#but fr it was like. after all that i straight up was like we're not handling the goblin camp tonight im logging off and watching anime
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 year ago
im realizing ive never played an rpg with romancable companions like i completely missed the boat on the mass effect/dragon age type games in high school. kotor doesnt count imo and the last long form rpg i played was literally 36 bit. that being said even if i KNEW it was coming (like i knew it was coming. sort of) lae'zel hitting on my tav shocked me so much i logged off LOL
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simpee9000 · 3 months ago
You Were A Dream ~ 2 ~ T. Amajiki
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Blurb Idea : Part One (this is the last part btw) Description : Tamaki was always shy, but with you? He was doing everything he never expected. All with his best friend's sister. it felt like the words cruel joke on him. Yet for you, it was all like a dream. Word Count : 5.7k Warnings : Angst, Hints to Smut but none fr
"Are you okay?" your brother asked when he opened the door to your apartment. The first question he's asked since.
And you ignored it.
Going straight to your room and slamming the door.
Falling face-first into your pillow so you could cry.
The realization of the gap between you and Tamaki was painful. The fact that you were so mentally in the relationship while he was still unsure? That was unthinkable.
A sinking feeling was being pressed into your chest, hurting your lungs as you took rapid breaths in, trying to stop crying.
The sinking feeling that Tamaki might not be the one at all. That this past year might of been a waste of hopes and false dreams.
It put a damper on everything.
Moping slightly around the workplace, shining a smile when needed just like your brother would. Just to drop the act at home. Dragging your feet and keeping your head hung low.
It felt pitiful. But you put your all into this relationship. You thought through everything with him, you told him everything.
Mirio started questioning you after a week.
"I didn't think Tamaki would affect you this bad," he was crossing his arms, a concerned look on his face as he left half his thoughts unspoken.
You gave him a dead stare, turning back to your phone and once again ignoring any conversation about this.
If Tamaki didn't want to talk to you about it, you didn't want to talk about it.
And while you were upset. You weren't going to throw him under the bus just to rant. His feelings were realistic, just entirely different than yours.
So you've been reevaluating everything.
This relationship might not work, and maybe you were stupid for thinking it would.
''Hi, beautiful."
You turned your head away from the printer, giving him a soft smile, "Hey Kaminari."
"Why so glum?" he walked next to you, leaning onto the side of the printer, eyeing the stack of work reports you were printing out.
You sighed, "Lots of stuff."
"Something like that," you shrugged, mindlessly watching the papers slide out of the machine.
"I'm all ears," his cheerful smile made you consider it.
"I just-" your eyes caught onto Tamaki's white hero hoodie, one he was holding down with his hands and turning away from you.
Kaminari glanced where you did, "Is he avoiding you or something?"
"Kind of? I don't know," you shook your head, taking your eyes of his figure and back to the papers.
"What happened?"
"We're just at different points in our relationship," you spoke softly, trying to keep your voice indifferent as you picked up your finished papers, "Might not be much of a relationship anymore."
"Oh, fuck- I'm sorry," Kaminari took the joy from his face as he gave you an apologetic look.
"It's fine," you walked to your office, having his steps behind, "It's my fault really, I got ahead of myself."
"Look," Kaminari stopped you just before your door, "Don't blame yourself for your feelings and don't apologize for them. It doesn't fix anything. You are allowed to feel stuff."
His unusual pep talk made you smile, "Thank you, I needed to hear that," you laughed lightly at how Kirishima has influenced the boy, "I've been telling myself I was overthinking."
"Nah, it's all normal," he smiled brightly at you, patting your shoulder before seeing himself off.
You watched after his figure, thinking over how to go about everything while respecting how you felt and how Tamaki did.
"What was that about?"
"Holy fuck!" You jumped at the voice behind you, "Die. Literally die, Mirio."
"What has you smiling? Boyfriend?"
You glared at him, giving him a disgusted look, "No, get out of my business."
"That look says you and your boyfriend aren't on good terms," Mirio hummed as if he cracked a code.
"No, that look means to fuck off," you walked into your office, shutting your door in his face.
He phased through anyway, "Come on, just tell me what happened, it's been two weeks."
You looked at the calendar on your computer, your anniversary is today.
"What just happened?" Mirio spoke more calmly, "You went from annoyed to just sad."
"Can you please go?" you set your papers down and slouched in your office chair. Rubbing at your eyes to push back the emotions.
Mirio frowned, stepping out of the office and giving you as sad smile.
All you could do was stare at your computer. The date is brightly marked in your brain and on the screen.
Just for your phone to be void of anything.
For good measure, you opened your phone again, checking your messages.
The last ones just being saddening.
"Can't wait to see your costume!" "I look stupid" "Maybe you'll let me take it off you then?" "oh"
After that there was nothing. No calls, no texts, no stupid Instagram reels. Nothing.
You turned off your phone, tossing it screen down on the desk with a sigh.
The urge to cry was strong, but when you held your head in your hands and looked down, you reminded yourself of all the work you had.
You'd cry when you got home.
Barely getting into your apartment before tears started falling.
You along with them. Shutting the door behind you and slumping against it.
A year wasted felt horrible. You wanted this to work so bad. But if he couldn't talk or come to you after clearly hurting you, then it wasn't worth it.
Sure, you could text him. But the communication on your side was fine, yet he never discussed his. You felt blindsided somewhat.
You deserved more from that.
So you took a deep breath and forced yourself to stand.
This was your anniversary after all, and maybe you wanted that box of brownies buried in your cabinet all for yourself.
Uncovering it and starting to mix it all together, ignoring how you were supposed to make these with Tamaki.
"Hey," Mirio dragged out the word when he opened the door.
"Not sharing," you continued to mix the brownies.
"I brought you someone."
"I don't really wanna hang out with your girlfriend," you tried to decline nicely.
"You sure?"
"Mirio-" you turned around and saw Tamaki messing with his fingers.
"I'll leave you to it," Mirio chirped, "Don't know what happened but I want it resolved."
You slumped further, "Don't bother Mirio, it's fine."
"Huh?" he stopped his steps out.
"He's all yours," you shrugged.
"You don't wanna fix this?" Tamaki spoke softly.
"What is there to fix?" you looked at him plainly, trying to mask the fact you cried over him an hour ago, a day ago, and a week ago.
Tamaki looked between you and Mirio.
You took a deep breath in, ready to let go of the past year.
"Our relationship? Do you just want to break up?" Tamaki asked, voice wobbly.
You blinked at him, ignoring Mirio's confusion. "I don't want to break up, I thought you wanted to?"
"No, I just-" he looked at Mirio again, "Can we talk about this? Like- somewhere else?"
He nodded his head towards Mirio.
"Do you not want him to know about our relationship? Because you just announced it," you crossed your arms. It seemed like he was okay with dating you, just didn't want Mirio to know any details.
"That's not-" he shook his head, shutting his mouth and looking at Mirio, "We've been dating for a year. I'm- I'm so sorry for not telling you."
"Oh," Mirio shifted how he was standing, "We can talk about that later. Sort out whatever happened, Imma go see Hado." Giving you his signature look of 'call me if you need me'.
Tamaki watched him leave in silence.
"He's going to hate me," he mumbled.
You shrugged, "I doubt it."
Silence rang throughout the room, leaving you to set your brownies into the oven.
"I'm sorry I never talked to you," Tamaki spoke softly, ashamed. You went to turn around before his voice stopped you, "Please- don't look at me. I won't be able to say what I need to."
"I can't be with someone who can't look at me," you sighed, "and don't be someone you're not for me."
"I want to though, I want to better myself for you."
You turned to face him, "Then I need you telling me to my face."
He frowned, lips wobbling as he looked at you.
Deciding not to let the conversation start off so bitter, and completely in his hands, you took a deep breath, "It's our anniversary."
"I- I know," Tamaki tightened his hold on his hand, "I wanted to see you sooner."
"Why didn't you?" You crossed your arms, leaning to rest on the counter behind you, "You could of texted, or called."
Tamaki looked down, ashamed, "I thought you'd ignore it."
"So you didn't even bother trying?"
"I felt like you deserved more, wanted more- So I waited until I could come over without Mirio being suspicious," Tamaki rambled slightly, "Then I realized that was stupid- so I just asked to talk to you through him."
You hummed in agreement, looking at the brownies cooking in the oven rather than him.
"I don't care if he knows, not anymore-"
"Tamaki," you sighed, "That's hardly the thing I'm upset about."
"It's not?" he asked quietly.
"No, I understand you not wanting to tell him- Hell, I hardly wanted to because of how he acts- but the way you went about it? The afterward?" you turned to look at him now, trying to stress your point, "I can dismiss how you said you'd never wanted me to meet your girlfriend. It was a panicked response, hurtful but I can understand your side."
"I truly didn't mean for it to come out that way- I just didn't want Mirio to think I'd choose someone else-"
"That's the issue," you cut him off, wanting to get to the point, "You should choose someone else sometimes- and the way you view our relationship as new? We have entirely different viewpoints and priorities. I can't understand how you told me I'm new- I just- do you know how unvalued that made me feel?" you let your arms fall to your sides, defeated.
Tamaki just blinked at you for a moment, soaking in each word you just said. Watching how your shoulders slump and the way you curl in on yourself. "I didn't mean to- I was just trying to make you see my point."
"By hurting my feelings? I get you were stressed but you completely disregarded me, and our relationship. When I pointed out it'd be a year in two weeks- you just shrugged it off," you huffed, feeling the tears weld behind your eyes once again. He was just proving your thoughts correct. "You didn't even try to call me."
"You didn't text me so I thought-"
"Stop thinking so negatively of me. If you think I'd act in an intentionally hurtful way then why be with me? It's just sad to hear what you think of me. I didn't think for a second you were intentionally trying to hurt me, I just thought you were stressed," you shrugged aggressively, hands thrown into the air "Maybe that's me being naive, I don't know. But you should have reached out, you were the one who hurt me and I made that clear."
He just stared at the floor. Body frozen. So you did the same, unable to look at him as you tried to steady your voice.
You lowered your voice to a whisper, "Maybe we just aren't right for each other. I need someone who matches my priorities and can communicate with me fully- or at least attempt to. I don't think that's too much to ask. It'd make your friendship less awkward too."
"That's not-" Tamaki spoke out panicked, stepping closer to you as you looked up, "I don't want that- at all. I need to work on that, a hundred percent- I'll start right now. You are my top priority, I just completely panicked. I don't care if Mirio knows or if he's mad- well I do in case we get married- I wouldn't want your brother to hate me. But- you mean the most to me. I should have reached out but I got too stuck in my head over how you'd react. It wasn't fair."
His eyes were flickering across your face, trying to catch a glimpse of the slightest change.
"I should have thought more- should have told you more about what I thought," Tamaki lifted his hands briefly- pausing in an attempt to grab your hands before dropping them back to his sides. "I'll do better- I'll prove that my priorities match yours. I just needed to get over telling Mirio- and I did-"
"What happens the next time there's a bump in the road? Will you shut down again and assume the worst? Will you run away from me after being hurtful?" you were closing yourself off, crossing your arms. You didn't even know how to think.
If this were your friend, you'd tell her she is dumb if she believes he's going to change. But you wanted to believe it too. Maybe Tamaki was different, he has always been someone who adapts to things overtime. Maybe you were just dumb.
"I don't know for sure what will happen then, but I know I will try to be better. I want you to be there for me and I want to be there for you- I just don't know how and I should have asked. I'll work on it all- I should have done it sooner," he spoke quickly, slowly getting closer to your space.
You looked away, overwhelmed with his presence, "I don't think I can get over how you dismissed our relationship and our anniversary."
"I just panicked, I'm sorry. I don't know what I'd do if you told me the same. I um- I got you a gift for it- but I don't think now's the time-" he shuffled awkwardly, grabbing something in his pocket briefly before dropping his hand. "I can't explain how sorry I am."
You took a deep breath, he sounded genuine but you were still hurt, "Can I have some time to think about it? I want to believe you- I just don't know how a relationship would work if you didn't communicate to me more."
He stepped away from you, hurt, "Yeah- we can do that- Um- I'll give you your space."
"I don't want space, I just want to think on it," you clarified, hoping he'd get what you meant.
"I'll let you do that then," he shuffled back awkwardly, making his way to the door, "I'll- I'll just leave this here." He took a box out of his pocket and placed it on the counter, awkwardly patting it before speaking, "It's an anniversary gift- don't feel like I'm trying to change your mind- I'm just going to leave you." He blabbed as he fumbled with the door to get it opened.
"It's fine, get home safe," you watched him leave.
