#but honestly i can't believe that it's kind of my only option???
kitnita · 4 months
Hello Zoe, your mirobotter fic was a paradigm shift and a work of genius!! I haven't stopped thinking about it all weekend!! In it you mentioned that there was an article about the 2017 draft class talking about each other -- is this a real thing we can behold with our own hands and eyes?
i would've sworn i was referencing Very Real Things but i tried hunting around for articles with at least a quote from each of them talking about each other and apparently! there are none!! i would have bet actual money that there was at least ONE article like this written by mike heika and posted to nhl dot com forward slash stars, and yet.
the closest i found, as far as official articles where they're kind of talking about each other, is this one from this past october where all three of them are more just talking about The Team and Doing What It Takes To Win. this one from when otter & robo were about to start their first pro season with the texas stars (and miro was already more established) focuses more on otter & robo and sees them talking a little bit about the draft class.
' “I like to call myself a top forward prospect, Miro is one of the best defensemen in the league already, so that obviously panned out. And then they got a top goalie prospect,” Robertson said. “I think it was a pretty succesful draft that year. In the next couple years, I want to be able to have it where people mention how that draft changed the franchise.” “I think we want to make our mark on the Stars and maybe be remembered as one of the better drafts the Stars have had in a while,” Oettinger added. “It would be cool to have me and (Robertson) both make the team at some point soon and be representing that draft class and having people look back and say, ‘Wow, that was a great draft for the Stars.'” '
which is cool!! but there's no miro there, he is simply haunting the narrative for jake & jason as the ghost of hockey future. and then every article about the 2017 draft class is more just .......... people from the front office and/or various coaches talking about them, rather than them talking about themselves. the thing is, i know they've all talked about their draft class — even miro!! but those quotes must just be confined to media availabilities, or other random solo interviews.
this is going to eat away at me now so i will. probably. chip away at hunting down quotes they've given on each other and compiling them somewhere, if only so i can have it as a reference point!
& in the meantime i'd like to issue a formal apology for gaslighting both myself & you into believing there was a '2017 draftees on 2017 draftees' article out there
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
Vil: Would it possible to change your mind into liking me back if I tell you that I'm in love with you now?
MC: …
MC: I don't understand why you are asking me this, Vil.
Vil: It's a hypothetical question. Would you change your mind?
MC: …
MC: *smiles* You should know more than anyone, that I value commitment.
MC: I won't do anything to hurt Che'nya.
Vil: …
Vil: I see. He's lucky to have you.
MC: *chuckles* I honestly think it's the opposite.
Vil: …
Vil: Anyway, we will be having a trip overseas. You'll be away with him for a few months.
MC: Alright. I'll explain it to him. Is there anything else?
Vil: …
Vil: None for now.
Che'nya: Eh~ A few months? *sad frowns*
MC: Yes. I'm the one who assists Vil, so I have to go there with him.
Che'nya: *pouts*
MC: …
MC: I will call and message you often.
Che'nya: *pouts even more*
MC: …
MC: How about souvenirs?
Che'nya: *thinks* Hmm… No.
MC: …
MC: What is it? Just tell me.
Che'nya: Bring me with you. :3
MC: Not possible.
Che'nya: *whines* I can't believe you! You're just leaving your new boyfriend behind?
Che'nya: If it's already like this, I wonder what it'll be like when we get married?
MC: Che'nya-
Che'nya: I have needs, y'know?
MC: …
Che'nya: :3
MC: Should I stop taking you seriously?
Che'nya: Nooooo! But in all seriousness! At least pamper me before you leave~!
MC: …
MC: What kind of pampering?
Che'nya: :3
MC: Che'nya.
Che'nya: I promise not to leave marks! Or at least not that many. :3
MC: …
Vil: Why are you covered up?
MC: *has hickeys around their neck because of Che'nya* I'm cold.
Vil: ...
Vil: *doesn't want to ask further*
Vil: Anyway, you should know that we will be sharing a hotel room.
MC: Huh?
Vil: Dad made a mistake in booking the rooms.
Vil: Don't worry. It's a suite.
MC: ...
MC: I see. However, will you be comfortable sharing a space?
Vil: Yes. *smirks* Didn't we use to sleep in the same bed together when we were younger?
MC: I'm sure I always end up on the floor.
Vil: That's because you liked to move around.
Vil and MC: *chuckles at the memory*
Vil: ...
Vil: Let's enjoy this trip together, MC.
MC: *smiles at him* Yes.
Vil: *is clear to him... that MC is smiling to him as his dear friend and not someone who is in love with him*
Vil: ...
Vil: How the tables have turned.
MC: Hm? What did you say, Vil?
Vil: It's nothing. Let's go.
Vil and MC: *after arriving to the "suite"*
Vil: ...
Vil: It's a honeymoon suite.
MC: ...
MC: I'm calling the front desk.
The front desk: We are very sorry, but it's the only available room we have...
MC: Don't you have other options?
The front desk: Are you two not a couple?
MC: No. I'm his personal attendant.
The front desk: ...
The front desk: You can stay in our staff room-
MC: Okay. I'll do that-
Vil: Forget it. You're not sleeping elsewhere, MC, when you are a guest too.
MC: But Vil-
Vil: I said forget it.
MC: ...
MC: *to the receptionist* Are there no other hotels we could stay at?
The front desk: At this time of the year, hotels are mostly fully booked, but I'll do my best to get you a reservation.
MC: *smiles* Thank you.
The front desk: I deeply apologize for the inconvenience.
Vil: ...
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grey342 · 9 months
Hii! I’m so glad to see someone currently writing bradley cooper fics because honestly PHIL CAN GET IT. i wanted to request maybe a jealous!phil where reader goes on a friends bachelors trip and knowing Phil’s past he gets all angsty, as smutty as you’d like :) honestly anything you’d write id love!!
Don't leave me
Jealous! Phil x reader
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synopsis - Phil's girlfriend goes on a trip for a bachelorette party and he's not happy about it.
warnings - MDNI 18+ content, Phil being dramatic, Phil being jealous (Obv), lingerie, slight handjob, P in V, riding and praise.
authors note - Thank you so much for this request and the sweet compliment! I gotta be honest i'm not a huge fan of angst so I made Phil a lil more dramatic and kinda sassy. I still hope you like it :)
please do not steal my work - belongs to @grey342
This man is gonna be the death of me.
The main thought running through your head whilst packing. His remarks and whines can be heard from the next room.
Your close friend was having her bachelorette party this weekend but, she also wanted to spend a couple of days with the bridal party before her wedding. So you all decided to spend a long weekend in Vegas. And Phil is not happy about it.
"I mean, I don't get why you have to go," you roll your eyes at him, "it's not like she's your best friend."
"Oh yeah? And who is?" You retaliate, smirking.
"Me." He scoffs, as if this is obvious information, walking into the room. You take one look at him and start laughing.
You're not stupid, you kind of guessed why he was so mad about you going but now. He's made it really clear for you.
"What's so fucking funny?" He says confused, placing his hands on his hips. A gesture you would usually find attractive but right now, it's making you laugh even harder.
"I just, uh, I can't believe it," you say in between wheezes, " I mean. I had an idea but now it's so obvious." You quietly chuckle.
"What? What is? You're not making any sense." He declares, clearly getting frustrated. After calming yourself down you finally say-
"You're jealous." Apparently, it's now his turn to burst out laughing.
"What? Where the fuck did you get that idea?" He managed in between laughs.
"You're jealous. You're so insistent on me not going, you're trying to tell me all the bad things about the girls. I mean you literally just said "she's not your best friend, I am." You're SO jealous." You clarify.
He's silent just staring at you. You can see the clogs turning in his head to try and come up with a good response. You swear you can see the light bulb appear on top of his head.
"You're just saying that to make yourself feel better about leaving me. For a whole weekend might I add." He says almost sassily and walks out of the room. Clearly proud of himself.
"Sweetie," you sigh, "it's only three days. I'll be back before you know it. We can text throughout the day and call every night." You try to deal.
"Or I have a better idea... don't go and we can talk all day and all night. Face to face."
You groan in frustration. You cannot believe this is the type of conversation you were having with your grown ass boyfriend. Pick the sassy men they said. You internally roll your eyes.
You walk into the living room to see him practically pouting on the couch. Scoffing, you go to walk away when an idea pops into your head.
"Hey Phil, if you stop complaining right now you can have your present early." He looks at you confused.
"What the fuck do you mean "present"?"
"Well since you are so predictable," you emphasise the last word, " I knew you would act like this when I said i'm going on a trip. So, I bought you something as a "sorry for leaving you, you big baby" gift."
"You did?" You can see the glint of excitement in his eyes.
"Yes my little princess but, clearly you are a lot more upset than I anticipated so i'm willing to give it to you early. If you want it that is." You wager. There's a long pause where he's weighing out his options.
"Okay," he clasps his hand together, " I have decided that I would like my present early. BUT I still want one for when you come back." He leans back on the couch, glowing with pride.
"Fine. I'll be right back." He rubs his hand together in anticipation as you leave the room.
Moments later you're shouting down the hall, "close your damn eyes." He grunts in disapproval.
"Okay and open." He does and your met with a groan that also sound like a moan.
"Oh baby." You're stood in front of him in a lingerie set, barely covering anything. Plus it's in his favourite colour.
"Am I forgiven?" You say, moving down to straddle his lap.
"Yes. A million times yes." He exclaims instantaneously as you giggle.
His mouth meets yours passionately, with your teeth and tongues clashing. His hands make their way down to your ass and yours to his chest. Pushing him lightly so his back meets the couch.
His slowly starts to kiss your jaw, then down your neck and finally the top of your chest. He looks up at you, almost pleading, and you give him a look of approval. His hands move around your back to unclasp your bra.
He slides it off at an agonisingly slow pace. When the bra is fully off he stares at your chest in awe. He moves his head down taking one nipple in the mouth and groping the other. You let out a content sigh.
He switches over, repeating the same process as you began to rock slowly, back and forth, on his lap. His moans vibrate on your chest as your breaths turn into pants.
You reach down in between you and start pulling at the waistband of his grey sweatpants, indicating you want them off. He knows what you want and immediately begins to pull them down. You look down and eagerly take him in your hand. You swipe your thumb over the tip and began pumping up and down.
"Fuck.." He groans. You push your panties over to the side and slide onto him. Both of you moaning in unison. You'll never get used to the way he feels, filling you up perfectly.
Once you're both ready, you begin to move back and forth, riding him. His hands take sanctuary on your hips, slowly guiding you. You lean down, placing your mouth on his, capturing his groans in your mouth.
"You're doing so good. Riding my dick so well baby, my good girl." He says against your mouth. He reaches down and starts to rub slow circles on your clit. You whimper at the contact.
"Oh fuck, do that again." Obeying his orders you do it again. He uses his other hand to begin assisting you in bouncing up and down. Your movements begin to change pace, going faster.
His groans and your whimpers becoming louder. He dick twitching inside of you, indicating he's close. You ride faster and bounce harder. He in turn, quickens his movements on your clit and his fingers dig into your hips, leaving bruises for later.
"Oh shit, Phil.. I'm close."
"I know honey, I know hold on a lil longer." He pants. Your cries being the response. Your head thrown back, eyes screw shut.
"Hey, look at me. I wan't you to look at me when you cum." He demands. You immediately open your eyes and stare into his. His gaze possessive.
"Oh fuck, Phil." You whine.
"Let go baby, give it to me." That send you over the edge. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, the pleasure taking over and your body began to shake.
"Oh shit, oh shit." He says as he fills you up, head resting in the crook of your neck.
Coming down from your highs, he lifts his head and smiles at you.
"You're so beautiful." He places a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Mhm, i'm still going." You stand up and start walking towards the bedroom.
"Ah! Come on honey, i'm the love of your life! You can't leave me!" He calls out, following you.
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coffe-and-tea-time · 2 months
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Coffee insanely speaking! Thanks Dear, you gimme the perfect excuse to write a second part just in time although I expected the option of talking to him to come first. Not that I'm complaining lol
➤ first part
➤ here to see the other option
↪︎ ☾ I love to see you ....................................... .......................................☆ I love to hear you↩︎
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TW: yandere behavior, delusions, murder of self-preservation, stalking, obssesion, somewhat willing reader, kinda denying of bad decisions
Of course, the best option is to stay still, not because you are enjoying this no no, of course not...
Despite his soft voice that sounds rather familiar, you can't really recall who or where. So the safest option is just giving in at the moment, you didn't know how he could react so the safer the better, isn't it?
