#but i am unofficially planning something now
starbuck · 10 months
geography class is so dangerous… they’ve spent this entire unit emphasizing how easy and fun it is to travel around Europe…
my bank account is sweating.
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houserautha · 6 months
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These Destined Ends
Part 3
Summary: Jessica fulfilled the wishes of the Bene Gesserits to produce a daughter. You’re now burdened with the task of not only marrying the na-Baron, but also bearing his child — the Kwisatz Haderach. Will you take your fate into your own hands? Or will it always belong to those who control you?
Pairings: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: mentions of killing/death, naked concubines (man and woman), threats via penis manhandling
A/N: I have a vague idea of where I’d like the story to go because I love the fun in discovering different things when writing on a loose plan. This chapter ended up longer than I thought it would be but Feyd is just so damn fun to write😂
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You tried not to linger on the implications of your shared quarters.
Angrily you strode after Feyd-Rautha. “What is going to become of my parents?”
“I don’t care.”
You wanted to grab his arm and spin him around, force him to face you. But you were afraid of touching him again, afraid that any little contact would result in an even trade — and you did not want to confront the flicker of attraction you felt when the Harkonnen dragged his lips across your skin. A second reaction would be indicative of something more, and you were determined not to let another scenario arise to find out.
The best you could do was stomp after him. “Well, I do.”
“Nothing will happen.”
“How can you be sure?”
“I just am.”
You mull over this response. Would he tell you differently? You sensed that Feyd-Rautha tended to be brutally honest. Probably because he never had to deal with any consequences in his life. How could he, as na-Baron?
You fail to think of anything else to say and lapse into silence, trusting that he is telling the truth and your parents will be fine. Besides, you comfort yourself, the Emperor would be furious if the Harkonnens just slaughtered one of the other Noble Houses like that. There were laws in place to discourage such atrocities.
Feyd-Rautha continues his unofficial tour, winding through a complicated series of interweaving corridors without speaking. You see several servants along the way, all who keep a cautious distance from you both. You couldn't ignore their curious looks. How strange you felt among them - pale and unblemished like stones smoothed over by a river's constant force. It didn't aid in your comfort.
"Do you not know any of them?" You ask. Feyd-Rautha is anything but a pleasant conversational partner, but at least if you're talking you don't have to listen to your rampant thoughts.
"The servants," you reply, brow furrowing.
He grunts in a noncommittal fashion. "Why would I?"
"Because they work for you." You were on friendly terms with the staff back on Caladan and trying to befriend the Fremen employed to you on Arrakis. The natives were untrusting of you, rightfully so. But you couldn't imagine just ignoring them.
"They're disposable," Feyd-Rautha comments with a wave of his hand. A pair of servants scurry by.
You watch them turn the corner and vanish. "They're afraid of you."
"Am I?"
"Are you what?"
He casts you a sideways look. "Everyone is disposable once their use has expired. Thus is the way of the Harkonnen."
You contemplate this, frowning. "Even you?"
A dry, brittle laugh erupts from him.
"Are you planning on killing me already, wife? Perhaps you'll adapt just fine here."
That wasn't the compliment he thought it was.
You pointedly ignore him. "Are you telling me that there's not a moment that would make you disposable like the rest of us?"
"There is," he says, seemingly unbothered by the threat of his mortality, unlike you. "My uncle has promised the Baronship to me. If I am an unfit ruler then I would be challenged. Thus is the —"
"— way of the Harkonnen," you finish.
Feyd-Rautha flashes you a smile as sharp as the blade of a dagger. "You are quicker than you look."
"But what of the Noble Houses? The Emperor?"
Feyd-Rautha lifts a shoulder. "House Harkonnen has proved powerful for many, many generations. No one dares challenge us. Nor will they," he adds thoughtfully. He pauses. "Do you fret for our children?"
You inhale sharply, swallowing, and it sticks in your throat. You cough out an unconvincing, "I'm fine!" then set to composing yourself, confident that your sanity would be doubted by anyone who happened by. What a way to be viewed by your subjects. Feyd-Rautha just stares at you in poorly veiled amusement.
"I try not to think of our children," you say after you're sure you're done coughing. Something akin to embarrassment burns you skin.
"Pity," Feyd-Rautha says. "These are our quarters."
Feyd-Rautha's quarters are much more grand than your room on Arrakis. He leads you into an antechamber with a skylight, pouring the strange light from the black sun into the space. There's a sunken level in the floor furnished with dark colored furniture — two love seats and a sofa. A handful of glowglobes float aimlessly by.
Feyd-Rautha crosses the room, forgoing the sunken level, to the other side of the antechamber. You have no choice but to follow.
You don't know what you expected from his — your — room. Perhaps a chamber of torture. But it's not the sleek, elegant display before you, a full sized bed with plush bedding and tasteful curtains covering a bank of floor-length windows. It's impeccably neat.
And, to your abject horror, features three naked figures sprawled out on various surfaces. Two women and one man.
Feyd-Rautha ignores them, even as they slink from their positions to greet him, bodies slender and completely hairless, free of any visible blemishes. You feign an interest in the ceiling. It's not that you're naive to nudity or sexuality, but the sudden exposure to it roots you in your place.
"Do you need an invitation?" Feyd-Rautha asks.
When you force your gaze from the ceiling, you find him settled casually in a chair with a low-slung back, the two women kneeling on either side of him and the man behind. You follow their hands as they wander his body.
"No. No."
Where are you supposed to go? If he believes you will worship him like the others than he's sorely mistaken. You walk to the bed, ghosting your fingers over the bedding and confirming its softness. You hate the way that you can feel him watching you, clearly amused by your discomfort; you rally your courage to meet his stare, refusing to acknowledge the naked bodies draped across him.
"Are you quite alright, wife?"
"Fine," you grit out. "I didn't realize we would have company."
"Would you like me to tell them to leave?"
A loaded question, one that you were aware would set the tone for the rest of your life with Feyd-Rautha. A challenge. You control the slight quiver in your voice, "Leave. I wish to be alone with my...husband."
The concubines hesitate, obviously waiting to hear from Feyd-Rautha. He continues to hold your gaze. "Leave."
Uncurling themselves from around him, the women and the man are all white limbs and smooth skin, a multi-limbed creature. Whether or not they are disappointed by this development, they don't reveal, simply sauntering out of the room to wherever they go when they aren't waiting naked for Feyd-Rautha. A feeling of annoyance stirs.
"There's no need to be jealous," Feyd-Rautha says as the door closes.
You bristle. "I'm not."
“Then come here, wife.” Feyd-Rautha spreads his legs, indicating his lap and his powerful thighs. You resent yourself for noticing. “If you dismiss my concubines, then you must come to me now and offer me your warmth instead.”
Another challenge. You wonder briefly if he is playing with you, testing your boundaries, but just as you refused to show weakness in the throne room, you refuse now, crossing the carpeted floor. A surge of bravery — or maybe stupidity — prompts you to wedge your knees on either side of his waist, straddling him, the skirt of your dress hitched up to ensure mobility.
The look on his face is worth the cost of the heat reigniting in the pit of your stomach. You chase it away in pursuit of the heady high you receive from asserting your dominance. He might’ve had the upper hand but you were in control now.
“Warm enough?” You ask him innocently.
“Not quite,” he replies. He’s tipped his head back to examine you, leaving a blazing trail where his gaze goes.
Brazen beyond you imagination, you work the buckle to his pants just enough to slip your hand inside and grab his cock.
That bastard. He was already hard. Not fully erect, you observed with conflicting feelings, but clearly you had your effects on him. Feyd-Rautha showed no shame or guilt about this, however. Like it was expected — normal for women he’s just met to reach into his pants.
And it probably was.
Injured hand screaming in defiance of your actions, you grab the head of his cock and twist, slightly backwards and to the side. You apply pressure, hopefully enough to hurt him, he wouldn’t dare reveal it to you anyway.
“Do not,” you hiss, “embarrass me like that ever again. I will not tolerate looking like a fool.”
Feyd-Rautha’s throat bobs. Except instead of agony he looks totally enthralled. “Or what?” He mocks. “You’ll wrap your pretty hand around my cock?”
“You won’t have a cock for anyone to wrap their hand around.”
“Is that a promise?”
You release him and climb off his lap, figuring it would be more impactful to leave him wanting then lustful. His utter indifference, his arousal, gives you pause to just who you’ve been arranged to marry.
“You disgust me,” you spit out.
Feyd-Rautha’s mouth twitches slightly. Did he really have to find everything funny?
He says, “We’ll see.”
A month passes at Giedi Prime in a disconcerting blur. To your surprise, besides the first afternoon, you hardly ever see Feyd-Rautha. Always busy with important meetings or sparring sessions. Or whatever he did in his spare time. You didn’t ask.
Ever since that day when you’d straddled his lap, you’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop. He had said clearly that you were even after the slap but then you’d unexpectedly turned the tables — did he intend on returning the favor?
You informed him that you would sleep on the couch in the antechamber until your wedding, to which he never remarked upon. That first night you lay awake, afraid and absolutely convinced that he would try something. But he never came.
The days passed without event and your anxiety dwindled. Besides, while Feyd-Rautha was busy with na-Baron affairs, you were forced to schlep through a mountain of preparations for the wedding ceremony. You didn’t care, frankly. You chose the first sample of whatever you were offered — tablecloths, menu items, decorations — until one of the servants accompanying you threw down the sample booklet and scowled.
“This will be the most horrendous wedding in the history of the galaxy,” the servant said in exasperation. “And all of them are too afraid of your husband to say anything.”
You had raised a brow, secretly thrilled by this confrontation. At least it broke the monotony of your life here thus far.
“Do you question my taste?”
The servant glared at you. “What taste?”
A moment passed. The other servants stared in horror, undoubtedly convinced that their demise was imminent. Perhaps that was one benefit to being betrothed to the na-Baron. He wielded a certain type of power.
You busted out laughing. In fact, you laughed so hard that tears stream down your face.
“You’re right,” you said, laughter weakening into an uncontrollable giggle. “It will be a horrendous wedding, but that has nothing to do with the decorations. Will you help me?”
The servant’s name is Asha, and in her you found a companion. She chased away the other servants that day and set to work rectifying your wedding decisions, weighing in on current trends on the planet and admonishing you for your Caladan tastes. “Absolutely not,” she deadpanned when you inquired about floral bouquets.
Out of everyone on Giedi Prime — well, really just the Harkonnen fortress, as you weren’t permitted to leave — Asha became your friend. No one else bothered or cared to talk to you, and now that you had bonded over wedding preparations, you spent infinite amounts of time together strolling the halls arm-in-arm and whispering about servant gossip since you had nothing to contribute.
Asha made your miserable new life interesting.
“Are you scared?” She asks you one day, plucking at your eyebrows.
You outright refused to shave them off in order to conform to the hairless style of the Harkonnens, but regrettably agreed to a touch-up. You kept one eye on a nearby mirror just in case she got any ideas.
“Of what?”
Asha yanks at an eyebrow hair, and you cry out in surprise. “Oh, stop, you’re fine — I mean are you scared of Feyd-Rautha?”
“No. Why would I be?” You avert your eyes from her probing stare. Asha, unfortunately, is able to read your expressions better than a trained Bene Gesserit. You learned that this stemmed from the combat trainings that all young children received on this planet.
“Because,” Asha stresses. You frown when she fails to elaborate, and your friend issues a long-suffering sigh. “I’ve heard things about him, you know, in bed.”
“Oh.” You twist your hands in your lap. “What kinds of things?”
Asha grins triumphantly. “I knew you were scared!”
You laugh and shove away her hands as she playfully jabs at your sides. “I’m not scared,” you say, fending her off. “I’m just curious. Aren’t all brides?”
“Just you. We aren’t all Noble daughters with arranged marriages. We fuck —”
“I get it,” you interrupt. “Consider yourself lucky.”
You’re about to prompt her again about the things she’s heard when there’s a light rap of knuckles on the door. Asha shoots to her feet. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes — of course she’s respectful to Feyd-Rautha but not you. But you supposed it was the basis of your only friendship, so you couldn’t exactly complain.
“You’re back,” you say, standing up slowly.
Feyd-Rautha rests, hip and elbow, against the doorframe into the antechamber. He hungrily drinks you in.
“Indeed,” Feyd-Rautha replies. Last you’d heard of him he had left for an offworld obligation without saying goodbye. Something stirs in you at the sight of him after so long.
“I hope your trip was well.”
Feyd-Rautha scans the room before his gaze returns to you. “I would prefer to be here. The Baron seems determined to keep me occupied until the ceremony.”
Did you detect a trace of resentment in his words? And why would the Baron keep him from you? The heir wouldn’t exactly conceive itself; though he would have no way of knowing that you had been sleeping on the couch all this time.
“Retrieve the present I’ve brought back for my wife,” Feyd-Rautha suddenly instructs Asha. She secretly meets your eyes before dashing away.
You fold your arms over your chest. “A present? And I thought you’d forgotten I existed.”
If he picks up on your anger, he doesn’t show it. Feyd-Rautha crosses the room to you, replaces Asha in the chair across from you.
“It’s for tonight. The Baron has requested our attendance for dinner.”
You bristle slightly. “The Baron? Tonight?”
You had been exceedingly lucky to avoid the monstrous head of House since your arrival. But perhaps it was because you ran the other direction at the mention of his name, or the fact that you hadn’t strayed from your quarters.
“Yes. You needed something…acceptable to wear.”
“My clothes aren’t acceptable?”
“Yes,” he answers. “I have no doubt that my uncle has planned something magnificent for tonight. You will need to look the part.”
Your careful, fragile existence on Giedi Prime was crashing at your feet. From wiling away the hours to suddenly being thrust into the explosive political landscape that was House Harkonnen.
But no matter. Jessica had raised you for this very purpose.
“Fine,” you agreed coolly.
Both of you turn as Asha returns from her errand, a garment bag folded over her arm. She goes to deliver it to your closet but Feyd-Rautha halts her in her tracks. “I want her to open it here.”
Part 4
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mirotilo · 23 days
'Till You Tell Me To Leave - Theo Nott
heartbroken + yearner!theo, unrequited + unspoken love, lyrics taken from TV Girl - Till You Tell Me To Leave. req are open btw!!
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I'm just gonna stay till you tell me to go. Theo knew he was getting himself into something bad. When he first got his slender hands on your curves, he knew nothing else he ever touched would feel as soft and right as your skin felt on his tight grasp. And for the first time, he felt he could rely on someone. Sure, he had friends, but would they ever equate to the feeling of intimacy that can only be achieved when he is inside you? No. The harsh but clear answer was that nothing could compare. But still, Theo's fear to have his feeling unreciprocated and to lose you fully, put him down so much - that when he realized you had been seeing someone else on the side, along with him, his mind froze. Sure, Theo never talked about his feelings to you, but his jealousy towards this new person was overridden by his immediate fear of losing you. So he kept quiet. He wasn't going to let you fade away and "subtly" create distance between you both. He deserved at least a formal goodbye - he knew that much. I only wanna hear what I already know. Was he already aware that you would leave him for this other person? Yes. But Theo was anything but a quitter. A coward for not being able to confess? Yes. That he had to admit to being. But in his defence, as were you. Theo wasn't letting go until you told him to, and you weren't telling him to let go until he got the hint to leave by himself.
But I just wanna hear it said out loud. Leave me alone, god-damn you, get out.
Anything would be better than this limbo he was put into. Why couldn't he just be heart-broken at once, to be able to stop this yearning in his heart that he couldn't ignore. But why can't he leave you by himself? Why?
I'll climb onto your bed, I'll get under the sheets. His hands flatly lay against your back, his muscles relaxed and his nose tucked comfortably against your chest, inhaling the soft scent of your skin and your bed. But for the last weeks, he had been smelling another scent with that. How he hated your new lover. The one Theo had been slowly replaced by as the days went on. Ditching Theo even as he offered your favorite things - getting high with him and watching movies while you both explored eachother's bodies. That's when he knew it was over. Whatever it is you both unofficially had, was now discarded. Thrown to the side after someone else got into your pants.
Just until you look me straight in the eye Point to the door, say good luck and goodbye.
Your silent sighs and sad eyes broke his heart, sure. But it was nothing compared to the pain he would feel if he let go. The pain he would feel if he saw you and this new lover strolling around Hogwarts, being a couple - exactly as Theo wanted to be with you... No, that can't happen. That's his place to take, and no one would get in between Theo and the adoration he feels for you. Nothing. And I'm just gonna stay 'till you tell me a reason. I'm not gonna let you let me down easy. Why? Why would you not let Theo love you? He wanted a relationship. For about the first time in his teenage years, he wanted to care and to love. He won't quit you. He sneaks into your dorm, almost crying as he sees another person's socks thrown around you floor. But nothing else matters. Not when his hands are the ones squeezing your waist. Not when it's his ear you whimper into. Nothing else matters with you around him. Why can't you feel the same? Not until you look me straight in the eyes, Say "he's coming over, I don't want you around." So I'm just gonna sit here and stare at your lips. I won't read it in your face, I won't take any hints.
i hate this!! by the way, i do have a happy second part being planned, but this came to me in a dream and i had to write it. I hate how it turned out but it's okay! Yes, i am obsessed with Theo, thank you for asking.
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sapchat · 11 months
We Are Not Our Fathers, But I Am Yours
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Back by quite literal popular demand: It’s been a few months since you and Az have taken Hawthorne in, and now he has questions about what you guys are to him.
Warnings: I say bastard once. We talk about Azriel's lovely father and the rest of his family. oo I mention that Elain and Lucien had a weird relationship, but just saying "whatever they got going on"
Words: 2.8k
Part One
You're Reading Part Two!!(2)
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“How is it, being a mother?” Feyre asked while watching Hawthorne play with little Nyx. The six-year-old, whilst bigger than the one-and-a-half-year-old, still knew to be gentle enough to play.
