#but i do feel very strongly about ziva saying something
indestinatus · 1 year
Hey, I have a question. How do you feel about Ziva being an Israeli military officer now in the year 2023, when a storyline like that would be looked at poorly today? Do you think the show would ever address the Israel/Palestine conflict with regards to Ziva if she ever came back? Me personally, I hate when people refer to Ziva as a zionist because she was an Israeli military officer but I think people forget that a) she was groomed by her father to become that and b) she shows remorse of living that lifestyle in episodes like Berlin and past present and future and c) she cuts ties with Mossad in s7 and is an American agent the rest of the show. It just makes me curious how other people feel about Ziva now compared to in like the early 2000s when this was accepted.
Hi! I appreciate your ask. Looking further into NCIS storylines is always interesting.
I'm the wrong person to answer this question, though. The last time I've remotely debated about politics/history was before the pandemic but I'll say my take on this.
NCIS is/was written/produced by American men afraid of strong topics (such as this) who treated female characters very poorly with storylines they would never follow if they weren't abiding by USA propaganda and let's refer to it as 'trending topics'. I don't think they would address it because the main audience today consists of conflicting targets a) elders who believe in the core of cop shows like these and who would not approve of today's take on world peace/feminism/gay marriage and so on (and unfortunately they are the biggest portion of both the creation team and audience members) and b) younger people who control the trending opinion of 'this is the right thing to do/say because otherwise you'll get canceled'.
I won't label what I approve or disapprove but if Ziva returned today I need to say this would be a very interesting storyline IF they were smart enough to handle it. (They wouldn't. This would never happen). Ziva is centered in peace because she's a good person. I strongly believe she would fight for it, whether returning to Israel, or saying what she thinks, or creating an organization... I think nowadays Ziva wouldn't let a war that's happening in her country just pass on without her doing something. I'm very neutral about this whole she's a zionist x she's military because she's a good person who made mistakes, making her a brilliant character (storytelling-wise). She was a young adult who spent years fighting the battle of 'I must impress my father because it was he who raised me' x 'I need to fight for what is right not what they want to use me for'.
That said, I don't think they would address it. I personally think they won't ever return and if they do talk about Tony & Ziva they would do it very superficially. Accept my take on this with a grain of salt (I'm simply a Brazilian forever angered they didn't treat them right).
Anyway, cheers!
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badass-women-league · 4 years
5- Tali’s birthday
6 months has passed. Ziva was now feeling like her life was back on the tracks for good. Tony had helped her to see a brighter future. Him and Tali had been the lights that helped her get through the darkness of the past years. Tony was sitting on the couch, he was watching an old movie on the Tv. Ziva walked into the living room and sat next to him. She was getting back from Tali's bedroom after putting her to bed. She was looking concern about something. She said:
-"we need to talk about Tali.."
Tony muted the tv and turned to Ziva without saying a word. Ziva continued:
-"She is asking a lot of question about herself.."
Tony was confused:
-"what do you mean ?"
-"She asked me question about her skin... why is her skin not as white as other children at her school ? Why are we not living in the same country as uncle Tim and her cousins ? Why aren't we sharing the same last name ?"
Tony said with his charming smile:
-"we are working on that..."
-"I tried to explain her but I think she is still very confused about all those questions"
-"what did you say ?"
-"I told her that one day we will take her to see Israel and D.C so she can see the lands from which she comes from"
-"why not doing this now ?"
Ziva was surprised:
-"what ?"
-"now is the perfect time, her birthday is in a few weeks.. we should take her to D.C. and Israel"
Ziva seemed nervous. Tony grabbed her hand and said:
-"it's gonna be alright.. You said it, she needs it and so do you.."
Tony was suddenly more nervous. He had something in his mind, Ziva could see it.
He leaned over her to kiss her neck. His hands caressing her face, her shoulders, her breast.. he stopped and whispered:
-"I want another one..."
Ziva was confused. As she kissed him she asked:
-"what ?"
Tony's hand stopped on Ziva's belly. He stopped his kissing to check her reaction when he said:
-"I want to have another baby.."