A smile starts creeping on your face against your will, seems like you are a rather bad actor when it's required, huh? 
“Oh, I'm really glad, you seem like you're finally having a good dream… will it be too greedy if I want to be inside that little dream of yours? Well, if you find that greedy, you won't be able to handle me later”
Hearing a close mouthed giggle following the whisper makes your heart flutter softly, like this is some kind of really romantic scene in his mind. You were able to hear the faint sound of footsteps, he seems like he's doing a little room tour, making it a little hard to hear him.
“Oh Dear, you were researching that thing again?”
It seems like he found his way into your phone, what was he referring to?
“Why do you keep reading so much about romance? Are these words good enough to keep your focus?... Maybe I have to start practicing oral expression? It's been a while since I felt like that, last time was when you downloaded that stupid dating sim… This is truly irritating, the names they use, the way they ‘communicate’ to you; do no justice, I can express myself way better, my love, and how my eyes change when I see you walking by… just... please, I need only one chance, and I promise you won't have a room left for doubts”
Even though he made the effort to lower his voice in order to 'not wake you up', it's clear how his tone is changing with every word depending on the topic; First, a low hint of infatuation, then, what sounds closer to a plead and, finally,...was that...hopelessness?
Honestly, in a normal situation, you would be annoyed by someone searching through your phone but only an idiot would think this man would judge you even if you had pictures of dead people there, more like he's genuinely looking for more of you, despite the fact that it's really not the ‘proper’ way, you can't say it didn't work.
“My beloved Cherry, what can i do for you to talk to me? Those characters seem to steal your attention quickly… I would be lying if I sad I'm not a little hopeful because of them though, you seem to have quite the specific taste, Cherry, and I believe I fit perfectly on them... if only I could find the right moment to get into your routine, to be part of your life…”
Weird that he worries about getting to talk to you with an ideal scene but not worrying about stalking you, but maybe it's kind of understable? Since well, everyone likes to check on their crush on social media even if they take a while to actually talk, even if this guy took it a little too far, he sounds... harmless like his wish is just to win your affection…
wait a second…
Are you truly relaxed in this kind of situation? What is going on with you? Why? Why… well, can't say you didn't ask for this, even as a joke, you know this time is different because it's real, but… why does reality feel like a fantasy right now? Is it because of him?
“Huh, I come here as a routine by now, I still get the same queries, I’m dying to find the answers soon..”
Sensing that lightly sweet fragrance once more makes you know he’s approaching your ‘sleeping’ form once again, making it easy to hear him despite his constant whispering.
“Would you let me cuddle you? Would you let me kiss you? Would you mind if I were clingy? Would you mind if I get jealous? Would you mind if it seems like I already know more about you than I should? I want to hold you my dear, I can’t wait for the day I can just snuggle with you every time we want… I really can’t wait anymore, I need to be closer to you… I guess I have no option other than to talk to you out of the blue, I dislike to be so imprudent, but I promise I will make up for it once you accept me in your life, Love”
You feel a gentle hand slightly caress your cheek as a little peck is placed on your forehead, making you almost smile like a fool if it weren’t for the fact that pretending to sleep is your priority in this sweet moment, unexpected but called for moment.
“Sweet dreams Cherry, I have to prepare what I should say tomorrow, I will put all of my efforts to be my best self to make a good first impression, I hope I snatch enough of your interest to be on your mind even for a moment”
Oh, he is definitely gonna be stuck in your mind for a while, as you try your best to focus on the sounds, you catch his steps as he seems to walk away… but you keep up with your act just in case.
So, tomorrow, huh? Seems like once again you have important decisions in your hand, should you indulge in your fantasy and let him get near you? It also sounds fun to go to him first… But, maybe you should try to avoid him? It’s the safer choice, but do you really want that? He seems safe enough not to raise any of your flags, he seemed so caring for you…
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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exhaslo · 7 months
I love your work so muchhhh <333
Can you do one where it's like you and Miguel are dating and it's only been like a couple weeks and he finds out you have an eating disorder and he is really supportive :)
(Also can't wait for more of puzzle pieces I love it <<<333)
Awe thank you!!! Also, sorry this was so late, holiday season got me working like crazy!
Also, not sure which eating disorder you want me to write, so I'll write this one based off a personal one.
Warning: Mentions of eating disorder, fluff
Am I pretty enough for him?
Am I thin enough?
Am I even good enough?
A shudder escaped your lips as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Yet another day went by as these raging thoughts consumed your mind. No matter how perfect your life was. No matter how perfect of a boyfriend you had. You always worried that you were still not good enough.
Your stomach rumbled, causing you to groan lowly. You had skipped breakfast and were now planning on skipping lunch. You needed to get thinner. You wanted to be perfect for Miguel. You wanted people to believe that you were good enough for him.
You glanced at yourself once more in the mirror. You looked fine. As long as you looked the part, it was fine. Checking the time once more, you hurried. Miguel was going to pick you up and take you out on a date.
Hopefully there won't be a dinner option.
There was a dinner option.
You kept your smile towards your loving boyfriend as Miguel walked you into a nice restaurant. You were so happy to find someone like him. Miguel was tall, strong, handsome and so kind to you. No one had ever checked all of those boxes.
"Wow, this place is beautiful. How'd you find this place, Miguel?" You asked, staring in awe at the architeceture.
"Well, I get a lot of recommendations from my coworkers that I usually tune out," He told you.
You chuckled lowly, finding his dull humor cute and funny. Miguel worked at Alchemax, one of the largest companies in the world. He was a great scientist, honestly an actual genius for his age. All the more reason why you had to be perfect for him.
All eyes were on Miguel. He was well known for what he did at Alchemax, that and he was the CEO's son; something that he did not like to admit. So money was also not an issue for him. Another secret box you had to check off.
"Order whatever you want. I was told the food here is amazing," Miguel said as he started with a drink. You hesitated,
"Oh, I'm not really hungry. Maybe just an appetizer." You lied. Miguel watched you order a water,
"Are you sure?"
Miguel kept staring at you as you scanned the menu. He furrowed his brows, observing your every movement. Miguel did not want to say anything yet, especially not in public. Instead, Miguel decided to order a bunch of food for himself.
"All of that?" You nearly gasped. Miguel resisted a chuckle,
"I had a long morning. Need to refuel, you can help yourself to try any of it." He offered.
Miguel saw your hesitated smile before you refused his offer. Once the table side bread came in, Miguel watched as you nearly drooled for them. He swore there were tears forming as you held back from eating. As concerned as he was, Miguel knew better than to ask you here.
He didn't want you to cry in public. Miguel didn't want to hurt you in anyway. There had to be a reason why you were holding back. Miguel was understanding. He wanted to know what you were thinking. What you were feeling.
"Wow, everything smells so good," You whispered as the waiter placed the mountain of food in front of the two of you.
"Enjoy," Miguel hummed as he stared at your salad, "Hm, looking at it now, I don't think I can eat all of this alone."
"B-But why did you order so much?!"
"It looked and sounded good," Miguel chuckled towards your reaction.
You looked so cute when you were eager to try something new. You were just perfect to Miguel. The smile on your face as you did anything new with him was enough. Just your touch alone was enough for Miguel.
You were the best thing that had ever happened to him.
And Miguel wanted to make sure that he was being a good boyfriend to you.
Dinner was both amazing, yet horrible. Your stomach was hurting so much because you were starving. All of that food just made you want to cry. It looked so good, but if you even took a bite, you knew that you would gain so much weight.
"(Y/N), now that we're alone, may I ask you something?" Miguel asked softly as you sat in his car.
"Why are you forcing yourself to starve?" His voice was low as he turned to face you, "You look exhausted, baby, and pale. I'm worried for your health."
You were at a loss for words. Before you could even process a response in your mind, your tears rolled down like a broken dam. Your chest tighten and burned as you tried to control yourself. Your breathing shallow as you whimpered those sad sobs you've been holding back.
"Baby, don't cry. Come here," Miguel pulled you into his embrace, rubbing your back, "How long have you been holding this in?"
"I-I just...I'm not good enough for you. I need to lose weight. I'm too fat." You sobbed into his chest. Miguel stroked your hair,
"You're perfect," Miguel sighed softly, thinking about his words very carefully, "Starving yourself isn't the way to lose weight. You're just hurting yourself."
"It's the only way I can. I...I can't eat anything or..."
"(Y/N), eating a healthy meal won't make you gain weight. No matter what you look like, I will always love you."
"How about this, for every meal I eat...You eat." Miguel offered, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
Your heart raced with fear as you looked at Miguel. You couldn't eat. You just couldn't. You were convinced that everything was going to make you gain weight. You had to eat less. You needed to lose weight for him.
"You're perfect, (Y/N). My perfect girl," Miguel whispered as he pecked your lips, "It hurts seeing you in pain."
"You say that now...But when I'm overweight-"
"I'll love you just the same." Miguel said firmly, "We'll start slow. Easy and simple foods then we can move on to bigger meals, okay?"
"Yes, small."
You fiddled with your thumbs as Miguel kept comforting you. You could still feel how hot your cheeks were from crying. Your eyes stung and you were parched. Sniffling lowly, you glanced at your wonderful boyfriend,
"...I am...a little hungry..." You whispered. Miguel smiled as he put his seatbelt on,
"Is soup a good small start for you?"
"I'd like that,"
From then on, Miguel helped you eat more little by little. With each meal he praised you and comforted your looks. Miguel helped your self esteem every day. His loving comments and actions helped you finally eat normally.
Eventually, you were finally able to look in the mirror without shame.
Sometimes you still had those thoughts of starving yourself, but you had Miguel to wash them away.
You were fine, just the way you are.
Always will be.
Hope you enjoyed it! Like mentioned, I just used a personal issue of mine since I wasn't sure what disorder you wanted to me write about since everyone has something different.
But to those of you out there struggling, I know it hard. I still sometimes starve myself, but you're not alone! Please eat something! Start small! When in doubt, soup is my always go too!
Especially Pho. I will eat the shit out of Pho.
Anyway, stay safe and healthy out there!!
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auroralwriting · 8 days
the master heist
con artist!bucky barnes x reader
bucky wants you to help him get his money back from an old friend.
warnings: violence, light manipulation, kind of dark bucky, based off of seb's movie sharper!
word count: 2.5k!
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"What the hell do you want with me?"
You hadn't even learned the man's name yet. He picked you up off the side of the street after a very public and very loud fight and breakup with your now ex-boyfriend. He pulled up in a Mercedes, walking out, grabbing your duffel bag of personal items. He tossed it in the backset, waving you, telling you to come on in. So, you did. It wasn't like you had anywhere else to go.
"What's your favorite movie?" He asked, ignoring your previous question. He was making himself a drink, holding an empty cup to offer you some. You shook your head.
"Uh," You hesitated, "I guess maybe Jurassic Park?"
The man raised a brow, coming to sit next to you. You tensed at his presence. "Yeah, good plot. Stupid people,"
"Very," You mused softly. "Why would you even want to go to a theme park with real dinosaurs?"
"And that man who died at the beginning?" The man nodded.
You turned your body closer to him, "Yeah, it was so stupid."
"I wouldn't know, I've never seen it." The man suddenly said. Well, wasn't he just full of surprises?
The drink in the man's cup swirled as he set it down. "You've never seen it." Your words came out less of a question, and more in disbelief.
"I'm not really a movie guy," He hummed. "And that's what I'm going to teach you."
Your eyebrow dipped up in confusion. "I'm sorry?"
The man gave an annoyed sigh, "I make people believe I'm someone else to get whatever the hell I want."
"So," You paused, shaking your head in disbelief at the current situation you'd gotten yourself in. "You're a con-artist?"
"No," The man replied, "I'm like, an actor, you could say. I'm not hurting people or anything."
Well that was weird. "I never said you did," You argued back. The man rubbed his chin with a chuckle at your reply. "What? Did I say something funny?"
"You've got fire, I like that." He acknowledged. "What's your name?" You told him your name, he nodded, mouthing it like he was getting used to saying it. "I'm Bucky. Look, I need some help. I can't always get the.. customers I need. That's where you come in."
That made you wonder what kind of gig this was. "What's in it for me?"
"Free place to stay, share of money, someone to cook for you," Bucky listed. "Want me to carry on, or do you get it?" Bucky's tone wasn't condescending, nor was it full of malice.
"Why me?" You questioned. "You don't even know me. Also, how do I even know you're a safe individual? You could be, like, some murderer who wants to sell my parts on the black market."
