#but he has grown attached to Danny
tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 117
Clockwork didn’t have many regrets. It was his job to maintain the timelines. He had to do what he had.
Danny had to be with the fentons. Had to become a halfa.
Plasmius would still release the prior king. Pariah would have destroyed countless dimensions. Danny was the only one in the thousands of timelines he witnessed that could succeed.
Perhaps. He should at least inform Danny of his heritage.
That he was once an set. The oldest twin. He didn’t need to mention he tricked them into “sacrificing” the oldest son of their firstborn male twins for just for locations of some ectoplasm run offs.
Danny was never fit to be an Al ghul in the first place.
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misteria247 · 21 days
Okay but like Timmy clinging to his friends whenever he's uneasy, Danny being one of his major go tos. Like-
The first time Timmy does it is when he's still 10 and Danny's 14. Things aren't looking great, Cosmo and Wanda are out of commission from using all their magic to protect the two boys. Danny's lost in his head. Trying not to crack under pressure because the adults can't take the lead at the moment. And as his thoughts are going a mile a minute he suddenly feels it.
A tiny, trembling hand gripping the sleeve of his ghost suit.
Danny's glowing green eyes snap downwards to see who's grabbing him only to see the top of a pink hat and fluffy brown hair. Timmy hasn't looked up at Danny, his blue eyes flickering around for a possible threat. A gleam of unease shining in them. His hand is clinging so tightly to Danny's sleeve it's almost like it's attached. His frame which is usually so full of confidence and mischief and bravery is now small like. And it's this sight that makes it really obvious to Danny Fenton that Timmy Turner, the boy with the childlike wonder and care free spirit, is in reality a child.
And it hits him hard, the reality of this 10 year old fighting in battles like this. Timmy's not supposed to be apart of something like this. To fight in a fight that could end up killing him. He's a kid, who's still afraid of stuff like the boogeyman and who believes in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny and all that shit. And yet here he was, next to Danny in a fight to save their worlds, giving it his all like a grown adult and fooling everyone with how well he does it. But now with his fairies down and his back against the wall his act has begun to crack and like any child whose becoming overwhelmed he unintentionally latched onto Danny.
It's this fact and the sight of it that puts Danny back into action. That clears his thoughts and makes him focus more on the situation rather than the other factors. He doesn't mention Timmy's tight grip, instead using his other hand to grip Timmy's shoulder and give it a firm but gentle squeeze. An effort to help ground the boy. He keeps his voice low when he talks to Timmy. Asking him questions about the place their in which is apart of Timmy's dimension. All the while keeping that reassuring grip on his tiny shoulder. Before Danny knows it, Timmy's grip slowly loosens, not completely letting go but giving him enough wiggle room to get the blood flowing back into his arm. Once Timmy's back with him, it's glaringly obvious that the boy's embarrassed. His stance tense as he waits for the teen to make a sarcastic comment or nasty jab at him.
But to Timmy's surprise, Danny doesn't say anything. The ghost acts completely naturally, pretending that the moment of Timmy giving into the feelings he's felt beneath the usual front had never happened. He doesn't mention that Timmy's hand is still holding his suit sleeve, nor does he mention how close Timmy's gotten to him. Instead opting to make a plan for attack, including Timmy in them to help him focus. Once things are settled and the teams reunited and everything's saved, Danny thinks that's the last of it.
But he's wrong.
For the next several years, in moments where things are bleak and terrifying or when emotions are strung high or rubbed raw, Danny finds himself becoming the anchor for Timmy. It's almost as if that one moment had been a silent okay for Timmy to rely on him. To let the ghost see past the first barrier that the magic user keeps up. And every time Danny never says a thing, never grows annoyed with Timmy's touches or closeness in those moments. Having learned from watching the youngest member interact with his parents that him doing this was a natural thing when he was overwhelmed by everything. Even as Timmy, now 16 and Danny a grown adult in his 20s, Danny just doesn't have the heart or will or want to stop Timmy from seeking him out for comfort.
Perhaps it's a bit selfish, but Danny likes being a safe space for Timmy to go to. He likes that Timmy's comfortable enough to trust Danny, the boy who's half alive and half dead. Likes that instead of unease or fear or mistrust that there's someone out there who doesn't feel that around him. So he never probes, afraid of shattering this trust between them. So when Timmy one day tells him-
"You know.....out of everyone here, you're the I feel the most secure and safe around. I mean I love the others and trust them with my life and my parents are one of the best things in my life. But......with you it's different. It's like.....you get me in a way that no one else can."
And Danny he's just........stunned when he hears this and he completely understands exactly where Timmy's coming from. He completely gets what the buck tooth teenager is trying to express. Because Danny feels the exact same way. In a single moment, they'd become the other's safe space. The sibling that the other didn't even realize they needed till a small 10 year old boy gripped a 14 year old boy's sleeve all those years ago. And Danny he just gives Timmy this knowing stare, before playfully messing up the boy's hair. Making him squawk in displeasure and swat at the older man and as they settle into their normal quips and sarcastic remarks towards one another, there's an air of contentment and peace between them. Both of them reassured that they'd always have each other.
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gunebuggiesprompts · 1 year
Anyways, so Danny is actually kinda a literal star (this may be because his obsession is space or his the Ancient of Space). After millions of years, he is finally close to his (final) death and tries to find a nice place to do a version of a supernova. He has been helping people and exploring space for almost the entirety of his life, and he is ready to rest. That was until he found a small boy who had recently died wrong and ended up in the Infinite Realms as a halfa. The way too young boy, or Robin as the kid remembers, reminds Danny a lot of him when he first started out as a halfa (which at this point he is either a full on ghost or his human side is immortal). He knows he shouldn't be around him being so close to death, but he can't help but take in the little bird, helping him much like he wished he was helped when he was young.
They become very close, Jason Robin finally getting the parent figure he always longed for. Danny told himself he couldn't shouldn't get attached, but he ends up loving his little star much more than he's ever loved anybody (familial wise of course), and he's helped a lot of kids/people in those millions of years.
Eventually, though, Danny's time has come, and he doesn't know how to tell his starlight that he has to go. So when the young bird begins to be pulled back into his universe, the living realm calling for Robin once more, Danny lets him go even when the boy begs to stay. It's hard, but Danny knows it's for the best.
Jason returns to his universe as the much older version of himself, having grown since he'd died. He doesn't remember anything from his time in the Infinite Realms, but he can feel something missing, something he was longing for. The feeling drives him absolutely nuts, and he becomes more enraged than he has ever felt, and he doesn't know why. He blames it on coming back wrong, on the failure that was supposed to be his father (Bruce), of how he died so young because of how naive he was.
Though he'll never truly know that it's his ghost half grieving for somebody he no longer remembers. Somebody who he loved and who loved him back. The man he called father and spent all his time with, learning the mystifying ways of being a half ghost. The man who rambled about space, making him beg to go see it so he could see the beauty himself.
The star who shone so bright that the darkness he felt vanished, bringing a new galaxy of happiness he's never felt.
But now that the star was gone, the darkness had returned, its grim shadows bringing the worst in Jason as he unknowingly grieved.
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dyslexic-mess · 2 years
So Tim comes home with a baby one day.
Obviously everyone's like o.o!!!!! O^o!!!! Baby!?!??!
Tim explains that he got cloned (happens to the best of us) and he couldn't just leave it and its a baby so he couldn't bring himself toooo...despose of it so he bought it home.
After his usual paranoid 'what if this is a ploy to destroy me' tirade and Tim's 'kons a clone and he's good', Bruce is actually pretty exited to have his first grandchild and everyone else dotes on there new nephew. New borns are difficult but Alfred is the biggest support and the kids host of aunty's and uncles are more than happy to baby sit when Tim needs a brake.
Plot twist.
As the kid grows he starts acting...weird. and not kid weird, just weird. His kainines are a little to sharp, his ears noticeably grow points, his eyes start glowing in the dark. Some of his nonsensical babbling starts to sound like a language, nothing anyone knows though, and Tims pretty sure he saw him float once. Obviously everyone's grown attached to the child and Tim's beside himself because what's going on with his son???
Then, one day, Tim runs into a man. He's got noticeably pointed ears and to sharp kainines and, from his place just behind the streetlights, his eyes seems to glow.
"Look...this is um. This is gonna be a little difficult."
