#but he does not want to he wants to watch bridgerton with his cat
giallifilm · 5 months
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get you a man that can do both
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frost-queen · 4 months
Prospects for better fortune (Reader!Featherington x Colin Bridgerton)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic   , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22  , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers   , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly  ,@denkisclown   , @wildieflower  ,@meyocoko   , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr  , @swampthing07  , @melsunshine   , @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury  ,  @imagines-by-her  ,  @evilcr0ne  , @vviolynn   , @niktwazny303  ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187  , @markive-m , @lovesanimals0000
Summary: Colin's misfortune in trusting your uncle's lies leads to a forced engagement on an economic base. Only Colin and you are each other's worst enemy. A huge argument lowers the tempers as it leaves room for acceptance. Colin's dedication to you truly gets tested when a lord flirts just a little too much with you, his wife.
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Colin was pacing around, scratching the back of his head. – “She will be here.” – Violet reassured him. Colin stopped to face his mother. – “I’d rather she would not, it’s just… the damn Queen.” – he told her gesturing at the grand doors where they were waiting behind. – “Watch your mouth boy!” – Violet called out with a motherly scowl, not liking one bit her son was insulting the queen. Colin sighed deep running his hands down his face.
“I still can’t phantom why you decided for this to happen.” – Colin accused his mother. Violet set her hands on her hip. – “How about prospects?” – Violet explained making her son sigh loud. Violet and Colin looked alarmed at the hearing of hastened heels click on the floor. Colin sighed loud once more, letting his head fall back. Portia was hastening herself, dragging you along by your wrist.
“We better be on time!” – she hissed at you, making you roll your eyes at her. Portia joined them, out of breath. – “I see you’ve made it Portia.” – Violet said with a gentle smile. – “Indeed.” – Portia answered, tugging at you to move in front of her. She did the final checks on your hair and dress. – “Mama.” – you groaned out wanting to slap her hand away. One scaring scowl of her was enough to stop your complaining.
The doors opened as Brimsley appeared in the entrance. He opened his mouth to speak, staring at the display before him. All of you had frozen at the hearing of the door opening. Portia’s hand lingering in the air by your hair. Violet trying to straighten Colin’s tie as his hand hovered above hers ready to slap it away. Brimsley cleared his throat as it made you all stand presentable.
“The queen is ready.” – he said before turning round. – “Alright this is it.” – Violet spoke plucking at Colin’s puffy hair for it to be perfect. – “Smile sweetheart.” – Portia let out. Colin moved closer to the door as did you. He held his hand out to you. With a roll of your eyes, you placed your fingers sloppy on his palm. Brimsley entered more, bowing to her majesty the queen. – “Colin Bridgerton and Y/n Featherington.” – he presented. Brimsley stepped aside, revealing the two of you to the queen.
Both of you forced out a smile, walking up to her. The queen narrowing her eyes. Colin and you dropped to one knee in front of her throne. – “So you two are engaged to be married?” – the queen asked, petting her dog on her lap. – “Yes, your majesty.” – Colin answered, keeping his head down. The queen hummed intrigued.
You exhaled soft, feeling your hand started to get sweaty in his hand. – “I give you both my blessing.” – she called out as it made you swallow nervously. Colin and you rose, meeting up with the queen’s gaze. – “Be off my little love birds.” – she chuckled, sending Colin and you off with her blessing. Colin and you spun, heading back for the door. Your smiled immediately dropped once the queen wasn’t looking.
The doors opened once more as Colin and you walked through. Hearing the doors shut behind you, you immediately pulled your hand out of his. Colin rubbed his hand annoyed against his pants. – “Must you really get so sweaty.” – he called out. – “Must you really be so infuriating.” – you responded. – “Infuriating?” – Colin said loud in disbelief. – “Oh that is nice coming from you!” – he answered walking up to you.
The two of you continued to bicker while going down the corridor to leave the palace. Portia and Violet giving each other a sheepish smile. – “Children.” – Violet teased with humour to bloom the reality of it. Portia snapped her fan open, waving herself some cool. Colin and you had been bickering the entire carriage ride at how more infuriating the other one was.
The wedding was by the end of the week. Which should be a day of delight and bliss to many was not the case for you. You simply wanted this day to be over so you didn’t have to play pretend for the ton anymore. Colin’s family tried to be supportive, knowing he was doing the family a great help by marrying you. Normally they wouldn’t condone it, but faith left them otherwise. Colin had lost a great deal of money to your money seeking uncle.
His family couldn’t have prevented him from investing. Something Colin thought would bring prospects, for it did not. It turned out to be a sham. A fraud. When your mama found out, she turned him the door. Yet it was already too late. He disappeared along with some money. A bit including of the Bridgerton’s. Colin’s failed investment took a bite in their coins. The best way to ease the gap a bit was a marriage between Bridgertons and Featheringtons.
The coins from your dowry could ease the pain a bit. Smooth a bit things over with the Bridgertons. The two of you found a home in the Featherington estate further downtown. More secluded. An estate your family used to retreat to during the winters. Since you weren’t the eldest, the house would go to man married your eldest sister.
Colin and you arrived at the house. – “I’ll be upstairs and I do not wish to see you for the entirety of the evening.” – he called out already moving towards the stairs. – “Fine, for I do not wish to see you for the entirety of the evening!” – you shouted back. – “Wonderful!” – Colin said loud, throwing his hand up as he went up the spiralling stairs. – “Your quarters are at the left!” – you instructed him. Colin grunted soft disappearing upstairs.
You turned round, screaming loud to out your distress. You then went upstairs to the quarters on the right. The staff remaining quiet as it was not their place to intervene. Some shared a brief look, knowing it didn’t feel like you would legitimate the marriage soon. Not whilst you were still bickering. You let yourself fall onto the bed, screaming and punching your pillow. Angry at your uncle for ripping off the Bridgerton’s which led you into needing to marry Colin Bridgerton. 
A Bridgerton you loathed. Colin groaned loud, pacing round the room. He grabbed for a pillow, throwing it against the window out of frustration. Why did he had to invest in your uncle’s mines? His speech seemed so pleasingly. He thought for sure he’d get a fortune out of it. The only thing he got out of it was a marriage to you. Someone he loathed.
The sun rose as the staff was already buzzing about. For weeks now, you have been trying to avoid Colin for as much as you could around the house. Each doing your own things during the day, even when it bored you from time to time. There weren’t enough activities around the house to keep you company. You stumbled into the drawing room where to your misfortune Colin was too. Seeing him, made you sigh soft. Colin lifted his head up from behind his newspaper, lowering it.
“I shall leave.” – he spoke folding his newspaper to give you, your space. – “No, please do stay.” – you acted out with a curtsy. Colin slapped the newspaper annoyed on the small table. The door opened behind you, a maid entering with a tray. On the tray laid several letters neatly spread out. She moved past you to give the letters to Colin as he was man of the house now.
You snatched the letters from the tray before they could reach him. The maid looked confused at her empty tray. Bowing her head as she left the room once more. – “Y/n those are for me.” – Colin stated, holding his hand out. – “Am I not the lady of the house?” – you answered, looking through the post. Colin walked up to you in a firm pace, wanting to snatch the letters from you.
You turned away, keeping the letters out of his reach. – “Y/n!” – Colin let out loud. Colin grabbed your wrist, pulling it hard in front of him, ripping some letters from your hand. – “I loath you!” – you called out, slapping the remaining letters against his chest. – “I loath you!” – Colin repeated, slapping his letters against your chest. It made you gasp as you didn’t think he’d hit you back. – “I loathed you first!” – you made clear.
Colin and you stared intensely at each other. Glaring up in each other’s face. Colin looked away first, glancing down at the letters in his hand. He sighed loud seeing what kind of post was amongst them. He threw them frustratedly into the sofa. He then shouted loud, hands desperate in his hands.
“Colin!” – you called out wanting him to calm down. He inhaled sharp, wiping his hand over his face. – “If this wasn’t an economic proposition, I swear.” – he said loud. – “Hadn’t your family put me into debts, I wouldn’t be scrambling for coins to make a living!”
“Don’t bring my family into this!” – you replied loud, frustrated that he would blame this all on you. You had no idea and it was after all he who placed an investment with your uncle. – “Alright not your uncle who caused me to marry you!” – Colin shouted loud. – “I refuse to be blamed any longer for this grotesque misalliance!” – you screamed out as Colin grew silent. Staring at you in shock. – “No more!” – you let out with a dismissive gesture.
Panting loud at your little outburst. Colin turned his head a bit away. – “Well that was rather direct.” – he said, taken back by the intensity of your voice. Overwhelmed with exhaustion, you let yourself fall into an armchair. Head throbbing with a headache the fight. It might have been the biggest fight Colin and you endured. Colin went over to the letters, picking them up from the ground. He then returned to you, coming to sit beside you.
He opened the first letter, reading it out loud for you. His reading made you sit more upright and lean in to read the letter along with him. Colin and you opened every letter one by one, calmly discussing what to reply or how to manage your coins. Both seemingly calmed down and too worn out from the fight to continue bickering.
It was like this outburst needed to happen for Colin and you matched on a different level of understanding after that. The marriage was necessary, the best you could do was make it is comfortable as one could. Despite growing closer to each other, there still wasn’t any physical contact.
No hugs, no kisses and certainly not legitimating the marriage. Colin and you managed to find a lifestyle suitable enough for the income you had now. There were prospects for it increasing, but that took time.
The carriage came to a stop as Colin got out. He offered you his arm as you took it to get out. – “I cannot believe Francesca is already debuting.” – you said unable to grasp how quickly she was growing up. Colin hummed soft, keeping your hand on his arm. – “I’m sure Anthony will have his hands full with now both Eloise and Francesca this season.” – Colin replied as he guided you inside. One of the doormen took your coat.
The warmth of the estate wrapping around your skin. The doorman gestured for you to head further. Colin and you arrived at another door. – “Do I look alright?” – you asked him as it was your first time out on a ball ever since the wedding. Colin turned to you, holding your chin with his thumb. – “You look wonderful.” – he replied, with a soft smile.
The doors opened as it startled Colin and you. Everyone at the ball, stared at the display. Colin cleared his throat lowering his hand on you. He took your hand, guiding you inside. Portia nudged Violet teasingly. – “What did I say.” – she whispered to Violet. Violet smiled, hopeful her son found happiness after all.
You joined the Bridgertons, hugging Violet. – “How are you feeling Francesca?” – you questioned seeing her look frightful with big eyes around. – “Bit overwhelmed.” Francesca answered in a quiet voice. – “Colin.” – Anthony called out, motioning with his head for his brother to follow. Colin gently removed your hand from his arm, following his brother to a more secluded area.