Bucky chuckled at your words. "One, I don't murder or even consider the black market as a viable option for my work. Two, I'll give you every proof of identity I have, hell, I'll even let you run a background check." Bucky paused, giving you a smile. "But, let's be honest, where else do you have to go?"
He was right. You didn't have anywhere else to go. Bucky was your only option as of right now. Plus, you'd be making an income. "Alright," You sighed. "I'll help you."
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"My name is Avalon DeClain, I was born in Mississippi, moved to Pennsylvania when I was six for my dads work." You recited. "I majored in chemistry in college, Penn State, graduated top of my class. I have a dog, Sydney, a german shepard. I'm single and my parents died when I was in high school."
Bucky smirked, "What year did you graduate?"
"Class of '16," You replied. "Graduated college early by a year in '19."
"You're doing better than I thought," Bucky smiled honestly. "Really, good job."
You smiled at his words, a small rush of heat going to your cheeks. "Thank you," It had been a month and a half since you started living with Bucky. As promised, he took care of you. He was teaching you all he knew.
"What do you say we celebrate tonight?" Bucky offered.
"Celebrate what?" You asked, your knees pulled up to your chest as Bucky stood up to grab some drinks for the two of you. "Is it your birthday or something?"
Bucky laughed, "No, not my birthday. Just," Bucky sucked in a breath, "A celebration of your wild achievements. I'd say you're graduating top of my class."
"Well, I'd sure hope so." You teased as Bucky walked back over. He handed you a glass of champagne, his own filled with a dark wine. "I am your only student, after all."
"And still my best work," Bucky clinked his glass with your own as you both took sips.
For a while, the both of you talked and drank. Somewhere in the last month, you had gotten Bucky to actually open up. He told you about how he grew up doing this life with some friends. However, he refused to speak about one in particular; Steve. Tonight, things seemed different though.
"Look, we've been doing small stuff," Bucky started, his tone becoming more serious. "You're perfect at the small stuff. But, I haven't been honest with you, doll."
"What happened with him?" You cautiously asked, ignoring the burning of your cheeks at the nickname
Bucky's eyes widened for a moment, his face then relaxing as he released a breath. "I knew you were intuitive." Bucky sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. "Steve was my best bud. We did, well, everything together. Until, well, one big job we found." You nodded, urging Bucky to go on. "It was some old guy, Richard. We both decided to become his assistants until he passed; he was old as rocks, if not older. After he passed, Steve and I said we'd split the money. It was around ten grand each. I guess the old man also had grandkids."
The look on Bucky's face almost broke your heart. "He took it all,"
"Not just that," Bucky continued. "He tried to get me fucking arrested. Damn good thing I was friends with one of the cops."
"So," You began. "How are we getting him back?"
Bucky's face was a mixture of relief, joy, and passion. "I love that fire in you," He sighed contently. "Tomorrow night, Steve's going out on his annual celebration. Something to do with his work successes?" Bucky wasn't sure. "His actual job, conning is a side for him."
"All right," You reassured. "I'm ready for this. What's our plan?"
"You're gonna flirt with him," Bucky explained. "He doesn't have a type, just pretty girls with short dresses. You're gonna explain how you need money for grad school, and of course he's gonna give it to you. He prides himself on being some social saint or whatever."
This plan felt way too easy. "That's all?" You remarked. "That feels.. too easy."
"Steve's girlfriend, Natasha," Bucky sighed, "She's gonna be up his ass all night. You gotta find a way to get her out of there."
You internally cringed. Great, that was significantly harder than before. "What's she like?"
"I really don't have a single clue," Bucky huffed out. "That's the one flaw of this, which is why I need to be sure you can do this."
Bucky looked nearly defeated. It was obvious he needed your help, he couldn't do it without you. "I promise you," You grabbed Bucky's hands. "I can get you that money."
No, you thought. I can get you even more.
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Bucky had no way of checking in on you to see how things were going. He left his full trust in you to not fuck this up. You could see it in him all day; he was stressed. His hand kept running through his hair, he couldn't stop tapping his feet against the wood floor.
You walked into the bar, a smooth, tight, black dress on, red heels to match. You looked around for a moment, seeing if you could spot Steve.
It really wasn't hard to find him, bright blonde hair, a boisterous laugh that was actually really cute. That was definitely the man you were looking for.
Bucky gave you a script to follow. Steve once knew a guy, Howard, back from high school. The two had zero connection now, but good old Howard was your way in.
"Excuse me," You asked, walking up behind Steve. He and Natasha both turned around. "Are you Steve Rogers?
Steve gave a smile, "Yeah, that's me. You are?"
"Oh, I'm Avalon." You reached out your hand to Steve which he shook. You followed the same action with Natasha. "I'm good friends with Howard."
Steve slapped the counter with joy, "Howard! I remember that son of a bitch. How is he?"
"Great," You smiled. Natasha scooted over a seat, letting you sit between the two. "He's got a wife, good job."
"That's great. I always liked that guy, such a good man. He deserves a great life." Steve gushed as you awkwardly smiled in return. You ordered a drink as Steve rambled.
You shyly began to comb your fingers through your hair as Steve subtly checked you out. "He was actually the one to tell me about you. He thought, well, maybe you could give me a hand."
The bartender slid you the drink, one you failed to catch as it spilled all over the front of you. Both Steve and Natasha gasped. "Oh my god! Oh, that'll never come out." Natasha gasped.
Steve quickly grabbed napkins to help you try and sop some of it up. "Are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine, just a ruined dress. I just bought it, too." You whined. In reality, this was all a part of your perfectly made plan to get Natasha out of there.
"Sweets, I'm gonna run home and grab her a new dress. We only live fifteen away and there is no way I'm letting her spend the rest of the night in a ruined dress." Natasha fell for the bait. This was perfect.
You quickly feigned guilt, "Oh, no. Please, it's really okay."
"No, I insist." Natasha said as she stood up, grabbing her belongings. "I'll be back as soon as I can, Stevie." Natasha left a small kiss on his cheek and rushed out of the building.
"I'm so sorry about your dress," Steve said, eyeing places it did not spill.
"It's fine, really." You said.
Steve was not subtle with checking you out anymore. "So, what was that favor Howard said I could help with?"
"Well," You bit your lip in a fake shame. Steve was quick to use his thumb to remove it from your teeth. "I have a pretty lousy job. I have this shitty apartment and a dog to take care of. I'm still paying off student loans, and I need to get my masters to get a decent paying job," You falsely admitted to Steve, batting your eyes at him as you sighed deeply. "I just.. can't afford to live. I'm eating a meal a day to afford dog food and groceries. Howard said that maybe you could help me out?"
You'd never seen a man nod quicker than Steve in that moment. "I'll do you one better. I'll help you pay off those student loans and get yo you paid off for grad school."
A gasp left your lips. To Steve, it was shock of his kindness. In reality, it was shock your plan worked. "Oh, God no. I couldn't ask for all of that. I was just gonna see if you wanted my dog-"
"Anything for a friend of Howard." Steve shook his head. "How do you want the money? Actually, no. Let me give it to you cash. You don't need to pay more taxes from that." You didn't even notice Steve had a briefcase with him. He opened it, leaving you in shock. You'd never seen so many hundred dollar bills stacked together before.
Steve counted out some stacks, making a pile. "I'm just gonna spit this half with you. Should be, ah, about maybe twenty grand?"
Your eyes almost popped out of your head. "Steve, I really couldn't-"
"Please," Steve scoffed. "I could make this money back in a day. I insist, you deserve a beautiful life for a beautiful woman." Steve's hand rested on your cheek as he thumbed it over softly. For some reason, his touch made you uncomfortable. All you really wanted was Bucky.
"I appreciate this more than you know." You sighed, leaning into his touch. "Thank you, Steve."
"It's no problem, sweetheart. Here, use this to carry all that in. We don't need you getting robbed." Steve handed over a large pouch from the case, shoving the money in it. "Get home safe, and give me a call sometime."
You nodded with a smile, but deep down you felt disgusted. You couldn't wait to show Bucky what you got.
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"Bucky?" You called as you walked in. You walked in the living room to see Bucky jumping up from his seat.
"You look scared shitless, doll. What happened?" Bucky immediately rushed to your side. You hadn't even noticed how anxious you were, but it was a good anxious. "Did he touch you? I swear I will fuck him up if-"
Cutting off Bucky, you opened the bag to reveal the money. "He did some light touching, but I made it work to get you a little something extra."
"Ho-ly shit," Bucky breathed out, his eyes gleaming with disbelief. "Doll, how much is this?:
"Steve said twenty grand," You answered. "I thought I would play it up to get some more out of this."
Bucky looked to you, alarmed. "Did you let him-"
"No!" You cut him off again. "God, no. I just let him eye-fuck me and touch my cheek. That was enough for him. You're right, he is some social saint."
Bucky quickly scooped you up, hugging you tightly in his arms. "Fuck, doll! You're a fucking genius. You're actually fucking insane!" Bucky yelled as you laughed. "Why'd you do that? Put yourself through that for this?"
"It was for you, Bucky." You shyly admitted. "You gave me a second chance, so I wanted to give you what you deserved."
Bucky's hands came to rest at your hips as he drew you in closer. "Did you like the way he looked at you?"
"I only like the way you look at me," You breathed out, his face getting much closer to yours. "I just wanted you to be the one to touch me."
"Doll," Bucky muttered, his lips so close to your own you could almost feel them. "You're a fucking dream." Bucky pushed his lips against your own as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You sighed contently into the kiss. "Your dress is also fucking sopping the floors."
You gave a smirk to Bucky, "So take it off, then." He smirked wildly at you as he grabbed your hand, leading you to his room.
"Maybe I will,"
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creedslove · 1 year
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: things go from bad to worse as you can't control yourself after a night of drinking
Warnings: angst and just angst, Javier being a dick, an asshole, a jerk, un hijo de puta, malparido, huevón y cabrón
A/N: Thanks to my anon Mai who gave me this wonderful idea! If it weren't for you this chapter would probably not even exist, so thanks for being so sweet and having the best ideas ❤️ and I hope you guys enjoy this malparido being a dick (yes, I'm very angry with Javier)
1.3k words
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The walk back to your desk felt worse than any walk of shame after sleeping with some guy. 
You didn't know if anyone had heard your argument with Javier, but you felt humiliated enough to be under the impression everybody knew what had happened and now had their eyes on you. 
You avoided looking towards him, but noticed his desk was empty, he'd left and you would do the same. There was no way you could work after the emotional whiplash you suffered.
You grabbed your purse and walked pass Colleen, rolling your eyes at her nails, thinking about how Javier had complimented them. 
Yours looked much better and probably made that filthy mind think about your hand wrapped around his cock. 
Your options were limited at that moment, if you stayed, you'd have to put up with people at work, Steve's curious glances and there was a real chance Carlos would show up to continue his daily teasing. 
You decided to head into the first bar you found. It looked sketchy and kind of dangerous and you didn't care one bit, you just wanted to pour liquid down your throat. 
And you did it, repeatedly, probably way too many more times you should have. 
But you needed anything you could get a grip on in order to soothe the pain you felt. 
You were so disappointed in Javier you couldn't even explain.
He had broken your heart, he led you into believing you were actually important and meaningful to him, he let you think you two could still be close, without wanting to get into your pants. 
You couldn't believe how naive you were to think a man like Javier would actually be honestly and truly nice to you, of course not. He wanted to fuck you, like your ex did it, like Carlos does and like Steve would probably have done if you'd given him any chance the day you went to check on him to see if he was doing fine after not showing up at work and he insisted you shared a bottle of aguardente. That was when you'd ended up telling him about how you were left at the altar. 
And then he went and blabbered everything to Javier in the first opportunity he got. 
You had no idea Steve was one for gossip, but you also had no idea Javier was only a pig and nothing more. 
You never wanted to look at him again, you didn't even want to give him the time of the day, but at the same time you wanted to go and tell him to his face everything that was stuck inside. You battled yourself about whether you should do it, you knew it was probably a stupid idea but you couldn't let him get away with him and live his life as if nothing had actually happened while you were so hurt.
On your way home, you were so intoxicated you didn't even give the fact you were walking alone late at night in the streets of Colombia a second thought. 
You just wanted to get everything out of your system, if Javier Peña thought he could just throw all that shit at you, he was about to be in for a treat. 
You didn't even know how you got home, you were so into your own thoughts you didn't even pay attention to where you went to and the next thing you knew you were banging on Javier's door. 
You didn't give one single fuck if it was loud or if it would bother any of the neighbors. 