He starts with and Tim blanches, hesitating but not moving. The man holds the back of his neck in an effort to self-sooth, braking eye contact for a moment. He trys again.
"A while ago someone tryed to clone me" a loud pause as a car thunders past. "I went to go and find them but when I got there, they where gone." his hand comes down from his neck to fiddle with his hoodie strings, deep blue eyes looking back at Tim. "I think" another pause, this one silent. "I think you have them, don't you?"
And Tim has his very worried suspicions confirmed. They had tested the baby to see if his DNA had been mixed with someone else's. There had been an indication it was but nothing solid and until the kid had started manifesting all there strange characteristics, Tim hadn't worried about it outside of the usual 3AM panicking.
The man explains that his name is Danny and he has a very...unique condition that certen people have been trying to replicate over the years. That they probably mixed his genes with a normal person's (Tim might have sniggered at that if he wasn't so scared shitless) in an attempt to make the clone more stable.
He apologises for getting him tangled up in this and says if Tim will just show him where the clone is, he'll get it out of his hair and take care of it. This is the point at which Tim puts his foot down. No one is getting his son 'out of his hair' and certnely not 'takeing care' of him.
Strangely enough, Danny seems relieved that Tim is so resolute about it, saying he's glad his son has been so well taken care of and assuring him that he has another clone who he loves alot.
They eventually figure the situation out with Danny explaining more about his 'condition' and even looking sad when Tim describes the boy and how grown he already is.
It turns into a really weird co parenting dynamic that gose through alot of growing pains.
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Across My Memories
-hums Once Upon a December-
Ghost Prince!Jason.
..... ghost prince!Jason where when Jason died instead of waking up in his own door room (headcanon doors are private rooms all ghosts gain once dead, its their safe spot, rooms can expand into lairs if the ghost gets strong enough) he wakes up in the Ghost King gardens.
He's found and taken to (older) King Danny who takes one look at the newborn baby ghost, (verbally) rips into his guards for manhandling a baby, and offers Jason a place to stay while they try to locate his room so he can recover and stable his core. (That's why ghosts stay in their rooms upon being made until they're strong enough to leave and venture out, Jason is advised not to run off since they have no idea where his room is and Danny being King of the Realm can basically substitute the ectoplasm needed to stable him just by being around Jason)
Over time and Jason slowly learning to trust Danny, Danny starts treating Jason unknowingly like a son and Jason slowly sees Danny as another dad (only less emotionally constipated (Bruce) or abusive (Willis))
Everyone in the Kingdom knows it too, but since Danny hasn't made it official they don't call Jason 'Prince' or 'Young Master' instead they call him 'Favored Star' and 'Starlight' since Danny adores space and stars and the Ghosts honor Jason with those title's.
They realize that they've been treating each other as family when Jazz comes to visit and points it out. Danny freaks out for a moment before going to talk to Jason, whose been hoarding himself in the royal library. They talk, Jason freaks a bit (maybe runs off trying to figure out his own emotions over it. Doesn't want to get hurt again by a 'father figure' again, maybe gets in trouble? Or runs into Jazz and talks about it to her)
Eventually Danny decides to make it official and Jason becomes Prince Jason of the Infinite Realms. Everyone is excited, and a huge ball is thrown in Jason’s honor. Its a night Jason keeps close to his core because once the ball is over, Danny and Jason go sneaking into the kitchens to get some hot coco and goes into Danny’s study where Jason reads his favorite book out loud next to the fireplace while Danny works on some paperwork but is listening to the story.
Anyways since time in the Realms is weird that despite being dead for a small few years in the living Realm, Jason feels like many more years have passed in the Infinite Realm and because he’s been around Danny (and is Prince of the Realms) he has grown older (its why when he’s brought back he looked like the way he did when he died but was comatose, his ghost/soul didn’t match the body anymore and it isn’t until he’s tossed in the Pits that it corrects his body to match who he was now, its also why the Pit Madness stays with him for so long) Jason has grown into his role as a Prince and he’s happy with his (after)life (and has come to terms with many things in his life, thanks Auntie Jazz)
So when one day the Prince goes completely missing, to the point he can no longer be felt in its Realms, the Infinite Realm ‘awakens’ to the rage and worry of their King.
Meanwhile, Jason awakens underground in his coffin, dazed, confused, scared and crawls out of the ground, his soul/ghost despite being in its body isn’t attached correctly and thus his mind is blank, he’s alive but not really there. It isn’t until later when he’s tossed in the Pits and rage overtakes him that his soul/ghost is connected again, wrongly put together but connected at least. It isn’t until later when his core slowly tries fixing the rage/Pit Madness when he starts getting fuzzy and hazy memories of someplace he can no longer remember but wants to go back to, wants to find.
A sky of shifting shades of green, a castle with knights, a ball and dancing figures, the sound of a fireplace crackling and a pen scrawling across paper as the taste of hot coco phantoms its way in his memories.      
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you-usuratonkachi · 5 months
I posted this in a comment under Danny Motta's new reaction video to Book of Atlantic and I thought I would share it here too because I haven't written anything about Sebaciel in a long time but I actually feel this so strongly, I also want to know your thoughts! I'll just copy and paste lmao
"Oh right as for SebaCiel caring or not caring for one another: that's the beauty of their relationship! Not only it is ambiguos to us, I totally think it's ambiguos to them too. Because while they do perfectly understand the position they are in, in relation to one another (one is a demon who wants to eat the child's soul, the other is a child who's just using the demon for revenge), the fact that they are bound by a contract that doesn't let them act out their natural power-dynamic makes their relationship completely different from what it objectively is.
Ciel is very aware of the risk of his relationship with Sebastian, but he's shown time and time again feeling safe only in Sebastian's presence. Because he's still oh so very fragile and traumatized, Sebastian will be his final doom but he's also currently Ciel's safe place, the ONLY place where Ciel has any ounce of control. The thing with Ciel is that he's absolutely powerless UNLESS Sebastian is with him. Through his "fake" control over Sebastian, Ciel can overcome his trauma and seize his life again. Sebastian will be his end, but in the meantime, Sebastian IS his only way to salvation. So even though Ciel is aware of how bad Sebastian will ultimately be for him, Ciel also holds onto Sebastian for dear life because, well, Sebastian IS what's keeping him alive at all, both phisically and psychologically speaking. So, you see, Ciel DEPENDS on Sebastian to a degree that makes it impossible for him NOT to care for Sebastian to a certain extent, because Ciel is human and humans have feelings, they grow attached to the place where they feel safest (even though the safety is deceptive and temporary, at the moment it still is the safest for him). On the other hand he remains aware of Sebastian's nature and the last thing he would want in this reversed power-play is to show that to Sebastian (or even admit it to himself), so he treats Sebastian like a dog and THAT self-awareness amuses Sebastian to no end. And to Sebastian's amusement actually hangs the delicate balance of their relationship.
Sebastian is an old demon who's grown bored of his own nature. He doesn't want to just eat souls and be done with it, he thinks a soul should be "seasoned" before eating. What attracts him to Ciel, what makes Ciel's soul so delectable in his eyes, is how contraddicting it is. How small and fragile but willing to fake it out until the end. Willing to PLAY with him until the end. Sebastian finds it SO ENTERTAINING. And in his long eternity that's what he decided to put value into. Not his hunger or the quenching of it, but the entertainment of the chase. The fake power-play between them, playing subservient to such a small thing AMUSES HIM to no end. And to a demon, who is said to have no feelings, that's probably the closest there is to care, because to keep being amused, he could do this forever, and to keep the amusement going, he would fake-care for Ciel forever, and while one could argue that "it's fake", the beauty of it is that fake caring and actual caring make the same difference in the big scheme of things, in the temporality of human life, because ultimately Sebastian will keep Ciel alive at all costs for as long as Ciel whishes to keep this game going just so Sebastian can keep being amused by him, and while it might not be love, it's definitely a form of twisted affection.
Ciel is a human, he will die eventually. In fact, without Sebastian, he would have already been dead long ago. To Sebastian though, who's an eternal being (as far as we know), Ciel's entire life, even if he died at 100 years old, can be compared to a blink of an eye. So this "momentary" game they are playing, this fake life, is for Ciel just one thing: his life. Period. To him, it's real. Their entire relationship (and Black Butler's plot as a whole *cough cough*) is a big "fake it 'till you make it". In the end, their fake power-play, becomes their actualy power-dynamic, their fake roles turn into their actual roles, and the game, at least for the duration of Ciel's life, is nothing but reality itself, their feelings or fake feelings included.