“It’s… nice, I mean I know I’m not his actual mother. But it’s weird, in the last couple of months I feel like I’d do anything to protect him, I mean honestly, I’d probably sacrifice Az to protect him.” I say, giving a chuckle towards the end.
“I know, Rhys and I said the same thing with Nyx. I mean you remember how Rhys was while I was pregnant, but the minute that little boy got here. It was game over for us both.” Feyre said smiling at the little boys.
We sat drinking our tea a little more watching them play in Elain’s garden before she turned to me again.
“I know that you guys are unofficially planning on moving to Windhaven once he’s eight, so he can be trained. Me and Rhys want you guys in his mother’s house. I know you will be back and forth but instead of getting your guys’ own place, just use it.”
I look at Feyre tears in my eyes from what she and Rhys are offering, then grab her hand, “Thank you guys, I’ll be sure to tell Az when we get home.”
“How is the spymaster doing with this… adjustment?” The High Lady asked a small glint in her eye.
I’d taken to the adjustment quite quickly, as I had already been playing caregiver before we had decided. Azriel was adjusting a little slower. I couldn’t tell if it was due to the lack of parental figures in his younger years, or because of how quickly it went from me and him, to me him and a child.
“He’s,” a quick pause, “Adjusting. It’s been slow, and he’s more awkward than usual. Hawthorne pretty quickly accepted that I was essentially a mother to him. But with Az, I don’t know. Hawthorne had a father who protected him for five years, and then we showed up and told him he wouldn’t see him again. He still calls him Azriel, or Azzie, or a variation of that. And whilst he hasn’t called me his mother it’s like it’s on the tip of his tongue.” I tell her honestly.
I mean we never truly expected him to see us as his parents, but it’s still weird having a child call you by name. Nothing with aunt or uncle in front of it or anything either.
“I think it’ll be okay. Hawthorne knows you both love him, and you both care for him and protect him. You get that and Azriel gets that. He couldn’t have two better parents.” Feyre tells me reassuringly. It seemed like she was going to add something else but then Hawthrone ran over, Nyx stumbling after him.
“Can we have cake now Aunty Feyre?” Hawthorne asked looking from his spot at her knees batty his dark eyelashes.
The child really could pass for our child if it came down to it. The same Illyrian features, hazel eyes, dark almost black hair, and golden skin. There have been times when we walked down the street after collecting him from the Velaris school that people had stopped and awed at how cute of a family we were. How our son was so cute and a carbon copy of his father.
Taking the smiles, they receive as thanks; they don’t notice how tense we become. How I glance at my mate, and he just glances down, some distant look in his eye that I can’t describe.
“That’s not up to me,” Feyre says nodding her head in my direction. The little boy looked at me, eyes gleaming in hope.
“Come on little shadow, let’s see if Aunt Elain and the twins have lunch for us,” I say standing and straightening my pantsuit out. I took his hand and waited for Feyre to pick up the little prince and we went into the Townhouse.
Nuala, Cerridwen, and Elain greeted us, pouring some tea into glasses, and watered-down juice into small cups for the boys. Hawthorne ran excitedly to the three in the kitchenette, and looked into Elain’s brown eyes, “You have snacks?”
Elain smiled down at the boy, smiling down at the little Illyrian. “We do have snacks. But I don’t know if you get to have any.” She said, joy glinting in her eyes at pestering the little boy.
Hawthorne looked stunned at her for a second, as if he couldn’t believe he was being denied something, and quickly turned to me, “Aunt Elain’s being mean!”
We all laughed as the little boy pouted in disbelief, even more so when he saw us all laughing. His foot stomped the ground, his wings flaring a little.
The laughing calmed a little as Rhys, Cass, and Az entered the house. They stood in the doorway watching all of us standing around looking at a little grumpy Illyrian.
The child looked at the three males and ran over to Azriel slamming into his legs. He placed a hand lightly on his back and looked around in question. “They’re being mean to me Azzie!”
At that Rhys let out a laugh, Cassian joining in. My mate looked at me in question, “Is there a reason I have a grumpy child hiding in my legs?”
“He’s just trying to get snacks for our lunch. Which he wouldn’t expect that unless someone kept letting him sneak some.” I told him, lightly glaring in his direction, but sent love down the bond nonetheless.
Azriel picked the boy up, his wings fluttering away as he did. “She’s right, you have to eat your lunch before sweets.” Hawthorne looked at Azriel in shock.
“But you and Uncle Cassin always give snacks like that before dinner!” Everyone turned to look at the two in question, a little glimmer of amusement shining through.
Feyre looked to me with humor all over her face, “Well, now we know why he hardly eats his lunch and dinner now.”
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It was later in the evening; you were trying to give the boy a quick little bath. He was mainly just splashing around. Azriel watched with amusement as you tried to run a cloth over him.
“You could help you know. I mean how did Rhys’ mother give all of you baths.” I say huffing wiping sweaty hair from my face. You were going to need a bath after this.
Azriel had a small smile on his usual blank face, “She usually gave up after the first five minutes. I’m surprised you’ve tried this for as long as you have.”
Having the child around has made him more emotionally viewable. Where he used to only show how he felt, few and far between, now it’s more common. Sitting on your heels you let an exhausted sigh leave.
“You know little thorn in my side,” You say pinching his nose, he laughs in response, “I’m just going to sit over here and when you deem yourself clean let me know.” The dark-haired boy nodded and went back to playing immediately.
You walked over and sat by Az, leaning your head against him. “Who knew raising a little Illyrian was such work.”
Azriel leaned his head down letting out a huff of a laugh. “Imagine more than one in a house.” And you did, just for a second. But it wasn’t Rhys, Cassian, or Azriel you were picturing. It was Hawthorne and a few others. Some that did look like Azriel and one that looked like you. You pictured it long enough that you must have somehow sent what you were thinking down the bond. Because Azriel sent nothing but joy and love back.
“Let’s get this one situated first,” Azriel whispered, arm wrapping around you. You smiled up at him, excitement glistening in your eyes.
By the time you sent Azriel to put the kid to bed, you stayed back to clean up the mess in the bathroom. By the time you got to the boys’ room, you could hear them talking.
“Why don’t I have ears like her?” It was Hawthorne asking the question, and it made you pause in confusion.
“Because she’s what is called High-Fae, and you’re an Illyrian. Like me.” There was shuffling, Azriel must have been tucking him in.
“So… does that mean she can’t be my mom?” It was a quiet question, and silence followed after it.
“What makes you say that little shadow?”
“Well, if I’m like you, and she’s not like us. Then she can’t be my mom, right? Like Nyx. Aunt Feyre and Uncle Rhys both have pointy ears, just like Nyx.”
“You don’t have to look like someone for them to be family. Just like me and your uncles don’t look alike, they’re still my brothers. Just like she can still be your mom. Now, it’s time for you to get to bed.” You smiled, and quickly wiped your face before entering the room.
“What are we still doing up little soldier?” You walked over to him and took Az’s spot on the bed. Hawthrone smiled at you, peeking out from under the covers.
You tucked him in just a little tighter, leaned over and gave him a kiss on the head then brushed his hair from his face.
You sat for a second, looking at your little joy, then whispered goodnight, and just when you went to shut the door you heard it. “Goodnight mama.”
Holding back your tears just a little, you turned back and said, “Goodnight little shadow.” Then shut the door. And turned to Azriel's chest to shed some of the tears.
“Come on,” he whispered, “Let’s get you cleaned up and then to bed.”
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You had picked Hawthrone up from school a few days later when he asked you a question.
“You and Azriel are together, right?” It surprised you; it was an odd question for a six-year-old. “Like… Like Aunty Feyre and Uncle Rhys?”
“Yes. Just like them, me and Azriel are mates. You remember what mates are right?” I said holding his hand as we walked down the sidewalk by the Sidra. You and Azriel had talked to him about a few things before you guys could get him in a school. So, he could know who his family would be, and about some of the world.
He nodded his head, he knew the story of me and Azriel, at least as kid friendly as you could get with Az’s job. I mean you yourself were only a healer at the school before meeting the Inner Circle. Then Madja recruited you to help with what few kids came through her shop. After about three years you were Madja’s right-hand man, thus introducing you to the Inner Circle for all their bumps and bruises. So Hawthrone knew you two were mates, like Feyre and Rhysand, and Nesta and Cassian. Whilst Elain and Lucien’s dynamic still confused him a little.
“So, if you’re my mother, does that make Az my father?” You almost stumbled at the question. Azriel had struggled in the first few weeks of having Hawthrone, he didn’t have good parental figures, so trying to play dad to a kid was a struggle.
With Nyx he had no issue, he could play uncle, be there for a few hours but at the end of the day Nyx went back to his own parents.
“Do you want Azriel to be your father?” I asked a little hesitant, I didn’t want to cause any issue for Az, or Hawthorne. It hadn’t been that long ago that you guys got him out of a bad situation in an Illyrian camp. From his own father.
“I don’t know. I know he likes me now. Before it was… strange,”
“Confusing, you’re looking for the word confusing.”
“Well, if you’re really confused then you could ask him. He always tells you that you can tell him anything. The same goes for asking questions. That’s called communicating.” Hawthorne sounded the word out to himself, then sat for a minute in thought. Right as you were about to ask him a question he perked up, wings twitching.
“Oo oo oo can we stop and get sweets!” You’ve got to pick a different path to walk along.
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“We’re home-!”
“We got sweets!!”
“We got sweets! Hawthorne those were supposed to be a surprise.” Setting the box of treats down on the table of the River House you followed the tiny stuttering of feet flying through the house in the direction of the rest of the voices.
You found some of the family in the sitting room and joined Azriel on the arm of his chair. Hawthorne was already telling Elain about his very eventful day at school, using his arms to explain it better.
I leaned over just slightly so Az could hear me, “He was asking some questions on the walk here.”
Azriel turned and looked at me, a look of almost fear in his eyes. Then furrowed his eyebrows in question.
“Nothing serious was just asking if we were together, a few other things I’ll tell you alone.”
“He asked if we were together?” I laughed a little then ran a hand through his hair looking at my boy.
“Yea, I thought the same thing. Asked if it was the same way as Rhys and Feyre.”
“Was it serious? What he asked, which is why you don’t want to tell me here.” There’s that wariness that Azriel always had regarding us.
“Just… something I figured we could talk to him about later, about parentage.” Azriel is all but locked up at that. Hands that had been clasped together moved to hide almost, shadows coming to drape over him a little. One moved to join Hawthorne and wrapping around him. “Just the basics, but it could be time to tell him something though, before we all go to Windhaven.”
Azriel nodded his head, distress flowing down the bond, I sent reassurance back.
By the time dinner was done, the sweets were eaten, and everyone went off to their respective houses. You met Hawthorne and Azriel in his room with some cocoa. Whipp cream and cinnamon on top.
“Wanna know how I got these marks on my hands?” Hawthorne glanced down at Azriel’s hand, then to his face, an indescribable look on his little face. Then he slightly nodded.
“I was born to a lord in a camp. My mother wasn’t with him though, remember how you had called me a bastard when we first met?” Hawthorne nodded guiltily, “It’s okay, that’s what it’s called when your mother and father have a kid without being together. My father’s wife didn’t like it, didn’t like me.” Azriel took a deep breath, and I handed him a cup, so he had something to fidget with.
“They had two other sons, older that didn’t like. Since they didn’t like me, they kept me locked away in… my bedroom,” the safest option rather than a ‘dungeon’ “One day, my brothers decided to test how well we could heal…. By the time my father’s guards got there, it was too late, and the fire did this.”
“Did your father do anything to stop them from being mean to you…?” Hawthorne silently asked Azriel, looking at his hands and then back to his face.
“No. My father was a really bad man. Really mean too. Kept me away from people and from flying, but when they found out I could talk with the shadows, they took me to the camp we’ll go to when you’re older. And I met your Uncle Rhys and Uncle Cassian, and Aunt Mor.” Azriel told him, Hawthorne glanced in my direction now.
“Was my father like yours was?” Hawthorne asked me, Azriel eyes widened a little, I opened my mouth to answer and reassure him but Azriel beat me to hit.
“No! You are nothing like your father. Understood?” Hawthorne nodded, “Just like I’m not my father.”
Hawthorne sat for a second, even more silent than usual when pondering a question.
“Are… are you, my father? Like she’s my Mother?” A silent tear dripped down your mate's face, almost matching the ones building in your own.
“I am nothing like either of our fathers. And whilst I might not be the one who created you, your father, I can be your father. If you’ll allow me to.” Hawthorne’s eyes watered up then flung himself into Azriels’ arms, wings trying to wrap around him. Azriel hugged back and wrapped his own wings around him, as you sat taking in the scene.
He stood from his hugging position and took your hand, and the three of you went just two doors down to your own room. Where the three of you slept, you on the left, Azriel on the right, and just under Azriel’s wing and under your arms was Hawthorne. The little dark-haired, hazel-eyed Illyrian slept soundly, between his two parents.
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Like it, tell me how you feel, share it with your friends. Share it with your grandma. Share it with the weird guy that lives at the end of the street who knows way too much about the K.G.B
Side note if you made it this far please dear god tell me what you would get the IC for solstice/Christmas presents. I have ideas for them all but Rhys. Please it can be on anom or anything 😂
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mrpldiddles · 11 months
"I mean, everyone already thinks we're dating"
still not my best work but this one's fun :)
summary: when trevor shows up at the party with the matching costume to yours, setting you guys up to look like a couple, sparks fly
word count: 827
warnings: none :)
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"I mean, everyone thinks we're dating"
"My lip gloss is all over your lips"
Despite what everyone else at the party thought, mine and Trevor’s corresponding costumes were not at all planned. It was simply coincidental that he happened to be dressed as Flynn Rider while I had dressed up as Rapunzel. But no matter how many times we denied it, absolutely no one was convinced.
“Y’know, I can distinctly remember Jack wearing a very similar costume to yours at last year's party,” I shouted over the music, clutching onto his shoulder to keep him crouched at my level. His hair brushed my cheek as he turned to look at me, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. 
“Well I did tell you my costume was a bit last minute since it didn’t get here in the mail until yesterday.” His voice sent shivers down my back as his lips barely brushed my ear. I raised my eyebrow at him as he sent me a wink. Jack’s costume last year had been the inspiration for mine this year and he just so happened to be one of the only people I had told about who I had planned to dress up as tonight. 
“He told you, didn’t he?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, blondie,” Trevor attempted to deadpan but his mouth betrayed him as it turned up into a smile. “Yeah, he told me. I needed an idea and he let it slip that you were dressing up as your favourite princess.” My heart fluttered slightly, knowing that he knew my favourite princess off the bat. It wasn’t even something that was all that important to me but it meant that he had remembered such a small factoid that I had told him. And that meant everything considering the crush I had been secretly harbouring for him practically since we’d met.
“So you decided to pretty much do an unofficial couple’s costume with me?”
“I mean, everyone already thinks we’re dating,” he shrugged. “What’s the harm in kidding them a bit?” I paused. This was my opportunity.
 “Why stop at just dressing up as a couple?” His brow quirked up over the rim of his red solo cup. “Or am I kidding myself by saying this?” My words came out quieter but the look on his face was enough indication that he had managed to hear me over all the background noise. His eyes were big and round as they bore into mine, his mouth slightly open as his cup lowered. My breath hitched and my heart pounded against my ribcage as he stepped even closer and bent down slightly to be eye-to-eye with me.
“Am I kidding myself if I kiss you right now?” My cheeks flushed as his eyes dragged over my face. My head shook slightly as my eyes flickered from his eyes to his pink lips that quirked up at the corners at my reaction. “I’m gonna need words if I’m going to do this, babe.”
“You’re not kidding yourself, Trev,” I uttered, meeting his eyes through my lashes.
“So if you’re gonna kiss me: kiss me.” His face parted in such a large grin I was sure his face might split in half. His unoccupied hand came up to cup my cheek as his lips met mine. His other arm snaked around my waist, cautious not to spill any of his drink over my costume. My arms wound around his neck, my hands finding their way into the soft curls at the back of his head. His lips were soft as they moved against mine. I could taste whatever he was drinking on his tongue but I was too deep into the haze of my emotions to care. With him this close, practically flush to my body, I was engulfed in everything that was Trevor. His scent, his taste, his hands. Everything that made up the boy I fell for. The boy who remembered my favourite Disney princess. Who took me for McFlurries at three in the morning. Who made me laugh more than anyone or anything else but who I also trusted with my most precious secrets.
His lips turned up in a smile causing my own to do the same until the kiss was more teeth and laughter than anything else. I pulled away only for him to follow and place one, two, three more soft kisses on my lips. His forehead came to rest against my own, my arms still wrapped around his neck as his dropped to my waist and pulled me even closer to him. His face was flushed, his lips swollen and red and his eyes bright as they looked into mine which I’m sure held a similar quality. 
“Y’know my lip gloss is all over your lips now,” I uttered, just loud enough for him to hear.
“Good. Now everyone will know who I’m here with and who I’m leaving with.”
“Like our costumes don’t already give that away.”
“That was the plan all along, blondie.”
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kiame-sama · 1 year
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More of druid Tav with Yan companions+ Raphael
Warnings; gender neutral Tav/reader, druid Tav/reader, yandere, yandere behavior, yandere relationship, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, injury, threat to life/limb, yandere companions, spoilers for act 1 companions, slight spoilers for a bit of the act 2 side quests,
"This deal is with your vampire spawn friend, not you. I don't want you getting involved in this matter."
"I am the unofficial leader of this group and I refuse to let a cambion tell me I can't protect my companions."
