#but hey we never get enough of found family in this fandom so here’s my daily contribution
nxwtonsxngster · 5 months
waves — a short fic about minho and jorge
(gift to @pr3ttyywh0re who asked me for a sweet fic about my favorite father and son duo <3)
700 words; safe haven, settled found family relationship, minho’s pov
”Qué estás mirando, mijo?”
Minho slightly startled as the sound of his dad’s voice popped the bubble of his thoughts. Jorge’s smile was warm as always, as he combed the back of Minho’s hair with his left hand.
”Nothing much. Just the kids swimming in the sea.”
”Ah, yes. They look like they’re having fun.”
”Mhm, they do.”
”Speaking of the sea…” Jorge fumbled into his pocket and got a hand-sized package wrapped in tissue. He handed it to Minho, who immediately unwrapped it with childlike impatience.
”A crab! I didn’t have that one yet! Gracias, papa,” he smiled, kissing Jorge’s cheek before caressing the soft wool of the plush.
Minho had been fascinated with the ocean since the day he first saw it in Safe Haven. The blue of the water, the immensity of the sea, the hidden life under its surface, the calmness he found in the sound of the waves… In the few months he had been there, he had already stolen and read all the books he could find about it, always eager to know more about the secrets of underwater. Jorge, who noticed the growing passion of his son for sealife, had started to crochet every animal Minho was telling him about. Shark, octopus, orca… His bed wasn’t nearly big enough to welcome all his plushes, but Minho always managed to find a way to make everyone fit. And so Jorge kept crocheting more of them.
“Why don’t you join them?”
”Hm? Oh, no, I’m fine.”
”Little prince, I know when you’re lying. Qué pasa?”
“If I tell you, you’re gonna laugh at me.”
”You think so little of me? C'mon, tell me.”
Minho paused, hesitating despite Jorge’s words. “I just… I don’t know how to… swim.”
Jorge blinked, not answering straight away. “That’s it?”
”It’s ridiculous.”
”Not at all! I mean, unless you missed your swimming lessons at the local pool in the Maze, I can’t think of a moment you could’ve learned,” Jorge said, earning a small laugh from Minho. “I can teach you now, if you wish.”
Minho’s eyes lit up. ”You would?”
”Of course, I’m the best swimmer around,” Jorge winked, before taking his shirt off. “Let’s go?”
Minho followed his father into the water, taking a second to get used to the cold water, while Jorge was already swimming away.
“You should take your shirt off, you’ll be more comfortable,” Jorge said, swimming back to him.
”Nah, I don’t want you to feel intimidated by my abs,” Minho smiled.
Jorge scoffed, splashing him with the back of his hand. “You wish. Now trust me, take it off.”
Minho’s smile dropped, suddenly serious again. “I’d rather not, papa.”
”Porque no?” Jorge tilted his head, visibly not understanding, and Minho realized that was one thing his father didn’t know about him. Because with him, Minho had never been scared or ashamed to show his true self, like he was with everyone else. He knew Jorge was the one person who would never make him feel different or ugly— though that was exactly how Minho was thinking of himself. He had never told him how terrified he was to show his back and arms, so severely damaged by lightning.
“My… scars… The kids will see them…”
“Your scars are beautiful, you know that. I tell you all the time.”
”I know you do, but everyone else… They might not think that. What if they hate me? Or think I’m a monster?”
”Mijo, escuchame,” Jorge said, gently squeezing his hands. “I’d bet my life nobody thinks you're a monster for what you went through. Everyone has their own scars.” He paused for a second, taking a look at the kids laughing a few feet away from them. “And everyone’s taking it at their own pace to accept it. If you need more time, I won’t force you.”
Minho’s heart grew so warm at Jorge’s words. He wrapped his arms around him and pressed against his chest, not caring about his shirt absorbing the dampness on Jorge’s skin. “Te amo mucho,” he whispered.
Jorge pressed a small kiss on his forehead. “I actually know a quiet place where we could swim,” he said. “A small creek I’m pretty sure no one else’s ever been to; it would just be the two of us. What do you say?”
Minho looked up to Jorge, whose eyes and smile were bright and full of all the love he carried for his son, and he knew that one day, he’d be able to swim here. Shirt off, in peace with his body and his mind. But not today. For now, his papa was enough. “Show me the way, old man.”
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evilminji · 2 months
Not my usual Fandom BUT...
You know what would be and always is fascinating/interesting/hilarious? For want of a nail type, "tiny change or little action spiral into great and sweeping change" type fics! ESPECIALLY when combined with my dearly beloved Self Insert troupe!
Because? I DO so love the Self Insert! Not so much for the "I can fix it" or power fantasy, as the ability to wander... a stranger in a strange land. Both familiar yet removed. Known to us yet... not. The major actors, major events, certainly. But the lives of the average person?
The noodle shop owner? The ship salesman? A janitor?
We know nothing about this strange new world from their point of view. What secrets can be found in this or that little shop, well off the common path. And it is FASCINATING! Especially if the Insert wasn't particularly FAMILIAR with the source material. Knew enough to get by, perhaps, too know they are in danger... but not enough to twist events to their favor. Assuming they even had the type of personality to TRY such things.
No, no...
What I? Want to see?
What I think would be FASCINATING?
Is a TRUE carry over. Adult mind to adult mind. Someone settled in their ways. Not bold and terribly adventurous, not willing to recklessly seek out danger and pain. No. They know they are going to die. They know they HAVE died. They are now a Jedi. And can feel the Force... and?
It just... helps.
They let go. Yes, perhaps some plans to protect the younglings. If they can. But their ultimately IS no death, only the Force. It is scary, they acknowledge, frightening even. But they... find calm. Acceptance.
They meditate. Open themselves up to the Force and give up their worry and fears, their regrets. All the terrible burdens they brought with them from their past life. It's honestly a bittersweet sort of relief. Ironic, that such a troubled age should be their most peaceful.
Of course... opening yourself up like that? Reaching out so deeply and with such conviction? It's like painting a "hey! I'm right here! I'm definitely going to listen if you say something to me!" Sign on your forehead, where the Force can see it.
So? It DOES.
But unlike Anikin? The Insert isn't a Fighter. So the Force doesn't tell them to fight. After all, every part has its place in the grand machine of Life. Every actor their place on the stage. Sometimes? To change the galaxy? All you need is someone to be on the right planet, at the right time, ready to hold a door open for the right person.
And that's it.
Not everything needs be grand sweeping actions. It can, instead, be the quiet drip drip drip of medicine applied behind a Sith Lord's back. To undo the damage he has wrought. So when comes the time for his plans to unfold? He does NOT find the support he was counting on to succeed. Instead he finds resistance.
But HOW? How would such a thing be DONE? By a YOUNGLING no less?
A youth with no power? Be it social, political, or physical? AND beneath the Sith Lord's very nose? Without being STOPPED? With said youngling being KILLED? Quite simply! Easily, in fact! By embracing the purest of the Light!
Who among us, does NOT know of the parasocial relationship? The feeling of knowing someone, considering them "good" and "something like a friend" dispite never once having spoken to them? Being FOND of them? Wouldn't YOU not defend them? If someone sought to HURT them? KILL them? You KNOW them so very WELL don't you? This person speaks LIES about them!
And what of the Adorable Youngling? Small and Cute? Look at their little cheeks and tiny hands! How precious! Why, we have watched them GROW! They are practically family!
But where does the FUN I speak of come into this? Simple. The Holonet. Crechemaster's trying to corral an adult in the body of a child. The Insert is BORED. At peace, yes. But you can really only meditate so many hours of the day. Lessons only take up so much and class work the same. They aren't at an age where the SERIOUS lessons begin yet.
So they have too much free time.
..........have you heard about "Video Game #55? It's apparently got more Video AND Game then ever!" Intriguing~ But, oh. Playing it ALONE it BORING. And playing with... well, INFANTS, is... an exercise in patience. Plus it's probably not appropriate for them. Hmmmmm..... you KNOW.... Insert really DOES miss? Watching Let's Plays over breakfast/lunch...
They've never MADE one... but they know they general script and idea? And for Some Reason? It feels like a GREAT way to pass the time! Yeah! Let's do THAT! And so the Force nudges. Tiny. Seemingly inconsequential. The Master's try to shut it down, Insert is stubborn and refuses, they talk it out. Because they are Jedi and authoritarian force is not their way. Is it frustrating? Perhaps. But the only cure for ignorance is knowledge.
They ultimately compromise. Insert get to keep their little game thing, THEY make sure Insert is compromising Temple security, putting themselves in danger, talking to dubious strangers, or other such perils. It is? A FASCINATING view into the secretive world of the Mysterious Jedi for most of the galaxy. All lead by an adorable Youngling playing games.
Of course, such a silly, ridiculous thing is BENEATH Palpatine's concern. Fun and games? Not even formal or official ones? The child doesn't even represent the jedi. They represent no one. Clearly not a threat, right?
Because one game? Leads to another. Leads to being recommended another. Leads to "hey check out this music". Leads to "how was your day?" Leads to chatting about Jedi philosophy... as simplified for small children. Easy to understand and then complained over like it's maths homework. And... huh.
You guys really liked when I talked about X? Well, I don't know much about it... buuut? I could probably FIND someone or go to the archives? Make a video? I'll make a poll. Vote down below?
Untouchable and distant? Nah. Jedi play "Crafting Game 73" and whine about their Crechemates being JERKS for eating the last dessert. Jedi, in their head's, are small adorable younglings and the amused adults meditating the back ground who watch over them. EVERYONE knows the Jedi. The Jedi are on our datapads. Are our friends. We've totally met them.
Parasocial relationships.
Or maybe that's just me? I just... God I REALLY want to see how they'd react to a initiate who just? Won't stop fuckin making Let's Plays of all things. Just? WHY. HOW? WHY AND HOW?! No, NO don't you shrug at me and run of, youngling! Get back here! What "skill issue"? Which skill? Initiate!!!
@hdgnj @hypewinter @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation @lolottes @leftnotright @legitimatesatanspawn @nerdpoe @spidori
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
A Much-Needed Vacation
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Summary: Elijah Mikaelson is often up to his neck in vampire business and drama, especially when his brother's around to add more. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who can make him take a break when he needs it.
Word Count: 1,703
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Hey babe, do you want some coffee?"