Kate wrapped her arm around you. – “A drink Y/n?” – she proposed. – “Yes please.” – you answered. Kate led you through the crowd to the staff was walking around with drinks. – “How are Colin and you?” – she asked, watching the dancers a bit. – “Quite alright.” – you answered with a smile. – “That is wonderful to hear.” – Kate filled in as she noticed a tray with glasses. She let go of your arm, taking two glasses, handing one to you.
Both of you took a sip, watching the dancers. – “Anthony?” – Kate said confused seeing her husband appear, making his way over to her. – “I simply must dance with you.” – he said taking her hand. Kate gave you a pleasing smile, handing her drink over to you before Anthony could steal her away. – “Well where is Colin?” – you called out, yet Anthony didn’t reply. Too focused on wanting to dance with his wife.
With a soft exhale, you emptied your glass with a few breaths. Turning around you placed your empty and Kate’s still full glass back on the tray. Bouncing a bit on your feet, you looked around for any sign of your husband. – “Miss Bridgerton.” – a man’s voice spoke from behind you. It made you turn your head in surprise. A lord came standing extremely close to you, his fingers trailing inches away from your arm upwards.
“Where is your husband?” – he asked looking briefly away to the people. – “He will be here shortly.” – you lied as the lord kept gazing at you. Making you a bit nervous. – “Such a shame he left you all alone.”  - the lord began standing half in front of you. – “A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn’t be left alone.” – he added as you were stunned by his approach around you.
“My husband is looking for me.” – you said making steps to leave his side. A grip around your wrist, kept you from going any further, making you gasp. – “He’ll find you soon enough.” – he tugged at your wrist, pulling you back at him. – “Perhaps a dance while we wait?” – he proposed.
“Lord Thomas!” – the voice made you turn your head in shock. Colin approaching the man with his hands behind his back. He came by your side, taking the lord’s hand, throwing it off yours. – “Flirting with a married woman?” – Colin spoke judgingly. – “My wife for that matter.” – he added with a glare. Colin let his hand glide in yours, holding it in a firm grip. His stare stern and full of anger. – “We’re leaving.” – Colin called out, pulling you away from the lord.
“But… Co…colin your family… Francesca?” – you said between breaths while you tried to keep up with his pace. – “They need our support.” – you told him, looking over your shoulder to his family somewhere in the crowd. Colin led you outside, calling the carriage over. The carriage pulled over as he pushed you inside. It made you squeal soft, positioning yourself better before your husband joined in.
The carriage got in motion as it wobbled. – “Colin?” – you asked confused, wanting to know what overcame him to simply call it a night. – “Your brothers expect our support for your sisters.” – you reminded him. Noticing how hungrily Colin was staring at you. He groaned deep, setting himself off as he moved across. Cupping your cheeks as he forced his lips onto yours.
Eyes shot wide as his lips trailed yours. Kissing yours desperate and hungrily. Colin retrieved his lips, panting loud in your mouth. He let himself fall back across to his bench as he took you with him. Still cupping your cheeks. You dropped onto his lap as he pulled your legs open over his lap.
His eyes gazed back at you, till they went up. Taking out one of your pins so most of your hair fell down. Exhaling in your mouth, he drew you closer again. The hotness of his lips on yours. It made you grab onto his shoulders, pressing your fingers into him. With one motion of his finger, he tilted your chin up. Hands on your bottom as he pushed you slightly higher.
A soft gasp escaping your mouth as he started to kiss your neck. Trailing down to your bosom. Panting loud against your skin in between hot kisses. Colin let his hand trail up your neck, pushing your head back. Kissing your exposed neck deeper. The carriage wobbled as Colin had to push his hand out to the side, to keep his balance.
Looking down at him, you breathed out loud, curling up a smile. He did the same, grabbing you again. You leaned down, kissing him hard. With admiration he looked up to you. You kissed Colin once more as he finally claimed you as his wife. Who knew it only took one flirty lord for him to finally admit he loved you.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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jude-duarte-wannabe · 30 days
welcome to the bakery
currently playing; the bakery by melanie martinez "pack it, box it, flip it, top it... the bakery, i'm tryna make some more"
this was inspired by @bunnys-kisses so go check out their page, such incredible stuff <3
when you request, please make sure to let me know if it's from my smut prompts or my soft ones [soft request prompts are still in the works]
hey lovely, how can i help? may i take your order? what do you feel like today? personally i'm in need of some iced tea and all you have to do is pick a dessert, drink and server of your choosing please, please, please don't forget to indicate who you want me to write about!! also please keep in mind that i haven't written anything in a while so it might take a bit for me to back into the groove of it. <3
the bakeries i currently have open are: formula one, resident evil, bridgerton and criminal minds, just for now.[but i am open to any other fandoms you might have in mind! please do not hesitate to ask!!]
the servers i'm currently writing for include; charles leclerc, carlos sainz, lewis hamiltion, pierre gasly, esteban ocon, oscar piastri, leon kennedy, carlos oliveria, chris redfield, anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, spencer reid, aaron hotchner and luke alvez.
i do also accept polyam relationships! [pairing + reader] but only three people just to make it manageable on my end!
all orders can be made to the inbox for @jude-duarte-wannabe and i'll get your order together when i can also let me know if you want your order to...
be extra hot; real smutty or have sweetener; extra fluffy
let me know if want to be added to my taglist by commenting <3 followed by the person.
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the bakery menu;
pound cake; "i can be rough and i don't want to hurt you"
churro's; "does my sweet boy need comforting"
cheese scone; "let your brother find out, i don't fucking care"
mille-feuille; "that's it, shit, such a good fucking girl"
cinnamon buns; "no promises"
gingerbread; "i mean i would totally make out with her/him but like platonically, you know"
baguette; "give me a minute, i really need to tickle the shit out of you"
pretzel; "i was never meant to fall for you"
cornbread; "you taste really good"
strawberry shortcake; "he's so cute, i really want to bite him"
soda bread; "wait a second... am i your lockscreen'
focaccia; "i could beat the shit out of you" "i know"
choux pastry; "i can't believe i ever loved you"
pumpkin muffin; "shut up... my girls asleep"
dinner roll; "holy shit, you still love him/her"
cakepop; "goodnight to my future wife, fuck the rest of you"
pull apart bread; "i love you"
souffle; "i'll be gentle"
powdered doughnuts; "marry me"
s'more; "the accent got to you, didn't it"
waffles; "you spill a single fucking drop and we're starting again"
shortbread biscuits; "if he pisses me off again, i'm fucking his girl"
red velvet cupcake; "does he know that i cum deep inside his little angel'
pancakes; "no, we can't, not here"
coffee cake; "i need to breed you"
french toast; "i don't think it'll fit"
crepes; "go back to sleep, you don't need to be awake for this sweetcheeks"
sweet pastry; "i'm trying to get you pregnant, now shut up and let me concentrate"
butter tart; "stop, don't fake it"
sugar pie; "stop wriggling"
zebra cake; "i'll make it fit"
carrot cake; "dirty girl"
date scone; "i'm going to make you a mama and your going to make me a daddy"
cookie; "do you feel that, how fucking deep i am"
brownie; "no fucking touching"
cheesecake; "don't yell at me"
pumpkin pie; "are you nibbling on me"
chocolate cake; "i'll use protection, i promise"
spice pie; "i wonder if your brother know that i cum inside you"
apple crumble; "i can't do this while you cat/dog is watching"
sausage roll; "i hate being your secret"
blueberry slice; "but what if somebody see's"
mushroom pie; "that looks like it hurt"
apple tart; "what do you mean you want me to choke you"
lemon slice; "i forget how small you are sometimes"
swiss roll; "your glasses are fogging up"
truffle; "send me an audio of you moaning"
oaty slice; "you smell like me"
cream puff; "this ends when your pregnant"
custard slice; "no hiding your face"
victoria sponge; "you wanna hold my hand"
english muffin; "i could die between these legs"
bagel; "where you going, this ain't over"
banana bread; "i can't believe you broke my bed"
hot cross buns; "i'll pay for the damages"
apple turnover; "can you keep it down"
fudge; "what do you mean noise complaint"
peach cake; "i've never done this"
tiramisu; "how could you be so stupid"
crumb cake; "nobody has to know"
custard tart; "you gonna let me cum inside"
date pudding; "your going to let me rawdog you, oh fuck"
mince pie; "so fucking dumb"
angel food cake; "did you just squirt, since when could you do that"
savory scroll; "stop stressing, i'm not going to post it"
chocolate chip cookie; "did you just call me pretty boy"
croissant; "don't you dare"
elcairs; "don't, leave them on"
chocolate mousse; "i'm sorry"
boston cream pie; "fuck it's dripping down your legs"
and to drink;
coffee; somnophilia kink
tea; semi public
juice; breeding kink
mocha; daddy kink
peppermint tea; mommy kink
vodka shot; rough sex
sparkling water; gentle sex
oat milk; one night stand
soy milk; friends with benefits
coconut milk; friends to lovers
almond milk; grumpy x sunshine
energy drink; doggy style
turmeric latte; fake dating
cold brew; possessive
espresso shot; dirty talking
chamomile tea; choking kink
glass of water; aftercare
herbal tea; soft but only for you
milkshake; size kink
pina colada; pregnancy
matcha latte; mixed with smau
cider; body worship
mai tai; loss of virginity
margarita; unprotected sex
chai; biting or hickeys [please let me know which]
earl grey; big cock
tonic water; age gap
soda; protected sex
root beer; caught in the act
americano; oral sex
whiskey; degrading language
vitamin water; dom/sub dynamics
irish coffee; drunk sex
lemon water; secret relationship
dark roast; sub character
hot chocolate; sub reader
iced tea; accentally leaking relationship
flat white; brothers best friend
iced latte; best friends brother
iced mocha latte; plus sized reader
smoothie; belly bulge
doppio coffee; wall sex
green tea; spiting kink
cortado; belly kisses
affogato; a bet
lemon ginger tea; single mom/dad
berry smoothie; accidental pregnancy
sunshine smoothies; fake dating
cappuccino; secret baby
rice milk; baby fever
cashew milk; somebody flirts with your bf/gf
iced chai; forehead kisses
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fayes-fics · 1 year
Cat-Nip [Drabble]
2k Celebration Masterpost
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: A new being joins the My Cottage household.
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Warnings: none really, very minor injury. Otherwise it's all fluff.
Word Count: 863 (250 words, tsk honestly...)
Authors Note: the fourth of my 2k follower celebration drabble request fills (ask here). Unbetaed. Enjoy! <3
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“What have you got there, my love?” Benedict asks warmly as he wanders in from painting in his studio for the afternoon.
“Oh, I just found this little moppet out in the garden; the poor thing was shivering,” you explain, scritching behind the tiny cat’s ear as it purrs so loudly it vibrates in your lap.
