#but i feel very strongly about all three of these headcanons
altaruwusmolboiz · 11 months
The three on the town sailors are just nuerodivergent solidarity
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Cannot stop thinking about how like... Jason has died more than once. Jason has probably died at least three times and I'm nearly certain that all of those are still applicable to modern canon.
He died as a kid in the warehouse
He is so strongly implied to have died and been rezzed in UtRH's ending that like I'm not sure how else to interpret it tbh
He died in Task Force Z and is given a huge dose of Lazarus Resin to resurrect him again
Considering that the crash shown in Gotham War entirely obliterates the plane he was in
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and Jason just fucking shows up?? As though he was somehow, mysteriously, able to walk away from that plane destroying crash completely unharmed?
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I think it's very reasonable to assume/headcanon that he died here too. Hell, it might be reasonable to assume he's immortal in a similar way to Savage???
If Jason doesn't have extensive experience with the afterlife, it's only because he's not allowed in the door lmao
Also just... so much ow with him being the only person who actually knows he's died more than the once? And like... does he actually realize how many times he's died? Would he ever be willing to tell anyone else? Why doesn't he ever bring those other times up? Were they too quick, and thus he only feels like the first "counts"? Or does it simply hurt too much to consider the implications?
Idk there's something very fascinating about the way his death is central to his character, but his deaths aren't.
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nnk1911 · 6 months
Bf Yuuta Okkotsu headcanons
He definitely is the perfect boyfriend.
Calls you with the sweetest pet name and softest tone: honey, babe, darling, my love, angel….
Whenever he sees you, his eyes always sparkle, full of love and affection.
Likes peppering kisses on your forehead, cheeks, nose, knuckles, neck….on every part of your body.
He’s a clingy person, always find a way to be close to you
If you’re in public, he’ll hold your hand, intertwine his fingers with yours and squeeze them tightly
And if he sees someone looking at you, he’ll hug you by grabbing your waist, pulling you closer and staring at that person with dead eyes.
Talking about dead eyes, the dark circles under his eyes just become bigger and bigger as time passes, in spite of all your efforts to make them disappear. But they’re endearing, aren’t they ? 
Anyway back to the clingy part, he finds it better to sleep when he has you on top of him, or when he can spoon you all night. And he somehow can always find a way to kiss your forehead or your cheeks a million times during the night.
He loves cuddling and hugging, really really love. If you’re watching a movie or scrolling your phone thoughtlessly? Sit on his lap so he can hold you tight. If you’re cooking in the kitchen? He will hug you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder and murmur “I love you”. If he or you just come home and are very exhausted? Cuddling will be the best remedy.
The way he holds you is so firm yet so gentle, like you’re the most fragile thing and will break apart if he adds more strength. And he will rub your back back and forth unconsciously, or draw small circles on it, or maybe caress your hair and play with it.
He loves lying on your lap, or on top of you too. He just so obsessed with how soft and warm your body is, and when you play with his hair, massage his scalp, it will lull him to sleep and get the best dream about you and him.
He’ll buy you gifts for no reason, just because he wants you to feel happier and have a better day (every day with him is the best day )
He prefers to take dates in some places like the cafe you both like, the peaceful and quiet movie theater or the aquarium, everywhere that brings comfortable and cozy vibes rather than noisy and hectic places (but if you want to go he’ll go without complain, he just likes to spend time with you, no matter the places)
Oh this boy has the warmest smile ( I love the way he smiles in movie 0, my heart melts every time I watch that scene), and his beaming face will never fail to light up your day, you always find yourself mirroring his emotion whenever he’s grinning at you.
He’ll never raise his voice to you, NEVER. If you two are in an argument, and if anger is going to take the best of you, he’ll hold your hand strongly, tell him to look directly at his eyes. That time you realize just how much affectionate in his gaze every time he puts his eyes on you, then you can be calmer and find a way to resolve the useless strife.
He tells you that he loves you every day, billions of times per day.
When he wakes up in the morning and finds you’re sleeping peacefully in his embrace, the three words “I love you” will slip out of his tongue as naturally as he breathes. At midnight, in his dream, he also quietly murmurs those three words while burying his head in the crook of your neck or bathing in the warmth of your chest, hearing your gentle heartbeat.
English isn't my first language, so please be nice with all the grammar mistakes and odd vocabulary. You can point out my errors and I will fix them as soon as possible
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yashirawr · 3 months
katsuki, shouto and izuku with a reader who is like giselle from enchanted !!
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bnha main three x gn!giselle!reader.
type: headcanons, fluff (& a splash of angst if you squint reaaaally hard)
warnings: kissing, a bit of cursing bc bakugou is here but otherwise so much fluffy fluff ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ reader's quirk is not mentioned per se.
a/n: hi, sweet people !! i've been practicing my english skills to write and expand my vocabulary but i'm still not quite good, so i apologize if you see something misspelled :c i accept criticism !! ok, so, yesterday i saw enchanted and disenchanted and realized how much i wanna be like giselle haha and when i looked for fanfiction with a giselle-like reader i was left heartbroken since i didn't find any TT so i took it upon myself to write something, hope you like this <3
♡ ୭̥ ° bakugo katsuki
this boy is known for showing his hate for sweet things, yet no one – not even him – is able to comprehend why you're the exception.
since the first day of school he can tell you're going to be more annoying than all the other extras. randomly humming and singing, using smooth arm movements as if you came from a fairytale.
you look harmless, a stupid pushover. his only comfort is that you won't get in his way.
or that's what he thinks.
because with time, he starts seeing more of you. his gaze starts to linger whenever you're around, putting careful attention to your actions, your expressions. wide eyes and radiant smile, always trying to spread kindness and love, so genuine; you're like an open book.
katsuki's rough, katsuki's loud, katsuki's explosive.
so imagine his surprise when he realizes with time that the sight of you makes his eyes soften, his chest warm, his guard drop.
he wants to deny it, he wants to deny it very strongly. however, everyone can tell how, little by little, he starts to open up to you.
he lets you be closer, so vivid around him. you can do things that others would get yelled at for trying. when did anyone see somebody getting into bakugou's personal space – whether it is laying on his shoulder or playing with his hair – and leave unharmed? when did anyone see somebody using his stuff and not recieving any kind of ill treatment for doing so?
the two of you start spending time together, much to his dismay because of your classmates' teasing. yet it takes you being in danger during a villain attack for katsuki to realize how deep his feelings are.
oh, no– he's falling in love.
and he goes livid. he might seem like someone who already acts recklessly during combat but that's not the truth at all. the want, the need to take you into his arms and protect you is what leads him to take such impulsive decisions.
don't get him wrong, he knows you can defend yourself; you're just as much of a badass as you are of an optimist, after all.
but it's this side you bring out of him. this soft, tender side.
it drives him crazy.
so, once the horror passes and your class settles into its usual endeavors, he does what he knows best: he tries to push you. he tries to make you leave, to scare you off.
but why aren't you running away?
why are you cradling his face with a gentle, loving touch?
one thing leads to the other and your lips meet in a true love's kiss, as you would say.
after that, katsuki resigns to listening to your rambling about animals and love and flowers–
he's there to give you a reality check when it's needed, anyway.
"get out of that pretty little head of yours, dumbass, there's fucking homework to do"
yeah, he wouldn't have it any other way.
bonus: you're literally a grumpy x sunshine pairing !! it's hilarious to see you two in the common room because katsuki seems to hold back in showing physical affection or any state of flusteredness. you learned not to demand it from him, either, because he always gets red and would hate for anyone else other than you to see it. it's alright, though, because as soon as you're alone he turns into a clingy puppy. good luck trying to get rid of him to do something just as brief as going to the bathroom !!
