#but from what he said. he expressed a lot of conflicting feelings and its sad bcs i dont think armys want to hear him
banghwa · 1 year
i wonder how you feel about namjoon? i find what he's doing in chapter 2 really interesting. he literally said 'fuck the trendsetter'. 🥲 wildflower might be the best song he's ever written (lbr if taylor swift released a song with such lyricism, we'd be hearing about it for years lol), and once again it has this theme of the rift between ideals and reality, of trying to hold onto yourself and your values when the world pushes back and breaks your heart. indigo was about choosing to be a human being, to create art beyond trends and limitations, to stand tall as an artist on his own terms. he chose to perform in like. a 200 max capacity venue bc that was his dream as a teenager before everything happened. he befriended the entire k-indie scene lol. it's amazing how he's overcoming the pressure of bts' crown. he's doing exactly what fans demand of their faves (authenticity & artistry), but then indigo is probably one of the least supported/commercially successful solo releases. 👀
he's also the only member i think that's kind of ambivalent about the future of bts. i think he's distanced himself from the Brand as much as possible for his own health, but i find his uncertainty about what bts are gonna do and what they will say in the future intriguing. he was definitely right in last year's festa when he said that bts have ran out of messages to give to the world.
anyway sorry for ranting sm about namjoon in your askbox, i just think it's amazing how much he's giving his all to be a true Artist in the most corporate era of kpop ever lol.
ohhhh I won’t let myself get too sappy about it but. i really do love namjoon so much. i dont think I can put it into words. hes such a brilliant lyricist. you’re so right if it was a white woman who wrote wildflower people would be screaming about it being the sadgirl song of the decade. he’s also just. really inspirational to me, i look up to him in a lot of ways. when i was first getting into bts, he was my first “official” bias i guess until hope world came out and changed everything lol. but he continues to have such an important space in my heart. i love the way he thinks, i love how genuine he tries to be, how he knows he’s very flawed and doesnt see it necessarily as a compromising thing. he means a lot to me :’)
ithink you’re right too like. things are probably very complicated for him around bts “the brand”, rm the artist, kim namjoon the person, which are things he explores to beautifully in indigo. i think he’s probably the member whose ties to bts as a “brand” are probably the tightest and not as easily severed bcs he’s the leader and the face and all of his mistakes now represents the group. and i think you’re so right, while indigo seemed to do well (then again, im so out of the loop that i dont rly know what doing well or not means in kpop anymore lol) or at least be very well received, it definitely is not being recognized for what it is by armys themselves…..its weird i feel like namjoon is sorta in this paradox where he can’t separate himself from bts but he is also too different from/too real and flawed for the bts brand that ppl dont rly pay attention to him…..but he’s also really respected by other people who are just really and genuinely into music. idk where im going with this all this to say i love him a lot i genuinely plan to get everythingoes tattooed and if he ever releases his own book I would be first in line to buy it
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moonxknightx · 1 month
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : UNBREAKABLE BONDS : :;
╰┈➤ ❝ [PAIRING] ❞ Hugh Jackman x F!Reader
・❥・GENRE: Angst but fluff at the end :))
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆FANDOM: RPF
ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: Emotional Conflict, Breakup and Separation, Pregnancy and Unplanned parenthood, Emotional Reconciliation
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥SUMMARY: When Hugh reveals he doesn’t want more children, it creates tension in your otherwise happy relationship, leading to a painful breakup. Months later, you discover you’re pregnant and choose to keep the baby, keeping the news from Hugh. An unexpected encounter in the park brings the revelation, leading to a deeply emotional moment as you face the future and navigate the complexity of your new reality.
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Beside you, Hugh was still asleep, his arm draped protectively over you. You smiled, gently moving to not disturb him, and slipped out of bed.
Padding softly across the room, you made your way to the living room where a small, fluffy ball of energy was waiting for you. Loki, your playful husky puppy, greeted you with enthusiastic licks and a wagging tail. You laughed, scooping him up and nuzzling your nose into his soft fur.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as you settled on the couch, Loki curling up beside you. Life was perfect. You and Hugh had been together for two years, and every day felt like a new adventure. From spontaneous weekend getaways to quiet evenings spent cooking dinner together, your relationship was filled with love and laughter.
One lazy Sunday morning, as you both lounged on the patio with Loki playing at your feet, the conversation turned to the future. Hugh, sipping his coffee, mentioned how content he was with your little family. The words were casual, but they carried a weight that settled uncomfortably in your chest.
"What about kids?" you asked, trying to sound nonchalant. "Do you ever think about having more?"
Hugh's expression softened, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I love you, and I love our life together," he said, reaching for your hand. "But I don't see myself having more children. I'm happy with the way things are."
You nodded, forcing a smile, but inside, your heart ached. You had always imagined having children of your own, and hearing Hugh's definitive answer left you feeling lost.
It started small, as many arguments do. You had been out shopping and found a charming little onesie, unable to resist its allure despite Hugh's stance. You brought it home, hiding it at the bottom of your shopping bag. But later that evening, as you both unpacked the groceries, Hugh found it.
"What's this?" he asked, holding up the tiny garment with a puzzled expression.
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your voice steady. "I just thought it was cute. Maybe for the future..."
Hugh's face hardened. "We've talked about this. Why are you doing this?"
"It's just a piece of clothing, Hugh," you replied, feeling defensive. "Can't I have a little hope for the future?"
Hugh sighed, placing the onesie on the counter. "I thought we were on the same page. This feels like you're trying to push me into something I'm not ready for."
The conversation ended with a strained silence, the first crack in your seemingly perfect relationship.
The small arguments began to escalate. One evening, after a long day at work, you came home to find Hugh cooking dinner. The sight, once comforting, now brought a wave of resentment.
"Hey," he greeted you with a smile. "I made your favorite."
You forced a smile, the stress of the day weighing heavily on you. "Thanks."
As you sat down to eat, the conversation turned to your weekend plans. Hugh suggested a quiet weekend at home, but you had been looking forward to a trip you had planned to a nearby city.
"I just think it would be nice to get away," you said, trying to keep the frustration out of your voice.
"We've been traveling a lot lately," Hugh countered. "I thought it would be nice to relax here for a change."
The argument escalated quickly, voices rising as you both defended your positions. The dinner, meant to be a gesture of love, ended with you storming out of the room, tears of frustration streaming down your face.
The arguments became a regular occurrence, each one chipping away at the foundation of your relationship. The final straw came one night when Hugh came home late from a work event. You had prepared a special dinner, hoping to rekindle the romance that seemed to be slipping away.
Hugh walked in, looking tired. "I'm sorry, I got held up," he said, giving you a quick kiss.
"It's always something," you snapped, unable to hide your disappointment. "Do you even care about us anymore?"
Hugh's face fell. "Of course I do. But I have responsibilities, and sometimes that means being late."
"You always have an excuse," you shot back. "I'm tired of feeling like I'm the only one fighting for this relationship."
The argument that followed was the worst yet. Harsh words were exchanged, emotions running high. Finally, Hugh said something that cut you to the core.
"Maybe we're just not right for each other anymore."
The silence that followed was deafening. The realization hit you both that despite the love you shared, your futures no longer aligned. With heavy hearts, you decided to part ways.
The weeks following the breakup were the hardest. You moved into a small apartment, taking Loki with you, and tried to rebuild your life. It was during this time that you started feeling unwell. A visit to the doctor confirmed what you had never expected: you were pregnant.
The news was both a shock and a beacon of hope. You decided to keep the baby, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement about the future. Telling Hugh, however, felt impossible. You didn't want him to feel trapped or obligated, especially after the difficult decision you both had made.
Months passed, and your belly grew rounder. Loki stayed by your side, his playful energy a constant source of comfort. You threw yourself into preparing for the baby, focusing on creating a warm and loving home.
One crisp autumn day, you were walking through the park with Loki when you heard a familiar voice. Turning, you saw Hugh standing a few feet away, his eyes wide with surprise and a mix of emotions.
"You... you're pregnant?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
You nodded, unable to find the words. Hugh took a step closer, his eyes searching yours. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to burden you," you replied, tears forming. "We made a decision, and I didn't want to complicate things for you."
Hugh reached out, gently placing a hand on your swollen belly. "This is our baby," he said, his voice breaking. "I want to be a part of their life, and yours. If you'll let me."
In that moment, you realized that despite everything, the love you shared hadn't disappeared. It had simply been overshadowed by fear and uncertainty. With tears in your eyes, you nodded, allowing Hugh to pull you into a tight embrace.
"I never stopped loving you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I thought I was doing the right thing, but I can't imagine my life without you."
Tears streamed down your face as you clung to him, the months of pain and loneliness dissolving in his arms. "I never stopped loving you either," you said, your voice choked with emotion. "I was so scared, Hugh. Scared of losing you, of raising this baby alone."
Hugh's eyes filled with tears as he looked at you, his voice trembling. "I was scared too. Scared of not being enough, of failing you. But seeing you here, carrying our child... I realize how much I want this, how much I want us."
Together, you walked through the park, Loki trotting happily beside you. The future was uncertain, but you knew that with Hugh by your side, you could face anything. And as you felt the baby kick for the first time, you knew that this new beginning was the start of something beautiful.
The days that followed were filled with a renewed sense of hope and love. Hugh moved back in, and you both prepared for the arrival of your baby, embracing the journey ahead with open hearts. You spent your evenings talking about names, decorating the nursery, and imagining the life you would build together.
When the day finally came, Hugh was by your side, holding your hand as you brought your child into the world. The moment you laid eyes on your baby, the room filled with love so powerful it brought you both to tears. Hugh kissed your forehead, his eyes filled with wonder and joy.
"We did it," he whispered, his voice trembling. "We made something so perfect."
As you held your baby close, you felt a sense of completeness you had never known before. The path to this moment had been fraught with pain and uncertainty, but it had led you to a place of profound love and happiness.
In the quiet moments, as you watched Hugh gently cradle your child, you realized that the struggles had only made your bond stronger. The love you shared was unbreakable, and together, you could overcome anything.
Your family, with Loki at your feet and your baby in your arms, was a testament to the resilience of love. It was a love that had weathered the storms and emerged stronger, ready to face whatever the future held. And as you looked into Hugh's eyes, you knew that this new beginning was only the start of a beautiful journey, one filled with endless love and unshakable unity.
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(A/N) I hope you enjoyed the story and was what you expected! 🫶
If you want to be tagged in future works about Hugh Jackman let me know!
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aayakashii · 2 months
I am once again presenting to you all a short comfort fic I made for myself after I got sad 🤲
too cute to be a bad boy
Warning: maybe just a bit of angst, but nothing else
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“So you're telling me… You were on that train at that moment because you were at a concert?” Sho stopped cutting the bell pepper to stare at you from under his eyelashes.