He peeked his head back into the room, "I love you- don't feel the need to say it ba-"
"I love you too, get home in one piece," you held back a giggle at his anxiousness and the way his face brightened at your words, ears turning red as he held his head down and walked out of your apartment.
The beeping of the oven caught your attention just as the door closed behind him.
Leaving you to eat the brownies while they were still burning hot.
You're glad he came to you- even though it took two weeks. He still came to you. He said he'd changed, so all you could do was wait and see.
"Home, I hope the brownies you made hit the craving you talked about"
He texted you, so that was a start.
When Mirio came home you were curious about his response to everything.
So seeing him come home with his brows furrowed and his mouth in a frown alarmed you.
"You good?" you asked, half chewing the brownie you cut out.
"Tamaki's the guy you've been seeing? The dude you've been upset over?" He crossed his arms in front of you, standing across the counter from where you sat at the island.
"Yeah," you shrugged, you didn't want a lecture.
"How come you guys never told me?"
You gave him a pointed look, "Really? You got weird when me and him were in the same room."
"Because I knew he liked you and I didn't want him to make you uncomfortable," he huffed, "I'm fine with you guys dating- I just wish I was told. I had a feeling anyways."
"Sure," you rolled your eyes.
"I did! He looked at you odd," he pouted, before taking on another serious face, "Did you guys resolve the issue?"
You shrugged again, "I don't know, It's a mess right now."
"What even happened?" he asked as he slumped into the couch you were sitting next to.
You slumped further into your seat, "The thing he said at the party started an argument is all."
"He was telling me he wasn't talking with you, like communicating well," Mirio added, trying to show he knew some details.
"Yeah," you shrugged, "I don't really wanna talk about it all."
"Okay," he drummed his fingers on the couch, "That movie you talked about is on streaming, wanna watch it?"
Since then, Tamaki has been trying every day. He was also trying to let you think for yourself so that led to awkward moments. He'd ask you to come over then fumble for an excuse to cancel. He was proving he'd try, and that's all you wanted.
He also started to bring you a coffee in the morning before scattering off to his own work.
"Denki, that's single-handedly the dumbest thing you've ever said," you laughed, he just said he didn't understand what you were talking about when you mentioned an article over 'human connection' and asked what that even meant.
"I'm just confused," he threw his hands up, "What's human connection?"
"Socializing," you explained, "Like, humans interacting and making a connection, stupid."
"Oh," he blinked at you.
You rolled your eyes and caught Tamaki's eye across the room, looking at you with a frown. Not really at you either, mainly at Denki.
Denki noticed your far off look, looking over his shoulder to see what you were. "Should I go?" he laughed awkwardly.
You shrugged, "If he has an issue with it, he can tell me." You looked back at Denki.
"Okay, I guess," he dragged out, shuffling on his feet, "I took your advice."
"With Jirou, I asked her out finally," he spoke as if a weight on his shoulders disappeared. He's been talking to you about her for the past few weeks, wanting to be a cheesy couple during the holidays.
"Really?" you jumped up, "What happened?"
He sighed, "She's um, she's dating Momo, Creati if you didn't know."
"Oh, Denki that sucks, but at least you know," you frowned at him, "Did it affect how she treats you, or anything?"
"No, she's not the type to do that, she kinda just brushed it off and told me she had a girlfriend," he shrugged, looking around the office rather than you, "It sucks though, I've had a thing for her since first year."
She seemed to go about it in a nice way, he just seemed disappointed. "Didn't you say Kirishima's new assistant caught your eye?"
"I don't even know her, with Jirou I actually saw a personality behind the looks."
"That just means you need to do that again, you'll get that interest again, just gotta look for it," you shrugged, looking at the time on the clock and grabbing at your papers, you had a meeting in five minutes.
"Says the one that's with her childhood crush," he huffed, "I wish I had that spark."
"It's not all that it's cut out to be, but I see what you mean, I thought the same thing until it happened to me," you tried to reassure, giving him a pointed look, "You'll find someone, just gotta actually look for them not just their looks."
Denki scoffed, "You sound like Kacchan, hopeless romantic bullshit."
"It's not bullshit," you laughed, "I'll help set you up with a friend if you want? Text me if you do, meeting time."
"I think about it," he hummed, "Good luck with your meeting."
You padded towards the meeting doors, opening them to make a beeline towards your assigned seat with all the papers you had over your assignments this month. Smiling at the coffee cup sat next to your nametag with a little T written on it.
Though he gave you a smile during the meeting, you only got to talk afterward.
"Why'd Chargebolt look so upset?" Tamaki asked first thing. You were still collecting your papers into a pile when you asked so you looked at him confused. "Earlier, when the two of you were talking, he- this isn't a jealous thing- I'm just confused- Isn't he the I don't know, happy one?"
Happy with the confirmation of why he was asking, you answered, "He asked someone out and it didn't go to well, he's liked them since forever too."
"Oh," he hummed, "Sorry, I just noticed the way your face dropped with his- I thought maybe something bad happened and that you wouldn't- never mind."
You raised your brow at his rambling and the cut-off, tucking the papers neatly into your arm before looking at him with your full attention.
He let out a sigh, "I was worried something happened, and that you wouldn't tell me. I'm kind of- insecure I guess, lately, since I don't know what we are and how we stand on that stuff."
"Fair, I don't know where we stand either, I still need to think it over. I can see that you're trying though, I appreciate it," you smiled, "But just know that you're probably the first I'd go to still," you added, feeling somewhat guiltily that you had his strung along.
"Okay," he smiled back, "I'd go to you first too."
You continued on with your day separately afterward.
Falling asleep and waking up to the same dream since you've told him to wait.
The dream of how you guys used to be, it was cute, it also made you yearn for it. The dream went over the before, then to the fight, then ended with you going to his apartment and confessing your love and want for him.
You've been sitting with it for a while, he's shown change but you wanted to know fully. The decision was made but you still wanted to be confirmed you wouldn't regret it.
The light in your room was dim, but the light through the window casted a prefect sliver of light on the jewelry box that Tamaki left with you after the fight.
You still haven't opened it.
Not wanting it to be attached to a negative memory of him, you left it to the side. Knowing that if you opened it then, you'd only think of the fight when he gave it. So you waited till your mind was made up.
Which it was, and since you couldn't act like how you did in your dream and run to his apartment in the middle of the night, it felt fair to open it now.
So you rolled yourself out of bed and turned on your desk lamp, lighting up the box perfectly. It was a deep navy velvet, the coating all fancy ring boxes have. Clicking open easily to shine your favorite tone of jewelry shimmering with a very pale blue butterfly being held as a pendant. Something he mentioned was his favorite, something he said he gave to those he loved most.
Something Mirio was never gifted.
His mom had a bracelet with small gold butterflies making the chain, he got it for her after his first paycheck. She was the only one he had given one to, until now.
You shouldn't have immediately compared yourself with your brother, but you couldn't help it. You fully had something he didn't.
Now you really wanted to act on your dream and run to him. Already throwing on a hoodie and pants, and shoving your foot into a slip-on shoe before you could think. Grabbing your keys off your desk before running out the door.
Ignoring the sirens going off faintly in the distance, another hero could deal with it, and running towards his apartment in the snow.
Ever the romantic, you were, you were inwardly laughing to yourself at the cheesy romance. Feeling giddy as you pressed his floor number in the elevator. This was just like every rom-com ever. The love interest running through bad weather to reunite. It was like everything you dreamed of.
Pounding at his door as you bit your cheek, nerves running through you at the fact you were getting your relationship back.
After a few knocks, you went to check your phone for the time, noticing the lack of weight in your pocket and the fact you didn't know your phone.
You knocked louder, disappointment settling in.
You heard a door click open behind you, and a groggy mumble of your name as well.
"Denki?" you turned towards Kirishima's door, "What are you doing here?"
"Kiri asked me to dog sit," he looked at you weirdly, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm getting back with Tamaki- speaking of which- do you know where he is? I don't have my phone," you rocked on the heels of your feet, the nerves of talking about it all, getting to you.
Denki's face dropped, "You don't have your phone? Did you walk here?"
"Yeah- why do you look so freaked out?"
"The fucking news- I thought you would have seen it- fuck- hold on," he walked back inside.
You stepped near the door, confused, "What news? You're freaking me out."
He grabbed his keys and shoved his feet in crocs before motioning you to walk with him, "I don't- Amajiki is in the hospital- it just fucking happened- I'm surprised you didn't hear it on the way here."
Your feet stuttered as you walked, tripping you to run into him, "The fuck?"
Denki picked up your hand and pulled you into the elevator, "The building clasped on him while he was helping people evacuate from a fire. The news stopped broadcasting it afterwards."
Everything that was running in your body stopped, you felt nothing.
"I tried calling you- I'm sorry- fuck I'm so sorry."
You didn't even register anything until Mirio was wrapping you into a tight hug at the hospital. Mumbling frantic 'I'm sorry' and 'I tried to save him's.
Soaking in the look of the hospital. Nurses and doctors running around to each hero on the floor. Some from the same incident as Tamaki and some from another horrific event.
Being a hero, and friends with heroes, meant a secure fact of never being safe and never a promised day. You weren't living some type of fairytale dream, no matter how much you believed that. You just never imagine how it'd feel to look at your loved one while they were being stabilized with fluids and oxygen.
It felt like there was cotton shoved in your ears. A weight in your chest and something stuck in your throat. Nothing of you would function as you stood at the end of his bed. Listening to the nurse discuss his state and not being able to ask anything further. Just feeling lost.
A lot of smoke was in his lungs, it was the main reason he was in the hospital. He was on oxygen because of that. Then he was on fluids because of how his quirk worked, it depleted him of what he needed as he used it before he passed out from all the smoke. He also broke his arm, shattered from the ceiling caving in on him.
All you could think was that you were glad he wasn't dead.
It only took him a couple of hours to wake up, luckily. With how guilty your brother acted and how sorry Denki looked, you felt like he was dead. Yet you still felt nauseous when you heard him speak.
"Could I get some water?" he croaked. You jumped from your seat, not expecting his voice as you zoned out on his broken arm.
His voice was absolutely shattered, and he chugged the water the second you handed it to him. Listening to you tell him everything the doctors told you and calling the doctors in to talk with him about staying until the afternoon for his vitals to stabilize fully.
"Sorry I scared you," he mumbled quietly after the door clicked shut, his thumb tracing over your knuckles, you held his hands when the doctors came in.
"You were saving people, it's your job," you spoke for him but also yourself, you wanted to be mad that he could have died before you got to confess everything, but you couldn't be. You were the one who waited after all.
He just stayed silently for a moment, "Is that the necklace?"
You reached your free hand to touch it, "Yeah."
"Why now?"
"I um, I put it on before I knew anything happened. I was coming over to your apartment to talk about everything- and then Denki told me what happened," you squeezed his hand tighter.
"You were going to talk to me? What about?" his voice was still shot but he sounded more nervous, his heart rate shower higher on the monitor.
"It's not something we should talk about in a hospital room" you laughed softly, "It can wait."
"I wanna talk about it now, I don't care," his voice was somewhat firm but was also pleading. It made you look at him more, his hair was a mess, hardly in the shape he tried to keep it in. He had smudges of ash on his cheeks and dark circles under his eyes. Skin paler than normal. To word it simply, he looked horrible. The last thing you wanted to do was make him anxious.
"I've decided," you turned to sit next to him, moving to have his hand in your lap as you looked at him, "I definitely want to be with you, though our problems definitely still need to be communicated more, we should do that together."
"You're not saying this out of guilt right?" he mumbled, a frown and worried eyes showing his worry.
"No, I was already at your apartment before I knew, I made up my mind a couple of days ago."
"Thank fuck." You laughed at his uncommon swear. "I'll do everything I can to keep you happy," he squeezed your hand this time, and when you hummed in reply, he moved past it, "Do you like the necklace?"
"I love it," you smiled, "it's perfect."
He blushed, "I was worried you'd hate it, I had to keep checking your jewelry to know which you liked more, gold or silver."
"Well you were right, I'm never taking this off- by the way," you laughed softly, wanting to go in for a hug but noticing him flinch his broken arm away. "-Shit- sorry."
"We- can- if you want-" he coughed out of awkwardness, not smoke, before he mumbled, "kiss."
You took his offer instantly, connecting your lips gently for the first time in almost a month. Feeling the spark from before and tasting the smoke he inhaled. Pulling away with a laugh when his heart rate monitor started blaring at how fast it was beating. 
After he was cleared from the hospital, you stayed with him. Having Hado bring you a bag of clothes so you wouldn't have to leave him alone and after a long joking, but not joking, sex talk with Mirio, you were left alone with him.