Ziva tensed up. Tony tried to reassure her:
-"I know this is a big decision but Tali will be 7 soon, she's not a baby anymore. If you need more time we can wait but you seemed to feel better so I thought..."
Ziva stopped his monologue by placing a kiss on his lips. She was kissing him so strongly that it was almost painful. When she broke the kiss, Tony was still confused by her reactions. She still haven't given an answer. She cupped his face and smiled:
-"are you sure you can handle my "deadly pregnant mood" ?"
-"well.. we all have to die one day"
Ziva laughed and kiss him again. Tony asked:
-"I don't want you to feel forced to do it..."
-"I don't... I just need some time to be sure that I am myself again.. I haven't had panic attacks for months which is a good sign. Just give me some time and I can be ready"
Tony felt his heart pounding through his chest. He smiled and kissed her passionately.
-"Take all the time you need"
A few days later. Tony was putting Tali to bed. He tucked her in and said:
-"Ima told me about those questions that you have.. you wanna talk to me about it ?"
She shrugged her shoulders to indicate that she wasn't sure. Tony said:
-"it's ok.. if you don't want to talk then I will do the talking, that is something the DiNozzo's are really good at" he brush a lock of hair away from her face and continued: "you and your mom are the most beautiful things that ever happened to me. Your skin is the same color of the sand of Ima's country, you have my hair and your mother's eyes. You are looking more like your mother everyday and it makes me happy. You know that Ima and I, had to make difficult choices, right ? I told you about why Ima had to live away from us for so long." Tali nodded. "I promise you that from now on, there will be no difficult choices anymore and we'll stay together, Ima, Aba and Tali... and who knows, maybe one day you will be a big sister"
He kissed Tali on her forehead and stood up.
-"good night Tali, I love you"
Tali answered with her tiny voice:
-"love you Aba"
Tony walked out of the room and closed the door, Ziva was waiting outside of the bedroom, leaned on the wall next to the door. She had been listening to their conversation. Tony was surprised:
-"hey, you there"
As only answer Ziva kissed him. It was a long and soft kiss. She was putting all the love she had for him in this kiss. She had been nervous about welcoming another child, until now. Seeing Tony taking such a good care of their daughter overwhelmed her. She knew he would be there to help her as he had been there to help Tali. She broke the kiss and said:
-"let's make a baby"
3 weeks later. Gibbs stepped out from the elevator with his usual coffee on his hand. He stopped between Mcgee and Ellie's desk and looked at his team. They were quiet, too quiet. Mcgee raised his head from his screen, smiled and greet him:
-"Morning boss"
Gibbs didn't answer. Nick nodded to him with a smile. What the hell was going on here. He walked to his desk and stopped when he finally figured what they were hiding. He smiled when he saw Tali, sitting at his desk. He turned to Mcgee and asked:
-"our new recruit Mcgee ?"
Tali jumped from the chair and rushed to Gibbs. Gibbs lifted her up to hug her and Tony and Ziva appeared on the bullpen. Tony said:
-"you should be proud Tali, you are the only DiNozzo ever allowed to seat at this desk without getting your head slapped" Gibbs looked at Tony with a smile, he was lucky that Tali was there otherwise he would have gotten that head slap. Tony smiled and said:
-"Hi boss !"
They shook each other's hands. Gibbs turned to Ziva. It was a special moments for them. They haven't seen each other since she left D.C after Sahar. He said:
-"Ziver... you look fine"
-"I am.."
-"what are you doing here ?"
Tony answered:
-"We were missing those orange walls. We had this little family trip to Israel and since someone is getting 7 in two days, we thought it would be a good idea to stop by D.C before getting back to Paris."
A few hours later. Ellie had introduced Nick to Tony. Tony said:
-"yeah I've heard that your first meeting with Ziva was pretty physical.."
Ellie said:
-"yeah! He keeps telling everyone that he kicked the ass of the legendary Ziva David"
Nick panicked and frowned at her:
-"no wait! It's not what I said, why are you telling them this..."
Ziva interrupt him:
-"Tell me when you are ready for a quick rematch ‘ass kicking demon’" She winked at him. He was a man who liked to be challenged but he was not sure this was really a good idea for his ego. Tony laughed and said to Ellie:
-"20 bucks on Ziva.."
