#but i also do want it to continue because for 10 years of my life. many things ended up gone but this wshow?
one thing abt being disabled/chronically ill that some people don’t get is that sometimes body maintenance that ensures you have the absolute minimum amount of function can also be something that takes away a lot of control and autonomy. you can argue till the cows come home that making those decisions to try and help yourself (or realistically to try to make sure things aren’t worse than they already are) is something that exhibits control and autonomy and stuff, but they can be so limiting in practice because they’re things that take up so much time but have to be done to do anything else
#i have to sleep a lot. i’m at the point where functioning requires 8 hours of sleep if not more#I should probably be getting 10+ but i’m a student and i work so 8 is the minimum. but then also getting ready for bed is a whole process s#the whole thing can take 10-12 hours depending how much im sleeping. just to make sure i can do anything#that is time in my day i cannot use for anything else. it’s not ‘oh but i can push through it’ because i can’t without spending the next da#lightheaded and nauseous and vaguely dizzy and with such intense brain fog I can’t think with my fatigue so bad i genuinely don’t know how#get myself to work a lot of days. my abled peers don’t have to deal with this at all. they have unlimited study time if they want to#and yeah it is a choice i’m making that’s true i could just not do. except i would lose my job and fail out of college because i would not#be able to get to classes or do my homework or think. but being told ‘but you are making choices about your life’ when i have lost so much#of what i used to be able to do because i am spiralling down and continuing to get worse is so.#literally last year i would wake up at 6:30 and then go to school till 3 and then go to my internship until 10 and get home at 11 and be in#bed anywhere from midnight to two in the morning and then wake up the next day and do it all again. i graduated with a 3.9 gpa and made it#into my top college while dealing with my cancer symptoms and then the two surgeries about it#but now i lose half my day to just making sure i can get out of bed. i can’t go anywhere because my body is physically too exhausted#any extra time goes into doing homework or occasionally time to myself#not decimating my health by doing minimum body care responsibilities isn’t freeing. occasionally i have a good day which is freeing but tha#usually goes into just. other things outside class or work or eating. I don’t go do something for myself or go do something fun on good day#because I still can’t. good days just mean i don’t want to lie down on the pavement when i’m going somewhere#I just. I don’t magically have control over my life because i try to get enough sleep. i lose half my day to doing that and ultimately it’s#just a bodily function that would have to happen anyway#this is a vent post im just having a really hard time right now because it feels like im in exponential decline. it was nowhere near this#bad last semester. my grades are tanking and i have no free time because anything outside of sleep is either work or school#vent tw#yall can rb this just ignore my tags completely#disability#chronically ill#i keep trying to explain to people how pots works because that’s all logical but there’s no way to explain what it’s doing to my body or ho#i feel all the time. the last time i felt this bad was when i had a bad flu or immediately after surgeries because i don’t react well to#anesthesia and always come out of them feeling like shit. and now i just feel like this all the time and it’s only getting worse#I can’t even stay up late anymore because my body feels like it isn’t counting the sleep even if I get 8 hours#I can deal if I have a free day the day after but that just leaves Friday and Saturday nights and I usually still have to do homework
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nabulsi · 2 months
السلام عليكم
انا عمر من غزة وحاليا في رفح بخيمة و
انا طالب جامعي وحاليا متوقف عن العلم اتمنى ان تدعموني ان اطلع ل منطقه الامان
واكمل دراستي
اتمنى ان تساعدني في نشر حملتي
شكرا لك 🙏🏻
Hey guys~! Omar has reached out to me and trusted me with his story.
He's a 20 year old university student from North Gaza, whose studies were cut short by the horrific genocide. He and his family have had to evacuate their home, and they've unfortunately had to relocate over 8 times due to constant Israeli bombardment. Which means, they've had to keep uprooting their tent and their belongings.
There's no stability in their lives, only the threat of starvation and disease, and the fear that they could lose their lives at any moment due to Israeli raids or airstrikes. It's a life of unimaginable indignity. They have also lost a lot of their body weight due to food scarcity and lack of drinkable water.
He also has an elderly father who is suffering with illness and the conditions and lack of resources do not allow for him to be treated. They need to get him out of Gaza through the Rafah border as soon as possible, once the border is open again.
Omar wants to be able to save his life and his family's and continue his studies, because despite his young age, he wants to be able to take care of and provide his family after they've lost everything they have. It has been completely destroyed by this genocide.
Their GoFundMe is still at only €10 out of €20,000. Please support Omar and his family. Help him to achieve his goals and continue his university studies.
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hotvintagepoll · 25 days
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Eartha Kitt (Anna Lucasta, St. Louis Blues)—My friend and I have a saying: NOBODY is Eartha Kitt. A thousand have tried, and they've all come up empty and will continue to do so. Everyone knows her for something: from "Santa Baby" to Yzma in Emperor's New Groove to Catwoman to making Lady Bird Johnson cry for the Vietnam War. She was a master of comedy and sex, an extremely vocal activist, and she aged like fine wine... I honestly don't know what I can say about her that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to linking all my propaganda. Like what else do you want from me. She was iconic at everything she ever did. Literally name another. How can anyone even think of her and not want to absolutely drown?
Hedy Lamarr (Samson and Delilah, Ziegfeld Girl)—Look. I'm sure someone has already submitted Hedy Lamarr because she was spectacularly beautiful, and a very strong lady too: she fled both an abusive marriage AND nazi persecution at a very young age and rebuilt a life for herself pursuing her love for acting all on her own!! Her career as an actress was stellar; while she began acting outside of Hollywood (her very first movie, Ecstasy, won a prize at the Venice Film Festival), she conquered American hearts very quickly with her first movie in the US, Algiers, and then just kept getting better and better. If all this isn't enough, she was also an inventor: her invention of the frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio transmission technique forms the base of bluetooth and has a lot of applications in all kinds of communication technologies. I think that deserves a prize, don't you?
This is the final poll of the Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Eartha Kitt:
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"A hot vintage woman who was not just known for her voice, beauty, poise, and presence, but also her unapologetic ways of speaking about how she was mistreated in the show business as a girl who grew up on cotton fields in South Carolina in the 1930s through the 1940s coming to Broadway first and then Hollywood."
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"Have you watched her sing?? Have you seen her face?? Have you heard her talk?? How could you not fall instantly in love. She makes me incoherent with how hot she is."
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"She can ACT she can SING she can speak FOUR LANGUAGES she is a GODDESS!!! Although she is (rightfully) remembered for her singing, TV appearances (Catwoman my beloved), and later film roles, her early appearances in film are no less impressive or noteworthy!! She’s an amazing actress with so much charisma in every role. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood for 10 years for criticizing the Johnson administration/Vietnam War, so. Iconic. Also Orson Welles apparently called her “the most exciting woman in the world.”
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"She had such a stunning, remarkable appearance, like she could tear you to shreds with just a glance- but the most undeniable part of her hotness was her voice, and it makes sense that it's what most people nowadays know her for. Nothing encapsulates the sheer magnetism of her singing better than this clip of her and Nat King Cole in St. Louis Blues, she pops in at 2:49. Also I know it's post-1970 but her song that was cut from Emperor's New Groove is likely to make you feel Feelings."
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"Even with as racist as Hollywood was in the 1950s and 60s, Eartha Kitt STILL managed to have a thriving career. She also once had a threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean, and called out LBJ over the Vietnam War so hard that it made First Lady Johnson cry. Eartha Kitt was talented, sexy, and a total badass activist."
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Hedy Lamarr:
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"The only person you can find both on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Inventor's Hall of Fame--her radio-frequency-hopping technology forms the basis for cordless phones, wi-fi, and a dozen other aspects of modern life. She was also passionate in her efforts to aid the Allies in WWII (unsurprising for a Jewish-Austrian Emigree to America), and her name served as the backbone for one of the best running jokes in what is possibly Mel Brooks' best movie. Look, Louis B. Mayer apparently believed he could plausibly promote her as "The world's most beautiful woman". Is an entire website full of people going to be less audacious than one Louis B. Mayer? I didn't think so!"
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"Described as "Hedy has the most incredible personal sophistication. She knows the peculiarly European art of being womanly; she knows what men want in a beautiful woman, what attracts them, and she forces herself to be these things. She has magnetism with warmth, something that neither Dietrich nor Garbo has managed to achieve" by Howard Sharpe, she managed to escape her controlling husband (and Nazi Germany) by a) Disguising as her maid and fleeing to Paris or b) Convincing the husband to let her wear all of her jewelry to a dinner, only to disappear afterwards. Also she was particularly clever and helped develop Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (I can't really explain it but anyway...)"
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"Her depiction of Delilah and Samson and Delilah just lives rent free in my head. The woman was gorgeous."
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"One of the most beautiful women ever in film, spoken by many critics and fans. Beautiful shapely figure, deeper seductive voice, and often played femme fatale roles. She was also brilliant and an inventor. Mainly self-taught, she invested her spare time, including on set between takes, in designing and drafting inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated drink, and much more."
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"Gorgeous and brilliant pioneer of modern technology and the middle part."
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retroellie · 5 months
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Summary: After a long day of work, Spencer comes home and fucks his stresses away.
A/N: This was written in literally 45 minutes but I had this idea and I couldn't make it into a full fic, my mind could only think of the smut part lmao. Enjoy!!! :)
Warnings: NSFW, slapping, degradation, squirting, unprotected sex, mean!spencer
Word count: 1.9K
Prison changed Spencer Reid, plain and simple. This is not the man you came to love. He was cruel, possessive, completely and utterly damaged. You hoped that prison wouldn't taint Spencer too much, you hoped that he would continue to be sweet little Dr. Spencer Reid. But you knew what prison could do to a person, for you locked people up daily. You knew that the system would take Spencer's old soul and soft heart into its muddy hands, squeezing them until they became one. Although sometimes in the right lighting, in the right moment, you can see a hint of Spencer in his light brown eyes.
You can't say that you hated the change in Spencer, obviously there was much work to be done before Spencer could truly be himself again. However, you could live with this change. He was hungry, feeling as though your body was the only thing that could fill that hunger. It was extremely attractive to you, his sudden hunger for you. Spencer was always using you, using your body or your mouth or your hands... just you. There was always an excuse for him to be inside of you in his mind. A man thought of looking at you? He bent you over the kitchen table. You wore a shirt that showed a bit of your chest? He dragged you into the bathroom and forced you onto your knees. You smiled at him? He would shove his face between your thighs until you couldn't even see straight.
Even on the way back home after he had gotten out of prison, he bent you over the backseat on the side of the road and fucked you roughly. It felt like you were stepping on eggshells every time around him because you never know what can set him off... it was oddly scandalous, almost arousing as the thought of how he'd fuck you next was always on your mind. A big plus was that spencer dug himself into your brain, pulling out your deepest and darkest kinks, and using them to give you earth-shattering, mind-blowing, life-changing orgasms. Now you don't think you two could ever go back to just plain sex. He had ruined you, ruined your body so much that only the thought of being hurt could get you off now.
"Fucking bitch..." Spencer spat out, his hand spreading your legs further open as his cock drilled into your soaked cunt. "That bitch looked at me like I was fucking stupid..."
His words came out breathy and jagged as he fucked into you at an animalistic pace. Spencer came home today upset, his tie being ripped off and thrown down as soon as he got into the door. You knew something was up by this action, but also the look on his face. He seemed to have a frown sewn onto his face, something that he wore most days. You asked what was wrong but you were met with him ripping off your clothes, hinting that he didn't want to talk but to fuck his frustrations into you. Now here you were, panties ripped off, legs wide open, Spencer deep inside you with his hand placed on your neck.
You couldn't tell how many times you came just in this position alone, you couldn't keep count. His hand gripped your through, affecting the way your brain functioned. You felt with every thrust of Spencer's hips you would lose brain cells... creating the dumb cock whore that Spencer ached to achieve. Spencer's hand applied more pressure to your throat as he thought of what happened at work, how while section chief Erin Strauss critiqued his work, people were being murdered.
"As if my 187 IQ wasn't enough for her." He started, his hand on your thigh being slammed down past your face and into the wooden table he was drilling you into. " I mean, I've been at this place for over 10 years... I know what I'm fucking doing"
You came again, not able to keep yourself from unraveling now. His hand on your throat was constricting your moans, completely silencing them as the only thing that could come out of your mouth was soft gurgles. You loved this feeling, knowing that at any moment if you didn't like it you could alert Spencer and he'd stop immediately. I guess you could say that Spencer's care for you never disappeared after prison, he would go on to say that it strengthened his love for you. He had this picture of you that you had sent him in one of your many letters, he kept it with him everywhere he went for it was the only thing that kept him sane.
One time a fellow inmate saw it, snatched it from him, and digested every single inch of you. He went on to explain the disgusting things he would do to you if he got the chance, that is exactly why Spencer came home to fuck you nice and good every night. Because if he wasn't the one to do it, he knew that other people would take you for granted, they would spend only minutes with you... ignoring what you needed and taking what they wanted. You would feel incomplete, unsatisfied, and completely in denial that love existed. You would assume love was only made for books and movies, that no one could show you the love you deserved. This is the love you deserve. You deserve a love that could have you coming undone over and over again, a harsh and mean kind of love but that always ended with soft kisses and a nice hot bath. A love that was sour at first but ended sweet, making sure that the words "i love you" were carved onto your skin.
