#but have i mentioned how much i hate these kits lol
kitramune · 10 months
Fellow inukagger here *shakes your hand* I noticed your tags on an inuyasha video edit post where you stated inuyasha was seeing kagome during their almost first-kiss. I want to believe this soo badly, but I have actually made a post where I argue the opposite bc that’s (unfortunately) my interpretation.
I would genuinely love to hear why you think this as I’m more than happy to be convinced 🥺❤️ If you’ve posted about it before, apologies that I haven’t seen it; please kindly drop a link.
Thank you very much! (It’s all 🫶🏼 and interest in civil discussion, certainly not looking to start anything otherwise)
Sure thing! I think there's a lot of misconception firstly because Kagome herself says this. That he hates her for looking like Kikyou, but when he looked at her in that moment, it looked loving, so she herself put two and two together that he must still be seeing her as Kikyou, but therefore have been in love with Kikyou. Which is partially true in that we know he did have feelings for her back when she was alive. (I have my own InuKik-critical perception on this, but that's a whole other rant and probably not what you're asking.) But I think it's VERY important to keep in mind that Kagome is an Unreliable Narrator in her own story here, particularly where it comes to interpreting Inuyasha's feelings at times. This holds true for pretty much the entire story, but particularly early on, when she doesn't know him as well. First off, I'm going to fast-forward slightly to give examples of Inuyasha himself making it clear he does NOT see Kagome as Kikyou, to prove my point that he's not lying when he tells her so at the almost-kiss. Keep in mind a lot of these are only available in the source material and the anime DID cut them to fuel love triangle drama. The manga is the original intended canon, so that's what I'll be going with for this entire conversation.
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(Let it be said that as far as Japanese subtleties are concerned, he is asking Kagome to date him, here.)
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For the sake of argument, let's look back at this "very beginning" he mentions, and how long it took him to realize Kagome LOOKED a bit like Kikyou, but was not Kikyou:
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Well that was quick. He does compare them a few times after this, but it's always about how different they are. (Usually to be rude, but let's face it, this is early Inuyasha.)
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(I include this "comparison" just because he's RELIEVED here at Kagome NOT being Kikyou. It's the first explicit indication that he likes her for her and would be heartbroken if the girls got switched.)
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(Then he proceeds to make it even more explicit, and even Kaede spells it out.)
He completely stops comparing them in any capacity after this, and the way he does it says to me that he sees and values them very differently IN SPITE of the slight physical resemblance, not BECAUSE they look alike.
"But Kit!" I hear you say, "These examples are meaningless because they are AFTER he tried to kiss her!" Well I disagree his feelings would have changed that drastically in the small amount of time given the context, but let's still look at all InuKag have been through at this point. I'll just do a montage of Inuyasha feeling pride or affection for Kagome in said arcs because I am self-indulgent like that, lol.
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(My boy did not need to protect her, here. If she was gone, he'd be free of the beads and thus free to just take the Jewel. He did it purely out of valuing her life in some capacity.)
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(Knowing her scent already? Lending her your only armor just so she won't get hurt? Why Inuyasha, that's not extremely intimate at all!)
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(I find him saying her name significant not just because of differentiating her from Kikyou in his mind, but in that Inuyasha doesn't say ANYONE'S name unless they are important to him. Exceptions.)
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("I refuse to get involved!" *Kagome's in trouble, immediately gets involved*)
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(I love this arc overall SO MUCH cuz they not only have their first friendly pouty BFFs spat, but Inuyasha then immediately comes running to save her after smelling her blood THROUGH SPACE AND TIME, and is so desperate to be relied on cuz it makes him feel good to protect her and he's realizing that.)
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(Lest we forget he had SOMETHING TO TELL HER right before threading their fingers extremely intimately.)
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(Inu wasn't in this arc much but he WAS very worried and impressed with her.)
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(I could honestly put the WHOLE spider head arc in here and gush about every detail of their character development, but we all know the highlight and I think Rumiko put it best in the Profiles Book that Inuyasha had never encountered or thought of anyone who would be saddened by his death before. I truly believe this is when he decided to open up and give his budding feelings for her a chance to bloom. And more importantly for this particular argument, decides NOT TO LIE to her again.)
And it's at this point we come to him trying to kiss her. It's true Inuyasha's emotions are slightly volatile from Kikyou being brought up. It's a definite sore spot, which even Kagome picks up on. Kagome asks point blank if he still sees her as Kikyou and hates her for it. To which he says she has it all wrong.
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Considering her previous statement was if he HATES her, we can pretty easily infer that he's answering that directly, here. As in, no, he does not. Reading into context clues and what we see before and after this moment, I'd go so far as to say he's implying he LOVES her, here. Or at least is beginning to realize he likes her much more than as a friend. The last arc was huge for him, let's not forget that. He'd never ever been vulnerable like that with anyone: both in letting them know his night of weakness, and emotionally. All signs point to him having realized he's fallen for Kagome pretty hard and is ready to finally LET himself fall. (Though clearly Kagome's not quite ready herself, yet.) I'd argue that Kikyou's resurrection arc and the arcs following shortly after that I linked moments from earlier are there to just cement that he doesn't see her as Kikyou to any viewers who are still skeptical. In the manga anyway, we're never shown Inuyasha pining for Kikyou or wishing she was back to life. Quite the opposite, he only wishes her to rest in peace and reach Nirvana, which he has said to her more than once. The closest we get is this line right after the resurrection arc comes to an end and Kikyou's presumed dead from the cliff:
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Which I personally interpret as him still being heartbroken, yes, but the fact he brings up the idea of falling for another woman tells me he's still mulling over how he has romantic feelings for Kagome, and his trauma regarding romance making him wonder if he should backpedal on that or give up his initial goal that was a symptom of his heartbreak in the first place. (As in, he immediately stole the Jewel after Kikyou betrayed him essentially to make the hurt go away as soon as possible. Also note this is AFTER the almost-kiss, right before Miroku makes his appearance.) So I have a pretty hard time believing that he suddenly decided to lie to Kagome right after his entire breakthrough night of vulnerability with her, and how that affected him. Also keep in mind that Kagome doesn't have concrete feelings for Inuyasha yet, so there is no jealousy or lack of confidence where Kikyou is concerned at the point of time in question. One could (shakily imo) argue that he might lie to protect her feelings later on, when he's worried about her becoming angry or jealous, but he has no such reason to lie, here. Therefore I believe he's being extremely genuine, and probably the most genuine he's been so far since he decided to abandon his previous lie about disliking her scent. I truly think he wanted to find out what kissing was like with this spitfire girl who'd run away with his heart already and made him feel and share things he'd never felt or shared with anyone. I hope this at least elaborated on why I see that scene the way I do! If you have questions or want me to discuss an aspect of it further, don't hesitate to hit up my inbox again! I'm happy to share my thoughts on the series and especially InuKag!
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im-out-of-it · 1 year
weekly rant about my fav family and the atrocious writing:
I’m rereading chain of thorns and I’m at that part. y’all know the part. where a certain someone should not have died and how unnecessary it was. I like how grace is all like “you can stop this lucie.” bitchhhhh, couldn’t you have said that- hmmm, I don’t know maybe before Tatiana came out? like it’s so unnecessary and I am not here for CC hating the lightwoods and making sure each one from every generation dies.
Max- like what was he, an eleven year old? GONE. poor little boy 😭😭😭
Benedict- ok dude had it coming but he’s still a Lightwood and he died. plus Will makes a joke about it to Gabriel as if it’s not Gabriel’s trauma? the fuck. gabriel deserves better plus he needed more page time!!!! Gabriel and Gideon lost a father but yes, let’s make jests about it.
Kit- poor, sweet Kit. did not deserve to die like that. but of course, she’s not going to kill off any herondales because my god, we couldn’t survive that. can’t have our golden eyed and insufferable boys die. what vexed me most about this is the way CC went about it. I get they’re in this war but someone who is family and is practically family to y’all just died!!! but ok let’s grieve James and Matthew who are very much alive. wouldn’t be a CC book if we didn’t focus on the herondales.
tatiana- deserved it but I did not like how it was Cordelia. it should not have been her who killed her. Gabriel loses a son because of her, Gideon loses a daughter, Anna, Thomas, little Alexander, and Eugenia lose their brother, sister, cousin. literally Thomas loses his best friend who is basically his parabatai and his sister within the same year ish. I’m not sorry because it should not have been Cordelia to kill this wench.