I poured myself a mug, waiting to hear a response from my husband, Elijah Mikaelson. When the silence stretched on with no answer, I turned, a concerned frown on my face. I found Elijah right where I'd left him, hunched over papers at the table in the study.
"'Lij? Hello?"
Still, he didn't stir. I moved closer, waiting for him to look up at me, but he just kept his gaze locked on the papers before him. I could see his lips moving, mumbling to himself about whatever nonsense he was pouring over. With all the drama and difficulty his family kicked up or got thrown into in this town, it was hard to keep track.
I was about to tap his shoulder and, if that didn't work, shake him, but before I could his phone rang. He startled, his attention finally shooting up, and glanced at the caller ID before picking up.
"Niklaus. What is it?"
I huffed and rolled my eyes. No doubt, this would be some other world-ending problem that absolutely could not be taken care of without Elijah's full attention. I absolutely loved my husband and his family, but sometimes, they were well and truly ridiculous.
After a few moments of intense conversation, Elijah hung up and set the phone on the table with a sigh. He leaned back in his seat and ran a hand through his hair before turning to me. In all the time I'd known him, I'd never seen him look so absolutely exhausted.
"I'm sorry, my love. Were you trying to ask me something?"
I frowned, chewing on my lip as I took the seat next to Elijah. He took my hand in his, attention now fully on me, as I scanned his lined face.
"I'd ask if everything is okay, but I feel like I know the answer."
Elijah sighed again and shook his head.
"It's always some new problem in this city. At least this time Niklaus isn't asking me to do anything, yet. I just need to make sure he doesn't dig himself a hole he can't get out of while I'm not looking."
I watched Elijah carefully as he took his breather, staring at the table and all the papers spread out before him. He looked exhausted, showing his thousand years of age for one of the first times I'd ever seen, and I hated to see him like this. Slowly, a plan started forming in my mind.
"'Lij... you said none of this is anything pressing you have to help with, right?"
"Not yet, at least."
I smiled, although Elijah didn't catch it. Probably for the best. He knew me well enough that it would tell him something was up.
"Okay. Then just wait here a second. I'll be back, and then we're going for a drive."
He turned his gaze to me now, eyes slightly narrowed in suspicion. I just beamed back at him.
"...What are you planning?"
"Guess you'll just have to wait and see!"
Without waiting for a response, I popped up from my seat and headed for the stairs. I could feel Elijah's eyes following me, but evidently he was too tired to actually get up and investigate what I was doing.
As soon as I reached our bedroom, I threw some clothes into a duffle bag for each of us, enough of everything we'd need for a few days. I paused long enough to quickly check my phone and, luckily, found us two seats on the next flight to Florida.
We didn't have much time to spare before the plane left, so I headed back downstairs with the bag over my shoulder, aiming for Elijah. He always took care of me, and now, I was going to do the same. He clearly needed a break, and I was going to make sure he got it.
"Alright, get up," I said, coming to a stop in front of my husband. "We're going for a drive."
He tore his eyes away from his papers to look me up and down, his eyes lingering on the bag on my shoulder. When our gazes met, he raised an eyebrow in question, but I just grinned at him in answer.
"I take it if I try to tell you I need to stay and work on this, you'll do everything in your power to make me get up and leave?"
"Oh yeah."
He sighed, but pushed back from the table anyway. He stood in front of me, close enough that we were almost chest to chest, and I know he didn't miss my heart speeding up a little at the closeness.
"Alright then. Let's go."
I got Elijah loaded up in the car, then started heading for the airport. I knew it wouldn't be long before he asked where we were going, but as far as I was concerned, I'd already gotten him to the point of no return.
Elijah didn't say much as we drove. He just watched the city go by around us, clearly trying to figure out where we were going. I could tell the moment it clicked as he inhaled deeply, then turned to me.
"Are you driving us to the airport?"
I just grinned.
Elijah shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. I just laughed.
"You clearly need a break, Elijah. As your loving partner and best friend, it's my job to make sure you take one. Especially when I know you, and I know you won't take one on your own."
Elijah just shook his head again, but when I glanced over at him I could see the smile growing on his face all the same.
"So, then... where are we going?"
"Somewhere nice and warm and relaxing, far from all this vampire bullshit."
A few hours later, Elijah and I were stepping out of the airport and into the warm Florida sunshine. I'd booked us a hotel on the beach, and after a quick pause to drop off our bags and change into swimsuits, Elijah and I were walking hand in hand down the beach with our feet in the Atlantic ocean.
"I think we need to do this more often," I mused as we strolled. Elijah took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, a smile remaining on his face as he looked at me.
"I agree. And thank you for organizing this, today. Sometimes it can be hard to leave in the middle of... everything my brother gets involved in."
"I know," I said, giving him a small smile and nudging his shoulder with mine. "But that's what I'm here for. What kind of spouse would I be if I didn't return the favor when you made me put down the books and study guides every once in a while when I got a little too intense at school?"
Elijah chuckled, pulling me a little closer to him and moving to wrap his arm around my shoulders instead. He kissed my temple and we came to a stop, Elijah and I facing each other. I beamed up at him, leaning in closer for a real kiss, when I was interrupted by the sound of Elijah's ringtone.
We both scowled in sync, Elijah sighing before reaching for his phone. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shot me an apologetic look, but a glance at the caller ID had him picking up anyway. Klaus, again.
"Niklaus, what-"
This time, I couldn't take it. I cut Elijah off as I snatched the phone out of his hand, holding it to my own ear instead.
"Hey Nik! Is this a life and death emergency?"
"What? No, it's a matter of keeping this town in check. Now put my brother back on the phone."
"No. He needs a break, so he's on forced vacation for the next forty-eight hours. We'll be back on Monday morning, but in the meantime, consider Elijah's phone off. And I swear Nik, if you call him again, I will hurl this phone into the depths of the ocean where it will never be found again."
I heard Klaus take in a deep breath, the likes of which I only heard before he launched into some threatening tirade, but I'd known him long enough that I wasn't about to let it get to me.
"Nik, you know me. I don't put my foot down like this often, and I even help you guys with your power brokering bullshit when I can. But this time, I'm not budging. Elijah needs a break, and I need to see my husband outside of when we're threatening other New Orleans factions. You can give us two days."
Silence on the other end of the line. Elijah and I made eye contact as he raised an eyebrow at me. I just shrugged, and a second later, I heard a low growl from Nik.
"Fine. You get two days. But if I don't see you on Monday morning-"
"Don't worry! You will."
With that, I hung up and slipped the phone into my own pocket, with a grin at Elijah. Not many people could get away with hanging up on the Big Bad Wolf himself, but I'd been a part of the Mikaelson family for long enough that I could. Elijah shook his head at me, but he had a gigantic smile on his face nonetheless.
"I don't think I'll ever tire of you doing that to my siblings," he said. I grinned, then leaned in for a quick kiss. Elijah wrapped his arms around me, following after me as I pulled away.
"I hope you know I meant what I said about hurling your phone in the ocean if Nik calls you again."
"Oh, I know. But a phone is a small price to pay for a weekend like this, with you."
"I'm glad you agree."
I gave Elijah a little smirk as he wrapped his arms tighter around me, slowly closing the distance between us again. I didn't hesitate to help him, losing myself in our kiss as the waves splashed gently against my calves. I was going to make the most of this little peaceful haven Elijah and I had made, for as long as I possibly could.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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sailor-aviator · 5 months
Go ahead and get settled because this will be...long, in true Liz fashion.
So, by now I'm sure most of you have heard what's happened. If not, you can search this blog for some answers or others for more.
I joined this fandom offiicially at the end of September after being a long time lurker. I had just lost my job and times were uncertain for me. I felt inspired to write, and as someone whose formative years were shaped by the fandom experience, I wanted to feel that sense of belonging again - to feel like a part of a community. I've talked about it on here before, but I started my fandom days in the original Hunger Games fandom when the first movie had just come out, and then I shifted gears towards the SuperWhoLock fandom. If you know anything about SuperWhoLock, then you know you had to have pretty tough fucking skin to be a part of any of it.
Of course, this was back in the day when fandom was an actual community and not authors having to beg for scraps of engagement and people thinking its a numbers game. I was a fairly large blog within the SuperWhoLock community (Waywardly-Carrying-On was the username), but I left fandom for a few years because life got hectic and I felt like I had outgrown the fandom itself as I was no longer watching any of the shows. As the years went on, I started to yearn for the fandom experience again, which is how I found myself dipping toes into several different ones.
I was so excited to publish my first fanfic. I had convinced myself that I wasn't a good writer (much to the chagrin of my irl friends), and I had put a pause on writing my original story. I wanted to write this idea about a cowboy and a girl using characters that I had grown to love like I did way back in my older days. So, I started posting, and I was so excited for the story, that I kept posting almost daily. MamaMay was one of the first people to embrace not only my story, but me as a person into the fandom. She made me feel welcomed and wanted.
Pretty much right off the bat I was already getting anons telling me that I was being too much and that I needed to calm down with all the posting. I was confused because...this is Tumblr. It's literally a blogging website? Why wouldn't I post? I decided to ignore the mean words (not before giving my opinion, of course) and kept on doing my thing. Well, the anons got continually worse and worse. I had a suspiscion as to who the anons could be, but I never had concrete proof. So, I experimented with blocking suspects until finally it worked. I'm not naming names because that's not my style, so don't even bother asking.
The fact of the matter is, some of you have entered fandom spaces for the first time, and you don't know how to act. You don't care to learn fandom etiquette as you've made abundantly clear by calling fandom olds every name under the sun while utilizing the anonymous feature. Newsflash, you're part of the problem. You're the reason why authors don't want to publish anymore. You are the reason that something that's supposed to be fun is starting to feel like a goddamn chore.
How many times can authors on here say that we aren't machines? We have lives outside of this website: family, friends, jobs, school, etc. Some of you really are just hellbent on making everyone around you miserable, and it's sad. You can't just leave well enough alone and let people enjoy something, no you feel like everyone has to enjoy it the same way as you.
Some of you go after authors on here because of some weird sense of jealousy too. I don't know why my shit blew up, babe, I really don't. But I started out with no followers and no support just like everyone else. I'll tell you what helped me though: following fandom etiquette and reaching out to other creators to build an actual community. None of this "I've reblogged three of your things and now I'm messaging you so that you return the favor." No, I reached out to make actual friendships which is what fandom is SUPPOSED to be. If someone was clearly not interested, it was fine!! I backed off and kept doing my own thing.
