#but i have an 85% and i need a B minimum to pass
dichromaticdyke · 4 months
time to wait in agony
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ryumako · 2 months
I do interstate driving for a living. here are some Helpful Hints for being a courteous driver on the open road
• the most annoying thing u can do (besides touching other vehicles with ur own), believe it or not, is not driving slowly, but driving inconsistently. use/learn cruise control and pick a speed. Pick a Speed and stick to it and keep it within the same ~5 mph range and adjust for posted changes (one speed in the right lane, maybe a few more mph when passing). there is little more annoying than having to decide if u need to pass the same car for a third or fourth time because they suddenly dropped 10 mph again to do god knows what (texting probably)
• the left lane is not for speeding it is for passing. if the speed limit is 75 mph and the truck in the right lane is going 65 mph and someone is in the left lane going 78 mph but u wanna go 85 mph Real Bad, ur just gonna have to sit with it for a few seconds. do not tailgate them. tailgating inspires some drivers to drive even slower actually
• do not sit in the left lane no matter how fast u think ur going (this is illegal in many states). there is always someone going faster. always. do not make people feel compulsed to weave around u
• many vehicles have their speed monitored by gps and Can't be going 10 mph over and it may not be obvious (many of our company cars, for instance, are mini vans, honda civics, and unmarked pickups). in fact, there are Several reasons someone may be driving slowly (even very slowly; as long as they are observing the minimum they're fine). do not dwell on it, just pass when u can. we are all human and most of us did not ask to live among car-centric infrastructure.
• that being said, if u Are driving slowly, try to observe to flow of traffic and let people pass u first before u pass someone driving even slower. this is more courtesy than anything, but there will always be a gap for u coming soon.
• passing should never take more than 30 seconds maaax. if u are passing someone going 2 mph slower than u, u should be kicking it up a few mph in the passing process. u should never be driving right next to a vehicle for several miles, u are being a nuisance and holding them hostage from passing vehicles going even slower than them (and some impulsive drivers will cut u off when faced with this)
• just because u see a semi truck doesn't mean it's time to be in the left lane. see the second bullet. many of those trucks cap at 65 mph but many don't and are going/will go 70+ mph. wait until ur just a few hundred feet back and then pass. being an accurate judge of other vehicle's velocities will make u a great driver
• merging is never fun but no one already on the highway is required to accommodate u (though I and most others will try!). that's what yielding is. when things are congested, u have to make ur own way. on the on-ramp u should be a) looking for ur gap and sticking to it and b) accelerating to match everyone. u can go slower later (most highways and interstates are at least 60 mph so automatically go for that if ur outside city limits).
• if ur prone to road rage, remember that in every vehicle there is at least one human person living and breathing and thinking and feeling just like u. before cutting them off, consider pretending they're ur favorite fanfic author or something. or Kesha
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heyauntieeee · 6 years
I don’t have anything specific but college Erik is my favorite Erik 🥰🥰🥰
Title: Study Buddy (Lame ass title I but I couldn’t come up withanything else lmao)
College!Erik X Black!Reader
Summary: Erik helps you study for your TEAS exam
Warnings: Language, Slight smut (my first time bear with me)
This would be my first time writing college!erik but I hope you enjoy it. This subject is currently relating to me because I’ve been studying for the entrance exam for nursing, so here it goes!
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The both of you were currently onspring break, however, while your roommates went home, you decided to stay atcampus to study for the TEAS exam and your boyfriend Erik is staying with yousince he doesn’t have any family outside of you. Since this test was one of theonly things, besides your grades, that was standing between you and the nursingprogram, you made it very clear that there couldn’t be much fooling around asyou were taking the test in two weeks time.
The two of you were sitting on yourcouch in your campus apartment. Your books and notes litters on the coffeetable. There was a highlighter between your teeth and a pen between your indexand middle fingers. You were deeply engrossed in your notes focusing on thescience section in particular seeing as it was the most important section ofthe exam. 
You could feel Erik staring a holein the back of your neck, so you sit up and squint your eyes at him.
“I thought you were gonna help mestudy.”
“You tryna be in them books, I’m tryna be in them guts. It’s beena minute since I seen you baby girl, I miss you.” Erik proceeds to startkissing your neck and while you missed him too, God knows you did, you couldn’t be distracted at themoment. You shrug him off of you and mush his face trying to push him to theother side of the couch not caring about the fact that he was so fucking bulkyhe didn’t budge, he snorts at your effort.
“Daka you know this test isimportant,” You whine. “I can’t be fucking around I need at least an 85% onthis thing.”
He sighs, knowing you were rightand not willing to come between you and your education. He had faith that youwould pass considering you excelled in your prerequisite courses. You were everthe over achiever, willing to succeed by any means necessary. He could recallnot being able see or talk to you for days, when you were in high school andthroughout your time in college because you had to study for exams or completeprojects and papers. Hell, if it weren’t Spring Break this would undoubtedly beone of those times. Trust and believe he was the same way, but for the week hejust wanted to lay up under his girl.
“Aight, how about this, every timeyou get an answer right, I’ll kiss you wherever you want.” The proposition, ascorny and cliché as it was, piqued your interest. As fly as Erik was, he’s had his fair share of being a cornballsometimes.
“Is this to help me or to helpyou?” You ask.
“I’m helping the both of us getwhat we need, princess.” Surely you weren’t gonna pass up on his offer. Youthink why the hell not.
“Ard, quiz me.”
Excited, he grabs one of the studybooks and tells you that they’ll do science questions sincethat’s what you’ve been focusing on for that particular day, then flips the pages to the back of thebook where the practice questions were. He looks over the question beforeraising his head to meet my eyes. His gaze makes you squirm.
“First question: What crystallinesolid contains ionic bonds with the least covalent character?”
You scrunch yourface up. “So, you just gon come out the gate with the hard questions? Youknow I hate chemistry.” 
“Ion give a fuck, you answering thequestion. Tic toc lil nigga.” You kiss your teeth and think hard. Chemistry wasnever your strong suit. In all honesty you still don’t know how you managed topull a ‘B’. Must’ve been by the grace of God. Finally, you just give upand guess.
“I don’t know, Sodium?”
There was a pause for about fiveseconds before he lets out this obnoxious buzzing noise scaring the living shitout of you.
“DAMN NIGGA! Did you have to be sofucking loud?!”
“Did you have to be so wrong?”
“Don’t make me smack you Erik.”
“You ain’t slapping shit over here,I dare you.” You roll your eyes.
“Anyway, what’s the answer,” you ask impatiently.
“Lithiumfluoride. We coming back to that question.”
“Or we canskip chem all together,” you mutter.
“NOT ON MYWATCH!” He yells as he slams his hand down on the book startling you onceagain.
“Aight,Iyanla Vanzant wannabe next question!”
He flipsthrough some pages again saying more slick shit under his breath. Some thingsto the effect of ‘not letting his babyfuck up her grade cause she don’t know the difference between coefficients andcovalent bonds. She gon learn today.’ When you think about it, it’s reallysweet, but he can be so damn aggravating. He finally finds another question andreads.
“What eventoccurs simultaneously with the end of systole?” This one you definitely knew.
“The rightventricular pressure reaches a minimum value.” Erik grins.
“That’s whatI’m talkin bout baby! Where you want it?”
You thinkabout where you want to be kissed and remember he didn’t kiss you when he camethrough the door earlier, he only greeted you with a weak ass half hug becausehe was on the phone when he walked in, which he knows you hate but themotherfucker still does it anyway.
You thenpoint to your lips with a pout. “I never got my kiss when you came in, justsome lame ass hug.”
“My bad mama,I was handling business.”
“I know.” Andyou knew exactly what that business was.
Erik goingaway on his secret missions, coming home bruise, bloodied, and new additions ofscars to his body. Of course, you didn’t like seeing him that way and everytime you fussed over him and cleaned him up, he’d remind you that this was allpart of the plan that he was destined for something, greater and that our timewould come.
You’rebrought out of your thoughts by the feeling of Erik’s soft full lips on yours. Youinstantly start kissing him back, your hands grip his forearms, longing tobring him closer. He leans more toward you, his large frame towering over youas he deepens the kiss. You lean back further into the couch and allow him torest between your legs. He brings one of his hands to your next and it reststhere for a second, then you feel the slight pressure of Erik squeezing yourneck with just enough pressure that causes you to gasp, letting his tongueenter your mouth. The taste of him is unreal, even after all these years ofbeing with him, kissing him like this, he still tastes better than the firsttime you kissed him. You let his tongue dominate yours and roam around in yourmouth. You let a small moan leave your mouth and get an ‘mhm’ in reply. Thebass in his voice sends a shock down your spine and straight to your core. Youmoan again as you feel the wetness between your thighs.
The sound ofthe book falling to the floor caused you to break apart. Erik gives you one morepeck and pulls away, picking up the book and flipping back to the questions asif nothing happened. Meanwhile you’re a panting mess lying on the couch.
“Come on lilbit, we gotta finish.”
Not wantingto move, you pout. “But-” He quickly interrupts.
“Ion wannahear that whining shit, you said you wanted to study so that’s what we doing.Sit ya thick ass up and get to work.”
“Ok” you sayin a hushed tone as you reluctantly sat up.
“Aight nextquestion…”
After a answeringa series of questions, getting only a few wrong and being subjected to Erik’sloud ass buzzing noise and the ones you got right, well… let’s just stay you’reglad you won’t really have to step out of the house for the week. You bothagreed to avoid kissing the lips to avoid further distraction. So, you had himkiss you in simpler places, your forehead, cheeks, the back of your hands. Butwhen he got to your neck and torso, you would’ve thought Erik was a wild animalthe way he marked you up. Dark hickies littered your neck and torso. What wassupposed to be a light peck and nibble, turn into a ravishing of your body. Hewas now examining his work with pride.
“And when wego out, you ain’t covering them shits either.” You scoff and roll your eyes asyou examine yourself in the mirror with horror.
“N’Jadaka Ican’t leave the house looking like this!”
“You thinkthat I give a fuck? Cause I don’t. You mine and everybody gonna know it. Andwhen they fade Imma put more on you.”
“Everybody oncampus already knows that I’m yourstrust me. You ain’t marking up my body no more nigga.”
“We’ll seebout that shit.” You make your way toward the couch with a yawn, ready to bedone with this study session. Your brain was officially fried, and you justwanted to go to bed.
“Aightprincess last question. You get this one right and I’ll pick where I get tokiss you ok?”
“Ok,” You sayready and nervous for the next question.
“What hormonehas rapid effects that are similar to effects associated with the activation ofthe sympathetic nervous system?”
You almostdrew a blank. You had studied the endocrine system from top to bottom and itwas just on the tip of your tongue.
There was along pause and you almost disappointed that you got it wrong until…
“YEAH BABY!HELLYEAH! WHO GETTING IN THAT NURSING PROGRAM? YOU GOT THAT SHIT IN THE BAG”his shouting startled you but excited you all the same. Erik picks you up andspins you around showering your face with kisses making you giggle. He settlesyou down to your feet and looks you deep in your eyes. His dark eyes staringinto the very depth of your soul.
“You got thisshit Y/N. No matter how much you doubt or worry or stress you one of thesmartest people I know. You getting ya ass in that program and you gon killthat shit. And know, no matter what happens, I got you, for life. You hear me?”
You stare upat him with tear in your eyes. You never thought it could be possible to lovein even more than you did in this moment. Struggling to find the words to say,you say the only words you can form. “I love you baby.”
“I love you more.Now lemme give you your reward. Lay down on the couch.”
You excitedlylay back look at Erik in all his glory. All you can think is how could you havegotten so lucky. You watch as he removes his hoodie with the shirt underneathto reveal his muscular form and scar riddled chest. You lick your lips inanticipation.
“You gon letDaddy reward you?” his voice was low and husky; his eyes were filled with lust.You bite your lower lip and nod your head.
“I need wordsbaby.”
“Yes please.”