-"you already won.." and she walked away.
Nick complained and shouted:
-"thanks for the support, you should be on my side!"
Mcgee came back with Tali. After taking her on a tour of the building.
He stopped by his desk and said:
-"and this Tali is uncle Tim's desk but it used to be your dad's desk. Go on, sit"
She rushed to the chair and sat. Tony and Ziva walked in with Ellie and stopped to look at their daughter. Tony felt so proud to see his daughter sitting at this particular desk.
Gibbs was also coming back to his desk. He looked at Tali sitting at her dad's former desk. He walked to her and said:
-"hey Tali, I have something for you. This is something special that only special people get to wear..." He placed an NCIS cap on Tali's head. She took it off to look at it and put her tiny finger through the hole in the peak. Gibbs continued:
-"this is not every cap.. This belonged to your father first, then he gave it to your mom.."
Tali asked:
-"why is there a hole in it ?"
Gibbs smiled and looked at Tony:
-"you will ask your dad about this"
Tony nervously smile since he was the one who missed the shot and holed the cap. Gibbs placed a kiss on Tali's forehead and walked to Ziva. He said:
-"you did it. You got your family back"
-"it is thanks to you"
-"your father would be proud"
Ziva smiled. This little sentence meant so much to her.
-"I wish he could have met her"
-"he would have loved her. She's a great kid"
Ziva touched her ring, Gibbs look at it and said:
-"you two came a long way since the first day you sat at these desks"
-"and we still have a long way ahead of us... will you do me the honor to be by my side when I will walk down the aisle ?"
He was the best person to walk her down the aisle. He has always been like a father to her. One of her biggest fear when she was an agent was to disappoint him. He taught her so maybe things about work, life and most of all about herself. He fought for her, he protected her, he saved her. Gibbs smiled and kissed her forehead:
-"it will be my honor"
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Tali's birthday
Everyone was supposed to gathered at Gibbs' house. Tali was playing with John and Morgan in the garden. Tony was finishing to get the food ready along with Jack. He looked at his watch. Where were they ? They should be here by now. He took his phone and dialed Ziva's number:
-"hey! Where are you, everything is almost ready"
The door of the house opened and Ziva entered along with Nick, Ellie and Mcgee:
She hang up the phone. Nick was holding a towel on his face. Ziva smiled and asked to Jack:
-"do you know if there is some ice we could use for his face ?"
Jack asked worriedly:
-"what happened ?"
Ziva, Mcgee and Ellie smiled at each other but no one answered. Nick was clearly pissed, he said:
-"go one make fun of me if you want, you know what ? I don't care... I have been blinded by the sun"
Ellie laughed:
-"the sun...sure.."
Tony turned to Ziva:
-"I don't need to ask who won"
-"you don't .. but he had been a good sparring partner, he fought well"
Ellie was putting ice on Nick's face and she was fighting the urges to make fun of him, just like Mcgee. Ziva kissed Tony and walked upstairs to take a quick shower. Tony was looking at her as she walked away and stopped his look on her curves. He would have loved to drop everything he had to do to join her upstairs. Once she had disappeared he turned his attention back on Nick and Ellie:
-"I told you this was a bad idea.. a lot of people tried to defeat her"
Nick asked:
-"what about you ?"
-"me ?" He laughed "I am not suicidal, I have spent years following the only rules you should know about Ziva David" Tony and McGee looked at each other and answered at the same time: "don't make her angry"
The rest of the afternoon went on. Tali spent most of her time playing with Mcgee's children. The adults were all gathered around a large table full of food, talking about life and how Nick got his ass kicked again by Ziva.
At the end of the day, Tony was sat on the couch. McGee joined him with two beers. He held one out to him and asked.
-"so Anthony DiNozzo is finally gonna be a married man"
-"Can you believe that ? I have never been more nervous in my entire life. Next to that, being kidnapped by terrorists in the desert was a cakewalk"
-"you'll be fine! You are marrying your best friend..nothing can go wrong in that"
-"you're right" Tony raised his beer and said "To marrying our best friends"
McGee smiled, raised his beer and repeated:
-"To marrying our best friends"
Tony suddenly got more serious almost solemn and asked with a small smile:
-"Will you be standing next to me as my best man Probie ?"
