this song with rin literally committing essentially angel suicide to be with miku, while on the other hand miku in white vow is tormented by not being able to remember and constantly searching... like they'd look for each other to the ends of the earth. likodot core actually
only thing i dont feel comfortable matching up in particular is Kaito in black vow who the fuck. i guess it being spinel would be interesting, like he's angry about the loss of control over dot, or something
tldr you were so right when you said this dot would fall from grace and become a boy to kiss liko on the mouth
and then a little later i continued my thoughts with
“jumping off of it the last bit about like. liko and dot goinig to the ends of the earth for each other it sounds kind of funny saying it bc like honestly the stakes are just not that high in horizons it sounds dramatic but it's so fucking real like actually
they are defined by reaching out and reaching into each other . uncovering each other's emotional layers. pushing each other to become better people. liko sees dot's face for the first time after dot essentially saves her life and then in the next moment she does the same in return and this is acknowledged by them verbally fellas is it gay to save the life of the girl who was the first to reach out to you the way you needed through your bedroom door as your first in person interaction
you could chuck them into any media with these themes and you could probably make it work”
and i’m still thinking about this i love likodot so much
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browniefox · 5 months
ooo i used to be really big into classpecting in my homestuck days. off the top of my head, id say cloud: maid of void, tifa: mage of blood, barret: seer of doom, aerith: heir of hope, yuffie: thief of time, red: knight of breath, zack: knight of void, and seph: witch of light!! (unfortunatley i dont have a super great hold on cid/vincent/reeve as characters soi dont have a really clear idea for them). happy 4/13!!
Whoa! Thanks! Hope you don't mind me digging right into these.
Cloud: Maid of Void, I can definitely see this as someone filled with nothing or battling with the sense of nothing inside of him. I actually could also see him being a Prince of Blood or something along those lines, a double-edged sword where he starts out destroying his relations with other people, but then being able to use his bonds with others more as a 'power of friendship' style weapon. Also possibly Doom, intially dooming himself but ultimately utilizing it to doom and destroy Sephroth...?
Tifa: Mage of Blood. I love this as Tifa being away of her connections to others and trying to utilize those connections, be the glue that's keeping people together, and especially utilizing that to keep Cloud together. I could also see her being a Maid of Life, especially in regards to how she ultimately is the one who heals Cloud's mind.
Barret: Seer of Doom is such an interesting choice! Like, how he can see the state of the world, which makes it all the more interesting how much he strives to change things. Another could be Knight of Hope, by the way he's sort of the face of the AVALANCHE, which is hope, and how he can provide that hope and drive to others.
Aerith: Heir of Hope, super goes with Aerith and just totally embodying hope for the team, and then how that hope takes a hit with her death. I'd suggest also Heir of Time, with the connection of death and fate really matching her, especially in regards to Rebirth.
Yuffie: Theif of Time. The girl is born to be a theif lol, though giving her such a death-connected aspect is super interesting. I could maybe see Theif of Mind or Space better? Yuffie's a hard one to match up tbh. Mind because it has to do with karma and intelligence, and I think it'd combine interestingly with how Yuffie is often underestimated, as well as the retribution she's seeking for Wutai. And then Space because she strikes me as creative I guess haha (and let's be real, I am a little bit trying to get both Time and Space into here).
Nanaki: Knight of Breath. Fuck yeah give the one who was trapped the freedom aspect. No notes, I love this.
Zack: Knight of Void. I like how this connects him to Cloud, but I'm not sure how I like it for Zack. To me, he hits me more as a Page of Light or something that actually reached his full potential, with Light and fortune kinda going well with the DMW and then how it fails him in the end.
Sephiroth: Witch of Light. Super interesting take! Controlling fate! I think you could also easily make him a Witch of Doom, which is also kind of fate-inclined, but if I recall correclty Doom is often more towards oneself. Still either way I could see it.
Cid: I don't know him super well either, but I could see him being Hope or Blood considering he becomes the leader after Cloud is gone and kind of needs to rally the troops. Maybe a Rogue, being able to take those aspects and share them around to the group?
Vincent: Considering his whole deal with the various beasts inside of him, I'd be tempted to say Heir or Prince of Rage. But then, considering he's still alive despite everything he's been through, i could also see him being a Life player.
Reeve: Easy, Mage of Heart, aware of his power of splintering himself and utilizing that with Cait Sith. Also possibly adding to how he's at the 'heart' of a lot of the problems aka within Shinra Tower.
If anyone has any other thoughts on the matter, would love to hear them!
