#but he's somewhat of a darling in the fashion world
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florallylly · 1 year ago
i love a child model steve harrington au .... it's so heart to me
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greeniegirl23 · 4 months ago
Alastor As A Father (Daughter Version)
- Boy howdy, this man plays NO GAMES about his little girl. From the moment she was born, he vowed to burn the world of anyone even thought about looking at her the wrong way.
-He treated her like his personal porcelain doll. You swore this baby had more clothes than you'd had both alive and dead. He shoes were always shined, her socks had little ruffles on them, and there were bows EVERYWHERE ON EVERYTHING!!
-Over time, Alastor quickly learned that his daughter was a bit different. When she took her first breaths, she didn't cry. In fact it was rare for her to cry at all. She also had a fondness for black objects, sharp shiny things, and something that concerned him the most was that she hardly ever smiled.
- Even as she got older, he never caught her smiling nor giggling as typical toddlers do. Instead she was a stoic little one. Cute as a button, but as monotoned as a black and white painting. Even her voice didn't change in tone very much unless she was trying to express something urgently.
-Alastor brought this up to you and you tried to assure him that everything would be alright. You knew how much smiling meant to him and he felt somewhat sad that he couldn't share that with his daughter.
- After 4 years of no smiling, Alastor finally talked to her about it and found that they had very different ideals.
- Apprently your daughter had a different phlosophy compared to Alastor and believed that her Dad's ideas could be applied in the same way to a face that was unchanging. Openly she expressed to him that she didn't agree with his philosophy and that she would prove her idea to be just as good, if not better than his.
- On one hand, Alastor was proud of his daughter showing the promise of being a potential Dealmaker. On the other hand, he was concerned and slightly offended that she couldn't see the beauty or the power of smiling 24/7. He truly believed he'd never see her do it.
- Until one day, he took her with him to Rosie's Emporium in Cannibal Colony. He enjoyed some coffee and a chat with his dear friend while his Little One played with the other children. Everything seemed to be going well, until it wasn't.
-Out of the corner of his eye, Alastor saw a young boy push your daughter out of the sand box.
-A high pitched whine shook the air, but before he could do anything about it, your daughter had swiped the lad's arm clean off. The same filthy arm that had decided to push his little darling in such a bold move of audacity.
- Horrified screams filled the air as the boy ran off to his mother who seemed to be in a state of distress. The other children rallied around her and started thanking her for what she'd done. Turns out that boy was a big bully to the other children, but was also the strongest on the playground.
- Happy at the attention she was receiving, she ran too him with her little arms up in pure excitement. It was her first real fight and Alastor was so proud, but what made it with all the more was the beaming white smile she gave him.
"Daddy Daddy, I got the bad boy! Did you see?!"
"Yes my little Bambi! That was quite a clean cut, right at the joint just as I've shown you before!" He beamed right back at her, hugging her close and poking her nose.
- Of course all the other parents were slightly concerned, but who was going to come up to him and complain and ruin his babygirl's precious moment? He fucking dared them...
- Of course, you didn't find out about this juicy little story until her 12th birthday when she let it slip and you held both her and Alastor captive by the ears until they confessed.
- After that day though, Alastor and your child grew closer as he prided himself on showing her more techniques for disarming a potential threat. He also showed her everything she'd ever need to know to both care and protect herself. She could shoot, cook, bake, sew, dress fashionably, summon her magic, clean, and was even sword trained all before 13 years old.
- "Daddy's going to make sure you are a strong independent young lady! That way of some vile man comes along thinking he can take you away from me, you won't be impressed by any of his mediocre skills." said Alastor, growling at that last part as if your marriage to this idiot was irrelevant.
- Even though she was a die hard Daddy's Girl, she also enjoyed spending time with you. Baking, crocheting, and anything artsy she loved doing by your side. You even had dedicated days where you'd sneak out of the hotel to go shopping while Alastor was away.
- All in all, she loved you both and swore to be the best version of herself she could be. P.S She also promised her Father that any of the men that tried to court her or broke her heart would end up on the dinner table.
Hehe Oops :D
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taki-yaki · 1 year ago
I’ve got a prompt idea. Maybe this Tav is a natural mind reader, even before the tadpole, so she immediately knows Astarion is a vampire who’s terrified of being hunted down. Since I’m a sucker for protective Tav, maybe she keeps his secret for as long as possible, or secretly helping him find some wildlife when his hunger gets worse…
Oooh, I like the idea of this. I will take some notes from the Aberrant Mind Sorcerer subclass and the great old one Warlock subclass, which does have telepathy-themed spells and feats.
Astarion x Mind Reader Tav Headcanons
For as long as you can remember, you were gifted with telepathy, allowing you to read other people’s thoughts through a simple glance. You tried to keep this skill hidden from others, in the fear of what others would do to you if they ever discovered your gift, making yourself somewhat of a loner, preferring the company of silence to others.
However, fate thought otherwise, by being abducted by the nautiloid with a mind flayer parasite being unceremoniously inserted into you, amplifying your abilities tenfold, now being able to just read surface-level thoughts undetected, without having to focus on a singular person at a time.
This, unfortunately, leads to accidentally learning too much about your new traveling companions, with private thoughts now being picked up on, from Shadowheart and Laezel’s constant bickering being transmitted constantly to you, to Gale’s seemly never-ending thoughts leading you to have constant headaches whenever he goes off on a theory of his.
However, when you brush minds with Astarion, you quickly discover that he’s a vampire, a blood-sucking beast of the night. Seemly able to walk in the sun unharmed, thanks in part to the tadpole.
Every night at camp, you try to keep a close eye on his thoughts in an attempt to focus on what his intentions are with you.
Most of his surface-level thoughts range from either commenting on others' fashion choices, to practising his latest lines he wants to perform.
“Is Gale wearing new boots? They’d look better on me than him.”
“Hmm Laezel, sharp as a blade but sweet as a… no that won’t do.”
But something seemed to lie deeper, fear. Fear of what the others would do upon discovering your secret, knowing that you are more fiend than friend. It reminds you of your past self, wanting to hide from the world. Besides he doesn’t want to harm anyone, but just wants to survive like you. 
In an attempt to help him out, you try to discreetly hunt out and weaken boars to take back to camp and cook, in hopes that he can use the opportunity to drain the creature before the others get suspicious of his night treks into the woods.
Although this doesn’t last all too long before someone figures out he’s a vampire, you try to defend him, acting as if you are entirely clueless, much to Gale’s annoyance.
Eventually, others at camp notice how you stare at Astarion so often at camp, which makes them think you have fallen head over heels for him.
“Aww Tav are you eyeing up fangs again?” Karlach shouted at you from behind. 
This inflates his ego quite a bit, “Well, of course, I mean look at me”. This leads to him thinking you’ve fallen head over heels for him in his mind. Constantly thinking of ways to charm you in his head, causing you to turn your head away to stop reading his mind to avoid you from melting on the spot in embarrassment.
Despite your companion's comments, you’re always by his side, whenever you feel his saddest or fear you are there ready to comfort him.
One night, he jokes to you, “You know darling, you always seem to know when to be in the right place at the right time. It’s as if you can read minds, even without that worm in your pretty head.”
At that moment, it felt like time slowed down, did he know, were you being too obvious, what if he doesn’t want to talk to me ever again? What if-
A cold hand touched your chin, “Darling, are you alright? You looked leagues away then”
“Was it something I said? I only joked if that you could read minds, wait-”
Opening his mouth “Can you read minds?”
Turning to meet his ruby eyes, all you can do is silently nod. You wait with baited breath for him to yell out at you, or just get up and leave. But he doesn’t, instead giving you a tooth grin, excited by the prospect. 
Ever since then, every day he asks you non-stop, for either the latest gossip from others in camp or teasing you by thinking of all the inappropriate things he’ll do to you, when you are talking to others, to just simple things by stating how beautiful you look today. Eventually, the others catch on to your abilities since Astarion couldn’t keep his mouth shut for all too long and explained the constant silent staring.
Despite his relentless teasing, you still use your powers to check if anyone had any nefarious intentions with Astarion, ever since the meeting with the Gur you want to protect him from anyone who could be a spy for Cazador. For all the work you put in to ensure his safety, he tries to repay you, through other means.
Going around camp to make sure that Shadowheart and Lae’zel stop their squabbles, to Gale’s overthinking. At times if it gets to be too much for you, he’ll take you away from camp to try and give you peace of mind. He even offers you tadpole elixirs to try and reduce the constant stream of thoughts from making your head explode, especially when you reach Baldur’s Gate.
After the tadpole is gone, it takes time for you to adjust back to your usual abilities, having to relearn them. You and Astarion decide to settle down somewhere quiet in the countryside, away from busy buzzing minds. Both of you seem to have quite a bit to relearn, from his spider climb abilities and regenerative healing to your telepathy. But this time you’re not alone, you have someone who isn’t afraid of what you are and accepts you for being you.
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thehypnone · 3 months ago
Symbol on the Surface Chapter 14
WC: 1,7k
Relationship: SwissAlps
Tags: Transmasc Swiss, Pregnancy, Fluff, Humor, Maternity Shoot (a joke turned serious turned horny), Fade To Black
Yes, he will gain three beautiful children in exchange for Swiss looking like this, but it still makes him a little…sad. There’s no denying that Mountain will miss Swiss being pregnant.
Notes: Tysm to @jimothybarnes for beta reading :3
Chapter 1 here or on AO3.
Read chapter 14 under the cut or on AO3.
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Swiss finally got some proper clothes for Christmas. Clothes that actually fit him and his stomach—that don’t squeeze him anywhere, but don’t excessively hang off of him, either.
Mountain can’t help but stare at him every possible second.
The multi ghoul whined about the clothes a little at first, mostly because the human world still is quite…old-fashioned. Masculine, or even gender neutral, maternity clothes simply do not exist, and even though the gifters tried their best to find the most neutral pieces, it’s still obvious they’re all meant for women.
Well, there’s one piece of clothing that Swiss hadn’t seen yet; that Mountain ordered himself and has been hiding it and contemplating whether or not to show it to his mate.
Before getting knocked up, Swiss never minded—and actually enjoyed—wearing very feminine-coded clothes. He loves lingerie and tulle and lace and corsets and flowy skirts and…well, the thing that Mountain’s gotten is a bit of all of that. 
Except, with how Swiss’ dysphoria has been spiking as his pregnancy progresses, the earth ghoul isn’t so sure it’s a good idea. He’s been all but dreaming and fantasizing about seeing his mate in it, he would love to, but he’d never ask it of him if it’d make him uncomfortable.
It has been sitting tucked away in secret for a couple days, when one day Swiss suddenly got very excited about a text message. Mountain didn’t manage to see what it said before his mate was storming out of the door. Well, maybe…waddling would be the better term, considering how massive Swiss is and how it affects his walking.
The earth ghoul shrugged and decided to wait for him without worry and Swiss came back a couple of minutes later with a huge grin and holding a package on top of his bump.
“What have you got there, my heart?” Mountain asks curiously, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ll see in a minute, I gotta try it on,” Swiss chuckles, disappearing into the bathroom to…apparently try said it on. His mate puts down the book he’s been reading and waits for the multi ghoul to reemerge, incredibly curious as to what Swiss is up to.
Mountain hears some shuffling and quiet giggles and soon enough the door opens.
He bursts out laughing so suddenly and violently his ears are ringing and his stomach hurts and he chokes on spit. He doubles over himself, unable to breathe from how hard he is laughing. Swiss is no better as he stands there, holding onto the wall.
He’s dressed as an avocado, with his belly poking out as the seed of the fruit.
“Oh–oh, Lucifer, I’m–” Swiss breathes out between snorts, “I’m gonna p–piss myself.”
Mountain wishes he were able to reply somewhat coherently, but he…well, can’t. He just starts laughing impossibly louder. It’s a good five minutes, if not more, before either of them calms down enough to be able to breathe normally and speak.
“You are,” the earth ghoul pants, “something else, darling.”
Swiss only grins, posing proudly in his costume. “I saw the ad online and couldn’t help myself. I think I make a rather sexy avocado.”
“Yes, well,” Mountain chuckles, “we’ve always known you’re a fruit.”
That elicits another bout of laughter from the both of them.
“I think we need a maternity shoot with me in this,” Swiss proposes after a couple minutes, when he’s sat by his mate at the edge of their bed.
