#but fun fact! some of them are doing fine by expanding their range!
fenraheart · 5 months
[this post is NOT about veganism. The concepts overlap but like. I’m talking about smth specific here. Do not derail]
So frustrating when invasive animals need to be killed to protect an endangered animal sometimes animal rights activists step in and are like “nooo don’t kill killing animals is bad :(“
Like, my dude, the endangered animal is gonna die if humans don’t step in. You’re just passively killing instead of actively killing.
Often, the reason the invasive animal is there is Because of humans. So instead put your money and energy into, i don’t know, climate change prevention or habitat restoration.
Or, focus on a topic which has a bigger ethical question like, “if the invading animal is doing so because it is endangered elsewhere, is it ok to let it invade? (e.g. corals and kelp forests)” Or, “what is a species? If we kill/interbreed a subspecies to protect the overall species, is that ok?”
I just wish people listened to scientists and research more 😭
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dumbawesomev69 · 4 months
Faunus evolution Arc edition
(all art from madly Mesozoic on YouTube)
River elephant
In port class he talks about Hippo faunus as he shows a video of them however jaune knew something was wrong.
Jaune: professor port, those aren't Hippo faunus they're river elephants.
Mr port: What, how can you tell?
Jaune: well..
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River elephant faunus: Yeah buddy!!!
Other river elephant faunus: Yeah buddy!!!
Jaune: my great great great great grandfather was a river elephant.
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Ruby: They don't seem afraid of Grimm.
Jaune: yeah did I really afraid of anything they're just very aggressive to anything whether they're grimm or not.
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Fun fact: River elephants are actually elephants that evolved adapting to a Hippo lifestyle.They adapted to an omnivorous diet eating plants and crustaceans and of course they are still at threat by predators but they have shown they handle even the biggest threat.
Grazing gorgon
Snow has come to the city of Argus as saphorn arc and her wife terra arc were out with their son Adrian arc as he plays in the snow at the park.
Terra: Adrian really loves the snow.
Saphorn: yeah he does, hey let's get some hot chocolate.
Terra: yeah, wait who's going to stay and watch Adrian.
Saphorn: he'll be fine my parents left us alone many times so it's fine.
The two got up and left as their son continued to play when his little stomach growled as Adrian looked for his mother a faunus wearing a white mask picked him up and ran into the woods.
Adam looks out from the woods before turning to a white fang member. "Those two were idiots leaving their son alone now he will be an example why the White fang shouldn't be messed with."
Another white fang member approaches Adam. "Uh Adam maybe we should return the kid."
Adam: what!? Why!
The member points towards some trees which confuses him until he makes his way over and looks to see the white fang member who took Adrian dead lying in the snow.
Adam looks to see Adrian feasting in the corpse.
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Adam: .....
Minutes later
Saphorn and terra return to find Adrian crawling towards them.
Saphorn: see I told you, wait is that blood.
Terra: oh no please let it be a squirrel and not another pet, we still recovering from the neighbor cat incident.
Saphorn: To be fair that pussy cat had it coming.
The two took their son home as Adam watched them leave. "Note to self make sure kid isn't a faunus killing machine."
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Fun fact: grazing gorgon will actually eat carrion, eggs and small mammals to expand their diet and in some cases they will actually follow mammoths for food in some cases they will be attacked by sabertooth or other predators in which in the end the grazing Gorgon will feast upon the would be attacker.
Winter tryant
Weiss was putting makeup on when her brother walked in making her sighs. "what is it Whitley?"
Whitley: what can't a brother see her sister.
Weiss: I know you whitley what is it you want.
Whitley: I just don't get how you got yourself a boyfriend, you sure you didn't use your psychotropic pheromones.
Weiss smirks. "Of course I did once but well let's just say I learned my lesson very well~."
Before Whitley can ask the doorbell rang as weiss immediately rush down stairs as the rest of the family arrives when Weiss opened the door revealing a very tall blonde teen with two antlers on his head as Jacques eyes widen in fear while winter, Willow and Whitley all have a bright blush on there face.
Weiss: Family meet Jaune arc, my boyfriend.
Jaune: it's nice to meet you all.
Jacques finally found his voice. "Wait arc!? I know that family, they're nothing more than a bunch of fuck up bastards and sluts."
Jaune: Excuse me what was that.
Jacques: You heard me brat.
Jaune: I believe you should apologize before I do something I might regret.
Jacques: Here's your apologies!
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Jacques: Oh shit
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Jacques ran screaming as jaune chases after him leaving Weiss with the rest of her family.
Willow: so Weiss your boyfriend is something else~
Winter: indeed~
Whitley: Said Weiss are you-
Weiss: I'm willing to share with him because he is a big handful especially for my teammates.
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Fun fact: winter tryants are tyrannosaurus Rex the evolve for the coldest areas of the ark and their antlers on their head help with fighting against the Charfka telepathic abilities and to flip them over.
Night wolf chimp
We found jaune looking through his family tree book with his teammates and team rwby having a good time when they get to jaune mother family which wasn't so cheerful.
Blake: uh jaune why are their pictures of random people and faunus?
Jaune: oh right, they are my mothers family slaves she doesn't talk much about her past but my mom's side weren't exactly the kindness or nicest faunus in fact it's a reason why bandits keep their fires lit at night.
Nora: jaune-jaune your family are mixed faunus so what was your mother.
Jaune: believe it or not my mother was a cross between chimp and bonobo faunus becoming the first ever hybrids.
Ren: I'm guessing they didn't have a courtship.
Jaune: from what Mom told me, the males took the females after killing the males and forced them to have children with them. Over time my mother and few others become the first hybrids to carry on their nightly raids talking villages camps and even small sediments on Islands however over time we develop a relationship with a few well the rest of the time they view them as pests. My mother was lucky enough to find my father after that she gave of her old ways and married my father and started a family.
Both teams can hear the regret in jaune voices. "Hey if it's anything, my mother is a bandit who abandon me and Ruby's father."
Jaune smiles towards yang. "A little bit but I can learn from this, we make our own future and not let our parents past get in the way."
Pyrrha: hey jaune what about your father, and his side of the family.
Jaune: uh well that's for another time.
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Fun fact: night wolf chimps hunt during Dawn going after mammals, birds, lizards, bugs, terrasaurs, smaller dinosaurs, fruits and larger dinosaurs which is rare. They are known to have some relationships with other great evolve apes like kudo kubwa even assist in combat with a meal at the end of it.
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spookfished · 6 months
media roundup february
hi everybody :3 i didnt really read a lot in february i was busy 'doing school' and 'looking for employment.' sad! i have spring break coming up so im planning on using that time to read a bunch (and also apply for more jobs -_-) this post and previous can be found on my neocities!
revenant gun by yoon ha lee: the last book in the hexarchate series, starting with ninefox gambit. (slightly edited from my discord review, SPOILERS INCOMING). in machineries of empire, there a disconnect between what the audience craves and what the book is willing to give them-- for example, things like Whats up with the calendar + the hexarchate, why did jedao do all that, etc. this works in the books favor (imo) by increasing tension, creating a sense of discovery, and avoiding clunky exposition.
however in the two sequels it expands not just to what the audience wants but also what they like. care about? some big examples are the weight of the remembrances* and less cheris, but also stuff like jedaos focus. which isnt bad like i like jedao. but like, if you Dont you sure do get a lot of him. also did anyone actually like brezan sorry. hes fine like for example with the end of a memory called empire, when the protag (forgot her name sorry) loses her brain buddy, it feels like a second coming of age almost--her brain buddys been a crutch but now she gets to stand on her own (albeit as a changed person, with brain buddys influence). vs cheris who kinda starts to feel like a cameo character who literally fucks off for nine years??? there is also a sort of ongoing sense of "these sacrifices for the greater good are ok (if sad) and these are not" whihc ngl sometimes feels pretty arbitrary to me. and given that machineries of empire focuses on like the Littlest most downtrodden people it really is wild yhat we dont see a lot of civilian life? anyways i enjoyed it and i think its worth finishing out the trilogy but it wasnt as satisfying as i could have hoped (ALSO NINEFOX GAMBIT IS A REALLY FUN SOLID READ. I LIKED IT A LOT)
*the rememberances are a set of ritualized tortures that create a power structure that literally powers a lot of the empire's technology. this is a very cool concept! a big part of jedao and cheris' rebellion is about making a place that Doesnt have to run on torture. except that like, besides the intellectual knowledge that Torture Is Bad as a reader i didnt really feel that invested in this? like we only get to See a remembrance happening midway thru book 3. im not like advocating for torture porn or anything but it seems weird to have that be the focal thing when neither cheris nor jedao had any scenes where they were affected by it (and so the audience didnt have anything like that either). idk it kinda just stood out to me. like yes i care about these characters but why should i care about This specifically
hexarchate stories by yoon ha lee: an anthology set in the world of machineries of empire, expanding the world and fleshing out some stories. this was pretty solid! theres a wide range of stories and lengths, and i liked the variety :3 its like a little charcuterie board. (yoon ha lee's bias for shuos jedao really stands out here though..) its kinda essential reading to me imo though bc otherwise the ending of revenant gun isnt that satisfying :| lol anyways once again if youve read ninefox gambit check it out! spoilers for the whole series tho
exordia by seth dickinson: hard scifi about agency, impossible choices, and how they shape you. also, international geopolitics! like ninefox gambit, exordia demands your attention and concentration. you kinda have to read it at a time when you have brainpower to spare. however, exordia rewards everything that you put into it :3 i ended up learning so many random facts during this book… like AGL meaning above ground level. i feel like i need to read a book about democratic confederalism now also. a couple of my other friends read this book and got lost in the large cast and intricate web of events--i didnt have as much of an issue but u might need a piece of paper or sth. exordia is a book that's dense enough to feel like three books, and that can be good or bad. seth dickinson has this really spare, concise prose that leaves a lot to your imagination but also like. can sum up a person or situation in just a couple sentences? and that leaves a lot of room for the reader to investigate which i like :3 hm what else to say…. i really liked clayton (clayton!!!!) but i found erik super annoying ymmv. the ending kinda leaves you at a loss which i honestly kinda like? like yeah obv a sequel would be nice but i like it the way it is. anyways not for the faint of heart but id still recommend<3
accidentally engaged by farah heron: f/m romance aww so cute <3 really nice contemporary romance which tosses together a bunch of tropes--arranged romance, fake dating, baking together--into something that actually works really well! the two leads were very charming and i liked reading about the good food. i liked the way the protagonist's almost-stereotypical portrait of a loving but strict south asian family (am i allowed to say this) gets fleshed into a group of honestly kinda bizarre people that love her and that reena can genuinely connect with. yay family! overall, not especially memorable to me personally but still enjoyable. rec if youre into contemporary romance
last breath: the limits of adventure: realistic fiction (?) about what it feels like to drown, die of dehydration, fall from a cliff, etc. lots of research, very thorough! (well sometimes they live and sometimes they dont). an expansion of this absolutely fantastic article about hypothermia. honestly none of the stories quite live up to this one imo but this is still a really solid and exciting read! i couldnt put it down! although it does have a touch of the orientalism that you get from like, a lot of extreme sports circles lol. i would definitely recommend reading the article, and maybe read the book if it especially interests you.
video games:
pokemon legends of arceus: a pokemon game set in the past that breaks the mold by letting you dodge roll. my opinions here coincide pretty closely with the dunkey video, which is that this is a really fun game that is also literally half finished. controls are clunky, story is paper thin, graphics are fucked, overworld is extremely empty but its also just very fun?? it took over my life for like two weeks and i missed class???? anyways i would not get this at full price but if you can borrow it from a friend its super interesting to experience. im looking forward to the kalos one :3
slay the princess: a horror? romance? visual novel about saving the princess, slaying tbe princess, and everything in between featuring the vocal chops of that one magnus archives guy. dudeee this is so fun! i think its very kind to the guy inside of me who is Embarrassingly Anxious about any and all video game choices that can like, affect the narrative. lmfao its fun to fit in a couple runs or two between other things, but i did start losing track of what previous paths id taken after a bit of a gap. however!!! i would definitely think about playing this game if you like visual novels or Narrative or Loops! or girls who kill lol theres a free demo if you want to try it out
velocipastor: action movie about a priest who turns into a velociraptor to punish the wicked!!!! so fucking cool a lot of love put into this (low budget) movie made me so sad i dont speak cantonese (? at least i think thats what it was) watch this with friends
Gato by nobonoko: really fun 80s synth jazz? album written by two fictional gay furries. no wait come back ok this is one of those things i got recommended by youtube and then actually listened to it a bunch of times its just very soothing and nice :3 ive been listening to jazz pretty much my whole life so i have a huge bias. also im a sucker for fictional bands eg splatoon… also the art is so cute?? those two guys?? its hard to pick a favorite song but i think i like the titular gato! also theres a bunch of other stuff made by the same two artists
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option by Crosses: i totally forgot what the genre for this is but its like when metal guys are like i need to have a song for my metal wedding. song recommended by neil -_- anyways very sappy im fond of it nonetheless. i definitely did think it said "can you promise me to the grave"
Roy by Idles: from british rock band idles new album tangk! im going to be honest i did not like this album as much as some of the other ones by idles, but thats ok! hmm when i play this song out loud during crew shifts i feel embarrassed. but i really like seeing how idles' vocalist's voice has evolved over time! the way hes branched out into more melodic and belty stuff over time is very fun. the prechorus + chorus are very fun to sing along to as well :3 its just a fun song
anyways if you read any portion of this thanks as always :3 what else to say.. i made pandesal recently and its been my only successful bread that i can remember. go me! anyways see you guys in a bit
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crossf15 · 2 years
Dragons Dogma 2
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Second time trying to write this since I accidentally deleted a paragraph, and attempting to ctrl Z completely broke my post, lmao. Here's a wishlist of things I'd want in Dragons Dogma 2 when it comes out in three to six years.
Class differentiation - The class system is one of the most appealing parts about Dragon's Dogma, the ability to pick up and change classes on the dime makes the game very flexible to how you want to play. My only issue is that some classes kind of come across as unfinished, or too similar to one another. Here's what I'd change about the existing classes, assuming we're getting mostly the same classes in the sequel
Red Classes:
The red classes are admittedly my least favorite, but I don't hate playing them or anything. I don't hate playing any class in this game, which is a testament to Capcom's skill at making punchy, satisfying combat in pretty much every game they make. I just think they need a little flavor blast is all.
Fighter - I think it would be really cool if they leaned into the defensive qualities of fighter even more, perhaps making them a kind of fencer with thin swords and bucklers, and having even more of a focus on counterplay. Maybe each time you successfully parried an attack you received a stacking damage buff that kept going up until you finally attacked, like Royal Guard style in Devil May Cry.
Warrior - While I don't think it's a bad class, it definitely got the short end of the stick. It doesn't have the damage or versatility of Strider, the defensive superiority of Fighter, or utility of Mage, and it's the only class to only have three ability slots, and no real mobility options. Overall it feels really unfocused. I get the impression that it's meant to be a tanky agro-drawing knockdown specialist, but it's kit is too limited to really pull it off as effectively as other classes perform their own specialties.
Personally, one huge thing I'd change about Warrior, would be to give it a big distance clearing move like a big horizontal long jump, or maybe an vertical super jump. It would really put the class' physical strength on display, and let them play much more aggressively like they're intended to. I'd also expand their list of core skills to make up for their lack of ability slots (And also so they can do something other than jumping light attack)
TL;DR, I think Warrior sacrifices too much for too little, and giving them some mobility, and expanding their options in combat would really make the class feel better to play.
Yellow Classes:
Definitely my favorite of the bunch, I've always been a huge fan of the ranger/hunter archetype in fantasy media. Bows and arrows, dirty cloaks crafted for function more than fashion, the wild hunter aesthetic, resourcefulness, the color green. I get the very strong impression that they're the devs' favorites too. The climbing mechanic, a core gimmick of the game, feels like it was made for the yellow classes specifically.
Strider - Definitely the most versatile of all the nine classes. They have the most mobility: dodge-rolls, climbing superiority, double jumps, cutting wind. They have excellent melee and ranged options, and they can even do some limited elemental damage to boot. They're extremely powerful in just about every scenario you can throw them in, in fact, I (And most of the player base) would argue they're a little too powerful. (They also have access to all the specialized arrow types, which are pretty broken in of themselves, especially if you have the coin)
It's fine to have a jack of all trades class, that's actually something I really really enjoy. I love having answers to almost every scenario, and I'm willing to trade off high damage to do so; I think being swiss army knife is fun. However, Strider doesn't trade off high damage, in fact, Strider does the most damage of any class in the game. Brain Splitter is *the* highest damage ability, absolutely no contest. It also has augments that make it even stronger! My solution is pretty straight forward, Strider should trade off damage output for their versatility, plain and simple.
Ranger - Ranger my beloved. I love long ranged specialists in almost every game. I only have a couple of notes. My first note is that I think they're too aesthetically and functionally similar to Strider. Fighter and Warrior are two wildly different classes with different looks and function despite both being red classes, and I think the yellow and blue classes should get the same treatment. The longbow and shortbow are just too similar.