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h0neybane · 2 months
ZVA worldbuilding
just some world building for my ghibli-inspired-twst school, zephyr valley academy! this'll all be in a similar order to the one of the wiki page for night raven college
you can definitely apply to get in but i do think some students are handpicked for different reasons!
i think one of the best parts of ghibli films are the walking shots. moments in which characters are just walking to their next destination and you get to see the environment and detailing in the background... i think hayao miyazaki called them something, but i cant remember what it is.
the reason i bring this up is because i think when students are enrolled in ZVA, since the academy is in such a remote and rural area, they're dropped off at a certain point and then have to travel on foot to the building for the entrance ceremony. i dont think it's a long walk by any means: maybe like 30 minutes max and that's pushing it.
but i do think there are a lot of sights the students get to see while walking there. mountainsides, fields, lakes, undisturbed by society.. it's a very peaceful place. i also think maybe the walk should be timed with the sunrise? just cus its cool
during the entrance ceremony each student will receive a broach with their magestone, in which the color matches their dorm (link in next point!)
i mentioned this in my original uniform post, but also during the entrance ceremony, incoming first years recieve an enchanted leaf laurel and boa (shown here) that doesn't have any flowers. throughout their time at the academy, flowers representing them will sprout from the leaves. here's a timeline of the progression of the flowers:
first year: pretty much empty at the start of the year. little sprouts may begin to grow throughout their first year, and most have 2-5 small flowers. especially exceptional students may already have one or two bigger flower buds
second year: more sprouts start to grow, lots of wild variants; i think the second year is where students begin to experiment a little. by the end of the year, most have bigger flowers waiting to bloom. some exceptional students will have fully bloomed flowers already
third year: big flower buds begin to bloom throughout the year. many have grown a lot as mages over their time. by the end of the year, third year students will have rows of flowers around their shoulders and head.
fourth year: fully bloomed. students enter internships and graduate :]
ALSO the boa and laurel change colors with the seasons until it goes into full bloom where its enchanted to always be healthy and bloomed
i think itd make sense for ZVA to have a large (at least larger than usual) fae population considering how nature-connected it is...
ZVA is a co-ed school!!! both girls and boys attend!!!
i feel like ZVA is younger than NRC and RSA but not by very much! where NRC and RSA are 500 years old (i'm saying 500 for simplicity sake; according to the wiki, it's AT LEAST 500), ZVA would probably be 400-300 years old.
here are the figures each dorm is based on, in no particular order (some of these are undecided and will be added later!)
the wizard of ingary (howl from howl's moving castle)
i cant decided between kaonashi (no face) or haku for spirited away... maybe i'll do a special case where the dorm itself is split into two?
undecided (ponyo)
undecided but im considering doing an offshoot dorm/group based around that boar thing from the start of the movie.. (princess mononoke)
castle in the sky (undecided)
undecided (kiki's delivery service... it might just be kiki but i need to watch the movie before i decide)
i dont have any values for them for now (like how heartslabyul is based on queen of hearts and her severity, savanaclaw is based on king of beasts and tenacity, etc) but i think ill come up with them after some watching...
i also want to add traces of other movies that arent dorms! maybe in events or classes? speaking of events...
traditions and events:
VDC/SDC is definitely one of them! i think they get pretty far in the competition for the cute peaceful vibes but then i think they get beat out by nrc and rsa LOL
interdorm magift/spelldrive: i dont think theyre like SUPER GOOD but also i do think they've won a couple of times
i mentioned this as a serencor (howl dorm) tradition but wouldnt it be so cute if there was a hat-making event honoring sophie... LIKE IMAGINING HOWL MAKING IT A THING JUST FOR HER... AUGUHGJHGJ
halloween: i think itd be interesting if some of the creepier stuff from ghibli films popped up here (say, no face/kaonashi and the boar worm god thing from princess mononoke)
something spirited away related. i DONT KNOW WHAT but its spirited away related.
ZVA is known for its nature and being super duper peaceful!! it has a really good reputation among the public and its up there with RSA and NRC!
but at the same time i think itd be so funny if some of the other magic schools made fun of them for being hippies or something LMFAO
uniforms: (i WILL draw all these ideas i PROMISE)
i already did the normal school uniform (here) but i do think there are variations to it for summer and winter! like NRC, ZVA provides a winter coat and has an alternate summer uniform (it's pretty much just the same but short silk socks instead of stockings or kneesocks and short sleeved shirts)
ceremonial robes: i have no idea yet but im so excited to design them... im thinking going in the direction of a kimono or yukata as a homage to ghibli being based in japan
pe uniform: im sorry but nrc's PE uniforms are so. ugly. i think maybe a t-shirt and some shorts + socks? classic
labwear: pretty much the same as nrc's tbh. lab safety is important chat (IM LOOKING AT YOU 90% OF TWST CAST. PUT YOUR FUCKIN HAIR UP)
that's all i have for now! but i will make another one continuing on this tomorrow probably! as always, feel free to give me input!
