#but he had a hand in guiding her through how time rifts work
majormeilani · 2 years
i literally don't talk about it much but i do often think about the cut ahit character, tim the time ceo. he had a rather silly (yet somewhat relatable) backstory and concept for his character but it would have been neat if we could see more characters from where hat kid comes from.
also i really liked his design:
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he seemed like such a lovely character
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enjoythesilentworld · 5 months
Wille's Month - Cooking/Baking
day 5! @youngroyals-events
Kristina finds Wille in the kitchens. rating: G
read below the cut or on ao3.
“Shoot,” Wille mumbled, sweeping together the big pile of flour he’d accidentally dumped on the counter. Who would’ve thought using a scale would’ve been so complicated. He figured he had seen enough Instagram reels of people baking to be able to figure it out. That was maybe not totally the case. Not to mention it was the ass-crack of dawn and he still felt the dregs of sleep in his brain. 
He jumped, spilling even more flour. Turning around, he found his mother standing in the kitchen doorway. She wore a robe wrapped around her, her hair tied up. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen her like this. To any outsider, it would’ve simply looked like a mother checking on her child, rather than the Queen of Sweden staring confusedly at the Crown Prince. 
“Why are you awake so early?” 
Thankfully, she sounded more puzzled than upset. He gestured awkwardly to the array of ingredients. “I wanted to– I’m trying to make pancakes.”
“Whatever for?” 
“Um,” Wille fumbled for the words. “I wanted to make breakfast for Simon. Usually when I stay at his, Linda will–” 
He cut himself off and looked down at the dusting of flour on his feet, across the light tile floor. How could he explain this to his mother without offending her? Wille knew, he knew that his family was different, that the Queen didn’t have time to make little breakfast spreads for her child and his boyfriend. (Although, in all fairness to Linda, she worked plenty and still made time, but that was besides the point.) He’d resented it when he was younger. It didn’t seem fair that everyone else seemed to have family dinners so often. The first few times he’d stayed for dinner at Simon’s, sitting around the table with everyone laughing and talking loudly, had nearly made Wille cry. The closest his family had ever come to that was when Erik was still alive and would occasionally come back from Hillerska to visit. As he got older, though, he grew used to it and tried to forgive his mother for all the missed bedtimes and sports games, the stinted dinners and tense breakfasts. Things had grown slightly warmer between them since they’d agreed he would officially step down on his 18th birthday. He didn’t want to do another thing to upset her, to make that rift grow even wider. 
“Would you like some help?” 
Wille’s head snapped back up. “What?” His mother had stepped further into the room and begun moving towards him. 
“Do you have a recipe, or have you just started mixing random ratios together?” 
He felt at a loss for words again, brain too busy trying to comprehend what was happening, so he simply shrugged.
“Let’s see, then.” She picked up his phone from the counter and dusted the coating of flour off the screen. 
For the next half-hour, Wille followed along as his mamma gave him gentle instructions and guided him through the recipe. He beat the eggs in a bowl while she measured and combined the dry ingredients. Later, she pulled blueberries from the fridge and arranged a handful into a smiley face on top of one of the cooking pancakes. Wille just watched on in a daze, feeling a laugh bubble up at the absurdity when he saw Kristina smile down at the silly little smiley-face pancake. He tried to flip one of the pancakes by tossing it in the air and she laughed – laughed – when he missed and it fell face down on the floor. She helped him arrange the food onto a platter and then waved him off. 
“I’ll clean this up,” she said. “You go on.” 
Wille looked at his mom, at the brush of flour on her cheek and the few strands of hair that had come loose from her bun. He rushed forward and pulled her into a hug, burying his face in her neck. 
“Oh, gubben,” she whispered, rubbing his back. 
He mumbled a watery, “Thank you,” and hugged her tighter. 
“You’re very welcome.” 
Stepping back, he wiped at his face and sniffled then nodded. She smiled up at him and Wille felt that rift grow a little smaller. 
Before he stepped out the door with his tray of breakfast, he turned back. “I love you, mamma.”
“I love you, too, älskling. Now, go before they get cold.”
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thiswasneverthat · 1 year
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❅ chan x fem!reader
❅ angst, toxic relationship, implied cheating
❅ wc: 800+
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On a night etched with weariness, as the weight of a taxing workday pressed upon you, fate guided you to a bar nestled conveniently close to your office. Craving the burning sensation of alcohol to dull the edges of stress, little did you know that the Gods above had a different plan in store. It was within those walls that you encountered not a mere drink, but also something far more intoxicatingㅡ him.
A warm smile adorned his face as he approached you that night. With a polite request, Chris pulled out the chair opposite yours, and you couldn't help but return the smile and nod in agreement.
Since then, the threads of your lives entwined in a bond that seemed unbreakable. However, as the sands of time slipped through your grasp, you wondered if it was a tangible reality or merely a fleeting illusion in your mind.
Who would have thought, almost three years later, that the very fragments of your heart would be scattered into a million pieces, leaving behind a painful echo of what you had thought was an unbreakable bond?
Chris who was the devoted boyfriend, now wielded the power to shatter your heart into a gazillion pieces.
Chris who used to brighten up your days with his calls, now chose to remain silent, leaving your heartache reverberating through the empty lines.
Chris who once wrapped you in his arms as he showered you with kisses, had now become a distant figure, turning his back on you whenever you needed him.
Chris who whispered sweet nothings in your ear, now left you with a deafening silence that seemed to drown out all the love you once shared.
Chris who used to write you heartfelt lettersㅡ his pen pouring out his deepest emotions, now left your messages unread, the ink of his promises fading into oblivion.
Chris who once held your hand and promised to never let go, had now slipped through your fingers, leaving you grasping at the memories that were slipping away like sand.
And as you stood there, trying to piece together the fragments of what was once a beautiful love story, you couldn't help but wonder if it had all been a dream or a cruel trick played by fate.
What had caused this sudden rift? Was it something within you? Was your demanding work schedule a culprit? Or did the fault lie with him?
In your attempt to salvage what was left of the love you held dearly, you reached out to him, seeking an explanationㅡ a glimmer of hope. Yet, all he offered was a cold and distant reply, "some things change, and some things simply are."
You had no fucking clue what he was implying. But, you convinced yourself that you would unravel the truth and mend the rift, no matter how elusive it seemed.
However, you got your answer sooner than expected when you visited his studio one night.
As you stepped into his studio, the air seemed to thicken with tension. The soft glow of dim lighting revealed a scene that struck you like a blow to the chest. There he was, standing dangerously close to a woman, their laughter mingling in the air like a melody that you couldn't bear to hear. 
Your voice caught in your throat, the words you had rehearsed fading into nothingness. You had hoped for a different truth, a reasonable explanation, but the truth stood before you like an unyielding wall, leaving you to grapple with a pain that seemed to swallow you whole.
That sight was etched into your mind like a bitter memory. His arms, once the safe haven that held you close, now encircled her waist with an intimacy that sent daggers through your heart.
She was perching on the edge of his desk, a space you once occupied in innocent moments years ago. And the irony of the situation wasn't lost on you— a memory of his annoyance when you had accidentally sat on that desk flashed before your eyes, a painful contrast to the scene you now bore witness to.
You stood there, rooted in disbelief. Your heart pounding in your chest like a relentless drum. Every word he had ever said, every promise of forever, echoed in your mind like a cruel taunt. A mix of anger, hurt, and a sense of betrayal surged within you, threatening to overwhelm your composure.
Summoning every ounce of courage, you cleared your throat, cutting through the tension that hung heavy in the air. Their heads snapped towards you, his annoyed gaze meeting your tear-filled eyes.
"Chris," you managed to say, your voice trembling slightly despite your efforts to steady it.
"What are you doing here?" his words cut through the tense air like a blade, carrying a frosty edge that mirrored the icy wind outside.
As his eyes locked onto yours, in that instant, the undeniable truth hung in the space between youㅡ a truth that echoed with the weight of everything that had been shattered and lost.
Chris had slipped away, and in the wake of his absence, it became painfully clear that the two of you had lost it all. 
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skye-huntress · 1 year
Ruby and Weiss
A while ago I was asked what my thoughts were on these two characters and the trajectory of their character arcs. I had something of a revelation recently and wanted to do a follow up, especially now after we’ve seen some developments on Ruby’s arc. The focus on this post will be on their relationship. It hasn’t escaped my attention that in this volume especially there seems to be little interaction between these two who were so much closer just a few volumes ago. It has only recently occurred to me that there is a reason why there is suddenly this distance between Ruby and Weiss.
Weiss is in a different situation from everyone else. Her entire life has been reduced to rumble, literally and figuratively. Her home kingdom is gone, and everyone she knew from there, from family to acquaintances, are either dead or permanently displaced. She has been more focused on getting back to Remnant than anyone else because in addition to checking up on her family, there is a lot she needs to do for herself, her family and her people. It’s certainly not helping that she was part of the plan that resulted in sacrificing Atlas, and that she couldn’t at least keep the Staff from falling into Salem’s hands. She’s focused on the challenges ahead while feeling the weight of her choices bear down on her, she doesn’t notice what Ruby is going through.
On the other hand, Ruby can see Weiss clearly. I don’t think it hit Ruby until she made a comment about going home and Weiss pointed out she no longer had a home to go back to. Then there was the moment at the market where she commented about not wanting to keep leaving places in ruin, and Ruby just silently guides Weiss away. Then within the punderstorm, as Weiss stares at the image of Atlas falling, Ruby doesn’t move to touch her or say anything at all. Whether it’s a conscious decision or not, Ruby has been distancing herself from Weiss, and the reason is so obvious I’m actually shocked I hadn’t considered it sooner.
Ruby blames herself for destroying Weiss’ home and ruining her life.
Throughout their journey through the Ever After, Weiss has been a constant reminder to Ruby of her failure to protect Atlas. Of course Weiss understands that if any blame needs to assigned, it is at least shared among all of them, that’s why when she talks about the plan to drop Atlas she uses “us” and “we”. She did not understand that at the time, Ruby was placing the full burden of the blame on herself. There was also the issue of the comments Weiss made about Jaune back at the Paper Village, about how he was unreliable and that they needed to find someone else to guide them. Weiss wasn’t talking about her, but Ruby was thinking all the same things about herself, and it clearly bothered her enough that she threw those words right back at Weiss during her outburst later.
So, there’s the reason that the two of them have been so distant this volume. Now it seems like Weiss is starting to catch on to what’s going on with Ruby and how she and the rest of her friends may have unwittingly contributed to the problem. Right now though, there is nothing for them to do but wait for Ruby to figure out some of her own issues for herself. It will be up to Weiss and the rest of them to accept Ruby’s decision.
Moving forward is where things get interesting though. Ascension will only help Ruby with her internal issues, but it won’t fix the rift that was caused in her relationships, especially with those who were with her in the Ever After. Regardless of how she comes back, she’ll need to take the time to reconnect with everyone and have an honest conversation about her feelings and how her relationships with everyone should work. There’s a bit of imbalance in terms of how everyone relies on her but she feels like she can’t rely on anyone else, at least when it comes to emotional support.
As for Ruby and Weiss specifically, there are definitely things they specifically need to work out. For a start, Weiss needs to let Ruby understand that she doesn’t blame her personally for what happened to Atlas. I also think it would ease Ruby’s conscience if she works with Weiss to pick up the pieces of her life as well as helping the refugees from Atlas. As I’ve mentioned before, the immediate future for Weiss especially is full of hardships and uncertainty even without the ongoing conflict with Salem. She’ll have her family with her of course, but it might be nice if her best friend was helping share the burden as well.
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onyx232323 · 10 months
An Adeptus' Last Wish- Zhongchi fic
More chapters here! <33
After the Gnosis incident, Childe decides to take a much-needed break away from Zhongli.
However, how was he supposed to react, when all of a sudden Lumine showed up outside his apartment sounding terribly mortified, "Childe......Zhongli.......Zhongli....is in grave danger."
Of course, he was going to do anything to help the dying man.
Sure, he still felt a lot of contempt for him, after what he did, but his heart still loved him.....
But, what he hadn't expected was the sudden wisp of golden light that somehow transported him during the times of the Archon War?!
What the FUCK?!
Chapter 23: Passionate Confessions, Hurtful Truths and a Bitter War Pt. 3
“My Lord!” 
Sky Bracer breathed harshly, “My Lord…Lord Osial has gone mad ….He has consumed too much miasma!!”
Ajax felt his pulse quicken, thrumming harshly into his ears as he stared wide-eyed at a distressed Sky Bracer. 
He wanted to talk, to say something. 
No matter how hard he tried, no words could escape past his quivering lips.
He felt his head get light as everything around him swirled into a messy watercolor painting; a cruel dream. 
He turned to Cloud Retainer, whose eyebrows furrowed, face hardening in order to prevent it from crumbling apart. 
She couldn’t believe it either, it seemed. 
How could she, when that stubborn boy she has seen grow up before her eyes has now taken it upon himself to face death itself. 
The only one who responded was Morax, who after the news, straightened out his expression and said. 
“Go on.” 
Sky Bracer nodded, and in between panicked breaths, he uttered out, “My Lord, we were fighting a horde of rift wolves. Before we were struck by a second wave, a stronger wave….We had not foreseen their arrival; we got ambushed.We did our best to clean the miasma and get rid of the rift wolves, but….Lord Osial had already ingested too much of it….He went mad and nearly killed Lady Beisht… Now, Lady Guizhong and Lady Beisht are working to restrain him, but he will break loose from the ties any second now. We must go there now!” 
At the mention of Guizhong’s name, Ajax’s heart rate quickened even faster, his palms beginning to sweat as panic consumed him. 
Shit . 
His shijie. 
Guizhong could have died today at the hands of her corrupted companion. 
She could have died early on. 
He would have lost another one, his beloved Shijie.  
He needed to go there. 
He did not register the cries from the others as bolted from the direction where the miasma called to him, where it was the strongest. 
He saw as the trees around him flitted by him, blurry and hazy, as if he was caught in a neverending dream. 
Adrenaline coursed through his veins, pulsating and guiding him through the thick dense forest, towards where the ugly energy surrounded. 
Nothing else mattered for now, but Guizhong. 
He had to make sure she was okay, that she was safe, that she was alive.  
He arrived in a matter of seconds; he had never run that fast in his life. 
Ajax doubted it was even humanly possible to run that fast, and he knew that without the extra stamina that his abyssal energy and adeptal energy granted him, he would not have been able to get there so fast. 
It was near the sea that surrounded modern day Dihua Marsh, which was now covered with thick marshy bushes, and sprouting with wildflowers, obviously not yet inhabited by people.
But, aside from the thick leaves sprouting upwards from the water in the marsh, and the surprisingly empty area. 
 What stood right before him, shook him to his core. 
Right where the marshy area lessened out and gave way to shallow waters, he saw it. 
All three of them. 
Two against one now, as they all stubbornly stood their ground. 
But something caught his eye. 
Lady Beisht was wounded. 
Blood glistening gold as it dripped down her, in a sickening display of celestial godliness. The top half of her torso nearly sliced in half, held together by messy bandages, as they attempted to soak up the golden blood that fell from her wounds in cascading waves. 
Ajax knew that, given enough time, she would be able to regenerate herself. 
All the Gods of this world had such abilities, as granted by Celestia. 
If, and only if , they were in good health. 
She was in critical condition, nearly chopped in half by her own husband, and in no way, shape, or form able to regenerate her lost flesh and blood. 
And besides that, she had something more urgent at the moment. 
He saw it in her watery eyes and steely gaze. 
Beisht breathed in harshly, as she attempted to restrain her husband with all the power she possessed. Blood covered the bandages, and stained them, molding them into golden silk with the immense strain she put her body through, nearly cutting herself in half in the process. 
All for the sake of saving her husband. 
Who was now a tall sea serpent, clear like the water he governed, thrashing all around, while Beisht attempted to restrain him using thick ropes seemingly made out of water. 
Sweat dripped down her cheeks and forehead in mounds, and her breathing became labored, as if she was clinging onto life itself with all she could. 
But she wasn’t alone in her struggle. 
Guizhong was at her side, pressing a soothing hand to her torso, attempting to heal her, as Beisht continuously used her own powers to subdue her husband. 
Ajax felt relief wash over him for the first time that day when he spotted her. 
Even if the situation was risky, he was glad to see her still holding up. 
He stopped for a moment, a few meters away from them and let out a long sigh before a soft word left his raspy throat, “ Shijie.”  
She was unharmed. 
Except for a small scratch on her face, that was already healing into a light scar across her cheek. 
Ajax was glad that nothing else had happened to her, and wanted nothing more than to go and embrace her, and feel her gentle pulse beneath his fingertips. 
But, he had a duty. 
And he could not distract her now, especially now. 
Her stance was firm, as she stared Osial down, chiding him to submit. 
Her eyes glowed a bright red, pupils turned into slits as vibrant goldish red feather-like appendages appeared near each side of her head. Her nails were sharper than before as they turned black like a bird's talons; vibrant wings spouted at either side of her, blindingly beautiful like a powerful sunset, covering Beisht in a protective manner. 
Her torso and veins glowed softly as she called her energy forth to heal Beisht. 
Ajax was split with what to do, unsure if he should go and attempt to help Guizhong or if he should attempt to restrain Osial as well. 
Thoughts raced through his mind, covering his brain in a thick mush of idea; weighing his odds. 
In the midst of it all, a single feather fell from Guizhong’s long wings, glowing gently and vibrantly, as if it were on fire, and yet not being able to light anything around it on fire. 
Ajax stared at it, mesmerized, caught in a moment of adrenaline amidst the miasma around them. 
In fact, now that he thought about it. 
It was everywhere . 
Around them, all across the air, surrounding them in a dense fog, the same strange greenish color that Ajax had seen before. 
And it was very obviously impacting both Beisht and Guizhong, as Guizhong attempted to divert the nauseous energy away from them. 
However, because most of her energy was being directed towards Beisht, she could not effectively pull the energy away from them, which caused her to begin to falter in her steady posture, as she struggled to keep it together.
Beisht was not doing any better, her teeth clenched in agony, as she attempted to will away the effects that the energy was having on her through sheer determination and will-power alone. 
Ajax felt his senses honing together, in a strange moment of clarity. 
He grounded his feet steadily on the ground below him, as he drew in a deep breath. 
Then, swiftly he began. 
He called for the miasma, and it heard his odd melody. 
It dove straight at him, with intent to overwhelm his senses, to take him over until he was nothing. 
But instead of fighting against it, he accepted it, and gently held it in his hands, gathering it up. 
Before he began to feed on it. 
In a display of sheer brutality, he gulped it down, ingesting large amounts of it, tasting its unique flavor on his taste buds. 
Of course, the taste of miasma lured out his other companion, and it fought against the chains it was held by, excited to be against something energy and fed on it, eagerly. 
Abyssal energy was far more potent and thicker than miasma. 
But that was to be expected of course; after all, it was the source of those creations which Celestia discarded after they had failed to meet her expectations in her ideal world. 
And so, miasma , which was really just a weaker version of abyssal energy, was quickly overpowered by the dense energy that crackled like purple lightning. 
He quickly consumed it, his previously lost energy quickly replenished with just a few mouthfuls of the green-miasma. 
The energy that Osial was exuding was in large quantities, and impossible to ingest all at once, but this would surely help him at least settle him down enough for him to be able to be subdued. 
But of course as all things did, Beisht was bound to slip up.
She had taken too much damage, even if Guizhong did her best to heal her, and even if Ajax cleared up most of the miasma that was flowing through the air from Osial, she was bound to slip her deathly grip on the ropes she held.
And she did. 
Before she knew it, Beisht faltered in her step. 
Her eyes widening, as she loosened her grip on the rope momentarily. 
But that was all it took for Osial to strike; a golden opportunity. 
He roared and pushed forth, heads gnashing about and snapping forward, attempting to devour them whole. 
The ground shook from the grand power of each movement caused by Osial, from the sheer size of him. 
Larger than any beast Ajax had encountered down in the Abyss. 
But even then, no form could ever compare to the things he has seen before down in the Abyss. 
But even so, it was still an odd sight to see. 
This version of Osial was unlike the pompous, well-dressed man who had playfully flirted with him. 
Unlike the man who danced clumsily alongside his wife’s melodic playing. 
Unlike the man who winked at Ajax, before getting hit on the side of his head by an exasperated Beisht. 
Unlike who he was. 
This Osial was no longer the man he knew. 
He was devoid of all sanity; a hydra, a monster sat in his place instead of the handsome man who had fanned his face, to hide coy smiles and grins. 
Instead, he was a serpent with many heads, towering over them. 
Like a predator to prey.  
Ajax had heard of the many stories of Osial prior to his contract with Morax. 
According to the many history books Zhongli had around his house, in the early days of Teyvat’s existence, Osial was a cruel tyrant. 
Whenever we went, giant tsunamis were left in his wake, destroying many of Morax’s mountains and terrain, and mercilessly executing all of those who crossed his path as a young god. 
But that all came to an end, the moment Morax was victorious in battle. 
However, instead of killing the young god, Morax offered him a contract: Morax would grant him permission to rule the seas he pleased and in exchange he would leave the land above the seas in peace. 
He agreed to this compromise, and left the earth alone. 
And over time, as the years passed by, he would mellow out and was no longer the terrible tyrant he used to be. 
This swift change was something that many people debated on the origin of his change in attitude, but many people speculated it was because of a young God whose story had been primarily lost to history. 
His name was Muyang.  
There were many conclusions drawn as to the role that Muyang had as a minor god, but he was believed to have ruled over the forests of early Liyue; described as one of the golden beauties in all of Liyue history, sought after whoever laid their eyes on him. 
He had spared Osial’s life during a vicious altercation between the two of them, which resulted in bloodshed shared between the both of them. 
The reason such an altercation happened was all because Muyang was believed to have been upset that his forests were destroyed and his people were gravely injured by the various tsunamis Osial had caused.
Muyang held a grudge against Osial, and swore to kill him. 
But after a long grueling battle, Muyang had undoubtedly come out victorious , proudly flaunting his victory and towering over Osial, who had been mortally wounded. 
And yet, when Osial expected the final blow to be done, Muyang had lifted his spear, and swung it to his side, sparing the other god. 
Muyang then scoffed at Osial, and promptly left him there, bleeding golden ribbons, as he sauntered off to his home in the forest. 
There was discussion amongst historians as to why Muyang had granted Osial mercy. 
Many believed it was because he had seen how pathetic and weak Osial really was, and so, killing him was against his moral codes, especially since he was such a miserable creature. 
But, there were many other rumors that said that the reason Osial was granted mercy was because  Muyang had seen his soul, and had seen the kindness hidden deep within it. 
But regardless of the reason, the god had spared Osial, the god had started to change, albeit slowly. 
Many said that his change was due to the new perspective he found in the mercy that Muyang had granted him. 
While other historians argued that Osial’s change was due to the romantic relationship he found himself in afterwards with Muyang himself. 
And well, the latter would be no surprise if it was true, as it was widely known that Osial had been romantically involved with many, from humans to other gods, regardless of gender. 
He was known for his tendency to hop from one beauty to another, and so on and so forth. 
Which definitely served to explain why the God was so keen in his interest for Ajax’s hand amongst other things, even though he already had himself a wife. 
Ajax guessed that polyamory was more widespread during this time, which served to explain how his wife was similarly transfixed on staring at Cloud Retainer all throughout dinner, with longing eyes. And it also served to explain why Beisht had caused his possessive dragon to tighten his hold on Ajax, curling his serpent tail around one of his legs for the rest of the night. 
And he guessed that they must have practiced it, since it wasn’t unusual for adepti and their spouses to have their own concubines and such. 
It was also widely known that Osial had taken himself a variety of different lovers throughout his life, and was known to have many recorded trysts with other gods and even humans. 
To the point where many started to regard him a ‘The Patron of Intimacy’, and would regularly pray to him for good luck in their bedroom endeavors. 
But regardless, after Muyang died, Osial grieved the man deeply.  
So deeply in fact, that it was speculated that Muyang had been Osial’s first love. 
Even if the god had taken many lovers for himself before getting married to Beisht, he was rarely in love with any of the people of his many trysts. As he mostly focused on having a more physical relationship with the many beauties he found before moving onto a more captivating flower. 
But, that didn’t mean he wasn’t a romantic either. 
As he sought out love in everyone that managed to capture his attention; however, unfortunately for the pitiful god, his many trysts did not manage to capture his heart’s attention either. 
In fact, there are only two people whom he has been said to have loved in his entire lifetime: Beisht and Muyang.  
Beisht for obvious reasons, since he married her even after he had been offered many other political marriages, and wrote many melodies and songs for her, as well as shared-shrines spread throughout the ocean. 
But, he was said to have loved Muyang . 
These suspicions came about after some historians had discovered a small temple, whose remains were found long before Liyue Harbor was constructed, along the ocean floor. 
The temple itself was made out of the finest materials available; fine white marble decorated with the finest gems and treasures alike. 
