#but i feel so awkwardly... wrong? about having another opinion?
crowdsourcedloner · 11 months
damn seein peoples opinions/expectations on dawntrail is kinda reminding me why i stayed away from fandoms the past few years....
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kylewalker-peters · 6 months
the thing about sports documentaries is that they have to appeal to such a broad mass of people. you need to have enough detailed insight that it feels worth it for fans who spend their every waking moment thinking about the sport/team/player while also being general enough that someone who doesn't know the first thing about the sport doesn't get so confused they turn off. and that's why i think they need 2 versions of any sports documentary. one where it's all surface level, here's the basic rules and people kind of documentary, and another where you get to hear the exact kind of bitchy gossip athletes are talking about while eating their lunch
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minhosimthings · 10 months
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Synopsis: You never thought that Lee Heeseung, the man who had proven you wrong in the subject you were best at, would be fucking you on the classroom floor, but here you were.
Pairings: Heeseung × fem!reader, sort of enemies hate sex, includes Sunoo from Enha, and Soojin
Warnings: Smut with plot in the beginning, MINORS DNI, fluffy in the beginning, mention of food, degradation, praise, fingering, oral (f receiving), sex on the floor, unprotected sex (not for you bubs), rough sex, overstimulation, swearing, Heeseung calls reader princess and doll, open ending my babies have fun with that
A/N: idea came into my brain and I thought I'd forget about it and just added it to my wip list but then I was like NOPE IMMA WRITE THIS SHIT. So this makes my third smut for Heeseung (idk why I'm writing only smut for him) enjoy it y'all
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Jane Austen once wrote an entire fanfic about enemies to lovers, slow burn, and she thought no one would notice. Well almost no one. Nothing ever gets out of the eyes and pens of literature majors does it? Especially not out of hardcore Jane Austen fans like yourself.
You must have analysed that godforsaken piece of literature atleast a thousand times since you recieved it as a gift for your birthday. And every single time, you failed to understand how such a love could be possible. I mean come on, a man and woman who hate each other, falling in love with each other? Either Jane Austen must have been a reincarnation of Aphrodite, or a madwoman who still kept faith in love.
Your heart nearly exploded when your professor had assigned a full fledged essay-presentation, costing half your grade on Pride and Prejudice. "Explore your opinion!" She had called out cheerfully, "Tell me what your heart truly feels about this beautiful piece and I'll give you a full half grade and no assignments for the rest of the semester." The class gasped in excitement at her words as you pretended to be interested. Internally, you were groaning. Wasting half of your night to make a presentation about a book you hold no love for? The universe really was against you. You picked your books up dejectedly and walked towards the entrance, shoulders hunched and music at a higher level of noise than it should have been at.
"Oh shit!" You cursed, dropping your books at the sudden interruption. A flurry of blue wool flooded in your face, as you leaned down quickly to pick up your fallen books and phone. "I'm so sorry." You apologised not looking up at whoever you crashed into. "It's alright." A voice responded back, and you looked up to see him. Lee Heeseung. You had seen him a few times in class, heard him actually. With his pristine glasses, and his woolen sweaters, he was the definition of a movie nerd. He was actually smart, you had to admit, always quick to respond to the questions that you had no idea about. Best in the class after you, according to your professor. Although his choice of literature slightly weirded you out. You often spotted him sprawled out under a tree, holding Pride and Prejudice to his nose, deeply engrossed in taking in each word.
"Is that The Neighborhood you're listening to?" Heeseung asked, as he handed you your phone, which he had picked up before you had the chance to. "Do you have an ear for them?" You asked, taking the phone from him. His hands felt soft, like the first snow when you were eight. Heeseung shook his and chuckled. "I'm more of a Arctic Monkeys person." You smiled awkwardly and shuffled your feet. "To each his own then."
"Macbeth." Heeseung said, before you could escape from the conversation. "I'm sorry?" You questioned, confused at his sudden outburst. "That line's from Macbeth." Heeseung sent another smile your way, pushing his glasses up from his nose, "Polonius says it, 'To each his own'." You felt a pang of jealousy hit your chest. You didn't know where that line was from. Of course, what normal person would know the origin of a common idiom?
"Cool." Your laugh was not without a tint of awkwardness. "Well-" Heeseung shifted his weight from one foot to the other, "Bye then." "Bye." You bid each other goodbye and rushed off in opposite directions, not wanting to be stuck in another neverending loop of conversation.
"Don't tell me you actually talked with The Lee Heeseung." Your roommate Soojin laughed, accidentally smearing some turquoise nail polish onto your thigh. You quickly wiped it off with a tissue before frowning at Soojin. "It's not a big deal." You scoffed, having another slice of pizza, "I mean he's just a guy. Kinda nerdy actually"
Soojin burst out laughing again, this time shutting her nail polish close. She gasped for air as she pulled out her phone and showed you a picture of a what looked like a frat party. "Girl-" she got up from her leaning position, "Nerdy is the worst way to describe Lee Heeseung. I'm telling you-" she picked up the last slice of pizza, "-he's the playboy representative of this college."
"Oh come on." You scoffed again, getting up to go to the bathroom, "Stop joking around." Soojin shrugged her shoulders as you disappeared into the bathroom. "Whatever you say."
The next day, you strolled into your favourite cafe with your laptop, headphones, a copy of Pride and Prejudice, money in your pocket, a sketchbook, and a positive mindset. Always need one to write an essay right? You were thankful that it wasn't raining today like it had been for the past few weeks.
The cafe was mostly empty, with a few medical students drinking coffee to their death, as they always did. You walked up to the counter, where you saw your friend Sunoo, working his shift.
"Y/N hey!" He flashed his bright smile at you, putting down the glass he had been cleaning. "Hey sun." You clapped back, leaning in front of the counter, "The usual please." Sunoo nodded his head and started to prepare your drink. "So I've heard something." He put on his mischievous smile, one that he often wore when he had gossip on his fingers. "Please tell me it's not about that girl from Chem again." You sighed, as he put a coffee cup down in front of you. "No it's about you dumbass." Sunoo scoffed, taking the money you handed him, "I heard you bumped into Lee Heeseung." You let out a groan at his words, and quickly grabbed your drink, going off to sit in the corner. "Yah take your change!" Sunoo shouted after you to which you shouted back, "Keep it! Your broke ass needs it anyway!"
You didn't get the chance to see Sunoo giving you the stink eye, as you plopped down on the comfortable couch and opened up your laptop. You had prepared a few opening lines the night before, since you had learnt that doing half of an assignment on the day of the announcement is better than starting the next day. Whoever wrote that theory needs to clarify it to you, but hey never pass up a good study tip right?
Immersed by the clacking of the keyboard keys and the pretty syllables decorating your page, you were completely absent from the world around you. Until, you heard a familiar voice, which broke you out of your hypoxia.
What was he doing here?, You thought, not realising that you were basically staring at him. He was dressed in full black today, a leather jacket adorning his broad shoulders. A single earing dangled from his right ear. He still had his glasses on, which were fogged up completely, courtesy to the weather outside. Chatting away sonderly to Sunoo, as Sunoo prepared his drink in a way familiar to you, Heeseung caught your eye. He waved joyfully to you, akin to a child waving to their best friend. You waved back, not aware of the face you were currently making.
"Hey!" Heeseung said, sitting down in the chair next to you, with his drink in hand, "Working up on the Pride and Prejudice thing?" There were atleast a million other seats empty in the cafe. Why did he have to sit next to you? You didn't really realise how handsome he was, until he was sitting face to face with you. The mere sunlight coming in from the windows seemed to illuminate his face well. "Oh yeah I am." You replied, shooting him a smile, "Same thing?" You asked, wanting to keep the conversation going. Heeseung smiled jovially at you and propped his laptop open. "Yep." He replied and glued his eyes to the screen as you went back to your own work. "The Neighborhood again?" He raised an eyebrow, peeking at your open Spotify. You smiled gently and replied, "Arctic Monkeys?" As if ticking a correct answer, Heeseung laughed and showed you his phone where 'Arabella' was playing. A pretty album cover, you thought, subtle and sleek. "To each his own then?" Heeseung said. You nodded and smiled in response, before dropping your head back down to your laptop.
An hour must have passed like this, both of you hypnotised in writing and editing, and downing the refills of coffee Sunoo was providing you with. You stole tiny glances at Heeseung from time to time. Concentration was a good face on him, his eyebrows furrowed, his hands typing away furiously at the keyboard. He didn't talk to you at all, except for the initial hey and hello. But something about the way he spoke to you in the beginning, about the way he asked if you had a pen, and about the way he said 'Hey you have an eyelash on your nose' made your stomach erupt into butterflies.
Heeseung left before you did and before leaving he had extended a hand out to you. "May the best essay win." He spoke, shaking your hand and showing you his smile. God he never stopped smiling did he? His hand was soft, as was his grip on yours. It felt like how your father would hold your hand when you were little on the crosswalk.
"Girl just ask him out." Sunoo called after you as you were about to leave, "The tension between both of you back there was almost poetic." Even though you laughed at Sunoo's quip, and denied the offer, a part of your mind lingered on Sunoo's words and the way Heeseung spoke to you that afternoon.
The days leading upto the hour of the presentation went fast. Too fast almost. Your mind went over your short conversation with Heeseung atleast a million times, sometimes distracting you from typing. You didn't know where all the red bull cans littered across your room came from, but you remember where you threw every single one of them and why. The presentation was perfect. It must have been checked by your eyes atleast a hundred times. Finally, a time was coming when you would be able to express your true feeling about it. Despise and Trouble ran through your veins as you walked up to the board as your professor called on you to present. The class seemed to hold a tight breath to themselves. Everyone knew you, teacher's pet, best at English, known for using the most difficult metaphores in her essays yet having a straightforward point.
"Shall I begin?" You asked your professor who gave a curt nod and leaned back in her chair, an expectant smile plastered on her face. You returned the smile and turned to your classmates, who seemed most interested in your essay.
"Well to begin with, as one does-" humor was always the best way to start off speeches, which was shown by the subtle laughter of the students, "-I would like to say that Pride and Prejudice may be one of the most despised books I have sitting in my bookcase." You heard gasps around the room as everyone started murmerring. Your professor leaned forward in her chair, her mouth pressed tightly to form a thin line. That's good, you thought, a good way to break into their corneas.
"While most people would disagree with me upon this apparent piece of art, I truly believe that this sort of a romance is highly impossible. And no-dont tell me that this is fiction and in the fictious worlds you can quote unquote 'do whatever you want'." The audience held their breaths back as you continued with your rant. Your professor was watching it all with a smile on her face, knowing that she couldn't disagree with you. After all, you had to present your own opinions no matter how opposite they were to everyone else's.
"Well-" you professor stood up from her chair, as you finished your presentation. It had been a 25 minute rant about the book and by now everyone seemed to be meekly looking at their own essays. "That was brilliant Y/N. Truly brilliant." You professor clapped you on the back, "I must say, you have a flair for arguing in a way no one can find counter-attacks. I wonder why you did not choose law as your major?"
"Because there is another argument to be discussed here."
A cold voice rang through the room, as you were about to laugh at the professor's quip. You spun around on your shoes to face the culprit.
Lee Heeseung.
"Heeseung!" Your professor delightfully responded clapping her hands together, "Well why don't you tell us your opinion then? And we'll see if Y/N can fire back." She sat in her chair again, looking positively delighted at the forthcoming, "A battle of the best wits perhaps!"
Heeseung smiled widely and stepped forward to where you were sitting, plopping down on the opposite chair. Your professor had always kept two chairs facing each other in front of her class, for debates, her reason sounded. And now, as you sat in front of Heeseung and his stupidly handsome smirk, you swore you were going to bring him down.
"First of firsts-" Heeseung began, as everyone's attention caught on you. "-your opinion is speaking from a highly biased perspective." "How so?" You fired back, before he could even breathe, "I had already stated in the beginning, about how this cannot be on a biased perspective, since fiction based in actual words cannot be this animated." Heeseung smiled again, which threw you off track a bit. God he's handsome, you thought, too handsome....
"Of course but must I remind you, that this book was perhaps the first out of many to start with the trope of enemies to lovers?" Why were his eyes like galaxies?, "Jane Austen invented an entire trope, which still remains a genius scan of literature to this day. How could you say it's too animated?"
"Yes but-"
"Furthermore-" Heeseung continued, not giving you the chance to breathe, "inventing new tropes does not break this 'law of literature' as you say. Since there was no law of literature to begin with. So please Miss Y/N-" he leaned forward, looking at you with dangerous eyes, "-don't you dare say that Pride and Prejudice is a worthless piece of literature just because it does not have proof of poetry."
The class let out a breath as you sat frozen in your seat. Someone actually breaking your argument was a first for you.
God, his hair. His pretty curly hair.
You didn't realise how long you'd been staring at Heeseung with widened eyes until your professor clapped her hands together again.
"Well then!" She said cheerfully, effectively breaking you out of your stupor, "I believe this goes for grading both of you an A+. Half of your grade is filled you two! Congratulations!" The class broke out into applause as you thanked her and awkwardly shook hands with Heeseung as the bell rang loudly. "Well class I'll be seeing you next time!" Your professor announced, as everyone started filing out. "Oh Y/N, Heeseung a moment please?"
You stopped your feet from stepping out the door and immediately spun around, marching off towards your professor, seeing Heeseung doing the same. "Yes Professor Kim?" Heeseung responded with those stupid puppy eyes of his before you could. Professor Kim smiled gently at both of you, before pulling out her tablet.
"I need a bit of help from both of you. It'll be sort of a favour to you too." She handed you the tablet, which had a sort of letter open on it. Heeseung leaned from behind you, and put his chin on your shoulder, making your stomach feel clammy. He smelled good too, you thought, like fresh paper.
"An event is being hosted by our Dean for all majors." Professor Kim smiled, "Sort of a career booster you could say. We were instructed to pick two students from our classes to have the assignment of checking essays, and documentations and whatnot pertaining to their majors."
"And you chose to pick us Ma'am? I'm flattered." Heeseung chuckled, as Professor Kim laughed to his quip. "Well you two are my best students." She drawled, "So the assignment I'm giving you is-" she pulled out a huge stack of papers from beneath her desk. It shocked you how quickly they appeared out of nowhere, like magic. "-these are all essays collected by last year's class. I want you to go through them, give them a good critic, and grade them according to you. You will personally grade each one, taking each other's help of course,since it's a group project. And it will lend you a helping hand since you'll be getting a certificate which you can use to get into any company you'd like!"
You and Heeseung glanced at each other and we're relieved to see the same excited expression face back at them. This was a rare opportunity, a diamond of the first water you'd say. And you had to grab it, even If that meant it was with a person you despised with your entire being.
"I'll do it Professor!" You replied positively to which Heeseung also nodded frantically as if to say the same thing. "Great!" Professor Kim clapped her hands together again, "Oh and one rule is you two have to work together in this classroom. Since the Dean wants to provide you with an opportunity to see how workplace relationships doon out."
Your heart dropped to your stomach as you heard her words. You, working with Heeseung in an empty classroom? You would rather have praised Pride and Prejudice.
"Here, the keys." Professor Kim handed you and Heeseung a pair of keys, "You can work in the evening if you want. But make sure to complete it as soon as you can alright? Oh and you can skip classes if you want to do this first, since the Dean is prioritising this before anything else." You nodded in response to her instructions and bowed her goodbye as you and Heeseung walked out.
"So-" Heeseung stuffed his hands in his pockets, "You wanna work on this shit tonight?" "Unless you have any other appointments, sure we can work on it tonight." You responded, coldly, not looking at him in the eye. "Alright then." Heeseung scoffed, "Meet you here at 8?" "Alright." The end of your conversation came a little too fast, you thought, but you couldn't stand looking into his pretty little eyes and talking to him, as if he didn't just embarrass you infront of your entire class a few minutes ago. "Y/N wait!" Heeseung called, running up to you, as you were about to exit the building. "What?" You spun around to face him. "Shouldn't we exchange numbers first?" Heeseung handed you his phone, which had his contact list open. "Why? So you can take me out on a date later?" You shot at him. A smirk tugged on the corner of Heeseung lips, but he resisted, not wanting to anger you more. You looked cute when you were angry in his opinion. "No. Maybe incase you were murdered by someone on the way here, I can call you and scold you on why tardiness is a childish thing to do." Heeseung joked. You smiled sarcastically at him as you handed him his phone back, having typed in your number. "Eight o'clock princess don't you forget now."
Tick tock tick. The clock's quiet sons echoed through the empty class. 'Don't forget.' you scoffed, 'And he's the one who's late.' The time on your watch sounded 8:30 and yet Heeseung wasn't here. You had given up waiting for him, and started on the assignment yourself, already finishing two of the army of papers. You were a hard critic, and it clearly showed in the way you were seeping your eyes through the ink.
"Soojin he's late! I can't come back now!" Your roommate had called you, in the midst of your third paper, complaining about a cockroach in the room. "Just call your boyfriend, and don't be such a pussy it won't hurt you." You scoffed at Soojin, whose scared whimpers were heard clearly through the phone.
"How's the checking going?" Soojin asked, having seemingly calmed down. You groaned and leaned back in your chair, wincing at the crack of your backbone. Your back must have become stiff from the amount of time you had been sitting in that chair. You felt pity for your professors for the first time, having finally been in their shoes.
"Heeseung's not here yet and I'm literally so fed up right now." You complained to Soojin, "That handsome bastard told me not to be late, and now look where I am! Asshole seriously." "He'll turn up, cool down Y/N." Soojin soothed you. You heard a sound of crashing in the background and stifled a laugh, assuming that Soojin must have miraculously jumped from one bed to the other. "I told you he's a playboy." Soojin panted through the phone, "Maybe he's busy fucking some poor girl in his frat house." You rolled your eyes at her statement.
"Please." You scoffed, "He couldn't fuck a girl if he wanted to, with the tiny ass cock he has." Soojin let out a raucous laugh from the other side of the phone. "How the fuck do you know he has a tiny cock?" She chuckled. "Intuition baby." You responded, "And my intuition is never wrong."
"Like how it was on the day of our debate?"
A familiar voice again. But this time, the warmth in it wasn't present. You whipped your head around to the door, where Heeseung stood, leaning against the door and smirking. "Soojin I'll call you back." You cut the call, before Soojin could respond.
"Hey." You called out to Heeseung. "Hey." Heeseung shot back, sitting down on the chair in front of you, spreading his legs wide. An involuntary gulp went through your throat. "What were you saying princess?" He leaned forward, his shirt dropping down slightly, "I have a tiny what now?" The dim lighting of the room, made his eyes look dark, and the leather of his black jacket, gleam more. "I- I wasn't saying anything Heeseung." You responded, turning your chair back to the desk, warmth coming up on your cheeks. Heeseung cocked his head to the side and smirked at your flustered state.
"Really princess?" He smirked, edging closer to you. The smell of his cologne filled your nostrils again. His glasses dropped on his nose, and he hadn't even bother to push them back up. "Heeseung just get to work." You sternly responded, trying to keep your cool. How could you though? When he was so close to you, lips almost touching your ear. "For you information-" Heeseung spoke, turning your attention away from the paper you were working on, "-I had a friend who needed a lift to his dorm, so I ran a little late. But you couldn't wait for me could you princess?" He smirked, laying his hand on top of yours, "Just couldn't wait to critique all those papers like the good girl you are." "He-Heeseung." "Shh don't." Heeseung shushed you, "You want to see how tiny of a cock I really have then hmm?"