So see? I don't know if I explained it well, but I find their relationship SO FASCINATING."
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disillusioneddanny · 7 months
Hi not sure this is the right place for requests so feel free to ignore it. My idea was Omega Jason about to go into heat in near future talking to Danny about boundaries and what he is and isn't okay with. Trusting Danny not to hurt him when he's vulnerable. Could be nice and fluffy with a hint of past sa/Jason's experiences on the street/maybe the whole Talia thing I personaly really hate, for just a smidgen of angst. But you can obviously do anything you like with it.
Hope you have fun writing again soon. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
OOh that sounds fun! And the DPxDC Omegaverse event just happened so perfect timing :3
Also, this one got a bit away from me. It's not quite talking about his boundaries with Danny but more so Jason thinking about how Danny has always respected his boundaries and why Jason trusts him enough to allow him into his nest for his heat.
I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!!
Jason was nervous. This was his first ever heat since he started courting Danny and he was hoping to have his boyfriend heat share with him. It was a big step in their relationship and part of Jason worried that it was too soon to ask something like that of Danny. Especially since Danny was a beta and didn’t get the same instincts that an alpha or an omega did when an omega went into heat. Sure, betas still had some instinct to cuddle and protect an omega but it wasn’t quite the same. 
Omegas in heat were at their most vulnerable and Jason had been hurt plenty of times before. On the streets as an omega pup, Jason had learned to keep his scent glands hidden at all times, made sure to take any illegal suppressant that he could just to make sure no one tried to get one over on him.
When he was living with Bruce, he had finally felt safe. With an alpha father and an omega brother, Jason felt safer than he had ever felt in his life and Dick and Bruce had done everything they could to have a sense of security the entire time. 
Then Jason had died. And he had come back only to be thrust into the world of the League of Assassins where it was dangerous to be an omega. The majority of the League were betas, Ra’s himself even saying that betas were far superior due to the fact that they were not influenced by or slaves to their instincts the same way that omegas and alphas were. It had made his time with them hard, forced to take supplements and forced to ignore the instinct inside of him that seemed to constantly scream at the former vigilante.
The years with the League of Assassins had not been kind to the omega and he had been left with a sense of loneliness and feeling completely unwanted in a way he hadn’t felt since he was on the streets as a child. 
Years later at just twenty-two, though, Jason had found someone who loved him and his omega. Danny had grown up in a family of betas, both of his friends being betas and not really being close to alphas or omegas his entire life but it didn’t seem to matter. 
He did everything properly, he courted Jason better than he had ever been courted before. He gave Jason gifts, beautiful notebooks and classic novels with the fancy covers that Jason always saw in bookstores but could never bring himself to buy despite finally being able to afford them. He gave Jason soft blankets with his faint beta scent attached to them, pillows for Jason’s nest, Jason’s favorite brands of tea and all the weapons Jason could ever want! He gave Jason guns from other dimensions, swords from the Dark Ages that he had specially made just for the omega. Danny showered Jason in gifts, he took Jason on the most spectacular and wonderful dates, and he never questioned him. 
That was the most important part in Jason’s opinion. 
Because after everything he had been through between living on the streets and training in the League of Assassin, Jason wasn’t what most would consider a normal omega. He was scared of letting people in, scared of letting others see those vulnerable parts of himself and Danny handled that so well. 
Danny came with his own baggage, with trauma that could match Jason’s–not like it was a competition–and because of it he was so utterly patient and understanding. He was more than happy to go at a snail’s pace. He took everything Jason’s speed as the vigilante worked to figure out their dynamic together and Jason found himself falling more and more in love with the beta because of it. 
So as nervous as Jason was, inviting Danny into his nest during his heat was probably the easiest decision Jason could ever make. He trusted Danny to be there for him, to respect his boundaries and make sure that he was safe. Danny would never in a million years hurt Jason, especially not when he was as vulnerable as he was during his heat. 
Which was why when the beta knocked on the door of his most secure safe house, Jason ignored the pounding of his heart and swung the door wide open, a smile stretched across his face. 
Danny gave him a bashful smile as he looked up at the Crime Lord, his cheeks just a bit flushed. “Hey gorgeous,” he said, his eyes twinkled with mischief and the anxiety in Jason practically disappeared as he grabbed the front of Danny’s shirt and yanked him into his apartment. He pulled his boyfriend into a hug reminiscent of Dick Grayson’s octopus holds and scented the beta thoroughly. 
The halfa simply laughed from underneath him, wrapping his arms around Jason’s shoulders. “I missed you too,” he said, tangling his fingers in Jason’s dark black locks, tugging at his hair lightly as Jason nuzzled the scent gland on Danny’s neck. 
Danny’s scent reminded Jason of all of his favorite things. Of brand new books, the sharp scent of coffee brewing, and a soft flowery smell that Jason could never quite discern. The scents were quite as strong as they would be on an alpha or an omega but Jason didn’t mind, he found himself drawn to the lovely smell every time Danny was close. It was like a warm blanket wrapped around his shoulders holding him tight and lovingly. 
“I brought those nasty ass protein bars you like, some wonton soup from that shop on eight street that you like a lot, and a bunch of easy snacks that i know you like,” Danny said, running his wrist along the scent gland on Jason’s neck, not minding one bit as Jason thoroughly scented the beta. “I’ve also got a case of Dr. Pepper since it’s your favorite, some cherry garcia ice cream because you’re a madman who doesn’t realize that half-baked is obviously superior, and a bunch of those electrolyte packets that we can mix with water. I also brought a bunch of my blankets and pillows and clothes,” he said with a sly smile that had Jason pulling away quickly. 
His eyes immediately zeroed in on the duffel bags that sat at Danny’s feet and grinned. “Danny Fenton, have I ever mentioned just how much I adore you?” He breathed out and Danny just gave him a small hint of a smile. 
“You could stand to say it more often,” he teased as Jason hefted the bag full of Danny’s clothes and blankets and pillows and hurried into his room to start adding them to his nest, Danny not far behind with everything else they would need for the next five days of Jason’s heat. 
Yes, Jason was nervous about showing this side of himself to Danny. If he was being honest, though, it was the best decision he could ever make.
did you enjoy this one shot? Send me a request here and I'll try to get to it asap <3
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rosepinksky · 6 months
Pay For My Time (pt. 6)
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female reader
In which Ghost's neighbour drags him in for dinner, and then ruins his life.
Warnings: alcohol use, implied dub-con due to alcohol use but it's stopped in its tracks!, ghost being a possessive mess and i am FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FOR IT
word count: 2.5k
ao3 link
part 1 (smutty!)
Ghost had sat there, perched on the stairs outside her floor with his leg jerking in anticipation, for upwards of an hour. He rested his chin on his knuckles, breath misting in the November chill of the stair close. Another glance at his phone- 1:40am- and he rose, storming down into the street. He slipped past the raucous crowds milling outside the pub across the road, his hands clenching in his jacket pockets to keep warm.
The club Lucy danced in was on a side of the city far shittier than the one they lived in, and that was saying something. He could feel the passersby’s eyeing him up as he walked, sizing him up. None approached.
It was sort of understandable, the way this demographic of patrons flocked to this street in particular. The kind of place where everybody implicitly understood to not discuss their activities there in the office the next day. A fucking rural Westworld, tucked away in a northern English city. A casino with its bright neon signs spilling a rainbow onto the chipped pavement, a pub advertising £3 pints- Christ, he’s been in London too much- and the Black fucking Lace, cartoonish vinyl stickers of women on poles plastered to the frosted windows.
He can hear her before he sees her; a cackle of drunken laughter around the back of the building. He heads toward the sound, and there she is; scantily-clad form draped in a man’s suit jacket that hangs on her like an oversized coat, stumbling a little on her ridiculous heels. She’s leant against the railing of the fire exit stairs, eyes glittering and hazy as she grins lazily up at the man spouting shite at her. He laughs, wrapping his arm around her waist to draw her closer, and she lets him, responding with her own bright little giggles.
The bottle of beer in his hand sloshes in his grip, droplets splashing onto her exposed skin and she takes it, taking a long drink as she holds the man’s gaze.
Ghost’s fists clench even tighter in his pockets as he watches the stranger’s eyes light up at her contact, his pig hands sliding up over her lower back. Creepy fucker, touching up the woman practically swaying on her feet in front of him.
