#but i also really loved seeing everyone else's
wonysugar · 18 hours
don’t modify | jang wonyoung
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. everyone adores you (at least i do) — matt maltese
synopsis : everyone knew jang wonyoung had standards, but you were afraid you didn’t meet them like she initially expected you to.
pairing : stuco!wonyoung x gf!femreader
genre : smut, it’s kinda sweet i think
tags : wlw, hurt/comfort(?), fem!reader starts doubting herself, self-esteem issues, yn overthinks everythingg, YN YOU’RE GIRLFRIEND ENOUGH, <//3, couplez are very present haiii, i care them so much, jiwon is stewpid (affectionate), and rei lives for it, LESBIANS, worried gf wony, she loves yn guys, GUYS, now onto the sex, semi-public sex, so risky sex, ooouh scandalous, fingerfucking, making out, LOTS of it, kinda body worship, clit play
warnings : this fic contains self-esteem issues and lack of confidence, be warned :]
word count : 4,8k
a/n : heyyy… DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THATTT I’VE BEEN BUSY💔💔i’m trying to work on as many fics as i possibly can when i have free time, this is one of them<//3 i hope you like it, i personally don’t know to feel about it butfkdmfm yeah
i also kinda didn’t proofread this; it’s almost 2 am as i’m typing this out and i’m EXHAUSTED,,, if you see mistakes of any kind just please ignore,, for my sake
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man, student council really was no joke.
sitting at the same table as your girlfriend, wonyoung, and her peers, you could feel the undeniable tension in the air. 
this was originally gonna be a double date, but it very quickly turned into a last-minute student council meeting, for some unknown reason. you weren’t part of said council, therefore had no clue what the hell they were on about this entire time. all this talk about budget, organized events, it all made you dizzy. the only thing that was keeping you somewhat calm was wonyoung’s warm presence and the slow jazz music that was quietly playing from the vintage jukebox, the one sitting in a corner of the place. 
you accompanied your girlfriend thinking this was going to be a cute opportunity to meet the two other girls! yknow, knowing that they seemed to be very close friends of your girlfriend’s, you figured it would’ve been nice to get to know them but it now just mostly feels like you infiltrated a top secret reunion that no one else could know about. 
and the funny thing? you were already somewhat nervous to meet other student council members in the first place, and this wasn’t helping. now, it’s kind of embarrassing to admit, but the first time that you met your significant other… yeah, you were mostly intimidated by her beauty and maturity, but also by her status in the school. it’s almost like you felt bad about crushing on somebody as influential on campus, let alone eventually dating her. so, i guess you could say meeting anybody equally as important as her fellow stuco members was something that made you rather anxious; what if they thought of you as clumsy? dumb? or even worse, not good enough for their president, their best friend?
quickly interrupting your train of incredibly messy thought, the blonde girl, whose name you don’t quite remember, spoke up. 
“nevermind any of that! we came here, on a week-end, with the intention to relax, to have fun and to finally take a breather from everything stressful that’s been going on in our lives, and what did we end up doing? talking about the school’s budget, like we always do. seriously guys?” she watched how the two other girls averted their eyes, clearly guilty. 
she especially noticed how you seemed to be uncomfortably shifting in your seat whilst they were talking, so, giving you a subtle reassuring look, she added on.
“let’s leave it for when we’re at school and not in front of y/n, how’s that sound?”
the two other girls looked at each other, then you, and eventually nodded. just like that, the tension in the air disappeared, and you already felt calmer.
but not calm enough to be confident about meeting your girlfriend’s friends and actually enjoy this small get-together.
however, you couldn’t sit there and pretend that the silence that settled in between all of you wasn’t a comfortable one, especially with the way wonyoung’s hand rested on yours, it was a nice contrast to what was actively going on in your mind.
until it was brutally killed by the dramatic sigh that came from the familiar tall and bright haired girl’s mouth.
“well, i’m pretty damn hungry, aren’t you guys hungry? cause i sure am pretty fucking hungry!“
you internally laughed, acknowledging that she was naturally quite funny. you apparently weren’t the only one to think so, considering how that also earned a small giggle from the almost just as tall girl who you assumed was her girlfriend, since she was practically always looking at her with heart-shaped eyes, regardless of the situation; you could tell when a girl was whipped for another, and it was as clear as day. 
she was more than whipped for the blondie.
“you know jiwon, if you wanted to get up and go order, you could’ve just said that.” she said, smiling at the girl in question and looking stupidly in love. 
“well yeahh.. but it’s essential for everyone to know how famished i am at all times, darling; my hunger is everyone’s problem, i thought we knew this!” was what jiwon said back, her bright smile making the dimple on one of her red cheeks, her left one, even more prominent than usual, since it’s quite literally always visible. that earned a playful eye roll from the other girl as she continued giggling. 
the pet name helped confirm your theory that those two were a thing.
“you guys want anything?” she softly asked, quickly making sure.
“nope! we’ll get something later, thank you rei.” was what wonyoung responded before warmly looking at you, slightly tilting her head in a way that silently asked you if you felt like ordering. you politely declined by shaking your head, hand waving around as you’re doing so, for extra insistence.
after that, they stood up together and proceeded to walk towards the counter to order. their hands were grazing each other’s for a little moment as they talked, almost hesitant. that is, before jiwon gently grabbed the other girl’ hand and intertwined their fingers together, both now having acquired their place in line. smiling to yourself, you also particularly noticed how jiwon, her face now completely red, seemed to trip on literal air as she walked with the reason for that was giggling endlessly. 
man, what a match they were, you thought.
rei, if you remembered her name correctly, was soft spoken and careful with every little thing she said and did, her gentle tone offered some sort of contrast to jiwon’s, who on her part, was louder, more outgoing and spontaneous. being polar opposites, they complemented each other amazingly; from their behavior all the way down to their body language, it was impossible to miss how different yet similar they were.
it seemed as if wonyoung noticed you staring at them from a distance, so she assumed it would’ve been a good idea to give you a little bit of funny context. “can you believe they’re not dating yet?” she asked, looking at them with you.
“wait.. what? they aren’t?” you exclaimed, surprised at the almost unbelievable information your girlfriend just dropped on you. well there goes your theory, “are.. are you sure?”
amused, she shook her head, eyebrows raised, “mmhm.” she said, putting emphasis on the first m. “i swear at times it feels like i hear them gushing about the other way more than i see my own mom.”
you giggled, your eyes darted back and forth between her and the other girls, in disbelief. actually.. the more you looked at them, the more whatever wonyoung said seemed to be true; despite being this close and intimate with each other, there were signs of uncertainty, as if this was new for the both of them. like when jiwon seemed to avoid rei’s gaze whenever she spoke, or maybe even when rei seemed to blush at quite literally anything silly that came out of jiwon’s mouth, which was very often, by the way.
“crazy, i know.” she laughed, staring at the two with you. “i mean, they practically are by now, they’re just not aware of it themselves yet.”
okay yeah, you thought, nodding at your girlfriend, it made sense. 
they did look like a newlywed couple if they didn't know they were married, and that just made it all the more endearing to see, honestly. you were glad wonyoung was friends with such kind-hearted and genuine girls. 
that somehow contributed in bringing back that nerve-racking doubt you had ever since you stepped foot in here, however, and your amusement was once again quickly overshadowed by worry. see, those two seemed so happy with each other, despite not even dating, that it got you thinking about your and wonyoung’s relationship. 
rei and jiwon sort of reminded you of what you and your girlfriend were, way back before you started dating, back when she knew absolutely nothing about you and was instead curious regarding your person, intrigued.
you thought that maybe you didn’t end up exceeding her expectations like she initially believed you would, that you maybe weren’t as interesting of a girlfriend than she would’ve hoped, that she could do so much better than you. 
hell, maybe even the two friends you were staring at prior thought so.
you noticed how wonyoung stared at you with a focused expression, the one she always had on whilst she tried to comprehend something complex, whatever it was. many things elicited that reaction, sometimes it’d be an important yet contradictory school document, other times it’d be an attempt to read something that was written in one of the languages she’s not so familiar with, as rare as that was. 
right now though, she was probably trying to read you, a language she thought she was perfectly fluent in, yet was always met with a hard time understanding completely.
then, upon realizing that you were staring back at her, her eyes widened ever-so slightly and she gave you a warm smile. doing your best in not letting your insecurities spill through the cracks of your face, you smiled in return, as to not potentially worry her.
“we’re backk!” announced jiwon in a sing-song tone, quickly catching both you and wonyoung off-guard as she obnoxiously placed her tray down on the table, almost dropping it. rei’s, on the other hand, was set gently on the wooden surface whilst she carefully sat down on the seat, smiling to herself upon staring at the delicious looking food, completely disregarding the conversation happening right beside her. 
you nodded to yourself, that was truly respectable.
“already?..” asked the tall and brown haired girl in response, wearing a mischievous smirk girl at the blondie before continuing, “and here i thought that we were finally gonna have a break from you.” jokingly groaning and rolling her eyes.
“never gonna happen, unfortunately for you.” jiwon giggled at the banter, grabbing a handful of fries from the tray in front of her before forcefully shoving it into the other girl’s mouth, cutting the latter successfully.
that earned a giggle from everyone at the table, but rei’s tiny and polite laugh was especially noticeable among the bunch. 
turns out she always listens when it’s about jiwon, huh.
“what about you, y/n?” asked jiwon, distracting you from the conversation you were about to engage in with the delicious burger that nestled in between your eager hands. you looked at her, allowing her to carry on, “are you volunteering anywhere?”
all of a sudden, all three different pairs of eyes were on you, and you only. 
you cleared your throat, setting the hamburger down, now having caught a glimpse of what the conversation was actually about. volunteering, huh? is that a thing that student council casually members do when they’re bored..?
you didn’t want to seem like an asshole, but it’s not like you could afford to lie, either, especially not when wonyoung was staring at you so intently, like she was excited to merely hear you talk.
you felt guilty for even placing a word.
“oh uh,” you focused your eyes on the table, unsure of your response and the reaction you would get. “i would, but i barely have the time, unfortunately.. you know, with my job and all..”
“you know,” rei chimed in, shaking her medium-sized soda drink around before taking a sip, “you can say that you don’t care enough, we won’t judge.” she said in a joking manner, earning laughter from everyone at the table.
that was a joke, it’s obvious that everybody would be laughing. 
“ahah, yeah..” 
except you, of course, the best you could do at that moment was crack a slight smile since you were basically stuck inside of your own head by now, contemplating whether they were actually making fun of you in your face or if you were just overthinking everything again, just like you always do.
man, with each thought you had, you felt uneasy. the more they talked, the more overwhelmed you felt, especially if the conversation revolved around you;  self-consciousness wouldn’t even begin to describe it, despite your desperate attempts to sit and actually enjoy the moment, as well as the food in front of you, for that matter.
but alas, that annoying voice in your head had won again. the same voice that always goes on and on about how every person around you thinks you aren’t enough, and that you’re uninteresting and unlikeable, sometimes just plain annoying. 
that got the best of you today.
you reluctantly stood up, which caught the two girls’ attention, but especially wonyoung’s, all of their eyes perking up at you. “where you going?” asked jiwon.
“just the bathroom.” you replied almost immediately, “sorry, you guys can keep talking, i won’t be long.”
you make a beeline for the restroom after rambling out those words, not looking back for even a second. you push the door open once you get there, quickly closing it behind you before turning the sink on and looking at yourself in the mirror. 
get it together, y/n, you told yourself, don’t embarrass her any more than you already have.
you proceeded to splash some cold water onto your face, taking advantage of the fact that you conveniently decided not to wear any makeup today. to call it refreshing would be an understatement, as it helped you gain back composure.
that’s when you heard, and noticed from your peripheral vision, the restroom door cracking open. you turned off the running sink in hurry and turned to the door, wiping the water off of your face with your palm and forearm.
“..you okay?” 
“huh? yeah..” 
she looked at you some more. it was clear that she did not believe you for one second, she therefore locked the door behind you, as to not have anybody interrupt. she was going to ask again, however, she refrained from doing so and let you speak of your own accord.
you quickly understood that she was going to ask again, however, refrained from doing so and let you speak of your own accord. you took a deep breath, then you allowed your vulnerability to manifest itself through your words, just this once.
“..i just feel like.. i don’t know—“ you tried finding the right words to say, but nothing could potentially make the situation any worse than you’ve made it, “are you happy with me, wonyoung?” 
long pause. a very long pause.
she furrowed her eyebrows upwards, “…what?” her voice was now just above a whisper as she processed your words, slightly shaking. despite how subtle it was, you heard the fear in it. “o-of course i am, why wouldn’t i be?”
“i just feel… i feel like you deserve better than me.” you turned away from her, your eyes settling on the mirror before you, once again. “i’m sorry, i don’t wanna be annoying—“
“do i make you feel that way?” she asked almost immediately, cutting you off. her expression giving away her heavy dejection despite her best attempt to mask it. “do i make you feel like you’re not enough?”
hurting you is the last thing she would ever want to do, she’s certain she’d rather die a horrible death on the spot than cause you pain.
“no, of course not!” you responded just as fast, your gaze meeting hers as you turn to face her once again, “you’re great towards me, amazing, even. it’s… it’s just that, i’m scared that you’re doing it out of pure guilt.. is all—”
she, in response, was no longer taken aback. finally having understood what was on your mind throughout this whole outing, her worry evaporated from her face, leaving room for a sympathetic expression, “guilt?” she walked your way and stood beside you, her big hands now cupping your cheeks and holding them in a warm, loving embrace. “if i really was dating you out of guilt, would i really ask you to go out with me to meet my friends?”
“i don’t want you doubting my love for you ever again, okay?” she added, her eyebrows furrowed, now looking practically offended. “i mean, come on, let’s not forget that i have standards.”
interpreting your silence and the way you looked up at her as uncertainty, she continued, smiling at you, “and you exceed every single one; you’re amazing, y/n. you’re gorgeous, so incredibly smart, talented, understanding, so kind and genuine, too. the list could go on, honestly, but most important of all, i love you, i love you so much, and there is truly nothing in this world that’ll be able to change that.. i never, ever, wanna hear you say any of that again. also, never scare me like that? ever?”
“nuh uh!” she hovered her index finger over your mouth, silencing you before you could protest, “no buts! you’re perfect and i’m very incredibly lucky to be with you, that’s final.” she insisted, before mumbling to herself, “also, i should probably tell rei to cut it down on the sarcastic jokes, shouldn’t i.. she gets comfortable way too easily—“
“no wony, i know she meant no harm. plus, i would’ve found it funny if i wasn’t so in my own head..” 
she sighed, then nodded. and as corny as it was, that whole conversation was enough to fully reassure you again. you cracked a shy and content smile, to which she happily reciprocated whilst gently stroking your hair with her hand, leaving a loving kiss on your forehead. “i love you, wonyoung, i’m sorry.” you muttered, barely audible. 
she groaned, having heard you, and rolled her eyes jokingly, “will you stop apologizing so much?” before smiling with nothing but love and admiration in her eyes, “i love you too dumbass, so much, and i’m afraid i’ll never stop.” she added, before leaving a small peck on your lips.
you returned the kiss, having wonyoung leaning into you and gently pushing you onto the sink. your hands went on both sides of her face and cupped her cheeks, your girlfriend melting into your touch with a smile immediately before pulling away and looking into your eyes.
now being in the right headspace and paying proper attention to her appearance, you just now noticed how good wonyoung really looked that day; her long brown hair perfectly straightened at the top and being more on the wavy side on the ends, the whole hairstyle being all, quite literally, tied together by a lavender-coloured ribbon. you’ve also noticed that she decided to wear her favorite  navy blue and white striped knit sweater and tucked it under the waistband of her blue denim jeans, incredibly effective in drawing attention to her waist whilst also keeping a cozy look.
she looked beautiful, there was absolutely no doubt about that, but your mind kept wandering further. you thought about how much more beautiful she’d look wearing nothing, before being hit with the sad truth that the two of you are in a public bathroom, and that the latter was very unlikely to happen.
still though, you smiled to yourself as your eyes trained down on her body, getting lost in dirty thought before looking up at her again. once your gaze met wonyoung’s, you watched her lips form into a stupid smile before she spoke again, making you realize how dearly you missed listening to her honey-like voice despite having heard it roughly 30 seconds prior.
“and what are you looking at exactly?” she tilted her head slightly, flirtatiously sliding her hand up and down your sides as she awaited your answer.
it’s crazy how your girlfriend of several months could still manage to turn your stomach to literal mush, every single thing about her made you short-circuit; her mannerisms, the way she talked to you, the way she always put her hands on the right spot, her smile… she was clearly out to get you.
and it didn’t look like that was going to change anytime soon.
“..nothing,” you replied, taking a short pause as you took in all of her features, before adding on, “you look good, babe.”
that pet name made sense again, you felt like yourself again.
“yeah?” she spoke back, now placing her two hands atop each side of the sink that you were already leaning on. her face now mere inches away from yours, your nostrils suddenly invaded by the hypnotizing smell of the sugary, expensive perfume she had on, the one that drove you nuts, “thanks for noticing.”
it took one last dorky smile from her before you officially lost your shit and pulled her back in for a kiss, this one hungrier than the previous, and it didn’t take much for wonyoung to acknowledge the desire you felt for her, either. she’d also be lying if she said she didn’t want you just as much. 
you could taste the cherry lip gloss she had put on previously as your lips danced in sync with hers, 
“wait,” you said in between kisses, “what about the others?”
“oh don’t worry,” she chuckled, wearing a knowing expression and slightly shaking her head in amusement at the thought, “they’re definitely keeping each other distracted. i would even go as far as to say that they completely forgot about us even coming along in the first place.”
as insane as it may sound, you could totally picture jiwon completely discarding her food and endlessly rambling about quite literally the dumbest thing ever whilst rei admired her silently, listening to every word the other girl spoke, entranced as she took tiny sips of her drink, perhaps as an attempt to make the moment last forever.
the two of you giggled to yourselves, seemingly having thought of the exact same thing before the urge to have wonyoung ruin you in this very bathroom hit you once more, only harder this time. 
it didn’t take long for your girlfriend to lean back into you, now making her painfully slow way down to your jaw, then to your neck, planting messy and lazy pecks across the skin. you felt her smiling against you with relish, taking in each and every soft noise that escaped from your mouth. her hands were growing more and more curious by the second, which caused them to explore and slide further down from the spot they initially settled on; your lower stomach and waist. they eventually worked their way up your black pleated skirt, teasing your entrance through the soft fabric of your already damp underwear.
that went on for a long while, so long so that you felt the pool in between your legs growing with each rub of the finger she gave you.
“god, look at you,” she then whispered against your neck, marking it up right to her liking, “perfect, always so perfect for me.” and watching you not-so-subtly grinding your hips against her hand at the words, longing for any sort of friction you could get. 
“wonyoung–” you whined out quietly, using all of your willpower to not make too much noise so as to not let the other people in the restaurant hear you through the closed door. she heard you though, she heard you loud and clear and that was all that mattered to her. she pretended that she didn’t, however, and pulled away from your neck to properly look at you to raise a knowing eyebrow at you. the back and forth motion she was doing on your clothed pussy now much, much slower. “what was that baby?”
“please.” you breathed out shakily, “i need you.. bad.”
“do you now?” she responded, cocky.
you nodded almost immediately.
she let out a tsk sound in response, “couldn’t even wait ‘till we get home, huh?” that confirmation was all it took for her to finally push your panties to the side just enough to be able to spread your cunt and squeeze her fingers into it, which was very wet enough to welcome her digits, she slowly inserted them further in. 
“so impatient, just for me, right?” she whispered, watching you as you nodded once again, this time more keen. she then paused, quietly taking in all of your reactions to her different  words and teasing, more than satisfied, she scoffed, “fuck, i love you—“
she pressed her lips against yours again, eager; she truly couldn’t get enough of you, everything about you was all she could ever want. you couldn’t help but let a guttural groan escape from your lips in response to her two fingers fully sliding inside of you in one swift motion, filling your insides up perfectly. you were undeniably loud, but the kiss definitely contributed to quieting you down, muffling the noise of your pleasure, the squelching sounds of your pussy being the only audible thing occupying the air.
it didn’t take long before she started pumping her fingers in and out of you, finding a slow and steady pace before fully ravaging your core. she quickly pulled away to catch a glimpse of the scene happening on the lower side of things; her hand reaching into your skirt and working its magic. the sight of that worked the both of you up even more, and she would’ve completely gotten rid of every piece of the clothing that’s in her way to you right then and there,
but then again, this was a public bathroom.
and you two were very quickly reminded of that once you heard knocking at the locked door, as well as tussling of the doorknob. wonyoung and you froze, albeit a very polite pair of knocking and turning, it scared the shit out of you.