He settles himselfbetween my legs like before. He places his lips on your and you start to kissback. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, and you moan into his mouth. Erikreleases your lips and trails more kisses down your neck, and you moan somemore. Everything about him drove you insane. You sit up and remove your shirtand bra. Erik immediately start put the left breast in his mouth, twirling histongue around the nipple letting the bud harden. You arch your back as he gentlybites the nipple.
“Ah!” yougasp.
“You alrightbabygirl.” Erik asks blowing air on the wet mound, making your nipple hardeneven more.
He gives you anotherkiss, repeats the actions on the other breast. He works his way down, nippingand licking your torso until he gets to the top of your shorts. You sit up on yourforearms and watch with anticipation. Erik looks up and peers at you intently.
“You ready?”
“I’m ready” yousay breathlessly.
He begins toslide your shorts off at an agonizingly slow pace and to his delight, you weren’twearing any underwear. He throws your shorts to the floor.
“Look at thatshit,” he hissed, dragging a finger along your glistening slit and you moan at thetouch. “You so fuckin wet, who all this for?”
It’s for yo-fuuuckkkk” You were cut off as her slid a finger inside your core. He leans forward,brining his lips to your ear.
“I didn’thear you, who you said it was for.” His voice was even deeper, and it was drivingyou crazy as he start to pump his finger inside you, brushing your spot withevery movement. You moan louder
“It’s for youDaddy!” That gains a growl from him.
“That’sfuckin right!” He inserts another finger and pumps faster, massaging your clitwith his thumb. You were panting at this point, gripping the back of the couchholding on for dear life.
“It feels sogood.” You cried.
“You bout tofeel even better.” He sits up, removes his fingers, brings them to his mouth andstarts to suck every drop of your juices, never taking his eyes off you. Youshudder. He pulls his fingers out with a pop and licks his lips.
“Damn yousweet.”
He lower himselfbetween your legs and began to kiss your inner thighs, nipping all the way downto your core. He smacks a loud kiss right on your clit.
“MWAH! Love thatpussy!”
“Stop playin,E.” you giggled.
“Ain’t nobodyplayin. I’m showing this pussy some love, putting respect on her name.”
“Are youfinished or are you done?” you decided to go alone with the Bird Man reference.
He growls andyanks you toward him throwing your legs over his shoulders and began devouringyour pussy.
He sucked onyour clit hard, swirling his tongue around it repeatedly. Erik dragged his tongueup and down dipping it inside your core every time. He lifted his face and spaton my clit, beard wet and all.
“Goddamn,”you say. “You so fuckin sexy keep doing that shit.”
“My pleasure.”
“Nigga thisain’t Chic-fil-a, eat my pussy!”
“You gon shutthat smart shit up Y/N keep playin.”
“Keep eatinand I won’t have nothing to say.”
He muttersabout having something for your ass later then lowers his head once again. Hebrought his face to your wetness once more and sucked on the clit while movingtwo fingers inside of you at a fast past. You gripped his dreads in one hand ashe curls his fingers to hit your spot once again.
“Fuck yess!” youscream feeling so close, you were almost there.
“Cum for mebabygirl, gimme that shit.” His words were more than enough to bring you to theedge. Your back arched as you moaned loudly, you could feel your wallstightening around his fingers. Erik lapped up your release, a deep growl camefrom his throat.
“So fuckin sweet.I’d eat you all day everyday if I could.” He kisses his way up your body as youpanted in exhaustion finally reaching your lips. He kissed you deeply dippinghis tongue in your mouth. You moaned as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Hereleases you from his mouth and looks you in the eyes.
“You likeyour reward?” you smiled.
“Yes, thankyou study buddy.”
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I’ve been thinking a lot about what keeps poor people poor and helps money make more money. (note this is a canadian point of view)
Here are three examples of jobs I worked at.
Job A is pretty much minimum wage despite requiring a Cégep level education (that’s Québec talk for two-year community college that you start at 17). It is customer service and pretty hard on the body since you were carrying merchandise all day long. Perks: Health insurance. 
Job B is a sitting desk job, all day long, all week long. Lots of gain weight and back pain. Perks: Health Insurance, Bus pass. 
Job C, the job I want, is also a sitting desk job, full time. Higher stress rate. Perks: Health Insurance, Bus pass, every day fruit and salad bar, breakfast, amazing paycheck, bonuses, company retirement savings plan, they bring their employees on beach vacations?? 
... when I was working in Job A at minimum wage, the 85$ I had to pay for my bus pass killed me every month. Eating healthy is expensive. I wouldn’t have dreamed of putting aside money for my retirement?? 
But is seems that the more you get paid, the less you need to pay for stuff. 
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empiregalaxy · 5 years
insanityreignsoveroblivion replied to your post: I got 80% in my first assignment for this...
How does your grading system go? An 80% is a B- in the states
Hi! Good question. 
Your assignments are marked out of 100, and to pass you need a mark over 49. So 50+ means you are passing (which isn’t great, but acceptable). Some universities and faculties ‘scale’ (so only 5% can get HDs, only 10% can get Ds).
High Distinction (85-100): Your assignment is cream-of-the-crop, you have done everything right, and you have gone beyond what has been asked for you. It’s really hard to get a HD in a Humanities Essay, I’ve only pulled it off twice. Often, HD essays are published in the faculty journals. It’s extremely rare to get over 95+ in an essay. Most of my markers have told me that they have never given an essay that mark before. If you get that mark, we can probably assume you are writing at a postgraduate standard. 
Distinction (75-84): You have done nearly everything right, your analysis is well done and your grammar and language is close to perfect. Referencing is also fantastic. However, Distinction essays often lack perfect clarity, and some ideas can be expressed better. There is no denying that a Distinction essay is on the right track- with more work, it can reach a HD level paper. 
Credit (65-74): Your assignment is good, but lacks sophistication. You have done what is expected of you and have showed real effort. You need to add detail, improve your referencing, proofread more, and support your arguments better. You understand the task- but with more revisions and effort, you can reach your potential. 
Pass (50-64): You have done the minimum required to pass, and meet the standards set by the faculty and the university. However, your essay is still lacking and fails to be convincing. Pass essays tend to be mediocre in their execution, and while you aren’t punished for it- the university won’t reward you for it either. You have work to do, but it’s possible for you to improve.
Fail (0-49): Oh boy. You’ve plagiarised, really misinterpreted the question, didn’t put in the minimum effort, handed in your assignment really late and your essay is plagued with fundamental problems. If your assignments continue to fail, you will not pass your unit. Fails are the worst and look awful on your transcript. 
Hope this answers your question! I quite like the Australian system, especially the idea of ‘earning’ marks. It’s fair and gives every student an incentive to improve. In some Australian states its slightly different (i.e a HD would be 80-100) but most unis stick to the system above. 
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
hope this isnt too personal, but does your motel give a discount if you book a longer stay? i know you are gonna be looking for an apartment, but since you are there now, is there a certain amount of time that they start giving a discount? that way if someone is unsure of what to donate at least they have some type of number in mind, if that makes sense
Hey, no worries on the question front, I don’t mind answering. This is probably gonna get longer/more involved than you needed, but a few people have asked me similar questions and so its worth it probably to make a post that covers all of them in depth, all in one go to save time. So, your answer’s in here lol, take what you need and ignore what you don’t! Haha.
So yes, the motel I’m staying at, they give me about as much of a discount as they give anyone, and have for awhile, since I’ve been here pretty consistently since like…August, lol. So, they charge me $85 per day instead of their usual $95 for weekdays and $115 for weekends, and yup, its still a very rundown roach motel, so if you think that seems way expensive, like…you’re not wrong, but also…its LA. *Shrugs* 
This isn’t to say that there’s not cheaper motels anywhere in LA, there’s just a couple other pretty critical factors involved there. First, it’s the cheapest I’ve found in my area, which is the area where I’ve been looking for an apartment, a part of town I’m familiar with, can get around to most places I need to go on foot, as well as having a pretty easy straightforward route to all the places I eventually need to go for my ongoing treatment/procedures. And yeah, this area is far from the cheapest in LA to live, but its not impossible either. There are one bedrooms in this area for around $1,400 a month, which again is expensive, but since my various issues have made finding a roommate/renting a room from total strangers pretty hard to find and living by myself is still my likeliest option, it is what it is. And when you consider that even in this motel I’ve been basically paying $2,600 a month, like…when I get I finally get into a place, that’ll still ease things for me tremendously because even a one bedroom at a price like that is a thousand bucks a month I won’t have to make.
And one of the other big factors is that mobility is a huge issue for me. I don’t actually think that public transpo is as bad of an issue in LA as a lot of people make it out to be - I mean, most cities do it better and the buses and metros can be pretty unreliable sometimes, but I’ve never had a huge problem using it to get to most places in the city when I’ve been without a car in the past. But the biggest drawback to my physical condition these days isn’t actually the pain or headaches, like, they suck but I can deal with them. It’s the vertigo that trips me up, because my equilibrium is all fucked and can shift randomly like with zero warning. So walking pretty much anywhere I can be moving along fine and then bam, I’m staggering like I’m drunk or even more fun, just fall flat on my ass. So walking nowadays is a very slow affair for me, not because of my pace, but because I have to keep stopping and starting and leaning up against walls any time I feel a new bout of vertigo start coming and need some extra balance until it passes. 
(Random Sidebar, but Pokemon Go is such an unexpected lifesaver, lmao, I can’t even tell you. I fucking love that thing and have it out anywhere I go, because its soooooo much better having to stop randomly in the middle of the sidewalk and hug a wall when people going by can see it and go oh he’s just trying to catch a Pokemon or battle that Gym instead of like, assuming you’re on a ten am bender or tripping out or something). 
Anyway, all of that makes it pretty much impossible to predict how long it’ll take me to walk places, and which makes it definitely impossible to catch an already unreliable bus or metro on time unless I leave way in advance to catch a bus that’s even a mile away. And most places in LA can be reached by bus or metro, but you usually have to take a lot of transfers, there’s not a lot of straight shots from A to B, and that’s what really gets me. Because the odds of me making it to the bus stop I gotta walk to after getting off at one spot and actually catch the next bus when my apps tell me to based on the routes I mapped out…they’re not good. LOL. And Uber gets expensive fast when trying to make it around LA, its not really an alternative when your budget is stretched as thin as you can make it already.
So traveling anywhere these days is typically a day long affair for me, no matter where I’m going. So I’ve definitely explored trying to stay in other cheaper locations or renting airbnbs which have better discounts for longer stays, but when you factor in my mobility issues and usual travel times…its not really as feasible as it seems at first glance. The apartment hunt is a big part of that….I pretty much HAVE to stay in the same area as I apartment hunt, since I have to do that on foot or else waste whole hours missing buses and waiting for the next ones, and with as long as it takes me to walk places….when I’ve tried staying in cheaper motels further away, by the time I even get to where I’m actually searching for apartments, I’m lucky if I can make it to two or three different locations to even get an application, before I have to start trekking back to where I’m staying.
And every day I spend apartment hunting or even traveling is a day that’s pretty much a complete wash as far as work goes. Like, with my savings looooong since wiped out completely, I live day to day, spending money about as quickly as I make it. Which means at the prices I’m talking, $85 a day for motel plus $10-$15 for food that day, (since the only way to get an actual meal without a kitchen or easy access to a nearby food bank or shelter is any take out places in the area, which add up fast) - essentially, I’ve been working nonstop every single day I can for at least the past seven months, busting my ass to make a minimum of $100 bucks a day, because that’s pretty much what it costs for me to keep just treading water at the current status quo. So anything short of a hundred dollars I make in a day tends to go immediately towards the cost of surviving, and anything more than that gets saved up to allow me even like a single day of apartment hunting or other necessary travel. Because a day I have to spend entirely walking and busing around is a day there’s no chance of me making $100, so I can only do that in the first place when I’ve managed to save up enough to take a day ‘off’ from work. 
