#but he's also going to make sonic worse
fleetsonourgecentral · 7 months
what kinds of pranks do Sonic and Scourge do?
Pretends to be good at coming up with pranks for the sake of this ask
Honestly just think of every time Sonic has pretended to be dead or that a situation is hopeless, only to turn around and be like "lol bitch u thought". And then make it worse. Because those are their absolute favourite kind of pranks. Scourge's presence just makes everything worse because he'll think of ways to make it look more realistic. Poor Tails has a very vivid memory of Scourge coming home one day after a battle, ears flat against his skull, carrying a bruised and bloodied and lifeless Sonic in his arms, growling a choked-out explanation about how Robotnik... Sonic couldn't - that bastard is going to pay for what he...
And he lays Sonic on the sofa, disappearing elsewhere into the base, making small noises like he's about to start crying. And Tails is distraught and starts shaking Sonic, begging him to wake up, tearing up when he receives no response, and he's just taking a breath to start wailing-
And then Sonic screams "RAH!" and grabs him and Tails shrieks so loud it rattles the windows, and from the next room he can hear Scourge laughing his ass off. Fucker left the room in the first place not because he was crying, but because he was laughing
Tails sulked for a week straight about falling for that trick again and Sonic and Scourge were told to clean the damn fake blood off the sofa and off the floor (which they didn't do)
Those are the kind of shitty pranks they pull. Not the only kind of pranks they'll pull, they'll also steal Tekno's stuff while she's working to confuse her, she's sure she put that screwdriver around here somewhere, or they'll place important things in difficult to reach places and replace them with taunting notes, or (like you mentioned in your previous ask) will drop paint on someone. They especially like dropping paint on people. But occasionally pretending to fail a mission, or pretending that one of them is dead, is their favourite type of prank, although they don't do it often in order to keep it at maximum effect
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I- I'm not feeling the best... I haven't been for a while... I'm going to try to get some rest or something. What do you normally do when you're sick? I'll figure it out... anyways just don't question if I like. Die or something. I dunno.
I know I haven't been the best of a person lately, but this is a little much...
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tinyplanetss · 7 months
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thehealingsystem · 10 months
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nate please please please please I am shaking you by the shoulders right now no one needs to do this please you can make a actual thought provoking interesting thumbnail for the song you don't need to appeal to clickbait algorithms anymore you're still letting yourself be bound to it people loved your early original songs for what they were without this. please stop doing this please stop changing thumbnails I am going to cry
#literally has done this to multiple thumbnails that were even perfectly okay before#I mean the original for this one wasn't all that good either but this is far worse#massive disappointment when I saw with you change it's so. boring and predictable I have seen it plenty of times before#literal opposite of what he was going for#not to mention SCRAP HEAP DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THE SONG TITLE ANYWHERE EXCEPT THE VIDEO ITSELF#nothing left to want became boring too though at least STILL INCLUDED THE TITLE IN IT#does he realize that. THIS is probably just damaging his content further?#I mean he can do whatever he wants and if he's happy with it then fine by me#but do you SEE the traction and views sandcastle kingdoms and paid in exposure got? besides his fnaf songs and parodies#he's ALSO known for phantom! an original song! and I hate that his rebranding of it as a hazbin hotel song actually worked!#because it's not going to continue to!#like dude we all know a lesson in grief has nothing to do with sonic. none of the lyrics tie into anything sonic related whatsoever#ik he's trying to get his stuff out there via the things he was once known for but maybe..... it's time to FULLY let go of that?#bc it's embarrassing to watch and it doesn't feel all that passionate. though he's dropped fandom music he's still very much bound to it#and ADMITS it#please you can make original and thought provoking art! without ties to fandom! idk what you did with your first two original albums#but it wasn't this and you should do it again#I swear nate people love your music for what it is and even though to let go was not my favorite#you still have potential far past what the algorithm is doing to you. none of this is genuine and it's very much present#in how you promote your music. I feel it when I see these thumbnails. I feel it when I watch these videos. it PUTS ME OFF so much#sorry for the rant in the tags and sorry if this is a hot take I hope y'all can see where I'm coming from 👍#natewantstobattle#nwtb#nathan sharp#nate posting#natewantstobtl
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thecoolertails · 1 year
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nagichi-boop · 1 year
First of all, just him showing up to Amy’s party is a step up from his recent “I will do everything myself, I hate everyone, imma fight you” attitude that we have seen. Secondly, and idk if it was intentional, but him attending shows he cares about Amy. He’s always had a special place for her after the events of SA2, so it’s nice to see him showing up for something that maybe isn’t his style for her sake. (Parties aren’t really his thing, after all.)
It’s also really sweet of him to go through so many lengths to try and get Amy’s present. I definitely don’t think he forgot to get her a present, he genuinely just didn’t seem to know that it was a social norm to bring presents to a birthday. If he really didn’t care, he either wouldn’t have gotten her anything or he would’ve given her a rushed gift. But no, he went through a lot of effort, basically foregoing the game, just to stall Amy so he could get her a present she would enjoy.
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And not just any present - he remembered her mentioning a specific band she liked and that she hadn’t seen them live. This not only suggests he listens to her and remembers what she tells him, but also implies that he has had multiple conversations with her. Clearly he must have also done some research too since he knew that the tickets were going live soon. He thought this through, even if it was a bit last minute, and did his best to get the tickets (even though he admits to not being the best with computers, which is also nice because usually Shadow just insists he’s the best at everything). I also think it was sweet that he didn’t heavily protest Amy’s suggestion to see the band together. He hesitated, but then yielded. This…for a character who recently has been written to be quite selfish.
He seemed upset that he couldn’t keep this a surprise, but he also didn’t become enraged or lash out at Tails and MC/Barry. In fact, he didn’t really lash out at anyone at any point which is refreshing, since in most Sonic media that’s his go-to emotion.
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Most of his expressions throughout the game are fairly gentle in fact. Sure, he doesn’t smile, but he also isn’t actively angry. And the one expression where he does seem a bit negative just seems like his resting expression, or at absolute worse just a little annoyed. He’s very mellow throughout the game and it’s refreshing.
Even after he has finished talking to Amy, Tails and MC/Barry, he offers to stay with them and help them with the investigation. Normally in Sonic media, Shadow has no interest in helping others and only really cooperates if there’s a mutual goal/interest. And even then, he tends try to do things on his own. But in this game? He actually cooperates, and what’s more, he goes out of his way to offer his help.