And inside it were vast paintings that depicted Muyang in all of his beauty. 
The largest one was of Muyang, perched on a small stone, a small cup of wine in his other hand, hair long and dark as it contrasted sharply to his tan skin, wearing robes of various colors, all intermingling with each other. 
These paintings were said to have been painted by Osial himself, grief stricken, attempting to immortalize his lover inside a painting. 
Osial had never built any other temples for his other lovers aside from his wife. 
Muyang was the exception , someone whom Osial had truly loved. 
And so, the beast who stood before him, was unrecognizable. 
Animalistic and unrestrained . 
Ajax let out a sharp breath at the sight. 
But it was a mistake. 
A grave one. 
Because, then, all at once, one of Osial’s serpent heads whipped around to look at him. 
His eyes, piercing and predatory. 
And before Ajax knew it, Osial had charged straight at him. 
Guizhong’s eyes widened, as she felt a large pit in her stomach fall, realizing for the first time that her shidi was there beside her and in danger. 
Grave danger.  
She attempted to run towards him, arms extended to drag him back, but she was far too slow. 
Too much energy had been yanked out of her body, and it could not replenish itself fast enough for her to gain her strength back. 
Osial roared, as he inched closer and closer to Ajax, and in a swift motion, extended strange water-like appendages that looked an awful lot like the ones that Beisht had used to attempt to subdue him sprang forward. 
Nothing he could do could stop them from wrapping around him and dragging him down slowly alongside the god who caused the ground underneath them to tremble. 
Ajax looked frantically towards Guizhong and Beisht, whose eyes were equally filled with terror, as they attempted to run towards him, all whilst attempting to avoid falling from the shaky ground beneath them. 
But, they were far too late. 
Ajax’s vision started to droop, as Osial began to hum a piercing melody, attempting to draw him to sleep, like a siren luring in its prey. 
He saw the blurry figures of Guizhong and Beisht covering their ears, clenching their teeth in an attempt to not fall prey to the haunting melody. 
A melody that evoked the pain of a thousand years. 
A pain known and felt by Ajax, who felt himself give in to it. 
But even so, he attempted to fight against it, but it wasn’t enough. 
He felt his eyes close and his vision blackened as he was dragged into the murky pits of the deep waters beneath.
Guizhong felt her heart dropped, as she ran towards the whirlpool that had formed when Osial had dragged her shidi alongside him. 
But right as she was at the edge of the marsh, she was harshly pulled back. 
She whipped her head around, and met Beisht’s stare. 
Her eyes were glowing a vibrant gold, oppressing and absolute in her words, “No.”  
Guizhong wasn’t listening to her, not when her shidi was trapped alongside Osial. 
She didn’t know what Osial had in store for him, and she didn’t intend on finding out. 
Guizhong threw her arm to the side, as she dove into the marsh, feeling the odd texture of the wet grass touch her sandals, as she wafted through the marsh to get to the murky waters below. 
But once again, Beisht caught up to her and this time, grabbed her by the waist as she pulled her down, and wrestled her to the ground. 
Guizhong kicked around, like a human child throwing a tantrum, as she desperately attempted to get out of Beisht’s hold. 
But, even though Beisht had lost most of her strength, and was wounded. 
She was always the stronger one of the both of them, at least in physical strength. 
Beisht’s breathing grew ragged, as her grip tightened around the other woman, “ Lady Guizhong! Please . Control yourself! You cannot go there now. He’ll kill both, do not risk yourself!” 
Guizhong shook her head, this was not part of the plan, her shidi was never supposed to get hurt, much less dragged down, “ NO! I don’t care! My shidi is there! I didn’t see him! I didn’t…….He is… I… ” 
She slumped forward, her mind buzzing and her ears started to fill up with foam, as they rang sharply.  
Memories bombarding her senses. 
Flashes of A-Qiu’s face as he said goodbye to her, a reassuring smile plastered on his face as he accepted his fate. 
Flashes of Havria hugging her a little too tightly, for a little too long, eyes gentle and yet haunting as she uttered a soft goodbye; knowing she was going to die. 
Flashes of all those she had failed to save before, flashes of all of those lives she had to watch as they took their last breath in her arms. 
Beisht held onto her, as she collapsed, and sighed, “There is nothing we can do now…We are not in any state to try and save him…try to save them… Please….calm down, my lady.” 
Guizhong felt her breaths begin to become strained as her chest tightened and her stomach clenched uncomfortably. 
She couldn’t breathe. 
She couldn’t breathe. 
Thoughts swirled in her mind as panic took a hold of her, and then a cascading veil of emotions danced alongside the edge of the cliff, as if about to tumble and fall. 
She took in deep breaths, as her nerves shook and her hands tightened around Beisht, as she held onto her hands as if they were her saving grace. 
She felt nauseous with fear. 
Her shidi was down there with Osial.
Osial was a feared beast back in the early days of her existence, a fearsome thing that stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. 
Whether that was through force or through words. 
Nothing could stop him. 
And she knew the look in his eyes, even when he was unrestrained. 
She knew what they meant, she knew what he would do to Ajax, if they didn’t get there soon. 
She pushed Beisht away, as she wretched and heaved, as her throat constricted and her body’s temperature increased. 
She hunched over, attempting to relax herself, to calm her beating heart down. 
But as she did so, her balance was thrown overboard, and her vision turned black. 
Morax felt a strange feeling claw at his chest the moment Ajax rushed ahead, an anxious look in his eyes, as he ran past all of them. 
He was unable to reach out and pull him back, and an uneasy feeling filled him up, as he saw his precious treasure bolt ahead, already miles ahead in a matter of seconds. 
The others didn’t have to think, as Morax ran after him, after both of his precious people. 
When they arrived at the humid marsh, Ajax was nowhere in sight. 
And neither were Guizhong and Beisht there either. 
In fact, the entire marsh was destroyed, the grass smashed into the ground as if someone had run something or someone through it, golden blood in massive piles on the ground a few ways away from the entrance of the marsh, the ground cracked and destroyed. 
Morax faintly heard the distant sounds of Cloud Retainer and Sky Bracer coming up ahead, breathing labored. 
They didn’t say anything either, exhaling shakily as they too took in the unsavory sight. 
Alarm bells chimed in his head as he looked around for any sign of his mat- treasure and his precious girl. 
His dear boy, his little priest, his faithful treasure, a priceless being that could never be replaced.
Was entirely gone. 
And so was she.  
His family was gone . 
He felt the ground shake beneath them, as his anger took flight, causing Sky Bracer and Cloud Retainer to exchange worried glances. 
Their Lord was on the brink of insanity. 
They needed to act quick, lest they wanted the entire ground to crackle and dissipate beneath them as their grief-wracked Lord mourned his lost lover and friend. 
Cloud Retainer surveyed the area, for any sign of life. 
Jumping to conclusions was never great, not when nothing was confirmed… yet.  
Her eyes widened, when she found a small trace of energy a few ways away from them. 
“My Lord! There is someone over there!” 
Morax’s eyes glowed a dim golden as his hair flashed a molten gold, before he bolted to the direction Cloud Retainer was pointing to. 
The place in his chest where a mortal heart would be, clenched and his senses went to overdrive as he felt his mortal disguise slip more and more. 
Up ahead, perched against a small tree, was Beisht, cradling an unresponsive Guizhong, looking alarmed. 
When she noticed someone up ahead, her eyes glowed, sharp and piercing, as she bared her teeth at them. 
It seemed as if the fight had shaken her up, at least, enough for her to still think that whoever was there was a threat to her and Guizhong. 
Morax felt his own instincts go into overdrive at the sight of an unconscious Guizhong, perched against an ambiguous ally. 
He felt his chest rumble with a sharp growl, as he met Beisht’s eyes, his own fangs bared; a threat. 
If she moved, he would cut her in half. 
Her eyes widened and the glow dispersed when she realized who it was, head bowed down low as she croaked out, “My Lord…I’m s-” 
Morax felt his nails grow into claws, as his hybrid body started to break and remold itself. 
His anger had boiled over. 
He charged forward, pointing a spear before her throat, “ Explain . Useless apologies mean nothing to me.” 
She blinked, before she bowed her head lower, carefully bringing Guizhong before his feet, kowtowing and bringing her head onto the ground, a clear display of submission and defeat. 
A plea for mercy. 
He snarled, itching to pierce her until her eyes grew dead and her blood drained from her body. 
But, when he looked at Guizhong, he stopped. 
And instead, he allowed Cloud Retainer to rush forward, pressing her fingers against her pulse. 
A few seconds passed as she sighed deeply; relieved, “My Lord…my lady is alive…She has merely exerted herself, but she will recover within a few hours.” 
He turned towards a quivering Beisht, who was still in a deep kowtow, begging for forgiveness. 
She had failed to protect them both. 
Failed to stop her husband. 
She had failed. 
“Now you .” 
He lifted his spear, right at her head, his fury preventing him from rationalizing the situation. 
She shook with fear but remained silent. 
“Where is he.”  
 “...Osial has taken him…” 
Cloud Retainer clenched her teeth, feeling the ground shake underneath her, getting rougher by the second. 
Her own stomach growing uneasy about the abrupt revelation. 
Her lady, Guizhong on her back, breathed shallow and golden tears streaming down her face as she cried; a gentle despair washing over her in waves. 
It seemed she was always bound to worry about Ajax, even in her unconscious state. 
But well. 
She wasn’t the only one who was worried to death about that brat.  
Cloud Retainer felt her own eyes sting with anger at the thought of what had happened. 
Her junior had become mad, she had lost her ally, her lady had been worn down, her other ally was too weak to form words, and that brat had been taken by Osial. 
Cloud Retainer huffed, blinking back her tears as she hastily wiped her lady’s tears with her fingertips, accidentally staining Guizhong’s face with her blood stained hands, smearing the blood over her cheeks. 
She was helpless to clean up the blood smeared all over her lady’s cheeks, and so instead, she merely left it like that. 
If she would attempt to clean the blood even more, she would merely cause it to smear further. 
Instead, she glanced towards her Lord, nervous about what she would find. 
Morax stood menacingly over a shaking Beisht, beaten down badly from the previous fight she had gotten herself in, barely managing to keep herself together as she bowed down to her Lord. 
His teeth sank roughly into his lips, as the golden blood dripped down his chin, onto the wet grass below, his human form shaking and convulsing as if about to burst at the seams. 
His pupils vibrating, dilating and retracting as though he could not keep it together, sharp black claws digging into his palms as he cut through his own flesh, fists clenched. 
If she did not act now, her Lord would no doubt break his composure. 
If she did not act soon, the violent beast she knew cultivated a few mountains away, would snap.  
“My Lord!”  
His head snapped towards her, eyes sharp and fangs bared. 
She bowed her head low, “... Please… we are wasting our time here….The whirlpool Lord Osial conjured is still open…..Let us go find him, before time runs out.” 
Her words seemed to bring the man back, somewhat. 
With a sharp kick, he threw Beisht towards the tree she was resting against a few moments prior. 
She let out a sharp grunt, as her body hit the tree, managing to lift herself up, albeit rather shakily. 
He stalked towards her, standing above her with clear intent to harm, “If he is hurt, you will pay the price.” 
Beisht’s eyes widened before she closed them and gave a somber nod, “ ..Yes, my lord.”  
He grunted before he walked forward, shaking the ground with each step, before he reached the bank of the large swirling whirlpool of water. 
His eyes glowed sharply, and before they knew it. 
A large dragon was before them, nostrils flaring smoky breath, as he dove straight for the whirlpool. 
Before they knew it, their Lord was gone, and behind him, the large whirlpool closed hastily behind him. 
Their Lord had closed it.  
Cloud Retainer cursed under her breath as she glanced towards Sky Bracer, who similarly looked distressed. 
None of them had expected their Lord to so recklessly dive straight into danger. 
But then again. 
Anyone would if their family was being threatened. 
If their lover was being threatened. 
But even so, it was not wise to do so. 
Cloud Retainer let out a sharp sigh, as she looked towards Sky Bracer, who merely gestured towards Guizhong, “Give her to me. I will head back towards the mountain.” 
Cloud Retainer shook her head, “ No. ” 
His eyes widened a bit as his eyebrows furrowed. 
She continued, “...This is between our Lord and Lord Osial. This is not something anyone should intervene in…If we do, one can not guarantee our survival…Let us go back to the mountains, warn the others, and prepare for attacks.” 
She turned on her heel, going towards a battered Beisht, before she gestured at her, “If you do not want to be killed the moment our Lord or your husband, one would advise you to stand and steady yourself.” 
Even if Cloud Retainer felt frustrated that those two brats put themselves in harm's way, she could not allow her ally to die in front of her. 
This was not Beisht’s fault, as much as her heart wanted to convince her otherwise.  
And unstable emotions got in the way of a clear mind. 
And without a clear mind, one would not be able to make sense of things. 
Beisht blinked up at them, regret heavy in her eyes, “I….” 
Cloud Retainer turned towards her, “Not another word from you…One knows what you have failed to do…Do not apologize…it was not your fault.” 
Beisht bowed her head down, shakily standing up before she limped towards them, blood covering the messy bandages.
Cloud Retainer felt her heart clench at the sight of the poor girl barely managing to keep herself together. 
…Cloud Retainer does not like to admit it, but…
Before Beisht had gotten married to that nuisance she called a husband, they had crossed paths. 
Back then, Beisht was but a measly god, governing the other side of the ocean with an iron-clad fist, ready to strike at any opponent who dared cross her. 
Cloud Retainer had admired her, although, rather secretly , behind short greetings and polite smiles.
She was captivating, strong-willed, gentle, vile, and talented. 
Being able to talk her way out of most things, negotiating things with her sharp tongue, being able to put others in their place without so much as a blink, brutal in her methods to achieve what she wanted. 
And yet, she was gentle to the many jellyfish that liked to follow her around, bringing them food and gently patting them. 
A well-rounded goddess, with a talent for music, just like Ping. 
Cloud Retainer admired her more than she liked it, and was swayed by her sharp eyes, where her pupils did not touch the bottom of her eyes, and instead revealed the white parts of her eyes. 
A lot of people were scared of eyes like these, spreading rumors that people with such eyes were bad luck, that they were unstable. 
But in truth, it was really them who were unstable. 
At that point, she had moved on from A-Ling and that other dreaded girl who had managed to ensnare her. 
She had laid whatever could have been with A-Ling to rest, even if she knew her heart would always belong to her dearest girl. 
However, even so, she allowed her gaze to wander, on particularly lonely and unbearable days, on the muscular waist of her ally.
Beisht was a lot more well-built than A-Ling and Li Mei, but her waist was wider and muscular, curves sharp, arms bulkier and long hair held up in a tight ponytail. 
She was a sight to behold during training, and although she needed a bit more guidance in terms of her defense, she was a formidable opponent who was able to figure out the weak points of her opponents rather quickly. 
But, it was the way she treated others that stuck out to Cloud Retainer. 
She had absolute faith in her followers, doing everything she could to protect them, taking care of them from afar. 
And yet, in person, when she came across her followers, she acted rather distant and estranged; as if disinterested in whatever they had to say. 
And was known to withdraw on her own and spend her days in solitude, preferring the peace of absolute silence than a rowdy outing with friends. 
Aloof, but brimming with kindness. 
A silent kindness, the true and earnest kind, that sprouted out from the heart itself. 
She was beautiful; a gorgeous goddess, strong and kind. 
And well, Cloud Retainer was not blind to the longing stares directed her way, sharply across the meeting table, burning a dozen holes into Cloud Retainer’s armor. 
Their hidden ploy was bound to unravel. 
They crossed paths a few weeks before she was set to marry Osial. 
She saw her standing by the shore of the lake down by the mountain, looking wistful as she gazed towards the waters beneath her. 
She was not going to utter a single word to Beisht, merely moving on to patrol the outskirts of the village by herself, but Beisht had spoken up. 
“...Are we just going to keep fooling ourselves, or are we going to do something about it?” 
Her words were drawn out of her lips, filled with frustration and desire. 
Cloud Retainer paused, staring back at her eyes, filled with raw emotion, feeling her own come up to the surface. 
“..Lady Beisht, you know that one can not and will not do what you are asking one to do.” 
Beisht frowned, “...Is that so?...Not even for the night, Cloud Retainer?”  
The usage of her name caused something inside of Cloud Retainer to come to a sudden pause. 
If she were to fool around with her junior’s soon-to-be wife, she would never be able to live with the guilt. 
The guilt that she took his wife, before he ever did. 
That she got to lay her hands on her skin, feeling every inch of her beneath her fingertips. 
She took a shaky breath, “ No ...One should have made it clear the day this started that it would never be anything. You are getting married off to my junior in a few days time. It is wrong.” 
Beisht’s eyes filled up with a deep longing as she looked towards the lake, “...I…I understand…My judgment has been clouded by the stress of my upcoming union to Lord Osial. I am not thinking straight..…My sincerest apologies, Shigu ....” 
She crumpled into herself, deep in thought. 
She was getting married to Osial, a good friend that was soon going to be her husband. 
It was unwise to think that it was not weighing down on her mind. 
Especially since….the poor woman had managed to harbor feelings for her. 
Something that Cloud Retainer could not feel for her. 
And, if she had known that things would be this way, she would have never stayed longer at her residence and shared many cups of wine with her on dazy days, nor let her hands run astray when correcting her stance, nor should she have entertained the ideas of evenings of private shows as she played her lovely instrument. 
But even so, even if she could not feel the same. 
She was not heartless. 
Cloud Retainer sighed, as she walked up to her, “.....Even if one prohibits this to go on any longer, one will grant you what you desire…if only for a moment…Consider it a parting gift..” 
Beisht looked up, her eyes wallowing in pain as she gave a curt nod, bowing her head down, “...Please.” 
Cloud Retainer remembers feeling her muscles shift underneath her, as she pressed gentle kisses on her shoulders, neck, and lips, hands not staying further and keeping to her upper half, as she pretended not to see the way tears welled up and fell from Beisht’s eyes. 
They did not go further than simple touches and caresses, delicate presses of lips, and heated kisses on shoulder blades. 
But it was enough for Beisht, who closed her eyes and enjoyed the momentary pleasure. 
After a few minutes, Cloud Retainer departed, pressing a long kiss to her forehead, as she whispered a soft blessing, “...A parting gift worthy of a God’s audience.” 
Beisht’s eyes welled up with tears as she sobbed into Cloud Retainer’s shoulders, disheveled, and mourning a love that could never be. 
Cloud Retainer let her cry into her shoulder, holding her tightly before gently dropping her off at her own domain, letting her own body drape over Beisht’s as she relished the comfort of her warm body. 
After that night, they had parted ways, and Beist had merely become a distant memory. 
When she attended their wedding, and bore witness to their union, she merely turned her head away from the sight and begged for forgiveness to the skies above. 
The guilt that covered her senses was overwhelming. 
Now, that night had become a secret shared between the two of them, until one of them had passed on. 
Just like all the other trysts she had encountered before. 
And just like them on, Beisht too, would wither away before her very eyes. 
And now, as she stood before the woman who yearned for her love, standing before her, weakened gravely and half-way to death. 
She could not hold her pity back. 
A pitiful person, down on their luck, beaten down by fate, by destiny. 
She sighed, and before she knew it, she spoke, “….Now , come along, before one changes one's mind.” 
She turned towards her, before she wrapped her hands underneath her armpits and gripped her shoulder, allowing Beisht to rest her weight against her body, supporting her up while being mindful of her wounds. 
Beisht blinked, surprised. 
She had not expected a modicum of kindness, especially after what she had done. 
Her eyes glittered with golden tears, as they trembled, her voice small, “..Thank you..” 
Cloud Retainer huffed, frustrated at such a pathetic reaction, “One is not doing it for you… One is doing it for Lady Guizhong, she is fond of you. You should be thanking her for my Lord’s mercy, for my mercy.” 
Beisht bowed her head down, nodding, slightly stumbling and looking rather dismayed. 
Cloud Retainer sighed once again, feeling hopeless, “...One will make sure you have recovered completely before you go face my Lord… Even if our Lady is fond of you, he , on the other hand, is rather not fond of you…But, one will grant you a fair chance…”
And with that, they made their way to the mountains where the rest of the adepti guarded the frontlines of Qingce Village. 
Madam Ping felt her heart get stuck in her throat when her eyes landed on her lady. 
Her precious lady, soft eyes closed, hair cascading messily down her sides as her body lay limp across Sky Bracer’s back. 
They were stumbling down the path when she saw them, clear as day, four of them. Her shidi and Shizun, nowhere in sight. 
Their absence left a bad feeling in her stomach, as her mind raced to think the worst of what may have happened. 
And yet, all thoughts about her shidi and her shizun were halted monetarily, by the horrific sight that greeted her eyes. 
Before her, she saw Beisht badly beaten, half-way to death’s door. 
Cloud Retainer, next to her, face scratched up as her eyebrows furrowed, marring her handsome face, as she exerted herself and held Beisht up. 
Sky Bracer a short ways behind them, pale and disorientated as he looked around in a daze, holding tightly onto Guizhong. 
Her fingers loosened the tight grip she had on her spear as she bolted towards the group, frightened at the sight that presented itself in front of her eyes. 
Sky Bracer did not flinch when she dashed towards him, practically yanking Guizhong out of his arms, holding her tightly against her chest, as she frantically checked for signs of life. 
Cloud Retainer spoke, “There is no need to check her pulse….She is stable, she merely over-exerted herself…Do not fret.” 
Ping blinked, nodding absentmindedly, as she still pressed her fingers against her Shijie’s wrist. 
Only when she felt the weak thrums of her beloved’s heart, did she allow herself to let out the breath she had not realized she was holding. 
Every single tense bone in her body released, as she slumped her shoulders and pressed her face against her shijie’s shoulder, burying herself in the familiar scent. 
“Thank Celestia…” she sighed as she felt a flood of relief course through her.
A moment passed before she felt a small tap on her shoulder, “... Shimei, I know you are worried, but she has still drained much of her energy…She has to go rest…and we have a lot to tell you..” 
It was Sky Bracer, looking up at her with gentle eyes, understanding and yet slightly worried. 
She drew in a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds, before she nodded, “...I understand…I will drop her off at my domain..” 
Cloud Retainer nodded, “Good…Meanwhile, one will reach one’s own chambers to properly take care of this insolent girl’s wounds.” 
She turned to glare at Beisht, who remained silent….
It seemed as if…there was certainly a lot to say…
Cloud Retainer hoisted Beisht inside of her domain, reeling at the sight of the blood that covered the messy bandages that covered her torso. 
She carefully led the woman to a small bed, where she carefully laid her down, frowning when she saw Beisht bite her lip in an attempt to bear the pain. 
She hurried to her drawers, as she retrieved a variety of items: bandages, scissors, and some liquid medicine. 
She dropped them to the side of Beisht, as she went over to her sink and thoroughly washed her hands, before she went towards the bed and retrieved the scissors. 
Then, she thoroughly inspected the wounds. 
The bandages that were wrapped around her, were hastily done and on top of her clothes, which restricted them from being too effective. 
She sighed, “...Take off your clothes.” 
Beisht stilled underneath her, as she hurried to take them off…struggling and wincing. 
Cloud Retainer grabbed her hands, “... Stop …one will do it.” 
Beisht’s face turned pink as she nodded, and Cloud Retainer continued on. 
However, as much as she pulled at the fabric of her armor, it would not budge. 
She retrieved her scissors and began cutting her clothes, taking off bloody layer after layer until her top half was naked. 
She then began to undo the multitude of bandages, and winced when she saw that her body was nearly cut in half, a mere piece of flesh holding her together. 
However, that wasn’t the only wound she had received. 
Although, it did seem that it was by far the most severe one. 
Her shoulders were cut with multiple gashes, and her chest was sliced with a long knife, nearly cutting one of her breasts open. 
Golden blood covering her entire body, almost as if Morax had come and spilled his treasures all over her body. 
She felt her eyes water as she blinked them back, “..Just what did you do to suffer these severe wounds, insolent brat?’ 
Beisht remained silent, as Cloud Retainer let out a sigh, “No matter, one will heal you.” 
With a shaky breath, Cloud Retainer waited no longer and pressed the small vial of medicine into her mouth, “Drink up.” 
Beisht did what she was told, and Cloud Retainer watched as her throat bobbed up and down as she drank it, her pale neck on display. 
The medicine was potent, and made out of the strongest herbs known to mankind. 
It was reserved for severe injuries, and could only be consumed by adepti in large amounts in order to completely wash the pain away. 
It was otherwise deadly for human beings even to try a lick of the substance. 
And, its effects set in almost immediately after being consumed. 
Cloud Retainer watched as Beisht slumped onto the bed, completely relaxed and numb to the pain, eyes slightly watery at the earlier pain she felt. 
She began, drawing up her palm towards her torso as she began to send her energy forth, slowly starting to mend the broken tissues and fix them back up together, restabilizing her organs back into place and mending the broken parts of it. 