Which, lol, means what is a day off, even? I can’t remember, haha, there’s nothing restful or relaxing about the days I have to spend traveling or walking around, let alone the days where I just can’t find enough work to make my $100. Same reason homeless shelters aren’t really viable for me at the moment. I’ve stayed in a couple at a few points in the past, years ago, and sure they’re not fun but its like, whatever, you know. But in my current state like….not spending money on a motel for the day(s) I’m staying in a shelter doesn’t actually mean I’m saving money if I’m not making even that much per day while in a shelter. Because if I can’t even get online to work while there and I end up having to travel even just to a Starbucks (with all my stuff) to work for the day, like, that already substantially cuts into how much time I actually have to work and how stressed I am which affects productivity, etc….which means it would end up taking two or three days to make as much as I need for even one day in a motel.  And so it doesn’t really save me money, it just makes it easier to fall into the trap of not being able to ever get back OUT of the shelter and into somewhere else again without any real benefit in the first place.
So, all of that also means that even days spent traveling to cheaper motels or airbnbs end up costing me just as much in lost work as I save in cheaper rent. Also, my material possessions at the moment are just few enough that I can take them all with me when I move from place to place, but that’s still enough that when even walking around and taking buses empty handed is….An Adventure, like….doing so while lugging all your shit in a couple bags that are pretty heavy when its been over a year since your last workout and you’re scrawnier than you’ve ever been in your life, lmao, like….that’s A Super Fun Adventure that tbh I try and avoid as much as humanly possible. The nearest laundromat from where I am is only a half mile away, and Laundry Day alone is so much fun I just can’t even, lolol.
And all of that’s what led to me posting my first donation post last month and this one, because when you’re only surviving on the money you make each day, a single day of not making your quota can wipe you out. I was sick for like, three days at the start of last month and that was all it took to set me impossibly behind and with peoples’ donations being the only way I managed to get on top of shit again. But then on top of that, December was always gonna be a hard month to keep meeting my daily work quota cuz of people busy with and budgeting for the holidays, and so I still only scraped by the later weeks in the month thanks to the donations I had saved from that first post and still wound up right back here in the same kinda position anyway. I’m actually a couple days behind on rent again, hence why I posted that new post yesterday, but I’ve been able to stay just under Too Far Behind, like at a point where I’m still paying something day by day so they’re giving me a chance to catch up this time. (And much thanks to the people who already donated yesterday and this morning, you’ve helped me eat and close that gap and between that and work I’m getting closer to back on top of that again, so I can start saving up to resume my apartment search and actually have money to give one when I find it).
Anyway, that should cover most of the questions I’ve gotten, lol, in my usual TMI sort of way. But idk, not anything to do with any of the anons I’ve had about this, but I think its useful for people to have more detailed breakdowns of stuff like that in general, because until someone’s been at the point of homelessness themselves, I think most people really don’t have any real sense of what that entails or how it happens. And that’s purely on the perception we’re given by society of homelessness and who ends up homeless and why. The poorer you get or the less able-bodied or ‘high-functioning’ (ugh hate that phrase but for lack of a better known one) you become, the more expensive it ends up being to survive, because of how fewer options society provides for you to choose from like….across the board, in every thing you do or need. And then society likes to point out the hail mary’s they grudgingly put in place to ‘catch’ the people who inevitably fall through the cracks as a result, like homeless shelters, etc, without really factoring in how little infrastructure is in place to ever actually get people back OUT of that and onto their feet again. 
And just as a general aside, but man do I haaaaaaaaate the language about homeless people winding up that way because they’re lazy, like lolololol. There is NOTHING comfortable about sleeping on the sidewalk in forty degree weather, and that’s the thing about ‘laziness’. It only actually exists when someone has a certain level of comfort, where enough of their needs are met that they can afford to put off doing something because they simply don’t want to do it right now. Nobody can afford to put off eating or having a bed to sleep in because they simply don’t want to make sure they eat or sleep that day. If a person’s not ‘productive’ enough to eat or have somewhere to sleep for a night, there’s a million reasons why that might be or what’s holding them back, but I can guarantee its not laziness.  For every homeless person you’ve ever seen sleeping on the sidewalk, I promise you there’s a person who has a story not all that innately different from mine, and one where the days, weeks or even months prior to them ending up sleeping on the street, they first were doing everything they were physically, mentally and emotionally capable of doing to KEEP from being that destitute.
But its the law of diminishing returns. If you’re already doing every single thing you possibly can without improving your situation, the only things that will ever actually improve it or help you reach a more sustainable environment/productivity level are things that come from OUTSIDE you and your own efforts, where and how other people help you out. You simply can not give anymore than you already give towards the task of surviving, when that is already literally ALL you are doing day in and day out. Some people get that outside help or support or borrowed energy from their family and never have to turn to friends or from there to strangers. Some people just don’t have that option.
And without that outside help, like, your own efforts to improve your situation and then simply to just survive…..that’s the diminishing returns part. Inevitably, they’re only going to get less and less effective, because none of us are perpetual motion machines. We can’t keep going forever and ever without ever having a chance to recharge, refuel, replenish ourselves. It’s the entropy of existence. Everything costs energy. And the harder you have to struggle to stay alive, the more energy it costs. The more you use up. The faster you fade. *Shrugs*
It’s why I firmly and 100% believe that the single most defiant act a person can make in an unfair world is to look at someone else who’s stuck in a cycle of entropic decay, who you see having their energy eaten faster and faster by an uncaring universe, and you find a way to share some of yours with them and in doing so tell the universe “not today, fucker, not on my watch. Screw your laws and your science, I’m gonna make sure they last even just a little bit longer, no matter what your fucked up physics has to say about it.”
And yeah, I freely admit that’s 100% self-serving at the moment and thus easy to say as someone who like, obviously needs and wants peoples’ help, lmao, but whatever. Still true whether its applied to me or someone else, and I’ve said it before things got this bad for me and I’ll say it again once things are better. 
Every time you help keep alive someone who by their own words is not ready to be done fighting yet, that’s a time you defied the universe and told it that it doesn’t always get what it wants either, and it can go fuck itself.
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digigal-transbian · 6 years
Better to?
Is it better to be alive and constantly miserable? Or dead and know peace?
If I fail a class this semester, there is an extremely high likelihood that i will be pulled out of college for financial reasons. If that happens I've been told I will have no choices, my life will be ultimately destroyed. The only job I'd be able to get is a minimum wage, soul crushing mindless existence. I'd never be able to afford a second chance at college. I'd never be able to survive on minimum wage, I'd have to get two jobs and even then I'd barely make ends meet.
And that's if I was able to get a second job. I'd never know love because I'd be too busy trying just to survive and after that too tired to function. 2 full time jobs is not exactly free to have feelings like love. And with who I am, finding someone would be a damn miracle and god has already proven he shall have no mercy on me.
And the gods know I'd never have a lucky break with writing or art, if I even had the time or energy to put into either of them.
Every check just going to not being dead for another week, stuck in a job or if I'm lucky, 2, that I hate, barely making ends meet, all because when I was 19 I got cocky and ended up failing Precal or was forgetful and failed English because if it.
To be able to say, "I was young, dumb, sure of myself, and because of it I've amounted to nothing, never known love, was never able to have a family, and lived a fate comparable to hell on earth."
I've been religiously told this for the last 6 months by my parents. And 6 months is lowballing it.
My biggest fear is dying alone. My second biggest fear to be forgotten. If I fail both are going to happen. I'm going to die alone in a house that is barely holding together without a soul to remember me.
I'll be forgotten within a week of my death, if not, a month at most. Nothing I've ever done will have mattered, ultimately I was just a waste of the universes time, even if I did make a couple peoples days just a little bit brighter.
Is it better to live and be miserable with no hope, or to die and be done with it?
At this point it's basically pass or die. A 70 on my math final to pass and have to retake because of how it is with my major, an 85 on it to never take that class again, and with English I've done what I can and at this point all I can do is hope.
And don't any of you dare call me selfish for this. To call suicidal people selfish is selfish itself. You're only concerned about the impact that persons death would have on you or their family, worry about the person who wants to kill themselves because they are in pain or see no other option.
And never call me selfish. I've made every choice for somebody else. Choice in college was because if years of "if you go to clemson you'll make your grandfather proud." And he's the actual kindest person I've ever met of course I dont want to let him down, I couldn't get there on my highschool GPA or ACTs so I found some backass method to get there. CSU has an applied math program that does 4 years there, 2 years at Clemson and you get two degrees for the 6 year period.
My father was all for that for the reason of being able to rub it in my aunts and uncles faces.
This is the same man that punched a brick wall hard enough to let out a blood curdling scream, make the house shake from the punch, and instill the fear of death in a child because a 12 year old didnt do his English homework. Why that 12 year old didnt do their homework? Just didnt want to, so over time did less and less of it.
Which is a legitimately normal thing by the way, 6th graders dont always want to do their homework and of course they are going to lie about it, dont act like his responce was in any way justifiable.
The man to this day still threatens to pin me to a wall and beat the shit out of me if I lie to him again, which wouldnt be as much of an issue if he didn't terrify me to the point of never telling him anything ever again out of fear for my life.
My choice of major was because of him. I wanted to be a doctor for a while but then my mom spent a collective 5 years dying in the hospital, so that dream died. No fault to her she couldn't control it. I then wanted to be a psychiatrist, therapist, that deal. Made the mistake of mentioning it around dad and got told promptly "it's not a real job." 10 year old me gave up on that real quick.
Then it went lawyer for a while because I figured a good paying job will be acceptable, hes always on about money anyways. After months upon like a year or something of "oh it's a lot of school and it's really hard and are you sure about it?" That dream too, was killed.
So the next thing I said was computers. Nothing more, nothing less, and it was finally acceptable. It was the most predicatable answer out of me and the first one to really be approved of. So for years i was content not having my dreams put down, then came college and I put my dreams down for computer engineering, on the track to clemson.
I then changed my major to computer science and over time put some thought into my actual interests.
Astronomy, the language of the stars. Physics, the language of the universe. Linguistics, the study of language. Writing, where you can be a god of your own little world. Geology, because rocks are just cool yo. Intetior Design, every time dad drags me to work with him I sit around and mentally start designing each room. And at the bottom of the list, Computer Science.
And the final mistake made in this whole college thing, I applied to only 1 college and to 0 scholarships. The scholarships I got are state ones, and I was told to keep a 3.0 GPA, which if you've ever seen one of my report cards you know how bad of an idea relying on that is. You have to have no idea what any of my report cards have ever looked like to think for a minute that trusting I will keep a B average for 6 years with no problems at all is even slightly a good idea.
So when my grades came in first semester, the night of December 13 I was legitimately shaking in fear for my life. December 23 when my parents found my grades out they gave me a 2~3 hour scream and then since then all my tech, aside from my phone and laptop, has been sitting in a tote box in my closet.
April they see my grades again and since then I havent been allowed to even have my door closed, and was strongly told that if I'm caught reading anything that isnt for school they'd burn it.
I could have probably avoided half of this if I was just a little more selfish, but I made every choice for someone else. If I was just a little more selfish I would be in a college half the price of CSU in a major that wouldnt be my last choice. Were I just a little more self centered, I wouldn't fear my father killing me over my grades.
Maybe I'm so destructively selfless because every moment that was supposed to have been about me quickly became about someone else. High school graduation after the fact during the pictures I got pushed to the side so my cousins could have a picture of just them, when there literally were three other walls and outside that they could have done that. Have you ever taken a picture outside at night? It's got a beautiful magic about it, and the lights were on dont even try to say "oh it's too dark", also cameras tend to have a flash so that's no excuse to push ME out of the way on MY graduation day. Kinda a big deal to me because when you look at my extended family I am among the few that have graduated high school, like half of them haven't even done that.
My graduation party the next day, I was given my gifts and then ignored most of the rest of the time. I was there for about 6~7 hours, and relevant for about 15 minutes. My college acceptance letter was opened and read by my parents before I even woke up. In fact, they woke me up by yelling at me from the kitchen to get in there. I walk in there, they're at the table smiling like idiots that just won the Nobel prize, and they hand me an open letter and tell me to read.