So far I’ve mostly talked about his attitude towards Amy. But what’s his attitude towards Sonic? People debate back and forth on whether Shadow hates Sonic and the recent games and media have made it seem like he does hate Sonic. But in this game? I wouldn’t say so. I mean, he’s literally hanging out with him and his friends and instead of having beef with Sonic, he just focused on making Amy happy. And even when the situation gets more dire and Sonic is found to be knocked out, he doesn’t make any snarky comments or anything. In fact, he actually helps to tend to Sonic’s condition, even if it was just checking his pulse. If he rly didn’t care, he would’ve left it to everyone else.
Man, I could talk for hours about Shadow in this game. I can’t believe this April Fools prank game is actually the best characterisation for Shadow we’ve had recently. He’s not overly aggressive, he isn’t selfish, he isn’t super edgy. He is still sorta cold, but he’s not rude or mean. He’s actually really kind (in his own way), putting his needs and desires on hold to make Amy’s birthday fun and to help everyone out. I seriously hope that Shadow is written more like this in the future and not like he has been. Maybe Sega wasn’t joking about taking on board the complaints of the fandom.
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I love to headcanon the Wayne boys having odd interests and hobbies that are just not what their friends would expect. So here that is lol.
Control freak: Come on, let me leave. I’m not committing a crime. I just want to go home and watch cartoons.
Beast boy: What you watching tonight?
Raven, exasperated: Why would you ask him that?
Beast boy: I’m curious.
Control freak: Sonic the hedgehog. I’m checking out the old cartoons.
Nightwing: Sat AM or underground?
Control freak: Underground- Hey, you watched it.
The teen titans turn to Nightwing.
Cyborg: The one with sonic in a band?
Nightwing: It has good moments in it.
Control freak: Do you read the comics?
Nightwing: …Yes. Yes I do.
Control freak: That one writer was the worse right?
Nightwing: Oh my god, yes! That arc with knuckles was so infuriating! Then he takes all the characters so he halted another arc.
Control freak: I'll be damned, you are a fan. Thank you. Someone gets me. In fact, I have the old comics you guys want to check them out?
Raven: We should-
Nightwing: Let’s go!
Nightwing and control freak walk off.
Beast boy: What just happened?
Raven: I blame you for this.
Kori: He’s so adorable.
Jason pulls out his phone and places it on the his dining table. He pulls out a crochet needle and yarn and follows the tutorial. Artemis looks at the video surprised.
Artemis: You crochet?
Jason: It’s… it’s a therapeutic hobby.
Artemis: You’ve done it before?
Jason: You know that blanket I gave you as a gift last year?
Artemis: Yeah I love that blanket.
Jason: Took me three days to crochet.
Artemis: Oh… neat. Can you make me-
Jason: Don’t push it.
Artemis rolls her eyes.
Bernard: So you buy the parts to build a keyboard and then… build the keyboard?
Tim: …Yes and it’s not just a keyboard. It’s a mechanical keyboard. It’s way better than just buying one. You get to test out switches and make it thocky. It’s fun… I look like a geek dont I?
Bernard: Yeah, but you’re my cute geek.
Bernard kisses Tim on the cheek making him smile.
Damien: Okay Lian, this never leaves this room. You have to pinkie promise you will never ever tell anyone this secret about me. Promise?
Lian: I pinkie promise.
Damien: All right.
Damien opens the door to his secret tv room and Lian’s eye lit up amazed. The room was Barbie designed with many dolls, posters and a Barbie movie playing.
Lian: You like Barbie too?!
Damien: Yes, but try not to say it so loudly. I enjoy the fact she has many jobs and is successful also pink is a really good color. I wanted to watch the new movie with you.
Lian places her hands on cheeks, blushing.
Lian: Awww.
She hugs Damien making him groan annoyed.
Damien: It’s good thing I admire your enthusiasm.
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omega-e123 · 9 days
!! NSFW !! Suggestive. Blood mention.
AKA: Intro to very self indulgent rut fic. You have been warned
Next part here
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Odd behavior…
There Shadow goes again, walking off. He’s been acting strange lately. At first Shadow was practically clinging on to you.
Normally he doesn’t initiate physical contact, but at home he’s been snuggling into you, holding your body down so you can’t leave him. Attempting to part ways results a grumbly hedgehog.
The kisses don’t stop coming either. Knuckles every time you hold hands. Cheeks and forehead whenever he has to leave, no matter how short of an absence. Even if he’s going to be right back.
Jealousy has also become a big thing. Talking to anyone Shadow deems as a “threat”, he’s looming behind you, head on your shoulder and hands on your hips.
The worst it got was on a date at a bar. Shadow left momentarily to get you a drink. When he returned, someone was flirting you up. Enraged, the glass completely shattered in his hand. It sure scared off that guy. You had to bring attention to the shards in his hand, because he wasn’t concerned at all about it. Instead, Shadow slammed some money on the table and took your hand with the non injured one and left.
Next thing you knew, he’s been keeping distance from you. Both physically and shortening the time you two hung out.
He’s stopped initiating all together. Any advances you made Shadow wouldn’t turn down, but he would abruptly stop or attempt to keep it short. Started wearing a mask around you too.
Something is wrong with him. Your smell alone has started making his head spin. Every fiber of his being is drawn to you. Seeing you forces his quills to stand up on end.
Is this what a heart attack feels like? The pounding drum that is his heart is deafening. There’s no room to think. The only thing on his mind was you.
It’s not like he hasn’t thought about you that way. Hell, it’s not like you two haven’t done the deed either; however, the intensity and frequency of these feelings have been cranked up to 100. It felt more primal.
The complete self restraint Shadow has to not pin you against the nearest wall, public or not, and shove his tongue down your throat is tearing him apart.
Such odd behavior was concerning. Swallowing every bit of ego and embarrassment, he turns to Rouge for answers.
Some help she was. That damn bat.
“Sorry, no can do. Sounds like a biological thing and not in the alien sense. I know you’ll hate to hear this but, try asking Sonic about it. You both are hedgehogs after all.”
“I think I would prefer skinning myself and be turned into a rug—“
She gives him a hard pat on the back, “Don’t say that. It wouldn’t be so bad~ I suppose you could ask Amy about it too… Or suffer! Your choice.”
