#but he is also a mess and I think she (but with much more reason and excuse!) falls into the same trap as fandom which is
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Prologue | AO3
The moment Danny arrived with Jason at the meeting site Jazz and Danielle were immediately wrapping him in a hug. Which was only somewhat unexpected. But after a moment of being surprised Danny found himself holding his sisters tightly, lowering his head between both of theirs’.
“I’m okay. Just… had to blow off some steam,” he assured quietly, taking in their scent and reminding himself that they were still there. He did feel a lot better than yesterday. But there was also an uncertainty if his reprieve would be short lived. And as he lifted his gaze to his friends, and caught sight of their uncertain expressions, he let his mask fade so they could see the half smile he gave them.
That tiny smile was enough to motivate Sam to speak. “...Danny, I-”
“They have a really good burger joint here,” Danny interrupted. “We should go some time.” He knew what she wanted to say, but he didn’t think he could handle hearing it just then. He didn’t want apologies. Couldn’t handle sympathies. Let him just focus on what he wanted to do at the moment.
It was a simple pair of sentences, but it held just enough behind it that Sam and Tucker’s shoulders both drooped in some relief. Their friend was okay for now, and wasn’t upset with them. And even still wanted to hang out with them. It was more than they could ask for, but they would accept it all the same.
“Sure dude,” Tucker accepted.
“Only if they have vegetarian,” Sam half agreed. Her usual response.
None of them were okay. But they were hanging in there.
“You didn’t puke from it?” Danielle half joked, trying to make the mood lighter now that there was some faint semblance of normalcy among the group.
“No. I’m fine,” Danny half snickered, reaching up to squish his hands against her round cheeks. “Let’s just get you taken care of so we don’t end up having a repeat of this past mess. And then I can take you to go get a burger too. Okay?”
He already seemed to have a plan. Already falling into his forced role leading the people from Amity. Bruce’s frown under his cowl grew, but he didn’t comment. There were more of them there than necessary for the proposed task. They all knew from Jason’s texts that something wasn’t quite right. But they didn’t have enough information to motivate any of them to do more than watch. So watch they did as Raven stepped forward.
“...I’m sorry for your loss,” Raven began politely, also uncertain how to address the mixture of emotions she was picking up. “I had no idea-”
“Let’s save talking about that for later, yeah?” Danny requested, interrupting the girl before she could stir too much of the hurt back up from where he had it buried. He knew it wasn’t healthy, but he told himself it was just temporary.
“...Sure,” Raven relented, figuring she didn’t need to delay any longer in getting to the task she’d been asked to do. “I’ll start with showing you how I accessed the Liminal Realm while walking you through the process. Just watch and listen for now, and we can discuss any questions you have after. Okay? Also, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work.”
Danny nodded easily, eager to watch how this had been done. They had already warned him there was a chance the ritual would fail this time. But there was also a chance that it would be more stable with him there. Raven had mentioned that he appeared to have a stronger connection with the Realm then even Danielle did, and at this point he was hoping it was true. He needed a good thing in his life right then.
As Raven started her demonstration the rest of the group moved back to give them some space. It was a little smaller scale than before, with the ritual area being isolated to just Raven and Danny. Each motion she made she explained the reason for. As well as any non visual elements that Danny wouldn’t be able to pick up on. Focus of intent, recital of inscriptions in her mind, directing certain energies in which manner, and which energies specifically.
Honestly Danny hadn’t been expecting to understand any of it. He was used to science, not magic, and even then science was a struggle. Or perhaps not, if Tim was still correct. But as the portal between realms was gradually pieced together Danny found he seemed to understand more at a subconscious level than he’d thought he would. He knew that energy. He knew this feeling. He knew this pattern. He knew these demands. This was his realm. And without his home realm to vie for half possession of him it was even more prominent now as a small rift opened in the space in front of Raven, barely visible from where Danny was standing mostly behind her.
This. Was. His. Realm.
And it owed him.
He was right.
“That’s enough Raven, I’ll take it from here,” Danny spoke up suddenly, an unexpected confidence lacing his tone as he reached out to grab Raven’s shoulder and pull her back. She sputtered slightly not only in confusion, but also because pulling her out of the central point caused the tiny connection she’d built to the Liminal Realm to flicker. At first Raven thought that the realm was irritated about the ritual being disrupted. But as Danny became the central focus for that tear to see, for whoever was beyond that tear to see only him, Raven noticed a distinct sense of uneasy anticipation. Everyone that was there could feel the air shift from the same absent eeriness from before to feeling like they had millions of eyes actively staring through them. Eyes from people, from things they didn’t know had turned on them, watching as Danny took Raven’s place and gently shoved her away.
There was something watching all of them that seemed borderline angry, but Danny didn’t seem to care. He’d thought it would take longer than one afternoon for him to get the connection to the Infinite Realms that he needed. But this was enough. And both sides knew it.
And it was good it was angry, because Danny was too.
Reaching his fist back Danny ignored the others’ cries for him to hold on and smashed his hand through the tiny gateway, shattering it and the surrounding area of this realm in a crashing cascade of glass. The others felt their realm lurch around them, breaking away and tilting just enough to feel wrong and disorient their sense of balance as they were dumped into the connecting space between realms. There were short cries and curses from the crowd brought to the weightless realm that Jazz and the others from Amity immediately recognized, expressions going slack as they realized what happened.
Danny had brute forced his way into taking over the ritual, bending the intent to his own and ripping open a gateway whether it wanted him to or not. Because he knew it couldn’t tell him no. He may not be the Ghost King, but he was something else. He was their connection between realms. Their servant- their slave - their soldier, their hero, their icon. Kept obedient and easily manipulated through ignorance that no longer applied. He would not be kept out of his realm. And he’d even selected the specific place he’d wanted them to be brought to.
As soon as Danny’s hand had passed through the barrier between realms he’d opened his fingers just long enough to grab a fistful of fabric before he could even see who it belonged to. It was only when the barrier fully broke away, a moment of blinding white and residual glimpses of the other realm’s sky lingering in their sight, that the owner of the purple cloak was visible. And said owner seemed incredibly unconcerned with Danny holding him in a borderline chokehold.
“...There you are, Danny,” Clockwork chose as a greeting.
“Danny! What are you doing?!”
“Oh this is bad!”
Despite the commotion of those, admittedly accidentally, brought to Clockwork’s tower with him, Danny just narrowed his eyes at the ghost he’d grabbed. “Put. Them. Back,” he demanded, not bothering to elaborate since he knew Clockwork had already seen everything that had happened.
“I can’t do that,” Clockwork denied easily.
“Yes you can! Turn back time! Send me back alone! Just do something!” Danny protested, his irate front breaking slightly into desperation and causing him to have to force his grip to tighten.
“And why should I?” Clockwork asked, prodding.
“BECAUSE YOU OWE ME!” Danny burst, bringing his other hand to also grip the fabric at Clockwork’s throat and shaking him slightly. “All the damn errands I’ve run for you! Every mess I’ve helped you clean up! Every damn mistake you’ve forced me to correct- even when it wasn’t my fault! I took out Pariah for you! Vortex! Undergrowth! Myself! I helped you rewrite the future so you didn’t have to deal with me! You. OWE. Me!”
