#but hopefully y’all (whoever reads this) enjoys it!
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theshadowrealmitself · 1 year ago
You live in a crummy apartment, you don’t talk to your family anymore, you don’t have time for friends, you mostly just go to work then go back to the aforementioned shitty apartment.
The only people you really talk to these days is your rude coworker you’re pretty sure has been stealing your lunches, and a neighborhood kid that has “behavioral problems”, but it’s obvious that he just doesn’t have a good home life.
He’s actually a pretty sweet kid once you get to know him. He shares his snacks with you (seriously, you’re gonna kill your coworker one of these days) and tells you all the neighborhood gossip. He’s just a bit impulsive, honestly
He has this fluffy dog he lets you pet, and him and his dog go around searching for aliens. (Kid is obsessed with them.)
You share your food with him on the days you actually have it and keep an eye on the little guy, since it’s obvious no one else is.
It’s not long before he sees you as some kind of big sibling, and you’re proud of it, this is your little brother, you’ve decided, and you’re gonna keep him safe, no matter what.
One day he comes in and swears he’s seen the aliens, claims they’re hiding as humans who’ve just moved into the neighborhood.
Now, you haven’t actually talked to them, and they did seem…odd when you passed by, but they’re definitely not aliens, that much is obvious to you.
Still, you don’t wanna upset your little bro by not taking him seriously, so you just ask him why he thinks that and listen to his reasonings.
After a bit, he holds out a walkie talkie towards you, “just in case,” he says, so that he’d have a way of calling you in case something goes south.
You really don’t wanna take it, worried that if you do you’ll just be encouraging him to do something stupid, but this feels…significant. You can’t explain it, but something insists that you take it, so you do.
Eh, you figure that he’d probably get in trouble either way, and now he can get ahold of you.
Just in case.
Yelling wakes you up a few days later, it’s coming from the walkie talkie.
You jolt out of bed and grab it, your little brother’s panicked voice calling for help through it and feeling your body with ice cold horror.
You try to get him to calm down and get information out of him.
He’s at the new family’s house, in their basement, he’s injured and crying that they’re going to experiment on him, before his voice cuts out.
You cuss, slip on your shoes, and grab the bag that holds everything important to you, stuff like your mementos and your wallet (just in case this shitty place falls apart and you need to leave quickly), thinking that you might have a first aid kit somewhere in there since it is your emergency bag, and then you book it.
Soon, you’re outside that house, about to knock on their door and explain everything, but there’s that feeling again, that feeling that this moment is significant and you don’t wanna take that action, so you jog around back and find a window leading to a basement.
You’re still not sure if you actually wanna break into these random people’s house, but you can hear the kid quietly sniffling, and it drives you to force yourself through the tiny opening.
You land softly on your feet and when you look around you’re entire worldview shatters.
The room is filled with…test subjects.
It’s the only way to describe what you’re seeing. People, at least what you recognize as people, not that they look completely human, passed out in clear tubes, suspended in weird liquids.
Your eyes eventually land on your little brother and his pet dog, locked in a contraption of some kind, and it knocks you out of your stupor. You don’t know what’s going on, but it’s not going to happen to him, you promised to keep him safe and you’re damn well gonna do that.
You break them out of it, and shove the both of them through the tiny window. He begs you to climb out now, and you just demand that he runs off, to not wait for you, it’s gonna take you longer to pull your way through the window.
And besides, you can hear the door opening behind you, you already know it’s too late for you.
You wake up. Eventually. Apparently a thousand years later. The people who grabbed you are long dead.
And so is your brother.
Turns out, he was right, they were aliens, going around abducting people off of different planets.
Their fucked up research vessel eventually got discovered, and you were woken up.
It’s not so bad, the future. It’s…an adjustment, for sure. But not bad.
You have friends now, and a job you don’t hate. On a spaceship of all things. And you get to see the stars and have dreams now. It’s new and it’s wonderful and some days it’s so blindingly optimistic that it…hurts.
You eat 3 wonderful meals everyday and think about stale chips being offered to you by a scrappy young kid with a loving stray who looked up to you like you were their hero.
You see those eyes again one day.
“An alternate universe,” your captain breathes out with excitement. But all you feel is pure shock as you see your brother. He looks healthy and cleaned up, and so does his dog, still loyally by his side you note, as they throw themselves into your arms.
You’re both sobbing as you hold onto each other like the other one’s going to dissolve any second.
Meanwhile, his pup is giving doggy kisses and trying to knock the both of you into the ground.
An alternate universe.
One where you didn’t accept the walkie talkie and he couldn’t call anyone from the basement.
He sobs and apologizes for breaking his promise to you about not being reckless.
You sob and apologize for not being there for him when he needed you.
He has to go back, sooner than either of you wanted, but it’s better that way. It already feels like your heart’s breaking, it’ll just be worse if you get more attached.
You let him know you’re proud of him, and you love him, and to just focus on being happy, and you see something in his shoulders loosen, and know that this trip was cathartic for him.
Then the transporter fizzles and you’ve lost your brother again.
You come to find out that your brother being the one to end up in the future is the default.
You keep running into alternate versions of the ship you’re on and meeting him.
Sometimes, it’s that you don’t take the walkie talkie.
Sometimes, it’s that you do, but you don’t check the basement, just knocking on the door of the house and believing them when they say he ran off.
You’re the anomaly.
It makes sense, a young boy with a dog at his side having space adventures. That sounds natural. It sounds correct.
You don’t know if it’s better this way. If it’s better that you’re the one being abducted instead of him. You know his home life was shitty, but you don’t know if having universe hopping adventures after getting kidnapped is actually good for him.
You don’t know what you left behind, if he’s okay in the past after you’d been taken from him. But you can’t change it either way.
So you just hold all these new versions of him tightly for as long as you can, and let them know you’re sorry that you didn’t believe him, and that he’s loved.
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i-hate-people-1 · 1 year ago
This is the final part of my Warren Rojas fic I know it’s been a while but I wanted to do this series justice hopefully y’all enjoy it! thank you so much for reading you have no idea how much it means to me!
It's a little under 3.k words and it's a little spicy towards the end but there’s nothing explicit
Warren Rojas x reader
Not my gif
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"Look, I know what you’re thinking, but I had to come up with a way to tell her that I really did love her, and it wasn't just drunken rambling.”
“I think you should just tell her how you feel.” Karen sighed.
“He can't do that,” Eddie laughed.
“Why not girls like that? Besides, you know that she feels the same way,” Karen said, looking at the boy, exasperated.
“I know, but she said, I think what if now she thinks that she hates me?” Warren told them, falling dramatically onto the couch face first as Karen and Eddie laughed at him.
It's been two weeks. TWO WEEKS! Since Warren said he loved you, he still hasn't said anything. absolutely nothing.
You've still been hanging out every day. He’s just done nothing, and it’s killing you!
Every time he opens his mouth, you pray it’s those three words you oh so want to hear, but nothing!
Your strategy has been waiting things out, but enough is enough. Whoever said a girl can’t make the first move?
And you were so sure it was going to happen right up until you knocked on the door because you swear every bit of courage that’s ever been in your body just took a vacation. With no notice, your palms started sweating, and there was this quiet, incessant ringing in your ears as your brain came up with every possible way this could go wrong and then some.
But just as you were deciding between running back home and never talking to any of them again or making up a reason you were here and playing it off, a man you didn’t recognize opened the door. He had longer, unkempt curly hair, sad green eyes, and an unpleasant frown on his face as he noticed you standing on the other side of the door.
As you were opening your mouth to ask who the hell he was, he held his hand up, making you shut it. “We don’t want whatever you’re selling." He told you, slamming the door in your face.
You stood there for a while before snapping out of your shocked state. I mean, what the actual hell who does that? It’s so rude!?! You have half a mind to stomp in there and tell him to learn some manners. I mean, the nerve of that guy. You banged on the door more aggressively, ready to give this guy a piece of your mind. Unfortunately for your anger, but maybe good for your sanity, it was Camilla who opened it this time.
"Y/N, what’s wrong? Are you okay?" she asked, seeing your upset state.
“No, who the fuck was that guy?” You asked, trying not to scream, but with your aggravation, it was proving to be difficult. “I mean, he didn’t even let me talk; he just held up that condescending hand and slammed the door in my face. Ugh, what an asshole," you complained as you walked in the house, not letting Cammy get a word in edgewise.
“That asshole is the owner of this house,” the guy snapped from the kitchen doorway. “Who the fuck are you?” he bit back, his glare intensifying as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Instead of letting the man get to you, you turn to Camilla, choosing to talk to her instead of him. "Seriously, Cami, who is this dude?"
"Y/N, this is Billy Dunne, my husband,” she sighed.
Suddenly it all made sense. This was the Billy Dunne two-timing asshole dream-crushing dick and every other bad name. In the book extraordinaire, I mean, you’ve heard story after story, and so far, they’re looking to be true. This guy sucks.
"Oh,” was all you said. I mean, how are you supposed to respond? You were at a loss for words; all you could think was just poor Cami, unfortunately for you, though Billy took your silence as a win.
"Oh, that’s all you got. I should think you’d at least offer me an apology,” he said, smugly smirking at you, which pulled you right out of your speechless state.
“Excuse me,” you said, getting upset. “I owe you an apology. You're the one who slammed the door in my face, but no, your right. I owe you an apology. I’m sorry." You paused with a serious tone, waiting just long enough to make him cocky before finishing “that you’re such an asshole,” and the smirk was immediately gone as Cami hid her laughter behind her hand.
Billy went to reply before you stuck your hand in his face to shut him up as he did to you earlier. "Ah, ah, the adults are talking,” you said, motioning between you and Camilla. "Now, Cam, I love you and I respect your life choices, but this guy is a dick." Billy’s jaw clenched, his fist balling at your words.
Luckily, before your mouth could get you in too much trouble, the front door opened again, revealing Karen, Graham, Eddie, and Warren. They looked at you all, surveying the situation with confused looks. Billy looked pissed while you seemed perfectly fine, and Camilla was trying not to fall on the floor in fits of laughter.
They had caught Mount Billy just as he was erupting, and unfortunately,them being there wasn’t enough to stop it. “Who the fuck are you?!" Billy yelled at you. Billy yelled at you, and Warren snapped, punching Billy straight in the nose and jumping on his friend, who had fallen to the ground, laying on punch after punch.
"Man, I don’t know what happened, dude. It was just like my body went into autopilot. I don’t even remember jumping him until Eddie pulled me off.”
“Don’t you fucking yell at her, you asshole, I’ll kill you. I swear, Billy Dunne, I’ll fucking kill you!.” Warren continued to scream at him as Eddie pulled him out of the kitchen. Warren struggled against him the whole time.
You all stood in shock at the events that just unfolded. Warren was normally so calm that you had no idea he was even capable of something like that. You came too as Camilla passed you to check on Billy.
He was fine, a little bruised, nothing he didn’t deserve, but he’d be fine. His eye, lips, and cheek were starting to swell already as Camilla and Graham helped him up to his and Cam's room to clean him up.
“He's calming down in the bathroom,” Eddie said as he walked back into the kitchen. “I think you should check on him,” he told you, putting a hand on your shoulder squeezing it gently.
“Yeah,” you whispered, nodding. You tried to shake the nerves out as you walked towards the bathroom.
"Warren,” you knocked on the door softly after a quiet come-in. You interred Warren was sitting on the counter, staring at the wall in a kind of dazed-out state. You knew he was just as confused at what just happened as all of you, so you chose not to ask any question right now that could wait till later.
You walked to the cabinet below the sink. You took out the small first aid kit you knew they kept under there, grabbing the boy's bloody hand and gently cleaning it, trying not to focus on how close you were to him.
“This is going to sting a little,” you whispered, putting on the antiseptic. He winced softly but didn’t pull away.
You finished wrapping his hand and setting it back in his lap before stepping in front of him to get a better look. His eyes widened when they met yours before falling to the floor. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. Your heart hurt at the boy’s dejected tone.
"Hey,” you tried to get his attention, but his gaze stayed glued to the floor. Putting your hand under his chin, you lifted his face, moving it to look at you. "Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for. You lost your temper. It’s okay. It’s not like it happens a lot. I’m sure Billy will forgive you."
“No Y/N That’s not why I’m sorry. I don’t regret doing it. I’m just sorry you had to see that side of me." Warren told you, and you nodded, unable to keep the oh expression off your face as you listened to him. “Billy deserves it and more. I mean, I love the guy, but he’s such an ass and so arrogant. I can’t believe he yelled at you like that, I swear.” You could tell he was getting angry again by the way his fist clenched and his eyes filled with rage, so you stopped his words by bringing a finger to his lips. Those gorgeous, perfectly plumb, oh, so kissable lips. Wow, you were whipped, you thought, catching his puzzled expression, pulling your hand away, clearing your throat, realizing you probably made him uncomfortable.
As you moved to take a step back, Warren's hands found your arms, keeping you in place as you met his gaze again.
You stayed there a while in comfortable silence, staring at one another. With Warren's hands still on you, yours had moved to rest on his thighs.
“You’re so beautiful." Warren whispered breaking the silence you blushed profusely at his words moving to cover your face and brush the comment off but Warrens hands kept you from hiding “I’m serious,” he told you noticing your disbelief “That first day we met me and the guys spent thirty minutes just staring at you from our house before Karen said we should offer to help you I almost said no too” he paused chucking as he recalled that day as you were practically hanging onto ever word he said “ I was so scared because I swear the moment I saw you out that window my heart stopped and going over to talk to you that was even scarier I mean I was just a guy in a dying rock band and you well I didn’t even know you but you were everything even if I didn’t know it yet”
"Warren,” you whispered to caution him because if this wasn’t what you thought it was, you’d be crushed and you couldn’t live with that, so maybe just maybe if you stopped it now, you could still be best friends. You could just pretend none of this ever happened. It was a terrible existence, but one where you kept him was better than one where you lost him.
"Wait, please, just let me finish. I need to say this." Warren understood your whisper to be one of rejection, but he needed to get this off of his chest; it was eating him alive. Your gentle nod told him to continue. He took a deep breath, hoping it would calm his nerves before he spoke again. “You were even prettier up close, and you were so humble trying to refuse our help. I figured you’d never want to talk to us again, but when you did, I was ecstatic. I couldn’t believe that such a pretty girl was even giving me the time of day, but I thought you just saw me as a friend, and I settled for that because as long as you were in my life, it wasn’t really settling." He paused again, unable to muster the courage to finish his confession, before looking into your eyes. Those beautiful Y/C eyes that took his breath away in most other circumstances just gave him courage this time.
“But I can’t do that anymore; it’s killing me, and I know you don’t feel the same anymore, so everything will go back to the way it was right after I get this out, I swear, but I love you so much, I just had to tell you just once,” he finished, tears falling down his cheeks as he did, looking at your shocked face as emotions washed over him. He couldn’t quite place it; it wasn’t regret; he definitely didn’t regret it, perhaps sadness for the friendship he felt he’d ruined maybe even defeat from his pending rejection.
As Warren was stewing in his emotions, you were trying to come up with a way to tell him you loved him to prove to him that you did just as much, but he had just poured his heart out to you. How are you going to follow that? So you stood there in shock, racking your brain for the perfect response.
"Okay,” Warren sighed, letting you go as he got up from the counter. "Look, I know I said things can go back to normal, and they can. I just need a day to feel miserable, and then it’s business as usual,” he chuckled somberly, trying to make light of the situation before exiting the bathroom, leaving you behind so utterly confused it took you a second to process.
Realizing he must have taken your silence as rejection, you quickly left the bathroom to catch up to him, calling for him to explain how he had made it all the way outside. You’d never know.
You finally caught up to him as he was opening the car door. “Warren!” You called again, running up to him and closing the car door for him. Poor thing looked so confused and upset.
"Look, I don’t think it’s too much to ask for a day."
“Shut up and kiss me,” you cut him off, to which his face contorted in more confusion, and he tilted his head like a puppy, making you laugh at his cuteness. You rolled your eyes, pulling him by the collar of his shirt into your lips. He snapped out of his daze, his lips quickly moving against your arms, wrapping around your waist.
