#but i had fun writing this
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I Could Drive You Crazy
Pairing: Éomer x OFC (unnamed)
Summary: She drove him crazy, with her little mannerism specifically crafted to irritate him, to get a rise out of him, for it was then, in that sweet spot before he starts to boil, before his true ire took over, that they find themselves in the heated throws of passion.
Warnings: NSFW, explicit, racism against Dunlendings (if thats a thing? I don't know, I'm new here), unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: less than 2k.
Setting: Aldburg, Rohan - some years before the War of the Ring.
Notes: This is the result of me ovulating and having no outlet as well as a song-bug stuck in my ear: I Could Drive You Crazy by Sierra Ferrell. Basically its a song about being crazy and I thought that might make for an interesting character to pair Éomer with, since apparently I enjoy watching him suffer. I'm not yet ready to name this OFC. I kind of hate her but I want to play with her a few more times and see what mischief she can get up to first before I decide if she needs a permanent residence.
I'm probably going to the small section of hell they specifically reserve for the sickos who deface Tolkien's works with such vulgarity. Enjoy!
Hay Fever threatened to take him fully yet she barged through the door as if he hadn’t complained to her that morning of an oncoming headache. She loved to do that. Ignore his every word and then act surprised when he was upset with her for having to repeat himself. Rare did he share his feelings with others, rarer still that he was forced to repeat himself. Not as Third Marshal of the Mark, Lord of Aldburg. People listened when he spoke. She did not.
“Feed your dogs, Éomer,” she says, voice full of spite. He hated when she called him by his name so casually. He never particularly cared for the triviality of titles. It matters not to him how he is referred to, as long as he first gave leave to call him by his given name, yet she takes the privilege without even bothering to ask permission.
She eyes the hound dogs sprawled at his feet with contempt. She did not like that he allows the dogs to reside inside the confines of his home. They belong in a kennel, outside. “They look as though they will devour me.”
This was his home. It would do her well to get used to seeing them laying on the floor. He sits back in his seat appraising her, the judgment seeped deep in her dark eyes. She is of mixed ancestry, there is no doubt of that by looking at her. Carrying enough blood of the Dunlendings to mark her differently. A mark of his resentment towards her. Resentment that blossomed into hate, the sweet fuel to their more rousing escapades.
“I should let them.” The threat comes out harsher than he intends, the start of a cold restricting any tenderness from escaping his throat.
Tossing two halves of an uneaten pheasant on the ground the dogs swallow it whole in one bite. He had taken his supper in his room that evening, not in the mood to dally with the residents of Aldburg. Typically the seasonal Hay Fever did not affect him but the heavy spring rains had caused an influx of new weeds to run wild in the fields causing him to feel less than ideal. Currently a pain bloomed behind his eyes and at the base of his throat, leaving him in no state to make friendly conversation. Yet here she is, when he had specifically ordered the Doorward not to let anyone into his rooms.
She could drive him to insanity with her blatant disrespect of him. He did not know why he kept her around. They had nothing in common and his list of grievances against her was long in number, dating back almost a year prior, growing longer still.
Showing up late to a personal invitation to go riding, acting as though they had never agreed to a time and certainly not a place of meeting. She had once offered to cook him supper to which he almost choked on the bones swimming in the stew. Had ruined a hunting trip, scaring away all the animals with her incessant humming. A tune which was stuck in his head for almost a fortnight. There was no fishing to be had with her, requiring more patience than whatever little she possessed. Yet time, and time again, him found himself tangled in sheets of his bed with her, or roughly pressed against the edge of his desk in the solar, partial to the idea of being caught, or in the hayloft above the stables, straining so deliciously tight around him as she rode -
He teeth grind at the sight of her, fluttering about his room, touching this and that, moving it slightly away from its original spot as she talks about her day.
“I found a lovely bolt of cloth that would make a fine dress.” She has picked up the crystal paperweight from his desk, peering at it as if she is speaking to the paperweight and not him.
So it was money she wanted? He should have known better than to think she was checking on his well being. He lifts his chin, waiting for her to meet his eye. She would have to ask him directly if she desired any coin from him but she continues to pick up random items just to set them down again, completely ignoring him.
“Come here.” His patience has grown thin. He will not ask her twice yet she looks at him as if he should be the one crawling on his knees to be near her. As if he should hand over his purse just to be allowed the honor of being in the same room as her.
When he does not concede to her silent petition she nods her head in appreciation to his stubbornness. A sly smile curls on her lips as she approaches him, already lifting her dress to better seat herself on his lap.
“I don’t know what I ever liked about you,” he says gruffly as she straddles him. Pushing aside her skirts he unties the laces of his trousers. He would have his due of her before this Hay Fever set in fully.
She laughs mockingly at that. “You love me.”
“I don’t think I do.” He nips at her lips and she smiles ruefully. Skirt pulled around her waist he is able to easily palm the wet folds of her labia. “You seem to like me,” he draws out, pushing the heel of his palm into her sensitive nub, eliciting a delicate gasp from between pink parted lips. He takes the opening to kiss her fully when she otherwise does not particularly enjoy the intimacy of a long drawn out kiss. She surprises him by matching the energy, eagerly molding her lips against his. Rutting down on his hand and along his ever hardening cock causes a gasp of his own to escape his mouth and into hers. His eyes closed briefly at the contact. They had last laid together only that morning. Was he so fallible to her that he could not even keep from gasping out like an inexperienced adolescent?