“y/n? wonyoung? are you guys okay in there?” you heard rei’s easily discernible voice on the other side of the door. your eyes darted between it and wonyoung, mere inches away from you (who also seemed visibly panicked, as well as amused.)
well wonyoung was incredibly wrong in assuming they forgot about them.
in a silent, mutual agreement sealed by a nod, you came up with a pitiful excuse, fighting back every potential shake of your voice that could manifest itself, “y-yeah, uh, i’m just fixing up my makeup and—“
suddenly, you felt your girlfriend’s thumb pressing on your sensitive and swollen bundle of nerves without warning, and began to rub it in a slow and painful circular motion, wearing a slight smirk while doing so. your stomach immediately dropped at the feeling, and your first instinct was to bite your lip as you tried your hardest not to moan out wonyoung’s name out loud,
obviously, you wanted to, but couldn’t; especially not when rei’s on the other side, worried about you two.
the tall brunette threw you a teasing glance, her expression practically reading ‘go on, keep going.’ so, as a matter of principle, you did. you pulled on her knit sweater in overwhelm, oh so desperate to just cum already and not risk getting caught and definitely kicked out, just imagining that walk of shame gave you goosebumps, “w-wonyoung’s with m-me.”
“okay! oh and also, jiwon wanted me to ask if you were gonna finish your food.” 
as bad as it was, your thoughts at that moment resembled ‘oh my god why isn’t she leaving yet’, especially when your love thought it was an amazing idea to casually fingerfuck you again, her fingers finding their familiar pace and curling against your g-spot perfectly. you kept tugging on her top, mouth slightly agape in surprise and overwhelming pleasure as you tried to come up with an answer.
“yes!” you cleared your throat after having that first word coming out a bit too excited for your liking, then continued, “yes, t-tell her she can have all of the remaining fries s-she wants.” you looked at wonyoung with hooded eyes right after slurring out those words, shaking your head in desperation. not at all in the right state of mind to even listen to her friend’s response who then thankfully left, you mouthed the words ‘i wanna cum so bad.’ to her.
she was gonna keep teasing you, but she decided that you’ve endured more than enough for that day. with her other hand, she settled her palm onto your mouth; she knew how loud you got when hitting climax. a few more pumps of her fingers into your puffy cunt was all it took for you to grip onto her sweater as you came all over her hand, eyes rolled back whilst you moaned and pleaded into her hand, bucking your hips into her and riding your high on her palm, her thumb still pressing your clit.
pulling her slander fingers out of you, she quickly made you taste how good you were and made sure you thoroughly and carefully licked every inch of it clean as you hazily muttered ‘i love you’s in between lick and sucks.
one thing was for sure, sitting back down at the table wearing underwear full of your slick was definitely an element of great embarrassment,
but at least you were now fully reassured that dating you was not at all one for wonyoung.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 days
Retail steph with damian and Jon? :) i love retail steph so much
(featuring Billy Batson because he only adds chaos and I love him)
Previous: Margie | Batkids | Rogues | Justice League | Retail batkids | Retail Bruce | Young Justice | Black Friday | Valentine's Day
[grocery store]
Steph, working the bakery section: How can I help you boys today?
Jon: We're getting a cake for our friend's birthday. Chocolate with buttercream frosting, please. 
Steph: Do you want it to say anything? 
Jon: Yes. "Happy 14th B-day, Billy!"
Steph: What color?
Damian: Red. 
Steph: *starts writing on the cake*
Damian: Please also add: "Despite your shortcomings and lack of maturity, you are a valuable part of our team and as you get older, I expect you to gain greater wisdom that will aid us in our goals and prospects."
Steph: *struggling to fit it on the cake*
[coffee shop]
Damian: Can we try the five-drink espresso flight?
Steph: You sure?
Billy, eyeing an unsuspecting Jon: Yes.
Steph: Alrighty.
*moments later*
Jon, after his fifth espresso: I'M KING OF THE UNIVERSE!
Jon: *shoots through the ceiling*
Damian: *grumbles and hands Billy ten bucks*
Steph, sighing: I'll get the broom.
[clothing store]
Jon: *dancing in the dressing room with light-up shoes*
Damian: *T-posing in a trenchcoat*
Billy: *filming them*
Steph: What are you doing?
Billy: Making a TikTok. 
Steph: Well, you can't have cameras in the dressing rooms. I'm gonna have to ask you to stop. 
Damian: One vegetarian Batburger, one regular Batburger, and one order of Night-Wings. And an extra-extra-extra large Ivy Salad.
Steph: Did you take the Batmobile again? 
Damian: No. 
Steph: Why don't you pull up to the window and prove it? 
Damian, Jon, and Billy: *ride up on Bat-Cow*
[furniture store]
Jon: What's a warranty?
Damian: It's a court order to arrest someone. 
Steph: That's a warrant. A warranty covers the cost of something if it gets damaged within a certain amount of time. In our case, the store has a one-year warranty on all items. What are you looking to buy?
Billy: *enters pushing a Pinball machine*
Damian: ...It's for school.
Steph: What can I get you?
Damian: We'll split a pizza. 
Steph: Okay, anything else?
Billy, as Shazam: An alcohol.
Steph: "An alcohol?"
Billy: Yes, your finest alcohol. Sharing size, please.
Steph: I'll need to see some ID.
Billy, nervous: What's there to see? I'm clearly an adult. 
Steph: I need them for everyone at the table. 
Damian: *pulls out Jason's crime lord license*
Jon: *sticks on a fake mustache*
[call center]
Steph, stifling a yawn: Wayne Enterprises account support, how can I help you? 
Damian: Why are you still working? It's midnight. 
Steph: Overnight shift. This is a 24-hour line. What do you need, Damian?
Damian: Nothing. We just wanted to annoy you. 
Steph: We?
Jon: Hiya!
Billy: 'Sup.
[sleepover at the Manor]
Steph: Alfred told me to bring you some snacks.
Damian: Excellent. 
Steph: *leaves the room*
Steph, internally: What do kids these days even do at sleepovers? 
Steph: *presses her ear to the door*
Damian: Truth or Dare? 
Jon: Truth. 
Damian: Which one of my siblings do you like best?
Jon: Steph, all the way.
Billy: I agree, she's the coolest. Remember when she drove us to get midnight breakfast on my birthday?
Jon: And when she promised not to tell my parents when I broke the café ceiling.
Billy: Or when she took us for a walk and actually explained why we couldn't make TikToks in the store instead of going "because I said so" like other adults. 
Jon: Plus, she gave all the leftover salad to Bat-Cow and helped us set up the Pinball machine downstairs.
Billy: Ooh, and she's really good at making mocktails. 
Jon: Also, she extended our free trial of the Daily Planet for our social studies project. 
Damian: Hm... point taken.
Billy: And she's hot.
Damian: Say that again and I will smite you with your own powers.  
Steph: *smiles softly*
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arc-misadventures · 3 days
I don't know why, but I'm enjoying the thought of Coco and Jaune being bros.
99% Lesbian
Blake: Coco!
Yang: Hey, Coco!
Coco: Yes?
Blake: We need your help
Coco: My help? Well, first off: Stop wearing all black. Add more colour to you apparel; I recommend purples, golds, and perhaps some deep blues. I think those colours would really make you 'pop!' Otherwise you look like a poorly dressed goth girl hipster. And no, you do not look like a goth girl the way you are dressed, and most certainly a sexy goth girl.
Blake: That's not 1hat...
Yang: No. No, take notes you could use a make over.
Blake: Hey!
Yang: But, no this isn't fashion related!
Coco: It isn't? Then what the hell do you two want help with me, you utter fashion slobs!
Blake: Hey!
Yang: I know it's true that, Blake dresses like a slob!
Blake: Hey?!
Yang: But, does that include me too?
Coco: Only two people in this entire school have any sense of woman's fashion, and neither of them are you.
Yang: Who?!
Blake: Yeah, who?!
Coco: Jaune Arc.
Blake: Jaune?
Yang: Him, really?
Coco: He has seven sisters, he knows plenty about woman's fashion.
Blake: So you say...
Yang: Who's the other person?
Coco: Glynda Goodwitch.
BY: ...
Blake: I'm not going to argue against that.
Yang: She's drop dead gorgeous, what else do we need to say?
Coco: So, what do you need help with?
Yang: We need to help settle a bet.
Coco: A bet?
Yang: Yeah, Ruby said you weren't gay, and that you were in fact, bisexual. We called bullshit, she said it was true, so we made a bet on whether or, not you are actually gay.
Blake: So, are you bisexual?
Coco: No I'm not bisexual.
Blake: Ha!
Yang: I knew it!
Coco: But, I'm not... 100% a lesbian.
Blake: Eh?
Yang: Beg pardon?
Coco: I'm 99% lesbian, but I am 1%... straight...
Blake: You're 1% straight...?
Yang: So... you are bisexual?
Coco: No... I love woman 99% of the time. But, 1% of the time... I'm straight... exclusively for, Jaune...
BY: For, Jaune?!
Coco: For, Jaune.
Yang: How are you attracted to, Jaune? He's... he's...
Blake: He's, Jaune!
Yang: I was going to say a guy, but that's true.
Coco: Gods, does everyone have to pick on my, 'If I had to pick a dude?' He's a great guy, a bit of a goofball sure, and a dunce. But, he is a really nice guy once you get to know him.
Blake: And, because you know, Jaune so well he becomes the 1%?
Coco: Well, there's also the fact that he is the only person I can discuss fashion with; he has great taste, and has even convinced me to wear a helmet as part of my fashion assemble. I just started to enjoy being around with him. So the intrusive thought of us... 'mingling' just popped up. So, I'm 99% a lesbian, and 1% straight for, Jaune.
Blake: Oh, that makes sense. Somehow...?
Yang: So... did we win the bet?
Blake: We didn't bet anything, so we could call it a draw if we wanted to. Right?
Coco: I'd call it a dra...
Jaune: Coco!
Coco: Hey, Bunny Boy, what's up?
Blake: Bunny boy?
Jaune: I found another helmet you could wear! Only this time if completely covers your head, which of course would make it that it doesn't go with your current outfits design. But, that does mean you have to choreograph an entire wardrobe to fit the helmet. Of which, honestly sounds fun to do on it's on.
Coco: Oh-ho-ho~! Really now? Okay, show me this helmet you're so confident about?
Jaune: Tada~!
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Coco: ...
Coco: Holy shit...
Jaune: You like it?
Coco: This is a old helmet, so I would have a more detailed lion head, and mane. The colours would definitely involve more gold, maroon, and crimsons.
Jaune: Red, and caramel browns, with complementary cream whites?
Coco: Oh that sounds perfect! Colours aside, what would this outfit entail?
Jaune: Boot's that are at least knee height...
Coco: High heels?
Jaune: Oh, but of course. Next should... Hmmm... Oh no...
Coco: What is it?
Jaune: Nora pulled a, Nora again. I'm sorry I gotta go. Shall we continued this discussion later?
Coco: No problem, Love. Have fun~!
Jaune: See you later, Mocha!
Coco: Hmmm... Should the face mask be a copy of my face, or should it be a generic face?
BY: ...
Coco: ...
Coco: What?
Yang: 'No problem, Love?'
Blake: You sure it's just 1%?
Coco: ...
Coco: Maybe... 10%...?
Yang: Coco's bisexual, but only for, Jaune.
Blake: Agreed.
Coco: ...
Coco: That's fair...
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when he comes home early
genre: smut, a mix of texting screenshots and written word
word count: 2 screen shots, ~1.1k just a short little drabble
warnings: cnc adjacent? (reader is scared at first), unprotected sex, pet names, chan is called a god (because facts)
channie if you’re reading this (ik you lurk let’s bfr) ik that your birthday is over where you are, but it’s still october 3rd here. it’s like we get to celebrate twice. (like i haven’t been celebrating all week hehe) i can’t believe you were live for four hours. you’re the sweetest human and i hope you had the most amazing birthday. also, don’t read any more of this post or anything else on my blog. pls don’t perceive me. love you byeee 🩷
authors note: this was so out of my comfort zone. i wanted to push myself to write something that i wouldn’t normally. i originally wanted this to be an actual experience for the reader, with a stalker version of chan, but i can’t write that. i just can’t. so i turned my idea into this instead. :) i had to have some form of prior consent, hence the texts lol. that was the only way it was going to work for me. anywhoooo. happy birthday to our channie! 💗💗 thank you for coming along this journey of channie’s birthday celebration with me. <3 i hope it was enjoyable. :) sorry im rambling, here’s the post:
main masterlist • channie’s birthday celebration masterlist
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he did come home that night and help you. but not with that particular fantasy. no, he filed that piece of information away in his mind to save it for later. you wouldn’t really be surprised if he came home that night and did it, now would you? so he waited. and waited. and waited some more until he was sure you had forgotten about it.
and that’s what led to this night. he and the kids had been away on tour for a couple months now, leaving you lonely. but chan managed to sneak away a little early. when everyone else was flying home the next morning, he flew out that night. putting him home sooner than you had expected.
he was at the door of your shared apartment, trying to be extra quiet punching in the code. but he couldn’t control the volume of the beeps, the mechanical whirring of the door unlocking and clicking open.
you stirred in your sleep. was that the door opening? you reached for your phone on the bedside table, the light momentarily blinding you. it was the middle of the night. and chan wasn’t supposed to be home for another 12 hours. you listened intently. and after a few moments of not hearing anything, you had decided you imagined it, dreamt it perhaps, too tired to pull yourself out of bed to go check.
and chan waited. in the shadows of the kitchen, he held his breath, waiting for you to stumble groggily into the kitchen and flip on the light. but you didn’t. he heard you turn over in bed, the frame making a loud creaking noise as you did so. he smiled. he carefully toed off his shoes, and placed his backpack gently on the ground, trying his hardest not to make a single sound. he tiptoed down the hall toward your shared bedroom, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. luckily the bedroom door was already open and he could see you, laying in bed. you were on your tummy, blanket kicked to the side, your arms under your head. you had on a small tank top, and a pair of underwear, the material clinging to your skin in the warm summer night air. his cock twitched in his pants. he had really missed you these last couple of months, and seeing the swell of your ass, close enough for him to reach out and touch, he was already hard.
you moved in your sleep then, grabbing the pillow closest to you and pulling it snug against your chest, burying your face in the softness. his heart gave a squeeze as he realized you had put one of his tshirts on the pillow, and were cuddling it, breathing in his leftover scent.
he loved you so much. and he couldnt wait any longer.
he carefully took of his clothes, leaving them in a messy pile on the floor. he wrapped his hand around his leaking cock and slowly pumped himself as he watched you. it’s almost like you could sense him in the room. your body moved more, stretching out your muscles, slowly waking up.
you opened your eyes, and blinked a few times to make sure you were seeing things correctly. there was someone in the room with you. you could see his dark outline at the foot of the bed. your eyes widened in fear and before you could react, he was on you.
he climbed on the bed and straddled your bottom half, his cock resting against your ass. panicking, you tried to flip over, to knock him off, but you weren’t quick enough. he placed one large hand in between your shoulder blades and held you down, pressing your body into the mattress. his other hand came to your face, covering your mouth, preventing you from screaming.
and that’s when you smelled him. chan? was that him you were smelling? or the tshirt covered pillow laying next to you? a bracelet on his wrist tickled the skin of your chin as he covered your mouth. the metal was cold against your skin. his chrome hearts bracelet?
he leaned down, his lips close to your skin and he confirmed your suspicions. “god i fucking missed you.” he growled into your ear.
goosebumps erupted over your body as he bit your neck, sure to leave a bruise. his hand released your mouth and came down to pull your underwear off. they made it halfway down your thighs before he gave up, deciding that was good enough. his long fingers went straight for your pussy and he groaned. “so fucking wet baby. did you miss me too?”
your core pulsed with need. “chan..” you breathed.
he spit into his hand, coating his length, before shoving it into you. he gave you very little time to adjust to him before he started rocking his hips, quickly increasing his speed until he was fucking into you, hard. your hands clawed at the sheets as his hand on your back pressed you down harder. his show of strength had your arousal dripping down onto the sheets.
“fucking take it.” he grunted, the sound of his skin slapping against yours filled the room.
you could feel that familiar feeling in your tummy. “fuck- oh god.” you moaned. “ oh my god.”
“not god baby.” he said. “just- fuck.. just me.”
his hand landed a hard smack against your ass, leaving a red print behind. “you— you are a god t-to me.” you stuttered out.
his hand squeezed the flesh of your ass before spanking you again. “i’m a god to you, baby?” he asked. you nodded against the sheets, though you were positive he wouldn’t be able to notice it.
you were so close, your walls fluttering around his cock. “if i’m god, then you’re my angel.” he panted. “are you gonna cum for me angel?”
“yes! fuck yes!” your body shook as your orgasm washed over you, your eyes rolling back as he continued to fuck you through it.
“there you go, baby.” he cooed. “just a little more. fuck- i’m cumming” he groaned before you felt him release inside of you.
he collapsed next to you, his chest heaving and covered in sweat. his head turned to look at you. your eyes were closed, exhausted. “are you okay?” he asked. “that wasn’t too much, was it?”
you smiled. “no, channie. i loved it.” you lifted yourself up on your elbows and kissed him softly. “welcome home by the way.” you giggled.
he stroked your cheek, brushed your hair out of you eyes, and kissed you again before saying “i missed you so much.”
🏷️: @httpdwaekki (i’m so sorry i forgot to add the tags yesterday! i was in a rush to post this before my therapy appointment 😅)
♡ pls reblog if you liked it! it truly helps a lot and makes me smile :) ♡
©hyunjins-orange-slice-too i do not give permission for this work or any of my work to be translated, copied, or reposted.
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girlygguk · 1 day
Hey lyssa 💕
How about a salsa teacher JK, the ultimate thirst trap lol if you’d like to include smut I’m not going to say no and if there’s some crack in it that’ll be fine too (but pls just write what you feel like atm ☺️)
Lots of love 🫂
pairing salsa teacher!jk x uni student!(f)reader
rating 18+ minors dni; smut, fluff, strangers to lovers
word count 2.3k
warnings age gap (jk 29 yn 22), porn w a little plot, pet names; baby/good girl, dirty talk, praise kink, protected p in v sex, doggy, consensual choking
author's note thank u sm for this req ahhh i love it!! when i asked u guys for drabble ideas i told myself not to go over 1k for each one... 2 hrs later here we are 😭 this was the first ask i got after the post & a bunch of other ones have come thru, so i'll try to do another before i sleep and the rest i'll complete whenever i have time <3 <3 this is pretty much unedited so plz ignore any mistakes!! love you mwah
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you felt like an absolute idiot.
how you let your best friend convince you to attend salsa classes after your recent breakup with anton, you had no idea. and to top it all off, anton was from cuba. it felt like a cruel joke, and you told jimin to promptly go fuck himself at first, but the psych major insisted it could be therapeutic… that it might help you “move on” or whatever the fuck.
you couldn’t say no to jimin. no one could. especially not when he showed up on your doorstep with his boyfriend in matching shirts and a cute little red dress that matched their outfits just for you.
so here you were. standing in that little red flowy dress in a dance studio downtown with about seven other people, third-wheeling with your best friend and his boyfriend, yoongi, who looked just as displeased to be there as you were. but, as you said, no one could say no to that stupid face.
"ah, we have some new faces today," the instructor announced with a grin that lit up the room.
jeon jungkook. salsa teacher. abnormally and infuriatingly gorgeous.
his black shirt clung to his broad chest and shoulders in a way that should’ve been classified as unprofessional. and his pants? snug. perfectly fucking snug. it took everything in you to keep your eyes from drifting to places they shouldn’t.
light chuckles filled the studio while you forced a smile, bumping jimin with your hip when he nudged you teasingly.
"okay," jungkook’s smooth voice cut through the chatter, "let’s see where everyone’s skill level is at."
“maybe i can sit this part out,” you whispered to jimin, but of course, he wasn’t having it.
“nuh-uh,” he grinned, shaking his head. “it’s okay. you’re good, honey. it’ll be quick.”
you groaned internally as jungkook strolled around the room, demonstrating the basic steps with effortless grace. it was unfair, really. no one should be able to move like that.
you could dance. you weren’t anywhere near jimin’s level, of course—he was insane. but growing up with jimin and your other best friend, hobi, who was also a phenomenal dancer, you’d picked up a few things. you’d join in their practices sometimes, but while you preferred hip hop like hobi, jimin excelled in contemporary styles. he already knew how to salsa; you’d seen him do it plenty of times before. he was here for his boyfriend, which would normally be cute, except now you were fucking dragged along, too.
as jungkook approached, his gaze lingered on you for just a second too long. you blinked, waiting for him to realize he was staring. he didn’t.
his eyes were warm, teasing, with a glint of… something else.
the corners of his lips tugged upward as he crossed the room toward you. “let’s see how you’re doing,” jungkook said smoothly, his voice dropping a little as he stepped in front of you. his hand extended toward you, palm up, waiting for yours.
you blinked again, looking at his big, tattooed hand before slipping your palm into his. it was warm.
his fingers wrapped around yours, firm yet gentle, and his other hand lightly rested on your waist. “just follow my lead,” he said, his breath warm against your ear as he positioned you into the basic stance.
jungkook’s hips moved in perfect time with the music, and you could tell he was calming his movements down slightly for you. you either needed to get laid or a fucking grip, because even that was kind of turning you on.
his touch was steady, guiding you through each step, but you forced yourself not to focus on the heat of his hand on your waist. the proximity, the way his fingers flexed ever so slightly against your body with each move. god.