“Oh, absolutely,” he agrees with a smirk. The idea makes him think of something else, though; of the box he hadn’t dared to mention—and he still doesn’t, but the thought is nestled in his brain regardless.
The next day half of the pack is engaged in the ordeal, though most of them are there just for the show.
Rain has been elected as the photographer considering his…experience in the field. It turns out he has some quite professional equipment, too, and so he and Aether have carried it down.
The ghoulettes are the styling team, in charge of Swiss’ outfits and hair.
Still, it’s all mostly for fun, so he’s only got the avocado costume, as well as a couple others. His Prequelle mask, the Impera helmet and uniform and some other clothes, too. He thought that if they’re going to be going through the whole thing of setting everything up, he might as well get more than five photos.
It’s all fun and games, it is not and was never supposed to be a serious thing, but the way Swiss is posing, holding his stomach with care throughout it all, makes a weird ache settle in Montain’s chest.
Swiss is so beautiful like this and in less than two months it will change, and he doesn’t suppose they’ll try for kits again. After all, there are going to be a handful already.
And yes, the earth ghoul will gain three beautiful children in exchange for Swiss looking like this, but it still makes him a little…sad. He doesn’t think it’s fair, considering how many problems the multi ghoul’s current state causes, but there’s no denying that Mountain will miss Swiss being pregnant.
He thinks he should do whatever he can to…somewhat preserve the way his mate looks. It makes his thoughts circle back to the box under their bed and Mountain realizes that this is his only chance to see Swiss in it. If he doesn’t agree, that’s okay, but the earth ghoul might just hate himself for not asking and wasting this opportunity.
In a bout of bravery, he decides to ask.
“While we’re…taking photos,” he starts, “there’s something I got that I’d love to have a picture of you in. If you’d be comfortable with that, of course.”
“You did?” Swiss’ eyes light up a little. Mountain hopes they won’t dull too much when he sees what it is. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Uh, it’s…I didn’t want to make it weird, it’s–quite feminine,” the earth ghoul admits, blushing a little and hanging his head.
Swiss hums in acknowledgement, “Okay, well…I want to see. Then I’ll decide.”
Mountain nods—happy that his mate agreed to at least consider it. “I’ll go grab it.”
He runs out of the door and down the halls toward the Den, already vibrating with excitement. He has to calm himself down—Swiss hadn’t decided just yet.
When Mountain comes back with the box, the multi ghoul first takes it behind a curtain to assess.
“I would really, really love to see you in it, my heart,” the earth ghoul all but pleads, “but don’t force it if you don’t feel like it, okay?”
Swiss nods with a smirk and disappears. After a moment he yells out that yes, he’ll put it on for a couple photos, and then he’s calling in his styling team.
The earth ghoul is biting his lip as he waits for his mate to come out. If he also adjusts his pants while he’s at it, that's his business.
When Swiss does walk out from behind the curtain, it’s not only Mountain’s jaw that drops. Swiss loves the attention like no one else, but this time the stares and murmurs of his pack make him blush.
He looks absolutely ethereal in that piece. The dark green makes both the golden sheen of his skin and his eyes pop and the golden jewelry that the ghoulettes have put into his hair truly makes him look like a dark angel.
Swiss is so, so beautiful.
Mountain feels like he could cry about it, and if he’s being honest, he just might. How did he get so fucking lucky?
“I know I’m hot, get over it,” Swiss scoffs with his usual sassiness, even though everybody present can see he’s not exactly feeling that confident at the moment.
Mountain scrambles up from his chair and as if in a daze he shuffles over to Swiss, wraps an arm around his middle and bends down to kiss the air from his lungs. The multi ghoul huffs into it at first, but quickly reciprocates, grabbing his mate by the shoulders. Mountain just couldn’t help himself.
“‘M gonna need some other photos with it, too,” he mumbles into Swiss’ lips, making him chuckle. “‘M never gonna get this out of my head.”
Swiss trills and kisses him again, ignoring someone’s groan of ‘get a room’. He kisses him until he feels something twitch against his stomach—he then pulls away and smirks, looking down.
Mountain’s face is as red as a tomato, but he doesn’t care that much.
“Let’s take these photos before our big boy here ruins my outfit,” Swiss giggles, gently pushing Mountain away. He whines, ears drooping, but pulls down his sweater some more and moves back to watch his mate pose.
He might be drooling a little as he does, but then gets snapped out of it when Rain calls out for him, “M’kay, daddy, go up to him. You need some photos together.”
Mountain all but throws himself forward to get his hands on Swiss again.
He can barely contain the overwhelming hunger for his mate that’s taking over him, but somehow he does—following Rain’s orders on how to pose on autopilot. The moment he hears the water ghoul announce that they’re done, Mountain turns Swiss over in his arms and clashes their lips together.
In no time at all Swiss is laid out on his back on the floor with the earth ghoul hovering over him.
“All of…you…hmpf–out,” Mountain growls between hungry kisses he’s trailing down Swiss’ neck. The pack giggles, but indeed does, respectfully, turn to leave.
“W–wait,” the multi ghoul pants, though, “Rain, can you…stay? Take some photos.”
Mountain’s cock kicks wildly where it’s still trapped in his pants at that.
He doesn’t really notice if Rain does stay or not, or what the rest of their pack do. He doesn’t really notice anything beyond Swiss as he worships him with his hands and mouth right there, on the practice room’s floor.
The image of Swiss in that outfit would never leave Mountain’s brain, anyway, but the photos that Rain takes—with his tail down his pants at the same time—are going to make sure not one detail escapes his memory.
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Taglist: @arkeusruin @skele-bunny @everybodyshusband @ratsummer @jazz-bazz @mac-and-thefox @karmicbias @wine-irytatus @ghoultrifle (if anyone from here wants to be removed lmk, and also if anyone else wants to be added)
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more-sonorous · 28 days ago
sneak peek at my next big piece!! (javey)
i've decided on my next big undertaking, once i'll paint you shades of blue and red is done!
this idea, once again, came from the lovely @jackmkelly . we've been yapping about it nonstop and we're creating a pretty lovely storyline that's full of themes of love, loss, grief, acceptance-- there are cute kids, cute daveys, and lots and lots of family.
of course, because it's me, there's gonna be romance-- but there's also going to be a lot of discussion of healing and dealing with grief. i hope you guys are excited because I AM!!!!
The carriage seemed to rock beneath them as the dirt road stretched onward beneath the wheels, jostling softly to the rhythm of the trotting horses up ahead. David swayed back and forth, bumping every time the wheels rumbled over a rock or divot in the path. He’d never ridden in a carriage like this before– the seats were cushioned and covered with silky smooth fabric, and the walls were painted with lovely flowering details of gold and pale pink. Curtains hung over the windows and lamps flickered above the heads of the two lone passengers– David Jacobs and one Medda Larkin, facing each other.
How he’d ended up riding in the carriage of one of the most successful women in New York City was honestly beyond his own understanding, but there she was, as real as the cool glass of the elaborately paneled windows to his left and right. Miss Medda was a beautiful woman with dark skin and elegantly styled black hair, curled into careful loops and pinned against her head in the fashionable style of the day. She was wearing a lovely S-shaped gown made of rich, coral-colored fabric that might’ve been worth more than David’s family’s entire apartment. Even her shoes seemed expensive. David could see the tips of her elaborately crafted flats from beneath her petticoats, and he wondered how someone could ever come upon such wealth.
“David, darling, I can’t thank you enough for taking this job.” She began, offering him the warmest of smiles and extending a careful hand to him. 
He took it with slight hesitance, nervous heart running like a racehorse within his chest. David’s mind was still lingering on anxious minutiae– was he underdressed? What if he didn’t impress her? What if his father’s shabby old coat and faded waistcoat and trousers were unpleasant to the eye? Was his tie crooked, or his shoes too obviously spit-shined? Perhaps his curls were a mess or he’d accidentally let the star of David hidden beneath his clothing show through. He was an anxious wreck as she squeezed his hand softly and leaned in.
“Now, I know this is going to be somewhat of a challenge, but I know your sister and I adore your family, and I know you’re a resilient bunch.” He could see some sort of trepidation trying to creep through her anxious expression, but Medda Larkin was an excellent actress, and any trace of nervousness was gone before he could catalogue it. “You’re overqualified, after all. A degree in education, years of piano lessons, excellent track record in school– I don’t think the children could ask for a better tutor, truly.”
“Thank you, Miss Medda.” He answered truthfully, though he was sure his anxiety was obvious.
David was currently riding out to the beautiful New York countryside to serve as a live-in tutor to the three Kelly children. It wasn’t the sort of job he’d dreamed of– when he attended Columbia university, he hoped to work his way up the ladder and eventually earn enough degrees to become a professor of literature. Then he’d pull his family from poverty and drop them into a comfortable middle class life– but he soon realized that his dreams were a bit too unrealistic. He’d need a bit more money because there weren’t enough scholarships in the world to pull him through a second degree. 
Sometime during his desperate job search, his elder sister Sarah must’ve mentioned his plight to her boss– she worked as a costume designer for Miss Medda, always sewing clothes and sketching elaborate dresses for the shows playing at the theatre– and when Medda found out that David was young, unmarried and university educated? She reached out immediately.
David was going to move in with the Kelly’s and act as not only a tutor but a nanny as well. The job paid well and he received free room and board, meals included, so he shouldered the rather embarrassing burden of childcare and took the job as a male nanny. Working here for two years would earn him enough money to finish school with his scholarships. Then he’d be set for life. 
Didn’t make it any less strange or nerve-wracking. If he did a bad job, that would make Sarah look bad, too. 
“Now,” Medda pursed her lips and carefully took David’s other hand. “I’ve got to be honest with you, honey. My son’s wife died two years ago. It… it hasn’t been easy for this little family, and they’ve been through about… well– it’s been twenty or so nannies since she passed.”
He felt his own eyes widening as his heart dropped to his stomach. So much for the two year plan. “Twenty? Are– are the children rather challenging?”
“The children? Oh, no.” She chuckled warmly, shaking her head. “Those babies are angels, David, I assure you. Three of the sweetest little souls you’ll ever meet. It’s– to put it delicately, it’s Jack. My son. He’s… selective? But before you panic, I’ve got a good feeling about you! You’re young! You’ve got lots of energy, lots of intelligence, siblings of your own– and you’re the first nanny that hasn’t been hired through an agency. My own personal choice.” 
David felt it wasn’t appropriate to mention that such a statement wasn’t refreshing at all. In fact, it only made the load upon his shoulders feel even heavier. Now he was going to make Medda herself look bad if he made a mistake. “I… I’ll try not to let you down.”
“I have a feeling you won’t.” She smiled, with an incredibly optimistic tone, and carefully squeezed David’s hands in her own before dropping them. “Here’s the trick– you win those kids over, you win their daddy over, too. I’ll give you some insider information. Francis is the youngest, and she’s two. Precious little thing, but she’s a real clinger. Luna’s five. She’s incredibly bright, adores singing and dancing, dressing up– it’ll be easy for you to connect with her, too. Micheal’s the oldest, and he’s eleven and a half. He’s a such a lovely kid, but he’s real prickly when you get to know him. You’ve got a little brother that age, though, don’t you? Leshem?”
“He’s just turned thirteen.” David confirmed, growing more nervous by the second. 
“You’ll be good with Micheal, then. He loves riding horseback, despises arithmetic… but he’s very interested in history, so you might use that to your advantage.” She shot David a playful wink and drew back the curtains on her side of the carriage, thoughtfully looking out the window. 
At some point, the grayscale cityscape had blossomed into a forest, bathed in the landscape of early spring. Blades of green grass pushed their way through the underbrush and green, budding leaves were beginning to appear. Even with branches mostly bare from winter, the road they were traveling was lovely. David could only imagine how it looked in full bloom, or drenched in the warm colors of autumn. Maybe even coated in a thick blanket of snow. It would be nice to live out of the city for once, too. Once in a life he could scarcely remember, David had lived in a little Polish village with his family. They’d left when he was only four, though, so all he could remember was their tiny Baxter Street department, deep in the slums of New York City. Such a getaway was usually a luxury only the rich could afford, and though he’d be working, he knew he’d still enjoy himself.
He peered out the window as well, trying to conceal his own nerves. David was a horrible blabbermouth when he got like this, and he couldn’t stop himself from trying to spark up an awkward conversation. “So… is the house a family property?”