She bites down on his lower lip. Hard, drawing blood. He hisses his resentment through clenched teeth, digging his fingers into her side. He hated when she did that. This she knows. She remembers that particular detail about him, yet could not remember the name of his first horse or his favorite fishing spot. More than anything she loved to know what he hated.
She is trying to get a rise out of him. Make his boil, just a little. The sex was always better for it.
“Minx,” he growls against her mouth. Taking hold of his cock he spreads the juices of her pleasure along the length, lining himself up with her entrance. Greedily he flicks his hips up into her without warning. She laments her pleasure, loud for all to hear. The Doorward, no doubt, will not be expecting reprimand from him, not when he can so clearly hear the results of his mistake.
Wiggling against him she tries vainly to adjust to the size difference but he holds her in place, fingers digging into her sides. He wishes that he wasn’t so incorrigible. That he wasn’t so tempted by her teasing. That he could withhold himself from acting out so rashly. Maybe like that of his older cousin, whose poise and sense of propriety had always come with ease. Yet he falls for her time and time again, fucking her exactly as she enjoys. As he enjoys.
Letting his eyes linger on her undulating body he sets his jaw to keep from baring his teeth at the pressure of her rolling hips. If only she rode horses as good as she did him then she might be worth her weight in the saddle. Yet for all her withering she is shit astride a horse. It was that cursed Dunlending blood, tainting her ability to be anything but subpar.
A whimper escapes her lips, and he smiles cruelly, at least she suffers, same as him. She rides him slow, a painful pace that leaves him groaning. His only respite from her torture is his thumb circling her clit. She might know everything he hated but he knew exactly what her body loved. Specifically how to milk an orgasm out of her that would leave her seeing stars. It starts slow. Small circles to bring her to attention, and then an increase of pressure as blood engorges to the area. Her breathing hitches in her throat. Like the cat that caught the canary, he smiles at the sight of her. A harsh thrust of his hips, he fills her fully causing her pace to falter. The careful placement of his thumb halts, watching the confused look cross her features as her incoming orgasm slips out from under her.
His name is a growl on her lips, a slight warning. “Éomer.”
That he could take his name from her lips.
She knows the game he plays, the same one she taught him all those years ago. His thumb picks up pace with her rolling hips. He cradles her neck with his free hand. Skin hot, beneath his touch. A sheen of sweat is building along her hairline. He traces the curve of her collarbone and down her chest, across to her nipples, hard beneath her bodice. She is almost as sensitive here as she is between her legs, her hands clench around his shirt trying to hide her rising ecstasy. His nostrils flare, eyes trapped on the expanse of her face, carefully watching for each small indication of her pleasure.
Turning her head she tries to hide from him but he quickly has her jaw clasped between his fingers. He would see her. Shaking her head she waves off his touch, attempting to cover her eyes behind her hand, like a child hiding in plain sight. He clicks his tongue, taking her hand in his and after some struggling binds them both in his clasp behind her back.
“Go on then.” He flicks his chin in her direction. Her pace has all but stopped, hesitantly she finds it again, knowing full well that he now possesses all the power. The power to dish out pleasure as he saw fit.
Yet her rolling hips are more powerful, more exaggerated than before, causing him to grimace, lest he call out her name. She would love that, revel in his undoing. He steels himself with a deep breath through his nose. A ragged breath from her lets him know she is close again. He slows his thumb, wondering if she’ll cry out, plead with him to give her what she wants.
“Éomer.” His name, like a prayer on her lips, is soft and sweet, and he knows he no longer possesses the control he once touted.
Letting free her hands, he pulls her in close until her head rests against his. He can feel the warmth of her breath as he takes his pace, thrusting into her. She has brushed away his teasing thumb, replacing it with her own skilled fingers. A shuddering breath and she tightens further around the length of him. She cries out loud enough that he is certain they hear her in the Great Hall. He is still thrusting into her as she convulses hot and heady around him but he soon follows suit, letting his release run him fully with a loud groan of his own.
Panting, she rests her head against his chest, forehead sticky with sweat it clings to the thin fabric of his shirt. She does not cuddle. She never has lingered in his arms as they slowly drift down from their high. She slips off his lap and he shutters at the sudden loss of contact, hands gripping the armrests of the chair.
By the time he has regained his senses enough to stand she has relieved herself and wiped clean his seed dripping down her thighs. Maybe a good romp was the cure to any oncoming ailment. He drowns the last of his ale, eyeing her as she smiles prettily for him under dark thick lashes. So demure and pliant, when only moments earlier he was ready to have her thrown from his room for her uncouth behavior.
“You spoil me, my lord,” she says coyly. He bites back a scoff.
Her gaze is taken with the leather purse heavy on the corner of his desk. A slight nod of his head and she promptly reaches across the expanse, showing off the long lines of her body, and that of the soft curves she knows he loves to grab hold of during their coupling. Deftly, her fingers dip inside the pouch, taking out three coins.
“This should cover the cost.” Her gaze darts to him, searching for any subtle hint of permission that she could take more but he is hard set against giving her indication. Already she pushes the bounds of his generosity.
“And one more,” she purrs softly, plucking a fourth coin out. “As insurance to return to you.”