Raphael frowned deeply as he thought back on the light spat he had with the defacto leader of the illithid anomaly group. He had plans for the druid far beyond the defeat of the Absolute and their cultists. One could even say that he had formed an attachment to them far beyond what he should when it comes to the pawns of his game. To think, the powerful cambion- master of the chess board of life- has formed an affection for one of the pawns on his side of the board. Or perhaps, it would be better to assign them to the king piece. If his precious druid falls, so too does all of Baldur's Gate and the rest of the Sword Coast. He cannot afford to be put in check, least of all check-mate.
The Orthon he had set the group after had already appeared in his House of Hope as agreed upon. Now, he stood waiting for the group to return to their camp to hold up his end of the bargain.
He expected them to return quickly and they did exactly that, what he didn't expect was the group to return in a frazzled and rushed state. None of the odd group even glanced in Raphael's direction as the Githyanki and the Tiefling grabbed several bedrolls, laying them out on top of the other. The rest of the group was not far behind as they hurried into the camp, the human waving forward the rest with a frantic gesture.
"Come on, Astarion, hurry!"
"I'm fucking hurrying, Wyll! You try running with your arms full like this!"
The spat between the two made Raphael raise a brow, wondering just what all of the fuss was about. It wasn't until the vampire spawn lay what was in his arms on the bedrolls that Raphael even realized the weight of the situation. Laying limply with blood-marred skin was the beloved druid, clearly having suffered some kind of serious wound. Raphael knew the tell-tale jagged edges of the open injury on their soft body, one that could only be caused by an Orthon.
The half-elf cleric and the burly elf druid kneeled on either side of their unconscious leader, trying to use their various magics to staunch the blood flow. None of what they did seemed to be working and Raphael knew he would have to act or risk losing his precious druid permanently to the cruel hands of death. He was quick to shove the half-elf aside so he could access his favorite mortal and try to prevent the rapidly approaching end.
"Hey," Shadowheart snapped at the demon, "what the hells are you doing!?"
Raphael didn't even give a response to the upset woman, setting to reversing the damage done by his soon to be reformed minion. He had half a mind to just flay the minion that dare put such a wound on his precious druid, but he also knew others may take it as a sign of weakness. All he could do for the time being was try to help his little druid survive what- to most- is a mortal wound. Luckily for sweet (y/n) they had a powerful cambion lord on their side who could actually heal an Orthon caused wound.
For most, a direct attack from an Orthon causes death. Usually only a powerful cambion could reverse such a wound, lucky for them that Raphael was certainly a powerful cambion.
Where the healing efforts of the cleric and other druid had done little for the large wound, Raphael's touch managed to close the injury within moments. It had certainly been something that would have killed his favorite misadventurer and they had near infernal luck to survive up until reaching Raphael at their camp. Their sallow skin made his chest tighten as he searched for any sign of true recovery before he noticed their deep breaths, relaxing almost instantly.
"How did this happen?"
Raphael spoke in an even tone, but the hard edge to his words was not lost on those present. He wanted an answer and he expected nothing but the truth from them.
"It's our fault, really."
Gale spoke up, his tone bitter with resentment towards himself and the other companions responsible for allowing such an injury to befall the beloved druid. Where they had not inflicted such a wound, they were still the ones their leader was injured protecting. They all felt there was blame to share as they had not heeded the wise words of their leader and their leader paid the price for it.
"(Y/n) instructed us to not group up on the edge of the platform, but... we did anyway. That Orthon intended to shove us all off to the floor below and kill us, but (Y/n) blocked the attack with their own body, using themselves to absorb the attack."
Raphael felt a spark of annoyance flash in his mind, but decided to let it go in favor of focusing on his darling druid. They were slowly waking from their brief brush with death and seemed rather disoriented with the world around them. Their slowly trailing eyes fixed first on Raphael, a dazed and kind smile pulling at their lips as they reached out to him. He didn't pull away but watched in slight confusion as they rest their hand on his cheek.
"Raphael... thought angels were supposed to greet me when I died?"
Raphael couldn't stop the affectionate chuckle that escaped his lips, laying his hand over the druid's.
"Well, angels don't tend to save or greet the living."
"Save..? The Orthon magic... I figured it would take a devil to heal devil magic."
"If you figured as much, why didn't you call for me?"
"I doubt you would have shown."
The smallest wince from Raphael drew the attention of the onlookers, it only now dawning on them that Raphael may feel attached to (y/n) too. Some were in furious disbelief at the simple idea of this cambion bastard going after their dear leader. Some were impressed that their leader had ensnared the heart of a cambion. Even the cambion didn't want to believe how much he had begun to adore the druid that entranced all others to trust and adore them.
"For you, my favorite misadventurer, I will always show. Rest now, your body has healed but your mind will be fighting the Orthon influence for a days time. I will do what I can to ease your rest."
He was quick to wave a hand over the druid's head, quickly sending them into sleep before they could reply to his confession. Now he had to face their loyal pack and get them to concede to allowing the devil a fair chance at winning the druid's heart.
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goldsainz · 2 years
A/N: i swear the best ideas come at the worst hours… i know i said one aemond fic, but you can’t blame me okay, ewan mitchell has a tight grip on me. i was listening to ‘so it goes…’ and then ‘mastermind’ came up, and i just couldn’t resist!!!!! also my request are open, you can check out my navigation to see who i write for [gif cred: @aemondtargaryensource]
warnings: titty sucking (look maybe i like that, shut up), loss of virginity
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You were a good girl, the bestest of girls, at least that’s how you tried to appear. Yet Aemond Targaryen was not fooled so easily, so he took it upon himself to unravel the perfection that you were.
There was a plan that had to be followed, he couldn’t be too obvious, too insensitive that it would turn you off. He couldn’t be like his brother, Aegon, that with so much as glance you recoiled from even looking his way. Though he knew it didn’t take much for that reaction to occur.
So, he accompanied you in walks and talked about any type of sweet nothing that fell from your lips. It was the highlight of each of his days, and the darkest times came moments after being with you because he yearned for more of your attention, dare he say, he craved you.
Aemond Targaryen was prepared for every outcome of his plan, except rejection, which would be terrible were he not incredibly perceptive. He could now read you like a book, no matter which language you spoke to him, he was sure the sultry tone you had in just for him would stay. Despite you being incredibly graceful, you were not a naive girl, and he appreciated how well you played the game.
Months of unofficial courting would finally reach their climax on his 19th name day, where he had a special request to be made, a present of sorts. It was superficially innocent, no lewd insinuations were thrown, no matter how easily he could have made one. Aemond knew a princess like you would not stand for them, even when the situation was improper, you needed to control how far you would go, and he let you.
But as you stood in your nightgown in his room, the clock ticking for when his birthday would be, his thoughts only screamed how beautiful you looked, just for him. Your eyes glittered in the moonlight, and he stood in front of you, looking down at you, the height difference making something rumble inside of him.
“Why am I here, Aemond?” You softly said, your breath almost mixing with his, with how close you were.
“Am I not allowed to begin my name day with my favourite person here?” His question was not a lie, but you both knew there was so much more to it than just that.
“Be honest with me, we’re both old enough for such games.” You were, you had to play grown-up games now, and Aemond’s lips slightly turned up at such thought.
“I must admit my intentions are not as proper…” His hand traveled to your forearm, sliding upwards, playing with the cloth that decorated your shoulder, “as anyone would want them to be.”
You turn away from his intense gaze, looking anywhere but at him, finding the pillows on his bed far more interesting.
“If I find myself mistaken with your feelings, please feel free to leave at once.” You sharply look at him, the fire in his face should have made you leave as he offered, but the dragon in you loved fire and wanted to play with it.
In a surge of confidence you moved forward, his chest grazing yours as your lips were mere centimeters of touching if writhe of you moved to connect them. Your breath trembled when his hand came in context with your cheek, feeling helpless as your body instantly melted to his touch.
“If you want me to touch you, Princess, you must ask for it.” Aemond whispered, his thumb caressing your cheek so lovingly you almost surged forward for a kiss of his.
“Just ask and I’m all yours.” I always have been, he wanted to say, but it felt too blunt for the delicate air that flew through the room.
“Aemond, please…”
“Please what?” You almost groaned at the teasing question, but from the look he gave you, you knew better than being bad for him.
“Please, will you kiss me?” No words were needed after you spoke those glorious five words.
Aemond placed his other hand on your other cheek, kissing you without care, sighing into the kiss after months of such yearning. He had waited, he crafted his marvelous plan, and now he could harvest the crops he planted.
The kiss was by no means careful, surely brushing your lips with the force of it, but you couldn’t find yourself to care, it felt too good. He felt too good.
One of his hands traveled to your waist, gripping it tightly to ensure you stayed put while he kissed you, not letting you wiggle away from him, not now that he had you.
The confidence you had, now came back stronger, as you took off the coat he had to prevent the chill of the night. He parted ways from you, swollen lips and heavy breathing made you almost a mirror of the other.
He looked at you, searching your eyes for an unspoken answer for a question you knew was subliminal, nodding ever so slightly, he started to undo the knots in your nightgown, They were simple, soft to the fingers, which made it easier for him to brush your back and feel the shivers that coursed through it.
He started walking towards his bed, softly making you sit by the edge of it, making you raise your arms so he could slip your clothing right off. The sight of your bare tits almost made him cum on the spot, as you gazed up at him, he couldn’t help but harden in his pants, feeling them tighten.
You were left only in your underwear, you felt exposed under the watch of his eye, but comfortable because this was who you trusted most after your immediate family. The feather light touches on your collar bone made your tits perk up more, the cold air not helping the reaction.
He laid you down on the mattress, kissing your shoulder blade, trailing down to your sensitive buds who were almost begging for his attention. Aemond sucked harshly on them, making you whine loudly, to which he had to place his hand over your mouth just to silence you enough to not catch any outsider’s attention.
“Be a good girl for me, stay quiet.” He muttered, his voice muffled by his none relenting sucking on your tits.
You only nodded in response, too overwhelmed by the never felt before sensation, as you tried to adjust to the tingling building on your cunt.
Almost as if he could sense you, Aemond took one of his hands and started rubbing you over the fine cloth that covered you. You bit your lip to restrain the moan that wanted to leave your lips so desperately, making him quicken slightly, whispering things under his breath you couldn’t hear yet felt like praises.
Even when his touch felt like the greatest sin, you were touching heaven every time he stroked that sweet pearl that laid on the most sacred part of your body. He looked like a god to her, his blonde long hair and pale violet eye did nothing to rest the thought on your mind, just amplified everything sinful thought you had wanted to bury.
“Aemond, please.” Your breathy voice was almost enough to have him moaning, he wanted you to say his name like that forever.
The hand that he had over your clothes core was now moving to take off its coverage. He searched in your eyes for regret, for any doubts but all he found was pure bliss. Aemond thought you were the most beautiful lady in the seven kingdoms, but right now, he found you ethereal. You were a goddess meant only for him, only he should ever get to see you this way.
“I know, my loveliest girl.” After he took off your garments, he experimentally brushed his fingers against your hole. He groaned at the feeling of your wetness coating the tips of his index and middle finger, he felt the way your breath hitched at his touch, and he loved it.
His pants were tighter than before, even if they were looser since they were meant for the night, he was throbbing underneath his clothing and the little sounds you let out did nothing to help his case.
He had waited so long for you, he couldn’t even think straight, which led to him being firefly driven by his emotions. The fire burning inside Aemond was not quelling and he had you laying for him on his bed, almost like you were waiting for all of the heat to end up with you.
He was going to push his pants down, even if for a little freedom, but he felt your soft hands beating him to it. They were slightly shaky, but still managed to push them down with little fuss, your eyes looking up at him with those doe eyes he yearned for.
Your hand wrapped itself around his cock, and he stuttered out a shaky breath, a moan choking on his throat as he desperately tried to gain his posture back from the feeling. You didn’t mind that he had stopped the touches on your cunt if it meant you got to see his face contorted in pleasure, as you continued to stroke him it was as if he had traveled to another realm, one you had guided him too.
“Princess…” Aemond whispered in warning, feeling the tightness in his balls keep growing as you didn’t relent your strokes. It took everything in him to tear your hand away, but if he wanted to last he had to.
He took his hand from your cunt, and replaced his touch with his cock, feeling you whine as you threw your head back. His other hand traveled to the back of your neck and guided you to kiss him, missing the way you tasted and how you sighed into his mouth.
After some teasing on his part, he had finally had enough and needed to be inside you. He placed himself on your entrance, not yet entering your velvety folds, he took a mere moment to look at you. Your forehead had a sheer look to it, some hair sticking to it, but just barely. Your eyes held a passion he had never seen before, a look he knew was only meant for his eye.
“You’re sure you want this, right?” Aemond asked, knowing the full consequences of what both of your actions could lead to, but he didn’t mind them. He just needed to know you didn’t, either.
“More than anything, I was always meant to be yours.” Your words were the last confirmation he needed for him to enter you, carefully pushing in.
At first you were uncomfortable, the feeling was weird and made a certain pain appear. You felt something drip, which meant your maidenhead had been broken and there was no true going back from your actions, not that you wanted to.
He stilled inside you, awaiting for the moment you let him move. He knew this could be painful for you, and now that he had you like this, he had all of the patience in the world to wait for your instructions.
“Aemond,” You called out to him with your eyes closed.
“Please move.” With no further words, he did as you wished.
You moaned when the pain turned into pleasure, the feeling of him slowly going in and out of you was outworldly. You were sure no other feeling in the world would ever feel as good as this, and no other man would ever care for you the way Aemond did.
His thrusts were careful, deep enough to even consider he was too inside you. But there was no complaining from you, just pure bliss (though you didn’t think it was too pure).
He never once relented in his pace, not until he felt you tighten around his cock harshly, a groan slipping from him. He knew you were close, so he fastened his thrusts to get you over the edge quicker, wanting nothing more than to see your fucked out face.
“Open up your eyes, my love.” His words took a little to register on your fussy brains, but you did as he commanded, and looked up at him.
The sight was to die for, your glossed eyes made him want to get lost in them, and only spurred his passion.
“Oh, gods…” You muttered as you felt a coil in your belly tighten incredibly, clawing at Aemond’s back, surely leaving a couple red marks on him.
As he felt you reach you peak, he found himself nearing his. The moan that left your mouth was loud, too lewd, but in the state you both were there was no time to care about it. For Aemond’s ears, it was heaven, the sweetest sound he would ever hear.
After a couple moments he came inside you, the feeling of his seed in you had you gasping, still recovering from your orgasm.
He remained inside you for some time, but when he finally pulled out, his cum leaked from your pulsating hole. He laid beside you, his hand drawing circles on your belly.
“I’ve asked mother to betrothe us.” He breathed out, breaking the silence that coated the room.
“What?” You turned to look at him, your brows furrowed.
“She’s to ask your mother, though it would not be news to her, we were always meant for each other.” His voice was a mere whisper, like he was telling the biggest secret ever.
“So, we're not just celebrating your birthday, but our betrothal?”
“Our betrothal, my sweet love, is my birthday gift.” He moved his head to reach you better, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, “The greatest I’ll ever have.”
Little did he know.
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yuurei20 · 4 months
Hello!! Sorry if this is a little something out of your wheelhouse but I keep seeing people say Yana said in a tweet that the Twst’s story will continue after the current main story arc. Do you know if she actually said it or have a link to that tweet? It feels like an urban legend and idk if I can believe it without seeing it for myself. Thanks if you get around to answering this and if not then have a good night/afternoon/morning!
Hello hello! Thank you for this question!
There has been no explicit statement released by Yana, Aniplex or anyone on the direction of the main story (that I have been able to find), which makes sense!
According to the interviews we have, plans/ideas/characters are changing all the time behind the scenes (sometimes long after development has begun), so someone saying "these are our plans for the future!" at any time would be very unwise. It is a volatile industry!
Proving that something has happened is much easier than proving something has not (which is likely why a lot of these rumors get so popular), but I can certainly share the things that we know have been said! ^^
I reviewed the two official interviews that Yana has given on Twst, one published in the Magical Archives game guide in 2020 and one posted to the Apple Store in 2023, and here are all the comments that might be meant to relate to future endeavors!
・"I wrote this story with the intention of developing mutual understandings through such clashes. So no matter where this story goes, it will never be about forgiveness or saving someone."
・"I would like to have raid battles where players fight together. The theme of the game is 'making problem children cooperate with each other,' so I feel that such an addition to the gameplay would allow us to better feel the growth of the characters."
・"I would also like to collaborate with other Disney productions. The characters in 'Twisted Wonderland' are also Disney characters, so I don't know if collaboration is the right word."
・"I would also like to continue to dress the characters up in gorgeous outfits. I have so many ideas for what kind of fashion I want them to wear, what kind of makeup I want them to try…there are so many things I want to do."
・"As long as villains are the basis for these characters, I think it is important that they never become overly good people."
・"However, I am sure that more and more events are going to be held in the future, so I am wondering if parallel and ‘if’ worlds are going to start appearing."
・"The text of the first book is 35,000 Japanese characters long but book 6 has over 250,000. Up until about book 3 users are still getting to know the characters, so we prioritized helping people come to understand the world of Twst and keeping things compact. After the game was released, however, it felt like people were reading much more deeply into the story than we had anticipated. So now I include much more information than was provided during those setup chapters."
・Going forward things are going to be on a much larger scale, incorporating not only the vertical and horizontal axes of the story but also expanding upon elements such as a present, past and future. Look forward to Book 7 (currently on chapter 2)!
・"We will continue to develop this game that emphasizes the spirit of villains that cannot be discouraged, and we hope that our users will continue to enjoy it.”
・"Thank you so much for playing Twisted Wonderland. We will continue to do our best to make this game into something that can add a little more fun and color to your daily lives."