“Finally!” Eddie shouted from the porch, where he Camilla, Graham, Karen, and a bruised Billy stood, everyone but Billy and baby Julia in his arms were cheering.
The two of you pulled away, bashful. You hid your face in Warren's chest to cover the blush as you both laughed with your friends. Warren pulled you closer to him, with one arm around your waist resting on the small of your back and the other on the back of your head, playing with your hair.
“Hey guys?” Warren shouted at your friends as they stopped cheering and paid attention to him. “You’re kind of ruining the moment!”
“Or we’re making it more interesting,” Graham yelled back, shooting finger guns at the boy.
“Go away,” you said, lifting your face from Warren's chest.
Cami and Karen respected your wishes, pushing the boys inside as Graham and Eddie awwed, “I still don’t know who she is.” You heard Billy complain as the door shut, and the two of you laughed, turning your attention back to each other.
“So…” Warren started rubbing the back of his neck with the hand that was in your hair.
You smiled coyly, pulling him in for another kiss, which he gladly reciprocated.
This kiss was longer; you got to feel the way his lips felt on yours, how soft they were, and the way his arms wrapped around you to pull you closer, finding their way into his hair, tugging on the ends slightly so you could pull away.
“I love you,” you said in between breaths, your lips still so close together that you could feel the smile that overtook his features.
“I love you,” he said, quickly reconnecting your lips and lifting you off the ground. You wrapped your legs around his waist, smiling into the kiss, breaking away from his lips and leaving kisses across his face as you made your way to his neck as he started to walk the two of you to your house.
As y’all entered the house, he kicked the door closed with his foot pressing you up against it, pulling your head from his neck, and smiling at the small pout you gave him for having your attack on his neck interrupted.
He chuckled, taking the opportunity to kiss your pouted lips, which in turn made you smile.
“I love you,” Warren told you, pulling away from your lips. He made a trail of kisses down to your neck, whispering “I love you” in between each kiss, making you grin like a crazy person.”
He only stopped when he found a spot on your neck that made you whimper as he kissed over it, deciding to suck on the spot and grinning into it when you let out a quiet moan.
"Fuck, you drive me crazy,” Warren panted as he pulled away from your neck, resting his forehead against yours, beautiful brown eyes meeting your own.
“How crazy?” You asked, pecking his lips and capturing the bottom one in between your teeth as you pulled away.
“So crazy, you have no idea,” he replied, tilting his head back and groaning, his eyes shut tightly.
“Oh yeah?” You egged on kissing his neck again as your hands found their way under his shirt.
“Yeah,” he whispered in between gentle moans. The effect you had on the boy was insane; he full-on whined when you pulled away, grabbing his head in your hands to have him look at you.
“You want to show me?” You asked cheekily, making a giant grin take over his face. His eyes clouded slightly, but you could still see every emotion in them. You could feel the love he had for you in that moment.
“With pleasure,” he smirked his lips on you once more, leading you to your bedroom, never breaking away from your lips.
“One of the best nights of my life.” Warren smirked at the camera, giving you a wink behind the camera.
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catchingpapermoons · 2 years ago
top 10 fics by kudos
hi it’s me @drysdaales :) so my top ten kudos’d fics and whether i agree with where they’ve landed? i’m going to play a little differently and bc i have apparently been writing for a long while (am i old?) i’m going to take my top 3 kudos’d fics from from my most recent fandoms and just put those in order of kudos (plus a bonus fic to make ten) so here we go! ty @hard4softthings for the tag i appreciate u ❣️ under a cut (hopefully pls mobile)
10. you’re alive (so alive) (jatp | gen fic)
agree/disagree: i’m choosing disagree only bc this is one of the best things i’ve ever written and it wasn’t appreciated enough. sometimes we all need to explore grief through a children’s show right??
9. too soft for all of it (hrpf | jdtz, slice of life + h/c)
agree/disagree: i have zero complaints about this fic and i’m proud of myself for this being my second foray into hrpf fandom. to all who read and enjoyed, i see u and thank u kindly for giving her love!
8. you’re the only one my heart keeps coming back to (jatp | reggiealex, non-ghost college au)
agree/disagree: i’m gonna disagree on this one but that’s only bc it reads a little too much like a soap opera to me. but i’m glad it found a home where people enjoyed :)
7. wherever you stray, i follow (jatp | phantoms poly, canon compliant)
agree/disagree: yeah i love this one it feels right to be here
6. wanna feel your heart (hrpf | mat/tito, multiple universes)
agree/disagree: i know why it landed and i see the appeal in it and i went back and read comments on it the other day and was just pleased as punch to see how people interpreted it! i wrote this fic in 2018 (!!!) at a time where i was going through something heinous and i was so young and just wanted to be in control of something. i’ve done better work since, but i love her for what she is.
5. so quiet in the world tonight (hrpf | jdtz, idiots taking care of a baby)
agree/disagree: yes. wholeheartedly. tbh i reread this fic sometimes bc i love it. i wrote this shit for me and she unironically slaps
4. here everyone knows you’re the way to my heart (rnm | malex, spec fic, bonus fic bc i love her dearly)
agree/disagree: i do agree with this one though it’s placement as to how many kudos it received is wild to me! i’m immensely proud of this fic and i loved what i wrote here.
3. you remind me of home (oh, baby, merry christmas) (911 | buddie)
agree/disagree: i have no idea what y’all saw in this but good for you! it’s a silly little christmas fic TO ME but for some reason i get kudos and comments at all times of the year. thanks cuties
2. across our great divide (a glorious sunrise) (911 | buddie, therapy as a plot device)
agree/disagree: i love this fic so much. the reaction to it was so cool. i loved the insane amount of comments i got telling me how masterfully i’d written bc i love hearing i did a good job but i also loved people telling me how it made them feel.
1. when i was shipwrecked (i thought of you) (911 | buddie, canon-adjacent)
agree/disagree: i have no idea what made this one hit for you. i am SO happy it did, but it’s insane to me. i love that you love it because its made ME love it more. this is my most kudos’d fic and it’s bonkers bananas to me !!!
extra bonus! a fic that deserves more love is dance for all that we’ve been through because i wrote 61k of an entire ballet au and relived all my old ballet trauma and this girl did NOT get her flowers :/ to date it’s probably my best work and it’s ok that it didn’t get received as well but also… it’s good ok!!!
tagging my bbs @smileymikey @inthekitchenmp3 and uhhhh whoever else wants to lmao
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thecreelhouse · 4 months ago
try again tomorrow
Steve Harrington x fem!OC (Francesca “Frankie” Amato)
Heads up!— This is part of the Accident Prone AU, and takes place after the series! This could contain allusions to and outright spoilers if you haven’t read the series yet!
Accident Prone masterlist
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Includes: hurt/comfort, some angst, mentions of medical treatments and internalized ableism, references to Steve’s PTSD, but the rest is all fluff, coziness, and wholesome Halloween fun 👻
WC: 3.1k
A/N: hi! I’ve been planning on writing some blurbs/ficlets/whatever for AP since the series ended, so here’s the first of hopefully quite a few planned! I’ll create a masterlist when I can and add the link later. This one’s more Frankie-centric, but I hope whoever reads this enjoys it! I’m a few hours late, but it’s always Halloween in my heart. I hope y’all had a fun and spooky Halloween!🖤 also shoutout to @strangergraphics for the cute dividers!!
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Halloween used to be a rough time of year for Steve; the heavy heartache Nancy left behind definitely had put a damper on the holiday for a few years. If it wasn’t that, it was certainly the trauma of fighting off demodogs, the tunnels, and stressing to keep the little shitheads (who aren’t so little anymore) safe.
Eventually, it became a time of year he could reclaim. At least it’s one holiday he doesn’t have to hunker down in anticipation of one panic attack rolling into another.
Steve’s starting to actually like Halloween, now that he’s got the first one together with Frankie to look forward to. While it’s not her favorite holiday— she’s a sucker for Christmas, as much as working retail during the winter holiday season sucks— it still brings her joy, and Steve loves seeing her happy.
With treatment leaving Frankie weaker than usual, she’s had to break out her wheelchair again. There’s no shame in it, as there shouldn’t ever be; she’s always been an unapologetic advocate for using medical aids when necessary. A mobility aid doesn’t ruin costume ideas, but sometimes it requires a little more creativity than the average non-disabled person has to put in.
That’s not an issue, either, not with Frankie— but her chronic fatigue begs to differ.
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Steve softly opens the door to her apartment, in case she’s resting; upon walking into the living space, he finds her curled up on the couch, drowsy and bundled up in layers. A book slips from her hands as she dozes off, but the spine hitting the floor wakes her up.
“Whoa, hey— “ She slurs, squinting into the dim room. “Wha’happened? Who did that?”
Steve throws a closed fist up to his mouth, trying to muffle a laugh, but catches her attention anyway.
“Just me, ‘Key.” He wanders over to the couch, crouching next to her on the floor. She instantly smiles as he cradles her face with his hand; it’s laced with a fragile kind of exhaustion, but it’s a smile, nonetheless. “Still feeling bad from infusions?”
Frankie nods, nuzzling her head into the pillow underneath her. 
“M’really nauseous, and my head hurts, and— yeah, y’know, all that stuff.” Her voice is hoarse. “Can we cuddle?”
“‘F’course we can. Did you eat at all today?”
She shakes her head.
She sucks her lips in before reluctantly answering, “… No.”
“You need that, at least.” He heads for the kitchen while she grumbles, knowing he’s right. When he returns, he sits on the edge of the couch and hands her a water bottle, with one of those straw/sip tips— easier to use and hold than a glass with hand tremors, something they’ve already learned the hard way. “If I make soup, will you at least try to eat some?”
Frankie groans, but agrees, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll try.”
Steve smiles at her, pushing himself off the couch. He tries hiding the way he winces from his own ache, thinking Frankie’s too fatigued to notice.
She’s not.
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“What’s all that stuff on the floor?” Steve points over Frankie, still spooning her on the couch. A pile of craft supplies and flattened cardboard boxes lay abandoned on the floor feet away.
She sighs, “I wanted to make panels to attach to my wheelchair, make ‘em look like a tank, for my Tank Girl costume.” She sticks her thumb out, nosediving it towards the floor while blowing a raspberry. “That bombed— no pun intended.”
“You’ve still got a few days, and I can help you,” Steve kisses the back of her head. “We’ll figure it out, no sweat.”
“I dunno… I’m second guessing it now.”
“What? Why?” He asks in shock, sitting up to see her face. “You’ve been talking about this for months.”
“I know, I know, but it’s — ugh— maybe we shouldn’t do the party— or, well, maybe I shouldn’t. You guys should have fun, at least.”
Steve frowns. “‘Key, where’s this coming from?”
“I don’t want to ruin the fun for everyone else.”
“Because of this flare up?”
“Well… yeah. Can’t imagine you guys would have fun with me around right now.”
Frankie had been isolating herself the last few weeks, still allowing her friends to come over,  just not very often. She always wanted to be alone, even had urges to push Steve away while she started treatment again. 
And Steve gets it. He really empathizes with her; though it feels good to have caring friends, who love you no matter what you’re going through, it’s hard to convince yourself you’re not dragging them down. You get used to society warping your mind to believe you’re a drag, that it becomes another branch of internalized ableism.
Though he respects when Frankie needs space, he’s also been able to read her well enough now to understand if she actually needs space, or is just saying it to hide away.
This time is definitely the latter.
“If you’re in too much pain to do anything that day, it’s obviously more than alright to stay home.” He starts off with in a gentle tone. “But until then, we’re gonna plan on having the party. You’ll be with people who are safe to be yourself with, I’ll be there, and the moment you tell me you need out, I’ll leave with you.”
“Frankie, you’ve got every right to be comfortable when you’re in pain, but you’ve been disappearing on all of us. We just… everyone understands, and no one wants to push you past your limits, but it’s not healthy hiding inside like this all the time. You won’t even let me care for you these days, and I— I know you’re independent, and I never want to coddle you, but I—“ Steve huffs, frustrated with the way he rambles up to his main point. “I love you so much.”
Frankie doesn’t respond, and Steve worries he overstepped.
“And I— I’m sorry, it’s not about me, or our friends, or anyone’s feelings above your own, ‘cause right now you deserve to rest as much as you need—“
“But you also deserve to be loved, to feel loved, and we don’t want you going through this alone, ‘cause you’re not alone, and I’ll remind you all the time, be so fuckin’ annoying about it—“
Frankie rolls over to face him, wincing as she does from how sore and heavy her limbs feel. “Steve,” She rasps, still with that gentle demeanor whenever she stops him from overthinking too far. “It’s just… very surreal still to believe people care about me despite being sick. After every left 5 years ago, I’ve always been bracing myself for everyone to leave. It’s been hard to remind myself and believe you mean it when you say you’re not going anywhere. That’s not your fault, just my dumb insecurities. I’m sorry.”
Wrapping her in his embrace, Steve holds her gingerly, but close. He kisses the top of her head, still prickly, from regularly keeping it buzzed down.
“Your insecurities aren’t dumb, they exist because of dumb assholes you had to deal with. Don’t apologize for that. Fuck them. Real friends stay with you through the good and the bad.”
She nods, eased by the reassurance, yet something still worries her. “You’ve been pushing through a flare up to help me, though. You shouldn’t hide your pain from me to put my needs before your own.”
Stunned, Steve leans back to glance down at Frankie. “How’d you know? In my defense, m- mine’s nowhere near as bad as yours—“
“No comparing pain, remember?” A rule they agreed on long ago, just as friends. “And really? That first migraine you had around me, I had a feeling we’d have to call 911 when you couldn’t finish a sentence. Sick folks get each other. You’ve seen right through me when I try to hide shit, too.”
Ah, shit. She’s right.
“It’s okay, really.” And it is; if anything, caring for Frankie has kept him moving when his mind fights and tries convincing him to stay in bed. He needs rest, too, but at least the movement stretches some sore muscles out. He shouldn’t push himself, though. “Hey, what if I work on the panels for your chair? Help you out a bit? You can just tell me what to do—“
“No,” Her arms gently squeeze around him. “You’re resting with me. We can try again tomorrow, but right now, I know you need a break, and that’s non-negotiable.”
Steve wants to argue, for her sake, not his, but there’s a bittersweet pang in his chest seeing the worried expression on Frankie’s face. 
“Yeah, that sounds good.” He rests a hand on the side of her neck, while part of his palm and a few fingers reach up over her jaw. He caresses her cheek with his thumb, kissing her softly. It’s gentle, sweet, and short-lived, but they both know intimacy is more than average touches between partners. “Thank you for always looking out for me, ‘Key.”
The worry fades from her expression. “Likewise, Stevie.”
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The shop is dripping in Halloween decor, all thanks to Robin, Eddie, and Dustin’s hard work. Frankie gushes over the spooky transformation as they step through the door.
“Guys, this looks amazing!” It’s the first, huge smile Steve’s seen on his girlfriend’s face in a long, long time. She’s like a kid in a candy store, easily amused and impressed. Her excitement attracts the trio’s attention, and they beam at the sight of the couple.
“Oh hellllllll yeah!” Eddie fist pumps the air when Frankie and Steve arrive to the record shop. “I knew you’d go as Tank Girl!”
He’s decked out head to toe in a Dr. Frank-N-Furter costume, fishnets and all. 
Frankie rolls over to her friends, Steve not far behind. It’s a little harder to maneuver the wheelchair with the added costume, so Steve— after asking for permission, of course— helps from the handles every so often if she needs.
“Dude, that’s such a cool idea with your chair.” Robin admires the finished “tank” Frankie and Steve built over Frankie’s wheelchair.
 Frankie beams, pointing up to Steve, who’s dressed in a last minute Beetlejuice costume. “Steve did most of the work, gotta give credit where it’s due.” It’s hard to see his blush under all of the white makeup covering his face.
“Yeah? Nice job, dingus.” Robin commends him. She’s wearing moth wings and antennae, and Steve’s squinting at her— he left his glasses at home, for the sake of the costume, despite Frankie telling him that didn’t matter, but his eyesight does— “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“What the hell are you supposed to be?”
“A moth!” She scoffs, hands on her hips. Steve mirrors her pose.