He rolls his eyes, knowing well she will only return when she pleases not because she feels indebted to him. Offering a low curtsey, she mumbles her thanks, letting his gaze linger on her, on the low cut of her dress. Her bosom all but swells out of the strains of her bodice. When did such a salacious style come into fashion? Surely his sister did not expose herself so scantily in Edoras? He bites his lip, thoughts of his sister quickly pushed from his mind replaced instead by the women so humbly lowered before him. Already he feels a slight twitch of his groin.
She rises, satisfied with her display of deference. A Haunting smile on her lips, she glances at the hound dogs splayed out on the rug.
“Feed your dogs, Éomer,” she instructs as a final goodbye. Out the door he is certain she can hear his mocking laughter following her.
#I probably got his voice entirely wrong#but I had fun writing this#eomer fanfiction#Eomer x OC#Eomer x OFC#Eomer smut#lotr fanfic#lotr smut
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World of Twelve dashboard simulator
🎆 halfalight follow
I think if I get knocked out while solo'ing dungeons oen more time local eniripsas will just euthanise me 😭 iop save me
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
we all have that homie who's not gonna make it.
🎆 halfalight follow
You run an anti-recovery alcoholism blog tho ???
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
way to be classphobic dipshit.
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
Idk i feel like posting about losing your home bc of it isn't very successful and happy pandawa of you.
��� mysteryrystery follow
Anyone in this thread smoke hemp
(1,275 notes)
🌌 somethingquietplace
Like a sworn knight, I serve you. You are my beating heart, my lifeline. Neither Bonta nor Astrub would be home, if you were not by my side...
Yet, why do my hands yearn for freedom, the way a butcher yearns for a wild animal?
🌛 quartziwindy follow
Are you ok op.
🕸️ osamodas-loves-spiders follow
isnt op that one guy with 50 side blogs who got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
🌌 somethingquietplace
Do you swear on your heart that you can truly believe a person with a life and a career would post on this site.
#Mind your buisiness. #not osu
(12,643 notes)

🥧 amakna-news-official follow
does anyone know if the demigod goultard is still out there marrying people//...
i n;;eed h;im.
🍄 124-lancer-lancer follow
When you die and go to externam not even being hosed down will help clean your soul. You will not reincarnate for 999 years.
🆎 alphabetcounter follow
e: 13; n: 11; o: 11; l: 7; a: 6; r: 6; i: 5; t: 5; u: 4; d: 4; 9: 3; h: 3; y: 4; s: 3; w: 4; g: 2; c: 2; x: 1; m: 1; v: 1; b: 1; p: 1; f: 1
(489 notes)

🌌 somethingquietplace
Went on a fishing trip with my family.
Here are some photos I took there, including photos of the snappers the three of us caught. Sufokia is beautiful this time of the year.
Keep reading
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'll delete this reblog a bit later for organization purposes, but I wanted to take this moment to thank you all for your comments.
Also, I did not know that there was a fishing community here, for all the decades I spent on this site. The more you know.
#It's nice to get back in the groove of things... #Such a hectic year. #I just need some peace and quiet. #And maybe then I'll feel better. #Though sometimes I do ask why I keep doing this. Just everything in general. #...A hot chocolate will fix me right up though. Always does. #Delete later
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🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
I know most ppl are like..,, 100% over talking about that one fuckin xelor that reversed time for like 20 minutes. like yeah hes evil but he saved my whole life. i spilled coffee on my passport and then WHOOM time reversed and shit. and i woke up 20 minutes earlier, threw up, and decided not to go anywhere near my documents with liquids ever again.
can i get a wahoo for grandpa genocide. like he really fucked up but he did do a solid one to at least me. i just feel like enough years had passed for me to speak my truth
🌒 ten-o-cock-and-a-half follow
It's not a laughing matter, people died. And it was a yet another case of media representing xelors as crazy and evil.
Try to put yourself in the mindset of the victims.
🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
im a xelor too and i think this is fucking hilarious soo yeah.
try reincarnating into a different class in next life! hope this helps.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
I agree with the second rb, but is nobody going to mention their url??
(1,274 notes)

👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
I know we all have our role models for adventurers we'd like to marry or become or steal the gender of or whatever, but idk it haunts me that some of them may be on this site. Imagine someone like master Eva reading what ppl had written about her or her husband. scary.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
I hope ush galash can feel when i post about sending him psionic shadow assassins. i hope he fucking feels pain. Every single time.
🎶 foggy-has-no-spoons follow
what did a random bontarian noble do to you. also isn't he dead.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
OK SO. this made me realize that most people genuinely don't know about the murder dungeon allegations.
To summ it up, he lured in people to rob his house, put them in The Murder Dungeon (actually a tower, but... rule of funny. it sounds funnier that way), and Bontarian government did NOTHING about for years, and even placed a statue in his honor despite that.
Now, this might sound like a conspiracy theory, but most of us in the demigod drama community know that Ecaflip demigods just... fake their deaths a lot. So there's a very big chance he's still out there. He's fucking out there.
And I want him to know, that I am sending psionic brain warriors to him. And to the king too.
THE ONLY reason this turned into a thing everyone knows is due to an anonymous leaker from within the palace. I fucking hate this kingdom.
