#but hopefully things will get better bc i do wanna write 😭
fenixburnedmoved · 1 year
sorry for the inactivity when it comes to actual writing :/ I caught a cold again & I have my next exam on friday so my brain is just stressed out atm :'))) that doesn't mean I'm not interested in interacting tho! memes are always open & I'm always here to brainrot <3
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suniix · 6 months
Lol rain again while thinking of link taking care of u while you’re sick… bc this raindrop over here is super sick [sob]
But it’s okay cuz it means I can sleep
sick | (BOTW) link x reader
word count | 1k+
note | this is so late but HI RAIN HOPE YOU'RE FEELING BETTER!! wrote you a little something 🫶 ALSO SORRY I TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE THIS 😭😭
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Your body ached and you were beginning to feel a headache coming on but you willed your legs to keep going. You knew how important this journey was to Link and you refused to be the one to hold him back. The weather was nice and despite being far away from Hebra Mountains you couldn’t help but feel a chill in the air, maybe fall was approaching? That would explain your runny nose. The thought alone made you want to sniffle but you resisted the urge to, already feeling Link’s eyes on your back.
Almost as if he knew you were trying to avoid his gaze he walked right up next to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, forcing you to slow your pace. He shot you a concerned look and you already knew what he was going to say. “I’m fine.” You winced hearing your own raspy voice knowing well enough you weren’t going to fool Link like this. “I’m just a little cold.”
He furrowed his eyes, gently placing the back of his hand against your head. It was comforting, normally his hands were always warm but right now they were oddly cool.
“You’re warm.” He mumbled.
You ignored the worried look he gave you, closing your eyes and continuing to rest your forehead against his hand. “That’s ‘cause I’m alive.” You joked, but you knew what he was implying.
He pulled his hand away and brought out his sheikah slate, zoning in on what you assumed was the map. “There’s a town nearby, we can stop and rest there for a couple of days.”
“Link, I’m—”
“Sick, you’re sick.”
You don’t deny it because you know it’s true, but it still sucks hearing it out loud. Link unclasps his hood, removing it from his shoulders and placing it over yours. “Are you tired? I can carry you if you are.”
The thought is tempting but you shake your head knowing he’s just as exhausted as you are. “I can walk.”
A hint of a smile graces his lips and he wraps his hand in yours. “Tell me if you get tired ok? I don’t mind stopping.”
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The headache you were beginning to feel earlier had finally formed into a pounding feeling in your skull the moment your head hit the pillow.
Link was right about the town being close by. At some point the road split into the forest which quickly revealed a small town. It was a small detour, you’d be back on the road in no time. You allowed Link to do all the talking awhile at the inn, not trusting your own voice.
You felt a dip in the mattress along with a cold hand on your forehead. “I think your fevers gotten worse.” He mumbled. You simply hummed in response, not able to focus on anything else beside your headache.
You feel him pull his hand away and hear the soft robotic sound of the sheikah slate as Link looks through the contents. You’re tempted to ask him what he’s looking for, but you’re now oddly aware of how soft the bed is and how heavy your eyelids feel.
It isn’t until Link gently shakes you awake that you realize you had fallen asleep. The first thing you notice is how your forehead feels cold and wet. You raise your hand and feel a damp towel. The next thing you notice is how your headache is almost gone. It’s still there, but it’s now only a dull ache.
“How’re you feeling?” Link sits on the edge of the bed and removes the towel before placing his hand on your forehead.
You lean into his hand and realize it’s not as cold as before. “I feel a bit better, my headache is almost gone.”
Link smiles and lets his hand linger for a few more seconds before pulling away and handing you a drink. “Drink this, it should keep your fever down and hopefully get rid of your headache.”
You sit up with Link’s help and hesitantly sniff the drink. “..Do I even wanna know what’s in this?”
He rolls his eyes dramatically. “I promise there’s no monster parts in there.”
You only hum in response and take a sip. Despite the drink being warm it leaves you feeling refreshed, almost like waking up in the middle of the night and chugging down water you didn’t know you needed. “Mmm, it tastes good. Thank you Link.”
Link watches as you continue to take sips of the drink before leaning his head on your shoulder. “I hate seeing you like this.” He mumbled and you could already imagine his kicked puppy expression.
“I hate feeling like this.” You laugh, feeling the drowsiness begin to return. You place the empty cup on the table beside your bed and yawn. “I think I’m gonna sleep some more.”
Link sits up and nods. “Good idea, you need rest.” He gets up and begins pulling the covers over your form. You take a quick look around the room and notice you’re occupying the only bed. “Where are you gonna sleep?”
He’s quick to drag a chair and place it right next to your bed. “Right here next to you.”
You’re silent for a minute, wondering when he’s going to say he’s just joking, only to realize he’s not. “..Yeah no, get in here.” You say and lift the covers, gesturing for him to lay down next to you.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable—”
“Seeing your posture in that chair makes me uncomfortable, now hurry up and get in here it’s cold.”
Link complies and lays in bed with you. You’re quick to snuggle up to him, savoring the warmth he radiates. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll get sick?” Link whispers, but despite his words he’s quick to pull you closer.
“With everything you eat I’m sure your immune system can withstand anything.” You mumble, already drifting off to sleep when you feel Link squeeze you in retaliation for your comment. After a moment of silence Link whispers your name and you hum in response.
“Please promise me you won’t push yourself like that again. We can take breaks, I don't mind. I want you to be healthy.” His voice is gentle, just like his words.
“..Okay, I promise.” You manage to respond before feeling his lips press against your temple as he wishes you a goodnight.