The doorbell chimes as Vickie enters, grinning at Robin while dressed as a lamp.
“Oh. Ohhhhhhh, yeah okay, I get it now.” Steve and Frankie laugh at their clever matching costumes. 
In time, the Party eventually shows up, with Hopper and Joyce— donning Popeye and Olive Oyl costumes— in tow; they’re both excited to finally visit the four who lived in the city, and meet Frankie, too. They’re both so kind to her, even Hopper, with his gruff exterior, he’s only a giant teddy bear underneath, and everyone knows it. 
Frankie taps on Steve’s arm, beckoning him closer to whisper in his ear, “You weren’t kidding, he kinda does look and talk like my dad.” The two snicker to themselves, with Steve, out of habit, kissing Frankie’s head; he kind of forgets about the helmet she’s wearing, though, but it just brings them more giggles.
 Frankie’s dad even attends, which is weird for Steve, always seeing him in his usual doctor attire for his appointments— tonight, though, he’s dressed as a… patient. Clever, Frankie sarcastically thinks.
The whole Party watches on as Hopper and Frankie’s father meet; it’s as if they’re staring in a mirror as they gawk at one another, mimicking mannerisms unintentionally.
“Oh, this is so weird.” Steve murmurs into Frankie’s ear. “I don’t like it.”
“You think they were long lost twins, or something?”
“Stranger things have happened.”
Among the planned crowd, some customers and kind strangers filter in and out, some adults, some parents and their kids. Frankie and the gang made sure to have tons of candy on hand; worst scenario would be having leftover candy if no one showed up— that’s not so bad.
All kinds of kids in different costumes arrived— typical vampires, princesses, and dinosaurs, and unique ones, too— and that made Frankie even happier that the record shop could be a trick-or-treat stop in the neighborhood. They even had coupons for teens and adults. Everyone that visited got some kind of treat.
Halfway through the night, a young boy and his mom arrive among the friendly chaos. Frankie feels her heart burst wide open at the sight of the kid’s costume; a race car driver, with a “car” made of cardboard, shaped around his own wheelchair. He shyly glances around the room, eyes doing a double take when he finds Frankie in her own costume.
He tugs on his mom’s sleeve before rolling himself over to Frankie, grin wide and shyness left behind as he mimics race car noises.
“You just might be the fastest race car driver in the world,” Frankie grins, holding her hand out for a high five, one he happily returns. “What’s your name, kiddo? I’m Frankie.”
“Ian!” He ogles over her handmade tank. “So cool….”
“Your car is very cool, too! Did you make it?”
The car’s base design was clearly mapped out by an adult, but he added his own flare through scribbles of endless colors all across the design.
“Mhm! Mommy helped, too.” He stares in awe at her entire costume, then back at her face, as if he’s meeting someone like himself for the first time. “Did your mommy help with yours, too?”
Frankie’s smile almost falters, but she catches herself in time; the innocent question makes her heart ache, wondering what it would’ve been like on Halloween with her mom still alive. She quickly shakes it off, reminding herself her dad has always supported her, especially in all of her silly Halloween costume ideas growing up. 
“No,” She shakes her head, but nods her head over to Steve across the room. “My boyfriend helped, though.”
Frankie snorts, “Yes, Beetlejuice.”
“Spooky…” He grins, glancing back at Frankie. “You’re like me?” He points to her wheelchair, and she nods.
“I think we might have the best costumes here, Ian.” His mother makes her way to the two of them, thrilled over the smile on her son’s face. “Hey, your racing flag matches the floor,” she points down to the checkered black and white tiles, and again, he beams with a nod.
“Mommy, look,” Ian grabs her sleeve again, pointing at Frankie’s get-up. “We’re the same!” 
His eyes fall to the port implant peeking out from under Frankie’s vest, near her collarbone. It had to be replaced in the original spot years prior, so her needle and thread tattoo woven into her scar was ruined during the procedure. It’s something that hit Frankie harder than expected, to lose what she naively believed to be a reward of victory, finishing treatment and surviving. 
“I got one too,” Ian tugs at his shirt, with his mother gently reminding him, “careful, careful, baby”; he reveals a port implant of his own, similar placement to Frankie’s. “We match!”
Frankie’s throat tightens and aches, ready to cry; she wishes she had a silver lining outlook the way this child does. Before she can respond, Ian adds, “S’like we’re robots!”
It makes Frankie giggle, genuinely; the urge to cry fades away. “Robots? Why’s that?”
“‘Cause normal people don’t have extra parts like that.” He shrugs, casually explaining. “We’re too cool to be normal.”
“Cool’s your favorite word, huh?”
“Last week, it was ‘sick’,” His mother adds, shaking her head but with a hint of a smile.
“Hey, that’s one of my favorite words!” She glances back at Ian, “Do you go to the hospital often? ‘Cause I’m there twice a week, if you ever needed a robot buddy.”
Ian’s little cherub face lights up, “Uh-huh! We’re friends now?”
“Lil’ dude, we’ve been friends since the moment you zoomed on in through that door.”
While Frankie and Ian’s mom chat, exchanging info on treatment times to meet up in the near future, Steve glances over every so often to admire the long lasting smile on Frankie’s face. It’s the first time in months he’s seen her genuinely happy, longer than a few minutes at a time.
Even if it’s just for the night, Steve knows this party will give her plenty of memorable moments to look back fondly on.
Every so often, her eyes dart to him, blushing like the first time they began to really dance around their feelings; the butterflies and cheek-aching grins haven’t settled since they started dating, and he’s certain they never will.
That’s a chronic pain he’ll graciously accept.
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Though Steve and Frankie insist on helping everyone clean up, Robin and Eddie corral the kids up, convincing them into some teamwork cleaning. Frankie figures it’s easier to get home without the tank, so Steve helps her dismantle it from her wheelchair, leaving it behind to worry about another day.
Frankie surprises herself, asking for plans for the first time in months. “Would you guys wanna do a horror movie marathon at my place? The kids, too.”
Dustin nods eagerly, “Hell yeah! We’ll get a ton of sale candy to bring over!”
“That’s right, I forgot tomorrow’s the post-Halloween candy sale holiday.” Robin adds, but Eddie scoffs.
“Robs, that’s a fuckin’ mouthful. I’m not calling it that.”
“Call it whatever the hell you want, I don’t care, dude.”
“Why does everything have to be a debate with you two?” Dustin groans, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, yep, we’re leaving,” Steve rushes to the door, holding it open for Frankie. They holler goodbyes to one another as the couple leave the shop. “Jesus, those two are something else.”
The two continue on in a comfortable silence, the city’s routine sounds mingling with Halloween parties carrying on, conversations and music spilling from apartment windows and crowded bars. 
“Hey, Steve?” Frankie rolls to a stop, where Steve pauses with her. “Thanks for encouraging me to still come tonight. It went better than expected.”
“No need thanking me, I’m just happy you had a good time, ‘Key.” He softly smiles. “I think you made that kid’s Halloween even more special.”
“He made mine special, too. Now I got a new robot buddy.”
“A what?”
Frankie rolls away from him, laughing heartily.
“It’s a cool kid thing, Steve. You just wouldn’t get it.”
Steve lets her continue ahead for a moment, basking in her usual, contagious happiness. 
Guess Halloween ain’t so bad anymore.
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mrshipsmcgee · 3 years ago
Before I post part two I just wanted to be transparent and let y’all know that I’m nervous of what you’ll think once it’s posted. I’m really really enjoying writing and I’ve missed being so passionate about something.
I know it’s just fanfiction, but I want my work to be good work - work that helps you to escape just as much as as it’s helping me. This story is hopefully going to be a really fun journey - I really love the character dynamics and when I write it’s like I can see everything playing out so perfectly. (I’ve literally got a Miles already casted in my head lol) so I want my writing to be true to the character, I hope that I do them justice.
So thank you to whoever is reading my sloppiness right now, and thank you to whoever takes the time to read my work. It makes me feel something when I write. This community has been so wonderful - I love y’all to the moon, seriously.
Anyway, Symbiote part two posting at 2 PM EST
- Cait <3
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pastelwitchling · 4 years ago
It’s that time of year again, folks. Goodness, that feels odd to say after so long. Watching this episode, I realized that I truly do not care about anyone except Alex, and occasionally the pod squad 😂 I’ve watched each of Alex’s scenes at least three times at this point, and watched Isobel mention Alex to Michael twice, but I did also watch the rest of the episode, so without further ado, grab a nice cup of tea, maybe a snack, because here are my (mostly Alex) thoughts on last night’s season 3 premiere.
I was bored watching everyone else 😅 I think a lot of it stemmed from frustration. I still cannot get over the fact that this whole narrative is treating Max like the one in the wrong when it’s undoubtedly Liz. I’m also not a fan of the storyline where the female character is just constantly fawned over by every handsome guy she meets. It seems like wherever Liz is, whoever she’s working with, they’re always so in love with her, singing her praises and doing everything for her. I just dislike it because it feels very much like pandering, like the woman would never survive if there was someone who acted like, you know, a human around her as oppose to a worshipper. It wasn’t a big thing, I just had to roll my eyes quite a bit.
Kyle. That man needs a break. Thank God, they were going with what I hoped, and ended his relationship with Steph in a throwaway line. That moment he shared with Isobel was so touching, I couldn’t stand it. Huh. Scratch that, I only care about Alex, malex, forlex, the pod squad, and Kyle. That kylex moment - I can’t. Please, God, let this season have so many more kylex moments. I also love kybel, I love their relationship. More Kyle, Alex, and Isobel please.
I don’t like Maria with Gregory. I want redemption for her, but I don’t think she can get that if they have her with another Manes. Just... keep her away from the Manes men. I do not want her near the Manes men. I’m not mortified by it, per say, but I do strongly dislike it right now. It might grow on me later, depending on how she acts.
I will say though I did appreciate the, “You know, Alex is back. Are you here to invite me to the wedding?” This was what I’d hoped from her from the beginning, supporting malex getting together! So long as they don’t mention an “ex” again throughout the show, I’ll be happy. The best thing they can do at this point is pretend the tragedy of season 2 never happened.
(Side note: I’d really love it if Maria stopped taking every chance she got to insult Michael. That’d be nice. Or if they’re going to do it, let someone call her out on it. Like, it’s okay if you scold a woman or give her a genuine flaw that people acknowledge. She’s not made of glass.)
Max looked so cute, I could die. Isn’t he just gorgeous when he’s all tortured? 😂😍❤ I love him. That moment when he listened to Liz’s recording had me near tears. He’s just so tired and so frightened and I think Nathan Dean really nailed the emotion. Have I said I love him yet? I love him. 
I enjoyed the pod squad moments, I love Michael and Max’s relationship, I love seeing Isobel and Michael work together to save Max, I love the family of it, it’s so heartwarming.
Now. Malex. Y’all. Words cannot express how I felt when Michael stopped in front of that shop window to fix his hair. That is some fanfic stuff I would write, my heart jumped, I had to hide my smile I felt so bashful, like I was suddenly intruding on a private moment. And then the way Michael reacted to Maria? I love how they showed he didn’t want nor could take any comfort in her. Not in animosity towards Maria (well, maybe a little), but in the fact that you just know she could never do that for him like Alex could and he wasn’t going to pretend otherwise anymore. I thought it was a bit of a missed opportunity with malex, as they could’ve had Michael show that he wanted and needed that comfort from Alex, but hopefully they’re just waiting to have a big scene with them in 3x03, since Alex isn’t in 3x02.
Forlex. The kisses, the moment in bed, Alex’s smirk when Forrest asked him if he got in okay (😱), my heart was thrashing. And, well, I won’t pretend my heart isn’t broken that it’s already over. I freaking love forlex, I love Forrest so much, hats off to Christian Antidormi who came in and really just knocked it out of the park. I think the show was made all the better, and Alex all the happier, for having had him. I’m not angry or too upset about it though, because I’ll still be writing the forlex merman  au bonus story, I’ll still love them together, and I’ll keep Forrest in my heart forever. Also, the missed opportunities with Wyatt Long they could’ve had, really emphasizing how both Alex and Forrest are the black sheep of their families -- it would’ve been brilliant.
Not to mention, as a storyteller myself, I do think it was a little rushed the way Deep Sky was explained and then Forrest leaving, but in truth, I guess I’ve just lived with forlex over the whole hiatus, I’ve written about them so often, that I feel like I spent the past year with them so the scene is very emotionally heavy to me, and I could feel and understand Alex’s tears at seeing this one man who had allowed him so much freedom to just be leaving like that for good.
I am, however, very hopeful for malex’s friendship this season. I do think, realistically, it would be much easier for them to get closer without Forrest there, but at the same time -- again, missed opportunity. The way Alex was already being given E Clearance, like the badass he is, I got goosebumps 🤩😍
I am feeling emotional, hopeful, inspired. I want to write like crazy, which -- as anyone who’s been following me lately and read about my mental breakdown may know -- is the greatest gift anyone could give me. And it all came from Alex, Forrest, and Malex. Who’s shocked? Not me.
I genuinely can’t wait to see what happens the rest of the episodes. I am ready for the (hopefully) wonderful and heartwarming surprises. Already, this season looks promising.
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chidoroki · 4 years ago
The Promised Neverland S2EP4
aka: the fast-forward button is BROKEN! but my heart is oddly happy?
Friendly reminder that the full version of “Identity” was released yesterday and I love it even more now!
Oh? We got WM’s real name reveal this early too?
Bruh, they’re playing the “Introduction” theme from the first season’s soundtrack.
Ahh! The Glory Bell kid’s names are written on the “help” wall! Good!
Wait, what? What’s with this book that’s been written in though?
“Everybody’s gone. I’m all alone. I can’t stand this any longer. I’m also going to head for the human world. To anybody who’s reading this, don’t give up!” Well, that helps to confirm that geezer was here but again, it raises even more new questions. How does he know of the human side of the world? Does he know how to get there? And why does he sound so hopeful? It seems so unlike him..
Type “future” into the pen? That’s new too.
Ah, it’s the map we saw a glimpse of in the preview.. but D100? It’s not Cuvitidala since its coordinates are D528-143, so what is this new place?
They sure enjoy reminding us of Norman hm?
Chris!! You adorable child, I love you! I know it was Emma who wakes everyone up their first morning at the shelter but this is okay too!
And this is probably the closest we’ve ever been to seeing Ray’s sleeping face.
January 22nd.. so it’s passed the day they were supposed to meet geezer.. okay.
Aww, the younger kids are practicing archery!
Also, can we change into the shelter clothes already? Give my girl those nice black pants!
The duo out hunting!!! Aaah!!
The underground tunnels really are extensive huh.
Ayyy! There we go! Now we get Emma waking everyone else up!
They’re all so cute living their daily lives in the shelter though.. I can’t be mad at the anime for this.
Dominic, you little pro archer you.
Chef Ray! Yeeaahh!!
Okay but.. shirtless Ray too? He didn’t join the other boys in manga at all when in the bath, as we saw last ep, so I’m surprised.
Nat playing the piano before the kids go to sleep.. aah my heart!
Dominic is gonna go hunting with him?? Yes please!
Oh god, Thoma and Lani are going too.. I’m prepared for trouble.
Wow, I’m surprised that Don and Gilda went too, since that means they left the younger kids in the care of Anna and Nat.
No doubt the strangest fishing trip I’ve seen.
Oh nooo! Nat is the poor soul who has to test the fish to see if they’re safe for eating.
“No way, or I won’t play piano anymore!” “You can’t do that!” Awww!! Everyone loves hearing him play! I’m feeling so soft for this family right now man..
Look at our troublemakers stepping up and taking Nat’s place.. ah! And Ray!
Oh! Seems like the fish are okay to eat.. and delicious? I guess I can’t be surprised if Ray was the one who cooked them.
WHAT? February 26th?? Huh? Umm.. I have a major concern here!! GP was supposed to blow up on January 29th! I know this seems real bad and a ton of people are gonna jump in and say they cut that arc out, as if people weren’t already saying that since last week, but hello?? I guess it’ll just happen on a different date?.. hopefully.
It’s been a month and still no shelter outfits why?
GASP!! Is it she?? My queen??