"Heeseung we shouldn't." You hesitated, feeling your legs warm up. "No one's gonna know, as long as you don't make a noise alright?" He kissed your neck gently, turning your figure to his, still sitting in the chair. "Oh princess, already wet for me?" He chuckled, toying with the button of your shirt. "Heeseung-" you moaned out, quickly unbuttoning your shirt, as Heeseung took off his jacket and threw it on the desk. You pulled back slightly as your mind came to its proper senses. "Where are you going doll?" Heeseung questioned, hands resting on your thigh, squeezing it from time to time, "Don't worry princess, no one's gonna know."
Heeseung brings his lips down to yours in an instant, wasting no time. You gasp at his sudden actions and he takes advantage of that by entering his tongue into your mouth. You grab at his shoulders while he cups your jaw with both of his hands. Your hands reach his hair, softly tugging at the root and you hear him whine. Heeseung sucks on your bottom lip, catching it between his teeth and pulling it back to look at you. You look up at him and he takes your face in his hands.
“You wanna see my cock baby?” Heeseung asks in a teasing tone as he looks down at you. You could feel the throb in his pants press against your legs as you whimper. “Hee please.” You whine, squirming as he places a kiss between your breasts. Heeseung runs his hands up and down the sides of your body. If he was going to fuck you on the classroom floor right there and then, you were going to let him.
“Oh, you're feeling extra polite today huh? Please, Heeseung.” Heeseung mocks you with a tiny laugh. You groan in embarrassment and hide your face with your hands. Heeseung just lets out another laugh and wraps his hands around your wrists, prying them away from your face. He transfers both of your wrists to one hand, holding them over your head as he uses his other hand to trail his fingers down your body.
“Don’t hide your pretty face now, princess.” Heeseung says nonchalantly as he dips a hand inside your leggings and panties to feel your dripping cunt. His glasses were beginning to fog up slightly as he whipped them off of his face, setting them down on the desk. You clench around nothing when you feel his middle finger dip into your wetness and bring it up to your clit, rubbing slow circles around it. You moan softly as Heeseung teases your clit, never taking his eyes off of your face.
Heeseung begins to rub your clit faster, and you buck your hips up into his fingers. You hear him laugh at your eagerness and he presses soft kisses into your neck. Heeseung takes his fingers off of your clit and he snaps the waistband of your trousers against your pelvis.
“Dirty girl. Never thought you'd be like this.” Heeseung says with a smirk and you dumbly nod your head. The sounds of your heavy breathing and your pussy squelching around his fingers make your legs begin to shake.
Heeseung spits on your cunt to lubricate it even more, and that's what makes you come undone. Your cunt clenches around his fingers, sucking them in as he fingers you through your orgasm.
Heeseung takes his time kissing down your body, letting your need and desperation build by the second. He tugs one nipple and then the other into his mouth, suckling at the perky nubs and massaging your areola between his lips. Your hips are trembling with anticipation, the space between your legs aching to feel Heeseung's kiss.
Stars hover over you, or at least, that’s how it feels. Your eyes are closed, awareness cut off to the world around you except the place Heeseung's face is buried. He devours your cunt like a man starved, swallowing you whole. Heeseung doesn’t come up for air; he doesn’t need to, because all he breathes is you. Your back is arched and arms stretched forward, fingers clutching Heeseung’s hair in fistfuls.
Your thighs are shaking, reflexively clamping around Heeseung's’s face. He keeps forcing them open, demanding full access to your cunt, even as you buck and claw and convulse. Your mouth hangs open in a stupor; a thin line of drool trickles down your cheek and connects to the cold floor beneath you.
Heeseung laps at your slit like he’s never tasted you before, like he never will again. His tongue pads between your lips, upward strokes that end with the tip of his tongue flicking your clit with a firm intensity that has you reeling. Tugging at his hair, trying not to scream his name incoherently, you ride out the longest orgasm you’ve ever had. Tears burn the corners of your eyes, stars bursting in the black sky of your vision. Heeseung doesn’t stop licking your cunt till you release his hair.
“M’gonna fuck you now, okay?” Heeseung says sweetly and you nod your head. He runs his hard cock through your folds, and he catches your clit, making you jerk a little. Heeseung slowly begins to push himself into you and you throw your head back against the hard material of the desk.
“Fuck, knew you’d be tight when I felt you around my fingers.” Heeseung grits out, and he continues to push himself into you until he bottoms out. He starts to move at a slow pace, and he whines when you beg him to move faster. “Fucking whore. Bet you think about me fucking you in class don't you?” Heeseung spits out as he pushes himself harder and deeper into your sloppy cunt. You moan at his words, and you try to reply but all that comes out is a pathetic whimper.
“Hee, I’m gonna cum.” You cry out, and you clench around Heeseung's fat cock.
“ Cum for me princess.” Heeseung. moans out, fucking into you so deep, a ring of your cum and his has formed at the base of his cock. You run your fingers through his hair, harshly tugging on it as you come undone at his expense. Heeseung buries his face into your neck as he cums, sucking at your pulse point. You feel his cum shoot into you and it only prolongs your own orgasm.
After a couple minutes of you two catching your breath, Heeseung takes his face out of your neck and plops down in the chair, pulling you onto his lap. You sit there, dazed for a few seconds, burrowing your head in his chest, his heartbeat reminding you where you were.
"Well that was a whirlwind of emotions." He says at last, when you start to stir from your hypnosis, "You good doll?" You nod slightly and feel Heeseung's arms wrap around you, putting you safely down on the chair, as he put his clothes back on, slowly picking up yours as well.
"Heeseung the assignments." You panic, as he puts your shirt back on you. "It's alright princess." He coos at you, wrapping an arm around your waist, "We can do that in the morning. Let's get you home." He guides you slowly out the door. "So-" he smirks, locking the classroom with his key "Same time, same place tomorrow?"
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pottersfia · 6 months
more grumpy x sunshine theo x hufflepuff!reader please! fluff, but if you wanna add a lil angst in it too! reader is super sweet and everyone loves her (including the slytherine group who took her under their wing. i don’t have anything super specific, but i love your writing and need more of this trope. 🥹 maybe he’s grumpy towards everyone except her. anything haha!
a/n: theo is a little out of character here in my opinion buttttt him and the afraid of commitment trope just makes sense to me and it’s ok to be delulu 🫶🏾
word count: 927
you and theodore nott had interesting relationship. the slytherin boy had asked you out on a date and you gladly accepted. your time together went well, but instead of having the usual second and third dates, the two of you casually hung out together.
theodore's friends did not mind at all. they liked having you around. not only were you one of the few hufflepuffs who didn't negatively stereotype slytherins, but when you were around theodore was less grumpy and mean. they all knew he had crazy feelings for you.
this fact was less obvious to you, however. theodore was known for his nonchalant, grumpy nature and you were aware, but surely it would change with a girl he liked? you began to doubt that he even liked you after the date.
"maybe he just wants to be friends. i don't know what i did wrong." you grumbled to pansy. she gave you a puzzled look. you were sat with her in the slytherin common room at a friday night party.
"are you joking? he definitely likes you. he's just not that good at expressing his feelings." she motions over to where theodore was standing. across the common room, past the crowd of students was theodore, draco, and blaise. as soon as you turned your head to look in his direction your eyes met. you gave him a smile and a small wave which he responded to with a slight nod and brief tight lipped smirk back. he then turned back to his friends. you rolled your eyes.
"y/n he has been staring at you this entire time!" pansy said.
"if he actually likes me he needs to make it more obvious."
the two of your drift off in conversation about school, music, and eventually the likelihood of your classmates becoming rich and famous. but now you were thirsty. you excused yourself and stood up to grab yourself a drink.
a few boys you never talked to were standing around the drinks but you didn't mind. you would get something and quickly go back to pansy. you smiled at one of the boys who looked at you as you approached. you grabbed a can and began to make your way back until he spoke up.
"y/n?" he said which caught you off guard.
"huh?" you blinked blankly at him.
"y/n, right? i'm andrew. from divination." he smiled at you.
"oh. oh! andrew, hi." you smiled as you recognized your classmate. "sorry, you look so different out of your uniform."
"yeah, you too. you look incredible." he said, looking you up and down.
"thanks." you awkwardly laughed.
your brief greeting turned into a full on conversation which theodore, who was watching right next to you, did not enjoy.
"y/n." you paused your conversation and abruptly looked up to the side of you to see theodore. you tried to hold back a smile.
"hi theo." you replied. he gave you a small smile then looked past you at andrew.
"i need to talk to you." he said looking back at you. you tilted your head a little surprised and unsure what he wanted to talk about, but you kindly looked back at andrew.
"i'll see you later?" you said. he smiled and nodded. you walked away with theodore, missing the disgusted look he gave andrew.
the two of you settled in a corner on the opposite side of the common room. you leaned against the wall and looked up at him. all he did was give you another smile and place his hand on cheek.
"you're so pretty, y/n." his words are soft and you feel your knees practically go weak, but where was this coming from?
"theo.." you broke eye contact making him lift your head to look back at him. "what did you want to talk about?" you ask.
"i just wanted you to myself." he shrugged. you furrowed your eyebrows.
"stop being mean." you grab his hand and lower it off of you.
"what are you talking about?" he's shocked at your words, you never sound this serious.
"do you actually like me?" you ask him. he stays quiet. "it's frustrating because i thought our date went really well but i don't know what we are right now."
"it did go well." he replied.
"so now what, theo?" he's quiet again. his silence is loud to you. in your head it's obvious that he has no interest in being with you, so why entertain him? you scoff and walk again, hearing him call out your name as you exit the common room.
"y/n! stop, please." he caught up to you and you turned around to him. "i like you. a lot. i want to be with you but i don't think i'm relationship material."
"what do you mean?" you ask him.
"you should be with someone that can guarantee you a good relationship. i don’t know if i’m that person.” you frown at his words. theodore was had a reputation for being with multiple girls and coming off as somewhat rude but you saw more than that in him. the entire time you’ve known each other he’s treated you better than anyone ever has.
“i want to be with you, theo. no one else.” you say to him.
“are you sure?” he asks. you grab onto the collar of his shirt and pull him closer, giving him a kiss which he gladly reciprocates.
“very sure.” you say as you slightly pull apart, just for him to kiss you once again.
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roosterforme · 5 months
Covering the Classics Part 7 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Just when Anna starts to feel settled, a simple cookout at her friend's house turns everything upside down. Her jealousy shines through, and there's nothing she can do to try to take it back.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, masturbation, eventually 18+
Length: 4800 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more! Thank you to @mak-32 for the beautiful banner!
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Things with Bob felt like they shifted back to normal again, and Anna was thankful for that. Every book she let him borrow was returned with a note folded up inside. Some of them were short and simple. When he handed back Love Letters of Great Men, the note simply said The dog eared pages are going to make me cry. But some of them were longer and more elaborate.
She was running a little late to meet him at the usual coffee shop, worried he would already be there. He seemed to end up paying for her drink every single time, which was honestly really sweet of him, but she felt like such a nuisance. When she walked inside, he was there, at a table with two steaming mugs in front of him and his nose buried in a book. In one of Anna's books. In her copy of Wuthering Heights.
Her whole body felt too warm as she thought about how much she would love to have Bob read every single one of the hundreds of books she owned. Maybe even read some parts out loud in that deep, soothing voice. She would love to hear his take on each plot and watch him blush as he called her the expert and asked for her opinions. She would love to take the book from his hands and pull him down into bed with her.
But she couldn't do that. They were just friends. So instead, she dropped down into the empty seat across from him and said, "Hi, Bob," with a smile she hoped wasn't as sad as she felt.
"Anna." Her name sounded like golden perfection when he said it, and she shivered. "This book... I can't stop reading it. I read it twice already," he said with a little laugh. "How in the world do you always know exactly what I'm going to like?"
Because she felt undeniably drawn to him and his preferences and everything about him.
"Because I'm a professional."
He laughed a little more as his pretty lake-blue eyes followed her cup as she brought it up to her lips. When the ceramic touched her, he looked away as his cheeks grew pink. He pushed the book across the table, and when she reached for it, he said, "Uh, just read that note later, okay?"
When she saw the edge of white paper sticking out from the worn pages, she said, "Sure, Bob."
He cleared his throat a little awkwardly. "Did you hear about the change of venue for tomorrow?"
Anna ducked her head. "Yeah, the girls told me about it at lunch yesterday. A cookout? Bradley wants to show off his new grill?"
Bob nodded and said, "Could be a nice change from the Hard Deck for once."
While he wasn't wrong, Anna hated that she still barely had enough money to make ends meet. San Diego was expensive, and when she asked Advanced Calculus what she could bring with her to their house to contribute to the meal, her friend said to bring hot dog and hamburger buns. Anna was already trying to figure out how to scrape together the ten dollars that would be required when Jessica said she already bought some along with chips and pretzels. When she didn't quite meet Anna's eyes, she knew for a fact that Jessica had figured her out.
"Yeah. I suppose," Anna told Bob. But at least at the Hard Deck, Penny didn't usually even charge her for the three dollar ginger ales. And if she did, one of the guys just put it on their tab like it was nothing. When she showed up empty handed to the cookout, she was going to feel awful that Jessica had covered for her. 
"You want another coffee?" Bob asked, standing with his own mug, but Anna shook her head. She couldn't let him pay for another thing. Perhaps deleting multi millionaire Dev Borah's phone number wasn't her best move. Not that she would ever take advantage of someone for their money. Not after what Kevin did to her.
"No. But thank you. I actually can't stay very long today."
Bob nodded before saying, "No worries. I have dinner plans with Suzanne before Mickey picks me up for D&D anyway."
And there it was once again. The reminder that Bob didn't think about that kiss nearly as much as she did. "I hope you have a great time."
It was late on Saturday night, and he should have been in bed, but Bob had his computer out. He reasoned that he could sleep in as late as he wanted tomorrow before heading to pick up the burgers Bradley asked him to bring for the cookout. He could stay up as long as it took for him to finish this poem and finally post it on PoetsAmongUs after looking at it for weeks.
If anyone knew he was writing about Anna, he would probably die on the spot. But nobody in his life knew he wrote anything in his free time, let alone the fact that he wrote poetry. And this poem was getting close to needing a 'mature' label if he was going to post it online.
"What are you doing?" he asked himself softly. Somehow he believed that writing about her specifically would cleanse him of these thoughts, but now he knew he was wrong. He proofread and posted his poem anyway while his skin prickled with need. He'd never experienced the kind of love his friends had, and in spite of all of her hesitations, he could imagine it happening with Anna. If anything, he liked that she seemed cautious and contemplative, he just wished she wasn't still that way toward him. 
She made him want to keep leaving her notes in the books he borrowed from her, but she also made him feel like an idiot for wanting to do that. It was maddening. He needed to sleep, but he was too warm, imagining Anna once again in place of his faceless lover while he touched himself. He almost couldn't wait until the day when someone else would take her place in his mind, even if it meant settling.
The next day, he drove his old pickup toward the coast with the burgers and a six pack of ginger ale in tow. The Spanish revival style house that Bradley purchased before he and his wife made things official again was cute with desert landscaping, but she was the one who really made it a home. There was art hanging on the walls in every room, including a panoramic watercolor of the scenery of Virginia. The front bedroom had been turned into her home office, and for some reason, she had Bradley's fraternity paddle hanging in there. The house seemed more lived in now, and Bob knew Bradley was much happier for it.
"Hey, thanks man," Bradley told him, taking the bag of burgers when he got there. He was wearing his hideous Grateful Dead shirt and holding two cans of beer on one hand, but he still managed to give Bob a quick hug. "Sugar's out back, setting up some snacks and just generally looking hot. You want a beer?"
Bob held up the ginger ales in response and said, "Thanks, but I'll just have one of these for now." The last thing he wanted was a hangover like he had after their New Year's Eve party.
"Hi!" Jessica said as she and Jake walked inside, and she made a beeline right for Bob. "Have you given any more thought to how I should paint my barbarian?"
He just smiled as she started to push him through the kitchen toward the back door. "We just played yesterday. I didn't know you'd still be in the mood to talk about your ridiculous D&D character."
"Please," she practically whined. "You know how sensitive my barbarian is."
Bob snorted; truly he never would have expected he and she would have had so much in common, but even Jessica couldn't keep his attention once he saw who Bradley's wife was talking to. Anna had some freckles on her thighs. Her cutoff denim shorts went high enough up her legs that he was treated to the sight of freckles everywhere. And that wasn't all. Not even close. The deep "V" of her shirt revealed that there was a pretty good chance the freckles even trailed down inside her bra.
He wasn't going to survive the cookout if he had to look at her all afternoon. Her red hair was clipped up on top of her head with some sort of claw-shaped thing, and her skin was just everywhere. Her neck and her legs and the swell of her breasts. Her fingernails were burgundy again, just like the first day he saw her. She hadn't even noticed him yet, which was terrible, because if she had, he would have looked away by now. Instead he was given ample opportunity to memorize the way her legs looked as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, shuffling her beat up sneakers a bit along the patio.
"Oh," Jessica whispered, squeezing his bicep gently when he stopped responding to her. "Yeah, that'll do it." Her tone sounded slightly sympathetic, and it made Bob so self conscious. "Let's go say hi."
He shook his head jerkily and muttered, "In a second." Anna was currently laughing, head thrown back in delight, and Bob got the briefest peek at the strip of skin above her shorts and her bellybutton, and his brain actually stopped functioning. When she tipped her head forward again, an overjoyed smile still on her lips, she met his gaze. His brain jump started again as her teeth sank into her bottom lip, and he took a step in her direction before he could reconsider.
"Hey, Bob." She sounded a little breathless as she said his name while Bradley's wife smirked at the two of them. But he and Anna were just friends, and he needed to remember that.
"Anna," he replied softly, slipping his hands into his jeans pockets. His palms were sweaty, and he knew he was blushing. He'd never make it out of here alive. Not when she was looking at him like that. 
She smiled and said, "I came up with a few, slightly more obscure book recommendations for you. I was thinking maybe we could go back to the bookstore and look for some of them that I don't currently own? I might be fun to-"
Bob was already about to agree with whatever she said, because it sounded exactly perfect to him, then he heard someone screeching his name.
"Bob!" There was a brunette flash streaking across the small backyard, and then Natasha Trace was in his arms. She was giggling next to his ear where she kissed his cheek three times in a row, knocking his glasses askew.
"I didn't know you were coming home today," he said in surprise.
"I didn't tell anyone except Bradley. Did I surprise you?" she asked.
"That's an understatement, Nat," he replied, hugging her tighter when she refused to let go. "I missed you."
Her familiar laughter was comforting as she said, "You have no idea how much I hate flying with anyone other than you." When she finally started to pull away from him, she added, "Now we can pick up where we left off before my deployment."
Anna couldn't believe how incredible her friend's house was. It was huge and beautiful, and she had a yard. A yard! In California! There was colorful art on the walls, which appeared to be a collection of things that she and Bradley enjoyed. Her office was something Anna could only dream about, and the kitchen was bigger than her whole apartment.
After a tour of the interior, she stood on the patio in the autumn sunlight in a pair of shorts, something she would have never been able to do in New Jersey. Every day seemed to get better than the last, assuming she could keep the intrusive thoughts about Kevin away. And also assuming she could figure out what she was supposed to do about Bob and the growing collection of feelings she seemed to have for him.