“You speak as though the tasks given to you aren’t outweighed by your own mishaps we’ve had to clean up,” Clockwork pointed out, knowing that Danny had personally caused his fair share of trouble with the Infinite Realms.
“YOU STARTED THIS IN DEBT TO ME!” Danny roared, eyes flaring bright with a flash of ice.
Despite the outburst, Clockwork seemed almost pleased with the accusation, a strange glint in his eye despite his smile from the beginning having never faltered. “...That’s a rather bold claim,” he pointed out, eyes shifting momentarily away to look at someone who wasn’t there. “Care to elaborate?”
Despite his anger, Danny still caught Clockwork’s motion, and understood what he was getting at. They were being watched. And while the watchers knew what Danny meant, apparently he had to say it. Had to show them he knew they had broken their own rules. That they had stolen his right to choose. He drew a breath to steady himself, but his voice still shook with borderline rage when he answered. “You told me before that I always have a choice. When I tried to change the past to save my friends. And again when I beat Pariah- you told me then that the Infinite Realms run on people being able to make their own choices. That it’s a law here, and that they couldn’t force me to take the crown if I didn’t want it.”
“Yes. I did. What’s your point?” Clockwork confirmed, prodding again.
“And you can confirm that those choices are honored. For example: my decision to not accept the title of Ghost King is still in place.”
“Correct,” Clockwork confirmed, then repeated his previous prompt. “What’s your point?”
“You broke that law when I became half ghost,” Danny finally exposed. He didn’t mean Clockwork specifically at this point, but he wasn’t sure exactly who were all involved in this matter, his gaze momentarily scanning the space around them. He’d only ever dealt with Clockwork, who always seemed stuck in the middle of whatever disastrous mishap was going on.
“I’m not sure I follow,” Clockwork prodded once more, a slight smirk betraying that he did know, but once again needed Danny to say it.
The response wasn’t specific enough. And while it was frustrating to have to play this game Danny had learned by now that Clockwork was only playing this game to lead him into saying what he needed to say. “I became half ghost by opening the portal to the Ghost Zone - to here- that was in my parents basement. And I learned in that realm we ended up in that it was only possible because this realm requires payment. Payment that was taken on that day.”
“Yes. Your parents paid the price of succeeding in opening a permanent portal to the Infinite Realms in the form of losing their only son. Despite years of failure, they made the choice to continue to pursue the portal, even though there was a risk of catastrophic failure,” Clockwork confirmed, giving him a break by filling in one of the facts for him.
“They chose to continue their research, but I didn’t choose to DIE!” Danny snapped, unable to keep himself calmer. “They paid a price, but I also paid for a debt I didn’t owe. You took my choice away!”
“You walked into the gateway.” Clockwork pointed out.
“I fought Pariah!” Danny countered.
“You didn’t know defeating him would allow you to take the crown.”
“I didn’t know walking into a hunk of metal that hadn’t worked in ten years was going to kill me!” Danny shouted, shaking Clockwork again.
“People die from danger they’re unaware of everyday, Daniel.”
“But how many of them are from a direct action from the Infinite Realms?” Danny hissed, pulling Clockwork close. “I know now that someone else was there, on this side of the portal, to offer me a sacrifice to open the portal and keep it open. I know that someone chose me as a pawn, and didn’t give me a chance to accept or not. I know that someone here broke the law at my expense, and I know that The Observants are involved despite claiming they never act. And therefore I demand that my family, friends, and anyone else I care about be allowed to live long, healthy, fulfilling lives. Or else you’ll have to deal with something worse than Dan.”
There wasn’t a response this time. At least, not from Clockwork. The age shifting ghost simply allowed Danny to maintain a hold of him, letting his words ring into the aether and allowing those watching to consider their actions. Consider the consequences to the events they had allowed to happen. That they may or may not have manipulated into reality. And after a horrid stretch of stagnant time the very environment seemed to shift. The anger that permeated the Realm faltered, then faded. Sliding away into what could more accurately be described as frustrated, and somewhat shameful acceptance.
It made Clockwork laugh.
Which in turn made Danny falter slightly, his grip on Clockwork’s cloak loosening enough to allow the ghost to pull his hands away. “So, you figured it out,” Clockwork eventually chuckled, resting a hand on Danny’s shoulder. “You are correct. There are many in the Realm who owe you recompense for taking away your right to choose the life you have now. So let’s see if we can figure out how to meet your demands without using up your little pool of debt, or breaking the other realms, shall we?”
It was enough. That was finally enough for the relevant people to understand that Danny knew exactly what was going on. What had happened. There was a glimmer of proof that Danny’s idea from the night before on the couch might actually work. That he could force The Observants, and any other necessary party, to bring his realm back because they owed him more than he could probably cash in on. To break such a fundamental law of their realm put them in his debt, and they were only safe because he hadn’t known until now.
He hadn’t known until a certain ghost of time made sure he ended up in a realm where someone would be there to tell him.
Breathing out a shaky sigh, Danny let his head sag forward to thump against Clockwork’s chest, fingers loosely gripping his friend’s cloak. “...Thank you,” he breathed, ignoring the mild shake in his tone.
Hhhhhhhhh I got excited and ended up drawing this one real fast because I realized there was a lil trick I could try (that I'm really hoping worked) with the image @ v @ People on dark mode won't get to see the trick because dark mode spoils it, but people in light mode click the picture (or drag or open in a new tab) to see something extra.
Also I'm so excited for this part because I actually had the part with Clockwork typed out since around the part with Raven telling them what Danny was. There's a lot about Ghost King Danny, or new Ancient Danny, but what if Hero of the infinite realms was already something more than those?
And shout out to Rainbow_Sneks on AO3 for being the only person to comment guessing The Observants were involved 8'DDD Well done!
Tag list: @galaxy-sharks-and-bottled-ships, @starscreamlover, @nerdynonnativenarnian, @dragongoblet, @megacharizardx99
@bellathecatastrophe, @cj-ghostemoji-destielpie, @asexual-insomniac, @wolfeyedwitch, @tkiesai,
@fanaroff, @raven1508, @nebulainajar, @serasvictoria02, @oliocelottafanfics,
@honeysuckletook, @omniithe-deer, @wolf-under-the-stars, @gingernutcalo, @that-random-fangirl,
@op-sys-chaos, @kirasigncomics, @ehobep, @paranoid-ira, @nomaru666
#my art#long post#writing#fanfic#dpxdc#dcxdp#dc x dp#dp x dc#phantom rogues#eyes#tw Ommetaphobia#tw Scopophobia
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Everything inside me is stone.
Levi Ackerman x reader
I’ve wanted to write for him for so long this man is so fine💆🏾♀️ also this is based on the earlier seasons of aot
Age gap!!! Slightly toxic.. Angst, Forbidden Love (sorta) lots of sexual tension, always use of y/n, Levi being stubborn and you being stubborn back. 💋



Right now you weren’t in a.. strange predicament. Were you on top of Eren on the training grounds? Yes, but not in the way you might think. Why? Because you paired up for sparring, and you were very annoyed before this session started.
Let’s take it back to the reason why. The last conversation you had before everyone met for training. Maybe the word argument would be more fitted.
“Why do you keep on pushing me away?” You asked, getting frustrated at the sight of Levi getting out of the bed, cleaning the room you two had left a mess and finding clothes to get dressed. But you were having none of it.