"You wouldn't do that would you?" He whispered into your ear, his grip on your throat as he waited for your response. " You don't think I'm stupid ...hmm?"
His cock was too deep inside you, it was deep enough to have you going cross-eyed and unable to speak. Your moans became audible now, no longer being stuck in your throat due to his pressure being released. His pace was still inhumanly fast, not stopping even for a second. The table had started to shit forward, being scrapped across the floor and probably worrying the downstairs neighbors. You were on the verge of cumming again, your mind not even able to comprehend his question until you felt a harsh sting on your cheek. Spencer had slapped you across the face, growing impatient while waiting for your answer.
"Answer me...." He hissed out, leaning down and taking his lips to yours. He bit down on your lip, creating a pain that shot through your body. "Or I'm going to make you cum over and over and over again until you can't think of anything else besides my cock deep inside your tight little pussy..."
You could taste blood now, your lip bleeding and seeping into your mouth. His words created this deep, rough knot in your stomach. It wasn't like the rest of the orgasms you had tonight, no it was more intense. It hurt, painful with every thrust of his cock. It created a deep pain and pleasure dynamic in your body but felt like something was trying to claw itself out of your body.
"Fuck..." You screamed out, grabbing onto him and digging your fingernails into his back. "No I wouldn't! Fuck... I wouldn't! I won't!"
You finally replied, hoping with those words he would deepen his thrust if that was even possible. Spencer just grinned down at you, placing his head in between your shoulder blade and your neck. He set soft kisses to the skin, his warm lips against your burning skin. Spencer was close, your words pushing him further to the edge. The feeling inside your stomach didn't stop or dull, it only got worse. You were screaming now, Spencer's hand lingering on your neck but sitting gently on your skin. Spencer picked up his speed, the table scraping against the floor even harder.
You couldn't handle it, everything around you becoming so far away yet being so close. The feeling got to a point of feeling terrifyingly painful but also so potent of pleasure and so bewitching that you didn't want it to end now. A couple more of Spencer's deep and harsh thrusts sent you over the edge, the painful knot in your stomach snapping and shooting liquid out of your body. It was the first time you had ever squirted, the feeling so glorious that you wished it would happen every time. Your vision went out, only seeing light and hearing Spencer's soft moans as he finished inside of you. The world felt like it ended, nothing to be seen or to be experienced... just emptiness but complete fullness all at the same time.
"Good girl..." You heard Spencer's words echo through your now-empty mind. You couldn't tell if your eyes were closed or not. "You did so good for me honey... I'm so proud of you."
Those single words were all you needed to hear as you floated back to earth and into your body, you blinked a couple times... forgetting where and who you were for a split second. You came back to see Spencer brushing your hair back from your sweaty face, his face inches from yours as his face filled with concern that maybe he had broken you finally.
"There she is..." He chuckled softly, kissing your lips softly. " There's my girl..."
You gave him a weak smile, raise your hand to rest on his cheek. You rubbed it softly, feeling the growing stubble on his face. He was just as sweaty as you, his body hot to the touch. You two probably looked insane, one of you barely able to walk looking beat the hell up and the other one scratched up and drenched with liquids. Spencer gently slid himself out of you, watching you wince softly as it felt like he was connected to you at this point.
"Sorry..." He whispered, taking your hand in his as he rubbed your thigh gently "I was too rough huh?"
Rough was not even close to what Spencer was. He was brutal, sadistic, barbaric but you couldn't deny that you would choose it over compassion any day. You began to think that maybe prison was the best thing that could've happened to Spencer Reid, not only was he a genius but he now had a powerful glow to him. Shy kisses and longing gazes were a thing of the past for you two, Spencer knew what he wanted and he was going to get it.
"You were just rough enough..." I chuckled, feeling nothing but content and at peace in this moment.
Spencer laughed with you, pecking your lips one last time before pulling away from you. He looked around, his eyes landing on the couch. He smiled, walking over and leaving you but only for a second. He came back with a blanket, wrapping it around you then picking you up bridal style. You thanked him silently because you knew there was no way you were getting off the table without some kind of help.
"To the bath you go..." He joked, holding you close to him as he walked you to your shared bathroom. 
You looked into his eyes and at the right lighting, the right moment, you looked into his light brown eyes... realizing that this is Spencer Reid. This is Spencer Reid damaged, polluted, and bruised... but it was still the man you fell in love with all those years ago.
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apclyptc · 8 months
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DUMB— chris sturniolo x reader
synopsis: reader is smart and top of her class in college. chris however, is not too interested in her intelligence.
warnings: full on smut, swearing and also drinking/smoking, use of the pet name baby, use of the word slut, dumbification, oral (f! receiving), unprotected sex
“hit her from the back she can’t do nothing but yell,
and she smart as fuck i got this bitch straight out of yale”
Ever since you were younger, you seemed to have a gift for memorising and holding information. Because of this, people assumed you studied constantly.
Obviously, you did study. But it wasn’t like you didn’t have a social life. You enjoyed college parties like any other person would.
So when a guy in your class invited you to his frat house for a party, of course you didn’t refuse.
The only thing was, this guy just happened to be Chris.
He was in your social studies class, usually sat at the very back with a couple of his friends in the lecture. You knew of each other, having shared mutual friends from other classes. You’d never really spoken to him one-to-one, mainly because he was always socialising with pretty much everyone, and while you weren’t shy, you also weren’t a huge fan of jumping into conversations with people who all knew each other prior.
It also didn’t help that Chris was the most attractive man you had seen in college, or maybe in your life.
You were good at hiding it, but he made you nervous. Of course, when he invited you to his fraternity house, you faked an air of confidence so you didn’t weird him out.
“Hey, it’s Y/N, right?” Chris began, and when you affirmed with a nod he continued, “I’m throwing a party tonight, you should come.” He threw a smile in your direction, and you pushed down the immediate feeling of giddiness before answering.
“Yeah sure, sounds good. When does it start?” You asked nonchalantly as you could.
“Around 10. You can come whenever, it will be on way into the morning anyway.”
“Great. Am I good to bring a couple friends?” You replied, not wanting to walk into a party alone.
“Yeah that’s fine with me. Ask your friend Lola, my buddy Nate has a thing for her. Just don’t tell him I told you that.” He smirked at you.
That smirk. You wished you could see that smirk while he was hovering over you as he sla—
“Lola, yeah! I’ll bring her along with me.” You snapped out of your less than decent reverie and gave Chris a response.
“Perfect. I’ll see you there, Y/N.” He gave a quick glance up and down your body before turning and walking away from you.
It was then you realised, you had absolutely nothing to wear. Plus, since Chris just personally asked you, you decided you may as well dress as hot as possible.
Y/N: hey lola, frat party tonight?
Lola: do u even have to ask??? usually it’s me dragging u to these things
Y/N: true lmao. i’m gonna need to borrow something from ur closet
Lola: ooooh why, do u need smth slutty?
Y/N: maybe
maybe i was personally invited by the party thrower
Lola: who
Y/N: chris 😇
Lola: GIRL-
ok ok i’ll give u the sluttiest thing i can find
come over later and we can pick something out for u
A couple of hours later once you were finished at college, you headed to your best friend Lola’s dorm.
You two had spent what seemed like hours choosing each other’s outfits.
“By the way, a little birdie told me that Nate has a thing for you.” You eyed Lola up, knowing she had a soft spot for him.
“Oh, really? That’s interesting. Totally unrelated but would you still happen to have that box of condoms I gave you for secret santa last year?” Lola gave you a suggestive look, raising her eyebrows.
“Of course. Already put two in my bag.” You both laughed.
You arrived at the party at 11:27, mainly because no one turns up to a party on time, but also because Lola took a ridiculous amount of time to get ready.
You met up with a couple of girls from the dorms opposite Lola, seeing as they were also invited.
As soon as you arrived, you were immediately shown to the kitchen where an array of bottles were displayed.
Vodka, whiskey, rum, tequila and practically any spirit you could think of, were decorated around the kitchen.
You grabbed two cups, one for you and Lola, and filled it with vodka and soda.
“Hey, I think I see Nate and Chris over there.” Lola points behind you through to the games room, where lo and behold, Nate and Chris were playing what looked like an intense game of beer pong.
The two of you walked over to them, Nate noticing you first.
“Hey! Come help me win the game, Lola.” He gestured for her to play with him.
Chris had then turned around to see you, that smirk appearing yet again.
“You gonna help me?”
You took a quick swig of the contents in your cup before joining Chris at the table.
“Atta girl. Nice of you to bring Lola for my bro.” He spoke in a low voice so that only you could hear.
“Chris, stop flirting and throw the damn ball.” Nate teased, and you felt your cheeks grow red.
Chris threw the ball into the cup closest to him, the object landing into the beer and making a splash.
“Drink up, fool.” he glanced at you to make sure you were watching.
After a while, you had enough to drink to give you a confidence boost, and were now invested in the game of beer pong.
It was down to one cup each, and you had to make the final shot.
“Come on, Y/N,” Chris spoke from behind you, “you got it.”
It was too hard to concentrate with his voice so close to your ear, and his body so close to yours. You threw the ball, but it narrowly missed the cup.
“Yes! Chris you’re a loser!” Nate laughed at his best friend across from the table, throwing his arm around Lola who had locked eyes with you as he did this.
‘Don’t forget the condom’, you mouthed to her playfully, and she winked, pointing to her pocket.
Nate and Lola had then disappeared together, leaving you alone with Chris.
“Sorry I missed the cup.” You joked.
“Apology accepted. You wanna smoke with me?” He pulled out a perfectly rolled joint from his pocket.
You weren’t a huge smoker, only joining with Lola occasionally when you felt like unwinding.
Nevertheless you agreed, deciding you may as well since you were at a party.
Chris lead you upstairs into his room. Your eyes immediately glanced around the room, taking in its appearance.
Chris sat on the edge of his bed, and you followed.
“Could you get my lighter, it’s in the top drawer over there.” He pointed to the bedside table at the wall, and you grabbed the device, passing it to him which he thanked you for.
“Lola and Nate seem to hit it off.” You spoke.
Chris held the joint between his lips, lighting it before replying, “he’s down bad for her. Has been for a while.”
You giggled to yourself, knowing Lola felt the same about him. It was a good feeling for you, because you knew Nate was a nice guy.
“They’re a good match. Nate’s a good guy for her." You responded, watching Chris take the first hit of weed and exhaling the thick smoke.
“Yeah? Is that what you’re into? Nice guys?” He asked you, taking another hit before passing it to you.
You took the joint from his hand and inhaled.
“I guess. I think I prefer someone more… unpredictable.” You had Chris in mind as you answered. You had yet to figure out why he invited you here himself, since you didn’t know each other that well.
“In what way?”
“I don’t know, someone I can’t figure out. I like to be kept on my feet, someone like Nate is easy to understand because he’s straightforward. Which is great for Lola, she deserves someone who is like that.” You thought about all the past few guys Lola had a thing with. They weren’t that nice.
You passed the joint back to Chris who had his eyes trained on you as you spoke.
“So you like the tension, not knowing when or if someone wants you.” He tried to understand.
“Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice when it’s easy. But..” You trailed off.
“It’s more fun not to know.” Chris finished your trail of thought as if he knew the feeling.
A comfortable silence sat between you, passing the joint back and forth until it was gone.
“I have a question.” You asked, breaking the silence.
Chris tapped the joint out on his bedside table, and brought his attention back to you, “Go ahead.”
“Why did you invite me here? I mean, it’s not that I didn’t want to come, it’s just that we haven’t really talked much.” You asked, needing to know.
Chris chuckled.
“I thought it was more fun not to know?” He smirked, using your own logic against you.
“Come on! Tell me.” You persisted.
Chris leaned in closer to you, and you could swear your heart was beating out of your chest.
“I always see you in class,” He began to explain, continuing to close the gap between you, “sitting close to the front, answering all the questions. You’re pretty smart, aren’t you?”
The tension was palpable, and you felt yourself grow wetter as his low voice penetrated your ears.
“I want an answer.” He demanded.
“I- I guess so.” Your voice wavered, all of a sudden finding it hard to speak.
“I’ve always wanted to see how long it takes until I can make you speechless.”
And it surely didn’t take long, because in moments his lips were on yours.
It was as if every guy you had dated never existed, the feeling of Chris kissing you overrode any experience you had thus far.
His left hand rested on the back of your neck while his other hand took the opportunity to roam around your body, from your thighs to your chest, until it landed on your waist.
Your hands swiftly made their way to his arm and hair, while deepening the kiss he had started.
In a quick movement he lifted you onto his lap, letting both his hands find purchase on your waist.
With your arms wrapped around his neck, you slowly moved your hips rhythmically, earning a soft grunt from him.
Pulling away, he spoke, “You want to do this?”
You nodded, before asking the same of him.
“Do you?”