You were so impatient you wanted to kick that door open, and you only stopped when Javier stood right there, looking at you not believing his eyes. 
"What the fuck Y/N?" He asked angrily, shocked at the sight of you, drunk, making a scandal at his door. 
"What's wrong Javi, you're not happy to see me?" You tilted your head to the side and scoffed softly "or do you think you're the only one who can say anything you like?" You went deadly serious and stared at him.
"Can I come in?" 
Javier crossed his arms in front of his chest and cleared his throat
"No, you can't," he said leaning against the door showing your entrance wasn't allowed without having to use words. 
"You don't have the right of doing this to me, you were my friend! Friends are supposed to care for each other! And not ghost each other like you've been doing to me. I am not worthless, I thought you liked me Javier! What has got to you? Have you ever been this asshole or did I stir anything when I kissed you?" You asked angrily and he groaned even more annoyed at your bratty attitude. 
"Y/N, I already told you, the problem is you. You don't know the difference between friendship and relationship, you want to act as my girlfriend all the time. We can be friends on my terms, but I don't owe you anything, I don't owe you Sunday dinners, I don't owe you explanations on where I'm going, I don't owe you anything, Y/N, do you understand that?" 
Your eyes welled up with tears.
"Yeah? I never asked you anything of this sort, you did it because you wanted to!!! You left me little chocolates, gave me flowers, lent me your sunglasses when it was sunny outside! You did all of it! And you know what? Because you liked being treated like a boyfriend!!! You liked when I cooked for you, when I wiped all your blood off you and took care of your bruises, you liked walking on the street with me and having other guys watching us in envy. Everytime Carlos gritted his teeth because he assumed you were fucking me after hours? The muñequita thing, you think I don't know? You just told him I was your muñequita and that's why he kept calling me that crap. How did I go from your muñequita to what we are now?" You blinked some of your tears and stared into his eyes, but you were not satisfied yet. 
"You fucking loved having me liking you, being attached to you, it must've been so good for your ego, all because you are a selfish bastard who can't keep a girl by your side, because all you do is take and feed your hunger and spit it out like it never happened" 
You only realized you were yelling, when you heard footsteps coming from his living room, and an arm snaked around his waist as a woman looked at you with widened eyes and rested her head on his chest. 
"¿Quién es esa, Javi?" She asked in a low voice and your jaw dropped at the realization the prostitute he hired looked a lot like you. 
You both had the same size, similar body type, hair and eye color. 
You shook your head in denial at that disturbing image, it was pretty clear to you it was all about sex, all Javier wanted was to fuck you and you refused the only thing he put all that effort into treating you nicely to get. You swallowed a lump on your throat but then you laughed dryly "I'm the original version, the one he couldn't get his hands on, so he went and hired a cheaper version: you, sweetie" 
You gave him one last glance "you disgust me, Javier. So much" you said and header towards your apartment, but his strong hands grabbed your wrist and tried pulling you to his body. 
"Fuck, wait a little, Y/N" he asked but you got rid of his touch 
"Get off me, Peña" you yelled one more time "don't you ever touch me again, I don't want to even remember you exist outside work, and if I may tell you one last thing, I want you to know Lorraine is so lucky you left her at the altar, because she dodged a huge fucking bullet by not marrying you" 
You faced away from him and locked yourself in your apartment. 
A/N: 😳🪭 ¿Malparido, no?
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chopper-base · 10 months
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Ok, that was honestly more like 15 minutes, but whatever. I did not edit this at all. I just basically word vomited on the page and this shit came of it-
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"...organic chips."
"...implanted in our heads."
"...to control us?"
Fox rubbed his temple, already feeling the headache forming. "And the Chancellor is responsible??"
Fives nodded, his arms crossed. "He told me himself because he's gonna try to have me killed."
Fox locked eyes with Fives, trying to search his expression for a hint of a lie. He found none. He knew Fives had a habit of pranks and jokes but the ARCs face remained deadly serious. "Surprisingly," Fox shrugged, placing his hands on his hips, "I believe you."
Fives mouth fell open, his arms dropping to his sides in disbelief. "Wait, YOU DO?!"
Fox threw his hands up in defeat. "It'd explain a lot. The random memories missing, the bad osik I apparently do and then don't even know about til Thire mentions it." He turned, running his hand down his face. "...I hate that this makes sense but I do enjoy the extra excuse to hate the Chancellor."
Fives cocked his head, a look of confusion on his face. "Wait. You already hated the Chancellor?"
Fox had to laugh, shaking his head. "With every fiber of my being. Don't even get me started."
Fives put his hands up in surrender, not questioning it further. He dropped his hands, watching the Commander as he slowly paced the small room. Fox was racking his brain. They couldn't exactly just march up and declare that Palpatine was orchestrating both sides of the war to the senate or even the jedi council without some sort of proof. The most they could prove was the chip's existence and he was sure the Kaminoins would come up with some Banta osik to explain it. The Commander refused to ignore it though, knowing his brothers lives and entire galaxy were at risk. He knew what the Chancellor had planned to do with being able to control every clone in existence.
Fox turned to Fives who was looking more anxious by the minute. The ARC was practically shaking in his boots. Most of the Coruscant Guard were searching for him. There were orders to capture him but Fox knew the moment anyone found him, he'd be dead not long after. That was Fox's first glaringly red flag. Why would the Chancellor order the entire Guard to search for one clone? The only explanation to Fives' supposed rampage was he attacked the Chancellor which Fox had to force himself not to laugh at. He'd dreamed of doing the same thing and knowing one of his brothers beat him to it was honestly kind of hilarious.
"We can't just march up to the senate and declare the Chancellor is responsible for the entire war. We'd probably both be shot on site. We need proof."
"The only physical proof we have is the chips themselves and we both know the Kaminoins are going to cover their shebs." Fives explained, pointing to the scar that now decorated the side of his head.
Fox sighed deeply. "The only thing I can think of that'd stop this is killing the Chancellor and that's not exactly an option."
"Why not?"
Fox took a step back in shock, staring at the ARC. "Why n- Fives! He's the kriffin Chancellor! What'd you think would happen if we marched up to his office and but a blaster bolt between his eyes?!"
"...we'd solve the problem?"
Fox turned away, letting his face fall into his hands with a groan.
"Okay, maybe not just march up there but if he's the head of this plot, killing him would stop it!"
Fox couldn't get himself to turn around to face the ARC. Opting to stare at the wall, trying to keep down the angry bubbling in his chest. They needed proof. Or killing the Chancellor would just open another can or worms that neither of them could expect.
"Fives. You said he admitted this to you, correct?" He turned back around, finally locking eyes with Fives.
Fives nodded. "Yeah, he admitted it straight to my face."
"Did the room you were in happen to have security cams by chance?"
Fives froze, his eyes lighting up. "I think there just might have been."
A grin wormed its way onto Fox's face. "If there were cameras, his confession would give us everything we need."
Fives mirrored his smirk. "See, this is why they made you a commander.'
Fox got ahold of a set of Coruscant armor which Fives had quickly donned, placing the bucket over his head. From there, it was almost too easy to make it past the patrols that had begun to swarm the cool streets of the city. Getting into the security center was even easier, not a soul thinking to stop the Commander.
Fives was on the console in a heartbeat, searching swiftly through the camera feeds. "There!" He pulled up one of the feeds, turning the volume up.
Fox watched, anger radiating off of him as he watched the Chancellor admit to orchestrating the war. Admit to the plan against the jedi. It was all there. He started to download the recordings before the tape had finished, stuffing it in his belt pouches the moment it finished.
"Now can we go kill the son of a bitch?"
Fox smirked under his helmet. "I get the first shot."
They marched their way towards his office, determination in every step. The walk there felt like hours, but both clones held their heads high. Fox didn't hesitate for a second when they arrived, the door opening with a hiss. The Chancellor had barely turned around in his chair when the first shot rang out, hitting him dead set in the middle of his chest. Fox removed his helmet, letting the man who made his life a living hell look him in the eye as he died.
Fives had his blaster trained, finger iching at the trigger. "This is for my brothers, motherkriffer."
Fox couldn't even keep track of how many times Fives pulled that trigger, decorating the Chancellor's chest in so many blaster burn, it looked as if it was on fire. He didn't stop firing til Fox gently laid his hand on his vod's shoulder.
Fives lowered the blaster, taking a shaky breath. He had done it. He'd killed the man that was responsible for this whole war. Responsible for sending all his brothers to die in a battle with no true winner.
They were free.
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astarion-obsessions · 10 months
Spoilers for Astarion romance, act 2
I finally got to the Hug Scene with Astarion a few days ago, and it wasn't what I was expecting. I thought the choice to hug him would come without a second thought, but in all honesty... I wanted to do and say all of the possible choices. I mean, look at them!
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He just poured his heart out, was honest with us like never before and then all Tav manages to respond is "I care about you" and a hug to prove it to Astarion? My Tav is a bard with 17 charisma, godsdammit. She would have had all the words to convince him of how she truly cares about him, even though he just wanted to use her initially.
All of the options alone just didn't feel like they're enough. Just hug him and say nothing at all? Only spending a bit physical comfort and that's it? Or just insist that he's important to you while keeping an arms length distance? Or even better, don't react to his insecurity about your feelings towards him at all and just ask him a question in return?
... Timing, Tav, timing. *sigh*
I would have wished for another option of dialogue while hugging him. Imagine.
Astarion waits for your reaction, most probably thinking you don't truly care. You take a step closer, he is instantly defensive, shying away from you.
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But you're determined to show him - with physical and verbal affection - what he means to you. You dare to ignore his defensive gesture, finally pulling him into a warm hug. You feel that he is overwhelmed by your reaction, but you give him all the time he needs to understand what is happening.
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After a few long moments he finally has it in him to return the hug hesitantly. His grip tightens around you, as if he's in desperate need of convincing himself that this is real.
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He buries his face in the crook of your neck, then you mumble: "You are worth a great deal to me, no matter what you are going through, Astarion." You press him harder to your chest to emphasise your words. "I'm not interested in doing things you don't want to. We can be together without sleeping together, for as long as you need. And on the way we can figure out what it is that you really want. Together."
Now that's what I wished for. It's just a mix of the existing options, but the words hold so much more meaning when said during a heartfelt hug and vice versa, instead of letting all of this stand on its own rather awkwardly.
And his reaction afterwards is just too cute to bear.
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"You... You are full of surprises, aren't you?"
He looks so relieved over our reaction...
"Honestly, I have no idea what we're doing. Or what comes next."
... that this is the first time I recall seeing him express such an almost boyish excitement, which makes him seem like a giggly teenager, who just got his first girl-/boyfriend. I mean, we're probably the first soul in two fucking centuries to be genuinely kind to him. I can't even imagine what that must have been like. Of course he would be unwilling to just believe us that we care as if it were nothing. Because this is everything to him. Of course he would be all excited about his first friend and maybe even serious love interest in 200 years.
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Then he slowly extends his hand, inviting us to reciprocate the gesture. And this is such a drastically different approach to physical intimacy than whatever we had before this. Until then he'd throw around sickly sweet lines of shallow desire and present himself as sex object who just wants to have a little fun. Whereas this moment is so slow paced, tender and heavy with cautious hopefulness. And it shows that he still likes touching and being touched, yet in a completely different manner now.
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"But I know that this?..."
Then he gives us this serious, almost pained look when he dares to talk about this. For me this is the expression of someone who fights to accept the thought that someone actually and truthfully cares about them. He dares to show this vulnerable side of him despite being utterly afraid of rejection. He dares to believe that this is real and he truly wants to make this work.
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"... This is nice"
And finally his expression relaxes. He smiles so genuinely, so hopefully. This man deserves all the nice things in the world, especially after all he's been through. It's so beautiful to see that he doesn't abandon the unwanted feelings for Tav, but instead chooses to take the risk, to be honest with himself and Tav, and just try to learn to trust again. All of this takes so much bravery to just overcome his insecurities about this new and intimidating situation.
I recall what it was like when I was a teenager with my first crushes and then even deeper feelings for a friend of mine, who I never confessed to. It was hella intimidating for me, and suffice to say that my situation didn't compare to what Astarion was going through to any extent. I really can't grasp the entirety of overcoming this hurdle this must have taken in Astarion's case. I'm so proud of him.
I just love everything about this.
Except for my limited options to react to him ingame of course, but that's what fanfictions are for, I guess, lol.