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skelaxo · 1 year
I’ll do a separate post about Charles Eyler and aromanticism because that is always on my mind but I’m having fresh thoughts about femininity and his character around that but it’ll be kinda long so elaboration under the cut >:)
(Note: I’ll still be using he/him since those are his canonical pronouns and he also is canonically genderfluid so this isn’t really a transfemme headcanon, more he wants to present more femme/possibly some level of dysphoria)
I get the impression Charles wants to present more femme but due to a lot of circumstances he’s not able to—
For one he presents his online self femininely with the username “Charlotte” and using a pfp of her. Many people sort of “test out” gender expression online with different names or pronouns before ever coming out irl, so I think Charles reflects this experience. In addition, he projects his insecurities of not living up to his online persona onto Vincent, assuming he is disappointed coming face to face with someone who didn’t match themselves online saying
“Its you who should be disappointed in me, mr C”
“Charlotte turned out to be Charles, whoops”
“Bet you wanted to see the girl of your dreams”
When Vincent himself says “names and bodies dont matter”
But then again, irl he wouldn’t feel comfortable with completely free gender expression because of all the Mother and Scarlett stuff— “youre a good girl” isnt so gender affirming when its in the context of your mother convinced youre her aborted daughter who’s way more successful than you are and is kinda messing up your whole mental state.
Ok now this is somewhat of a stretch but evidence nonetheless—
Charlotte. All the Charlottes. Trust me on this one. So Charlotte is Charles’ OC/self insert/persona type deal. Perfect protagonist and all that fun stuff. Projection of an ideal Charles. Scarlett. Also Charles. Ideal Charles projected in a fucked up way. So. Here’s where I’m going with this. Charles=Scarlett who=Charlotte more specifically ep1/2 Charlotte who can be considered transfemme coded mostly due to the scene she and Frei look over memories in the mirror room, specifically the one titled “Femininity”
And I’ll just paraphrase it but young Charlotte was unconfident in her femininity feeling unsuited for feminine things until Aiden encourages her to embrace it anyways and feel comfortable in it—
Charles=Scarlett=Charlotte=transfemme ITS A CONNECTION OK.
If Charles writes the story of the perfect protagonist in which the protag is an idealized self and she is living the same experience of not being able go express femininity YEAH CHARLES IS GONNA GIVE HER THE HAPPY CONCLUSION HE DIDNT ok there’s some plot holes in that ep2 is not exactly derivative of Charles’ writing buy leg me have this
There wasnt a convenient spot to slip these in but also some ep3 false realm stuff leans into gender non conformity with 1. Evidence Charles will sometimes pick a femme student vessel over Vincent and 2. Q84 rejecting traditional femininity which is opposite of this whole post but Q84 is that “what I never could be” for Charles WHICH IS A WHOLE OTHER RAMBLE ON ITS OWN so it makes sense the script is flipped here
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pumpkinsy0 · 23 days
I think a lot about a Mexican American Dallas Winston. But specifically a Dallas who’s a stranger to his culture. His mother trying hard to forget about her heritage, while his father is indifferent to it due to the heartache it brought on after moving to the states. A Dallas who learned to hate school at ten years old, who wasn’t put into advance classes like Ponyboy. But rather he got stuck in lower level classes by teachers who took one look at the color of his skin and decided that’s where he needed to be.
A Dallas Winston who is such a stranger to his culture that he can’t even speak basic Spanish but still ends up getting called all sorts of names by people just passing by him. A Dallas Winston Who isn’t seen as conventionally attractive by girls because his skin is too dark and his eyes too brown. Unlike Sodapop’s whose hair is golden and straight ,or even Darrell Curtis who embodies the idea of the All American Boy. Who ends up staring at himself in the mirror for longer than needed, and briefly wishes his features matched their’s.
A Dallas who is too white for some of the greasers who were raised in Spanish speaking households. Who even gets made fun of for it at times. But yet on the opposite side of that coin is seen as too Mexican in the eyes of soc’s and law enforcement alike. A Dallas Winston who’s an outsider amongst outsiders even when he’s with the gang.Who’s yearned for more in life but has given up hoping and instead becomes more and more angry at the world. A Mexican American Dallas Winston who can’t help but envy the Shepard’s because while they don’t have much in this world they have each other as a support system.
