#but got damn i am so thankful to jared for this weekend.
alwaysnatz · 5 years
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Torcon 2019 vs. Torcon 2017
Maybe I’ll repost with my stories when I get the jpegs, but for now all I’ll say is that these men are so warm and amazing. I had moments with each of them, and maybe I’ll share someday, but it astounds me how in tune and giving they are with their fans. They made me feel so special in the fleeting seconds I spent with them and I’ll be treasuring those memories long after the show is over.
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Hello lovelies!! Sorry I'm two days late with Chapter 3 . I didn't really get much of a response with Chapter 2 ... I will post 3 any ways. Enjoy!!!
Chapter 3 : The Not-So-Wonderful Weekend
Pairing: Eventual Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: Jared is still an asshole, suicide attempt (please please please don't read if this will trigger you!!!)
Y/N went to go towards the tent with Jensen when Jared got in front of them. "What?" She asked him.
"Why have you turned Jess against me?"
"I didn't do anything. Now get out of my way, Padalecki. You got your wish now let me fucking go."
"Not until you convince Jess... Break her away from that boy toy."
"You broke my fucking camera and my dreams. I'm gonna fail my final and it's gonna make it so I can't get into college. You can go suck a dick!"
"Its not a real career! It's barely a hobby."
"It's a really good career when you're going oversees to do wildlife! I'm not staying here..."
"Yeah right."
"At least I won't be a burden on you..."
"They won't support this."
"Who? Our parents, our friends, me! Take your pick."
"I already know I don't have a support system. I got into A&M on a photography scholarship. None of you cared when I tried to tell you, everyone shrugged me off. I promise I know."
He scoffed. "Talk to Jess please."
"No." She stalked off.
He huffed.
"You had every opportunity to kiss her." Peter smirked.
He shrugged, "I don't wanna push her ..."
"Right." Peter shook his head.
The morning had finally wrapped up. Jessica had changed into a more comfortable dress. She was walking around looking at the shops when she felt someone grab her hand.
It was Y/N, her camera around her neck, "Where is Nik? I thought we could get some pics done while y'all are on break."
"Uhhh. Im not sure. Let's go find him."
"Cool." She grinned. They found him at the food tent getting a water.
"Hey! How's your wrist?" Nik asked.
"Still numb ... " she grinned, "I was hoping you'd be ok with me getting some pics of you and Jess together in your costumes."
"I think we can make that happen." Nik smiled.
"Awesome. I found some of the perfect spots to do it!" She turned around and hit right into Jared's chest.
He glanced at her but stared at Jess.
Y/N grabbed them and went around Jared , "Jay gave me the PERFECT idea with a couple of the horses!" They all went on their way, thankful Jared didn't follow.
Jessica simled and settled into Nik's side.
Y/N took a good 100 photos of them, easily.
On the last photo, they were standing close together. Their hands brushed together. He gently had a finger under her chin, turning her to look at him. Their faces close together.
Jessica saw the decisions going through his head.
No one saw Jared approach.
Nik leaned down, his lips touching hers.
Y/N didn't hesitate to take the pics of them sharing their first kiss.
Jessica melted into him. Until she heard the screaming.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?!?" Jared roared.
"Jared. This is my choice. My life." Jessica's eyes found the ground interesting. She wrapped her arms around herself. Jared made quick work of putting himself between the two of them.
Y/N stood up and went over to them. "Jared. You're in the shot and making Jess uncomfortable. Please move."
"No. Not when this concerns my girlfriend."
Jessica went pale. Neither of them had ever discussed that.
"Either you're lying or Jess didn't tell me and she NEVER keeps shit from me."
"Why would I lie about that?"
"Jared...You're my brother and I love you dearly, but ... you're a habitual liar..."
"Am not?!"
Jessica felt Nik's arms slip around her waist, his lips against his cheek.
She sighed, "Jared ... you're a liar, a cheat and a damn fool ... I'm sorry but it's true ."
"Let's hurry off..." he whispered in her ear.
"No. You've just kept the one thing I've wanted away from me. Turned her against me!"
Jessica let Nik lead her away.
"Jared, SHE WAS NEVER INTO YOU! WHENEVER YOU'RE HOME SHE DREADS COMING IN THE HOUSE! MY ONLY FUCKING FRIEND AND SHE DOESNT WANT TO BE AROUND ME WHEN YOU'RE AROUND, WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN TO YOU!?" Y/N screamed. But she didn't expect what happened next, she felt a hand connect to her right cheek. She stumbled back, astonished that her brother had just slapped her across the face, but it didn't stop him.
"AND YOU'RE TWICE HER AGE , ASSHAT!" She got up, pushing him in the chest, even though he didn't really budge.
"I told you to talk to her. She just needs to see sense."
"We know what we see ..  and neither of us like it."
He scoffed.
"Leave her alone. You understand me?"
"And if I don't?"
"You'll reap what you sow." She went to leave, but he grabbed her by her pony tail.
"Put the camera away before you lose everything." He let her go and stormed off.
She was silently crying, realizing no one was around.
They went over to a barn.
Jessica was shaking.
"It's ok..." He tried to soothe her.
Jessica started to pace.
Nik sighed, grabbing her hand to stop her.
Jessica looked at him.
"Come here..."
Jessica did.
He pulled her close, giving her a deep and passionate kiss.
Jessica melted into him.
He didn't let up for a breath.
Jessica smiled as he picked her up into his arms.
"Mmm..." he hummed.
Jessica giggled. "We're outside you know."
"Mmm...I can change that."
Jessica nuzzled against his neck. "Don't we have afternoon responsibilities?"
"In like ... two hours..."
Jessica giggled as he carried her off.
They went off to his trailer.
Jessica was glad to be away from everything.
He closed and locked the door behind them.
Jessica giggled as Nik pulled her back to him.
"Now ... where was I?"
"Where were you?"
He chuckled.
Jessica smiled. Nik reached out to grab her. She giggled and stepped just out of his reach.
"Uh ..." he looked like a 5 year old who just had his ice cream stolen.
Jessica grinned. He tried again. Again she stepped back.
He kept doing it til she tripped, he easily caught her.
"Hi..." Jessica breathed.
Jessica was scooped up.
He took her over to the recliner.
They settled down.
He held her close.
His lips quickly found hers.
He was gently rubbing her all over.
She felt him loosen her corset.
"Does it take long for you to get this back on?'
"Not if you can tie it." He was used to the ones on the Game of Thrones set.
"I'm OK with that..."
Jessica giggled, especially seeing him get frustrated on layer 4.
"How many layers did they put you in!?"
Jessica giggled. "Giving up already."
"Maybe once you're in regular clothes...God damn girl. "
Jessica smiled. "You had to deal with these on set." Knowing he delt with quick change dresses.
"They had two layers...not six.'
Jessica giggled and stood, and with three movements was down to just a white chemise. "That's better." Jessica breathed normally.
"Wow...more beautiful than I could've imagined. "
Jessica blushed, a strand of hair falling in front of her face.
He gently swiped it behind her ear.
Jessica leaned into his touch.
He smiled softly.
He lifted her into his arms.
He went back to his bedroom.
Jessica giggled as he tossed her on the bed.
He climbed on top of her.
Jessica took his face in her hands.
He grinned.
"So -" She didn't even get to finish the sentence.
His lips attacked hers.
Jessica melted into him.
He was grinding against her.
He grinned.
Jessica pulled him closer.
He accidently slipped in as he moved.
They both looked at each other.
Jay was looking for Y/N.
She had gone and curled up in a corner of the food tent.
He went and settled next to her.
She ignored him.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" She whispered. No one had seen what happened between her and Jared.
"You're upset. I'm assuming Jared was an ass."
She shrugged, "he told me to put the camera away before I lose everything ... what's that even mean?"
"I don't know."
She sighed, "I gotta finish my final, Jay ..."
"I know. You will. Did you get good ones of Jess?"
She gave a small smile, "yeah, wanna see them?"
"Of course." He had a big smile.
She turned her camera on, going through the pictures.
"That one." He pointed to the one right before the kiss.
"Wanna see one better?" She asked, showing him where they kissed.
"Wow..." He breathed.
"Yeah. I know."
"If Jared saw this picture...."
"He saw the real thing..."
"So that's why he's pissed...."
She nodded.
"Don't be. She deserves to be happy."
"Yeah...well, I, um, I should get going...I need some more pics for my final."
He sighed as he watched her go.
She was gone for the rest of the night.
Jensen wasn't happy with Jared and Jared could tell.
"What's wrong with you?" Jared said, approaching him. "And where is Y/N?"
"Studying. You can't just let Jess be happy can you."
"Studying what?"
"Whatever she wants."
He scoffed. "Whatever."
"Jessica can be happy."
"With me..."
"She likes Nik. A lot."
"He is no good for her."
"How do you know that?"
"He is three times her age and still married. He is going to counseling with his wife."
"And you're twice her age." Jensen countered.
"Better than what she is currently hanging with ..."
"I'm serious. "
"As am I."
He was steaming out his ears.
"Jar. I know you've always expected Jessica to be with you. You got to actually make her like you."
"Isn't that what I've done the last five years!?"
"Not when all your conversations involve Y/N and what she's doing wrong. Have you even asked Jessica how she's been? You know her so well, what's her favorite color?"
"Purple. Duh."
"Teal." Jensen corrected.
He shrugged, "she must have changed it up on me."
"Favorite movie?"
"Fault in our stars. "
"Only when she's needs to cry."
He shrugged, "potatoe, potato."
"What?" Jared said, just then both their phones dinged, it was a video chat request from Y/N.
Just then Jessie's phone dinged, video chat request from Y/N.
Jensen accepted it.
Jessica sighed. She pulled away and sat up making sure she was descently covered and accepted.
Jared simply leaned over, sharing the screen with Jensen.
Y/N's screen was black, she had been obviously crying. She smiled, seeing all their faces, "hey guys..." the black picture said. "Um, I know you're all probably busy ... but I just wanted to call and say I love you guys ... I'm not on set ... " she sniffled. "You can't find me by GPS, I disabled it, so don't even try. I'm just ... I know I'm not worth the hassle and disappointment I keep causing." There was the sound of movement, as if she was climbing over something.
"Y/N what are you talking about??"
"Jared told me ... if I didn't lose the camera that I would lose everything ... well, he is getting his wish ... so is my entire family." Y/N stifled a cry.
Jensen sighed, "Y/N. . .baby girl, you listen to me, okay? You're important to us. You take AMAZING pictures ... you can't let your family win ... don't let them take your light ..."
"My entire life, Jay, has been overshadowed by all four of my siblings ... I wasn't supposed to happen . There's a ten year difference between me and the next oldest ... I wasn't supposed to happen ... "
"Y/N..." Jared sighed. "Look. I wasn't really going to do anything. Come back to set. Please."
"Why? So you can harass me even more? And with me gone Jess doesn't have to be around you any more so she is free of my diseased family as well..." the wind was starting to pick up, making her phone unstable in her hand.
"Y/N you know how they are." Jared sighed.
"They? Not including you?" She scoffed, "You'll never change, will you?"
"What do you want to do? You've already decided to leave." Jared didn't sound angry, just sad.
"To leave set ... "
"Where are you going."
She turned her camera on, she was on a bridge, showing them the water and rocks below her.
Jensen sighed. "I'm coming to get you."
Just then the phone was dropped, it hit the water and the call was disconnected. Beth took a deep breath and leapt off after it.
Jensen was up running back to get a hold of the police.
Jared was pacing and calling himself stupid.
Jessica had been quiet, shaking with rage.
"What's wrong?" Nik asked. He had stepped out to give her privacy.
"I'm killing him." Jessica was up pulled layers on quickly.
"Who, Jess?"
Jessica didn't answer, she started to lace the corset up herself.
Nik simply ran over and helped her.
Jessica kept muttering he's" dead" over and over until Nik couldn't take it.
"WHO!?!?!?" He spun her around so she was facing him, "I'll help you, but I need the details!"
Jessica dropped to her knees, burying her face in her hands and sobbed.
"Jess...what the hell was that call about, baby?"
Jessica felt him scoop her up. She was sat on the bed. She told him about the call.
He sighed, "I'm so sorry sweetheart. Shall we go kill Jared then go see her at the hospital?"
Jessica nodded, falling into Nik's side.
He picked her up and carried her out.
Jessica curled into him.
Y/N laid unconscious on the rocks, she had hit her head hard and had several broken bones and ribs.
It had taken awhile but they had managed to find her and get her lifelined.
She had gotten all the bones placed and casted and had wires and tubes here there and everywhere. Jensen was updated after three hours that she was stable and in a medically induced coma as there was bleeding on the brain they couldn't currently operate on.
Jensen was pacing and panicking.
Jared watched him, "well? What did the doctor say?"
Jared flinched, "but ... Jay ... she's my sister!" He tried to reason.
"No. Before I do something worse. Just go."
Jared sighed, but walked out the door.
Jensen went into her room.
Had it not been for the heart monitor showing she was alive, you'd think it was her funeral.
Jensen cradled his head in his hands.
Nik and Jess easily found Jared out in the parking lot.
Jared and Jessica locked eyes. Jessica thought about causing a scene but simply went to walk in. Until Jared came and caught her hand.
"I'm truly sorry ... I never thought she would try something like this ..."
"I don't want to hear it."
"Jess ... Jay won't let me see her ..."
He sighed, "I'm sorry ... "
"You should be." She went to let his hand go. He clung tighter.
Nik reached over, easily separating their hands and replacing Jared's with his, leading Jess into the hospital and leaving Jared alone, where for once, he realized, he truly messed up.
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moosekateer13 · 3 years
Chapter 1 The Good Life:
Today is the day. I am nervous as hell. Can’t believe I am finally meeting Jared in person.
I hope this black and red body con dress looks okay. I picked it special just for today.
This entire weekend has been wonderful. I really needed something to look forward to. After I caught my now former boyfriend cheating on me, I've been down in the dumps. I've been burying myself in work at the production company I own. This is the first weekend I've had off in a while. I look up at the line for the photo. I am next. Damn, does he ever look good in that black shirt and blue jeans?
With no warning, Jared picks me up in his arms for the op. Jared smiles at the sound of my squeak when he picks me up. Before I know it, the op is taken, and I am set back on my feet. I say thank you to Jared before I take my leave. I slowly make my way out of there thinking what was with that scene with Jared. I know one of the con rules is that he isn't supposed to pick fans up.
No time to think now I've got to get back to my seat.
It's not gold but copper, so I am not far back. I feel the excitement flowing through me at the thought of watching my first panel in person. I am still running on high after my op with Jared. Love watching J2 on stage. It's a little hard to concentrate since fans are murmuring about Jared picking up a fan for a photo op. Little do they know it's me. Before I know the panel is over and it's time for me to go for dinner before the duo op.
I made my way to the hotel restaurant, not wanting to go from the hotel.
I order a burger and fries with a Dr.Pepper to drink. It's such a relaxing atmosphere here. I am glad I chose the hotel and not a local fast-food joint. So much for peace. Seriously, why are people still whispering about me? Damn sensitive hearing. I ignored some looks people gave after I paid for my meal and left the restaurant.
Time to head back to the room to wait for my number to be called for the duo.
It doesn't take too long for them to call me to head down to the photo op room. I showed them the pic for the pose. So nervous about this one. It turned out better than I expected. The pic I chose was for me letting Jensen's hand walk over to Jared. Yet again, he surprises me. He puts my hand on his shoulder. It feels like time has stopped when I go to look up into his multi-spectrum eyes. I reluctantly let go when Chris tells us he got the shot. I slowly leave, having trouble staying steady on my 2-inch heeled boots. I quickly made my way to the shop in the hotel to buy a Dr. Pepper. The drink has always been a comfort to me. Jared's extra flirty behaviour caught me off guard today. I wonder what is up with him.
Finally finished with my drink, I head back to my hotel room.
I see a familiar figure standing by my room.
What the hell is he doing here?
"Jared, what the hell are you doing here? I asked.
" I don't normally do this darlin’ but Y/N, I've been quite fascinated with you since I met you in the photo op room. I'd like to discuss this further in your room if you don't mind." Jared said.
I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks in response to his remark.
"Umm, sure I squeaked out.
Still, one other thing is on my mind. Who told him about my room?
It must have been the workers at creation and the hotel staff.
As soon as I close the door to my room, the atmosphere changes.
Jared's lips soon find me, and we start tugging at each other's clothes.
"Y/N last chance to stop this. If you don't want this, you'll have to let me know." Jared said. His multi-spectrum lust hazel eyes bore into my Y/E/C, eagerly awaiting my confirmation.
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," I replied.
At my ultimate confirmation, we finished removing all of each other's clothes. I lick my lips at the sight of being completely naked. Damn, he's sculpted like a god.
Jared grips onto me as tight as possible while sucking a mark into my neck. I clawed at his back as he slowly pushed himself into me. Completely and utterly full of a fullness I've never experienced in my life.
Things quickly take a more heated turn with our first orgasms of the night course through us. He growls into my ear for the rest of the night in between the heated kisses we share. I've lost count of how many orgasms we've had, but hours must have passed by now because I wake up in his arms covered in sweat and cum dripping down my thighs. I make my way to the shower to clean up.
After my shower, after getting dressed. I grab my things. I've got to head back to Canada to run my company. This weekend was just a one-time trip to Texas. I can't afford to get attached to anybody, not after all I've been through. I doubt Jared is ready for a relationship, either. He just recently divorced this year. I take one last look at his sleeping form before I exit. I know this night will be something I'd never forget.
All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life
All I want
Is a little of the good life
Chapter 2
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter 5 - Embry Call x Reader
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“(Y/N)!” Seth says excitedly from the log he was sitting on, jumping up to come over. 
“Hey Seth.” I smile, hugging him as Embry took the cookies from my hand. 
“Welcome back. We all missed you, especially Embry.” He elbows me in the side jokingly. 
“You’re all Embry thought about, all the time.” Paul teases, nudging Embry before running further down the beach. 
I look at Embry with a questioning look.
“We can hear each other’s thoughts in wolf form.” Jacob whispers to me. 
I look at him, nodding in surprise, mouthing a “wow.” 
“I missed you all. I’m so happy to be back.” I look around, seeing Leah sitting on the log. 
“Hey, Leah. How are you?” I ask. 
“Well, you know. Dealing with all these jackasses. The usual.” She smirks. 
“Fair. Let’s hang out soon and catch up. I’m sure you need a girl’s day soon.” I smile. 
“That could be fun, they drive me mad.” She nods, giving a soft smile. 
Jacob looks at me surprised, flashing me a set of worried eyes. 
I return the look with one of questioning, I’ve always been cool with Leah. She was great. Something to ask about later, noted. 
Embry opens the container and begins taking cookies, then the rest of them devoured the cookies quicker than I thought possible. Embry himself put seven away before I finished my first one. 
“Easy there, killer.” I joke. 
From what I recognize to be Emily walks over with a tray of sandwiches and s’mores stuff, earning the hands from everyone grabbing something off the tray. 
A tall man walks closely behind her, I assume this to be Sam. 
“You must be (Y/N), I’m Sam.” He walks over, smiling at me and reaching his hand out for me to shake. 
“Hi Sam, nice to meet you.” I smile back. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet the girl that my pack speaks so fondly of.” 
“Likewise, they all speak very highly of you.” 
My mind suddenly raced back to a little over a year ago. 
“(Y/N), I don’t want to be next. I don’t understand what happened to Embry… to Jake. I’m so scared.” 
“Quil, I don’t understand. What’s going on?” 
“Jake and Embry won’t talk to me anymore, they’re different.” His voice cracks over the phone.
I too noticed the difference in Jacob and Embry, less phone calls. Less texts. Less video chatting. But overall I still heard from them regularly. I don’t know why they would abandon Quil. 
“What, where did all this come from?” 
“Sam. Sam Uley.” His shaky voice speaks through the phone.
And suddenly it all made sense. It made sense why soon after that conversation, they seemed to resolve their issues-- without any further explanation to me. 
I snap back to reality as Sam let go of my hand and I was met with a welcoming hug from Emily. 
I hugged her back, feeling her sweet and caring nature through the embrace. 
We pull apart and I’m met with the feeling of Embry’s hand on my lower back, lighting my senses on fire. 
The sun was starting to set, so Jacob and Embry took over lighting the fire. 
I took the opportunity to sit and talk with Leah, 
“So, how’s La Push been treating you?” I ask. 
“It’s been better. It’s been pretty tough.” She gives me a sad smile. 
“I know, I’m sorry. I am. I’m really sorry for everything you’ve been going through.” Both of us turn our attention to Emily and Sam. 
“Thanks. Everyone else seems to get annoyed by it.” She scoffs. 
“What?” I turn to her with wide eyes, filled with shock.
She looks at me, disappointed in her face.
“Apparently it’s annoying that I’m mad about it because Sam can’t control it.” She shrugs, Seth sitting next to her placing a hand on her shoulder. 
“It doesn’t matter if he can’t control it. Of course you’re mad-- you’re upset. You have every right to be. Is it Jacob?” I ask. 
“Thanks, (Y/N). It’s nice to have someone rational around here. Of course it’s Jacob.” She scoffs.
“What a hypocrite.” I huff. 
“I’m sorry, Leah. I can talk to him if you want, remind him he’s not far from your position at all.” I look over at Jacob, who can clearly hear me, eyeing me from the side. 
“It’s fine, he can hear you now. He knows what you think.” She smirks. 
“Well, now you have another girl here. It’s been a while since we talked but I hope we can be good friends.” I smile at her. 
She nods, smiling a bit. Leah cared and I knew it. Though she was a woman of few words, her feelings were apparent in her actions, I knew she enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed hers. She was fun, but knew when to calm it down. She knew what she wanted, she knew her worth. Leah was stronger than most, I can’t imagine seeing someone I thought I would marry one day drop all feelings for me and end up proposing to my cousin. Let alone to have to see him every day, following his orders, and to have that mind link. 
The more I thought, the more I thought about how she needs a friend. I felt for her. She deserved better, and I would help her find better. 
Embry soon joined us, sitting on my other side and wrapping his arm around me. 
“Hey guys.” He smiles.
“Hey.” Leah mumbles, in her slightly sour mood. 
“Hey, Emrby.” Seth smiles. 
“Does Sunday work? We can get food or something? Or hang out at my house? Give you a break from all this?” I offer. 
“Yeah, that sounds like fun.” She smiles. 
“Can I co-” Embry and Seth begin. 
“Nope. Sorry.” I smile. 
Embry pouts and Seth looks a bit disappointed, but I saw Leah’s appreciation in her eyes. 
“We can all do something another day. Leah needs a break from testosterone. Em, you and I will be together the rest of the weekend, don’t forget.” I smile at him. 
“You’re right.” He kissed my temple. 
“Okay, it’s time for them to talk.” He whispers in my ear. 
The elders sat around, explaining the legends from the beginning. 
The story about the third wife was one that stuck with me since I was a child. What a courageous woman. It’s crazy to hear all of these stories again, now knowing that they were no longer legends-- but real history. I was mesmerized by Billy’s words just as much as I was over a decade ago. 
Soon after, we returned to the light banter and roasting of marshmallows.  
“So how was Texas, (Y/N)?” Seth asks excitedly. 
“I hated it. I really did.” I laugh. 
“Dang, I’m sorry. At least you’re back, though.” He smiles at me. 
“I know, I’m so happy to be back with everyone.” I smile. 
Embry pulls me closer into his side. 
“I’m so happy to hold you again, I’m so happy you’re back.” He whispers into my ear, sending shivers up my spine. 
I turn around and press a kiss to his cheek, smiling like an idiot as I pull away. 
“Yuck!” Quil comes over, beginning to wrestle with Embry. 
“Damn it, Quil.” Embry says, falling into the sand behind him. 
I heard them rustling, Embry quickly overpowering Quil as they continued. 
I look down at them, shaking my head and laughing to myself. 
“My money’s on Quil.” I heard a voice belonging to none other than Jake.
“Oh, you’re on. Five bucks Quil taps out.” I scoff.
“You got it, chief.” He laughs. 
“Em, don’t mess this up. I got money on this.” I chuckle. 
“So, you and Leah are gonna be buddies?” He laughs. 
“Listen, you guys are more alike than you think. Stop being a dick to her.” I scold. 
“I’m not being a dick, I just don’t know what else to say. Try having your own pent up anger plus that in your mind almost every day.” He shakes his head. 
“She can say the same thing, but she doesn’t. Just try to have some compassion.” I reason.
“Alright Dr. Phil, I’ll work on it.” He laughs. 
“Ow! Jesus Embry chill!” We hear Quil exclaim from behind us. 
“Hand it over, Jake.” I put my hand out as Jake pulls a five out of his pocket, handing it over. 
“Damn it, Quil.” He mumbles. 
I laugh as Embry joins my side once again, behaving kind of like a magnet. 
The elders left the beach, off to do their own thing. Soon Sam and Emily followed. Leaving Embry, Jake, Paul, Jared, Quil, Leah, Seth and myself left at the beach.  
“What should we do now, guys?” Seth asked. 
“We can play games at my house.” I offer. “That sounds like fun.” Seth beams. 
Everyone nods in agreement and we head back to my house in Forks. 
I drove with my usual group, allowing everyone else to follow me back to my house. 
I open my door and see my dad sitting on the couch, watching TV. 
“Hey, dad.” I smile. 
“What’s up, (Y/N)? Hello Embry, Quil, and Jake.” He smiles.
“The rest of them are coming, too. Game night.” I smile at him.
“Oh, cool. I haven’t seen everyone in a while. I’ll say hi but I’m gonna head to bed, I have work in the morning. Try not to be too loud.” 
“Okay, you got it.” 
“So, Embry.” My dad begins, walking over to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and leading him into the kitchen. 
“Great.” I sigh, looking at Embry as he turns his head, eyes about to pop out of his skull.
Jacob and Quil look at me, eyes also widening and stifling their laughs. 
I heard the rest of everyone talking outside the door, I swung it open to let them in. 
“Hey, (Y/N)!” A chorus of voices ring through my ears. 
“Hey, come on in. Take a seat.” I nod over to the couches behind me.
They all shuffle in, sitting around my living room. Jake turns the TV on and I grab the board games from my room, bringing them downstairs. 
“Is he still in there?” I ask Quil.
“Yeah, it’s going well.” He laughs at me. 
“Oh I forgot you can hear, fill me in.” I laugh. 
“We can all hear.” Jared reminds me, smiling. 
I shake my head, realizing how much of this I would have to get used to. 
“Well, what game should we play?” Leah asks. 
“I wish we could do monopoly, there’s just too many of us.” I shrug. 
“We can do teams.” Seth offers up. 
“That could work, it just might get intense.” I warn, smiling at the thought. 
Embry walks back into the living room, my father walks up the stairs after bidding us all a goodnight. 
“Welcome back.” I smile awkwardly. 
His eyes never broke mine, seemingly of excitement but also nervousness. 
“How was it?” I ask.
“It went well. Normal dad things, I think. We caught up on life, then he told me about how he feels about this happening.” He spoke lowly to me, trying to give the illusion of privacy. 
Thankfully, everyone else talked amongst themselves, also being considerate to my feelings.
“What did he say about it?” I whisper. 
“That he’s happy it’s me, he’s happy about it. Still gave me the stereotypical dad rundown though, even though he and I both know I don’t need it.” He smiled, kissing my temple once again.
“That’s great.” I smile, leaning into his side. 
We split up the teams and prepared for blood. 
Jared chose Paul, a dangerous combo. Leah and Seth paired up, Jake and Quil, leaving Embry and I as the last team. To say this was a competitive bunch was an understatement. There was a lot of discussion, a lot of yelling and frustration, cheating accusations, and cheating attempts. After about two hours, Leah won after building on every property she could, destroying everyone in her path.
“Ha.” She smirks. “Unreal.” Paul scoffs. 
Everyone had their little disagreements, but thankfully no blood spilled. It was a great time.
At about midnight, we decided to call it a night. 
I walk everyone out, but Embry stays behind once again as Paul’s phone began to ring. 
“Hello?” He answers on the front porch. 
“Why is Emily calling so late?” Jared asks. 
“We’re coming.” Paul speaks into the phone, serious tone quickly taking over. 
“What’s up?” Jared asks. 
“Sam picked up on something, you and I are patrolling with him.” He nods at Jared.
“I’ll come, too.” Jacob decides. 
“You guys are taking over later.” Paul looks at Seth and Leah. 
“Embry, be ready. You’ll join them at 4 if we still don’t get anything or need your help.” Paul looks at him. 
“Okay.” He looks Paul in the eye, nodding in agreement. 
I look up at everyone, seeing how quickly things can change for them. 
And then it hit me, that meant there was a vampire running around. 
Fear instilled in my body, freezing me in my tracks. 
“Don’t worry, bean. Nothing’s gonna happen to you.” Embry noticed my discomfort, trying to help me feel better. 
“But I don’t want any of you to get hurt.” I say meekly.
“(Y/N), don’t worry. We got this, it’s what we’re made to do.” Jacob nudges me. 
“Nothing’s gonna happen to us. Nothing’s gonna happen to you. You gotta see us in action one day.” Paul smiles. 
“No, she doesn’t.” Embry says quickly. 
“I mean, I feel in the dark. I kinda wanna see what goes on. Maybe not in action but...” I trail off. 
“Maybe.” Embry looks down at me. 
“Good luck.” I say to Paul and Jared before they took off into the woods. 
Everyone parts ways, but Embry follows me up into my room until it’s his turn to patrol.
I lay in my bed, patting the spot next to me. Embry walks over and lays in the spot next to me, pulling me into his chest. 
“You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, right?” 
“Of course. I know.” I inhale his scent, feeling serenity take over.
“I won’t let anyone touch you. Ever. I’m gonna be perfectly safe, we work as a pack. We’re much faster, stronger, and most vampires don’t know that we even exist. I want you to know, you’re safe.” He kisses my forehead. 
“You do make me feel safe, Embry.” I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck. 
“Your heart is still racing.” He chuckles. 
“I know, I still feel safe with you… I just worry about you. I need to know you’re safe. This feeling goes both ways.” My words barely above a whisper. 
“I’ll show you, we can handle ourselves. Don’t worry about us.” 
“I love you, Embry.”
“I love you, too (Y/N). Try to sleep tonight. I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep, and tomorrow I’ll check on you, or you can check on me.” He chuckles softly. 
I nod into his chest. 
His warm hands held me, one rubbed circles in my back and the other ran fingers through my hair. His warmth radiated, making me fall into a deep slumber. 
Word Count: 2559
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
Sixth Gear
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Word Count: 4287
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Characters: Jensen, Reader, Marie (OG Character), Nathan (OG Character) Dylan (OG Character), Donna Ackles, Alan Ackles, Mackenzie Ackles, Joshua Ackles, Jared (Mentioned), and Misha (Mentioned).
About: Reader goes home for the holidays only to be introduced to Jensen, the star of Supernatural. The Reader and Jensen hit it off that first night where one thing leads to another until the readers Brother walks in on them about to rip each others clothes off. For the next few months the Reader and Jensen get to know each more. Then the Reader decides to go home for the Summer just to see Jensen and he shows her his motorcycle and how it all works where one thing leads to another.
Warnings: Language, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Unprotected Sex (be responsible, wrap it up), Drinking, Oral Female Receiving, Mention of Drugs
DISCLAIMER: This one shot does contain a toxic parent and everything that comes with a toxic parent. That means there will be manipulation, gas lighting, emotional/psychological abuse, etc. If you live or have lived with a toxic parent and or person please read at your own discretion. 
DISCLAIMER 2: Any of the shorts that are hot and steamy, I want to put out there that it's in no way disrespectful towards Danneel at all. I love her to death and respect the crap out the marriage between her and Jensen. So when reading those shorts, know that it all takes place in an alternate world where they aren't married at all.
A/N: If you have a small request, shoot me a message. Request close 7.11.2020 at 11.59pm US central time
A/N 2: Do you want to be tagged in future fanfics posts? Comment Below!
A/N 3: This took me 3 to 4 days to write so I really hope you enjoy this hot and steamy motorcycle ride.
Requested by: @magssteenkamp​ 
Tag List: @hobby27​ @elansaidaris​ @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @squirrelnotsam​ 
I sit in the airport thinking and wondering how I am going to make it through the weekend with my parents. My Mom is toxic as hell while my Dad is just now waking up to her toxicity after nearly thirty years of marriage. He has told me many times over this last year that he was considering on leaving her but somehow she always found out and manipulated him to stay. "Maybe I can convince him to come home with me?" I whisper to myself. I have an extra room for him. I rub my face knowing it will be a long shot to get my father out of that house.
When my flight is called for Dallas, I stand up, picking up my bag and making my way to the gate. I hate holidays that require me to come home. Like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I make up excuses for all the other ones just to stay away from home. I was much more happier in Portland. As I arrive at the gate, I pull out my ticket and let the lady scan it. As I walk towards the plane, I think, I still have time to turn around and just say screw it and not get on. It will most certainly make my life so much easier.
I sit in my seat and send a quick text to my Dad letting him know that I was on my way. In return he say's he's excited and that my brother Dylan was coming too. I turn my off and sit back. My brother. The black sheep of the family is finally coming home for a holiday after five years. It'll be nice to hug him again and see how he's been holding up. I smile and close my eyes. This trip is going to be amazing and entertaining.
When my eyes open, I feel the plane preparing to land. I look out the window to my right and see the Dallas airport below. No time to turn back now, I think. Should have high tailed it when I had the chance. When the plane lands I wait until it's time to gather my bag and make my way back to baggage claim. As I do, I pull out my phone and text my Dad to see if he's here. I sooner I get out of this crowed airport, the sooner I can get home and lock myself away until dinner. He texts me back saying he and Mom are circling around and will pick me up when they see me.
"Great," I say stuffing my phone away. "Her highness is here to talk down to me and talk nothing but herself."
"I don't know your situation, but you can tell her highness to go screw herself," A voice next to me says. I turn to see a man about a few years older than me and highly gorgeous pulling up a few bags. He looks oddly familiar.
I laugh. "If only that will work," I see him give a small smile before I walk off.
I walk outside of the terminal waiting to see my Dad's small grey SUV. When I do, I get this sick feeling when I see my Mom. She is the soul reason why I stay away from home and avoid her. She belittles me and makes me feel so small. She judges the way I dress and do my makes. Even thinking about it makes me even more sick.