That same smirk that sent you reeling reappeared again.
“Does this answer your question?” He grinded his hips upwards into you, allowing you to feel his growing hard-on.
A whine escaped from your lips.
“No more talking.”
You reconnected your lips to his, the energy of the room turning into heated passion.
Chris’ hands slowly dragged down to your ass, kneading them with roughness.
You whined again, unable to stop any sounds from leaving your mouth.
The sound of the ongoing party downstairs could be faintly heard from inside the room, but you paid it no mind. You couldn’t, not while Chris had all his attention on you.
He briefly paused to take off the top you were wearing, and then resumed with his skilled tongue, sliding against yours. He took you off his lap, not separating from you for a moment as he laid you down on your back.
“Such a smart girl in class,” he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it behind him, “Does anyone know that you’re really just a little slut?” He kissed your neck, then your jaw.
“I need an answer.” Chris demanded again, and you rubbed your thighs together in want.
“No.” You breathed.
“No, what?” His hand glided up your thigh, separating them.
“I’m not a slut.” You managed to find words.
“So if I reach in between your legs, right now, you won’t be dripping for me?”
You knew you were.
A hand snaked through your skirt, pulling aside your underwear, and he slowly dragged a finger down your pussy.
“I’ve barely touched you. Do you want me to? Want me to touch you right here?” His finger, coated in your slickness, inched its way inside, just enough for you to feel it, but not enough to satisfy you.
You bucked your hips up, trying to feel something, anything.
But Chris pulled his hand away, causing you to whine in frustration.
Luckily for you, he wanted to feel you so badly, he couldn’t tease you for long. He grabbed the hem of your skirt, pulling it down your legs and threw it in the same direction as his shirt.
“I want to hear you. You love opening that mouth when we’re in class.” And with that, he pulled your underwear aside and attached his mouth straight to your throbbing clit.
All you could do was moan and writhe in his bed as he delved into your wet cunt, licking up all the arousal like a starved man.
Your hands flew to his hair, tugging on it desperately. The vibrations from the groan that left his mouth sent waves of pleasure tearing through your body.
Chris’ hands dug into the flesh of your thighs as they instinctively tried to close around his head.
“Fuck, right there!” You moaned loudly as his tongue dove inside your hole.
One of his hands left your thigh and drew circles on your clit, causing you to arch your back at the white-hot pleasure you felt from his ministrations.
Chris could feel his dick pulsate through his pants at the sounds you were making. He needed to feel you.
“You want me to fuck you, huh? Fill you up good?” He asked, and you knew by now he wanted an answer.
“Please, please, please.” Were the only words you could muster, too high on the feeling Chris had given you with his mouth.
He wasted no time on giving you what you were begging for, quickly discarding his pants and boxers, along with your bra and soaked panties.
Lining himself up with your entrance, he slid his dick over the slick of your pussy and pushed the tip in.
Your eyes had shut in anticipation, but when he made no attempt to move you opened your eyes to look at him.
He had waited until you made eye contact with him before pushing his entire dick inside you.
You both moaned at the full feeling, your walls contracting around him.
After a few seconds, Chris began to move.
Thrusting in and out at a slow pace as if to torture you, he shuddered, revelling in the feeling of your tight cunt.
“Fuck, feels so good baby.” You whined at the pet name, bringing his face down so you could kiss him again.
He started picking up the pace after this, your tongues smashing together in absolute need.
“Faster, faster.” You babbled, drunk off the sensation of his cock piston in and out of you.
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you dumb?” He grunted, loving how you could barely string full sentences together.
“Yes, yes, please. Need you deeper.”
The dirty words spilling from your mouth caused him to moan, and he flipped you onto all fours.
“Wanna see that pretty little ass bounce while I fuck you.” He muttered as he entered you yet again.
His pace was relentless, his balls slapping against you from the way he was pounding deep inside you.
You were just making sounds as you tried to say “Harder, faster, more,” but the words couldn’t form properly.
“The slut wants more? Can’t even speak but you’re begging for more?” He taunted you from behind.
You felt a sharp slap on your ass, followed by a soothing rub directly after. You practically yelled as Chris’ hand came down, your cunt convulsing.
“Knew you’d like that,” he slapped your cheek again, “Can feel you squeezing around me.”
You could feel the knot in your stomach unraveling, and you knew you wouldn’t last longer.
“Chris, gonna cum.” You managed to speak between moans.
“Come on baby, need you to cum while I’m inside you.” He groaned, trying to hold his own release off.
His words guided you right to your orgasm, shaking and crying while you came.
“Fuck, you want my cum inside you? Want me to stuff you full?” His pace was losing rhythm, chasing his orgasm while simultaneously overstimulating you.
“Mm, cum inside me. Want to feel it.” You cried, thrusting into him so you could feel more of him.
“So good, feels so good. Oh, I’m gonna cum inside of you,” Chris rambled, “Gonna fill you up with it.”
His moans were uncontrollable, spilling out of him as he relished in the warm feeling of your pussy.
“Cumming.” He grunted, as ropes of his cum spurted out, coating your insides until there was nothing left.
You both took the time to catch your breath, as Chris pulled out of you with a shaky sigh.
“Let me get you a towel.”
You turned onto your back once more, trying to comprehend the mind blowing sex you just had while dozens of people were partying downstairs.
Chris came back with a towel, cleaning the both of you up and passing you your underwear back.
“Hey.” You finally spoke, tired from all the stamina you had just burned.
“Hey.” He replied back to you.
“That was… amazing.” You sighed.
“Yeah, it was fun.”
You weren’t sure if he wanted you to leave now, or if you were supposed to stay, so you opted to do nothing.
“Let me take you on a date.” He announced, and you laughed.
“Don’t you think we’ve done this all a little backwards?”
Chris smiled and brought your head to his shoulder.
“I guess I’m just unpredictable.”
You then remembered you didn’t even use the condom you brought with you. You’d have to make your first date with Chris a trip to the pharmacy.
a/n haha…. always wear a condom, kids!
hope you enjoyed my first oneshot.
send me any requests you want me to write! i think i’m gonna do an nsfw alphabet next, for chris and matt too
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sanctus-ingenium · 11 months
we need to talk about Inprnt.com
Following a really good post with more screenshots and evidence by @dynasoar5 i'm going to talk about my own experiences with @inprnt and why I am about to put my shop on indefinite hiatus from Monday the 14th of August.
First of all I'll say that since starting my print shop last year it has been a significant help to me financially - I was able to not worry about affording car insurance or motor tax (together commonly over a thousand euro) when I bought my first car, for example. I am immeasurably grateful to anyone who chose to buy one and I treasure all the pictures I've been sent of my prints hanging up on people's walls. Right now they are displayed in a real (if small) art exhibition in my home town.
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(top right print is not from inprnt though)
They're great prints. Never had any complaints about them. But here's what's going on behind the scenes.
Earlier this year, around March or April, Inprnt sales started increasing in regularity. I'd made as much as $600 a week during previous sales when I made proper promo posts here, but with this increase in regularity, I felt that I couldn't make promo posts every single week. And then one day, I'm not sure when tbh, the sale just never ended. It just didn't stop having that "Ending soon! 15% off your order" banner at the top of the site. Right now it says "Final Hours: $5 Worldwide shipping and save up to 35% off your order!" and not even for a second do I believe in this final hours bullshit. It's been 'final hours' for weeks now. Months, even.
Why is this a problem? Well, how tf am I meant to make a promo post for a sale that is always "ending soon!!" and then never ends. One week it'll say "this weekend only!!" and then when the weekend is over, the sale banner just changes its wording and the sale doesn't end. I can't promo this, it makes me look like a liar and a skeevy salesman by association! It makes the site look like it's 1 week from crashing and burning, and the site owners are just scrabbling to suck as much money from artists as possible before they drown.
And they are sucking money from us. To peel back the curtain, Inprnt money can only be transferred to my paypal account 30 days after the sale is made, just in case the order is cancelled and refunded. This means I used to make one withdrawal every couple of months, when there was enough build-up of money to make it worthwhile. It also forbids withdrawing any sum under $50 btw. I would make a withdrawal request and then, after a 10 business day wait, it would reach my Paypal account.
Not anymore! The past few withdrawals have taken over a month to complete. They are straight up keeping my earnings from me for longer the agreed period. This was my last fulfilled withdrawal:
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Note the date.
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Almost two months.
And here is the latest withdrawal request that still has not been fulfilled.
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It's coming up on 1 month and if the pattern continues, it could literally be November or December by the time I fully clear all sales.
So what's going to happen to my print shop? Because my art is currently being exhibited with a QR code linking to the shop, I can't close the shop this week. Instead I will close it on Monday the 14th of August, next week. That means that on the 14th of September, I can withdraw all of the remaining money without having any left over. My account balance will go to 0 and stay there. Although I'll de-list my prints I will leave my account there, because at the end of the day I don't want to leave Inprnt. It still offers the best artist margins and as I'm now unemployed after graduating, the additional support is such a load off my mind. So this is a chance to wait and see - if they improve their services, I'll happily re-open.
It's a big deal to me because selling prints is sort of my ideal life as an artist. I never had the attention span or self-discipline for commission work and I found that it left me creatively stagnant. I always want to try new things, new concepts and ideas, and being able to think "yeah, people will like this as a print" while I experiment is honestly very reassuring. And I know that in going on hiatus, it'll break a lot of "buy a print" links in my circulating posts. Oh well lmao. If you want to buy a print right now - go ahead, it might be your last opportunity. Another way to support me would be to check out my ko-fi for once-off donations or some nice sketchbooks/comics/book samples you can buy, or subscribing to my Patreon.
As of right now, Inprnt owes me $381 (the unfulfilled request submitted above for $186.60 and my current standing balance of $194.80 which takes 30 days from each transaction to clear).
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deoidesign · 18 days
How I save time on backgrounds as a full-time webcomic artist
Hi! I make webcomics for a living, and I have to be able to draw a panel extremely fast to keep up with my deadlines. I draw about 50 panels a week, which gives me about 45 minutes per panel if I want any semblance of a healthy work-life balance.
Most webtoon artists save time on backgrounds by using 3d models, which works for them and is great! but personally I hate working in 3d... I went to school for it for a year and hated it so much I completely changed career paths and vowed never to do it again! So, this is how I save time without using any 3d, for those of you out there who don't like it either!
This tactic has also saved me money (3d models are expensive) and it has helped me converting my comic from scroll format into page format for print, because I have much more art to work with than what's actually in the panels. (I'll touch on this later)
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So, first, I make my backgrounds huge. my default starting size is 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. My panels are 2,500 pixels wide, so my backgrounds are 4x that, minimum. Because of this, I make them less detailed than I could or that you might expect so it doesn't look weird against my character art when I shrink portions of it down.
I personally find it much easier to add in detail than to make "removing" details look natural at smaller sizes, but you might have different preferences than I do.
I also make sure to keep all of my elements on separate layers so that I can easily remove or replace them, I can move them to simulate different camera angles more easily, and it's simple to adjust the lighting to imply different times of day.
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Then I can go ahead and copy/paste them into my episodes. I move the background around until it feels like it's properly fitting how I want.
Once I've done that in every panel, I'll go back through the episode and clean up anything that looks weird, and add in solid blacks (for my art style) Here's a quick before and after of what that looks like!
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This makes 90% of my backgrounds take me just a few hours. This is my tactic when I'm working in an environment that an entire scene, or multiple scenes, will take place.
But many panels will inevitably have a location that's used exactly once, and it would waste time and effort to draw a massive background for those. So in 10% of cases, I just draw the single panel background in the episode. I save all of these, just in case I can re-use it later (this happens more often with outdoor locations, but I save them all nonetheless!)
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I generally have to draw about 2 big backgrounds per episode, and 3-5 single-panel backgrounds per episode! At the beginning of an arc/book the number is higher, but as the series is continuing and I'm building up an asset library of indoor and outdoor elements to re-use for the book, the number generally goes down and I save more time.
My series involves time travel and mysteries, so there's a lot of new locations in it and we're constantly moving around. If I were working on a series that was more consistent in this aspect, this process would save me even more time!
Like I said earlier, this also saves me a lot of pain and gives me a lot more options as I'm converting from scroll format to print format!
panels that look like this in scroll format...
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can look like this in print!
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because I drew the background like this, so I didn't need to go through the additional effort to add in the extra detail to expand it outwards at all.
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Anyways, I hope this helps someone! As always if it doesn't help, just go ahead and disregard. This is what I do and what works for me, and I feel like I only ever see time-saving tips for comics that involve 3d models and workflows, which don't work for me at all! I know there's more people like me out there, so this is for you!
Also obligatory "my webcomic" if you want to see this in action or check it out!
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tia-222 · 7 months
Success Storyy
This is gonna be long one I hope you don't mind I will be leaving from here so maybe my journey could be a little motivation 😅
First of all Tia I really love you and @gorgeouslypink 😭, I've been on the this journey for a very long time since I was like 16,I'm currently 19.