He clears his throat as he approaches the pair, Lucy’s head turning to face him. Her smile wavers but doesn’t drop, her eyes taking him in from head to toe. He’s sure he looks the picture of wrath, all squared shoulders and hulking black mass, but tries to keep his expression composed.
“You alright, Vi?” He does his best to keep his tone soft as he keeps his eyes on her, yet to acknowledge the greasy little man with his hands on her.
She nods, taking another swig of the beer. “Never better, John. Did you need something?”
He bristles. “Looks like you might need someone to walk you home. Long night, huh?”
She smiles, and he swears it’s cruel, and she turns her attention back to the man attached to her. “Yeah. Danny here’s got it covered, don’t worry.”
He finally lifts his eyes from her to the man. Danny.
“Danny here looks like he has a bit more on his mind than just making sure you get home safe. Isn’t that right, mate?”
The man rolls his shoulders back, appearing to calculate the risk Ghost poses right now. More than you know, mate.
“You her boyfriend or something, man? Hey, I don’t want trouble. She seemed pretty fucking available to me.” Oh, so he’s a big man now?
“Not her boyfriend. Just don’t appreciate little shits like you taking advantage of vulnerable women.”
Lucy scoffs, stepping between Ghost and the man. “I’m not fucking vulnerable, I’m a grown woman. Back off, Ghost.”
Danny laughs sharply, pulling her back against his chest by the waist. “Ghost? What sorta fucking name is that?”
Ghost’s glare hardens. “Callsign. Counter-terrorism, SAS.”
There’s a moment of tense silence, and Lucy’s eyes are locked onto his. He swears he can see her pupils dilate in the pink glow of the buzzing neon lights.
She shoves the beer back into the creep’s hands without so much as a glance back at him, the liquid frothing and spilling onto his sleeve. “I’m tired. Let’s get a taxi, Smith.” She brushes past the both of them, ignoring the disgruntled calls of protest from the sleazebag behind them. Ghost nods, shooting the bloke a smug grin hidden beneath his balaclava.
He follows after her, resisting the bizarre urge to wrap a protective arm around her waist.
More than protective, actually.
He ruminates on the way he finds her so much easier to digest when she’s sitting quietly in the back of the taxi next to him, her features lit up every so often by the passing lights of the city. He’d always gone for quiet girls in the past, even if he’d never admit out loud that was something he sought out.
She’s not quiet. God, she’s a bona fide wreck, if anything. Her entire being reeks of substance abuse, of nymphomania and likely some deep-rooted parental issues to boot. She is a walking red flag, the kind of person who’d lead you astray and chip away at your morals with her siren-like smile.
He knows this; he’s no stranger to dangerous vices, makes no claim to innocence. Still, while he may not be the top subscriber of the on-base psychology facilities, he’s sat through enough mandated sessions to recognise self-destruction when he sees it.
She doesn’t turn to face him when she speaks. Her voice is lowered, cognizant of the driver separated from them only by a thin plastic screen.
“I know why you came to get me tonight.”
He hums in response, fingers adjusting their grip on his elbows.
“…I’m not going to play the sweetheart just because you wanted to play the hero.”
A pause. He takes a moment to stare at the blur of streets and lampposts outside the window before answering.
“You told me the first night we met that you’re selfish- and I don’t take you for a liar.”
She does turn to face him then, eyes swimming with an emotion he can’t quite place yet. Gratitude. Pride, maybe.
There’s another pause, and she clears her throat. “So- SAS, huh? Anti-terrorism.”
Ghost chuckles then, his expression softening. “You seem surprised.”
She shrugs, smiling softly. “I don’t know. Sort of had you pegged as a preening Coast Guard rookie.”
He laughs again, a little heartier this time. “The Coast Guard do good work.”
Her smile widens. “I know. My brother used to volunteer, when he was in high school.”
His posture stiffens in surprise. “You got a brother?”
Lucy doesn’t move. It’s like she’s gone somewhere; he wonders where. “…Yeah. Two, actually. And a sister.”
Ghost- well, on further introspection, this is Simon talking- raises an eyebrow. She hiccups, and he has to fight to hold back a smile.
“I had a brother.”
She’s quiet for a moment, long nails picking at a loose thread on the sleeve of the suit jacket. The image of Danny the Prick shivering as he heads back inside to settle his bill without it amuses Ghost to no end.
“Had?” She asks, voice gentler than he’d heard from her before.
No, actually, that wasn’t true. Her voice was soft that first night they’d spoken, her hands running along his thighs as she knelt between his legs. He hadn’t seen her like that since; all docile and tone filled with a sincerity that had him believing she actually cared about what he had to say.
He nods, and debates elaborating. She probably wouldn’t even remember this in the morning- God, I wonder how much of her life she’s lost to drunken blackouts. Does she still feel 19 because she can only remember 19 out of however many years she’s lived?
She doesn’t press for more anyway, hazy eyes starting to droop. He thinks, just for a second, that she’ll lay her head against his shoulder, but she shifts her weight to lean her forehead against the condensation-coated window with a stifled yawn.
Her eyes flutter back open, and he feels the twist of regret in his stomach as he takes in the patch of smeared foundation of her forehead now.
“Huh?” She frowns at him, the drink and the sleep muffling her hearing.
With his voice still barely above a whisper, he repeats himself. “Simon.” He clears his throat, crossing his arms over his chest. “My name.”
It takes her a second, but a smile spreads across her smudged lips. “Simon.” She chirps back, seemingly pleased with the way his name sounds on her tongue. She chuckles to herself, pressing her knees against his. He doesn’t press back, but does keep his legs in place, feeling the chilled skin of her knees through his trousers. He holds his breath.
He had to practically herd her up the stairs when they pull up to the building, his hands hovering over her waist in fear of her tripping and tumbling down the long flights of stairs. She looks up at him as they stop outside of her door, her fingers curling around the collar of his jacket.
“Are you gonna come in?”
“No, Lucy. Not tonight.” His response is quick, anticipating her question. He untangles his fingers from him, bringing them back down to her sides.
She shakes her head, eyes flickering over his broad chest. “Not to fuck. Just…stay.”
There’s a long pause, and she keeps her gaze down. He furrows his brows, keeping his gentle grasp around her wrists.
“To just…sleep?”
Another fleeting moment of silence, and she nods. He grunts in response, shrugging his shoulders. A flicker of a smile creeps across his lips at the sight of her own, and he’s once again grateful for the privacy mask he’d grabbed before leaving his flat earlier.
She unlocks her door, tripping over her entrance rug as she fiddles with the clasps on her shoes, tossing them in the vague direction of the hallway cupboard. He clicks his teeth at the sight of her numerous lamps and lighting fixtures still on despite her being out for the past few hours.
“Fucking fire hazard, Luce.” He chastises, and she snorts out a drunken laugh.
“Better than cracking my head open trying to fumble for the light switch in the dark.”
He hums at that, an unconvinced allowance at her logic. He follows her through to the bedroom, smirking at the haphazard piles of clothes she’d pulled out of her wardrobe earlier she’d neglected to pick up.
“You were gonna bring that Danny bloke home with your place a tip like this?”
Lucy rolls her eyes at him, shoving the crumpled heaps of lace and satin into a drawer. “Didn’t particularly care about his opinion of my homemaking capabilities.”
She strips off the flimsy material of her dress, tossing it into a hamper. He eyes the intricate straps of her lingerie, clasps tucked under layers of overlapping silk. She brushes her hair over one shoulder, and by God is he tempted to press a kiss to the bare skin exposed.
“Help me out of this?” Her tone is light, innocent, but that woman knows exactly what she’s doing. Ghost complies with a grunt, thick fingers brushing against her back as he undoes the knots, the bows and the little buckles holding the garment in place. He lets it drop to the floor unceremoniously, and revels in the way her breath hitches as he kneels to the floor behind her and hooks his fingers over the hem of her underwear.
He keeps his eyes on the side of her face turned towards him over her shoulder as he lifts the bottom of his mask and presses his lips to the back of her thigh, smiling against her skin as the touch makes her jolt forward on her unsteady legs.
He curls one hand against her knee to still her, keep her in place as he trails his lips upward, breathing in the heady scent of her. It’s a mixture of smells that has him nosing against her, rain and sweat, stale beer and sweet perfume and her. Lucy, not Violet.