Anime can have all my HELL YEAHS for giving us her with her hair down again!! I’d never thought I’d see it.. but I’m so thankful!!
“I will return all of the children unharmed, and ship them out as originally planned.” You shut your damn mouth grandma.. and speaking of “original plans,” aren’t you supposed to be dead by now?
While I’m completely thrilled we got to see Isabella again.. I don’t know how I feel about seeing her like.. this? In manga she had her strong “iron woman” front the entire time but here she looks so defeated? Like she would never show weakness but grandma taunting her like that by talking about the children’s lives to see how Isabella would react.. man, I have mixed feelings.
Rossi you’re too cute.
Goddamn.. I knew it was coming from the preview but I wasn’t ready for that explosion right now.
Wait.. it actually was their shelter? It wasn’t one of the fake, dummy ones James set up?? AH SHIT!!
Oh, and they decide to play “Tension” as well.. great.
I swear, if one of those dudes is the bastard I think it is..
“We have to get out of here. It’s not safe anymore.”  Bro, I didn’t think I would be getting ch104 flashback this soon! Oh no!
Oh god, Don and Rossi are still in the monitor room too.. which almost plays out like future manga events but darn it!
Queen!! We get to see more of you??
No no no, get vida flower away from her.
“I’m too ashamed to face them. Besides, I know that they will get away.” AAaahh, the confidence she has in them!
“They are my children, after all.” HER SMILE!! Y’all I love this woman so much!!
Don really knocked that dude out with a chair.
Oh shit, RAY!! Hahaa he was so close to shooting the guy with that arrow!
Aaahh! That hug Don gets from Gilda though, awww!
Look at our boy Chris lead the way through the tunnels! (please anime don’t you dare hurt this boy right here, right now like ch105)
NO! Sir, whoever you are, put the gun down!
“We just want a normal life like everyone else.” I’m not fond of these ch105 feels right now anime! I’m panicking!
Thoman and Lani!! Our troublemakers coming through with some nice shots of their own!
And the duo end up tackling the guy too! No hesitation whatsoever! AAHH I love them!!
Run my children!
Huh?? The younger kids ended up being captured anyway? Oh hell no!
Wild demon! Yeess! Damn, that thing is huge!
Dominic, sweetie, I love you and appreciate your bravery, but please just focus on running away instead of shooting at the beast!
YOOOO! RAAAYY! As if I couldn’t love you anymore than I already do! That jump! That accuracy! That kill! I’m so proud! Why is he so perfect??
Damn right my queen’s life was spared.
Bruh.. it might not be Peter making the deal with her but still.. why are we getting this scene now?? It’s from ch165!!
“Your release won’t be the only reward.” And.. what else? The hell did you just whisper in her ear!? Tell me!
“Rest assured, I will get back those children who betrayed me.” Y’all.. if you could see the damn smile on my face right now, holy shit. I’m in awe of this woman. Yes, what she said is highly concerning if you don’t know, but if you do know.. it’s fucking fantastic.
I get they wanna make it seem like she’s still an enemy and they executed that scene real well to convey that. (i’ll fight anyone who says she’s a bad mom though)
The kids running for their life through the forest exactly how ep1 started.. nice.
So.. yeah, I’m worried about the obvious things like geezer, GP and the main story line but like.. I’m also highly intrigued right now?
Ah, these reactions are gonna be so much longer now that we’re going original. I.. kinda dig it honestly. To just watch these kids do their own thing and not be so judgemental over every little thing the anime changes from manga.. it’s kinda refreshing.
Okay, so if we’re gonna be getting all new scenes, here’s one I’m hoping for. We just saw Nat play piano before the kids all went to sleep, right? So can I hope that while everyone is out in the forest trying to sleep, can we get Ray humming the lullaby? Please??
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jjk-biased · 5 years ago
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youtuber! jungkook x youtuber! reader
crack! social media au
genre: fluff, crack, some angst
chapter summary: after somehow placing 2nd overall on OGN's e-sports festival, jin fulfills his bet by taking you and your friends to lotte world for a hopefully stress-free and peaceful day.
words: 1.8k (cannot be read as standalone)
warnings: aside from cussing, none!
24. unsaid feelings
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The fireworks painted the dark sky with bright hues of red and blue. And while it could be the most beautiful view they've ever seen, Jungkook would beg to differ.
You were his prettiest view. The way your eyes would twinkle at each spark. How bright your smile would become as the glitters danced in the sky. The way your delicate hand encased in his would tighten at each exciting moment.
You were breathtaking.
Jungkook had long since ceased watching the show. He instead chose to observe your reactions to it with a dumb smile on his face. It was adorable. You were adorable.
Finally feeling his gaze on you, you found yourself turning red. Your eyes met his, then you two leaned closer.
and closer
and closer.
Until your lips were a few centimeters apart.
As the last and greatest firework exploded, you two ki—
for fucks’ sake.
Laughter rang throughout the living room as Jungkook fell from the couch. They all slept at Namjoon’s house once again after the e-sports festival had ended and it extended until today. Like how the first sleepover turned out, everyone fell asleep in the living room.
“Noisy much, Jin?” You grumble, also waking up from Jin’s morning call.
“If we wanna enjoy Lotte World and get there early, y’all shoulda been up and about.”
Hoseok, who somehow already had an immense amount of energy, cackled at you and Jungkook’s state. The others wordlessly began to wash their faces, some opted to help Jin with breakfast.
After a long time of preparing, the rambunctious group of friends finally went on their trip to Lotte World.
Unbeknownst to you and Jungkook, however, the little shits had planned something that you’re not sure whether to be thankful of or angry at.
Jungkook had finally admitted to everyone else, while you were fast asleep on the floor in between Namjoon and Hoseok, that he had been harboring a genuine liking towards you. He had gone to sleep not long after, and that was when Taehyung began to brew plans to give him a little push.
It’s been awhile since you’ve gone to any amusement park, so you had a child-like wonder painted on your face when everyone went in. It was absolutely adorable to say the least and even if Jungkook was unable to say it out loud, his dopey grin was enough.
You all thought it was a good idea to start the peaceful day with death disguised as rollercoasters. You’re sure you know who wanted everyone to die so early in the day, the terrified looks of all but one little shit told you more than you need to know.
“Do we really have to do what he says?” You grumble as Jungkook basks in his success.
“Might as well do it now when the line isn’t as long…” Yoongi trailed off, slowly losing the confidence he had stored in when he heard the shrieks of the people.
Luck might not be with you today when everyone scrambled to sit at the safest parts of the cart— which is everywhere but the first row. Moreover, the only person left to sit with you was none other than the idiot responsible for your demise that day.
“Hurry up pumpkin, you’re so slow!”
Whatever retort you wanted to throw was shoved in your throat when the staff secured your death seat.
“Aw is little pumpkin scared?”
“For the last time, jungleboy, I am nOT LI— FUCK THIS RIDE AAAAAH”
To say the least, your luck took a vacation and left you to suffer with Jungkook and the others.
Everyone decided to eat lunch after that traumatizing event. Namjoon and Jin were scouting for a place to eat, Hoseok and Yoongi decided to look for food choices, and that left you with the three youngest idiots of your idiot group to explore the rigged booths.
There was a shooting game where you just had to knock over the pyramid of cans to get the fluffiest alpaca ever. And while you’ve ingrained it in your mind that these games are scams, the child in you couldn’t resist wanting to win one because 1) alpaca soft 2) alpaca big.
Jungkook wasn’t an idiot— dear lord, someone tell him — or at least he could tell the meaning of your longing stare towards the cute alpaca plush.
With a sigh, he stopped you from doing one of the most dramatic “goodbyes” ever to an alpaca plush and tried for the game.
“Step right up, mister! Win anything in this booth for your girlfriend for the small price of ₩5,000!”
“Oh, w-we aren’t— he isn’t,” you pathetically denied. It seemed you were the only one who got embarrassed though because Jungkook didn’t deny anything.
He did it with so much ease that even the staff was left speechless at his show. Maybe it was the alpaca he gave you talking, but damn did butterflies erupt in your tummy. He looked so cool shooting the cans with so much focus. To think he spent money and did so just for you, you were sure your heart melted (and it wasn’t because of the heat!!)
You thought the funny feeling would die down after.
Boy were you wrong.
Time after time after time again, he never failed to make you feel giddy inside.
When the two of you were paired up for this horror house, he never made you feel embarrassed. He instead offered his arm to you, even going as far as wrapping said arm around you so you could find refuge in him when a particular bit scares you more. Poor boy was too flustered from the entire ordeal to even notice some of the scarers.
Then there was this time where he cheered out of glee when you won from one of the booths. (you two used Jin’s money though lmao) He had complimented you endlessly on how “great you were, pumpkin!”
Though he’d often tease you about your shorter stature, he lets you use him as a shade from the harsh sunlight. It was a small but nice gesture.
Everyone else retreated to the restrooms after thinking it was a good idea to drink a lot before going to the teacups ride. The look on their faces was a memory you’ll never forget.
You two sat on one of those benches nearby and began to talk about random things— ramens and gaming included. Jungkook received a text from Jimin saying that the lines were too long and they could roam around while waiting.
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“How about we go to those souvenir shops? I wanna buy something now before it gets too crowded,” You suggested, pointing to the array of stores.
“I don’t mind that, let’s go!” He cheered, taking hold of your hand (you don’t know if he’s aware of that or not but it made you red).
The next hour was spent trying on dorky thingamajigs and whatnot. After trying on a pair of funny specs, you decided it was time to go back to checking out rides.
The sun had begun to set and pink hues scattered through the sky. It allowed for a more calm and serene mood to set in as you two walked, your arms linked, and roamed around the parks (as well as trying to ignore the bustling noise of happy kids and crying babies lmfao)
Ramen, that was the name of the alpaca Jungkook won for you, was safely tucked in his arms. You, on the other hand, were busy munching on the popcorn that Jungkook bought (it was supposed to be for himself but you had your ways)
You probably didn’t hear whatever was going around, too busy eating his popcorn to care, but Jungkook heard every murmur people threw your way. Admittedly, he wished that you two were actually a couple like the little kid said
He wasn’t sure how it began. You two started on a rather weird meeting— with you mocking his so-called fifth grader level skills in Overwatch to him replying rather pettily to win the argument. Somewhere down the line, you two actually had common friends and were forced to meet. That was the moment he was taken aback by you.
Well honestly, he was always taken aback.
You were witty; always had comebacks ready to deploy for every remark he had. You were skilled; not only a master at time management for balancing college life with your career, but also great at gaming. You were kind-hearted; though your verbal jabs were piercing, he knew you meant no harm.
You were too good for this world.
So when he had scared you, rather unintentionally, with a horror game, he regretted it so much. But to be honest, he was also thankful for that day. God knows he probably wouldn’t have had the chance to “restart” how he treated you if he hadn’t fucked up.
You probably didn’t notice how his teasing now focused more on the thought of you with him. While he isn’t the best at conveying romantic feelings, he was absolutely fluent in memes.
Thank god for memes.
But at some point, he does have to tell you what’s going on. He can’t stay in this weird space with you— somewhere between friends who fight and friends who flirt. With a shaky sigh, he decided today was the day.
As if the universe were with him, you then finally noticed his silence. It was heart-warming to see concern in your pretty face when you took note of the unusual quietness.
“Are you okay, kook?”
Like a goldfish out of water, he opened his mouth then closed it again.
Fuck, it was harder than he thought.
Thousands of thoughts went through his head. Will you take him seriously? Will you stop being friends? Will you hate him for the feelings he harbored?
Every negative thought disappeared at the sound of your amused laugh.
He reminds himself why he liked you so much and gathers little courage to speak out his mind.
This is it.
Oh my god, this is it.
“Y/N, I have something to tell you…” He trailed off, now facing her properly. (poor Ramen was being squeezed to death)
You became nervous. Did he notice my staring? Holy shit is he gonna tell me I’m weird?
“I think I li—”
Internally groaning at yet another interruption, Jungkook turned to whoever decided to call you out. It was a guy, definitely older than you. He turned to you, silently questioning if you knew the intruder, and was surprised to see none of your cheery aura.
You were livid.
“Daniel Y/L/N.”
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a/n: tumblr decided to be a bitch and didn't save every edit i made so this took awhile. also, #danielisoverparty and oops, y'all thought Daniel was an ex lmao ig i made him sound too ex-y 🤡
taglist: @armymaknae @rjsmochii @chogiyeol-utopia @deolly @liitlefaiiery @patpus @br0ther-s @borednia @tyraparker @ancailinaerach @tae165 @cherrycolababie @nininek12 @atulipandarose @hannahdinse8 @hereforaus @amoreguk @thewariestofheads @parkmaeri @thia-aep @diorhobii @seungcheoluwu @mipetronella @callmesenpaix @jungshookmeup @yoongisabby @parkchaeyoung1997 @alpaca1612 @bangtan-serendipity @karissassirak @fullsunkook @salty-for-suga @cholychi @smolbeaniejimin @netflix-batman-sleep @snickerdoodleeee @faeriegukkie @kpop4mysoul @crazylittlemay @theneighborhoodfangirl
permanent taglist: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie
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dnvrsmedia · 5 years ago
You Feel Safe?
Carol Danvers x reader
summary: You and Carol are sent on a mission together for the first time.
warnings: none! good ole fluff! mutual pinning & my fav troupe the “only one bed” :)
AN: IM BACK! I am SO sorry i’ve been gone for like 2 weeks, but I had the WORST writers block omg! Hopefully this gets me back in the time of everything & I hope y’all enjoy! as always requests are open!
part 2
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You were called to be on a mission yesterday. If it were any other day you wouldn’t have minded so much, but it was supposed to be your first weekend off in almost a month. You could almost taste the short lived freedom as you stepped into your room that friday evening, but of course, the world had other plans for you. The literal moment you set your bags down,friday informs you that steve needs you in the debrief room.
Obviously pissed off that you were robbed of your planned relaxing weekend, you trot to the debrief room with heavy steps and a frown. You’re known as the cheerful one around the compound. You’re always worried about others safety and health. So, when you passed Nat on the way to meet Steve without saying hello, she immediately knew something was off. Not wanting to interrupt you, she shrugs it off and makes sure to make a mental note to ask you what’s wrong later on.
You finally reach the debrief room and see a familiar tall blonde talking to Steve. You’ve only met Carol about two times, but you wouldn’t really call that a formal meeting. The two of you were too busy trying to save the world from thanos to really indulge in a conversation. But that doesn’t matter right now.
“Stevie, you know I love you, but why the ever loving fuck are you calling me on my weekend off. You know I haven’t gotten one in a while!” You exclaim as you go in to hug him. Steve has also been away on a mission for a while, so you haven’t seen your older brother figure in a while.
He gives out a hardy chuckle and gives you a tight squeeze before letting go. “I know y/n and I feel horrible doing so, but you’re the only gal for the job. Plus, you haven’t properly met Captain Danvers over here yet!” He points to Carol as she sticks out her hand to shake.
“Please, call me Carol.” She winks. You shake her hand as your face burns bright red. God y/n keep it together! You can’t help but to stare at her beautiful being. Everything about her is absolutely gorgeous and you can’t seem to get enough. Your eyes trail down to her strong biceps. All all you can think about is how much you wouldn’t mind if she put you in a choke hold i mean-
Steve clears his throat and asks you if you heard a word he just said. Now you start to blush profusely. She had to notice you staring, because she’s sporting a wicked smirk on her face.
“S-sorry I got a little uh...distracted.” You clear your throat. You notice Steve rolling his eyes and continues to debrief the mission. The both of you were to go undercover as girlfriends to a ball. This wasn’t any ordinary ball though. At the ball, there is an underground auction on alien tech. The reason you were picked and not Nat is because you can turn invisible. Once invisible, you were to sneak into the auction and take back that very valuable piece of tech. Carol is tagging along because of her extensive knowledge on alien tech. This mission was clearly meant for the two of you.
Soon after, you were dismissed to your quarters and packing for the three day long mission in Tuscany, Italy. Luckily for you since you don’t own many dresses, Nat popped by to let you borrow a few. She originally came by to see why you were so upset, but as soon as she saw you packing your bags she already knew.