You were babying him, you'll admit it. But you felt bad, you basically left him and while on the way to get him back you ignored him almost dying. You didn't know, but you should have.
Dishing up the ordering of his favorite food while he watched his favorite show on the couch.
"You don't have to do all this, you know," he mumbled when you handed him the dish.
"Let me have this," you sighed out, "I should have told you I wanted to continue our relationship but I made you wait- then it led me to-"
"It's not your fault," he cut you off, leaving you to huff and sit next to him.
Not knowing what else to say, that he wouldn't object, you settled on the truth, "I love you."
As always, he flushed red and choked on his ramen. Only mumbled a quiet 'I love you too' after he got his food down correctly.
You let him enjoy his food before saying anything else, letting him place the empty bowl on the table with another 'thank you' before you start talking about it again. "I had a dream before all that happened too," you looked down at your hands, "It was super cheesy- I did basically what I ended up doing before I found out what happened. I rushed out of my house in the middle of the night, running through the snow to get to you."
He let you think over your words, noticing you were just trying to explain how you felt.
"I just rushed out without a thought to grab my phone- it was dumb of me."
"You could never have known," Tamaki placed his hand on your knee to drag your attention to him, "It's not like your dream could have predicted that- life isn't like dreams."
"It is with you," you whispered when you looked up.
"Cheesy," he cringed, voice still soft with a smile regardless, his nose wrinkling, "You were a dream too."
He leaned in for a kiss, laughing along with you at how corny everything felt. It was everything your younger felt hoped for with just a bit more realism, it was beautiful.
You deepened the kiss once the laughter faded, going to grab his shoulder before he jerked away in pain. "Shit- sorry," you mumbled, pulling back to look at his arm.
"It's fine," he pulled you into him again with his good arm, dragging you partly in his lap, as much as he could, before he settled his hand on your hip.
"Really?" you pulled back and gave him a look, your hips were perfectly over his.
He blushed, "It's been a while since we kissed," he said in explanation.
"If only you weren't broken," you laughed, giving him a peck on the lips before moving to get off his lap.
"Hey," he held you to his lap with his hand, face still shy, "Not all of me is broken."
"Tamaki, we are not having sex for the first time with you injured," you laughed at how out of character he was being, "What happened to you being shy?"
"You told me to communicate," he frowned, "We can still kiss then? I just- I wanna be close to you. I missed you.."
"I didn't expect you to communicate sex stuff," you laughed at how he was truly going above and beyond what you asked.
He rolled his eyes, "Can we?"
"Of course," you smiled before leaning back in to kiss him.
Younger you would faint at the position he had you in once his arm was healed a week after from healing quirks.
Dreaming that he'd be so soft and loving- and while he was- he was also lost. The second he slipped his dick into you after all the foreplay, he moaned so loud. He let go of any shyness he had and started whimpering in your neck.
And that's just to put it nicely.
~ Part one ~ My Full Master List ~
I'll probably make a few blurbs about this if people want but I could not for the life of me write a full smut scene.
Happy Holidays!
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https-milo · 6 months ago
Instagram posts w/ comments while dating Hanta Sero!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of pinterest, reader can be however you imagine!
spidey.sero = Hanta's main secret.sero = Hanta's priv (Y/n cannot see these comments) ((ik its insta but we're just gonna pretend priv accs work the same on insta as they do on twitter)
main m. list / instagram m. list
findmyy/n · 11w
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710 likes Liked by pinkie, dynamight, shoto.todo, deku_, kyoka.jiro
findmyy/n Class A campfire!! My goat spidey.sero let me cuddle him! >:D
📸: pinkie
kyoka.jiro i guess you could say you and sero are best friends, huh findmyy/n kyoka.jiro SUPER best friends!! I luv Han <3 secret.sero findmyy/n what level of friendzone is this
spidey.sero you're always welcome to do so ;D findmyy/n spidey.sero I'll take you up on that offer!! movie night? spidey.sero findmyy/n you don't even have to ask
spidey.sero · 11w
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690 likes Liked by kyoka.jiro, shoto.todo, dynamight
spidey.sero movie night with the fave <3
Tagged: findmyy/n
findmyy/n we are so Spiderman and MJ spidey.sero findmyy/n LITERALLY!! wanna recreate that one scene? findmyy/n spidey.sero woah, careful! I might start thinking you like me ;) secret.sero findmyy/n my eye is twitching rn
charge.bolt youre so far in the trenches. she's either blind or doesn't want you fr spidey.sero charge.bolt wow, you have such comforting words. -_-
findmyy/n · 9w
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713 likes Liked by pinkie, shoto.todo, deku_, kyoka.jiro
findmyy/n oranges before school :D 🍊
Tagged: spidey.sero
spidey.sero orange you glad you know someone like me? ;D findmyy/n spidey.sero I'm citrusly glad I know you ;D secret.sero findmyy/n PLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPSLPSLSPLSPLSPLSPSLPSLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPSLPSLPSLSPLS charge.bolt secret.sero oh nah... stand up lil bro 🙏🙏
spidey.sero · 3w
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731 likes Liked by kyoka.jiro, shoto.todo, dynamight, charge.bolt, red.r1ot
spidey.sero me after bagging a baddie (my bsf of 6 years) ((we are not dating))
Tagged: findmyy/n
findmyy/n but we could though!! 😏😏😏 secret.sero findmyy/n if shes playing, no one will hear from me again. spidey.sero findmyy/n I meannnnn if you want!! charge.bolt spidey.sero you cannot try to be nonchalant when you've been geeking out for her all year... secret.sero charge.bolt ImgoingtoslityourthroatImgoingtoslityourthroatImgoingtoslityourthroatImgoingtoslityourthroat findmyy/n spidey.sero ofc I want to!! I was worried you didn't want me 😅 secret.sero findmyy/n she cannot be serious. spidey.sero findmyy/n wanna come to my dorm and talk about it? :D findmyy/n spidey.sero On my way!
kyoka.jiro bro is that you guys giggling. findmyy/n kyoka.jiro maybeeeeeee kyoka.jiro findmyy/n -_-
spidey.sero · 3w
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759 likes Liked by kyoka.jiro, shoto.todo, dynamight, charge.bolt, red.r1ot
spidey.sero me after bagging a baddie (my bsf of 6 years) ((we are dating)) 📸 - charge.bolt
Tagged: findmyy/n
findmyy/n us after pining for a year straight spidey.sero findmyy/n PAINFUL year. findmyy/n spidey.sero not anymoreeeeee <333
charge.bolt third wheel duties(derogitory) hitoshinso charge.bolt derogatory* charge.bolt hitoshinso whens the wedding...
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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crushsblogstories · 6 months ago
Touchy Feely
How touchy I think some One Piece men are
None of these are my characters!
Suggestive SEXUAL themes! MINORS DNI!
Pronouns! Not specified
Time! Not specified
Touching! Is a given cause of the title..
What the frick guys... In my OP last os/hc I could make Sanji's name yellow. Now I can't ˙◠˙ I usually don't use 'y/n' but I did like maybe 3 times?
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I feel like he'd be superrr touchy but in the proximity way both decently and indecently
He is completely wrapped around you during cuddles and if you're a big spooner you're facing eachother cause he NEEDS to have his arms around you.
If he's horny his arms mayyy or may not extend to fondle or 'tickle' some places in a circular motion
Kisses you all over.
One time you were upset and absolutely would. Not. talk to him so he was full on on his knees with a singular tear
"Pleaseeeeee! Talk to meeeeee! I'm sorryyyyy!"
You wouldn't let him kiss you earlier that morning so instead he grabbed your hand and started kissing up your arm, up and back down your neck, and you stopped him when he tried going to your chest because you were openly on deck
PDA wise he has no boundaries, knowledge, or care of what should or should not be done or said outside of just you and him.
Still kisses you all over, gets wayyyy to touchy and fondles a bit too much sometimes even a hand down ur pants or up ur shirt What? His hands r cold
Will absolutely tell you if he's in the mood.
"I want to have sex." "What.." "I WANT TO HAVE SEX" for the island's whole market to hear
Woohoo wise he doesn't care. Touch, no touch, doesn't matter as long as you or he is getting it good. Will keep going until both of u actually CAN NOT MOVE and we all know he's energetic
I feel like he'll hold your waist, stand directly behind u, rest his head on you, and so on.
He's the type to prefer you to hold his wrist or arm instead of holding hands but if you ask or prefer holding hands he'd 100% be open.
PDA wise go back to the first sentance. He believes anything he does to show how much he adores and appreciates you shouldn't stop just because of location or people.
That goes to say, he's also not as bad as Sanji. If he gets jealous? He will ABSOLUTELY say something sexuall, not sensual, something completly lewd and act on it later. If he's REALLY jealous he'll do it right then and there
(Some guy's flirting with you and Zoro, who walked away for like 2 seconds, overheard) "Can I just say, I travel a lot, I've been across the world, and I've never seen anyone as captivating as you. I'm glad I layed eyes on y-"
"They had one room left, we're lucky. Ready to go?" Let's be fr.. It wasn't really a question..
He completely ignored the guy's presence and went straight to you, playing with the hem of your pants/skirt. When the guy just stands there in shock he reahes his hands way to low.
Boinking wise he'll hold your hands over your head, grip your thighs when eating u out, just holds whatever is closest for that position.
Sometimes he'll grab your face when you kiss even if one of his hands are preoccupied (legit hovering over you.. GET THOSE GAINS)
I feel like it takes the whole of him not to touch you sensually in public but he also doesn't like to do it often in case you take it as objectifying or he only likes you for your body/looks.
If you have a conversation about it he'd start after it but if not he'd slowlyyyy introduce it over like 2 years
His head is in your neck during all hugs kisses may be included
Secluded hugs might have his head in your chest, sometimes even eating you out/sucking your cock
PDA wise he usually has a hand on your hip, is holding you hand or interlocking pinkies, and will be down for you sitting on his lap.
The first few times u sat there you felt a surprise.
Anything private doesn't really change in public, he'll tone down what he really means or wants to do though
"I want to slurp everything you have/suck you dry then pound you so good all you can say is my name." {Translates to} *1 Neck kiss, *agreeance to whatever you said, *starting to rub inner thigh
Boinking wise it's all about you. If you like being touched best believe he's all over you. If you don't or it's to an extent he'd probably get turned on at the loss of contact but best believe you two are cuddling for and hour after the clean up.
He likes to worship your body like your a god(dess) so he's touching everywhere and fucking every hole that your comfortable with ofc
Again, if your not SUPERRR big on touching during sex he's kissing, sucking, and eating any and everything he can.
I feel like he likes light touch and proximity in a lowkey wholesome way
He would absolutly melt at even the thought, mention, or ask of holding hands - In later seasons he would warm up to it
One time he held your hand up in celebration and forgot to let go. When he realized he was red asf
He would be the hugging cuddling type but like I said, when he gets more comfortable with it he'd probably just let his hands roam your body, just liking the contact, even in his sleep.
"Y/nnn" It was a sleepy moan, one hand roaming up and another down.
PDA wise he'd hold hands and interlock pinkies, sit next to you to touch knees or thighs and might play footsies if he can't
Woohoo wise? He likes to see you but gets embarassed if you see the faces he makes.
He'll hide his face in your neck or chest kissing it as he does for as long as he can before he absolutely needs to see you
He absolutely CANNOT do bondage he NEEDS to feel your skin on his other than being inside you (Or u inside him ʅ(o-<)ʃ *wink)
When I say absolutely cannot I mean his pp would go floppy if it wasn't you
But it be pretty hard for him to cum if that's a thing you're into
Get it? Pretty hard?
Anyways.. He'd still be down
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I'll try to get it out next week
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atlabeth · 1 year ago
the first ball (aka luke goes a little insane)
pairing: knight!luke castellan x princess!reader
a/n: okay these two literally just like. possess me because i am already thinking about them always. thank you to those who sent in requests, they were already things i wanted to write for them in the future so it's perfect!! we're all on the same wavelength fr i just needed to get this out before i started on them
wc: 3.2k
warning(s): luke is a lil sad </3 knightly duties are rough
once again, a mix of hc's and traditional fic!
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okay so last time we left off luke had been knighted and you were kind of upset that he straight up promised to die for you. 
since then, things have smoothed out a bit. The fire inside of you has cooled.  
It was easy to get used to Luke’s constant presence. It was a bit more difficult to get used to what it truly meant for him to be a knight.
