Take my thougths so they don't eat me alive. I haven't even finished all the books yet. I'm doomed.
Last active 4 hours ago
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the whole school is rallying together to give these boys the full princess experience, and I think that's beautiful! they would all rather die than work together on one single group project, but hell if they won't pull through when sparkly princess outfits are on the line. (I am sad that Grim doesn't get a little ribbon of his own, though. 😔)
also, the return of my favorite literal running joke, Vargas Meets an Immovable Object Face-First at 20 MPH
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We are making out | short comic(15+)
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3, 2, 1 Let’s jam Wasn’t planning on this being a set but here they are!
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WHUMPTOBER 2022 - Alt Prompt 11 - Stabbed “Here to laugh?” Imagine finding your upperclassman bleeding out in the hallway. That’s just mildly terrifying but at this point it probably surprises you less than it should.
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WHUMPTOBER 2022 - Day 31 - A Light at the End of the Tunnel & Comfort
Jack made it really obvious where all of them were sleeping, but not a single student or teacher woke up the three of them regardless. They had medical leave after all but they were still acting like this was some great heist. Children.
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I had a few thoughts on this. One which is. Ehe. Wasn't sure how short you meant it! But I had fun playing around :D
[Requests are closed]
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You're supposed to panic at the disco

Epel and Leona
Rating: Everyone
Warnings: Panic attack;
Word count: 734
Notes: So yeah @insertsomthinawesome had yet again clobbered me with feels with a Whumptober piece that has languished in my drafts. Enjoy!
They had a joint lesson with the upperclassmen and Epel just wanted it to be over. Everyone else in his class always got so nervous, especially if it was a day Leona bothered to show up, and it had a way of getting on Epel’s nerves. Maybe it was because he was in the Spelldrive club and knew firsthand that Leona was way more bark, er, roar, than bite, but he got secondhand embarrassment watching the other freshman fall over themselves trying not to do anything that might be considered even slightly offensive.
The delicate melody of breaking glass drew his attention. Michael, another freshman, was clutching his hands to his chest and backing away from Leona with fear etched in every line of his face. It was pitiful, and Epel waited for Leona to say as much, but the words never came. In fact Leona was oddly still and quiet, his unfocused eyes staring at his hands. Epel shoved his lab supplies onto the closest table and moved closer, his concern quickly mounting. “Leona?” he said softly. Leona flinched, a low growl erupting sharply from his throat that made several students nearby scurry away. Epel paused and stared. Leona was trembling from head to foot, his ears pinned back and sweat beading on his forehead. He was still staring, confused and unresponsive, at his shaking hands. “Leona,” Epel took a slow step forward, holding his own hands out palms up. “Look at me?”
Finally he got the housewarden’s attention. Epel gently took one of Leona’s shaking hands in his own. “Can ya come with me?” He led Leona out of the classroom, away from the murmuring crowd, and into the hallway. Fortunately it was easy enough to get Leona to sit on a bench. He was still shaking, his body painfully tense and his breathing rapid. “It’s okay,” Epel said quietly. He kept hold of Leona’s hand. “Ah’ll stay with ya until ya feel better.”
What was the matter with him? Leona didn’t know, and that made him feel all the worse. His heart was pounding so hard. You never really think about your heart beating. You don’t feel it. Except he was feeling it. And he could feel how hard he was clenching his teeth. His back hurt from how tense his muscles were and as the seconds ticked by he realized he was probably holding onto Epel’s hand way too tight but Epel wasn’t complaining.
It seemed to take ages until he was calm enough to take a deep breath, until the roaring in his ears that distorted all the other sounds abated. Suddenly instead of feeling stiff his whole body felt too limp and he tried to shake the fog out of his head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he muttered. He’d never wanted a nap more in his life than at that moment.
Epel chewed on his bottom lip and responded slowly. “Ah think yer havin’ a panic attack.”
“I’m inclined to agree.” Epel jumped. Leona was one thing, but how he didn’t notice Professor Crewel standing next to them was downright shameful. With a flick of his magic pen Crewel had their labwear replaced with their uniforms before fixing Epel with a sharp look. “Felmier, escort Kingscholar to the nurse’s office.” His gaze slid to Leona and though his eyes may have softened the tiniest bit his voice remained firm. “It is not a request.”
“Sure.” Leona was beyond tired. He was completely drained, an unshakable exhaustion settling into his body. He didn’t have it in him to put up a fight right now, even if he’d wanted to. He got to his feet feeling unsteady but shrugged it off; tails were useful like that. He shoved his hands into his pockets and waited for Epel to stand and lead the way.
“Leona.” As he went to walk by Crewel stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “The mind is just as important as the body. There’s no shame in taking care of yourself.”
“Right.” Leona mumbled. He knew it was true, but that didn’t disperse the uncomfortable knot in his chest. From up ahead Epel offered him a small smile.
“We’ll get you through this, Leona.” Suddenly Epel’s face split into a wide grin, his eyes bearing a certain country-wild glare. “And ah’ll punch the snot outta anybody who gives ya a hard time!”
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I had this mini debate about how on earth Kalim would be able to hug malleus (according to my notes, Malleus is [in my heart at least] 6′6, and Kalim is 5′5) and then i was like. What if he’s the bestie who absolutely LAUNCHES onto you. falsdfjasldf anyways this was such a precious request anon ;;v;; AND I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!! -NO ROMANCE INCLUDED-
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@babymagi Have u some boys. >:3 I don’t draw nearly enough of idia TvT so have a bonus idia LSDFKJSLDGSDG
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Febuwhump day 9: Voice Loss (un)Natural Disaster
So these are gonna be kinda late (and out of order) from here on out since it’s MARCH but hey some of these were solidly set up!! School just was A lot. Anyway.
@forwantofacalling wrote a Drabble and shared it in our discord about Cater Overblotting and Trey tracking him down after the fact. 12/10, painful concept, here’s a drawin.
Please do not tag this with shipping tags, this is meant to be portrayed as platonic, thanks!
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WHUMPTOBER 2022 - DAY 18 - Take my coat
Blame starsending I’ve wanted to see them be friends ever since then TvT Idia would be super awkward but his intentions show through. :>
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