“Not my family.” Medda laughed a warm, full type of laugh that seemed to fill the air around them with mirth. “No, certainly not mine. It’s been passed down through Jack’s wife’s family for generations. Used to be a vacation home, but Katherine’s father… graciously gave it to them as a sort of wedding present.”
A house as a wedding present. Wealthy people fascinated David. “That’s very kind of him.”
She huffed the sort of huff that a person did when they found something funny in a sarcastic manner, usually because of some hidden context. David cringed and decided not to push the matter any further, pulling away from the window and shrinking back into his seat. Medda carefully examined her flawless nails as David’s rigid posture jostled about in the bumpy carriage. 
Oh, he was very nervous with the added context. A father who was picky with his nannies and three different children to impress– plus the levels of learning were incredibly different. He’d need to teach the two year old basic speech and developmental skills, the four year old basic things like the alphabet and numbers, and the eleven year old would be well into his schooling and need at least four core subjects. It would be a balancing act between naptimes and meals and other activities to bring the children joy– maybe he’d teach them piano or take them on walks. The sort of things he would’ve liked as a child, or maybe the sort of things Les would’ve liked.
David tapped his fingers over his knee as he resisted the urge to bite his nails, staring fixedly out the window. Every once in a while, a massive country manor rolled past. He couldn’t believe that he was going from his family’s tiny apartment to one of these almost-palaces. It was like something out of a dream.
When the carriage took a sudden right turn, Medda cleared her throat. “David, I think you’re really what the family needs. My son, too. He’s got to be pulled out of his head. No one should live like he’s been living since Katherine passed.”
“I… I’ll do my best, Miss Larkin.” His knee bounced almost uncontrollably, and his stomach was caught in nervous knots. 
“I know you will. If anyone can do this, it’s one of you Jacobs siblings. Born to the breed.” She winked again, playful and charismatic, and even earned a small smile from the anxious man. He wished he could work for Miss Medda again under more pleasant circumstances– like the few times he’d assisted her stage managers for productions at her theatre during his University days.
Now he was facing the most daunting task of his life, and he could scarcely breathe from being so nervous. 
They rolled into a massive gravel drive, the carriage rattling around them as the loveliest gardens David had ever seen appeared. Fountains and hedges laid out in pretty symmetry stared back at him, begging him to stick around and see them in bloom. He could just imagine the front lawn bursting with flowers, green and lovely and smelling sweetly of springtime. Strolls down this lane would be positively unmatched, and his fingers itched for a good book. 
The house itself was even grander than the gardens, almost imposing in its ancient beauty. David guessed, based on the perfect symmetry and minimal detailing, that this manor had been built sometime in the beginning of the last century. He knew tall, reaching Neoclassical pillars when he saw them, and this lovely house with its creeping ivy was an enlightenment thinker’s dream. It stood starkly against the pale blue sky, wisps of pulled-cotton clouds curling outwards behind it. David had never seen such grandeur up close. 
Soon (possibly too soon) their carriage rumbled to a halt and Medda sent him an encouraging smile. David did his absolute best to conceal his nerves and returned the gesture, climbing out of the safety of the carriage once an attendant opened the door.
Before him, the entire household staff stood in lines leading to the door. Men on one side, women on the other. Now David really and truly wanted to throw up, but he focused on the warmth of Miss Medda’s hand as he helped her out of the carriage. He really was far too shabby for this, and shoved his hands into his pockets as he followed her towards the front door. Tall and made of wood, they seemed to walk in slow motion towards it, and David had never been so nervous in his entire life. Before Medda could even reach the door, it was thrown open to reveal a little burst of tiny human energy– a small girl with a round face and flushed cheeks running through to fling her arms around Medda.
“Gammy!” She cried, squeezing her eyes shut happily as Medda lifted her into an embrace.
“Oh, if it isn’t my Luna-bug!” Medda cooed with all the adoration of an enamored grandparent, “You’re so much taller than the last time I saw you!”
Luna laughed loud, like Les used to laugh when he was that tiny, and David got a good look at her face as she cupped Medda’s cheeks in those tiny little hands. She was positively, heart-wrenchingly adorable, with the biggest brown eyes he’d ever seen, and short brown hair cut just beneath her chin. Well-kept bangs swept across her forehead and a green ribbon tied half of her hair out of her face, skin tan and cheeks chubby with well-fed youth. She was a tiny thing but she was positively doll-like. “I miss you!”
“I missed you too, baby girl.” Medda pressed a kiss to Luna’s cheek and earned another precious giggle, just as someone else rushed out the front door.
A boy, definitely the eleven-year-old Micheal, followed by two others. Micheal winced and carefully extracted Luna from the older woman’s arms. With all the practiced ease of an adult parent, this eleven-year-old boy settled his little sister on his hip. David was instantly reminded of himself and Les. “I’m sorry, Gram. She wouldn’t sit still.” 
“‘S no problem at all. She’s just excited to meet Mr. David, here.” Medda carefully beckoned him forward, a gentle hand resting on his back. 
He awkwardly stumbled forward and got a good look at the tiny family in front of him, four sets of eyes staring him down, and– 
Oh, he thought, breath stuttering in his chest, they’re just perfect. 
The whole family. From little Luna and her big, brown eyes to the man that was obviously her father, and happened to be the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous man David Jacobs had ever laid eyes upon. God, was he gorgeous. Black hair, dark as silk, seemed to fall in two perfect, wavy curtains over his forehead. His hair swept back and formed little curls at the back of his head, framing his face perfectly. Sharp, furious brown eyes stared David down, set just beneath perfectly shaped brows and thick, black lashes. His jaw was wide and sharp and his bone structure was breathtakingly gorgeous, from his wide nose to his cheekbones to the slope of his brow. A dusting of stubble covered his chin, like a shadow over the bottom of his face. He looked angry, yes, but he looked like a furiously beautiful God plucked straight from Grecian mythology, with his honey-brown eyes and perfectly full lips. His skin was deeply tanned, the color of coffee with just a splash or two of cream. Pretty.
Of course, a man this beautiful was bound to have precious children. Little Luna was held by Micheal, who very well could’ve just been an eleven-year-old version of his father. He had the same black hair, styled a bit differently with the part above his right eye instead of the middle, and the same deeply tanned skin. David saw the same nose and lips and eyebrows, down to the shape of his eyes and ears. Though his eyes were a darker coffee-colored brown, little Micheal was his father’s young twin.
And then Francis, only-two but smiling at David like she knew him already. She had the same round face as her sister with impossibly chubby cheeks and incredibly curly orange hair pulled up in pigtails, one of the most strikingly ginger children David had ever seen. Her eyelashes were long and blonde and her cheeks and tiny nose were pink, and she clung to the fabric of her father’s shirt with grabby hands. She had big, brown eyes too, just like the rest of her family. He knew he was going to have trouble denying these kids anything.
They were a lovely family. All dressed well, all well fed. It would’ve been a perfect picture had Micheal and Jack not been sending him twin glares. 
“It’s lovely to meet you all–” He began, but was cut off immediately by Luna leaping out of her brother’s arms and racing towards him. She latched around his leg and smiled up at him, her cheeks dimpling. Ohmygod she has dimples? He was really in for it now, he was never going to be able to do any discipline. “Well, hello there, Luna–”
“You’re gonna be our new nanny!” She stated matter-of-factly, and then held her hands up in the universal child’s wordless question of ‘pick me up’? David couldn’t help but oblige and carefully lifted her, settling her against his hip. It was remarkable how easy the motions were returning to him, giving him flashbacks of his own twelve-year-old self holding Les at this age. 
“Yes, I am. I hope that’s alright with you?” He asked, very seriously, and raised his eyebrows. 
She giggled and raised her hands to cover her mouth, eyes getting big. “Your eyes are my favorite color!”
He glanced at the green ribbon in her hair and smiled. “I take it that’s a yes?” 
Luna was very suddenly removed by his arms from her father, who was a good three or four inches shorter than David. He looked just about as furious as David had ever seen anyone look as he settled Luna on his other hip. “No climbing the tutor, Lune, you barely know this man.” He ignored her pout and started speaking as he beckoned his son over. “I’m Jack Kelly.”
“David Jacobs.”
He held out his hand for a shake and then realized Jack was holding two children. Awkwardly, he tucked it back into his pockets and tried to ignore the huff of a laugh Jack directed his way. “I know. These are my kids. You’ve met Luna. This is Francis, and this is my son, Micheal. I can assure you that they ain’t gonna need a tutor, but since my Ma insisted–”
“Jack, play nice.” Medda raised her eyebrows at him and crossed her arms. “Surely I don’t need to list off David’s credentials again…”
He muttered something that sounded an awful lot like ‘credentials don’t mean shit’ before abruptly turning his back and heading inside. David tried not to be surprised by the thickness of his Upper Manhattan accent, because it certainly didn’t match the clothes he was wearing. He had on nice trousers and suspenders and a pale-blue button up, waistcoat hanging unbuttoned beneath the girls he carried. His collar was unbuttoned and his clothes were obviously expensive, but he wore them far too casually for David to understand.
Mr. Kelly started speaking as if he just expected David to listen and follow, and maybe he did expect that, so David quickly jogged to catch up. Medda rolled her eyes and trailed along more slowly, but David listened raptly to every word this man said. “This is my house. I’m pretty sure you’ll have everything you need to teach my kids, but if you don’t, don’t ask me about it. Find Charles and ask him. You can teach your lessons in the library. Your bedroom is in the West Hall– that's where the kids sleep, too— and there’s a washroom at the end of the hall for you to use. Breakfast is at nine, dinner at one and supper at six. That’s pretty much it.”
Jack paused in the middle of the entryway, a room so grand that David’s head was practically spinning. A gorgeous rug on the floor, a paneled ceiling painted with a gorgeous mural, a chandelier and a beautiful staircase made of polished wood– the shorter man gave him a long, disdainful once-over and raised his eyebrows judgmentally, eyes narrowed as he looked back up. He covered Luna’s ears. “You know this ain’t some job you can half-ass in favor of going out and fucking around with your college friends, correct?”
David glanced at the eleven-year-old, who didn’t even flinch at his father’s improper language. Luna was scrabbling to get his hands off, thankfully unaware. Didn’t Jack know that his two-year-old could easily pick up such foul language? She was probably already talking. Thankfully Francis just continued to stare at David like she was trying to figure him out. He bit his tongue and resisted the urge to correct that he didn’t actually have any friends from University and nodded instead. “Yessir.”
“And it ain’t just teaching. You have to be able to care for the kids as well.”
“Yes, Miss Larkin told me as much.” He added on, drawing into the depths of his patience. He’d only just entered the house and this unfairly beautiful man had already decided on his incompetence, without even giving him a chance.
Jack huffed darkly, shifting the girls in his arms. Francis dropped her head onto his shoulder and Luna reached for David, but Jack angled himself away. “Yeah. I’ll believe it when I see it. How old are you?”
“Jesus. You’re just a kid.” Jack laughed, shaking his head in disapproval. He drew in a deep breath and pressed his lips together, giving David another long look before those honey-brown eyes narrowed and he tilted his chin almost defiantly. “Well, you start tomorrow. I ain’t holding my breath, though. Ma– you stayin’ for dinner?”
“Sure. I’ll also give Mr. David here a proper tour of the house.” Medda leveled Jack with an almost challenging glare as she linked their arms. “And, you know, actually introduce him to your majordomo and head housemaid.”
He fixed her with a sarcastic grin that was unfairly pretty. David realized where Luna got her dimples, too. Jack’s teeth were imperfect, only further pushing David to wonder how he’d come across ownership of this obvious wealth. “Better you than me.”
With that, he started up the stairs. Micheal, who’d remained entirely silent the whole time, gave David a long once-over (reminding David very much of his father) and then continued up the stairs as well. Mr. Kelly’s strength wasn’t exactly lost on David– he was carrying two toddlers up a staircase and he didn’t even seem to be struggling. Strong and attractive as he was, he was awfully prickly.
He’d just lost his wife. Two years? The wound was still fresh. David decided then and there to give this man some grace. He’d prove him wrong and he’d do it gently and carefully, too. 
“Bye, Mr. David!” Luna called, frantically waving at him from over her father’s shoulder. Francis turned around and mimicked her sister with a bright little smile. “Bye-bye!” 
He waved half-heartedly. At least the girls seemed to like him a little bit. 