It’s all large eyes and tabby fluff—only a few months old, at a guess. Maybe abandoned by its mother. You were drawn outside by piteous cries that disturbed your reading. Now, after a quick but undignified bath in the scullery sink, some milk and leftover ham, it looks much perkier. And very happy to be with you. It has not stopped purring since.
“We have a new mouth to feed, don’t we?’ he sighs, walking over and touching your shoulder lightly, indulging you.
You look up at him through your lashes, knowing you have already won. “We have no choice; look at this little face?” you point out, your voice going high pitched and syrupy.
He rolls his eyes affectionately. “Does it have a name?”
“I believe it is a boy, so I was thinking… Anthony…,” you end with a giggle.
“Anthony? You want to name a tiny, useless ball of fluff after my elder brother? He will be mortified,” he points out, bemused.
“I know. That is why I like it, husband dearest,” you laugh louder, hugging the cat closer into your lap.
Benedict shakes his head and reaches down to pet the cat. Unfortunately, the little thing seems bewildered by a new unknown person touching it, and you watch horrified as it whips its head around and sinks its teeth into Benedict's finger, hissing at him.
“Oww!!” Benedict yelps and snatches back his hand. “That little scamp!”
“Anthony! No! Bad kitty!” you chastise, picking it up and scowling into its face. 
It at least has the to look a little contrite, and your heart melts a little at its pleading expression, even as Benedict huffs a laugh.
“Well, I must say, I will find great amusement in you admonishing anything with that name,” he states drolly. “Even if does not warm to me.”
“He will,” you assert. “He is just a little overwhelmed, that is all. Who could not love you, Benedict?” you point out, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
You put Anthony down into a basket you have padded with a small throw pillow, and he instantly seems to curl up, basking in the warmth of the fire nearby. Then you twist to look properly at Benedict and inhale sharply. There is a little trickle of blood running over his knuckles.
“Lords alive; I had no idea he had injured you so much! Why did you not say? We must get you fixed up right away!” you fret, jumping to your feet and dragging Benedict by the arm towards the kitchen, where you know the staff keep some medicinal supplies for knife-related injuries.
“Darling, I’m fine,” he chuckles at your concern.
“We are fixing you up!” you insist, pushing him down into a chair at the staff table with hands on his shoulders.
His face quirks into an amused expression as you open and close various cupboards in rather an agitated state until you make a tiny triumphant noise and pull back, holding a bottle of iodine, a roll of cotton bandage and some clean muslin squares.
You take a seat next to him and grab his large hand, mopping up the trickles of blood and then applying iodine to the puncture wounds from the little fangs.
“You are such a good patient, not even a hiss as I applied the tincture,” you tease lightheartedly.
He laughs and catches your chin with his good hand, tilting it so you look up from tending to his injury. Even after many months together, he can still make you flustered when he looks at you so intensely, so devotedly.
“I have the very best nurse there could ever be, that is why,” he smiles handsomely, and you know you are definitely blushing now.
“Stop it,” you demure. That just seems to encourage him, a rakish crooked grin breaking out.
“Never,” he whispers, “I live to make you blush, wife.”
“You are such a cad!” you scold, flicking a clean muslin square lightly against his arm.
“I know,” he responds fondly, leaning in and kissing your cheek. “But I have to be an even better husband now that I have competition for your affection.” 
“Anthony?” you giggle.
“Anthony,” he confirms with a gentle lilt just as you finish wrapping his hand in a bandage.
“Well, then, I think you had better make friends with him, my love. Because Anthony has my heart as much as you now,” you add with a wink, standing up and sashaying out of the room to check on the little creature.
“You had better be talking about the cat!”
“I love you, Benedict,” you singsong and blow him a kiss from the hallway.
“That didn't answer my question….” he calls after you, in a playful tone, and you laugh so loud it echoes up the walls.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine
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mooncello · 11 months
some kai headcanon...
This is the light, fun version. I have some darker stuff, too, maybe I’ll share those at some point.
Kai is generous with compliments. The other ninja quite literally don’t know how to respond to them all.
Kai likes boba tea. Lloyd got him hooked on it.
When he’s out with friends or running errands, Kai brings back little things he thinks Cole will like. (Lavaaaaa. 😍)
Kai is a secret book nerd and listens to audiobooks. This is easier on his brain, and he loves to read about history and science and Edwardian lit. (The dude stans Jane Austen.) I also like to think that Kai has an obsession with Regency AU and wants to wear all the Bridgerton clothes and sneak kisses in corridors during dance parties. He’s extremely embarrassed by this and has never shared it with anybody.
Kai is an early morning runner.
Kai has the grossest feet. They’re torn up and blistered from running. It’s disgusting.
Kai occasionally sings in the shower. Off-key. But very committed.
Kai is freakishly observant. He tracks details without really thinking about it or realizing he does it. He’s the sort of person who immediately notices your haircut or that your neighbor repainted their door a slightly darker shade of blue.
Terrible at remembering names. But remembers details about a person. Will often come up with his own nicknames or codenames for people based off these details.
Kai paints his nails so much because 1) flair but also 2) he chews down to skin otherwise.
He loves spicy food. Like…there’s a special shelf for all of Kai’s hot sauces because nobody else can handle the level of spice. Cole comes close, as does Nya. Lloyd enjoys 3 out of 5 on the spice scale. Jay is -1. Like…black pepper makes him sneeze. (It’s adorable.)
Kai is meticulous about laundry.
Kai feels kinda manic a lot of the time, so he doesn’t drink all that much coffee. He prefers tea, and he and Zane share a drawer filled with a dozen different types of tea. He also drinks a lot of water. This guy hydrates like it’s an Olympic sport.
Totally loves jewelry. Wears lots of rings. Earrings. The occasional necklace (always more than one and layered).
Kai is a libra. With aries rising. Unsure about moon. What say you?
He cannot keep a houseplant alive. And damnit he’s tried. He’s tried so hard. (Lloyd is the biggest plant parent of the group and holds an astonishing amount of plant knowledge.)
Kai isn’t really into sports. But he’s been known to watch a football (ahem, soccer for you americans) game from time to time, if it happens to be on.
Kai is a huge texter. Instigates most group chats. (Followed by Jay.) Kai’s textspeech can sometimes be unintelligible. Zane often has to translate, and even then sometimes Zane is stumped.
Matte clay pomade for that hair of his. No gel. No mousse. Maaaybe sometimes a beachy seasalt spray if he’s feeling a little frisky.
His favorite season is winter—it’s the only season he’s not uncomfortably warm all the time.
Kai would totally adopt a cat before a dog. Kai is basically a cat.
okay stopping there!
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frodothefair · 3 months
Mr. Nisile and I watching Bridgerton: the season 3, part 2 edition
Episode 5:
Mr. Nisile: Kate looks so much like my former classmate, it's uncanny. Me: Yeah, and Anthony looks like my weird friend from med school. Mr. Nisile: and they both had a propensity to share really awkward things with us. Like, didn't (the weird friend from med school) once text you "just had sex"? Me: I don't know. If he did, I probably repressed that.
Mr. Nisile on Anthony, Benedict and Colin talking: Ok, this whole scene is just collars talking to collars.
Daphne the cat is on Mr. Nisile's knee during the mirror scene: Daphne, we must look away for scenes like this. (And then, Daphne actually does look away :P)
Mr. Nisile: You know, this might have been said before, but Penelope probably actually fit the beauty standards of the time far better than most of the people cast in this show. Me: Yes, indeed. There is fatshaming of Penelope even in the book, but in fact, it's quite anachronistic. It was not until the late 19th century that thinness became chic because... *goes off on a tirade that is far too long to document here*
Mr. Nisile: It would've been funnier if Lord Greer had announced his conditions backwards: if he had led with the 4-5 children and Cressida was like, "ok, ok, this I can do," but then only one ball per month, and Cressida is like "shiiiiiiiit" and then the coup de grace is the grey and brown dresses.
Episode 6:
When John Stirling announces his and Francesca's engagement, a few of the chords in the music that follows sound suspiciously like the Fellowship theme from LOTR. Mr. Nisile upon hearing this: NO, NO, NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! Me: wha, did I just hear what I think I heard?! Mr. Nisile: You can't SHIRE THE TON! YOU CAN'T FELLOWSHIP THE BRIDGERTONS! Me: what are you talking about, that was excellent! Mr. Nisile: THAT JUST RANKLED ME IN THE RELIGION! Me: Ok, that is one for the Mr. Nisile-isms post, once my nails dry. Mr. Nisile: Ok, fine. But I'll be right back. I need to use the bathroom -- when you get rankled in the religion, it tends to loosen up the bladder.
Mr. Nisile on Cressida Cowper's red dress: That dress looks like a red spinnaker. Me: what's a spinnaker? Mr. Nisile: (looks is up and shows me -- it is a type of sail) Oh. Yeah. Ok.
Me when Cressida Cowper shows up at a ball after she reveals herself as Lady Whistledown: And all the while, Ms. Malhotra is in the background going :D, and that is my favorite thing in this episode so far.
Episode 7:
All of the below are from Mr. Nisile:
You know, Cressida needs some better editing. I could write better than her. I could be Lady Whistledown, that could be my new drag name.
The schism of the ton!
Well, at least this Lady Whistledown is better composed than a crummy tweet.
That outfit is like a Rorschach test for flamingoes.
You know, with how autistic-coded Stirling is, I'm glad the Bridgerton brothers didn't try harder to convince him to "declare himself" by throwing rocks at a window. He might have gone and actually done it.
You know, carriage drivers probably have the best gossip. I wonder why no one thought that Lady Whistledown was a carriage driver.
Ok, you want to talk about anachronisms? Colin's black light vest. It looks like it came from a laser tag studio. (This is in response to me having eagle eyes for any part of a period piece drama that is anachronistic).
Episode 8:
Mr. Nisile on Colin's home decor: Those houses have co-lors.
Mr. Nisile on Colin and Eliose talking: I would be more comfortable wearing what she's wearing than what he's wearing. I mean, he's got like two cravats and three collars, and a woolen coat. I would be sweating like a pig in July.
Mr. Nisile on the introduction of Michaela Stirling: wait, are they (Eliose and Francesca) just in awe of her overwhelming femininity or something? Me: (sitting on my hands and aggressively not saying anything because I have read the books and he has not, and I know what the deal is with Michaela Stirling)
Eventually, I did tell him about Michaela Stirling, and then he felt vindicated because he thought he saw an intimate moment between Francesca and Penelope in the first part of the season, and thought they were trying to code Francesca as queer all along.
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Tattoo artist Kate and the Lord is a hot combo 🔥 when and where does he make a move into his new ‘property’? Extra 🌶🌶🌶 please?
Ahhhh look, yeah, they're a bit of a hot item. The London social scene is a bit abuzz when Anthony Bridgerton, is seen leaving a restaurant with his arm slung over the shoulders of a woman absolutely no one recognises.