It has been a while since McGee had heard this nickname. He was certainly not missing it:
-"if you promise that you'll never call me probie again.. it will be an honor"
Ziva suddenly appeared with Tali in the kitchen. Mcgee asked:
-"how is she doing ?"
-"ah you know.. she's the toughest woman I ever met. She's doing better but the first weeks had been pretty challenging. She had nightmares and panic attacks all the time, we tried our best to protect Tali from that. We talked a lot, even though I know she never told me everything about what happened to her. That's her way of protecting me I guess. And here we are, planning our wedding and trying to expand our family"
-"what ? Really ? That's wonderful"
-"yeah but keep that to yourself ok...I am not even sure I am supposed talk about it"
-"talk about what ?"
Ziva's voice made them startled.
-"nothing ! We were just here, talking about..wedding"
Mcgee nodded:
-"yeah... wedding"
They were clearly very nervous. Ziva threw them a suspicious look and smiled before walking out.
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
Favorite Character Tag Game
was tagged by @darkpoisonouslove​. This is going to be interesting.
Rules: name ten favourite characters from ten different things (TV, movies, books, etc.), then tag ten people.
1. Ziva David- NCIS
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This woman right here made me see the different depths of badassery that women in writing can have if they’re written correctly. (Not all of her story lines were perfect. But she was both vulnerable and strong and a fighter and dancer and just all around amazing. I love this woman so much, and her actress is even more incredible than her character. Cote de Pablo, just in case you were wondering...)
2. Leia Organa- Star Wars (The Original Trilogy)
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Strong, passionate... And perhaps one of the first women to have me come face to face with my sexuality... Leia was brilliant and sassy and she was kind. I just... I loved her. (And Carrie Fisher too. May she rest in peace and smile upon us.)
3. Flora- Winx Club (Seasons 1-4, because the others should have been better written, dammit. They had good ideas, just bad execution.)
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It was a toss up between her and Griffin, and since I sort of fell for Flora first, here we are. I loved her soft-spoken nature, but how she never let anyone disregard her. She wasn’t as combative as the others, but damn if she didn’t let her anger go from time to time when it was necessary. I just absolutely loved how accepting she was of people and how much she tried to help when she could. (And yes, I do prefer the 4!Kids voice acting... But the one from the newest season wasn’t SOOOO bad.)
4. J’onn J’onzz- Justice League/Justice League Unlimited
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The Martian Manhunter, also known as J’onn J’onzz. My favorite comic book man and my favorite ALL-TIME superhero. He can shapeshift, fly, read minds, and has superstrength. He’s soooo smart and he tries so hard to be gentle and to fit in with the rest of the group... I just love him so much. (Also, Carl Lumbly’s voice acting for J’onn was A+.)
5. Lena Luthor- Supergirl
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I love Lena so much. And I just... Identify so strongly with her. A family that doesn’t seem to care about anything but expectations and having to live up to those expectations and then shattering them. She’s not an evil Luthor, dammit, and she does so hard to prove it. If only they’d see the world through her eyes... Most of the time. (Well aware of the current season’s shit... Gotta say though, if we’re back against a wall like she is, it’s hard to know what we’d do.)
6. Captain Cold/Leonard Snart- The Flash
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He’s brilliant, he’s sassy, and he’s very much morally gray. (Yes, he’s a thief. But he also has rules about who he steals from and what he steals.) Mostly he looks out for himself and his sister only, but from time to time, when the situation calls for it, he can be known to be protective of others.
And can we talk about his fashion sense? When he’s staking out places and walking around in his more... “Blend-in” suits, hot damn. I’d love to have suits like that.
Also, he’s punny from time to time. Who doesn’t love a good pun?
(Wentworth Miller has no reason to have such pretty eyes either. I may be a lesbian, but hot damn those eyes of his. And the widow’s peak....)
7. Mick Rory/Heatwave- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
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Okay, so Mick is, pardon the pun, a hot head.
From what we’ve noticed on the show, he has many, many bad qualities. He does... But he’s so much smarter than what people give him credit for and he’s a great engineer and good at coming up with schemes to help his fellow Legends. (And himself.)