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thank you for reading till the end! reblogs are greatly appreciated :D
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
tawny, the people yearn for a pollen one shot
AND I YEARN TO WRITE IT I WANNA WRITE IT SO BAD but okay here’s my general timeline
i need to write the next chapter of greatest of luxuries just bc of some things that happen there, and then follow it up with a shel/piper oneshot bc my girls need some attention and i rlly want to expand on what i imagine their story to be!! like ik we have zero shel info but like… I KNOW HER I SWEAR
and THEN i’m planning on having two pollen oneshots. one that covers them from like 2000-2004 and then one of them in like 2019-2021 id say
i do know that the second one will not be posted until i GET to like,, idk 2020-ish or 2021 in greatest of luxuries, but the first one that goes into their lore… we’ll have to see when that eventually gets written/posted😭 i try to make my one shots line up with the current events of greatest of luxuries, so i just need to find the perfect timing for it
i also haven’t started writing it yet but i have such a detailed outline like you don’t even KNOW the lore is so deep. i’m so excited for it. SO I WILL DO YOU ONE BETTER THAN A ONESHOT, THATS TWO ONE SHOTS, BUT I JUST DONT KNOW WHEN THEYLL BE WRITTEN YET😭😭😭 hopefully i manage much more writing progress this summer though bc im finallyyy done with school tmrw!!
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moonjxsung · 7 months
Hey Star, I wanna ask you some silly question lol hopefully this is fun to answer!!
What’s your favorite hair color/style Jisung has had?
What’s your favorite Jisung solo song?
Favorite Jisung fancam?
Do you like it better when Jisung sings or raps?
Favorite Jisung era?
Do you think you and Jisung would make a good couple? (lol this one is for our delulu sides 🩷)
I have a conversation like this with my friend today where we asked each other silly shit about our biases and we legit talked for hours about it. I wanted to share some questions with you 💗
OH LOVE THISSSSS 😭🫶 my sister and I always talk about our biases for literal HOURS and it’s actually insane how long we can talk about the simplest little things pertaining to them. Thank you for asking these ahhh these were so fun to answer!! Here are the most condensed answers I came up with (bc let’s be real I could write paragraphs about this man😮‍💨☝️)
1. I love love LOOOVE Jisung’s natural hair, either black or a lighter brown. I always tell my sister his natural hair reminds me of a Korean Flynn Rider (the smolder and everything😭) and I think it suits his prominent eyebrows so beautifully and he just looks so boyfriend!! Second fav is the silver/blonde hair… he literally looks like AI with silver hair like he does NOT look real 😧🫶 Jisung definitely sits on my personal list of top 10 best looking idols and he also looks UNBELIEVABLE in person. Pics for reference but there were so many to pick from omg I had a field day on Pinterest fr
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2. I’m obsessed with Run!!!! I think it’s such a fun song to listen to while I work or run errands or something. It has such a unique beat and it just feels very Jisung to me. Also I know it’s not technically a solo song but huge Muddy Water enthusiast too specifically for Jisung’s part 😵‍💫🤌 I died hearing it live at the Maniac tour he is SO talented
3. THIS WAS HARD…. I’m gonna go with the Maniac fancam for Show Champion OR the S-Class fancam for Mcountdown. I love when Jisung knows he looks good and just exudes confidence and talent like the Maniac one, he’s so sexy fr ☹️ the S-Class fancam is one of my fav outfits he’s ever worn I just think it’s so unique and the whole vibe of it feels so space-like 🪐☄️ fun fact I actually tried to buy his exact vest SO many times but they were always out of my size so I ended up getting Felix’s Psychonaut vest instead (by the same brand) their stylists should’ve gotten a raise for those outfits fr
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4. I love both so so much but I’m very partial to his rap! I think he has one of the most unique voices amongst 4th gen in terms of rap and he just has such an effortless and smooth flow. Such an ace in so many ways and his rap really solidifies that for me every time I hear it. He also sounds exactly the same live and it’s so clear he’s just naturally gifted when it comes to his rap !!
5. Honestly it sounds like a copout but I have to go with Rock Star era only because he seems so HAPPY??? I know 5-star was a pretty rough era for him and we barely heard from him + it was clear he was maybe going through something (Jisung my beloved ☹️) but it was so good to see him smiling so much this comeback and just joking around with the members again and enjoying his stages. Happy Jisung is the best Jisung 🥹 also his stylists did NOT hold back with the fashion like we got slutty little Jaist™️ for so many stages and his outfits were all so god-tier
6. Ahhh my favorite question 🫶👼 and I have to go with a resounding no unfortunately 😭 I would LOVE to say we’d make a great couple but honestly I think Jisung and I are too similar in so many ways and we would get sick of each other pretty fast. Or at least he would get sick of me ☹️ we’re both often the entertainers among our friends/family or always the ones making others laugh and just being silly, and I think together it would hinder one of us to only let the other be the entertainer. We also both tend to get a little moody (not that it’s a bad thing!) but I feel like our communication skills wouldn’t be great when we need to be left alone or we’re just experiencing a low before we feel high again. I think we’d also spend most our our relationship asleep (I’m like 24/7 tired I think I have hypersomnia or something lol) and we probably wouldn’t make a great effort to spend quality time together or plan cute dates. People always say you’re very similar to your bias and compatible to your bias wrecker (in my case Felix) and I think that’s so true! That would never stop me from trying with Jisung though we can just take naps and be goofy together for however long we can stand each other 🤭
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hanniluvi · 11 months
what do ur moots remind you of?! (ex. places, color, song, etc)
ooo another moot game ! tysm anon :) <3 ill only do a few cause im on a brainrot rn 😭😭
@flwoie — bad by wave to earth
bc u literally make my day 100% better. i always look forward to talking to you!! like you’re someone i can talk about anything with bc you wouldn’t judge me 🙁 like im prob on disc most of the time talking to u or waiting for a dm back. but yeah, i could never be bored when talking to you 🤗 love u lots pooks 🤍🤍🤍
@wvnkoi — one and only by enhypen
i was truly lucky to have you in my inbox (or for me to being in yours) 🙁🫶 like u acc put up with my bs and im so glad for that </3 U R MY ONE AND ONLY FR !!!! like who does it like u tbh … im always looking forward to our convos whether u think otherwise 🤍 but yes please be more active bc i cant be missing one of my ramyeonz 😊
@haknom — jolly ranchers but green apple
this is SOOOO random but HEAR ME OUT i love love LOVE jolly ranchers, just like how much i love you (ohhhh was that smooth 😍😍😍) which is a lot LMFAO. but i love green apple sm u dont understand…its pretty unexplainable why ure so fun to be with but us 08z r js like that!! UNBREAKABLE BOND!!!! #jolly-ranchers-w-soph-foreva #just-like-sola (soph + kayla .. get it)
@yeokii — nail polish 😊
listen hana ure prob like … erm What the freak!!! but just hear me out. nail polish isnt good for u (js like how ure not good w/ me /j) to smell but its addicting. thats like u and me cause ure addicting to talk to u (or make fun of) AND ITS GETTING OUT OF HAND!!! but its like a guilty pleasure soooo be glad i only had good things to say. love ya official 08z goofball !!!