🌹 theflowerofsadida follow
The city of good, btw
yet another reason i am a proud brakmarian despite not liking djaul LOL
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
oh god what happened to my post.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
there are like, theories on who leaked it btw, considering a bunch of diplomats had access to the documents. Though I won't point any fingers towards anyone in the palace in particular. 👀
if it would keep him doing this, I could kiss that guy who did this, on the lips, I would. or like, give him a pizzlarva.
fr fr.
🌌 somethingquietplace
It's every Bontarian's civil duty to try and make the city a little bit better. I think these motivations are both unneeded and unwanted.
Though the pizzlarva bit is funny.
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
arent you that one guy with whos been here for like 20 years and got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
did you do this tumblr user somethingquietplace. did you.
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'm running a combination OSU, photography, and fishing blog where I post poorly written poetry at 4AM.
Please stop with the "you're never beating the allegations" jokes.
#not osu
(85,024 notes)
#wakfu#dofus#krosmoz#this is cringe#but i had fun writing this#mymemes#there are only 2 canonical wakfu characters who would be on tumblr and only one of them is here. sorry.#you can guess who it is.
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Queerness and I Want To Hold Your Hand
Lately, I've been thinking about the potential queer themes in I Want To Hold Your Hand. The only reason I started thinking about it was because of this quote I saw on one of amoralto's posts where John Lennon said:
"It’s a plus, it’s not a minus. The plus is that your best friend, also, can hold you without… I mean, I’m not a homosexual, or we could have had a homosexual relationship and maybe that would have satisfied it, with working with other male artists. [faltering] An artist – it’s more – it’s much better to be working with another artist of the same energy, and that’s why there’s always been Beatles or Marx Brothers or men, together. Because it’s alright for them to work together or whatever it is. It’s the same except that we sleep together, you know? I mean, not counting love and all the things on the side, just as a working relationship with her, it has all the benefits of working with another male artist and all the joint inspiration, and then we can hold hands too, right?"
— John Lennon, interview w/ Sandra Shevey. (1972)
There's so much to unpack from this quote, but I'm going to focus on the last bit of it which really caught my attention. Whilst talking about his creative and romantic relationship with Yoko, John consistently compared it to the kind of creative relationship he had with male artists and how his relationship with her was a lot like the relationships he had had with other male artists except that he was allowed to be in love with her.
If we deconstruct the quote and bullet point each of the qualities he listed as positives with his relationship with Yoko this is what we get:
"A best friend who can hold you without..." I don't want to speak for John or twist his words, but I think the word "fear" or "disgust" can fit very naturally at the end of that thought. And while he doesn't finish that thought, it's pretty clear where he was going with that because he cuts himself off by claiming "I mean, I'm not a homosexual."
"An artist – it’s more – it’s much better to be working with another artist of the same energy..." My take on the "same energy" means same wave-length or same creative chemistry. Or, his equal.
"It’s the same except that we sleep together, you know?" as opposed to him and other male artists.
"just as a working relationship with her, it has all the benefits of working with another male artist"
"Joint inspiration"
"And then we can hold hands too, right?"
If we take away any sense of pronouns and just look at the way John looks at the kind of creative/romantic partnership he valued so much, he placed a lot of emphasis on the creative energy of the relationship as well as the physical aspect of that kind of relationship. There's this sense that he has had a relationship a lot like the one he had with Yoko except that he had wanted a lot of romantic things he could not have because the other artist was male. But with Yoko, he could have it all because she’s a woman.
And that last bit where John said he could hold hands with Yoko struck me as a bit of an odd example to give, but then when I remembered I'm queer I was like OH.
Because, in the heteronormativity of back then, wouldn't a man and woman holding hands be okay? It would've just seem perfectly natural. But why would he have phrased it like a question: "And then we can hold hands too, right?" unless he had, at one point, thought of the alternative: holding hands with another man.
Just so it doesn't seem like I'm beating around the bush here, I think John was thinking about Paul in that entire quote. Which then leads me onto the song I Want To Hold Your Hand.
"We wrote a lot of stuff together, one-on-one, eyeball to eyeball. Like in ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand’, I remember when we got the chord that made the song. We were in Jane Asher’s house, downstairs in the cellar playing on the piano at the same time. And we had, ‘Oh you-u-u… got that something…’ And Paul hits this chord and I turn to him and say, ‘That’s it!’ I said, ‘Do that again!’ In those days, we really used to absolutely write like that – both playing into each other’s nose."
John Lennon, 1980 All We Are Saying, David Sheff
I included the above quote because it exemplified the kinds of qualities John liked in a creative/romantic partner. He didn't say it directly, but based off that quote you could tell John thought he and Paul had a lot of creative energy together, "We wrote a lot of stuff together, one-on-one, eyeball to eyeball." You could tell that songwriting with Paul was an incredibly intimate and special activity with him. And he emphasized their closeness again at the end of that quote when he said, "In those days, we really used to absolutely write like that---both playing into each other's nose." (Okay. They totally kissed ahfjkdhas I'm only joking...but am I?).
As I said, there's a sense of physical closeness to his description, but if you'll notice, there's no actual touching involved. Just a closeness that borders on an invasion of one’s space. "Eyeball-to-eyeball" and "into each other's noses." And then, the "one-on-one," this was something only they did with each other. All their focus on each other.