My Dads SUV pulls up next to me. He smiles at me and I return the smile. "Hey," I say as I buckle up.
"What? No hi for your mom?" My Moms tone said it all. "I see how it is. And is that what you wore on the plane?! That's just horrendous. I would never wear that!" Oh I wish this trip was already over. "At least your brother had the decency to show up in an actual outfit. You look like you're looking for drugs."
I smile sarcastically. "That's exactly what I'm doing Mom," My Dad glares at me from the rearview mirror but, I ignore it. "There's a guy I know off of 4th. He deals the best drugs! He's the whole reason I'm here."
"YN!" Dad says my name firmly and I stop. Guess I took it too far. "How was that flight?" He asks softly.
"I slept the whole time. I'm not big on flying." I say reaching into my bag to pull out the mini bottles I hid. I take one out and shot it back as fast I can before either of my parents see.
The rest of the drive home was in silence. Which, when riding with both my parents, isn't relaxing. When we pull into the driveway of my childhood home, I am out of the car before Dad puts it in park and bolt inside.
"YN," I hear Moms voice call after me. "You're not going to let your father carry your bags in all on his own."
"Marie!" I hear Dad say before I shut the door behind me. Then its all muffled voices.
I run upstairs and into my room. I can hear the music in my brothers room already. He only has music on when he and Mom get into it. That explains why she tagged along for the ride to pick me up. I close the door and drop what bag onto the floor and flop onto the bed. I didn't have time to close my eyes when I heard knocking.
"What?" I groaned. I did not want to get up off my bed.
"We will be having company over in a few hours so makes sure you presentable." Moms voice is overly heard. Dylan's music stops.
"Who?" I hear Dylan ask.
"The Ackles," She says. "They used to watch you guys when you were little. You guys got along with their kids."
"Who?" Dylans door opens but I can't shake that the name Ackles was familiar too. "You talk like we should remember them."
"Why do I even try?" Moms voice is irritated for whatever reason that is known to her. "Just be ready in two hours. Dylan don't wear look too goth. YN, don't wear pajamas. Make it look like you guys actually love your family."
I hear her footsteps retreating when a Dylan cracked the door. "Are you decent?" He asks.
"Yeah," I sit up on my bed and rub my face. I see my older brother walk into the room. He's wearing dark skinny jeans and a black button up shirt. I have no idea why Mom wouldn't think that's not goth like. "I think your outfit looks good." I toss another mini bottle of hard liquor towards him. He, of course, catches it flawlessly.
"Oh thank God," He cracks it open and tosses it back. "I do plan on wearing this and stuff like the whole time I'm here."
"Speaking of you being here," I pull out another mini bottle and toss that one back. Sadly its my last one. "Why are you here? I mean you've seen me a few times these last few years."
"Dad," Dylan says. "He says he's finally telling Mom he's high tailing it out of her life. Has the papers all drawn up and stuff. He wanted to see if he could live with me in Arizona. I automatically said yes because I want to see the look on Moms face when she sees her money source walk out on her."
Now I wish I packed more mini bottles. "Hopefully not in front of our dinner guest," I kind of hope he does secretly.
"No," Dylan stands up. "He won't do that. He will do it after they leave most likely. Now I will let you get ready and make sure you make yourself look like the fucking Queen that you are and slay that shit. Mom hates that."
I laugh. "As long as you do it too. Then we both can slay it together. And yes I will let you use my dark eye shadow palette."
"You're the best sister ever," Dylan walks out of the room. "What would I ever do without you?"
"Crash and burn, sweetheart, crash and burn."
Two hours came and went and both Dylan and I are ready. As we walk downstairs we hear the muffled voices of our parents and our dinner guests. This feels so much like my teenage years, I think to myself as I round the corner to the kitchen and stop dead in my tracks.
There stands the attractive man from the airport. In my kitchen. In my house. He's wearing a red button up shirt with jeans and nice semi-casual shoes. I zero in on his already darkening five o'clock shadow and begin to imagine what it would like in full. He notices me too and give me a smile.
"YN, Dylan," Moms voice sounds. She really never lets Dad talk at all. "I'm sure you remember the Ackles children. Well, they aren't children anymore but, you understand what I mean."
Everyone gives a light chuckle. "I'm afraid I don't remember. I don't remember much of my childhood to be honest." I say giving handshakes to everyone. I notice my brother Dylan hesitate to give the attractive man a handshake. Then I notice his small blush. Damn, I think, it would be my luck to see the same attractive man to learn he could be gay. I guess I'll see when my brother hard core flirts with him during dinner.
"I'm Jensen," he says shaking my hand.
"YN," I say smiling and he smiles back.
I get everyones names and Mom and Dad say dinner will be ready in about an hour or so. In that moment I excuse myself to the back deck to mix myself a drink. Mom glares at me while I walk away. I also notice Dylan trying to flirt with Joshua who was equally as attractive as his brother.
Once on the back deck I take a deep breath and head to Dads bar and start mixing a drink. Then I hear the door open and close. The sound of footsteps tell me its a male.
"So, the whole telling her highness to screw herself didn't happen, I assume," Jensens voice is super smooth.
I look up from my mixing. "If you're meaning my mother, then no it didn't. In fact she accused me of buying drugs."
"Really?!" Jensens voice sounds surpised. "Wow, isn't a plane ride supposed to be comfy?"
I throw my hands up in the air. "That's why I was thinking." I make the mistake of looking as he licks his lips. I turn away quickly and grab the other mixer. "Want a drink? I'm pretty good at mixing."
"Surprise me," Jensen says soft voice as he raises an eye brow and looks me other.
For the next half hour we talk. We talk about random things. We talk about his time on his hit shower Supernatural. A show for some reason I have never seen and now am very interested in. We talk about his life in between shooting his show and being home. I share that I am rarely ever home due to Mom. I don't go into details but I think he get's the gist of it.
"So, I have this huge vinyl collection. Passed down to me from my grandfather before he died." I say mixing another drink. I am slowly starting to feel the effects of this drink. Jensen is still working on his first glass. Such class that is getting horny. "Would you like to see it?"
Jensen smiles and sets his drink down to follow me inside. Dad looks up from listening to Jensen's dad. "What are you two up to?" He asks.
"I'm going to show Jensen grandpas vinyl collection he gave me." We waltz pass them and up the stairs. At the top I loose my balance and fall back into Jensen who grabs me with both his arms.
"One two many drinks?" He asks chucking.
"I promise I can handle my drinking," I begin to walk again. Once in my room I go to my closet and pull out a few boxes and open them. "My Dad was or is still going to be sending these to me but, have a look at them all you want. I don't have them organized."
Jensen looks at the records and with each one he finds that excites him, it excites me in places I never thought to be excited in again. I watch as his smile takes up his whole face and how his eyes crinkle when that happens. I guess I'm staring too long because Jensen looks up a few times with his eyes. I know I should I look away but I honestly can't. This man is just too handsome and sexy to just look away.
Jensen sets down a Sinatra record and comes over to sit next to me on the bed. I am very aware now of how close he is but I still can't stop staring. I rack him over with my eyes and take a deep breath and exhale. I look away and take a huge drink. Nope, no tonight, not in this house, I think to myself. Mom will find out and she will have my ass for having sex yet again in her house. l turn to apologize for staring when I feel his hand on my face pulling it in towards him.
His lips are soft. His lips are eager. His lips move around mine like they were made to be there. I sigh and part my lips and I feel his tongue shot right into my mouth and explore every part it. When he starts to pull back, I nip his bottom lip. Jensen sucks in a deep breath and within seconds he has me straddling his lap. The two of us trying to get our shirts off when my door opens.
"YN, Mom says dinner is,..." Dylan's voice snaps the both of us out of whatever trance we are in. "Well, I see that you skipped right on to dessert. Please continue." I look over to see Dylan checking Jensen out leaning on the door frame licking his lips.
"Don't you know how to knock?" I hiss at him fumbling to fix my shirt.
"Don't you know how to put a sock on the door?" Dylan asks smirking, still checking Jensen out.
Dinner was good. I couldn't keep my eyes from glancing at Jensen as he talked about his show and his co stars. Mom was just over the moon and always ask questions that were like "Oh Jared this" or "Oh Misha that." I will need to look those guys up too.  I could also tell that Jensen was getting uncomfortable. So I brought the attention to myself which of course Mom hated. Her death glare let me know it too. Dinner ended on a high note though.
"Here, put your number in and I'll do the same," Jensen held out his phone. "That way we can talk while I'm shooting." I take his phone and give him mine. We put our numbers in and say goodnight and goodbye. Hopefully, I think, I get to see him again.
The rest of my time home actually went to hell. The next morning we wake up to Mom screaming at Dad. He had given her the papers and told her she either had to sign now or sign in front of lawyers. Mom tries everything in the book but Dad stood his ground. In the end, Mom storms out screaming and calling Dad all sorts of names and saying she has nothing to her name and that he can't just up and leave her. Says that he can't live life without her because he is nothing without her.
After Mom left, I changed my flight to leave before Thanksgiving. I wanted nothing to do with what was going to go down. According Dad, Dylan already has space for him set up in Arizona. I felt better about him having a place. Two days before leaving, I pack up what I else I wanted to take to Portland with me. Everything else would be put into storage for later or donated. Dylan helped me ship them off.
The day before I left, Mom tries to talk to me but I told her she did it to herself all these years. The manipulation. The gas lighting. The mental abuse. The emotional abuse. The whole deal. It was all her that lead to this. She huffed and called me a bitch and that I am no better than Dad. So by the time I make it home, I am a wreck.
Over the next few months, I bury myself in my work and ignoring Mom. Dad on the other hand was doing much better. Already got a job out in Arizona and is saving up to get a small apartment. Dylan tells me he's the happiest and most easy going person without Mom. Mom on the other hand still refuses to sign the papers and has gotten cocky lawyers involved. She wants him to alimony and when he dies she wants me to continue to pay it. I said hell no. Dad stood his ground until the very bitter end.
While that was all going on and when it was finally over, I spoke non stop to Jensen. I even caught up to the current season of his show and tell him what I think of it all. We talk about anything that will keep us texting or talking all into the hours of the night. Neither of us mention that night in my room. Dylan thinks I'm falling for him with how much I talk about him. I doubt it but then again I might be.
Jensen, has been the only person to make me feel like I am not crazy. He has called me or facetimed me to help me through the rough days or the out the blue panic attacks. His entire existence keeps me from doing anything stupid. So, yeah, you can say that I'm falling head over heels hard for him.
By the time summer started to come around I am sitting in my apartment trying to get my AC to work when my phone rings. I answer without looking at the caller ID.
"Whats up?" I even hear the irritation in my voice.
"Hey," Jensens voice instantly calms me. "Everything okay?"
"No," I groan and flop onto the cold tile in my small kitchen. "My AC broke and the landlord won't have anyone out until next week. I told him he won't see rent until it's fixed. Now he's threatening to evict me if I don't pay. But it's so damn hot that I'm practically naked right now."
"I'd love to see that," Jensen teases, making me laugh. "I'm sorry your AC is jacked up. Do you have plans on visiting Dallas?"
I sit up on my elbow. "Should I?"
Four days later Jensen is picking me up from the airport in a rental car. He paid for my entire flight and AirBnB taken care of. "I thought you would like to have control of what your AC temperature should be. Hotels normally run super cold to the point that Misha has tried spooning with me." I laugh. "I do hope it isn't weird that I am also staying that AirBnB."
"None at all," I say feeling my face warm up a bit. It didn't take Jensen long to convince me to come. I really wanted to see him and I really wanted AC.
When we get to the AirBnB, I can't help stare at it in awe. It's almost like a mansion. Then the garage door opens and there sits a motorcycle. I am much more interested in this Jensen guy. I get out to grab my things but Jensen shoos me aside saying he's got it all. I then walk on over to the motorcycle and trail my hand on it.
"Isn't she a beauty?" Jensen asks. I look and he's staring at me, well, more like slowly running his eyes over my body.
"Yeah," I answer looking back at the motorcycle. "My Dad used to have one when we were little. My Mom forced him sell it for whatever reason."
Jensen takes in a deep breath and walks by me. "I can take you around the block if you want." I am suddenly aware of his closeness. I feel my face burn hotter and I get all tingly down south. I look at Jensen and he's already holding two helmets. I smile and take a helmet and strap it on.
In minutes, I am sitting with my arms wrapped around Jensen. He's backing out of the garage and with a small rev of the motorcycle, we took off. It isn't too fast or too slow. But I still tightened my arms around him and closed my eyes. I have been on a motorcycle a few times but, I still get a knot in my stomach.
When we get back, I take my helmet off and take a deep breath. "That was fun," I say as Jensen manages to slide of the motorcycle. He takes his helmet off as well and I can't help but stare at his sweaty hair. That's when I notice he's been growing out his beard. I can't imagine what it would feel like on my skin. Again, I must be staring to hard or to long because Jensen smiles like he knows what I am thinking.
I swing my legs to the side as he walks towards me. As he reaches for my face I drop the helmet and grab hold of his shirt and pull him closer to me. The moment our lips met, my brain starts to set off firecrackers. It felt like a freaking life time since the last time we kissed.
Jensens hands run down my front to the hem of my shirt. I raise my arms up and he slowly slides off. I do the same to him. I've seen him shirtless a few times on his show and internet pictures but seeing it all in real life, damn! I bite my lips and Jensen licks his lips. I slide off the motorcycle and shimmy out of my shorts and underwear. Jensen watches with lust in his eyes and does the same thing. Jensen grabs my hips and sits me back on the motorcycle as he kisses me deeply. The longer he isn't inside me, I more wet and tingly I become.
As if reading my mind, and without breaking his lips off mine, I feel Jensens fingers slide between my folds and begins to rub it before slipping  two fingers inside. I suck in a deep, sharp breath and let out a soft moan. He starts to pull in and out and twist his finger around softly but firmly. In seconds, I am starting to tighten up around his fingers when he pulls them out. I whimper at the lose of contact.
"Not yet," he says against my lips.
Jensen grabs my hips and picks me up. I wrap my legs around him as he slides himself onto the motorcycle. This is going to be interesting and fun. Jensen adjusts us so that we both were somewhat comfortable before lifting me up and positioning me just above his length. I place my hands on his shoulders as he lowers me on him. I close my eyes and drop my head. I hear a low groan come from him as he's fully inside of me. I look up and see him staring right at me.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he says and I smile. His hands grip tight on my hips. They will most likely leave a mark and I am fine with that. He lifts me up and slams me back down. A yelp escaping my mouth.
We repeat that for what I think is nearly a half hour. I am a whimpering mess and trying to hold back my louder moans. Jensen is grunting and the lifting up and down thing, well, thats starting to get irregular and sloppy. Our breathing is getting ragged and the the leather from the seat is start to rub on both our skins. One slam. Two slams. Three slams. I feel myself tighten harder around Jensen. My fingers dig into his shoulders, also going to leave marks. After one more slam into his lap, we both come undone. His arms wrap around me and I drag my nails down his back.
Once our orgasm fade away, I push back and look Jensen in the eyes. "That has got to be the best sex I have ever had," I plant a small and gentle kiss on his lips.
"Good," Jensen smirks. "I got some more ideas for the bedroom later." He must of seen the look on my face, because I am seriously intrigued now. "But first," He slides both of us off the motorcycle. "We should clean up. We have dinner with Jared and his wife."
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Lost In Translation - 2
Summary - Jensen comes to India and falls in love with a fan who accidentally sees him while he's lost and saves him cause she knows Hindi.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Indian!Reader
Warning - Fluff, fluff and fluff.
Word Count - 2.4k+
Square filled - Date Night ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N 1 - I finally decided to add a second part to this fic! I had fun writing in Hindi and English in Indian dialect and I am incredibly happy at how the fic turned out.
Spn divider by the talented @talesmaniac89
A/N 2- For all the non-Indian readers, a little info on some of the food names used in the story -
Rosogolla - It is also called Rasgulla. It's a famous sweet of India which is a speciality of Kolkata (West Bengal). It's a spongy, white, ball shaped dumplings made from chhena (An Indian cottage cheese)
Pulao - It is a famous one pot rice dish made by cooking fragrant basmati rice with aromatic spices, herbs and sometimes stocks.
Butter Chicken - It is an Indian dish made by marinating a chicken overnight in a yoghurt and spice mixture. The chicken is then roasted or baked. A sauce is made from butter, tomatoes, almonds and various spices, usually including the famous tandoori masala spice mix, and sometimes cream.
Vada Pav - Vada pav, alternatively spelt vada pao is a vegetarian fast food dish native to the state of Maharashtra. The dish consists of a deep fried potato dumpling placed inside a bread bun (pav) sliced almost in half through the middle.
Part 1
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“Y/N! Listen to me, beta!” your mom exclaimed over the phone.(child)
“What is it, Ma? You know I can't cancel the date with him,” you told your mother, as you gave your makeup some final touches.
“Aise kaise tu us ladke ke saath ja rahi hai? Acche se pehchanta hai usko? How come you are going on a date with an absolute stranger?” your mother asked. (How are you going out with that boy? Do you even know him properly?)
“Ma, he is a really good man. Stop worrying about me now,” you tried to assure her.
“Lekin tere baba ko kaun samjhayega? It doesn't feel safe. What if he is a-” (Who will convince your father?)
“Ma! You know what, I will call you later! I am getting late and I don't want to keep Jensen waiting,” you said and went to your room to get your purse.
“Just call me when you get home. Call me if anything suspicious happens. Call me-”
“Ma!” You let out a defeated sigh, “Bye!” You said and disconnected the call. You shook your head at your mother's outburst even though you knew she would behave like that but you weren't going to cancel on Jensen just because your Mom didn't agree. You weren't a little girl anymore who needed her mother's permission for every single matter.
You groaned when you felt your phone buzzing again in your hands, interrupting your train of thoughts. You didn't want to talk to your mother again but you looked at your phone only to see Jensen calling you.
“Hey sweetheart,” your heart fluttered in your chest as soon as you heard his voice.
“Hey,” you greeted, “I am waiting for my Uber and-”
“No uhm..I'll pick you up,” he said.
“You don't know my address.”
“Uh-yeah,” he chuckled, “you can text me your address and Clif will drive over and I can pick you up.”
“It's okay, Jensen. I know my way-”
“No, just text me the damn address, y/n,” he said and you heard a muffled voice over the phone.
“Okay, if you insist,” you said, making him chuckle.
“I insist, sweetheart,” he chuckled, “see you in a little while.”
You disconnected the call. Texting him your address, you hoped that he doesn't get lost.
You spent the next hour checking your makeup and dress, trying to look perfect and occasionally going through your phone. You smiled as you saw the pictures from the con, as you scrolled through the gallery of your phone. You thought back to the day before the con, when out of pure luck Jensen had bumped into you, looking like a lost puppy. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your doorbell. You walked towards the door and opened it.
“I thought you got lost,” you giggled, “again.”
“That was one time,” Jensen groaned, making you laugh.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” he said, flashing you his signature smile.
“Thanks. You don't look bad yourself,” you blushed.
“Ready to go?” He asked.
“Haan, one minute,” you said. (Yes, one minute) You went back inside and retrieved your purse and phone and approached the front door again. You stepped out of the door and felt Jensen hands snaking across your waist. Biting your lower lip, you locked the door to your house.
“After you,” he whispered and guided you to his car. He opened the door to his car and you slipped inside it, Jensen climbing into the seat beside you.
“Where to, Miss-” Clif asked, trailing off at the end.
“Call me Y/N,” you said and told him the name of the restaurant as he set the GPS.
You looked to your side and saw Jensen watching you with a soft smile on his face. Your breathing hitched as he entangled his fingers with you. The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence only to be broken by Clif’s voice as he pulled the car to the side, announcing that you had arrived.
Jensen climbed out of the car, and waited as you got out of the car. He took your hands into his and started walking towards the restaurant.
“Table for two,” you said and the waiter guided you both over to a table.
“About that sudden change in plans,” Jensen said, as you both took a seat at the table, “Jared insisted that I take Clif with me because he was worried that I-”
“You would get lost again?” You giggled.
“....not really.” He cast his eyes down, as he spoke softly.
“What is it?” You asked.
“Jared-he is….uhm-he's a little wary about you, it's nothing, he is just looking out for me….you know,” the actor hesitated.
“I-I totally understand,” you said, making him look up to you, “I do. He doesn't know me, you are in an unknown country. I would feel the same too but I won't kidnap you.”
“I was hoping you would,” Jensen tsked, a smile slowly spreading on his face.
“I can but who will finish the show then?” you smirked.
“Now I think you only agreed to go on a date with me because of the show,” He feigned hurt.
“What can I say? I need to know what happens to a certain hunter.”
“A certain hunter, huh?” He smirked, as a waiter approached your table handing you guys a couple of menus.
“Yeah.” You saw his smile getting bigger, “those luscious locks of hair of Jared are really captivating and his hazel eyes.” You saw as his smile dropped and you couldn't help yourself as you laughed but he quickly recovered.
“Well I can't really blame you, I also tend to get lost in those eyes,” he joked, making you laugh harder.
“If I'm not wrong, this is your first time in India. Are you enjoying yourself?” You asked.
“Not gonna lie, I'm slowly starting to fall in love with India,” he replied.
“She is beautiful,” you remarked, and looked down to see the menu in front of you.
“Beautiful indeed,” Jensen said, only for you to look up to see him staring at you with fondness in his eyes. Your cheeks turned pink under his gaze and you gave him a soft smile. He dropped his gaze and started to skim through the menu.
“Considering this is my first time here, what Indian cuisine is a must have for me?” He asked.
“I like it that you are willing to try an Indian cuisine,” you smirked.
“When in India, do as the Indians do,” the actor said.
“Okay but do you think you can handle the spice?” You smirked.
“Are you challenging me sweetheart?”
“I'm not but I don't think you can handle our spicy dishes,” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“Bring it on. How spicy can it be?”
“Oh you have no idea but I'll go easy on this one with you and I would suggest you order Pulao which is a rice dish and Chicken Tikka Masala,” you said as he nodded.
“Have you ever been to the US?”
“Nope.” You shook your head, “But I want to. I really want to see the Grand Canyon.”
“That's a good choice,” he said.
“And maybe catch a show on Broadway-” your words were cut off as a waiter approached the table and you had to give him your food orders.
“I would gladly be your tour guide when you come to the US with a special tour around Texas,” he winked, making you smile.
“Maybe I'll call you up when I visit the US."
“I do want to ask you one thing. A lot of fans here recommended me something….a sweet, maybe-uh….something called Ros-roso-”
“Rosogolla. It's a sweet which is a specialty of my state. You have to try it. Tell me something, did you try the Vada Pav, considering you had a con in Mumbai?”
“Vada Pav. You didn't try that? Really? Not even Jared?”
“No because we were always on the go go go and finally tonight we got some time off since Kolkata is our last pit stop before I have to fly back to Texas,” Jensen replied.
The night went on as you two got to know each other better. Your cheeks had started to hurt by how much you were smiling at his words. You were quite surprised at how well Jensen handled the food at first but you completely lost when he reached for the glass of water as soon as he had taken one bite of the chicken dish.
“Son of a bitch, why is this so damn spicy?” He jad exclaimed, making you burst out in laughter.
The rest of the night was filled with conversations about casual subjects about friends, family and work life. You didn't even realise how the time flew by and the time with him came to an end. As you two were leaving the restaurant, Jensen took your hand into his, entangling your fingers with his.
The car ride was filled with silence except the occasional small talk between you and Jensen. After sometime, the car came to a halt in front of your house.
“I am flying back tomorrow morning,” he whispered as you approached your house.
“I enjoyed a lot tonight Jensen. Thank you.”
“No thank you. You made this weekend a really special one,” he smiled, making you blush and look down to the ground. He put a finger under your chin, prompting you to look up at him.
“Can I?” He asked and you nodded.
He cupped your face with his hands and tilted his head, slowly leaning into you. He pressed his lips onto yours. The kiss was slow and passionate and he took his sweet time to explore your mouth. You gripped onto his biceps to keep yourself steady. You closed your eyes, feeling yourself get lost in the kiss. Growing up in an Indian household meant you had strict parents and a nonexistent dating life. You always used to dream about that perfect man in your life, the perfect date, the perfect kiss - would it it be like the scene from your favourite Bollywood movie “Jab We Met” when Geet realises her love for Aditya and runs after him to profess her love or would it be like the last scene from “Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge” where Simran gets the happy ending with Raj?
But that moment, at your doorstep, when your lips met with Jensen's, all those thoughts had left your mind because now you knew everything - the perfect man, the perfect date and the perfect kiss.
“Hi,” you said as he finally let go of your lips. Caressing your cheek with his thumb, he placed a kiss to your forehead.
“I want to make this work, Y/N/N,” Jensen spoke, his voice barely a whisper.
“But you will be in Texas and Vancouver, I will be in India. How- ”
“Long distance sucks but….come to the US with me,” he said.
“W-what?” You asked, slightly surprised at his wish, “I have my whole life here, Jay. I can't move to the US just like that. It's not a change between two cities. It's literally a change between two countries.”
“Yeah, yeah I get it. I-I shouldn't have made such a stupid suggestion.”
“No. It's not stupid. I just need some time before I move to America. I can't move there immediately.” You said.
“Till then we will try to make this long distance thing work. I am willing to try if you are, sweetheart,” he said.
“I am,” you said and gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“Come to the airport with me tomorrow. I wanna see you again before I fly back,” he said, “I'll pick you up on the way to the airport.”
“Okay but-”
“I was gonna say what will happen if you get lost on the way to your airport?” You asked with a straight face.
“I am never gonna live that one down, am I?” Jensen grumbled before laughing loudly.
“Nope,” you giggled.
“I am kinda glad I got lost. I found you,” he said, dipping his head to kiss you again.
“I think you should go now. You have an early flight. I don't want you to miss it,” you mumbled.
“What if I want to miss it?” The actor asked.
“Jay,” you frowned.
“Fine. I just don't want to let go of….this moment.”
“Hey you said it yourself. We'll work through this,” you tried to assure even though your own heart was breaking at the thought of him flying back to Texas. He gave you a quick kiss before making his way back to the car, leaving you standing at your doorstep. You stood there till you couldn't see the car anymore. You felt your phone buzz in your hand and you saw a text from Jensen about when he would pick you up the next day and a good night.
You felt yourself getting teared up. Being in a long distance relationship sucks. It was going to be a tough thing for both of you but you were both willing to work through it and maybe it wouldn't prove to be so hard.
“We'll make it work,” you whispered to yourself while standing at the doorstep like a mantra just like you whispered to Jensen the next day at the airport, as he kissed you one last time.
“I think I'm falling for you,” he whispered back, bumping his nose with yours.
“I am falling for you too, Jay,” you said, your hand fondling his shirt collar.
“Ackles!” The said man looked up and saw his best friend, Jared beckoning to him.
“Call me when you reach Texas,” you said.
“I will,” he said, “Goodbye, sweetheart.”
“Goodbye, Jay,” you said, your voice strained as you tried to keep your tears at bay. You watched as he walked with the other actors, glancing back at you one last time. You smiled at him and waved him a goodbye.
“I think I love you,” you whispered, sighing aloud as he turned around the corner and disappeared. You knew the con weekend would be the best experience in your life but you could have never guessed that it would change your life entirely. Life surely is unpredictable, isn't it?
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Happiness Begins
Part 19
Chapter Summary: Jared needs some time to come around to the idea of his best friend and his sister, but will he be able to get over all the lies? 
Warnings: Language, angst, descriptions of anxiety, a mild physical altercation
Word Count: 2.1K+
Author’s Note: Hey guys! Happy Sunday! First, I’d like to say a huge thank you to all of you still here with me. This past semester was a difficult one for a number of reasons. Until I started writing again, I hadn’t realized how much I truly missed these two and being in this little world I created. It was a truly therapeutic experience to get back to it. Also, I already have our sequel all outlined and ready to start. xoxo Alex
Catch up with the series masterlist and check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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Jared was gone before she woke on Monday. Well, not technically before she woke as she didn’t actually sleep. The sound of the front door startled her before her alarm for the morning had gotten the chance to. She wasn’t surprised. Jared didn’t come out of his room the rest of the weekend. Only once for food and even then he just stockpiled what he could into his room.
This wasn’t exactly what she had expected, but again, it didn’t surprise her. After he had stormed out, she rolled out of bed and decided then to start her day. What difference did it make whether she got up now or stared at her ceiling for another half hour anyway? 
When Clif showed up with the car at his normal time, Jensen was already in the back seat. He smiled at her as she climbed in next to him, the corner of his mouth dropping when she shook her head at him. Jensen nodded his understanding.
Y/n stared out the window as the lights of the city flashed passed them, one hand on her chin as she chewed on the nail of her thumb. Jensen’s fingers wrapped around her wrist and pulled her hand to his face, kissing the back of her knuckles. She turned to face him, a weak smile on her lips.
“Take a breath.” Y/n did as she was told, breathing in deeply and holding it for a beat before letting it back out. A move she had perfected years ago when her anxiety first started to go from bad to worse.  She repeated the deep breath a few more times, allowing the action to help the stuttering in her chest slow down to a more bearable rate.
“It’s gonna be a long day.” She noted. Jensen nodded at her and linked his fingers with hers. There wasn’t much else to say between them. She had kept him up to date via text all weekend, so they were on the same page when it came to Jared. 
Friday, she had said all she could to her brother. If he couldn’t accept her apology, what else was she to do? They both knew they had messed up and the guilt that has settled in her chest was suffocating. At this point though, she wouldn’t take any of it back. Jensen was the light she hadn’t known she was missing. He was her safe place, the one person that somehow knew her better than she knew herself. There was nothing that could persuade her from giving that up. Maybe it was selfish, but after everything she figured it was her turn to be a little selfish. If Jared had been there to peer over their shoulders, who’s to say they would have been able to truly find each other. No, that was a risk she couldn’t take. 
They spent the rest of the ride in silence, neither knowing what would greet them when they reached set. With the tension in all of their relationships sure to be noticeable by everyone else, it was best that her and Jensen kept up their facade. The last thing either of them wanted was all their dirty laundry out for everyone to see, something they had come to an agreement on during their many conversations over the weekend. 
Jensen led her towards the makeup trailer as she trailed behind a step. Crew greeted them on their way like usual, a ‘good morning’ here and a nod of a head there. Y/n noted as they walked past the trailers that Jared’s was dark. This didn’t mean much as the set was a large space, and he could still be anywhere. She knew what time he left the apartment, but she couldn’t be sure when he actually arrived on the set, if he had yet done so at all.
Jensen stepped up and pulled open the door to the makeup trailer, allowing her to enter first. She was greeted by a warm smile from Trish as she peeked over Jared’s head. Jared’s body stiffened as he caught his sister's eye in the mirror. Neither of them said a thing, allowing a heaviness to blanket the inside of the trailer. Neither looked away from each other either, their looks of longing and sadness literally mirroring each other’s. They stayed that way for what felt like minutes when in reality it was less than thirty seconds. Just enough time for Jensen to enter behind her, his visage in the mirror stealing Jared’s attention. 
“Morning.” Trish broke the silence in the trailer as the door shut behind Jensen, who muttered a noncommittal response along with Y/n. Trish’s brow furrowed slightly, now picking up on the energy in the room, though she chose not to say anything. 
“It seems like the sun might actually be on our side today.” Y/n noted, trying to break the tension and pull Trish’s focus. They had an outside shoot, and originally the forecast had called for rain, switching at the last minute to partly cloudy. 
“As long as Jared here doesn’t sweat off all my hard work.” Trish teased as she leaned back to inspect her work. Jared’s clipped voice cut through the light conversation.
“Am I done?” Trish nodded, a soft ‘of course’ leaving her mouth. The poor woman had no idea what to make of the sudden mood shift in Jared. He jumped up from his chair and exited the trailer, the door slamming behind him. Y/n flinched at the noise and shared a quick, tense look with Jensen before Trish rounded on them, the furrow in her brow insisting on some answers.
“What’s up with him?” 
“I’m not exactly sure.” Y/n lied, the words tumbling out of her mouth like vomit. “I haven’t spoken to him at all today.” That part wasn't a lie, though she didn’t feel any better about it. The purse in Trish’s lips had Y/n’s heart rate picking up for a moment as she tried to assess if the woman believed her. Trish hummed under her breath, content for now not to ask anymore questions. She collected her things in silence, bidding Jensen and Y/n a goodbye in no time. Y/n let out the breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. 
“I can’t do this.” She hung her head as the tears returned. Never before did she think she could cry this much, and she already admits to being a crier. She had been so sure that her tear ducts would have run dry from how much they were being used. A sob shook her chest as she just let go in the presence of just Jensen.
“Hey, come here.” Jensen’s hands found her waist and pulled her to sit in his lap, her legs laying across his own. “Please, don’t cry. Jared just needs more time.” His thumbs wiped the streams flowing down her cheeks away, the action in vain as the salty liquid just kept coming. 
“I know, but I’m not sure how much longer I can handle this. I’ve never seen my brother like this and I just feel so damn guilty.” 
“I get it, I do. But honey, you’ve said your peace. What else can you do?” Jensen placed a soft kiss to her forehead. Her breathing was beginning to even out as she got control of her emotions, allowing the proximity of Jensen to ease her mind. At least, she knew that she was not alone in all of this. There was one person that could understand this feeling in her gut. A soft hiccup fell from her lips before she spoke again. 
“Beg for his forgiveness.” She suggested.
“If that’s really what you want to do, I’m here for you.” Jensen promised her, his eyes intent on hers as he made his promise known. A hint of a smirk appeared at the corner of his lips, offering her a view of her favorite dimple. He understood the hyperbole in her statement, something that she could never repay him for. Even still, she wasn’t completely opposed to the idea. It was just something to add to her list of the ways he had changed her life and view on the world.
The rest of their day consisted of much of the same. Jared was absent when he absolutely was not needed on the set. Though both of them still delivered Sam and Dean like they have been for the past fifteen years. Not that she doubted either of them. They were still professionals after all. The one big difference became their demeanor in between takes. 
Y/n could tell people were clearly suspicious of both of the men’s activity, it was written all over their faces. Though, not one of them chose to comment, much like their dear Trish. She wasn’t sure it would last. Someone was bound to open their mouth sooner or later. She was just surprised it came almost a week and a half later. 