Anyway sorry to Yap but..yeah I’ve been thinking about him a lot..especially since I think Dallas being a POC adds more layers to his story.
nonono dont apologize,,,this was a banger,,,i love this sm,,,
i think mexican dallas is actually very interesting!!!!im adding him to my dallas winston multiverse
AND AND!!! i think it could add onto that bond both dally and johnny has!!!!id say johnny being mexican is like, one of the popular hcs for johnny its like he literally SEES himself in johnny, they have the same dark eyes, same hair, kind of the same nose, he literally sees johnny as his little brother/himself and he cant help but attach himself to him
on the other side of the spectrum however, if we wanna go w canon dallas looks, i think him having the blond hair, pale ass skin, basically him just, whitepassing, could exacerbate that feeling of being an outsider looking in!!! he WANTS to b closer to his culture but bc he has the “privilege” of passing as white and he sees the things people who dont look like him go through, he doesnt want to face that and make things harder for himself so hes just forced to stay ignorant to his culture, and acts indifferent to it
bonus points if johnny is at least somewhat connected to his culture so now dallas and him r like complete opposites and dally doesnt say anything but he does think about that a bit
i stg i had more thoughts about this but inforgot but just know mexican dallas ur in my thoughts forever now,,,thank u anon,,
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bodyfeels · 20 days
talking about loossemble... kind of copy and pasted my notes from my phone and i tried to refine my thoughts. fair warning it is kind of long but tl;dr YAY FOR GOOD MUSIC
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FANATICISM - first listen i noticed how it was very cinematic for whatever reason but maybe they had a visual in mind considering the story line they have (like ending of sensitive MV, whatever was going on in girls night, etc.) and upon revisiting it again, i'm glad this intro is more an intro for the album and not an intro for the title track. it matches the themes of all the songs and maybe you could argue its only by chance just because they had the TTYL lines sneaked in there but i still think it does a good job of setting expectations for the EP
TTYL - okaaaayyyyy 😍 not gonna lie when they dropped that snippet of the first part of the chorus i was getting a little scared because it seemed jarring and it also felt too on the nose but listening to it now i think i don't mind it, especially since the second part is more actual singing or a full singing phrase.
i also noticed this when they first dropped the snippet from the "challenge", they left in the demo vocals in. i think the TTYL-ooh part is sung together with demo vocalist and member (well its either that or they are heavily filtering the members voices) but the "lalalalalalala" is completely the demo vocalist. i am here for the members of LOONA not whoever the demo vocalist is... they knew they could have had the members record that part themselves in the studio 😒
the energy of the song is kept consistent and it makes you want to dance. i think if anything i kinda wish they got crazy with it by either adding a dance break or something. the parts where there is space provide a nice break and i also really like the bridge a lot. i think it'd be nice to add something like that after the bridge and then connect it back to the last chorus.
COTTON CANDY | CONFESSIONS - you might be wondering why i grouped these two together.... i have some issues with these songs because they are practically the same song. neither of these songs are bad....HOWEVER....
i dont think they could release cotton candy as is because then it'd be too similar to boysworlds' confessions which i know boysworld have disbanded but i would not like having loossemble being sued over that HRJRJFJF
i also don't understand why they didn't just mash the songs together with how similar they are and how they practically use the same sound fonts. could have been a donna summer moment by having one section of the song being cotton, the next being candy and another being confessions.
the downside to cotton candy is its "rap" and the chorus thats too on the nose with the repetitive "you are like like like candy" that is said throughout. the downside to confessions is that it is a boysworld leftover and its exactly how they would have released it except maybe with more harmonies and it would have been their first song to be 3 minutes and longer. it also does not feel fleshed out compared to cotton candy. for example, take how there is a brief bridge in confessions which is literally only ONE LINE that suddenly goes into the chorus, compared to cotton candy's full bridge and how it naturally connects into a crazy climax of a chorus and that entire song wraps up nicely.
the following aspects i'd keep are the cotton candy prechorus, then confessions chorus. i'd keep the bridge of cotton candy and just mash the two songs together. i like the singing verses more than the "rap"/"sing talking" parts so i'd take that as well.
well tl;dr songs not bad, missed donna summer opportunity by not connecting the songs seamlessly together or having sections, don't understand why you'd have the same song twice on an EP but we move. also i think i like cotton candy a bit more
HOCUS POCUS - oh janet jackson you'll always be famous... it's really fun and i think if i have any complaints is that i wish they were harmonizing more and that they really showed off their vocals. where there are harmonies, they are very beautiful. the bridge is also everything too... a very good and solid song i love it, i wish it was longer and i hope they also promote this song on either shows or maybe even film a music video
SECRET DIARY - don't really think that weird pitch correction effect at the beginning is needed on the girls vocals at all. they need to turn up that bass in the bridge and make it gritty and obvious like fx's red light. this is also another song where they left the demo vocals on and i don't like that. i kinda wish they made this song a bit more eerie but this was really nice. i love the strings, the bridge, and kinda interesting they ended this EP on this song.
okay so i was very scared for loossemble because for a while now their bills were affected (see their side channel assemble and how they suddenly announced they're reorganizing and stopped making contents) and when teasers first dropped i saw ryan jhun's name on it and also kimmin was back so it was hell on earth for me. THANKFULLY... despite those setbacks we got good music and the members sound great and they're having fun performing
i hope they get more creative and there's more direction both in visuals and sound but this is a good start in terms of sound. i'm glad the songs are longer than 2 minutes like YAAAY this blows sensitive and girls night EP out of the water and i hope they keep it up. i hope their company gets it together and for next time, no ryan jhun and kimmin <3
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fandxmslxt69 · 11 months
hi hello I see you casually dropping matty fic ideas in the tags?? care to share with the class???