A glance back at Medda showed him that she was looking at him in an ‘I-told-you-so’ type of manner, and that did nothing to quell his growing nerves.. It seemed that after a bit of math, Jack had a habit of firing a nanny almost every month. Maybe one or two had lasted a bit longer and brought the average up, but the fact remained– David needed to act fast if he wanted to stick around, and he did. The pay was excellent, the children were cute, and something about the mysterious and gorgeous Mr. Kelly had David intrigued. 
With sudden determination, he turned to Miss Medda and drew his hands from his pockets. “I’d like to meet the staff.”
She grinned. “Attaboy.”
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 9 months ago
A Popstar Grian AU - Ari AU (Part One)
Or, @angeart and I put Grian through a lot of pain for no good reason.
Hello! Like two people showed interest in my post about Ari AU, thus here we are. This is not really a 'fic', but it isn't a short summary either. Let your mind go wild. Let your imagination be free. Read my words, boy.
This is Part One. Part Two is here. Part Three is here. Part Four is here. Part Five is here. The tag for this is #ari au.
But before we start, some introductory things you should know.
This is scarian. Don't read if you do not like scarian.
Grian uses he/she pronouns and is transfem genderqueer, I tend to default to she as it helps differentiate her from other characters a lot, but I mix it up.
I somewhat based this AU on attitudes towards celebrities / stars from the 2000s - present day, so this can be read as a period piece in some ways... This concept started with the song 'The Fear' by Lily Allen. I recommend giving it a listen.
This is the "real world", so no hybrids, no respawn, no "code", etc.
CONTENT WARNINGS for this Part: stalking, physical assault, attempted sexual assault, drugging, mentions of vomit, hospitals, me autismposting about music genres.
You can always stop reading! The AU starts out pretty tame and gradually gets, well, worse. But I promise it has a hopeful ending! Eventually!
(also please ask me questions, send ideas, reblog, comment, etc. because I love this AU a lot) (and thank you to Ange for enabling me and adding amazing scenes to this au)
Album One: ‘Sunshine Sedative’
Grian, better known by her stage name ‘Ari’, is a popular singer-songwriter embarking on a world tour to promote her latest album, Sunshine Sedative. The album is indie pop-y and bright, exploring themes of romance, self-empowerment, and subtle references to gender and sexuality. Grian’s style on-stage is hyper-feminine, flashy, and fashionable. He’s known to be a bit prickly, demanding, and stubborn off-stage, slow to warm up to the people around him.
The tour bus carries both Grian and her key crew. Pearl (marketing, PR and organisational work), Impulse (costumes and tech), and Mumbo (tech assistant and main contact for Grian’s manager). Though Grian likes to self-manage, preferring to do her own make-up and plan the set-lists for her own shows. 
Recently, Grian has been running into some issues with stalker fans and online haters, receiving some threatening messages on social media. Mumbo tries not to let him doomscroll on his phone too much, even going so far as to confiscate the phone while on tour. This is Grian’s biggest tour- no one was prepared for her to become a star or “indie darling” type- and the fans are… a bit crazy.
After the anonymous threats, Grian agrees to get a bodyguard. This is where Scar comes in. At first, Scar is a little terrified. The company he works for advised him not to annoy or upset Grian, and to always call her Miss Ari. Never disagree with her or do anything he isn’t contracted to do. 
Scar throws all of this out of the window pretty fast. Yes, Grian is especially difficult when they first meet, but Scar can tell it’s because Grian is stressed. About the tour, about the fame, about the threats. 
A show results in Grian getting a sore throat, and Scar offers her some tea with honey, rambling on about how his mother used to make it for him when he was sick. Grian begrudgingly takes the tea, and tells Scar to just call her Grian from then on. She’s not a fan of the blurring of her private and public life.
Eventually, Grian gets bored enough to rant to Scar about how Mumbo won’t let him use his phone anymore, and Scar offers to sneak it back to him. They have a laugh scrolling through celebrity news and playing silly games together. Then they get found out and both get a stern talking to from Mumbo and Impulse. (Pearl laughs at them in the background).
As Grian’s tour starts selling out, more tour dates are added, extending their time on the road. Scar continues to sneak Grian’s phone to her, pushing her to have fun rather than scroll through hate messages. It seems like a peak moment for Grian, delighted by the idea that she has so many fans, and beginning to develop a bit of a crush on Scar. Grian even starts acting a little nicer.
Tabloids and Stalkers
The fame comes with more caveats than Grian anticipated. One day, while Scar and Grian are reading some dumb article on Grian’s phone, she receives a random message from a burner account. It’s a picture of Grian, through a hotel window, half dressed. Grian recognises the hotel, one they stayed in a few nights ago just to get away from the tour bus.
Someone knew she would be there. Knew what room she would be staying in. There is a vaguely ominous / threatening message attached. It makes Grian never want to step foot outside again. It makes her feel sick. Suddenly she can’t focus on anything around her.
He has a panic attack. 
Later, as Grian is pacing the floor of the bus, he’s told not to make an announcement about the stalker. She decides herself not to go to the police, and, after some hesitation, not to cancel the tour. They can’t disappoint all those people. 
Over the next few shows, Grian gets closer to Scar. Both because they get along so well, and because Scar is there to protect her. He's clumsy and funny and once he starts talking about something he likes, it’s hard to get him to stop. Grian finds him incredibly endearing and, more importantly, incredibly safe. 
But things are bad. Grian can’t even go to a public bathroom without Scar checking to make sure no one is waiting for her. He feels constantly watched, constantly on-edge, constantly afraid. The paparazzi don’t exactly make it easier.
Tabloids love Ari. She’s a superstar, a real diamond in the rough who came from nothing. They’re obsessed. Anything she does in public can make a tabloid front page. As the tour goes on and her songs rocket up the charts, it only gets worse. The flashes of the cameras have started to scare him.
Scar is an angel, dealing with the paparazzi professionally and confidently. He stands in front of Grian and chases the cameras off. But it feels like they can’t go anywhere. They can’t do anything. Even when they stop at another hotel, Grian can’t tell if the people outside are stalkers or journalists.
The pictures on the tabloid front pages are no longer stunning shots from the shows, but rather blurry snaps of Grian trying to escape the cameras. Images of Grian, wide-eyed and scared by the surprise of a camera flash, before she could put on a fake smile. Grian, through a window in the parked tour bus, with teary eyes. Even private moments are no longer private.
Media outlets start to pay for more intimate photos- anything the journalists might get fired for trying to snap themselves. It gives the stalkers (there are certainly multiple, now) more incentive. Grian keeps the curtains closed in every building he visits, and draws the tiny blinds on the bus. 
Relationship Goals?
In the meantime, Grian’s crush on Scar is getting more obvious, but she’s afraid to say anything. Dragging Scar into this, with all the harassment he would face if they revealed they were together, isn’t what Grian wants. She flinches away when Scar offers a comforting touch, not wanting to risk a photograph. 
Scar is the one, then, who takes the initiative. He sits with Grian on her little fold-out bed at the back of the tour bus, all curtains drawn and the door closed. He holds her close and tells her firmly that no one is going to see them here. They're traveling at 50mph on a motorway and no one can even see through the windows anyway. And that's maybe just enough for Grian to let himself lean into Scars touch. Admit his feelings. 
There’s a sense of shame he's carrying with them. He shouldn't have fallen for his bodyguard- someone who has to stay with him, contractually. She tries to say as much, going on and on about all the terrible risks Scar is bringing to himself by dating her, but Scar cuts Grian off by kissing her, anyway.
As soon as the media gets a hint of the relationship, things seem to go downhill. Diehard fans don’t react kindly to Grian’s choice of man, especially the ones who want to have her for themselves. Someone throws something at Scar when Grian is leaving a show, hitting him on the head. It isn’t a bad injury, but it bleeds a lot, and Grian only feels worse about it when Scar insists he’s okay.
Actual Bodily Harm
The fans seem to get more… intense. Stalking and threats of harm increase, while the fans' behaviour at shows seems to get worse. As the tour is nearing its final few weeks, people start to throw things onto the stage. The first time it happens, Grian cuts the set short without anyone really noticing. The next time, someone throws a glass bottle, and she walks off. 
He tries not to make a big fuss about it, simply leaving without playing a single song. She feels awful, of course, for leaving the normal fans without a show. Perhaps they should refund the tickets, or something. She doesn’t even notice the glass shards in her foot until Scar points them out, horrified. 
Pearl convinces Grian to take a picture of the injury and make a PSA post on social media. Even when the adrenaline wears off, Grian’s resulting breakdown seems subdued. 
No one throws anything at the next few shows, except for a trans pride flag. Grian wears it as a cape, and feels amazing, for once, hearing the cheers and screams of joy at the gesture. She loves that she can be a symbol of hope and love for so many people. It’s even enough of a boost to get him acting more like himself again in private: mischievous, bright, and creative. 
It is near the end of the tour when things go completely, utterly wrong again. Grian and the crew all go to a bar after a show, to celebrate the last week of the tour. Three more shows, and then it’s over. Grian is in somewhat normal clothes, compared to his usual getup, but still puts on his persona just in case they've been followed by the paparazzi (again).
Everyone's having a nice time, drinking a little and hanging out. As always, it is nice to be getting away from the bus. Pearl and Impulse buy far too many shots, much to Mumbo’s dismay. Grian laughs and jokes and raises her voice, not caring if she’s croaky the next day. 
He doesn't notice someone watching him from across the room. Doesn't notice them slip something into her drink when she goes up to the bar. She pays for another pint, and they strike up conversation. Giddily, she chats with them, rambling about how good life has suddenly become. As he sips his drink, he doesn’t register how focused on him they are. How their dark eyes don’t leave him once.
It’s fine, until she stumbles, on the way back to the booth everyone's sitting at, and the stranger catches her before she can fall with strong arms. They're talking, but Grian isn't really listening. She’s nodding along and mumbling about needing to get back to the booth. Back to her friends.
It feels wrong. They keep hold of her shoulders. They're saying something about getting her home safe. Something about how they've been waiting for this…
He realises what’s happening far too late. Panic clutches her chest for a split second. Long enough for him to call out for Scar. She's already being manhandled out of the door before Scar comes to her rescue. Thankfully, by a miracle, close enough to hear the cry for help.
Grian knows something happens to the stranger, because they're on the floor and bleeding. Voices buzz, muffled, around Grian. There are more hands on her. She doesn’t like it. Her head hurts. Scar’s hand is bloody as he hugs her. Grian passes out.
Hospital Visit One
The crew, quite obviously, take Grian to the hospital. He was drugged, and it’s clear what the perpetrator wanted to do. It shakes them all, left wondering whether the creep knew who Grian was, or just randomly targeted a drunk stranger on a night out. Either way, none of them want to go near a bar any time soon.
On the way to the hospital, the press capture pictures of Grian unconscious, or half-awake with no awareness, and by the time the morning rolls in, the papers are already speculating about addiction and ‘gone wild’ narratives. When Grian wakes up, still slightly delirious, he's told, hesitantly, by Pearl, that they have to release a statement soon in order to clear his name and control the narrative. Grian can’t find it in herself to cry about what happened.
Before any statements are made, the police come to talk to Grian. They arrested the perpetrator and searched their house, not that it’ll result in much. They show Grian pictures of rope, duct tape, knives, and a poster from her tour. 
Feeling numb, Grian takes a moment to go throw up in a bin, then tells her team she wants to make a statement now. She wants it recorded, as she is, now. Pearl and Mumbo try to argue that it really isn't a good idea, without a script and looking… bad, but Scar and Impulse back Grian’s choice. Reluctantly, Mumbo grabs one of the nice cameras from his car- the bus was far too conspicuous to park at a hospital- and they record.
They don't know what Grian’s going to say, but, put basically, the video explains everything that has happened- from the stalkers to the glass to the drugging- and apologises to the fans who did nothing wrong. And even the fans who just wanted to know some gossip, because they weren't really to blame. Then she announces that she's cancelling the rest of the tour. 
Mumbo shuts off the camera. Everyone apart from Scar is a bit shocked. Incredulous. Shouldn’t they talk about this? Is it worth it to cancel at the last hurdle? Scar cuts off the protests, pointing out how insensitive it is to try and make Grian perform after everything. Grian stays quiet as Scar somewhat lectures the others. It’s a rambling mess of an argument, but it works. They apologise. 
The statement video is posted online, and Grian is left to rest. Scar remains at his side.