What’s worse? Confronting Amy or Sonic?
That blue little shit would never let him live it down. Sonic could implode from hysterical laughter if Shadow told him about these thoughts.
Amy… It’s simply too TMI. While she is understanding and more open, what if she didn’t know anything.
Shadow’s instincts pull him towards the former option. Unfortunately for the hedgehog, he was semi right.
Sonic took a good minute turned away from Shadow. His hand clasped over his mouth and the other holding his stomach. Sonic reeling in his laughter and forcing not a sound to come out.
“Nono! Sorry! It’s cute!”
“Cute?” Shadow’s eyes narrow.
Sonic waves his hand, as if he’s fanning the comment away. “Never mind. Sometimes I forget you’re bioengineered. What you’re going through is a rut.”
“This better not be some kind of joke.”
Hands in the air, feigning surrender. “I’m not. You’ve probably never experienced it before because you ain’t got bitches you never had a partner. It’s the one time a year hormones go crazy. Some other Mobians also experience it too, like deer.”
Shadow’s massages his temples, processing the new information. “You’re telling me, it’s a biological signal that it is time to breed.”
“Odd way to put it but yeah, basically. Lasts about two months. What you do with that information is up to you. G’luck buddy” he gives Shadow a thumbs up and runs off.
Two whole months. Only about two and a half weeks have passed and already Shadow can’t stop thinking about you splayed on his bed begging for his touch.
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essycogany · 10 days
Sonic As A Villain
I don’t have a name for him, but this is my interpretation of Sonic as a villain. Here’s a hint, imagine if you noticed it, but not through his personality.
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I’ve seen many interpretations of Sonic as a villain and instead of having him be a Sonic but on a bad day like Scourge. Sonic but dark and more violent like in Sonic X. Or Sonic but insane like Fleetway or Chaos Sonic, let’s have something different.
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Have you ever noticed how Sonic can always manipulate a situation? He does it a bunch when he fights or interacts with people. It’s almost never in a negative way, but it does come across as a bit prideful and egotistical. Usually everything ends up going his way or has to go his way.
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I believe if Sonic was ever to be a villain, he’d be a master manipulator. Funnily enough Sonic barely ever lies about things in most continuities, but at the same time is able to trick people or bend things to his will whenever he needs to. I’d like to think a villainous Sonic would be perceived as a good guy. Like standing up for Tails, but instead of moving on and letting Tails join him, Sonic manipulates Tails into beating up the bullies who bullied him.
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He’d make Amy feel as if she doesn’t need to fend for herself and tell her to rely on him whenever she needs help. Or tell Knuckles to never trust anyone or ends up not inspiring him, so Knuckles stays antagonistic and untrusting. He’d inspire people to be the worst versions of themselves. Therefore creating a toxic atmosphere. Ideas like that.
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This Sonic would be one who’d not care about being famous or rule over anything like a dictator. He’s like normal Sonic in a sense that he goes by his own rules, but it’d be for the worst intentions. He also takes advantage that he’s fast and uses his speed as a weapon. Destroying homes, pulling pranks, stealing, messing up the ecosystem, and all that jazz. He might save the world if it meant he didn’t have to die. But he doesn’t care if some Egg-shaped scientist is destroying the world. As long as he’s not bothering Sonic, why should he care? If he does go against Eggman or any other villains, he’d most likely kill them on the spot. Not out of heroism, but just out of spite. He doesn’t like being bothered.
When he says he doesn’t mind being the bad guy, he means it literally. He’d lack the emotional depth Sonic has and be a caricature of the “Cool guy being a jerk” trope. He doesn’t care if he’s seen as evil or not. He just likes causing mischief. No tragic backstory for him. Sonic’s the way he is because he chooses to be. That includes when he’s the bad guy.
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He could act like a good guy in front of a crowd, but in reality, he’s causing the issues people believe he’s saved them from. All you gotta do with an evil version of him is turn his best/worst attributes of his personality and crank them to 100. He doesn’t have to be wild and crazy about it. He’d be just as chill and laid back as normal Sonic. Except he enjoys the chaos around him. Unlike other evil interpretations he’s the most similar to normal Sonic. And it makes things so much worse when he causes problems.
This isn’t the perfect idea, but I do like the concept of Sonic but evil in a way that almost doesn’t change his morals/personality.
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thankskenpenders · 10 months
Help me out here: Why is there so much Ian Flynn hate going around lately? I thought everyone loved that he was contributing to the games. Now suddenly they aren't. I guess that's par for the course for this series but I don't get it. He isn't perfect but I like what he's done. Am I a weirdo?
Ian Flynn has always had a lot of fans, but any creator putting their work out there is going to have detractors as well. That's just the nature of being an artist. To some extent, it's no big deal. He's not a perfect writer. Nobody is! I consider myself a fan of his work, but I've criticized plenty of individual writing decisions from him on here.
But Ian doesn't just have critics. He has his own obsessive hatedom. And the specific nature of Ian's hatedom is... interesting.
A decade ago, Ian was only the guy writing for Archie Sonic, meaning any debates over his work were quarantined within that tiny niche of the larger Sonic fandom. Only people who kept up with the comics month to month had any real reason to have an opinion on the guy, which means we're talking about merely thousands of fans as opposed to millions.
Within that group, he had some haters. You had the people who were mad about story changes made during his run, particularly things like ancillary characters getting killed off (although over the years we've learned that most of those were editorial mandates from Mike Pellerito). You had the people mad that Ian didn't push their favorite ship, with feuding SonAmy and Sonally fans claiming that he was CLEARLY biased towards one or the other. You had the people who just really, really liked one of the previous writers way more - usually Penders, as hard as that may be to believe today. That sort of thing. Pretty normal comic fandom type stuff. Again, it comes with the territory.
Unfortunately, many of those haters only got worse over time, morphing into reactionaries who constantly try to incite Comicsgate type culture war bullshit.
There are people still mad at Ian for making Sally bi and pairing her with Nicole instead of Sonic in the later Archie comics. There have been elaborate MS Paint red string conspiracy boards explaining how people like Ian and Jon Gray have apparently been destroying the franchise from the inside for years by Making Sonic Woke. (Jon gets dragged into this because people are still mad about him drawing The Slap 20 years later. Yes, really!!) There was an unhinged change.org petition trying to get Ian fired, specifically from people who were mad that the Freedom Fighters aren't in the IDW comics. There was even a very sad little fan campaign from these people trying to get Sega to move the Sonic comic license away from IDW and over to Udon, because they thought Udon would bring Sally and Bunnie back and also make them sexy again. There's a lot of this.