“So, are you excited to play girlfriend with miss twinkle hands? Last time you two met you could barely take your eyes off oh her.” She slyly smirks as she folds your shirt. You immediately scoff as your face starts to heat up.
“I was just making sure she didn’t die! I do that every time with everyone when we’re saving the world!” You squeak. Nat could definitely tell that you were lying. I mean come on, she’s a highly skilled spy. She just mutters a ‘yeah sure’ and rolls her eyes. You shoo her away so you could ‘get your beauty sleep’ before you leave for the mission. Moments after you finally get settled in bed, you hear a knock at your door. Too tired to get up, you ask friday to let whoever is at the door in. Soon later, you’re eye to eye with Carol herself.
“Oh were you about to sleep? I’m sorry I can go if you want.” She shyly smiles and starts to walk away. You’ve never seen Carol like this before, and you wish you could see more of her.
“No,” you sit up and pat the space next to you on the bed. “It’s okay I promise. Come sit.” You gently smile. Soon after your smile is taken over by a big yawn. You hear Carol chuckle and sit next to you.
“You sure you aren’t gonna fall alseep on me, y/n?” She teased.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” You lazily smiled. “Now, why did you want to see me?” you questioned.
“I just uh wanted to get to know you better. I mean if you’re gonna be my girlfriend, then I should actually know you, right?” she answered. You blushed majorly at her calling you her girlfriend. Yes, you know it’s only for the mission, but you can’t help but feel giddy.
“Well, what do you want to know? I’m an open book.” you replied while looking into her eyes. You could get lost in her perfect chestnut eyes. You can tell that she is a strong and loving person, but she also has been hurt. You wish you could take her pain away, but sadly that’s not how it always works.
From then on, the two of you spent your last hours before the flight to Tuscany talking about anything and everything. You told her things you don’t even think you’ve told Nat or Steve yet. Just something about Carol makes you want to pour your deepest darkest feelings and thoughts out. She’s just so welcoming and warm. You do end up falling asleep due to the day of hard work you endured. Carol soon notices and covers you in your blanket before leaving. The two of you have about four hours before the flight and she still hadn’t packed. She leaves your room with the widest smile on her face.
You wake up two hours later to your alarm. You always set your alarms according to, so you don’t get behind schedule. Before missions, you like to get a light workout and combat in. You groggily get up from your bed and change into your workout clothes.
You get down to the gym and immediately notice Carol at the punching bag. She was wearing a black sports bra with matching athletic leggings and hair was in a pony tail. You are completely in awe. Of course you’ve seen her fight before, but that was in a life or death matter. You didn’t have time to gawk at the way her back muscles contracted every time she moves. Or hear the little grunts she huffs out as her fist collides with the punching bag.
She must’ve felt someone staring at her, because she turns around in the middle of punching the bag and smirks. Your face seems to permanently be red because of her, but you couldn’t really complain could you?
You shake your head and get straight into your workout routine. You turn on your favorite playlist and get straight to work. You get in light stretching before you do your 2 miles on the treadmill. You hit the weights right after. Throughout your whole workout, the both of you share stole glances. You catch her looking at your ass through the mirror as you back squat and chuckle. You’re just about to bench press as she walks up to your station.
“Here, lemme spot you. I don’t need the bar falling on your pretty face.” She smirks and steps behind the you.
“How nice of you, Captain. You know, I’m a lot stronger than I look. Trust me, I’m a big girl.” Now it’s your time to watch as her face gets red.
“Oh trust me I know. You can never be too cautious.” She winks and you playfully roll your eyes.
About an hour after, you finally finish your work out. You thank Carol once again and go on your way to your room to take a quick shower before meeting her at the quinjet. You say bye to your fellow avengers (well who’s not on a mission), and go on your marry way to Tuscany. The both of you arrive in Tuscany at 8pm. You were visibly tired, so you couldn’t wait to eat something and curl up in your own bed.
Carol helps you with you bag, although you said you can cary it, and takes the both of you to the room. The view from the room is astounding. Your eyes pan all over the room, then you see it. To your surprise, there is only one bed and a very uncomfortable looking couch. You can tell Carol notices as well as she starts to put her things by the couch.
“You can take the bed, trust me I don’t mind.” She smiles her adorable smile.
“Are you kidding me? We’re both adults here, Captain. We can share the bed and I’m not letting you say no! That couch looks so uncomfortable!” You rant as you move your things over to the bed. “Now, what do you want for dinner?” You turn your head to see he smiling at you.
The pair of you decided on some authentic Italian food for take out. So here you are, currently eating fancy Italian food with a beautiful girl in romantic Italy. Seriously what could get better than this. You guys talk for hours until it’s time to go to bed.
You’re the first one to freshen up in the bathroom before bed. You step out in only your towel, and Carols face heats up so quick.
“I-I’ll just go uh go in there uh I uh- yeah.” She mutters out as she grabs her things and rushes herself into the bathroom. You laugh to yourself then get dressed. You snuggle up in the bed with one of your books and start reading. You finish a chapter when you hear Carol get out the bathroom. You’ve never seen her look so casual before. You can’t help but smile at her Captain america pj pants.
“Steve gave em to me as a gag gift for my birthday last year.” she chuckled and gets into bed with you.
You put your book down and turn on the TV to entertain the two of you. The TV was nearly there for background noise, since you weren’t paying attention at all. You say there thinking about how happy you’ve felt around Carol for the past two days, and hoped she felt the same. A loud lawn broke your trace. You realized it’s getting late, so you turned off the TV and got comfy in the bed.
“Sleep well, Y/n.” You hear Carol say as you’re about to drift into sleep.
“Goodnight, Carol.” You day softly as you nod off into the dream state.
beep! beep! beep!
Your overly loud, yet useful, alarm wakes you up. You go to reach to turn it off but you can’t reach it. You look down and see a sleeping Carol lying on top of you. Her arm is wrapped around your waist as hair is strewn across her face. You smile down at her and admire how soft she looks. You take your free hand and move her fly aways from her face. She stirs awake and looks into your eyes. She throws herself back and starts to apologize profusely.
“Hey, hey, look it’s okay I uh actually enjoyed it. If we’re being honest I haven’t slept that well in a long time.” You blush as you look down at your hands. Carol soon takes your hands and gently caresses them with her own.
“I haven’t slept that well in a while either actually. I normally get nightmares, but with you...” She whispers.
“You feel safe?” You ask as she nods her head with a smile. “That’s exactly how I feel too.” You beam.
Carol scoots closer to you and places her palm on your cheek. You heart begins to race as she slowly inches forward to kiss you. Just as your lips are about to touch, your alarm blares once more and the two of you bump heads.
“I should probably turn that off.” You groan.
“Yeah,” She chuckles “You should.”
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analog-machine-writes · 3 years ago
Blog Update Post [9/24/2021]
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Okay so this is probably going to turn out to be done in rainbows per paragraph. See if I give a shit (lh). But this is important so pay attention, please.
As you all probably know, I'm a writer, part time artist, and shitposter. My name is Ice, and I really do enjoy observer-writer-engagement. That's just one of the things I enjoy, is seeing honest reactions to something I've written or drawn. I encourage this. Please, don't be shy.
Thing is, though, there's absolutely NO engagement on this blog. At all. Ever. Granted, I don't post often, but the two things are tied into this vicious circle, it seems, and it's not helping anybody. I don't know what my audience is, if I have an audience, and I have absolutely no idea what anyone would want to see, so I've come to a conclusion.
I want to try something new.
Terrifying, I know, but what I'm wanting to try is actually not that bad of an idea, I don't think. While I'm keeping my art generally separate (see @zaedtalostisnotanartist), I'm thinking more along the lines of opening up an avenue for input from the lot of you. Obviously, the things I write because I like writing them won't change or go away, but it'd be interesting to see what the lot of you who may be following this blog (who AREN'T porn bots) would like to see in my style of writing.
If you're still unsure of what that means, let me rephrase it in a way that might be a little less roundabout and far less wordy:
I'm opening up my askbox for requests.
Oooooh, spoopy. I'm gonna let y'all send me things on this blog, and you're gonna get the option to send it anonymously too.
While I'm going to just ignore any hatemail sent in, because this blog isn't for that (go to my personal one if you want to be a dick, I'm not junking up my writing blog), but I'll answer questions, fill requests to the best of my ability, and try to interact more, I s'pose, with whatever rats, possums, and raccoons might be out here hopefully reading the stuff I write on this blog.
So I thank you for your patience, and I hope to hear from you. Any of you.
---Much love and appreciation to whoever reads this, from your blog's sorta-friendly management: Ice.
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dramaphan · 4 years ago
Dan and Phil Stereo Show, A Live Reaction by Me, Dramaphan
•Their avatars staring blank faced at me through my tv is so scary holy shit
•We are one failed attempt in, doing great guys
•Their mouths moving at the same time because they’re literally sat next to each other is killing me jesus
•”Content warning for Dan, his mouth is filled with soil” Phil it’s an 18+ app you can say fuck
•Various verbs being used in the penis talk. Quack. Squeeze. Considering turning this off
•Dan is really emphasizing the term “Phans” he’s said it three times and I’m not comfortable
•God y’all weren’t lying about the echo
•I feel like I’m having a stroke holy shit what are they saying
•I literally could not tell you what they’re talking about right now I think Dan said something about dunking his balls in the bath
•Dan blatantly brushing off all the “I missed you” messages shut up you dickhead
•Dan what the fuck is that gremlin impersonation STOP
•”We’re having a little bit of echo” THANKS FOR NOTICING KING MY EARS ARE BLEEDING
•”hopefully that’s better” it’s worse
•Every time someone asks Dan’s opinion on a Phil look he literally just says “if you had a different personality it would work” Jesus Christ he’s like a talking doll
•Now they’re both speaking through Phil’s giant head. Fellas, you could have sat in different rooms
•Dan is really pushing this foamy bath imagery I’m going to steal his teeth
•”we’re both coming out of Phil’s mouth now” he can’t help himself he just can’t
•I talk a lot of shit about Dan but if it weren’t for him, I would never know that Phil has seen a porno with the tesco delivery man in it. Thanks Dan. Cheers for that.
•Dan thinks a 20/20 vision joke is “disgusting humour” Dan you just made several jokes in a row about getting your balls out in the bath with Phil shut up
•”lick me! Caress me!!” I’m gonna kill him I’m going to do it
•Phil literally choking up about his parents and then being like “oh well people have it worse” sir please you’re gonna make me weep
•Okay I just watched through the whole house part and I’m 🥺 no articulate thoughts just 🥺
•House features include one green wall and one desk wow the insight
•”Do you think pigeons are smart enough to have emotional bonds” has the same energy as that one video of the guys on the bunk beds that are like “do you think pigeons have feelings” “I’m gonna give you one last chance to shut the fuck up”
•Phil dove headfirst into the dog talk and then took it nowhere uh
•”I have sexy Irish Siri on my phone but you’ve chosen Australian for the house” huh??? Are they in the house rn or do they just have a fuckin Alexa or something what did that mean
•Oh we’re talking about the dog again
•Phil really said “hey Dan communicate with your fucking audience” and Dan said “instead, I will throw a tantrum”
•So he stepped away from YouTube to do some soul searching great great cool would have been so cool to know that two years ago but hey thanks for telling us now
•The new topic is “what has Dan been doing” wow he really said alright thanks for the communication now we’re going to bully you good love that
•They spent two hours on that fucking Instagram photo and at no point did they think, hey, what if you put on anything except these tighty whities
•OH the two bathrooms thing is already currently happening I thought that was part of the new house thing but no that’s been going on and you know what that makes it even funnier
•oh we’re talking about the gaming channel past tense now alright cool thanks
•Oh so we’re still in the “we haven’t decided what we’re doing” limbo? Maybe we’ll return to it? No you won’t.
•So Phil thought Dan was gonna put his buttcheeks in a magazine and Dan was also fully willing to do that Jesus fucking Christ I’m gonna get that prediction right aren’t I
•What kind of YouTube content are you not allowed to talk about, Dan??? 🤔 Surely if it was just regular videos on your channel you could give some hints??? I’m so right about his channel plans being exclusively behind a paywall I just know it
•So Phil is working on some kind of interactive show, which I think we knew already so I’m not updating the fucking list oh my god I’m not doing it. Can’t figure out if he’s been pitching it to like, tv networks or to YouTube
•Something about them cutting each other’s hair is really making me 🥺
•”it’s not suitable for YouTube” hey Phil??? What the fuck is that supposed to mean???
•book talk time
•”you have no idea how annoying I’m gonna be in April right before this comes out” no don’t worry I’m aware
•So it’s not a memoir, and it’s not a self help book, it’s both? Maybe? Whatever I’m still not buying it
•Phil has read the book. So I assume the book is? Done? Didn’t he just the fuck start writing it how is it done
•”it’s full of juicy tea about me” oh god one fear
•So you plan to trick us into becoming happier and healthier people what the fuck is this book about
•”it can help every single person watching this” actually I’m going to become more unstable on purpose
•”our Siri stopped listening to Dan” bitch I don’t blame her
•Phil hates mushrooms and that’s valid
•whoever asked them for a tiktok knows I’m trying to predict tiktok Phil
•Dan’s absolute panic at the bdsm story is never not going to kill me
•”what, you don’t like poppers?” Oh my fucking god end my life
•”Phil is tapping my leg” why is that so funny Dan is trying to start beef and Phil is just fuckin taptaptaptaptaptaptap
•Also who’s the band I bet it’s fob
•”they’ve made water taste like farts” okay Dan really tickled my inner 12 year old with that joke he gets one funny point
Okay final thoughts: they sure can make me have Feelings when they talk about their general life plans but boy no amount of feelings can overpower the way Dan makes my fucking teeth itch. Very happy for them, very soft and mushy about this house concept, starting to learn that maybe I just don’t enjoy consuming Dan content anymore
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skycruise · 4 years ago
Jared virtual panel Sunday 22 Nov 2020
As with Misha, tried to type as he talked as much as possible. I did get interrupted by a couple of brief phone calls & I’m sure someone will post a video later today, but for now--
--Just got out of the shower. Didn’t do his hair lol. It is SHORT Y’ALL.
--Been a hell of a week, we all know why. Series finale. Shed some tears, watched it at his house, everything came flooding back, was really emotional. Wishes he could see our faces. He feels the love.
--Top 3 episodes and why? Series finale is his favorite, he is a fan of storytelling & looking at SPN as a whole the finale wrapped up things in a way that were meaningful and poignant and “wonderfully frustrating”. #2, Sacrifice. Another moment of seeing deeply inside the boys but they were flipped Sam thinking he was dying vs Dean dying. #3 French Mistake, doesn’t know if any other TV show could have done that.
--Was pie in Dean’s face scripted? Yes and he got to do it a few times! When Sam throws the pie in Dean’s face there is a passerby looking on, that is Bob Singer. It being scripted didn’t make it any less fun.
--How were the first days on the set of Walker? Thank you for asking, it’s been awesome. Strange but incredible. Feels lucky and fortunate to be able to see his kids in the morning and and at night, proud of what SPN was and hoping to recreate some of that with Walker. Learned so much from Sam and wants to do that with another character.
--Bad hair days? Puts on a beanie. Never learned how to do anything with his hair. 
--Crossover between SPN and Walker, would Cordell and Sam be friends? Absolutely. Both trying to do their best in a weird world to make it a better place and hopefully ease other people’s pain. Sam and Dean found themselves in situations where there’s no perfect answer and Cordell deals with the same type of things.
--Fave Harry Potter book & movie & spell? Book--Deathly Hallows, Sorry, missed the rest! Oh Expecto Patronus lol
--Craziest/funniest bts moment? 2 moments, one where he was awaiting birth of first son Tom, scene where Sam is chasing Kevin around. Same situation where Jensen was waiting for twins--Jensen getting that call. Just a weird situation where something huge is going on personally while trying to act. Talks about Jensen not having his passport and it had to be all hands on deck to find Jensen’s passport and get him back in the states for the birth.