Some of you think being mean on the internet makes you big and bad. Guess what! It doesn't! It's loser mentality and I feel genuinely sorry for you. I'm sorry that people in your own life made you feel so small as to feel like you had to lash out at strangers on the internet who are just trying to have fun.
Anyway, this is my really long way of saying that I am taking a break for a little bit. I have no idea how long it will be - could be the weekend, could be a couple of weeks, could be forever. I need time to decide if this is something I want to keep persuing. If I come back, I don't know if I will remain a TGM blog or if I'll shift gears and hop into another fandom with a rebrand. Guess we'll just have to see.
To the people on here who have been a constant source of joy, laughter, and support: thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Your presence has meant everything to me, and I hope that my break sees me wanting to come back and giggle about the silly plane movie with you all again.
Nothing but love,
Liz 💛
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flanaganfilm · 2 years
Hey Mike! I'm really sorry to hear about your experience on Hill House. I do a lot of work in VFX in pre/prod/post and I know that sort of production that feels like a sinking ship day in and day out. I do hope you have found some catharsis now that it's over.
The show shook me. Changed me. Made me reckon with myself as a storyteller and as a person. All for the better, I assure you.
I hope to one day tell such an impactful story of my own, either through one of my short films, or through the novel series I'm writing/illustrating. Which brings me to my question: How do you navigate the complexities of having authored a work that did so much harm to yourself but also did a lot of good for others? What lessons do you hope aspiring storytellers like myself take from your difficult experience? Thanks :)
Thank you for saying this.
It's true, HILL HOUSE was a very negative experience to make - but I will always be profoundly proud of the finished product. It's some of my favorite work. I may never again face down something as challenging as episode 6, and I love the impact it has on a lot of its viewers.
There's a weird thing that happens when you finish a project - it really ceases to be yours in any way at all. It belongs immediately to the audience, and they're given an experience that you will never have. When HILL HOUSE came out, I didn't watch it - I'd seen it hundreds of times by that point, but at the same time, I've NEVER seen it.
Every frame of it is informed by my experience making it, or my intentions, or the compromises we made here, or the line we cut there that I wish we'd kept, or a bad day on set, or a problematic actor, or a visual effect we never quite got right (there are a LOT of those in HILL HOUSE, some of them still make me wince.) So I'm never able to WATCH the show. It's a tradeoff we make all the time - if you're lucky enough to make a movie, or a TV show, that's the price of it - you'll never be able to watch it.
But, I get to see how it affects other people. More than anything else I've made, HILL HOUSE seems to have the largest and most passionate fanbase. (BLY is a close second, though that's a whole other blog entry - I could write a book about the complicated, fascinating experience of the BLY fandom).
But with HILL HOUSE, I'd hear a lot from people who lost loved ones, who navigate complicated family dynamics, and who have wrestled with depression or grief. It means the world to me. It's a strange divide, as I'll never see the show that they saw - but I am so grateful that it touched them the way it did.
I'm just about at the point where I think I'm capable of sitting down and truly watching HILL HOUSE. It takes years sometimes. I've watched a lot of my early work, like HUSH or GERALD'S GAME, and finally had the experience of really SEEING it. But HILL HOUSE has always felt a little too raw, and my memories still overpower my ability to separate myself from it. Maybe that's changed. Maybe I'll give it a shot this year. Half a decade seems like enough time.
But yes, it is complicated and strange with all of them. I so badly want to watch MIDNIGHT MASS, the project that was the most personal to me - but it flew off into the world just like they all do. I spent a decade working on it, and felt it flowing through me every day - like it was a part of me. But the moment the show was done and released into the world, it wasn't mine anymore, just like all the others. I remember feeling almost knocked over when it departed, for some reason I thought that one would always feel like a part of me... but no. They're like children, they all have to go live their own lives, and they don't belong to you. Not really.
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: @estrellami-1! Most of their works are on tumblr, but they have three on Archive of Our Own in the Stranger Things fandom. You can find all of their tumblr works here.
@finntheehumaneater recommends the following works by @estrellami-1:
If I Should Stay
(Push Away the) Lonely Times
Soft Touch Baby
I’m nominating them because they are just a delight to talk to, and such a creative writer. Honestly, the way they describe things is beautiful and I can see it so clearly in my head. Any character they write is written to PERFECTION. They’re one of my favorite tumblr mutuals…ever :) - finnthehumaneater
Below the cut, @estrellami-1 answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Short, funny answer? Hyperfixation. Longer answer… it just works in a way I don’t see many pairings work. Maybe I’ve just got blinders on, I don’t know, but nothing about their canonical personalities have to change in order for them to be together.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
This is like asking who my favorite kid is… I like SO many, it honestly might be easier to ask what I don’t like! I tend to like the softer things, though; hurt/comfort (emphasis on the comfort), found family, fluff, things like that. I’m a sucker for anything soft and slow, which @ghosttotheparty does an AMAZING job at.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Again, anything soft and sweet! I tend to read what I write and vice versa… though I’m also an avid smut reader, and I’ve only felt brave enough to try writing it more recently. I think writing smut isn’t really my thing, but I am glad to have tried, just to say I’ve done it. But hey, never say never; it could happen one day!
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
I can’t possibly pick just one!! @pukner has some AMAZING things, specifically the two series off-script and always burning, world keeps turning. I’m also obsessed with anything by @ghosttotheparty, as stated earlier, and anything by the amazing @steddieas-shegoes.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Honestly, probably 70% of what I write never sees the light of day. Not for lack of want, but because I lose inspiration halfway through. So with that being said, I think I’ve written all the tropes I’d like to; I just haven’t published all of them. Fingers crossed, though; I still have all those docs, and I do go back to them sometimes, so hopefully inspiration will strike again!
What is your writing process like?
In all honesty, I don’t really have one. I tend to start at the beginning and let the characters take over, which means even I am surprised by some of the things I write! One such example is the relationship between Steve and El in If I Should Stay. I never thought they’d get that close, but here we are!
Do you have any writing quirks?
Unless it’s considered a quirk to write alone in my room at night, in complete darkness, with only my phone screen for light… then no. I don’t think so. Although I have definitely noticed I make the faces the characters do, to make sure I’m describing the right thing! 😂
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Since most things I write never get posted… I honestly don’t know! Probably on a schedule, considering I’m not finished writing If I Should Stay yet, but I’m not super picky; nothing else I post is on any sort of schedule, though that may be just because I mainly post one-shots.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Honestly, it’s a tie between If I Should Stay and Falling. If I Should Stay because I never expected to stick with it this long—I’m working on part 61 right now—and I’m exploring a lot of things I haven’t before. Falling because to this day, nothing I’ve done has come out like that. It was effortless in a way I never expected it to be, in a way I’ve never experienced before, and I think the results speak for themselves; it’s one of my most-liked fics, clocking in at just over 4k notes on Tumblr and 6.6k hits on ao3, most of which happened in the first week of it being posted!
How did you get the idea for (Push Away The) Lonely Times?
In all honesty… I don’t remember. Probably a combination of “what if Steve had Good Parents” and “what if Steve and Eddie were childhood friends” Tumblr posts!
When writing If I Should Stay, what was something you didn’t expect?
Like I said earlier, Steve and El’s relationship was a surprise. As was Alli, actually; I had no plans for a sister, but then I saw a “Steve has younger-brother-to-a-sister-energy” Tumblr post, said, “you right,” and proceeded to write her into that very next part.
What inspired Soft Touch Baby?
I swear I’ve got the worst memory… I honestly don’t remember. It was one of my firsts, and at that point in time I hadn’t even seen the show yet, so I wasn’t super confident in the fic, but damn if I didn’t have the balls! Looking back on it now, it isn’t my favorite, but I think it’s important to know where you came from, if only to see that it’s not all in vain, that even I can see how much better I’ve gotten.
What was your favorite part to write from (Push Away The) Lonely Times?
Probably the entirety of parts 3 and 4. I love Jim and Hopper’s banter, and I love Jim’s internal monologue in 4 as he’s taking care of Steve. I love exploring characterizations like this!!
How do/did you feel writing Soft Touch Baby?
As I said earlier, I don’t love it now, but I do like it for the starting block it is. I do remember, though, while I was writing it, I was feeling so smug; I thought I was writing the equivalent of the goddamn Mona Lisa. Laughable, really, which is another reason I don’t delete/orphan it. It helps keep me humble, to an extent.
What was the most difficult part of writing If I Should Stay?