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lover-of-mine · 30 days
the whole ‘why is he here’ thing is 95% of the reason i don’t understand where tf BT shippers are getting all of this from. ‘tommy’s so kind to buck’ ‘they’re so smitten’ ‘they’re made for eachother’ ‘buck’s so happy with tommy’. okay, but where?? show me in canon, read me dialogue, point out specific scenes, SHOW ME exactly where the show had told or shown you that these things are true. and they can’t! because there has been nothing on screen to suggest this, no development, no certainty about their relationship, no discussion about their relationship at all actually, no emotional connection… sure buck is smiling and happy but it’s not like buck has never smiled or never been happy before? ‘buck’s grinning!’ that’s literally how oliver smiles! he cheeses!! the show is giving absolutely nothing but then the shippers run with it and headcanon and make things up out of thin air and decide it’s canon fact to shove in people’s faces and delude themselves into believing they’re getting more than they are. either season 8 breaks them off and treats him as the fairly unimportant plot device for buck’s bisexuality realisation that they decided to keep around for a bit longer because he was getting them clicks and attention, despite the fact that they had no idea what to do with him… or it actually makes an effort to prove to us ‘why he is still here’. i know which option i’d prefer…. but my point still stands. sorry for the paragraph!
Don't apologize, I'm giving you a standing ovation. The whole Buck is happy, he's grinning thing if funny because he was like that with every girl before? He was grinning like that at Ali, he looked smitten by Taylor up until the point in 5a where they decided the relationship has been enough, everyone saw how he was smiling a Natalia at the coffee date or during 618, even the cemetery while talking about her and no one was screaming endgame even tho Natalia was played out to be his endgame in case of a cancellation. And the whole T is so kind to Buck, sure, the flirting can be cute in 704, BUT Buck is an unreliable narrator, so I kinda eye everything that happened there wondering how much is true and how much is Buck's rose colored glasses, but even in that scene, T was in no position to excuse Buck from hurting Eddie, and he actually asked Buck out after kissing him out of nowhere instead of running away like Taylor, but it's not like Taylor set a very high bar. Then maybe the way he tops Buck's beer on the date? But that gets overshadowed by the way he calls a car and leaves Buck on the curb, only communicating he's leaving when he's literally in the car, when he could've talked to Buck before? Also the closet joke to Eddie when he knew Buck wasn't out was ?????? And then we have the coffee that i still don't understand why any of that happened, because why would you agree to go to someone's sister's wedding after half a date you walked off? Then the party, if he was so great he would've dressed on theme????? He literally needs to change into a uniform because he shows up at the hospital in said uniform, so he could've put effort into his outfit. The way the hospital scene could've been cute if he had helped Buck clean his face or at least told Buck his face was dirty, and they could've walked in holding hands or something. The ceremony had nothing, Buck's hand was even in his pocket because there was nothing about that conversation to indicate they were more than friends. And the dinner in the loft had Buck being vulnerable, and the weirdest tone shift leading to a kink joke that feels very out of place given the circumstances. That's it. That's every scene. Tell me where are you seeing them being made for each other? I honestly feel like T comes out as callous and condescending every time he opens his mouth. I can't find anything to like about him or about him when it comes to Buck and I legit don't understand where the hype is coming. Like, seriously. The show gave me nothing. Let's see how the show handles him next season, I guess.
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capn-twitchery · 2 months
Two things have been on my mind: 1. Grace being a Monster Hunter makes sense for his affiliations, and yet the profession about becoming an inhuman apex predator feels strange for the mild mannered guy. I wonder, what does he think of his job and what it’s made of him? 2. If nonconsensual consumption of red honey is a new horror for Twitch, I wonder what they think of consensual caging, like on Titania in Sunless Skies. Choosing to undergo harvest or to eat “ethically sourced” honey must be bizarre, considering how it’s produced in the Neath. (submitted by @noblevagrant65 )
(i'm so sorry i missed this i didn't realise you don't get notifications for submissions on mobile!!) for grace:
i wish i had more interesting answers bc this is such an interesting question!! but sadly i only chose monster hunter bc of the job affiliations & main skills....annoyingly none of the ingame careers really fit grace at all!! so i don't think he really has the job in his Canon--only ingame for the item/gameplay
but thinking on making it fit somehow, i could see him having an interest in zee life? mostly out of resourcefulness for when he's on twitch's ship-what monsters are edible for when supplies are low, which ones are too dangerous to fight, what's the best place to shoot them with cannons, which ones do they need to keep twitch away from, that kind of thing.
but that doesn't make him much of a hunter still...just kind of a Guy With Knowledge. but maybe that knowledge just makes him a weird kind of monster "hunter" that knows how to get rid of monsters without jumping onto their back with a harpoon. the current fluke event has an option where you soothe the fluke with music instead of shooting it--maybe he just works in that way instead. that makes a Lot more sense to me
but sadly as cool as it would be he is very much not a peligin eyed human apex predator and i don't think he ever will be--i don't think it's changed him much! he can't go out for drinks with the other monster hunters bc he would look so out of place
and for twitch & the skies cages:
oh they would Hate the idea of consensual red honey, and anyone who takes it or agrees to be harvested for it. thy don't care how many excuses people make, there's no reason for red honey to exist bc there's no way for it to exist without suffering.
i can't figure out how exactly they would feel about the people signing up to be harvested--honestly they might flat out refuse to believe it. a "no surely you were coerced somehow into being here, there's no way anybody would want to go through this" kind of thing
other options are Angry, Disgusted, Outraged that they would willingly carry on the cycle that leads to making red honey. i don't think there would be any pity or compassion about what might make someone consider doing that to themselves--they'd be too caught up in their own anger about it (and considering in skies it's just artists trying to suffer for their art twitch would think they're selfish awful people)
their opinion would be: burn the entire place down, or stay so far away from it thy never have to think about it ever again
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jpitha · 2 months
Between the Black and Grey 42
First / Previous / Next
Before anyone could say anything else, there was a blinding flash of white light. The Dreadnought appeared directly in front of them, impeding their progress. Stormy fired the thrusters and tried to duck underneath.
"Get back into your seats! I'm going to link away again." Northern and Zhe dove towards their seats and bucked back up, but before Stormy could link, there was a clatter and a shudder throughout the ship. New alarms sounded throughout the ship, a kind of wailing trilling noise. It was incredibly loud.
"What's that Stormy?" Zhe clapped her hands over her large ears. "Can you turn it down any?"
"It's... It's a grapple. We've been grappled!" Stormy's rage permeated her voice. "Those were banned centuries ago! I can't believe they used a grapple on us."
"Can we do anything?" Fen asked. She looked down at her screen. There were new spots of orange on the readout where the grapple was damaging the hull.
"Our options at this point are to allow us to be taken aboard, or blow the reactor." Northern shook her head. "They've got us."
"Stormy, might as well disconnect and come up here. I don't want them doing anything to you." Fen closed her pad with a snap. She looked at Zhe and Northern. "Sorry."
Zhe shook her head. "Nothing to be sorry about, Fen. We're in this together."
Northern nodded. "Despite myself, I do find that I like you two. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. It's not your fault Fen."
Fen sighed. "Yeah, but if I wasn't a clone of the first Empress..."
"There's no way these people know that Fen. They're just after their current Empress and probably think we know something about it. I'd say just answer their questions mostly honestly." Northern ticked off points on her long fingers. "We saw her on Picaresque, we went out drinking, we partied with her and her honor guard, and in the morning we left. None off that is a lie."
Stormy walked into the Command Deck and looked around. Finding a seat, she sat down and buckled in. "The four of us is enough to operate a frigate of this size without raising too much suspicion. They shouldn't ask about whether we have an AI pilot."
Zhe's ears flicked in surprise. "Really? Only four people?"
She nodded. "It's just about the bare minimum, but it's possible. It could be explained away that we're a new merc group and haven't taken on more crew yet. These kind of ships are meant to be run lean and mean anyway."
Fen wasn't so sure, but she couldn't do anything else.
They waited.
About 30 minutes later, there was a pounding on the airlock. Fen unbuckled and went to the lock. Peering through the window she saw three armored spacesuits. She toggled the intercom. "Yes?"
"Human Imperial Navy. Open up please. We have some questions for you."
Please? That was interesting. "Why did you grapple me? You could have used your radio."
"The Admiral wishes to speak to you in person."
They did not elaborate further.
The voice of the suited person sighed. "Look. If you just open the doors, it'll go better for you. We won't even restrain you. You just open up, we bring you to the Admiral and then we let you go once she's happy with the answers."
"And if I don't open the lock?"
"Then we force it open, capture you, restrain you-" They hold up some metal zip cuffs. "-and still bring you to the Admiral. Only now, your ship is damaged and you can't leave once she's finished speaking. Your choice."
Fen cut the intercom. "Fuck." she said to nobody, and pressed the purge button. Both airlock door snapped open and there was a puff of air as the pressures equalized. Fen's ears were pained for a moment, but she swallowed and her ears popped.
The guard lifted their helmet. It was two men and a woman who looked so similar they could have been related. The woman smiled. "Thank you, really. My name is Lieutenant Shelly Cooper. What's yours?"
"I'm Captain Fenchurch Whitehorse, but please call me Fen."
"Very well, Fen. Who else is aboard?"
"The rest of my crew. They're on the Command Deck. There are four of us."
That caused Lieutenant Cooper to raise an eyebrow, "Four? That's it?"
Fen smiled awkwardly. "I wasn't able to hire anymore crew than that. Believe me when I say I've been trying." It wasn't a lie, not really. Fen found that there weren't many people who were willing to sign on to an unproven merc company, even if they were a couple years old.
The Lieutenant turned to one of the men behind her. "What did the bioscan say?"
He looked down at a pad strapped to the arm of his suit and tapped at it with a gloved hand. "She's not lying. Ship is empty except for the command deck."
"Curious." Cooper stared hard at Fen. "Have we met? Are you from Sol? You seem familiar to me."
"I don't see how. I grew up in a Gren station, far outside of Colonial space." Again, it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth. Of course people in the military would know what the first Empress looked like.
"Hmm. Okay. If your crew agrees to keep the reactor powered down and be powered by an umbilical, they can stay confined to the ship and you accompany us. Deal?"
"Yes, I agree to those terms. Let me go tell my crew."
Lieutenant Cooper nods. "You have three minutes."
Fen hurries back to the command deck. "The Admiral wants to talk to me. They said you can stay here so long as you agree to be powered only by their umbilical."
Zhe stood up and crossed her arms, her tail swishing irritatedly. "It won't matter, because we're coming too."
Northern looked to Zhe and sighed, but only a little. "We can't leave you out to dry, Fen. We'll come along too. How bad can it be? Plus, if we come with you we can't suffer "an unfortunate accident" in the hangar."
Fen exhaled. She hadn't realized she was holding her breath in. "Thanks Northern, Zhe." She turned to Stormy. "You're welcome to come along, but I also know this isn't your thing. We had just hired you after all."
Stormy looked at Northern who shrugged with her eyes. "Up to you."
She runs her hands over her face. "Fuck, me. I swear Northern, you know how to pick them." Stormy stands up and smiles. "I'll come along, what the hell. Sitting on the ship was going to be boring by myself anyway."
The four of them went to the airlock, and Fen went up to Lieutenant Cooper "I spoke to my crew, and they want to accompany me."
Lieutenant Cooper throws up her hands. "Fine, I guess we'll just give you the VIP tour on the way." She gestures out towards the hangar. "Here is the hangar, where we store our smaller ships and boats, as well as the frigate of a merc captain we captured that the admiral wants to speak to and offered to let her crew stay onboard but they want to follow their captain to the ends of the galaxy."
Fen crossed her arms, but said nothing.
"Come on then. We'll find you some more chairs or something." Lieutenant Cooper turned on her heel and walked out of the hangar, without waiting for them to follow. The two guards with her looked at each other and one of them gestured for them to follow.
Not too far from the hangar, Lieutenant Cooper came upon a small conference room. She opened the door and led them inside. As they sat, a steward came by with a small cart of drinks. Fen was offered and accepted a coffee, and they went around offering beverages. Lieutenant Cooper also took a coffee, but everyone else abstained.
Cooper took a sip and looked down at the comm on her wrist. "The Admiral will be here shortly. Please be respectful. She's... lived a long life and doesn't suffer fools. If you want to make it back to your ship, answer her questions quickly and honestly."
Fen wasn't halfway through her coffee with the door chimed. Lieutenant Cooper stood. "This is where I leave you. The guards will wait outside the door and - should you be able - will escort you back to your ship." Her face was odd. She looked worried, and also like she felt bad for them. Just what kind of person was this Admiral?"