OKAY disclaimer while I cherish and love Matty this fic idea isnt inherently romantic based! it CAN be read as something romantic and i totally have an alternate ending in my mind with smut and shit but IT STARTED OFF AS JUST FUNNY STUFF
i'm more of a Frank girl anyway so Matt to me did start off as "i want to fuck him" but then it became "he is my best friend my catholic buddy." i KNOW i emphasis him being catholic a lot but ts just funny in my head to base it off friendships i have with my Christian friends (im muslim btw) so its just a funny little rivalry that started and is just For The Fun okay.
ANYWAY FIC IDEA LMAO basically there's like a mission right. and reader kind of has connections in the sense that...she works alone, she does her own thng, but....she's popped up with other teams before and is close with Matt (in my mind, its just a friendship that started purely on matt "where are you going on a Friday" Murdock and reader "to pray at the mosque???" to Matt "OH MY GOD !!!! no way" Murdock. BUT for the fic it's not the case thats just a funny little side note lmao.
anyway so Matt has a mission somewhere whatever i dont have details but he needs someone to be his Fake Wife (he takes marriage very seriously and this idea bothers him) but reader is like "hey. we're friends, we're close, we share a lot in common we're friends i'll help" and he's like "oh sick okay at least someone i like being around"
OG idea to which i daydream abt is literally just a crack fic of Matt and reader getting "married", going on with the mission and its just crack. insanity runs through their little house. its chaotic its crazy its a constant screaming match between the two of them and really it was just me going "what if. i lived with Matt "Good Catholic Boy"Murdock as his fake wife What happens then. and it escalated
its just silly and For The Laughs. so its just very platonic cute fun stuff buuuuuuuuut i will not lie to you i HAVE thoughts of some very unholy things about this man. im a SLUT for marriage of convenience tropes so i really couldnt stop myself lmao. I DONT KNOW the idea of them having sex and getting close and Matt's like "oh my god oh my god finally i've been so in love all this time" and reader is like "he's doing this for the role. married couples have sex usually so this is just for the role" (she's a little dumb its okay lmao)
anyway yeah. maybe it develops into a friends with benefits situation, and after the mission its like "well SHIT cuz i actually like you and divorcing just seems...wrong ? even if- even if we yknow this didnt start out as a "real" marriage" and its just an angsty angry confession and they decide to PROPERLY get married (no right or wrong way to get married btw but im extra and i like huge ass weddings sorry) and they start dating after that lmao
like religion so clearly states (thats a JOKE btw im KIDDING lmao)
anyway yeah. there's a LOT of variations to the idea. one minute its just a regular platonic and then its smut and then its just a regular female reader and then its not and then its silly crack and then its angsty self discovery and yeahhhhhhh BASICALLY.
basically i feel a lot about him.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
guess who just watched summertime rendering (it's really good)
guys what the FUCK
(spoilery-review stuff will be below the cut but tldr: summertime rendering is really good, subverted a lot of my expectations, gorgeous animation, keeps you on your toes and has smart characters and good writing, just try not to cringe too hard at some of the haha boobs/haha panties jokes i swear there's not too many)
okay funny story. i got interested in this anime literally yesterday because one of my favorite channels was analyzing its ending song by chance
and i was like oh it's like anohana but a murder mystery? interesting premise. doesn't necessarily guarantee that it's good, the animation looks pretty at least, but it's 25 episodes and my attention span kinda sucks...
and i see the main girl in a swimsuit and im like alright. the second there's a really weird zoom on her chest im out
(my live thought process pictured below)
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and the first shot or so was of the swimsuit girl (ushio) without any weird zooms so i was like okay hey we're in the clear so far
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one minute ten seconds. dawg. that actually has to be a record of some sort
and i was 🤏this close to dropping the anime but i really wanted to see the dark horrifying stuff so i continued anyway
like. maybe that's a one off joke. maybe they wont do it again and that was just to get weirdos to be like AYYY and keep watching. maybe there is hope
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there was no hope.
but i hung on anyway because right after that was the OP and it looked really interesting mostly because there were no anime visuals at all until the very end
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which was. shinpei being a little bit silly. little but quirky. vibing persona 3 style baby baby baby baby baby baby baby
so yeah i decided to keep watching until the end of the first episode despite my apprehension because i just. wanted to see the dark shit go down. uaghhhhhh
and i kept watching EVEN THROUGH the clear insinuation that the mc's adopted sister was in love with him and that the mc was in love with his other adopted sister and the police officer was looking at porn in public and then FINALLY
(major + ending spoilers start here)
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they killed my favorite character.