Things had not gotten better in any sense of the word. Jared hadn’t said anything to either of them since the incident. Only interacting with Jensen when the script dictated so. It was the director who opened his mouth after the two men were struggling to connect for the first time in fifteen years. 
“Okay, what is up with you two?” The man came out from behind the camera, his ball cap low on his head as he yelled cut. He hadn’t been getting the performance out of the boys for the dramatic brother scene they were filming today, and he knew something was up. 
“Nothing.” Jared’s nostrils flared as he spoke, one of his little indicators that Y/n had picked up on growing up. He was annoyed and trying desperately to hide it. 
“Bullshit. You guys haven’t so much as said two words to each other this whole episode.” 
“It’s just stress. We are coming up on the end here and I think we are all getting a little emotional.” Jensen stepped up to offer an explanation. 
“I’ve known you both for years. I’ve seen you go through all sorts of things, and never before have I seen this coldness between the two of you.” 
“It’s nothing. I’m sorry. We will get it right.” Jensen promised. Though he didn’t seem convinced, the director left the two standing on stage and returned to his seat behind the camera. 
“I’m so sick of you.” Jared’s voice was soft, but Jensen heard it. 
“Excuse me?” He rounded on Jared.
“You heard me. You always think you know best. Nice cover story for Bill, didn’t want to tell him the real reason why I can’t even look at you?” Jared hissed. Jensen had no idea where this was coming from. Sure, he knew Jared was pissed, but he had never seen him act out like this. It was scaring him to be completely honest.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you would want our business spreading around the set. You know how gossip can travel, especially when it involves the leads.” Jensen shot back. Trish nudged Y/n’s shoulder when she noticed the heated exchange between the actors. Y/n whipped around to where she had indicated. From her spot, she couldn’t hear exactly what was happening, but it was a safe bet that it had to do with her.  
“I’m not the one that has anything to be ashamed about. I’m the victim here.” Jared shoved Jensen. The force wasn’t anything that the man could’ve done at his full strength, but it was enough for Jensen to stumble backwards on his feet. Jensen made no move to react, instead simply accepting the punishment that Jared was dealing out for him. 
It was what happened next that was a blur. Jensen’s lack of a reaction seemed to only piss Jared off more, and he moved to push Jensen harder this time. Jensen dodged the movement, ready this time, only for a swarm of crew members to step between them before things could escalate even further.
Y/n couldn’t focus on anything but the sound of her heart thrumming in her ears as the tears threatened to fall once again. The sounds of grumbled shouts from the director for everyone to take a thirty minute break sounded like she was underwater. Jared was pushed back from the set by someone with their hand against his shoulder. Jensen walked off on his own in the opposite direction. 
What did it feel like to be kicked in the gut? Right now she was sure the feeling in her abdomen was a close approximation. The two men she loved most in this world were at odds because of her. Panic, guilt and fear all swirled into one nauseating sensation. She just wanted the world to stop, if only for a few hours, so she could get her shit together. So she could figure out a way to fix all of this. She had to fix this.
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Part 20
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Forevers: @spn-impala​​ @22sarah08​​ @turtlepad​​ @callmekda​​ @chaldei​​ @hobby27​​ @cowboysnwinchesters​​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @pikabootoyouchu​​ @dawnie1988​​ @grease222​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @polina-93​​ @clarinette07​​ @moonlight-babeh​​ @suckerforfanfics​​ @witandnargles​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @geeksareunique​ @akshi8278​
Et Cetera: @jbbarnesgirl​ @hillface89​ @arses21434​ @thevelvetseries​ @sslater34​ @mrsirishboru​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @encounterthepast​ @facadeformyrealblog  @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @screechingartisancashbailiff��​ @rebeccathefangirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @heartinmyhead1​ @1d-killed-me​ @samsgirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @woodworthti666​ @supraveng​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @heartsaved​ @know2grow​ @littlewhiterose​ @surprisinglysarah​ @stoneyggirl​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @thebookisbtr​ @youaremyfiveever​ @kalesrebellion​ @lilulo-12​ @winchester-fantasies​ @vicmc624​ @supernatural3002​ @winchester-writes​ 
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 66
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A/N: I do not know anything about IVF so if this is unrealistic and off the mark, don’t come at me. It’s just a fic. I made it all up.
The first week that Jensen is gone back to work is hectic. Jackson is definitely attached to his father and in his absence our son is very unhappy. So unhappy that I have to let him scream himself to sleep at night and then I don’t get a good night’s rest because I worry that I am torturing him. 
I am in tears, listening to Jackson scream at the top of his lungs over the monitor when my phone starts ringing with a Facetime. Of course it’s Jensen. I had hidden our predicament from him so far but I knew as soon as I answered my boyfriend would hear his son’s cries.
“Hey bab-what is that?” Jensen says as soon as the call connects. “Is that Jackson?”
“Yea he really misses his daddy putting him to bed at night,” I tell him with a shrug.
“Man, I hate that. I miss him too. I miss his little toothless smiles and laughter. I miss you too Drea. More than I realized I would.”
“I miss you so much Jay! And not just because I have to deal with his cries because you’re not here. I miss going to sleep in your arms and waking up next to you.”
“Take me to him,” Jensen says and I climb out of bed and walk to the nursery. Turning the phone around so that they could see one another, I listen as Jensen tries to talk to and soothe his son. 
As soon as Jackson hears his father’s voice, the boy stops crying until there is nothing but whimpers coming from him. Jensen begins singing “Wagon Wheel” and I watch as our son closes his eyes and drops off to sleep.
“Damn, why didn’t I think of that?” I ask as I make my way back to the bedroom. 
“Has he been doing that all week?”
“Yea. But I didn’t want to worry you,” I tell Jensen as I get resettled into bed. “I know being on set and filming is hectic and time-consuming.”
“Drea, I don’t care. If my son needs me to sing him a lullaby to go to sleep, call me. I can’t believe you put up with that for a week,” he chuckles.
Shrugging my shoulders, I look at Jensen dressed as what I assume is Dean Winchester. “You look good Jay.”
He blushes but a tiny smile appears on his lips. “Thanks, So do you. So what’re your plans for the week?”
“Well, Gen has that appointment at the fertility clinic Thursday. She wants me to go hold her hand while they harvest the eggs. Hannah is going to watch Jackson along with Tom and Shep.”
“That’s good that she isn’t going to do that alone.”
“Yea and seeing as those eggs will eventually be in my body, I figure I can be there for her procedure.”
“That sounds weirdly erotic,” Jensen laughs and Drea joins in.
“There’s nothing sexy about petri dishes and turkey basters, babe.”
“Eh, whatever floats your boat, I guess.”
“I’m your dork” Jensen says, laughing.
“And don’t you forget it.”
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Thursday afternoon I sit beside Gen in the large waiting area of the Center for Advanced Reproductive Medicine.  Jackson is back at the Padalecki’s home with Tom and Shep and their babysitter, Hannah.
“I’m weirdly nervous,” Gen speaks up.
I look over at her and smile. “That’s natural, I guess. You are having a pretty significant procedure done.”
“Yea,” she says. “But that’s not what I’m worried about. I mean, sure they are going to be inserting a long ass needle into me and retrieving my eggs to freeze. What if there is something wrong with them? What if Jared doesn’t make it back in time to fertilize them? Is this just outrageous? Asking you to carry our baby.”
“Gen, Jared is scheduled home next weekend for Thanksgiving. The doctor assured you both that that was okay, not too long. He’ll come in and, well truthfully I’m trying not to think about his part of the job, but he will do what needs to be done and the doctor will fertilize your eggs. 
“As for being outrageous by asking me to have your baby, I really could’ve been wined and dined a bit more. But I’m willing and able.”
Gen joined me in laughing as the nurse calls her name. I follow Gen as she follows the nurse back to a procedure room.
The nurse, Abby, hands Gen a paper gown and points to the corner of the room where there is a curtain for her to change behind. To give her even more privacy, I turn my back while she changes.
On the drive back to the cul-de-sac, Gen is dozing in the passenger seat when a call comes through the speakers of the Yukon. Glancing at the screen, I see that it is Jared. I click on the phone button on the steering wheel and answer.
“Drea?” Jared’s voice fills the cab. “How’d it go?”
“Without incident,” I tell him as I look over at Gen who has a smile on her face. “They were able to retrieve 17 viable eggs. Her part is over.”
The sigh that leaves his lips is resounding. Jared had been as nervous and anxious about the appointment this morning as Gen had been. All for nothing, because everything went as it should.
“How is she?”
“Tired and a little out of it,” I chuckle. “She is dozing in the seat but she has a gigantic smile on her face. Your wife loves you very much, you big moose!
Laughing, Jared responds with, “Not as much as I love her. Listen, I got to get back to set. I just wanted to call and check on you both.”
“Okay. I’m sure Gen will call you later tonight when she is more alert. Tell Jens I love him and miss him.”
“Want me to give him a big ol’ smooch for you too?”
I hang up listening to Jared chuckling at his own joke. Shaking my head, I turn to pull into the driveway at the Padalecki’s home.
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The next time we are in the waiting room at the CAR-M building is a few weeks later, 8 days before Christmas, it is my turn to be anxious and a bit stressed. Today they were implanting one of the embryos, hoping that it attaches. And I wanted to be able to do this for my friends, our friends.
Gen and Jared are sitting across from me, holding hands and murmuring to one another. Jensen is back at home with Jackson, surely patiently awaiting the call after I’m impregnated by his best friend.
The same nurse, Abby, calls my name and I stand smiling at Gen and Jared before following Abby down the hallway.
The technician, Dr. Hayes, explains everything that is happening as it happens. When he inserts the catheter into my vagina, I tense at the discomfort. The tech mumbles a quick apology and I will my body. The rest of the procedure goes by quickly and before I know it I am re-dressed and heading back to the waiting room to get Gen and Jared.
I smile as I enter the room and after making an appointment in two weeks to do a pregnancy test.
“The next two weeks are going to crawl by,” Gen complains as we climb into the Yukon. “I want to know now if we can start planning for a little baby.”
Jared grabs her hands and kisses her knuckles. “I know, baby. I’m excited also.”
And just like Gen predicted, the two weeks between appointments were agonizingly slow. But once again she and I were in the exam room, awaiting the test results.
I can tell by the look on Abby’s face what the answer is before she even makes it all the way through the door. 
“It’s negative isn’t it?”
That night, Gen and I cry together and drink wine and cry some more. I had to finally admit to myself that I was just as disappointed as she was. I loved being pregnant with Jackson and Jacob and was looking forward to that again; to knowing that my body was sustaining and growing life.
“They said we can try again,” I assure Gen as she refills her glass. “I am still willing to do it if you are.”
“Hell yes,” Gen says after taking a swig of her drink. “I want a baby. I want you to have my baby, Drea.” She breaks out laughing and it is then that I can tell the alcohol has gone to her head.
“That sounds funny. Doesn’t it sound funny to you Drea? You having my baby? Like, what? How? We both have the same parts. Two vaginas can’t create a baby.”
“Okay,” I say as I swipe the wineglass from her hand. “You have had enough. Let’s get you to bed.”
“Ooo, are you trying to seduce me?”
Rolling my eyes, I don’t answer; just help her up the stairs and to her room. She is out before I turn the light off.
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@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @carryonmywaywardcaptain  @darlingpeanut @sunskittlex @sis-tafics @sea040561 @pretty-fortune  @squirrelnotsam  @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44  @internationalmusicteacher @kricketc298 @natura1phenomenon @mannls  @nickie-amore @spn-tw-37 @frozenhuntress67 @blacktithe7 @supernaturallymarvellous @thetardishasaquidditchpitch @sirod-30  @heyitscam99 @smoothdogsgirl  @i-just-wanna-run-hell @paintballkid711 @closetspngirl @starfirerules @vickiq9761  @rainflowermoon  @spnbaby-67​ @drakelover78 @jessieray98 @81mysteriouslyme @travelingriversideblues-x @akshi8278 @keymology @topthis808 @lilulo-12 @onethirstyunicorn @i-love-superhero @tftumblin @markofdean79 @thevelvetseries @larajadeschmidt13 @delightfullykrispypeach 
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alleiradayne · 5 years
Cowboys and Angels
Filming for the last season of Supernatural is underway and Y/N, long-time set photographer, finds herself the center of attention for two of her co-workers, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles. A roller-coaster of emotions ensues over the year as the three of them attempt to balance work, the end of an era, and experimental love.
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Part II - Co-workers
Summary: Misha and Jensen chat before Jensen propositions Y/N. Warnings/Tags: Fluff, flirting Characters/Pairings: Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, Female Reader Word Count: 1,288 A/N: Once again, please assume everyone involved is consenting and polyamorous. No spouse hate. No wife hate. No Cockles hate. No Misha hate. No hate whatsoever. If you don’t like RPF, don’t read it, and don’t complain to me about it. Update: The oh-so-lovely @atc74​ made this stellar aesthetic for me in hopes that it wouldn’t get the Tumblr Ban Hammer™. Let’s test it.
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The days blurred together at the start of every new season. A whirlwind of ramp-up preceded the first week of filming as per usually, but an uneasy fervor buzzed in the air on the first day of coverage. Though no one mentioned it, the thought lingered at the back of everyone’s minds: Last season.
While she had known the end would soon arrive, Y/N had never imagined what it might feel like for her life's work to finally end. And though they had started with the fourth episode to give Jensen enough time to prepare for directing again, Y/N positively tasted his anxiety the entire week.
Most days past in that hazy whirlwind of work. Y/N kept herself busy as possible, but the second week of shooting caught her flat-footed and completely unaware. Coverage turned to the season premier, bringing the entire cast and crew back to the graveyard where the previous season had ended, which meant facing Misha again. After their moment in the clothing store, Y/N had attempted to put it out of her mind, but there on set, she felt as though she were under a microscope again every time his piercing blue stare caught hers.
But it was lunch on the final day of shooting for the week that truly did her in.
“Are you breaking soon?”
Jensen's smooth baritone pulled her attention from her camera and she found him talking with Misha not ten feet away from her. The closeness with which they stood, not only in space but in posture, comfortable so near one another, reminded her of their short time together at the clothing store. Any closer and they might as well wrap their arms around one another.
“I’ll be a little late,” Misha started. “Probably not for another hour yet, need to finish some coverage back on the set without the gorilla around to fuck it up again.”
When Misha looked in her direction, Y/N never anticipated he might spot her milling about with her camera, but his gaze snapped directly to hers. “I think I know someone who might enjoy your company while you wait for me.”
Jensen followed his gaze and a crooked brow quirked toward his hairline. “Y/N? You sure?”
They had to be kidding. It had to be some sort of prank; they were pulling out all the stops for the final season, pranking anyone and everyone on set.
Except Misha’s serious stare suggested nothing of the sort. And if she were to be honest with herself, a prank wherein he and Jensen faked interest in her seemed far too cruel for the likes of them. They played practical jokes on people. They did not toy with their co-worker’s emotions.
With a suggestive nod, Misha backed away towards the row of SUVs waiting to take them back to the soundstages. “I'll catch up with you in a little while.”
And just like that, they were alone. Sure, crew members roamed as they tore down equipment, but they paid Jensen and she no mind. Ten feet apart, they stared at one another like some sort of dueling standoff, both waiting for the other to make the first move. Y/N did her best to smile with the confidence befit her experience; she knew Jensen, had known him for years. She wasn't some starstruck girl stunned in the presence of a celebrity.
Except if that were true, then what in the hell fluttered so violently in her stomach?
Then, without warning, Jensen’s rolling gait closed the space between them until he stood within a foot of her. His entire presence encroached on her every sense, warm and inviting as his dazzling smile spread across his too pretty lips. “Hey, Y/N.”
Her mouth opened but too many thoughts crowded her head. After an uncomfortable second, she said, “Hey, Jensen. Season starting well?”
He shrugged with a smirk. “Yeah. Glad I’m done directing though,” he stated. “I enjoy it while I’m in the middle of it, but prep is… terrifying.”
An uncharacteristically girlish giggle bubbled up in her throat. “It’ll be a great episode.”
“Yeah, I’m excited to see it.” His smile widened as his eyes listed from hers and gazed into the distance. For a moment, Y/N thought she had lost him, but then his bright green stare snapped back to hers and he said, “So, Misha mentioned you could keep me company over lunch. You got time?”
“Where’s... don’t you normally eat with the cast?” she asked as she watched Misha’s SUV roll away.
“Yeah, well, Misha’s still working, and Jared was kicked off set after his coverage was finished, so I’m not sure where he is,” Jensen said as he shrugged. He turned for the row of SUVs, regarded them a moment, then turned back to her with an inquisitive stare. Long, so long his gaze poured into hers, and Y/N swore on her life she counted a thousand freckles across his nose and cheeks.
Under his scrutinizing stare, time did that funny little thing where it moved painfully slow and terrifyingly fast. But then the moment passed, and Jensen shook his head as he said, “I’m sorry. I interrupted you while you were working, you’re probably b—”
“Wait!” When Jensen startled at her outburst, she cursed. “Son of a bitch, sorry.”
He smiled, thank God. “Yes, Y/N?”
She hesitated. Dammit all to hell, she knew what she wanted to say. And, something held her back. Mouth agape and jaw working, words poised on the tip of her tongue, Y/N hesitated for reasons unknown to her. When Jensen said nothing and instead quirked an eyebrow skyward, she blurted, “I’ll come with you. To lunch. I can definitely keep you company.”
“Great,” he started as he withdrew his phone from his pocket. “I’ll have them send some food to my trailer, that way we can eat in—Y/N? You okay?”
The sharp sting of embarrassment tingled on her cheeks. “You want to have lunch with me in your trailer?”
His shrug faltered as understanding blossomed on his face. “Oh, wow, I’m sorry. That was… damn, honey, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that.”
Bullshit. She eyed him through a narrowed squint as she asked, “Did Misha plan this whole thing out? Fake the conversation within earshot, get me to believe it was all a random chance you’d be alone. He put you up to flirting with me.”
Jensen held up his hands. “Guilty.” He returned his phone to his pocket. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to get lunch with you. Or that the flirting is insincere.”
Y/N checked over her shoulder. “So, this isn’t some sort of prank?”
“Oh, lord, no,” he declared. “That would be a terrible prank. Pranks are for fucking with people’s trailers, not tricking them onto a date.”
She startled at that. “A date?”
Flat-footed, Jensen stuttered his response. “I… it’s a lunch date.” His gaze tipped skyward as though searching for answers in the clouds. “You know. It’s… a thing… that people do…”
Maybe Misha’s scheme had backfired on them both. “You actually wanted to ask me out?”
“I did,” he started as his eyes fell to his boots. “I still do. God dammit, Misha, I'm—” His anger quelled when he looked back to Y/N. “Yes, I would like to go out with you. Lunch, dinner, whatever you’re up for.”
She turned her camera over in her hands, stalling, but for what, she hadn't a clue. “You staying in town this weekend?”
Jensen grinned again. “I am now.”
“What about Misha?” she asked.
His barking laughter echoed through the graveyard. When his laughter subsided, he spoke.
“I think I’ve got an idea that’ll get him to stay.”
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If you want to be tagged for this series specifically, send me an ask or a DM! If you want in on any of my tags, you can ask for that, too!
The Whole Thang: @atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87​  @meganwinchester1999  @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox​ @princessofthefandomrealm  @just-another-busyfangirl @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @seenashwrite  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants  @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805 @rainflowermoon @winchesterprincessbride  @lazinessisalliknow @the-is13 @waywardafgrandma @keymology @sister-winchesters99 @amanda-teaches @amandamdiehl
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sleepywinchester · 5 years
Behind The Story S2 | Pt. 24
Summary: It’s time for Y/N to make some tough decisions. Will she make the right one for herself and her family?
Author: sleepywinchester (prev. deanwinchester-af)
Characters: Jensen, Reader, Jared, Gen and Cast Cameos.
Pairings: Single!Jensen x Actress!Reader (Nina Dobrev = Faceclaim)
Words: 2,295
Beta: N/A
Warnings: none really :)
Disclaimer: NO HATE TOWARDS DANNEEL! We wuv her in this acc but this is just for science lol
Visual Credit: @musemisha​
Note: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND SURPRISE! I’ve had this chapter in my docs for God knows how long... I kept telling myself I would upload when I felt it was ready (and the last chapters were done) but I just wanted to share. I really hope you guys like this.  ♥
Title: Though Decisions 
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The air inside your hotel suite was chilly and pleasant.  Halsey’s songs filled your hotel suite as you packed everything into reusable boxes. Shooting season for Arrow was finally over and it was time to go back home for good. It was bittersweet to pack what you have been calling home for the past couple of months but you were more excited about going back to spending more time with your family. Working on two successful TV shows began to wear you off after a couple of months into shooting. It was a complete surprise when the part as Cat woman for CW’s superheroes universe was a total hit, making you stay extra months on the show. At the beginning when you took this gig, they only spoke about shooting for a couple of weeks, max a month but your character got so popular that the couple weeks turned into a couple of months.
The deep talk you had with Stephen a couple of months ago had left you thinking about your future. Months have passed but it still roamed through your mind. Being cat woman was a dream come true, being able to perform such a powerful and fun character was a milestone for your career but sometimes you asked yourself, is it all worth it?
Suddenly you heard the voice of your favorite man and all the weight from the worries drifted away. Jensen’s deep and beautiful voice sounded through the speaker. 
“Babe?” Jensen’s real-life voice. 
You spun at the sound of Jensen’s voice coming from the door. You’ve been waiting for Jensen all night to get here for SPN Convention in Toronto. You’ve also been waiting for him to help you move all your stuff back home in Austin.
“Jensen?!” You screamed giving in to the urge to jump on his arms. 
Jensen caught your body, holding your legs that were crossed around his body. He laughed loudly, taking a moment to kiss you. “Hey.”
“I’ve missed you so damn much,” you replied, still on his arms.
He looked down for a second. “I see,” he smirked.
You both chuckled before he put you down on your own feet. 
Jensen just had finished shooting week for Supernatural and took a flight to meet you in Toronto. When you just finished shooting for Arrow and was ready to move back home.
“Is everything already packed?” Jensen looked around as he took his jacket off. There was a surprise in his eyes and that made you chuckle. 
You shrugged shamelessly, “Yeah.”
“I thought I was going to help you,” he looked at you with an eyebrow perked up. 
“I know,” you grabbed his jacket, “but I got bored and… you know how I am.” You placed the jacket into the closet, where the only clothing items are three outfits that will last you through the convention weekend and moving day.
“In that case, whatcha’ think if we go down to SNS? Everyone is there, even Jared and Gen.” Jensen’s look and proposal were highly tempting, given the fact that you haven’t seen the gang or had fun in a long time. 
“You know what… Let’s go. Let’s have fun.” 
Jensen instantly hugged you and kissed you when you accepted. “That’s my girl.” Grabbing quickly his suitcase, murmuring that he was going to take a quick shower before. 
You smirked following his lead into the bathroom because you also needed a quick shower after so much packing. Once Jensen saw you walk into the bathroom he understood what it meant.
 He was shirtless, standing in front of the wide shower door, beginning to get wet from the shower, “I guess we can skip the first few songs.”
“I guess so,” you purred, kissing his lips with passion.
/ / / 
“Get your ass down here, ASAP!” Jensen shouted, “Says Rob and Jared.”
You chuckled walking into the living room, your husband turned his head towards your direction. Jensen’s jaw-dropping instantly the second he took a full look of you. 
“Damn,” he whispered to himself. “Babe-,” he said as he stood up from the couch. “You look-”
As he tried to speak his emotions you grabbed the leather jacket resting on the chair and put it on, making sure your hair was messy yet stylish at the same time. You were wearing a deep v neck black blouse and tight dark skinny jeans. Jensen sighed harshly, 
“smoking hot. Are those real leather?” He touched your thigh-high leather boots, pressing on your thighs and giving you a sexy look as he did so.
You smirked kissing his lips and saying, “Yes.”
“Mmm,” he licked his lips, “do we have to leave?”
“Yes! If we don’t appear now, I assure you, they will come looking for us.” You told him walking towards the door. 
“But you look so good!” He shouted following your steps into the elevator.
Once inside you grab him by the collar of his leather jacket. He was holding you closely and kissing your lips and neck. It was like you two were too horny teenagers that couldn’t stop touching each other. 
“Get a room you two!” Jared’s voice suddenly joined.
You and Jensen instantly groaned while still extremely close to each other. “Should I just hit the closing doors buttons?” Jensen asked you, completely ignoring Jared’s presence.
Looking at Jared standing in the middle of the doors you shake your head, shifting your eyes back to your favorite stud. 
“Na’, we said we were going to have fun,” you told Jensen.
“I have a lot of ways we could be having fun… Upstairs. In our bed. Naked.” Jensen replied. 
Listening to Jared’s annoyed sigh was extremely amusing. “Seriously guys?” He said. 
“What?” You and Jensen fake snapped at the same time.
“Everyone is waiting for you two horny assholes,” Jared replied. “Including Rob’s impatient ass.” 
Going back to Jensen you sighed, cleaning the red lipstick off his lips. “We can continue what we started later.”
“Promise?” He holds your hand. 
“Mhm,” you kissed his lips. 
“Oh my God,” Jared rolled his eyes and began walking towards the green room. 
You and Jensen laughed once again, it was truly amusing to see him annoyed at the extreme PDA you and Jensen were having. It’s been a while since you could annoy Jared. It’s also been a while since you’ve seen him. Walking into the green room, you and Jensen were greeted by everyone. They were all excited to finally see you after such a long time. 
“You look so hot!” Brianna said with excitement. 
You gave her a big smile, “You too, babe!” 
You two turned heads towards Jensen who cleared his throat. 
“You too, Jensen. You always look hot as fuck,” Brianna told him and he instantly laughed. “Honestly, you two look like rock stars. It’s so hot, I can’t stand it.”
“Yeah - These two look like horny rock stars. They were making out hard in the elevator.” Jared joined the conversation with Gen by his side. 
You winked at your best friend who looked gorgeous as always. 
“Let them be,” Gen said, “They haven’t seen each other in two weeks.”
“Exactly!” Jensen shouted, holding you closely by your waist. He looked at you in the eye, “Let us be.” Kissing you in the lips after finishing the sentence. 
“Where’s my husband?!” Brianna jokily shouted. 
“Home with your kid,” Kim joined. “So - switching this fuckery talk. What are you guys singing?” 
You rose both eyebrows, “Who said anything about singing?” 
Jensen slipped off your side and walked away for a second, leaving you alone with a glaring Kim. She raised her eyebrows at your response and shakes her head. 
“You’re telling me you both came downstairs to SNS and you are not performing?” Kim seriously glared at you and Jensen. “I call bull.”
You sighed, “Okay. I’ll sing but I need booze.” 
“I got you, babe,” Jensen he joined your side again with a cup of most likely to be whiskey and coke. “What song?” 
“Hmmm,” you thought for a second. 
You and Jensen were both wearing all black outfits with leather. It was obvious that both had highly flirtatious feelings that night. Yet above all that flirtatious sensations you both looked very badass and definitely like rock stars. 
“Wanted Dead or Alive?” You asked him with a smirk. 
Jensen returned the smirk, returning the look, “Let’s do it.” 
“Jensen you’re up! Whipping Post?” Rob strolled in from the stage.
“I’ll go first and then you join?” Jensen looked at you and you nodded as an answer. He kissed your cheek before walking out to the stage, making the fans went wild and scream. They were seriously not expecting him. 
“You guys look like two honeymooners,” Gen said.
You grinned, “I feel like a honeymooners. A lot of changes are going up and even though I feel bad for some of the decisions I’ve made, I know the future is going to be brighter.” 
Genevieve nodded agreeing with your words. “You’re doing it for your family and for yourself. I haven’t seen you this genuinely happy in a while.” 
“I haven’t seen myself this happy in a while,” you grinned again, having a sip of your whiskey. “It’s like everything is taking place since I decided to leave.” You looked around for a second, “Then at the same time, it feels bad that I won’t be part of this anymore.”
“What are you talking about?” Jared joined. “You are a big part of everything Supernatural is. You are still part of the cast of the Supernatural family, of our family. Your place in this family is never going to change. You are Y/N Ackles and that is never going to change.”
Jared’s words made you think that you may have been overreacting the consequences of your choices. He was right, it didn’t matter what happened or what decisions you made, you were still part of this family. 
“Thank you, guys.” You told them.
At that moment you heard Jensen finishing up Whipping Post. 
“Thanks, y’all,” he spoke through the mic, “I’m going to stick around and do one more…” 
You chuckled at the crowd screaming with excitement in response.
“I’m gonna ask to have some help from a friend  of mine…” Jensen said. “Honestly she’s more than a friend if you guys know what I mean.” At that moment everyone screamed even louder, it was obvious they were making assumptions it was you. “She’s the myth, the legend, Y/N Ackles everyone.” 
Jensen saying your name was a queue for you to walk out of the curtains with the microphone on hand. The camera flashes increased as your big smile did. You gave Rob a hug and waved at the band, followed by a kiss on Jensen’s lips and then glanced at the crowd. 
“Hey, y’all,” you spoke. 
The energy in that room was warming and filled with so much excitement. They were good vibes and you missed that. They were happy to have you that night and you were excited to be there with them. It’s been a long time since you attended an SNS concert. 
“Ain’t he a rockstar?” You pointed at Jensen smirking. 
At that moment the band began to play the intro of Wanted Dead or Alive.
“Can you feel it?!” Jensen shouted as he moved by the rhythm of the band. You and Jensen were doing the same movements and laughed at the moment you two realized it. 
“It's all the same, only the names will change
Every day, it seems we're wastin' away
Another place where the faces are so cold
I drive all night just to get back home,” Jensen looked at your eyes and winked.
“I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I'm wanted-,”
“Waaaanteeed,” you sang the melody. 
“Dead or alive…” Both of you sang together, “Wanted dead or alive”.
You prepped to sing the next verses.
“Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days
The people I meet always go their separate ways
Sometimes you tell the day
By the bottle that you drink
And times, when you're all alone all you do is think
I'm a cowgirl, on a steel horse I ride,” you moved your hips.
“I'm wanted (wanted) dead or alive
Wanted (wanted) dead or alive
Oh, and I ride
Oh, and I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride,” you and Jensen sang the chorus together.
“I'm wanted dead or alive
I walk these streets
A loaded six-string on my back
I play for keeps 'cause I might not make it back
I been everywhere, still, I'm standing tall
I've seen a million faces
And I've rocked them all,” Jensen sang the verses.
As he sang the verse you dance and backed him up with the melodies. It was one of those moments where you felt like a complete rockstar and sang your heart out in that stage. 
For the last chorus, you and Jensen stood face and sang.
“I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted (wanted) dead or alive
I'm a cowboy, I got the night on my side
I'm wanted (wanted) dead or alive
And I ride, dead or alive
I still drive (I still drive) dead or alive
Dead or alive, dead or alive, dead or alive, dead or alive”
The feeling of ending a song was always electrifying. You much needed that after months of not performing in SNS. The song was over but the crowd wasn’t over, they were clapping and screaming. You laughed and smiled at them. 
“I’ve missed y’all,” you said, “see you guys tomorrow? Gold Panel?” 
You received more shouts and took that as a yes.
“Goodnight,” you said leaving the stage with Jensen. 
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
Decryption_Error: “Fourth of July, Part II”
Summary: Despite Elliot’s reservations about meeting Y/N’s family, the long weekend goes well . . . except for an incident that causes Y/N to unknowingly meet Mr. Robot for the first time.
Story Summary,  “The Server Room, Part I”,  “The Server Room, Part II”  “The Long Weekend, Part I”,  “The Long Weekend, Part II”,  “The Aftermath”,  “Undecided”,  **“Decided”,  “Spooked”,  **“Fourth of July, Part I”
Word Count: 9800
Tags: @sherlollydramoine @rami-malek-trash @teamwolf2411 @limabein @txmel @alottanothing @ouatlovr @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @moon-stars-soul @free-rami @ramimedley
If you want added or I’ve missed your request, let me know : )
A/N: I am actively pretending the Elliot of MR Season 4 is an illusion : ) Let me live in my fantasy of soft Elliot, thanks! 
Warning: Sexual content, non-descriptive mentions of blood, somewhat descriptive scene of an anxiety/panic attack
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* Wednesday Evening *
“Open the bag behind my seat.”
Elliot shifted in his seat and reached into the back. He pulled the black shopping bag up to his lap and rustled around.
I glanced over at him, smirking.
“How do you like them?”
Elliot sighed, and despite his anxiousness about meeting my family, I knew he was happy—and happy was something that was starting to look damn good on him.
Elliot put his new swim trunks back in the bag and returned it to its spot behind my seat. He reached over and gave my thigh a quick squeeze before he leaned back, resting his head against his seat.
I had never imagined that such a simple gesture of affection could set my heart racing, but that was how it went with Elliot. There were never going to be any grandiose displays of romance; with him, it would always be about the little things—remembering my favorite food or movie, knowing how I took my tea in the morning, going on a holiday despite a sometimes crippling social anxiety.
And as if on cue, Elliot’s voice sounded, just a hair louder than the radio.
“Can you tell me what to expect again?”
Even though this was the third time I was about to explain what to expect, I still smiled. I knew this was an important part of Elliot’s attempt to alleviate his apprehension.
“ETA is currently clocked at 7:28 pm. Kathleen and Josh, my oldest sister and her husband, along with their three children—do you want their names again?”
“Jack, Jared, and Molly—10, 8, and 3.”
“I’m pretty sure those are the right ages. I told you—I’m a shit aunt,” I said through a laugh.
“Erin and Ryan will get there last.”
“Yes. Erin’s going to be late for her own wedding—mark my words. I wish my parents would worry about her more than me.”
“But they don’t worry because she’s a lawyer which is a job they understand. Unlike tech,” Elliot finished.
“See? You’ve got it all figured out. Just remember not to say any of those insights of yours out loud.”
“I’ll try.”
“And Charlie—Char’s coming tomorrow. He’s the owner of the sweatpants I put you in over Memorial Day.”
“He’s your favorite.”
I glanced at Elliot, my face twisted into an expression of surprised amusement.
“I never said that.”