Barbara- poor Barbara 😭 just wanted to marry Oliver but no, guess she’s got to go too. I would have liked to see more of her.
I swear that I do not want Magnus and Alec go adopt another kid if CC is going to kill them off. I know she holds herondales to this high degree but STOP HURTING THE LIGHTWOODS. yes, they are the best characters. without them, the world would probably be doomed. (looking at you jace lol we know you would’ve died without Alec or Izzy.)
adding Robert. he gone too. she even kills all the lightwoods in Thule like what is her obsession with hating this wonderful family? this is why I would rather she stop with the series. these are some of my fav characters but her carelessness and her desire to put one family above everyone else and simply act like nobody else matters is exhausting. as you know, I adore the lightwoods but it’s so draining to see them being treated like this. the only ones who I was glad to see gone was Tatiana and Benedict. you’ll never see her kill off a herondale. Stephen does not count because he wasn’t really introduced, and the other members were barely in stories, just mentioned.
and it’s fine if she has a preference. I love the lightwoods so much but there’s a different with you killing off multiple members of a family and writing out your fav family as untouchable. ahhhh, poor kit. he died and only Thomas and Anna had emotions through it all. we don’t even get to see Gabriel’s or cecilys reaction. what the fuck. I don’t know what CC was feeling writing this but I would have honestly rather she waited until she felt like writing it. it’s not fair what happened to Kit or the family over and over again. I wish she would do better but that’s too high of a hope for CC.
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fbfh · 2 years
husband!kit walker x reader hcs
wc: 900
genre: fluff, domestic bliss
warnings: kit being adorable, optional mention of reader having a bad family, kit standing up for you, kit is a good husband and head over heels for you
song rec: be my baby - the ronettes
a/n: I LOVE THIS MAN!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!! AWOOGA!!!!!! also I actually rested and it only took two days and I feel literally reborn???? I should do that more often lol
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Honestly I can’t even start with dating headcanons
Kit Walker is such pure raw husband material that if you get within six feet of him a diamond ring appears on your finger
He’s a simple man really
He just wants to do a good job at some honest work to provide for you
Come home to your cozy house you share
Kiss you on the lips and dance around your kitchen while dinner cooks
Maybe a couple of rugrats running around 
You know that tiktok audio of “you can pick anyone fictional to be your husband but divorce is never an option” “I COULD GO INTO HEAVY DETAIL. AND I WILL.”
It’s Kit
That’s literally Kit
If you need a fake husband 
Or a temporary husband 
Don’t choose Kit
Bc he will treat you so fucking well
You’ll get way way way too attached
To get this out of the way
I hate to see Kit in distress or pain
But dear god does he look hot when he is
Anyway back to happy Kit
Which is all the time bc he is so so happy around you
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, this man’s full name is Kit “that’s my wife!” (proceeds to knock someone out swiftly with one punch) Walker
He starts every morning by waking up smiling
Because he gets to wake up next to you
He looks at you, all sun soaked in the morning light, and he can’t believe he gets to live another day with a living dream come true like you
Then he wakes you up with kisses
So so so many kisses
Sometimes other things but that’s another story (and not for the sfw hcs)
This man knows everything about you
He knows how you like your coffee or tea or whatever, your favorite food, your favorite songs for kitchen dancing
He knows everything you love and hate
Yk the “excuse me! he asked for no pickles >:(“ meme
That’s Kit
Kit will (very politely bc he’s kind and understands how hard it is to work jobs that involve the general public bc of all the assholes that come through the garage) fix your order if someone gets it wrong
When someone asks if he’s your boyfriend he’ll happily and proudly correct them that he’s actually your husband
He doesn’t do the thing where he holds up his hand and points to his ring but he will pull you close and wrap his arms around you 
And most likely kiss you in front of the person
God I haven’t brought up The Look in a while
But Kit Walker CONSTANTLY looks at you with The Look 
Like all the goddamn time 
He’s not racist, probably an ally, and definitely a feminist
And he loves you so so much
God he’s such a catch
Once your friends spend a few minutes around him they start to realize that too
Or anyone really
You’re usually met with “wow where did you dig him up?? Where did you find him?? How do I get one??” 
Feel free to say you met at the mental hospital bc no one can tell if you’re joking or not
And he is literally perfect to bring as your date to holiday parties and family events
I mean he’s your husband so why wouldn’t he be your date
But no matter how hectic or crazy family stuff gets, he can totally handle it
He’s the perfect buffer
He’s so naturally smooth and likable and charming 
Everyone in your life that meets him totally approves
I mean all they have to do is see the way he looks at you
No one can deny that
If your family is really bad
Or generally not someone you want to be around
Kit will defend the HELL out of you
He’s not scared of confrontation, especially if it’s on your behalf 
And he is not scared to counter any underhanded comments with “Now, what did you mean by that?”
Will not let it go
He’s not going to let anyone talk shit about his spouse, his love, his sweetheart 
Especially the people that should have your back
It’s so interesting to watch because even when he’s confronting someone and defending you and telling people off for thinking they can treat you like that
It still doesn’t make him feel scary or less gentle than you know he is
And he is so so gentle with you
He says I love you all the time
With every touch
Every kiss
Every look and act of service
He’s saying it
He tells you how much he loves you all the time
Because how can he not??
You’re the most knockout dynamite dreamboat he could ever hope to be around 
He doesn’t know how he got you to fall for him back 
How he got you to love him
(he absolutely swept you off your feet)
But he’s just so glad that you do
He knows you inside and out
He knows everything about you
And he loves all of it
And you know everything about him
And you love him right back
Because you guys really are a match made in heaven
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esther-dot · 2 years
One of my concerns about the Snow sequel in addition to the stuff that you and others have mentioned is whether the writers try to lean into the "Jon is the real hidden heir to the IT and he supported his brother Bran as a king instead because he's such a Great Guy (tm)" because there is literally no way that he would be in line to the IT because he is not legitimate and this leads me to one of the most egregious plot points from the show - R annulling his marriage to E. There is literally no way in the medieval feudal universe GRRM has set up that an annulment of a royal marriage which was consummated and produced two trueborn children can be a thing (D&D truly deserve to be tarred and feathered for the absolute disrespect to E and her children for this plot point). I see others agree that the annulment (and subsequent marriage to L would never be valid) and then say "but there is a precedent for taking multiple wives so maybe that's what will happen in the books" but is there? The only "precedent" was Aegon the Conqueror from 300 years before R's time and Meagor the universally hated king which was the catalyst for outlawing poly-marriages in the first place lmao. Do I think in R's pea sized brain he thought he was above the law and could have a poly-marriage? Maybe. Sure. But if the main players all survived (R, E, and L) literally no one in Westeros would see any potential annulment or poly marriage as valid and Jon would be a bastard. Not a Stark bastard, but a Targ bastard. Also, Dorne would have initiated an actual rebellion for breaking an arranged royal marriage and for the complete disrespect toward a Princess of Dorne. The ONLY way Jon could have been legitimate is if R took L as a mistress and then the King legitimized whatever children their affair produced - that obviously never happened. I REALLY hope GRRM doesn't lean into some poly-marriage or worse some BS "annulment" because it would be just so disgusting to do to E and her children on top of it not making sense based on the Westerosi rules of society.
Oh, and additionally to my very long (lol) ask about the legitimacy of Jon. D&D giving Show!Jon Aegon's name, part of his identity, his legitimacy as the actual heir, and parts of his storyline was also disgusting. I absolutely hate when people refer to Jon as Aegon because it's so degrading toward E and her trueborn son. D&D truly deserve the worst for how much they disrespected the Dornish characters on the show.