My Journey
After my father's death in 2018,we hit poverty real bad,and I wanted to be there for my mother but all she cared about was her restaurant and my brothers. My father before dying had already named the will under my name when because he wanted my brothers to earn something on their own. But I was allowed to use to use the money when I turn 18. I wanted to get out of the small apartment as soon as possible I found Law of attraction and as we know it was useless for 2 years I wasted my time in law of attraction then on 2020 I found Law of Assumption the best thing honestly.
My LOAssumption journey start during the pandemic,when everything shut down and my mom's restaurant closed. My living condition wasn't the best even before the restaurant was opened,we would earn $90 - $100 dollars a week sometimes even less but it wasn't enough for us because my mother have to give half of it to 3 of the workers,pay our electric and water bill,our rented apartment and my elder and younger brother's college and school fee.
I was the only one studying in a community high school from 3 the of us,both my brothers were in were in private college and school,I didn't had the best relationship with my mother she have always prioritised my siblings because they were boys and never really cared about me both my brothers had their own rooms while I was asked to sleep in the living room's couch.
At that point life was bearable for me,I had even manifested a part time job and was thinking to move out. But it wasn't all easy for me when the lock down was announced I saw how my mother would worry about everything even if she didn't like me I still was the only one who worried about her condition but my brothers were brat and didn't really help for 20 year old my elder brother was too immature and i didn't liked him at all.
And as everyone was there at home 24/7 I start finding it hard to manifest because my circumstances were very unbearable and I couldn't stay in a state. Then is stumble upon Void state and all I knew is i overcomplicated it, I wasn't able to persist in one method,I would constantly change method it continued till this year and then I went back again to LOA for my rescue and then again it was hard for me to manifest big desires and then here I was back again to Void.
How and when did I enter
Since the last week of October I was again persistent to enter void I read every single post properly and was motivated to enter void from there I made a routine but guess what I failed again because of my lazy ass.
About 2 weeks agoi saw a success story by a blogger I forgot her user name but it was Vixen she basically entered through lucid dream and i realized that through out my void journey I never gave importance to lucid dreaming,so why not try become lucid.
My biggest problem was I couldn't choose what affirmations I should use and I was never confident about waking up in void like not at all.
So I just choose one askfirmation to affirm it all the time"Why do I lucid dream every night?".
Along with that I choose random subliminals.
And I also did psych-k 10 mins not specific time I would do it everytime I'm free.
And I did it only for 9 days. And on 17th of November I officially entered void and affirmed that I always enter void whenever I want.
On 18th of November I made a list of my desires and enter void again official manifested my dream life and I revised my father's death along with that I manifested a new biological mother and also new siblings.
(Don't come at me for changing my mother and siblings I have my own reasons)
I even shifting to my DR I was a in 1940's it was really amazing.
Honestly if I say I'm pretty much of a procrastinator and even doing this easy routine was kind of difficult for me but if you are a person who is consistent then you definitely will lucid dream within a week.
I will be leaving Tumblr forever btw. So farewell to my fellow shifters and manifesters. May you all succeed in manifesting your dream life as well and never give up easily Bye bye✨
Once again I luv you Tia and pink.
I am literally so happy for you, my love and your success story is so heartwarming. You've been through so much and wow your persistence really pushed through. Thank you so much for sharing your success story and how you got in. Enjoy your dream life to the fullest, angel, and enjoy your adventures to your drs. I love you so much more <33
@gorgeouslypink ‧₊⋅♡🪐
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
By the way, you can say you hate characters and STILL admit that they were abused or harassed. There's literally nothing wrong. Denying it or romanticizing it because of a strange kink of yours won't make your hate any less evident, trust me.
Rhaenyra was abused. She's continuously taken advantage of, and brushed away the moment she isn't needed anymore. And she experiences this first hand with her own father, who completely ruins motherhood for her when she grows up watching Aemma get impregnated and either miscarry or have the baby be stillborn or die in the cradle. If Viserys had been by her side as a supporter to her claim since the start, he wouldn't have gotten Aemma pregnant again and again in the pursuit of a male child. He wouldn't have married Alicent for the same reason. Even after, the only reason why he still stands by her side, and it's time the fandom accepts this, it's solely because of his grief and guilt, because Rhae is the only remnant of Aemma.
And there it starts. Firstly, groomed and left alone naked and alone by her uncle in a brothel. Secondly, slept with Criston Cole (although she did coerce him, that's still a literal TEENAGER) then she's married to a gay man and still approached super young by her new bodyguard and just one year later she's started giving birth to his children. (Side note: FUCK Rhaenyra x Harwin. FUCK with reverb. With hard K.)
And up to this point, most fan agree that she's had a shitty life, although I don't agree with some of her choices. (like her treatment of Criston Cole and the bastards, not because I'm some kind of bigot, but because passing bastards as trueborn in THAT precise world sets them up for failure, not being legally deserving of a thone DOES NOT mean me hating them. That's for another post.)
To top it all off, she meets her uncle again, and there starts the fanfic self insert. They have sex on a beach the day of Laena's funeral, the only one of the three wives he's ever been canonically loyal to (FUCK you writers) and fans think it's soulmates meeting again or sum shit. They subtly threaten Laenor to fake his death or actually die (that's what they were trying to do, cope harder) and marry mere days after the death of Laena.
Yes, all cute and romantic (for Dumbnyras twats) but literally, has it done anything good? For Rhaenyra or like, anyone else? It just brought Daemon closer to the line of succession. Literally. That's all the good it has done.
Fast forward to ep 10. How do I even start with this? Only Jace seems to be on Rhaenyra's side. It's clear he only obeys to Daemon out of fear and is scared to talk back to him. Meanwhile, he COMPLETELY disregards his wife's, and by his faction's loyalties, QUEEN's, orders, he ignores her wails of pain as she miscarries their daughter out of pure shock and grief for her father's death. He lashes out and chokes her on the same day and people still see him as the malewife to Rhaenyra's girlboss. They're always ready to do award-deserving mental gymnastic to justify this man.
"He was planning war because he wanted to distract himself!!!!" "He only choked Rhae because he was mad at Viserys, he'd never hurt her!!!!!!"
Fuck off. Coming from probably Rhaenyra's #1 hater. Fuck. Off. Don't say you care about her place in the view of men when you're ready to justify shit like this.
This is the same man who runs off and has an affair with a teenager, and then prefers going on and having a badass death instead of joining his wife and children who need him in King's Landing.
Do I like Rhaenyra? No. Do I think that, because of this, she's never been abused, or exploited in any way, in her life? ALSO no. My distaste for her character has NOTHING to do with Viserys, Criston, Daemon, Harwin or literally ANYONE ELSE in her life.
Alicent Hightower time, baby.
My mother, my aunt, my grandmother, my entire bloodline, my Roman Empire. And more. To anyone who thinks of her as nothing but a bitter/jealous girl, go read @feretrumdulcia 's post about this matter cuz there's literally no one I've seen that words it better. (And bub if you're reading, long live you and the way you think.)
Anyone who can read this and argue that Alicent is envious/jealous or bitter, honestly needs to take the heart shaped sunglasses off, get off tumblr and Ao3, learn what media literacy is and start learning how to possess a crumble of it. To us it makes sense to synpathize with both, because we've seen the big picture. To Alicent, Rhaenyra gave her virtue to the man that almost killed her brother, and chose to believe she did not out of trust and maybe nostalgia for her friendship and easier times, only to have her father be blamed and taken away from her as a result.
She has four kids in the span of, how much? Five, six years? Seven at best? Helaena and Aemond are NINE MONTHS APART. Viserys didn't even let her rest after she gave birth to her daughter. And I'm convinced 100% that he kept her as Idk some whore he didn't need to pay for because it's stated that he never wanted Aegon but the son he butchered Aemma for. Why keep on bedding her and forcing children on her when you'd never get what you want from her?
Throughout the series she's called bitter and downright a c*nt for this and that reason. She tries convincing Viserys that Rhae's children are CLEARLY bastards and she's setting herself and them up for failure by committing treason and putting them on the throne? Nah, power hungry, jealous, bitter. She marries Helaena to Aegon as a last resort because she's Valyrian and probably would've received proposals worse than the ones Rhaenyra made that would eventually convince Viserys to give her away? Hates her daughter, abuser, shitty mom. Rhae's sons slit her son's eye out instead of running when they had the chance and she rightfully lashes out? Nah, crazy ass, for the dungeons. She gives money and moon tea to her son's rape victim to ensure she gets a way out and isn't forced to have a baby she doesn't want? Bruh, rape apologist. She goes to Aegon and RIGHTFULLY disciplines him? Abuser. Forced to show her feet to a rancid filthy man to know where her son is? Upholds the patriarchy, hypocrite. She convinces Aegon to start fighting for her family because it's either them or the Blacks and he needs to start putting his life together and fight for them, so she crowns him and makes him King? Treason, deserves death, long live the brothel queens.
Somehow, it is ALWAYS HER FAULT. And those few that admit how wronged she was make fun of her.
CAN SHE FUCKING WIN?! Or y'all just hate her because she isn't Valyrian?
Btw almost all of these arguments are the same for Book!Alicent who I personally believe to be FAR MORE than just a bitter stepmom that hates her stepdaughter. She arguably has more reasons to start a coup against her in the books without that prophecy shit.
TLDR; It's OKAY to hate characters and admit they're abused and taken advantage of at the same time. You don't have a moral high-ground on no one because you hate or love a character instead of the other.
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shanastoryteller · 6 months
Happy Holidays Shana!! I really love your prompts about Greek mythology. Could you write a continuation of Hades or God's and Monsters?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Zagreus is mid word when he stills, eyes going distant. "Huh. I'll be right back."
"You're joking," Megaera says flatly. "You can't just drop this on me and-"
"Technically, Than did that." He would really prefer if Zagreus didn't pull him into this. "I'll be quick. She's calling me, it can't be anything good."
"Who's she?" Megaera demands but Zagreus is already gone. She scowls and turns to the others. "Who's she?"
"Eliana, maybe," Sisyphus offers, completely unruffled at Megaera's ire. "At least take a look out the balcony. This is the highest point in the court and the view is really spectacular."
It is. Thanatos hadn't known the underworld could be beautiful before he'd seen what Zagreus had built.
Her eyes narrow. "How long has this been going on?"
"Oh, I can't say for sure," Sisyphus shrugs, his lips almost curling into a smile. "I wasn't really there for the beginning."
"I was."
They both turn to Patroclus. Eurydice is the only one of them that's suitably wary of either him or Megaera.
"He grew poms in my clearing first," he continues. "It's where we grew things until it became too full and then he created this. Zagreus has woven protections around it, to keep others from stumbling upon it accidentally, but I'm sure you could find it if you looked."
Megaera crosses her arms. "I'm not leaving."
Patroclus shrugs. Eurydice looks longingly towards the door and Sisyphus seems to actually be enjoying himself.
Thanatos stiffens, pain with no physical cause blooming from his chest. "He's died."
"Really?" Eurydice asks, taking a step closer. "He doesn't really do that anymore."
"Except for show," Sisyphus adds, frowning. "But you're both here."
Before Thanatos can decide how he feels about that, Zagreus is slipping back through the mirror, flicking off blood from his arms. "Sorry about that, Artemis wanted a favor."
Thanatos cannot have heard what he thinks he did.
"Artemis?" Megaera repeats dangerously.
"Oh, she told Aphrodite by the way," he adds casually, then pauses. "Actually, she was pretty surprised to see me, so I guess Artemis just called me and let her figure it out herself. Cold."
"Well, this is all unraveling," Patroclus says, but he doesn't seem that worried about it. Not nearly worried about it as Thanatos thinks he should be.
Zagreus shrugs. "They can keep a secret. Also it's been almost fifty years already, this can't go on forever. I suppose I could just challenge Demeter outright?"
"Do not do that," Eurydice says.
Thanatos wants to sit down.
"Have you LOST YOUR MIND?" Megaera screeches, grabbing Zagreus's shoulders. Her nails dig into him, but he doesn't bleed. "You can't do this! You can't - have you - this is crazy!"
Zagreus shrugs, pressing her nails deeper into him. "What's she going to do? Kill me?"
"There will be war," Thanatos says quietly while Megaera seems lost for words.
"Long overdue, if you as me," he says casually. "She's killing a lot of people, Than. She's undermining the other gods and making things worse for everyone all because she lost her daughter. She's turning against her own domain because her grief is more important than her duty. I can't make my mother talk to Demeter. But I have the power to stop her, to put an end to this winter. So I have to stop her."
"This isn't your responsibility, Zag," Thanatos says quietly.
"No," he agrees, expression souring. "It's my mother's. But if the goddess of spring won't do her duty and put an end to winter, then I will."
"Why?" Megaera asks, something small and scared in her that Thanatos hasn't seen since the first time she heard of Zagreus attempting to escape. "Why does it have to be you?
"I am a son of life's beginning and of life's ending." Zagreus says gently. "I know there is balance. I exist because of that balance. When I was born, I had too much of my father, and Nyx filled me with my mother's blood, because I can only exist when there is both." Thanatos hadn't known that, hadn't known how exactly his mother managed to save a stillborn Zagreus. "Who else, Meg?"
She doesn't have an answer.