@yenqa — strawberries
u just do 🤨🤨 like idk strawberries taste vary depending on the harvest / kind u get .. like sometimes u can be vv sweet and super kind 🙁 and then we have the sour kinds where u used to (and still do) hate on me and fight me 🤬 at least ure not bad like hana ALL JOKES but strawberries r a superior fruit so ure superior in my book 🤗🤗🤗
@yswon — hi-chew candies
hi-chews r too good n need to be talked abt more!!! js like ur blog (it deserves all the love) idk how to explain it, but u remind me of the candy in a way…like could be sweet if u pick the right ones 🙏 and u cant tell me hi-chews dont fit ur blog rn!!!! like its a comfort candy + super soft = amazing type of candy i tell u. nobody does hi-chew like this which makes u awesome n unique 😍 … what am i even saying urm but u get it (hopefully)
@soov — beaches
beaches r really pretty (just like you) and i really like how calming they can be. but sometimes, they can get violent as the waves of the ocean crash and could nearly drown u (js like how u could kill me w/ ur pics ohhhh) LMFAO but i really do love them!!! and i just get that beachy vibe from your blog too :)
guys i swear i was gonna do more than this but i really cannot think rn 😭 sorry i may have not tired my brain out writing (soph cb???) so its hard to come up w/ reasons why i think ure this etc etc. i could prob edit this post or js say in the comments what u remind me of if u do wanna know ^^ <3!
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vivalabunbun · 11 months
To start off, I'm sorry I'm such a boomer on Tumblr that even after years of using it all I know is how to follow, like posts, and post something myself 😭😭😭 So I don't blame you if you don't have the slightest clue of who I am. But on my part, I have been following your works for a while now and I just *absolutely* adore how you write.
I keep finding myself coming back to reread your fics despite already remembering the exact plot by heart after the first or second go 😭😭 I love how you characterize, not just Alhaitham, but the other character in the story extremely well. You explored all of their potential aspects and presented them all so naturally, and I can't imagine how much work you have to spend behind each fic you wrote. Especially with Alhaitham. Your Haitham is my canon Haitham, to simplify the progress of explaining how well you wrote him to me.
Your writing is poetic and expressive. It just pushed all the right button in me. And I absolutely ****love**** the little science-y facts and nerdy little details you put in your fic. Not to mention your taste is almost if not identical to mine too 😭😭😭😭 I'm very picky with Alhaitham's portrayal in his fanfics, yet yours made me completely settle my standards and patiently waiting for your next fic instead of searching for more.
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So, I have been meaning to do a little something for my favorite writer-slash-storyteller. And here is a little Mareya fanart ✨ It's not much but I hope its up to your liking
P/s: I think that you have the tendency to get anxious about your work? I just wanna say that it's okay, you and your work doesn't have to be perfect everytime and always better than the last. Regardless of what you wrote, me and the others will still always support you 🌱 I know it's not much and it probably won't get rid of the doubts in an instance, but I will remind you of that as many times as needed ✨
P/s 2: House of Daena succs, background succs x2 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
I feel so honored that you drew my lil story teller 🥹😭🙏 Thank you so much!!! It’s so good and the background is 💕💕💕
Thank you so much for your encouragement and support 🥹🥹 your words are like a nice hug
I do have a tendency to doubt my writing bc sometimes there’s just so many things I want to say/ try but it doesn’t work out all the time.
How I portray Alhaitham is always a concern bc I want to explore him but not be so ooc, but it look like a lot of people feel satisfied with the middle ground I’ve been tiptoeing.
Thank you for looking forward to my next works 🥹 life has been… life so my rate has slowed but hopefully my past pieces still evoke the same joy
Ahh I love your art style 🫶✨
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cafedanslanuit · 29 days
helloo author!
i just wanted to come on here to know if you were ok? Im just doing a little check up on all my favorite authors bc some haven’t posted in awhile and so i just thought to do that for everyone😭
hope everything is going well and don’t stress yourself!!
make sure to drink plenty of water!