Honestly? Posting the first part. I thought it was a throwaway thing, something that came a dime a dozen, something that everyone and their mother had already written. I posted it far too late at night (or was it far too early in the morning?) because I decided I didn’t give a shit, and woke up to an overwhelmingly positive response. To this day, I’m blown away by the attention it got! My taglists hit 100 people in just 4 days!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Honestly, pretty much the entirely of Falling, and to a lesser extent, Because of You. In the former, it’s the whole Apollo/Dionysus banter, the way Eddie says Steve’s eyes are hazel and his hair has gold, the way he calls Steve sunshine boy, and the not to me, not if it’s you line. In the latter, it’s Steve saying, “…Because I trust you. I feel safe with you. I believe you’ll take care of me, because you’ve already proven you will.” I imagined him almost upset when saying this; louder than normal, very emotional, just trying to get Eddie to understand. It’s a very raw line, Steve’s being very open, and in the context of the fic, it’s kinda groundbreaking for him, and Eddie knows it.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I think I’ve shared something about most of the ones I’m excited about… all of this will be after I finish writing If I Should Stay, but I have a fae!Steve fic that I’m working on, one where Steve goes deaf (very heartbreaking and emotional and real and so, so much love and family), and I’ve got a lavender prom idea I’m working on, in which Steve and Robin are Platonic soulmates, Steve has an unfortunate crush on Eddie, and Robin’s got an equally unfortunate crush on Vickie. It’s a No Upside-Down AU in which Steve decides to host the first(?) lavender prom at his house. It’s not called a lavender prom, obviously, but I do have something of an idea for a nod to the name. Here’s a snippet, if you want, because I actually am really excited about this one:
  Robin dramatically drapes herself over the foot of Steve’s bed and sighs. Dramatically. He quirks a brow, but otherwise doesn’t react, just keeps trying to focus on the same page he’s been trying to read for what feels like the past ten minutes.      She sighs dramatically again. Somehow it’s even louder than before.      He drops the book and looks heavenward for a moment. “What’s wrong?”      “Prom’s coming up.”      Steve’s nose wrinkles. It’s all anyone’s been talking about. “I know.”      “I’ll have to dance with a guy.”      “You don’t have to.”      “There are rumors, Steven. Rumors,” she hisses, rolling over to stare at him.      “Okay, so dance with a guy.”      “And what happens if he tries to make a move?”       “You reject him? Politely?”      “Steve.” She says his name like he’s an idiot. He’s used to it. “The entire reason for a girl to dance with a guy is because she likes him. I’ll be back at square one.”      Steve sighs, thinking. Truthfully, he isn’t really looking forward to prom, either. After his fall from the social totem pole, he puts a lot less stock in what people think of him, but even he has some societal norms to adhere to still. Societal norms like dancing with a girl when there’s a certain guy who’s been circling his mind instead.      “Okay,” he says, thinking. “Do you know anyone else who has the same problem?”      “Besides you? I can think of a couple of people.” The way she looks at him makes him think they’re thinking of the same person, and he’s suddenly struck once again with gratitude that she’s his friend.      “If you talk to him, I’ll talk to Vickie.”      “I will kiss you. Very platonically. On the forehead.”      He laughs. “Okay. I’m thinking, what if I host something here, the same night as prom?”      “I’m thinking there are a few people who would be really grateful.”      They share a smile with each other before Robin grabs the book. “Okay, where are you, I’ll read, you listen.”      “I love you,” he tells her seriously, moving to lay next to her and look at the page she’s looking at. He points to a section and she nods, tracing her finger down the lines as she reads.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
A VERY big thank you to whoever nominated me!! And a great big thank-you-I-love-you to anyone who’s stuck with me and my writing thus far. I appreciate each and every one of you! ❤️ And, if you’re someone who’s waiting on me to answer an ask, I swear I haven’t forgotten! I’ll get to them all… eventually!
Thank you to our author, @estrellami-1, and our nominator, @finntheehumaneater! See more of @finntheehumaneater’s works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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vintage-vermin · 1 month
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I like Ongezellig, it popped up like half a decade ago on my feed randomly. Thought it was cutely done, saw Maya and was "oh no, she just like me fr fr" Waited and saw part 3 show up and then the rest.
I sometimes just have stuff that I love, but don't even bother engaging the fandom in any way. There are shows that have helped me be less of a cunty teenager decades ago that i love, but I have never gone to a fan forum or searched tags on any site. Sometimes I only search out the creative parts of the fandom and don't bother with discussions.
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I love the random little things you can find on sites like Tumblr or other art-focused platforms for Ongezellig. Redraws, OC's in the shows style and fun pieces of some of the background characters Because oh, oh no, I'm not a fan of the rest of the community. But we'll hit that up later. Later. The creator made webcomics before. Had a little youtube channel with YTP's and some random reviewy stuff. Had an old Deviantart with some furry and the rare pony thing. Did an interview for a dutch comic collection ages ago that was a fun read.
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(So, you only have to mail this letter) (Mailbox has a colloquial word where it's shortened to 'bus', same word as the vehicular one. "To put a letter on the bus") (... Yes, the one without wheels) He had a little comic named 'Caiasos' that was a bit of a disjointed adventure. Followed with Mayo & Curry. Simplistic 3-4 panel comics with a bit of a newspaper format.
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(One day, Mayo wondered what ink tasted like) (You know that's poisonous, right?) (The box reads "Correction Fluid") A lot of the Mayo & Curry stuff is dutch snackbar puns or kinda standard early webcomic 'sleaze' as I can only describe it. Ever read like Chugsworth Academy?
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(Hey Curry, it's not really clear what our relationship is in this comic. Are we family, girlfriends, roommates...) (Haha, silly Mayo. If you read the comics well it's very obvious.) (Anyway, time for walks!) Cute enough I suppose. I used to read Sexylosers when I was like 15, who am I to truly complain.
The creator did some creative & animation schooling and made a fun project. Some of you may have seen this one fly by, too!
Somewhere around the same time, he also made a little bumper for a comic festival.
He would also do little bits on dutch history, wether it be the Dutch History Iceberg video that got popular a bit ago or his more comedic Stille Willem videos. Studio Massa, the creator, was looking to get the Ongezellig show picked up. Some of the early episodes do throw in a school shooting thing and some very dutch middleschool discrimination to the Belgians. Granted, these are pilots. Would it have been picked up, I'm sure a few things here and there would get a fix up. This did not come to pass after a long time of trying to showcase it and even finishing his pilot series. However, he did land a job at a national tv station. I hope to see new projects of his over time, maybe even bring 1 or 2 of his old characters to new life in another show.
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Little write-up on my experience with a subsection of it's fandom and community under the cut, feel free to ignore at your own discretion.
I went on a little deepdive to find out more a bit ago, I didn't follow the Petje-af or the Discord at the times of their inception or popularity. One of the first places you end up is imageboards and booru's. What a treat. Some of the ' documentation' of the shows reception online is very muddled. Encyclopedia Dramatica kinda stuff. Inane terms and barely understandable references to sites or people. He also has a KF thread that lists a large amount of uncomfortable information. By the time I found a few of those boards and booru's, it was already clear that they had some mass-extinction thing happen a few years ago and had to rebuild an imageboard and a booru or 2. Dragging myself to the very first page already got me greeted with "WE WILL REBUILD" sentiments. I get that there's a certain combination in the show that will bring in a specific audience. Underage characters and some historically charged discrimination. There's an underlying edginess to one of the characters that brings in a certain type of people. I have seen multiple posts and write-ups spanning a few years between eachother where people sort of announce they are done with the shows fanbase on this level. Lot's of adult art of these characters. While most places seem to be purged of this and plenty of (THIS POST HAS BEEN DELETED) messages all over by this time. There's a sentiment shared across a lot of these types of fans. "fucking tr00ns ruined my fucking show" I've come across plenty of junk where some one makes a call to action because they found some one with a trans flag in their bio and posted some art of the show. I can't really find the root of this problem. All that seems to have actually happened is that a buncha people were being massive bigots in the discord, got banned for it and then they got indignant about it. There's mention that some one spammed some boards with the show ages ago and somehow invited tons of transphobia into the room. Like I said, it's all muddled and written from certain perspectives.
It's like that one part of the K-on fanbase really. I just find strange and a bit of a shame that there's such an active and hostile subsection of this little fandom. I have come across multiple write-up from people who just can't interact with their fun little show without some out-there types showing up. Even little videos that try to bring this show to a larger audience find their comments littered with bizarre callouts to the small imageboard groups. A prized possession of that snippet of the community is a game about Mymy shooting up her school. I understand this is supposed to be a niche layer of fandom that's still pretty isolated to 4/5 sites at most. I understand that there will always be outliers. I dunno, frustration about a fun little show made manifest.
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
Hey folks! With all this KOSA and Tumblr chaos going on, I'm gonna admit I'm worried about what's gonna be the outcome of my blog and being on the internet anymore. And that hurts my heart a little bit to think about.
But, I am here to say thank yous. I love each and ever single one of you goobers who liked, commented, reblogged, followed, messaged, and left asks, tags, fanart, gifts, writing, and any type of friendship and support you've given me the past 2-3 years on this hectic site.
Thank you for the friendships and support to getting me into the selfshipping world, finding confidence to be myself and never to be ashamed to be my silly weird self. I never thought people I'd get to this point with some self inserts from when I was like- 12. I really didn't, and its all thanks to you guys.
If this bill passes, we still have hope, or have a chance to push back and rebel enough it's taken, please don't lose hope. Do everything and anything you can to let them show this bill will not effect us and with not take away our rights.
I love tumblr, I love you all. Your my online friends, my online family, I've found so much of myself being here and exploring Fandoms, I've met people who are just as crazy and silly over vampires, ninja turtles, cowboys, pirates, wizards, as much as I am. I met people just like who made inserts and OCs to kiss their silly fellas when I was told my whole life how strange that was.
I'll be around! Maybe one day fate will bring us all back, and maybe I'm writing this in vain and will look back at how cheesy and dramatic it is. But now, with how bleak the future of the internet seems, I want to say farewells. But goodbye isn't forever! Remember that. Keep yourselves safe, remember you're loved and how much I care about you. Stay healthy and strong, and please don't forget who you are.
Be Excellent to each other, and Party On, Dudes!🩷
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i-sveikata · 11 months
hey. first of all i want to thank you for writing this beautiful story. this fic is the only reason why i still here for my precious vegaspete bc i didn't have the same feeling like past toward them but your fic update always make me so much excited and i binge reading it whenever i get a email for the new chapter. so again thank you for it. i appreciate your writing alot.
anyway i have a question & it's about tankhun & vegas relationship. idk if anyone asked this before bc ive had this question from first chapters and idk why i didn't ask it until know lol.
my question is are we going to get anything about their backstory? bc i assume from some of words in the first chapters that they have something to tell about their past. the way tankhun knew vegas so well & they were close to eo? before something came up. i remember someone in fic said something about vegas did something so tankhun not being able to main family heir. i want to know if it was the way of vegas want protect him even if it costed tankhun hates him or it's something else. for example in canon or some headcanon it was bc of the influence of vegas dad & jealousy not have any particularly reason behind the hate he felt toward his cousin.
oh thank you so much thats so incredibly sweet! yeah i get that it totally sucks when you feel a hyperfixation slipping away from you or you start to lose interest in a fandom that can be so hard to experience!! but thanks for hanging around for this fic haha
thats a great question!!! id say it defs revolves around tankhuns kidnapping where they all began to see his dwindling mental health, thats when vegas got involved and made sure tankhun was passed over. vegas wasnt trying to protect him, he was trying to get him out of the way because he believed he was weak (and because his understanding of weakness had been taught to him by his own father in another kind of traumatising way) so the whole time kan was the one turning vegas against tankhun, talking in his ear about all of the ways tankhun was wrong and not strong enough and too fem and with vegas admiring his father so much and looking up to him like that he didnt question his opinion and only knew that he couldnt be associated with that weakness. so he turned on tankhun, and burned the bridge of their friendship by being one of the people to speak out and say tankhun wasnt a suitable heir. im not sure tankhun would have truly found satisfaction in the role itself if he had become the heir but his anger for vegas is at the betrayal of their trust and friendship and it was an unfortunate teachable moment for tankhun about trusting the minor family. which he's never done since. despite vegas wanting the power, he actually doesnt hold any hatred towards tankhun because he never made vegas feel threatened the way that kinn does. tankhun just had the misfortune to be in vegas' way
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she-karev · 5 months
Mama Bear (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
Previous Chapter Here
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Canon Season and Episode: Season 19 episode 9
AN: This chapter is set a few days after the first one. I’ll try to post the final chapter tomorrow so bear with me and I hope you enjoy.