♡ ୭̥ ° todoroki shouto
shouto's life has never been any sort of fairytale. all that love chitchat... yeah, pretty much false.
but then he meets you, and you're so eager to show him.
so you start sticking to him, following him around. it could look like pestering for some people, but to shouto?
oh, shouto's charmed by you.
it takes him some time. before the sports festival, he couldn't help but give you cold stares and dry replies. of course, your enthusiastic self would take all of that without complaining.
but it is after the event that he starts to open his eyes and contemplate a little more of you. especially after you compliment his quirk and express how happy you are for him, for truly giving his all during the fights and making use of his fire.
another element, you said, that was part of him and needed to be seen. you mentioned how you believed in him, warm smile painted on your lips as you beamed with joy.
there was no way he would get his eyes off of you after that.
although shouto is quiet, his gaze is intense. thankfully you're unaware of such things – trained to being accostumed to stares by your whole life experience – so you can't tell how the next days he's so entranced by you and the way you carry yourself so gracefully.
you see beauty everywhere, often even stopping in your tracks to observe your surroundings. you seem to shine, delighted.
too occupied by twirling around and interacting with everyone around you, you fail to notice how he's softly smiling at the sight.
as time passes, your conversations stop being one-sided. his replies show more interest, it's not only about his gaze anymore but also about the way he accepts all your affections; melting into your touch.
the way he's always there to protect you when villain attacks happen, when anyone looks at you the wrong way or tries to talk to you in as much as a slightly rude tone. the way he comforts you whenever you're sensitive about something, never questioning where did it come from.
you're his top priority.
so when you share a first kiss, he feels his heart pumping so hard it could jump right off his chest. this unknown feeling, leading him to be so attached to you, was love all this time.
you were right about showing him, he figures.
because now holding your hand gives him so much happiness that he now kind of gets why you're so enthusiastic about said concept.
when you go on one of your rambles about it and ask him, "right?" he smiles at you and responds:
"yes, my love, i think i know now"
you smile at him, so widely as you always do, and he leans in to leave a kiss on your forehead.
bonus: when he tells you his family story for the first time, you cry. you cry so much until you feel his strong arms wrap around you. yet shouto, despite trying to comfort you since you were the one crying, feels as if your embrace comforts him. you hug him by the waist, rubbing his back so gently and carefully that it brings tears to his eyes. everyday he feels more enamoured by you.
♡ ୭̥ ° midoriya izuku
you meet for the first time with izuku because of bumping into him during the quirk's test on the first day of class. he falls and you crouch along with him, soft-spokenly apologizing and asking if he's alright.
as he looks up at you, the boy can only think of how you look exactly like an angel.
you best believe our baby broccoli blushes furiously to his ears.
it doesn't take you anything to become friends and when you do he realizes that, despite both of you being pretty positive people, you have very different ways of thinking.
everything to you is magical, wonderful, exciting. izuku learned this from only the first few days of knowing you, and he found it really beautiful and encouraging. it was something to admire you for, and it never failed to impress him the way you would always be open to new opportunities, grateful for every single one you were given.
similarly, nothing to you was ever a problem! so when izuku rambled about his past, his difficulties with his quirk and worries you always found a way to make his point of view shift 180° and move on to positive thoughts.
in a world where he's exposed to so much pressure, you act as a beacon of life that peaks through the darkness.
and so, you're with him every step of the way.
he doesn't even know when his love for you starts blooming, especially since he has such a focus on heroics that doesn't usually let him think about anything else. but when he finds himself dreaming about your bright smile, mumbling as he watches you from afar sing to happy little animals you encountered, blushing to the tips of his ears by only hearing you say his name with so much care and glee–
he realizes too late he's down bad. in fact, he's the last one to realize, since the whole class watches in horror as you two interact so lovingly with each other as almost second nature.
mina has the theory that the two of you are secretly together, but it is obvious for everyone that if you two really were, you would be shouting it to the four winds. that's just who you are, and that's just how they know izuku loves you.
of course, you're the first one to make a move.
you go up to him before class one random morning and ask him if he would like to go out on friday afternoon. he accepts at first, smiling widely at you and you respond with a bubbly "alright then! it's a date!"
his face seemed to turn all shades of red and even go through some other colors before digesting that information.
"a-a d-date with me...?" he lifts a finger, you hum in amusement.
"of course, silly. i'd want no other prince for me but you."
needless to say, it goes amazingly and now the class has to deal with you giving him little pecks on his lips, cheeks and hands as he turns red because of the sudden affection.
bonus: in his notebook page about your quirk he has written a whole analysis of how you and your voice are appealing to animals and what does that have to do with it. he even tried talking about it to you, but your reply was: "i'm not quite sure, but i can only be grateful about them! they are my friends and i'm truly fortunate for their company!"
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o-sachi · 4 months
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Cowboy, Pirate, or Samurai? pt. 1 ₊⊹ Blue Lock Chars.
ଳ how the blue lock boys respond to, “would you rather be a cowboy, pirate, or samurai?”
ଳ characters; isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, chigiri hyoma, nagi seishiro, barou shoei, reo mikage, kunigami rensuke
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ᯓ Isagi Yoichi - Samurai
Knowing Isagi's love for manga, I have a hunch that he might go for samurai solely because it reminds him of all those shounen manga that he had read before. Isagi is definitely the type of guy to find swords amazing. If he had the money, he'd buy one of those replica katanas that you can display in your room. But, to be fair, he finds all options cool. It's just that the samurai has an allure to him that the others lack. I'm guessing it's their cold and calculating nature which is resemblant of Isagi when he's on the field.
ᯓ Bachira Meguru - Pirate
It’s no surprise that a spontaneous person like Bachira would choose to be a pirate. After all, they do travel far and wide, and have the most amazing expeditions out of all the three. He isn’t as excited about the sword fights or the bounties as he is with exploring new places. I have a feeling he likes swimming and just being around water in general. His favorite animal is a dolphin, so I’m sure that his jaw would drop upon seeing one jumping along with the pirate ship.
ᯓ Chigiri Hyoma - Samurai
Chigiri will probably choose this more so as a last resort. He can't imagine being a pirate because the sea salt air would ruin his hair. Everyday would be a bad hair day and that's a huge no from him. Being a cowboy would mean being under the sun for hours, sweating and letting grime accumulate. He figures that being a samurai would be the safest option. With his speed, he might even be good at wielding a sword.
ᯓ Nagi Seishiro - Cowboy
Much like Chigiri, I think Nagi will choose this as a last resort. Pirates immediately get a no from him because they move around and go to places too much. He can't even fathom trying to get a good snooze on a ship that's constantly wobbling on water. Being a samurai is also a hassle since they have to be swinging their swords around. Picking cowboy seems like the chillest option since he thinks he can just take care of a horse and... nap with it under some shade after going for a very short ride.
ᯓ Baro Shoei - Samurai
One word: discipline. Baro thinks the elegance and esteem carried by the samurai are unparalleled. As a person who strongly believes in structure, Baro feels that he'd fit in the best in the samurai lifestyle unlike the others which are a bit too carefree for his taste. If he were to be in any other shounen, he'd be the type of character to have a strong sense of justice. Baro also looks like the type to be proud of his Japanese heritage, so it comes as no surprise that he's picking this one out of the choices.
ᯓ Reo Mikage - Pirate
He likes treasure. Pirates also like treasure. It was a no-brainer for Reo to go for pirate. The idea of going out on a grand voyage to discover and acquire precious items appeals quite a lot to him. It's literally a canon event and we can't interfere with it. He'd even go as far as to one up other pirates by purposefully finding more gold or finding an object far more valuable than anything anyone else had found. Reo would love to be a pirate king and lead his crew to a cavern of riches.
ᯓ Kunigami Rensuke - Cowboy
If we're talking about pre-wildcard Kunigami, then he's definitely a cowboy archetype. Cowboys are hard working, but carefree. They protect the innocent with their strength much like a hero. Kunigami fits this mold to a T with his strong sense of self and fairness. And, this is just a headcanon of mine, but I think he has a soft spot for animals. He looks like the big scary guy who's actually a lot more wholesome than he lets on. He'd take care of his horse like it's his best buddy. Post-wildcard Kunigami would probably say... ninja because he's edgy.
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[🐟]: adding more characters in the next part~
ε( ε ˙³˙)ɜ 。° ⚬ 。 likes and reblogs are appreciated
o-sachi © 2024
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webshooterrr9 · 5 months
Dating Ushijima Wakatoshi as the Club Manager
Headcanons + fic for male!reader
Commission for @crashgrav1ty
w.c: 2k
content warning: none!, fluff, cheesy highschool romance with ushiwaka
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I feel like Ushijima would be a soft dom when dating you, not like in a sexual way, but in a romantic way. He’s just so kind and smart and he would be so gently protective of you. He would pull you closer by the waist if you were walking through a crowded area, not to turn you on, just to make sure he doesn’t lose you. He would 100% be the one to walk on the outside of the sidewalk, he follows the sidewalk rule by heart.