“Um… I mean… Yeah…” you rubbed the back of your head, suddenly feeling self-conscious under his judgemental glare.
“That's a dumb way to go, I gotta say” he snickered and went back to chopping.
“Hey, I didn’t ‘go’ yet, okay? I’m still alive and I had to go to their concert. It was their last one, they disbanded after that.”
“Oh, I see, so it was a special concert, huh” he said, a bit of humor still present in his voice.
“Y-yeah… I mean, yeah. It was special. I would probably never see them again, at least not together. I had a lot of fun being part of the fandom, okay?” you pouted, and grabbed a stray french fry that laid on its counter, chomping on it.
“Hey, don’t eat that, that's old!” he widened his eyes.
“Well, what do you care, hm?” you said, dramatically raising your eyebrows as you glared at him “I’m gonna ‘go’ in like 10 months anyway, what’s a soggy french fry going to do?” you swallowed it as if to make your point clear.
Sho sighed, putting his cooking knife to the side.
“Hey, okay, I get it. I’m sorry for making fun of you. But... please don’t talk about yourself like that.” he looked at you, his eyes suddenly gloomy and regretful.
You avoided his gaze, staring at the floor. You could feel tears pricking at your eyes, as the weight of your own words seemed to dawn on you.
10 months.
And it felt like only yesterday that all you thought about was that stupid band.
“Hey, senpai.” You heard Sho gasp and he rounded the corner of his food truck’s counter, walking towards you. His hands held your arms tightly and he shook you a little in order to look at him. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.”
You hesitantly lifted your gaze to meet his. You didn’t know when you began letting the tears fall, but it seemed like biting your lips till they almost broke didn’t work as well as you planned.
You knew you weren’t crying because of Sho’s playfulness and you were pretty sure he also had enough emotional intelligence to understand that those were your unspoken fears taking over your body. But also, you didn’t feel like ruining what was supposed to be a fun date hangout with talks of your impending doom. You already had every single lonely waking moment to grieve yourself, you didn’t want to do that when you were with him. 
You sniffed and gave Sho’s forearms a gentle squeeze, and his tight grip on you loosened.
“It’s okay” you rubbed your eyes, drying up your tears. “It’s not your fault.” 
You looked up at him, a small reassuring smile on your face, and he sighed.
His arms hovered around you and, for a moment, you thought he would pull you into a hug. Instead, he patted your head, much like his captain usually did.
Sho trudged back inside his food truck, rubbing his neck, a conflicted expression plastered on his face for all to see.
You knew he didn't know what to say or what to do. Having a metaphorical guillotine hanging over you sure made it hard for people not to walk on eggshells. But if there was anyone you wanted to be comfortable around, it was Sho.
So you would have to find a way out of this little hole you had dug for the both of you.
“You know” you began “I was just crying because I miss Hizu soooo much” you said with your hand hiding the smirk that began to form on your lips at your silly attempt to make the atmosphere loosen up.
Sho raised an eyebrow before resuming his chopping, as you scrolled through your phone.
“Hizu…? Who’s that.”
You turned your phone to face him with a playful smile on your face.
A photo of a man with brown hair and dark eye makeup filled the screen. He was shirtless with just a black faux fur jacket haphazardly thrown over his shoulder and he appeared to be singing on stage, if the sweat on his body was anything to go by. He looked angry as he was (apparently) yelling something into the microphone, while one of his hands touched his own bare chest.
Sho choked on his saliva when he turned his gaze to your phone.
“Wh-what’s that?!” he said, after a coughing fit that left you laughing loudly, the previous tears completely forgotten.
“Not ‘what’! ‘Who’, please be respectful!” you said, faking outrage “And this is Hizu, he was the vocalist of the band I liked, obviously.”
Taking a sip of water, Sho turned to you, flustered.
“Wow senpai” his voice cracked while he smiled awkwardly “Didn't peg you as someone who liked this… This type of guy…” he muttered, trying to find his bearings before beginning to chop his vegetables again.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me yet, my dear.” you put your phone back in your pocket, feeling triumphant after catching him off guard and getting such a cute reaction from him. If there was any reason for you to beat your curse, you were pretty sure one of them was to keep on teasing him.
“I thought you were too nice to like a scary type of guy…” he grumbled again, deep in thought, eyebrows knitted and the tip of ears pink, as he finished his task and began mixing everything inside a bowl.
“Whaaaat. You’ll see that, in fact, I am pretty attracted to bad boys.” you said, resting your elbows on his counter as you leaned your head on your hands.
Sho’s head quickly snapped towards you, and you smiled happily when you noticed the blush spread from his ears to his cheeks. He scratched his cheek and looked away, walking towards his fridge to grab the hamburger meat he needed for his recipe – and NOT to cool his face down, no, not at all.
“Um, yeah. I sure hope you like bad boys.”
You giggled at his bashfulness. Your kouhai was just too cute to be a bad boy, but you weren't going to say that. At least not at that moment.
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luvvictoria · 1 year
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𝙬𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 // 𝙆𝙤𝙠𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙗𝙤
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( ♡ ) pairing : You were reading in your garden and you're surprised by a new presence
( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, human!reader, a bit sad, reader is a book worm, my writing here is way too formal , NOT proofread
( ♡ ) 🗒️a/n : it's been so long , I'm sorry for not posting , but I had my exams and now I still have lots of work </33 bUT I GOT THIS IDEA , I HOPE YOU ENJOY <333
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You weren't a Demon Slayer , yet you possess a katana and a thunder breathing style . You got your sword from Sakonji , you don't know how you managed to get him give it to you , even tho you didn't join the Corps , yet you use it whenever you feel attacked . You don't kill all the demons in your path , as the Slayers , but only that attack you .
The moon lords brilliantly above them as the night descends and envelopes the village in a deep sleep, filling the heavens with stars gleaming in its mantle of darkness. As you stood at the end of the garden, a subtle sigh can be heard in addition to the soft sounds of the wind " A demon slayer ? " Three pairs of bright golden orbs are gazing up at the moon by your side " I was only seeking for a decent opponent to spar with, therefore today's luck is with me. " Kokushibo lays one palm on his katana at his hip and slowly peers down at you with his three pairs of eyes.
You heard his mumble and you turn your head to look at him then mirror his previous action and look at the shining moon and stars . Your gaze was then again of the forest. You noticed his katana and his kimono , you thought he was a demon slayer at first , but the 6 golden eyes told you otherwise . And yet , you didn't run or hide . You just stood there.
Kokushibo's gaze intensifies as he observes your calm demeanor and lack of fear. His expression remains stoic, but there's a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He watches the way the wind plays with your hair, his eyes following every movement with a discerning gaze " You possess an unusual level of composure for a demon slayer. Tell me, what brings you here? Are you merely enjoying the night's solitude, or do you seek a confrontation with me? " His question is accompanied by a slow, deliberate movement of his hand, fingers caressing the hilt of his katana. His intention seems clear—he is ready for battle.
You turned your head to face the demon. You looked over him and said, " I'm not a demon slayer " After speaking, you took another glance at the woodland " I occasionally battle demons who try to harm me. Just that. It's not my problem if other people are dying. " You spoke firmly.
Kokushibo's eyes narrow slightly as he takes in your response. He can sense a hint of indifference a nd detachment in your words, contrasting with the usual determination found in demon slayers " Not a demon slayer, you say ? An interesting declaration indeed. To possess the power to fight demons and yet not align yourself with the Corps... there are few who possess such capabilities. Tell me, what is it that motivates you to confront demons on your own terms? " His grip on his katana tightens ever so slightly, prepared for any sudden movements or attacks.
You crouched down and brushed your hand against the lush summer grass, feeling its softness against your fingertips. "Survival," you murmured, contemplating the situation. "I engage in conflict only when demons pose a threat to me. I see no reason to eliminate demons that don't intend me harm." Carefully plucking a few blades of grass, you pondered each one as if it held a secret message.
"Survival," Kokushibo repeats, his voice filled with contemplation. He takes a step closer to you, his eyes never leaving your form "You have a selective approach, unlike most demon slayers who seek to eradicate all demons. Your perspective of discerning which demons pose a threat and which do not is intriguing. It is a rare trait to find in a human. " His gaze flickers to the grass in your hands, as if observing the delicate act of plucking it " Tell me, have you encountered demons that have posed a formidable challenge to your survival ? "
Observing him, you raised your head. Your hair was gently flying through the air due to the wind, and you responded, "No, I haven't seen a demon to test me yet. However, I'm not willing to engage in combat with one. " you said, and there was still a definite sound of you plucking up grass.
Kokushibo continues to observe your actions, his gaze unwavering. A sense of intrigue lingers in his eyes, his curiosity about your mindset growing stronger " You speak with great certainty. It seems that you hold a certain level of confidence in your abilities. Perhaps you believe yourself to be invincible, untouchable by the demons that roam this world. "His voice remains calm, but there's a hint of skepticism, as if he's silently challenging your words " But let us entertain a hypothetical scenario. Imagine, for a moment, that you were faced with a demon with significant power, one that could pose a genuine threat to your exitence. What course of action would you take then ? " " I cannot convince myself that I am invincible. But if I'm confronting a demon that is more powerful than my power can withstand, I'm not willing to fight. " You muttered while watching the grass flutter in the air " Neither would I run. So be it if it wishes to kill me " You said, picking up more grass, " I'm at peace with death , but I didn't finish my book so I'm willing to finish it before I die "
Kokushibo's gaze remains fixed on you, his piercing golden eyes unwavering. He takes a moment to absorb your words, the calm acceptance of death that lies within them. There is a complex mix of fascination and admiration brewing within him, intrigued by your nonchalant attitude toward life and death " Such tranquility in the face of mortality. It is a remarkably rare quality to find in humans. Your indifference to the cycle of life and death sets you apart from the rest. And yet, it raises further questions..." Kokushibo takes a step closer, his towering figure casting a shadow over you " Tell me, human, what is the book that holds such importance to you? What is its title ? " " Don't call me human " you said as you turned towards the demon " I have a name " you muttered " [name] " Kokushibo's eyes flicker with a brief glimmer of surprise as you assert your name and request not to be referred to as 'human' . He registers your name, [name] , committing it to memory " Very well, [name] . I shall address you as such " you peeked at him then looked at the grass in your hand " 'A lost letter' , that's the book " and as you picked up some grass, you relaxed " Romance. I don't think you would enjoy it " Kokushibo's expression remains stoic, but a subtle hint of intrigue lingers in his voice " 'A Lost Letter'... a romance novel. An intriguing choice for one who claims indifference to the affairs of humans. Perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye. Literature has a way of captivating the human soul, even in the realm of demons " He pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts "I too have indulged in human literature in my long existence. " He said then took a moment to think " If I were to allow you to finish your book before your inevitable demise, would it please you ? " As you carefully picked up some grass, you stated "I will finally feel at peace." the breeze swept the grass out of your hand, and you smiled as you turned your head.
