#but i havent caught covid yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
the good news: Saturday Stream 4pm PST Is Back On
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lokh · 4 months
im gonna draw all my ocs wearing masks
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liu-anhuaming · 2 years
So on Monday I got an email saying that someone I was in a meeting with last week tested positive for covid, but I was on the very other end of a very long table from her so I avoided infection
Then yesterday my boss comes in and says he's feeling sick but it's not covid as far as he knows (he was wearing a mask at least, though he normally doesn't) but then this morning texts and says he retested and both his tests were positive
And this is after my coworker had a covid scare on Friday too, where the people she lives with had covid but didn't tell her until after she'd left for work. She hasn't tested positive yet, but she's also consistently wearing a mask everywhere
I just am so tired. I try so hard to keep myself and the people around me safe. And there's only one person I know who is putting in that same effort (I.e., the coworker mentioned above). I've essentially killed my (admittedly already very dead) social life and become a hermit, but pretty much no one else in my life is taking even the most basic precautions to keep me (and everyone else) safe
Even my family has seemingly given up, and this is with the knowledge that I'm at risk. Every time I bring up my risk factor, my mom (who is a fucking nurse) just says, "well if you do get it you'll probably be fine"
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oflgtfol · 2 years
the sand pest may have had a like 100% mortality rate but it made up for it slightly by having visible plague clouds that were at least able to be dodged
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oh yeah ik i forgot to mention it here but turns out i have covid
im fine mostly im just annoyed bc i havent caught covid yet and that was bragging rights!! 2 years of a pandemic and i avoided it!!!! but fuck me ig.
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bambipickle · 9 months
as a tribute to my family dealing with covid for like the third time i would like to boast that i havent caught covid ever yet
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kai-wanted-doa · 4 months
My dad tested positive for covid this week and he's been getting out of the house every day with my mom lmaooo and she likely has covid too cos obv they're always together looooooool idk how long my brothers have been sick but they're going to a rave tomorrow lmmmmmfffffaaaaaoooooooooooo
I haven't tested positive yet cos my sore throat just started. I'd usually go out during the weekend but here I am being a good girl!!!! 😇😇 cos obv I've been living with sick ppl and altho we neeeever interact with each other (which is fucking crazy I am washing my hands very diligently bcos I know my family members are complete slobs [blowing their nose into the sink without washing their hands after and touching door knobs light switches entering the kitchen] i only started wearing my mask after they said they were sick and who knows how long theyve been sick for and havent said anything we all use the same bathroom so i likely got it cos its airborne. They cough and sneeze uncontrollaby into the air. Give my brother an option to sneeze into the corner of a room into his elbow or into the open space of the room, he will choose the open space of the room) so yeah im bragging that ive got the brains to put 2 & 2 together and say that altho I haven't been around them, they're a fucking mess- my throat is slightly sore and dry- I've tested negative but I'm still choosing to stay home. I've been invited to hang out at my cousins place and have tons of fun today 🥺 we were gonna host a pool party and grill tomorrow with friends who live out of town then celebrate one of their dad's birthday at their house after. But I'm saying no 🥲 like no shit. I deserve a good cookie. One that is served warm and soft with melted chocolate on the inside pls 😶😶
It's a small thing to miss out on. The consequences of getting possibly 30 people sick in 2 days is insane. The consequences outweigh the benefits of 2 fun summer days. Like who enjoys being sick?? I'd rather use my time to hang out at my cousins house and host a pool party the next day 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
I'm just talking myself through this cos I hate that I have to pay for my family's inability to keep me safe and healthy. I'm just really pissed. Wash your fucking hands. Be more mindful of coughing and sneezing (I'm not saying completely stop I understand that it's uncontrollable when you're sick, but wear a mask at least if youre gonna be that fucking disgusting. Be more mindful and don't cough and sneeze into the butt fuck open and all over areas that should be clean. For example, don't sneeze all over the table area where we eat at. If you know you feel a sneeze coming before leaving your bedroom, sneeze in your room and then enter the shared narrow hallway). Like wtf? They will literally stand in their doorway and then sneeze into the hallway 🤦🤦🤦🤦 I can't make this shit up. If you know you're sick, if u feel it coming on, even if it's not confirmed to be covid, let us know so we can act accordingly. Every time one of my brothers has caught covid, either the other brother has caught it or my parents have caught it or all of them have caught it at the same time. This is my first time catching it from them cos this is the first time they spoke so late about it. Probably because it's happened so many fucking times that they're ashamed to say they're sick again and they want to keep it on the down low.