He would also be an incredible listener. Ushijima is a very quiet guy and I don’t think that would change when he’s with you, but if you’re a big talker that’s a good thing. He’d sit there and listen to you yap with a small smile on his face, just admiring the gleam in your eyes when you talk about your little anime crushes and current video games you enjoy. He’s lowkey very oblivious to any fandom culture, but he’d let you chat about the drama all you want.
As far as volleyball goes, he always wants to impress you. Which isn’t hard, given that he’s one of the top three hitters in the nation, but whatever. He’s always giving it his all during practice and at games because he knows you’re watching. I think he took very good care of his health before you started dating, but after you started dating and became the club manager, he was taking any opportunity he could to hydrate and stretch - because he knew that meant that he could be next to you, even if you don’t talk. He loves just holding you after games, silently hugging you close to him and resting his head on top of yours. Ushijima would stay like that forever if he could.
As far as PDA goes, I don’t think he’d be super into it, but not necessarily against it. I think it would mostly be just small displays of affection like hand holding. As a guy who doesn’t say many words, I strongly believe that his love language is physical touch and gifts. Ushijima would leave cute little notes on your desk, sometimes with nothing more than a smiley face and a heart, and he’d share his lunch with you everyday. You’d never be lonely at school, and he’d always help you with homework that you struggle with.
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Today is the big day! Well, not really. It’s just another practice game against some other school in Miyagi - but still! Even if it’s not a part of an official tournament, you were always excited to see your boyfriend do what he loved most.
Ushijima holds your hand in his as you two walk through the hallways. Your last class, Art History, just ended and now you’re both heading to the locker room to get ready for the game. He doesn’t say much, but you can see in the quick glances he keeps giving you that Ushi is very happy that you’re here with him. You don’t always make it to practice games due to family stuff, so he’s excited to know that you’ll be there to support him - even if he doesn’t do a good job at showing it.
“Hey, Waki?” you say, turning your head up towards his. His ears perk up at the nickname and he turns to look back at you while the two of you walk. “Do you think we’re gonna do good today?”
He pauses for a moment to think. “I assume so. Nobody on the team is injured.” he turns his gaze back to the direction in which you’re walking, but he’s still listening to you. “Why do you ask? Do you think we’re gonna do bad?”
“No, no! That’s not what I’m saying.” you quickly defend, waving your non-held-hand around. “You just seem a little down, that’s all.”
“Yeah. Down as in sad, not as in syndrome.”
“Oh,” he replies in that same monotone voice as usual. “I didn’t realize I appeared that way, my apologies.”
You two enter the locker room, and he lets go of your hand for a brief second to open the door, immediately returning it to its rightful place after you two have entered. “No need to apologize, I just want to make sure you’re okay is all.”
“I’m alright. Don’t worry.”
You both head over to your lockers, which are conveniently next to each other. Your eyes wander to the floor as he changes from his school uniform into his practice clothes. Even though you’ve been dating for a few months now, you’re still shy about changing. Ushijima sees you avoiding his gaze and lets out a small laugh, speeding up the process of putting his new clothes on so that you don’t have to be awkward for any longer.
Once he’s done changing, he puts a hand on your shoulder to signal that it’s okay to look. “Hey.” he says, trying to get your attention. You look up at Ushiwaka, and your cheeks flush when you see him. Maybe it’s the way he’s towering over you, or maybe it’s the quiet confidence he exudes, but something about him is just so appealing to you. Handsome. That’s the only way to describe him. His short hair is neatly styled with hazel eyes softly looking into yours. There’s a gentle smirk on his face, one that would be missed by anyone but you.
“Yeah?” you ask, trying to be nonchalant. I mean yeah, you’re dating, but you still don’t want him to know that you’re crushing on him hard. Is it even possible to crush on your boyfriend? Or is that just love? Love. Woah. Big word. Not yet.
“I was wondering if maybe, after the game, you wanted to go get some taiyaki with me.” he took his hand off of your shoulder, but still maintained the eye contact that made your knees weak with joy.
A smile creeped up on your face. You jump up in excitement. “Duh, of course! I love that stuff!”
He chuckles at your excitement. You were always known to get a bit aggressive when passionate, and he found that cute. The way your face lit up when he mentioned food is a sight Ushijima will never get tired of. Ever.
“Great,” he smiled, putting his hand back in yours. “Let’s get out there then. To the game, I mean.”
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You watch intently as your boyfriend and his teammates score point after point in the practice game. There were a few moments where they slipped up, but all in all, the match was a success for the team. You’d always be amazed by just how not tired he seems, even after running and jumping everywhere. You wonder if this guy even has the ability to sweat, or if he’s some sort of superhuman, volleyball machine.
The game was winding down, with the current score being 24-20 to Shiratorizawa. You were happy to cheer your boyfriend on, making sure that his water bottle was always full. After the visiting team got back on their bus to go home, you walked over to Ushiwaka.
“You did it, Waki!!” you beam, bouncing over to him with a spring in your step now that you two can hang out one-on-one. He smiles at you as he grabs his bag and water bottle.
“Ready to go?” he asks, and you nod your head excitedly. The two of you walk out of the school, getting on your bikes and riding down to your nearest Taimu to get those yummy desserts you were promised. By the time you two arrive there, the sun is already starting to set. Ushijima pays for your taiyaki and you both take a seat on a bench out front. You dig into the fish-shaped confectionery eagerly, not wasting a single crumb. Ushiwaka eats with you, although much slower.
You two talk about anything and everything, with most of the words being spoken by you. He watches the way your dark eyes seem to shine in the light of the setting sun, and the way the high points of your skin gleam. The way your smile stretches across your face, and the loud laugh you give when telling him a funny story. All the while, he has his hand on yours, lightly rubbing over your knuckles with his palm.
The pink and orange sky starts to fade into purple, with the cotton candy clouds clearing the way for the moon. You notice the streetlights turn on, and decide to wrap up your outing before your parents get mad at how late you’re staying out. “We should probably head home. I don’t want my parents getting mad at me.”
“Yeah. We wouldn’t want that.”
Ushijima goes to stand up, but you grab his wrist to stop him. “Wait.”
He turns back to look at you, with a quizzical expression on his face. You stand up with him, letting go of his hand for a moment. “Was this a date?” you ask, somewhat timidly.
Your boyfriend takes a moment to think before smiling, and even laughing a bit under his breath. “Of course it was.” he smiles, leaning down to plant a small kiss on your forehead. You blush furiously at the gesture, but try to play it off. “Right. Cool. Thought so.”
He smirks again at your reaction, but says nothing more. The two of you bicycle back to your house, and he walks you all the way up to your front door. When you step inside, your pets are all there to greet you. You wave goodbye to your lover, blowing him a little kiss goodnight - something you cringed at yourself for later. Ushijima waves back, waiting until you’re fully inside before he heads home.
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As Ushiwaka returns to his small farmhouse, all he can think about is you. When he sets down his bag, all he thinks about is you. When he returns the animals to their pens, all he thinks about is you. Even as he’s drifting off to sleep, you’re the only thing on his mind.
He just can’t believe how lucky he is to have you. Someone who understands him, someone who supports him unconditionally. He doesn’t need to speak for you to know what he’s thinking, and for that he thanks you. Listening to the crickets outside his bedroom window, all he wonders is if you’re asleep already. Probably not. And honestly, he’s more than happy to be there for you in the morning when you complain about how tired you are. He’s already prepared to pack a lunch for you.
And as Ushijima finally slips into unconsciousness, all he can think about is how much he loves you. It’s cheesy, he knows, but he’s so grateful to be able to experience teenage love with you. And one day, he’ll show you just how much you mean to him.
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this was a commission for a friend!
my commissions are not currently open, i only accepted this one because i've known this person for years
in the future, i plan to open commissions for those who want a personalized fic!
the original fic was more detailed to the commissioner's life, but i edited out the private details for security.
hope you enjoyed!
much love to all my supporters mwah
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oneofthosebells · 2 months
Thinking about ordinary.