There isn't one.
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hueningsloverr · 5 months
౨ৎ kiss her you fool !
pairing: established relationship!beomgyu x reader summary: dating beomgyu was rocky, simply because he didn't know how to kiss you. or how to ask. or when. luckily, he had his friends to guide him through it. word count: 1.0k extra: inspired by kids that fly's 'kiss her you fool'! apart of my valentines day series
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beomgyu was not one to do things simply because it was asked of him. he 'marched to the beat of his own drum', or so his mom always told him growing up. and while it was his best quality, it was also his fatal flaw.
"no, we haven't kissed yet." he groaned, throwing his head back on his pillow as kai and taehyun laughed at him. it was an embarrassing thing to admit. six months dating, and he still hadn't worked up the courage to ask to kiss you.
he'd never kiss you without asking. his mom had raised him 'right'. and soobin would kill him if he tried.
kai continued snickering, even after beomgyu had practically rocket launched his pillow at the younger teen.
kai of all people was not one to laugh at others romantic endeavours, not with the state of his own love life.
"you gotta just ask man!" taehyun howled, falling back on himself as he clutched his sides, laughing so loudly beomgyu worried his parents would hear.
"you try to have a significant other!" beomgyu shot back, "a partner, who at that, is the prettiest person alive!"
kai's voice held a mocking tone, and then it was taehyuns turn to harass the boy. "it can not be that hard man!" kai giggled, as if he was a teenage girl on the phone. "just be like, hey, your lips and my lips would make an awe- ow! taehyun!"
taehyun grinned, turning his attention back to beomgyu. "the idiot's not wrong. just be polite. she's probably waiting for you to kiss her."
bviously, beomgyu was aware of that fact. he had long since stopped making excuses of his behalf, at this point it was simply a lack of guts. he had the rest of his life to live, so what if he embarrassed himself once in high school?
"don't be afraid dude," kai chimed in, and taehyun had half a mind to tell the teen to shut it. yet, kai was kai. he always made somewhat decent points at the end of the day. "dreams aren't found, they're made."
taehyun cackled, an exasperated, unbelievable, cackle. "shut up man!" he laughed, but beomgyu drowned out his younger two friends. they both were right.
quickly grabbing his phone, he texted you to meet him outside your house in 10 minutes. and with that he set off.
"i'll be back in a bit, you guys can leave whenever you want." he mumbled to his friends as he grabbed his coat and scarf off of his desk chair and sped out the door.
kai and taehyun were left completely clueless, but still giggling like mad men.
a quick walk through the park by your side, you practically freezing the entire way, was all beomgyu needed for a confirmation. he knew in most situations in life, he had endless attempts, yet somehow in that one moment it felt like he only got one chance.
stopping briefly at the steps to your house, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. he had half the mind to check it, but then he noticed you walking away.
"hey," beomgyu called out, his hand loosely reaching to grasp your wrist. it felt like every cliche moment in a movie ever. you always liked watching those movies this time of year. when the snow piled up so high outside it was a surprise school wasn't canceled, and the only thing left to do was watch movies.
"hm?" you grinned, turning back to look at your boyfriend. the streetlamp above gave you an etherial glow, and beomgyu felt his heart stop beating for a moment.
"don't go just yet." he whispered, inching closer. "there's more i want to say - more i want to do."
a soft look of surprise coated your face, and suddenly it was far too hot for it to be the middle of february. "what was it you wanted to say?" you mused, leaning closer to your boyfriend.
he felt his brain shut down.
there was no where to go.
no place to hide.
life presented him with two options, and neither seemed truly appealing. he could either let you go, or ask.
"i really like you," he blurted out, noticing how antsy you had become. you looked as uncomfortable as he felt - how fitting. "and i was wondering, you know, since we've been going out for so long…"
you leaned in again, as if following so closely behind his words you could guess what would come next.
"can i kiss you?"
your words caught him off guard. it wasn't supposed to go down like this - he was supposed to be the one to ask. it was supposed to be his romantic gesture.
beomgyu felt as the heat rushed to his cheeks, and he felt like all his defences had been knocked down. "oh," he managed to let out, eyes wide yet still so soft. all he could do was nod; a hesitant nod that said it all.
'i've been waiting for this'.
and before he could react, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his in a gentle yet determined kiss. his heart skipped a beat as he melted into the embrace, his mind going blank as he lost himself in the moment.
pulling away, beomgyu let out a soft gasp, and he watched in awe as you melted away from his grasp, up the steps, and into the warmth of your home. he could slowly feel the world around him shift back into focus, and the cold breeze began to penetrate his jacket.
it was still february after all.
and so, as he made his way back home, stumbling like an idiot drunk in love, he finally remembered to check his phone. his home screen was littered with notifications - mostly mundane things like a 394 day streak on duolingo to uphold, and pinterest board recommendations - but the most prominent was the oldest.
a simple text from taehyun that read "kiss her you fool!"
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authors note: part 3!!! i've yet to have my first kiss... this may be wildly inaccurate. it most likely is. idk. also this is so late oh my god i meant to post it on like tuesday or wednesday but kept rewriting the kiss part😭
©2024 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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teenidlegirl · 8 days
⠀⠀♡ . ˚◞ cop!miguel 𝓍 teacher!reader (part 3) .ᐟ
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⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who continues having those dreams of you. never in his life someone has had such an impact on him to the point of infiltration.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who overthinks of possible ways of asking you on a date, or at least in a way. it’s too soon but perhaps a simple conversation over coffee or something would be a good start.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who is too deep in his thoughts that he didn’t hear his daughter calling for him.
“¿mande, mija?” he blinks, looking up from his now slightly cold cup of coffee.
the little girl giggles. a bowl of cereal in front of her. “whatcha thinking about, papí?”
“nada, mija. just thinking about i’m going to do today.” it’s a little lie but it won’t hurt.
she giggles and shakes her head. “are you thinking about my teacher?”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who remembers how smart and perspective his daughter is. she may be 10 years old but she’s a smart cookie, a little detective.
“what makes you think that, princesa?” he sips his coffee, ignoring that it’s now cold.
“i see how happy you are talking to her.”
yep, smart little cookie.
“i like talking to her, she’s very nice.”
“you like her, papí!” gabriella squeals.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who suddenly feels shy and a bit embarrassed. his daughter figured him out. her dad likes her teacher, and it’s the truth.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who almost choked on his coffee when gabriella asks him if he’s going to ask you out on a date. she is truly smart.
“where are you taking her? are you gonna buy her flowers? oh you should get her the prettiest bouquet! you should also buy her favorite candy!”
gabriella seems so enthusiastic about her dad and teacher on a date. throwing out suggestions here and there left miguel speechless. they are nice suggestions but it seems a bit too much since it’s not a date, just a simple hangout. he’ll keep those suggestions in mind for the future.
“those are great suggestions, mija, but i’m not asking her on date.” his face and heart drops when gabriella’s smile turns into a frown.
“why not? you like her, don’t you, papí?” she asks with sad puppy eyes, miguel’s weakness.
“i do.” a chuckle escapes his lips. “we have to get to know each other before going on a date.”
now her frown turns into a confusing one. “i thought that’s the whole point of a date?”
okay, that’s kinda true.
“well, yes but we should talk a little before going on a date. just to know a little about each other and see if it’s okay to go on a date. ¿entiendes?”
she thinks for a moment before answering. “oh okay! so, since it’s not a date yet, where are you planning on taking her to ‘talk’?” she did air quotes.
now miguel is the one to think, pondering the question. “no sé… i’ll have to figure it out.”
“hmm… oh! what about that new bakery? you can take her there to try out their sweets!”
oh, she really is a smart cookie. miguel beams at the idea, it sounds perfect. he does remember that new bakery just down a few blocks. it’s been praised and received very well feedback from the public. inviting you to try out the new bakery, something simple yet fun. all he hopes is you like sweets.
“that’s perfect, mija.” he softly smiles.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who helps gabriella get ready for school, doing the usual routine. packing her lunch, filling up her water bottle, preparing her backpack with everything she needs for the day.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who quickly drops her off in front of the school due to a fight at the local costco food court that requires his presence.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who is bummed out he can’t talk to you this morning. he didn’t get to see the slight confusion on your face when you saw gabi wasn’t accompanied by him this time.
as the smart cookie she is, gabriella walks up to you with a smile. “mi papí couldn’t come because he said there’s a fight at the costco food court. but he wanted me to say hi for you!” gabi wanted to make you feel happy and to not worry.
your heart flutters, a wave of relief coursing through you but still a little concern about the fight. hopefully it’s not a bad one. besides who would be fighting in a costco food court? pure stupidity.
“oh okay, well i hope turns out okay and thank you.” you offer a smile, she returns the same smile.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who handles the situation at the costco food court. it turns out two men were fighting over their place in line. one left to go ask his wife for something then return to his spot in line. the other man accused him of cutting. a heated agreement which lead to shoving and pushing.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who arrived right before things were about to get very ugly. the two idiots were taken away and everyone can go on with their day.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who later picks up gabriella from school. parked in the parking lot, waiting inside since he arrived 20 minutes before she gets out. he needs some time to think of how to ask you out to visit the new bakery with him, not exactly a date yet.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who is a little anxious, overthinking of how to bring that topic into a conversation. god he hasn’t felt this since high school, feeling like asking out his crush.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who finally gathers up the courage when the school bell rings. taking a deep breath, he exits out his car and walks over to pick up gabriella. the anxiety still lingers.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who greets his daughter with a hug and kiss on the head before letting her run off to play with friends like usual.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who spots you conversing with a parent but the conversation quickly ends. now, you’re alone for a moment. he takes his chance.
with rolled back shoulders, he approaches you. heart filtering when you notice him and smile at him. the same smile still haunting his dreams.
“buenas tardes, officer o’hara.” you greet him with that soft smile he adores.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who missed how you called him by his first name. remembering how heavenly it sounded from your lips, in your sweet voice.
“no more miguel?” he decides to tease a little.
you softly chuckle, lightly shrugging. “it was just a spur of the moment.”
a grin grows on his face. “it’s perfectly fine. i actually prefer my name than my professional one, especially when i’m not on duty.”
“i like being—“
“polite.” he finishes your sentence in a gentle manner, reciting his own words to himself.
another chuckle from you. “alright, miguel.”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel whose heart flutters once again when you said his name.
“how was the costco situation?” you voice your concern, folding your arms over your chest.
“a little hectic but i arrived before things got ugly. one man accused another man for cutting him in line. luckily, no violence and they were taken away. just two morons fighting, pure stupidity.”
you sigh in relief. “oh that’s good. stupidity in this city never fails to amaze me.”
that elicits a chuckle from him, crossing his arms. “me either, i deal with it everyday.”
“must be torturous.” you chuckle.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who grows nervous again as he prepares to ask you the big question.
he clears his throat, trying to not be awkward despite his flustered state. “speaking of food, h-have you heard of the new bakery that recently opened?”
you shake your head, smiling. “no, i haven’t! i’ve heard their stuff is delicious! i’ve been wanting to go but haven’t gotten the chance to yet.”
oh, this is absolutely perfect.
“me neither, i was actually thinking of taking gabi there on saturday. w-would you…”
oh no, his anxiety makes him trail off. god why is it so hard to ask a simple question? he just wants to ask if you’d want to join them, join him. but his rapid beating heart prevents miguel from doing so.
miguel can tell you’re waiting for him to finish his sentence by that look on your face. you’re patient but silently encouraging him to continue.
just by luck, gabriella comes running back.
“oh, miss! papí and i are going to the new bakery on saturday! do you want to come with us?!” she smiles.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who is now a complete bashful mess. hints of reddish-pink staining his cheeks. tiny droplets of sweat on his forehead. his own daughter just asked you the question he’s been anticipating to ask. basically did his job for him.
he stands there anxiously waiting for your response. the surprise look on your angelic face makes his heart race. is it inappropriate? asking a teacher to join her student and her dad on a family outing. her dad who is very much a single dad.
those negative, anxious thoughts fade away when you finally accept gabi’s offer.
“oh, um i’d love to. i-if it’s alright with your dad.” you nervously glance up at miguel. the only reason you hesitate is because it’s a family affair. very personal and you’re merely a teacher.
of course it’s alright, miguel thought to himself. he wants you to join him and gabi. take you both there to try out some sweets and possibly bond a little. a chance to get to you know more.
“of course. we’re happy for you to come with us.” miguel offers a smile as reassurance, hoping he isn’t pressuring you into accepting the offer.
you mirror his smile. “sounds great.”
he returned home with a big smile on his face.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who is a nervous wreck when saturday arrives. the day you join him and gabriella to visit the new bakery down the block. indecisive on what to wear, something nice but not too fancy. should he gel his hair or not? did he apply enough deodorant numerous times to make sure he doesn’t smell? used the mouth wash several times so his breath isn’t bad. add his cologne as a cherry on top.
why is he feeling so anxious? it’s just a simple visit to the new bakery. it’s not an official date. just you, him and gabi. it’s nothing more serious.
god he hasn’t felt like this since high school.