Kate couldn't really say she'd thought about it, the viscount of it all when she'd sighed looking at Anthony and held out her hand. Phone. Give me your phone so you can call me and sexually harass me without having to pay me. Truly, she hadn't thought be really cared about titles at all anymore until she'd been photographed with Anthony leaving a restaurant, his arm slung over her shoulders and his voice whispering something filthy in her ear and what had felt like a city wide manhunt had gone underway until someone had found her shop instagram and a flurry of reporters had camped outside the shop waiting for her to leave.
People did care as it turned out. There were charity events and galas to attend and everyone seemed to want to put their two cents in and gawk at her curiously while Anthony kept her pressed tightly to his side.
"And what do you do for work, Kate was it? You do work I think?"
"I'm an artist." She always sighed ignoring Anthony's fingers tracing the tattoos up her spine.
"Oh lord, I wish I'd have known! We'd have had some of your artwork in the gallery tonight!" The irritating lady whatever of some double barrelled last name Kate assumed she was supposed to find impressive. "What kind of artist are you? What's your medium?"
"Tattoo." She smiled, watching their eyes grow wide. "And don't worry, I'm wearing enough of my artwork for anybody."
She hadn't thought about it. She hadn't. But here she was a year later with an enormous engagement ring weighing down her finger feeling constantly out of place with Anthony's hand splayed possessively against her stomach, his fingers playing with the velvet of her dress.
"God I can't wait to get out of this boring fucking party."
Anthony's voice was rough in her ear in their private little corner of the ballroom. Anthony was smiling benignly at people as they passed, so handsome in his burgundy tux with his hair perfectly quaffed back, looking for all the world as though he were thrilled to be there.
"You're the one who wanted to come to this fundraiser for... sorry what are we fundraising for? Teaching homeless cats how to rockclimb?" Kate sighed, taking a sip of her drink.
"I actually think it's a dog literacy charity." Anthony said bemusedly, his hand tugging her back tighter against his chest. "If I have to give one more fake fucking smile when I could be bending you over the back of the sofa I'll- Mum! Lovely to see you!"
Kate nearly choked on the sip of her drink she'd taken at the change in Anthony as he greeted his mother, hugging her tightly.
"You look beautiful tonight, Mum." That was the Anthony she'd fallen in love with, the reason she was in this mess to begin with, the Anthony who worried so much over his family that he'd huffed primly around her shop, hovering like a vulture, watching her infection control protocol. The Anthony who didn't care what it was in aid of: if his mother asked him to attend he would.
"Don't you look handsome." Violet hummed as she released Anthony, turning to Kate and hugging her just as warmly. "And Kate, darling you look beautiful, I hope Anthony's not being too much of a bear."
Kate chuckled, shaking her head at her mother in law, ignoring Anthony's hand settling firmly on her arse, obscured from his mother's view, his face the picture of innocence.
"He's being a good boy so far."
He wasn't. His fingertips were running down her spine, a rumble running through his chest as a shiver followed his touch.
Violet tutted, "I doubt that, I could see him complaining across the room."
Kate bit back a laugh as his mother shook her head exasperatedly, the same shrewdness that had looked at kate the first time they'd met and sighed You needn't wear sleeves on my account, Darling. I'm hardly going to be offended by a little bit of ink.
"I've been a very good boy, thank you. The picture of gentlemanly behaviour." Anthony sighed, his hand still roaming over her, forcing heat to Kate's cheeks as his lips grazed her ear the moment his mother was distracted by someone walking by. "I can't promise I'll be a gentleman when we leave."
That was the other part of Anthony she'd fallen in love with, the duality of him, really. The Anthony that seemed to strain against the leash of the society he lived in. The Anthony that sat with his hands tied to the bedpost and his eyes shining, whispering the filthiest things imaginable seemingly at complete odds with the man who wore a three piece suit every day of his life.
"Anthony, if you intend to grope your fiancée I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Violet said dryly, startling both of them.
"He wasn't-"
"Well, this has been lovely, mother, but I'm afraid my lovely wife and I must be off." Anthony cut across Kate, no longer bothering to hide his roaming hands as he guided Kate towards the exit.
"Anthony!" It was only half a scold as they burst from the room, their lips already clashing desperately as they'd made their way through the corridor. "I'm not your wife yet andYour Mum's going to think I'm a harlot."
"A harlot?" Anthony chuckled, smiling congenially at his driver as he waved the man off opening the door I've got it Dave. "Are was also living in the nineteenth century?"
"It's not funny." Kate sighed as she tumbled into the back seat of the car, tugging Anthony on top of her anyway, the heat that had been simmering from the minute they'd left the house finally spilling into the air around them.
"I think it's very funny." His hands were hot against her skin already as their lips clashed together again, tongues tangling filthily as her legs fell open to cradle Anthony's hips. But he didn't stay there for long.
It felt as though he was everywhere, his lips on her neck his hands groping at her breasts through her dress, his body sliding against hers roughly as his hands slid up her thigh. He was staring up at her in the cramped back of the limousine, the privacy partition up as it always was, his lips hot against her legs as he slid her dress up further.
"There it is." His eyes were burning back at her in the darkness as his tongue traced the letter of the tattoo that had been half a joke when she'd inked it onto her inner thigh, the crown stark against her skin Lord Bridgerton. She'd meant it as a joke, and it had been until she'd seen the raw possession in his eyes and the growl in his throat and the almost feral way his hips had bucked against her the second they'd been alone again and it was the same almost every time.
It was the same now as his hands tore her underwear from her, the lace tearing in the quiet of the car as it moved through the city, people passing by unaware of Anthony on his knees in front of her.
God I thought about this all night
His tongue was laving gently over the skin of her thigh, his lips trailing upwards until he was hovering over her, his breath hot and heavy just as his gaze was, one of his hands hooked around her waist making it impossible for her to get away as if she'd ever want to.
The first touch of his tongue drew a desperate gasp from her lips, the noise echoing in the small space but it was drowned out by the growl that fell from Anthony's chest as he nestled closer. The strands if his hair were soft against her fingers as they twisted in it, holding him closer against her. His tongue was relentless against her, Anthony's fingertips were burning into the skin of her thigh, bruising gently against the ink there as his teeth nipped at her, and his lips sucked and his tongued fucked her desperately.
It crashed over her unexpectedly, a shiver running down her spine as she fell over the edge and yet Anthony didn't stop. Instead another feral growl fell from his lips and his fingers joined his tongue moving impossibly faster as her hips ground slowly against him, mindless words falling from her lips again and again as their eyes caught together. The air was think with tension and the smell of Anthony's cologne and them together mingling in the air. Kate could feel her entire body tightening, could see her vision blurring at the edges as Anthony pushed her closer and closer towards the edge and-
She fell again her entire body shaking, her thighs snapping closed around Anthony's ears just as the car rolled to a stop.
Anthony hummed happily as he emerged, sucking obscenely on his fingers, his eyes dancing as he neatened his hair, straightening his bowtie and tucking her torn underwear into the top pocket of his tux.
"are you alright babe?" He grinned infuriatingly. "You look a little flushed is all."
He tugged her dress down as he threw open the car door just in time for Kate to gasp.
"I hate you."
"No you don't." Anthony chuckled, tugging her from the car, holding her close to his chest as her legs wobbled.
"I do."
Anthony scoffed, "Well, if that's the case, you won't want to see how handsome I look this evening. I went to the gym for you especially."
Kate rolled her eyes at her infuriating fiancé but she was already burning for him as she threw the front door open. "Well, it would be rude of me to ignore all the effort you've put in for me."
"I have to agree."
"Pants off then, My Lord."
And really, she'd sit through a million more of those stupid charity functions just for the smile in his eyes.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 2 months
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 "Small folk" Thoughts
Just clarifying, these are my own thoughts, you don't like them, don't bother telling me so. Also, I'm not a book purist, I like adaptions taking putting their own spin on things - if it makes sense to do so. So, here were my thoughts. Obvs, this post is dark and full of spoilers.
Am I sad to say I was excited to see House Lefford? Give us more houses.
Jason ordering Aemond to come to him, it's just... my guy do you know Aemond? Are you serious?
Alicent got her cumuppence at the Council. I'm loving Olivia's portrayal of her fear and unease around Aemond.
Another Red Kraken Mention!!
I like that they let Aemond be smart at the Council and it lays the ground for him leaving King's Landing.
Ewan Mitchell's lil mmms are such a great character tic
Alicent, you're giving Serena Joy Waterford and it's not a good look on you
Corlys taking his place as Hand, there's so much in it, you can see he's sort of like I got all the power I wanted but... The cost.
Oh great now we're just making up Targaryens. Ryan, wtf
Why didn't they use this as an opportunity to introduce the other Valyrian houses? House Celtigar?
As glad as I am to see Viserys and Daemon scenes, I'm so done with Daemon at Harrenhal. Why couldn't we get him wandering the Riverlands actually doing something? Introducing new houses and such? New places?
Simon being so kind to Daemon, this isn't the first time that somebody went mad around him.
These are the scenes we should have at Harrenhal, Daemon and Alys plotting and discussing magic
I loved the Seasmoke scene. You can really sense the awe in which they hold the dragons but also the true danger of them. It's something I never felt in GoT. Also Seasmoke was side-eyeing Steffon like one of the raptors in Jurassic Park, that man was going to be a snack from the outset
Jace shouting Mother as they watch Steffon burn... Oh the irony
Dyana scenes.
Slap that old man, Rhaenyra. Slap him
Rhaenyra and her sword = Visenya
Mysaria as Rhaenyra's mistress is so special to me. Canonically bisexual Rhaenyra.
Larys, you're about as subtle as a fart in church
Aegon and Aemond scenes. Ewan and Tom play them so well. Aegon holding the lil ball, remembering his lil boy
Rhaena is going to be Nettles. That's no Morning, no reason for Daemon to fight Aemond, nothing.
Oh lil Stormcloud 😍
Disliking Jeyne Arryn. Why did they do her as an expy if Lysa?
Also, how is Rhaena going for a walk in the Eyrie? Did they wynch them down for a jaunt?
The Gay Abandon 😭😭😭
Addam and Alyn discussing their dad. Why does Corlys not pay Addam any mind? What happened there?
Where is Marilda of Hull???
Jace giving Mysaria the "I'm not calling you mom look"
Alicent with Aegon, the miscommunication, ugh the tragedy
Gwayne being a good brother to Alicent, these are the relationships we want to see complicated but expressive
Daeron mention. He's kind. (tell that to Bitterbridge)
Both Hightower siblings looking at Criston like 👁️👁️
I love Helaena's fringe tiara.
Helaena's panic, Alicent defending her daughter. The SPIKES
It's the same carriage from Rhaenyra and Alicent's first scene, she still has it 😭
Daemon was hoping that kid killed his grandad, he was like "maybe that kid is alright"
Seasmoke was choosing his own man like a mid-season Bridgerton
Seasmoke reminds me of my cat.