Kokushibo observes the serenity on your face, the genuine contentment you express at the prospect of completing your book. There's a flicker of something akin to understanding in his eyes, a trace of acknowledgement " I see... Your acceptance of mortality is truly remarkable. If it brings you peace to finish your book, then perhaps I shall grant you that. Consider it a token of rare compassion from a demon " The corners of his lips tugs slightly, a ghost of a smile forming " However, do not mistake this act as an act of mercy. It is merely an acknowledgment of your unique resolve. I am merely curious to witness the conclusion of your story " Kokushibo's gaze returns to you, his golden eyes unwavering " Do you accept my offer, [name] ? To allow you the time to finish 'A Lost Letter' before I kill you ? "
You gave the demon a soft nod " I accept " before turning your attention to the grass " I'll try to let you know when I've finished reading the book. On the other hand, you can return after two days. I nearly completed the book anyway " you replied with a smile as you patted the bag where your book was, it was resting on the ground.
Kokushibo observes your acceptance and nods in acknowledgment " Very well, [name]. I shall return in two days' time to witness the conclusion of 'A Lost Letter.' I trust that you will fulfill your part of the arrangement " With a fluid movement, he turns to depart, his white kimono flowing gracefully in the wind. Before he disappears into the shadows, he casts a final glance at you, his golden eyes holding an inscrutable gaze " Until then, [name]. " And with that, the enigmatic demon, Kokushibo, vanishes into the night, leaving you alone to contemplate the impending encounter. You watched how the demon had left you in the dark. You turned your gaze from the bag to the grass. You quietly whined and grabbed the book. You were lying on your back on the grass, the book in your hands. Because you had good night vision, you could read.
As you lay on the grass, the night sky stretching above you, you open the pages of " A Lost Letter " and let yourself be immersed in the world of romance. The words on the page dance before your eyes, capturing your attention and transporting you to a different realm. The moon gazes down at you, casting a gentle glow, as you delve deeper into the story, savoring each chapter.
Time seems to slip away as you lose yourself in the tale, the characters becoming familiar companions. The night breeze whispers softly, caressing your skin, as you turn page after page, captivated by the emotions and beauty entwined within the words.
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Days pass, and soon the appointed time approaches. The completion of the book draws near, and you find yourself eagerly anticipating the return of Kokushibo, eager to share the culmination of the story with him.
And as the day arrives, you find yourself at the rendezvous point, the book clutched tightly in your hands, ready to fulfill the arrangement with the enigmatic demon once again.
You sat on a white blanket on the grass with your book on your lap given that it was still light outside. Your eyes were a little teary. The story line didn't seem to have a happy ending. Even though you were crying, your face remained expressionless. With the tip of your index finger, you wiped your tears away as you turned the pages. The gentle breeze rustles the pages of the book in your hands as you sit there, tears lingering in your eyes. As each page turns, the story reaches its poignant conclusion, tugging at your heartstrings and leaving you with a mix of emotions.
As the final words of the book emerge, you close it gently , your hand lingering on the book cover for , taking a moment to compose yourself. The tears that had welled up now trickle down your cheeks, but you wipe them away, determined to face this encounter with Kokushibo.
The world around you begins to darken as dusk settles in, and soon, the figure of Kokushibo emerges from the shadows, his golden eyes fixed upon you. His presence commands the space around him, an air of impenetrable silence enveloping him.
" You have fulfilled your part of the arrangement, [name] , " he states solemnly, his voice cutting through the silence. " I have returned as promised. Now, I ask that you share the conclusion of 'A Lost Letter' . "
With trembling hands, you offer the book to Kokushibo and you cleared your throat " Page 142, I quote : do you still love me ? Mary asked. I love you. You ? Felix asked and with a smile. Mary said : I adore you. " You spoke while addressing the demon. Your hair is being blown out of your face by the wind. Your entire face was now visible to Kokushibo " Page 338, quote : he knew he didn't love her anymore - Love as she wanted it and as he understood it – but now he regrets it " You said with watery eyes. Tears that didn't fall . Kokushibo listens attentively to your recitation, his expression remaining inscrutable. As you share the poignant quotes from the book, the weight of the emotions resonates in the air. He takes a step closer, his gaze piercing through you, capturing every detail. You sucked back any feelings and knelt down in front of Kokushibo. As you picked up some grass, you lowered your head slightly and stated, "Now I shall respect our arrangement " You awaited death.
Suddenly, a shift in his demeanor becomes apparent. The usual aura of cold detachment wavers for just a moment, replaced by a flicker of something... akin to understanding. His gaze softens ever so slightly as he observes your teary eyes.
With a subtle movement of his hand, Kokushibo reaches out and gently brushes away a tear that had slipped down your cheek.
" Your willingness to fulfill our arrangement speaks of the strength within you, [name]. Your acceptance of the inevitable and the emotions woven within these pages... It is a rare quality among humans " His voice carries a hint of reverence, a touch of somberness " And yet... I sense a lingering desire for life within you, despite your acceptance of its fleeting nature. Tell me, [name] , why did you choose to share these words with me ? " The demon brushed your tears away as you briefly closed your eyes. You nodded and added, "You're the only one willing to listen to me talking about books ," adding, "And I… I find it as a good thing." Kokushibo wiped a last tear away " I'm thankful for you listening to me "
Kokushibo's gaze remains fixed on you, his golden eyes reflecting the depths of his contemplation. He absorbs your words, a sense of acknowledgment glimmering within his eyes " I see , " he responds, his tone carrying a trace of solemnity " In a world filled with chaos and destruction, the solace found within the pages of books can be a rarity. To share that solace with another soul, even in the briefest of moments, holds its own significance " He ponders your words for a moment, the weight of understanding settling upon him " You possess an appreciation for literature,[name] , a connection to words that transcends our current circumstances. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Your desire to share this connection with me... I find it... intriguing " Kokushibo takes a step back, his presence emanating a sense of both strength and restraint " Though our paths may cross in unexpected ways, [name] , know that your love for literature will not be forgotten " With those words, he retreats into the darkness, leaving you behind, pondering the enigmatic encounter you've had with Kokushibo, the highest-ranked Upper Moon of the demon society.
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n-fblog · 10 months
Reo, Nagi, and Differences from the Main Manga
Thoughts from Episode: Nagi, chapter 17
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This chapter was kind of needed for him to "abandon" his ego of becoming the best with Nagi (and we can see it sort of fading in the textbox) -- and simultaneously get rid of that growing attachment he has to Nagi. Really sad to see him say, "thank you" as if he doesn't even have the strength to break them apart himself (and he didn't)
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The chameleon makes its first chronological appearance so we can clearly see him start to 'adapt' his thinking and playing even though it's not fully fleshed out yet, which is exciting! I wasn't sure if that was something he made up with Shidou before, but it's hilarious to know it all started with Nagi, AGAIN. Or maybe this is the manga trying to convey that he's changing himself to help Nagi walk away lol
His inferiority complex with Nagi makes itself kind of known here, with the monologue- "Those are the words *I* wanted to say,," but was unable to...
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Somehow, Nagi being able to encourage Reo makes him the stronger one mentally -- which is tough for someone who subconsciously already thinks he can't go very far without Nagi skill-wise.
Poor guy... and he still has so far to go before he starts to think he can fight on his own.
Man, this chapter pretty much confirms that their mischaracterization and miscommunication goes both ways lol. Nagi spitefully admonishes that he isn't Reo's 'toy' when Reo flips from "wanting to be the best" to "wanting to stay together"-- These guys have such a hard time acknowledging their friendship outside of football, it's actually painful.
I can't tell if he made any sort of connection betweey 'toy' and being Reo's 'treasure'. But that's almost definitely a metaphor on Reo's part. What a lot of people misuse is that Reo calls Nagi his 'treasured possession' when I really, truly don't think he meant viewing Nagi as a literal object. But how else do you expect a rich boy who's only been shown love through material things to describe something he values? *(see tags for a rant on this lol)
I do wish we'd gotten more insight into how he felt when he heard what Reo said in the moment, but this chapter was already long as it is. I do think Nagi's expressions sort of speak for themselves.
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I mean, he straight up looks like he's about to cry here. 
I would argue that part of Nagi's promise to 'stay together' during the entrance actually includes 'believing in each other' like he says here:
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 And if that's the case, then what did Reo's claim of abandonment mean to him? Was it that Reo didn't believe in Nagi's newfound drive to win? Or was he mad that Reo didn't believe in himself? I think it's a bit of both, but I really want to see more thoughts in the manga or from the fandom
Blue Lock vs. Episode: Nagi
So... Nagi definitely seems more angry in this chapter, right? When you revisit Ch. 76, you can see that Nagi is a lot more apologetic towards Reo
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( Here you see him lament not growing alongside Reo, but fired up and excited to work with Isagi)
vs. what we saw this chapter
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(Nagi saying sorry and acknowledging he's changed, but looking less toward the future and more resisting the past)
Maybe this is just a difference in translations, but "I can't [am not able to] go back" feels a little different from "I won't go back" -- the former just feels like an admission (to Reo), while the latter feels a lot more confrontational, a downright refusal to go along with what Reo wants.
And that's fine, but it does reshape how I thought about Nagi, and I think it really emphasizes just how pissed he was at Reo by the end of 2nd Selection.
This reframes their interaction during U-20 tryouts for me. I originally thought it was mostly setting up Reo's chameleon style defense and Reo's internal conflict (which it is) but EpiNagi really just shows that Nagi also has a ways to go before they reunite in Manshine
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I think this could be the panel (from Ch. 107, 3rd Selection) where Nagi forgives Reo -- it's the point where Reo sort of shows he understands Nagi's drive to win, and that he doesn't value staying together over improving anymore. After that, they have no issues (in Nagi's eyes) so it was probably easy to imagine walking up to Reo during MC v BM and asking for his help ... but man, we still have a long way til then, and I can't wait for EpiNagi to probably prove me wrong :p
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
The way Alicent hired and protected the man who murdered Laenor’s lover and got away with it, mocked Laenor’s sons’ looks because they aren’t his own even though he raised them, made this homophobic comment about Laenor’s sexuality at his own home the day his sister was buried.