Based on the fact that HBO kinda...ignored how the long night went/how GoT ended so that they could celebrate Targ specialness via the prophecy in HOTD, and seeing how Kit recently mentioned he thought Jon should have been king (he used to name other Starks), your fears are kinda warranted? Usually an actor's opinion doesn't indicate much about where a show might go, but the sequel is Kit's baby, he is the one who is making it happen, his people are working on it, so...I think his feelings are more relevant than normal. And, we really don’t know how much of his thinking on the characters/the world has been shaped by D&D’s version or if he’s gonna depart from that for another version, and if that version would be one closer to Martin’s vision or further afield. We really don’t know, and since I’m someone who genuinely thought, “oh shit, they are raising Dany from the dead and making a worse version of s7-8” upon hearing about the sequel, I’m not gonna alleviate any fears!
I agree that Rhaegar is a disgusting, that an annulment would be horrible and unlikely. Unfortunately, I can see a lot of reasons why Martin would have Rhaegar “marry” Lyanna. As you said,
Do I think in R's pea sized brain he thought he was above the law and could have a poly-marriage? Maybe. Sure.
I don’t know that it matters that his plan was horrible, we already know his actions are insufferably offensive and idiotic. I mean, knowing his father wasn’t fit to rule and not focusing on that as the pressing problem and instead pursuing a teenager? Crowning Lyanna in front of everyone? Running away with or kidnapping her? Imprisoning her in Dorne? Going to war even after his father brutally murdered the father/brother of the girl he abducted/ran off with? This guy’s foresight/moral compass/problem solving mechanisms were nonexistent. Something being a stupid idea, guaranteed to end horribly does not mean he didn’t do it, or that he would be deterred from a course of action by seeing the fallout, unfortunately.
I think there are a number of things that happened in GoT that were a variation on what Martin told D&D, since then he’s said he’s diverging more than he expected, so perhaps we worry for nothing, but I am not convinced Martin wont have Rhaegar do as you suggest, not annulment, but take a second wife. Stumpy’s reread has been tracking evidence for true born vs Targ bastard for Jon, and I think either version is still on the table. My personal feeling is that the first story we got about Rhaegar is not ultimately going to be the truth, simply because Martin’s whole shades of grey thing. Obviously, my feelings about Rhaegar aren’t gonna change no matter what is revealed in TWOW, but Martin seems to want everything to be complex, lots of layers, nothing too one-note. We now know the prophecy which undermines R/L strictly as some star crossed lovers story which was the other extreme people went to, and that to me indicates we are getting a mix of motivations/ a complex truth.
I assumed Jon was trueborn because a lot of what many have pointed to as R+L=J clues that center on the word “king”
"Likely they were too shy to come out," Ned jested. He could feel the chill coming up the stairs, a cold breath from deep within the earth. "Kings are a rare sight in the north."         
Robert snorted. "More likely they were hiding under the snow. Snow, Ned!" The king put one hand on the wall to steady himself as they descended.  
(AGOT, Eddard I)       
Obviously, now knowing that Robb and Bran become kings, this is a really fun line, but to me, it is undoubtedly a R+L=J hint. We might argue that it is KitN foreshadowing for Jon, not about his parentage, it is the name however that makes me think this is about being Rhaegar’s son, “hiding under the snow. Snow--” Ned claimed Jon as his bastard --snow-- to protect him, so while we can read it about our Stark boys becoming kings, I think Martin wrote it thinking of Jon as a Targaryen heir. Maybe that changed? He keeps up with the king stuff throughout the series and a lot of that is more easily seen as KitN hints, so maybe? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I also like to think about what Martin would want to write, he loves grief and inner turmoil, so I would think that he would like the idea of writing Jon struggling with the option of becoming a legitimized Stark and then the temptation of being a legitimized Targ simply because while parentage reveal alone is a bombshell, being an heir/potential king plays forward story/plot wise and offers that whole heart in conflict with itself. Whether it’s something the rest of Westeros would acknowledge or not, I’m not sure that’s the purpose? To me, the idea of Jon finding out he is not a bastard, only to choose it, to choose to be known as one, for the greater good is meaningful, to not be forced to bear undeserved shame but choose it for love of the Starks, that could be written in a beautiful way.
On the other hand, the fact that D&D gave Jon the name Aegon def makes it seem like they potentially took book Aegon’s heir status/the people loving him more than Dany and assigned it to show Jon, that would explain why Jon had no importance in the political endgame in the show, maybe R+L=J wont impact the politics in the books. I’ve read great meta arguing for and against, but I could just as easily see them being so consumed with Dany saying “wtf do we have two nephews/two heirs for?” and conflating them for that reason, without thinking much more about it. But, it seems to me that Martin might want to use the three Targs to create those nuances that D&D steamrolled. As in, Dany embraces her Targ identity/fire & blood, Aegon embraces Targ identity but will reject fire & blood, Jon will reject both the identity and fire&blood. To me, part of the benefit of introducing Aegon is to allow some middle ground with the Targs? It might allow for a more interesting discussion on what must be done with a legacy such as theirs? It’s a conversation that doesn’t really happen with only Jon and Dany (extremes) or only Dany and Aegon. I would also think a lot depends on the ending Martin has in store for Jon. If he is trueborn, I’d think that points at an Aemon-like ending. Being a Targ bastard would allow for a much happier ending for him imo.
I’ve said before that I have an (irrational?) hatred for Rhaegar, so I am on your side with all the concerns, but I’m just...well, I’m not convinced that any of what happens with the Targs is gonna be as clear-cut as we might want. I’m bracing myself for messy, not nice.
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undervaluedagent · 2 years
Duck does 100% care for Yellow Guy even if he's a twit: an incoherent ramble written by a Duck apologist. (Now under a read more because I know how to do that now!)
Quick note: this post may use ideas discussed in and was inspired by this post:
In Jobs, Yellow Guy acting strange and aging at an alarming rate is what gets Duck to break out of the world. Duck is a creature of habit. When things are as they always are, he feels safe. And when his friends are acting as they always are, he feels both he and they are safe. To Duck, the fact that Yellow Guy has changed so drastically from what he knows of him is a clear sign that something is wrong. This is a trend throughout the series for Duck to see things are wrong when his friends are acting off, as mentioned in the linked post.
Duck also freaked the fuck out when Yellow had an accident, and he went to get the med kit to save him the best he could! Even when Yellow's changed almost beyond recognition, Duck doesn't want him to get hurt.
In the Memories song, it's mentioned that Duck A) Told Yellow Guy about the military, and B) Told him he was far too weak to join. I'm gonna be slightly autistic for a second because all these puppets are bloody autistic, but Duck explaining his interests to Yellow Guy is a sure sign that Duck likes and trusts Yellow Guy. Now, when Duck said Yellow was too weak to join. That's mean, right? Well, yes. But think about it: Yellow's not shown any actual signs of physical weakness throughout the series, so chances are Duck is talking out of his ass. Why? Because the military is dangerous! And Duck doesn't want Yellow to get hurt! But Duck doesn't want to express that openly, so he hides it behind insults!
The. Entire. Family. Episode. Duck labels Yellow as the pet because this boy can't help himself, he has to poke fun. But of course this still means Duck considers Yellow part of his family! And he really doesn't want Yellow to leave him, along with Red of course but this ain't about him. Duck is uneasy the whole time they're at the twins' house because his friends are being changed, but less of their actions and more their role is being changed. They're going into a role away from Duck. Then Duck sings the family song, where he's clearly struggling to cope with the loneliness of not having the other two around. He misses them so dearly already, and he tries to convince himself he can live without them and it's heartbreaking, this bird loves his friends and has nobody else and never has had anyone else because there's three of them! Then at the end of the episode Duck asks what happened to the other family, showing a modicum of concern for what happened with Yellow while he was gone!
Not as much to say about Friendship, but he and Red both make Warren stick around because they want to help get Yellow back, and at the end Duck sings that song to Yellow along with Red to reassure him they don't hate him and they're still his friends. Sure, there's the fight at the end, but that was mostly for comedic effect lol.
(Nothing to say about Transport but it's cute how Duck and Yellow scream in tandem when the clipboard is insulted.) EDIT: After Red Guy says that he hates the clipboard and hates the house and Yellow Guy expresses distress, Duck goes to reassure him "he doesn't mean that." EDIT TWO: Duck resting his head on Yellow's shoulder for a moment. This has me thinking, Red's acting kinda weird in this episode, causing Duck to view Yellow as the more stable one at least temporarily. This isn't expressed much since Duck's kinda checked out for most of the episode but I think it might be the case.