Apparently all dragons have stealth mode.
Rhaenyra's little "yes he does that" when they tell her about Seasmoke is me when my sister complains the cat is trying to sit on her shoulder.
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
🧠 how about your fav headcannon for each bridgerton sibling?
Anthony - is as invested in all of his nieces and nephews as he is with his own children. Any of his siblings or in-laws concerns for their own children become his concerns and he always does everything he can to assist the younger generation. He insists on paying for the best doctors should he hear of any nibling falling ill, and he is listed as the first port of call for any of his nephews attending Eton should a matter need to be discussed seeing as he's the most local.
Benedict - hosts art sessions at Aubrey Hall during the summer for his nieces and nephews who want to learn. He takes great pleasure in guiding them and showing them different art forms, and he's lucky that the kids who have shown an interest are all on the quieter and more retiring side. Benedict actually uses the art sessions as a way of weaseling his way out of seeing after the more chaotic children and as soon as he hears screaming and shouting from somewhere in the house, he simply gets up and shuts the door of the drawing room he's in with his group, pretending as if he heard nothing at all.
Colin - when Agatha turns three he gifts her a kitten, who she is immediately besotted with and carries around with her all the time. He had hoped to get revenge on Benedict naming the feral cat that roams around My Cottage after him, and tells Agatha that the kitten's name is Ben with a petty little grin - except, Agatha doesn't agree with the kitten's name and keeps calling him Bobby. When Colin snapped at her to call the kitten Ben, his little girl burst into tears and he realised he was putting his petty little gripe with his brother above Agatha's happiness, and he apologised by getting a collar with Bobby's name engraved to cheer her up.
Daphne - starts a hunting club for the Bridgerton ladies and competes with the men every year at Aubrey Hall with who can collect the most kills. Kate, Eloise, and Lucy make up the rest of the group and though they are outnumbered by the men, it's Daphne's strong-willed determination to best her husband and brothers that leads to the women's victory every single year, much to Anthony's chagrin.
Eloise - one of her favourite things to do as a parent is host little tea parties with her children, as well as her nieces and nephews. She quite happily sits in a chair far too small for her, let's one of the kids pop a funny hat on her, and she sits and converses with them just as she would with Penelope. She never puts on a softer voice or dumbs herself down for the children, treating them with the same respect and grace as she would anyone else.
Francesca - knits baby blankets for each and every one of her niblings. Following her miscarriage and during the years where she yearned for a baby, making the blankets made her feel melancholy for a life she was missing out on but she persisted nonetheless as it still brought her great joy to visit the nursery at Aubrey Hall and see her infant nieces and nephews snuggled up or clutching the blankets she had lovingly made.
Gregory - for whatever reason I think he'd really be into bird-watching. Hunting has never interested him and he much prefers to admire and watch game birds, and can quite happily sit still and watch in fascination as the birds go about their business. He'd have even picked up on and learnt to mimic bird calls and whistles, and later on with his nine children he has a specific bird call or whistle allocated to each of them that he uses to summon whichever one he's in need of.
Hyacinth - spent the last few years of Lady Danbury's life dutifully by her side and was as devastated as Gareth when she passed away peacefully in her sleep. She inherited a lot of Lady D's personal possessions including her jewellery, hats, and her walking stick (or as the great lady had coined herself; the stick of death). Hyacinth vowed to keep Lady Danbury's legacy alive and would regularly scare the shit out of her brothers when they heard the familiar smacking of the stick of death against the floor echoing down the hall, only for her to enter the room with the walking stick and laugh in their faces.
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hippolotamus · 1 year
Hippo my hippo, darling so sorry you’ve not been feeling great - hope things improve
All your wips excite me so!
I will ask questions now but do t feel you have to answer any or all!
Bridgerton au - will we get the under the table thunderstorm scene?? If so have you written any of it yet ? Can you share anything? 🥰
Twylexis- what type of historical period?
Cat!buck- love a magical au what colour cat???
Does the word Hope appear anywhere in anything? 😘
Sending hugs 😍
Thank you so much, dear Spots! And I am happy to answer all your questions. Your excitement is appreciated 🥰
Bridgerton AU: I've been informed (thank you @alyxmastershipper) that scene is from the book which I admittedly have not read, but now feel I must! So perhaps it will make an appearance???
Twylexis: This one starts in 1939, months before Canada entered WWII. The story will take place from then until some point after the war ends.
Cat!Buck - technically he could be any color since he can move between human and animal form, but I chose to make him a black cat with a white patch where his birthmark would be.
Hope shows up in two docs:
Bridgerton au: The design has been there since the estate was built, watching over each generation as they married and grew their own families. One day everything – the house and the land – will go to Christopher. Eddie can only hope his son is blessed with better fortune than he and Shannon were.
Twylexis:  The implication dances across Alexis’s skin, imprinting on her flesh. Making her dare to hope for what she wants it all to mean. She would be lying if she said her heart didn’t flutter. Like these devastatingly vulnerable moments haven’t been slowly cutting her to pieces.
send a wip wednesday ask
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hukkelberg · 3 months
full ask kept getting an error message so i'm seeing if splitting it up works.
this is obnoxiously long bc i am coping w s3 by thinking about pen in asoiaf-verse esp in light of asoiaf always providing v complicated family dynamics that bridgerton glosses over even tho the material is right there❤️ i am also offering a preemptive apology for harping on the arya/tyrion and pen parallels but i just love the thread between those characters of being the parent's (cat for arya, tywin for tyrion, and portia for penelope) least favorite kid despite being the most similar to that parent. okay so actually the tyrell turf is the reach (highgarden more specifically) - they managed to get out of the war of the 5 kings virtually untouched (aside from loras' death) but cersei is fucking them over despite the fact that they are allies in the last book released - i think marg (who would probably be best substituted by someone like daphne) is still being held captive by main westerosi religion's army (that cersei just. let them have bc that woman is genuinely stupid. that whole shame meme came from that same army also imprisoning her. she literally did not even consider that being a problem even tho no westeros king has ever let religious leaders have armies for that reason specifically). i stopped watching the show in s4 bc dany is my girl and by that point the final season had dropped so i saw no reason to continue given how they massacred her. decently sure the tyrells end up completely or near completely killed off in show but it was one of the really weird show decisions everyone hated and grrm had no hand in so the asoiaf tyrell fate is v ??? still. esp now that marg's dad knows cersei had his daughter imprisoned on false charges and is heading to king's landing to deal w it in a v anthony challenging simon to a duel way - anthony would be having an excellent time. his problem solving methods are hilariously well-suited to this world. all of that does sound like the bridgertons could manage it tbh? also wrt benedict i think he would be killed like loras - sorry benedict. genuinely no clue how he would be spending his time in this world. maybe he lives somehow and is then pen's househusband? the tully turf is in the riverlands, which are completely fucked by the war. i actually thought a lot about pen having tully ancestry since she has tully coloring (the red hair and blue eyes) but i didn't like it bc the tully house has extremely mediocre sigil + words which would be annoying to me personally. i do think portia being from the riverlands and ending up w a northern husband like cat could work tho. pen's family could be somewhat influential in that case but still looked down on by southern westerosi bc of their different culture and distance from king's landing. the north is also v fucked by the war so it would still fit. my other thought was pen's family being a kind of mormont equivalent - jorah fucked them over by racking up debt and then resorting to selling ppl into slavery and then getting exiled. sounds kinda familiar for the featheringtons. issue w that is that the mormont girls are known for being trained to fight bc the ironborn constantly bother them and that's not the vibe to me for pen's family? idk tho - faceless men do also receive fight training so it would be helpful later on ig. (1/3)
oh friend dont get me started on season 3 we'll be here all day (they're never gonna go where we want them to are they? Thats the mark of a goodbad show)
okay!! i got it, i just didn't know the name i was thinking abt the riverlands bc i remember seeing someone say how their position in the centre of it all means every army trudges past them and i was like lmao the bridgertons cannot hold that territory. i think margaery = daphne is inspired what i wouldn't give for daphne to be half as cunning as margaery. a terror for high society tbh. Anthony's sense of honour is sometimes medieval (#commentary not approved by a historian, please refer to jacques le goff or whomever for confirmation) so i think it fits in a way. this world is laxer in some ways which i think would loosen anthony up a little, but in a way which mirrors the more outwardly violent way of westeros (his temper shall be fearsome).
hear me out wrt ben: willas tyrell (if that's his name), the older one with the bad leg. Anthony is still the head of the house, but ben was apprenticing with the kingsguard or whateve, and he got in an "accident" (everyone is envious of the bridgertons as usual but here they actually do something about it) i think it'd be wonderful if he went back disabled and everyone was bemoaning it and he was like "this ruins my chances of marriage but at least i don't have to kill anybody" meanwhile COLIN is loras--super well loved, athletic and handsome. i suppose he gets killed. pen would most definitely get a crush on him like that, in that way sansa used to dream of knights and then. Well. If we go the penben route, which i am always happy to entertain, i think it'd be very cute if they reunite after she comes back and he's got his bad leg and ruined future and is so confused about why she'd want him when she's so grand and powerful, and it'd be a lovely role reversal.
re: the featheringtons i agree about the tully colouring but i don't think portia has the tully character. I personally cannot picture any of the featheringtons as northerners whatsoever, not even the mormonts. i don't think they'd last a day past the vale (thats where lysa tully is right? I've not been googling anything I'll have you know sjjdjd). My take is they're affiliated with the lannisters. I think perhaps featherington is a vassal lannister house, which drew portia in on reputation and wealth, which featherington immediately squandered and was probably disposed of by tywin, if he could be bothered to deal with the minor flies. then the wars started and he just let the featherington house to rot or sacrificed them or something. probably took their house etc. you can use that to forge a connection with tyrion, even.
0 notes
frost-queen · 3 months
First birthday (Baby!Reader & Bridgerton Siblings)
Requested by: @winter-solstice24 Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m
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“Is everything in order?” – Violet asked looking nervously around. One hand on her stomach, as her other hand was close to her mouth. Muttering out numbers as she was counting the decorations. The drawing room in festivities. Francesca and Daphne were folding napkins to present something celebrating. Colin entered the drawing room carrying a pot with yellow flowers.
“Oh no!” – Violet called out, startling everyone. – “No! no God no!” – She started waving her hand across, making Colin furrow his brows. – “Out! Out with it!” – Violet insisted on. – “But I thought…” – Colin spoke. – “Out.” – she repeated as Colin picked up the pot once more. With a loud groan, he left once more.
Violet moved her thumb to her lips. – “Where are the blue flowers?” – she mumbled in wonder. Eloise and Benedict called out for her to duck as she went down quickly. Over her head they moved the decorative garland to hang above the fireplace.