(Unfortunately, Penders has also exacerbated this by gossiping about Ian on Twitter and giving these fans ammo, but that's a whole 'nother discussion.)
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The thing is, for years, people who only played the games or watched the cartoons had no reason to pay attention to any of this. Now, though, Ian isn't just writing for some weird spinoff comics that only the super nerds read. Now he's writing comics that are canon to the games, and ALSO some of the games themselves, and ALSO consulting on other tie-in media like Sonic Prime, and ALSO writing the official Sonic encyclopedia, and ALSO serving as part of the new Sonic Lore Team at Sega. And on top of all this, he's got an increasingly popular podcast where he fields questions about his work on all of these things, which serves as one of the fandom's main windows into creative decisions being made behind the scenes.
As a fan of Ian's work, it's been really cool to see him rise in prominence. But the dark side of this is that his obsessive haters from the Archie days now have WAY more of a potential audience of their own. Now, every Sonic fan has to have an opinion on Ian. What this frequently means is that you'll have the Comicsgate types taking things Ian writes or says out of context, attempting to get more of the general fandom to yell at the guy.
Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of Sonic fans who take the bait:
You've got hardcore fans who disliked basically any recent piece of Sonic media and are looking for someone to blame.
You've got the people who are concerned about the sanctity of Sonic's canon, who shoot the messenger any time Ian mentions a new retcon from Sonic Team on the podcast - or any time he even mentions the THOUGHT of changing anything about the canon, as we saw recently with the Sol Dimension nonsense.
You've got people who romanticize some sort of mythical artistic vision that Sega of Japan supposedly has (or had) for the franchise. To many of these fans, American contributors like Ian just don't "get" the heart of the series and are trying to turn Sonic into something different. (This "heart of the series" tends to be some mix of Japanese instruction manual lore, the cinematics from Sonic CD, the OVA, and/or the games written by Shiro Maekawa, depending on what Sonic media the fan in question grew up with.)
You've got fans of specific characters or ships who pin the blame for how their faves are depicted entirely on Ian - most vocally fans of Shadow, even though the root problem is that Sonic Team hasn't known what to do with Shadow since 2006. At best this stops at regular old criticism, but at its worst this devolves into claims that Ian has an agenda against certain characters.
You've got fans annoyed by a perceived over-emphasis on comic-original characters in the IDW comics, ignoring the obvious facts that these characters exist because the game cast is so tightly controlled by Sega, and also, you know, that people just like the IDW characters and want more stories about them.
You've got a LOT of discourse over IDW's Sonic being a hero who tries to give his enemies second chances, as if half of Sonic's closest friends aren't already former villains and rivals. Honestly this is very transparently just reheated Steven Universe discourse lmao
You'll also see people who just think they could do Ian's job better. They can't believe that THIS GUY is the American fan working on all these Sonic projects, when clearly THEY understand the characters and lore and themes SO much better than this charlatan.
All it takes is for someone in one of these categories to be unhappy about some recent piece of Sonic media, and for them to come across an out of context quote or comic panel that rubs them the wrong way, and suddenly the leftist Zoomer Sonic fans will join the latest dogpile on Ian alongside the reactionary Comicsgate types who are mad at him for Making Sonic Woke.
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In general, when fandoms get upset, they tend to want a scapegoat. A person or two to point a finger at and go "THAT's who ruined the thing I love!" This tends to be based less on reality and more on which contributors are the most visible online. You'll sometimes see teenage and adult fans of children's cartoons single out a storyboarder who's particularly vocal on Twitter, blame them for every story decision they don't like, and harass them off the platform out of a sense of retribution for their favorite ship or whatever. Failing that, fans might choose to blame every nitpick, down to individual lines of dialogue and frames of animation, on a showrunner, just because that's the name they associate with the show. And unfortunately, when it comes to Sonic, Ian is now arguably the most prolific and outspoken contributor on the English speaking internet, and therefore a common scapegoat.
Some of the things I've seen Ian blamed for are truly wild. A lot of people have claimed for YEARS that he's just lying about the existence of creative guidelines and restrictions from Sega - or, as fans call them, The Mandates - even though they're just an inherent aspect of working on a licensed property. Others claim that The Mandates are real, but somehow Ian's fault. A vocal minority of fans have convinced themselves that Ian is the sole reason the Freedom Fighters don't exist in the IDW comics, even though Ian says he's been pushing to bring them back since day one.
Sometimes you'll see people say he ruined shit he didn't even work on. A few weeks ago on Twitter I saw someone claim that Ian had written a rejected script for Sonic Forces in which Tails died. I could not find a source for this for the life of me. As far as I can tell, the rumor seems to have been born from an alleged leaked script for Forces with margin notes from Aaron Webber that criticized the way Tails was written, and also an old tweet where Aaron joked that Tails would die in an upcoming episode of Sonic Mania Adventures. These merged into "Aaron Webber criticized a draft of the Forces script in which Tails died." How'd Ian get dragged into this? Who fucking knows!
It's all just a big game of telephone. All it takes is some asshole to make something up about Ian on Twitter or YouTube or a DeviantArt journal or some forum, and at least a couple people will believe it, and then it gets repeated as fact. Again, this used to be contained by the niche nature of the Archie Sonic fandom, but now there are WAY more people who are receptive to this shit.
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It's just sad to me that Ian tries to be so open and honest about his work, to try to explain the rationale for certain things, to keep fans looped in on the direction the franchise is headed, and this just gives the Flynnspiracy types more quotes to take out of context and try to paint him as the devil. If it sounds like I'm being overly defensive and dismissing his critics, man... some of the things I've seen people say directly to him are just unbelievable. People will send paragraphs-long angry screeds in to his podcast that completely tear him apart, and he has to sit there and be like "Well, that's your opinion, and you're entitled to it." People literally pay for special guest interview episodes where they just rapid fire complaints about his writing at him directly to his face. I don't know how he does it. I would snap.
All of this over Sonic the fucking Hedgehog of all things.