Cloud Retainer watched as her palms healed and put the multiple layers of fat, blood, tissue, and flesh back together again, before it healed up into a large gash across her torso. 
The scar would surely fade over time, as soon as her body got its energy back. 
She then turned her attention to her chest. 
The gash there was not as deep as the one across her torso, and would heal up sooner. 
She watched as it too, closed up. 
Beisht spoke up, “....My…ankle...is sprained.” 
Her voice was groggy, and yet clear as water to Cloud Retainer, who turned her attention to the lower side of Beisht. 
Indeed, she could see the odd way her leg was positioned. 
She sighed. 
Just another thing she had to heal. 
She turned her attention to it, and slowly started to crack it back into place, hearing as the bone cracked and positioned itself in the right place. 
Feeling as her energy was dying out. 
Cloud Retainer did not like to heal others through this method, as it meant that her own would get sucked out of her, and it would leave her feeling fatigued and overly tired. 
And so, she only used such a method in severe cases.
Such as this one. 
And so, with her energy nearly depleted, she slowly went towards her drawer to retrieve a loose nightgown she had laying around. 
It…belonged to Li Mei.  
After she had left it behind in her domain, right before she had been killed. 
Cloud Retainer never wore it, as it did not fit her and such garish colors and style were not to her tastes, so she had decided to store it. 
Just in case she needed to give them to someone, like right now. 
She turned towards Beisht and handed it to her, “...Get dressed and sleep…You will need to rest plenty before you even consider getting out of this bed..” 
Beisht nodded, as she began to get up and change. 
She slipped on the night gown , as it draped over her figure, outlining every curve and dip of her body. 
Cloud Retainer silently cursed Celestia as she felt her heartbeat quicken and turned her attention on clearing the tattered clothes, bloody bandages, and equipment back in her drawer. 
Such temptations were truly her downfall. 
She sighed as she moved to the small basket where she stored such bloody bandages, until she could get rid of them later on. 
But before she could, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her, “....Senior, thank you, for everything .. ” 
She whisked around, to see a pair of thankful eyes staring up at her, glittering with stars. 
They no longer looked in pain, and were playful instead. 
Not yearning, but instead, friendly . 
It seemed as if the lesser god had finally pushed past her feelings for Cloud Retainer. 
Cloud Retainer huffed, patting her back before pushing her off and flicking her forehead, “...Hmph…One is not doing this for you, after this is done, we will depart once again…” 
And she marched off, hearing the small chuckles coming from Beisht. 
Ignoring the large grin that settled across her face as she left her own domain. 
Madam Ping on the other hand gingerly carried her shijie, alongside Sky Bracer who walked beside her in case of any other sudden attacks. 
He looked tenser than she had seen him, but otherwise well. 
Guizhong’s breathing had settled down long since, breathing out gently as her eyes remained closed. 
But, as much as Ping wanted to press a gentle kiss to her eyelids, there were important matters pressing. 
Such reunions would only be sweet if everyone was fine.
Which, unfortunately, did not seem to be the case. 
Madam Ping did not need to be told, to understand that Morax and Ajax were both in grave danger. 
It was evident in the way Sky Bracer’s pupils remained constricted even though he appeared calm, and in the way Cloud Retainer’s eyebrows were drawn together in a tight line. 
And so, she hastily made her way towards her domain, down by the lower mountain region, near the lake. 
It was much more secluded than the rest of the other adepti domains, but it wasn’t as if she ever felt lonely. 
She liked her space, and treasured her solitude, and the quiet moments she would spend lounging by the waters of the nearest forest, admiring nature and strumming her guzheng.  
But, it wasn’t as if she was a hermit either. 
She too, liked company, and Guizhong made great company in her domain. 
Making sure to not talk her ear off during the moments where Ping required some peace and quiet, and yet, she never left her side, preferring to read a book or simply spend it by her lover’s side. 
Ping loved her greatly. 
They entered her domain in no time, as she made her way up the stairs, towards their bedroom. 
Every Havria passed on, Guizhong had been staying over at her place, and well…
Her bed was made for only one person, so they slept rather uncomfortably the first couple of nights, until Ping went out and built another bed frame and bought a new mattress that was big enough to fit them both. 
Unlike her, Guizhong preferred a soft bed just like Ajax did. 
However, unlike Ajax, she liked being covered in multiple layers of thick blankets, as she liked the sensation of constant reassuring pressure over her. 
Ping had to resort to digging through her closet to find the blankets she was saving for wintertime as well as borrowing some from Guizhong’s own domain in order to satisfy her. 
And so, she had to get one made by the local merchant, who complied and had it made with stuffed sheep’s wool. 
It was softer than she had preferred it to be, but Guizhong liked it, as she sunk into the soft bedding and slept more soundly than she had in the previous days. 
And so…Ping shut her mouth. 
But well…now it seemed that it was a good choice to get such a soft mattress. 
Her lady needed to rest her body and replenish her energy for a while, it seemed. 
After pressing a swift kiss on Guizhong’s forehead, and covering her up in multiple heavy blankets, she made her way outside of their bedroom, where Sky Bracer waited patiently (he waited outside so as to not invade the couple’s chambers). 
A nod from Ping was enough for him to get up from the wall he leaned against and head towards the door. 
They had a lot to discuss. 
Morax raged through the waters, attempting to trace any sign of his precious treasure. 
That vile serpent had taken what was rightfully his.  
His lover. 
His mate.   
His treasure.  
He felt the waters shake as his anger slipped through and caused the ocean floor to tremble with fear. 
His senses on fire as his eyes darted through the murky waters beneath, attempting to trace Ajax’s energy, as he scoured through it. 
A sense of overwhelming distress clutching at his heart as he could not see his lover no matter where he looked, as it was nothing but darkness. 
Nothing but darkness, and no trace of his dearest. 
He felt his distress cause the ocean floor to shake rapidly as huge tides of water were washing over his body, his body shaking at the apparent loss of his mate. 
He could not see Ajax anywhere. 
His dearest boy was nowhere to be seen. 
He was lost. 
That serpent had taken him. 
The ocean floor shook with even more intensity, as the dragon looked everywhere, opening his eyes wider as he attempted to look for any traces of his lover's energy. 
But it was worthless.. 
Ajax was nowhere. 
The ocean floor shook violently, as even stronger waves started to form on top of the waters, causing massive waves to begin to form as a result of the earthquakes he was causing with his distress. 
And then. 
He felt a slimy appendage wrap around swiftly around his form, curling around it with no resistance. 
Morax clawed at the appendage, destroying it with his sharp claws as he moved to get away from the direction it came from. 
It was helpless. 
As soon as he did so, more appendages popped from the darkness and wrapped around him at once. 
But it wasn’t just his body this time, it was around his tail, his feet and arms, his horns, his mouth, his long whiskers. 
He clawed at them desperately, but they were far too strong, slimy and more stealthy than he was. 
Faster than he was. 
They overwhelmed him. 
And before he knew it, they were dragging him towards something. 
He screamed.
But there was no sound. 
Ajax jolted up. 
He desperately looked around….to see nothing. 
But despite attempting to move, he could not. 
He blinked towards his hands and feet, to see a multitude of appendages, wrapping tightly around him. 
Where was he? 
He looked around, attempting to discern where the man had gone.
And met multiple pairs of eyes staring down at him. 
A shiver ran down his spine at the sight. 
He hastily closed his eyes, attempting to fool the hydra into thinking that he was still unconscious. 
Ajax didn’t know what Osial wanted with him, and certainly did not want to find out either. 
But, regardless of his futile effort to fool the god, it was fruitless, “ Human…”  
Before he knew it, the lights were on. 
And Ajax was met with the glowing eyes of Osial. 
He was in his human form now, that terrible miasma covering every inch of his being, withering his very form away the further he continued on. 
He stalked towards him, towering over him before he tilted his chin up with an arrogant smile across his face, “.. How pitiful you look, writhing around, looking at me with such pleading eyes…Do not worry, one will make sure you will suffer a quick death…”  
Ajax blinked up at him, glaring at his captor, causing Osial to laugh, “ ...Hah…it has been centuries since such a defiant human has walked into my domain…how refreshing…”  
Ajax frowned, but remained silent. 
Osial’s eyes glowed magenta as the corruption spread around him in a sickening greenish-black, “ You have trespassed my domain, silly human boy…and you have interfered with my prey….surely your death will clear your sin against me, hm?”  
He grinned, as the miasma spread further across him, smothering the dark underground palace in darkness. 
Ajax felt irritated as he struggled to get out of the binds, attempting to call out to his vision…but for some reason…it was not working underwater. 
Osial laughed, “ Do not attempt to get away now, poor thing. You will not be able to. Now-”  
He stopped talking, as he stopped, “ Oh…another visitor? Wait for me here…Do not attempt to escape, it is useless, you are in my domain now.”  
He disappeared in a flash, leaving Ajax in the dimly-lit room. 
Whoever had been detected in his domain had caused Osial to go after them…however, that still was not good news. 
…It was surely one of them.  
They were most likely worried sick about Ajax, and were looking all over for him…
But it was not safe here.
Inside of the jaws of a hydra’s domain was not the ideal place to be, and certainly not if you wanted to gain the upper hand on the beast. 
Ajax hoped and prayed that whoever it was would scurry away before Osial caught up to them. 
He…would figure out how to deal with this. 
He had to. 
He shook his head as he thought of ways to get out of here first. 
Even if he was not excited at the fact that someone else was down here with them, they would buy him some time. 
He focused on attempting to call out to his vision, and felt his hopes go up when he saw it stir from its position on the floor a few ways away from him. 
It glowed softly as it attempted to get to him. 
His brows furrowed as he concentrated on getting to it harder, attempting to call it towards him with all he had. 
Of course, even if he attempted to do so, it only moved a bit and…in the opposite direction he was in. 
Celestia above!
Why was his luck so shit?!
He sighed as he opted for a second method. 
If a vision would not help him, then he would have to simply rely on his other powers granted to him by a celestial being. 
He felt the pure energy course through his veins, warm and comforting, as he focused on concentrating it on his hands, which were tied to his back. 
He felt the appendages tighten the more he brought adeptal energy towards it, curling onto his body tighter as he struggled against their hold. 
It seemed as if using powers granted by Celestia were useless. 
…He sighed. 
Left with no choice, he felt the dull pain of the abyssal taint call out to him, as he let it consume him. 
As expected. 
It easily cut through the appendages, and completely fried them off, Ajax falling to the ground as they scattered. 
But even if that pest was gone, something told Ajax that they would be back. 
Getting on his feet, he scurried over to the vision on the floor, before he pinned it on his belt. 
After that, he hurried over to find an exit to this damned palace. 
He hurried to find an exit as he darted from the countless rooms inside of the palace, attempting to find an exit. 
But there just didn’t seem to be one. 
Cursing, he decided to burst a hole and get out from there. 
However, before he could, he heard a long screech coming from the place he had been in before, that oddly resembled a prison cell. 
He sneaked up from where the yelling was coming from, and halted in his steps. 
It was Morax. 
In his hybrid form, clawing desperately at the appendages as Osial snarled at him, “Morax, attempting to break free from my restraints is futile…you are finally in my possession now…” 
Morax growled, as he fought against the restraints as he glared up at Osial, breaking out momentarily from the restraints and charging towards Osial, who swerved and sent his tentacles forward and caught him before restraining him again, “Ah, ah, ah. ”
He then started to sing that awful melody again, causing Ajax to cover his ears on instinct, knowing what that power was capable of, as Morax fought against it. 
However, he was unable to cover his own ears, and soon started to sway…before he fell to the ground. 
Osial grinned, before he looked around the prison cell, “...Hm…”  
Ajax hastily bolted behind the entrance to the prison as Osial’s eyes glossed past him. 
He had to sneak up on Osial and constrain him before things got out of hand…
Osial frowned, as the miasma started to spread further around him. 
He needed a distraction. 
He darted his eyes around for something to throw, before he landed on his vision…..
Ah…he had just retrieved it…
And now he had to throw it again…
If the Hydro Archon was not already mad at him, she would have surely thrown a fit by now. 
The precious vision that she had granted him, a most valued treasure that some trained years to obtain was….being thrown recklessly and by some abyssal creature..
The thought was so ridiculous that Ajax didn’t know whether he should have cried or laughed at the absurdity of it all. 
But either way, it was the only choice he had. 
And so, he unpinned his vision and threw it….as it bounced off of Morax’s head before going towards the farthest corner of the room. 
…he always did have awful aim…
But regardless of the questionable aim, it caused Osial to go towards the vision, his eyebrows furrowed as he scrutinized the item. 
Ajax bolted from his place behind the entrance and immediately felt as his body transformed, his every limb tearing from its place on his body as it rebuilt itself into a taller version of his normal body. 
The Foul Legacy form was a pain in the ass to recover from, but it was better than nothing. 
He retrieved his spear before he hit Osial on the back of the head, causing him to blink before he turned around with a growl. 
However, before he could try anything, Ajax struck him again.
And watched as Osial’s body flopped onto the ground, unconscious. 
However, that pesky miasma was still raging around him, in large quantities. 
Ajax sighed, as he inhaled the miasma greedily, feeling as his body filtrated it and fed on the strength it provided. 
After eating all of it, he hastily went to pick up his vision, tying it on his belt, before he went to bind Osial. 
And after ensuring that he was secured enough with a water ribbon, he hoisted Osial across his right shoulder. 
Before he went towards Morax, and hoisted him up on his other shoulder. 
It seemed that with Osial being rendered unconscious, the power he had over his domain was wavering, causing Ajax to see a slight crack in his enchantment. 
Thankfully he was in his Foul Legacy form, otherwise carrying the both of them would have put further strain on his body. 
Once he made sure the two knuckleheads were secured, he bolted towards the crack, smashing through it and ending up face to face with a giant whirlpool. 
It looked like a portal of sorts; the same ones he had seen in the forest near his house in Morepesok back when he was fourteen. 
Sucking everything around it and glowing a vibrant blue color. 
On instinct, he reached towards it, and it roughly pulled him. 
He heard a voice call out to him, rough and commanding, causing his heart to quicken. 
"Wake up, if you want to live, boy."
Who was that? 
"Wake up."
"Wake up, brat!"
"Come on."
Is that...you? 
“Wake up!”
He jolted his eyes open.
Met with the sight of his master standing above him him, her long grayish-purple hair flowing down her shoulders, as she looked straight through him. 
The room was similar to the many caves he would hide out with his master, and yet, no traces of the abyss was inside of the room. 
Could this be…an inbetween dimension? 
He had heard his master talk about them in the past, but he never thought he would end up in such a situation. 
“Hmph,” she kicked him to the side, as she brought her hand up to his back before she slapped it, causing him to throw up large amounts of water as he coughed violently, feeling his chest burn at the awful sensation, “So you have not forgotten the name of your master after all.” 
Afterwards, she crouched down and leaned him forward, grabbing his face and staring into his eyes, “Hm…you have grown up rather nicely, haven’t you brat?” 
He blinked up at her, confused, but not afraid. 
He never felt afraid with his master, even back when she would beat him and pierce her spear through his chest, even when she cursed at him, even when she broke every bone in his body. 
He tilted his face to the side and grinned, teasing, “Why? Do you like my pretty face, master?” 
Skirk make a disgruntled face as she threw his face to the side, “...It seems as if you lack discipline….I remember back when you were but a whimpering brat, running after me like a dog to its master…Now you have become unbearable it seems.” 
Ajax burst into laughter as he hunched over, “Really now?” 
Skirk had a ghost of a smile on her face, as she sighed, “Yes…now then, would you care to explain how it is you ended up here again? Did I not tell you to never look for me again, brat.”
Ajax felt his laughter die down, “Ah…well…about that…” 
Skirk’s eye started to twitch as she leaned closer to her disciple as she glared at him, looking as if she wanted to kill him and then fry him up for breakfast, “You did what?!” 
He chuckled as he backed away from her. 
Skirk grabbed him by the collar and stared intensely at his clothes, before she turned him around in a freakish display of strength…it seemed after all these years, his master would always be stronger than him…
He pulled down his collar and stared, horrified at the glowing mark on his neck, pulsating and nearly scalding her when she attempted to touch it. 
“You allowed a God to mark you! And on top of that, you turned into one of those disgusting celestial beings?! And you are on a mission to do what?” 
He sighed as he limped against her hold, “I…wasn’t really granted a choice in that last one…Besides, not all of Celestia’s creations are bad….” 
Skirk frowned, as she threw him down and sat down beside him, “...Even so, you willingly allowed yourself to be marked by a god! And not just any god, but the oldest and strongest of the damned Seven in charge of my homeland’s demise!”
She trembled and scowled at Ajax, as he stiffened. 
He didn’t even think about that. 
Right, even if Zhongli was a gentle being…didn’t always mean he always made the right calls. 
He was called the Warrior God for a reason, after all. 
But even so, he wanted to argue with his own master about Morax’s involvement in Khaenri’ah’s demise. 
Even though he knew deep down, that Morax had everything to do with it. 
Of course, Skirk, his master who was of Khaenri’ah origin, would be absolutely furious at the sudden confession. 
Her own pupil had become entangled with one of the seven, and had even become an adeptus…even though he belonged to the Abyss. 
He bowed his head down, “...Master….I’m-” 
She covered his mouth, her eyes shut and trembling, “Not another word. You do not mean it…” 
He yanked her hand away, “No. I’m sorry about what happened to Khaenri’ah….I would have loved to bear witness to its glory…but…I am not sorry for loving Morax…he…is good to me…And I love him…....."
He paused, looking away, "....I am not meant to be called your disciple..” 
Skirk remained quiet for a few moments, before she smacked him on his back…in a manner meant to convey camaraderie more than violence, “....Shut up brat…I’ll send you back to your world…just......do not speak anymore.” 
He nodded, as she picked him up, before she walked to a side of the room before drawing up a large portal, written using runes lost to time. 
She pressed her palm to it harshly, causing it to shake violently before a familiar portal was present in front of him once again. 
She turned towards him, no malice in her eyes as she stared at him, “...Save Khaenri’ah for me, brat.” 
Her eyes were filled with conviction as she gazed at him, and he felt weak to it. 
Her wish was useless. 
It was too ambitious and unrealistic. 
Even if he had all the power of the seven combined, it would never be enough to save Khaenri’ah’s demise. 
Celestia’s wrath was too strong. 
He shook his head, somber, “I… can’t…Master, I-. ” 
“I know you can’t.” 
He looked up at her, his master’s eyes filled with unshed tears, “I know you can’t, but at least…fight until your last breath, for Khaenri'ah, for me…otherwise, you will be known as a traitor and if that happens,” she turned around, “Do not refer to me your Master, again.”
He felt himself shake, as he stared at the floor, “..I will.” 
He always would. 
Even if he was part of the adepti now, his soul would always belong to the Abyss, to Khaenri’ah.  
A child born in Celestia’s playground, belonging to a nation that no longer existed. 
“Good…save them for me.” 
She grabbed him and then threw him into the portal. 
When he awoke, he was aware of a throbbing pain in the side of his head, alongside the feeling of something sticking uncomfortably to his skin. 
He looked around, he felt his clothes weighing him down and came to the realization that he was wet. 
Wet and covered with sand. 
Grainy uncomfortable sand. 
A beach?  
He glanced around, and saw that it was not just him laying down on the white sandy beaches of what appeared to be Liyue. 
Morax and Osial were there too, and by the looks of it…still unconscious. 
Ajax sighed when he realized he was back in his normal form, his Foul Legacy nowhere to be found. 
The Abyss. 
He felt his heart clench at his master’s face, vulnerable and pleading. 
He would fight for Khaenri’ah with all he had, even if that cost him his heart in the process. 
Even if that meant having to fight against Morax and the rest of the adepti. 
He would fight for Khaenri’ah. 
He sighed. 
Until then, he would not think about something that was yet to come. 
For now, he would focus on the two unconscious gods a few feet away from him. 
He felt his limbs repositioning themselves as he once again transformed, feeling the dull pain spread all over his body. 
He had to worry about this now. 
He threw them over his shoulders and carried on to the direction of the mountains. 
Ping let out a long sigh at the long-awaited news. 
Sky Bracer there to pat her back and comfort her, as Cloud Retainer explained, looking rather harrowed and tired. 
“I see..” 
Sky Bracer nodded, “...We have no idea where they have gone…but the whirlpool closed before he were able to get inside…” 
Ping nodded, feeling guilt swallow her up at the things they told her about. 
She should have been there. 
Should have been there alongside Guizhong. 
If she was there, would the three of them have been able to restrain Osial enough for him to be fully cleansed? 
The thoughts ate away at her, as she thought of her shijie’s face. 
She felt a gentle pat to her shoulder, “Do not feel guilty, shimei. There was no way you could have known..” 
She let out a sound that sounded like a choked sob as she nodded, “..Yeah..” 
All they could do now was pray that everything would sort itself out. 
Ping closed her eyes, and hoped that everything would be alright. 
Hearing the light footsteps of someone darting away from behind one of the trees. 
Xiao felt his heart clench, as he bolted away from the scene. 
…He never thought he would grow as attached as he did to someone. 
Back when he was at the mercy of his prior Lord, everyday seems miserable, dragging on longer than it needed too as he heard the voice of his Lord scream at him even in his dreams.
So, when he was dragged out of the darkness he had found himself trapped in, he felt like he could breathe again. 
His new Lord had saved him, and granted him a new life. 
Freedom . 
And…that man….with the obnoxious voice and even more obnoxious red hair had smiled at him, had shown him gentility and kindness as he carried him in order to not force him to walk on the sharp terrain. 
The man who had proclaimed himself as his Ge, chattering loudly with the others as he attempted to get Xiao to warm up to him. 
Xiao had been cautious at first, drawing a clear line between him and the man, wishing to get away from him as soon as he could. 
And yet, he always managed to coax Xiao out, with that damned smile of his. 
Too wide for his face, and too bright. 
Xiao found himself content to be beside the man’s side, and relished the warmth he provided, the feeling of safety he exuded. 
And soon, he found himself sticking to him like a pesky mosquito. 
And yet, the man did not seem to mind, as he welcomed the clinginess, even when Xiao’s night terrors started to dissipate. 
And, his new Lord started to hang around the both of them, he felt as if he was walking on clouds. 
He finally had what the other demons often talked about, quietly to others who felt just as lonely as them. 
He remembered how fondly they talked about their family, longing to be back at their side. 
Xiao did not have a family, as he was born alone from a mountain before he was taken in by his old Lord. 
And so, he had nothing to compare their descriptions of how their life used to be like. 
Xiao did not know how a mother’s love felt, nor did he now how a father’s love felt. 
He was born without parents. 
And longed for someone to cradle him and pamper him just like he heard the new demons forcibly taken by his Lord talk about. 
And so, when he finally obtained what they had talked about. 
He felt close to tears. 
A family. 
People that were all around him, ready to die for him, ready to protect him, ready to guide and love him. 
He felt over the moon. 
So, when he heard of what had happened to his Lord and his ge-ge… he felt something within him shatter. 
A strange distress filled him up as he clawed desperately at his chest. 
He didn’t want to go back to how it used to be. 
He didn’t want to be alone again. 
“ A-Xiao… is that you?”
He whisked around, towards the direction of the voice. 
It was a strange looking creature, with familiar red hair peeking through a large mask. 
Ajax felt relieved when he saw Xiao up ahead, the brat noticeably smaller than him.
…Was this how Skirk felt when he saw him for the first time?
No wonder she took him under her wing, when she saw such a small and defenseless kid. 
He saw Xiao grow tense as he readied his spear ahead of him, looking scared as ever. 
The kids have never seen this form before. 
Xiao had never seen him like this. 
It would make sense for him to be wary of a strange looking beast who towered over him that also knew his name. 
He sighed, placing the two gods he had onto the floor before he felt his muscles and bones start to re-adjust themselves back to his normal form. 
He blinked up when he went back to his normal form  “A-Xiao.” 
Xiao’s eyes widened, as he dropped his spear onto the floor. 
“….it’s me, your Ge-” 
He felt a pair of small arms wrap around his waist, as Xiao pressed his face against his chest, “-ge..” 
Ajax felt himself chuckle as he patted the boy’s back, “Missed me?” 
Xiao didn’t say anything and instead gripped onto him tighter and buried his face deeper into his chest.
“There, there, A-Xiao….Don’t you know that your ge’s indestructible…nothing could ever get rid of me,” he laughed as he patted the boy’s head. 
Xiao still remained silent, causing Ajax to sigh. 
He had really worried the kid, hadn’t he. 
“...We have to get these two back to the others, A-Xiao… we can’t be here for long..” 
Xiao still didn’t move. 
Ajax laughed, as he patted Xiao’s head, playing with his hair, it was surprisingly soft, “.. A-Xiao~ If you stay here longer, then I will pinch your cheeks thrice a day!” 
Xiao didn’t move. 
What the fuck? 
Since when did this brat become so clingy enough to endure the pinch attacks from Ajax? 