"You have to hear what happened in my Differential Equations lecture on Friday afternoon," her friend was saying as they stood near the new grill that would soon be the centerpiece of the afternoon. "You won't even believe it."
Anna listened for a minute to the wild story, bursting into laughter when she learned how her friend thought she was going to have to call the fire department while she was teaching. Then she saw him. Bob was here with his tidy hair and his adorable glasses and his big hands, and like always her brain filled up with the beautiful poetry she loved so much. Somehow it seemed to go together with him. Those stunning words matched the way he made her feel.
She had to bite her lip in an attempt to calm herself down. "Hey, Bob," she managed to say as his cheeks flushed pink.
Oh, she was a mess. She thought about him way too frequently, even taking the time to compile the titles of some books she had read and loved, convincing herself he might like some of them too. "I came up with a few, slightly more obscure book recommendations for you. I was thinking maybe we could go back to the bookstore and look for some of them that I don't currently own? I might be fun to-"
But she stopped mid sentence when she heard some excited chatter behind Bob, and then a woman came running out through the back door. A beautiful woman. Calling his name. Jumping into his arms. Anna was treated to the sight of the woman's lips brushing against Bob's cheek while he held onto her like he was just reunited with the only person he ever cared about. She had to watch as this other woman ran her fingers gently along his skin in exactly the way Anna fantasized about. And when she looked around, nobody seemed concerned by this turn of events, rather they all acted like it was perfectly normal that Bob and this woman were whispering intimately to each other.
Then Anna heard her say, "Now we can pick up where we left off before my deployment."
Oh. Well. There was a sour taste in her mouth as she took a step backwards as the rest of the group greeted this mystery woman. Anna was going to have to have words with Advanced Calculus and Advanced Physics after this. Maybe they tried to set her up with Bob, because they didn't like this other woman? That idea vaporized as soon as she saw Jessica embrace her with a bright smile on her face.
Anna felt like her chest was growing tighter by the second, and then Jessica started to pull the pretty brunette toward her. "You have to come meet the newest faculty member from the English department! Dr. Anna Webber."
The woman looked her up and down with dark, appraising eyes and a little smirk set firmly on her lips. Then she stuck out her right hand and said, "I'm Natasha Trace."
The last thing Anna wanted to do right now was shake hands, but Jessica was looking at her with concern, probably wondering why she was just standing there. "It's a pleasure," Anna said with as much conviction as she could muster, shaking hands as briefly as she could.
"You teach at San Diego State too?" Natasha asked as her smirk bloomed into a bigger smile. When Anna nodded, she laughed and added, "What the hell do they put in the water at that school?"
Jessica was beaming now as she said, "Anna gives book recommendations to Bob all the time."
"Really? Is that so?" Natasha asked, still eyeing Anna like a predator would their prey, when Bob appeared with two cans of ginger ale. He gave one to Natasha and then tried to hand the other one to Anna as Natasha said, "I actually read a phenomenal book last month, Bob. I'll write down the title for you."
He kind of smiled, still holding out the other can toward Anna who felt like she was on the verge of screaming. "No. Thank you," she told him, taking a few steps away as she clocked the hurt expression on his face. "I don't want any."
The uncomfortable feeling was overtaking Anna's whole body now when Natasha leaned a little closer to Bob and softly muttered, "Let me guess... you have a little crush? This happened in my absence?"
Anna turned and went inside, searching for the bathroom she'd seen on the house tour. That woman was mocking her. Anna didn't want to hear any more of that conversation, because it was making her skin crawl. And worse still, she was finally able to identify this feeling as she closed and locked the door and leaned on the sink vanity.
She was more jealous of this petite brunette who seemed to think Bob's personal space was hers for the taking than she ever was about Kevin and Alyssa. She was beside herself at the idea of another woman giving Bob book recommendations and making fun of his stupid little crush on her.
This was exactly why she should have never let herself have feelings. When she looked in the mirror, she saw tears in her eyes. "Shit," she whispered. She didn't have a car, so she couldn't just discreetly leave. Plus she'd been looking forward to eating something other than one of her sad sandwiches for days.
The jealousy gave way to anger as she wiped her eyes with a tissue and dropped it in the trash can. Her new friends invited her here, and she was going to stay. She wasn't going to let her feelings for Bob Floyd dictate her mood or what she felt she was allowed to do. She wasn't going to let another man run her life like that ever again.
With her head held high, she walked back outside, making it a point to avoid Bob and Natasha at all costs. She willingly had a thirty minute conversation with Jake and Mickey about the Marvel Cinematic Universe as an excuse to keep her distance. Then she and Bradley discussed the extensive musical catalogue of the Grateful Dead while she slowly sipped a beer to try to take the edge off. Then he turned on the grill, and the smell of food cooking had her excited enough that it was becoming easier and easier to ignore Bob.
When she accidentally looked his way, he was already eyeing her with a confused expression. She could pretend all day long that she didn't care what he thought and that she wasn't jealous at all. She could be so stubborn about this. At least all they had between them was that one awkward, fumbled kiss in his truck. It wasn't like she'd slept with him before he ditched her for the much better looking Natasha.
She was still doing a fine job of ignoring both of them when Bradley announced that dinner was ready. Anna took a plate of food and scooted all the way to the end of the rectangular patio table, snagging the spot across from Jessica. She was willing to talk about anything right now, even her friend's physics curriculum that she could barely comprehend, but then Bob was right next to her.
"Mind if I sit here?" he asked cautiously, setting his plate next to hers. Anna just shrugged, and then she was enveloped in his clean scent as he eased himself down in the seat with his knee hitting her thigh. She quickly crossed her legs before scooting her chair a few inches to the side away from his. "Are you okay?"
Anna almost laughed as Natasha found a spot on the other side of the table. "I'm just fine," she said before taking a huge bite of her burger and avoiding looking at either of them.
"Right," Bob whispered, frowning down toward his plate as she gave him side eye. "I just... feel like I did something to upset you."
Anna shook her head, and when she was done chewing the delicious food, she said, "Not at all. You're free to make the decisions you want to make. And I'm free to keep my books to myself since you've got other ones now."
Bob looked at her and asked, "What's that supposed to mean?" 
But Anna was well on her way to starting a conversation with Jessica that could probably last for hours. She ignored him as she asked, "Hey, Jess, what's up with that physics professor who just started wearing a toupee?"
"Dr. Leeland!" she screeched before launching into an animated conversation on the topic of her colleague's hair piece just as expected.
Bob was so confused. He had been about to jump at the chance to hang out at the bookstore in North Park with Anna when Natasha arrived. At that point, he honestly thought this was going to be the best day he'd had in a while. Anna seemed happy to see him, and one of his best friends was finally home from deployment. But as soon as that thought entered his mind, Anna started acting like she wanted nothing to do with him. So much so that she asked Jess about some guy's fake hair? Bob sat there and listened to the conversation while he ate, trying to interject, but Anna just wasn't having it. She had even rejected his ginger ale.
What the hell did he do wrong? All he wanted to do was talk to her about books and look at her freckles. She was sitting right next to him, but he may as well have been on Jupiter with the way she seemed convinced that he wasn't even there at all.
As everyone started to finish eating, Bob washed his food down with the rest of his ginger ale. Maybe he should just head home early. He'd be spending all week at work with Nat, so it wasn't like he was going to miss out on much there. And being around Anna when she wasn't even looking at him made him feel like an idiot for secretly writing poems about her. He sat at the table alone for an extra minute with his head cradled in his hands, then he took his trash inside the house.
Of course Anna was the only other person in the kitchen, helpfully washing the grilling utensils and other things Bradley left in the sink. She glanced his way briefly before continuing with her task, and Bob headed for the trash can. He had the perfect view of the freckles on the backs of her thighs, but he didn't feel like he should be looking now. He stood quietly for a few seconds before deciding that he'd give this one last try before heading out.
"Anna," he said just loud enough that he knew she could hear him over the running water. "Can we talk? I just feel like I did something to upset you? When you started to invite me to the bookstore, I was going to say yes. Obviously I'd love to go with-"
She looked at him over her shoulder, and he went silent at her glare. "Why don't you just go with Natasha instead?"
His brow furrowed in confusion. "That's not the kind of thing she and I usually do together."
"Oh?" she asked, her voice dripping with something that made Bob's skin tingle with goosebumps. "Does she usually recommend books while you're out to dinner? Or do you take her to see her favorite movies?" 
She turned off the water and faced him without bothering to dry her hands. His lips parted as he watched the furious looking blush that crept along her chest, up her neck, and to her cheeks. 
"I don't really do those things with her either," he said slowly, trying to puzzle his way through this. She sounded almost jealous of Nat, but that couldn't be. That didn't make any sense at all. Anna made it clear she didn't want to be with him.
"Well, you're free to do whatever you want, Bob," she said with a shrug, chin held high. "This is why we're just friends. You've already got plenty of women to choose from, like Suzanne and Natasha, and I'm not about to get caught up in another attractive man who seems too good to be true."
She started to duck past him, but Bob blocked her path. "Whoa, whoa! No, you've got it all wrong." She doubled back the other way, but he stepped to the side until she bumped into him. "Suzanne is my elderly neighbor. And Natasha and I are friends," he said quickly, and he was rewarded with Anna's brown eyes snapping up to meet his. "I've known her for years. She's the pilot I usually fly with."
Anna took one stumbling step backwards toward the sink. Her teeth sank into her lip like earlier before she whispered, "Oh." She swallowed hard, drawing Bob's gaze back to the freckles on her neck as her blush grew deeper. "So you're not... into her?"
His voice sounded deep even to his own ears as he promised, "Not even slightly. Not like I'm into you."
The kitchen went so silent that Bob could hear laughter filtering from the patio through the open door, and Anna's expression softened as she took a tiny step forward. Then another one. Then one more before she was launching herself into his arms. Bob could feel her damp hands in his hair as their lips met, and it was nothing like the way they kissed in his truck. She wasn't tentative, and he didn't pull away as she kissed him harder. This time her body was pressed to his, and she moaned softly when he let his hands settle on her hips.
Anna coaxed him impossibly closer with her fingers in his hair and on the back of his neck, and soon he had her pinned against the edge of the counter. He could feel denim rubbing against denim as she parted her lips and wiggled slowly against him. When Bob swiped his tongue along her bottom lip, Anna let him taste her before her lips drifted along to his neck.
"Fuck," he grunted, squeezing her hips in his hands as his index finger met the soft skin of her lower back. She was sucking gently on the spot just to the left of his Adam's apple, and there was no way she couldn't feel how hard he was getting for her right now.
Those burgundy fingernails were scraping gently along his scalp as he rolled his hips one time against her body. When Anna licked his neck, he forced himself to ask the question that was fluttering around the peripheral of his aroused brain. "Are you going to tell me this is another mistake? Like that night in my truck?"
Anna pulled her lips away from his pulse point long enough to whisper, "It wasn't even a mistake last time. I just couldn't help myself."
Then Bob kissed her lips until she was clinging to him with her back arched against the counter and her hips held tightly in his hands. When he could tell someone was coming inside, he pulled himself away, panting as she tried to chase him for more. He could see the questioning look on her face as he stepped aside just before Mickey and Jake walked inside, arguing about who ate the last hot dog.
Anna turned back toward the sink as she blushed, and Bob was aching to kiss her again. Dying to confirm that she wasn't going to write him off again. He cleared his throat and asked, "Will you let me drive you home later?"
Bob heard her soft laugh and whispered, "Yes." Then with a smile, he took the last can of ginger ale from the refrigerator and set it on the counter next to her. She looked up at him, eyes filled with need as he excused himself back out to the patio where he started to count down the minutes until he could suggest it was late enough to leave.
Anna, you are living the dream, baby! Let him love you the way he wants to! And once again, in Natasha we trust. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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byunejoo · 11 months
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four seventeen p.m 𐦍
pairing asakura jo x fem reader
content est relationship, virgin!jo, inexperienced boyf!jo, big dick!jo, he’s kinda massive, oral (m rec), handjobs, fingering (f rec), finger sucking, kind of dom!reader but not really, virginity loss, protected and mentioned unprotected sex, condom breaking, he’s embarrassed, he lowkey has a praise kink, potential size kink, mentioned pulling out (but only barely)
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word count 3.8k
notes not a request! (where are the jo requests </3) lol i told myself when i was writing this that it wouldn’t be long bc i wasn’t attracted to jo like that…..brain said “u wanna bet dani?” also this is not proofread and the ending was rushed so don’t mind any mistakes please
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To say that Jo was nervous would be a major understatement.
You’d been dating Jo for a few months now and it was nothing short of wonderful. It seemed that the two of you operated on the same wavelength; you both shared the same hobbies, opinions, interests, and even your differences didn’t clash, but instead balanced each other out. It almost felt like you were made for one another.
On the other hand, though, he felt very nervous for the next step in your relationship. So far, all you have done was minimal affection—a kiss here and there, hugging and some slightly-stiff cuddling. But he’d noticed lately how much more clingy you were, how your touches lingered, kisses were longer, and your eyes wandered. He wasn’t dumb. He knew what you were thinking about.
But the issue comes when it actually gets down to it.
It’s not that Jo is a virgin by choice. Well—his own choice. There were times where he brushed off his nerves with others he was interested in, but once they had gotten his pants down, all plans fell through. In short, Jo’s dick is big. Much bigger than most people know how to handle. And instead of making him cocky and confident about his size, it did the complete opposite. He felt almost ashamed.
So, when you took initiative one afternoon, kissing him a little harder and longer than you usually do, he got nervous. He tried to keep up with kissing you back, but all he could focus on was your hand that dropped past his shoulder, sneaking further and further down his front. When he felt your fingertips brush past his belly button, he gasped and pulled back from the kiss. You, shocked from the abrupt action, pulled your hand away quickly and stared at him with wide eyes. Have you done something wrong? Did you make him uncomfortable?
“I’m sorry—,” you both started. The two of you gestured to one another to continue, awkwardly laughing.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” You shared a laugh about speaking again at the same time, but a blanket of seriousness covered the two of you after that. It was quiet and a little awkward. Neither of you wanted to be the one to break the silence after that. You watched as Jo avoided your gaze and fidgeted with his fingers. Those fingers that you often find yourself staring at as of late. Just thinking, wondering, imagining how they would feel—. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous to…do anything.”
You regained your focus, letting your eyes snap back up to look at his face. His cheeks were tinted a slightly pink shade, his ears red, and although he was trying to look at you, he couldn’t stop his shifty eyes. “We don’t have to do anything, JoJo, that’s okay.”
“I want to!” If you hadn’t been staring at him so intently, you would��ve been startled by his sudden burst. “Sorry…. I-I want…to do stuff. I’m just nervous.”
Reaching a comforting hand out, you patted him on the shoulder. “Why’s that, babe? What makes you so nervous?”
Jo finally made eye contact with you. He sighed, squeezing his eyes shut to avoid your gaze yet again. He’s not sure if he could tell you while you’re looking at him like that. He doesn’t want to see the look of disappointment when he tells you “I’m a virgin.”
You snort a little, breathing out a sigh of relief. Scooting closer to him, you pressed right up against him to lean your head on his shoulder. “Thank god. I thought it was something I had done. You know I don’t care if you’re a virgin or not. We can do whatever you want, and not do whatever you don’t.”
He couldn’t deny how he hardened in his pants, thinking about finally having that moment, and with you of all people, being someone he cares about deeply. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw the bulge in his pants, but kept your eyes trained on his face as you reached for it. You were searching for any sign of hesitation, any sign he wants you to stop. But there wasn’t one.
And when you finally placed your hand over it, Jo felt his breath catch in his throat. He wasn’t fully hard yet, but that didn’t matter. In just a matter of time, with the way your hand was now working over his pants, he would be.
“Is this okay?” You could feel the way his thighs tense beside your hand. He was still avoiding your gaze, but you could see that he was looking at where you touch him. He nods. “I want to hear you say it.”
“It-It’s o-kay.” His voice was a little shaky, but it gave you all the confirmation you needed.
You leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss on the underside of his jaw. Adding a little more pressure, you cupped your hand more firmly around him, squeezing occasionally. His cock hardened, becoming more solid in your grasp. He gasped, taking shallow breaths as you kissed along his jaw and neck while you moved your hand. “Can I take your pants off?”
Your fingers slipped under his waistband when he said yes, hooking around his pants and underwear, pulling them both down to his thigh. His—now fully hard—cock sprung up, hitting against his stomach with a soft thud. Heat rushed from his chest all the way up to his forehead, and you couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh. He groaned, reaching for his half-discarded pants. But you pushed his hands away and pinned his wrists to his side. He stares at you with wide eyes, waiting for your next move. Were you going to laugh at him? Humiliate him and tell him he was too big to do anything with, like everyone else?
No, you didn’t do any of that. “Is this what you were worried about, puppy?” He almost sighed at the petname. “Were you worried that your big dick would scare me away?” He nodded. You couldn’t help but let out another laugh. Not because you were laughing at him, nor making fun of him, but you can’t believe that all this time it was only because of something he has no control over.
“Please don’t laugh at me.”
You coo. “I’m not laughing at you. I think it’s cute that you were worried about this. But I promise it doesn’t scare me. Actually, it’s kind of arousing.” As you spoke, you smoothed over the skin of his thighs, hoping to make him less tense. “I’ll only do what you allow me to do. Can I touch you?”
“Yes. I want you to touch me, please.”
As you move to straddle his legs, Jo feels the bed shift under the movement of your knees, much like the way his stomach turns and dips at the realization that it’s happening. You are about to touch him, you’re going to make him cum, being the first person other than himself to do so. Your steady hands reach out, and after what feels like centuries, you finally wrap them around his cock. Two of your hands don’t even cover him completely from base to the tip. You give him a few experimental, dry pumps first before removing one hand. Spitting into the palm of it, you then used it to lubricate the glide of your hands on his length.
It felt much different having your hands on him versus his own. Your touch, although firm, was a lot softer. Gentler. You moved your hands a lot more slowly, familiarizing yourself with the heavy feeling of him in your hands. Feeling every inch of him, every little vein, and embedding that feeling into your mind. Your thumb swipes over his tip, dragging little beads of precum down, making every tug and twist of your hands on his cock even wetter and more slick. All he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and let out low moans. He could barely register when you asked if you could use your mouth, which he agreed to, of course.
The contact from your tongue had his eyes shooting open, feeling like all the air was knocked out of his lungs. He managed to let his eyes wander down, and he was met by the sight of you already looking at him, kitten licking over his tip while stroking him. Then, while he kept eye contact with you, you wrapped your lips around him. Only the tip at first. Gently suckling, hollowing your cheeks, then pulling off. After a few moments, you began to take more of him into your mouth. Just a couple of inches, little by little, until you felt you couldn’t take any more. You used one hand to follow behind your mouth so not one inch of his cock went untouched as you moved your head, bobbing up and down, back and forth. Jo could only grip the sheets beside his legs tightly, moaning and sighing. It was a feeling he’d never felt before. One that he could only think about in his dirty fantasies. The idea of someone being brave enough to pleasure him and his big dick was something he thought was too far-fetched, something he thought he’d never experience in his entire life. But here you are, sucking him off and giving him pleasure he could only dream of.