I don't know how to wrap this up. Engaging with fandoms online is very tiring, which is why I tend not to do it. Things like this are too common. I guess, just... remember that making art collaboratively is a complicated thing. The people involved are generally trying their best given the circumstances, but they're only human. They make mistakes. But please treat them like humans. Criticism and dogpiling are not the same thing.
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chubs-deuce · 18 days
I watched the minecraft movie trailer And I Have Thoughts™
none of them are good lmao
why are we pulling a handful of "real life" humans into a video game... can't we just do "guy wakes up somewhere and has to survive with minecraft logic"? You could easily make him find hints towards an ancient curse keeping all 3 realms enslaved or whatever and then have him work his way towards the end where he fights the dragon, like- not only is this the LITERAL plot of minecraft, it's also a very compelling adventure story??? ALSO. DRAGONS. BIG END BOSS BATTLE. HELLO???
tell me you've never looked at minecraft terrain generation up close without telling me you've never looked at minecraft terrain generation up close bc whatever they decided to do just looks DEEPLY WRONG. Like if you're gonna go stylized at least be fucking consistent with the source material? Minecraft is built (pun intended) on 1x1 blocks, why does this movie's landscape look like everything grows and forms like pyrite
why are piglins trying to raid the overworld??? 1) they would zombify within 15 seconds 2) piglins don't even attack unless provoked 3) THIS IS ILLAGER ERASURE 4) they aren't even wearing gold armor...
the cast look like randomly generated sims, get Jason a better wig at least for fucks sake!
they bleached steve minecraft :(
something tells me the humor will be a cringefest filled with outdated meme references people haven't cared about in 10 years
it's concerning that we see no hints at other typical minecraft mobs beyond creepers and the nether ones... The complete lack of even just implied endermen presence makes me feel like the entirety of the end dimension isn't even gonna come up as a passing subject :(
I honestly had no hopes for this movie to begin with, but seeing it botched so hard still stings...
It's like a minecraft flavored jumanji movie but worse, bc the actual minecraft "flavor" experienced so much corporate dilution and had so little thought put into it that they might as well not have fucking bothered at all...
I am hoping beyond hope that this movie will flop so fucking hard, give it the morbius treatment of not even granting it hatewatch revenue
This movie should've been a visual love letter to a wildly beloved and insanely influential video game classic, not shallow kids entertainment CGI slop that looks like someone lovelessly based it off of a CEO's poorly researched summary of what A Mined Craft is and then pulled like 6 screenshots to work off of D:< giving it the sonic movie treatment won't be enough, these guys would have to make a whole new movie with how much shit needs fixing
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fleetsonourgecentral · 3 months
Um. okay. Yeah, I could go on. Right back at ya, don’t apologize for your long answer either. It’s so nice when someone goes into detail with this kind of stuff.  Thanks for also sharing a few facts of the fleetway emeralds btw. Kinda what started this whole second train of thought.
Archie’s chaos energy isn’t screwed up like the Fleetway universe. True. But still very much insane in terms of power and ability. It’s given to the rise of entities like Perfect Chaos, fused Tikal + Chaos, Enerjak, Chaos Knuckles, and Turbo Tails. And ofc Super forms. Could grant wishes and immortality. Capability to warp time and space to the point of rewriting reality entirely. Which I assume the Super Genesis Wave never happens in your canon thank goodness otherwise RIP to everyone.
…And Scourge took power from the damn Master Emerald. 
So much possibilities for him based on the bonkers lore that is Archie and the potential was squandered. Understandable since he’s not a hero and HAS to lose. That being said, it can be argued in-universe reasons that Scourge is just very ignorant to what he can do. For all his power and speed, he’s simply not pushed to his limits the same way his Prime counterpart was. His skills are not honed as they should be. It’s canon that he doesn’t consider the capabilities/consequences of using power sources or what he ‘can do’ until Sonic spells these things out for him. Your Sonic had to come up with the idea of vibrating through handcuffs in which Scourge latched on the knowledge immediately from there.  Not always the critical thinker but fast learner indeed.
And ah yes, Scourge becoming good this way is terrifying. Characters that forcibly go under personality changes like this has been a long running concept in fictional media and it always hits hard on how horrible it is to have your mind manipulated to the point where you’re no longer you. I guess it’s a questionable last resort for the truly despicable, but for someone like Scourge..…why condemn him to such a fate ? 
Which leads me to another way on what a good Super Scourge would be like. 
As much Super Scourge is nice, starting off, he has a rather simplistic view on the concept of doing good. He’s no killer but lacks the understanding that people are pretty complicated. His first course of action would be to boot Sonic off the team. If Sonic is still stuck with his own Super form then he would forcefully separate Sonic’s Super form from him claiming he’s saving Sonic. Only to be surprised by Sonic still being an ass by default. 
He could be hostile to even pacifistic Super Sonic, simply because chaos energy conflict bullshit, attempt to absorb him.  Overall, it takes time to get a grasp on how not everything is painted black and white. With the added risk of being manipulated too, develop a more warped sense of good, the FF have to be really really vigilant with him on this.
Super Sonic gets more destructive the more chaos energy he absorbs. Super Scourge absorbing more energy, gives him the opportunity to do more good. Absolutely radiating. Then there’s the thought of going off to save other universes. He would leave the fleetway universe continuously absorbing the plentiful chaos energy the multiverse has to offer, not realizing his mission will be an endless one. Cue the bitter tears from Sonic, because that’s gonna be a long daaaayyyy to retrieve him. And probably Sonic spitting some vile words after, since he lacks the ability to cope with loss too well. He’s got the bloody receipts with Porker fully leaving the team & Johnny dying.
Scourge would be torn internally by this too because although it was through involuntary circumstances, he was gonna ‘leave for the greater good’ over Sonic in an eerily similar way his father had chose his peace making work over him.
Assuming the chaos energy works the same as it does to Sonic but with a collision of multi-universe chaos energy mix here, then an Evil Super Scourge wouldn’t be like Sonic’s. He would be truly unpredictable. The embodiment of doing whatever he wants when he wants it. A fickle little shit. Moods like a light switch. No one knows if he means what he says. The scariest thing when dealing with this Super Scourge is that he actually knows what kind of powers he has. Not a universe ender though, can’t ‘enjoy’ life and its chaos if you’re wiping everything off of existence.