“You don’t have to. It’s in the way you talk about him—how protective you are. I feel that way about Darlene.”
“But she’s your only sibling, right?”
“So it’s totally okay that she’s your favorite,” I said with a slight chuckle. “Anyway, Charlie and I are closer in age, so that’s one reason why I think we’ve always gotten along the best. The other is that Erin and Kathleen are a lot like my mom. My brother and I are much more like my dad.”
“Mom. Valerie, goes by Val, but I’ll stick to calling her Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“And Dad?”
“Charles Y/L/N. Owner of CNC Precision Machining, host company of the company I work for, and ranked number 348 on the Forbes 400 list.”
“Please don’t open with that,” I said, cringing. “I guarantee he doesn’t even know he’s on that damn list.”
“How can he not?”
“He’s got people to worry about and organize those things, not to mention he plans to dump half of what the company made this year into three new factories right here in the US, so that will cut his personal ‘net worth’ almost in half. My father has never forgotten that Grand-daddy could barely afford to feed his own family. His priority is and always will be job creation. I promise you, Elliot. He’s a good person.”
“I don’t know how you can be so flippant about the fact that you really don’t ever need to work. You could do anything you wanted with your life—anything.”
“Colin? Is that you? Did you takeover Elliot’s body?”
I could feel Elliot roll his eyes, and I smirked.
“It’s my father’s money. Sure, I could live off of our family’s wealth, but then what would my purpose be? How could I ever, ever hope to keep all these guys quiet in here?” I asked, tapping the side of my head. You, of all people, should understand that.”
“I do. And don’t think I’ve forgotten we’ve talked about this before,” Elliot said as his way of apologizing. “I’m just nervous.”
“When are you not nervous?”
“An excellent question for which there is no answer,” Elliot said, and I could hear the smile as he formed his words.
We pulled into the drive of my parents’ waterfront house, and I snuck a glance at Elliot. He was looking out the window, craning to take in the property. I loved this house and always felt at peace along the bay. It was disappointing I hadn’t been out here, really out here, for such a long time.
I pulled in slightly behind my sister’s vehicle onto the cobblestoned driveway in the back of the house that made a loop, and when I shut the car off, I lamely said, “Well, we’re here!”
Elliot whipped his head over, almost as if he’d forgotten I was in the car. He looked pale, and his eyes were wide and skittish. He swallowed twice, and I watched his Adam’s apple bob.
“Should I have dressed up?” Elliot said, his voice fading in and out.
I laughed softly.
“Did I dress up?”
“You always look good. Nice,” Elliot mumbled as he glanced at the house again.
“Especially when I’m naked. In bed. With you,” I said with a teasing grin.
“Fuck, Y/N!” Elliot shot out. “You can’t talk like that here.”
He gestured so vigorously toward the house that his hand smacked off the window, causing me to giggle.
“I’m just trying to get you to relax.”
“Thinking about us, about you, like that is not fucking helping.”
“Sorry. It’s getting hot in here without the air conditioning, though. Are you ready?”
Elliot just looked at me.
“You are ready. Remember, they wanted to meet you. I’m not springing some strange hobo I picked up off the side of the road on them.”
“Fuck. Yeah. Okay. Let’s go,” Elliot said opening the car door.
I smiled at his resolve, but my grin fell as my nephews came barreling around the wrap-around porch to see whether it was me or Erin who had arrived.
“Aunt Y/N!” Jared yelled as he hit his older brother, Jack, with the pool noodle he was swinging. “Will you swim with us? Please!”
“Am I going to get hit with that noodle?”
“Probably not,” Jared said, a grin plastered over his face, water droplets from his sopping hair still trailing down his tanned face.
“Hello,” Jack said, turning to look at Elliot, straightening up to his fullest height and extending his hand.
Elliot looked at him for a moment before he reached out and shook Jack’s extended, damp hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jack finished before turning to me. “Can I help you take anything into the house?”
I smiled. Jack was every bit his mother’s son: well-mannered, mature, and wise beyond his years, but his eyes still held a child’s innocence, and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt for not spending more time with him and his siblings.
“What a kind gesture, Jack, but do you really want to watch Mimi go apoplectic on the first day of the holiday when you go trampling, soaking wet through the front door?”
“What’s apopple-tic?” Jared asked, wrapping his pool noodle around his waist and swinging side to side.
I looked at Jack and raised my eyebrow.
“Crazy mad,” he said in answer to his brother. “Like how mom got when you put her iPad in the dishwasher.”
Jared shot his brother a murderous look and pulled back to hit him with the noodle.
“Go swim, boys. I promise we’ll come out as soon we’re settled.”
“Dad said we could play with our fireworks tonight!” Jared said before he turned and ran back up the porch stairs and around to the pool.
Jack grinned, shrugged his shoulders, and took off after his brother.
“Two down,” I said as I pulled my bag out of the car.
“They’re kids. Do they even count?”
“I think they do,” I said with a slight shrug of my shoulders.
Elliot gave me one of those half-smiles as he lifted my bag out of my hand and reached for his. I let him carry our bags, and I walked back around to the back seat to grab my purse, my work tote, and the shopping bag that contained Elliot’s swim trunks. I didn’t want to do any work over the weekend, but if there was an emergency, hopefully this time it could be solved remotely. Elliot had also brought his backpack, which made me feel a little better.
Elliot followed me up the porch stairs and through the front door. I led him up the center staircase and to the left, all the way to the end of the hall. I opened up the door to my room and set my work bag and shopping bag on one of the striped chairs near the wall. I tossed my purse onto the bed and directed Elliot to set our big bags in the walk-in closet.
When Elliot emerged, he looked around the room and walked over to the French doors that led out onto a small balcony that overlooked the bay. It looked like he was on a military mission to memorize his surroundings in the event of an emergency, so I left him alone as he acclimated.
My room was light and breezy, done in hues of blues with accents of white and coral. Elliot looked comically out of place, clad head to toe in black, standing between the sheer white and blue curtains.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” I finally said when Elliot sought out my eyes, his looking a startlingly, lovely shade of blue in the light of my room.
I couldn’t tell what was going through his mind, his face expressionless as he looked at me. I moved forward, waiting to see if he’d turn into my body or step away.
He stood still for a moment, before he turned to me, tentatively wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I sank into him, breathing him in.
“Thank you for doing this,” I whispered against his neck.
“Don’t thank me yet. I still have a few days to make you regret bringing me.”
“Stop,” I said pulling back to look at him. “Nothing is going to make me regret bringing you here.”
“Why do you have so much faith in me?”
Because I’m in love with you, I thought without hesitation, which was followed by a sheer bolt of panic that I immediately swallowed down.
“I just do,” I said, smiling and angling my face up for a kiss.
Elliot bent his head, kissing me sweetly in the still-bright light of the fading day, and I felt yet another jolt of shock at how incredibly right this felt, how easy.
After unpacking a few things and plugging my phone in to charge, we went downstairs and headed out to the pool. I took Elliot’s hand in mine as we walked across the porch and down the sidewalk and stairs to the stone encased pool that was being energetically occupied by my nephews, my niece, my dad, and my sister.
Elliot tightened his grip, and I gave him a reassuring squeeze back.
“Kathleen! Your sister’s here!” my mom yelled, waving at me and then at the pool.
“Hi, mom,” I said, releasing Elliot’s hand so I could give her a hug.
“This is Elliot,” I said as soon as I let go.
“Elliot,” my mom said, extending her hand. “Such a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Don’t be dramatic, mom.”
“Nonsense. We’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to put such a handsome face to Y/N’s words.”
“Uh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Oh, please. Call me Val.”
Elliot gave her a sheepish smile and ran his hand through his hair, his eyes taking in the swimming pool, the bar, and the pool house.
“Hey! You said you’d swim with us!” Jared shouted as he leapt up from the water and ran over to me.
“I said no such thing because you did not promise I wouldn’t get hit with a pool noodle.”
Jared scowled a bit at me, and I grabbed him up, bridal style and tossed him back in the pool. He came up grinning, and I had to jump back as he aimed a splash at me.
“You asked for it,” my sister said as she swam to the edge, gracefully pulling herself up to sit. “Toss me my towel.”
I rolled my eyes and retrieved the towel she had pointed at. Kathleen, the prettiest and the bossiest.
“Hey, Y/N—how was the drive in?” came the pleasant voice of my brother-in-law, Josh.
“Not bad. Sat in the tunnel forever, but no surprise there,” I said, returning to Elliot who was standing with his hands in his pockets, looking like he had hoped everyone had forgotten he existed.
“Josh this is Elliot. Elliot, Josh, Kathleen’s husband.”
They shook hands, and I watched Elliot carefully, unsure if he was sort of comfortable with all the handshaking or if he was just internalizing the discomfort really well. I figured it was probably the latter.
Josh asked Elliot a few questions, and Elliot gave very direct answers.
“Save some of the interrogation for after dinner,” I said, returning to Elliot’s side.
“Small talk is—”
“Horrific and you know that,” I cut Josh off with an eyeroll. “You remember what it was like coming here for the first time to meet everyone.”
Josh tilted his head back and sighed, his eyes reflecting the light of the sun as it had begun lowering over the bay.
“The first time I met the family was at Christmas. It was a house full of, shit, 50 relatives? 60? I seriously considered just leaving and never coming back.”
“Leave me? Unlikely?” Kath said as she hugged Josh from behind, soaking his polo shirt as he reached up to grasp her hand and grin.
“The boss would never have allowed you to get away,” I said, rolling my eyes and smiling.
“Do you hear the way she talks to me, Elliot? It’s not too late for you to escape.”
I rolled my eyes again, only to be scolded by my mother.
“Honestly, Y/N. If I counted the number of times you rolled your eyes—”
“Come on,” I said, taking Elliot’s hand in mine and leading him toward the bar. “Let’s go play Cocktail a la Tom Cruise.”
Josh followed and Kathleen sat down to talk to our mom and to watch the kids in the pool. Elliot listened to Josh and I chat as I mixed up a few drinks and had the boys try them before settling on making a pitcher of something that tasted mostly like a Mai Tai.
By the time my pitcher of drinks was made, Dad had gotten out of the pool and toweled off before walking over to us. He introduced himself to Elliot and welcomed him to our home.
“We’re happy to meet you, Elliot.”
“Thank you, sir,” Elliot said, his eyes flicking to mine before returning to the ground in front of my dad.
Dad glanced at me and gave me a small smile. I told him how hard this was going to be for Elliot because he struggled with meeting people and with getting to know people in general—I explained that he was sort of the stereotype of the introverted tech guy. Not to mention, Dad knew all about the incident in the server room.
Josh picked up the pitcher and walked back to Kathleen and Mom, leaving my dad and I alone with Elliot. Dad sat down on the stool next to Elliot as I wiped my hands on a towel. I grabbed a beer from the fridge before I came out from behind the bar to give Dad a big hug.
“If you can keep her from working too much, Elliot, I’d greatly appreciate that,” Dad said, smiling at me and reaching for his beer.
Elliot looked up and glanced between the two of us, something about our interaction relaxing him. It wasn’t like with Kathleen or even with my mom—I loved my family, and they loved me, but there was something special about the way my dad and I understood each other.
“I’ll try after she settles into her new job. I don’t think even the threat of a nuclear holocaust could stop her until she feels like she owns that position.”
Dad laughed, and I looked at Elliot, my face twisted into a shocked smile.
“Hey now—I would stop if I knew the world was ending!”
“Would you, though, sweetheart?”
I narrowed my eyes at my dad, and he squished me to his side.
“You understand her,” Dad said to Elliot. “That’s the second of the many hurdles you have to jump before she’ll let you care about her.”
“I’m not telling him anything he doesn’t already now,” Dad said as he took a long swig of his beer, eyeing Elliot to confirm what he already knew.
“What’s the first hurdle?” Elliot asked.
“You have to be interesting enough to catch her attention.”
“Oh my god, Dad,” I said as I returned to fetch my drink from behind the bar. “Can we not dive right into the depths of my psyche?”
“It’s better than small talk,” Dad retorted as Elliot gave a surprised laugh.
Dad smiled at Elliot and angled his beer toward him.
“To the death of small talk,” Dad said, and Elliot smiled as he clinked his glass with Dad’s bottle of beer.
Despite the fact that I was slightly embarrassed, I couldn’t stop the spread of my satisfied grin. That was what my dad did—he made people comfortable, even people like Elliot who couldn’t or wouldn’t show their true selves to a stranger.
“Charles, kids! Dinner’s ready,” Mom yelled as she motioned to the caterers who were setting up the picnic tables on the front lawn.
The three of us made our way to the front lawn, Elliot’s hand finding mine as soon as I was close to him.
Dinner was quite lovely despite the July heat, my mom having had a breezy tent set up around the picnic tables and tiki torches spread out to provide the double benefit of soft light and warding off insects.
The focus was mostly off of Elliot as we all chatted, catching up and quickly falling into easy conversation about family members, neighbors, and career events, including my promotion.
Erin and Ryan arrived just as the caterers cleared away the plates, Erin grabbing at some of the leftovers and giggling her way across the lawn.
All attention was diverted to her; she was one of those people that the eye and the ear were drawn to—charismatic and full of energy.
After meeting Elliot, Erin sat down next to me and leaned in to whisper, “As soon as the olds go to bed, we’re going starry swimming—will your cutie be interested?”
Starry swimming was code for getting high in the pool.
“Yes—he’ll be quite interested.”
Erin gave me a grin and shot a wink at Elliot, who raised his eyebrows in concern.
Leaning in close to his ear, I quietly said, “I’ll explain later.”
It was after midnight by the time I rummaged through my wardrobe, wondering which bikini might interest Elliot the most. I settled on a little yellow one that was fringed with ruffles, slipping on a pair of matching flipflops before walking out of the closet.  
Elliot’s eyes were lit up by the screen of his phone until they flicked to me, then settled on me as his mouth dropped open a bit.
“Good choice?”
“Yeah,” he said softly.
“Who’s texting you?”
“Angela. She wanted me to go see her dad with her for the holiday. She thinks I’m lying.”
“Let’s send her a pic,” I said, grinning and plopping down next to Elliot.
“She doesn’t know about me?”
“Not exactly.”
I looked at Elliot and shrugged my shoulders.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“I just haven’t really had the chance to tell anyone—”
“In case we break up?”
Elliot frowned and looked away, his hands coming to rest on top of his head after he tossed his phone on the bed.
He sighed, “Are you mad I’m still waiting for the hammer to fall?”
“No—I’m mad because you haven’t put your swim trunks on yet,” I said as I poked the end of his nose. “Get changed.”
Elliot groaned and reluctantly slid out of bed, heading into the closet to change. When he emerged, he was in a black t-shirt and his new swim trunks, black, but dotted with white stars. His skinny legs looked comical and even paler than his arms and face.
“We need to get you some sun, hackerman.”
Elliot rolled his eyes, and I warned him that my mother had a sixth sense for eye-rolling—she was probably getting out of bed right at that moment to come and yell at him.
Elliot looked genuinely alarmed for a moment before he narrowed his eyes and told me to shut up.
I giggled and he huffed in an attempt to disguise his own, inadvertent laugh.
Erin and Ryan were already floating around in the pool by the time we got outside.
Despite their closeness, Erin was every bit Kathleen’s opposite. The starkest contrast was Erin’s inclination to disregard rules, even though she was a lawyer. My dad always said that was what actually made her so damn good at her job.
“Heeeey!” Erin yelled, swimming to the edge of the pool and hoisting herself out. “Come on, Ry—I’m ready to really start this party.”
Ryan chose to use the stairs at the shallow end of the pool, and he walked over to us as Erin tossed him a towel. Ryan wrapped the towel around his waist and headed to the bar.
“Let’s see the goods, Elliot. Strip!”
“Please ignore her,” I said, kicking at Erin. “She’s a complete slut.”
Erin corrected me as she wiggled her engagement ring in my direction.
“Excuse me. A former slut.”
I laughed and extended my hands to help pull her up. She pressed her wet body into mine before giggling and running over to the bar.
“The answer is yes—she’s the energetic one.”
Elliot just looked at me, then to Erin and Ryan.
As he followed me to the bar, Elliot quietly said, “You’re all so . . . affectionate.”
I stopped and turned around, looking at Elliot’s face.
“Well, Charlie’s not. He’s more reserved, kinda like you.”
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way. You like each other.”
“Generally,” I said chuckling.
“Hey, Erin,” I called. “Remember that time we got in a fight over the last bag of chips?”
“Yeah—you sat on them and the bag exploded. Then you made ME clean it up!”
Erin and I laughed as Ryan and Elliot smiled, listening to us tease each other.
“You smoke?” Ryan asked Elliot as he finished rolling the joint.
“On occasion,” Elliot said, causing me to laugh again.
“My man,” Ryan said as he lit the join and offered it to Elliot first.
Erin, not be outdone, reached into the pouch on the bar and pulled out another joint, lighting it and taking a long drag before passing it to me.
“Selfish asshole,” I said as I exhaled in her face.
“Love you, sis!”
The haze of a high settled over us like the haze of the July night. Soon, we found ourselves in the pool, splashing and giggling and swimming and talking, Elliot’s lips loosened far more than usual.
Erin flirted with him unmercifully, as was her custom, and Elliot looked terrified at first, his eyes darting to me as he struggled to put distance between himself and her.
Ryan and I were both sitting in the shallow end, grinning in amusement, knowing she was only having fun. Erin would flirt with a tomato if she thought it might flirt back.  
Once Elliot realized it was all in fun, Erin even managed to make him laugh out loud with one of the loudest sounds I had ever heard Elliot make. His laugh was carefree, and it melted my heart, drawing me to him like a siren’s song.
Erin splashed me in the face before she swam away.
“Having fun?” I said, grinning, my words feeling heavy and slow.
Elliot grew quiet and I could see his eyes burning to let his voice say yes.
“You don’t have to say it out loud,” I said smiling and sliding my hands to his hips, floating closer to him.
Elliot didn’t say that he was happy, but he reached out for my legs and wrapped them around his waist before leaning in to kiss me.
Our kiss was slow, steady, and deep, and it could’ve been the high, but I felt like the entire world melted away when Elliot’s mouth was on mine.
And before I knew it, we really were all alone in the pool. So, I returned to Elliot’s lips, kissing him and grinding against him under the stars, so high and so content.
* Thursday * 
Elliot awoke with a jolt due to me staring intently at him, a grin plastered across my face. I was already dressed in a dark blue swimsuit underneath my white shorts and white lightweight, long-sleeve top.
“Do you get seasick?” I asked while dangling a bottle of water in front of his face.
Elliot blinked away the sleep as his mind struggled to figure out what I was talking about, and as his dry mouth from all the weed we smoked last night struggled to speak.
He took the bottle of water, took a long drink, and said, “I—I don’t think so?”
“Great! We’re going sailing with Charlie. I’ve already laid out an outfit,” I said gesturing to a pile of clothes that were laying across the bench at the foot of the bed.
Elliot lifted his head to look at the clothes, then sank back onto the bed.
“What else did you buy me?”
“Just a couple of non-black shirts so you don’t get heatstroke.”
“Stop buying me stuff.”
“You don’t really mind,” I said planting loud kisses across his jaw until he laughed and pushed me away.
“This weekend is going to fuck up my worldview for the rest of my life. Sailing,” Elliot huffed. “I’m a fucking hypocrite.”
“Hey—lots of people sail. They have Groupon deals all the time.”
“What the hell is a Groupon?”
“Something you will never, ever use,” I said with a chuckle. “I’ll see you downstairs in 15.”
I grabbed my tote from the bench and went downstairs to pack some light snacks. Charlie was already packing a cooler, and I knew he’d remember the booze and forget the food.
We chatted, mostly about the good weed he missed last night.
Elliot walked into the kitchen and I had to stop my mouth from dropping open. He was in the light grey shorts and the white t-shirt I laid out for him. He also opted for the black slip-on converses I tucked in his bag. I couldn’t believe I’d gotten Elliot this far from his jeans, tennis shoes, and hoodie.
He ran his hand nervously through his hair, pulling at the already straight strands.
“Charlie, this is Elliot. Elliot, my brother, Charlie.”
“Hey. So, what do you say we get the hell outta here? I love Kat’s kids, but the thought of them on a sailboat—no fuckin’ way.”
“Mom and Dad know we’re taking the boat, right?”
“Leave a note? Be back before dinner.”
“Smart—we’ll avoid the pre-dinner, nothing is ready even though it is, drama.”
We each grabbed a bag or a cooler and walked out the back door toward our dock, the sun having risen only a few feet above the water. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day, only a few clouds surrounding the sun, casting a soft, golden light over the water.
I looked over at Elliot and smiled, his skin glowing golden with the warmth of the sun, a slight smile on his face as he took in the sunrise, the water, and the sailboat.
I leaned closer to him and whispered, “You’re happy—and it’s okay.”
“I think it’s just nerves. I’m so far out of my element I can’t do anything other than smile like an idiot.”
I laughed and Charlie looked back.
“Elliot’s never been sailing. He’s a little nervous.”
“You’re in good hands,” Charlie said, stepping back to allow us to get on the boat first. “I started taking Y/N sailing as soon as she was out of diapers—which took a lot longer than you’d think.”
“I swear to god, Charlie,” I said, shaking my head, and seeing Elliot smirk out of the corner of my eye.
“Do not let him think he’s funny—he’ll roast me all day if he thinks he has a proper audience.”
Elliot shrugged. “There’s nothing he could tell me that would make me think you aren’t perfect.”
“Dude. No. She can’t have hooked you that deep yet?”
“Pretty deep,” Elliot said, his eyes glancing at me.
Charlie made a noise of disgust, but I didn’t miss the soft smile. If I was happy, my brother was happy, and vice-versa. It was as simple as that for us. Charlie and I never had to worry about comparing ourselves to one another, never had to worry about that slight undercurrent of jealousy that stemmed from thinking that we were not enough like our sisters.
Sailing was a lot of work, so Charlie and I taught Elliot, who was eager to learn. We stopped for lunch at the Indian Harbor Yacht Club, and Elliot stuck to my side, clearly preferring the open air of the bay over the aristocratic charm of the club.
When we set sail again, Elliot didn’t need reminding about what to do and jumped into handling the rigging like he had been doing it for years.
I could tell Elliot liked Charlie, probably because he told such embarrassing stories about me, but more likely because Charlie was just like my dad—he made people feel at ease.
When we weren’t adjusting the sails or sharing stories, the three of us just sat in companionable silence, taking in the feel of the boat on the water, the warmth of the sun, the smell of the salt in the air, and the quiet solitude of the bay.
We got back just in time for dinner, which was a repeat of the previous night with the exception that we had Erin to entertain us. The early evening passed, full of laughter and stories, and I leaned back and smiled as Elliot took in all of our dynamics, occasionally leaning across the table to ask Charlie some more questions about sailing.
“Alright, family!” my mother announced. “Time for fireworks!”
We made our way toward the beach with our blankets, and once we got settled, Elliot looked over at me smiled—at least until he ended up with a lap full of toddler.
Molly and her brothers were playing, waving sparklers around and unleashing blacksnake fireworks, and she took off running only to trip over the edge of our blanket and fall right into Elliot’s lap.
“Gah!” came Elliot’s shocked response as he looked down at Molly, his expression one of pure horror until Molly twisted around to see what, or rather who, she landed on. She looked at Elliot and started giggling.
“Silly!” she exclaimed, patting him on the arm.
“You fell on me,” Elliot replied in his normal intonation just as the first firework shot up in the distance, startling me and Elliot, but not Molly.
When Molly felt Elliot start at the noise, she asked, “Do you need to sit on me?”
Elliot chuckled and looked at her with his grey eyes, a smile crinkling the skin in the corners.
“I’m okay, and thanks for asking. The first one always scares me a little.”
Molly smiled and shifted, turning around in Elliot’s lap to face the water and to lean back onto his chest, her hair snaggling just a bit in the slight stubble on his chin.
He looked over at me and I smiled, shrugged, and scooted closer to lean against his side.
Molly “ooo-ed” and “ahh-ed” as we watched the fireworks and Elliot kept sneaking glances at her as if he couldn’t believe she were still there. I suppose there was a quietness in Elliot that just appealed to Molly, and to the boys. He didn’t treat them like they were anything other than miniature people. Kids liked to know they were human, too. Liked to feel normal, something Elliot always seemed to recognize when it was a need in someone else.
I rested my head on Elliot’s shoulder, and I would be lying if I said the thought of a normal, disgustingly domestic future with a child of our own didn’t cross my mind. And when Elliot turned his head to breath in my hair before placing a kiss to the top of my head, I would be lying if said I didn’t believe he was thinking about it, too.
* Friday * 
“Fuck,” I muttered, my mind barely awake as I scrolled through my phone.
Elliot was laid out next to me, soundly sleeping. I hated to wake him, but I had no choice.
I put my phone on the nightstand and rolled to face him, taking in the peaceful look on his face. The circles under his eyes were gone and his skin had started to take on a more golden hue. The sun had done him wonders, and I had to remind myself that I didn’t have time to get lost in the beauty of him at the moment.
I was away from work, so of course the world was on fire.
I moved in closer to Elliot and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, reaching up to run my fingers through his thick, messy hair.
Elliot stirred so I whispered, “Hey, El. Good morning.”
I could see Elliot’s eyes moving under his lids as he fought to wake up. His tongue darted out to wet his lips and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. He shifted, stretching a little before finally opening his eyes.
The immediate smile on his face as he registered me warmed my heart.
“Morning,” he rasped, sleep still clinging to his voice.
“I lied. It’s not a ‘good’ morning,” I said frowning.
Elliot’s eyes turned more alert, so I continued.
“Our IDS went off last night—well, early this morning. The reactive program set up before your time worked so the Source IP was blocked. They tried like hell to get in, and I want to know if this was an isolated incident or if they were after other companies, too.”
“You want me to track them.”
“Can you do it remotely? Dad has a VPN.”
“Yes,” Elliot paused, then asked, “They gave him a VPN here? In a house that’s not always occupied?”
“It’s a recent development. This is sort of a secret, but Dad is planning to retire next year. He and mom plan to move to this house permanently, so they’ve been spending more time here.”
Elliot sighed.
“Smart move—the hackers, I mean.”
“I know. Is that what you would do if you were a black hat?”
Elliot looked over at me and raised his brow, “I would’ve succeeded.”
I huffed out a laugh and pressed a kiss to his lips. Elliot quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled my body on top of his. What began as an innocent kiss turned into a mess of breathy pants and sighs as our bodies ground together in the early morning light.
Elliot rolled us over and reached between our bodies, sliding a finger into my underwear to stroke my opening. I reached to grasp his hard length through his underwear before pushing the fronts down to pull out his cock.
I looked at him and he returned my gaze, his grey eyes darkened to a deep blue.
I spread my legs and pulled him toward me as he pushed my panties to the side. I pressed his tip against my wetness, and I longed for my ache of want to be filled by him.
Elliot narrowed his eyes with concern, but I shook my head and shifted my hips up to invite him to enter me.
Elliot pushed inside of me with ease, his eyes closing and his mouth popping open at the sensation of being inside me without a condom for the first time. He pulled me closer to his body, our t-shirts pressing into one another as we fucked in a heated frenzy of morning sex.
His face was pressed into my hair, into my neck, and he came quickly, buried unapologetically inside my body.
I slowly exhaled in a sad sigh that we didn’t have longer to just stay like this.
“We’ve got work to do,” I said, leaning up to place a soft bite on his shoulder.
“I don’t need to get off every time, El. Sometimes, it’s more about intimacy. And that was delightfully intimate. I’m going to get shivers all day thinking about you—not that that’s much different than any other day now,” I said with a smile as I wriggled out from under his warm body.
“Get dressed,” I said with a wink as I ducked into the bathroom.
By lunchtime, Elliot had tracked the hackers and every company they attacked. They were novices and left way too many trails; my dad made frequent appearances in his study, sometimes asking if we needed anything, sometimes asking general questions, and sometimes just watching us work.
“I feel so inept,” he said, watching as our fingers flew over the keys, Elliot barely registering his presence.
“It’s like a hidden world, Dad,” I said distantly, trying not to lose the current signature of one of the IPS addresses.
By early afternoon, Elliot and I had everything we needed for me to hand over the file to the police.
My dad was impressed and peppered Elliot with questions until the boys came in to beg Pap to swim with them.
Elliot and I joined Charlie, Erin, Ryan, and Mom in the kitchen, settling at the kitchen table with Charlie, who began peppering us with questions very similar to my father’s.
It was Elliot’s turn to be the expert on something, and I listened with such contentment as he talked, unbelieving of just how well the weekend had gone, despite the early morning hack.
I should have known—it’s always the quite moments of pure contentment that are broken, shattered into a thousand pieces so you feel like you had only ever imagined experiencing genuine happiness.
Two very wet boys, one of them screeching, came skidding to a halt in the kitchen attempting to tattle to Mimi about some wrong that had been committed, except that Jared was so worked up that he just kept on skidding until his nose collided with the edge of the kitchen island, the crack that sounded through the room sending a wave of nausea through me.
Jared bounced off the island and fell onto the floor, blood pouring from his nose. I heard Elliot’s reaction before I saw or registered his look of panic. The chair he had been sitting in had flung back as he jumped up and he was pale and trembling as he stared at the mess that was Jared on the floor. Charlie jumped into action, running outside to get Kathleen, and Erin, Ry, and Mom all scrambled to get supplies to stop the bleeding and to tend to Jared.  
Elliot looked crazed in that moment, his mind gone, so far away, just like that fateful night in the server room.
Everyone was so preoccupied with Jared’s bleeding nose that no one noticed Elliot’s reaction. I went to reach for him, to pull him into the other room, but he jumped away from me, his eyes frantic as he searched for an escape.
He took off in the direction of the stairs and I followed, feeling even sicker to my stomach.
I followed Elliot to my room, and he went straight into the closet, settling back against the wall, his breathing irregular, his eyes vacant.
“Elliot,” I said in a tone that was very similar to that night in the server room.
I approached him slowly, knowing better than to reach for him this time. I settled onto the floor, my every movement deliberate.
“Whatever’s happening in your head right now, just know that it’s not real anymore. I’m real. I’m right here,” I said, tapping the floor next to him, still not daring to touch him. “I’m right here, El.”
“Leave me the fuck alone,” Elliot said in a tone I had never heard before, his eyes snapping into focus and staring into me, icy and furious.
“This is all your fault. You wormed in, wriggled deep inside, and you’ve got no idea the kinda shit you’re gonna find when you’ve burrowed in deep enough. I can’t protect him if you keep forcing him to open up. To be vulnerable,” Elliot spat.
“Him who, Elliot? Your father?”
“Fuck you,” Elliot said, still looking at me like he wished I were dead.
“He’s . . . gone, remember? Your dad’s gone.”
Elliot said nothing, but pulled his legs tight up to his body. His shaking hands wrapped around his knees.
My eyes were filled with tears as I moved to sit next to Elliot against the wall of my closet. I swiped at the tears I couldn’t hold back, their wet heat so offensive to my fingers as I rubbed them away and onto my shorts.
We sat in silence for a long time, and I was afraid to look at Elliot again. Afraid to see that twisted expression on his face that said it hated me.
My ass had long ago grown numb, but I didn’t dare move. I didn’t want Elliot to think he was alone when he came back from whatever was going on in his head.
I was busy pulling at the frays on my shorts and continuing to fight off tears when Elliot’s soft voice broke the silence.
“Y/N?” Elliot asked, his expression tightening in a wave of confusion.
I finally looked at him again, and it was if he’d undergone a change. The iciness was gone, and it was once again the Elliot I had always known looking at me.
“What happened? I don’t—I can’t remember anything after . . . after—” Elliot looked so lost, so worried.
“Shh,” I said. “Don’t try to remember. It’s not important.”
“Yes, it is! I have to remember. I need to remember!” he yelled, causing me to flinch.
“Jared had an accident—slammed into the kitchen island,” I said immediately, watching Elliot’s face as he stared at me, wide-eyed and desperate. “He has a broken nose. There was blood everywhere, and you just . . . lost it. It was like that night in the server room. You’ve been here with me, Elliot. Right here. But your mind . . . wasn’t.”
“Why can’t I remember?” Elliot asked, his voice tinged with agony.
“Your mind isn’t ready for you to remember. Whatever happened to you—your mind just isn’t ready to let you remember. Repression is a powerful coping mechanism.”
Elliot looked at me for a long time. His eyes searching mine before they focused on my hands in my lap, the wet spots from my tears an evident mark on the denim of my shorts.
Elliot’s eyes filled with tears and his lips trembled as he fought not to cry.
“I hate this,” he breathed. “I hate that I can’t ever be normal.
“Come here,” I said, pulling his head to my chest. He wrapped his arms around me, and I could feel the wetness of his tears on my chest as he began to cry. I had a million questions, but I wasn’t sure Elliot could even answer them or that I should even ask them.
And talking it out wasn’t what he needed right now. What he needed now more than anything was someone to make him feel safe and loved.
“Shh,” I whispered into his hair as I held him, my face buried in the sweet scent of my own shampoo that he had used, the thick, soft strands of his hair tickling my nose and cheeks.
“You’re safe with me, Elliot. What’s in the past can’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let it. Know why?”
He shook his head against my chest.
“Because I love you.”
A breathy sob escaped from between Elliot’s lips and he clutched onto me even tighter than the night I saved him from the server room.
“I love you,” I whispered next to his ear before pressing a kiss to his temple. “I love you, and I’ll do anything I can to keep you safe, to make you happy.”
We stayed like that for a long time, so long I thought Elliot had fallen asleep, and my eyes had begun to drift shut.
I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door, and Elliot jumped up, clearly not asleep.
“It’s probably just someone coming to check on us. Just stay here,” I said pulling the door closed enough so no one could see in.
I opened the door and stepped out into the hall to talk to Charlie who confirmed that Jared had indeed broken his nose. Charlie thought it was somewhat comical now that the hubbub was over, but I just sighed and shook my head.
“Remember that time I broke my nose over Thanksgiving? I still don’t think Mom’s forgiven me,” he said with a small laugh.
“No—she still won’t allow you to play football. And now she’ll never let Jared and Jack swim again,” I said.
“Is Elliot okay? I saw him bolt out of the kitchen.”
