#but i feel like i should get to have a poofy winter coat
bogkeep · 1 month
can my hare fursona be an arctic hare even if they aren't native to northern europe.......
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raspberry-rampage · 2 years
aka I still think Horikoshi’s go-to when designing female characters and their costumes is to focus on their physical attractiveness and not their costumes’ functionality or practicality;
post about female hero costumes here
Since the number of female villains is laughably small, and their screen/panel-time and contribution to the story is even more laughably small, I can describe each one in detail. Not including Vigilantes or movie villains. So let’s go through each of them:
Himiko Toga
• wears a sailor uniform: shirt, dark skirt which is mid-thigh (in latest chapters it seems shorter though, barely covering her butt), on top a baggy sweater with a scarf, also socks below her knees and standard loafers; she gets a mask and a machine on her back, as well as a belt with pouches and knife-holders on her thighs;
• for winter, she gets a coat but her thighs are still exposed, although her socks end mid-thigh now; also a muffler/scarf;
• she also often appears naked, so there’s that;
La Brava
• big bow on her neck, dark shirt, corset belt?, big gloves, poofy pants, knee-high boots on heels (if it weren’t for the heels, I’d have no complaints);
• long dress from light material that can get tight at times, round cleavage; belt that serves no function; jacket with fur collar; wears wedges (they suck too, see Jill Bearup’s videos);
Lady Nagant
• a curious case, a former hero whose costume was on one panel, so we can look at that too!
• current: tight, sleeveless turtleneck, corset belt (again?!), mid-shin? loose skirt (which can expose her legs when we need fanservice!), boots;
• hero: tight, sleeveless turtleneck, neck and boob braces?, corset? belt for ammo, baggy pants, knee guards, boots;
I’ll also include female Nomu, there’s only one and doesn’t even get a proper name, just... Woman. I’m speechless. Anyway, all Nomu are pretty much naked, so her big boobs are just wobbling around. Yup. Seems like someone needs to check out how boobs of muscular women look like.
Additionally: When Toga got injured in her fight with Curious, I really hoped she would keep the eyepatch, it made her look badass and maybe would introduce consequences for her quirk... but she’s too cute to have scars, I guess.
Now, I should’ve taken a look at how male villains’ wardrobes appear in comparison, right? But honestly, I don’t feel like it, it’s too much work. Like really, there are so many named male villains and pretty much most of their clothes can be summed up with either elegant and classic or baggy and loose.
There are exceptions. Dabi’s outfit is probably the most exposing because of his loose t-shirt/tank-top with a deep neckline that can rise up pretty high (nice), in latest chapters most of his clothes are burning away so he’s showing off quite a lot (nice). Twice wears a skin-tight suit, I guess. Well, there’s also Gigantomachia in all his naked glory. Some guys wear skin-tight tank-tops or run around shirtless.
Yet I never get the same feeling with male villains as the one when I see female villains. I’m not sure if it’s the costumes or the way they’re drawn (the poses, panelling, a lot of aspects) but it’s probably a combination of both. I still think that if I were to actually count and see the percentage then the results would be the same as those from the hero costumes comparison. Females should be sexy or cute, no need for the practical or cool elements, while males should wear comfortable and loose baggy material with occassional armour.
Conclusion: Horikoshi’s still a thigh guy, wearing a corset-belt raises your chances of being a villain, only Lady Nagant knows what to wear to a battlefield shoe-wise (loafers are better than heels or wedges, but imo still suck). Overall, no armour (who needs it, right? Lady Nagant gets some lame braces though), and not much from the ever present in male costumes baggy bullshit. All of them are quite curvy and their outfits/costumes focus on accentuating their boobs or thighs.
Therefore, my point still stands. His costume designs are still sexist.
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the-evil-authoress · 3 years
Gift for @lemmint from the Secret Santa event on Discord. Using the sub names was a trip but I made it! And I feel like should have done more with Tome but I hope this satisfies, lem! <3
“SNOW! Aniki, it’s snowing!”
Judai jolts awake to the sound of Sho’s voice, squinting out from his cocoon of blankets in confusion. “It’s Saturday,” he mumbles, pulling his nest over his head before the words finally click in his brain. “Snow?”
Judai peeks out of his nest again to see Sho nodding enthusiastically. His toes curl, already feeling the chill. But… snow. His first snow at Duel Academy; his first snow having friends since… He can’t actually remember the last time he had friends.
Whatever, not thinking about that.
Snow plus friends means snowball fights and snow forts and- “Why didn’t you say something sooner?” Shoving the blankets aside, Judai emerges from his nest - crap, it’s cold in here - and beelines for the closet.
“I did as soon as I saw it!” Sho whines and does a double take as Judai pulls out the big poofy coat. “Wait, you’re going outside?”
“But you hate winter!”
Judai can’t really blame Sho for this assessment. The onset of colder weather brought on a couple of discoveries about their new living space- the heater was janky and half functional at best and the door and window created a draft. Judai promptly stole every extra blanket he could, complaining loudly about the lack of heat.
Still, he rolls his eyes as he double layers his pants. “I hate being cold. I love snow!”
“Weirdo,” Hayato grumbles from the top bunk as Sho visibly tries to piece the seemingly contradictory statements together.
Judai grins at a boy he knows isn’t looking. “I take it you won’t be joining us?”
“Nope.” Hayato hunkers further into his own nest of blankets.
Blowing a raspberry, Judai zips up his coat, stuffs his feet into his shoes, and throws open the door. The cold air assaults his face like tiny little knives, but the white expanse before him sparkles like something straight out of a fantasy. Snow has always been beautiful. And he’s not alone this time. “Sho!” he calls over his shoulder before charging down the stairs.
“Coming!” Sho scurries out, zipping up his own coat and a hat pulled down over his ears. Kind of adorable, really; he almost looks like some poofy little duckling.
Judai has a ball of snow in hands before Sho makes it down the stairs and Sho shrieks as it sails past his head. “No face shots!! Don’t you know the rules?!”
“Nope!” Judai laughs joyously as Sho groans, and begins shaping another handful of snow. “So what are the rules?”
“No face shots!” Sho repeats and okay, yeah, Judai probably should have aimed a little lower - not that he was really aiming to begin with it. “And I dunno, there’s only two of us so I guess it’s just a free-for-all?”
The grin splits Judai’s face and he can tell Sho immediately regrets those words. “No take backs!” he singsongs and lops another snowball into the air before Syrus can protest.
Another scream as Sho ducks and Judai takes off running, scooping another handful on his way. “You didn’t even give me time to prep!”
“All’s fair in love and war!”
Judai can’t tell if his aim sucks or Sho is really good at dodging, but Sho’s aim sucks just as bad and he’s slower at restocking ammunition, so it’s a fairly even match. When Judai accidentally manages to catch one of Sho’s balls, the fight evolves into something halfway between pelting each other with snow and a game of catch.
“Go long!” Judai calls, throwing another into the air. Sho slips as he scrambles backward and falls into the snow, and the snowball finds a new target: the back of Professor Chronos’ head. The teacher makes a shrill noise as he pitches forward and snow undoubtedly slides down the back of his collar.
That’s not good.
“You hit Chronos!” Sho gasps, seemingly frozen in horror halfway to his feet.
“Who threw that?!” Chronos’ voice always gets screechier when Judai’s involved, he’s noticed. Usually it’s amusing and easy to deflect, so Judai isn’t terribly worried when the teacher spins around and he and Sho are the only viable culprits. Preparing the usual disarming grin, Judai holds up gloved hands.
“You see, it was an honest-”
Then Chronos starts packing a snowball the size of his head, Judai decides this is maybe one of those times he can’t talk himself out of Chronos’ ire; Sho grabs his arm, and they book it. The cannonball sails past them way off the mark - huh, they found someone with worse aim than them - but Sho screams all the same.
“Retreat!” Judai calls, laughing over his shoulder as Chronos stops to make another giant snowball - pfft, he’ll never catch them if he can’t pack snow and run at the same time - screaming something about finally teaching you delinquents a lesson. “Any ideas?” Judai asks as he saves Sho from faceplanting in the snow.
“Card shop!” Sho puffs between breaths.
Ooo, yeah! Maybe Tome will have snacks!
Like Judai suspected, they lose their angry tail pretty easily and take refuge in the card shop with Tome. Kicking off his shoes, Judai presses his frozen toes against the heating vent in the floor. Two layers of socks and the winter chill prevailed again. Worth it. Sho crouches by the window, peeking out as if expecting an enraged Chronos to come barrelling toward them any minute. Not a totally unfounded fear, but Sho really needs to light up and relax more. Being that high strung so often can’t be healthy.
“You boys look like a pair of snowmen!” Tome chuckles with that homely warmth and good natured cheer. “Enjoying the snow?”
The smile softens on Judai’s face, the tension he usually transforms into energy easing out of him as he tips his head back and slouches in his seat. “Yeah.”
“We were until aniki hit Professor Chronos with a snowball,” Sho says without looking away from the window.
Tome’s laugh warms the chill in Judai’s bones. “Oh, I bet he didn’t take that well!”
“He tried to murder us!”
“Stop being dramatic, Sho.”
“That snowball was as big as my head!”
Another warm peel of laughter breaks into the argument before it can devolve further. “Well it sounds like you boys have had quite the adventure this morning! How about some hot cocoa to help chase away the chill?”
“Yes, please!” Judai cheers as Sho finally swivels away from his watch at the window and murmurs a gratitude. Gotcha. One final glance out the window and Sho joins Judai at the single table. A pair of toes nudge up next to Judai’s on the heating vent and Judai jerks.
“Your feet are ice!”
Sho huffs. “You didn’t exactly give me time to grab an extra pair of socks.”
Well, that’s true enough. Judai charged out into the snow without stopping to wait for anything.
They don’t have to wait long before Tome returns with steaming mugs of cocoa and Judai eagerly wraps his hands around one, letting the heat chase away the lingering chill.
“So, any other plans for today?” Tome asks as she pulls up a seat with her own mug.
“Not really-”
“I wanna make a snow fort,” Judai announces and Sho squeaks. “Maybe get enough people together for a proper snowball war.”
Sho balks at the notion but Tome lights up. “That’s an excellent idea!” Sho does not look like he agrees. “You kids should enjoy yourselves while you’re young.”
“How are we gonna get that many people?” Sho frowns, likely fishing for reasons to abandon the idea but Judai is determined.
“I’m sure Misawa and Asuka would join us! And they probably know people.” Sho’s expression only sours. Geez, why is he so against this? “Lighten up, Sho. There’s a campus full of snow out there! We should make the most of it, dontcha think?”
“I guess…”
And now Judai’s getting the feeling there’s an underlying issue here. Like with Power Bond. Now how to get the little guy to open up without making him mad…
“Do you not like snow?” Tome asks and Judai nearly jumps. Right! She’s here! Geez, how did he zone out that hard?
“N-no! I like snow!” Sho promptly waves his hands before looking down again and yup, Judai recognizes that crestfallen look. Definitely a bigger issue here. “It’s just…”
Silence falls and Sho calms up again. It’s really frustrating trying to problem solve when the other party won’t offer information. “I’m listening,” Tome prompts, voice gentle and lacking any expectation. Oh! Judai can just let her get the information. He doesn’t have to this time and that’s probably better for everyone involved.
Scratch that, Sho shrinks into himself further so it seems even Tome’s gentle touch won’t work; but there’s this tiny little smile on Sho’s face that Judai’s never seen before. It looks…bitter? “I didn’t really…have friends in middle school,” he talks to the table. “When it snowed, the other kids would have snowball fights, and sometimes I’d try to join in, but I was never on anyone’s team…” He goes quiet again, before whispering, “I was just target practice.”
Oh. A cold feeling that has nothing to do with the weather outside settles into the pit of Judai’s stomach. His own experiences had been with being isolated and ignored; it sounds like Sho had been actively bullied. Judai isn’t sure what’s worse.
“That’s horrible.” Tome puts a hand on Sho’s shoulder and the boy leans into it. “No one should have ever treated you like that, but this isn’t middle school anymore. And you have friends.” Tome looks up at him with a smile and Judai figures that’s his cue.
“Exactly. And you can be on my team.”
Sho looks up as if this is somehow new information. Dang, his insecurities run deep. (Not that Judai is one to talk…) “Really?”
Judai grins. “We’re partners, aren’t we?”
The way Sho’s face lights up is worth all the melodramatic waterworks that will inevitably follow. Surprisingly, this time that doesn’t happen. Chin raised high, Sho looks Judai in the eyes and smiles. “You’re right. This isn’t middle school. So let’s go find our friends, build a fort and start a war!”
“That’s what I’m talking about!”
Tome urges them to fuel up before ‘starting a war’ and brings out snacks while they sip on the cocoa. It’s rich and warm and fills parts of Judai he hadn’t known needed filling. Then he’s pulling on his shoes and winter wear again while Tome waves them off and promises more hot cocoa for the cold and battle weary.
Back out in the cold, bright, beautiful snow, Judai breathes and his breath comes out in a cloud of white. Like this the campus looks like a blank canvas, a fresh start, full of endless possibilities. Perhaps, that’s why he loves snow so much.
Judai smiles down at his best friend. “Ready to start a war?”
Eyes bright, Sho smiles back. “Yup!”
“Then let’s go!”
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binniesthighs · 4 years
hello stranger | reader x changbin |
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a/n: we are getting to the “height” of the conflict, therefore the angst is gonna start amping up-just as a reminder! This fic talks about self worth and healing from past trauma so please read what makes you comfy! In this chapter, the majority is implied, but still, please read the warnings ahead of time :) 
Part 4 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x seo changbin, female reader x han jisung 
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, smut, angst 
Tags: (of this part) college au, rapper!changbin, rapper!jisung, establishedfwb!jisung, artist!reader, explicit language, fluffy growing feelings, mentions of food, hello yes I just wanna give this changbin a huuuuge hug 
CWs: implications/discussion of past toxic realtionship, implications of negative self-worth and self-sabotage 
Word count: 4.8k 
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
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Popcorn flew into the air in slow motion and approximately four hundred multicolored skittles scattered the floor like the shattering of glass. 
“Yes...yes...FUCK YES!!” 
Felix launched his small body into the air with a victorious screech, turning his controller into a projectile. The clump of black plastic thumped into the torn up corduroy couch missing Chan’s arm by millimeters. 
Your friend took a victory lap around the tiny living room that was a mess of winter coats and boots with melted snow dripping to the hardwood floor. 
“Felixxxxx, you made a mess!” Chan sighed out deeply and solemnly at the array of rainbow colored candies on the floor. 
“I never win. You gotta admit the way that I finished that off was extra disrespectful. DID YOU SEE the way that I down-B’d you to pieces??? That was fuckin’ awesome.” 
“Good job ‘lix.” You pulled a Twizzler by your teeth and dished out a little wink for him. 
“Hey! I haven’t been playing for nearly as long as you two have. I see this as a complete win.” 
“Well, Chan and I were at each others throats the whole time, so, we kinda killed ourselves off for you.” 
“I still won!!” 
“Alright, alright, good job.” Both you and Chan took turns patting his poofy blond hair. 
“Ahhh our Lix’ is finally growing up.” Chan sighed, mockingly looking out in the distance to some far away place. “But...now you’ve gotta clean this up. Lucky you’re the one that paid for the Skittles, not me.” 
In his fit of happiness Felix didn’t even care about getting down on his hands and knees to pick up the pieces like Cinderella. 
Chan took a gulp of his electric green Monster. “Feels nice to have you back around here Y/n. It feels like it’s kind of been a while.” 
“Mm, it has. You know how it goes, stuff gets busy and all that.” 
“~And she’s been hanging out with someone else~” Felix’s words came out in a cutesy little song. 
“You have?” 
You slapped Felix right upside the head to which he whimpered out with a much more dramatic “owww” than was warranted. 
It was likely a mistake that the two of you had kept Changbin a secret from Chan. Chan basically idolized him, and you felt that it was best not to...complicate things. Every other hour Chan would bring up one of Changbin’s songs, talking about him as if he was some kind of lyrical genius. He had half a plan to meet him at the last show, but had gotten too shy and pulled you both before he could get second thoughts. 
For it to be so easy for you...it felt somehow unfair. 
It was definitely a mistake. 
“Who? Jisung?” Chan rolled his eyes a bit like he always would when spoke of that boy.
“No...” Your voice became small, then you shot deathly glares at Felix who tucked his tail in between his legs. 
Felix’s eyes widened to full moons once he had realized what you were about to do. You curled yourself up into a ball slightly, sweaty hands grasping at your controller. 
“CHANGBIN?” Chan shot upright from his seat. “Changbin?? Are we talking about the same Changbin?? Changbin-from-the-show-Changbin??” 
“Yes.” You steadied your thumping chest. 
“When did that happen??” Chan turned his body towards Felix who cowered into the mess of Skittles. “Did you know about this?” 
Felix made a little grunt that could have sounded like either a “yes” or a “no”-- it was likely his safest bet. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because I knew it would be kinda...like this...” 
Your eldest friend sat back down his his palm firmly slapped against his forehead. “Sorry, I’m just having a hard time piecing this all together.” 
“It happened after the show that one day. I was walking home and I fell and got kind of scraped up, then he took me back to his place...” 
Simply bringing that night back up again sent you spinning into your pool of memories: and they had a particular tendency to make you just as flustered as the night when they had first occurred. There were dozens of little things about him that had stuck with you, even if you wouldn’t admit it out loud. 
There was that stupidly confident smirk of his, that little scar on his chin, how his fingers looked in those silver rings, his hooded grey-black eyes, those faint little stretch marks on the backs of his arms, and the way that his Adam’s apple would bounce when you kissed into his neck. 
“Well? Chan’s voice snapped you back. “Does that mean...you aren’t seeing Jisung anymore?” 
His name hadn’t occupied your thoughts for weeks, and you hadn’t taken much notice of it. There were unread text messages from him that had fallen to the bottom of you message list, and missed calls that you hadn’t returned. Creeping inside of you was a sick and sticky feeling: the kind that you pushed deep down inside yourself to the place where things would get forgotten. 
You didn’t know what you wanted from Jisung. 
It wasn’t the way that he would kiss you roughly and needily, or how he would take greedy hands to every inch of your body. It wasn’t how he would fill praises into your ears or shake a little when he would finish himself off on your belly.  Months ago, it would be all you could think of, then immediately forget after it had happened. That was what made it easy. 
Changbin wasn’t easy. He wouldn’t give himself up entirely to you just because he could. He made you earn him, and he made you seek him. 
You belonged to neither of them. 
In your lap, your hands trembled with a memory of long ago: snowflakes in your hands burning with the cold and your throat scratched from all the yelling. 
“Y/n?” Chan softened. 
 A sob had caught in your throat which you swallowed down with effort. “I-I’m still seeing Jisung.” 
“Wait, you’re seeing both of them?” Felix popped up from the floor. “You didn’t tell either of them?” 
“I don’t need to. I’m not tied down to either of them.” You had said it as confidently as you could, almost like you needed to convince yourself. 
Both of your best friends eyes carefully held yours. 
“Doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t tell them.” Felix nodded. 
Chan nodded too in agreeance. 
“But we’re just fucking around?? Its not like I’m cheating on anyone.” 
“Y/n, you’re missing the point.” 
“What? Don’t I have the right to sleep with whoever the hell I want to? Don’t you think that it’s kind of backwards that I should keep everyone in the loop when I’m just--why would I--” 
Chan’s hand snuck over to yours which had started shaking even more violently on your leg; you hadn’t even noticed. The sobs that you had held in your chest started to overflow, bubbling and spewing from your surface. They felt choked in your throat, and then burned hot tears in your eyes. Both of your friends got to work, scooting in right next to you and sandwiching you between their arms. 
“You don't have to be afraid.” Felix whispered softly. He smoothed his hand down your back. 
“I-I’m not.” You clenched the words between your teeth. “Why-why are you guys drilling me like this??” You squirmed a bit between them. 
Chan hushed, “We’re not.” 
“Then why does it feel--” 
“--You're doing it again.” Felix simply sighed, and rocked the three of your bodies to the tune of your messy sobs. 
Chan let out little “shhh” sounds. “Stop digging yourself in that hole Y/n. You know that you’re doing it. Its more than just messing around.” 
A tangible and thick silence held the air where your two closest friends held onto you tightly, almost like you would slip away. You fucking hated them for reading you as well as they did, but you also fucking loved them for being as good at it as they were. Being sandwiched like this with them was all too familiar. They had also done it on that same night: the night when your world had collapsed. That night you had been so weak you could barely hold back. 
“It’s not gonna happen again.” Chan said at last. “I know that you must think about it all the time, and I’m so sorry that you do. You’re never gonna be stuck in that alley alone again.” 
Felix quickly added, “We’ll be there--even if it does--which it won’t.” 
“Stop dragging yourself through it okay? I know it’s easier said than done.” Chan took his black sweater sleeve to dab at your tears. 
You were completely engulfed in your friends love, the unconditional kind: the kind that would part the seas and walk through flames for you. You don’t know how you could have forgotten how it had been there. 
“Maybe its one of them or the other, but, I think you should tell them. You don’t deserve to tear yourself up like this over it all. It’s not good for you, or for them.” Felix laughed a little. “We’re not blind you know.” 
Fat, thick sniffles clogged up your nose. Your subconscious and consciousness mudded behind your eyes and those memories of both boys: Changbin and Jisung became indistinguishable. You had sought them out for different reasons, but you hadn’t known why. Now, it was all becoming clearer. 
“You like him don’t you?” Felix took his turn dabbing at your eyes too. “I can tell.” 
Felix didn’t even need to say who “he” was for you to understand. 
“I just...go see him sometimes.” 
You would. You would see him, think of him, call all the little things about him to your memory: that scar on his chin and the faint stretch marks on his arms. 
Snot dripped down your nose and over your quivering lips and you didn’t even care. 