To fix this I'd change Ranger's signature weapon to a heavy, two handed crossbow, or if you're feeling really spicy, maybe even a primitive rifle of some kind. (like a musket, or a hunting rifle) Strider can keep the bow. You could also make it function differently too, such as giving it high burst damage, but giving it a reload mechanic, making each shot feel that much more impactful.
My other critique is that the daggers, and the skills that Ranger gets with daggers feel like they run counter to the class' design. They don't really don't do anything for them other than act as a last resort when enemies get close, and butterfly kisses don't gel with Ranger's kit at all. Personally, I'd give Ranger some new dagger abilities that better fit with the class' design, such as a backstep to bring them further away from the enemy, or a knockback ability that pushes enemies away. That's all, I wuv you wanger <3
Blue Classes:
Also absolutely adore the blue classes, mage is another huge favorite of mine. It's funny because I normally don't like playing magic characters in games, but Dragon's Dogma's magic is different: It's punchy, it's impactful, it has spectacle. The game really makes you feel like your taming something much larger than you.
Mage - Mage is definitely my favorite of the two. Playing mage really makes you appreciate and understand your pawns and how they work. I never used the pawn commands nearly as much as I did when I picked up mage, it's like playing a funky little RTS. My only complaint is that I really wished they leaned harder into the class' support role. The only thing Mage really has going for it that Sorcerer doesn't is healing (Mage is the only class in the game that can use healing spells, and it's just one spell), and couple unique debuffs, and I think that's a huge shame. There's so much potential to make Mage the ultimate team player they're clearly meant to be.
The solution is extremely obvious too, just give the class more support spells. They could cast jump pad sigils that launch melee classes into the air, or buffing sigils that increase attack and movement speed. Or even better yet, there could be spells that inflict the oiled and drenched debuffs for other casters to combo off of. There's so much untapped potential there. Also, why does Sorcerer get Void Spell and Mage get Halidom, it seems kind of backwards that the more offensive caster gets the cure all spell, and the support caster doesn't...
Sorcerer - Makes you feel like you're casting war-crimes, feels great deleting huge monsters off the face of the earth with tornados of pure darkness. The risk reward of long cast times and huge damage also gives a much bigger thrill than you'd expect from just standing there and waiting for your spell to finish charging. Makes you really appreciate your pawns. No notes.
I have a similar critique for the blue classes that I do the yellow classes, where I think their signature weapons are just a little too similar. Since Mage comes across as a little more scholarly, I'd give them a spell book, and let Sorcerers keep the staves. They'd function exactly the same, but I think it would give them both a lot more of a distinct personality from each other. Additional Note: If you're gonna have enemies that are totally immune to magic, please for the love of god give spellcasters a physical attack. Metal golems are hell on earth if you're running a blue class solo.
Hybrid Classes:
The hybrid classes are the most mixed bag of the mixed bags. They vary wildly in quality and feel. They're intended to combine the specialties of the red, yellow, and blue classes for additional versatility. If you like playing strider, and you like playing mage, now you have a class that combines the playstyles of both, and I think that's awesome, there's only one that I actually have problem with.
Mystic Knight/Magic Archer - Honestly excellent, Mystic Knight does literally exactly what you'd expect it to, you do all the same things as fighter but now you can cast spells and your perfect blocks do magic damage. Magic Archer is the same thing, you do the same things as a strider, but now you do magic damage, and it's honestly the most flavorful and unique class in any fantasy open world game. No notes :)
(Besides the staves, which you have literally no reason to use on either class since you're doing all your spell casting with your other weapons, and giving them unique spells really wouldn't add anything of value, just scrap 'em)
Assassin - A completely different story from the other hybrid classes. It's meant to combine Fighter and Strider, and be a jack of all trades, but Strider already fills the niche of being a jack of all trades. The entire class just kind of comes across as Strider 2. It has moves and augments that are meant to encourage stealth and solo play. (Extremely versatile counter moves that let you avoid damage so you don't need a tank or healer, augments that buff you when you don't have pawns, cool edgy abilities like masterful kill and dire gouge), but it just isn't leaned into far enough.
Personally, instead of trying to be both a jack of all trades, and an edgy, skill expressive, solo duelist, it should go balls to the wall with the latter. I think Assassin would really benefit from having a unique weapon like the other two hybrid classes, one that replaces the daggers/sword, instead just giving you the choice between the shield/bow for when you want to be more defensive, or offensive. Perhaps a light curved sword (Like a katana, sabre, or a scimitar) or maybe twin swords, packed with all the cool edgy I-frame/teleports-behind-you moves that normally would be split between the sword and daggers.
THE MOON - Ever since I found out that the stretch of the game was originally going to take place on the moon, I've been obsessed. I always get a kick out of when I tell my buds who haven't played or are new to the game that the reason why there isn't a moon in the sky at night is because it's cut content; I personally think it's one of the funniest pieces of game trivia out of context.
My biggest hope is that either their original plan of having the moon be the final area finally gets implemented, or it's the big post game expansion dungeon ala Bitter Black Isle. Just imagine, you activate a mysterious rift stone, a cutscene plays showing a beam of light piercing the clouds in the night sky, and you're on the moon babey!
You could be fighting your way deeper down into a dungeon complex underneath the moon's surface to get closer to the truth, or better yet, the moon's surface could be an alternate overworld with it's own hub area, towns, NPCs, and quests. There'd be new super bosses and challenges, maybe even celestial and extra-terrestrial themed enemies. If they wanted to go the extra mile, lowered gravity could even allow you to pull off some crazy stunts involving jump attacks or ranged trick shots.
Conclusion - I am very easily amused, and honestly I think I'll be happy as long as the game's like, actually finished on release and it captures the general vibe of the original. These are just my hopes for the sequel. I didn't make any predictions for new classes, because honestly I expect whatever new playstyle they throw into the mix to be a banger regardless of what it is, and I'm already happy with the nine classes tbh, I just want some minor balance and flavor changes. Either way, I'm very excited for DD2, which makes me happy because I have a hard time being excited for new games now-a-days!
When you're the baddest bitch in Gran Soren, and Gregory steals your heart so now you have to kill him :/
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quirkwizard · 2 years
Could you create a Quirk about strengthening/weakening fires? Essentially either stoking a flame or extinguishing it. Limits: can't control it, only a tolerance to heat, requires more energy to empower, the hotter the fire the harder it is to douse. Would be fantastic for a fireman. Burning building? Extinguished in several seconds. Or an ally or enemy of Endeavour.
I'm a little confused by this question. You ask me to make a Quirk, but you're sending in details like this makes it seem like a Quirk Review. I'm erring on the side of caution and going with Quirk Review, but you are more then welcome to ask again if you want me to make a Quirk out of this.
I think something like that could easily be a Quirk. It's a unique take on the usual fire abilities and could have a lot of fun applications. I would expand on some of the aspects and applications of this power, though. Like, what exactly is the range on this, and how big are the fires that they can target? Could the user enhance the flames so they go a specific way, such as moving in a straight line while leaving things around them untouched, or does it only speed up the process of the flames spreading out? Could it prevent a gun from going off or weaken the effects of explosions? I think that those could be a part of it, it's just a matter of if you want to include them. I think the drawbacks need some changes as well. While I do think that the Quirk taking some time and concentration works fine depending on the size of the fire, I'm not sure about the Quirk taking more "energy" to do so. Besides the fact that that is pretty vague on what that energy is, I think the Quirk having such a specific niche is already enough of a drawback on its own. The user cannot make or properly control any fire and needs a source of fire to work with. They can carry around a lighter, but that can only do so much, and they realistically aren't going to come across many fires in their day-to-day outings. So having that niche focus and limited resource in addition to the time and focus drawbacks when manipulating the fire would be fine ways to balance out the Quirk. 
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archer3-13 · 2 years
SO! went out and actually got my hands on an engage physical copy. played through the first lil bit. thought id start up an internal reblog chain for myself here on thoughts on the game!
very abrupt but it goes hard on the music even if the visuals feel somewhat noncommittal and incoherent. in fact ill add right off the bat that the music here SLAPS HARD! like holy shit is it good.
title is in that kinda static manner a lot of title are these days.
im playing on normal for a first run, cause i like to get a handle on what the developers are designing the bare basics of the game around. ie, the experience they assume most people are going to undergo when playing the game. idk, first impressions and all that.
anyways! prologue is doing the fe awakening thing of a flash forward [?] with a fight against scary bad man though instead of evil sorcerer were apparently fighting the fell dragon of this game itself. WHO WEARS NO SHIRT AND IS THEREFORE SUPERIOR TO GRIMNA BY DEFAULT!
its fine for what it is, the hook of the story and a quick run down on basic move attack mechanics. we even get to 'engage' and use an engage skill!
that said, i feel it misses the mark on what was effective about awakening paralogue. to clarify off the bat here, awakening is on the lower end of fe games for me personally, so when i say it misses the mark i really do mean it. awakenings paralogue setup worked by building a lot of dread and tension, oppressive music and atmosphere, the pre fight cg throwing us right in the action in a frantic and somewhat grim fight, the dramatic tragic twist with shishchrombob and a jarring evil laughter to play us off.
engage raises questions like awakenings, but thats all it really does. raise questions, otherwise being kinda flacid in atmosphere comparatively.
ch 1
which brings us to ch 1! alear wakes up, meets the stewards, and then suddenly were on the ground! feels like we missed a transition here, cause i wasnt sure if we had been in the sky or not like the game insisted we had but hey. i can forgive it a bit here cause a] its not an essential transition and b] the following stuff in the chapter is real good!
zombies show up, the corrupted, to cause some ruckus and the twins get into a sticky situation we have to unstick them from. namely that we actually get a 'diagetic experience' as it were cause the twins are on the map getting attacked as we rush out to save em. the twins run ahead a bit, zombie enemy turn ambush spawn and we dip into a cutscene then a cg
on a side note, the in engine cutscenes are such a massive improvement over what we had before! theres the dialogue skit sections of course where we do the awkward stand and nod like mascots that plagued three houses [though not as bad in engages case], but also we get actual action sequences animated in engine! and they look pretty slick minus some clipping.
anyways, cg marth shows up to bedazzle us [hes so pretty...], and we get some engage buisness to deal with and to help illustrate how op it is we get to mulch a bunch of enemies! fun.
on another side note, map sizes along with mov ranges so far have been reduced from average. infantry has sat at 4 well vander the paladin has sat at a 6 mov. armours im guessing have 3 move well flyers have 4 and non promoted cavs have 5 as it follows the heroes model as it were. in fact a lot of the mechanics and interfaces feel very heroes inspired which... im not entirely against as heroes does do a lot of things right and expanding on what works there in a full fe setting sounds very delicious to me.
dragon mama shows up at the end to save us from some more enemy reinforcements and we get a nice little reunion cutscene still [also very nice], and moment in general. dragon mothers cloths clip like no tomorrow in engine but shes very pretty and her voice actress giver her a nice melodic quality that i find very calming.
on an aside, i was giggling like a maniac the entire later half of the battle map for ch1. its a very over the top sequence but it just feels so fun to watch and its delightful to see some over the top choreography in action.
characters at the moment!
the twins: could not remember their names at the moment as they are just 'the twins' that exist in all of fiction
vander: is uther. reminded me of uther lightbringer from warcraft 3 when i first saw him and his personality and portrayal just kinda reminds me of uther in general. uthers pretty cool though and vanders definitely endeared himself to me in just a handful of scenes. more so then the twins anyways.
lumenera: sweet and melodic as i mentioned. i feel like the twist of the story is going to be that alear is related to the fell dragon in some way [fell dragon going 'i am your father!' or somethin] and lumenera is either the fell dragons ex or tryin to just put alear on a better path. interested in seeing and learning more anyways, and i feel shes the most endearing early game slated to die mother figure so far thats become very common in modern fe storytelling. at time of writing this anyways.
alear: somewhat timid, obviously gonna have a story about learning to be bolder. they talk so its a step up from byleth regardless.
marth: speaking more then i thought he would. hasnt said much yet but as ever hes sweeping me off my feet for no reason other then i like him.
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looonnamoon · 3 years
hi! could you do platonic shigaraki,toga and dabi & reader who is very smart but chaotic? idk how to explain this but the reader is very talkative and energetic but at the same time very smart and she is usually the one who makes the attack plans? the reader is 16-17 and you can use she/her or they/them pronouns! have a nice day and im sorry if this doesn't make sense at all(english is not my first language)
Omg this sounds cute asf
This is a nice change for me bc I've been pretty much only doing bakugou fics and I should probably expand my range on writing bc I also love the LoV ♡♡♡
Hope you enjoy sweets!
WARNING: this is long.
- the League of Villans were a preposterous group of evil people; destroying property left and right and reigning havoc on everything that stood in their way.
- the only problem with this dangerous group was that dangerously bad planning.
- usually, Shigaraki would do all the planing alone, since the others wouldn't really have a lot to add onto the plan.
- Toga talks about blood, per usual, Dabi just "sulks around and talks about not doing this" [quote from shiggy], and twice... he's just there, doing his own thing.
- to be honest, twice is the only person who's helpful in this situation.
- most of the time, Shigarakis plans... somewhat work, I mean, they got the objective done [but not after destroying the whole place and leaving big tracks that lead heroes and police to them, but that's fine! We'll just move to a new location!]
- you can probably tell [everyone else does too], but the group overall is really bad at making plans.
- that's until they met you, an eager young thing that's really... good at this whole planning thing.
- you dropped out of highschool just before you graduated because it was far too boring and the career that you originally wanted became boring too
- not that you didn't want to disappoint your parents or anything, it was just that... your life needed a bit of spice!
- you did want to become a hero, but that also became pretty boring after you saw an interview with All Might and then he revealed the fact that there's a shit ton of paperwork, then the paparazzi, the uncomfortable amount of little privacy, and that just... rubbed you the wrong way.
- Oh, but being a villain? Sure, there's now the great possibility of getting arrested and humiliated in public, but it sounds SO much more fun than being a hero!!
- so, when Dabi, one of the members of the Lov, found you, it was a perfect opportunity to introduce yourself!
- at first, everyone thought of you as just some wannabe villain that would die the second they get out there with them.
- but then you suggested to stay here? With Kurogiri? And- make our plans?
- what? The? Fuck?
- Shigaraki was surprised to say the least, but, he accepted this proposal since four people were already going out, and Shiggy thought that if someone planned out their attacks already, their main plan would move much faster.
- and they did. Turns out, your planning was much more better than shiggys scribbled out in under 10 minutes planning.
- it was so...intricate and detailed, all down to the timing of their attack and set places on which person should go to ANALYZING EVERYONES QUIRKS!? [Yo is that you deku-]
- this, among many other things, brought you, Toga, Shigaraki, and Dabi much more closer together
- *best freinds level achieved*
- over time, you were the secret member of the LoV that no one knew about. Not even your closest freinds!
- now, THIS is what you were talking about, having a bit of spice in your life!
- in the daytime, you worked a regular job, lived a regular life, and overall, was a regular person.
- in the nighttime however, you were the main planner for the League of Villains attacks, and current best freind of all of the members!
- with Shigaraki, it took some time to actually become freinds with, or at least, someone he won't disintegrate immediately if they bother him.
- but, after learning his favorite video games and playing with him, he became more comfortable around you and talked with you more
- not just about the teams attack plans, but more, general things, like
"Who's your favorite video game character?"
"What part of the storyline did you like?"
"You like my hair?"
"Can you...help me apply this lotion on my face?"
- Shigaraki and you also get into very deep conversations about life and such, even though you grew up with a decent family, you could understand Shigaraki on some sort of level
- the loneliness, anxiety, and the bad thoughts that have inhabited in both yours and Shigarakis mind.
- after these long talks, Shigaraki may seem like he didn't want to do any this and is just purely uninterested
- but inside, he's happy to have someone to vent his frustrations to and just talk to them about whatever
- he's happy to have someone like you, he just won't say that out loud... that's for until you get up to level 79, and currently you are on level 55 [in shigaraki's standards lol]
- with Toga, the two of you became inseparable once she layed her cat-like eyes on you.
- you were just like her, energetic, fun, chaotic good, and overall, just plain fucking crazy [except the bloodlust]
- you two were the one to keep the bar quite lively with Toga and yours antics
- switching out Dabis liquor with apple juice
- trying to see whether or not yall could be Ghostbusters by using a vacuum on Kurogiri
- fucking up only a small bit of Shigarakis minecraft world bc u will be killed if you fuck up all of it he worked real hard on that house-
- basically, you both make everyday a new experience for the resident villains.
- you both LOVE to watch true crime documentaries and rate how shitty the criminals were
- there's so much more you guys do, but the best thing that you and Toga love to do
- is lay on the floor at three am, dead silent, lofi music playing in the background, having a mini mental breakdown
- yeah, yall have a great freindship
- with Dabi, the friendship that you two have is quiet, but comfortable.
- usually, when you two hang out together, it's just you two at the bar, drinking some unknown alchohol, and usually a comment or two here or there.
- at this time, you are at your most quietest, which is surprising since you talk almost 99.9% of the time you're with the League.
- but the 1% is reserved for Dabi
- it didn't take you long to figure that Dabi likes the quiet and when he wants to speak, he'll speak.
- when he does, it's casual conversation, carried by a low, gravely tone that always soothed your racing mind
- and he liked that you responded the same way as well, respecting his want for calm and peace in this shitty hole the league calls a bar.