Summary: Amber confronts Hunt after Allison bit Lucy again that turns physical. Later Andrew tells her their plans that night that shock her.
Words: 2270
January 13th, 2023
I sling my bag over my shoulder barely able to contain my anger as I exit the resident’s lounge. I slam the door loudly behind me causing some of the staff members to look at me but I ignore them so I can march straight to daycare. I was ready to clock out early happy when while I was changing into my red shirt and jeans, I got a call from the people at daycare who called to tell me to come down to file another incident report…against Allison Hunt.
It’s been a few days since she bit Lucy the first time and I calmed down enough and told myself kids bite and that it won’t happen again. But then it happened again and I never felt like tearing into a three-year-old girl until now. My baby is being bullied and I will be damned if I let it happen again even if it means threatening her parents who are my bosses. Alex and Jo follow me no doubt concerned after I nearly slammed the door off its hinges.
“Hey what’s going on?” Jo asks.
I rant to them, “That little bitch thinks she can ruin my family well she has got another thing coming.”
“Did DeLuca cheat?” Alex asks no doubt in fury, “Do I need to kick his ass for you?”
“No DeLuca is an angel Hunt and Altman’s kid on the other hand was handpicked by the devil to reign chaos in the daycare.” I growl angry as I get in the elevator with Alex and Jo, “Allison bit Lucy again. Two times that little demon has sunk her teeth into my baby, it’s not a coincidence it’s a problem and she is a problem child.”
“Okay I can see why your so angry.” Jo says understanding, “You’re not gonna kill her though, are you? Because I feel the need to report you if you’re planning a baby murder.”
“I’m not crazy of course I’m not gonna kill her. I’m gonna kill her parents.”
“I feel the need to remind you that Altman is the chief now and lashing out at her and punching her husband could cost you, your job.” Alex tells me.
“I don’t care!” Alex winces at my yelling, “Her child is bullying my baby and I am not gonna stand for it even if I lose my job. I am not a resident and she is not my boss right now, I am a mama bear and Altman and her spawn are hunting my cub and I will slash her face off if I see her pointing a gun at my baby.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared of you.” Alex admits fearfully, “And you put a garter snake in my shower while I was using it.”
“You did?” Jo asks, astonished.
“It was a pet of mine I found him in the yard and he escaped.” I explain and turn to Alex, “Just be glad I got to Snakey before he bit off your snake.”
“Snakey?” Jo asks with a chuckle.
“I was six sue me.” The elevator doors open and I march down the hall until I spot Bailey, Hunt and Ben Warren outside the daycare waiting for us. I stand in front of them with an angry frown directed at Hunt who clears his throat. I turn to Bailey and Warren, “His daughter bit yours again too?”
“Yep.” Warren confirms with a calm voice but disappointed frown.
“Look I’m sorry I-I really can’t apologize enough.” Hunt tells us but it doesn’t make me feel better, “Now I will talk to my wife and she will come to you and figure out what to do moving forward.”
I chuckle darkly, “Hiding behind your chief wife that’s classy.”
Alex tries to step in, “Amber why don’t we-”
“Shut up.” I command in a harsh voice and he does so as I turn to Hunt, “Hunt I don’t want to be at work worried over my baby being around your devil spawn child.”
Hunt looks at me offended, “Excuse me I will thank you kindly not to insult my daughter.”
“So long as your daughter doesn’t assault ours again.” I point out, “Now I can’t reprimand your wife but I can reprimand you because you have less power here than my five-month-old. Do something or I will take matters into my own hands.”
Hunt sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, “I have to pick up my kids and take them home.”
“I’m not done here.” I tell him but he starts to turn and I react by pure rage and grab him by his ear pinching my thumb nail against his scapha causing him to yell out in pain as I bring him back outside leaning down so he can look up at me, “I said I am not done.”
Hunt groans in pain as I keep a hold of his ear, “What are you doing?”
“Taking matters into my own hands.” I coldly inform him.
Bailey tries to step in but Warren stops her, “No, no we should stay out of it those nails look sharp.”
Hunt groans in pain, “They are!”
I press my thumb nail down harder to make my point, “Now listen to me Hunt and listen to me good if your little brat doesn’t stop picking on my daughter not only will I give her full permission to kick her ass when their grown but I’ll be kicking yours and your wife’s right alongside her, do you understand?”
“I think I feel blood.” Hunt informs me and I press my thumb nail harder causing him to groan in pain, “Yes! Yes, I understand!” I let go of him and he rubs his ear after my vice grip looking at me like I could snap at any minute, “I’ll talk to Teddy I will just…Jesus.” He goes inside to pick up his kids and I look to see the others looking at me frightened.
“What? The man needed a lesson on what kind of family he’s messing with.”
“Hey, I am on your side.” Jo looks at Alex surprised, “That’s my niece his daughter bit.”
“Thank you.” I turn to Bailey and Warren, “And unlike the two of you I have an insurmountable rage inside me that can’t be contained.”
“Clearly.” Bailey confirms, “I think I saw your rage bleeding out of Hunt’s ear.” I see Hunt walking his kids out of daycare and I go in to check my daughter out so I can forget this horrible day.
The smell of garlic hits me as soon I open the front door carrying Lucy in her car seat. I follow the scent to the kitchen where I find Andrew in full cooking mode wearing a ‘Kiss the Chef’ apron and sauteing the peeled peppers in garlic over the stove. I smile at the sight and get Lucy out of her car seat so I can hold her as we get closer to her dad while he’s cooking.
“Hey.” Andrew smiles at us, “I see you two got out early.”
I hold Lucy against my hip, “Yeah I got a resident to take over so I could spend the night with you guys.” I inhale the sweet aroma deeply moaning in pleasure, “Roasted peppers on olive oil?”
Andrew nods, “Yep, with lots of garlic.”
I kiss his cheek, “You spoil me. I could really use some of your Italian cuisine after the day I had.”
“Well don’t get mad but this isn’t all for us.” I look at him confused, “It’s for the dinner party tonight.”
“What dinner party?”
“At Hunt and Altman’s.” My eyes widened at that information, “She invited us yesterday as a way to apologize for what happened at daycare. Ben and Bailey are coming too. I already got Carina to babysit tonight don’t worry she was actually more than happy to do it.” He notices my shocked face, “Didn’t I tell you about the dinner?”
“Um no but then again we’ve been so busy we’ve barely had time to shower let alone catch up.” I move to sit in a chair by the island, “I guess now would be a bad time to tell you that Allison bit Pru and Lucy again.”
He looks at me shocked as he puts the peppers in a glassware dish, “What? When did this happen?”
“Today I went there before I came here.”
He groans, “Okay it’s fine the dinner might be awkward but we’ll talk and hopefully resolve this with clear eyes and full hearts.”
I clear my throat, “I think I should tell you that I confronted Hunt about Allison and…blood was literally spilled.”
He looks at me scared but treads carefully, “What did you do?”
“Um…” I scratch my head to find the words, “I might have grabbed him by the ear and told him to keep his brat in line or me and our daughter would give him hell in the future.” My husband reacts with wide eyes, “Also there might have been some blood from the pinching his ear.”
“…Well at least you got your point across.” I look at him blankly, “I mean I don’t really know what to say here. On the one hand I’m shocked you would stoop to physical blows but on the other I’m a little turned on by this badass side of you.”
I groan at the unfortunate timing, “Let’s skip it, it’s gonna get bad and I am in no mood for a showdown with the Hunt’s.”
“We’re not gonna skip it.” Andrew stands next to me holding Lucy’s tiny hand, “It would send the wrong message and we should apologize for you manhandling Hunt so we can continue to afford our comfortable lifestyle.”
“I did not manhandle him.” He raises a suspicious eyebrow at me and I break. “Okay fine I did but he asked for it! Their daughter has now bitten our daughter. Twice. It’s a problem and making them your heavenly peppers sends the wrong message.”
“What message?” He asks dumbfounded, “That we’re Italian?”
“No, it sends a message that what their daughter did is okay and it’s not! I made that clear to Hunt. I have to protect my child even if you won’t.” Lucy starts to get fussy.
“Whoa hey of course I want to protect Lucy, I’m just saying physical blows are gonna make this worse not better.”
I scoff, “It started getting worse when their child bit our child for a second time!” Lucy cries in my arms and I rock her to soothe her, “Great and now Hunt and Altman are upsetting her at home. Something needs to be done because short of getting a nanny Hunt and Altman need to fix their problem child. Let’s just stay in and watch Moana for the hundredth time it’ll be better than what ever that dinner will entail.”
Andrew sighs and Lucy calms down, “Look we’ll go we’ll eat the peppers with Altman’s dry chicken and politely talk to them about Allison. Perhaps this feud of ours will be resolved if we talk to them and use our words instead of our fists.”
I stand up and go to the diaper bag to get Lucy’s dragon for her to play with, “You know calling it a feud sounds a little melodramatic.”
“Okay and what would you call it?”
“It’s a war.” Andrew chuckles at that. Lucy is holding her dragon as I sit on the couch with her on my lap, “They declared war on us when they didn’t do squat and let their daughter bite our daughter again. Now we’re the Montagues and Capulets, the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s it’s a war between the DeLuca’s and the Hunts and going over to their territory for false promises of peace is like asking out loud where the trap is and how hard we should step on it.”
Andrew sits next to us and grins at Lucy who’s busy biting her dragon’s arm, “Be honest Lucia who’s more melodramatic, me or your mama?”
“You really don’t want us ganging up on you when she’s a teenager because you don’t stand a chance.” I coldly inform him.