Electricity. Oh boy. This one def got people a bit miffed at Duck, and for good reason. He did steal Yellow's accommodations that he needs. But he was also the one to give the new batteries to him in the first place, out of concern about the condition of the old batteries. Duck took them away later because he was scared. When his friends act different, something goes wrong. And Yellow is acting very, very different. In fact, Duck likely thought Yellow's intelligence would get him hurt eventually! Because he's acting wrong, and that means something worse than what usually happens is going to happen to him. Listen to Duck, he's so upset and stressed. He doesn't know what's going to happen. Is Yellow going to get sick of them and leave? Is he going to get hurt for not following the rules of this world? Is he going to get killed for it? Duck isn't malicious. He's anxious, he's traumatized. And he was happy to have Yellow back to normal and shredding things at the end. He was happy his friend was back to normal and everything worked out okay. EDIT THREE: Duck asking Red about Yellow in the fridge scene too, he hasn't forgotten about his other friend
Not from the TV series, but Duck and Red saving Yellow the last boiled egg from the chicken picnic because they love him. That one's pretty straightforward and sweet.
Lastly, the It's Nice That interview. Dubiously canon, but in it, Duck responds to the question "Who do you love?" with "Anyone who loves me back." Look at Yellow. Yellow definitely, absolutely loves Duck. And so, Duck must love him too.
(I ask that you don't tag or comment on this as a direct father/son relationship, I respect your headcanon, but this post assumes Yellow Guy is an adult and the DHMIS trio doesn't do strict nuclear family dynamics. Thanks for reading!)
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starrbreeze · 29 days
finally read riverstar’s home. here are some thought as i read through.
spoilers below the cut
- the name change feels so sudden. i feel like it would’ve been more impactful if we got to see him live near the river for longer before he did.
- this feels silly to say but river ripple seemed so much more nonchalant and wise in dotc.
- OMG it’s gray wing (if you didn’t know by now i LOVE him)
- i am kind of surprised at how closely the dialogue resembles the scenes form dotc. i know that all they have to do is go back and read the book, but knowing the erins’ inconsistencies in the past, they didn’t do too bad. can’t say the same for characterizations however.
- i can’t wait to see river ripple and gray wing’s relationship through a different point of view. i always loved their interactions, especially the support and kindness between them.
- the flutter thing feels so forced i am tried of hearing about it.
- i’m not a fan of how they dumbed down the conflict between clear sky and gray wing as territory and aggression. it was such a nuanced conflict and from river ripple’s pov it makes it look as if the whole thing wasn’t very one sided.
- i kinda love the stepping stone idea especially considering river ripple’s role and relationship with the rest of them
- river ripple comforting gray wing, knowing exactly what to say, and looking after him. i love them.
- river ripple opening his home to gray wing and really noticing how much he has been through is just so touching.
- river ripple hoping gray wing’s sickness goes away is so painful because the way it never does.
- i love river ripple’s intuition and knowing exactly what a cat needs and knowing exactly what to say.
- shattered ice saying the moor reminded him of the mountains was such a nice little touch. especially when thinking about how gray wing never really wanted to leave the mountains and he was one of the only cats to stay on the moor. maybe that’s why.
- i’m getting sick of the flutter mentions.
- i love that river ripple thought what everyone else was thinking about how weird it was that clear sky ended up with star flower when thunder like her. do i think they work well together? yes, but i’m so glad some cat finally said it.
- i can feel gray wing’s death coming. obviously it’s already happened and i already no but it hurts the same every time. i want to see how river ripple reacts and whether gray wing will end up giving him a life later on.
- seeing how the erins justify some of his dialogue that was written almost 10 years ago and characterize it is kind of insane to me. i just wish they would stop linking a lot of things back to flutter. i don’t know why they didn’t just leave him without a love interest.
- gray wing :(
- the moor looked bleaker than ever now that gray wing died :(
- the way everyone is mourning gray wing’s death his influence is insane
- TALLCLAN REFERENCE that’s too funny
- “i missed you” :(
- i feel like all the qualities they were blessing him with he already had lol
- i hate how the erins kind of go back on any character development clear sky ever has. they did this in moth flight’s vision too, but i think there him reverting back was reasonable considering he had lost his kit and loss made him the way he was in the first place. but just portraying him as mean for no reason over and over again just pick a struggle.
- i hate how after gray wing died the boundary obsession started back up again. maybe it’s not correlated and yes it’s not that extreme but where’s the friendliness they were just starting to develop.
- i love dappled pelt.
- the whole mediation thing makes so much more sense here than in asc.
- i was so surprised the erins were going to have riverstar leave finch but of course they didn’t follow through
- this romance is so forced
- again why are they backing up on any character development clear sky had?
- i love dotc but i hate post dotc content because these cats lived together up till a little while ago and they’ve suddenly fallen back into aggression as if they weren’t more friendly before
overall rating: 2.5/5
i liked the first half, but they really took river ripple and destroyed his character along with some of the other characters from dotc.
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townofcadence · 2 months
" ⭐ "
Send a ⭐ for Muse Combinations!
I feel like Artair can kinda vibe with most of your muses, given he's pretty laid back and used to dealing with people who can have egos, like AM xD He'd definitely one of my easiest muses to get along with. He might especially get along with Leela too, since they both seem of similar minds of protecting others, and they both enjoy plants lol. Jace I think would especially connect to Leela, especially since they both have an interest in art ! Saffron I could see... having a hard time with AI, because he's kinda the type to keep his head down when it comes to things that are too outside of the mundane, but I think her liking flora would at least give him something to open up about. In that case he's kinda the weenie that needs protecting xD.
Francois I could see finding some of the knowledge Tycho might have useful to learn, but I think he would hate this man outside of an academic and scientific standpoint lol. Dr. Chandra i have no idea how they'd interface, since Francois is pretty blunt XD
Joshua might get along with another kid muse, Kit, when it comes to pranks. Kit is very impulsive and could definitely be convinced to prank people for fun. It'd be easy enough to meet since he tends to go where he can find food to steal lol. I also still have Willow and Siren, who are also kids, who might get along with your other kid AI, though like I mentioned in the last ask, Siren can be a bit difficult to work with due to his inability to speak, though he is capable of some simplistic writing, art to showcase what he means, and spelling sign language so far. The other part that makes him weird is that he can read minds, since he's a merfolk based siren, and they use their fin movements and thoughts to communicate in groups. I don't know how this would reflect on AI, but i also know mind reading can hit a weird spot so I like to warn people lol. Willow is a ghost, and much like kit she can be a bit complicated and childish, but she's pretty lonely and i think spending time with others would be fun to write about ^^
I think Artair would get along with with Dr. Chandra as well! They both seem pretty well meaning, and I think Artair would be interested in understanding more about what he's managed to create and the sanctuary itself!
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losers-club-hcs · 1 year
Do you have any Stan specific headcannons? He’s my favorite
Do I have Stan headcanons? Absolutely I do!
(He's my fav too lol)
He has really bad social anxiety, like making an appointment, ordering food? Nope not Stans cup of tea, he literaly hates it will probably cry a bit if he is forced to do something super anxiety inducing
He got reading glasses when he was 15 and he hates them sooo much he thinks they look bad on him but they actually look really cute
He uses a stylist to type so that he doesent click the wrong buttons be accident but it also makes him type super slow, so if you're expecting a quick reply from Stan you better look elsewhere
Uses a vanilla scented body lotion...(idk how or why I thought of this but I did and im sticking by it)
He's very responsible with his money, he doesent just buy things willy nilly, he gets what he needs and if there's something he wants he thinks in it for a few days and if he really wants it then he'll get it
In his adult life he commissioned a HUGE painting of birds in the sky, and when I say huge I mean huge like takes up like half the wall
He also makes models,like airplanes and houses and stuff, he's pretty crafty
As a teen he planned his school outfits for the entire week ahead of time
Carries around a tote bag of sorts with stuff in it a few of which being crossword puzzle, word search, and sodoku puzzle books
Tried to learn how to crochet but failed miserably so now he just has a few things of yarn and some crochet hooks laying around his house
He can't stand something being wrinkled under him, like if he's laying on top of a blanket or something he has to make sure it's completely flat before he lays on it because he can feel the fold in the fabric and it drives him crazy(I know exactly why I wrote this one because this is just describing me, I do this)
He sleeps on his back instead of his side, he also sleeps with only one pillow
He likes rainy weather better than sunny weather most of the time
Knows how to pick a lock(don't even try to ask me where this came from I have no clue)
You know that bag I mentioned earlier, that he carries around with him, ya ha also has a little nail kit with like nail clippers and a nail file and stuff just in case he needs it
Also on that topic his fingernails are IMMACULATE, like always perfect(im jealous)
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nightlet · 2 years
Recap and thoughts.