I have seen fan-rumors before of maybe an RSA arc, or perhaps the 4th years being introduced, or even the current class graduating to welcome a new wave of 1st-year students, but they are all unproven theories ^^ Very fun to think about, but unofficial!
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salty-croissants · 10 months
bullfrog x reader (any gender) , unofficial marriage. Where both of them want to made things official but considering the situation with them and Eden, reader “proposes” to bullfrog in the sweetest way ever.
(sorry if this ask sounds too all over the place I got too giddy typing this out💞)
Thank you for the request ! 
This is a really wholesome prompt , I enjoyed writing it :D 
Also don’t worry about it , your request was just fine ! 👍
I hope this turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Now that you and Bullfrog have been together for quite some time , there is a desire from both of you to give your relationship more of a deeper meaning … especially since you don’t realistically know how much time you have left given how dangerous your goal to take down Eden is .
However , since you’re constantly hiding and on the run there is no way to have any kinds of official ceremonies , so yeah … it’s really not an easy situation to be in .
Bullfrog feels very guilty about the fact that he can’t properly marry the person he loves the most because of his wanted status , and during the days in which he feels at his lowest he’s often going to bring it up …
< y/n , I just want you to have a good life … one where you don’t have to worry about getting hurt because of me . 
I can’t ask you to put everything at stake just to - > 
< Bullfrog , my love … I want to .
I want to be with you and fight by your side : no matter what the future has in store for us , I just know that we can face it together . > 
Your words never fail to bring some comfort to the assassin , even though they can’t magically erase his worries : maybe you’re right … maybe you will figure everything out as long as you stay together , who knows ? 
Deep down though , you’re just as anxious as he is : you would do anything to be able to marry Bullfrog and create an even stronger bond between you both , but how could you do that with Eden constantly threatening your lives ? 
After lots of thinking and scrapping one idea after another , you finally come up with a plan to propose to your beloved frog in a way that will definitely surprise him in the best way possible … it is slightly risky , but it’s a small price to pay to make that dream you and Bullfrog have become a reality . 
There is a special place that you two go to whenever you want to spend some time alone : a lake , located  far away from the city surrounded by a small forest and with a pretty gazebo … it’s been forgotten about by pretty much everyone except for you and Bullfrog , which makes it a perfect corner to hide away from the rest of the world when things get a bit too tough .
It’s a great candidate for what you have in mind , so you begin working on making it even more magical to have it ready for the time you’ll propose to Bullfrog , and since that’s quite a long task you end up spending months on your project … something that your boyfriend became quite curious about . 
< Hey , darling ? I noticed you’ve been heading off quite often these days … tout va bien ? > 
< Oh - yeah yeah , it’s all good ! 
I may or may not be working on a little … surprise , but I can’t spoil it just yet ~ > 
< Heh , d'accord … just be careful when you’re outside , okay ? >
< I’ll be careful sweetie , don’t worry . > 
… and after all that hard work , everything is ready for the big day : 
you ask Bullfrog to follow you somewhere , and he immediately understands that this sudden request has something to do with that secret thing you told him about days ago .
< Oh ? Am I going to see what surprise you have in store for me ? 
I won’t lie , je suis curieux ! > 
< Mhm , yeah it’s finally ready … I’m not really sure , but something tells me that you won’t be expecting what it is ~ > 
When he finally gets to witness what you did to your hidden spot by the lake , he just …
He’s completely and utterly in awe :
the place has been thoughtfully decorated with roses , his favorite flower , which outline the path that leads to the gazebo …
< y/n … ! 
You … you’ve made all of this for me … ? >
< Yeah ! 
I wish I could’ve shown this to you sooner , but it takes time for roses to grow … I came here every day to take care of them and make sure that everything was okay .
Do you … like it ? > 
< Like it ? Mon beau , this is incredible ! 
I can’t believe you went through so much just to do this for me … thank you , thank you so much ! > 
You can’t help but smile in front of his adorable reaction , and the moment he begins peppering your face with sweet kisses to underline just how happy you’ve made him your happiness only grows …
… but you know that’s not all . 
< Uh , actually … there’s another reason why I’ve been working on this .
That’s … heh , that’s the real surprise tonight . 
It’s something that I couldn’t tell you just anywhere … something that I’ve been wanting to say for a long time . > 
You can feel Bullfrog’s golden eyes staring at you as you slowly get on your knees , your heart pounding in your chest as you prepare yourself to finally confess your true feelings for the frog you’ve grown to love so much over the years …
< y/n … ? > 
Bullfrog had a feeling that something special was going to happen that night … but now he is starting to realize what it is .
< Bullfrog , my one and only love … I can’t express enough just what a blessing having you in my life has been until now : 
you’ve always been there for me through the highs and the lows , showing me kindness and understanding even when I felt like I didn’t deserve it … 
You’re just … you’re the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me , and I really do mean it . > 
You take a second to catch your breath , your eyes never leaving his …
< I know that time is running out , with Eden one step behind us , ready to end us the second we lower our guard … this isn’t really a situation most people would consider ideal to ask you something like this , but while I don’t know what will become of us I just know that …
All I want to do is spend every single moment with you , the person that brings me hope even when I can’t bring myself to see the light . > 
Here it comes … the moment you’ve both been waiting for …
< So , Bullfrog … 
Will you marry me ? > 
You immediately feel his arms around you the second you finish your sentence , and judging by his little sniffs you can tell that the assassin was really , really touched by what you said … 
< Oh y/n , mon amour … of course I will … 
I’ve been wanting to do this for so long , I was just … scared , scared to put you in danger , scared to lose you … > 
You definitely get a bit emotional too , his hands caressing your cheeks and wiping away your tears of joy …
< You won’t lose me , I promise .
I love you so much , Bullfrog … heh , words aren’t even enough to express how much you mean to me . > 
He smiles at you softly , and before you know it your faces get closer and closer , until your lips touch .
< Mm … je t'aime aussi , y/n … and I will love you always . > 
Hearing him whisper those words among the kisses makes your heart skip a beat , and as your night ends with a much needed intimate moment of passion you feel like this night marks a new beginning for the two of you …
No one would be able to break your bond , not Eden , not anyone else .  
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stellar-solar-flare · 1 month
A Fairytale Of A Disaster | S.R.
Chapter 1: So Much For Prince Charming?
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Explicit - 18+ only - Steve Rogers/Doctor!Reader
Your friend set you up with a perfect guy. Unfortunately, when it's time for you to meet 'Grant' for the first time, he has stood you up. On Valentine's Day of all days.
Was it too good to be true? Or does he instead have a very, very good reason why he's late, and a desire to make it all up to you?
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Fluff, hurt/comfort, meet-cute, misunderstandings, eventual smut, healthy communication. | Background Sam Wilson/OFC.
Chapter Word Count: 3364 words.
Reader Specifics: She/her, late twenties (a few years younger than Steve in this fic). Training to be a trauma surgeon (has completed med school, in residency stage). Likes books and houseplants. No description of appearance (other than clothes and such), no use of Y/N.
A/N: I wanted to write a Valentine's Day oneshot, and then it turned out it has parts. Oh no. Well, here we are. I hope you enjoy this fluffy little trope collection! As always, thank you for reading, and hearing what you think means a lot to me.
Alternate Universe: The Avengers Initiative continued SHIELD's work after its collapse to corruption. The Avengers are living together in the Compound - Bucky has healed, and Civil War never happened because Tony and Steve worked through their differences like adults.
I do not own anything Marvel related. This is an unofficial fan work. No copyright infringement intended. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 1: So Much For Prince Charming?
Of course Grant — if that was his name — had been too good to be true. Of course he had.
You were never agreeing to a blind date again, no matter the persistence of the person suggesting it. True, Nurse Brooke was a force of nature when she had her mind set on something, but you still weren’t sure what had gotten into you. She’d struck at just the right moment, as you’d been sitting in the dressing room exhausted and elated after long hours in the OR, operating on a patient under the watchful eye of your attending surgeon. You’d been feeling great about your success, feeling like you’d actually be a real doctor one of these days, and that was when Brooke had begun to talk about the friend of the guy she was seeing.
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True, it had been the beginning of February, with everyone talking about their Valentine’s Day plans; perhaps all that gooey pink syrup in the air had somehow made its way through your ear drums and into your brain. Even as you very well knew it didn’t work that way, the idea seemed comforting. At least more comforting than the reality that due to your own actions, you were now sitting here, in a fancy restaurant, in a pretty red dress, alone. Subject to looks that had been turning more and more sickeningly sympathetic as ten minutes had turned into twenty, then half an hour, and then finally an hour.
You weren’t even certain why you’d waited so long. Perhaps you’d wanted to believe that somehow this would take a turn for the better. That you hadn’t really gotten stood up. On Valentine’s Day of all days.
“Miss, I am very sorry,” your waitress came up to your table. “But as it unfortunately seems that the people the reservation was made for won’t be arriving; I’m going to have to ask you to give up the table.”
You nodded. Of course; some happy couple was waiting by the hostess’ stand. As angry and humiliated as you were feeling, the last people to blame were the wait staff — gods knew they dealt with enough on a day like this, without you lashing out at them for things that were not their fault at all. Your time here had already included bearing witness to no less than three proposals, some of which had certainly involved the wait staff slipping rings into desserts or glasses of champagne.
“Of course,” you said, digging out cash to pay for the two drinks and the appetizer you’d had while waiting for ‘Grant’, and leaving a nice tip on top of that.
You eyed the bar side of the restaurant as you did. You’d gone through the trouble of getting dolled up and coming here; you’d arranged this night and tomorrow to be free of work, which wasn’t an easy feat to do in the ER. You might as well enjoy some more substantial food at the bar, and maybe a drink or two, before going home and eating a nice tub of ice cream and envisioning dying alone surrounded by houseplants.
Well. Look on the bright side. You were never dating again after this disaster — you might as well get married to your job. And once you were done with your residency and fellowship, you’d at least have a nice pile of money to leave for your plant babies. That was something.
You took a quick trip to the ladies’ room to ensure you weren’t looking as miserable as you felt, and then hoisted yourself onto a bar chair, asking for the menu from the bartender even before you finished sitting down. She slid it across the glossy wooden surface for you, and you dug in your purse for your phone for the millionth time since you’d arrived.
Not one message from Grant. Of course. Why would there have been, after all this time had already passed? Brooke hadn’t messaged either; you hadn’t really expected that she would have, but still. As much as you didn’t wish that her own plans had been wrecked, it would’ve made sense if Samuel, the guy she was seeing, had had to take Grant to the hospital, or something. You thought about texting her, but rejected the idea so as to not bother her. If it had been anyone but the always cheerful, kind Brooke, you would’ve suspected you were being played for some joke; she’d been the one to suggest it. Oh, you know, Samuel has this friend who’s a great guy, a few years older than you. I think you two would hit it off. A great guy. For sure. You needed to ask Brooke if she was sure about her life choices, if her Samuel spent a lot of time around a guy who thought that standing you up like this was all fine and dandy.
The top message chain on your phone was still you and Mr. No-Show, and to add insult to injury, the last message there was you sending a mirror selfie of your outfit for the night, so that he could recognize you at the restaurant. You’d been talking for a few days, and you’d really thought you had been hitting off just like Brooke had predicted, but you didn’t know what Grant looked like. And he hadn’t asked for a picture of you, either — any sort of picture, which at the time, you’d thought of as a relief considering some of your experiences with online dating. In hindsight, that might have been a red flag, but the pink goo that had overtaken your brain had probably made you look at it through rose-colored glasses: this is a guy who wants to get to know me, who isn’t just after looks.
But apparently you’d been wrong. Or even worse, he hadn’t been just a skirt-chaser, but the sight of you in a red swing dress, with your makeup and hair done, had somehow turned him off from meeting you. That he’d changed his mind, even after the texts had been constantly flying back and forth between you, as you’d found every moment in your hectic schedule to reply to him. He’d asked you about your favorite books and you’d rattled off a long list of them; you’d asked him about his hobbies — art, reading, and exercising; he’d told you that he liked dogs and would like to have one one day when he had the time, and you’d responded with pictures of your plants. He hadn’t minded that residency was a wild, sometimes exhausting ride that took long hours of your time — in fact, he’d seemed quite interested in the fact that you’d chosen a career where you could help people, and gone after something so challenging.
He’d been straightforward but polite about the fact that he wasn’t just looking for a casual thing, that he considered himself pretty old-fashioned in that sense. He’d said he was somewhat new to dating but he didn’t want to date — he wanted to find the one for a committed relationship, to eventually get married. He’d told you about volunteering at a nursing home; he’d sent you pictures of the meals he’d cooked, placed on some pretty fancy stone countertop.
And he had actually asked you out to a real dinner once you’d been constantly talking for two days, not texted you at 2 AM asking if he could come over. After you had said that you would be delighted, he’d found the restaurant and booked a table, taking the initiative and the mental labor. He had offered to pick you up — very old-fashioned of him, indeed — and hadn’t made any sort of fuss when you’d politely declined his offer, telling him you weren’t comfortable with that before you’d met him face to face. His last message had arrived over six hours ago, five hours before the time you had been supposed to meet at the restaurant.
I'm really looking forward to meeting you tonight. What’s your favorite flower?
Roses are a classic, you’d told him. In your silliness, you had believed that he would not only show up but show up with flowers, that this guy who had talked about making some of his favorite recipes to you, who had argued with you for over twenty minutes of constant texting on the topic of the best horror movie ever made, who liked to wake up early so he could run in the sunrise and hear the birdsong, was actually real. Of course he hadn’t been, at least not to you. He’d asked all the things about you just to kill time — if he was real to begin with, someone like him was probably drowning in ladies, especially in a place like NYC. He’d just come across a better opportunity.
It stung. It really, really stung, after you’d gotten your hopes up so high. So much for Prince Charming. He’d been a frog like all the rest of them. No, there was nothing wrong with frogs; it was silly to compare a bad person to them. So much for a fairytale — instead you’d gotten a disaster.
In the dining room, another round of applause broke out — the fourth proposal of the night. You clapped along out of politeness, keeping your stinging eyes on your phone. Just because you were miserable, didn’t mean others needed to be.
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Half an hour later, you had a nice plate of fish & chips and a nice glass of crisp white wine in front of you; both were doing wonders for your downtrodden spirits. Still, you didn’t dare to look at the dining room, where all the happy couples were gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes and sharing desserts. No point in twisting the knife.
You had exited the messaging app and were browsing around news sites to take your mind off everything. The stock market had gone up and down and sideways and wherever the stock market went; the Avengers Initiative had stopped a potential alien invasion in Antarctica; one of your favorite authors had announced a new book which you pre-ordered immediately; a man was convinced that the alien invasion had been foretold to him on a piece of toast he’d eaten last week; the court proceedings for a high-profile case had begun and were garnering quite the attention from the media; famous people had been doing all sorts of things that someone had deemed significant enough to be news.
Another day in the world. If you hadn’t already had those two drinks, you might have considered going back to the hospital and offering to let some poor soul out of their shift, but now you would have to find something else to do with your evening. You’d spent so much time this week telling Grant about all your favorite things and hobbies that right now, all of them seemed to leave a sour taste in your mouth when you thought about them.
You were just contemplating checking out what movies were running in the theater that was nearest to your home, when you heard a low male voice from behind you, calling your name in deep relief.
Grant. A sardonic part of you remarked that he at least existed. Even before you turned around, he continued speaking:
“Oh thank god, you’re still here, I am so sorry —“
He had arrived; not one message in almost two hours, and he had the audacity to just roll in like that. A part of you knew very well that all sorts of emergencies could happen — hell, the results of those emergencies were what you spent all day every day sorting out. Another part of you, the one that had been sitting here alone waiting, considered dumping your drink on his head and leaving without a word.
You curbed the drink-dumping instinct and spun around in your chair, speaking even before you’d completely turned around:
“You better have one hell of an explanation because you are almost two hours late without as much as a message to let —“
Then you got a look at him: a real look that killed the small voice in your head that asked if he was here now because his Plan A had not been successful. As you took him in, you realized that he might very well actually have the hell of an explanation that it would take for you to let him off the hook after this.
The tall, blond man standing in front of you was still wearing a dark blue, padded superhero suit that had all sorts of grime on it and a tear that looked an awful lot like claw marks on the left side of his chest. The shield that everyone recognized was strapped to his back.
“How’s being stuck closing a portal to another dimension so that nothing invades the planet through it?” he said, smiling just slightly, but you could see the uncertainty in his eyes.
Distantly, you realized that the sweet murmur of muted conversation had quieted down from around you, and even the sound of cutlery had ceased. It was eerily silent. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see that a guy who had been about to get on one knee had stopped half-way and was now swaying in an awkward position. The presence of any of the Avengers in the city wasn’t that unheard of, but the fact that one of them had just barged in like this, clearly coming straight from battling whatever fresh hell this day had thrown at him, was making people gawk.
At him. And by extension, at you, who had been observed enough over the time you’d been here, whispered compassionately about. That poor lady, getting stood up on Valentine’s Day. It turned out you hadn’t gotten stood up after all, and a tiny, tiny part of you was glad that the people who hadn’t been compassionate but had looked at you with that Oh thank god that’s not me, at least I’ve got someone obvious on their faces, were witnessing this now. Such vindictiveness was poison, so you let go of the idea after only a little gloating.
“Grant, huh?” you finally said, a smile tugging your mouth up.
“Among other things,” he smirked.
Grant. As in Steven Grant Rogers. As in Captain Steve Rogers, the Head Strategist of the Avengers Initiative that had kept up the good fight when SHIELD had fallen to corruption.
As in Captain America.
The way people were staring right now, you understood why he hadn’t disclosed his identity before this. Brooke had made some sly comment about how he had a public job so he was quite a private person.