“A-Xiao. You have to bring the other’s back, then you can hug me all you want, hm? Don’t you want Shizun to be well too?” 
Xiao begrudgingly started to move after a while, pulling away hesitantly. 
“Okay..” he said, voice small. 
Ajax smiled at him, pinching his chubby cheeks, causing Xiao to pout, “What? I did tell you that I was going to pinch you if you didn’t let go, didn’t I?” 
Xiao’s pout became deeper as he crossed his arms and looked away, upset. 
Ajax burst into laughter, as he took both of the unconscious men in each arm, and slightly winced at how heavy they were. 
Even if he was strong, he didn’t know if he would be able to pick anything up without shaking for the next few days. 
Well…it was at least better than the way his legs trembled and his hips ached the next day after Morax’s…insatiable nature caught up to his poor body. 
In fact, he was sure that he would be dead if it wasn’t for the extra stamina that his abyssal and adeptal powers granted him.
And he prayed that Morax would never do this with a mortal, if he did not want to kill the poor person. 
He shook off those thoughts and began to walk, as Xiao walked besides him, on the way to see the others. 
But before they did that, they were caught by a sudden voice. 
It was Guizhong, running at both of them, her hair loosely at her sides, looking worried. 
Ajax felt a strong feeling well up in his throat, at the sight of his shijie.  
He dropped the gods on the ground, and let out a wet laugh, as he came closer to her, “Shijie! You’re okay!” 
“Of course I would be okay!! But shidi! What were you thinking putting yourself in danger like that?! You could have died!” 
She shouted at him, as she came towards him and put her head on his shoulder as she squeezed him tightly, “I thought you were dead! I was worried sick! I even passed out because I was so worried! Celestia above! When will you stop worrying me half to death, shidi?!”  
He paused, “What? You passed out, are you okay?” 
Guizhong pulled away from him as she glared at him, frowning, “Do not worry about me! You were suddenly gone into that whirlpool…and I…was helpless to stop you..” 
Her gaze softened as she frowned deeper at him, “I..thought you were gone, shidi…I was so worried.” 
….He felt himself pull her close, wrapping his arms around her as he patted her back gently, drawing soothing circles all the while, “I’m here now, don’t worry about me…” 
She nodded in his shoulder. 
A few minutes passed before she withdrew herself from his shoulder, “...So…will you explain why there are two unconscious gods tied up at either side of you, shidi?”  
He paused, “Oh yeah! I…we need to take them to the others…Morax was knocked unconscious by Osial…but he is otherwise fine…However, Osial on the other hand….I’m…I’m not so sure if he is completely cured of the miasma that was affecting his body….I managed to clear some of it, but I’m not sure if all of it has been taken care of.” 
She nodded, before she went towards Osial and hoisted him up across her shoulder…
Celestia above, his shijie had gotten strong!
Pretty soon, he was certain she was going to beat him in arm-wrestling…just like Captain Beidou had (he still wasn’t going to live that bitter defeat down). 
“Let’s go.” 
He nodded. 
Cloud Retainer’s jaw nearly fell off when she saw the sight of her two juniors carrying unconscious gods all whilst little Xiao was right beside them. 
“Care to explain?” 
They had barged into her domain, asking for her to check the unconscious gods for injuries. 
She said, looking rather unimpressed at the sight, though in reality she felt as if 100 years of her immortal lifetime had been taken off at the ridiculous sight. 
Ajax sighed, “Ah…Da-yi…so uhh…as you can see-”
“Do not continue…one thinks that a migraine is right at one’s doorstep……hand the other two fools over and be done with it..” 
Ajax cackled as he and Guizhong did exactly that. 
Of course, before they could talk about anything else. 
They were met with another voice. 
“Shijie! Shidi!”  
They turned to see Madam Ping walking towards them, looking shocked, albeit relieved. 
Ping wrapped her arms around her as she leaned in to kiss Guizhong. 
It was chaste, but it was still a private moment between lovers….and so…it felt awkward to stare at it. 
Out of respect, he turned around and frantically covered Xiao’s eyes, hearing as Cloud Retainer screeched behind him. 
“Have you no self-respect! You two are becoming just as bad as those other two insufferable dragons!” 
Guizhong chuckled as she withdrew from the kiss, a mischievous look in her eyes as she turned towards Cloud Retainer, “Hm…really, Shigu? Are you really one to say that, or have you forgotten about your many trysts with poor maidens? Or should I remi-” 
She was cut off by Madam Ping who covered her mouth and smiled placatingly at Cloud Retainer who looked as if she was about to peck Guizhong to death. 
“Shigu, my sincerest apologies…I do not know what came over my lady…If you would please excuse us, we will be parting now.” 
Ajax turned to see Cloud Retainer’s face bright red, nearly the color as her glasses, which were perched on top of her head at the moment, “Hmph, as you wish!”
Ajax felt himself stifling back laughter as Cloud Retainer sent a glare his way, looking as Guizhong sent him a wink before departing, holding hands with Madam Ping. 
Those two…were really something weren’t they. 
But, soon enough the light-hearted atmosphere vanished, as he was back in the present. 
He turned towards Morax’s unconscious face, on top of one of Cloud Retainer’s beds that she used for patients. 
They were not comfortable, not in the slightest. 
But, it would be enough. 
Cloud Retainer grumbled a bit, before she turned towards them, “Lord Lapis has no injuries, you may take him back to your domain. Though he has not been injured, he needs to rest his body, he has exerted much of his energy. And…one does believe that you have exerted yourself as well.” 
Ajax nodded, as he carefully picked up Morax from the bed, undoing the restraints before turning towards a concerned looking Xiao, who merely squeezed his hand. 
It would be alright. 
Ajax jolted awake by a loud scream. 
He quickly made his way towards the source of the scream, any sleepiness washed away by the loud screech. 
Xiao was at his side, and yet, he was sleeping rather soundly. 
He wasn’t the source of the scream. 
So what was it? 
He felt his heartbeat quicken, as he opened the door to his spare bedroom. 
Coming face-to-face with the source of such a haunting scream. 
He was clawing at his arms, nails sharp as his arms bled and golden blood dripped down his skin, his breathing labored and eyes slit as he looked around the room in a panic.��
Was he…tainted by the miasma?
Ajax felt his stomach drop and his blood grow cold, as his eyes darted over to the air around Morax.
There was no miasma. 
So what the hell was the cause of such a scream? 
Ajax felt his heart clench as he approached Morax carefully. 
The old wooden floorboards caused a loud creak to echo across the room.
Morax’s eyes darted towards him, filled with tears. 
Before Ajax knew it, he was pulled into Morax’s arms. 
His grip was bruising, and Ajax was certain that if he was a mere mortal, his bones would have shattered under his grip. 
He embraced his lover, as he yelled, “Morax! Are you alright?”
Morax whined as if in pain, as he buried himself deeper into Ajax’s chest, breathing him in deeply as his grip became painful. 
“Hey! What are you-” 
Ajax paused, when he felt something wet stain his clothes. 
Morax was crying. 
Ajax stopped wriggling and let himself be held tightly as the man cried into his arms, trembling violently as he sobbed into his chest. 
And in between sobs, he let out a startling confession. 
“I thought…I lost you.” 
Ajax felt his heart ache as he felt his own eyes well up with tears, as he closed them and held Morax tighter to himself. 
“You didn’t…I’m here…” 
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solipseismic · 1 year
i hope you know that every day i wish i could read your book and really enjoyed reading the nanowrimo tidbits you sent, you should infodump about it 👀
CROW ... this is so so sweet i am kissing u gently on the mouth . also this is great timing bc i am just about to compile a vigilante's guide to knowing when to die into a goog file that i can send to my friend (part of our bargain in me convincing him to do nanowrimo w me this year)
snippet from book 2 for u:
The Rift gave a sudden convulsive shudder. Skysteel felt it all the way to her ankles as it threw her out—and away. She was freefalling before she even knew it, pinwheeling through the air like a shitty paper airplane. Sky-ground-sky-ground-BUILDING passed in a dizzy blur right up until she smacked into a billboard with a comedic sound. She would have laughed, except her lungs seemed to have gone on impromptu strike at the time of impact. It really was a hard-knock life, huh? Black spots swarmed her field of vision. An Avian shrieked at the sight of her and dove, the razor talons of its feet extended fully and bladed wings gleaming in the bright sun. Poltergeist and Eidolon were both yelling something over comms but she couldn’t parse anything—all she could see was the golden light of the Avians surrounding her, all she could feel was the agonizing feeling of the Rift splitting open wider far above her. The golden light of the Avians turned blinding. Skysteel’s secondary eyelids dropped down for a split second. But— That was no fucking Avian. A man shining like a blue sun reached down and gently plucked an Avian off Skysteel’s prone body laying in the ruin of the billboard. One moment his hand closed around its shoulder and the next—it was a still-glowing pile of fine, off-white ash on the ground. “That was stupid,” he said. Skysteel took the hand he offered and heaved herself up out of the pieces of billboard she’d fallen to the ground with. “That’s what I want on my headstone,” she told him, wincing and touching a hand to her ribs.
anyways i rarely talk abt a vigilante's guide (which some of u who have been following for a long time may know under the previous title of "demon city" and / or "demon eyes" and so all the stuff i've posted abt it r under those tags) bc it's like That One Big project for me. like u know how brandon sanderson has the stormlight archive that kind of is the hub / culmination of all his works across the brandonsandersonverse (official term is brandon sanderson's "cosmere")? for me that's vigilante's guide. also it's exceedingly self-indulgent is the other reason.
it's gone through like 50 different iterations bc it's existed in my brain for nearly as long as i can remember (i think over a decade at this point) and the Ira Neda i talk about (my supreme blorbo, if you will) is the protagonist! i have ambitions for it spanning five books with the second (formerly "demon eyes") titled a vigilante's guide to destroying the world but right now books 1 and 2 are existing in the same doc (DEMON MEGADRAFT) because i'm trying to see what gets shaken out of it while i play with a non-linear timeline between the two
as a result, there are a lot of ideas that are getting spun into it (and even more ideas that i've had trial runs of before editing or cutting them entirely) but it's got the run of the mill superhero genre setup: we have a recognizable earth set in the near-ish future / a time that's somewhat similar to our own, we have a bunch of vigilantes running around fighting ordinary crime and supervillains (tho these are mainly just called "terrorists" in-world bc, well.), and different people have different powers from different things (but mostly it's because they're alien / part alien lol)
book one (knowing when to die) follows ira neda's arrival in anehaven, a (fictional) city in new york, where she is trying to unravel the circumstances that led to her twin brother's death several years ago. she promises herself, her family, her friends, and a lot of strangers that she isn't in that vigilante business anymore, if she ever really was: she's retired now. she just wants to live a quiet life (lie) and she doesn't intend to instigate anything (lie) and she is never picking up the mantle again (lie). but anehaven, like ira neda herself, has secrets of its own. the city is alive--and it hungers. people have been disappearing from the streets without a trace for over a year now, more and more with each month that passes. she makes some friends (criminal empress and her two partners in crime as well as ... actual partners), she makes some enemies (her fellow vigilantes) there are three questions now that have no answers: what happens to these people? why does the sidewalk have teeth? and who the FUCK is this other guy calling himself a vigilante?
book two is a little more abstract on account of I Still Haven't Figured out Subplots for it, but it's your stock alien invasion with ensemble cast: here we introduce cori sanchez, the (also) (formerly) retired HUSH, a mirek'ar necromancer; alec iakabos, SOLSTICE, and noah harper, EQUINOX, whom you can think of as "gosh, i really was VERY inspired by wildstorm comics when i was fifteen, huh," if you're familiar with apollo and midnighter from them; along with some familiar faces from the first book--alan and blue wilson (POLTERGEIST and EIDOLON, respectively) and ira neda. names capitalized to make it easier for me to keep track of them lol.
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feroluce · 2 years
Of A Cyclical Nature
I have Awoken and am Choosing Violence, so I’m putting this blankshipping writing under a read more because of past offscreen major character death with no happy ending, my favorite type of submas angst, and anyway:
Ingo working hard, like really really hard, in pursuit of his lost memories. He chases down leads, he explores every distortion bubble he can get to, he battles Akari every moment she's available to try and knock loose a few more recollections. And it works! It takes time, and effort, and nearly running himself into the ground, but it works! Ingo can finally put a name to his Man in White! He finally knows who Emmet is!
Ingo feels so horrible that he ever forgot him, because they were partners, in every sense and meaning of the word, how on earth did he live alone for so long without Emmet?
Dialga and Palkia prove to be useless, so Ingo borrows the Azure Flute from Akari to speak with Arceus. Akari gives him a strange look, then sighs and tells him not to misplace it this time. Ingo has no idea why Akari would think he's the one doing anything with her Flute, she's the one who keeps accidentally leaving it in his hut, but he's too eager to stop and bicker about it. Maybe Arceus can send him back to his first home, and even unlock the rest of his memories!
So Ingo hauls ass to the wrecked Temple of Sinnoh, and plays the Azure Flute, and is granted audience. And he politely kneels and bows his head before the towering form before him and asks that Arceus might let him go back where he came from, to Unova and Nimbasa City and Gear Station with all of the depot agents and Elesa and with Emmet. And Arceus refuses.
Ingo isn't sure if something was lost in communication somewhere, so he asks again. Arceus refuses again.
And Ingo starts to get pissed, because why not? This is a god we're talking about. If Arceus is really as almighty as the people of Hisui say, and as gracious and kind, then this should be something easy for It to do, so why the hell not?
Ingo raises up off his knees, back to his full height, grits his teeth and pulls out Gliscor's pokeball. Arceus looks down Its nose at him like a bug.
"Do you truly want to remember?"
"I do."
Arceus makes a sound almost like a sigh. Ingo bristles. And then-
and then his head is so full, he sees Emmet next to him with their hands joined between them, he sees Nimbasa City lit up in the night, he sees Lostlorn Forest and a wild Zoroark that looks so so different from the ones he knows here, Chandelure and Eelektross guarding their eggs together in their nest, Cloud corralling the depot agents, Elesa laughing at him over a drink, Emmet and Elesa telling him to hurry up, Emmet bright and excited after a battle, Emmet whistling at the stove while he cooks breakfast, Emmet telling him that he loves him, Emmet Emmet Emmet-
Memorial. Gravestone. Offered flowers he doesn't want to see. Offered food he doesn't want to eat.
Ingo feels like he might be sick.
He opens his eyes without realizing he'd screwed them shut. His forehead is on the ground. His throat is raw. He feels like he can barely breathe.
"Do you remember now?" 
He does. An accident. Emmet had taken his shift.
It should have been him.
"Your place now is here, to help guide the people toward a united future- that was our agreement, so long as I took your memories." 
Ingo curls into himself. It was a waste, all of it. All of his efforts had been for nothing. He can't go home, because home is gone, home went before its time and left him behind, alone. Ingo sees himself in a graveyard, hollow shell, empty husk, stepping through the offered rift next to two plots, only one of them empty as a broken promise. Sees himself at the Temple of Sinnoh with the Azure Flute, but it's wrong, this is autumn now, his memories speak of springtime.
"I've...I've done this before, haven't I?" Every word drags like sandpaper through his throat.
Arceus sighs again. It doesn't sound as rude or dismissive as the first time. 
"You have, yes; many times."
He doesn't want to get up. Ingo doesn't want to move ever again. He wants to lay here until the world ends.
"Have you reached the same decision this time as well?"
Ingo can only nod. He's a coward. He'll take the emptiness. He'll take anything but this.
Some invisible force wrenches his head up, Ingo blinking spots and stars and dampness out of his eyes to see again. There's a bright spot right in front of him, the Halo of Arceus fanned out around it. It’s aimed like a bullet right between his eyes.
"Very well then. Until next time."
Ingo wakes up in his bed, jolted out of a dead sleep by someone knocking at his door. Gods, his hip is killing him, the hell did he do, sleep on a damn rock? Ingo roots around in his pockets- he must have really worn himself out doing...something, to have fallen asleep in all his clothes- and pulls out some weird blue wooden instrument that he recognizes as Akari's. Ingo is going to start making her check all her pockets before she departs, if she keeps leaving this thing here with him.
Ingo yells to the door that he'll be there in just a moment, and fumbles around until he finds his hat. It's too bright out and he's barely awake, he wants to hide his eyes under the shade of it for a while longer.
Ingo drags himself to the door and opens it, and Irida is on the other side, all but bouncing in place, eyes and smile bright. Ingo is instantly in a better mood and happy for her- whatever just happened must have been really good. He hasn't seen her quite so excited since Palina and Iscan's daughter had been born. Irida happily tells him that she got his message yesterday- she got here as soon as she could, and she's so happy for him! She wants to hear about everything he remembers! She especially wants to hear about Emmet!!
And Ingo looks at Irida for a long moment. Scrunches his brow. Cocks his head.
"Who is Emmet?"
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obscuraxclea · 2 years
Tonight is going to be the loneliest
The sorcreress was looking at the red and firey horizon , her hair and cape moved by the hot breeze that came from below. While she waited , she thought back on all she did. After Wong and Strange had pulled her from Nessa's darkness, things had changed for her. She had felt her faltine heritage react to this, energy on energy. She could have waited for Strange to find a solution, he would have in forsaking himself probably. However her journey also entailed to gain back control. She wanted to enjoy her husband as the man she loved, not the problem fixer. And for a while, it worked , but it wasn't the same.
He was keeping secrets from her, as she did. Her biggest now finalized. It had been quite the tricky part, not getting his attention, making small accidents that were not apparent to be linked. First, she had asked Loki , who had denied his magic to her, to steal papers from the Sanctum. The god had done so, taking not only what she needed but also a multitude of papers so it would appear he only had done some research about dimensionnal protection for his castle. As he had returned the papers to Strange later , the suspiscion remained small and away from her.
The knowledge she gained was one of a dagger that allowed temporal rifts that could open even sealed dimensions. Desperate she was going out on something she had heard as a child from her uncle. A tale of a well of pure energy . She had this hope that she could maybe find a way to get to this and be whole again. The problem was, the dagger was in the custody of Atlantis or so they wrote. She had had a choice, tell Strange of her idea or go to someone else. She had almost done it, however, her pride got in her way, and so, she let her ears wander, being quiet and just a human helped a lot to gain information. And men always wanted more. She overheard a conversation about a certain Osborn one note in the bar without doors. Thus she contacted him, which came to a deal, he would get her the dagger in exchange of an impossible task, bring back Zemo.
Now Clea was not one to dwell in necromantic magic, and pulling a soul would alert everyone who was looking out for such things. So, she had met with old friends, seemingly pleasing Wong and Strange in gaining more social aspects. The topic of their conversation was how to bring back a dead person without destroying the balance. The solution was a calculated incursion of someone's life which was also forfeit but was still alive. While she could not practice magic, she guided them into finding such a man. Sokovian Zemo was agreed upon to be the best fit. Now to the part of opening the multi-verse, the spell required : the bones of the deceased , a life force to anker the new Zemo and the essence of a being existing in all dimensions. The bones were easy to get through Osborn, as to the life force , the choice was hard to do, she did not want to steal from anyone's time , so she took the one who had passed his time : Steve. She had not done anything herself, but there had been a spell that he would die as soon as Zemo would became a citizen of this dimension. And lastly, her most haunting choice. Maybe she wanted revenge for the rejection, maybe ...maybe it was easier to explain everything , justify it in the eyes of her conscience...she ached for her last choice ...Loki in many ways had been another form of soulmate.
So here she was standing, dagger in hand and turned her head when her friends approached.
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A very rough piece of when Graha left the 8th Calamity Timeline and brought himself and the Tower to the First and a chance meeting between worlds. I've taken some liberties and this is just a first draft.
Lost in the Sea
2427 words
G'raha x WoL references, Azemet references
G'raha, Hydaelyn, referenced named WoL, referenced Hades(Emet-Selch)
CW: Black Rose death, grief, threats of harm
It had worked, in a sense. G'raha Tia couldn't deny that the Tower and him had left the Source, the world he had been born in. The Tycoon had been a superb creation, the last invention of Cid and Nero before their passing, and realised by Bigg’s descendant. The Tower had also been fantastic, he was fairly certain that the fact he and it hadn't been completely destroyed was because it had formed a stasis around itself again.
The royal lineage and the Tower just survive above all. There were no more heirs. 
Just G'raha, and the Tower, and they were both trapped horribly in the Aetherial Sea.
It should have worked, there shouldn't have been this stop, the Rift and the Sea were so entwined, to go through one was to risk the other. 
And so, he sat at the door, horribly locked against everyone (and him) once more. Only this time he hadn't done it.
He slammed his fist against his leg, cursing himself. It was too much, he was the thinnest of Allag's bloodline left, and while the Tower listened to him, he didn't have the power to supplement it. He had been the weak point in this whole affair, centuries of work and effort, and he had failed before even starting.
There was a knock at the door and he frowned, believing it his imagination.
Another. “What in the world?”
He stood and laid his hand against the door, ordering it to open with a force of incredible will. If he was going mad, then let the Sea take him, he wouldn't be able to do the job anyway.
The doors slowly slid open and revealed a tall pale woman clothed in brilliant white robes. He stared up at her in disbelief, having to crane his head up considerably to meet her gaze. Had he ever seen anyone this tall before? She towered over even the tallest people he had known, making Biggs and Nero look like they were his height and he looked absolutely tiny compared to her.
What did one say to what must be an avatar of death or the delusion of his failing mind? Hello? What did it matter, he had clearly lost his mind and the Sea would claim him soon. 
“Hello, I'd offer to let you in, but it's rather a mess inside.” Her face shifts from placid peacefulness to full mirth, laughing boisterously as though he had said the most clever of jests. He stared at her, utterly perplexed at whatever his mind had conjured in these final moments. “If you don't mind, you're welcome inside, I guess?”
Her laughter quieted down into a giggle before she collected herself and stepped within the Tower’s bounds. She looked around as though she was someone who had been here before and was reacquainting herself with it. He supposed if she was some sort of guide to the afterlife it was possible she had, many people had died in the Tower when Allag fell. 
“I hope you don't find me terribly rude.” He began, trying to catch her attention. “But can I ask what you're doing here? I know what I'm doing here, but I don't know how anyone else can survive out there. And who are you?”
She stood there as though she hadn't heard him and then gave herself a little shake before turning back to him. “Forgive me, I was remembering someone I once knew. She lived in this Tower and died here, but I was here to catch her before she was lost, thankfully.”
“Uh…” This was a bizarre conversation and he felt completely out of sorts, as though he was supposed to know what she talked about but didn't. “I don't think anyone has died here since we opened the Tower the first time, and before that it would have been millenia. I'm sorry for your loss?” 
She smiled sadly. “It was, but that was then, and she has been lost for good this time.” Her face hardened as she looked at him and then knelt down so her face was on his level. He started at the irritation and anger on her face and the glowing prismatic blue eyes she had. He had seen those twice before, different colours, but so similar. He became very afraid, this woman had to be an Ascian. “And I have you to thank for that, G'raha Tia, heir of Allag.”
He swallowed heavily, not sure what to say. Had they learned of their plan to save the Warrior of Light? To stop the Calamity before it started? To undo the tragedy written in the Star? Would she destroy him and the Tower?
“Now tell me, little one, why I shouldn't throw you out of this Tower and condemn your soul to the deepest pits of the Underworld for your transgressions?” She seemed to grow bigger in front of him, or he grew smaller, a child being chastened. He knew who she spoke of, Azemya preserve him, she was talking about the very person he was trying to save, to unwrite her death and subsequent fall from Light from history's uncaring pages.
He briefly saw a flash of the last moment he saw her, horrible gurgles in her chest as she coughed up dark congealed blood and poisonous gas. The death she had been denied two centuries before by the man she had called Hades catching up with her in his darkest moment.
The moment he had failed Hades’ test, when he had looked back when he was told not to. He was told to not look until they had both left the city. He should have trusted her to tell him when she was safe, but he had been so excited, so relieved to have righted this wrong that he had believed whoever had tapped him on the shoulder and said she was there.
He had looked behind him.
She was still within the old gate of Garlemald city, the last barrier to cross.
And she had died 
He knelt down before her, pressing his head down against the cold stone flooring of the Tower.
“I don't deserve your mercy, only that I am trying to fix what I broke.” His voice is small, cracking with grief as he watched her die over and over in his mind. The guilt that had eaten him for two full years since that day, since he had buried himself in his work with Biggs and readied himself for his own sacrifice. “Please, I deserve to die, but I need to continue.”
The woman's face peers at him for horrible long seconds before it softens and she pats his head gently. “She told me she trusted you and what you planned, and so will I.”
“How do you…? How did she…?” He didn't know what to say, Mina had died in the ruins of Garlemald that Hades had made his own well before G'raha had returned to the Tower and learned of the time travel plan from Biggs. “But she's dead, she can't have known. I didn't know.”