- it only has some old ass Whisky and that's it tf
- the other times he wants to talk about something, like Shigaraki, it's a deep conversation
- and very rarely [like 0.000000001%], afterwards he'll smile softly at you, ruffle your hair a bit, and say,
"Thanks for talking, kid."
-yours and Dabi's freindship is a rare one, and a good one if you let it develop more!
- you never thought you would've become the League of Villians attack planner, or even become great freinds with the members, but you're sorta glad it came out this way!
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Connections 10
Chapter 10
this is based on @thepeacetea daminette soulmate au
Masterlist *** First *** Previous *** Next
Arriving in Themyscira, they were greeted by Queen Hippolyta and guided them to large hall. Introductions were made and Tikki zipped towards Hippolyta, nuzzling her cheek.
"You are the Ladybug of this generation?" The Amazonian Queen asked the youngest in the room.
"Yes, Ma’am." Marinette answered quickly and slightly panicked in the Queen's presence.
"Your soul is a true creation soul," she began her explanation. "As your soulmate and intended cat is a true destruction soul." As if on cue Damian, in corporeal form, 'crashed' through the ceiling, falling, and landing with a thud.
"Nice entrance Demon spawn." Jason snickered as Damian stood up.
"Tt. When I get my body back Grayson and Drake help me with this.” He demanded, but was actually asked of his brothers. He held up two batons.
“Dick would be better than...” Tim’s voice cut off as Damian merged the two and it expanded into a bo staff. “I stand corrected.”
“The Black Cat is the most offensive Miraculous," Hippolyta continued to explain. "As you've already found the first two, attempt to find the third."
"There are five total," Tikki chimed in. "But you'll need Plagg for the other two and to use your Power." Damian nodded and sat down fiddling with the staff, then batons, then the staff again, while listening to the Amazonian Queen.
"What does this have to do with the Lazarus Pit and bringing Damian back?” was asked by Bruce.
"Everything. Understanding the power that she is and he will, wield explains why there will not be an adverse effect on him." Hippolyta calmly explained. “The Ladybug as you may know uses a yo-yo as the primary weapon, but you also have two collapsed escrima sticks. Your powers include the 'Lucky Charm' and 'Miracle Cure’ used together you can reverse all damage caused as a result of the miraculous, or if any miraculous took part during anytime of the altercation. It is also possible to revive the dead with your power."
"So is it possible for Mari to bring back Damian?" Was asked by a hopeful Dick.
"Unfortunately not. What occurred was a result of the soul bond and the magic embedded into Marinette." A sad knowing look crossed the Queen's features. "This is where the Pits of Lazarus comes into play. As Marinette is the embodiment of creation and luck, as Damian is the embodiment of destruction and misfortune they are the two souls of this generation who can enter its waters without corruption."
"Why?" was chorused by the four eldest Waynes.
"The Pits were created by a wish merging the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous." Tikki now spoke again. "But with such powerful magic it comes with a cost. Pit madness comes when a person has a soul alignment with a miraculous, like Jason. For others it may vary, but for souls like the two of you, as part of Plagg and I, you are immune to the madness only reaping the benefits."
"Why didn't you say this before, Tikki." Tim brought up. "Because I can't see souls like my chosen can and Mari is too young to see them now." the miniature goddess responded.
"Pits as in more than one?" Bruce whispered, as if in deep thought.
"There are half a dozen pits around the world hidden away. Each is guarded by one of the inner kwamii, but that is more of a tidbit than necessary information." the Queen smiled. “Now has that calmed some concerns?"
"Is there a Pit not controlled by the League?" Jason blurted out. Because logically the league couldn't control all of them.
"A few, such as the one here on Paradise Island." Queen Hippolyta answered in turn.
"I can get my body back without the League?" Damian whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear.
This was the best news they could get. Damian could be revived while not having to struggle with the Pit madness. He wouldn't need to be near the League which means he wouldn't question himself. That he is able to build upon what he has since moving to Gotham without being the Prince of Assassins.
"Yes. Now come little bug, little cat." Marinette and Damian each flanked the Queen as the rest followed behind.
A short trek into the Mountains and they arrived at a pit. The same acidic green with chaos and creation swirled. Damian's body was deposited next to the swirling pool.
"Understand that when you emerge, both of you, will train here in order to strengthen and teach you the magic you will wield." the two children nodded, clear resolve on their features. "Good."
After bringing Damian back from the dead they almost immediately were placed into training. It was true that there was no madness, his mind was intact without being clouded by anger. Their soul bond was a huge benefit. Where Damian caught the physical aspect quickly and it transferred to Mari. While Mari was a natural at magic and helped guide Damian through.
Yes the Amazon’s did not particularly trust men but they could recognize Damian as a Black Cat, which along with his brother’s nickname Demon Spawn, he gained the name Hellcat. That and they could clearly see that Damian was Marinette’s soulmate, but didn’t treat her as a damsel in distress, instead as a partner and equal. Which helped him earn some respect to the warriors around them. Which was how the two spent most of the week before going back.
What they couldn't be prepared for was the tornado named Jagged. As soon as they arrived in the manor he was there in a fury of a whirlwind.
"Hey little Rocker, how was the trip?"
"It was fun." Marinette smiled at her dad.
"So got any pictures to show your papa, love." he asked excitedly.
"Pictures?" she repeated quizzically.
That was when the Wayne’s and Mari began to laugh
"What’s so funny?" The rocker asked confused.
"Apparently we were so caught up in the vacation we didn’t take pictures." Tim grinned, the little liar he is, spoke up. He had pictures but they were mostly of his brothers getting their asses handed to them by the Amazons. And he couldn’t explain how they happened to be on the secret hidden island filled with Amazonian warriors. "Their also was zero service on the island." He finished with a shrug.
"Ohh I did bring back some shells and crystals and some seeds for my garden." Mari chimed in. "I can tell you all about it."
"Yes you can on the plane to wherever you and the bird you choose to come with us." Jagged smiled at his daughter.
"Jared what are you..." Bruce near finished his sentence.
Jagged having interrupted his thoughts he sentence. “Come now Batsey you steal little rocker for a week so I steal one of your birds." He stated as a matter of fact.
Bruce just stood with his jaw slack. Sure Mari told them he figured them out, but he forgot, he had a child to revive goddamn it. “Fine but I think it’ll be a good idea to tell him Mari." He turned to the young girl.
The girl chewed her lip before putting her hand in her light vest shirt. A red pixie bug flew out and sat on Mari’s head.
"Hello I’m Tikki the Ladybug kwamii, Marinette is my chosen holder." Tikki's voice rang through the room.
"I’m sorry what now?" The rocker was eerily still and quiet.
"Long story short your daughter is a magical girl and Demon Spawn is her soulmate and is also a magical girl, boy, you get the idea." Jason chuckled.
"Okay let me get this straight. Mari's soulmate is the Grumpy Gargoyle, they are both magical kids who are chosen by fairies. All of you are Gotham's vigilantes, which I'm assuming you've been training Little Rocker."
"Yes.??” Dick answered unsure.
"Okay." Dick again responded. Before realizing, "Wait! Okay!”
"Ya," Jagged shrugged. "You've all met Mari. This is completely plausible with her. So who are we stealing from Bruce?"
"Dames!" she jumped to hug him from behind, arms wrapped around his neck.
Damian for his part didn't throw Marinette off. In fact he repositioned to piggy back her, a ghost of a smile spread on his neutral features.
"So where are we going?"
Yucatan Peninsula
The Twins said a gift for future bugs and cats were there.
Haven't their been cats and bugs since them?
Yes but travel was limited.
In other words scavenger hunt.
Yes. How's your Spanish? Because the most logical place to start would be the Mayan ruins.
"Mejor que eI tuyo." she smirked at him.
"God damn it their doing it again." Jason dragged his hands down his face.
"Doing what?"
"Their bond is shockingly rare, its a Mind link sharing knowledge, meaning basically anything one knows so does the other. As if that isn't enough now they can communicate telepathically."
"So why the Spanish rocker?"
"Cancun, Mayan scavenger hunt." she grinned.
"Sounds good. I'll shoot Penny a text and we'll leave tomorrow sound good?"
"Yup." She responded, Damian nodded and finally set her down.
Your helping me pack.
As if I'd let you do it yourself.
Knowing you, you'd pack your Robin uniform.
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ckneal · 3 years
Sometimes I need to remind myself that not everyone watched Supernatural with an ongoing gen fic happening in their head, all about the family life of the angels before Chuck’s disappearance and the rise of humanity. And as such, not everyone was constantly compiling stray details thrown out about the angel characters, clustering them together into this rubber band ball of ideas that was just so fun to play with.
I mean, for instance, not everyone took in the way the other angel characters seemed to look down their noses at the cupid characters (who, it’s worth noting, are never once referred to by their individual names, but instead by the human pet name for their category of cherub [which in Lucifer’s case, was certainly framed as an unflattering term], despite Castiel once boasting that he knew everyone in Heaven), and reason to themselves that it was surely because the other angels were jealous. Because obviously, the cupids are given classified information from God himself about what bloodlines he wants to see continued and merged for the sake of his Plan, putting these silly, non-combatant angels on par with the archangels in terms of secret knowledge about what was to come. For the first couple billions of years of existence, while the other classes of angels were sitting around with nothing to do, they all had to watch the cupids happily zipping around the earth, cooing over blue-green algae and gradually coaxing different species into existence with their magic love arrows. And every time a significant milestone was reached, they also had to watch as the insipid little harbingers of love scooped the newborn creature up and raced over to the nearest archangel to excitedly show them their progress, like a little kid with their first art project. And the archangel in question, regardless of which one, would nod encouragingly and smile as the cupid in question babbled about the tiny, tiny lungs this fish had, or the beginnings of feet at the ends of its fins. Even Lucifer, who would also add the additional suggestion to try and give the next one more teeth.
Additionally, not everyone looked at the way that Lucifer was able to just insert himself into Sam’s head from inside the cage, and considered how Azazel needed to visit a specific geographic location to communicate with Lucifer, and even then was only just barely able to do so, and thus came to the conclusion that clearly Michael and Lucifer must have come to an agreement to pool their powers to project Luci’s image into Sam’s head. Which explains why Sam’s special link disappears right after leaving the cage, and also why Michael didn’t interfere when Lucifer was freed, even though season 15 makes it clear that Luci did not sneak quietly out the backdoor. Michael was fully aware who was responsible for the jailbreak, thus leading us to consider that perhaps Lucifer was supposed to turn around and free Michael and Adam in turn, but did not. Thus leading us to imagine Michael spending roughly a year (Earth time) tapping his foot in the cage, until . . .
“He’s not coming back for us, is he?”
And Adam, cracking open a molecule-flavored soda (manifested courtesy of Michael), snickers. “Nope. Told you not to trust him.”
“Right. . .” Michael exhales, looks around for a moment, settles on side-eyeing Adam. Then, with an air of ‘fuck it’ says, “Want to make out?”
And Adam promptly chokes on his soda.
And not everyone heard Metatron specifically say that he personally tattooed the names of every prophet of the Lord ever on the inner eyelids of every angel, and immediately had the thought, “Poor Michael” spring to mind. Because of course Michael was the first one on the proverbial chopping block, trying his best not to flinch as his little brother gradually figured out how to handle the needle. (To this day, Michael is still not sure if the prophet after Chuck Shurley is named Kevin Tran or Rovim Frun). And all the while, Michael was probably also trying his best not to worry about how things were going on Earth while he was busy getting his eyes stabbed.
After all, Lucifer was God’s second eldest son, barely younger than Michael in the grand scheme of things. He could handle watching over their younger siblings for a little while. And Raphael and Gabriel were there to help. Everything would be fine.
However, Michael isn’t aware that about five minutes after being left in charge, Lucifer yelled, “HEY EVERYONE, CHECK THIS OUT!” And then promptly threw his grace into the body of a nearby pterodactyl. Possession being a new ability that Chuck had recently invented, the surrounding angels were mystified as Lucifer piloted the prehistoric reptile through a series of dizzying loop-de-loops that saw the poor creature—not suited to containing angel grace—explode midway through, leaving Lucifer gleefully giggling in the sky.
About half of the angels looking on gaped in horror.
Gabriel whispered to Raphael, “We’re still beta testing that, right?”
The other half of the gathered angels, however, like the impressionable young followers that they are, start grinning, because Lucifer is grinning, and he’s their cool older brother, and as Lucifer—relishing the attention—makes a beeline toward the earth’s one continent, Pangea, and an unsuspecting herd of ornithopods, these younger angels eagerly follow.
Soon, Earth is full of the anguished cries of cupids, watching their hard work blown to bits again and again. Swept up in the crowd, are Castiel and Balthazar. They watch Uriel and Zachariah excitedly throw their armored dinosaur bodies against one another in the moments before both vessels combust, after which Uriel and Zachariah excitedly dart off to take on new ones.
“Are we sure this is. . .okay?”
“Well, Lucifer is in charge. We’re supposed to follow his lead. . .aren’t we?”
Meanwhile, Raphael is frantically trying to stem the carnage. Several dinosaurs are levitating in mid-air, as Raphael tries to simultaneously keep them from exploding while also ordering the angels possessing them to vacate the vessels immediately. But none of them have ever taken a vessel before, and do not know how to get out of them without tearing them apart. Raphael keeps expanding their powers to more and more creatures as their young siblings continue to follow Lucifer’s example.
“RIGHT!” Gabriel looks around, locates Lucifer running amuck in an apatosaurus that he’s forcing to walk on its hind legs, and fires off a lightning bolt to startle him out.
The lightning bolt misses its target in spectacular fashion, and several trees catch on fire.
Gabriel throws another lightning bolt.
Gabriel then grabs a giant meteor from outer space and begins trying to smother the flames by whacking it against the continent, to Raphael’s horror. More cupids begin to cry. Thick clouds of dust fly up, choking out natural light on the planet’s surface—now only illuminated by flames, as well as the magma that rises up out of the cracks that form in Pangea, as Gabe unintentionally creates the first tectonic plates from the sheer force of his assault on the planet.
Trees fall over. Fire continues to spread.
Lucifer is still in the apatosaurus, but he’s fallen onto his side, laughing hysterically.
Gabriel throws the meteor into a nearby sea, creating a tsunami.
It is at this point that Raphael abandons the dinosaurs to their sad fate, forgetting their solemn oath to not reveal any secrets regarding evolution and God’s plan, to broadly yell out to any and all of their angelic siblings who are listening, “QUICKLY, SAVE THE MAMMALS!”
And it is at this point, that Michael returns. Samandriel, clutching a dozen or so rodents in his wings, is the first one to spot him. All of Michael’s eyes are red and puffy from abuse. The cupids are sobbing, the Earth is battered, flooded, and scorched. Angels are getting into fist fights with reapers as they dart back and forth, trying to ferry as many warm-blooded creatures as they can find from the site of the catastrophe to the relative safety on the other side of the mountain range Gabriel accidently made when he bashed a crater into the planet—relative, as it turns out some of those new mountains are in fact volcanoes, and it took some trial and error to figure out how far away from an active volcano could be considered “safe.”
Nearby, Castiel and Balthazar are somehow both stuck inside the same mosasaur, beached from the tsunami, and loudly panicking as they struggle to de-possess it before it explodes. There’s a snapping sound, and then suddenly all of the angels still trapped (or willfully frolicking) inside vessels are ejected, at the same time that the fire goes out and the volcanoes cease erupting.
Consequently, everyone goes very still as Michael scans the damage and his bedraggled siblings. With humans not yet existing, the art of facepalming is not yet a thing. But looking at Michael, one might just expect him to invent the practice right then and there.
When Michael gets to Lucifer, he’s greeted with, “What? Pop’s 86-ing the lizard kingdom anyway!”
Michael promptly drags Lucifer off to Heaven.               
The next day, it was made an official rule, written into the very fabric of angelkind: vessels could only be taken after obtaining explicit consent.
Additionally, everyone agreed to never, ever mention the existence of the dinosaurs or how they ended ever again. And, rather than fixing the damage to the Earth’s surface, the tectonic plate situation was just sort of left to do as it would.
Many, many years later, Adam was shocked by Michael’s reaction when the cage door suddenly swung open in Hell. Adam had immediately surged to his feet in excitement, ready to leave and never come back.
Michael, however, remained stationary on the floor, squinting at the doorway, wondering what dystopian nightmare must be waiting on Earth after leaving his siblings unsupervised for a solid decade.
“Michael? You okay?”
“Adam, before we go back to Earth, I think I need to tell you a story. . .”
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mirai227 · 3 years
How to go from beginner to intermediate in a language!
Hi! I recently reached an intermediate level in French, and I am on my way to reaching an intermediate level in Spanish too, so I thought I would try to offer some tips and ideas about how you could reach an intermediate level in your target language as well.
What does an intermediate level feel like?
So from what I can gather, the beginner level (about A1/A2 on the CEFR scale for languages) is where you can communicate on a very basic level, and can only really understand beginner learners' content. Native material is kind of a no go (except maybe for children’s content). You can understand about 30% of what natives say at natural speed, and can struggle through some basic articles with key vocabulary, as long as you are already familiar with the subject and the key vocabulary. You can express yourself in quite a limited way, and can speak about familiar subjects, while being able to provide some simple explanations why. This self-assessment grid can tell you more about what you can and can’t do at these levels.