In private, he was mostly the same Luke you knew. When he would walk you back to your room at the end of the night and you would invite him in, and you’d sit on the floor and talk for much longer than you should. Go out to the balcony with him and stare at the stars, wondering aloud about your future. You would crack jokes in the hallway and he’d laugh like always—he’d actually talk with you, act the way you have for years.  
In public, though, he had a different part to act. And that part was largely silent. During meetings he would stand with all the other knights, and the most you could get out of him was a slight smile or a glint in his eye when you looked over at him after something ridiculous was said. 
More often than not, his role in your life was to trail quietly behind you or stand at attention. 
Sometimes, when the knights would train in view of your balcony, you would stand there and watch, just so you could see Luke display some fierceness, some emotion other than the obedience that was required. 
You had to get it into your head that you weren’t just you and Luke anymore. 
You’re the Crown Princess, the sole heir to the throne, and Luke is the member of the crownsguard, a knight entrusted to your personal protection. 
Things are different now, and you wonder how long it’ll take you to get that through your head. 
and things are about to get a little more complicated for you both lol 
It’s your first ball since Luke was knighted, which means that it’s the first ball he’s coming to with you. 
When you were younger, you typically stayed home and you and Luke would mess around the entire night; stealing treats from the kitchens, giving your governess the runaround, and running out to the castle grounds to do whatever the hell you wanted. 
Once you were old enough to accompany your parents, Luke would just have to be alone. His mother always went with your family, seeing as she was your father’s guard, but Luke only had servants and knights decades his elder for company. 
He usually ended up training, roaming around the grounds himself, or thinking of you. 
Actually, no matter what he was doing, he was typically thinking of you. 
Luke would wait up until you came home and listen to you talk and talk and complain and talk about everything that happened. He could be seconds from falling asleep and then he would hear the horses and carriages and he would be back on his feet immediately, instantly going to find you. 
You mostly complained—about how your feet hurt from the shoes, how you had to talk to so many stuffy nobles (he would remind you that by definition, you were the stuffiest noble), how you had to pretend like you cared about anything anyone was saying. 
Luke doesn’t care, though. He’s always loved listening to you. 
One thing is typically the same, though. 
“I wish you were there, Luke.” 
(So does he.) 
Times seemed so simple then, when you were just there to be there—you didn’t have to think of the intricacies of politics, you were just a twelve-year-old who happened to be a princess. 
And now you’re only two months from eighteen, and you’re already feeling all of the pressure. 
Namely in the form of a marriage. 
Relations with your neighboring kingdoms are shaky as hell but they’re a necessity if you want to keep any modicum of peace. No one likes it, but you’d like war a little bit less so you’ve gotta suck it up. 
The easiest way to keep the peace is through alliances, and the easiest way to get an alliance is through marriage. Fortunately for Aurelda, the princess is eligible and seems to be the subject of many noble affections. 
Unfortunately for you, that princess is in fact you. 
And for like, the first time since Luke has been knighted, you’ve actually been separated from each other for the majority of the day
Luke had to get a lecture on knightly etiquette, this being the first ball he’ll have attended away from Aurelda. He’s gained a temper as he’s gotten older, and the last thing anyone needed was for him to lose it in the midst of peace talks. 
And you were busy with all sorts of preparations. A meeting with your parents and their advisors ensuring you would know what to talk about, a meeting alone with your parents ensuring you knew how to act as the Crown Princess in times like these. A talk from your parents not as their daughter, but as their heir, on how to deal with the suitors you would meet. 
Unlike the Aureldan nobles that would thrust their sons in front of you in the dim hopes of sparking your interest, the men you would meet at this ball would actually be potential husbands. Princes, sons of the richest dukes and earls—and you would be expected to entertain whatever advances they deemed appropriate, or worse—make the advances yourself. 
The thought of it was a bit overwhelming. 
And obviously, Luke is such a fan of it. 
(He kind of wants to die just imagining it.)
(But he doesn’t tell you that.) 
You leave Aurelda a few days before the ball to make sure you’ll make it in time (carriage rides go crazy)
unfortunately, Luke is on horseback alongside the rest of the cavalry and so you have nobody to save you from the continued lectures of your parents. They really just want everything to go perfectly, and you understand it, but you’re already tired of this. 
You arrive the morning of the ball so you spend near the entire day accompanying your parents as they talk with the royal family—at one point you’re forced to go off on your own with their son who just happens to be your age. 
He’s nice, at least—just dreadfully boring. You manage to slip away from him at one point after he gets distracted talking with a servant, and Luke follows you without complaint. 
“Do not say a word,” you told him.
“As my princess decrees,” he said, amused. 
At the end of it all, an hour before you’re meant to leave, you find yourself in your room with Luke. He’s standing guard at the door, and you’re making last minute adjustments to your appearance. 
You should both probably be somewhere else—everything has to go perfect tonight, and you feel as if the entire staff has been in disarray trying to ensure that—but you had to get away. 
And if you’re getting away, Luke is coming with you. 
It doesn’t matter that it’s his duty—he would do it anyway. He thinks he’d do anything you ask.
You’re also very thankful that he doesn’t snitch on you—sometimes, you’re able to appeal to best friend Luke rather than Sir Luke.   
You’re fixing up the last couple bits of your appearance, ensuring all your jewelry is shiny and your gown fits just right and your makeup is perfect. 
The only sound is your sighs and hums and the clinking of your bracelets. You feel Luke’s eyes on you the entire time, and then he finally speaks up. 
“I don’t like this, princess,” Luke said. 
“Really?” you hummed. “I think I look quite dashing.” 
“You always look beautiful,” he said, “but you know that’s not what I mean.” 
“You don’t like much,” you mused, adjusting the position of your necklace. 
“This ball is a bad idea,” he insisted. “You shouldn’t be here.” 
“I don’t have a choice,” you said. “It’s enough that my mother is staying home—if I don’t go, especially now that I’m of marrying age, it’ll be taken as a huge insult.” 
“Let them be insulted,” he said. “Your safety is more important than their feelings.” 
A smile tugged at your lips as you turned around and cocked your head at him. “Everything is going to be okay, Luke. No one would be bold enough to…” 
You trailed off, your smile fading as the memories fronted. It had been almost two years and it still felt so fresh. 
Of course Luke would be thinking of it—this would be his first ball in a foreign kingdom as your knight. His mind was probably reeling thinking of all the ways you could be murdered.
You shook your head before the memories could fully surface, before you could entertain any possible disasters. “It’s going to be okay,” you repeated, more forcefully this time. “You’ll be by my side the entire time, right?” 
“Of course,” he huffed. “I just hate the thought of you having to go through all of this.”
“It is what I was born to do,” you said wryly. “I’m going to lead this kingdom someday.”
“Queen is a good title for you,” he admitted. “It seems so far away, though.”
You huffed. “And may it remain that way.”
You moved closer to the mirror to check your makeup, which was when you realized you forgot the most important piece.  
You picked up your most prized necklace from your jewelry box and undid the tie. You attempted to get it back together around your neck, but for some reason you couldn’t get the knot from this angle. After a few fruitless attempts, your shoulders sagged. 
“Luke,” you grumbled, “can you help me with this?”
You could see his raised eyebrows in the mirror. “If you can’t do it, what makes you think I can?”
You didn’t give him an answer, instead turning around to face him as you batted your eyelashes. “Please.”
He shook his head. “I can’t.”
“Please,” you repeated, jutting your lip out. “You can swing a sword—you can do up a necklace.”
Luke sighed, but he was already removing his gauntlets, setting them on your bed. “You’re dangerous, princess.”
 You smiled inwardly, and once he was done and walking over to you, you held out the pendant.
Luke paused as he took it, and his eyes darted back up to yours with the slightest smile on his lips. “You still have this?”
“Of course I do,” you said. “It was from you.”
It was only five years ago, but it felt like a century. Luke had gone into town with his mother when your father was cooped up all day in meetings. He’d come back beaming brighter than the sun, proclaiming he’d gotten a gift for you. 
Luke was paid a tiny sum per month at May’s request for the chores and work he did around the castle—she claimed it would keep him in order if he was rewarded for staying in order. It partially worked.
Luke saved for months under your nose, and used what meager gold he possessed to buy you a simple pendant from a merchant. Once again, your excited scream must have echoed through the entire castle.
You wore it every day for the next year and a half, but at some point after tragedy struck, it ended up out of rotation. 
But you’d always had it, even when you weren’t wearing it. 
“I just thought…” He glanced back down at it before looking back at you. “It’s not nearly as nice as your other jewelry.”
“It’s from you,” you repeated. “That means it’s my best piece.”
A small smile pulled at his lips, and he gestured for you to turn around. You did, and you watched his work through the reflection. 
His callouses scratched your skin ever so slightly as he moved your hair out of the way, and a shiver ran up your spine both at his touch and the cool air hitting your bare skin. You were silent as he positioned the pendant, not daring to even breathe. 
He tied it together with deft fingers, and you smiled as you felt the leather cord settle around your neck again. 
“And you said you couldn’t do it,” you said wryly.
“Perfect,” he murmured, almost to himself. Almost as if he’d forgotten you could hear him. 
For a moment, time froze. Luke’s hands just barely grazed the bare skin of your neck, and your breath caught in your chest at his proximity. He’d done what you asked, but he didn’t move. You didn’t ask him to—you didn’t think anything would come out if you tried. 
You could see his lips part, but they opened and closed a few times before he managed words. 
“Princess, I—”
And then there was a very loud knock on your door, jolting the two of you apart. Air finally returned to you as you tried your hardest to will the heat out of your entire body, and Luke was putting his gauntlets back on quicker than you’d ever seen. 
“Come in!” you exclaimed, voice higher pitched than usual as you smoothed out your gown and fixed your hair and felt the blaze beneath your skin. 
Your lady’s maid opened the door, not even paying Luke a second glance. “I was wondering where you were, Your Highness.”
You forced a smile, thankful for all your childhood training that it would be at least somewhat believable. “My apologies. I required some time alone after the chaos of today.”
She nodded. “You needn’t apologize, Your Highness, but it is necessary you get on your way. Your Majesty is nearly ready, and it is imperative you enter together.”
You swallowed thickly as you glanced over at Luke. He wouldn’t make eye contact with you. 
“…Of course,” you said. “Lead the way.”
You followed your lady’s maid and Luke trailed after you. For some forsaken reason your skin still burned where he’d touched you. 
and you’re expected to entertain other suitors tonight with Luke in the vicinity.
god help you. 
but anyways. you manage to regain most of your bearings by the time you reach your father—Luke still won’t look at you, but you can’t deal with that problem right now, even if it’s clawing at your insides—and your father helps calm you down before you go in. 
You enter the ballroom on the arm of your father as the two of you are announced, and your hold on him tightens as you see the sheer number of people here. It all feels much more overwhelming than it did when you were younger—maybe because you understand what this all means.
You continue to stand with your father, clapping politely as other royals are introduced, connecting faces to names and descriptions that you’ve been quizzed on for years. 
It isn’t long after the king of the kingdom you’re visiting gives his speech that you’re pulled into a conversation with your father, and it takes five seconds for you to realize this is what the rest of the night is going to be like. 
You search for Luke by the wall with all the other guards, but you can’t find him. You sigh and let your attention be drawn back to the conversation at hand. 
Luke, meanwhile, can see everything. He sees you looking for him, he sees you talking with the prince of a nearby kingdom, he sees both your and his father casually moving away to leave the two of you to talk alone. 
He says nothing. 
Not that he can, anyways. Luke stands at attention with the other crownsguard, specifically stationed next to your father’s personal guard. He’s within view of every exit, and he can’t help but profile every person that walks past him. 
He’s especially honing in on every person that talks to you throughout the night. His mind is working overdrive trying to remember all the names of foreign royalty—he feels like he’s already made up ten worst case scenarios for how this night could go. 
It only takes another hour for the prince of the kingdom you’re in to find you and spark up a conversation, and a muscle works ever so slightly in Luke’s jaw. 
He already had to deal with that dull prince for hours, showing you around the castle and trying to start conversation and just making everything so dreadfully boring Luke was surprised you could handle it. 
That was why you were the princess, after all. You could take everything in stride with a pleasant smile—Luke fought his way through his problems. 
He couldn’t exactly fight through this one. 
But you sure as hell could smile through it—and gods, your smile was beautiful. No wonder you were talking with what seemed to be your fifth prince of the night. 
Whatever he says makes you laugh. The prince places his hand on your arm, and Luke feels himself flinch. 
He’s thankful that the guards are the same as background decorations for a majority of the people here. He’s gotten good at controlling his emotions when he has to, but none of his slipups will be noticed. Not by the crowd, not by your father, not by you. 