“why are you freaking out so much, papí?” gabriella asks with a giggle, entering the room. she wears a baby blue dress with daisies imprinted on it.
“i’m not freaking out, just making sure i don’t look or smell bad like usual.” miguel smiles softly.
“uh huh.” she shakes her head, grinning. “you wanna look nice for her! gel your hair, wear something nice, spray tons of cologne.” the little girl giggles.
his shoulders slump a little. a sheepish smile on his slightly bashful face. “well, i can’t be messy or gross when we have a guest with us.”
“well, you look handsome, papí. she’ll think you look handsome.” gabi runs to her dad to give him a quick tight hug before running off.
his smile only grows bigger.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who anxiously waits for your arrival. standing in front of the barkery with gabriella by his side, one hand holding hers.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel whose heart flutters when he sees you approaching. mouth agape and eyes dilated in astonishment, utterly speechless.
there you are, gracefully walking down the sidewalk. wearing a beautiful dress with a pair of white converse. dear lord, an angel is approaching him. the sunlights makes you glow beautifully. you are the definition of ethereal perfection. the physical form of beauty. so beautiful that makes his heart swoon. he’s going on a date, well not exactly a date, with an angel? it’s unbelievable to him. an honor to be in your presence. god he swears his knees almost buckled.
“officer o’hara.”
oh that sweet voice of yours. pure music to his ears.
miguel is in pure awe of you. “y-you look—“
“beautiful!” gabi exclaims as she gives you a hug. “look! we’re matching. we both have flowers on our dresses!” she gestures at her dress then yours.
you quickly hug her back. “we do!” you softly chuckle. “you look beautiful too.”
you and miguel share each other’s gazes. both of your hearts fluttering and cheeks slightly blushed.
“nice to see you, miguel.”
“nice to see you too, querida.”
a new pet name. it makes your heart flutter more. miguel realized it slipped through his lips but he noticed you’re elastic about it than uncomfortable.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who opens the door to the bakery, allowing the ladies to enter first as the gentleman he is. gabi enters first then you. your quiet ‘thank you’ paints a smile on his face.
the three of you are in awe of the interior. a mixture of cottagecore and coquette. very cozy vibes with appealing pastel colors and soft lighting.
you try out their sweetbread first then cupcakes. you and gabi get strawberry while miguel gets chocolate. knowing you both have the same favorite flavor puts a smile on his face. watching you two enjoy your cupcakes, laughing and smiling.
you three discuss about the sweets you tried. you collectively agreed it was absolutely delicious and this bakery is amazing.
while indulging in your sweets, miguel obverses you. taking note of the difference between you at work and off work. as a teacher and as an ordinary person. distinguishing the difference. how different you dress. as a teacher, you’re more moderate with sprinkles of style. long skirts either blank or with minimal floral designs. a blouse of neutral colors accompanied with a tiny cardigan for slightly colder days. as an ordinary person, elegant and soft. the dress you’re wearing is more of a sundress.
either style, you’re beautiful.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who takes gabriella to the local park nearby to play at the playground. you tag along due to his and gabi’s wishes.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who watches his daughter run off to the playground and join the other children. both of you smile at the adorable sight.
suggested by you, you and miguel wander around the park while keeping an eye on gabriella. arms just barely brushing against each other as you walk, sending jolts through both your bodies.
“that bakery was amazing.”
“it was, the best cupcakes i’ve ever had.”
“i’m for sure it’s gonna be gabriella’s new favorite place now.” you softly chuckle.
miguel chuckles as well. “i don’t doubt it. she has a sweet tooth so i’m positive she’ll want to visit often.”
you stop walking, he does too, and turn to face him. “thank you for inviting me. i don’t often get asked to go out since i’m busy or they’re busy. it felt nice and i enjoyed spending time with you and gabi.”
oh his heart is swooning. “of course. we enjoyed spending time with you and thank you for joining us. i know it was a sudden offer since we rarely know each other but i hope to continue these hangouts so we get to know each other more. i-if that’s okay?” anxiety kicks in as he anticipates for your answer.
he’s aware how awkward this can be. a teacher spending time with her student’s father. it’s not a usual occurrence so he understands if you have objections to his offer. but deep in his heart, miguel really wants to continue speaking with you.
“i wish to continue these hangouts as well.” you didn’t hesitate to ponder. today’s hangout was perfect and you want to continue being with miguel. with him and gabi, but mainly miguel himself.
his heart flutters once again. his hopes and dreams becoming true. “qué maravilla.”
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ᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁. 𝓣𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓  ˖ ࣪ ༘  @nightingale1011 @snails-doodles22 @planetxella @fatimam6 @resident-clown @tatatida @alegnafox @juneonhoth @scaryplanetdestroyer @eatalyy @kianaliv @reirain @futabaurl @zaunsin @nicolerock @oharaslove @slut4oscarissac23 @misakitenko @zayai @odessa-is-my-queen
© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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dear-ao3 · 2 months
Question for the mods....
Like what???
I am so god damn curious about you two. I wanna study yall under a microscope lol
Also ngl kinda envious of how close of friends you two seem to be. (Being an introverted shy af mofo sucks lmao)
I would actually probably read a whole ass book or watch a sitcom or something of the seemingly ever present weird-ass shit that seems to happen on a day-by-day basis.
/gen /lh /nf /pos
2018 newsies fandom. we weren't overly close but we bonded over race and albert a little and then katya dropped off the face of the earth for about a year.
during 2020 lockdown we both independently got into the witcher fandom and somehow ran into eachother again and had the fingers pointing OH MY GOD Y O U !!! moment in our dms. we bonded over hating jaskier. during this time we realized we were both dancers and katya was looking at dance colleges, i was already in college for dance and since it was lockdown and we couldn't go anywhere i told katya my experience auditioning at places to give him a good idea of places. and then i broke every internet safety rule known to man and said hey what if you had applied to my college but didnt know it?? and then one thing led to another and i dished out all the tea on my school. (only After that did we face reveal and give eachother our names lol) and then katya applied. mostly as a joke. until it wasnt a joke because that school gave katya a shit load of money and actually had stuff katya wanted to do. katya ended up coming to one of my zoom ballet classes and it took everything we had to not loose our shit on camera.
during this time we mostly kept eachother sane in lockdown writing witcher fanfic, and sending eachother awful thirst traps on instagram to pitbull music. one of our awful bits was using the dilf filter to make bad frat boy edits.
come august of 2021 we both moved into college. the same college. in the same building. it was wild. i pinched myself several times in shock. we went on a walk around campus with some worms on strings and were like what the hell how did we get here.
we continued to hang out and did weird insane things together. we took a class on the french revolution together where i had to put up with katya and fennec awkwardly flirting (read: making finger guns at eachother).
and then, since i was 2 years older, i was graduating and was going to stay in the area for a job and was like hey. what if we got an apartment together? and then we did. several adults agreed to this. idk why they let us. but now we live together in a real life apartment and we haven't even killed eachother yet. neither of our parents know that we met online. each of them have a different fake story as to how we know eachother and we really just hope they are never in the same room long enough to ask eachother about it. but its insane. 12/10 would recommend.
katya wanted me to include old tumblr screenshots of us talking, heres what i found from circa 2020:
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we've always been like this lol
and heres some ancient greatest hits from instagram, i dont have context and trust me you dont want it:
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every now and then the two of us look at eachother and go. how the fuck did we end up here??? (we have no idea)
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Mi pequeña ingeniero (My Little Engineer)
Pairing: Sergio Perez x Engineer!Reader
Rating: R
Warnings: Smut, Crash, Angst, Fluff, protective Sergio, daddy kink (leave me alone), disgusting media, age gap (about 10 years), supportive Red Bull, relationship insecurities
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Hi!!! I absolutely adored the lance one and I was wondering if you could write smth similar with checo where the reader is the head mechanical engineer at red bull and Hannah’s (their strategy engineer) friend? You can choose if it is pure fluff or smth fluffy with a hint of smut :)) but basically just checo being a proud boyfriend™️ and everyone loving them after being a bit suspicious cuz like reader is super smart and loyal and kind and that’s abt it💓 (p.s. could you make reader abt 19-22? I wanna see some drama in the headlines 🤭) I just wanted to add that I love your writing and I will definitely be requesting more young!fem!engineer!reader because you just capture my ideas really well (and feed my delulu’s) 🫶🏻
Words: 3.8K
A/N: Thank you so much to the anon who let me bug them with messages about what’d they’d like and if I did something a certain way! I hope you love it
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"Hannah...Why was I hired?" The question was interesting, but the head strategic engineer could understand it. 
You were the youngest on the team. At 20, you were on your way to being the head engineer of Red Bull, even putting Newey at risk for his job. Christian was one of your biggest supporters. Even if he sometimes stuck his foot in his mouth about females in F1, you were the future of Red Bull, and everyone could see it. When news broke of you joining the team at just 17, you were a high achiever who wanted to prove yourself to the world and your family. 
The news ran that you would work for Max, but you put your foot down. You'd work with both drivers and would treat them equally. Watching multiple drivers in the 2nd seater was stressful for you. Having to continually change the drivers, Red Bull finally found their second driver, Sergio Perez. 
The Mexican was, at first, weary of you as he, too, heard you only worked with Max, but after spending 3 whole damn days with you, that opinion changed fast. Sergio respected you and didn't look down on you for your age; it amazed him that you have achieved so much at 20. Max and Sergio worked well together, there was the normal fighting between teammates, and you enjoyed seeing Sergio give Max a run for his money. 
"You're the best at what you do. Besides, you're the only one Checo really listens to." Hannah shrugs as Sergio only makes things easy for the baby engineer. 
You huff at the accusation because he did not make things easy for you. There have been plenty of arguments and yelling between you over the car and what needs to be fixed. Sergio was one to make you work for it, but it also wasn't too hard, but recently, he's been making your life hell. 
"Whatever, I've got to go, Hannah. I'll see you later." You pack up your papers and walk away, heading down the quiet hallway to your office. 
Halfway to your office, you feel arms wrap around you, a scream ripped out of your throat, but it's muffled by a hand. Thrashing around, you stop when you feel warm lips on your neck and that familiar Spanish accent. 
"It's me, azúcar," Sergio whispers, instantly relaxing in his arms. 
"Fuck, Sergio." You sigh, leaning into him as you try to calm your racing heart as the Mexican chuckles, still leaving soft kisses on your neck. 
"You weren't answering my texts. Is there a reason?" He asks, pulling you deeper into the corner so no one would see you both. 
You think about your answer, trying to remember what you were doing when he texted you. You were with Max, going over new ways to get the full power out of the car. Checking your phone, you realized you couldn't answer Sergio while next to Max, so you ignored it. 
"I was with Max. I couldn't answer my phone." You whisper as someone walks past, unaware of the secret couple hiding. 
Sergio stops kissing your neck, his arms tightening around your stomach, almost wincing at the grip as he hums. 
"Azúcar, aún deberías responder cuando te envíe un mensaje de texto. No me importa quién sabe. Eres mía," (Sugar, you should still answer when I text you. I don't care who knows. You're mine) He growls and you whine learning spainsh but no where near to understand what he just said. 
"Checo, I'm learning Spanish. But I don't understand." You huff, making Sergio's grip soften and turn you around, seeing your pout. 
He chuckles and pulls your chin close by his thumb and forefinger, kissing your pout away. 
You pull away, nervous that someone could see you making Sergio sigh, but he understands your reservations. 
"Not here, Sergio." You whisper, hands trailing down his neck, making the older man shiver before standing straight and kissing your cheek. 
"Are you ashamed? Because I'm older?" He can't help but ask. He wasn't the one to hide the relationship. He wanted to show you off for a while, but you deemed it inappropriate. 
"Ser-" You sigh and step away from him, getting your thoughts together before answering. 
"You're a Red Bull driver, Mexico's famed F1 driver, and you're older than me. People would disapprove of me dating you." Sergio wants to laugh, but he understands. The media wouldn't be kind to you. He's seen what fans have done to Kika and Pierre and refused to put you in that position. 
"A la mierda lo que piensa la gente, tú eres quien quiero." (Fuck what people think, you're who I want) He spits, and you understand that one dropping your head and pulling away from his hold, completely already missing his warmth. 
"I have to go. I have a meeting." You pull yourself together and go to leave, but Sergio pulls you into him again and kisses you deeply. You can't help but lose yourself in the kiss, dropping your files as you tug him closer by his hair. 
Kissing him was an addiction. Taking your breath away and leaving you spinning whenever you pull away from him. He was a drug and an addictive one at that. Pulling away, he pulls your bottom lip with his teeth and sucks on it slightly, and let's go. He can't help the low chuckle as he watches your dazed face and how you blink, trying to bring yourself to reality. 
"Cheating." You whisper as Sergio walks past before slapping your ass, making the fog in your brain clear, almost hitting his back. 
He rushes off, leaving you all hot and bothered, knowing you'd be thinking about the kiss for the entire meeting. It was true. You sat there thinking about him for the rest of the day. Thankfully you could go home early after the meeting. Except you don't go home, you go straight to his place. 