She was in the Velaryon’s home, a family that just lost their daughter and she did not miss the opportunity to insult Laenor’s sexuality in front of the guests and his parents, and implied that he’s a pedophile because he’s gay. She choose to say “young squires” which are usually children (Jace and Luke were squires). Everyone saw Laenor being heartbroken and devastated when they lowered Laena’s coffin into the sea but sure he must have gone entertaining his squires.
I can’t find the right words to express how much I despise her. She tried to make everyone’s life as miserable as hers, turned herself into a perpetual victim to excuse her hypocrisy and awfulness, disrespected everyone’s else feelings and directed her hate to anyone but her father. She convinced herself that since she was a victim, she had the right to punish and humiliate everyone who IN HER EYES wasn’t, she convinced herself that people living a different life from hers and trying to make the best of their impossible situations were the reason of her misery, no one else could be a victim, could be unhappy because only she was.
I want to say that Alicent of the book is more ambitious for her own sake and not sexually victimized. She is not more or less evil than her show counterpart, the difference is in how competent and intelligent she is and what her motives toward power are.
That being said, HotD's Alicent maintains her traditionalism and disdain for alternative choices, behaviors, etc that the Faith and Andal patriarchy both would oppose or consign as immoral. And that comes into conflict with her children being dragonriders and only having access to the throne through their biological connection to a separate culture that those same septons regard as godless "pagans". I think that coupled with the misogyny inherent in the Faith and Andal-FM descent patriarchy that excludes her from official power, Alicent could very well have regarded herself a victim of sorts by observing the lack of reward for her "giving" the Targs four living children and "compromising" her own beliefs without actually ever acknowledging the misogyny (since she'd just accept its existence)….if this were ever brought up to her.
But that kind of silent anger in a woman with a lot of internalized misogyny--aware of its holding her back--would propel her into denigrating other, perceived vulnerable persons. Sad.
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thedustmylove · 1 year
I’ve had a lot of thoughts bouncing around regarding the ratthew healy situation and just need to get them out of my brain and into the ether webs (this is stream of consciousness rant)
I’m upset/disappointed with everything regarding matty healy. I used to casually listen to The 1975; I had no idea he was such a sack of shit until this week. I hate the defense of ‘oh its satire’ or ‘its just a persona’.
this man wants his persona to be racist???? why?  wtf. how is a white man punching down satire? is it suppose to be humorous because ‘ooh you shouldn’t say that’????
I’ve deleted the few songs I had by the 1975 from my phone. If this was anyone but taylor swift, i would have dropped the artist immediately. but because its taylor i’m conflicted.
There’s just such a strong mixture of nostalgia and sentimentality with both Taylor and her music. (I know how parasocial of me. But what do you expect when you’ve been invested in someone’s career for over half of your life. I was 9ish when I started listening to her and i’m 23 now.)
Obviously I’ve grown since I was 9 years old and have become disillusioned with aspects of caring about a celebrity. I see how Taylor Swift the person that we see is just part of Taylor Swift the brand. On some level, I realize she doesn’t know about the fans personally and can only care to the capacity that a human can have sympathy for a mass of nameless faces. But for lack of better words the relationship between taylor and her fans felt different. She wouldn’t do this to us. By this I mean associate herself with someone that like creature (derogatory).
its a slap in the face to her poc fans for taylor to be like well i can ‘excuse racism because i’m rebounding or whatever’. (like the woman could have rebound with anyone why the fuck is this the douche-canoe she choices. the dick cannot be that good, there is no sex good enough to excuse racism imo). Also he came out on stage at least once, which is not good. Is taylor’s band or whoever’s covering instrumentals ready to cut him off if he starts with the “i’m not racist but-” bullshit.
I cannot fully express my disdain for the shit ratthew healy has said.
Like even if taylor didn’t know about this stuff before, how can she not know now??? she has a PR team, someone must have said something at the very least “this is not good for the Taylor Swift brand”.
At least right now, i can’t bring myself to walk away completely. Now, its just a painful reminder that Taylor Swift the human is someone who’s intentions/feelings remain unbeknownst to me. I don’t know her as person, no matter how much I like to think I do. Tbh, I was disillusioned about this a while ago, but this shatter some base level belief I wasn’t aware of until recently. the belief that- taylor swift despite being wealthy white woman, has enough wherewithal to realize associating with a man that has said he gets off to black women being abused in not a good look.
overall, just sad in so many ways. this has damped my enthusiasm for tour (i have tickets to see her in one month) and for speak now re-release. I don’t know what to do from here, just process things and see how things play out.
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8aji · 1 year
Do you any books recommendation??⁉️
OKAY SO !! i gotta start by saying that i havent read many books and thats one of the reasons i didnt respond to this ask aside from me taking a break i was a lil embarrassed ngl BUT my response is finally here and i hope you enjoy my rant/rec list !!
all quiet on the western front - erich maria remarque
when i tell you this book destroyed the view i had of life and then built it back again...im not exaggerating. its so beautifully written, and the characterization is wonderful. the narration felt very personal to me, like the story was a little secret between me and paul (the main character), and i don't think it was bc it was written in 1st person pov. ofc im sure it influenced my perception of the story, but the language that was used and constant contradictions and the way paul would go on long, eloquently put together, tangents about his thoughts and emotions and opinions to then disregard everything he said with a sudden wave of doubt and hopelessness — i think it made him very human. i felt very connected to his character, and i do think it was bc i had grown fond of the version i saw of him in the 2022 film (which has nothing on the book, can't even compare em really), the already preexisting feeling was only amplified by the narration and the intricate sentences AND AND i saw my own writing be reflected on the book — for instance, i noticed there were very long long sentences, which is something i rlly like doing. all in all, it showcases the ww1 soldier experience very crudely, in a very beautifully sad way; you can feel remarque's pain and anger in every sentence — his opinion about the war and its futility are very clear, and it honestly makes the book a 100 times better. though i do think my opinion is VERY biased when it comes to this book so please do take it with a grain or a spoonful really of salt
everything i never told you - celeste ng
i read this book a while ago, but even so it remains as one of my top 3 i dont read a lot bear with me TT the book has a very catchy opening line, which instantly had me hooked — it narrates the story of a mixed-race, chinese-american family in the 70s and how they navigate the disappearance of their daughter. i think the book does an amazing job at juggling multiple povs without neglecting any character. it develops each individual storyline very well and the way it delves into the internal conflicts and psyche of each character is just 10/10
little fires everywhere - celeste ng
i gotta be honest, this book didnt "hook" me as much as the other two did, but i still think it was very good and definitely worth a read. i think celeste ng has the tendency to start her books very actively? what i mean with this is that she opens up the story with a very shocking fact or occurrence (?) and then ties everything back to the beginning — almost as if she started writing the story backwards. i think that's really cool, bc even though we as the reader know the "climatic" event, we dont exactly know what happened and are left at the edge of our seats wondering what exactly went down for this to happen, ya know?
the metamorphosis - franz kafka
now, this is also me being biased bc i have the biggest and greatest, most softest spot for kafka and this book. in short, and i mean in very short, the story's about a man who suddenly turns into a bug — the beauty of simplicity in summaries. i read it when i was 16 in literature class and i was absolutely smitten with the story the main character...i really wanted to fix him, kay?? at the time i wasn't at my bestest in terms of mental stability, so im sure that influenced my love and understanding for the book, but analysing it in class and delving into the context behind the book and the author, and interpreting it from my own pov just sigh it was so good.
like water for chocolate - laura esquivel
FUCK i can't express how fun this book is. its a romance book, and also a perfect example of magical realism. AND IT DOES IT THROUGH FOOD !! tita (the main character) has a very deep bond with cooking, and because of this, the food she makes is a direct reflection of the emotional state she was in while she did so — cook the food that is. and, if im not mistaken bc i also read this book when i was 16, each chapter starts with the recipe that tita will prepare — i loved that detailed so much because i love cooking as well, tho i prefer baking. and though it is technically a tragic-romance novel, it is very lighthearted (and i mean this in the bestest way possible) and very funny imo. i would recommend it to anyone in the blink of an eye.
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littlealeta · 2 years
I really hope season 7 lives up to its promise that it will be a more darker, bleaker season for Rick because I feel like Rick, the main protagonist himself hasn’t gotten much drama as of late. I love season 1 Rick but he has evolved past this seemingly simple, happy go lucky guy who says “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub” for no reason. The series has evolved past being this simple generic adult cartoon with raunchy and lowbrow humor. It is now a gritty series about story, drama, and character development and the fact that the main character isn’t getting much emotional conflict himself is very strange after getting more depth on him in seasons 2 and 4. I think Rick has a lot of potential and he had a lot of potential for emotional conflict and drama concerning his character development but it was done very shallowly and poorly. It’s very strange how Morty is getting a lot more emotional scenes and depth than Rick has these past two seasons and even minor characters like Planetina, Pissmaster, and Rickbot are getting more drama and emotional complexity than the main character is. MORTY WAS LITERALLY THE ONE TO SPIRAL DURING THE TWO CROW SHIT INSTEAD OF RICK LIKE IT SHOULD HAVE!
We haven’t seen Rick depressed since the season 4 finale, very little, very brief scenes of Rick feeling sad like the very beginning of Mort Dinner Rick Andre which nobody remembers and wasn’t even really played for drama in the first place. I did like seeing him talk with Diane’s AI but again, it was fairly short and didn’t come with any emotional consequences. It was just him accepting that he had to move on, it wasn’t like he got hit hard with something like the Tony, Wedding, Unity, and Space Beth episodes.
We missed out on an opportunity of seeing Rick’s internal emotional conflict/guilt of replacing his family with crows. Even though the premise itself was shitty and had no chance of being good, at least it would’ve been a bit better if we they had focused less on Rick being a psychopath with no attachment or empathy and more on Rick having humanity and emotion. Rick missing his family and feeling guilt at what he’s done rather than brief expressions of wistfulness and fucking around with crows and such like he doesn’t care about his family. We could’ve had a serious conversation between Rick and Morty regarding the last two season 5 episodes and more emotion from Rick after showing Morty his backstory.
Hell, with Rick growing as much as he did, I was hoping to see an actual scene of him breaking down in remorse over everything he’s done. At least it would be fitting for his entire character unlike the sudden burst of growth he had. It also would’ve been interesting to see him experience cabin fever after losing the portal gun. Somebody else pointed this out and I didn’t think about it before but now I think it would’ve made all the more sense if Rick hadn’t grown as much as he did. Without portal gun and adventures and constantly stressing out over fixing it, it would’ve made more sense to have Rick a bit more moody, depressed, and easily irritated with people than usual but not outright cruel like in seasons 3 and 4. I also wish they explored Rick Prime a bit more. It felt a bit sudden that Rick decided to put off thinking about Prime this much in the season after being closer to finding him. That also would’ve added to the stress that would’ve made all the character development in season 6 even more moot... not that it made sense anyway but yeah.