So, compared with the quote about Yoko about how John could have all that physical and open affection with her. I believe this quote exemplifies John's desire to have had more with Paul.
Okay, so I keep saying I'm going to talk about the song, and I am! But first, some context. I Want To Hold Your Hand was written in 1963; homosexuality remained illegal until 1967 in England. Given that backdrop, if John had had feelings for Paul he wouldn’t have been able to act on them even if he wanted to. Assuming, that is, he was aware of his feelings.
So, to the song!

This was a song both of them wrote together; therefore, it’s hard to say who wrote what lyrics, but I’d like to look at it with a queer lens.
If you look at the lyrics as a whole, there are no pronouns. The song is directed at “you.” Which, in general, is brilliant because it means it could be anyone. Fans could imagine it was them they were singing about or they could imagine someone they wanted to hold hands with too. And also when you think about how John and Paul wrote it “eyeball-to-eyeball” and “into each others noses” … well. It could very well be a confession disguised as a song.
The “let me hold your hand” is one or both of them asking for permission to hold hands. Given the backdrop of criminalized homosexuality, an act like that would’ve been considered “gross indecency” and punishable by law. And to sing that in front of millions? Everyone would’ve assumed they were singing about a vague/general “you,” but if John for instance had had Paul in mind, it would’ve been like asking him in front of the whole audience, the whole world, for permission to hold hands with him. Alongside that it also would’ve been like asking for the audience’s permission to do it as well, in a way. Because the only thing that stopped him from doing that or asking that, I’m sure, were the laws and the homophobia of the time. So, it very well could’ve been let me hold his hand.
The “I wanna hold your hand” is the same as the above except it’s a confession not a request. I want to do this, but the I cant goes unsaid. Which begs the question of why? If we look at it from a hetero perspective, the likely explanation would be “oh, because she doesn’t feel the same way” or “she doesn’t know his feelings” or whatever. But from a queer lens, well, we know why.
Given what John said about his thoughts about creative/romantic partners and how much he valued physical closeness, the lines “And when I touch you / I feel happy inside” serve as a reflection of that. Which I can’t help but recall when Paul said John told him:

So, with that lyric, the act of touch would’ve felt especially significant during that time especially since physical affection between men, even if it was platonic, would’ve been seen as taboo. But the “happy inside” is a private feeling, which is being confessed about in the song.
In queer literature, there are often themes of “hiding” to be found. So, I find the inclusion of the lyric “I can’t hide” very interesting. Because the song itself is the opposite of hiding, in a way. It was putting feelings out there without outing oneself.
In a nutshell, I believe I Want To Hold Your Hand is a veiled confessional love song with queer connotations.
#paul mccartney#john lennon#mclennon#my post#song analysis#I’m sure if John could come back from the dead he’d tell me it’s not that deep#but I had fun writing this#and I spent waaaay too much time on it#i originally planned to write about Do you want to know a secret#but after reading about the context behind it#I don’t rly think it’s a Mclennon song#I hope this wasn’t too ramble-y#Yoko ono
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I've wanted to write a One Piece fanfic for years already but I can't seem to get it done 😅 But I've written a few little bits here and there, I have villains ready and the place where everything would happen and I think I would really have a blast if only I started to write 😆 I love Brook ❤️
Meri looked at the tall skeleton who approached her, tipping his hat.
”Miss”, they said with a perfectly gentlemanly tone. ”May I see your panties?”
”God that idiot…" Nami sighed, annoyed.
Meri blinked confused because of such a weird request.
”Sure”, she said and that seemed to completely shock them all. ”Right after you’ve shown me your cock.”
The air froze around them when Brook kept staring at the woman, who boldly glared back at him.
”That… That’s…” he stuttered and Franky laughed way too loudly.
”That’s impossible, that’s what it is”, he just shamelessly said.
”Oh the shame, the hurt…” Brook whined, clutching his chest in despair.
”Brook is hurt!” Chopper shouted.
”He wouldn’t get hurt if he didn’t act like a dick”, Nami huffed and now Brook gasped, raising his head.
”Does that qualify?” he quickly asked when looking at Meri.
”I want flesh, not attitude”, Meri said and Brook’s head dropped.
”He’s hurt again!” Chopper cried worried.
”He’ll get over it”, Nami just sighed while waving her hand.
#one piece#brook#nami#franky#tony tony chopper#i don't know what exactly is happening to them here#but i had fun writing this
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Hey pssst
I posted anther fanfic on AO3
Its self shipping bc I can do that
And it involves doc
Check it out if you want :3
Facial Scars on AO3
#wolfie speaks#wolfie ocs#madcom#madness combat#ao3#fanfiction#madness combat fanfiction#madcom fanfiction#canon x oc#original work#madcom 2bdamned#madcom doc#madcom oc#writers on tumblr#no idea what else to add#but i had fun writing this#and its very cute go check it out#yippee
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ppl were drawing mikus from all over so heres habesha miku and her lil twin sibs rin and len!!