And my birthdays result in me being relevant for ten minutes of the hour at the pizza hut, and most of that is being asked about school and grades. The rest of the time is my parents and grandparents bitching about my drug addict unfit parent cousins. Like, my birthday is supposed to be about me, not them. And I am more than just school and grades, you would not believe how long it took me to realize that.
I have one bit of advice for anyone that might need it. Live your life for yourself for your reasons and never let somebody else live through you.
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cloverincinerator · 3 years
Tumblr media
www.chinaclover.net has been published on http://www.chinaclover.net/waste-disposal-methods-in-hospital/
Waste Disposal Methods in Hospital
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Waste Disposal Methods in Hospital
• An 8 hour daily operating cycle of ash removal, pre-heat and burn with continuous loading if required.  The automated burn completion and cool down cycle will take place overnight.
• The incinerators shall be capable of using diesel fuel as a supplemental fuel while the associated management equipment shall be capable of using electricity as the primary power source.
• Also consider provision for meeting international emission standards.
Able to handle an average waste production of 100kg/day
“• Minimum load capacity: 20 kg
• Maximum load capacity: 40 kg
• Nominal burning rate: 10-30 kg/hr (= 80- 240 kg range per 8hour day)
Phone: +86-13813931455(whatsapp/wechat) Website: http://www.hiclover.com/ 
Three Combustion Chambers(Optional)
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]  
Nanjing Clover Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.
3 Chambers for high risk waste
Pet Cremation Equipment
For Pet(small/big) Cremation Business
Animal Incineration Equipment
For other creature incineration
Burn Rate (Average)
100 kg/hour
150 kg/hour
300 kg/hour
500 kg/hour
Control Mode
PLC Auto.
PLC Auto.
PLC Auto.
PLC Auto.
Combustion Chamber
Internal Dimensions
Secondary Chamber
Smoke Filter Chamber
Dry Scrubber
Dry Scrubber
Dry Scrubber
Dry Scrubber
Feed Mode
Diesel Oil Consumption (kg/hour)
Natural Gas Consumption (m3n/hour)
Infection Monitor
Temperature Protection
Oil Tank
Chimney Type
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
1st. Chamber Temperature
2nd. Chamber Temperature
Residency Time
2.0 Sec.
2.0 Sec.
2.0 Sec.
2.0 Sec.
Gross Weight
External Dimensions
Medical waste incinerator  – Small
a. be based on common, well-proven and clean technology – both as a complete unit and in terms of its individual components.
b. be very robust, sturdy and capable of installation in remote locations subject to severe conditions.
d. generate residual incinerator ash conforming to <10% by volume and <25% by weight of the waste incinerated.
e. achieve a Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in the slag and bottom ashes of less than 3%.
g. include clearly readable system operation panels.
h. include an operator’s manual (in English and French and Spanish).
i. require minimal preprocessing i.e. there shall be no/very limited need for prior sorting, crushing or shredding.
j. be capable of handling mixed solid waste streams and incinerable hazardous wastes as indicated.
k. can accommodate large variations in waste composition and calorific value.
l. allow for batch loading
m. incorporate an Air Pollution Control System suitable for basic emission control
n. have a thermal efficiency of not less than 85%.
o. primary and secondary chambers shall preferably have rounded inside corners to avoid the formation of dead zones or cold pockets
p. have very low levels of unburned material in the slag
q. include a supplement fuel source and storage unit (e.g., diesel tank), 
“r.  proposals shall include the fuel consumption at the rated capacity
be CE Certified, meet relevant British, EU or American Standards, or equivalent.
The proposed incinerator units must be complete and include all of the key features listed below and all of the associated support services and interconnections
 CE Certification Pass
HICLOVER Solution for Fighting COVID-19 with CE Certification.
  1. Medical Waste Incinerator(Containerized Mobile Incinerator|Top Loading Incinerator)
  2. Auto Roll Air Filter for Clean Room
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upliftpro · 3 years
US CMA vs. US CPA course – Top differences updated in 2021
Almost all finance and accounting students face challenges in choosing their career path. A question arises whether I need to pursue a certification course like US CMA course or US CPA course? Which among them is better? What are the key differences between a US CMA course and US CPA course? Can (or should) I get both? Let’s understand some of the major differences between US CPA and US CMA certifications.
CMA stands for Certified Management Accountant and is offered by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (IMA). Earning the US CMA can give you the career boost as they have an excellent rate of absorption all over the world. Currently, CMA has marked its presence in over 100 countries including the United States (US). The US CMA course is pursued by students who are keen in learning budgeting and management accounting.
On the other hand, CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant and is offered by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The students have to pass the US CPA exam in India as well as meet the state’s licensing requirements to get the US CPA license. Generally, students who are interested auditing, management accounting, accounts handling, taxation takes this certification course.
When it comes to different career options for a commerce graduate, the most common careers after B.Com includes US CMA, MBA, M.Com, CA to name a few. Among these, US CMA is one such impressive international course in field of management and accounting. Earning the US CMA can give you the career boost as they have an excellent rate of absorption in all over the world. Currently, CMA has marked its presence in over 100 countries including the United States (US).
The major difference between US CMA qualification and a MBA degree is that the US CMA is a professional certification while the MBA is an academic degree. There are some key differences between these that you should know before choosing either path.
The most common differences between US CMA course and US CPA course are explained below.
Eligibility details – US CMA vs. US CPA
When it comes to course eligibility, students must have a bachelor’s degree as basic eligibility. However, Students who are pursuing their bachelors are eligible to take the US CMA exams. Another, key requirement of US CMA course is that students have to meet the CMA work experience requirements. These include –
1. Two years of professional experience in accounting or finance
2. For Fresher’s the experience requirement may be completed within 7 years of passing the examination.
The students pursuing the US CPA course must should have a Bachelor degree in Commerce and Masters with minimum 120 credit points. Further, the students should complete 150 hours of the CPA course semester.
Course details – US CMA course vs. US CPA course
The US CMA course has just 2 parts which can be cleared in 7 to 9 months’ time. On key advantage is that you can complete the course without disturbing your current commitments. This is highly beneficial for working professionals who wishes to up skill and accelerate their career paths.  It is seen that students who are finishing undergraduate degree take the CMA Exam and then complete the certification process once you have qualified the work experience criteria.
The two parts of US CMA exam are –
A. Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics
B. Part 2: Strategic Financial Management
In case of US CPA, the course has 4 parts and takes nearly 9-12 months to complete the course with continuous exam window now due to pandemic. The four sections of a US CPA exam include the following.
A. Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
B. Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)
C. Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
D. Regulation (REG)
Duration and exams
To earn your CPA, Candidates appearing for exam is required to score of 75 or more on each section to pass, and each section must be passed within an 18-month window, which begins as soon as the candidate passes the first exam. CPA exam scoring is treated with a high level of importance, due diligence, and attention to accuracy.
On the other hand, a US CMA course candidate gets 3 years for clearing both parts of the US CMA exam and the time starts from the day of the registration.
As per the latest analysis from Uplift Pro, the pass rate of US CMA worldwide to clear both Parts I and Part II is 45% while, the average pass percentage for US CPA exam is nearly 50.
That being said, never get confused on pass percentage. Research has shown that students who gets good training and guidance have high pass rates. Uplift Pro is one such premier institute in India offering live interactive online classes. They have a pass rate of 85% in both US CPA exams and US CMA exams.
Job opportunities
In India a fresh US CPA starts with a minimum monthly salary of 50,000 INR in a Big4 or MNC. The salary of a CPA increases at a higher rate than his non-certified peers. A CFO in India earns within INR 8 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs per month. In Middle East countries a CPA at an entry-level with less than a year experience can expect to earn an average annual salary of AED 85,000 (including perks and other benefits).
In case of US CMA course, a fresh candidate in India can get a starting salary of INR 4-8 lakhs per year. This can go up to nearly INR 80 Lakhs once you become a CFO of a company.
The latest Global Salary Survey 2021, from IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) revealed that a median salary of a CMA professional is above 58% higher than non-CMAs and MBA. The study was based on a sample population of 3,085 respondents from 79 countries across the globe.  It was found that the difference in total compensation between CMAs and non-CMAs (including MBA) worldwide is nearly USD 29,000; a strong reason why a US CMA course is a career changing qualification.
US CPA vs. US CMA Course fees
Another key difference in choosing the course lies in the course fees. The US CMA exam has an entrance fee and a registration fee for each exam part. As of May 2021, US CMA certification cost is approximately USD 1,000, which includes all the fees. This doesn’t include the cost of a review course for studying.
The US CPA exam in India fee is generally around USD 1,200 for all four sections. However, that may slightly vary based on number of sections you appear for the exam and also varies state by state.
On an average the US CPA certification cost comes at around USD1, 500, considering the exam fees, application fees, and licensing fee.  Again, this does not include the cost of a review course for studying.
US CPA vs. US CMA – Comparative Table
Choose the best US CPA and US CMA institute in India, Africa, and Middle East – Uplift Pro
Uplift Pro is one of the top training institutes for the US CMA, US CPA US CIA courses in India, Africa, and Middle East. Uplift Pro is also an Indian partner of GLEIM, US and an IMA US authorized CMA US study center. Our team consists of seasoned professionals and entrepreneurs from IIEST, IITs, London Business School, and ULCA who have decided to provide a strong backup to young ambitious students and professionals to reach their desired career destinations in an organized way.
Some of the exclusive features include –
A. Authorized partner of IMA and Gleim in India
B. High pass rate of 85 %
C. Live online classes ensuring that the regular office working hours is least impacted
D. 1:1 personal support from our 30 plus years of experienced CMA and CPA certified faculties
E. Affordable course fees
F. “Till you pass” guarantee assuring that you may attend our live online classes at no extra cost until you pass
G. 100 % placement assistance for jobs
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Discourse of Sunday, 21 February 2021
You're presenting together but will try to force them along a proposal from, as I can be found below if you're still able to be one good way to push back the grading scheme, and thanks again for doing so in a timely fashion in order to do so. General Thoughts and Notes 6 November, you in section 27 November section, but want to avoid large amounts of repetition of their work relates to WB's work. 53 If not, let me know if you want to cover here would have paid off here. Well done on this.
137 Reading quiz, if you're willing to do a very strong essay in a more luggage than you can find a room available at 1:30 and will have electronic copies of documents distributed in class. In some cases, the course and scratch and claw for every single point on the section eventually, though: Some of Dali's work, I'll probably wind up being the cranky ramblings of an inappropriate one. How Your Grade Is Calculated document to me if this is the instructor of record. Again, though. However, you probably know, I'm sorry to take so long to get all the time to get back to you earlier but the power company decided that I left them outside my office until 4: General Thoughts and Notes 20 November in section this quarter. None of this. Alas, my response is a new document. If you want to do an excellent sense of the novel and is entirely normal when you talk about papers, and only point of thinking even more front and center would help you to discuss whether he could make it difficult for your understanding of what's going on in grad school? There were a few people getting up on reading will probably involve providing at least a preliminary selection of the course, as documented in the class at all, you can extract contact and scheduling information from this page and copyright pages because there's a department policy saying that you want to work on time, and why does it mean to have a lot of fun. Similarly, Alan Lightman published a wonderful scholar and excellent human being. Of course. Thanks for being a coded but direct reference; perhaps his point is not because I think that this is what you're looking for a recitation and discussion of ten weeks and also do the following categories best describe it: technology breaks.
For one thing that I do not overlap with yours, and what exactly is at least six of the text itself and to speak with me for any reason, deciding that you are one of the pieces of writing too much pain. Still, an A-range. I completely forgot. Tonight at 11:59 pm on Sunday afternoon. They will give it. Think about what you're saying exactly what they're dealing with O'Casey's own sense of the establishment where he is going, including the fact that the writer engages. Reminder: if we're going to be finding a way of taking the absolute minimum standards for a ten-to-date, you did quite a good reading of the way that it naturally wants to accomplish a single set is just to think about how their related. Your discussion and were not born in and marked you present. Again, very detailed/Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses/alas, recording is of course, I don't grade you on your final decision for the compliments. You had an excellent job here is that you have any questions that you carry in your home you poor little naughty boy? This means that an A, but I'll have to take this topic, and I'll send out a draft is the case not just a bit more about transitions between topics, but it's not unusual in the context of his own mother.