Particularly in the context of 'Wille will never be able to lead an ordinary/normal life' (true) 'and therefore the ending doesn't work because abdicating doesn't actually solve his problems' (oof...I see where you're coming from but I've got to strongly disagree).
[Yes, I know it's not technically abdication, it's just a convenient shorthand!]
Wille will never be able to lead an ordinary life if by ordinary you mean a life like Simon would have led if they'd never met. He'll always be the son of a monarch, he'll always have been famous since birth, he'll always be ridiculously wealthy and privileged. But would he eventually be able to lead an 'ordinary' life by the standards of any privileged trust fund baby whose parent is a major public figure? Yeah, I think so.
There's a world of difference between being famous/wealthy/privileged but able to choose how to live your life - including the ability to choose a very private life if you want one - and being the literal head of state with absolutely no choice in the matter.
And yeah, I'm thinking about this because of all the footage of Harry and Meghan and their slightly odd pseudo-royal tour on the news. Which isn't a dig at H&M, I have no strong feelings about them one way or the other, but I've seen them used as a stick to beat the YR ending with ('it'll never work, look at Harry and Meghan'!). But Wille and Simon aren't Harry and Meghan.
And I don't just mean because they're fictional and H&M aren't, though actually you know what, that's important - it means that if I want to headcanon they can lead a fairly normal life once Wille's out of the line of succession then I can, nothing's stopping me. But also I cannot see Wilmon ever choosing to stay in the limelight by doing a tell-all Oprah interview, or a book or a podcast or a documentary, and I definitely can't see them doing a semi-royal tour where cameras follow them everywhere and where they sit in chairs(/thrones) and look awkward while people perform traditional dances for them. (Again, no shade! The circumstances and the people are very different, that's my point.)
I could see Wille going into academia or writing books about poetry, or maybe he owns a horse sanctuary and gets Sara to run it, or he co-owns a restaurant with Felice. Or all of the above, why not. He probably can't ever go and get a 'normal' job, but he won't need one - he'd have plenty of money to live on if he's living a fairly humble, non-extravagant lifestyle, and again, he's fictional, I can believe he'd happily do that with Simon if I want to.
Maybe they'd live abroad for a while to escape the attention - because with the best will in the world, the Scandinavian monarchies aren't worldwide famous in the way Diana and her children are, and Wille's video/speech/abdication would be a five minute wonder and probably quickly forgotten outside Sweden.
This is getting longer than I meant it to so I'll leave it there without going into Simon and how he fits into it all, because that's another three thousand words lol. Maybe I'll do a part 2. 😂
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thinking about the relationship between sif and the universe, and related theories / headcanons aka I listened to a song and I need to get these feefees out of me
this is a lot of prelude for something that can be shown with just the video clip, but I want to include all the strings that make up this knot
Its not explicitly stated, but I believe it's pretty clear that whenever sif repeats something three times while hoping for something (sharpening the keyknife, carving in general, praying to the change god statue in dormont), he is performing wish craft.
however, he doesnt repeat anything three times when getting the keyknife. he doesnt even need to pray to get it at all, the change god just gives it to him. they say themselves that they dont care for rituals. they never even take credit for the stat buff, they only take credit for the keyknife
when sif changes how they pray at the change god statue, their method more strongly resembles the ritual to make a wish at the favor tree (picking the one you like best), and as a result the buff gets better. it is the wish craft ritual that is the important part of the prayer to that statue, not the change god
one thing that IS explicitly stated is just how powerful wish craft is for those who know the rituals, and how dangerous it is in the wrong hands. between the disappearance of colors (Im pretty sure that was the result of a wish, I may be misremembering), the disappearance of the country, and the king being nearly successful in freezing all of vaugarde in time, it only takes one wish to take out massive chunks of the world at a time
we know that wish craft is very entwined in the culture of the country (the story written about in the journal is told as a cautionary fairy tale, the rituals themselves are so deeply ingrained in sif that the wish to forget the country did not restrict his memory of the rituals, and he can perform wish craft without even being fully aware he is doing it)
it seems reasonable to me that the reason for the country's disappearance was to hide the existence of wish craft and the rituals to access that power from the rest of the world. considering sif didnt even remember his culture AND had good intentions, and still nearly ended the world, seems like that concern is pretty well founded. however, thats not the important theory Im making this post about
the country has knowledge of wish craft in conjunction with worship of the universe. "the universe leads, we can only follow," "the universe willed it," seems pretty safe to say that sif's Universe is the "entity" that is granting wishes
the way wishes are described, they dont seem like something the universe grants based on who worships it. as long as you know the ritual, you get the wish. everyone is part of the universe, after all, worshiper or not
Admittedly, its a bit of a stretch to say that the universe as a collective force has any sense of empathy for human struggles. but using the change god as an example, as spiteful as they are to sif, and unsympathetic to anything other than a human's role in the concept of change, they still show a great deal of care and favor to mira, someone who loves them. it is possible for a deity to care for those that care about it
sif, despite no longer having access to his culture or why he cares about the universe, still loves the universe, very very deeply, just as much as mira loves change. the change god says that sif's deity will never answer him, but I dont think thats the case
and this is the important headcanon that I am making this post for
sif is performing the rituals, so he gets the wishes, simple as. but I feel strongly that his wishes getting granted in very small but noticeable ways, despite not knowing how or why hes doing it, is the presence of his universe helping him, caring for him, even when he doesnt remember it
the strongest evidence for this, and the basis for this whole thing, is exactly how euphrasie breaks down in act 5
at first I only really noticed when she laughs, it reminded me very much of how the change god, a being who uses sprites of other characters and has done a whole possession, laughed during their encounter. they and euphrasie are the only two that use anything other than "ha," and right after this laugh is when her breakdown pauses and she says the lines
"... Soon you'll be able to go back to your normal lives. Away from battle and strife. Finally, you'll all be able to go home!!!"
which, knowing the end of the game is coming, is incredibly relevant. very deliberate
before this pause, her breakdown seems pretty chaotic. the characters and the player are just coming out of one harrowing experience, and are clearly headed for another. the cohesiveness of this glitchy breakdown amongst a mess of the rest of the world doing the same isnt really high up on the list of priorities. none of the characters notice anything beyond the fact that reality is breaking, not even sif. it just sounds like scary nonsense.
but with the context of euphrasie being possessed to talk to sif, every single one of her lines makes perfect sense
(footage from Zhain Gaming on yt)
the universe is there its talking directly to him, it was there the whole time
the Universe loves Sif so much
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yamujiburo · 1 year
Should've made this a while ago! I'm starting to get a lot of the same questions in my inbox nowadays tho and I feel bad for clogging up y'all's timelines with the same questions haha
Who are you?
I'm Kiana, I'm a queer, Japanese Jamaican woman, and a Director/Storyboard artist at Disney Television Animation.
What are your pronouns
I usually go by she/her but I don't really mind any pronouns~
Where did you go to school?
California College of the Arts (but I dropped out when I was hired at Disney)
How did you get hired at Disney?
My bosses found me on twitter through my Team Rocket fanart. They liked my drawing style and asked if I wanted to take a storyboard test. I did, I passed, I got interviewed and moved to LA two weeks later to start storyboarding.
Is this a repost blog??
No, you might know be better as @kianamaiart. This is just my Pokémon sideblog where I post exclusively (for the most part) Team Rocket and Pokémon art.
What does your username mean?
It's a combination of the main 4 Team Rocket members' Japanese names: Yamato (cassidy), Musashi (jessie), Kojiro (james), Kosaburo (butch)
What program and brush do you use to draw?
Default brush in Storyboard pro
Who's your favorite Pokémon?
What are your favorite ships?
Any ship with Jessie. Yamushipping, Rocketshipping and Hanamusashipping are my top three!
Who do you ship Ash with?
I was a big Pokéshipper when I was younger but nowadays don't really feel strongly about any of the ships involving the kid characters. I'm also in the "Ash is aroace" camp.
Do you have any trans headcanons?
You can find em here along with other headcanons! It should be noted that I don't usually marry myself to one hc (unless it's for a specific AU I'm trying to build out) and love seeing various interpretations of a character! Trans woman Jessie, Trans woman James, Trans man James, Genderfluid Jessie, give em to me!
Do you play the games?