She tilts her head curiously. “Is she? Lost, certainly, but none of us ever truly die. Even your own soul, were you to rejoin the Sea now, it would merely rest and remake itself in preparation of rebirth. But our souls, those who are beyond the cycle of death, we do not end so easily. There are certain souls who do not return to the Sea if they do not wish them to, and now, hers is likewise removed from the cycle of life and death.”
His heart sank. What he had done has irrevocably destroyed her chances of rebirth? 
“I'm trying to prevent it from happening.” He whispered, his heart being ground into even finer shards as he imagined the torment her soul must be in. “I couldn't stop it there, but I can try and stop it from ever happening in any world, in any timeline.”
“Of course you are, she told me you would, so I waited and watched, wondering if it would be this time or next time. Normally by now I would have given up on a timeline but this time…” she paused, looking him over thoughtfully. “This time, I'm glad I waited. The pieces were right, the Eighth Calamity had occurred, the Crystal Tower was occupied, Hades had captured her soul. I knew it had to be this time, it had to be the timeline she told me of.” She shook her head. “I would that I could have reached out to her, but Hades was too thorough in trapping her and breaking our bond.”
“Your bond?” His mind raced, trying to remember who she had a bond with. A horrible idea crossed his mind, but surely not. She didn't look like a Goddess, like he had always imagined one to look, or like the artwork of all Gods and Goddesses he had ever seen. 
The corner of her lips twitch in amusement and he peers closer at her. He cannot deny she appears as a woman, a very, very tall woman, but a woman nonetheless, as though someone had taken the template or a hyur and made it very, very large. 
But she had the same kind of eyes as Hades did and as Mina’s eyes had been turning into. 
What did it mean? Why did she have the same features as the Ascians he had come to know?
“Do you know who I am yet?” She asked gently.
“I don't know how it's possible.” 
Her form flickered, the woman turning into something larger and more impressive. He had the hazy vision of flowing lines of fabric, hair and crystalline wings before she resumed the form she had first appeared as. 
“This is really quite ingenious, the others don't give you enough credit. They never did, for all you carry the spark of what we were, and the ability to grow beyond us, but they only see you as broken and dull.” She looks around, shaking her head sadly. “I'll say that Hades did create something beautiful, he was always good at making such things. A shame that he turned it to such destructive purposes. If he had only worked with you mortals for good…” 
She turned back to him. “I am Hydaelyn, G'raha Tia, though I come to you as I once was.” She laid a hand on his head and he felt healing warmth and light spread through him, imbuing him with hope and purpose. “I said I wouldn't interfere, but it is imperative you complete your task, and I wished to meet you, to help you, to guide you to the First Reflection where the fate of your world will be determined. If you can succeed there, I will know mankind is ready, and in being ready, the Star will be saved.”
“It seems so hopeless here. I'm trapped, I failed to bring the Tower through the Rift to the First.” 
She laughs again, mirthful once more. “Only because I asked the Tower to wait.”
“You did what?” It had worked? He hadn’t failed, Hydaelyn herself had reached out from the Aetherial Sea and plucked him and it from their travels. “But why?”
“I wanted to know the one she spoke of.” She smiled. “I recognized your soul, you know, I may not have Hades’ eyes, but after so many long eons in the Sea, I have come to recognize those who resonate most with hers in every lifetime.”
His eyes widened in shock. “Then the scholars are right, we reincarnate?”
“In a sense. Whatever form you wear, you are as you were once, but that is a story for another day.” She peered back out the open door and gave a soft sigh. “My time is nearing, I will need to abandon this timeline now, and I will follow you to the next.”
She smiled and patted his head soothingly. “Worry not, the people here are not abandoned, I have left contingency plans in every one I have left. The next one must succeed, G’raha Tia, or else there will be no more.”
“I don’t even know where to start.” The task had been daunting enough, but to know this might be the last time he could ever try? The weight of responsibility was crushing. If he failed here, would it mean the end to those he had left behind? “She may not even know me in this one, how can I get her to trust me?”
“The only certainty I can give is that you will know what to do, even bereft of the memories of this meeting.” A gentle warmth began to spread through him and he felt as though he was slowly drifting off to sleep. “I’m sorry, I cannot risk Hades knowing that I have a hand in this. You will have a very long century ahead of you sweet boy, in which you will fight with everything you have.” A pause as he slumped to the ground, eyes struggling to remain open. “You will believe you passed out during the spell but it will be successful and you will be on the First where you will gather the survivors. Do not give up, no matter how terrible it seems.”
When he woke he hissed as pervasive light struck his eyes from the open door of the Tower. He had the feeling he was forgetting something but he couldn’t remember what as he stood, stumbling towards the foreign world outside of the Tower. He shaded his eyes as he gazed outwards, marvelling at the strange scene before him.
“Purple trees aren't what I expected.” He chuckled, laying a hand against the Tower. “Thank you, we made it.” There was a gathering crowd of people outside the Tower who stared at him and it in apprehension. “Hello! I’ve come from far away, can anyone tell me what has happened?”
And so began his journey as what the people came to call the Crystal Exarch. A long, lonely journey of a hundred years in which he and the Tower fought to survive in the barren aether of this Reflection. He met friends and companions over the years, withdrawing further and further into himself as he bound his body and soul closer to the Tower.
Until finally, it was almost time, the two worlds slowly coming together to match once more, when the conditions were right for the Reflection to rejoin… or heal.
And he intended to heal it.
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xasha777 · 4 months
Tumblr media
In the distant future, the city of Altenburg had become a beacon of technological advancement and a hub of interstellar diplomacy. Among its towering spires and shimmering energy shields lived a figure both revered and feared: Lady Elysia, the Oracle of Altenburg. Her visage was a haunting blend of beauty and enigma, with skin like porcelain, eyes glowing a deep crimson, and intricate gold adornments that spoke of ancient wisdom and untold power.
Lady Elysia was not born of this world but created by a convergence of forgotten technologies and arcane rituals. Her creators, a secretive order known as the Aetherian Coven, had long vanished, leaving her as the sole custodian of their knowledge. She dwelt within the Obsidian Sanctum, a fortress of dark crystal and pulsating energy, hidden in the heart of Altenburg.
One day, a young scientist named Dr. Kael Voss, driven by curiosity and a desire for knowledge, sought an audience with Lady Elysia. He had discovered anomalies in the fabric of space-time around Altenburg, disruptions that hinted at a potential catastrophe. With trepidation, he approached the Sanctum, passing through layers of security and mystic wards until he stood before the Oracle herself.
"Lady Elysia," Kael began, his voice trembling, "I seek your guidance. The fabric of our reality is unraveling, and I believe you hold the key to preventing disaster."
The Oracle's crimson eyes fixed upon him, piercing through his very soul. "Dr. Voss," she intoned, her voice a melodic echo, "the anomalies you speak of are remnants of the Aetherian experiments, echoes of the past that threaten our present. To mend the rift, you must journey to the Nexus of Shadows, where the veil between worlds is thinnest."
Kael nodded, determined to save his city. "How do I reach this Nexus?"
Lady Elysia extended her hand, revealing an ancient, intricately designed compass. "This will guide you. But be warned, the journey is perilous, and you will face trials that test your mind and spirit."
With the compass in hand, Kael embarked on his quest, navigating through the hidden pathways and forgotten realms that lay beneath Altenburg. Each step was fraught with danger, from sentient energy storms to labyrinthine corridors guarded by spectral sentinels. Yet, the compass guided him unerringly, its needle pointing towards the heart of the Nexus.
At the Nexus of Shadows, Kael confronted the source of the anomalies: a rift in space-time, pulsating with chaotic energy. Drawing upon the knowledge imparted by Lady Elysia, he activated the compass, channeling its power to stabilize the rift. The process was arduous, draining his strength and willpower, but he persevered.
As the rift began to close, a figure emerged from the shadows, a being of light and darkness intertwined. It spoke with a voice that resonated with both hope and despair. "You have done well, Dr. Voss. But know this, the balance of reality is fragile. Lady Elysia will always be the guardian, but it is the actions of those like you that sustain our world."
With the rift sealed, Kael returned to Altenburg, forever changed by his journey. He shared his experiences with Lady Elysia, who regarded him with a rare smile. "You have proven yourself worthy, Dr. Voss. The city of Altenburg owes you a debt of gratitude."
In the years that followed, Kael became a close ally of Lady Elysia, working together to safeguard Altenburg from future threats. And though the Oracle remained an enigmatic figure, her presence was a constant reminder that within the heart of mystery lies the key to survival and progress.
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ericac318 · 2 years
A Change of Heart
Summary: This story takes place post-season 4 and it intertwines with the Stranger Things Experience. Dr. Brenner x OC
Chapter 5
With the kids’ help, Rose and her team navigated their way into the mechanical room. 
She and the others helped the kids hack into the controls for the lab, but then chaos ensued. Rose heard the kids utter the name Demodogs to describe the creatures running through the facility killing everyone in sight. 
She couldn’t help her mind wandering to Dr. Brenner’s safety while following the kids’ instructions. Rose was the only one in the room who was able to participate in each team’s goals because she was the only one to exhibit every power.
As time passed, the Demodogs were surrounding their room, smashing themselves at the doors leaving cracks in the glass. 
The kids, led by Dustin, began giving them instructions but at the same time, Brenner hacked the kid’s feed to share his own mission for the group.
“There you are,” Brenner began, “I’m glad I found you. You’re all in very serious danger, right now. My team is in the process of getting this situation under control. I need you to do exactly as I say.”
The kids were interrupting Brenner’s feed with warnings not to trust him because he’d lock them away forever.
Brenner continued anyway, “Red team, push the gray handle back to its original position. I have my security team working to handle this situation so that I can guide you all to safety.”
Rose began to raise her arm to do as Brenner asked.
Before the gray bar could move more than half an inch, the others turned against her.
At the same moment, the others in the room turned against her and started using their powers against Rose, causing her to crumble to the floor in misery before the children took back over the feed.
“He’s changed!” Rose shouted the kids took back over the team.
They instructed the ‘Red Team’ to open a wall in the room into the ‘upside down’. Everyone left Rose alone in the room as they made their way through the portal.
Rose sat on the floor in the mechanical room, alone, until she was joined by Dr. Brenner.
“How’d you get through the halls filled with monsters?” she questioned as she looked into his eyes, finally able to catch her breath after being attacked by her peers.
Brenner pulled her against himself in a tight hug before he replied, “My team cleared each hall so that I could safely get to both of you,” he stated as he rested his hand on her stomach, “Were you ever going to tell me?”
“I wanted to, but I wasn’t sure how to find you,” Rose replied as she placed her hand on top of his, “I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to ever find you again. This all happened by chance today,” she stated as he helped her up from the ground. “We have to help them close this ‘rift’ so that the city can be safe again,” she shared as she looked in the direction everyone else had gone.
Brenner began to shake his head, “If I go in there with you, those people will use their power to kill me. I’d very much like to be by your side to raise this child,” he shared as he leaned down and placed his lips to hers.
Rose hadn’t shared many kisses with Brenner in their short time together, but that didn’t stop her body from responding. 
Finally, she pulled away, “I’ll keep you safe. I fell on purpose when they all turned on me. This baby has only added to my powers, c’mon,” she added as she grasped his hand and dragged Brenner into the portal to the upside down with her
When they reached the ‘Upside Down’, Eleven was fighting off a scary-looking man and she needed help.
Rose looked at her fellow teammates, before glancing back at Brenner, “He’s on our side. Trust me,” she added before she climbed up the rocks until she was at El’s side. 
“I’ve got you,” Rose,” stated, as she raised her hand to further propel Vecna back.
“Thank you,” Eleven replied, “Focus all of your energy on vanquishing him!” she yelled, causing Rose to do just that.
Rose and Eleven used all of their powers, along with the others in the group backing them, to destroy Vecna, the Demodogs, and close the portal to the Upside Down.
Once it was over, Rose collapsed to the ground. Brenner raced to her side, only to be reassured by Eleven.
“They’re both alright,” Eleven shared, “She just needs a nice long nap. I can sense the change in you, Papa. Thank you for finally seeing the right side of things,” she added after the group had re-emerged the normal side of the town.
“Be happy,” Brenner instructed Eleven as he scooped Rose into his arms, “That’s all that matters. I’m so sorry that I kept you from that for so long. You are free to visit us anytime. I can promise you that I’m not a danger to you or your freedom anymore,” he added as she locked eye contact with her.
Eleven nodded with a smile, “Yes, Papa. I can tell through my powers and Rose’s that you’re telling the truth. I wish you the best of luck in your future with her and your twins.”
Brenner’s face gave away the shock that he was expecting twins with Roe just slightly after Eleven made her revelation before he nodded and carried Rose, the love of his life, to the cabin he’d designed as far off the grid as possible after he’d met her where they could live their lives together.
0 notes
erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Can I request a prompt of dad!Harry where maybe it’s just him And Sasha and they get mobbed and her slightly hurt but he is furious
word count: 5k+ (how'd i write this in one day)
warnings: language, smut, blood, minor injuries
- If you'd like more from dad!harry verse - check out my masterlist! (pinned post)
*** <- click for visuals throughout the story!
Harry was quite stressed out. He wasn’t sure how his wife did it all the time. She was constantly packing up Sasha and toting her around the globe to meet up with him for concerts and events when he was away.
The little family had been staying in their Los Angeles home for nearly three months now as Harry had been writing for his third solo album. It involved a lot of late nights were Y/N were putting Sasha to bed by herself.
Harry was eternally grateful that she was so patient and understanding when he snuck into bed quarter past three after finding a rift that fit a new song perfectly or when Mitch had an idea that had Harry on Skype for hours with him.
The stress was overwhelming for her though. She was usually good at self-care and taking time for herself but Sasha had been so needy lately and crabby when her father wasn’t at her beck and call.
The toddler was going through a bout where she struggled to sleep through the night and had a tendency to scream bloody murder when she didn’t get her way.
It was nearly three weeks of this and she hadn’t mentioned it too much to Harry because she didn’t want him to be as stressed out as she was.
Tonight, Y/N had rocked, sang, hummed, and read to her daughter to stop the angry tears that were rolling down her cheeks but nothing was working. It was near eleven at night and she had took Sasha out in the car for a long ride where she finally fell asleep.
But as soon as Y/N unlocked the front door, she startled awake even angrier than before, squirming out her mother’s grip and bolting through the house. When she tried to round a corner, she slipped on her bum.
Y/N felt her anxiety level break.
Sasha began screaming once again, “Mummy! No! No!”
When Y/N picked her up after her slight tumble, she was absolutely not hurt but had become even more frustrated. Y/N was starting to feel overwhelmed - which didn’t happen often.
“Baby, what do you want? What can mummy do?” Y/N asks with desperation, searching her baby’s watery green eyes. She looked so much like her dad it was absurd.
“No! Down! Stop!” The two year old orders with a furrowed brow, lips in a tight line with her nose scrunched up in displeasure.
“Sasha, you just hurt yourself. You can’t run in the house, the floor is slippery,” Y/N tells her firmly despite it falling upon deaf ears.
“Bad mummy,” Sasha shrieks, “Daddy! Want Daddy! Now!”
Y/N is embarrassed to admit that she has tears welling up in her eyes. She was trying everything in her power to soothe her baby. It’s midnight at this point and she’d been at it since seven this morning.
Sasha had refused a nap all day - giving Y/N no respite at all. Harry had left at eight in the morning and hadn’t returned yet. Even though Sasha was only two and a half, Y/N felt a pang at the words ‘bad mummy.’
She didn’t feel any other option at this point than to call Harry for help. She wanted to be capable of being at stay home mum but sometimes it was really fucking hard but she felt guilty because she should be able to do this. Harry was out there working hard, providing, constantly.
When he doesn’t answer, the tears freely start streaming down her face in silence. She scrubs at them quickly so that her daughter doesn’t see them but it’s hard to catch them all - sobs threatening to bubble through her lips.
“Daddy’s working, we need to go to sleep,” Y/N replies to her daughter, jaw clenched to hold back the upset she feels. She needs a minute alone but she doubts her toddler will let her.
“Pool?” Sasha piques, “Swim?”
Y/N wants to laugh, it’s so fucking late and Sasha should have been in bed nearly four hours ago. The mother was so beyond her routine at this point, that she actually just gave in to her daughter.
Sasha’s mood turns around when Y/N wrangles them both into their swimsuits ***and trails out of the back patio, switching on all the lights around as well as in the pool. The California air was still extremely warm, enough to cause a sweat. ***
She tugs a little donut raft into the pool with them that Sasha can float around on while Y/N guides it to keep her safe. She was so tired by this point that her bones felt like they weighed a million pounds.
Sasha’s eyes droop until they finally flutter close within minutes of being in the warm water. Her eyelids splotchy pink from all of the fits and tears from the day. And when she is completely asleep, Y/N lets herself cry as she continues to float the baby around the pool to keep her asleep.
She hasn’t been doing it for more than ten minutes when the patio door opens and Harry is stepping into the back with a confused expression that she can’t see because her back is turned to him.
“Love, why are you in the pool? S’late,” Harry asks softly but he doesn’t get an answer, so he’s slipping out of his plain tee and striped pants, dirty vans kicked to the side ***.
Just in his briefs, he quietly enters the pool to not disrupt the ebb and flow of the water. When he makes his way over to her, he slides in front of his wife, alarmed at the exhausted, tearful expression on her face.
“Baby, what’s happened? Talk t’me,” Harry whispers, hands coming to cup his wife’s face in between his large hands. Rings cold against her hot, wet cheeks. He looks to his sleeping daughter, running his eyes over her a few times and decides she seems completely okay.
“M’fine,” Y/N chokes out but the lie causes a fresh wave of tears.
Harry frowns, “Don’t lie to me, pet. Please, don’t shut me out. M’always here for you.”
“I’m a bad mum,” She sobs silently, her eyes closing as she leans into his palms before moving to rest her head heavily on the crook of his tattooed shoulder, his chest damp from the salty tears.
“Wha-What’s brought this on? Y’the best mum in the world, best wife in the world. The best at everythin’, why are you doubtin’ that, my heart?” Harry murmurs, taking over the rocking motions of Sasha’s raft.
“She wouldn’t settle today, Harry. Like at all, refusing to nap, eat any healthy food, or bathe. She screamed at me the whole day no matter what I did and then she told me I was bad and she wanted you.”
“Love, she’s in the midst of her terrible twos. She loves you more than anythin’ on this earth. Y’her mummy and a damn good one at that. Why didn’t y’call me? I’d come home, work is never more important than our family.”
Y/N doesn’t bring up the fact she did try to call, “I need to be able to do this myself, Harry. M’a stay at home mum, taking care of Sash is literally my only job and I can’t even do that.”
Harry’s face hardens but he tries to not take it personally, knowing his wife is just upset with herself, “That’s not fair to me, dove. M’her daddy, she’s half mine too. She’s just as much of my responsibility as yours, no matter what my job is.”
“I don’t want to stress you out more than necessary,” Y/N mutters into his skin.
“Me coming home to my wife in tears and my baby in the pool at midnight is more stressful than you ringin’ me to come home,” Harry tells her, smearing a few kisses to the top of her hair.
“I’m sorry for worrying you. I’m just tired.”
Harry pulls her back so he can look her in the eyes, “Never apologize for somethin’ like that. Go get a bath and let me put the bub to sleep, okay? I love y’mumma.”
Harry calls his mum the next morning while Y/N is out getting a manicure with Glenne. He’d called her favorite salon earlier in the day, coercing them into opening a spot for her with a monetary bribe.
Y/N had hesitated at the door as Sasha threw a fit at her mother leaving the house. She clung onto her calf until Harry had to physically pull her off and hold her tightly in his arms.
Currently, Sasha was playing with a set of dolls on the floor of her bedroom as Harry sat next to her. She’d originally been happy with the presence of her father until he told her he needed to make a phone call.
Harry had to be stern with her when she went to grab at the phone pressed to his ear, gently gripping her wrist and frowning, “We don’t do that, s’not nice.”
Sasha had attempted to grab at it again and managed to tangle Harry’s long locks into his fist, tugging at them. Harry unraveled the small fingers before telling his daughter, “If you do that one more time, y’going on the step for two minutes.”
The threat had her pouting harshly but turning back to her toys to occupy herself, sighing when his mum finally answered the phone, “Hi darling.”
“Hi mum, you alright?” Harry asks, relaxing at the sound of his mother’s melodic voice.
“I’m perfect, you don’t sound okay, dear,” Anne replies with a concerned twinge.
Harry didn’t call much to complain, didn’t like worrying her and most of the time Y/N was able to provide the support he needed or Jeff.
“Y/N’s really overwhelmed,” Harry tells her before choking up a bit, “And I don’t know what to do mum, I feel like m’bein’ a bad husband. Came home to her crying last night and she feels like she’s a bad mum.”
When Sasha hears her father’s voice crack, she looks up at him curiously before recognizing that he’s upset. She crawls into his lap, fitting herself against his chest before playing with a doll there. Comforting him.
Harry wraps his free arm around her, pulling her as close as possible. His precious little baby. A little blessing as sweet as her mother.
“Oh honey, that happens. Mums, good mums especially are so critical when they don’t need to be. Baby’s are overwhelming, plus I know she’s been alone a lot with her. But you’re not a bad husband, dear.”
“It feels like it,” Harry sniffles, burying his face in his daughter’s lavender-scented curls from her bath earlier.
“If you were, you wouldn’t be calling,” Anne chuckles at her son, “Now how can we make this situation better?”
The phone call helped Harry not feel so hopeless in helping his wife. He’d come up with the plan to fly to England with Sasha so that Anne could see her but Y/N could have some alone time for a long weekend.
When Y/N enters the front door after her appointment, she’s met by a very excited little human who rushes to her mother and demands to be picked up. Of course, Y/N obliges, looking a bit more refreshed and awake as she tucks the baby against her hip.
Harry had ordered their favorite salads from a shop in the city and had it ready for her, “Oh, looks delicious. Thank you, H,” She smiles at him, leaning to give his stubbly cheek a kiss.
As they dig in, Y/N feeding bits of chicken and veggies to her daughter as they eat, Harry clears his throat, “I’m taking Sash to Holmes Chapel for the long weekend to see my mum.”
Y/N smiles, “That sounds great!”
Harry gives her a perplexed look, he’d thought she’d put up a fight. She despised being away from Sasha - couldn’t go a day without seeing her daughter.
“Really?” Her husband asks, putting down his fork.
“Mhm, I just have to pack a bag for Sash and I. When are we leaving?” Y/N replies eagerly, ready to go back home and get away from California for a bit.
Harry’s stomach clenches, “Erm, I meant just me and the baba? I thought you could stay here and relax for a weekend. Sleep, hang out, shop.”
Y/N’s face falls and is replaced with a devastated look, “You don’t think I’m being a good mum.”
Harry backpedals, realizing he shouldn’t have approached it in the lax way he did.
“No, no, of course not, baby. I think you’re such a good mum that you need a break. You never get breaks, m’the one who always does. S’not fair to you. I just need you to have some time to take care of yourself,” Harry explains, his heart shattering a bit at the tears brimming again.
“I don’t want a break, don’t leave me here,” Y/N begs, tucking a piece of tomato in her daughter’s expectant mouth before Sasha chews and smiles at her mother.
“Mummy, more please?” Sasha chirps, her mood a little bit brighter than it had been the last few days.
“Thank you for using your manners, here baby,” Her mother responds, popping another into her mouth after she sliced it in half.
“Did you book a commercial flight?” She asks her husband with an angry tone.
“No, private but we have to catch it at LAX,” Harry explains, the private airport they usually fly out of was filled to capacity at the moment.
“Either I’m coming or you’re going alone. You’re not taking Sasha without me,” Y/N replies firmly. She stands up and shuffles Sasha into his lap before leaving the room without another word.
Harry didn’t expect that. He should have thought it through more. If Y/N wanted to come, of course she could, but he’d never meant to offend her or act like he was taking Sasha away from her.
Harry had attempted to reason his way out of going to the studio with Jeff today. However, with the final cuts and adjustments were being made - he was quickly turned down and demanded in the studio.
When he’d trailed into the quiet house that night, relieved to find his baby in her crib instead of the pool, he went to his bedroom where the lights were still on.
The closet doors were open and Y/N was on the ground folding and sorting Sasha’s clothes before placing them in her suitcase. ***
Y/N’s suitcase already laying zipped and ready to go by the entrance of the closet. Her toiletry bag was placed neatly on top of it. Then his heart pings a bit when he sees that she’s already packed up his suitcase as well.
Harry pads over to his wife, plopping down behind her and tugging her back into him - long arms wrapping around her upper chest.
“Missed you, mumma.”
She hums, “I missed you too. Miss you always.”
“Y’the love of my life, y’know that?” Harry asks, kissing the back of her neck.
“I better be or you married the wrong person,” Y/N laughs softly, her tone still off but lighter than before.
“Married the right person, knocked up the right person.”
Y/N barks out a laugh, rolling her eyes, “How romantic.”