Before he realizes it, a tight feeling spreads from his flexed abdomen down to his toes, where he curls them while trying to fend off his pending orgasm. He knows he can’t hold off much longer, but he selfishly wants to have your mouth around him as long as he can have it. “Ah, I-I’m gonna c-um…” His words were broken from the sounds he’d been making previously. You didn’t stop nor slow down, and instead attempted to take just a little more between your lips. One hand moved to shuffle his shirt out of the way, the other holding his length steady as you moved your focus to rolling your tongue over and suckling what you have stuffed in your mouth. His thighs tensed and shook lightly as you pushed him right over the edge, humming around him. Your tongue laps up every drop he spills, causing broken moans to rumble from his chest straight to your core. You’d pretty much tuned out your own reactions, focusing on pleasuring him for the first time, but you can’t deny how badly it had affected you.
Once you’d swallowed every drop you could, and he was twitching from overstimulation, you climbed off of Jo’s legs and sat by his side. “Was that okay?” You pressed your thighs together looking at him. His chest was heaving up and down with the deep breaths he was taking to regulate his breathing, his hair was slightly tousled from your previous kiss, and the slight sheen of sweat on his flushed cheeks looked all too good to you. Not to mention the faintest of red marks on his neck from where you’d attached your lips earlier and the way his eyes are squeezed shut. He nodded, not confident in his voice yet. Yes, it was good, he wanted to tell you. Better than I could’ve imagined.
A heavy, but comfortable, silence fell upon the both of you as you allowed Jo to catch his breath. However, you couldn't deny that his labored breathing next to you, and the desire bubbling up and finally coming to a head once you’d finally seen what you’d been longing for didn’t make you want more. But you promised, you’d only do what Jo wanted. You’d go at his pace. It wouldn’t hurt to ask, though, would it?
“Do you want to go…further?” Yet again, his breath caught in his throat at your bold question. “It’s okay if not.”
He nods, seemingly the only reaction he can manage at this point. And with a few more questions, answered with a shake or a nod of his head, you had switched positions. Now you were laying in the spot he previously had been, knees bent and pressed together as Jo sits on his heels, waiting for you to tell him what you wanted him to do. He’d never gotten this far with anyone else, either.
“Take off my shorts. Just the shorts.” You stared at him, watching him nervously lick his lips. His plump lips that you can’t wait to feel all over you—but that’s for next time. This time, you wanted the focus to be less about you, despite how his full attention was on you now. This was his first time, and you want the experience to be all about him. But you aren’t sure if you could take him without some sort of preparation first. So you watch as his trembling fingers hook around the waistband of your flimsy shorts, gently tugging them off of your skin. You lift your hips so he could pull them off easier. Then, you moved your feet once the fabric pooled around your ankles, watching as he dropped them to the side. He struggled to keep his eyes at an appropriate level, totally unsure of where he’s allowed to look. “Look at me, babe. I want you to take my panties off, and I want you to see how wet I am for you.”
Jo feels like he’s going to explode with the words you’re saying. You’re wet? For him? These words are so simple yet so new and vulgar to him, but he thinks he likes them. He wants to hear more. So he hooks his fingers around the fabric of your underwear, much like he had done with your shorts before, only this time more confidently. However, he wasn’t ready for the sight in front of him when he’d pulled them off. Naturally, his eyes followed an imaginary line from your ankles all the way down your legs, where he saw what he thinks is one of his new favorite sights. You’d spread your thighs as he slipped your panties off of your legs, and he had a clear view of your gorgeous pussy. It was so pretty, and you hadn’t lied when you said you were wet. He couldn’t help but admire how some of your arousal had leaked into the seat of your underwear, spreading across your folds that glisten now that he’d removed the clothing.
“Give me your hand.” You reached out for him, and without much thought, he placed his large hand in your own. One by one, you curled his fingers down until he had just his pointer finger standing. Then, you guided his hand between your legs. You helped him slide his finger through your slick arousal, wetting his finger and dragging it back up to your clit. “You feel that? All for you.” After that, you let go of his wrist and let him feel for himself.
He timidly ran his finger through your slit like you’d done, then stopped at your entrance. His fingertip breached the opening, being met with little resistance. Inch by inch, little by little, he pushes his finger into you slowly. Pulling it out, pushing back in, he sets an inexperienced, slow pace. Jo was fascinated with watching his finger disappear inside you. “More. Another one, please.” You breathed out. He hadn’t even noticed any of the sounds you were making before. But he obliged and added a second finger beside his first one. The feeling was new to him, having you squeeze around his fingers each time he thrust them in. And every moan and shaky breath you let out was something he could get used to. “Oh, Jo, your fingers are so good. Doing so well.” Every praise sent a shock through his body, and in turn caused him to fuck his fingers into you just a little faster. Twisting his wrist, curling his fingertips—anything to get you to make those noises again.
Suddenly, your hand shoots down to grasp at his wrist. He freezes in shock, halting all movement. “Mm, don’t stop, please. Almost there.” With barely enough time to register the words that slipped past your lips, Jo watches as you begin to grind yourself on his fingers. Whines, whimpers, gasps, all noises floating through the air make him twitch, already getting hard again. You’re fully fucking yourself on his fingers now, taking charge and pushing yourself closer to orgasm. And when your thighs start to tremble and your hips jerk, Jo finally snaps out of his trance and begins to move his fingers. He curls them and drags them against your walls, feeling you clench down on them. His thumb brushes against the spot you showed him earlier, your clit, and starts rubbing gentle circles on it. Your hips jerked, stomach caving in with the pleasure. A few swears mixed with broken moans ripped through your throat at the added sensation, riding out your high until you lightly twitched with overwhelming sensitivity.
He pulled his fingers out of you, covered and soaked by your slick release. Staring, he’s a little uncertain of what to do now; does he wipe them off? What is he supposed to do now that they’re sticky and covered in you? Luckily, he didn’t have to think much before you sat up on weak arms to take his fingers into your mouth. Your tongue swipes up, down, and between his two fingers, licking him clean of any trace of arousal left behind. His mouth drops open in shock watching you, eyes following your every move closely. You hum around his fingers and pull off with a lewd pop sound. He couldn’t deny that he was hard again, mind racing with thoughts as you stare at him with eyes clouded by lust.
“Can-Can we…keep going?” He’s the one to ask this time. It was obvious that he was nervous from the shakiness in his voice, but you confidently nodded.
You rolled over to your side, stretching to reach your bedside table and pulling open the drawer on it. Reaching in, you fished around before pulling your hand back out with a shiny foil packet. “Have you ever put a condom on before?” He shook his head no and you beckoned him closer. Sitting up, you watch as he awkwardly shuffles his way to you, hard cock pathetically bobbing with each movement. “Watch me do it.”
With a firm grip, you held the base of his cock steady. You pinched the very end of the condom with one hand, and slowly started to roll it down his length with the other. It was a bit hard to do, but you managed to completely unroll it. The entire time, Jo’s eyes were trained on the work your hands were doing, trying to etch it into his memory for later use.
“It’s a bit tight.” He almost chokes on air at your words. “The condom, I mean. Does it feel alright? It doesn’t hurt, does it?” Jo looks at where you’re staring, and he sees the condom stretched tightly around his girth. He shakes his head no again, and you lay back, allowing him to continue.
He shuffles between your spread legs and tries to line himself up. When you realize that he’s just a little bit too shaky, you grab his wrist. “Jo. Are you sure you want to do this? You seem really nervous.”
He nods. You shake your head, urging him to use his words. “I’m…okay. I want to…do this. Please.”
“Okay. Okay. Take your time, babe.” You leaned back, relaxed. “There’s no rush.”
To Jo, it felt like an eternity before he was able to calm down enough to do anything. He was nervous, and excited. It was finally happening; he’d finally lose his virginity if he could just—. He presses his tip into you. The stretch was a lot, almost too much, but your slick wetness and the extra lubrication on the condom made the glide easier. Coupled with the fact that Jo was taking his time — he was pressing into you so slowly that if you couldn’t feel how he was stretching you out, you wouldn’t believe he was moving at all.
Jo braced himself on his hands beside your body. He slowly pushed his length into you until you couldn’t take any more. The two of you let out shaky breaths in unison, adjusting to the feeling. Of you being so full and of him being squeezed so tightly.
It was unlike any time he touched himself. For a while, he’d wrap his large fist around his equally long and thick cock, dreaming about this moment. He knew it would feel different. He just didn’t know it would feel this different. Having your gummy walls stretched and squeezing so tightly around him had his head spinning, and before he knew it, he was absentmindedly rutting his hips into you, trying to pathetically bury himself deeper inside you.
You gasped, grasping his shoulders, lightly digging your fingernails in. “Oh, Jo.” Small moans floated through the room. “You’re doing so good.”
He sits up on his knees to better drive his hips into yours, slightly jolting your body with every thrust. He, too, was letting out small noises of pleasure, trying to focus on what he was doing so it was pleasurable for both of you. But all of a sudden, he stops.
It took everything in you to not whine. Instead, you kept your composure. Maybe he didn’t want to continue anymore? This is a lot to take in, going from completely inexperienced to having your first everything in one night. You glided your hands down from his shoulders to his bicep, all the way down to his wrists to squeeze comfortingly. “Are you okay, Jo?”
He nods, shakes his head, then nods again. “I-Um. I’m…fine. It’s just,” you gently encourage him to speak. “I think…I think it broke.”
“The condom?” He nods. “Pull out. Pull out and let me see.” It took some urging, but he did eventually, hesitantly, pull out. And he was right — the condom had split and now had to be discarded. Jo had a pout on his face as he watched you gently pull off the ripped condom and toss it aside. He was fully prepared for you to tell him you can’t continue, and he accepted that. But you didn’t.
He lets out a confused noise. “We can keep going if you want.” You repeat. “Just let me know when you’re going to finish so you can pull out, okay?”
The feeling of being inside you without that extra barrier is so mind numbing that he almost doesn’t pull out. Almost.
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sewerpalette · 2 months
Little rant I might make a video out of:
Edit: disclaimer I wrote this directly after waking up so it’s very awkwardly paced and hard to read I’m so sorry.
AL-AN is not a good person, now I’ll start this off with saying that I looove his character, especially before the rewrite and this certainly isn’t an attack on anyone, just something I’d like to point out because I think the shift of perspective between both games is fascinating.
If anyone remembers the subnautica fandom before Below zero was even remotely announced, there were certain opinions flying around, people believed the architects to be the grand villain(s) in the bigger picture of the game lore for just how messed up they were, they literally hated those guys for being at fault of the sea emperors suffering and there were even theories going around that they made the kharaa to wipe out all other life around them- but it had went wrong.
But now it’s not like that anymore, no AL‘s previous actions are completely ignored because he showed some remorse for being responsible for the deaths of 7 architects specifically, together with messing up before pretty much an audience of billions, it must’ve been embarrassing- but when he apologizes he specifically only mentions the other architects, because he isn’t sorry for the other things he’s done, clearly. I mean dissecting a fetus is one thing, especially with their goal in mind, DISPLAYING it is another, like that’s just purposely gruesome. Together with all the other dissected experimented on animals in the shelves just hung up like prizes (I know the concept itself is not inhumane, but in this case it just wasn’t necessary.) also research specimen THETA anyone? Yeah we know it didn’t die because of the facility collapsing because there’s no injury displayed on its bones that would suggest that, and that part of the facilities insides also didn’t collapse, they just left it there until it either succumbed to the virus or starved to death, same with the sea emperor but they survived, kept alive by unfinished business for the next couple thousand years. Not to mention who the fuck comes up with a quarantine program that includes semi sentient killer machines and a giant gun made to shoot anything down from atmosphere, there were so many better solutions, I get the warper thing, I mean kill anything that’s infected makes sense, but the gun?? Literally why, if they send a signal through the network that this planet is diseased nobody is going to go there (we know that at that point humans weren’t advanced enough to travel space and they knew that so for who was that even for??) it was completely unnecessary to create a giant weapon in wich even more destructive weapons are stored wich let me get into that real quick because there’s also some implied stuff there, appearently AL was so desperate to get rid of his mistake that he attempted to blow up a doomsday device?? (Which would’ve destroyed most of the solar system in an instant.) In the entry it says it malfunctioned so they must’ve tried to use it, and even if they didn’t why would they have it on them anyways? Including all the other weapons. Also let’s talk about the architects in the little sanctuaries in the first game, it’s implied they stored multiple souls in like one of them, literally cramped up all their data whilst AL stored himself in a big ass sanctuary like idk man that’s kind of an asshole move. And those were just the first game events! (And there’s probably even more there.)
In BZ he can’t really do anything except for talk to robin because he doesn’t have a physical form, so there’s less to go off here but even then it didn’t seem like there were other sanctuaries in BZ for the other architects. and sure, you could make the arguement that architects don’t feel at all connected to their physical forms, wich is true, but don’t you think seeing a dead architects body, an architect from his team, a colleague, would illicit some kind of emotion from him beyond “great, now fetch me their skin.” (/j) even if he doesn’t see the attachment to the vessel, if it’s all that’s left from that time and from the crew, there would still be projected attachment onto it realistically. Also he was smart enough to hide himself from alterra because he guessed they didn’t have good intentions- scraping himself off the grid both physically and on any radars they had (presumably with hallucinations), but wasn’t smart enough to distract the critters running around infront of the sanctuary to idk get the help he needed with the failing sanctuary from the mercury, marg, or the alterrans that genuinely wanted to help instead of being eaten by sharks right infront of it.
Like man I love you but that’s just messed up.
And we know he knows he messed up, that’s why he’s so gloomy and does attempt to apologize at the end but like??? He said he wanted to make amends to his people showing that he still doesn’t care about everybody else he hurt, only those he deems as important, not the over 150 people that died on the aurora or the mercury or the degasi or the sunbeam or the research specimens or even the alterrans he’s indirectly caused death to, it is all his fault but he doesn’t see these people as important because he feels they are below him - sure you could make the arguement that he didn’t know about the ships that crashed, fair point. But seemingly he did if he could sense that alterra was there without even seeing alterrans in the first place, especially because Ryley has made contact with the thermal plant and other architect tech before, so he’d definitely know- especially based on the data robin has of the missing sunbeam and aurora incident on her PDA wich he has canonically said he read through.
And I’ll say it again I love AL, next to Bart he’s probably my favorite subnautica character in the whole game series, but I don’t like the portrayel of him suddenly being completely redeemed or being an inherently good person, he still doesn’t understand empathy or morals (you can be a good person without having those, don’t get me wrong.) and acts like a total idiot whilst victimizing himself, like yes, the other architects on the mission died and it’s his fault, they weren’t stored to keep him company and that’s his fault; neither did they like him, wich is very fair in my opinion. He can’t pull all this crap, disobey orders and get everybody killed and then pull the “but I’m sad about it so that erases everything I’ve done” like oh my god. I like him, but I would also like more content showing all this.
Sorry this was a very long kinda pointless rant and I don’t have any images because my phone which has like a whole folder of these is at home and we’re still stuck in England so it’ll have to do without for now.
TLDR: I want more morally dubious AL please and also he killed a fetus (well pretty much borderline newborn at that point) so he’s going into the fictional child murderer category for me.
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littlewonders7 · 7 months
Okay here’s my first attempt on a y/n post I have no plan we just winging it!!! Okay so warning this is most definitely gonna have some cringe but I’ll try to make less cringe as possible
So contexts This is a hazbin hotel x pregnant reader where reader arrives around when sir pentious does maybe just before him, they are around 5-6 months in for plot!
Y/n didn’t know whether or not going to the hazbin hotel was a good idea or not as it did stated it was a place for rehabilitation and carrying a 5-6month hell born in your belly might not be in your favor but you were determined to give this hotel a chance for your unborn child!
When arriving to the hotel, you and knock on the door with hesitation your brain still nervous with being rejected, however before you could second guess your decision the door open revealing a tall woman with blonde hair, porcelain skin and two rosey dots on each sides of her cheek
When Charlie heard the knocking coming from the door she couldn’t contain her excitement hoping it’s a new resistant who’s looking to rehabilitate!
However when she open the door excitedly she was slightly taken aback from y/n and her obviously swollen belly-NOT that there’s anything wrong with that however she just didn’t expect it!
Shaking off the stun expression off her face and joyfully greeted y/n regardless
Y/n awkwardly greeted Charlie back, taken aback by the Charlie joyful eagerness, feeling a bit less anxious than before
Charlie was curious upon what brought y/n to come to her hotel as so far she been having a hard time trying to get anybody to join during this past week after announcing the once formally named ‘happy hotel’ so nobody could blame her curiosity
Before she could properly ask y/n reasoning another voice came up that behind them, as they turn around there stood vaggie having just arrived
Charlie quickly introduce vaggie to y/n (though not before remembering she didn’t ask y/n for her name yet)
Y/n then explain their request on wanting to try to rehabilitate and they saw through the tv that’s what the hotel is looking for
Vaggie though happy that Charlie’s ideas had reach a resident, she is wondering on how y/n is planning on rehabilitation if she’s carrying a hellborn as hellborns cannot go to heaven and y/n going through rehab could potentially mean they might leave the child behind
Now hearing vaggie’s concern Charlie is now wondering on y/n thoughts
Y/n understanding their concerns explain that they don’t mind not going to heaven as they feel bad for leaving their little one behind, however they want to go through with the program in order to become a better healthier parent for their child and hopes that they could change their behavior for them
Upon hearing y/ns reasoning Charlie becomes even more determined to help their newest member as she thinks about her own parents and her relationship with them and seeing how y/n wanting to be a better version of themselves for said child really touches her
Vaggie also wishes to help y/n and feels a kind of respect for y/n love for their unborn child and knows how she herself would’ve try to change for the better if it ever came to Charlie
Afterwards both Charlie and vaggie help y/n introduce themselves with the other members
Husk was neutral about it and didnt have much a opinion except saying that he didn’t care as long he doesn’t find y/n drinking or near his bar( grumpy softie meaning y/n to not hurt themselves or their child)
Angel dust did make a comment upon y/ns pregnancy like who a pretty thing like them banged or something like that, however vaggie and Charlie both scold him for his lewd commentary as y/ns situation was not all sunshine and rainbows if there’s no father in the picture, afterwards angel dust did apologize and get kind of bad for the jokes though y/n reassured him that it’s okay and they heard worse and appreciated the apology
Next was nifty, oh boi, nifty is disappointed the new member is not a ‘bad boy’ however still eagerly greets y/n and starts spewing questions after until she had been told to calm down
Alastor was last and to say the least he was not as scary as y/n thought he would be, especially with all the rumors and horrid tales told about him, but could mostly because Alastor is gentleman who also a mamas boy so I doubt he would even try to go against a pregnant individual
I say sir penstious comes after y/n visit but I say when he does join he be gentle and sweet as y/n care for their unborn child reminds him for his care for his egg bois though except the boss/minons dynamic
I say overtime as the story progresses y/n would kind of bond with the crew in a more parent/guardion type of way where y/n would try to comfort Charlie whenever she start questioning her decisions by telling her that y/n has Charlie’s support and thinks what she’s doing is great, probably help organize and plan lessons with her
For vaggie maybe help her to learn to love herself and be less quick on judgement and to hear someone out supporting her and Charlie moments
For husk maybe help him clean and organize the bar and maybe help take care of his well being, probably the guardian in y/n wants worries for husk acohol tendencies even though husk cannot die from it and he still appreciates the gesture
Y/n would probably watch and help nifty clean the hotel and pay attention to her puppet theatrics (though might be concern about that one comment nifty made about killing mother birds in front of children, but nifty reassures y/n that she would bite and stab anyone offending them)
Angel dust would probably appreciate receiving affection and nature love from y/n telling him that they’re there for him when he needs it and take care of any injures whenever angel has a tough night with Val
Sir pentious would love y/n as they pay attention to his ideas and inventions and notice how hard he and the egg bois work. I think he would very happy and emotional somebody took him seriously and paid attention to him. He even make inventions to protect y/n as the months go by
Now we all now Alastor is a mamas boy so no doubt he would start to have protection around y/n whenever they go out, making excuses to make sure y/n stays safe and the more they stay at the hotel the protective Alastor the the rest would become as y/n would be due around the next extermination happens
Okay so after all I would give a mention to Lucifer as i feel they’re interaction would be sweet as Lucifer is struggling to be a better father to Charlie having another individual that can relate to parenting is nice, I feel while y/n stay at the hotel they learn and give advices to Lucifer on how to start trying to build that connection again and Lucifer would really appreciate it
Okay so I really tried to make this better like I have the idea in my head I just really suck at writing and typing in down and my brain and phone is ready to exploded and part of me really second guess even trying to attempt this but I know not everything is gonna be perfect and I like that I tried even when I had no clue what I was doing lol 😂
So sorry for the cringe and have a lovely day y’all
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nekohime19 · 8 days
Heart behind the lie # 16 : words I can't say
Another therapy session for the monkeys!!