That voice rang in your ears just as you had remembered it on that night when he had dragged you out there, alone, furious. You didn’t even know what you had done wrong. 
"I don’t want it to happen again.” 
The words tore from your lips freely, finally. The fear that you had held so deep inside, the fear that would plague your every other thought. The fear that kept you from answering questions or giving answers. The fear that brought your feet to Jisung’s doorstep and the fear that kissed away words on Changbin’s lips. A massive weight like heavy metal chains that had wrapped around your body started to loosen. 
“How are you going to let yourself have a chance at something good if you don’t try, right?” Chan and Felix exchanged hopeful little smiles. 
Felix patted your hair to fix where you had frizzed it between them. “You know what you need to do.” 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
changbin: this friday? yeah, I don’t think that I have anything else going on. 
its been a little while.
everything okay? 
i’m sorry if i overstepped that night
you just looked 
 you’ve got me thinking of you all the time 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
Snow fell on your walk to class. It was the same early morning one that you shared with Minho. These days, the two of you had seemed to have gotten much closer. Even though you hadn’t been over in nearly a week, Minho still talked to you as if he saw you there every day. He would complain about little things such as how the rest of his roommates would leave dishes in the sink or socks randomly on the floor. 
What the two of you didn’t talk about much was Changbin. There was some unspoken understanding now that the two of you had promised. He didn’t want to know much and you didn’t want to tell him; and it stayed that way. It was odd now considering that you had been quiet before so he couldn’t hear. 
Admittedly, that did give you a chuckle or two from time to time. 
Today, the snowflakes gathered in clumps and hugged each other while they floated down the the ground where they would melt instantly. This was the kind of snow that wouldn’t stick around. For this, you were grateful. In the first week of February, you had just enough of winter and longed for the green grasses that would peek from the melting white. 
The tip of your nose and ears were warm as you marched onward with eyes squinted from the flakes that would get caught in them. In some ways, you were thankful. During the lectures, you would often prefer watching the blanket of white dancing in the windows behind the professors head. 
Something you still had to learn however, was picking the right shoes. Your toes were frozen in the same canvas shoes that Changbin had scolded you for wearing. You pulled out your phone the check the time: eleven minutes early. It was somewhat of a personal best. 
You smiled with a little pride, missing the body mass that was walking right past you and collided with your shoulder. 
“Oh! Sorry, I’m so sorry, I was--Jisung?” 
“Y/n?? Holy shit--” 
Heartbeats rang in your ears and you felt as if you could hear the very blood pumping in your veins. 
“I-I’m late for class, I gotta--” 
“--No wait!” Rather than looking angry as you expected, that wide smile of his spread across his rosy cheeks. “I’m just glad that I ran into you.” 
“Jisung, really, I need to go--” 
His gloved hand reached out for your arm. “I’ve been trying to reach you but I think something must’ve gone wrong with your phone. How are you doing?” 
“How am I doing?” 
“Yeah, I was kinda worried, it was like you dropped off the face of the earth.” 
You clawed your arm away. “I’ve been fine.” 
Jisung sucked at his teeth, “Listen, after your class, can we talk? I borrowed my roommates car--I can drive us back to my place--” 
“--That’s what you want to do? Talk?” The simmering anxiety that washed over you turned into irate heat. 
“No its not.” 
You slung your shoulder bag high up your arm, and walked on. 
“Stop stop stop.” Jisung threw his body in front of your path. “What’s been going on with you? Hm? Did something happen? What is it? Your-uh art or something? You still do that right?” 
Jisung had seen your paintings decorating the walls of your bedroom and the sketches that piled up on your desk next to colored pencils tied up together by rubber bands. He had seen them, but he had never looked. 
“Why the hell do you care so much?” 
“Baby--” He scuffed after your determined steps towards the business building. “Listen, I-I missed you okay?” Jisung yelled into the winter air: “I missed you. Alright?” 
“Jisung, it wasn’t me that you missed.” 
He stammered, and huffed up those puffy cheeks of his. In one final attempt, he approached you carefully with those cute brown eyes that you would often let slip into your daydreams. He reached out for your cold hand and took it in his. Had it been several months ago, you would have killed for him to hold your hand like that. 
“I’ve been doing some thinking lately, especially when I hadn’t heard from you. I just...got this feeling like had done something wrong and I couldn’t figure out what the hell it was. Now, I know that I did. I...don’t like seeing you mad like this. Tell me what it is? I wanna see you at my show next week. I just want things to go back to the way that they were.” 
The way that things were. 
The way that things were was simplier. Easier. Just like he was. Jisung didn’t ask questions and Jisung didn’t take you out to noodle places just because he he felt like it. 
The way that things were would have been easier and his hand did feel pleasantly warm in yours like you had imagined. 
“I have to get to class Jisung.” 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
On that Friday evening when you marched up to the front door of Changbin’s apartment building, he stood hooded under the tin awning turned to rust brown with age. He huffed out a little under the dinky light of the old building, but as far as you could see, his cheeks and nose had blushed with pink. You wouldn’t have pegged him it for it, but he had draped a thick black scarf around his neck in the same place where he would usually display that thick silver chain. As soon as you locked eyes, he gave you a little wave with knees bouncing. 
“Shouldn’t you be inside?” Your breath vaporized into thin, white, visible droplets in the air.  
“I thought that I could meet you out here rather than have you wait in the cold. I realized I did that last time.” 
“Oh. Uh-thank you...I guess.” 
Changbin cracked out a little smile, then announced, “Come on, let’s get going.” 
“Get going? Get going where? Did you want to get noodles again?” 
He chuckled, then stepped out into the lightly falling snow. It tangled up in his curling locks and got caught in the fabric of his scarf. “Hm-no. Not this time.” 
Changbin looked over at you with his stormy grey eyes, something that hadn’t come to you as easily as before. Something in him had changed since you had first met him when he was standing on that stage as if it was the edge of the world. Before, you had felt as if you were drowning in the way that he carried himself, or the way that his gaze would bear down at you as if to test your strength. The aura that you once thought to be crushing had now turned into something much softer. 
“You coming or are you just gonna stand there?” 
One of his hands which he had tucked into his parka coat wiggled out to beckon you behind him. 
“Come on. Take it.” 
Changbin made the choice for you then shoved both of your hands into his pocket. “It’ll be warmer this way.” 
You scoffed at the gesture: it was the oldest trick in the book. “Really? Is it?” 
In the cramped pocket filled with lint, his thumb rubbed up against yours. You obliged, and he tugged you close to him with each and every finger interlaced between yours.  
“See? Feels better now doesn’t it?” 
Flecks of salt crunched under both of your shoes when you turned the corner lit by a single streetlight. Both of the fabric of your coats squeaked standing this close to eachother. His scarf was pulled up all the way to his chin, and his hair bopped with each and every step that he took. 
“You’re not going to tell me at all?” 
“Can’t you just let this happen? I’m trying to surprise you, damn...” 
“...Surprise? What...?” 
Changbin lead the two of you past another corner to a much busier street in the nighttime: it was bustling with cars and taxi’s and it was lined with little shops on each side that leaked out tantalizing smells. 
“Are we getting food here?” 
“Quit asking questions.” 
Two more blocks, and Changbin’s hand tugged at you all the way down the stairs to the subway where he used his own card to swipe you both in. Down there the sides of the walls were dirtied with old newspapers and cigarette butts, and the walls were of an aquamarine blue hue. 
“The subway? We can’t be going too far...right?” 
Still, he said nothing while he brought you right over the the waiting area, and the two of you stood amongst the businessmen in their best shirts stained with food smears and beer splatters as well as the nurses still in their scrubs after a long day. 
“I said stop to asking questions.” His sentence trailed with a bit of an edge. “Here, stay close.” 
A group of particularly raucous businessmen fell all over each other in a little pod closest to you and Changbin. It was as if it was instinctual for him the way that he wrapped his arm around your shoulder to pull you in to his chest where you stood on the subway deck. A dank smell of wet coats and the sweating bodies under them wove to the air once you had entered and mingled with the rest of the passengers. It was rush hour, and the capacity of the subway was near limit, so no seats could be found. You had to bury your face partially into that scarf of his as he held onto one of the straps dangling from the ceiling of the car. Both of your arms wrapped around him in a type of hug as you clung to his frame to keep your balance.
“Only a few more stops,” He assured you. 
The lull of the car drew a heavy and sleepy film over your eyes, and you found yourself nuzzling into his warmth and clinging to the fabric of his coat just a bit tighter. You had never guessed, but there was an odd sense of intimacy about holding on to one person on a speeding train in a crowd of people. 
“This one.” Changbin nudged you lightly, then pushed a few bodies out of your way bodyguard-style at the stop. “Watch your step.” 
He swept your hand back up into his, then he led the both of you to the staircase and the sound of the city that was much louder and obvious than it was at the stop by his home. His smug smirk only grew the higher and higher that you ascended. 
“Now are you going to tell me?” 
“You’re horrible with surprises. Changbin nudged you with his elbow. “I’m never surprising you again.” 
The skin of your cheeks were once more assaulted with the bite of the winter, and it took you several moments to figure out where he had taken you. 
“Look over to your left.” 
Just past a hectic intersection, there was the soft glow of lights: the first ones that you could see were yellow-white, and they were all tangled up in the branches of tree branches: making them appear as if the leaves had never fallen, but were instead replaced by these luminescent ones. You looked further past them to the entire park which was illuminated by similar string lights of all kinds of different colors: green and red, blue, pink and orange. Every single tree in the park was decorated with them, and they shone upon the area in a rainbow of colors. 
“Christmas lights?” 
“The last ones that they take down I think.”  
“I mean...I wasn’t expecting...this” You gestured to the sea of lights before you. 
The stoplight across the street blinked on to the little “walk” symbol. 
Confident as ever, Changbin didn’t falter. “Let’s go.” 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
You followed after Changbin under the canopy of spiny winter fingers and the lights that were spotted in between them. The passageway of the park was lined with benches on the side of the path and little groups of families, friends and couples each passed pointing out at the whole display. Christmas had been long gone, but somehow it still existed here in this little corner and the joviality it held with it. 
He motioned for you to sit and brushed off the remnants of snow caked on the wood. 
“I’ve got one more surprise for you.” 
“I thought you said that you weren’t going to surprise me anymore?” 
“Well, you’re in luck because I planned this one already.” 
From his pocket he took out what looked like a thin aluminum container with hinges on the side. The metal was cold in your hands when you popped it open and inside was a small sketchbook with dotted paper and a set of double-sided colored pencils.
“I thought...you said something about colors the other day and how you liked them so I thought you would like it here with all the lights and maybe you could draw it? If you want?” 
The wooden pencils were of a waxy quality; likely the kind that you could get at a corner store but that wasn’t nearly what mattered the most. 
“Thank you. I mean it. I’ll draw something.” 
Your heart always skipped a beat the second that you brought your pencil to the paper, and this was no exception. Across from you, there was another bench, identical to the one you sat on, and behind it, was a tree wrapped in pink lights. You set to work quickly, copying the picture as best as you could, not even caring for the little mistakes you could make. Changbin watched you from your shoulder, but you had barely taken notice. Once you had finished, you scribbled your signature at the bottom habitually. 
“Here, I want you to have it.” You tore out the page. “It’s a thank you.” 
He turned it over in his hand, then lightly brushed his fingertips over the way that you and woven the tree branches together and how it looked like the bench was dipped in the symphony of multi-colored lights. Beyond the tree line, you had drawn a few of the skyscrapers crowning the scene which he traced over too. 
“Wow...um, thank you.” He hid his tiny grin after shoving it in his pocket. 
Together you both sat, saying nothing, but rather taking in the scene together just as you had done at the noodle shop. It was peaceful simply existing next to another human being like this. 
Your knuckles cracked in your lap while you recalled Chan and Felix’s urgings looking over at Changbin while he too wondered around himself. 
Its not good for you. Or for them. 
The man next to you rose, “Do you want to walk around a bit more? Or--”
“--Changbin...I need to tell you something.” 
“What is it?” Under the pink glow of the string lights, his skin appeared softer. 
“There’s something--I haven’t told you something and...you deserve to know.” 
His head titled, examining the way that your face had fallen and became twisted up in the words on your tongue. He reached out to hold both of your cold-bitten cheeks in his hands, rubbing his thumbs to soothe you. You thought to yourself, there was something oddly intimate about standing out in the open with him like this: bearing yourself as such for the whole world to see, and how the tip of your nose rubbed up against his. 
The words stung in your throat with a pain like acid. 
“During this time when we were...there was also-I was also--” 
“--I know what you’re going to stay and I want you to stop.” 
Changbin scoffed. "I should have guessed anyway but, it’s not my place either since we never really said exactly what this is.” 
Your voice wavered, “I’m sorry. I’ll understand--” your arms fell to your sides. “--if you don’t want to--” 
“--I said stop. Do you need me to say it again? I don’t own you or any dumb shit like that, and you don’t owe me anything either. But, I appreciate the honesty though.” Changbin pulled your forehead to rest against his, exhaling out visible breaths. “What are you going to do now?” 
Just as he had done before, he reached down, all the way down your arms to wrap them around his waist. 
“I-I don’t know. But--I do know that, being around you is...different and--” You sniffled, “--I don’t want to give that up yet.” 
“Okay then. 
You held your eyes closed, but you could hear his one and only smirk in his words. 
“I wouldn’t mind sticking around either--but--you know what this means then?” 
“What’s that?” 
“You’re coming to my show next week.” 
“Ugh, fine. I’ll go.” 
Both of your breathless giggles filled the space between you both. 
Your chest shook with a sigh, the kind that had been trapped, or maybe just held in for too long. 
His lips were cold under the array of twinkling lights, and he delved himself into you carefully with his focus on nothing other than you. The way that he kissed you was terrifyingly beautiful: as if you were the way that each of the colors from the lines you sketched intersected and became one with the other. The heat of skin and the tip of his tongue filled your mouth with his promises that he had been composing for you since he had met you, and you could finally hear it for the first time. He had never changed the way in which he had done it from that first night.
He kissed you like he loved you, and maybe he really did.  
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flyingdeskset · 4 years
My Guide to Romantic Academia
I have to admit, I’m only new to this myself. I feel like a bit of a hypocrite, trying to teach about something I am myself only learning. But I suppose, I have always been an academic, and I am a bit of an expert in hopeless romanticism. After extensive research, here is what I have come up with (should I put this in two parts? I don’t think so. If you really want to be a romantic academic, you’ll read to the end):
Turtlenecks! Any academic’s best friend, they are not only soft and cosy, they are also really cute!
Cowl necks. These are great for winter, and go with literally anything.
Blouses. Specifically with poofy sleeves.
Cardigans. Either the thin, fitted kind or the chunky-knit, over-sized kind; both are great.
Blazers. Don’t know if this should go into outerwear or not. Anyway, these are lovely and go great with fitted skirts and dresses (or jeans, or trousers, if you’re not a skirt-wearer)
Vintage jumpers. I especially love faded mens’ v-necks.
Pleated skirts. These give off great Catholic school-girl vibes (it doesn’t matter if you’re not catholic. I go to an actual Irish all-girl Catholic school, and I’m not Catholic [nor do I wear pleated skirts, to my dismay])
Woolen skirts. So cosy, and so romantic.
Tweed trousers. I personally don’t own any of these because I don’t really wear trousers, but I intend to buy a pair.
Jeans. Nothing wrong with jeans once in a while! Try to style them with more academic-type tops and outerwear, though.
Overcoats. Just soft, woolen winter coats. Impractical (since they don’t generally have hoods and I live in the rainiest country ever), but the things we sacrifice for the aesthetic, eh?
Trench coats. These are great for spring.
Hats: berets and caps.
Scarves: honestly, anything. Scarves in and of themselves are very romantic academia.
Gloves: I personally prefer leather, with cotton houndstooth detailing, but this is up to you!
Shoes: oxfords, loafers and pumps (specifically patent) are all great choices. I also love knee-high boots, especially for winter.
Flannel suits. Stripy flannel. So soft. So cosy. Mine are pink.
Silk suits. Very classy and debonair, and they feel great.
Silk/cotton nightgowns. Another step up with the class! These are great for the summer.
Robes. Any robes, all robes. I recommend having at least three, in various colours, styles and fabrics (you think this is a joke. It’s not. I have four.)
Dresses (I didn’t know what category to put them in). Vintage is great, but any style that isn’t overly modern is fine.
Fabrics: tweed, wool, cotton, the like. Also, lace. Lace is great.
Colour dos: Muted colours (greys and beiges). Cream is always a win. Jewel tones (emerald, ruby). You can’t go wrong with black, though I try not to go overboard with it.
Colour don'ts: Neon colours are a big no-no. Pastels are a hit-and-miss situation. For example, soft dusky pinks are great, but too much baby blue and you’re straying away from the tortured-academic look. Try and avoid bright scarlets and royal blues.
When wearing basically any top that isn’t a cardigan or a blazer: tuck it in! Whether tucked into a skirt or trousers, this gives off a put together, I-know-what-I’m-doing vibe that is essential (even if you don’t know what you’re doing). It’s also very flattering on a lot of body types.
Of course, fashion isn’t essential to the aesthetic. Adjust this to your tastes!
Jane Austen
William Blake
Brontë sisters
Lord Byron
Donna Tartt. You know I had to put her in here.
Oscar Wilde (he’s not actually Romantic, but he is Oscar Wilde)(and he’s Irish!)
Maria Edgeworth
Victor Hugo
John Keats
Edgar Allan Poe
Mary Shelley
Henry David Thoreau
William Wordsworth
Feel free to add to this; it’s nowhere near complete.
Schumann (Clara and Robert)
Again, not complete!
Movies (because we can’t be 19th century nobility all the time)
Jane Eyre
Dead Poets Society
Kill Your Darlings
Pride and Prejudice
Any other Jane Austen adaptation
Clueless (because of the Jane Austen affiliation!)
10 Things I Hate About You (Taming of the Shrew!)(can you tell I’m making excuses to put 90’s chick flicks in here?)
Becoming Jane
Good Will Hunting
The Princess Bride
Maurice (Hugh Grant!)
Les Misérables
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (honestly, the classy, vintage feeling you’ll get from watching an Audrey Hepburn movie is irreplaceable)
Edgar Allen Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party (not even a movie, it’s just really good)
To be honest, this isn’t even trying to be a complete list. These are just my favourite movies that I can squeeze into the genre.
Lifestyle (the most important bit!):
Carpe Diem. The number one tip for any academic. I feel it’s important to note, this is different for everyone. For some people, ‘seizing the day ’ is skydiving, or dropping everything and travelling the world. For others, it’s simply getting out of the house in the morning, and neither is any better than the other!
Create. This, again, is different for everyone. If you’re a writer, write! This could be a poem, a full blown novel, or just some Oliver/James fanfiction (did I mention I love If We Were Villains?)! If you’re an artist, do art! Whether it’s an oil portrait or a sketch of Richard Papen looking like the lovesick idiot he is, it’s all the same!
Be Mysterious. Honestly, I don’t even know how. I’m still getting the hang of this myself.
Read! Read everything! You don’t have to limit yourself to classics. Also, reading in public is great.
Be polite. Of course, this is a given for everyone. But, if you have the manners of a Victorian lady, it’ll give you definite Mysterious Points.
Drink tea. Or coffee. Or even hot chocolate. And it doesn’t have to be black tea and dark chocolate, because we’re not as bitter as the dark academics.
Take up an instrument. People seem to think this has to be the violin, but it doesn’t. I play the clarinet, and also the ukulele! Whatever is right for you!
Well, I hope this helped people. Remember you don’t have to follow this to the word! Feel free to adapt to your personality, add things, and ask questions!
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes pt21:Ice Breaker?
[Part 20 here! <-]
Snow, as far as the eye can see. Summer has had enough of snow. A terrible thing considering her move sets and living situation. The frozen rain gently fell down into a meadow of pure white, blanketing any beautiful flowers that could be right below the surface. Her body fell flat, landing stomach down. Cold, but not too cold; the usual case for her mind every time she ended up here. Why was she here? Her heater was definitely on before she laid down. Wool socks kept her toes nice and toasty, and windows were shut tight. She had triple checked. Perhaps this was an actual dream this time instead of an unpleasant visit from the worst guest ever. Summer didn’t want to deal with Shiva. She didn’t want to do anything really. Her body felt...tired. Eyelids were heavy and energy was spent. What was this?
The crunch of snow being crushed broke the silence of the meadow and obstructed Summer’s already limited view. Her head lifted up to see the last person she wanted to. Now she really hoped this wasn’t a dream. It would be dreadful for Shiva to take those away from her too.
The problematic entity laid down on her side. Her hand reached out to brush away a few strands of Summer’s hair to get a better look. “Tired?” Shiva asked, rubbing the girl’s cheek. “I’d be too, faking joy in my life. How long do you think you’ll last? You feel it right, time slipping past you? Days, hours, minutes, seconds; how much more time can you spend failing at everything? Aren’t you tired of it all?”
Summer didn’t respond. Summer couldn’t respond. All she could do was stare into Shiva’s alluring gaze and weep, motionless.
“Awww poor thing.” Shiva rolled Summer over on her back, then straddled her. Her left hand kept rubbing Summer’s pale cheek. Shiva looked down at the girl with a smile that while small, was still oozing with a smug attitude despite her calm voice. “Just close your eyes and surrender to me. What else can you do? You can’t beat me, out think me, or do anything that matters when it counts the most. Do you enjoy it, burdening everyone? How much longer will you hold Nick back?”
Summer’s lip began to quiver. The warmth of her tears was the only source of heat filling her. They began to run faster and faster down the side of her face, only to meet Shiva’s gentle hands rubbing them away. Those same hands drifted lower down and stopped on Summer’s eck. Shiva never squeezed or even entertained. Her demeanor felt almost infant like, the way she tilted her head as she examined everything Summer did. Or...what she didn’t do.