The door whooshed open and the Admiral strode in. She was about the same height as Cooper, maybe a few centimeters taller than Fen. Her hair was blond streaked with grey and she wore it clipped very short on the back and sides and a little longer in the front. She wore her hat at an angle that probably was against regulations. Her uniform was immaculate and her chest bulged with medals. She had a hard, but not unattractive face, lined with time. As she entered, she looked down at everyone sitting, and as she passed over them she stopped at Fen, and her breath caught.
"You are dismissed, Lieutenant."
Cooper saluted sharply. "Yes, Admiral."
"Dismiss the guards as well. I will not need them."
"Admiral? With all due respect-"
The Admiral turned to face Cooper and stared at her. Without saying anything at all, Fen could feel her shouting at the Lieutenant. Her gaze was withering. Cooper swallowed and saluted again. "Yes, Admiral."
The door closed behind her and the Admiral's demeanor immediately changed. She shrank down a little, looked older, less hard. She strode around the room and glanced down at the carafe of coffee. She poured herself a cup and sat at the head of the table. While everyone watched, rapt. She took a sip and placed it down on the table without a clink. She looked at Fen.
"You look like her, you know? I can see that you're different. A product of your upbringing. It's your eyes, and the way you carry yourself. I can see so much of her though. It's a little spooky."
Fen blinked. Whatever she expected, it wasn't this. "You know I'm a clone of the first Empress?"
The admiral laughed. Her voice was surprisingly musical. "Fen, I knew Melody. I was friends with her. I... I was on a different ship when she was killed. I became Empress after her."
Stormy gasped. "No. No way. She retired to Venus, and let her daughter reign. She would be over five hundred years old. You're not her."
The admiral smirked. "If you know all that, then you know that the Nanites can extend life. I can't do the Voice anymore, and it's been more than two centuries since I carried a crown and wings, but I am still me.
Northern turned and stared at Stormy. "Who is it, Stormy?"
The admiral spread her hands wide. "I am Empress Helen Raaden, First of Her Name, Ruler of Sol - Retired."
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swimmingismywholelife · 7 months
Goodbye Christmas
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Summary: While everyone else is celebrating the holidays, you can't help but wonder if things could've ended differently if you had just taken a chance.
Warnings: SO MUCH ANGST, unrequited love, SUPER heartbroken reader
WC: 2.2K
A/N: 🎶On the fifth day of Ficmas my writer gave to me, unrequited love with Kai🎶 I actually love Kai and Sophia fuCK WHEN IS IT MY TURN
Link to the Song: Goodbye Christmas
"I'm falling, I'm falling down
Everyone's happy now, but I'm alone tonight
Don't let me, don't let me drown
It's too late to say I love you, babe, gooodbye."
"I'm so happy for you!" Lea squealed as she hung lights on the wall. "You and my brother were basically meant to be together!"
Sophia smiled brightly at her. "I'm so happy with him. Like I really can't believe how lucky I am to have him!"
"The two of you deserve each other," Lea replied. "You bring out the best in one another in a way I've only seen in true love."
"Oh stop," Sophia blushed. "Honestly, it's all thanks to Y/N here anyway. I owe you so much for bringing me to Kai. None of this would even be possible without you."
Now it was your turn to blush as you placed the mistletoe over the door. "I didn't even do anything dude. You guys hit it off all on your own."
"But it was you who introduced the two of us all those years ago!" Sophia protested. "Why do you think I asked you to be my maid of honor? Because you're the best friend ever who brought me so much love in so many different ways. And I love you!"
"I love you too, Soph," you said, tears forming in your eyes.
"GROUP HUG!" Lea shouted gleefully. She forcefully threw herself onto the two of you, squeezing you together.
"Oh God," you said as she squished you together, the three of you giggling together.
Sophia had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. You'd moved to Germany at a very young age into the house right next to hers. Your parents wanted to get to know some of the neighbors, bringing food to show a gesture of goodwill. You shyly complimented Sophia's hair, and she immediately declared you to be her best friend for life. And from that day forward, the two of you became inseparable.
You'd met Kai playing football. He just happened to be playing on the same field as you one day and was thoroughly impressed with your passion despite not wanting to go pro. Eventually, just playing on the field turned into hanging out all the time, leading you to become incredibly close. It was you who convinced him to join Leverkusen and showed him that playing seriously on a professional level was an option. And it was you who he often thanked in interviews for getting him to the level that he was playing at.
While Sophia was your girl best friend, Kai was on a different level. He understood you in ways that no one else could and despite his busy schedule, he was always there whenever you needed him to be. He often brought you food when you were studying, he held you when you cried, and he was always there to listen. He was kind, caring, ambitious, and he was one of the only people who you felt truly being comfortable around. He was everything you could've wanted and more.
You couldn't help but develop feelings for him as you grew into your teenage years. And as more time passed, the stronger your feelings became. You found yourself holding back the urge to hold his hand, to kiss him senseless, to be held in his arms even when you weren't crying. You sensed that maybe he felt it too when sometimes you found him looking at you when you weren't doing anything special, when his hugs lingered longer than usual, when he started bringing your favorite snacks everywhere you went. But you were too afraid to say something. And your friendship was too important for you to ruin. So you just kept quiet, keeping your feelings to yourself.
One day, you'd invited Sophia to watch one of Kai's football games. It was surprising they hadn't met each other considering how often you hung out with both of them separately. So you took matters into your own hands. You were so excited to finally introduce your two best friends to each other, knowing they'd get on well. 
You didn't anticipate how well they'd get on, clicking almost instantly. From the moment they locked eyes on one another, you knew something sparked between them whether they knew it themselves or not. They'd starting spending a lot of time together, more than you did with either of them. While they never neglected hanging out with you, you certainly noted that they talked about each other to you quite a lot. Maybe this was the time for you to be honest with the both of them.
But you were still too afraid. Every time you tried to confess, you found a way to change the subject and move on. You didn't wanna ruin anything. So you just kept the feelings to yourself.
You'd never forget the day when Sophia confessed her feelings for Kai.
"Hey Y/N, can I be honest about something?" she asked as you went out for coffee one day.
"Yeah, of course!" you said. "What's up?"
"So you know how Kai and I have been hanging out?" You nodded. "I think I like him, like a lot," she gushed. "We have so much in common! And he's charming, he's funny, and he's just so amazing!"
You could feel your hopes shatter into pieces.
"Oh really?" you asked weakly.
"I know it's kinda stupid of me to ask you, but do you think I have a chance?" she asked. "Do you think he likes me too?"
Your heart felt heavy. Your best friend liked him. Really liked him. And you knew that being honest with her about how you felt would cause a rift. Sophia meant the world to you, and you didn't want to put her in a position where she couldn't be happy with someone for the sake of your friendship. So you kept your feelings to yourself.
"Yeah, I think you do," you replied softly. "And I think you're gonna be great for each other."
The double whammy hit you a few weeks later when Kai also confessed how he felt about Sophia.
"Soooo, I wanna be honest with you about something," he said as he watched you juggle the ball.
"What, that your last game was shit?" you joked.
"Fuck you," he said. "But no, something more like serious I guess."
You kicked the ball up, catching it in your hands. "Alright. What's bothering you?"
He scratched the back of his head. "I don't want this to be weird because I know she's your best friend, but I've been hanging out with Sophia a lot." Your heart dropped for the second time in the span of a few weeks. "And I like her a lot. And if I'm being completely honest with you, I can see myself going really far with her. Like I could really fall in love with her if I let myself."
"That's great," you forced out. "I'm glad you have someone you feel that way about."
"I've been thinking about it a lot, and I think I'm gonna ask her out. But I know she's your friend and I wanted to know how you felt about it," he said.
"Kai-" You stopped yourself. This was your chance. This was it.
"I think you should go for it. You've got a pretty good chance with her," is all you said instead.
And a few weeks later, Kai took his shot.
When they announced their engagement to you, it didn't come as a surprise. After all, Sophia moved with him when he left for London. From the moment they were together, they were always in it for the long haul. You were excited for them of course, but you couldn't show either of them how much pain you were in at the thought of their marriage. Even when Sophia asked you to be her maid of honor, you couldn't tell her. You didn't tell anyone about your true feelings for Kai. You couldn't. You'd ruin the atmosphere and potentially even your friendship with everyone. You couldn't risk it.
So here you were, visiting her and Kai for a Christmas get together with some other friends and family. You and Lea had graciously "volunteered" to help Sophia set everything up. And by volunteered, it really meant Sophia didn't give you a choice. But her giddy attitude was too infectious, so you couldn't help but give into her.
The party, of course, went off without a hitch. It had to be with Sophia in charge. And you thoroughly enjoyed yourself a lot more than you'd initially thought. It was a lot of fun to meet some of Kai's teammates, both old and new. It helped get your mind off your broken heart.
At some point during the night as everyone prepped for midnight, you found yourself sat on one of the windowsills hugging your knees to your chest, staring at the snow gently falling to the ground. You leaned your head against the cold glass feeling the chill run through your body. You sighed wishing you could turn back the clock and took the chance to be honest with your friends.
"What are you doing here all alone?" you heard Kai ask from behind you.
"Just thinking," you said, not bothering to turn around.
"Anything you wanna talk about?"
'I'm in love with you, Kai. I have been since we were kids and it hurts so much watching you marry my best friend,' you thought to yourself.
"Not anything in particular," you'd responded instead. "Just enjoying the snowfall."
"Can I join you?" Kai asked. You nodded, hugging your knees closer to you.
A comfortable silence fell. Words never needed to be exchanged to feel safe with him.
"You know, I wanted to thank you," Kai started. "For bringing Sophia and I together. I know I talk all the time about how she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, but it's really all thanks to you that we're even here to begin with."
"Sophia said that to me earlier too," you said smiling softly, turning your head slightly to look at him. "There's no need to thank me really."
"It's funny," he said. "When I was younger, I always pictured myself with you actually."
Your heart stopped for a moment. "What?"
"Yeah," he chuckled. "I could've sworn I was in love with you for all of my teenage years, especially while I was at Leverkusen."
"Really?" you said weakly.
"It sounds crazy, I know, because you didn't feel the same way and I was too afraid to say something."
You couldn't have been more heartbroken. Kai had felt the same way. But you were too afraid to say something and kept the feelings to yourself. And now it was too late.
"I thought I knew what real love was, but then you brought me to Sophia," he said. "That's when I understood what it was really like. I just had a really strong crush on you, I guess."
"Oh," is all you said. You didn't know what to say.
"Yeah, I know it's a little strange to bring it up now, but I figured in the Christmas spirit with the new year approaching it was the best time," Kai replied, "since this is my last Christmas before marriage and all."
"Thank you for being honest with me," you said quietly. "I really appreciate it."
"This doesn't make anything weird or anything like that, does it?" he asked.
You forced a smile that you were hoping he couldn't see past. "No, of course not. That was years ago anyway. We're past that now right?"
Kai let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, good. I mean Sophia knows too. She actually was a bit hesitant when I first asked her out because she was convinced you were in love with me. Weird right?"
"Yeah, weird."
Another silence fell as you tried keeping your emotions in check. You couldn't break down in front of him. Not now.
The grandfather clock chimed, signaling that midnight had arrived.  You looked over at Kai, your heart completely shattered.
"IT'S CHRISTMAS! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!" you could hear Sophia screaming, making the two of you laugh.
"We better go before she starts yelling at us," Kai said, gesturing to get up.
"I'm gonna stay here a little longer, but I'll join you guys in a bit," you responded.
"Are you sure you don't wanna join the festivities?" he asked.
You nodded. "I'll be right there. Don't worry about me."
"I always worry about you, dummy. But I'll leave you to it," he said, patting your head. "Don't be too long though."
He stood up, gently dusting himself off. "Merry Christmas, Y/N. I'm so grateful to have you," he said.
"Merry Christmas, Kai," you said. "I'm grateful to have you too."
You watched longingly as Kai walked over to Sophia. The two of them had nothing but pure love as they looked in each other's eyes. He held out his hand for her to take, gently twirling her around before bringing her into a kiss under the mistletoe you'd placed earlier that day.
"I love you," you whispered, only allowing yourself to hear the words you so desperately wanted to say to him. And you kept the feelings to yourself and let the tears finally fall.