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i'm... holding up? i quit my corporate job last month because i wanna focus on switching to tech but i'm struggling. i'm not quite sure where to go or what to do. to make things worse, my boyfriend moved back to germany. which we talked about! and it's only going to be for 7-ish months but it sucks because i've never done long distance and i'm incredibly sad. and i think he's holding himself better than i am because he can focus on his job or many other things in his life but in my end i quit my job and i'm like, in bed at noon wondering what am i gonna do, blasting that mitski song that goes you have so much to do / and i got nothing ahead of me
also on monday it's gonna be a year since my grandma (who was like a mom to me in many aspects) passed away so that's though too.
i've been meaning to get back to writing because i love it so much but i've been struggling with that as well. words just do not flow.
i feel the need to make money as well because only the plane ticket for germany (round trip) is around $1400. and back in my corporate job i made around $426 a month dskjfhdjkf which is so low but yeah, one of the reasons i left.
sorry for the dumping but i needed it sdkjhfsd hopefully june will be better for me <3 thank you for caring and reaching out! hopefully this will help me get back into writing because i deeply miss it and now i have the time to do it.
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celestie0 · 1 month
hru bae???? good i hope?? i mean its only been a day but things happen fast yk !
bae i fear i might’ve angered the jjk fandom with this tiktok i made…. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLndcoEq/ 😓😓 LITTLE DO THEY KNOW I HAVE MORE IDEAS AHAHAAH (dont tell them i told u tho 🤫🤫)
ALSO OH MY GOD I SWEAR THE UNIVERSE HAS IT OUT FOR ME. i got covid 😭 idek how though 🫠 and i have so many upcoming plans 💔💔 I FEEL FINE THOUGH SO HOPEFULLY I’LL BE OKAY BY NEXT WEEK !!
and fr bae like leaving work, or graduating, or just leaving ppl who you care about is always so bittersweet ☹️ when i graduated i wrote my music teacher 2 letters (one from just me and one from all of the seniors) and she cried when she read them 😭 then we hugged and cried a bit more 😭 she also called me a menace for ending the one from all of the seniors with “Please don’t forget about us!” 🧍‍♀️ maybe that was a bit evil on my part but like…… a few of my friends jokingly yelled at me for it BUT IF THEY DIDNT WANT ME TO SAY THAT THEY SHOULDN’T HAVE LET ME WRITE THE LETTER.
anyway bae thats all for now 💗💗 i hope you’re doing better than i am and i love u soooo much !
much love,, your deer -🦌
(heh i stole from your pun 😆)
hiii bb i’m doing well!! got a lot of chores done today so i can chill tomorrow 😼 how are youuu?
OMG THATS A SAD TIKTOK PLS I WAS HAVING A GOOD NIGHT 😭😭 why would u DO THATT. i’m so sad i just wanna give yuuji a hug :(( he’s been through too much loss at such a young age
aaa no not covid omg i didnt know people still got that xD (im just joking bahha i saw a tiktok where someone said getting covid is so “out of style” now n i thought it was insane but kinda funny lol) i hope you feel better!! drink lots of fluids
AWW that’s such a sweet thing you did for her i bet she’ll always remember that :””) i would feel so happy if i was a teacher n my students did something like that. i baked cookies for my PI bc he really likes my cookies and he appreciate it LOL. yea goodbyes are always bittersweet
love u toooo my deerling please take care of yourself!! feel better soon <3 so much love from meeee
- ellie 🦢
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rodolfoparras · 3 months
no time to write detailed life moments….must stay present in council…must not be forgotten…
idk i had spring break this week and i was sick for the majority of it, so it sucked. i don’t wanna go back and deal with people, i can’t do it, let me work in a little firewatch tower in the middle of nowhere in a state park.
(context to why i’m in extra *i hate people mood* >) one of my older friends (i can’t make friends with people my age) has been sick so they haven’t been at work for two weeks now and i’m realizing how much better they made my work experience but they’re retiring next year so it’s like…if this is what it’s gonna be without them i don’t know if i can do it-
(i apologize for the rant it came outta nowhere)
Sugar Noo!! There’s no way you’d be forgotten around here i promise! You pop up whenever you can and want and I’ll always be here to eagerly welcome you!
One day I shall take you and all my anonies and we’re going to live far away in little houses in beautiful woods it’ll only rain softly gray clouds will decorate the sky and we’ll be all cozy and warm inside while reading and writing fics 😌🫶🏻
Also pls don’t apologize for the rant sugar! Y’all are welcome to share what’s on your heart! But I completely understand what you mean I’m usually someone who finds safety and comfort in one person and once they’re gone I feel completely lost 😭 I wouldn’t dare tell you to quit your job bc it’s really hard to find jobs atm :( but I’d def say to feel out the situation give yourself a month, if you notice week by week that things are declining, send in some applications on indeed and hopefully you’ll get a reply but if you find it tolerable definitely stay there🫶🏻
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lostfracturess · 3 months
hello there, i hope you're doing well dear writer!! i just wanted to quickly hop into your inbox and ask something regarding s&c ^^'
first of all, I've been following your fanfic for quite some time now and im really loving it so far!