Once Grian is checked over and discharged, they get back to the bus fast. She retreats to her closed-off space at the back of the bus, telling everyone to get on with their jobs. Once she's alone, she replays the images the police showed her in her mind. He thinks about what could have happened. He thinks about the stranger's hands on his shoulders and at his hips. She remembers that she started out just wanting to make music, and she cries.
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pollymorgan · 7 months ago
Ex-Husband Negan Part 10
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Warnings: Hot sex with a camera in hand.
Later in the evening, I found myself sitting in my garden with Negan. Our daughters were sleeping elsewhere and we were alone. It was already dark as I sat on a plastic chair, wrapped in a blanket, sipping on my too strong whisky, while watching Negan build a fire in the small bowl in front of us. I was still very angry with him, of course because of the weird flirting with Lizzie's acting teacher. But mostly, because he didn't see how his behavior hurt me.
Yet, watching him now, focused on the fire, made my heart race. The way the flames illuminated his slightly tanned skin and every single wrinkle. Damn, he looked forbiddenly good. Every year a little more. That damn bastard.
When he was satisfied with his work, he sat down on a chair opposite me and stretched out his long, slender legs. After taking another big sip that burned slowly down my throat, I said, "If an apocalypse ever breaks out, I'll stick to your heels..."
Negan watched the flickering fire intently, his eyes glowing in the special light.
"Darling, I'm certainly not the only one who knows how to move wood to make it burn..." he grinned.
I shrugged, "No, but you're calculating, ruthless, and ruthlessly selfish... I think that would be an advantage in such a world..."
We were silent for a moment, staring at each other until he calmly said, "That may be, but fuck, I would do anything for you and our daughters. Not just in such a situation, but immediately and without hesitation..."
We talked for a while longer, and I have to admit, I snapped at him quite a bit. But I just couldn't let everything slide anymore. If things were to somehow work out between us again, and not just in the bedroom, Negan had to finally accept my boundaries.
Later in the evening, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel tightly around me before heading to Negan's bedroom. He was tapping on his phone, but immediately put it down as I entered the room.
"Hallelujah, I believe I see a damn angel, should I confess, or why this heavenly encounter...?" he said in typical Negan fashion, making me roll my eyes. But then I couldn't help but smile.
"You confess? Sorry, but even the lifetime of an angel wouldn't be enough for that, although they are immortal, right?"
Grinning mischievously, Negan shrugged, his eyes roaming over my body, "Do you know what I'm thinking about right now?"
"What?" I asked, hoping for something somewhat sensible to come out of his mouth this time, although the chances weren't very high.
"Our little honeymoon video..."
-19 years ago-
I jumped in surprise as the shower curtain was suddenly pushed aside. I had been lost in thought and hadn't noticed Negan entering the bathroom. When I turned to him, he stood there, grinning, holding a large black camera in his hand, which he had bought with our wedding money. Quickly turning off the water, I asked incredulously, "What are you doing?"
"I'm filming our honeymoon!" he declared confidently.
We had just gotten married and left for the coast the day after the wedding. We had rented a small beach bungalow, but we hadn't seen the sea since our arrival yesterday. However, we were already quite familiar with the bed.
"Today is the 8th of July, 2004, and my beautiful wife is in the shower, lathering up her perfect tits..." he narrated the situation, pointing the camera at me.
Slightly annoyed, I rolled my eyes, "But we can't show this video to my parents..."
He looked at me joyfully, his dark eyes twinkling, "No, baby! The recordings are just for us... and now just continue where you left off!"
Slightly hesitant, I continued to spread the foam on my cleavage, taking my time. I first gently touched my breasts, then squeezed them harder, gently pinching my nipples to make them harder. Before I took the showerhead and rinsed off the soap.
Negan watched every movement closely, chewing lightly on his lower lip.
"Fuck, my wife is stunning..." he whispered softly into the camera, making me tingle all over with the way he looked at me.
"Come on, my darling, tell us what we've experienced so far..." he commanded.
I tore my gaze away from him and looked directly into the camcorder, "Mhh.. My incredibly hot husband has fucked me four times since we got here..."
"Did you enjoy it?" Negan confidently asked, and I nodded vigorously.
"Is your sweet pussy happy?..." he asked, grinning.
I replied with a smile and a clear 'yes'.
"Come on, show it a little to the camera..."
Instantly, I felt my cheeks flush even more than they already were. "Negan..." I said uncertainly.
"Come on, my angel... in a few years, we'll be glad we have this film..." he said expectantly.
After a few seconds of my mind racing, I looked around the small shower stall, "Oh, I don't know how, there's not enough space here..."
He reached out his hand, "Then come on, onto the bed with you..."
Feeling nervous, I took his hand and stepped out of the shower. As I walked past him towards the bedroom, I could feel his gaze on my wet body.
"Holy shit, what a hot ass..." Negan called after me before quickly following me.
I slowly climbed onto the big bed, the covers still tousled and clearly smelling of sex. Hard, good, uninhibited sex.
He licked his lips eagerly as he held the camera. My hair was soaking wet, and the water droplets ran down my skin, giving me goosebumps.
"You're so beautiful..." he whispered to me in a deep voice as I began to caress myself gently. Starting with my breasts again, but quickly moving down to my stomach, drawing small circles while my legs were bent but still closed.
"Come on, sweetheart, show me where you need my hard cock..." he commanded, opening his pants with one hand to give himself some freedom.
I placed my hand flat between my legs, covering my warm, aroused vulva. Then I spread my legs wide, eliciting a satisfied sound from Negan.
"Play with it a little... make it nice, wet and ready for me..." my husband ordered with the camera in hand, and I immediately did as he asked, even though it wasn't necessary anymore since I was already more than aroused.
Gently, I ran two fingers through my folds, spreading my moisture. Then I applied light pressure to my swollen clit, keeping my eyes only on Negan. He watched me for a while, enjoying how I softly moaned his name, until he finally remarked, "Sweetheart, that looks incredibly delicious..."
I withdrew the two fingers that had just entered me, bringing them directly to my mouth. Slowly, I moistened my lips with my juices and then licked the rest off with relish.
"I think you should try it yourself..." I winked at him, watching his Adam's apple bob up and down as he stared at me with his mouth slightly open.
Immediately, his expression turned into a wide grin as he positioned the camera on the small cabinet behind him and quickly checked if everything was in frame.
Then he climbed onto the bed with me, never breaking eye contact. Not even when he ran his tongue all the way through my center, taking in as much of my essence as possible.
His touches made my body tremble. Instantly, his soft lips placed kisses on my most sensitive spot. I desperately searched for something to hold onto. It was so intense that I needed support. Eventually, my fingers buried themselves in his hair, pressing him closer to me. As he licked me to the brink of madness, my thighs shook, and a powerful orgasm engulfed me after a short time.
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darkbluekies · 3 months ago
After reading what you wrote about Edmunds music I need that for EVERYONE ELSE. I need an indepth analysis of their music choices🫴🙏
Haha okay bear(bare?) with me😅😅 they're not as tragic as Edmunds, but I hope they're fun to read anyways
What's being discussed
I can't say why, but the band Måneskin just feels like Silas like no one else does
I wanna be your slave:
None can have missed how absolutely OBSESSED Silas is with darling. This song is what he wants to be for darling. He wants to be everything for them. If he can't be one thing, he'll be the other, as long as he gets to be darlings.
Silas is sexual ... this song is about sex.
For your love:
If you let Silas babble without cutting him off, the lyrics are what he would say. Every. Single. Word.
Own my mind:
Who owns Silas mind? That's right. Darling!
Baby said:
"I was runnin' and runnin' and runnin' and runnin' and runnin' after you"???? Yes, that's Silas in a nutshell. The beginning of the song demands to know every detail about someone, just like Silas does.
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Dr Kry:
Fly me to the moon:
He likes the vibes of old songs. Fly me to the moon give him just that, and along with lovely lyrics. This is what Dr Kry feels about his darling.
Håll om mig hårt (eng. Hold me tightly)
It's a happy, go lucky song that puts him in a good mood. The rap, the singing, everything about it is meant to make one be happy. A part of the lyrics is also fitting for him. I will translate it for you: I am your Superman, your own Spiderman. I am the light in the darkness which light you up, man. I put out your fires with my bare hands. Yes, I am everywhere, the man the gods sends. Dr Kry is always there, he does everything for darling. Whatever they need, he does that. The song reminds him of how important he is to them.
I am to please:
This old fashioned-style song gives him the same vibes as Fly me to the moon, It's a sexual song, but not vulgar. The lyrics also give off lovestruck feelings. Dr Kry would do anything for his darling.
Kung för en dag (eng. King for a day)
Just like Dr Kry, this song is so typically swedish that it's physically sickening me. And that's why he loves it. It's so extremely swedish. This song is a swedish classic.
Håll om mig (eng. Hold me)
Just like the prior song, this is a swedish cult classic lol. This song talks about being betwiched in love, which is what Kry is. About feeling helpless when meeting one's eyes, being lost and destroyed in love. It reminds him of how he feels when being with darling. He's never been this deep in love, he feels absolutely bewitched.
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King Edmund (seperate post)
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The song is hot, Jerry is hot<3
Oh my god:
Super lady:
Gidle is known for being a very feministic group, saying what they want without caring what they think. Which is why Jerry likes them so much. This song is just that. Feministic, tough, empowering.
Hot to go:
Jerry loves to have fun and this song is as fun as you can probably come while still being in Jerry's humour style. This is the type of song she doesn't tell people she listens to, though, can't let people know that she listens to happy music.
Habibi (my love):
It does not matter how many people there are in the world, how many wants to sleep with Jerry: she has only eyes on one person. The lyrics and the somewhat "sad" melody is what she wants to say to darling, but can't becayse of her inability to talk about feelings. She just wishes that darling knows how much she really does love them, even if she has a hard time showing it.
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Lucky girl syndrome:
Hedwig is the walking image of "bubblegum kpop girl groups" and this song is her as a song. It's cute, happy, energetic. The lyrics about "I'm a lucky girl, YOU'RE a lucky girl" shows how much she loves herself and others, being nice to everyone.
There is no explanation beside that this is so extremely cute and quirky and just fits Hedwig so well style wise. She would dance her heart out to this kind of song.
Taylor Swifts soft voice and songs focused around love fits Hedwig so well, because of how love focused she is. The lyrics in the chorus fits clingy girl Hedwig (It even says 'Darling'!)
Strawberry rush:
Once again, hedwig music. Hedwig doesn't like to listen to songs that give off sad vibes. She wants to be happy. This song gives her the seratonin she needs!
... this is not a song she listens to often. Just when she needs to cry (maybe when she uses her innocent girl tears to manipulate people?). What can make her cry more than imagining darling being away from her?
I hope you liked reading the reasons why I chose the songs I did for the ocs! Now you probably understand why i said that it took such a long time chosing them haha
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slaymitchabernathy · 10 months ago
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Society Smiles
| this story was inspired by the song 'Good Luck Babe!' by Chappell Roan |
| “when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night, with your head in your hands, you’re nothing more than his wife” |
"The most attractive thing about a woman is her smile."
Those words have been engrained into Soarynn's mind since she heard them one day at school. One of her classmates had asked their male Professor what he deemed the most attractive quality of a woman. The room had filled with snickers as everyone prepared themselves for a somewhat sexist answer. He'd chuckled and paced the front of the room for a moment before coming to a conclusion and uttering those ten words that changed Soarynn's entire perspective.
She remembered looking over her shoulder at Coriolanus Snow who sat in the back of the classroom with his friends. He was slouched in his chair, his legs spread wide as he leaned back. He'd given her a smirk and she'd felt butterflies in her stomach.
Since she was sixteen all Soarynn had thought about was getting married. Some girls didn't. Some girls had large ambitions and wanted to be doctors or politicians, to really change the world.
But not Soarynn.
Her father always supported her dreams, he was pleased to find that his high society daughter had taken a liking to their customs that some deemed "old fashioned." She attended cotillion classes, and learned how to be the perfect upper-class wife, the society darling.
Eyes bright, chins up, smiles on.
Soarynn was quite possibly the most well-mannered girl under the age of twenty-five in the entire Capitol. She laughed at every joke, smiled for every photograph, dressed effortlessly for every occasion, and above all, she knew her place. She never strived to be an overachiever or to be neck and neck with her male classmates.
So it was no surprise when Coriolanus Snow chose her to be his wife.