The kid was improving, thought the sage as he watched over his mentee, carefully eying each of his gestures, from the twitch of his muscles to the thrill of his skin. MK was welding the staff naturally, he held it almost effortlessly, as if it was a part of himself, a member he could move at will. Of course, he was still awkward in many aspects, his footwork needed work, and his strikes didn't have enough strength, but he improved greatly since his first lessons. 
Sun Wukong never thought he would feel pride for anyone other than himself, but yet, here he was, heart fluttering each time his mentee succeeded in his training. It was gratifying in the loveliest of ways to see someone he cared so much about, someone he trained, he encouraged, improving. 
"Good job, bud! That's good, really good!" He wanted to say so much more, but words always seemed to evade him. The kid looked up to him with a blinding smile, his face lightened up by the praises. 
"Yeah, I feel like I get the staff stuff better now."
"It was good, you improved a lot."
"Thanks. It's been a long time since we did this." Now that he thought about it, the kid had been pretty busy those last few days. He looked certainly better than at the party, but his sudden packed schedule was quite suspicious in itself. 
"You've been pretty busy."
"Hm, yeah, there is quite a lot to do."
"Hm, just don't tire yourself, okay? "Softly asked the King, hoping that his mentee wasn't pushing past his limits. As far as he remembered mortals had always been quite weak, he didn't want his kid to tire himself out. 
" Yeah, I'll try." Awkwardly chuckled the kid." Say Monkey King do you think, if you agree, that, with you being there of course, Macaque could potentially, probably, with your agreement, train me a bit?" 
"Macaque? Did he agree to train you?" Asked the sage, genuinely surprised by this, he didn't think Macaque would be the type to do this sort of thing, especially considering what happened when he had been MK's mentor. 
"Well, I didn't ask, I wanted to talk about it with you first…get your opinion and all, you know." Sun Wukong thought about it, it would be a lie to say he didn't want to see the other again, they didn't cross paths very often since their first therapy sesison at Sandy's. Their talks never went further than a few greetings, and some idle chats. Don't get him wrong, those simple encounters were treasures he deeply cherished, but he would like to see him more, to truly be with him. If it could give him a good excuse to see him, mayhaps this idea was a good one. 
"Macaque's opinion is the most important, so I guess we have to ask him."
"Cool! Let's ask him now then!" Happily chirped the kid, the sage flattered a little at that. 
"N-now? Isn't it too sudden? We're gonna bother him…" 
"Nah, I saw him lounging on a tree before meeting you, he's not doing anything."
"Yeah but I'm… "Sun Wukong looked at himself and scowled. "I'm all sweaty…"
"Well, we just trained, so that's normal."
"That's the problem-" 
"Come on Monkey King!" Laughed MK as he rushed out of the water-curtain cave. 
"Wait, bud!" Called the sage, he followed after his mentee, running in his steps. 
Sun Wukong caught sight of a black tail hidden on top of a particularly large branch, lazily swishing in the morning winds, before his mentee could. His heart leaped out of his chest, and he felt himself still under the tree. MK noticed the black tail a few seconds after and lightened up, he immediately called for the macaque. 
"What?" Groggily muttered the warrior, he looked down, his head barely peeking out of the bushy leaves. 
"Macaque! We have something to ask you!" Called MK. 
"I'm taking a nap?" Replied Macaque, as if this was enough to deter the kid. 
"Well now you aren't!" Replied MK. 
"You brat." Sighed the ebony monkey, he jumped out of the tree and landed before them with a few leaves tangled in his midnight fur, Sun Wukong hands twitched, dying to dive in the tossed strands and groom them properly. He restrained himself, and crossed his arms behind his head. 
"I was wondering if you'd want to train me?" Cheerfully asked the kid. Macaque tensed, he turned towards the sage with a questioning gaze, perhaps waiting for his input. 
"I…I'm okay with it if you are."Replied the King." Of course I'll be supervising. Not that I don't trust you, but, well, he's my mentee so I kinda want to know what he's doing and, you know… "
" I don't know… Are you sure it's a good idea?" Quietly muttered the macaque with furrowed eyebrows. 
"I want to do it!" Assured the kid, he took the macaque's hands and earnestly dived in his gaze. Macaque tensed, each of his muscles freezing still, but Wukong could see something soft blooming in his eyes, a want, perhaps. 
"I… Well, I can't be worse than you." Playfully replied the macaque as he glanced at the sage. Sun Wukong chuckled at that, tearing up a little, it has been a long time since they engaged in spiteless banter. 
"How dare you, I'm the greatest mentor." Gasped the sage with false outrage. 
"That is still to prove." Retorted the macaque. 
"I'm not appreciated for my time." Wailed the King.
MK dragged the warrior towards the water-curtain cave with a skip in his step, Sun Wukong followed them with a smile on his lips. They didn't do anything too taxing, Sun Wukong sat on the side, commenting here and there to guide Macaque (the warrior didn't know MK style and progress that well), they decided to only spar for now, and maybe do more work next time. The sage found it very interesting to see his mentee spar with someone else, he could perceive his shortcomings better from an outside perspective. They stopped after a few hours, laying on the grass next to the sage. Sun Wukong hurried inside of his shack to grab bottles and snacks, and the two sweating monkeys took them with pleasure, thanking him with tired nods. 
MK left rather quickly, running away the second he looked at the time, the two eons-old monkeys looked at his retreating form with narrowed eyes, both suspicious and admittedly worried by the kid's odd urgency. 
"Do you know something about this?" Asked the macaque with a raised eyebrow. 
"No… I don't know why he's so busy as of late…" 
"You think it's something bad?" Muttered the warrior, a shadow of a growl imbued in his voice. 
"Let's just keep an eye on him." Replied the sage, and Macaque nodded at that. 
They sat in silence, tails brushing each other, hearts beating in sync, enjoying the other's presence. Macaque rose after a bit, and even if Wukong wanted to stop him, to keep him at his side, he did nothing, knowing very well he couldn't push his desires onto the other. He had to respect his boundaries, as Macaque respected his by not intruding in his cave when he wasn't here. 
"You know we have another session at Sandy’s this evening, right?" Asked the warrior before he could leave the cave, peeking shyly behind his back. 
"Yeah, I know, of course, I'd be there." Replied the King as he jumped on his feet. 
"Great, I'd be there too. See you later." 
"See you." Sighed the sage as he watched him go, staying frozen in his place for a moment, as if he could still feel the other presence, before returning to his shack. 
He jumped on his cloud at the first signs of the evening, soaring towards the docks with freshly cleaned clothes. Sandy welcomed him with warmth, like always, and he sat on the right side of the couch, greeting Sock (who was sleeping on the couch) with a few pets. She purred, stretching on herself, showing him her fluffy belly, and he couldn't resist her, he showered her in coos and pets. Macaque arrived while he was babying her, and it was perhaps the most embarrassing thing he lived through this week.
"No really, don't mind me, go on. You were telling her about her “adowable pwetty face”, right?" Snickered the warrior as he sat on the left side of the couch. 
"I don't… you saw nothing." Mumbled the King as he straightened slightly, Sock meowed at him, obviously outraged to not be drowned in his undivided attention anymore. He resumed his petting, this time with more dignity.
Sandy served the tea and sat in his comfortable looking chair, in front of the couch.
"So how are you both feeling today?" Gently asked the tea-lover. 
"Hm, fine? I trained MK earlier and I was happy about it?" Replied the macaque with slight confusion, perhaps not knowing his own feelings very well. 
"I… yeah it was cool of you to do this. I feel okay, I guess. We saw each other a bit more after the first session, I liked that." Added the sage with a furtive glance at the warrior, Macaque flinched at his words, but he didn't seemed uncomfortable, more surprised, mayhaps. 
" I see, so you both feel nice. That is wonderful, I'm glad to hear that. Do you both want to do something in particular today or do you want me to guide the both of you?" 
"I… if it's allowed, I… wrote some of my feelings towards… my fight with him while he was possessed and I, well I was always more comfortable with writing, and I wanted to share it." Mumbled the warrior as he took out a crumbled piece of paper from his pocket, hands siglthly shaking." You… I mean you can see it too, Sandy, if it helps you to get us or something…"
"Writing is a fine form of communication, if it is what you want to share today, it is perfectly fine. If Mr Wukong wants to see it, of course."
"Yeah, I don't’ see why not." Awkwardly chuckled the sage as he took the piece of paper handed to him. He was quite glad to see it written in ancient Chinese, he was more familiar with this sort of letters, after all. Some part of him softened when he thought of Macaque doing this for him, taking the time to make sure he would understand each word carefully written. He shook his head before he could lose himself in his musing, focusing on the crumble piece of paper in his hand. 
“ It is a bit difficult to talk about it without freezing, it is also rather complicated to admit it outloud. But I wanted to tell you, because, after our first session, I realized there is a lot about you I don't know. I assumed a lot about you, maybe because we were once so close I thought I knew you, I assumed everything I thought you felt must be true. But maybe even then I didn't know you that well, the you inside, I mean. So, like me who doesn't know you, I thought that maybe you also had assumptions about what I felt, what I thought, and maybe that's what led to our downfall. Maybe understanding each other, our feelings, our thoughts about our experiences will help us see a larger picture. And I hope that this larger picture can appease us, can give us respite, but I still have doubts about that. 
I don't know if sharing this will help you understand me better. Maybe you'll only laugh at me, maybe you'll be disappointed, but I think it is still important for you to know what I thought, to know why I did that. 
The Bone Demon is not someone I willingly followed, in hindsight I think I never told you that, I thought it was obvious, but nothing is with us, isn't it? I fled, not willing to work for her. I was always on the move, because I knew her lap dog was always close behind. Maybe it's in those times that I really longed for Flower Fruit Mountain. This place was my home, the only one I ever had, but I kept trying to forget it. Because you were the King of those lands. Some part of me never forgot it, but I kept pushing that part away. 
Fighting you, while you were possessed, was bittersweet. It hurt, to see my own shortcomings, my own weaknesses. Calling me a warrior would be laughable, really. I am now wondering if you always pulled your punches with me. I felt like a joke. Like something you could have brushed away years ago, but kept close for entertainment.
I think it is important for you to know that I am not Liu'er Mihou anymore. If, by any chance, you were hoping for those sessions to connect us the way we were connected before, I think it is best that we stop now. Of course, I'm not saying I am an entirely different person, I am Liu'er in some ways, my love for theatrics will never disappear, mind you. But I am not as shy, nor as willing to follow someone, not as admirative of you as I once were. I think it is normal for us to change, and it might be upsetting for you to accept that, but we cannot do anything about that. 
I am no longer Liu'er Mihou, as you are no longer Shihou. It was quite upsetting to realize this for me, to accept that you've changed, that you are no longer the impulsive, chaotic King I knew, that you are no longer the kind, stubborn idiot I loved. I'm still struggling to see it. You're different in a lot of ways. But if I am here it is also to discover you anew, it is because I saw that you changed and I want to know that change. 
I want to know you. “
Sun Wukong bit his lips, eyes fogged up by tears, throat tight, almost no letting air pass. He didn't know on which feeling to settle. He felt overjoyed that Macaque wanted to know him, that Macaque knew he wasn't the same, that he grew in some ways. But he felt wounded, at the same time, by the anguish he could feel slipping through the paper, by the sadness, the fear, the rage imbued in each word. It teared him to learn that Macaque had longed for Flower Fruit Mountain, and repressed this lounging because of him. 
"… thank you for sharing this." Faintly mumbled the sage, he took a deep breath and wiped his tears before they could fall. He put the paper on the table, almost as if it burned him, and took a moment to gather himself. Sandy put his own paper down (apparently Macaque had written one for him, in a more modern Chinese perhaps). The tea-lover waited a bit, probably waiting for him to feel less overwhelmed. 
"It is very brave of you, and very helpful to share this Mr Maquawke."
"Y-yeah. Not gonna do it again." Muttered the warrior as he curled on himself, tail shaked by nervous twitch. Sun Wukong was quite glad that they didn't face each other, he didn't think he would be able to talk if Macaque's gaze was on him. 
"I… I do not think you're Mihou, I mean, you are, but I do not… see you as him, I know you changed." Carefully mumbled the sage, each word a weight pressing against his mouth. "W-what we had was good. But I know we can't have this again. I'm not… here because I want this again. I just… I want to know you, I want to see you, I want to… I don't really know… I want to see where this goes, I guess. I…" He stopped himself, sorting what he was feeling and trying to make sense of it. He took a sip of his cup, letting the wood-like flavor of the tea untie his throat. "I did know, somehow, that you didn't follow her willingly… It occurred to me these last few days, I didn't have… time to think of it before. But it is nice to know your true feelings on the matter. Because it is true that I would have speculated about it, and gotten it wrong… I think we get a lot of things wrong with each other, I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's easier to lie to yourself rather than confront the truth, especially if you're not sure of the truth, and if it can be bad, truly bad. I… well I talk for myself of course… but I know that sometimes it's easier for me to lie, I'm good at that, lying to myself." The sage sadly chuckled at that. He knew, now that he carefully thought of it, that some part of him decided that Macaque abandoned him under the mountain because it was easier to think that, to think he was the only one suffering, it was easier to hate than to long. Because hating was a way to escape, it was a way to avoid accountability, to avoid the “Is he okay?” and “Did he never like me?” or “Is it my fault?” that plagued him. It was daunting, in a way, to do this, to confront the undoubtable truth, and to be unable to lie, to shy away from it. But he would do it, if he could see past the lies he told himself, the assumptions he took for truth, it would be worth it. 
Sun Wukong lowered his head and petted Sock, too ashamed to face the two other people in the room. He knew he shouldn't feel ashamed to admit this, to admit he was lying to himself, but some part of him, the part that was overly conscious of people's gaze, fretted at the idea. He could almost feel the phantom of his circlet pressing against his skin, the punishment for admitting his sin, his lies. Sock broke his somber thoughts, she meowed and nuzzled in his belly, purring loudly to catch his attention. 
"I should probably talk about the Bone Demon too, right?" Asked the sage as he scratched the feline head, soothed slightly by her purrs. 
"If you want to, you can stop the talk here if you don't feel comfortable." And Sun Wukong knew he wasn't pressured, that they would say nothing of his silence, but he felt guilty to not talk about it when Macaque confided in him so intimately.
"I…I didn't like my fight with you, when I was possessed." Mumbled the King. "I…it…it's not that I was pulling my punches before, it's just that… she pushed me. She was uncaring… of things I care about in a fight." It was hard to explain it properly, the more he talked about the feeling, the more he could sense her chilling claws graze him." I… I couldn't do… anything. I just… she was the one… I could feel you but I wasn't… in control." His breathing became more and more frantic, her words echoing inside of his ears, the promises of pain, of heartbreaks. "I was hers, I-I didn't want to… It’s… I was there, but trapped, inside of me." He closed his eyes, hands stilling over Sock, body entirely frozen. "It's… I always knew she was terrifying but not… n-not like that. I see her, still, at night. I'm…" Everything around him seemed to disappear, his voice refused to come out of his throat, it was like he was trapped all over again. He panicked, trying to open his eyes but failing to do so, trying to move, to feel something, but he remained frozen. 
"Stay in the present, concentrate on your breathing." Sandy's voice sounded distorted, as if he was far away. "What you're feeling is scary, but it's not dangerous, okay?" He felt a light touch over his shoulders, something warm and comforting, a grounding weight. Unconsciously he petted Sock, who was softly pawing at his hands. Her purrs echoed in his skin, light thrills that passed through his body, that calmed him." I'm going to count to ten, try to focus on that, to slow your breathing." Sun Wukong nodded, something short and messy, but a sign nonetheless. "1… 2….3…" the sage tried to focus on the number, he breathed in on the odd number, and breathed out on the even. "4…5…6…7…" it was easier to think with a slowed breath, he realized the weight on his shoulders was a blanket. "8…9…10."
The sage slowly opened his eyes, he saw Sandy standing up beside him, and felt Macaque being a little closer, eyes on him. 
"I'm…wow, little freak out there, sorry." Awkwardly chuckled the King as he scouted a little further in the couch, widening the distance between him and the others. Sandy took the hint and returned to his chair, Macaque looked at him for a moment, eyebrow furrowed, before returning to the other side of the couch. Sock stayed on his lap, and he was quite glad she did, her warmth was comforting. 
"Does this happen often?" Gently asked Sandy. 
"… Sometimes, not a lot. I just…usually it's just me and my thoughts so…you know."
"Should I… come see you more often?" Proposed the macaque. 
"No!" Yelled the sage, he blushed a bit at his outburst. "I mean… I w-would like it, but you set your boundaries, I don't want you to break them. I can deal with this."
"Wukong I… I mean, yeah, I set boundaries but it doesn't mean I don't want to see you, you know." Sighed the warrior as he let a cat climb his arm and settle on his head. "I'm doing this because I miss you."
"I… yeah, that feels nice to hear, me too. But I don't want to depend on you to deal with this. It didn't go well last time I did that."
"But you're… you're hurting."
"Don't feel guilty about that, it's not your fault." Replied the King as he straightened up and turned towards the warrior, Macaque met his gaze a second, before lowering his eyes. 
"A bit."
"No, not for that." Insisted the King as he scouted a little closer. Macaque didn't reply, he bit his lips and turned away. 
"What about this… " Interrupted Sandy, Sun Wukong almost forgot he was there. The gentle giant put a phone on his table. "If I am aware, Mister Maquawke has his own phone. And I don't use this one. So I can give it to you Mister King, like that you would be able to communicate with Mister Maquawke, or even me or MK, when you feel alone with your thoughts, or even if you worry and you want to check on them."
"Oh… T-that's really nice of you. But I don't… well I don't have the best grammar."
"You think I don't know that already? "Snickered the warrior, and the King glared at him for that. 
"Shut it, I learned to read and all by myself okay. I'm a monkey, I don't need to write."
"I'm a monkey and I can." Retorted the ebony monkey. 
"It's different, you enjoy writing. Anyway I… well I can take it but I'm not sure…" 
"It's okay. You can do what you want. Also, if you're up to it, maybe Sock can stay with you at your home?" Proposed the tea-lover. 
"But I don't know how to take care of a cat…" Mumbled the sage. 