At the intermediate level (about B1/B2), native material is slowly but surely becoming more easy for you to understand. For me, it usually means that I can understand enough words and phrases when native speakers speak to piece together what they are discussing, though I can’t really provide specifics. You can understand about 50/60% of what natives are saying about a relatively wide range of everyday subjects (though specialised language for complex adult discussions on things like science and philosophy is usually too difficult at this stage). You can express yourself quite well on a wide range of subjects, though in an often clumsy and simplistic manner. At this level, you should be able to survive in a country where the language is spoken, and operate fairly well in a professional setting (if the language required is not too complex). You will definitely make a lot of mistakes, but not too many, so you should be understood by natives. This self-assessment grid can tell you more about what you can and can’t do at these levels.
What should your goals generally be here?
Greatly expand your vocabulary.
Improve your grammar to a passable conversational level (watch this video clip to understand what I mean).
Get comfortable speaking with native speakers.
Make sure that most of your study time is spent consuming or using your target language. Minimise contact with the languages you already know, except maybe for grammar.
Spend a minimum of around 1-2 hours a day on your target language.
How should you reach intermediate level?
Use a textbook for around that level. For me, I used the higher tier textbooks for GCSEs, which is about the level that I wanted to reach. I went through the whole textbook, learnt all the vocabulary that I came across, and did all the practice questions that I could find. This helped me immensely. Textbooks are usually organised to provide the base of what you need to reach an intermediate level. However, they should not be used alone.
Find a native speaker to talk to! Seriously, this helped me so so much. Before, I was not comfortable speaking to natives in French at all, but I started to speak with a friend of mine twice a week, and I was absolutely stunned by how much more smooth and confident my speaking became. I looked up words that I needed to know while I was speaking with her, and this really helped me fill in the gaps of my knowledge. I also learnt a lot of the nuances in French and and discovered some really cool and useful phrases. Try making a habit of speaking either with someone, or by yourself every day. If you don’t know something, then google translate is your friend! That way you can learn really cool set phrases. You can usually find someone to talk to on discord servers if you join some language learning ones, though be very careful about revealing any personal details or your face. Arrange a fixed time a few times a week and stick to it!
Study every day. Seriously, I really dropped the ball with my Spanish and because of this, my progress has been really slow. I could be at the intermediate level in Spanish already, but because I’ve been so slow, I’m not. Figure out what time of day you are most productive at (for me this is the early morning) and set a fixed time for studying your target language. It’s okay to experiment a little, and for it to take some time to figure out your schedule. With languages, at this stage, it is very easy to forget things, so going a long time without studying (longer than a month) is really going to hinder your progress. Still, you should always be your first priority, so if things are too busy for your studies at the moment, then it is fine to put your studies on hold for a while, or even stop them altogether. Just make peace with the fact that your progress will be a little slower than you might like.
Do lots of practice questions for grammar. It is all well and good to hear about the rules and write notes down, but if you cannot use it in practice, then frankly, you do not know the rule. Find a grammar workbook, like this one, or this one, and work through it. You can use HiNative to find corrections if you do not know the answer. Then, try making sure that you actually use it in your writing or speaking. Experiment, and learn from the corrections that people make.
Keep a journal in the language, and post it on websites like Journaly. Write about subjects that you already know about, and make sure that you use as many grammar rules that you know as you can. Try to elaborate on your reasons and opinions on things. It will be difficult at first, and you will make absolutely loads of mistakes, but as time goes on, you will gradually start to improve. Look up words that you don’t know, and write them down so that you can learn them later.
Try listening to intermediate content. Yes, it will be difficult, and you won’t be able to understand much, but as time goes on, you will slowly become more accustomed to the vocabulary you need to reach that level. Make sure whatever podcast you are listening to has a transcript, and highlight and learn the new vocabulary that you have discovered using Anki, or any flashcard app. Listen whenever you have time to kill, like on the train or when you are doing the dishwasher - it’ll really help!
Text natives on apps like Tandem or HelloTalk. It’ll get you used to forming the written language more quickly, and will let you practice more conversational phrases.
Make sure that you have the basics of grammar down, like all the essential tenses and basic particles, before moving onto harder things. Find a list of grammar, or a textbook that specifically covers intermediate level, and do lots of practice questions on each one.
Watch some native content on YouTube on subjects that you are familiar with and really like. Again, this will be difficult, but helpful! Make sure the videos have subtitles in the target language so that you can follow what it is about. Do NOT use english subtitles. It is vital that you get used to understanding the language without the crutch of the languages you already know. Look up the words that you do not know, and learn them using whatever vocabulary learning method that you like.
Read children’s (like, young children) stories and books to practice reading. It will be surprisingly difficult, because the grammar used in children’s books is usually for around a certain degree of fluency. Learn the vocabulary you don’t know, and try to practice when you can.
Learner’s material and articles are usually quite good for reading as well, as they are frequently quite challenging. You can find some in your textbook, or online if you google “[language] intermediate reading exercises”. You can probably also find reading comprehension books online if you try hard enough.
Learn vocabulary in context instead of memorising lists of vocabulary. Find the vocabulary you don’t know in all the content you are consuming, or look up words that you want to use yourself, and write them down with example sentences. Then, learn them using flashcard apps or websites like memrise, quizlet and anki.
For your pronunciation, shadow native speakers. Listen to how they say words, and imitate them. Personally, I use Easy Languages videos for this, along with random YouTube videos with subtitles in the target language. If a certain sound is difficult for you, then be proactive! Look up YouTube videos and articles on how to pronounce the word, and keep on practicing until you eventually get it.
Engaging with people on social media can be a fun easy way of practicing your TL. You can read or listen to posts and leave comments.
That’s it! That’s all the advice I can possibly think of. I hope you found this post helpful!
Here are some articles that I have found useful in the past:
How You Can Become Fluent in a Language - In Just One Year By Ramsay Lewis
9 points about language learning and how I’m learning 20+ of them By @ravenclawhard
Language learning tips for beginner & intermediate learners 🌍 By Lindie Botes/ @rinkodesu
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kanerallels · 3 years
Heyy, I saw your prompt list— could you maybe do Mackelena (with a side of Philinda and Huntingbird, if possible) and soulmates? Congrats of 111 followers!!
Thank you so much!!! I hope you enjoy this-- it's my first AOS fic so here goes nothing!
Pairing: Alphonso Mackenzie/Elena Rodriguez (minor Philinda and Huntingbird)
Word Count: 3,143
Tags/Warnings: rated G (for giant simp, which Mack is, good talk), character death mentioned, as is divorce
For most of his life, Mack had believed in soulmates. He’d grown up being taught that he’d meet someone, and when they first touched, their respective soulmate marks-- for him, a mark on his right hand, very dark brown streaked through with honey-gold-- would light up, and they would share a Moment. A brief snippet of time from the future that would show them their life together, if they chose to move forward with their relationship.
Some didn’t. Mack knew people who hadn’t stayed with their soulmate. But he’d seen, overwhelmingly, that when a person found their soulmate and stuck with them, they were far happier than if they didn’t.
He’d always thought that the only woman he’d ever be in a serious relationship with would be his soulmate. But then he’d met Nicole. The two of them had fallen hard and fast, and even now, after their divorce, Mack would never say he regretted it. Regretted how it ended, yes. But he had loved Nicole, even if she hadn’t been his soulmate.
Some days, Mack wasn’t sure if he’d ever find his soulmate. But he was fine with that for now, fine working at the mechanic shop that he co-owned. He had friends around him, and he visited his brother whenever he could. So he’d wait, and that was okay for now.
There were days, though, when he wondered. Was there really one woman waiting out there for him somewhere?
The sound of arguing broke Mack out of his musings, and he looked up from the car just as Fitz stalked into the back of the garage, looking irritated. Running a hand through his already messy hair, he said, “I��ve had about enough of this, it’s your turn. Have fun.”
“Have fun with what?” Mack asked, wiping his hands off on the rag he had resting next to his toolbox. “Something wrong, Turbo?”
Clearly trying to calm himself, Fitz took a deep breath and pointed over his shoulder. “There’s an irate customer out there, demanding that we hurry up and fix her car. I tried telling her that we’ve got a queue and we’re going to start on hers soon, but she didn’t exactly give me a chance. She wants to talk to the mechanic who’s working on her car.”
“Which name is that?” Mack asked.
“Rodriguez-- she’s on your list, I think.”
“Great.” Suppressing a grimace, Mack set aside the rag and headed towards the door that separated the garage where they worked and their main office. “I’ll be back in a minute or two.”
“If you’re lucky,” Fitz muttered.
Ignoring that, Mack stepped through the doorway. He spotted the customer almost immediately-- a Latina woman with dark brown hair braided back from her face, dressed in a black leather jacket and jeans. She caught sight of him and stomped up towards him. “Oh, you must be the turtle man who’s working on my car,” she said, her low voice furious.
One of Mack’s eyebrows shot up, despite himself. “Turtle man? We’ve only had the car for a couple weeks.”
“Yes, and I need it fixed,” the woman said emphatically. “Fast, so why don’t you get a move on? If I’d known you were going to take all year--”
Holding up his hands, Mack said, “I understand you’re upset, Ms. Rodriguez. But one of our best workers quit last week, and we’re having a hard time catching up. Obviously we’ll get your car done as soon as possible, but there are a few other cars before it. I should be done with them over the next few days, and I will personally make sure that your car is taken care of. Does that sound fair?”
Ms. Rodriguez eyed him for a moment, looking skeptical, but then let out a sigh. “Okay. I’m-- I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were short-staffed.”
“Nothing we can’t handle, it’s just a little backlog,” Mack assured her. “But I promise you, Ms. Rodriguez, your car will be one of the next ones.”
“Good to know,” she said with a nod. “And you can call me Elena. I mean, it’s the least I can do considering I kind of chewed out your friend back there. And you.”
Releasing a chuckle, Mack said, “Fitz can handle it. You can call me Mack, and we’ll call you as soon as your car is ready.”
Shaking her head, Elena said, “Oh, I don’t think so, Turtleman.”
“Sorry?” Mack asked, caught off guard.
“After how long it’s taken already? I’m coming back here to make sure you don’t start ignoring me again. I’ll be back in two days. See you then.”
With that, Elena breezed out of the office, leaving Mack with his mouth open as he stared after her. Huh, he thought, eventually turning to head back to his work. It looked like he’d be seeing a lot more of this Elena.
Sure enough, Elena was back two days later, just as Mack finished work on the last car and had started an assessment to see what was wrong with Elena’s. The short answer was, he soon learned, everything. This car was not going to be a short project.
When he told Elena that, she just shrugged. “Guess you’ll be seeing me a lot, Turtleman. Get used to it, and get to work.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Mack said, hiding a grin as he headed off to find his toolbox.
~ ~ ~
“Soulmates definitely aren’t real,” Bobbi told him.
Mack raised a skeptical eyebrow at his friend. “What makes you say that?” he asked, taking a sip of his drink. They were at a bar, celebrating the promotion Bobbi had gotten at her job-- although Mack had a feeling there was another reason they were here. He’d known Bobbi long enough that he could figure it out when there was something she wanted to tell him.
“It doesn’t make any sense, scientifically,” Bobbi explained. “And it’s definitely not logical. I mean, touching someone and you see the future? It doesn’t really make any sense, Mack.”
“Maybe not,” Mack admitted, deciding not to expand on his own theories in that area. “But there’s a lot about love that doesn’t make sense, and it’s not like the whole world had one mass hallucination.”
“Maybe not,” Bobbi said, sounding skeptical. “But unless you can provide me with a scientific explanation for it, I’d say it’s a load of bull.”
“Uh-huh,” Mack said. “So the soulmate thing had nothing to do with the fact that you’re back with Hunter again?”
“Of course not--” Bobbi stopped. “Wait. You knew?”
“Didn’t take much to put it back together,” Mack said wryly. “You only take me out for drinks out of the blue like this when you need to tell me something important, and it’s usually about you and him. Also, he changed his Facebook photo to you and him again.”
“Wha-- I told him to be subtle!” Bobbi let out a groan, burying her face in her hands. “He is so typical.”
“So, you are back together,” Mack said, and he saw a small smile start across Bobbi’s face.
“Well… yeah. We are. We’re taking it slow, and he’s at least trying to not make soulmate comments-- but that’ll last.” Giving him a sideways glance, Bobbi asked, “How do you feel about this?”
“What, you and Hunter?” Mack took another drink to avoid answering right away. “I’m happy for you two, obviously. I just don’t want to see either of you hurt again. I’ve had to bail Hunter out of too many drunk tanks for that.”
“I know-- that’s part of why we’re taking it slow this time,” Bobbi said with a laugh. “For your sanity.”
“My sanity appreciates the effort, but I’m not the one in the relationship,” Mack pointed out. “It’s up to you two, not me. But seriously, I am happy for you guys.”
“Thanks, Mack,” Bobbi said. “By the way, I might have asked Hunter if he’d meet us for dinner nearby.”
“I had a feeling there was another part to the plan,” Mack said. “Well, if you two are paying, I’m in.”
They made their way to the restaurant where Hunter was waiting, and had just settled down at the table with him and were starting to flip through the menus to order when Mack’s phone buzzed.
“Ah-- hang on one minute,” he told them, pulling out his phone and checking it. He was pleasantly surprised to see it was a text from Elena, who had gotten his phone number the second time she’d come by the garage, in order to ‘make sure he was keeping on task’ in her words.
The text held an image of a turtle, and the words, at the zoo earlier. I think I found your long lost brother.
Mack found himself grinning as he texted back, For someone who wants their car fixed fast, you’re not very nice to the guy fixing it.
Elena’s response was quick. What, are you gonna not fix it now? I found your long lost brother! Mack chuckled as her next text came a few seconds later. Besides, you’re too much of a softie to refuse to finish the job for me.
Guess you know me too well, Mack responded.
Well enough to know you’re a softie.
Shaking his head, Mack put away his phone and looked up to see Bobbi and Hunter watching him, both wearing sly grins. “Who was that?” Hunter asked, innocence dripping from his tone.
“Just a friend,” Mack said. He knew better than to give Hunter too much information when he was in a mood like this. Grabbing his menu, he flipped it open and started browsing, ignoring the sly looks that Bobbi and Hunter exchanged. He was going to get interrogated about this, he knew already. But there would be nothing for them to find out. Elena was just a friend, after all.
~ ~ ~
“By the way, soulmates are definitely real,” Phil Coulson told him.
Mack gave him a surprised look as he took the paper bag from the older man. He’d stopped at Phil’s coffee shop on the way into work, as he did from time to time, and was picking up coffee and desserts for the shop. “Why do you bring that up?” he asked.
Shrugging, Phil said, “Something Bobbi and Hunter mentioned when they were in here yesterday.”
“Let me guess-- Hunter brought up him and Bobbi being soulmates again?” Mack said, grinning wryly.
“Surprisingly, no,” Phil said as he rang up his bill. “They were discussing you. Hunter is under the impression you’ve met your soulmate for some reason, and Bobbi was telling them that they don’t exist.”
“Huh. Sounds about right,” Mack said, trying to hide his surprise. Although it shouldn’t shock him that Hunter immediately made the leap from “texting someone he likes” to “he has a soulmate and hasn’t told us”. Bobbi would probably handle things a little more cautiously, thankfully. “Looks like I’d better tell him he’s wrong.”
“Really? No one yet?” Phil asked.
Mack shrugged as he handed over cash for the order. “I have no idea who she is or where she is. I have been married before, but I guess that was part of why we didn’t last. Part of it, anyway.”
Nodding, Phil said, “I know the feeling. I was in love quite a few times before May and I finally met.”
“Really?” Mack said in surprise.
“Sure. Just because there’s one specific person out there for you doesn’t mean you won’t be attracted to other people. It’s normal.” Putting the cash in the register, Phil said, “But there’s something different about the woman who’s the one for you. I could tell right away that she was special. Just took a while for us to realize just what was different.”
“What he’s not telling you,” came the voice of Melinda May as she came in through the front door, a duffel bag over her shoulder, “is that it took us two years to finally figure out that we were soulmates, and it was only because he’d just been hit by a car and I had to give him CPR.” She held up one hand, stained a sunny yellow.
“We all find love in different ways,” Phil said, giving May a soft, loving grin. “How was class?”
“We’ve got some new idiots to beat up on,” May replied, moving behind the counter to drop a kiss onto her husband’s cheek. “And Daisy kicked a practice dummy through a wall, so she’s getting even better.”
“My wife and daughter are terrifying,” Phil said, grinning even wider. “Here’s your change, Mack.”
“Oh-- thanks.” Pocketing it, Mack gave May and Phil a nod before heading out the door and down the street.
It only took him a few minutes to walk the short distance back to the garage, and when he got there, he found a familiar, slight figure waiting for him next to her car, with a sly grin on her face.
“Late again, Turtleman,” Elena teased him as Mack set the paper bag down on the nearest clean surface.
“I’m pretty sure you’re always here early, Yo-Yo,” he told her.