It’s a torturous existence that Luke’s got going on here. It’s his job to look out for you, to watch the every move of you and those around you, because he has to be the first to act if anything goes wrong. 
But it’s not all that great for him when he’s just watching royal after royal vie for your hand. 
At least, that’s what he figures they’re doing. He can’t exactly hear everything through the revelry, but it’s the only thing that makes sense. 
Luke keeps going back to the two of you alone, you asking—pleading, practically—for him to help with your necklace. 
The necklace he got you in a childish declaration of love, that he thought you had forgotten about. 
You hadn’t. 
It looks out of place, he knows that much—a piece of himself among gold jewelry and shimmering gems. A leather cord holding onto a rough piece of turquoise, your initials carved into the back in the corner—his own work. 
You had a part of him with you as noble sons tried to woo you, as you tried to take the next step into your future. 
He doesn’t know if that makes it better or worse
Sometimes, Luke wonders if you know. Oftentimes, Luke wonders if you could feel the same. 
He never lets himself entertain that train of thought for very long. 
It doesn’t matter how he feels. It doesn’t matter if you went against all rationality and somehow felt the same. 
Because you’re a princess—the heir to the Aureldan throne. Expected to marry and produce heirs and lead your kingdom into a golden age of peace. 
Luke is just a knight. 
Nothing will ever happen. 
That’s the only thing he needs to remember. 
But that doesn’t mean his lip doesn’t curl in disdain ever so slightly when the orchestra starts up, signifying the beginning of dances, and that tiresome prince offers you his hand. 
You take it, smiling back at him as you walk onto the floor together with other pairs. 
Remember your place, Castellan, he thinks. 
It's a lot harder than it should be.
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amxrany · 8 months ago
I think I'm gonna have fun reading Jamil's segment so you all should read it too (Jamil's Dream):
Meet in a Dream is out here working overtime because we are now in Jamil's Dream. But something's wrong, Kalim, who is their newest addition seems to be fine (he even gushes to Silver how cool dream hopping is) but Vil is out here dying 💀. Like legit he was incredibly unstable that they had no choice but to split into 2 teams while he recovers. Silver and Ortho stay to help Vil while the rest go and find Jamil.
The other group is currently in Camel Bazaar (reference to the scalding sands event). They were planning to look for Jamil but it's really hot so they decided to rest for a bit and get some coconut juice. (Extra part: Sebek wanted to look for Jamil but Grim kept looking at the food so he just gave up and started eating as well) Kalim is the one who gets it for the gang, and when the shopkeeper tells Kalim to pay, he just says put it in the Asim bill. But the shopkeeper doesn't recognize the Asims and thought they were thieves and started calling for the police. But luckily Silver, Ortho and Vil come in just in time for Silver to pay the guy to avoid getting into trouble.
Kalim's confused as to why the shopkeeper doesn't recognize him because he's known since he was a kid, but we find out why by just seeing the images of Kalim's "estate"
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This is where we get the Jamil reveal. It turns out in this dream, Jamil's the son of the sultan (this also makes Najma a sultana, which is absolutely slay) and the Vipers bought the Asim's properties due to financial problems
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(ngl him in that outfit is making me feel fuzzy inside)
But anyways we see Jamil in a parade similar to that of Kalim in Book 4, thus we have another rhythmic portion
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(so this actually says that Jamil does like Kalim's parades, if it was him in the place of Kalim. Kalim also acknowledges that Jamil's having a good time here)
We then see the statue of Jafar, in which everyone recognizes because it's in NRC, except Jafar looks like he's playing golf here lmao. Jamil sees Kalim and tells him to change because he isn't wearing the right uniform
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Then Kalim talks to Jamil like always, but Jamil tells him to be more respectful in speaking. But he isn't really mad because Kalim's always like that. The rest instroduce themselves as the NRC Film Club, who are planning to film a video using the estate's facilities. Jamil's salty as always and it seems to be going normal as he tells Kalim to prepare things for the guests and while Kalim tries to, he still messes up.
Jamil thinks as to why his family kept Kalim despite being an idiot. Then Grim is thinking why is Jamil still bitter in his own dream. That's when see the magic carpet again (YAY), this causes Kalim to accidentally slip up and tell Jamil how they got it; it causes Jamil to leave for a moment.
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But Kalim doesn't stop, he continues to tell Jamil of their memories together but Jamil keeps denying it. Kalim brings up about how 2 years before going to NRC, Jamil protected him from harm. Then, he spilled the events of Book 4 (as requested from the others). BUT THEN FAKE!KALIM APPEARS AND PROTECTS JAMIL. He's a lot more mature than real life Kalim, this causes the darkness to take Jamil and we're forced to fight Fake!Kalim.
Without thinking, Kalim just straight up jumps in with Jamil and the gang has no choice but to follow him. Similar to Vil's dream, we land back to the events of Book 4 but for some reason Azul is also controlled here like 😭😭😭????
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(jamil being azul's no.1 hater fr)
Jamil makes Azul spill all the school's secrets (hey lemme in on it too /j) and is planning to use this information to defeat the other dorm head. He even drags Leona and says he doesn't deserve to be dorm head cuz he's lazy 😭
And after defeating the dorm heads, he's gonna go after the headmage and take over the school (we love a man who dreams big and jamil for headmage fr)
But yeah Kalim yells at Jamil for being pathetic for just getting what he wants by manipulating everyone, then Jamil butts in by telling him that someone stupid doesn't have a say. They continue to duke it out and in the background Sebek wants to stop them but Silver said "nah let them fight it out" because the best way to say things is by punching ❤️
IT SURPRISINGLY WORKS AND IT WAKES JAMIL UP 😭and Kalim gets really happy and jumps around. But the darkness comes back and tries to swallow Jamil so he pushes Kalim away, but Kalim wouldn't let go so they start fighting again 💀. But in the end, Jamil gets swallowed and meets his overblot self and learns to accept it thus starting the fight between the two
Jamil says he's the genie of the lamp, tired of living in a cramped space and would now dedicate himself to fulfilling his wishes. He returns to the place with Jafar's statue with the Fake!Kalim, who asks what he can do for him. But Jamil tells the Fake to fuck himself 😭 because he finds it weird that Kalim's like that and wishes for the dream to just end
The gang find Jamil and Kalim tries to tackle him but Jamil dodges it, saying that he's easy to read. Kalim asks Jamil to join them, and he accepts. However, Vil has to stay behind because he doesn't feel well and Kalim stays behind as well because of the injuries he got from Jamil (he does summons ice from Kalim's wounds tho). The others will go on ahead and wake the others. Jamil asks where they're going but Ortho says it's a secret, probably because the moment Jamil finds out they're going to Octavinelle he is going to find his way out of there.
But that is all for this chapter, hoo boy that was a lot but I'm glad that I managed to cover it. I'm really excited to see the Octavinelle segment knowing that it's Jamil we have, the biggest Octa hater but I do know it's gonna be funny
So yeah ima knock myself out now bye bye
Previous: Kalim's Dream
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marikosenwrites · 16 days ago
karasuno men -- time skip headcanons
a/n: this is time skip ver., so spoilers!! i mean they're not big, but yeah. i'm doing like four characters at a time so i seem like i'm productive and my brain thinks so too
characters: hinata shoyo, kageyama tobio, sawamura daichi, sugawara koushi (for part one)
pt. 1 / ? (i'll be updating this afterwards...)
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↳ ❝ [ 日向翔陽 HINATA SHOUYOU ] ¡! ❞
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much like his high school self, he's very cheery
he's matured though lmfao
if you were an msby staff (manager etc), he's clinging to you anytime he's on break
"manager-san, [proceeds to ask you about your personal life]!!"
bokuto often complains about how shouyou sticks to you half the time
i think, in any circumstances, he's the bolder one and will confess first.
once you guys start dating, shouyou's telling EVERYONE
and i mean everyone (EVERYONE HE KNOWS)
even if you want to keep it a secret, it's kind of hard with how he clings and gives you MORE affection
eventually it gets the press catches on because y'all (shouyou) are too wild with pda
anyways it's much better but you sometimes get toxic messages from shouyou's fans (you block them and sometimes tell shouyou 'cause you don't really wanna worry him)
why do i feel like he'd slip up and call you 'my beloved ball'
you guys go on dates occasionally! he always makes sure to reserve some time for you and tells his coach ahead of time
you try to adjust your schedule to his most of the time, but there are rare occasions where you don't go on dates at all whether it be because he's going overseas or whatever
you guys definitely get married after like two years because shouyou is a jumpy little guy
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↳ ❝ [ 影山飛雄 KAGEYAMA TOBIO] ¡! ❞
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mayybe staff or classmate in highschool? (idk man)
if you were a classmate, i feel like he'd open up to you more easily cuz yall have history even if you only did like a few projects with him (be so fr, you carried)
you'd have to tend to him a lot with scheweiden if you want him to be closer to you
but he's quite obvious with his feelings i guess
the teammates caught on pretty fast (even wakatoshi)
tobio's also quite the tsundere, i think
he's not so good at recognizing nor understanding his feelings and he's REALLY blunt with everyone
but for you he's willing to try <33
i think he typically loves home dates because you're comfy and you're with him.
generally he just loves wherever you are
OIKAWA GENUINELY WANTS TO MAKE TOBIO JEALOUS AND STEAL YOU AWAY— win win situation for him— tobio isn't letting you go that easily though <3
"oikawa-san, please back off"
wahh you make pork curry for him all the time
sometimes you two going on a convenience store run is good enough to call it a date (MEAT BUNS???)
just calls you by your given name
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↳ ❝ [ 澤村大地 SAWAMURA DAICHI] ¡! ❞
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policeman, right? i hc he saved you from some creep or something
just on patrol, sees this person (you) walking in the streets, the lights are barely on, and then another guy creepily stalking them…
straight up walks up to you and say, "baby, are you heading home?"
you stop walking, stare at him and he points backwards, and you get the signal
that's kind of how it began ;)
after that incident you see him once in a while and he accompanies you home because it's on the way to the police station
he asks you out on one of the times you guys go home
then one date turned into multiple dates and he finally asked you to be his partner
you go to the monthly karasuno meet-ups too
lovely man, honestly— he's like the ideal husband
daichi likes to fiddle with your hair or hands because they're soft
interlocking hands while walking is a must for him, he likes holding onto you but shh you don't need to know that
ahh he loves treating you to any food you want…
like if you want steak, ok we're getting steak at a fancy ahh restaurant
during the worst days of your periods he'd like…take a day or two off because he knows that those are the days that you need support the most
mostly calls you by a nickname or your given name
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↳ ❝ [ 菅原孝支 SUGAWARA KOUSHI] ¡! ❞
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you could be a colleague, a friend, or a classmate
(i'll just say yall are already dating)
he usually stays up until like one grading assignments for three classes because he's developed a serious case of procrastination…
you try to remind him to get some rest all the time
"kou, it's already midnight…shouldn't you go to sleep?"
"just one more…"
that sentence usually turns into a couple more
you always make bentos for him because you have the time and YOU SLEEP EARLIER THAN HE DOES…
i'd imagine that he sometimes wakes up a bit late and then panics
weekends are for dates!! so he cramps all his work during the weekdays (poor koushi)
"baby…i do this for you…" (when you scold him for staying up too late) (you end up accompanying him while he grades)
complete ray of sunshine (like shoyo but less bright) during the weekends because HE GETS TO GO ANYWHERE WITH YOU YIPPEE
koushi calls you by so many different nicknames though…like a shortform of your name or some random adjective he thought of on the spot, there's no pattern to it
if you happen to want anything during your dates, koushi always tries his best to buy it for you because he's a gentleman
but of course living ain't easy so it really does depend on the price
BUT YOU SAY "daijoubu, we can just buy that one instead" and you point to a completely different thing
regular meet-ups with the karasuno gang
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ending notes: i'm sorry i couldn't find better photos of daichi and koushi, there weren't any good ones so i had to settle with these but they're pretty
©marikosenwrites 2024-25 all banners, dividers, and work. please do not steal. i own none of the HAIKYUU!!/ハイキュー!! characters mentioned. reblogs, likes, and comments are welcomed. <3
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vqrtualheartss · 2 years ago
"𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖" — 𝑬42 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎!𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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ᴅ☆ᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴀʏ|
Do not question why the time is going so fast part two
Yes, your friends are low-key bimbos but they book n street smart
Y'all I'm so happy that my page is growing 🥹 I love y'all fr
—Warnings: I have never been outside this country so I am NOT familiar with Brooklyn slang., Use of N word —hence why the title says it's for black readers
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 | Throughout Brooklyn Visions you were known as 'antisocial' —always wearing a mask even after the end of COVID, never at a party or a school function, 'dead socials', and the one that seals the deal: never seen with a boy.— Truth is you weren't even like that, up in that school the way everyone thinks is basically copied and pasted and not in a good way. It wouldn't take much to be viewed differently and not being too interested in interacting with almost anybody, you just kept to yourself. And no, this isn't some typical white highschool movie where you're bullied and apart of some loser, nerd squad, if anything it was far from that. Y'know those pretty, melanin-queen it-girls? Yeah, that's your crew, don't get it twisted though, you weren't some 'accessory friend' used by them —you we're just as pretty if not more— but you've seen how guys treat pretty girls in comparison to those "average" and who would want to be with someone like that? Definitely not you
It was the day before the mid-term break and your friends —Shadae, Nia, Kiara and Lailah— were nowhere to be found. Coming to the conclusion that they were at a party being held for whatever reason an exasperated sigh left your body closing your locker. "So that's really what they doing now? It's their lives soo if they don't care why should I?"