I've played all the mainline Pokémon games and very much enjoy them! But I am much more invested in the anime and the characters in the anime.
Where can I read all the comics in order?
Here! I update anytime I make a new comic and list them in chronological order (since I just draw comics at random points in the timeline as they interest me). This post also already answers some of the frequently asked questions about this AU like: How did Jessie and Delia meet? What are James and Meowth up to? How old are Jessie and Delia? etc.
What does "Hanamusa" mean?
Hanamusa is a combination of Delia and Jessie's Japanese names, Hanako and Musashi respectively.
When does this AU take place?
It takes place sometime after the Mezase Pokémon Master/To Be a Pokémon Master series. So all the events that happened in the series, unless retconned within the series, happened. Ash is 10 at the start of the comics.
What's the status between Jessie, James, Meowth and Giovanni/Team Rocket?
Not great terms since they were fired, but also not the worst terms. Giovanni just let the three of them go without any further issues. I will say that I've always loved the theory that Giovanni keeps Jessie specifically around because of her parentage and he as a soft spot for her that he keeps a secret. I feel like Matori was the one that got the three of them fired and Giovanni wasn't able to make an excuse for them this time (without showing nepotism/special treatment) so he was forced to let them go.
If you headcanon Delia as a lesbian, how did Ash come to be?
Delia was young when she had Ash and I hc that she just didn’t really explore her sexuality much! I myself didn’t realized I liked women until I was 18 and didn’t know I liked ONLY women until like 2 years ago. She got married, had a baby and realized after her husband left that she liked women (trans people exist obviously but I’m also interpreting Ash’s father as a cis man).
Who do you think Ash’s dad is?
I don’t know and I don’t really care to explore it. I’m going off of the novel interpretation that he’s just a deadbeat that left to be a trainer, failed and never came back because of the shame. He’s not important.
Isn’t Giovanni Ash’s dad?
That’s a common misconception that people remember wrong from the Pokémon Live show. Delia mentions she dated Giovanni but then left him and his gang after meeting Ash’s father. I also don’t consider the live show canon personally! I follow The Birth of Mewtwo timeline where Madame Boss founded Team Rocket.
Do you think Delia and Giovanni dated at least?
Nah, I think he’s too old for her? I always got the vibe from The Birth of Mewtwo that he was quite a bit older than Jessie and it’d be sus if he was dating Delia when she was married to, and had a child with her husband at 18/19. He’s a bad guy but not a BAD guy.
You mentioned you still ship Jessie and James. Why not make a Jessie, James, Delia polycule?
I have a few reasons I’ve mentioned before! 1. I’m in super deep with this AU already and I feel it’d be very confusing for casual viewers of my stuff if James was added into the relationship haha. 2. I’ve drawn Jessie and James together since 2011 and took this AU as an opportunity to try my hand at writing them as queer, platonic besties bc I love that interpretation of them a lot as well. 3. I’m not poly myself and the way I write this ship is largely based off of my experiences with my girlfriend. I just know I’d favor the Jessie/Delia of it all which isn’t fair and not a good interpretation of a poly relationship. All that said, I DO super enjoy seeing peoples’ poly headcanons and art!
Who does James end up with in this AU?
No one. He's aroace and is happy to be single
Do Jessie and James have all their Pokémon in this AU
I think they have all the Pokémon that they did by the end of Mezase Pokémon Master (all their Pokémon that were left at HQ). Most of their released Pokémon have stayed released and the Alola Pokémon are still in Alola. I bring back Arbok and Weezing post-Jessie and Delia getting married. I may bring back Chimecho, Growlie and Cacnea if I think of an idea I like!
What are Meowth and James up to in this AU?
Hop back to the top of this post under the "Where to Start" section. All your questions will be answered.
Does Ash travel with anyone at this point of his life?
I don't have anyone in particular in mind! I could see him making new friends (Nemona???) or traveling with different combinations of old friends. Like him, Misty and Goh, him, Dawn and Cilan, him, Serena and Lillie etc.
Will Delia ever get over her phobia of snake Pokémon
Not fully! I think overcoming fears is fine and good but I think real PHOBIAS are much harder to get past and I don't want to cheapen it. She slowly gets used to Jessie's Seviper specifically and gets to the point where she can pet it comfortably with Jessie in the room. But otherwise, still scared and would need that same amount of time per Pokémon
Is Jessie gaining weight or is it just me?
Not just you! Jessie puts on a bit of relationship weight overtime as you'll see in the later comics in the timeline. Jessie grew in poverty, never knowing when her next meal would be and that continued into her life as a Team Rocket member. Once she was able to settle down (with a woman who runs her own restaurant no less) she's able to live a healthier lifestyle with regular meals and puts on some weight because of that.
Does Jessie ever feel self conscious about gaining weight?
Nope! She feels happier and healthier and hotter. She's also unreasonably excited to clear out her old clothes and get a new wardrobe.
Would Jessie and Delia ever have kids together or adopt?
Nah, Ash is enough for them! I have come up with hypothetical kids for them but they're not canon to this AU. Just a fun little thing for me.
Will you ever put this on webtoon?
Nah. People mostly ask me this because they want to read everything in the order of the timeline but to my knowledge, you can’t reorder chapters or installments which would defeat the purpose. I also don’t think nintendo fan stuff would fly there. Also, also it’s just extra work and another place to upload and I want to keep this all fun for myself~
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yslende · 4 months
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cabin 16 ー children of nemesis headcanons
| author's note: yeah i only really made this because i figured out that nemesis would be my godly parent. quite a few of these are based on me. probably not going to do any more of these, if only because i'd be unable to emulate this amount of detail again.
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vindictive. do i even need to say it.
ambidextrous. the lot of them.
all of them have stares that seem like they look right through you. 
insane resting bitch and poker faces. nothing shows unless they explicitly let it.
⬆️ however, any emotion they feel, they feel it STRONGLY. happiness? more like euphoria. sadness? more like depression. annoyance? more like fury. (the furies *wish* they had what nemesis kids do.)
they're the type of people to be fashionable by default because all they wear is black, red, and Leather Jacket (which is a color in itself.)
⬆️ despite this, they don't mind the camp shirts, if only because everyone else is wearing them.
three options: read rulebooks for fun, be the reason rules are created, or both. 
they treat death like a trip to the dentist: an unpleasant inevitability. 
unshakeable loyalty. once you've got a nemesis demigod on your side, they'll follow you to tartarus and back.
⬆️ likewise, if you harm them or their friends, there is nothing they won't do to get back at you. nothing is beneath them. be terrified.
natural skeptics. nemesis is a daughter of nyx, so some of her kids have likely been to the underworld. they've met shades. even so, they'll passionately argue against the existence of ghosts.
weirdly good memory. of course, they remember every insult said about them, but they also remember how many arrows you shot into the woods at archery practice last tuesday. especially good with remembering strings of letters or numbers.
⬆️ they're some of the few demigods that can do math. they do it for fun, that's how bad it is.
really good at strategy, but often people don't go along with their plans. see: nothing is beneath them.
geese fucking love them. a common sight at chb is watching geese try and bite everyone's faces off, then trip over themselves to be pet like drugged cats by the nemesis cabin.
all super good at board games, especially chess, settlers of catan, and monopoly. uno skills are 50/50.
they're the type of people to save every deus ex machina item in a video game for later, and then proceed to never use them.
great sense of balance. they're great at tightropes, and can do triple pirouettes (a type of turn in ballet) easily. they like perching in trees and watching during capture the flag if they're not fighting.
if you're unwilling to debate or close-minded, be prepared to find spiders in your underwear. *especially* if you're an athena kid.
⬆️ probably have a tarantula as a cabin pet, named 'houdini,' because he keeps ""escaping"" to the athena cabin. it's super unfortunate like that.