"It's okay. I will tell you the basics, and you can always ask me for any urgency with the phone."
"But would she want that?" Asked Sun Wukong as she looked at the cat purring on his lap. 
"I think she is pretty comfortable with you. But if you think you can't, then I won't force you." Replied Sandy. 
"You always take care of the cubs, you can take care of a cat." Softly added Macaque. Sun Wukong petted Sock and cooed at her cuteness. 
"… okay, I can try." Chuckled the King as he lifted Sock and softly nuzzled her. "Hm, you're gonna be stuck with me, little lady." She meowed and pawed at his snout with wonder. "You need a better name though…" 
"I think Sock is adorable." Replied Sandy. 
"Very fitting." Snickered the warrior. 
"Nah… you'll be… Sock the first, the little sage… hm…the Little Sage Of Floof also known as the Lady Above Else."
"That is a lovely name."
"The Little Sage Of Floof! That's gold." Laughed the macaque. "Can't believe a cat will be called the Lady Above Else though."
"Hm, I'll issue a letter to heaven for her titles." Mumbled the King as he booped Sock cute snout, Macaque barked a laugh at that. 
Sun Wukong smiled softly, happy to see the other laugh so freely, and hoping it wouldn't be the last time he saw it.
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scrimblewimble · 2 years
• Leap Of Faith •
RedemptionArc!Zuko X Avatar!Reader
• In which the reader comes to Zuko's camp after his rejection from the gaang instead of Toph and they form a bond •
Reader and Zuko are the same age!
- gender neutral reader, suggestive later on, porn (almost/kinda) with plot -
It was, obviously, understandable that your friends were sceptical of the fire Prince's sudden change of heart.
He had hunted you across every nation, determined to cut you journey short and stop you from bringing peace. Every interaction you had with Prince Zuko told you that he was a bad person, but you still very desperately wanted to believe him.
A fire bender willing to teach you showing up just after the invasion failed, when all hope seemed lost? It felt too good to be true, and for it to be Prince Zuko, the boy you hadn't been able to stop thinking about since he saved you as the blue spirit? Turning away a chance like that felt plain wrong.
Which is why you were here, looking around the woods in the middle of the night. It must be 10 minutes of aimlessly wandering before you finally see the light of a campfire through the trees and bushes, thankfully he wasn't far from the air temple.
You have to air bend a fire ball away from your face before you're even halfway through the bushes (you have to admit you did sneak up on him a little), an action which is immediately followed by a panicked collection of apologies.
"I didn't see that it was you!"
"Zuko calm down I'm fine," you can't help but laugh slightly at how different he seems, this reaction is certainly not something you'd imagine from him.
"why am I so bad at being good?" he put his head in his hands, a little overdramaticaly in your opinion.
"It was an accident seriously don't worry about it," you pulled his hands from his face, giving them a reassuring squeeze, "you don't want to know how many times I've accidentally hit Sokka when he's caught me off guard."
"Right," he looks away awkwardly, sighing a little, "right."
There's a moment of slightly uncomfortable silence where it dawns on you that you actually have no idea what to say.
"Do you, uh-" he takes his hand from yours, reminding you that you still hadn't let go of it, "do you want to sit down?"
"yea, sure," you chew the inside of your lip nervously.
You both go to speak at the same time, leading to an awkward exchange of 'you firsts' before Zuko seriously insists that you speak before him.
wow this is awkward.
"I want you to join us- team avatar I mean," he opens his mouth to speak but stops himself, "and I get that the others may not be totally on board but I'm, like, the avatar. So. My decisions are final."
"Do you really think that's a good idea?" he finally makes eye contact with you again, which alleviates a little bit of the tension.
"Well, if your telling the truth, I really couldn't think of a better teacher even if I tried," you laugh, "you're a strong bender, and I feel like we have the potential to get a long!"
"how can you be sure of that when we hardly know eachother?"
"Not sure, I guess I admire how driven you are?" you shrug, "and it didn't hurt my opinion of you when you saved me from Admiral Zhao."
"Right," he turns back to the fire, "that."
There's another few moments of silence, and before he gets the chance to say what's on his mind you got your hand resting on his, "how would you feel about going back to camp with me tonight?"
"I'm not sure that's a great idea."
He makes no move to remove your hand.
"are you worried about Katara?"
"It might be easier if I go back when everyone's awake, I don't want to catch anyone off guard."
"like I did with you?" You laugh, but he doesn't. He actually looks a little ashamed.
"It'll still probably be easier if we go back together."
He's quiet, but you feel like he agrees, or at least understands where your coming from. Is this awkward?
"You could, maybe stay here for tonight, and come with me in the morning?"
You wanted to trust him so badly.
"I would be ok with that."
A leap of faith.
Zuko Smiles awkwardly, looking away again. Neither of you can really think of anything to fill the silence for a while.
"It's crazy that after all this we're sharing a camp alone," he very clearly regrets saying that as soon as the words leave his lips.
A smirk plays on your face for a moment as you look at him hard, his gaze avoiding "I could understand it being weird us camping together, but I'm not totally on board with the alone part."
It was, of course, obviously weird that the two of you be alone together, but his expression at his own words had sparked that mischievous type of curiosity in you.
"I just- y'know, since you have your group and all,"
"Is that," you move forward to see more of his face, "all?"
The Prince is visibily a little uncomfortable, and you could almost swear his face was going a little red, even with him trying his hardest to face away from you. But he still hadn't moved your hand from his. And he made no effort to put any distance between the two of you as you edged slightly closer.
Was this actually happening?
"What's wrong, prince?"
That irritatingly teasing tone of voice is the final straw that pushes the boy next to you over the edge, and you know it's gotten to him because of the way he grabs you by the shirt and kisses you, just once, but deeply.
By the time he pulls away he's breathing heavily, your faces still close together.
His breath is hot against your lips, he smells like burnt caramel, and it occurs to you you've never been close enough to someone to be so sure of how they smelled.
Your the one pulling him in next, moving your hand from his and gently tangling it in his soft black hair, he's very confident considering he couldn't look you in the eye just minutes ago, placing his hands on your waist and pulling your entire body in closer to him.
Before you've even properly processed what's going on, your straddling his legs, and his tongue is grazing your bottom lip, resulting in (much to your embarrassment) a soft moan.
You pull away, warmth spreading across your face with a hand trying to hide it.
"please," his voice is pleading, eyes glued to your lips, "I want you to make that sound again."
The sound of his voice has you like putty in his hands.
A/N I've never been that embarrassed writing something before (first time writing anything suggestive) so please enjoy it, because I never want to do that again!! felt downright shameful :/
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breezybangtanbebe · 8 months
❤️‍🔥💭 Boyfriend Minhyuk💭❤️‍🔥
The Best Friend Boyfriend
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A/N: this one kinda just got away from me lol I don't know what happened. So if it's longer than the others, that's why :)
7.4k words
Since I share a sign with this man, I can speak a little on how I think he operates in relationships. Similar to our Pisces Bunny, Minhyuk is very in tune with his emotions. Meaning he will know how he feels about you immediately. And he will make sure you know how he feels. IMMEDIATELY. I also feel like his relationships generally stem from close friendships since he's so selective about his circle. Isn't a huge fan of the dating game, finds it to be too tedious.
Very loyal. Very honest. Sometimes to a fault. He doesn't mean any harm by telling you the truth, so don't take it to heart. He's not for the sensitive types.
"Not that one."
Hearing Minhyuk's voice just now puts you off guard, startling you a bit. The last time you asked for his opinion, he merely shrugged without taking his eyes off his Instagram feed so you hadn't exchanged any words since.
Before that, he hadn't said a word other than to complain about being dragged into some tiny corner store boutique against his will. It was a place you hadn't paid much mind in passing, usually on the way to that Mexican grill Minhyuk always wanted to eat at. You just never had a reason to go in until now.
"Huh?" You frowned, looking back at him over your shoulder with your fingertips slotted between two hangers. As ironically uninterested Minhyuk appeared to be in what you were doing, the way he always looked like a supermodel posing was aggravating. Even in just a black tee tucked lazily in light-washed denim, shades perched on his crown to keep his chestnut tresses from obstructing his view of his phone, he was just one of those people who didn't have to do much to be stylish. It's just effortless for him.
Standing by looking as uninterested as any man would be watching his girl best friend thumb through clothes mindlessly, Minhyuk takes his hand from his pocket to point at the floral chiffon dress that held your attention longest.
"Not that dress." He states plainly, now stowing his phone in his back pocket and approaching you. He kept his eye on the dress you held up by the hanger with a slight cringe on his face. You mirrored his expression, looking at the dress you held as if you couldn't understand why he seemed so affronted by it.
"What? Why.. what's wrong with it?" You pout and Minhyuk snorts dryly before taking a pinch of the thin fabric between his fingers.
"Feels weird. Plus it seems pretty out of season don't you think?"
You laughed at that, hearing him sound so knowledgeable of such things. He looked like he did but fashion was never something the two of you discussed.
Your mouth opens to defend the dress you were only considering but it shuts the second Minhyuk is plucking it from your hands and hanging back on the rack.
"Plus it just screams 8th grade prom or Easter service. And I know neither of those are why we're in here." He adds, effectively ending that conversation.
"Ok..." you mutter under your breath, glancing at the dress one more time. It wasn't that bad, but then the image of you stumbling awkwardly in kitten heels back in 2008 in that exact dress makes you cringe.
You're about to reach for another one that's less frilly and a solid pastel shade when Minhyuk makes a sound of disgust.
"DEFINITELY not that one either. I'd rather you pick the Easter dress over that.."
"Oh my god...You know that spot at the front of the boutique with the chairs and crusty fashion magazines and stuff. You can go sit over there and wait for me. You don't have to hover." You gesture over Minhyuk's shoulder and he glances back with that sexy little smirk of his that stuck in your mind when you didn't want it to. He turns back to you with a brow lifted, looking you up and down to size you up.
"Apparently I do. You can't be trusted to do this alone. You were about to pick that." He snarks, nodding towards the floral catastrophe again.
You refused to give the dress any more thought as you huffed an exasperated sigh, slapping your thighs as you slumped in defeat.
"Well since you know every damn thing about dresses, you pick." You fold your arms just below your chest, tipping your chin toward the long rack of dresses that extends past where the two of you stand.
Minhyuk's gaze skates along the rack and he follows it to the window before turning back to you.
With that damn smirk on his handsomely smug ass face.
"You sure?" He tilts his head and you nod, hesitantly of course.
"If it's decent, yes. But...you have to tell me why it's better than any dress I've looked at."
Minhyuk eyes you for a moment, narrowing his gaze thoughtfully before smiling. He didn't want to be in here any longer than he had to be. The lighting was bad, it smelled like old lady, and whatever station they had playing overhead spun nothing from this decade or the one before it. Plus he was hungry and had his mouth set on fajitas so he was all for speeding up the process.
You couldn't subdue the anxiety along with the smirk of amusement on your face as you watched Minhyuk skim through the aisles, grazing the dresses with the tips of his fingers in passing. His expression was serious with a scrutinizing scowl on the several options before him, as if he were some sort of celebrity stylist dressing you for the Grammys.
But you followed behind him quietly, trying not to fall too deep into the broadness of his shoulders and the peak of his back tattoo just barely visible from the way his collar slouched.
Eventually, he stops at a section of more formal-looking dresses, his eye going up towards an array of gowns you'd never see yourself in on a good day.
It's a vermillion body-con with a sweetheart neckline and high thigh slit. You could tell from how defined the waistline was that it was very tight and left little to the imagination. Imagining yourself squeezing into that made a giggle bubble from your chest.
"Um...Minhyuk, I don't think.." you begin, silenced when your best friend's eyes light up.
"No...This is it. This is the one." He grins, reaching up immediately to lift the hooked hanger from the rack and pulling the dress away from the others to show you as if you hadn't seen it already.
The pride in his face was borderline heartbreaking and your smile hurt from how forced it was.
"Well?" He furrows his brow expectedly and you struggle to find the words.
"Well, it's...It's very...red." You half cringe and Minhyuk frowns at you as if he's offended.
"You don't like it?"
"No... it's not that I don't like it. It's just so...red.." you blanch and Minhyuk exhales impatiently.
"Yes, you said that."
"Well, you wanted my opinion! There it is.." you chuckle. Minhyuk rolls his eyes with a reluctant smile, breaking character from his serious celebrity stylist mug, and he steps closer to you.
"Yeah, but I thought you'd have more to say. So what if it's red? You like red don't you?"
"You like red. That's the only reason you picked it. Plus did you even check the size? I can't fit that.." you lean closer to examine the tag.
"You think I've been around you all this time and don't know your size? Look.." he scoffs and you ignore him while squinting to read the size printed on the tag.
Much to your surprise, it's your exact size.
"Lucky guess." You muse, all to Minhyuk's satisfaction.
"No such thing, my dear. Now would you like to know why I picked it for you? Or are you gonna keep making assumptions?"
His dedication to the task was adorable and you simply waved your hand, prompting him to carry on.
"Let's hear it." You perk your brow and Minhyuk grunts in amusement before straightening his posture, seamlessly falling back into his role. He clears his throat and you have to tuck your lips to keep from laughing as he sets out to state his reasoning.
"Besides it obviously being the best color in general, your skin just pops in red. I don't know why you don't wear it more often.."
He moves towards you, laying the dress over you as if to confirm his assessment. You tense a little from his sudden closeness, eyes fluttering up to his focused expression, but Minhyuk keeps his eyes low and on the dress draping over your body.
"I know you're shy sometimes about showing too much cleavage but this neckline would accentuate them in a classy way. And the way the zipper is kind of low shows off your pretty back.."
"You think my back...is pretty?" You ask, glancing goofily over your shoulder as if you could see your own back while trying not to giggle. But the moment he turns his eyes on you, the humor fades.
Minhyuk, like most Scorpios, is very seductive and flirty, but not in an overbearing way. He'll watch you for a while and get a read on what makes you smile and how to make you blush. He'll hold eye contact with you when you speak and smile when you look away. When he's feeling bolder than usual (like now), he's not letting you look away. He'll even take your chin and turn you so that you have no other choice but to look at him.
You didn't know why he was looking at you so intently. It was something you often witnessed him do with women he flirted with while you were out. Narrowing his eyes and tilting his head as if he could read their every thought.
But just as fast as he trapped you in his gaze, he blinked. Clearing his throat again, he continues speaking about the dress.
"I also like the slit here. Not too high but just enough for your legs to show when you walk. You shouldn't be hiding those from anyone.."
You look down at the mention of your thighs that were now pressing together subtly, furrowing your brow as Minhyuk spoke.
"..and the way the material has a bit of stretch tells me it's fitted and it'll cling to your body in a way that flatters you. You should wear your hair down for a more sultry look..."
Without warning, Minhyuk pulls the hair tie from your high ponytail and your hair falls around your face in waves that only existed because you let your hair air dry that morning. It falls naturally with a side part and Minhyuk proceeds to tuck the tresses on the less dominant side behind your ear with a satisfactory hum.
"Yeah..like that." He mutters, his eyes on you as if you were a piece of art he was appraising. And then there it was again, that look.
It catches you less off guard this time but the way Minhyuk's gaze drops to your lips has you blushing. You turn away, hiding behind your hair and mimicking the way he'd just tucked it behind your ear in a gesture that makes you blush harder.
"Um...Min... I'm looking for a dress to wear to my sister's graduation. Family and friends. This dress seems more appropriate for a.."
"Date?" Minhyuk completes the thought, his eyes still dark but with his brows lifted curiously. You blink up at him for a moment, stammering over your response.
"Um.Yes. I mean..yeah. I can't wear this for a family event. Id look crazy.." you shake your head, reaching for the dress hanger so that you can put it back where it belonged. Minhyuk lifted the dress out of your reach as he kissed his teeth.
"You'd look stunning. What are you talking about?"
You drop your arm with a sigh.
"You know what I mean. Don't get me wrong, the dress is gorgeous. Too gorgeous really. I just have no clue what chance I'd get to wear it.."
"Then just wear it for me. Duh." Minhyuk shrugs.
He said it as plainly as he'd suggest the two of you meet up downtown for drinks or when he'd give you directions on how to do something on your phone. He was always casual but there was something different this time.
For him.
It felt too personal to be casual.
"For you..." you repeat and he nods nonchalantly.
"Yeah..we go out often enough. Maybe one day I'll wanna go somewhere nice and it calls for something more mature.." he backpedals a little, donning that innocent smile of his that could convince you of almost anything.
"Right.." you chuckle after a beat, knowing damn well you knew what he meant. Hell, you felt it, fluttering in your chest and melting between your thighs.
For him...
"It's settled then. I'll get this for you and you'll buy me fajitas. Now let's find something for the graduation so we can get out of here. This music is making me nauseous..." Minhyuk huffs as he drapes the dress over his forearm, turning you around by the shoulder to face the rack of more casual dresses.
You say nothing more about the skimpy red dress he kept in his clutches as you thumbed through several less exciting garments, not really looking at them since your mind recounted what had just occurred between you and one of your closest friends.
Like, knows everything about your sublime dating life and past sexual experiences (good, bad, and embarrassing) type of close.
Has seen you on those bad days, hair and face a mess with mix match socks with a hole in the toe but you just refuse to throw them away and he scolds you every time he sees them ' kind of close.
He knew you. Well enough to know what'd you look good in and want to see it for himself.
And the idea of going out with him wasn't far-fetched either since you two shared meals at restaurants or went to clubs together enough. And he always let you know how you looked, making you blush most times when it was positive.
Which it usually was.
Maybe you were just overthinking this.
Perhaps he was simply implying that the dress he picked for you would look good on you because he knew you. Never mind the fact that you always felt something between the two of you that everyone seemed to acknowledge except you.
And him.
He couldn't have possibly meant anything more by it then...
Minhyuk doesn't really give a damn about societal rules and regulations. He's touchy and handsy with everyone. Usually respectfully but sometimes it's a bit much. If he's with someone he's dating and he wants to kiss them and play in their hair and smack their butt on the street, he'll do it.
He's EXTREMELY territorial (more than the first two), but ironically he's not the jealous type. He can experience the emotion of course but he doesn't feed into it. If anything, it turns him off of it becomes too much of a reoccurring theme in the relationship. So if he's extra grabby in front of other men, it's mainly to keep them away for his temper's sake. Not for your satisfaction. But you better know who you're with too.
"What's wrong?"
The music was loud so you know he didn't hear you the first time you asked. All you knew was that one second you were grinding with a stranger to that one SZA song you can't remember the name of, next you felt a cold grip on your wrist and Minhyuk's venomous glare shooting over your head at the guy who was just about to cop a feel of your ass.
You tried your best not to slur your words when Minhyuk pulled you away from the dance floor so abruptly and you were surprised you could keep up with him in your heels as he led you back to the bar.
"Minhyuk...what the.." you huffed then gasped at the way your best friend's hands clasped at your waist to lift you effortlessly from the ground to perch on the barstool. You blinked in surprise, having never been handled in such a way by him before, and the rest of your sentence dies with the rest of your feelings towards the guy you'd abandoned.
You didn't get a chance to get his name and with all the flashing lights and loud music, you weren't sure if he was even all that cute. He could dance though and he smelled good, things that while sober you'd consider mildly attractive.
Your wingman didn't seem to oppose him approaching you and your group of mutual friends when he asked you to dance.
So what the hell was the issue now?