They began their relationship after graduating from the Academy. That summer before University was the time when Soarynn got properly acquainted with the personality of Coriolanus Snow. She found out exactly how he liked his coffee, how he liked to be addressed, greeted, treated and, above all, respected.
He expected perfection from her in every way. Neither of them could afford to falter, not when they were at the top. They attended galas and banquets together and he proudly showed her off. Coriolanus became a constant source of stability for Soarynn. If she ever had any doubts about how to act, he was quick to correct them.
He was quick to mold her.
Sometimes she wondered what her life would be like if she chose to go in the other direction if she craved more independence. She didn't linger long with those thoughts though, she couldn't afford to, not when there was a husband to make happy and people to please.
Coriolanus proposed a month after they graduated from University. Their wedding had been a high society wedding with all the bells and whistles. Soarynn had been positively glowing at all the praise their wedding received. Several news outlets commented on their wedding and it only fed both of their egos.
'Coriolanus Snow swoops up the Perfect Bride' 'Soarynn Snow was the Picture Perfect Bride' 'The Perfect Example of Capitol Wealth' 'Snow Lands on Top as Coriolanus Snow secures the Perfect Wife'
That type of praise meant everything to Soarynn. She'd clipped out the headlines from the newspapers to frame in their penthouse. If society deemed her perfect then she had to be perfect, right?
Soarynn felt herself questioning that way of thinking as she slipped on her dress for tonight's party. The Heavensbees were throwing an extravagant party to celebrate another year of the Hunger Games so the Snows had of course been invited. Coriolanus was good friends with Hilarius Heavensbee which meant they were always guaranteed an invitation.
Appearances mattered at things like these events so Soarynn had spent the entire day preparing herself to be the perfect society wife she was always meant to be. Her soft blonde hair was perfectly styled, not a hair out of place thanks to her favorite hair stylist. Some might see her getting her hair professionally done once a month as an extravagant expense, one that was not required. But Coriolanus had certain standards that Soarynn had to live up to and he was more than happy to pay for all her beauty treatments as long as he was the one to reap their benefits.
Soarynn got her nails and hair done monthly, not to mention the clothes she had custom-made for her and all the skin treatments she did as well. She was perfect.
Once she sat down in front of her vanity, she carefully applied a bit more powder to her face as the finishing touch for her makeup, not wanting to look like she was trying too hard. Because she wasn't, obviously.
Coriolanus walked in and tore all her pestering thoughts of out her mind the second she laid eyes on her husband. He was entirely too handsome for his own good and he knew it too. He was charming, sophisticated, hard-working, and above all, he was a Snow.
Being a Snow came with certain privileges that not everyone was given. It elevated your status almost to the one that the President possessed. Soarynn had marveled at how differently she was treated once he slipped that wedding ring on her finger. Coriolanus was used to this type of treatment by now but thought it was adorable how she'd reacted at first.
Soarynn was more than used to her new status by now and always expected to be treated with the utmost respect.
He walks over to his side of the closet, pulling open the drawer that holds all of his neckties. Most men in the Capitol are limited to a certain wardrobe. A nice suit, black leather shoes, and a white button-up to go underneath. But Coriolanus managed to spice such a simple formula up with things like neckties and cufflinks and set off quite the trend amongst the elite men.
“What earrings are you wearing tonight darling?”
Soarynn hears him but doesn’t quite register his question as her thoughts begin to creep back into her mind. Why did they even go to these things? Who cared about things like flaunting one’s wealth?
Soarynn looks up to find Coriolanus standing right in front of her, a concerned look on his face. “Oh. Um, my earrings? I’m not quite sure yet,” she says, turning to face her vanity mirror again, “is there a certain pair you’d like me to wear?”
Soarynn knew her husband all too well to know that he loved getting to decide what she wore. And it helped that he had relatively good fashion sense. “I was thinking…these,” he says, pulling out a red velvet box from his pocket. Soarynn eyes the box through the mirror and her heart beats a bit faster that premice of a gift. When they were dating Coriolanus showered her with gifts and that’s continued throughout their relationship and into their marriage.
Sometimes it was a new handbag, other times it was a shopping spree. Soarynn’s favorite gift had to be her darling cat, Petunia, who Coriolanus claimed looked just like her when he was choosing which kitten to take home. Petunia had been a gift for their one year wedding anniversary and Soarynn adored the cat with all her heart.
“I assume these earrings will match your cufflinks,” Soarynn says playfully, turning and gently taking the box from his large hand, into her small and dainty one. Coriolanus chuckles and scratches the back of his neck, “You know me too well.” She certainly did. Every moment, every breath, every smile and laugh was perfectly curated to please her husband and Soarynn’s husband was always pleased.
Soarynn smiles up at him before opening the box and she lets out a soft gasp. The earrings are beautiful. It looks as if a gold wire has been fashioned around itself over and over again until it was large enough to hold the large-looking pearl that hangs from the gold wiring. It’s stunning, really.
Soarynn runs her fingers over the jewelry, “Oh, it’s beautiful, absolutely beautiful.”
Coriolanus places his hand on the top of her head, smoothing her hair down, “Well I’ve been more than pleased with you lately, and good behavior ought to be rewarded where I’m concerned.” The comment isn’t lost on Soarynn, that she’s been well-behaved. He could’ve said that it was a token of his affection or that he simply thought of her when he saw the earrings but he didn’t.
He bought them because she was well-behaved.
And she knew that her husband loved her. He said it at the altar, in front of friends and family, and he said it when they were alone. But did he mean it? Did she mean it when she said it to him? Perhaps they were more in love with the ideas of each other rather than the actual person.
Still, she can't afford to linger in her pessimistic thoughts right now, not when they have somewhere to be. Coriolanus hates being late.
꧁ ꧂
"I honestly don't know what he expects," Livia says with a sigh, her red-colored lips turned down in a slight frown, "it's not like I don't want children. And yet Urban seems adamant on placing all the blame onto me." Soarynn nods as she listens to one of her good friends speak about her problems with getting pregnant. Livia Cardew married Ubran Canville two months before Soarynn married Coriolanus and they've been trying for a baby for quite some time.
Soarynn knows that Coriolanus wants children, expects children. But not right now. He'd even shut her down when she had asked about removing her birth control implant before their wedding day. "I can't afford any unwanted surprises," he had told her. Still, she'd love to have a child of her own someday and Livia does as well. "It's not your fault Liv," Soarynn says softly, "he's simply upset. You both are."
Her eyes travel along Heavensbee Hall until they settle on her husband, standing tall among the other Capitol elite men. It seems he's already been watching her because her blue-gray eyes meet his piercing blue ones for a moment before he looks back at Festus Creed, a close friend and associate of his.
"Well it's not about him, now is it?" Livia snaps, the alcohol making her tongue all too loose. Soarynn only drank socially and she made sure to keep a watchful eye on the level of her consumption through the night. She wouldn't want to embarrass her husband with a drunken scene.
Soarynn sighs and shakes her head, "No, I suppose it isn't about him. But do be patient, these things take time you know." Livia hummed but didn't seem too convinced, thankfully, the announcement was made that dinner was ready to be served. Soarynn was quick to find Coriolanus who placed a hand on the small of her back as they found their seats and then pulled out her chair for her. "Thank you," she says sweetly, watching as he takes his own seat.
He nods, "Of course darling. And have I told you how wonderful your hair looks tonight?" Soarynn is practically glowing from his words of praise. She'd gotten her hair done three days ago and it looked perfect. It was just the right length, color, and shine for a Capitol lady like her. "No, but you do seem keen on flattering me tonight," she teases, placing a hand on his knee. Coriolanus shoots her a grin before their attention is brought to Hilarius, their gracious host who is standing up to make a toast.
"Family and friends," he says, raising his glass, "tonight serves as another reminder of who we are. The best of Panem." A grumble of agreement passes through the room, everyone in this room is here for a reason. Because they're the elite, on top. "There's no other way I would want to celebrate another successful year of the Hunger Games than with the best company Panem can provide. To the Hunger Games." Soarynn repeats the phrase as she lifts her own glass up although the sentiment is slightly lost on her. She doesn't really care for the Games the way that others do.
Dinner is brought out in several courses and Soarynn remains ever delightful and polite whilst talking to those around her. "Did you see the girl Tribute from District Three?" Clemensia asks Soarynn as she cuts into her food. Soarynn shakes her head, "I don't believe I caught a good glimpse of her. Why? Was she offputting?" Most children from the Districts came to the Capitol covered in dirt and ridden with diseases. That's why they were kept in the money pen at the zoo.
Clemensia scoffs and puts down her fork and knife before she leans towards Soarynn from across the table, "Worse than that. She was actually somewhat attractive! If she was given the proper styling then she could've passed for a middle-class Capitol citizen." Soarynn furrows her eyebrows at that claim, and it's a rather bold claim in her opinion. Soarynn clears her throat, "Well, I'll have to watch back and see what she looked like."
The grin on Festus Creed's face lets Soarynn know that she's in for a rather vulgar set of words about this Tribute. "She made me want to hop into the arena for a few minutes," he jokes, pulling some laughs from the men around them. Including Coriolanus. Soarynn eyes him but says nothing, it's not the right place or time. "She was rather attractive," Coriolanus admits before taking a sip of his wine, "but looking like a heap of bones certainly wasn't helping her chances."
While Soarynn won't say anything, she can always count on Livia to speak up and she does without fail. "You do realize that you're talking about a child right? And one from the Districts no less." Festus rolls his eyes and shoots Urban a look, "Perhaps you aren't used to the way men talk when women aren't present Livia, but this is skimming the surface of the topics we discuss when we're alone." Soarynn frowns and sets down her cutlery, no longer hungry.
Does Coriolanus talk about her this way? Or other women for that matter?
She's done everything right to keep him interested, to keep him happy. Is it not enough?
꧁ ꧂
"You always know how to make my good nights a great night darling," Coriolanus grunts as he thrusts into her again. Soarynn gasps and her back arches off their bed, her nails digging into his shoulders, "Thank you," she whispers. He'd been in a great mood after the party, probably because he spent the majority of it talking about the attractive qualities of other women. Soarynn had smiled through the entire ordeal, her professor's words ringing through her head, "The most attractive thing about a woman is her smile."
She held onto those words like a lifeline tonight, desperately attempting to stay above the water. While the men openly discussed women's bodies, how they wanted them to look, to act, Soarynn was the quiet and obedient wife her husband always expected her to be. She was perfect even though it killed her inside.
She can feel his thrusts beginning to grow more erratic and she knows he's close, "Fuck," he grits out, his hands squeezing her hips tighter than before, "your cunt does it for me every time Soarynn." Soarynn lets out a whimper and it's not from pleasure as he husband finishes inside of her. Normally, she loves it when they have sex, when he finishes inside of her and says all sorts of things to her in the heat of the moment. But not tonight.
Coriolanus pants above her before pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Let me finish you off." Soarynn is quick to shake her head and plaster on another smile, "It's alright," she tells him, "I think I'd rather just wash off and go to bed." Coriolanus has always been a good lover in the bedroom, making sure that she always reached her peak as well but she's not in the mood to be touched and manipulated tonight by his fingers or his cock.
He frowns and gently cups her face in his hand, "Is everything alright? Did I hurt you?" Soarynn sighs and shakes her head again, "No, everything was perfect as always. I'm just a bit tired is all." That seems to be enough to convince him because he nods and helps her into the bathroom where they shower together, washing the day off of them. "Livia certainly has a mouth on her," Coriolanus mumbles as he wraps his arms around Soarynn, resting his head on her shoulder. Soarynn hums and watches the water wash down the drain, "She's just more outspoken than other women." She's dealt with enough beratement of women tonight and she won't see one of her good friends fall victim to it as well.
His hands splay out across her stomach, "Makes me glad you know how to behave. I bet Urban set her straight the second they got into the car. I can't imagine having to deal with that behavior on a daily basis." Soarynn pales at the words he so carelessly uses when talking about another human being. Rarely does Soarynn ever get snippy or bratty with Coriolanus, and when she does he's quick to put her back in her place. "Well it's a good thing we get along so well," Soarynn says softly, her stomach now in knots. Coriolanus presses a kiss to her neck, "My thoughts exactly darling."
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn dreams that she's a Tribute in the arena.