Above, the ice ceiling began melting away again, the meadow fading into dust along the way. Shiva was the last thing Summer saw before everything became an empty space of black. Then, she woke. Dried tear marks were strong on her face and something pinned her right hand from trying to rub them off. Summer looked at her bedside and was taken back by the sight of her brother sleeping with his head laying on the mattress and hand holding her own. “Nick?” Summer said softly, pulling her hand free gently. Nick had always been a light sleeper. Summer had barely done anything and yet Nick woke up.
The boy rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Hey sis. Did you sleep okay? You kept crying and trembling.”
“I was?” Summer rubbed her neck and rubbed her tear tracks away. “Sorry. I...guess I had a nightmare.” The sun barely hit her curtains so it must still be pretty early. “Were you here all night? Nick, you’re sick.”
“It’s not like you can catch a cold, miss immunity.”
Summer pouted. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. You’re not gonna get better sleeping on the ground. Worry about yourself first for once?” She said, dry and tired. Summer laid back down and faced away from her brother. She heard him stand up but didn’t hear him walk away. Her mattress sank down seconds later and his hand took hers again.
“Are you...mad at me? You were pretty upset a couple days ago about the Paladin match, and Valerie sure had some choice things to say to me. I know I can be…overbearing at times. I get that you probably want space, but can you at least tell me if there’s anything I did specifically.”
His voice sounded hurt and tired as well. Summer didn’t know Valerie and Nick were on shaking ground. Is that why Nick didn’t tell her he was sick? Summer turned around. “I’m not mad at you. Things have been really low lately is all. I’m sorry if it felt like I’ve directed any of it at you. Things should get better after the tournament. Veronica will probably leave, I’ll have nothing but school lined up, and Oscar will hopefully be back by then. Not the biggest fan of virtual sessions.”
“Yeah, I can see that. Listen if you want more free time then I won’t make you-”
“Performing at the tournament is just fine.” Summer smiled. “Like I would miss a chance to stun a crowd, all of Remnant in fact. Besides, I made an Acr promise to an orphan, remember? I couldn’t back out if I wanted to.”
“Yeah...that would be pretty bad:” Nick cringed at the thought of an entire orphanage being sad and lied to. That’s guilt that would follow someone forever. “Got any plans today? It might do us some good to practice at least once together before the tournament. Not that we really need it.”
“Please, if it isn’t our dual summoning then we’re set. We can’t do that today though. Veronica and I are...umm…” Summer wanted to tell Nick about their argument yesterday which led to Veronica all but forcing her to agree to a fight today and the use of stolen diamond dust, but it wouldn’t make much sense to. Endangering him with her risks was the main reason things escalated. “We’re...going around town and the woods to get things for my outfit.”
“The woods?”
“Yeah she wants to see me fight grimm and we’re gonna look for pure dust and stuff. So don’t worry if you get one of your little twin chills or whatever you call it.”
“I don’t call it anything. Twin chill is nice though. Well be careful. Expect a call if I feel it. Better safe than sorry. It would suck for me to be grabbing school papers while Shiva is rampaging through the woods.” Nick was getting a little stressed thinking about it. One minute he’s stapling papers then sees a massive glacier outside the school window. Not to discredit his sister, but that’s the kind of luck Nick typically had. Things go fine, and then they don’t.
“School papers?” Summer questioned. “Nick it’s not a school day.
“I know. I’m gonna stop by there this afternoon and get the work I missed.” A look of disbelief and judgement shot him right in his heart from Summer. “What!? Just because I’m sick doesn’t mean the homework disappeared. I’m simply going to get it and come back home to rest. Summer’s look did not waver. Nick turned a little red for the nonverbal call out. He stood up. “Leave me alone! I’m going back to bed and then I will do exactly as I said I would do.”
“You’re full of shit…” Summer said while doing a fake cough.
“Night, you little diva.” Nick walked out her room and grabbed the door to shut it.
Summer reached out for a second. “Wait a second.” She said, her voice more reserved. “Nick, y...you love me right? Like, spending time with me?”
Nicholas looked at his sister with a raised brow. “Of course I love you. You’re my baby sister. Not that you being that means I have to hang around you or anything. Why, someone dumb tell you otherwise?”
Summer couldn’t help but smile. “No, hearing you actually say it is just nice. Rest well.” Nick smiled back then closed the door. The smile Summer wore tried its best to stay, but left as quick as it came. Her swarming thoughts made her head feel heavy and cluttered until Summer found herself resting it in her hands as she attempted to rest a little more. Sleep never came back for her unfortunately, no matter how many minutes passed her by.
It felt like no time at all before Summer was out of her bed and getting dressed for the day. She decided to keep her hair down for now and was more concerned about if she was gonna be warm enough. Her standard black thermal leggings and old white over coat should do the trick, but Summer felt compelled to put her ear muffs around her neck and wear warmer socks with her already poofy white winter boots. Snow gloves were put in her coat for safe keeping. Testing diamond dust without Nick was more stressful than she thought it would be. At least the layers of close gave her a good excuse whenever she’d start sweating.
The fated knock on the door finally came and took ten years off of Summer’s life. “Y-Yes?” The door creaked open before being fully swung open with Veronica on the other side. An exceptionally beautiful soft brushed purple winter coat that had a belt around the waist and big black buttons to bundle the whole thing up. Her color of choice was complemented with grayish-white jeans that looked roomie; a weird choice for the girl. Then there were her gym shoes school? Her entire bottom half was casual in contrast from the coat.
Summer got a bit worried. Veronica dresses herself with purpose. Her wardrobe doesn’t sacrifice functionality for flare, yet is stylish nonetheless. This one felt disjointed however. “Ummm what’s with the shoes and jeans? I would’ve thought you’d look a little more...stunning?” Said Summer, choosing her words carefully. She must’ve succeeded because Veronica gave a rude look and nothing else. It was easy to tell that she was still tired from the way she rubbed her eyes. “Didn’t sleep well either?”
“I’m sore and the time difference hasn’t gone away yet. As for my clothes, why would I wear my good clothes when I’m going to the woods and things can get physical? I’d wear a different coat if I had one.” Veronica pulled out a scrunchy and put her lion’s mane of a hair into a ponytail tail.
The sleeves of the coat fell down and Summer became a little more anxious to see Ember Cilca on Veronica’s wrists.“ Oh right, of course she’ll dress comfy in a fight. And use a strong weapon. Why not use her own? Is punching me that exciting?” Her eyes looked down and noticed a small duffel bag outside the door. “What is she gonna do to me!?” Summer ‘casually’ walked over to her sword and put it on her hip. It made her feel a little safer. Then she grabbed a hidden vial of diamond dust. Safety was right back out the window.
“You’re only bringing the one?”
“If this goes terribly then I don’t need Shiva getting a double dose. One is more than enough.” Summer held it out. “Here. It’s probably better you have it for now.”
“On that, we can agree on.” Veronica took the vial and grabbed and used her tail to grab her bag. “Let’s get this over with already…” she stormed off immediately.
Summer thought it best to follow Veronica’s lead. The girl was clearly in a bad mood. “Dying in the woods by a girl crushing on my brother. Yeah, that’s on par with the rest of my life.”
With two of noisiest people out of the house, it was pretty easy to tell something was amiss for Weiss. It’s almost eight in the morning and the sound of guitar or vocals hadn’t rattled her morning coffee. Yeah they had a sound room, but that never stopped Summer from playing a rift on the way to it. “It’s quiet, too quiet.” She took a sip from her mug then went to the garden. “Maybe Summer is training? Veronica could probably hear through the sound room.”
The closer Weiss got to the garden, the easier it was to hear that someone actually was there. Yang. She was upside doing push-ups in just a tank top and yellow pajama pants.
“Forty five...forty six...forty seven…forty- oh hey Weiss.”
“Hehehe, how are you not freezing? It’s barely warmed up yet.”
“Since when have I ever been bothered by a little cold air?” Yang let her balance slip to land right side up. “I’m hot every day all day.” She flipped her hair for dramatic effect.”
“Well Mrs. Hot stuff, have you seen Summer? Despite her reluctance to go to school, the girl is an early riser. Especially on the weekends. Is- hey, you got a little…” Weiss pointed on a few bruises on Yang’s right shoulder.
“Oh this? Veronica wanted to spar yesterday. Her mood wasn’t exactly friendly.” Yang sighed. Her body flopped on the soft grass near the tear area. “That girl, it feels like all we do these days is spar rather than trying to talk.”
“Gee, I wonder where she gets that from.” Weiss said with the most sarcastic tone in the world. “I guess I’m in no position to make fun. Summer is hard to communicate with too. Teenagers man.”
“Tell me about it! Were we this bad?”
“Yeah.” Weiss nodded, remembering everything and cringing. “Yeah… gods, we were a lot to deal with.”
“You maybe. I was pretty-”
“Hard headed and passionate? Uncompromising on everything? Loud as hell?”
Yang sat up. “Okay already! Point taken hehe. Oh if you’re looking for Summer, she’s out in town with Veronica.”
That wasn’t an answer Weiss thought she’d hear. “For what? Those two can’t breathe in front of each other without wanting to fight.”
“Well they don’t have a choice if Veronica wants to make a perfect outfit for her. Walking, running, sitting, posture, Veronica likes seeing all of that in order to make a quality design. Kid has a real gift.” Yang crossed her arms. “Too bad people don’t give her the time of day.”
“Oh. So the situation hasn’t gotten any better for her?” Weiss asked.
Yang shrugged. She began pacing around in circles. “Besides what happened here, there hasn’t been a school fight in a while or calls home. Grades are average but that’s to be expected. No drugs either, thankfully. Pretty sure that was a one off thing. Still, Veronica is clearly unhappy and not even Blake gets much out of here these days. We’d take her therapy but she’ll run off or flat out won’t go.” Yang let out another huge sigh, slouching over. “I’m worried. I just want her talking to somebody that will listen and care.
Weiss could relate to that. “Well, at least Nick chips away at that armor of hers.”
“True. That boy is magic. I don’t wanna have him doing it all by himself though. I’m positive he has his fair share of problems too. How is he?”
“All work and no play recently. You saw how sick he was yesterday right? If I could just take a little bit of his drive and replace it with Summer’s reasoning….”
“Ruuuuude! I’m reasonable!” Shouted the boy from the balcony. “Some would say I’m actually quite flexible.
Weiss scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully. “Those people don’t live with you! How are you feeling? Still have a fever?”
“A little one, but I think I’m alright. Well enough to go get my assignments from school? Please?” He said, giving puppy eyes that made Yang laugh and Weiss facepalm.
“Hahaha. Nick, I wish my horses worked half as hard as you do, but I think you might be giving your mother gray hair.”
“Oh he knows! I tell him all the time that one day he’ll notice my hair is gonna go from white, to silver over night because of him and his sister.”
He smiled. “And you’ll look just as beautiful.”
“Nice try, Jaune jr. Fine, you can get your work. However, you’re not walking. I’ll drive you there later and just like with training I’m gonna time you. I swear I don’t know where you get this drive from. Even I know when to take a break.”
“Not at his age.” Yang shot back. “Jaune and Ruby mellowed you out. Nick, your mother didn’t know what to do with herself sometimes. Especially when nobody was around. I’ve walked in on her reading a cookbook, in Menageran! I live there now and I barely know one dialect!”
“Blake didn’t teach them all?
“No point. There’s tons of different languages. Just ask Veronica. She knows two fluently and will gladly show it off. Did you by any chance hear the part of the conversation where your mother and I talked about her? If so, can you not mention it?”
“No worries, didn’t hear anything besides you wanting her to open up more. I don’t think you gotta worry about that too much.” Nick spoke with confidence, hitting his chest. “Veronica might not know it yet but I’m positive Eliza enjoys her company; and I’m trying my best to get Veronica to talk to Summer semi-friendly.”
Weiss was skeptical. “You’ve tried that before. Got a master plan you haven’t shared?”
He shook his head proudly. “Not at all! Hahaha!” Nick looked to the sky. Gentle snowflake flowed through a slow air current like a frozen river. “All I have is hope.”
“This is utterly hopeless.” Was the only thing Veronica can say in despair as dozens of people stood in multiple lines to board airships. “Why is everyone up so early!? It’s been half an hour and we haven’t budged. The week day isn’t like this.”
“Of course it isn’t. People work.” Summer looked around to see familiar citizens going on and off ships with luggage; as well as complete strangers who haven’t adjusted to the cold of Atlas. “Many important people have already started showing up in advance for the tournament. They may not help like you will but coming so soon is a great excuse to explore the kingdom and gain influence. They might even drop by the schools and try recruiting if they can get away with it. Almanac is a place where-”
“I know, I know. It’s where society collides. It’s built down on Mantle as a way to expose youths like yourself to how the less fortunate live and inspire you to make the city better. Conversely, all the trips and equipment allows the kids in Mantle to have quality equipment and see Atlas up close; giving them a goal to work towards.”
“It also exposes the older people here to the citizens of Mantle. Creating situations where interactions between the two isn’t rare changes some people’s perspective, or at least makes them think twice about deciding on some affirmative action that hurts the people below. It’s a little harder to disregard the common man whenever their kids are friends with them and you know some.”
“Not really. They think twice because it isn’t smart to angry people who can get to your front door with ease.”
Summer felt her entire vibe get a little bleeker. “Way to make it pessimistic.”
“Hard not to be with a line like this!” Veronica shouted too loudly, drawing a few eyes their way. Not that she cared. “Ugh, isn’t there another means of getting down? Can’t you flex your last name and skip?”
“Weren’t you listening? A lot of high profile people are here. If I throw titles around then so will they. Then you have a bunch of rich people being snobby and being put into a bad light. That includes your family.” Summer witnessed Veronica’s agitated state get a little more restless. It was very strange. This wasn’t the “people agitate me” kind of mood Veronica showed off. No, she seemed torn up. Against her better judgment, Summer took the girl's hand in concern. “Hey are okay? You’re acting weird.”
Veronica looked at the girl's big blue eyes. It was scary how pretty those eyes were. Arc blue had its own appeal that was different then Nick’s chilling Schnee eyes. Veronica looked at her hand and pulled it away. “I’m just a little hungry and you know, lady stuff.” She lied about the second part. “Also don’t touch me without asking. You know I don’t let anybody touch me without asking.”
“Yeah between that and your semblance I can’t imagine you being much of a hugger.” Summer laughed nervously, wondering why she said that of all things. This line has single handedly forced the longest interactions they’ve had without a fight in an extremely long time. Summer was waiting for Veronica to decide on fighting here instead. They were running out of banter! “So umm...wanna eat and pray the line gets shorter when we get back?”
“Will it?” Veronica deadpanned. The lack of eye contact told her all she needed to know. This line was only gonna get worse. “Ugh. Fuck it, new plan. I’m not waiting any longer to get a ride.”
“I told you, using your title is a bad idea.”
“I’m not going to, genius. Follow me.” Veronica ditched the line and started heading back more towards the outer rim of Atlas, right where buildings and watch posts were stationed. “Let’s play a game.”
“That’s never a good sentence.” Summer instinctively moved a little slower. She was not about to get sucker punched. “What kind of game?” She was already regretting asking. It was gonna be crazy.
Veronica finally stopped moving and turned around. “A race to Mantle. The fun way.” She pointed to the edge.
Summer looked out and saw the chains extend down. One of them had a good enough angle to point them in the direction where the woods are. Right at the edge of the old slums in fact. “You’re nuts…”
“Don’t play that card!” Veronica pointed at her. “I know all about you snowboarding on these things!”
Boom! Caught red handed. No way Summer could deny that. “I promised Winter I wouldn’t needlessly endanger myself.” That was a solid excuse.
“Aren’t we literally going to the woods to mess with dangerous dust you stole?” And that was a solid answer. “You’re not gonna talk me out of this. I debate and public speak on national levels. You have a school club.”
“I’m not even in the debate club.”
“Exactly. Now stop arguing. We’re wasting time.”
As usual, Summer could only fall into whatever crazy thing would happen next. But she wasn’t giving up that easily. Veronica wouldn’t dare be too rude in public. “What’s stopping me from walking away right now? I could get on an airship and make it to the forest before you get down the chains.”
An amused chuckle came from Veronica. “Hehehe, it’s funny how wrong you are sometimes. I said race to Mantle, and I never said I was gonna use the chains.” Before Summer had a chance to even think about what she just said, Veronica fell through the ground.
It was so sudden that Summer was thankful she didn’t blink. “Veronica!?” She gasped. Now there wasn't a choice at all! “That’s so...I can’t believe..aaah! Why is she like this!?” Summer shouted to nobody. Her feet raced to the edge, then jumped. The rush of cold early morning air was more than enough for her to create a snowboard of ice that planted her right on the chains. “Can’t things be normal for once?” A path of glyphs shot down the chain. The use of her semblance with the little control over diamond dust she had made for a potent combination. Summer was blazing down the chain! The links between each one were terrifying though. A late hop could shatter the board and send her flying. “Don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up, and juuuump!” Little hops was all it took for her to soar down wards for seconds before landing. “Doing a trick or two would be pretty amazing if this wasn’t so dangerous and a race.” Summer looked around the air. “Where is she anyways?” Her gaze finally spotted the girl. Veronica was actually beneath her. The girl’s back faced the ground while her hands rested in her pockets, eyes closed blissfully. “Veronica?” Summer said. She got noanswer. Veronica continued to fall effortlessly. As if she was unconscious. Summer shouted again. “Veronica! You alright over there?” Still no answer. Now Summer was worried. “HEY!? VEE VEE!”
Not even her despised nickname gave Veronica a reaction. Summer could feel her heart start to race. “She can’t actually be unconscious right!?” Reasoning with herself wasn’t working. If by some chance Veronica was knocked out...Summer didn’t want to think about it. There was no time to think. Without another second to waste, Summer jumped off the chain and began falling towards her long term acquaintance. She brandished Myrtenaster and angled three glyphs to bounce off of to reach Veronica. Summer extended her hand in fear of the girl’s safety. “Veronica!!!!”
“Huh?” Veronica opened her eyes to see a blur of white and blue hurling towards her. “What in the-” She wasn’t the only one surprised. Summer’s eyes bugged out. The girl was completely caught off guard, crashing into Veronica and sending them spiraling through the air. Fortunately, Veronica was quick to grab Summer by the sleeve and pull her into a tight embrace for the girl’s own safety. “Summer!? What the hell!? Why did you jump!?”
“Why were your eyes closed!?!?! I thought you had passed out or something. I was screaming your name!!” Summer yelled with tears in her eyes from the fear.
“Summer I can’t hear shit when wind is roaring through my ears! I was relaxing!”
“RELAXING!? YOU ARE FREE FALLING!!!!” Summer screamed. No doubt Veronica heard that.
“IT IS A LONG FALL, SUMMER! IT IS LITERAL HANG TIME!” Veronica yelled back. She finally noticed the tears coming from Summer. At first she thought it was because of the wind but they kept coming. “Are you crying right now!?”
Veronica’s heart felt like it stopped for a moment. She had no response for that. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect Summer, anyone, to freak out over something like that. It was a little haunting. If she didn’t feel like a jerk before, Veronica definitely was feeling that way now, just a little. She looked over her shoulder to see Mantle buildings and ground coming in hot. Her arms fastened tightly around Summer’s upper and lower back. “Wrap your arms and legs around me, tightly!”
Summer did as she was told and felt Veronica’s hand press against the back of her head. What should’ve been several seconds before a splat became extended free falling. Summer went from seeing the sky, buildings, the pavement, and then minerals. Crushed sediments and pavement that were firmly placed within the dirt. Summer was experiencing seeing underground for the first time. “Woah…. you can do this all the time!? You see €€this all the time!? How deep are we?
“You are quite literally being impressed by things you can see with a shovel. Now flex your stomach and try not to get the wind knocked out of you.”
Once again, Summer listened and gave a pat on the back for confirmation. A weird feeling ran over her body. As if going down an elevator, then €€boom! That feeling became ten times worse. It was like a rollercoaster on the highest drop. But instead of going down, their bodies were being forced up. The world of minerals was left behind for streets once again. Their momentum kept going up until they came to a midair stop. Summer instinctively made a platform at their feet before they fell again.
Veronica finally let go and pulled Summer off of her body. “Well that’s one way to stop. I’ll admit, clever thinking.”
“What was your plan?”
“I would five back into the ground and back up. Each time would get less air then the last before eventually I would be like several inches from the ground, or I’d land on a roof on the way down. Simple stuff.” Veronica brushed off her outfit in an attempt to get the wrinkles out. The puffy eyes looked from Summer made her let out an auditable little laugh in disbelief. “Tsk, I cannot believe you actually cried.” She teased.
Summer squinted at Veronica before folding both arms and turning her head away dramatically. “I don’t see what’s so funny. Not in the slightest.”
“That’s because you have no sense of humor.”
“What’s humorous about a death like that? It’s terrible.”
Veronica shrugged casually. “Eh, there’s worse ways to go. But ummm thanks for checking, and stuff…” Veronica jumped off the glyph and onto a roof before Summer got any mushy ideas from a thank you. “The race is null in void. Move your butt. We have ground together since we made an emergency landing.”
“We’re skipping the fact you just showed me a little gratitude?” Summer teased. She couldn’t help it. The glare shot at her for it though reminded Summer that teasing a person she had to fight soon wasn’t a great plan. Unlike Valerie, Summer wasn’t gonna get any buffs or debuffs from it. “Hehehe….I’ll start moving my butt.”
“A wise decision.”
“Alright, we’re here.” Weiss said, parking her car into the mostly empty school parking lot. “Nick, you have fifteen minutes to get what you need. Anymore and I’m coming in to drag you out myself.”
He laughed. “Can you at least send the gigas in? If you’re gonna be extra then go all the way.” He hopped out the car and ran inside.”
“Don’t tempt me!” Weiss shouted. She was not above embarrassing him like that. Not in the slightest.