“you’re doing really good,” jungkook murmured, leaning a little closer as he guided you into a turn. his breath brushed your cheek, and you had to swallow slightly.
sure, you were twenty-two, and he looked like he was in his late twenties, maybe early thirties, but there was no doubt he was flirting with you. you knew what it looked like when a guy was flirting.
unless this was just his personality and he acted like this with every girl he taught? your subconscious snickered at you, and you sighed, brushing the thought away.
across the room, jimin was practically grinning ear-to-ear, enjoying the show way too much as he led his cute, stumbly boyfriend through the motions without even looking at him.
"jagi, i'm supposed to be taking the lead part," yoongi grumbled, pulling jimin’s attention back to him with a light tug.
"sorry, my love. habit." jimin chuckled, his eyes crinkling in amusement. "okay, go ahead, six-seven-eight—"
yoongi shot him a playful glare before resuming the steps, his concentration back on the dance. meanwhile, jimin snuck another glance your way, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as jungkook’s hand slid a bit lower on your waist during the turn.
you could only roll your eyes at the blonde as jungkook’s deep chuckle echoed in your ear, clearly catching onto your friend’s antics.
“focus, y/n,” jungkook murmured lowly as he gently corrected your footing with his own. “we still have a few more turns to get through.”
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okay, maybe he was flirting.
no. he was definitely flirting.
"shittttt!" you moaned into his pillow, your back arching as jungkook pounded into you from behind, his grip firm and still so fucking warm. each thrust sent a shock through your body, your gasps muffled by the fabric of his pillowcase.
"so bigggg," you whimpered, your words slurring as the pleasure consumed you. your fingers gripped the sheets tightly as his hands squeezed your ass cheeks, pulling you back onto him with every thrust.
his groan rumbled through the room as he watched your body respond, the fat of your ass rippling under his hands, the way your pussy tightened around him as he drove deeper.
"is it?" he teased, voice thick with condescension. you clenched harder around him at that, and he groaned again, his cock twitching inside you in approval.
"you can take it, can't you, baby?" his tone was low, mocking, completely sure of himself. his pace didn’t falter, each thrust angled perfectly, deeper. "such a quick learner, hm? did so well today, baby."
your breath came out in ragged gasps, completely overwhelmed as he kept fucking you senseless. you could only nod in response, whimpering as the hand gripping your right ass cheek slipped around your stomach, finding your clit with ease.
your legs started to wobble when his fingers rubbed against the puffy nub, a croaky yes slipping from your lips as you rutted back into him, desperate for more.
"fuck," he choked out, leaning down slightly to deepen the angle, hammering into you faster. "that's it, baby, fuck back onto my cock. just like that, babyyy, good girl. so good."
your eyes rolled back, briefly wondering if he’d figured out your praising kink, and a sobby moan slipped from your lips. you moved your hips harder, slamming your ass back against him with each thrust. the loud clap of skin echoed through the room every time you collided with his cock.
"shit, listen to that, y/n," he groaned, his skilled fingers sliding down your slit to gather your slick, grazing his cock as he shoved in and out of you before slipping back to your clit, rubbing it in big, messy circles.
"listen to that soaking pussy take my cock so well, baby. s'this what you wanted? you looked kinda sad when you walked into my class today, baby… didn't like it. not sad anymore, are you, hm?"
"no," you whined immediately, your head lifting from the pillow and throwing back in pleasure. "no fucking way. s-so good, baby. i n-needed this," you stuttered through a gasp, groaning in delight when the last hand on your ass slid up to grip your neck.
"you okay with th—"
"yes," you sobbed, lifting a shaky hand to clench around his, applying pressure. "harder. please, fuck, harder."
you heard him give a shaky breath before tightening his grip on your neck. your eyes rolled back in ecstasy as he pulled back and slammed in harder, harder, harder. each time his cock drove in, it slammed into that spongy spot that pulled a high-pitched uh from your throat.
"goddd, dirty fucking girl," jungkook mumbled lowly in delight, leaning his head down to rest his lips against your forehead while your face was turned toward the ceiling, eyes closed in pleasure. "wish i wasn’t wearing this fucking condom. wish i could fill this tight little cunt with my load, know you’d take it so fucking well."
your jaw slackened, a silent scream escaping your lips at his words and the way he quickened his pace, both with his cock and his fingers rubbing your clit.
"fuuuck, i’m so close, jungkook," you forced your eyes to open, looking up at his sweaty, gorgeous face, the feeling of his big hand squeezing around your throat making it hard to concentrate. "oh my fuckkkk, please, i—"
"go on then," jungkook murmured lowly, giving a final squeeze to your throat before sliding his hand to your jaw, swiping his wet, tattooed thumb along your pouty bottom lip. "come on my cock, baby. you deserve it, honey. come on."
you didn’t know if he knew that jimin and hobi had given you the nickname 'honey' from your childhood.
and you also didn’t know why that nickname made a scream rip from your lips and your pussy clench around his fat cock until you were coming so hard you swear you could taste the color white. but it did.
"oh, fuckkk," jungkook hissed as he held you tight, his thrusts not relenting while you convulsed and came on his cock. "that’s itttt. take it all, baby. good fucking girl."
your body was trembling, completely fucking spent, arms barely holding you up as your fingers dug into the mattress. you were gasping for air, feeling yourself melting into the bed, and yet, all you could think about was him. “are you close? please, i fucking need it,” you whimpered, voice breathy and weak.
he groaned, hands slipping down from your waist to slide under your chest and cup your tits with a firm grip. he gave them a squeeze, rolling the soft fatty flesh in his palms before tugging gently at your nipples. the sensation shot through your body, making you shake, everything inside you clenching around his cock as he grunted in satisfaction.
“fuck, yeah, i- ” he panted, leaning down to rest his head in the crook of your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin. his thrusts grew sloppy, rougher, causing your warm, sensitive body to jiggle beneath him. "i'm gonna come, baby. fuck."
“p-please." you grunted as he gave a particularly hard thrust, "wanna feel it, jungkook. want it in me. please."
he choked on a long moan, wet lips pressing to your neck, and with a few more deep thrusts, you felt him tense up. his grip on your chest tightened as he came with a low groan, his warm seed filling the condom.
you groaned in satisfaction at the feeling of him spilling into you, even through the stupid barrier. his body pressed down into yours as he panted, riding out his high, and you were still fucking shaking, so insanely satisfied.
as you both came down, your breath heavy and loud, jungkook began to slowly pull out of you, careful not to hurt you. you whimpered softly at the loss, already missing the feeling of being full of him the moment he slipped out.
a part of you couldn’t help but wonder… was that it? now you both just go back to your lives as if nothing happened? you didn’t even remember how you ended up in this situation, other than the fact that his intense, dazy eyes kept lingering on you the whole class. you had let jimin and yoongi head off without you when it finished, claiming you were going to talk to jungkook. you could still hear jimin giggling in delight as he dragged his boyfriend down the corridor.
jungkook had told you he was twenty-nine when you were chatting earlier, and in return, you had told him you were twenty-two. he didn’t seem to have a problem with the age gap, and of course, you didn’t either. still, a small part of you wondered if he’d even want to see someone as much younger as you again—if even just as a casual hookup. you pouted slightly at the thought. you suppresssed a groan, already knowing you’d be thinking about the best dick of your life for days after this.
you were pulled from your thoughts when jungkook sat up slightly, his face looking almost… shy? he cleared his throat before speaking. “are you gonna, uh, come to next week’s salsa class?” he asked, trying to sound casual, though you could hear the hint of hope in his voice.
you glanced up at him, his adorable, pouty face staring back at you, waiting for your response. a small, teasing smile tugged at your lips. “mmm… i don’t think so,” you teased, watching as his face fell slightly.
he nodded softly, trying to hide his disappointment. “i’ll be back in a second to clean you up,” he muttered, moving to get up.
but before he could, you reached up and pulled him back down, your lips pressing firmly against his. he froze for a second, clearly caught off guard, but then he melted into you, his hands slipping up to tangle in your hair.
as you pulled back from the kiss, your lips barely grazing his, you mumbled, “do i have to take the class to see you? i fucking hate salsa dancing.”
jungkook laughed softly, his breath warm against your skin. “i also teach hip hop?” he offered, amusement coloring his voice.
your eyebrows shot up as a giggle escaped you. “huh,” you squinted playfully up at his cute, annoyingly gorgeous face. “i’ll think about it.”
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suiana · 2 days
nah i've seen enough yan cheater... But what about cheater!reader? With dom!reader will be more interesting.
I SPENT ALL DAY LOOKGIN FR TIS ASK.. 2000 asks yo thats crazy anyway
imagine having a devoted yandere! boyfriend who's like, the absolute best man you'll ever get. i'm talking special meaningful gifts, spontaneous flowers because why tf not, bringing you on dates and all that!!! he's also really sweet and caring, always there for you whenever you need him!!!
your boyfriend is the ideal man basically! and you're... kinda a big asshole ngl.
you flirt with others, act like your boyfriend isn't even there when you see another guy you like, and more importantly, you go out with them!!! wth!!! at least u dont sleep with them... or more like ur bf catches you before you can do anything more than bring other men home.
"sweetheart i- WHAT THE FUCK."
"what? can't you see i'm admiring my boyfriend oiled up?"
"I'M your boyfriend."
your boyfriend throws out the man out of ur shared apartment immediately after. this was the 10th guy this week! what the fuck! it's only monday!!
"babe you got to STOP finding other men. I'M right HERE."
"ok so"
"SO it means you only need ME"
"but i want a harem"
*insert ur bf's screaming*
don't worry!!! ur bf will ALWAYS be there to stop you from making another stupid decision >___< yeah, what do you mean you want another bf so you're looking for one in a dingy alleyway? nuh uh he's bringing you HOME
"baby u gotta delete all ur dating apps, that person wanted to harvest ur ORGANS."
"no he said he wanted to show me a good time :c"
"my love, he told you he was going to EAT you."
"yeah eat me ou-"
"oops! my hand slipped and he's dead now aha!"
yeah ur bf doesn't even know why he puts up with this. maybe it's because he's already invested too much into you. i mean, he did kill some of these guys for you and also threatended+manipulated some people in the name of love. oh! also that one time where he got admitted into the mental ward because he swore he was going to kill himself with how much you take over his life-
ur boyfriend really loves you!
"i love you sweetie <3"
"yeah i love u too side hoe #3 (caked up)"
"i'm going to kill everyone else in your life if you keep this shit up."
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hannyoontify · 2 days
casual - yoon jeonghan
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member | childhood best friend!jeonghan x fem!oc
genre | fluff, angst and angst and lots of angst, childhood best friends to ???
word count | 12k
synopsis | throughout her childhood, jeonghan was the one constant in jeong-ah's life. he was her rock and she was his. but there was always an unspoken tension between the two, something that made jeong-ah's stomach flutter and her pulse race. was it casual, like jeonghan said? or was there a possibility of it being something more?
warnings | kissing, a bit of cursing, oc is insecure abt her freckles, jeonghan and oc are both lowk products of the ultimate asian immigrant ‘tiger-mom’ parenting stereotype, jeonghan smokes half a cigarette
playlist | i also ended up making a playlist for this fic too bc i was so into it so here!
notes | inspired by this post from a while back AND I KNOW. PEOPLE HATE OC’S BUT PLEASE. js hear me out for this one. pls.  also a huge huge hugeeeeee thank you to the literal freaking best @fairyhaos for beta-ing this long ass fic. you’re seriously the best ilysm!!  and last but not least, happy birthday jeonghan!! thank you for always bringing a smile to our faces and gracing us with your love and presence.
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Was it casual when you called my biggest insecurity beautiful stars?
“Shhh,” Jeonghan pressed his finger against his lips, stopping me from reading my paragraph aloud. “I think we won. Everyone else fell asleep.”
I looked up from The Last Olympian, the latest book of the Percy Jackson series that we were reading together, to see what he was talking about. All of our younger siblings were asleep in a messy pile of tangled blankets, pillows, and limbs on the floor next to the bed Jeonghan and I were currently lying in.
“We win the bet every year. Should we make them do the dishes this year?” I whispered. Jeonghan opened his mouth to say something when we both heard footsteps in the hallway outside. We frantically scrambled for the blanket and hurriedly tugged it over our heads, just in time as a parent opened the door to Jeonghan’s bedroom.
“They’re asleep.”
“As they should be,” another voice chimed in. “They’re still kids, pulling an all-nighter isn’t good for them.”
I couldn’t hear the first parent’s response as they closed the door and retreated back downstairs. Jeonghan poked me in the rib to grab my attention and once I was looking at him, he wiggled his brows, which I immediately took as a bad sign. He reached behind and pulled out a flashlight, shining it directly into my eyes.
I suppressed a yell and raised my arm to smack him. “Don’t-” Smack. “Do that.” Slap.
Jeonghan laughed and grabbed the side of his arm where I had hit him, jutting his bottom lip out into a faux pout. “I’m sorry, Jeong-ah. Will you forgive me?”
“Even if I let you read the rest of this chapter?”
I paused to think about it. “... Okay, fine.”
With that, I grabbed the novel and flipped through until I found the page we last left off on. Jeonghan dimmed the flashlight to its lowest setting and aimed it towards the book as I began to read aloud in a quiet voice about Percy taking a swim in the River Styx.
We were lying on our stomachs with Jeonghan’s blanket over our heads as we delved further and further into the realm of Greek gods and goddesses. Every once in a while, one of us would shift and move around to try and get in a comfortable position. Eventually, we found a position we were comfortable with–our legs on top of one another and Jeonghan’s head resting on my forearm as I read aloud.
Thank God the chapter I was reading was a longer chapter. I didn’t like it when Jeonghan read out loud–not necessarily because he was bad, he really was good and read at a good pace–but because he liked to do this thing where he had these ridiculous voices set for all the different characters and he would overdramatize everything. I didn’t know how he remembered which voice belonged to which character, but it was funny and it never failed to make me laugh(or lose concentration).
Eventually, I had to shake Jeonghan off my arm because I was slowly starting to lose feeling in my hand. “Hannie, your big, fat head is about to get my right hand amputated.”
“Ouch, that was a bit too harsh, don’t you think?” Despite acting offended, Jeonghan immediately lifted his head off of my arm, which I appreciated, and lay back down on a pillow right next to my arm.
“Sorry, but the truth hurts.” I smiled and got back to reading.
Jeonghan kept his eyes trained on my face as I continued to read about how Percy was barely able to survive an attack from Ethan Nakamura, at the cost of Annabeth’s well-being. Jeonghan’s tendency to stare at me wasn’t new, and at this point, I was pretty used to it. Most often than not, he wasn’t even staring–he was just spacing out, thinking about something I’d never be able to comprehend, like quantum physics or something. 
Once I reached the end of the chapter, I looked over at Jeonghan, who was now fixated on the back of my hand. “Hannie, did you even hear anything I just read?”
“Uh-huh. River Styx. Curse of Achilles. Morpheus and Hecate. Ethan Nakamura.” Jeonghan responded in a soft voice.
“Are you-”
“Jeong-ah, I’m too tired to read. Can we just lie here?”
“... Okay.” I put the book down and shifted onto my back but Jeonghan stayed on his side, facing me.
I peeked outside the blanket. It was nearly midnight and the night sky was so clear I could nearly see every crater on the moon’s surface. A navy to black gradient night sky was the perfect backdrop for the full moon tonight. The bright, yellow glow from the moon provided enough light in the room for me to recognize all the silhouettes on the floor. I heard a small snore from the pile and smiled.
Retreating back under the blanket, I discreetly snuggled into Jeonghan’s side. Our only source of light was the flashlight, which was shining above our heads.
Jeonghan reached for my hand and I let him as he began lightly tracing indiscernible patterns onto the back of my hand. This went on for a while until I couldn’t ignore the tingling sensation anymore and I giggled at the feeling.
“Hannie, it tickles. What are you doing?”
“You have freckles?”
Oh, he was talking about the tiny freckles I had on the back of my hands. They had been there for as long as I could remember and it had always been an insecurity of mine. I remembered, when I was younger, my dad used to gently hit the back of my hands every night as a way of getting rid of those “damned” freckles. I hated it.
Because of society’s beauty standards, I learned to be ashamed of my freckles as I grew older. The longer I had my freckles, the more I grew to hate them. My mother always told me that it was because I didn’t apply enough sunscreen before going out and I was thankful for the wintertime because my freckles were less visible in the sun than they were in the summer and I learned to hide them from the sun as much as possible. 
So I was surprised that Jeonghan had even noticed the freckles in the first place, especially because it was December and my skin hadn’t seen the light of the sun for a couple of days now, thanks to the rainy weather.
“Um, yeah. I’ve had them since I was young,” I pulled my hand away and stuck it behind my back. “Ignore it, they won’t disappear no matter what I try.”
“No, Jeong-ah, they’re beautiful.”
“They’re beautiful.”
“No, they’re not.”
“Yes, they are.”
Jeonghan laughed in what seemed to be frustration. “Jeong-ah, those freckles signify you. Your experiences and your growth, why are you embarrassed of them?”
“I don’t know. I was always told they were ugly and something to be ashamed of.”
“Jeong-ah, this just might be my most favorite part of you.”
“Really? Not my hilarious, sexy, bodacious humor?”
“What the fuck does bodacious mean? Regardless, yes.”
“But they’re like… little moles?”
“So? I have moles.”
“But it’s like a whole bunch of them in the same area and it’s gross.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is.” 
“No, it isn’t.”
“Then what is it?”
Jeonghan grabbed my hands and stared at the tens of freckles that were distributed along the backs of my hands. I hated them.
“They’re… beautiful, glowing, tiny stars.”
“... What?”
“Beautiful, glowing, tiny stars sprinkled across a wide expanse of a night sky that is you.”
A pause. 
“Are you sure you’re a sixth grader because that was deeply poetic, Hannie.”
“You make me a poet.”
“Sorry, was that weird?”
Not at all, I thought to myself. My heart had begun to beat erratically and I was pretty sure I knew why.
“No… I like it.”
“Good. But-” Jeonghan suddenly let go of my hands so he could reach above his head and stretch. “I’m getting tired, JeongJeong. Let’s go to sleep.”
“Okay. Good night, Jeonghan.”
“Good night, Jeong-ah.”
That night, I fell asleep with my head pressed against Jeonghan’s side as his fingers gently ran across the skin on the back of my hands, over my new favorite part of me, soothing me into deep slumber with a familiar warm and tingly feeling in my heart and stomach.
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Was it casual if I still think of you when I see lemons?
“Hi, Mrs. Yoon! It’s so good to see you!” I greeted Jeonghan’s mother with a tight hug and a grin. 
She hugged me back and smoothed her hand through my hair with a sweet smile. “How are you, sweetheart?”
“I’m doing great!”
“No boyfriend yet?” she asked jokingly. I chuckled along with her and Jeonghan rolled his eyes. 
“Mom, don’t bother her with questions like that. C’mon, Jeong-ah, let’s go to my room.”
As we retreated further into the house, Mrs. Yoon yelled from the kitchen, “Make sure to give her a tour of the house!”
The Yoon family had moved again recently, so it was only natural for Jeonghan to give me a quick house tour. Passing by the living room, I noticed that our younger siblings had already situated themselves by the coffee table with their dolls and toys. I smiled at the sight.
The last part of the tour was his room. It looked eerily similar to his old room but at the same time, it was completely different.
“Woah, your room is so big.”
Jeonghan sprawled out against his bed. “Yeah, it’s great. Especially since I don’t have to share rooms with my older brother now,” He looked around his room with a proud look on his face. “I have a basic layout down, but I still want to move around some things and decorate.”
I jumped into his bed, joining him on his comforter. “Ooh, with what?”
“You know, pictures and posters of basketball and football.”
I hummed. “You better have a picture of us together.”
“How could I forget?” Jeonghan rolled his eyes at me sarcastically and I laughed. “But I already have a Packers poster-”
I threw my wadded up ball of socks I had just taken off at him. “I’m telling you, Raiders are better.”
“Ew, get your nasty socks and opinions away from me.” Jeonghan threw my socks back at me with a disgusted look and I laughed. “I know it’s your opinion, but your opinion is just plain wrong in this situation.”
“Whatever, Hannie. You know I’m right.” I stuck my tongue out at him and looked up at his ceiling.
His new ceiling didn’t have the glow-in-the-dark stars he had in his old room and I frowned. “Hannie, you don’t have your stars anymore.”
He looked at me, confused. “What stars?”
“Our stars. The glow-in-the-dark ones we put up at your old house?”
Jeonghan rubbed his hand along the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah… I just thought they were getting a bit childish for me now.”