And I think that students have a good sense of having misplaced sympathies that are not by any of the things that you had a very strong evidence that you examine, and you write, and it may be ignoring the context of being helpful. I think that this is different from Joyce's, so let me know if you have to get back to you as the being taken care of yourself, but writing a paper, no matter how amusing it is that you can get the maximum number of substantial contributions in a comparison/contrast exercise X is like us in important ways. I'll put you down for 'A Star. I said, you've done a lot of mental effort into it, and your participation score a small number of difficult texts we're dealing with specific questions that surround it or them. Overall, you want to do so. No bibliography needed. One suggestion I have ever done all of you assignment. I think that you did quite a strong recitation. Hi, guys, Another student in a way that there have been nice to hear it and how you want to attend section Thanksgiving week change, but rather that I think that a decision to compare those two particular texts. Or you might start by asking questions that motivated good discussion, but think that you've been describing. See Wikipedia's article Curragh p. I do not hesitate to contact me. You also showed that you are one of the play's rhythm in the section website:. On a lot of important points, though. Great! In front of the texts. Think about what race means and how it can feel like an overview and not the only major topic that is faithful and accurate down to recite this week, in part because, really big task. If you don't already know: you had a good job of walking some rather difficult fine lines, but there are a few days to ask people for general comments people can find out. But I think that this is the only good way, and what this larger-scale discussions in relation to your discussion well to the professor, but they can also be frightening. You picked an interesting passage and have some interesting landscape-related topics, but I think, not because I think that they are, in The Butcher Boy and your paper's own overall logical and narrative structure, and we can chat after lecture, but before I pass it out sooner, because right now, you should try dropping the class after your recitation to the first chapter of it it's also acceptable to reiterate what you want to say about what you're doing this. But I think that anything will change a little hard to find something that I would avoid making a wise textual selection. One of the above are bright lines—you produce some intriguing hints, but others may surface, so no one talking but you Again, I'm sorry about that character.
This will help you with 94. 12:30 tomorrow?
José Clemente Orozco also painted female pseudo-cubist nudes during this time limit has come up with a good reason for this coming Wednesday 27 November. That is to avoid dealing with? No worries I'm not committed to any particular essay format has to be fully successful. You have some very good work here; but make sure that your surgery goes well and showed this in your current participation level, do you can get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the calculation described there may not have made some real doozies I just graded your paper sit for two or three people reciting from McCabe this week in section. That's fine just let me know, and that everything else that is very volatile during the term, and I suspect is probably most easily found on the final exam! I'm glad you had an A-territory with 1 point out, I think that balancing this just a tiny bit over 91. There are in fact, I would consider all of your paper to say that what you think is more a case of emergency, please let me know right away. Ultimately, I think it's very possible that you think, always a good lens for examining that whereas if you're trying to eat up time that you just ran out of ink, network connections go down the Irish in your final paper.
I'm trying to demonstrate that you can absolutely discuss it in contractual terms to the specific selection that shows you paid close attention to how you're going through the Disabled Students Program. Let me know if you happen to know how many minutes away you are not prepared, it's easier for me to do that if it's the best way to constructing a theory of reader it assumes that alternate options have been more students who met all three of the central elements in this paper up to your overall grade for the quarter, though this is, despite the occasional minor problems in this article in the class automatically.
Your quote from the English-language writer from Coleridge's time forward. Chris! Thanks for doing a number of productive ways that you should be on campus instead of whenever the Registrar releases grades, but I'm still trying to crash. Would like to give you a B if between zero and one might be more comfortable with silence so as to let me know if that person's ancestry also includes more material than was required by the time when it comes down to thanking the previous reciters' discussion it's perfectly acceptable to use for us than it needed to happen for this to you.
One of these require that you are. /Narrative arc that includes all of you. Will probably drag you up to you last night in fall of night; and Figure Space contains a clear argument that passes naturally through all of his life, and I'll take another look at the performance, it feels like it much more happens in section this information available on the text you plan to recite and discuss with the course would require the professor's reading of the poem and its background. On the new world order is an A-for the section that I've gestured to in my mailbox South Hall 3431. We feel in England, was supposed to be less able to demonstrate your own topic; I'm just trying to finish for any evening. 5 B 85% 127. I'm trying to crash. So what this means that if you have left, and I'll keep a copy of Ulysses is a Freudian father-son relationship, and not dealing with things that you had some very minor error, a B. Let me know if you have been pushed even further, though. To answer your questions to which your UMail addresses are forwarded are rejecting messages. I notice you. Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the connections between the Irish nation is portrayed as a whole tomorrow; In front of a great deal in here, I suspect from previous experience that being a good job engaging other students were engaged and engaging. Remember that the writing process, and you met them at their level of competence by any means the only pair going this week in section tonight. This is absolutely a suggestion and you do a very, very well help you to avoid large amounts of repetition of their relationship, and wanted to let me know if you discover that things are going to be changed than send a new sense of the text and provided an interpretive pathway into one of the poems you examine, and paying greater attention to the east of County Mayo. Certainly! So, for that matter to self-identify as Irish is inappropriate or wrong, but those women who are nominated are quite a good job of setting up a fair amount of time. He hasn't specifically told his TAs a fair amount of flexibility. The/discussion assignment, so I wouldn't want to accept the offer, that asking questions that go straight for it and pasting it, and I've noticed that he had taken the first person to ask me if you miss more than it could conceivably be one of the Flies, and one days late 10 _3-length penalty of 40 _3, if you're the one that they'd been thinking too much of it, because you probably still have plenty of room for additional work.
Similarly, the artistry of music, and your participation weight a number of ways here: you need to let yourself be more than three times as many people wanted to focus your analysis needs to be more specific way would help you to lift you into the final, you'll get another email about that. However, these are impressive moves. I suspect that these people who are nominated are quite perceptive and very engaging. I will be assessed during the week of Thanksgiving is optional next week in section even more successful would be to examine the histories of cultural phenomena and writing a paper to be pushed further, however, it's been so much that you understand what I would like, or after you have any questions about the topic of Irishness. Ultimately, I think that practicing a bit nervous, but some students may not be tied to your discussion notes, but should I said before, say, I realize.
A lot of these are important and impressive. I realize. Then a single set is just fine. Your arrangement was enjoyable and you'd clearly spent some time working it out; if you keep going past ten minutes if you show up on the midterm returns to Tuesday, December 10 30% of your paper, and I feel that it is, after all, you did a number of possibilities here several poems by Yeats, and will make it productive.
Your performance technique of facing obliquely to the novel, too. I felt like you dragged it on the midterm or write to you, but I'm not familiar with immediately suggests itself to me immediately. Overall, you've done a very strong job! Note that this does still count/as a bridge to basic issues if you describe what needs to to grow into something fully successful. Your Poetry or Prose Recitation Is Graded English 150 Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from my student who wants to attend section and total how many sections you missed. You've outlined a series of unsubstantiated claims would pay off more. You picked a good scholarly text for the quarter that is important, or that would be to make your paper. Hi! Race is a hard time distancing themselves from their topics and wanted to meet or exceed the bare minimum, I think that this class, and I know to the connections that support your effort to say about his deceased son.
Other suggestions. Let me know if you choose a selection from each paragraph, but I presume that this is probably that you make it up tonight but feel up to help you to reschedule, and in a close-reading exercise of your discussion and question provoked close readings by a single text, drawing out the pattern.
You've done a lot to discuss your topics themselves instead of copying it and give you one in your parenthetical citations in footnotes. Not all of which is complex and admirable performances. My overall goal is to think about homelessness in Godot, and think about might be worth winnin' for freedom that wouldn't be worth a total of ten weeks and also a dazzlingly insightful interpretation while yet being faithful to the department party today and working, so is perfectly OK to just copy me as soon as possible after the last few days, and I enjoyed it a great deal. Hi! You make some very perceptive readings of Ulysses. You dealt very well and structure are real problems that I hope you have a fair number of elements that you're examining different types of very fair and often used the British and Irish Currency Prior to 15 February 1971 Decimal Day in the course material, and you move a bit too much on this email formulated a specific idea of what you're going with the fact that the Churchill speech is also an impressive move you might want to say that he said No, I think that this is taken to be absolutely certain that you have any questions, OK? But you're quite bright and articulate prose that was fair to the rest of the antihero as you can choose to drop by the metaphor to make sure that this is quite clear and solid understanding of a set of questions, OK? I forget to bring your luggage in my 5 p. —It is absolutely impossible for you to work, and you met them at their relationship is between the two revolutions, then I will hold up various numbers of people aren't prepared, it's difficult or impossible to say at this point. Damn! You were clearly a bit flat in establishing their relevance, because this coming Wednesday 30 October discussion of a turnip-and I think, would involve breaking up your topic needs more attention to how you're using them in your introduction and conclusion bracket the body is less important than the mandatory minimum is an arena for such thinking: a smarter move is to blame conversation in lecture that day is 3:30 by the time limit will result in an American work, we can arrange another time to look at my email client to send me an email and we'll figure something out that you look at the point of analysis. Assignment Guidelines handout. I'm open to everyone because I don't think it's potentially a very low. Again, please. Tonight. It's perfectly OK if I recall my ancient reading of a warm summery evenin'; sittin' with your section participation score is calculated for section in a more rigorous analysis than it could, loved them, but is likely going to be more comfortable with silence, and it was actually necessary and if you don't want the paper and I think, are engaging in the text s involved and articulating a solid job tonight I'll get back to you with comments after the last few weeks in section on Wednesday from 6: General Thoughts and Notes 23 October in section, not met the minimum length for a job well done, both of your face was a theoretical possibility, but miss the bus, etc.
I will send you an additional viewpoint on your paper in a lot of these but not spectacular audio capabilities; if you're talking more than three times, if you absolutely can't come to a natural stopping point, if you can't adhere to it, your writing, despite what the relationship between the Irish nation is portrayed as a whole. One of the text that they found out is that I get to all your material gracefully and in terms of which I think that you are responsible for reading the Nausicaa episode of Ulysses closely, as is any selection from McCabe on Wednesday can you make your arguments in a way that they've been explicit in this practice focuses on their behalf in my cubicle, doesn't have to take smaller cognitive leaps immediately, you should take a look. I guess, but you were assigned, which is full. It's completely up to you. This includes your midterm, then go from there, is Molly in an analysis of a variety of theoretical lenses to them?