Like I said this kinda goes with my disappointment on how light season 6 was on the stakes and how they’ve been doing Rick’s character these past two seasons. Turning him from one of the most emotionally complex characters to a shell of his former self. Seeing him regress to being at his worst is very intriguing and I do hope they actually do him right this time, give him more emotional stakes, have him struggle with growing and not pull another “Two Crows” shit. This is why I think the Pissmaster episode is the closest thing to a decent episode in season 6. Even though Rick wasn’t given as much depth or emotion as I would’ve liked and still had the ongoing growth that was hard to take seriously, at least they still tried to develop Rick. They tried to give him a bit more humanity. They actually TRIED growing him in a more proper way by giving him actual consequences, having him go to therapy after getting burdened by bad guys instead of being like “Hey, these two crows taught me empathy” for no reason and taking note of the lessons he learned in the Old Man and the Seat.
Also how about give Rick more consequences. I feel like he’s been too light on the consequences lately. There is no way you can get away with Rick having no tragic stakes with him being at his lowest point and pursuing revenge.
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I’d plant the stars in the ground for you -> Moon Knight x Daughter!Reader
-‘If I could, I’d plant the stars in the ground for you, They’d grow as tall as your eyes so they’d shine for you only.’ ‘For then you’d see how the world is so big, but it was made for you. And you were made to be loved, loved by me.’ -
                                                           -by abbycates
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PART THREE: Part one/Part two/Part three
Father!Jake Lockley x daughter!reader/ Fatherfigure!Steven Grant x daughter!reader/ Fatherfigure!Marc Spector x daughter!reader Motherly Nut/ Slight Layla x Marc
TW: Depression and anxiety disorders, absent father, slight angst, Steven is a good dad, Marc tries, Jake is scared and hides but will come around. Konshu is intimidated by Nut hehe.
Nut, Nwt, (Ⲛⲉ), is the goddess of the sky, stars, cosmos, mothers, astronomy, all heavenly bodies and the universe in the ancient Egyptian religion. She was seen as a star-covered nude woman arching over the Earth. Nut was seen as a friend and protector of the dead, who appealed to her as a child appeals to its mother. (She is sometimes associated with the cow and represented with the horns of one)
A/N: the story takes place right after Konshu frees Steven and Marc.  She/Her reader pronouns but they aren’t used a lot, the term ‘daughter’ comes up tho. If you want to write/create anything that is inspired by this little story, feel free ! I just want a bit of credit hehe.
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(POV: When you get screamed at by an ex you never knew you had) (they look so goofy omg) ___________________________________________ Your mother was a woman with quite a temper. She didn't fundamentally liked conflict, but sure knew how to express her disapproval. Or her wish to tear someone's head off. You've been sitting on the stairs in front of the Museum for about 15 minutes now. Your ice cream half melted in the little pot you held in your hand. You've been absent-mindedly eating the half melted cream, not paying attention to the people that walked past you. You could faintly hear your mother scream at Steven, or... well... You just didn't want to think about it right now. The sun was gone and your cold treat was now freezing your fingers. Grey clouds were looming in the sky and the wind had become stagnant. Everything was... fuzzy. It was weird how every event that occurred followed one another. It felt like a big joke, a big "fuck off" from life. Your vision was slightly blurred, you didn't really feel sad but tears were on the verge of pouring from your eyes.
You heard the steps of your mother becoming louder and louder, her voice was filled with disbelief and rage. « Oh you're father of the fucking year, are you ?! You stay the fuck away from (Y/N), from me ! »
He was running after her, trying to catch up to her as she clearly was trying to lose him in the crowd. You didn't look up at her when you saw her shoes enter your field of vision. « Come on, let’s get out of here (Y/N). »
You got up, not really paying attention to anything that was happening around you. Steven was heaving a bit when he caught up to your mother. You turned your back to them, knowing full well that they were about to raise their voices again. It was a bit ironic how you never experienced the arguments between your parents, but now that you did you were already tired of it.
« Listen, please. I have know idea who you are! »
Your mother had a bitter laugh.
« Oh that’s rich. »
He stuttered, clearly not knowing what to say to convince her anymore.
« (Y/N). » He said your name, trying to reason with you this time. You slowly looked up, his shirt was stained with your mother’s ice cream (which she probably threw at him when you ran away from the scene).
« I’m sorry kid but, » He took a deep breath and ran his hand along his forehead, he was sweating. « I’m… not your father. My name is Marc. »
It really was the worst excuse you had ever heard.
You didn’t exactly know what your expression was like but he immediately looked alarmed. You scoffed. You felt your lips tremble. « And Steven ? » « It’s complicated- » « Oh I’m sure, and it’s not that I don’t believe you, but I’d rather trust my mother. » « (Y/N), I don’t know what’s going on either. » You groaned, rubbing your eyes with your palms. « Jake, you leave her out of this- » « Jake?! » You looked at your mother, almost offended. « Steven, Marc, Jake? How many names do you fucking have ?! » « I’m NOT Jake ! » « Come on, sweetheart, let’s just go home, ignore him. »
« Leave…me alone. »
Your mom tried to protest but you just started to run down the stairs. You wanted to just GO AWAY. Disappear for a moment. They were following you, both trying to ask you to stay, your mom wanting you to come home and the... Other just wanting answers. And he was a lot faster than your mother. As you ran down the street, he grabbed your arm with a strength that scared you.
« (Y/N) ! »
You didn’t like him saying your name anymore. I want to leave, I want to leave, I want to leave, I WANT TO LEAVE.
You felt like you just woke up from a dream, but you were very aware that it wasn’t one. You were laid down on sand. You were on a beach.
You took deep breaths of the salted wind. The clouds were moving in waves, at a bizarre speed. The sea was calm, and the sand was white and made of thin grains. You stayed on the ground, realising how no one was around. You weren’t afraid of looking at the sky anymore. And then, you forgot why you were so upset.
« Nut ? »
‘Yes, child ?’ 
You exhaled.
« I like this place. » You said as you took a small amount of sand in your palm, letting it slip away with the wind. You heard her laugh softly. ‘It is quite lovely. And I am glad to be able to see it with you.’ You started drawing small spirals into the sand. 'I am quite fond of Earth.'
« Why is he an avatar ? »
She stayed quiet for a few seconds.
‘Avatars are vessels for us Gods. You are a mean to interact with humanity where we cannot. If your father was chosen by Khonshu, then he must be trying to hide it from you.’ « … Why ? » 'Well...' She marked another pause. 'Khonshu proclaimed himself as a god of vengeance. His avatar must take care of that for him. Gods can grant their vessels superhuman abilities. He might be dangerous. At least in his opinion.' « And he’s not ? »
You heard her sigh.
‘He maybe is. But Khonshu was always proud and arrogant. He feels as if he owns the night. Where I swallow the sun each day to let him prevail. He cannot see past his own beak.’ You chuckled at the mention of his beak. A bird. A bird god. You stared at the calm waves as the sun started to peek through the agitated clouds. « You can give powers ? And… make us into superheroes or something? Ancient Egypt Avengers. » She giggled.
« Could you give ‘me’ powers…? »
‘I could. But you don’t have to serve me in any way. What kind of powers would you need ?’
You sat up slowly, looking around the desert beach.
« Something to get me back to London, for starters. » ‘Oh, right.’ _________________ This chapter is a bit short, but I hope it is still enjoyable! Everyone is confused, but (Y/N) starts to feel more comfortable with Nut :) __________________
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Past and Future
Horrortober Day 2: Decision  |  “It’s your decision. Choose wisely.”
Day 2 woop! Got a chance to work on my Kazuha a bit more. I hope to write for him more in the future!
Warnings: Yandere, Manipulation, Possessiveness, Stalking Mention Characters: Kadehara Kazuha x Reader
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Kazuha couldn’t not notice the yearning in your gaze as you looked across the plaza at your old friends. These scumbags. Wannabe goody-two-shoes. Oh, how much he despised them. And yet, you longed for their laughter in your ears, the wrinkles in their eyes as they grinned and smiled at each other cheerfully. They were celebrating something Kazuha didn’t know about. But undoubtedly, you remembered after having been close to them since early childhood. 
And yet, you didn’t belong to their circle anymore. You hadn’t been invited to wine and laughter, food and celebration. Instead, you absentmindedly squeezed his hand tighter, and Kazuha took that as a sign. “Come on,” he mumbled, watching how sadness overcame you with every passing second. Frustration and anger, but mostly disappointment, snaked their way into your expression. You had been so excited for today, going out with him, exploring Liyue Harbor with your boyfriend, but the mood was ruined now. 
When you didn’t react, Kazuha used his free arm to lay it around you, pushing you forward despite your feet being unwilling to move. Part of you wanted to go to your friends, to join them in their festivity. But without being invited, you were way too hesitant to approach, and it hurt you even more. Your head hung low as you two finally disappeared in the crowd of people working and shopping, the night market making for a great scene. Still, you couldn’t take it in anymore after remembering your past heartbreak now.
Kazuha wasn’t the type to leave you alone, never wishing to be separated from the warmth and comfort you gave him by being by his side, but in your depressed state, it was hard to do anything with you. Placing you on a bench, Kazuha left to get you something to drink. His mind was wrecking itself of how to help you as he bought your favorite, seasonal beverage, still hot and steaming in its cup, and brought it back to you. 
Unfortunately, no one heard the clattering sound as he dropped it, watching you talk with some of your old friends. When did they come over to talk? Why were they here? How did they notice you? Why now of all times? This was his evening. His time with you. And yet, you hadn’t been as happy with him all night as you were when you talked to them. Kazuha’s expression changed from worried to upset as he had to watch you laugh with them, even though the mood seemed awkward from afar. Maybe they were apologizing, or perhaps just trying to replicate the good old times with you, but you seemed very receptive to their presence, smiling in a way that you never did when you were with Kazuha. 
It had taken a lot to break you guys apart. Not willingly, but they weren’t a good influence for you. He had never done anything to them, but one day they had decided they didn’t like the way he looked at you. That Kazuha was too ‘possessive’ and that the ‘took up all your time’. They told you to stay away from the outsider, to ignore the soft, wonderful feelings you two had for each other—the strong bond you were forming with your boyfriend. Your friends decided he wasn’t good for you but were they really your friends when they made you choose between them and your love? Gods, he hated what they did to you. Hated how miserable they could make you. You had been so nervous and anxious after they started harassing you to leave him, crying at night and into his shoulder when you didn’t know what to do. The first time you said you loved him was while you were assuring him that you still had feelings for him; that being the reason why it was so hard on you to be forced to make this decision. It wasn’t a romantic moment, but one filled with tears. Kazuha would never forgive them for robbing him of his amazing confession from your lips.