“I’m not pushing you away, I’m protecting you.” Levi said, his back turned to you.
“Yes you are!? You know I can protect myself? You don’t need to isolate yourself from me.” Your voice began raising.
“I’m not the right person for you y/n. Since you’re so smart you should understand the risks of us! Whatever this is.” He turned around, pointing his finger between the both of you. He was self sabotaging because he felt you could do better than an older emotionally scarred man who just so happens to be the leader of your squad.
You felt the anger rise inside, and sure you could’ve screamed and yelled in his dumb face for saying what he said. Instead you were so angry tears pooled in your eyes, and you tried to hide it. Messily putting on your clothes you mumbled enough for him, to aggravated to speak normally.
“Fine.” You pulled on your white jeans.
“Whatever.” You began buttoning up your shirt.
“Just fuck off.” You hissed as his hands reached to help you button up since you being frantic.
You put on your socks and boots, the rest of your uniform in your room. “Leave me alone.”
He knew he’d fucked up. But seeing tears in your eyes, and your bottom lip quivering, he realised that was something he never wanted to see.
But why? It was so wrong. But when it was just the two of you it was so right.
It all started one drunken night three months ago began a kind of relationship you would’ve never ever expected to happen with Levi. Ackerman. Your. Captain.
I mean sure you always found him attractive, and he seemed to tolerate you more than anyone else in your scout group. He definitely did call you a Brat pretty much every day, but he didn’t ever insult you. Everyone else figured it was just favouritism when he’d tell everyone to fuck off and figure out their own shit except when it came to you he spoke in a normal tone. Needed help with the gear? He’d be behind you, guiding your arms and showing you what to do. Wanted to spar with him? He’d teach you new moves and would be very physical but not enough to hurt you, just for the sake of touch. You were thirsty? He’d make tea for the both of you. And so on.
You pretended to be oblivious to all of this, but in your mind you couldn’t help but daydream and zone out imagining what it’d be like with him.
“Thinking about the captain” Sasha nudged your arm as your hand rested on your face. She giggled as she sipped her alcoholic beverage. Yes, would absolutely were.
“No!!!! Shut up.” You slightly chuckled and rolled your eyes, as you began drinking a little more.
“Y’know y/n, if you change your mind and want someone your own age im your perfect match.” Jean winked at you, slurring his words and wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“You need to sit down.” You grinned at the sight, standing up and sitting him down where you were sat.
You walked out of the tavern and sat outside in the dark, kissed by the moonlight and wrapped around the late night breeze of the summer. Everyone was here celebrating the recent mission, less people killed by titans and an increase in the titans being killed. That’s what it’s all about right? Until the next mission there’d most likely be some intense training so the plan was to try and have some fun while you still could.
“I’m surprised you’re with that lanky piece of shit. Out of everyone.” You heard from behind, not needing to look behind since you recognised the voice right away. He sat beside you, and you hummed questioningly.
“Tch don’t play dumb brat. Jean. The lanky horse-” you laughed and cut him off.
“I’m not with Jean. And it seems, someone was stalking me.” You smirk, speaking with the liquid confidence.
“I’m taking you back to headquarters. You’ve had too much to drink.” He rolled his eyes at you.
When you got back, one thing led to another and the next morning you were tangled in his sheets naked. Before you woke he left to make tea, except you woke while he was gone and assumed he’d just left. So you did too. And when he saw you were gone from his room he realised you might’ve thought it was a mistake. But he couldn’t blame you if you did.. he was older, there was a pretty big power dynamic and he came to the conclusion that is was for the good that he was alone. If he formed an emotional attachment there was always the chance he could lose you.
But you ignoring him? He didn’t like that. He tolerated 1 day of being ignored by you before he hollered you into his office and well.. let’s just say this time you were both sober when you did it.
After that you both said that it wouldn’t continue.. but it did. More often than not. You had fucked in his office, his room, your room, the stables, in the shower, in the forest and empty rooms. But as much as there was lust, there was sweet moments that were dates in disguise. Long talks, walks, rides, play fights, sparring in feilds and then having a picnic, slow dances and admiration. But hey what was more romantic than slaying titans together.
Back in the present.
��Cmon y/n, are you even trying?” Eren mocked as the two of you sparred, except you were thinking about the argument you’d had with him this morning.
So after a swift kick to the legs - which Levi taught you how to do - dropping him to the floor within seconds. And in that amount of time you’d began throwing punch after punch after punch. Poor eren. Too bad he underestimated you at a time like this.
“OKAY MISSY!!” Hange shouted in a high pitched voice as she grabbed the back of your arms and pulled you off of him. “You doin’ okay up there sweets?” She raised a brow moving closer to your face and tapping your head. You nodded and she rubbed your arm before you walked away.
Levi watched you the whole entire time.
Hange walked back over to where they sat. “You outta go get your girl short stack.” She smirked.
He went silent for a second, unsure of how to respond “what’re you talking about four eyes.”
“Oh don’t play dumb. I see that look in your eyes, I know you put up this cold front but seems as though she’s melting it down.” She readjusted her glasses “a little young but hmph! I get it. Better go get her before someone else does.”
“Tch. Shut up.” he abruptly stood up and followed in your footsteps.
Eventually catching up as he found you walking in the hq. “I told you to leave me alone” you frowned.
“I’m the one who gives orders around here brat.”
“Go boss around someone else then” you went to walk away and he grabbed your hand.
“No. You’re gonna stay and listen to me.” He began to get annoyed now. “And drop the attitude brat. You know i care, probably too much so quit acting like I don’t. I shouldn’t have pushed you away but I was trying to do what’s best for you. If I keep you to myself you don’t get a chance with any other guy your age.”
“But that’s my decision Levi, and I don’t want any other guy. I want you.” You interrupted, looking into his eyes. He now grabbed your face, and leaned closer “I didn’t say you could talk.” He then glided his thumb over your lower lip.
“It’s dangerous to live in a world like this.” Her brows lifted then caressed your jaw.
“I don’t care about that.” You batted your eyelashes up at him and he kissed you.
#levi x reader#aot x reader#levi ackerman#levi ackerman x reader#aot#older levi x reader#hange zoe#hange x reader#eren yeager#eren jeager x reader#attack on titan#attack on titan x reader#eren jaeger#jean kirstein#jean kirschstein#jean kirschtein x reader
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started watching severance..so…..obviously i had to make a serverance sabrevine au(those who Know know why)
major spoilers for the show, so all thoughts are hid safely under the cut👍
vic severs immeditely after logan breaks off their relationship. logan had started seeing silverfox, thinking she was a better influence on him. then about 3 months or so later, she mysteriously dies(its a gemma type situation). it doesnt take long for logan to sever too
department X. a newer 2 person department, victor c. working alongside david n. they spend a lotta time organizing military equipment, and theorize maybe theres an apocalyptic war going on topside. but overall, they dont really talk much. 3 months in, kayla s. joins their team. 5 months in, logan h. shows up as well. and he n vic IMMEDIATELY click.