“Yo-Yo?” Elena lifted a curious eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, cause you keep coming back here.”
“You’d almost think you minded me showing up,” she teased as Mack pulled open the paper bag and pulled out two disposable cups of coffee.
Handing her one, he said, “I don’t mind.”
The smile Elena shot at him was brighter than the sunshine coming through the window in the corner, and it warmed Mack as he got to work.
~ ~ ~
“Hey, Mack?”
Mack looked up from his work on Elena’s car to where Daisy was sitting in the back of her dad’s 1962 Chevy Corvette, which he affectionately referred to as “Lola.” However, Lola needed a little work done, so Phil had relinquished the car into Daisy’s hands, and she’d brought it to Mack for him to look at.
“What’s up, Tremors?” he asked.
Daisy didn’t respond right away, fiddling with the edge of her jacket as she bit her lip. “Do you believe in soulmates?” she blurted out.
One of Mack’s eyebrows shot up, and he almost asked what prompted the question-- but stopped abruptly as he remembered what day it was. A year to the day since Daisy’s boyfriend, Lincoln, had died when a robber had broken into his house and shot him when he’d tried to protect Daisy. The man had been arrested, but Mack knew that only soothed part of the pain for his friend.
“I do,” he said cautiously-- he’d never learned whether Lincoln was Daisy’s soulmate or not. Regardless, he decided to speak the truth. “I believe in soulmates. But I also believe you can be truly, deeply in love with a person who’s not your soulmate. It doesn’t make them any less important to you and your life.”
Daisy jerked a quick nod, staring determinedly up at the ceiling. “He wasn’t mine,” she said suddenly. “Lincoln. May and Dad already know, but I just…” She trailed off, blinking hard.
Mack nodded slowly. “Maybe he wasn’t. But I knew Lincoln. He was happy with you, and he loved you. In the end, that might matter more than being someone’s soulmate.”
Taking a deep breath, Daisy nodded. “Thanks, Mack.”
“Any time, Tremors.”
They dropped into silence after that, until Mack heard someone knock on the office door. “Hey, Mack!”
Mack felt a smile crossing his face as he moved from behind the car to see Elena strolling towards him, hands in her pockets. “Hey, Yo-Yo,” he said, and Elena returned the smile.
“You know, the nickname is growing on me, Turtleman.” Turning her gaze to the car behind him, she said, “So? Do you have good news for me?”
“I do,” Mack said, patting the side of her car. “After almost a month of work, I finally finished it. Your car is finally fixed.”
A grin flashed across Elena’s face. “About time-- but thank you. I owe you. Literally and figuratively. I probably owe you for all that coffee you bought me.”
Waving a hand, Mack said, “Don’t worry about it. I was happy to do it.” He paused, the reality of it finally hitting him. If his work was finished… he wouldn’t be seeing Elena again.
No sense in moping about it, he told himself sternly. Grabbing the keys from the table next to him, he dropped them in Elena’s outstretched hand. “All yours,” he told her.
Elena nodded, stuffing the keys in her pocket. “Thanks, Mack.” She paused for a second, then extended a hand to shake.
Mack blinked in surprise-- he hadn’t expected such a formal goodbye. But he went to shake her hand, and it was only as his fingers were curling around hers that he noticed the dark blue soulmark on her palm.
A flash of light radiated from their hands, and Mack felt himself transported away from the garage:
He was sitting on the couch in his apartment, leaning back and relaxing. He could hear voices in the kitchen-- a man’s baritone, and Daisy laughing-- and music was emanating from a radio a little ways away.
A soft noise from next to him caught his attention, and he glanced over to see Elena, curled up next to him, her head resting on his chest as she hummed along to the song. Mack wrapped an arm around her and dropped a kiss onto her forehead, and she let out a soft noise. “Te amo,” she whispered, and Mack felt a smile pull at the corner of his mouth.
“Love you back,” he said as a wave of contentment swept over him.
Mack’s eyes snapped open and caught hold of Elena’s. To his shock, a slow smile was spreading across her face. “I knew it,” she said.
“Oh, you knew it?” Mack said, trying to steady his voice. “How exactly did you know it?”
“You’ve got your mark on your hand, too,” she said with a shrug. “Other than that… put it together, Turtleman. I wasn’t just hanging around here waiting for my car. Well, other than the first time.”
Mack felt a smile start to grow on his own face, and then another voice broke through his thoughts.
“Holy. Crap.”
Both of them looked at where Daisy was still lounging in her dad’s car, her eyes wide and a huge grin on her face. “This is awesome,” she said.
Mack exchanged a look with Elena. “I’ll call you?” he offered, and Elena snorted.
“Knowing you? I’ll call you first, Turtleman.” Shooting him a wink, she turned and strolled out of the garage, a spring in her step. For a long minute, Mack watched her, feeling himself grinning like an idiot. Then he turned back to his work, making a mental note to learn Spanish.
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Idea, a group of young human liaisons (late teen/young adult) join the lost light crew and the different crew members essentially adopts them (any bots of your choice)
That's adorable so absolutely yes! I chose the bots I thought most likely to adopt in any capacity.
·Being amongst the tiniest bots on the ship, and having loved human culture whilst never meeting a human, compounds his excitement at their arrival to nearly critical levels. They're so tiny! They can answer all his earth questions! They can go on missions together and he can show them around the galaxy! His first step is to learn how to tell humans apart and to memorize all their names, as well as anything they find important about themselves, so that way they'll feel welcome.
·During this introduction it's revealed these humans are on the younger side, and his reaction immediately becomes one of shock. You're all still little ones?! Not done growing even?! The explanations that human development is quite different fall on deaf audials; he knows what it's like to be small and new in the galaxy, and he won't let anything hurt these protoforms!
·The liaison team now has a permanent guardian, and they quickly learn that his size doesn't tell his full story. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he's still twice the height of the average human, so calling him "tiny" doesn't make much sense to any of them. Being so much taller is something he absolutely adores experiencing for a change, and that combined with his super strength leads to a lot of piggy back rides for the whole crew.
·If anyone, bot or con or whatever, says a mean word to even one of them he's on the warpath. Think you're a big tough guy, huh?! Picking on his little buddies?! Well, he's not gonna give you a chance to pick on somebody your own size! Unless you offer a heartfelt apology, and if the human in question accepts that, then everything is just fine! But he will punch you if he hears this is recurring!
·The various liaisons start referring to him as their "big brother" and once the meaning of that is explained he's absolutely touched. Him? A part of their family? Movie nights henceforth involve him being surrounded by a group of young humans, just chilling around their adoptive older sibling who happens to be six million years old, and should anyone glance at his visor they'll find it absolutely shining in the dim light.
·Having worked with and studied humans of this age group in the past, he's far less upset and far more worried by their arrival, but he pretends he's merely the former. The truth is that he knows their species is especially vulnerable at this age, and getting the rest of the crew to understand that will be an impossible task, even if he asks them to imagine a delicate protoform taking nearly two decades to mature instead of a few hours and to try and comprehend how much trouble that would be.
·His first step is to establish that he's their doctor, one fully capable of handling human medicine, and he quickly catches the rest of his team up to speed. Every medic needs to be able to meet the needs of every crewmember, and these juvenile humans are part of the crew now, as well as their responsibility for the sake of diplomatic relations... Somehow that last part doesn't stress him out in the slightest.
·These humans will quickly find his gruff to be little more than a personality trait. When he's with a patient, specifically one who's a little frightened, his demeanor rapidly softens just as his touch becomes gentle even to a being quite soft and tiny by comparison. For a species not necessarily accustomed to medical care just... whenever they need it, the young liaisons can't help but like him. His reaction to the fact that most humans can't afford medical care is... a very long sigh.
·His attention to these new patients extends well beyond appointment hours, though he does try not to be overbearing. But he just needs to be certain; are they exercising enough? Does the atmosphere of the ship upset their respiratory systems in any way? Is there any chance the modification to the lighting system was ineffective and they're not getting enough vitamin D? Are they eating all their vegetables?!
·It's impossible for the group to ignore the gigantic alien robot very obviously fretting over them like a mother hen, and thus he often gets a "Yes, mom" in response to his queries from them, but in a good natured way. He huffs at first but their genuine appreciation for his efforts is... well, he'd be lying if he said his actions weren't driven by something more than medical duty. Maybe he's the first Cybertronian with a kind of maternal instinct, who knows? What matters is that his "children" are all safe and healthy, and he certainly doesn't start smiling when "Dr. Mom" becomes what he's listed as in their communication contact list.
Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus
·Rodimus agreed to this diplomatic mission despite all his warnings (and pleadings) to say no and find some other way to encourage a good relationship between the species. He has experience with humans, specifically of this exact age range, and while that relationship is one he treasures he's not looking to put any humans in potential danger again. He is, of course, duly ignored and the group is brought on board.
·For the sake of fostering a welcoming and structured environment, he memorizes their names in advance and has them all come to his office for an abridged two hour orientation on the ship and its rules. Knowing they have to be on the move often for neurological development is the only reason he doesn't keep them for a proper five hour orientation. It goes relatively well, but he's less distressed by their lack of attention than he is by how intimidating they seem to find him.
·For some reason this bothers him, no matter how fine he is with bots finding him to be frightening, seeing humans flinch from his presence actually hurts him. So he endeavors to be... friendly! If he earned the nickname "Uncle Magnus" with one human, he can do it again! The best strategy he can think of isn't actually that off base; he'll try to mentor them in their individual pursuits. Dropping down in height whenever he can, typically by getting on a knee to ensure he doesn't tower over them, also proves to be a big help.
·Initially he's determined to keep his Minimus self hidden from them completely, down to the very existence of his split identity. It's less about size, as even his most base form still stands well above the tallest liason, than it is about respect. He wants to be an inspiration to these little ones, and Ultra Magnus is obviously the more impressive of the two. It's only once one particularly affectionate liaison gives him a hug, or more accurately an attempt at one around his offered hand, that he feels compelled to reconsider.
·It makes him nervous for weeks, contemplating the potential fallout of being honest with them, and how it could ruin everything... In the end he blames his own moral compass for forcing him to be honest. He gathers the liaisons together and explains the entirety of his identity in detail, taking all of their questions and praying he won't see any kind of disappointment, before finally removing his armor and "introducing" them to Minimus. The reaction is far from negative. There are exclamations of "botception" and "nesting dolls" in the wild surprise that follows, but nothing that could even be interpreted as dissapoint, and in fact the young humans are only that much more amazed by their "Uncle Minimags". It takes everything he is not to cry.
·He knows enough about human culture to have seen that this particular age group tends to party, and is also way more likely to enjoy pop culture, so he's delighted when they join up. Of course he introduces himself, but he doesn't need to mention much more than his bar before he has their full attention and fascination. The Manhattan sized spaceship run by giant alien robots has a bar?! They're all begging to see it and he's so thrilled he forgets he can transform and runs there with them.
·Their amazement only doubles when night comes and they get to see the place in full swing, but he makes sure they're safely seated on the bar itself, to avoid squishing. As always he's able to chat endlessly to these new arrivals, and his knowledge of human culture quite surprises them. Even if there's a fair amount he doesn't know, the fact that he's aware of anything at all shocks them.
·The rush to get him caught up is a shared effort between the liaisons. Does he know what social media is? Would he like to have an account? For once he's the overwhelmed one and he has to work to keep up with everything they give him, but the attention and genuine interest these little humans have in his thoughts and experiences is... it's a good thing he's got some help around the bar to help him stay caught up. Because these little sort of protoforms have convinced him to get Twitter.
·Movie nights become so massive they actually have to consider expanding the bar. Not only are old movies watched, but all the latest releases as well, some as soon as they're in theaters because look they know it's not technically legal but it's promoting good diplomacy so... However, even when he starts serving and mixing human alcohol, he's quite firm on requiring the humans who drink it to be of age. There's still fun drinks for the younger ones though.
·The humans bond with other bots, but as their first contact on the ship and the most fun he's always got a few of them by his side. Maybe he's just better with other species? He doesn't really know or care, but somehow when there's a little moment and they all take a selfie together he just... he just feels not alone. It's something he keeps a little on the down low, but he's a bit too easy to read for the humans not to notice, and since they're good kids they pretend it's a secret that they mean the world to him. On especially rowdy nights they even help clean up, and each human develops their own little nickname for him, making it less like he adopts them and much more like they adopt him.
·Humans come in fun size too? Neat! But he's admittedly a tad curious when their age is explained and he realizes that, in their own super weird alien way, these are still protoforms. Something almost akin to worry flashes in his spark for an instant. Still, he plays it cool when they're brought on board, pretending to be no more interested than any other bot they're introduced to.
·Before he meets them, he's told quite firmly that these humans are to be protected at all costs, and that any behavior seen as antagonizing in the slightest will be punished. He ensures the top bots he's no Decepticon and that squishies aren't on his radar. But he's admittedly a little concerned that they'll notice his... peculiarities. His own species recoils at his appearance, and while he can handle that, getting it from aliens would be unpleasant.
·But there's no such reaction. They ask him his name, share theirs, and react with the same enthusiasm they do to every bot and even ask the same questions. It's pleasantly surprising, until they all get excited upon his description of his alt mode, at which point it's freaking fantastic. It's with pride that he confirms he's the only flying bot on the crew, and when he's immediately corrected by a random passerby, he explains that he meant the only one who could fly worth a damn. He's greeted by a chorus of laughter for his amazing joke and he vows that he'd die for each and every one of these little squishies.
·All it takes is one hint of a request and he's offering to take them all for a lift through the hangar. This is just the beginning of an impossibly interesting friendship. Eventually he just carries them all around in his cockpit whenever they're walking anywhere, or on his shoulders if they won't all fit, and either way there's a row of humans sitting across him. This friendship is why he's so mortified when his identity of an Empurata is accidentally revealed and the questions begin.
·He reluctantly answers and braces for the impending disgust or revulsion to realize he's been mutilated. But it never comes. Instead, there's genuine sympathy and anger on his behalf, and their little hands reach out to comfort him. Initially he can only be awed. How are these little, fragile, and oh so very young protoforms better than so many members of his species?! Does it matter? They shall be called; "The Whirl Scouts", trademark pending. They'll all have to be trained in combat for their own safety, and he will be their mom now, because he won't just die for them he'll kill for them. They're his kids and his family.
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mascwhump · 3 years
Chapter 22 - Site Bravo
CW: dubcon touching, noncon drugging, forced pill taking, needles, minor blood, manhandling, creepy/intimate whumper, and just straight up smut tbh
Tag list: @whatwasmyprevioususername @milk-carton-whump @whatwhumpcomments @mnmlover2002 @ashintheairlikesnow
A few hours passed before Charlie heard the door unlock. He tore his eyes away from the ceiling and let them drift toward the door. Basil's small frame slipped in, carrying three plastic bags.
"Basil? I was almost positive that you were dead," Charlie said as he sat up.
"N-No, I was just reassigned here," he replied, setting the bags down on the desk.
"Where is here?" Charlie asked.
"I can't say, I'm sorry. I have to go," Basil replied, quickly exiting the room.
Charlie scratched his head as he moved to inspect the bags. Inside one was a meal, another had a few essential items, and the last one had a set of clothes. Charlie ate the meal ravenously before organizing the rest of the items. Not long after, the door opened, and none other than Mallory entered the room.
"Where's my team?" Charlie demanded.
"Hello to you, too. They're just fine. In fact, they're in the rooms on either side of you," Mallory said, straightening his sleeves.
"Where are we?
"America. This is my new compound, provided to me by your lovely government. We're calling it Site Bravo," Mallory answered.
Charlie twisted back to face the desk, placing his elbows on it to rest his head. Mallory approached him and placed his hand on the back of his head, causing him to flinch.
"Don't worry, love. Things are how they should be again. Although, I will admit, it was fun seeing what it's like in your position for once."
"How did they even know where to find us?"
Mallory tapped on his collar. Charlie sighed heavily into his hands. He hadn't even considered the fact that there might be a tracker inside of it.
"I'm moving the majority of my operation here. It's a much more advanced facility, and that means our research should increase tenfold."
"And I'm assuming you plan to test your stupid fucking research on us indefinitely."
Mallory sat down on the edge of the bed.
"We're expanding our testing. Right now, we have Q-179, T-77, also known as the truth serum, and C-282, the control serum. There's two new ones in the works right now, and the next one should be finished by next week. I have some good news for you, though. They no longer expect me to eliminate you. They're happy allowing me to keep you as healthy test subjects."
"Is that still all I am to you, a test subject? What you've done to me- to us, is beyond what could possibly be needed for your tests. You're obsessed with me. I'm absolutely more to you than a fucking test subject."
"Do you really care that much about what I think of you? It sounds like you're the one obsessed with me."
Charlie put his head down. He sighed deeply against the cedar desk. Mallory was next to him again, running his fingers through Charlie's messy hair.
"Come on," he said quietly, "I've got a welcome back present for you and your friends."
Charlie's blood ran cold. He moved robotically, as if someone else was in control of his actions. He followed Mallory down the narrow hallway and out a set of doors. They entered a large empty room with high ceilings, about the size of a basketball court.
"This will eventually be an indoor shooting range, but for now, we'll use it for this," Mallory said.