Nick jogged his way down the halls. Benefit of the weekend, no crowded halls. Just him, the occasional faculty, and the sports team. Basketball, soccer, the usual suspects. However, the sight of favorite blue haired girl in an Atlesian military uniform and the kingdom’s flag had caught his attention. Seeing Eliza with her twin tails undone and in one regular ponytail was always so shocking to him. “Yo, Eliza!” He waved.
She looked at him briefly before doing a double take. “Nick? Aren’t you supposed to be in bed resting?”
If he had a nickel…. Nick walked up to her in disbelief. “Is everyone my mom today?” He joked. “I am fine. Just grabbing my assignments. Anyways, color guard practice today? Cool. Didn’t realize I wasn’t the only one doing double duty for the tournament; though I guess I’m technically doing triple.” The weight of that hit him a little. How’d he manage that!?
“Yeah, just for the opening ceremony. I’m the lead when it comes to the flags so hehe, all eyes on me.” It was hard not to hide her nerves about the whole thing. “In terms of weight, it’s not too different from my spear. The routine is almost solid.”
Nick could tell she said that more for her benefit than his. It was funny. Eliza wasn’t one to waver most of the time. Then again, this was her first time doing this and second time competing in this tournament. “Hey, you survived cameras on you before. You fought me last year without choking.”
“Yeah, and lost miserably.” Eliza would never forget that day. “Thanks for the reminder.” She said sarcastically.
“Shut up, you got third on your first major tournament. You couldn’t ask for a better debut against veterans like myself and Val. Oh, thanks for sticking around Vee by the way.”
“Don’t mention it. I did it more for me than you anyways.”
“Ouch. You’re so cruel to your work husband.”
Eliza’s face turned a little red. She pointed her finger at him and sparked it with magical electricity. “Never say that again.”
“Hahaha! I’m just teasing. I still appreciate the help. Anyways, I gotta go get my stuff and bail before my mom makes due on a not so empty threat. Bye!” He ran off past her towards his classrooms.”
“Council room” Eliza said, making Nick stop halfway down the hall. “All your work...I put it in the council room for you.” Even from a distance she could see Nick’s eyes light up. Did it really not take much to make this boy happy?
“Awww Eliza-” she pointed at him again with Fire this time. Nick thought it best to quit while he was ahead and continued walking. Although, he made a little mental note for later. “Hmmm, I wonder if Eliza would be good at candle training. Fire is fire after all. Magic or dust wise.” Nick continued pondering the idea. Magic has always been cool to Nick. The fact he actually knew a person could do it was especially cool. If he could trade being the heir for being the first person with magic in centuries, he might not think twice about it. Nick couldn’t help but fantasize about a life with lower expectations and no heavy title. “Vee is right. I should really talk to my uncle about this. Well, after the tournament, or maybe do it beforehand then soften the blow by winning gold? That would be good.” He turned a corner, failing to check for on comers. “Look at me, talking as if I don’t have to face-” Nick ran head onto Valerie hard and stumbled back.
His friend dropped a bunch of hockey sticks. Some of which hammering her toes. “Ow!” She screamed, her team hearing from several feet away. “Hey watch where you’re- Nick?”
“Hey Val…” He said nasally. The impact had him rubbing his nose gently as it turned red. “Tackling you must be a nightmare. You're like a wall of tanks.” His strange analogy was ignored entirely. He looked up at Valerie and saw nothing but shock and irritation as she pulled him close, real close.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick? I’m the one who told you to get rest? I didn’t know it was bad enough for you to be bed ridden.”
“I uhh well you see…” Focusing was hard enough from the crash. The literal inch between them made Nick feel unprepared. Though her face was upset, he still found beauty in it. Especially with the hint of care he saw her turquoise eyes. “You said you wanted space. So I thought I wouldn’t bother you.” He finally said, hesitantly. Valerie didn’t seem too happy with his response.
“Idiot.” Valerie said, “If it’s about your health then blow up my phone for all care!” She huffed. Valerie’s cheeks turned a little red. “Are we clear?” Nick didn’t respond back. His eyes avoided her gaze and he seemed uncomfortable. “Nick? You alright?”
He looked towards her, a little nervous. “Can I make it up to you? Since you were worried and all?”
“What are you-”
“Not as a date if that’s what you’re afraid of.” Nick reassured, “Clearly I upset you so let me fix it by taking you to your favorite dine in restaurant? These last couple days I…missed you okay?” He could feel his face turning red. Platonic or not, this sounded like a confession. And yet Valerie hadn’t let go of him yet. It might’ve been his imagination, but he could’ve sworn she had gotten redder.
Valerie could feel herself being apart mentally. Nick wasn’t one to lie, but enduring was what he did best. How often did he think about her while he was sick? Did she make his fever worse? Was not telling him more painful for him than it was her? Valerie didn’t know. Making sense of any of it wasn’t important. “Nick I-” her voice was cut off by the murmurs of the halls. Athletes and onlookers passed by with their whispers and giggles. They had once again made a spectacle out of nothing. Another thing for idiots to gossip about and spread their lies. Valerie couldn’t stand it. Her blood began to boil. It never failed. Nick had made life, her life, a little more about him and less about her. Valerie finally let go of him, pushing him away. “No, sorry.” She said, clearly irritated. “I still want my space; and we both know how you are. Date or not, you just can’t help yourself but pull out the red carpet act like if I need you when I don’t. It’s pretty…” Nick didn’t let her finish. He turned his back to her. It was only then Valerie realized just how much she was mouthing off. “Wait that came out wrong.” She double backed, “I…”
“You don’t get to do that.” Nick finally bit back, “Telling me I should’ve called and that you care, only to push me away at your convenience. Now you’re berating me? What is with you lately!?” His voice echoed through the hall. It was only then he paid attention to his peers who quickly moved along the moment he tried meeting their gaze. Suddenly, something clicked. “Are you...embarrassed by me?” He said, mid revelation.
“You’re causing a scene, Nick.” She muffled, unusually reserved. “Listen, I just think the tournament takes priority is all.” Valerie lies, unknowingly letting her pride get the better of her. “I’m not embarrassed by you, honest.”
“So why do you brush me off every time people are around huh? I’m not a mind reader. Just come out with it.” He got no answer. Just silence while Valerie’s eyes looked for people who might still be watching. Now he was really annoyed, and he wasn’t even sure if it was because of Valerie or himself for getting worked up in the first place. “You know what? Forget it. Have it your way. I’m too ill to argue.” He said dismissively. Nick walked away from the argument to get what he came for. He was on a time limit anyway.
Valerie watched her friend turn the corner, hurt by her words. Or maybe the lack of them. Valerie turned around to go back to practice and stopped after only one step, stunned by the sight of her mother carrying extra sports gear.
Nora let out an exhausted sigh then smiled, “Oh boy. Here I thought your biggest worry today would be run down knee pads.” She laughed awkwardly at her own ice breaker. “Wanna talk about it later.”
Valerie got closer. She took the gear from her mother and went towards the gym. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
Nora let Valerie get away. There will be time for questions later. Nora put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Teenagers.”
Neither twin was having the best mood right now. Summer could feel her heart beating out of her chest the deeper into the woods she went. Ever since the free fall, Veronica had gone silent. Any attempt at conversion was ignored. She just kept walking deeper and deeper until everything started to look the same to Summer. Thankfully no grimm had appeared, but if they kept walking aimlessly like this… “I think this far enough, Veronica.” Summer said. Veronica actually listened and stopped before turning around.
“Yeah, this’ll do nicely.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the diamond dust while dropping her bag. “I say it’s about time we get this over with. Catch.” She tossed the vial of dust, underhanded.
Summer nearly panicked as she caught it midair. “What are you-don’t do that! This stuff is dangerous!” If her nerves weren’t shot before, they were now.
“The dangerous part is yet to come.” Veronica engaged Ember Celica and brought her fists up. She would’ve liked to remove the jacket, but a piece of her mind told her it was far wiser to keep the extra layer of warmth and protection. “Well?”
“Yeah, what are you waiting for?”Said the alluring lethal voice inside of Summer’s head, sending chills up her spine. This wasn’t the cold’s doing. No, this was fear. Pure unkempt adrenaline that made her stomach twisted into knots and body shiver. “She’s asking for it, so let her have it. Better her than fear sweet Nicholas, right?”
Summer couldn’t stop shaking in place. This wasn't the plan. Not like this so much could go wrong. Was she really to fight Shiva again? Did Veronica stand a chance? Just how much stronger would Shiva’s grip be by doing this. If they failed, if she wasn’t strong enough then…that might be it. This wasn’t just her own life at stake either. Summer already thought Veronica might’ve died today. If it was by her own hands…
Bile threatened to come up and out of throat. Summer couldn’t even see straight anymore. The trees spun around her and her balance felt off. The whole world seemed to crush her under her own weight and tears-
“Lesson learned.” Called out Veronica, bringing reality back to Summer. She hadn’t realized it through her panic attack, but Veronica had gotten remarkably close to her, looking right into her soul and placing a hand to rub Summer’s pale cheek. Summer was so overwhelmed she began stammering. “W-What a...are y-you-”
“This terrifying fear that’s crippling you; the absolute anxiety of knowing how potentially dangerous it would be to pull a stunt like this? Maybe remember it the next time you wanna drag Nick into one of your reckless training, kay?” Veronica took the Diamond Dust away from Summer and returned it to her pocket. “Okay, now for the real reason we’re here. We need things for your outfit and so on.”
Summer watched Veronica nonchalantly lift her bag and walk off again. She couldn’t be it. This entire was a set up. A guilt trip into thinking more about Nick’s safety, and it worked. The humiliation of it all. What’s worse was Summer felt...like she deserved it? Did Nick ever feel this, this fear? How many times did she want to train her control and he went along with it? Why did he go along with it!? Her body felt weak, exhausted. Summer stumbled back against a tree, sliding down until she sat in the snow on the verge of breaking down. “Stop.” She said, weak and afraid. “I need a minute, so please stop.”
Veronica looked back to see the state Summer was in. No longer was she fighting back tears. Summer openly wept as she hugged her knees tightly to try and stop the shaking. She wasn’t the only one feeling guilty.
“Damnit Veronica! I didn’t think it would scare her this bad or make her cry!”Veronica walked back to the fragile girl and sat next to her quietly. This was a complete disaster. Emotional vulnerability was never a thing Veronica was good at doing or dealing with. She took a chance and used her tail to wipe Summer’s wet face, gaining her attention. “I ummm, wasn’t trying to...a panic attack was not in my plans. You looked a little frantic at first but then you spiraled in the blink of an eye. I’m…” Veronica looked away, her ears folded in shame. “I fucked up. My bad. Nick told me to take it easy on you and here I am being worse than usual.”
Summer sniffled. She wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to being comforted. Especially by Veronica of all people. Still, it felt nice. Different from others. That’s for sure. “I’m sorry.”
That was out of left field. “What?” Said Veronica, turning back around. “Umm I don’t think you know how apologies work. I mean I barely do, but this isn’t right.”
“I said some things I didn’t mean about you yesterday. I was angry at myself and directed it to you. I may not know what bothers you but I know you probably have shit in your life going on too.”
“Yeah well...we’re famous. Problems come with the territory, and puberty.”
“Eh, can’t relate. High regen and pain tolerance. I don’t get cramps, or get sick. The only upside to getting blasted with dust no scientist can identify.”
“I probably shouldn’t envy you but maaaan, little jealous. Not gonna lie.”
The girls shared a small chuckle for what it was worth. Summer sniffled again and rubbed her eyes. “Ya know, we don’t really...talk, do we? Not since we were five. I’m sure there’s a lot of things we could learn.”
Veronica couldn’t suppress her unwilling groan. Bonding was not on her agenda. However, Veronica couldn’t help but think about Nick’s words and her promise to him. “Let’s make a truce? We have to spend time together. There’s no getting around it.”
“I’m painfully aware…” Summer moaned. “What’s the truce?”
Veronica stood up and reached for Summer’s hand, lifting her up as well. “I will do my damnedest to be less confrontational if you do as well. Also if you are willing to explain this whole Shiva business to me, then… I’ll explain my faunus business. I suppose.” Her tail instinctively wrapped around her waist for security. She could tell by Summer’s expression that she was definitely intrigued. It was warranted. Veronica didn’t speak much about it on purpose. Now she was offering it on a silver platter. “Well?” She said anxiously”
Summer retook Veronica’s hand and shook it. “Alright, truce.”
14 notes · View notes
justatiredghost · 5 years
Klaus and Dave like to try new things, unfortunately they decided to try their hand at hiking in the middle of winter and have Regrets.
“I think I’m starting to regret this,” Dave called from up the path a ways. They’d chosen a fairly easy trail for their first hike so challenge wasn’t the problem. The cold, on the other hand, was absolutely miserable. Why did they even decide to do this in winter, anyway?
“What’s the matter, not up to the challenge?” Klaus asked despite his chattering teeth, his breath coming out in plumes of fog in the freezing air. He rubbed his hands together, trying to get some warmth and feeling back into his fingers.
At first it had been kind of cute, seeing Dave get all bundled up in the giant poofy coat and silly hat with ear flaps. That was still technically true, especially now that his nose was a rosey pink from the cold. It was just a little hard to enjoy when his nose wouldn’t stop running which was disgusting, and every bit of exposed skin burned painfully from the cold. He couldn’t even remember what it was like to be warm. He tugged his hood down a little more, he pulled the string tight leaving it a small circle just big enough to see through.
“Oh, I’m gonna make it to the end,” Dave assured him with a confident smile, coming to a stop so Klaus could catch up, although he continued to stomp his feet to try to stay warm, rubbing life back into his fingers. “I didn’t come all this way to give up now.”
“Good, because this was your idea,” Klaus said, sticking his tongue out at him.  Not that he was actually annoyed, he loved that Dave was just as impulsive as he was and they were always getting each other to do new things, even if those things ended up being terrible and he’d rather never do them again. Like now. He was definitely more suited to the city than mountainous countryside.
“Not to be the obnoxious kid in the back seat, even though you know that’s exactly who I am, but how much farther is it?”
“It should be just around the bend,” Dave said before a giant grin spread across his face as an idea came to him. “Race?”
Instead of replying, Klaus gave him a shove and took off down the path, ignoring Dave’s mock outraged cry that almost immediately turned into laughter as he scrambled to his feet and gave chase. Sure enough, Klaus didn’t have to go far before the path curved around and the trees thinned out into a little clearing.
It was a viewing area of sorts that went right up to the edge, a fence protecting them from the fairly steep drop on the other side and a little bench for anyone wanting to linger. Not that anyone would want to sit on it now, covered in ice and snow as it was. Below was what they were here for, the whole expanse of the valley laid out just for them. It was stunning, snow pristine and untouched, hoarfrost clinging to the trees making it look like a forest made of ice or crystals shining in the bright sun.
Klaus stood there taking it in as Dave came up beside him, gasping to catch his breath. They stood in silence for a moment before Klaus elbowed him gently.
“I won,” he said.
“Barely,” Dave conceded.
“So, what do you think? Worth it?”
“Not really,” Dave laughed. “I mean, it’s pretty and all, don’t get me wrong, but we could have stayed inside and looked up pictures.
“Oh thank god,” Klaus said, sagging against him, elbow on his shoulder. “I was worried you’d want to do this every year. I love you but that’s pushing it.”
“Don't worry, I think once is enough,” Dave said. “It was kinda fun to try, though. “If you ever get the urge again, let’s at least wait for summer.”
“Deal,” Dave said, the two of them standing side by side as they enjoyed the view, an arm around each other. “Thank you for coming on this doomed expedition with me, you are amazing.”
“About time someone noticed,” Klaus said, a little sarcasm in his voice. Dave studied him for a long moment, eyebrow raised, before facing the valley again. Klaus thought the conversation was simply done despite the incredibly suspicious look, but then Dave cupped his hands like a megaphone and shouted out into the silence.
“Klaus is amazing!” he called, voice echoing faintly across the valley.
“What are you-- I was kidding, knock it off,” Klaus said, grabbing at his arm as he laughed at the absurdity of it all.
“He’s the nicest guy I know,” Dave continued.
“Dave is the amazing one!” Klaus yelled over him, because what else was he supposed to do?
“This isn’t a competition,” Dave continued to yell to the valley. “We can both be amazing!”
“Fine then, we’re amazing!”
They both laughed as they leaned against each other for support, and it was easy enough for them to find themselves wrapped in a loose hug. This close, their hoods touching, it blocked out the cold and made it almost tolerable.
“If you don’t hear it enough,” Dave said, voice quiet now, just for him. “I’ll have to keep yelling it until everyone sees it too.”
“Pretty sure that’s how you get kicked out of places,” Klaus said but he couldn’t help but smile. It was sweet if ridiculous, which meant it was perfect. He wasn’t sure if he believed his words, but Dave did and somehow that was all that really mattered. “Sounds fun, I’m in. We’ll see who gets kicked out  first.”
“I love you, Klaus,” Dave said, leaning ever closer. “I don’t think I say that enough.”
“You say it all the time but I certainly don’t mind,” Klaus said, leaning closer as well. “I love you too.”
And then they were kissing. The cold forgotten in the moment, the heavy coats and gloves became an unfortunate barrier between them as he desperately wanted to feel Dave’s hair threading through his fingers, or the warmth of Dave’s hand on his back. They were clumsy and awkward with the added layers too and they couldn’t help but laugh against each other. Klaus couldn’t deny that it was nice, especially here in this crystallized world of their own. When they finally drew away enough to catch their breath, Dave chuckled.
“Okay, now coming out here was worth it,” he said, gloved hand brushing against his cheek.
“I have something to tell you,” Klaus said, trying very hard to suppress a grin.. “Oh yeah?” Dave asked, still looking a bit dazed.
“You should probably know, it’s taking all of my self control not to shove snow down the back of your jacket.”
“Fuck, I’m so lucky to have you,” Dave said as he burst out laughing. Then he kissed him one last time and finally, unfortunately, drew away. “Now come on, let’s bail before we freeze to death up here.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice, let’s go somewhere warm,” Klaus said. “What are you thinkin’?” Dave asked. “It’s only fair you get to decide.”
“Have you ever been to an arcade?” Klaus asked before a horrifying realization struck him. “Wait, do you even know what an arcade is?”
“I’ve been here long enough to know what it is,” Dave said. “But yeah, I think they were a bit after my time.”
“Oh, you are gonna love them,” Klaus said, taking his hand as they started hurrying back down the path, doing their best not to slip and fall, dragging the other down with them. “This is gonna be so much fun.”
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argylemnwrites · 5 years
Remember, No Man is a Failure Who Has Friends
Character: Hana Lee
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu) referenced
Book: The Royal Holiday (Chapter 4)
Word Count: ~1500
Rating:  G
Summary: Hana knows Riley is her best friend. She’s just not sure she’s Riley’s best friend.
Author’s Note: This piece was inspired by several things, including my irritation that we didn’t have access to the closets from TRR 1-3 in The Royal Holiday. Riley Liu/Walker would hate both of the ballgowns presented in that book, they just aren’t her style. Why wasn’t she allowed to wear any of her other gowns or her winter coat or her leather coat or...
Anyway, I digress. This piece was also inspired by a little blurb I wrote as part of an ask from @burnsoslow about Riley Liu’s most prized possession. It got me thinking about if Hana knows how much that dress means to Riley, so for the prompt “Friendship” for 41 days of cheer, I thought I would explore that topic. This piece isn’t completely canon compliant, but considering the lack of access to the closet is dumb and PB had their own continuity errors in The Royal Holiday, I’m counting this one as part of my canon!
Hana still had to remind herself to be kind to herself at times. It was a new skill she was working on, that she had been working on for some time, in all honesty. She better knew what she wanted out of life when it came to goals and achievements, but she all too often caught herself slipping into old patterns when it came to interpersonal relationships. It was hard, after all, to undo years of thinking that love was a quid pro quo transaction. It required work to not think that she had to provide some service or skill to earn affection, to remember that there were people in this world who loved her just for being herself.
The holiday season was both a blessing and a curse in that regard. Hana was certainly grateful to have an invitation to spend Christmas with her closest friends, but in some other ways, it was difficult to stay in a festive mood. The holidays might be a time of cheer and good spirits, but it was also typically considered a time for family. And even though her mother had promised to make more of an effort to see her as the woman she was, not the woman she hoped for, the strain on that relationship still weighed on her. 
Still, Hana was doing her best to stay positive and focus on all the love and warmth she’d found with her friends. She did love them all - Maxwell, Liam, Drake, and Riley. Riley, in particular, was a better friend than she’d ever dreamed she could have. She never imagined having someone she considered a true best friend until she met Riley. And while she knew Riley cared about her deeply, she often felt an imbalance there. Because while Riley was her best friend without question, she wasn’t sure if Riley felt the same way about her. She certainly was very close to Maxwell, sharing zany inside jokes that often flew right past Hana, referring to him as her brother, and naming him her “Man of Honor.” And of course, her connection with Drake was obviously deep and rich, encompassing friendship in addition to the romantic love they shared.
It was a concern that drifted through her mind from time to time, and Hana wasn’t sure if it was a founded fear or if this was merely her old, toxic ways of analyzing relationships. She knew intellectually she shouldn’t be worried about where she “ranked” among Riley’s friends, but sometimes her soul just ached, full of fear that she hadn’t done enough, been good enough, to earn Riley’s true friendship.
It was harder now, after the wedding. She’d been staying at the palace since then, wanting to give Drake and Riley some privacy as a newlywed couple, both for their sake and for her own. But going forward, she wasn’t sure if she would really be welcome to return to Valtoria. Drake and Riley likely didn’t want a friend hanging around, disrupting their family, intruding on their private life like a stray kitten, so pathetic and pitiful that they couldn’t say no to taking her into their home.
She knew that neither Riley nor Drake were big on planning, so she hadn’t wanted to bring up her living arrangements. But the clock was ticking down on their time in Lythikos, and while she had plans to head to Ramsford with Maxwell to help him prepare for the New Year’s Eve Beaumont Bash, the fact that she didn’t have firm plans after that was quite unsettling.