innie vic n logan have a lot smoother of a time falling into a relationship, as well as managing it, due to their lack of memories making them unaware of the reasons for their own issues
they obviously still have reactions n thoughts similar to the shit their outies deal with, feeling deep self hatred while not really knowing why, but theyre easier to deal with due to the lack of context, and they end up helping eachother out with that mutual struggle of mysterious pain
and these guys are basically experiencing the most giddy First Puppy Love of their weird little innie existence. its sappy, its fun, office supplies is getting messed with as they tease eachother, theyre sneaking out to go on lil dates around the maze of their workplace, etc etc
so. the purpose of their department is actually to test replacement of an outies memories. first, outie logans memory of silverfox’s death is replaced with vic being the culprit. and overtime, regular arguments in their relationship gets replaced with more intense abuse, on both sides
their innies start getting flashes of it as a result of it being so early in testing. logan starts to back off from vic a bit, but vic tries to reassure him their outies are different. at somepoint, flashes of their actual relationship slip thru too, and its like having 2 sets of memories. logan cant tell which one to trust...but he decides to trust the vic infront of him, since his own outie seems a lot meaner too
meanwhile their outies are getting flashes of their innies relationship, logan being scared for his innies safety and vic praying that his innie is somehow nicer than he was(even tho in reality he wasnt ever really that bad)
vic catches on that somethings up when he gets a flash of silverfox, obviously still alive, and is over the fucking moon that he didnt actually kill her(which he was inclined to believe cuz he really did want to do it at the time). hes also kinda selfishly hoping that innie logan doesnt start anything with her and just sticks with innie vic this time
at somepoint logan just stops going into work for a couple days out of fear for his innie, and thats when outie vic seeks him out to attempt to explain the stuff hes gotten flashes of
while talking, logan suggests the idea that if theyre working on replacing memories, then maybe they could erase them too…his memories of existing the way his innie does, purely, without having fucked anything up in his life yet, seems a lot more healing than the way he feels now. vic agrees, but…that kinda thing seems like a slippery escapist slope. ‘it aint just about erasing yer past, yer trying to erase yerself aint ya?’ vic’d miss him if he did, even admittedly the bad bits
even with all the abusive memories in their brains, sitting next to eachother they felt something comfortable, something warm, something that made them both feel present in the moment
ig ideally it’d end with them getting the false memories flushed outta them and integrating with their innies, giving their relationship another shot
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Hihi! I hope you’re having a lovely day and that you’re well! I was wondering if you could do a part 2 of the jealous suitors where the MC has a lover, but in this scenario what if her and her lover broke up due to him cheating on her and how the suitors would react?
Thank you very much!
And I hope you're having a great day too! Enjoy!
IkeVamp HCs: Reader gets Cheated on
How do they react when the when the woman they love has an unfaithful partner?- Follow up to this hc.
Suitors: Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur, Comte

His first thought was to comfort his cara mia.
Well, not his and he couldn't think about that anyway, not while her heart was so freshly broken.
You know what he meant.
When he found her sat in the backyard, curled up with Lumiere and crying into his black fur, he knew there was no leaving her alone.
When he heard the reason for her tears, he didn't give the cheater another thought. She was the only one who mattered to him. He wasn't happy but he also wasn't going to waste even an ounce of energy being angry about him.
He rather focused on seeing her less hurt, less broken down.
"Take it easy, cara mia. Don't get so down on yourself. Those pretty eyes aren't for sad tears."
He patted her head as his deep voice uttered soft reassurances. He'd hate for her to overlook how precious she was because of a selfish man who couldn't see it.
Part of him was darkly satisfied that he was right all along. That man was not good enough for her after all.
But the majority of him is coldly angry that he would dare treat her that way.
Say what you will of Mozart, but loyalty was important to him in a relationship. He couldn't understand the prospect of being unfaithful to the woman you supposedly loved.
Why did the fool even bother with her if he was going to wander like this? How classless.
He, with more gentility than his words usually offered, sat her down and helped her clean her face.
She was too beautiful for tears, though he was not going to tell her that.
"Don't waste your tears. Not on him."
Seeing her upset hurt him, his love for her, hidden as it was, didn't permit him to leave her like this.
When he heard what happened, his heart sunk down to his stomach.
He once thought this was what he wanted, deep down in the darker recesses of his being.
Somewhere in him, and he was not proud to admit this, but he was hoping for Y/N's boyfriend to mess up in some way, any kind of way.
He was sorry he ever thought that as soon as he saw her tearstained face.
His sunken heart cracked when she looked him in the eye and asked her if there was something wrong with her. Why she wasn't enough for her ex.
The only thing on his mind now was to make her feel better. Make her realize that the tosser was the one who lost. Not her.
"Oh Y/N, what rotter would ever let you go? He is a right wanker, mark my words."
He wiped a tear from her lovely face, his own set with certainty and compassion for the woman he still loved.
He ached when she poured her heart out to him over a cup of tea.
When Comte found out that her boyfriend had cheated on her, he was shocked.
He couldn't fathom how any man could look at another when he had Y/N. Inexplicable.
His emotions were less focused on the man, but more on her and her wellbeing.
Yes, he was galled by the audacity of the scoundrel and he had better hope they never crossed paths, but at the moment, she was his priority. Because nothing hurt more than seeing her hurt, her beautiful face red and damp with tears of shame and humiliation.
He would give her the sun and moon wrapped in a bright red bow if it would make her feel better.
"Let me show you how you ought to be treated, ma cherie."
He knew material items couldn't substitute for love, but he wanted to spoil her, treat her like the queen she truly was.
#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikevamp arthur#ikevamp comte#ikevamp leonardo#ikevamp mozart#ikemen vampire headcanons#ikevamp headcanons#ikevamp hcs
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Short tag-along on my previous post.
I think we need to be careful not to mix up the perspective of the AUDIENCE with the perspective of the CHARACTERS.
The reason I don't think Gemma being alive and being actually Gemma will have that much of an impact on the Mark/Helly dynamic is that Gemma being alive and still Gemma is a big reveal TO US, the audience, because we’ve operated on the assumption all along that she was not really Gemma, that she was braindead, that she was a clone, or what have you.
But for MARK, the character, it isn’t a revelation all because he’s been utterly convinced she’s alive and he’ll get her back this entire season. Her being alive was the driving force of his actions both as innie and outie. He DOES expect to find her alive down in the basement and get her out. He does know that Helly is Helena and Helena is complicit in holding his wife in the basement. So his entire behaviour this season has already been predicated on that knowledge, including the way he relates to Helly/Helena. That’s why that’s not going to change just because Gemma is actually alive. What IS going to change things is the REINTEGRATION. That is what’s going to change MARK's perspectives on things. Innie Mark will remember being in love with Gemma, someone who he had zero feelings for and towards whom he only felt a sense of duty to do what's right, and outie Mark will discover being in love with Helly, someone he didn't even know existed and whose outie is the woman partly complicit in holding his wife in the basement. I think that is the revelation for the character that will define the story moving forward. That is the underlying theme of the intro this year. Just as outie Mark is single-minded about getting his wife out of the actual basement, innie Mark will be single-minded about not letting go of Helly/getting her out of the metaphorical basement. Outie Mark might want to just resume his life outside with his wife, but innie Mark doesn't give a shit about that because his life is inside Lumon with Helly, not with a woman he's had zero emotional connection with.
It will be a complete mess and I have no idea how they will develop this, but boy am I curious.