Sharing Scourge’s arrogance to the extreme, Super doesn’t look for chaos energy to sustain himself because he always thinks he has enough, so he often burns himself out pretty fast. Other times transforming back would either out of sheer boredom, getting tricked, Scourge shakily taking back control, or seeing Sonic who makes him feel extremely miserable to where he just crumbles.
It could be he’s aware he comes from a Sonic. Triggering a sense of worthlessness for him. Or he has a soft spot for him. Idk. Unpack that suitcase of dynamics with him/FF and psychological issues when you can.
He could be envious of Super Sonic for at least he has consistent things to latch onto even if they’re simple and boring to him. (destroy everything/ live life at the Groovy Train). Because he’d partially share Scourge’s apathy towards things. Think of Anti Sonic when he got apathetic after overthrowing Anti King Max and got everything he wanted in the moment. That’s where I’m getting that aspect from.
As for his opinion on Scourge, bygones are always gonna be bygones since in the end, it was thanks to him he could exist to do what he wants. I also rather see your own interpretation on how he would treat Scourge. Geez imagine the new emotional issues and setbacks. If it’s by will? haha, yeah noo, let’s put a lid on this guy. almost forever. Fuck you Sonic why does your dimension have to be such a shitty plac—
If there’s no risk of transforming into either of these personas, then I like to think Scourge could maybe like re-stabilize the energy in Sonic’s universe one day. Bend the rules a bit with them. He’d be so ecstatic they both transform at will with no consequences (Screaming at the top of his lungs “TAKE THAT PRIME I JUST FIXED A UNIVERSE IN A WAY YOU NEVER COULD AND WE GOT COOL SUPER FORMS OUT OF IT”)  Or be very well be dragged in and consumed by it in a way no one is gonna expect.
sigh, I really wish we knew more about anarchy energy because Scourge is likely made of it originally, and it’s a miracle that the energy he absorbed wasn’t incompatible. The smallest way these energies probably did overlap canonically is through cosmetic change so far, if the whole green to purple invert palette is anything to take away from.
Basically the point is it’s like what Zonic says about Scourge,
“Besides, Scourge’s mutation has made him something of a wild card in the cosmic scheme of things.”
So I very much like that you aren’t planning to stick to one set of rules to how the super forms would work because you’re right. YOU’RE SO RIGHT. There’s no official answers on how all of this would even work! This is the sheer beauty of writing whatever the fuck you want. It’ll be thrilling to see what kind of stories you’d make up with that in mind.
Let Scourge be the cosmic wildcard.
Vibrating at the speed of light at all of this I love it all
I love the idea that Scourge doesn't actually know all the things he's capable of because he doesn't push himself the same way Sonic does, so you're right he very well could have abilities that even he doesn't know about. Would he discover them while in a super form? Or would his super form share his strategy of "brute force the way through everything" and continue to never discover any neat hidden powers? Who knows... good for Sonic if Scourge's super form is evil, though. Super Sonic is already a pain with everything he can do, so while a Super Scourge would also be a pain, it'd be easier if he was oblivious to some of the devastating things he can do
HELP FHJDSHJFDSA SCOURGE DECIDING TO FUCKING BOOT SONIC OFF THE TEAM IS SO FUCKING FUNNY..... SONIC WOULD BE PISSEDDDDD. And the idea of Scourge just fuckin. Sticking his hand in Sonic's chest and yeeting Super out is sending me. Afhdshjafd poor Super though.... already has Sonic questioning him, and now Scourge? He cannot catch a break
Oh my god Scourge flying off to "save the multiverse".... god Sonic would not take that well. You're right, he hates it when people leave him, even when they have good reason to (ie Porker) so for Scourge to leave him? He'd hate it. He has his own dimension to protect, he doesn't have time to care about what's going on in other universes, especially since those other dimensions presumably have their own Sonic to take care of things. I imagine he'd try to hide how hurtful he finds it, though... at least until they finally catch up to Scourge and Scourge puts up a fight and argues about how he doesn't want to go back. And the freedom fighters are desperately trying to tread carefully, because Scourge could bolt at any time and it's such a pain to pin him down, but Sonic would not be as tactful as the rest of their friends. You make a really interesting comparison between Scourge leaving "for the greater good" and the way his father chose peace over him, although I don't know if he'd be in a state to come to that conclusion himself in his super form. As his regular self, definitely, but idk about in a super form. I could absolutely see Sonic spitting that comparison at him, however; he's not above low blows, and Super Scourge isn't the Scourge he knows and loves, so if he's already lashing out, I could absolutely see him making some kind of vile comment about it. Something something "you're becoming just like your daddy, I see" or something along those lines
I love the idea of Super Scourge's arrogance meaning he burns out quickly, because I can absolutely see that happening. I think it would be difficult to trick him into powering down, because as you said, he's a fast learner, and Prime Sonic has already tricked him into powering down once, so he'd notice if the freedom fighters tried that, but I do think it would be possible. I think Sonic would struggle a little with tricking him, not because he's not smart or capable of tricking people, but because he's actually at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the freedom fighters. He's never had to calm someone down from a transformation, after all; the only times he has (to my memory) fought a super form was after he and Super were separated, where Super powering down wasn't an option. The solutions were to trick and trap him, or try and find some way to fight him, so Sonic's knee-jerk reaction is to fight. The rest of the freedom fighters, though? They have experience in this kind of stuff. They've had practice in bringing Sonic down from his super form; the time when Tails managed it by using Sonic's ego against him to trick him into solving the problem for them comes to mind. So they'd already have a few tricks up their sleeves - notably tricks Scourge probably hasn't seen, and thus he'd be more likely to fall for them. I also think his super form would have trouble thinking ahead, so while he'd recognise if someone tried an identical plan to Prime Sonic's, he'd most likely fall for other tricks that have a similar effect but are executed differently. So the freedom fighters would actually be pretty good at handling this situation
I think one of the hardest things for Sonic is that feelings don't translate when someone is under the influence of chaos energy. Like, Sonic loves his friends even if he's shit at showing it, but he was more than willing to kill them when he was super. So Scourge's feelings for him likely wouldn't be enough to make him change back, especially if he's evil and possibly even if he's good. I think it would frustrate him knowing he can't get through to Scourge by appealing to his feelings, because those feelings don't matter when he's in his super form
I think Sonic would think he can cope with it better than he can because his other knee-jerk reaction is to see Super Scourge as a completely separate person to Scourge, which is simultaneously easy for him and way more difficult than expected. Super Sonic is (now) a separate person, after all, so it stands to reason he'd see Super Scourge the same way. But I don't think he'd be prepared for how little that separation helps him. I think he almost definitely makes some kind of comment about how Super Scourge "isn't really Scourge" which will inevitably piss Scourge off. Having his identity as Scourge dismissed would hurt even in regular form, so in a super form, that would be multiplied. Especially since, well, Super Scourge is Scourge. Just not the one they all know and love. Super Sonic was still Sonic in the beginning, after all, and only really became his own person after the split. But Sonic has gotten comfortable with the idea of super forms being separate people entirely, so of course that's how he'll treat Super Scourge. Needless to say, I don't think that will go down well, no matter if Scourge is good or evil in his super form
I LOVE the idea of Scourge accidentally being the antidote who can stabilise chaos energy. Normally the chaos emeralds need specific conditions to be stabilised, but imagine if Scourge could act as a replacement for those conditions... I think Sonic would both be thrilled at having a super form he can actually control, and be wary about it. I think he knows he could do a lot of good if he could just control his super form, but I think even if he got a super form he could control, transforming or seeing his fur start to turn yellow would lowkey still make him panic and instinctively try to shut it down. I think it would take him a long time to get over that.