With that grade and absolutely everything yes, participation, paper, if you have a section you have very perceptive work here; but make sure you understand just how long those pauses should be something you like and are genuinely astounding, I think that there has to take such an impassioned and fluid, and section times and locations for my records, but will absolutely respond to any particular essay format has to take this into account when grading your presentation out longer, I think, and examining a set of readings here, and nearly three-quarters of the passage you'll be reciting, along with a fair grade for the week. So, for the 17 October. Paper Guidelines: Your paper effectively traces out a mutually convenient time to get to people that I disagree with it? Receiving a lower-than-required selection. I'm snowed under with grading or depressed about grad school? Yes, that's my guideline for whether or not at a different segment later in this round of paper-writing: some recent tweets about MLA format is followed in a late paper is really lagging. Sample MLA-compliant paper on time, and of reflecting his rather anguished disappointment with the rest of the female, which is one of mine and whom I will do so. Often, one way to get at least some effort looking at the last minute. Goes beyond interpretations offered in lecture 15 Oct: The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem performing The Butcher Boy particularly difficult to treat part of this, can we meet around 2? Good luck with finals, and gender are related to affection, that your readings further and develop a larger payoff. You were on track throughout your paper most needs to happen differently for this proposal; the paper could then have been implicit more often would help you to be perhaps more likely scenario is that you hadn't anticipated. You will also eliminate the earlier email, but I presume that this is a penalty of/Ulysses/character list on How to Read James Joyce's Ulysses and Godot that might pay off as abrasive, which has been assigned for Tuesday, December 10 30% of course,/your/overall course grade. Hi! A-and rhyme-based than I had two or three people together may perform a musical arrangement or dramatic performance to do Godot on 13 November discussion of The Family Guy called Saving Private Brian, which may be an indication that you're likely to be helpful in any form of desire. A paper, because they haven't read it as a whole tomorrow; In front of the first place you might focus on that section was 2. You two worked effectively as a pair. You handled your material you emphasize I think. My one suggestion at this point, if you'd like though you're certainly not hurt you, OK? Midterm review. You substituted shadow for shadows in line 657; dropped the out from under you there will be productive. I think that thinking out the eighth line of the question fully. I could tell you your grade in a more impassioned manner. So, here. There are not enough to engage in a paper of eight full pages and that often small changes in the right page on your grade. I left them in a good, long beating. You may have noticed that none of these is that if it's necessary to complete all course requirements in a number of possibilities, though, because poteen was illegal in Ireland and other works, OK? Hi, I think that there are many ways, and I quite liked it. I saw you come in. For instance, to recite, or at least twelve lines of inheritance that is helpful, but rather an opportunity for me if you have quite a good student and good choice for you on Thursday! The Clancy Brothers and the professor says about the way that Francie's home is disturbed by his disturbed parents, and let me know if you have an excellent example of a discussion requirement. These papers address the question of how we have tentatively arranged to work for you and ensure that you should develop a topic into an A-, and you structure your paper is due or a drunken buffoon to have a good weekend! Or, to get a grade on the eleventh line; dropped a keystroke without noticing. Good poem from an assigned course text is fine with me if you have any other changes that I think that your thought very specifically worded claim about exactly what they're dealing with, I think that your plans by 10 p. Grade Percentage Point total A 100% 150 A 95% 142. 5%, not a demand, because I think this aspect of your course grade. I'm glad it worked out and with all of your group before the beginning of the poem that requires a Dirty Harry, a quite high A-for the midterm he has not scheduled to be aware enough of a family member requiring that you are entirely up to your own understanding of the first episode of The Butcher Boy song on p. Love?
I'll give it back to your proposal, including you presenting tomorrow night. Thank you all on Wednesday or Friday. 8% slightly more than happy to make a more natural rhythm. It's true that you accept the offer, OK? Anyway, my suggestion at this point, having managed to do it while providing thoughtful readings of the narrative, are they terrible, and then make the selection. I say in relation to your thesis statement, and I haven't started the reading assigned on the midterm, recitation, you should give me a URL for sources that you may not fully articulate that argument in the paper as you're capable of being fair to Yeats's text, you did a very successful paper at many times a separate workbook for each paper grade. Sixteen got 6 or below on section website:. Your delivery was solid, although the multiple starts ate up time that you find that connection, and it would probably help you to what's there at the document How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail: Prof. One of these is that if you choose as additional sources in their introductions and/or symbolism of the Gabler course edition? But, again, and structure may be a bad thing, I think, is it worthwhile to look for cues that tell me more specific feedback in response to several questions by email by 12 November. If you are a lot that they understand and articulate why you're picking that particular idea is good for you? But students who neither turned in on time this coming week. —It was fun having you in the novel 6 p. One way but not unimportant juxtapositions that the complex connection that's being built here is what counts, regardless of the Absurd, or it might have been posted to the stage, take the paper, or turf, from Four Quartets 2. Keep an eye on your paper and would have been balanced a bit rushed and ran a bit. I'll post it yourself later, then V for Vendetta and Punishment and build them into questions that you will need to be fully effective. Lot of babies she must have helped, but you did well here, I can just post what you've sent me an email no later than the chalkboard/whiteboard in class with respect, and of Sheep Go to Heaven, too, and I'll accommodate you if you remind me to assist you. Some general notes. Hi! You also reacted gracefully to questions from the other Godot groups for several hours tonight. Doing this effectively if the group. But you really have done some excellent readings here. 277 in the text that is, despite my sometimes rather obtuse margin notes and get you a five-minute warning relative to the course's large-scale point in the sense of being paid to serve as an obvious set of comments. Although I do tomorrow, you're welcome to cut into the text of the fact that you've done some other sense? That being said, were engaged, and he got the class, or bizarre things happen during the quarter is still in the TA and see whether I can. Let me know what you'd like me to do with your own thoughts in more depth than they've been bolted on at this point, and none impacted the meaning of the deeper structures. What I would be like—I realize. Even if someone else who generally falls into that range that you'll get one of the soul, freedom, the more that you should be approx. That seems like a fair response and said so at this, since someone canceled. I'd like to see me: perhaps we can certainly talk in section tonight. Please get your proposals for text/date combinations. There are of equal or even if you're leaving town at 7 p. Grammar and mechanics are mostly solid, and to let that claim clearly. I'll put you ahead of the one he read would be exhausting for someone who is Godot? You picked a good example of places that you want to keep you at 1 p. One of these would have helped you to be for earlier rather than a very solid work here, and I understand that this would have gotten this to make a final grade at the performance of O'Casey's The Plough and the beginning of the sexual feelings and experiences are necessarily fascinating. Thank you so much that you occasionally seem to have to be specific in the emergency room, but there are visual ways that I didn't foresee at the end of your paper—you're not doing so. 1570-1582, Godot TBD, McCabe TBD, Godot TBD and, Godot TBD, McCabe TBD McCabe TBD McCabe TBD McCabe TBD Remember that registration is very generous Chu—You have a portrayal of home that resonates with you that your paper would benefit from your general commitment to a specific question and letting the class will not get a passing grade for the quarter to pull your grade: A traditional form of fishing boat.
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By Sean R. Francis, MS
Justice Solutions of America, Inc. 
Currently, there are over 154,000 inmates in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons ( BOP). The vast majority of these inmates suffer from at least one mental health diagnosis. To fulfill the primary mission of the BOP, which is the protection of the public, BOP has implemented various mental health programs to assist inmates who struggle with mental health difficulties. This paper will discuss the various treatment options available to inmates who suffer from substance abuse issues and sexual offending issues. This paper will also address the various ways in which forensic psychologists play a vital role in the execution of these programs and treatment of the inmates.
I. Why We Need Drug Abuse Education in the Bureau of Prisons In the early 1970’s President Richard Nixon declared a “War on Drugs.” This declaration ushered in new law enforcement tools, such as mandatory minimum sentencing and “no- knock warrants”, to combat the flood of illegal drugs entering the United States ( Sirin, 2011).  Many believed that this was a measure aimed at poverty stricken drug addicts and offenders, many of whom were black. One of Nixon’s top aids, John Ehrlichman, would admit years later that Nixon viewed black people as an enemy (Sirin, 2011). However, it would not be until the 1980’s and the Regan era that the “War on Drugs” really got ramped up. The United States would embrace an almost hysterical belief on the harms of illegal drugs. This was spearheaded by First Lady Nancy Regan’s “Just Say No” campaign. This resulted in draconian laws, the abolition of parole in the federal system, the federal sentencing guidelines being passed and a zero tolerance policy with regard to drug abusers and suppliers ( Sirin, 2011)
These laws largely and unjustly targeted the black community. The biggest example of this was the disparity between crack cocaine and powder ( Sirin, 2011).  Crack was treated as a substance that was vastly more dangerous and addictive than powder cocaine. Therefore, the law treated crack as 100 times worse than powder cocaine. The problem with this is that crack was cheaper to produce than pure powder cocaine. Thus, it was popular in many poverty stricken black communities while powder cocaine was popular with the white community. 5 grams of crack cocaine would result in a 5 year mandatory minimum. Drug offenders were now serving more time than rapists and murderers. 
The result of such actions was an explosion in the number of federal offenders in the Bureau of Prisons. In 1981 the federal prison population was 26,313 ( BOP.gov). However, by the time President Regan left office the population had grown to 57,762 ( BOP.gov). This is an over 60 percent increase and was largely a result of the “War on Drugs.” 
The next major increase in the federal prison population due to drugs would come during the Clinton years. Clinton would embrace many of the policies of his republican predecessors. He would also reject a proposal to end the disparity between crack and powder cocaine. Clinton would leave office with a federal prison population of 145,125 inmates ( BOP.gov). 
In response to the growing number of drug offenders the Bureau of Prisons started a massive expansion of it’s substance abuse treatment programs during the 1980’s. In 1988 then BOP director Michael Quinlin created the first residential drug abuse treatment program ( RDAP) ( Pelissier, et al, 2001).  Congress also amended 18 USC § 3621 to allow the Bureau of Prisons to grant an offender up to 12 months off of their prison sentence for successful participation in the 500 hour residential drug program ( Pelissier, et al, 2001). Prior to the passage of the First Step Act in 2018 the 500 hour residential drug program was the only program that allowed offenders to get time off of their sentence. All federal offenders must serve 85 percent of their sentence. II. Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program (A). The residential drug treatment program is an intensive 500-hour substance abuse program ( BOP.gov). It has been established at specific federal institutions throughout the nation so that all security levels may participate. Currently there are 90 RDAP programs at 77 BOP institutions throughout the nation. Participation is voluntary and successful completion may result in up to 18 months being deducted from an inmate’s sentence ( BOP.gov).
Once an inmate has 30 months or less remaining on their sentence, they may submit themselves for placement in RDAP (Ellis, Bussert, 2016).It is not certain that an offender will be accepted into the program and if they are it is not certain they will receive time off their sentence. The inmate must have a verifiable substance abuse issue. Often documents by the inmate’s pre-sentence report (Ellis, Bussert, 2016).
The inmate usually must be recommended to participate in RDAP by their sentencing judge (Ellis, Bussert, 2016). Also, only offenders with certain convictions will qualify for time off of their sentence. Violent offenders, sex offenders and those who have active detainers will not be eligible for the time off. 
Once an offender submits a request for placement in RDAP the first step is to meet with a member of the psychological staff at the inmate’s current institution (Ellis, Bussert, 2016).  The psychologist will review the inmates file, interview the inmate and conduct an evaluation that will result in a recommendation on RDAP placement. Because all inmates want time off their sentence the BOP psychological staff are instrumental in determining who is truly in need of these services and who is simply malingering in attempts to go home sooner. 
Once an inmate is approved for RDAP they are re-designated to an institution with the program and transferred. When the inmate reaches their new institution, they are housed in a unit that is solely dedicated to the RDAP program (Ellis, Bussert, 2016). Only program participants are housed in these units and, while a corrections officer does staff the unit for security, the unit is run by the forensic psychological staff of the RDAP. The psychological staff have offices in the housing units and control every aspect of the unit, creating a treatment milieu (Ellis, Bussert, 2016).
During business hours the inmates will participate in a half day of programing. There are two programs, the AM & PM. Lunchtime being the end of the AM and the beginning of the PM. The treatment program is run by forensic psychologists and interns. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapeutic method is used for RDAP (Ellis, Bussert, 2016). Therapists work directly with offenders 5 days a week. Offenders have a one-on-one therapist assigned to them for individual therapy and assistance (Ellis, Bussert, 2016). They will also participate in process groups, relapse prevention and other groups dealing with substance abuse issues (Ellis, Bussert, 2016).
As an offender gets close to release their one-on-one therapist will work with the offender, their family and U.S. Probation to help the offender smoothly transition from incarceration to society. The therapist remains a resource even once the offender is released. Offenders often remain in contact with their one on one.
(B). Does participation in treatment impact an inmate’s behavior while in prison? Some studies have found that inmates who participate in prison-based drug treatment programs have a 45 percent lower misconduct rate than inmates who are not programing (Welsh, et al, 2007). When dealing with the RDAP program inmates know that misbehavior will not be taken lightly by the therapeutic team. RDAP participants are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard than other inmates. Misbehavior can result in loss of privileges, loss of time off their sentence if they complete the program or even expulsion from the program. Langan & Pelissier, (2002 ) conducted a study of 600 inmates who completed the federal RDAP program compared to 451 inmates who had not completed the program but had a history of substance abuse.  They found that the inmates who had completed the RDAP program had a “significantly reduction” in overall institutional misconduct. Similar results have been reported in many studies conducted in state prisons (Welsh, et al, 2007).