[I'm also having thoughts based on this about whether or not it makes sense for Helly/Helena to reintegrate at some point, but they're all still very confused and vague, so I'll need them to marinate some more]
#severance#severance speculation#mark s#helly r#mark scout#helena eagan#gemma scout#mark x helly#mark x helena#markhelly#markhelena
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i have. a lot of guardians. lemme just....
luke: guy would take one look at future!him dancing off the edge of a cliff listening to Queen and go "ohhhhhh so THATS what my adhd is like unmedicated." (and he would then join in the dancing, forcing future!luke to stop dancing to prevent the not-so-immortal!luke from also dancing off a cliff). theyd get along well, and he'd probably admire who he becomes.
nikon: pre-risen!nikon was, hysterically, kind of a fuckboy frat dude. but like, one of endearing kinds, yknow? total jock. stands to reason he'd think it's BALLER that after he dies he comes back as this total badass who (technically) dodged death not once but TWICE, and also now leads an ENTIRE TEAM OF BADASSES, DUDE. (guardian!nik, otoh, would be begging for an ogre to reduce him to paste until this cringe-y nightmare of a mirror image is gone)
kel: please this would be a despair feedback loop. if it's not pre-risen!kel experiencing raw unfiltered horror at the knowledge he, with all his top-class soldier abilities, fails to save his wife and daughter in the collapse, then its risen!kel re-experiencing the all-consuming self-loathing and guilt of having failed to do so from the reminder literally staring him in the face. pre-risen!kel would loath risen!kel, to boot--kel is a mess of repressed emotions and stoic self-control, and his past self wouldnt be able to understand how he can be so aloof. (nvm the fact he's so reserved specifically bc otherwise his emotions eat him alive from the inside.)
gil-23: error 404 does not compute. on either end of the spectrum. pre!exo gil would refuse to believe against all evidence staring him in the face that he would ever become this...machine thing. willingly or unwillingly. (and gil-23 has been through so many resets and is so old and divorced from not only the gil that came before being risen but also the pre-exo gil that he could not fathom them being the same person bc he hardly considers himself a 'person' anymore)
nyx-14: ARTSY TYPES UNITE. pre-exo nyx is an adventurous photographer and risen!nyx remains an adventurer at heart. once past the "wait, im a ROBOT now?!" hurdle (followed immediately by "AWESOME"), they'd get along like white on rice and would probably become prankster menaces to the rest of fireteam ward.
roland: much like kel, just with less despair and a metric fuckton more rage and hate. pre-risen!roland was actually a sweetheart and well-liked by most people in his social circles--fast forward, and now he's become a bitter, cynical, abrasive social recluse (reluctantly being drawn out of his shell aside). they would fucking detest one another for exact opposite reasons. (ironically, this would reveal that pre-risen!roland has the same temperament at his core, and is simply much more well-adjusted in contrast)
ash: pre-risen!ash is such a sweet girl who would be HORRIFIED at the vicious little violence-happy spitfire she's been resurrected into.
finn: once a gender-dysphoric tomboy suffering through college trying to explain their eagerness for bulking up as "purely self-defence", now a 6ft butch enby titan capable of clearing entire fields of enemies in the span of a single fist of havok. past and future finn would be chilling over some beers easy.
adebole: pompous asshole then, pompous asshole now. ironically, risen!adebole would consider pre-risen!adebole an absolute aggravating embarassment he'd avoid being around at all costs despite having the exact same temperament and interests.
darin-8: he has a bar to run. bring him a philosophical question like this and he'll ask how many drinks he has to offer you on the house for you to not bother him with this shit again. he was an utter bastard before becoming an exo and wound up killing himself in a Despair Event Horizon before then being risen, and he doesnt like thinking about Any Of That before taking into consideration being taken off active duty after his ghost's death. (given the opportunity, darin would beat his past self to a pulp before the man could even form an opinion of his future self.)
discussed this with friends, but thought I'd throw the question at Tumblr folks too!
if your Guardian-pre-being-Risen met themselves as a Lightbearer now, what would they think? would they like or hate that new version of themselves, admire or fear it, etc?
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So I'm replaying Ray's After ending rn, and it got me thinking that what I adore so much about Rika as an antagonist is just how damn scary she can be. I always found those who cause harm with good intentions (at least in their point of view) much scarier than those who hurt you with pure intention on hurting you. I think the best example of it is this CG in particular:

Look at that. Such a loving, gentle expression on her face. Probably kissing his forehead. Because she loves him. Heck, without any context, this CG looks even sweet, if you think about it. And yet, all that is while Saeyoung is forcefully sedated on a powerful concoction of drugs even a trained agent like him can't do anything about (and Saeyoung WAS definitely trained to deal with this sort of thing, hence it's mentioned that this is a 'special' kind of drugs). He looks miserable. Bags under his eyes, his expression pained and troubled, even his hair is paler than usual. All that as a direct result of her actions. But she's utterly blind to it. What's scarier, is that she knowingly shuts off her understanding of what's really happening. She's not oblivious to it at all. She just chooses not to see it that way. Simply because she doesn't want to.
Rika is the type of antagonist that will cup your cheek into her warm hand with the most loving of smiles on her face, all while you are getting elixir poured down your throat. Even whispering to you that you're doing great, that the pain will soon pass, and that she can't wait to see you reach the happiness she knows you deserve. I won't be surprised if she even cried genuine tears of compassion during some ceremonies for her believers. All while being the sole reason behind their suffering.
And that's... God, that's terrifying to me. I love that about her.