My frown deepened. “Childish? What do you mean, childish?”
“I mean, we’re eighth graders now, Jeong-ah. We’re gonna be high schoolers soon and I think glow-in-the-dark stars might be a bit too childish for a high schooler.”
My face fell. “Oh.”
“I’m sorry, JeongJeong.”
I tried my best to smile and brighten up. “It’s okay, Hannie. It’s personal preference. It’s your room, not mine.”
“Thanks. Well, do you wanna get started on math?”
“Okay! You better be a good teacher.”
Jeonghan laughed as I climbed off his bed. “No promises, JeongJeong.”
For the next hour and a half, Jeonghan and I sat on the floor of his new bedroom, solving algebra equations. He was sitting across from me, and I stared at him whenever I thought he wasn’t looking. I don’t know when it happened, but something about him had changed.
His shoulders seemed more broad and his facial features had somehow sharpened. We always knew that Jeonghan had attractive facial features, but when he was younger, he was much softer and adorable. In the past few weeks I’d seen him, he seemed more adult-like. Was this what puberty did to a person?
Sure, I already knew about the effects puberty had—I wasn’t exactly a late bloomer myself. But to see Jeonghan, my best friend who used to get bathed in the same sink as me before either of us could talk, having a taller, lankier build made me feel something in my stomach.
The fact that I had a crush on Jeonghan for a while now was no big secret either. All of my friends at school knew about it (thank God he went to a different school), and even my sisters and his younger sister knew too. Just a couple weeks ago, I confided in his sister about my not-so-little crush on her older brother.
Initially, Sua was a bit grossed out by the whole thing. Her brother? Out of all people? Despite feeling weird about it, she told me that she always thought we looked good together and she had always rooted for us for as long as she could remember. 
I had laughed when she said the last part, but that night, I tossed and turned in bed all night as I imagined what my life would be like if we were together. Would he pick me up every Wednesday like he always did, but with flowers instead of packets of algebra equations? Would he hug me more often instead of the awkward occasional side hug we did ever since I started puberty?
There had been so many instances where I considered gathering up the courage to tell him about my crush on him, and I always thought I had a chance, too. There was something about the way he looked at me whenever we were playing Mario Kart that told me he considered me more than a childhood friend.
Out of the blue, Jeonghan set down his pencil. “Wanna take a break?”
I looked up from my worksheet with a meek smile. “Please?”
He laughed and stood up, helping me up with him. “Come on, I haven’t shown you the backyard yet.”
My eyes widened with excitement. “You guys have a backyard?” 
“Mhm! There’s a lemon tree too. It belongs to the neighbors but they told us we can take from it whenever we want.”
I excitedly followed Jeonghan out into the hallway, living room, and to the backyard. It wasn’t the most spacious backyard I’d seen but there was enough area for all of the kids to play. 
I looked around, observing the trees lined up against the fence. “Where’s the lemon tree?”
“Try looking for it.” Jeonghan shrugged and walked around the backyard aimlessly.
I playfully rolled my eyes and began looking through the different trees to try and look for the lemon tree. The sun was hot and bright, making me feel sticky and gross. The forecast wasn’t joking when it said that summer was finally here, because the early July heat was making me sweat like no other. 
“Jeong-ah, a little birdie told me that you have a not-so-little crush on me.”
I froze in my tracks. “What?” My heart was racing at what felt like a hundred miles a minute and I frantically searched for something to say.
“Is it true?”
I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt with a nervous laugh. “Um… it depends?”
“Depends?” Jeonghan looked at me with an unreadable expression.
“Yeah? I mean it depends on a lot of things, right? Like your definition of like and my definition of like might be different and what do you mean by little bir-”
“I like you too,” Jeonghan interrupted my rambling with a smile. “Follow me, I’ll show you the lemon tree.”
I was so stunned that I could only wordlessly follow Jeonghan to a small space between the wall of his house and the wooden fence separating his backyard from the neighbor’s. 
At the edge stood a small lemon tree that hung over the fence. The actual tree itself was planted on the neighbor’s property but it had received so much love and care that its branches grew up and over the fence onto the Yoon property. 
“Woah… It’s so pretty. I can see some lemons beginning to ripen,” I reached up on the tips of my toes but the closest lemon was still too high up for me to reach. From behind me, Jeonghan laughed at my feeble attempt and effortlessly reached up for the lemon, ripping it away from the branch. 
My breath got caught in my throat at the way Jeonghan was looming over me. I was always the taller one when we were younger; when did he get so tall? He wasn’t that tall yet but there was a noticeable height difference that made my heart flutter. 
Jeonghan handed me the lemon and I thanked him with a small smile. “Jeonghan, about what you said earlier…”
He turned around to face me with a shy smile. It was obvious he was blushing by the way the tips of ears and his cheeks were flushed with a shade of bright pink. “Yeah, I like you. And Sua told me.”
“Why, that little—” I was about to storm into the house to give his little sister a piece of my mind, but because the walkway was so narrow, I wouldn’t have been able to pass without Jeonghan moving out of the way. I took a few steps forward, expecting him to get out of the way, except he didn’t.
“Can you, like, scooch? So I can—”
“I really want to kiss you right now,” Jeonghan said seriously. His eyes held an intense and serious gaze I had never seen from him before. The Jeonghan I knew was playful and lighthearted. Right now, whatever this was, this was the complete opposite.
“You should, if you really want to,” I managed to say breathlessly before Jeonghan took a step closer and captured my lips with his in one, swift movement. He placed a hand on my cheek, gently guiding my face up so my lips would be pressed gently into his.
I’d always been a hopeless romantic for as long as I can remember. I always dreamed of the perfect first kiss with the perfect person. It would be romantic, it would be swoon-worthy, and it would be everything I had ever seen and heard of from the books and movies.
Like fireworks. I always read about the fireworks feeling a person would get when they’d kissed ‘The One’ for the first time. I’ve always wondered when I would be able to kiss ‘The One’ and what those fireworks would feel like.
There were almost 8 billion people in the world. Statistics and studies show that an average human being meets about 80,000 people while they live. That would mean one only meets 0.00001% of the world’s population in their lifetime, which means I had almost 0% chance of meeting ‘The One’ in my lifetime. How lucky would I be, if the first person I kissed would be my last, because they were ‘The One’ for me? 
The moment Jeonghan’s soft lips touched mine, everything within me collectively exploded. An indescribable feeling blossomed within my chest, spreading all over the rest of my body. After what felt like years of imagining what it would be like to be kissing Jeonghan, it was finally happening. I was kissing Jeonghan and he was kissing me, and the rest of the world seemed to slip away. Jeonghan let out a small exhale and I felt the soft tickle of his breath beneath my nose, which made me giggle. 
My heart felt so full but so empty simultaneously as I poured everything I had within me for Jeonghan into this kiss. I felt like floating but Jeonghan kept me grounded with the way his soft lips were firmly pressed into mine.
I eventually reluctantly pulled away to catch my breath. Jeonghan ran a hand through his hair with a dazed look in his eyes and I grazed my lips with the tips of my fingers. They were still tingling from the sensation of kissing and I secretly hoped this feeling would never disappear. 
Jeonghan slipped a hand against my lower back and pulled me closer, pressing my body against his as our lips brushed together for a second time. I sighed against his lips, which made him laugh. 
“Did I just witness Yoon Jeonghan and Kim Jeong-ah kissing?” We heard a loud voice yell from above us. Immediately pulling away like two similar polar charges repelling against each other, Jeonghan and I scrambled to act nonchalant but it was too late. 
Jeonghan’s older brother, Jeongmin, was staring out the second floor window with an absolute shit-eating grin. “Jeonghan and Jeong-ah, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes the love, then the marriage-”
Jeonghan groaned, annoyed by the whole situation, as he ran a hand over his tired and blushing face. “At least I can say I’ve kissed someone now.” Jeonghan mumbled.
“I heard that!”
When we walked back into the house, my heart soared at the thought of having a boyfriend. Jeonghan was going to ask me to be his girlfriend and I could already imagine the look on my friends’ faces. Awe, shock, surprise, happiness? I was so excited, I couldn’t contain my joy as I bounded into the kitchen to get a drink of water.
Jeonghan trailed behind me. His steps were slow and hesitant and I turned to face him with an expectant look in my eyes. It was going to happen, Jeonghan was going to officially ask me to be his girlfriend. 
I handed him a cup of water and as he took a sip from the cup, I eyed him expectantly. After almost ten years of pining—
“So, do you want to get back to practicing derivatives now?”
At that moment, I thought my entire world had just shattered and I felt the ground underneath me open up and swallow me whole. Hell, I wish it would’ve instead of leaving me standing awkwardly in front of Jeonghan who was pretending like everything that happened in the past 10 minutes had never happened.
I guess Jeonghan noticed my reaction because he reached for the back of his neck with an awkward smile. “Our placement test is coming up and I want both of us to be really prepared, you know? I really want us to go to the same school.”
I swallowed back the bitter sting in my eyes and nodded. “You’re right. Let’s go.”
Jeonghan and I went back to his room where we spent the rest of the afternoon in complete silence, only with the occasional ‘Did I do something wrong in this equation? I keep getting a decimal’ to interrupt the silence.
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Was it casual when you risked getting in trouble for my sake?
When my eyes fluttered open, the first thing I was able to register in the dark was Sua’s sleeping form on her bed. As I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dark, I sat up from my sleeping spot on the floor. To my right, I was barely able to make out my sisters sleeping a few feet away from me and I felt a cold hand press into my cheek.
“You awake, squeak?”
My eyes had somewhat adjusted by now, but I was unable to recognize the squatting shadow in front of me. But I immediately knew it was Jeonghan.
I nodded and rubbed at my eyes with the back of my hands. “What time is it?”
“Five minutes before midnight. Come on,” With Jeonghan’s help, I stood up and we stumbled out of Sua’s bedroom and into the dimly lit hallway. “Follow me.”
Jeonghan grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs. The entire first floor was fully dark, save for the Christmas tree in the corner next to the fireplace that was still up. The bright crystal lights illuminated the walls and ornaments in a whimsical, fairytale-esque light.
“Jeonghan? What are we doing?”
The taller boy didn’t respond. He simply walked to a small door on the side of the staircase we just took. The door was barely tall enough to fit a sixth grader, definitely not two high school sophomores.
“When we moved into this house, I found this room. It’s kind of like Harry’s room in the Dursley’s home,” Jeonghan said. He opened the door, and inside was a cozy nook overflowing with pillows, blankets, and… basketball posters. Of course. 
I giggled at the LeBron poster that had begun to slightly peel off the wall but followed Jeonghan inside. The room was just big enough to fit the two of us, but even when we were sitting at the opposite sides of the room, our knees would probably be touching. Jeonghan situated himself on one side of the room and patted the empty space next to him, motioning for me to sit down next to him.
“What is this place?” I plopped down on the floor next to him.
“My space. When I need a break from studying or the cello, I come here. It’s pretty cozy, huh? I decorated it myself.” Jeonghan puffed up his chest proudly and I laughed.
“Yeah, it looks great. The LeBron poster with the fluffy pink pillows. Very… you.” I fingered the throw pillow next to me and Jeonghan let out a small sound of frustration.
“I told Sua I didn’t want pink but she insisted… I wanted gray pillows,” Jeonghan groaned. He rested his head on my shoulder and pouted. I gently patted his head to console him.
“It looks great, Hannie. I promise.” 
“You should ask me why we’re in here instead of sleeping like everyone else.”
I let out a sigh that ended in a laugh. “Okay, Jeonghan. Why are we in here instead of sleeping like everyone else?”
Jeonghan immediately straightened up and turned his body to face me, and I mirrored his movements. The way he looked at me with shining, excited eyes reminded me of the same 5-year old who enjoyed pulling on my pigtails and showing me his Pokemon cards.
Despite growing a lot in the past decade, there were still some parts of Yoon Jeonghan that never seemed to change. For example, that mischievous look on his face whenever he was about to do something he wasn’t supposed to. 
“Wait here.” Jeonghan disappeared outside and I couldn’t help but smile at his excited, almost child-like demeanor. Resting my head against the wall, I looked up and saw the sloped ceiling decorated with glow-in-the-dark stars.
The door opened and Jeonghan reappeared with a single cupcake, a match, a candle, and two mini party hats. “I know we all got in trouble by our parents today so we can’t celebrate New Year’s, but I still wanted to do something for you. I know how much you love New Year’s celebrations.”
It was true. When all six of us had gotten in trouble earlier that evening because Jeonghan convinced all of us to try and help him set up a booby trap in his grumpy neighbor’s driveway, I was greatly disheartened when our parents decided that our collective punishment would be a bedtime of 9:30 and no New Year’s celebration.
I was particularly more upset than the others because my parents had promised me a year ago that this New Year’s celebration would be the year where I finally got to try champagne.
“Jeonghan, I-” I faltered. I couldn’t find the words to describe how grateful I was to have him at that moment. 
Jeonghan scrambled to sit in the empty spot next to me. “You can thank me and be impressed later, just put this hat on. We only have a minute left.” He snapped on his own party hat before sliding its identical piece over my own head.
With a shaky hand, Jeonghan struck the match and lit the candle that was stuck atop the cupcake. We had made these cupcakes earlier today, with the help of our siblings. It had always been a tradition of ours. My family would go over to the Yoon family’s house for the New Year’s and we would spend the night.
Jeonghan, his older brother, and I were the older ones so we usually resorted to playing video games, board games, and baking while our younger siblings played with toys or watched TV. Our time together was always fun and a big highlight of my winter break every year.
But two years ago, when Jeonghan and I kissed under that lemon tree, something changed. Our conversations became more stiff and awkward and he seemed to avoid me and my text messages more often.
When I consulted my mother about this situation (minus the kissing part), she had laughed and told me, “It’s because both of you are going through puberty now. It’s okay, it’s natural! Your relationship is going to return to normal in no time.”
Albeit it did take two years and a global pandemic for the two of us to be back on speaking terms again, but I was thankful to have my best friend back.
Jeonghan looked at me with a bright smile as he softly began to count down, his phone propped up against the wall so we could keep an eye on the clock. The single flame of the candle seemed to reflect the hundreds and thousands of stars that Jeonghan held within his eyes. His long lashes fluttered against his pale cheek bone and that tear-shaped mole on his right cheek that I had always been fond of. 
“Five… four…” I joined him in the count down, our hands holding the small cupcake together. 
I’d grown to accept the fact that Jeonghan wanted to pretend that kiss never happened. I did a lot of thinking and reflecting during our time apart to realize that it was our silly pre-pubescent emotions that had gotten the best of us in that moment. It never meant anything.
There was also a period of time when I questioned everything. He was the one who had brought up my feelings for him first, confessed to me, and brought up kissing first. 
But I also knew the answer to that. The summer we had kissed was the summer before we entered our freshman year of high school, and Jeonghan was under immense pressure from his parents to get into this prestigious academy in our town. The only way a student was permitted to attend this school was by passing an admissions test that thousands of students across the state took as an attempt to attend the school.
I had also wanted to attend that school. They had an exceptional instrumental music program and I had always dreamed of being in the same orchestra as Jeonghan. Him on cello, me on violin. My idiotic eighth grade self had even imagined ourselves performing together in our senior year of high school; Jeonghan would be first chair cello and I would be concertmaster.
But those foolish hopes and dreams of mine were crushed when Jeonghan passed the admissions tests with flying colors while I received an emergency surgery the same day for an unexpected case of appendicitis. My parents and I had begged the school for a re-take, explaining that I was physically unable to come and take the test, as well as the other retake test days because I was recovering from surgery. The school said they couldn’t make any exceptions and so I didn’t have any choice but to go to my local high school five minutes away from my home instead of the state-recognized academy Jeonghan was going to attend 20 minutes away. 
“Two… one! Happy new year!” Jeonghan cheered. “One, two, three!”
11 years of friendship helped me to immediately recognize Jeonghan’s intent when he began counting again.
When he reached 3, the two of us blew at the single candle and the flame flickered for a moment before it disappeared, leaving a small trail of white smoke in its wake. Jeonghan pulled the candle out of the cupcake and I dipped my finger into the frosting and smeared it across my best friend’s cheek.
Jeonghan smiled with a mischievous glint in his eyes before dipping this thumb into the white frosting and spreading it across my forehead. “Simbaaaaa.”
We both erupted into a fit of childish giggles as I tried to smear another glob of dense, sweet frosting onto his face, but he dodged my hand successfully. And because Jeonghan was blessed by the genetic gods and had much longer arms than I did, he was able to reach over and smudge another spot of white frosting onto the top of my nose.
“Ewww!” I cried loudly.
Jeonghan tried to shush me but it was too late. We heard a door upstairs opening, and a pair of footsteps moving down the stairs. Jeonghan and I held onto each other with bated breaths and when we heard the footsteps slowly fade away, we let out a quiet sigh of relief.
“Maybe they’re just grabbing water or some-” As Jeonghan whispered into my ear, the doorknob of the small door rattled and opened, revealing Mrs. Yoon, half disheveled with a face mask.
I clamped a hand over my mouth to suppress the giggle that was threatening to spill as Jeonghan fumbled to find the right words. “H-hi, mom. We were just-”
“Out. Both of you. Now.”
Uh oh.
(We ended up being grounded by our respective parents for the rest of the winter break but it was okay because that was the best new year’s celebration I’ve ever had because it was with Jeonghan.)
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Was it casual when you said you believed in fate because of me?
“Do you believe in fate?”
My sudden question must’ve startled Jeonghan because he flinched in his desk chair before adjusting his glasses to look at me. He was busy studying for the SAT so I decided to keep him company by lounging around in his bed with a book since I had passed the SAT on my first try.
“Why do you ask?” Jeonghan responded, returning his gaze back to the workbook laid out in front of him.
I shrugged, even though he couldn’t see me. “This book that I’m reading right now, it’s talking about fate and how it’s real because there’s some incidents in the world that simply can’t be coincidences.”
Jeonghan hummed in thought but didn’t respond. Comfortable silence filled the room as the question and possibility of fate hung heavily in the air, before he spoke again. “I think fate exists.”
“Really? Why?” I lifted my face to face him and this time, it was Jeonghan’s turn to shrug.
“I think some things are simply meant to be. Everything I’ve experienced, the people I met, and the lessons I learned all have a profound impact on my life and my sense of self. I think everything in my life happens because I need it to happen in order for me to fulfill my life’s purpose, whatever that may be.” He pressed his pencil against his lips. “Okay, then riddle me this. Why shouldn’t fate exist?”
I tapped my finger against the cover of the book in thought. “Hm, I guess you’re right. I think fate exists in the world, just not in my own life.”
Jeonghan set down his pencil this time, which meant he was fully invested in the conversation. “What makes you say that?”
I flipped over onto my stomach and looked at my best friend who was watching me intently from the other side of the room. His recently bleached hair was a tousled mess from all the different times he had wrangled his hair in frustration with wrestling the SAT problems in the past two hours. The black square glasses I bought him last Christmas sat neatly on the bridge of his nose. He looked good.
“I don’t know. Nothing really ‘fate-worthy’ has really happened in my life.” I made air quotes with my fingers as I spoke. “There hasn’t been a coincidence where I was so shocked, I thought, ‘This can’t just be a coincidence.’” I guess something I said had amused Jeonghan because a corner of his lips curled up. “What? What’s so funny, Yoon Jeonghan? Mr. Valedictorian?”
He threw his eraser at me. “Don’t call me that. I’m not going to be the valedictorian.”
“Helloooooo, you were literally called into the counselor’s office during summer break so she could tell you the final requirements you needed to fill to become valedictorian. What do you mean you’re not getting it? If anyone deserves that title, it’s you.” I caught the erase he threw at me and tucked it into the book I was reading to save the page for later.
“You don’t actually mean that.” Jeonghan fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. “I- I failed the SAT three times already, and even you passed-” He paused and glanced over at me. “Shit, sorry, Jeong-ah. I didn’t mean it like that.”
My eyes narrowed at his words. Although we’ve always been friends and never had any sort of rivalry except for the lighthearted competitions we did to motivate each other, there was always an unspoken tension between us when it came to academics. 
When I was younger, people called me a child prodigy. I never needed a tutor or extra lessons to stay on top of my classmates and peers. My parents also never pressured me to study or have a thriving academic career. Their philosophy was that as long as I found joy in learning, that was enough for them. I was my own catalyst, rather than my parents. I wanted to push myself further and further to see how far I could go, how much I could achieve on my own. 
Jeonghan was the opposite. He didn’t find studying or school fun; he preferred to play basketball outside with friends or take a nap. On his own, Jeonghan didn’t struggle to keep up, but he also wasn’t one of the best. Much different from my parents, Jeonghan’s parents considered education the most important thing to a person. I witnessed them ridiculing Jeonghan countless times for his ‘poor’ grades and performances and made constant comparisons to me and his brother. 