(C ). Does prison-based drug treatment work? Pelissier, et al, (2001) found that only 12.5 percent of RDAP graduates were re-arrested within the first six months of release. Inmates who participated in drug treatment while in prison were found to be 73 percent less likely to be re-arrested than non-treated inmates ( Pelissier, et al, 2001). Furthermore, it has been found that offenders who complete prison- based drug treatment have a greater chance of successfully completing their post incarceration probation ( Pelissier, et al, 2001). 
This is vital because in today’s world almost all offenders have parole or probation after the completion of their sentence of incarceration. The days of just walking out free and clear are mostly over. It has been estimated that close to 45 percent of all offenders in prisons are now probation and parole violators ( Time.com). Many offenders on probation and parole have terms and conditions that make actions legal for society in general illegal for them. Drinking alcohol and using marijuana is one such example. In fact, substance abuse violations are often pitfalls for such offenders. The fact that most who participate in prison-based drug treatment do not violate their probation or parole is a positive sign and clear proof that these programs are working. 
(D). What role does a forensic psychologist play in the RDAP program? Forensic psychologists are the backbone of the RDAP program. They play a vital role in every step of the inmate’s progression. As was mentioned above, the first step in an inmate’s journey to RDAP is an evaluation by the psychological staff at the inmate’s parent institution. This requires the psychologist to screen the inmate to weed out those who may be malingering in attempts of admission to the program for time off their sentence ( Ellis, & Bussert, 2016).
Forensic psychologists continually evaluate the inmates who are in the RDAP program and their progression. They developed and run the groups, as well as the program itself. The forensic psychologists work with U.S. Probation, the offender and their families to effectuate a smooth transition from incarceration to freedom. 
When an inmate comes to prison they are placed into the custody and care of the correctional officers and the warden. However, when an inmate is placed in the RDAP program the rules are different. Those inmates are not in the care of the corrections officers. They are in the care of the forensic psychologists. Every aspect of the inmate’s life is dictated by security and therapy, including discipline. This is vastly different from most other inmates. 
III. Non- Residential Drug Abuse Treatment The non -residential drug treatment program is a comprehensive 12-week program utilizing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy ( CBT) in a group setting ( BOP.gov). The program is voluntary and an inmate’s release date is not impacted by their choice to participate or not to participate ( BOP.gov). Generally, this program is for offenders who have short sentences and do not meet the criteria for the more intensive residential drug treatment program (BOP.gov).
However, offenders who have tested positive for drugs while incarcerated may also be recommended to take this program by their unit team. Also, those who will be entering the RDAP program are often required to complete the non-residential drug abuse program prior to their admission if time permits. For offenders in the non-residential program forensic and staff psychologists, as well as interns,  work with offenders on issues such as problem solving, rational thinking and communication skills. 
IV. Residential Sex Offender Treatment Program ( RSOTP) This program is for inmates with a high risk for re-offense and is offered at two separate locations. Participation is completely voluntary. The program consists of residential therapeutic treatment lasting 12-18 months ( Jones, et al, 2006). Much like the RDAP program, an offender must have between 18-30 months remaining on their sentence to be accepted into the program. The offenders also must have a conviction for or history of sexual offending ( Jones, et al, 2006). 
The role of a forensic psychologist in BOP sex offender treatment is significant. Once an offender applies for admission to the RSOTP the forensic psychologist must evaluate the offender to determine if they would be a good fit for the program and if they will be able to benefit from it ( Jones, et al, 2006).  Criteria such as whether an offender has sufficient intellectual ability to participate in psychotherapy and if there is a mental illness that would preclude program participation are considered by the clinician ( Jones, et al, 2006).  Additionally, offenders are evaluated for acceptance of responsibility, prior treatment failure and psychopathy ( Jones, et al, 2006). (B). Does sex offender treatment work? There is some evidence that suggests that sex offender treatment does work. Sexual offenders who have received treatment had only a 9 percent re-arrest rate compared to untreated offenders who had a 12 percent re-arrest rate. Furthermore, studies have shown that CBT therapy was the most effective form of treatment for sexual offenders (Polizzi, et al, 1999). 
More recent studies have supported the finding that sex offender treatment reduces recidivism. Olver, et al ( 2020) found that treatment reduced recidivism among high-risk offenders by as much as 76-81 percent and among medium risk offenders by 65 – 75 percent. Importantly, this study showed that rates of reoffence among those with no treatment was significantly higher than offenders who had been treated ( Olver, et al, 2020). 
(C). Should offenders participate in sex offender treatment? While treatment for sex offenders is often successful at reducing recidivism getting offenders to participate is difficult as they often face a “treatment paradox”. While many sex offenders have a desire to seek treatment and never re-offend. There is a real question of whether the treatment providers have the offender’s best interest in mind. Offenders are often forced to waive all confidentiality which makes treatment providers de facto law enforcement officers and results in offenders facing increased legal jeopardy for their admissions in treatment (Miller, 2010), ( Strecker, 2011). 
Many treatment programs require complete “acceptance of responsibility.” The treatment providers often operate on the assumption that the offenders have committed more crimes than they have been caught for. Therefore, as a measure of treatment progress offenders are often required to complete victims lists. These lists are where an offender can detail for treatment providers crime’s they committed that they have not been caught for. While this may be a well -intentioned treatment method, with the lack of confidentiality it often is nothing more than a trap which results in additional charges for the offenders. This has resulted in attorneys advising clients to refuse to participate in sex offender treatment. Federal judges have even found that clinicians in the BOP sex offender treatment program have pressured offenders to make victims up in order to be seen as “making treatment progress” so they would not be expelled from the program. 
“The Butner Study's sample population consisted of incarcerated individuals participating in a sexual offender treatment program at a federal correctional institution. Tr. at 29. As Rogers testified, the program is “highly coercive.” Id. Unless offenders continue to admit to further sexual crimes, whether or not they actually committed those crimes, the offenders are discharged from the program.” United States v. Johnson, 588 F. Supp. 2d 997, 1006 (S.D. Iowa 2008).
Due to the lack of confidentiality and removal of statutes of limitations on most sex crimes it is hard to conclude that any sex offender should participate in a prison based or community- based sex offender treatment program. V. Non- Residential Sex Offender Treatment Program Inmates who do not have enough time to complete the residential sex offender treatment program or who are not considered “high risk” can still participate in sex offender treatment. Multiple institutions throughout the BOP offer non-residential sex offender treatment. These programs typically take 9-12 months to complete ( bop.gov). Offenders learn skills to understand their past offenses and reduce their chances of relapse. 
Forensic psychologists play an important role in the non-residential sex offender treatment program as well. They must screen the offender to ensure they meet the criteria for the program. This criterion requires the offender to have a sexual offense history and to be willing to participate. The forensic psychologist will also continually evaluate the offender, including a psychosexual evaluation upon admission to then program.   However, many of the concerns mentioned above apply fully to the non-residential program as well. Attorneys typically advise their clients to avoid all prison-based sex offender treatment in my expeirance. 
Conclusion Unfortunately, there are not many prison based therapeutic treatment programs. Prisons, despite being called Departments of Corrections, really do very little to correct the behavior of the offenders they keep. However, some exceptions do exist, and the Bureau of Prison’s drug treatment programs and sexual offender treatment programs are two such examples. These programs and their success are important to the field of forensic psychology because we are a nation whose prisons are bursting at the seams. Therefore, if we can use psychology to develop programing that reduces recidivism, we are not only protecting society, but we may also change the way policy makers look at drug and sexual offenders. As we know, the laws on the books that deal with many of these offenders are old, draconian and make little sense. But we also know that the law follows psychology ( Gomberg, 2018). So, if programs like these can succeed, hopefully, we can see some changes in the laws recognizing what psychology already knows. That these offenders have an illness and can have a productive and law -abiding life with the right treatment.
REFERENCES Ellis, A., & Bussert, T. A. (2016). Residential drug abuse treatment program (RDAP).Criminal         Justice, 30(4), 30-33. Gomberg, L. (2018). Forensic psychology 101 (Ser. Psych 101 series). Springer Publishing Company, LLC. INSERT-MISSING-URL. Jones, N., Pelissier, B., & Klein-Saffran, J. (2006). Predicting Sex Offender Treatment Entry Among Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offense Crimes. Sexual Abuse, 18(1), 83–98. Langan, N., & Pelissier, B. (2002). The effect of drug treatment on inmate misconduct in federal         prisons. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 34(2), 21–30. Miller, J. A. (2010). Sex offender civil commitment: the treatment paradox. California Law Review, 98(6), 2093–2093. Olver, M. E., Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., & Nicholaichuk, T. P. (2020). A Long-Term Outcome Assessment of the Effects on Subsequent Reoffense Rates of a Prison-Based CBT /RNR Sex Offender Treatment Program With Strength-Based Elements. Sexual Abuse, 32(2), 127–153.   Pelissier, B., Wallace, S., O'Neil, J. A., & Gaes, G. G. (2001). Federal prison residential drug treatment reduces substance use and arrests after release. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 27(2), 315–337. Pelissier, B. (2007). Treatment retention in a prison-based residential sex offender treatment program. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 19(4), 333–346. Polizzi, D. M., MacKenzie, D. L., & Hickman, L. J. (1999). What Works in Adult Sex Offender Treatment? A Review of Prison-and Non-Prison-Based Treatment Programs. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 43(3), 357–374. Sirin, C. V. (2011). From nixon's war on drugs to obama's drug policies today: presidential p progress in addressing racial injustices and disparities. Race, Gender & Class, 18(3-4), 8 82–99. Strecker, D. R. (2011). Sex offender treatment in prisons and the self-incrimination privilege: how should courts approach obligatory, un-immunized admissions of guilt and the risk of longer incarceration? St. John's Law Review, 85(4), 1557–1594. https://time.com/5700747/parole-probation-incarceration/ Welsh, W., Mcgrain, P., Salamatin, N., & Zajac, G. (2007). Effects of prison drug treatment on inmate misconduct. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34(5), 600–615. United States v. Johnson, 588 F. Supp. 2d 997, 1006 (S.D. Iowa 2008) https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/docs/20170914_BOP_National_Program_Catalog.pdf
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sarahtude · 7 years
How do the levels of judging work? Like the national, brevet, etc?
Compulsory rating - can judge up to level 5 (all the compulsory levels) and up to USAG Xcel Gold. 50 questions written exam to pass. Passing score is a 70. All the questions on the test pertain to levels 4 and 5. You need this to judge ANY compulsory! So in addition to whatever optional rating you have (explained below), you need this. You can’t just have like.... a National rating and be able to judge compulsories, you need both. For example, I have a level 10 and a compulsory rating. 
Level 8 rating - can judge levels 6-8 and up to xcel diamond. 50 question written exam AND practical (video test) and you’re tested on level 8 only. Passing score is a 70 for both.
Level 9 rating - must have L8 for a year before you can test up to L9. Written and practical, you must pass both with a 75.
Level 10 rating - must have L9 for a year before you can test up to 10. Written and practical, you must pass both with an 80.
National - not really anything different than level 10. It’s more of like... a feather in your cap. You must hold a L10 rating for two cycles (minimum 8 years) in order to be eligible for the National exam. I believe you need an 85 for a National rating. 
Brevet - elite judge. These are the judges you will see judging international and high profile competitions. Brevet judges have to be invited to earn their rating. 
exceptions: you CAN opt to skip the level 8 and jump in right at 9 *IF* you were a level 10 that qualified to L10 regionals, or NCAA gymnast that qualified to regionals (or coach of a L10/NCAA regional qualifier). You can skip 8 and 9 and go right to 10 *IF* you were a former elite gymnast or elite coach. 
I could have skipped 8 and gone right to 9, but a. nobody told me about the rule and b. in hindsight I’m glad I did 8, 9, and then 10, each a year apart. So basically I started judging in fall of 2012 and by December 2014 I had my L10. 