Rika Kim, they could never make me hate you
#mystic messenger#mysmes#mysme#mm#rika kim#kim rika#anyways ughhh she's so messed up i adore her#yes i will think about cute fluffy scenarios with her one minute and then go into her most horrible of actions the next#like it's such a contrast to all the rest as well#ray gets as close to her as possible in terms of his approach to messed up deeds but it's still different with him#like ray genuinely believes in what he does - good and bad#rika conditioned him that way#suit even points that out: 'oh i'm not like that airhead. i know this place is messed up.'#rika on the other hand? it's the way she willfully just... chooses to live in her own twisted fairytale that is so fascinating to me#it makes her scarier than ray but it also makes her more unstable#because once that fairytale of her is threatened? well she gets even more dangerous but in a completely different way#we literally see her spiraling more and more during v route and it's as scary as it is also sad#just saying: v ae could have been such a banger if they didn't absolutely mess it up#i think i despite judgement ending more than anything else in the game for so many reasons#if cheritz had the backbone they would have either removed it altogether or remastered v's ae for free I'M JUST SAYING#because what the hell was that#anyway#rant over#i wrote a huge post about how much i love rika while i am actively biting my nails every time she touches the twins BUT I LOVE THAT WITH HE#YES give me a character i keep feeling so many conflicting emotions for i will gobble that up
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Thinking about Shadow and Metadow and Metamyadow
#Thinking about Shadow and Neo rn!!!#Shadows system are like. SUPER outdated. His hardware cant keep up with his software#<- (He overheats a lot which is a cause for more organic body language like blushing and having a reason to breathe)#Neo doesn't understand why he doesn't update his hardware. Neo has a much more efficient processor so she never overheats.#Shadow is afraid to go under such a big change. 1.) Nine PTSD. he gets squeamish about getting unnecessary maintenance.#2.) He prefers to feel organic by slowly updating hardware to mimick aging. 3.) His hardware has Black Arms tech in it!!#His hardware is super adaptive and can't be irreparably damaged because it can heal itself#also he doesn't know if that contributes to his variety of emotions and sentience. so he is NOT gambling that.#Shadow needs to feel like he's organic. Neo doesn't. Neo doesn't understand why he'd choose an old flawed system.#Neo still respects his decision. it actually makes her more curious because be can have such physical responses to stimuli.#ALSO HEHEHE#they bond over having free will stripped from them!#scariest experience of Shadows existence is basically how Neo felt for YEARS. She's desensitized but hes very sensitive about it.#‼️bonus bc cute‼️#they bond over liking Amy! theyd both die for her and Shadow jokes about her messing up their systems#robotfucker amy /j#Metamyadow is in my brain i need to draw them more
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i need you all to understand and remember that mha takes place like 200 years in the future and there are people with literal windex bottles and guns for heads. queerness is probably the last concern of most parents these days. quirks and mutations are a much bigger issue
“kats what do you mean touya’s the reason natsuo’s homophobic” because he and his boyfriend-then-husband keigo can’t keep their hands off each other and natsuo thinks it’s gross. (for any aftg fans out there it’s like aaron with nicky ok)
“aren’t rei and enji more likely to be—” no. i don’t care how traditionally they were raised. enji is obsessed with all might and while it is fine for a man to be obsessed with another man without having feelings for him, there is an inherent layer of homoeroticism there (not necessarily queerness, but definitely homoeroticism) and even subconsciously i think enji can understand there’s something to all of that. he just doesn’t ever process it consciously. i genuinely do not think this man has it in him to be homophobic he has too much else to worry about (and he loves his family. if they’re happy who cares who they’re into)
rei, on the other hand, though she grew up with a certain set of standards, i believe works very hard to break away from all of those biases. again, she loves her family. as long as everyone’s happy, that’s really all she wants to see. she can’t control her children’s lives and she wouldn’t want to—that sort of behavior is what got them into all of this mess to begin with
“okay well why is natsuo—” i told you already also he canonically has a girlfriend (future wife? idk i haven’t read the manga i’ve just seen the panel) and he’s too much like my brother (i.e. the only straight person out of four kids) for me to ignore his blatant heterosexuality. also if you ask me i think he’s far more prone to repeating the abuse cycle than anyone in the family but that’s a topic for another day
“fuyumi?” lesbian. if anything deals with comphet. but i think by default she feels more secure and free around other women. even though she loves her father there are still impacts of bearing witness to his abusive behavior over the years and i think that is imprinted into every interaction she has with men her age and older throughout her life. she deserves a woman/women who will love and cherish her better than a man could
i will take no criticisms about touya as we should all be well aware by now that dabihawks is the only ship i can put him in. anything else and he loses his opportunities to be a better person and i am morally obligated to hate him. also sorry touya but keigo is the only person who can genuinely love you as you are. nobody else would be so attuned to your mood swings and so patient with your tantrums. also he wants to bite you a little bit but you’ll enjoy that
and finally
shouto: poly class A is all i’ll say about him
let the record show i do not care at all what anyone else’s opinions are about these characters. you will not change my mind. as far as i’m concerned everything i say is canon and i have the writing skill to back it up. i will be writing fic with all of this eventually
thank you and goodnight
sorry but i’m convinced natsuo is the only straight person in the todoroki family. he’s only homophobic because of touya though. (he would be more homophobic if he knew about his dad but i don’t think enji even processes his own sexuality so none of them know)
#mha#bnha#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#todoroki family#enji todoroki#rei todoroki#touya todoroki#fuyumi todoroki#natsuo todoroki#shouto todoroki#poly class a#kats rambles#sexuality hcs#sort of#genuinely i do not think any of them slap a label on their sexuality#except for natsuo who is strictly straight#they do not think about this kind of thing#it’s not their problem nor something they have the time or energy to worry about#none of them define it!!!#please do not come on here and be like#oh kats you’re so wrong about xyz they would definitely be sexuality abc#no#i do not care what you think#they are all too busy to worry about labels#SOME OF US DONT CAREEEEE
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Maya went on The Internet Is Dead podcast to be interviewed about her relationship with Liam and it's interesting; I recommend it for people who were curious about untangling the details in her book from real life (they talk about this in a number of different places with some detail), people who think she's making everything up, and anyone else sending hostile asks about her- we know she is following the fandom talk and responding to it but I have to say it's very satisfying to listen to her rattle through the exact arguments anons on here are sending around and answer every one of them.
some detail below the cut:
The experience was kind of grating at times; maybe it's just me but I never find it enjoyable to listen to people outside of fandom or casual 1D fans talk about us, and I cringe and bristle literally every time someone says "these people" or "they think", plus the hosts are not super useful; they refer to her tiktoks and book repeatedly without actually giving context for the discussion, like I could do with the occasional "in the book you say…" rather than just chatting about it and leaving us to figure out what they are talking about (they don't even say the name of the book), but whatever. There's interesting stuff in there so it was worth it for me and if you prefer you can just get my highlights, here ya go-
-Her making the point that the media training all of the 1D guys have done from such a young age not only impacts how they talk to the press but also how they talk to people in their lives, the tools it gives them for communicating with (and in this case, manipulating) people was fascinating to me, I hadn't thought about that but I will be in the future with regard to all of them, it's just very interesting to have in mind
-she says she had the book read by lawyers before publishing because it was about someone real and real events, and provided proof for things they asked about
-she points out that she has nothing to gain from making this up, and that as someone who works in a law office and is planning to go to legal school, that the fact that bringing false accusations against someone is illegal would be a huge deterrent to lying
-she says that one of the reasons she initially soft pedaled in terms of outright saying that the book was about Liam was that podcasts and such she went on didn't want her to say it, didn't want the liability, and that when she did say it that part would not get printed or would be edited out (hey speaking of this what are all these interviews she did about the book why am I just now hearing about it... when you guys see stuff like this let me know! I am interested and will maybe recap for you even!)
-she mentions Liam's silence on the whole thing more than once; "if someone wrote that about me and it wasn't true I would not just say nothing!"