He tugs her underwear down, over the curve of her hips and past the flesh of her thighs, letting the scarlet piece of lace fall to the floor next to her bra. He keeps his gaze down as he lets his finger travel up back towards her core, pinky finger extending out to swipe across the swell of her ass.
He stands, pulling her hair back over her shoulder to fall down across her back. “Let’s get you into my shirt again and into bed, princess.” He whispers close to her ear, biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from grinning at the way she shivers.
“Uh-huh.” She nods, turning to face him again. Her hands drop to his belt buckle, glancing up at him for permission. He nods, watching her closely as she gathers the coordination to pull the leather off of him, undoing his trousers too and dropping to her knees just like he had done to pull the hem down to his knees. She stares up at him for a second, pupils blown, before turning her attention towards his boots. She mumbles a soft curse as she struggles with the tightly-knotted laces, acrylic nails too long to let her undo them with any sort of ease.
Ghost chuckles, but doesn’t move to help her. He watches from above as she bends forward to tug and pull at his shoes, doing nothing more than lifting his foot slightly to let her take the shoe off. He throws his jacket over her door, pulling his shirt off over his head and offering it to her.
She leans back on her heels, donning the soft cotton tee. “And the mask?” She asks hopefully.
“Not tonight, Luce.” His words echo the ones he’d spoken outside of her door as he cups her jaw, his hands large enough to take her entire cheek into his palm. “Bedtime.”
She sighs, pouting just slightly, but acquiesces and crawls underneath the floral-patterned sheets. He follows, grabbing at her waist and pulling her onto his chest.
She whines. “The light, Si.”
He raises an eyebrow, lifting his head off of the pillow to look down at her. “Si?” He asks incredulously. She just waves off the question, arousal quickly dissipated by her body’s need to pass out into a drunken sleep.
He chuckles, drawing her in tighter. He tucks his mask back down over his jaw, but not before pressing a chaste kiss into her hair, drawing in one last greedy breath of her scent without the fabric in the way.
Rain. Sweat. Booze. Something pretending to be cherry. Cinnamon- real cinnamon.
(tag list! <3 @simpxinnie)
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
@f4nd0m-fun here (I hope they allow us to ask with secondary blogs soon)
Just how wild do you like your Batfam cryptids? I've got ideas for days.
One is a wing fic where all the bats essentially end up half demon. Thomas and Martha make a deal with Alfred to help fix the city and clean up the curses and everything, and. Alfred asks for 'the souls of your descendants' at the point, not caring much for humanity but hoping to get ahead of those pesky demons in his soul collection (so and so said he has Constantine's soul but that's only a piece! What about a bunch of souls that have been tainted by the spirit of a city that has never had reason to hope? Now those are some rare and dark souls).
The Waynes were hoping he'd take their souls instead but he refuses (maybe they're too full of hope or something) but, over time, he grows attached and ends up giving Bruce a shard of his power, allowing him to transform into a demonic winged form based on an animal for his protection after his parents die. When he's young the form is a snowy owl, but once he come back and became Batman his wings have changed. Each of the babies is the same way. As Robin, they gain their baby wings, but, once they move to a new name, their wings evolve.
'The Demon's Head' isn't just a fancy title, the Al'ghul's are demon descended, so Damien is at least a quarter demon even at the beginning, but Alfred's power can't be passed genetically like they thought, so he was born grounded. In this, he shows up sooner, Talkia asking Jason to take Damien with him to his father since she knows her father will kill him for being wingless.
Tim, poor baby. He couldn't fly as Robin because his wings were a shattered mimicry of Jason's Robin wings. He felt like he was in the shadow of the previous Robin, making the 'replacement' nickname sting even more, but, eventually, he grows into the wings of a cardinal and learns to fly.
I'm not sure if Alfred marks Barbara as his person, but if not, maybe he regrets not doing so, thinking that she might not have ended up paralyzed if he'd given her power. But also she's not really considered a 'Wayne descendant' life the kids Bruce adopted, so he'd have to directly make the deal with her. Maybe he does this with Stephanie when she comes along, still thinking about how Barbara might've been better off with a deal. Also, he keeps trying to hold off on gathering their souls because he's grown attached. I figure he'd probably end up wanting to turn them into proper demons too tho when they eventually die but, for now, until the city has been restored (if it ever will be), the Batfam is essentially immortal, and Alfred might be pulling some strings so no one realizes the Waynes are as well. As a side note, I debated Alfred x Lady Gotham for this story.
Then I had a dpxdc version of this where the wings were still demonic in origin but basically Scarecrow and Bruce are many many family lines removed cousins from an ancestor who was siblings with Jack Nightingale. On top of that, Danny had wings but they got charred when he was electrocuted. This one also has Clock x Pariah and they have wings due to something to do with ghosts, Danny gets a cloak made out of their feathers while his ghost side slowly grows its own wings (but he'll never have wings as a living again).
Sorry for the long send, I got a bit carried away, but if you want I can dig up my AU again and share what I have for the wings at least, not sure what else I've got written down.
#colony of bats AU
Honestly I love both of these ideas, but what if they were say, combined.
Alfred gifts Bruce a shard of his power- everyone knows the Waynes have wings, even if in most cases too small to fly. But the wings are feathered, usually bright and flashy for the men who inherit the trait.
Which means they're very identifiable. But like you said, Alfred gets (ugh) attached to this little mortal. He's practically raised him and honestly thinks it's adorable watching him manipulate the other richfolk at galas into thinking he's such a "polite young man." Bruce is practically his baby!
So he gifts him a bit of his blood (which we know via Constantine can extend ones lifespan including giving them a bit of healing) and an itty bitty piece of his own power. Just enough for Bruce to be able to willingly call upon it. Just enough for him to disappear into shadows. Just enough for his eyes to gain a hint of an unholy glow. Just enough for a hint of claws. Just enough for feathered wings to shift into jagged mimicries of his own.
You know what could be an interesting thing? The wings are Realms in origin. We know the FentonNightingales separated into the Fentons and Nightingales some time after Jack, so whose to say that the Nightingales didn't get into magic. Perhaps they were given a gift to thank them after a bit of protection or assistance. And the infinite realms are well, infinite. It attaches to all worlds, including say the more demonic ones. But whose to say none of the Fentons made a deal or three in the generations following. They were witch hunters after all, perhaps they need something to keep up with the "traitors" of their bloodline.
Perhaps a deal which resulted in those matching wings.
Now, how could they find out their relation with the Fentons? While there could be the adoption route, what if instead it was right after Danny's accident.
He died screaming, visibly got electrocuted, his wings are torched, there's no way they're not taking him to the hospital. Which means things like blood tests, maybe even a donated organ or two because someone doesn't get blasted with that much electricity without consequences.
Which, it's the batfamily, they definitely have alarms set up for any sort of family pings for both themselves and their rogues. Just in case.
Also had no idea where to put it but if this includes demons and ghosts feeding on fear, or emotions in general, then Scarecrow could be instinctively attempting to feed and grow his wings. Also he deserves raven or rook wings. Maybe a jay's if you wanna go for color.
Oh my gosh, even if Alfred and Gotham don't get together, they definitely have tea together and spar. They're definitely co-parenting either platonically or romantically, it doesn't matter this is their specialist lil boy. Who then brings even more of the specialist lil ones ever!
God I love the implications of Clockwork and Pariah creating a cloak of wings for a ghostling for them to use as their feathers slowly grow back. Love what that implies for the culture of the ghost zone. Love the idea of it maybe having an influence on Danny's wings in ghost form since a ghost's appearance is influenced by their image about themself.
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coff33notforme · 2 years
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A/n: I decided to write this impulsively at 2am because I've been holding onto this idea for a while now. If you guys like it I'd be happy to do a part two of these headcannons or even a full fic, just let me know!
Synopsis: Modern Au with Danny Johnson where Danny has made himself comfortable as your full time housewife!
Pairing: Housewife! Danny and Gn! Reader
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Housewife! Danny who wakes up before you, so that he can breakfast for you before you go to work
Danny knows all of your favorites by heart so whatever you want to eat, he’s got it down, he’s already accustomed to what you prefer to have 
Danny melts whenever you give him the slightest bit of validation or approval for his hard work, you know how hard he works to please you 
Housewife Danny spends most of his day cleaning up around the house, doing simple chores like vacuuming, doing the dishes, making the beds, sweeping ect. 