It's down to her and that girl from District Three that the men wouldn't stop talking about. Clemensia was right, she's quite pretty all things considered. Both girls are battered and bruised and Soarynn can hear the crowd screaming out for them to finish each other off. She looks up at the crowd and spots Coriolanus along with several of their friends, all their gazes scrutinizing as they look down at her and her current state. Her bottom lip quivers as she realizes that she's been reduced to the likes of a District citizen and all for their entertainment.
"Well," the girl calls out, a spear in her hand, covered in blood, "it's just you and me then." Soarynn frowns and looks back up at Coriolanus. Why isn't he helping her?
The girl notices him in the crowd as well and she laughs. She laughs so hard that she begins to cough up blood, "He...he doesn't care about you," she wheezes. Soarynn shakes her head, her fingers tightening around her own bloody spear, "You're lying. He's my husband." The girl tilts her head and a cruel smile spreads across her dirty face, "Then why are you in here and not up there with him?"
Soarynn feels her mouth drying as she searches for an answer and the girl nods, "See? You're just entertainment for him, something to show off and fuck whenever he's bored." Soarynn shakes her head fervently, "No I'm not. He loves me." The crowd grows louder and louder, eager for bloodshed. "Get on with it!" Someone shouts, "Prove your worth you dirty girl!" Soarynn doesn't know who they're talking to but it spurs her into action and she takes off running towards the girl. Their spears clash against each other as they fight to the death. Soarynn shoves her spear harder and throws the girl off balance.
"KILL HER!" The crowd screams.
Soarynn pulls her spear back and runs it through the girl's abdomen, watching her fall to her knees before she falls over. Soarynn pants as she looks up at the crowd, for Coriolanus and his nod of approval but instead finds him laughing, mocking her. "The winner of the Hunger Games, Coriolanus Snow's wife," the announcer's voice booms throughout the arena as the crowd cheers.
Soarynn falls to her knees, was that all she was? His wife? She just won the Hunger Games and yet Coriolanus was given more credit than she was. The girl coughs up some more blood as the life slowly fades from her eyes, "I told you so," she whispers before she takes her last breath.
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn wakes up with a gasp, clutching the sheets as she looks around the dark bedroom. Coriolanus is sound asleep next to her, not a care in the world. Soarynn feels sick like she might throw up. She hasn't had a dream like that ever in her life but she feels horrible. It felt so real.
She thinks about waking up Coriolanus, asking for words of comfort and kisses and hugs but she decides against it. He'd only tell her what she wants to hear before rolling over and going back to sleep.
A single tear falls down Soarynn's face as reality begins to hit her. Whether in the Capitol or the arena, she's only of value as long as she belongs to him. As long as she's his wife.
With her head in her hands, she's nothing more than his wife.
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your-friendly-sociopath · 2 years ago
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Thank you for following me and I also write content myself so if you have any requests go ahead and ask but if it's all right can I please ask for a platonic yandere Alastor or angel dust with a quiet darling that has abandonment issues and mental health issues so they wear Jirai Kai fashion as a coping mechanism
And can it be where the darling gives them a gift as a way of saying thank you
Something like this
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I'm sorry if this is too much
It's not to much, and I'm happy to write 😁
Platonic Alastor
Alastor first met you in the living world
You were a waitress working at the little diner across from his radio station
He regularly visited in the mornings for a cup of joe
He always sat in your section, which was accidental at first
Whenever you came to his table he started to talking to you
Not like friendly small talk
But grand and wild stories about some strange person he had interviewed, or intense descriptions of the murders he reported
Though it was strange to you at first, you grew somewhat comfortable around him
Which was something that scared you
You didn't want to get to attached to this man, only for him to just up and leave
Alastor seemed to sense your apprehension and did whatever he could to let you know that he wouldn't leave
He even became some sort of father figure for you
Which something you had never really had
Eventually you grew to trust him
Alastor would always come in the mornings to chat with you, and come by on the evenings to walk you home
So as a way of showing thanks to Alastor for being such a good friend, you have him a little black bow tie with cute lace ribbon
Alastor was over the moon when you gave him this, and always wore it in your presence (to your delight)
After giving away the bow tie he started giving you little gifts as well
To you this was a harmless and sweet gesture
But Alastor knew what it really was
He always gave you small accessories to wear as a way to show that you were his
You were his child, you belonged to him
He was gonna protect you forever
His little fawn
"Never fear, my dear fawn, I'm here now and I will never leave you.."
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verdemoun · 8 months ago
What Mitski song do you think each of the gang members would resonate with if they listened to it (if you don’t listen to Mitski than replace her with any emotional/vent songs to associate with them) Also do you think Kieran and Molly would bond over being somewhat hated in the canon timeline? (Fun fact! Kieran helps Molly out of the wagon when the gang arrives at Shady Bell :])
I will respond to all asks I promise but this sent me into a tailspin because @themodernpr0metheus and I talk about this regularly. Also I don't think you're legally allowed to be gay And depressed without listening to Mitski.
People who actively listen to Mitski: Arthur, Javier, Sean, Lenny, Jenny, Karen, MOLLY, Trelawney, Annabelle, Jack, Isaac, Abigail Jr.
Molly and Kieran are besties I love that scene I want to believe they were almost-friends in canon era just with Molly usually sulking at the edge of camp when she was mad with Dutch meanwhile Kieran sulked at the edge of camp to avoid being physically or verbally assaulted. They text constantly and Molly will always send Kieran a photo of a horse whenever she sees one.
Dutch: I Bet On Losing Dogs (very specifically reminded of his last canon interaction with Arthur) and I'm Your Man (his relationship with John, his favorite son). Mental breakdown levels of distress first time he heard those songs. Walking up to his nurses asking to be sedated levels of distress.
Hosea: Me and My Husband. He loves his wife infinitely. That doesn't mean he won't always love Dutch too. It really was always just him and them together. He really did bet it all he had on that.
Arthur: Two Slow Dancers. As much as he loves that he gets to grow old with Charles he is terrified of getting old and aging bit Mitski makes that fear okay.
John: A Pearl. He knows Abigail has always tried to understand how he struggled to move on from VDL era but sometimes she doesn't get it and he feels the need to apologize for the way he is.
Javier: Love Me More. Absolutely blames John for him having issues with needing constant validation and affection in relationships. Kieran is happy to supply though they are very happy and secure.
Bill: Shame. Someone tell him internalized homophobia went out of fashion.
Micah: Everyone. Not that he would ever admit to listening to Mitski. Micah thinks he is a victim and had no choice but to become the villain everyone thought he was. I think Micah is a jackass.
Charles: My Love Mine All Mine. He is soft and in love with Arthur and it is beautiful.
Sean: Remember My Name. Sean, to everyone's surprise, is actually the one who deals with the most existential dread over the fact the legend of the VDL gang was already mostly forgotten by modern era. Feels like his life has been too hard to just be forgotten, y'know? But definitely knows his completely average modern life is nothing memorable to anyone other than his found family and feels like he's already lost his five minutes of fame being an outlaw in 1899.
Lenny: Stay Soft. Between being on the run for murder as a teenager, being a young black man in 1899, and losing every meaningful relationship in his life (Father, Jenny, Sean), he actively has to learn to be soft again and be emotionally available in timewarp era.
Sadie: Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear. Because she always has and always will find a way to make things work so her darling soft husband never has to worry about a thing in the world.
Karen: Nobody. Look me in the eye. Watch the music video. Imagine Karen Jones. Also, asking Sean to see her when they borrow John's tent at his party?? She gets it.
Uncle: A Horse Named Cold Air. Will pick at banjo strings to play creepy tune at campfire, with strange southern warble in his voice howling the 'ooh's.
Abigail: I Don't Smoke. Look she knows it is unhealthy but sometimes she's just gotta romanticize those shit years with John pre-1907.
Grimshaw: Square. Dutch doesn't mean to do it but he absolutely infects anyone he's in a relationship in ever with a brain worm where they still feel themselves faulter under his gaze or attention. She didn't stay all those years just for the sake of the gang. She stayed for Dutch.
Strauss: Fireworks. He still has a lot of angst about losing his sister and family immigrating to America.
Trelawney: Pink in the Night. Bouncing through time just to kiss his wife humming strange tunes she's never heard because he's such a romantic.
Kieran: Drunk Walk Home. He likes the screaming. Had very dangerous edge in his voice when he sings you know I wore this dress for you and the gang are too afraid to ask.
Molly: Why Didn't You Stop Me? Very much about no one physically trying to stop her in Beaver Hollow when she was clearly drunk and saying shit just to get Dutch's attention.
Jenny: Townie. She holds onto a lot of anger over being abandoned by her parents as a teen, dances like a wild spirit when Townie plays and is utterly entrancing.
Annabelle: I Guess. It was her early timewarp anthem when she was coping with finding out Dutch turned so evil and became everything they both hated while she held onto the ideals he inspired in her. It is simply her song.
Bessie: I Will. Heavily based on her efforts to keep Hosea with her when he has his moments of hating getting old, self-loathing, or the itch to do outlaw activities. And when she thinks about him leaving in canon era to continue being an outlaw while they were married.
Jack: I Don't Like My Mind. Word for word was written for him. Might be awkward being around the gang being so much older he doesn't remember a lot of them clearly but would rather have that awkwardness than be alone with his thoughts.
Isaac: Last Words of a Shooting Star. He's got a lot of feelings about death and relates to wanting that relief of knowing when he's doing to die.
Eliza: Old Friend. Both her modern era friends and some members of the gang do not understand how her and Arthur can be just friends when they have a child together so when they want to hang out as friends it is very secretive which makes it feel even more obnoxiously like an affair. Charles always knows because he naturally one of the few people who understands they are just friends, who both love their son, and Eliza adores Charles.
Jake Adler: Star. Makes Sadie dance with him whenever it plays which she hates (no she doesn't she loves it. If they get married again it's going to be their song).
Abigail Jr: Strawberry Blond. She can't wait to be old enough to be in love and subsequently ruined by it. (this is John's rule she's not allowed to be in love until she's at least 18)
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aro-pancake-writes · 1 year ago
As I have brain rots of one Sam Coe, just watched Kinky Boots, and I'm a bit of a sucker for fashion, let's do this.
Spoilers for the main quest.
AFAB/NB Dusty.
Also, Dusty is smol, somewhat curvy, but hides their body with looser clothes.
(the song I listened to while finishing this up)
"So, the Lounge. Are you sure about this?" Sam asks me, waiting at our rented room at the Volii hotel, while I finish getting ready in the bathroom.
"Yes, cowboy." I say, touching up the last details of my makeup and adding another layer of hairspray on my hair. It took long enough to make, and like hell it'll fall at the first chance it gets. "We gotta get the VIP balcony for Walter. It's not my fault that they decided to make this damn meeting at the lounge." Tho I'd never admit aloud that I'm loving the chance to dress up a bit. It's been so long.
Taking a seat on a stool, I put on the high heel boots and zipping it up. It's sparkles and sequins all over, matching the short red and black dress. It's unusual, different from anything I've had since leaving Neon.
The dress is tight, barely long enough to reach the middle of my tights and cover what really matters, the bust almost has my breasts popping out. A stark contrast to the working boots and cargo pants I've grown used to.
Taking in a deep breath, I get up. It takes a moment to find my footing again after so long, but it's as natural as before after a couple steps. I'm ready to face the world.
There's the sound of heels on the metal floor, as they step out of the bathroom.
"So you're ready to-" Sam turns to look at the captain, and stops. He'd never known they could dress up like that.
His gaze is burning, making them regret the choice of clothing and covering their breasts with their arms, taking a step back into the bathroom to change into their usual clothes.
"You look..." Like someone straight out of his wet dreams. He's looking for words, feeling his pants getting tight and about to burst. "Amazing."
It makes them stop mid-step. He likes it. He has a lot in his mind, and none of it include leaving this room before someone comes charging for it.
"I'll just change to something else..." They start, turning away from him. "It was a dumb ideia."
"Don't you fucking dare to change." He pulls them back against his body by the waist. The heels make up for the usual height difference between the two of them, putting their hips level up with his perfectly.
They take in a second to process his words, the way he's holding on to them, and the... That's not his pistol in his pocket.
"You'll stay right in those clothes. But I'll have to be close to you all night, darling." He's possessive when whispering in their ear. "If anyone else touches you, I might go feral."
Leaning into his touch, I allow myself to smile. I've wanted him to look at me as more than just the captain for a long time now. And it feels conflicting. I also want him to look at me in my normal self, but this attention feels great.