--If SPN all over again as a different character, who & why? Biggest part of him says he has to be Sam. He would be Sam again. But if he HAD to change he would be Lucifer. Mark made it seem like such a fun character to play. Also possibly Chuck, Rob was phenomenal. 
--Would love to do/have reaction videos for cast reaction to reaction videos. (Me too, Jared)
--Had a hard time thinking about who he was going to be without SPN 
--How did you start your acting career? Acted in middle/high school. Won a contest to be trophy presenter (pulls out surfboard award thing) at Teen Choice awards, met an agent & auditioned over tape. Was supposed to be premed in school but got Gilmore Girls.
--What is always on your Thanksgiving table? Turkey, as much as possible. Stuffing, pumpkin pie. Big Dallas Cowboys fan so would always watch Cowboys game and make awful turkey nachos (tortilla chips with Thanksgiving leftovers) that night
--How would Sam spend his time in quarantine? Giant library at bunker doing a lot of reading. Would probably use a pedometer to make sure he got his steps in for the day. Sam is an introvert.
--What country would Sam and Dean like to visit on vacation? Puerto Rico. Wishes Sam and Dean got their beach vacation that they had talked about. Not sure if the car could have gotten there. Maybe they could have found some floaties for it lol.
--Were any lines adlibbed or added by him and Jensen (finale)? Yes. In the barn scene when Dean tells Sam to keep going, it was written Sam said he couldn’t do it without you (Dean), Sam thought he should say it more similar to the pilot, which is what they did. First thing Dean said to Say was Heya Sammy and Sam was Dean? Sam thought those should also be their last words on the bridge. J2 tried to convey how they thought the characters felt in that barn scene especially. When Sam says It’s okay, you can go now, Jared thought Sam’s son should say the same to him at his death.
--Sam wearing Dean’s watch in the finale? Jared happy fan caught that. Jared thought it was something Sam would have kept and worn.
--Jared doesn’t catch the reference SamLicker81 lol. 
--Jared had a lot of time to think about Sam’s ending, at first he thought it was jarring but how do you feel about anyone’s ending? Would you ever be ok with your own ending? There was a finality to it that no matter what happened it would be difficult to wrap his head around. Once he digested it, he felt it was the best way to tell Sam’s story. Sam tried to live his life the way Dean would have wanted him to life his life. He tried to do what Dean would have wanted. If Dean had come back 20 years later and saw Sam hunting he wouldn’t have liked that, he wanted Sam to live his life. That’s what they all fought for, for whoever was left to live as normal a life as possible.
--Any other props end up at Jared’s house? Yeah he has some stuff. His stand-in Jason had got 2 picture frames for Jared and Jensen, got copies of the last call sheet along with their marks (red tape for Jared, blue for Jensen), and framed them. 
--Super excited about producing and acting on Walker, felt like he and Jensen were pseudo-producers on SPN but will be different on Walker, hopefully he can help guide the story in a way that’s best for the show
--Acting advice? Everybody is different. Acting is trying to be somebody you’re not...but don’t try to be somebody you’re not. Don’t try to be like another actor. Just be you and figure out what story you want to tell, remember you’re there to tell a story, commit to who you are and who you have been. There are things you’ve been through no one else has, so don’t discredit that.
--Fave song that reminds you of Sam? Carry on Wayward Son, especially having just watched the finale, it’s such a powerful song. 
--Pre and post COVID scripts? They can’t fire me now! Biggest deal with post COVID script was the mandatory 2 week quarantine. There were going to be a lot of beloved characters in Heaven with us but it was just a scene or 2 so they couldn’t really ask Rob, Richard, Samantha Smith, Jeffrey Dean to come sit in a hotel room for 2 weeks for one scene. The Heaven Dean deserved was filled with people but because COVID it ended up being just Sam and Dean.
--One thing he will miss the most? The crew/family. Life long friends made over 15 years. He grew up a lot on SPN, been through so much and so much history with those people. It’s so different shooting Walker right now because with COVID there’s less human contact. Misses human contact (with fans too).
--How did you prepare to shoot Dean’s death? How could you possible prepare to shoot Dean’s death? We shot it in September, I had known about since June or July 2019, had been reading the script since February. Lot of time spent on set was trying not to cry. Massive massive fight scene, shot for 3 days but 30 seconds on screen. One day for after Dean’s been impaled so they wouldn’t have to fight all day then get emotional. Was emotional about that scene, didn’t want Jared to get in the way of Sam’s story.
--Did Sam tell his kid about all the hunting stuff? Yeah of course, told him all about uncle Dean, why he was named after him, and the importance of taking care of himself and not spending his life saying goodbye to friends and family and then his son just wanted to get a tattoo.
--There are tons of shows Jared wishes SPN could have crossed over with. Would have been funny to cross over with Walking Dead, for them to see John and he doesn’t know who they are.
--First people Sam would want to see in Heaven? Obviously Dean. Bobby. Mom. Sully. Sam’s Heaven is mostly Dean. He wanted Sam’s wardrobe from the pilot because that was Sam’s happiest moment, going on the road with his brother. 
--If he had the chance to work with Jensen again (and he WILL he says, hopefully sooner than later)...Jensen has a standing invitation to come to Walker, but they will find something somewhere and it will be great.
--What weird or gross food do you enjoy? Jared eats everything and a lot of it. Except olives. Doesn’t really like chocolate despite his sweet tooth. Doesn’t like black licorice. Will try anything once. Loves spicy food.
--Advice for people with anxiety? One thing that’s worked for him is just accepting that it’s not going anywhere. If you’re trying to get rid of anxiety you’ll frustrate yourself. Talks about Eddie Vedder saying he sees his demons as somebody who’s riding in the car with him. Take care of yourself. You got this.
--Grateful for you guys, hope to see you soon.
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ashyblondwaves · 4 years ago
You’re writing is absolutely beautiful (more beautiful than Vision’s booty and that’s saying something)
It’s totally understandable to feel discouraged and like you aren’t good enough when it comes to writing and it’s something I wish more writers talked about.
From a reader’s perspective your art is unparalleled no matter what it is. But even then it isn’t the same as feeling that way about your own work.
From one internet demon to the other, you are an incredible writer and your blog is beautifully curated to so many internet goers: MCU fans, Zaddy Vision hoes, Wanda stans, the gays (we love ur blog), whoever is lucky enough to come across your page
I hope you get to experience your work the same way your audience does some day because there’s nothing like it.
Keep on being a bad bitch, internet auntie and thanks for the vibes you exude into the ether.
This is so incredibly nice, thank you Anon! I’m happy to hear you enjoy the blog as well as the writing. I always wonder how far to go when I talk about my writing discouragements because I don’t want to seem like I’m fishing for compliments but y’all know how I am about honesty and mental health. I’m very open with it and the writing thing is all my own mind telling me things and right now, I’m believing them. Believing that I’m not a good writer, that I have no business posting anything I write and most of all, that people are laughing and talking about how bad my writing is after I post something. That’s the biggest one right now. My mind has me convinced people only hate read my stuff to talk shit about it later. And that sucks.
I’m hoping this is just a temporary hiccup and little bad mental health spell but I don’t know. I’ve never felt so discouraged about my writing before. It just makes me question if the effort I put into it is worth the near radio silence I tend to get after I post stuff. It all feeds back into that “you’re not good enough” lie that I’m having trouble seeing as a lie right now.
Sigh. Hopefully I can get over this hurdle. Thank you again for reaching out my fellow Internet Demon ♥️
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everyone-has-their-story · 5 years ago
Season 3 episode 5 commentary with my sister:
Remember when I said I knew what was going to happen? LOL to me and my emotions
No, dude go visit your mom!
You and Zoe both need better excuses than “I’m sick”
Sidenote...I am really loving this new location
No Jens, everything is not chill thanks for asking though
Robbe you don’t need weed! You need to talk
No one cares about the broerrrs right now
Noor and him fighting are the least of his problems
Thanks for finally being interested in his life Jens
I mean yeah she wants to have sex, but not really on his list of problems 
Sex is overrated? Is that because you have toothpaste? 
Please stop talking about this with him
Jens’ advice in a nutshell: Have sex, don’t have sex, its “eh”, but c’est la vie 
Incorrect, Jens. She likes him and he likes Sander. Thanks for playing though.
Fucking hell….you’re telling the wrong person you miss them! I don’t have time for this Robbe
Yeah thanks for your shitty advice, but I’m glad you’re being a friend
Oh no no no no!! I don’t like the looks of this at all
Also, what happened to firefighter Robbe from the vlogs? All these candles are a fire hazard
Actually this whole fucking situation is a hazard
Robbe stop! Abort!
*face palms*
I want to feel bad for her but I’m too focused on feeling bad for him
That is not the face of a guy who is enjoying this (robbe takes off her bra)
Wait...did it happen or not?
His face is making me feels level of sad I didn’t know existed
Thank fucking christ that didn’t happen
Oh she is so sweet, I feel bad for her
There will be no next time
Pause it! I know I joke a lot but the fact that he even felt the need to try this is making me so fucking sad…like he tries so hard to be who he isn’t and i hate that for him. And whoever this actor is, is playing the hell out of this character. Bravo my dude….okay play *sighs*
Sweet lord we are only 7 minutes in??
Milan, I know there are weird ass windows on the door but feel free to knock
Read the room, Milan! He is in turmoil, we don’t have time for your shirts!
Yes! Talk to him..thank you!
Hahahhaha Milan you might need more than 15 minutes
You can do it, Robbe. You need to get this out
Repeat after me..”I think I’m gay”  you can do it!
Robbe, my love, that kiss suggests that you are in fact into him
Milan is me, I am Milan, we are one
Why must people always mention Noor when he is trying to open up, can we just focus on Robbe?
Milan, give me your number I am looking for a therapist
This is everything Robbe needed to hear
You are normal! You’re just a little confused and sad right now
Scratch that, you aren’t just normal you are fucking phenomenal 
When Milan speaks, we all listen
*whispers* this scene is so good
Milan for President! Our president is garbage so the job is all yours
He IS looking better! Thanks for noticing, Jens. Look at you with your 20/20 vision
LOOOOL matchmaker? I hope no one is paying you because you suck at it
Hey now ,“shitty” is a bit of an exaggeration
he’s going to do it!
NOOOOO don’t say “her”!!
His face..
Oh wtf!! He was trying to talk...AGAIN! Ughhhh
Robbe needs some sunscreen
Noor is back...cool?
Hopefully you ain’t gonna be “with him” much longer
This is an odd song choice for this atmosphere
Robbe out here making confetti while having an existential crisis and Noor is ordering soup 
You looked it up? Did it happen to say “possibly gay” under the list of causes?
Time for yourself? So no Sander?
Yeah this is definitely an odd song choice
Sorry, Noor...you’re sweet but he’s gotta go
Robbe pick up your damn trash!
She will in fact NOT be enjoying that (the soup😂)
I respect him for actually ending it
Wait where are we?
He doesn’t know his own school?
AHHH! Sander!
Omg I’m fucking dumb..it’s Sander’s school...I hate me
Me and Robbe have the same smile when we see Sander
Okay now is not the time for a bathroom break Robbe
Don’t worry about your hair, you look great as always
If looks could kill..
Okay I’m rooting for you Robbe, but I don’t blame him, you fucked up
Cool...that was fun...love seeing Robbe unhappy...my fave
*gasps* he’s back!!
5 minutes? Okay you got this
He’s got a point…
Don’t we all? Get in line (Says he loves him)
You damn right you fucked up
The kiss was mind blowing for everyone, trust me
Is that a small smile I see??
Yes, one more chance, I’m down with that
Ah!! Yeah fuck it (chernobyl)
Oh sweet baby Jesus thank god!!
This whole scene is just amazing, Robbe doing this out in the open? Love that for him
Robbe ain’t letting him go nowhere
No...forget the phon--- oh hell no! Not her!
She fucking better be in the past
Yes, future! Eternity, all of it
No don’t go, stay!
The smiles! My smile! Everyone gets a smile!
Pause it! I have never seen someone so relieved and happy. I feel like he is really starting to figure himself out, you know? I just love that that scene wasn’t over the top, it was simple but amazing. Are you listening to me? (yes) I have so many thoughts right now, please hold *rewatches the scene* okay you can proceed…
Chernobyl? Is this going to become their thing instead of universes? I’m down with that
Secrets, secrets are no fun..unless they are Robbe’s, then back off
Sooo whatcha get?? (Zoe’s letter)
Oh no, nvm don’t wanna know anymore...make it go away
The preppy psycho is back...fucking hell
AHHH! Sander is back!
The difference between him kissing Sander and him kissing Noor is like night and day
Y’all are fucking adorable
He drew that?? Remember when I liked Even’s drawings?...Sander said nah bitch here you go
I have a wall in my room if you want to paint it there, I’m down
Feeding Robbe? Sure. Feeding Britt? He said SIKE!
Romeo and Juliet..okay I see you wtfock
PAUSE! Omgggggg was he the photographer in like the first episode??? Well fuck me, I’m still dumb.*presses play*
I know I said I wanted happy Robbe, but I feel so overwhelmed right now
His voice is so soothing
Ooop okay so they are still doing the universe thing
Robbe can’t stop touching his hair and honestly...same
You Marvel loving gays
If my bf ever said this shit to me I’d smack him, but coming from them...I love every second of it
Great, sad Sander...why can’t we have nice things
Why are they so fucking great together??
Robbe, I love this new you (straddles Sander)
We ALL fell for you, Robbe
You’re damn right he is the one...lucky bastard
He WAS there!!! I love how I connect shit like 4 episodes later
Robbe initiating every kiss makes me so happy
Forget the text! 
Did he just kiss his shoulder?
SON OF A BITCH! Can this girl go away? jfc
Jealousy level 100
Kinda sus…
He loves jealous Robbe
My dude we are ALL happy you’re in this dimension, lets send Britt to a different one shall we?
Pause it! *rewinds to watch scene again*
He disappeared into the night…
How’d he know he was awake? He got a nanny-cam in that room?
You smooth little bitch Sander
He didn’t deny the bf comment, I’m so proud
Remember when I said I was proud of you? I take that back right now..
I hate it. Stop talking Robbe.
I stand by my statement: Milan for President
Cool….that was great….I’ve always wanted an upset Milan….
Robbe just got knocked down about 5 pegs and he deserved it
Senne..not the time my friend
Wait what?? Are they on a date??
Y’all are dorks..i fucking love it
There is so much to focus on right now..
If anyone wants to know what love looks like, I got a scene to show you
Okay Sander I see you...
*singing selena gomez song* can’t keep my hands to myself...I want you all to myself*
Seeing Robbe like this after the previous scene makes me torn 
Robbe like needs to be attached to Sander huh?
This is the best scene ever and I’m aware I’ve said that for about 100 other scenes
Robbe you’re adorable and confident, i love it
OH FUCK YOU!! Why do they do this to me?!
Buy me a ticket to Belgium, I gotta have a chat with some dickheads
Forget the bikes! Just leave!
WHY?! I can’t watch…
Is it over?
*big sigh* I honestly have no words…
This is going to have one of them pull away from the other isn’t it? Don’t answer that..I know it will...
I would just like to state that Robbe the king of internalized homophobia just made out with his boyfriend out in the open for everyone to see not once but twice
...I’ll be ready to process in like 15 minutes, I’m going to get more comfort food...
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thelastspeecher · 5 years ago
The post I made where I mentioned that we developed a Pirate AU on the discord recently got five likes, which is all the encouragement I need, so.  Here.  Have Stan talking his way into being a pirate, then later climbing the ranks to be a first mate to a feared pirate captain and discovering said captain’s biggest secret.  I have even more stuff written, but here’s a bit of a taster to tempt y’all.
Shout-out to the folks on the discord who have helped to develop the AU, esp @bluestuffeh, who first said “Hey what about a Pirate AU where...”
              Stan held his breath as another pirate walked past the barrel he was hiding in.
              Stan.  You’ve made a lot of shitty decisions in your life.  This might be the shittiest.  The ship hit a rough wave.  Stan’s barrel toppled over, spilling him onto the deck.  Promptly, there was a cutlass at his throat.  Yep.  This is the shittiest.
              “Uh…hi,” he said weakly.  The man pointing a sword at him, enormous and redheaded, glared at him.