Hyacinth and Gregory sat by the cakes, whispering to each other which one they would eat first. Anthony neared them, slapping Gregory on his hand as he saw a curious finger go towards the cakes. Gregory whined looking up to his brother. – “No.” – Anthony said with a simple scowl. Colin entered again holding another pot. – “These one’s then?” – he asked.
Violet let out a loud ‘yes’ out of excitement. – “By the window.” – she pointed out. Colin following her instructions. Anthony came by his mother’s side, placing a hand against her lower back. – “It is lovely mama.” – he said bringing a smile on her. Eloise had her arms up as Benedict was trying to pin the garland up.
“I find it an awfully big fuss for a birthday.” – she spoke, puffing some hair out of her face. – “It is her first.” – Daphne replied with a soft glare. – “It is not like she would remember it.” – Eloise answered sticking her tongue out afterwards. Daphne groaned, turning her posture away from her as she felt ridiculed.
Violet looked around the room once more, counting the heads of her children. One, two, three, four…by the time she was nearing the full number she gasped loud. – “Who’s watching Y/n?” – she shouted in full panic. The Bridgerton Siblings all turned to look in shock at mama and each other. Eyes wide with fear as they thought for sure one of them was watching you. – “Y/n! “- Anthony called out expecting you to speak back.
He lowered himself looking low by the floor for you. – “Y/n!” – Colin shouted getting on his knees to go through the room swiftly. Gregory and Hyacinth ducked, pulling the tablecloth up to see if you were underneath it. Daphne got up, searching through the pillows as it annoyed Eloise.
“Truly sister do you think our baby sister would be underneath the pillows? She is small but not that small.” – Eloise commented, receiving another glare from Daphne. – “Y/n!” – Anthony shouted again, going to the second part of the drawing room. Panting loud with worry as he hastened himself to find you.
Violet started to worry as Francesca gave her comfort by rubbing her hand up Violet’s arm. Benedict started searching in all areas where you could hide. Making half a mess of it. Violet yelped loud as he was wrecking her decorations. – “Do you want to find Y/n or not?” – Benedict said loud, holding some decorations in his hand. Violet nodded as Benedict threw the decorations on the ground, continuing his search.
Violet felt a sting of pain seeing her celebration be wrecked. The door opened. A maid entering, holding a baby. – “Look who I found.” – she said happily. All their heads turned in her direction. You smiled, slapping your hand up and down. Anthony sighed relieved, rushing over to her. Benedict pushed Eloise aside to reach you first.
Colin got pushed back to the ground as he tried to get up by Gregory. He was laughing loud as it might be deliberately. Benedict took you from the maid, holding you in his arms. – “Oh Y/n.” – he breathed out, holding your head against his cheek. 
He started bouncing you in his grip, sussing you. Anthony took you from his brother. He held you at arm’s length. – “Don’t do that again.”  - he said sternly. Your reaction was to make some baby sounds and laugh. Anthony’s eyes widened, immediately melting at your sweetness.
He brought you close, to hug. – “You’ll squash her!” – Hyacinth called out. Anthony gave you to Violet. – “You had me worried there birthday girl.” – she spoke moving around the drawing room to sit. All of your siblings followed her, coming to sit as well. Violet sat you down on her lap, laying your dress neatly.
Francesca came over holding a paper crown in her hand. Violet laughed at that, placing it on top of your head. It was too big of course as it fell down, blinding you half. Violet kept laughing removing it from your head as you were already grabbing for it.
Daphne and Colin started giving out cake for everyone. Violet held your plate. – “Happy birthday Y/n!” – they all cheered raising their plate with cake. Your eyes twinkled at the sight of cake. With your eager hands, you grabbed for it. Tearing a piece from it to stuff in your mouth. Cheeks dirty with sugar and cake crumbs.
Violet gave your plate to Gregory beside her to clean your mouth. There were presents that Violet opened for you. After a while you got placed on the ground. Gregory and Hyacinth sitting with you playing with some of the dolls for you. Your elder siblings chatting away. Gregory and Hyacinth started to give more attention to their own game as they had little eye for you.
You looked up to the big world around you. Something catching your eye. Reaching for the sofa, you rose your hands up. Taking a hold of the sofa as you started pulling yourself up with every might. It was nothing new. Something you could do for almost a month now. Pull yourself up and stand. You squealed loud, smiling at your siblings.
Benedict caught your eye as you started opening and closing your hand at him. Benedict who was going for a third piece of cake, noticed it. With his mouth stuffed, he waved back at you. It made you giggle loud with a sharp squeal. Out of excitement you started thumping your foot on the ground. Bouncing with your body. Holding your hand out, you slowly opened and closed it.
Your lips trying to form something. – “MMM.” – was the first thing that came out. – “Ma!” – you squealed out as it sounded almost as your usual squeals. – “Mama.” – you finally formed as barely anyone heard it. – “Mama.” – you repeated once more as Anthony seemed to have heard it. He immediately silenced his siblings to be sure if he had heard it right.
“Did… did you just speak Y/n?” – he asked as all eyes turned to you. You kept grabbing with your hand at him, slowly letting go of the sofa with your other hand. – “Mama.” – you said balancing on your feet without holding anything. Your siblings all gasped in surprise, cheering for your first words. You got caught up with their excitement, moving your foot forwards. Like catching yourself, your feet stumbled forwards, making you stumble for balance right towards Anthony.
“Mama.” – you called out stumbling over to Anthony. Anthony had lowered himself, arms open to welcome you. A wide smile on his lips, proud of his baby sister taking her first steps. Violet and your siblings were going feral that you were making such a big progress. You stumbled into Anthony’s arms as he moved his arms around you, picking you up.
“Look at you Y/n.” – he said proudly with swelled up eyes. – “To me now, to me!” – Hyacinth called out wanting you to walk up to her. Anthony set you down in the right direction towards Hyacinth. Hyacinth sat down, arms open to welcome you. Laughing loud, you started walking stumbly towards her. You paused, looking around. Changing course, you stumbled over to Violet, wanting your mama.
Hyacinth looked bummed when you wouldn’t walk up to her. Violet picked you up, giving you a big kiss against your cheek. – “My sweet little girl.” – she whispered. Proud of you and all that you had achieved on such a celebrating day.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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fodenswhore · 2 years
Mason Mount Instagram Imagines
{pov: you’re an actress staring in the Netflix show Bridgerton and you’re dating mason mount.}
~ i do not own any of these images, they were all found on pinterest, credit to original owners ~
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liked by masonmount, nicolacoughlan, jbayleaf and others
yourusername the cats outta the bag🐈‍⬛…
tagged: @bridgertonnetflix
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↳ yourusername thank you my lovely xx
masonmount so very proud of you❤️
↳ yourusername i love you x
benchilwell you’re gonna smash it y/n!
↳ yourusername cheers chilly🫡
jazbenham y/n + bridgerton = heaven
↳ yourusername 😘😘
_fernhawkins can’t wait girly!
declanrice 🔥💪🏻
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liked by sasha_rebecca, masonmount, cmpulisic and others
yourusername did someone say ice cream?
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lukenewtonuk yes🍦
jbayleaf @luketroom you look physically pained
↳ yourusername the flake was that good
↳ luketroom leave me alone ok
↳ simoneasshley leave him the flake alone
↳ yourusername flake off
↳ luketroom 🙄🙄
nicolacoughlan i want an ice cream
↳ yourusername bringing you one rn🏃🏼‍♀️
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liked by jbayleaf, nicolacoughlan, bridgertonnetflix and others
yourusername license to kill😎
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jbayleaf would not like to be on the other end of those gun fingers
↳ lukenewtonuk me neither
↳ simoneasshley watch out boys😉
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liked by sasha_rebecca, masonmount, simoneasshley and others
yourusername i couldn’t help myself :)
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declanrice don’t you go breaking anything kid
↳ yourusername alright mum🙄
cmpulisic surprised they let you hold that with your history of dropping things
↳ yourusername oh cheers puli
↳ cmpulisic anytime
↳ yourusername don’t make me post that embarrassing video of you doing the wap dance
↳ masonmount stop bullying eachother
_fernhawkins the camera is bigger than you
↳ yourusername bugger off you x
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liked by masonmount, jorginhofrello, jbayleaf and others
yourusername and that’s a wrap on @bridgertonnetflix season 2! i’ve had the absolute best time and met so many great people, i can’t wait for you all to see it <3
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sasha_rebecca so so proud of you!!
↳ yourusername reckon you’re my biggest fan
↳ sasha_rebecca course i am
declanrice can’t wait to see it!
↳ yourusername i’m afraid it’s not suitable for children
↳ declanrice mason she’s bullying me again.
↳ masonmount don’t worry y/n, i’ll cover his eyes and ears during the rude parts🤣
↳ declanrice 😑😑😑
sophiaaemelia i’m forcing kai to watch it
↳ kaihavertz are you?
↳ sophiaaemelia yes.
jazbenham well done hunny! now hurry back home, summer misses her auntie y/n❤️
↳ yourusername aw jaz! tell summer i’ll be home asap for some snuggles!!
📍Stamford Bridge
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liked by chelseafc, masonmount, cesarazpi, and others
yourusername back at my fave place watching my fave boy do what he does best💙
tagged: @masonmount
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masonmount 🤍🤍i love you
chelseafc welcome back y/n!
sophieaemelia she’s backkkkk
↳ yourusername she is ;)
jazbenham up the chels!
↳ yourusername summer chanting that makes my heart burst omg
↳ jazbenham hmmmm sounds like you have baby fever?
↳ yourusername defo not, summer’s just cute🤧
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liked by masonmount, nicolacoughlan, lukenewtonuk and others
yourusername Bridgerton season 2 is now streaming on netflix! stop what you’re doing and go watch it rn.
view all comments
bridgertonnetflix you heard the lady! go watch it!
sophiaaemelia KAI!!!
↳ kaihavertz get the tv on then!
chelseafc congrats y/n!!💙
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liked by phoebedynevor, cesarazpi, jorginhofrello and others
yourusername met gala 2022🌷
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megan_davison_ THE DRESS😍😍
sasha_rebecca you look stunning darling x
↳ yourusername thank you sash xx
cesarazpi you look lovely y/n!
↳ yourusername thank you azpi!
declanrice proud of you kidda x
↳ yourusername thanks dec🥺
_fernhawkins gorgeous girl🔥
↳ yourusername stop it you x
kaihavertz29 well done y/n!
↳ yourusername thanks kai x
Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, cesarazpi, reecejames and others
masonmount insanely proud of you🫶🏻
tagged: @yourusername
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yourusername aw mase i love u xxx
yourusername no seriously you’re too sweet
yourusername 🥹🥹🥹
benchilwell where’s my appreciation post???
↳ yourusername you weren’t invited to the met gala so no appreciation post for u chilly
↳ benchilwell :(
↳ masonmount 🤣🤣
declanrice mate you’ve gone soft
↳ yourusername you’re just jealous bc mase loves me more than you
↳ declanrice well that’s just not true
↳ yourusername it is!