Soon after, the others were filed into the room, only restrained mentally by the rifles the soldiers held. They stood in a line against one wall. Charlie brushed his hand against Ethan's to acknowledge him. Another solider entered the room, holding a plate of cookies. The team exchanged confused glances as they were each passed a cookie.
"A welcome back gift," Mallory said. He took a cookie himself, and that lowered their suspicions.
"This is pretty good," Adrian said, mouth full.
"I only hire competent cooks," Mallory said. He noticed Crow wasn't eating the cookie.
"Don't worry, they aren't poisoned or anything. See?" He said, taking another bite of his own.
Crow finally ate his, and once everyone had finished, someone they hadn't seen before entered the room, rolling a cart with drawers. He wore a black bandana on the bottom half of his face. He nodded to Mallory before quickly exiting the room.
"So, now that I have you all here, I have to ask- how did you find Charlie and I?" He asked.
"The metadata from the video you sent," Adrian spoke. His eyes went wide, and he began looking around frantically.
"Ah, I see," Mallory sighed, "Didn't think about that."
"Adrian, what the fuck?" Crow hissed at him in a hushed tone.
"I didn't say that!" Adrian yelled.
Charlie froze once he realized what was happening.
"You put truth serum in the cookies," he said.
"No, just one of them," Mallory replied.
"You bastard," Crow spat.
"Shut it," Mallory hissed.
Crow opened his mouth to speak again, but the way the color drained from his face indicated that he couldn't. Charlie and Mallory realized it at the same time.
"Oh, excellent. You got the control serum biscuit," Mallory said.
"No," Adrian growled. Crow moved toward Mallory, but stopped in his tracks when ordered to.
Mallory clicked his tongue as he smirked. His eyes darkened, and Charlie clenched his jaw.
"First off, Crow, not a word unless directed. You and you, restrain Rex and Adrian," Mallory ordered to his soldiers.
"It's Deke," he spat. One of the men forced his arms behind his back and secured them with handcuffs before kicking his legs. Deke snarled as he dropped to his knees, his dog tags clinking together. Adrian put up a fight, managing to land a punch to one of them before another stepped in and got him on the ground and in cuffs.
Mallory opened one of the drawers on the cart and pulled out a bottle of pills will no label.
"Crow, make Charlie take this," he ordered. Crow walked over to him, and Mallory dropped one of the beige tablets in his hand.
"What is it?" Charlie questioned.
"Don't know. Can't be good if it was in this drawer," Mallory replied.
Crow approached him slowly. Charlie's back was already pressed against the wall.
"I'm not taking it," Charlie said, speaking to Mallory, but looking at Crow.
"Too bad. Do anything to get it down his throat, Crow," Mallory said.
Crow tapped on his jaw, and Charlie shook his head. He gritted his teeth. Crow eyes were filled with sorrow as he gripped Charlie's jaw in an attempt to force it open. He turned his head away and tried to move, but Crow pinned him with one hand on his chest.
"Stop this! This is insane!" Deke yelled. He was met with a blow to his shoulder with the butt of a rifle.
"Maybe he'll open his mouth if you pinch his nose," Mallory suggested.
Charlie struggled and squeezed his eyes shut right as Crow gripped his nose, cutting off his air. He could only hold his breath for thirty seconds before his mouth dropped open. He gasped for air as Crow shoved the pill to the back of his mouth, then covered it with his hand. Charlie had no choice but to swallow.
"Well done," Mallory spoke, "It was just a vitamin, by the way."
"You motherfucker!" Charlie yelled, pushing past Crow.
"Grab him," Mallory said quickly. Crow took Charlie's arms and held them behind his back.
Adrian began struggling against the soldiers' hold.
"Get him out of here," Mallory hissed. They picked Adrian up and dragged him out of the room as he began to yell numerous threats.
"Such a waste. Oh, well. I didn't really have anything for him to confess to, anyway."
Charlie was attempting to rip his arms out of Crow's grasp. Mallory watched in amusement.
"This is ridiculous," Ethan spoke.
"Oh, really? Come here," Mallory responded.
"Don't fucking touch him," Charlie spat.
Ethan approached him slowly, and Charlie could see that his hands were shaking. Mallory pulled him toward him and whispered something in his ear. Ethan pulled back, eyes wide. Suddenly, Mallory reeled back his fist and hit him square in the face, knocking him down instantly. Deke and Charlie began to yell as Ethan hit the ground, blood escaping from his nose.
"Take him to the infirmary. Fuck it, get Rex out of here, too. I don't need any more distractions," Mallory said.
Deke kicked and threw himself at the soldiers, but stopped when the barrel of a rifle was in his face. They shoved him out the door before dragging Ethan out after him. The three of them were alone.
"Soon, you'll all learn that you're not going to get away with those kinds of things," Mallory said.
"Fuck you. What the fuck did you say to him?!" Charlie yelled, his hands balling into fists.
"Nothing. I suggest you shut up before you're met with the same fate."
"Do it, you coward!"
"Hm, no. That'd be too generous."
Mallory set his phone on the cart, open to the app that controlled the collar. He didn't press anything, and Charlie knew it was a warning. He stopped struggling, and Crow loosened his grip. Crow moved away when Mallory motioned for him to. Mallory gripped his shirt to pull him down, then whispered something.
"What's with all the secrecy?" Charlie questioned.
Crow turned and approached him slowly. His face was turning pink, and Charlie backed away until he hit the wall again.
Crow stopped directly in front of him and looked him in the eyes. Charlie gasped when he felt him rest his hand between his legs.
"Wh... what are you doing?" He breathed. He gripped Crow's arm as he started rubbing his hand against him.
"St-Stop," Charlie stammered. His heart was racing, and he could feel that Crow's was, too, from the pulse in his wrist.
"God, Charlie. You're such a whore. You're not even trying to make him stop," Mallory teased. Charlie broke out of his daze and moved Crow's hand away. Mallory laughed.
"What, you don't like him touching you like that?"
"No... I-I mean, not while he's... not acting on his own free will," Charlie said.
"I've read the rest of his journal. Trust me, he wants to. Go on, Crow."
He moved his hand back, despite Charlie's hold on his wrist. Charlie slowly released his grip as he rubbed him and moved his hand slowly up his tatted arm. He hadn't realized that his eyes were closed until he felt Crow's other hand tangle in his hair. He could feel his blush as he began to get hard, and found himself pushing against Crow's hand.
Crow suddenly tensed, and Charlie opened his eyes to see Mallory had stuck a syringe in his neck.
"What the fu-"
"Shh. It's just a reversal," Mallory said.
After thirty seconds or so, Crow relaxed.
"Come on," Mallory said.
They followed him out of the room. Charlie felt the hairs on his neck and arms stand up. They ended up at his room. Mallory opened the door, motioned for them to go inside, and shut the door. They stood awkwardly as they listened to Mallory walk down the hallway.
"Um, hi," Crow finally spoke.
"Hi," Charlie laughed.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Are you?"
"I'm fine."
Charlie gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him down to him.
He reached for Crow's hand without breaking his gaze. He slowly moved it back between his legs as he bit his lip. Crow leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Charlie wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He kissed him again, this time with more force.
Crow picked up him, and Charlie wrapped his legs around his hips. They grinded into each other as their kisses became sloppier; their tongues becoming entangled. Charlie moaned softly as he ran his fingers through Crow's hair. Crow pulled away and started kissing along his jaw.
"Wish this fucking collar wasn't on," he growled.
Like magic, the collar popped open. Charlie pulled it from his neck and tossed it away.
"Room's fucking bugged," Crow said.
"I don't care," Charlie breathed.
Crow kissed his neck and bit it gently. Charlie leaned his head back against the wall as small moans escaped his lips.
Crow moved him over to the bed, and continued to kiss his neck as he lied him down.
"Fuck me," Charlie moaned.
Crow straightened up and slid his pants from his hips. He gripped the top of Charlie's shorts and pulled them off, along with his boxers, in one movement.
"There's... there's lube on the desk," Charlie said, "I don't know why, but it's there."
Crow swiped the bottle from the desktop and flipped open the top. Charlie watched in a daze as he let it drip down onto his cock. He put a bit on his fingers and rubbed them over his hole.
"Fuck," Charlie breathed.
Crow leaned over him and guided himself in with one hand. They moaned in unison as he entered, and Charlie pulled him down to kiss him again.
Crow rocked his hips slowly at first, steadily increasing in pace. Charlie gripped his own cock and stroked himself
"You're so fucking tight," Crow murmured in his ear.
"Ah... don't, hhh, fuck, don't stop," Charlie moaned.
He hated how close he was already. He wanted this to last forever. Crow left love bites along his neck as he traced his fingers beneath Charlie's shirt, eventually pulling it over his head.
"I’m close,” Crow breathed. He gripped onto his hips, allowing him to go deeper.
“Fuck!” Charlie cried out as he came, lines of cum landing on his abs. A few seconds more, and Crow pulled out, stroking himself until he finished on Charlie’s chest.
They were both breathing heavily. Charlie grinned ear to ear as he pulled Crow down to kiss him again.
“I should shower,” he murmured against his lips.
“Can I join?” Crow asked.
“Yes,” Charlie giggled.
Charlie stepped in first and rinsed off. They took turns lathering up with soap, and kissed in between.
“Are we telling anyone about this?” Charlie asked.
“Fuck no. We’ll never hear the end of it,” Crow said. Charlie laughed as he shut off the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist. He left the bathroom to retrieve their clothes, and jumped when he noticed Mallory sitting at the desk. He quickly picked up Crow’s clothes and threw them to him in the bathroom.
“Have fun?” Mallory asked.
Charlie ducked down behind the bed to slip on his clothes, only popping back up when dressed. Crow stepped out of the bathroom and folded his arms.
“Why are you here?” He questioned.
“To take you back to your room,” Mallory replied.
As they left, Crow looked over his shoulder and smiled at Charlie. Charlie returned it. He lied down on the bed, and let out a content sigh. Mallory was back a minute later, and picked up the collar from the floor.
“Sit up,” he ordered. Charlie sat up, and Mallory took note of the hickeys on his neck before snapping the collar back on. He looked annoyed, but Charlie didn’t care.
“I’m surprised you allowed us to do that,” he said as Mallory turned to leave.
“I have my reasons,” he said, walking out the door.
Charlie lied back down and stared at the ceiling. He closed his eyes, and for once, he was able to have a refreshing nap.
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capricxs · 4 years
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so you’ve been roleplaying for years... things change, the way the community does things shift, and sometimes there’s new skills you need to pick up and adjust to in order to make your time rping as creatively rich and fulfilling as it can be. one of those things that’s become extremely important is plotting & hcing. either in groups, in indie, or doing 1x1s, these two are the foundation to your interaction (unless you’re the type to wing it). sometimes when i interact with people, it seems they don’t really click with this process, so in the guide below, i’ll help to explain why these are so important, and how to do it in a way that not only gives you a rich plot, but helps inspire and keep your writing partner engaged with you.
disclaimer --- this is just my personal experience and opinions being shared. i am not the end-all-be-all on how to interact with writing partners. this is just here to get people to begin thinking about things they otherwise wouldn’t have thought about.
questions regarding this help post can be found here. let’s jump in!
firstly, rp has changed a lot since the days of launching into an rp or writing a random starter for a new follower. things are a lot more established and regardless of if you’re in a bio/skeleton rp with pre-written connections, or you’re in a new plotless group or indie and you’re coming up with them on your own, it’s a major foundation to your writing experience, so don’t treat it lightly!
secondly, regardless of format, and with the shifts in rp culture, behind the scenes plotting & hcing is crucial to the development of your plot & characters. as writers, we take more time with our replies so development on dash happens a lot slower. personally i don’t mind that, but i don’t want that to hinder my writing experience so i like taking things behind the scenes to help build up dynamics and situations so the whole relationship isn’t based off one or two threads/instances.
lastly, it helps to keep things inspiring. sound dumb? you bet, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles baby. so many times i have plotted ships, sibling relationships, best friends, or other core relationships, and wanted to sink my teeth in relationship lore and background and dynamics, only to be returned with “hahah yes! i love that!” now i understand this is never ill-intentioned, but it does suck the muse right out the situation. if you do not validate & expand on your partner’s ideas, it’s not going to make that writer’s ideas feel appreciated or loved. the way to tell them you love their ideas? sink your teeth right back and send an equally meaty response right back!
you don’t need this post to tell you how to come up with plot ideas, that’s a whole different guide, but let’s say you’re in the brainstorming process. you’re throwing ideas back and forth based on your muse’s two backgrounds and seeing what sticks. what is SUCH a downer, is when a writing partner is just ... not contributing. yes, we are all guilty of the line “i’m open to anything!” but try and limit yourself to using that line once in a conversation. hell, i prefer it when a person doesn’t even say it at all and they’re HONEST. if i come in guns-a-blazing and i ask ‘what plots do you need filled?’ if a person responds with ‘i need someone who hurt my muse’ there’s two option, i fill that plot, or i don’t. it’s that simple. don’t be afraid to say what you want, the worst that can happen is the person says ‘eh, i don’t really think that fits my character’ and you come up with something else! but when you’re already passionate about the idea, you’re setting yourself up for such great success!
so what do you do when your one (1) braincell isn’t working and you can’t come up with any connection ideas? two options, you can either go to one of the dozens of guides for basic connection ideas and give your partner something, or you can look at the other person’s bio, and your muse, and try and find connections between them. both of these are painfully easy! i’m a personal fan of the latter as it seems a bit more grounded and juicy than the former, but those can be twisted into something great too! **if you’re in a group setting, even asking what that person’s other connections are, and piggybacking off of that. these create super spicy connections. example: you find out muse a is muse b’s ex, and your muse, muse c, is best friends w muse b, so it’s safe to assume your muse c will probably not get along with muse a.
this important thing is not to make your partner feel like they’re doing all the work. because that’s never fun, and truthfully, it doesn’t make that person want to write with you if you’re not also putting in the elbow grease. plotting is fun, not a chore! make it a party!
you’ve got your plot now, congrats! and you’re so excited. but now you need that plot to be fleshed out a bit. there’s some history there so you’ve got to establish it. in comes the powerhouse--- my favorite part to this whole thing: HCING. it’s the most laid back, and in my opinion, creative part of the rping process. truthfully, i enjoy it more than threads because of the absolute insanity you can dig up. but i only love it if my partner can hand it back just as i can serve it.
maybe you’ve never quite thought that this part was that important, but i can assure you, if a person is giving you 3+ sentences about the dynamic of your characters, they’re trying to hc with you, and if you don’t enrich them, your dynamic is going to wither away.
i brought up an idea in the first part of this guide that’s extremely important to how you hc with your writing partner: VALIDATE & EXPAND. it’s the idea that no matter how much or how little your rp partner gives you in terms of an hc, you respond to it with a validation, which can range anywhere from ‘i LOVE that’ to as simple as a key smash and the pleading emotion, or even repeating a fraction of what they said to show you understand their vision. but then you have to back that up with expanding on that idea. hcs could be about a situation or about your writing partner’s character, so expand on how your character feels and reacts to things. it’s beyond discouraging when i write a whole idea out, explaining how my character feels in this emotionally intense setting, and my writing partner only gives me the validation portion, and now i have no idea how my opp’s character thinks, feels, or interacts.
see, a point i mentioned above is the fact that threads don’t work like they used to. and that’s fine! but hcing is an easy and fun way to make up for the fact that we take time with our threads now. if you’re rping to find rich, in-depth, satisfying dynamics, it’s going to take many many months to get your understanding of your opp’s muse, and the relationship they have, hcing fast tracks that process. i’m writing with you, i love your muse, give me the dirty details, i promise it’s not obnoxious. the more your give back, the more you will receive. so why wait around, sitting on our thumbs for me to fully get a grasp of your character’s voice, and your character’s thoughts, when we could do that on chat and have a grand time.
but now you’re thinking to yourself: okay, but how exactly do i validate and expand? and for that, we go to EXAMPLE-BOT 3000 !! not a real bot, unfortunately, but example bot has dug up a personal interaction i’ve had hcing. for context, this is a 1x1 writing partner i’ve had for years. we have an excellent dynamic and they are perfect. they have also given me permission to use our convos as example.
here is my message [ CONTEXT: this is a sandbox-star-wars-esque verse]
Okay but I had a thot in the shower,,, where the best thoughts are had. And what if,,, after this meeting and they part ways and such and it was just another weird occurrence in their lives, blastis gets a mission and it’s either to protecc salia or like guide salia across the galaxy to do something smth and save some lives or whatever. And ofc not because she couldn’t take care of herself but he has smth she doesn’t that gives an edge or just a close loved one of her’s didn’t want to see her get hurt. So you have these two traveling across the galaxy,,, sometimes arguing bc she can manage herself but he’s just fulfilling the mission. And them both kicking but. And all the steamy tension and cliches.
let’s break this message down before we get into the response. first, hcs don’t have to be formal. they are the most fun when they’re less together and don’t rely so much on “sounding good”. you’re just rolling off the top of your brain, chatting like you would with a friend, don’t worry too much on formalities because this isn’t the place for that.
i am also presenting my idea in a way that is confident, and with plenty of ideas to work on. i am involving my partner’s character but not godmodding. i am taking things i have learned from character introductions (like salia being independent and empowered, and wanting to do good/help others) and not disrespecting them, but having her take part in the plot. there are also small bits at the end of this idea that are little nuggets to build off of.
let’s look at my partner’s response.