-she says that her and Liam went to see After not knowing it was a 1D fanfic and then, after finding that out, he joked that she should write a book about them, and that it was where the seed of the idea came from
#maya henry#I have some complicated thought about her comments on management#some of it is yes! and useful#some of it I just... don't have that much interest in these peoples' takes on modest actually#but some of it about liam and his relationship to his management... I think there's some naivete at work#like yes he can fire them#and also you could have left at the first sign of his bad behavior. sometimes there is more complexity at play in life than that#but overall ofc I do think what she's saying is correct: they are not and cannot force him to do anything and he absolutely could fire#anyone he wanted to#and honestly knowing everything we do its not hard to picture anyone who pushed too hard on him being fired right off#but he is also a mess and I think she (but with much more reason and excuse!) falls into the same trap as fandom which is#painting everyone as either an abuser or a victim. so since he an abuser he cannot also have difficulty asserting agency#and setting boundaries for what is okay for him#when ofc that's not true#so like...some complexity imo#but whatever#liam discourse
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god tywin lannister deserved worse
just remembering elias death and i wanna puke and the way tywin talks about elia and what happened is so damn gross
but rip tommen and myrcella we all know what’s about to happen in the next book :/
the cycle of violence just keeps spinning and damn you tywin for beginning it
(i got a bit crazy in the tags 💀)
#rest in peace elia and rhaenys#i’m one of those crazy ppl who thinks jaqen h’ghar is aegon 💀#literally lost the teeny tiny amount of credibility i had#anyways i think doran’s in on it and i think rhaegar switched out asharas child for aegon paralleling the baby swap jon does#the pact made in braavos about viserys and dany marriages is a half truth half lie#and arianne being sent to faegon is simply doran testing his heir. if she messes up then whoever’s spying for doran will correct her#gerold dayne knows too much that’s why doran thinks he’s too dangerous#but this would make the dornish plot sooooo much more interesting and would show that no doran hasn’t been doing nothing#it would also automatically make the daynes more important#jaqen (aegon) was in kings landing to kill robert but got caught by varys. syrio was sent to find him. ned cleared out the black cells tho#saving aegon in the process. fun how we’re actually introduced to this character through lyanna starks mini me arya#aegon was able to kill robert with a boar tho so mission accomplished.#now he’s in old town trying to hatch his dragon egg. the stone beast taking flight in danys vision is aegon being symbolically depicted…#..as a spinx#i’m crazy delusional. but ppl who think faegon is actually aegon are even more delusional than me#plus the real aegon being alive fulfills the suns son part of quaithes warnings#i like this theory bc it makes the dorne plot more interesting and it explains whatever is going on with jaqen h’ghar cause he is sus#yes yes i know i’m delusional 💀 i just think it’d be a very interesting twist#kinda hoping no one sees this post at this point bc i know no one will take this theory well lol#i do think this theory can be supported by the text tho#and cerseis throw away line about ned stealing asharas baby would suddenly become peak foreshadowing#barristan comparign dany to ashara would also be peak foreshadowing bc ashara would take the place of gilly in this parallel and she was dis#dishonored by someone at harrenhall. likely aerys and then she turned to a stark probably brandon for comfort#tbh i think it was ashara who lied to brandon about what happened to lyanna. perhaps she was trying to mess with brandon’s wedding and#was trying to get back at rhaegar for humiliating elia at the tourney. i highly doubt it was baelish who lied to brandon cause brandon#has little reason to believe him and no reason to trust him. ashara tho? arthur daynes sister and elias lady in waiting? also his lover?#anyways varys the spider potentially stealing aegon away (if he did take a child it was the false aegon) is there to parallel the others#who ride ice spiders taking crasters sons. tbh i think it was aegon who decided he wanted to train as a faceless man so he could get revenge#on his own terms. and the sea lord of braavos at the time was in on it and helped aegon with his plans#the unveiling coming up is going to be a lot more important than arya just reclaiming her identity. yes im delusional lmao. rant over
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i'm killing sebastian's dad and giving him a stepfather and a half sibling who's in elementary school. i think that fits his whole deal
#oc: sebastian ballion#i want his family dynamics to contrast with claire's because that influences his decision to tell claire's mom about the divorce#<- his parents divorced a long time ago and it was like normal and okay. they got along well and sebastian spent time with both of them#his father died more recently after his mom had already remarried/his younger sister had already been born#i'm not sure of what yet but that's no issue to me. i can come up with a death cause real quick. cancer. boom.#anyway he gets along with his stepfather it's just that it's not his father. his stepfather likes him treats him well and stuff but it's#just a bit weird and awkward for sebastian. especially now that his mom has another kid. he likes his sister. it's just... Weird.#he's 16 and everything is Weird.#but point is. he has healthy family dynamics and both his parents + stepfather treated him Normally and Well. so he sees whatever the#hell is going on with claire's family and he goes mmm. i don't know man. something is not right here. he decides to tell claire's mom about#the affair after claire goes on a trip with her father to europe in like 2006 and when claire comes back he's like... this is not good for#claire. this is going to mess her up. plus at this point he had already planned his life with her so if she kept like. being so influenced#by her father then it was obvious that That was Not going to happen. so there's a selfish reason too which is normal AND it plays#into his grief thing. he feels a bit alienated from his family as much as he loves them and they love him. and his father is gone.#claire can't be gone too! so he tells her mother thinking it would help claire in some way. maybe with the divorce her father would Go Away#<- well that's funny.#that doesn't happen as we know it and it actually gets worse but he had good intentions he was 16 and stupid a bit but also really scared
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the epic highs and lows of trying to read an ongoing shounen manga
#for me it uh. tends to have more epic lows than epic highs. im very unlucky with shounen#occasionally a few years after something i start reading it'll turn out to be good#but any time i follow something from the beginning it starts getting. worse#is it me? am i doing this? dont tell me to read your favourite shounen i'll turn it bad#did i ever mention that one manga. the moon is beautiful but first die#a mouthful of a title. it started kinda goofy but i really adored the main character for some reason#im still a bit attached to him. he cleans so well that he got the magic power to see real good. and now he can matrix bullet time#hes just like me for reeeeeeeaaaal hflkanjvdkfljfds but yeah that manga was. weird but fun BUT THEN#it got so wack you guys you dont understand. the first like one or two volumes? fun#everything else? god knows JHKFDJFDK i still read it all tho. i was invested in my guy with seeing real good powers#and im sorry to say. unfortunately it seems. a certain manga with a big tv adaptation that is pronounced oh she no co#my curse. its started. although that ones very much a epic high and epic low situation like itll be so so wack one minute#and suddenly get good again and then plummet back down HFKJDSBHJds we will see how it goes on#i started getting annoyed with the writing after the stageplay arc because they kept like. time skipping over so much#which i thought was a bit of a waste because there was a lot of interesting potential in a lot of the showbiz storylines. but we shall see#thats not shounen tho thats seinen but my curse applies to some seinen too LOL but most seinen i read is already finished#and shoujosei is spared from my curse. i think just because most i have the opportunity to read in english just tends to not#be drawn out or have weird scheduling things messing with the pacing. are there any weekly shoujosei magazines out there#i dont think weekly manga is good. for a lot of reasons mostly the mangakas health but also i find more weekly stuff i read#that isnt like. 4koma stuff suffers in its pacing a LOT. but again that might be my curse. the second i lay my eyes on it. the curse#(sorry ive been catching up on a lot of manga recently LOL ur getting my manga thoughts now)
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Imagine doing so much hard work and persevering through law school to have your failed tests advertised on the internet news. The bar is really hard; he’s not “cringe fail.” I am jealous of his ability to even attend college without committing suicide. He did a good job. Leave my dude the fuck alone.
I don’t care if they’re elites. If they’re elites; then make fun of them solely for being rich nepotism babies. There are non-elites who have failed the bar (or any important test) once or twice as well who will see this and feel bad about themselves.