“He doesn’t do blood,” I said, the lie to protect Elliot falling easily from my lips.
“That was a lot of fucking blood,” Charlie confirmed. “Always a time to be had at the Y/L/N summer house!”
I shook my head and smiled softly, then told Charlie goodnight, thanking him for checking on us, too.
“Hey,” I said gently as I pushed open the closet door. “Charlie said Jared’s fine. They set his nose and he’s going to have two spectacularly black eyes for a while, but he’s doing just fine. Let’s get you the hell off this floor and into bed. You cannot tell me that your ass is not full of pins and needles.”
We undressed, quietly and quickly, sliding into the bed after Elliot opened the balcony door to let in the night’s breeze and the noise of the water on the bay. In the distance, there were fireworks popping off as people’s celebrations continued.
When we settled into bed, Elliot faced away from me, but backed into my body, touching me just enough so that he knew I was there. I wanted to wrap my arms around him again, but I refrained. He clearly needed some space, but not so much to know I wasn’t there. I had a feeling I would end up with a body covered in Elliot in the morning once his mind was at ease and his subconscious was free to do as it pleased.
Elliot clearly experienced some kind of panic attack triggered by Jared’s injury. As for the way he spoke to me, it was some sort of defense mechanism.
I shivered and hoped I never had to see that part of Elliot again.
* Saturday morning *
I was right.
I awoke to a mouthful of black hair as Elliot was tucked into me, his arm wrapped snuggly over me and his head resting on my chest, just over my heartbeat.
My waking thoughts returned to last night, and I wondered whether I should ask Elliot about what happened. I wanted to know more about his past, but I really wanted to know how to help him now.
I snuggled into the top of his hair, and breathed him in.
My next waking thought was that I had told Elliot I loved him—fuck.
He damn near had a meltdown after I asked him to be my boyfriend, so I couldn’t imagine what was going to happen when he processed what I said to him. I wondered if I should start with that—maybe he wouldn’t even remember?
My phone lit up and I reached over to check my texts. Kathleen said they were leaving soon and wanted to say goodbye.
I slipped out from under Elliot’s grasp and threw on some shorts, trying not to wake him as I wrestled my hair into a bun.
“Where are you going?” he asked sleepily.
“Kat’s leaving soon and I want to tell her and the kids goodbye.”
“Did I—did they see?”
“No. Char’s the only one who noticed you left the room rather quickly, and I told him blood wasn’t your thing.”
“Do you wanna tell the kids goodbye?”
Elliot nodded and shuffled out of bed, reaching for the same shorts he had on last night. We both used the bathroom and then headed downstairs, the smell of a spectacular breakfast assaulting our noses.
Erin came pounding down the stairs after us and quickly read the room before inhaling dramatically and saying, “Ahhh! Nothing like the smell of bacon in the morning, right Jare?”
Everyone laughed as Jared glared at her and then even more when he couldn’t stop his own laugh.
We all ate breakfast together, and I could tell Elliot was tense, the easiness of the previous days gone, replaced by the anxiety that just refused to let go of him for any real length of time.
I had struggled with my own bouts of anxiousness and depression, but nothing had ever been as serious as Elliot’s. My heart ached for him, and I resolved not to let the incident in the closet go . . . like I had with the incident in the server room.
If I was ever going to help him, or get him help, I needed to get him to talk to me.
We helped Kathleen and Josh load up the car and stood in the driveway to say goodbye. Molly walked over to Elliot and clutched onto his legs, so he picked her up and hugged her, much to her delight.
Jared gave us all a reluctant hug, and I planted a kiss to the top of his head before whispering that Uncle Char broke his nose over Thanksgiving and while he was in the ER with Mimi and Pap, the turkey burned.
Jared’s face split into an expression of glee, despite his swollen eyes and nose. He looked at Charlie and said, “Well at least I didn’t ruin the Thanksgiving turkey!”
“Thanks, sis,” Charlie said.
We waved goodbye, and I asked Elliot if he wanted to take a walk on the beach. He nodded yes, so we walked across the stone path and through the front yard until our feet hit sand.
We were quiet for a long time, enjoying the cool lapping of the water at low tide as we walked.
I tested Elliot’s desire to be touched and reached for his hand.
“It’s okay if you want to pull away,” I said as his fingers curled around mine.
“I don’t.”
I wanted to ask him—I was burning to ask him something about last night, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It may have been that Elliot seemed to be relaxing again, or that I feared pulling him back to that dark place, but more likely, it was my own defense mechanisms wrapping their protective arms around me while I dealt with the weight of my unacknowledged I love you.
We walked in companionable silence, both of us lost in our thoughts until Elliot started talking about yesterday’s hack. We fell into an easy, safe conversation, and I found myself okay with that. I knew I couldn’t ignore the much more difficult conversation we needed to have forever, but what was the harm in letting Elliot have some time to process? Patience. That was what he needed right now.
When it started raining that afternoon, we decided to head back into the city a little early to beat the surge of Sunday traffic.  
We said goodbye to my family, and Elliot thanked them all for making him feel so welcome. I smiled as I watched him interact with my mom and my dad more easily than I could’ve ever dreamed.
Charlie and Elliot gave each other head nods, but the look of soft affection that passed between them made me smile.
And that soft moment was quickly replaced by yet another quiet moment of horror when Erin launched herself into Elliot’s arms, dramatically declaring that she’d die if she didn’t see him again before the end of summer.
Elliot patted her and stilled, waiting for her to release him, but when she leaned up and whispered something in his ear, he laughed, that same booming laugh from the night in the pool.
I found myself smiling like an idiot, again. Despite Jared’s broken nose and Elliot’s subsequent panic attack, the weekend was a true success.
Our drive back was quiet, music playing faintly on the radio as the rain splattered on the windshield of my SUV.
I stopped outside of Elliot’s building, the wipers a steady beat in the background as he pulled his backpack up to the front seat.
“I’m sure you’re ready for some alone time.”
“I like being with you,” Elliot offered.
I smiled, sadness still tugging at my heart, not just because of finally beginning to understand the depth of Elliot’s pain, but because it was clear he wasn’t ready to love me. Like me, just not love me. And I needed to figure out a way to be okay with that.
“Do you need help with any—”
“Thank you for—”
We looked at each other and laughed, one of those awkward laughs that happens when there’s just so much to unpack but you’re too tired and you just don’t want to yet.
“It’s just one bag. I can manage,” Elliot said.
“You’re welcome for the weekend,” I returned.
“I wasn’t going to thank you for the weekend. I wanted to,” Elliot paused and collected his thoughts, his eyes looking at my hand as it rested on the gear shift. “I wanted to thank you for what you said. It meant a lot. And it means a lot that you understood what I needed to hear and you were willing to say it to me, no matter if you didn’t mean it.”
“What?” I asked stupidly.
“I know you didn’t mean it. You were just being good to me. You’re always good to me.”
“Elliot,” I said firmly. “I would never tell someone I loved them if I didn’t mean it. Come on. You have to expect better from people—not people. From me. Expect better from me.”
Elliot looked at me, his mouth open in what looked like shock before he pulled in his bottom lip and bit it, his eyes blinking slowly.
“You meant it?”
“I still mean it.”
Elliot looked like he was about to short-circuit.
“Hey—hey,” I said, forcing him to meet my gaze as I lifted his chin. “We aren’t teenagers. I don’t need you to say it back just because I said it. And I’m not going to take it back because you didn’t say it back. I feel the way I feel and I’m so happy about it, El. And I hope you feel the same way someday. But that’s your decision, not mine. I’m not going to push you. I won’t say it again if you don’t want me—”
“I do,” Elliot said, his eyes burning into mine with their intensity, effectively cutting me off from my explanation. “I want you to say it when you feel it. If you mean it, I want you to say it. I’m just not ready—but you have no idea, fuck I don’t even have an idea really, how it makes me feel to know that you think—”
“Not think—”
“That you know how you feel and you feel that way about me.”
“Maybe if I say I love you enough, you’ll start believing it.”
Elliot closed his eyes as if he were memorizing the sound of my voice, memorizing the way the loaded word hung in the air.
“Can it be enough, for now, that you want to give it? Can I have time to figure out how to . . . process that?”
“Time as in we don’t see each other time, or time as in we just keep doing our thing and don’t talk about this for a while?”
Elliot smiled and replied, “The second thing you said. This weekend established an unrealistic expectation—every morning I woke up and it was next to you. Waking up tomorrow is going to be awful.”
“We could always move in together?” I said, wondering if Elliot would read the teasing that was dancing behind my eyes.
“Fuck, Y/N. Are you trying to kill me?” he said with a huff of a laugh.
“Goodnight, Elliot. I’ll miss you.”
“Text me before you fall asleep,” he said as he leaned over the console, his voice low.
Elliot kissed me goodnight, his lips soft and warm as they moved against mine, his teeth pulling on my lower lip before he drew away.
By the time I opened my eyes, he was closing the passenger door. I opened the liftgate and he grabbed his bag, shutting the door firmly.
I watched him jog up the short steps to his building and duck inside, an ache that would someday become all too familiar took hold of my heart as I watched him disappear. 
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A lil recap
Okay first off strategically this race was a mess I did not follow my plan AT ALL 🤦🏼‍♀️ but I actually feel like a learned a lot of valuable things to take with me for my marathon race day and I got in the miles which was goal #1 so I’m fine with it
-I ran from home to the start which is 3ish miles so I knew I’d have a 16 mile day, when I signed up for this race last week I thought I had a 14 miler this weekend so I was like okay cool with my run from home that should be good but then I realized I actually only had a 10 miler so uh whoops but also my training plan is arbitrary and based loosely off of a runner’s world rec so 🤷🏼‍♀️ w/e the main goal was just to not hurt myself
-so I ran to the start which honestly felt good and I think overall this was a less mentally taxing way to run 16 miles as opposed to just making up my own route so I’m glad I did it for that
-my plan... “plan” ....was to run the 3 miles there at 9-10 pace as a suuuper warm up, first 5 at 8:30-9:00, 6-10 at 8-8:30, and last 5k at 7:00-8:00...yeah clearly that went out the window
-the warm up being fast didn’t worry me TOO much because it was largely downhill and my legs were fresh so I was like okok
-but an important lesson I learned is that if you want to start off slow it is, in fact, not the best idea to position yourself towards the front of the A corral 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
-I kept telling myself “check your ego” and “run your own race” especially because I wasn’t even running this to race I was running it to train but...it’s hard not to get swept up when everyone is moving quickly! This is my fatal flaw when it comes to racing though and what destroyed me in my marathon in 2017 so this spring I plan to position myself with people running slower to start. This is why when I run long runs alone I can finish strong but in a race I burn out
-I stopped to use the porta potties twice (those are the 9+ min miles), the first time was an emergency but the second time I was just exhausted, I had to go but I also know I could have made it to the finish before going but also I was like I am wrecked!!!
-honestly though I didn’t feel wrecked aerobically rather my back started KILLING me at mile 6ish like hurting SO badly which has happened to me on a few runs over the past few months but rarely and usually at the very end so it doesn’t matter but DAMN
-also I raced in new shoes which like...I knew was dumb but I was excited and my old ones were so beat up but like 8 miles into the race (?) my feet also started killing me and I was like ahhhhhhggggghghhghggh
-so in a way it’s good that what tripped me up was pain not fitness but also...pain isn’t good!
-okay also fueling...oof. I woke up at 5:50 and ate a bagel with pb and a little bit of banana, I never eat before I run if it’s in the morning but I feel like when I run my marathon it would be smart to and this seemed like a good opportunity to practice (lol don’t try anything new on race day am I right! 🤦🏼‍♀️) I was only planning to have half but this morning I felt hungry so I was like #yolo which was prob dumb because on my run to the start my stomach started killing me just like...stabbing pain so that was less than pleasant
-I was using honey stinger gummies every few miles but after awhile I legitimately just forgot about them and then I dropped one and then I was nauseous so yeah that all went out the window and when I finished my stomach felt wrecked and it still does but I got a sufferfest beer to try because they sponsor a bunch of ultra runners I follow and ...they were free but I only had a few sips before being like OOF no thank you (the beer was good my stomach was not). We went to brunch and I got pancakes and orange juice and I don’t think I’ve had orange juice since I was a child but for whatever reason it sounded amazing and it was fresh squeezes and hit the spot. The pancakes were fluffy af and the restauarant was cute and decorated for the holidays but tbh even now just thinking about food makes me feel like I’m gonna vom my stomach does nooot feel good. On a related note, the concept of brunch or good food after a race is nice in theory but I just feel like based on how my body reacts to long distances I’m better off enjoying good eats later that night or like..any other time
-okay back to running, tbh I literally walked a little around mile 11 because I was just in so much pain and I was like I could keep running and hurting for the next two miles or I could walk for a minute and gather myself and feel better for the last bit (spoiler: I didn’t feel much better). Honestly I did noooot finish strong, I did the opposite of finish strong, the last .2 felt like 100 miles but at the very very very last bit I gave a little kick but oof
-but like I said, very fine with it because main goal was to do a long run which I did
Other things!
-passed by elliot (my running bud) between miles 10 and 11 (that part of the course was an out and back) he didn’t see me but somehow I heard his voice and noticed him wtf?? I’m always amazed by my weird talent to find people I know in races in unexplainable ways like when I ran nyc I found a fellow unc marathon team person at like mile 23 in a field of 50,000 and I recognized her from behind and we weren’t even good friends...like...what!
-I felt really strong on the hilly sections and passed a good bit of people and feel like I’ve got good mountain legs for when that becomes relevant some day
-Jared ran his first 5k (race)! I’m proud of him. Yesterday at the expo he bought winter running tights and I was like ooooo I’m turning you into a runner boy 😈
There’s probably like 400 more things to say but I’m tired so if you read all of this you’re a rockstar !
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lovelyrocker · 5 years
Love Is Blind Ch.38
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~ Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Lexi Ackles(OFC)
~ Pairings: Jared x Lexi(OFC)
~ Warnings: Language
~ Word Count: 3,951
Love Is Blind Masterlist
<Previous Chapter
It was raining again in Austin, afternoon summer storms a normal for Texas. It didn’t bother Jared and Lexi, it just meant more time for cuddling on the couch or movie dates and dinner. Board games with the kids and cartoons. The Weather was good quality time weather. 
The kids had just left after an extended weekend over at their place. Jared loved those weekends when Lexi was home with him and the kids.
"What do you want for dinner?" Lexi asked opening the fridge looking around then closing it.
"Doesn't matter." Jared amswered walking into the kitchen shrugging off his jacket after braving the rain to get the mail. "WHatever you feel like." Jared began flipping through the mail when he did a double take at the house phone. "There's an unheard message." He reached pressing the voicemail button.
"Hi, this message is for Lexi Ackles. I'm calling to remind you of your appointment at Women's Health Cent-"
 Lexi quickly reached pressing the delete button. "What was that?" Jared looked at her baffled. 
"Oh, it's-it's nothing." Lexi brushed off Jared's question walking to the stack of mail flipping through it absentmindedly. 
"What do you have an appointment for?" He turned toward her unsure if he should be concerned or not.
"Oh, uh, it's nothing." She tossed the pile of mail down exiting the room.
Jared gave a discontented huff then followed her out of the room. Lexi was halfway up the stairs by the time he made the corner of the hallway. Jared followed her to their bedroom and paused at the door watching her put away clothes in the dresser. 
"Is something wrong?" He asked studyingz her body language.  "Are you still sick?"
"I'm fine, Jared. Just forget about it." She tossed a shirt in the drawer closing it with more force than needed.
 "I'm not gonna forget about a doctor's office calling about an appointment you didn't even tell me about."  Jared challenged. "Why are you going to the doctor-'' Jared paused with a tilt of his head. "Women's Health Center, that's- that's a-'' Jared stepped into the room and stood in front of Lexi who still wasn't looking at Jared. "Lex, are," Jared bit his bottom lip taking a breath. "Are you pregnant?" The last part coming out like a whisper.
Lexi finally lifted her head looking at Jared, her eyes filled with tears. Without a word she walked over to her jewelry box lifted the top piece out and pulled out the test, handing it to Jared. 
Jared looked down at the test and saw the two pink lines in the window. "Oh fuck."  He backed away till the back of his legs hit the bed and he lowered himself down to sit.  "I-I don't understand. You're on the pill and we were always so careful." He continued to stare at the positive test. "How?"
"I'm sorry." Lexi answered in a broken voice. "It's my fault." Jare finally looked up at her.  "I-I missed a few pills in LA when things got hectic. I didn't realize I had until the day after I got back and went to take my birth control." She wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I ran out right away at got the morning after pill, but-"
"But, it didn't work." Jared spoke with an annoyed tone.
"I'm sorry." Lexi said again. "I wanted to know for sure before I told you-"
Jared stood. "What, was the positive pregnancy test not enough for you?" He snapped tossing the test down on the bed. 
"I wanted to verify by blood work. So I didn't upset you for nothing."
Jared ran a hand over his face. "How long have you known?"
Lexi looked down. "A few weeks."
"A few weeks?!" He stepped closer to her. "You knew for a few weeks you are pregnant and didn't tell me a damn thing?!" His voice rose as she stepped away from him.
Jared was pissed off but he stopped in his tracks. He looked down at Lexi, her eyes filled with unfallen tears and her cheeks damp from the tears she'd already shed. She wouldn't look up at him, her eyes staying casted down to the floor. She kept backing away from him. He saw a scared woman. Lexi was terrified, not just of being pregnant, but of the situation. Jared knew that he had two options at the moment. He could take his anger out on her, yell, curse, maybe punch a wall. Or he could be there for his girlfriend who is scared of what will happen.
This was tough for Jared. He wanted to scream at her for not telling him, for not letting him be part of this decision. But when he looked at her he saw how truly afraid she was of what was happening. Not just being pregnant but she was scared of Jared's reaction.
Jared backed away, his anger leaving him. "Come here." He held out his hand. 
Lexi looked at him and took his hand. Jared pulled her to the bed and sat her down. "You just should have told me." He pulled her into his arms. "I'm gonna postpone my flight and go with you to the doctor."
"No, Jared." She looked up at him. "It's just blood work. I won't find out for a few days anyways." Lexi took his hand. "No point in screwing up the work week for something like that. I'll be in Vancouver the day after you." Lexi looked down at his hands in hers. "I'm sorry." She blinked away tears. "I-I know you feel like you let Jensen down and it's all my fault."
"No, no-I," He paused and looked away then back to her. "Maybe a little."
They sat for a while, not really talking, just sitting together. Neither knew what to say. Yeah they had a thousand things they could talk about pertaining to the situation but they didn't.  
Lexi looked at Jared seeing his mind racing through his eyes. "WHat's going through that head of yours?" Jared simple shook his head. "Jared, come on. I know you're thinking of a million things right now."
Jared nibbled on his bottom lip a bit more. "A-are you gonna keep it?"
Lexi looked at him flabbergasted. "WHat the hell kind of question is that?" She stood. "WHy the hell would you even ask me that?" SHe turned back to him.
"COme on, Lex." He stood shoving his hands in his pockets. "EVeryone around here knows that place mainly does abortions."
Lexi huffed. "And they give you proof of pregnancy to take to your OB!" She walked past him then turned back to him. "See, this is why I didn't tell you!" She turned to walk out of the room. 
"Just give me an answer!" Jared shouted, not meaning to. "Please." He lowered his voice. "The baby, OUR baby," His voice betrayed him showing the hurt and fear in ihim. "Do you plan on terminating the pregnancy."
Lexi walked back up to Jared. "I know this wasn't planned. I know that this isn't what we want right now. But I would never, ever," SHe paused, keeping herself from crying. "If I am pregnant then this is something that we made together. This would be our child," She couldn’t hold it back anymore and began sobbing.
Jared grabbed her pulling her into his chest. "I'm sorry." Her held her close. "I never should've assumed you would do that." Tears started to roll down Jred’s ceek as well. “I know you’re scared, baby. I’m scared, too.” He took her face into his hands. “Look at me.” He made sure she had her eyes on him. “I’m sorry.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m really sorry, baby.”
“This is all my fault.”
“No.” He made her look at him again. “This was just something that happened. And if you are, then Jensen will just have to suck it up and deal with having another niece or nephew.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you, Jared.”
Four days later Lexi was sitting on the couch with Jared next to her while she focused on her tablet, Jensen and Jared watching a musical documentary on TV. Lexi told Jared that Jensen knew and to both their surprise, Jensen was accepting of the situation. Not entirely happy about it, but accepting. 
Everytime her cellphone rang she was nervous. She didn’t know if it was the phone call that wuld change things or not. She and Jared were pretty convinced that she was pregnant and were just waiting on the test results for confirmation. 
Lexi’s phone buzzed on the side table as she absentmindedly answered.
“Hello?” Suddenly she placed her tablet down. “Oh, hello doctor.” Jared and Jensen’s eyes both darted to her. “Uh huh.” Lexi said, Jensen shutting off the TV focusing on Lexi. “Okay… And will that… Alright… And- and are you one hundred percent sure?” Lexi looked up at Jared the back down at whatever she was focusing on in her lap. “Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. Bye.” She hung up her phone and just stared at it in her hands for a bit.
“Baby?” Jared placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Lex, what did the doctor say?” Jensen asked wide-eyed.
“It-it, I’m not pregnant.” She looked up at Jared and let out a loud exhale and a smile. “It was a false positive.”
Jared pulled her into a hug, Jensen sighing just as loudly. “False positive? I- I don’t understand.” Jared looked down at her. 
“Yeah, Punk, you had all those symptoms.” 
“Uh, the doctor said she knows I can’t just come into her office because of work so she sent an email with information. Something about hormone levels and stuff. I didn’t really pick up on anything after ‘you're not pregnant’.” She chuckled.
“After you read over it, let me know what it says.” Jensen stood giving Lexi a hug then turned to Jared. “Congrats on not knocking up my sister.” He slapped his shoulder.
After Jensen walked out of the room Jared turned to Lexi. “You okay?”
“Then why do you look disappointed?”
Lexi looked up at him. “I’m not.” Jared gave her a knowing look. “Maybe a little.”
“I thought you didn’t want to be pregnant.”
“I don’t. But, I-I kind of got used to the idea of having a baby, YOUR baby growing in me.” She looked up at Jared. “I never realized how much I want a baby with you someday, till now.”
“And we will. When we are ready.” He kissed her head. “And when Jensen won’t kill me.”
Lexi gave a chuckle. “Lets see what the doctor sent.” She held up her tablet logging into her email. 
Jared and Lexi were still reading through the e-mail and blood test results when Jensen came back downstairs fresh from the shower. “So, what's the story?”
“Uh,” Jared looked up from the tablet. “Lexi is anemic, her sodium levels are low, her vitamin D levels are low, her calcium is low, her hormones are out of whack and her bipolar meds are not working the way they should because her levels are not how they were when they were prescribed.”
“Okay. What does all that mean?” Jensen looked to Jared.
“Basically, Lexi is over doing it. She isn’t listening to her body and taking care of herself how she should.” Jared looked down at her for a moment then back to Jensen. “Instead of slowing down when she started showing signs of exhaustion, she overdid it with wacka do vitamins and crap to boost her energy.”
“And some of those homeo whatever can give false readings.” Jensen added. “Lex, I told you if you do all this at home remdies you could do more harm than good. Especially when you have a medical condition already.”
“Exactly.” Jared nodded. “So I’m stepping into my overprotective, worry wart boyfriend shoes and will make sure my girl starts taking care of herself.” Jared placed an arm around her shoulders. “Starting with getting rest.” He took the tablet from her hands and placed it down.
“I was working!” She reached for the tablet.
“No you weren’t. You were going over the same photos you already made up your mind about two hours ago.”
“I like to be sure.”
“Take a nap or something.” Jared fussed.
“Okay, but, does this mean no more all night sex sessions?” Lexi looked up at Jared.
“Okay!” Jensen stoof up.  “I’m going to the store.”  
“Can you get me some vitamins? Like the real ones?” Lexi snuggled into Jared’s side. 
“Yeah, this is what the doctor recommended.” Jared handed him his phone with a picture of the vitamins.
“Alrighty.” He handed Jared back his phone. “Anything for you, dude?”
“Yeah, a box of condoms.” Jared smiled up at Jensen.
“I will punch you.” Jensen looked down at Jared, Lexi laughing next to him. “Right in the kisser.” Jensen held up a fist before walking away. 
Jared went back to looking over Lexi’s test results while Lexi watched whatever was on the TV. She could feel Jared looking at her every so often. As if she would pass out or something at any moment. After ten minutes of this Lexi spoke.
“I'm fine, Jare.” She said not looking at him. 
“I never noticed how pale you are. Till now.”
“Thanks.” She looked at him in mock insult. 
“No, that's not-” Lexi laughed.  “I just meant, I never noticed you weren’t feeling well.”
“No one did.” She tilted her head to Jared. “Jensen isn’t the only one who caan act.” She smiled. “I honestly didn’t think it was a big deal.” She looked back down for a moment then back to Jared. “I Just thought I was tired because I was always on the go.”
“You need to take care of yourself. I need you to be healthy so one day we CAN have a baby.” He rubbed her belly. “And if something would ever happen to you, I think I’d go crazy.”
“I just need to stop going so much, like you said.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Now be quiet so I can take a nap.”
Jared chuckled placing his arms around her, resting his head on hers.
Lexi buckled down and started being mindful of her body. She was slowly learning how to give it what it needed and not drive herself to the point of exhaustion. Jared often would pop in on her in the makeup trailer just to say hi and make sure she is taking breaks, eating lunch and drinking water. Yes, he was an annoying overly worried boyfriend. But she loved him for that. Plenty of times they started the day before the sun came up and worked well passed the moon rising and Lexi would be running from the makeup trailer to the set. She would forget to stop for fifteen minutes to eat at least a granola bar. Jared would find her with a bar in hand as her saving grace.
“So, I have to ask.” A makeup artist, Becca, a girl around Lexi’s age with her piercings and lavender hair, spoke as they walked back to the makeup trailer from set. “Jared seems sweet on you.”
“Does he?” Lexi smiled.
“Yes!” Becca sounded like a school girl. “Haven’t you noticed?”
“Um, We-We are dating.” 
“Shut up!” Becca stopped in her tracks. “Seriously?!” 
Lexi laughed again. “Yeah, for a while now.”
“That’s why he looks at you like he’s seen you naked. Because he has.” Becca shimmied her shoulders with a wink.
“No one really know yet, except for some family and a few close friends.”
“Oh Got it!” Becca motioned zipping her lips. “Not a word.”
“We plan on coming out to the public, we just haven’t yet.” Lexi opened the trailer door and they walked in. 
“Is it because Jensen’s your brother?”
“Eh, sorta. People talk.” Lexi hoped up on the makeup counter. “Neither of them want me to become fotter for the tabloids.”
“So is he like really romantic?” Becca sat back in one of the makeup chairs opposite end of the trailer. “I’ve heard Texas guys are more romantic than guys from any other state.”
The trailer door opened and Jared walked in, not noticing Becca her leaned in giving Lexi a kiss to her lips. Lexi pulled away after a moment witha giggle.
“Uh,” She gestured towards Becca.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Jared blushed. “I thought she was alone.”
“I can give you guys privacy.” Becca smiled.
“No, thats okay. I only have a minute.” Jared told her. “I just swung by to give you this.” He handed her a protein bar. “And this.” He pulled a pale blue rose from his back pocket. “They were decorating the set with them so I stole one for you. I know roses are you favorite.”
Lexi looked over at Becca. “Does that answer your question?”
“What?” Jared gave Lexi a confused look.
“Nothing, go back to set before you get in trouble. And thank you.” She pressed a kiss to his lips.
“Nice meeting you...uh-”
“Becca, her name is Becca.” Lexi said quickly.
“Becca. And sorry for the PDA.” Jared waved before walking out.
Becca gave a laugh. “That was so sweet! Does he do that stuff all the time?”
“Yes.” Lexi sat back on the counter. “Even more so now. I had gotten kind of sick a while back and now he makes sure I eat and don’t run myself back down.”
“Awe. Does he have a brother?” Becca giggled.
“Yes actually and believe it or not, taller than him.”
“No way!”
“Yeah. But he’s married with four kids.” Lexi informed breaking her bar in half giving it to Becca.
“Now why you gotta break a girl’s heart?”
Later that night by the time Jared and Jensen got back to the shared house Lexi was comfortable in Jared’s bed that they’ve come to share. Hearing the bedroom door open she turns her attention to her boyfriend. Jared looking exhausted Jared slide out of his sports coat, pulling at the tie around his neck.
“Hey, babe.” Lexi sat him tossing her magazine to the side. “Long meeting?”
“Yeah.” He leaned over and pecked her lips. “So you made a new friend.” 
 “Becca is Amy’s niece.” She’s really nice. “I hope you don’t mind that I tod her about us.”
“Not at all. Actually , remember that CW Gala I was telling you about?”
“Yeah.” She sat up on her knees pulling his tie from its knot.
“I was thinking we’d go together.” 
“You want to finally make it public?” Lexi paused.
“Well, the tabloids are posting pics of us here and there and its only a matter of time before the reporters start asking questions-” Lexi pulled Jared’s tied till their lips met. “I take that as a yes?” He asked, pulling away slightly.
One kiss went into another and then another, til Jared was flat on his back on the bed and Lexi was straddling his waist. Jared’s hands slide up the outside of her thigh resting on her ass giving a squeeze. Lexi giggled into another kiss sliding a hand behind Jared’s neck pulling him into a sitting position.  Lexi’s fingers were working the buttons open on his dark blue dress shirt, her lips moving down to his jaw. His stubble from his five o’clock shadow leaving a delicious burn on her lips as she moved to his neck.  Jared tilted his head back, his eyes shut as she left open mouthed kisses over his skin.
“Jare, you- son of a bitch!” Jensen snapped walking into Jared’s bedroom.  Lexi and Jared looking over to him. “I have GOT to start knocking!” 
Jared leaned back on his elbows while Lexi sat back. “What’s up?”
“Did you check, I-uh, okay I am totally good with you two being together and all,” Jensen gestured a finger between the two of them. “But Lexi, can you not straddle him while I talk to him?”
“Can you not have a conversation while I straddle him?” Lexi smiled at her brother, dipping her head to nibble Jared’s neck just below his ear. 
Jared shut his eyes for a second before turning to Jensen reopening them. “Okay, say what you gotta say, Jay because-” He gave a chuckle. “She’s winning this argument.” Lexi gave another giggle sitting back on Jared’s lap again.
“She’s always gonna when cuz I ain’t kissin’ your neck.” Jensen crossed his arms. “You check your email? There’s a few changes to the script for tomorrow.”
“Alright. Work before play.” Lexi tried to slide off his lap.
“No.” Jared grabbed Lexi’s waist. “I’ve worked all day.” 
“Bye.” Jensen closed the door behind him.
With a chuckle and a cheeky grin Jared slipped his hand behind her neck pulling her face closer to his. “I deserve a little play.” He kissed her, nibbling herbottom lip. 
Later that night Jared walked into the kitchen in only his pajama pants pouring himself a glass of water. He downed the glass in one breath before turning to see Jensen sitting at the small table in the breakfast nook.
Jared gave a startled jump. “Geez, you scared me!” Jared said putting his glass back in the sink.
“Worked up a thirst?” Jensen asked with a raided brow.
“I-uh-” Jared rubbed the back of his neck with a nervouse chuckle.
“What’s wrong?” Jensen stood alking over to the fridge grabbing another beer. “Can’t keep up, old man?” He slapped Jared on the shoulder before holding out a beer for Jared.
“Speak for yourself, your older than me!” Jared jested back.
“Yeah, but I’m not sleeping with someone sixteen years younger than me.” Jared smiled looking down at his beer bottle. “Are you blushing, Padalecki?!” Jensen poked fun at the pinkening tint on his friend’s cheeks. “Come on man, since when are you bashful?”
Jared opened his beer and looked at Jensen. “I don’t know,” He shrugged. “Don’t wanna make it weird talking about my sex life with your sister.”
“As long as you don’t go into full detail, I can handle it.” Jensen sat back down. “I only bring it up because, well, to be blunt you two go at it like kids in highschool.”
“No we don’t!” Jared denied. “I mean we- I-she-” 
Jensen laughed. “I get it, you two are hot for eachother.”  
“It’s not just that.” Jared looked away continuing to blush. “Its-its different with her. She makes me feel like, like I’m the only man that can love her.” Keeping his eyes averted from his friend. “Like I’m the only one that can make her feel that good. That when we’re together its better than any other high she’d ever had.”
“It makes you feel good that you give her that.” Jensen sipped his beer. “Like you’re doing what you need to as her guy.”
“I feel like I’m loving her right if I make her feel like that.” Jared confessed. “And if we’re being honest,” He glanced at Jensen but only for a second. “I’ve been with my fair share, you know this.” Jensen was nodded. “But with Lexi, the way she makes be feel when we’re,” Jared paused pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. “I have never felt that good during sex before her.” 
“I’m still that way with Dee.”
“So you do get it.”
“After all these years of marriage and three kids and I still feel like I can not get enough.” Jensen told Jared with a grin. “So, the Gala,”
Next Chapter>
TAGS:  @xostephanie @onethirstyunicorn @dreaminemz @onethirstyunicorn @squirrelnotsam​ @thevelvetseries​
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Double The Trouble (Part 1)
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Summary: Jensen has been in love with the reader for longer than he was willing to admit. But when his two best friends got together, he swore he’d never breathe a word of it to anyone and let them be happy. When they have a night out though, Jensen reveals some things and all three of them have to live with the fallout...
Paring: Jared x reader x Jensen 
Word Count: 4,400ish
Warnings: language, angst
A/N: Enjoy the first part of this angsty little poly series!...
“Whoa,” said Jensen, laughing as he stepped into the apartment elevator in his sweats and spotted you. His hair was a little messy and you saw a small bag in his hand from the late night bakery just across the street. “A dress, heels, and makeup? Who’d you have a date with? Prince Charming?”
“Uh, no one,” you said, blushing as the doors shut and the elevator started to go up. Jensen hummed and leaned against the wall, smirking at you. You brushed your hair behind your ear, Jensen grinning mischievously. “Oh my...fine. I went out with Jared.”
If you didn’t know him so well, you never would have caught the quick flash of surprise on his face. He smiled after a second though, a slow nod coming through.