AAAAH okay i love the idea!!! however shes a v. freelance kinda healer and doesnt really take official things. and she doesnt have loved ones that would know if there was danger - she can telepathically communicate with her own people but if she doesnt want them to know things they cant just. force their way in its a Closed Communication line not an open invitation into her thoughts asdfghjsh. But i could imagine that some guy or family hire her to find their children maybe who were lost on their adventure/mission with friends and the last message sounded like one was hurt,,, badly. and the other cant help for some reason. and they hire blastis to both protect her and later the people shes supposed to heal??
but anYWAY the Important part is ofc. the tension. and his big ass in her ship bc why would she?? take another if hers is right there. so hes gonna take that single bed and not complain. but ooof those two?? just kicking ass and being amazing. growing on each other more and more.
right off the bat is validation. and validation doesn’t have to be as direct as it is in this message. the validation is important here specifically, my partner showed they were interested and supportive of the idea i presented, but needed the plot to fit in their character’s story better. we see them making adjustments--- this is a collaborative experience so i alone shouldn’t be the one coming up with the plot, nor would i want my idea taken just as is. instead they mold it to fit what makes sense, getting more specific than my idea with a “mission purpose”. this is where the bouncing off of each other begins.
they then take the “bait” and start building on the tension our muses will experience (this is a ship afterall). while this is the beginning of our conversation, and there’s aren’t specific moments we’re working off of, this is setting the ground for future headcanons (see: the focus on sexual tension, living in a ship together, kicking butt), we are both mutually giving each other little tethers to take hold of. this is a very good start to begin working out the dynamic and situations these two characters are found in, with multiple different launch-off points.
there’s no right or wrong way to rp. even the tips listed here might not be applicable to your style, just having the idea in the back of your mind helps. the important thing is you and the person you’re writing with are having fun. you both are respecting each other’s time and ideas and creating a beautiful dynamic or world or relationship. this is a collaborative experience, and it’s important not to leave your partner feeling like they’re doing all the heavy lifting creatively.
hope this helped! as always, you can send me any questions you have in regards to this topic HERE. you can find a tag of answered questions in relation to this topic HERE.
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honouraryweasley12 · 4 years
A Magical Melody
This was written for the amazing @adenei for the HPRomione Discord Secret Santa 2020. If you’re not following her, you are missing out on some excellent Romione content.
Also on FF.n
Summary: Ron gets an education on Muggle music as he and Hermione visit her home and share some tender moments after the war.
Ron's loud footsteps echoed in the kitchen as he barrelled down the stairs of The Burrow, breaking the quiet peace.
"Morning, Mum."
Molly was busy at the stove, preparing breakfast for the Weasley clan. She greeted her youngest son as he strode toward the table.
He slid into the chair next to Hermione and pressed a kiss to the side of her head, both of them blushing under Molly's gaze. She was watching them wistfully, before turning back to a pan of fried eggs.
"Morning, love."
Hermione grinned at him, slowly getting used to the terms of endearment he seemed so fond of using. "Good morning."
He dropped his head onto her shoulder and snuggled close before letting out a wide yawn.
"How did you sleep?"
"Good, until I woke up and you weren't—"
She kicked him under the table, shutting him up. The fact that she'd been sneaking into his room at night to fall asleep in his arms was not something she wanted Mrs. Weasley to hear about.
"Sorry," he murmured in her ear, causing a pleasurable shiver to run through her body. She loved that they could be so close now, after denying themselves for so long.
His volume increased significantly. "How did you sleep in Ginny's room?"
She tutted under her breath, but played along with his charade nonetheless. "I was fine; no nightmares."
"Good. Why are you up so early? I thought I finally convinced you that sleeping in was good for you."
She paused for a moment, running her fingers up and down the teacup in front of her.
"What is it?"
"I've been thinking..."
"That's not a surprise."
Hermione rolled her eyes affectionately and continued on.
"Ever since your Dad and Bill finished checking my parents' home for curses and traps last week, it's been on my mind. What state is the house in? Should I do something about it or wait?"
"You usually don't wait for anything... except maybe me," he quipped.
"I know, I hate just sitting here, knowing there is something to be done," she fretted, completely ignoring the rest of his comment. "I even rang the energy company from the village, when I went with Ginny and your mum the other day, and everything should be reconnected by now."
Ron scrunched his eyes in deep thought. "Electricity, right?"
Hermione nodded. "What if... what if we go to my house today? See how things are? We're still waiting for the paperwork to go to Australia, and it would be nice for them to have a home to come back to." Her voice dropped to a strained whisper. "If we find them."
Ron ran his large hand gently up and down her back, the warmth through her thin shirt soothing her as he leaned forward. "We'll find them, I promise. I think visiting your house, now that it's safe, is a brilliant idea. I've always wanted to see where you grew up."
She turned her head in surprise, throwing him slightly off balance. "Really?"
He sat up and nodded, before looking down and picking at the wooden tabletop to avoid eye contact. "It was always one of those things I wondered about, but if I told you, I was scared you'd realize how much time I spent I thinking about you."
Her face softened at such a sweet, honest admission. It wasn't the first time he'd surprised her with the depth of his feelings in the short time they'd been dating. Before she could reply, Mrs. Weasley let out a sniffle and dabbed her eyes with her apron, before hustling over and placing two plates in front of them, stopping to ruffle Ron's hair.
"Geroff, Mum!" His complaint was half-hearted, causing Hermione to giggle.
"I'm just so happy for the two of you! Now, tuck in."
Ron rolled his eyes, but reached for Hermione's hand under the table, their fingers linking together. She smiled at him and squeezed his hand.
A quiet pop, barely noticeable in the late Spring afternoon, signalled the arrival of the couple in a posh suburb. Arriving in a small tree-lined area, they emerged onto the sidewalk, hand-in-hand.
Ron shook his head, slightly disoriented from the Side-Along. They thought it was the safest way to go, since he wasn't familiar with the area where Hermione lived. His eyes widened as he took in the houses they were walking past. "Wow, these places are really fancy."
"Dentists tend to do quite well financially, so my parents bought our home in a nice location, both to live in and as a sensible investment. Their goal was to sell it when they were older and retire to the coast."
Ron nodded, still looking around in awe.
"Look, there it is!"
He directed his attention to the neat, two-storey brick home. It wasn't the largest on the block, but certainly not the smallest. It seemed quite grand and spacious for a family of three.
As they reached the front door, Hermione paused and let out a shaky breath. Ron placed his hands on her shoulders, coaxing her to face him.
"You did the right thing."
She took a moment and nodded, her body still trembling. "It just feels surreal to be back here, now that everything is over."
"From what Bill said, it seems like the Death Eaters realized it was abandoned and didn't cause much damage. I think he and Dad set most of it right already."
She nodded, and pulled out a key from her pocket.
He watched her carefully as she unlocked the door and turned the knob. She peered into the dark, a beam of sunlight highlighting the dust in the air. Overcome by sudden emotion, Hermione's eyes welled up, remembering the times she had spent there with her family. Her missing family.
A second later, her nose was pressed into the softly worn cotton of Ron's shirt as he comforted her.
"You are amazing." The deep timbre of his voice was muffled by her hair. "What you did to protect them took so much, and it'll be over with soon. We're going to find them and bring them home."
She gripped him harder, tears soaking into the cloth. She hadn't realized how much her actions had cost her. How big of a weight it had been on her soul.
"I couldn't do this without you," she said into his shirt.
"I'm here for you, no matter what happens."
She wiped her eyes, before pulling him down for a quick kiss. "Thank you."
Letting out a deep, far calmer breath, Hermione turned to the doorway.
She stepped in and flipped the familiar switch on the wall. The light in the entrance hummed to life as she surveyed her home for the first time in a year.
Ron's enthusiasm seemed to shake her out of her thoughts as she shuffled aside and let him in, locking the door behind him.
He looked around in wonder, taking it all in. She in turn was watching him, a small smile playing across her lips. He spied her expression and grinned back. "So this is it, huh? The famous Granger residence."
"I don't know how famous it is, but it's home."
Ron was fascinated. "Everything is so neat and tidy, and the walls are so straight, unlike The Burrow. It does seem much more welcoming than Harry's Aunt and Uncle's. I think that's the only other Muggle home I've ever been to."
She too glanced around. She hadn't realized how much she missed the place she grew up.
"The rest of our things aren't even out yet. I shrunk the valuables and concealed them in the attic."
The lights started flickering, causing Hermione to jump. It was then she noticed her boyfriend, flicking the switch on and off rapidly.
"Ron, what are you doing?"
"Lights on, lights off. This is fun! You should try it."
She grabbed his hand, stilling it. "You can play later. We have work to do first."
Ron groaned, his head flopping back in protest. "We don't have to clean the Muggle way, do we? I still have nightmares about Grimmauld Place."
She playfully poked him in the side, causing him to flinch. "No, we'll use magic this time. We can get the cleaning done quickly, then we can start rearranging the furniture and putting things back in the cupboards."
He kissed the top of her head, before making a sweeping gesture. "Lead the way."
The two set about cleaning the empty house, the thin layer of dust coating the surfaces quickly removed. Hermione opened the curtains and windows, letting in the fresh breeze. With the aid of magic, it only took them a short amount of time to get the main areas of the first floor looking like new.
Hermione was just finishing the kitchen cabinets as Ron stopped to examine some of the appliances.
"I really should have taken Muggle Studies," he remarked as he took a closer look at the electric kettle. "Some of this stuff is interesting. I can see why Dad is so obsessed."
"Your Dad's interest in Muggle gadgets is quite unique amongst magical people, isn't it?"
"It's completely barmy."
"No more than obsessing over books or Quidditch."
He shrugged. "I guess everyone has their interests."
Hermione suddenly gasped and raced to the stairs leading to the second floor. "Wait here."
Her footsteps thumped around above him for a few minutes, until she finally reappeared and descended the stairs, her face flushed.
"What have you got there?" Ron asked as she reached him. In her hand were a number of tiny brown cubes.
"You'll see, come with me." She grabbed his hand, their fingers locking automatically, and practically pulled him to a small room at the back of the house. "This is Dad's den."
The empty built-ins were the perfect place for floor-to-ceiling books. "Your own personal library. No wonder you're so excited."
She chuckled and shook her head, before gently placing the small cubes on the floor.
"Stand back."
With a quick wave of her wand, the cubes expanded into a large pile of assorted boxes. "It's my Dad's collection. Instead of gadgets, music is his passion."
She gleefully opened the first box to find it full of cardboard sleeves. She extracted one and pulled out the thin black disc from inside to show Ron.
"These are records. They aren't as popular anymore, but a lot of purists love them. The music is imprinted in these grooves here."
"Ooh!" She said, shoving the record back into its sleeve and handing it to Ron. "Let me show you these."
Hermione moved a few boxes and found the one she was looking for. The inside revealed piles of small plastic rectangles.
"What am I looking at?"
"These are called cassettes, or tapes," she explained as she opened the case and removed the cassette, pointing out the spools inside. "The tape within contains the music. And last but not least—"
"There's more?"
"Yes!" She opened a third box and pulled out a jewel case. "These are called compact discs, or CDs."
Ron's head was spinning now as she passed him the silver disc. He held the CD in his hands, watching as it caught the light and revealed a rainbow of colours across its surface. "So why does music come in all of these different containers?"
"You'll find that Muggles are creative and adaptable to new technologies. We're constantly inventing and refining how we do things. Innovation moves much faster here than in the Wizarding world."
Ron nodded, gesturing to the records and cassettes. "So all of these have been made in the last few years?"
"Records were more popular in the 1960s and 70s, cassettes in the 80s, and CDs in the 90s. When I was here for Christmas the year before last, my dad had a new computer. He was showing me that digital music can now be downloaded as MP3 files. He thinks it's the future of music."
All Ron could do was shake his head in disbelief. "I don't understand half of what you just said, but I'll take your word for it."
He watched in fascination as she opened more boxes and stacked a number of large rectangular devices on the shelves, then untangled a spool of wires.
Ron was peering at the electronics. "I think my Dad has some of this stuff in his shed!"
"These actually play the music." She pointed out the different devices to him. "This is a turntable, it plays the records, and this is a stereo with both a cassette player and a CD player."
She directed him to lift up the large speakers and place them in the corners of the room.
"What are you doing now?"
"I'm connecting the speakers so that we can hear the music. Think of these as boxes with a Sonorous charm on them."
He watched as she deftly ran the wiring and plugged everything in.
Her eyes were alight with excitement to share this with him. "What shall we listen to first?"
Ron shrugged. "Whatever doesn't sound like the rubbish Mum listens to."
"No, of course not. Muggle music has much more variety. There are so many genres: pop, rock, classical, country, hip hop. Luckily, my Dad has very diverse tastes."
"You're taking the mickey! There's no music called hip hop! Is it made by rabbits?"
She snorted. "It's completely true. I think it's more popular in America."
She started flipping through the records, trying to find something that might appeal to Ron. "Oh, this should work! The Weird Sisters were inspired by this type of music, so it should be familiar."
Ron shrugged. "I never really paid that much attention to them before."
"Surely you've heard Ginny playing their music. They played the entire Yule Ball!"
He suddenly looked pained, his mouth a thin line as he quietly responded. "Like I said, I haven't paid much attention."
Noting his tenseness, she turned back to the audio equipment. "Well, let's see what you think about this."
She fiddled with the knobs on the turntable, before pulling out the record. With a light scratch of the needle arm, the familiar static sound of a record playing filled the room.
Hermione suddenly stomped her feet and clapped in time with the loud music.
Ron clutched at his chest, broken out of his stupor. "Bloody hell!"
She grabbed his hand, her excitement contagious as he reluctantly joined in the pattern. A man's excited voice sang and Ron couldn't help bobbing his head. Hermione was smiling widely watching him.
As the music swelled, she cried out the familiar lyrics. "We will, we will rock you!"
Ron's deep voice hesitantly joined hers as their combined singing echoed off the walls. Once the song came to an end, Ron couldn't help but express his admiration, his mood lifted.
"That was brilliant!"
"See, I told you Muggles had good music. That was a rock band called Queen. I believe that song is quite popular at sporting events."
Ron's eyes lit up. "Imagine a whole Quidditch stadium doing that!"
"That would certainly be a sight. What next?"
As the two continued unboxing and organizing the rather large collection of music, Hermione took the opportunity to play a variety of different songs, just to introduce Ron to some of the genres she enjoyed.
"Dad always had music playing, and I must admit, I did miss it at Hogwarts. The few times I was here, he always had something new to listen to."
Ron was digging through a box, looking at the various CD covers when he let out a gasp.
"What is this?"
She spotted the familiar case in his hands, her face blanching in horror. "No, no, no!"
She launched herself at him, but Ron was quicker, holding the case higher than she could reach. She tried to jump up, but was unable to knock it out of his hands.
"Give that back!" She pouted over his laughter.
"I will, once I've examined it."
Hermione crossed her arms, and shot him a look that would make most people quaver.
Ron read the cover, which had been decorated with a number of hand-written hearts. "Take That?"
"They happen to be a very popular group."
Ron wrinkled his nose as he looked at the five blokes on the cover, all dressed in white. "So which poncy git did you fancy back then?"
She smirked at him, her chin jutting out. "The one I still fancy is Gary Barlow."
"Pfft! Come off it."
"Alright, fine. I did find someone better to fancy soon after that."
"Wait, who?"
She shook her head, before swatting him with the rag in her hand. "You!"
"Bloody right."
She thought she heard him mutter the word "wankers" under his breath as he tossed the case back into the box and continued his explorations.
They took their time, putting everything back by hand to enjoy the afternoon together. Hermione was an encyclopedia of musical knowledge, having learned from her father.
She would sing bits and pieces of songs as they worked, her tone slightly off-key, but it made Ron smile.
As they finished up and vanished all the empty boxes, Hermione turned to him. "What did you like best?"
He thought for a moment, scanning the now full shelves. "Definitely the rock music. I liked that Queen group, and that other one. Lead Zuplin?"
"Led Zeppelin."
"Yeah, them. The pop music was alright, so was the hip hop. I liked the... what did you call it again? Catchy beats? I didn't like the country music much."
She smiled proudly. "Look at you, you're a real expert now!"
"My Dad will be so excited."
"I wanted to play one more song, but I'm not sure if you'll like it."
"Go on then."
Hermione pulled a well-worn record from the shelf and placed it on the turntable. A strong feminine voice filled the room over a slow, romantic melody.
"At last... My love has come along."
She closed her eyes at the familiar sound, picturing the times she'd spent in the room.
"I love this song. It's one of Mum's favourites. We would sit in here on Sunday afternoons, reading, while Dad would organize his collection and play whatever latest albums he purchased."
A loud, obvious clearing of Ron's throat broke her out of her memories. Her eyes opened to find her boyfriend with his hand out, his ears blazing red.
"Didn't get the chance to do this properly last time," he mumbled before he looked up, his eyes meeting hers. "May I have a dance with the prettiest girl here?"