#My uncle failed the bar I think three times before he passed and he’s a smart dude. It is extremely difficult#I respect anyone — even if they are an elite — who is capable and willing to put in that much mental work on anything#No one deserves to be ridiculed for moving past failure and trying again#That is a strength.#Or do we as a society only care about the “naturally smart” and “gifted?”#I’ve failed tests and retaken them before and so have you; should the internet ridicule us?#The SPED kids I work with very often don’t understand things the first the time around; should we ridicule them as well?#At what point do we stop judging people for their mistakes?#Also if the roles were reversed and the former princess took the bar three times; would you still say she were “cringe fail?”#or would you be too afraid of sounding “anti-feminist?”#Why? Is it because men are “supposed” to be smarter than women#and tasks that are “expected” from them would make a woman a “girlboss” for completing them?#or perhaps is it because we just don’t like men and think them creatures of lesser intellect worthy of our jeering and pet names?#Because I for one am androgynous and sick of the double standards. They help nobody#Don’t expect more from men than you do from women; don’t expect less from women than you do from men#That includes how one gender group speaks of and behaves around the other#It is the reason why a man feels he cannot physically fight a woman who is attacking him#because if he successfully defends himself he looks like an asshole; and if he fails he looks like a wimp#It is the reason women vastly underestimate and devalue their physical strength and resourcefulness as a tool#because men are the strong resourceful ones because it’s “in their biology”#Even though I am androgynous and would possibly love to be on testosterone#I don’t need testosterone or a man’s body to pull off great feats of strength and cunning and neither do you#Ladies! Build some determination: “I CAN do it and it WILL work because I fucking say so.”#Get angry. Mess your hair up. Break a nail. You are a durable physical beast put on this earth for more than looking pretty#You are meant to break a sweat. You are meant to do things that aren’t “ladylike” because women are STRONG. Physically#Men you are not less manly for enjoying housework; and ladies you are not less feminine for enjoying outdoor labor#Crush gender norms. Vive la résistance!
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#the dream we had last night#idk if any of it was rly anything more than the mishmash of thoughts n feelings n themes that dreams usually are#cause in the dream we.....begged whoever remembers it to tell us who it was. when it happened. WHAT happened#n there wasn't rly an answer but this. flashback or dream inside the dream.#no identity just this....shadowy person n i think he said things that we couldn't remember when wakin up#n i know it coulda been parsed from different unrelated memories but we felt it. no pain but the rest.#n it's rly rly rly fucking w/ me not knowing if it was just a senseless dream or if it was a message#it's not a who or when but it could be part of what#or it could be nothing i don't fucking KNOW#therapist asked us last time if we have any thoughts on what might've triggered the sudden increase in the intrusive thoughts etc#n we just said we don't know. cause we don't rly but. she didn't ask if it coulda been cause of what we talked about the time before#n idk if that's cause she didn't wanna put any unfounded suspicions in our head#or cause she suspects that was the reason but it wasn't safe for us to know#or i guess it coulda just been that she didn't even make the possible connection at all but idk that doesn't seem very likely#god i wish this was all just about me though. at least i was a grown ass adult when any of it started#i'd carry it all w/ a smile if it meant none of the kids had to. but it doesn't work that way does it#i just.....don't know if my entire role here is to be a substitute for the feelings. or am i meant to become a gateway to the real thing#could we just remember the what n maybe when but not who? that way we could at least start processing it w/o messing w/ the balance too much#also could we at least. remember if the bordering on paranoid delusions beliefs are smth we were actually told.#or are they just the result of a kid tryin to make sense of things that they had no chance of makin sense of#nothing fucking makes sense#spdrvent
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roommates!gojo & geto jerking each other off while thinking abt their cute neighbor they both want soooo bad
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“do it harder.” geto groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he laid back against satoru’s pillows. said man currently had his hand wrapped around his cock, albeit poorly. his hand was soft as fuck, but he was touching him like he had never touched a dick before. “jerk me off how you jerk yourself off.”
gojo snorted, his words breathy as he spoke, “what if i like it soft?” geto shook his head and curled his toes when gojo wrapped his hand around him tighter. “these walls are thin, i’ve heard you having sex and i know you don’t like it soft. those poor girls.”
gojo laughed, “they love it, i think she would love it too.” he said. geto licked his lips, starting to paint an image in his head. “what would you do to her?” he asked tentatively, his eyebrows furrowing together when gojo focused on his cock head like the bastard he was.
“mmm i think id start with fingering her.” gojo said. “i’ve seen her a couple times in the laundry room bend over in those tiny shorts—you know the ones. and her-“ he stopped talking to groan when geto stroked over a particularly sensitive vein. “they don’t cover much.”
geto nodded, seeing you bent over in his head. “you think she’s sensitive?” geto asked, cracking his eyes open to peek at gojo. his eyes were lidded and focused on the hand around his cock. geto tried not to shy away when he felt his pre cum drip into his hand. he’d never jerked anyone off before—besides himself.
“oh yeah,” gojo responded, biting his plush lip. for some reason it made geto’s mouth water. “i think… fuck, i think i could make her squirt with just my fingers.” gojo’s face was getting flushed now. it made geto want to tease him. “yeah?” he asked, squeezing his hand tighter around his shaft and relishing in his reaction when he sucked in a breath through his teeth and arched his back. “would you make her squirt all over our couch?”
gojo moaned at his filthy words and nodded, his head tipping back against the headboard. “yeah.” geto nodded, looking at his roommate even though his eyes were closed. “what would you do if i walked in when you were making her cum?” he asked, paying attention to the head of his cock.
“i-id let you suck my fingers clean.” he groaned, making geto’s balls throb at the visual. “god, she’d probably get so hot… trying to press her thighs together watching me suck your fingers.” gojo nodded, his mouth falling open in a small O.
“would you want her pussy or her ass?” geto asked, his breath coming more quickly. “ass, i know it’s so tight and warm. god. would you want her at the same time?” geto nodded despite him being unable to see. “yeah, just think about how good she would look with tears down her face trying to take us both.”
suddenly, a hand way being wrapped around his wrist. geto opened his eyes fully and watched with rapt attention as gojo cursed before his back arched. he continued stroking him, despite knowing what was gonna happen. he cringed when hot ropes of cum spilled from his dick, coating his hand and his cock and making a lewd sound from the stroking.
gojo gripped geto’s wrist to stop him, and geto pulled it away and made a face at the mess on his hand. gojo also had stopped jerking him off, just weakly holding his throbbing cock. “that did it for you huh?” he teased. gojo laughed before removing his hand from geto’s cock.
gojo crawled off the edge of the bed and bent down to grab a towel to wipe his cock clean with. geto gripped his cock and languidly started stroking, waiting for gojo to help him get off. “your turn, one minute man. come keep this fantasy going so i can blow all over your hand and pretend it’s hers.”
a cruel smile twisted on gojo’s face before he dropped the towel and zipped his pants back up. “i’m sure you can finish yourself off.” getos mouth opened in disbelief. “if you need some help, i have porn from last night still up on my laptop, feel free to check it out. it’s really good stuff.” with a wink, he left geto gaping and alone in HIS room with his stiff cock in his hand.
fucking biiiitch.
#jjk smut#jjk x reader#jjk x y/n#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen smut#gojo smut#gojo x reader#gojo satoru#geto smut#gojo satoru smut#gojo satoru x geto suguru#satosugu smut#satosugu#suguru geto x reader#geto suguru smut#geto suguru x reader#gojo x geto#geto x gojo#gojo satoru x reader#gojou x reader#satoru gojo#gojo saturo#getou suguru x reader#geto x reader#jjk geto#geto suguru#suguru geto#jujutsu geto#geto x you#.blurb
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