However, in the end? You chose him—naturally. You chose him for this very reason. Because you love him. Kazuha never made you decide. Sure, he didn’t like your friends, but he didn’t go out of his way to engage with them. He only ever had eyes for you, following you whenever you met with your so-called friends and making sure you’d be safe from them. However, he was better than them, and even if they made you cry on your way home, he never once went back to hurt them just as much as they hurt you, even if his blood was boiling. Kazuha would rather spend his time comforting you, asserting his place in your heart, than stick to the ones who were desperately trying to tear him out of said place. 
But maybe he should have.
Maybe he should have demanded that you decide on one side. After all, you were already distancing yourself from these people that kept hurting you in the name of ‘only wanting the best for you’. He was the best for you. There was nothing that could be better for you than Kazuha. He was strong; he was safe for you. No one else tended to you as gently and lovingly as he did. Comforted you when you were down. You had to wear the burden of everyone around you, but Kazuha only committed to you and your worries. He was the saving grace and the helping hand you needed in your desperation. The person your friends should have been if you had actually mattered to them. 
In return, you were the same for him. You gave his life a meaning that he had long searched for. A new friend and a love to wake his lonely heart again. No one could ever stir him like you did, and he was thankful. Thankful for the opportunity to be by your side, to warm you on cold nights, and to tell you about the past he never shared with anyone else. You were the listener he wanted; gave him the attention he needed. And Kazuha...
Kazuha wouldn’t lose you now. He couldn’t lose someone again. Not you.
Marching up to you and your friends gathering around, he listened to the meaningless conversation you had. “We’re sorry for saying such harsh things,” and “We were worried about you.” Loads of empty words, in his opinion. But seeing your eyes tear up at them made his heart sting and his blood boil all over again. It made him furious. Furious for you. You deserved so much better than these lies. They didn’t care about you!
Pushing through them without roughly, Kazuha only looked at you, finding your eyes instantly. You were surprised by his appearance but quickly wiped the tears from your eyes and returning to the silly, little smile you usually graced him with. One that was as empty as your friend’s words. One you adapted just to please him and not worry him further, but once he’d put an end to this, Kazuha knew you’d be able to smile at him properly again with a sincere one. 
“Choose,” he prompted, and you raised an eyebrow in confusion while your friends began to grow tense and murmur between themselves. 
“These people-” he made a vague gesture between the few gathered around, “-aren’t good for you, and you know it. They dropped you when you needed them the most while I’ve been with you all this time.”
“You can’t be serious,” you breathed, but Kazuha didn’t confirm your wish. He was serious, even if that meant upsetting you. This was for the best. “It’s your decision. Them or me. Choose wisely.”
“That’s unfair!” one of your friends cried out, upset about his intention, and Kazuha looked at them sharply from the corner of his eye, silencing them effectively. “It’s not unfair,” he shut their argument down, looking only at you as he spoke. “They made you choose first and broke your heart. I never have and never will hurt you. But I am not so sure about the people who already did it once.”
Kazuha’s words had impact; he could see it in your eyes. You, too, remembered the bad times that felt like your heart was ripped into pieces by the people you put so much trust in. And instead, it had been him who was there, making sure you ate and drank in your troubled times, and got rest when you needed it. Even if there was no luxury in his life, he still had been a better friend than any of them. Kazuha completely missed that he suggested dropping you the same way your friends had when he made you choose. He didn’t want to believe you would choose anyone over him after all he did for you. You belonged to him, and he belonged to you. That’s how love worked. 
“I love you.” 
A dirty trick. One that your friends couldn’t use. Kazuha directly pulled at your heartstrings, making you miss a breath as you grew even more blindsided. “I don’t want to lose you, again,” he didn’t hesitate to add, noticing how your friends’ faces grew worried and upset at his words. He was hinting at the bad time you two had gone through. The one that made a part of you die. But you only looked down, hands balling into fists as you felt conflicted. There was no need for you to wreck your pretty head over these nobodies, Kazuha decided, holding out his hand. You only needed him—as much as he needed you. 
Timidly, you reached for his hand, and he gripped yours tightly, pulling you up from your seat and after him, away from these fake friends and their fake worry without another word to them. “It’s better like this,” he assured you, dragging you through the crowd so you wouldn’t be able to look back at your past. He was before you, your future, and he wouldn’t let anyone take you from him and ruin this for you. 
But when you were unresponsive, he threw a glance back over his shoulder, noticing the tears streaming down your eyes. You two came to a stop as he turned around, cupping your face and pulling you into a kiss. Even though your hands came to rest against his chest, pushing, you never managed to escape his grip, forced to kiss him until neither of you could hold your breath anymore. Leaning his forehead against yours, you were left speechless, but not Kazuha.
“I love you. I love you so much. Promise me you’ll never go back to them.” It was hard to commit to that, but his hands grew tighter around your face, desperate to hear it. “You chose me,” he insisted, pain swinging in his voice. “You’re not leaving me.”
There was no way of saying where those emotions came from, but he didn’t give you time to think them over. This was the future he chose, by your side. And that night, you chose it too, even if you ended up not liking it once you found out that your friends had been right all along.
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flightfoot · 3 years
Suddenly I remembered that Thomas said the special is canon and in NY special Ladybug hit him with the whole I can't trust you speech and now with s4 where she really slowly "forgetting" about Cat Noir and only focus on defeating the akuma just like she said in optigami : I don't care who or how as long as the akuma is defeated. Its as if NY is the prelude for the ladynoir fallout although the symptoms is already there since kwamibuster.
Eh, there are a lot of episodes that could be called the "prelude" to the Ladynoir conflict. The NY Special... I guess it can be called a prelude in the sense that it showed an example of how Ladybug reacts if something's kept from her (that then blows up) in contrast to when she keeps things from Chat? I don't think it's really set up for the Ladynoir conflict though.
Thing is, the conflict springs from pre-established character traits, and THOSE you can see over the course of the show. For instance, Marinette tends to subscribe to an "it's fine so long as you don't get caught" kind of mindset a lot of the time, trying to fix anything that goes wrong in secret before she's discovered: The Mime springs to mind, with how she futiley tried to recreate Alya's video after accidentally deleting it, replacing it before Alya found out what happened, or Copycat with her breaking into Adrien's locker to try and delete the voice message before Adrien hears it.
She also is very pragmatic about any problem she encounters more generally, to the point of acquiring tunnel vision and only working on "solving" that issue, whatever the impression or feelings anyone else would have on the matter. Something that was pointed out in Rogercop, as during Marinette's efforts to dispel the completely unfair suspicion Chloe placed on her, she unintentionally cast that unfair suspicion on everyone else as well. Animaestro and Ikari Gozen were particularly egregious examples, as she didn't seem to catch onto the fact that Kagami was a person with feelings, rather than simply an obstacle and a threat to her getting together with Adrien, until it was thrown in her face. Or Weredad, with her overreacting while pretending to be devastated by Chat's rejection, while not considering how that would make everyone else involved feel - only really thinking about her goal of concealing her secret identity.
There's also a bit of an issue with Marinette not really seeming to realize that Chat has deeper emotions and depth than she normally gives him credit for, which was most obvious during Glaciator: she hadn't realized that he had that softer, more sincere side to him, that he wasn't just messing around. Or again, with Weredad and not considering what effect going overboard with her reaction to his rejection might have. The Chat Blanc synopsis that her partner's "the last person she'd ever imagine get akumatized" embodies it pretty well.
On Adrien's side, he's long-hated being kept out of the loop or feeling like he might be replaced, but often downplays the full extent of his feelings on the matter. He downplays most of his negative emotions in general really, until he can find somewhere to vent alone. Santa Claws showed him feeling so bitter and alone after his father appeared to be skipping spending Christmas with him so soon after his mother died, and feeling jealous and hurt enough that everyone else got to spend Christmas having fun with their loved ones, that he nearly destroyed a Christmas tree - but reined himself in at the last second. Once he met up with Santa (and especially when he got to meet up with Ladybug as Chat Noir), he was in a better place emotionally.
Syren also helps set up the current conflict, as it's when Chat most blatantly expressed how much he hates being kept in the dark, being sidelined while Ladybug does things that she can't explain. It's also another example of him downplaying his feelings around others, ESPECIALLY Ladybug, since he only sounded mildly frustrated and sad about the situation when talking with her, but felt so unneeded and unwanted that he was ready to give up the ring. The only person he IS willing to let know exactly how he feels is Plagg, who's with him 24/7. Even when the full extent of his emotions are expressed via akuma (his greatest fear via the Nightmare Ladybug in Sandboy) he deflected Ladybug's questioning about what he thought of her, much like how he deflected Ladybug's questioning of whether he was okay in Rocketear.
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bonefries · 3 years
I rate Sigma Overwatch’s sprays from 0-10
alright lets go, just going in the order that these files come in this folder
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1000/10: Because I get to see him sitting and even though he’s thinking hard about something he’s throwing a bouncy ball to help him focus. Also his hair is particularly white here and I think thats very sexy old man of him.
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50/10: Catbox, Catboy, its all the same theory. Sigma likes catboys, not up for debate. We know why. 
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3/10: Just not fond of it. I know the sprays and their rendering gets super obscured but this one just got absolutely decimated I guess. Just being real with yall. 
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10/10: Like the shading colors, he’s smirking. Rock vaguely looks like a heart. Love that for him. 
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6/10: I just don’t like how the hat was drawn. I don’t think it needed to be there or could’ve been shaped better. Other than that decent spray. Wish he was happier looking though. 
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9/10: I have this spray as a sticker and its just very cute fsr. Its simple and the color is exquisite and nice on the eyes. 
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100000000000/10: There is something mysteriously and eerily sexy about this spray and it’s one of my favorites.  
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2/10: Just because he is my husband doesn’t mean I’m not going to be an honest man. I Highly Dislike this spray because I think the art style is unappealing af. It’s just a personal preference, I hate all of the sprays that come in this style.  i didnt realize how long this post was going to be so im doing the rest under the cut to spare everyone else’s life: 
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9/10: Solid rating with no goofing. While I take up some issues with some of the expressions in his other sprays showing pain, there is something about the composition of this one that I absolutely love. Its very aesthetic for me, speaks to his character, and the colors are beautiful. Wish his eyes were his usual periwinkle though which is why this isn’t receiving a perfect score. 
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5/10: Not really sure what it is about this one that I’m not so fond of. I can appreciate the colors and his profile. But other than that theres something visually here that I don’t find appealing. Not sure what it is.