“So, Nurse Brooke’s Samuel…” you said, wanting to thwap yourself on the forehead for not realizing.
“Sergeant Sam Wilson aka the Falcon,” Steve grinned, shaking his head. “Unfortunately, their plans went awry too. I would’ve messaged you but we had to leave really quickly, and I hadn’t saved your number to the cloud, only on my private phone. Which is back at the AI Campus on my kitchen countertop. So forgive me for letting you think I just blew you off.”
Strictly speaking, he probably could’ve asked Sam to text Brooke for your number, but on the other hand, with a literal alien invasion about to happen unless they stopped it, they had had other priorities. You understood. Steve had probably dropped straight out of the Quinjet onto the street to be here looking like that. You wondered what he’d told Sam and the others.
“It’s alright,” you murmured. “I know how it is sometimes.”
You didn’t, not for certain, but you had an inkling that trauma surgery was probably pretty close when it came to all kinds of things suddenly being thrown at you, pushing aside everything else and rearranging your priorities. No matter how much you had wanted to do the previous things you’d thought of.
“You would, wouldn’t you?” he said softly, looking at you. “So let me make it up to you?”
“I had to give up the table,” you said just as softly. “It's a busy night.”
His forehead creased in thought, and you could tell that he was devising a new strategy. His entrance had lacked any subtlety — here, people would just stare at the two of you like you were zoo animals, and even as you suspected that he would’ve stayed if you had asked him, you didn’t want that to be your first date.
Your first date with Captain America, a panicked voice piped up in the back of your head, and you squashed it down. He was just Steve. Steve had been the guy with whom you’d been constantly texting, not the superhero in a very, very impressive stealth mission suit in front of you. He was both, but to his date, he would want to be first and foremost Steve. Getting to know you, and letting you get to know him, before letting you in on his star-spangled secret had told you that much.
“The night is young, Steve,” you smiled at him, making a point to use his name and not the Captain that some different voice in your head wanted to softly roll off your tongue at the sight of him. “Let me just get my food packed to go and we’ll figure out what to do?”
The way the smile overtook his face at that made your heart do a flip in your chest.
“That sounds like a plan to me.”
You barely managed to muster the brain function required to turn around in your chair and ask the bar staff to get your food sorted out.
As you did, Steve stepped closer, stopping to stand next to your chair. If he hadn’t been covered in gods-knew-what, and if you hadn’t had quite an audience, he probably would’ve hugged you for a hello. Now, he instead just very, very gently brushed your bare upper arm with his thumb, sending electric shock down your arm. His hair was a mess, falling onto his forehead, but he was smiling like the sun itself.
“Thank you. For giving me another chance,” he murmured, low enough for only you to hear. “You look beautiful. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to grab the flowers. I’ll make that up to you too.”
“All the flower shops in Antarctica were probably closed at this hour, yeah,” you smiled at him over your wine glass, and he chuckled at your joke. “I appreciate the thought. It’s alright.”
He grinned. He was standing very close, and he smelled good. There was a hint of cedar-like aftershave and something like fresh air, as if the cold climate of Antarctica had gotten stuck on him, but underneath that there was a musky smell of him, one that made heat pool on the bottom of your stomach.
“How’d you feel if I took you to the compound and cooked something nice for us?” he asked. “If you are comfortable with that, of course. I’d take you out but I don’t think we can find a table tonight and I’m not exactly in a state to utilize one of the VIP rooms we might be able to get to. I’ll drive you back home at night, of course.”
He added the final sentence a little sheepishly, clearly not wanting you to think that he was inviting you over just so you could spend the night with him. You appreciated his thoughtfulness; it might be something he himself wasn’t comfortable with. But on the other hand, if he was comfortable, and if that was where this night would eventually lead… Then you had no objections.
And you certainly, certainly had no objection to enjoying a delicious meal with him that he had cooked himself. You took a long, centering gulp of your wine before you were able to answer.
“That sounds really nice, Steve.”
He met your gaze with a gentle, happy warmth in his eyes. And maybe, just maybe, this night might yet turn into the fairytale you’d been hoping for.
“Then let me call us a car.”
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Next chapter >>
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cod-dump · 1 year
At the soapghost wedding-
Rudy: Pull yourself together Ale
Alejandro, a sobbing, snotty mess because he’s an absolute SAP: I-I’m Try-Trying
What You Deserve
AleRudy, SoapGhost
(Disclaimer: I don't speak Spanish so I used an online translator. I am sorry if it doesn't come out legible or accidentally summons demons when read out loud)
Alejandro hadn’t expected Ghost and Soap to visit the Los Vaqueros base. The pair were glowing when Alejandro and Rudy greeted them. He could feel their joy and excitement.
“My friends! What has you smiling so broadly?”
Ghost, who had an arm on Soap’s shoulders, squeezes them and immediately Soap held up his hand. There, a simple silver band with a gold stripe rested on his ring finger. Alejandro gasped and Rudy grinned. They were getting married. They grabbed they men and smooshed them in a hug, Soap laughing loudly.
It took them a moment to release them, both jittery with excitement and joy, now matching the energy of their friends.
“We didn’t want to tell you over the phone.”
“I would’ve killed you if you did!”
They ushered the two off to grab drinks. They had already told Laswell, seeing that they were in the US first to tell her. Then they flew here to tell Alejandro and Rudy.
“You have to stay for dinner!”
Soap looks at Ghost and grins, “Told you they were going to ask.”
Ghost rolls his eyes fondly, “Laswell stuffed us with pie when we saw her.”
“Then we’re going to have to stuff you with birria tacos.”
Soap slaps Ghost chest to prevent him from saying anything, “Oh, we’re staying!”
They ended up going back to their house, Soap deciding to help Rudy in the kitchen while Alejandro and Ghost were banished to the living room. Ghost was bouncing his knee as Alejandro grabbed them beers.
“I can’t believe you’re finally getting married!”
“After carrying the damn ring in my pocket for a year, yea.”
Alejandro laughs, “A year?”
“The most gruesome year of my life.”
Ghost and Alejandro open their beers, Ghost taking a swig. Alejandro could tell he was wanting to say something. The bouncing knee and now him fidgeting with the beer bottle.
“Something on your mind?”
“Yea, I was wanting to ask you something…”
Alejandro tilts his head and Ghost breathes out before looking to him, “Would you be my best man?”
Alejandro, of course, was in mid drink of his beer when he processed the question. He immediately choked on the drink, almost spilling the rest of his beer while trying to blindly put it on the coffee table. Ghost panicked and pat his back to help clear his lungs. After a moment of coughing, Alejandro breathed in.
“You… want me to be your best man?”
“Me- Simon, I love you. I am honored that you have asked me but- what about John? Kyle? Kate?”
Ghost laughs, “John is more like my father and Kate is unofficially my mother if you haven’t noticed. Not exactly best man material. And Kyle is Johnny’s best man. You should’ve seen the river he cried when Johnny asked him.”
Alejandro stared before he grins. He grabs Ghost and pulls him into a hug. Ghost immediately hugs him back, laughing.
“Is that a yes?”
“You bet your ass it is!”
After a minute Soap yelled from the kitchen, “I’m assuming the coughing and yelling is because Ale is now your best man and not that you killed him!”
After dinner and much talking, Ghost and Soap left even though Alejandro and Rudy insisted they stayed the night. Alejandro was riddled with anticipation, unable to sleep that night. Soon Alejandro was helping get ready for the wedding. He of course made time with Rudy, planning their outfits and shopping for wedding gifts. It was truly one of the happiest they had felt. They had been to weddings before but this one was different. Two of their closest friends were getting married. Two of the bravest men they had the pleasure of knowing.
Two men, like them, never knew if they would ever be able to have this.
Alejandro and Rudy didn’t have an actual ceremony when they had gotten married. They took the quickest route to tie the knot because, at the time, they weren’t sure if they would ever get another chance. Though Rudy has told Alejandro time and time again that not having an actual ceremony didn’t bother him and he was happy, Alejandro felt as though he deprived his husband the wedding he deserved.
The wedding was taking place in Scotland, at a church that was near a cliff overlooking the ocean. This was where Soap’s parents had gotten married. And now it was where Soap would be marrying the love of his life. Alejandro was up one night talking to Ghost about it, he could hear the smile on his face even over the phone. Alejandro was outside, enjoying the cool breeze as they talked. He was watching Rudy through the window as Ghost expressed his excitement and joy.
“Every little detail matters. I’m going to make it the most wonderful and memorable day of Johnny’s life.”
Even though Rudy was smiling as he read his book, Alejandro felt himself frown.
“All of us are going to make sure you both have a wonderful and beautiful day, Simon. It’s what you both deserve.”
Alejandro had the pleasure of helping wrangle everything together along with the rest of the wedding party. Gaz was trying to act like he wasn’t holding back tears as they planned his best friends’ day. Alejandro had found Gaz sobbing behind some flower arrangements.
Gaz didn’t bother to look at him, “They’re killing me!”
Alejandro saw that Gaz was looking at his phone, seeing a paragraph of text from Soap.
“Johnny just sent me a rough draft of his vows. It’s so sickening! I might throw up with how sweet it is!”
Alejandro smiles and pats Gaz’s back, “Save the tears.”
“If I do that I might flood the church!”
Price wasn’t much better. He, Laswell, and Alejandro went with Ghost to look at tuxedos. When Ghost tried on the third tux, Alejandro could see Price struggling to keep it together. Laswell had to step away to give herself a moment before she came back. She was also taking a million pictures, Ghost groaning when she kept having him turn around.
“I don’t even know if I want this one.”
“I don’t care! I’m savoring every moment of this!”
Ghost didn’t pick a tux that day but no one was in a rush. That night, Gaz called and talked about Soap and how his father and mother were pestering him about growing his hair out for the wedding. Alejandro laughed, he couldn’t imagine Soap with a full head of hair.
“It’s getting closer…”
Rudy nodded, falling asleep on Alejandro’s chest. Alejandro thumbed his wedding ring, wondering what kind of wedding Rudy and him would’ve had. Something traditional? A small gathering of their closest friends and relatives? Rudy hasn’t been in contact with his parents and family for years. Would they come? If not, who would walk Rudy down the isle?
“Estás pensando demasiado alto, amor.” (You’re thinking too loud, love.)
“Lo siento, flor” (I’m sorry, blossom.)
Rudy mumbles, burying his face against Alejandro’s chest. Alejandro sighs, closing his eyes and attempting to drift off to sleep. For the next couple of months, up until the wedding, Alejandro continued to think. As everything built up, to the decorations, seating arrangements, guest list, food— All Alejandro could think about is what Rudy and him would’ve chosen. He tried to not let his busy mind get in the way of helping make his friends’ most amazing and impactful day of their lives become reality.
The dancing classes Alejandro attended with Gaz, Ghost, and Soap was fun. Soap insisted that Alejandro and Gaz were going to dance together at the wedding, and Alejandro laughed as Gaz stared at him in judgment.
“I don’t dance.”
“You will!”
Gaz groaned loudly before turning to Alejandro. Alejandro had to laugh at the face he was making as they followed the dance teacher’s instructions.
“At least you haven’t stepped on my feet yet.”
Immediately after those words left Alejandro’s mouth, Gaz purposely stepped on his foot.
“Oh, my bad.”
Alejandro went to say something when he noticed Ghost and Soap as they practiced. He saw how carefully they moved, Soap grinning like a madman. Ghost was looking at him like he was the only person in the whole world. Alejandro stumbled over his own feet and made Gaz lose balance, causing him to fall against Alejandro. They didn’t fall to the floor, thankfully, but they still were in a awkward position.
“You clumsy ass!”
The old lady who was instructing them gasped at Gaz’s words while Soap laughed. Alejandro helped Gaz stand while grinning. Once Gaz was standing on his own, he smacked Alejandro’s shoulder and backed away.
“I don’t know how Rudy deals with you!”
“I am very charismatic.”
Gaz glares at Alejandro while the instructor announces that it was break time. Soap and Ghost walked over with matching grins.
“Do we need to separate you two?”
Alejandro shrugs, “I don’t know what’s Kyle’s issue. I thought we were doing fine.”
It isn’t a secret on how some friends can’t work with each other due to how they distract one another. Gaz and Alejandro so happened to be that type of friends. Well, sometimes they were like that. But they knew that this wedding was important and they weren’t going to be the ones that disrupt it.
“I swear if it rains-“
“Tents exist, Simon.”
Soap and Ghost were set on everything happening outside. The actual ceremony would happen inside the church but everything else would be outside. Alejandro and Gaz had been running around to make everything was perfect. From looking at pole tents, DJs, what drinks and food to serve, getting all allergies down— It was a lot of work but they were happy to do it.
With the wedding right around the bend and finishing touches being made, Ghost became increasingly anxious. He was pacing as he and Alejandro went over last minute details to make sure everything was perfect.
"What if he changes his mind about marrying me?"
Alejandro rolls his eyes, "Mi hermano, in what world or timeline would Johnny not want you?"
Ghost sighs, "Just... he could do so much better than me."
"Simon, you are a damn good man. I can't imagine a single person who is better than you."
Ghost huffs but Alejandro could see a hint of a smile in his eyes. Alejandro helped Ghost arrange a gift to be sent to Soap the night before the wedding. A simple bottle of whisky and chocolates with a note. Ghost worried he should have something more extravagant delivered but Alejandro assured him Soap would love anything he sent him. From a bottle of wine from the corner store or a bottle of whisky straight from the distillery.
Alejandro had to help Ghost calm down enough to sleep. Though he, too, had a hard time settling down. Tomorrow was the big day.
"No sneaking out the window," Alejandro joked as Ghost sat on his hotel room's bed.
They decided Soap would stay at his parents' house while Ghost stayed in a hotel. Alejandro and Rudy were staying in the room right next door and Laswell was in her own room with her wife down the hall, Price in the room across from hers. If Ghost did try to run (which he wouldn't in a million years), someone was bound to catch him in the act.
Alejandro groans and falls into the bed next to Rudy. He feels his husband rub his back which made Alejandro groan again.
"Can't wait for the wedding to be over with?"
"I love Simon and Johnny but god I had no idea planning a wedding would be this exhausting."
Rudy hums and Alejandro felt his heart twist. He would've been just like Ghost if he was planning his wedding with Rudy. Every detail would matter. Location, guests, decorations, the food-- Everything. Alejandro sits up in the bed, kneeling in front of Rudy.
"Mi amor? Something wrong?"
Alejandro reaches over and takes Rudy's hand, thumbing over his wedding band.
"Remember when we were kids and you talked about your dream wedding?"
Rudy sighs, "Ale-"
"Rudy, please..."
"Yes, but that was years ago. What child doesn't dream about their wedding?"
Alejandro scoots closer, "I should've given you that wedding. Some way or how-"
"Alejandro, I don't need a wedding. I am married to you, not having a ceremony does not change that."
Rudy moves and crawls closer to Alejandro, cupping his face.
"I am happy, my love. I have you and that is what matters."
Even with Rudy kissing him to seal that fact, Alejandro still felt doubt. When they were children, while Alejandro was sword fighting the neighborhood kids with sticks, Rudy was creating stories. One story was his wedding. Back then, Rudy and Valeria would 'kidnap' Alejandro and have a dramatic mock wedding. If Alejandro knew those silly games would be the closest thing he had to having a ceremony with Rudy, he would've done things differently.
When morning came, Alejandro put on a face for the wedding. He felt anxious so he knew that Ghost was going to be far worse.
"Today's the day," Alejandro muttered as he went to make sure Ghost was ready to get this over with.
Rudy parted from the hotel after giving Alejandro an encouraging kiss. Hearing Laswell finally let out a sob when reality hit her brought Alejandro's attention back to Ghost. They dressed Ghost, made sure everything looked in order, then headed out for the church. Alejandro could feel the tension coming off of Ghost in waves, the man fidgeting with the cuffs of his suit.
"Everything is going to go perfectly, mi hermano."
Ghost breathed out, head resting against the back of the seat, "I hope so... I never thought this day would come for me..."
Alejandro pats Ghost's knee, "Course it would come. Just had to wait for Johnny."
Ghost cracks a contagious smile that Alejandro couldn't help but return.
Everything from that point on, thankfully, went without issues. The guests were behaved (Alejandro was concerned about Soap's family but he wouldn't dare say that out loud), everything was in place, the priest was ready to go-- Everything was perfect! Gaz had given Alejandro an earpiece so they could communicate and Alejandro couldn't help but laugh.
"This isn't a mission, Kyle."
"Uh, yes it is. A life mission."
Alejandro laughed as Gaz continued out, both of them making sure no issues even had a chance to take root. Finally, it was time. Everyone took their places, and soon the ceremony started. The priest took his place at the alter, then Ghost took his place with Alejandro following suit. Alejandro could see Rudy in the crowd, near tears. Alejandro could see Ghost fidgeting again as the rest of the wedding party took their places and, finally, Soap walked down the isle with his father.
Alejandro could see the awestruck look on Ghost's face, the love and adoration as Soap made his way down the isle, kilt and all. The look never went away, even with Soap standing in front of him. Alejandro found himself imagining him and Rudy in their position, in front of an alter, family and friends around them, laying witness to their union. He was unaware of how much time passed, of what was said. Alejandro was lost, imagining a beautiful ceremony, catered to Rudy and all that he ever dreamt of.
Then the priest started to give a speech about marriage and he snapped out of it. Ghost and Soap seemed almost lost staring at each other, the love so strong that Alejandro could get sick by it. Finally, it was time to exchange vows,
"Simon and John, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"
"Will you honor each other as husbands for the rest of your lives?"
Alejandro could hear a shake in Ghost's voice as he spoke, holding Soap's hands in such a delicate manner. As if he was afraid this would all go away if he squeezed too hard.