#this trend sparked so much joy in my soul#i saw many fun cute and silly mikus#i love drawing habesha clothes but a lot of them require small detailed embroidery that makes me go insane#this is why ppl use pattern brushes cuz damn i had to simplify everything basically#also im bad at writing amharic and tigrinya oops!!#this was fun it got me outta a slump i was in all damn week#interestingly... their faces look a lot like my siblings and i? i didnt mean to do that at all tho... huh#my art#hatsune miku#kagamine rin#kagamine len#vocaloid
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fine dining at the blushing mermaid. with the boogieboys
#bg3#baldur's gate 3#wyll#karlach#astarion#durge#oc: noon#danse macabre the best summon for having fun<333#might not have done exactly This ingame but i just wanted to combine 2 vibes bc they were regulars at the mermaid#and i had to do one illustration ft. the ghouls lol#they usually took the boys to daycare to philgrave's mansion (after beating up the lich obv.. repeatedly)#little everyday rituals <3#(also i'm writing in past tense bc i finished the game a while ago :-(:'-):-( </3<3)#(i still have at least a couple of pics of this lil series i wanna do)#(psa I MISS THEM)
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[insert poetic title here]
fun fact: this did not start out as isat fanart
(rambling in tags)
#I was actually doing some personal writing and when I read it over a few days later I could only hear it in loops voice#speaking of which#i totally recommend watching ShortOneGaming's playthrough of the game#their voices for the characters match so well in my mind i can't separate them XD#also i have no clue why but this took FOREVER#I had the thumbnailing and paneling done so quickly but my motivation to finish it just left me midway through the third page T-T#Even though this is one of the shorter comics I've made (AND NO COLOUR) it somehow took my like twice as long -3-#loop is so fun to draw!#well actually fun to colour would be more accurate lol#also did you know that a keyknife was an actual thing??#I wanted to check if their was an a visual asset of it in the game only to find out they're just everyday objects you can own???#maybe im just seriously out of the loop lol#and i know the buttons are wrong but i was already mostly finished inking by the time i realized so lets just say its a stylistic choice#isat fanart#isat spoilers#sasasaap spoilers#two hats spoilers#cw body horror#??? i think#comic#artists on tumblr#fanart#digital illustration#digital art#isat#isat siffrin#isat loop#in stars and time spoilers#my art#my comic
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i love learning cursive just to write text for exactly one character
#fun umbral lore. i can barely read cursive#if you want to hide anything from me then write it in cursive and i will literally never be able to read it#or write it. i had to google cursive text generator and copy it for this#ill settle on textbox designs also eventually#god its been so long since i've drawn the manor gang i think#saw this post and i immediately thought “cyn”#it has nothing to do with her being my number 1 blorbo. bite me#murder drones#art#murder drones n#murder drones v#murder drones j#murder drones cyn#serial designation n#serial designation j#serial designation v#they're so gay also they blushed immediately after this and made out probably im still torn between like 5 different ships#curse you fanfics for putting these ideas in my head
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Like a flash, the geniality left Dowager Noble Consort Ling's face. Her eyes burned as she leaned in to glare at The Empress Dowager, "Hear this, Your Highness. What little grace I had for you in the old days has expired. I won't waste my energy bothering with you, but understand that the moment one of these girls is ready to finish you off, I won't be far behind,"
–A Forbidden Happiness, Chapter 38
#writeblr#writer#booklr#i don't post really post quotes of my writing cuz out of context its pretty basic#but i had fun writing this#and i'm pretty proud of it
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ALPHA KIDS: Draw your best friends!
DIRK: I'd say I'm better at one on one character interaction work of the more intimate variety, but I think this piece came together nicely. DIRK: Fun for the whole family style wholesomeness, any motherfucker in the radius of a screen displaying this image will instantly get hit with a sore case of heartburn and their tear ducts will clock in overtime at the weeping factory.
ROXY: im so proud of these i think these are my best designs yet :3 but omg dirk callie and jake were SOOO peculiar about their damn designs over my shoulder. jake wanted me to clarify that even in pink pen form his little guy is BLUE. so there. sigh this is the one occasion they could take notes from janey.. JUST LET LE ARTIST WORK!
JANE: Boy! I don't draw often but I always was fond of calligraphy growing up. I was kind of inspired by all of the other's works, but especially Calliope's swirls she puts in her art. It's very fun to add!
JAKE: Im not quite the best with posing, but i find the head very fun to study! Especially skulls.. so good ole calliope makes for the perfect muse! (hehe)

CALLIOPE: i realized i hadn't ever made a piece with Us in the same place at once. u_u CALLIOPE: bUt since it's reality now here's all of Us together, United at last! ^u^
#homestuck#alpha kids#dirk strider#jake english#calliope#jane crocker#roxy lalonde#dirkjake#callieroxy#my art#zan0tix#This was so fun tho Im dipping my toes into homestuck writing.. be prepared.. projects are in the works people#I have detailed explanations and references for jane and jakes styles and why they look that way but basically.#For jane i referenced her handwriting and june and jades art styles#and jake loves comics! and he very quietly observant (brain ghost dirk) without knowing it and he had bold fast hand writing so i think-#hed be a good sketcher#I SHOULDVE BEEN THERE IN THE 2010S MAN. I SHOULDVE BEEN MAKING STUFF LIKE THIS BACK THEN. whatever#making up for it now </3
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Making her read her favorite book while sitting on my lap with a vibrator between her legs. But if she moans or make any sounds, I turn it off. Until she can’t help herself and let out a little whimper.
“Did I just hear you whimper baby..You know what happens when you do..” Turning the vibrator off with her almost tearing up and begging me to turn it back on “God you want this so badly, it must be embarrassing how you can’t even hide it..”.