“Oh, really? When did this little development happen?” he teased. You shrugged, Jensen raising an eyebrow and biting his bottom lip, jutting it out like he always did to get what he wanted.
“Like a few days ago. This was our fourth date,” you said. “He asked me out and...yeah. We’ve been going out every night since.”
“Oh man. You two are so head over heels,” he said, following you out of the elevator when you got to your floor. “You dating?”
“Yeah. Come on, Jensen. You don’t really want to hear me talk about this stuff. He’s your best friend,” you said, Jensen tagging along with you.
“Well so are you. Come on, this is sorta awesome. Just a little? I got midnight brownies in it for ya,” he said, holding up the bag. You rolled your eyes but smiled and waved him with you down to your apartment, Jensen throwing an arm over your shoulder.
Jensen sighed as he crawled back into his own bed an hour later. He’d never seen Y/N like that before.
She was so...happy. Over a guy.
He was so utterly fucked.
It felt different and he wasn’t even in the relationship. He knew, just knew, he’d get more of the same tomorrow from Jared. It made sense. They were great friends and could act themselves around one another. They were comfortable and Jensen had loved that fact when his two best friends started to hang out too.
Except for some reason, he never saw this one coming. Y/N didn’t have a stellar record with guys. Jensen couldn’t understand it. She was just about perfect in his book if that was even possible. The only thing he couldn’t stand was how damn oblivious the girl was to him.
He couldn’t blame her when he never said a word himself though.
He was too scared with the potential fallout and now he had to live with that.
Jared was good for her. He’d be good to her and Jensen would have had a hard time picking out someone better suited for her.
Jensen sighed and rolled over, glancing at his phone to see a text from Jared. He pretended not to see it, instead ignoring the smiley message until he could get his game face on in the morning.
He had a feeling he just lost his shot at her, all because he was too nervous to do what Jared had been able to.
She was probably better off with him anyways.
Three Months Later
“Hey,” you said, spotting Jensen in the elevator as you and Jared headed downstairs.
“Enjoying the long weekend?” asked Jared. Jensen hummed, closing his eyes as he leaned back against the wall. You walked over and gave him a side hug, Jensen smiling for a brief moment. He’d been a little funny since you and Jared got together. He didn’t want to hang out just you three as much anymore. He said he felt like a third wheel and he wanted to give you and Jared the space you should have.
You admired that about him but Jensen just seemed down in general lately and neither you or Jared had found a way to bring him out of it yet, even with reassuring him he was always welcome.
“Hey you know what the three of us should do? Let’s go out tonight and have some fun,” said Jared.
“That’s not very smart if all three of us get drunk,“ said Jensen, glancing at you for a second.
“Dude, come on. Let’s just grab a drink or two, some food, unwind a little. I’m not taking no for an answer,” said Jared.
“Fine. Just a drink.”
About three fourths of a t-bone steak and three shots in, Jensen was starting to look like your best friend again. He was smiling softly as he leaned forward in his seat, resting his arms against the bar top. He was telling you about something silly Jared did on set earlier in the day, a little laugh in his voice as he spoke. He’d caught on by now that Jared was sticking to a beer he’d been nursing for quite awhile, but Jensen seemed happy and let it slide that you two were more concerned with him having s good time.
“So,” he said when Jared excused himself to the bathroom. “What’s with the take Jensen out and get him drunk thing? Not that I don't appreciate it.”
“It’s been a long time since us three went out is all,” you said.
“Yeah but-“
“But nothing. You’re not a third wheel. We miss you being you,” you said, sipping on your beer.
“Yeah,” he said with a hum, giving you a mischievous glance. “Tequila?”
“You lost last time,” you teased, nodding back at him. “Bring it on, Ackles.”
“Six shots,” said Jensen, waving down the bartender. “You are so not winning again.”
“Okay,” laughed Jared, helping Jensen wander down the hall to his apartment. “Did you two really need the extra shots?”
“What?” you hummed, watching them both walk ahead of you. “You should wear tight jeans more often. Really great view back here.”
“Uh huh,” said Jared, smiling as he undid the door for Jensen. He stepped inside on his own, stretching out before making a beeline for the couch. “No. Bed big guy. You’ll thank me in the morning.”
Jensen mumbled something incoherent as Jared pushed him through a door and sat him down, Jensen soft faced as he smiled at you.
“You’re so lucky, Jare,” said Jensen, huffing when Jared pulled off his shoes for him. “You don’t know how lucky you are.”
“Should I be filming this?” teased Jared. Jensen whined and rolled his eyes.
“You get her,” said Jensen, laying back on the bed and shutting his eyes. Jared stood up, Jensen rolling over on the bed. “S’not fair.”
“You’ll find someone, Jens,” said Jared. You sat down on the bed and got him out of his jacket, Jensen grumbling when he had to sit up again.
“Yeah,” you said. “We want you to be happy too. You’ll find a girl.”
“Well what am I supposed to do?” he scowled, squeezing his eyes shut before they opened, all of the sadness he’d been hiding away rising to the surface. “I love you and you love him and I have to pretend it doesn’t bother me but it does but I will never say a damn thing to anyone because it’s not fair and you guys should be happy.”
You didn’t have time to properly react before he leaned back to the mattress, curled onto his side and started to snore.
“Jared…” you trailed off, feeling as lost as he looked.
“He is super drunk. He might not…”
“He was telling the truth and you know it,” you said, Jensen fast asleep as you headed out of the room. “What do we do…”
“Let’s just let him sleep it off. We can talk about this in the morning.”
Jared was quiet as he made up breakfast and you were too anxious to even think about having a hangover. You were sat on top of one of the counter stools, Jared moving around Jensen’s kitchen until he just froze.
“Babe?” you asked.
“He’s not going to remember he said that stuff,” said Jared, turning off the stovetop.
“We need to get it out in the open. He’s hurting and now we know why,” you said. “He’s obviously got feelings for me.”
“I say we ignore it happened, just let us three-“
“If it were you, would you want us to ignore it?” you said.
“I’d want you to be happy. Forget about what I want,” he said, dishing the food onto some plates.
“Who does that sound like?” you said, nodding back towards Jensen’s room. Jared sighed and spun around, tilting his head at you.
“We can either ignore it happened and hope he moves on or we address it and he moves on or we address it and everything gets screwed up,” he said, crossing his arms. “Or we talk about that thing you said last night.”
“Well what did I say?” you said, not remembering a whole lot besides putting Jensen to bed and then crashing in his guest room.
“We decided to stay over just in case on account he was so loaded last night and you said some...things before bed,” said Jared. You raised an eyebrow, Jared running his hands over his face. “You said you loved him.”
“Cause I do, just like you love him which is-“
“You said you loved him like me,” said Jared. You rolled your eyes. Sure you loved Jensen but not love loved him. Not when you were fully committed to Jared.
“Babe. I love you. You are the one I’m with,” you said. “You’re my guy and that’s it.”
“I’m a big girl, Jared. If I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t be with you. I love you big dummy,” you said, biting your bottom lip, the anxiousness from the morning building up in you. “You actually think I would...cheat on-“
“No. No, baby,” he said, walking around the counter and spinning your stool around so he was in front of you. He gave you a hug and you sighed, burrowing your face in his arms. “I know you would never. I didn’t say you did either.”
“I said I love him?” you asked, pulling away to look up at him. He nodded, playing with a few strands of your hair.
“Do you?” he asked quietly.
“I mean I do,” you said. If you were being honest, you did love him too.
“Like you do with me?”
“I used to,” you said, Jared giving you a friendly smile. “But then I got with you and-“
“Did you like him when you liked me?” he asked.
“I liked you both but you were the one that went for it. You are the one I’m with. He’s my best friend and your best friend and that’s all he is now. I swear,” you said, moving away and off your seat. “Stop asking me this stuff. He’s nothing to me, alright?”
It was uncomfortably silent when you heard a footstep stop and turn around. You swallowed hard, hearing a pause before Jensen loudly entered the room.
“We know you were there. How long were you listening,” you said quietly, looking at Jared while he looked over your head to Jensen.
“Not long,” said Jensen. “Long enough I suppose.”
“Guess we’re talking about this,” said Jared, rubbing the back of his neck.
“No. We aren’t. This never happened,” said Jensen, crossing his arms. “Alright? We all good? Great. Let’s have breakfast.”
“I can’t believe that out of the three of us, you’re the one that’s backing away from this,” said Jared. Jensen rolled his eyes while Jared crossed his own arms and you started to walk away. “Hey. Y/N. We should talk about this.”
“I’m going home,” you said, grabbing your jacket and bag in one hand, shoes in the other. You couldn’t look at either one of them. Something was bubbling and you didn’t want to be around when it burst.
“We need-“
“Just do what Jensen said, forget about this,” you said as you opened the door. “Forget it happened and let things go back to normal.”
You weren’t in your own apartment long before Jared showed up. He knocked at your bedroom door before it opened.
“I don’t want to talk…” you said, surprised to see both of them standing in the doorway.
“No one wants to but we got to,” said Jared, looking over his shoulder at Jensen. Jared stepped inside and took a seat on the bed beside you, Jensen not moving. He was rigid, uncomfortable. You could see he would rather be anywhere else. Jared had probably made him come down in the first place. “Jensen.”
“I’m good here,” he said. Jared released something akin to a small growl that had Jensen rolling his eyes as he walked in and took a seat on the small bench by the bathroom. “I came down. You can talk, not me.”
“Fine. Y/N,” said Jared, grabbing hold of your hand, offering you a gentler smile than you probably deserved before he looked at his friend. “Jensen last night you said you love, Y/N. Do you want to talk about that?”
“Nope,” he said with a shrug.
“Is that why you’ve been down the past few months?” he asked. Jensen crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, pursing his lips together.
“We don’t hang out as much as we used to,” you said quietly. Jensen looked at the door before lowering his gaze, a bit of that wall coming back down.
“The more serious you guys keep getting, yeah, it’s hard. Spending time away from you both makes it easier to deal with and I am getting there, alright?” he said. “I’ll get there.”
“Y/N,” asked Jared. “One last time but do you love Jensen?”
“That’s a shitty question to ask her,” said Jensen, narrowing his eyes at him. Jared took a deep breath but didn’t otherwise react. “She loves you, not me, so like I said, shut up about the rest. It’s my problem and I’ll forget about it real soon. Y/N is into you, not me.”
“Do you speak for her now?” asked Jared. Jensen cocked his head, a low grumble of annoyance escaping him, ready to snap something back at him.
“Guys,” you said, both of them growing quiet. “Like I said before, yes I love Jensen just like you guys love each other.”
“You have to be honest, Y/N,” said Jared.
“I am!” you snapped. “I love you, my boyfriend!”
“You’re saying what you think I want to hear,” said Jared. You glared at him, Jensen watching the two of you carefully. “All I want is the truth.”
“That was the truth,” you said, closing your eyes.
“Well I don’t want to be with someone that’s not open with me,” said Jared. “Just tell me-”
“You want the truth? If I had it my way in a perfect fucking universe, I’d get to have you both. I love you, I freaking love you to death Jared. You treat me so well and make me feel loved and safe and like I’m at home with you. I wouldn’t give you up for the world. But Jensen does that too. I thought it was a crush that would go away once we got together but it didn’t. It’s still there, no matter how much I shove it away. To make it even more horrendously worse, you’re best friends. I never said a word to either one of you about how I felt at the beginning, when I first became your friends, because I wanted to avoid this. I don’t want to make choices. I was content to be both your best friends but now I got more with Jared and I don’t want to give that up. I don’t want to stop being Jensen’s friend. I don’t want to lose anyone or be the stupid fucking girl that comes between you two...I’m not doing that so I’m done. You two can figure out what the hell you want me to do and I’ll do it but I’m not tearing you two apart, I’m just not,” you said, ripping out of Jared’s grasp and ducking into the bathroom before he could stop you.
There was a few knocks at the door but you turned on the shower and got inside, drowning out their voices before they faded away.
You loved Jared with all your heart. It never once felt like you were holding back, that you were saving some for Jensen. It was more like you had an extra heart shoved in your chest and there was a whole lot of love for Jensen in there too. Resting your head against the shower wall, you felt the water run down your back, wondering if you’d lost a boyfriend, a friend or both. Both was probably most likely. Both was what you deserved.
Jared had every right to be angry and upset and so far he’d seemed pretty okay which scared you even more. You were probably only delaying the inevitable by hiding away in there. He’d get mad once he had a moment to himself. Jensen was probably already gone and never wanted to speak to you ever again. It’d be safest to move to a different apartment building and just avoid him altogether.
Or you could move home to Texas. Yeah, you could hide away, forgot about everything for a while, pretend you didn’t exist. Pretend you hadn’t just hurt Jared, pretend you hadn’t hurt Jensen.
That was a solid plan, moving back in with your parents until you got on your feet. Your brother was still at home and he was a hell of a lot older than you were. That would work. You could be gone in a day or two if you were lucky.
You sighed as you turned off the water and dried off, sighing when you saw your reflection in the mirror.
“God, I’m going to fucking cry,” you mumbled. You tugged on some clothes from the closet, trying to put on a brave face as you exited the room. They were both sitting on the bed, side by side, faces blank. “Alright. Let me have it. What’d you decide.”
Jared stood up and walked in front of you, planting a harsh and possessive kiss on you that turned gentle and sweet. You stared up at him when he pulled back and cupped your cheek. Jensen stood up and he stepped over, Jared turning your cheek towards him. You didn’t have the time to be confused before Jensen leaned in and brushed his lips against yours and kissed you softly and slowly. His hand went to your other cheek, running his thumb over your cheekbone.
“We decided…” said Jensen, pulling back, Jared giving him a nod. “We decided if you want us both, you can have us both.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, both their faces turning sour. “I’m sorry I care about you both. I am. But please don’t play mean games like this. I deserve it for not being able to control this but-“
“It’s not a game,” said Jared, kissing your cheek. “We’re dumbasses but we aren’t cruel.”
“Maybe it works. Maybe it doesn’t,” said Jensen, taking hold of one of your hands. “But you were right about one thing. We all care about each other. A whole fucking lot. It will be hard at first but...we can all get what we want this way. I really miss hanging out with you guys. If you don’t want to try, that’s okay but I still want to be both your friends.”
“Both?” you said.
“Both,” said Jared with a softer smile than you deserved. “I love you, Jensen loves you, you love both of us...always told you you got so much love in you. Makes sense now.”
“And Jared and I...maybe we don’t have those certain kinds of ‘love’ feelings for each other but we love each other and say something, please,” said Jensen, shifting nervously on his feet.
“I need you two to be happy though and this-”
“Makes us happy, baby,” said Jared. “We agreed.”
“It wasn’t that long of a shower,” you said.
“Y/N,” said Jensen, giving you a smile. “You and Jared together, it might not seem like it, but it makes me happy. I don’t want you to give that up. I’m good with this. Jared’s good with it. We just need to know what you think.”
“Do you want to try?” asked Jared.
“We can try,” you said gently, both of them relaxing. “But we got a lot to talk about.”
“Okay, I think we’re all good. Less rules the better. We all hang out, go on dates, etc. We can have as much one on one time as we want and everyday we make time for that. If someone is feeling left out, they can bring it up. This is just us three, no one else. I think that was everything right?” asked Jared.
“I think so,” said Jensen, looking down at the notes he’d been taking. You looked at them both before you started to laugh, Jensen and Jared giving you a side eye. “Uh, don’t crack up on us now, Y/N.”
“Guys. You’re forgetting a whole bunch of stuff. Take sleeping for instance,” you said.
“We all got king sized beds,” said Jared.
“What else you got?” asked Jensen.
“Okay, what about sex?” you said. Jensen held up a finger and pointed it at you.
“Good point,” he said, nodding his head. “I assume everyone is clean?”
“Yes,” said Jared. “And sex…well we already...maybe you two…”
“Let me buy you dinner a few times first,” said Jensen with a smile, getting a head nod from you before turning to Jared. “I will ask one thing. Our first time let it be just Y/N and I, please.”
“Yeah, of course. I can do that,” said Jared.
“Good,” said Jensen. “You guys feel free to keep doing what you’re doing.”
“Won’t that be a tad awkward if Jensen decides to spend the night though and we’re…” you said. “I mean at least at first.”
“We all got guest rooms. Until we get to that point where you’re comfortable with two people and we’re comfortable with two, whoever it is can just politely excuse themselves for the night,” said Jared.
“Remember too Y/N, I’m not going to be...it’ll be a little bit of time before we get there, okay? Sure, you’re hot but that’s not why I like you. I mean you’re pretty but...you get what I’m saying. I hope,” said Jensen.
“I do,” you said, leaning back in your seat, throwing your head back with a smile. “I’m still not convinced this isn’t all a dream.”
“At least she didn’t say nightmare,” said Jared. Jensen stood up with a stretch, giving you both a smile as he relaxed. “Heading out?”
“Yeah. I got some chores to do upstairs and a hangover to nurse. But if it’s okay-”
“No, don’t ask if it’s okay, just ask,” said Jared.
“Alright. Do you guys want to go out for dinner tonight?” he asked.
“Sure you want me going on your first date with Y/N?” asked Jared.
“Well, I’m not into you like that but I’m still in a relationship with you too, right?” asked Jensen. “I should take you both out this first time?”
“You going to pay for me, Jensen?” said Jared with a teasing smile.
“Loser,” said Jensen, slapping his back as he walked past. “Dinner tonight?”
“It sounds great, Jensen,” you said. He nodded and waved before he headed out and you and Jared were left alone. “Jare. We should talk.”
“I get what he said you know. You make me happy being mine but I know he makes you happy too. I like that,” he said. You shrugged, smiling shyly.
“I still feel guilty,” you said, looking at your lap. “I had feelings for another person, didn’t say anything and somehow got to have both of you. You should have-”
“I am capable of making my own choices and I made this one on my own. I knew I had the chance to keep you for myself. But this way is better. I can tell already. And you should not feel guilty for how you felt. You were never once holding back with me and I think this will be good for all of us,” he said. You looked him up and down, offering him a small smile. “Hey, if I were a chick, I’d probably be attracted to the short one too.”
“I don’t think he’ll like that nickname,” you said, Jared smiling wide.
“Eh, you don’t get to pick your own nickname,” said Jared, standing up, bending over and giving you a peck on the lips. “I’ll see you tonight, baby.”
“Okay,” you said, taking a deep breath. “Is this insane? What we’re doing?”
“Probably,” said Jared. “But who cares?”
“I love you,” you said.
“Love you too,” he said. “I’ll see you later.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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When You Least Expect It, Part Nine
Jensen x Musician!Reader; Rob Benedict x Reader (Platonic); Jason Manns; Nathan (OMC); Dee (OFC)
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Masterlist - Contains Chapter Links & Wardrobe Collages
A/N: This is a slow burn fic that I have been working on for a while. Its a story I wrote for myself and just wanted to share with everyone. Yes, the “Dee” in the story is who you think, but there is no intended hate on her or their actual marriage. It is a work of fiction, that is all. Part nine is from the Both POV. There is also a playlist to go along with the series. 
Spotify Playlist : Songs in this chapter - “Wow and Flutter” “Stay With Me” “Every Breath You Take”
Beta’d by @closetspngirl who has contributed so much to this fic! Thank you for not only indulging my lunacy but encouraging it with gusto! I don’t know what I would do without you!!!
Chapter Summary: Just as they decide to finally take this whole crush thing to a new place, people from their pasts like to pop in and cause some trouble.
Chapter Warnings: Language, Mild Violence, Floof, PDA
WC: 13K (Yeah, I know... I need to just stfu) **with lyrics. Lyrics NOT written by me in bold, italic. That honor belongs to the wonderful April Smith and The Great Picture Show. Song is on the playlist and I highly suggest checking it out. Its a great tune.
*Banner created by me; pics & gifs found online.
Tags are open if you want on, or wanna hop off.
Jensen woke up that morning with a smile. For the end of May, it was already hot in Austin, and the humidity wasn’t exactly being easy on the people who lived there. It was barely nine and he could already see the heaviness in the air. It didn’t phase him one bit because in the next two hours he would be heading over to the townhouse to spend the day with Y/N, Robbie, and Jason. They had planned a full-on day of just working and brainstorming on the best way to go about arranging the schedule of bands, where each one would be playing and for how long.
It wasn’t an easy task, as many of them were traveling into Austin for one day. Y/N had already taken care of all that and even arranged for a shuttle service to take the acts to and from the venues to hotels, airports, or even the local convenience store—wherever it was they needed to go. They were giving their time and talent for a worthy cause, so if there was something she could do to make their stay more comfortable, she was more than willing to do it.
It was little things like that, that made her a good partner on the event, but it was also those traits that made him look at her with hearts in his eyes and butterflies in his stomach. Her mind had a way of working and problem solving it like he’d never seen before. She wasn’t just thorough with following through, she took steps above and beyond what would be expected and consistently blew his mind.
On today’s agenda, the schedules would be finalized, and he could finally talk to her about the music she would be doing over the course of the weekend. That was what started all this, after all. Watching her play at the Beachcomber, seeing her play on New Year’s Eve, singing at the convention—Jensen knew this festival would not be complete unless Y/N took the stage. If he could convince her to sing with him as well? Even better.  
It didn’t take more than an hour for him to be ready to go. As he showered and dressed for the day, he rehearsed a hundred different ways to approach Y/N about performing. He had brought it up casually in the weeks since they were in Chicago, but she always found a way to change the subject or just blow him off completely. Today, he was determined to get her to agree to getting on one of the stages and sharing her gift with the crowd.
Keys in hand, Jensen was heading for the door when there was a knock at it, quickly followed by the door opening. Jensen was about to go off when he saw Jared come through.
“Hey! You here?” Jared called out, then spotted Jensen standing off to the side.
“Uh, yeah. Right here,” he chuckled. “What are you doing here? Thought you were heading out for a road trip with Gen and the munchkins.”
“We are. Leaving later this afternoon, I just had to talk to you real quick so I told her I had to run a quick errand.”
“So, you’re lying to Gen about coming here? Has she been reading fanfiction again? She worried there’s some, uh, frisky business…” Jensen motioned back and forth between him and Jared but kept a straight face.
Jared rolled his eyes. “No, you jackass. But she was talking with Dee yesterday at the house.”
Jensen was a little taken back by his statement. “Uh. Ok. So?”
“So? Dude, I knew Dee had been calling and shit since New Year’s, but you didn’t tell me she and what’s-his-face broke up. She made it sound like you two were getting close again and she was interested in reconciling. So, what gives?”
Jensen didn’t know what to say to that. He stammered and then started to pace from the entryway into the living room. He tossed the keys he had in his hand onto the coffee table and turned back to Jared.
“She said what now?”
“All I heard was that she and that guy broke up a couple weeks ago and that she’s been talking to you every day. Is she?”
“She texts me a lot. But it’s stupid shit, mostly. Not like we’ve been talking talking. What did she say, exactly?”
“I didn’t hear all of it, and when I walked in Dee clammed up. But, from what I could hear, your name along with the word ‘reconciliation’ was being tossed around.”
Jensen groaned a deep sigh and exhaled. “This is just aces. What the hell is she thinking?”
“So, you’re not, then? You and Dee aren’t—”
“No! No way. I haven’t thought about her like that in a long time. Especially after New Year’s.”
“Because she was there with her new man—ex-new-man,” Jared mumbled to himself, then waved it off. “OR is it because of Y/N?”
“Honestly, both? I guess…” Jensen shrugged.
This was all news to him and news he wasn’t exactly happy to hear. Y/N had her issues with an ex, now it was going to be his turn? It was bad enough that weeks had passed since he asked Y/N out on a proper date, but their schedules just hadn’t allowed for it to happen yet. Now, there was another potential roadblock that he wanted to prevent as quickly possible.
“Whatever you do, you didn’t hear this from me, alright? Gen and I have had enough conversations about you and Dee. No offense, but I just don’t need to go another round.”
“Hey, I get it completely. I’m sorry you had to catch some of the fall out from that.”
“It was bound to happen. Just for the record, Gen doesn’t have a vested interest either way. Not like she’s on Dee’s side waving pom-poms just because they’re friends.”
“Even if she was, she’s rooting for the losing team. I will always care about Dee, but the breakup happened for a reason. Took a while, but I am seeing what the reason is now.”
Jensen smiled, and that flutter of butterflies kicked up in his stomach. “Yeah. Because of Y/N.”
Jared considered it for a minute and nodded. “Despite the miscommunication debacle, you do seem pretty damn happy since you met her.”
“Because I am, man. She just makes me feel good. It's going slow, but, slow is good.
“How slow?” Jared asked, his expression wrought with curiosity.
“Slow. Very, very slow. But… it’s okay. It’s good. Means maybe it will work out.”
“Well, well… look at who’s being Mr. Level-Headed. Didn’t think you had it in you, to be honest.” Jared was trying his best to control his grin as he continued taking shots at his best friend.
“Don’t you have a trip to go on?” Jensen asked, then looked at his watch and back up at Jared with a deadpan gaze.
“Seriously! I mean, you freaked when Dee left. Completely overreacted and created this larger than life project. Didn’t you buy like, twenty pair of cowboy boots—”
“Alright, alright… thanks for the info and painful reminders, you can go now.” Jensen hurriedly tried to usher Jared towards the door. “Come on Paul Revere, you delivered the news. Time to ride off now. I got places to be.”
“Yes, now go.”
“You’re gonna talk to Dee?” Jared asked before he was pushed out of the door completely.
“Yes. I promise. I’m not lookin’ for a fatal attraction situation here, okay? I will speak to her and not bring you into it. Happy?”
“Blissfully. Tell Y/N I said hey. I’ll call you when we’re back.”
“Alright mom,” Jensen smiled and waved as Jared walked towards his car in the driveway, flipping him the middle finger as he went.
Jensen closed the door and went back into the house. He didn’t want Jared to see the mild panic at what he had told him, but there was some anxiety growing. When Dee had first reached out, Jensen was glad to have smoothed things over with her. Being friends again seemed like an achievable goal, and he didn’t even care anymore that she was with someone else. In the time between New Years and seeing Y/N again in Chicago, Jensen became hyper-aware that his fascination with the songstress from Seaside was more than just a fix for his loneliness. She was way more.
By the time they were in Chicago, and Y/N seemed just as happy to see him as he was her, it felt like a given that Dee was just an old friend, and their communication reflected that. Y/N was his focus, aside from the festival. Rekindling whatever he had with Dee was the furthest thing on his mind.
He debated on calling Dee then, but he didn’t want to bring Jared into it, so he thought it best to wait until Dee contacted him first. Then, it would give him time to figure out the best way to broach the subject of her possible intentions without it feeling like an attack. A provoked Dee was not a happy Dee.
Just as he was about to reach for his keys and head out the door, his phone vibrated from within his pocket. Almost afraid to see who it was, he slowly pulled it out and looked at the screen. When it was Y/N’s name and not Dee’s, he smiled with relief and tapped the message icon.
>>Please hurry. Robbie is playing a harmonica while Jason is playing a kazoo and doing a jig. I cannot be the only person to witness this chaos. HURRY!
<<I’m gonna need video evidence. It’s great for blackmail. On my way.
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Jensen was able to get across town and be at Y/N’s complex in less than thirty minutes. As he approached the front door, he felt a twinge of anxiety. It only took a moment to realize that it was related to what he and Jared had talked about that morning, mixed with the understanding that he would have to tell Y/N about it.
He had to, right? Yes, he thought as he was only steps from the door, I don’t wanna fuck this up. Be straight up with her. She’ll understand.
Back when he had been with Dee, he always second-guessed himself. He would mull over a thousand different questions and had even more moments where he doubted what he thought or felt in regard to Dee. Jensen had no doubts now. He knew that Y/N would be understanding of the situation, and he realized that none of those past insecurities were coming up. Having that kind of confidence in not only himself, but in Y/N, made him even more determined to be upfront with her as soon as possible.
He knocked but could hear the music muffled coming from the third floor. Since she had come back from New Jersey, Y/N transformed the third floor of the townhouse not just into her office, but into space where people could jam, pick at guitars, or just sit quietly and enjoy the view of the river. The sound of guitars and yes, even a kazoo, floated down from the open window making Jensen smile. He went to knock again when the door pulled open, and Y/N’s face greeted him.
There was a split second where he just stared at her. She was radiant, and the heat of the day didn’t look to bother her one bit. Her hair was swept up off her neck in a messy bun, and around it lay the charm he had given her for Christmas. Y/N looked like she had just rolled out of bed, still in an old Pink Floyd concert T-shirt that had been modified into a tank top, and black pajama shorts that exposed a good amount of her legs. Y/N wasn’t wearing a drop of makeup. It was the most natural he had ever seen her, and by far, her most beautiful look yet.
“Don’t just stand there, hurry or you’ll miss it!” Y/N said excitedly and pulled Jensen into the apartment. “Come on! If you get upstairs fast enough you may catch Rob on the kazoo! Who knew he could rock out on that thing!”
Y/N had Jensen’s hand in hers and was pulling him towards the stairs. He froze in place and let go of her hand. “Whoa… easy tiger. Can you just wait for one sec.”
She turned to face him and looked slightly hurt that he let go. “You alright?” She studied him for a minute and then loosely crossed her arms under her breasts. “You’re not. What’s up?”
“Yeah, I mean, I need to talk to you about something and, I’m not sure where to start.”
“Oh,” she said and swallowed thickly. Her arms fell to her sides, and she fidgeted with them for a minute before returning them to crossed under her chest, but this time she was more tense and guarded. “What about?”
Jensen saw her body language shift and realized he gave her the wrong impression. Not off to a great start there, champ, he chastised himself.
“Nothing bad, promise,” he chuckled and closed the distance between them. He lightly rubbed the upper parts of her arms and as he softened his gaze on her, helping a little tension release from her body.
“Then, what is it?”
He already regretted bringing it up. “I’m a dick, this could have waited. I just… I’m so afraid of fucking this up--”
“Stop. You can’t do that. Whatever is gonna happen, is gonna happen, Jay. If you have something to tell me, please do. Then give me the benefit of the doubt that I won’t run out on you again, okay?”
“You’re right.” He paused and gave himself a moment to figure out where to start. “Jared came by this morning to talk to me...” he continued, trying to not be nervous about something so trivial. “You know how Gen is still friends with Dee? And how she and I have been talking again?”
“You’ve mentioned it,” she said.
“Right, well, I guess Dee was at their place yesterday, and she was making it seem to Gen that maybe she wanted to come back.”
“Come back? You mean, like, come back to you?”
Jensen nodded and watched nervously as Y/N processed what he was explaining. She was quiet, and that made him anxious. The longer she just contemplated, the more on edge he was getting. It wasn’t a big deal, it really wasn’t. He was just trying to be honest and upfront because he didn’t want her to get any wrong ideas about his interest, or lack thereof, in Dee.
Y/N paced from the entryway and through the kitchen. Leaning back against the counter near the sink, she used her hands to boost herself up and sat on the granite top. “I thought she was with that guy from the party.”
“Apparently she dumped him last week.”
“Oh… How do you feel about that?”
“About Dee’s breakup? Or about her wanting to come back?”
Y/N shrugged. “Both.”
“I mean, we go way back and she’s not a bad person, just misguided sometimes. I do care about her, and I want her to be happy if that’s with him or someone else… that’s up to her.”
“Do you want her back?” she asked bluntly, and for the first time, he saw a bit of worry threading through the lines of her forehead.
His reply was genuine and immediate. “No, Y/N, I don’t.”
Jensen crossed the kitchen and stood in front of where she sat on the counter. He could tell she was trying to play the whole thing very cool, that wall she put up was there, but not guarding her completely. Jensen could see there was a space that he could crawl into and make room for this business between them to grow further, but he would have to be vulnerable with her, first.
He took a step closer, putting himself within that zone of her personal space; the area reserved for only the most intimate of encounters. His tongue ran out nervously over his bottom lip, as he brushed his thumb lovingly against her cheek.
“I haven’t thought about Dee like that in a long time,” he continued in hushed tones. “Whatever she and I had, it's long over. You are the only person on my mind.”
Jensen leaned in and kissed her lips gently. He saw her eyes flutter closed and felt her respond to his touch. A flood of relief washed over him when Y/N’s arms draped over his shoulders and her hands clasped behind his neck, encouraging him to kiss her. It took every ounce of willpower he had, but Jensen finally did pull away from her before he wouldn’t be able to.
Jensen let his forehead rest against hers for a moment before stepping back. “Besides, you still owe me a first date, remember?”
“I remember. Maybe stop leaving town the second I get back…” she teased, challenging him with the rise of one, well-manicured brow.
“I could say the same for you. Can’t seem to coordinate these travel schedules of ours.”
“Well, you just had to go off to Italy last week…”
“Hey, I told you to come. We could’ve had our first date in Rome!”
Y/N rolled her eyes and sighed. Jensen couldn’t even pretend to be exasperated with her anymore when she did that. From that first night they spent out on the beach in Seaside, the simple expression of annoyance she threw at him quickly became the one he found most alluring.
“I told you, I don’t have a passport--”
“We need to fix that.”
“--Also, I had to work.”
“We should fix that too. This guy you work with seems like a jerk. You should tell him you need a night off. Or at least time to get a proper passport photo.”
“You are such an ass,” she giggled but looked at him with such adoration, even Jensen couldn’t deny it was there despite his constant fear that she would quickly lose interest in him.
“Seriously, he works you like a dog, never gives you weekends off to go out on a first date with me--”
“Ohhh my God, shut up!” she groaned, took his face in her hands and pulled his lips back for a blunt smack of a kiss and released him, solely to shut him up. “You done now?”
“Not if you’re gonna keep kissing me,” he winked. “In all seriousness though, when is this gonna happen?”
“I don’t know Jay, I leave in two days to go back to Seattle, then I have to fly out to Jersey because Miguel and Javier have finally agreed to join the festival. BUT they want me to come out and go over everything. Javier doesn’t trust Leo, and frankly, Leo would just fuck it all up. When do you start up again in Vancouver?”
“Next week,” he sighed. “It’s not lookin’ good here, Trix. I know things are chaotic, but I really want this time with you before things pick up even more.”
Y/N smiled bashfully and cast her eyes down away from the intensity of his gaze. “I want that too,” she replied in a near whisper. “How about tomorrow? Last minute, but, at least we’ll be in the same city on the same night.”