I had a vague thought about Sonic using a dark form like we see in Sonic X in order to get around this and take advantage of all the negative emotions he has around turning super, but that is like, ultimate self indulgent daydreaming lol so probably nothing I will ever elaborate further on
Also, even if Scourge could stabilise chaos energy, chances are Porker would want to run experiments on that, and I can't imagine Scourge would be too happy about playing guinea pig (this would not stop him from bragging to Prime about how he fixed an entire dimension's chaos energy)
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT ZONIC CALLING SCOURGE A COSMIC WILD CARD honestly that makes this whole scenario even more interesting and demonstrates just how much he could shake up the rules just by going super. Like we really took someone who is already making even the zone cops go "yeah idfk what's going on with this one man" and dumped him in the universe with more volatile chaos energy than normal. What a combination fdhsafhjdsa. Also this makes me wonder how much of a headache poor Zonic would have if Scourge ever did go super with the fleetway emeralds. Especially if he was good and went zooming off trying to "save" the multiverse, because you can guarantee that behaviour would catch the attention of the zone cops. Creating yet another obstacle for Sonic and the rest of the freedom fighters. Honestly the more I talk about this the more I think about things that Sonic would add to his list of "reasons why Scourge should never go super" lmao
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teamchillidogs · 2 months
How has Sonic’s prosthetics worked this long, he doesn’t exactly have an engineering degree lol. Also does Shadow have any experience working with machinery, just curious :)
(Y’all’s art and au rules btw)
The way his prostetics "work" up until this point is either great engeneering from the get-go or just plain luck. Sure, he did learn some things from looking at Tails work but nothing fantastic. He wishes Tails could help him, but...well... Sonic would rather not try to fix his limbs properly, what's the point? He's scared he'll make things worse if he tries. As for Shadow, he learned just a little about machines from an early age during his days in the ARK, but nothing fancy though. His way of fixing robotic things is by kicking them if they refuse to work after trying lol.
(And thank youuuu!!!!)
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
I'm aware this is random timing but I've wanted to analyze this scene ever since I saw it and I was rewatching the Frontiers cutscenes so I decided "why not now" lol
This scene right here.
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First of all, I'd like to say that Sonic & Tails's interactions throughout this entire game are IMMACULATE. And while I've seen some people complain that Tails "wasn't concerned enough" at the fact that Sonic was so clearly sick, this scene begs to differ.
It also shows, in both a good way and a sad way, how well Tails knows his big brother.
The entire time before, Sonic's been (for the mostpart) going around with a front. Pretending he's fine and brushing aside everyone's worries about him to turn the focus instead on THEM and THEIR problems, not his. ESPECIALLY with Tails. And this little fox knows probably better than anyone that Sonic doesn't like it when people fuss over him. So he's been playing along. Doing his part, doing the best he could in his digitized state, staying busy and all the jazz.
And sure, a couple times before this, Sonic was acting more tired than usual around Tails, but Tails didn't point it out. And he still doesn't point it out here, but his expression and body language say it all.
Now the corruption's getting worse, and Tails is just about done pretending along with Sonic that everything's fine. This time, unlike the last two times when Sonic had defeated a Titan when Super Sonic had flown down to find Amy and Knuckles, Tails is the one who runs to find him afterward.
He's clearly very worried, especially when Sonic barely acknowledges his presence and is really just doing his best not to keel over at this point. Tails reaches out in a vain attempt to touch him — whether to comfort him or help him up, I'm not sure — but still cannot touch him at all for obvious reasons. He pulls back and just watches him intently with this deeply sad, almost regretful look on his face. The End starts talking again and Sonic lifts his head a little to listen, while Tails just quietly shakes his head as he looks at him. As if he's saying, "Please don't do more, please just take a rest, I want you to be okay." 😢 Or it could just as easily be a sad sort of understanding, a resignation to what Sonic does, like, "I want you to rest, we both know you need it, but I know you, I know you'd sooner run yourself to death before you let us stay trapped any longer. And I can't do anything to stop you." 💔
And then, after having his fists clenched in obvious distress, Tails tries to reach out again, one more time. Almost unconsciously, as Sonic looks up to where the voice is coming from. Almost like he does want to stop him. He opens his mouth for a moment, too, like he wants to say something, but bites it back at the last second.
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Then he pulls away again. His face is nothing but sadness and worry. Sonic tries making a quip at The End's new instructions, but he's still so clearly exhausted.
It's also interesting how Sonic won't look at Tails this whole scene, until Tails asks in that tiny, scared voice, "Sonic?" and he stands up, tells him to hang tight, reassure him they're almost done. Trying so hard to play the part of strong older brother even here, when Tails can so easily see how sick he is. 😔
Their dynamic will always be so fascinating and sweet to me. Even in these darker, more painful moments, the familial love they have for each other is beautiful. 💙💛💔
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lovelycrimsonredsnow · 9 months
Sonic characters and their love languages (sonic, shadow, knuckles, and silver):
💙 definitely physical affection and quality time.