⬆️ they also probably have a favorite wild goose, too. 
there are no extroverted nemesis demigods. if one seems like an extrovert, they're either in denial or masking super hard.
they're the type of people to do all of the group project work alone. they have no patience for anyone who can't pull their weight.
each have their own methods of organization. if you touch their stuff you will die. they always know.
can't sleep without the ends of their blankets tucked underneath the mattress and the sides perfectly even. it just feels off to them.
socialism. communism. literally anything except pro-capitalist. look at me in my face and tell me i'm wrong.
optimistic pessimism? very 'the glass is half-empty, but at least there's something in there' vibes.
about as blunt as a club. if you want the brutal truth, ask a nemesis kid about your swordsmanship. you'll come out crying.
they take things very literally. jokes often fly over their head, but they catch sarcasm and veiled insults faster than hermes runs. 
always take things seriously. even things that aren't supposed to be taken seriously. like 'packing rocks in snowballs' seriously.
all of them despise bullies with all of their being. there isn't a nemesis demigod who won't introduce their knee to a bully's crotch for fun. hades, they'll *pay* you to let them do it.
their fighting skills and athleticism increase when serving justice, revenge, or vengeance. like normally, they're really good, but then someone steals their marshmallow or something and then they get REALLY good.
like to put extra effort into scaring and prank new campers before being nice to them. trial by fire, i guess.
however, after the inital hazing, they protect unclaimed kids with their lives. again, see: nothing is beneath them.
want to know everything, including but not limited to why you didn't put any grapes on your plate to every single reason why your godly parent acts the way they do towards you. once again, see: nothing is beneath them.
fight best with either a sword or a shield, but they're especially good with both. 
(sidenote: their favorite swords would probably be executioners' swords, which imo are super fucking cool. their favorite shields would probably be aspis (roman: clipeus) but specifically the ones with faces or figures carved in them.)
nemesis isn't a super caring mother tbh. she punishes her children mercilessly if they do something wrong or malicious. however, likewise, she praises them lavishly whenever they complete a quest or do something that demonstrates the power of cabin 16.
⬆️ her kids either have huge problems with authority or zero problems with authority. most swing wildly between the two, but that's what balance means, right?
friends with cabins: 1, 5, 8, 13, 15, 20
chill with cabins: 3, 9, 12, 14, 17, 19
does not get along with cabins: 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 18
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circle-with-me · 9 months
Will Ramos In Love (headcanons)
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**Disclaimer: These headcanons are purely fictional. They're not intended to describe Will in real life in any shape or form. These are just for fun!
Wrote these with @concretenoah because this golden retriever jersey boy has rotted our brains <3 thank you bb for working with me on this. I had a blast!
tag list: @deathblacksmoke, @malice-ov-mercy, @meekahy, @cookiesupplier, @lacktoesandtoddlerants, @midnight-eternals, @sammyjoeee, @collective-heartbreak, @lyschko666
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Will has big emotions and he’d be very vocal about them too. He’d always be telling you or doing little things to show you how he feels.
He pays attention to things you like and love and makes sure to keep them in mind and use them when he wants to make you feel special.
For example: making your favorite food, bringing your fav snacks home, taking notice of what movies you seem interested in when you see movie trailers so he can take you to see them.
If you see a clothing item you really want but don’t wanna spend the money on yourself, he’s buying it for you. Even if it’s a cheap $15 t-shirt.
You argue with him and tell him not to buy it but he wants his baby to have whatever she wants.
He takes you to get your nails and toes done. He’ll hint strongly that you should get acrylics if you don't have long nails because he loves it when you scratch his back or sides. 
If you text him and tell him you’ve had a long/bad day at work he’s using his key (if you don’t already live together) to take the dogs out and feed them so you don’t have to.
He’s also making sure your apartment is clean so you don’t have to worry about a thing when you come home but cuddling up on the couch with him and watching anime/movies all night.
When he’s in love, he’s very touchy-feely. He smothers your face with kisses. He’s always holding your hand and has his hand on your leg or thigh when you’re sitting together. He wants to be in your space one way or another.
He loves to cuddle but you notice how cuddling with Will changes when he’s in love with you. At first, you cuddle together on the couch or in bed with your head on his chest and his arm around your shoulder. The more time you spend together, cuddling turns into more of a connection. He’s enveloping you completely, turned towards you, your legs are intertwined. 
He’ll ask you to lay on top of him so he can feel your entire body weight on him. It’s not sexual, it’s purely for the sake of being close to you and to feel connected to you. He rubs your back gently and kisses your head. You lay there together and talk quietly or just enjoy the sound of each other’s heartbeats.
He also loves to just crawl between your legs and lay his head on your tummy and chest. Once again, it’s not sexual. It’s intimate but in a bonding way. When you wrap your arms around him, he feels safe and happy. 
Will dance with you in the kitchen while you’re cooking together, when you’re doing chores together, or anytime the mood strikes him. He sings to you, smiling and pushing the hair out of your face. He’ll twirl you around and pull you back in, dipping you down and kissing your lips softly.
He’s always taking photos or silly videos of you to keep for when he’s not with you or on tour. He wants to be able to see your face or hear your voice when he's away.
If the photos/videos are appropriate he’ll send them to his friends to brag about how great his girl is.
Will calls his cats his “little chickens” and you made a comment about how you wanted to be his chicken too. He thought it was so adorable he HAD to start calling you his chicken too.
His cats are VERY important to him. He loves them and it’s important you love them and vice versa. When he comes home and sees you laying on the couch asleep with them cuddled up to you, he has to stifle his cuteness aggression noises (iykyk), and he’s probably going to wake you up anyway because he’s sliding in to cuddle up with the three of you.
Speaking of his cuteness aggression noises, he makes them whenever you send cute snaps or wear something cute, like matching pj’s with him on Christmas (yes, he’d do this with you because he loves you hehe)
He sends you cute texts messages:  “I love you, chicken. Have a good day ♥️” “Need to see your pretty face, baby 🥺" “Look at my pretty girl. I can’t wait to wife you up one day 😍” “Good morning beautiful ♥ ️about to head over, do you want a coffee?”
When he’s missing you really bad, he’ll start with the baby talking. He’ll send messages like “wuv you 🥺”.
Speaking of baby talk, that’s another indicator he’s falling HARD for you. 
He will make playlists with songs that remind you of him and send them to you. Or just playlists of his favorite songs in general. Music is important to him and he wants you to listen to his favorite songs to get to know him better.
NSFW HC’s under the cut
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When Will is in love, sex changes between the two of you as well. 
This doesn’t mean that sex with him at the beginning of your relationship would be meaningless but once he’s falling in love with you it shifts much like cuddling does. It’s less about the need/want to fuck and more about him pleasuring you. 
There’s a lot of body worship, he’s taking his time with you, and it’s not so rushed. Sex becomes more passionate because he wants to enjoy every moment and learn everything that makes you feel good.
He wants to memorize every little noise you make so he can remember what he did that caused it and do it every time.
After a long night of making you orgasm so many times you can’t remember, he asks you for one more. He’s had you repeatedly but can’t get enough of you. Afterwards, you’re sore and shaking. He whispers soothingly, “Shhh, baby, you’re okay. I’m gonna kiss it better.” He leaves kisses all over your body….on your breasts, your tummy, your hips, your inner thighs. He spreads your trembling legs open and places soft kisses on your pussy, praising you for how well you take him, how good you were for him, and how much he loves you. 
dividers by @cafekitsune
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i-can-read-to-him · 1 month
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The Wesper Fic Club's Author Spotlight is a post series that aims to feature two to three fic authors a month, randomly selected from a pool of names put forth on our server. The authors are then asked to answer three interview questions, select up to five of their fics for us to feature, and finally, recommend three fics by others in the fandom.
(Note: Our spotlighted fics are not limited to Wesper, though they tend to be a central pairing in most of our authors' featured works.)
This week, we are putting a spotlight on Elias's writing!
Socials: @starwritebrekker (Tumblr) | starlightwrite (AO3) | starwritecos (TikTok) | wellelwrites (Instagram)
Part One: Author Interview
Q: What’s your favourite fic you’ve written for this fandom?
A: Do Us Part! It’s my first time writing a modern AU and I’m loving the challenge of finding modern day equivalents to the Crows world.
Q: When did you first start writing? What keeps you going today?
A: I’ve been writing stories since elementary school, earliest I can remember is second grade (seven years old). What keeps me writing is how much writing feels like a release. I’m not very good at speaking what’s going on in my head (see: neurodivergent), and writing it out helps me comprehend my own thoughts more and it helps me communicate my thoughts much better. It is my favorite form of expression.
Q: Who is your favourite character? What do you love about them?