tbh i rarely read reader x canon aus but this one in particular stuck out to me. the way you shape the story and characters is so amazing to me, they truly give me the immersive feeling i desperately seek in some aus (even if i see the reader not as myself specifically but a separate character, you created, that wanders around in my head rent free atp lol)
gojo and the reader either make me wanna rip my hair out and scream in agony or curl in a ball under my blanket and cry and giggle like a little girl.. there really is no in-between with these losers 😭
also, i might not understand much of the medical world since that field is far out of my reach as a language student but it's so so interesting reading all the surgical procedures described and trying to make sense of it all (you even got me googling most of the stuff since I'm not familiar with many medical terms 😭) but hey! it's always nice to learn new things and the more you know the better :3
okay this got incredibly long and i am very sorry for my dumb ramble but i felt like gushing over your fanfic for a second 😭
now my question:
do gojo and geto (and sukuna) know each other since high school or university? i honestly don't know whether you already mentioned this in the fic or answered a similar question or not. if either happened i apologize for my poor memory (it fails me a lot recently) i also don't even know if it matters that much but i was really curious for some reason 😅
also whenever you happen to write in gojo's pov again: do you think you'd add some sort flashbacks from his past that explain his character and decisions more? (since bro doesn't wanna open up abt it 💔) i am REALLY curious about young gojo!! ESPECIALLY regarding the situation between sukuna and gojo bc WTF did bro do that's apparently "worse than drugs" and infuriated sukuna so much he'd wanna ruin his life over it 😭 (I'd like to imagine sukuna is a pathetic loser that'd get butthurt over the most ridiculous things ever, cartoon villain type of guy fr)
well i think i'm done with my ramblings now, hopefully my questions make sense xd i'm looking forward to reading your reply soon!!
thank you so much for giving your all to this fanfic; the time, effort and heart you put into it is greatly appreciated by many 💕 have a great day dear writer, i'm sending you lots of love and much luck in your studies 🥰🫶🏼
awwwwee, this message is so incredibly heartwarming!! thank you so so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and the way the story resonates with you. hearing that it provides that immersive feeling, and makes u scream, cry and giggle is truly the best feeling in the world for a writer!! ♡
there really is no in-between with these losers
why did this make me laugh, u calling them losers ahahah
i really appreciate you being interested in the medical side of things despite it being completely unfamiliar territory!! the fact that you're even googling terms warms my little heart hehe ♡
also please never apologize for sending messy messages like this. it absolutely makes my day to read such sweet messages!!
also your questions:
do gojo and geto (and sukuna) know each other since high school or university?
don't remember myself if i answered that already lol (hope i don't say something different now). gojo and geto know each other since high school and were kind of rivals first and then bonded over a basketball match they both took part in. best friends since. they never really split, went to the same university, did their residency at the same hospital.
sukuna, gojo and geto became familiar in university. with sukuna being more of a frenemy to them. but gojo and sukuna were kinda close and geto and sukuna were just people who could hang out at a party.
do you think you'd add some sort flashbacks from his past that explain his character and decisions more? (since bro doesn't wanna open up abt it 💔)
yes yes yes!! next chapter will be gojo's pov again and there will be a scene were we'll get to know more about his upbringing (not in the next chapter tho, sometime later).
ESPECIALLY regarding the situation between sukuna and gojo bc WTF did bro do that's apparently "worse than drugs" and infuriated sukuna so much he'd wanna ruin his life over it 😭
won't spill the beans yet about what exactly gojo did, but i'll explain some time later in the story. sorry for the wait!! i feel like these things are so clear for me, because apparently i write them but i feel like it must be really frustrating for readers having so many questions left and then having to wait a few weeks for the next update, ahhhh! sorry for that!!
(I'd like to imagine sukuna is a pathetic loser that'd get butthurt over the most ridiculous things ever, cartoon villain type of guy fr)
ahahha omg. now i see it too ☠️☠️
thank you so much for appreciating the hard work that goes into creating s&c!! and thank you for the well-wishes with my studies. i'm sending love and happy vibes right back to you ♡♡
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basicallyjaywalker · 6 months
20 Asks for Fic Writers
Hello!!! I was tagged by @cboffshore to do this fun little thing! Ty Lila!!
For my tag mmm @finn-m-corvex and @rainofthetwilight no pressure! Other fic writers feel free to join in too!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2 official ones! Whumptober 2023 and Arms
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Ninjago. Only ninjago. I do have a few others out there but no one will find them
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have the two but it's:
Whumptober 2023: Ninjago Edition at 98 Kudos
Arms at 53 Kudos
5. do you respond to comments?
I don't but I need to, I cherish every comment and then get terrified of looking like a dweeb if i respond, but i kinda just need to get over that 😭
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm I'm gonna choose an individual whumptober entry for this because both end pretty nicely but Day 4's Shock ends on a horrifying cliffhanger!
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would say Arms because you have 2 choices of ending, both being soft and sweet.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not yet! Hopefully if I do it's warranted/constructive
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
For now I haven't, but I'm open to it! Craziest one I ever wrote was in middle school when me and a friend (now my partner) wrote a crossover of literally every fandom we were in. Ninjago was included bc I was spinning even then
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully, no. And consider this the first and only warning that if anyone does I'm paying a visit (for real, don't steal fic. writers work really hard on our stuff and it's just a dick move)
12. what's the longest time you've spent working on a fic? and the shortest?
Longest in general is Whumptober, taking an entire month!
Though if you count the individual entries as separate fics then Arms is the longest, and Day 21's Voice is the shortest, partially bc I was short on time and partially bc I hadn't seen Skybound in a while
13. have you ever co-written a fic?
Nope, but I'm open to it 👀
14. what's your all time favorite ship? from all the fandoms?
Awful question for a multishipper /j
Can I pick two? I'm gonna pick two
Canon is Pixane
Non-canon is probably Bruise
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started to do the 12 Days of Ninjago for last year but ran out of time and have lost interest, though maybe the ideas will see the light of day as one-shots sometime!
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told I do dialogue well!
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Description that doesn't feel like I'm a five year old kid telling you the longest story of your life. I find it hard to transfer the image in my head to the page without taking actual hours. I actively study friend's writing to figure out how they do it and am trying to get better though!
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm definitely open, but I would wanna make sure I know the language. The best option I got right now is french
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Ninjago! First fandom, first fic, first ocs.... truly, a first in many aspects
20. favorite fic you've written?