TS4 base game is free-to-play as of today. Personally not too pressed about this, though it would’ve been nice to get more than just a kit as compensation for long-time players. But if it gives people who’ve been holding back or couldn’t otherwise get the game a chance, cool.
Upcoming content, including two expansions. Tbh I don’t know the frequency of the deliveries up until now, but hopefully they uphold their claim of monthly updates because that’d be nice. Don’t care about upcoming kits, but Phil mentions two expansions in the works.
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If these images are any indication as to what’s coming, I’m guessing a proper generations-style EP? Something to expand on the groundwork laid with Parenthood and focus on other life stages would be fantastic. Basing this idea more off of the right image with the kid on the bike and the baby backpack thing.
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NEW. WHAT. 300 new kits? Knowing EA, probably. And then we hear a little baby cry, which is expanded on later.
Insert segment where someone asks strangers on the street what they think of the sims.
Steam-workshop-esque platform for mods. Bit of a love/hate feeling with this. It does kinda feel like an attempt to control the modding community. Because it’s going to be ultimately be controlled by the devs, there’s going to be plenty of mods that won’t be welcome on the platform. HOWEVER. If they can make it to be console-friendly, that’d be a great move. Odds are it won’t be, but a girl can dream.
“Maxis invented the life simulation genre.” Sounding a little insecure there. Cities:Skylines shake ya guys? Not feeling threatened by Paralives, are ya? Lol. “We’re not content to sit still.” LMAO. Ok, ok. sure.
Insert segment with a singer and then some dancers with a simlish cover. Chat replay is just “tomato tomato tomato” yikes.
Insert segment with sim gurus using freeplay sims as avatars. Freeplay sims are getting a facelift, also yachts? And a seasonal quest coming later this year.
Mobile is getting balconies.
Insert segment highlighting various creators. YES that is happening. Coulda used some Jim Pickens though.
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Could it be? Is it TS5? Is it a spinoff?
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The modular editing is something that Paralives had shown off very early on too, and was probably what really got me interested in their project. It’s something that, along with CASt, really gives some much needed freedom with the game and, let’s face it, would let devs get away with a lot less assets while still offering SO many more customizing choices.
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So CASt will be making a return in their new game, both my dream and nightmare because I suck at it lol.
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It does kinda sound like they’re hinting at a multiplayer option, which does scare me a little. I’ve said it before, but single player should come first in a game like this. I don’t hate on the idea of adding in multiplayer, but I’d hate if it ends up feeling like a game that’s MEANT to be played with others.
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The cross-compatibility aspect is kinda interesting. Don’t hate it, but also unsure of how well it’ll work or if it’ll end up limiting the game to the capabilities of mobiles.
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TS4 is getting real babies in 2023. Personally, babies are not high on my list. Toddlers have been anxiety-inducing enough and at the rate I’m going on my 100 baby challenge, I’m gonna have to deal with these for a good final portion of it which is scary. But I know it’s been a huge deal for a big part of the community, so congrats guys. Looks like the babies are finally being freed from their teeny tiny prisons. Though really this looks like a toddler to me so hopefully there’s enough of a difference.
And finally,
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Wait can I ask you to explain about the Gabrily and Gracetopher parallels? I would like to know <3
THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME AN EXCUSE TO RANT! I've been waiting for this opportunity 😈
For me, Grace is Gabriel and Christopher is Cecily, and here's why:
Grace comes from a shitty parental figure (Tatiana), but also has a supportive older brother who is willing to protect her when he can. Gabriel had Benedict as a father and he had Gideon, his older brother, who did everything in his power to protect Gabriel from benedict, much like jesse did with grace
Their older brothers leave for a certain amount of time (gideon to spain, jesse to...partial death?) and Gabriel and Grace have to fend for themselves. In a way, their shitty parental figures have a love-hate relationship with them; tatiana likes grace because of her powers and beauty, but also abuses her and treats her like garbage. Meanwhile Benedict seems to ignore Gabriel until gideon leaves for spain, and then begins giving him attention, but even then it's sort of passive aggressive, from what we see in TID
I've always thought young Cecily and Christopher were super alike, because we can see in CP, Cecily has this sort of hunger to prove to everyone that she can be a hero. Essentially, she wants to bring back her brother and "fix" her family. Kit is similar: from his short story in the penultimate hours, we know that he wants to help people, to be able save shadowhunters.
What I find so interesting about Cecily and Kit is that they both want to help others, even though their sort of disconnected from everyone else. Cecily doesn't fit in with the shadowhunters at the institute initially and is constantly being undermined and sometimes even ignored by everyone else. Like, did anyone other than Gabriel make a valid attempt to get to know her? No. (this is important for later) Then we have Christopher who doesn't fit in with the shadowhunter community either. Thankfully, he has his friends, but they don't really understand him, other than Thomas (though, in his pov, Kit mentioned that Thomas only gets him sometimes)
Cecy and Kit also both have an older sibling that wants to protect them and is always looking out for them (Will and Anna). The difference is that while cecily always hated will's protectiveness, kit didn't seem to notice Anna's (lol I love kit)
Cecily is described as an observer; she's constantly analyzing the room and the people around her. I think the fact that Kit is a prodigy scientist is basically all the evidence we need to describe were the resemblance lies
Now, let's talk about them coming together:
Before meeting, both cecily and christopher have heard bad things from gabriel and grace (both are surrounded by people who hate them, witht he exception of gideon in cecily's case). Despite this, neither of them take this into consideration when they meet them: both cecily and christopher basically say FU to previous knowledge they had about Gabriel and Grace and open themselves to get to know the other.
Cecy gives gabriel advice on how to change, kit encourages grace to keep trying to change for the better
Both Cecily and Kit give Gabriel and Grace the push they need to overcome their past
this one is an intuition of mine, but I love it sm I can't not include it: Cecily is gabriel's ticket into becoming accepted into the tid gang, but we can also see that without Gabriel, Cecily wouldn't have initially stuck around because as I said before, she wasn't able to make significant friendships with the others before meeting Gabriel. In a way, the reason Gabriel and Cecily fit into the tid gang is because they have each other as well and I think that would have been the case for Grace and Christopher as well (we can, however, already see that some tlh characters—Anna and Henry— seem to take grace under their wings, and I don't think it's a coincidence that they were both close with Kit). In a way, Kit is the reason that Grace belongs (Not jesse—in gabriel's case, gideon isn't the reason he fits into the tid gang either)
Their connection/relationship only blossoms in the last book of the series (I say connection because I'm a firm believer in ace-gracetopher)
The fact that both Gabriel and Grace run to the institute after being attacked by their shitty parental figure and find refuge there
They all find comfort with their pair (Gabrily being together during Jem's "death"; gracetopher on christmas)
They initially have one topic in common that leads to their strong bond: Gabriel and Cecily love fighting and training (more specifically distance weaponry) while Grace and Kit bond over their love for science.
There are also parallels between gabriel/kit and grace/cecily, like the fact that gabriel and kit are already familiar with the shadow world and are well immersed into it, while cecily and grace know nothing about the shadow world and have zero training at the beginning of their respective series'
Gabriel teaches cecily everything he knows about training and tutors her because he has faith in her and her natural skills. KIT TEACHES GRACE ABOUT SCIENCE BECAUSE HE SEES HER INNATE TALENT FOR IT!!