He initially tried to fight back their expectations, but after his older brother was given special admission to Harvard as a junior, Jeonghan accepted his fate and began to focus on his studies. While I began to neglect my studies from an academic slump stretching along the past few years, Jeonghan was thriving and he was able to easily surpass me within a short amount of time. 
As for my slump—the cause of it was unknown. My parents and I struggled for years to find some kind of reasoning for the sudden drop in my grades and my lack of motivation. I dropped all my honors classes because I struggled to keep up and I was soon dropped from the list of contenders for valedictorian’s for my graduating class. I was disappointed in myself and beat myself up for it, but Jeonghan always encouraged and consoled me with that smile of his. 
Although all my academic prospects seemed to no longer be in reach for me, seeing Jeonghan receive recognition from his school and parents made me happy. He had always wanted to make his parents happy; seeing him glow from all the praise from his parents was more than enough for me.
The possibility of Jeonghan considering me his competition had never crossed my mind. I always thought this competition was something that was forced between our parents. I never deemed him as an opposition, but did he?
“Even I what? Even I, the more stupid one out of the two of us, passed the SAT on the first try? Really?” I sat up on the bed and threw the book down incredulously.
“Jeong-ah, you know I didn’t mean it like that.” He ran his hands through his stupid, gorgeous-looking hair again.
“Yes, you did,” My voice was biting and laced with venom as I pointed an accusatory finger at Jeonghan. “Did you always see me as competition, Jeonghan? Another opponent for you to beat so you could look good to your parents and win a sliver of their favor? I think you and I both know that Jeong-min is always and forever going to be their favorite. He got into Harvard as a junior, for Christ’s sake.” Harsh and angry words that I didn’t mean began to brew like a storm within me and slowly started spewing out of my mouth.
“I’ve always been willing to lose to you if it meant seeing you happy. I’ve noticed the way your parents reacted whenever you did something better than me. I’m not dumb, but I’m willing to let go of my ego and pride and lose to you every time if it means getting to see you smile more. Because we’re friends and because I care for you. You’re important to me and seeing you happy is more than enough for me.” I swallowed a shaky breath and the next words came out weaker than before. “Even if that meant, although I’ve been in love with you for the past at least decade of my life, pretending that the kiss we had in eighth grade and whatever the fuck that happened during the winter break of our sophomore year and any other moment that kept me up at night in our 15 years of friendship, never happened. Even when we’re able to find each other in a big crowd and lock eyes and be able to understand what the other person is thinking with a single glance. Because you seemed more comfortable that way. 
“I pretended like nothing ever happened. I even dated a more than decent guy to try and get over you. I broke a good person’s heart because I was trying to forget you. Do you know what Seungcheol said to me when we were breaking up? He said that the way that he looked at me was the way that I looked at you.”
“Jeong-ah...” Jeonghan stood up from his chair but I raised a hand to stop him.
“Don’t do that thing where you soften your voice and look at me with the most gentle and caring eyes because you know the effect that it has on me and even though I know you don’t mean it, I’ll soften up again. No.”
Glancing down, I fidgeted with the fraying hem of my shirt. The thinning threads of fabric rolled between my fingers, similar to the thin, invisible string within me that was stressed and twisted, ready to snap, and I was suddenly painfully aware of how silent the room was. I wanted to leave.
When I looked back up, Jeonghan sighed and took off his glasses to set them down on his desk. 
“You asked me if I believe in fate.” My silence served as a ‘go ahead’ for him to continue. “I believe in fate because you’ve been by my side for almost 16 years now. The moment I gained consciousness as a baby, you were in my life. Hearing you call my name in that sweet voice of yours and giggling because of how similar our names were, even though I was too young to understand the concept of love, I knew we were going to stay by each other’s sides for a long time. 
“Our names and personalities, we were made to balance each other. When I went too far with my pranks, you were the one to knock some sense into me and I was the one to always teach you the rules of video games. I taught you how to play Minecraft on the Xbox and I was your first (and only) kill in Fortnite and Valorant because your parents refused to let you play games. I don’t know when or how it happened but I slowly began to believe that I was made for you. I was breathed into existence in this universe to be yours. We have nothing and everything in common, and I think that’s exactly what we’re supposed to be. 
“The moment you kissed me under that lemon tree six years ago, from then on, you’ve owned my heart. Not a single minute or second after that moment, have I ever not belonged to you. Every inch of me is yours. My heart is yours. I’ve always been yours.” 
At some point during his speech, Jeonghan had begun to cry. Tears were streaming down his face as he silently took a step towards me. When he noticed that I wasn’t stopping him, he took another.
I didn’t respond and simply searched his face for any signs of deceit or lies. There were none.
“You don’t mean that…” I whispered. Jeonghan took another step towards my direction, my heart. The string loosened. “Then why did you pretend like nothing happened after we kissed? I was waiting for you to ask me to be your girlfriend. I was so happy but you never brought it back up so I thought you thought it was a mistake or—”
“I was scared. Scared about what that kiss meant for us and what would happen in the future. I missed my timing and I was planning to ask you the next time I saw you, but before I could, my brother ratted us out and told my mom about our kiss. Obviously, my mom went ballistic and asked me how I could even think about girls during such a crucial time. She pressured and pushed me more than before so I wouldn’t get distracted.” I don’t know when, but Jeonghan had somehow reached the foot of the bed. He was merely inches away and I found myself craving for the comfort of his touch.
“Oh my God, so it was all my fault. I’m so sorry, Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan reached out and grabbed my hands with his own. His cheeks were wet from his tears and his hands were cold, as always, seeking the warmth and comfort from me as he always did for the past 15 years.
“None of this was your fault, Jeong-ah. My mom didn’t blame you, either. She thought I was the one who had gone crazy and thought I was going to throw away everything that I had ever worked for and built, for you.”
I held my breath.
“And I would. Every single time, in every single lifetime.”
I felt my own tears welling up. “Jeonghan…”
“If you ask me to fail this SAT and go to community college or whatever college that you’re going to, then I would do it without any hesitation. I don’t care about being the black sheep of the family or constantly being compared to my brother. I’m willing to do anything and everything for you.”
“Jeonghan…” At this point, the tears were spilling out of my eyes with no thoughts of stopping. “Hannie…”
From a young age, Jeonghan got cold easily. Whenever our families went camping together, he would be the first to put on an extra layer of clothing and shiver in the chilly evening weather after the sunset. Jeonghan made it a habit to seek warmth from two sources of heat during these times: the fireplace and me.
He always insisted on sitting next to me in front of the bonfire even though my younger sibling needed help sticking their marshmallows onto their roasting stick. Jeonghan would always swiftly help them with shivering hands before nudging my side of the chair with his and asking for my hands with a gentle, pleading look in his eyes.
As we got older, I often pretended to be annoyed and rolled my eyes at this gesture but never said no. How could I say no to the one boy I’d always loved?
I’d never known what it was like to not love Jeonghan. He had a playful and silly nature from a young age. He constantly played tricks on me and our younger siblings but he was also really gentle. Jeonghan loved animals and would handle any kind with the utmost gentleness and care I would see exhibited from a human.
He also had a really soft side. Jeonghan cried often. We both even had matching tear moles on our right cheeks, right below our eyes. In Korean traditional beliefs, it was said that tear moles meant the person would cry or shed tears easily. That was probably why Jeonghan and I cried so much together when we were younger.
If I fell down and hit my head, Jeonghan would start crying before I did. We were only three years old. Our parents had always laughed and joked that we were somehow spiritually connected from how in sync our emotions were from the moment we had met.
I couldn’t remember the very first time I’d met Jeonghan since I had been too young, but I heard stories. We were barely two years old when we met and at the time, there was a blanket that I was attached to. And even at that age, I guess Jeonghan had a mischievous side because he snatched up my blanket at the first opportunity and crawled ran away with it to hide it somewhere.
I immediately became one with the activated sprinklers out in Jeonghan’s front yard and began crying non-stop. Jeonghan, who was barely three years old, started crying with me before he disappeared behind the couch and brought back my blanket. And according to our parents, that marked the beginning of our friendship.
Here we were, 15 years later. I was kneeling on Jeonghan’s childhood bed and the owner of said bed currently had his knees pressed up against the wooden frame. This was the bed where we had napped together, read together, shared countless stories together, cried together, and laughed together. This rickety, worn-down furniture alone represented our countless years of friendship and companionship together.
“Do you-” I choked back my tears. “Do you love me?”
Jeonghan let out what sounded like a heartbroken sigh. He let go of one of my hands and rested his cool palm against my hot and still-wet cheek. “Jeong-ah… There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t loved you. My earliest memory of my childhood was you, in that yellow rubber duck swimming suit in our backyard, playing with the sprinklers. I think we were five?”
I smacked him in the arm with my free hand. “Seven. It was the summer break before second grade.”
Jeonghan grinned the same exact grin that had made me fall in love with him a hundred times over. It was lighthearted and boyish and it reminded me of summer. “Right. You were always better with time.” It was innocent and it made his eyes crinkle and curve into crescent shapes. “Do you remember Inside Out? We bawled our eyes out to that movie.”
I smiled at the memory. We did. During the scene when Bing Bong died, Jeonghan and I were holding onto each other and sobbed like newborns in the theater.
“As we left the theater afterwards, I remember thinking that if there was an alternate universe where our brains worked the way it did in the movie, you would have your own island and core memory in my brain’s headquarters.”
A brief pause.
“I love you, Jeong-ah. I’m sorry it took me so long to say it. You’re my first love and I will never stop loving you. To me, you’re the water for my desert, the warmth I crave when I’m cold, and the syrup to my waffles.”
I was still crying. “Pancakes are better.”
“You’re wrong, but I’ll let this one slide because the point is, I have loved you and I will continue to love you with every fiber of my being, even if you’re wrong about pancakes being better. Every atom and every cosmic dust that I am composed of belongs to you. I love you.”
If my tears were a trickle before, they were a pour now.
“Do you love me too?” Jeonghan’s voice was so gentle and soft, I almost missed his question over my snotty tears.
I nodded vigorously, afraid that my voice would fail me, as his thumb gently wiped away my tears.
“Can I kiss you?” Jeonghan’s bright eyes searched my bleary ones and I nodded again.
With almost no hesitation, Jeonghan dipped his head to press his lips onto mine. Despite his hands being cold, his lips were warm and full of love.
6 years later and I was finally able to kiss the same boy I had been in love with for most of my life, once again.
Our kiss was wet from a mixture of both of our tears. If our first kiss was rushed and awkward and passionate, this was the complete opposite. Everything about it was slow but it also felt like everything was moving so fast at the same time.
We moved as one. There was no need to come up for air when the oxygen that I’d been missing was back. Right there, in front of me, with his eyes closed and tears running down his cheeks.
It was a short kiss that only lasted about 15 seconds, but within those 15 seconds, all of our unspoken emotions and feelings and love from the bottom of our hearts were poured out from the deepest parts of our souls to the other.
My tears had stopped at some point and I placed a hand on Jeonghan’s shoulder to balance myself when we heard a loud thud from downstairs.
We jumped from where we were and reluctantly pulled away from each other. “What was that?” I asked shyly.
“I’m not sure…” He looked just as confused as I was but there was an unmistakable look on his face that told me everything that I needed to know. Jeonghan loved me and he meant it. That kiss under that lemon tree meant the world to him, like it did for me.
“I think we should go make sure—” My words were abruptly cut off by a sudden ringtone. I reached for my phone and saw that my mom was calling me, which was weird, since she was downstairs. “Hey, Mom. Is everything okay? We heard a loud noise—”
“Pack your stuff and tell your siblings to hurry up. We’re leaving.” My mom’s voice was different from what it usually sounded like. It was strained, as if she was going to burst into tears at any moment.
“Okay… but are you okay?”
“I’m okay but we have to leave. You have five minutes.”
“Oh, okay,” I ended the phone call and shrugged at Jeonghan who looked just as confused as I was. I was secretly disappointed that our time together was cut short. “I need to go. I think an emergency came up.”
I guess Jeonghan could sense my disappointment because he lifted my chin with his fingers and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead. “It’s okay. We have plenty of time, and I do really need to study for the SAT.”
I nodded and climbed off the bed. After quickly gathering my siblings and bidding good-bye to Sua and Jeong-min, who all seemed as confused as we were, my siblings and I left Jeonghan’s house in a huff and a hurry.
My mom’s face was a bright shade of red as she hustled over to our car, mumbling under her breath angrily about something.
Once we were all in the car and the engine was running, my youngest sibling asked the question we were all currently thinking: “Mommy, are you okay? Did we do something wrong?” 
My mom forced a strained smile through the rearview mirror as she pulled out of the parking lot. “It’s nothing, darling. The adults were talking and we had a bit of an argument.”
Her grip on the steering was dangerously tight and I rested my hand on top of hers. “Mom, I’ll drive. I think you need to decompress, otherwise you’ll land all of us in the hospital.”
She let out a shaky breath and nodded.
As we drove back home, I couldn’t help but glance over at my mom. She was a strong woman and knew how to stand her ground. I began to wonder what had happened between her and Jeonghan’s mom for her to get so shaken up. I shook it off and told myself to ignore it since it was none of my business.
After that day, a bright sunny day during the summer before our senior year, my family and I would never again step foot inside the Yoon family’s home. Jeonghan would mysteriously block my number and we would never contact each other again.
I nervously tapped my fingers against the steering wheel of my car. Next to me, my graduation cap and gown was in a rumpled up pile in the passenger seat and the weight of my hoop earrings felt eerily similar to the heavy weight in my heart. 
Jeonghan always liked it when I wore hoop earrings.
Last night, I had received a text message from an unknown number with an invitation to Jeonghan’s academy’s graduation. Attached to the invitation was a screenshot of a QR code that would be used as my admission ticket into the ceremony. The message read:
‘Jeonghan got valedictorian. I was barely able to convince my mom to get a spare ticket for you. It would mean a lot if you showed up.’
Initially, I thought it might be a scam but my friends managed to get me to snap out of it. The message was too detailed and personal to be a scam, and there was nothing the unknown number would gain from me attending this graduation.
So here I was now, in Jeonghan’s prestigious, state-recognized academy’s parking lot. The sun was beginning to set and I still hadn’t gathered the courage to get out of my car. My graduation was in the morning and I had dinner plans with my family at 8 pm. Why was I wasting my time here?
I bumped my head against the steering wheel and let out a loud groan. What was I doing here?
I let out a deep breath. “Okay, Jeong-ah. You’re here because Sua invited you. Jeonghan’s graduating and he’s giving a big speech as the valedictorian. You’re here to support him as an old childhood friend. Nothing else.”
I forced myself to get out of my car and make my way towards the stadium. The seats inside were already packed, and after being waved through by security, I searched the seats for an empty spot. Eventually, I found an empty seat at the very top of the bleachers, hiding in the shade of the press box. The ceremony had already started when I entered, so the football field was filled with navy gowns and various skin-tone colored dots.
As different superintendents and student leaders made their way to the front to make their speeches, I tried my best to focus but there was a trembling within me that I couldn’t withhold.
When it was finally Jeonghan’s turn to speak, it seemed as if the entire stadium had erupted into cheers for him, but all I could manage was a feeble clap or two. As he took center stage, seeing him on the big screen at the end of the football field made my blood run cold and I felt the muscles and guts inside me squeeze and tighten with anxiety. He looked the exact same, but better.
He had dyed his hair back to black and it was cut short again. Gone were his days with a mullet, and as he spoke, I felt like I had gotten kicked in the stomach. His voice was the exact same as I imagined it. My friends called me over dramatic earlier today, saying that it had only been a year since I’ve seen him; he wasn’t going to be that different. 
But they were wrong. That was one year of absolute no contact. The last time we hadn’t gotten that far without seeing each other was during the pandemic, but even then, we were constantly calling or texting each other. This was the first time we had absolutely no contact since we first met. 
Jeonghan was the most decorated student out there, and there was no doubt about it. Despite being in a school full of high-achievers and students who did more extracurriculars than I could count on my fingers and toes combined, Jeonghan had somehow managed to do it all. 
There was a slight breeze, which was unexpected since it was late May, but the breeze helped me cool down as the sun began to further set beyond the horizon. The stadium lights began to turn on, one by one, as Jeonghan began to wrap up his speech.
Shit. I had completely missed the speech. I was so busy reminiscing and thinking about Jeonghan that I had missed his entire speech. I racked my head to try and see if I could recollect anything but all I could remember was him talking about the Eagle Scouts.
Goddamn it, Jeong-ah. I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms. I was sure Sua had invited me to the graduation because she wanted me to hear his speech and celebrate her older brother becoming valedictorian.
The rest of the ceremony was a blur. As hundreds of students crossed the stage in the same cap and gown with a bright smile on their face, I blankly sat through it, trying to stay strong until the end so I could say hi and congratulate Jeonghan. The bouquet of flowers in my lap rustled in the wind as the night grew colder and the sun disappeared. The stadium lights lit up one by one, and the ceremony was done.
The principal of the school stood from his seat to congratulate the students and present to the audience, the class of 2024. Everyone rose from their seats to applaud and I followed suit. As the recessional began to play from the band, fireworks lit up the sky and everyone cheered in celebration at the sight of the students throwing their caps. 
I teetered my way out of the bleachers. My feet were aching and wobbling from the pain of wearing heels all day. I should’ve brought spare shoes.
The crowd was slow and unmoving but I was eventually able to leave the stadium and look for Jeonghan and his family. His school’s campus was vast and every square inch of the school quad seemed to be littered with different students in the same cap and gown congratulating one another, crying, and taking photos with their loved ones. I felt awkward in my white dress, black heels, and limp bouquet of flowers. I was practically dressed identically as this one girl who had just walked past me. The only difference was the cap she had on her head, the tears in her eyes, and the robe she was wearing. 
I spent the next 45 minutes scouring every area of the campus. I wasn’t necessarily unfamiliar with Jeonghan’s school since I had visited a couple times for youth orchestra rehearsals and the different times I had picked him on Thursdays so we could go get frozen yogurt and study together afterwards.
Jeonghan was nowhere to be found. My feet were crying out in pain, similar to how my heart yearned and cried for the love of my life who had disappeared on me a year ago. My right heel had already begun to blister and I could feel the back of my dress digging into my skin uncomfortably. I limped across the quad again and noticed how much more vacant it had become. Most families had left after taking pictures, so there were a lot fewer people than before. 
I felt something within the pit of my stomach and I prepared myself to turn on my heels and return to my car when my phone rang with a new notification. It was from the same unknown number that had sent me the invitation, and this time, they had sent me their location. That must be where Jeonghan was.
I practically sprinted across the campus, following the blue dot on my screen to try and get to him as fast as possible.
I heard him before I saw him. Before I turned the corner into a secluded hallway, I heard Jeonghan’s laugh, the same laugh that haunted me every night in my sleep, echo through the empty corridors. Was this what it might’ve been like to go to school with him? To be able to recognize him in the hallways solely based on his sounds?
Fixing my hair and dress, I tried my best to look presentable before stepping forward and seeing Jeonghan smoking with his friends.
Jeonghan? Smoking?
My brain short-circuited as I tried my best to connect the two dots. Jeonghan was smoking? He was always the one who made faces when he saw people smoking on the streets and swore to never touch nicotine or tobacco in his life.
He seemed to recognize me right away because he dropped his cigarette butt on the floor, squishing it with the heel of his shoe before walking towards me.
As Jeonghan got closer, I could immediately smell the pungent scent of the cigarette that wafted off of him and I tried my best not to gag. 
“JeongJeong?” His voice was impossibly soft. The cap that was on his head earlier was gone and his dark hair was a tousled mess, much different from what it looked like during the ceremony. “You came?”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Of course I came, Hannie. You were valedictorian, how could I miss that?”
Jeonghan seemed to visibly swallow. He opened his mouth to say something before closing it again and whipping around to face his friends. “You guys go ahead first. I’ll catch up.”
After a collective chorus of goodbye’s, it was just the two of us. Jeonghan eyed the bouquet of flowers that seemed to have wilted in the past 2 hours. “Is that for me?”
“Uh, yeah! Here you go.” I handed the flowers to Jeonghan with mannerisms similar to a kindergartner giving her favorite crayon to her first crush to share. “Congratulations, you deserve it.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, thanks…” He trailed off with his eyes trained on the floor.
“So…” I started as an attempt to fill in the awkward silence. “What are your plans now?”
Jeonghan shrugged. “I got a full ride to John Hopkins University. I’m going undeclared but I want to be an anesthesiologist when I’m older.”
I couldn’t help it, my jaw dropped open. “John Hopkins? Full ride? Holy shit, Jeonghan. Congratulations. I knew you could do it.”
The boy in front of me grew shy and rubbed the back of his head with a hand. “Yeah… I wasn’t expecting it either. I got lucky.”
“Lucky? No, you earned that, Jeonghan. Seriously. I’m really proud of you.” I smiled at him and Jeonghan smiled back.
“Thanks, Jeong-ah. It means a lot coming from you,” Jeonghan smiled shyly and looked at me with an expectant look in his eyes. After a beat of silence, he opened his mouth to speak again. “So… what’d you think of my speech?”