Minhyuk says nothing to you once he settles next to you at the bar, his eyes on everyone but you as he leans over it. He seemed to be looking for the bartender when you reached over to touch his arm, regaining his attention.
When he looks at you, you lift your brow expectantly because you know he knows what you are thinking. He rolls his eyes, more at himself for causing a small scene than at you, and exhales his visible frustration.
"I don't know...That guy was a creep. I didn't like the way that he was dancing with you." He leaned close to say in your ear, shrugging dismissively when he pulled away. You caught a whiff of his cologne when he did, resisting the slightly inebriated urge to follow him as his words registered.
You tip your head back and pout at his response, recalling the way you were just winding your hips and damn near twerking on Minhyuk after a few shots when you all first got to the club.
Hell, he was always your dance partner on nights out.
"Like how? I dance with you like that all the time.." reiterate and Minhyuk side-eyes you before exhaling sharply through his nose, returning his attention to summoning the bartender.
"That's different." He shouts over the music before mouthing 'water', pointing at you and putting up two fingers when the cute brunette serving up drinks finally made eye contact with him. She nods in understanding and Minhyuk settles against the bar, turning around so his front is now facing the dance floor.
You watched his keen eyes scanning the crowd silently with an undeniable scowl on his face. Then your eyes traveled lower, mapping out the way his silk button-up with nothing underneath that's half tucked in that effortlessly fashionable Minhyuk way.
He's tall and slender, his black jeans hugging his slim legs that seem longer than you'd ever noticed them to be. He'd shed his leather jacket a while ago and it was draped over his forearm as he leaned his elbow against the bar. 
He looked good.
Like really good, and it takes some effort to stop yourself from staring at his handsome profile when your waters arrive. That was when Minhyuk turned around, pushing both glasses toward you with a stern look.
"Down both of those.."
In private, he was just about as affectionate as anyone would imagine him to be. Since he thrives off of intimacy, don't be surprised at him taking interest in your grooming and upkeep when things become more serious. Washing your hair. Painting your nails. Hell, I could even see him wanting to shave you because he's an expert at it and will ensure you don't have any ingrown hairs or bumps when he does it. I bet he's very nurturing when you're not feeling well or a little tipsy after a night out as well...
"I'm not helpless Min, I can manage..." you fuss as you watch your best friend remove your heels for you.
You were now back at your apartment, club night coming to an end after Jooheon almost punched a guy for looking at his girl too long.
You lived close and within walking distance of the clubs and bars you frequented, so it wasn't odd for Minhyuk to crash at your place when you insisted he was too drunk to find his way home.
Tonight, however, Minhyuk didn't seem to be in much of a drinking mood, not partaking in any of the shots from earlier and keeping close to you after making sure you drank some water. So when he stuck around after using your bathroom, you wondered vaguely why he wasn't preparing to head out.
Instead, he was kneeling on the floor in your living room, handling your feet with care contrasting the way he pulled you away from the dance floor and picked you up to set you on that barstool. You were standing so you had to balance with a hand on his shoulder to keep from wobbling, giggling every time he touched your leg.
"Please. I watched you almost break your neck three times tonight.." he chuckled, removing your other heel with one of his hands gently holding your ankle. It tickled a little, his fingers grazing your Achilles, and you had to bite down to keep from laughing.
"You did not." You roll your eyes.
Admittedly, you were still a little tipsy despite chugging that water and walking up the busied streets with the cool night air hitting your face. Minhyuk stayed to your side then too, gripping your hand the moment he noticed you struggling to walk straight.
"I did. Pretty sure I saved your life once or twice tonight." He looks up, your bare foot in hand. You tried to ignore the feeling in your seeing him from this vantage point, kneeling with his adoring gaze on your face, your leg lifted and your bare foot cradled in his big hands.
"I...I'm a pro in heels. Drunk or sober.."You stammer defensively and Minhyuk scoffs, shaking his head as he sets your foot on the carpet and stands. Doubling in height, he towers over you, looking down his nose in a way that has your ankles feeling weaker than they did in those damned high heels.
You blink up at him, and he silently searches your eyes for everything and nothing all at once, his lips parting slowly.
"Whatever you say...here." He says finally, tipping his chin in a gesture for you to sit and the both of you plop down onto the couch
You exhaled in tandem as you stared at the ceiling, and that cozy silence was instrumented by the swinging blades of your ceiling fan and the ticking clock in the distance.
The night replays in your head in a blur of moving lights, 808s pounding with the warmth of a familiar touch never too far away. The touch at the small of your back guides you through the crowd or curls at the bend of your arm to steer you out of potential harm's way.
Even if it said harm was just a few drunken patrons too caught up in the atmosphere to care if they bump into you.
The touch brushing the hair from your face habitually when it threatened the view of your eyes when talking over the music, his hooded gaze dropping occasionally to read your lips.
Minhyuk's touch, while you assumed it to be platonic, always made you feel protected and cherished. Like if anything stepped in your path, Minhyuk would be the one to stand between it and you. Years of knowing him to be the brotherly type to all of his friends, male and female, you often shamed yourself for interpreting the way he treated you as anything more.
Perhaps it's just his personality.
But there were times like now, when the feeling of knuckles strumming softly against the back of your hand as you sat beside him in silence, you couldn't deny the fluttery feeling in your chest that wasn't just friendly.
You tried not to react by keeping your hand still and relaxed, but in an act of pure bravery, you turned it slightly and lifted a finger to nudge his.
That slowly evolved into his finger curling around yours affectionately.
When you turned your head, you found him already looking at you, his eyes soft and vulnerable. And hot.
Like molten metal melting through ice, clouding the air with smoke and steam that makes it hard for you to look him in the eye.
But you surprisingly don't cower away this time.
"What?" You blush with a subtle smirk of amusement. Minhyuk's gaze falls to your lips for a spell, then drags back up to your eyes, sweeping between them as if he were searching for something.
After a long breadth of silence, he smirks too.
"One of your eyelashes is about to come off.." he says flatly, keeping that hot hooded look in the eye focused on your entranced expression that slowly fades as you digested his words.
You immediately lift your hand to your face, blinking and brushing over your lashes with your fingertips.
"What....no it's not, you.." you begin to fuss but fall silent at the feeling of Minhyuk's large hand sliding under the hand you held close to your face.
"Hold still.." he inhales and you freeze on contact, feeling his thumb now brushing over your eyelashes delicately as if to inspect them himself, his features soft yet focused.
He inches closer, squinting as his lips parted slowly. Your eyes fall to them thoughtlessly as you inhale the mint on Minhyuk's breath, and you play it off by just closing them.
"Did you....did you get it?" You ask just above a whisper, mindful of how close Minhyuk's face was to yours.
When you felt his touch idling just shy of your eyelids, his thumb gently sweeping over the apple of your cheek, you opened your eyes.
Finding him even closer than before with the tip of his nose threatening to graze the tip of yours.
Like magnets, your lips are drawn together, his top lip slotting between yours softly in the most tender kiss. You'd imagined, more often than you'd like to admit, that his lips were soft but feeling them against yours put your imagination to shame.
They almost felt like nothing, moving gently as he pecked your bottom lip and alternating so that you could suck his. And he tasted like like mint with a hint of citrus, inspiring you to lean into the kiss for more of him.
You weren't sure if it was the lingering alcohol in your blood or the fact that you were satisfying several years worth of curiosity, but your inhibitions seemed to dissipate the longer Minhyuk's lips moved against yours.
He felt too right, like his lips were made for kissing yours, and nothing else was meant to happen but this.
Scorpio. That's the tweet. 🌚😂
Very deep, very intense. Very sensual. Very intimate. There are no secrets (despite him being very secretive in general) with him and there's nothing that you have that he doesn't want to see. So there's no need to be embarrassed. Minhyuk is more attracted to your mind than your body, and your body is a bonus.
He wouldn't be able to choose between your ass or tits. To be frank, his favorite part of you is probably your mouth anyway🥴 He's the type to make you suck his fingers or gag you with them when's hitting it from behind. A fantasy he'd surely gotten off to a few times. More than anything, he loves the sounds you make, and the way your tongue moves. Loves kissing you. He'd kiss you all day if he could.
It didn't take long for things to escalate.
Kissing him alone felt like sex, the way he teased his tongue over your bottom lips without really putting it in your mouth. He knew you wanted it by the way you'd chase him, and he'd pull back a fraction to see the sexy frustration crinkling in your brow.
Touches were bolder now, yours holding him at the neck and shoulder, pulling yourself closer so that your chest was almost flush against his. Minhyuk squeezed you at your waist, his other hand pushing your hair back so that your neck was exposed.
He massaged your nape with his fingers before grasping the hairs there and tugging gently from the root, making you gasp. In doing so, your mouth opens wider and it's the in Minhyuk sought to glide his tongue against yours.
The second he tasted the heady mix of vodka and Sprite still there, he tugged your hair again in reaction.
Much tighter this time and you moan softly into his kiss. Your nails dig into his shoulder when he does it again, moaning loud enough to snap you both out of the bubble of lust forming around you.
Minhyuk pulls away with shining lips parted to breathe, his eyes blinking as he assesses you. You were notably hot and bothered as you stared back at him with whimsical eyes, his shirt clutched in your grasp.
He soothes your scalp with his fingers gently, licking his lips before asking...
"Should we stop?.. because I'll fuck you right here..right now...so if you don't want that...."
He pants with the fragmented statement, his eyes telling you that stopping was the last thing he wanted to do. But there was still concern there.
Concern for your state of mind.
Concern for your feelings.
Concern for your friendship...
Rightfully so. Nothing like this had ever reached this height between you. Amongst the many nights you'd laid next to him in your bed when he'd stay over. Never touching you inappropriately. Never crossing a line, physically at least.
Maybe you should stop...
Aw, Fuck it.
"I do..." you exhale without blinking and with that breathy admission, Minhyuk was given the green light to continue and not much time was wasted on any more smooches when there were layers of clothes keeping him from touching you.
Once free of your halter top that now bunched at your waist, Minhyuk eased you to lay back with his lips busy drawing a line over and under your jaw, down your neck, and towards your chest.
Without a bra to shield the hardness of your nipples from him, they were quickly engulfed by the heat of his mouth. He sucked them just enough to make you squirm before pulling away.
Everything was moving fast but there was a desperation in both of you that didn't mind it. You didn't think this was some drunken impulse you were on and you felt in complete control of yourself.
You watched with wide eyes as Minhyuk stood from the couch to finish unbuttoning his shirt and his pants next. You were shimmying out of your jeans and panties by the time he was shirtless, milky skin and broad shoulders dulling your focus on everything in the room that wasn't him. While slender, Minhyuk had the best balance of lean muscle in his arms and chest, cinching down to a small waist and the faintest hint of washboard abs.
He held an otherworldly beauty that felt unreal at times and you're left stunned and blinking up at him as you waited.
Minhyuk dropped his shirt to the floor before reaching into his back pocket for his wallet, fishing out the shining gold packet from the leather billfold.
Of course, he had a condom, you thought. You were glad since you weren't even considering it. Raw sex wasn't something you'd commonly do with someone new but nothing about being with Minhyuk felt new since you'd secretly thought about being with him this way for far too long.
Knowing the fantasy was bout to become a reality has you shifting on the cushions, biting your lip as your walls clenched in anticipation, thighs clamping shut to keep from exposing how ready you already were.
As if you could.
The second you were completely bare in front of him, Minhyuk paused. He takes in the full view of you in the dim lighting of your small living room, the lines of your body, and the soft glow of your skin.
His eyes dropped to the apex of your thighs, the part of you that you were trying to hide, feeling a little shy now that you were fully exposed. This makes him huff out a short humorless breath as he resumes undressing.
Eyes locked on yours, Minhyuk's black jeans and Calvin's became a pile on the floor as he stepped out of them with the corner of the condom slotted between his teeth.
You couldn't keep from looking down at the girth and length dangling towards you, veiny and bobbing as Minhyuk moved to rejoin you on the couch. You had zero expectations of how big your best friend's dick was, curiosity and attraction aside, but you weren't expecting that. Your insides clenched again at the thought of all of that being inside of you and you could feel the excitement seeping from your heat as he got closer.
He's on his knees before you with his hands on yours, and you separate them slowly to allow Minhyuk between your thighs.
As shameless as you were ogling his goods before, Minhyuk stares at your pussy, the ombre of nude and pink blending from your lips to your leaking slit. Your clit peaked from the hood, swollen and ready for stimulation and your skin shined from the slickness of your arousal.
You were just as ready for him as he was for you.
He ripped the condom wrapper between his teeth skillfully, spitting the sliver of foil away before rolling the latex over himself. It was all done so smoothly that you'd barely take a breath once he lined himself up with your entrance.
"And you want this?.." he repeats his apprehension from before with this secondary request for consent, the fat mushroom tip of his dick covered in the thinnest layer of latex rubbing up and down over your vulva. His head bumps over your clit and you shudder, nodding at him with lips parted in an anticipated moan.
"I want you... I've always wanted you..." you admit breathlessly with earnest eyes on his much to Minhyuk's relief.
You couldn't have said anything more necessary.
He enters you then, slowly and stretching you with the newness of his shape. The girth and curve of him that was foreign to your body, but never far from the deepest part of your mind. Countless nights when you were alone and the coolness of the sheets kept you company, you thought about what it would be like to feel Minhyuk's body against yours.
To feel him inside of you, rolling his hips back and forth, driving you crazy with his tip grazing your cervix over and over. He'd only been inside you a minute and you could already feel yourself unraveling.
Maybe you were still a little drunk, sober for sure on the walk home but intoxicated by the way Minhyuk handled you. Kissing you like his tongue was marinated in whiskey.
It felt like a dream until you felt his fingers pinching your nipple.
"Ah.." you gasp, barely keeping up with all the sensations attacking you. Your blurred vision regains focus on the source of the shadow looming over you. Minhyuk's dark fringe hung over his forehead as he moved, and he paused only to flip his hair back so that he could see you properly.
It shouldn't have been so sexy but your lip catches between your teeth at the sight of him and Minhyuk smiles.
"You're so perfect..." he mumbles, using the hand he'd tweaked your nipple with to smooth your hair from your face. It almost seemed like he meant to only say it in his head but he was too caught up in the moment to keep it to himself.
You crease your brow at the unexpected compliment but quickly forget about it when Minhyuk sweeps you deep. He ups the rhythm in the snap of his hips and cups your breast against his palm to hold you as an anchor, using his other hand to push your leg back. You were sure you were drunk on him now, feeling more sensitive and ignited with every second he was stroking you.
He fucks you harder now, drilling you deep into your couch cushions until you explode all over it and him, crying his name as he leaned in to silence you with his lips.
Minhyuk seems like the kinky type. Role play, bondage, some choking and spitting-in-the-mouth action if he's that turned on. (🥴) But he enjoys making love more than the theatrics. He is a lover after all, more than likely conceived around Valentine's Day. He wants to prolong your pleasure by edging you and teasing you until you're on the verge of insanity. He loves equal participation though. Don't be a pillow princess with this man please, it turns him off.
And once he gives in and lets you have it all, he gives 1000%. If you don't cum, he doesn't cum. Period.
The two of you lay there, spent and naked on your living room couch. The clock ticks and the ceiling fan creaks, the only sign of time passing despite you feeling like you're suspended in it.
You, running your fingers through his hair with heavy eyelids and him with his face between your breasts and listening to your fluttery heart and trapping your body in his arms.
"You know... it's about damn time..." his chin wags against your sternum and you hum questioningly, fingers stalling their hypnotic dance over his scalp.
Minhyuk lifts his head to look at you with that damned cheeky smile of his.
"...you admitting how much you've wanted me this whole time...Took you long enough." He grins wider and you mush his head playfully.
"Oh brother.." you roll your eyes, attempting to wriggle free from Minhyuk's embrace. It's useless since his dead weight was much more than you could lift.
"Oh No no... can't call me that anymore. That would be gross...To be fair, I never saw you as a sister anyway but I digress.." he chuckles and you don't even resist smiling this time.
"Oh shut up..." You mush him in the head again and Minhyuk only leans into your touch, ending in an affection caress. His eyes soften and you melt under them, sighing in defeat as you pushed ran your fingers through his silky dark tresses.
"...and don't even act like I'm the one who was taking forever to admit anything. You're the one who never dropped a hint that you were into me before..." you add, only for Minhyuk to scoff.
"I gave you every hint in the book...You just didn't catch on." He lifts his brow matter of factly and you were stumped, knowing he was probably right.
It wasn't that you didn't notice but more that you didn't want to be wrong. Having a suspected thing with your best friend and ignoring it versus being humiliated by his possible rejection was worth wasting all this time.
Had you known the dick was this good though, you might have risked it sooner.
Just sayn....
"So now what?" You ask him after a beat, pulling your attention from his smoldering sex eyes to stare at the ceiling. Minhyuk smiles knowingly, resting his cheek between your breasts again with your hand still stitched in his hair.
"Now?..well, I guess you'll have to let whoever thinks you're available know that you're not anymore. And I'll do the same..."He shrugs his shoulders. You chuckle at his nonchalance, as shifting the entire dynamic between the two of you would be as simple as sending out a few texts to break a few hearts. Surely more on his side than yours.
"Oh? That's it?.." you sarcastically inquire and Minhyuk continues.
"Yep...Then we have to tell people. Our families, friends. That guy who drizzles extra caramel in your frappuccino with no charge at Starbucks."
"Oh yeah, definitely Starbuck's guy." You joke and you can feel Minhyuk's cheek rising against your skin.
"Yeah fuck that guy...anyway. And then I suppose I should take you out somewhere. Not a club or bar or some Mexican joint during happy hour. Like actually wine and dine you so you don't think I just want you for your body. Now that I've had it, there's no going back. But Y'know...proper boyfriend stuff."
You were grinning ear to ear at everything he said until then. Now you were surprised, your smile fading as you lifted your head. Minhyuk does the same when he feels you tensing, his expression calm and expectant when he looks at you.
"What?" He asks, feigns innocence, smiling softly and you blink at him as if you were dumbfounded.
"Boyfriend? Skipping straight to that are we?" You joke weakly and Minhyuk shrugs again in the way he does.
"Well..yeah. I prefer to be in actual relationships with women I have feelings for. With a woman I actually love and admire, that knows me better than anyone. That loves the weird-flavored drinks on the menu and can't walk for shit in heels when she's drunk. Or sober. That isn't afraid to hold my hand in a crowded room even though people are looking. That acts all shy and self-conscious even though I know she knows she has no reason to be. But if it's too much for you, I can settle with just a boy who's your friend...best friend...that fucks you and stuff...for now."
"Boyfriend is fine. I mean...I prefer boyfriend as well." You blurt, pausing to clear the thickness of emotion in your throat. before Minhyuk could lengthen his tangent. He smiles, pushing up your body to plant a soft kiss on your lips and pulling away before he's tempted to drown you in his absinthe again.
Opting to cuddle naked with you in the middle of the living room, Minhyuk goes back to nuzzling your breasts like they were pillows.
"Mmhm." He hums affirmatively, acting unaware of the shimmer in your eyes.
You swallowed your emotions and relaxed back into the silence, chewing your bottom lip thoughtfully.
"I suppose I have a reason to wear that dress now. Since you seemed to like it so much.."You tease just as you are sure Minhyuk is on the brink of falling asleep.
He grunts against your chest, rubbing his cheek over your heartbeat until he's cozy.
"Hmm...Or you could just be naked...I'd like that too."