Cecily describes gabriel as weirdly attractive upon their first encounter and Grace does the same with christopher
Y'all, there's sooooooo much more, but I'm forgetting everything haha I also need to read like 100 pages for tomorrow so I should probably get to doing that, but if I think of any more, I'll reblog and add them
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automatonknight · 1 year
omg i would absolutley love to hear more about walenty if u still feel like talking!! i hold dst so close in my heart so seeing other people make ocs for it makez me so happy!!! how did he get to the constant? n like what was his life like before then? or has he alwayz lived there :0!! -plushpyro
this got super out of hand so i'm putting it under readmore. um teehee ^__^
UM!!! don't know where to start i could talk for HOURS probably but ok. maybe i'll start with the backstory. my idea for it is that basically he got into the constant via an antique voxola radio he found on a garage sale somewhere. it had a tag with an adress on it and being a teen he was like hey. hey let me go there that'd be funny. i think she originally planned to go with someone but ended up going alone, the other person got sick whatever. enter the nightmare hands and she's never seen again. (<i'm not superrr happy with that backstory but i can't think of anything better so. blehhh XP) before that kit was just a highschooler, her family was alright, life was okay etc etc. nothing special but also nothing bad. although kit was probably more like. shy and more of a loner. forgot to mention but he's also more "modern", i don't know if it would actually work in-game lore-wise but it probably got send to the constant like, 2018 the latest (which i should probably utilize more in my art tbh). he's also polish. i probably haven't mentioned that anywhere either. onto other things after getting to the constant it probably wanders around alone for a bit before finding the other survivors. top 10 happiest moments of its life etc etc. kind of interrupting the current flow but it also has the ability to turn into a werething, which is unique because it is by that affiliated with both the moon and the shadows but also both sides kind of hate her anyways lol. being werething doesn't give it any super like. powers it can just turn into a wolf-bear creature during full moons and where it is in grave danger. that's also why it has those funny features like animal ears, a tail and horns (speaking of! i always thought of the horns as something like a non-newtonian fluid in a sense that if you don't use force when interacting with them your hand would go through or they would bend out of shape before returning to how they were before, but if it were to ram into someone it would probably hurt, not like walenty would do that). its eyesight is still dogshit without glasses BUT it can probably hear and smell a bit better. ok now maybe onto relationships. i haven't thought about ALL the survivors in detail but i imagine she gets along pretty well with everyone. she used to be pissed off at maxwell for a bit but she got better now maxwell is like his lame ass uncle or whatever. it also has a father-son like relationship with wilson and they probably talk about science together, they're into different fields i imagine (walenty is more of an astronomy guy but he'll try to remember what he learnt in physics for higgsbury if he asks). either way they're silly together they make me very happy :]. she also feels like an older sibling figure to the other kids since she's like 16 and #responsible. also friends with woodie they go ice fishing together and they're both were(insert animal here). AND WITH WOLFGANG. he's also friends with him i think they're slavic besties :3. ok now that we have friendships out of the way he and WX fight all the fucking time. they hate eachother sooo much <not really they just get on eachother's nerves and who's there to stop them from throwing rocks at eachother. walenty probably pushed wx into a lake once and then felt genuinely bad until they threw her in the lake back and oh buddy it's on. <they both refuse to be the bigger person basically. the only instance in which they'll work together is if webber asks them. i would say more but i hit the character limit </3
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stephschoices · 11 months
what if i told you i am in love with your felix and sparks mcs? i saw your pinterest and got weak knees, they are so perfect both in their own ways. you dont mind hc about your mcs? - i needed to send it anon because i almost died typing it but i had to share
🥺 this is so sweet anon ahhh ty for loving my paved in ashes ( @pavedinashes-if ) girls 🫶🏻💞
Some headcanons below!! And I know you just mentioned indigo and beatrix but I included some saskia hcs too I hope that’s okay 🥰 I don’t talk about her as much as the other two but she’s here too lol
indigo (felix li):
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loves going sunflower picking
paints her old boards, and new ones if they're too plain. will also do commissions for other people to pain their boards!
also likes to make her own pins, and crochets things. she's just really artsy.
made many matching bracelets for her x felix, and also her x the bestie. she will be making some for her x bianca too lol
loves anything yellow
has a big teddy bear plush felix got her that stays on her bed :')
also she kept and still wears that neclace :')
listens to kpop, always has a pc of her biases in her phone case
likes to sing karaoke
shes like the mom of the skate park, she keeps a mini first aid kit for scrapes and bruises in her bag
hasn't been with anyone since felix broke up with her, she still loves him, and tbh doesn't get when other people are flirting with her lol
beatrix (sparks li):
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loves to dye her hair edgy colors, it's been bright red for a while and she just added the black streaks recently
hates being called "bea", if you use a nickname it has to be "trix"
she's gonna do one of the performer jobs or the closest job to being a performer in D's club
always has a bag of edible gummies on her, her preferred way to get high
has suminagashi style tattoos. one on her back, one on her leg and a small one on her side
can skate in heels
wants a cat so bad
when she wants something she gets it, super good cunning/charming/manipulation skills
will steal all of sparks sweatshirts/hoodies uwu
saskia (michael li):
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clumsiest skateboarder you'll ever meet. has broken many bones and twisted an ankle multiple times. but she's having a good time
somehow has also broken multiple boards
loves going thrifting
has a huge sticker collection
drinks 1 monster a day
is just naturally cool, everyone wishes they were as chill as her lol
doesn't realize how flustered she makes michael, she'll just like casually subconsciously put her hands in his shirt and be like "?? why is your face so red???" lmaoo
link to picrew used
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Please listen to me rant about kits real quick-
Ok so we all know how some cats have 3 litters and even rarely 4. But why don’t they have more?
Hear me out-
There is VERY few queens who have a lot of kits, and even then not a lot make it to warriorhood or even take on a mate. Snowbird and Ferncloud are two prime examples of that. As only I think 3 out of 7 of Ferncloud’s kits have themselves their own kits, and Snowbird I think only has 2, not to mention Snowbird has the most kits in the series. And she was born in the last book of TPB. So why don’t queens have more?
We see Squirrelflight wishing she had kits in her own book. We see Sandstorm admitting she wanted more kits but didn’t want to pressure Firestar with another litter. And so on. Many cats in real life that can have kits(cause their not fixed) have a LOT of litters and kits. So it doesn’t make sense to me that so many loving couples only have 1 litter. I will do some examples-
BrambleSquirrel(when they still had respect and love for eachother)
Goldenflower in general(loved having kits jo matter the father but she just didn’t have any after Bramble and Tawny which was super confusing. Like I feel like she never loved Patchpelt but she still had kits with him just to have kits, then was with Tigerclaw for a bit after Swiftpaw became an apprentice)
Graypool (like Goldenflower)
BlackMisty- I don’t approve of this ship because Blackclaw betrayed her but still. Misty loved all her kits and I feel like she would have wanted more but she didn’t.
Now I’m done with the examples lol let’s move on.
So saying this, I feel like there should be 1. More litters. And 2. More kits in the litters.
Idc of over-population. Like I swear to GOD if that’s the reason that the Erin’s don’t do like 10 kits in a god damn litter, get out of here.
We see SO MANY kits die between series and off screen. Only recently have kits been not dying to just being a stillborn, being sickly, or even just dying to getting sick, or even a badger or fox getting them. EVEN A OWL could see a kit wondering alone in a dark camp to get maybe some water and get taken. THERE IS SO MANY POSSIBILITIES that even though they may have a LOT of kits, they will die. And not all of them will have kits.
Many will die as apprentice in a battle. Or get sick like Sweetpaw(we don’t have enough deaths in the books anymore btw and that’s what I hate.
Or even just die from battle wounds getting untreated because they hide them. We see apprentices and young warriors being stubborn about being treated cause their very prideful around that age and very dumb, but the truth is they could use over night just by 1 affection. And it DOESN’T happen.
We see this all in young warriors too. Yes some may be healthier then all their clan mates at this age. But they can still die. Not to mention border fights, falling branches, fires, floods, Mudslides, foxes, bears, deers(people deers will kill cats. My cat died after a deer got scared and trampled her. Her name was Saturn and she was a very young cat and wasn’t much a threat but the deer still thought of her of it. Just putting that out there)
Not to mention, Badgers, owls, eagles, hawks, falcons, drowning and so much more!