Speech? Oh, God. I opened my mouth and closed it again, searching for the right words to say that were general enough to compliment him but not too general so he wouldn’t notice that I had completely spaced out thinking about him during his speech.
What did valedictorians usually talk about during their speeches? I racked my brain for ideas. Usually, a particularly sad story from their childhood and how that motivated them to pursue education. No, that wouldn’t work. Jeonghan was a highly private person, he wouldn’t expose his deepest, darkest secrets and traumas to the entire school like that. Different difficulties and setbacks they faced during high school? No, I can’t think of any examples on the spot. How much have they grown and changed as a person over the course of four years in high school? Perfect.
“I thought it was really good! I really resonated with the part where you talked about growth and change. We all make mistakes when we’re younger but the best thing we can do is bounce back from that by learning from our mistakes and moving forward.” I smiled at him again. “It was great.”
Something about Jeonghan’s demeanor changed, almost as if his facial expression darkened. “Really?”
I nodded, maintaining that same smile on my face. “Mhm. I resonated with it a lot—”
Jeonghan cut me off. “Not a single objection? No notes? I left a few mistakes in there on purpose to see if you would notice them.”
“Nope, it was great!” 
Jeonghan squinted his eyes at me. He took a couple steps back and glanced at his phone screen. His current attitude and his attitude from a few seconds ago were completely different. What happened? Did I say something wrong about his speech?
“Well, I need to get going now…” He took another step back. “Thanks for coming today, and um, have a great life, I guess.”
Great life? I thought we were going to make up and be friends again, or maybe even more than friends. I still had to ask him why he blocked my number and contact on every single platform possible.
“Wait, Jeonghan—” He stopped in his tracks and turned back around to face me. “Shouldn’t we talk about what happened? About us?”
Jeonghan scoffed. “Us? There is no us.”
It felt like my heart was stabbed with a kitchen knife and twisted around at hearing those words. “What?”
He rolled his eyes. “Can you not speak English? I said, there is no us.”
“No, no. The last time we talked, you—you told me you loved me. And I told you that I loved you too,” I shook my head in denial. “You professed your love for me with such beautiful words, what do you mean—”
“It didn’t mean anything, Jeong-ah.” Jeonghan’s voice was cold. It was nothing like I had ever heard before. His voice was usually soft and gentle, almost angelic with every word he spoke. Even when he yelled in the past, his yells were docile.
“What don’t you understand? It was just casual. We had a casual thing going on because it was convenient and we were both lonely.” Every word Jeonghan said felt like they were being spat out. Like they were dirty and he couldn’t believe he had to say these words out loud.
“Casual? No, no, Jeonghan. None of it was casual. What we had was—”
“It was casual, Jeong-ah. That’s why nothing happened between us for 16 years. It was casual and it was convenient. Last time we talked, I got swept up from the overwhelming stress of studying for the SAT and college applications. I apologize if I led you on in any way, shape, or form.”
“Jeonghan…” I struggled to find the words to speak. “I don’t understand—”
“I said everything I needed to say. I don’t know if there’s any other way for me to convey what I said so you can understand, but I really hope you have a great life. You were a really good childhood friend. I think I’ll be able to hold onto a few good memories of this shithole thanks to you.”
Jeonghan walked away, further distancing himself from me in the empty corridor we were standing in. When he reached the end, he glanced over his shoulder. “I hope you have a great time at a community college.”
That was the final blow that had shattered my heart into a million pieces. He disappeared in the moonlight as he turned the corner, leaving me all alone in the dark.
Jeonghan knew how much I hated the dark.
I walked back to my car, heart numb and feet heavy, as I stumbled every few steps from the pinching pain of my heels. On the windshield of my car, I noticed a small envelope addressed to me. I tore it open to see what was inside.
To. Jeong-ah
Hi, Jeong-ah! It’s been a while... I hope you're doing well.
I’m sure you were surprised when you first received my text. Sorry if I scared you, I got a new phone a couple months back but even then, I know we never had the kind of relationship to privately contact each other, that was more a Sua and Jeonghan thing.
I invited you to Jeonghan’s graduation because of his speech. He worked really hard on it. I probably shouldn’t tell you this but he even cried on some days because he missed you so much. I know it’s not your fault, but cutting contact was almost one of the hardest things he ever had to do. Jeonghan wasn’t himself for a while after that.
I know Jeonghan’s my brother and he’s like really gross and disgusting and stuff, but you guys always seemed so happy together, even when we were younger. I remember Sua once told me that her future relationships were going to look like whatever you and Jeonghan had going on. (And so far, she hasn’t even come close LMFAO)
I invited you so that the two of you could try and make amends. You’re both adults now so whatever happened between our parents shouldn’t affect our own relationships.
Thanks for coming, Jeong-ah. I know for a fact it meant a lot for Jeonghan too.
I’ll see you at the wedding, I guess? (lmao i’m just kidding)(unless…?)
Warm regards,
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reblogs and feedback is always appreciated! ^-^
tags: @fragmentof-indifference ; @minvxq ; @straykidsstanforeverandever 
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prael · 1 day
Kinktember 2024 - A Retrospective
What. A. Month. I want to start with my gratitude to every single person who read, commented, liked, reblogged, sent asks, discussed, and otherwise interacted in any other possible way with this whole shebang.
To close it all out, I want to give some of my thoughts and peel back the curtain a little on Kinktember.
Some Facts
168,396 words. One hundred and sixty-eight thousand, three hundred and ninety-six words. Averaging at 5,155 words per fic. Wow.
52 unique idols made an appearance and four were featured on more than one occasion; Wonyoung, Karina, Chaewon and Sakura are the four idols who hold that prestige.
Writing time on these pieces varied heavily, while I attempted to constrict myself to writing each fic in a single day, some of them got far beyond initially planned, with the most amount of time being spent on day 18, the IU fic. That one took roughly a total of 20 hours including editing. The quickest was as short as a 2-hour turnaround on days 14 and 15 (Chaewon and Youngeun).
Special Thanks
I’d like to take a moment before giving my personal thoughts to make a special token of gratitude to certain people. While there has been so much support from so many people and I would love to shout everyone out, I’m limiting myself to just a few.
Firstly, to @maemisnippets for the message on 14/07/2024 that was simply “Stand and carry” in reference to Youngeun. That single simple message became the catalyst for this entire Kinktember.
Secondly, to @midnightdancingsol for taking the time to help me make the initial plan for all the days of Kinktember and making many great suggestions that spawned a lot of these fics. Also thank you to everyone else for your suggestions and ideas.
Finally, to @capslocked for a great many things, from discussing details as small as how to format my posts to everything else you did.
Your Questions
Did you set yourself a time to do each one like a challenge to finish each to make it manageable? I gave myself 1 day per fic, whatever time I could spare during that day would be all I had to complete it, I think for around 27 of them, I managed to stick to this schedule. Some of them did spill over into a second day, such as the longer ones like IU.
How the hell did you find the motivation/inspiration to complete the whole thing? Honestly, I found it incredibly fun. I think I often get stuck in bigger projects and my brain gets all foggy, but with all of these fic being quick and snappy, I never got that feeling. Things kept being fresh and exciting and I was pretty much always looking forward to jumping into the next fic.
How did you approach choosing your kinks? / How did you come up with more of the exotic kinks? First I started with the obvious ones, the ones that instantly came to mind, and just threw them into a list. There are some niche ones that I always wanted to write too, but never had a reason to, such as electrophilia and vicarphilia. So even the more ‘exotic’ choices, I was acutely aware of. Then to round it out I did a little research online and pulled together a list of ‘potential’ kinks, which allowed me to fill out the missing slots.
Did you find varying each entry to be easy or difficult? What went into your thought process when it came to setting up each of the entries and the kink involved? Collecting a list of varied kinks was rather easy, at least initially, once I cut that down to the ones I would like to write, I ended up with a few spaces, and those final few became really difficult. But that’s why it’s great to have a community to lean on and ask for ideas. The thought process wasn’t really anything special beyond that. I just created a list and then picked out what I wanted to write, and then decided on idols to feature in each one. This leads nicely onto the image below, I scraped this initial list from a DM with another writer. As you can see, the initial list I put together on day one contained a large number of the ideas that made it into the final cut. This also serves as an answer to the questions on what ideas I decided to drop.
How did you match the featured idol(s) to the kink you have planned? Was it based on their idol personality? Or was it just random? I approached it in a similar way to how I would with most other fics, where if I think an idol’s personality lends itself to the fic, then I will do just that. Of course, it’s impossible to be really accurate and I had to take some creative liberties where needed. Although, on some occasions, I did just throw an idol in there and write her without thinking about her actual personality too much. This usually happens with idols I know less about.
I'm curious how you went about writing some of the more nicher kinks like electrophilia? The simple answer would be to say that I approached it the same way as I did every other fic. None of the kinks required me to do any further research as they’re all kinks that I’m familiar with and am interested in. So in the end I just wrote what felt right.
Was there an idol that you started liking after finishing writing her? For the sake of my own enjoyment/motivation, I only chose to write idols I already liked. Though I would say that writing the Shuhua fic made me a lot more attracted to her than normal. I could also possibly put IU here too, since she’s not really on the forefront of my mind, but became much more so after writing her.
Was there an idol in particular that you 'wanted' to write, but ultimately switched it to a different idol instead? REI. How did I not write REI?! She was in the original draft list where I was going to do some form of bondage piece, but ultimately all the ideas I had for it were absorbed into other fics.
This feels like a good point to share this initial list I completed with Sol while planning. A lot of this remained true to plan, but you may spot some changes.
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Now that it's done are you glad you did it or did you end up regretting your decision at some point? Overall, I’m happy and proud and think it was 100% worth it. I relished the challenge and it took me out of my comfort zone. Right now, the only regrets I have are the fics where I know I could have done more/better but I know that I have to accept that I did the best I could in the time constraints. There were times along the way when I had my regrets and wondered if I should even have bothered, particularly when a fic wasn’t well received, but I know now I had just to accept that.
Do you feel more familiar with your style/voice as a writer, if so: what have you discovered? Did you learn anything from this writing-wise? Discovered some new writing styles and possibly improved some? I think the most important thing I took away from this is how important it is to just get words down on the page. I have spent time previously stuck in my own head and grinding to a halt in a fic when trying to make things work. Kinktember simply wouldn’t allow that, so I had to adapt. I learned to be ruthless by deleting the things that didn’t work and pushing on without trying to be overly perfect. I don’t think I developed my ‘voice’ or style too much because I believe it did have to take a backseat at times in order to maintain pace. However, I did get the opportunity to try new things, such as FxF and writing for a gender-neutral reader and also varying the pacing within the fics. Fics such as the Kkura one where I cut together four short, connected scenes really suited the concept and were very fresh to write.
Which fic do you think the idol and the kink are a 'perfect' match? Maybe in terms of reader reception or how quickly you got into the flow state when writing it? Well, I wasn’t sure at the time, but I was told that Karina and dressing up as a maid worked really well. I also think there were a few really obvious combinations that I leaned on, such as spanking Chaewon and having Ryujin and Yeji scissor, or having Minju be a doll. Those are ones that just instantly clicked for me and I thought to myself it was a perfect match. I would say I entered the biggest flow state when writing the Moka x Yunah, I found it incredibly hot, so much so that I finished the fic and then when going to edit, I wrote the second scene. Idk I’m just really down bad for Moka rn. Also, I hear that I really nailed the Yunjin/Kkura/Chaewon dynamic, so probably that one too.
Is there a fic that you would have written regardless but just so happened to be included in kinktember, if that makes sense? I never really know what I’m going to write next until I’m writing it, and I never know if it will be posted until I post it. This makes it hard for me to really guarantee that anything in Kinktember would one day come to fruition. The closest to it would be part 2 of the Minji fic, How Sweet To Be Alone. I always wanted to follow up on it, so being able to add it as a kinktember fic became a bit of a perfect storm. There are other fics too that I always wanted to write, and maybe I would have one day, but kinktember made it a reality.
Would you do kinktember(or any other variant) again? Would you recommend writers to try it at least once? I would say I’m more likely to do it again than I am not, but I can’t guarantee it. As for recommending it to other writers… the honest answer is no. I feel that it goes against so many of a writer's natural instincts. It takes over your life. It consumes your time. You’re forced to work unnaturally hard and you’re forced to reduce your standards. I don’t think it’s healthy for anyone to push to do something like this.
Finally, throughout the month I had so many nice asks that I couldn't respond to, but I read them all and appreciated them all so much.
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Did it First || Part Two || Jeff the Killer
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SMUT MINORS DNI 18+. tw: descriptions of gore; yandere!reader, yandere!jeff, rough sex, honestly just yandere as fuck
Jeff the killer had destroyed the sweet innocent you.
If the sex wasn’t enough, seeing you with an axe in your hand did it. You stood over Stella, a blonde Jeff had been fucking for months while also fooling around with you. Jeff was frozen in shock, his eyes widened as he stared at her bloody corpse. You had attacked her from behind, her back mangled and flesh hanging on by thin shreds of her skin. You didn’t stop there Jeff would find out, his eyes trailing up to her face. You had stepped on her, pinning her to the ground as you swung the axe at her throat. Jeff could see the manic swings you had took, her head cut off, sitting beside her corpse.
Jeff had seen and had done a lot in his day. But this? This was a lot for even him to handle. Just yesterday he had been entangled with her in the sheets, her eyes now permanently open in shock. They were lifeless, fear washing over the pale killer as he looked up at you. Splattered blood was staining nearly your entire body, your cheeks painted with the droplets. Blood soaked your shirt and pants, an unhinged grin spread across your lips.
“What’s wrong Jeff? You killed for me so I killed for you. After all, you did it first.”
Jeff was not as infatuated with you as he thought he was. What you nor Jeff realized, was what everyone else around him already knew. He had the attention span of a walnut. Jeff had a pattern of doing this, hyper-fixating on girls and then growing bored. It was nothing personal. Jeff did what he did and he would continue to do what he wanted to do. Every girl he had done this to before had two options. They could either cope and move on. Or, if they were more of a spicy bunch, Jeff would have to kill them off. It was sickeningly satisfying to the killer, making someone fall in love with them so hard that they couldn’t move on with their lives. Jeff knew his entanglements with average girls could get messy. Slenderman made it very clear any potential threat to exposure would need to be terminated.
Besides obligation from him, Jeff enjoyed slaughtering his past lovers. Something about seeing the insides of a person really gave him something to remember them by. Faces and names became blurred, Jeff unable to even remember his last fling before you. But what he could remember crystal clear was the fact that none of them. not one, had returned the favor. Jeff enjoyed killing off people in his flings lives. Relatives, lovers, friends, it all blended together after a while. The mortal attachments that made humans so fragile was adorable to him. He loved nothing more than to cut that cord. His brain always justified it beyond it being a means to control his fling. Most people didn’t realize they’d be better off without those restraints holding them back. Jeff thought that if anything him killing Jim was tame. He was a shitty hookup, not a work of art or someone memorable in the grand scheme of things.
Killing wasn’t anything super meaningful anyways. So after a couple of months, Jeff grew hopelessly bored. He knew everything about you. There was no mystery, no fantasy. You were exactly who you presented yourself to be. It’s not like Jeff could reciprocate, his life a forced secret that he had to keep. And you could bet your sweet ass he wasn’t going to tell you how he became the monster he was. So Jeff did what he always did, he disappeared and moved on. As he stared at Stella’s corpse he supposed deciding to move on within the same town was perhaps not the best idea he’s ever had. Stella was the stereotypical blonde you saw on social media in bikini pics. Jeff didn’t necessarily have a type, but she was the bobble headed moron Jeff needed after a fresh break up. His appearance didn’t freak her out either, an added plus. He ignored that it was because of her wanting to spite her parents. She wanted him to get her pregnant, the idea of having a freaks baby to piss off her parents somehow the best plan in her mind.
Jeff didn’t mind playing into it anyways, burying himself in her cunt every night. It didn’t matter anyways, her parents had been dead in their bedroom for days. He would’ve loved to keep the affair going, but truthfully he was too lazy to bother moving the bodies. He knew the smell would catch her attention and things would get unnecessarily bloody. He didn’t need to kill her anyways, he knew she would be shipped off to the closest mental institution. But didn’t she need it anyway? Wanting a killer to impregnate her just to piss a couple of people off? Yeah, Jeff could definitely justify breaking things off. He decided to check on her one last time, wanting to really savor the feeling of her cunt. She may have been a helpless airhead but Jeff was never one to turn down sex. That’s when he saw you, proudly standing in her bedroom doorway. He must’ve missed the murder by a few minutes, the blood still fresh and oozing out of the corpse.
What Jeff hadn’t anticipated was the opposite what he wanted. All of his time as a killer he either ditched or killed girls, no in between. He picked seemingly average and normal women, careful to avoid ones that seemed unstable. His mistake was choosing you. Your obsessive tendencies and underlying codependency issues slipping under the cracks of his inspection. You were the devil in disguise, unaware that he would provoke it out into exposure.
You didn’t accept Jeff’s choice. If anything you had convinced yourself that he had been tricked in some way or was testing you. Ultimately you decided either way, the blonde bitch had to go. So you began stalking him as he once stalked you. You hid in the shadows, watching him climb into her window time and time again. It seemed so bluntly obvious to you this was a test, the killer not even attempting to conceal himself in his bright white hoodie. So you waited for the perfect moment. Coming right and out and killing her during their affair didn’t seem right. You didn’t want either of them to have a chance of preventing what had to be done. Jeff would confidently stroll into her house around the same time every night. He was so predictable. You felt like even though you lacked the traditional information one usually has about their partner, you knew Jeff. You knew what he liked and disliked. You knew his habits like picking at his nails or running his fingers through his hair. You knew him better than he could’ve ever imagined.
“Wow this um, wow,” Jeff said, trying not to stumble over his words. The pale killer had never been so caught off guard before. You dropped the axe, allowing it to fall to the floor as you approached him. “I understand why you did it, testing me. Finding a real ride or die bitch must be hard when you’re a real man,” You purred. You strolled behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You could feel him tense up, freezing as you placed a kiss to his neck. “You need a real woman and guess what baby? I’m that bitch. Blondie here could’ve never done this for you,” You say, glancing over at the bloody corpse. Jeff swallowed, becoming increasingly nervous and aroused. Jeff liked to have control in any and all situations, but something about the lack of control in this one was making him incredibly flustered. It was humbling, having you snatch the reigns from him. “Now it can just be us. Just me and you,” You cooed. Your blood stained hands coated his hoodie, covering it with an all too familiar color. “Thats right,” Jeff confirmed, swallowing. You pressed a few soft kisses to his neck, before standing on your tippy toes to reach his ear.
“Oh and Jeff?”
“If you ever fuck another bitch again i’ll kill you.”
Jeff should’ve been terrified. He had created a mini me. A monster. Yet he felt all of his blood rush to his cock, your curious gaze not failing to notice. “Oh baby does this turn you on? Seeing what i’d do for you?” You asked mockingly. You smirked as Jeff braced himself, his cock aching against his jeans. Your hand slithered down to his front zipper, pulling it down aggressively. It didn’t take long for your hand to find his cock, pulling at the length as it hardened in your palm. Your other hand slid to his throat, cuffing it and squeezing. “Not so big and powerful now are we?” You hummed. Jeff bit his bottom lip, the urge to snap at you rising but the feeling you were providing him was far more euphoric. “You’re a crazy fucking bitch,” He panted, watching you slowly jerk him off. You smiled as you nibbled at his ear lobe. “I’m sorry what was that? You wanted me to stop?” You teased. Jeff’s patience had thinned, quickly turning around and grabbing you. He tossed you onto the bed, pinning you onto the mattress. “I said you’re a crazy fucking bitch,” He hissed.
You giggled with glee as he began to tear at your pants, shoving them down to your ankles. He roughly palmed your panties, growling. “Wet already whore? Seriously? Murder get you off?” Jeff huffed. You grinned as he tore your panties harshly, ripping the fabric and tossing it to the ground: With two fingers he rubbed up and down your folds, examining your slick. “You’re fuckin soaked, don’t think you need any prep,” Jeff grunted. He grabbed his shaft, rubbing it up and down your folds. “Besides princess you better get used to taking this dick, since you’ll be taking it for the rest of your life,” He spat, shoving himself inside of you harshly. You had taken Jeff dozens of times before. But this. Something about the way he was fucking you now obliterated all of those previous experiences. He showed no mercy as he bottomed out inside of you, taking a brief moment to relish in the feeling of your walls clinging to him. “You’re insane, you know that?” He asked. You giggled at his comment, watching him pin your wrist above your head. “I’m insane? You’re one to talk,” You countered.