"I, Simon, take you, John, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."
Alejandro could see Price sobbing, tears streaming down his face. Laswell was rubbing his shoulder, tears also in her eyes.
"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, take and wear this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness."
Ghost managed to slip the ring onto Soap's finger without dropping it. The man was barely containing his shaky hands. Alejandro swallows hard, thinking about the ring he had gotten Rudy. It wasn't anything special. Wasn't expensive or worth showing off. It was just a plain wedding band, something to show that Rudy was taken. Nothing more.
There was more preaching and prayer until, finally-
The kiss shared between Ghost and Soap was the most passionate one Alejandro had ever seen them share. Tears in their eyes, Soap cupping Ghost's face as they smooshed their faces together. Alejandro swears he could hear Price losing it but he didn't look to confirm it. After the priest's final blessing, the wedding party begun to leave. Soap's nieces who served as flower girls skipping down the isle, throwing their petals with glee.
Alejandro joined with Rudy as soon as he could, choked up by it all. He swept his husband into his arms, not giving the man a chance to say anything. He captured his husband's lips into a kiss before pulling away, holding his face.
"Let's get married."
"What? Ale-"
"I want a do over. A ceremony."
Rudy places a hand over Alejandro's that held his face, "Ale, I don't need a ceremony."
"But you deserve one. And I swear I will give you one."
Rudy chokes up, leaning in to kiss Alejandro. They part smiling, tears wetting their cheeks. They made their way back to the rest of the party, Ghost and Soap pressed against each other, staring at each other like there was no one else there. Alejandro kept a firm hand on Rudy's, smiling.
He'll make sure his husband gets this. It's what he deserves.
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ak319 · 20 days
Yan Princess x fem reader
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(Warnings: Possessive themes, G!P OC, Stalking, Blackmailing)
Part III ➺ Part I ➺ Part II
(Your name is Deniz in the story)
It’s been a week since I came back home, and thankfully, everything is going well. Clara accepted my resignation (though it saddens me), and yesterday, I went for a job interview followed by a little hangout with friends. It turned out to be one of the best days I’ve had in a long time, and even the interview went great. Now, my family and I are sitting together for tea, making plans for a picnic.
Suddenly in midst of it all, Clara called and you went to answer it excusing yourself.
"Hello? What’s up?" You were now leaning against the small dining table in the kitchen, casting occasional contented glances toward your family members who were chatting jovially.
"I am doing wonderful now and got a news...don't worry, a good one."
"What is it then?"
"I received the copy of the official document stating that the forest is now government owned. Although, you and I both know, this is nothing but a load of shit. But at least we have it now. On paper." No matter what kind of fraud this was , at least it's a good news.
"Well, still. Come on, be happy. We-you got it! Congratulations!. Don't think if I am not there I ain't asking for a treat. Send me a cake or something."
"No, we got it. And whoa, look at you. Not even a week as my ex-employee, and you’re already acting like a greedy goblin." Her words made me mock-gasp in exaggerated shock.
"Come on, don’t be cruel. I thought I was your unofficial sugar baby," I teased, unable to suppress my laughter as she chuckled.
"Well, no offense but I think your 'real sugar mommy' is the one who did it. You know what these signatures mean , don't you? She's back in England." She teased back.
Her words made me wince and a wave of bitterness laced my words.
"Clara, please. Don't say her name right now."
"Okay, okay. I was just kidding—" I nearly dropped the phone as the world around me seemed to blur. My eyes locked onto the television where my dad, with an expression mirroring my own, stared in shock, joined by other family members.
"Hello? You have a habit of freezing up during calls, Deniz—"
"SHE'S HERE, CLARA! She’s bloody in [city/country]! For a damn visit." I watched the live footage of her disembarking from the plane, surrounded by a throng of admirers—from children to officials—paying homage. A bouquet of posies was secured in her arms as cameras flashed, capturing that winsome, striking smile of hers. Her walk was impeccably poised , that same signature poised stride that all royals have. What could have brought her here? My palms were getting sweaty for no reason.
"You mean Kade?! Wait let me-" I waited for her to check the footage herself. "Oh my God, bloody fuck- she is there." Clara and I went back forth on what and how of her visit , with me conferring with my family on the side. At the end , we all collectively decided to just sit back and see what happens. It's not like we can control all of this. But everyone did feel a bit creeped out by this, especially me. I said goodbye to Clara after we cursed Kade enough and I went to my room, deciding to occupy myself with something other than staring at the television whilst gnawing my nails. God, please, please, please, don't let her know my address. I prayed every second in my head.
Once I had calmed down a little, I heard my dad’s voice calling me. With a heavy heart, I dragged my feet back to the living room.
"She’s visiting your school! Your junior school." Right now, I wished I could crawl back into my mother’s womb. I stood frozen in the middle of the lounge, my face blank, staring at her figure as she wandered the same halls I once did.
"What is she doing there?" I would've told you mother. if I knew myself.
Her eyes were a cloak, concealing something—guile, a hidden intention, a plot. I swallowed hard as she entered my classroom.
My classroom... of all the rooms, she chose that one. As if she knows. Who am I kidding? Of course, she knows! She was surveying every corner, while a group of teachers chattered around her, trying their best to be hospitable. Then, her fingers traced a chart on the wall—one that I made! And it’s still there! I could recognize it from miles away. God...
You flopped on the couch besides your Dad who was watching with the same seething anger and dread as you.
"Isn't it a bit romantic...though?" Both of our heads snapped to my mother who gulped at our revulsed and dubious glare.
"I am sorry, I was kidding. I am gonna go... make some wings." She scurried out of the lounge and I felt my Dad pulling me to his chest.
"Don't you dare worry. She ain't entering or even coming near my household or you. Got it, love?" I smiled and nodded.
"She is doing all this to intimidate me perhaps, but I don't care. I am fine. Don't worry." I laid my head on his chest as he switched to something else.
After spending the evening watching a movie and playing board games with my family, I finally went to bed. But curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself looking up information about Kade’s visit. I needed to know why she came here—there had to be something more, some reason behind all the funds she poured into this trip.
So, let’s see—charity work, a lot of it for orphans and the needy. Meetings with dignitaries, donations to hospitals and schools, including mine. My eyebrows knitted into a frown as I glanced at a picture of her crouched down, smiling warmly while posing with children.
Hm. So she signed the documents in England and then came here for a sudden visit. Forget it , Deniz. The more you think, the more paranoid you are going to be.
And without second thoughts you drifted into dreamland , imagining yourself getting the job you applied for.
As you were washing the dishes after breakfast, the bell rang and you went to answer the door.
"A letter and a package for...Miss Deniz."
"Yes, it's me." I took the stuff and examined it. "Who's it from?" There was no address or name on it.
"I have no idea, Ma'am. Have a nice day." And without listening to my reply he cycled off.
No, no, no. What if-
I dashed inside after locking the door and hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to open the envelope. But now that I had it , I guess I should open it. I tore the envelope and began reading the contents. With every word, my heart sank as if it were a lift plunging down into a mineshaft.
'Dear Deniz,
I pray to the Almighty that you are safe and reading this with the smile I long to see, as desperately as a parched soul craves water. I want to share that I am euphoric after visiting your homeland—the very place where your eyes first opened and where you spoke your first words. The people were incredibly welcoming, and they seemed to take to me as well, perhaps a bit too fervently. Isn’t it remarkable how effortlessly I connected with them? If they were ever to discover the history we share...
"What on earth is she talking about? What history?!" I had to take a sip of water just to process the blasphemy she’s spewing.
‘..,you’ll be swarmed by them for interviews. Wouldn’t that be a sight?’
God, no.
Your hands gripped the front of your shirt so tightly, trembling with the anxiety that wouldn’t let you sit still for even a moment.
I see it now… the hidden threat buried beneath her saccharine words.
‘By the way, have you opened the package yet? If you have, well—’"
The package revealed another parchment—a draft of some kind for an article. It featured an old photo of me from a group shot with my teammates during a hangout. Kade was there too, looming behind me, her gaze fixed on the back of my head. Her expression was as if we were--a couple. What the hell? Where did she dig this up from!? Probably from Reece or someone else. But at the moment, the origin of the picture is irrelevant—the article itself was shaking the ground beneath my feet.
'Princess Kade to Tie the Knot with Her Childhood Sweetheart.'
And the fucking writer?
Alfie. Yes, Clara's cousin.
She bought him! This cannot be real.
"Then, unless you wish for it to be made public, I suggest you book the very next flight to London and return. If you don't, this article will be out for the whole world to see and your people may not appreciate how you will choose to dismiss me. The rumours have already spread of me coming there to meet my alleged bride. You have driven me to do this, Deniz. The reason I want you back in England is simple: I wish to speak with you one last time before I take my final leave from your life. You long to be free of me, don't you? My love repulses you, doesn't it? Then, liberate yourself—meet me just once more. I don't want it to end like this. I'll be waiting, Deniz..."
Irrevocably yours,
She came here to manipulate the whole population. I can't believe this. Hold yourself together. Okay, first, call Clara and ask her about the felony her cousin committed.
You grabbed your phone and dialed Clara's number but it was turned off. She must be busy. I'll try later. But what do I do now?! You took the stuff and went to your room , waiting for your father to come back home so you can tell him all this.
As a matter of fact, she didn't pick up. No matter where I call her from or which device, the call is not going. Neither to Leo or anyone in England. It's been two days and time is running out. Kade can publish that article with a snap of fingers and my whole life will be--upside down! Everyone was upset around me and my father was not letting me go back there which is valid but I feel so trapped and worried , not only for myself but for Clara and Leo. Do they know about this?! Are they okay?!
"Papa, I have to go. I think she just did this to make me meet her."
"Exactly the reason I am not letting you go!" He yelled for the umpteenth time.
"What about this article and my calls not reaching anyone there?!"
"That article be damned! I told you this before. We will refute it! It will be an embarrassment for her , NOT YOU! Since when did I raise a chicken like you?!" His last words triggered something inside me. He was right...I never panicked like this. It hurt to see myself so weak, so scared for...I don't even know what at this point.
"Hey, hey. My dear," His hands cradled my face , wiping my tears. "I didn't mean it that way. I just want you to handle this like my Deniz would. And that is by giving no shits. You think people will hate you? Over false claims? Absolutely not. Absolutely not, baby." He swayed gently as I sniffled in his chest.
"P-papa. It-it's just--I feel this underlying threat in her words. It's not sitting right with me."
"Deniz-" Before he could continue, his phone buzzed in the pocket and it was a text from an unknown number.
'Time's ticking.'
That's all it said. Your breath hitched, and your eyes met your father's.
This was the first time I even saw my father shook.
"I swear--fuck them. FUCK EM' ALL!"
"Look, papa. I'll go there and find Clara and take her with me to meet Kade. I won't go alone. Promise."
"What if you don't come back?! You know what? We all are going then." He stomped to his room, leaving me in a daze of relief yet fear for what was about to come. You better be ready, Kade. You did the biggest mistake of your life by coming near my family.
As soon as we arrived at the airport, Richard appeared with a group of guards and insisted that I be taken to the Princess immediately. Despite our reluctance, it became clear that we had no choice; we couldn’t leave the airport without complying. He then agreed that my parents could accompany us, but I was to meet with Kade alone.
We arrived at a secluded field after dropping my parents at a nearby cabin. This was one of the hunting grounds near Westminster Palace. Under different circumstances, I might have found the scenery enchanting. As I approached Kade, standing tall and solitary in the middle of the field with her back to me, my heart pounded harder with every step. She was dressed in a dark, tailored hunting jacket that accentuated her strong frame, with sleek riding boots that sank slightly into the earth beneath her. The deep green of her outfit blended with the surroundings, making her seem both part of the landscape and yet standing out with undeniable presence. Her imposing figure seemed to amplify the gravity of the moment, and I couldn’t focus on anything except the inevitability of what was about to happen.
"Long time, no see," she finally said, turning to face you, "Deniz."
I chuckled dryly, shaking my head. "Oh yes, I can't believe we met! Haha! What a coincidence, damn. Life is just so funny sometimes isn't it?" She nodded biting her cheek.
"I know you’re upset, you have every right to be. For everything..." She leisurely stepped a bit forward. The longing she once wore so openly was now absent from her hazel eyes, which were instead filled with nervous melancholy. Yet, despite the sadness, a gentle, almost defeated smile graced her lips whenever our gazes met.
"Oh, you have no idea." My jaw clenched as I rolled my sleeve. "After the thing you did with the parcel."
"Deniz, I had to—" Her words were cut off as my hand struck her cheek. Richard moved to intervene, but she swiftly raised her hand, signaling him to stop. "Give us a moment," she said, her voice firm yet tinged with a weary resignation.
You couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Don't ever come near my family. Ever. And don't think I don't know about the fucking- HACKING! I--do you ever just sit and realize what the fuck you did or are doing?! To me?!" I heaved in a breath as I paced a few steps back.
"Like I said, how you feel is valid. I am taking responsibility for everything I did. But we are ending it today aren't we?" I let out a huff at her words, meeting her eyes.
"Kade, only things which have a beginning, end. This wasn't anything."
(Kade's POV)
If hearts could bleed, mine would be spilling its sorrow like a broken fountain right now. The sting of the slap itself barely registered, but her words—God, they cut deep. I knew this confrontation was inevitable, it’s what I wanted, despite the pain. I needed her to release all that she had been holding back. It’s crucial for her to let it out now, to face it and move through it. She has to. I straightened up, keeping my composure intact.
"Deniz, I have a deal for you."
"Deal? I didn't come here for a deal."
"Just listen for a moment? Please. The deal is for your own benefit and it's simple. It's not even a deal, let's say--a compensation. I just want you to hunt a deer. " Taking advantage of her muddled impression, I continued. "Let your anger go, starting today. I want this--whatever this was from my side, to end on a good note. For us to separate on a good note. For you to forgive me. Whether you like it or not , we did share some--I would say--light hearted moments in the past, at least just--look Deniz--would you do it? I once heard you say that you would love to hunt if one day you could. This is all I am asking from you right now. I want to see you happy, at least."
The frown on your face, along with the lingering distrust, didn’t fade for a moment. You are still the same Deniz I last saw. Having you here before me overwhelms me with a torrent of emotions and the worst part of it all is you don't even realize. You never fucking will realize the effect you have on me. That is the problem. Which I am to fix.
I can only hope it’s not the opposite for her. After all, I’m not an unattractive woman.
But again, you are also...you. Ever so cold and stubborn. Would you be smiling if Reece was in my place? NO! No, she can never or ever will be in my place. You hate her too. Perhaps even more than me. The thought made internally chuckle.
"What if I say no?" Her tired voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Then...you would loose a good opportunity to hunt. I guess." I grinned. Either way Deniz , I am going to win today.
"Hunt with you?" Oh, I wish , darling.
"No, no. I don’t want to upset you further. You see, I’ll stay here, and that deer which is said to be a—"
"Muntjac. I’ve heard about it." Your reply made me tilt my head in surprise, I was genuinely impressed. Whenever I think the love for you couldn't increase more, you prove me wrong. "So, is that a yes?"
This time, she stepped closer and looked up at me with a neutral expression, but I could still see the anger, fatigue, and determination flickering in her eyes.
"After this, will you truly be out of my life? Forever? You better be." Her voice held a fragile steadiness, but the question cut deep. I could only nod, my own voice lost in the churning emotions. But remember, Kade—hold fast to what you’ve strived for. This is the last phase.
"I promise. This, will end here, Deniz. I am sorry for everything, go and shoot the bastard, imagine my face while doing it." I gestured to Richard to bring the rifle and the female hunter, Louisa, to go assist her.
"I will be waiting. Have a good hunt, I know you will come back victorious." She's just like me, always chasing the win.
You turned around before getting in the buggy. "What if you're sending her along to kill me?. Am I the prey here?" My eyes nearly bulged out of my sockets.
"Deniz! Don't you dare think that! If you feel that way , you don't have to go! But don't you dare think of me as someone who will harm you, ever!" My outburst made her simply scoff and sit in the vehicle as Louisa drove off. As brave as ever. But I know from inside how vulnerable you must be feeling. My fists clenched at the mere thought of you thinking such a foul thing about me.
"You think... this is a good idea, Your Grace?" Richard asked, joining me as we watched the buggy in the distance.
"Ideas have long since run their course, Richard. This is my last resort. I’ll make it work, come hell or high water."
You are my prey, indeed.
Part IV
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strawbsstarz · 6 months
Pt. II Rewrite the Stars: Draco Malfoy x reader
im sorry it seems rushed i just wanted to give you guys a happy ending T_T i had lots to do, i am not doing a series type again its too advanced for me- too much pressure to keep up (maybe in the far future) its also so long mb
Warning: Angst
The night you impulsively decided to leave him alone in that tower was the worst night of your life. You had tiptoed into your dorm, trying not to wake your roommates up, slipping into the blankets. You desperately tried to make yourself comfortable, but the nagging sound of your heart beating in your chest was ringing in your ears, and your head was banging from the running thoughts of what had just occurred. You tried to hold in the emotions you felt- that you've been feeling, but it was impossible. The silent night and the sound of your roommates soft breathing, you couldn't stop the flow of the questions that had begun to compile itself in your brain, does this mean it's over? And with that realization you silently wept into your pillow covering your sobs.
The next couple of days seemed to blend in together, you had missed your classes using the excuse of not feeling well. It was believable-with how much you cried: your face was pale, you had a red runny nose, no one questioned a thing. You knew you couldn't avoid him forever though. When you finally allowed yourself to process the events that had happened, you felt strong enough to see him. You felt confident in avoiding him without having a breakdown.