“Amber all I’m saying is that tonight don’t think of it as a dinner table, think of it as a peace table. And I’m sure as mad as Altman is at him, I don’t know if she’ll approve of you making her husband bleed. I mean come on I think this war of ours is at a standstill after the ear assault. It’s just a couple of hours and if it comes down to it, we will leave. Plus, when was the last time you and I had a night out with our adult friends without a baby present?”
I think on it for a moment with Lucy in my lap and come up empty, “Fine we’ll go but if they piss me off, we tag team with Bailey and Warren and go all Rocky and Creed on their Drago.”
“I’m pretty sure Creed died.” Andrew reminds me.
“Because he didn’t tag out with Rocky do you see what we’ll do differently?” Andrew chuckles and kisses me and then Lucy and goes back to the kitchen to his peppers. I exhale at the predicament I got myself in while my daughter is oblivious as she plays with her plush dragon. I grin at her in envy kissing her on top of her soft dark hair, “Your lucky to have parents who are willing to fight in the ring for you baby.”
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I love incorrect quotes, here's some I have:
These may include: Swear words
The fandoms included are: Undertale, Deltarune, Tf2 and Cuphead.
Sans: Papyrus taught me to think before I act. Sans: …So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Papyrus, laying in bed: Get out of my room. Sans, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
Sans: Hey Papyrus? Papyrus: Yeah? Sans: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false? Papyrus: Papyrus: …What.
Sans: Have you heard of Murphy’s law? The one where if something can go wrong, it will go wrong? Papyrus: Yeah, I have. Sans: Have you heard of Cole’s law? Papyrus: Is this a joke about coleslaw? Sans: …maybe.
Papyrus: Sans told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Sans: I WOULD DESTROY THE WORLD FOR YOU! Papyrus: Okay, can you do the dishes? Sans: No!
Alphys: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Undyne: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Alphys: … Alphys: You mean ring bearER, right? Undyne: … Alphys: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Alphys: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Undyne: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train. Alphys: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Mettaton: You made enough pasta that you could take it to lunch tomorrow. Put it in a container. Papyrus: Shovel the pasta into your face. Do it. Put it in your face. The future is meaningless but the pasta is now.
Papyrus: All snacks are gone. Mettaton: I AM LITERALLY RIGHT HERE?!
Susie: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship— Kris, tied up: PLEASE, I JUST WANT TO SEE MY FAMILY AGAIN! Susie: I'M NOT DONE! Susie: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl—
Kris: Kill me nowwwww. Susie: Sorry, no can do. I need your help with my homework.
Kris, drowning: Help! Susie: Don't worry, I heard cowards float.
Susie: You have any sunscreen? Ralsei: You can't get a sunburn from a bonfire— Susie: It's for my marshmallow ya dummy.
Susie: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes? Ralsei: For the dogs. Susie: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs? Ralsei: They don't know how.
Ralsei: Something’s off. Susie: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. Ralsei: No, but that’s funny.
Spamton: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy. Spamton: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Jevil, if you’re out there—
Spamton, talking to Jevil: With all due respect, which is none…
Jevil: Happy Throwback Thursday! Here’s a throwback to when Spamton ate an entire tube of lipstick. Spamton, whining: But why would it be cherry-flavored if you can’t eat it?!
Demoman: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here. Soldier: ... Soldier: Demoman, are you alright? Demoman: sobs
Soldier: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this? Scout: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
Scout: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Engineer: What do we say when making bread? Demoman, glumly: That's the dough rising. Medic: And what do we NOT say? Spy, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
Engineer: I haven’t slept in 72 hours… Demoman: I haven’t slept in 80. I’m the insomnia king! Medic: Ha! I haven’t slept in 90 hours, I’m aiming for an even 100. Spy: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Cuphead: watching their house burn down Cuphead: Cuphead: starts filming Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
Mugman, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?! Cuphead, standing in front of Mugman: bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen Mugman, crying: Please…stop…
Mugman: I trusted you! Cuphead: Why?
Cuphead: Do you ever feel like exploding? Have you experienced the urge to enter the process of combustion? Has your mind created a logical idea, known as thought, to disperse your body into thousands of particles suddenly? Mugman: It’s 3 am, please go back to sleep.
Mugman: Cuphead, I need some advice. Cuphead: You need advice from ME? Mugman: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
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melodylnoelle · 2 years
Kiss It Away
I opened my computer to get to writing and realized I somehow never hit post on the one from Friday?? So here it is. Whoops.
The Cards Have Spoken - Week 9 (@brightsun-and-darkmidnight ’s cards)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters: Steve Rogers x reader Category: Angst - Hospital Relationship: Shy and flirt AU: Soulmates Warnings/Notes: Injuries and a little suggestive // For these, we are setting it to a minimum of 500 words. You can use these same cards for your own story if you like, but please tag me and @brightsun-and-darkmidnight so that we can see what you do! This was a different one for me, for sure. Please enjoy Words: 1951 Summary: Steve arrives at the hospital after you are hurt on a mission Masterlist
           Steve strode at a quick pace through the hospital, searching room by room for you. He knew you weren’t in any of the ones that he passed, but he couldn’t help but look anyway. The tugging in his chest was pulling him forward, and he knew you were close.
           At least he knew you were alive. He certainly would have known if you were not – he had heard from Pepper what it had felt like when she lost Tony, and that wasn’t what he was feeling now. It was pure, unhindered longing. And pain.
           He let his body move on its own, following the tug in your direction, until he was standing outside of Room 254. The tugging turned to duller, a longing to hold you, and he knew he had found the right room.
           He took a deep breath, then another, willing himself to look calmer. The last thing that he wanted was to burst into that hospital room and worry you. He could hear the monitors beeping on the other side of the door and timed his breathing to their rhythm.
           When he felt he had calmed enough, he pushed the door open softly and stepped into the room.
           His heart plummeted to the floor as he took in the extent of the damage. Your arms were wrapped up completely from mid-bicep to the knuckles. Your forehead had a bandage just above your left eye, and there was a matching one of the left side of your neck. He was sure, from Bucky’s description of events, that there were more injuries that he couldn’t see.
           He internally kicked himself for not going on this mission. It had been his to run, his mess to clean up. But he had things that needed to be taken care of in the compound, so you had volunteered to go in his place. He had trusted that you and Bucky would watch each other’s backs.
           What he hadn’t thought about is that the way that you worked together was near reckless. Both of you were two brazen about completing the task at hand, taking whatever risks were necessary and with whatever potential injuries you have to take. Bucky at least had the serum to heal, but that wasn’t the same for you.
           Now, you were here in the nearest hospital to the mission site, after throwing yourself within a blast radius full of shrapnel to push a family out of the way. He was surprised, after Bucky explained it on the video call earlier, that you didn’t look worse. Or feel worse. Maybe it was because you were sleeping, but the pain that he could feel on your behalf was duller than he would have expected. It had hit him like wrecking ball initially, but now it was a muted, dull ache.
           He watched your eyes flutter open, looking around the room. They settled on Steve after a moment, focusing, and a warm smile touched your face. “Hey, hot stuff.”
           “Hey, doll.” He swallowed, trying to rid himself of the lump in his throat.
           “How’d you get here so fast?”
           Steve’s brow furrowed. “I left as soon as I heard, but it’s been a few hours. Took some time to get here.”
           “Hours? I thought it was less than that. Must’ve been ‘sleep.”
           The slur to your words left his heart aching, until he got close enough to read the IV.
           Ah. Morphine. At least now he knew why the pain he felt was so dulled. Preparing himself for the lack of mental clarity and nausea he was about to feel second-hand, he decided to start with the important news. “There’s a quinnjet here to take you back to the compound. Sam and Bucky are at the front desk arranging for you to be released. Then we’ll take you to the infirmary in the compound so Banner can keep an eye on you.”
           “Soundss good t’ me.” You frowned. “Can we leave t’ morphine ‘ere? I don’ like how’t makes me feel.”
           Steve chuckled. “Better than pain, though, right?” You shook your head. “Alright, we’ll find something else for the pain, then.”
           “Thanks.” You shifted, sitting up in the hospital bed. “Can we get s’me food, too? ‘M starvin’.”
           “Course you can. Anything you want, doll.”
           “Maybe fast food? Or shwe… shawarma?” Steve tried not to laugh as you struggled to get the word out. “Or maybe poutine? I havn’ had pout’ne ‘n forever!” You smiled, then leaned back on the bed, still half-sitting. “Man, ev’rything sounds good.”
           This time, Steve let himself laugh a little. “How about we get you feeling better, and then I will get you everything on that list, ok?”
           “’Kay. ‘M gonna keep a list, trust me.”
           “I believe you.” He felt the slow roll of nausea go through his stomach. “You ok?”
           “Yea… maybe ‘s not best for me t’ eat right now, anyway.”
           “No, probably not.” It was quiet for a moment before Steve spoke again. “You scared the hell out of me, you know?”
           “’M sorry.” You closed your eyes as you spoke. You sat like that through another roll of nausea, and then met his gaze. “There was a family there.”
           “I know, I heard. Bucky told me.” He clarified when you looked confused. “But you could’ve been hurt so much worse. You got lucky.” You hummed in agreement. “Just promise me you’ll be more careful next time, ok? ‘Cause I know there will be a next time, I know that. I just… don’t want to lose you.”
           You reached out and touched his hand, your skin cool compared to his, and the action instantly calmed his nerves. “I promise, Steve.”
           “Thank you.” He took your hand to his lips, placing a quick kiss over your exposed fingers.
           “’Nd be nice t’ Bucky, ‘kay? ‘S not his fault, he wasn’t close enough to stop me.”
           Steve didn’t say anything, he just kissed your hand again. He had already heard as much when he gave Bucky a panic-driven earful about having let you get hurt.
           “Huh.” You drew your hand from his slowly, examining it. “That feels better.”
           “Like kisses from me that much, huh?” He joked.
           “No… I mean, yes, but…” You trailed off, picking at the gauze wrapped around your hand to remove it.
           “Hey, what are you doing?”
           “’T doesn’t feel like it hurts anymore.”
           “That could just be the morphine.”
           You took the bandages off anyway and, sure enough, there was not a scratch on your hand. Just two large pink lines – one across your palm, and one just above the wrist – that looked like new skin. Like a cut that had healed over.