Man I have to choose another entry for this from Whumptober. Even then it's still a huge tie, so top 3
Day 13's Bite made me cry while writing it (it's up there w/ Shock in terms of angsty endings)
Day 22's Hit and Run
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Questions and thoughts I had while reading!:
Do all humans have magic? Or is it just Oliver? Or I know Vanessa changed the badge back but was that a mechanism in the badge itself?
How long was Oliver following crypteds for before he joined fazbear?
Oof. Oli’s speed running getting fired the way they talk back. Maybe subtlety is what’s needed here?
Oooo hopefully Henery called Vanny back in to fire those scientists >:( at least Chica wasn’t re restrained? progress???
:O URPLE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooo Potential menacing wall of helpys. There is no end, submit to the help /silly
An apology? From Henery?? Doubt >:|
Hehehe Oliver’s getting so much walking done today. Five bucks says they get lost again
Booo urple guy ruined my bet. He’s the janitor? Does. …does he work the Night Shift?
Huh hankles actually feels bad? Guess it’s a good thing Oli joined! otherwise he wouldn’t have known!
Oli. Oliver no don’t Talk to your boss like that /concern. Hehehe the person they hit with paper turns out to be William /silly
Yay Chica gets food!!!
:DDD I'm glad you liked it! I'll try and answer all of your questions! (Also responding to the reactions bc those are incredibly fun to read LOL)
It's not just Oliver, but it's not all humans either! It'll be expanded on a bit further in the next chapter
They were following cryptids around from 16 to 19, up until they found out about Fazbear Containment. They didn't really have anything better to do, and even if it was only 3 years they learnt a lot!
Yeahhh it's gonna take a while for all of them to be treated right. Oliver's probably gonna end up being like. the moral council or something LMAO
They um. Impulse control is not their specialty SDJFSDKLJFKL if they think something and it gets past the singular filter they have (which is EXCLUSIVELY for moral stuff) they're saying it and dealing with the consequences later
The only thing I will say about this is Vanny is definitely gonna be playing a bigger role later but not the one you might expect, same thing with Henry :)
urple :DDD also I PROMISE he isn't william i wanted to make a storyline that follows a different villain bc. also do not remember the reasoning for this but I do wanna clarify William Afton will not be showing up (at least in person) unless i change my mind later! Normally I don't like spoiling that kinda stuff but I don't wanna accidentally make anything misleading :D
Helpy is so underrated I needed to include him in this
If an AI uprising ever happens, you'll know who it REALLY is /j
(Using this space to apologize in advance if Henry is ooc, I dont remember shit about him aside from like the basics of what he did, so im kinda just making it up as I go LMAO)
They cancelled their gym membership cause they're already getting all the exercise they need while trying to navigate their new job /j
:) yet another situation where he will play a big role but probably not the one you'd expect!
coming up with those was the most fun part of writing this LMAO
I was having such a hard time with Henry's nicknames. like. i almost had Oliver call him Henjamin franklin.
Hankles becoming increasingly horrified at the conditions the cryptids are living in:
Oliver would've definitely already been fired if they hadn't been put in this job as a way for the government to try and contain them (half joking here. uh. also will be expanded upon later) and the person hit with the paper will always be William in my heart /silly
My thought process: "Hmmmm... What do I name this random scientist? He needs a name, obviously. Even though he will probably never be mentioned again. What name can i use that will be a funny reference.......... oh my god im a genius" /hj
Oliver teaching themself how to cook so they can bring her a five course meal as an apology for all the shit she's had to deal with the past several weeks:
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
okay Ryen, work was a shitshow but I’m here now to give you my thoughts because I’ve been thinking about it all day (thanks for that btw lol)
First, I absolutely love how oc describes her prior encounters with Jin as her being the initiator because it made it that much better seeing him as the controlling hot mf this time around. I absolutely love this Jin he’s delicious
Second, fucking hell Yoongi is so goddamn sweet it’s tooth rotting. All of oc’s thoughts toward Jin and then she’s thrown by whatever she feels for yoongi. He’s too good… way too good
Third, oc is a straight goddess for this. My knees hurt just reading this. Give her a fuxking medal! Like no lie if I’m either jin or yoongi I’m literally giving that woman the world. The whole video thing at the end was cute too I love oc.
Fourth, the moments in the middle of all the action are so perfectly realistic and it’s a fantastic touch. Like yes oc is a straight up Queen but that lil break was so expertly sewn into the story. Well done because damn 👏🏼
Fifth, the Yoonjin interactions and conversations are such a mood. Like funny but destructively sexy. To be a fly on the wall during the conversations they had/have about oc 😍 god what that car ride home must’ve been like 🫠
Sixth, the ending text messages… fucking kill me please because that was just a curveball that had me unable to sleep for like an hour. (No pressure but if you wrote that I’d die 🥴)
Finally, you are a monster but like a monster that you love and cherish (like Jimin on stage). I’m so increasingly impressed by your work and by your dedication to everything you write. I know you’re still unsure about this one which is why I really wanted to come here and write this all out. (It’s much longer than intended sorry don’t hate me)
Also, congrats on that job you deserve it 👏🏼😘
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Oh my goodness, fox🥺🥺 I’m so sorry work was a shitshow.. that’s never ideal, or fun😔 but what the heeeeeck?? This is amazing commentary and encouragement you’re so wonderful!