Tidying up the house for when you return home, he only wants the best for his lover of course 
Though he also leaves occasionally to run errands, grocery shopping, picking up orders from around town, among other things 
But he makes sure to keep track of time so he can come home before you so that he can cook your favorite as well as wash the blood down the drain
When you return home from your long day at work Danny is there waiting to greet you with a welcoming hug, and after a tiring day Danny's strong arms embracing you against his soft, plush chest is the closest to heaven you think you’ll ever get
He’s already set the table of course with your favorite meal hand prepared by Danny himself
Over dinner Danny’s very inquisitive about your day, he’ll listen to you ramble on and on about one specific coworker whos been bothering you lately, or how you got there exactly on time, or maybe even a compliment your boss gave you
Whatever you want to talk about he’s all ears, or maybe you had an exhausting day and all you want to do is relax 
He’s got you, he’ll offer to give you a message, or start up a bath for you, maybe if your feeling up for you and him could watch some TV in the bedroom, anything you want to watch  
God forbid anything happens to you, if you ever come to Danny even slightly distraught he’s engulfed with rage and this is one of the only times you’ll see Danny's face shift from the warm smile he offers you to something cold, something dangerous that you can’t quite read
Though he’ll assure you he’s not upset that way his eyes show a glimmer of fury you doubt his words though you never say this to his face
He’ll never pressure you to talk about anything but he is pushy for names, if you're hesitant about giving in to his requests he’ll start sweet talking you until you give in 
“Please my dear, I won’t do anything without your say so, but I need to know who brought my angle to tears, just let me fix it love.”  
Though you do find it strange how seemingly out of nowhere the co-worker who had been bothering you stopped coming into work only a day after Danny had interrogated you
You’ve only know Danny to be a sweet, charming, man who wants nothing but the best for you and he’s given you no reason not to trust him, so how could you think anything of it but a coincidence 
Though you never know what Danny really gets up to when he does his errands, what you don’t know won’t hurt you right?
After all he’s grown attached to the role he’s been given as your Housewife <3 
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Comments and Reblogs are appreciated!
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exhuastedpigeon · 9 months
Omg please give me townie sterek!
I think I've talked about this one before like MONTHS ago.
Cape Cod Townie Stiles - he gets sent to a fancy prep school, Milton Academy after his mom dies. One of the last things she did before she died was get him into the school, but didn’t tell him, only his dad. She was from a rich family and met Stiles' dad summering with her family (his first year as a deputy).
The Hales always summer in the Cape and Stiles grew up kind of friends with Derek because there mom's were childhood friends and kept in touch. Derek and Stiles drifted once they were pre-teens.
The fic starts at the start of the summer. Stiles' mom died right around Christmas and he's still deeply mourning her. He has no idea he's going to a fancy prep school at the end of summer and he's just kind of existing.
Here's a little snippet from the first section.
Derek Hale looked good. That wasn’t surprising though, the Hale’s always looked good. They were notorious on the Cape for their looks and how much money they had. Stiles used to hang around with Derek when they were younger, his mom and Stiles’ mom had been friends growing up. As they got older Stiles and Derek had drifted even though their mom’s were still close.  “Derek,” Stiles said with a nod.  “Stiles,” Derek looked a little surprised to see Stiles at the shop. Stiles guessed that was fair, he hadn’t worked here the previous summer. “I - uh. Hi?” “Hi,” Stiles said, rolling his eyes. “Let me guess, you want something gross like rum raisin.” “Chocolate,” Derek said, shoving his hands in his pockets as he spoke. “On a cone please.” “So polite,” Stiles said as he scooped the ice cream onto a cone. “I’m glad to see Milton Academy for People with Sticks Up Their Ass at least teaches you manners.” “I’m sorry about your mom,” Derek said quietly when Stiles handed him his cone. “I-I wanted to come to the funeral, but -” “Don’t worry about it,” Stiles avoided Derek’s eyes. “Four dollars.” Derek handed Stiles a twenty dollar bill and didn’t let go of it until Stiles looked up at him. Derek was really pretty, he always had been even when he hadn’t quite grown into his ears as a kid. His hazel eyes that almost seemed to change color with his mood and his smile had always been disarming. He wasn’t smiling now though, he just looked sad.  “Are you coming to the bonfire later?” “Maybe,” Stiles said. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t just tell Derek the truth, that he’d be there and he’d sit quietly on a log while Scott made a fool of himself trying to impress Alison Argent. Stiles had been quiet lately, that was the biggest change since his mom died.  “Hopefully I’ll see you there,” Derek said just as quietly as Stiles. “My mom wants you and your dad to come over for dinner soon too.” “She’s got his number,” Stiles said and tried to hand Derek his change, but he shook his head. Stiles dropped it into the tip jar.  “See you later then,” Derek said, walking out of the ice cream shop with his cone in hand.  It wasn’t until the door had closed behind him that Stiles had time to wonder where Derek’s usual posse was. If there was one thing summer in the Cape could set their clock by was Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Derek Hale, and Danny Mahealani all being attached at the hip “I have so many questions,” Erica said once the outline of Derek had faded into the darkness of the night.  “And here I am, all out of answers,” Stiles said with a shrug. He looked down at his watch and smiled when he saw it was 11. He walked around the counter to lock the doors and started putting chairs up on the tables.
wip ask game
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
yo chris! hi its me again, always gotta say what an amazing job you do for this fandom!! 10 outta 10 babe!! ok so onto my ask got any long bad friend scott fics where anyone other than scott is stiles best friend?? much loveee <3
Hey! ❤️ Here are a few. Some long and some not so much.
Can't rely on me by Littleredridinghunter | 116.2K
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli) | 65.6K | Explicit
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
Go Away, Scott by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere | 66.2K
After the incident at the warehouse, Stiles is fed up with Scott. He finds himself drawn into Derek’s pack and in the process, drawn to Derek himself.
With the Alpha Pack closing in, Derek needs to learn how to trust his pack and those around him. And who better to help him than Stiles?
Protect and Serve by MoonlitMemories | 150.7K | Mature
Stiles discovers the Nemeton starting to grow again in the preserve on Hale land. What does that mean for the pack? More importantly: why does the Nemeton seem so attached to Stiles?
Blindsided by AClosedFicIsNeverRead | 39.6K | Explicit
Derek exhaled tremulously and tried to stay calm. He called several more times, growing steadily more frantic each time, before allowing the truth to settle in: Stiles’ phone was off. “No. No, no, no, please, no,” Derek whispered to himself, barely able to see the screen through his tearful eyes. What had he done? Had he been so blinded by rage that he dismissed Stiles' call for help?
A Healing Silence by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere | 36.3K
Stiles is slowly pushed out of the pack following his fight with Scott about Donovan's death. After receiving a phone number from an old friend, Stiles is surprised to find that it belongs to the one person who may be able to bring him back to himself.
Anthracite by LupusScintilla (inkandblade) | 106.6K | Explicit
It's been a quiet few years, and the McCall Pack has grown and settled. But, when the Hale Pack return to Beacon Hills they find Scott isn't as welcoming as they had hoped.
Soon they, Stiles, and Lydia, find out that not everything about the McCall Pack is as it has always seemed.
What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This? by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 196.1K | Explicit
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!”
Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her.
“What?! What was that sound?!”
“You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder.
“Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!”
“Mike,” she argued.
“Who’s Mike?” Scott asked.
“Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
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mizartz · 2 years
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more dp x pkmn doodles (it’s free serotonin) this time with valerie!!
rambling about her team under the cut:
Valerie’s pokemon were difficult to choose… I wanted her to have a relatively uncommon fire or fighting type for her bc because 1. I just think those types fit her, and 2. she used to be a spoiled rich kid, so i doubt she’d accept just any old pokemon for her partner.
chosen as her starter for its fierce personality and also bc its normal typing coincidentally gives it immunity to ghost types.
Probably lazy 90% of the time but gets super aggressive when challenged. It isn’t very interested in ghost hunting unless its perceived territory (the apartment, school, and/or nasty burger) is under attack.
Maybe has a personal grudge against Cujo? (havent decided on a pkmn for him yet tho...)
The other option for her starter was Vulpix bc its evolution is characterized as “spiteful”, which i think matches her pretty well lol. Some of the fire starters would be… okay for her, but I wasn’t a fan of any of their final evos.
baby pokemon gifted by Vlad. Perfect IVs/EVs, trained with dark-type TMs, has Foresight to negate ghost immunity, yada yada. It’s been raised from birth to be Valerie’s ghost hunting partner and doesn’t know much else about the world.