and then they killed the younger sister and then they killed the MAIN CHARACTER AND I WAS LIKE DAWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
like i was expecting it to be dark but i didnt expect them all to straight up die on screen with blood splatters n everything :sob: wasnt expecting the time loop either
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like. you gon have this gorgeous animation just to make the characters' deaths that much more brutal. holy fuck
i realized the other anime this reminded me of. this anime is a anohana x kagerou project crossover. thats fuckin crazy i kinda dig it
people also compare it to re:zero which is fair cuz it has the time travel, the unexpected brutality, the short haired girl who gets rejected in favor of the long haired girl (lmao) i just like kagerou project more
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it somehow didnt connect the first time that it wasn't mio and i was like huh i wonder why they suddenly skipped time
and then when this scene rolled around for the second time i literally like. it hit me so fast and i was like FUCK. i was like genuinely terrified help
and then she started stabbing the ever loving shit out of totsumura and i was like oh okay! guess i dont have to wait in suspense for what she'll do at the very least
and then she stabbed shinpei in the throat and i was like OH OKAY
that scene also terrified me cuz like the phone call happening while the killer is nearby is a classic horror trope but like. i dont watch horror usually. that's my worst nightmare
it was on his third death that shinpei really started to shine for me as a protagonist because like. he's smart. notably so! it was really nice because the classic horror starts to fade away at this point and everything becomes a giant chess match
fair enough though cuz bro was like "LMAO NAH I REFUSE TO DIE AGAIN THAT SHIT PAINFUL AS FUCK" (and then repeatedly died a bunch more anyways)
it's interesting that his whole "take a step back" thing is like. a trauma response too. we love dissociation representation lmfao
shinpei was also really quick to adapt to everything and it took a LOT of shit going down to make him finally lose his composure, but he gets back in it and doesnt waste time and it was really refreshing because yknow anime (and the horror genre in general) with its overdramatic clueless protagonists
and also!!
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i immediately pegged sou as the loud dumbass yosuke/ryuji type (i love them and their depth, im talking about surface level) best friend who wingmans for shinpei and immediately gets sus of shinpei and gets killed first n shit
but that was my bad like damn sou was a really good character
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to be fair this was his first introduction
and the line "I should tell Sou everything" with a shot of the sky is REALLY FUCKING OMINOUS, so i feel like that was a bit of a bait and switch on the author's part lmfao
i stopped taking screenshots around this point so ill just talk about a bunch of parts that stood out to me pff
she's so autistic and so smart and so just. god. i love her
i literally wanted to cry seeing him in the ending like dawggggggg he's SO cute id marry him no questions asked
he and hizuru were my favorites along with nezu because badass old man SLAYS
i also surprisingly really liked ushio lmao i thought she'd be like the usual manic pixie dream girl and then just based on her being in a swimsuit but like. she was honestly a joy as a character lmfao
like. her being the biggest powerhouse next to hizuru? did not see that coming, we love a girlboss!! and she's also smart and forward-thinking despite the airheaded vibes so like damn. good character! i really liked what little we got to see of the real ushio interacting with her shadow too, it was a nice bit of character building + it was funny lmao
mio was the only character other than shide that i just straight up did not like lmfaosgkjhsjg the whole "im in love with my stepbrother" was just. fuckin. weird to me from the start and you have no idea how fucking relieved i was that shinpei didn't accept her confession or get with her at the end
of course it's like. not any better that he got with his other stepsister. but like mio was more annoying so it's fine (😭)
she ended up being a damsel in distress who didnt really do anything up until the school fight where she still didnt do much, and with how much ushio emphasized "protect mio" you'd think she' have some sort of plot relevance but nope she just. thought about her brother a lot and confessed after 20 episodes and got rejected and cried
it's like all the buildup to her confession was PURELY to buildup for the ACTUAL confession which was shinpei telling her that he was in love with ushio
which is lame
like jesus her shadow had more plot relevance than her. i literally liked her shadow more than her like ????????
tokiko was a good character though i liked the "i didnt dirty my hands for this" foreshadowing and also her being a lesbian was an unexpected surprise that i liked lmfao she's a fuckin real one for still encouraging mio to be with shinpei despite being madly in love with mio. what the hell was that "i want her to see all of me" line like girl????
shide was a good smart villain, he kinda started getting cheesy typical anime villain by the end but by that point the anime was pretty firmly in the action/strategy genre and relying a lot less on the horror/mystery part so it was alright
i did love the talk he and shinpei had about video games and the FF7 namedrop was hilarious lmfao
it was cool how they had the callback to him being a video game nerd during the first fireworks festival with that 2d 3d king thing
absolutely despise him for what he did to hiruko though like. ew.