A: Kaz Brekker. This boy is the embodiment of a person in survival mode for most of their life and not truly understanding what it is to come out of it. The world has hardened him but inside him, despite his best efforts, there is still that hope. That heart.
Q: Have you had a chance to interact with the SAB cast? Tell us about your experience(s).
A: Amita liked the photo of my Dregs tattoo on instagram! I love her so much and I’m so glad she interacts with the fandom so much as well.
Q: If you could be friends with any character in the Grishaverse, who would it be?
A: Matthias and I both grew up with organized religion being the backbone of our perspective of the world, so I feel like he and I could get along well. I want to give all the crows a hug (an air hug for Kaz).
Q: What are some headcanons you have that you consider your personal canon?
A: Kaz Rietveld-Brekker is transmasc. Argue with the wall XD. (I am nonbinary transmasc I hold this headcanon so close to my heart).
Q: Are there any songs you strongly associate with a favourite character or ship?
A: Francesca by Hozier is Kanej coded.
Q: How do you feel about your fics being translated into other languages?
A: Go forth and translate (just give me credit please and thank youuuuu)!
Part Two: Selected Works
Do Us Part
Teen | 4.1K | Kanej, Wesper, Helnik Modern AU, Mentioned Character Death, The dog lives In Progress
Part of the Wesper Fic Club Big Bang 2024! The Crows run a funeral home in the suburbs of a modern day Ketterdam. There’s death. There’s a dog. There’s healing. There’s still a dog.
No Funerals
Teen | 10.1K | Kanej, mentioned Wesper, mentioned Helnik Vampire AU, slowburn, Wesper Child, Alby Rollins is there In Progress
There’s a figure that haunts the Barrel at night since time immemorial, he exists in the shadows and watery reflections of the canals of Ketterdam. He was once the undisputed king of the city, and now? He runs a gang of misfits and swindles the merchant council, not even death can escape his cheating. 
Forever Not to Disappear
Teen | 20.5K | Kanej, Wesper Sickfic, slowburn, healing from trauma In Progress
Kaz Brekker is stuck in bed (it’s a bad illness day) and is forced to reflect and process his emotions.
Clouded Judgement
Teen | 441 words | Kanej, Wesper Stream of Consciousness, Wishful thinking, Reflective Kaz Brekker Completed
Post-Season Two finale of Shadow and Bone, Kaz is hoveled up in his room, and his mind never stops moving. Nor does his pen.
Part Three: Author's Recs
I’m The Perfect Stranger Who Knows You Too Well by @remadora-black / actressforever14 (my sister Cassie!)
Teen | 54.9K | Kanej, Wesper, Helnik Jordie Rietveld Lives, Childhood Trauma, Major Illness In Progress
Cassie’s description: What if Jordie did not die of Firepox? What if, instead, when Kaz returned from the Barge, his brother was waiting for him. Firepox would leave them both forever changed, but how will the course of the rest of their lives go? What will happen to Jordie when he realizes his little brother is no longer the boy he knew before, and that he has been left with a shell of a boy with only one thing on his mind: vengeance?
What the Water Gave Me by 19burstraat (astardanced)
Teen | 23.9K | Kanej, Crows friendship Post Canon, Canon Divergence, Angst With A Happy Ending Completed
Kaz as a Tidemaker. Get into it. Kaz as a grisha is extremely my sh*t. 
You’re A Dog And I’m Your Man by limelacroix
Not Rated | 27.8K | Kanej, Wesper Kaz Brekker gets a dog, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Kaz Brekker gets a dog. That’s the whole thing.Also extremely my sh*t
The Unexpected Visitor by insignificant457
Mature 90.9K | Kanej Post-canon, Implied/referenced SA, Implied/referenced sex In Progress
Inej brings one Bastard of the Barrel to the caravans for a family wedding. Hijinks ensue.
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coralhoneyrose · 2 months
fun chrom and or robin headcanons? chrobin headcanons?
alternatively what are some widely accepted or constantly brought up things in the awakening fandom that you hate?
my fun headcanon is they try to both be objective and somewhat professional as leaders but when c&r are alone together they love to gossip. you know theyve seen some stuff
Oooh what a fun question! I’m sure as soon as I hit post I’ll remember a bunch more but here’s what I was able to come up with~
Robin: I actually like head-canoning Robin as having ADHD. I could ramble about that for ages tbh but I think they fit the “twice exceptional” profile really well and that a combination of being an anxious perfectionist and having an attention disorder would make a lot of sense given that we know Robin is both very confident in their tactics and intelligence but also prone to workaholic tendencies with pushing themselves to extremes to make sure they’ve thought of everything. I also headcanon Robin as being kind of a slob LOL like I think their room would always be a mess with things strewn everywhere but *they* know where everything is meant to be so don’t even think about moving anything, Frederick >:(
Also this may be obvious from my writing, but I like headcanoning Robin as having darker skin than in canon in large part to circumvent Awakening’s unfortunate tendency to only feature that trait for Plegians who are antagonists. OH! And I love the idea of Robin being touch-starved when the shepherds first find and adopt them too.
Chrom: I headcanon he has very pretty cursive handwriting that he was forced to learn by his tutors growing up; that he low-key kinda likes PDA; that he’s mindlessly touchy with Robin specifically, even before he realizes his feelings; that he has a praise kink; that he is a morning person; and that he’s not particularly religious, despite being….ya know, the exalt of a halidom.
Idk if it’s cheating to also list that I headcanon him as biromantic demisexual (given that I have a whole fic about that) but I’m restating it anyway because that one is very dear to me. Also! I did not come up with this one myself, but I saw a tweet from another Chrobin author once about how they hc that Chrom would abdicate the throne before he gets particularly old to help ensure that Lucina’s coronation is a happy and celebratory event, and I love that idea and thinks it suits both of them really well <3
I think the one you shared is cute and fitting for them too! Both of them take their jobs really seriously so I can absolutely see them making an effort to keep too many court politics out of their work but then debriefing about stuff and laughing at all the stuffy nobles together after to help maintain their sanity.
As for things brought up / widely accepted in the fandom that I dislike and / or strongly disagree with, the three that come most immediately to mind are:
- That Chrom and Robin have a dumb one / smart one dynamic. I think they’re both very competent leaders and that while Robin is clearly the smarter of the two, I’ve always interpreted Chrom as probably having above average intelligence and just being really blunt and kind of oblivious / not tactful in certain delicate social situations which….tbh I fully believe Robin can be guilty of that sort of thing as well LOL
- That the f!Chrobin supports are “objectively” some of the worst in the game”. I can definitely understand and sympathize with some of the complaints about them, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re my favorite supports in awakening full stop. And I do also think that a subset of the complaints leveled at them are wildly off base
- That male and female Robin have different personalities. I just do not think this is true. I think the differences we see in their supports are pretty much always a direct function of being treated differently by the other character on account of their gender and responding to those differing circumstances accordingly
I have started drafting and ultimately aborted so many posts making arguments for all these points but somewhere along the line I usually remind myself to take a deep breath and that people can enjoy these characters and ships however they want to. Ultimately if I don’t like something, it’s easy enough for me to tune it out and keep doing my own thing and I’ve found fandom has become a lot more pleasant that way LOL
Andddd I think that covers everything? Thanks so much for the ask—I had a lot of fun answering it as probably evidenced by how long this turned out to be asjfk
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suneslvr · 1 year
Okay, thank you!! 🤗 So, may I please request headcanons of a fem!reader who is dating Dazai, Chuuya and Ranpo (polyamory)? 🥺
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(yan)!poly hcss w/ dazai, chuuya, & ranpo
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warningss; yandere themes, mentions of kidnapping, obsidians; poly hcs with (ranpo, chuuya, and dazai x f!reader). notes; not proofread ;<. this is the yandere version but I will make the non!yandere version laterr
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I honestly feel this is one of the funniest matchups ever, but it would suck for you.
All three of them are extremely smart and that would make it extremely hard to escape.
I don't think they will live together but you'll either take turns between the three of them or you'll live in your own private apartment, and they come and visit you.
If it's the second one, then it would probably be strongly protected and even though you'll be by yourself they'll make sure you can't leave.
Obviously, you're going to get teased a lot, mostly by dazai and ranpo but sometimes by chuuya as well.
dazai is the type to defend you against ranpo and chuuya even though he does it more, ranpo doesn't really care but chuuya sometimes gets mad and that starts arguments between the two.