Apprentices are PRONE to trouble as we see so much in every series. It’s just that’s how the young learn. They be curious and are never cautious. Which should get a lot killed. But it doesn’t. And it’s stupid-
I’m so sorry I got off track.
But yes. I so believe Sandstorm could have had 12 kits.
That Leafpool could have had 5+
That EVERY queen unless their not that fertile can have as many kits as they want. Damn, all the kits in a huge litter could die from a huge outbreak of Greencough! We see it right before we meet Firepaw, as right before there was a huge outbreak and all those cats we saw in BlueStar’s Prophecy are 85% dead because of it.
Featherkit and Cricketkit? Got killed in that outbreak.
So did Stormtail, all the elders they weren’t dead before, Windflight, Stonepelt, AdderFang, Thrushpelt, Robinwing, Fuzzypelt, Featherwhisker, Swiftbreeze, Leopardfoot, Rosetail and Poppydawn.
That’s a lot. Now some may have not died from that. But they died between BlueStar’s Prophecy and when Firepaw joined. Which actually wasn’t much of time skip. Maybe 3 years? And for all those cats, that’s a lot! So yes. Big outbreak of Greencough that seems like a tick to the modern books now, should so happen.
Kill off a lot of characters
DESTROYE 65% of all cats from the clans!
God damn I would be so HAPPY.
Shit idk why the Erin’s aren’t doing that.
Anyways. I’m getting to worked up writing this. If I don’t stop I might tell you everything that should happen that doesn’t lol.
Thanks for letting me ramble-
honestly? I'm kinda okay with the cats not having too many litters. This is fantasy so I don't really mind that in this society the litters are small and cats don't have too many.
I feel like having to kill off tons of kittens and apprentices would just be a lot of work and would also be slightly horrifying lmao. We have to remember that despite how dark a lot of things are in these books, they are for children, so I would understand why they wouldn't want to commit mass baby murder lol (i know they have killed lots of children, but not on the level that they would have to if these cats had a normal amount of babies).
I also I like that there aren't too many litters because then we are able to actually get attached to, learn the personalities of, and care about all the kits born in the clans. It makes the deaths of the few that do die more impactful, and it makes us care about whether or not the others survive! Plus when kits die, their deaths can deeply effect their parents and family, and tons of kits dying would probably make that less impactful!
If anything, I would probably want to split up canon litters to be smaller and born at different times, so that cats who seem like they would want more kits, could have another litter! like Tawny would have had two kits in one litter and one in another!
anywayyys thats just my opinion! I can definitely see your pov as well!
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esther-dot · 2 years
I know some people are seeing jonsa in Kit's speech about his "Freudian complex" and what he seeks in a partner (which honestly same LOL 🤡🤡). But at the same time, and knowing that he did enjoy the Ygritte-Jon relationship, it seems curious to me that he's associating Dany and Ygritte with Cat who, as he said, "hated him". I don't know if I make sense?? Lol
That Freudian comment really did make me 👀
I transcribed what he said for context.
In response to a question about Jon finding room in his heart for love again:
"Uh, yea--I hope so. I hope there will be. The funny think about--I said this earlier as well. In thinking about Jon and his choice of women which is (audience laughter). I think he's like...his maternal, the only maternal figure he had was Catelyn who hated him. Treated him like--I swear a lot. I'm sorry--who treated him like crap, alright? And he tends to go for really dominant women. It's quite interesting isn't it? He goes for the really d-- (stops himself). And I think that there's some Freudian thing going on there. Um, with that in mind I think he would go for a s-- (stops himself). I think especially the Ygritte thing burned him so much that he has definite PTSD and truma about being in a relationship, so I think it would be tough. Yeah."
(from this video that @starwarsprincess1986 posted)
I find it a really odd statement considering what he’s said in the past. I can interpret it in a few ways. It could just mean he’s attracted to women who have some authority over him. But he did include hate and mistreatment in his thoughts about Cat and pairing and connecting that vie the Freudian reference to Ygritte and Dany…well, it is kinda an understandable assertion given how s7-8 went. Kit didn’t have a say in what was written but had to perform it, so where D&D may have chosen a path for commercial reasons, without it actually making sense character-wise, Kit tried to create a believable emotional interpretation. As in, Dany treated Jon pretty badly (by taking him prisoner), and he inexplicably fell in love with her. Dany treated him worse in s8 and he inexplicably remained loyal. If that’s the story given to Kit, he might think, well shit, Ygritte also took Jon prisoner, Ygritte demanded his loyalty (as did Dany), Ygritte threatened him (as did Dany), Ygritte felt betrayed by him (as did Dany), and Ygritte shot him (Tyrion and Arya tell him Dany is gonna kill him), so, he might think Jon is choosing women who have some power in the dynamic/he can’t escape (like Cat), who he admires in some way/wants something from (maternal love from Cat, info from Ygritte, dragons /armies from Dany), and then think that he gives into these women because where Cat firmly rejected him, Ygritte and Dany did soften and express interest. It’s possible he saw the power imbalance in Jon/Dany and Jon/Ygritte, the emotional abuse, and thinks it’s a pattern in which Jon was conditioned to want love from a woman he feared. I really like Cat so this is all making me very uncomfy 😬
Like you, that doesn’t fit with how I’ve heard him speak of Ygritte, but I was really caught off guard by the fact that he mentioned not only Cat’s hate but that she treated him like crap which, why is that on his mind when describing Jon’s romantic relationships? If he saw show Ygritte that way, it would shock me? But in a different part, he’s talking about how kind/good his wife is and how odd it was to have her switch from being his sweet gf to acting Ygritte…who (I think he said) would chew his face off in a scene 😂 It did seem to indicate he didn’t consider all the J/Y banter totally harmless/cute. Maybe years later he sees it as somewhat toxic? Maybe he’s been reading the books to prep for the sequel and that’s influencing him? 🤔
I don't know if he made any or all those connections, it may have been a very broad, Cat was strong-willed and Ygritte and Dany are too, meaning. The comments about Cat’s feelings and behavior could have been a little detour, but he did mention the trauma and PTSD from his time with Ygritte as well. That could have been strictly about how both Ygritte and Dany died in his arms and how Jon feels responsible for that (Kit mentioned something like that post s8), but the fact that he feels that way about Cat and brought her into the convo…it felt like an indicator that he knows the relationships were a little fucked up.
I know I always thought that craving the approval and love of Cat had kinda transferred to Sansa and that her acceptance of Jon as a Stark (telling him he was a Stark to her, offering him the Lord’s chambers, dressing him like Ned…) was probably the most healing experience of his life. Not only because she looked like Cat, but because at the time, she was the only surviving Stark, and she had never been close to him so it wasn’t a continuation from childhood, but totally unexpected acceptance. That all became messy, but it still seems more clearly delineated in the show (they even mention Sansa sitting in Cat’s seat once) then his interactions with Ygritte or Dany. I’m not sure what to think, anon, but I agree, it was a really interesting quote! I’ll try to watch the rest of the video sometime and see if there’s anything else to add context to it.
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
I would like to ask how to be a klee main pls
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So you want to be a Klee main...!!!
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LMAOOO OK JOKES ASIDE THO! I love playing as Klee and am super excited when someone else likes her too! Pls take everything i say w a grain or bag of salt as i know very little of what im doing besides from guides help XD
So short version: Klee is a great DPS, but she doesn't have very good synergy in reaction teams due to her pyro overpowering other elements in battle. She also struggles being very toss-able and squishy health. Not to mention her attack set is a bit slow and many suggest using cancellation techniques which can get very tricky to preform efficiently. Farming crimson witch domain may crush your spirits too, but I think her fun playstyle and kit is worth the efforts! You can burn the grass in your friends world for pranks! throw large enemies around and leave little room for them to attack! Blow up rocks and boulders! Explore the world more by fitting into small areas that may not supposed to be reached yet! Avoid attacks cause she's too short to get hit sometimes! LOTS OF EXPLOSIONS AND EFFECTS! I love it! There's a lot of fun little things that i find makes playing as klee very fun! I find she does best against multiple enemies rather than bosses. Not to say you cant use her for them, but it may not be ideal as a different group!