           “What’d you do?”
           His brows knitted together again. “Nothing, I just kissed you.” He stared hard at your hand. He’s experienced second-hand effects from morphine through you before, but it had never made him see things. He probably wasn’t, but he didn’t know how to believe what he was seeing.
           He decided to test it, taking your arm again and pulling back the bandage that was over your forearm. There was a deep gash through skin and muscle there, the edges jagged. The skin around it was still red from the wound being cleaned. You flinched at the action, and he felt the dull ache shoot up his own arm. “Sorry. I just want to see something.” He placed a kiss there, careful not to kiss over the cut itself.
           He watched with wide eyes as the wound started knitting itself together in front of him. The sensation in his own arm was odd, a weird mix of unpleasant movement of muscle and relief from the lessened pain. He stopped anyway, though, looking to you.
           “Woah.” You were transfixed, looking to the way the cut had already partially healed. “I didn’ know ‘t worked like that.”
           “Neither did I.” He thought back to all of the times either of you had returned from missions. Steve healed so quickly that he would never have noticed a difference if he kissed you and an injury healed right away. You, though, didn’t get injured often – at least not like this – and you had always had little cuts and bruises fade quickly. He had never made the connection to him before now.
           He removed the rest of the bandages from that arm, then, peppering it with kisses as he went. You hummed as he worked his way up to the shoulder, and then to the one on your neck. He could feel the cuts and wounds healing over his own body, the ache lessening slightly.
           “You know…” You said slowly as he sat up, looking between you and the heartrate monitor that just spiked. “I ’ve some injuries that are lower, too.”
           “Your ribs, you mean?” He looked to your torso then back up to you, shaking his head. “The gown might be in the way for that-“
           “No, no. Lower.” You were grinning, the look in your eyes finally making him process what you were saying.
           “Y/N!” The look on your face turned to amusement as he felt the blush creep up his neck and to his face. “We’re in a public hospital!”
           “’n a private room ‘n a hospital,” you teased.
           “And you’re injured, that’s surely not the time.”
           “But your kisses ‘re clearly magical,” you were smiling, but patting his hand. “Fine, fine, I c’n wait. But no ‘firmary when I get there, ‘kay?”
           A nervous chuckle made its way through his lips as there was a knock on the door, and then Bucky entered. His cheeks were flaming. Of course it had to be Bucky. He would have heard all of that.
           “Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt.” He gave Steve the look before giving you a once over. “All the paperwork’s done. Sam’s getting the jet ready, but we’re clear to get you out of here.”
           “Than’ god,” you sighed.
           A nurse walked in behind him, listing off instructions as she started taking off all of your connections to the monitors. Steve rose and backed away, letting her remove the IV from your arm. He let out a breath, looking forward to when the morphine finally wore off in your system so he could think more clearly.
           “Your clothes are right over there,” the nurse said. “A little privacy while we get her dressed, boys?”
           “I’ll wait in the hall,” Bucky answered with one more pointed smirk at Steve.
           “Steve’s fine t’ be here.” You told her before turning to him. “Ya don’ need to be so ‘mbarassed, Steve. He’s heard worse, ‘m sure.” You said as the nurse helped you stand.
           That did nothing but make him blush harder.
           Steve helped along with the nurse as you got dressed back into your clothes.
           “Go ahead and sit while I get you a wheelchair, and then you will be all set.”
           “That won’t be necessary,” Steve responded as he lifted you easily, carefully shifting you into a comfortable position to not hurt you further. He was at least grateful that the morphine would dull this. It was better than you trying to walk on your own since he knew you would have adamantly refused the wheelchair anyway/
           “My hero,” You said jokingly as he carried you bridal-style through the door.
           He chuckled. “Let’s get you home.”
           “Home and not t’ the ‘nfirmary, right?” You winked at him.
           He sighed, fighting the urge to run and hide from Bucky, who was walking ahead of you and now chuckling to himself. “No, doll. No infirmary.” As uncomfortable as other people overhearing that was, internally he was also very excited to test this theory that kisses between soulmates could heal.
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jazzy-a · 1 year
I'd like to get to know you!
Hey @windsweptinred! Thanks for the invite!
1: Three ships I like right now...
Hmm, let's assume this means "ship-ships" and not family or friendships, right? Because, WOOF, would we be here for awhile.
Kaz Brekker/Jesper Fahey from Shadow and Bone. It breaks my heart, it ain't ever ever gonna happen, the book apparently spits on me and rips my heart out of my chest, and it's now difficult to find the kind of fanfiction I want for it... Oh sweet suffering. (I will also always accept Kaz/Inej/Jesper in this equation).
Tsukitachi/Hirato from Karneval. Look, it's NOT going away for me, guys. Yes, I know the fandom is dead, there is 0 content for it, and no one knows/cares what I'm talking about with them. Which is SO sad honestly because I know that if it were just more popular, people would be having a blast with the characters, plots, pairings etc. Sigh... Alas, though, Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are DEAD AF... Still, I love my BFF Captains, even if no one knows they exist but me lol.
Lastly, probably Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson? They have... pretty great fics, guys. As in some true 'chef's kiss' grade smut lol.
2: First Ever Ship... Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba/Joey Wheeler) from Yu-gi-oh 100%. Closely followed by Dragonshipping... who.. um, guys, is practically canon if you rewatch it, which I think is hilarious. Like, WATCH THE DARK SIDE OF DIMENSIONS MOVIE. OMG. Joey gets saved by this man and is legit trying not to sob to Yugi over the fact he was in love with his alter ego bahhahahahah. Anyway though, just something about puppyshipping.... the low hanging fruit of it, I never stood a chance. Like OMG, it was my GATEWAY DRUG! Do I see how unrealistic and problematic it is as a grow woman? You bet I do... do I look back on it fondly? It is my first love <3
3: Last song.... Hm. About Love by MARINA. So pretty and nice to hear her newer stuff. And, NO, I didn't find it from the movie everyone keeps talking about. I never saw it, I found this the old fashion way... hearing it on the radio at my place of employment lol.
4: Last Movie.... Lephrechaun 4: IN SPACE! HAHAKJBKJBASJKBD I am watching ALL of them for the first time, and they are so so beautiful. Like...SO BAD. SO GOOD!!!!!
5: Currently reading... Um, like, ALL the family feels fanfiction of the TMNT 2012 brothers I can get my hands on. Can't stress enough that I am NOT shipping this. FA-MI-LY fics, okay?? Family is my weakness! Why do you think I love talking about Dream's messed up family and making my own crack content??
6: Currently watching... Actually, I'm finally going back and watching ALL of Steven Universe because I never did when it aired. I remember it getting really heavy and, at the time, I just didn't have the emotional bandwidth for it. Now, however, I am literally chugging its traumatic plot lines like I'm rushing at a frat house. Sobbing the entire time alone in my room. Loving EVERY second of it hahah!
7: Currently eating... Nothing :c
8: Currently Craving... Not gonna lie. I'd murder for a muffin rn. Oh, and more fanfiction of like... everything I have on my docket. Like...please? I need it like oxygen? On a desert island, I would request food, water, and more fanfiction.
And now for the embarrassing moment where I display how little I actually have on this app. Tagging some people that have been on my wall lately :) (no pressure!): @purplexiasphinx, @crxssingtherubic0n, @turrondeluxe, @synnesai
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H, J, N, T?
lol hey just remembered that i had these from dec 19th lol i think i was just so mentally unwell at the time that i couldn't actually process the fact that i had asks and was capable of answering them even tho i literally reblogged the ask game lol anyways was going through my drafts and saw this and i'm MUCH better now so i went through and found the game and imma do it now <3
h - what is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tw shows, movies, books, anime, western animation, etc.)?
answered that one here <3
j - name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over tumblr. (you don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that tumblr made you aware of.)
also answered that one here lol <3
n - name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
ooooo i'll do atla for you <3 hmmmmmmm okay. 1. more gaang-centric content - like... ones that aren't about any character in particular, but more about all of them as a family. like, rather than a focus character or ship, it's just... it's them and it's platonic and it's just them being silly <3 2. more zuko kicking things <3 look. he likes kicking things in canon. let him kick. dude's got strong leg muscles, he is angry sometimes, let him kick his anger out! break some stuff!!! i think zuko kicking is the most underrated thing about him 3. more of toph (in general-) and her parents. i have SO many hcs about what toph's life was like after the war ended - specifically about her relationship with her family (also katara hates toph's family btw she told me personally). like... the atla fandom LOVES angst but we (myself included) don't explore toph's trauma and familial issues enough. her parents fricking SUCK. wait imma talk about this more in t-
t - do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
also answered this one here BUT i am MORE than happy to give another answer <3 okay so to continue about toph- after the war, she realized oh my gosh i could have/almost died and was like. i want to at least make an EFFORT to reconcile with my parents. so, she takes some time and goes back home and... they're made at her. or maybe... no, they aren't even mad. they just don't care. you know that one scene in the dragon prince where claudia says "dad, soren could've died" and viren goes "THAT DOESN'T MATTER"? yeah. that's kind of what i'm getting. and toph tries so hard to repair her family but they're just so broken. her dad tries capitalizing the fact that toph helped end the war and uses it as a flex to increase his own status (not a proud dad talking about his daughter). her mom just pretends toph didn't fight in the war and basically tries gaslighting her into thinking she didn't. her dad sees a way to make money and her mom just doesn't want to deal with the crap her dad is doing or her daughter's earth bending and. and toph just has to deal with and accept the fact that her family doesn't care that she almost died and that they'll never genuinely love her or be proud of her. but... katara comes to visit and when she leaves, she takes toph with her and helps remind her that those two idiots aren't her Real family. her real family is waiting for them at the south pole.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Hi Kym!!! Hope you are well! Here with my first costume ask of the season, hehe. ::Rubs hands together:: So I saw a post earlier this week that had a picture of Maddie in What's Your Grievance, as she calls the Buckleys to express her worries about Buck being in therapy. Obviously this issue was a pretty major trigger for her, and what I found Very Interesting is that the shade of her light blue cardigan (worn over a white shirt underneath) looks to my admittedly very untrained eye to be very close to the light blue of Buck's polo in 6x02 that you discussed in your meta. Do you think there's any connection? Light blue is the color of Buckleys about to go through it, apparently, if fandom's observations and predictions about Buck's arc are accurate.