“Baby, y’know what I’m getting at. You’re the best mum and wife. I just wanted you to have a few days to yourself. To lower your stress level and let you do some self-care,” Harry murmurs, pushing the baby clothes out of her hands.
“But your mum can watch her for a bit while we’re there, right? I don’t want alone time, I need the exact opposite. I need company,” She tells him, twisting herself until she’s seated in his lap - straddling him.
“Mmm, can definitely have some alone time,” Harry agrees instantly, his mouth finding her throat - beginning to lay a path of wet, hot kisses down the column down to her collarbones.
“H, I have t’pack, we’re leaving tomorrow morning,” Y/N weakly argues but can’t help but bear down against her husband when she feels him harden in his loose pants quickly.
“S’just a quickie? Yeah, pet? Lemme fuck you,” Harry’s hands dragging the shirt she’s wearing up and over her head. Eyes lighting up boyishly when he realizes she didn’t have a bra on.
She can’t argue as he darts down to wrap his lips around her pert bud, sucking between long swipes of his tongue - just how she liked it. “Missed y’body so much,” Harry states against her heated skin.
“Just had me two days ago,” Y/N laughs but it cuts off into a moan when his hand slides into her pajama shorts and finds her clit over her thin underwear.
“Never enough,” Harry replies easily, “Remember the song I wrote f’you?”
Y/N snarkily asks, “Which one? Nearly all your songs are about me.”
And well...Harry can’t even argue how true her statement is. “The one titled ‘Never Enough’, pet? Remember?”
Before she can speak, he lowly croons out the chorus of the song he wrote for One Direction years ago, “Lips so good I forget my name. I swear I would give you everything. It’s never enough, never enough.”
Harry knows his sweet as syrup singing gets her immensely turned on and so he’s not surprised when she whimpers against his lips, “Fuck me, c’mon.”
He’s delighted at his wife’s pleas and quickly moves them, leaning forward with her until she’s on her back on the ground of their walk-in closet. He accidentally kicks over a pile of Sasha’s dresses but neither even notice.
There is no time wasted as Harry removed every single article from Y/N’s body quickly as well as his own. He’s leaning forward to suck a few more kisses to her chest as his fingers slip down to crook right up into her hot center.
“No teasing,” Y/N complains, wrapping hands around his biceps and bringing him on top of her more fully. She’s squeezing around his two fingers with need, it has him groaning when he brings them up and sucks them between his pouty lips.
Then she’s not waiting any longer, reaching down and grabbing a hold of his thick length. Harry lets out rumble from his chest at the contact before she’s guiding him into her without any further ado.
“Baby,” Harry chastises as soon as she starts goading him into thrusts with her feet against him bum, pushing him into her harder than he’d usually start, “Y’squeezin’ me s’tight, you missed me too?”
Y/N nods, whining every time he pushes against her spot and sends a zip of arousal through her body. His trimmed hair around his base brushing against her clit causing delicious friction for her.
“No, y’need to tell me,” Harry huffs, hand gripping her jaw harsher than he would if they were having slow, intimate sex. He knew she loved it by the way her eyes twinkle with stubbornness.
“No,” She replies coyly, heels of her feet pressing hard against him to the point it itches with a slight pain. Harry loved his wife so much it was looney.
“It’s fine, don’t need y’to come for me to get off, dove,” Harry replies simply, speeding up his thrusts with his hand holding her jaw for him to press bruising kisses against. His teeth are coming to pull her bottom lip in between.
Something switches in her demeanor though without warning, her voice softer and pliant, “Tell me you love me.”
It has Harry slowing down his hips until he’s rocking deeper into her, going down on his elbows so their noses are bumping. He releases the grip of her chin and instead moves to her bum to encourage her to meet him halfway.
“I love you, s’much it hurts most days,” Harry replies obediently, knowing what his wife needed at that moment. Reassurance. “Most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, then you made us a perfect little baby.”
She’s looking up at him with loving, grateful eyes, landing a gentle peck to his upper lip and letting her head fall back onto the floor. This is what she needed right now from her husband and he was so good at providing.
“Breaks my heart when y’don’t think your a good mum or wife. ‘Cause you’re everythin’ I ever wanted. Why’d you think I write every song about you, lovie? S’cause you’re my soulmate.”
“H,” She whimpers, emotion thick in her throat as she meets his eyes, “I love you so much. You’re the best husband and dad ever.”
“Baby,” Harry murmurs into her cheek, picking up speed as she starts to clench around him in a warning of her oncoming orgasm. He slips his hand down to press a few light rubs to her clit before she’s arching her back and moaning with pleasure.
“You look s’good, coming ‘round my cock,” Harry tells her, helping her ride through it before hitching her hips up even further and thrusting harshly until his hips stutter and he’s coming as well.
“Harry,” Y/N sighs, her breathing coming back to normal as she roams a hand down his shoulders and back - scratching lightly.
“Hmm, dove? Y’want my cock again? Need a few,” He replies into her neck, ever the teenage boy.
She giggles, “No, we have to catch a flight at eight in the morning and it’s currently four-thirty.”
Harry grunts before pulling out and sitting up, “Y’better have packed my favorite pajama pants or I’m goin’ to be cross with you.”
Y/N now regrets the second round of fun as soon as their alarm goes off. Her body sore from the position he’d twisted her into against the shower wall after they packed the rest of Sasha necessities.
They were nearly at the airport with Sasha nodding back off in the carseat. She was excited to see her Nana and Aunt Gemma once again.
Their daughter was in the cutest, comfiest jumpsuit with comic hearts all over it *** and adorable little sock sneakers*** that slide right on and off her feet.
Harry had chucked on black sunglasses, a black jumper with green lettering, black joggers, and blue checkered van with white socks. He was attempting to fly under the radar as much as possible because he knew paparazzi just sit outside the entrances to spot celebrities. ***
It was annoying but he could deal with it when he was mobbed at the airport when he was by himself. But when it was with his wife and baby - he couldn’t stomach it. It’s part of the reason they fly private from a private port.
When they pull up to the curb, a staff member is waiting for them and helps Harry as well as the driver put his luggage on a cart to be brought to the awaiting jet.
Y/N unbuckles the baby who is awake now but bleary-eyed as she’s sitting on the curve of her mother’s hip.
And well - that’s when the madness begins. A pap spots them within seconds of exiting the car and is pulling up his camera for the first shots, the other photographers sitting around follow suit.
As soon as one of them screams, “Harry Styles - look this way!” The jam packed area looks towards them, seeming fans of his start murmuring before following behind the paparazzi pulling their phones out.
Y/N is used to the crowds by now - but just like Harry, not with Sasha around. They tried to avoid situations like this as much as possible. The lights and loud noises were scary to the little girl.
“Mummy,” Sasha whines, picking her head up from her mother’s shoulder to stare wide-eyed at the gathering in front of them.
Harry started to feel anxiety because this was becoming a massive crowd - scratch that, it wasn’t a crowd it was a fucking mob of people. They were all too close, blinding the family with their flashes despite security attempting to push them back.
Fans were shoving and thrusting their phones in Harry’s face, shoving random things for him to sign in front of him. Paparazzi were screaming questions and taking thousands of pictures in a minute’s time.
Harry grabs onto Y/N’s hand tightly, their diaper bag on Harry’s shoulder, and begins to attempt to guide them through the swarm. It was like trying to move through cement, the crowd not budging despite security’s screams.
Sasha is full blown crying at this point into her mother’s neck. Y/N’s hand cupping the back of her head to keep her head down and out of the photographs - holding her as tightly as possible.
Y/N can hear Harry began to curse - signaling that he’s becoming stressed out because he would usually never be rude to the public despite their actions. But he couldn’t give a fuck when it came to his family.
“Move out of the way.”
“D’you not see I have a fuckin’ baby?”
“Get those fuckin’ cameras out of their faces.”
“Back the fuck away from my wife and baby.”
Then Y/N is being shoved by a teenage girl who trips when she thrusts her arm towards Harry. She tumbles into Y/N with her full weight and Y/N’s loses her footing, falling forward - letting go of Harry’s hand.
When she falls, she manages to catch herself with the arm that’s not holding her daughter. But she feels pain in her knees and Sasha emits a sharp wail that alerts Y/N her daughter is hurt.
“Sash, fuck,” Y/N gasps, her motherly instincts automatically kicking in and she’s cradling her daughter as tightly to her chest as she can, shielding her from the swarm who had quieted only a bit.
It must take Harry a second to realize that something had happened, he turns around - eyes frantic as he absolutely roars, “Back the fuck up! I’ll fuckin’ break each and everyone of your cameras! Fucking leeches.”
With that, he’s helping to pull you up and grasping at the two, “Are you okay? Wha’s hurt?”
Y/N just shakes her head, having a panic attack as she shuffles the crying baby into his arms. “Please, just...Sasha. I think she hurt her arm when I fell.”
“Daddy, ouch,” Sasha shrieks loudly into his sweatshirt as he hikes her up onto his chest, her little legs wrapped around his midsection.
“Ssh, y’okay,” Harry tries to reassure her, matching his wife’s panic.
The crowd seems to give way now, the parents rushing their daughter into the airport.
Employees guide them to the medical office on-site where it’s now silent and calm but the family feels anything but.
Sasha’s sobs have turned into moans and whimpers at this point - but come back with a vengeance when Harry has to set her on the exam table and wrestle her out of her clothes until she’s just sat in her diaper.
The nurse was so amazing and kind. She checked Sasha thoroughly for any signs of trauma or broken bones but luckily, it was just a nasty scrape on her forearm that was hurting her. It wasn’t anything serious.
The parents had such concern for their daughter that Y/N didn’t even realize she had bled through her white joggers at the knees ***. The nurse frowns, “Honey, you’re still bleeding.”
“I’m fine,” She insisted even though her knees were aching.
“I’d like to examine your legs, dear,” The nurse tells her sternly, signaling that Harry can dress Sasha again.
He’s digging into the diaper bag for a spare out that they were always ready with. She was calming even more when Harry dressed her in a comfy pink set of clothes with little deer on them. ***
“Love, please let her,” Harry asks softly, pulling Sasha back onto his chest. Her thumb tucked into her mouth and her father hands her a plushie that Y/N had shoved in the bag last minute.
Y/N obliges with the pressure, wiggling the loose fabric down her legs until she’s just in her underwear and shirt - sits up on the table with her knees off to the side for her to examine.
Harry grimaces when he sees the multiple cuts and scrapes tainting her skin. A few slow trickles of blood still oozing from the gashes. The skin is already slowly covering purple and blue with bruises.
The nurse cleans her up, Y/N wincing when the alcohol brushes the cuts but Sasha is smiling again like nothing ever happened and cooing at her mum. It makes them both feel a lot better.
When they’re finally on the private jet, up high into the clouds away from the crowds and paparazzi - it feels like relief. ***
They had tucked their daughter onto the couch with her favorite fuzzy blanket and she’s asleep nearly as soon as her head hits the pillow.
They trail back into the other part of the cabin so that they don’t disturb her, cuddling up on the couch together.
“M’so sorry, I’m such a bad fa-”
Y/N cuts him off before he begins, “If I’m not allowed to be a bad mum - you’re not allowed to be a bad father. It wasn’t y’fault that happened - it’s those careless, crazed people who have nothing better to do.”
Y/N was always the voice of reason in Harry’s head when he started to spiral.
Spiral because his fame was so overwhelming and got his family into difficult situations sometimes. She brought him back to reality.
“Hey, we’re both okay. Just a few scrapes. It was just a lesson, Harry. We just need to be safer and plan better, alright?” Y/N assures him softly, kissing under his chin before resting back - ready to sleep.
“Y’the best. Best mum, best wife,” Harry tells her, encompassing her in his loving hold.
let me know your thoughts bub
come talk to me <3
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quixotic-writer · 3 years
Truth or Truth?
Request: Anon
Summary: Q and Sal are in a double punishment. Q is hooked up to a lie detector and is forced to answer questions about his relationship with his girlfriend who just so happens to be Sal’s sister. Whether he likes it or not, the truth will be revealed.
Warning: Smut ahead!
“Well, seems both Sal and Q have lost the episode.” Murr announces to the cameras with absolute joy that for once he wasn’t the one being miserably punished. Sal and Q nod their heads in defeat and chuckle out of fear of what awaits them on the stage beyond the curtain of the theatre they were stationed at for the day.
“Which means a double punishment is out there waiting for you guys.” Joe says with an equal level of glee as Murr.
“Can we just get to it now, I'm sweating buckets and I just wanna get this over with.” Sal says as he wipes his hands on the sides of his pants to rid his palms of the sweat that was building up.
“Okay, okay. Let’s get you guys out on that stage!” The two men are laughing as the other two did as they were instructed. There on the stage were two chairs. One of those chairs was next to a table filled with wires and equipment, the other had rope surrounding it. Sal and Q both look at each other with eyebrows raised in question of the curious set up. “Sal you will be taking the chair on the left, Q you get the chair on the right next to that machine we’ll get you hooked up to.” The minute he heard the phrase ‘get you hooked up,’ Q knew exactly what the boys had in store.
He complied without saying anything, it was a punishment after all and it’s not like he could evacuate or run away anywhere. He watched as Sal was sat in his chair and tied up good and well to it.
“Guys I thought this was a double punishment. Why am I just being tied to a chair and Q getting hooked up to a lie detector test? What are you gonna do? Ask him how many times he’s fantasized about fictional women while jacking off?” Sal laughs. Little did he know what the guys had in store for this special use of the lie detector test.
“So our buddy Q here has been dating Sal’s sister – (Y/N) – for quite a while now.” Joe said with a toothy grin on his face. They watched as Sal’s face dropped immediately to shock and disgust.
“So we’ve hooked Q up to a lie detector test and we’ll be asking him a few questions about their relationship.” Both Murr and Joe were laughing. “But wait! It gets better!”
“There’s only one audience member besides us here.” When the lights brightened slightly, rows of chairs could be made out now in their line of vision, and so could the one solitary audience member sitting front and center: (Y/N).
“That’s Sal’s sister!” Murr says with jubilation. You could watch the color completely drain from Sal and Q’s face.
“That’s right Sal, you have to look at your sister and your best friend as we ask all these questions and you have to hear the honest truth about it all no matter how dirty.” Sal was freaking out wanting to break free of the constraints that bound him to the chair. He was begging and pleading for anything else as the two winners of the episode were laughing at his fruitless pleas. Q had his face in his hands and his face was regaining its color in only a single shade. He was red as a fire engine knowing exactly where this was about to go. He lifted his head slightly to be met with the eyes of his lover. She sheepishly waved with a smile and he did the same.
“There’s no escaping or compromising a punishment Sal, you lost and this is what you get!” Sal had stopped thrashing and now had his eyes set on the ceiling staring off into nothing. “Let’s start with the first question!”
“Let’s start easy: Have you ever kissed her,” Q huffed as his eyebrows furrowed together. What a silly question, “With tongue?” And there was the searing bit and his expression was wiped clean off of his face.
It was early on in their dating days, they decided on a movie night at Q’s place. It was warm and cozy, intimate and serene. She had her head resting on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around her, holding her in close so that he could be closer to each and every piece of her. Because they were together for only a short time at that moment, Q feared making moves as to not upset her and cause a rift between him and Sal. It was already hard enough getting Sal warmed up to them, it would make things worse if he accidentally made a move she wasn’t comfortable with and Sal would have even more reason to disapprove of what they had going on. So while he seemed relaxed, he was actually freaking out on the inside.
That’s when their eyes locked on each other, her hand was placed gently on his cheek as she smiled and started inching in closer. Her hand was moving in closer and he went with it, seeing as all the signals were there and he was given the green light. Their lips met and he could taste the popcorn on her lips, he went in for another, and another. She felt addicting, he loved it and wanted more. That’s when her tongue traced along his lips, he hesitated.
“Don’t be so stiff B. I know you want more.” She whispered against his lips. She was right, that’s when things started getting heated. He brought her onto his lap, she was then straddling him and their lips met with each other once again, parted and allowed their tongues to intertwine. He could taste her so much better and he knew he was in deep.
The rest of that evening was truly memorable.
“Y-yes.” He answered honestly.
“He’s telling the truth.” The polygraph reader spoke as he watched the readings carefully. Sal’s face contorted in disgust as laughter echoed through the theatre.
“Next question: Have you done it on Sal’s bed or in his house?” Q squeezes his eyes shut.
“Brian I swear, you better think long and hard about how you answer this. You have house sat for me many times. If you say yes.”
Sal was away on a comedy tour and to go visit his mom. Q was handed the responsibility to watch over his house and make sure that everything was kept clean. Sal stated that he didn’t mind if he stayed the night at his place if he ever drank or if he just felt like it, so long as everything was kept in proper order when he came back. That much Q could do. He never said anything about his girlfriend being over as well.
It started as it always did: chilling out in the living room. They were playing Mario Kart together and the competition was getting heated. Nothing made Q happier than having a girlfriend he could play video games with, especially competitively. Both of them already started playing a little dirty, bumping each other playfully, blocking their view of the screen during important jumps, and so on. They were having the time of their life until she took things a step further.
As they were on their second lap, she sat on Q’s lap and started circling her hips. Q had a hard time focusing on the screen now that something else began to catch his interest. She kept going and she could feel him starting to grow hard under her. He bit his lip to not moan and show weakness and focused as much of his attention on the screen as best as he could.
“(Y/N). T-that’s cheating. You play… Dirty.” She had her eyes on the screen and now added noises as she gyrated her hips.
In the end, Q crossed the finish line first and ended up winning.
“Well, B. Looks like you won.” She said with a devilish smirk on her face, “I guess you’ve earned yourself a prize.” She slithers down to her knees and settles between Q’s legs as he sits on the couch. She pulls down his pants along with his boxers as his member throbs in front of her eyes. Q’s lips are already parted as his breath hitches at the sight before him. She licks her lips and immediately takes him as far into her mouth as she could. He lets out a low groan as his eyes close to take in the sensation.
“Fucking hell baby.” He says as his hand goes to the back of her head as his hips start to work and fuck her mouth. He was already aching for release as she was grinding against him, so his inevitable end was already building up like a skyscraper. “(Y/N). Sweetheart. God. You’re gonna make me cum.” He was at the edge of absolute euphoria, he had control of her as he tangled his hand in her hair and guided her faster up and down his cock until he shoved her down and released in her mouth. “Swallow.” He commanded, and she did exactly that. All evidence of his climax gone. He pulls her up for a kiss before lifting her and allowing his feet to carry them to where he would now be staying for the night: Sal’s room.
“Do I really have to answer this one?” Q asked as he began sweating profusely as he remembered each sensation pertaining to his answer.
“Hurry up and answer! You’ve never had problems talking about your sex life before tough guy.” Joe criticizes.
“No.” A blatant lie and they all probably knew. This answer was proven false after the polygraph interpreter stated so. Sal was glaring at Q and Q dared not make eye contact at that moment.
“You guys have ravaged my house for a punishment before, but SEX in MY HOUSE?!?! Not only that but WITH MY SISTER?!” Q wanted nothing more than just to disappear.
“Next question. Oh this one's good!” Q closed his eyes again, bracing himself for the next question, “Had she ever called you daddy?” His cheeks felt like they were on fire now. “Not like how you refer to yourself when talking about your cats either. You know exactly how we mean it.”
The room was filled with the sounds of the bed frame squeaking and moans eliciting from open mouths along with steamy breath that stuck to their skin. Q was thrusting his hips roughly into her as she raked her nails down his back, leaving her own mark on him.
“You like that baby? Like when I fuck you hard?”
“Yes! Yes!” Her words felt like they were being forced out of her with each snap of his hips as he hit just the right spots to drive her crazy.
“Yes, what?” He asked her as he slowed to an agonizing pace. She wrapped her legs around him to try and speed things up, bringing him in closer despite knowing it wouldn’t do anything until that one word was uttered. “C’mon (Y/N). Let me hear it. Yes, what?” His hot breath fell in her ear and sent chills through her and she could feel her clit throb as she bit her lip and moaned at the authoritative tone.
“Yes daddy.” His hips picked right back up as the familiar sound of skin on skin began to echo once again in the room. “Fuck I love it when you fuck me like this. Harder. Please, daddy.” Each time she said it, it brought him closer and closer to climax.
“God I love when you call me that sweetheart.” He licked his thumb and began rubbing circles around her clit as he continued working his hips against hers. Whining as she felt her climax begin to wash over her, Q wasn’t that far behind as he began to grunt and moan with each thrust as he felt her tremble beneath him. “Gonna cum baby, you’re so perfect.”
Q wondered if the air conditioning in the place was even on. If it was, they needed to crank it if not his shirt was sure to be drenched in sweat by the time this punishment was over.
“Not an answer buddy.” Q really didn’t want to answer this. He could feel Sal’s gaze boring holes into him. He knew how his best friend felt about his relationship which is why he never said a thing about their sex life like he had with previous relationships. He respected Sal that way and always made sure to treat his sister well. But the pickle he was in now was making this dynamic extremely difficult.
“I uuh.” He was choking on words. There was no sense in lying, but maybe, just maybe if he believed hard enough he could trick the lie detector into believing he was telling the truth. He took a breath, said over and over in his head that he was telling the truth, steadied himself, and “no.” He tried saying it with honest conviction.
“A lie.” Yup. He definitely wanted to crawl in a hole now. All three of the other men were hollering at the answer. Q looked at (Y/N) and she was just as red as he was but she was laughing. He wasn’t sure how she could be laughing at this moment, but for some reason it put him slightly at ease knowing that this wasn’t torture for her like it was for him.
“Okay last question Q.” Sal had been mostly silent for the last few minutes and Q just knew that Sal wanted him dead or something else. He was lucky there were restraints holding him back because god knows what would have happened if he wasn’t. Q was mentally bracing himself for something absolutely revolting that he would have to answer for, something that would really make Sal lose his mind. Dildos, sneaking off on tour together to have sex, road head, he was ready to answer for it and face the consequences. “Do you love her?”
It was early in the morning and sun peered through the windows of his house. As he opened his eyes, there she was. Her eyes closed and her breathing steady, all the cats were curled up around her and all were surprisingly still asleep as well. She was dreaming and he knew it. Seeing her so peacefully asleep made him happy. It wasn’t only that. It was knowing she was happily asleep in his bed, next to him that made his heart flutter and burst with joy. Waking up and seeing her was unlike anything he’s ever felt.
He crawled out of bed carefully. In the kitchen he began to cook up some breakfast for them and also to feed the needy little kittens. As he was at the stove, he heard her shuffle in. He looked over his shoulder and saw her, eyes hooded and still half asleep, a little smile tugging at her lips, hair covering most of her face. She was just the most beautiful person ever and he couldn’t think otherwise.
“Morning sunshine.” He says with a smile on his face, voice still groggy from waking up.
“Mornin’ B.” She made her way over and hugged him from behind, leaning on him as she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply smelling his morning musk and the food that was cooking. “Smells so good.” She mumbled. His heart was just exploding and he couldn’t stop smiling.
As they ate breakfast, she spoke most of the time and that was just how he liked it. He never tired of her voice, never tired of hearing her talk, never tired of being around her. She noticed the dopey look on his face as she spoke and she stopped and gave him a bit of a side glance and a smile.
“What’s with you this morning Bri? You’ve been acting all mushy. Not that I'm complaining or this is out of the ordinary.”
“I just like hearing you talk.” He said truthfully. “And it’s just–”
“–I love her.” He spoke with a smile on his face. “I really do. No doubt about that. There’s no one else I've been more in love with than her. Every part of her. Good and bad. I love her.” He looked her in her eyes, recalling each countless moment they’ve had with each other. Every time he was around her, he felt like a high schooler again. So bashful, so in love, hopelessly so. There was no one else for him.
“It’s all true.” The polygraph reader spoke with a smile. Sal looked at Q, then looked at his sister and saw them just entranced with each other. Hearing everything Q had to say was true made his anger quickly slide away. He wanted his friend to be happy, he couldn’t keep them apart. Despite thinking this was an absolutely terrible idea at the start, perhaps this changed things.
“That’s it Q. Interrogations over.” Both men were released from their punishment prisons and were left to face each other.
“So. You really love her, huh?” Q smirked as he felt the butterflies thinking about her again.
“More than you could imagine.” He said with confidence. He felt her arms wrap around him and he turned around to see her eyes sparkling like constellations at midnight. He wrapped his arms around her tight and gave her a kiss.
“Listen, I know i’ve been hard on you Q. Just protective of my sister y’know?”
“I get it, Sal. But I can promise you wholeheartedly that I’d never do anything to hurt her ever.”
“Might wanna hook him up to the lie detector again.” Joe said as he walked by. Q rolled his eyes.
“I know. I just want you to promise one other thing.”
“Anything.” Q leaned in attentively.
“I never wanna hear anything about your sex life ever again.” (Y/N) snickered as Q felt his face heating up in shame again.