I suggest going to this Klee guide for an indepth breakdown of her pros, cons, artifacts, teams, etc! KeqingMains site has a bunch of great guides for many characters and is updated frequently!
So Klee is a great and fun character. You can burn grass and set fire to your friends world!!! She can find stuff unique to mondstats area, and overall her kit is just super fun and can have a lot of explosions depending on your team!
Here is my build on her currently:
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Weapon wise I use Skyward Atlas since ive gotten it twice by chance LOL, but widsith is ranked best 4* for her and Kagura’s Verity is best 5* BUT APPARENTLY!!! Kagura is most good just because it has bugs that make it better on klee, it might change if it gets patched out T^T so i wouldnt pull for it specifically, but if you have it already might be good to use! ^v^ Now, despite having her since release my artifacts are still VERY iffy, but thats cause crimson witch domain hates me! LMAO I use Gladiators Finale and crimson witch, and then my goblet is my off piece since i want pyro DMG ! My main advice here is for substats aim for Crit rate, crit dmg, atk % and atk. For the main stats Goblet; Pyro DMG, Sands; ATK%, and Circlet; Crit Rate (Crit DMG if you already have at least 50% crit rate without this piece) As for those cancellation techniques they can be daunting and tricky, but dash cancel and jump cancel arent too bad! BUT!!! Dash canceling is the easiest in my opinion. You attack twice, dash and then attack again. With how much i run around on the field this one is quick to get used to doing!
NOW TEAMS! ^V^ While I find I can use klee in most areas (besides pyro enemies TvT) A good team really makes Klees dmg increase a lot! My main go to is!!! Klee, Xiangling, Bennet, and Venti!
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I use Bennys ULT then Xianglings followed by Ventis and then go crazy with Klee! ^V^ If your supports are built well, after defeating a group of enemies you usaullyt get your ults back immediately. So you can just keep cycle the big attacks! Venti can be opted out for sucrose or kazuha as well! (I think Kazuha is supposed to be best anemo here, but i dont have kazuha LOL)
My other go to team with klee is!!! Klee, Fischl, Beidou and any support that fits your needs.
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This is a great overload team and makes for very fun combat against bosses that can be knocked over. Enemies have little room for attack and theres explosions everywhere which is super fun!!! My beidou isn't built yet, but this team still works great whether your artifacts are top tier or not. As for supports I reccommend a Healer or shield support. Klee sets the ground on fire alot and will take a lot of dmg there ;;; if you have Zhongli his shield is AMAZING!!! If you want to focus on dmg bonuses just stick with bennet and his ult! Diona or Qiqi are good healers that let Klee stay battling while protecting her!
AND LASTLY!!! Multiplayer and world exploration! If your gonna be a klee main u gotta be a lil silly!!! >V< You can mess with your idle friends and burn the grass they stand on >:3 or blow up an enemy over a cliff! Klees explosions can be used on rock piles or geo cliffs that need to be broken! No need to bring out a claymore ^v^ Again very good against multiple enemies at a time since she often knocks them off their feet and sends them backwards! Her small height also can help with avoiding attacks that go over her head LOL
Overall Klee is very fun to play and I greatly encourage you to play her kit! especially if you like explosions and being a lil rascal :3
AGAIN! CHECK OUT KEQINGMAINS FOR GREAT GUIDES! Legit it goes over the attack animation cancellation techniques, artifacts and stats, weapons, teams, EVERYTHING in great depth!!! You can also find resources for most characters if not all of them!
I rambled here alot but thank you for asking!!! <3 idk how helpful this was but hopefully you can have fun!
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bunnymajo · 2 years
In case something happens to me and I’m not able to fully illustrate my off-the-wall vision that is AU-Elias x Surge, I wanna explain the dynamic:
(Put it under a break because I wasn’t expecting it to be so long)
So like (from how I understand it) Archie-Elias was this lost secret older brother of Sally’s who lived in hiding on Angel Island, he was protected by the Echidna brotherhood so he lived each day exploring the island having a good old time - until The Plot catches up with him and he has to be King now because his dad’s getting old, getting cranky and the writers were too narrow-minded to let Sally be both a freedom fighter and a leader and stay “ready to mingle”, so someone has to stay home and keep house and Elias is thrusted into this role that other people want for him, and hey he’s even an adult of marrying age too. He (understandably imo) gets cold feet and hits the bricks into the woods and marries the 1st pretty squirrel lady he meets off screen. He eventually comes back and steps up to his family duties for the good of the people and build that relationship back again with his family. 
I haven’t read much of his story after he became king, but he just strikes me as a good natured lad, a little rash/impulsive from naivete, but sees the good in people and just wants to help, even if it’s something beyond his scope and the REAL problem is much deeper than he could probably control on his own, but he’s gonna do his best anyway. 
So my AU version, that’s the main energy I would want to bring to the table. I made him & Sally the same age because I think that would give them a tighter relationship (and also because I thought they were twins before I actually read the comics, I was really surprised to learn he was a dad lol) but since the Kingdom of Acorn isn’t so fractured and archaic, Elias is just the “baby” of the family who’s sheltered and mostly does his own thing - he wants to be taken seriously and do more but Sally’s more of the brains between them and does it for him - there’s not really a need for him to “grow”.
But then the events of Sonic Forces happen and he gets lost in the shuffle and is on his own. In his new journey he’s finding out more about himself, helping people along the way, he loves it! He knows he has to go back home, and of course he doesn’t want to worry his family, but also kinda doesn’t want to.
Meanwhile Surge, who (unless something drastic changes by the end of her arc rn idk) is on her own, has no home except for wherever her & Kit happen to be. Has no respect for authority or heroes and kind of just wants to be a problem on purpose, at her core, deep down in there is just teen who wants to go home but doesn’t know where that is or where to start, so she’s making it everyone elses problem. And that’s not even mentioning her sense of self and the abuse trauma. 
Since she’s a new character, the rest of the cast doesn’t even know she exists, and after this arc I can’t think of anyone in the main game cast that would want to get to know her better. Maybe Rough & Tumble, but she’s got Kit, she doesn’t need any more underlings. Maybe Shadow but he’s got his own baggage. Maybe Amy but she did try to burn her alive indirectly once, plus Amy might not be keen on the whole “Trying to murder all her friends” thing. Surge’s got no friends (except Kit) and that’s just how she likes it (or is it?)
So the dynamic of Elias & Surge meeting, I think Elias’s pure hearted nature, his openness to new people, his scrappy “lets fight for fun and go adventuring” attitude, his sparkly face, he would be too nice and good to her for her to outright kill on sight. 
She’d try maybe, but luck is on Elias side here, so any zap she might try to pull misses, if she hits him he’s like “wow your left jab is amazing!”, he would just see it as play fighting. He would be like Sonic without his showoff personality, and Surge isn’t brainwashed to hate Elias like she is with Sonic, so she secretly finds it infuriatingly charming. He also has no idea what happened in Central City etc., the fact that she’s got robot parts in her, or her goal to burn the world down, he just thinks she’s some funky gal who’s into fighting, and “that’s cool! Wow! I guess running really fast is just a trait some people can have! She’s so quirky!” She also has no idea he’s royalty and just thinks he’s some dopey traveler.
After Surge realizes Elias isn’t leaving or is really even a threat to her she eventually just becomes kinda friends with him. They talk about wilderness survival tips, fighting techniques, how parents just don’t understand, cooking tips, their favorite bands, ya know, normal teen conversations. He becomes her one friend (aside from Kit). 
(Kit looks down on Elias, like he thinks he’ll never be good enough for Surge, but he’ll put up with their friendship as long as she’s ok, and every once in awhile he’ll catch Surge smiling and think “ok, maybe this guy’s not so bad”. But the moment things go sour Kit will show him no mercy. Elias gives Kit free candy & toys and thinks he’s like 6.)
It’s purely comedic rom-com fluff that has the potential to become as dramatic as possible, the best kind.
TLDR: I think it would be funny.
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