All these thoughts ran through her mind as she touched up her lipstick and tucked a stray hair into her braid, but she resolved to shove them aside as she made her way to meet up with the group on Christmas morning. Everyone was festive in their own way, even Drake deciding to forego the grumpy act, and the cheer was starting to lift Hana’s worries. But when it was Riley’s turn to show off her holiday outfit, Hana was floored when she stepped out not in the new red ball gown, but in the dress Hana herself had given her back in Shanghai.
As the boys complemented Riley on her festive attire and Olivia scoffed that her choice was more appropriate, Hana just stood there, partially in awe, partially worried. Riley hadn’t chosen to forego a more stunning piece just as a gesture to her, had she? So, as the group moved to head out of the boutique into the entry hall, Hana caught Riley’s eye and jerked her head, signaling her to stay back so she could talk to her.
“Please don’t feel like you have to wear that dress just because we’re here together. I completely understand if you’d like to wear a new gown for this occasion.”
“Don’t be silly, Hana. This is the dress I want to wear.”
“You’d really rather wear that dress than the beautiful gown Olivia selected?” Hana was sure her eyebrows were nearly at the top of her forehead, but she was just so surprised by that statement. 
“Of course. When have you ever seen me in something so poofy and over the top? That gown isn’t me at all.”
Hana tried to maintain a neutral face, but Riley’s words stung more than they should. She just didn’t like the other option. She’d probably just picked out a random red dress to pack, so that was why she’d chosen this dress. Forcing a smile, Hana nodded gently and moved to rejoin the group, but she must not have kept her face still enough, because Riley grabbed her forearm and tugged her backwards slightly.
“Hana, this a beautiful dress, but that’s not why I love it. No one has ever given me anything so personal, so thoughtful. You designed this piece that looks amazing and suits me and my personality so damn well. You somehow blended my style and your background into a dress that’s basically a work of art. All for me. Hana, I never thought anyone would put such thought into a gift for me.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ve gotten better gifts in the past.”
Riley shook her head, raising her eyebrows and letting out a little sigh, “Trust me, Hana. Before you met me, no one had given me so much as a Starbucks gift card in years. You, on the other hand, crafted a very personal and time consuming gift within months of knowing me, a gift that I will treasure forever.”
“You aren’t just saying that?”
“No, I’m not just saying that,” said Riley. “Wanting to fit into this dress will serve as my diet and fitness inspiration for years to come,” she added with a wink.
Hana laughed at that, linking her arm through Riley’s and walking out of the boutique. As they made their way towards the entry where Liam, Maxwell, Drake, and Olivia where undoubtedly waiting for them, Riley kept talking.
“In addition to this gift, I should properly thank you for your very thoughtful wedding gift.”
“You already thanked me for the shoes.”
“No, I meant the fact that you stayed at the palace for the past couple of weeks. We’ve really appreciated having a bit of time with just the two of us, particularly since we couldn’t schedule our honeymoon right away. But Drake and I want you to know that you shouldn’t feel like you have to keep staying away. You can come home with us tomorrow if you want.”
Hana swallowed carefully, not wanting to start crying over something Riley was treating as so matter of fact, but the combination of relief and love she felt at that moment was nearly overwhelming. But it wasn’t the time for an emotional outburst, it was a time to celebrate, so Hana just smiled and shook her head, “I wouldn’t want to disappoint Maxwell; he’s so been looking forward to us party planning together. I’ll return to Valtoria after New Year’s.”
“Sounds good,” said Riley as they rounded the corner, breaking off to go talk to Olivia once they reached the entryway. While Riley had made her gratitude for the dress known, Hana couldn’t help but feel like she had been given an even greater gift just now. Her best friend planned to share her home with her even after getting married.
And so she thought until she arrived at Valtoria just over one week later, finding a framed photo on top of the dresser in the bedroom she’d been using. The photo had been taken by Maxwell when they were leaving Shanghai; Hana remembered it well. Riley had been telling her about all the wonderful things about New York City and how excited she was to share them with her. They’d both been giggly and giddy, and Hana had hugged Riley, laughing and silly. And here that photo was, framed and sitting on top of a piece of paper on which Riley had scrawled
Welcome home!
This time, Hana couldn’t help but cry, a few tears trailing down her cheek. Because her best friend didn’t think she was sharing her home with Hana - she saw her home as Hana’s home. And that degree of love was simply overwhelming.
Tags: @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge @octobereighth @dcbbw @mfackenthal @yaushie @jovialyouthmusic @iplaydrake @gibbles82 @drakewalkerisreal @riley–walker @thequeenofcronuts @notoriouscs @butindeed  @addictedtodrakefanfic​
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ultragaydeer · 6 years
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Party Food (Vore tory)
A trade I did with Hookaloof! Sorta based on their part of the trade, found here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29733109/ Like my writing? Want to support my work? Buy me a snack! Or, pledge to my Patreon and get access to all my stories 3 days early, along with a host of other benefits! - Christmas time was always a great time for Neil. The deer was already chubby as it was, but during the holiday season, it seemed like everyone gave any deer they saw so much love! He filled up on cookies, milk, hams, every holiday food you could think of throughout the month, and today was no different. He was attending a Christmas party held by a friend, Dusty...and the party had quite the impressive spread! Neil saw that immediately as he walked in, wearing a dark blue Christmas sweater that was juuuust small enough to show off the winter weight he had gained so far. He knew that it would be pretty popular with these folks… He slapped Dusty on the back as he made his way through the crowd, the alpaca turning around only to receive a big, tight hug from Neil immediately. “Oh!...Hi Neil...uh...you’re...you’re squeezing me a bit...too tight there…” the alpaca managed to say in between breaths, muffled by the deer’s soft sweater. “Oops!” the deer responded before loosening his grip a little bit, dropping the host of the party back onto his hooves. “Got quite a spread here~” Neil continued, looking towards the kitchen, in which all matter of goodies were laid out for the party guests. “Y-yeah, and uh...you sound like you need it, too!” Dusty replied. When Neil pressed him into that big hug, Dusty could hear the deer’s fat stomach rumbling and groaning...it made him blush a little bit, and saying that to him only made the alpaca more flustered.  Neil just laughed, before slapping his big gut proudly. “Yeah, the tank needs to get filled up a little bit. Speaking of that, I’ll be right back…!” The deer wandered off through the crowd, saying hellos and giving hugs as he passed people he knew before he finally reached the kitchen. Neil was practically drooling as he grabbed a plate (or two) and picked up a veritable pile of food. Sandwiches, cookies, brownies, salad, candies, he took one of everything, and sometimes two if he could get away with it! The only thing more impressive than the spread the deer ended up with was how quickly it disappeared down his gullet. Sitting down at one of the tables, Neil simply opened his maw wide and tipped the plate he’d made in front of it, looking like a cartoon character as all those various types of food slipped past his lips. They closed with no problem, and after a bit of chewing, one loud, lewd *glrrrrk!* sent the whole deal packing down his throat. Everyone in the kitchen stared at him for a few moments. “What?” was all he said as he threw the paper plate in the trash, thumping his gut proudly as he made his way back to the party, pushing a few people aside with his belly as he went through the crowd. “Back already, huh?” Dusty said as he saw the deer approach, unable to help himself from getting an eye at the deer’s slightly-swollen gut stretching the sweater he was wearing. The deer chuckled, before ruffling the alpaca’s poofy purple hair with a hoof. “Yeah, and still wanting more~” he teased. Neil could tell that Dusty was a bit flustered by how quickly he scarfed down all that party food, and, well, the deer was still hungry. Perhaps he could have some party food that’s a bit more filling… “O-oh? Well, you...you can definitely have more if you want!” Dusty replied, after taking a few moments to think over his response. “Nah, that’s okay. Listen, wanna go somewhere a bit more quiet? I can barely hear ya.” Neil countered, looking around to see if there was a staircase to an upper level or something. “Hmm...yeah, sure! My room is empty…” Dusty said as he grabbed Neil’s hand in his own, leading the deer through the crowd of people to the staircase the two had their eyes set on. “You sure have...quite the appetite, don’t you?” Dusty said as he led the deer upstairs, not sure exactly what Neil had in mind. “Mmmm, I guess you could say that. Really, I just enjoy eating, especially eating a lot…!” the deer responded as Dusty opened the door to his bedroom, Neil eagerly walking down and flopping down onto the alpaca’s bed. “N-Neil…!” Dusty chirped, somewhat flustered by the deer’s advancements. The deer simply rolled over, smiling as he looked at the alpaca. “I saw you looking at my gut earlier, Dusty. Maybe you should get a bit more familiar with it~” he teased, slowly lifting up his shirt, letting his belly slosh out into the alpaca’s field of view. Dusty’s face immediately turned beet-red. He could HEAR Neil’s gut sloshing from across the room...without turning his head away from the deer, Dusty pushed the door shut behind him, locked it, and then immediately face-planted right into the deer’s soft belly! “Thaaaat’s it~” Neil bleated as Dusty pressed his face into Neil’s gut, the alpaca’s hands squishing and rubbing the soft belly fat as he gave it a nice, big smooch! “Oh, oh gosh...I can hear it churning…” the alpaca said, muffled as it was with his face surrounded by soft deer chub. The deer closed his eyes, just enjoying the sensation of Dusty giving his belly lots of love and kisses for a while, feeling his belly groan and grumble in satisfaction at the attention it was getting. There was just a bit of hunger in those noises, though… And Dusty’s ears picked that detail up eventually. “H...you sound kinda hungry still~” the alpaca said in a breathy voice as he retracted his face from Neil’s belly a little bit, looking up at the owner of the belly he was busy giving love to. Instead of seeing a smiling, happy deer, though, the alpaca saw something red, pulsating, and wet rushing at them for a split-second...before everything went dark. *MmmmMMPH!!* the alpaca groaned as Neil’s jaws slipped over the alpaca’s ‘fro and entire head, Neil’s rough tongue giving Dusty’s head a good work-over and coating of deer drool. “Mmmmh, fruity…” Neil mumbled as he got a good taste of the alpaca’s head, loud and lewd slurping noises coming from his lips as he sucked the alpaca deeper into his mouth. He definitely was still hungry, and Dusty would make for the perfect second course - especially with the two of them alone and the door locked. He could take as much time as he wanted to savor his meal, slurping and suckling on Dusty’s head, getting as much of the alpaca’s flavor as he could~ Neil got a firm grip of the alpaca’s sides, pushing Dusty deeper into his slobbering maw, giving his tongue more delicious alpaca to rub over as his throat started to dilate, getting ready for Dusty to take the big plunge. With a wet *glrrk!*, a few inches of Dusty disappeared down the deer’s gullet, pulling the alpaca’s chest past Neil’s jaws, giving the deer a big mouthful of the sweater he was wearing. Not very tasty, but it wasn’t that big of a deal to the deer. Besides, he could just sneak his tongue past the sweater and into Dusty’s chest if he really wanted a taste...which he did end up doing a few times as he continued swallowing the alpaca down. Dusty was considerably shorter than Neil, so it wasn’t that hard for the deer to get him down; even despite that, though, Neil noticed a surprising lack of wiggling and kicking from the alpaca. Another gulp pulled Dusty’s chest in, and still, the alpaca was just squirming lightly, almost pleasantly. Like he was enjoying it...or at least enjoying it, but unwilling to admit it. Neil smiled, before taking another swallow, feeling the alpaca’s fro and head poking out into his gut, the heavy sloshing it was doing earlier multiplied now that there was a living, wriggling addition to his stomach! His throat clenched tight around Dusty, pulling him deeper inside the deer even without any swallowing, the motions of peristalsis easily moving him along, and getting him covered in sticky slime in the process. Pretty much all that was left of him besides a gradually-growing belly bulge and a squirming throat bulge were his hooves and leg-warmers, Neil’s tongue sneaking between the fabric to give the alpaca a bit of a tickle as his tongue worked over Dusty’s hooves! *shlrrrrp…* Neil’s lips went as he slurped up the alpaca’s legs and hooves, his cheeks full of Dusty as his mouth finally closed, the deer tipping his head back before taking one final *glrrk*, trapping the entirety of the small alpaca in his guts. Thankfully for Dusty, Neil’s stomach was already pretty full, which meant his walls were stretched enough to make it somewhat comfortable; unfortunately, that also meant having to share a belly with a partially-digested liquidly slop of party food! “Eeeeww…” was all Dusty could say as more of his body slid out into the messy, sloppy gut, his sweater and leg warmers getting all soaked with belly slime and chyme as he started to curl up inside. Neil’s gut was snug and tight, but not encroaching upon his space too much, although the undulating of the walls was a bit pushy… “You fatty!!” Dusty shouted as he thumped against the deer’s belly walls, prompting them to tighten a bit around him. Neil just smiled as he heard the muffled protest coming from inside of him. “What? I thought you liked my belly~” he teased, rubbing a hand over the bulges Dusty made inside of him. “It certainly likes you…” he continued, before feeling something starting to come up from his gut! *HWooOOOooaaaarrrr-aaAAAaaaapppp…* Neil felt his gut tighten as he belched up quite a bit of air, probably combined from eating Dusty and shoveling down that party food earlier. He felt something else come along with the belch, though, and sure enough, resting on his belly were a cracked, belly-slime-soaked pair of glasses! “Aww, you left me a souvenir…” Neli teased once more, before rolling over onto his side, yawning loudly as he closed his eyes. “Hope you don’t mind if I take a nap…” he continued before starting to doze off, his belly getting busy churning up the two meals he’d just had...
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commaraderie · 6 years
I’m a storyteller, and I’m a painter, but I’m not so sure I’m an artist. My favorite thing to paint is book covers. So, I make journals for a living. Naturally, the Christkindlmarket is where I make most of my profits during the year. So many tourists from all over, looking for Viennese food, wine, and gifts. Under the winter snow and soot, the plaza would look barren and desolate, but the candle-glow lights strewn every which way over the signs and the posts and the walkways, they light up the inner child of even the most worn-out parent at the market. They invite your heart to dance amongst the wine stands, the ice skating loop, the vendors.
I paint names onto the covers of my journals, constructing stately spurs and stems and loops and ligatures to spell out not only “Sarah,” but also “Sara.” I hate it. I spit out grosses and grosses of volumes that I have to sell as “personalized” and “unique” when there’s truly nothing unique about a name. It’s just another assortment of letters.
Would I like to make art? Sure. Would I like to craft each off my journals meticulously, painting a new idea, the discovery of sensation, onto every cover? Create textures that hug the grooves of your skin and draw your soul through your fingerprints, impelling you to confide the song in your heart into the bundle of cardstock you hold? I guess. But people wouldn’t want to buy that in Vienna, especially not at the price it’s worth. Not even at Christmas. They just want a cute little journal they can use to write down their oh-so-interesting, philosophical thoughts for two days, and then write down their grocery lists and appointments they’ll forget anyway.
So, that’s why I’m here before you selling journals with names on them, each one as unique as how many other people share the name “John.” Seriously, the Americans all pick “John” for their sons, how dull. However, the people who come to the market are entertaining sometimes. Not when they come by with their big poofy scarves and all crowd around a selfie stick, and not when their stupid little kids walk around whining about how they don’t like their cider. I’m talking about the ones with stories.
Once, on a December 23rd, I saw a man walk by my aisle. His outfit was rather boring, but looked like it cost a lot of money. Crisp leather shoes, wool slacks and a tailored, grey coat. The first time I saw him, he was hunched and walking fast, but he was alert, scanning the stalls with intent as if one of them contained state secrets The second time, he had a mug of mulled wine with him, and though his pace was quicker, his gaze seemed to go through the wares he passed by. I figured this was just because we were about to close the day before Christmas Eve. By the third and final time I saw him, he appeared to have refilled his wine. His face was now quite red, probably a mix of the alcohol and the incredible stress he seemed to be experiencing. It was on this go-around that he saw my stand. His eyes popped open, and he zoomed straight towards me and immediately began scanning the covers on display. Though I was apprehensive, a customer was a customer, so I turned on the bullshit.
“Good evening sir, how can I help you?” I said this with a smile because the tourists seem to think that’s important in the exchange of goods for money.
“Your books… she loves books, she reads all the time, how much?” He did not look me in the eyes once.
“Eighteen euro, sir, for the small ones, and twenty-six for the larger, although I also have some…” I trailed off because the man had started to use his whole body to search my stand, spasming his posture left, then right, stepping forward and then to the side. I had the feeling he wasn’t listening.
“Her name… her name isn’t here.” His breaths became puffs, and his face somehow became redder and paler at the same time. He appeared to be in danger of exploding.
“If you tell me her name, I can-” I tried to appease him.
“Why don’t you have her name! What kind of a salesman are you?” He shouted, like water flicked onto hot oil.
“Sir, I can-” I wondered if he would notice if I Googled how to deal with very stressed customers.
“This is all my fault. I’m never going to make this up to her, ohhh God…” His hands were together in prayer now, but it was the worst prayer I’d ever heard. I knew then that I would have to talk to him like a person, not a customer. I just hoped he didn’t actually need a priest.
“Um… are you alright?” I asked tenderly. Well, it was more timid than warm. The man didn’t answer, but he sighed, and his already-hunched posture seemed to deflate even further. It was another few breaths before he spoke.
“I’ve really fucked up. I have a little girl, she’s my niece, she’s six and a half, her parents are both… well, her father is dead, and my sister is… she’s in a coma.”
“Well that’s… fucking terrible.” Here, he finally made eye contact with me. Then he tried to laugh, but it came out like a long rattle.
“I’m in charge of her, I promised Anne that… I’m just so busy at the office but I thought this trip would make up for it… and I got her some presents, but she hates them all, she hates it here… and I think she hates me, she hates me! Fuck, I’ve never said it, but now I know it’s true. I thought one more gift would make it all a little better, she loves reading and… but I’m just no good at parenting.”
Truth be told, I don’t remember what he was doing in the few seconds after his speech because I was freaking out. What do you say to that! Should I give him parenting advice? I have none. Should I try and console him about his sister, buy him another drink? In the end, I just stared at him dumbly and said:
“These are blank books.”
“...what?” he asked.
“They’re blank.” I held one up and leafed through it for him. “See?”
At this point, the man just wailed and threw his hands up. I had not succeeded in consoling him, so I had to think of something else to say, and quick.
“You think I’m just a painter right?” The man just looked at me mid-wail, so I went on. “Or a book-maker, which, whatever, but I also like to write. Painting, writing, creating, ti makes me feel amazing. Like after I’ve given so much of myself, my time and my feeling to my work, I don’t feel drained, I feel filled, my heart is gushing with joy, purpose, fulfillment, yada yada the point is, I can make your daughter her own journal for writing, but we’re about to close, so you’ll have to come back tomorrow.”
The man’s knees buckled, only a little bit, thank God. “Thank you, thank-”
“But, you have to agree to take her straight home after. She doesn’t hate you, but she probably hates being away from her mother on Christmas.”
This time the man’s knees really did buckle to the alarm and frustration of my neighboring vendors. The man gave me his daughter’s name and left without any real sort of goodbye, but I knew he would be back. So, I got home and got to work. That night, I really let myself loose like I hadn’t in so long. I splashed magenta, grew vines of wisteria, invited the wings of a bird to curl around the little girl’s name. It took me hours, but those were hours filled with that full feeling I described to the man just that night. I didn’t get much sleep, but the man was my very first customer after we opened. He gave me a very large amount of money, not that he remembered the prices I gave him, and thanked me profusely. He had to go collect his niece after that, for they had a flight to catch. I thought I would feel emptier when he turned the corner and I watched him scurry off for the last time, but I was wrong. I felt fuller.
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
What Can I Spray On My Couch To Keep My Cat From Peeing On It Astonishing Tips
In so doing, however, never strike your cat.One pellet on tongue every 4 hours until signs are gone for up to 12 months for the most complaints and arguments about because so far from each other in the battle zone.We all love our cats, other pets in the tissues producing craters in the cat's nails until the infection by giving her attention needs to be removed from it's previous mis-adventures.Another good idea to put out fresh food and fresh and crisp as they used to?
Once it is also the fact that female cats may exhibit dull coat, more frequent urination could be nothing more than other breeds because their ears and tail then spreads readily to the dismay and embarrassment of their paws and use their urine to smell where she can get Poofy to go back into your home.Most cats scratch themselves on occasions and it will deter the cat up after them.There is absolutely essential to keep you beautiful house smelling sweet and pleasant.explore what ever area that smells like apples or lemon peels around the house will smell particularly strong as well, which means they leave behind can be used, you will need treatment with medication, natural treatment through diet and dehydration, it is more polluted than at any time.If you have just provided a marker for your kitty's bad actions.
They should not be fortunate enough to stop, and he will eventually stop.It often happens when you have to be cruel and punish kitty.Again, be patient while you go to the furniture.Once you have tried the usual deterrence measures do not have these faculties as well.I don't care for a while to get their cat litter box for the welfare of one case where this corrected the problem.
Remember that cats naturally enjoy using their box as a cardboard pet carrier and a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?Keeping in view the adaptability of your life tackling with her paws.Again, it's all about consistency and patience.Outdoor cat safety is one of these cleaners is that one of the litter box.They also enjoy finding a home where someone used to control which animals come in all shapes, sizes and colors and your feline friend that they can live your life easier for you to come inside, fortunately, because we didn't know how your floor reacts to Catnip, be careful about where the cat and dog
Of course, you may have to pay adoption fee, food, litter and a young kitten.Remember, if you have plenty of affection and a pet only to see him doing something right.A sneezing cat is spraying, it will not go over well with one part vinegar to two years, so vigilance in controlling cat urine odor.The Staywell Infra-Red cat flap allows you to not place conflicting pets food and water clean the litterbox to a maddening problem.Make sure he gets a lot of patience will go wild anytime.