YES like reader has been the one in control and the one to act first when it comes to hookups (which is hilarious because later they say they’re terrible at making the first move when it comes to like, feelings🥹 a true player istg) and then getting completely thrown off by yoongi.. it’s almost like yoongi’s feeling a little jealous seeing them👀
Reader is a baddie!!!!😩😩 we all know she knows and I would give her the world. If she steps on me I would say thank you<333 and the break was much needed holy hell. I would be exhausted by that point but what a fcking queen😭 yoonjin convos were one of my faves to write because.. they’re children LOL so petty!! Definitely roomies that are clearly good friends. The car ride home… who said they left reader’s apartment…..🤪
Idk if you saw the visuals for Hit;Play jihope (if it happens!!) but… yeah. I don’t even wanna begin to describe how filthy that would be🥴😈 to be compared to jimin on stage??😵‍💫 What a fcking honor holy shit! Thank you so much.. I really do love writing, and this was clearly self-indulgence but also hopefully fun for yall. You’re so kind for encouraging me bc yes I was still very unsure about it all of today. I’m starting to appreciate it, though, especially since you all have been so gd lovely.
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moonjxsung · 4 months
i love friends that share music💜 my hs friend group used to be based around music and it was super nice!
calico kitty update: she’s back at my friend’s house and is better, they sent her some antibiotics and probiotics so hopefully everything goes smoothly from here🫶🏻 thanks for your good wishes!
as for the chan dream: i feel you so much bc i never look at chan as being pervy or like super bold, like for me he’s always the dream bf, super nice and respectful. so i had never had a dream like this about him and like i also hope to make out with him (and every other member). my skz dreams are also usually about jisung and they’re always sexy dreams but super awkward.
i.n in the library is kinda traumatizing, so i get why you hadn’t shared it. but don’t worry, dreams are just made up from our subconscious consolidating things we saw or thought about. so that’s mainly why they’re so random. me: says this but i get super spooked about coincidences in dreams so i would include i.n’s library request anyways😂
to lighten up the dream mood, i also had a super sexy changbin dream that altered my brain chemistry so badly. and in the dream i went to like a donation place with bags of clothes and it was like a small church too (my bf was with me😭) and we go in and almost immediately these like gang of thugs come in and cm punk (the wrestler) was there and like a couple of clowns and ✨changbin✨. and they were there to steal something specific i guess bc they weren’t like stealing from anyone else and most people there were just like whatever. and i look at my bf and back at changbin and i tell my bf that i was going to shoot my shot with changbin and he was like ok whatever (supportive king) and i go over to bin and im like “hey wanna fuck?” and he’s like “sure”. and we walk upstairs to an area that had like showers and stuff but there was this guard lady and she wouldn’t let changbin pass so i had to distract her and get him in. so we’re in the showers making out (he’s a great kisser too btw) and he like pins me against the wall and just started going inside when the guard lady interrupts us. and makes us leave, so we do and he’s like “you’re kinda dirty, fucking me in a church” and im like “yeah, let’s go to the car” but just as we’re stepping foot outside the gang was like “we found everything, let’s go” and changbin kisses me says something like “i wish we could’ve finished but this means we have to meet again” and leaves. and my bf was just like ?!?! “not in front of me pls. did you get to fuck him?” and i told him i didn’t and he was relieved until i told him he said we’d meet again. (i never finish having sex with any of the members when i dream of them and i think it’s a part of me that feels guilty for my bf😂 even though ive told him irl that if given the chance to get with some specific idols i would and he’s always been like ok but i got dibs on twice😅)
so yeah, oh to be having sex with changbin, chan and/or jisung irl instead of my dreams 😪
anyways i love you pookie, thanks for listening to my rants🫶🏻
I love friends who share music!!! They are so special!! 🫶
YAYYYYY I’m so glad to hear calico is doing a bit better! I hope she has a smooth recovery 🥹
YES ABOUT THE CHAN THING I feel like it’s super interesting when you have a dream that establishes somebody as a dynamic you hadn’t really considered before and then you start thinking of them that way all the time 😵‍💫 it’s good inspiration for when I write stuff sometimes but it’s also HOTTTTTT AS FUCK it’s like your brain conjuring up your own personal little fanfic for you 🫶 ALSO THE CHANGBIN DREAM???? HELLO??.!:!!.!.!/!:!:!/!:!: THAT SOUNDS SO HOT? FUCKING CHANGBIN IN A CHURCH??????? 😦😦😦😦 I don’t think I’ve ever had a dream where I actually got to fuck a member but I definitely have my share of making out with them (particularly Jisung 😭) and I always wake up SO DIZZY…… but if I got interrupted while fucking one in a CHURCHHH GOOD LORD ID BE SO MAD….. there’s also something about the blasphemy aspect like maybe it’s this combination of religious guilt I always harbor a because I have terrible religious ocd and sexual repression from being on medication for ocd that just makes anything church-themed SOOOO HOT TO ME….. I feel like I’d be a little scared to write for it just because I wouldn’t want to offend anyone OR not do it justice but!!! Church stuff!!! Yes!!!! So much yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jisung what are you doing on Sunday morning
I LOVE U POOKIE I love hearing about your dreams they are genuinely SOOOO entertaining 👼🩷💓💕
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rrxnjun · 1 year
i just want to know why is it so rare tho?😭and so true every 03 liner i see has a special place in my heart!!! and yeah we are pretty similar in that🤭🤭
i just get angry when i do it but it also calms me in some way idk dude it's a whole mess lmao😔THATS MY PROBLEM AS WELL but i'm trying to learn whenever i get impatient to just leave it and continue when im in the mood again!!! ahh writing is hard tbh so u have all of my respect actually!!! like every time i have to write something i just rush it and never look back on it cuz i cringe so much🤣so genuinely hats off to u!! (and i also saw what u reblogged earlier so i just want to say that i love ur storylines and how u just write the emotions and the people in them!!!) more plants are always amazing🥳🥳 i'm glad free styling works for u!! tbh i never knew how to look up how to actually take care of what plant so i think free styling is the only option🤣 thank u for wishing luck!!💘 if u tell me ur fav colors i would actually make one and just send a pic to u of it once i get back to my hobbies sometime in may (and this is an ask for help cuz i never have ideas on what colors to use.-. and i will keep it in the name of u lmao😌)
actually being a silly like that is so fun in a way ngl (i am in the biggest parasocial relationship known to mankind with sunwoo from theboyz and i would never change that fact lmao love being silly like that) yeahhh it's so great to just see how much growth they had since then!!!🥹🥹but i genuinely don't understand how they just get better and better each time they do a cb:o
GOOD LUCK WITH UR EXAMS!!!!!! they are more important than that drabble so I HOPE U WILL DO GREAT IN ALL OF THEM!!!