You knew he'd be home late, but you still wanted to fix him something to eat, maybe leave right after so he wouldn't have to be worried about setting something after such a long day. You slide the key into the door, walk into his apartment, slide your shoes off, and paddle into the kitchen. Sergio had been homesick recently, and you have been learning more and more about his culture and came across a recipe from Guadalajara called torta ahogada and settled on fixing that for him.
Pulling into his parking spot, he rubs his eyes before looking next to him and seeing your car in the place next to his. The slight smile on his face grows, feeling new energy at you being here. He makes his way quickly up to his place and slowly enters but stops smelling the familiar food of home. 
Seeing you in the kitchen, he drops his bag, but you jump, almost slicing your finger with the knife. Turning, you see Sergio staring at you in awe. You usually didn't cook for him as you tended to get home late. 
"You're cooking?" He asks, taking off his baseball hat and setting it on the counter. 
"Yes. I thought you'd be back later. I was going to leave it here for you." Putting the knife down, you were just finishing having plated the meal. 
"You weren't going to stay? Just make food and then leave?" Anger bubbling in his chest at the fact you refused to stay the night to worry that people would find out. 
"Yes..." You whisper, watching Sergio approach and cage you between him and the counter. 
He reaches down, hands grab your ass, lifts you onto the counter, and squeezes your hips. 
"This is your place too. I want you here when I come home. Your paperwork spread out everywhere, lotions and anything else you want plastered around my place. But, what I want more than anything is being able to spread you wide and bury myself in you." Sergio whispers, peppering kisses over your chest, hands slipping down your pants. 
"Checo....you need to eat." You gasp at the cold tile on your skin as he slowly works your pants off, staring at you. 
"I am about to eat." He whispers, breaking the last of your strength as you lunge forward, capturing him in a heated kiss, having you moan into him. 
Sergio pulls the rest of your pants down and off before hooking his thumbs in the sides of your panties. 
"Can I?" He asks, making you blush at how he always asks permission before touching you. 
"Yes." You nod, too, making him smile and getting down on his knees, pressing open-mouth kisses on your thighs. 
Sergio looks up at you, face flushed and skin warm as your hips arch whenever Sergio moves closer. He smiles, knowing you have no idea that you did it without thinking. Hands gripping the counter when Sergio's hands grab your waist and yank you forward, kissing at the arch of your hips right next to your pussy. 
"Sergio....please." You whimper, hating that he wasn't touching you where you craved him most. 
"Why should I?" He asks, nose brushing you, making your hips jerk up, wanting some friction, but you get nothing as his hands grip you tight, making sure you barely move.
"You like to hide us, but I'm tired of it. No more hiding." He growls, licking his lips, trying to control himself from making a mess of you. 
"I could lose my job, Sergio. I could lose you." The last sentence is barely a whisper, but it has the man stopping and looking up at you. The vulnerability is crystal clear in those gorgeous eyes of yours. The ones that have his heart stop when they land on him. 
"You won't lose me, baby. Never." He whispers, watching his words sink in, your body relaxing and legs spread wider, feeling more at ease. 
Sergio leans forward and licks a strip up you, head falling back, your fingers tangle in his hair just to play with his hair as he ate you. He moves his tongue slowly but attaches his lips to your clit, sucking it before putting your legs on his shoulders and hands on your ass, pulling you into him. 
Taking his time was his favorite thing; he loved how he'd bring you to the brink of your orgasm slowly and how you'd fall apart on his tongue in such a calm and gentle way. His nose rests right against your clit, so whenever you move, his nose sends pleasure through you. 
"Checo." You whisper, looking down at him as his eyes bore into your own; he pulls away, lips shiny. 
"That's not my name, gatito." Your blush returns, biting your lip. It was an accident when you first called him it. During the honeymoon phase, either talking or fucking, he'd gotten you to such a point that calling him just slipped out, but it felt like heaven on your tongue and music to his ears when he was buried in you, basking in the Mexican sun. 
"Daddy...please." You whine, Sergio smirking and closing his eyes as he turns you into mush. 
"Fuck..." You groan, his tongue entering you before pulling away and attaching his lisp to your clit. "M...M close Daddy, please...please." Sergio hums making you shiver from the feeling before Sergio hits that sweet spot, and you moan as he watches you fall apart on his mouth. 
Pulling away, he stands up and catches you as you slump forward in his arms, exhausted from the orgasm. 
"Come on, let's take a bath." He whispers, but you nod, not fully aware yet of what's going on. You come too when you feel the warm water on your skin and Sergio sliding in behind you, wrapping his arms around you. 
"I'm not ashamed of you." Sergio hums as you rest your head on his shoulder, turning your head so your lips are right on his jugular. 
"I know that, baby." He mummers wet hand, pushing back your hair. 
"They'll judge you...and say horrible things about you dating someone so much younger. I don't want that." Voicing your fears, Sergio takes them in, thinking about how he should respond. 
"Don't worry. It's my job to protect you, not the other way around." He kisses you gently, but you turn around and straddle him grabbing his face and making him look at you. His eyes raking over your body before settling on your eyes, falling in love with you all over you again. 
"You're my driver. I'm your engineer. It's my job to protect you, so don't tell me it's not my job, Sergio. It is." You tell him, voice stern, in the way you use when you're both at work together. 
A smile spreads across his face making you roll your eyes, pecking his lips, and climb out of the tub, water dripping down your body, his eyes fucking you. 
"Coming to bed, Mr. Perez?" You ask, walking into the bedroom as he ducks under the water and comes back up, his hair slicked back as he walks into the bedroom. Damn happy this was how your first night over was going. 
"Be careful." You whisper, headset resting around your neck, watching Sergio get dressed. 
"Gatita, I'm going to be okay." (Kitten) He smiles, knowing you were worried about them crashing. 
"Yeah, Y/n, we're going to be fine." Max's voice has both of you whipping around to face the Dutchman as he smiles brightly at the two of you. "Hurry up, we're about to start, so kiss, and let's get a move on," Max remarks, and Sergio stands up straight, his face hardening, getting ready to tell Max to shove it. 
"Are you going to tell?" The fear in your voice has both RedBull drivers staring at you, Max's smile slipping away, realizing you were terrified. 
"No, I was just messing with you both; I'm sorry." He reassures you, seeing Sergio calm down when you relax. 
"I've got to go." You step further away from Sergio as he tries to stop you, but his fingers brush your arm as you rush out of the driver's room. 
"God dammit, Max! Can you ever keep your fucking mouth shut?" Sergio snaps at the Dutchman, who nods, walking out so he doesn't anger Sergio anymore. 
"Woah, hey, careful, Y/n." Hannah grabs your arms, stopping you as you take a deep breath to calm yourself. 
"Sorry. Let's go before we're late." You move out of her hold as you hear Sergio call for you and move fast, ducking to the pit wall and sitting on your chair, the cameras panning to you automatically. 
Hannah follows and sits next to you, both of you pulling on your headphones, looking behind you, seeing Sergio staring at you and holding up the rock and roll sign. But you knew better; he told you he loved you in sign language, a way to talk without people knowing. 
Turning around, you watch the cars file out and get started on the track. 5 deep breaths to settle your nerves as you hear the loud ticking and the engines roar to life as they take off. Watching the screens, you see Max has a great start, but Sergio's is slightly off, and you automatically check that everything is okay. 
Everything comes back normal. Hannah talked to Max and then Sergio, giving them what strategy to do and letting her know if they needed to change. The race continues until lap 42, where everything goes to hell. 
You look up seeing Sergio's car collide with Geroge's. They were battling over P2 and slammed into a corner, and you can't help but freeze seeing Sergio's car flip and roll over multiple times and hit the barrier. 
Seezing up, you don't think twice before hitting his button to speak to him. 
"Checo? You okay?" You release the button waiting for the answer, but you get nothing. 
"Checo? Hit a button or something to let me know you're okay?" You watch the screen seeing the camera zoom in, and you see no movement. 
"Sergio, please answer." You beg softly, everyone waiting with batted breath. 
"Cariño!" You cry into the mic, just wanting to hear his voice, a click, anything to tell you he is alive. 
Christian and Hannah share a look and move to pull you off the pit wall, but they know damn well it'd be a fight to remove you. The rest of the cars file on the pit lane as marshals move quick to the car, but you close your eyes, unable to see them drag him out unmoving. 
"Y/n." Hannah gasped, holding your arm, making your eyes fly open and see Sergio climbing out of the car with tense movement. 
"Oh god." Sobbing behind your mouth, you unplug yourself from the pit wall and run to the medics, Hannah behind you.  
The doors fly open as you are about to run into them, pulling Sergio in, the doctors and nurses surrounding him. Max flies right behind you and moves, holding you still as you lunge for him. 
"Let me go." You sob, wanting to hold Sergio, but Max keeps his grip tight. 
"Stop. They're helping him. You'll just get in the way." Max whispers, your voice of reason as Hannah holds you tight, trying to keep you together as you watch Sergio get checked out. 
"He has to go to the hospital, but you can talk to him before he goes." You only let the person finish after bursting into the room. 
"Te amo. I love you." You rush out, leaning over him as he opens his eyes slowly, but winces from the pounding in his head. 
"Te amo." He whispers, feeling the tears hit his face. He wants nothing more than to hold you, but even talking hurts. 
"Y/n, he's got to go, and we have a job," Hannah whispers, pulling you back as you hold his hand kissing it multiple times. 
"Te amo." You whisper one last time as you watch the nurses load Sergio into the ambulance.  
Sergio came home after a week in the hospital with a fractured wrist that was healing nicely, and you shut down Sergio coming back to race just yet, letting Daniel race the next 3 races. 
"My radio was disconnected." You turn around, looking at Sergio lying on the bed, watching the crash, wanting to see what went wrong. 
"I know." You move into the bedroom and climb on the bed, careful so you don't hurt him, still sore from the crash. 
"Your radio calls to me went viral; people know now." You roll your eyes, seeing the goofy smile covering his face, but you are still weary of talking about the absolute terror that took over you that day. 
"I don't care anymore. I'm just glad you're here." Moving, you lay your head on his stomach, his uninjured hand petting your hair as you curl up more into him. 
"Good." You smile as you drift off to Sergio's heartbeat and fingers in your hair. 
Sergio was back to racing, and the media was in full force. Thankfully, you could arrive before the press, but Sergio wouldn't be coming till later, and this was the first time since the wreck that the two of you had been apart. 
Looking over some data, you look at one of the screens and freeze when you see a camera in your face and a reporter walking up to you. 
"Ms. L/N? I'm shocked you still have a job, especially after sleeping with one of the Red Bull drivers." Groaning, you turn to face one of the problematic journalists in the paddock, you wanted to avoid them, but the universe wasn't in your favor today.  
"Go away. You don't even have access to be in the garage." You reply cooly, not wanting to lose your temper in front of a camera. 
"I'm just asking if that's how you got your job. Riding dick?" After several deep breaths, you remind yourself not to respond. 
"It's sad that people work so hard to get where you are, and you're up for that promotion at such a young age. Guess if you're good at sucking di-" The journalist's voice stops when someone grabs them and slams them against the wall. 
The music stops, and no one moves as your eyes widen, seeing a very pissed-off Sergio pinning the person into the wall. 
"The fuck did you just say to her?" Sergio stares at the person wanting to bash his head in but controls his anger slightly. 
"I-" "Actually, don't answer that. How fucking dare you say that shit to her. She didn't get this job; what was it you said? Riding dick? She worked her damn ass off to get where she is, and you want to stir shit by saying she got it that way? I know what the media is saying about me. I'm fucking her to get the better care or strategy or whatever. I could care less what anyone says about me, but it becomes personal when you involve her in those disgusting rumors. Stay the fuck away from her, and keep her name out of your mouth." Sergio pulls the person off the wall and throws them out of the garage. 
"Get back to work!" Sergio snaps the music coming back on as he turns to you and drags you away into a private corner. 
"Sergio." Hearing your voice, he stops and pushes into a wall, gently covering your body with his own. 
"You're terrific, and you got this job on your own. I don't care what they're saying about me, okay? The work you've done here....fuck, it's the reason I love you, how driven and motivated you are to do good for this team. I'll defend to the end, please, please ignore them." He begs as you look away from him, those dark thoughts creeping in, but you know it isn't true, but it still hurts. 
"Hey. Look at me." He lifts your chin, making you look at him. 
"I know that none of it is true, but...." He sighs, putting pressure on you by leaning on you, knowing pressure calmed you down. 
"Kitten, I know. But, I'll defend you till the end. If they say something wrong to you, I'll slap them with a lawsuit." The laugh breaks free from you, making Sergio chuckle at his stupid lawsuit line. 
"Thank you, but I got this job on my own. Though I like doing those things to you, my brain got me here, not giving it." You tease, making Sergio laugh loudly before kissing you. 
"Hey guys, let's go," Hannah yells, the both of you pulling away the whole garage watching, but they're all smiling as you move to the pit wall. You pass Christian and Helmut. 
"Told you. You owe me 30 bucks." Christian smirks, making Helmut groan. 
"Dammit." You laugh but stop seeing the camera on you. You turn around, giving Sergio your sign.