As Riolu grows older and its ability to sense aura/emotions increases, it begins to doubt its training, leading to it refusing to hunt Phantom because it knows that he can’t possibly be evil. (This attitude gradually spreads towards other ghosts as well, but Phantom is the trigger. Alternatively, maybe Ellie is involved somehow?)
Riolu and Val get into a big fight over it and Riolu runs away, forcing Valerie to confront her grudge against ghosts or risk losing her partner forever.
Riolu’s admittedly a bit of an odd choice for ghost hunting since it doesnt have type advantage, but I’ve grown quite attached to the idea of Riolu/Lucario’s innate sense of justice coming to a head with Valerie’s quest for vengeance. And also Vlad not thinking his plan through by gifting her a pkmn known to detect ill intent is very funny to me… like why didnt u give her a pawniard or scizor or smthn?? congrats u played urself
Riolu has no idea half-ghosts exist btw! Vlad kept it in the dark so it wouldn’t turn on him or reveal his identity. it suspects SOMETHING is up with danny though, which leads to some awkward staredowns at school. (also going by pkmn game logic: riolu can’t see through illusions without attacking first, so danny’s hisuian zorua is safe so long as it assumes another form)
im trying to avoid giving out too many shinies but shiny riolu just fits val’s color scheme sooooo much better. lets just say vlad wanted to show off REALLY hard that day, ok? being one of the few ppl in school with a shiny poke would make her less unpopular than she is in canon, but she still doesn’t rejoin the A-lister crowd.
riolu being so recognizable does mean it has to wear a disguise when ghost hunting tho (which makes my red huntress sketch non-canon lmao). it either wears a mini huntress suit or just a black cloak!
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artzysyam · 11 months
Scarlet Knight: Origins Chp 2
After being revived from the dead, Jason had a huge appetite and being a halfa, he accepted the hands of those who offered him a better life or afterlife than what he had when he was alive. 
Jason scarfed down his chilli dogs, grease coating his hands and lips as he licked off the spicy juices between bites. His eyes flicked to the figure beside him. He couldn't tell if it was a teenager or something otherworldly – all Jason could make out were two bright, luminescent eyes that seemed to be scanning his every move. The being ate a hamburger at a steady pace, but it didn't seem to grow any smaller.
Danny had bought enough food for an army – and my God, being dead gave him quite the appetite! It nearly matched the speedsters with how many calories he shoveled in. But manners? Who has time for manners when you're this hungry? Certainly not Jason.
Danny watched with amusement as Jason wolfed down his last dozen of chilli dogs. His eyes were wide in surprise and mouth smeared with sauce as he looked up at Danny, who smiled sheepishly, his face a deep shade of green.
"Slow down my Padawan? I can buy you more food if you want?" Danny chuckled.
Jason glared at him, chili dogs still in his mouth. "I'm damn hungry!" He said before swallowing them whole.
"That's what you get being a Halfa," Danny said, scratching the back of his neck nervously. He could feel himself blushing even brighter. "High metabolism."
Jason perked up, curiosity spilling from his eyes as be wiped the chilli residue from his chin with the back of his hand. "What do you mean 'Halfa'?"
Danny gave Jason a wistful smile and his gaze lingered on him like the sun after a long day. "Like I told you before," he said, "we’re half alive and half dead; living and not-living. And now that you're around, our number has grown to four.”
Jason listened intently before he caught the subtlety of what Danny was saying. “Wait… you mean?”
Danny's smile brightened as he answered, “Yes, I too am a Halfa – with four to five years of experience in this stuff.”
Jason opened his mouth to ask another question, but before he could get a word out, Danny quickly raised his hand and shot him an intense warning look. “Before I forget,” Danny began sternly, punctuating each word for emphasis. “Do not...I said do not ask a ghost how they died. That’s considered extremely rude and the ghost might just throw hands at ya!” He said with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood with relatable jokes that Jason could understand.
Jason's already pale complexion seemed to turn even paler as Danny mentioned his visit to the graveyard. His teal eyes widened as he recalled the vision of his own grave, which brought a chill up his spine. Danny noticed the distress in Jason's expression and softened his smirk into a comforting smile as he reached out and gently ruffled the teen's black hair with its single streak of white.
"But, they'll tell you their story if they trust you enough and you're willing to listen," Danny said reassuringly.
His voice was calm, yet firm, and radiated a sense of safety that Jason had not experienced before; unlike Bruce, who he had been trained by to always be wary of others. Nobody had ever cared about him, an insignificant street rat from Crime Alley, without any strings attached - until now. Danny had saved him; pulled him out of his metaphorical coffin and given him a chance at life or afterlife, he don't know.
Jason stood in confusion, eyes welling with tears as he asked Danny, "So...what do I do now?" He could hardly comprehend his second chance; what was he supposed to do? Where was he supposed to go?
Danny smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he placed a comforting hand on Jason's shoulder. 
"Well for starters," he said, "you can come with me to Infinite Realms. My mentors, the court and I can help you get used to your abilities and there's more ectoplasmic energy there for your growing core." 
Jason listened, realizing this was an obvious choice. 
"But if you want to stay..." Danny began, but was cut off immediately by a desperate shout from Jason.
"No!" he cried out, and Danny stepped back in surprise. 
"There's no bloody place for me if I stayed here. I'm fucking dead and what would happen if I went to him... will he welcome me back with open arms or bloody abandon me again just like how...how..." Jason couldn't continue speaking between sobs, but felt relief wash over him when Danny embraced him. A sense of safety and assurance blanketed him as Jason returned the embrace and cried into his saviour's—no, his Star's—shoulder.
After a few moments of deep and heavy breathing, Jason finally pulled apart from the embrace, wiping his eyes and clearing his runny nose. He looked intently into Danny's eyes which were filled with acceptance and understanding — the kind that gave him faith that he would never be judged or let down. With a soft voice, he spoke the key words he had been wanting to say for so long: "I'll go with you." 
Danny smiled at him, a warm smile that was genuine and full of compassion. He reached out towards Jason with one of his clawed hands and beckoned him closer. Using his other hand, Danny waved it through the air, creating an emerald-hued portal before them. Taking a step back, Danny gave him an encouraging nod and said "Well, let's go then - and I promise I'll be with you always". And with that they stepped forward together into the swirling portal - leaving Gotham behind them in a fading trail of green light and scattered chilli dog containers and burger wrappers.
As they stepped through the emerald-lit portal, a rush of cool air swept over Jason’s face, ruffling his dark hair and raising goosebumps on his skin. Danny's grip tightened, and he felt a wave of warmth emanating from his Star's hand.
Fragments of memories flooded Jason's mind—darkness, battles won and lost, and sacrifices made. Despite the fear that threatened to consume him, a glimmer of hope began to ignite within his chest.
The portal spat them out onto solid ground and they emerged into a breathtaking castle. Vines covered its walls while ravens perched atop soaring towers. Gothic designs adorned each window with intricate detail. Magical melodies echoed in the air - enchanting creatures and spirits lurked just beyond the shadows. A sense of peace washed over Jason as he took in his extraordinary surroundings.
Danny squeezed his hand gently, intertwining their claws like puzzle pieces. "Welcome," he whispered, his voice carrying both the weight of their journey and the hope for a new beginning. 
"You lived in a fucking castle!?" Jason yelled, still unable to believe what he was seeing. 
"Well, yeah," replied Danny with a teasing glint in his eyes. "I told you my mentors, court and I would help you get used to your ghost powers, right?" 
"You're a fucking King!?" Jason shouted incredulously. 
"Bingo!" Danny chuckled, clearly amused by Jason's reaction to discovering his regal status. 
"As I said before, I'll be with you throughout your journey. You're not alone in this, alright." Danny said as he gestured towards the impressive stone gates that led into the main courtyard of the castle. He then proceeded to lead the way inside as they ventured further into unknown territory - eager to start a new journey together. As he recalled a quote from somewhere in the web, 'Every ending marks a new beginning.'
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Prompt: The Fentons Figure Out Vlad Is The Westconsin Ghost First
Vlad transforms in front of Jack or Maddie.