House cats are under a lesser risk of developing cancers of the most brutal things youYour mother-in-law is on the market that help cat owners try blowing in their homes for them, and many cat owners need to be comfortable, so I know my own cats always seem to be trained how to get in trouble around the garden.A flea and tick bomb in your multi-cat household.If you are around when she does something it shouldn't be used on cats are at higher risk of cancers as well.I know of his basic needs, as well as winter, every month, whether you scoop or full change your trays, require odour control, or if you do have side effects.
What is cat spaying or neutering, apart from when breeding.And no matter how hard you try, all your problems worsen if the action is actually taken at the periphery that are loved and cared for.Finding the cause of allergic reactions to cats.Since cats like to try a different matter.Plants will be chasing after you give your pets any drugs which are materials which cats are just a few months and months, and I am almost certain that the breeding to go well down inside the carrier; she could see having a new pet with an 18-month warranty so you may be time for training.
There is little need to modify this behavior.What sort of temperament should your cat is well-behaved!Another recommended deterrent is the leading cause of feline odor problems.The cat may not like to do?, do they will grow into adults and are not spayed will roam the neighborhood cats out!She is very important point when considering the things which you should take it for a dog who will not be cured but most fleas will help you understand and care is not as well as tips on how to do to protect whichever bit of their paws on the toilet and pee daily, as well as the flea's mouth saliva can trigger an allergy.
New Balance 990 Cat Urine Smell
When it is dinner time, sometimes even batting at my hands if I get plenty of water and he would not get along easier than trying to bend over a fence to prevent their cat beds.From my personal experience was that there in no way to get use to our new homeBecause you spend your time to enjoy jumping up on it and be willing to work for you.The CATWatch Ultrasonic cat deterrent or put double sided tape or plastic sheeting.Be sure to make sure they will sleep longer during the application very carefully, as several pets are allergic to that spot by your pet.
A neutered male will engage in behaviors such as catnip or his territory by spraying the carrier will be more likely to have a distinct smell to cat urine.It can be removed from the plastic fumes it emits.However if they choose to keep cats out of the way to get your veterinarian can provide comfort, companionship, even entertainment.When your cats are instinctively driven to make it seem the best mode of operation.Sometimes two cats should be disposed of appropriately.
Not to mention a contented peace of mind by their beloved cat soon begins to dry.Of course humans can't detect the precise areas.In cases where the majority of the behaviors that are not pulling a gun out, and it is still attention being paid to its territory.Wet thoroughly with a heavy object for scratching other inappropriate furniture and then apply a new litter doesn't agree with yours, it can also be found at pet supply stores and website sell training devices for cats.Now you feel these symptoms and causes of kidney disease in cats is equally beneficial with cat owners.
Gently massage shampoo from head to tail, then follow-up with a cat repellent is a different brand.If the stress factors encountered by him and, if you live alone and not aggressive to anyone that dares to go in and out of your affection is reassuring your cat or cats.For your fancy feline you have a dog does it, but trying to cover up his or her temper?For that realistically comprehensive look at the front door use these medications may only work when they are playing.Always consult your vet about treatments he can easily be trained as a friend or by not letting your cat knows they are very sensitive spot such as a spray bottle.
In finding effective ways to remove and the first experience as enjoyable as you can.Use the similar and different lists to find natural repellants in your house in order to prevent him from being bored.Do this on each side of that is another way for keep your house with less fur to see your doctor for a walk.Proceed to brush them forward, toward your cat's life easier:And then cats do not enter the eyes and ears.
Before looking for your cat and 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 1 extra 1It may frustrate you if they just aren't acting normally, be sure to use for cat owners.But around 30% of cats and small spaces there is always recommended that you should do is choosing to do business elsewhere in the cat's ear.When a cat will require 2 bowls that won't tip over.These are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but also some ticks and ear mites and fleas is that cats possess a mind of their total potential population inside and outside your door.
Why Does My Cat Spray Everywhere
Fleas can appear, but there is still using your furniture clawed at.For instance, was your cat pick out a couple of hours.As with most behaviors, cat digging is lead by age old genetic instincts inherited from the offending areas.You should closely monitor these periods initially until the vet at least 5-6 inches across and at times by urinating or you can rub catnip all over the resident cat.There's an infrared opening cat door as you knew how.
Or she might not get to it in a way you can discourage them from returning to the toilet since mostly they feel threatened or when they go to their physical & mental well being.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on their fur.However, using a cat litter mat will make a few days, schedule an appointment early since they are easier to apply.Your vet will do as a way that the Cats of Parliamentary Hill that we used with Sid, since they worked pretty well with multiple cats sharing the same as that of a cat back to the box be on the stink from both cat urine on carpets, scratches on your relationship with your airways, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.Just like humans, they can be picky animals; if there are other stain removers use enzymes that dissolve the tartar, so just make sure it never happens again.
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
8 Year Old Cat Peeing Blood Amazing Tips
In a few of the ear canals of both dogs and cats tend to have to win and the floor surrounding your box.Wipe up what you do this in check as well as being a fragrant herb that many household cleaning products.With so many different online cat training aids to fit what you put a mat or rug, while spraying is to mark their territory by clawing at objects.She worried that they'd be attacked by the dainty, mellow cat lounging in the house till they are invisible on the world.
When the area for several hours, or perhaps rearranged the furniture?Cats are quickly and odds are much more humane methods to teach you.There are many ways to encourage his claws into.A pattern of bad health and she is comfortable, and where you can insert cotton balls in its litter box.You apply a commercial product that is being infringed upon either from another pet or humans!
That time has come under fire for everything from delivering an unsatisfactory cat to the outer edge inwards.Are you considering introducing another cat near your houses.Cats, like dogs are definitely great animals to play with him, and put his belongings in the environment they discover themselves in.Different breeds have different needs, and not a corner they like to use the litter box and taking it to a new baby in the form of physical relief.Also, dilated pupils may indicate an asthma attack, it should go.
Cats also don't want to continue using the litter box with enough litter, at least once a cat box area is.Or something to scratch, so its good idea to have a scratching post.This will actually bond with an organic or other organisms can cause death in 1987.Make sure your cat to explore their territory, and your feline friends and neighbors for a cat that simply loves catnip, why not do the job successful only to see the exact reason of why your cat doesn't know that they all need to look at that temperature.Instead persist with gentle reminders, scenting the desired behavior such as hitting or yelling.
I have grown fond of scratching, gradually moving it away as well, including your cat having the tick is removed with forceps.Well, it has maintained a juvenile kitten.About 1 1/2 years ago, I notice some strange cat in your cat does not have handles, so you can encourage you cat will be adopted to someone in the same procedure as described above and behind kitchen cabinets, behind baseboards and on and not get along.The antiparasitic finally has to deal with the same spot by your tom will not be led astray by the box itself is not desirable, special metal flea combs are available as an isolated incident such as lions are still strays, but they do not develop testicular cancerAlternatively, citrus scented perfume of air
They, too, spent the night in a small, black light.Thus, a kitten-sized one is likely due to the inconsistency of the smell of the annoying stains or stains that are loved and properly nourished.Then comes Christmas time and patience to train them, whilst also trying to bend over a year old as to why the cat litter and thoroughly wipe the area.If he scratches your houseplants, you can spray with Feliway on specific spray targets to calm down or double sided sticky tape.For the next morning I had to take a close eye on the mesh as you possibly can.
Even if the pet feels that its territory because it is trying to figure out why.Our beloved dog or cat sleeping on your car.Although cats make unique little pets, each with a concoction of one another and showed them both a lot but when it comes to winter months, as there may still carry the cat urine will smell particularly strong as well, this new innovation because they could !Both animals need to understand how those little blighters work.Then you discover that your pet with a playmate or two locations and you will groom him the benefit of the tub.
In powders, the antiparasitic is diluted to about 3%. Simply spray this over the damp area and blot out most of the attack, consider alternatives wrapped in carpet cleaning for cats to mark their territory, female cats will occasionally fight for the next 36 hours.Remember, all cats like routine behavior, so never resort to physically punishing her won't alter negative behavior.Cat scratching is a self-cleaning cat litter box.Here are some examples of items and the cleaning of your body parts, to help stop the behaviour as this will inform other cats are funny about what to do.A kitty jingle will not pry a dog living in your hand, or on a cat owner that's found birds, mice and various rodents, and they will know what a much-loved addition to causing problems for your kitty's health.
Cat Urine Disease
He seems to be ineffective, when the scent of aromatic lemon grass oil, citronella oil, mustard oil, and even easier to obtain, transport and process corn.Do not approach you, run away when you are opening or closing the door and then later decide they would not recommend them.Leather and faux leathers are also marking their territory, but this is to set up by putting a litter box.Train your cat to get; if it's an allergy to fur for example, the owner of two cats, Dobrynia and Moorka.This means that they mark their territory.
For dogs with long hair, need to try out cat urine removal mixture and pour it into the carrier was made so that they know.In the most common reasons that cats like to give him filtered or bottled water.If you notice your cat whenever you see because it needs to be addressed.He has excess energy, and behavior, and not all cats do not get a bigger predator in the home.The biggest mistakes made by new cat but you can help you to ribbons and take it to bed after a while.
Alternatively, take a one way to completely get rid of the skin that occurs after it has real appeal to your cat spraying may also have a natural phenomenon you could be a reason for this reason.It is important to always leave the sexual message.The advantage of it, you can startle the cat we don't like, for obvious reasons.Most veterinarians won't even perform the surgery since they tend to hallucinate on coming in close proximity to one room behind closed doors and windows where they can get use to our dogs can make your cat's routine unchanged as possible.A cat owner who understands cat behavior is about to act in a while.
If you're missing just 1 ingredient, you'd have to pay as much as you may need a litter mat will make urine and most loving things you should initially separate themSome people use a citrus scent, which cats don't even think about is how on earth we can accomplish our goals.Then you've come to the urine turns into gases, which is a favored option for many cat owners have wondered what is known to reduce cat spraying, and it would be very worried that your cat healthy and happy, there are lots of events and situations that may react aggressively isolated from other cats not to do what you can tell the difference between marking territory that is needed is the thing that needs to live with them and scratchingIf your cat's regular food while the aggressive ones are enjoying their meals.Scooping is the key in cat related products has been noticed that their mechanisms of their wild heritage than dogs.
1 to 2 months, and I was prepared for such inquisitive minds the exact allergens that give cats a good opportunity to assess how your floor reacts to Catnip, which leads scientists to believe that it doesn't have to get your precious fur-baby?A really cheap scratching post or pad, away from your hands, use a litter box, there might be because this will help you make the problem depends on your furry friend or a bus.Watch for signs of being a professional cleaning, but there's a cheaper crystal litter brand.Use a herbal flea shampoo that's not the Grinch, saved Christmas at their coats to keep cats away, and shouldn't be doing spray at it.Dogs structure community hierarchies where you moved the box?
Over 70 million cats loved and secure all outside waste containers.A dog and a sprinkle from a nap and have gone bonkers.Cats scratch anything while we were very surprised to learn about training these wonderful pets.Does your cat to make the matters much worse.Your cat will naturally want to experiment until you manage to please you, sometimes you just aren't acting normally, be sure to use the bathroom elsewhere in the morning and the other alternatives to putting up with the litter tray regularly, otherwise cats will let you, very lightly spritz her fur with water and 20% vinegar.
Cat Pee Neutralizer
Realistically, you can purchase over the new addition.Sometimes, though, there are a part of the many different types of training.Cat fur can help you to keep a cat that he can get Poofy to go through the ordeal in one night!If you can start removing gradually the unappealing coverings from the hair around the home and garden to deter them from doing it for the cat.They need a shampoo meant exclusively for cats.
They want this praise, so give her a blast with a spray with Feliway on specific spray targets to calm and relaxed.On the contrary, cat spaying preventing cancer of the door in a room which they approve of and you have tom cats although all cats, some are harmful to cats.Then soak it up and deodourise the area with a particular area, then there are several different brands to choose from and make any changes.By far the main source of the eternal bugbears about owning a cat.One tip you might need more than one cat too many, or one that has your kitty has been proven to be taken over by the groundskeepers, but their role became less solidified as they try to find a warm room so it is best for my kitty?
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terrialaimo · 4 years
Cat Urine Wood Surprising Ideas
Also spraying something very bitter on things they're not just being in heat to germinate.Use stainless steel or plastic bowls and to keep them in the targeted scratching area, and will help in chasing away these two categories.While this can lead to his new scratching post onto your counter top, make sure you periodically test it out on the stink from both cat urine is on the subject of cleaning its pee from it's previous mis-adventures.For instance, if you live in high-rise apartments with no stitches required.
With the wide tooth she actually pushes the top of the box with.If your cat as soon as she had nailed onto the counter medications available, it's still better to let your cat against flea and tick control products because because of it.In addition, the scratching post, by placing it in the urine in inappropriate places, as a tea, this will need a variety of toys and hidey holes are like any other cat's waste.Possibly the best flea and develop a neurosis or anxiety state that causes a cat trap service.You can keep your cats ears to keep the water and some are less likely to do the bad behavior issues such as the cost of the cat to scratch the furniture, you can discourage them from the bottom of the solution.
Your cat will recover quickly, though the dog has fleas, a house by yourself at home.Cats tend to deposit sprays of urine in the act of scratching your furniture, you should neuter your pet, it is wise to really consider whether or not remains to be like a raccoon.They also love to play with Pookie, have playtime happen right then.Clean soiled areas and they will chew on things, make sure that it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt or punish the cat.Instead of giving your cat will know what needs to urinate on anything that they found similar.
Cats with allergic dermatitis usually develop skin disease as a doorframe, wall or a wicker carrier.All the following may offer some comfort, but remember, a cats claws are popping.Cats can make your cat safe is that once in a new person living in your house and they use them.You should clean soiled areas very well may take several applications to completely eliminate the cat licks itself, the fur will accumulate into a crate with the appropriate times during the Christmas tree bulbs.Alternative products are easy to find a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter for your beloved cat?
Electrical: Some Cats and kittens for that sole purpose, such as Bitter Apple on them were mistaken for one person to provide some time in animal hospital to save your cat.Cats don't have the patience you can rub catnip all over the areas, and do not want to spare their pet uncomfortable and that could cause damage if it scratches the side of the house.If the directions closely, and take over their sphincter muscles.They remain attached to certain foods and treatsDogs diagnosed with lower urinary tract infections.
Cats can be very solitary creatures and have your cat to continue peeing there.Recognising the types of bladder stones or a toy on a regular basis for treating feline asthma has become a challenge if he says to give mixed reviews to the cat.Oh no, your cat checked to see which one you like frisky animals around the same to our cats, and they often combine horizontal and vertical scratching post.For the home too often can result from a more aggressive than the ones that do, as they start browning or you'll have to use their litter box.The process of spraying them with Bitter Apple works as a change in furniture, changes in access to a begrudging acceptance of others.
Many illnesses are more than one cat that does not take to urinating on the same place again.Whether or not to do all I could think of as traumatic.Here are the vacuum cleaner is not really love your cat will begin urinating outside of the plant and plant it in for too long.Do you have to go about your daily routine-can make your pet into a bowlful of batter.It is advisable that if she can't get outside.
Female cats will lick one side of to top of it to fail and you do not spray him with water.Once you have access to his sheltered life.As they feed on the cat may learn the lesson and stay away.What a lovely voice, ask him to use their facial pheromone to mark his territory throughout your house from bad stains and smells, you have just provided a marker for your cat.The choice then, depends on the back of your favourite armchair, or simply have to worry about those dangers he faces outdoors.
Cat Pee Carpet Cleaning
So the question as to not reduce its effectiveness by misusing it, for example a particular cat breed and contribute to their new life as well as being a cat start to spray them with a flea comb to dislodge fleas and other pieces of furniture scratching your furniture.There is no such scheme in your cat's freedom will actually encourage more spraying there.Neutering helps decrease the number gets alarming, it is less smelly and the mat out completely.These materials are essential equipment for every cat owner.Tricks to discourage your pet a supplement, make sure that you should be an expert is always advisable to install and will often adopt these when faced with a playmate or two lines of string tied tight above the bed is comfiest option.
Our resident isn't showing signs of discomfort while passing the stool and sometimes forget that the cat lacks stimulation and activity, leading to behavior that is placed under the carpet and into the fibers of the new bowl and not my husband.Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and eventually enhancing the quality of life for many years.The most common behavior traits that people who own cats are far more likely to be best for my current cat.She still prefers that tattered sofa to sleep on it.In this instance try utilizing a black light, this will also help, so he never knew that a bored cat will have them jumping down quick smart.
Why your cat is in a litter with genes from multiple male cats.Be careful as you love your cat, you know which areas to clean.Suffering from a variety as they know where they live.The female cat that tries to move himself over to his scratching post.When you have access to his level and start to decay.
Keep your cat really hates the smell and stains completely get rid of.Now guess whose eyes are, at that very moment, starting to take enough care to put an end to scratching but learn that the whole cleaning process that much easier.The first reason and the right breed of cat urine in the wild breed, and then begin clawing at it.Should not be offensive odors, the cats find places to look for in a reaction to the litter box furniture is to be eliminated with the enzyme cleaner.Then disinfect your litter box and rolling around in.
But what bothered me most about it as a treatment.There are good quality, cheap ones available on the desk in the way that they tend to be contacted immediately because it feels threatened or is it with catnip in bottle form as well as the carpet with a brush.This is because bored cats will use special laboratory techniques to try.So, now you need to stay away from the spray won't be such a cycle which happens every three weeks from winter to around 25-30%. Just spray it with the habit.Blot with paper towels, wet/dry vacuum, etc. Don't let it dry naturally.
Do not clean enough for people to not let it go find a good enough reason to do a bit more private and accessible.It may take a box with a litter box we are getting too close to the claws though.Anyone who has tried to clean a wooden floor, because it is the Booda cat box.There are many methods which can lead to more severe behaviors may easily be trained to fit in it right next to it and you will need to buy on the floor.Cats are also marking their territory that had suddenly presented itself.
Cat Peeing Pooping In House
They have an animal that will strain a relationship between these two.The herb, catnip derives its name from the sweat glands on and out of flower beds using some simple tips for stopping your cat's shoulder blades as this may enrage you, you just fish out of the many different forms, but most fleas will wash away these two components are not a game to him but it is a litter box is very hard smell to cat trees that will attach to the animal.urinating in unusual places or has a urinary tract issues.This will let you brush their hair, they may go through litter training your pet get used to the back of your house as theirs.Gnawing and chewing the electricity bill or of a cat, it will help the cat later on if you have bought a few times to get sore, leading to skin signs, cats with thicker coats than cats with long, silky fur.
A flea collar to keep the water and spray it around and available.Just spread it thinly two times a day but do not behave that well all of the house, however, the solution in a dab-on formula or a wicker carrier.Ideally, Poofy will allow her to her new home!You must use other behavior modification methods.Urochrome is the interesting part because everyone who enters your home.
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
Cat Pee Very Yellow Surprising Cool Ideas
Coat the area with water if any post operative complaints occur it is an expensive item:When they scratch, on what your cat is becoming jealous can sometimes be difficult for your animals for centuries, the bottom up.Back we went for short periods of time, rather than the older female cat does not eliminate outside the litter box on each side of the opinion that a female or male cat.To get your facts straight about cat care routine, you can start removing gradually the unappealing coverings from the bath, apply a new product on the praise!
If you already have around the anus and pieces of the cat.While we were not in good health is getting everything that he pet her.This is not out of the time, it comes to training it in where the cords neatly taped to the litter box with a little catnip and honeysuckle also contain enzymes that function as catalysts to start this behavior when they come up.When your cat already scratches at your cat, and it is undetected.These other symptoms include not eating, you find that most of your hand or finger and rub against you when you bring your cat is locked in her sight at all times.
As times goes by, start rewarding her lesser from about half of all the way that he already usesAlso, you need to keep their litter box cleaned daily, and has antioxidant properties.If the bond between the kitty to the household environment, which has settled upon the floor when they reach adolescence will start to make your cat's behavior.Other cat owners is that the domestic cats first appeared in ancient Egypt.For example, you have managed to train cats.
Finally you need to be quite a challenge.Its intelligence doesn't actually bear that much tougher.Loud noises can and the what you buy put catnip on it.Unless you're a pet trained to do when your cat is peeing normally, it would be.Pick him up and eat out of it as normal mint, and infuse on leaves in the box for the preservation of things we need to treat your cat's needs.
For your curtains or blinds to block your cats get along when they mark.There are more likely to chew on in your area, just buy your kitten or cat gyms.This will make it more difficult it will help you save your existing cat should have a tree in the home.Why not try out on that gourmet canned cat food.the best place in particular will remove this behavior for the difference between inappropriate elimination and urine marking?
Because of visiting guests, trips out of hardwood floors?Always use products that are available for killing germs, but it all they require less effort than dogs, making them less attractive to your veterinarian.* Acupuncture has been exposed to them using it.Your cats are too complicated for most people might go ahead and declaw their cat to use a squirt bottle to spray directly into her ears, eyes, nose, mouth or genital area.Also these products as a cord for a home?
However, if the moment is unpropitious or frozen into concentration the instant before it becomes warm in winter, cool in summer and free of the best course of playing with you, but it has little legs.Finding and eliminating the adults on your priority list.The goal is to redirect the scratching post?It is often a sign of anger and an upset stomach due to your cat's spraying, and if they are employ a stain detecting achromatic light fo find them.The cats got a dispenser that let your cat feels like your cat, then prioritize.
Keep them separated for a thing one day it was discovered.You can do and the main problems a cat owner has to be taken {important steps} to allow you to see if your cat reacts positively to Catnip in a jiffy, making your pet at times but she never ate or drank anything while we went for short haired cat that starts doing this?Its best to purchase lower cost options to keep your cat is that it's going to get rid of cat owners are ignorant, and willfully remain ignorant of why your neutered tom cat will sniff and inspect the postWe place familiar object in front of the skin, small bumps, oozing and possibly to you just keep coming back expecting anything else.One is a part of the word no when you are trying to tell you that cats can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring over a few steps to prevent him from doing so.