I love you 
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The Malicious Daughter Is Back! - 11
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , Chap 7 , Chap 8 , Chap 9 , Chap 10, Chap 11, Chap 12 ,-
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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Bucky had no idea that someone was making an evil plan against him. He had been advising you on managing Velari’s business for the past few days.
You quickly grasped the management concepts, learning from the best, Bucky. Another reason for your quick understanding was your previous business studies at a prestigious university. However, you couldn't continue your education due to internal conflicts within your family.
That was your biggest regret. You only bark but never bite. You managed to continue your education only because Cassandra sold her jewelry. You will never forget the sacrifice she made for you. You clenched your fists, remembering the heartbreak in her eyes when she sold her cherished possessions.
But still, whenever you tried to rise, life seemed determined to bring you down again. Genevieve used all her connections to prevent you from learning business and management.
You discovered this when you confronted the dean, who said, "Mrs. Sinclair donates a lot to this university, and we don’t want to disappoint her." You had felt a cold rage, your hands trembling as you realized the extent of her influence.
Most prestigious universities denied you. The only place that accepted you was a community college, where you randomly chose to study health and physical education because, at that time, you felt utterly lost and alone.
You just wanted to get a degree, any degree. You sighed, recalling the sense of defeat and the hollow feeling in your chest as you enrolled in a field you had no passion for.
Sometimes not expecting anything gives the best gifts. The lecturer and friends you met were the most supportive and kindest people you had ever encountered. That’s how you got the job as a teacher at Granite Hills Reform School, where problematic, delinquent students from all over the country were gathered.
It was tough at first; your teachers and the principal had warned you to be careful. But you felt like you could make some changes because you knew how the students felt: not being listened to, getting bullied, not being appreciated, and being ignored. You remembered the frustration in their eyes, a mirror of your own past struggles.
Comparing the discipline required for dealing with delinquent students who always gave outrageous excuses, working at Velari seemed easier.
After redefining the clothes' design with Andrea, you felt like the old Velari was back. You never thought redoing the design would be easier than looking at the accountant's records.
It was a mess. You ran your fingers through your hair, your brow furrowed in disbelief.
You scratched your head, unable to believe how much the business was bleeding. Bucky was also reading the numbers. "If you don’t do something, Velari will be closed in two years." His tone was serious, and his eyes met yours with concern.
"Urgh." You threw your head onto the book on the table and hit it a few times in frustration.
Bucky extended his hand and placed it on your forehead. His warm hand held your head gently. "Don’t worry, you can fix this." His touch and reassuring words made you pause, feeling a flicker of hope amid the chaos.
You felt your face warm up. Bucky noticed too. "Are you having a fever?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes.
You quickly moved your head away from his hand and shook your head. "No, I guess I hit my head too hard," you replied, trying to downplay your flustered state.
The chat between you and Bucky didn’t go unnoticed by Andrea, the senior designer. She bit her lip and continued drawing, stealing glances occasionally.
Bucky cleared his throat. "If you want, we could make a press release for a new rebranding for Velari."
"That’s a good idea," you nodded. "Can we also include AstraNova Group in the press release?"
Bucky nodded. "Sure." He looked at his watch and got up. "I’ll send the PR team to help you with the press release."
"Thank you," you said, your gratitude showing in your smile. Bucky smiled back and left the room.
"It was so sweet, I can't even describe it," Andrea remarked, taking off her glasses and smirking at you.
You felt your cheeks warm up again. "It's not..."
Andrea raised her hands in a mock surrender. "I won't tease you, but I saw how he always comes here and even stays with you until late at night. It says something."
You sighed, looking down at your hands. "I don’t know... To be honest, I don’t believe in romance after what I saw happen to my parents."
Andrea nodded sympathetically. "I understand, but not every story ends the same way. Sometimes, you just have to take a chance."
Andrea sighed, then approached you and gently took both of your hands in hers. She looked at you with a mix of concern and nostalgia. She remembered the first time Ophelia brought you to the shop.
You were cheerful, always laughing at the most minor things. But everything changed after Ophelia died, and not even a year later, your father remarried. Understandably, you have trauma around love and opening your heart to another person.
“Give it a chance,” Andrea said softly, squeezing your hands. “If both of you share the same feelings, that’s good. And… if Bucky cheats, I’m sure you could give him a lesson.” Andrea chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
You chuckled too, the tension easing from your shoulders. It would be a lie if you said you didn't have feelings for Bucky. You glanced down, your cheeks flushing slightly.
Andrea noticed your expression and gave your hands another reassuring squeeze. “You deserve happiness, just like anyone else.”
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "Thanks, Andrea. I'll think about it."
Andrea smiled warmly, patting your hands before letting go. “Good. Now, let’s get back to work. We’ve got a lot to do.”
Since his memory returned, Bucky has been practicing touching other people. He started with his parents first. Though he still couldn’t hug them, he could hold their hands without feeling disgusted. His mom and dad were astounded and cried at the same time.
Finally, they could have physical contact with their son again without Bucky feeling nauseated or acting like they were germs. As parents, it was heartbreaking to see him struggle. The kidnapping stole Bucky and their chance to be an average family.
Juliana sipped her tea while watching her son read the newspaper. "So, today you’re going to be the honored guest at Velari?" she asked with a teasing smile.
Bucky nodded, not looking up from the paper.
"I never thought my son could be interested in fashion," she teased again, her eyes twinkling.
"Mom… I’m just… repaying the favor," Bucky replied, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Yeah… right," Rowan and Juliana murmured together. Because of Bucky’s condition, he never had the chance to have an intimate relationship with someone. He spent his youth only studying. So now, with Bucky and you? They couldn’t be happier.
Bucky wanted to smile at his parents' teasing but held it in. He stood from his seat, adjusting the buttons on his jacket. "I don’t want to be late."
"Why so early?" Juliana asked, looking up from her tea.
Bucky kept walking toward the door where the car was already prepared for him. "I have to stop by her house first."
"Tell her I said ‘Hi’," Juliana called after him, a knowing smile on her face.
Bucky paused at the door, turning slightly to nod before stepping outside. As he approached the car, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness, his heart pounding at the thought of seeing you.
Bucky arrived at your house and, as usual, greeted Cassandra first. She looked much healthier, having gained some weight since the first time he met her. Even with her dementia, Cassandra was always friendly to everyone. She was sitting in the garden with a blanket on her lap.
“Hello, Grandma,” Bucky greeted her warmly.
Cassandra’s eyes widened with recognition. “Ah, Patrick. It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it? Did you have breakfast?”
Bucky smiled softly, though he didn’t understand why she called him Patrick. After meeting a few times, she started using this name. He had mentioned it to you, but you didn’t know who Patrick was either.
“I’m sorry I made you wait,” you said, walking into the garden while adjusting your earrings.
Bucky fell silent, momentarily mesmerized by how different you looked today. Cassandra noticed, too, and clapped her hands in delight. “You look so beautiful, Ophelia. Did you make the clothes from my design again?”
You bent down and kissed her cheeks. “Yes.” Bringing your mother’s and grandmother’s designs to life was one of your greatest joys.
At least Genevieve and Victoria had never gotten their hands on the earlier designs. Kneeling beside Cassandra, you took her wrinkled hands and looked into her eyes. “I’m going to revive the old Velari.”
Cassandra tilted her head and caressed your hair gently. “I believe in you,” she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and trust.
The ride to the press release was quiet. You kept silently memorizing the speech you were going to deliver to the journalists and critics. In the fashion world, critics' words held significant weight.
Bucky sensed your nervousness. “Don’t worry. You can do this,” he said, his voice steady.
You took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Yes, I can do this.” Then, you looked at Bucky, feeling a surge of gratitude. You had reached this point mainly because of him.
“Bucky… I…” Your eyes widened when you saw Bucky’s intense focus on you, and he reached for you. “Wait…”
“Get down!” Bucky shouted, dragging your body away from the door. The movement was swift. As the car stopped at a red light, a big SUV suddenly rammed into Bucky’s car.
The car window shattered, showering you with glass. “What the fuck?” you exclaimed, feeling a mix of shock and fear.
Then you realized the person who had shielded you was trembling. You looked up to see Bucky, his face pale, his body rigid.
The traumatic memory of his kidnapping had resurfaced with startling clarity. He had just wanted to go home early from an event hosted by AstraNova, finding the party boring with no kids his age. But that decision had led to his abduction, a memory now mirrored in this moment. The nightmare was returning: the darkness, the cold, and fear.
“Bucky?” you called, trying to snap him out of his frozen state.
You hear the door closed from the SUV and see three big guys coming into your car. You saw the driver is fainted. “Shit.”
You touched Bucky's face urgently, trying to break through his fear. "Bucky, look at me! I know you're scared. Me too! But we can't stand still. We have to run. Argh…" Suddenly, strong arms grabbed you from behind.
The person was big and rough, wearing a ski mask. He muttered, "You're a firecracker, aren't ya?" His confidence wavered when you stared directly at him.
You continued kicking and squirming to escape his grasp, but his strength was overwhelming compared to your students'. Where was Bucky?
“Bucky!!!” you screamed, desperately searching for him.
“Don’t worry about him. We just want you,” the abductor sneered as he dragged you toward the waiting car.
Fear surged through you as you realized what was happening—had you just been abducted?
You kept kicking and struggling against the abductor, but he gripped your leg harder. “Be good, or I’ll break your fucking legs…”
“Help!” A voice suddenly cried out, weak and desperate.
You and your abductor both turned toward the sound.
What you saw was beyond anything you could have imagined. Bucky, whose body was smaller than the abductor's, had launched himself into action. With surprising strength and speed, he grabbed the other abductor and threw him in a wide arc.
The abductor struggled, choking and gasping for air. His resistance faded, and he went limp, unconscious. Bucky discarded him like a sack of garbage.
Your abductor's voice trembled with disbelief and frustration. “Fuck, she didn’t mention any of this.”
You were equally shocked. You had never imagined that Bucky possessed such strength and skill.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky had been quietly preparing himself for such situations. He had learned various martial arts and survival techniques, practicing diligently despite his physical limitations. Unable to spar with others, he had honed his abilities with machines and workout equipment, constantly pushing himself to the highest levels.
Now, faced with real danger, Bucky's training revealed itself. His strength and determination were beyond anything you had ever seen from him.
Andrea echoed in your mind, "If Bucky cheated, you could give him a lesson." If she could witness this moment, she would indeed be astounded.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Clock, I need you to know that I dreamt about that fic you aren't writing.
Clock, I don't dream. And on the very rare instances that I do, it's 99% disjointed nonsense that slips out of my head within 10 minutes of waking up. Literally, in my 24 years of life I've only had like 3 or 4 dreams that actually stuck.
But that fic you aren't writing has apparently sunk itself so deep into my brain that I had a once in a blue moon memorable dream about it.
It was still a bit disjointed, but I distinctly recall a dinner party? potluck? IDK, there was food; at Danny and Jason's apartment complex. Like, the while building. Some of Red Hood's crew was there. And Jason was in civvies. Dick was there too. And Danny was conspiring with everyone (not Jason) to be a mischievous little shit. So there weren't enough chairs. I'm sure you can see where this is going.
Oh my gods that is amazing. Also I'm sorry(?) for making you dream? Or you're welcome?
As a gift, to feed your poor brain... let's write a little bit of this. Hum, when would this happen for max amusement... Let's say this is after Danny has asked Hood if he wanted to share, but before the Goon scene.
“What the fuck,” Dick murmured to himself.
“They’re hiding chairs,” the stranger, who Dick hadn’t noticed leaning against the kitchen counter till then, explained.
Dick tilted his head in thought and took another sip of the battery acid they were calling punch at this potluck. The potency of the drink might explain what he was watching happen.
The chair on top of the tenuous stack wobbled dangerous.
One of the men— Marco? —who were trying to shove the stack of three chairs into the closet shushed the chair. He pointed at it like one would a misbehaving dog and that the threat alone would get it to stay.
Definitely the punch.
“Because if there aren’t enough chairs, someone is going to have to sit in someone else’s lap and they’re plotting to make that happen,” the stranger said.
Dick took a moment to glance away from the game of closet Jenga to look over the other person. They were a slight thing, but slight in the way that spoke of lean muscles and a hidden strength. It reminded Dick of how Wally was built. The bright aqua eyes were almost unnerving in how bold the color was. The way they were grinning, widely, as they continued to watch the struggle didn’t exactly make them any less unsettling.
They took a large bite out of the cookie they had in hand.
A cookie sounded like a good idea. Dick snagged one from the platter, recognizing Jason’s baking.
Cinnamon and spice bloomed across his tongue. “Huh. Okay. Does Jason know?”
The stranger laughed, shaking their head. “No, that would defeat the whole purpose. He’s the intended chair.”
“Huh.” Well that was interesting. “Who’s the intended seater. Sitter? Sittie?”
“That would be me,” the stranger said, sticking their hand not holding the cookie out. Dick set his war crime known as punch down to shake it. “Hi, I’m Danny. I’m your brother’s accidental sugar baby.”
Dick choked on thin air.
Just how potent was that punch?
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