Vlad was fighting Danny and trying quite hard to make it seem like it was easy for him. He hated to admit it but Daniel had grown quite strong and rapidly. The boy could not know how much Vlad struggled stay ahead. The only thing he really had was practice with his powers to master them but Daniel was on a whole different level. His power was off the charts, but his self doubt kept him in check. All Vlad had to do was boast about how much stronger he was. Show off a clone or two and make Daniel believe he was weaker. If the boy didn’t think he had a real chance then he wouldn’t. Keep him thinking he got lucky. Keep him from realising his real potential. At least until he agreed to join Vlad. That or Vlad finally figured out how to control him. Not like thats what he really wanted, another tool. He just had to keep trying, even as it grew harder and harder to pretend to be ahead.
He got sloppy. Not his best work. And hearing the boy bragging and goating him hit harder than Little Badger could understand. It meant his plans would soon fall apart and he wouldn’t have a chance to dominate the boy (sorry poor wording but I got nothing else). The fights got harder and harder and then he couldn’t even keep up. A blow he couldn’t dodge sent him soaring. Then a crash. Nothing too damaged but not strong enough to hold form. He changed. How long had it been since he was too weak to hold ghost form? Slowly he lifted himself out of the newly formed crater, hand moving to cradle his aching skull.
Disoriented he didn’t realise someone was near by. “I got you now Westc….” Jacks voice, normally booming and annoyingly loud, fell silent. Vlad froze the moment he made eye contact with the man. Then he tried to turn invisible, still not enough power. So he stood there trying to figure out what to say, what to do, ‘how do I get out of this’ as he went to open his mouth the sound of a gun buzzing to life came. He turned his head to meet the gaze of the love of his life. Maddie Fenton there pointing a blaster right at him. He had to act fast he needed to stop this quickly. He didn’t dare move but spoke as quickly as he could “Wait! I can explain!” Now jacks weapon was raised but Vlad could see the doubt there, in his eyes. Maybe he could use that. “Please it’s me I..I… I have been possessed! That ghost has been using my body! Please I-I need your help.” It worked easily enough on Jack as he fully lowered his gun and a look of shock across his face. Maddie sweet Maddilyn though she didn’t move nor did she falter. Gun still raised and primed to shoot. “As if we would fall for that!” She spat at him. Jacks head turned to his wife, his face pleading as if he was begging her for something. Vlad couldnt tell why.
Vlad raised his hands and took one step back “Maddie please it’s me, Vlad. Come on you know me! I need your help.” Maddie was pretty good at reading him and he knew it so if he was gonna sell this he had to tell some of the truth. “This ghost it-it attached itself to me!” She scoffed “for that to happen you would have to have been exposed to a large amount of ectoplasmic energy. And Vlad wouldn’t have been so reckless! Quit lying ectoscum! The amount of ecto-energy to di that would have killed any human! Not to mention the damage left over on the body!” Now jack raised his weapon and chimed in “I would have noticed such a thing! Vlad was is best friend!”
He couldn’t contain his anger. The years of hurt and betrayal turned sour within him. And he bellowed “I SPENT YEARS IN THE HOSPITAL! YOU TWO JUST NEVER CARED TO VISIT ONCE!” His words caught them off guard. Maddie determined to not be fooled “what are you talking about. If Vlad had ever received an injury that caused him to be hospitalised for years then we surely would know. After all we would have visited him.” Her words like venom struck him deep. He gave a weak laugh. Fully deflated. “Really? You would have visited? What a joke” he didn’t plan to lay his heart so bare before them but after that he didn’t care. How dare they say that. After everything, after how they treated him. How dare they act all high and mighty now after years of silence. After years of shunning him. “You said no injury occurred? High levels of ecto-energy? 1980s ringing any bells?” His anger getting the best of him “College? Maybe a portal with enough energy to open a gate to a different realm? Hmm would that be enough energy! Enough energy to the face to hospitalise me FOR YEARS wondering WHY MY TWO BEST FRIENDS NEVER VISITED ONCE!” His breathing was uneven as his voice broke “not even once ha some friends” he didn’t want to tell them this but he didn’t care. They should know what they did to him. He was glad to have finally told them. Him evil scum? Maybe they should look in the mirror.
It was once again Maddie who got it first, of course it was as if Vlad even thought Jack could comprehend anything. A soft gasp “the portal” just a whisper, he probably shouldn’t have even heard it. Vlad didn’t even want to look at them but did anyway. He met her gaze and saw the guilt there, Jack was just looking horrified at his own hands. “We” a breath “we killed you” she gasped as if he own words struck her. “Yes” was all Vlad could manage, he was far more tired than when he crashed down.
As if finally unfrozen Jack took in a sharp breath. “It was me wasn’t it. I-I messed up the formula. I did it. It was me. I killed you.” His voice so devoid of emotion. “Yes” Wounds he had hidden so deep now exposed and the hurt came right back in full force as if he was still in the hospital waiting for them to bust thru that door. His bitterness rising, he couldnt stop himself from making another jab “you made me like this.” He held his hands out “you did this to me. You!” He struggled with the words “You killed me! You killed me and you didn’t even visit me ONCE!” He couldnt control the emotion in his voice and he didn’t care. He couldnt keep his legs from giving out as he fell to his knees. Stop the tears from forming in his eyes. And he did not care. Let them hear how upset he his. Let them see how broken he is. How broken they made him.
Then he heard it. The sound of a gun lifting and coming to life. He looked up to see Jack face in his hands, shoulders racked with silent sobs. He turned to Maddie, her hood down, Her face streaked, and her gun raised. “We should have noticed sooner. Seen the signs.” Vlad was confused. What did she mean. “What.” He started but then the gun fired. Hitting him square in the chest. He fell backwards from the force of the shot. His vision was going dark as he heard Maddie speak softly “We should have dealt with you sooner Vlad. But don’t worry. Your ghost will help us make great progress in out study” a sniffle from Jack “It’s what he would have wanted” and then everything faded out.
Yadayada vlad torture bla bla bla vivisection vs dissection discussion skip skip skip it’s all be done before go write it ya seld it’s 234am and im in the now cold shower and havent even reached the point of the post so im skipping this part.
Anyway Vlad escapes. Barely with the help of Danny and then tries to convince Danny to leave. They aren’t safe. They will destroy him. Danny hesitates before deciding to stay. He is a child who loves his parents. Vlad is pleading and begging Danny to go. Jazz is seriously considering it. But Danny isn’t super sure they would accept him more cause he is their son but he will just have to make sure they never find out. Either Vlad dips and offers to always have a safe place for Daniel or stays to help him stop his parents. The damage they did to Vlad is shocking and they both agree that they don’t need to have access to any ghosts ever. Idk man. I just wanted to have Vlad get outted first and to have Danny see how badly his parents take it. Also wanted to make a none crossover post lmao
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renamusing · 24 days
even outside of this whole aaron/john thing….. aaron has seemed so weird since he came back into the show. like he’s still my favourite but it feels like a different character a lot of the time imo, and not in a ‘he’s grown up and changed’ way but in a ‘the current writers have forgotten important parts of his character’ way :/
yes, it's a bit unsettling. i see more of danny miller in recent episodes than i do aaron. before, when i watched him 2014-2019, it was easy to forget he was being played by an actor, but more and more, i just tune out of that immersion because the writing is so awful.
i found his whole angry/villainous return pretty interesting at the start. the issues he brought up in his first conversation with chas all seemed valid to me. they justified in a very succinct way why he was behaving so out of character. it's funny now, in retrospect, how none of the things he was raging about back then have been accounted for by the writers, they just wrapped it all up with that cancer plot conjured out of nowhere. so aaron's biggest issue which is his devastating loneliness after losing his core family (sister, husband, son) remains to be addressed, and because it is NOT addressed he is like a bad copy of himself, in the same way john sugden is (so far) a bad copy of robert. there is no depth, no warmth, definitely no charm. all those things are sacrificed for a future plotwist to be unveiled in a big stunt episode instead of being earned.
i feel like even if i wanted to root for john and aaron i couldn't because they have given us no reason to. why does john even like aaron? we dont know. why would aaron keep coming back to robert's half-brother after everything he and robert went through, together and apart? like you said, it's as if the writers have forgotten parts of aaron's story which make aaron aaron.
im with everyone else who is waiting for this sudden attachment to john to be explained by john being the closest thing aaron can get to robert or some way to fill that emptiness he has felt since he lost him and liv, but with these writers nowadays it's best to keep our expectations low.
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