Taglist: @thoseboysinblue @neverinadream @chilwellspulisic @lovelynikol16 @lizzypotter14 @pulisicsgirl @notsoattractivearenti @shadowscorch @nyctophilic0vitnir
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inhonoredglory · 11 months
Hey, I reaaally love all your meta analysis, especially the one on Aziraphale's morality. You truely have a wonderful writing style! And you expressed the feelings I had about the S2 finale I couldn't put into words and had me in tears again. I never really believed in the coffee theory (although a part of me hoped for it since it would be way less painful). But there is one thing I can't wrap my head around. The coffee theory is partly supported by the final scene of Aziraphale in the elevator and his creepy smile. Even when he looks forward to his new position and is convinced he does the right thing, I can't believe he wouldn't smile like that (and Michael Sheen is to talented for it being am accident). He still lost his soulmate Crowley, he still had to give up the life he loved so dearly and we know how much he struggled with that in the first place talking to Metatron. So why this smile, which aside from that, really did not look like him? I fear, that his memories were wiped out in this elevator. But since you have so a great understanding of Aziraphale's character, I would like to know your theories about that? Thanks a lot!!
(In response to my meta on why Aziraphale had to go to Heaven)
Thank you so much for your kind words, @sabotage-on-mercury (truly means the world to me). Honestly, the creepy smile was one part of the ending I couldn't quite put my finger on either, until someone pointed out on a Twitter response to my meta:
The reason why its scary is bc azi is becoming properly angry at the system and is 101% determined to set things right (Source)
In season 1, Aziraphale was determined not to kill anyone to stop the Apocalypse. He wouldn't even tell Crowley where the Antichrist was, because Crowley's only solution was to kill him.
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And because Crowley consistently didn't have any ideas ("not one single better idea??"), Aziraphale took it on himself to pursue the only option left––to ask God to intervene and stop both Heaven and Hell from destroying Earth. Therefore, Aziraphale had to keep the integrity of his angel status by distancing himself from Crowley, while the world was still in danger.
Despite this dedication avoid bloodshed, when God didn't have an answer, Aziraphale went against one of his core beliefs to help save the world. He was willing to murder a child.
For Aziraphale, that takes guts. And (seeing how he reacted at the end of the Job minisode), I wonder that if he had killed Adam Young, Aziraphale would have checked himself into Hell.
Going to Heaven for Aziraphale is ultimately a conscious choice, one that he is clearly afraid of. We see him constantly steeling himself again the Metatron in the end, covering his fear and hurt from losing Crowley with a placid smile and a flippant attitude. He's wearing so many masks, to Crowley, to himself, to the Metatron...
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All season we've seen him playing roles (detective, magician, doctor, landlord). But the final role is warrior. Going up that elevator, we first see Aziraphale's eyes searching, worried, panicking, but unable to show it because he's not in a safe space. He swallows, blinks, he's breathing hard (you can see his entire shoulders rise and fall).
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But as he goes up, his expression steels. He's quite literally putting on a mask (to himself): a vengeful, hardened expression of pure anger and rage (to drown out the fear and uncertainty he so clearly still has).
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Michael Sheen conveying contained anger in both Good Omens and Masters of Sex (gif by @julielilac)
Cuz this isn't just him scrambling to kill a kid, this is him walking calmly and knowingly into sacrificing everything he loves most (Crowley, the bookshop, his entire life on earth) to create a world that will always be safe for him and Crowley and humanity for the rest of time. Where he would have to go up against the most powerful angels, the Metatron, and God Themself to change things. He can't be the kind, sweet angel he was on Earth. That won't cut it in Heaven if he wants to make a difference in any real way.
He wanted to do it with Crowley, with the love and support and strength of his demon. But without him, Aziraphale has to channel something else to keep his resolve afloat.
Something he had when he was a warrior, fighting on the front lines of a battle between Heaven and Hell, when he very likely led a platoon into divine fields of bloodshed before the earth was born. When he was an avenging angel.
I haven’t done this since the Great War.
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It was a time and an identity he had chosen to leave behind, because it wasn't the kind of angel he was anymore ("I'm not fighting in any war!"). In this context, you can read Aziraphale's passionate unwillingness to take a life (his pacifism) directly into his past experience as a warrior. It is often the veterans of terrible wars who are the most earnest advocates for peace. (And especially in Britain and Europe, where the violence of the world wars is still such a powerful and painful national memory.)
As he goes up the elevator, he's breathing so hard we can hear it mirrored in the soundtrack, and he is so hyperfocused on steeling himself that he doesn't even care that the Metatron is watching him. He doesn't rest until he's psyched himself into that warrior mindset necessary to carry out this mission entirely by himself, to be both the moral advocate and the uncompromising leader of angels who had intimidated him his entire life. To demand respect and to talk to the very face of God and tell Them they are Wrong.
(Please read this Neil-approved meta for further thoughts on God and Aziraphale.)
That creepy smile is clearly not there because Aziraphale is happy to fall into a toxic parent's false love. There's no comfort or wistful nostalgia in that face. There's no "it'll be so much nicer" in that smile. It's not a happy smile. It's an I'm-gonna-fuck-shit-up smile.
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Because it's a warrior's smile before they go into battle, before they put on that armor and, for a while, become something they're not in the name of some greater good. He's fucking furious and it's downright frightening.
Because I have no doubt that the angel Aziraphale we get in Season 3 is the angel Aziraphale who can say this:
He's not there yet in the TV show. But this bravery, this anger, this flaming rage is how it starts.
Or as he's described in the book when Aziraphale mysteriously does away with the local mafia:
Just because you’re an angel doesn’t mean you have to be a fool.
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The Bi Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown, is time I let them go...
I'm deeply sorry fellow Timstephers... I wanted to be loyal🥲, I really did but in the end... I think Steph deserves better😢 so I must embrace my other options for her because DC actually never let them fully click, at least on Tim's side and honestly this hurts, because despite everything I actually wanted them to work but now I have to accept that maybe the writers just did too much damage 🥺😞, let's start for the beginning👇👇:
I wish her identity was kept secret longer, it would have been more romantic if Tim fell for her not knowing her face and frankly the love triangle/cheating thing with Ariana (his first girlfriend) was so messed up and exhausting to read... I didn't like their first kiss was cheating! 😞 and when they finally got together they had again the stupid problem about Robin's secret identity, (I think somewhere in between there was an issue with another blonde girl, named Greta who tried to hurt Steph and I hated Tim's way of acting 😑 she even kissed him and he didn't react badly despite being with Steph 😠 in fact he smiled and said "chicks dig the cape") then Batman tells her Tim's identity, Tim gets mad then they make up, then she thinks he is cheating on her because a random girl classmate kisses him out of the blue and becomes Robin when he retired, then she dies and... He gave us a dry, tearless and unsatisfying reaction 😒, then not even a year passed (in the comics) he quickly starts having new suitors (writers can't just let him being single), like some girl named Darla, Cassie (another blonde with who he has a double rebound relationship after Superboy's death and Tim expressed a lot of more grief about Superboy, his best friend than the one who was his girlfriend, Stephanie was barely mentioned because they wanted you to forget about her) and then when he had again another civil background character girlfriend named Zoanne BOOM Stephanie comes back to the land of the living... and again... Cheating kiss! 🙄🤦‍♀️🤬 why? Just why? And of course the relationship with the boring civil girl doesn't last but he doesn't get back to Stephanie until he finished his dark emo phase in which he had a relationship with Tam Fox who dumped him because she only liked his Red Robin persona and also has a horny moment with another girl named Lynx while still being attracted to Steph 🙃🙃 What kind of ladies man is this guy?😂 (he also had a thing with jubilee from Marvel in a crossover and... Fucking marries BARBARA GORDON💀💀 in one of Batman's video games, I can't fucking believe there's an universe where Barbara gets to marry Tim but not Steph? Batman beyond doesn't count because is not confirmed the background wife is her and very spiteful I have to mention when Barbara's "death" Happened again he expresses more grief and gives more reaction than when Steph "died" But seriously WTH? In that game Dick is there too why is Tim the one romancing Babs when she is supposed to be even older than the oldest Robin? 💀💀) and finally after Stephanie wins some random tournament they get together again and almost bang but they couldn't because they were all banged up from the fight and I think that was all until the new 52 reboot...
So in the reboot they changed their origins and they met in Harper Row's house, they looked at each other Harper teased him and... They got together out of camera 😑😑 (I hate it when they do that, you skip all the development!) and they gave us this beautiful scene in young Justice
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These beautiful moments that we will never get back... I can't believe after this passionate confession of love and everything that happens in these Issues (though to be honest this moment doesn't have as much weight as it would have in the pre reboot because here we didn't see the process of them falling in love) they just separated them like nothing out of the blue in such a tacky VERY tacky and lazy way 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but before that... Let's talk about the toxic side of their relationship pre new 52 reboot:
Stephanie once told Tim that he was too good for her in anycase when he was having insecurities about her feelings, he once asked her if she would like him even if he wasn't Robin, he was always insecure about their relationship (even thought she wanted him so hard and was so eager and straightfoward on him since he kissed her for the first time) and honestly giving how he treated her... I see so many inconsistencies 😑 or hypocrisy, I always hated how he always put her down and discouraged her from the vigilante life making her feeling she wasn't worthy or good enough (of course under the excuse of good intentions because that life is too dangerous... When he had a normal family and a good life unlike his orphan predecessors and Steph who had a shitty life with a criminal parent and drug addict mother and still demanded to be Robin because that was his dream... And then DC made him conveniently an orphan too to make things easier at the same time they tried to get rid of his girlfriend 🤦‍♀️) when he always felt exactly that way and Batman and other characters had to cheer him up constantly so where did the empathy go? No, seriously🙁 how is it that he is the one comforting her when is Batman the one making her feel that way? What about the times is HE is the one who does it? Feels so hypocritical, he held her back on her potential, I remember reading an issue when he arrogantly said that be a part of the teen Titans is out of her league when she was offered to join and had the entitlement to affirm that she can't speak for herself (and honestly I only saw him be against that because later in young Justice Cassie thought she was joining and was appraised by other members while training, they didn't look down on her but no, she was there only as moral support for Tim) and tried to shut her out a lot of times even in front other characters like Black Canary and Green Arrow's son and in his red Robin period when Bruce was believed death also treated her so bad and demanded her to never be spoiler again, the arrogant prick! I know he was very hurt and sad and what Steph did under Batman's orders was messed up but still to arrogantly demand that? Batman didn't have any right and sure as hell Tim has even less right to take away the Spoiler because is something SHE CREATED without their influence! So dude THE AUDACITY! And again how he called her useless and told her if she was playing dress up when she became Batgirl 🤦‍♀️ yes I know he later apologizes after acknowledging how much better she got at fighting but still... I don't know, all felt shallow. I never liked that she chose to become Robin after she thought he was cheating on her, I saw it as a jerk move but... I can't really blame her for feeling insecure and believe it, after all she became his girlfriend after Tim cheated with her on his first girlfriend and never saw Steph as an equal on that time so... Well I guess all this mess is what helps me to move on them 🤷‍♀️ and now let's talk about the bi disaster... and unfortunately not the good kind:
DC come here, sit with me, we need to talk... Did you hire some kind of... Wattpad fanfic writer by any chance? Because the quality of this pride special... Feels like something you could perfectly find on the lamest part of wattpad 🤦‍♀️, tacky and lazy doesn't even cover up this... and I'm so offended such writing got that amazingly good art 😤😤. So, in the process of making Tim bisexual they had to... Break up his relationship with his girlfriend when they were finally good together without drama after everything they went through for literally NO REASON (seriously there is a real literal dialogue of him explaining to some dude he broke up with his girlfriend someone he LOVES for no reason 🙃🙃) so he could have a relationship with a dude so that he could have a solid proof that he digs in both ways 🙄... This is insulting because in the pre reboot they had a lot of understandable reasons to break up but after the reboot they had a really good relationship of course I didn't like this time they started their relationship out of camera but they still gave us development and a confession I would have loved them to have in the pre reboot but then this shit happened just like that! 🙄🤷‍♀️ So much for be madly in love uh?