She nodded enthusiastically, her hand clasping his before he pulled her close. She sighed as she nestled against his chest, the two of them swaying together.
She was burrowed in his arms, his warmth enveloping her. The strains of melody echoed around as the two of them danced in a sweet embrace.
"I found a thrill to press my cheek to... A thrill that I have never known."
She never thought she would one day dance with Ron Weasley in her father's den. It was like a dream come true.
Hermione sang into his shirt, her words muffled. "Oh, yeah, yeah, and you smile, you smile... Oh, and then the spell was cast."
She looked up and their eyes met again, drawn together like magnets.
"I always loved that line."
"This music does have a kind of magic to it."
"Mmm, it does."
The two of them slowly spun, holding onto each other as if they would fly away, their eyes still locked. After a moment, Hermione laid her head on his chest and spoke up again.
"Would you really have called me pretty at your brother's wedding?"
He rumbled with laughter. "I'd been working up to it that entire month. Just didn't want to lose my chance with him there, so I panicked and didn't say what I had really wanted to say."
"You never had to worry about him."
"I know that now, but back then, I didn't think I was enough. And for the record, you were the prettiest girl there."
"You can be very sweet. And for the record, I didn't want to dance with anyone other than you, Ron. You have always been more than enough."
"You know, that was one of my favourite memories, dancing with you at Bill's wedding. I thought about it a lot this past year."
She squeezed him tightly, trying to convey how much his words meant to her. She too had replayed those moments over and over in her head, trying to remember what it was like to be so close to him. Nothing beat the real thing.
"Do you know how badly I wanted to kiss you that day?"
She stayed firmly pressed to him as they continued their slow dance. "I was really hoping you would."
"I would've done it, if not for the interruption."
She looked up to find him staring down at her, an unmistakable look of love on his face.
"Nothing's stopping you now."
He grinned broadly and leaned forward, his breath mingling with hers for a second before their lips met.
Though the music had faded out, the two held each other on their impromptu dance floor, lost in one another.
At last.
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cosmiccandydreamer · 4 years
Stability Chapter 10
Otis Driftwood x Reader
Author note: Yes this is another flashback chapter, I had so much fun doing the last chapter I decided to expand more. This chapter is pretty long so thanks for sticking with the story so far💜
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You're 21 now and looking out the window at the beautiful orange and deep red sunset. It's been 3 years since the incident at the bar. And since then the family has told you more about the comings and goings that happened there. You of course were shocked at first and widely taken aback.Your moral compass was definitely damaged considering the fact that you were very biased to the family due to the fact that you were pretty much part of this family. 
They never asked you to participate but now that you were aware of the knowledge that they were hiding from you they hid it a lot less. though this sounds like this would have been an inconvenience It actually was quite refreshing because now you felt that you had more freedom walking around the house and there was less censorship in your presence.
You even started working at Captain's Spalding's gas station a couple days a week, who himself was thrilled at the fact that you were now aware of what was going on and that you seem to be taking it very well. "I always had a feeling you did alright with weird" he said. "I remember that time you brought home that squirrel skeleton with the baby and you tried to glue it back together or something. That's when I was like this girl's going to be either a taxidermy or some weird shit". You laughed spraying more Windex on the display case. "How's your old man by the way? ``he asked, counting the money in the drawer. This is pretty much the only gas station that your father used when he was filling up in between his truck stops. 
"You tell me he talks to you a lot more than he talks to me. I actually haven't seen him for maybe a week and a half." "Oh well now little darling don't get sad your old man's a good man. He just doesn't know how to be a daddy you know?". You just hummed in agreement, not really wanting to go any further on the subject." I'm sad about finishing up the last of my courses at that school a couple cities away What are you going to do without me here?" You said in a chuckle to hide the fact you were incredibly sad about leaving the family.
 "Well shit I'm going to be lost without ya but it won't be long before you're back". "I asked Baby and Otis to come and see me. They said they'll try but Otis said he doesn't like to be seen out in public too much especially in a big city. I mean I get it but I'm going to miss them and you of course". You stood up and brushed off your pants, sighing deeply. "Yeah Otis is not one for being in the city You might be able to get Baby to come down it's hard to get her to focus and she's not really a good driver but I'll try to bring them down at least once to see you and I'll try to call you you know and feel free to call me at anytime You know my number you know where I'm at." He walked around the counter and gave you a big hug "we need at least one of us in this family to be educated so you go get them smarts". 
The day you packed up your truck Baby helped you, You told her that you were in a hurry so you couldn't wait for Otis to get done with whatever he was doing to say goodbye and that you'll call the house later. Truth be told there was a lump growing in your throat at the thought of leaving. The two of you had only gotten closer,late nights of him showing you his work and talking to you about anything really that popped into his mind. You also notice how jealous you got when you knew he was out with one of Charlie's girls.
 You also noticed that whenever you brought up any boys that you may have seen around town that might be attractive he always scoffed and said "there ain't no good boys in this town bunch of fucking idiots". You would secretly hope that's because he was jealous but you weren't sure if it's due to jealousy or the fact that he was just protective of you. 
You settled into your classes pretty fast even making a couple friends in some of them. After about 3 to 4 months you would call the house every weekend and talk to the baby for hours. You would also talk to Otis but he was usually interrupted by being yelled at by someone mostly doing the yelling. He never brought up if he had any attraction to you and you decided it wasn't good to bring it up either You're silly schoolgirl crush was probably just that and you just started to accept that I mean he was so much older than you What would he want in you? He probably saw you as a child. 
You had struck up an acquaintance ship with an attractive young man in your political science class. Due to being an accelerated semester you were only going to be in the course with each other for about 3 months. You came to find out that his name was Dayton and that he was very smart. At the end of the semester he has asked you on a date, you told him you had to think about it, a small flash of hurt appeared across his face "it's not that there's anything wrong with you it's just I don't know if I have time to date anybody right now and I'm late calling home I will give you a ring later though okay?" You asked heading toward your room "ok y/n um yeah call me whenever" he said and headed the opposite way. when you reach the back to your dorm you rang the Firefly's house, discuss what you learned today in political science with Otis. Mama Firefly answered when you called, she was over the moon to hear from you. 
After talking for a while you asked her if Otis was home, because you had agreed to talk at 6:30. "Oh I'm sorry sugar dumpling but he's at Charlie's but Baby is home wanna talk to her?" Your stomach twisted, he blew off your phone conversation to go fuck a whore? Well that cleared up anything you were wondering about how he felt.. "Actually Mama, I think I have someone on call waiting. Can you tell Baby I'll call her tomorrow?" "Sure thing honey we miss you!" "Miss you too mama" you hung up the phone and called another number "hey Dayton I think I am free for dinner after all". 
When Otis returned home he immediately hurried over where the phone was. Was he too late? She said 8:30 right? He rang your dorm number before hanging it up hard when you didn't answer. Fuck it he thought and headed to the kitchen for a beer. "Oh Otis!" Y/n called for you I told her you were at Charlie's" Mama's voice ran out from the living room as he passed. 
"Wait when did she call and you told her what?!" He angrily asked whipping his head out "I was out with Cutter and it was 8:30 she was supposed to call" " mmm hmm well honey she said 6:30 but then she said she said she had another call so she's gonna call back tomorrow" she replied looking back toward her show. He swallowed his annoyance and stomped back upstairs after grabbing his beer, god why the fuck did he care?! And why did he rush over here just to shoot the shit with you on the phone.. "god dammit" he thought to himself "fucking God dammit". 
The date went well to your surprise, dinner was lovely followed by a fun conversation (or debate) depending on who you ask. You started to wonder if you had wasted time pining over the idea of Otis being interested in you and maybe you should focus on someone your own age. You didn't call the house for the rest of the week, Baby left some messages on your answering machine as well as Spalding. Nothing from Otis though, A small part of you was disappointed. You eventually called Baby back and you had told her how you went on a date with a nice young man. She was happy for you and wanted to hear every detail. You asked about Otis and she said he was in a mood right now so it's best not to bug him. 
Otis had walked by the room when he heard Baby talking to you on the phone, He heard that you had gone out with a young man. Good for her he thought, the sooner I get the idea of her out of my head the better she's a fucking kid anyway. He decided to head to Charlie's and relieve some tension. He thought he got you out his head at least for the time being, that was until he found himself picking the girl who had your hair color, your eyes and around the same height. Walking into the prostitutes room he pictured your face, god dammit he thought to himself as he shut the door behind him. 
You had gone on a couple more dates with Dayton. So far he had been a perfect gentleman. One night after a particularly wonderful date You had both ended up back at your place. You've never gone fully all the way You had kissed and stuff a couple of boys around town but nothing ever lasted, You were nervous and you let him know that you were not experienced in this department. He kept reassuring you that it was going to be fine and that he would take care of you. It almost seemed like he was rushing you a bit to not change your mind but you decided that he was just happy to be close to you. 
You ended up going all the way with him but throughout the ordeal it was not as exciting as you thought it would be. He seemed to be more focused on getting himself off than focusing on you, halfway through you thought to yourself that you would wish he would hurry up.( He was way smaller than he led you to believe *eye roll*.)You also noticed that at one point you found yourself imagining Otis on top of you.. saying you were conflicted was definitely an understatement. 
After that night he left in the morning after falling asleep right after he finished. You got up to the shower and looked at yourself in the mirror. You thought back to the night at the bar and all the other nights that he would spend at the house. You felt so homesick for everyone although your time here in college was fun and you're glad that you experienced it You were starting to wonder if this was really where you wanted to be. The days following after you and Dayton had been intimate you noticed the change in him he was starting to become more aggressive. The sweet demeanor that he had was slowly disappearing to someone who was controlling and short-tempered. He was starting to insist that he stayed over every night even when you told him that you had studying to do and that you did not want to be distracted. He had pressured you for sex again to which you declined and said that you are still recovering from your last session. He began to grow more impatient, He also started to dictate what he wanted you to wear and what he wanted you to eat.
 At this point it only been about 3 weeks since you guys had become a couple. You decided that it was moving too fast. The final straw was when you were about to eat a bagel and he slapped it out of your hand and said Don't you think you've had enough? You're gaining a little bit of weight. You hadn't told anyone at the house about the situation because you didn't want them to worry, now that the semester was ending you decided that it was time to head back home and decide what you want to do with your life.You weren't as happy here as you thought you were going to be. 
You decided to break the news to Dayton that you wanted to just remain friends You made sure to tell him while you were on the way to class so he would have a reason not to linger and make a scene because he was starting to show he also has signs of having an anger problem.He would have outbursts at the most smallest things and seemed to blame you for them. After telling him that you just wanted to be friends you hurried away from him before he could start an argument You could see the anger and confusion and his eyes but you knew you had to get away before he got upset. Part of was worried that he would hit you but you also thought maybe you were being paranoid either way you didn't want to take that chance so you hurried away from him as soon as possible You felt bad about breaking up with him this way but it seemed like the right thing to do. 
Heading back to your room You saw that the phone was ringing You assumed it was Dayton so you decided not to answer it You were already tired and stressed enough You didn't really didn't want to have a debate about the relationship. The machine picked it up "ah hey there kitten or ah y/n guess I shouldn't call you that no more cus you got a boyfriend I and I don't know if he's the jealous type or whatever and all, anyway just wanted to see how ya doing and if you forgot us rednecks over here, I guess I'll let…" it was Otis! Hearing his voice your heart skipped a beat you nearly fell right on your face rushing to grab the phone. "Hey! Hi Otis'' you were out of breath from running to grab the phone but tried to chill out so he didn't notice. "I'm glad you called I've missed you". "I've missed you too darlin. How's the big ol fancy city treating you? Ain't the same without you here Baby is driving me nuts man". 
You hadn't noticed until you felt a cold wet tear hit your hand that you were crying. Hearing his voice had ripped at your heart more intensely than you had anticipated..fuck you missed him. "I'm thinking about coming home for a while I actually might be able to submit my final paper through the mail but maybe you can look over it it's political science so you know stupid government stuff but thought you'd be interested". You said that last sentence so fast it nearly took all your breath. "Shit I would love too when you come home? I gotta make sure I get all my projects out the way so we can dedicate the entire afternoon to it. I'm sure there's a lot I have to unteach you about what they're trying to tell you is the truth". You laughed there was the Otis you knew. "Plus I know Baby and mama are gonna be excited for you to come home. They are gonna want to make a big deal." Coming home… that's when it hits you… that was home they were home.
"Well I was thinking" your sentence got interrupted by a very aggressive knock on the door. "Oh ah hold on Otis That might be campus security they seem to be knocking on the door very hard". He walked over to open the door still holding the phone Otis held the phone in his shoulder as he took out his knife and started sharpening it, might as well multitask. "Hi is everything ok officer.. oh hey Dayton" your voice fell at the end Otis heard it too, he sat up a little straighter listening more intensely. "I didn't like how we left our conversation earlier." He stated with his hands in his pockets mo"I understand I may have been kinda mean to you lately and I'm sorry but I think that's over with now, water under the bridge?"
 He opened his arms as if to ask for a hug but he also seemed to be clenching his teeth slightly as well trying to hold in his anger, "thank you Dayton that's very sweet and of course no hard feelings thanks for taking this so well, I'm afraid I have to go though I'm on the phone with family but you have a good night" as you went to close the door he stopped it with his foot. "Maybe you don't understand me.. no one rejects me" he snarled trying to push the door more open. "Dayton you should go" you started trying to not look so frightened but truth be told this was terribly frightening. Otis stood up and while holding the phone in his shoulder while looking for his gun,knife and keys. Who the fuck was this kid talking to you like that? He thought to himself, fuck this kid. 
That's when his stomach sank and his blood boiled over.. he heard something he never wanted to hear again, you screamed out of fear and dropped the phone "y/n"! He yelled into the phone over and over but you didn't answer. He wasted no time in running downstairs to where Baby was. He was practically screaming in her face what's the name of that college that you're at and what does she know about this kid Dayton. She quickly told him and then asked him what the problem was. He ignored her instead searching for Rufus and telling him that he has something to take care of with him. He grabbed the keys and hurried out of the house. He had never driven so fast in his life, Rufus kept a look out for the cops as they sped down the highway. He didn't really have a plan for when he got there other than he wanted to teach that kid a lesson. 
You had dropped the phone to press your entire body weight against the door to prevent Dayton from coming inside your dorm. It was difficult Because he was so much larger than you. "Go away Dayton!!!!" You screamed "someone help someone!!" You frantically repeated hopefully someone would walk by and see the commotion."open the door you bitch!!" He screamed pushing it with all his weight, you leaned down grabbed the phone right as he was able to push his face into the doorway, you hit him as hard as you could in the face with it, he staggered back in pain as you pushed the door fully closed. You grabbed the phone again, "Otis!" You screamed into it before realizing the other line was dead. 
Wasting no time to figure out what was happening on his end you dialed campus security. You heard Dayton attempting to break down your door by slamming into it. You started to cry angry frustrated tears. Why can't he just go away?!. "Hello hello is anyone there," campus security asked, finally connecting on the other end. You hurried to explain the situation to campus security who urged you to stay on the line as they came to your dorm. Unfortunately Dayton had run off before they could come. They assured you they would be checking in on you and keeping an eye out for him. You nodded and curled up in the bathroom with the door locked which was the only place you felt safe. "I wish Otis was here" you thought to yourself. 
Little did you know he was, his brother and him drove as fast as they could and ended up on the compass in no time. He didn't know what Dayton looked like besides the shitty description from Baby. "What are we gonna do when we find him?" Rufus asked. He was worried about you as well but he didn't want to start something that would get you expelled. "We're not going to do anything but teach the boy a lesson that's all" Otis replied. "Scare him straight". 
As much as Otis wanted to do unspeakable things to him Rufus was right This is not the place to do it especially if he was seen associated with you. As luck would have it they happened to see a young man fitting the description who looked like he was in a hurry with some bags and other materials. He seems to be trying to flee the campus as fast as possible. "I think that's our guy" Rufus said.Otis rubbed his hands together in anticipation. They slowly walked over to where he was loading up his small car. Rufus came up behind him and asked him for directions when he turned around to give a snarky response to him just as  Otis threw a bag over his head and pulled him into the bushes. 
Dayton struggled and tried to scream as Rufus held him, Otis shut him up quickly though pulling out his large hunting knife and pressing it up to his neck. "Hey there you pig faced rat nose son of a bitch, I'ma need you to listen and listen good if you ever so much as breathe in the same direction as y/n again I will cut off your I assume very small balls and shove them down your throat". Dayton didn't answer, he just started to shake and suddenly tears began running down his face. "Oh shit this boy is crying!!! Hahaha! Little pussy ass bitch". Otis laughed pointing at him. Rufus walked over and pointed a gun in his face,"you understand us boy? You come near y/n again it's all bad for you". "I understand" he stuttered over and over again. They grabbed him and pushed him into the mud, exploding in laughter. 
Heading back to the truck there laughter echoed throughout the campus. You looked up and could have sworn that you heard a slight hint of Otis'h voice through your bathroom window. "Is that Otis? No no way my mind is making me imagine things''. The next day after getting approval from the Dean that you were able to mail in the rest of your assignment you loaded up your truck and headed back to Ruggsville. Passing the gas station as you entered into town you felt relief wash over you. You were finally home.
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