i didnt really get why hiruko deadass reverted into this weird lookin baby thing at the end but like haise was cute i liked her
didnt understand how they literally changed history either but i guess the magic eyes are like "fuck time lmao all my homies hate time" so oh well, i guess it works
the ending was really a full on "everybody lives and is happy" type deal but like. i didnt even mind man i was literally ecstatic seeing hizuru's boobs again like holy shit. you know you're watching a weird ass anime when you start crying at the fucking fanservice scenes like ohhhh my god
and like goddammit they deserve happiness
although. i was a bit pissed that they brought ushio back to life. like yeah she deserved to be brought back and yeah i do love her but rip the themes of grief and regret i guess
the show was never really about grief so i get why she was brought back but like ueeeuueueuueuee the whole "i don't want to do anything i'll regret again (including leaving ushio before we had the chance to say goodbye) so i have to keep moving forward" was really good character stuff and hrekjajsghjhsg i guess it paid off at the end???
whatever ill take getting hizuru and ryuunosuke back no matter the narrative costs
anyway yeah really good anime, definitely exceeded my expectations (which were pretty low to be fair though), i did watch all 25 episodes within 24 hours so i might be a little insane
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zeroseuniverse · 2 years
Sounds Of Love
Summary: In a world where your soulmate has a strange way of finding you
Pairing: Chan X reader
Warnings: none
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She knew who her soulmate was. How could she not? She’d hear him singing his songs on repeat as he practiced, or what her soulmate was singing matched perfectly to what the idol was singing on his vlive for that day. She was also very aware that there was no way she’d meet him on her own accord, there was no way to get to an idol between security and crazy fans, also he’d probably think she was just a crazy fan. She wasn’t. The first time she found out about him was when he was an underground artist and she looked up the lyrics she heard circling in her head all of the time, the voice sounded just like her soulmate.
She presumed their connection was simply because of their mutual interest in music, soulmate bonds usually are inspired by the personality in which the connection iis bestowed upon. While she wasn’t an Idol by any means she knew some and sometimes worked with them or joined in on their content. Or sometimes they joined her for silly streams.
“Wooyoung!” She screamed as she and Yeosang chased after the laughing man as he filmed.
“You’ll never catch me alive!” He yelled back at the duo before abruptly running into HongJoong, “Aw man.” He pouted as the three lightly chuckled at his abrupt change, before she jumped on his back and snatched her camera from him.
“HongJoong you handsome beast I love you for a lifetime.” She cheered, leaning over Wooyoung’s shoulder to place a sloppy kiss on her savior's cheek.
“Yea okay…” The man said before walking off with a fond smile, he may complain a lot about how chaotic everyone is but he was thankful they still found joy in the little things like chasing each other around.
The room fell quiet, the only sound being the heavy breathing from all of the running and yelling, until suddenly Wooyoung screamed at the top of his lungs making her fall off of his back and into Yeosang’s arms that had quickly been stuck out to catch her.
“Good god man.”She groaned, rubbing her ear that was now ringing from his antics. She turned off her camera knowing she needed a minute and tucked it in her bag.
“Binnie!” He shouted, ignoring the girl who was now standing straight at Yeosang rubbed her temples, knowing she was sensitive to sudden loud noises.
“You okay?” Yeosang offered the question, allowing her time to readjust, Yeosang was to put it simply her bestfriend, they had met accidentally when Wooyoung had just about plowed her to the ground in his attempt to run from their manager in the middle of a cafe. She clicked almost immediately with both of them, but Yeosang was more attuned to her emotions almost like he felt them himself. If she didn’t have the music bond she would’ve assumed that she and Yeosang were soulmates with the strong empathetic connection between them. Maybe platonic soulmates, she mused.
“Yea, just need to hurt that twerp.” She sneered, rushing after the energetic boy who was excitedly greeting his friend who had stopped by for lunch.
“Okay listen here you little jerk, one why dont you greet me like that, two who do you think you are yelling in my ear like that, three you owe me lunch for that and four this.” She numbered off, and at the final number she jumped and wrapped her arm around his neck, skillfully landing on her feet and pulling him to her height in a headlock, tightening her hold until he was whining at her.
“Okay Okay I’m sorry.” He tapped her arm as a notion that she won and she released her hold, turning to look at Seo Changbin who watched aamusedly.
“Sorry about that, you’re Changbin of Stray Kids, right?” She greeted with a bow which the man returned swiftly.
“Nice to meet you! Wooyoung talks about you often.” The buffer man grinned teasingly at the younger man.
“Oh? All good things he should hope.” She smiled innocently, grinning, patting her friend roughly on the back.
“So what's up with the random lunch man?” Wooyoung asked, eyeing the female next to him in fear as he took a step closer to Changbin.
“Chan has been snapping a lot lately so we all decided to take some time away from him for lunch.” Changbin said, moving toward their company’s cafe with the other duo following, since she deemed that she’d only forgive Wooyoung if he bought her food.