              “Someone fetch the captain to deal with this stowaway,” the man said.  Or rather, roared.  Stan winced.
              This guy went into the right career.  He clearly doesn’t have much of an inside voice.
              “No need to fetch me, Dan,” a voice rasped.  Stan’s heart leapt into his throat.  “I heard you from my cabin.”  Stan swallowed nervously as footsteps approached.  The captain walked up to Stan, looking him over with a careful eye. A thick scar on one cheek marred his surprisingly delicate face, but Stan’s gaze was drawn to the scar on his neck. Rumor had it that the captain got it his first night on a ship when someone tried to slit his throat. Whoever tried to kill him hadn’t survived to tell the tale.  Neither had the captain’s voice.  It was irrevocably damaged.
              “What should we do?” asked Dan.  The captain watched Stan expectantly.
              “I think I’d like to hear what the stowaway has to say for himself,” the captain said.  Sure enough, his voice was rough and mangled.  Stan opened and closed his mouth silently for a moment.  “Well?”
              “You’re short,” Stan said without thinking.  Dan grabbed Stan roughly and pulled him to his feet.  All the gesture did was further prove how short the captain was.  Stan was almost a full foot taller.
              “Wanna rephrase that?” Dan snarled.
              Yes.  But I’ll just bury myself deeper, because the only other thing I can think of to say is that he’s handsome.  At Stan’s continuing silence, chuckles came from the crewmen that had gathered to watch the spectacle.  The captain stepped closer to Stan.
              “Give me one reason I shouldn’t kill you right now.”
              “I want to join your crew,” Stan blurted out.  The crew’s laughter grew louder.  The captain held up a hand, silencing the crew.  He raised an eyebrow at Stan.
              “What exactly do you think this is?  This is a pirate ship, boy, not a bar.  I don’t exactly let anyone who walks on board interview for a position.”
              “Hear me out,” Stan said desperately.  The captain made a “go on” gesture.  Stan took a deep breath.  “I can’t work for my brother anymore.  He- he’s the captain of the ship you raided last night.  I wanted to be at sea ever since I was a kid, but my brother, he was the one who was going places.  So I just sort of went with him when the governor hired him to captain a ship.  And I’m sick of it.”  Something flashed in the captain’s eyes, a startling blue that matched the waves hitting the ship’s prow.  “I can’t- I can’t be his lackey anymore, I can’t just do the stupid, pointless tasks he gives me.  I mean, I’m not even his first mate, I’m just- I’m just the cabin boy.”
              “Hmm.”  The captain’s eyes bore into Stan.  He resisted the urge to look away.  “Dan, put the sword down.”  Soft murmuring broke out amongst the crew.  “What’s your name?”
              “Stan.  Stan Pines.”
              “Stan.  Welcome aboard.  For a probationary period.”
              “You have a better vocabulary than I’d expect from a pirate,” Stan said, again, without thinking.  An expression crossed the captain’s face, too quickly for Stan to identify.  It might have been amusement, it might have been frustration.  It might have been both.
              “And you’re damn good at putting your foot in your mouth,” the captain retorted. “I’ll let you join the crew for a while. If you try to get out of pulling your weight, if you turn out to be a spy for the crown, you’ll be in Davy Jones’ Locker before you’ll know what hit you.  Got it?”
              “Got it.”  Stan swallowed.  “Uh, and thanks.”
              “It’s not a favor to you,” the captain said roughly.  “A man’s gotta have a code to live by.  I spent most of my life feeling adrift at sea, and I try to help people who are in the same spot.”  The captain turned around.  “Dan, show him where he’ll be sleeping.  And Stan?”
              “You should probably know who your new captain is.”  The captain grinned viciously over his shoulder at Stan. “The name’s Sullivan McGowan.  But you can call me Captain Sully.”
              “Will do, Captain Sully,” Stan said dutifully.  Captain Sully’s grin broadened.
              “That’s what I like to hear.”  The captain marched away.  Stan could only stare silently.
              How the hell did I pull that off?
              The ship doctor finally emerged from the captain’s cabin.  Stan stopped pacing and looked at the doctor hopefully.
              “Can I see him?” he asked.  The doctor’s face was unreadable.
              “Yes, you can see the captain,” the doctor said.  Stan entered the cabin, his heart racing.  When he’d seen Sully go down in battle with a sword in his side, he’d feared the worst.  But Sully was a tough bastard, so of course he stuck around.  Stan closed the cabin door behind him.  At the sound, Sully sat up in bed.  Stan’s jaw dropped.  He’d never seen Sully shirtless before, and now he knew why.
              The captain has…jugs.  Stan immediately winced and prayed that Sully didn’t hear him think that.  Sometimes, it seemed like the captain could read minds. Sully stared at him, face reddening. After a moment, he cleared his throat.
              “Well…I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” Sully said softly.  His voice was higher than usual, clearer.  It lacked the distinct gruff rasp that Stan knew so well.  Stan swallowed.
              “Look, captain, I’ve- I’ve met people who used to be guys but then became girls, and girls that became guys.  I’m not judging you, and you- you being- it doesn’t mean you’re not a man.” Sully let out a soft laugh.  He swung his legs over the side of his bed.
              “That’s very progressive of ya.  But not necessary.  I’m a woman. Have been my whole life.  I just pretend to be a man ‘cause it’s a man’s world.” Sully scowled.  “When I first got into piracy, I knew I couldn’t be myself if I wanted to survive.”
              “What made you think that?” Stan asked.
              “What was the first thing ya said when we first met?”
              “Uh…that you were short.”
              “I’m not just short fer a man, I’m short fer a woman.  I was soft, petite, fragile, like young ladies are s’pposed to be.  Someone like that won’t last long on the sea.”  Sully got up.  He- no, she limped over to her desk and sat down.  “I changed myself so’s I could live.”
              “That’s…that’s rough, buddy,” Stan finally managed.  Sully snorted.
              “Thanks.  I am plannin’ on tellin’ the crew at some point that I’m a woman.  Can I trust ya to keep this secret until I’m ready to spill it on my own?”
              “And I’ll make sure the doctor doesn’t let anything slip, too,” Stan added. Sully nodded gratefully.  “If you don’t mind me asking…”  Sully waved a hand airily.
              “Ask away.”
              “Sully isn’t actually your name, is it?”
              “No.”  Sully’s lips flattened into a thin line.  “It’s Sally. And- and even then, Sally’s my middle name.  My first name’s Bridgette.”
              “I see why you went by Sully,” Stan said.  Sully- no, Sally chuckled.  “One other thing.”  Sally raised an eyebrow.
              “Your voice-” Stan started.  Sally let out a bark of laughter.
              “You know I’m a woman and keepin’ my voice low strains it, so of course it’s higher than yer used to.”
              “No, I figured that out.  I was wondering why it’s not so…rough.”
              “Ah.”  Sally pointed at the scar on her neck.  “The rumor that my voice was affected by the wound that caused this?  Just that.  A rumor. I got it my first night on a ship. The person that patched me up said it might mess with my voice.  So I went with it.  Anything to make myself more intimidatin’.”  Sally grinned.  “And as fer the accent you’ve no doubt picked up on, I’ll explain that some other time. Right now, I need to rest.  Go run the ship like the capable first mate you are.”
              Fiddleford charged through the crowd of battling sailors.  He could see his target, gleefully kicking his first mate overboard.
              “Anyone else want a piece?” Captain Sully snarled.  His voice rasped painfully, in line with the rumor his vocal cords had been damaged years ago.
              “Me,” Fiddleford said, stepping forward.  Captain Sully’s head whipped around.  He grinned viciously.
              “You’re gonna regret that.”  Captain Sully marched towards him.  Fiddleford grit his teeth.
              You’re doin’ this fer Angie.  Yer doin’ this to find out where yer baby sister’s gone to.  Before he knew what was happening, Captain Sully was in front of him, his throat tickled by the pirate’s cutlass.  Fiddleford could only stare silently into Captain Sully’s eyes.
              “What, you won’t even try to fight me?” Captain Sully snapped. Fiddleford’s heart was in his throat. The nose was a dead giveaway, and so was the height; but there was a spark in the pirate’s fierce blue eyes. A spark that Fiddleford remembered seeing whenever he played games with his overcompetitive little sister.
              It can’t be…  A few strands of blond hair fell into Captain Sully’s face.  Fiddleford’s stomach churned.  It- it’s Angie.  He wanted desperately to say something to his younger sibling.
              “Are you like me?  Did you start a new life, where no one would know the name you were born with?” But not a single word crossed his lips. Captain Sully, fed up with his silence, spat in his face.  Fiddleford wiped it off quickly, but while he was occupied, Captain Sully knocked his legs out from under him and chucked him overboard.  His head broke free from the water.  He stared at the pirate captain that had once been his baby sister.
              What happened?
              Once again, a cutlass was at Fiddleford’s throat.  Captain Sully sneered down at him.
              “Anything to say?” he said jauntily.  “I’ll grant you last words.  It’s the least a man can get.”  Fiddleford swallowed.
              “I’m sorry,” he whispered.  Captain Sully frowned, bemused.  “I’m sorry fer bein’ a poor excuse of a big brother.  I should’ve been there fer ya.”  The pirate’s stony expression broke.  Shock filled his eyes, a blue that they both had inherited from Ma. “But…if this is what ya wanted, to have a new life, start over, I- I’m just happy to know ya found yourself.” The cutlass at his throat quivered.
              “I…”  Captain Sully’s brief devastated expression returned to a vicious glare.  “Dan!”
              “Yes, captain?” asked a redheaded bear of a man.  Captain Sully sheathed his sword.
              “Take him to the brig.”
              “Uh…”  The ship’s crew looked at each other.  “Are- are you sure about that?”
              “Are you questioning me, Dan?” Captain Sully snapped.  Dan swallowed.
              “N-no, sir.”  Dan marched forward and pulled Fiddleford to his feet.  “I don’t know why the captain decided to go easy on you, but you should count yourself lucky.”  Fiddleford watched Captain Sully disappear into his cabin, closely followed by a man he could only assume was the first mate.
              “…I do.”
              “Hey.”  Fiddleford’s head whipped up.  It was the first mate he’d seen follow Captain Sully into his cabin.  “What’s your name?”
              “All right.  Fiddleford.” The first mate unlocked the door. “You’re coming with me.  The captain wants to talk to you.”
              “He’s not doing the interrogation in the brig?” asked Fiddleford’s guard. The first mate shrugged.  “Man, what is it about this guy that’s making the captain go so easy on him?”
              “Dunno,” the first mate grunted.  He grabbed Fiddleford’s arm.  “You’re coming with me, Twiggy McGee.”  The first mate dragged Fiddleford out of the brig, up to the deck, and into the captain’s cabin.  “Sit.” Fiddleford was shoved into a chair in front of the captain’s desk.
              “Stan,” the captain said softly.
              “Yep.”  The first mate – Stan – closed the door.  “You better cooperate with anything the captain asks you, capisce?”
              “I- I was goin’ to,” Fiddleford stammered.
              “Good.”  Stan leaned against the door.  The captain looked up from his desk.  He steepled his fingers, his eyes staring into Fiddleford’s.  A tense silence fell.  Clearly, Captain Sully wasn’t planning on speaking first.  Fiddleford cleared his throat.
              “You make a fine young man,” he said finally.  Captain Sully leaned back in his chair.
              “So do you.  But I’m guessin’ that you ain’t pretendin’ to be a man like I am.”  Fiddleford sat up straight.  “I heard ‘bout yer…passin’.  Well, the passin’ of Viola.”
              “I have my ways.  Why’d ya think I named my ship Sweet Viola?”  Captain Sully snorted.  “If I’d known my sister died so my brother could be born, maybe I would’ve named her somethin’ else.”
              “Wait, what exactly is going on?” Stan asked.  Captain Sully sighed.
              “Remember what you thought when ya first saw me shirtless?”
              “Yeah,” Stan said.  Captain Sully nodded at Fiddleford.  “…Oh.”
              “You- you aren’t a man now?” Fiddleford asked.
              “Sally’s been dressing like a man so that people take her seriously,” Stan said. Fiddleford frowned.
              “…Sally?  If yer first mate knows yer a woman, why don’t he know yer real name?” he asked. His younger sibling, who he now felt comfortable thinking of as Angie again, narrowed her eyes.
              “He knows Sally’s my middle name,” Angie ground out.
              “By the way, don’t think I missed that little squeak ya made,” Angie said, talking over him, probably to prevent Fiddleford from letting slip that Sally wasn’t her middle name.  “When I said Stan saw me shirtless.  If findin’ out someone saw me without a top on is enough to make that overprotective siblin’ nature kick in, you’ll be apoplectic once ya hear what else I’ve done.” Angie kicked her legs up on her desk. At some point, she had changed out of her long pants and into shorter ones.  Fiddleford’s mouth went dry at the scars running up and down her legs.
              “Look…Sally, I-”
              “Save it,” Angie snarled.  “I didn’t kill ya ‘cause yer fam’ly.  But that don’t mean yer entitled to-”  Stan cleared his throat.
              “Sally, remember what I said?  About how he clearly hadn’t written you off?  And was trying to find you?” Stan said gently.  Angie closed her eyes.  Fiddleford’s heart sank.
              That’s why she’s so upset.  She really- she really thinks that we abandoned her.
              “Junebug,” Fiddleford whispered.  Angie looked away, but not fast enough to hide the tears beginning to trickle down her face.  “We- we never gave up on ya.  I’ve been- I’ve been searchin’ fer ya fer years.  Why else do ya think a farm boy went and joined the navy?”
              “…Farm boy?” Stan said.  “Sally, did you grow up on a-”
              “Not now,” Angie mumbled.  She rubbed her face roughly.  “I…”
              “I’m sorry it took so long to find you.  And I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help when you needed it,” Fiddleford said, leaning forward.  He cautiously reached out a hand.  Angie didn’t move away.  Emboldened, Fiddleford took hold of her hand.  It was as thin and dainty as he remembered, but roughened by callouses and scars.  “But I’m here now.  I want- I want to know what you’ve been through, and I want to tell ya what you’ve missed.”  Angie took a shuddering breath.
              “Okay,” she said quietly.  “First things first, you should prob’ly tell me whatever name yer goin’ by now.”
              “Oh.  It’s Fiddleford.”
              “Fiddleford.”  Angie snorted.  “Of course, when you had the chance to choose a name, ya went with Fiddleford.” Fiddleford grinned.  Angie didn’t return the expression, but the steely, vicious glint in her eyes softened.
              Just a bit.
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skywalkingthegalaxy · 4 years ago
The Binary Stars Chapter 1
So another Mandalorian Fic out of the thousands that are written. Right? So I decided to get on this train because of the obvious. So I hope you all enjoy and here’s hoping that people will have fun reading! If you would like to be tagged please let me know! And I’ll see y’all later! 
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Just attach this wire and….
Anytime now please.
Nothing. Hmmm. Maybe just needs a little more aggression? Smacking the panel as the windmill turned back on and began spinning. With technology sometimes a little tap can fix it nicely.
Closing the electric panel to see that the only blurg in her fence was sound asleep. These Blurrgs including the one he’s riding towards the ship. They keep bitting the power lines and if one more does it I’m going to shoot her and make a nice stew.
Speaking of Kuiil he should be back by now from seeing if the ship was here for the bounty. He’s either being friendly or is taking a very long time riding back. Since the sun was setting he probably stopped to watch the sunset for a little bit. I’ll go get the tea ready at least for him when he gets back, and get an extra cup for the possible stranger coming to join us tonight.
Looking out to see Kuiil with a stranger following behind him. Must be another bounty hunter after this client that’s making Kuiil all sorts of upset. He doesn’t enjoy the violence which I don’t blame him for of course. After being enslaved for so long I imagine the taste of freedom is wonderful.
“Annika!” Kuiil yelled as I put my tool bag on my back then began climbing down the windmill. Landing on the ground to wait for them to approach me. That makes...twenty...there was the human with the symbiotic arm..twenty two. That is bounty hunter number twenty two attempting to capture this target. Maybe this time he’ll be able to catch the target and get these raiders off the planet.