“Aww you’re shaking..isn’t that so fucking adorable..You want me to turn it back, don’t you princess? Then, Beg. For. It..” Her tears falling down her blushy cheeks. Shuttering and struggling to speak. Looking down and avoiding eye contact. “Oh baby…don’t get shy on me now..” I put my hands on her cheeks and make her look at me “Use your words darling, tell me what you want. Tell Daddy you need this”.
She finally let the words out, with her face turned into a red mess when looking up to me. “Good girl..that’s it, that’s much better princess..” I kiss her forehead and I turn it back on to instantly hear her relieved whimpers “I know baby I know…you were waiting for it for so long..My poor little girl who gets so needy and wet when sitting on my lap”.
Turning it to a higher setting and getting her close to the edge. Seeing the way she moans, the way her legs shake, the way her thoughts slowly leave her body. “You’re doing so well baby..so fucking well..I’ll need you to cum for me now, okay? Be a good girl and get close for daddy, show me how badly you need this..” I kiss her neck and slide a finger inside her cunt with the vibrator still on her clit. Fingering her until she can’t help it anymore and comes for me.
“You’re such a good girl princess, I’m so proud of you, I just love seeing how much you enjoy being touched this way. And you did amazing for me..” I gently kiss her head and I slap her clit a few times and giggle “Aww it hurts? I know it does baby I know, you’re just so adorable when sensitive I couldn’t help it..Why don’t we get some rest now? I need to squeeze you in my arms for a while. You’re so precious..”
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This is such a good idea omg!! May I get a Match Up?
My Name is Maia and i go by she/her! Im about 5"4 which is pretty ordinary id say. I have green eyes and dye my hair alot as a form of self expression! I'm very artistic and draw or paint alot. I also write! I own 2 cats which tend to sleep on me or in my bed when I sleep. I think my friends would say I'm pretty energetic but I know when to stop kinda?? 🤷♀️ Theres nothing that I love more than making others feel safe and guarded. I also enjoy dancing, baking, cooking and singing! I also very much enjoy gardening and caring for plants or animals. I am an ENTP, meaning im really extroverted but I still have times in which I just want to sit back and let others do the talk. I get exhausted from public situations sometimes. I absolutely hate rude people, like the ones that are rude without a reason. I could break their bose each time someone talks to me or my friends like that. M favorite thing about myself is that I know how to communicate. It was hard acquiring that, since I have some childhood trauma in the bag. Meaning I start tearing up whenever someone I love might start talking to me in a pissed way or in a way that tells me were arguing because i usually avoid arguments within family or with loved ones. I tend to look out for others alot and i try to balance that by doing self care every now and then! I also value my sleep alot but sometimes I catch myself reading until late at night. I can be very crackheaded when with people I love but only if I feel extremely comfortable with them. When In a bad mood, I can get very snappy but that rarely happens because of me not wanting to gurt the people im around. I also enjoy the sun alot but I rarely go out. I just sit at my desk, starring at my phone like:
"Someone please.. Someone please call me and ask me to do something!"
So im not someone who initiates that by herself. I am definetly really touch starved and cuddling with people helps me relax alot. Sometimes, I tend to bite them. Idk why bro the urge is just there?? I love going shopping and treating myself more than anything but I have pretty faked self confidence. I try to keep it up around people but sometimes its just hard to not be self conscious about everything you do or how you look. I also have major back problems due to the size of my chest and the weight it puts onto my back💀 My favorite colors are pink and light blue or pastels! I either dress very romantically or like a full on lingerie model no inbetween. I also really value it when people communicate their emotions to me and I love helping them learn how to since it's really important!
Have a nice day and drink enough <3
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
The Clement Prince
Aquia Avari!
(A/N sorry this took so long. Uni was kicking my ass 💀)
If there is one thing this sweet, soft-spoken man loves about you, it's your energy, and how you express yourself. And the fact that you know when to reign it in makes you all the more appealing to him. And when he learns that you're artistic, you have a green thumb, and the fact that you love animals, the ball just starts to roll. Your relationship starts with the two of you bonding over your love for gardening. And once he feels like he can trust you (trust me, with your personality, that won't take long), he's gonna invite you over to his secret balcony. He loves to listen to you talk about your interests, and he also appreciates that you like to hear him talk about his. What's this? You're protective too?
"How is this person so... Wonderful??" - Aquia Avari
Aquia does his best not to overstep any boundaries, and if he does, he'd appreciate it when you tell him about it. He knows just as well as you do that communication is important in any relationship. If you ever bring up your childhood trauma, he can't help but feel sorry for you, but also proud. It takes a lot of strength to grow around it, and don't even get me started on practicing not taking any shit from others.
Cuddles! Aquia would absolutely love cuddles with you. You may take him by surprise if you do nibble on him, but when you tell him that's just a way you like to show affection, he can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A long day of lectures had come to a close, and Aquia walked with you to his balcony. His plants look a little dehydrated, but it's nothing some water cannot fix. You offered to help him water them. He taught you the proper watering techniques for his plants (let's be real, most of these plants don't even exist on Earth). Meanwhile Mel and your two cats are playing (assuming hamsters aren't part of their diet)
A: "Ah, I just remembered! Maia, I aquired some Avarian Ale. Shall we have a drink?"