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dothwrites · 4 years
15.20 coda--at the end of the world
author’s note: while i am still reeling from the finale, this was my way of making some kind of personal peace with it. don’t mistake this for me agreeing with the choices made <3 
“I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”--Madeline Miller
Castiel opens his eyes. 
All around him is green. A moment later, he hears the soft sound of birds chirping in the background; from further away, the faint sounds of children laughing. The air is ripe with the smell of growth, damp in the air and life underneath his fingers. 
He sits up. The sky is a perfect shade of blue, the kind found only in poet’s and painters imaginations. A few feet away, the shrubs grow, flowers spilling over themselves in their enthusiasm to be born. Everything is a riot of life and color. 
Castiel’s heart thumps against his ribs. He knows that voice. 
He whirls around, already knowing who he’ll find. Several feet away, Jack waits, one hand raised in a short wave. 
Castiel finds himself up on his feet, and within two short steps, he’s enfolded Jack in his arms. For a moment, he forgets about everything which came before, and allows himself this sheer comfort. If nothing else remains, then Jack is here. 
Jack hugs him back, twice as fiercely, before they separate. Castiel holds him at arm’s length, trying to find injuries or hurt on him, but there’s nothing. In fact, it’s almost as if...
“Jack,” he says slowly, his arm falling away from Jack’s shoulder, “what happened?” 
Jack smiles, a little lopsided, but still his boy. 
“Well,” he says, gesturing towards a bench, “It’s kind of a long story. 
For all that Jack said it was a long story, it ends up being remarkably quick in the telling. Castiel listens, sometimes grieving and sometimes proud, as he hears of how Sam, Dean, and Jack ultimately defeated Chuck. His heart grows in his chest as Jack recounts Dean’s words. 
That’s not who I am. 
A small part of him wishes that he could be there to see it, but he tucks that part of himself away. He said his piece. He relieved the burden which has been pressing down on his shoulders now for years. In his lifetime, it was nothing more than a blip on the map, but those years have made all the difference in the world to him. Finally, he can look back on them now without regrets. 
“And so, I came here,” Jack finally says, shifting a little on the bench. He looks oddly guilty, like the times Castiel would find him sneaking snacks back into his room. “I thought...” 
“What?’ Castiel prompts, after a few moments when it becomes clear that Jack has no interest in speaking. 
“Sam and Dean don’t really need me anymore. I mean, I know that they want me, but the world is bigger now. And the people up here need me too.” 
It’s then that Castiel looks around, scrutinizing his environment more closely. The nagging sense of familiarity hits and then he wonders how he didn’t see it before. His favorite Heaven, caught in an eternal Tuesday afternoon. 
“It’s not right,” Jack says, his forehead wrinkled into an earnest expression of worry. “The people here are stuck. While I was on earth, we all talked about free will, but the people here don’t have it. They’re stuck forever in an endless loop of memories, and it’s all just...empty.” 
Jack looks at Castiel, and Castiel doesn’t see God. He doesn’t see a divine being, or Lucifer’s son, or even an angelic being. He just sees his boy, lost and confused, but still so pure, still wanting to do the right thing, no matter what. 
“Cas?” Jack asks. “Will you help me?” 
Rebuilding Heaven is slow work, but time doesn’t really mean anything here. It’s delicate to rebuild the walls separating billions of souls so that nothing collapses. Castiel works alongside Jack, making suggestions as his mind trips along to potential problems. 
Though it’s never said aloud, Castiel knows why Jack is working tirelessly. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, the knowledge sits that Sam and Dean are going to die. One day, they will pass from the earth, and come to Heaven, and on that day, Castiel wants everything to be perfect for them. He wants to show them a true paradise, a place without walls or barriers, a place where emotion is genuine and not just a manufactured memory. Rebuilding Heaven is his last chore, the last of his penance to be performed. 
He does make one stop, however. 
When he walks in the door, Kelly’s head lifts up from the book she’s flipping through. Her smile is a balm to the hurt places inside him, the ones that he likes to pretend don’t exist, because he was happy, yes? That was the whole point of everything, was to be happy. “Hey, Cas,” she greets him, shifting over and patting the couch next to her. “I was wondering when you’d be by.” 
“I’ve been busy,” Cas says, settling down on the cushions. In Heaven, his body is easier than it was on earth, more flexible, and he wonders if that’s because after all these years, he’s finally returned to where he was supposed to belong, or if it’s because he no longer has the shadow of his love pressing down on his shoulders. 
“Jack told me. Rebuilding Heaven? Sounds ambitious.” 
“The old Heaven was...not ideal,” Castiel says. “I thought it was at the beginning: each soul gets a paradise tailor made to them. But then, I realized that human life is meaningless without the connections we form along the way. Each soul, stuck forever in its own loop is...” 
“It’s lonely,” Kelly says, reaching out and squeezing his hand. Castiel returns the gesture, grateful for the connection. Her eyes are kind as she moves closer to him, her shoulder pressing into his. 
“So what happened?” 
In their time together, Castiel never told Kelly about Dean, at least not explicitly. But she had a brilliant mind and was able to see the threads of his longing woven into everything he did. Relating the story to her comes easily, and he tells her things which he would never tell Jack. 
“And I was happy,” Castiel says at the end. “I was.” 
“You trying to convince me or yourself?”
“Neither,” Castiel replies, bristling slightly. It was true that he might have been happier--he had performed a willful obfuscation of the original terms--but that doesn’t negate what he felt in that moment. The sheer love, the overwhelming gratitude, the incandescent happiness of being able, one last time, to proclaim to the world Dean Winchester is Saved. 
Everything else is unimportant when viewed through those lenses. 
“Why haven’t you gone to see him?” Kelly was always good at cutting to the heart of the problem. 
“Dean has his life on earth. I have my work here in Heaven. I don’t...” Because, of course, he’s asked himself the same question many times. Why doesn’t he go find Dean and tell him of one last, improbable miracle? 
“Cas, let me tell you: I didn’t know Dean all that well, but I didn’t need to if I wanted to know how he felt about you. It was all over his face.” Kelly turns to face him, suddenly serious. “Cas, you should go to him. At least allow him to speak his side. If he doesn’t feel the same way, then you’ll know. And if he does...” 
Castiel shakes his head. Happiness in the being is what he’s told himself ever since he awoke to find himself in Heaven. Happiness doesn’t come from the having. He will live with himself and find contentment in the works which he does. 
Kelly looks sympathetic, but doesn’t say anything as he walks out. 
There’s work to be done. 
Castiel sighs with satisfaction as he walks through Heaven. Slowly, the walls are coming down. Souls are mingling and interacting. There’s joy in the once quiet halls, the giddiness which comes from freedom after too long without. He moves through the different realms, silent as a thought, and goes unnoticed, at least until a gruff voice catches his attention. 
“What the hell are you doing here, boy?” 
A wide grin splits Castiel’s face. Only Bobby Singer would think to call an angel ‘boy’. He walks towards the old hunter, who looks the same now as he did in life, and is surprised when Bobby sweeps him up in a hug which would threaten to crack his ribs, were he human. 
“You did good,” Bobby whispers, his voice thick in Castiel’s ear. “I heard what you and that boy Jack did, and you did real good.” 
It means more than he would have thought, to have Bobby’s approval. After a moment’s pause, he hugs Bobby back. 
When Bobby pulls away, he quickly knuckles his eyes, before clearing his throat. “So, you fixed Heaven on top of everything else? What do you have planned next?” 
Castiel’s shoulders lift in a shrug. “There’s always work to be done maintaining Heaven. We don’t know what, if any, effects the restructuring will bring, so I suppose I will be traveling and making sure that everything is stable.” 
“If that ain’t a load of shit,” Bobby scoffs. “From what I’ve seen, your boy has enough power in his pinky finger to do just about whatever he wants. Stop making excuses and get your feathery ass back down there.” 
Castiel swallows. “It’s not quite as simple as that. Sam and Dean have a chance to live their lives, the way that they would wish for them to be lived. It’s not fair of me to intrude.” 
“Now, if that isn’t the biggest pile of horseshit I’ve ever heard.” Bobby’s mouth twists underneath his beard. “Only one thing keeping you from going back down to see those boys, and it sure as hell ain’t concern for Heaven or some BS notion that they’re better off without you.” Castiel opens his mouth, but Bobby speaks over him. “And don’t tell me that you’re just waiting either. Something I learned a long time ago--you never have as much time as you think you do.” 
Castiel closes his mouth and says nothing. 
Bobby is wrong. 
There’s still time. He doesn’t have to go yet. There’s still work to be done in Heaven, souls to be guided, walls to be broken. Jack still needs him. 
There’s still time. 
There’s still time, until there isn’t.
Castiel feels it before he knows what’s happening. It’s a rift, a tear, something which ripples throughout the universe and comes to hit him in the chest. He staggers backward, hand clutching at his shirt. 
His first thought is that Heaven is under attack, but a second’s observation tells him that’s not the case. Everything is fine. The fabric of Heaven remains secure, the souls are unbothered. It’s only him that feels the blow. 
With a flutter of wings, Jack appears beside him. His face is a mask of distress, tears welling in his eyes. “Cas,” he cries, clenching his hands into fists at his side. “Cas, it’s--” 
“Dean,” Castiel says, finally understanding the bolt of pain which ripped through him. 
It was too soon. He doesn’t know how much time has passed on earth, but he knows it was too soon. 
It’s always too soon. 
“Cas, what do I... I can heal him. I can go and heal him now. I can save him. I can...” Jack trails off, his feet still pacing in desperate circles. “What do I do?” 
It’s a child’s question, and Castiel has no answer. 
“Free will,” is all he says. “Whatever you do...It’s your decision.” 
Castiel feels when Dean Winchester’s soul enters Heaven. He held that soul within his grace, he snatched it away from the filth and flames of Hell. He cradled that soul while he was reassembling Dean’s body, pulling atoms out of air to create skin, flesh, and bone. He would know that soul at the end of everything, and he knows it here, when it settles into the place which was created for him. 
It was as perfect as Castiel could make it; down to the Impala sitting in the Roadhouse’s parking lot. He created every inch of Dean’s Heaven in homage, in apology. 
It wasn’t fair. Dean deserved to live to a ripe old age. He deserved to enjoy the world for which he fought so hard. He should have grown old, should have found peace, should have discovered the foibles and pitfalls of normal, human existence. Dean worked too hard, for too long, and he deserved a kinder, softer fate. Instead, he’s here, and all Castiel can do for him is to craft his Heaven with painstaking care. 
He pauses on the boundaries of Dean’s Heaven. Every fiber of him yearns to go forward, to rejoice in Dean’s presence, to see that beloved face again. He wants it so badly he can almost taste it, leather and gasoline and whiskey mingling together until he’s back in the bunker, listening to the sounds of his family--
Castiel takes a step away from the border. First one, then another. After three steps, it becomes easier. 
Dean has his paradise, and Castiel won’t interfere. 
Heaven moves as it always does, timeless and changeless. There is no turn of the earth to mark the passage of time. Instead, it moves like the ocean, rolling waves which are always moving and yet the surface remains the same. Castiel travels through various Heavens, observing the newly liberated souls, and taking his peace from their newfound enjoyment. It eases something within him to see his former home restored, better than it ever was before. 
He’s inspecting a field of sunflowers when the sound of a car door closing surprises him. Immediately, his heart lurches in his chest, dipping down to somewhere around his knees before hurtling upwards to lodge in his throat. He swallows before he turns around. 
Dean Winchester is there. 
Castiel’s heart, always out of his control, performs a quick dance against the confines of his ribs. Dean looks...He looks whole and wonderful, vibrant and alive. The lines around his eyes look as though they’ve been carved through laughter instead of despair. His shoulders sit easier, no longer pressed down with the burden of the entire world. 
Castiel licks his lips. “Hello, Dean,” he finally says, when it becomes obvious that Dean has no intention of making the first move. 
Dean’s lips quirk up in a grin. “Cas,” he says, not moving from where he’s leaning up against the frame of the Impala. “You’re a hard guy to track down.” 
Layers upon layers of subtext are placed within the seemingly simple sentence. Castiel remembers Purgatory as well as anything else, the desperate year of keeping one step ahead of Leviathans while close enough to Dean to protect him if need be. 
“I’m sorry,” Castiel says faintly. “I wasn’t aware anyone was looking.” 
Dean’s face performs a series of interesting maneuvers, dropping and rising and twisting. It finally settles into an expression like stone as he pushes off the car and storms towards him. Castiel waits, caught up in breathless anticipation of the oncoming storm. 
“Look,” Dean growls, reaching out and snagging the lapel of his coat, almost like he wants to ensure that Castiel doesn’t escape. Castiel doesn’t even dream of it; there’s no other place he’d rather be than caught in Dean’s grip. “There was a lot of shit going on at the time, so I didn’t get to say it then, but there’s nothing happening now, so you are going to sit here and listen, all right?”
Castiel nods, but Dean doesn’t seem to notice. “I can’t believe you didn’t...” He runs the hand which isn’t still wrapped up in Castiel’s coat over his face. “You idiot,” he finally breathes. “A couple of dumbasses. You’ve had me, Cas. All along, you’ve had me.” 
Castiel looks up at Dean in sharp surprise. When he meets Dean’s eyes, there’s nothing but the infinite compassion which he fell in love with. “You... You’re this force of nature that came bursting into my life. All this time, you’ve always been there, always helping, and I took that for granted, I know I did. But, god, Cas, I should have told you every day how thankful I was to have you there with us. I should have let you know what a miracle you are. You never gave up on me, not once, not even when I deserved it.” 
Castiel’s breath hitches in his chest as Dean lets go of his coat. Slowly, with a shaking hand, he reaches up to cup Castiel’s cheek. “You never stopped believing. You never stopped trying. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
“Dean.” The name bursts out of Castiel’s chest in a harsh breath. Dean’s words are working their way underneath his skin, to the point where his body can’t contain them. 
“Cas.” Dean gently angles his face up so that there’s no escape when he says, “I love you.” 
“I’m sorry,” explodes from Castiel’s chest, the helplessness and grief he felt when he felt Dean’s soul leaving earth erupting in a single quick sob. “Dean, I’m so sorry, I should have been there, I should have done something, I never should have left you alone--” 
“Cas.” Dean’s fingers press into his cheek, not hard, but firmly enough to get his attention. “It sucks, all right? There was so much I wanted...” The corner of his mouth drops. “I was going to get you out, and you, me, and Sam were going to head to the beach. I was going to get you drinking out of a coconut, maybe a Hawaiian shirt. We were going to do Christmas, I was going to take you to a theme park and see if you puked on roller coasters. I wanted...” For a moment, grief so overwhelming that it can’t be touched crosses Dean’s face, but then, with effort, he pushes it away. “There’s so much that I wanted, but it’s done now. And besides, you’ve been busy.” Dean raises his eyebrows. The grin on his face invites Cas to smile as well. “Reforming Heaven?” 
“I wanted...There was so much I did wrong here. I thought if I could make it right, that maybe...” Castiel leans his cheek into Dean’s hand. “I wanted it to be perfect for you. You weren’t supposed to be here yet.” 
“I know. I know. And it’s not okay, but you’re here, all right? Mom’s here, Bobby’s here, Charlie, and Jess, and Kevin, and Ellen and Jo...They’re all here, and thanks to you, I’m going to see them. You did that, Cas.” 
“Jack did most of the work--” Castiel begins, but he’s cut off by the soft press of Dean’s lips against his. 
Sparks burst in his chest as Dean’s hand slides around to the back of his neck to cradle his head. His other arm slides around his waist, and suddenly, Castiel is held by Dean Winchester, by this miracle of a man. Dean’s kisses consume him, until he’s no longer Castiel. Instead, he’s heat, and friction, and more. 
“You and me,” Dean pants against his lips, pulling away just far enough to run his nose along Castiel’s. “We’ve got time now, Cas, we’ve got so much time. I’m going to take you apart, going to show you how much I love you, every single day. I’m going to show you everything.” 
Castiel is drowning in the outpouring of Dean’s devotion. He’s helpless in the riptides. All he can do to save himself is kiss Dean again, tasting salt on their lips from where their tears trace down to their lips. Castiel cries partly for Dean’s missed opportunities and the fact that life is so cruel. But he also cries from happiness. Dean is right. Here, they have all the time they could ever want. There’s time to explore every feeling and desire, time for them to become themselves, without the pressure of the world around them. 
They part. Somehow, Castiel’s hands have found their way onto Dean’s waist. One of his thumbs is braver than the rest of his whole body, as it sneaks underneath Dean’s shirt to touch bare skin. Dean grins at him. 
“Hey, Cas,” he asks, pressing his forehead to Castiel’s. “Do you want to take a drive?” 
Their fingers entwine as they walk towards the Impala. Castiel’s chest feels light, like Dean’s hand is the only thing keeping him tethered to the ground. “I’m still trying to figure out the roads here. It felt like I was driving around for forty years to try and find you.” 
They settle into the Impala, where they’ve been so many times before, but now Castiel can enjoy every squeak of the leather seats. He can revel in the imperfections of the car because of the perfection that’s next to him. Dean Winchester reaches across the seat and takes his hand, as easy as breathing. 
“I can’t wait to show Sam everything,” Dean says, as he guides the Impala back onto a road which Castiel is almost certain wasn’t there when he arrived. “I, uh...Hope it takes him a while to get here. But. Yeah, when he gets here, I can’t wait to show him everything.”
“We’ll see it all together,” Castiel finally says. It’s all he can say, his heart too busy dancing in his chest. 
They have all the time they want.
Time slips and passes and stops. In between his time with Dean, Jack, and the rest of the residents of Heaven, and performing maintenance throughout Heaven, Castiel watches the earth. He sees those left behind grow older. Claire and Kaia start a family, Claire finally having set aside the kernel of anger in her heart. Castiel watches Sam and Eileen’s family grow, smiling when Sam finally goes back to law school and gets his degree. He spends the rest of his career fighting for justice for children lost in the system, those who can’t fight for themselves. Saving people, hunting things, indeed. 
Several times, Castiel thinks about going to visit Sam, if only to assuage the grief he can still see the man carrying, but each time he stops. It hurts, but grief is a facet of life. This grief is natural. It comes honestly. It’s not manipulated by a sadistic higher being for a voyeristic pleasure. 
Eileen comes out to the Impala and brings Sam back into the house with gentle touches. Throughout the years, she’s learned how to navigate Sam’s moods, and knows how to bring him back. They lay in bed, foreheads pressed together, Eileen’s body curved into Sam’s. 
“I just,” Sam begins, twisting slightly so Eileen can read his lips, “I just miss him so much sometimes.” 
“I know,” Eileen answers. It’s all she needs to say. 
After a while, Sam gently wraps his fingers around Eileen’s wrist, partly for comfort, partly to grab her attention. “Dean’s baseball game is next weekend. Do we know yet if it’s going to conflict with Beth’s dance rehearsal?” 
“It shouldn’t,” Eileen answers, and with that, the normal routine of their life is reestablished. The grief is always present, but it’s part of the human condition. 
Castiel turns his eyes back to Heaven, where Dean waits for him. Despite it being Heaven, he insists on making repairs to Bobby’s house as well as the Roadhouse, even when Castiel reminds him, for the hundredth time, that if he truly wanted to, he could fix these imperfections with a thought. 
“Sometimes, you just have to do things the hard way,” he answers, through a mouthful of nails. 
Castiel rolls his eyes and goes to help him. 
The morning dawns, quiet and gentle. The dawn is silvery-gold as it stretches across the grass leading up to the cabin. In the distance, the birds start singing. Castiel can smell the fresh scents of spring, dew clinging to the grass, the clean, bright potential in the air. His toes stick out from underneath the comforter, but a quick flip of his foot flicks the corner of the blanket back into place. 
A warm, heavy arm winds over his waist. “Babe, it’s too early,” Dean mumbles into the nape of his neck. “Go back to sleep.” 
Castiel strokes over the back of Dean’s hand. The words are tempting, but something has woken him up, and now that it has, he wants to know what it is. He props himself up on his elbows, ignoring the chill of the air as it bites at his bare skin, and concentrates. After a second, he startles. 
“Dean,” he says. 
Though he doesn’t put urgency or fear into his voice, something about his tone makes Dean open his eyes, suddenly alert. Castiel looks at him, and Dean rolls over onto his side. After their time together, they’ve mastered the art of the wordless conversation, much to the chagrin of Charlie, Kevin, and anyone within ten miles of them, at least according to Jo. 
“It’s time?” Dean asks. He rolls closer to Castiel, stealing his warmth, as he trails his fingers over Castiel’s ribs. 
“Yes,” Castiel answers, taking Dean’s hand in his and pressing kisses to each of Dean’s fingertips. “Won’t be long now.” 
Dean’s fingers slide across his cheek before he curls his fingers around the bolt of Castiel’s jaw, pulling him down. Their lips meet in a chaste kiss which still manages to make fireworks explode in the pit of Castiel’s belly. He doesn’t think the thrill of kissing Dean will ever fade. Castiel doesn’t want it to. 
“I should get going,” Dean murmurs, rubbing against the bristles on Castiel’s cheek. “You want to come along?” 
Castiel relaxes back into the mattress, only reluctantly parting from Dean. “No, you go. I’ll be here when you get back.” 
“I know.” Dean slides out of bed, and Castiel takes a moment to appreciate the play of his muscles underneath fair skin. He lets out a small, disappointed noise when Dean slides into a pair of jeans and a jacket, causing Dean to roll his eyes at him over his shoulders. “Yeah, keep it in your pants. Definitely wearing clothes to this particular meeting.” 
“Shame,” Castiel murmurs, waggling his eyebrows. 
“Shameless,” Dean corrects, leaning over the mattress to kiss Castiel once more, short and sweet. “We’ll be back before too long.” Another kiss to Castiel’s forehead, and then Dean murmurs, “I love you,” into his hair. 
Castiel smiles. Much like kissing Dean, hearing those words will never grow old to him. He’ll revel in them, roll in the simple syllables, allow them to sink into him, with the simple truth that Jack tells him, that Charlie tells him, that Kelly tells him, that even Bobby and Ellen and Jo tell him. 
You are valued. You are loved. 
He smiles at Dean Winchester, this impossible, miracle of a man. “I love you too,” he replies. 
Dean out of the bedroom. The door to the cabin opens and closes. Castiel rolls over onto his back and stretches, staring up at the ceiling. 
There’s work to be done today. He’ll need to travel through Heaven, informing the various interested parties that Sam Winchester has arrived. There will be a party tonight at the Roadhouse, a celebration instead of mourning. Then he and Dean will get to show Sam their Heaven, will listen to Sam relate through his years. 
There is so much work to do. 
But they have time. They have all the time they need. 
“Life never ends when you are in it.”--Lemony Snicket, The Beatrice Letters
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ughseoks · 4 years
asterismos ⋆ 4
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PAIRING; jungkook x reader
GENRE; angst, fluff, eventual smut / enemies to lovers / fantasy au
WARNINGS; swearing, weapons, blood, injury, fighting, ~magic~
SUMMARY; As far as you’re concerned, things like magic, prophecies, and fate are nothing more than fairytales. But when you accidentally bind your soul to a mysterious amulet you found at an antique shop, a group of seven warriors from a magical world inform you that you now hold the key to saving them all. The fate of the realm Elodia now rests in your hands, and you realize that you couldn’t have been more wrong.
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— banner created by the most talented human ever aka @kimtaehyunq​​ 🥺
Author’s note at the end!
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“You know she’ll never join you, right?”
The man scoffs at the statement coming from the Elodian collapsed on the ground behind the metal bars of the cell. “You shouldn’t speak of things you know nothing about. I know that she’ll choose the right side; she’s my sister.”
The Elodian in the cell’s returning smile is a broken one. “Your time away from Earth has caused a rift to form between the two of you. She doesn’t even think you’re alive.” He stops to cough, the sound grating against the other man’s ears. “But beyond that, she’s no longer the little girl you once knew. Unlike you, she didn’t grow into a person driven by hatred and revenge. No matter what her relation to you is, she would never turn her back on innocent people. Your father holds no power over her decisions—although I’m afraid I can’t same the same about you.”
“Don’t you dare speak of my father in that way.” A wild look dances in the man’s eyes as he takes a few steps towards the occupied cell. “He was a man with a vision. You and the rest of the world were—and still are—too blinded by your foolish ideas to see it.”
The man behind bars smirks. “Those are bold words coming from someone who’s only half Elodian.”
An angry roar escapes the taller man as he thrusts his fist into the rocky wall beside him, a sickening crunch resounding in the small chamber upon impact. He lets out a small grunt of pain and allows his arm to drop back to his side. A soft blue light begins to emit from the wound, the broken skin and bone expertly weaving itself back together. When the glowing finally stops and all that’s left on his skin is dried blood, a tense sigh escapes the man’s lips, the angry glint in his eye giving away just how unstable he is despite his calm exterior.
“You were a fool for giving her the amulet. I know that she’ll choose my side in the end.” He turns to exit the dark room, only pausing to throw a final comment over his shoulder. “The glamour you placed on her is wearing off. It’s only a matter of time.”