Days had passed, and eventually it turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. There was no sign of Draco. Where could he have gone? Your heart yearned for him, even if whatever you two had was now unofficially over because of your stupidity of wanting more- you still searched for him in every room. You wondered why he's been gone for months, could it be because of- no, you shook your head it can't be because of that, right? Every time you wonder his whereabouts and why he's been absent, your assumption almost always wanders off into what Harry had told you a couple of months ago. There's no way Draco would agree to that..
You were walking to potions when a voice had called out to you,
Recognizing the voice you turn your head to the proclaimed chosen one, offering a wave and a smile.
"I've been looking for you, do you remember what I told you a couple months ago?" He asked as he catches up to you.
"About your crush on Ginny?" You teased.
He blushes and his hand rubs the back of his neck looking down, "N-No!" He looks around, and with a hushed voice, he comes closer, "About Malfoy.."
You freeze, standing in place for a second before beginning to walk again to class hoping that he didn't notice, "U-uh yeah? What about it?"
Truthfully, no matter how much you tell yourself to not meddle anymore in Draco's business, you can't help feeling worried, so if this is the only way you would get to know about where he was, then fine, so be it. Even if the idea of it all made your heart ache even more.
"I overheard him talking to Snape about something a couple of days ago-"
"Wait- wait he's back?" You questioned.
"I think they're planning something Y/N-" He sighs, "I'm just warning you to be careful okay?"
You nodded cautiously and as you two had begun walking into class, you made your way to your assigned seat near the front. You wondered if Harry is overthinking his claims, but if he overheard something suspicious, does this mean that all his assumptions about Draco were true?
You began to space off, until a familiar scent of expensive cologne and mint had caught your attention and you held in your breath. Shit. You completely forgot he sat next to you during potions. With how long you haven't seen him, you didn't expect him to sit next to you especially after that night.
It had been months, months since you last smelled his cologne, him. You didn't dare meet his eyes, and he didn't dare meet yours. You lowered your head to look at the quill and paper in front of you. He sighs as he stares at the front of the class waiting to start.
"Can't believe you've already moved on to Potter," he muttered under his breath. You couldn't even register what he had said, because your mind was solely focused on how much you missed his voice.
"How have you been?" You asked, still looking down as you began twiddling with your fingers. Even though you refuse to look at him, his eyes are fixed on you, from the second he walked into this room, from the hallway when you walked with Potter, it was on you.
Before he could answer, class had begun. The entire time you tried your best to avoid his gaze, to avoid meeting his eyes. You didn't know what would happen if you saw his eyes, saw his face. You were too scared to face him. However, it was the complete opposite for him. He kept stealing glances in your direction, as if making sure that it was you right next to him. He couldn't believe it.
Unbeknownst to you, these past couple of months were horrid for him. He had missed school because the Dark Lord had requested for him to attend the death eaters meetings and considering how his family almost always hosted them, he had no choice but to go. He felt restless every night, especially since his childhood home was now being used as a hotel for the most dangerous wizards known. He couldn't stop worrying and thinking about you, wondering how you were. Every night he laid in his bed with images of you in his head- memories you two had spent together. He felt himself constantly playing with his family ring every time he felt restless, and his thoughts would always wander to how the spaces between his fingers felt empty without yours intertwined in them.
And now that you were next to him, he couldn't take his eyes off of you. You were merely inches away from him, and even though he craved to feel you against him once again after all this time, he bites the inside of his tongue, to snap himself out of it. He recalls the promise he made to himself that night, and that is to keep you alive.
He managed to hold himself back, practically running out of the classroom after dismissal. You watched his fleeting figure go, disappointed that you didn't get the chance to talk to him more. Sighing in defeat, you made your way back to your next class.
You had successfully managed to distract yourself that day, and the days after. You didn't know what you wanted, you had decided to break it off with him and he never chased after you. Yes, you were heartbroken, but you still hoped for him to come back to you, you thought that maybe, just maybe, he would be willing to try things to make it work.
You sighed as you leaned forward on the railing at the Astronomy Tower. Even after months had passed, you still found yourself up here, even when Draco was nowhere to be found, you were still here, waiting. You sighed once again, nostalgically remembering him again. You stared at the stars and recalled how you would trace his face with your fingers under the moonlight. You remembered him closing his eyes, humming a tune that you doubt was even a song, but it was beautiful, nonetheless.
Footsteps echoed from the door. You backed away into a shadow, afraid of getting caught. After a couple of seconds, a figure appeared in the entrance, the familiar blonde coming into view. This was the first time in months since you've seen his face. Despite talking to him earlier, you couldn't bring yourself to look at him, so you never noticed how much weight he lost, and how he looks paler than usual but even despite all of that, he looked just as handsome as you remembered.
"Draco?" You stepped out of the shadows walking towards him. When he saw you, his eyes widened in surprise,
"Y/N.." He hesitates, "I didn't think you'd be up here.."
You shrug and walked towards him, "Force of habit, really."
He looks at you for a moment, before putting his hands in his pockets, giving a slight nod. He backs away slowly, "I'll leave you to it then."
"Wait," you reach and grab his arm as he began walking away, "stay.."
He pauses in his tracks. Your hand clung tightly to his clothes, and you finally asked, "Where have you been..?"
He turns himself around to face you, his movement delayed. You lowered your head,
"I've missed you.." you exhaled, closing your eyes to take in a deep breath. You lift your gaze to meet his. A rush of emotions coming back to you, one that you've missed. The way he looked at you with such warmth and with such love, it remained the same, even after all this time. He wants to tell you that he missed you too, but there's a voice in his head screaming at him to leave, before someone finds out that he's with you. He stops breathing for a second, trying to contain himself but he can't.
He grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you in desperately. He's missed you so much and all this time apart had him shaking slightly. He was scared and so happy to finally see you. All the pent up frustration, emotions he's piled up these past couple of months, he almost collapsed right then and there. Your arms snake their way to his waist, embracing him tightly, afraid he might go away again.
None of you say a word for a couple of minutes, until Draco's left arm burns and he hisses pushing you away. He holds it to try to soothe the pain, worried you stepped towards him,
"Dra-Draco? What's wrong?" You asked as you see a red glow underneath his robe. You grab his arm and reveal the bare skin. He doesn't have time to push you away as the pain continues, but it begins to subside once he feels your touch, and when he's back to his senses it is already too late.
You gasp, you've always denied it, but deep down you knew and seeing it with your own two eyes felt more real. You couldn't run away any longer from this truth that you tried so hard to convince yourself from. Your eyes began to water and before you knew it, you began to cry.
"Are you afraid?" He murmurs, "I didn't want you to know..."
"Since when?" Your fingers shaking as you slightly grazed over the mark.
"A while ago..." He bites his lip, trying to hold himself back from breaking apart. He's terrified, now that you know. His head is telling him to run- to leave this tower immediately but like that night his feet are planted in place. He tries to think of an idea- he shuts his eyes as he clenches his fist, nails digging into the skin, "Now you can understand why we can't be together, Y/N."
He hates talking to you this way, but he can't bring himself to leave this place- you. To him, the best next thing to do is to get you to leave, just like that night. He mentally scolds himself for letting his emotions get the best of him- acting so recklessly as he did earlier.
You couldn't stop the tears that spilled. Yes, you were scared but not of him, for him.
Draco keeps his head low, overthinking the situation- what's to happen. He tries to navigate through the list of horrible things that could happen to you because of his mistake.
"I'm so sorry I was selfish and asked you for more when- when you-" You choked on your tears and your sentences become incoherent, "I didn't know...Why didn't you tell me? I-"
Shocked, he looks up, his heart breaking at the sight of you, why were you sorry? Why were you apologizing? He should be the one to apologize, not you.
His hand reaches out to wipe your tears away, "I didn't want you to know," he repeated, "I didn't want to risk putting you in danger.."
You shake your head, "What about you?"
"I've been recognized as one of them, Y/N" His tone was soft, but there was so much sorrow to it, "It's only dangerous if I let my guard down."
"You'll only be safe for now, it's not guaranteed, Draco."
There's a moment of silence, to process everything.
"Has he done anything to you?"
Draco caresses his fingertips on your cheek, "No, I'm okay." Another pause, he looks at you and lightly traces your face with delicacy, "I'm sorry, Y/N."
"It's okay-"
"No, let me finish, love." He presses his forehead against you, eyes closed as your skin touch. He still holds your face, trying to feel your presence as much as he could, trying to savor every second that passes. You close your eyes, trying to focus you're entire mind and body to just him. Though it was such a simple act of touch, it felt so intimate.
"I love you." He whispers, "I love you so much, Y/N."
"And I love you, Draco Malfoy." You cry again, not because of sadness, but because of how much comfort those words gave you. How those three words lifted such a burden in your chest that you felt so light in his arms again.
And just as it was comforting to you, it was to him. However, he knew that he still does not want to risk losing you and getting caught up in the middle of this soon to be war.
"We can't be together...No matter how much I love you, and you love me, I don't want to risk your life, Y/N."
"I know, I understand-" He squeezes your cheeks,
"Let me finish, love." And you fall silent, waiting. "I want to be selfish and ask if- you can.." He doesn't ask, but he didn't need to because you already knew.
"I can wait." You smile, "I can wait Draco, but...what's gonna happen to us when we see each other out there...on the other side of war?"
Draco sighs, "I don't know, but whatever happens, I'm not gonna let you get hurt by them.."
You shudder at the thought of all the possibilities that could happen in battle, but it quickly fades away as you remember that he was in your arms right now, and that's all that matters.
You don't know what's gonna happen, neither of you do, but whatever happens you'll wait for him. Like you always have, you'll wait until both of you can be together, when the circumstances are right. You'll wait with a different perspective in mind- because now you know that he loves you just as much as you love him. You'll wait for him with a worried heart, longing everyday for his touch. You can wait for him because you know that on the other side of it all, he's there, waiting for you.
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missmaniac25 · 1 month
Kim Hongjoong - Quiet Please
Librarian!Hongjoong x gn!reader (no use of y/n) Pure fluff 1.7k words No warnings. Please let me know if there's any spelling or grammar errors. Enjoy! ✨
“Staring at the door isn’t going to make them arrive any faster.”
Hongjoong glares at Seonghwa.
“I’m not waiting for anyone.”
“Hmm, sure.”
The head librarian walks off to help a patron who’s appeared at the counter, leaving Hongjoong to look at the entrance of the library in peace.
‘Any moment now…’
Moving to a small town had not been a part of your big life plan. But the world works in mysterious ways and for five months now, you’d been happily enjoying the calmness of your new life.
The only disadvantage of a small town?
Minimal entertainment.
Sure, you could go for a walk or… something else. That was really it.
And that’s how after a month of living here, you’d ventured into the community library just to see if they had anything to keep you busy: stories or otherwise.
“Hello,” the man behind the counter had greeted. “Let me know if you need any assistance.”
“Just browsing for now, thank you,” you answered.
He nodded and gone back to clicking away on his computer – doing librarian stuff, you guessed.
For a while, you simply wandered through the forest of shelves, stopping every now and then to read the blurb on the back of a book.
“Excuse me.”
You turned from the shelf to find a timid looking man standing behind you. He wore a very cosy looking cardigan and a pair of glasses were perched on his nose. Almost out of place, you noticed, were the number of piercings that adorned his ears.
“Can I assist you?” He was already holding a mountain of books in his arms which made you smile.
“No thank you, I’m ok for now.”
You noted how his face flushed pink as he started to turn away.
“Actually.” You managed to catch him before he left. You gripped the book you’d picked up closer to your chest. “I’d like to get a library card. Is that something that you can help me with?”
“Yeah, yeah.” He gave you a shy smile and abandoned his stack of novels on the nearest flat surface. “Please follow me to the front.”
Happily, you did as he asked and waited patiently as he took all you information.
“Thank you, Hongjoong,” you said when he finally handed over your new card.
“Um, yeah, no problem. How did you know my name?”
You almost laughed but managed to hold it in.
“Your nametag.”
“Oh.”  He glances down as if he suddenly remembered that he had one. “Right.”
“See you guys soon,” you told him before leaving. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”
Hongjoong watched as you went and felt how his heart finally started to calm down.
“You’re smitten already,” came the voice of Seonghwa, and Hongjoong gave him a gentle shove.
“Am not.”
“Are too.” The older man said. “Luckily for you, they have to come back to hand in the book eventually.”
Since that day, you’d made it habit to pop into the library at least once a week and your favourite librarian is always there to greet you when you walk in.
Today is no exception.
“Hi, Hongjoong!” you cheerfully say, placing your books on the countertop.
“Good afternoon.” He smiles before getting to work. “I tried that recipe you gave me. It was really good.”
“Do you want to know a secret?”
Hongjoong’s eyebrows furrow.
“Sure…” he says hesitantly.
“I got it out of a book from here.”
His eyes sparkle with pride and amusement.
“No wonder it was so good.”
Hongjoong looks a little bit smug as he takes your books to pack away on the shelves.
With one last glance, you turn to go and begin the search for your next big fictional adventure. You wave hello to whoever you meet along the way, weaving through the shelves and ending up in a quiet nook where hardly anyone goes to.
After scouring the spines, you find a book that captures your attention. Taking it with you, you settle into the window seat that you’ve unofficially claimed as your own. Almost a whole chapter has gone by when you feel another presence in the vicinity. Glancing up, you find Hongjoong quietly sorting some books – putting them back into the correct order on the shelf.
Admittedly, you had developed a teeny, tiny crush on him. It couldn’t be helped, really. Not only was he kind, had a gorgeous smile and a good sense of humour; he just made you curious. If you could just get to know him a little better…
“I didn’t think that shelf sorting was so interesting.”
Hongjoong’s voice pulls you out of your daze and reality hits you: you’ve been staring at him.
“Oh… it’s not really.” You’re trying to think quickly and come up with an excuse. “I was just…”
“Lost in thought?” He offers and you nod.
“Something like that.”
The librarian smiles, almost bashfully, returning to his work.  You take the hint and stick your nose back in between the pages – not that you get much more reading done with him around.
Hongjoong is back working the front desk when you finally emerge from your nook.
“Only one book today?” He asks, scanning the barcode.
“What can I say, it’s captivated me.” You give a little shrug.
“You captivate me.”
The two of you lock eyes. Hongjoong looks utterly bewildered – he can’t believe those words just left his mouth.
“I… um… sorry.” He quickly looks down and hurriedly hands back your book and library card. He scurries off to the staff room before you have a chance to reply.
You think of nothing else but what he said as you walk home that evening.
When you next return to library, Hongjoong is nowhere to be seen. It’s Seonghwa who greets you when you come in and it’s Seonghwa who scans your books out when you leave.
You want to assume that it was just coincidence. Maybe Hongjoong is sick? Maybe he’s helping other patrons?
That was what you believed until it happened again. And again.
“Seonghwa, where is Hongjoong?” You finally ask after the third visit. It hard to keep the frustration out of your voice.
The head librarian looks a little frustrated himself, if only for a second, before returning to a look of neutrality as he speaks.
“He’s hiding in the staffroom. Every time he sees you coming, he rushes in there like a rabbit being hunted.”
With a soft sigh, you thank Seonghwa and begin the walk to your corner of the library with one thing on your mind: he’s avoiding you.
The news hurts more than you’d like it too; pulling at your chest. When you reach your window seat, there’s a note sitting neatly on the cushion. It has your name on it. Uncertainly, you open it.
‘I’m sorry for what I said the other day. I didn’t mean to say it. Can we still be friends?’
The ache in your chest softens ever so slightly but it doesn’t disappear completely. You tuck the little piece of paper safely into your pocket.
When you return to the front desk with a new set of books to take home, you feel a wave of relief. Hongjoong is there. He briefly looks up, locking eyes with you before swiftly turning his gaze down again. You also see Seonghwa giving you a little nod before he vanishes between the shelves like some kind of novel magician.
You realise that you owe him one.
“I got your note” you tell Hongjoong, waiting for him to meet your eye.
He shuffles on his feet.
“Are… are we still friends?”
“Yeah,” you tell the shy librarian. “We’re still friends.”
He smiles and finally he lifts his eyes.
“Thank you.”
Things go back to normal after that. Well, mostly normal. What’s new is that every time you step foot into the building and see Hongjoong, your heart beats a little faster.
What was once a playful little crush is now a problem.
“This book, I think you’ll like it,” Hongjoong says, leaning past you to reach the shelf where it sits. The proximity is suffocating.
“It’s a bit of an older one but it has content that I think you’ll enjoy.”
Your fingers brush against his as you take the book from his hand. Your head knows not to read into it; your heart is doing backflips.
“I’ll give it a chance,” you say.
“Just like that?” Hongjoong asks, grinning. “You trust my opinion that much?”
“Yes. I trust you that much.”
If he notices the change of words, Hongjoong makes no motion to acknowledge it. Instead, he continues with idle chit-chat – telling you about different stories he’s read and the authors he likes. He says something about liking romance novels and your brain wakes up.
The man in front of you stops talking and looks at you with wide eyes.
“I was wondering.” You try your hardest to keep calm. “Would you maybe like to meet up? Outside of the library, I mean?”
The quietness is infuriating. You can hear the blood rushing in your ears; the dull crackle of the ceiling lights.
“Like a date?” Hongjoong breaks the silence, pink creeping up his neck.
“Yes,” you confirm. “Like a date.”
You think he’s going to turn you down – the pause is too long for the answer to be anything else.
“Ok, yeah.” He says with a little smile. “I’d like to go on a date with you.”
There’s life around you again – you hear people talking, birds outside chirping. Your heart is still beating fast but now it’s from excitement.
“Great!” You pull your phone out and hand it to him. “Let me get your number and we can make a plan.”
Hongjoong doesn’t need to be told twice. Before you know it, you have your device back and you peak at his contact name.
‘Hongjoong 📖’
‘Cute,’ you think to yourself.