You can't just turn that off and then turn it on again on another random person like a switch 🤦‍♀️! Isn't kind of hilarious, people wanted him bi so he could be with Superboy but DC decided to give him instead a background NPC boyfriend created 20 fucking years ago nobody even remembered, yeah sure the guy is not unpleasant but he is so painfully irrelevant just like Ariana or Zoanne (the normal civil ex-girlfriends) but I dare to say at least Ariana provided some "entertaining" drama, exhausting to read nonetheless but still... this random guy was chosen over Superboy Conner Kent! That is literally the only character that could rivalize with Stephanie in story with Tim but noooo Superboy couldn't be Bisexual too... Oh no wait, wait a second... Didn't DC actually made a bi Superboy? Oh dear, let me get this straight (je je "straight", no pun intended 🤪) people wanted Robin Tim bi because they shipped him with Superboy Conner but the ship couldn't be because they couldn't make that Superboy bi but instead they made Bi the other Superboy Jon Kent that shouldn't be in any serious relationship in the first place because he should still be a little kid but they aged him up 🤬🤬 and paired him with another painfully boring boyfriend they think is interesting because is Lois Lane's numer 1 fan🙄🙄 and studies to be a journalist too🙄🙄 because Superman's son had to be in love with a journalist just like him🙄🙄... And he is intangible because we can't have Jon having to worry about his boyfriend being in danger and on top of that has an ugly design, sorry for those who like it but I hate his design... most of the time his hair looks like mushroom style and thick hipster glasses are just not for everyone, Barbara Gordon can pull it this guy can't, I once saw an illustration of him that looked like a pink haired with glasses angry Karen and I just can't unsee it... Seriously he needs another haircut at the very least... Ok back to the Bi Robin...
Ok so it could not be Conner it had to be a civilian, the thing is there was another character they could have used: Cullen Row! The very first appearance he made he stated to be gay and being very interested of in Tim and at the very least he has the minimum importance of being the brother of a known vigilante character, Harper Row. And Cullen and Harper are friends with Steph so I'm sure Cullen would have scolded Tim for how he treated her and pretty sure he would have threatened him to tell his sister to taser his ass if he doesn't make things right with Steph, she didn't deserve to be ghosted! To be treated coldly out of the blue without giving her a reason! Or for a good reason at all. The point is that this was an established gay character interested in Tim and knows the vigilante life, that already make things easier and also is a good excuse to see Harper Row more often even if she gave up vigilante life, it would be nice to see her again but NOOOOO we pull a forgotten character out of nowhere and without development 🙄😑, they shouldn't have slapped us with all this at once in just one pride special, they should have left hints or showing us something in the regular issues, I don't like things happening just because, ok? representation matters but that doesn't mean we have to accept lazy tacky wattpad shit, that's called pandering! why couldn't they take their time to built properly the relationship just like they did with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn? Like I could see the process of Harley and Ivy liking each other, we also saw the process of Steph and Tim liking each other but they never showed us why Tim and Bernard like each other, what does Bernard has that he destroyed Tim's madly love for Steph so easily? Why does it feel that they weren't on the mood to work on the relationship and simply put a text saying "they've been talking to each other again after Tim and Steph broke up" And boom! They are on a date and the whole story turns into a story about Tim's sexuality 🤦‍♀️🤡, that's right his new boyfriend is a character that is nothing more than a walking proof of his bisexuality, literally that is his one and only purpose of existence and Tim went from being: "the Third Robin" "The smartest Robin" "The true perfect Robin" "The best detective that could best Batman" To literally being known as "THE BI ROBIN"🤡🤡, now the only thing that matters about him is that he was dating a girl and now he is dating a boy... (And same with Jon Kent, he is now just the Bi or Gay Superman, ajjj just make him go back to be 10 years old DC, he was more interesting as a kid with Damian) This is just how badly DC handled this in my opinion because I don't remember Batwoman to be known as the Batlesbian and Harley and Ivy are simply Harley and Ivy they aren't the Bisexual Gotham sirens and we all know Constantine is a manwhore who even banged a embodiment of a whole City but people doesn't only know him because of his sexual orientation, these characters just happened to have this sexual orientations but who they fuck isn't what makes them good characters.
And to make things worse and cringe, because yes this can get worse, on top of making Tim treat Stephanie so badly just because, they denigrated her by not allowing her to feel like a normal human being with feelings who was dumped for no reason, ghosted without a reason and easily forgotten by someone she considered her first true love would feel, you know... Sad, dejected, hurt, angry... Nope. Some idiot thought that she could only do that if she was replaced by other girl but if she is replaced by a boy she has to be nothing but a cringy supportive fangirl ex- girlfriend 🤡🤦‍♀️, that's right Tim decided that the most "sensitive and thoughtful" thing to do with the person he dumped out of the blue for nothing, and ghosted for nothing and tried to ignore her and avoid in her face when she finally confronted him until his friends forced him to behave like a minimum decent person and TALK to her was... Introduce her to his new boyfriend WITHOUT ASKING HER OR EVEN WARNING HER 🤬🤬🤬
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and the result was the absolutely cringy shitty wattpad reaction of her hugging Bernard saying "i finally get to meet you, this is the best day ever"💀💀💀💀 excuse me? The best day ever for her is the day she meets her ex's new boyfriend? After everything Tim put her through? Can someone explain to me the need of this? The need to denigrate and ridiculize Stephanie Brown? Hasn't this character suffered enough humiliation?😡😡You know Tim? Superboy at least told Cassie that she deserved a better first love than him and you see I think he never was as bad as you were to Stephanie... 😒😒 in fact I can't simply not understand the incoherence of their conversation... He literally told her: "my feelings for you, I never lied about that you were always what I wanted and more" "It wasn't about your gender, I don't like only girls" (Then he introduces her his brand new boyfriend 🤪) You were madly in love with her, she was what you wanted and more... THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DUMP HER?? THERE'S NO ACCEPTABLE EXPLANATION OF THAT!!! They just said he was on a journey to discover himself phase or some shit bad executioned idea but dude even if discovering you are Bi was part of it that doesn't mean you had to end your relationship... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️, he later tells to Connor Hawke who is also struggling because he doesn't know how to tell Green Arrow that he is not interested in banging anyone ever (he came out as asexual) that Stephanie was a reminder of his old self that he wanted to let go, suuuuure nice try to make up for a good excuse to be an asshole with her🙄😒.
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You know what's funny? I think Steph is bisexual too and I'm not saying this because of her relationship with Cassandra, I'm saying this because when she was talking with Harper Row about Catwoman she was thirsting over Selina's buttonless shirt and later when she was dating Tim she met Zatanna and the first thing she said was "wow you're hot" 😂😂😂 and THAT, simply as it is... Is literally the only proof I need of her being bi, I didn't need her to break up with her boyfriend to be with Cass or Harper (hey, they kissed in that failed show Gotham knights) to believe it, you just need to show interest in both genders 🤷‍♀️, use flirt, use blushing, use a comment mentioning it... You don't need to destroy a relationship!! 🙄🙄🙄 but what is done is done, I'm so tired of Timsteph, I give up I'm sorry fellow shippers I really I'm but this treatment to Stephanie's character is my limit. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH 🥲🥲
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And I apologize for this long long long rant but I needed it to get out of my system 🥲🥲 well, like I said Tim wants to stay with his walking Bisexuality proof NPC boyfriend PERFECT, but I need a compensation and I don't want Steph to have nothing to do with that Kyle Mizoguchi, he is as irrelevant and boring to me as Bernard and Jay Nakamura 🥱🥱🥱 I want a proper compensation so I want Steph and Jason Todd to have a slow cooked Romance. Yep you heard me, I demand JAYSTEPH as a compensation for all this mess!!
And of course I plan to make a thoroughly long post like this about why I want Jaysteph to have a chance and with nothing more to say, Bye bye and thanks for reading my post 😘😘😘
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wormdebut · 3 months
Ahoy! This is my first VERY LATE ficlet for @corrodedcoffinfest ! My absolute bad for being so late, but BOY am I HAPPY TO BE HERE!
Warm Up Prompt One: Taxed. Word Count: 1000 (scrivener says 1000 Wordcounter says 979. IDK Man, it’s within limit), Rating: T, Pairing: None, CW: Swears, Smoking, Angst Tags: Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, Freak
October 1987
They've been at this for fucking years. Eddie feels like a fucking girl scout.
'Well hello there Mr. Music Man, would you like to buy a box of shitty garage band metal?'
Except they weren't fucking shitty. All of the guys had been working their assess off, writing, playing shows, shitty gig after shitty gig after shitty gig.
But they haven't managed anything. Nothing, zilch, nada.
They had a small crowd showing up at the Hideout, and the owner, Benny, started letting them play not only their usual Tuesday but because Eddie had been helping him with placehe was letting them play Saturday nights now too, which was great because while he appreciates the likes of his uncle and Wayne's best friends on Tuesdays, there were almost twenty people every Saturday night and that was something.
They also had a standing gig at a bar in Indianapolis at least once a month, lately they've been playing The Barrel every other week and Eddie thought--he thought--that that would get them somewhere.
The guys were fucking exhausted but Eddie kept pushing because they could do this. Corroded Coffin was great. They were great and somebody was going to see that…right?
Eddie saw what they had. He did. But the guys--
"C'mon Ed, we can't keep sneaking Gareth into bars forever. I think we need to--maybe consider other options or--" Jeff rambles. They were supposed to be practicing but Jeff Williams had to swoop inwith his stupid common sense bullshit. Jeff motherfucking Williams is one of the best guitarists Eddie has ever had to the privilege of listening to, but Jeff wants to go college like a real boy!
Gareth cuts him off, "It's just the two bars man, and I have a fake, if I need it anyw--"
Would you look at that, it's time for Freddy to cut in. "Yeah, but you're three feet tall and have the face of a newborn child."
Gareth shoves at Freddy's chest. "Oh fuck off, man. At least I'm not a virgin!" He yelps and great. This is great.
Now the band is fighting, again, because Jeff wants to go to College, Goodie is a Virgin, and Gareth is short.
Eddie just want to play music.
If they all want to yell, Eddie can yell louder. "See. Do you see what happens when you start talking about 'other options' Jeff? Chaos--and not the fun kind!"
"See, Eddie--this is the fucking problem with you. All you care about is your music, your dream, It's all about you!"
Jeff is yelling at Eddie, Gareth and Freak are rough housing, how did this even happen. All Eddie wants is to do something. Be something. He believes in this, in Jeff, and Freddy and Gareth, in the band.
And he gets that everyone is taxed, tired. Eddie is fucking exhausted. Gareth is trying to not fail his senior year. He gets it, he does, but-- "You know what, Jeff?" His voice breaks, and isn't that fucking humiliating? "Some of us, don't have college as an option. Did you ever consider that?"
Eddie leans over and grabs his cigarettes from the table, before shoulder checking Jeff as he leaves.
What’s the fucking point? Eddie puts everything into lyrics that people probably don't even know, all of them spend hours writing and harmonizing, making sure chords make sense, just for everything to be a pipe dream. They haven't taken a break for anything. It's either work or school or Coffin Shit. They haven't played D&D in months. They've just been doing this.
But it's all Eddie has. How the hell was he ever going to get out of shitty ass Hawkins, if it wasn't this way? He didn't exactly ace his finals--even the third time around. Honestly? He's pretty sure they just let him pass, to get him the fuck out of there.
He lights up what feels like his eighth cigarette--it's not, it's his second--and stares out to the empty street. They use Gareth's garage to practice…for being as straight laced as she is, Ms. Emerson sure does believe in the band.
Dottie Emerson and Eddie. God dammit, maybe Jeff is right.
He should go back, he should go back and apologize, and let this go. He has the job at the Hideout, he can save and maybe move to Indy--play an acoustic at some bars or…something.
God, he's just so tired of this shit.
He finishes his cigarette, and tries to breathe. Breathe in--hold--breathe out--he doesn't realizes Jeff until he taps his shoulder.
"Hey." Jeff says, quiet. Eddie, just nods, grabs his pack and offers a cancer-filled olive branch. Jeff takes it.
Eddie doesn't say anything. Doesn't want to, doesn't know what he should say.
So Jeff does. "I'm sorry, Ed. I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm just fucking tired man, we all are and I do want this, I do, but it's fucking scary." Eddie turns, watches Jeff blow out smoke. "I got accepted to IU, did you know that?"
Eddie blinks. He did not know that. "No, you hadn't mentioned it."
Jeff turns to look at him, "I didn't want this to happen."
Eddie closes his eyes, takes in a deep breath. In--hold--out. "You should go." He forces a smile, watches as Jeff's eyes shine for a moment--no wonder he had that silly crush on him his second senior year, but it was only for like a week, leave it alone--before he srunches his face up, Eddie can't help but laugh. Jeff always does that, when he's stressed. It makes him look like a rabbit.
Jeff goes to speak, but Eddie cuts him off. "Let's do this Halloween show, it'll be our going away gift to our tens of adoring fans."
Jeff laughs at that, nods, and pulls Eddie into a hug.
Everything will be fine, with or without Corroded Coffin.
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