He’s against inequality. (In his own words, he hates everyone equally, but he’ll dare you to say something homophobic or racist in front of him. He’s killed people for less. Literally.)
He loves pointing out flaws in the system and exploiting them from time to time, but his favorite approach is the direct approach. (He’d love nothing more than to just roast everyone alive and be done with it.)
Mick is also a secret romance novelist. And a damn good one at that. (Secret softies are my favorite okay?)
8. Maze/Mazikeen- Lucifer
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Another of my secret softies. Maze is direct, kind of scary, and completely loyal to the ones she cares about. (And she adores little Trixie with all her heart and will probably rip out the throat of her first ex-significant other whenever the time comes.)
Maze is skilled as a bounty hunter and in many supernatural based things. She was also a skilled torturer in Hell. (And again, secret softy.)
She’s pansexual and has no qualms getting with whoever catches her eye in the moment. (And has had her heart broken a time or two, but haven’t we all?)
9. John Constantine- Constantine
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Currently he’s on Legends of Tomorrow, but he had his own show for a bit. And let me tell you, I love this snarky bisexual disaster of a man. 
First episode of his own show and he’s checked himself into an asylum and the director is like “Your business card says you’re a master of the occult and dark arts?”
“Yeah.... I’ve been needing to change that. It’s all bollucks really. I’m more of a damn dabbler these days.”
And yes... He’s a chain-smoker and almost always half-drunk... But he’s got a good heart and he tries his best with what he’s got....
(He and Lucifer actually have an interesting relationship if you read the comics... Yes, the Lucifer from the show Lucifer. They’re part of the same universe.)
Constantine’s sass and disaster energy and off the wall ideas just... They give me life.
10. Amethyst- Steven Universe
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Amethyst is someone else I really identify with. Just because she’s small and compact doesn’t mean she won’t pack a punch. And just because she wasn’t there for the original war, doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to fight for her home.
She often feels... Less than compared to Pearl and Garnet, but she masks it well with a ‘devil-may-care’ demeanor and a jokester attitude.
There’s so many levels to Amethyst, but what I love is how she just loves life. Even when things get rough for her, she does her best to find something to love and cling too. I love her so much.
Tagging: @meluisart​, @electra-jolts-magnetism​, and whoever else wants to do this.
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hopeless-nostalgiac · 5 years
I get the freaking out over Perrenial. I do. But also I’m okay with it?? Obviously Cote won’t be in it (unless a miracle happens, but I think the show would/will hype if/when she returns, same with MW). At least they’re going back to this thread. What little I have seen of Ellie’s character tells me that she’s stubborn and she isn’t going to let this go. She says she’s not big on secrets right now, a.k.a. she doesn’t like that she’s been put in a situation of keeping Ziva’s secret from Gibbs and Tony and everyone. I feel like she’d welcome a chance to dig deeper and get answers. 
((Even though I just as strongly feel that Ellie was super selfish for whining about being cheated because she didn’t know Ziva WHEN a little girl does not have her mother in the precious formative years and a very special former agent doesn’t have the love of his freakin’ life so anyway I digress))
Who knows, and we’ve been let down before, but maybe this is their way of building towards something for the finale of this season? Maybe Ellie and Ziva are writing notes back and forth to each other? Or perhaps this Odette winds up dead and Ellie’s the one to find her at her house, so Gibbs is like wwwwhhat you been doing going back to Ziver’s secret hut, huh???  And also, Odette’s killer is obviously onto Ziva being stateside and is targeting anyone close to her...
So yeah I’m watching and if nothing else, this is my wish list of scenes (not including a tiva reunion ‘cause that’s another level): --Gibbs reading Ziva’s journals in his basement, chugging bourbon --Ellie leaving new pics of Tony and Tali in the hut for Ziva --McGee somehow standing up for/protecting the DiNozzo family (this can happen anytime this season or next; I’m not picky) --Ellie admitting everything to Tony, who we see ON SCREEN in his Paris apartment with him watching Tali sleep or some such, and him thanking Ellie for helping Ziva when he could not  --An actual new photo/video/hologram of Ziva David
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