You probably like ranpo a little more only because during chuuyas and dazais argument, you can find some comfort in him.
Though he is still very mean. Ranpo loves to test you and play games with you. even if you already succumbed to stockholm syndrome, he will still test your love for them.
these tests would consist of various questions or sometimes even games.
for example, he would either hire someone to call you and pretend to be someone who can help you, just for ranpo to be listening in on the call.
Dazai is the least delusional out of the trio, with ranpo coming second and chuuya coming last.
even though dazai isnt as delusional, he wholeheartedly believes that you belong to him, and you should love him as much as he does.
ranpo is only delusional when you psychically deny him, as it would hurt him too much to know that you hate him so much that you wouldn't even let him push your hair back.
Chuuya on the other hand will be delusional until you say you hate him and try to murder him; he will always trick himself until believing that you don't hate him.
If you ever try to escape on the other hand, even though he doesn't want too, chuuya has the most violent punishments out of the three.
he hates hurting you, but he also is a firm believer that if your hurt enough once, he doesn't have to do it again.
dazai is the type to threaten you the first time and make it seem likes hes joking than when you actually try to escape the threat won't seem so empty. He'll tell you that if you ever tried to escape, he'll break your legs and never let you leave the house, but during this he'll be giggling. when you do try to escape, when he finds you, you'll wake with two broken legs, and he'll be laughing about how you won't be able to try to leave now.
Ranpo is the type of guy who shows you murder cases including all of the gory details, he loves your scared expressions and how you shake for days after. If you still try to escape, he'll be more hurt than anything and would let dazai and chuuya punish you while he calms down,
in general, this is like the worst-case scenario, the only thing worse would be a fyodor, mori, and nikolai poly relationship...
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requests are encouraged <3
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toddtakefive · 1 year
do you have anderperry and/or dps headcanons you feel very strongly about?
- Neil’s favorite thing to do is come up behind Todd and hug him and just… stay there for any period of time. From anywhere between a minute and the rest of the time they’re in a given place. Todd never comments on it, Neil never explains, it’s just a thing.
- Todd always stands on Neil’s right and vice versa Neil always stands on Todd’s left. If it’s the other way around, no matter what they’re doing, they’ll switch places because it feels wrong.
- Neil gets too caught up in retelling Todd his dreams in the morning so it can take him upwards of ten minutes to do his tie, which sometimes makes him late to leaving, so to combat it Todd started doing Neil’s tie in the morning while he talked.
- Neil and Ginny (and by extension Chet) are cousins by marriage. Does that make sense at all? No. But I do not care.
- Charlie was the tallest of the group up until tenth grade when everyone else got growth spurts and left him in the dust.
- Cameron lives with his grandparents.
- The Anderson family is HUGE (I’m talking 4 pairs of grandparents, 6 aunts, 5 uncles, 8 cousins kind of huge) and Jeff and Todd are the only boys in their generation.
- Jumping off from the last one: Todd’s cousins used to use him as a guinea pig because he was the youngest.
- Mrs. Perry’s first name is Nancy.
- Mr. And Mrs. Anderson are named Patrick and Rebecca respectively.
- Out of the entire group, Pitts is the only one that’s ever actually had a girlfriend by the start of the movie. (For like 3 weeks in 7th grade, but still)
- Ginny and Chris have complete opposite tastes in music and are always exchanging records for the other to see if they like.
- Todd loves snakes.
- Knox jumps a solid half a foot in the air when scared.
- Meeks hates spiders. Charlie loves them. You can imagine how that tends to go down.
- Neil had always wanted a dog but could never get one because his mom has a fur allergy.
- Cameron does origami in his spare time.
- Meeks can’t do a cartwheel and EVERYONE makes fun of him for it.
- Neil had a one-sided beef with Jeff pre-junior year that he could never justify or rationalize until he met Todd.
- Chris does Ginny’s lipgloss for her every morning before school.
- Todd Anderson autism + Neil Perry AuDHD is real TO ME.
- Neil and Todd can’t be alone together for longer than five minutes without breaking out into hysterical laughter over essentially nothing.
- Neil and Charlie once tried to convince a store clerk they were orphan brothers for free ice cream. It did not work.
- Todd can’t cook for shit and is on ‘handing-people-things-they-need’ duty. Neil can cook just barely. Cameron, somehow, is a master chef. Knox consistently nicks his fingers with knives and is no longer allowed in the kitchen.
- In a modern setting, Knox would absolutely have two moms.
- Neil and Todd’s wardrobes have essentially morphed into one singular wardrobe and they can’t differentiate what belongs to who anymore. They’ve stopped caring and just wear each others clothes if they want to.
- Neil is a master at drunk karaoke. Charlie is a master at drunkenly pressuring Neil into doing drunk karaoke.
- The ribbon Chris wears in her hair is a gift from Ginny.
- Pitts is almost scarily good at checkers.
- Charlie can hold his breath for almost three minutes.
- Neil is a biter.
- ‘Spazs’ name is Eugene, Stick’s name is Roy, Hopkins’ first name is Albert.
- Keating’s implied british wife(?) is named Jessica.
- Charlie is the only one of the guys that can SOMEWHAT dance.
- More often than not, Todd is actually the one to reach out and hold Neil’s hand rather than the other way around.
- Todd’s middle name is Augustus.
And that’s all the ones I can remember right now!!! Questions, comments, concerns?????
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cyclondoojay · 6 months
a very dear headcanon to me in 3
yeah yeah okay okay all you want
rgb siblings is very cute and all that, but you can't change my mind about Lloyd seeing Jay and Nya as parentals figures. no. no you can't.
this is my religion and i belive in the jaya parents for lloyd and I'll take this hc to my death bed.
like one time, when Lloyd was still a child, but also after some time from "child's play" (don't really remember if this was the name of that episode, but you get it) and so around Nya's age, he called Nya mom by accident, and she was like "omg how you just called me-" (and if you think about her growing without one is even better) and then she was like the most Lloyd had spend his time with on the bounty, so for me it make so much sense, but keep listening.
yesterday i read this really cute oneshot where jay comforted lloyd and had some cute time together and then this really grow strongly on me (sorry i can't remember the name but it was really good and cute i can't.. but it was like arin & agentwalker bonding and then younglloyd & youngjay also bonding) (<- i really recommend it, it's on Ao3) anyway- (after a brother) he sees jay, with the years going on, more and more like a father
(cuz the brother role for him is mostly occupied by kai ofc)
anyway, also jaya was the firt couple that lloyd has seen and grow with even before pixane, and don't even get me start with when they broke up and lloyd was really sad for like the first months, hoping that they could go back together again (and when he sees them after all that trauma called "skybound" although some years had passed, he was happy that they were back again)
and yeah, you think now that he is all grown up, and everything, he changed his mind? I'll answer that for you
even if Lloyd did not call jaya dad or mom, he still sees them as, metaphorically talking, parents, and when he really need like a motherly hug or a fatherly talk he goes to them, and absolutely love and feels a child again when the three of them are together (even if it doesn't seem so from like Motm, but trust me, I'm like this to. like from my face it seems like am bored, but inside am so happy while doing something that i like, it's simply called teenage life... or trauma in their case)
anyway, i don't really remember anymore what i wanted to say, but I'll conclude saying that when Nya and Jay fights over something, Lloyd's "sad" too, or when they go out on a date or just act like a married couple he's just so happy. Let's talk seriously now, they're the first couple he's met since he was like 10 and he subconsciously associates them as second parents, so it's obvious that sometimes he feels like he's their child when he's with them.
(also don't totally saying that now his couple standards got better after skybound and ALSO after seabound... let's pretend all that harumi and lloyd stuff doesn't exist in this)
i know, you don't even know anymore why you reading this, and i don't even know what to write anymore, but if want to end this post well, i had to..
(its a really big SPOILER for DR2 Pt1 so read at your own risk)
now Kai isn't there again, but even before, they hadn't seen Jay, so now Lloyd is alone with her mother Nya (and also the others yeah but) and this means that his "parents" and brother aren't there for him (again) and i can't wait any longer for all the oooh so lovely angst- HELP ME)
okay, finally I'm done. thank for listening to... this.
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