The sun's rays barely illuminated the hallway being hid behind clouds, playing into the gloomy theme. Walking through the large, empty spaces, head held straight going to your third/fifth class, you noticed someone staring at you through your peripheral vision—Miles Morales. A little introduction on him, he was apart of a group basically the male version of yours, minus you. Girls gushed at him, sliding notes into his locker and stuff, typical party animal, you heard through rumours that he hooks up with a new girl every other week. One would think it's false news cause that sounds absolutely atrocious but they came prepared with receipts ―But even those could be made up― and to no surprise, there were girls wanting to be one of his bi-weekly flings. Come to say though, it was a little weird how his gaze situated on you as you walked but you decided to brush it off as nothing. There's no way you could see yourself interacting with him. Ever.
In class
Since it was the last day so far all teachers gave a free period. As usual, you remained silent scrolling through whatever the media had to offer, even though having admitted that it was a boring ritual, you refrained to do otherwise. Time passed and the bell rung with you not wasting a second getting out the door, stuff already packed.
Moving along the steps going down to the next classroom, the deafening screech of the intercom went off as the minority of students covered their ears including yourself waiting for it to end, seeing a person take down their hands, everyone did too before the announcement went off.
"Attention students and staff: In light of the reduced teaching activities and productive learning for the day, we have made the decision to conclude school early. We believe that providing you with this extra time will allow you to enjoy a well-deserved break. Make the most of this unexpected opportunity and enjoy your extended free time!"
The halls erupted with cheers, laughter and talking as people made their way outside the school, although intending to head straight home, a few necessary stops to some stores had to be made before doing so. Heading out, you opened the phone still in your hand to make a list of things that came up to mind
Braiding hair
Gummy Wax
More coconut watrdf
"The fuck?" The words slipped from my mouth under a whisper at the sudden jolt of my body -can't even write a list in this school-, looking back I saw someone holding onto my arm, stopping me from going outside. It was Miles, -what could he ever want from me?- my eyebrow lifted, "hm?" "Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you" he released his hand off my body, leaning on a locker with his bag hanging off his shoulder "Um okay, about what?" I crossed my arms, noticing his eyes widened slightly before returning to their natural, slightly seductive state. "You actually talk?" "Nope" Trying to escape, he caught onto my hand, our eyes piercing into the others before he added "Alright that one was my fault, but I just wanted to ask if you're doing alright"
I glanced over his shoulder, searching for his friends, a camera, or any signs of people giggling, this had to be some sort of prank. Finding nothing, I gave in -one conversation can't hurt right?- "Yea I am, why do you ask?" "I didn't see your friends- wait" he tilted his head towards the door, hinting for us to go outside "You ain't tryna be seen with me or you good right here? " I looked around the room, dragging a hand down my face acknowledging the little clusters of people staring. Facing him again, I nodded and together we made our way out.
"So where we going first? Am I getting punk'd? I saw the lil' list you had" Rubbing his palms together, he anticipated my response as we crossed the road. Using my hand as a sun blocker, I squinted before answering
"You're very nosy and I will be-" "We" I stood taking a good look at the boy, blinking slowly. Realizing that he didn't plan on going anywhere else I caved in, "We will be going to the hair supply store first" he smiled at my renewed sentence.
"His dimples are cute- " "Nah shut the fuck up actually." "But he is though"
Shaking away the thoughts going back and forth with themselves, I focused my attention back to Miles who was already looking at me. To be fair, I was still skeptical of the sudden interactions and wanting to waste no one's time, I went straight toward my point. "What do you want? If you want something with one of my friends I can give it to you y'know" I kid you not when I say that this boy burst out laughing.
He held a hand at his chest before we stopped walking "That's what you think of me f'real?" I shrugged replying "That's what I think of most of them" I made a popping noise with my mouth, his hands digging deeper into the jacket's pockets. A playful smirk dancing on his face as he bit his lip, he was fine and I'm sure he knew it― Girl, no
Still standing, I continued. "Word in the street says that you copping a new chick every two weeks" he narrowed his eyes as I loosened my bag straps. "I be in the streets everyday and I never heard that" crossing his arms, he sent me a jest-filled glare before continuing " and how YOU hearing what's going on in these streets Miss Mysterious?" He pointed at me in the middle of his sentence to which I scratched my neck nervously with my index finger, avoiding any eye contact. Finishing his sentence he urged for my response with a "huh?" before looking down at me with half closed eyes, still chewing on his bottom lip
Counting on my fingers, I started to explain myself "Okay one, I don't gossip but the friends I hang around do and I have working ears, so what? And number two, I have a name sir" "Are you going to tell me it?" "It's (y/n)" "Well, (y/n) to answer your first question. Your crew? Nah, they okay but you though, you caught my eye. And I ain't trying to serve up that 'you're unique' cliché but real shit, that's what got me wanting to talk with you" "Okay I'm sure I'm not that interesting" my hands now rested on the curve of my hips, blankly looking at Miles who couldn't seem to take his eyes off of me. "Let me be the judge of that, tell me more about you"
I shook my head as I went to approach the other side of the pole he was on, worst mistake . He yanked me by my bag, dragging me over to his side as he stared at me with wide eyes "we don't do that shit around here" he extended his hand , pointing to the path infront him.
I looked back at him in disbelief, my eyes and eyebrows being the only features to express my astonishment, looking at my half expression, he laughed. "My bad, just please use your sense next time" "You talk too much, we need to get going" he raised his hands in defense "Alright ma'am" I rubbed my temple smiling underneath my mask, my lips making some type of imprint beneath it
Walking there was pretty interesting, getting bombarded with questions about myself and not about my friends. It was the first time I'd actually had a conversation with someone outside my circle, and you know what? It wasn't half bad. I found myself laughing and smiling at something that wasn't some dumb cat falling and it was quite nice.
Approaching the door and opening it, I joked "Ladies first" "Oh so you got jokes now? Guess I'm rubbing off on you" Rolling my eyes whilst walking inside, he wiped away an imaginary tear entering the store behind me. Taking a quick stroll through the aisles I saw Miles taking up some stuff too —some combs, wax, and a durag—
Shopping didn't go so smooth for me though, being stuck between three colours to choose from —1B, 30 and 350—."What's up?" Standing clueless, Miles came over to my area, positioning himself beside me, waiting for me to say something. Raising my hands with the braiding hair before slapping them on my thighs lightly, I complained "I can't choose" Taking the hair from my hands he started to put each one beside my head before speaking "You'd look like a doll in this one, go for it"
While he returned the hair back to their original positions except the one he picked —which was colour 30— I raised my eyebrows, internally questioning his choice of words before speaking up "you have such a smooth mouth don't you?" Crossing my hands as I gave him a mild, sidelong glance traced with amusement that turned into confusion when he placed his hand atop his head, biting his lip. "I woke up Chris Breezy, oh my God I'm the man" Mouth agape, I dragged a hand over my mask to stifle the laughter "Alright cool cool I get it, you spit lyrics like that. Get up" "shoulda known it's been that way, now let's go. We have more stuff to buy" He took two more packs of hair before we walked over to the cashier — the place where I had to find out how stubborn this boy is—
"Let me pay for it" "No, it's my stuff. I'm more than fine paying"
The cashier cleared her throat, annoyed at our 5-minute long bickering
"Oh sorry, here-" I shuffled inside my bag for my purse, completely oblivious to whatever Miles was doing "Here" "Thank you" I looked up hearing the cashier's words, completely shocked that Miles Morales, a 17 year old just handed the woman a black card. It must be nice.
Bagging the items he turned to face me, "See, I told you I'll pay" "Here, I'll pay you-" "No, think of it as.. a us becoming friends gift, plus we have more things to buy so save up"
Stretching my mouth underneath my nose I teased "Who said we're friends" he deadpanned while handing me my own bag with items "Don't play with me. I know your favourite colours, music, food, and more. I'm real friend material" I laughed at his reaction, not to mention his remix on the "real wifey material" part.
But he was right though, we had more places to be, taking out my phone to check the updated list we comprised together, glancing at the time, I cursed 4:48 PM. "Shit um, I really have to go home. Bye, and thank you" my words dragged themselves louder as I ran down the road waving at him frantically.
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You hurried along your usual route back home, "Why the rush?" Well, the aim was to snag a 5 PM package. It might sound like a flimsy excuse to part ways with Miles knowing that girls would kill you in the armor of envy for him, but the package would be returned to facility if not claimed and who wants to wait months again? He'd understand. After securing the package you went home, fortunately enough it started to rain, the pattering of the droplets masking the sound of your attempts sneaking into your room to avoid any confrontation from your parents.
Usually when it rained you found the atmosphere peaceful— having been in a night gown with your bonnet on— but this time, it felt different. For some unknown reason you couldn't shake Miles off your mind—the sensual energy that radiated from him, his seductive stare he always wore or the husky laughs that echoed between you two— Everything about him was alluring, slowly drawing you in and you did not like it.
Miles, on the other hand didn't suppress his feelings, having to physically wipe the smiles and cut the laughter he created each time he thought about you. Ironic enough, he hadn't a clue what it was about you that had him this way. Shit, he doesn't even know how you look. He was sure of however, what it would take to even have a chance at holding your hand given the rumours that you've heard about him, but he was hell-bent on giving it a try.
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riacte · 1 year ago
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator
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🥧 syrupstars Follow
Anyone else think that Red King racer is a little... y'know... fruity?
👑 falsewellsupremacy Follow
He literally says "ladies, gentlemen, everyone in between, get in line" so I think that answers your question.
🥧 syrupstars Follow
What about the "#Ally4Life 🏳️‍🌈" on his Twilight handle?
👑 falsewellsupremacy Follow
I genuinely have no idea. Maybe he thinks it's about him being an ally to cishet people
#idk ren's just like that sometimes #void knows what he's doing #also prev tags you do not want to get into the black hole of who ren has dated #he has rumours with 3/4 of the grid #edit: WHO MENTIONED BAD BOY TEENAGE REN IN MY NOTES #the shippers are here... oh no #edit 2: not ren at the club.
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🛑 bluebatshater Follow
oh my voiddd ofc That Duo got p1 again... i need them to dnf in the race. i hope they crash and burn and die and i need crastle to get podium for ONCE. i am so mad. i am calling for the goddess tsuki to curse them. dnf dnf crash burn DIE
🌻 lesbianlumian Follow
the goddess tsuki LITERALLY protects racers and that's why they pray to her? you think the goddess tsuki, creator of lumians, will curse an actual lumian? be so fucking fr
🛑 bluebatshater Follow
if you dont have anything productive to say get off my post. freak
#those blue bats stannies are SO ANNOYING THEY ARE EVERYWHERE #they're overshadowing all the other teams #cant even be a bitchy hater in peace #salt #negativity #hateposting
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🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
Looking at posts from five years ago is funny like how did I ever believe I was straight
🍦 jelliepopsicle Follow
OP, I think I recognise your url... did you write that viral Bad Boy Ren x QoH fic on Launchpad?
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
💀 Shut the fuck up right NOWWW!!
#STOP MENTIONING THAT FIC I WFOTE WHEN I WAS THIRTEEEN!!! #everything before my gay awakening is not canon. sorry #tbh... as much as a nightmare it was i kinda miss that stupid fic #it was from a simpler time #now im in university trying to contact my groupmates and i think one of them got lost in a blackhole last tuesday (again) #sigh. this keeps on happening to me #my cousin worked on one of the moons last summer for two weeks and came back like he'd aged six months #my friend's ex got sucked into a black hole and was briefly spaghettified but they managed to revive her and she gloats that she's finally taller than my friend's ex #whoops sorry for dumping in the notes #anyways. bad boy rk x good girl queen of hearts. awful idea. even more awful fic. yet i wrote it #i regret everything and nothing
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🗣️ peace-and-planets-deactivated63891092
PSA: Sunblr user @/summerheavens writes RPF of the Exterra 1 racers. She is a big name fan in the Miraculous Laserbug fandom so I thought you all would like to know. This is gross and disgusting behaviour and I implore you to stop.