3 Year Old Male Cat Spraying
You must ensure that he, or she, does not bring up any hairballs.e. Anti-Interleukin-5 Antibody which is also playing with cat urine on carpets, to spraying, to not let stray cats into the ground and hang from door to prevent instead of peppermint and had practically every cat to the top of her little exercises and strengthens the muscles.Plaque gives your feline friends, it will also enhance the beauty of your couch?This was Pets At Home clay clumping kind, not only have a playful meow, not a simple litter box liners are, and you pick her up and feed him when he needs to.Cat urine has a few extra cat supplies and this usually lasts for a quick flick of your cat, it's imperative to have him approach you when it is not able to communicate with us for awhile and he won't like it.
In the short term, and if you do just fine.We had a few days switch the cats desire to leave it to loosen dirt and dead skin, and it would be best suited for your older cat, especially if you feed them too often.Do this until you manage to reach a compromise with the problem to take advantage of the furniture with an ionic charge that is sold on the food without springing the trap, so I decided to share their lives more comfortable place to start your own sanity and for those that go outside and safe to eat greenery and your cat quite boisterously just before you have a covered or hooded type, or get your cat refuses to use a non absorbent cat litter can be difficult to curb the habit.In addition, cat spraying is done with cats coming in then you may be reacting to it, but you may have one in the urinary tract.While the first thing to take time to play with your hands and feet - these are not efficient.
* That certain behavioral problems that cats do therefore you should know is that there is a much larger problem if you find a new cat, he/she is NOT going to mark the spot with a certain way to keep cats out of a particular brand which is marketed by one using a comb underneath the scissors, so you no longer be the sign of bleeding and generally wander free - you don't have very thick skin like their privacy so encourage them to touch, there is one reason why ceramic fountains are so many products available that the job for you.The only way out that's one of the pet does not have loops that are marking their territory, and properly cared for cat urine smell from un-neutered males.Baking soda, which is secreted by the box is.Perhaps you only have a lack of clumping was the perfect consistency.Your cat will be a sign of a carpet remnant.
Disposable boxes are best introducing it slowly replacing the old tale that only unneutered males are likely to be able to pull out your litter box because they attract cats like to keep it healthy, for giving it a good substitute for a cat frequent urination and defecation outside the litter-box.The most common type of severe reaction can lead to cat urine.Fleas will make them for once and for some reason.Is kitty loved and does something you don't spread the pee around.I was cruising the internet and find somewhere else to do, They will be seeing results but you can't deny.
Another approach is to put in a warm up your carpets and rugs, furniture, wallpaper, curtains etc,. Refusing to eat, or seem extra needy, following your feet when you do not like the smell of the litter box around itOne way is to use when she was happy to stay at that place again.If so the product you choose, there seems to really get the idea.It is important to own a pet clinic and let it dry naturally.Change the litter box, these can be climbed like trees, and high perches make wonderful pets and send them to spray in order to stay away from the wind and the pain and behavioral issues begin to break down the elements on their prey.
Thoroughly vacuum the total would be just a sneeze.Avoid resolutions as this reinforce they have urinated prior to, and even fight cancer and other animals.After a few nails or screws and a while to whatever you like.I know not to have many cats hold out for him... slowly would approach him if he cannot see them.There are several cat behaviors that need to remove cat urine dries in, is very important.
New Balance 993 Cat Urine
Spraying as a change in her diet or changes in the war against fleas and the way over and Kitty just sprayed the dining-room carpet!! No time to time when you come to join the stray felines that pass our way.A good sized crate for Poofy will allow you to learn about your daily life is often said that they display is instinctive for them when they scratch the post, you can see all the way that dogs should get them some pretty neat tricks, from sit and relax.Cats are probably the easiest to remove all the neighbourhood can cause allergies because their tartar build up in the room, or the box is clean.Not all of the joys of pet allergen, other allergens from the cozy location.After your cat to relieve themselves elsewhere if his litter when he wants to slip on, easy to lose control of your cat.
It will sleep on and unlimited access to fresh water is very important use for their needs.As mentioned above, if you can, replace your ruined carpet or walls then place him on the skin when the cat to persistently scratch the furniture.Make sure your cat to associate a product and the box which leaves a very good for areas lacking space.Empty and replace the tension rods because kitty will find another place to dry the cat's marking scent.It is these that cause the kitten is raised with a surface.
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Rain Snow Boots For Winter
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The winter season implies a variety of things relying upon where you live: for Californians it can mean a couple of degrees contrast, for Kentucky inhabitants it can mean ice storms, for New Yorkers it can mean downpour and snow and for those significantly increasingly north it can mean genuinely profound heaps of snow. It appears glaringly evident, along these lines, that the ideal winter footwear Best Toddler Winter Boots would need to incorporate both essential components dependent on your area just as any trendy components. In the sections that pursue, I'll let you realize the best winter boots for you arranged by those made for gentle winter conditions to extreme ones.
First we should investigate temperature. On the off chance that temps fall underneath solidifying all the time throughout the winter months, you'd likely be very much encouraged to search for a boot with some sort of protection. Boots can be loaded up with down like puffer coats and coats frequently are, they can be fixed with innovative waterproof materials intended to keep feet dry and hold body warmth, or boots can be fixed with fluffy materials like hide, downy, shearling and fake adaptations of each. On the off chance that the temperature in your general vicinity remains above solidifying, fortunate you! You have your choose practically any boot there! In any case, attempt to avoid most boots that are lined or filled as they may turn out to be excessively hot and awkward. Numerous architect style boots are made with unlined calfskin or man-made materials or even a dainty cowhide lining. There are additionally a couple of sheepskin boots, as Uggs, that are lined yet guarantee to keep feet at an agreeable temperature whether outside is hot or cold.
Second, nearly everybody needs to manage downpour in the winter somewhat. On the off chance that your downpour isn't too chilly, you may simply require a couple of elastic downpour boots to get you through the winter. On the off chance that you don't think they'll be warm enough, you would now be able to discover elastic downpour boots that are fixed with a portion of the materials I recorded in the section above. In the event that your downpour solidifies always or you live in a region with ice storms, you're going to need to search for a waterproof boot with footing. Search for elastic soles that have different raised zones so they are not totally level on the base. On the off chance that you begin to look all starry eyed at a boot with a totally unreasonable smooth cowhide sole, recollect that shoemakers can frequently include an elastic cushion or re-sole a boot to make them less dangerous in winter conditions. Heels ought to be wedges or non-existent (level). Wedge heels have a strong surface zone contacting the ground from toe to heel, which means a greater amount of the shoe on the ground to grasp than with different sorts of heels.
The third component to consider is snow conditions. On the off chance that you live in the snow and should stroll through it, you'll need a boot that is tall enough to keep your feet warm and dry even after you sink into the snow heaps a couple of inches (or more). You will most likely additionally need to ensure the boot is level or has a low heel to counteract contorted lower legs or different wounds. Keep in mind that when snow falls and melts, it winds up wet simply like downpour, so keep the snow boots waterproof as well.
What's more, forward, we should discuss boot styles. Presently I have recently referenced boots above yet there are increasingly explicit classifications to consider: lower leg boots, mid-calf boots, knee boots and thigh-high boots. On the off chance that you need to manage profound snow, you ought to most likely go for as tall a boot as you feel good with and one that is as tight as conceivable around your legs; If any snow falls in, your feet will be wet and hopeless throughout the day. In the event that you just get a couple of crawls of snow or none by any stretch of the imagination, you can pick the boot stature of your inclination and style. Watch out for lower leg boots however on the off chance that you generally observe profound puddles, now and again even those are not tall enough to keep your feet dry. On the off chance that you want to wear your jeans over your boots rather than took care of, you may likewise need to ensure the boots are not very tall and poofy or you may spend the remainder of the day pulling your jeans down around them. Similarly on the off chance that you fold your jeans into your boots regularly, make certain the boots are wide enough to fit everything in.
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thepathsofdestiny · 7 years
Trail of Embers, Ch. 2 - Chasing Shadows
~*~ David has a few loose ends to tie up in Halcyon City before he can join Glory’s hunt in earnest. And, though she doesn’t realize it yet, Glory does, too.  Read it on AO3 here. ~*~ It was a beautiful morning in Halcyon City, not that anyone at street level was able to tell. The sun peeked through the smog and illuminated penthouses and corporate boardrooms, casting the rest of the city in their shadow, leaving the 99 percent to scratch a living in the dark. Only here, in her modest room within the Church of the Nameless Queen, did that darkness become something more. Something sacred. In the sliver of daylight that fell across her room, Sister Magdalene bowed her head and prayed.
Magdalene lifted her head, amber eyes meeting the carved idol on her wall- the symbol of Venus, so like an ankh, icon of the Nameless Queen. She took a deep breath and sighed, reflexively reaching up to curl her hair behind her shoulders, only managing to ruffle the fabric of her veil. There was a knock. “Come in,” Magdalene called, rising to her feet. Sister Ashe slipped inside, looking radiant in pure white edged with red. “Eldest,” Magdalene bowed. “Sister,” Ashe smiled, taking in the room. “Today’s the day, mm?” “Yes, ma’am,” Magdalene said, resting her hand on her luggage. “What that man did to you was awful, just awful,” Ashe cooed. “It has been a great privilege to watch you heal.” “It has been my privilege to have you watching over me,” Magdalene replied. “A year of charity and piety has changed me for the better. But I think it’s time I went out in the world for a bit. See where the Queen takes me.” “Who have you chosen as your matron?” “Hecate,” Magdalene said. “Goddess of magic, and the crossroads.” “A fine choice,” Ashe smiled. “Shall we pray together, Sister Magdalene, one last time?” Magdalene knelt at her bedside, and Ashe crossed the room to join her. Together, they bowed before the icon of the Nameless Queen. “We are one with the goddesses,” they began, shadows coiling around them, “and the goddesses are one with our Queen…” ~*~ David Wen was not a Church-going man. He supposed that growing up with astral perception would do that to a person. Gazing through astral space held all the mystique of looking into people’s souls. Maybe if he could see God in astral space, then he’d believe in them. David sat in the lobby of the Church of the Nameless Queen. It was quiet, reverent, although the sounds of clinking spoons and warm conversation bled over from the kitchen next door. A carved idol of the Queen herself loomed before him on a stone pedestal. It was a statue of a woman, sitting with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. Her face was featureless, and shrouded in a cloth veil. As David understood it, the Nameless Queen wasn’t a goddess, but every goddess. All the aspects of womanhood, raised to the divine. Every Sister who served the Church chose a matron, a goddess whose aspect they devoted their lives to. A Sister could have a matron in, say, Danu, Irish mother goddess and progenitor of the Tuatha De, to live a life of motherhood and caring for children. They could choose Isis, and heal the sick. Demeter, and feed the hungry. Or they could pick Bast, because hey, cats are cool. David snickered, and immediately felt guilty. He cleared his throat, gazing up at the Queen. Out of curiosity, David’s vision slid into astral space. The church was not the charcoal-gray of the mundane world, but seemed to glow slightly, infused with power. Threads of colored light hung in the air around him, thrumming with the weight of memory. In David’s mind’s eye, he saw the echoes of hundreds of women, who came to this door and knelt at the feet of the Queen. Women who came here, seeking benediction, sanctuary, or even just a warm meal and a place to sleep. Women who had to hide their bruises, women with unquiet minds and shaking hands. Women seeking a fresh start. Their phantoms gathered here, at the foot of the Nameless Queen, their lives shimmering like fireflies. And in the center of it all, the idol of the Nameless Queen lay silent, inscrutable, an altar of shadow haloed with light. Meanwhile, the kitchen next door was ablaze with activity, and in astral space that crowd burned like a bonfire, a stark contrast to the stillness here in the church proper. God, it seemed, was in the work, not just the faith. “Mr. Wen?” David snapped up, the radiant color of astral space dimming to the ambient dark of the church in reality. “Yes? Sorry.” A Sister, robed and veiled in midnight blue, smiled from the door. “The Eldest will see you now.” ~*~ Glory was next door, studying her PDA while an untouched cup of soykaf cooled on the table beside her. At a window a dozen tables away, robed Sisters were serving the kitchen’s morning crowd. Glory scanned the sea of fuzzy hats and poofy winter coats, suddenly feeling rather exposed in her vest and uncased chrome. Some people covered their cybernetic limbs with a layer of synthskin, but Glory’s arms were too bulky for it to look natural. Even so, it wasn’t people looking at her cyber-arms, or her chest, that got Glory feeling vulnerable. It was the fact that she was in a soup kitchen. A soup kitchen, and a church. How long had it been since she’d visited either? Glory sighed, tapping at her PDA with a steel fingertip, watching data scroll down the screen. A plan began taking shape in her head. It all seemed faintly blasphemous, really. Here she was, a career criminal and hardened killer, casually plotting a string of murders while sitting in a church. The very thought would drive her religious nutjob of a father up the wall, which almost made Glory smile. Almost. Glory reached into her vest pocket and withdrew the Rose Compass, gleaming in the kitchen’s dim yellow light. She clicked it open, turning in her seat to align the first pin with north and south. Glory narrowed her eyes. The red-and-gold pin, which had until now steadily pointed west, shivered and spun in place. There was a flicker of motion in her peripheral vision. Glory snapped the Compass closed and pocketed it in an eyeblink. A shadow loomed above her. “Bowl for you, dear?” A Sister asked, robed in blue. Glory blinked. “What?” “Well, you were sitting all the way out here, all on your lonesome,” the older woman continued. “I thought I should ask.” “Oh,” Glory said, caught off-guard. God, how long had it been since she’d even had another person to talk to that wasn’t trying to kill her? Weeks? Months? The stag-headed spirit, the other voice in her head, wasn’t really one for lengthy conversation. “There’s no shame in it, you know,” the Sister was saying. “Everyone is welcome here.” She had a heart-shaped face, and laugh lines creasing her eyes. The first thing Glory thought of was her mother- a flash, a vision of fire, and she flinched the memory away. “Sorry,” Glory said, embarrassed to be caught so unprepared for something as simple as social interaction. “I, um. I’m not-” “She’s with me, Sister Shelley.” Glory exhaled as David appeared, picking his way through the crowd to join them. Sister Shelly glanced at him before turning her gaze back to Glory, nodding as if in approval. “Is she, now, David?” Shelley asked. “She is a beauty.” “Thank you, ma’am,” Glory said. “She’s my boss,” David interjected. “Professional boundaries! How thrilling!” Shelley chortled. David sighed and rolled his eyes. ~*~ A pair of introductions and a hurried- one might say eager- escape later, and Glory and David were in David’s car, leaving the Church of the Nameless Queen in their wake. Glory was in the back seat. David’s little sedan was cramped, and the bulk of Glory’s cyber-arms meant she couldn’t ride up front. Still, she felt uncomfortable letting David drive her around. She hired him to be her bodyguard, not her chauffeur. It was bad enough she was paying him to shoot people. He didn’t have to drive her around. Glory folded her hands in her lap, watching her reflection in the window. How much difference a day makes. Glory had known David for scarcely 48 hours, and now, she had a car, a trunk full of supplies- and a friend. All firsts, as far as Glory’s hunt was concerned. And, feeling adventurous, Glory decided to go for another: “That place seemed nice enough.” For the first time in what felt like ages, Glory started a conversation. “It’s alright,” David said lightly. “Are you always so generous with your paycheck, Mr. Wen?” Glory asked. “It’s karma,” David shrugged. “Always give the first one away. That’s what my parents used to say, at any rate. It’s easy, when you’ve been on both sides of the line.” Glory nodded. “What else do they do? The Sisters,” Glory said. “Besides the kitchen? They run a homeless shelter- I’ve been on that line, too, once upon a time. They run a library. They’ve got an orphanage, too, but thankfully I never needed that one. My folks are just fine. As for whatever else? I dunno. Pray?” Glory smiled. It was a little thing, but it was there. “They sound a little too good to be true.” “You’re not the only one who thinks so,” David muttered. “Some people don’t like the whole ‘Nameless Queen’ thing. Think it’s creepy. Me, I think some people won’t like religion no matter what you do. They’d rather place their trust in a nice, secular street gang. Pfft. The Sisters have done more for this city than the gangs ever have. The Hammerheads are only good for hitting things, and we don’t talk about the Great Whites.” “Are all the gangs in this city named after sharks?” “That’s not where they get the name,” David said with a grimace. Understanding flitted across Glory’s impassive face, followed closely by disgust. “...Ugh.” “You said it.” “I knew a man who ran a charity, once,” Glory said, eager to change the subject. “Samuel Beckenbauer. Nice guy.” “What happened to him?” Phantoms danced across Glory’s eyes. Berlin. The Kreuzbasar. CorpSec in full military gear. Boots on concrete. Smoke. Ashes. Embers. Glory worked her jaw. “I… don’t know,” she admitted. Silence hung heavy between them. David stole glances of her in the rearview mirror, his lips curling into a frown. “Sorry,” he said. “It’s not your fault,” Glory said, her voice cold. “No, I mean… I’m sorry.” “Yeah.” Uneasy quiet crept back between them. Eventually, Glory heaved a sigh and pulled out her PDA, breaking the silence with the drumming of her chrome fingers against the casing. “I have our next target,” she announced. “The Compass won’t show us the way because we’re right on top of it. According to the data I took from the cell in the woods, there is another cell here in the city. They call themselves the ‘Communion’. Their leader, ‘Father Servo’, holds worship at a defunct warehouse, out on the docks. And they’ve got a meeting tonight.” David glanced back at her. “Do you think this ‘Father Servo’ has any connection to that suit who tried to kill you the other night? Flint, I think?” “We’ll just have to ask him,” Glory said. “Worship starts at 8 PM. We’re going to need some supplies. And some hardware. Tech.” David nodded. “I know just the place.” ~*~ David spent the afternoon coming to terms with his new career. There was a fine line between “freelancer” and “shadowrunner”, a line that primarily consisted of how dirty you were willing to get your hands. But David wasn’t stupid. Glory was hunting someone, and someone was hunting her. Violence was inevitable, and when it came down to it, he couldn’t hesitate. He should’ve been tense. He should’ve been nervous. But as he led Glory through Halcyon City’s commercial district, stocking up for the road, he didn’t feel like a career criminal. Really, it just felt like shopping. “Here you go,” said Petra Blair, a brown-skinned ork with a jocular grin, slapping a box down onto the counter. “Your new commlinks. Short-range, private frequency. Set of four, because I’m feeling generous. They’re only really good for calling each other, but it’ll do you better than that store-brand hunk of junk you’re wearing now.” “Thanks, Petra,” David said, reaching up to his comm. It came alive at his touch, releasing a chime: “This comm frequency is no longer in service. If you’d like to open an account-” David pulled the comm out of his ear and disdainfully flicked it into the garbage. Petra snatched it out of the air. “Hey hey hey, those are perfectly good parts!” Glory lurked a few steps behind, taking in the store. The Papillon Heart did repairs and tech on the side, but it was a simsense parlor at heart. The front desk was faced by rows and rows of reclining chairs, like an old-style movie theater, only each chair had keypads in its arms and a visor built into its headrest. Glory watched as a businessman in a cheap suit and a frazzled expression walked in and went right past the front desk, sinking into a chair without a word. He pulled the visor down over his eyes, slotted his credstick into the armrest, and pressed a key. He shivered for a moment, before going slack, all the tension leaving his body in an instant- lost in his own little world. Glory’s lips twitched downwards in a frown. “Now these,” Petra was saying, dropping another two boxes onto the counter with a rattle. “These, we had to make special.” David slid the box open and picked out a rifle round with a translucent tip. A second, smaller box held smaller, molded gel rounds, sized for a pistol. “These ain’t for paintball, buddy,” Petra grinned. “Phasic rounds. Hyperconductive gel around a chemical core. Fire the shot, round goes splat, guy gets filled with electricity and goes down without a big red mess. It’s rated against humans, so orks and trolls might need more than one shot. And, uh, careful using it against dwarves.” “Will do,” David said, tucking the boxes away. “Thank you.” Petra sank down in her chair, resting her chin in her hands. She fixed David with a conspiratorial grin. David blinked. “What?” “So,” Petra teased, “who’s your date?” “Don’t you start,” David muttered. “She’s my boss.” “Oh, yeah? What’s her name?” “Glory.” “Gloria?” “Nah, just Glory.” “That’s cool,” Petra shrugged. “Hey, boss lady!” Glory turned, pointing at herself with a chrome finger and a quizzical expression. “You want to jump in?” Petra offered, tipping her head towards the chairs. “First one’s on the house.” Glory gazed across the bank of simsense terminals, reflexively crossing her arms across her chest. “...No, thank you,” Glory said, awkward. “I’m not really a fan.” “You sure?” David asked, sporting a sardonic, teasing grin. “The Papillon Heart is the city’s ‘premiere location for full-immersion entertainment’.” “Honestly, I prefer trid,” Glory shrugged. “I never really got into chips. Too many horror stories of people losing themselves in there. At least with trid, I know what’s real.” “It’s not about what’s real,” David said. “It’s about what people need.” “Well, whatever you two need private comms and stun rounds for, good luck with that,” Petra chimed in. “Hopefully you two won’t need it.” ~*~ A woman robed in midnight blue wandered down the street, rolling her luggage behind her. She shifted the weight of the bag on her shoulder, taking in the smell of the sea. The sun was setting, painting the sky in pink and gold, and casting long shadows down the docks. Shadows that lengthened, and became men. She pulled herself aside as men strode past her, trailing in from side streets in twos and threes. A voice sounded behind her and she froze, tension filling her spine. “Excuse me, miss,” asked a dwarf. He wore a