Hey Kate
I'm excited to get your first costume ask of the season - sorry its taken me a few days to get to it, life has been very busy!!
The connection to Maddie in the blue cardigan from Future tense is an interesting one. it is a similar shade of blue - not quite the same - Maddie's is more of a sky or baby blue than Bucks, but they are close enough to be considered the same shade in this context. I also don't think that fact that Buck is in therapy is the thing that connects the two scenes, not do I agree with the fandom assertion that light blue means Buckleys about to go through it and I have a couple of reasons for this, so lets look at all the times Maddie and Buck have worn light blue;
3x01 - When Maddie an Chim discuss if they want to have children - Maddie is wearing a white tee with blue stripes and a bright blue shirt over the top
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4x03 - Maddie talks to her Mom on the phone - she's wearing a white camisole and a blue longline cardigan
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5x04 and 12 the video recording of Maddie telling Chimney she's left and not to come looking for her - Maddie wears a bright blue shirt with a line check pattern on.
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4x05 - Maddie and Buck make peace and Maddie gives Buck the postcards he sent from his travels - Buck wears a white shirt with very pale blue pin stripes and a blue sports jacket
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5x18 - Hen and Karens vow renewal - Buck wears the light blue suit
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6x01 - the lasagne kitchen scene - Buck is wearing a light blue zip front denim shirt with cream pinstripes (I'm including this because although its not technically the same blue, its close enough - my previous connections about this shirt still stand, its just been cleverly woven into this other narrative by the costume team!)
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6x02 - Locker room scene - Buck wears the blue collared waffle knit top
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there are a few times Buck wears a very very pale blue shirt or jumper such as the hoodie he sleeps in in 4x14, but they are a different shade of blue so don't really count towards this!
As you can probably see - none of these scenes connect with a Buckley sibling 'about to go through it' - the only one that fits into that category imo is the blue shirt Maddie is wearing in the video message to Chim - and shes already in t by that point, so I'd argue it still doesn't fit that idea!
In my opinion the connection between all of these scenes is actually family - both history and finding your place and building your family - that search for Happiness (which is the thing we know Buck is actively looking for now, but its also the the thing he's been searching for all his life). We see Maddie's journey - from that first blue top centring around a conversation about children - wanting them but never feeling safe (and we obviously know it was foreshadowing the events of the end of the season and season 4), her concern over Buck being in therapy and wanting to not keep Daniel a secret anymore - the one thing that is stopping her at this point in feeling content in the family she's building for herself, and then when she fears for the safety of her family and chooses to run away - when her mental health is preventing her from being able to feel like she can have the family she has created (in its barest form - PPD has so much angles to it!)
Then there is Buck - his awakened understanding of why he's never felt like he fit with his family - but gains an important pice when he and Maddie make peace and she gives him the postcards he sent her. Then ther eis the important moment when Buck has freed himself from his relationship - an important moment for him as its the first time he's chosen something for himself - he's freed himself from the potential of an unhappy family life (and also the possibility of not actually having a family of his own - we don't know if Taylor wants children but she's so career focused its fair to assume that she may not!) with someone who doesn't fit in with his wider family - the one he's been steadily building. He is also watching a family renewing their commitment to each other - the very thing he wants for himself so the suit is a double whammy of meaning here. Then there is the lasagne shirt - again the family he has been building and a moment of happiness for Buck (he just hasn't fully connected the dots yet), before finally we get the locker room shirt - the most explicit of all of them, but also a follow on from the lasagne scene in many ways.
For me the connection between the two scenes you mentioned specifically is actually Daniel. At the time, we the audience are as in the dark as Buck is about Daniel, but we get these two lines from Maddie;
'He doesn't know anything, but maybe he should'
'How do you tell somebody that you've been lying to them for their entire life'
Daniel is the key to Bucks happiness and the key to Maddies as well - although she has now dealt with much of it - the knowing and not knowing about Daniel created a fugitive and a settler. The fugitive who knows and then runs from it (because thats essentially what her parents have been doing the whole time) because it is something too big to be reckoned with until she has no other choice. And the settler - the one who didn't know and who has found ways of coping - traumatised by something he wasn't aware of and so clung to whatever he could get. Now having taken that first step to freeing himself from clinging to something that isn't working is at a point where he has to reckon with the big trauma because it is the only way to heal - the only way to deal with the associated trauma of always hating who you are and who you have been (hence the software updates - its a way of distancing yourself from a version of you you don't like - you update and don't have to be that version anymore -its no longer a part of you and in your head if you update you can pretend that person is someone else and you don't have to face up to why you behaved a certain way or feel a certain way. Buck being in therapy first time around (with Dr Copeland) was never going to work when he didn't have all the facts and there is a reason we haven't seen or heard of him in therapy since and it all goes back to Daniel - the big thing Buck hasn't faced up to - but is going to have to if he wants to find happiness.
Sorry I don't know if this makes nay sense - I got a bit rambly (and I think I might be projecting a bit of my own experiences onto Buck 😳) Basically what I'm trying to say is that the blue we're talking about is about Daniel and (Maddie and) Bucks first trauma - and those two scenes connect the first time we see the Buckley siblings starting to reckon with that trauma - the recognition that they need to deal with it to be able to live their lives and find happiness. Maddie had bumps along the road, so expect Buck to as well - I would expect to see him in this blue again in correspondence with that!
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I posted 17,291 times in 2022
25 posts created (0%)
17,266 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,316 of my posts in 2022
#dmbj - 446 posts
#mdzs - 146 posts
#guardian - 50 posts
#heihua - 41 posts
#the untamed - 33 posts
#xiaoge - 26 posts
#yin yang master dream of eternity - 25 posts
#hei xiazi - 25 posts
#fo ye - 19 posts
#save for later - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#40 year old kitchenaid mixer i love you but you’re so messy…… i have to stir around the flour a bit so it doesn’t get all over the counter
My Top Posts in 2022:
all the prime numbers on that salty ask list, just to make you do math on a saturday morning >:3
........................ man come on
Okay fine we're doing all the prime numbers on this list. I'll humor you.
2. Any popular fandom OTPs that you only BroTP?
Fuck idk uhh I was never really a fan of SangYao romantically?
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
I will just say yes and leave it at that.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Pingxie isn't that bad and I see the appeal behind it but some of y'all are too much there I said it.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
I mean... those of you who have known me for a while probably know that I used to be into h*talia but keep that shit away from me now.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Not really? No one is coming to mind.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I think we should let Xiaoge be a weird little guy. He's been through enough shit he should be able to do whatever the hell he wants he can't be sexy all the time.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Instead of The Entirety of Yi City Happening, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen stay together and wander the world and eventually settle down and found a sect together I think that would be nice.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Oh boy. *cracks knuckles*
I was not looking forward to this section but I think some of you need to chill. Please. We're here to have fun. This may be a hard pill to swallow but sometimes you gotta accept that people didn't ask. They didn't ask for shipping opinions, they didn't ask for watchlists, they didn't ask to have the same fandom experiences as you. And sometimes things that are canon are worse. There's more to a show than romance and more to romance than two conventionally attractive people making eye contact. Thank you.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Song Lan did nothing wrong.
4 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
for the character bingo: qingming~
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Bisexual legend, foxy boy, my beloved, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy. When I say he doesn’t have enough screen time I mean that I nEED THE SECOND MOVIE.
AND HIS CHARACTER ARC………… FINDING SOMEONE HE WANTS TO PROTECT………. (chef kiss) Delicious. I love him so much. My darling. My funny man.
Thank you for asking!!!!
4 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Tag Trope Game
I was tagged by @forerussake, thank you friend!
found family or soulmates || slow burn or established but complicated || enemies-to-friends-to-lovers or best friends-to-lovers || love at first sight or get back together || morally grey character or unreliable narrator || sunshine character or sarcastic character (both, and I think they should kiss) || self-sacrificing or teamwork || fire-forged friends or childhood friends || description-heavy or dialogue-heavy || fluff or angst || high school au or college au || flower symbolism or color symbolism || hero from the start or reveal the hero near the end || body swap or gender swap || bed sharing or clothes sharing (both) || magic au or human au || de-aged or future fic
This was fun!  Tagging @pangzi @bi-disaster-wei-wuxian @psychic-waffles @beanmaster-pika @enjaami @scaredysap @cuterocks @tinydragondreamer @s1utspeare
4 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
for the fandom blorbo ask thing did you already get dmbj?? if u did that one already then i'll take a shovel and dig out any memories of bnk characters you've got
My dear friend my beloved thank you for giving me another opportunity to dump more of this bullshit on you.
Blorbo: Pangzi my beloved my everything. He's supposed to be the fat guy comic relief but carries the series honestly.
Skrunkly: I'd say Zhang Rishan but just the bright eyed young man he is in Mystic Nine, not yet the Juimen President and weirdo that he is in Tomb of the Sea. Off topic but it's very important to me that I tell you about this one scene from Tomb of the Sea in which he and Liang Wan, a miraculously still alive female character and his love interest are leaving the desert and she tells him "hey I'm still kinda in love with you" to which he responds "sorry. I've dedicated my life to Fo Ye, my dead boss from the 1930s." And then she blasts him with pepper spray. In the desert.
Scrimblo bimblo: Ba Ye. This funky little man. I've only had him for three episodes of Mystic Nine and I love him.
Glup shitto: Kanjian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what has made my brain latch onto that slingshot himbo but I don't care. Highlights include teaching Wu Xie how to use a slingshot so he can cheat on a test and a guy dragging him into a meeting like "hey I found this guy outside can we keep him?"
Poor little meow meow: Wang Can I guess. He's an asshole but by god was he fun. And Hei Xiazi, who only falls under the pathetic category.
Horse plinko: Liu Sang. He gets whumped to hell and back and we love to see it.
Eeby deeby: Oh absolutely Chen Pi. I've only had him for three episodes of Mystic Nine and I hate him. The living embodiment of "I also choose this guy's dead wife" and a freak (derogatory) among freaks (affectionate). Crimes include wanting to fuck his master's wife and putting Zhang Qiling in a basket.
4 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have been working on this one for a couple months, and I’m really happy with how it turned out.  This movie was one that I watched nearly every day as a kid and it was fun to combine it with heihua, so please give it a read!!!!!
10 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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