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8/10: Decent rating, its nothing crazy. Since reference and has nice colors but thats about all my critique for this one.
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11/10: Lovely hand, lovely gesture. Wanna squish the bean pads. Nice colors. 
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6/10: This one is actually one of my favorites despite the rating not being solid. Only because while I love the colors and the concept, the idea of it makes me sad. The idea that it reflects Sieb’s trauma makes me sad, despite it being a rational depiction of such. 
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50000000/10: love little christmas charm sieb, hope he gets a skin of this outfit some day. Hes so cute. Happy smiles thats all I want. I could kiss him.
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3/10: CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF I’M NOT ACTUALLY SUPER ABOUT THIS SPRAY. WHY? Because I’m being nitpicky and I want him receptors on the sides to be THE TEAL THAT THEY ARE. Not GREEN. 
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5/10: I feel like halfway rating with this one is fair. I like to imagine that thats Sieb’s hand writing and that makes me happy. But this spray is hard to look at for long periods of time because this kind of text squish is hurtful on my eyes. 
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9/10: I actually hate this skin but fsr the spray makes it incredibly sexy. It actually got sexier the second time (this time) that I looked at it. Good for him.
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6/10: Reasons for this rating, while I love the pose and intimidation this spray is posing, I also get sad to see Sieb’s strained expressions. I think his powers do have limits and they do effect him depending. And seeing all this big ass heavy equipment on him gives me conflicted feelings. He has a lot to carry, and he’s just lucky he has gravity powers to help. (I mean this metaphorically and literally.)
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7/10: I love the art and concept on this one. He’s just so grumpy looking is all. My poor boy. 
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9/10: He’s 7 ft tall and it shows and I am here for it. 
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9/10: Remember when I said I was conflicted about seeing all that equiptment on him? Well its true, but I’m just going full thirst on this spray to say look at how fucking massive this man is. I want him to grab me with those hands and pitch me like a baseball. 
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4/10: The pained expression in this along with the concept of it (as well as connection once again to his trauma) unsettles me and makes me feel the brain hurting juice. Nothing further.
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1000000000000000000/10: This is one of my favorite sprays because its just casual work setting and gives me more insight on his lab uniform. His hair here also gets me barking like a rabid chihuahua. 
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10/10: This gets a solid rating for A) Lab Coat Outfit and B) Seeing him again with the help of an object to stim while he thinks. (The squeeze ball) 
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10/10: I cant not give halloween Sieb a solid score. I think this is adorable, but I don’t believe it’s Sieb as a kid. I think it’s just a child dressed up like him with no attachment to lore or anything. But its still very cute. 
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100/10: I love the pixel sprays so much, simple and cute. 
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6/10: I’m really not too crazy about the pose for the dragon spray. I feel like they could’ve done something a little more dynamic especially given he has gravity powers. But alas. 
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9/10: This spray is on the same level as the apple head spray from earlier on in the post. Congrats if you’ve made it this far btw. But I love the soft expression on the left being challenged with the frightened/frustrated one on the right. 
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0/10: I am not fond of this spray because of how much pain he appears to be in along with the implications all the junk flying around him has. Upsets me. 
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50/10: I don’t care about the fish onions I just care about looking at my husbands huge ass arms and seeing him enjoy a smelly fish treat. Its what he deserves. Also what that mouth do. 
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10/10: Solid perfect score because I have strong emotions about Van Gogh. And I think the interest between Siebren and Van Gogh, especially as two men who were/are fighting with mental illness speaks volumes about Sieb’s character. This spray makes me feel something in my chest that I can’t whole heartedly explain, but it isn’t a bad thing. 
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10/10: Another perfect score, because I think this spray is a good mixture of Sieb’s character between the musical elements and his scientific work. He’s also smiling which is rare to find in his sprays.  
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544386238043723507435742634387236804307403857435748035474803548744307384385740385748037408357438570480bark bark barK BARK /10: sexiest image in the entire game of overwatch nobody @ me i dont take constructive criticism 
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genshin-impact-fics · 3 years
Finding out You're in the Fatui
Characters: Jean, Childe, Keqing, Albedo, Diluc, Xiao
Whatever way he finds out he’s very upset; he trusted you, he fell in love with you yet now he finds out you’re with the enemy? He’s fearing that everything that’s happened between the two of you was a lie, that you just used him until you got what you needed. His brain is just in a storm of thoughts
He wants to believe that you’re good at heart, that all of this was because you didn’t have much of a choice. He’s going to ask questions, but more importantly he will offer you a way out: abandon the Fatui and just live with him he will vow to protect you and even find a safe area to work if employment was a concern of yours
If you accept his offer he’s glad that he didn’t have to lose you, he loves you too much and it’d be just too sad for him to have to cut ties with you especially since you’re the first one he’s felt such strong feelings for
But if you refused and you made it clear that you willingly joined the Fatui, he’s absolutely heartbroken. He’d probably start crying out of how painful the reality of the situation was and try to beg you to leave and stay with him. He does not have the heart to even consider having to fight you, he didn’t want to harm you yet here you were showing a completely different side to you that not even he caught onto
He is enraged at the new information when he finds out. He curses himself for being so blind and having trusted you as much as he did. How could he be calm about this; you played a hand in the fall of the archon he served under, the archon that saved him from his horrible past and gave him a new purpose in life. How could he ever forgive you for such a betrayal
Though he refuses to bloody his hands with those of mortal blood, he will lash out and attack you. His heart hurts as how could he let this happen, he loved you yet was this the world’s way of punishing him for his past he could only wonder
If you plea to him to listen to your explanation he’s conflicted; you were either telling the truth or you were lying to just buy yourself some time… But he stopped and kept a safe distance from you as though you hurt his trust in his heart he still very much loves you so if there was a glimmer of hope that you can be saved he would be willing to listen to judge for himself. His expression softens when learning that you essentially got forced and trapped into working in the Fatui and at that point he is willing to keep you with him which mainly consisted of you living at the Wangshu Inn with him
However if you confirm that you’re in the Fatui of your own choosing he’s hurt, but he’s already withdrawing his own emotions so it didn’t get in the way of his duties. You’re no longer the mortal he fell in love with, you were just another mortal trying to use him for your personal gain. He’ll warn you to never to return and that you are no longer permitted to call out his name because from that moment on you were enemies
Deep down he didn’t want to accept the possible fact you were potentially bad. There were small things you did or said that made him slightly skeptical of you yet he overlooked them because he was in love with you, there was something that always made him so curious and so fascinated with you. You never judged him, you were patient with him, as you even put yourself at risk with plenty of his experiments
Of course this conversation was in the privacy of his lab in Dragonspine, surely there was no need to have a big scene be made especially when he wanted to simply hear what you had to say for yourself. He’s very composed and calm for someone who’s feeling this pain in his chest at the fact that you’ve kept this from him for so long
If you were truly innocent it saddens him to hear how you were stuck paying off a debt that wasn’t even your own and that was the only reason why you were stuck in the predicament that you’re in. Surely there had to be some way to hide you from the Fatui right? Maybe not up there in Dragonspine since there were already so many of the agents scouting the mountains, but maybe he could ask Jean if you could stay with him; however, that then led to another possible problem. If he tried to explain the details the fact that you were associated with the Fatui, Jean might just want to arrest you for interrogation which he might have to simply keep that knowledge to himself for the sake of your safety
But at any time you're telling your story he will call you out on something if he feels you weren’t being truthful. Hearing that you were a third generation agent he came to understand that it was initially a family legacy to uphold; rather unfortunate but oddly enough he still didn’t look down on you for that. Of course he’s unsure of what to do as things are surely to be complicated now, but how could he come to really see you as the enemy when he loves you
Regardless of the case, he will continue to stay with you; however, he’ll take a few precautions to insure his own safety. He won’t be sharing details of things he’s working on, no more asking to help with experiments (unless they’re just something mundane and nothing too serious), but other than that he just can only hope that you will continue to be truthful from there forth
You are his favorite and it’s very obvious to everyone in the Fatui. You are just about the only exception out of all the agents that he will go a little bit easy on when it comes to missions not going accordingly. He love you to bits and surely made sure that you knew he was serious about your twos relationship
You are not allowed to go on missions with the other Harbingers, Childe is very keen on having you accompany him and only him on missions. He also personally sees to your training because he sees the potential in you and it just seemed like the other agents who are in charge of training don’t seem to up to the level that best benefited you
You get spoiled a lot, he also makes sure to always praise you after any mission or task you do: you had a minor task to go collect a debt? Childe will tell you a job beautifully done. You were away on a big mission that had to do with looking for evidence of the whereabouts of another archon? He’ll tell you how proud he is and how much he loves you. He will make a request the Tsaritsa to bestow a delusion onto you; cuz surely if one of her Harbingers is speaking so highly of someone truly they are worthy of her gift
There was already so much to love about you already but ever since he found out how good you were with his siblings he knew that you were the one for him. He can trust you to look after his siblings to keep them safe since they already know that you are his significant other (but of course have no clue either of you work in the fatui). You two are in Liyue and Teucer suddenly appears out of nowhere: you’re already prepared to take care of and look after the younger brother. Childe just loves how good you are with him and it shows how much Teucer likes you too. Childe only wish that he could marry you the next day (something he says often to you)
Needless to say she was distraught when she stumbled upon you speaking in a hushed tone with La Signora in the dead of night in an alleyway during her patrol. She didn’t know what to think but of course she wanted to confront you yet she’d stay hidden and wait till you were alone which didn’t help her spiraling thoughts wondering if you had been with the enemy this whole time and what the two of you had was just pretend to you
The moment the coast is clear Jean will come out of hiding and stand tall with her arms over her chest though the expression on her face does not match the rest of her body language. She knows she should keep this professional without getting her emotions involved, but how could she not when it was you; you were her lover so naturally she can’t help it
You knew you were in trouble as you could have hightailed it the other way, but you knew it would only make matters worse though also even if you had run now you’d have to face her eventually so what was the point. You answered whatever question she asked you; Though Jean did have a slightly difficult time being able to tell when certain replies you gave were possibly a lie. It pains her to have to consider breaking up because she did love you yet how could she love someone that could pose a great threat to her home that she’s sworn to protect; would probably have you put into custody for a while just to fully ensure that you weren’t just a spy or scheming behind the knights of favonius’ back
You of all people did Jean not expect to have such a high standing in the Fatui; you weren’t just some agent to be stationed there, you were a younger sibling of one of the harbingers overseeing everything the agents did. It made everything all the more painful for Jean as she thought she finally found someone who understood her and loved her despite her business along with her flaws, but she started to doubt your relationship. She’d have to take you in for further questioning to see what information you’ve leaked out, but when you made a run for it Jean knew she should chase after you yet… She let you escape, she didn’t want you getting hurt as for this one time will she let you do so; however, if you two crossed paths again unfortunately you’d give her no other choice but to warrant your arrest
She’s surprised at the fact that you’re associated with the Fatui, but of course she’s going to act as if it doesn’t bother her or hurt her in the slightest (though we all know just how badly she’s hurting on the inside). She knew it was too good to be true that you so happened to share the same ideologies and that you got along so beautifully.