Jensen perked up, but before he could answer, they heard someone rushing down the steps in leaps and bounds, their feet eventually landing on the ceramic tile of the kitchen with a thud. Y/N started to laugh as Jensen’s head whipped around and saw Robbie standing there out of breath and trying to maintain his balance so he didn’t fall.
“Whoa, that’s slippery,” he said with chuckle and then saw Jensen standing there. “Hey! Look who’s finally here! You missed a killer kazoo session, brother.”
“I heard.” Jensen moved to hug Rob hello and then went back to his place right next to Y/N.
Rob looked at them and saw all the signs of two people clearly smitten with each other. Y/N was sitting on the counter, and Jensen was leaning back on the edge directly in front of her. She rested her chin on his shoulder and looked completely comfortable doing so.
“Don’t you two look cozy,” he quipped and went to open Y/N’s refrigerator.
“Aw, come on Robbie. We got our snuggle session later, do be hatin’,” Jensen teased.
Rob ignored Jensen and gasped when he looked inside of the fridge. “Jesus, Y/N, it’s like a deserted wasteland in this thing. Doesn’t the man pay you enough to buy groceries?”
“No, he pays me in wit and booze.”
“Bri was right, you two are a match made in Hell,” Rob sighed and closed the refrigerator door.
Y/N sat up straighter on the counter prepared to defend her barren refrigerator. “Rob, when am I supposed to go grocery shopping? Or cook for that matter? If I am in town, I am here for hours at a time. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve used this kitchen.”
“I’ll tell you what,” Jensen said and moved off the counter to turn to face Rob and Y/N. “Let’s get a bit of work done first. Then, I’ll run to the store and get something to cook up for everyone. Sound good?” Jensen offered her a helping hand off the counter, and she took it happily.
“Pizza?” she asked excitedly when her feet were back on the floor.
Jensen sighed. “God, no. Not again. No Salty Sow, either. I’m talking a home-cooked meal. Alright?”
Rob’s face lit up. “You’re gonna cook for us?”
“Yeah, sure. Why not? But, schedules first.”
“Aye Aye, Captain,” Rob said and thought they would both follow him up. When neither Jensen or Y/N made a move to follow, he realized he had interrupted something, again, and turned for the stairs. “You know, I’ll just head up and get the board clear,” he stammered and retreated back up the steps.
“I love that strange little man,” Jensen chuckled and slightly shook his head before turning his attention back to Y/N.
“So, you’re gonna cook, huh?”
“Yes ma’am,” he answered, accentuating the thick Texas drawl he normally toned down.
She eyed him with playful suspicion. “Didn’t know you could or that you even liked to.”
Jensen took a few steps towards her, his gaze fixed on her as he walked her back until she bumped into the refrigerator. He placed a hand on either side of her head against the freezer door, then bent down and ghosted his nose over hers before he left a breath of a kiss on her lips.
“There’s a lot you still don’t know about me, Trix. Come on, let’s go get some work done before this takes a turn and nothing gets done at all.”
Jensen stepped back from her, but Y/N felt frozen in place. He took her hand and peeled her off the fridge, forcing her feet to move and guiding her in direction of the stairs to join Rob and Jason up in the office.
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An hour in and little work has gotten done up on the third floor of the townhouse. Jensen, Rob, Jason, and Y/N spent most of the time discussing music itself, instead of the scheduling of music. Eventually, it broke down to Jensen on the couch with a guitar, smiling like a fool as Robbie harmonized with Jason and the kazoo. Y/N watched from her spot on the floor, holding her belly and laughing as the guys jammed on what started out as a really nice version of Simple Man, into something unrecognizable, but amazingly fun.
When they had finally worn themselves out and put the instruments down, Rob’s stomach was growling loud enough for the entire room to hear it.
“Jay, please go get this man some food. I’m afraid we’re losing him.” Y/N pleaded with him as she stood up from the floor. “Maybe if he knows food is on the way, and you two aren’t here to distract him, I could trick him into work.”
“You’re devious,” Rob added, looking up to Y/N. “But your plan may just work.”
All eyes were on Jensen now, who regrettably got up from the couch. “Fine. Let’s do this. Jason, wanna take a ride with me?”
Jason nodded and got up from the couch and grabbed his keys from the table. “But we’re taking my car.”
“What’s wrong with my truck?” Jensen asked, slightly offended.
“Not the truck, I just want control over the music. Not really in the mood for Rob Zombie on repeat today.”
“Dude, that was one time. Let it go.”
Jason shook his head and went to leave the room, but turned and mouthed “more than one time” while Jensen’s back was still to him. “Meet ya in the car, buddy.”
Jensen waved him off. “Anything special you want me to grab while I’m out?” he asked Y/N and Rob.
“No, just food,” Rob said and went to pick up the guitar.
“Don’t you dare, Robert. You put that down and pick up the notebook and pen. Start making lists, I’ll be right back.”
Rob frowned, mildly scared. “Yikes. Since when did you get so bossy?”
Y/N gave him a challenging look, that made Rob slowly put down the guitar and pick up the notebook. Satisfied that he did what she asked, and turned her attention back to Jensen. She couldn’t help but laugh at his own expression as he appeared mildly shook at what he just saw happen.
“Damn, Trix. You gotta teach me that.”
“Oh don’t worry, I’m happy to boss you around any time,” she winked and then gently pushed him from the room and towards the top of the stairs. When they were out of view from where Rob was hopefully working, Y/N kissed his cheek sweetly. “See you soon.”
Jensen smiled and grabbed her arm lightly before she could turn away. His eyes were wistful and smiling, bringing out the crinkles she loved so much. He stole a kiss, sweet and soft before he released her and grinned smugly.
“I could really get used to this,” he said before turning and heading down the stairs and out the door to meet up with Jason.
Y/N took a moment to compose herself before going back into the office. When she did Rob watched her, a gleeful smile coming to light under his beard. “You guys… you’re pretty damn cute, you know that, right?”
“Shut up,” Y/N mumbled, but couldn’t hide the embarrassment in her smile.
“I mean it. So, what’s the deal, are you guys like… together?”
“Rob…” she whined. “Can we just work, please?”
“Yeah, of course,” he agreed and pulled out the list they had started with earlier that afternoon.
Ten minutes in and they came to their first bump in the road. There was an open spot on Saturday night that no one was able to fill.
“We could call one of the backup bands,” Y/N considered out loud.
“No,” Rob said, shaking his head. “I’ve got a better idea.”
“Which is?”
He leaned over and picked up the guitar, then held it out for her to take.
“You. You sing. You play. I know you have original songs. We’ve already talked about them. I want you up there.”
“No,” she chuckled and took the guitar but laid it down next to her. “None are ready, I don’t have a band anymore. I don’t--”
“Sure you do. We’ll back you up. Come on. Play one of the songs. I wanna hear one.”
“Maybe another time. Right now--”
“Nope. Now it’s my turn to be bossy. We need to fill this spot. It’s a big one on Saturday night on one of the main stages. I love the other bands and singers, but none of them are going to be able to fit that slot like it needs to be. We need a big sound. Original stuff. Too late to get any big, popular touring acts, so let’s give them something new. Besides, I know for a fact that a lot of fans are coming. A lot of which have seen you on stage with us already. So… whatcha say?” Rob motioned towards the guitar with his chin. “Play me something.”
Y/N studied his face for a moment and sighed in relent. “One song. But I promise nothing about the festival.”
“Yesss,” he hissed, excited for what was about to happen.
Y/N picked up the guitar and positioned it on her lap. “It’s not completely finished, but this is Wow and Flutter.”
She began to strum, the tempo was upbeat and had a good rhythm that Rob knew would be easy for the band to pick up.
“I could take a great big bite out of you When I get my cake I like to eat I like to eat it too And can I help myself if I find you simply delicious?
Now I'm like the big, bad wolf at your door My mouth is wide open, ready to explore And I'm not hiding the fact that I'm out for blood Baby, I'm vicious
Don't hate a girl because she knows All the ways to get beneath your clothes Cause you played those games, down to the letter You're just mad cause I play them better”
Rob’s foot was tapping along, and the grin he wore was large and genuine. When the verse went into the chorus, she repeated it twice and then just strummed the rhythm for a few more bars before stopping.
“I told you, it’s not done. I mean the lyrics are but…” she paused and shrugged. “Nothing special.”
“Nothing special?” Rob exclaimed. “Are you fucking serious right now? Y/N, that song… that could be huge. I can hear it finished in my head already and I’m telling you… it works. Please. Please consider this. I am begging you.”
Y/N didn’t know what to say. No one that had heard her original music had ever seemed very impressed by it; other than Mama Mia, of course. But that woman would encourage Y/N to do just about anything so she didn’t exactly trust her judgment.
“I--” Y/N was interrupted from a knock at the front door. “They couldn’t be back that fast, could they? Be right back.”
As she bounded down the two flights of steps, she felt a little relieved to be distracted from the conversation she was having with Rob. Putting it out of her mind, for the time being, she reached the front door and when she pulled it open, she felt like she was hit in the gut with a bag of rocks.
Nathan was standing on the porch, and when he saw her, his mouth unfurled to a wide grin. He looked tired and road worn; his clothes wrinkled and his hair unkempt. Yet, he still smiled wistfully when he saw her.
“Nathan?” His name came out more of a hollow whisper. “What are you doing here?”
“I came out to surprise you. Things at home were getting a little tiresome, so I rented a car and decided to take a road trip.”
“To Austin?”
“Well, not just Austin, but a stop along the way. Hope its a good surprise…”
“Um, yeah,” she said and tried to muster the enthusiasm he was expecting her to have. “Just a surprise. You have impeccable timing. One more day and I wouldn’t be here.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Work,” she started and then stepped aside. “Sorry, come on in…”
Nate walked into the townhouse and looked around, letting out a little whistle as he did. “Fancy.”
“Not really. Just sort of serves as a home base for everything,” Y/N said, a knot of nerves was starting to tie in her stomach.
“Still pretty nice that you get to live here. Quite an upgrade from the bungalow.”
Y/N shrugged. “I don’t know. I love my bungalow. This is a great place, don’t get me wrong, but I miss having the ocean outside my front door.”
Nathan wandered into the living room and looked out of the rear balcony doors. “Yeah but, you got a river out back. That’s pretty sweet.”
“Yeah…” she trailed off, trying to think of what to say, but was blessedly interrupted by Rob coming down the stairs.
“Was that them because I am seriously hungry--” Rob said and paused when he saw the change in Y/N’s expression and body language. He didn’t say anything, but his brow knitted together, confused, and when she looked past him into the living room, Rob turned and saw the source of why her energy had shifted.
“Um, Rob… this is Nate. He’s a friend from Jersey. He’s on a spontaneous road trip and decided to pop in to say hello.”
“Oh, hey man!” Rob said and walked into the other room, hand extended in a greeting. “I remember you from FaceTime.”
“Yeah, right. How are ya,” Nate replied and shook Robbie’s hand?
“Good, good. That’s a long drive from Jersey! Where’s your ultimate destination?” Rob asked, trying to keep him engaged in conversation. He could feel the tense energy vibing off Y/N and he wanted to step in and help her however he could.
“Not sure really. I only have a couple weeks before I start work, so, thinking of checking out the west coast.”
“What work?” Y/N asked.
“Oh, you remember that old guy Ellsworth? The one with the fluke fishery out of Manasquan?”
Y/N nodded. “Of course, they were my dad’s biggest competition.”
“Yeah, well, his kid Kevin hired me on. Gonna be running flukes for the summer.”
“That’s great,” she said but felt that she didn’t entirely believe him. Kevin had been a friend of theirs growing up, and the last she could remember, Kevin and Nate did not leave things on good terms. Not wanting to rock the boat, she let it go and just tried to think of how to make this surprise visit go smoothly.
“Can I offer you a drink? I don’t have much, unfortunately…”
“I’m good,” he said. “Can I use your bathroom though? Long drive and all.”
“Of course, it's down the little hallway there, behind the stairs.”
Nate smiled at her as he passed by, and went down to the bathroom. Rob turned then and quickly walked over to Y/N.
“You alright? You look pale.”
“Just surprised is all.”
“Not a good one I take it?” Rob asked and Y/N just shrugged, then swallowed hard enough for Robbie to hear. “Who is he, really?”
“My ex. We’ve known each other for years,” she said lowly, then moved back into the kitchen so Nate wouldn’t hear them. “It didn’t end well. At all. He came over while I was back in New Jersey over the winter, wanting to be friends. But--”
“But what?”
“I don’t know Robbie, I think he wanted more. I tried to be firm and make that understood. But I don’t think he is taking that rejection well.”
“What makes you say--” Rob was cut off by the sound of the bathroom door open.
“So,” Rob started as Nate rejoined them in the kitchen. “How long you in town for?”
“Um, well, that depends on this one,” Nate said with a grin, that made Rob noticeably uncomfortable and pointed towards Y/N.
“Nate, I just told you, I leave on a trip soon. I won’t be here.”
“Oh, right,” he said, choking back whatever words wanted to follow. “Well, might as well make the most of the time we have, right? Why don’t you give me the grand tour.”
“Sure. I can do that. Rob, you wanna hang here and let the guys in if their hands are full?”
“You got it,” he grinned and watched as Y/N escorted Nate up the stairs towards the second floor.
When they were gone, Rob took out his phone and brought up Jensen’s name through the messaging app.
<<Hey man, how much longer you guys gonna be? Surprise visitor at the house, Y/N is sorta freaked.
He hit send and then held his breath for a beat waiting for Jensen’s response. It didn’t take more than a minute to get a text back.
 >>What the hell? Who’s there?
<<The ex popped in.
>>Mine or hers?
>>What the fuck. She ok?
<<Yeah, just freaked he showed up unannounced. What’s his deal, anyway?
>>IDK never met the guy. But I’m about too. Be back in ten min.
 Y/N showed Nathan around to the second floor, but skipped her bedroom, then took him up to the office area on the third floor. When he walked into the loft space he stopped and took a good look around. It was a large, open room, with two glass doors that open out onto a balcony.
“Wow, this place… it's huge for one person,” he mumbled and walked through. “Can’t believe you have furniture and instruments up here, and still have that much room to move around.”
“Well the guitar is mine, but the amps and bass, drum kit… they’re all Robbie’s. He brought them up about a month ago and they just sort of became part of the room now.”
“You playing with their band?” he asked in an accusatory tone.
She was taken aback by the tone of his question. “Sometimes, but just for fun. Why?”
Nate shrugged, seemingly annoyed, and walked out to the balcony. Y/N stayed in the room, though she knew he wanted her to follow him out there. A moment or two later, he came back in realizing that she wasn’t going to.
“So what’s the plan, Nate? Why are you here, really?”
“Can’t I just come by to say hello? I mean, we’re friends, right? That’s what you said.”
“Yes, Nathan, we are--”
“They why don’t you call or text me back?”
“Because I’m--”
“Yes, and stop interrupting me. I’m working, Nate. I travel a lot. I am in meetings with school boards, city councils, business owners, bands…”
“Singing on stages with celebrities…”
Y/N froze. “What did you say?”
“I saw you, Y/N. I saw the video. When you were in Chicago and you never called or texted back. I got scared something happened to you. I was sitting at home worrying that you were dead in an alley somewhere. I mean, you were in Chicago! Anything could’ve happened to you! So, since you weren’t answering, I did some digging. Searched hospitals and morgues, but then I saw the video and there you were, perfectly fine.”
“And? What the fuck does that have to do with anything, Nate? It was work! Also, I don’t HAVE check in with you. I call and text when I can. I told you back in January if you couldn’t handle us just being friends, then, you need to stay away.”
“No… I…” he stuttered nervously “I can, Y/N. I know, I have a lot to make up for. It’s just… I miss you. Just even talking to you. And I worry about you traveling so much alone.”
“I’m sorry Nathan, but that’s no excuse to come here to my house and act like a jerk.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Y/N sighed and crossed her arms over her chest tightly. From below, she heard the commotion of voices and knew that Jensen and Jason had come back. Relief washed over her, but also a sting of anxiety over Nathan coming face to face with Jensen and what that would entail.
Nathan heard it too, and Y/N saw his body noticeably tense up. “More company?”
“No, the other guys are back with food,” she said and walked towards the door.
“What other guys?”
“Jensen and Jason. We were all here working today.” Y/N turned to go down the stairs. She didn’t invite him to follow, but he did.  
Down in the kitchen, she found Rob, Jensen, and Jason talking in hushed tones, and she had an idea that it was in regards to Nathan. The moment she arrived in there, they stepped back and resumed normal conversation.
“Hey,” she said and went to the counter where they were unloading the bags. “What did you get?”
Jensen studied her demeanor for a moment before answering. “I got some chicken kabobs to throw on the grill, some salads and Jason insisted on the mango salsa and chips.” He was going to ask about Nathan and if she was alright, but right on the heels of his rundown of lunch, Nathan appeared from the stairwell into the kitchen. Y/N heard him and did her best to keep a pleasant tone as she introduced him.
“Nathan, this is Jensen, and that’s Jason. They are both working on the festival.”
“Nice to meet ya,” Jensen said and held out his hand. Jason simply gave a wave from the other side of the kitchen as he pretended to busy himself with the food.
Nathan hesitated when taking Jensen’s hand to shake, but after a moment, he reached out and did just that. Y/N could see he was getting angry. That side of him hadn’t changed, and all his usual tells were still the same; his hands were fidgeting, the vein in his neck was protruding, his body was very rigid. But somehow, Nathan managed to shake Jensen’s hand and even reply normally to the introduction.
“Same here. Heard a lot about you from Y/N,” Nathan said after letting go of the greeting.
“Yeah, me too… So what brings you to Austin, Nate?” Jensen was getting right down to business. Y/N watched nervously as the conversation between them was pleasant, yet ripe with tension.
“Just road tripping through,” he answered and shifted uncomfortably.
“How long you sticking around for?”
“Well, I don’t know, Jensen. Was hoping a few days but seems like you’re working Y/N too hard, as she’s off for another trip tomorrow.”
Jensen knew that she didn’t have to leave for another two days, but nodded in agreement. “Yeah, well, that’s why she gets paid the big bucks,” he said with a forced smile. Y/N saw that expression and knew there was nothing humorous about it. Jensen was getting annoyed by Nathan already, and she needed to find a way to diffuse the situation.
“Jay, why don’t you go light the grill. Takes a few minutes to get going. Rob and Jason can get back on the schedules while the food’s cooking. Right guys?”
“On it,” Rob said, grabbed the chips and salsa, then motioned with his head for Jason to follow him back upstairs.
“Yeah, okay,” Jensen said after the other two left, and gave Y/N a purposefully sweet smile. He grabbed the ready-to-grill chicken kabobs from the counter, then made his way through the living room and out onto the patio to ready the grill.
“Nice guy,” Nathan mumbled sarcastically. “His hair always look like that?”
“You need to stop. I am not going to do this with you.”
“Do what?”
“Have you stand in my house and be rude to my friends. You forget I know you, Nathan. I know your tone, your body language… I know when you’re lying and I know when you’re being a shit on purpose.”
He was growing annoyed and she didn’t care. She was tired of his brazen ways of trying to get her to pay attention to him.
“I’m not lying. I am on a road trip, wanted to see you. That’s all!”
“Ok, fine. But, you should have called. I can’t just drop everything for you--”
“But you would for him,” Nathan snapped and pointed over his shoulder. “Some pretty rich boy… who can buy you townhouses and fly you all over the world. When the fuck did you get to be so God damn shallow?!”
“You know what, fuck you! You don’t have the first clue who he is. You don’t know me anymore, Nate! I am not the same girl you could push around and--” she stopped herself before she ventured down a road she wasn’t ready too.
“And what?” he asked, baiting her.
“It’s time to go, Nate.” Y/N wouldn’t look at him. Her arms were so tightly crossed against her chest, she was beginning to tense in her shoulders and lose feeling in her hands.
“You’re unbelievable. You leave Jersey for what, six months? And now you’re too good to spend time with me, right? You’ve moved on? What makes you think you deserve any of this, huh? Because some fuck boy is gonna give you whatever you want to suck his dick?”
Nate was growing louder and now, more than ever, she just wanted him to go peacefully.
“Nate, please. Just go,” she said, nearly pleading with him.
“You say I’ve changed?” he ignored her and continued. “YOU have changed! You used to not care about any of this shit. It was you, me and Dave. All we had was each other!”
“Right, then you drank everything away and left! Put me in the goddamned hospital before you did, too!” She was so angry she was shaking now, working hard to focus her frustration at Nathan. So much so she never heard the balcony doors open a moment before, or notice Jensen step through.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Jensen’s voice cut through the tension and caused Y/N to finally unfurl her arms, letting them fall to her side.
“Jay…” she breathed and looked over at Nate who was grinning in a way that made her stomach churn.
“Did you actually just say that he put you in the hospital?” Jensen’s gaze was stuck on her, his lips pulled into a thin line and his arms rigid at his side. “Y/N?”
Y/N closed her eyes for a moment and sighed deeply before answering. “It was a long time ago… It’s not a big deal. I’m just asking him to leave now.”
“I don’t give a shit if it was yesterday or a lifetime ago. He put his hands on you and put you in the hospital. Yes or no?”
She tried to swallow back the lump of anxiety in her throat. Words wouldn’t come, but she wouldn’t lie to protect Nate anymore, either. Slowly, Y/N nodded.
In a flash, Jensen took a few lunging steps towards Nathan, grabbed his shirt at each shoulder and shoved him hard up and into the wall. His face was contorted into disgust and it was taking all of his will power not to pummel the man right there.
“What the fuck did you do to her?!”
Y/N could hear footsteps from upstairs, the volume of the argument reaching the top floor of the townhouse. Just as Jensen was getting in Nate’s face, Rob and Jason were there, trying to pull Jensen off him.
“Jay! Come on man be smart!” Rob yelled, yanking at Jensen’s shirt as Jason wrapped an arm around his waist, trying to move him back.
Jensen stopped resisting and let go of Nate’s shirt. He stepped back but was still breathing heavily through his nostrils from the rush of adrenaline.
Nate laughed and smoothed out his shirt. “That’s what I thought,” he mumbled and took a step towards the front door. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’m going. I see you for what you are now. You ain’t worth--”
Nathan was stopped by the motion of Jensen’s fist connecting with his mouth. Taken off guard, Jensen cocked his arm back the second Rob and Jason had let him go. He had no intention of letting Nate get off that easy. Leaving or not, Jensen would have the last word here. No way he was going to let Nate say anything else, especially not about his girl.
Nathan went spiraling backward, and slammed into the front door, then slid to the tile. He grabbed onto his jaw where Jensen punched him and felt the trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth.
“Come on! You’re so fucking tough to him a woman?! Hit me, asshole! I dare you!”
“Jensen! Jay, please… Just… let him go,” Y/N was standing in front of him now, pushing him back towards the living room and out of Nathan’s reach. “Please, look at me.” She could feel how tense his body was and she was amazed she was even able to move him back at all. Y/N touched his cheek and then lay the same hand on his chest; simply trying to get his attention.
From behind her Nathan snorted a laugh and muttered, “Yeah, that didn’t take long.”
“Dude, I think you need to leave. Now,” Rob warned, feeling ready to lay down some swift justice himself. “Seriously. Fun’s over.”
“I swear to God if you come anywhere near her again…” Jensen growled then trailed off, knowing he needed to be careful, but seething to make a definitive promise of bodily harm. He finally looked away from Nate and into Y/N’s gaze. He saw her desperation for this to be over. For her, he released the tension in his body and laid his hand over hers that rested on his chest.
Nate didn’t say anything else. He glared at Y/N incredulously and gathered himself before opening the front door. When he was done eyeing her with an air of disgust, his gaze flicked up to Jensen. Nate spat on the floor and laughed, then went out the front door and slammed it behind him, making Y/N jump.
Jensen put his arms around her and pulled her into him. He held her until she stopped trembling, then walked her to the couch. In that time, Rob wiped up the floor, so Y/N wouldn’t have too. He and Jason thought it best to give their friends a few moments alone, so they quietly went back upstairs after setting all the locks on the front door.
“You alright?” Jensen asked her. She was tucked into the crook of his arm on the couch, and he was grateful she had stopped shaking.
“Me? How’s your hand? You hit him pretty hard.”
“Eh, it’s fine,” he reassured her and flexed it once or twice. “Promise. Just a little sore.” Jensen sat up and turned to face her. “Why didn’t you tell me what he did? And, I’m not trying to judge you, but why would you ever let him back into your life after he did… whatever he did?”
Y/N slowly shook her head. “I don’t know. He never used to be violent. After the drugs and drinking though, he got that way. We were at the Bamboo, and he had come for money and I wouldn’t give him any. He hit me, square in the face. Broke my nose and when I fell back, I hit my head and got a concussion.”
“Hence the hospital stay.”
“Jesus,” Jensen sighed and took her hand in his. “He won’t hurt or scare you again. Ok? I won’t let him. In fact, I think it would be safer if you just come stay at my place. I won’t be there a lot, but, better than you being here alone. I don’t like the idea of that while I’m in Vancouver.”
“No, Jay--”
“No, listen. Please… Y/N…For me, for my peace of mind, come stay. We’ll wrap this up and then go back to my house--”
She was shaking her head emphatically. “No. I won’t do that. I won’t let him chase me away. I had to move away from the bungalow for months after that happened because I was afraid. I won’t leave my home again because of him. I won’t, so please don’t ask me too.”
Jensen was quiet for a minute but agreed to stop asking. “If he should come back around, you don’t hesitate to call 911. And tomorrow, I’m calling an alarm company and getting one installed.”
“Jensen,” she sighed, “That’s not necessary.”
“It is to me. And if you won’t come to my place. I will make sure you’re safe when I can’t be here. Sorry, Trix, those are the rules if you’re gonna date me.” His expression shrugged, and it made her smile. That’s all he ever wanted to do was to make her smile.
“I can handle that,” she said and leaned against him again.
“Do you… are you still--I mean, if you wanna cancel tomorrow,” Jensen started half-heartedly, hoping she would stop him. He wasn’t disappointed.
“Oh no, fuck that. We are going out tomorrow. I refuse to let that assclown ruin anything else. Especially that.”
Jensen breathed a sigh of relief and kissed the top of her head. “Good. That makes me happy.”
“Can I ask you a favor?” Her voice seemed small and timid.
“For the rest of the night, can we not say his name or bring this up again? Everything was so perfect before he came and ruined it.”
“That is something we can do. You know what else, we can do?” he asked and pulled back to look down at her.
“Eat chicken kabobs. Good ones too. Maybe Rob and Jason even saved some of the salsa for us.”
“Now you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment, Jensen,” she teased.
She loved how despite the chaos that just erupted, he could roll with the punches and provide her with the tools she needed to get back on track with feeling good and skirting the void she used to fall into where Nathan was concerned. Jensen was a beacon for her, and she was grateful to have him in her life.
“Call me a hopeless dreamer,” he laughed and stood up from the couch. He offered her a hand and pulled her up to her feet. She turned to go, but he stopped her and made her face him.
He didn’t say a word, just kissed her softly and gave her hand a squeeze. She saw that he winched a little when he did and knew he was downplaying how badly his hand hurt. Y/N walked into the kitchen and went into the freezer. She pulled out a bag of frozen peas and met him near the staircase.
“Gimmie,” she demanded and waited for him to put his hand out. She rested it gently against the bag of peas and adjusted it to cover his knuckles.
“Robbie’s right, you are bossy.”
“It’s a gift,” she shrugged it off.
“It’s cute.”
She shook her head and concentrated on his hand. “I have sports tape somewhere. I’m a klutz, constantly tripping over stuff, so I learned to keep it on hand.”
“Hey, Y/N, it's fine. I’m fine. I promise. Go upstairs and help the guys. I should go flip the chicken. Then we’ll work and after which you and I can just concentrate on tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? What’s tomorrow?” she asked, but couldn’t keep a straight face. “Still cute?”
Jensen nodded. “Ridiculously so.”
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Jensen called first thing the next morning, letting Y/N know the security company would arrive by ten for a consultation, and the installation was scheduled for the day after she left, with Jensen promising to be there to oversee it. They chatted casually about that evening, and he was very mysterious and vague about the plans he had made for them. Only that she should wear whatever she wanted, and be ready by six.
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There was much different energy throughout that day then there was the last time she spent an afternoon getting ready to go out with him. Y/N leisurely searched through her closet and pulled out a white, cotton dress, with a delicate lace overlay that came to mid-thigh. Pairing it with her favorite jewelry and sandals, she grabbed her light blush colored purse just as his knock rapped at the door.
Y/N exhaled a steady breath before she opened the door. She had been out places with Jensen a dozen or more times, but tonight was different. It wasn’t about work or the festival, it wasn’t planning or brainstorming. This was just Trix and Hollywood, going on a date and that put a mild tremor into her nerves.
She opened the door and saw him standing there staring off into the parking lot. There were a few times she was struck by just how gorgeous he was, but that night, Jensen took her breath away. He wasn’t dressed in anything more than a pair of blue-grey pants and a tight-fitting, long sleeve cream color shirt, but there was something about him that left her speechless.
When Jensen turned and was able to take in the full sight of her, his expression fell, along with his jaw.
Y/N had a moment of panic at his reaction. “What? It's too much, right? I’m way overdressed—” she paused when Jensen looked like he may say something but stopped. “Underdressed? I could change.”
Y/N went to turn, already running through other things she could throw on real quick. Before she could get far, Jensen’s hand gently grabbed her wrist to stop her.
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re biased.”
“Maybe,” he shrugged and guided her closer towards him. “But I don’t care. You’re perfect just how you are.”
She looked away bashfully, momentarily unable to handle the way he was looking at her. Y/N didn’t know if she could accurately describe just how intense it felt; just that it made every hair on her arms stand at attention, and every nerve ending spark with live current. Jensen offered his elbow to her just like he did on New Year’s Eve, and once again, she took it happily, closing the front door behind her.
As Jensen escorted her from the front door to his truck, Y/N had a moment where she wondered if he made her feel like he did because he was simply the most genuine and kind man she’d been out with, or if it was because that’s what it felt like when you met your soulmate. He opened the car door for her and once she was in and he closed it, she watched him walk around the front of the truck and thought the night would help her to figure that out.
 “You never did tell me where we were going,” she said as she watched the city roll by from the passenger window. “I mean, this is you we’re talking about, so I don’t know if you’re taking me to McDonald’s or to The Met.” Y/N turned her head from the window to look at him and was met by a deadpan roll of the eyes.
“Seriously? McDonald’s?” he sighed.
“What? I’m not exactly a five-star bistro kinda girl, Jay. I’m ok with Mickey D’s, as long as you let me supersize.” She wiggled her brows and winked at him. Even when she was being purposefully sarcastic, he found her adorable.
“We are definitely not going to either of those places. I was shooting for something more in the middle.”
“A hint, perhaps?”
“Nope. Sorry, Trix. You’re just going to have to be patient. Besides, we’ll be there before you know it.”
“Terribly,” he smirked and directed his eyes back to the road in front of him.
True to his word, they arrived at the secret location shortly after. Jensen directed his truck through the entrance and to the parking lot, finding a space and killing the engine. Y/N realized they were in Republic Square and felt slightly confused until she spotted the sign near the edge of the lot that read “Jazz in the Park, Featuring FOR TONIGHT ONLY, Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox”. The realization hit her as to the evening’s entertainment and she whipped her head around to him.
“Seriously?! You got tickets that last minute?! I’ve always wanted to see Postmodern Jukebox!” she squealed and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.
In all the months he knew Y/N, Jensen had never seen such a rush of excitement come over her. He thought he had seen all of her expressions, but this was new and he found himself liking it, a lot.
“I did. I heard you talk about them enough, and saw there were a few tickets left so I grabbed ‘em.”
“You’re amazing, Jay, thank you,” she breathed, then leaned over and left a longing kiss on Jensen’s cheek.
His breath caught in his throat like it always did when she was that close. But Jensen was able to maintain his composure. “Come on, let’s go find a good spot.”
Once they were out of the truck, he went into the bed and retrieved the oversized plaid blanket he had there along with a big wicker basket.
“Well, well, maybe you ARE a Boy Scout after all,” Y/N said, surprised at all the effort he had put in for their date that had been planned with such short notice.
“Shall we?” he asked, tucking the blanket between his arm and the basket, and offering her his free hand.
Y/N smiled and took his hand, lacing their fingers together, excited for what the evening had in store. “Yes, please.”
After claiming a spot close to the stage, but not in the middle of the crowd, Jensen spread out the blanket and set the basket on top. He offered a hand to Y/N as she went to sit, then took his place beside her.
The park had been transformed into an intimate setting with the addition of twinkling white lights that were strung through the trees that lined the perimeter of the concert area. The evening air was a perfect temperature, and off in the distance, beyond the dreamy atmosphere of the fairy-like trees, the insects of twilight could be heard performing their own concerto.
“What’s in there?” she asked pointing at the basket, then lifting the lid to inhale the familiar, savory aroma. “What did you bring?!”
“Well,” Jensen said, a sly smirk on his face as he pulled the basket closer and opened it up a little. “Wine, cheese, grapes, some caviar--” he looked to Y/N and saw her eyes narrowed at him.
“I know the smell of a burger, Jay. Don’t give me that wine and cheese crap. What did you get?!” She sat up on her knees and tried to get a look in the basket, but he snapped it shut before she could. “Mean!” she sat back on her heels and pretended to pout.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed. Y/N continued to protrude her lower lip and look at up him with wide, sad eyes. “Come on, don’t ruin my fun. Close ‘em.”
Y/N played along and closed her eyes. A moment later she felt him place something in front of her and when he gave her the ok, she was able to see the lengths he really went to for their first date. Sitting on the blanket in front of her, was a six-pack of her favorite brew from his brewery and two styrofoam containers from The Salty Sow.
Jensen went back into the basket and retrieved utensils and napkins just as the opening band took the stage. The smooth soulful jazz was a nice backdrop to a dinner of their favorite burgers and the light, playful banter that flowed so easily between them. By the time that band had played through their set, Jensen and Y/N had cleared the debris from the food and were ready for PMJ to take the stage next.