thank u🥹🥹🥹u are not pressuring me at all so thank u for that as well🥹💞and also thank u for welcoming me with open arms!!! i think i get closer to getting of anon every time i send an ask/reply🫡
no problem cuz i'm also very late with my reply so sorry😟 exams suck so much!! i hope u will only have better weeks than that then!!! i hope u are doing well as well and that u will ace all of ur exams!!😌💗💖💓 (liebestraum anon🥳💞💗)
bro thats me with art omg 😭😭😭 its like a weird mix of rage impatience but at the same time relaxation and creativity altho i havent drawn or done any art in ages 😔💔 SJSJS sometimes when i read back my work i cringe too,, esp my older fics but considering that i write the content i wanna see i read my own fics sometimes LMAO so theres that. thank u so much for complimenting my storylines and emotions i think those are the two main things i focus on in my writing 🥺💓 also my fav colors and combos are literally anything + white (esp black, red and blue) and also cream, sage green and shades of gray 😌😌 keep it and wear it like a declaration of love to me /j
now. to the topic that i already hinted at during our convo on my main- our similar taste because tell me why am i the biggest bitch for sunwoo i dont fucking stan the boyz??? LOOK AT THIS DJSJSJSK
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i fully support your parasocial relationship with him i am actually your biggest fan 💓 BUT SUNWOO IS A DEVIL EVERY TIME I SEE HIM I HAVE TO TAKE A MOMENT BC OH LORD-
thank u!!! i have one final down (got an A from it ❤❤❤) but i have 5 more to go and it only gets more difficult LMAOO so ill be back to writing in june hopefully :')
DJSJS was actually so glad to see u on mosviqu too i am happy you are getting more comfortable 💓 hope youre doing well im cheering u on always!!
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hyunverse · 1 year
okay so i am DEF not tearing up at how adorable that playlist is wtf 😭💔💔💔 that is literally the cutest thing i’ve ever seen and all those songs are so perfect for him. so soft rn i love it. ALSO ROMEO AND JULIET INSPO ?? MY HEART IS EVEN MORE BROKEN NOW 😩 when i used to write fanfics, dialogue was always my fave part too :)). i feel like you can do so much w it and express so much so easily yk ? and hyunjin dialogue always make me weak in the knees like you guys just know how to write him and write what he’d say so accurately
wishing you luck at bowling today and also for the skz album 🙏🏼 being the oldest sibling, i would 100% buy my siblings an album if they were into kpop so hopefully he’ll do the same
andddd gonna make it easier for you and reply to my other one here ^_^ apologies again for how frazzled i am 😭 but yea the lip piercing on hyunjin just…. no words can explain. like genuinely i cannot explain the way it makes me feel. it’s just perfect. and good lord purple minho 😩😩😩 THE FLUFFY STYLING TOO ??? EVEN BETTER. LIKE ITS SO GOOD ??? i need more colored hair minho i feel like it’s so underrated. AND SEUNGMIN i wanna see more colors on him bc his hair is so perfect. or even bringing the pink bangs back.. yes please 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
- 🐈‍⬛
i feel like a majority of stayblr writers are able to write so well for him due to the fact that he is a complete hopeless romantic. it’s easy for romance writers to write him because he himself is the epitome of romance, you get me? written by a woman type of man. it’s also why i find it easy to make a playlist for him, cause i feel like any love songs would suit hyune </3 you’re right, dialogues are super fun. says a lot about a character and i would say dialogues are the most impactful parts in a fic!!
it’d be tmr for me! it is still the same day rn hehe, wednesday, eighth of march here ^__^ my timezone is gmt +8. what’s yours, if you don’t mind me asking? i’m also actually the oldest sibling, so we’re twinning again hehehe. ‘m always the one to buy my siblings things, so it wouldn’t hurt to ask for something just ONCE, right. . . ? (completely ignoring how i one time coaxed my brother into buying me genshin impact primogems LOL)
don’t apologize, milov. i, too, am a mess. i honestly feel like i could ramble to u abt anything for ages. one of it being hyunjin’s (alleged) tongue piercing predebut AND that belly button piercing in play with fire dance cover 🗣 mmm curls deffo look good on minho. likeeeeeeee brooooo. makes him look all boyish and and dreamy and and looking like my future hubby 🤠 you don’t understand just what i would do to get strawberry blonde minho. gonna call him my strawb strawbs 💭 for the love of god jype pls change seungmin’s hair colour sometimes 😔🙏 that hairstyle he had during 2022 mama awards tho? bias wrecked everybody and they mamas. i was left absolutely BAFFLED. a couple of stays i know ended up seungmin biased because of the look and I GET IT 💯 maxident was his era too HE OWNEDDDDD IT WITH THEM PINK BANGS. i need and i mean i NEED that blue hyune had on seungmin. grunge seungmin would END kpop i’m telling UUU. omw to the cuties dorm to put hair dye in his shampoo, wanna join? we can put some in minho’s shampoo too zzzZzz.
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