This earned you a sharp slap across the face, causing you to whine as Jeff moved his hips. “Dont talk back to me slut,” He barked. He didn’t give you time to process his response, his hips aggressively snapping into yours. All thoughts about the gruesome scene behind the two of you had faded, the only thing you were able to focus on being one another. Jeff’s thrust were harsh and unforgiving. You wanted him forever? Wanted to be his girl? Then you better buckle up and bow down to who you belonged to. You whined as the knot inside of your stomach tightened further, his cock abusing your g spot. “You take me so nice. Shit, maybe you really were made for me,” Jeff grunted. You smeared Stella’s blood on his face with your hands, cupping them against his cheeks. The crimson paint stained his pure white skin, the blood of his ex lover unfazing him as he rammed into you.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, trapping him as if he came closer to his high. “Go on Jeff, cum in me. I’m all yours,” You pleaded. Your begging made him lick his lips, his permanent grin curling upwards into a real one. “You sick bitch. I’ll give you what you deserve,” He snarled. He watched you slither a hand to your clit, both of you close to your highs. As euphoria washed over you it occurred to you this is all you ever really wanted. Him to be yours. With his cum flooding your cunt and filling you to the brim, you realized you got what you wanted.
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needmusictosurvive · 2 days
Unseen connections
✰- Word Count: 5000
✰- Summary: Paige Bueckers has been in love with her best friend Azzi Fudd for years, but despite their close bond, Azzi remains unaware of Paige's feelings. As they navigate their final season together at UConn, the tension builds, and Paige must confront her emotions before it’s too late.
✰- Warnings: idk I don't remember wrote this yesterday
My Master list
Paige Bueckers adjusted her ponytail as she stepped onto the court, the familiar echo of sneakers on hardwood a welcome sound. The gym buzzed with energy; teammates were laughing and joking, the atmosphere alive with anticipation for the upcoming season. But amidst the excitement, a knot of anxiety twisted in Paige's stomach.
It was the start of their final year at UConn, a season they had both dreamed of since their high school days. But while everyone else focused on the championship, Paige couldn’t shake the feeling that time was running out—not just for their basketball career, but for something much more personal.
Paige's gaze drifted across the court, landing on Azzi Fudd, who was engaged in a playful argument with their teammate. The way Azzi’s laughter rang out, bright and infectious, sent a warmth flooding through Paige. It was a sound she cherished, but it also stung, reminding her of the love she had harbored for years—unspoken and unreturned, at least as far as she knew.
“Hey, Bueckers! Earth to Paige!” A voice pulled her from her thoughts.
Startled, Paige turned to find Caroline Ducharme standing beside her, an amused smile on her face. “You okay? You’ve been zoning out a lot lately.”
“Yeah, just thinking,” Paige replied, trying to sound casual.
“About what? How to score more points than Azzi this season?” Caroline teased, nudging her shoulder.
Paige laughed lightly but felt her heart race at the mention of Azzi. “Something like that.”
Caroline’s brow furrowed, her expression shifting to concern. “You sure you’re okay? You’ve seemed… different since we got back.”
Paige bit her lip, torn between wanting to confide in Caroline and fearing the implications. “I’m fine, really. Just a lot on my mind.”
“Alright, just checking. You know I’m here if you need to talk,” Caroline said, giving her a supportive smile before heading off to join the others.
As practice began, Paige tried to focus, pushing her feelings aside. They ran drills, her eyes constantly drawn to Azzi. The way she moved on the court, so fluid and confident, was mesmerizing. But it was more than just basketball; it was everything about her. The way her hair swayed as she made a layup, the intensity in her eyes during a game, and that easy laughter that made Paige’s heart skip.
By the end of practice, Paige was drenched in sweat and frustration. She needed to find a way to tell Azzi how she felt, but the fear of ruining their friendship held her back. It was as if there were a barrier between them that Paige could see but Azzi couldn’t.
As weeks turned into months, the season progressed, and so did the tension between Paige and Azzi. Their on-court chemistry was undeniable, drawing attention from fans and commentators alike. They became a headline duo, the perfect blend of talent and teamwork. Off the court, however, Paige’s heartache grew.
The team had become a close-knit family, with late-night study sessions and movie marathons filling their time away from practice. Yet, every time they laughed together, shared a secret glance, or sat side by side, Paige felt the weight of her unspoken love grow heavier.
“Hey, Bueckers! You ready for the game tonight?” Azzi asked one afternoon as they lounged in their dorm room.
“Of course,” Paige replied, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Good. I need my lucky charm,” Azzi joked, throwing a pillow at her.
Paige caught it, her heart racing. “I’ll always be your lucky charm, Azzi.”
Azzi smiled, but Paige couldn’t help but notice the way her friend’s eyes sparkled with innocence, unaware of the deeper implications behind Paige’s words. It was moments like this that made it clear to Paige just how much she cherished their friendship—and how desperately she wished it could evolve into something more.
As the season progressed, their bond only deepened. But so did Paige’s frustration. Everyone else could see the chemistry—the lingering touches, the way they always gravitated toward each other. Even Caroline had taken to teasing them about their “couple vibes,” but Azzi remained blissfully unaware.
One night, after a particularly intense game where Paige had scored the winning basket, the team celebrated with a dinner at a local restaurant. Laughter filled the air, but Paige found it hard to fully join in. She watched Azzi as she engaged with their teammates, her smile lighting up the room, and felt a pang of longing.
“Paige, you good?” Caroline’s voice cut through her thoughts.
Paige forced a smile. “Yeah, just tired from the game.”
“You’re not tired; you’re just in love,” Caroline teased, winking at her.
The words hung in the air, heavy and laden with truth. Paige’s heart raced, and she couldn’t help but glance at Azzi. “I’m not—”
“Come on, it’s obvious,” Caroline pressed, her tone softer now. “You need to tell her how you feel.”
Paige’s chest tightened at the thought. “What if it ruins everything? What if she doesn’t feel the same?”
Caroline frowned. “You’ll never know if you don’t try. You both deserve to be happy.”
The conversation weighed heavily on Paige’s mind as the night went on. The laughter and cheers from her teammates felt distant, and the food tasted bland. The thought of confessing loomed over her like a dark cloud, pushing her further into uncertainty.
Days turned into weeks, and the pressure built within Paige. She was running out of time, and the end of the season felt inevitable. They were gearing up for the championship, the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. But for Paige, it was also the final opportunity to tell Azzi how she truly felt.
One evening, after a particularly grueling practice, Paige found herself sitting alone on the bleachers, lost in thought. The gym was emptying out as teammates filtered out, laughing and talking. Azzi, however, lingered, her focus on the court, practicing her free throws.
Paige watched her, heart in her throat. This was her moment.
“Azzi!” Paige called, her voice echoing slightly.
Azzi turned, surprise evident on her face. “Hey! What’s up?”
“Can we talk?” Paige asked, trying to sound casual despite the whirlwind of emotions inside her.
“Sure,” Azzi said, walking over and sitting beside her.
Paige took a deep breath, the words ready to spill out. “I’ve been meaning to tell you something.”
“Okay…” Azzi prompted, her eyes curious.
“I just—” Paige hesitated, the weight of her feelings pressing down on her. “I feel like we’ve gotten really close this year.”
Azzi smiled, nodding. “Yeah, it’s been awesome. You’re my best friend, Paige.”
Best friend. The words stung, but Paige pressed on. “And I love being your best friend, but it’s more than that for me.”
Azzi’s brow furrowed, confusion etched on her face. “What do you mean?”
“I mean… I think I’m in love with you, Azzi,” Paige said, her heart pounding in her chest.
Silence enveloped them, and the world outside faded away. Azzi blinked, processing the words. “You… love me?”
Paige nodded, her throat dry. “I have for a long time. Since high school, really. I just didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to ruin what we have.”
Azzi’s expression shifted from confusion to surprise, and then she laughed lightly, shaking her head. “Oh, Paige. I had no idea. I thought you were just being a good friend.”
Paige’s heart sank, the laughter cutting deep. “So you don’t feel the same?”
Azzi looked genuinely perplexed. “I don’t know! I mean, I care about you so much, but I’ve never thought of it that way.”
“Really?” Paige asked, the disappointment evident in her voice.
“Yeah, I guess I’ve been so focused on basketball that I haven’t thought about… us.” Azzi ran a hand through her hair, clearly flustered.
Paige felt tears pricking at her eyes. “I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just thought… I thought maybe…”
Azzi reached for Paige’s hand, squeezing it gently. “Wait, don’t cry. I care about you so much, and I’m not saying it’s impossible. I just need time to process.”
“Time?” Paige echoed, feeling a mix of hope and despair. “What if the season ends and I don’t get another chance?”
“Then we’ll figure it out together,” Azzi replied, her eyes earnest. “You’re too important to me, Paige. Let’s not rush this. We’ve got the championship ahead of us, and I want to focus on that first.”
Paige nodded, swallowing her disappointment. “Okay, I understand.”
As they sat in silence, hands entwined, the gym felt less empty. It was a small comfort, but it was something. Maybe they wouldn’t resolve everything tonight, but at least they were
Ok so yeach that was that if y'all want pt. 2 just say bc if u don't I won't write on anyways love yall
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1moreff-creator · 22 hours
DRDT CH2 EP16 First Impressions
We’ve reached the end of the chapter! A bittersweet feeling, finally getting closure on this chapter while also ushering in a new hiatus. Still, congrats to dev for making it this far! Hope they enjoy their break, while we enjoy whatever they’ve cooked up for the ending!
Without further ado, let us enjoy peak.
Spoilers for the entirety of CH2 (hell yeah). CW: Execution, suicidal thoughts.
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It’s Aceover.
ONE vote for Teruko! Do we think Ace voted for himself? Did the mystery voter from Trial 1 repeat their vote on Teruko? Or did they not, and the vote’s just Ace? {Hindsight: It’s CH1 Mystery Voter probs}
MonoTV: “You got it right!” IT’S ALL OVER.
Okay wait it’s actually kinda weird to see the new David sprites outside of the Trial. Like it’s trippy idk why. That’s crazy.
Eden: “Why her of all people?” Poor Eden, at least give her an answer! Even if it’s just “it was the easiest option” man.
Whit: “I really thought that no one would repeat what happened to Xander and Min.” Is this the very first piece of anti-Whit Time Loop theory evidence? Or is he just lying? I don’t believe the theory, so I’m passing that one to the defenders.
Ace: “I killed her. And if you can’t forgive me for that, then there’s nothing I can say.”
Hey remember when Nico said they didn’t see the point of saying sorry if they wouldn’t be forgiven anyways? Yeah.
The foils are foiling :O
Both Teruko and Eden blaming themselves in their own way (Eden mentioned it in Ep10 “just like Min!” and now Teruko’s bringing “misfortune” into the conversation), man we are in for some sad times with these two. And everyone else ig.
Hu: “How could you say it’s just misfortune?” And Hu is very against this idea, interesting.
“So we can’t blame ourselves for failing to prevent something like that.” Ah, there’s the ticket. She’s trying not to feel guilty about it, which is kinda fair, Arei’s death is 99% Ace’s fault.
Eden: “The Ace I met for the first time wasn’t a murderer.” Oof, Eden hitting us with the full highlight line. She’s so great for this honestly. Everything she says afterwards is also great for her character, I love her (and I don’t need to read her lines with suspicion!!! I’m free!!!)
Veronika. And she’s still smiling. Go worst girl! /affectionate
“The only thing anyone can do in this killing game is to shatter.” We are… getting worryingly close to secret quote wording here.
Rose: “Are you saying Ace was pushed into killing because of things like almost being killed?” (Paraphrased) Oh God she’s gonna feel guilty too because she let Nico get the turpentine! Even if that doesn’t work if Ace had already chosen to kill Eden, still! How much self-blame can we have this trial?
Teruko: “No.” Yeah thank you.
Ace: “Did you all get the Veronika virus or what?” God I’m gonna miss him so much actually.
[To Levi] “Shut up for the rest of your life and kill yourself!” Holy SHIT he’s going out with a bang. {Hindsight: I didn’t realize how accurate this would be}
David: “You still have it in you to throw stones in your glass house.” Did this motherfucker correctly use the idiom Ace fucked up earlier? He’s such a piece of shit /affectionate.
Ace: “I don’t care if it made me a hypocrite!” AGH-! New sprite and the voice acting continues the hot streak of being absolutely fucking stellar! Holy hell!
[To Levi] “I just needed a reason to stay mad at you!” Ouchie!
[The whole Levi v Ace thing] This is just fucking incredible. Levi still doesn’t understand, Ace just wanted to stay mad so he could live with his betrayal, just peak character writing all around. And peak VAing, of course.
Teruko: “I need you to do a favor for me. It might just save your life.” YOOO I CALLED THIS!!! Blackened Blaze of Glory let’s fucking goooo!!!! Thanks to shinycrows for asking me that!!!
“Kill MonoTV for me.” Alright so. Not the best plan ever, but then again, it’s not like any plan against the killing game will work on CH2. Also the way she said that was great.
MonoTV: “Yeah, more murder!” Why’s it so funny for?
Teruko: “Arei died because you’re a coward, Ace!” YO why’s she going so hard right now?! This entire scene is incredible, I don’t even have any words for this much peak. The emotion in her voice, holy fuck- Oh yeah because Arei’s crying reminded her of something! In the playground! So Teruko does have a small connection with Arei so she’d feel real bad (for more reason than just death of someone she knew)! I didn’t put that together till now.
[Ace punches MonoTV] PEAAAK! Oh shit it actually broke! That was so fucking awesome! Let’s fucking go Ace!!!!! Also MonoTV is definitely just coming back, right?
That broken MonoTV sprite though!
Eden: “Finally, it’s over—“ The lack of music is making this really impactful, even though we know it won’t work. Holy shit.
MonoTV: “A fatal error has been detected” We breaking out different fonts?
MonoTV: “Now loading the default XF-Ture personality drivers.”
Now we have the question. Was MonoTV created by XF for the game? Or did XF just create the AI, and someone repurposed it for thre killing game?
Also what are these defaults going to be?
…Wait whose voice is this? Someone we know? Please tell me I’m bad at recognizing voices! {I think it’s still MonoTV’s VA, just doing a different act, but I’m not sure}
[MonoTV speech] Didn’t expect MonoTV of all damn characters to have a badass moment, but I guess this is the world we live in now.
“But there is no reason to punish Ace a second time.” UHHH Chat are we cooked?
The death of every participant? This is about rule 14, right? “All murderers must be held accountable”? The “everyone is responsible for Mai’s death and must be punished” theory seems to be gaining ground.
It’s also saying this is why it was created, so XF likely did have a direct hand in the killing game. Min MM not looking so implausible all of the sudden.
“I will pass the punishment…” chat we’re actually immensely cooked what.
“I will now proceed with the execution of Teruko Tawaki.” UHHH LUCK BETTER COME IN CLUTCH!!!
[Machine Gun] BRO?!?!?!
Charles: “That thing will surely kill you!” Even Charles is sounding extremely distressed here, damn! But I guess Teruko is relying on her luck maybe?
Whit: “Charles! Stop talking and cover your eyes!” I mean yeah good advice but you know- More pressing things atm
Teruko: “No :)” Why’s she so silly coded?
Teruko: “Killed? I doubt it. As if something so kind could happen to me.” AAAAAAH!!!! The suicidal tendencies return with a vengeance!!!
[Her speech] Holy fuck holy fuck this is crazy she’s actually doing the unhinged Lucky Student thing of relying on luck she’s going in I’m so terrified for what’s about to happen.
“I’ll show you all what it means to be the Ultimate Lucky Student.” Shit boutta go crazy.
Bro I was not ready for this. I wasn’t ready in the slightest. This motherfucker better survive against all odds or it’s all over.
Bro that sprite- He’s so cooked.
MonoTV: “His injuries are not fatal” Wait are we saved? Arturo look I know you’re not a doctor but for the love of God tell me you can do something about this holy shit. I wasn’t ready for this.
VERONIKA. Holy shit she’s actually insane.
Arturo: “He could live…” Please??? For me???
Wait now that I’m thinking about it. He hasn’t said his secret quote. We might be saved.
[Whit sprite] … Huh??? Bro what the fuck is happening this episode.
Ace: “Execute me right now!” Ough this shit insane!!! I can’t- I genuinely can’t react. I’m just overcome with emotion at this point.
“I’ll have a third death in my hands!” … Wait the math. Unless he’s counting himself… does he blame himself for Taylor’s death???
[The entire Arturo - Ace debacle] I…holy shit???? The genuine distress in Arturo’s voice when he says he can’t save Levi??? Ace clinging to the hope that he can??? Bro what the fuck??? This is insane???? I can’t- I can’t compute- This is actually insane. This is so much. Levi better not fucking die after this I swear to god-
Ace: “I don’t want to die…” Holy shit dev did it. I’m feeling just as bad for Ace as I felt for Min. Bra-fucking-vo. Holy fuck. No words.
(Fear of death right? Fits)
… Okay, so. I know someone brought up this term in relation to Ace. Genius, first.
Second, that might just be one of the greatest executions I’ve even seen, if not the best. I usually don’t care much about how good executions are, but this… this is incredibly good. The music was banging. The execution method was unique. It wasn’t related to his talent, but his character, which makes it better imo.
(Also are the “unexplained illnesses” related to Xander’s family?)
And even through all this… dev showed the corpse. When they didn’t show Min’s. Why would you allow me to cope even further? You drop XF and show a corpse- holy shit. I just can’t even process anything.
And he didn’t say his quote. He never said it I don’t think. Levi better survive.
VERONIKA. Holy shit she’s actually getting more and more unhinged by the second the hell-? Yeah remember when she looked unnerved by Min’s execution?!?! She ain’t looking unnerved no more!
Hu: “The elevator is open!” We’re just- gonna ignore- Alright, I guess it’s fair. Surely Levi survives right?
Rose please tell me you looked away. I know you saw Levi so it’s not looking great either way, but still.
Teruko: “Go on without me.” Is she going to talk to David maybe? About the secret?
“Everyone was gone.” Alright no, she’s just going to mourn or something?
[Teruko reflects on her similarities to Ace and Arei] I really like this moment, it’s nice of her to say what the audience was probably already thinking.
MonoTV: “I must convince everyone that I’m the villain.” And what does this mean MonoTV? Genuinely too burnt out to think about it any harder rn.
[Teruko breaks down] Holy hell…
“I had known the answer…” AUGH- The character writing… it’s so good… fucking hell this is incredible…
Where do we even go from here? Teruko’s speed running the themes of trust and fate like they’re not the main themes of the series?!?! I’m going crazy.
… Are we seriously leaving it on a cliffhanger whether Levi is alive or not? Like, I know the “surviving students” thing counted him, so I’m guessing he’s alive, but… hot damn. This is an evil cliffhanger.
(Also I find it funny that David’s silhouette sprite did in fact change to what the dev said was his new default lol)
“Seems there’s something he’s not proud of” The nailbiting right.
General Thoughts
Bro how the fuck am I expected to even begin to summarize this shit?!?!
Okay, in… ascending order of crazy.
Did David just… not speak almost the entire episode? Did he even have any lines when Teruko was being executed? The fuck is going on with him? He didn’t even reveal Teruko’s secret???
Veronika was unhinged. Loved that for her. Hope she gets worse, it seems like CH3 will be a fun chapter for her (I hope that doesn’t mean she dies).
Whit officially gets his very own unhinged/breakdown sprite! We’ve completed the set! I mean, it’s not as crazy as others, but it matches Rose’s so…
Everyone endures further trauma, fun.
I even feel bad for Arturo! Poor guy did not ask for this shit! There’s fun foils here with Levi trying to protect the group as much as he can and Arturo being forced into the role…
Also. Of all ships. I did not expect Aceturo to get a dub here somehow.
I somehow called more or less predicted what Teruko was gonna do. Fun how that happened. And her little character reflection at the end was awesome, I loved it very much. Jesus fuck.
That’s gotta be the best execution I’ve ever seen, hands down. I don’t care that there wasn’t a single horse there. This is much better.
Also, no secret quote from Ace. So those are 100% not a good metric for defining who is at risk of death. Wonder if that means we’ll get a flashback with him?
XF-Ture Tech?!?!?! MonoTV character building kinda?!?!?!?! I’m going crazy?!?!?!
Levi??? This motherfucker better be alive. There’s no reason he should be dead, so I’m gonna assume he’s alive. But wow… I guess weightedblankettt was sorta right on the “final orbit” interpretation of Levi’s connection to Shoemaker-Levy 9, just… not in a way we expected. (If that meant nothing to you don’t worry about it).
And Ace… Hot damn. Just… an entire character arc at the eleventh minute, huh? How’s that for the people who were saying Ace wouldn’t be remembered, huh? Levi probably owes him his life, in a way. He broke MonoTV. He faced his thanatophobia to try to help Levi survive. Just… so fucking good. I said it in the reaction. I genuinely felt just as much grief for him as I did Min. And coming from me, that’s… a lot. Just incredible writing and voice acting and everything in between…
This cements it, btw. This is my favorite trial from anything DR related ever. It’s genuinely insane. I am going to make a more detailed, more coherent post analyzing the entirety of Part 2 of this chapter, because it deserves it. It deserves more thought than I’m able to give right now on account of feeling too many emotions. Stay tuned for that, I guess.