↳ masonmount it is true
↳ yourusername ha!
📍Verona, Italy
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liked by chelseafc, fernhawkins, phoebedynevor and others
yourusername he’s flown me to Italy!!
tagged: @masonmount
view all comments
masonmount gotta treat my girl
↳ yourusername i’m a very lucky lady🥵
declanrice um where was my invite?
↳ yourusername u don’t deserve one
↳ declanrice bring me back a present then?
↳ yourusername ffs🤣🤣
↳ benchilwell get me one too!
↳ timowerner and me!
phoebedynevor pretty lady😍
↳ yourusername come ere’ u!
nicolacoughlan have fun darling!
jazbenham you two enjoy yourselves❤️
321 notes · View notes
babybridgerton · 2 years
little women part one: the bridgertons
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Summary: The Bridgerton sisters are closer than most but the trials of womanhood might just tear these little women apart.
A/N: Please let me know if you enjoy. Also feel free to imagine the Bridgertons as whoever I don't describe them or Y/N only the love interests. Speaking of love interests, I have cast Laurie Laurence as Dev Patel, again you can picture whoever.
Please note: 1) the Bridgerton boys will not be in this fic and 2) a significant portion of the dialogue is lifted from the Little Women (2019) script.
little women masterlist | next part
Eloise Bridgerton is a beautiful young woman. She knows this. She is also a very smart young woman. Unfortunately only one of those traits is useful for a young woman in society. She hopes this will help her chances in her upcoming meeting.
Striding slowly to a large wooden door, she wipes her hand on her skirt before knocking sharply.
She steps in, hoping to appear confident in front of everyone. Despite the room being full of men working, no one even looks at her. Most don’t realise she’s even there.
Eloise scans the room, searching for Mr Dashwood. When she can’t see him, she walks over to the only man actually paying attention.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for Mr Dashwood.”
The old man just stares. She smiles, a little unnerved, a little confused. He very pointedly looks at his name plate, ‘Mr Dashwood’.
Eloise whispers under her breath, “Of course you are.” She clears her throat then holds out some papers to him, “A friend of mine wanted me to hand in a story she wrote. And to ask if she can write more, if it suits.”
“Not a first attempt, I take it?” He snatches them from her, giving the words a quick scan.
“No, sir. She has sold to other papers and won prizes for her stories.”
“Yes. Sir.”
He looks her up and down with thinly veiled disdain. “Sit.”
She does so, pressing her hands firmly into her lap to cover the ink stains.
Dipping his pen in the ink pot, Mr Dashwood begins some ‘alterations’. In actuality, he’s crossing out entire paragraphs or pages. Then he slaps the paper on his desk, startling the young woman across from him.
Eloise watches with despair, all of her work being destroyed so easily by some man who apparently thinks his lavatory doesn’t smell.
Through the fog in her ears, his voice grumbles. “We’ll take it.”
“We’ll take it. With alterations.” Mr Dashwood doesn’t even wait for the ink to dry, just gathers the pages together. “It’s far too long.”
Eloise takes her work back, brows furrowed at the lines marring her loopy script, “You’ve cut so much.” She notices his ‘are-you-seriously-going-to-argue’ expression and clarifies, “I made sure some of the sinners repent.”
“People want to be amused, not preached at. Even after Lady Whistledown’s gossip column stopped, her influence means morals don’t sell nowadays.” Mr Dashwood looks down his nose at Eloise, “Perhaps mention that to your ‘friend’.”
“What compensation –”
She looks down at her work, she knows it’s worth more but she needs the money. “You can have it. Make the edits.”
He hands her the money, and she reluctantly returns the story.
Eloise stands, brushing her skirt. Mr Dashwood eyes her ink-stained fingers with mild amusement.
She meets his eye, “Should I tell my friend you’ll take another? If she had one.”
Mr Dashwood sighs, “We’ll look at it. Tell her to make it short and spicy. Oh and if the main character is a girl, make sure she’s either married or dead by the end.”
“I’m sorry?”
He ignores her, pen in hand again, “What name?”
“Oh, none at all please.”
“If that’s what ‘she’ prefers.”
“Good day, sir.”
She practically runs from the office, attracting the ire of some of the men around her. Then once she’s outside, she picks up her skirts and sprints.
A sweet little cat meets Eloise at the front door of the boarding house she lives in. The tuxedo kitten stretches and meows, so she picks him up. “You know, my Frannie would love you, Muffin.”
She makes her way to the drawing room, kissing Muffin on the head and dropping him on a seat near the crackling fire. Eloise turns her back to the fire, warming her body while she writes.
She hears loud conversation and pops her head up to see her favourite people in the world (bar her family). Philip Crane and his two young children, Oliver and Amanda are the best part of living in the city.
“Hello Miss Eloise!” The two duck in just to give her a hug before they run to their apartment.
As she watches them leave, she makes eye contact with Mr Crane, his eyes are bright with the infectious joy of his children. He steps into the room, the light of the fire highlighting his profile. Eloise has never been more jealous of her sister Y/N’s artistic ability, she wishes she could paint him just where he stands. She’ll have to settle for her writing.
“Good afternoon, Miss Bridgerton.”
“Good afternoon, Mister Crane.”
In an attempt to appear casual, she returns to her work.
He admires her for a moment then frowns, “You’re on fire.”
“Thank you.”
“No, you’re on fire.” He points to her skirt. The back of her dress has caught on fire. She puts it out quickly, face burning with humiliation.
“No, don’t worry! I have the same habit.” He shows her scorch marks on his jacket.
Eloise smiles and takes a step towards him when the matron of the house interrupts.
“Your children are waiting.” She smacks Philip’s arm softly but can’t help her delighted expression over the two connecting.
“Sorry Mr Crane, Oliver and Amanda need me.” Eloise takes the matron’s arm and heads to the door.
“Tell them I will be a little later tonight, still in time to tell them their bedtime story.”
Eloise looks over her shoulder, “Of course. Perhaps you can tell them about my sister’s adventures in Paris.”
Y/N Bridgerton is a beautiful young woman. She knows this. She is also a very talented artist. Although that second part has been a source of doubt in her life.
She was in an art lesson with some of the best young painters in Paris. The class had to paint a traditional scene of friends at a picnic and as Y/N looked around, she noticed something concerning. The artist next to her was exceptional. His work was bright and colourful, loose lines and flat colours. Original and unique to himself. Hers was detailed and realistic, special care taken with light and shade. An imitation rather than an innovative piece of work. The realisation that she wasn’t a future genius or some incredible prodigy terrified her.
Disheartened by the lesson, Y/N sits in the open air carriage with her aunt, basking in the cool breeze brushing her face. She holds a folded letter from home tight to her chest. If she closed her eyes she’s certain she’d feel their love seeping through her clothes. Her aunt is complaining about something or other, a hobby she enjoyed far too often.
“I tell you, the decadents have ruined Paris, if you ask me. These French women couldn’t lift a hairbrush.”
Y/N doesn’t respond.
“Y/N!” The girl in question jolts, turning to her aunt, “I said, ‘These French women couldn’t lift a hairbrush.’”
“Oh yes, ha ha. Very true Aunt Ledger.”
“Don’t humour me, girl.” Aunt Ledger keeps her tone even but when she looks at the letter in her niece’s lap, her almost unshakeable facade wavers. She hides her distress with a sneer, “What do they write, your troublemaking family?”
“Mama hasn’t written about Francesca yet, I really should go back.” Y/N opens the letter again, “They say I should stay.”
“There’s nothing for you to do if you go back. She’s sick, not lonely.” Aunt Ledger ignores Y/N’s foul glare, blabbering on, “And you shouldn’t go home until you’re engaged to Fred Vaughn.”
Y/N folds the letter again, tucking it away safely, “Yes and completed my painting lessons of course.”
Aunt Ledger waves her off, “Yes, yes of course.”
Y/N returns to people-watching, upset by the lack of proper communication from her family and her aunt’s nastiness. A tall man with curly dark hair and soft dark skin walks past, hands tucked deep into his pockets.
Y/N jumps up in her seat, tapping the driver impatiently, “STOP STOP STOP! IT’S LAURIE!” She hikes up her skirts and runs to the man crying “LAURIE!”
Laurie turns, notices a woman draped in purple running towards him, screaming his name. As she jumps into his arms, he realises it’s Y/N, that sweet girl from his childhood.
He spins her around, laughing brightly. When they separate, she grabs his hands and he squeezes hers gently, “Y/N, you’ve grown up so much! It’s wonderful to see you.”
“You wrote you’d come to the hotel!” Her brows furrow softly.
He can’t take his eyes from her, roaming her face to memorise every detail, “I looked for you, I couldn’t find you anywhere.”
“Clearly you didn’t look hard enough.”
“Maybe I just didn’t recognize you, you’ve become so beautiful.” He moves their hands to the side and steps back, nodding at her.
Y/N wrinkles her nose, “Please don’t.”
“I thought you liked that sort of thing!”
“Well I don’t.” She smiles again, “Where’s your grandfather?”
“Still in Germany.” He finally pulls his hands away to put them behind his back, “I’m on my own, traveling and having fun.”
Y/N teases him, “And drinking and gambling and flirting…”
Laurie looks so horrified that if Y/N didn’t know better, she would’ve thought he was genuinely scandalised. “Please don’t tell your mother.”
“So you’re chasing some girl around Europe?” Y/N’s expression drops, “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t believe when I heard Eloise turned you down.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m not.” He’s lying for the moment but not that he’s seen Y/N again, it could be true.
Aunt Ledger interrupts the sweet moment, shrieking, “Y/N! Y/N BRIDGERTON! YOU GET BACK HERE NOW!”
Y/N pulls Laurie along by his hand and they run back to the carriage, “Coming Aunt Ledger!”
After he helps Y/N into her seat, Laurie kisses Aunt Ledger on the cheek, “You look marvellous as always.”
“GET OFF ME! GO, GO!” With surprising strength, the crabby old woman pushes Laurie away and smacks the driver.
The carriage pulls away but Y/N kneels on her seat to call out to her friend, “Come to the New Year’s Party! It’ll be so much fun - everyone will be there, including Fred!” She’s about to turn away when she remembers, “Pick me up at the hotel at eight! And dress for festivities! Top hats and silks!”
“I will, I’ll wear my best silk!” He smiles and waves her off.
She grins and sits back down, ignoring her aunt’s ranting.
Laurie stays there a little longer, admiring the woman he reunited with. He walks away with a load lifted from his chest.
Y/N can’t help but take one last look at him before he’s gone again. He was still just as handsome as ever and she knows. She will never stop loving him.
Daphne Basset (née Bridgerton) is a beautiful young woman. She knows this. She is also a very tired new mother. Despite her intense love for her children, she cannot help but envy those who have not faced the same struggles she has.