"We gotta go, Cowboy." I say, stepping away from his grip. If I stay there, we might not leave this room.
He grunts as I open the door, heading out to the elevator.
The city is exactly the same, at all hours. So we go straight to the Lounge.
Despite the overly possessive cowboy keeping a hand on my waist all the way, there are still glances and people catcalling me. Some back off when Sam looks at them sideways, others require a growl, but there's one, at the door to the lounge. He stops right before us, smiling at me.
"Hey there girly." He stinks of fish and Aurora. Of course. "Bet ya I can do you better than Laredo here."
"Don't think so." I say, grossed out and pulling Sam to go around the guy instead of buying a fight.
Not that we could get inside before he wrapped a hand on my arm, pulling me from Sam's arms.
"Are ya sure? I'd love to know how much he's paying for you, then." Paying? Do I really look like...
My train of thought is cut by me falling into Sam's comforting arms, and the man on the floor with a hand on his chin.
"Please, sir," Sam's politeness is uncanny, "do refrain from touching my partner. They're already taken."
Before there can be any answer, we're slipping into the lounge. I hold on tight to Sam's hand, not wanting to get lost from him.
I want to make a beeline for the bar and get us that VIP room, but I'm held back in the middle of the floor. Turning back to Sam, who pulls me up against his body and into a dance, I'm about to melt.
No. I need to remember what I'm here for, and it's not to dance with the cowboy.
I try again to make my way to the bar, but I'm held there as he moves against me.
"Darling, we need to make it like we're not here on business." He whispers in my ear, and I really need to step away from him. But, he's right. Pleasure before business is the way things go here.
One drink, two drinks, a dance, and I'm confident that I can order that VIP room.
Sam keeps me at his hip as we go back to the bar. I have my face on his neck, basking in his scent as he talks to the bartender about the room.
There's laughter from the bartender, and I look at him.
"You don't feel like giving us a show, then?" His question makes me blush. "Here. Go on. You'll enjoy it."
I take the key and we leave the bar with a bottle of vodka.
The room is quieter, comfortable with a sofa and a large window overlooking the dancefloor.
I hear the door closing, and find Sam stalking me like a predator. He's hungry, and I'm the only meal be wants. I watch, standing in the middle of the room, as he sits on the sofa and gestures for me to join him, sit on his legs.
I go, taking slow steps, and turn to sit next to him.
He's not taking it.
"Not now, Sam." I say when he tries pulling me up. "We still have to leave here at some point, and I'd rather not have a cleaning bill."
"And I'm willing to pay for it. But whatever you're comfortable with, darling." It's his turn to lean into my neck, laying soft kisses and bites. "We can go back to the hotel right now. What do you say?"
He leans back, looking into my eyes, and I kiss him. It's our first kiss, and no one would say do on the way we've been touching eachother for... Months now. The soft caresses, looking for any excuse to touch, any reason to be near...
"Let's go then." I get up, ready to leave this place, the loud music and flashing lights.
"Just one thing first." He stops me with a hand on mine. "Don't want you to be cold out there." He places his jacket on my shoulders. Damn thing is bigger than my dress.
I slip the jacket on, taking a second to enjoy the scent of leather and Sam it bears.
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hautevaux · 11 months ago
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@phoenix-flamed asked: Alright, so for Founder only knew how long at this point, clothes had been the absolute least of Elwin's worries. But now that things were less dire, and humanity as they knew it was no longer on the brink of annihilation, and other good things that, while causing discomfort in the present, would ensure a better and equal future for all... "Miles" found himself with a new problem: looking presentable. Cursebreakers weren't exactly known for their fashionable attire. It was all about practicality, sturdiness, and above all else, protection -- but even if his life as a royal was long-since over, a new chapter in life called for new changes, and a good place to start in his opinion was with his appearance. Which is exactly why he was seeking out the greatest tailor he had ever known, a rather hefty pouch of gil clutched in hand. With any small measure of luck, Vaux was not only still around, but was still thriving with his craft enough to help, too.
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Throughout the madness that had came from the complete change of the very world around them, Vaux had somehow managed to stay on his feet. He had not been without loss or injury - no, his sister had unfortunately perished in one of the scuffles that had consumed many, and two of his seamstresses had passed while on a trip to the Dhalmekian Republic - - but now on the mend and back to work, Vaux was moseying within the store.
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'Pon hearing the bell chime, he slowly makes his way out of the back of the store where fingers had been brushing adoringly against new fabrics and patterns, and raises his gaze ready to offer greeting - - but instead finds himself pause, all but briefly, and then a ever brighter smile casts over features that still appear somewhat forlorn.
"Darling-!" Quickly do heeled boots pace across bright, marble flooring; arms raising to throw around shoulders in a tight greeting. "Never did I expect you to walk through my doors this morning-! I feared you'd returned to aether." Full glad was he that he was wrong, at that - he'd lost too many and too much already and the unsteadiness of surroundings cities and continents were yet affecting all. To know that one he cared for had survived all of the madness was comforting, indeed.
"So to what do I owe the pleasure, darling---?"
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blazedrawsstuff · 2 years ago
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Harey Cadabra, son of Amaz-O!
Harey Cadabra Son of Amaz-O
Killer Style
What any self-respecting magician likes to wear: A nice tuxedo or suspenders, some fashionable pants, dress shoes, a tie, and of course you can’t forget the tophat.
Freaky Flaw
Even as a gentleman, I will admit, the confidence I have in my skills can go to my head. And I will absolutely freak out if something goes wrong when I’m showing off!
Introducing the one, the only; Dynamo! An absolute darling of a dove he is.
Favorite Activity
What else? I love to perform magic tricks for the other monsters. To hear the “ooos”,  “aaahs”, and applause from the audience is music to my ears.
Pet Peeve
I can’t stand it when people try to figure out the secret of my magic tricks. I’m all for being inquisitive, but a good magician gives his secrets to nobody.
Favorite Subject
Drama and Film. I consider myself fond of the special effects, it’s like stage/movie magic!
Least Favorite Subject
Journalism, the thought of the secrets of my magic tricks getting out makes me freak!
Favorite Colors
Red, White, and Black
Favorite Food
Magic Middles, those delectable little cookies with filling in the middle. You were expecting something with carrots? Perish the thought, that’s merely a stereotype.
Felix Luck (OC) Horrley Emcee (OC) Gooliope Jellington Jaclyn O' Lantern (OC)
Enhanced Sense of Smell Like all rabbits, Harey sense of smell is much better than the average human Enhanced Hearing Like other werebeasts and rabbits, Harey can hear things that are miles away. Enhanced Speed Like other rabbits, Harey is faster than the average human, specifically he’s able to run at 30 mph. Rapid Hair Growth Much like other werebeasts with fur, Harey’s hair grows fast, and thus he has to shave it pretty often. Enhanced Leaping As with being a wererabbit, Harey can jump higher than the average human.
Stage Magic Naturally being the son of a magician, Harey knows all sorts of illusions and magic tricks to put on a show. Acting With the world of stage magic comes theatrics, and boy does Harey know how to pull off a good performance.
Harey is two types of men: a showman and a gentleman. He is always willing and excited to entertain others through his magic tricks while maintaining a suave, polite, demeanor. That being said, he can be a bit arrogant and a show-off, though not as haughty as some of the more meaner students. He is also somewhat of a perfectionist and tends to worry easily, especially when messes up a trick.
Trivia/Additional Information
Harey’s first name is a play-on the name “Harry” with “hare” while his last name comes from “Abracadabra”, a common word used for magic spells. Though ironically Harey is a wererabbit, not a werehare, as rabbits and hares are different animals. Harey’s birthday is March 14th. The month comes from the month “Bad Hare Day” was published, as well as the phrase “mad as a march hare”. The day comes from the day “Bad Hare Day '' episode of the Goosebumps TV series was aired on Fox Kids. This makes him a Pisces. His headcanon voice is Kyle McCarley, who voiced Wizard Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom. His pet’s name comes from British magician Steven Frayne, who’s known by his stage name; Dynamo. His pet also a dove based on the infamous dove magic trick.
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fair-night-starry-tears · 1 year ago
Fuck y’all. Get the new story!
The story of My Perfect Good World takes place after the intervene event
Darling no longer attends to NRC and attends to a female boarding school at the Shaftlands
Takes a few months after prior said event
Darling is just vibing
It was a new morning, currently it’s summer for the girl. As she awakens to the glowing sun, she rose from her bed and slip into a new gown. As the girl lives somewhat new to her current situation. She doesn’t live alone, but she sorta does at the upper levels. Her dad had purchase her a house away from the Sage isle. It was immediate but she never blame her father. Her first month of summer begins where she was. She’s at the first half of her summer, as the girl had wore a simple gown and long dark stockings, as she began to roam her new home. She grew familiar of it over soon. Darling started to ravel in the situation, as she checked on her father. Who was always at the study room underneath the house.
As Darling arrived downstairs and knocked on the door, her father only spoke through the locked door. “Oh. You’re awake? That’s good. Sweetheart. Do you mind going to the store soon and pick up some broth and hunt for some meat. Take the hatchet this time.” He said. Of course. Her father never left the room, only for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But she don’t blame him. She knows he’s working on something. She just can’t interfere. She left the underground level and got her coat and winter boots on. Even grabbing her father hatchet. It was small. But easy to put in a purse with a concealer scarb on. Then she just left. The girl walked through the winter cold. Wondering why her father ever choose a cold area when they always prefer living in the warmer coast. She never asked anyways. A good girl never ask her father why. She headed to the market, and entered. Quickly moving some aisle to aisle until she stop to a young man voice. “Darling?” The girl jumped. As she quickly turned. And faced her high school upperclassman, Joseph Manfred, the boy she sought with love. But never confessed to him. What a pity. “Darling! It’s really you!” The blonde boy said with a big wide smile. “Oh. Joseph. Good to see you.” She said, nonchalantly. Joseph made a smile, wearing something clearly fashionable and dark color. Purple and black been his favorite theme. “Sorry for the scare earlier.” He said. “It’s just….. I haven’t seen you for a while.” He added. It’s so true, sorta. The girl did left Night Raven under immediate notice from her father for her safety. Not his own. “Say. Darling, want to get coffee later? I know a nice shop around the block. What do you say?”
The girl stood blank for a moment, “I’ll just…..” huh. When was the last time she gone out. Maybe one coffee couldn’t hurt. “Sure. After my run.” She said. “Here. I’ll help.” It took the two shorter amount of time to collect the necessities. They paid for the meals, and left the store. But Darling had to think over the meat in question. “Say. Darling, what’s with that face?” Joseph asked. “Oh. I just….” She mumbled. “Me and father have…. A very unique taste for meat. We like a good wild game.” The response didnt shook the boy, he seem rather calm. “Oh right. I remember camp. Fine. We Can drop off the groceries at your place. I’ll head with you. I can’t let your pretty hands be tainted.” What a charmer. Though, Darling has been wearing gloves. Plus. Extra hands could be nice.
Though, surely after the hunt. Comes a new surprise at the end of the day. After all, it won’t be long ‘YOU’ figure out the ‘research’.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire
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kxllerblond · 6 months ago
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❝ Oh, hardly. I'm very sensitive. ❞ it's not a truth, not a life. A half-truth, half-lie depending on how you wanted to view it. He sniffs and looks at least somewhat amused by the compliment, the accompanying air kiss.
❝ Obviously, darling. I wouldn't be out in public if I didn't think I was passable at the very least. ❞ let alone in the company of someone who matched his pace in regards to fashion, status.
He rolled his shoulders and gave a nod in a silent, 'after you' gesture.
❝ I'll take it, sure. It's just how things ought to be in my opinion. I mean, in a perfect world I could throw coffee back on them but-—❞ he trailed off with a shrug. ❝ The best I can do is kick them out and not give them what they want despite their trantrums. ❞
"You do still look plenty handsome." Billie acknowledges, offering him a playful air kiss as she turns to grab her purse.
That earns him a grin, tossed over her shoulder. "¿No tienes la piel más gruesa que eso?" She teases. "Is your skin not thicker than that, baby?" Clearly, the monotone has little effect on how much she enjoys his theatrics.
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"Oh, well. Good. Fuck them." If there was one thing Billie was, it was good to service staff (she wasn't always a pretty rich girl, after all). "I take back all my teasing, since you were being so chivalrous."
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