She has put so much trust in you that she’s brought you up to the Jade Chamber with her to have peaceful tea time dates a couple of times before its destruction. Yet you made her look like a fool, as even if you never intended to hurt her or betray her, Keqing takes it very personally even if her love for you runs deep
Regardless whether or not you were good of heart that was trapped serving the Fatui or truly was lying about everything and using her that whole time she will coldly cut you off. She’s putting on her tough act saying how she simply cannot love a traitor that has put liyue in harm's way
It’s not until she’s alone or possibly just with Ganyu that Keqing breaks down into tears sobbing over her heartbreak. Nothing hurt more than letting you go, how she wanted to give you that second chance, but she couldn’t let love cloud her judgement, as maybe one day in the future you two could be together, but for now she’d need time to heal though she probably never really gets over you
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cryoaquila · 3 years
spin the bottle pt. 3
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prompt: you play spin the bottle, part 3. pairings: albedo x gn!reader, mona x gn!reader, keqing x gn!reader  word count: ~1.5k tags: kissing, very suggestive themes, light teasing a/n: you can find part one here and part two here!
minors dni.
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you spin the bottle at a party. it lands on...
he wasn’t even paying attention. instead, he had a pen and notebook and was sketching something. you tap his arm to get him to notice the bottle.
“oh right, the game,” he replies simply before leaning toward you, giving you a small peck on the cheek before going back to his drawing.
wait, what? you weren’t expecting a small peck like that. no way, you wanted more of a kiss than that from such a cute guy! you whine and pout, uncaring how selfish you were sounding - you wanted a kiss on the lips from him and you were going to get it!
he can’t hide his little smirk and snicker, “oh you were hoping for more? how interesting.” he closes his notebook, taking your chin in his hands as he looks at you with a gleam in his eyes, “i guess i’ll give you what you want then, greedy little thing.”
now that he got his results from a little peck on the cheek, it was time to get results from a longer, more passionate kiss. he leans in to initiate but stops before your lips meet, analyzing your expression. you scowl, pressing your lips to his and he chuckles at your impatience.
he hums against you, eyes watching you carefully as he slips his tongue into your mouth. his taste, well, you can’t quite put your finger on it, it’s a very intricate taste that you’ve never had in your mouth before.
his tongue prods around, exploring every little inch of what it was given, and you couldn’t help but wonder if his tongue would do the same in... other areas.
when the kiss finishes, he flips to a new page in his notebook, writing something.
“what are you writing down?” you can’t help but wonder out loud.
“your reaction to kissing and how naughty you are, wanting more.” you felt your cheeks heat up, but he wasn’t wrong, you did want a kiss on the lips. yet, you still wanted more than that with the thought of his tongue exploring your body still on your mind...
after the game finishes, he shows you his notebook and what he was working on. it’s a drawing of you. 
he says as soon as he laid eyes on you he couldn’t help but draw you for you were far too beautiful to not be a part of his sketchbook. you blusha at the kind sentiment and tell him you enjoyed his kiss, even the little bit of teasing that was involved.
he chuckles, saying he enjoyed the kissing experiment you both partook in as well. he added in a low tone that he wouldn’t mind conducting more experiments later with you, but fewer clothes would be required for what he had in mind. you know. for science.
you would never do something to harm the progress of science so of course you quickly agree to his request.
you don’t even recall how many experiments you end up helping him with that night in his room.
mona recites something about how the stars showed her that when you spun the bottle it would pick her but that kissing you wouldn’t be a good idea because of your conflicting signs along with other excuses including, “the stars. can’t do it. not today.”
but when she glances at you and sees your saddened look she quickly stammers over her words before admitting defeat and agreeing to the kiss. she looks very embarrassed, her cheeks turning red and her hands, which were resting on her lap, were clenched into fists. 
feeling bad for her, you decide to only give her a small kiss and move on, but when you try to pull away she pushes forward, locking your lips once more in a sloppy, wet kiss.
you’ve never had a messier kiss. your lips would part to allow her inside your mouth and then she’d let you into hers, both of you eager for a taste. gasps of air were the only other sound besides a few soft, muffled moans as neither you nor she would let the other pull away.
eventually, you both end up on the floor, her on top of you. she ran a hand through your hair as you wrap your hands around her waist before bringing them down to her ass for a squeeze, causing her to smirk against your mouth.
finally, you end the kiss, the need for oxygen too grand, a string of saliva still connecting you both before it broke. that’s when you realize the other two that agreed to play had left you and her alone.
well, now that the game was apparently over, you ask if she’d like to leave and get some better food elsewhere together.
she looks a little sad suddenly and mutters that she doesn’t have any money on her.
you pause for a moment, taken by surprise, and you tell her that her company is more than any amount of money and that you’d pay for her and she didn’t have to worry about paying you back.
she suddenly looks like she’s about to burst into tears from your offer. you worry that you were too forward.
she jumps off you and, before you even realize what’s happening, she starts dragging you by your hand out of the party, talking about what food she’s going to order.
while out eating she admits that she was really lying earlier and the readings she conducted said you and her would meet at the party and be completely compatible and a perfect match but she was nervous since she hadn’t kissed nor been with anyone in a long time.
she then starts talking about tomorrow’s date, which you hadn’t even realized was happening until now. 
she says she’s glad the stars like you because she’s enjoying her time with you a lot.
and you’re glad both she and the stars like you, too.
the fact she’s even at the party still boggles everyone’s mind since her high-profile job never allowed her any free time. yet here she was, a rare break in her schedule allowing her to attend.
but you noticed she didn’t seem very comfortable in such a setting. a few times she tried to recite rules to the partygoers, things like you can’t be too loud after a certain time and how it’s important to not leave litter lying about, etc. this caused them to whisper behind her back in quiet mocks. she was actually about to leave before you asked her to play spin the bottle, and she decided a quick party game before she left would be alright for memories.
as the bottle comes to a stop, pointing towards her, a shocked expression crosses her face before she glances away, her cheeks pinkening. 
little did you know, she had already planned exactly how the kiss would go should the bottle land on her. she knew what she would do, right down to her hand position and tongue placement. she had seen others make out before and read books a few times involving couples, so she felt confident.
she doesn’t waste any time, per usual for her since she’s so efficient. 
she takes your hand in hers and pulls you toward her, your lips crashing together.
but, as soon as your lips touch a little shock zaps you both, causing you to yank back in surprise. she bites the bottom of her lip, wide-eyed.
the stress of the party and the many, many people, all surprised by her appearance, all watching her, talking about her, along with the kiss not ending up how she wanted, all of it causes her confident façade to crumble. her lip quivers as she mumbles an apology, upset that, since she’s arrived, all she’s done is mess things up. she tries to leave, but you take her hand in yours and ask her to not go just yet, that’d you miss her company. 
she pauses for a moment before sitting back down, hiding her face in her hands.
you gently rub the tight, overworked muscles in the back of her neck, and she looks at you with appreciation. your hand slides to the side of her face where you caress her, your thumb gently wiping away a few tears. she was so beautiful, even with such a sorrowful look.
she sniffs, still smiling, and asks in a quiet tone, “can we try again?”
the second time around, everything went right. the kiss was just a small, sweet kiss, yet it was special in its own, simple way.
once your lips part from each other, she presses her forehead against yours happily and the crazy environment surrounding you two seems to disappear for a few moments.
afterward, she rests her head on your shoulder and you wrap an arm around her. you two stay like that for a while, the sounds of the chaotic party dulled by the comfort of one another.
“want to come see the work i do for the city tomorrow?” she asks you.
“sure, i’m free. is it... a date?”
she smiles up at you with a flushed expression but doesn’t answer you. guess you’d just have to wait and see what tomorrow brought.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
more little!drivers please!!! maybe how youd comfort them on a bad day/bad race etc… pref little Max Lando Charles or Mick but honestly I’m obsessed with them all !!! (saw you’re feeling towards Pierre & Carlos…. that is also good… its very good…..) (if 🐬 isn’t taken can i claim plss)
Ok firstly, 🐬 isn’t take yet so of course you can!! For anyone else who wants to claim an emoji, the taken ones are all listened on my pinned post.
As for the your request, I’m gonna do a short bit about each of them and then we can go from there??
I think it would take Max quite a while to be able to slip into littlespace when he’s upset around you. Because he knows he’s going to be whiny and clingy and just experience a flood of emotions because that’s always what happens when he’s upset and he slips. Usually, he kinda just curls into a ball and cries it all out but he’s so scared of doing that in front of you.
But, little max doesn’t really give big max a choice. Because little max knows you’d take great care of him and wants cuddles and kisses and snuggles and to not have to cry alone anymore.
So max does slip around you and the first time he does it because he sad, you take such great care of him. Even though he doesn’t say it, you realise pretty quickly that max is just going through so many emotions so you let him cry in your arms and then let him watch cartoons and cuddle you and just be the best boy.
I think Lando would be even quieter than usual? He doesn’t want to show you how close to a breakdown he is, but of course you can see it.
You let him fight it while other people are around, because you know he won’t want to embarrass himself in front of others. But the moment it’s just you and him in his hotel room, you bring him into your arms and he can’t fight it anymore and kinda just dissolves into tears.
But it’s okay, it’s over pretty quickly. And then you just try to distract him by letting him draw and colour in and tell you stories.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: little Charles is a very sensitive little boy. He hates conflict and big emotions and just wants to cuddle and play with his stuffies and spend time with you. He gets upset and overwhelmed so quickly.
It’s genuinely very difficult to calm down an upset little Charles, because he’s just so sensitive and so sad and the poor thing has no idea what to do with himself.
So you focus on grounding exercises. Getting him to take slow breaths, count backwards from 30, ect and slowly he starts to calm down and your cute, giggly little boy returns.
For mick, I think he’d mostly get frustrated because he doesn’t have the words to describe how he’s feeling?
Usually, he’s a very good little boy. He laughs a lot and loves to play and adores tickle fights. But when he’s really upset, he hates that he can’t manage to express himself properly to you. He wants so badly to tell you what’s wrong, but he just doesn’t have the brain capacity for it.
So you focus on providing him with words, trying to guess what’s happening and articulate it for him. Once you land on what’s wrong, it’s much easier to help him calm down and he’ll accept cuddles.
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