“He’s been overworking himself again or something?” Wooyoung wondered, making Changbin shake his head in response, Chan hadn’t been overworking himself for the first time in a while, he couldn’t find any sort of motivation recently.
“He hasn’t been hearing from his soulmate.” Changbin explained making Wooyoung raise his eyebrows in shock, while she simply watched where they were walking trying not to look interested.
“He met his soulmate?”
“No, his connection is to hear the music his soulmate is singing.” Changbin explained making her friend’s eyes shoot to her.
“Really now?” It seemed innocent but she knew it was anything but that. “How long has he gone without hearing from them?”
“Three weeks, he’s worried that something happened to them.” Changbin said, looking confused at the interest.
“Interesting…” Wooyoung grinned mischeviously, looking at her, who he knew hadn’t been singing ever since the stupid comments online blew up with hate because her voice is deeper and more raspy than the typical woman’s voice.
“So, How do you know ATEEZ? Not to be rude but you’re obviously not an idol, I don’t recognize you from any company.”
“Wooyoung fell for me.” She smirked a bit, teasing her friend who turned bright red at the twist of words.
“NONONO that is not what happened, I was running from the manager and I accidentally took her down with me in my attempts.”
“Then Yeosang came and saved me from his annoying apologies, they bought me a new coffee and we eventually talked about trading numbers. I usually help write their music.” She smiled, moving in line to place hers and Wooyoungs order and paying with the card she swiped from his back pocket while walking.
“I thought you wanted me to pay?” Wooyoung wondered in disbelief, but she simply passed the card back to him with a grin.
“You did.”
“Man, can I borrow her? I think she’d get along great with Seungmin, Minho and Jeongin.”
“I can not believe you didn’t tell me!” Wooyounng yelled after finding out that she had been aware of who her soulmate was this whole time.
“It never came up.” She winced as San, HongJoong and Yeosang also stared at her in disbelief.
“I can think of maybe 5 times off the tip of my head where there were perfect opportunities to tell us.” HongJoong frowned at the girl, taking in her anxious appearance. “Did you want to reject him?” He asked not understanding why else she wouldn’t tell them when she was very aware they could have introduced them.
Her eyes immediately widened as she shook her head quickly in refusal, “No that’s not it. There just wasn’t a way to get to him between fans and security. Plus he could just think I’m a crazy fan.” She explained making her friends look at her increduously.
“Are you that dumb?” Seongwha’s voice broke from the doorway where he had nosely snuck to listen in.
“I wasn’t going to use you guys, that just isn’t right. And the opportunity never presented itself where we casually crossed paths.”
“USE US!” they all but yelled at the girl, trying to get their message across that just ignoring it was stupid.
“It’s not fair!”
“We are offering!” HongJoong exclaimed, “Actually we’re not offering, it’s happening.” He started before pulling out his phone. Wooyoung and Yeosang both quickly throw their bodies towards the girl who had tried to make a move to stop him, pinning her to the ground in a cuddle pile.
“Hello?” Chan answered with a sigh as he and the rest of 3racha sat together in the studio working on writing.
“Chan-Hyung! Listen I have to talk quickly because I don’t know how long I have but we have good news for you! We found your soulmate!” HongJoong spoke through the speaker, making all three members look at the phone in shock.
“I’m sorry what?” Changbin asked bluntly, seeing as he was just there and nobody mentioned anything.
“Ah! stop throwing things! Listen, come to KQ! She’ll explain when you’re here. Bye!”
And just like that the room fell silent, Han excitedly watching his hyungs reaction, Changbin trying to figure out if it was her, it would make sense with Wooyoung’s interest in Chan’s soulmate.
And poor Chan hopelessly staring at his phone as if it was a dream.
“Go Hyung! she is waiting!” Changbin grinned now, fully processing the looks Wooyoung gave to the younger female in his head.
“Do you know her?” Han blurted in shock, not really grasping how he did.
“I met her at lunch with Wooyoung, she’s friends with ATEEZ. She picked pocketed Wooyoung after he yelled in her ear it was super funny.” Changbin retold before going to look at his leader only to see the seat empty.
“Well he’s eager.” Han joked before the two went back to their pieces.
He expected many things out of this encounter, rejection, acceptance, hesitance, what he didn’t expect was to see a woman wrestling three grown men to the ground easily.
“I can not believe you guys did this!” She scolded like they were children but the odd electricity buzzing through the air had her stance and voice softening.
“Hello?” Chan asked tentatively, eyeing the woman’s back as she refused to turn around.
“Chan! How lovely to finally meet you!” She greeted still not looking at him in fear of the upcoming rejection.
“Well I’d say the same if you weren’t greeting a wall now instead of me.” He joked to relieve the tension she was currently showing.
Slowly she turned to face him, revealing her kind features that were almost addicting to look at, he did not want to look away.
“Hi Chan.”
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