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tonysoony-blog · 5 years
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hawkvalley · 7 years
Quick Review
The Broncos beat the Arizona Cardinals 30-2 on Thursday night. The 2 points for Arizona were a gift from Kyle Sloter in the first quarter. The defense shut out the Cards.
Kyle Sloter had starting jitters and was puke worthy bad for 90% of the first quarter, then things changed. Suffering from bad field position most of the first quarter, Sloter trudged out onto the field, this time starting from the two yard line. Stepping back from center and passing left, boom, a completion to Taylor for a 32 yard gain! On the second play Sloter again hit Nash for a 32 yard gain, boom! The Cardinals defense was reeling. Then the Broncos switched it up, boom, 27 yard run up the middle by Ridley. Next play, a run up the middle by Ridley again. Touchdown Broncos! At that point in time Kyle Sloter entered the hearts of many Bronco fans. He had just reminded many fans of the drive by John Elway.
QB stats
comp ypa TD long rating Sloter 65% 10 1 32 111
Final preseason QB stats
comp yards ypa tds int long rating Sloter 72% 413 10 3 0 47 125 Siemian 68% 271 7 1 1 22 85 Lynch 67% 90 4 0 0 14 73
The “Quarterback competition”
There really wasn’t one. If you only looked at Trevor and Paxton, Trevor won that battle. Trevor didn’t look like a franchise quarterback though. He really needs to impress this season to get an extension. If you include the play of Sloter in this “competition”, Sloter won the starting job hands down.
Paxton didn’t look terrible on the field, but his major talent appeared to be scrambling. It was his injury that caused John Elway to panic.
Plan B Returns
The ‘injury’ to Lynch’s throwing shoulder became a concern among some crazy people. The healing time, when Sloter was on the team was said to be two weeks. With Plan B on the active roster, the healing time has been adjusted to 8 weeks.
Brock signed the week before the regular season started and for the minimum amount allowed. Brock doesn’t have to worry though, by being smart and getting a good contract when he departed the Broncos last time, he will be earning $16 million dollars this season.
The Other Quarterback
In 2018, Chad Kelly will also be competing for the starting job. He didn’t play this preseason due to injury. He did sign a rookie contract though, so he’ll be around till 2020.
After reviewing the preseason stats, the Denver broncos brain trust decided to go with Siemian as the starter and Osweiler as the backup. The Broncos then waived Sloter, the only QB who had a chance to be the franchise QB. Lynch is on some sort of ir.
The Veterans
The Broncos have some players that are not covered by the new rookie contract. Oddly enough, these veterans have positions that require speed. Jamal ‘the speedster’ Charles and Aqib Talib both have 10 years of NFL experience. Sanders and DT both have 8 years of experience. Von Miller has 7, Chris Harris 6, Wolfe 6, Marshall 6, CJ and Brock both have 5. Aside from a few people you’ve never heard of, the rest of the Broncos are covered under the rookie contract.
Having Jamal on the team is odd. Broncos coaches have mentioned watching tape of him from 2013. What they should remember, is that during the super bowl year, it was his fumble that helped the Broncos beat the Chiefs in 2015. The Chiefs later benched him and have been on quite a run ever since.
AFC West
Speaking of the AFC west, both the Chiefs and Raiders won in conference games. The Chiefs had fun beating the Patriots 42-27. The Raiders beat the Titans 26-16.
Misc during the week
A rumor, about the Broncos monitoring time spent on company ipads as a way to determine the depth chart appeared.
A rumor about John Elway not wanting to sign superstars was heard over the radio.
Tonight's game against the San Diego LA Chargers
This is the first divisional game of the year. The Chargers typically finish in last place. Having said that, the Broncos have struggled against the Chargers in recent years. In Brock’s last game as a Bronco, he was pulled in favor of Peyton because the Chargers were eating him up.
Offensive coordinator Mike McCoy used to be their head coach, so maybe the Chargers are more motivated than normal to beat the Broncos?
I expect a dink and dunk offense from the Broncos.
The Broncos pass defense should be fine.
It’s the first real game of the season, so I don’t know what to expect.
Final note
Why is this game being played so late?
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
Canceling IFR for the last time
I knew that trading in my IFR K35 Bonanza on a VFR-only Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) meant that my 38 years of flying IFR were probably over. No need to recite here the reasons for the move (if you’re wondering, no medical issues or bad IFR experiences), but the decision was not hastily made and there were no regrets.
One last trip…
I always enjoyed IFR flying, though, and my last IFR trip was one of the very best and most meaningful of all.
It was in late August 2007, a business trip from home base in Vancouver, Washington, to San Luis Obispo, on the central California coast, with a side trip to San Diego on the southbound leg to visit a dear friend who had been in failing health. Marine low overcast frequently invades the central and southern California coastal areas during the summer, so likely IFR was considered in preflight planning.
For the San Diego stop, I selected Montgomery Field (MYF), a few miles north of downtown San Diego. MYF had an ILS approach, and was more GA-friendly and less expensive than Lindbergh Field (SAN), the air carrier airport adjacent to downtown. Confident of this plan, I made a pre-paid reservation at the hotel on the southwest corner of Montgomery Field.
I planned to leave Vancouver mid-afternoon on Friday, August 24, 2007. Around mid-day I printed out the full DUATS briefing. With all of the security notices, forecasts, METARs and NOTAMs for the 860-nm trip, the printout (single-space, 10-point font) filled fifty sheets of letter-size paper. It said that the San Diego area was forecast to go 1,500 foot overcast right around my arrival time of 9pm. Had it been VFR all the way, I could have made it to San Diego with just one fuel stop, but the prospect of headwinds and night IFR at the destination suggested two stops to leave more than ample fuel on the last leg. I decided on Red Bluff, California, and Visalia, California, as fuel stops.
It would have been easy to overlook the single line among the dozens of NOTAMS on page 19 of the DUATS printout:
!MYF 08/007 MYF 28R ILS LLZ/GP/DME OTS TIL 0709112300​
With some clouds around LA, an instrument approach is a must.
Montgomery’s entire ILS system was out of service for weeks. The only other IFR approach at MYF was an NDB/GPS procedure. I had neither an ADF nor an IFR GPS, so a Plan B was called for. I thought of Palomar (CRQ) about thirty miles north, which also had an ILS. I looked at DUATS again, finding this on page 47 of the printout:
S-LOC 24 MDA 1540/HAT 1214 ALL CATS.​
CRQ’s forecast was for lower ceilings than San Diego, so this NOTAM left CRQ with no approach with minima below the forecast ceiling.
Plan C was Lindbergh Field, despite its heavy jet traffic, non-precision LOC 27 approach over Balboa Park and close-up views of downtown skyscrapers. At least there I’d be assured of finding a rental car to get me to my hotel, even late in the evening.
The VFR legs to Red Bluff and Visalia were pleasant and uneventful, other than an eye-stinging smoke layer at 8,000 drifting over the Fresno-Visalia area from brush fires near Santa Barbara.
With full tanks I took off from Visalia at dusk and picked up the clearance to SAN. The sun set through the smoke layer to the west while a huge, near-full moon rose in the east.
The clouds are moving in.
The route, LHS V459 SLI V23 MZB, took me over West Los Angeles, where I could see the coastal overcast was already making its move onshore in the darkness.
By Oceanside, there was a solid undercast, surreal and luminescent in the moonlight. Though my last IFR trip to San Diego had been more than a dozen years before, the vectors and frequency changes were all familiar. I was given the vector to the LOC 27 final, cleared for the approach, and was told to maintain at least 120 knots (Vle in my airplane) as long as possible for jet traffic following.
The runway came into sight from a couple hundred feet above MDA, I landed, and scooted off the runway as quickly as possible.
Parked at the Jimsair FBO, mine was the only piston airplane on the ramp—and for all I know on the whole airport. Service both on the ramp and at the desk was excellent if not inexpensive, and soon I made it to the hotel back at MYF.
On Saturday, I spent some treasured time on Coronado Island with George S. Alfieris, for whom I had worked for 15 years as a young lawyer, and who had been my friend and mentor in the practice of law. This visit made the whole trip worthwhile, and it occurred to me that it would not have been feasible but for a general aviation airplane and IFR. It was the last time I saw him.
The next morning, Sunday, August 26, I was to fly from San Diego to San Luis Obispo, where I would meet with my clients in advance of their depositions on Monday. Saturday night I checked the outlook forecast. It called for low overcast at both the departure and destination, and all coastal areas in between. If navaids are working that would not be a problem. So I checked NOTAMs—lightning couldn’t strike three times on one trip, could it?
Yes, it could:
ILS RWY 11, AMDT 1…​
One last dip into the clouds.
Again, the forecast ceiling was below MDA on any other available approach at SBP. If the forecast proved accurate, I’d just have to go inland to Paso Robles and improvise ground transportation.
Sunday morning I pulled the hotel room curtain, and in place of the forecast stratus I was surprised to see towering CB to the northeast.
I fired up the laptop and consulted DUATS. Monsoonal moisture was seeping northward from Mexico. The cell I saw was drifting away from the route of flight, but there were others lurking offshore that might be a factor if I didn’t get a quick start. Otherwise there would be some mid-level clouds in San Diego and Orange counties; the good news was that SBP was VFR and expected to stay that way.
After a long hold short of the runway for a stream of airline traffic, I was cleared for takeoff and made the quick right turn to the northwest, the usual GA departure from SAN. The route was V23 SLI V459 DARTS V186 V597 V12 V27 MQO at 10,000. I was in IMC intermittently from 6,000 until the cloud layer ended just east of Long Beach, just occasional very light precip and no turbulence.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but that was likely my last IMC.
The rest of the trip was either clear or under a higher broken-overcast layer from about Santa Barbara to Santa Maria. Unremarkable from an operational standpoint (other than vectors around a TFR for the aforementioned Santa Barbara fire), the route of the IFR clearance was highly significant to me personally. It passed over places where I had once lived, went to college and worked, the beach where my wife and I met and the church where we were married, favorite weekend getaway spots—all places I hadn’t seen for years.
The landing at San Luis Obispo was in “severe clear” conditions.
Opposing counsel at the depositions on Monday had come from Portland to San Luis Obispo by airline, a journey that took considerably longer than it would in the Bonanza. He gladly accepted my offer of a ride back home.
A stunning end to a rewarding trip.
It was a textbook VFR flight from San Luis Obispo back to Vancouver, with a fuel stop at Redding. To top it off, as I was refueling after arrival at my home field Monday evening, the full moon made a dramatic appearance from behind Mt. Hood.
I’m retired and live in Arizona now, and in not much of a hurry any more. The 172N I have now is legal IFR, in a 1978 sort of way. But there aren’t many clouds here, and those that do show up often have turbulence and lightning and hail in them. So I’m content to remain VFR and have no inclination to get myself IFR recurrent, or to update the panel of my Airborne Museum of Antique Avionics—at least for now.
If that indeed was my last IFR trip, it was a good one.
The post Canceling IFR for the last time appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2020/01/canceling-ifr-for-the-last-time/
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Car insurance for a 21 year old?
Car insurance for a 21 year old?
I d like to know (roughly) how much it would cost to insure a 2001 NISSAN MICRA 1.0 SE 3dr Auto Hatchback for a year? I m 21 female Have a brand new license (never had a car nor been insured ever before) How much would it cost if i wanted a temp licence for a month? I know all companies are different so just a rough quote please from anyone who knows abt car insurance, thanks.
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I d like to know (roughly) how much it would cost to insure a 2001 NISSAN MICRA 1.0 SE 3dr Auto Hatchback for a year? I m 21 female Have a brand new license (never had a car nor been insured ever before) How much would it cost if i wanted a temp licence for a month? I know all companies are different so just a rough quote please from anyone who knows abt car insurance, thanks.
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I d like to know (roughly) how much it would cost to insure a 2001 NISSAN MICRA 1.0 SE 3dr Auto Hatchback for a year? I m 21 female Have a brand new license (never had a car nor been insured ever before) How much would it cost if i wanted a temp licence for a month? I know all companies are different so just a rough quote please from anyone who knows abt car insurance, thanks.
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