Love Language:
Acts of service and Words of affirmation. Tell him his handsome and adorable and talented. He doesn't need it per se but he appreciates being seen by YOU. Because he for sure sees you. Minhyuk has a take-over spirit and he gets things done so be ready for him to snatch that jar out of your hands so he can open it. Or if you're having issues with customer service over the phone, hand it to him and you'll end up with a refund or a free month of service lol
I can see him being big on gifts and grand gestures as well. So holidays and birthdays will always be special with him...
Pet names/Terms or endearment🥰:
He'll tell you you're pretty, gorgeous, beautiful often. That'll probably just end up being your pet name while together. He's not much of a 'babe', 'honey', or 'darling' type.
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a/n: i added his military pics because this is legit the most boyfriend/husband/baby daddy this man has ever looked and im standing on that lol
<The other Boyfriends >
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azamitetsuya · 1 year
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Yan!Mitsuya x F!Reader x Yan!Hakkai~
Warning ⚠️
Slight gore~
This is timeskip so 😗 Enjoy!
It was a normal summer day. The weather was nice. The sun shining, but something felt off to you. You couldn’t quit put it. Ever since you woke up this morning you had the feeling of being watched. Now at work that said feeling didn’t go away. The icy feeling of eyes constantly on you made a chill go down you’re spine. The feeling didn’t go away until two of your favorite customers walked through the door. Hakkai Shiba, the famous model and Takashi Mitsuya, his equally famous fashion designer friend.
“Morning Princess.” The soothing voice of the lavender haired male spoke. They always made your nerves go away.
“Morning Taka-chan! Hakkai-kun! What can I get you two today?” You spoke cheerfully. They smiled, hearing their names out of your mouth felt…… amazing to them.
“Two coffee’s, a breakfast sandwich and….. hm.~ What do you recommend today Princess?” Mitsuya spoke again. Your eyes traveled to the taller male who shuffled awkwardly in his stance. You found it adorable that even he, a big time model, still got flustered in front of girls.
“Mitsuya. You ask the same question each and every day. You already know what’s on the menu.” You said deadpanning. He smiled gently at you. He loved how you never treated them differently cause of their higher status. It was refreshing. Compared to the sluts that threw themselves at them, whether it be for their looks, money or what have you, you were such a pure soul.
“We just love hearing your opinion is all. Somethin wrong with that?” He asked with a grin that can make any girl swoon. You sighed. It’s not like you haven’t told them a million times.
“I recommend (F/B/F). I always recommend it.” You replied making him nod.
“Then you know we’ll take it.” He said matter a factly. You nodded and went to the back to start the order. Meanwhile with the two friends, there were so giddy about you making them more food.
“Taka-chan? When are we gonna tell her?” Hakkai said with a slightly worried face.
“Not now Hakkai. We have to gain her trust first.” Mitsuya said, but soon Snickers from a group of guys at a table. “Tch. Can’t these assholes shut up while we’re talking about our love?” Him and Hakkai glared at the small group before the sweet sound of your voice spoke to them.
“Two coffees, a breakfast sandwich and one (F/B/F) to go. Anything else boys?” You asked with a sweet smile.
“No that’s it princess. Thanks.” Before he walked out. Hakkai suddenly grabbed your wrist making your eyes widen.
“Dove….. Don’t smile like that for anyone else….. ok?” He commented more then asked. After, he left and you stood there stunned. Hakkai’s never acted like that before.
Now it was the end of your shift and you were walking home after a especially stressful day at work. Once again that feeling of being watched creeped up your spine. Stopping in your tracks, you decided to be bold and look back slowly. Two dark figures standing still was what greeted you. You nearly pissed yourself at the sight. One was taller then the other but both seemed male in stature which really made you scared. And so you did what any rational person would do and sprinted home. The two figures watched as you sprinted home, forgetting about your usual route which made you pass down an alley.
“There…. Now those jackasses won’t bother her.” One of them said to the taller male.
“Let’s go teach those bastards not to mess with what’s ours Taka-chan.” The taller male said as a dark aura surrounded him.
“Come on Hakkai.” Mitsuya said and started walking to the alley where the group of boys were waiting for you.
“Damn where is she?” One said as he sat on the box nearby.
“Don’t know but I’m getting bored.” Another said, as his back faced the alley’s entrance. A sudden hit to his head made him fly to his two other friends.
“Huh?! Who the hell- ……” A bat pointed at the male as Mitsuya and Hakkai stood above them.
“Well.~ Waiting for someone guys?~” Mitsuya sang while smirking down at them.
“Sorry but she ain’t comin. You’ll have to play with us.” Hakkai said bringing the bat above his head, knocking all three males out.
Heyo! Azami here! Let me know if I should make this a serious or not! Thanks for reading this one shot! Bai Bai!
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italladdsup · 1 month
thinking about like. I get captured and brainwashed by an evil villain, but my friends save me before I break too hard. except when they save me I'm still hypnotized, but I don't know the triggers. One of my friends stays home with me to make sure I'm okay, but they accidentally keep using my trigger, making me want to be submissive and obedient to them
I ask them if they want my help with anything, and I'm disappointed when they tell me to just get some rest. I accidentally slip and call them 'sir' a few times, and they awkwardly tell me I don't have to do that. They ask me for my opinion on some work they're doing, and I just tell them it's amazing and wonderful without question. They ask for some honest feedback, but I can't give them anything but praise.
They start rambling on about whatever, accidentally using another trigger, and I find myself going mindless listening to them. I don't even hear what they're saying, I just go blank. Once they're done, they look over at me, only to find me staring blankly at them slightly drooling. They try to ask what's wrong, and I can't even give a proper answer. I just giggle and say "your voice is so pretty".
My friend is confused and slightly panicked, but then they remember the hypnosis. They ask what they said to have triggered me, and I can't respond. They ask how I feel, and I just tell them I want to serve them.
They tell me I don't have to do that. I'm free, and don't have to follow whatever the villain told me to. And I (kind of) whine, and say something like. "But you've been so nice to me... you're taking care of me while I'm like this... I need to... repay you..." and I drop to my knees, and start begging to serve them, saying I'll do anything they want without question.
my friend is like, "ah, well... if you're going to just give yourself to me like this... you said anything I want, right?"
And I respond, "yes, anything! please give me your orders!"
Then my friend unzips their pants, pulls their cock out, and tells me to suck it. it's been a while since I've had a thick, hard cock in my mouth. Just licking it brings me to the edge immediately. They praise my cocksucking skills, pat me on the head, and tell me to just forget about whatever the villains did.
"I'll treat you better than they ever could, so just forget about them. You're with me now."
then they overstim the fuck out of me with sweet lovers sex.
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klonnieshippersclub · 10 months
If Bonnie and Klaus were together/hooking up during the time that Klaus was in Tyler’s body. how do you think she would feel/react to him forcing her to switch him back? Also how awkward do you think it was for him to get out the coffin lol?
Klaus is too arrogant to truly do anything awkwardly. He lacks the ability to feel embarassment while stumbling out of the coffin and Bonnie is too busy glaring to care that he looks like an idiot. I don't think Bonnie would be hooking up with Klaus while he wear's Tyler's skin because she values consent. However, this question did inspire a fic concept.
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It was their secret. Only the three of them knew. Bonnie, Tyler, and Klaus. Bonnie was fully aware that her friends knowing of Klaus' survival could send them in a panic. She didn't want them to behave irrationally. Some of her well-intentioned allies tended to escalate situations and that always led to more danger. Bonnie couldn't have that, so she did what she thought was best and forced Klaus to make a vow. She wouldn't hurt him while he occupied Tyler's body but she could still paralyze him with her magic. Klaus had no choice but to agree that his soul's tenancy inside of Tyler would remain hidden and he would not be able to take advantage of the situation to cause harm to her friends.
Despite Klaus vowing not to cause physical harm, he still sought to ruin Tyler's life. He made sure to break Caroline's heart painfully by telling her that she wasn't enough for him. Klaus knew of Tyler's promiscuous past and Caroline's insecurities. It was an easy situation to manipulate. Klaus was doing anything to tarnish the Lockwood reputation. Between drunken fights and streaking in public, public opinion on Tyler's family soured. This chaos did not last for long. When Caroline showed up at Bonnie's home in tears, Bonnie comforted her best friend with a movie night and made plans to fix things. In the morning, Bonnie ambushed Klaus with a spell. Overwhelmed by her power suffocating him, Klaus was forced to submit. His greatest shame was being consistently humbled by a high school girl. Bonnie knew she had to take an active role in monitoring Klaus' behavior after making him apologize to Caroline.
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From this point on, Bonnie was glued to Klaus' side. Her eyes were always on him. It was disturbing hearing his wit and charm from Tyler's lips. The mischief in his eyes didn't look right. Everything about this situation was wrong but Bonnie knew she could fix it. Starting with atonement for Klaus' misdeeds as Tyler, Klaus drummed up pity by blaming his actions on his grief for losing his father. It was peculiar how genuine he sounded with his heavy breathing and low voice. Bonnie couldn't help but ask what Klaus knew about losing a parent for he had killed both of his. He revealed that losing Ayana devastated his siblings worse than her rejection of their vampire nature. They were monsters who gave up on trying to better quite quickly. Bonnie's heart strings were pulled as she remembered her Grams. Then felt sick at the realization that she was bonding with the living embodiment of evil.
Bonnie would not let him out of her sight and Klaus teased that she had a crush on him. She couldn't help but blush. The true impact of his words hidden by the golden tint of her skin but he could sense the blood rush to her cheeks. This could be very fun and the Bennett witch was very tempting. Klaus found a new way of entertaining himself in Tyler's body. Despite Tyler's ability to smell being weaker than his own, he could still recognize her floral fragrance anytime she was near. Klaus could only wonder what her arousal smelt like but he couldn't find out like this. No, he needed his true form to bring her the greatest pleasure. Klaus offers Bonnie another deal. He'll forever leave Mystic Falls if returned to his body. Bonnie won't realize until it's too late that he doesn't intend to leave without his witch.
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xxcherrycherixx · 11 months
the girls gather in the dragon stables where legend has just laid her eggs, holly scrolls through Dragonpedia to find out more about the eggs and how to hatch them "Dragonpedia says, in the wild, mothers lay their eggs near active volcanoes to warm them until they hatch. Apparently, it takes years." the girls beside her exclaim their excitement about the babies. meanwhile cupid keeps her eyes on the nest, ever since legend finally pushed them out she has felt a strange urge.
raven stands " I could cast a spell to keep the-" her words get cut off as cupid in a daze pushes past her and on top of the nest, making sure to be gentle and not damage the delicate shells beneath her. "what the hex" mira says with a frown, the other girls look confused at the scene before them "um cupid? what are you doing?" the girl ignores them, resting satisfied upon the eggs and cooing quietly to them as if they can hear her. when apple reaches towards her, cupid swipes her hand ready to scratch the girl. apple pulls her hand back just in time and she stands back shocked at the display of aggression. the girls try to figure out whats wrong with their friend and eventually head to the school to ask one of the more knowledgeable teachers. baba yaga and giles grimm follow the group into the stables where cupid still rests, a couple other students had also followed upon hearing about the dragon eggs being there. baba yaga and giles study the girls odd behavior, and still look perplexed as the give their opinions
"she's being very territorial over the unhatched eggs, treating them as her own. but i have no clue what is causing this behavior, i sense no magic affecting her" baba yaga explains, giles strokes his chin in thought and studies her mannerisms. "hmm this behavior feels familiar, but i cant quite wrap my head around how it could be what i theorize." raven speaks up "what do you think it could be?" the older man continues to study the pink haired girl " do any of you know who ms.cupids parents are?" apple speaks up "apparently she was adopted by her father as a baby, that's all we know" giles hums "so her biological parentage is unknown. madam yaga, i need you to collect a couple books from under the school. one is ' The Great book of cryptozoology' and another is 'The Complete guide to transformation magic'" baba yaga nods and heads off to collect them.
the students confer with each otherwhile they wait, the newly joined ones share their excitement over the babies, blondie lockes records an impromptu mirrorcast announcing their arrival and awkwardly giggles after her roommate swats at her for bringing the camera too close. the others still share their concerns with eachother and mira sits in the corner frustrated that her plan is being postponed.
eventually baba yaga returns with the two books, giles thanks her and skips to a specific page in the transformation book "miss yaga may i ask you to perform this spell for me?" the older woman reads out the incantation and everyone watches in wonder as cupid's form changes before their eyes. "just as i had thought, her behavior was reminiscent of a bone elemental." he opens the book of cryptozoology and shares the page on elementals "bone elementals are beings specifically designed to watch over and raise dragon eggs as the mothers will usually hibernate until after the dragons are born. they will usually continue to help rear the hatchlings until they are ready to leave the nest" the students huddle in and read over the page "it would seem that your friend is one of these beings, and its just her natural instincts kicking in"
apple looks concerned over at cupid "but dragons take years to hatch, will she have to stay here the entire time?" giles considers the worry and consults the book " it seems that these beings grow more attached the longer they sit on the eggs, she has thankfully only been on them for a short time so its likely we could remove her from the eggs and keep them apart to stop her attempting to hatch them again." raven considers the option "but she's lashing out at anyone who comes near, how would we move her?"
mira groans, having enough of this boring drama. she levitates the girl off and heats the eggs like she had planned, yells erupt out. "mira! what was that for?!" raven yells, mira shrugs dropping cupid onto the ground "the issue was that she wouldn't leave until they hatch, so i thought i would speed up the hatching process." all the students seem confused until the sound of cracking catches their attention, slowly the baby dragons poke their little bodies out of the shells and the room watches amazed. as the babies appear cupid rushes over to each one and begins the process of cleaning remaining shell pieces off and showing them love, baba yaga turns to mira "young lady, that was a show of power. where exactly did you learn this?" mira waves the question off "i learnt it when i was getting home schooled, my parents paid for really good tutors" the witch stays slightly suspicious but lets the matter go for now, all of the students gather in awe at the cute hatchlings. thankfully now that they are no longer eggs, the possibility of having your eyes scratched out for getting too close is not an issue.
apple moves over to cupid as the baby dragons explore the stables and bother legend as the mother dragon tries to get some much needed rest "are you ok now? it was a bit concerning watching you turn on us like that" cupid laughs, her eyes keeping track of the little ones "i feel better, i have never had this actually happen before. i had a friend tell me about my kind and she mentioned how were meant to be nannies, but i didn't think it was something that would take over me like that." apple nods and looks over the other girls appearance "why did you never tell us that you were a different species, we thought you were a cherub" cupid scratches at her arm, self conscious "i thought it would be best to let you guys see me that way, i don't exactly fit in like this." apple frowns and squeezes the other girls hands "we would have accepted you, we're your friends, you didn't have to hide like that." cupid smiles finally turning her attention to the other girl "thanks apple" the moment is cut short when she notices a hatchling trip over, she rushes to the small creature and checks it over.
apple giggles and walks over "it seems that the instincts aren't entirely out of your system yet" cupid laughs embarrassed "not quite"
the teachers head back to the main building leaving the students to be with the dragons, blondie records another live mirrorcast updating the school on the birth of the dragons. not long after more students come by to see them and soon enough the stable is filled with people, the change makes cupids head feel a bit woozy as she tries to keep track of the young dragons through the crowd but thankfully a couple of the girls offer their help in keeping watch, lowering the elementals stress slightly. she trusts her friends to keep the babies safe.
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secretwhumplair · 1 year
986 words | Heir apparent (sequel to Reunion)
Content | Mostly just fluff I'm afraid :P
Notes | Haven't had much creative energy these past weeks (as you might have guessed from the lengthy break) but here's a little continuation!
Taglist | @whumpycries @whatwhump @barebarb @echo-goes-aaa @cyborg0109 @pumpkin-spice-whump @sonder35
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Sharru melted back into Emmer’s arms as soon as the door closed behind his parent. It was such an unexpected and thorough comfort he wasn’t even sure what the feeling was his heart was bursting with - it was more than joy, more than love, more than the grief of having missed this for so long.
»Shhh. It’s alright,« Emmer whispered, so close to his ear, and walked them both towards the chairs by the window, and only then did Sharru realize he was crying. Again.
He made an effort to pull himself together, blinked the tears back, pulled himself from the hug. »T-take a seat.« I’m so happy to see you. The words would have come easy before they were parted. Now they got stuck in Sharru’s throat.
»Yes. Yeah. Thank you.« Emmer sat down awkwardly, its eyes, wide open and also wet, fixed on him.
Sharru sat as well, feeling the same feebleness that had all but stopped him from getting up before rush back over him so forcefully he worried he might not be able to get out of the chair again. But it didn’t seem to matter so much anymore. Emmer was here.
Emmer was here.
It looked… good. Well-fed and well-clad - banishment had, it seemed, not taken as horrible a toll on it as he had imagined in the worst nights.
Well, the worst nights before his own kidnapping.
He had heard rumours here and there, that they had started a business just across the border, but no one wanted to be heard speaking too loudly of it when Taba might hear.
»When I heard what happened, I…« It threw a glance over its shoulder, hesitated, then contuínued, its voice lowered, »I had to come. I was so glad to hear they got you back - ah, I never thought I would say that.«
Sharru couldn’t think straight, too dizzy with the feeling of Emmer being right there, in his room, speaking as if it still cared about him, as if the years that had passed, the fact he was the reason it got banned in the first place, meant nothing. So he simply said the first thing that came to his mind.
»They’ve been - weird. Gentle.« It sounded wrong. It was true, but it sounded so wrong.
»I’m glad,« Emmer said quietly, a worry in its eyes Sharru couldn’t quite place. Did it think he would be upset its opinion of the monarch hadn’t changed? Or was it still concerned for him?
There was no reason to, was there? He was safe now.
He was rude, was what he was. It had finally returned home, and he hadn’t even asked - »Are you alright?«
»Because I’ve made-« they began at the same time, and fell into awkward silence when he spoke as well.
It felt awful. They hadn’t been so tense with one another, not after their first private conversations-
But then it chuckled, a sound like pearls scattering across a sunlit floor, and Sharru’s heart melted.
»I’ve been - well, I missed home. And you. But I’ve been doing alright.« And quieter, it added, »It’s good to see you smile.«
Sharru had almost forgotten how to, but now that Emmer said it, he could feel the smile tugging at his lips. »I’m - I’m happy to see you too,« he finally said, the words breaking out of him as if past a painful dam.
It was smiling right back at him, and nothing had soothed him more since he had been rescued.
»And - I was going to say. See, I’ve learned a lot in witchcraft - turns out it’s, ah, actually much easier when your monarch isn’t, you know.«
He knew. The fact that Emmer was a witch and not a sorcerer was only one of its many, many faults in Taba’s eyes, and while they weren’t cruel enough to truly persecute witchcraft, their disapproval was well-known, and many witches preferred not to rely on the continuation of their lenient policy.
»I’ve made you this.« It pulled a thin necklace out of its pocket, a circle of green stone with symbols carved into it dangling from it. »It - will help protect you. I’m not powerful enough to protect you from everything, but it’ll help.«
Sharru gently took the charm, the stone warm against his hand after being carried so close to Emmer.
»Only thing is, T- their Majesty will be able to tell for sure. So.«
He carefully put on the necklace, tucking the charm under his clothes to feel it rest against his skin. »I’ll - I think I’ll try my luck. Thank you.« He almost choked on the words, and that was when he realized the tears were coming back. »Thank you.«
And a moment later he was in its arms again, crying his heart out.
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