“Twenty two. Congratulations your number twenty two on those who’ve attempted the bounty.” Commenting for them to stop right in front of me.
“We will discuss inside.” Kuiil told the bounty hunter as the Blurrg sniffed my hand.  
“Your blurrgs keep chewing through the power lines and eventually it’s going to end up killing one of them.” Commenting as Kuiil got down as the bounty hunter was looking directly at me.
“Welcome to Arvala 7. You’ll be comfortable down here till morning when we head out.” Motioning him to follow me as we began walking inside.
Kuiil was first inside already getting the tea ready for the bounty hunter to join us. I think the spare cot is still up from the last one that came through seeking this target. My gut is telling me that this bounty hunter in particular may actually get the job done.
The bounty hunter sat down at the table as I put down my tool bag next to me then sat down. He’s got some shiny helmet. I'll give him that much. Beskar which makes sense as it’s practically indestructible. Impressive. I’ve been studying my metals and other elemental stuff these past few weeks.
“Annika.” I held up my hand to him but he looked over than back over at Kuiil. Guess he ain’t too friendly.
“He’s a Mandalorian.” Ah. That makes sense with the armor and the stoic personality. Though the few stories Kuiil has told me I truly thought he would have brought more weapons. Not just a rifle and a blaster. Then again. If you’re the greatest warriors in the galaxy then you may not need much to get the job done.
“Many have passed through, they seek the same as you.”
“Did you help them?”
“Yes. They died.”
“Well, then I don’t know if I want your help.” Looking up as I stared directly at him.
“You do.” I commented as Kuiil handed me my cup and then to the mandalorian.
“We can show you the encampment of where it’s being held. And you’re going to need an extra body in order to get the job done.” Taking a sip as the warmth of it made me relax a little.
“What’s your cut then?”
“Half the bounty to guide? And volunteering to help? Seems steep.” Relax there shiny I don’t want payment. This has been sort of keeping my skills up to date so I don’t become weak.
“No. Half of the blurrg you helped capture.”
“The blurrg? You can keep them both.”
“No. You will need one. To ride. The way is impossible to pass without a blurrg mount.”
“I don’t know how to ride blurrg.”
“I have spoken.” He poured himself the tea as the Mandalorian put down his cup. Right. They can’t take off their armor so there’s no way he would drink in front of us.
“It’s not hard. As long as you have some sort of good balance you’ll be able to ride it easily.” Telling him as he sighed.
Nighttime fell over the farm as I turned on the light underneath the canopy. Kuiil is dead asleep inside and rather not work on my weapons with him trying to sleep. My blaster needs some calibration for tomorrow. Rather not go in there with a blaster that can’t fire correctly.
The Mandalorian came out of the hut to start walking over to me, grabbing my poncho to then cover up my upper body.
“Can’t sleep?” Asking as I began taking off the barrel of the gun.
“Not really.” Motioning my head for him to sit on the spare stool.
“Feel free to sit here till you feel like falling asleep.” Telling him as I too off the barrel then continued from there.
“Do you clean your blaster often?” He looked down to put it on the work table.
“Better than what I expected. Here.” Handing him a spare pipe cleaner for him to take it. He began taking his gun apart as I began cleaning the barrel.
“How’d you end up all the way out here?” Sticking the barrel pipe down to start moving it up and down to get the gunk out.
“I was on a refugee ship coming out here to drop off people in the outer rim. Kuiil was sitting alone when a group of ass holes thought it would be funny to try to jump him. Beat them up and in return he offered me a home. Make sure you get around the gears.” Telling him as I grabbed my cleaning rag. We sat there in silence for the next few minutes while we continued to clean our weapons.
“What should I be expecting tomorrow?” Asking me as I put down my rag.
“About thirty to forty. One huge turret and an eagerness to keep whatever they have in that compound. The one time I went we made it a good way through but he was killed then they brought out the turret. Can’t exactly take a turret out by myself along with thirty to forty guards.” Telling him which made him stop cleaning and from what I can guess is thinking about strategy.
“Here.” Clearing a space then started moving around the pieces of my rifle to give him a visual layout.
“So according to their layout. This is where the asset is supposedly held in the main building. The rest of the buildings on the side is where these thirty to forty guards will end up coming out. A frontal assault is a horrible idea from a past mistake.” The Mandalorian began looking over the really bad layout of the compound.
“Now the compound is in the middle of the rock hills so there’s a chance for an attack from each side. But you’re the Mandalorian, I'll leave that up to you.”
“Does the main door always stay shut?”
“No. But they will shut it when we attack due to whatever this asset is, it’s worth a lot to whoever is paying the bounty. Can I know who the one is paying for this asset?”
“The Empire. What’s left of them in the universe.” The Empire? I...I didn’t think they were even around anymore. Figured the New Republic would’ve taken care of them by now. The outer rim must not be their top priority and if any planet isn’t Coruscant they don’t matter.
“Well I’ll let you get to thinking Mandalorian. Good night.” Getting up to leave my blaster apart on the work table.
*The Next Morning*
I sat under the canopy again to put together the blaster I left apart. After I finished putting back my blaster together I began working on my armor for the assault that was about to happen at the compound. My left shoulder plate just loves popping off after a few beams hit it. And rather not deal with an open wound in the middle of a firefight.
Putting it back on my shoulder for it to stay nicely on there now. Moving my arm around to see The Mandalorian and Kuiil walking towards the wild Blurrg. Hopefully we can get this done and be home by supper.
Hearing him grunting for my head to turn and see him on the ground. Oof. Who would’ve guessed that he lacked patience. Not that I haven’t ever but still I figured this would’ve been an easy task. It’s just a blurrg.
“Perhaps if you removed your helmet.”
“Perhaps it remembers that I tried to roast him.”
“That is a female. The males are all eaten during mating.” It's really not a pretty site when that happens as well. Yuck.
The Mandalorian got back up to attempt again. He’s rushing it and not giving them the chance to feel a bond. Every sort of animal species requires trust in order to ride and she’s a wild blurrg. Watching him fall off once again made Kuiil shake his head at him.
“I don’t have time for this. Do you have a landspeeder or a Speeder bike that I could hire?”
“You are Mandalorian. Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur. Surely you can ride this young foal.” He’s not wrong. It’s just an animal that needs to make sure you’re not going to harm them.
See. They just need to make sure you’re not going to kill them! Clapping my hands together as he began riding around on the Blurrg. It just takes a minute to get a good grip and balance on these things. Truth be told I’d rather walk and jump around on the gorges for a little bit. Yet here we are.
Placing my foot on the table to grab my holstered knife into the boot. Next putting on my leg holster as I clipped it together. The Mandalorian came up to stand next to me to make sure he had everything.
“That a amban rifle?” Asking as he turned his head to look at it.
“Impressive.” Getting down on the ground to grab my gun case. Standing back up to see him still looking directly at me.
“Don’t worry I’m not gonna take it.” Assuring him as I opened my gun case to pull out my DC-15LE. Snagged it on that refugee ship that was making its way out here. I imagine the Empire isn’t going to work their way out here to take it back.
“You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to.” He commented as I placed the rifle over my head and snuggled it tight around my chest.
“It’s not a matter of wanting. It’s a matter that you’re going to need my help.” Grabbing my shawl to wrap around my chest.
“Have you always helped the other bounties?” We began walking out and heading towards the Blurrgs.
“Only the last one. Everyone else I just assumed that they failed and were killed. But it’s been upsetting Kuiil with his peace and quiet being disturbed. So now I figured why not help a little to get this land to quiet down.” Walking past him then towards the blurrgs.
“Trust me Mandalorian. If I wanted you dead it would’ve happened already.” Winking as we turned the blurrg to start riding off.  
Passing through the cracks of the planet and into the rocky hills that hid the compound. Pretty decent spot to keep an asset because from the air it looks just too busy. Not to mention who wants to make the effort to climb rocky hills and cliffs just for an asset.
We should be getting close. You can see the remaining blasters and the smell of those who’ve attempted the bounty. The stench of these bodies never goes away, it only gets far worse and I can’t stand the smell. Slowing down the Blurrg for Kuiil to point towards the compound.
“That is where you’ll find your quarry.” The Mandalorian held out a small sack full of credits for Kuiil to decline it.
“Please. You deserve this.” Kuiil looked up into the landscape and sighed.
“Since these ones arrived, this territory has been an endless stream of mercenaries seeking reward and bringing destruction.”
“Then why did you guide me?”
“They do not belong here. Those that live here come to seek peace. There will be no peace until they’re gone.”
“Then why do you help?”
“I have never met a Mandalorian. I’ve only read the stories. If they are true, you will make quick work of it. Then there will again be peace.”
“I have spoken.” Watching Kuiil ride off as we dismounted the Blurrgs.
“The Blurrgs should stay here till we get back. Then we’ll go our separate ways.” The Mandalorian nodded as we began walking towards the edge of the cliff.
We laid down on top of the rocks as he got a closer view on the compound. Last time it was swamped with guards and some huge turret was directly at the entrance of the compound. Pulling out my electrobinoculars to get a good look at the entrance. So far it looks approachable and no heavy artillery in the main entrance.
“They usually have some sort of heavy turret.” Where is it?
“How many do you see?” The Mandalorian asked as I did a quick headcount from what I could see.
“About twenty from what I see. But without that turret it’ll be easier than before and is that a droid?” Double checking with my electrobinoculars to get a closer look.
“Oh no. Bounty droid.” Shaking his head for us to get up from the cliff. Watching the droid going into the compound and taking out the soldiers one by one. Wow this is the first bounty droid I’ve ever seen and it’s sort of impressive.
We began climbing down the cliff as quick as we could to see the droid was making his way through the compound. If he gets to the asset first I’m going to use him for spare parts! Climbing then turned into sliding down the hill and reaching the bottom. He was up first as he offered his hand to help me up. Getting up for us to walk towards the gunfire. Guess the droid is already making his dent in the compound!
“IG unit stand down!” The droid immediately shot him and sent him flying back. It held it’s gun up at me as I immediately pulled out my blaster.
“I’m in the guild!” The Mandalorian held up the tracker. Offering him my hand to help him off the ground.
“You are a Guild member? I thought I was the only one on assignment.”
“You alright?” Asking him for him to nod.
“That makes two of us.” We got behind the pillars waiting for them to come out from the doors.
“So much for the element of surprise.”
“Sadly, I must ask for your fob. I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine.” Excuse me? Since when does a droid..what!
“Unless I’m mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty-handed.” Gottem there.
“This is true.” We both kept poking our heads out to see if anymore of the guards coming from the building.
“I have a suggestion.”
“We split the reward.”
“This is acceptable.” Thank goodness.
“Great. Now let’s regroup, out of harm's way, and form a plan.” They’re going to come anytime now! I’d like to be kept alive during this whole ordeal!
“I will of course receive the reputation merits associated with the mission.”
“Can we talk about this later gentlemen!” Yelling as they were beginning to take formation.
“I require an answer if I am to proceed.. ALERT ALERT ALERT!” Shit shit shit!
They started firing down on us from the roof of the compounds as more were coming out of the buildings. The bounty droid kept his stance in the middle of the battlefield as more and more were coming out of the buildings. The Mandalorian and I kept ourselves behind the pillars as I grabbed my rifle from my back. Loading and looking down the small scope to start firing back at the men.
“We gotta get to the door.” The Mandalorian yelled as he began moving to the next piller. I followed him as he turned his head up. Looking up to see one of them on the rooftop as I shot him down.
The bounty droid was focusing on every enemy for the two of us to work our way around to the door. This is going to work I think holy shit! The door opened behind me for one of the guards to tackle me. Kicking him in the gut for the Mandalorian to shoot him right in the head. Rolling over to behind the metal barrier to then sit up.
He looked at the tracker as it was still behind the main door. Glad to know that they haven’t evacuated it. I imagine they think they’ll kill us and move on. Not this time! The three of us began moving towards the metal door as the droid stood and began walking right in the middle of the path firing at them. What droid holy crap!
“Wow. I’ve never seen a droid move like that.” Commenting as I looked up to see two were about to fire down on us.
“Up top!” We both yelled as he got behind the opposite pillar.
The firing began to stop to see them beginning to gather up in the center of the compound. Why’d they stop? Is this when the turret is coming out? I’ve gotten this the last time and now it’s just a waiting game!
They began raining fire down on us again as we both kept out heads behind the pillar. Each time we would try to fire back the pillar would be shot to pieces right before we could fight back!
“It appears we are trapped. I will initiate self-destruct sequencing.” SELF WHAT!?
“Whoa you’re what?” We both stopped and were ready to shoot this droid in order to save our asses.
“Don’t you dare blow up!” Yelling at him as we kept trying to get a good shot of one of the guards.
“Manufactures Protocol dictates I cannot be captured. I must self-destruct.”
“If you blow up right now I will use your parts for my toilet!” I yelled as the Mandalorian looked over at the control panel.
“You two cover me!” Nodding as The droid was the first one out to start firing back. Landing a shot into the left one on the roof. They’re too much fire shit! More blasts were going past me than I could fight back!
“Go go go there’s too many!” I stood on the opposite side of the pillar as I was ready to go back out and face them.
“They got us pinned!” He yelled as I landed another target that was standing in the doorway.
“No shit!” Yelling as I ducked back into cover. They began cheering as the firing stopped once again.
“Do not self-destruct! We are shooting our way out!” The Mandalorian ordered as we all stepped out from the pillars.
“Okay.” Is all he said for us to duck back.
“New plan!”
“What plan!” Screw it! I’m using it and if that means trouble brought down on me then screw it! Getting shot at like this is getting infuriating. Even last time wasn’t this bad and there’s three of us! Cracking my neck as I dropped down my rifle and taking off my poncho.
“Mandalorian! Get ready to run for that turret!” Cracking my thumbs and fingers to then step out.
“Papo. I can’t do it!”
“Yes you can.” Holding up my hands as I tried once more.
“The Gods have given you a duty my child. To protect those who can not protect themselves.”
“But it feels like a weapon.”
“Sometimes one must fight to save those who are in need. Concrete Annika. You’re the only one making it difficult.”
“It’s as light as air.” Closing my eyes as I began to concentrate.
As light as air.
As light as air!
Raising my hands to take in a very big breath. Turning my eyes into a bright white My white energy began glowring force field appearing before me as it was taking all the heat from the laser turret. The blast was bouncing all over for the shield to grow big enough for everyone to focus on it. He was staring at me as I looked over at him.
“GO!” Yelling as the droid went running from the other side and was immediately shot into the corner. The Mandalorian went around to then pull the turret towards him. Dissolving the shield as I watched him take out the rest of the compound.
Here it comes.
My breathing began to hurt as my lungs began to tighten up. This tends to happen when I don’t use this ability after a while. It feels like my body just sorts of tightens up for a little bit. Then it leads to the coughing which hurts worse.
“You okay?” The Mandalorian asked as I spat out the blood that came up. Whipping any remaining blood as I caught my breath.
“Give me a second. Sometimes my body doesn’t like it when I do that.” Chuckling at myself as I shook my head. There we go. All better.
“That was impressive you two.” The droid commented as I nodded.
“Thanks.” He nodded as he looked over at the door.
“Well, now we just need to get the door open.” We all starred at the door, then shifted our stance towards the turret. That’ll work.
“You two go in there and get the asset. I’ll stay out here and make sure no more come out to get us.” Ordering as I walked over to the turret and climbed on. I’ve been waiting to shoot this thing since I first saw it.
Flipping the switch for the turret to charge back up. Pulling back the trigger as I began shooting all across the door. It was shaking my entire body as I was super ecstatic at shooting at this door! YEAH!!! WHOOOOAAAA!!!
Now done.
The door fell over as the two of them stood in the doorway. For a few weeks I thought we weren’t going to be able to get rid of these people. All it took was just the three of us and some pure luck.
Now Kuiil can be at peace once again and I go..back to my life. Leaning against the pillar to go into my bag and pulled out my canteen of water. Taking a few sips to close the lid of the canteen. A shot rang out from the inside as I came running in to see the droid with a bullet in it’s head.
A little hand was poking out from the metal egg and was reaching for the Mandalorian. Is that a child?
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