M: "Awesome! What's the occasion?"
A: "It's nothing in particular. I just wanted to share a drink with you. That's what paramours do, is it not?"
M: "You're not wrong there, hehe"
After a few drinks, the two of you sat there talking to each other, enjoying each others company. At one point, you asked Aquia to hold still, as you wanted to draw him. You've drawn him a few times before, but the surge of pure joy he gets when you draw him never dies down. You finished the sketch about an hour later, and presented it to him. Was he always this handsome to you? He couldn't help but preen a little.
Neither of you realized how late it got. Aquia noticed you were shivering a little from the cold so he draped his jacket over you and led you inside. He asked you if you wanted to cuddle as you entered the building.
M: "I thought you'd never ask"
Aquia led you to the sofa with his arm around your waist. He wrapped his other arm around you and pulled you closer. And you happily nuzzled into him, and gave him some nibbles on his cheek. And there you stayed, eventually falling asleep in each other's embrace.
#court of darkness#court of darkness x reader#court of darkness matchups#otome#makai nightmare#court of matchups#aquia avari#aquia avari x reader#this was a bit longer than i intended#but i had fun writing this
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Phantom Lane
Danny Phantom and Lois Lane are an under utilized combo.
One of Lane's sources in a story she was following comes to her with a tip that LexCorp has found a new, and steady source of kyrptonite. Well there's nothing else for her to do but to go the source, one Amity Park- smackdab in the middle of nowheresville.
"No Clark you have your own story and I don't need my partner with me 24/7. Go work on your mysterious expose on the lead levels in underprivileged metropolis neighborhoods."
Only when she finally gets there, after a very uncomfortable flight, in an actual plane for once, she's not a fan. She finds a very confusing situation.
LexCorp employees seem to be disguising themselves by dressing in white and pretending to be government employees, already a story. But they are using this "disguise" to abduct what look like ghosts?
"No Perry I'm not saying ghosts are real, what do you take me for, Clark? No, I'm saying that Superman is an alien so it's not such a reach that these beings are as well. And well, if they are ghosts, then I'm going to be the one to break the story that ghosts are REAL"
So she's going around interviewing the "concerned citizens, once a terrified town now a collection of people just trying to go about their day in this strange new normal." It makes a good line but really that is the vibe she gets. There's ghostly updates along with the weather (and a Fenton? driving update??) but most everyone seems to be fine with working around the occasional ghostly drama.
Her pizza is delivered in a bowl.
Her main sources end up being very convenient for her, at least in terms of location. It's important to be unbiased so she finds sources willing to talk to her with opinions across the spectrum. Including, two doctors Fenton - negative, one Danny Fenton (son of the doctors and without a named credit to protect privacy) - positive, one English teacher - neutral. Danny Fenton is also able to point her towards one Valerie Gray (no comment) who is able to get her in contact with the most commonly seen "ghost" in the town.
"Your name is Phantom correct? Is that how you would prefer to be addressed? A little on the nose considering your alleged ghostly nature, no?"
"So your claim is that Kryptonite is a byproduct of ectoplasm, something that makes sense when you believe in ghosts, which apparently I do now. Although I will need independent verification of course.
"But you're saying that when ectoplasm crystalizes it becomes what is commonly known as kryptonite, something that is famously toxic to Kryptonians. How exactly did these "Guys In White" come to learn and harvest this dangerous material. And less important but confusing to me personally, how can a material that has been proven to be sourced from astroids be supernatural in origin?
"Right, death of a planet imprinting on ectoplasm, no makes total sense."
She leaves Amity Park with enough material to write three separate articles, four bruised ribs from a particularly violent escape from alphabetically challenged weirdos, four new sources to draw upon for said articles, two new superhero contacts, and a new found respect for rectangular shapes.
She is going to get some scientists from Star Labs down here to get a tertiary verification and then she is going to write the biggest article since the introduction of Superman.
And Clark can be jealous since he may have gotten the Superman Saves Metropolis from Raging Wildfires story but she's going to take down a pseudo-government agency, announce the existence of ghosts, AND open up extraterrestrial relations all with one article.
Beat that sweetheart
#dc x dp#danny phantom#lois lane#superman#Lois Lane centric because I havent seen Danny Phantom in ages#Let me know if something directly contradicts the show#I had a lot of fun with this#Being able to not worry about story conventions and just write was awesome#If someone wants to run with this please do!#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc#dp x dc au#dp x dc prompt
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Joy to the World is very Steven Moffat. This is neither necessarily praise nor criticism it is merely an observation
#I had fun I liked the Doctor and Anita#the plot was very Eighth Doctor#but it was very Written By Steven Moffat. you're familiar with his writing you know what I mean#doctor who#joy to the world
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It seems that 'popular', 'athletic' and 'bright blue eyes' aren't their only similarities.
#boy go live your shoujo protagonist life boy#with the guy who thought he was in a shonen?? actually yes yeah right#using manga resources from time to time is so fun#I haven't had the energy to draw much these days for some reason...#that's why I'm mainly writing for my fic#but I hope I can go back to the work soon there are so many comics and drawing wips in my folder#for now there will be these two#mp100#mob psycho 100#mp100 fanart#shigeo kageyama#teruki hanazawa#terumob#lalarts
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