🍬 summerheavens Follow
umm @/peace-and-planets i literally saw your kudos on my fic. the evidence is out there. girl what are YOU doing at the devil's sacrament. what are you doing on my roseduo rpf titled "hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine (we're not trying)".
but i'm glad you liked it enough to give it a kudos ^_^ will certainly be putting more on the starchive!
❄️ justwingit Follow
LMFAOOOO OP DEACTIVATEDDDDD 😭😭😭 sunblr user got killed by a rpf author. if you're gonna secretly read rpf maybe not leave a kudos?????
🚀 exterrablrheritage
Exterra 1 Heritage Post
⚡ littlewoodbabygirl69
It's been ten years since this post... @/summerheavens are you okay after recent developments
🍬 summerheavens Follow
am i okay? is ANYONE okay??? in these trying times??????? with the most chaotic gp to ever exist?????? i am PULLING OUT WIPS i dropped out of respect ten years ago. i've got to send my kid to daycare but once i'm done you bet you're seeing me on the starchive. miss swift even dropped her 20th album just in time for me to use lyrics as titles. i am LIVING and i am THRIVING
#ohhhhhhhhhh #let's go #also can't believe taylor finally addressed the vehicle manslaughter rumours from like twenty years ago #how fitting #also littlewood needs to get his shit together #why does he look like he's the one who hasn't seen his man in 32738102371 years and got his soul shattered #he's weak and won't survive the winter
27,408 notes
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🧈 butteredbread Follow
WHAT is wrong with that lykos. i desire him carnally
🌳 treebark
🪓 handoftheking
I mean... yeah. Let's face it, we're all like that 🤷
⭐ nonbinarystar Follow
#WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM #I HATE HIM SO MUCH #PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS CAN ALSO BE ABOUT HATE #THIS GLOWSTICK MF IS MY WORST ENEMY #he just canonised treebark for the sixth time #also prev tags so real #need to slingshot him into a faraway galaxy
34,091 notes
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🫃 spaceshipmpreg Follow
Who put that Just a Dream FalseRen AMV on my dash again
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
Respect your roots!! That 125M views Just a Dream AMV raised a generation. Every kid in my school played it on loop on their ipods during recess
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
wait op can you explain your url
🫃 spaceshipmpreg Follow
No 👍
#i think we should get the dogwarts freighter pregnant
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reytiri · 2 years ago
pairing: Dilf!Jake Sully x navi!reader
Summary: You are out at a party past curfew and your dad's best friend Jake Sully happens to be the one to cut the party short and take you home.
Warnings: age gap, angst, spitting, oral (f receiving), degradation (slut), daddy kink, making out, cursing, P and V sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, or else), marking, biting, fingering, rough sex, overstimulation, some fluff, aftercare.
the smut is about to be long and detailed for my homies fr fr.
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You sat around a fire that some of the boys had started earlier in the night around when you had arrived. You arrived a little after eclipse to ensure you parents did not see you leave. You were twenty after all but they still treated you like their little girl.
"Oh Ewya, y/n you have to try this!" Your friend Ayea said running over to you handing you a cup which looked to have one of the roots that was said to be intoxicating.
You took it from her taking a sip, almost immediately feeling a rush of blood flow to your head. You widened your eyes looking at the cup.
"See!" Your friend said," You can have that." She smiled sitting next to you her own cup in hand.
As the night went along, A young warrior approached you, Te Oÿa, "Y/n, you look beautiful," He smiled sitting beside you.
"Thank you," You smiled.
He quickly glanced over your barely covered figure before meeting your eyes, and brushing a braid behind your ear.
"You wanna head back to my hut?" He asked whispering in your ear. You nodded at his words. Maybe just maybe it was the root talking.
As you took his hand heading back to the village you bumped into a strong chest, spilling what was left in your cup right on his chest.
You looked up to see Jake Sully. Your father's bestfriend. Your eyes widened.
"Now, what are you kids doing out here?" He asked sternly.
"Nothing," You muttered. He looked behind you seeing the rest of the young navi partying in around the fire. He shook his head.
"Alright, parties over, everyone home now," He demanded calling out to the large group. Some groaned as they left.
"So Te Oÿa, lets go," You ushered taking his hand.
"Uh-uh, your coming with me young lady, im taking you home," Jake said.
"Sir, if I may," Te Oÿa tried. Jake simply glared at him," Right, I'll see you tomorrow he smiled, at you kissing your cheek. You were left their blushing.
Jake placed his hand leading you back to your hut.
"Jake, please, My parents can't know!" you begged.
"Not, my fault you decided to be a brat, and sneak out," He responded not even looking at you he kept his gaze straight ahead.
"Please," You begged.
"Fine," He budged.
"But, what's in it for me?" He asked looking down at you his eyes glazed over with a lustful look.
"My appreciation?" You said sarcastically entering his hut.
"God, you are a brat," He said following behind you.
"And your old," You responded with a smirk.
"Oh really? We're playing that," He said looking at you once more, "Maybe I will go to your father and tell him all about how you were gonna go home with that guy."
You stepped forward grabbing his arm," Jake please," You begged.
"Ill do anything!" You begged as he didn't seem to budge.
"anything?" He asked looking down at you. He knew it was wrong but he wanted you more than anything. To feel how you would clench around his cock as he rammed into you.
"anything," You said letting out a breathe as he stepped closer to you.
You looked up into his eyes seeing his head moving as if he were fighting internally about what to do.
"Jake, I-" You were unable to finish as his lips hungerly met yours over powering you the second you submitted. He pushed your back to the wall his hands quickly running along the sides of your body.
A low mewl slipped form your lips as his hand slipped beneath your top tearing it off. He slowly began rubbing at your nipples, kissing down your neck as he attached his mouth to one. His teeth grazing it.
"Jake," you moaned out, your hands running through his dreads.
"you like that baby girl?" He asked as he kissed his way down to your loin cloth.
He pulled your loincloth down kissing along the your thighs.
"Don't be a tease," You practically begged pulling on his dreads to bring his face closer to where you needed him the most.
He smiled against you, before pulling himself closer to you. He swiftly attached his lips to your clit, running his tongue in circular motions. A string of moans and pleads fell from your lips.
"Please don't stop,"You begged pulling him closer than before.
"Oh baby, im not stopping any time soon," He said, as his finger slipping into you curling against your gummy insides.
You slowly felt a knot building up inside your stomach.
"Jake," You moaned out back arching against him, He only tugged you down holding you down as your thighs clenched around his head.
You cam quickly as he licked it up not stopping, you pulled away, "to much," You practically screamed as the overstimulation become to much for you to handle.
"Awww, the little slut can't handle it?" He said teasingly as he pulled you to meet his lips for a lustful kiss," You taste yourself on my tongue baby?"
You nodded. "Think you can take me?" He questioned, Removing his loincloth.
"yes, please," You begged staring at his huge cock. Your licked your lips at the sight of the tip leaking precum.
"You sure baby girl?" He asked once again running his tip along your folds.
"Please fuck me daddy," You begged bucking your hips for much needed pleasure.
"What was that?" He spoke pulling himself away from you," Say it again."
"Daddy please," You begged trying to pull him closer to you, "Need you inside."
That was more than enough to get him to push into you.
He started slowly rutting into you.
"Faster please," You begged.
"you sure baby?" He asked, reattaching his lips to your neck.
"Mhmmm,' You moaned out at the feeling of him stretching you out.
He quickly rutted into you at a much faster pace. A knot building inside of your stomach.
"Mmmm gonna cum," You moaned out.
"Not yet," He said speeding up his movements.
"Please," You moaned out even louder.
"Hold it," He growled quickening his pace.
"can't," You screamed as you released around his cock.
"You really are a fucking brat," he said pulling out of you gripping your hips to turn you over. He pulled his ass up pushing your head into the mat.
He slapped your ass before rutting into you.
"Fuck baby so tight," He moaned out as he continued his fast pace rutting.
"Fuck daddy, mark me please," You begged.
"I can't."
"Please Jake,Need it."
"fuck, baby I can't you know I can't."
"Please," You moaned out close to your climax.
"fuck baby, fine," He said as he moved your hair pushing it over your shoulder. He kissed along the back of your neck, running his tongue along the spot before marking you.
The feeling of his fangs digging into your skin lead you to your third orgasm of the night.
"That's it baby cum around my cock." He praised as he continued rutting into you.
"Jake, its to much," You said squirming away from him.
"uh-uh baby." He said pulling your hips back into him, feeling himself fully inside you was pushing him over the edge, he quickly pulled out, stroking himself to cum on your ass.
"Fuck," He said as he laid beside you on the mat pulling you to lay closer to him.
"jake, my father can never know," You spoke softly rubbing your hand along his chest.
"I know baby, I know," He said continuing to stroke through your hair.
"Promise me this won't be the last time though," You said looking up at him.
"I promise," He said pulling his hand to pull your chin towards him pressing your lips together.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for reading!!! Please leave request for my next stories!!! My inbox is open!
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year ago
paparazzi would have a field day w/ oliver + whoever had the displeasure to get into an argument w/ him sleazy/pleased little smile on his face the other person is like gesturing with their arms, brows scrunched clearly passionate abt it and his body language is SO relaxed and smug. like talking to a brick wall fr
anon u sent this to me a day ago and i literally thought about it for 24 hours straight. like couldn't stop thinking about it type thing. bc im imagining the pitcure ending up on social media after everything
and all the comments are like
_oliveraikunews: omg who is that
ballsport_npc: yooo who is aiku arguing with they look big mad
shoei_barou: this fucking idiot
olivers_wife: why is he looking at them like that... im abt to be sick
and people r hounding him on twt calling u mystery person. oliver is normally not active at all on his socials minus insta for thirst traps but on twt he replies to someone who asks that is bc oliver is EYE FUCKING YOU in that picture.
the way he's leaning.. the way his eyes are lidded... it looks like he's going to eat you. after DAYS of uproar he breaks his silence and says some bullshit like "we're in it forever they just don't wanna accept" and it's A NIGHTMARE. oliver is literally known for his womanzing. no face no case ass man. AND HE'S SAYING THIS ABOUT A PIC OF SOME RANDOM? ur life is in shambles. its so over for everyone
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manic-sapphic · 4 months ago
uggghh dude in spop s5e6 'taking control' tho
when adora basically tells catra "look ok fine, we're removing the chip forsure cause if we don't, i know horde prime will inevitably find you eventually and tbh i just dunno if i can live w worrying about that ok but also afterwards, if you really wanna be dropped off on the next planet - then alright i guess."
just omfg tho, the fact that what finally snaps catra in half but in regards to breaking her walls down i guess - what gets this gurl to finally be vulnerable w adora after all this time - what leaves her feeling absolutely defeated but in doing so, also forces her to give in and just fucking say how she feels/what she wants - something adora kinda needs tbh as the emotionally oblivious (but also very lovable) dummy she can often be - is simply just adora saying "you'll never have to see me again."
cause like, same as adora couldn't fucking handle fathoming losing catra for life when she thought she was straight gonna die in her arms during save the cat - catra couldn't conceive of an existence that didn't include adora in some way either. i mean, imo it's even why catra kept her close as an enemy in their time at odds w each other lol (aside from s4 when she thinks adora hates her now and will forever)
i think it's in the og script for save the cat - something i def rec looking up if you haven't read it btw - before bringing out catra, prime says something to adora along the lines of,
"of course. you're catra. bitter enemies, and yet, the two of you can never seem to stay away from from each other, can you?"