There was a good size audience spread out across the meadow, and they all rose to their feet when Postmodern Jukebox began to play. They kicked off the first set with the more uptempo numbers, prompting a lot of the people that were up, to dance and move to the beat. Jensen took Y/N’s hand and tried to pull her close.
“Come dance with me, Trix.”
She laughed and shook her head. “I can’t dance, or did you forget?”
“Did I ever tell you that I have a bucket list?” he asked, ignoring her and refusing to let go of her hand.
“No,” she sighed, “do tell…”
“Well on that list, it very clearly says, ‘dance with Y/N’. Are you really going to deny me a chance to cross something off my bucket list?” he asked with a feigned offense. “Really?”
“The first night I met you, I told you I dance like Elaine from Seinfeld, remember? Why would you subject yourself to that?” she asked with a chuckle.
“Oh, I remember. I also remember jumping into the frigid ocean just to get your attention,” he said, and brought her hand to his chest and held it there. “I remember asking you to come work with me…” his picked up her wrist, and brought it up to his shoulder, and laid her hand behind his neck. “I remember how you rolled your eyes at me constantly…” Y/N rolled her eyes purposefully at him, causing a smug grin to unfurl on his lips. “Yup, just like that.”
Finally, he slipped his arms around snuggly around her waist and began to sway her slowly to the music before he continued. “I remember you finally agreeing to come work with me after I sang Joy to the World, and then spent the night.”
The song ended, and just as Y/N half-heartedly tried to break away from him, PMJ’s cover of “Stay With Me” started to play. Jensen brought her in even closer, leaving barely a breath of space between their bodies.
“Oh no, that was barely a dance… Besides, I didn’t tell you what I remember the most about that first night.”
“What?” she asked, the question nearly silent as it caught in her throat.
“What I remember most, is how beautiful you looked in the moonlight.”
Y/N felt her chest ache at his words, and she instinctively felt the need to play it off like what he said was no big deal. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Laying it on a little thick, huh Hollywood?”
“No,” he breathed. “Not gonna let you do that.” His face turned serious as he held her a little tighter. “I mean it, Y/N. I knew that night that somehow, someway, I would get to hold you like this.”
“Jensen…” she breathed, unsure of what should come next.
Words were failing her. There was no snappy comeback, no witty retort she could throw at him that would shift the mood of the moment. What surprised her more was that she didn’t really want it to. Y/N wanted to be real with him. The simple act of allowing herself to dance with him was her being pretty open already, but she knew she had to go further. She wanted to put the walls down and be as vulnerable as he was; she craved it. Past experiences and regrettable choices were the only things holding her back, and it was while she danced with Jensen that she came to understand that they didn’t matter anymore. Jensen knew her, understood where she came from and how she’d been hurt because he had been too. He saw that in her and still wanted to be there, holding her while they danced under a canopy of stars.
Y/N sighed softly, and when her eyes were able to meet his she found the confidence to say what she needed to. “You were the first person I told that story to… the one about my dad. No one knew about that; not even my brother.”
The little smile Jensen had been wearing fell and was replaced by something softer. “Really?”
“Mhm, I just never wanted to share that. That was my thing with him. But that night, I don’t know, it just felt right. I wanted to tell you about it. I knew you were someone special when you jumped in the water and sang the song with barely any hesitation. I knew then that he would have liked you.”
“You think so?” Jensen smiled proudly hearing that from her. “I didn’t hesitate because I knew you’d be worth it. Whatever it took, would have been worth it for you to say yes,” he said, his voice low and raspy.
“After everything, you still think that?”
Jensen nodded, “Absolutely. What makes you think otherwise? Because of yesterday?”
Y/N shrugged. “Maybe. And, New Year’s… I know we promised to move on but, Jay… I still feel terrible, and--.”
“Don’t. I’m glad it happened the way it did. My head wasn’t ready for it all yet. Neither was yours. But having that time between then and now, I know for sure that whatever this is, isn’t just a passing thing. But I get still being cautious. So, if that means moving slowly towards something, I am happy to take the scenic route.”
“You really mean that?” she asked.
Before he responded, Jensen took a moment, letting his eyes gaze over her face, taking note of every freckle, the little dimples that only appeared when she smiled a certain way and how her eyes softened when she did. It was rare for him to see her like this; free of the facade she put up to keep people at arm’s reach. This was Y/N, real, raw and stunningly beautiful in her vulnerability.
“Yeah, I really mean that. I’m in, Trix. I’m all in. Just promise you won’t shut me out; not about what you feel, not about your past, not about what you want for your future. And I promise you to do the same.”
“Wow… dinner, music, dancing and heartfelt promises… what’s next?”
“Aaand there she is,” he teased, the smiling growing on his lips was still there when he leaned in to kiss her.
Y/N kissed him back as they danced close, eventually resting her head his chest, and his cheek to the top of her head as the song came to a close.
The band took a short intermission, so Jensen and Y/N sat back down and he opened them each another beer. As they got comfortable stretching out on the blanket, she began to look around the park. He watched her closely, something he had become quite fond of doing, and could tell that her mind was plotting and planning for when this park was under their control later that year.
“Stop it,” he chuckled and drank from the bottle.
“Stop what?”
“Planning. Plotting. Whatever you’re doing. No work tonight.”
“I’m not!” she objected and took a sip of her own beer, then shrugged subtly and sighed. “Ok, maybe I was, a little. But, I can’t help myself. I’m excited. Seeing this place set up like this, I can really envision our stage up there when the time comes.”
“It is pretty exciting. Honestly, I can’t believe how close it's getting. I couldn’t have done it without you, you know.”
“I know,” she sighed, waiting a beat, then winked at him playfully.
“Since it came up… there is one thing we haven’t talked about.”
“What’s that?”
“Well… since I met you, I’ve seen you do burlesque, play piano and sing with Bri, jam with Robbie… but you have yet to sing with me even once.”
“We can sing together anytime, Jay,” she chuckled.
“No, I mean at the festival.”
“You wanna sing with me at Brewfest?” she breathed. “Really?”
“You bet your ass I do, I think we should do a few songs together. Besides that, I think you should get up there with a band and do your own stuff. I know you have songs ready and I also know that Louden Swain would be more than happy to learn them and back you up on stage.”
“I--I don’t know, Jay. I’m doing a number with The Corsettes at one of the theater locations downtown, and I would be thrilled to share a stage with you. I don’t know about my stuff though. It’s not…” she trailed off and shrugged. “It’s just not good enough.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“How would you know? You haven’t even heard it yet,” she laughed and waved him off.
“Because Robbie heard it. I trust Rob and he said its beyond good. Will you at least think about it?”
The stage came to life again as the band returned from the brief intermission. Just as the music picked up again, she turned to Jensen and nodded. “I promise to think about it.”
Jensen leaned over and left a soft kiss on her cheek. “That’s my girl,” he whispered before pulling away and leaning back on his hands; his long legs stretched out before him, giving his attention over to the stage.
Several songs later, Y/N found herself leaning back on her hands as well, her shoulder leaning against Jensen’s, just lazily enjoying the show. The music was heavenly and the air of the evening was deliciously warm with the slightest bit of a breeze. The opening notes of “Every Breath You Take” began, and it made her sit up a little straighter. The original being a favorite, this particular cover was quite beautiful. As the songstress’ voice filled the park, Y/N couldn’t help but look over at Jensen, who wasn’t watching the stage at all; his eyes were firmly fixed on her.
Jensen sat up. He gingerly took her legs and swung them his way so they were draped over his lap, and slid her across the blanket so she was as close as she could be. She giggled and locked in with his gaze. He left his hand to rest on her knee and leaned in to kiss her again. It was soft and gentle, and when she kissed him back, his hand began to move slightly up her thigh, brushing past the hem of her dress. Her hand was on his cheek, sliding to his jaw than to his collarbone and coming to on the back of his neck.
She tried to remember they were in a public place, but the feel of his lips against hers was too good right then to let go of. With this particular song as the backdrop, she felt herself getting lost in him. Jensen’s lips moved from her mouth but didn’t go far. He left a trail of delicate, lingering kisses along her jaw until he reached her neck. He kissed her there, softly yet wanting. The path of his lips stopped when he reached the collar of her dress, and that’s when he lifted his head and met her gaze.
Jensen caressed her cheek with his hand and smiled wistfully. “So, better than Rome would have been?”
“Way better,” she whispered and leaned into his touch, finding his lips again and continued kissing him sweetly.
It didn’t get heated, or greedy; it was tempered and loving. Just the two of them lost in each other and in the song. When it ended, they let the other go. Jensen put his arm around her and held her as close as he could until PMJ closed the show a short time later.
The drive back to the townhouse was quiet but in a comfortable, contented kind of way. The next day she would be off to Seattle, then to New Jersey. Jensen would be back in Vancouver by the time she returned, so it was their last bit of time together for who knew how long.
He parked the truck and went around to open her door for her.
“I gotta say, Hollywood, you are quite the gentleman. Your mama did a damn good job.”
“I’ll be sure to tell her you said that,” he said, and squeezed her hand.
They strolled up to the front door, neither wanting the night to end, but knowing that it had too. If she was lucky, she could get in four solid hours of sleep before leaving for the airport.
“I feel sixteen again,” Jensen chuckled, feeling a little nervous. “Afraid your dad is gonna start flashing the porch light at us. So, when are we in the same city again?”
Y/N sighed, and Jensen thought she seemed as suddenly anxious as he was. “I’m not sure. I hope soon.”
“Before San Diego would be good. Think we could work that out?”
“I will do some planning on the plane. We’ll make it work.”
“Well, since things are going to get hectic, do me a favor and clear the first weekend in August.”
“August? Why August?”
“Gen is throwing Jared a belated birthday, Luau style.”
“Oh, well now, that seems fun. Are you asking me to be your date?” she asked and raised her brow in question and flashed the impish smile he couldn’t get enough of.
“What do you think?”
“I think I need to find a grass skirt.”
“Oh God, please, yes. Do that.” Jensen bit his lower lip at the thought of it and she smacked him gently. “I guess this is goodnight, huh?”
Y/N’s smile faded and she reluctantly nodded. “Unless you wanna cancel the festival and run off somewhere...” she tried to tease, but there was the underlying disappointment and knowledge that of course, they couldn’t.
“Don’t tempt me, Trix.”
“Alright. Another time, then?”
“Absolutely,” he said, almost breathless at the thought.
They embraced under the light on the porch and held each other for a long minute. Jensen kissed her, and despite the warm night air, ripples of goosebumps cascaded down her arms. He could feel himself craving more of her. Jensen was the first to break away; he had too.
“I should go,” he sighed. “If I don’t…” Jensen just shook his head and ran his tongue out and over his bottom lip.
“I know… I should go, too. Get some sleep. Thank you for tonight. It was perfect.”
“It was pretty perfect, wasn’t it?” He took a step off the porch and started to slowly head for the driveway. He paused and turned around, continuing to walk back towards his truck. “Let me know when you land tomorrow, okay? And how that schedule pans out…”
Y/N nodded, and pulled the door key from her purse and called out to him, “Night, Hollywood.”
She knew she should go in, but she didn’t want to until she saw him in the truck. Knowing he wouldn’t leave until he saw her actually go inside, Y/N unlocked the door and did just that. She closed it behind her, set the deadbolt, then closed her eyes and leaned her back against it.
“Oh, girl... “ she whispered to the empty room. “You are so, incredibly fucked.”
 Thirty minutes later, Y/N had retreated up to her room and changed into her pajamas. She’d gone through her nighttime rituals and slipped under the covers with a contented sigh. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand to check her alarm, and before she could navigate to the clock, the phone started to ring. The same mysterious number came up that had been calling on and off since Chicago. She pressed answer and brought it to her ear.
“Look, if you’re gonna keep calling, at least try to scam me or sell me something!” she groaned and waited another second. Ready to hang up, she stopped when she finally heard another voice.
“Stay the fuck away from Jensen. Alright? You’re outta your league here, lady. I saw you two tonight… the way you act around him, disgusting. No one should have had to see that! So why don’t you leave him the fuck alone and go back to that cesspool you came from!”
The other end went silent and the call ended. She immediately went to the call history and hit redial, refusing to let Dee--and she knew it was Dee--get in the last word. The call wouldn’t connect anytime she tried to dial, it would just beep three times fast, then end the call.
“Sorry, Dee,” Y/N muttered with a breath of anger, as she went back to the call log and blocked the number. “You’re too late, he’s already moved on.” She tossed the cell back to the bedside table and fumed before the image of Jensen floated back in her mind. 
Her beacon of light. She replayed his words “...I’m all in...” and laid back down in the bed. 
“Dee... Nathan... neither one of them are going to ruin this for us,” she whispered as she tried to close her eyes and drift off to sleep. “I won’t let them.”
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Everything Tags: @kazosa // @sorenmarie87  // @lefthologramdeer//  @his-paradox //  @letsby // @thefaithfulwriter // @sister-winchesters99 // @thymeheals
SUPERNATURAL TAGS: @wings-of-a-raven // @negans-wife // @mrsbarnes-rogers  // @teller258316 // @spnhollis // @sweet-things-4-life // @hobby27 // @sweetlythoughtfulbird // @theoriginalvicki // @dreamchester67 // @xxwarhawk// @babykalika2001 // @superwhovianfangirl81 // @toobusynerdfighting // @missihart23 // @idreamofplaid // @thewinchesterchronicles // @wayward-gypsy  // @closetspngirl // @fatestemptress // @rebelminxy  // @22sarah08 // @witch-of-letters// @cole-winchester // @rainflowermoon // @adoptdontshoppets // @waywardvalkyrie // @fandomoniumflurry // @gnrfanfic// @blackcherrywhiskey // @jessieray98  // @lyoly  // @a–1–1–3 // @31shadesofbrown // @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare// @pilaxia // @screechingartisancashbailiff //  @kgbrenner // @holylulusworld // @deansenwackles // @jamielea81 // @coffeebooksandfandom // @logical-princey // @gemini0410 // @salt-n-burn-em-all // @collette04 // @mrswhozeewhatsis // @deathofmissjackson // @lauravic // @akshi8278 // @katehuntington // @81mysteriouslyme
When You Least Expect It: @winchest09 // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @aomi-nabi // @luciathewinchestergirl // @alexisxwinchester // @moonxdance // @seppys-return-to-madness // @donnaintx // @deans-baby-momma // @the-is13
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atc74 · 5 years
Anything You Can Do
Square(s) Filled: Girl Power for @spnfluffbingo2019
Warnings: playground antics, flirting, fluff, ahhh, IDK, it’s fun! Implied sex as payment (it’s REALLY not what you think)
Summary: Jared opens his man-child mouth and it’s on! It’s a karaoke battle for the ages and the ladies are in it to win it! But, when this crew shows up, there are no losers!
Pairing: Reader x past OC, Rob x Reader, Jensen x Briana
Word Count: 4455
Written for: @spnfluffbingo2019
Beta’d by: @alleiradayne​ who was crazy enough to support this idea from the beginning and my dear @amanda-teaches​, whom I would be lost without. 
A/N: I wanted to do something really fun and who of us wouldn’t be up for some of this on a Friday night???!!!! All the songs were painstakingly chosen for reasons. There are also some shameless plugs for my boys Louden Swain. 
Also a shout out to my friend Beth @brooksba, who took all the amazing photos found in the graphic below!
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It was a rare convention weekend when all the guests showed up on a Friday. The green room was fuller than normal as Jensen, Jared, Rob, Rich, Briana, Kim, Y/N, Ruth and the boys from the band sat around shooting the breeze. The green room always had a relaxed and playful atmosphere and this time was no different. 
“Oh come on! You cannot burp the alphabet!” Jared scoffed as Briana picked up a warm soda from the table and opened it. 
“Why, cause I’m a girl?” she challenged him and the room exploded with the disbelief of all those in attendance that Jared dare say such a thing to her, or any of the women on the convention circuit. 
“Well,” Jared looked around sheepishly, waiting for someone to help him. 
“Nope. You’re on your own with this one pal!” Rich slapped him on the back. “You have awakened the beast.”
“I just mean, you’re little and…” Jared tried to come up with another reason. Christ, Gen was going to kill him when he got home. 
“I may be little but I am fierce, Jarpad,” Briana grinned and chugged the soda. It wasn’t long before a symphony of belches in the form of the alphabet song erupted from her. “Anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you.” She sang as she high fived Kim and Y/N. 
“No, no, no. Not this again,” Jensen chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Oh yeah! I am so down for this. And this time, a wager perhaps?” Rich went into full on emcee mode. “What do y’all say about a battle for the ages? A karaoke battle, if you will. It is Friday after all.” 
“Yesss!” The women shouted. 
“Winner picks the losers costume for the next convention?” Rich continued, knowing he had the ladies all in for this. “Fellas? You gonna back down from a challenge?” 
“Hell no! I’m in!” Matt Cohen raised his hand. 
“Yeah, I’ll do it. I mean, I am a professional,” Rob joined him, making eye contact with Y/N shyly across the room.
“Can’t leave my fearless leader in the wind. I’ll do it,” Mike Borja threw his proverbial hat in the ring, looking at the last three. 
“Don’t look at me! I don’t sing!” Jared backed away slowly. 
Jensen glanced to Jason, then back to the women, all with shit eating grins on their faces. “I’m probably gonna regret this, but okay. Jason and I are in.” 
“Wait, how did I get wrapped into this? I’m not an idiot like Jared!” Jason defended. 
“No, but you are a team player buddy and we need you if we’re going to stand a chance,” Jensen replied, looking to Briana with a wink. 
“Splendid! The rules are simple. I, and only I, will pick your songs. No one else will know what you are singing but me. Now, go. Be gone. Out damn spot!” Rich grinned ear to ear as he pulled out his phone, making the most epic list of his convention career. 
“Y/N, girl, are you gonna tell him or not?” Briana asked her pointedly when they got to Briana’s room to get ready for the Karaoke Party.
“Yeah, did you see the way he was looking at you?” Kim chimed in. 
“You guys, I just ended a really bad relationship and he’s my friend,” Y/N said. “I don’t want to ruin what we have.” 
“Then don’t. Just ruin him for all other women!” Ruth giggled. 
“Oh my god Ruthie!” Y/N hid her flushed face behind her hands. 
“And may I point out that you didn’t ‘just’ end that relationship. It’s been over for weeks officially,” Kim reminded her. 
“And you gotta get back on that horse sometime. No time like the present I say!” Briana laughed. 
“Come on, Y/N. You’re an overachiever! Just go out there tonight and be amazing; sing your rock song. This is real life, babe and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a leg up on him and he won’t know what hit him!” Kim encouraged. 
“All’s fair in love and war and karaoke battles,” Ruth chirped. “This is how you’ll win the big one, Y/N, ready steady.” 
“Okay, okay okay! I get it. Gosh, you all sure know a lot of their songs,” Y/N rolled her eyes as Briana dragged her in the bathroom to curl her hair. 
“Aha! You know all the songs, too!” Kim shouted. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N smiled at Briana in the mirror. 
“You’re gonna knock his socks off,” she smiled back. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Karaoke! Boy oh boy, do we have a special treat for y’all tonight! During some green room antics earlier, a challenge has been issued,” Rich paused, waiting for the audience to quiet some and let him finish his intro. “Tonight, with you good people as witnesses, will be a battle to battle all battles! The ladies versus the men
of Supernatural will battle it out for bragging rights right here on this stage!!” 
The crowd exploded in cheers and applause. Rich drew a slip of paper from the bowl and the first few fans sang their songs to roaring applause. Briana, Kim, Rich, Rob and Matt all joined in on stage for the fun. 
“Please may I get a warm welcome for Miss Y/N Y/L/N!” Rich announced. 
Y/N walked through the curtain, kissing him lightly on the cheek and whispering in his ear. “I know what you’re doing Rich. I’ll get you back for this.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about darlin’. Now go, sing!” Rich shooed her from his side. 
The beat started and Y/N started rocking her body with its rhythm. “Yeah!”
“I’m coming up so you better get this party started!
I’m coming up so you better get this party started!
Get this party started on a Friday night
Everybody’s waiting for me to arrive
Sending out the message to all of my friends…” 
The crowd was going wild, bouncing and singing along as Y/N worked them into a frenzy with her first song of the evening. If this was any indication of how the night would go, she didn’t care who won, she was having a damn good time, and she made sure the crowd was too as she finished her song. 
“Well, well, well, I guess we really got this party started now!” Rich laughed, pulling another name from the bowl. 
“Please give it up for Miss Briana Buckmaster!” Rich shouted as Briana walked forward. 
Briana took center stage in front of the screen. She was holding her breath, praying Rich didn’t pick something lame. When the screen lit up and the music started, she gave it everything, knowing they had this shit in the bag. 
“Step back gonna come at ya fast
I’m driving out of control
And getting ready to crash
Won’t stop shaking up what I can
I serve it up in a shot
So suck it down like a man
So baby yes I know what I am
And no I don’t give a damn
And you’ll be loving it up
Some days I’m a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won’t last forever
Next day I’m your supergirl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin’ better…”
From the first word, the crowd was loving it and singing along with her. Jensen watched discreetly from the side of the stage, cursing Jared for opening his gigantic mouth, but loving the view. Man that girl could sing! And the way she moved…mesmerizing, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. It definitely keeps getting better. 
Briana finished off her song and Rich stepped up to announce the next name. “You know, Robby, we’ve been doing this for how long? Four, five, sixty years?” 
“Oh about sixty I think, from how old I feel at the end of a convention weekend,” Rob quipped, the audience breaking out in laughter.  
“And never, in all that time, has this next person ever, ever, graced us with his presence on a Friday night. Did you know that?” Rich asked Rob. 
“Never, ever?” Rob repeated. 
“Never. So without further ado, please welcome to the karaoke stage for the first time EVER, Mr. Jensen Ackles!” Rich stepped away, letting Jensen saunter on the stage. The crowd was deafening and could not believe that Jensen would not only attend the Karaoke party, but actually participate!
“Thanks buddy. Don’t make me make you regret this,” he chuckled as the music started and he shook his head. He looked to the side and made eye contact with Briana, a knowing grin on her face. 
“Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to her howlin’ roar
Metal under tension
Beggin’ you to touch and go
Highway to the danger zone
Ride into the danger zone
Headin’ into twilight
Spreadin’ out her wings tonight
She got you jumpin’ off the track
And shovin’ into overdrive…”
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Jensen was never one for karaoke, but loved to sing and did so with everything he had. The song, while not special to him in any way, held a new meaning after tonight. He looked out among the crowd and was energized by them. 
“Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity…”
Jensen closed out his song with vigor, feeding off the fans, much like he does at a Saturday Night Special Concert. He tossed Rich his microphone and practically bounced off backstage. 
“Robby, I think you know what I’m going to say,” Rich paused for dramatic effect. 
“Rich, I might play God on television, but I don’t know what you’re going to say. I might actually be afraid of what you’re going to say,” Rob turned to face the audience, a knowing look on his face. 
“Well Bobbo, we’re gonna turn it up a notch. Please put your dirty little hands together for the one, the only, Miss Kim Rhodes!” Rich roared and the crowd went nuts. Kim ran out onto the stage, a smile splitting her face from ear to ear. She was always a fan favorite at karaoke and Rich knew with the song he picked, this would be no different. 
As soon as the music started, Kim threw her arms in the air and started stomping her feet along with the beat. 
“County road two thirty-three under my feet
Nothin’ on this white rock but little ol’ me
I’ve got two miles till he makes bail
And if I’m right, we’re headed straight for hell
I’m goin’ home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door, and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well, now he’s got one
And he ain’t seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face, and he shook me like a rag doll
Don’t that sound like a real man?
I’m going to show him what little girls are made of
Gunpowder and lead…”
“Come on! I can’t hear you!” Kim screamed. “Let’s make sure everyone knows we’re having a fucking good time tonight!” 
“Well, it’s half past ten, another six-pack in
And I can feel the rumble like the cold black wind
He pulls in the drive, the gravel flies
He don’t know what’s waiting here this time
 I’m goin’ home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door, and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well, now he’s got one
And he ain’t seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face, and he shook me like a rag doll
Don’t that sound like a real man?
I’m going to show him what little girls are made of
Gunpowder and lead…”
The decibels were so high, it was a miracle anyone could hear anything after Kim finished, whipping the crowd into an even higher gear. 
“Well, Kim really knows how to put on a show doesn’t she? You think she gets that from Zach and Cody?” Rich turned to Rob, who could only shake his head at his friend. 
“I will end you Speight,” Kim’s voice carried through the PA system. 
“Well Bobbo, I guess it’s your turn!” Rich quickly got back to business. 
“Well this should be fun,” Rob commented, waiting somewhat awkwardly for the music to queue.
Now, the Black Crowes were a good band, a great band, but Rob wasn’t sure if this was the kind of message he wanted to send. But he undoubtedly knew it was exactly the message Rich wanted him to send. 
“Baby here I am
I’m the man on the scene
I can give you what you want
But you gotta’ come home with me
“Girl, you have no idea how into you he is,” Briana cooed, her red lips just inches from Y/N’s flushed cheeks. “I couldn’t have picked a better song myself.” She just smiled, throwing her arm over her friend’s shoulders as she watched Rob work his magic on the crowd, and Y/N.
I have got some good old lovin’
And I got some more in store
When I get through throwin’ it on
You gotta’ come back for more
Boys will come along a dime by the dozen
That ain’t nothing but ten cent lovin’
Pretty little thing, let me light your candle
‘Cause mama I’m sure hard to handle now, yessir'am
Action speaks louder than words
And I’m a man of great experience
I know you’ve got another man
But I can love you better than him
At first Rob felt dirty singing this, knowing Richard’s intent behind it, but by the end, stealing glances at Y/N throughout the song, Rob threw caution to the wind. He ran to the side of the stage and sang directly to her. It was no secret to everyone that Rob had a giant crush on her. It was only lost on her. Maybe he could get her to notice. 
Take my hand don’t be afraid
I’m gonna prove every word I say
I’m advertising love for free
So you can place your ad with me
Boys will come along a dime by the dozen
That ain’t nothing but ten cent lovin’
Pretty little thing, let me light your candle
'Cause mama I’m sure hard to handle now, yessir'am…”
Y/N was blushing furiously, her mouth agape as Kim and Bri led her backstage for her next song. She looked like she could use a stiff drink. Or two. Ruthie was headed out just as they walked in. She winked at Y/N and skipped behind the curtain as Rich called her name. 
Ruth was a great entertainer and sang a fun filled rendition of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, getting the whole crowd involved, even pulling a few fans up on the stage. Mike Borja even joined the fun, then followed it up with ZZ Top’s Sharp Dressed Man. The crowd went wild for Matt Cohen as usual when he came out rapping Macklemore’s Can’t Hold Us like a beast and Jason slowed it down a bit with Tom Petty’s I Won’t Back Down. 
“We’ve got a few more songs for you good people tonight and I know I appreciate you letting these fools take over your karaoke party. Whaddya say we get Jensen back out here?” Rich addressed the screaming fans and it got even louder when Jensen made his way back through the curtain. “Oh Ackles, you’re gonna love this one!”
Jensen gave everybody the most epic bitch face that ever bitched when he realized what song was playing. But, ever the consummate performer, he rolled with it and knocked it out of the park in a way that only Jensen can do. 
This hit, that ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold
This one for them hood girls
Them good girls straight masterpieces
Stylin’, wilin’, livin’ it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Gotta kiss myself, I’m so pretty
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Called a police and a fireman
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Make a dragon wanna retire man
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Say my name you know who I am
I’m too hot (hot damn)
And my band 'bout that money, break it down
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me just watch (come on)
Briana watched from the wings, her skin heating up as she watched Jensen dance his dorky self across the stage, high-fiving fans, slapping Rich on the ass and stealing Borja’s hat. He could never pretend to be grumpy for long, and she got the feeling he was loving the whole experience and getting closer to the fans that the normal concert allows. 
Before we leave
Lemme tell y'all a lil’ something
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up uh
I said uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
“You better go jump on that!” Kim pushed her out onto the stage just as Jensen made his way over to where they were standing. Briana stumbled right into Jensen, but he easily caught her with one strong arm and pulled her with him to center stage. Briana was never a shy one and she wasted no time doing her worst as Jensen finished the song out, his eyes never leaving her  grinding body on the stage next to him. 
Come on, dance, jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
If you freaky then own it
Don’t brag about it, come show me
Come on, dance
Jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
Well it’s Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me just watch come on!
“Well that was incredible wasn’t it? Watching two of the world’s most beautiful people get their freak on in front of a couple hundred people? But damn if it wasn’t a good time!” Rich laughed, his body rolling forward as Jensen and Briana made their way off stage. “Oh no Miss Buckmaster! You get that fine ass back here! Might as well bring him with.” 
“Richie, can I at least pick?” Briana pouted, standing close enough so only RIch could hear her. 
“Oh no sweet cheeks! The whole idea was for me to pick the songs!” Rich reminded her. “Besides, the ladies are totally killing it!” 
“Yeah, we are!” she smiled. “Fine. Let’s do this.” 
Briana killed Whitney’s I’m Every Woman, all the ladies coming out to join her, as they tormented the men, Jason even pulling Jared on stage, so he could see how they were getting beat down by a bunch of girls. 
“Brother, it doesn’t matter the competition, women will win every day of the week and twice on Sundays,” Jason slapped him on the shoulder as he headed off stage. “I need a drink.” 
“So Rich tells me I’m up for another one. Hit it Maestro,” Y/N smiled. The music started and she knew she had Rich to thank. This song had become her anthem. He had been a good friend and better listener over the last several months and she was grateful for him, grateful for all of them. She could never picture her life without the crazy family she had found. 
“This is for every single one of you that has been through hell and came out the other side…like a Winchester,” she grabbed the microphone and readied herself. 
“You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I’d come running back
Baby you don’t know me, 'cause you’re dead wrong
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn’t mean I’m over 'cause you’re gone…”
Y/N laughed as she danced around the stage, much like she did alone in her apartment or trailer. She finally felt like herself again. 
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I’m not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I’m finally thinking 'bout me
You know in the end the day I left was just my beginning
In the end
Bouncing around the stage, Y/N closed out the song to a standing ovation and ringing ears. She had never felt lighter. She hugged Rich, giving back the microphone. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, but I ain’t done yet,” he winked at her. “Robbie, you’re up buddy!” 
As soon as the title card hit the screen on stage, Rob groaned internally. The audience picked up the whistling for the first 45 seconds as Rob gave his best friend a piece of his mind, a smile on his face all the while. 
“Rich! What are you doing? You totally set me up for this. I’m going to kill you in your sleep, just so you know!” 
“Ohhh Bobbo, you’ll thank me in the morning and we both know it. Everyone knows it. Now focus and sing Axl!” Rich slapped Rob’s ass before ducking off stage. Rob looked around and caught Ruth and Y/N off to the side, slowly swaying to the tune. 
“Shed a tear 'cause I’m missin’ you
I’m still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn’t sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you’re in my heart now
Said “woman take it slow, and it’ll work itself out fine”
All we need is just a little patience
Said “sugar make it slow and we’ll come together fine”
All we need is just a little patience (Patience)
Mm, yeah
I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I’d rather be alone
If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear
Sometimes I get so tense but I can’t speed up the time
But you know love there’s one more thing to consider
Said “woman take it slow and things will be just fine”
You and I’ll just use a little patience
Said “sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright”
You and I’ve got what it takes to make it
We won’t fake it, I’ll never break it
'Cause I can’t take it…”
Y/N left Ruth’s side and strolled to where Rob stood center stage, his hand wrapped tightly around the microphone, his eyes closed as he whistled the quick few notes. When he opened his eyes, he found her right beside him. 
Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah 
I’ve been walking the streets at night
Just trying to get it right
It’s hard to see with so many around
You know I don’t like being stuck in the crowd 
And the streets don’t change but maybe the names
I ain’t got time for the game 'cause I need you 
Yeah, yeah, yeah but I need you
Oh, I need you 
Oh, I need you 
Ooh this time 
Rob looked down at the end of the song, the ballroom booming with cheers and applause, to find Y/N’s hand clasped tightly in his. 
“All you needed was a little patience,” she smiled up at him. 
“If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear,” Rob admitted, a blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“Take it slow and things will be just fine,” she squeezed his hand and they rushed off the stage, only to be besieged by their friends. 
“I knew it!” Kim threw her hands up in victory. 
“Well that took longer than it should have,” Ruth giggled, sashaying back to the refreshments. 
Y/N watched as Jared and Matt both slapped twenties in Jason’s hand. 
“You bet on us?” Y/N asked, a mix of outrage and amusement as she looked among her friends, her hand still in Rob’s. His face was somewhere between pride, joy and shame. 
“Hell yeah we did,” Jensen chimed in. “Now pay up Buckmaster!” 
“I’m fresh out of cash, Ackles. Sorry,” she swayed towards him. 
He grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her to him. “ I can think of plenty of ways you can work it off.” His deep timbre practically a growl before he kissed her. 
Catcalls could be heard out on the stage no doubt. Rich poked his head through the curtain. “I missed it?” 
“Told ya you would!” Kim hollered, holding out her hand. Rich, Mike, Y/N and Ruth all slipped her their payment. “Jas and I cleaned up. Come on folks, first rounds on us!” 
“I guess it was a wager in more ways than one tonight, huh?” Rob chuckled, turning to face Y/N, a smile lighting up his face. 
“Our friends may have bet on us, but I’m still a winner,” she grinned, lifting her chin to meet his baby blues. 
“Yeah? How so?” he asked.
“Well, I’m pretty sure I got the guy, but I am still missing my winnings,” she stepped closer, mere inches separated them and she could feel the heat emanating from his lean body. 
“What winnings are those?” he whispered, closing the distance even more.
“I still need your payment on the Buckles bet,” she reminded him. 
“Oh yeah, what do I owe you again?” he feigned innocence. 
“Let me think,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his in a sweet and slightly heated first kiss. “I think about a thousand more of those would be a good start.” 
“Seems like a steep wager, Miss Y/L/N,” Rob quipped. “But I think I’d like to up the ante.” 
“You’re on. Just remember, anything you can do, I can do better,” she giggled under his steady gaze. 
“It’s going to be a fun weekend,.” Rob mumbled, grabbing her by the neck and kissed her harder this time, leaving her breathless and wanting more. He pulled away, her lips chasing his. “Patience, my dear. Just a little patience.” 
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