💙 jit cannot go one minute without being near you or he.will.die
💙 that's what he says anyways
💙 he knows he can be a little over-baring so he tries not to come off as clingy as he actually is
💙 he follows you around everywhere to, store? He can help you carry bags! Work? He'll make sure no one bothers you! Bathroom? He's right outside the door.
💙 now exactly how clingy he is kinda depends on whether it's romantic or platonic
💙 if it's platonic he won't really feel the need to stake a claim in you by always being around. He's much more toned down if he only sees you as a friend or family.
💙 if it's Romantic holy shit- bro always has a hand in you one way or another, especially in public. Either holding your waist or having his arm around your shoulder ....
💙 it feels natural to him.
🖤 acts of service and quality time I'm calling it now.
🖤 he feels so bad whenever he can't bring you with him :( What if something happens???
🖤 like sonic he's pretty much always near you.... except most of the time you don't know it
🖤 it's not stalking ofcourse, he's just....protecting you ok?
🖤 he fears what happened to Maria will happen to you...
🖤 onto lighter topics :) whenever he does come back to you he always gives you a hug before doing your chores for you without saying a word. Dishes? Nah, shadow will do it, what if you you wash a knife and get a cut? Laundry? He can do that to, y'know you look a little tired maybe you should rest...
🖤 if you try to stop him he'll give you a look before pushing you back down onto the couch.
🖤 how dare you interrupt his cleaning >:(
🖤 it's all for you after all....
🥊acts of service, I see him doing like shadow litterly everything for you because your fragile to him.
🥊 he's like your personal bodyguard to, no one is gonna bother you with him around that's for sure .
🥊 scary dog privilege? Scary dog privilege. Him and shadow both....
🥊 he's not very physically affectionate or verbally affectionate either, mainly because one what if he accidentally crushes you?? Second of all boy doesn't know what to say tbh-
🥊 someone get this man some social anxiety meds😭
🤍 physical affection and words of affirmation.
🤍 mf can't go anywhere without you 💀
🤍 it's like the that one scene from family guy with Donna and Cleveland.
🤍 you'll be walking to the kitchen to get a class of water when suddenly you hear name being shouted by a sobbing silver who's stuck under the sheet 😂
🤍 he follows you around everywhere like a lost puppy, y'know privacy? Yah forget her you have silver now.
🤍 he's like the worse clingier version of shadow and sonic....
🤍 can and will go into heavy detail about how you should be a nation wide treasure
🤍 although while he's a simp who can't leave you alone for one millisecond your very much protected with him.
🤍 not a single hair on your head will be harmed as long as he's here...
*silver walks in to see sonic and knuckles fighting over who gets you*
Silver: 😶....what do you mean it's not my turn??? *Insert angry silver using his telekinesis to throw them out the window*
Also silver: *Insert hysterical sobbing near y/n* "YOUR MY BABYYYY"
Shadow: I already told you idiots that I'd have them for the week...I have... nothing to do anyway *awkwardly hides the piles of darks he forgot to do*
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vampyrixdarling · 6 months
Hi I have a request! (I know it’s not the season but-I wanted to know) do you do Yandere Werehog Sonic? Of a reader who actually love’s werewolves?(if not that’s okay?)
— 「𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬」
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ MASTERLIST
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╰┈➤ [yandere] Sonic the Werehog x reader
: ̗̀➛ synopsis; How would yandere Sonic act to you in his werehog form?
: ̗̀➛ Type; Platonic/Romantic Headcanons
: ̗̀➛ warning(s); yandere behaviour, obsession, brief mentions of kidnapping, brief mentions of murder.
Likes/Reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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☆ Sonic in his Werehog form isn’t that different from his usual form. Other than the obvious changes in appearance, he’s still the same funny guy. Just.. a bit more huge and fluffier. Truth be told, he didn’t even know you liked werewolves.
☆ He found it weird— yet oddly comforting—that you didn’t really mind his new form. He loved how you didn’t mind his razor sharp teeth, or the unsettling growl tinting his voice every time he spoke. You loved to feel his fur, and occasionally poke at his fangs to see just how sharp they really are.
☆ Sonic as a yandere would be Clingy, obsessive, possessive & paranoid. This only gets worse when he’s a werehog, as these traits amplify significantly.
☆ Speaking of, I think his clingy and obsessive behaviour would become stronger during this. He already hates being away from you normally, but it just gets worse when he’s a werehog. His jealousy would also skyrocket. He’d also be way more protective of you.
☆ On the topic of jealousy, I don’t think he minds getting his hands dirty. If he feels he needs to, for any reason, he’ll do it under the guise that he’s protecting you. If it’s someone he doesn’t like, he’ll convince himself they’re bad news and need to be taken care of. He’s very protective of you, and he won’t let anything horrible happen to you, so why should he just stand by and let some guy who’s obviously making you uncomfortable talk to you? He’s a friend? Sure he is. You’re just blinded, surely. That’s the only explanation the werehog can come up with after all.
☆ I also think he’d inherit at least some animalistic traits and instincts. I think his sense of smell would be heightened, and so would his needs to protect you. He’d also be a lot faster and stronger than he was before. He’d become familiar with your scent rather quickly, and it’s like a drug to him. He craves you, to hold you close and claim you as his, but he knows better than to kidnap you. Not immediately, at least. Besides, he knows you can never outrun him even if you tried your hardest, much less be able to struggle against him. Sure you can try, but he’s not letting you go that easily.
☆ Taken over by his animal instincts, he can’t help but give you gifts of his own. It’ll start small, with little dead animals such as mice or even flickies. But then it’ll grow bigger, with every kill Sonic commits in your honor being delivered straight to your house. Whether you choose to accept his gifts or run away is completely up to you. But that doesn’t mean they’ll stop, nor will Sonic. He loves the chase, after all. Plus, he’d act like a wounded puppy if you found out it was him and expressed your distaste.
☆ I think he’d find it adorable how tiny you are compared to him. He loves to pick you up and spin you around. There’s just something about you being smaller that just drives him crazy. (No, not like that.) This would be followed by him squishing you in a hug, allowing you to be basically wrapped around his warm fur as he smiled, his sharp teeth allowing themselves to be seen. That’s one of his favourite things do to with you— to hug and cuddle you. It makes him think he’s protecting you, and allows him to be closer to you, both physically and emotionally.
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