Props to the dev, the VAs, and anyone who might have laid a hand on this at some point. It’s genuinely incredible, this is an unforgettable experience. Holy shit.
I don’t- I don’t have the emotional energy to keep writing. Just… I think I need to calm down for a few hours. Genuinely loved every second of this. Thanks for reading, and see you when I gather my thoughts enough to trust myself to be coherent.
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silverprism-s · 2 days
i have a lot of thoughts bouncing around in my mind but... i think gojo got exactly the ending he deserved. and... thats not a bad thing.
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causeimcrayzeebee · 23 hours
hey guys what the FUCK JUST HAPPENED. holy SHIT. never ask a gay person what happened October 5th 2024.
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first can i say that the execution was phenomenal. i miss ace SO MUCH already but goodness the ending hurt. i had a feeling he’d die of fear once the execution started but that did NOT make it any easier to watch. holy shit.
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i love how much self reflection happened. Ace, after all this time of being unable to repent for the harm he caused, instilled that motivation to be better into Arturo to save Levi’s life. from being called a coward by teruko to calling someone else on their cowardlyness was honestly kind of cathartic to see. ngl im excited to see what’s ahead for arturo after this!!
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despite Teruko’s whole speech about how she won’t die, Levi jumped in to save her. he says he doesn’t understand human empathy but this was pretty damn close. even tho she assured everyone she’d be fine, Levi tried to save her anyways, but again it could just be driven by his need to do what he thinks a good person would do. praying he survives cause holy shit. him saying that he doesn’t understand Ace and Ace trying to push him away even more really stung….
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MonoTV’s reset actually caught me so off guard. i kinda love it tho, it really displays the tone shift. ofc this killing game has been fucked up from the start, but it’s gotten even darker now as the main source of humor as well as comical incompetence is no longer who we knew it as. very likely that monotv won’t have another slip up like losing who’s motive is who’s again next chapter.
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terukos development…. holy shit. I can’t stop saying holy shit bc tbh all of these are my thoughts immediately after finishing it and im still recovering from shock so take these with a grain of salt. i absolutely love how her arc has gone. as many have said previously, Ace is an example to Teruko what the isolation she forced herself through can do to people. Ace is the tragedy that could befall her as well. not to make things about percy jackson, but it’s very akin to the luke and percy foils (ik it’s not the same thing really I just wanted to mention their character foils) Arei is one side of the coin, and Ace, and Teruko if she kept going how she was before this trial, are the other. Arei was able to own up to her mistakes, and the others weren’t.
There’s also something that really displays their similarities when Teruko has to stay behind to cry because she’s too cowardly to face the group this way. Might just be because of timing but yk just a thought. Teruko was essentially admitting of guilt for Xander’s death and missing him, as well as Min. It really is easier to pretend as if everything is out of your control, even when you could have done something. Teruko has to learn about what’s beyond her dichotomy of blame and fate.
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okay guys. let’s get this out of the way. um. this sprite is NOT helping you beat the mastermind allegations Whit. I actually jumped out of my seat seeing this sprite, it was actually quite horrifying to witness this. in response to Min’s execution, Whit had hardly much of a reaction, which has been a bit suspicious but likely has to do with how he grieves considering his mother. This tho…. i can’t tell if it makes him more or less suspicious (genuinely if anyone wants to talk about things that either prove or disprove Whit mastermind theories pls go ahead im so interested in what people think cause im at a loss). but like…. why is his hand behind him. what is he doing.
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genuinely so wild how this whole time, Whit has only show a significant amount of care for Charles. yea i love charwhit they gay as hell, but even so, this specific focus that Whit has when it comes to Charles is something that, if Whit really is the mastermind or even just a traitor, it could be reaaaallllyyy bad news for Charles. I would not be surprised if he was trying to get close to Charles to make it hurt as much as possible when he revealed himself to be the mastermind or something of that nature. Or it could just be him having grown an attachment to Charles in some way (again pls lmk what you think about whit!!!) We’re not getting the happy love story we want but what did we expect when it’s a fanganronpa.
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so yeah those are my thoughts on the ending of chapter 2! I planned to do a quick funny post and yet here i am writing analysis for half an hour. goodness. anyways to make up for funny post, i saw this part of Ace’s execution and my first thought was bungo stray dogs reference (crowd starts booing).
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My predictions for the rest of DRDT!
(mostly my general thoughts after this ep)
(Spoilers for Ch2 Ep16!)
Okay so- First off, Levi’s fate!
If he doesn’t die from this, then he’s almost certainly going to die from trying to assists somebody else. As mentioned in the voice trailer, he’s willing to do anything to help his classmates, even if it involves him getting hurt. I can see him dying without anyone specifically targeting him, or someone being targeted because they know Levi will save them. Although that might not be so reliable depending on the recovery time needed…
Okay, next up Arturo- He’ll probably finally leave J alone, busy with making sure Levi doesn’t, y’know, die- Plus the whole breakdown he had in the trial, and his secret being revealed.. He’s gonna need some time, I think-
Teruko! Ohhhh my god where do I even start with her- She won’t die, obviously. She’s told us that multiple times, we’ve seen the proof, there isn’t a way that she can die. And that’s her curse, more than the bad luck is. So she could hypothetically get away with murder, although I don’t think she will actually kill somebody. She could get away with it, since she’s like- one of the only competent people in trials, and all it takes for Charles is for him to either be murdered or witness a murder, and he’s unable to assist. So Teruko is the only one the people here are relying on, which leaves them vulnerable if she is the blackened. Also- Teruko finally broke down and cried! It makes sense, after what she’s seen, and what she’s ended up inadvertently causing- The voice actors for Teruko and Ace (and levi) this ep >>> The new Teruko sprites were so cool, and I’m pretty sure I saw one that mirrored Min-
And now- MonoTV!! I don’t know if my theory about there being no mastermind is accurate, but after this episode- It could be! And so I’ll take that- Wasn’t expecting it to sound like Mai, at all, but that’s really interesting- Pretty sure XF caused this killing game, or at least created MonoTV-
Whit! His new sprite is fascinating considering he has no other serious sprites- And his concern for Charles, too! (..also, more fuel for the time loop theorists?) If Charles dies next chapter.. Whit will either completely break, giving up the happy persona he has, or, he ends up going so far into coping that he ends up going manic in the trial- Either way, fun development for a guy who’s only really made jokes or known a concerning amount of things about hanging-
Charles! He- isn’t doing well right now, since he saw Levi’s injury- Whit did attempt to shield him from that at least, so points towards the Charwhit (platonic or romantic, whatever you prefer) dynamic developing further! If someone like Teruko was going to commit murder, she’d probably go for Charles first. Since he is the only one besides her that really helped in the trial, and if he hadn’t gotten involved after ep11, everyone would have been executed by now. Definitely the biggest threat if Teruko is the blackened. But she might not even want to take him out if she commits a murder, because after all, she won’t die from an execution-
And finally- Ace Markey! The blackened himself! hhhh oh my god where can i start with this- Ace still cares about Levi! He knows that it’s pointless, he was searching for any reason to be mad at him, even if it made him a hypocrite for condemning another murderer. But, even after that was revealed- He was willing to get executed so Levi wouldn’t die. He yelled at Arturo for saying that he couldn’t save Levi, for being a coward, and isn’t that ironic- Also! His friend’s name gets (re)revealed! After the QnA where his name was first revealed was deleted, Taylor’s name makes an appearance on one of the gravestones in Ace’s execution! I loved the fact that his execution was themed around his fears, since he was established as a guy who had, well- a lot of fears, since the first episode he appeared in. Definitely more interesting than the cliche of ‘horses’ (not that there’s anything wrong with that idea at all-) Uh- I have a lot of thoughts about Ace rn but I’m way too tired rn to type them all out- I’ll probably add it to my p2 of this!
Okay so- I’ll probably put the rest of my thoughts in another post, since it’s 2am for me right now-
(i will be so surprised if anyone reads all this im so sorry it’s long-)
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possiblyreallyme · 18 hours
Kinktober day 3: somnophilia with Luffy
warning: somnophilia, pre-established consent though not mentioned (y'all talked about it don't worry), i couldn't stop my brazilian ass y'all sorry (i don't even properly speak portugues but i'm learning👍), oral (female receiving).
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"Hmm...?" You don't know what's going on, sleep weighing so you down to the point you can't even move, eyelids heavy and watering as you tried to find what could have woken you up in the dead of night after such a long day on the ship.
Little huffs and pants finally register in your mind after a few long seconds, and the groan that creeps up your throat with a guttural crack finally seems to start waking you up. It took you a while to even open your eyes, but you manage to peel your eyelids apart and glance down at the moving mountain of covers that seems to be stationed between your legs, taking notice of how Luffy also seemed missing from the space next to you.
"Luffy?" The young pirate only moans in response, licking another broad stroke from your dripping entrance to your clit, tongue flat against your folds to catch every bit of his meal.
Your whine makes his ear perk up, feeling how goosebumps erupted on your skin and your thighs shook for a second. "Ughhhhh, gimme more," He groans, pushing his face deeper into your soaked cunt, pushing his tongue against your entrance and wrapping his lips around your folds to suck on you like you were a candy.
"Luffy," You moan, letting your eyes fall shut again as your head lulls back into the soft pillow. "W-What're you doing?"
"'m hungry," He mumbled into your cunt, voice gravelly and rough and surprisingly low for such a sweet-voiced young man. He was always hungry, but ever since he met you, he's been starving, for something more than the meat he had Sanji prepare every evening.
Sanji was a little suspicious, though delighted, when Luffy stopped making such frequent midnight kitchen raids. But he wished he hadn't asked why he had calmed down, because the embarrassment of when his stupid captain looked him dead in the eyes and told him it was because his girl's pussy kept him well-fed had practically crippled the cook.
It was flattering to be desired in such a way, but in the dead of night, when you're just trying to sleep, you really couldn't be bothered to do much more then fall in and out of consciousness while he got his full.
"You taste s'good," He moaned, sunkissed cheeks tinted a light pink under the covers, you noticed when you haphazardly lifted the sheets to peer down at him. He was always such a sight to behold, a mess of black bedhead sticking to your thighs with your knees over his shoulders, panties ripped to shreds and clutched tightly in his grip while he held onto your hips for dear life, brows knitted and focused on your cunt— a battle could commence just on the deck of the ship, and he wouldn't even notice.
"Makin' me so hard, why'd you have to wear that?" He was refiring to the outfit you chose to sleep in tonight, or lack thereof. You were passing a summer island, and the heat had gotten to your brain before you could consider what the flimsy, see-through bra and lacy panties did to him.
"I'm sorry, captain-" You began, but he cut you off with a loud whine, high in his throat like a puppy.
"Don't call me that righ' now," He begged, his eyes screwing shut as slick dribbled down his chin and he dove back into your pulsing heat, eager for more. Everyone else on the crew called him "captain" from time to time and he never felt a thing, but hearing you say it, especially in that voice, made him want to sink his cock right into your cunt and keep going all night.
You only ever called him captain when you wanted him to get riled up, or when you wanted him to dick you down harder. It was a surefire way to get his shorts tented and his mouth watering, when he'd pull you to the side and press you up against the nearest surface.
"Jus' lemme eat, pretty mama, goze na minha língua." Ugh, you loved it when he used his native tongue to lull you into orgasm, and the grogginess keeping your limbs heavy only made it easier for you to fall over the edge.
"Ah- you're cummin'," He moaned, relishing the way you clamped on his tongue and your hot walls started to spasm, your usually loud cries reduced to tiny whines and huffs and sighs because you weren't even fully aware of what you were doing. He lapped at your release like a starved man drinks in his first and last meal, but he couldn't keep up the gentle act forever, tightening his grip on your hips to harshly pull you closer and lift your bottom off the bed, burying his face deeper between your thighs.
Your yelp made his eyes dilate, and he began to rut into the bed for some sort of relief to his aching cock, moaning at the painful pleasure it brought. "You're gonna ride me now, right? You can't jus' go back to sleep after that."
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honey-tongued-devil · 5 hours
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▶[Arcane preference] reacting to you wearing their clothes [Jayce, Viktor, Ekko, Vander, Silco, Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Mel, Sevika, ]
If you know me, hello little deers, I'm back! If you don’t know me, welcome! Just a heads-up that I don’t use "Y/N," but rather the impersonal "you," and even though I talk about clothes, no sizes or weight are involved. Enjoy the read!
  - It’s not that rare when you’re together; he’s a real gentleman through and through. If it’s cold, he’ll give you his jacket, his scarf, anything to keep you warm  
  - But when you’re the one taking his clothes, it’s different  
  - When he sees you walking around the room in his shirt, just after waking up, something in his brain malfunctions  
  - It’s how it fits you, no matter how big or long it is, it seems like it was made just for you, to give you that look  
  - And to him, it feels like some kind of subliminal ad, as if the universe is making you so attractive in the simplicity of that gesture just to tell him he needs to hurry up and put a ring on your finger so he can enjoy that sight every day  
  - It’s hard for you to get anything done in the morning when he wakes up with those thoughts  
  - Those are the days when you stay in bed, cuddling under the covers, with him looking at you, hand on his cheek, getting more lost in you by the second  
  - For Viktor, the idea of a “little thief stealing his clothes” is an interesting one  
  - He’s never been a fan of tight-fitting clothes, plus, with his physique, it’s rare for anything to fit snugly anyway  
  - That’s why, except for his Academy uniform, the rest of his clothes are comfortable and at least two sizes too big for him, without mentioning Jayce's oversize ones in his closet  
  - What Viktor didn’t expect was that, once you started liking them, you’d just take them straight out of his drawer  
  - The first time he knocked on your door to ask if you’d seen his shirt —the very one you were wearing— he first stopped, confused, wondering how it had ended up on you  
  - And then, though he didn’t show it, he paused to notice with satisfaction how well it wrapped around your body  
  - Sometimes he pretends to forget his clothes at your place, just to see them on you, and to get them back with your scent on them  
  - For the nights when he feels lonelier  
  - Communism  
  - There’s not really a strong sense of what belongs to whom at the Tree, although some clothes (jackets in particular) eventually get so personalized that no one dares to take them anymore  
  - The first time you grabbed Ekko’s jacket, it was simply because you were freezing, it was really cold, and he was resting, so he didn’t need it  
  - But when he saw you wearing it, his pupils dilated so much you could notice it despite his very dark eyes  
  - Ever since then, it’s him who gives it to you and insists that you wear it, because he likes it: there’s something extremely intimate and deeply personal about walking around with you in his jacket  
  - It’s like marking you as his, but really, also reminding himself of it  
  - And Ekko may be proud, but one thing you quickly and painfully learn in the alleys is to say ‘I love you’ before it’s too late, and that small possessive gesture makes him feel fulfilled because it’s like he’s telling everyone that he couldn’t live without you 
  - Vander’s clothes have this super-secret ability to change depending on who’s wearing them. For example, what are shirts on him turn into dresses on you  
  - When you put them on, even just for the sake of convenience, you find yourself laughing in front of every mirror you pass by  
  - And if he notices, he can’t help but hug you from behind, leaning down to rub his nose against your neck, smiling against your skin  
  - “You know,” he says every single time, “it looks better on you than it does on me,” and no matter how false it might be, in his eyes, it’s truer than almost anything else  
  - After seeing you a few times in his grown-up man's clothes, he decided to dig through an old box to find the clothes from when he was younger and mend them before leaving them folded on your side of the bed, like a little gift  
  - Silco’s strangest habit was the connection he had with his clothes: they looked like Piltover garments, except for the boots and the shirt under the velvet vest, yet they were torn, poorly mended, and worn out in several places  
  - Despite being the richest man in the undercity, he never changed them  
  - The only newer piece in his wardrobe that he used to wear was his coat, which was in perfect condition, scented with cologne, and lined with soft velvet that followed the direction of your fingers when you touched it  
  - Sure, there were ceremonial outfits, pajamas, and something comfortable yet always elegant, but he had worn them so little that they almost didn’t seem like his  
  - That’s why one day you simply decided you were bored, and while he was in a meeting, you could take the opportunity to try on the ones that fit you  
  - But that little fashion show from his wardrobe to the mirror probably took longer than expected, and definitely you were too focused, because you didn’t notice the tall figure watching you, leaning against the doorframe  
  - “Don’t take that off, I’ve got an idea or two,” his voice broke the silence, making you jump  
  - Her clothes are more like a flea market than a wardrobe: there are men’s clothes, women’s clothes, from Piltover and Zaun, intact, held together by metal staples, clean, splattered with paint, torn from explosions, some so small you wonder who they could even fit, and some so large that you and at least four of her father’s henchmen could comfortably fit in them with room to spare  
  - She’s the one who tells you to grab something from the pile the first time you ask to help her with her calculations and experiments, and in the end, you choose something comfortable rather than something intact or clean  
  - It took her a good half hour to notice, and then another hour to stop talking about it  
  - It was something she hadn’t done since she had a family, sharing clothes with someone else, and suddenly she realized just how much she missed it  
  - Every now and then, she’d give you oversized shirts on purpose, just to disappear under the fabric and snuggle up to you, where she felt sheltered enough to feel less vulnerable  
  - Vi’s mentality was interesting because, by accident, if she noticed you were eyeing someone’s clothes with interest, somehow the next day those clothes would end up on your bed  
  - Vi would do anything for you; if it were up to her, you’d be dressed in pearls and gold, but neither the place nor her situation allowed it  
  - That’s why she never offered you her clothes: the older ones were tattered, barely definable as rags, which she stubbornly patched up every month  
  - The new ones were stolen, spoils from street fights, but they always came in looking battered and worn, or worse, stained with blood or strange substances, so they weren’t good for you  
  - When she saw you wearing a sweater from her wardrobe, stained and burned in spots, the first thing she felt was guilt  
  - She hated not being able to treat you the way she wanted to  
  - But from that day on, she made sure to at least wash her clothes before putting them away, and slowly she learned to love the clothes you stole a little more than the others  
  - That sweater, for example, she would defend it with her life  
  - Whenever you stayed over at her place, she always made sure to provide everything for you: slippers, socks, pajamas, anything you might need  
  - And it was always the highest quality you had ever seen  
  - So seeing you in her clothes wasn’t new, although she sometimes liked to have you try on things she didn’t wear anymore, partly because she couldn’t due to her important name, and partly because she spent half her time in uniform  
  - Those little fashion shows almost always ended with her on top of you, while you are very busy figuring out how to stay quiet so none of the servants, or worse, her parents, would catch you  
  - It didn’t matter if the clothes didn’t suit you, being able to see you in so many different lights made her fall even more in love with everything about you  
  - The final blow? One day she decided to look through the enforcers’ uniforms to find one that would fit you, and for the first time, she saw you in clothes that matched hers  
  - There was something about it that made her hope that uniform would change the chemistry of your brain too and make you join the force, just so she could spend more time with you, just so she could see you like that more often  
  - For Mel, it wasn’t an event: she was used to everything, mastering her emotions, and seeing you wearing something of hers had only left her confused for a second, from which she quickly recovered, smiling at you  
  - “It looks really good on you, you know?” she had asked  
  - It didn’t bother her. Objectively, you seemed stupid borrowing those elegant clothes tailored exactly to her body  
  - It almost felt like heresy to wear the clothes of a goddess-like figure. But the goddess had sensed something, and she began buying and commissioning outfits for both you and her, matching, so you wouldn’t feel like you were missing something  
  - But there was one moment, a specific one, where seeing you in one of her dresses had left her speechless  
  - When you told her that the sweater was so beautiful it was almost a shame knowing she couldn’t wear it on the day you’d marry her  
  - And Mel Medarda came from a land of war, where it was hard to get attached to people, let alone objects  
  - Yet from that day, that piece of clothing became a constant for her, even if it meant layering or pulling it down to keep her shoulders bare  
  - Because it no longer just warmed her skin; it began to warm something deeper, something she hadn’t even realized she had  
  - Her clothes reflected her line of work: dirty, unpleasant, dangerous  
  - But despite that, she would drape them over you herself, no matter how worn they were: if she thought you might be cold, without a word, you’d find a sweater or hoodie on your shoulders  
  - And even though she’d glance at you from the corner of her eye, she wouldn’t stop watching you for a single moment when you wore something of hers  
  - It was a matter of homeland—there was no ownership in Zaun, not even last names, as even the family you belonged to was irrelevant compared to what you could do  
  - And the gangs, thugs, and troublemakers wouldn’t hesitate to steal what was yours  
  - But you were hers, and you couldn’t be stolen. And that shirt was hers, but she didn’t feel mutilated, like she normally would, when you wore it  
  - In fact, she loved it, opening her arms to invite you to snuggle up, holding you carefully so the prosthetic wouldn’t bother you, adjusting the clothing on you ten, a hundred times, almost unconsciously  
  - And when you wore her clothes, it felt like for a little while, you could wear her skin too, to understand her better, and she suddenly seemed more vulnerable  
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