Daphne watches her ‘friend’ Cressida Berbrooke wander around the shop, luxurious silks draped over the blonde’s arms. A small part of her wishes she could do the same, unworried about the cost of her purchase.
Cressida is the type of young lady who has never wanted for anything, everything has been given to her. So when she looks over at her ‘dearest’ friend, who eyes a soft green silk, her heart bleeds. “Daphne, that colour would do wonders for your skin tone, and I know the perfect dressmaker to help you.”
Daphne drops the silk and whips around to Cressida, “No, no, no I couldn’t possibly. Simon needs a new coat and the twins need new clothes.”
Cressida’s tone is spiteful, having been spoiled her whole life, she enjoys embarrassing her ‘friends’. “And you need a new dress.”
Daphne tries to hide her expression, aware of what Cressida’s doing,
“I can’t.”
“But he’ll be so pleased with how you look that he’ll forget all about the expense.” The blonde giggles.
Silk wasn’t that expensive, was it? “I suppose it’s not too much of an extravagance.”
The sales clerk seizes his opportunity, “Will twenty yards do?”
Daphne nods, “Yes, thank you.”
Her heart is warm with delight as she leaves with Cressida. When she gets home, the full force of guilt hits her. “What was I thinking?”
Her daughters play in the garden as she enters, dropping the large amount of silk on the dining table. She sits down on the porch, her regret almost overwhelming.
The twins run towards her, “Mummy!” They hug her tightly and she tucks her face into their shoulders to hide her tears. When they run off again, she’s thankful for the weight they lift. Even if it’s just for the moment.
Francesca Bridgerton is a beautiful young woman. She knows this. She also knows that she’s living on borrowed time. Her body is slowly giving up on her, for all her and her mother’s best efforts.
Frannie has always loved playing the pianoforte. It was something her family bonded over, and every time she plays now, those memories come flooding back.
Her favourite song to play was an old lullaby her mother and sisters used to sing. Their voices blend with the piano melody in her head.
Her hand suddenly seizes, pain searing into her bones. She brings the hand to her chest, flexing it and breathing through the pain. When she lays her hands on top of the piano, the sunlight warms them from the inside, soothing the pain ever so slightly.
Her mother’s voice calls from another room, “Frannie? Francesca!”
She can’t bring herself to respond.
After her lessons with Oliver and Amanda finish, Eloise has plenty of free time before the matron’s curfew. She decides to go to the theatre, a venue that once seemed too extravagant for someone like her. But the theatre she frequented allowed people who couldn’t buy tickets to stand at the back and enjoy the play.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is playing, a play she’d always wanted to see performed. She’s enraptured, giggling at the appropriate moments, commenting on things with the man next to her.
During Helena’s soliloquy, Philip Crane looks around the theatre, watching people’s reactions to her heartfelt speech. He’s seen the play enough times that he could probably quote it by heart.
He turns in his seat, having always found the reactions of the people in the back’s reactions to be the most interesting.
There he sees Eloise Bridgerton, bright and delightful as always. She seems entranced by Helena’s performance and he can’t help the smile on his face.
When the play ends, Eloise follows Philip and his friends to a beer hall, hoping to a) get to know him better and b) finally make some friends in the city.
She’s stopped on the stairs by a young man, speaking a foreign language. He holds a hand out and gestures to the makeshift dance floor.
“I only speak English sorry!” She cries, beaming at the sweet man.
“Come dance!” He clearly learned this phrase for this situation, so she rewards his pragmatism, joining him in a jig.
The dance is free, unstructured and unchoreographed. Couples spin wildly, whirl around each other and some swap partners as they go. Eloise slowly makes her way to Philip, who gives her his hands. She dances the night away with this kind man, the joy radiating from their bodies even as they return to the boarding house. The matron locks up behind them, chuckling quietly to herself. Clearly she seems to know something they don’t.
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volterran-wine · 3 years
Duty, Friends & Fun || Santiago (HC)
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Requested by Anonymous: "Hi Nathalie, how are you? I was re-reading some of your latest works and if you still take requests for headcanons I would love to ask one. Could you write some Santiago hc, so he won't be anymore the third wheel of his group friends? The poor babe deserves some happiness <3"
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Good evening dearest Anonymous, I am well thank you; especially after watching the latest season of Bridgerton and being inspired to write even more Volturi balls. But on to your request! Of course we need to make sure Santiago is no longer the third wheel, he deserves as much. Though Corin and Afton may just make some cameo appearances... even in Santiago's own headcanons.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
Santiago can sometimes come across as quite an intimidating figure. Especially when the other transitionary guards often gossip about how he is one of the few vampires who can challenge Felix to a fight. And it didn't really help that the entire guard once witnessed a match between Felix, Caius and Santiago; every new recruit suddenly understood why the coven was so unmatched.
He is in fact one of the friendliest members of The Volturi, often greeting new members and seeing if they can hit it off as friends.
The only time Santiago will be truly unpleasant is when he loses during game nights in the recreation room, he is a little bit of a sore loser; and Afton often makes sure the games are rigged in his friends favour.
Santiago is known to often bicker about what good style is with Demetri. The tracker claims that Santiago simply wants to be flashy, while Santiago claims that Demetri is a fashion snob who would not know good taste even if it hit him in the face. They brawled over it once before Felix broke up the fight.
While Santiago has no pets of his own, he does have a fondness for the two cats that reside in the Palazzo. Therefore he feeds Heidi's cat Gustav and Demetri's cat Elizabeth when they are both away performing their duties. It is not uncommon to find the two felines climbing all over Santiago's big shoulders.
He is absolutely in love with his vampirism, and is not ashamed to gush about it even to vegetarian vampires. In his eyes he is now able to live out a life he could not even dream of as a human.
Wanted to know what champagne was like so bad he got Corin involved. He hounded her for months, trying to convince her to expand her wine making to involve blood-champagne. He ended up as her assistant and the two of them were in fact successful, presenting the concoction at a Volturi Ball in 1892. In the process they learned that not all vampires react well to carbonated drinks.
On a trip to Monaco with Afton he almost got caught counting cards and all sorts of illicit affairs when it comes to gambling. While it did make the two of them quite a bit wealthy, it was not worth the scolding the both of them got from Caius upon their return.
Santiago is one of few vampires in The Volturi who actually has tattoos. Most of them are markings from his home in Brazil, connecting him to his life as a human. Looking at them makes him feel a little bit nostalgic, though his memories are fuzzy. In the modern day he has tried multiple times to put a tattoo gun to his skin, though every needle to date has simply splintered upon impact. He truly hopes that newly turned vampires feel the itch for tattoos so bad they figure out a way to do it.
Another quirk of Santiago's is that he liked to work out even though it does not actually do much for him. He does it because he loves the routine of it all, it has almost become a form of relaxation and mediation for him; letting him zone out for an hour or so.
Loves it whenever a mission takes The Volturi into more unoccupied areas of the world, even if they are rare these days. There is something exceptionally freeing about running through a forest in his eyes.
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thecraftymagician · 2 years
A request for whenever you want: modern M6 and their favorite TV shows?
(Tumblr needs to stop deleting my stuff ugh!)
Okay let's try this again! I tried to use different genres and there are a few listed I haven't seen but have heard of that just make sense. I'm not sure especially after everything if anyone will be into things that are too intense or dark but their are a few
Modern M6's Favorite TV Shows
I can totally see Asra being into trashy reality romance shows. Mostly out of morbid curiosity or flat out hate watch, his favorite being 90 Day Fiancé. The one they actually do enjoy is Catfish and might get too invested/emotional with some couples.
Their all time favorite is probably heart felt like The Good Place or maybe This Is Us. They primarily enjoy rom-coms like Gilmore Girls, Jane the Virgin, New Girl, etc.
Likes to watch Rick and Morty or the Midnight Gospel to just chill and vibe with.
She would love most thing's Shondaland; Scandal, even Bridgerton (she doesn't care if it's a guilty pleasure) yet isn't as into Gossip Girl. She also likes Castle and detective dramedies like it. Even House of Cards is just so intriguing to her.
She likes Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy much to Julian's dismay. I can see her liking royalty biopics too like the Crown. It might not be completely accurate but it's entertaining.
At the same time she's kinda picky. She'll try most things but sometimes she just can't get into a show for whatever reason.
His favorites are things he doesn't have to think about after a long day but still enjoys a good anthology. He likes the Great British Bake Off for this reason and because they're all so nice to each other!
While he loves certain concepts and characters he just can't sit through most medical dramas (Scrubs however, he loves because it's a goofy fun time). He's open to most things and actually can get into alot of different shows. I'm almost convinced he'd love Sherlock or Doctor Who, definitely loves The Mandalorian and Andor.
I can see him liking period shows like the Marvelous Ms. Maisel or Downton Abbey (Nadia recommended it). I also get the feeling he'd like Better Call, Saul!
He'll watch whatever is on but isn't super partial to anything. When he watches something on his own or gets to pick there's a pattern in themes or aesthetics though.
Hilda, Anne with an E, and to an extent Outlander (sometimes might skip through scenes) are his favorites. He prefers light hearted, cozy shows but isn't opposed to some good plot heavy shows. Will cry when his favorites end or get cancelled.
At the same time just PBS cooking, travel, and gardening shows specifically are his favorite to put on in the background.
She gets really into the darker, spooky scary stuff like Black Mirror and American Horror Story alongside the Walking Dead. She has her own theories for everything! (Nadia also got her into Good Girls.)
I can see her getting really into Cartoon Network shows like Infinity Train, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Adventure Time, Over the Garden Wall, ect. She'd also love Summer Camp Island.
Besides that she's just really into Fantasy and Adventure. She's pretty open to trying out any show especially if it has those elements.
He has seen all of Jersey Shore and every single spinoff. No one is shocked, those are his comfort shows. He likes other reality TV like Big Brother too. I could see him liking Shameless for the same absurd antics and comedy.
As much as he loves adult comedies like South Park, and Big Mouth he does like other animated shows. Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Cat-Dog, and obviously Fairly Odd-Parents to name a few. Basically, any cartoon from the 90s.
Still sometimes he gets invested in other shows but usually it's because someone else got him into it like How I Met Your Mother. In which case it'll be a struggle to get him to not binge it on his own.
Shows they all enjoy or even get together to watch:
Steven Universe, What We Do In The Shadows, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Friends, The Office, Parks and Rec, The Witcher, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things (maybe), Bojack Horseman (They refuse to let anyone/each other watch it alone though), Gravity Falls, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Kora, The Good Place, Archer, Bob's Burgers, Bluey (I said what said), The Owl House, Letterkenny, Cheers, etc.
They are acutely aware of which characters they match up with each show and find it hilarious. Well everyone but Lucio for obvious reasons. (If anyone wants those matches, just let me know! lol)
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