Catching covid and being sick is nothing to be shamed for. Not fucking taking precautions to prevent the spread knowing full well that you are indeed sick & refusing to allow others the opportunity to protect themselves because you chose to conceal your health status is the fucking problem I'm shaming you for.
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dwarfmun · 4 months
people who dont mask and never did: havent caught covid yet
me, who still masks as best i can even though i have heat regulation issues and it can make me miserably stomach sick: just caught it for the 4th goddamn time
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knjooniemoonie · 2 years
i literally joked with my doctor about how i havent caught covid yet so i might be immune, and now i'm showing some very suspicious covid symptoms
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just like that, it’s 2023. 
the rest of 2022 felt like a mild blur - yet there were some crucial moments that happened. my brain feels as though, it is stuck in the past.  i find myself reminiscing through old photos a lot more, thinking about memories a lot harder than i normally would. it seemed as if, i can’t move on from 2022.  in 2022, i..  - told a boy i liked him  - ran a relay race, got 3rd by God’s grace  - had the team over for CNY dinner at my place  - drove my first bluesg  - walked for IVP - won the team spirit medal  - had coach come over for easter service!! - caught covid LOL - got to know joel chow - ran to jb - went to the UK for the first time in my life; which then leads to many firsts  - lost my first kiss  - family trip out to malaysia in a while  - extended my internship - became an aunt  - went to vietnam  - ^ which then lead to another round of firsts  - went out on 2 bumble dates  i find it hard to wrap up my 2022 because it felt like i did not catch a break since the end of my internship. i think it feels extra hard this time because everything seems to connected together - work, school, thesis. thoguh they havent been playing a very big part in its nature, the interlinks between each responsibilities feel like it gave me a lack of space to breathe.  i catch myself thinking about the UK a lot. perhaps it represents a new breath of fresh air. a completely new environment. a new culture, a restart.  but with its ‘newness’, holds its place for its experiences too. in that, maybe it holds a small space of shame. 
my heart still flutters a bit when i see a photo of me being intimate with sam. i struggle to not have an emotion when i look at these memories, simply because they hold great meaning for me. after all, this was a boy that i really liked, and eventually lost my first kiss too. there is bound to have some form of emotional hold on that. 
i.. feel lost at my current season. it is feburary of 2023 - but why havent i felt that i caught a break? 
my heart feels restless all the time. one thing due, one after the other - i feel the temptation to be irresponsible. perhaps a part of me has already eaten into the temptation. a part of me might even be ‘heading to a burn out’. i am struggling to stand in front of jesus. i dont know what to say. this confuses me, because i feel that my anchor, that i hold close to, seem so far away in the oceans. 
i feel trapped by my past, and the seasons that i have been in. i cant seem to see what lies ahead of me, and the lack of direction is killing me. i am not sure if i am stubborn, or i refuse to stand before the lord to at least.. say something. anything. 
i dont know if i have the strength to even stand in front of the lord. 
i feel weak, and my flesh, weary. trust, i must - i should say. but trust, i can’t - it seems. i feel like a headless chicken running around, looking for a direction. perhaps even the chicken has a greater sense of direction than i. 
i wasnt sure where this note is going. i feel the need to lament. maybe in my pride, lamenting is the only thing i know how to do. i am uncertain.   dear God,  what do i say? what can i say? 
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geumibear · 2 years
have been delusional as a coping mechanism since i caught covid at the end of 2021 nd i havent healed yet but trejo discog did help me sooo much w coping too for the past year thats actually a little silly but true
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kingtankgirl · 3 years
con tmrw WAH :D
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caddyheron · 3 years
pov we're performing blood brothers on monday and a bunch of us are either sick or breaking down
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beaversatemygrandma · 3 years
Currently reeling over the fact that my mom told me I’m going to end up with survivor’s guilt after the next covid wave here bc I’m the only person in this trailer park who’s vaxxed. Currently, there’s a wave starting. And I’m scared she’s gonna be right.