(ps i truly despise the way prime says catra's name tbh like it makes me so angry esp in his interactions mentioning her to adora before she comes out in save the cat.. like w this kinda condescending, mocking inflection. i fucking hate him so much lmao but i also know ain't no one tryna argue w me on that lol)
holy shit tho fr i get the decision to opt outta prime being the one to tell adora that she broke catra's heart - so much more weighted coming to adora from catra herself tbh. but there's another line i kinda woulda liked to see make it to the screen that also really got to me from the og script, it's something like "you used to talk of ruling the world together. up on that little spot on the roof that only you knew about. then you left... you broke her heart. you always wanted more... but all she ever wanted was you."
like honestly dude, if that minus the broke heart part - given as a line to catra later on in the ep instead - had actually been included in save the cat... hahaha omg idk if i coulda survived it tbh lol
and like just dude.. it's hard to fully fathom how fucking difficult it prob was for catra in that moment to swallow her pride, shut up the dumb neg self-talk in her head, and grab adora's hand before she could walk away. and omg, so so the most vulnerable moment we've yet to see for catra, aside from i guess maybe in the Promise ep where light hope fucks w both their heads so hard that catra does legit cry in front of adora -
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brian-kinney-apologist · 8 months ago
hey babe!! i have a qaf question for u
ok so ive heard ppl in this (very small) fandom talk abt hal sparks really negatively either because of his character (understandable, micheal sucks ass) or because of his political views/beliefs/whatevers
i have never understood the second part and was told that u are quite the qaf historian so i was wondering if u could give me a lil summary of what those beliefs/views of his are because i would really like to know!!
ty in advance 🖤
well hello there, nice to know that my reputation in qaf fandom is still alive and well lol
so. here's the thing: if we're talking politics overall he didn't say anything questionable as far as I know (he has a podcast on youtube or smth where he trashes trump and other republican politicians (I'm not american so my knowledge of american politics is pretty basic so don't quote me on this one lol) so it's fine with me lol)
if we're talking the show though 👀💀
he did say some things back in the day that made people dislike him (but mind you now everything is cool between everyone involved in the show at least public wise so we're going to talk about the times when the show was airing and some time after it ended)
1. the most questionable™️ thing that he's ever said was comparing kissing a man (a costar on screen) to kissing a dog and people thought he meant that it was disgusting or smth BUT he did clarify later that people misinterpreted him because he meant that he's not attracted to men so kissing male costars on set during filming did nothing for him (it was an answer to some interviewer's question what it's like to kiss a man so take it as it is 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)
btw interviewers AND fans had no decorum back in the day asking the whole cast all sorts of personal questions (poor randy still has ptsd bc of this 😭💀)
2. now it's tea time!!!! hal used to have a beef with gale and randy that led to him being hated by their fans. so. before the show aired hal was the most famous actor in the cast (except for sharon gless obviously) and he thought (was promised ?????) that he'd be the lead man™️ of the show. but after qaf aired everyone fell for gale (obviously sorry not sorry lol) because he served and ate everyone up. and also everyone focused on britin. hal didn't like that (considering it was basically gale's and randy's first roles on tv) and he started saying some stuff about them (publicly). for example, he said that actors' work is doing what's written in the script no questions asked. that was a clear dig at gale and randy as they were famous for constantly questioning/criticising the writers/showrunners/producers, disliking their plotlines and basically voicing their opinions on set (they did nothing wrong, should've complained more, look at s5 🥲). also hal did say one time that he would never work with gale again but didn't elaborate why. and as far as I know he did say more shady stuff about gale and randy during different interviews but I don't have any more specific examples (i think he was also constantly pointing out that he's straight while gale didn't say much about his own sexuality and hal was speculating about it). moreover, I remember reading somwhere that hal didn't like people who drank/did drugs bc he himself was against this stuff and gale and peter smoke some weed before some s1 promotion event and hal had a problem with it. the last thing: he also did complain about gale staying in character (whatever that means in regards of gale) during filming but no one else complained so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️.
(I lied last thing fr fr I wanted to point out that gale and randy NEVER said anything back about hal so that kinda makes you think)
hope this helps, if someone has something to add or wants to correct me, feel free to do so
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bunnyreaper · 1 year ago
Let's get your most crack fic takes on how Gaz reacts to seeing spicy photos of his fellow operatives (141, Los Vaqueros and beyond, up to you!)
Like setup can be whatever you want but I'm imagining a "Hey an ex is trying to blackmail me by saying they are going to send these photos to the team so may as well pre-empt it, behold!"
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you said crack fic, so I gave crack fic! admittedly not doing a good job with the prompt, but, hey ho!
your little hobby might have gotten out of hand. it started off as a silly little joke with johnny--he suggested you keep a polaroid of him on you, to really solidify your bond and friendship. 
you'd agreed, but hadn't expected him to produce the polaroid himself, and certainly not one that was just a picture of his bright smile, gorgeous torso, and admittedly delicious happy trail. it had taken you by surprise, but you felt the urge to keep your promise, and swore to yourself that one day you'd get him back with something equally as obnoxious.
from there, it had spiraled out of hand. 
simon had gotten wind of johnny's little picture, and one day approached you. you expected him to rip the two of you to pieces, but he hadn't. 
instead he slid across a polaroid of another shirtless figure, one that could be him, but with his face and tattooed arm out of frame and the alluringly lowered lighting, it's hard to tell for certain. he peered at you from behind a plain black mask as he whispered--no one will ever believe you.
price's picture had made its way into your paperwork 'accidentally'--a flattering picture of his thick, hairy stomach and broad chest, leading down to a pair of tight boxer shorts and muscular, imposing thighs. you're convinced he did it just to show them how the boys how it's done, a point of pride over his figure that is all man and not boy. all the while he maintained innocence and embarrassment at the mistake, yet he never made a move to get the photo back from your collection. 
all three photos sit in front of kyle, having spilled out from where they were hidden in the back of your phone case. he fights between confirming what he's seeing and refusing to look at all. 
different parts of him battle against each other. the first thing he felt was confusion, which quickly morphed into recognition, and then embarrassment. while the men's bodies were nothing he hadn't seen before, the polaroids all had an alluring, erotic edge to them, which brought blood rushing to his cheeks. 
it felt wrong to look, and yet he had so many questions--for them, for you.
"didn't know you were that much of a perv, love." he looks at you with a cheeky grin.
"i'm not! it's a joke, they're not for my... personal enjoyment." you scoop them back up and stuff them in your phone case, hiding them from any other prying eyes. 
"they're not?" his eyebrow arches, him clearly not believing you. "so, you just have lewds of all of our team for the laughs?" 
"something like that." you nod, desperately wishing for a change of topic, after all, it is just some overblown joke. 
a few expressions flicker across kyle's face, before he settles on a slightly wounded puppy look. "why didn't you ask me for one then?" 
"we're just friends." you explain, trying to remain straight-faced despite the emotion bubbling up inside you. 
there's a very fucking good reason you never broached the subject with kyle, and went out of your way to even hide it from him. because you knew that one look at a lewd picture of kyle would be the death of normalcy in your friendship. 
"and you're not friends with the rest of the 141?" his face shifts from wounded puppy to confused puppy, head tilted and everything.
"i am, but it's not like i want to be more than friends with them--" you rush to explain, but let out just a touch too much, revealing your long-standing crush on the man sitting across from youm "i mean..." 
"didn't know you felt the same way, love." he smiles, genuinely elated rather than smug. it's clear not just from his words, but from his tone and the look in his eyes that he feels just the same way you do--enamoured." 
you can't help but beam back, equal parts nervous and excited. "not how i planned on telling you, but yeah. with them it's just silly, with you it'd be... different." you feel your cheeks flush at the confession.
kyle leans into your space a little, and as you think he's about to take your hand, he instead takes your phone. 
he throws you a wink before he takes out the polaroids, and slips them into his pocket. "looks like I'll have to take a few pictures of my own then, replace your little collection." 
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mrhowells · 1 year ago
Smallville 5x06
"How you ever had a crush on Richie Cunningham, I will never understand."
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I'm actually so easy to please
"And Lois... *laughs* I'd do anything to get rid of Lois."
but thinking about how annoying she is makes him laugh, soooooo... she's a good influence, I rest my case😌😌
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Jonathan knows too, like-
Chloe & Lois as an investigative duo are actually really fun
Lex really lives in Jonathan's head rent free💀💀
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"She's here to dance."
Chloe really threw Lois under the bus like that I'm cryingsjakjsha
the struggle is real💀
SOOOOO let's see if Jonathan actually apologizes when it turns out Lex didn't do anything
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Lois x bisexual lighting I LIVEEEE
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they did that for me😭😌
"I'll have a coke😇" ... "S- straight up, on the rocks.😤"
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I just choked on my ice cream
LMAOOOOOO bless his heart
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I'm really not ready for what's about to go down here😭😭
Someone needs to go to jail for that music choice💀💀
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this is history in the making. absolutely iconic.
i do wish she was my girlfriend actually they're so right
aaand she's getting into it
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he's kind of giving me:
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it's okay bb, we're all looking respectfully right now
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kshadjwka his fight or flight is kicking in😭😭
"What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?"
story of their life fr
the struggle has never been more real, pray for Clark💀
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they did that.
smallville writers really did that.
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legend behaviour if you ask me
i would like to take this moment and say thank you.
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"I've never been in a position where people look up to me."
This is such a silly statement, Jonathan is literally the person Clark looks up to the most. His bigger personality flaws clearly come from Jonathan's influence💀 (not to say he didn't also learn a lot of good traits from him -he absolutely did- but you know)
I'm really curious what Lex's (and Jonathan's) politics are actually, don't be shy writers tell me👀
creepy mf
"Hey 007. Nice of you to show up." "I'll start assuming that means thank you?"
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giggling kicking my feet
"I can't touch him." "Well, I can."
pls his face😭
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he knows he could never be as cool as her
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my parents🥹
(listen the shit i went through to upload this last picture tho, i hit the upload limit and had to delete stuff, then i accidentally deleted the whole post for a second🤡 my whole life flashed before my eyes💀💀)
Lex talking about a guy falling in love with his best friend's wife uh oh, no thank youuuuu😬😬
He was making a good point though.
"The thing I always try to remember is, no matter how much le lays on, he never expects more than he expects from himself."
Clark really grew up didn't he😭😭
"What are you doing, you just moved back in."
from the guy who said "I'd do anything to get of Lois." at the beginning of the episode, what in the clownery🤡🤡
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All men do is lie.
she's such a menace, I LOVE HER😭😭
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they're secret bffs your honor😭
"And you didn't have to come after me but you always do. So I wanted to say thank you. You're a really good friend."
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well. stay normal challenge failed again but that's exactly how i thought this would go, sooo
Question for the people: should i even tag Lex in posts like this? I don't think twice about tagging characters like Jonathan because I don't expect fans to look through his tag for him specifically, but i know people do it with Lex and I feel bad at the thought of them having to scroll through me losing my mind over Clois with a few Lex mentions in between. Lex fans lemme know
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dialalagirl · 25 days ago
the boys as things people have done in my school bc im stressed out rn and i need an excuse to procrastinate
Suckamakis <3 (reference to one of ur posts bc i loved the nickname)
Me sleeping for 5 classes straight, with ghost waltz playing in my headphones (i still woke up sleepy)
The physics teacher calling me out in class and telling me put my headphones in my bag even though they weren't even on. I like to carry it around my neck bc i feel like im missing smth without it and i argued for 10 mins with her bc of it lol.
Im surprised she still helped me pass her class after a cold war between us for a year.
Two people fighting with knives in their hands at the back of the garden and police having to get involved.
I believe they were sent to detention?? Idk i didn't pay much attention since i usually sleep at school.
One of the teachers manipulating her way to keep the money she got for a trip but didn't take students to (is that even grammatically correct..?). My (now ex) bestie had her father came to school to get the money and she broke down like an oscar winning actress, but i saw her walking out of that room like nothing happened right after my friend's father left.
One of my classmates faking pregnancy just so she could keep a certain lizard looking ass womanizer fucker with her. I still hate him for everything he had done to the girls he dated.
A classmate of mine (again) arguing with one of the teachers. The teacher in question was known for his temper and my classmate was honestly not so different from him lol, it was fun watching them argue and have a screaming contest when no one else was brave enough to make a sound.
Mukami boys <3
Vice-president of the school (idk if that's called smth else sorry) saying that we don't get a graduation party unless everyone agrees to buy the graduation uniform. We didn't buy any bc nobody liked the design and we're gonna have our graduation party by ourselves somewhere else <3
A girl from linguistics class dating everyone on sight regardless of gender and asking my friend from a different school if i know how to smile. Like bitch cmon you'd see it if you deserved it 💀
The little festival thingies we held at school. There was a shit ton of food (including the ones i made) and we celebrated basically nothing so it was just an excuse to slack off <3
Me breaking down thrice a day in the bathroom before i ended my three years long friendship with two girls just a few days after. I didn't wear any makeup for like a months bc i knew I could cry at any given moment lmao.
Alr hope u enjoyed it ♡
I never knew i needed a teen coming-of-age movie based off of your life, but here we are
that laito scene is so wacky fr and all I wanna do is eat popcorn to watch the drama unfold. Netflix could never
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