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“Which one…” you trail off, your eyes scanning the various weapons laid out before you, “Which one should I, uh, try first?”
Seokjin shrugs. “Whichever you want to, Y/N. You’ll know when you pick the right one.”
You nod slowly and continue to gaze at the various sharp, slicey, and spiky things being presented to you. The boys are peeking over your shoulder, and as much as you need their guidance for this, you also feel a bit overwhelmed with the amount of pressure on you. What if you make a fool of yourself trying to wave around Namjoon’s enormous greatsword? What if you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot with Hoseok’s bow?
You’re shaken out of your thoughts when Taehyung lays a large hand on your shoulder. “I know that this all feels a little overwhelming, but you don’t have to be embarrassed or worried about your lack of training, alright? We’re here to help you.” His voice is soft and soothing, and you find yourself feeling a little  more confident with his gentle encouragement.
You nod and take a deep breath before stepping forward to pick up a small throwing knife. Taehyung grins at your choice, stepping forward to demonstrate how to use them. You attempt to copy his expertly executed movements, but the knives all end up scattered across the ground rather than stuck in a tree.
“At least they didn’t end up stuck in any of us,” Taehyung jokes and ruffles your hair.
Slowly but surely, you make your way through every option until you’re left with Jungkook’s weapon—a broadsword.
None of the weapons have really clicked with you so far. Although you feel a little bit like you’re living out one of your childhood fantasies when you swing the various swords and knives around your body, none of them feel quite right in your gentle hands. The weight of them resting in your palm is foreign, and despite your best efforts, you just can’t seem to find a weapon that works with you.
When you raise the (almost comically) long sword into the air to test it out, you note that you can feel Jungkook’s presence from where he stands only a few feet away. Chancing a glance over at him, you’re surprised to see that instead of the irritated or exasperated expression you were expecting, he’s wearing a look that almost seems interested.
With a determined huff, you attempt to swing the sword in a wide arc, only to fall onto your behind when the unexpected weight knocks you off balance.
“It’s useless,” you sigh and hand the sword over to Jungkook with a downcast gaze, “The human in me just… cancels out the ‘warrior’ part of being Elodian, I guess.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Hoseok interrupts, “That isn’t necessarily true, Y/N. There’s still something we haven’t tried.”
“If it’s another weapon, it probably won’t end well,” you pout. “I think it’s pretty clear that big, sharp, pointy things aren’t really my specialty.”
“They aren’t mine either.”
You turn to look at Jimin. He’s standing a few feet away with his arms crossed against his chest, a knowing smile tugging at the corner of his lips. When your brows furrow in confusion, he drops them to his sides with a chuckle, taking a few steps forward to close the distance between the two of you.
“I never had an affinity for ‘big, sharp, pointy things’ when I was training to be a warrior,” he explains. You don’t appreciate his usage of air quotes around the former part of his sentence. “That’s why I turned to magic. It came way more naturally to me than physical weapons ever did. You might be the same way, Y/N.”
“Y-You think I could be a magic user? Even though I’m only half Elodian?”
Jimin shrugs. “We won’t know until we try. Here, give me your hand.”
Jimin’s fingertips are soft against your skin, the palm of his hand pressed to the back of yours. He crouches on the ground and guides your hand so it’s resting on the green grass below. Despite being warmed by the sun, the grass is still slightly damp from the morning dew, the small droplets wetting your fingertips where they press against the soft blades.
“Close your eyes,” Jimin murmurs from beside you, shifting his hand so his fingers are nestled between yours as you follow his instructions. The grass pokes at the palm of your hand from where it sticks out of the cool soil, and if you weren’t holding your breath in anticipation of what Jimin is about to do, you might’ve giggled at the ticklish sensation.
“I want you to picture a flower. It can be any kind you want; just make sure you stick with the one you choose.” He pauses for a moment to let you decide before speaking again. “Have you chosen?” You nod. “Okay. Now, I want you to create a clear picture of that flower in your mind. Be as detailed as possible, like you’re looking at the real thing right in front of you.”
Your eyelids flutter closed as you follow his instructions, your brow knit in concentration. Jimin’s hand is warm on top of yours, and as the image of the flower in your mind grows clearer, the heat from his hand grows warmer along with it. Tingles of warmth climb up your arm all the way to your shoulder, your heart rate increasing as the sensation grows stronger.
After a few seconds, the feeling of the grass on the underside of your palm begins to increase from a light tickle to a steady pressure—it takes you a moment to realize that it feels like something is growing beneath your hand.
When the pressure ceases, Jimin retracts his hand from yours, allowing you to pull your own hand away once your eyes are open again with a gasp.
“Did I…” you trail off as you stare at the beautiful tiger lily sticking out of the ground where your hand once was. The vibrant orange hues of the petals are just as bright as you imagined them—brighter than any tiger lily you’ve ever seen in real life. “Did I do that?”
Jimin nods whilst smiling proudly.
You gulp, “I… but you helped me, didn’t you? When your hand was on top of mine.”
“Here in Elodia, our full powers and connection to the magical realm must be ‘awakened’ by a magic user,” Hoseok speaks up, “Jimin awakened yours.”
“All I did was teach your body how to tap into its magical abilities,” Jimin smiles, “The rest of it was all you.”
“Woah…” You trail off and reach out a hand to touch the flower. The petals are soft against your fingertips—and surprisingly warm, too.
“Jungkook, wasn’t your awakening flower a tiger lily too?” You hear Taehyung speak up from beside you, a knowing smirk lighting up his face.
“Yes.” If the blush on his cheeks means anything, Jungkook seems uncomfortable with Taehyung’s line of questioning.
“You know what they say about matching awakening flowers…” The blue-haired man trails off meaningfully as Jungkook shoots him a glare.
“Shut up, Tae.” Jungkook growls the command, but there’s no real malice behind it, and Taehyung simply snickers in response.
“What are awakening flowers?” You pipe up from your spot on the ground below. In all honesty, you’re starting to feel a little bad about asking so many questions all of the time—but you’re in a totally different realm where magic exists. You’re bound to have at least a few questions.
“They’re the first flower that an Elodian grows during their magical awakening,” Namjoon supplies helpfully. “Taehyung was referring to the popular belief that having identical awakening flowers is a sign of being each other’s Bonded.”
Jungkook is blushing furiously now, his gaze trained on the ground at his feet. You don’t blame him—you can feel the heat rising in your cheeks as well.
“It’s just a myth, though,” Seokjin reassures you before placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, “Lots of people have similar awakening flowers. No need to worry about being Bonded with grumpy over there.”
“Hey! I am not grumpy, hyung—”
“Yes, you are.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not!”
“Are you two going to keep arguing?” Yoongi interjects with a sigh, “Or can we get on with saving Elodia?” Jin stifles a chuckle at the angry look on Jungkook’s face, only to let out a yelp when the youngest juts out an arm to elbow him in the stomach.
“Anyways,” Jimin smiles at you, “I think that you have a lot of potential. I would love to train you and teach you how to use your magic to its full extent—that is, if you want me to.”
“I…” you trail off, unexpectedly strong emotions bubbling up in your throat.
Maybe it’s because for the first time since you’ve arrived in Elodia, you feel as if you just might belong here.
“I would love to train with you, Jimin.” You get a little choked up at the end of your sentence. Jimin’s gaze softens, and the amount of love that you see sparkling in his deep brown eyes is enough to open the floodgates.
Tears begin to slip down your cheeks, the salty droplets leaving streaks as they fall relentlessly. You do your best to wipe them as they fall, but it’s of no use—they’ve already seen your tears, and you’re too emotional to keep them at bay.
“I just…” you sniffle, “The entire time I’ve been here, I’ve felt like a burden. Like I’ve been holding you back and somehow preventing you from completing the mission. But now—now I feel like… like I can finally do something to help other than just... stay out of the way.”
Jimin nods in understanding. “You’re not useless, Y/N, even though you often believe yourself to be.”
“Thank you.” Your voice is barely a whisper, but you know they hear it anyways.
“So, Jimin will work with you on your magic skills,” Namjoon speaks up after a few moments of silence, “And those will most definitely prove useful in our journey, I have no doubt. However,” he sighs, “I believe that there is still the matter of your lack of hand to hand combat skills—which will inevitably be crucial to your survival at some point in the future.”
You nod. “Can’t Jimin just help me with that as well? Since he’ll already be teaching me magic.”
“I don’t think I’m the best suited to teach you,” Jimin frowns. “Although I can most definitely defend myself, I’m not the person you should be learning from—especially considering that we have such little time to prepare you for what’s to come.”
“Jungkook can teach her.”
You turn to face Seokjin fast enough to feel a twinge of pain in your neck. But before you can say anything, Taehyung is already speaking up.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Seokjin?”
You flinch, expecting Jungkook to scoff. But he never does. Instead, he looks ashamed, gaze downcast as he clears his throat nervously.
“What happened last time… it won’t happen again.” He lifts his head to lock gazes with Seokjin, a hard look of determination set on his face. “I promise.”
“Y-You really don’t have to if you don’t want to—”
“Nobody is forcing him to help, Y/N,” Seokjin cuts you off with a reassuring smile, “He volunteered.”
Jungkook is looking everywhere except you, the tips of his ears tinged red. You have to fight to keep from staring at him in shock.
“Shouldn’t she have her own blade?”
Your attention is pulled away from Jungkook at Yoongi’s question-comment, a curious look in your eyes. “Am I even allowed to have one? Aren’t they only given to warriors?”
“You are a warrior,” Hoseok smiles, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, “Sure, you need a little training, but the mentality of a warrior is what’s most important—and you have far more courage than you seem to know.”
What the hell is with these insanely attractive men complimenting you? You swear, you’re going to have a heart attack one of these days.
“It’s not that I disagree,” Namjoon interjects, “But where are we even going to find her a blade? They’re normally gifted during our warrior officiation ceremonies, and
“I have one she can bond with!”
Namjoon turns to Taehyung in shock, his look of disbelief mirrored on the other six Elodians in the group. “Taehyung! That—That’s illegal! Why the hell do you have a spare sacred blade?”
Taehyung shrugs. “Someone dared me to steal it a few years ago, so I did. I’ve been holding onto it since in case of an emergency like this.”
“You stole a sacred blade because of a dare?” Namjoon balks. “You could be stripped of your title as a warrior!”
“It was a triple dog dare! I couldn’t just chicken out!” Taehyung defends, “Plus, it came in handy, didn’t it?”
Namjoon lets out a heavy sigh. “I can’t believe you. We’re going to have a serious talk sometime about who you choose to hang out with.”
“Okay, first of all, you’re not my dad. Second of all, Jungkook was the one who dared me to steal it, so why isn’t he the one getting in trouble?”
Jungkook makes a noise of protest when Namjoon’s sharp eyes land on him. “I was only kidding when I said it! I swear.”
“Liar,” Taehyung pouts, yelping when Jungkook gives him a harsh shove.
“Anyways,” Yoongi interrupts, a small smile tugging on the corners of his lips, “Since Taehyung is conveniently in possession of a highly sacred blade, you can simply bond with it and use it as your own.”
“Bond with it?” You question, “How do I do that?”
“I’ll show you,” Jimin smiles, “Don’t worry; it’s really not that complicated. I’ll explain more tonight when you’re about to bond with it. Okay?”
You nod, and Seokjin reaches out to give your shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Half-Elodian or not, you’re going to become a true warrior tonight, Y/N. Be proud.”
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“Jimin. Could you be any more vague?” You mutter in frustration, “I know literally nothing about magic and sacred blades and Elodian sparkles and shit. You’re gonna have to be more specific than telling me to ‘let the blade take control’. Like, what does that even mean?”
Jimin raises an eyebrow at you as you continue to speak, mouth quirking up at the corner when you end your small speech with a frustrated huff. “I’m sorry that I can’t give you more concrete instructions, Y/N. But I’m telling the truth when I say that the blade will do most of the work for you, and this experience is different for everyone. It’s deeply intimate; the sacred blade is making a connection with your soul. I can’t tell you how your bond with it will form, only give you what I hope is helpful advice.”
You groan, dragging the palm of your hand across your face tiredly. “Sorry. I’m just… I’m nervous, I guess. What if I do it wrong?”
“It’ll be alright, I promise. Just the blade—and trust yourself. You’re part Elodian; I know you have it in you.” He reaches up to give your cheek a gentle pinch before taking a few steps back. “I’ll leave you to it. You may feel emotional when the bond is formed, and that’s completely normal. Just shout if something goes wrong, alright?”
“O-Okay. Thank you, Jimin,” you smile, eyes never leaving his back until he disappears from your vision altogether behind the trees.
Once you’re alone, the noise of the forest around you is nearly overwhelming. Excited chirping and the rustling of leaves assaults your senses, the subtle sounds mixing together into a cacophony of chaos in your mind.
“Focus,” you whisper to yourself, reaching into the satchel handed to you by Taehyung to pull out the sacred blade.
Your fingers wrap around the hilt of the knife, pulling it out of the satchel so gently that one might think it was made of glass. The blade itself is only a few inches long, the sleek, black material glinting in the moonlight that filters through the tree leaves above.
Allowing your eyes to fall shut, you take a deep breath and try to focus on the way the blade feels in your hand; the grip is surprisingly soft against the skin of your palm, and it almost feels like it’s moulding to fit the shape of your hand.
As the seconds pass by, you begin to feel a tingling in the hand gripping the knife, the feeling growing in intensity until shivers are suddenly wracking your body. You open your eyes at the onslaught of sensations, eyes flying open when what feels like a bolt of electricity shocks you to your core.
When you open your eyes, you aren’t met with an image of the forest bathed in milky moonlight. Instead, you see a beautiful array of bursting colors—some of which you didn’t even know existed. They’re vibrant and filled with every emotion you’ve ever felt to the strongest degree; it feels like you’re tangled in the threads that weave your very soul together, but in the most beautifully inexplicable way.
It feels like years rather than moments before the colors fade and you’re left standing alone in the clearing. When you glance down at the knife in your hand, you’re shocked to see that it’s extended to become the length of your forearm, a swirling magenta pattern snaking around the meat of the blade as opposed to the blue lines in Jimin’s knife.
You glance up to see Jimin watching you carefully, a gleeful grin spreading on his face when he notices the glowing blade in your hand.
“You did it!” he cheers, running up to you to wrap you in his tight embrace. He pulls away moments later, hands immediately coming up to wipe away the tears on your cheeks that you didn’t know you’d been shedding. “I’m so proud of you, Y/N. You’ve come so far.”
“I’m a warrior,” you giggle, causing a bubbling laugh to fall from Jimin’s lips in return. “I-It’s so pretty, Jimin. And I feel… I’ve never felt… when it bonded with me…”
Jimin nods in understanding. “Your emotions are probably going to be running a little high until you get some rest. It’s expected after performing such an intimate ceremony.” He reaches out his hand for you to take, squeezing your palm comfortingly when you interlace your fingers with his. “Come on. I know a place where you can be alone with your thoughts for a little while; you probably need it.”
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The place that Jimin shows you is beautiful. He parts with a gentle goodbye and a promise of returning within the hour, leaving you to take in the beauty of the scenery in stunned silence.
It’s a scenic overhang that gazes out across the expanse of the hilly forest of Elodia, a sea of glowing flowers illuminating the grass that sways in the gentle breeze. Seeing as the overhang isn’t shielded by any surrounding trees, a blanket of moonlight kisses everything you can see, the sight beautiful enough to nearly bring you to tears again.
You aren’t sure how long you sit out there, feet hanging over the edge of the rocky edge of the overhang when a voice announces its presence from just a few feet behind you.
“Is this seat taken?”
You nearly topple over the ledge at the sound of Jungkook’s voice, clearly not expecting to see him out of all people right now. Too shocked to speak, you simply shake your head no and scoot over a bit, holding your breath when he plants himself just a foot away from you.
“I wanted to say… that I’m sorry.”
That catches your attention, head swiveling to look at him with wide eyes. His gaze is focused on where his feet are swinging back and forth in the open air—a nervous habit that you seem to be mirroring.
“You’re… sorry?” you finally manage, voice barely above a whisper.
Jungkook nods. “I’m sorry. For the way I’ve been acting towards you. It’s—It’s unfair to you, and no matter what my personal feelings are regarding the situation, it doesn’t warrant me treating you so terribly. You didn’t ask for this, yet you left your entire life behind to fight for Elodia.”
“It’s not like I had much of a choice,” you mumble humorlessly. Jungkook tenses beside you.
“I know. But you’re still doing your absolute best to help, despite it all. Despite the treatment you’ve received from me.” He exhales slowly. “So I’m sorry. You’re not a burden, and you never were. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Jungkook…” you murmur, trying to find the “I…”
“It’s alright; you don’t have to say anything.” He finally looks up at you. “But I’ll make it up to you. I promise I will. Nothing bad is going to happen to you again; not on my watch. You’re Elodia’s last hope.”
He pulls his feet back up onto the ledge and stands before extending his hand out for you to take. You stare at his outstretched palm for a few moments before acquiescing and allowing him to pull you up from your spot on the ground.
“We should head back so you can get some rest,” he says once he releases your hand, nodding in the direction of the campsite in the woods. “We have a long journey ahead of us.”
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a/n; wow. it has been quite a long time since i’ve updated this fic. i’m sorry that this update is so short & for it taking so long :( school has been A Lot & i’ve been working really hard on a big project to post later this month. but! i finally got off my ass and finished writing this chapter. think of it as an early christmas gift.
i apologize for any inconsistencies 🥺 it has been a long while since i dusted off this fic & worked on it, so not all of it is fresh in my brain. i also did not edit this before posting so i’m sorry for that too. i’m also sorry for how utterly horrible the pacing is for all the previous chapters bc i went in and reread them a while ago and... oof. ya girl really rushed that ish. maybe one day i’ll get to rewriting them so they’re better <3
TLDR; thank y’all so much for continuing to support this fic even though it’s been slow going with updates. your encouraging comments keep this fic alive 🥺 i love y’all!!! idk when the next update will be but i’ll do my best to have it out as soon as i can.
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© ughseoks 2020, all rights reserved. do NOT modify, translate, or repost my works. modification, translations, and/or redistribution of my works on any platform is strictly prohibited.
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They are so freaking domestic and married and functional the whole time I can’t!!! They bicker and banter with ease of two people who feel secure and confident around each other and know each other’s boundaries and limits and don’t need to worry about offending the other person or the conversation turning antagonistic which allows them this sort of brutal honesty, at times, and frank criticism.
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Issei gets the edamame shell husband treatment and he literally can’t believe it Hayame did that to him right in front of his salad when it already helped to ruin her previous relationship. It seems Hayame didn’t understand his lesson about the difference between the edamame shell and skin, well, she was in the middle of confronting her cheating ex so I suppose she was otherwise engaged.
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Though, poor Issei doesn’t know the depth of Hayame’s culinary disability until he discovers her special lemon and cereal gyoza! HA! I admire that he doubles down on his criticism and even if he tries to back pedal, he simply can’t make himself lie to her even to please her when it’s so awful.
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Unlike her ex-husband, he doesn’t put on a fake smile and swallows it so he wouldn’t hurt Hayame’s feelings but actually tells her it sucks bigly, showing that not only won’t he ever lie to her or keep secrets from her, he won’t feed her white lies to avoid conflict either. You almost never see portrayed in Asian dramas how these little mundane details can lead to a complete failure of a relationship once they pile up. Quite the opposite, they often depict swallowing food that makes you puke as something romantic and a proof of love without giving any thought to the fact whether the person can manage that for the rest of their life, considering it’s suggested most of the OTPs live happily ever after. The issue shows that Hayame and Issei are already more than one step further regarding the growth and functionality of their relationship than she ever came with Masahiro, illustrating their suitability. It’s not about a relationship being conflict-free, it’s about confronting the problems, argue about them even though it’s exhausting and uncomfortable and solve them through communication and misucommunication, not about hushing the issues up and staying silent about them in order to avoid arguments.
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The drama might be called Promise Cinderella but it has been turning the Cinderella stereotypes on their head since episode 1. One of them is Hayame not fitting the bill of a girl who is amazing at cooking, sewing, reading, embroidering, polite conversation, dancing and generally being more princess-like than all the princesses and noblewomen, even though her mother died in her childhood and she couldn’t have taught her all those things, neither could her father, nor the mice or the other animals she spent all her whole time with. Let’s face it, Cinderella has always been the fairytale counterpart of Richardson’s Pamela and Hayame - divorced, almost thirty, penniless and jobless - is the modern real-life version of an orphaned abused virgin fallen on hard times. 
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On the other hand, while Hayame might share Cinderella’s origin story of her mother dying at an early age, this sad event tragically affects her whole life in a much more realistic and darker way. Her father falls into a depression and becomes neglectful and she has to grow up overnight, having to learn everything by herself as she is left with no one to teach her, guide her and defend her so she ends up turning into a fiercely independent tomboy who is a self-taught cook and, as such, her cooking, well, sucks. She is literally the farthest thing from a Mary Sue ever. 
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Then, Issei may be a modern version of a prince but while young, he has been taught since an early age and has a very unconventional unique upbringing in a modern world - he is the one who excels at cooking (because he had someone who actually taught him), can tie kimonos, knows the proper etiquette, can arrange flowers and knows their language and meaning. 
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You would expect all those things from a woman, not a man; however, he is not only educated and good at them, he has a natural talent for them. In this way, the drama re-invents the Cinderella story, gives it a new original meaning and a breath of fresh air. 
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Thus, you can see all these details in which Hayame’s relationship with Issei differs from her marriage - they are left to live together alone in what is basically a simulated marriage, but she doesn’t end up in the traditional role of a woman and housewife whose purpose is to provide dinner/food for her husband who comes back from work. She used to work back then, too, even if only part time. Now, it’s her who works full-time while Issei works part-time but despite it they share the cooking and he, fittingly, ends up being the better cook, completely changing up the dynamic of the traditional roles both in the original fairytale and male/female relationships in general.
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Except for a brief denial stage caused by his confused feelings, Issei has always been honest with Hayame, sometimes brutally so, be it regarding the major issues or mundane everyday things like her cooking skills. 
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He treats her the way she wants her to treat him, and, as a result, he rightfully expects the same honesty and consideration in return from her. He doesn’t want any lies or secrets between them, he wants a conversation not a deafening silence, regardless whether they are lovers or friends. 
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He wants honesty and equality and instead, Hayame is trying to dismiss him as a child again in an attempt to avoid the problem because it’s uncomfortable and she doesn’t want to have a messy argument or worry him. She should have known by now that that’s exactly the attitude which led to the failure of her marriage. Not that they are an excuse or justification for cheating, but Masahiro raised some good points about the things he disliked about her and it’s time Hayame learns from her past mistakes.
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Marriage/romantic relationship is not a one-person show, the point of it being you are not alone to deal with your problems, some burdens should be shared and if not, the other person feels left out because their partner keeps secrets from them which then leaves many opportunities for misunderstandings and creates a rift that keeps growing between the couple. Hayame’s greatest strengths - her self-reliance and independence - which allowed her to survive on her own so far become her greatest weaknesses and drag her down now. 
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Issei immediately realizes Hayame has been putting a mask around him, trying to make herself look cheerful and happy, he can see through it right away as she can never fool him because he knows her so well and, frankly, she couldn’t pretend even if her life depended on it just like him. She fails to notice that this sort of consideration and selflessness are a double-edged sword. 
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It’s both apt and ironic she tries to dismiss him as a child because her stubborness, discomfort and avoidance maker HER appear like a child and Issei the one 10 years older with his patience, calm and and persistence on discussing and solving the whole issue. This time it’s him who calls her out on her bullshit and childishness.
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Issei notices everything about Hayame, including her mood swings which also refer to the mixed signals she’s been sending him, and how could he not when he always watches her so searchingly as if he were trying to look inside her soul, trying to spot every quiver of her lashes and nervous press of her lips. 
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Thus, he can sense and predict what she plans to do because he can read her like an open book after watching her so closely for so long but also because he’s been there where Hayame is right now - he had been running away for the past 10 years before he met her and she saved him by making him realize he had been fucking up his life that way, therfore he gets angry seeing her repeating his mistakes. 
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Moreover, he is scared shitless he may one day wake up and end up like Seigo, abandoned by her, not even left with a direction where to look at her, because she thinks she is not good enough and fears she might drag him down and mess up his life.
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Despite it all, Issei doesn’t think about himself first, he thinks about Hayame and what it is she truly wants. She feels so lost and conflicted, fretting and completely panicking and he pretty much tells her ‘fuck the world and other people! You are the only person who matters! Think about yourself first and do what you truly wish to do even if it makes them hate you.’ And from the hopeful way she looks at him, it’s exactly what she needs to hear and wants to truly do but lacks the courage to go through with it just yet. 
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Finally, THIS SHOT on the sofa! It pretty much says ‘married, in the middle of marital crisis and before a huge life-changing conversation’!
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