#its weirder knowing it came from my mom who's been denying things for the longest time until i told her about long covid#she's still not getting vaxxed and neither is my dad and my sister has been believing all the conspiracies being fed to her around here#bc shes 12 and impressionable like leave the kid out of this she needs the vax bc she'll have to go back to school eventually#what led me to finding out there was a new wave was my friend who literally was trying to make plans to go up here with me for a weekend#well their roommate is showing signs of covid and both of them are vaxxed but still caught it#and they're struggling to understand how the fuck this is possible#anyways i hate being the one to say this after being given an ominous warning from my mom and want people to live#but i fuckin hope this wipes out all the conspiracy theorists about this shit#and we can actually make moves to wiping this damn thing out#its been too long#i want to see my damn friends and i want to get a fucking job again and all these morons are preventing too many people from living#both figuratively and literally#i havent caught the damn virus after these nearly two years and im not about the catch it yet#im ready to throw hands with anybody who's not helping this shit#beavers speaks#im fuckin mad rn these cases made my friend cry at work today and i cant console them at all#i wanna fucking leave this country still but at this rate we're gonna get blocked off from the world again#i started to finish this and then there was a knock at the door and there were cops looking for somebody living in the trailer behind us#im no snitch so i told them i knew nothing which isnt even a lie#but i did confirm their description even tho white middle aged male describes like 6 guys in the park the others are old white men#and then i come back inside from talking to them to find my little sister screaming about fucking sugar ants in the sink#which are literally only there because she cant seem to get used to thoroughly rinsing her dishes#i havent even eaten yet today#theres barely any dishes somehow after two days#she wont do them without taking an hour and flooding the kitchen#and ive got a fucking migraine#lovely start to the day //s.#seriously if anything else happens im going to have to find my anxiety meds bc currently this is PUSHING IT#this damn child is scared of sugar ants and dead bugs which makes zero sense#all while showing zero signs of anxiety other than overdramatically running away when i had a dead ant on my finger
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simmancy · 3 years
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𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕖𝕤 ❄
it’s the typical “i’m not dead” post; I actually caught covid LMAO. it’s actually really not funny but i’m trying to find humor in it.
anyway its been a week since and i’m still really fatigued and cough a lot. but otherwise i’m ok, i just havent had the energy to like... fill the queue yet. 
i did go in game just now and take this picture tho so thats cool
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andromedasummer · 2 years
idk if you've seen the news yet, but the pm just announced an end to the traffic light system, mask mandates and vaccine mandates (that were still in place only for health sector and i think the defence sector) tonight at 11:59pm. i am thoroughly pissed off. bring back the days where people weren't selfish assholes and claiming that doing all you can to protect others and yourself from a deadly illness is fascism/communism/socialism (they really don't understand any of these words tbh). bring back the labour govt that actually gave a shit and worked in the interest of public health and safety. expect an uptick in deaths, i feel so sorry for the disabled and other immunocompromised communities in aotearoa. (also sorry for a rant i just needed to vent to another nzer and my friends unfortunately don't give a shit about this)
im at work rn and just told my coworkers this is. very frustrating. obviously covid is in the population and there's nothing we can do to stop it, but the amount of people who are going to stop wearing masks now makes me nervous. my workplace will probably continue it because, luckily, the school i work at is hyper-careful. obviously im not a big fan of of having to wear a mask all the time, but i will continue to on public transport and in public places because frankly i havent caught nearly as many colds/flus as i did pre-covid. i plan on wearing a mask in these places till i die.
i feel you on the labour government. this switch to the centre left and refusal to put in left wing policy in fear of upsetting the new status quo is infuriating and has been since labour moved this way back in the 80s (thanks for nothing thatcher you wrinkled cunt). i talk about it all the time but holy shit neo-liberalism in our main 2 govt parties and the got-mine-fuck-you stance of our upper and upper middle class has been the death of welfare and support for our communities. labour are a fucking shadow of the party that represents the people and the greens are too scattered and inconsistent in their ideals between their party members to come together and really rally people behind them. esp with the co-leaders of the past few years, who haven't stood up to scrutiny. wheres the party actually trying to put in policies that will stop the housing crisis. every policy labours been putting forward has been dead in the water and national are more of a threat because yeah they'll do things, unlike the labour party, but if you arent an auckland based landowner with 2-3 properties and a small business they sure as fuck won't be doing anything to help you.
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