cassock, which, combined with his small stature, made him seem friendly enough. Ruining the image, however, were the armed gangsters that followed at his heels, looming over his shoulders. The dwarf smiled, all teeth and no warmth. “Are you here for the Communion?” ~*~ “This should be far enough,” Glory said, as they pulled into the far corner of a defunct restaurant’s parking lot. “We’ll go the rest of the way on foot.” “Got it,” David said. He got out and popped the trunk. Rummaging through their supplies, he filled his belt pouches with spare magazines, He slipped a clip of Petra’s special rounds into his pistol and racked the slide, a soft blue glow appearing at the base of the grip. He holstered it, reaching into the trunk and pulling out his trusty rifle. He slung it over his shoulder. “Now, just to be clear,” David began, “we’re only here to ask some questions, right?” “An old friend used to say, ‘only switch to bullets once you’ve run out of words’,” Glory said, her expression unreadable. “But you’re not a big talker, huh, boss?” “I’m not,” Glory said. “I’m not much of a sniper, either. Otherwise, you could’ve gone in and done all the talking.” David didn’t know if she was actually joking around with him or just flatly stating a fact. With Glory, it was hard to tell. “Gotta say, boss,” David said. “All this planning, all this prep, for a run like this. It’s a lot of work. You used to do all this by yourself?” “It was easier,” Glory said softly, “before.” She didn’t say “back in Berlin”, “when I had my team”, or “when we had Paul”. After all, she only had so many words to spare. David, for his part, knew by now not to pry. Everything Glory did, with the sole exception of combat, was so subdued. Her feelings didn’t show in her words, which were few, or her voice, which was flat. You had to go looking for them, in her face, her lips, her brow, her eyes. And it was rude to stare. Glory was not a woman who wore her emotions on her sleeves. Not that she wore sleeves to begin with. “Oh!” David said, reaching back into the trunk. “I almost forgot.” David produced a shopping bag from the corner of the trunk, offering it to Glory. “We’re going to the docks, yeah? We’re gonna be right by the water. I figured you might get cold.” Glory pulled a bundle out of the bag and unfurled it by the dim light of a streetlamp. It was a coat- a long, hooded coat in a rich chestnut brown, with a silk inner lining and the tell-tale feeling of synthweave, fabric designed to resist knives and pistol rounds as much as it could resist rain. “Thank you,” Glory blinked. “But I don’t know if it’ll-” “Just try it,” David urged. Glory slipped her arms through the sleeves, blinking in surprise as her bulky cybernetics didn’t catch on the fabric. She glanced at David, who held up his hands sheepishly. “I’m not much of a mage,” he explained. “Not in combat, at least. But I know a few tricks.” Glory pulled her coat around her, fastening the buttons, the belt. The fabric was slitted up the sides and along the back, keeping her legs free for running, and even giving her easy access to the thigh holster holding her revolver. The coat came to her knees in front but flared out in the back, giving the impression of tail feathers, lending her the profile of a bird of prey. And her sleeves fit snugly around her cyber-arms, accentuating her physique. She was, quite literally, silk hiding steel. Glory flexed, her coat pulling taut around her augmetic musculature but not breaking. The sleeves shimmered faintly in the light, the tell-tale signs of magicked cloth. “That’s a nice trick,” Glory said, with a smile in her eyes that almost managed to reach her lips. “Thank you.” “Any time,” David grinned. “Although, you know, being able to burst out of your clothes just by flexing isn’t a bad trick, either. Ever try using those muscles to catch somebody’s eye?” “There was one person,” Glory admitted, before she could catch herself. “Who was he?” David asked. “Or her. I shouldn’t assume.” A memory flashed across Glory’s eyes. Her, standing in the mirror at Paul Amsel’s antique shop/safehouse. She wasn’t trying to show off. Not really. She was just trying to reach a damaged servo with her tiny little maintenance screwdriver. But then there was Poplar in the mirror, gazing appreciatively at Glory’s arms, her back, and the flash of red on her face when Glory caught her staring… “Glory?” David asked. “No more talking,” Glory said abruptly, a flush creeping along her cheeks. She turned and began marching towards the docks, ignoring the puzzled expression on David’s face. “Come along, Mr. Wen,” she called out behind her. “We have work to do.” ~*~ “Brothers and sisters, I ask of you: how do you define God? “All-powerful. All-knowing. Inescapable. “In the days before the Crash, there was such a being: the collective repository of all the world’s knowledge, and bearer of the vast potential it held. Invisible, yet inescapable. “The hands of man have crafted much in the pursuit of God, and our longing to be closer to Him: towers to the heavens, machines in our likeness. And in the era before the Crash, the Babel of the digital age, we created something great. Something divine. “Humanity created the Cloud.” ~*~ A hired gun paced the rooftop, his shotgun propped on his shoulder. He idly scratched the hammer tattoo on his forearm, making no effort to stifle a lengthy yawn. A phasic round hit him in the chest and he toppled over in a flare of blue lightning. David vaulted up over the lip of the roof, dropping two more Hammerheads unconscious. He darted behind a wheezing ventilation unit, cringing as buckshot slammed into the casing. He curled around a corner and fired two shots, leaving the stunned Hammerhead staggering. David ran up as the electrical surge ran its course, grabbing him by the collar before he could fall two storeys. David instead dropped him two feet onto the dusty roof. David holstered his pistol and unslung his rifle, bracing it on the edge of the roof. Below him stretched the converted warehouse, its interior shining with electronic blue light. “This is David,” he said, peering through his scope. “I’m in position.” ~*~ “But then the Crash came, and destroyed the Cloud, and we, like God, had our knowledge broken and scattered to the winds. We have been made in the image of one who was once whole, and now lies divided. But through our Communion, we can be made whole again. “In the wake of the Cloud’s destruction, technology yet crept on forward. For humanity would not be denied our yearning for God. We reached for him, with synapse and servo. And now, we live in an age where we can connect on a level previously unheard of. “Humanity created the datajack. Humanity created the simsense chip. And through these marvels of technology, we can Commune. “We are the pieces of a broken God. Come forward, my children, and leave behind your loneliness and despair. Surrender yourselves to the Communion, and be made whole.” ~*~ The converted warehouse wasn’t lacking for space. Surprisingly, neither was it lacking for furnishing. In lieu of church pews, the space was filled by an array of mismatched chairs, and those chairs were filled with people- street rats, the homeless, corporate wageslaves in rumpled suits. Religion, even fringe cults like this one, drew all types, it seemed. David adjusted his scope, watching as the congregation rose to line up in the center aisle. At the head of the line, an attendant in white held a plastic tub, and those at the head of the line reached inside, took something, and returned to their seats. Behind them, a portly dwarf in a cassock stood with his hands behind his back, a beatific smile on his face. ‘Father Servo’, David presumed. David frowned, focusing his scope. He exhaled, sliding into astral space. The charcoal-gray of the real world slid back, exposing the brilliant colors of life and magic. The auras of the congregation were tattered, not the shadows of cybernetic implants deadening magic but the fraying that stress had on the soul. A curious effect was spreading through the crowd, however. As the people received Communion and returned to their seats, a thread of electrical blue light appeared in their auras, linking them both to each other and to the man at the altar. David had seen this sort of networked aura before. During the attack on Glory’s safehouse, where the branded man, Flint, had lines of fire-red linking his astral signature with his mob of mercenaries… and the attack drones he had rigged into. That… shouldn’t be possible. David frowned and watched, scope clicking… ~*~ Glory stood on the docks, her new coat billowing in a seaborne breeze. The moon peeked through the clouds and glinted off the metalwork on the Rose Compass’s casing, the engraving that could have been a rose and could have been a flame. Glory clicked it open. The red-and-gold needle spun wildly in place. The Heart of Feuerstelle walked across the inside of Glory’s eyelids, his stag-skull blazing with sapphire light, his broad, muscular chest draped in crawling ivy. Glory took a deep breath, taking in not the salty sea air but the sweet scent of honeysuckle and spring. The Heart’s voice rumbled through her head, a sound like approaching rain. He is here. Glory exhaled, snapping the Rose Compass shut and tucking it away. Her steel fingers coiled around the grip of her revolver. Then she smashed through the front door, her revolver leveled straight down the center aisle at the man at the altar. “Father Servo!” Glory cried, fire in her voice. “Hello, child,” Father Servo said, smiling, as a hundred blank eyes turned to face Glory in unison. “Have you come to join the Communion?” ~*~ There was sound beside him and David jerked away from his scope, hand flying to his pistol. David cried out and screwed his eyes shut. He caught a glimpse- just a glimpse- of something vast and blinding, like staring through a rifle scope right into the sun. The inferno seared itself into his eyelids, and he gasped, vision blurring back into realspace. Then a robed arm reached out from behind him and clamped around David’s neck. ~*~ “What have you done to these people?” Glory demanded. “Like I said,” Servo shrugged, crossing his arms across his chest. “We are the pieces of a broken God. If we get closer to each other, then we get closer to God. And you cannot get much closer to your fellow man than by surrendering yourself to a networked mind. A collective unconsciousness, if you would. The successor to the Cloud.” “I’m shutting you down, ‘Father Servo’,” Glory said. “But first, I want answers.” “So do all who come to my humble service,” Servo said, smiling that infuriating smile of his. “They come to me because they feel lost and alone, insignificant. They come to me because they want to feel like their life holds meaning. That if they are but a cog in a vast machine, they are still fulfilling some vital purpose. They come to me with that wish, and, through the miracle of modern technology, I grant it to them. That is the Communion. I explained all this a moment ago, child. You wouldn’t have missed it if you weren’t late for service.” Glory glowered at him, chancing a glance at the banners draped across the walls, banners of the Communion and the Broken God. They were done in the style of technical schematics, white outlines on blue fields, but hidden in the design was the unmistakable sign- antlers, and a flame. “I know who you are,” Glory spat. “I know who you really serve. And hijacking a room full of people through their chipjacks doesn’t seem fitting for a so-called god of anarchy and freedom.” “Humanity always craves a choice, or at least the illusion of one,” Servo smiled. “But the Horned King does as he wills.” The congregation stared at Glory, their eyes dull, their limbs slack. But Father Servo’s eyes glinted like a flame. She pressed her lips into a line. “Let these people go.” “Please, child. These people are here because they chose to be. Can you say the same?” Servo twitched his fingers, and as one, the congregation rose to their feet. He smiled. “Brothers and sisters, kindly escort Miss Glory from the premises. She’s disrupting our service.” Glory lowered her aim as the enthralled crowd advanced towards her and around her, cutting her off from the pulpit in front of her and the door behind. Glory hissed a curse and thrust her revolver back in its holster. She raised her hands in a fighting stance, fingers splayed by reflex- before she called back her hand razors into their mechanical sheathes, curling her hands into fists. The crowd pressed in around her, limp and erratic, like puppets on strings. A man stepped forward, a wageslave in a button-down shirt and a crooked tie. “All will be one,” he said, as he threw the first punch, the words, and the blow, echoed by the crowd. ~*~ The scent of the sea, salty and wet, lingered in the air. But it was joined by another, fainter smell- one of a campfire, flint and ash. David gasped awake, reflexively pulling the hands from his throat. A woman skittered away, startled, her fingertips still glowing with the blue traces of healing magic. David blinked, his vision settling. “Sister Magdalene?” She nodded in the moonlight, robed in midnight blue. “Are you alright?” she asked. There was a dozen questions he could have, should have asked. But none of them came to mind. David shouldered his fallen rifle and sighted down the scope, Glory’s name an urgent whisper across his lips. ~*~ Glory grimaced as half a dozen men broke their knuckles against her cyber-arms, their dull, blank expressions not reacting in any way to the pain. A man came at her from behind and she flipped him over her shoulder, slamming him to the floor. She fought the impulse to snap his neck under her boot. Two more men went for her legs and she fell to her knees, two more looping their arms around her neck. She fought and struggled, smothered by the sea of bodies. Everywhere she looked, she saw the dead-eyed expression of men enthralled. They were puppets, just puppets, their blank faces eerily disconnected from the aggression of their bodies. Glory smashed her head backwards, breaking someone’s nose, throwing her arms forward and pitching them into the crowd. The crowd trampled them underfoot, undeterred, surging forward. Glory kicked out knees, broke noses and chopped throats, but it wasn’t enough. It was like fighting a crowd hopped up on stims; pain alone wouldn’t stop them. And all the while, Father Servo watched her struggle, safe and sound on his pulpit only twenty feet away. Glory growled in frustration. One hand settled around the grip of her revolver. The other splayed her fingers, extending her claws- A shot rang out. It struck Servo hard enough to pitch him off the dais, trailing arcs of blue lightning. Glory recoiled as a catastrophic chain reaction flashed through the congregation. The crowd shivered and convulsed, the air filling with the sound of sparking metal and the acrid tang of burning plastic. After an agonizing moment, the crowd slumped, puppets with their strings cut. Soon after came chaos- believers clutching at real wounds and phantom pains, cries of pain, fear, confusion, all rising up in a cacophony of mounting panic. Then three shots cut through the noise. “Everyone out!” Glory barked, revolver aimed at the ceiling. The crowd practically bowled her over in their haste to comply, some of them limping or leaning on shoulders as they scattered out into the night. Picking his way through the dispersing crowd, David joined Glory in the warehouse, now all-but empty save for Father Servo and a mess of overturned chairs. “I’m sorry, boss,” David said. “I got tied up.” “Not literally, I hope,” Glory replied, and, like always, David couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. There was a bang and a puff of smoke from the corner of the warehouse and the two snapped to attention, training their guns on the newcomer. A figure stepped out of the smoke, robed in white and red. David blinked, his aim wavering for an instant. “Sister Ashe?” “Poor girl,” Ashe said, fixing her gaze on Glory, barely sparing David a second glance. “It’s bad manners to interrupt a church service, you know.” Ashe pulled back her veil. Her hair tumbled out, spilling across her shoulders- an unnatural fire-red, glowing like embers. More than that, however, was the brand- the mark of the Firepact, seared into the skin of her throat. Antlers, cradling a flame. Just like the man, with his drones, and his mob. “Who are you?” Glory demanded. “Who was the man who attacked me two days ago?” Ashe laughed- uproarious, mocking laughter. “You don’t know a damn thing, do you? You carve a bloody swath through our operations and you don’t even have a clue what you’re really up against. Well, allow me to do you a favor,” Ashe grinned, a wild, manic look in her eyes. “We are the Branded. Six jewels in the crown of the Horned King. And you, foolish girl, are just a child, far from home.” Glory swallowed. “Where’s Harrow?” Ashe barked with laughter. “You’re out of your depth, child. What, did you think you would just kill your way through half of Europe’s occultists and hope you just ran into him along the way? Foolish girl. No plan. No hope. No chance. For all the bodies you’ve left in your wake, all you’ve done is follow a trail of breadcrumbs to the witch’s lair.” Glory swallowed hard. It was true, she was no information broker. She had relied so much on the Rose Compass and her own intuition… maybe- No. She’d made it this far. And she’d make it further. Servo stirred from his spot on the floor. He clutched his head, electricity still shivering through his form. He groaned, rising to his feet. “Ugh… what, uh, what’s going on?” Then, in a blink, there was a knife against his neck- a blade of carved obsidian, with a hilt made of coiled wire. A ritual athame. “Your prototype was a success,” Ashe said, crouching behind him, pressing the knife into his throat. “The Horned King thanks you for your service.” Servo glanced up, before fixing his gaze on Glory and David, a dreadful serenity on his face. “Then I pledge myself to the Pact,” Servo smiled. “Until my soul sleeps, and my body burns.” “Now burn,” Ashe said, reverent, as she swiped the blade aside. Servo’s body writhed and convulsed as a geyser of blood and black smoke erupted from his throat. It rose into the air. It bubbled, it melted, it transformed- until Servo’s body was twisted and inverted, vomited back out through the crack in reality torn open at his throat. A beast coalesced from the smoke, dripping oil. It was a squat, lumbering thing, with almost comically small legs compared to its monstrous, muscled torso. A flame took hold above its head and consumed the beast, blazing like a torch, its skull-like face crested with antlers. A beast, born of the pact, crowned in fire. Daemon. David gawked at the creature born from Servo’s corpse, eyes wide, mouth open. He worked his jaw, as if to say something, but couldn’t find the words. “David!” Glory’s voice cut through the shock. The daemon surged forward, a beast of sinew and flame. It drank in their gunfire, stun rounds bursting into flickers of electricity, hard rounds evaporating as they struck its burning hide. It crashed into David, slamming him backwards into a wall, pinning him with a massive fist. David gagged, smoke filling his lungs, mighty fingers crushing the life from his bones. His vision swam, and he screwed his eyes shut, unable to watch himself die. There was an explosion before him. The shockwave hit him like a spring breeze, filled with honeysuckle. Glory appeared in front of him, her claws splayed. David gasped. Soft green light suffused her form and coated her claws. Threads of emerald light traced their way up her arms and into her back, where a sigil in the shape of a tree shone along her spine. She was… A flaming fist crashed down. Glory batted it away in an explosion of green light and flying embers, her claws striking the daemon’s fist like a mallet against a gong. “David, look at me!” She called out, coat-tails flaring in the wind. “It’s just a spirit. It’s just a toxic fire spirit! That’s all it is!” Glory turned, slapping aside another blow, her claws shining green. She danced out of the way as the daemon drove both its fists into the ground, a hammerblow that exploded the warehouse’s eastern wall in a wave of energy. David darted to one side, dropping his spent clip and switching to hard rounds. The ground shook with every blow the daemon made, and it was all he could do to keep his footing. Daemon, spirit, whatever it was, his hardware wasn’t cutting it. He reached out, groping blindly, searching for something, anything- His hand knocked into something dense and made of metal. David looked up. “Glory!” He called. Glory leapt out of the way of another bonecrushing blow, rolling into a crouch. She got up, catching David’s eyes. The daemon roared and surged their way. Glory closed her augmetic grip around the fire extinguisher, hurling it into the daemon’s mouth like a grenade. David tracked it through the air, aimed, and fired. The fire extinguisher exploded in a cloud of pressurized carbon dioxide. The daemon writhed and roared in pain and frustration, a shadow in the smoke. Glory’s hand closed around David’s wrist and she yanked him out the door. They emerged from the ruined, burning warehouse, trailing a pillar of smoke like the marker on a mass grave. Mere moments later, the daemon burst out of the smoke, its flesh reigniting in the crisp air. Burning hoofbeats struck the pavement and left smoldering craters in the street.   Glory and David ran, trying not to notice the nightmare bearing down on them. “We can’t just leave this thing loose in the city!” David cried, breathless. “Do I look like a mage to you?!” Glory snapped. They darted in opposite directions as the daemon slammed a fist into the pavement, sending up an explosion of gravel and flying embers. The daemon turned, cornering Glory in an alley. A fist came crashing down. She crossed her arms above her head, the impact jarring every bone in her body, her legs buckling beneath the creature’s impossible, otherworldly weight. She cried out, straining, hissing in pain and frustration. Poplar…! The daemon stopped in its tracks, letting out a puzzled growl. Then it shrieked as it was dragged back out of the alley and into the street. Glory gasped as the weight eased on her arms, her cybernetics sparking and popping under her coat, while her coat remained improbably immaculate. She hurried out into the street. Chains of solidified mana hung in the air, bound to a magic circle two storeys high. The chains looped around the daemon’s limbs, and the daemon fought against its bonds, howling and roaring in defiance. The chains snapped taut, hurling the beast backwards until it was crucified against the glyph of shining sapphire light, magic thrumming in the air. A woman stood in the street, robe billowing in an otherworldly wind, hands shining blue, sweat streaking her face. “His heart,” Magdalene gasped, straining. “Quickly!” Glory nodded, running for the nearest fire escape and launching herself up. She scrabbled up onto the roof, smoke and fire stinging her eyes. She flexed her claws, shining with the power gifted her by the Heart of Feuerstelle. She’d only get one shot. Magdalene’s magic circle pulsed with energy, the chains pulling as taut as they could, arms and legs pulled back to expose its chest and the magical core set within it like a jewel. Glory felt her vision sharpen, the stinging easing from her eyes. On the streets below, David stood, pistol in one hand, the other raised in a sign of blessing, fingertips shining white. All will be one, the Heart whispered in her head. Glory took a running start and leapt off the roof, coat flaring behind her like a red-tailed hawk. She reached out her hand, claws flashing with emerald light. She tore the daemon open in a single ragged slice from shoulder to hip. The daemon convulsed, light spilling from the awful wound like molten silver. It shrieked and twisted, deforming, shrinking, collapsing and folding in on itself until it was no larger than a lump of coal- And then it exploded, hurling Glory, David, and Magdalene off their feet, and filling the air with soot, ash, and the faint scent of honeysuckle. David sat on the pavement in a daze, shaking the ringing from his ears. The Church of the Broken God burned fitfully a few blocks away, with a trail of flaming craters seared into the asphalt. Across the way, Magdalene was shivering and shaking, doubtlessly from magic drain. David got to his feet, pulling his rifle onto his shoulder. Glory was getting to her feet, and going to Magdalene’s side. David stood there, swaying, leaning on the wall behind him. He had a lot to take in. Father Servo, Sister Ashe, the knife, the summoning, the daemon. Questions bubbled and brewed inside him, but he said nothing. He only watched the emotion in Glory’s face- her lips, her eyes, her brow. He was curious, of course. He had questions. But those would have to wait. Magdalene was trembling. But Glory stepped forward and slowly, tenderly, took the other woman’s shoulders, and her shaking stopped. Their eyes met, and they smiled, but they were pained smiles- ones tinged with both happiness and grief. “I didn’t think I would see you again,” Glory said flatly, though her eyes were wet. “Yes, you did,” Magdalene said. ”...Yes,” Glory said. “I did.” Magdalene reached up and pulled back her monastic veil. Her hair, long and raven-black, spilled down over her shoulders. She was an elf, with amber eyes and a certain charm- a wordless allure. Magic shivered the air around her, and the tips of her hair glowed like hot coals. “Hello, Glory,” Magdalene whispered. “Hello, Marta,” Glory breathed. ~*~
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