The two of you walk to the front desk together, a little giddy, which doesn’t go unnoticed. Once you have your books, you wave goodbye to your favourite librarian with the promise to message him soon.
“It’s about time.”
Hongjoong jumps in his skin as Seonghwa appears next to him.
“You two were driving me insane.”
Hongjoong just shakes his head. It doesn’t matter what the head librarian says: he’s going on a date with you and he hopes that it’s the start of a beautiful story of his own.
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captn-trex · 24 days
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technical devotion, part fourteen: changes
a/n okay so I have no restraint, I uploaded the last chapter and then immediately wrote this and am posting it immediately. also I am sorry I cannot write lingering conflict, I have no backbone. also new banner!! bc I'm indecisive. now that you know all my issues, enjoy! content warnings: depiction of a panic attack, smoking
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Echo had expected things to be different when him and Kan got back to base, but he hadn't expected it to be so immediate.
They had barely set one foot inside before they were whisked into command, where Kan was informed that her skillset would prove useful for mission planning, and that she would take on more responsibility from now on, gaining the unofficial rank of Sergeant. She had been honoured, of course, but it felt like something that was very much out if her comfort zone. She wasn't a leader, she was a follower, and that's how she liked it. Though, if Rex had faith in her, she trusted his judgement.
Echo was happy that he'd be working with Kan more regularly now, but so was almost everyone else in the room. He couldn't blame his brothers, she was gorgeous, and almost elusive to most of them, having never spoken to them. He watched on painfully as she reunited with Howzer, jumping into his open arms and hugging him tightly, and as they stayed touching each other, catching up excitedly.
Then he watched her reunite with her other friends from across the mess, Oscar ruffling her hair as he hugged her from the side, and Teddy high-fiving her and embracing her for good measure for beating Howzer to a proper command position.
Echo felt so foolish.
Foolish that he thought he was special because she was kind to him, foolish that he thought he was lucky to get to experience her touch, and foolish for ever even entertaining the idea that she could possibly harbour feelings for him.
Kan was kind, but she gave out her kindness to everyone without exception. That's what made it so hard for Echo to feel negatively about her - it wasn't her fault, it was his. His mistake.
And now it was too late to do anything about it.
He had fallen for her. Hard. And now he would have to carry on as if she was any other person at the base. He didn't know if he could, and so, reluctantly, he tried to distance himself from her.
Kan noticed immediately when Echo started pulling away. For one, whenever he had to address her in the command centre, he would call her ‘Kan’. She didn't mind of course, it was her name after all, but she had got used to him calling her ‘M'aira’, and she much preferred when he called her that. He was the only one who did, and that's what made it special.
He also never came to see her in her office, never said a word if she ever sat with Rex and Gregor at meal times, never spoke to her before bed, and she hadn't looked into his eyes since the day they got back. It hurt her a lot, and the only logical conclusion she could draw was that he was embarrassed of her. Embarrassed to call her M'aira, embarrassed to talk to her, and embarrassed to even look at her.
She didn't know why he felt that way, but it was obvious that whatever bond they had created during their time away from base was just a one sided thing. That it hadn't meant anything to Echo.
Between that and her new command position, Kan was extremely stressed out.
Her brain was going at a klick a minute, unable to shut off from either mission plans or Echo. She couldn't focus, and the only respite she got was sleep but that would elude her because the cause of half her problems was sleeping right next to her. She had begun sleeping in her office again, though her back certainly wasn't happy about it.
Teddy was a perceptive clone, and he could see how haggard she had become. He contantly asked how she was, but she would always just say she was tired, that was it. She had none of the usual spring in her step, and after a couple weeks of it not going away, and only getting worse, he finally did something.
He dragged her outside after dinner, with the aim of getting her to relax. He took her over to the edge of the platform, and they sat down, looking out on the view of the deep reds and browns of the rocky terrain that surrounded the base.
“Here” He offered her his cigarra after he'd taken a drag, “To help you relax”
“No thanks” She said simply, accompanied by a weak smile.
“Kan…” Teddy began. He didn't really know what to say, but he tried his best, “What's going on with you? And I want a real answer this time”
Kan looked up at him sadly, her eyes glistening, before looking out to the view again. “I don't know, everything is just too much at the moment” She took the cigarra from his hand and took a long drag before passing it back.
Teddy watched on in worry, “What is? It might help to get it off your mind”
Kan sighed deeply, exhaling the smoke, “It sounds so ridiculous when I say it out loud though”
“I'm sure it doesn't, come on” Teddy urged, and he could see her cracking, beginning to open up.
“Well… for one, being a Sergeant is absolutely no fun” She said pointedly, and Teddy chuckled.
“Why not?”
“It's so much responsibility, I can't stop thinking about how my actions affect everyone here, how I could be the reason for someone being killed or captured by the Empire” She explained, her shoulders slumping with each word.
“Have you talked to Rex about it?” Teddy asked.
“No” Kan laughed, “I couldn't, he's such a natural, he wouldn't understand”
Teddy shook his head, “Just because he's a natural doesn't mean he lacks empathy. I'm sure he'd be able to help ease your worries”
“Maybe about that” Kan mumbled, loud enough for Teddy to hear it.
“What else is going on then?” He asked, taking another drag.
Kan looked out at the view despondently, slumped forwards onto her knees. He gave her the time to answer the question on her own time, which took longer than he was hoping.
“It's Echo” She finally whispered.
“Echo? What about him?” Teddy hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary with him.
“It's- We-” Kan sighed aggressively, “We were getting on so well during our mission, but when we came back, it's like he hated me or something. He never talks to me unless it's regarding a mission but even then it's more talking around me to other people, and he never looks at me anymore, I just-” She stopped herself before she could get choked up.
“You just what?” Teddy pressed.
Kan chewed on her lip, “I really thought he might like me back, you know?” She said quietly, and Teddy understood immediately.
He placed his arm around her shoulders and hugged her into his side. “I know, I know” He spoke soothingly, rubbing her arm.
Kan rested her head on Teddy's shoulder, “It's just embarrassing, to be wrong”
“Yeah, but hey, that's on him. If he doesn't like you, he's a di'kut”
Kan looked up and saw the small grin on Teddy's face, and her own lips curled up, “Yeah?”
“Absolutely, you're a catch” Teddy said, earning a small giggle from Kan.
“Thanks Teddy, so are you”
“I know” He smirked, resting his head against hers as they looked out again.
“Thanks for bringing me here, I really needed this” Kan spoke sincerely.
“No problem K” Teddy squeezed her slightly before standing up, “Let's go inside yeah?”
Kan didn't respond immediately, looking over the setting sun, “I think I'll just stay here for another moment, watch the sun set”
“Alright, I'll see you later then” Teddy said, giving her shoulder a supportive squeeze before walking away.
When she knew Teddy had left, Kan finally let herself cry.
She let out a choked sob, the product of bottling up her frustration, anger, sadness and embarrassment for weeks. Now that she had popped the cork, she couldn't stop the flow of tears that fell from her eyes. She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her head in them, her vision blurred and her breath ragged.
She thought of her mother and father. She wondered if they would be proud of the work she was doing. She thought of Master Unduli, she thought of Spider, she thought of Senator Organa, she thought of Rex, Howzer, Gregor, Oscar, Teddy, and finally, Echo. Every insecure thought, every nasty thing she ever had to say about herself clogged her mind in an instant, and she felt as if she couldn't breathe.
She let her legs hang over the side of the platform again and gripped the edges tightly. Her eyes were screwed shut and her breathing was only becoming more unstable, no matter how much she tried to calm it. Her stomach was in knots, she was choking on the tears that wouldn't stop falling, and her body was shaking involuntarily. She knew what this was, she had experienced them enough, and she just hoped that if she could grip the platform hard enough that it would subside quicker. She had no such luck.
She heard her name shouted, but to her it sounded feint, like she was underwater. She curled up again, facing away from the voice. She heard them again, and felt someone touch her back gently, though they might as well have struck her with lightning for how she reacted.
She flinched away, trying to find her voice, managing to choke out “Go away”
Her own voice sounded foreign to her ears in this altered state of being, but she couldn't think about it for too much longer before she was enveloped by a pair of arms. She rested her forehead on the person's chest, heaving and trying to calm herself. As she came down from the worst of it, something about the person felt so familiar, and she soon realised exactly who it was when they brought a hand to the bare skin on her back, and it was exceedingly cold and smooth.
She knocked herself backwards, falling onto her backside as she looked up at him, the catalyst of all her problems. Echo was looking down at her with worry painted on his face, and she frowned as her breathing evened out more. She scrambled from the floor and uttered apologies as she ran away from him, back towards the base.
Echo followed after her, catching up to her quickly and moving around her so he could stop in front of her.
“M'aira, what's going on? What's the matter?” He asked, placing his hands gently on either side of her arms.
Kan didn't say anything. She just stared at him, her chest heaving and a deep frown settled over her features.
“M'aira?” Echo said quietly, stepping towards her, but Kan stepped back a few paces.
“Why are you calling me that?” She tried to speak plainly, but her voice was still thick with emotion.
“What?” Echo asked, confused as to why she would ask that.
“Aren't you worried someone is going to see us talking?” She asked, her voice breaking.
Echos heart fell from his chest, “What do you mean?”
Kan could feel her bottom lip begin to quiver and she instinctively dug her teeth into it to stop it. She wasn't going to let Echo see her cry. Well, anymore than he already had.
“What’s going on M'aira, why are you upset?”
The use of the nickname once more sent her over the edge, “Because of you!” She shouted, though her anger was swallowed by embarrassment as she barged past Echo and made her way inside.
Echo stood frozen on the spot.
Because of me? But I haven't even spoken to her in… oh.
He quickly followed after her again, not entirely sure where she was headed but he hoped it was towards her office. He saw the door close from the end of the hall and heard the lock engage immediately after, something he didn't even know the door was capable of.
He knocked a few times, and heard Kan sniffle but she didn't reply.
“M'aira, please open up” He said gently, leaning his forehead on the door.
“Go away Echo” She replied, and Echo sighed deeply.
“Kandam'aira… please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you”
The door then zipped open and he fell forwards slightly, finding himself in the room as Kan closed the door again.
“What did you mean to do?” She looked up at him sternly, her cheeks stained by tears.
“I-” He couldn't admit to his feelings right now, that would only confuse her, “I just thought you might want some space”
“Why would you think that? I thought we were friends, Echo. Friends at least look at each other from time to time”
“I know, I'm sorry, I guess I just figured that we'd been together for a while and you might be sick of me” He stated, though it came out more like a question.
“Well I don't” Kan crossed her arms, and Echo blinked at her.
“Don't what?”
Kan rolled her eyes, “I don't want space”
“Oh, right” Echo said awkwardly, and Kan felt her undeniable fondness for him returning as she looked up at his blushing cheeks.
She then quickly wrapped her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly, “I missed you”
Echo could feel his heart ache as she gripped him tightly, and he matched her hold, resting his cheek on the top of her head, “I missed you too”
Kan pulled back, looking up at him sheepishly, “I'm sorry you had to see me all…” She wiped her cheek, “Panicky”
“I don't mind, I'm just sorry that I caused it” He said, bringing his own hand up to wipe the wetness from her cheek.
Kan sighed, “It wasn't just you”
Echo gave her a questioning look and she shook her head slightly, “I'm just stressed, but I'll be fine”
“What are you stressed about?” Echo pressed.
“Nothing, I think I'm going to get an early night now” She said, opening the door.
“Hey” Echo gripped her shoulders lightly, “We can talk about it if you want?”
“Another time maybe” She smiled up at him, “Goodnight Echo”
Echo sighed with a worried smile, “Goodnight M'aira”
Kan's smile grew at the use of the nickname as she stepped away from Echo, hoping its return was permanent.
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Summary: What if The reader gets Lucifer a phone and now has to teach him how to use it?
TW: None
Y/n P.o.V
The box felt heavy in my hand as I peeled back the thin shrink wrap plastic. It filled the room with a soft crinkle as I pushed the mess to the side and slipped the thin and light device from its protective box. The phone was one of the new models with a cheap payment plan set up for it. The screen lit uo as I swiped through apps and settings. My (E/c) eyes traveled over the device as I added my phone number as well as the few others I knew to the contact list. It only took a few minute to add My number, the Winchesters, and Gabriel under the speed dial options. The entire time I was doing this I could feel an inquisitive gaze digging into my back. Those Glacial blue eyes creating a trail of icy flame along my skin.
Lucifer had his head tilted in that way that all the angels seemed to do when interested or confused. I shot a look accompanied by a brow raise over my shoulder when the digging feeling of his eyes disappeared. I'd barely suppressed the flinch of surprise when the Fallen Angel was suddenly in the library chair on my right. The lips of Lucifers vessel quirked, his ancient gaze picking up in even the smallest of twitches.
I let out a small sigh, before spinning in my seat to face him directly. My smile was polite and without judgment as I look upon the devil sat beside me at the table. I could see his face relax briefly before the smirk was back.
"You seem to be quite invested in something over here, human." His tone was playful and pushy, like a child wanting to know what was going on.
"Ah, I'm setting Up a phone."
Those blue eyes of his blinked and the blond strands atop his head shifted with the slight tilt of his chin. "Did something happen with yours?"
"Oh no, this one isn't for me~" My smirk was small and teasing as I gently picked up the device from the surface of the table and then teasingly wiggled it beneath his nose. "It's yours!"
Lucifers face scrunched up as he looked down at the human communications device. "I have no need for such a pathetically inferior-"
"Lucifer..take the damn phone."
Blonde brows furrowed, and those chilling eyes snapped up to meet my own with a silent warning. I paid it no mind. However, Lucifer always seemed to be all talk whenever it came to the threats and warnings he'd thrown my way. My smile was exasperated and expectant as I wiggled it again.
"If You want to enjoy my presence~ All you have to do is, Pray, Human~"
The snort that forced its way past my lips was a strangled cackle. "You wish. No this is so you can communicate without having to fly everywhere."
The angel took the phone from my hand with a surpsingly gentle touch. I sat watching him as he turned it over in his hands.
My (h/c) brows hiked up my face, waiting for him to unlock the screen. But he just continued to stare down at it with a pinched expression.
"Do.. Do you need help..?"
Lucifers shoulders hunched up in a way that I knew meant he was on the defensive.
"I am Lucifer, I don't need the assistance of a mud monkey."
Irritation flared briefly before I smirked. "Then unlock the screen, Lucifer~"
His jaw ticked and clenched before the space he'd been perched in became empty air with a fluttering of feathers. He'd taken the phone with him...
At some point during Lucifer extended stay within the Bunker, I'd become the unofficial go-between for the winchesters and the fallen angel. Currently, Dean wanted information on a hunt he and Sam were doing. Apparently, it involved an older demon that Lucifer could give them information on.
That's how I found myself standing in the doorway of Lucifers room. An amused glint sparked in my eyes as I took in the way Lucifer was sat on his bed like a frustrated teenager while somehow fumbling with the phone I'd gifted him the same way I'd seen some elderly humans do.
My hands lifted to my lips unsuccessfully, muffling the chuckle that slipped out. It was almost worth seeing the way his back straightened out, and lucifers head snapped in my direction with a surprised fall to his face like a child being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
"You know, If you're struggling with the phone, You can just ask me to show you how it works."
"I am not-!!"
"Right.. You're the almighty and perfect Lucifer~ I got it."
The huff I received in response brought a roll to my eyes. Before the archangel could protest against it, I was walking into the room and settling myself on his bed beside him. Like he wasn't a being older than life on earth itself and could kill me with a twitch to his fingers. I held out my hand palm up expectantly, and slowly, the angel set the device there.
I spun the phone in my hand so that I could show him the small button on the side. "This turns it on and off, and a tap can lock the screen." A swift click, and the screen lit up, revealing the generic wallpaper. The angel didn't have a password or pin set up yet. So I just swiped my thumb across the glass to unlock it. "Let's start with the simple things first. The basics~."
I was leaning into the angels' space as I began going through the first few apps. "I've already added several contacts in here for you, including Mine and Gabriel's numbers."
"I see..."
I could nearly see the cogs turning in the blonds head as I continued scrolling through the different apps that came with the phone. He was thankfully a quick learner, I'd thought this was going to be like teaching Cas how to text all over again. But thankfully, even though the angel had been defensive, he seemed to actually be listening to everything I said.
Once we ran through the basics a few times, I felt a smirk pull at my lips again.
"Now it's time for the best part!"
I ignored the furrowing of brows and Lucifer hadn't been prepared for when my arm curled around his vessels shoulders pulling him in tight to my side as I lift his phone and a bright flash and a click went off. The angel was looking between the device and me, and he seemed to be unable to decide between figuring out if he should be angry at the touch or curious about the photo.
My thumbs tapped and swiped across his screen with intent as I snickered. When I was done, I turned the screen for him to see. His wallpaper had been changed to the picture I'd just taken. My smile in it was big, stretching across my face while Lucifer was staring at me with shocked and wide eyes.
"There! Now you get to appreciate my 'devilishly' good looks everyday~"
That conflicted expression on his face fell into a bemused stare.
"A bit full of yourself, eh?"
"I get that you're an old man, Luci, but that doesn't mean you have to act like one."
"O-Old!? I am in the prime of my eternity! Thank you very much!"
I waved him off, instead moving the phone so he could see what I was doing as i opened the settings and design menu option. He seemed more interested in this aspect of the phone than the communication side of it. It wasn't all that surprising.
It almost made me excited to move on to the app store~ and all of the things he'd be able to explore. The determined and focused crinkle between his brows gave away exactly how much he was paying attention to what I was showing him.
Honestly, Human hating Fallen angels really shouldn't be this endearing..
@tone-stark @b1adez
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